#lol. lmao. god there are so many things i left behind
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dormiloncito Ā· 2 months ago
just remembered watchmen
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helpme695 Ā· 5 months ago
Ok! Could I please request headcanons of yandere Pocketcat with female human darling? Thank you in advance šŸ’œ
Here you go :3 that's all I got
Sorry for taking so long LMAO
I assumed it would be inside the dungeons too lol
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ā€¢ ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ āœ¾ ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ ā€¢
It's a mistake, not only that, but stupid as well. You shouldn't come here, You shouldn't see this, you shouldn't experience this, the dungeons screams at you constantly to leave as fast as possible, for some reason you didn't abandon whatever unnecessary goal you have and ran- no, fly, straight out this hell and never look back, yet you so determined.
It was definitely harsh, your feel your soul crushing every second you move, your body shaking. You ran into these many cursed Creatures. However escape them miraculously as soon as you spot them.
You exception. How you would guard yourself from harm, how you move extremely fast and smooth like a feather. The way your mind work and respond like a machine. In top of that, you're gorgeous. Even in your lowest. Truly something to admire. And I have news for you, You decide if it's good or bad, someone never missed anything you offered.
Later on, you met a unusual man from the place. As soon he spot you he started talking to you
"My my~ I've been waiting for you to show up with your lovely figure, dove. Oh, you got a nasty wound on your shoulder. Here let me help, it won't hurt."
And talk
"My apologies, I usually pay no mind those disgusting beings, but they really did land a good one on you, don't you think it's enough to leave whatever you seeking for?"
And talk...
"By no offence to your outstanding Abilitys, but these dungeons make the toughest of men go insane. After all, I just like to go after lovely customers like you."
And talk...
"I dare to say, you do have astonishing face of yours, even after it woren off from your silly journey, did I mention how much I love your curves? Your body must been sculptured by the divines "
This man won't SHUT UP, it's hurts your head. And you don't like his flirting and how much he focus on things you don't put attention to even in days you actually take care of yourself.
He's trying so hard to make you stay longer just to talk, even better if you change your mind. And you always pushed his offering and idea's aside. You already too deep.
Since you shaked him off and continued to wonder, you feel eyes piercing your soul, but, things start to get easier. you found many non rotten food and booze neatly hidden in boxes, Sometimes herbs in questionable places. Not seeing the usual Enemies or danger. And whatever dare to bring harm to you, you finish them off as they were just a bug.
You can't help to think, is it because you became immune to these dungeons? Or because you encountered that gentleman, you did felt quite safe around him, but God you were uncomfortable. How he behave so friendly, like a person you know before. The way his eyes scan every inch of you, like he admiring a living art piece. How he get closer to you whenever he can. And of course, touch you in any opportunity. So Shameless. You swore if you didn't put a line he would do much more. Speaking of the devil... you felt you never actually left him behind. Or you just paranoid. :)
Overtime, you manged to meet people and convince them to company you. However, things weren't so good for them as you, completely opposite. They would starved to death if it wasn't for you to share your food. They have to get brutally injured, which you had to take care of almost blinded or limbless members. If you won't look occasionally after them, you would find them getting dragged in darkest corners. It almost something trying so hard to get rid of them.
They weigh you down. you should leave them behind. Why you so determined? Not only accomplish your goal, but also to keep them alive? You truly selfless. And that bother someone. Not necessarily your party members (which some of them are)
However, they won't be bothered for too long, especially when you lost 2 of your party to the crow mauler and split accidentally after pathetic escape for your lives. It was already hard for them, you have no idea how they will survive after the lose. And Why you sick over some mere beings? You have someone much important who's starving to see you again.
You screwed. That's all I gotta say. Lol
No but for real, yandere pocketcat is NOT easy to deal with at all. This dude will do Anything and everything means to have you. But he's patient, he likes to play with his food, after all.
He sometimes wonder Why his master make him this desperate over someone.
Let him take you and he will spoil you rotten, he will give you whatever you want and need. Just say it. If you don't, well..... it doesn't matter. He will get what he wants. He's immune to whatever tricks you have under your sleeves.
He's never truly get angry at you no matter what you do. Even at others that you interact with, because the thought that he owns you and nobody will shake him off, is too deep in his mind. He allows other people to talk to you but after that they will get some devilish dreams as warning, And if he notice they still confident to keep going, welp.... we know the show.
Of course you won't stay any longer in this dungeons, it's up to him where he wants to take you. But if you Obey him just right- he will ask his master to create the heavens that you shaped in your mind. Only him and you.
There's nothing you can lose other than your freedom. You would never get hurt by anyone but him. Your only luck if his God have mercy on you and kill you for good or have another God by your side.
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its-short-for-jackalope Ā· 6 months ago
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ohhhhhhh my god.
hi I already adore all these characters and I can't wait to get to know them better in just three days (holy shit)
Ahlaam ā€”
Traveler proficient in several magical disciplines
okay so we know there's different kinds of magic, even more than just the Radiance and Ahlaam's sick waterbending. I'm guessing that the Radiance could be the primary magic and the other disciplines are more secondary, maybe?
valuable leader, has more fun than all the other islanders combined, quick to help people smile
I am so glad that Ahlaam is the fun Traveler just like I'd been hoping. It also speaks to Matt's character writing skills because we get like 2 minutes with her in TGOA and that was enough to be like "oh she's a silly one" lol <3
also ayyyyyy confirmation that there are more people on Lincoln Island than just these named characters!
guiding hand, glue that holds Lincoln Island together
....I am suddenly afraid that something could happen to Ahlaam. If she's that important to the island and the Bad Guys know it, then she could be a target to try and make everyone vulnerable and weak.
Dakkar ā€”
serious and intense, unmatched fighting spirit
oh my god I hope he's broody. if he's the opposite to Ahlaam then he's gotta be a tortured, brooding guy, right? please? he can fill the Haunted Soldier Man void AJ left behind!
chiseled by his past & anchored by time, always right here while being somewhere else
hi! šŸ˜€ what the fuck does this mean? ā¤
fr tho are we going to get more time weirdness beyond just traveling through it??? is Dakkar split between time and/or space?? is that an intentional magic thing, or an invention thing, or a curse of some kind? lab accident? is he conscious of different times/places at the same time? when he's with Rose two weeks in the past, is he ALSO with the others in the present, like some sort of Traveler bridge??? is he even a traveler??? it didn't explicitly say he's a traveler???
his magic is critical to the operation & safety of the island
oh okay, so he could also be in serious danger from the Bads. gotcha. goooootcha. welp, I'm fucked, I'm already attached. Matt Dahan has so many ways to hurt me in three days, lmao. I'm lowkey scared. (Bring it on Mr. Dahan, I will make art as revenge for any and all future heartbreak. šŸ„°)
fiercely protective of those close to him
...Dakkar, buddy, you're not beating the AJ similarities allegations.
oh god if I wasn't already 99% certain that Morgan won't be in this episode then I would be going crazy over thinking about these two interacting. ...might go crazy over it later, just for fun.
has a knack for science and technology
and if I said Anna is hanging out in his cool traveler lab and that's where she and John reuniteā€” /hj
if Dakkar does technology stuff, could he have created the orreries? I've had a theory that Margaret could have made them (my only evidence is the orrery in her apartment and Kal saying it's fitting that he found her while looking for an orrery) so maybe they had developed them together? idk, just a thought
also, if Ahlaam is the Fun One and Dakkar is the Serious One then I can totally see Sia as the common ground between themā€”more serious than Ahlaam but more lighthearted than Dakkar. and was Margaret once a part of this group? where does she fit in? OH MY GOD WHAT IF SIA TEAMED UP WITH AHLAAM AND DAKKAR AFTER SHE LOST KAL AND MARGARET???? if Kal was the fun one and Margaret was the serious one....... aough please excuse me while I scream internally for a while.
Captain Addison Arvad ā€”
is on Lincoln Island
how????? Sia didn't know what happened to her, how long has she been here????
enthusiastic, knowledgeable, the kind of person that's used to doing ten things at once
adhd multitasking queen captain, I love her
important part of the story that unfolds for our heroes
she has a dog, Top, who works just as hard as anyone else on the island
okay, maybe Addison didn't see her captain's journal as a Wreck This Journal. maybe Top saw it as a chew toy. maybe her dog tried to eat her captain work.
if anything happens to this dog I swear to god... šŸ˜­
Searcher is a type of person with their own set of guidelines and rules
fascinated by this bit. what guidelines and rules are these? are they about morals? about how to use their magic, if they have magic at all? is it about how they engage with the world(s) and the people in it? what are the rules and guidelines for Travelers?
feeling very John Herschel in my living room right now (I have so many questions) and have I mentioned I already adore these characters???
anyway, to conclude this ramble:
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caeslxys Ā· 7 months ago
I am SO fascinated to get your take on BH's reaction to Ludinus and Downfall.
*****SPOILERS FOR 102 BELOW*****
As someone who left Downfall with a very negative view of the gods, it's interesting to me that BHs (in particular Imogen) kept saying "but you're just like them" about Ludinus and then not realizing that she was saying that the gods are no better than Ludinus fucking Da'Leth. Yeah, Luda is a hyprocrite. Do you realize that the gods are no better? The GODS.
And BHs comparing themselves to the primes/betrayers as this "fucked-up family" completely ignores the power differential. "They're just little guys! We all make mistakes" but you're saying that about entities that can literally sling 9th levels every 6 seconds without using any resources.
Nothing that can feel and be motivated by loss, rage, fear, and revenge should have that much power. Respectfully.
Sorry this took me so long to answer! Iā€™ve been letting my own thoughts simmer and rewatching the episode in pieces to grasp the Many Many different things that happened on my own because it was Quite A Lot and some of it (the delilah of it all, funnily enough) left me immediately with an overall sense of disappointment that I wanted to sift through before talking Thoughts so that I could determine analysis from bias lol. BUT. I DO HAVE THOUGHTS
Long answer under the read more, but tldr: Apart from Orym, Ashton, and Dorian (simultaneously the most and least surprising!) I donā€™t think weā€™ve gotten the full breadth of BHā€™s opinions at all. In part because this a topic of discussion that requires them actually, well, discussing it to form fully rounded opinions on but also, crucially, because they were expressing opinions and emotions in front of Ludinus. This is important, because Orym/Ashton/Dorian make the most sense to have no reason for holding their true thoughts back in front of either him or the party (obviously in Orym and Ashtonā€™s case, but Iā€™ll be honest in not considering what is now obviousā€”Dorian has no idea who this guy actually is! Of course he wasnā€™t opposed to raising his perspective!), whereas other charactersā€”namely Imogenā€”have many more internal steps and hurdles to actually reaching a conclusion that must happen outside of Ludinusā€™ eye.
Alright. Long version.
I think it truly speaks to the characters that the ones who reacted the most immediately decisive were Orymā€”the one whose opinions wouldnā€™t have changed regardless of what was held within that orb (which. sigh)ā€”Ashtonā€”the punk, anti-authoritarian character who has had an established perspective of the gods and their power for quite some time, perspectives that were in many ways cemented in viewing this piece of history rather than dispelledā€”and Dorianā€”someone who, as mentioned earlier, has the least amount of context for who Ludinus is, but who also himself was raised in a comparatively high position of social power so as to understand exactly what Ludinus is saying about the godsā€™ misusing theirs.
And, of course, Imogen. Iā€™ll admit: I was immediately shocked at her response, but in hindsight of course she responded the way she did. I have talked and gushed and wailed before at how deeply empathetic Imogen is, and how it is also her ultimate fatal flaw (demonstrated explicitly here), so of course her first thought was how she saw the feelings and motives behind the decisions made in downfall and not how it was also an extreme over-reach of power and influence. Of course she did. I think the only person sheā€™s incapable of empathizing with is Delilah lmao.
And to that point: A lot of that seemed, on a rewatch and to me, posturing on her part. So much of Imogen is defined by her guilt and shame and self-loathing and its especially prevalent when she is playing leaderā€”a role she is naturally very good at, but doubts constantly because she does not consider herself ā€œgoodā€. So, often, she does what she thinks others perceive as ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œrightā€ and keeps her more complex thoughts to herself until she is in a safe space (often with Laudna), and projects who she thinks others need her to be in the moment.
Laudna, in the same vein, also shocked me that she didnā€™t push the breach of power here. But, again, she is also right next to Imogen in ā€œbells hells characters most driven by/capable of empathyā€ (though hers is, unlike Imogenā€™s, often in conflict with her desires in really compelling ways) so on further reflectionā€”and especially taking into consideration the massive amount of shame she is feeling from swordgateā€”of course she focused on the empathetic side of it all.
Ultimately we didnā€™t get much time at all for them to actually discuss and dissect their take-aways on all of downfall in a setting and context that would be free of bias and performance. If iā€™m honest, I think those conversations need to happen individually instead of in a group, though maybe Dorianā€™s inclusion and obvious clear decision on his stance being more in line with Ludinusā€™ may just be enough for Orym alone not to break the conversational thread again with his personal grief (and guilt, but thatā€™s another post lol). I think their real opinions have yet to solidify even for themselves, and weā€™ll see them truly form in the coming episodes. The Delilah of it all notwithstanding.
Speaking of Orymā€™s refusal to think about anythingā€”I think he and Imogen both are suffering from Predathos tunnel vision. Honestly Iā€™d argue a good portion of fandom is as well. None of that conversation is ultimately about Predathos, it was about the gods and the role they play and the power they use or over-use or deserve. By focusing so intently on what we all already agree is the wrong and bad solution to this problem, we ignore the problem entirely. Itā€™s one of my main issues with Orymā€™s stance this whole campaign. If we donā€™t ask what is to be done with the gods, and the campaign just wraps up with ā€œwe defeated the bad guys, yay!ā€ well. What of the ruidusborn, who we know are treated unfairly and unkindly and who suffer through no fault of their own. What of the young vanguard membersā€”the kidsā€”who, also, are only guilty of caving to the idea of peace. What of Aeor, what of Ludinusā€”what of the cycle that birthed them both. To not engage with the questions being asked for hyperfixating on the Predathos of it all is to leave this campaign, in my opinion, on both a deeply unsatisfying but also deeply hopeless note. The cycle will continue. We may not see itā€”it may be another thousand, two thousand years before another Ludinus risesā€”but another Ludinus or Aeor or both will rise, because ultimately no change will have been implemented in the problems which resulted in them.
Andā€”final note, promiseā€”I was talking to a friend about this yesterday but when it comes down to acknowledging the societal implications of downfall, especially in Imogenā€™s case, I do think itā€™s going to have to be pointed out first. A lot of Bells Hells are characters who have suffered at the very hands they are trying to save, but also suffered in part and specifically due to a lack of access to knowledge about it all. It does not escape me that the very first scene of campaign three is Imogen attempting to gather knowledge on powers that have made her miserable for a decade and being unable to access them in a library due to her station. That is, to me, more and more becoming the underpinning theme of this campaignā€”especially as all Ludinus is doing in this moment with the Occultus Thalamus is displaying it; again, obviously Ludinus is wrong in his means (and arrogant in his assumptions that just because of his failures that no one else could find a solution) but this, specifically, the spreading of knowledgeā€”that, I 100% find myself in agreeance with. So itā€™s not that they wonā€™t understand what characters like Ashton and Dorian, both hyperaware of the implications of power here, are or will be saying. Itā€™s that they literally do not know to think about it like that. Why would they. It has been intentionally kept from them.
Anyway I have no idea if that was uh. Sufficient Enough of an answer adksfjd at some point I just started yapping but! Iā€™m intrigued, especially because of Dorianā€™s adamant belief, in what conclusions theyā€™ll draw moving forward as the discussions truly begin! Hopefully! Hopefully they will discuss it!
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thatdeadaquarius Ā· 2 years ago
m thinkin abt the ā€œblunt vs floweryā€ language thing andā€¦ā€¦ in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ā€˜hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like ā€œiā€™m neurodivergent and a minorā€ before you realize they donā€™t know what that meansā€” ā€œwhat if i had blue hair and pronounsā€ but theyā€™re just sitting there likeā€¦ doesnā€™t everybody have pronounsā€¦.? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying heā€™s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying ā€œiā€™ll boil you like soupā€ whenever iā€™m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently itā€™s 1am for me rnā€” also iā€™m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT Iā€™D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! Iā€™ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isnā€™t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak ā€œfloweryā€ like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but Iā€™m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so hereā€™s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words šŸ˜­
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and theyā€™re closer to the ā€œbeginning of historyā€ in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdahaā€™s place instead like
ā€œHowā€™s your day been Azhy?ā€
ā€œSame as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?ā€
ā€œGood enough, hey, why donā€™t I bring some food from my old world by that Iā€™ve made for you to try out? Something new, yā€™know?ā€
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
ā€œPlease do not disturb your countenance my WĆ nsuƬyĆ©, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.ā€
ā€œI shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!ā€
Heā€™s literally just ā†’ šŸ˜°šŸ˜£šŸ’€
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle heā€™s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasnā€™t even like he won aloneā€¦ rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you šŸ˜­
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
šŸ’€ ā™’
ā™”the belovedsā™”
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt /Ā @thedevioussmirk
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curiousaromantic Ā· 7 months ago
Just finished Ghost of Tsushima main storyline AND Iki Island DLC.
One of the best games Iā€™ve ever played tbh, it was beautiful, I fell in love with Jin Sakai and his character, like, he is genuinely a beautiful person and omg I felt pretty charmed by his resolve throughout the entire gameā€”more men like Jin Sakai please. (yuna youre so lucky girlā€¦)
Iā€™m not much of a gamer myself, kind of I guess, I play when I have free time in my PS5 and when it comes to action games Iā€™m a coward lol idk why whenever I am pushed into a battlefield I freak out (I almost had a heart attack when I started Ghost of Tsushima and the mothafuckers sent straight to fight at Komoda Beach, HELLO? The intro was so beautiful thoā€¦). But Ghost of Tsushima balanced everything very well, and I enjoyed doing NPCs side missions, I felt powerful and badass.
(The way how the fear that the Ghost inflicts on his enemies is portrayed??? Chefā€™s kiss honestly. And the Records items, especially Conversations with the Khan, I enjoy the lore with so so so so much glee hehe.)
The characters, I fell in love with the characters. I knew I liked videogames when I first played Far Cry 4 and the characters felt so dear to me, and Ghost of Tsushima brought me back to when I was like 9?? and I was playing FC4 on my dadā€™s PS3. Jinā€™s story and the rest of the charactersā€™ Tales hypnotized me, idk. The flashbacks, the foreshadowing, the small conservations within Jin and the othersā€¦I was sobbing in the ending and in Masakoā€™s and Yunaā€™s tales. AND THE LOVELY WAY WE GOT SO MUCH APPROACHES TO IMPORTANT THEMES AS WOMEN EMPOWERING, FAMILY, QUEERNESS, TRADITIONALISM, ETC. jin baby you deserve the world.
Ngl, while I was playing the game not only I cherished every single interaction of Jin and his allies/friends, but I was glad he had the time to talk and rest, yk? And thatā€™s why I love Yuna so much, gods.
From what Iā€™ve seen, many ship Ryuzo and Jin, and while I kind of understand and respect Ryuzo, I donā€™t personally ship them. I was too excited to duel him the moment he was deemed a traitor lol, this game brought out the worst side of me (i was cackling when i got the ghost stance, run fuckers!). I did cry a lot on Iki Island whenever Jin had Ryuzoā€™s hallucinations, like, ouch, I would hurt forever if a childhood friendship ended like that.
(Talking about Iki Island, Kenji doing a cameo there LMAO, and Jin teasing him with ā€œso you left Tsushima and you didnā€™t even bothered to say goodbye?ā€ AJDKAKDKAKS YES YOU TELL HIM JIN)
Now, Jin and Yuna??? Muah muah muah, they are soulmates, romantic or platonically or both. Its the way Jin (throughout the story this loyalty builds up, love that) does everything no questions asked when it comes to Yuna, going with her to her tales? Damn Jin straight went and brought her heads! How romantic. The way Kenji was like ā€œhe cannot refuse if I tell him Yunaā€™s waitingā€, AND THE WAY JIN HIMSELF OUTRIGHT SAYS THINGS LIKE ā€˜I would give my life for youā€™ OR ā€˜so you and Takeshiā€¦?ā€™ Hehehe they are so precious. They are definitely in love your honor, at least for me.
Wish I could still find the characters in the map or something after the main story ends, Iā€™m at my new home behind Omi Monastery full of nostalgia because Jinā€™s home is a mosaic of gifts and remembrances of everyone he has known. Yunaā€™s gift, Ryuzoā€™s hat, Takaā€™s hook, Kenjiā€™s sake, First Horseā€™s saddle (Nobu precious, I wish you had been there with me šŸ˜­) and lots of other stuff from Masako, Ishikawa, Lord Shimura, and many others that I donā€™t remember rn. Like, it is clear Jin loves his homeland, his people, his friends, Iā€™m sure he would have made a perfect Lord, aw.
Thank you for reading my venting. Now, I need fanfics.
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this week work stuff flowed fairly smoothly although, again, i am spending So Much of my life currently chipping away at various ACT prep materialsā€¦ debating whether or not to take on a new client and leaning towards no because i feel like i donā€™t yet want to give up my tuesdays at home while itā€™s so dark and i have all this stuff to do lol. in theory i donā€™t need to do another practice test this week but if i can fit it in it would be very nice to have some wiggle roomā€¦ plus there is in fact a limit to how many times i will have to do this again ever and with every one in the bank i move closer! lol. but, also this week iā€™d like to get in the groove of the development project that kicked off recently, which on the one hand pays less well and on the other hand requires no Leaving My House.
i didnā€™t QUITE fix my room or the kitchen but both are looking a lot better than they did a week ago (the kitchen thanks in no small part to some outside help!). i am also not 100% prepped for tomorrowā€™s session but iā€™m close enough that iā€™m not worried. other than that tomorrow can be a bit of a catch up day in terms of tidying etc. and also of planning the rest of the weekā€¦ this week i gave up on accomplishing tasks in general although i did refill my thyroid prescription because my room was messy (the thing about my room is that once it hits a certain threshold of messiness it takes forever to fix due to sheer cognitive overwhelm where the executives are quite dysfunctional and i spend a million years each time trying to figure out what to pick up next even though i know logically it doesnā€™t matterā€¦ i think it is not in that realm right now even if not ideal) and it was so horrible cold and also in the middle of the week i had to spend a big chunk of time helping my mom with some pre-surgery stuff which counted spiritually as 1 million tasks. in my wildest and most idealistic fantasies i plan my week ahead on sunday mornings or afternoons between sessions but i rescheduled my saturday morning session to sunday at 10 this week because i didnā€™t want to have to be thinking about what time i needed to be in forest hills the next morning during my birthday party lmao. which btw was very cute :) i only spent a little bit of time being totally insane about what if it was horrible and everyone decided to me for making them endure such a terrible time and then i calmed down and it was nice :) which again is a very normal human experience you have to understand is historically difficult for me to access because of my deeply internalized belief that it is illegal in the eyes of god for me to call attention to myself. for many years i was so focused on how bad i felt like i was at connecting with people that i really failed to appreciate that everyone i do know is so nice and cool and fun and cute but i think about that a lot these days.
i was pretty slack on habits and once more behind on steps but i got my 5 workouts and finished a book (topics of conversation: good!). i got tea at a yemeni tea shop with a friend i talked into watching the say nothing TV show (i have two episodes left!), which was mostly great because heā€™s like the number one person i know who now having the correct context would appreciate someone on twitter saying to gerry adams ā€œsurely you must know someone who can work a timer.ā€ free store was extremely chill the hour i was there before departing for mom stuff because it was So Horrible Cold. i RSVPā€™d yes to two things despite my internalized belief that when people invite me to things they are only doing it to be polite and it would be rude and embarrassing of me to act like i donā€™t know that and actually go. i continue to give myself extra credit for every week of winter survived without falling into total despair and disarray. i did terrible at bedtime booktime this week but tonight i AM cozying up with the house of mirth not least of all because while itā€™s a reasonable hour to go to bed my body has not been used to that of late so like weā€™ll see. 6 weeks till daylight savings!!!!
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koolkat9 Ā· 8 months ago
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That is honestly the perfect way to describe Ludwig lmao
Thank you. I've was thinking about it all day yesterday actually. And before I begin, I do not want people to take this as ger//ita bashing. I'm not really into the ship but I do think at least Ludwig was in love with Feli at some point and I love exploring the toxic side of their potential romance.
Anyway. Perhaps this toxic mindset about love and taking acts of service too far was rooted in him from a young age. A kind of generational trauma if you will passed down from Gilbert due to his time as a religious order. This is getting into projection territory, but that's how I come up with good ideas lol. I sometimes wonder if I am such a people pleaser, unable to speak up for myself and/or say no because I was religious and because they promote a degree of unselfishness that can become unhealthy. Being "Christ-like" requires some form of sacrifice after all. Put those around you before your self for that is how you serve God and get into Heaven. Even though I don't think Ludwig was ever that religious (and that Gil started deconstructing his religion when Lud popped up so it only indirectly influenced his parenting) the idea of love requiring sacrifice and love and care being shown by putting others above yourself always still got rooted in him.
Then you got Feli. Though a bit of a ditz and oblivious, I am a firm believer he isn't as stupid as he presents himself to be. After all, we see him be quite capable, specifically when he was a child. I always loved the headcanon that Feli has abandonment and attachment issues so he acts completely helpless in a attempt to not be left behind again.
With both these trauma responses put together probably won't result in the healthiest relationship. Ludwig give give giving and Feli take take taking because neither knows better and do it to protect themselves. Going a long this line it probably causes issues in their friendship but I think it reaches its climax if they get into a romantic relationship and thus get even more involved in each other's lives. It eventually leads to them breaking up and distancing themselves from each other for a bit.
It is this break that makes them reconsider a lot of things. Ludwig allows himself to explore other romantic options. He had many crushes alongside his crush on Feli, but he had been holding out, hoping Feli felt the same way. By exploring a new relationship or two, he starts to realize that maybe he was giving too much. Thinking too much about Feli and not enough about himself. He learns to love in a more healthy way like that post that tag is from said.
Feli also realizes that maybe the whole helpless act went a little too far. He did what he always did to keep people close and yet Ludwig still left him. One of the people he loved most left him. He spends weeks in reflection. Maybe spends some time with Kiku who puts things in perspective for him since he was an outsider looking in to Feli and Lud's relationship. As an itapan shipper maybe it leads to itapan with Kiku being a grounding force for Feli, but doesn't let him get away with shit. But also Feli may need a bit of a break from serious romances until he finishes processing his trauma. Choose your own ending there.
As much as I don't care for ger//ita as a wholesome end game romance, I do love their friendship every much. So once both heal a bit, Feli and Lud come back together with a friendship stronger than ever, supporting each other in their healing journey and new relationships.
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time-is-restored Ā· 1 year ago
oh shit i forgot here's another one, this time its an old neal caffrey analysis rant (this one fueled by insomnia, and written much earlier into my first watch of white collar - i think early season 3??):
im gonna be weird about white collar but the thing is so many people are weird about white collar in the wrong direction
like woobifying neal to hell and back or inventing whole new personalities for el or . i donā€™t even know how to describe what they do to peter
like the thing about neal is he Is a magpie heā€™s just a surprisingly loyal one, he flits from shiny thing to person to ideal, sure, but certain classes of ppl can fully hold his attention
peter holds his attention bc he is good as in skilled (itā€™s borderline canon that no one else can catch him, or even really come close), and extremely principled w a cunning streak which neal basically approaches as like. a puzzle box, bc like none of their principles line up so heā€™s curious how the apparent closed system rube goldberg machine of his morals work LOL
then it becomes a dedication through loyalty, in that peter sticks his neck out multiple times due to faith in neal, and neal is EXTREMELY weak to loyalty/consistency (gestures at the mess of his childhood)
and due to generally low self image (morals wise, he kind of thinks he sucks? like heā€™s competent and cool and charming and everything, but he also tends to consider himself a nuisance, w how heā€™s disruptive to ā€˜normalā€™ / ā€˜goodā€™ people) that dedication can become disproportionate
we see through kate (and later, adler) that the easiest way to con neal/get him acting against his own self interest IS to cultivate that loyalty
thereā€™s an easy archetype to it, even, in that u present him with a competent, smart individual (bonus points if theyā€™re a conventionally attractive woman), but have her off limits in some way (uninterested, taken, stand off ish, whatever), activate his thief urge to ā€˜takeā€™ what he wants, then when they are friends/partners whatever, his inadvertent guilt over like. corrupting/endangering this person/tricking them about who he ā€˜reallyā€™ is will loop around into VERY strong loyalty, and a commitment to being whatever they want him to be x2, bc he Cannot handle being left behind LMAO
peter simultaneously feeds into + challenges this framework, bc he clearly has the least biased opinion about who neal is, even though heā€™s still wrong about a lot of things. and beyond that, he REALLY likes neal, thinks heā€™s interesting and funny, but at the start of the show canā€™t deal with even 0.01% of his chaotic neutral methods
WHICH IN TURN!! actually breaks through some of Nealā€™s shit bc:
peter picked him out of prison before neal had changed at all
he essentially sees his role, from as early as ep 1, as tactically breaking the law where peter canā€™t/wonā€™t, in ways that help them close the case faster
after peter (more or less) gives a thumbs up the first time he does this, neals puzzle box brain goes ā€˜oh?? morally grey bestie??? CRIME BESTIE????ā€™ and now heā€™s trying to ā€˜solveā€™ peterā€™s moral code
this is actually almost in complete opposition to elizabeth, who is compete open and clear about her affection and friendship w him basically since they meet, and apparently has no prerequisites for it. which, again, pointing to the low self esteem, triggers the ā€˜oh god what have i done to deserve this i havenā€™t even CONNED her yetā€™ so heā€™s low key more invested in + comitted to elizabeth in a specific. 'i want to be on good terms w this person' targeted way than he initially was w peter (since their mutual obsession manifests so fucking frequently as 'what, you're gonna hit me? you're gonna hit me with that big bat? better make it hurt. better kill me in one shot!' style antagonism)
HENCE the constant check ins w their relationship, reminding peter about anniversaries and dinner times etc, though thatā€™s also due to a general fascination he has w stability + permanence
we learn in s2 he was seriously considering proposing to kate, and that he genuinely wanted to take the ā€˜true loveā€™ way out of the conman life, even though he wasnā€™t quite sure whether it would stick, hence we see a lot in s2 his fascination w peter + els marriage, along with june (crime aunty <3)ā€˜s relationship w her passed husband
a lot of his dedication to peter circa s2 is, by my reckoning, explicitly because peter is so determined to stick with Neal, and doesnā€™t give up on him/their deal even when it would be entirely reasonable (neal admits to crimes, gets put back in prison, constantly breaks rules and goes looking for kate) which is like. neal HATES being trapped, but he also REALLY values consistency + competency
hence the complexes, y'know?
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somaticknitter Ā· 20 days ago
Mighty Nein EP 50
I know I'm years behind but damn those art prints fuck hard
But my husband-we spent three months searching for your backstory...
Love that the dynasty just has like big fuckass dune worms
Oh wow Caleb has a whole 47hp I'm so proud
Wait I forget wouldn't frumpkin have dark vision as a cat
Kitten (Odysseus) and slightly older kitty (Caleb Widogast) have both shown mercy and haven't chosen to nap on the laptop yay
Love that caduceus' Nature sucks very funny
Living clock Caleb Widogast
Sunk cost fallacy but for fuckass worm tunnels
This geode cavern sounds so awesome
Ooooh we're stealthy as fuck boi
Nott & Jester BFF šŸ’ššŸ’™
Already hate these tentacle cone things hate the fucking teeth hate everything about it
Evolutionary biology must be insane in fantasy worlds
Like imagine the amount of convergent evolution, mimic version of carcinization I'd kill myself
This is why so many wizards lose their shit
(whimpers apprehensively)
Maybe they have really shitty HP since their AC is fucking 20 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Drowning buddies round two: Fjord and Nott version šŸ’š
[emotional moment] "also it's 9 o'clock" "Fuck you"
FRUMPKIN DANCE!! ąø…ā ^ā ļæ½ļæ½ā ļ»Œā ā€¢ā ^ā ąø…
overall penalty for stealth for reading smut out loud lol lmao even
kobold swarm hate that
C'mon Caleb the negotiator you got this
Oh please let there be fanart of Caleb in the rope trap please I need it like I imagine arms crossed face matching his hair from the blood rush 19 intimidation while upsidedown
Insane interaction I fucking love dnd
Liam as Caleb dead eye staring while still upsidedown
Trading frumpkin only for the creature to immediately bolt is hilarious actually
Beau and jester putting on a show while everyone is just silently watching with blank expressions
~not playing just visiting THIS IS A HOUSE OF LIES
Lmao nat 20 for 7 poison damage
This got so silly so quickly
Everyone crying from laughter including me truly this is DND at it's best
Oh please be lava or a dragon or both
Liam's face as matt describes the lava shield that is a man who is making future spell plans
Ja my grandmother used to keep me up late at night reading me stories about things like this. No I don't know anything! I don't know!
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And you're going to fight: FUCKED
...maybe if we wait long enough they'll fall asleep
Nott being a mom to jester and Beau: Focus! Focus!
Oh there's no way this can end well this is an insane situation
Oh dragonfly shawl inspired by caduceus fuck yes
Lol sprinkle almost fucking Caleb over lmao even
Oh cool failed on step 1 fuckdamn
Y'know maybe if they do wait long enough the fire giants will go to sleep maybe that's a good plan actually
Imagine if the cow fucked them over
Oh god this is such a fucking bad way to die c'mon Nott
There's only 30 minutes left and I am so stressed
Caleb casting Banishment via middle finger is so good
Everyone immediately leaving safety to rescue Nott IM DYING HERE
wow happened in campaign 1 too the underdark just kinda sucks huh
"do you have the ability to turn back time?" "we're working on it"
second time caleb has seen his mom burn
oh thank fuck
I am vibrating from sheer stress my fight or flight has fucking activated hhhhhh
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electricgaunt Ā· 10 months ago
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity #17 - The Baseball Car, Pt. 2:
s3 sailor steve and an elden rings character...only on interstitial....
pitch coach steve (ineffective) lmao
ohhh the digivolve thing is cool
agreed, Al and Winry hug is v important, thank you for the check-in about that šŸ‘
had a bit of an out of body moment where I thought about how I was sitting in my car eating lunch at work listening to fictional baseball, lol. and i'm having a great time, no shame!!! šŸ˜¤šŸ˜„
shoka is so scary (positive)
i love you susie deltarune
thinking about the problematic ships question that Riley posted, there's so many new characters to consider with this car
hyrule homies!!!
the Jason and Shoka dynamic is so funny to hear after the baseball explainer bonusode akdhjajsh
nan is fun, I don't know them very well, but what I've heard is very neat
I don't know homestuck but hearing the reactions to emma's dave is very funny
dave left a corpse behind??? aaa wild
wondering now if a baseball game just has to be completed to leave the car or if only the winners can leave...guess we'll find out!
shoka and trish both sort of trying to help carrie (in their own ways) lol
united in trying to woo winry
ohh emma's announcer voice is a character? guessing this is a blaseball thing maybe
trish just dead on the field, god
luffy and audrey are amazing
thinking about how many of the characters in this game have never heard of baseball before now
millicent mistaking some monster factory'd character for kris deltarune is amazing
Al formally introducing Audrey to Winry, and Shoka butting in akhjajsh
Wow Women Moment
bring steve in!!!
steve's baseball bat trauma is real
remembering that Trish's body and Dave's corpse are just lying on the field (angels in the outfield, corpses in the infield-)
team photo šŸ„ŗ
ohh shoka got her number!!
shadow went for Ed (at least in the poker bonus ep) and now Shoka is going for Winry, none of Al's siblings (pseudo or otherwise) are safe from Riley characters šŸ˜„
oh lol being knocked out will not stop Trish
oh this Carrie and Trish conversation is very sweet and funny, aw
heart link Trish and Mob, hell yeah
if steve ever goes home, he's now met several more psychics that he could tell el about
ohhh JoJo stand for Carrie!!! that's so cool!!!
Carrie has joined the party!!!
oh my god shadow letter in a bottle aaaa
im sad,,,,
good game!!! šŸ˜­āš¾šŸ˜­šŸ’š
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underworld-park-offical Ā· 1 year ago
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TOLKIEN: Can you believe this shit, Jimmy?
JIMMY: H-h-h-hey
JIMMY: D-d-d-d-don't d-d-d-diss s-s-someone w-w-w-with b-b-b-big d-d-d-dreamsĀ 
JIMMY: N-n-n-not cool
TOLKIEN: I will if said dreams are ridiculous and stupid
TOLKIEN: Like being a jackass influencer
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STAN: Can we shut up about Craig being a Dollar Store Addison Rae, please?
STAN: I'm getting a migraine listening to this idiotic babbling about how many likes he has
STAN: Just stop, he already does it enough
KYLE: Didn't you start bullying him though?
KYLE: Because it was funny?
STAN: Well it's not now soooooā€¦. shut up
KENNY: I thought you were ā€œmanlyā€
CARTMAN: Woah Kenny, it is 2023 and youā€™re still throwing around male stereotypes?
CARTMAN: Youā€™re getting C A N C E L E DĀ 
CRAIG: Wow, Kenny, and I thought we were friends, Smh my head
KENNY: WHAT????????
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TOLKIEN: Can you move things, Mr. Spirit, sir?
CRAIG: That was soĀ  gay of you
CARTMAN: Why would you assume it was a man???
TOLKIEN: Why would you assume, it's an it?
TOLKIEN: Exactly
CRAIG: PreachĀ 
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KYLE: Sā€¦.uā€¦..rā€¦ā€¦e
CRAIG: Sure?
CRAIG: So the ghost wants to be basic?
CRAIG: Lmao based
STAN: Oh my god shut up
STAN: Please.
TOLKIEN: It could have just used the yes, why would it go through so much effort to give an answer?
CLYDE: Maybe they want to be best friends and are worried about messing things up or being impolite?
CRAIG: That's so based of them, frfr, lol
STAN: A ghost wanting to befriend a bunch of high, lowlife teenagers?
STAN: Yeah, I'm not buying it
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CLYDE: Fā€¦.uā€¦.
JIMMY: N-n-n-n-nice g-going st-st-stan, you r-r-ruined our ch-chances of be-be-bef-f-friending C-Casper, a-asshole
STAN: There is no way you actually believe this, right?
STAN: We are all in a simulation
STAN: None of this is real
STAN: We are all in a coma because the government wants to control us
STAN: Trying to make us all boy kissing gays
STAN: But not me, no
STAN: I'm smarter than all of you, so I know I can't be controlled
STAN: This Ouija board is the way for the government to mind control us
STAN: Do not be deceived.
TOLKIEN: Shut up Stan, quit talking out of your ass
STAN: Assā€¦.Aā€¦Sā€¦Sā€¦ā€¦Actualā€¦..Superā€¦..Sexualā€¦..Sexual as inā€¦.Homosexualā€¦.
KYLE: Ignore him, Tolkien
TOLKIEN: Have been.
CRAIG: Lmao holy shit I need to record this
CRAIG: Stanā€¦. bffrā€¦ smile for the camera
CRAIG: Is he /j or /srs rn?
KYLE: He's serious, unfortunately
KYLE: Let's just move on before I get an aneurysm
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KENNY: Good idea
KYLE: Isā€¦. anything moving?
TOLKEIN: Oh I don't know, Kyle, can a blind person see?
KYLE: ā€¦.
TOLKIEN: No, exactly
TOLKIEN: No, Porkchop, you arenā€™t
STAN: Everything is all so dark
STAN: It's what they want
KYLE: It's what who wants? STAN: Aliensā€¦. they want to steal our sunā€¦
CRAIG: Haha lmao imagine believing in aliens, couldnā€™t be me
JIMMY: Wh-wh-wh-what's that n-n-noise?
JIMMY: C-Cā€“Cā€“Cā€“C-C-Craigā€¦. Is th-the ac on?
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TOLKIEN:...... What-
CRAIG: Lmao okay slay, ate, ate and left no crumbs. Not a single crumb inside, bro ate the plate too frfr
(EDITS MADE BY @Pissblanket)
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exeggcute Ā· 1 year ago
okah I had that interview with my old job (if you can call it that, since they had no intention of recruiting me and I have no desire to return) and it was certainly illuminating lol. under a cut in case you don't give a shit about corporate nonsense but it's funny I promise
what it comes down to is that the role is "different" now in two key ways: (1) they want someone who currently is or has been a software engineer but also is a technical writer, and who'll start out as an IC and the only member of the team but will eventually scale up to grow the team and become a manager, and (2) has experience working directly with product teams, UX writing, GTM strategy, etc.
re. point two I mentioned that not only are those all things I did (because they're common things that most TWs do), but that they're listed on my resume almost verbatim, which is why linkedin kept telling me I'd be a good fit for the job, and re. point one I was frank and said that like, not only did the job posting itself not convey that at all (because again, I kept getting recommended for it, and everything else in the listing was bog standard TW shit), but basically Good Fucking Luck finding someone who fits that bill lmao. not that "engineer turned technical writer" is unheard of, but it's not the most common path people take, and especially in this job market I'm inclined to think that someone with an engineering background would gravitate towards jobs that pay an engineering salary (i.e., higher than that).
the person I spoke with was pretty receptive about the job listing feedback and said that she didn't write it, the VP of Whoever did, and that they have had quite a few candidates who match the skillset/background they're looking for but I'm skeptical. not to mention how they're not "officially" requiring it to be a hybrid role but they're trying to hire people "who are near the office," whatever that means.
in any case, this confirms all my suspicions about how waterlogged this company's hull currently is, and I wish all the best to whoever lands this role and finds themselves with way more responsibilities than they bargained for. god knows how overwhelmed I was by the end, even with three years of institutional knowledge under my belt. I can only hope the excellent readme files I left behind will make it easy for them to parse my docs toolchain.
also this was a great learning opportunity for me to realize that people suck at communicating what they wantā€”which, okay, I knew that already, but like specifically for job postings. there are soooo many reasons you can apply to a job that perfectly matches your experience and get insta-rejected anyway, but it hadn't occured to me that "they actually want something totally different from what they wrote" could be one of them lol. and then I guess the flip side of that is how you can apply to a job posting and then wind up in a role that's not at all what was advertised. although that is one of the things you should try to sniff out ahead of time in an interview. so watch out I guess
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accidentally-in-fictional-love Ā· 6 months ago
Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 4, Episode 2
Time for episode 2!
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Two weeks ago according to Ethan later on, since he probably didn't waste too much time in Detroit, he's wearing the same outfit after all so he more than likely bailed that night
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Ethan really is a sweet pea and I love him but god do I love writing that temper of his, I don't do it often enough yet between all the fun and smut and heartbreak and angst
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I went to rewatch this bit for any details he might've filled in but nope, whole page is empty ;w; thanks Reprisal. Also laughing at Ethan literally leaving everything behind apart from this outfit and a single bar of chocolate. I love the detail that Horn makes its way into pretty much every title, it's a reoccurring bit
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Again I was so not paying attention to anything when Johnson wasn't on screen that first watch that I completely missed that she gave him this front and center šŸ™ƒ what a jackass I am
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I need to know what this means. It was never brought up again, not even when they met up. My guess is that it's supposed to be like 'look at this and feel reassured that I'll get you out' but the take that it could also mean 'show this to someone and they'll help you' is also interesting, but it's probably the former since everyone thinks she's dead and I doubt she has any friends left considering they think she started a war oop
He will be getting rid of this eventually and that's a promise
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This is unforgiveable. It's also funny to me that both Ethan and Matty cry but Johnson, the man played by David 'He's Workin' Those Eyes' Dastmalchian, doesn't. Do you know how hard it is to write scenes where he's sad but doesn't cry cause he's Johnson? Extremely.
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It's been pointed out before but Johnson is just straight up gone and Ethan is in his place lol like at least get him a stand-in if David had to be gone for the far shots
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I still cannot believe that Bash made me imagine this. This line is so fuckin wild
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Even Matty got worried when Bash started doing his thing he was not ready for a fight here
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lmao Gary in his sunglasses trying to look intimidating, imagine Johnson trying that, it's not working for you bud
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This one's a double, cause not only does this say that Doris taught Ethan how to come down from his panic attacks (which makes me cry) but it's also the super rare time that any amount of time is mentioned. It was so incredibly difficult to work out my timeline for this show that I had to grab the one single date shown (ep4) and move entirely around that based on what everyone says, when the boys go on a run since it takes 11 days (ep5), and when their outfits change
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This isn't a detail or anything I just wanna say I love writing their scenes since it lets me really get into Ethan's head while he's hearing her actively push away everything he's saying. I kinda made him way more self-aware in my fic because of that, but having him be aware but still trusting her enough to rationalize her actions in real-time is a lot more fun to me than blind trust
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I love this line so much lmao there's so many lines I passed over because I watched without the subs, like I just thought Bru was eating the ham pie like that because he liked it but nope he gets them 'runny' so he can šŸ˜‚ I also like the detail how they had Ethan order four, so either one is for Johnson or Matty's having two lol
That's the one thing that lets me down in this show, Johnson keeps disappearing for no reason ;w; he should always be by Matty's side even without me knowing they're dating so let's just imagine he ducked inside to grab more drinks or he's using the bathroom and he'll just be right back, hence the fourth pie šŸ‘
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Can everyone please stop hitting Matty šŸ˜­
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Matty just going 'mm' and then getting back to eating lmao he's so fuckin cute he doesn't even care, there's also no reason for him to be sitting on the table and hunched over his food like a gremlin he's gunna make me kiss him what who said that
Well I reached my limit trying to talk about their last scene so I guess I'll see you tomorrow to wrap up ep2, who would've thought such a short amount of scenes would need two posts? šŸ’›šŸ’™
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demonsfate Ā· 10 months ago
This is kind of a Hot Take, but I don't care about Miguel, and I don't get why people (mainly on the tek subreddit) are fascinated by the idea of Miguel showing up to beat Jin. I stumbled upon ANOTHER post about this yesterday and saw people saying that they would love to see Miguel face the "villain turned messiah", as opposed to the other characters that supported Jin. Which is funny, because I don't think Miguel would last a fight against Jin in his current canon state. Also, this is a result of the horrible writing on 6 so not addressing the whole thing with Miguel's sister is mainly on the writers. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine if there's a character that is against Jin and still can't forgive him. Tek8 didn't do a good job on addressing the issues 6 left behind, (it was an "Okay" job tbh but anyway, I take it). Still can't help but think the "Miguel should come back to murder Jin now that he's happy" crowd is mostly made of Anti-Jin than Miguel stans
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I'm always conflicted with Miguel lmao. The thing is... I do like his design a lot. In fact, outta all the Tek6 characters, he may have the best design. He's the one that I could see being in like the older games (Tek4 or older) than I did the other Tek6 designs. And I seem to have a thing to hot - headed characters lol. But like... obvs the main problem with him is his story. LIKE. It's hard to like a character whose story is perhaps the biggest insult to your favorite character.
I'm sorry, but other than Tek6 itself, Miguel's existence is the biggest insult to Jin's character. Like the whole purpose of Jin's character is that he was indeed the first Good Mishima (sorry fans who actually fell for the "ALL Mishimas are bad!! That's the point!!" Y'all just fell for the lazy and obviously inaccurate excuse they made to justify his sudden turn in Tek6.) Kazuya was created to be the anti-Ryu, to be an unconventional protagonist for a fighting game 'cos that hadn't happened yet. But after Kazuya was done with being the protagonist, they went on to give us one that was actually good, therefore to be different from Kazuya. They even said the point of Jin was that he was supposed to be Kazuya's OPPOSITE. A possibility of what Kazuya might've been had he been raised by somebody who loved him. The Tekken 4 endings even hammered in the idea that Jin woiuld never be like Kazuya and Heihachi. Because every one of the trio's endings were all set during the same time (Jin's kidnapping in Hon-Maru), however - both Heihachi and Kazuya would've ended with them killing everyone. It's only Jin's ending where nobody dies. This is because Jin will always be a better person than them. Anyway, my point I'm gonna make is that Tekken 6 ruined everything that Jin was supposed to be. And Miguel is, perhaps, one of the biggest insults by being a victim of Jin. Jin lost his family to a monster, in Miguel's story - Jin is the monster who took Miguel's family member. That is fucked up, and no, it's not poetic nor clever. It just further destroys Jin's character and everything that was good about him. Jin should've NEVER hurt anyone else in the way he's been hurt.
And yeah... I mean, Jin has defeated Gods, he's defeated Heihachi and Kazuya (defeating Kazuya TWICE now). Miguel... hasn't really reached any of those feats, and plus... there's nothing really special about Miguel. (He's no Mishima, he's no Kazama, he's no devil gene carrier). And like, people are just talking as if Miguel would ONLY be going against Jin alone somehow???? As if... y'know, Lars, Lee, Alisa, Leo, Eddy, Xiaoyu, or many of the OTHER allies would let that shit fly. If some RANDOM GUY tried to kill Jin, they're not.... they're not gonna let it happen lmao, they're gonna stop it. Like sorry, but with Jin having accomplished these incredible feats, and has a ton of powerful friends, I don't see how Miguel can even be seen as much of a threat lol.
Imo, Tekken 8 did a horrific job at addressing Tekken 6. They didn't even inform the player as to why Jin did the War in the first place (which was for complicated reasons, but supposedly "good" ones). They just had characters say "YOU KILLED THOUSANDS" and then Jin says "shut up!!! I feel bad about it so that's something!!!" And like... who's to say that Miguel would even hate Jin if he were in Tekken 8? I mean, think about it. In Tekken 7, Lars wanted to kill Jin. He only stopped the Narrator from brutally killing Jin with a screwdriver simply because they needed Jin, and that's it. Yet suddenly in TK8, Lars is pals with Jin, and might as well be his cheerleader. The thought of what Jin did to Alisa was enough to bring her to tears in TK7, yet in TK8... she's also buddies with him, now holding his hands and everything. Eddy acted like he wanted to oppose Jin in his TK6 ending, yet... that was retconned to have him be mad at G-Corp / Kazuya instead??? Hell, Lee KILLS Jin in his TK6 and Tag 2 endings!!!! Although they've never canonically interacted prior, Lee still hated Jin in the noncanon moments. Like I get they needed Jin, but them being buddies with him was never properly addressed either and just came from nowhere. So, who's the say they wouldn't do something similar with Miguel???? Like, Eddy, he suddenly decides to drop the Revenge Plot off screen because uhhh revenge darkens the soul and isn't worth it man!!!!
Honestly yeah. Jin seems to have a lot of haters. I mean, Hell, it's hard to even look at Jin posts without seeing someone hating him or joking about him being a war criminal. It's been a while since I used Reddit last but MY GOD, before TK8 came out, there were a PLETHORA of people who were saying Kazuya should be the True Good Guy, that Kazuya is in the right, that Kazuya has never done anything wrong, that they hope Jin is revealed to be the main bad guy and is killed by Kazuya in the end. And like, this isn't an opinion of only a few ppl. After the demo came out, there was legit a post that said Kazuya is only a bad guy because he has the devil gene that Jin hates and that post had almost 100 upvotes!!!! With people agreeing!!! Completely ignoring EVERYTHING Kazuya has done. Like I made a post in my drafts but deleted it 'cos I thought it sounded too emotional, but it was me pretty much saying that people hate Jin for things they praise other characters for. Or the things they hate him for, they ignore the same in other characters. (Seriously, what makes Kazuya worthy of redemption but not Jin?) It really does feel like that. I understand some people may find Jin boring due to his stoicism, or may be critical of him due to his inconsistent writing (and character assassination) but I wish people would just be frank about that instead of hating him for every small thing. So yeah, I do believe that a lot of the "we wanna see Jin get beaten to death by Miguel" crowd really are just Jin haters. They get fucking wild at times. It's quite exhausting.
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apenapaperandadoofus Ā· 10 months ago
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Yes!!!! I remember I teared up so much from that song.
Honestly mystic messenger is such a beautiful game! It helped me (ironically???) when I was struggling so much. I remember when I wrote my first HC in here, honestly Iā€™d never thought Iā€™d end up meeting so many amazing people! Itā€™s truly beautiful how a piece of media can unite everyone and have people create amazing works of art and writing and music and everything!
Iā€™m so glad you found the game, even if itā€™s late! Itā€™s a great story, with lovable characters that even though itā€™s been likeā€¦omg 8?! EIGHT YEARS?!?!? (Hold on time related crisis happening rn)
Since itā€™s release, people still have a spot for them in their hearts!
Mystic messenger and this blog, really helped me start writing! And while I got a huge writers block and am now on different fandoms, itā€™s still a wonderful game that Iā€™m glad people are still enjoying and playing! I feel so lucky for those who get to experience that wild rollercoaster for the first time!
I remember the alarms, the laughter from Seven or Juminā€™s messages, the tears from the heart wrenching parts of the story, the confusion as to why the MC didnā€™t have eyes and why they didnā€™t leave WHEN THERE WAS A BOMB IN THE APARTMENT!
The gasps at the reveals, the plot twists! The way you would hear the music and immediately be teleported to that game, how the strings and piano would make you feel so much happiness and as if you were flying, only to then have the super dramatic music come and and BAM you feel your heart race and you keep worrying if your favorite character is going to be ok, and WHAT IS HAPPENING I THOUGHT THIS WAS A DATING GAME?!?
Getting to feel what the characters feel, feeling part of the story. Ironically though the game already has pre made choices you do feel as if itā€™s you or your character talking to them.
Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve actually had MM in my phone. I actually remember the first time I downloaded it- it had just come out, and my dumbass thought you could actually SPEAK to them?!? So I remember Zen calling and me going ā€œhello..?ā€ In a whisper since it was night and everyone else was sleeping lmao.
I remember how Iā€™d take full advantage of spring break and all those vacations from school to just grind the fuck out of those hourglasses to get to that Saeran route because by god I was dating that man.
I was pretty lucky bc I remember I did the Zen route first, didnā€™t even finish it šŸ’€ uninstalled the game, and like a year later got in when they were celebrating a TON of stuff, I donā€™t remember exactly what it was but I got a lot of hourglasses and immediately went to date Seven lol.
Doing his as your official first route isā€¦.šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
And itā€™s funny to see how over the years my faves have changed. (I used to have Seven as my #1 until I went the Julian route and OMG THAT MAN Iā€™m sorry Seven I love you so much butā€¦JUMIN HAN)
Anyway sorry for the long ass rant. Mystic messenger has such a special place in my heart, truly. It makes me remember how I got started writing- how through it i met so many lovely people- and while later due to personal reasons I wasnā€™t able to continue on the scene- Iā€™m glad I got to experience some of it.
And thereā€™s still people that make beautiful content of it! So donā€™t worry about joining now, feel free to read and see as many things of the fake as you want. Cry and laugh and enjoy everything about this wonderful and silly chat game and the incredible beautiful community it left behind!
Sorry for getting emotional haha, mystic messenger sure is something huh?
Iā€™m a bit busy nowadays but every once in a while I get the urge to play it again haha. I have the ost saved in my study playlist and was in the middle of studying for a test when I hears Juminā€™s night theme and the way I TEARED UP? Like I had to low key take a breather because omg I was transported back to those sleepless nights of giggling in my bed while flirting with a 2d man obsessed with his cat pfttt.
Whatā€™s funny is that every once in a while I want to install the game again and play it. Sadly I donā€™t have any time right now, but, I eventually want to have two weeks where I get to see my beautiful and wonderful husbands and wives again šŸ«¶
Keep enjoying the content! Iā€™m so happy you were able to find this precious gem, even in 2024! Play the heck out of it (tho please take a break after each route and keep hydrated or youā€™ll end up like Saeran šŸ’€šŸ˜­) !
You talking about thank you and goodnight reminded me of a series RosMo made about MM.
Itā€™s interactive, after each video I believe you get a google doc and you have to figure some the YouTube links and get a goodbye message from the characters. If you want to cry and have a crack at it (if itā€™s too hard the comments help a lot I believe) you can see it here! Just be careful of spoilers for all the routes mkay!
Have fun on your Mysme journey! ā¤ļøšŸ’œšŸ©·šŸ©µšŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ¤ŽšŸš€āœØšŸ±ā˜•ļøšŸ‘¾šŸŽ­šŸ“·šŸµšŸ§¹
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