#lol Wakfu reference
kidcore-mason · 1 year
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Colored a sketch from last night
Ive imagined a Dally&Rubilax kinda relationship with Gil and DB that I think is kinda funny
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kerubimcrepin · 6 days
LIVEBLOG: Wakfu Season 4, Episode 2 [PART 1]
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I miss the grittier, browner Bonta of older seasons...
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Agardoes what Jorisn't.
(totally not a joke I've been making for months now)
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Moooooom Yugo was MEAN to me. Ngl Qilby was so good in this season, his interactions with Eliatrope are filled to the brim with insane implications.
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Even more movie asset reusage. Ughh. The tavern Kerubim talked to Bakara at would NOT still be standing. It's canonically underwater and underground and shit. Like the rest of Dofus era Bonta.
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Kettle insulting a pan for being on fire.
Ush will only have the right to insult him if he can stop fucking cats. <3
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Both of these are also asset reusages but I'm too lazy to track down from where. The woman is from Aux Tresors, and the man is from Wakfu season 2, is all I can tell without further inspection.
I'm sure there's more stuff I missed, but I'm already annoyed enough that they decided to cut costs at every single corner even without looking further into it...
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He's still a catfucker. Sad, oh well.
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My beautiful wife.
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[start talking shit about Ush as loud as possible the second he is in a hearing distance, in an exaggerated, expository way]
This is some school locker bully behavior, made funnier by the fact that the person actually doing all the bullying is Ush.
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The way Atch starts staring here, and Ush immediately says "not here to fight, lol" just confirms the fact that this conversation is 90% all about letting Ush know he is not welcome <3
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Something that makes me extremely mentally ill is about to happen, chat.
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When it's Wakfu cast, who are Joris's friends whom he wants to impress, it's all "Papa... you're being awfully selfish for not letting us go and fight together with you :))"
But when it's Ush, it's immediately "whether my little Jojo is home or not depends entirely on what the fuck you want from him." as if Joris isn't a 600yo politician and kind of should hear whatever Ush has to tell him, and as if there aren't huge eyes in the sky that he was interested in.
Conspiracy theory: one of the reasons Joris is still single (besides the aromanticism, horrible personality, misantrophy, 20 psychiatric disorders, not wanting to be in relationships—) is that 99% of people who have ever had a crush on Joris were afraid of disappearing under mysterious circumstances.
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Kerubim's little mad, unamused look...
I want to point out, once again, that when you actually pay attention to the OVAs and this moment, Atcham and Kerubim always kinda... act like Joris is a child.
Joris expressed that the eyes in the sky concern him? They try to stop Ush from talking to him outright. Because they don't like Ush, because they don't want Joris to investigate this, and because they want him to stay home.
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Joris expressed that he doesn't want them to fight Ush together with him because he doesn't want to see them hurt? They don't give a shit, and try to express that in the softest way possible that won't embarrass Joris in front of his friends.
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It feels like a mix of holding Joris on a leash, but also trying to wrap him in a cotton wool. Sometimes it helps Joris, sometimes it's just patronizing.
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Ngl they do have good reasons to protect their [checks notes] 600-year-old ambassador from this guy.
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You have no idea what this moment means to us, Atcham fans. All three of us.
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Kerubim's expression..... probably gauging how likely it is that Atcham might start screaming or clawing at something.
Words can't express how much of a Gift this entire scene is.
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Atcham looks like he's about to lose his anger management badge. Kerubim looks like he's scared that Ush is going to die or kill Atcham in self-defense.
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The anger management classes + not wanting to be arrested?
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Kerubim is probably so used to seeing Atcham freak the fuck out about things. It's his brother's special charm.
[wipes tear] He's learned to love the bomb.
...sorry for making references to the band glass animals. it will happen again,. if you dislike that maybe you should learn to love the bomb too.
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kcheel · 8 months
RU wakfu-ask. English text after each image. References and other pieces under the "+" below.
my old yugos for @bbq8 ahahaph super true 100% real start to the third season
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Yugo: Ph, this tuberbulb won't make me cry
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the tuberbulb: you're over 20— the eliatropes are still in Emrub; the Qilby issue is not resolved; your brother's gone and you're still not looking for him
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Yugo, crying and squashing the bulb: Time to go!
1) you get it, it's been a few years since the events of the OVA, but Yugo was predominantly minding his own business during that time (relatable, but still) Ep 3: Bro, I've been looking for you for months! Ep 13: I hope you've made some progress over the years 2) memes: This onion won't make me cry + cursed emoji squish
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here ya go bbq8 some really old stuff
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I have a lot more like this in SAI files, but I'm scared to open them, it would take days. enjoy and come back to order a commission someday lol (also the last one with Qilby is based on a fanfic (AO3) by vinillain)
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cocogum · 5 months
how long have you been watching wakfu
Hey moth ✨✨
I’ve actually been watching Wakfu since 2012.
The first time I heard about it was when I used to have Netflix and even then, that was back when the streaming platform didn’t have Season 2 yet lol
What drew me into watching it was mainly cuz of the cover. This one specifically 👇
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It used to only show Yugo opening a portal and because of the style, it made me wonder what the story could be about (at the time I used to think Yugo looked pretty cute so that was also another reason lol).
I remember how my first instinct was switch the language to English when I first watched it. THAT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. The reason why I switched it for english tho was because netflix was primarily English so I thought that the French language of Wakfu wasn’t the main one (and I thought it sucked without even taking a second to listen to it 💀 ) Thankfully, as soon as I heard Alibert and Ruel talking, I IMMEDIATELY went back to the settings cuz I knew I fucked up. I ain’t listening to this trash again lol
So I switched it to French and i realized it was a thousand times BETTER than the English version. That’s when I realized Wakfu was french.
I loved the places and the people. It was something I’ve never seen before. The French dubbing was so smooth and funny I loved it so much. The “fillers”, which let’s be honest weren’t actual fillers, were also so fun to see with the whole gang.
Even at the time, I used to believe there would eventually be something between Amalia and Yugo lol cuz ain’t no way you guys constantly hug like this for the dumbest reasons.
When Season 1 ended, I really hoped they weren’t gonna do us like that because I really wanted a season season. At the time I didn’t think ankama already did Season 2 (since 2011 💀) cuz I thought Netflix was always on time so it took me some time to wait for it but a year passed by and it finally got here!! I was so happy that day you had no idea. I had to wait for a whole year before it dropped so my ass was pretty much traumatized after seeing Dally die for the first time I legit thought that he was gonna come back cuz of Nox’s machine but nope 💀 I remember being so sad when I first saw that ending. I really didn’t want it to end, I got too attached to these guys (Amalia was still my favorite back then cuz she was too relatable)
So i watched Season 2 in 2013 AND I LOVED IT. Again, they couldn’t disappoint me. It just got better from that day on.
That’s when I slowly started to dig deeper into Wakfu because there were so many references to things that Yugo and the others were saying that I didn’t even understand. I then learned that Wakfu was based on an MMORPG with the same name,Wakfu, and that there was a prequel to it, Dofus. I also saw how they even had a side story called “Mini Wakfu” which were just shorts from Season 1. I watched that mini series on youtube back then.
Because of Season 2, I was now sure that there will be more to it because so much has been said and yet so little has been explored. So I waited, bought myself some time by watching other shows.
That’s when the ovas happened.
And oh my god I was not ready for it.
The ovas released in 2016 on Netflix but had already been a thing since 2014. Blame Netflix.
And again, there were so much more references that made me feel so confused like who Otomaï was, Ogrest (who was only a giant mention in Season 1 to me), Maskemane, Echo, Sipho, Harebourg, etc.
I was confused but so intrigued because it made me learn that the Krosmoz was A LOT BIGGER than what I thought it would be. And that’s what I like. I love how a story has multiple timelines, has complex strange plot holes in certain places that makes you want to become a theorizer, has so many diverse characters and relationships. Things like those are why I fell in love with the legend of Zelda and fnaf franchises.
That’s how I learned about the mangas, comics, different games (Dofus, Wakfu, Krosmaga, Dofus touch, minor Dofus games on the App Store, etc.) as well as cancelled games (Islands of Wakfu, Wakfu: Les Gardiens, etc). I even started learning more about the Dofus era by going through Dofus shows like “Dofus : Kerub’s Bazaar”.
Right after the ovas, I watched Goultard’s special episode, Ogrest’s special episode, and Nox’s special episode. Then, I saw the Dofus movie featuring Joris and his mom before watching the show. After, I read the wakfu manga that was supposed to situate itself between Season 2 and the ovas. At the time, there were only four volumes so I binge read them all on a google drive that someone was kind enough to share publicly (that google drive doesn’t exist anymore). All of this happened in 2016 btw.
After that, I waited for more news of Wakfu but my dumbass got sidetracked because of binge watching other shows while waiting. I was joining multiplie fandoms while unconsciously waiting for more of Ankama. And that’s how I missed Season 3 that came out in 2017 💀💀 I’m so dumb my god all I had to do was wait another year but noooo youtube had to show me the new season trailer in 2018 instead!
I went back to Netflix, freaking the hell out, binge watched the whole season, got emotional, loved Oropo for kissing Amalia cuz I knew there’d be drama, absolutely adored the whole percedal family being a family, trying not to laugh at Adamaï’s look for the first time, expecting Ruel to get hard over money, and LOVED the drama between Yugo and Amalia. I WAS A FAN OF THEIR SHIP SINCE SEASON 1 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD which is why I was so happy that we finally got to see so much more of their problems being addressed.
After that, I knew I needed more so I went back to reading comics. I bought the actual volumes 1 to 4 of the wakfu manga (because I wanted to have a physical copy of them even though I already read the story) and then waited for the fifth one. As soon as volume 5 released in 2019 (July 4), I TOOK IT FROM AMAZON’S HANDS CUZ VOLUME 4 WAS KILLING ME WITH IT’S ENDING- (I’ve been waiting since 2016, I wasn’t gonna wait any longer).
In 2020, I joined the best wakfu amino on the amino app, and then mainly went looking for Ankama related things like their anime Radiant (I started reading the manga first and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT FOR ITS ORIGINALITY. But I still can’t believe that it got released back in 2013 tho…) and then watched the anime that came out for it (the opening song was good but I hate how the anime changed some things to the story. The manga is better but the anime gets its fair share of popularity so I guess that’s good).
In 2021-2022 I think that’s where I heard about the kickstarter for Wakfu Season 4 and I was mind blown when I saw the trailer for it.
In 2023, I bought Ogrest’s volumes 1 to 4 because I’ve been waiting to read and know more about Ogrest and what was the deal with the Sadida dolls since I heard about those from some people. My god the manga was so good!! I’m still waiting for that volume 5 but I’m extremely certain that it will come very soon now since Mig, the illustrator for the Ogrest manga, has been giving small sneak peeks here and there lately. It was also in the same year that I learned about the One More Gate game and watched Oropo’s special episode.
Then came 2024. And that’s where I went ape shit. Now you know everything ✨
The latest thing I bought from Ankama shop in 2024 now was the standard version of the Amalia figurine, the vinyl disc pack containing Krosmoz osts, and the Wakfu S3 artbook (tho the artbook was actually not something that you can find in the Ankama shop. I had to dig deep on Amazon and find a seller willing to give it away).
So yeah my history with Wakfu is a pretty messy one and has always been all over the place mainly because I was so slow back then to realize when the releases were happening and how the lore was actually constructed lol
Like it took me so much time to understand that Wakfu was only one piece of a bigger puzzle set and being unaware of so many things back then is still something I tend to regret. I understand that it was because I was still a snotty kid back then who didn’t know much about the internet but I can’t help myself to think how easy it was to keep up the pace 💀
At least I won’t have to think I’m late anymore because I’ve got a better idea of how it all works now.
Wakfu has been playing a huge part in my life because it’s always been at the back of my mind no matter what fandom I was in at the time. Sure, it was at the back burner but I never had the intention of forgetting about it. It holds way too many memories of the simpler times and has a lot of great ideas I think I’ve never seen other shows have.
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articwolfclawartist · 1 month
Found my way on to a Reddit post when looking for Wakfu drawing references and on one comment someone asked “I wanna watch this show but is there anything inappropriate in it??” And people responded something along the lines of “lol not really”
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displaysisbored · 2 months
Some Recent Art (Wakfu Fan OCs)
Some recent doodles on my Wakfu OCs + info dumping about them lol. Mostly gonna be focusing on my main OC Solaris (They/She) but some of my other OCs are gonna show up too.
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This is Solaris!! They're a Xelor which are basically lowkey time wizards (but they can have other abilities like being able to float and manipulate Wakfu - the game's magic source - into temporary weapons). Although most Xelors are, like, smart and strategic with most of the class focusing on strategy, they're like super stupid and honestly more Iop-ish (basically the game's warrior class) than a Xelor but they don't gaf lol.
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Despite the game literally focusing on combat, Solaris takes after me whenever I play the game (aka they can't fight for shit). Because their class focuses on strategy which is something they almost never do, they're usually the one party member that is sorta there to have fun and then die 2 seconds later.
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Solaris also loves cats!! That's the whole reason why they have the mechanical ears and tail. Both are mostly for looks but the tail is also used for balance cuz Solaris is a bit of a klutz lol.
In this drawing they're holding Fadezo's first cat - Shitface. Even though Fadezo has like a billion cats in his possession, Shitface was the one Solaris connected to the most and she insists to take care of them whenever given the chance (though Shitface lives up to their name and is kind of a dick to Solaris lol).
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The character introduced here is the one I was talking about earlier - Fadezo! He's the first character I created in the Wakfu game (and is also my first Wakfu OC) and he's sort of like the brains of the party next to Ria. He tries to take the game and his class seriously but he does enjoy messing around sometimes.
Oh also this drawing is more of an example of Solaris' behavior when it comes to combat lol. She's the type to just run right back into a dungeon after her health regenerates (or if she loses enough she just does some side quests to level up to unspeakable levels and then beat the dungeon in like 3 hits lol).
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Like any other version of my sona, Solaris only has one eye that actually works but I decided to put the other eye to something that fits a Xelor and made it a clock! Canonically it only really moves when Solaris is casting spells but I like to imagine that in some reality the clock is also used as a makeshift watch.
The character next to her is named Ari! She's Ria's sister and is an Eliatrope (basically she can make portals and stuff lol). She's the life of the group and is a lot more lighthearted than everyone else - sort of like Solaris except she's actually decent at combat and uses her high energy to her advantage.
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So fun fact! Solaris actually has a face under that mask lol. I haven't really thought of what it looked like but I think I'd like to just keep it up to imagination. I just imagine that whatever her face looks like Ria would probably be an asshat about it (aka the Dream face reveal "HES UGLY" reference lol).
Also the character introduced here is named Ari! She's Ria's sister and is sort of the more reasonable/the brains of the party. If it wasn't a group of friends she'd probably be the leader because of her maturity (despite her being the same age as Ari). She's a dragon but usually takes a more humanoid form because it's like way more convenient than being a giant dragon 24/7.
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To end off this post, I have a quick doodle of the types of robotics Solaris would make!! Despite her not being the smartest, she's pretty good at creating little Wakfu-powered robots like the Sinistro (a small robotic owl that can be summoned in game). Solaris would spend most of her free time creating and working on making a fully functional robotic cat (but she finds real cats to be more fun to be around).
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That's about all!! If anyone got this far tysm for reading actually I love developing and writing about my characters. I'm probably gonna post pretty frequently but I have like 50 billion OCs with 50 billion different stories so it'll probably take a minute to see the same OC twice (however, Solaris is part of the different versions of my sona so you might see her around more often)!
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cosmorrian · 2 years
Bruh how are u so good at putting ur ocs into wakfu screenshot?! Cause dang that is good
(yooo congrats on being my first question )
I get asked this lot, and i’m never quite sure what to say lol. The way I learned how to draw in the first place was by copying the wakfu art style, so the influence is inseparable from my art. I guess 11 year old me set myself on the right path, because i’m still going at it with wakfu art and (apparently) doing great.
Anything other than that is just looking for specific traits of the art style then trying to replicate it in screenshots. The first one i ever did, I used an edited copy of Yugo’s figure as a base. Taking screenshots and just drawing your characters over is a totally valid way to do it (and honestly much quicker), as long as everything is credited properly.
Best i can do is some tips before i get the motivation to drop a real tutorial
Big, stompy feet! Chunky forearms! Wide hands! (s3 looks much slimmer, though)
Faces have huge eyesAlso, most characters don’t have long chins
very subtle airbrush over shadowed areas, and for light (try to make it blend as much as possible, it should barely even be visible. like 5%-9% opacity)
Colored lineart! make a clipping layer then add your colors overtop (try to make it look like there’s no difference between lines and colors), then lower the opacity to around 10-15%
When adding shadows, use the base color on multiply
to get it to blend better with the environment, color pick prominent background colors and cover your character with them. lower opacity to the 0%-10% range (whatever suits the scene), and mess around with layer settings
Something I like to do to make it go better with the image quality is to merge my character into a single layer, then duplicate it twice. take 1 layer, then sharpen it to hell and back. take the other, and blur it until you can barely see the lineart. set both of the layers to around 0%-5% opacity, and it’ll look a bit more low-quality!
If you happen to use clip studio paint, i’ve found that a 3px brush on an average screenshot from fancaps.net is the same size as the show’s lineart
i hope that makes sense!! Other than that, the only thing else I can say is 1. use TONs of references using characters that are built similarly to yours, or have a feature that’s similar enough to yours, and 2. practice! It gets MUCH easier with time.
(VERY sorry for how long this is, i got a bit excited oTL)
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triviamurderparty2 · 2 years
please tell me bout your Wakfu ocs!!
I have quite a few that are still being developed so I won't cover them (unless asked after this post LOL)
Elias I'll start with Elias! Elias, full name Elias Creed, is a Sacrier who lives in Bonta and runs a shop with Liam there until he ends up taking leave and becoming an adventurer. He has an interest in birds and collecting animal teeth. He has a hobby of creating bird treats and making animal teeth displays. He's not as aggressive as other Sacriers, and takes time to think things out. He likes talking more than listening, though he's got open ears for anyone who needs to talk!! He hates dungeons and being underground. He doesn't like bugs, but he's willing to mess with them if they're to feed a bird. Random but he doesn't like chocolate because he's allergic! He's been following Cooper's modelling career since he first started, he collects the magazines he's in and has a few posters!! Elias also just likes to get magazines in general, he likes to stay up to date with pop culture. I should mention Elias and Liam are like. Besssst friends since childhood!!
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Liam Liam is more aggressive and wreckless than Elias, he doesn't think things through as much. He has a passive interest in dangerous and medicinal plants, he has a venus fly trap and an aloe plant. Liam and Elias run a shop in Bonta- it works like this ..!! Liam's parents run a shop in Brakmar, and they trade inventory- so Liam and Elias sell Brakmarian wares in Bonta, and Liam's parents sell Bontarian wares in Brakmar. Both Elias and Liam are originally from Brakmar btw!! Liam keeps the skulls that Elias takes the teeth out of just for the interesting display. Liam also has a fondness of knives, particularly throwing knives- wherever he goes he always leaves some kind of damage from knife throwing practice. Liam also really likes bow meows!!! His biggest weakness, he'll drop everything if he sees a cute cat! A fun fact is that whenever the shop gets shipments of magazines (specifically those with Cooper in them) he always saves a copy for Elias.
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Cooper Cooper is a male Iop model!! He started modeling in his late teens, and his own manager. He's smarter than most Iops- but he still gets confused really easily and IS a Iop, so it's very surprising that he's able to manage it all himself! He models because he enjoys it, and it pays quite well. He's actually quite outgoing and doesn't get into many fights. He doesn't read social cues too well, so he can't really tell when people are picking fights with him, anyways. Cooper is originally from a smaller town somewhere near Bonta, not that it's important- just something I have written. Due to the money he gets from modeling, he's decently wealthy- but prefers to send money to his family rather than keep a ton of kamas on his person, even so he has enough on him to treat himself and friends regularly. Cooper really likes Gobbowl, so he's often attending the games in Bonta- however, he's terrible at the sport himself. Around the time Elias and Liam become adventurers, Cooper also goes on temporary leave because he's a bit bored with his life, and decides to become an adventurer for a bit as well. Cooper runs into Elias and Liam by chance- Elias is totally flustered so Liam ends up being the one to talk to Cooper into traveling with the two of them since they're a bit more experienced in the adventuring department. Cooper is surprisingly polite for a Iop, but is still pretty aloof and oblivious. He doesn't like card or board games because he has a hard time telling what his opponent's up to, and because of it, just generally avoids gambling altogether. Because of THAT he's generally a buzzkill for greedy ecaflips when he goes to taverns- OH speaking of taverns he has an incredibly low alcohol tolerance lol.
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Lova Nor Lova!!! I love herrr, she was the first Wakfu oc I actually made a proper reference image for. She's incredibly kind and has cute sneezes. She's a good friend of Elias' who was asked to take over the shop while Elias and Liam were on leave. While they were gone, she ended up taking over the shop and making it a lot more homey, bringing in more customers. She starts selling her homemade items (clothes, plushies, etc) and plants for a wider demographic in the shop, and it actually works very well! Her creations are beloved by people who stop by the shop, so she ended up starting to send some of those items to Liam's parents for their stock as well. She loves sewing and caretaking, overall helping in general. I guess, it could also be bad, as she is a major people pleaser. She's more in touch with her Sadida roots (see what I did there..heh) than her Eniripsa roots, and thus..isn't very good at healing. She's always trying very hard to get better at healing and potions. She tries to heal with unconventional methods as well- so far her most effective method is that of baking. Lova has a real sweet tooth, she loooves cakes and pastries. She doesn't take things very seriously, and is very relaxed all the time. Lova also really likes fluffy and soft things, and loveees animals!! She actually doesn't eat meat at all, but does use eggs and milk etc, so she's vegetarian and not vegan.
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thank u for reading all that omgg ;;
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wishingstarinajar · 3 years
Hi, me again :) (hope I’m not bothering) first I’ll say, I have finished your Wakfu fan fics. They were amazingly wonderful and now I am sadden to see them go, I’m defiantly gonna miss Joris and Alys on there adventure. Again you have great talent, never let these selfish humans ruined you and your art.
So here’s a question I’m sure you’ve been asked before. 😅
How do you draw so good?..
I have some ideas that I think are good but I can never put them on paper du to me not a great drawer.. I used to draw back in my school years but now.. not so much.. I wish I could go back on drawing but I’m not very good.. lol
Your art is fantastic. :O
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them and I appreciate you reading them.
Improvement in art is something that requires time but also work. I didn't start drawing as well as I do now, it took me years to get to this point and I am still learning and improving to this day. I started out with literal stick figures xD
I improved a lot by mimicking other art (comics and cartoons) and life around me. Not through tracing but eyeballing, which is looking at something and trying to draw what you see. Eventually, I did research (like anatomy) and followed tutorials, though all this was done very loosely because I had/have different drawing methods and mindsets that didn't/don't always mesh well with available tutorials. It varies between people; not everyone works the same or needs as much help. You have to find what's helpful and good to you and that requires experimentation.
Not to mention... When I was younger, the internet wasn't an available tool to aid me in drawing, and art programs were still in their testing/baby stages. Same for drawing tablets. My art progress was a slow one in comparison to the youth today who have SO many resources available to them straight off the bat. Just a Google search away and you have tutorials and references for whatever you need. It's crazy and amazing! So, use these resources to your full capacity. (Seriously, it still astonishes me how fast some of you younger artists can improve in so little time, or create such great things at such a young age.)
But one thing is for certain; if you don't draw, you won't improve. Even if you draw a stick figure, you still drew something and that's a step forward. It isn't 'bad' either because you still have a way to go. It's what you are capable of at this moment and it's nothing to be ashamed of; you're still learning. We artists are our own worsts critics and sometimes we can be impatient and relentlessly hard on ourselves. It's up to us to beat ourselves up and give ourselves a chance to enjoy drawing and improve. I won't lie, it's difficult at times... Every artist goes through plenty of phases where we are discouraged or dissatisfied but things get better if work is put into it and we don't give up.
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sunnynoki · 7 years
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Love this kid
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