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lokimobius · 15 hours ago
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LOKI S02E01 “Ouroboros”
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sacredfixation · 2 days ago
Loki and the violence of physicality.
From the very start, Lokis experience with touch is about power & possession.
As a baby, he is taken from Jotunheim, Not rescued. he is handled like a stolen artifact, a trophy of war.
As a child, touch never seemed much about comfort, it was control. A hand meant to remind him where he stands, what he is allowed to be.
Thor, for all his love, is rough. Playful shoves, dragging Loki by the arm, knocking him over. It is familial, maybe, but it is still forceful.
In Asgard, when he is handled, it is with expectation. Servants dressing him, guards grabbing him, Odin guiding him into place. It is all directional touch movement imposed upon him.
Loki learns, very early, that touch is something that happens to him, not for him. That it is a way to move him into place, to contain him. Even when someone means well, it is still a form of control. Until TVA Loki, rarely has he been touched in a way that feels safe. That feels like choice.
when he falls, touch is punishment.
He is slammed by the Hulk, thrown by the avengers in battle.
Loki is bound when captured, muzzled, handcuffed, paraded.
when Loki grieves, no one really touches him with kindness. When he dies, it is by force: stabbed, choked, crushed.
Touch has only ever been about control, submission, violence, or restraint. So of course, Loki learns to be untouchable. He learns to be slippery, a trick of the light, a flicker. He makes himself untouchable before anyone can reach for him first.
Loki does not naturally touch others. When he does, it is intentional, weaponized, or performative.
Lokis hands hold weapons before they hold people, his illusions and projections: they make him untouchable even when he is standing right there. Romance? seduction? typically a tool. it is all performance.
Loki doesnt just avoid touch he redefines it, because if he is untouchable no one can take anything from him ever again. This is a man who has been handled his whole life, so what does he do? he becomes a man who is impossible to hold.
Loki does not seek comfort through touch, he does so through manipulation, words, through proving he is smarter than you. He does not ask for closeness, he makes himself something interesting, undeniable, that you will come to him.
Until TVA loki, if he touched you, it was to hurt you, to trick you, to control you. He touches to remind people he is now the one in control.
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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villainboygirl · 1 year ago
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What I love in this scene is Loki's reaction.
I thought that Loki would be impressed by Mobius' rage, or that he would be amused. Or that he would immediately start torturing Brad as soon as Mobius got out of the cell.
But no: Loki was stunned by Mobius' reaction.
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So, at first, he took steps to stop Mobius before he went too far and escorted him away safely.
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Then he followed Mobius to make sure he was okay, asking him over and over without using aggressive tones, despite Mobius trying to downplay it.
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Loki saw that Mobius was trying to hide how shaken he was, so he suggested to eat a slice of pie to reassure him down.
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Without pressure, he calmed him down until Mobius was ready to open.
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And then he reassured him gently.
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This shows how much Loki has changed: instead of being overwhelmed by anger and the desire for revenge, he put the well-being of Mobius, a person dear to him, first, without hiding the concern and affection he feels for him. And Mobius, in return, demonstrated that he placed full trust in Loki, expressing his innermost emotions to him.
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months ago
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#They robbed us of their cute and awkward little date 💔
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percheduphere · 1 year ago
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Production costs aside, clothes tell the audience about how characters think of themselves.
Loki's shoes in the S2 finale raised a lot eyebrows, but I find them quite fitting: they are comfortable, practical, and most importantly, they are humble. The camera brings this to our attention to communicate his evolution in character.
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Loki has always dressed well, often times ostentatiously. Whether he is at war, passing as a Midgardian, or held captive as an Asgardian prisoner, Loki communicates his social class and sense of superiority through clothing. For him, clothing armors his fragile sense of self and against others' opinions of him. He intends to be perceived as deadly charming but ultimately unapproachable.
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His attire in the first Thor movie is roughly equal parts green and gold, signifying his royal status. His style is dressed down for his brother's misadventures in Jotenheim, yet overall both silhouettes are lofty, princely, but not hardened or threatening.
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In Avengers, Loki's look has more black and leather, with exaggerated emphasis on his shoulders meant to intimidate as he assumes the role of villain. The silhouette is very hard, heavy, and edgy. Gold detailing is prevalent as well. Combined with the goat's helm, this is Loki's most pretentious outfit, which speaks to an undercurrent of low self-esteem and a compulsive need to impress. There's no mistaking he is the main antagonist of the story.
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In Thor 2, Loki's attire is similar to Avengers but the overcoat is exchanged for a less bulky version (perhaps conveying he is less guarded now that the effects of the Mind Stone are no longer influencing him). Loki's role likewise pivots from the harsh lines of a villain to the more flexible edges of a reluctant villain-turned-ally. This aligns with his character arc when he protects both Jane and Thor, seemingly sacrificing himself.
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In Thor 3, Loki's silhouette is streamlined even further. The overcoat is done away with in favor of what appears to be a leather doublet, pauldrons, and vambraces. Gold accents are minimal. While stylish, Loki's attire is more practical than showy, and his helm serves the dual purpose of protection as well as weaponry. At this point in his arc, Loki has become a full antihero, joining his brother's side in rescuing as many Asgardians as possible, and eventually dying in a vain bid to protect Thor from Thanos.
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The TVA does something very fun and interesting in taking away Loki's ability to dress himself. Since Loki cannot use his magic in the TVA, he is forced to wear the same clothing as his captor/advocate, who eventually becomes his best friend and peer.
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Perhaps, on a subconscious level, this helped Loki to feel included. We know by his pwn admission that Loki fears being alone and desperately craves a sense of belonging. At the same time, he intentionally dresses to put people at a distance, thereby protecting himself from potential rejection at the cost of isolating himself further.
When Mobius gives him that TVA jacket for the first time, Loki seems uncharacteristically pleased. It is not an attractive jacket by any means, yet he neither scoffs at it nor refuses to wear it. Instead, Loki puts it on and is content when Mobius says it looks "smart" on him. He continues to dress like Mobius and, indeed, mimic some of his mannerisms such as placing his hands on his hips. Without clothing meant to push people away, Loki opens up, has more fun, and makes friends.
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Loki's choice of attire as he assumes the mantle of God of Stories (and time) is fascinating. Setting aside the clear design inspiration from the comics, Loki's silhouette is soft, remarkably so. His colors are earthy hues of green, and the only bit of flare are the light gold trimming and crown. The look brings to mind the garb of sages and wise wizards rather than royalty or warriors. He's powerful yet approachable because there is humility in his bearing. And that humility springs from a well of healthy self-worth, self-love, and a deep love for others.
The shoes are not meant to be attractive. They are meant to help him ascend the throne, nothing more.
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crowley-anthony · 1 year ago
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dailymarvelgifs · 1 year ago
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LOKI | 1.04, 2.05, 2.06
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dilfmobius · 7 months ago
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chaoticace22 · 1 year ago
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do you know that thing when you open up tumblr and feel deep confusion?
ps. it's just a meme pls don't come after me
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loki-us · 1 year ago
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It’s the casual way Mobius sets his chaotic boyfriend The God of Mischief loose on everyone. Mobius is so attuned to Loki, he immediately knows how he’s going to react, offering him a gentle warning or permission to proceed. And Loki carefully waits for that permission before he acts, implying this is a familiar dynamic that’s been established beforehand.
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lokimobius · 3 months ago
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softiedingo · 1 year ago
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The Single Dad's Guide to Flirting + Reactions.
↳ created and tested by Mobius M. Mobius.
when the table turns:
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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#my man was NOT subtle 🤣😉
+ bonus: message received 😅
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Loki, when he was just beginning to learn to trust and love:
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Loki, when he mastered it perfectly:
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Loki's power has finally blossomed, and only because of one person.
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
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Not sure I'm going to get over Owen high-fiving Tom's fist bump. I'm dyingg
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