#loke records
mydarkempire303 · 2 years
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Have you heard Lo Key's singles released from his upcoming album Portraits of Horror?
There's been 3 releases so far which are available on all streaming services.
Lo Key is back to a solo horrorcore album. This being set to be his hottest horrorcore project to date.
His three singles released so far are:
"Burn The Witch" "You're My Everything" "The Box"
Each track has an audio visualizer uploaded to the LokeRecords YouTube channel. (Subscribe)
Support underground indie talent by following, subscribing, engaging with all Lo Key social media or go buy merch from ShadowLandShop.com
Follow Lo Key on Instagram @lokeylovesyou
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the-dreamwalkers-vr · 4 months
Footage from The Sermon SPACE JAM! Presented by RIFT 2.0 & LOKE RECORDS, March 9th, 2024.
The event featured live rap performance sets by DurtE & NEON SERMON + Live DJ performances by KALIBR, Velan, JakerzZz & Amon The Wolf.
Don't miss our next live concert & DJ music events. Join The Dreamwalkers & catch our upcoming events! Search DREAM.9804 in the group browser in VRChat. Discord server in our bio.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Mammon you prick, why would you do that??
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He really set me up for failure. I have stage fright and an average singing voice at best 😭
I would have probably died on the spot, not even on the stage, just right there and then.
I still loved the rest of the event <3
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risuwu · 2 years
for the blorbopost- itou gintamas?
i would not classify itou as a blorbo, hes more of a meow meow or a gf which i consider to be separate, but here u go
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btw these are 2 different girlfriends to me
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yeahdefnot · 9 months
Just got scammed 🙃🙃
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the-rat-house · 2 years
Life and blog updates? Yeah.
Still not in the best mental state. With changing seasons, and extra stress from all sorts of irl shit, I'm kinda clinging to a thread in regards to stability.
I also need to figure out my situation regarding permanent (for now, anyways) art posting and general online presence thanks to Twitter being a disaster. That doesn't affect this blog but it does affect my state of being.
As for the blog itself, still here, still gonna try and attend to stuff when I can. Add things and such whenever I have the mental capacity/push to do so. Just gonna be remaining at its snails pace for now.
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jockbots · 1 year
More on how much I love the little details of how Ballister worked the hardest and trained to be the best:
When given the sword that kills the queen he immediately recognises that its off . He knows his weapon so well that he can tell just by holding it that its wrong
Built his own arm. Built his own arm with one hand. Built his own arm, with one hand, with no resources just junk in an abandoned layer within however long it was between the queen being killed and Nimona adopting him.
Catches can without looking at it before it can drop and make a noise. AKA the moment i went oh fuck he's good.
Only needed to fight with Nimona (well...be flung around on her back) once to know her fighting style, and then was immediately able to slot himself alongshide her in a fight and cover her back.
Also I noticed that when the squire puts on his armour he struggles around. Which wouldn't mean much if I hadn't had someone point out to me how his armour is looks worn and isn't shiny and new loke the others. So then I couldn't unsee how much bulkier his armour is. All the other knights have slimlined, lightweight armour that is fitted at the ankle, but balisters is nothing kike theres. Making me think that his armour is probably a lot older and tougher and literally makes him work harder.
How many guards tried to nab them when they walked straight up to Ambrosius? The focus is on Nimona as a powerhouse, but he takes down everyone that comes at him. And it would go unoticed as blah blah movie action look at the monkey if not for the initial build up on his mad skills.
Rides a horse through a crumbling kingdom with little to no visibility and scales a statue of Glorith in record time!!!
Side note: to how much Ambrosius flusters him and his brain turns OFF aside from when he first sees him again post arm chop and reentering the closet. When Ambrosius follows them to the market, he is so devoid of braincells that he doesn't just get put of the car and run, he flails and tried to hide and covers his face and is like "do you think he saw us?" MY GUY IS SO SMART BUT HE WENT TO SEE HIM FOR NATCHOS???
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
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How JJK men react when they (or you) "accidently" fall on you (or them).
Including: Yuta, Yuji and Megumi
Tw: none unless you don't like falling over.
All the second year students were at the traning field when you noticed that you forgot your phone.
Normally that wouldn't bother you, but today Yuta was supposed to come back from his training trip in Africa. There was nothing official with you guys but everyone around you could feel how much you both fell for each other. Just like the day he first arrived, you introduced yourself (probably the only person who did) to him. It was just like two wires fused and after that you guys became close. But it ened when Yuta left and you felt loke it was back to old times again with Maki, Panda and Toge.
"MAKIII" you yelled across the field as Maki was in the middle of her warm up lap.
"I NEED TO GO GET MY PHONE, ILL BE BACK SOON" You yelled getting a thumb up approval from her.
So you ran off the field and onto the path past the shed of cursed tools and straight to the main building in Jujustu high. You swung open the door and sprinted down the hallways.
Yuta was supposed to text you when he got back and nearly at the dormatrys because they changed the locks while he was gone and getting him his own key would take a while with his seemingly 'sudden' return. Luckily you had 2 keys made because you wanted a spare just in case it came handy.
You swung open the classroom door when you realised you forgot where you left your bag, which held your phone and pair of keys. You searched up the whole room panicking but to no avail. You looked at the clock on the wall. 4:00 pm. Yuta was supposed to be back at 4:10 and you figured the only other place your bag would be was on the bench bu the traning field...
Letting out a loud sigh of frustration you didn't want to waste any more time so you took a short cut to the oval. Right through the buildings window. You stood at the edge and pushed off landing harshly on the ground making you stumble a bit before sprinting again.
You made it to the field at 4:03, a new record, but still with your frantic searching you couldn't find your bag.
"I have to be quick before Yuta gets here or he'll be locked out the dorms!" You said franticly knowing your 3 classmates were watching you and wondering what you were doing.
You felt a tap on your sholder
"Tuna mayo Shakke."
(*We moved class rooms today remember?)
Your eyes went white realising you looked in the wrong room.
"I KNEW IT WAS IN OUR CLASS ROOM" You yelled before running again.
This time you went to the right room and saw your bag on your desk. You snatched it and looked at the time on your phone 4:11.
You said you would met Yuta at the schools enterance but there was no way you would make it there in time...unless you ran. Again.
You spun on you heals and with the last and most of your energy you ran head first into some body making them lose thier balance because the last thing they expected was getting rammed head first in a deserted hallway.
You fell onto your back in shock not realising the person hand was holding the back of your head making sure it never hit the ground.
"Are you alright!?" He asked looking down at you
It was Yuta.
"Yeah sorry about-YUTA?!" Your face flushed as his body caged your on the floor
"Sorry I didn't see you running then and just got in your way."
"NO, NO IT WAS MY FAULT" you were losing your sanity, he was so close and so...diffrent. His hair hung over his eyes and his body frame was way bigger from the last time you saw him.
He suddenly turned his head away from your gaze but you could see the red tint in his ears.
"Nice catch" you heard some one say
Both you and yuta looked down the hallway to see Maki standing there with a cursed weapon.
Immediately Yuta got up embarassed and offered you a hand up.
"Uh welcome back." You tried to act normally but that moment would live in your mind forever.
You were in the library studying for Gojos "surprise quiz" that was taking place tomorrow. How were you going to get through all the subject set in the quiz with only one day's notice? Well you concluded that Gojo was not a very qualified teacher.
On the list of study books you'd need to read to take notes from there was one that was up impossibly high up on a shelf. But it was okay because there was a ladder at the end of the shelf you would just have to bring over.
You pulled the ladder over and made sure it was stable by shaking it a few times slightly, knowing there wouldn't be anyone to hold the ladder for you because Megumi, Nobora and Yuji were all currently out on a mission that you were no put on. It was a but disappointing but it was the perfect opportunity to study.
You got up on the ladder, when it came to the last step you got a bit nervous because the ladder began to shake a bit. But you took a deep breath and managed to make it up there without falling. You grabbed the book quickly got down the ladder. You put it on top of the other books you were using. You walked back to your table with all your study notes and materials.
It was a successful hour because you felt like you were finally ready. So you packed up your things and began to put the books back. Until it came to the high shelf. You tested the ladders durability again and finally took the first step. When tou were half way up, book tucked beneath your arm, you heard the library doors open and two people arguing. You already knew it was Nobora and Yuji. And if Nobora and Yuji were there then Megumi must be tagging along to. You kept climbing but a little faster so you could greet your friends back from their mission, however when you got to the top step you heard Nobora.
You looked down the ladder and saw the three (as predicted) walking toward the ladder when Nobora kicked Yujis back sending him forward right into the ladder you were on. With his instincts he grabbed a side of the ladder which only made him land on his back.
You let out a panicked gasp as you felt yourself lose your footing and fall off the ladder.
Nobora and Megumi watched in shock as the suddenly saw you fall off the ladder and crash...right into Yuji. Thank goodness for Yujis reflex skills because he managed to catch you. Catch being you landing the back of your head into his chest.
"YOU IDIOT" Nobora yelled
"ME KILL HER? YOUR THE WITCH THAT PUSHED ME!" He yelled in retaliation you slowly sat up in-between his legs.
"Are you okay?" Yuji sat up to crossing his legs almost trapping you between him.
"Yeah I'll be alright" you mumbled but before you could rub the back of your pounding head you felt yujis hand on it.
"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time, really I didn't mean to hurt you"
"I know, it's okay Yuji I know you wouldn't purposely hurt me."
A blush spreads across his face and your body warms against his.
You look around trying to avert his gaze before realising that you didn't have the book any more.
"Huh? where did my book go..." your eyes wander to Megumi who's rubbing the top of his head with one hand and holding your book with the other.
"Here" He mumbled in pain.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: yeah I'm not entirely happy with the Yuta part but maybe I'll re write it if you guys want. Also if you want a part 2 with other characters let me know because I was going to add Megumi but didn't.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 9 months
One time when Enver looks directly in your eyes and mind.
After I've written this headcanon, I remembered I had a record of my Loke interacting with a scrying eye. And there it is. Gortash, staring right back as soon as we reach out to him, real time.
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
hypnotherapy - I know what it is but at the same time I don't. Would a hypnotherapist be able to loke guide us to the void?
It’s a good question but might take a little explaining. So hypnotherapy is kind of an unregulated field. When someone wants to become a doctor, massage therapist, teacher or similar profession, they have to take a set curriculum of classes and become licensed by a federally accredited board, and remain up to date with their licensing and certifications.
When someone wants to become a life coach or hypnotherapist, there is no real standard, no board, no licensing requirements. You don’t even need any kind of professional training or licensing to be a life coach or hypnotherapist (which is kinda scary tbh)
I took a one-year coaching certification course in 2019 so I am “certified” in life & success coaching, EFT, hypnotherapy, NLP, and TIME Techniques - meaning I now have the knowledge to practice these techniques on myself and my friends/family/clients/whatever. But I only learned some basic hypnosis techniques and have a couple of scripts so I could record my own or guide others through it.
I did enjoy my class and I did learn a lot. But it’s kind of a meaningless piece of paper because the entire industry is unregulated, anyone can make their own coaching course and their own methods/techniques and tell people they’re certified in whatever they want. It’s pretty much just a free-for-all.
So all that to say, just because someone is a hypnotherapist doesn’t actually mean they know what they’re doing. They would have to continue their education beyond the basics to learn more advanced techniques and have much more experience.
I was not taught any techniques that would be helpful for entering the void or guiding someone else to it. Since most people in general don’t know about the void state, finding a hypnotherapist who knows about it would most likely be hard to find.
I do really like hypnosis tho and it works well for me, so a couple weeks ago I was looking on YT for a guided hypnosis for the void and I did find one, like only one. “Extra deep hypnosis - into the void”. Although I’m not sure if she knows exactly the power of the void, it’s meant to get you into a deep thoughtless state of relaxation.
I tried it once and she is a very good & skilled hypnotherapist. It is a safe & effective video and I plan on trying it again to enter. But as a warning, her channel has a lot of bizarre NSFW hypnosis videos too, so don’t go looking around her other videos unless you are 18+ and want to be shocked 😂😂
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mydarkempire303 · 2 years
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Have you heard Lo Key's singles released from his upcoming album Portraits of Horror?
There's been 3 releases so far which are available on all streaming services.
Lo Key is back to a solo horrorcore album. This being set to be his hottest horrorcore project to date.
His three singles released so far are:
"Burn The Witch" "You're My Everything" "The Box"
Each track has an audio visualizer uploaded to the LokeRecords YouTube channel. (Subscribe)
Support underground indie talent by following, subscribing, engaging with all Lo Key social media or go buy merch from ShadowLandShop.com Follow Lo Key on Instagram @lokeylovesyou
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dewdropreader · 3 months
For the hug prompt! Only if you want 💛
🤕 panic hug / "I'm glad you're okay"
Or 😴 sleepy hug / falling asleep together
(Decided to do Panic Hug, but still may do a sleepy hug if the mood strikes!! Hope you enjoy!!)
🤕 panic hug / "I'm glad you're okay"
😴 sleepy hug / falling asleep together
Loki really wants to know when he became such a nervous wreck.
Was it simply when he first was plucked from his timeline and brought to the TVA? Surely that would make anyone a bit more prone to being frazzled.
Maybe it was all of the world-altering chaos he’d been exposed to throughout this time. Realistically, this was probably it. He loved chaos, but found there was an amount even too much for him.
But really… he knows the true answer. None of that cataclysmic chaos would have mattered to him without stakes. Stakes brought by Mobius. Brought by being in love.
So now, even though the true catastrophes and world ending problems had been solved, he finds himself on edge where it pertains to Mobius.
And currently, Mobius is meant to be home from his mission— a simple stakeout to monitor for abnormalities on a timeline of interest— and he is nowhere to be found.
He was supposed to be home hours ago… or what passes for hours. It’s been too long, that’s all Loki knows. And Mobius hasn’t contacted him either, not since the day prior (time may be different in the TVA compared to a timeline but not enough to explain no contact for this long… unless something happened?)
Loki runs his hands through his hair for perhaps the hundredth time. He’s messaged Mobius multiple times with no response. What if there was an abnormality on the timeline? Something dangerous that shouldn’t have been there, something that hurt him?
He lets out a frustrated growl as he taps into his TemPad again, refreshing as if that will make a message suddenly appear.
If something hurt Mobius… he doesn’t know exactly what he’d do. He’s caused destruction and havoc at even the thought or threat of such, so if he were to find something happened to him after so many near misses and times he truly did lose him when trying to fix the loom and beyond… he’s not sure he could take it again.
He needs to go to the records bay, find out Mobius’ exact location and take himself there to check it out—
The door swings open, revealing a sweaty and slightly dirty but seemingly unharmed Mobius.
“Hey, Lokes, I’m sorry—”
Loki crashes into him, nearly bowling him over, only stopped by the door that Mobius just barely got to shut behind him. Mobius’ body is slightly pressed into the door with the pressure of Loki’s tight hug around him. Loki’s arms wind around Mobius’ form and squeeze, one hand coming up to cradle his head and pull it into his own shoulder.
“Oh, Loki. Missed you too,” Mobius huffs softly, a soft smile clear in his voice.
“What happened?” Loki murmurs, nuzzling his nose into the soft silver of Mobius’ hair.
“Sorry, love. My TemPad ran out of juice. You know I’m bad at charging those things.” Mobius pulls back just enough to meet Loki’s eyes, but keeps himself tucked into his hold, both hands resting on the small of Loki’s back. “We were split up for a time so I didn’t have a chance to get Verity or anyone else to message to let you know I’d be late either.”
Loki lets out a shaky sigh. “I'm glad you're home. I was so worried…”
Mobius frowns softly, but nods. “I get it. I’m sorry I scared you, darling. But I’m here, unharmed.” Mobius tilts up to press a kiss to Loki’s tense jaw. “And I’m all yours. Mission debrief isn’t until tomorrow.”
Loki smiles softly and tugs Mobius back into the tight hold. For a while, they just stand, firmly holding each other. After a moment though, Mobius feels Loki trembling slightly. Then, a soft tear lands on his head.
“Loki, are you okay?” Mobius whispers.
“I’m sorry. It’s stupid. I know you’re fine, I just…” Loki murmurs, avoiding Mobius’ gaze as he once again pulls back. “I’m so weak when it comes to you. I’ve lost you and nearly lost you so many times before, I just can’t have it happen again.”
Mobius swallows. He knows that Loki is a gentler soul than anyone ever gave him credit for, and that everything they’ve been through has only made him more intense in his already deep emotions. The fear of being alone, the desperate protectiveness over loved ones, it’s all been amplified with everything that’s happened.
“Hey,” Mobius says softly, gently tilting Loki’s face towards him with two fingers. The same fingers trace soft lines down his cheek and jaw and back again as he talks. “I know how worried you get. I’m sorry I let you panic for so long, I should have done more to check in.”
Loki shakes his head. “No. You were on a mission, it makes sense, that’s the focus. It’s not your fault. I’m just… I don’t know…”
“I get it. It’s okay. I know the feeling, we’ve both been through a thousand lifetimes, it’s made us extra cautious and on edge, especially for each other.”
Loki sniffs softly, blinking away the last of his panicked tears. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Better than okay.” Mobius gives a soft smile, warm enough that Loki can’t help but smile in response. He leans forward and presses a long kiss to Mobius’ forehead.
Mobius simply smiles and tucks himself back into Loki’s hold, certain it’s the safest place he could ever be.
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f1-disaster-bi · 6 months
Any more charles/lando/Max headcanons?
I absolutely do have more. These are just general headcanons that aren't attached to any au
Max sleeps on the side of the bed closest to the door because he wants to have the chance to protect Lando and Charles if anyone breaks in
Charles and Lando both like being in the middle
It's a fight nearly every night. Max normally scrolls on his phone and listens to them bicker and play rock-paper-scissors until someone eventually just makes a break for the middle (Lando, it's always Lando, he fights dirty)
Max learns their favourite recipes from Cisca and Pascale for when the boys are sick
Lando promises to never try cook again after her burnt off one of Charles's eyebrows by accident during the off season
Charles like to compose little short pieces of music that remind him of Lando and Max
He records them and sets them as their ringtones on his phone
Lando likes to leave them little handwritten notes but if they ever mention them to him he will deny it was him and go bright red
Max's cats love Lando and follow him around loke ducklings and both Max and Charles find it adorable
I could probably keep going 😂
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johnnyhatesducks · 20 days
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Ouhhh yeah it's me!!! Your fave alien thingg
Hellyeah, i'm Johnny but i have like lots of names,, you are free to call me any of these: John, Johnny, Steve, Mike, Jim, James, Jimmy, Willy, Bob, Michael, Roger, Burt, Fred, Andy, Alan, Mark, Ignacio, Yuri, Frank, Jack, Lex, Hugo, Gabriel, Duck, Loked and Brick.
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Blehhh i draw a lot, my art tag is #my art 👽 you should check it!!! I also have commissions open!!!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Buy me something pleaseee!!
I'm just a 15 yr mexican old not normal alien with ADHD and possible autism,,, I AM THE REAL MICHAEL SCOTT GUYS!!,,, My pronouns are he/they/it!! I dont actually like labels but for the record im aegosexual/asexual, omniromantic-omnisexual agender. I speak spanish and english is not my first language so i may have some mistakes ::
digitalArt: instagram
traditionalArt Instagram
traditionalArt tumblr
Support me in my Kofi !! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Join to The Office server!
i'm just weird, If I or my posts make you uncomfortable, talk to me privately and don't make a stupid post about it;)
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Stuff I like : DC, Undertale, Fnaf, Wham city, Children of the mirror, Adventure time, Junkrat (overwatch), Pitbull, Queen, LEGO movies, Bald men, Slashers, The Texas chainsaw massacre, Repo! The genetic opera, Arg's (favs: vitacarnis, Smiles tapes) Jack stauber, the Office,Steve Carell, Baldi's Basic's, What We Do In The Shadows, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Space Force, Anchorman (the two movies), Ghosts (BBC)
Fav characters :Hugo Strange, The Joker, Lex Luthor, Superman, Michael Scott, Andy Stitzer, Mark Naird, Papyrus, Leatherface, Stede Bonnet, Alan Strauss, Crowley, Nandor The Relentless, Curtis, Drayton Sawyer, Brick Tamland, Patrick Butcher, The Captain, Julian Fawcett
Kinlist !!: Michael Scott, Joker (lego Batman), John Doe (Telltale Batman), Chop Top (tcm2), Brick Tamland (Anchorman), Andy Stitzer (The 40 yr old virgin)
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stamps are made by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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hybbart · 9 months
In the music taste post you said
“I think the only think they disagree on is probably metal and such that has harsh noises, cause Jimmy can't mimic it without hurting his throat and it's a bit too much for his ears. Tango isn't a big fan of musical tracks either probably.” Does that mean Jimmy is a musical enjoyer? If so what shows or kind of shows does he like (aside from Mamma Mia)?
(Also, I apologize about the ask on your other account, I got mixed up and meant to ask it on this page. Ill make sure to ask on only this page unless you would rather me ask on the other page)
I dunno about atually going to the theatre very much since he lived out in the middle of nowhere and doesn't have the attention span for it, but in all universes Jimmy loves singing and karaoke to me (even if not very good at it) so musicals are a given for birbs.
Probably a lot of more big popular movies like classic disney musicals, footloose and grease, hairsprat for sure, little shop of horrors, maybe moulin rouge and coyote ugly? Also I feel like at some point he watched the cats movie with his friends and they dragged him to see the "good real show" and he still didn't get it but he remembers some of the songs. I think the only musical he's seen of his own volition is pirates of penzance and I think he probably knows wicked only from a soundtrack recording.
He likes mostly silly happy sounding ones, so I don't think he would like sruff like les miserables, phantom of the opera, or the dolls of new albion (though I doubt he would know that last one, he's very much a more mainstream sorta guy) and doesn't know any musical adaptations of movies like legally blonde and such. He mighta heard one or two of them from Lizzie but probably not. I also doubt he's heard very many foreign musicals so not any bollywood musicals or film red.
I'm going to give him the chipmunk movies and cds, not because I think it's something he would like but because I think Jimmy Solidarity trying to sing chipmunk songs would possibly be THE most painful sound imaginable that would test even Tango's patience.
I think Tango probably knows a lot of phineas and ferb songs and thats probably their one common ground, though Tango would probably never in a million years be able to find the tracks for it to play for Jimmy. Musicals singing is probably something Jimmy does more with his siblings and Pearl, and doesn't force Tango to listen to too many unless theyre having a karaoke night. There probably are some musicals Tango would loke if he heard them but I don't think theyre ones that Jimmy knows or likes, and I doubt Tango is willing to take a shot with them when he knows he doesn't care for them usually.
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arcanaaa · 4 months
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@icemde asked:
IF GRAY WAS ONE THING, BEING SUBTLE WASN'T IT. It wasn't for a lack of trying mind you, he had actually tried to play things off cool and not draw too much attention to himself the last few days, even if it seemed like every other member of their guild was attempting to do the exact opposite. He swore, being loud and obnoxious was as much of an indicator of their guild as the mark they all wore with pride, but that was beside the point. In all luck, he had managed to ( mostly ) stay out of a specific seer's radar, mainly due to the fact that he had convinced both Lucy and Loke to keep her occupied.
HE HAD ONE GOAL THIS YEAR, AND THAT WAS TO GENUINELY SURPRISE CANA. An easy mission in concept alone, but one that becomes 10 times harder when he remembers the fact that she just tends to know shit she isn't supposed to. how do you surprise someone who can see into the future and can guess your every move, even without that ability. Of course he had a few ideas, most of which required asking his fellow guild mates to keep a secret ( a task he knew for some would be 100% impossible ) which quickly led them to end up in the discard pile, leaving him with only a few options left.
IT WASN'T A LARGE GIFT BY ANY MEANS, BUT SOMETHING HOPEFULLY SHE'D FIND USEFUL. A small part of him wondered if he should have been concerned with how easily Loke was able to steal one of her arm bands for him, but with the limited amount of time he had left, it was best not to think hard about it. It was a simple gift in concept, take the arm band that he had infused with his magic years ago and enhance it so she could use it to summon whatever she needed on short notice. Gray was never one to question the quality of her prosthetic, having been on the receiving end of it's might more times that he'd like to admit, but there was something comforting about know that if anything did happen to it, she could summon a backup at any given moment. It had taken a lot more trial an error than he would have liked to admit, but it was done and he hoped she'd like it.
WHICH LEADS TO THE PRESENT DAY. The two of them alone at the guild late at night, shooting the shit and just talking about anything and everything. A sense of nostalgia washed over the ice mage, remembering the hundreds of nights in their youth before the rest of their generation joined, where it had always just been them against it all. His eyes glanced over to one of the clocks, noticing that it was officially past midnight. Reaching into his pocket, he quickly pulled out the band, wrapped in a small box and slid it across their table, doing everything in his power to keep himself calm.
❝ Another year and you have yet to bring the world to it's knees. Gotta be some kind of record at this point. Anyways, this is for you. Oh, and happy birthday.
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THE ACHE IN HER 'ARM' WASN'T SOMETHING SHE WAS SURE SHE WOULD EVER GET USED TO. It was a persistent, maddening itch that would never abate, no matter how much she scratched. And she tried-- only her nails would scrap against nothing. Only a void where her arm once remained. A symptom of her...amputation to be sure. How would anyone 'get used' to losing a limb? That wasn't something Cana ever imagined would ever happen to her. Not even with her gift could she have seen the outcome of the war and the damage done to her. She would often wonder what losing a part of yourself would feel like from an impersonal standpoint, but now that that experience was given to her...well.
There was a saying about 'be careful what you say.'
Cana's current prosthetic was something of a carbon copy of her old man's arm that functioned no differently than her living limb, but...it was bulky and ugly. Suffice to say, the Seer would rather avoid wearing it all together even if it was at the cost of people staring at her.
That was new for her to receive sudden mixed looks of curious fascination and pity, but Cana understood their shock. What she didn't appreciate was feeling like an invalid. So many people were accommodating to her disability, to help her adjust and, blessedly, make the whole thing so normal when there is no normal after the war.
There Was No Going Back.
CANA WAS BLESSED WITH MANY PEOPLE WHO LOVED HER AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO GIVE HER THE 'NORMAL' FROM YESTERYEARS. It was far more than she could ever ask for, but there was no lack of appreciation from the card mage, only the means to show it. The best she could do now was live with the life she had now, and be the source of hope; even after the horrors inflicted upon them left deep wounds that would never truly heal, one could still move on. So long as there were people to live for, then living was bearable.
Another year, huh... Cana thought wistfully. What a year indeed.
It was certainly busy, but that was nothing new. Fairy Tail never slept, always keeping a vigil over the wayward charges who lingered in the hall who weren't quite ready to turn in for the night. Cana was no different, but at least the company was familiar and appreciated. Or at least it would have been, had Gray not mentioned her birthday within earshot of the others in the guild. Thankfully, no one appeared to have noticed the casual slip, yet it didn't mean she wouldn't direct a soft glare in his direction. It was a look that said, 'Could you be any louder?'
From his unconcerned expression, Gray didn't appear perturbed with irritating her. He seemed more concerned with presenting his box...with her armband.
Now, at first, the Seer's expression was...discourteous, if not annoyed, given that she had been missing her armband ( curious though, that it happened to be her right armband, and she was almost sure of who the culprit was ).
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❝ Really? ❞ she deadpanned. As she scolds Gray for his deception ( and make no mistake, he is not the only culprit that will hear her ire ) Cana reaches towards the box to open it unthinkingly, not paying attention to the unassuming heirloom or the enchantment embued upon the metal. ❝ If your goal was to surprise me, then you succeeded-- ❞ The deceptively cool metal felt no different than usual, so she thought nothing of it when she fastened the armband back into its rightful place upon her bicep. Yet the moment that her armband slid over the socket up to her bicep, something changed.
❝ --honestly, I can't believe...you... ❞
Her expression goes still, eyebrows furrowed with confusion. ❝ Gray...what...? ❞ It takes her a moment, but as the embued magic fuses into her limb, becoming part of her, her eyes widen as a realization of what was done sinks in. Blue hues widen and jerk to Gray's calm demeanor, yet only now did was she able to see the stiffness upon his shoulders, almost nervous.
As if anticipating something.
❝ ...what did you do...? ❞
A hushed silence falls between them as all of a sudden, with the sound of ice crackling across a lake's surface, a newly summoned limb of carved ice springs from the socked of her severed arm. The unexpected summons earned a startled yelp to jump from her throat and almost made Cana fall out of her seat. Yet the limb responded to her panic and held onto the edge of the table. Just like her old arm used to.
The Seer fell silent.
No words were spoken while Cana observed her newly formed limb. She modeled her arm, twisting and turning her icy wrist, noting that it mimicked the look of her actual arm-- even going so far as to copy the Fairy Glitter spell upon her arm-- yet that was where the similarities ended. It was decidedly not anything like her prosthetic arm. There were certainly limits to what capabilities her arm held, but what she could do she would discover later.
Without a word, she stood up from her seat and moved around the table to approach Gray. Without ceremony, she threw herself against him, slamming herself into his chest for a body-crushing embrace. With her new limb, she was able to finally hug her brother tight without the awkward bulk of her other prosthetic, nor worry about hurting anyone. There was no concern over hurting Gray with this new limb. Not when he had created it for her, fashioned it with his own magic.
❝ I...you didn't have to do this... ❞
❝ ...I know. ❞
She did. And that was what was most endearing, and the most damning of all. He never did anything thoughtlessly, nor were his actions ever wasteful. They held purpose. The knowledge that he made her very own prosthetic out of his own magic for her to summon...her throat closed as her heart clenched with emotion. If he felt her tears stream silently from her eyes, he made no comment, only to merely hold her tight against his chest.
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❝ ...thank you, Gray. ❞ she choked out softly.
A simple 'thank you' wasn't enough. Words weren't enough. There weren't nearly enough words to convey the depths of her love and gratitude for the gift that he gave her. But that was okay. They always seemed to communicate in a language only they had ever understood.
And for that, Cana will cherish this gift-- and the man who entangled his life with hers and made a home in her heart.
❝ Thank you. ❞
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