#at least then you know straighr away
yeahdefnot · 9 months
Just got scammed 🙃🙃
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smilingangel582 · 3 months
Warning spoilers after episode 11 of wind breaker
Poker and flush
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Gold and black eyes glared up, almost sending chills down anyone's spine.
Tsugeura gives a smile, holding his poker cards for implication, not shaken by that glare, "when ya play poker, you need a poker face..."
"Shut up, I know that!" He muttered now keeping the cards closed to his flustered face.
Why? Why his boring place -to play games and hang out? Honestly... these guys are weird. That's what Sakura would say though he never understood the warmth inside him.
Nirei and Suo exchanged amused glances with each other while Kiryu smirks, his cards neatly splayed with his long fingers. He displayed, "Three of a kind..." then eyes Sakura who literally winced.
"You're so bad at this Sakura-chan" his voice hints playfulness.
Sakura just grits his teeth, grumbling, "Shut it! This game sucks..."
Suo sighs, feigning exasperation though he has a teasing smile, leaning a bit closer to Sakura, "That's what you said when we played Uno and Mario kart"
"Well they all suck!"
Suo grins, letting his hands glide and neatly sprawl the cards on the floor they played on. "Full House..."
Tsugeura whistled, "wow again?"
Sakura already placed his hands down to fold his arms and everyone could see he had a terrible deck at hand... Suo laughs.
"Well I thought I'd be a royal flush... sadly not..."
"Quiet!" He blushed.
Nirei wonders now, seeing Sakura turn redder by each second, "Sakura-san, why's your face so red?"
Tsugeura laughs, his head tilted back for volume, "Haha! Suo-kun guessed it right, that is a royal flush indeed" and then added, "or a straight flush?"
He gestured to Sakura's face, who huffs, looking sideways and folding his arms more reservedly, but his flushed face getting brighter.
Such a tsundere... Nirei chuckles to himself.
"Sakura-kuuun~" Suo sang now wiggling his fingers towards him.
"Oi! Suo s-stop!" Sakura defensively slaps the sneaking hand that attempts to tickle him. Though another hand snuck from the opposite side to poke Sakura in the ribs.
"Ack -hey!" Sakura slips on his back, now stumbling backwards, embracing his ribs with a scowl. Kiryu who's behind Sakura looks interested as his eyes perked up, "Oya?"
Tsugeura looked up in a similar gesture, his cards which are three of a kind, dropped, "Oya, Oya?"
"Ehh..." Sakura noticed many stares, all interested and keen. He slowly attempts to back away but Suo grabs his ankle to pull him back, "Oopse! Almost let you get away there, Sakura-kun"
Tsugeura noticed Suo's action and swiftly joined in with a childisly excited expression, "Haha! I'm loving this, I'll grab him for you"
Sakura sputtered, legs kicking madly now when Suo tried to restrain his legs and Tsuge looming over him, "H-ha? W-w-what the -no!"
Without any difficulty, the muscular guy grabbed his wrists and easily had them above his head, "Gosh Sakura, I expected you to have more violent struggles... plus you seem smaller than i imagineu were"
"Shut up! I-I I'm nohoOHOt!" He arched his back when Suo slides a finger up his side to silence his retorts.
Kiryu looks blissfully at the display where Sakura gets mobbed by Suo and Tsuge.
"Sakura-chan looks so cute... and he's blushing like the royal flush he wishes he had -or a straighr flush at least..."
"Oh!" Nirei grinned with agreement, "yes, Sakura is the royal blush!"
"D-dohohont fuhuhucking mehehess wihihith mehehehe -ahahaha shit!" He had been fighting Suo to free his legs but Tsuge instantly scribbled his fingers under his arms to make him buck and squirm. His head pulled back, his limbs less accurate in trying to escape and cackling loud... a sight no one has ever seen.
Nirei looks with awe, "I feel like Sakura-san's laughter is actually cooler than his usual angry grunts..."
Suo grins, nodding as he gives random pokes on Sakura's stomach and even crawling under his shirt to torment the sensitive skin to make him jolt and shriek.
"Yes Nirei-kun, even if his little temper tantrums are endearing than anything, his giggling is much more amusing to me" he gently tickles his bare sides under the shirt knowing how bad it gets the guy.
"Gaahahaha shihit cohohohome ohohon!" He tries to lower his arms but failed miserable as he felt his neck being targeted, he scrunchedhis neck with a squeak. Despite his large body he's surprisingly gentle and that's not helping poor Sakura at all.
"Aww that was cute!" Tsuge cooed, still running his fingers gently on his neck.
"I wonder what will happen if I do this?" Kiryu abruptly stepped in, and wiggled his fingers teasingly over Sakura's kneecap but that made his foot jerk and nearly hitting Suo's jaw who expertly dodged.
"Whoa now we can't have that..." Suo captures his leg and gave his calf a good squeeze.
"EHHH! WAIT!" His cry got loud and he broke free from Tsuge but couldn't do anything when Kiryu continued his little torture on his knee and Suo carefully strumming his fingers over his soles now after targeting his calf.
"AHAHA SHIT NOT THEHEHEHERE!" He exclaimed with a shrilled high-pitched laugh, Tsuge laughed along as he tried to grab his shoulders for perfect restrain.
"Nice his knees are as bad as his feet... perhapshis calf muscles are more sensitive than his knees..." Nirei jotting down notes and that made Sakura snap with loud giggles, "HEHEHELL HAHA NOHOHO WAY YOU RIIHIHIGHTING THAHAHAT CRAHAHAP!"
"I sure hell am!" Nirei sticks his tongue, then watched how Sakura gets slugged with tickles.
"Ahhhh~ Sakura-chan is so cute, it's so wrong to be that adorable!" Kiryu sang.
And the teasing began...
"Yes Kiryu-kun, his poker face always falls and its too adorable!" Suo joins, sliding a finger up Sakura's arc, that made him squeak and squirm more -oh and his blush.
Tsugeura chuckled as he snapped a few pics of them on his phone. since Sakura's restrains are lowered he takes this chance to weakly tackle Kiryu to the ground. His face as bright as cherries.
"Hahha dahahamn it eehehehenough!"
"Nope not yet..." Suo teased, stepping forward to tase his hips with his finger, which made him jump a bit and crumble side away from straddling the pink haired guy.
"Oh wow its like a weapon" Suo mischievously began using his two fingers like guns to prod his sides and hips.
Kiryu laughs menacingly, raising his hands like gun symbols as well, "That makes four guns! Attack!"
They 'attacked' Sakura's stomach knowing how the tingly touches drives him into mad giggles. Sakura wished he was attacked by real guns tho...
Yet... he can't deny that he didn't mind these funny little games they played with him... even if they are embarassing as heck...
Its not bad...
Sakura however might consider revenge someday... he's not one to forget that easily... till then he might enjoy this...
Tsuge continued recording this messy play fight -well two against one fight at least. His cries of laughter and endless blushes continue a few more minutes.
Nirei loved to see more shades of Sakura, he's just like the cherry blossoms that bloom brightly every spring.
Hope it never ends.
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hunniehunniebear · 3 years
Yautja reaction to seeing a mermaid/man.
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A yautja meeting a mermaid/Merman scenario.
First thang first I believe it will depend what age the Yautja will be for their reaction.
Young Yautja/Young blood Yautja reaction
• First they will be astonished seeing you a half fish, half ooman creature. They are most likely willing to kill you within a second since you are a rare to seen species and will probably get them mates but, will have to device a plan to get around the water or not get in the water for there cloaking saftey. (We all know Yautja hate the water when they have their armor on)
• since they are younger they will have the least patience then all the Yautja society combined and they will catch the first chance they can get.
• when they do catch you're in deep trouble. you have a 50/50 chance of living or dying. If you do get killed by them, I believe they will keep your corpse just to show their elders or potential mates to prove to them that they aren't lying.
• If you live your going to be taken on the ship to either to be study on or be a pet. ( I dont think the young yautja will be willing to mate with the mermaid/man since they are pretty young)
• If you are studied on. At first they will treat you as a normal human and set you on a medical table to test you but they soon find out that you can't live on land/air when they see you dying and you asking them to put you in water fast.
• if you become their pet. If you become their pet they are willing to show you off just to brag to other yautjas and to see if you can bring them potential mates.
• If you have any supernatural powers they want you to use it and they want to see it too. If you happen to bring them good luck they are willing to take you everywhere they go.
Older Yautja/ Elder Yautja
• These ones are willing to mate/ study/ or be there pet.
• Just like the younger one they will also be astonished seeing you. But instead of killing you they will tried to catch you.
• Once they have catch you they are going to put you in a tank and try to make it look like your home.
• If you become their pet they will not treat you as a yautja nor as a human. So they are in between of treating you soft and rough.
• If they study you they will take some of your blood samples, your fish scale and hair samples too. They will ask a ton of personal questions and they want a straighr answer right away.
• If you be come their mate. They are very confuse of how to be with you at first but when time goes on they will fill a bit more comfortable around you. If you mate with them you will have half mermaid/man yautja or yautja looking but with some features of mermaid/man. If you bite them with your shark like teeth it will turn them on even more and put marking of their own on you.
• Unlike younger yautja they will be more secretive about you and not showing you off to others. If your their pet or mate they will defend you from others.
• If you have supernatural powers. They will think that it is hot that you are more strong then they are but not willing to tell you that since they have a reputation to keep up and they have a big pride of themselves.
Side note: In all honesty if you put up a fight will either of them both young or old you will have a higher chance of living and you have those shark like teeth and bite them. They are straight up going to keep you.
Sorry for taking so long.
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