smilingangel582 · 3 months
Warning spoilers after episode 11 of wind breaker
Poker and flush
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Gold and black eyes glared up, almost sending chills down anyone's spine.
Tsugeura gives a smile, holding his poker cards for implication, not shaken by that glare, "when ya play poker, you need a poker face..."
"Shut up, I know that!" He muttered now keeping the cards closed to his flustered face.
Why? Why his boring place -to play games and hang out? Honestly... these guys are weird. That's what Sakura would say though he never understood the warmth inside him.
Nirei and Suo exchanged amused glances with each other while Kiryu smirks, his cards neatly splayed with his long fingers. He displayed, "Three of a kind..." then eyes Sakura who literally winced.
"You're so bad at this Sakura-chan" his voice hints playfulness.
Sakura just grits his teeth, grumbling, "Shut it! This game sucks..."
Suo sighs, feigning exasperation though he has a teasing smile, leaning a bit closer to Sakura, "That's what you said when we played Uno and Mario kart"
"Well they all suck!"
Suo grins, letting his hands glide and neatly sprawl the cards on the floor they played on. "Full House..."
Tsugeura whistled, "wow again?"
Sakura already placed his hands down to fold his arms and everyone could see he had a terrible deck at hand... Suo laughs.
"Well I thought I'd be a royal flush... sadly not..."
"Quiet!" He blushed.
Nirei wonders now, seeing Sakura turn redder by each second, "Sakura-san, why's your face so red?"
Tsugeura laughs, his head tilted back for volume, "Haha! Suo-kun guessed it right, that is a royal flush indeed" and then added, "or a straight flush?"
He gestured to Sakura's face, who huffs, looking sideways and folding his arms more reservedly, but his flushed face getting brighter.
Such a tsundere... Nirei chuckles to himself.
"Sakura-kuuun~" Suo sang now wiggling his fingers towards him.
"Oi! Suo s-stop!" Sakura defensively slaps the sneaking hand that attempts to tickle him. Though another hand snuck from the opposite side to poke Sakura in the ribs.
"Ack -hey!" Sakura slips on his back, now stumbling backwards, embracing his ribs with a scowl. Kiryu who's behind Sakura looks interested as his eyes perked up, "Oya?"
Tsugeura looked up in a similar gesture, his cards which are three of a kind, dropped, "Oya, Oya?"
"Ehh..." Sakura noticed many stares, all interested and keen. He slowly attempts to back away but Suo grabs his ankle to pull him back, "Oopse! Almost let you get away there, Sakura-kun"
Tsugeura noticed Suo's action and swiftly joined in with a childisly excited expression, "Haha! I'm loving this, I'll grab him for you"
Sakura sputtered, legs kicking madly now when Suo tried to restrain his legs and Tsuge looming over him, "H-ha? W-w-what the -no!"
Without any difficulty, the muscular guy grabbed his wrists and easily had them above his head, "Gosh Sakura, I expected you to have more violent struggles... plus you seem smaller than i imagineu were"
"Shut up! I-I I'm nohoOHOt!" He arched his back when Suo slides a finger up his side to silence his retorts.
Kiryu looks blissfully at the display where Sakura gets mobbed by Suo and Tsuge.
"Sakura-chan looks so cute... and he's blushing like the royal flush he wishes he had -or a straighr flush at least..."
"Oh!" Nirei grinned with agreement, "yes, Sakura is the royal blush!"
"D-dohohont fuhuhucking mehehess wihihith mehehehe -ahahaha shit!" He had been fighting Suo to free his legs but Tsuge instantly scribbled his fingers under his arms to make him buck and squirm. His head pulled back, his limbs less accurate in trying to escape and cackling loud... a sight no one has ever seen.
Nirei looks with awe, "I feel like Sakura-san's laughter is actually cooler than his usual angry grunts..."
Suo grins, nodding as he gives random pokes on Sakura's stomach and even crawling under his shirt to torment the sensitive skin to make him jolt and shriek.
"Yes Nirei-kun, even if his little temper tantrums are endearing than anything, his giggling is much more amusing to me" he gently tickles his bare sides under the shirt knowing how bad it gets the guy.
"Gaahahaha shihit cohohohome ohohon!" He tries to lower his arms but failed miserable as he felt his neck being targeted, he scrunchedhis neck with a squeak. Despite his large body he's surprisingly gentle and that's not helping poor Sakura at all.
"Aww that was cute!" Tsuge cooed, still running his fingers gently on his neck.
"I wonder what will happen if I do this?" Kiryu abruptly stepped in, and wiggled his fingers teasingly over Sakura's kneecap but that made his foot jerk and nearly hitting Suo's jaw who expertly dodged.
"Whoa now we can't have that..." Suo captures his leg and gave his calf a good squeeze.
"EHHH! WAIT!" His cry got loud and he broke free from Tsuge but couldn't do anything when Kiryu continued his little torture on his knee and Suo carefully strumming his fingers over his soles now after targeting his calf.
"AHAHA SHIT NOT THEHEHEHERE!" He exclaimed with a shrilled high-pitched laugh, Tsuge laughed along as he tried to grab his shoulders for perfect restrain.
"Nice his knees are as bad as his feet... perhapshis calf muscles are more sensitive than his knees..." Nirei jotting down notes and that made Sakura snap with loud giggles, "HEHEHELL HAHA NOHOHO WAY YOU RIIHIHIGHTING THAHAHAT CRAHAHAP!"
"I sure hell am!" Nirei sticks his tongue, then watched how Sakura gets slugged with tickles.
"Ahhhh~ Sakura-chan is so cute, it's so wrong to be that adorable!" Kiryu sang.
And the teasing began...
"Yes Kiryu-kun, his poker face always falls and its too adorable!" Suo joins, sliding a finger up Sakura's arc, that made him squeak and squirm more -oh and his blush.
Tsugeura chuckled as he snapped a few pics of them on his phone. since Sakura's restrains are lowered he takes this chance to weakly tackle Kiryu to the ground. His face as bright as cherries.
"Hahha dahahamn it eehehehenough!"
"Nope not yet..." Suo teased, stepping forward to tase his hips with his finger, which made him jump a bit and crumble side away from straddling the pink haired guy.
"Oh wow its like a weapon" Suo mischievously began using his two fingers like guns to prod his sides and hips.
Kiryu laughs menacingly, raising his hands like gun symbols as well, "That makes four guns! Attack!"
They 'attacked' Sakura's stomach knowing how the tingly touches drives him into mad giggles. Sakura wished he was attacked by real guns tho...
Yet... he can't deny that he didn't mind these funny little games they played with him... even if they are embarassing as heck...
Its not bad...
Sakura however might consider revenge someday... he's not one to forget that easily... till then he might enjoy this...
Tsuge continued recording this messy play fight -well two against one fight at least. His cries of laughter and endless blushes continue a few more minutes.
Nirei loved to see more shades of Sakura, he's just like the cherry blossoms that bloom brightly every spring.
Hope it never ends.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
@smilingangel582 I completely forgot to make this but regarding your ask- I love the idea of a Ler!Kotoha, Lee!Sakura fic so much I'm gonna turn it into a fic for you! :D I've meant to say this earlier but life and brain fog got in the way TwT'
But yee! I've added it to the WIP list!
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smilingangel582 · 3 months
Hi guys! I'm gonna write this fic shipping Sakura and Suo romantically. Hehe hate me or love me but this is for my sweet friend's sake who adores those two.
Prepare for lots of blushy sweet Sakura and teasing merciless, Suo!
Warning a bit of swearing, sweet fluff and romance. Spoilers from windbreaker anime and manga.
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The room feels not right. It's too empty for Suo's taste. Definitely not hot as the window allows a bit of ventilation. Hayato Suo doesn't mind the cramp space with the boy he loves.
Sakura, still asleep in the futon as Suo watched him while propping an elbow up from the side. His white shirt is thin and reveals the light softer muscles that are developed well for his strong body.
Suo amused recalls how he and Sakura started dating. It was all about Sakura's cute flustered expressions and embarassed stutters that entertained Suo -however it surprises him how Sakura has returned those feelings as awkwardly and sincerely as he can.
Suo smiles warmly, now watching those black and white lashes flicker but deeply shut in sleep. He noticed Sakura stir, now his back to Suo, slightly curled like a child. His face looks relaxed and softer than how he is usually, and Suo loves every part of it. He slowly touched his back, tracing random slow patterns with adornment.
His hands trail down to the small of his back where his shirt has ridden up a bit. Slightly curious, he used his thumb to caress the skin, bewildered how soft that spot is.
Sakura Shivers and murmurs something groggily. Suo carefully stops his action until he's certain Sakura's drifted back to sleep. Then smiles as he continues again, now tickling the skin there intentionally.
"Hmm, mm...?" A soft little mumble escapes Sakura, his slightly awakened face tilting sideways to look at Suo but not turning properly.
"Oopse, sorry... did I wake you, Haruka-kun?" Suo whispered at his ear. Instantly, it turned red either from embarassment or sensitivity.
He's still not used to being called by his first name.
"No... m'fine..." Sakura yawned now. Feeling Suo's warm chest press to his back, arms wrapping around his waist. This used to emabrass him a lot but he's slowly gotten used to the clingy Suo.
"Sakura-kun... are you hungry?" Suo asked, suddenly nipping his ear and that made Sakura jump in bed, blushing furiously.
Oh, he's not used to that yet? Cute...
Suo fondly began to trail kisses to his neck, hoping to embarrass him a little bit at least
Instead of a flustered Sakura, Suo got a giggly one. He squirms a little, "O-ohohoi... dohoho nohot..."
"Mmm? Something wrong?" Suo smirks, now back to tracing his bare skin by the waist, making Sakura's arms twitch, and his whole body stiffen, "You giggled just now, didn't you?"
Sakura was silent, hoping to hold in and resist everything in his power to-
"GYAACK!" Sakura yelled in surprise when Suo lightly tapped his hips whole breathing on his neck on purpose.
"Oh? That was an adorable sound... can I hear it again?" Suo hums teasingly now nipping at Sakura's ear to get him to squeak and Sakura squirms unable to concentrate on evading them. His continues to torment his poor hips if he delays his advances as well.
"Sa-ku-ra-kun?" Suo prods his hip gently.
Sakura tried to turn and face him, but Suo's arm under Sakura curls by his ribs, giving them a satisfying squeeze, making him giggle more, "Y-yoOHOU AHAHAHASS YAHAHA!!!"
"Eeeh? That is so mean... moo Sakura-kun..." Suo, let's a playful whine now continues to nibble Sakura's neck as a little punishment, which made the latter squeal and scrunchly cover his shoulders and neck defensively.
Suo might end up going for another diet... a suger one the least...
Sakura squirms a bit more and manages to twist front and face Suo, grabbing his menacing hands, "G-gah! Damn it, Suo, hehe... ehehenough!"
Suo smiles, stopping as demanded, looking at him with a loving gaze, a hand cupping his cheek, "You have a beautiful laugh, dear Haruka..."
Sakura's eyes widened, now looking down shyly feeling the soft tracing of Suo's finger under his jaw soothing, "Y-you have a nice smile... u-um... Hayato..."
Suo's caressing stop midway, stunned to say anything back to that. Sakura's face burns so much that he pulls the covers above his head to hide his reddening face.
After a minute to take it in, Suo giggles softly, patting the curled up bashful futon cocoon who is still taking baby steps to improve his relationship...
The effort alone is enough for Suo to love this man forever and protect him at all costs.
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smilingangel582 · 3 months
Heyooo, it's been a while, and I've been going on a wind breaker fic streak for a while. Alsooo this is another lee!sakura with another special lee! Surprise... though I'm not sure if it will work, lol
Ohhh, and a bit of SuoSaku shipping! I love those two, btw...and the imaginary girl I put can like a y/n reader... hehehe, up to u.
Warning spoilers after episode 11
Not a scary guy... see?
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Kiryu gives Sakura an unimpressed tilted smile as he insists the girl next to him, who looks like she's in middle school, "Ne, sorry if he's being a little dramatic but I can assure you Sakura-chan is a nice guy..."
The girl looks frightened regardless. She's one of the girls Kiryu, Suo, and Sakura encountered being bullied by another turf. Saving her, thankfully.
Her blue eyes glisten as she stares at the black and white-haired boy. Somewhat enthralled by how he beaten the 10 guys swiftly without the help of his two friends. They had run to Kotoha's restaurant - but probably because Sakura gets hungry after every fight.
However, when Sakura started getting angry at another guy named Sugishita... He's even scarier.
She felt a sudden surge of fear snatch within her gut. But luckily for her the long haired guy is gone since Kotoha had to send him away with her menacing glare and Sakura settled sitting down rocking his foot with irritation, he slammed a hand on the desk as well.
"Damn that guy! I'll stuff him tomorrow at school for sure!"
The girl squeaked, now hiding behind Suo.
The comforting Kiryu pats her head sweetly. "There there... you are safe"
Suo sighs, but with a fond smile, he decides to approach Sakura from the side, "Sakura-kun, you shouldn't be this aggressive..."
"I-I'm not!" Sakura snaps so loudly that the girl whimpers again. of course... he couldn't help but look somewhat guilty for that.
Kotoha groaned now drying the plates as she decided to get her omelette rice started for him, "Geez, Sakura chill... honestly, if you're being this angry, then you can forget your omurice"
Sakura snaps, now hands slamming on the table again, leaning close and daring, "Huuh? Why? Can't I be angry?"
Kotoha stares, not intimidated in the slightest as she knows him well enough now. She reaches to flick his forehead, "Because you're scaring my customers," then she adds with a poke to his side, smiling a little as he was rubbing the stinging flick she gave him. "And you're so uptight!"
He stiffened at that backing away with a little uneasy growl, sitting down. The younger girl noticed, Kotoha proudly understands, Suo hummed curiously, and Kiryu tilted his head, "Oya? Sakura-chan, it's rare for you to back down..."
Flustered Sakura looked sideway, his ears red, falling back on his chair like a good puppy, "I-I I just felt like it o-ok?"
Suo who's been the closest to Sakura, literally, started to raise his hand to reach something towards Sakura and even though Suo didn't attempt anything, Sakura stumbled back, fists clenched defensively, glaring, as he turns fully, "Bastard what the hell...!?"
Suo lets a laugh. Letting his hand fall down, "Ah, sorry, I was just trying to take a small spec of dust from your shoulder... did you get scared of something else?"
Sakura merely looked at his shoulder. However, with a swift movement, Suo tases his side, making Sakura jolt to the wide with a yelp, "Hey!"
Kotoha laughs, "Now thats more like it... rather than you putting tantrums"
Sakura blushed, "Quiet! You better stop teasing me -geh! Ahaha, c-cut it ohohout!" As he was in the middle of snapping at Kotoha. Suo aimed another efficient poke to his side.
Suo grinned slowly, stepping forward with his hands ready to 'attack', "Don't be so shy... It's just a harmless little tickle... see?" He aimed another poke towards his stomach, making Sakura stumble backwards. Lucky for Kotoha, her shop is at closing hours. Otherwise, she might have to kick them all out for disturbing.
"Shy my ass! Stop that..." he used his arms to cover his middle, now hunched a little defensively. Suo loomed to the side, hoping to sneak another firm prod, and Sakura used his elbows to cover his ribs on the side Suo attempted to target.
"Wow... Sakura-kun, are you that scared?" He teased, now using feints to catch him off guard.
"N-not scared jerk! I-I just..." he flinched when Suo pretended to tickle his right side, but only for him to get tricked again.
Kiryu giggles, "Kyuun! Sakura-chan is cute! See he's not so scary, now is he, Hina-chan?" He turns to the girl who smiled a little, awkwardly enjoying this little game they are playing.
Perhaps not all delinquents are bad....
"Uh oh... Wahait!"
Surprised, it wasn't Sakura's voice. This time it was a light and calm voice of Suo who's suddenly being pinned down by a flustered Sakura. He growled, looking like a little angry cat, "Ha? How do ya like that! Can't take what ya dish!"
"Ahahahaha, hehey."
Suo didn't seem embarassed but rather he had a sweet laugh that Kiryu really liked. But he still think Sakura's angry laughter is way amusing than that.
Suo chuckles even more, now his cheeks a rare colour of pink, which somewhat did male sakura look softly at him "Sahahakuhura-kuhuhun..."
"What? Y-you started it -ah! Haha, wait, WAIT!"
Suo swiftly parries Sakura by using his hands to block his sides and then using his palms to push him down his back but grabbing Sakura's leg, and started digging into his knees and upper thighs, which are normally sensitive spots.
This bastard lied to him! The moment Sakura's fingers stopped a moment from his ribs, Suo takes that chance very swiftly.
"AH! SHihit! Wahaha not theHEHEREHE!!"
Kiryu pouted, "Aww and just when we get to see Suo-chan laughing like a silly goose"
Suo gives a short laugh, "Kiryi-kun thats mean... oh well Sakura almost got me and you have my respect there... but..." he stopped the attack on his knees and makes his way to intensify his attack on his upperbody.
"Y-yohohohou sneheheheak! Ahaha, matte!" He panicked, attempting to grab his wrists, now legs kicking uselessly.
Suo flips their positions, smiling proudly when he straddled him from the back this time. "Ah ah ah~ Sakura-kun... you can't get away with that little stunt... always remember in a tickle fight, don't yield when you're being tickled back... and you were very inexperienced, so it was easy for me to break free."
Sakura curled to the side now, sinking to the floor. He can't get him back now, "Ihihihihi nehehehever tihihihickled ahahahany one behehehefohohore haha! Shit stop ihihit!"
He grabbed Suo's wrist successfully, hoping to switch the tables, but a little opening allowed Suo to sneak his capable hand under his armpit. Surprised, it was so bad that his limbs suddenly became jelly.
Bingo. Suo thinks fondly, now teasingly testing the sensitivity there, "What was that Sakura kun?"
Kotoha stops her work momentarily to look up in amusement but giggles teasingly, "Uh oh, someone's weak spot has been exploited... that was a bad move, Sakura..."
Sakura couldn't even respond due to his preoccupied state, to think tickling is this unbearable when the right spot is targeted. His giggles turned to laughter, and his laughter turned to cackles that he felt so humiliated.
Suo grins, "Ah that's another fact... always look for the opponents weakspots... once u know... u can break them easily like this..." he began to drill his fingers deeper into his armpit.
Sakura squealed, and that bewildered Kiryu, who's been taking a video on his phone this whole time. He turned to Hinase with a chuckle, "Oh wow... he's that ticklish there?"
The girl now feels awkward watching strong delinquents have a tickle fight but somewhat likes the sound of Sakura's laugh since he's not that scary... especially the giggles that keep flooding through his lips.
Sakura'a face is red, now he slams his hand on the floor, showing truce as his elbows try to protect his armpits, "ahaha, fine, fine! FINE HAHAHA ENOUGH!"
Suo stops now, getting off Sakura yet remains kneeled down, pushing the strands of his hair to the side when Sakura rolled on his back, panting. Somewhat entranced... such a curious case
This makes Sakura blush and slowly shrug. The hand away as he gets up, sitting in front of where Kotoha is as she displays her special omelette rice. "Jeez, you will pahay ack!" he feels a simple poke from Kotoha who giggles, now she blows her finger as if it's a gun, "Now we know how to cool a scary guy like you... its adorable really"
Sakura wheezes in anger, bjt protectively covers his weak spots while glaring at Suo and Kotoha, "D-damn you! Dont call me cute!"
Suo grins, a finger aiming for a poke to his side which Sakura instantly caught his hands. Eyes narrowed, somewhat suspicious "Do not!"
"Ahh" he gives a little pout, a rare side of Suo, "But if you let me poke you here and there whenever I feel like I'll tell you my weak spot as well..." he winks.
Sakura's face heats up, curious and also embarassed, he looks away, now letting his hands go since he decides to eat the omelette rice, "h-ha? I don't need to know! I will find it myself someday!"
Suo grinned, elbow on the counter as he leaned on his palm, staring lovingly at him, "Hmm hmm, good boy," he pats his head in the process, making Sakura raise his spoon, as of he's gonna hit him with that. His face totally red.
Watching their antics, nobody, not even Kotoha, noticed Kiryu taking Hinase out from the cafe. She bowed to him politely, her face bright and back to her healthy colour, "Thank you! Kiryu-san... I can walk back on my own"
Kiryu smiles lightly, "That's fine... It's late, so I'll walk you. " he offered her his hand now.
She blushed in bliss, lucky to have met the first year high schoolers from bofurin. Taking his hand shyly they walk now.
She is indeed glad to have met them.
Especially Sakura... at the same time, they are human who like to mess around and have fun...
She giggles a little at the memory of Sakura's blushing face, "cute..." then blushes as well on the memory she just got of repeated Sakura blushes. she walks through the pavement, silently now, hiding her small snicker.
Kiryu asked, "What's so funny?"
"Ah... sorry, Sakura-san's face is quite adora -ahem interesting when he's shy"
Kiryu laughs, "very very! You won't believe how much of a tsundere he is. Tough and rough on the outside but a sweet kind softie on the inside..."
She agrees and now mentions, "Also about him and Suo"
Kiryu grins knowingly, placing a finger on his lips, "That is another story... but neither of them know what the story even is... hehe"
Another interesting story she would like to know... their bond seems unbreakable.
"Can't wait..." she smiles.
Meanwhile, at the cafe.
"Kotoha-saaan! Nirei is back!" The blond grins as he enters the cafe, looking spiffy as ever. Suo grins his hands still attempting to get Sakura once he finished his omelette rice.
Sakura's red face is still the same, and Nirei asks, "Eh? Sakura-san why your face red again?"
"Shut up! Y-you guys are so annoying!" He's still holding on to Suo's wrists cautious and careful not to let him poke him.
Kotoha chuckles, "Hai hai, Suo, you can stop teasing him before he becomes a tomato plant for Ume"
Suo casually let's his hands slip away but Sakura stares at him like a suspicious cat, "Grr... you will pay! Just you wait I will!"
Suo shrugs, "Oh scary much... until I poke you here..." he gives him a poke to the side but not touching as he's already stopped. Sakura squeaks attempts to grab his hand which quickly left.
Nirei Frown in confusion, "ehhh tell me? Why is Sakura embarassed and what do u mean poking him?"
Nirei's questions will be the death of Sakura. That top secret notebook is every bit of a menace as Suo's mysterious eye patch.
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smilingangel582 · 2 months
Hiii one more sweet request from my little sister... im glad she likes my writing... its out secret too hehe.
Lee!sakura strikes again! Perhaps this might be my final windbreaker fic...
Who knows... hehe
Also this fic is based on the sweet adorable fact that Sakura believes every little white lie his friends say and false rumours too.
It's so cute...
Warning spoilers from the manga after the keel arc.
- Beware of tickles, fluff, and diabetic sweet moments -
Summary: Sakura always believed whatever he heard. It's probably too hilarious that Suo intervenes to mess with him further... using this fact to his advantage.
The rumour...
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Suo Hayato has always enjoyed messing with their black and white-haired grade captain. He's so easily flustered, easily angered, and triggered by the most subtle things.
It was in the afternoon, and everyone rested in their classroom after patrolling. Now Anzai, Kurita, Takanashi, and Kakuichi all gathered as well with the usual five. (Sugishita likes to sleep a lot in the back corner, so he's not with them, lol)
"Did you know... that in some towns, those who go out at night they are being followed by spirits who hold grudges against you...?"
It all started with Suo's little rumours and lies to mess with people.
Tsugeura whimpered, cowering behind Kiryuu "Suo come on... ya know, I hate ghosts!"
Nirei sighed comfortingly, "Tsugeura-san ghosts aren't real... dont worry"
Sakura's ears pricked like a cat, suddenly conscious, but not exactly frightened like the muscular guy. He spoke up for the first time since their conversation, "Really?"
Suo turns, slightly surprised but his grin turns to a menacing beam with ulterior motives.
Kiriyu sighed, both sympathetically and amusedly at Sakura's innocence, and shuddering at Suo's plan, which he saw through, "Seriously Sakura-chan... Suo-chan is -"
Suo cuts in just time, wanting to continue his fun as he smiled, feigning innocence, "Indeed... but there are many rumours I know are so true, Sakura-kun"
Nirei gives a sheepish laugh, not wanting to stop Suo's little game as he doesn't want to get on Suo's bad side. The rest of the class seemed amused, holding in their laughter as they ushered about Sakura's curiosity and naivety. They definitely didn't want to stop the fun as they all wanted to mess with Sakura, too.
Sakura folds his arms, somewhat suspicious despite his naiveness, "Are you sure? You messed with me a lot, and it's hard to take you seriously..."
Suo Shakes his head, eyes darkening now, "Tsk tsk tsk Sakura-kun, thats what the slime monster want you to think..."
Sakura stiffened, completely forgotten about his suspicions as he leaned in to hear more, his elbows on his knees which rest between his thighs, "The what?"
Anzai grinned, joining in on the fun, not wanting to create suspicion on Sakura, "Right! I heard every night the slime monster would often creep up behind you and follow wherever you go ...controlling you!"
Sakura stared like a cat caught in the sight of a fish tank, as if watching the beautiful fish start swimming, entrancing him, "Slime monster... its real?
Tsugeura clinging to Kiryu whined, "Not a ghost, right? please tell me it's not a ghost!"
Nirei uneasily pointed out, "Monsters are tangible, but ghosts aren't so no... this isn't about ghosts,"
The orange haired guy relaxes now.
Sakura looked at Anzai, and then at Suo, two people believed in this so-called rumour. He couldn't believe anything like that could actually exist. He just scoffed, crossing a leg over his knee as he rested back on his chair, "Well, ya have any proof?"
Suo and Anzai exchanged proud glances, nodding to each other.
Got him.
This time, Takanashi wanted in on the fun. He snapped his fingers, now getting behind Sakura, "Yes, that rumour is popular... the slime monster used to target freshmen every year... last year Enomoto-senpai was a victim..."
Sakura widened his eyes. Even Takanashi said this rumour was true. Is it true?
"Enomoto-senpai was acting weird! He started to do weird things... like..." he dragged on now, sitting next to him, seeing that they already hooked the cat in this false story.
"Sakura-kun," Suo smirked, making Sakura look back at him with disturbed mismatched eyes. Suo sits in front of him, leaning forward while Anzai settled next to him. The opposite of where Takanashi was. Suo continues, patting his dangling ankle, "I heard noises at my house yesterday..."
"Y-you did?" Sakura's on edge as he spoke, but not entirely frightened like Tsugeura. He's just like a cautious cat, his body stiff and alert. As if he's fully in on the story... he believing them.
Suo patted his knee, assuring him, but he had other plans. His hand had been on his leg for a while, too, unbeknownst to Sakura. Anzai and Takanashi smirked as they were on either side of him, preparing to pounce on him.
"The slime monster isn't just a story... I feel like he's sometimes taking control of my body..." Takanashi speaks, blowing on his ear. A note Nirei writes now as Sakura squirms and flinched at it.
Sensitive ears...
"And mine..." Anzai groaned, feigning a sudden swaying motion to indicate being possessed. Grabbing his head in his clenched fingers, like a madman.
Kiryu and Nirei sighed, feeling somewhat sorry for the guy who's being tricked. Tsugeura seemed to have caught on as well on what was going on as he watched the scene unfold with interest.
With that, Anzai grabbed his arm from the right side, hooking his arm under his while his hand held his wrist in place. Takanashi grabbed him from the left side, doing the same. Surprising Sakura, who had been too engrossed in the story, he wasn't wasn't struggling due to the concern, "H-hey... what's going on -eh!"
His ankle...
Suo grabbed his ankle promptly, his face lowered, trying to hide his amusement but speaking in a ghostly tone, slowly taking his shoe off, "Sakura-kun... the slime monster has one desire... and we have to fulfil it..."
"O-oi! What the hell?" Sakura struggled a bit now, confused and excited, like a cautious cat. But Kakuichi also joined to hold him down as well by the waist, "I'm possessed.... oh boo... I can't control it..."
That's so obvious, Nirei and Kiryu thought.
He sounds fake and obvious, but Sakura still believed him. Kiryu, despite the drama, is taking a video of this scenario, inwardly intrigued.
"The slime monster wants... wants... he wants..." Suo swiftly began to wiggle his fingers, his dramatic tone further creating anxiety for Sakura. "To tickle ya to death!"
Launching a light tickle attack on his socked foot. Sakura jerked, bewildered by the unexpected action, "Gah! Hey hey hey knock it off! Ahah!"
Everyone thought gladly, so the tough Sakura Haruka is super ticklish...
Despite his struggles, Suo holds his ankle firmly with one hand, while the other hand scribbled over his arch, making his foot jolt and scrunch.
Anzai laughs at his ear now as he still keeps Sakura's arm restrained, unable to play along, "Oh god, this is hilarious..."
Takanashi chuckles and breaks his character too, still keeping Sakura in a firm hold as he's taller and stronger, "Sakura actually believed all that? I thought Suo was exaggerating when he said our grade captain believes anything we say... but hot damn he does..."
Suo giggles happily, now removing the sock. He used a finger to slide up his sole, "Hmmm, Sakura-kun is also exceptionally ticklish... isn't he?" Sakura squeal at thar soft tickling touch unable to resist the urge to break into giggles.
Kiryu laughs, "Sakura-chan... I didn't expect that"
"Shuhut thehe fuhuhuck uhuhup!"
Sakura giggles and writhes despite their words, trying to use his other foot to kick him but messes up when Kakuichi tickles his ribs, causing him to miss and squirm to the other side, "No way Sakura-kun... we won't let you get away with defying the slime monster! Hahaa take that! Dont anger him furhter!" He couldn't even hide the laugh within his words.
"I'M NOHOHOT FAHAHALLING FOHOHOHOR T-THAT!" He snaps now, making them laugh fondly.
Sakura squeaks and breaks into angry laughter high in range than his usual voice. It almost melted Sugishita's heart, who have been watching from afar. He Scoff, looking away to hide his amusement.
"Dahahahamn ihihit yohohohohou lihihihihied? Ahahagahain? Shihihihitheheheads!" Sakura slips an arm from Anzai's grip to protect his midriff from the mushroom head, but Suo's teasing and touches just drove him mad and giggly at every tickle.
"Oho Sakura-kun" Suo laughed as well, airy and light, nwo sneaking his fingers under the toes, "Yohou are so cute when you actually thought a slime monster existed in Makochi..."
"Yeah!" Takanashi laughed, "His face was so concentrated like a child..."
Anzai said, who had a little difficulty holding Sakura, "Right? I bet we can make more stories like these... he always believes everything we say"
"Ehehe! N-noOHo, I don't! ShuhuUhut up! Stop thiIHIHIHis!" He arched his back.
"Mmm nope" they all said in unison.
Sakura blushed through his growling laughter and giggled, "Bahahahastards! Ahahaha lehehehet gohohoho!" He tried to push Kakuichi away from his fingers, aiming for his sensitive stomach, but Takanashi blows on his ear, making him squeak and lift a shoulder to protect his other side, "NOOOHOO!" When he pushes one person the other attacks the spot he opens unintentionally. Ugh! His classmates are definitely top class in the field of teamwork.
Suo smirks, "Sakura-kun, careful... even if there's no slime monster, there might be a gang who might sneak up on you and tickle you to pieces..."
"STOHOP! AHA SHIT!" Sakura slipped from the chair to the ground, hitting his back now, and luckily, that caused them to pause their tickling.
Anzai and Kakuichi burst into laughter while Takanashi gladly saved his head from hitting the ground, he said with a brief laugh, but half concerned as well, "oho my god are you alright?"
Sakura groaned, residual giggles still slipping as he get up on his elbows, "Y-yeheah, ow... ugh"
Suo offers a hand to help him up the chair, sure Nirei being the exaggerated one came over to look over for Sakura, "Eh... Sakura-san are you alright?"
"Ugh, it takes more than that to break me..." Sakura snapped, face pink like the cherry blossoms, his bright eyes now looking away in flustered sentiment.
Suo grins now, looking down at the casually seated Sakura, "But it takes a simple tickle to get you to lose face?"
Sakura blushed and aggressively snapped at him, attempting to punch the guy, "S-Shut up! I was caught off guard! It's not like I'm weak to it!"
A poke to his sides made him jolt almost a foot up from his seat, Anzai snickered menacingly, "Uh oh... our tsundere grade captain's got a weakness... and it's an adorable one"
Sputtering in embarassment, Sakura cracks with anger, "Y-you punk!"
Lifting an arm to punch, which earned a poke from Suo this time, right under his arm but it didn't stop there.
"Sakura-kun... whenever you try to pick a fight with us... we'll use this to stop you, simple, " Suo proudly said, showing a gun symbol with his hand folded into a pointer.
Sakura uneasily stared, growling and folding his arms, careful not to expose himself, "T-thats not fair... you assholes making fun of me, lying to me... a-and tick... t-ti doing that...!"
Kiryu finally joins the teasing with a coo, "Awww he can't even say the word how cute!"
"STOP RECORDING! N-NO NO GIVE IT TO ME!" Sakura struggles to reach Kiryu as he just now seen him being recorded.
"Hehe guys how about round two? Tsugeura cracked his knuckles now grinning like a child, "The slime monster in me is desperate to tickle him!"
The class watched in hilarity at how their grade captain kept getting teased and mocked. But they still know that they aren't no match for Sakura's power and influence. They respect him despite all the fun and taunts.
Suo knew Sakura would be the perfect grade captain. Someone who will protect them and share all their burdens with them.
Fun and all true... but the second years might come and punish them for the loud ruckus any time soon...
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smilingangel582 · 13 days
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(Ps. I love Kinich and Mavuika the best lol)
I'm so into them!
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smilingangel582 · 3 months
Suo Hayato... mmm yes yes he's my favourite already. But in a different way -I mean Sakura is my fav too buuuut I like Suo in another way! Hehe
Both are number one so there is no competition I say second place is Ume-chan!
The Suo x Sakura fic got me hooked as I wrote one time. Seems everyone likes that, so I thought.... why not? Let's do another one.
I'm gonna be sad without Windbreaker waaaa but I gotta move on, hehe, and yeah, I will be writing for Kaijou 8 later in the future once I finish the series
Warning spoilers for anime and manga, some fluff and tickles! Swearing perhaps hehe~
Blooming feelings
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Suo likes Sakura... since the day he stepped up and told the whole class of delinquents that he's aiming for the top. It has never crossed Suo's mind that he would ever want to rise to the top. Since Sakura declared it... Suo became keen and interested in him.
At first he thought he was an impulsive idiot -no offense -but seeing his fight with Togame and resolve to get stronger... it just makes his heart skip a beat.
Suo smiles fondly, sighing a little as he say, "I can never beat him"
Sakura munching his omelette rice asked with his mouth full, "Eh? Beat who?"
Kotoha from the je counter chided in a mature tone, "Come now, Sakura, it's rude to talk with food in your mouth"
Sakura blushed, looking away with a scoff, "Shut up, mom..." but he obliges by swallowing down the whole meal now talking to Suo properly.
"So... beat who? A stronger than me?"
Suo stares into those black and gold eyes that shimmer in enthusiasm. Suo finds it endearing -in fact everything about Sakura is cool and adorable. From his tough demeanour to his cute blush -Suo loves him too much that even he can lose his cool around him -unable to resist the urge to tease him.
"Someone as strong as you, I would say, Sakura-kun," Suo tells with a grin, poking his nose gently, making Sakura briefly jerk back, like a startled cat.
"Hah! Let me take that guy down a peg..." Sakura huffs, now blushing a bit more as he said those lines, looking at his empty plate, "Y-you uh... well, leave it to me... I'm the grade c-captain"
"Awww, Sakura-kun, you're so reliable..." Suo chuckles, a hand resting under his chin like a prop, enjoying the way Sakura's face heats at every trivial chance.
"S-shut up! I'm just bored thats all!"
"Hmmm~ is that all...?" Suo hums, tauntingly touching a strand of his white side of the hair, amused how Sakura jolts again.
"Quit it!"
"Make me..." Suo dared.
Sakura groaned, now leaning forward, suddenly tickling his sides. Suo jumps in surprise, unsuspecting this outcome from Sakura of all people.
"H-hey haha Sakura-kun! Ehehe it tihihihickles! Haha" Suo squirms a little, unable to stop his hands which seem unexperienced and uncertain yet still effective since his sides are the perfect spots. For some reason, Suo doesn't have the heart to stop a determined fresh like innocent Sakura who looks lost tickling someone awkwardly.
Sakura pouts in thought, concentrated to tickling Suo properly, murmuring, "Ah, I get how this works... Umemiya did this to that bastard -I mean Sugishita and me, so I wondered how it works on you..." he added to himself, "Maybe on Nirei, Kiryu and Tsugeura too..." he blushed a little at the thought of tickling them all and shook his head briefly.
Suo chuckles both from the tickling and Sakura's cute attempts. He tries to pry his hands away, now backing away a little on his seat, "Ohohohokahahay hehe Sakuhuhura-kun y-yohohohou dihihihid surprise me thehehere... buhuhuhut who knehehehew you cohohohould behehe plahahahayful?"
Despite his dilma, Suo continued to tease Sakura in earnest, trying to defend himself from the awkward tickling hands on his ribs.
"Y-you!" Sakura flushed bright red, his tsundere mechanism kicking in. That got him...
Suo smirks, grabbing one wrist and lifting it above him. "My turn..."
"G-gyaah!" Sakura stumbles bsckwards when Suo swiftly pokes his stomach with light pokes. Seeing Sakura almost tumble from his chair, he used his other hand to grip his waist, balancing him protectively and trapping him mercilessly. It looked like they were dancing, though, and Kotoha almost laughed at their awkward position.
"Oh~ are you ticklish too, Sakura-kun? How cute. " Suo experimentally grazed his fingers around Sakura's waist right under the shirt, where he touched the skin, making the latter squeak and kick his knee up protectively on the seat. If it weren't for Suo's grip, he'd have fallen down ages ago.
Kotoha noticing his slight jerkiness in his movements, sighs with impatience, "If you're a violent squirmer, please take it to the corner where no one gets disturbed?"
Sakura looked at her outrage, now turning angrily, flushed, "H-hehey, you're supposed to hehehelp mehe hahaha! Hey!"
Suo easily lets him go, making him stagger backwards from the chair, and luckily, on his feet. Sakura notices how there's room for a chase. He backs away till his back hits the wall. When Sul takes one small step close at each multiple steps, he takes back.
This made Suo smirk like a hawk's glint when he captured a prey. Hands crossed behind, he walked towards him. Kotoha keenly leans on the counter while washing the plates, curious to see how the events unfold from now on. There is only one customer who is granny Sato, who is watching the show eagerly too.
"So... Sakura-kun..." Suo leans forward, his smile widening as he reaches over to touch his shoulder, squeezing it, "You thought you could tickle me and get away with it, hmm?"
Sakura felt a chill run down his spine. He snapped, sounding stubborn, "W-what, I just experimented, that's it..."
And it was worth it, Sakura thinks with a smirk but now his predicament is much dire than what he anticipated.
Thst earned him a tickle attack, which Suo swiftly landed without delay. Kotoha groaned at how loud Sakura was, but thankfully, none of her customers seemed inconvenienced. Especially since they are furin boys. Maybe she could let them be.
Sakura'a cackles increased when Suo tickled his armpits, "Ah~ Sakura-kun is this your worst spot?"
"Hmm~ I think it is... so maybe I'll go for it!"
"In a minute... I got to do one last thing," Suo slowly lifts his hand to caress his neck, a surprisingly strong ticklish touch which makes Sakura scrunch his shoulder up with a giggle, "E-Ehehey Nohohot thahat!!"
"Not this...? What about this?" Suo curls his fingers lightly around his ear, which makes Sakura squeal, almost surprising Suo, "EEH! NO!"
Suo giggles back, "Oh wow, I knew they turned red easily, but I didn't think they'd be super ticklish... cute..."
Sakura giggles madly, sinking to the ground as he tries to push his hand away, but Suo catches his wrist easily and then parries him by sneaking behind and whispering to his ear.
"If I whisper, will that trigger something?" Hos lips also grazed the shell of the reddened ear. He blew a little, too, making Sakura shriek.
"Eeek! Ahaha daahahahamn ihihihit stohohohop -fuhuhuhuck!!"
Kotoha smiles fondly at the display, and she gestures the final customer granny that she can leave who waves to her, leaving with a smile as well. Suo feels the delight in messing with Sakura, and he resists the urge to...
Sakura's lips suddenly pressed to his own. Surprising him as Suo never thought Sakura would initiate it. Kotoha, the only unsurprised one, chuckles as she decides to head to the back room after placing the closed sign.
Suo couldn't help but smile with a faint blush, "What was that for? Was it because you like me or was it because it was too ticklish?"
Sakura covers his face with his hands, ears red and bright, "Jeeeez dont even ask... i-i I am sorry..."
Gently wrapping his hands around Sakura's wrists, he pulls them down, seeing a cute blushing face, with passionate eyes and a frightened boy afraid to start something new... but desires to.
"No need to appologize, my dear Sakura-kun." Suo smiles, caressing his jaw lightly. They both didn't even know the position they were in with Sakura close to his chest and Suo's hands around his waist, holding him tight.
"So... Will you go out with me?"
Sakura blushed, lips perked tenaciously bringing his tsundere side again, "Haaa? Why would I do tha -ack! Hehehey!" He suddenly flinched at the pinch on his ribs, making him giggle and recoil towards him, he murmured bashfully, "Fihine, I mean if that's what you want... that is... so ...yes... happy?"
Suo grins, "Thank you... I'm glad you feel the same..." Sakura blushed... now feeling a little overwhelmed when Suo grabbed his hand, taking their leave from the cafe at last into the cold night breeze.
They didn't need Kotoha telling them to leave the cafe, knowing she couldn't have any inappropriate things happening at her workplace. Perhaps Suo can invite Sakura over... for revenge? No, he already got that... maybe to mess with him?
Or not... maybe to shower him the love he never got from anyone. Suo wanted that very much for Sakura... who has never been acknowledged. Perhaps its the beginning of new bonds.
Suo thinks fondly, and Sakura's tickling skills need improvement too - after all, Suo can be a good practice partner... right?
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smilingangel582 · 7 hours
The chase
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Hi guys, I am madly in love with this character. And guess what, this is Naruto and Sasuke'a VA! In Japanese. I seriously wrote this tk fic as they speak in Japanese. Omg! I love them even more. Ps. We need more lee!kinich... I summon it!
Summary: Paimon is convinced Kinich is scary, but Aether thinks otherwise. It was a quiet day in Natalan until Aether started a bet with Paimon to prove her wrong. New discoveries were made, and unsurprisingly, a certain dragon lord commits betrayal.
Warning: Spoilers for the nataln archon quest and Kinich's quest, tickling, cuteness overload, Aether and Kinich are very close, but mind you, it's a platonic relationship (can't ship them yet)
"So you Paimon is supposed to believe that Kinich is actually... uh... a sweetheart?" Paimon crossed her arms in confusion. Floating around as Aether walked through the city of mountains, the scion of the canopy.
Aether shrugs, giving her a confident smirk "Well... he may appear blank but he's very nice and he doesn't hide it... not like a certain wanderer ..."
Paimon guessed Hat guy from Sumeru might have sneezed by that mention.
"But he's so cold and Paimon can't really see the guy smile..." Paimon huffs now, as if its the biggest worries for her, "its frightening how blank Kinich is..."
"What's frightening about me Paimon?"
A soft voice made Paimon shrill in surprise making her gasp and wheeze. Aether mildly turns back with a less-reactive surprised expression at seeing the saurian hunter.
"Hi Kinich,"
Kinich greets them politely, "Traveler, Paimon how do u do?"
Paimon recovering from her shock, groans, "Jeez Paimon almost got a heart attack! Stop sneaking up on us like that... your quiet anyway unlike your pixel-poop-mouth!"
Ajaw snarls, "Who are you calling poop-mouth, tiny ant?"
"Oh and Paimon's bigger than you!"
They continue bickering making Aether sheepishly give Kinich an apologetic look, "Sorry about that..."
"I should be the one to apologise..." kinich replies solemnly, making Aether like this guy more for his awkward informal side.
"Ajaw, do you want another time out?"
Ajaw turns to kinich, his mouth dropping in anguish. "Grrr! Fine, fine! I won't torment the anaemic ant!"
"Hehe" Paimon smirks. "Know your place little dragon lord!"
Aether rolls his eyes, "Paimon... behave"
Paimon pouts, looking sideways, "awww alright im sorry Kinich... and maybe Ajaw"
Ignoring Ajaw's short snap, Kinich shakes his head, a hand to his chest. "Don't be Paimon. You're actually a kind companion to the traveller..." he adds deliberately after casting a look at Ajaw, "It makes me jealous"
"Huh? I'm more powerful ya know! Oi! Kinich!"
Aether hears Paimon floating towards Kinich, "Kinich, you don't smile much, do you?"
Kinich slightly astonished responds, "I beg your pardon? I do..."
"When?" Partly challenging and partly curious.
"Like... right now?"
They all stared. Even Kinich seemed uncertain about what he just said. Paimon huffs, mildly irritated, "OK so... laughing? Ever dont that before..."
Ajaw floats around Kinich, his pixel hands patting his shoulder, "Haa hahaa would love to see that embarassing sight."
Kinich shrugs him off, the bandana making him seem like he's angry but he's just frustrated with Ajaw.
"All the more reason why I should not"
Ajaw being slightly pushed away but regains balance in air comes swirling back to him with a cunning sneer, "Uh oh someone's a little defensive... afraid I'll exploit a weakness?"
Aether sense tension, usually he would've stepped in to stop Kinich's discomfort with Ajaw but knowing the topic he was curious where this was going.
Paimon is no better now - contrast to Ajaw's scheming malice - she steps in to prompt Ajaw's hint, "Oooh does this mean he does laugh?"
Kinich folds his arms, somewhat wary where this was going. Yet he failed to notice where Ajaw just disappeared.
"I do, but not all the time -"
"Yeah, just poke him like this, and he'll go gyaaahaahaa!" Ajaw swiftly pokes Kinich around the waist close to the small of his back, making him spasm in shock, gasping, "Oi!"
Silence. Paimon's eyes widened, and so did Aether's. They all exchanged glances. Now Ajaw proudly danced and shook his tail, as if he got the best victory after 500 years.
"Kinich?" Aether smirks, now barely hiding his excitement, "Are you ticklish?"
The saurian hunter now stared, knowing there's no other way to dodge the question. He swiftly seized Ajaw's tail, now activating his grappling hook. He swings off till he disappeared through the clouds.
His flight instincts kicked in. Paimon stared in bewilderment, but she was the only one until Aether began to take the one-sided challenge.
Somewhere by the top of the mountains in Scion of the canopy, Kinich cautiously looked by the trees, hoping he had escaped. He knew now or never... and his experience in running away has been helpful.
"Baa! You coward..." Ajaw scoffed, now teasing, "Were you that scared?"
"It was not fright... I just don't like the thought of showing the traveller such an absurd state" he sternly added "and you're officially in time out"
Ajaw grumbled now, waving his small pixel arms "Grr... whatever, but you know Kinich"
"Running away doesn't always help ya... when there's a good seeker"
He frowns, looking somewhat confused by this indirect analogy. "What do you-?"
"Gotcha!" Aether swings by instantly now tackling (not on purpose) Kinich as they both tumbled to the ground.
"J-jeez traveller be careful" Kinich groan, now sounding concerned. "Don't use that hook, so lightly"
Aether chuckles straddling him. "Thanks your a nice guy... now ever heard of the saying "you can run but you can't hide" Kinich?"
Before he could struggle he already felt nimble fingers attacking his sides.
"O-ohokay w-wahait tihihihime ohohout!"
His giggles are soft and yet very childish. Aether stares in wonder... he had heard many sweet voices but hearing Kinich like this is like a dream in Nahida's world.
"Wow.. you're sensitive, Ajaw wasn't lying"
Ajaw smirks "Hehe that was one of the weaknesses that I'm proud of exploiting in him"
"You mean the only one?" Paimon scoffs.
"Ah! Took you long enough useless ant"
"You! You pixel weirdo!" Paimon stomps her foot on the air angrily and begins bickering with Ajaw.
Kinich and Aether... well they have other better matters to attend to.
"So tell me, is this spot worse than this?" His fingers creeping towards his hips making him buck in surprise, grabbing Aether's wrists which didn't help, "Ah! Aether!"
"You said my name! Nice!" He gets his hips and then back to his waist... slipping the jacket down a little bit to access the skin.
"Ahaharchons juhuhuhust stohohohop a mihihinute plehehehehease!" Kinich curls to the side, suddenly his laughter getting louder when Aether targets his ribs with swift unpredictable speed.
"Uh oh ribs? That's not good... especially since your swinging around..." Aether smirks, now tapping and prodding his ribs as Kinich jerks to his back to protect his sides. His long lashes damp with tears.
"And you won't be able to swing comfortable knowing how vulnerable here..." he pinches the highest set ribs with indication "Oh and perhaps under here?" Slipping his fingers right under his arms making Kinich let an (honest to archon) a squeak.
"You're a sweetheart"
"Ihihihi ahahahahappreciahahahate the cohohohompliment buhuhuhut y-yohohohour kihihilling mehehe!" He giggles now. Trying to cover his worst spots as much as he could.
Aether laughed, now pausing a little, instead keeping his wrists pinned on either side of Kinich's head to keep him in anticipation.
"OK ok! Sorry, I always had to break the serious guys in this world."
Kinich groans, slightly huffs of laughter now calming down at the small break.
"Ajaw said Kinich has a weak neck!"
Paimon's sudden outburst on that fact made Kinich shiver. Aether turns to her first then back at him, a very mischievous smile that made Kinich shake his head a little, somewhat pitiful.
"Tch! The mighty dragon lord knows what a whimp he is but he still refuses to die.. bahahawahaha" Ajaw cackles in a sinister tone "Oh laugh to death Kinich!"
Aether rolls his eyes, "we are not killing him, just playing around... like friends"
Kinich's eyes that used to be blank slightly glistened with brightness, "Friends?"
"Yup and friends... make friends happy!" Aether wiggles his fingers right over his collarbone and throat lightly. Kinich knees kicked up in reflex, but they didn't stop Aether's fiery determination to tickle him.
"Ahaha Aetheheheher hehehee cuhuhuhut ihihit out! Hahaha ok ok y-yohohohou won! You won! Ok! Just mehehehercy! Mercy!
After that implore, Aether stopped tearfully laughing as well, falling next to Kinich, eyes bright golden and with bliss, "ohoho man that was so funny... im glad I saw this side of you..."
Kinich's breath was somewhat heavier as he managed to grab his composure swiftly as an amazing athlete "I-I uh... thank you traveler... I guess it wasn't that bad"
Ajaw growls, "Awwww, come on! I bet if you got his armpits more seriously next, he might not say that! Come on, traveler, I'm begging ya! Tickle this guy to death -g-gaaaaaaah curseeeee youuuu!"
Once more he just got confined into a space suddenly gone. Kinich sighs as he puts Ajaw away easily, resting an arm over his hip as he gets up now tired but somewhat... relaxed?
"Hey Kinich..."
He jolts when Aether poked his armpit that was exposed, making him stare in surprise "That's round two the next time we meet? And don't listen to Ajaw... tickling isn't something bad... its what friends do to have fun"
Kinich silently debated this answer... smiling genuinely. Perhaps Mualani was right... friends are amazing.
"Well come by traveler... its much livelier here with you around" Kinich offers, now giving an awkward smile.
"Aww miss me already?" Aether grins, then nudged him, "or the tickles"
"Just... you" he grunts, but looking sideways, with a timid look that seemed to have never appeared until today.
Aether will cherish that moment forever and also his laugh.
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smilingangel582 · 17 days
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