#loguetown au
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mega-ringsandthings-world · 10 months ago
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it's how most of their afternoons go anyhow
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blackholesun321 · 8 months ago
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Lost my apple pen, finally got a new one decided to do some practice sketches to get back in the groove. @mega-ringsandthings-world come get your rare-pair old man yaoi!
drawing-references below
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pooks · 7 months ago
part 4 of straw hat! Ichiji and we're at the last legs of the East Blue Saga; Arlong Park and Loguetown arcs
finding Nami and encountering the Fish Men
Ichiji arrives to a new island, along with Sanji and his new captain Luffy. on the journey there, he and the others were filled in by Johnny and Yosaku about what happened previously.
Sanji is in denial that Nami would have anything to do with Arlong while Ichiji is more rational and believes that there might be blackmail involved.
when they re-encounter Nami again, Ichiji realizes that he was right in his theory but he doesn't have the whole story and he decides that he can't interfere with something he have no business with, not when Nami rejects them.
Ichiji becomes very annoyed with Sanji's lovestruck behavior and outright tells Zoro that he has his full permission to fight Sanji if it shuts him up (and Zoro took that to heart, judging of how many times he would bicker and fight with Sanji in the future XD)
"Fight him, argue with him, tie him up, kick him in the ocean-I don't care! Just make sure he doesn't make a damn fool out of himself! I need to think." - Ichiji's exact words.
Ichiji, in dire situations, is a thinker and he sense that something is wrong here. compared to his crew maters, Ichiji responds to being attacked by the Fish-Men in a rather cold, calculated way. he hates to admit it to himself, but his training at Germa never left him and he uses it to his advantage. the Fish-Men discovers the hard way that Ichiji is not a "normal human" when he takes barely a scratch or even a bruise. when asked what he is, Ichiji replies in a chilling way
"Oh, I'm no human. I'm a monster."
Arlong, upon hearing about this, decides that Ichiji could be useful for him and orders his goons to take him alive to Arlong Park.
common ground with Nami
when the straw hats re-encounter Nami during her breakdown of being betrayed by Arlong, Ichiji understands that they're not so different after all; both of them has made a deal with a "devil" to save something they love (Ichiji, for Sanji and Nami, for her village). when Luffy declares that they're moving out to Arlong Park to defeat Arlong, Ichiji extends a hand to Nami and tells her that he has, also, sacrificed like Nami.
Ichiji then parts the hair that covers his left eye and reveals to Nami and the straw hats his secret; there's a star-burst shaped burn scar on his left eye. his eye is unharmed, but he tells them this was the prize to pay for the freedom of someone he loves. Sanji is the only one who isn't surprised about this revelation, but he looks away before anyone can see he's silently crying. Zoro catches on Sanji's reaction but says nothing (because what can he possibly say in this situation?)
they walk to Arlong Park, in the badass iconic way as they do
fighting Arlong and the Fish Men
Ichiji fights with his legs, just as Sanji does, and this is where he unlocks "Sparkling Red" for the first time. his new "power" reinforces his kicks in a more powerful way. Ichiji doesn't know what's happening to him and he has a mild crisis over it until Zoro shouts at him to focus on the fight and worry about that later
it doesn't take long for him to understand that whatever Judge experimented on his during those six months of hell is now paying off; he knows that something has changed and he has a strange power, but he uses now Sparkling Red to his advantage
of course, in a very villain-esque way, Ichiji do encounter Arlong and he gets the whole speech about a human-looking non-human would belong with his midst. Ichiji coldly laughs at the idea and says "why would I align myself with someone who doesn't keep their word? a true man would always keep his word, fish-men or not."
he reflects back on Zeff's "lessons" about being a man. the third lesson was that a real man always keep his word and stands for it.
with Sparkling Red enhancing his speed and strength, Ichiji no longer holds back and defeat most Fish-Men (the force of Sparkling Red spreads across his legs, like sparkling red lines wrapped around his legs and thighs)
he gets worried about Zoro a lot (he got his wounds reopened and has a fever), but trusts that they can pull through this and they can address Zoro's injuries afterwards
Ichiji panics when he sees Arlong Park collapse and nearly assumes the worst...until Luffy emerges from the wreckage and claims victory. overwhelmed with joy, Ichiji can't resist from hugging Usopp and dances merrily with him.
the mood is nearly ruined because of corrupt Marines and Ichiji learns fast from Nami what happened to the money she had struggled to earn to buy her village back from Arlong.
now, it's already established that Ichiji hates marines, due to they always turn to the Baratie being entitled bastards and this doesn't help. he calmly walks to Nami's side when she beats up Nezumi (the corrupt marine captain) and asks for her permission to handle this. and Ichiji just gives Nezumi a real slasher smile and says "i've never liked Marines, they always come to the Baratie and acts like entitled bastards who owns the world. but i hate corrupt marines even more. how about...there is one less corrupt marine in the world?"
he doesn't really plan to kill Nezumi, btw. but he wanted to scare him shitless...which works. Usopp later remarks that he was a little scared too and it felt like Ichiji could set the whole world on fire and destroy kingdoms with just his glare.
leaving Cocoyashi and Luffy's first bounty
the straw hats spends three days on the island, which allows Zoro to get healed up and the whole island parties to celebrate their newfound freedom. Ichiji takes in all the joy around himself and he feels at ease, seeing so many people so happy.
he thinks about Germa and silently wonders that if Judge had been a half-decent person, could've Germa Kingdom become something like this? a small kingdom, but with good monarchs and happy people. he sits down and looks up in the night skies, wondering if his mother are seeing him and Sanji and if she would be happy to see them happy and free.
onboard the Merry, the straw hats are sailing towards their last stop before the Grand Line...Loguetown, which is famous for being the birthplace and deathplace of Gold Roger, the infamous Pirate King
Luffy's first wanted poster has arrived and the crew is shocked to see his head is worth 30 million berry. Usopp is especially happy to see himself in the background of the wanted poster (just the back of his head, tho) which irks at Sanji's annoyance. Luffy, Usopp and Sanji acts silly while Nami is frustrated over their lack of taking this seriously.
Ichiji is more concerned since he figured that with Luffy having a 30 million bounty on his head, stronger opponent might come after them. he goes to consult Zoro about this and Zoro reveals that he had the same mindset, having one solution; they need to become stronger and more prepared.
Ichiji says it's only a matter of time until all of them gets a bounty on their heads. Zoro smirks at this and bets that he'll get his first wanted poster before Sanji.
entering Loguetown and cursed swords
as they docks at Loguetown, Ichiji decides to accompany Zoro when he aims to find two new swords to replace his destroyed ones (by Mihawk). Ichiji, who was trained in swordmanship at Germa when he was a child, advises him to inquire a shopkeeper about the quality about the words they're potentially selling.
Zoro jokes that he didn't know he had a hidden rival regarding swordmanship on the crew. Ichiji only shakes his head and says he doesn't aim to become a swordsman, just because he knows how to fight with swords, and his dream is to chronicle their adventures. Zoro asks him if he would write a book about him becoming the world's greatest swordsman and Ichiji answers "what made you believe that I wasn't already?"
this ends up in their first meeting with Tashigi, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Zoro's deceased friend Kuina, and Ichiji senses that Zoro is agitated, trying to calm him down. he also witnesses Zoro's "test of luck" and has a panic-induced anxiety...until he sees that Zoro's luck won against Sandai Kitetsu's "curse". Zoro also obtains Yubashiri, an heirloom blade and the finest one in shop. Ichiji feels very honored of witnessing this moment and declares to Zoro that he's certain that Zoro's adventures as a swordman will become a very good book.
Ichiji doesn't have a too high opinion of Tashigi, considering his distaste for marines in general, and he's quick to counter her argument regarding pirates or bountyhunters using legacy katana swords.
"And I suppose you are the one who decides who gets to bear a sword then? A sword is a responsibility and you bear it with honor and respect. To bear a blade like Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu or Yubashiri...it's a big honor and their owner treats his swords like companions, not as tools. A word of advice, my lady. Don't assume things when you don't have the full story. It'll save you the embarrassment of being wrong." - Ichiji, during his call-out to Tashigi
Luffy's "execution" and Ichiji's "rage"
Ichiji is horrified when he sees Luffy being nearly executed and he's furious at the responsible pirates behind it. he shouts at Buggy, asking who he think he is to lead someone in a trap to execute them and where is his proper honor, that he should fight like a pirate, face to face
(Buggy is visibly annoyed by Ichiji's outburst and it doesn't help that he doesn't see a new pirate face. all of sudden...he sees a replica of Shanks)
the events that unfolds is pretty quick. Luffy is rescued by a cloaked "stranger", Smoker is unnerved by Luffy being similar to Gold Roger and Buggy, Alvida and their goons are defeated
Zoro and Ichiji, along with Sanji, re-encounter Tashigi who reveals being a marine and it irks at Ichiji's temper. she accuses Zoro for "tricking" her and Zoro is more unnerved by her uncanny resemblance to Kuina.
Ichiji's temper is finally pushed when Tashigi badmouths pirates. being raised by a pirate who sacrificed his leg for him and his brother, being raised among ex-pirate turned cooks and being a pirate himself, Ichiji has nothing but respect for them. marines, however, are the scum of earth for him. he, more or less, explodes.
"Marines...more like tyrants with too much power at hand and playing demi-god! I've lived my whole life on a restaurant that doesn't discriminate pirates, marines or civilians and YET, only marines has the gall to act like spoiled, entitled and ungrateful bastards! I have heard about Axe-Hand Morgan and how he treated people like insects under his boot! And it has only strengthened my decision to never trust a marine, even if I lay dying on the ground. If you believe that you're better than anyone, just because you happened to be a marine, then lay off! Marines doesn't save pr protect people! They want to control them like puppets!"
Zoro and Sanji ends up dragging Ichiji off his feet as he's going off. Zoro subdues Ichiji by pressing on "pressure point on Ichiji's back, forcing him to become relaxed and half-conscious. Sanji whispers to Zoro that marines is pretty much a berserk button for Ichiji and vaguely mentions there was an incident at the Baratie when they were fifteen, but he have no details except Zeff told him to never mention it if he wants to keep his ass from looking like a jolly roger.
the straw hats ends up successful in their escape and realizing that they can no longer linger in the East Blue, they set course straight to the Grand Line. but not before they have a cast off ceremony and make a pledge for their dreams.
Ichiji pledges to write and chronicle the adventures of the greatest Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy.
(end. part 4)
(read part 1, part 2 and part 3 here)
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dissvicious · 1 year ago
Luffy Blaze putting their artistic talents together to collab on a comic WHEN tbh
OKAY I POSTPONED THIS FOR SO LONG sorryyyyyy anyway today I didn't manage to draw anything correctly so it was the perfect occasion to try this :
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invye · 6 months ago
How They Met [1/3] - MiShanks
[CoraMiShanks Fix It AU]
I think it's time I write up my thoughts about how exactly Mihawk, Shanks and Rosinante met and outline the start of what will become their relationship. And since I am pathologically incapable of writing short posts, I'll cut it into three, so I can take my time.
Mihawk & Shanks [this post]
Mihawk & Rosinante/Corazón [link]
Rosinante & Shanks [link]
- Mihawk & Shanks -
The first meet in Loguetown, as they so often do. At the point of Rogers' execution Mihawk's exploits have pinged the Marine's radar once or twice, but he has not been given a bounty of his own yet as there were bigger fish to contend with. Mihawk attends to pay his respect to Roger as the Marine's greatest challenger, shoes that he doesn't expect - nor wants - to fill, but will aspire to anyway along his way to becoming the World's Strongest Swordsman.
He doesn't expect the reaction of the crowd to Roger sending them out to find his treasure, given that Mihawk himself doesn't care about treasure at all. Roger hasn't even taken his last breath yet and the pirates of tomorrow are running to be the first ones out at sea. It's a bit disrespectful, honestly. On top of that, crowds really aren't Mihawk's thing. At all. And he didn't bring Yoru (that would only have gone wrong with the amount of Marines all around), so while he's desperately trying to keep his cool and get out of the crowd's way, his mind is growing increasingly more frantic.
That is until he quite literally stumbles over Shanks. Mihawk recognises him immediately (really, it should be illegal to give minors bounties, no matter what crew they belong to), red hair, strawhat, planted like a rock in the moving crowd, the only person in sight to actually shed tears. Mihawk blessedly stops thinking (panicking) and instead starts acting. Grabs the kid, who no doubt would be the Marine's first target three minutes from now, and gets them the hell out of there, leading them away from the port instead of toward it.
They don't talk as Mihawk ducks them into an alley when the Marines start running by. It's not the best hiding spot, but with Mihawk playing up the bored noble act, shielding Shanks from direct view, its enough that the Marines don't look twice and keep going. Mihawk ends up handing Shanks his handkerchief, faintly hears himself giving a platitude about Roger having been a great man, and once things calm down he makes his exit, without looking back even once.
In the months following after, Mihawk is one of the many many new pirates who receive bounties during the rush onto the Grand Line. Shanks is elated when he finally gets to put a proper name to the man who helped him instead of thinking of him as Hawkeyes (he likes Hawkeyes though, and that nickname might already be stuck given how much he has asked around for him... Whoops).
Mihawk doesn't care for his bounty. Doesn't care for being a pirate either, but there's plenty strong people to fight among the pirates now, and a high bounty does attract interesting challengers... Also he does still have some unfinished business with the Marines, so.
Mihawk's bounty skyrockets as he's given the Marine Hunter epithet. Shanks turns around to newly recruited Benn and says: "This is gonna be our swordsman!" and Benn can't do anything but raise his eyebrows in open questioning of Shanks' sanity. Then again, he doesn't follow Shanks because he thinks he's sane.
It takes another year for Shanks to track Mihawk down. It really wasn't an easy task with how Mihawk seems to just go wherever the wind takes him, but he finds him none the less.
"Hawkeyes!!" Shanks yells (and Mihawk has a sudden epiphany about where that epithet came from, because he's heard it being whispered behind his back, but no one has used it to his face yet), "Join my crew!!!" "No." "Why not?" "There's nothing a crew could offer me." "I want you to be my swordsman though." "You carry a sword of your own." "You're better." "Obviously. I'll be the World's Strongest Swordsman before long." "See! That's why I want you on my crew!" "No." Had Mihawk known Shanks a little better at that time, he would have been worried about the sudden silence and the contemplating look on Shanks face. But he didn't, so he simply turned to leave. Then: "Will you join me if I beat you?" And Mihawk can't help but laugh.
They do duel after that. Mihawk thoroughly unites Shanks' behind with the sand under their feet. Shanks is weaker than him, a little off balance (might be the recent growth spurt [actually is mostly due to Shanks being flustered at realising he really likes Mihawk's laugh]), but his technique loudly speaks of his upbringing. It's exhilarating. There is a telling spark of Haki that Shanks is actively holding back and Mihawk can't wait to see what he can do when he decides to fully unleash it. Mihawk ends the duel by telling Shanks to keep up his training and try again a couple months from now.
Shanks is back the next month. He still loses, but from then on the duels are a regular thing, only becoming more frequent until there is barely a week going by in which they don't cross blades.
When Shanks eventually manages to eek out a win (by going all in with his Conqueror's Haki rather than his swordsmanship), he doesn't ask Mihawk to join the crew again. They've already long understood that if Mihawk ever is to join, he will do so on his own time and volition. Until then they will have their duels.
(Shanks is working on making Mihawk stick around for drinks every now and then, it's only a matter of time.)
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songofstrawhats · 1 year ago
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These Marine branded cigars have me asking questions about the One Piece Verse tobacco industry that are literally never going to be answered
does the world government own tobacco farms??? factories???? how the hell does this work that they produce goods instead of just fighting and regulating stuff???
I guess they have to procure uniforms and rations, and cigarettes were historically part of military rations so it makes a certain amount of sense
But where do THOSE SPECIFIC CIGARS come from??? Do they have a deal with individual farms like they did with the cute milk girl from the chapter title comics???? Are they individually wrapped or is there a factory and industrialized cigar prodiction somewhere? Fishman Island has a candy factory so there's precedent for this I guess???
Also how many cigars does Smoker individually go through and how much of the military budget is spent keeping his arm holsters stocked up so he can be dramatic lmaooooo
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halloween-neko96 · 8 months ago
✒ Dream Catcher
[One Piece - ASL Solo Trio AU]
That day, he didn't lose one brother. That day, Luffy lost both of his brothers. And everything changed.
This is a story about a Luffy who lived through his childhood alone, about a Luffy who lost both of his brothers.
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stardust (crossing path of two supernovas)
One simply did not cross from one Blue to another Blue.
But Law hadn't considered himself normal or sane for a very long time.
So in a stroke of curiosity of the man that had started the Great Pirate Era (of the man who bears the name of D like him), Law had set the course of the Polar Tang to the Polestar Island of the East Blue before they entered Grandline.
=Dream Catcher=
Loguetown was not exactly what Law expected. The town of the beginning and the end was more peaceful than Law thought. His crew disposed themselves to gather supplies while Law decided to visit the place where the Pirate King died.
The sky was sunny.
=Dream Catcher=
There was someone standing on the execution platform. A bunch of guards was shouting from below.
"What's an idiot..." Law heard someone near him mutter.
'Agree.' Law thought as he watched from the side.
"Huh!? The weather-" The voice of a young lady muttered again. Law looked to the side to find the owner of the voice but only managed to catch a glimpse of orange hair before a gush of strong wind blew across him.
Law turned his eyes to the sky and watched in bewilderment as the clear sky from a moment ago started to get clouded. The wind started to blow and rain poured down.
Between all of it, Law could hear the person- the young boy standing on the Pirate King's execution platform laughing. His straw hat was swinging in the wind.
His eyes met Law.
The young boy grinned at him with full teeth, eyes filled with determination.
It was at that moment Law knew.
The boy was a D.
So Law grinned back at him.
However, the moment was caught short as the marine arrived. Law wasn't a familiar face in East Blue but he had a bounty nothing less so he gave the young boy one last look before dipping away before the marines caught sight of him. He still could hear the commotion behind his back.
His eyes caught a glimpse of green running across him from the opposite direction before he arrived at the port.
=Dream Catcher=
Law hadn't stopped grinning. His crewmembers were giving him weird glances since he arrived at their submarine.
His grin grew wider once he saw the young boy also arrive at the port.
"Hey, you!" The boy shouted. He couldn't be older than 15, Law guessed.
"Tell me your name!" His crew started to whisper to each other behind him. They only got noisier once Law answered the boy.
"Trafalgar D. Water Law, captain of the Heart Pirate!" The boy gave him a hearty laugh. "What's yours!?"
"Monkey D. Luffy, future Pirate King! Remember that!" The young boy shouted.
'Bingo.' Law thought excitedly.
"I will! Let's meet again in the future!" Law shouted as his crew gasped behind him.
The boy's eyes started to gain a new spark as the sky stopped raining. A ray of sun hit his hair, making it glimmer in the sunlight. For a moment, Law thought his hair was white instead of black. The boy shouted back at him before the Polar Tang set sail.
"See you on Grandline, Torao!"
=Dream Catcher=
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57079783
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abominable-space-they · 1 year ago
A Clown Car Named Desire
Ch 2: Clowning the Queen of Hearts & Other Completely Reasonable Amusements
Buggy/Mihawk Loguetown fAU
End game OT3 Buggy/Mihawk/Shanks
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Buggy looked him up and down, evaluating their spur of the moment disguise.
"Your name's Ford Falcon. You're not a master swordsman, but you wanna be. You're a wanna be, got it? Mihawk is your hero. Someday you'll beat him and be the greatest. Yada yada yada. Gimme a second."
With that Buggy pushed himself away from the wall again, stumbled backwards like he'd been pushed and crashed loudly into the bar, hiss yelling in a way that both carried through the whole bar and sounded like he was trying to be quiet.
"Aw pretty baby, don't be mad. He didn't mean anything. Come on now, you know old Buggy'll do right by ya... Why ya gotta hurt my feelings like that baby? FiNe, you don't wanna play? I'll find some new star quality entrainment"
Saluting in mock anger, Buggy turned on his heel and made a show of looking at everyone in the bar. His eyes settled on his mark, a nondescript man in a slouchy hat and mirrored sunglasses trying very hard to not be seen. The man, a low level no name mercenary by the looks of him, flinched when he noticed Buggy's calculated wolfish smile. Hands out in a grand display of faux apology, Buggy sauntered over to the man and his lonely table.
"Johnny Baby, how the hell are ya? What the hell baby? You think you can wine me and dine me, talk auditions and never even give me a call back? A Clown could get a complex-"
He stumbled as he reached the man's table, falling in a pile of uncoordinated limbs directly on the man's face. The force of the collision knocked maybe Johnny's hat and glasses completely off. They hit the floor with a muffled clatter
There was noisy chaos as Buggy extracted himself from the man who was mauve with embarrassed indignation.
"Who-? What?! My name's not Johnny. We didn't-! I don't know you!"
Buggy put himself back together, sneering his perfectly portrayed drunk annoyance.
"Oh that's how you wanna play it huh? You don't know Buggy the Clown, Clown Prince of the East Blue? You DON'T KNOW ME?!"
More on Ao3...
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diminuel · 7 months ago
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Luffy and Dragon meet in Logue Town ;3
Stinky Child AU~ (You can read the first part here!)
Next part! (skipping some more years to after Impel Down *lol* I'll update this all the more comics I draw that fill the gaps!)
Doodle comic inspired by an ask @quercusfloreal sent me!
Dragon nearly suffers multiple cardiac arrests in Loguetown. Luffy : You're gonna punish me ? Dragon : Worse, i'm calling Baba. Luffy : Nooooooo 😭 Luffy has to listen to Crocodile for 3 long hours.
Luffy might be able to avoid the lecture because he most likely doesn't have a snail phone.
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crystallizedtwilight · 9 months ago
In your family Au, what would Buggy's reaction to the moment Luffy got the devil fruit?
Like would he freak out because he knows he can't swim or would help Shanks reach Luffy?
In this AU, Buggy takes Shanks’ hand that day in Loguetown and joins the Red Hair Pirates. Because of his presence there, he is able to stop Uta from eating her devil fruit. However, the same is not true for Luffy.
When the Higuma Bandits throw their smoke bomb and escape with Luffy, the crew splits up to search the town for him. Shanks and Buggy pick different directions to cover more ground. By the time the reunite, the events as we know them have already unfolded and Shanks comes ashore having lost his arm.
Buggy is devastated, blaming himself for not being there, and angry with Shanks for being reckless enough to put himself in danger. They reconcile of course, but it’s a long, tearful night of Buggy stressing about how he nearly lost him.
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mega-ringsandthings-world · 4 months ago
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@blackholesun321 Happy anniversary! Here's our happy (for now) family
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blackholesun321 · 1 year ago
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Please ya’ll I’m begging all of you to go check out @mega-ringsandthings-world Loguetown au.
It's literally the best thing since toasters, and it has consumed my neurons, currently chewing on my frontal cortex; I can't stop thinking about it! Also, their writing is amazing. Every time they post, I'm practically vibrating out of my skin with how good it is!
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maybe-a-bi-witch · 1 year ago
Jay's Fic Recs
One Piece, HotD, JJK,
One Piece
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Just a little longer by @sleepymarimo
One time where Zoro pushes your affections away and another time when he begrudgingly accepts them.
The one that (almost) got away by @loguetowns
it takes him 12 hours to realize
Baby, let the games begin by @irisintheafterglow
Reader is a pirate hunter who used to compete with Zoro, before he joined the Strawhat crew. They reunite after Zoro joined the crew.
Got me spinning like a ballerina by @mydearlybeloathed
zoro doesn't dance, but he has no issue in watching you twirl yourself off your feet. so long as you twirl back to him when your feet get tired.
Ultimatum by @undiscovered-horizon
Zoro hits you with a "fine, I'll be your boyfriend" when you try to break off your casual situationship
Jolly Sailor Bold by @httpwintersoldier
your curse leads you to a certain red-haired pirate that ends up taking you hostage for the rest of your life. And you very much agree with the decision.
Puzzled by @mynewblackdress
Due to your insecurities, you thought Sanji was making fun of you whenever he complimented you until you realized he wasn’t.
Go Fish! (series) by @honnelander
reader and Usopp are playing a card game when Sanji finds them. teasing ensues.
House of the Dragon
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Be Quiet by @youraverageaemondsimp
DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Babysitter!Reader
Duty, Sacrifice by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Her and Aemond have always loved to play hide and seek, however, the night he returns from Storm's End, their game takes a much more sinister turn.
Catalyst by @oneeyedvisenya
Your job as Dr. Targaryen's lab assistant becomes far more hands on than you expected.
His Love by @valeskafics
When Aemond finds you after you ruin Aegon's coronation, he is in for a surprise.
To have and to hold by @lilibethwrites
Reader goes to Storm's End, and instead of claiming Lucerys's eye, he makes reader his wife.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Nanami Kento
Professor by @fairyhub
The Princess by @classyrbf
sometimes being a princess comes with strict rules and responsibilities so why not have a little fun with the man who was assigned to protect and defend you
Ex Husband Nanami by @classyrbf
Headcannons about ex husband Nanami
everything i was looking for by @awearywritersworld
when nanami became a salaryman, jujutsu wasn't the only thing he left behind. four years later, he's got his job back and he wants you back too.
Natural (series) by @justauthoring
you fit into their little family, perfectly - naturally.
Gojo Sataru
"do you like me?" "nope." by @awearywritersworld
even yuuji realizes that gojo has a crush on you, but you're oblivious as ever
I wanna show you off by @gojonanami
when you accompany your friends to a bar rich men and women frequent, you catch the eye of a certain white-haired rich
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
the cutest couple on the Internet by @osaemu
steamer!au - you flirt with his rival
Toji Fushigoro
stay as long as you need by @awearywritersworld
toji can't stop hanging around his new neighbor, even though she has a boyfriend. oh well, he knows he's better for her anyway.
Geto Suguru
One of your girls by @fairyhub
you can’t help your feelings for your brother’s best friend
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
Sukuna Ryomen
Men are so quick to blame the gods (series) by @awearywritersworld
your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, leaving you to form an unlikely relationship with the curse occupying his body during the late hours of the night.
Death is no more by @rinhaler
you know you shouldn't be here, right? what would possess you to visit an underground fight club? one of the fighters is kinda cute though...
How you get the girl by @yuujispinkhair
He knows how ironic this is. He is Sukuna, the guy who is known to always wear a smug smirk on his tattoed face and have a snide remark ready at all times. And yet, when you stand in front of him and confess your feelings to him, he is at a total loss for what to do.
The brat and the child that comes with him by @mysicklove
Sukuna might not be the best older brother, but at least Yuuji doesnt seem to mind.
Best friends (older brother) Sukuna by @seeingivy
Lullaby for the past by @poe-daydreams
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
I'm fairly new to OP, but I read that Zoro in early ideas was going to be a member of Buggy's crew?? Which I find hilarious??? Not only because if Zoro keeps his canon!dream, he would have a connection with not only one but both of Shanks' exes! And I love the idea that Zoro has never addressed Buggy as Captain but that he does address Luffy as soon as he meets him. And in Buggy's eyes it's like ???? suddenly a nobody with that straw hat arrives and ruins his plans??? And takes his swordsman!?
this au is so funny to me because
1. based on what I’ve read, zoro was supposed to specifically be buggy’s body guard and cabaji n mohji’s brother. can u imagine the hatred that would have been born from luffy not only stealing his gold, beating up his crew, and sending him into orbit but also charming his prized bodyguard right from under him? a man in a straw hat would have ruined his life twice
2. imagining luffy trapped in the cage trapped in the cage and singling out a green haired swordsman in the crowd and going HIM!!
3. luffy making fun of zoro for dressing like a clown for eternity “hey zoro remember when—“
4. running into the buggy pirates later down the line (loguetown I guess?) and luffy shamelessly being like hey :D while zoro hides in embarrassment because yes he did run away from home for a boy
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rollinouttahere-writes · 2 years ago
Hello 👋 I am a fan of all your work!!
I was wondering if you were still taking requests? If you are here’s an idea: reader (or Lucky) is turn into a child due to a devil fruit and the yandere Strawhats go into over drive to protect them because the reader can’t fight?
I decided to do this with Lucky since I haven’t updated Lucky Break in a hot minute (I’m sorry but the requests and au’s have been too good). I’m just gonna stick with the east blue gang for this because if I go any further then I’m gonna spoil some stuff. This takes place post Arlong park but pre Loguetown. Lucky is around 4 here. There really isn't much yandere going on here, it's mostly them being wholesome.
Read Lucky Break for context
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Straw Hats x Child Reader (Lucky)
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“Luffy please stop carrying her like that you’re going to drop her!” Nami screeched while trying to snatch you out of his hand. 
Luffy only laughed and danced out of the way, still holding you by the ankle while you giggled right along with him. Blood was starting to rush to your head a little bit, but you were having too much fun to complain about it. You couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun!
“Lucky’s fine! She wouldn’t be laughing if she wasn’t!” Despite this, he decided to change his hold on you. By tossing you high into the air. Your giggles fell short at the sensation of sailing into the sky and you couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful ocean surrounding you. Gravity caught up, and you fell back into Luffy’s clutches with him holding you under your armpits.
Sanji stormed over and wrenched you out of his grip, and cradling you like a baby, “Are you insane?! What if you didn’t catch her, are you trying to give this one a head injury too?!” You were being squished into his chest while he was aggressively petting your hair and bouncing you as if you were upset. Which you weren’t. Well, you weren’t before but this treatment was more than a little annoying.
Your squirming got his attention back on you as you tried to get out of the somewhat suffocating hold he had on you. This effort was all in vain, as he simply readjusted his grip on you. “What’s wrong, princess? Did that stupid meathead hurt you?” Not even waiting for an answer, he was holding you out to search for any possible injury with a scrutinizing stare.
“No! Put me down, I’m not a baby!” You protested, uselessly kicking your little legs. Sanji’s face fell and he looked like you just stabbed him in the heart. His grip slackened enough for you to be able to free yourself, so naturally you went for it.
The second your feet hit the floor you spun on your heels and ran to Luffy, arms held up to him, “Again! Again!”
Luffy grinned broadly and was quick to do just that, grabbing your tiny waist and launching you into the air before anyone could stop him. Loud shrieks of protest resounded beneath you, but you could barely hear them over the peals of laughter coming out of you. You were so high up that you could look the jolly roger in the eye. Birds were flying past you just a bit higher, glancing at you curiously.
You fell down into Luffy’s hands again, but he learned from last time and immediately ran away from everyone crowding around him with you thrown over his shoulder.
“Would you stop?! What if she fell into the ocean?!” Nami yelled, desperately trying to close the gap between herself and you.
“One of you could’ve gotten her then, right?” Luffy said as if it were painfully obvious, turning to face them and cocking his head to the side.
While his back was turned, Usopp took the opportunity to try and creep up from behind. He made an exaggerated shushing motion to try and keep you quiet. It didn’t work. “Luffy! Usopp’s trying to sneak up on you!” You tattled on him with a smile on your face. Usopp’s jaw dropped at the betrayal.
“Huh? He is?” Luffy whirled around, to verify this. “What are you doing crouched down like that? You tryin’ to play leap frog or something?”
Nami took him having his back turned as her chance. She lunged for you, but wasn’t quick enough. Luffy sidestepped, causing her to plow right into Usopp and tackle him to the ground with a yelp. You giggled and clapped your hands at the mayhem. 
After untangling herself from Usopp, Nami growled in aggravation, “Zoro! Would you quit working out for three seconds and help us?!”
Zoro barely spared her more than a glance before resuming his bicep curls, “Luffy’s just playing with her. What’s the big deal? Relax.”
Sanji ran up from the side, coming very close to grabbing you, only for Luffy to use his stretchy arms to rocket himself up to the crowsnest. There was a cacophony of yelling coming from the deck beneath you. 
Luffy’s whole body shook with laughter as he watched his crew scramble to figure out what to do next. You were perched up on his shoulders now with his hands holding onto your ankles, taking in the sight of the chaos with him. As your own laughter died down, your attention was drawn to his hat. It looked pretty cool to you, and you wanted to wear it.
Without a moment’s hesitation, you plucked it off his head and put it onto your own. His shoulders stiffened immediately, and he snapped his head up to look at you. Not that you were paying much attention to him, rather choosing to smile triumphantly at successfully getting your hands on his hat. You looked down at him happily and asked, “Does wearing this make me the captain now?”
“Wha- Hey! First you steal my hat and now you’re trying to take my position, too?! You’re getting the hang of this pirate thing really fast!”
You weren’t able to bask in your victory for very long, the next thing you knew he pulled you off his shoulders by one of your ankles and you were back to how you were being carried around before.
Your grip on his hat wasn’t strong enough to keep him from getting it back. Luffy fixed it back onto his head with an exaggerated huff. He gave you a “serious” stare that only caused you to giggle more.
“Mutiny is a serious crime, you know! You’re in trouble now!”
This made you stop instantly, eyes shooting wide and panic setting in. You were just playing, you didn’t mean to make him mad, much less mad enough to get you into trouble. The smile that had been plastered onto your face up until now fell and your lip began to tremble. You tried to keep a brave face and not be “an attention-seeking crybaby” as your parents put it, but your resolve wasn’t strong enough and tears started to well in your eyes.
Luffy’s demeanor switched just like that, and he started to panic right with you. “Whoa, hey, you don’t need to cry about it! I was just kidding! You’re not really in trouble!” You were shifted into an upright position and brought in for a hug. He was bouncing you slightly and patting your back (a little harshly, but you didn’t say anything about it).
You sniffled pitifully, “I’m not? You promise?”
“Yeah! I promise!”
“Okay…” you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes with your sleeve to try and stop the tears that had begun to drip down your face.
“Luffy you- Why is she crying?!” Nami had finally made it up to the crowsnest, only to be horrified upon seeing your teary-eyed expression. She barely had a leg in before aggressively taking you into her arms and smacking Luffy’s head.
“Crying?!” Sanji popped up behind her a moment later. He took a second to confirm that it was indeed you that was crying, and then went after Luffy like a rabid dog. “How dare you make the little lady cry!”
“Hey, I didn’t do it on purpose! We were just playing around!” Luffy shot himself backwards, tumbling over the edge to escape Sanji’s pursuit. Sanji didn’t hesitate to leap down after him. They both hit the ground with a series of thuds and you heard Zoro saying some swear words. Did they land on him?
Nami was rocking you back and forth and scowling down at them, muttering under her breath about them being a bunch of idiots. When she switched her attention to you, her face softened, “Are you okay, Lucky? Our dumb captain didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You shook your head, “No, I’m okay. He just said I was in trouble for mutiny but then said he was joking so I guess I’m fine.”
“I stole his hat and tried to be the captain,” you admitted to your crimes sorrowfully, still ashamed of your actions even though Luffy said that you weren’t in trouble.
Nami snorted at this, but coughed and tried to hide it, “Yeah, don’t worry about it, honey. I’m sure he was just joking around with you, but I’m still going to yell at him later for making you cry.” She rubbed your back reassuringly, offering you her sweetest smile, “Are you hungry? How about we get you something to eat.”
“Hmm, okay,” you conceded, food sounded pretty good right about now. There was something that was bothering you though, “Hey Nami? How come everyone keeps calling me Lucky?”
Realization flashed across her face, “Oh right! You remember how we said that you’ve been traveling with us for a while now when you first woke up here? Well, you see, you haven’t been able to remember your name so we’ve just been calling you a nickname.”
“Why can’t I remember my name?”
She scowled at the memory, “Because our stupid captain “accidentally” hit your head when you first met and made you forget everything.” Shaking her head to dismiss the thought, she focused her attention back on you, “But now you do have your memories! Why don’t you tell me your name?”
You mulled this over in your head, feeling a little unsure of this crazy story. Nami was staring at you with anticipation, so you made up your mind quickly. “Nope!” You stuck your tongue out at her mischievously, “It’s a secret!”
She gasped and held a hand to her chest in mock betrayal, “Lucky! Come on, please tell me! If you do, I'll keep it a secret, too!” 
“Nuh-uh! I’m not telling!” You nodded resolutely, enjoying having a secret of your own. It felt so powerful!
Nami sulked her shoulders upon seeing the determination in your eyes, knowing she wasn’t going to win this one for the time being. She sighed and began climbing down the rope ladder to the deck, “Fine, you win for now.” She looked over to where Sanji was still fighting with Luffy (and also Zoro for some reason?) and called out to him, “Hey Sanji, Lucky is hungry!”
Immediately, he violently shoved both crewmates away from him and turned to you two with a slightly disheveled appearance. While attempting to straighten out his clothes and hair, he grinned warmly at you, “How could I be so careless as to not check if you were hungry myself? What’s your favorite food? I’ll make anything you want to make up for it.”
“Really? Anything?” Your eyes were sparkling and you felt your mouth watering as all of your favorite foods flashed through your head.
“Yes, anything,” he repeated back.
You squealed in excitement and clambered into his arms once he was close enough, “You’re the best, mister Sanji!” As you began to rattle off some of your favorites, Sanji was clutching at his chest and trying his damnedest not to give out from how cute this was.
“That sounds good! I want some of that, too!” Luffy popped up at his side, eyeing his cook expectantly.
Sanji’s dopey expression twisted into a scowl and he swung his leg at him, “You don’t get any, stay out of my da-” he cleared his throat, “out of my kitchen.”
Luffy dodged it with a practiced ease and kept following anyway, tacking on other foods he thought Sanji should make while he’s at it. All of it was meat.
You swung your feet happily, watching the interaction. You don’t really understand how your grown up self got to know these people, or how you got turned into a child. Seriously, what’s a devil fruit? But, you think you get why you wanted to be with them despite getting hit on the head by one of them. They seem like fun and nice people.
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kiebs-creative-corner · 6 months ago
Modern Siren AU
Totally not using your tags @pharaohzeth as an excuse to expand on my modern siren au
Toooootally not 😏
So this is an au wherein Sora, a siren, escapes from Germa with all of her children before Judge can use them as weapons, since sirens are very dangerous magical beings. They end up in Loguetown where they meet Zeff, who brings them under his protection (and eventually becomes their new dad 🤭).
That's the background. The main story takes place when the siblings are in university.
So it is technically a zosan au, so it follows Zoro meeting Sanji second year as they are rooming together. Zoro had an experience as a child where he saw mermaids in the water but no one believed him, so he mostly kept quiet about this story except for his closest friends: Kuina, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo.
Now that he is rooming with Sanji, however, Zoro is slowly drawn into the hidden community for magical creatures mostly on accident. And that's where Ace plays a part.
Ace and Ichiji were roommates their first year of university, so as for the main story, they are already dating. And Ace knows about Ichiji and his siblings being sirens. *And* Ace knows about Zoro's mermaid sighting. 👀👀
And this is the color schemes for the siblings in this au (just age 21, rather than 19 like they'd be in the story)
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Zeth's tags lol
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