Jenuinely Though
505 posts
I be Jen (35-She/They) Blog specifically centered around my fanfic writing | Minors, Please Mind NSFW content (Not Often, but it happens) | TMNT (main) | Helluva Boss+Hazbin Hotel (co-writing) | JTTW | Gargoyles | Transformers | Asks+Comments+Messaging encouraged |
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jenuinely-speaking · 28 days ago
I'm an idiot. I literally forgot to share this a couple of weeks ago. It's been a time.
The blend of two words, Delve; to dig up and study, and Causation; the event where a permanent effect takes place.
Hit some snags on my main story, so taking a break to write a one-shot that's been swimming rent free in me noggin' for the past month. I'm halfway done with it, so I might actually post it later tonight! In the meantime, here's a segment with the boys as a little preview:
Note: Everyone I write is aged up to be adults, unless stated otherwise. Universe: Bayverse Setting: New York City Tunnels, New York (guys are 30) Warnings: Swearing, grammar mistakes ---++---++---++ Turtles ++---++---++---
A relaxing, slow and mindless day—thank the Universe and Pizza Supreme both – Donatello was able to get some much needed work done. He had a lot of updates he needed to make on the both of their vehicles, and Raphael wanted his help on completing his latest portion on the latest motorbike he'd been working on for the last six months. He had planned to spend the entire day, par meals and their scheduled two hour training periods, shell deep in their large garage. Music blaring, drills going, sparks flying, grease and oil cased until he was in much need of a shower.
He had planned that.
What he got instead was, at hour three, his silent border alarms went off on his wrist watch. Without hesitation but with many, many cuss-words stringing abound beneath his beak, he bee-lined it to his computers.
He'd been watching the group since, perhaps the last forty or so minutes; humans that were delving the tunnels. Looked like they were kids, five of them with the eldest possibly college age. But thankfully, they showed to be well-verse in protection and inspection of their surroundings; all wearing PM2.5 masks, the two leads sporting tactical night vision goggles with grade-A flexibility, a bonus in his books, and one of the guys in the middle with a night vision camera. This wasn't their first tunnel to explore.
“Any new things happening with the group?”
Don split his attention for a second to see his elder brother walk in, blue mask rested around his neck as he walked in with a small plate of donuts in one hand and two mugs in the other. Sweet, sweet Galileo, what a savior.
Just as the snack had been placed on a nearby table, Don grabbed a jelly donut and took an immediate large bite. The heavenly thankful sound he made was closer to a churr than a sigh when the grape jelly touched his tongue, but the black coffee made it all the better.
“No; but the young woman that's with them is funny.” he murmured through his bite and went back to his desk to continue surveying the said group.
“Funny?” Leo appeared standing next to him, the second mug in hand. "Funny, how?" His tone conveyed a blend of suspicion and curiosity as he looked at the screens that showcased the group, currently having stopped to laugh about something.
Don gave a nod towards the screens showing the kids through a bite that finished off the donut, “mmhm.” His smile peaked through his chewing and sip of coffee that gave his snack that delicious finish before he sighed, satisfied, and leaned back in his chair. “She made a joke about Brown Noise during their discussion about tinnitus. Apparently one of the boys' ears have been ringing, and she thought it was a perfect opportunity.” A chortle from his elder brother had him grinning; he knew Leo would at least get a kick out of the science joke, like he had.
“Are any of them related?” Leo leaned against the computer desk with a balanced arm while he sipped his coffee, his sapphire eyes taking detailed notes of the spy camera screens. He blinked when one of the screens zoomed in on two individuals; the tallest boy with a designed high buzz cut and an athletic body that screamed “sports jock” and the one girl in the group with wavy hair set in a high tail. Though, Don claims she's a young woman that's at least in her mid-twenties, based on her height and voice. Leo wasn't sure about that. “These two?” He raised a brow ridge. Even with them wearing PM2.5 masks and dexterous night vision goggles, he could tell they did not look anything alike.
“Yeah,” Don supplied and pointed his cursor on both, “after she made the joke, the boys were talking about how this kid, Kayden, and his family always make the others laugh with science jokes.” With a shrug he clicked the screen back to its original position, “not sure how they are related, but they are according to that admission.”
Leo nodded in acknowledgment, “any luck finding out who those two are?” He knew Don had a hard time locating their identities, unlike the other three boys, who were without facial obscuring goggles. When he saw the cursor move to another screen that was sifting through a picture-label directory at an unseeable speed, he blinked and raised a questioning brow ridge back at his grinning little brother.
“When Kayden's name came up, I started sifting through the boys' online schoolbooks.” His grin faltered as he looked on at the screen next to it with ten pictures of boys with the same name, varying spellings, displayed. When another popped up, his frown deepened, “it's a popular name, to say the least.”
All Leo could do is hum in agreement as yet another boy's image with provided basic information popped up on the growing list. So far, none of the listed boys looked like they could be the one in their tunnels, based on hair style alone.
Both tensed when the parameter alarms went off once more, only this time it wasn't the silent pings, but a short blaring.
Donatello shot up to attention with a slam of his now empty mug. With a few clicks, the alarm was shut off and he immediately went into the camera system to see where it was triggered.
“What asshole mutant decided to pick a fight today?” Raph grumbled as he jogged into the labs, a well-used towel draped around his girthy neck as he wiped it and his bare forehead from sweat.
“Not sure. Donnie's looking into it,” Leo's sights flickered to their baby brother screeching his skateboard to a halt at the threshold and kicked it up before entering.
“Yo, those kids alright?” Mikey sounded more concerned than the rest of them as he stood on Donatello's other side of the computer station. “They didn't stumble on Leatherhead, did they?”
Shit, Leo didn't even think about that. Looking back up at the screen, his eyes widened at seeing the now highlighted spy cam box that showcased the mutant parameter trigger. It was the same spy cam screen showcasing the kids standing by the water.
The kids had stopped at some point to look at the water, something having caught their attention. They seemed to be frozen, all five looking tense with anticipation for something to happen. When Don clicked to increase the video size and began to mess with the settings, Leo couldn't help but feel that he and his brothers were now reflecting the human group on the screen: tense, coiled, and sweating with sparking anticipation.
A separate screen popped up, highlighting a zoomed area where one of the humans was already looking towards. When Don enhanced the settings for a sharper, clearer look at what was in the water, all four turtles sharply inhaled.
“Shit.” Don frantically stood from his chair and by passed his brothers to grab his gear.
“Dojo. Now!” Leo clipped, and he and his two other brothers ran full speed to get their weapons.
Not even seconds later, all four were running down the tunnels towards the one that held the human group.
“Donnie! Fastest route, now!”
He was three steps ahead of Leo as he yelled “this way!” and flipped onto his shell after a sharp turn; they were taking the fastest short cut through the river tunnels.
“How long 'till we get to the kids, Brain?” Raph hollered through the rush of the water.
“Any way we can get eyes on them!?” Yeah, the brothers could sympathize with Mikey on that one.
Don held up his wrist to double check their trajectory and time on his projected screen, “less than a minute!” He looked back towards his brothers, “Sorry, Mike—not gonna be able to hold eyes on them with this water spray.”
“Awe man.”
“I want all of you primed,” Leo interjected, “Donnie, focus on any that are injured—get them out of there immediately. Mikey, help him with either the injured or protection, preferably the latter. Raph, you're with me. We're going to keep that sonuvabitch off of them.” A loud crick sounded over the water spray of their fast travel as Raph flexed his neck, “with pleasure.”
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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mikey is not allowed a moment’s peace while leo is in the house 😔
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas everyone! Or have a great day! Either way I hope you’re having a good time.
I really tried to not be late but I got sick just before Christmas and had no energy to finish this. I got a few asks about how would the cousins spend Christmas time so here you go, hope that answers your questions. Also thank you for the lovely wishes, you’re all awesome and I love you! ❤️
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
TMNT 2003: No love interests for the turtles
Also TMNT 2003: Still manages to make Raphael's type known anyway.
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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Ummm…. Merry Christmas?
This is just a random lil comic I wanted to try doing one fully colored n shaded stuff
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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so ive had this idea for a while now
usagi still has the same relationship with jotaro but after introducing leo, leo unintentionally becomes a pseudo-dad and giving usagi Thoughts and Feelings™
anyways the dynamic between usagi, kenichi, and mariko (also jotaro by proximity) is so fascinating. mmmm angst but we're not doing angst here because im a coward
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months ago
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HTB - Ch.02 - Part 2
CHAPTER 2 COVER - << Previous - Next >>
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
Just had a thought.
Of Michelangelo being a glass artist.
And he brings his skills of handling his pizza creations into his art, and vice versa.
Also, imagine all of the intricate pies that he'd be able to produce (⁠✯▽⁠✯⁠)
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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Yes this is a real thing that happened yesterday and you cannot change my mind that Donnie wasn't the winner of that auction!!
I know this is a little early for a Christmas post, but I had to hop on this delicious bit of news before someone else did! You can read all about the actual toy and auction: HERE
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jenuinely-speaking · 3 months ago
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Turts sketchie
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