#logistical services
positivelyqueer · 3 months
if you feel like you’re ‘getting in the way’ as a mobility aid user, particularly with larger aids like wheelchairs, rollators/walkers, gait trainers and service dogs, That Is A Fault Of The Space (and potentially the people), not of you. You deserve all the space you take up and more.
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esquirelogistics · 2 years
Best Shipping & Air Freight Services at Esquire Logistics
Experience special service freight or cargo services from Esquire Logistics for all of your business's cargo & freight requirements. You can also contact Esquire Logistics for white glove shipping and logistical services.
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violent138 · 1 month
HC that Crime Lord Red Hood routinely donates medical equipment, money, and well-trained black market medics (formerly employed by gang leaders he took down) to Leslie's clinic. He's also obsessive about updating or improving the generators at the clinic and wears her down in a way that Batman couldn't.
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lonestarflight · 3 months
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A 1966 study by North American Aviation to use the Apollo Service Module (SM) as a lunar logistics vehicle (LLV). It required putting a landing gear on the SM and developing software to land on the moon unmanned.
'It was proposed for use in an unmanned, direct landing mode. The system required the addition of remote guidance and control and a suitable throttling engine.
So-called 'conversions' of the present SM engine really inferred a new engine development, probably of the same magnitude as that required for the LM descent engine. It was considered wiser by NASA's Bellcomm consultants to develop a new pump-fed engine or use a converted Agena engine and take advantage of the superior performance available.
Advantages of the SM Lander were said to be simple mission configuration; straightforward development; and substantial payload capacity at an early operational date (5,000 kg with an Apollo Block 1 SM; 7500 kg with a service module extended in length by 107 cm). Technical challenges included designing the landing gear and throttling engine provisions, and remote guidance and control for lunar landing."
-information from Astronautix: link
This was one of a number of studies and proposals for a lunar logistics vehicle done in the 1960s using existing designs/hardware.
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203/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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sugarsnappeases · 6 months
microfic - lesbian tedromeda!! | 2k words | kiki’s delivery service au
this one’s for my angel @stillagoodwitch and also (mainly) for cat (want u to read it aloud to her please, do u think she ships tedromeda??)
Andromeda thought she was doing well, all things considered.
She’d made it to the ocean, flown through the night to a seaside city with no other witches where she could settle down and start her new life, and no lightning bolts had come down from the sky to smite her, no demons had come from the manor to try and drag her back.
She was free and she was doing well.
She had Cat, her cat, all her savings and, of course, her broom and she thought she was making a good first impression on the townspeople, smiling politely and floating overhead in the early morning sun as she looked for somewhere to land.
It was a busy city, busier than anywhere she had ever been - people bustling across the pavements, cars rushing through the streets - but she thought that was probably a good thing, the change, the freedom, the anonymity of crowds.
She moved out into the road a little to fly under a bridge and - swerved as quickly as she could to the left to avoid being run over by a truck that was coming through the other way. Her broom lurched off sideways, her elbow scraping against the wall of the bridge as she flew away from it - directly into the path of another car.
It was louder now, cacophonous even, cars screeching to stops and beeping their horns at her as she tried desperately to get her broom back under control, swinging this way and that and nearly hitting another three cars before the broom sped off down the pavement, Andromeda still clinging on, pedestrians jumping out of her way.
She managed to stop, hovering in the air just around the corner from all the chaos she had caused, and lowered herself, and Cat, who had also been hanging on for dear life, and her savings and her broom, down onto the pavement with a sigh of relief.
Andromeda took a deep breath before looking up at the people who had stopped to stare at her, trying to smile her friendliest smile, which was rather unpractised, trying to look like she knew what she was doing and like she belonged there and like she wasn’t a complete disaster.
She wasn’t entirely sure how well she was succeeding but she smoothed down her hair and after a few moments everyone started to move about their days again.
Turning to Cat, who was perched on her shoulder now, she said “Well, I think-“
“What do you think you’re doing flying around like that?!” Shouted someone who had marched up behind her. Andromeda turned to see what looked like a policeman, still yelling at her, “You could’ve caused a crash! In fact, you’re lucky you didn’t!”
“Sorry, sir,” Andromeda stepped back against the wall behind her, trying to think what she was supposed to do in this kind of situation, it wasn’t really something she had ever been taught to deal with and for all that she was doing well, for all the she was freer and happier, she was started to feel a little overwhelmed, “I’m still getting used to how busy the city is, I just got here today, you see”
The policeman looked unimpressed, “That’s no excuse, you should still know better than to fly around causing a ruckus like that, someone could’ve got seriously hurt!”
Andromeda frowned a little, because surely it hadn’t been that dangerous, she knew she was a good flyer and it wasn’t like it was her fault that the truck had suddenly appeared like that, but she thought it unwise to say, so she let the man continue his tirade.
“Now,” he said finally, pulling out a notebook and flipping it open, “What’s your name and address?”
Andromeda opened her mouth, racking her brains to think of a suitable answer because she wasn’t sure if her name was really hers anymore, she thought her parents would probably have burnt her off the family tree by now, once they had woken up and discovered that she was gone, and she certainly wasn’t going to give out her old address but she didn’t yet have a new one to use instead. She was alone, and she didn’t have a home anymore and she desperately didn’t want this policeman to get in contact with her parents so all that she could come up with to say in the end was, “Um…”
“Don’t even think about lying to me, girl,” the policeman frowned at her, tapping his pen against the top of his notebook, “And hurry it up, I haven’t-“
Just then, he was interrupted by a shout of “Stop! Thief! Somebody stop him! Thief!” and he hurried off around the corner towards the noise, telling Andromeda to wait where she was and not move a muscle.
Andromeda stood there for a second or two, then relaxed her shoulders, turning towards Cat again, “That was lucky”
Cat nodded sagely, agreeing with her, and they wandered away in the other direction, slipping in between the other pedestrians and taking the next turning they came across.
She was taking it as a good sign, a symbol that maybe some god was smiling upon her running away - she knew she had done the right thing, knew she couldn’t have stayed there for a single day longer, she wasn’t sure what she would’ve done if she’d had to come up with a name and address for the policeman.
Running away had been like shedding her name, her last name at least, like an old coat, like a skin that didn’t quite fit right over her bones. The further she had flown from that manor, the more at peace she had felt, something settling in her.
So maybe the two of them, Andy and Cat, weren’t off to the best start but they had still been fairly lucky; at least they hadn’t been hit by any of those cars, at least they didn’t have to give up their old address and at least they weren’t currently being dragged back across the country to Black manor and the parents who Andromeda wasn’t sure would even let her in anymore, to the sisters, who she had been trying quite desperately not to think about, who she wasn’t sure would even want to speak to her anymore.
She had Cat, and her savings, and her broom, and she was going to make a new life for herself. She was free, and she wasn’t going back, and things were going to work out. Andromeda was repeating that like a mantra as she and Cat walked down a side street, trying to decide where to go from there.
“Hey! Hey, wait!” Came a voice from behind them, it wasn’t the policeman, it was a much younger voice, so Andromeda didn’t immediately break into a run, but it put her a little on edge nevertheless. She wasn’t sure what this person wanted so she didn’t turn to face them, continuing to walk onwards,
“Hey, that was pretty good, right?” the person was beside her now, Andromeda peered at them out of the corner of her eye, a person around her age on a bicycle, pedalling along in time with her steps, “I was the one who called thief, it was a distraction, I helped you get away, right?”
Andromeda turned her head slightly to look at them but didn’t reply, still walking along, struggling to suppress the instinctive sneer at the person’s unkempt hair and untidy clothing. She wasn’t her father, she wasn’t a Black, not anymore, but as much as she had shed that skin and felt better for it, there were things that had been drilled into her since birth that would take more than one night on a broomstick and a fifty odd miles to remove.
“Oi Teddy!” someone else called out from a group of teenagers gathered outside a shop, speaking to the person on the bike, who Andy now assumed was named Teddy, “Isn’t it a bit early to be on the prowl?”
Andromeda frowned, wondering whether she should be offended and feeling slightly out of her depth, more than she already had been. Teddy’s only response was a middle finger - frightfully vulgar, said her mother's voice in her head - and Andromeda worried this would lead to some act of violence or something, but the other teenagers barely batted an eye, just laughing in response.
“Shut up,” laughed Teddy back, and then proceeded to nearly crash into a lamppost because they hadn’t been concentrating on the road in front of them. Andromeda lips twitched, wanting to smile in spite of herself, as she continued to walk on, watching all of this out of the corner of her eye and studiously pretending that she wasn’t.
Teddy cycled a little quicker to catch up with her again, “Hey, can I have a look at your broom? It’s so cool that you can fly like that”
Andromeda kept walking, acting like she hadn’t even heard. She wasn’t used to speaking with people her age, or with anyone who wasn’t her family really, and she didn’t know how she was supposed to behave. There was a part of her that found this all quite endearing, but it was being drowned out by panic and frustration and an insistent need to be alone.
“Please could I just have a quick look?” Teddy continued, undeterred by her lack of response, “I love flying, I just wanna see what your broom is like - It could be payment for how I helped you out with the policeman”
At that, Andromeda stopped, turning sharply to look at the person still cycling beside her.
“I didn’t ask for your help!” she said, a little angry now, probably a little irrationally, she had never been good at controlling her temper, she was a Black after all, or she used to be, “I didn’t want your help. I suppose I have to thank you for it now but it was rude of you to not even introduce yourself”
Andromeda started walking again, frustrated at herself for snapping like that but also frustrated when out of the corner of her eye she saw Teddy recover from their moment of shock and grin, wide and bright, pedalling to get beside her again.
“I’m Ted,” they said, still smiling, and Andromeda didn’t know why that made her feel all warm inside, like that smile could solve all her problems, could calm the stormy seas that were constantly waging war on her, trying to pull her under. Then Ted, not Teddy, which must be a nickname, spoke again, “Now I’ve introduced myself, can I please have a look at your broom? Pretty please?”
Andromeda huffed, a bit discomfited by how friendly they were despite her rudeness, a bit annoyed by their persistence, entirely out her depth and clinging on to her pride and her anger like they were life jackets, a last bastion of familiarity in this new life where everything was new.
“No,” she snapped, harsh and definitive, “Leave me alone.”
She felt a bit pathetic as she stomped away, unsure why she had gotten so worked up like that, her anger gone almost as soon as it had arrived, disappointed in herself and the way she had behaved, worried that she was still too much like her family, like she would never be able to escape them even as she left them behind.
Andromeda didn’t know how she was meant to interact with this person, or any person really, she was beginning to worry that she didn’t know anything at all, overwhelmed by the newness of the city, the crowds and the buildings and the sense that she was on the outside, looking in on something that she might never be able to be a part of, uncomfortable with how Ted was trying to invite her in.
She turned a corner and got on her broom, flying away quickly and aimlessly, confused and maybe a little upset but mostly at herself. Andromeda, with Cat sat on the handle of the broom now, wondered whether this new life might be just a tad more difficult than she had first anticipated.
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a-sketchy · 8 months
yosuke’s such a bit player. his first instinct is to play along with the bit or go along with a line of reasoning. his second instinct is to be the straight man, appeal to common sense, or get serious
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silly-cherries · 9 months
do you think asexual Vulcans experience pon farr?
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wrenhavenriver · 9 months
hi!! i was wondering how bunnycat is doing? :D
i think he's glad to be home! unfortunately his saliva/sweat/etc is still radioactive enough that we can't really cuddle him or let him free roam around the house for another 10ish days 😭 but we got him a bigass catio style enclosure with lots of perches and room for all his necessities/toys and set it up inside by the glass patio doors so he can watch birds all day and eek indignantly at us every time we walk in the room 🙃
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lilietsblog · 7 months
Re: horse messenger chain
The mongol empire had a system that was what you're describing. Wikipedia says Russia kept the system after the dissolution of the Golden Horde
oohhhhhh my god ямщик!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much yes THIS IS INFORMATION I WANTED TO HAVE
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daoluxury · 2 months
We are a reliable wholesale supplier in China and offer preferential prices. We provide the highest quality products at the most competitive prices, and we ship to all over the world. We sell clothing, shoes, sandals, boots, watches, hats, belts, sunglasses and more. We are looking for partners from all over the world. 📲Website link:www.dao-luxury.com WhatsApp: https://wa.me/8617693130858. ✈ Shipping to all countries ⭐Delivery within 8-14 days ⭐Global online logistics services Order by wire transfer. Thank you for your interest in our partnership! We are pleased to be your company's reliable wholesale supplier.
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sbs-expedited3 · 10 hours
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Reliable Transportation Company in Canada for All Your Logistics Needs
Looking for a trusted Transportation Company in Canada? SBS Expedited offers dependable logistics and transportation services across Canada and the USA, ensuring your goods reach their destination safely and on time. From LTL shipments to specialized freight solutions, we’ve got you covered. Visit SBS Expedited to explore our services today and get a quote for your next shipment! https://www.sbsexpedited.com/
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avvocarlo · 29 days
considering switching from support work to hr or admin
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daoluxury23 · 2 months
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Piaget watch
We are a reliable wholesale supplier in China and offer preferential prices. We provide the highest quality products at the most competitive prices, and we ship to all over the world. We sell clothing, shoes, sandals, boots, watches, hats, belts, sunglasses and more. We are looking for partners from all over the world. 📲Website link:www.dao-luxury.com WhatsApp: https://wa.me/8617693130858. ✈ Shipping to all countries ⭐Delivery within 8-14 days ⭐Global online logistics services Order by wire transfer. Thank you for your interest in our partnership! We are pleased to be your company's reliable wholesale supplier.
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bagwatch · 2 months
We are a reliable wholesale supplier in China and offer preferential prices. We provide the highest quality products at the most competitive prices, and we ship to all over the world. We sell clothing, shoes, sandals, boots, watches, hats, belts, sunglasses and more. We are looking for partners from all over the world. 📲Website link:www.dao-luxury.com WhatsApp: https://wa.me/8617693130858. ✈ Shipping to all countries ⭐Delivery within 8-14 days ⭐Global online logistics services Order by wire transfer. Thank you for your interest in our partnership! We are pleased to be your company's reliable wholesale supplier.
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trukkinlogisticsuae · 3 months
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