#logically this is probably what i have actually wanted all along. have always said i want to be somewhere in between.
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vulpinesaint · 25 days ago
passing is so crazy cause i literally do right up until i don't. old man at church pointing me nd my dear beloved friend toward the men's bathroom. parents at work who have never met me calling me 'he'. cashiers and waiters calling me sir sometimes. friend told me today that she posted a picture from when i went to her formal with her and got like six different messages asking her when she got a boyfriend. and when i went to that formal with a bunch of sorority girls and frat boys i literally passed there too!! and it is all so awesome right up until the moment i'm trying to pass and then the she/her comes out of nowhere like a slap in the face lmao. schrodinger's transsexual i am constantly in a state of passing and not passing all at the same time...
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vonlycaonwife · 1 month ago
Omg i love eeevvverryy thing about ur writing so could you pleassee please (if you want to ofc ♡) write some headcanons with lighter, lycaon, seth + whoever you want! where reader loves teasing them? like yknow when you have a crush on someone and you're always like playfully hating on them? like "damn u missed that, u suck!"
I honestly had a bit of trouble writing this because I was having trouble if what you meant was mainly teasing or not? So I may have ended up with that tonaly in my writing just a heads up!
Warnings: semi suggestive with Jane's
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Honestly with Lycaon it's a mixed bag?
Like depending on the scene he either shuts it down, like when working for example, or plays off of it expertly, which I can imagine is when he's specifically not working.
So I would just suggest being cautious and know when it's appropriate to do that.
But! To expand on what I said earlier about him playing off of your teasing. I can imagine if you're smaller than him, he would just use his larger frame to tease you back.
In a romantic context he would just lean over and, if no one is around to see, pin you against a wall. He wouldn't do anything, just look down at you until you got too flustered to say more.
Though in a more platonic setting the most he would do is most likely pick you up and walk around with you over his shoulders, because that's the easiest way to shut you up.
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With Seth I feel like he would take it to heart too much? Like don't get me wrong, I'm sure he can read the tone perfectly and know you're just teasing.
But something is just telling me that in his brain, his logic is a sort of “why say something potentially hurtful even if in a playful manner?” 
To reiterate, he knows it's all in good fun, but I can see him with this blank face processing your teasing for a moment before playfully rolling his eyes as he tries to brush it off. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
He wouldn't really mention when it starts to bother him, mainly because he knows that's just how some people interact. 
Though I'm sure you would know when to quit it if you do notice it bothering him.
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Oh this girl eats. It. Up!
She's absolutely playing along with your game and even playing dirty tactics like physical teasing.
Doesn't matter if you're in a romantic or platonic relationship with her, she teases everyone with her lithe fingers. You'd expect her to go easy on you? Ha! She wouldn't play fair like that. 
The only reason she would is if you are uncomfortable with physical touch in all honesty, but then that just lets her be more creative with other forms of teasing.
For example, using her own good looks. I mean, we can all admit she's hot right? (Lord I would let her do so much-) And she knows this, so I can see her “innocently” doing some things as she's in a tease war with you.
Like taking her jacket off, or repositioning her crossed legs. Honestly she could do it in such a subtle way you wouldn't even think she's doing it on purpose until later.
Honestly she's having a lot of fun with this, probably more fun than you are. (I salute you soldier)
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I feel like Lighter is somehow a combination of everyone above?? Don't ask me how exactly it just feels right.
Like I can see him only acknowledging it when on downtime, but also thinking similarly to Seth in terms of “I don't get it but I know it's not actually insulting me”. But also instead of brushing it off he plays off of it like Jane, though less suggestive.
I mean it would work with his whole cool guy persona, playing off of someone lightly teasing him and dishing it back out.
I can just see the shit eating grin he has when he's doing a back and forth. He wouldn't be as good at it as Jane with his own teasing, but I can see him going the more goofy route.
Like exaggerating the ‘coolness’ with almost cringey phrases, but not too cringey to kill his reputation if overheard, and maybe even flexing his muscles if you're into that. (I am)
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atrophiedemotion · 8 months ago
ivantill cafeteria scene analysis
keep in mind that this is fully just my personal opinion and interpretation of the scene okay cool
the cafeteria scene from round 6 has always been really interesting to me, and i've seen a lot of people take it different ways, so i just wanted to walk through my view of it because it's such a telling scene about their dynamic more recently than as kids
the scene starts with a shot of till during the round that looks to be from ivan's pov, showing us what he's seeing in the moment, and flashes back to one of ivan's memories from anakt.
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considering the almost identical expressions till is wearing in both shots, it seems to be ivan thinking back to a time he saw till look the way he does in round 6- miserable, hopeless, defeated. like he's given up.
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we then see ivan noticing till's apparent resignation and shitty mood (because of course he notices, it's his personal watching till time after all), then getting up to go bother him. i say 'bother him', and it definitely looks like that's what he's doing, but i don't think that's ivan's goal. i think ivan's goal is to comfort, or at least distract till.
despite their juvenile fights, we've never seen ivan actually want to cause till true harm. his lyrics in both black sorrow and cure are caring and reverent, making it apparent that ivan really does just love and care for him and just wants to be able to do things for till. this is furthered ofc by the whole post-club scene where ivan looks absolutely devastated seeing the state till is in.
i always reference back to my mirroring post bc it explains the way i imagine ivan's train of thought, and it applies here again. ivan does not know how to comfort till in a conventional way (probably for a few reasons; till is different from the other students, both in the way he acts and displays his emotions, and in ivan's opinion of him. till is special to ivan, he usually drops his mask around him so meaningless platitudes wouldn't be right) but he does know how to get till's attention on him and out of his own head.
all this being said- what ivan does next:
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he swipes his hand across the cut on till's cheek. yeah, i know, definitely not what most people would consider 'comforting their friend' but that's what makes sense to ivan. 'how could i possibly distract him if he seems to ignore me most of the time?' (for now looking past the fact that till actually seems comfortable in ivan's quiet company, ivan's too single-focused to realize that)
and, well, i mean. he's right. till gets visibly disgruntled. he doesn't exactly look pissed as much as he looks caught the hell off guard, but it grabs his attention.
ivan, on the other hand, looks almost fond to me. i don't know, i just don't really think he looks smug even though i'm assuming that might be the general consensus. he almost seems a bit soft. to me, it looks like he's adoringly thinking, 'it worked. there, no time to be sad anymore, huh?' he probably is proud of himself for it, but not really in a selfish way.
till, of course, sees that it's ivan who's messing with him, and turns away.
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i've also talked about this but at this age it really does seem like till's mindset when it comes to ivan is something along the lines of, 'oh, it's just ivan. he's fucking weird, that's just how he is' and more or less shrugs it off. he's used to ivan's "quirks" it seems.
this, till looking at ivan only to immediately look away, won't do. he only caught his attention for a few seconds, so i assume ivan's next logical move is to do something that will get an even bigger reaction. (ivan is a logical thinker, after all, at least in my perception of him)
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so he. ya know. does that. which really seems like a great way to get himself punched, right? which honestly is also probably his plan. have till explode in anger, forget whatever happened for him to be injured in the first place, and ivan gets his undivided attention for a period of time. a win-win.
and you might be saying "oh, but couldn't ivan have just been doing that selfishly? we know his main goal is to get till to look at him." to which i say, yeah fair. i don't think this was done completely selflessly (i don't think anything ivan does is fully selfless but that's perhaps for another day) at all, he could've gone at it a different unconventional way if it was. but i think he probably sees it as mutually beneficial.
yes, it does seem like a way to show ivan wanting to keep till's eyes and attention on him. an example of how he seeks out till's attention no matter what, but the preceding shot of a hopeless till reminds ivan of this particular interaction for a reason.
there had to have been a motive behind what he did and why he did it then, and what we have to go off of for that is the first three shots. till wearing the same misery on two different occasions and ivan noticing. with that information, it's really not a stretch that this could be ivan's fucked up version of comfort.
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bigpushforme · 12 days ago
A Life Lesson
Quick Disclaimer - This story is intended to be more of a comedy birth story. It's not super hot or spicy, but hopefully it will make you laugh a bit. Secondly, I cranked this out in like an hour after the initial idea hit me. It probably isn't my best work so apologies if it's lower quality than I what I've posted before. Finally, I am always trying to improve as a writer. If you have any constructive criticism of my work, please feel free to share it with me in DMs. ~ K.
Being a College Professor was one of the greatest joys of your life. You found a special pride in bringing up the next generation of scholars. Your Colleagues respect you, your husband loves you, and your students honor you. Life was good, but got even better when you realized that you were pregnant. This would have been a completely unexpected surprise, if you didn’t recall that one night you and your husband couldn’t wait to go get condoms…
It didn’t matter though, as you both wanted a child and were well off financially. You took the pregnancy in stride, enjoying every movement, kick, ultrasound, and hormonally-induced crying sessions. 
As you approached your due date, you received a call from the Dean of your department with a request to meet. You attended, having no idea what this was about. “I have a proposal for you, my dear.” He began. “We at the University have been troubled by the Freshmen lack of sexual health knowledge. These Schools they’re coming from are leaving them woefully unprepared to take control of their sexual health.” The Dean was a well-respected man in the field of Human Anatomy with too many awards and degrees on his back wall to back up his status. You chuckled, thinking that he was about to offer you a position as the Remedial Sex-Ed teacher, something you wouldn’t mind, if you weren’t so pregnant. 
“So, you want me to get these students up to speed?” You asked. Surprisingly, he shook his head. 
“No. Well, at least not conventionally.” He took a breath and composed himself. “We believe that the best way to teach these students the consequences of unsafe sex practices, is to witness a live birth first hand.” You blinked. “The Department is wondering if you would let these students witness you give birth to your child.”
You weren’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t that. You had just gotten used to the idea of being fully exposed at that moment, but it’s easy to justify when it’s just your husband and trained medical staff. A bunch of college freshmen though?
“I…I don’t know, Dean. I would need to think this over with my husband…” You reply, the Dean understandably shakes his head and tells you to think it over, reassuring you that nothing would change should you refuse. 
That night, you explained the situation to your husband. “Well, I can’t say his methods aren’t sound in logic. I remember my Mom making me watch her deliver my little brother. Always made sure to have a condom on me after that.” He chuckled. “Still, this will be your big day, so you’re in charge. I’ll go along with whatever you want.” You smiled and kissed your husband, ending the evening in a night of love-making where he wouldn’t need a condom. 
The next morning, you had made up your mind. You strolled back into the Dean’s office with a smirk on your face. “I’ll do it, but I have some demands.” You stated confidently. The Dean seemed shocked that you actually agreed to the idea, but quickly grabbed a notepad and pen. “Uh…of course!” He said, listening intently. 
“First, I will have a homebirth. I’m not pushing this baby out in a lecture hall. Second, I will only allow three students to watch. I prefer them all to be women, but I will allow one man if you deem it absolutely necessary. The rest of the class can watch a recording. Those that are in attendance must stay for the whole thing. I can’t run from this, so they can’t either.” You laid your demands firmly on the table, and the Dean wrote them all down carefully. “Finally, I want a raise. 40%.” You crossed your arms over your body, laying them across your swollen belly. You watched the Dean’s face shoot upward to look at you. He opened his mouth, presumably to protest, but he quickly realized he was in no position to do so considering what he asked of you. “Deal.”
The next few months went by uneventfully. There were a few changes that needed to be made to the birth plan, but they weren’t that big of a deal. The night before your due date you were in the kitchen when the first contraction hit you, nearly buckling over with the sudden pain. You panted hard and got your bearings once your husband arrived and let you to the couch. You looked at him with a soft smile, one that told him you were okay. “Call the Midwife…then call the students…”
The three students that arrived were all women, arriving at one time. You were a bit surprised to see them come in all at once. Your husband let them in while you were in the middle of a contraction. “Hey, Professor!” One of the more bubbly ones yelled out as she entered. “Sorry if we got here too early. We knew you were due tomorrow, so we had a sleepover last night so we could come right away when we were called! How are you?”
“Oh…right. Labor…” She replied to herself, met with giggles from her two friends. The Midwife which knelt at your feet laughed as well. “She still has a way to go, ladies. I would make yourself comfortable. Feel free to ask any questions you have.” She filled the girls in on your behalf. You breathed long and slow, trying to work through the pain. Sans any complications, you intended to have this baby as Mother Nature intended. The three girls sat in various places throughout the room, talking amongst themselves and asking the Midwife questions. They seemed relatively knowledgeable about the process, and for a moment you wondered why they even needed to be here. “What are all those towels for?” One of them asked. 
“To clean the baby once she is born.” The Midwife replied, keeping her attention on you. The girl cocked her head to the side like a confused puppy, “Why? They come out so clean and pretty with those cute hats on, right?”
Oh. That’s why they were here. 
The Midwife looked at the girl, then back to you. “You are doing a great service to these young people.” She replied with a snicker. You smiled, only to be hit with another contraction. 
“Ggggnnaahhh!!!” You couldn’t help but let out a cry as the pain shot through you. The contractions weren’t getting any stronger, which means you still had a while of laboring to get through. Your husband stayed by your side the whole time, except when he went to see your guests. 
“Girls, I just want you to understand that if you’re squeamish, now would be the time to leave. Once she starts pushing, that door is locked until the baby is out. Do you understand?” He asked the girls tactfully. One of them stood up and crossed her arms. 
“It can’t be that bad, right? I watch those shows on TV all the time!” The Bubbly one agreed with her friend. “Yeah, this will be the easiest A we ever make!” Your husband laughed to himself. You made him agree to not correct them, at all. He was not to say anything that would discourage them from watching closely. 
You attempted to rest as much as you can. The girls stayed to themselves as you labored, having most of their questions answered by either your husband or the Midwife. You couldn’t respond, but you got a nice chuckle out of hearing their innocent questions, and yet, you finally understood why the Dean was so concerned about how little they knew.
“I heard you can’t get pregnant if you have sex in Cowgirl. All the cum just falls out, right?” “You can only get pregnant one day out of the month, so can I just avoid that day?” “If a trans man gets pregnant, where does the baby come out of?”
Your dear husband attempted to answer these questions as best he could, as the Midwife was focused only on you. Another contraction came, much stronger this time. “Nnnnggg!!!!” You grit your teeth through the pain. The Midwife checked your cervix. “Ten centimeters, time to push!” She said with a satisfied smile. Your body was already telling you to push and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fight it for long. Your husband helped you into position, laying on a pile of thick blankets with your back against him for support. Your legs were splayed open, giving your audience of three a nice view of the coming show. The girls gathered in front of you, innocent smiles on their faces and encouraging words on their lips. “You can do it, Professor!” One spoke. “Come on…big push!” Another encouraged you. 
You took your husband's hand and squeezed, bearing down and pushing with everything you had. You could feel the baby descend, move with each contraction as it fought to enter the world. “Come on, Mama…one more push…” The Midwife spoke, and you did so.
“Gaaahhh! Fuuuck, this hurts…!” You groaned out in pain. In the brief moment between pushes, you looked up at your audience. They had gone suspiciously quiet. The Bubbly one had an odd look on her face, like she didn’t expect what she was seeing. “Is that…?”
“Good job, Mama! Big push!”
“Easy, breathe…you’re crowning!”
You looked up. Their faces had gone from curious, to horrified.
“Her pussy is so…stretched…”
“What is all that leaking from her…?”
“Is this normal?”
Your husband smiled at you and broke your gaze long enough to speak to the girls, “Yes, ladies. This is childbirth. If you have a baby one day, this will happen to you, too.”
The Bubbly one collapsed, her knees giving out and forcing her to kneel. “Fuck that! I’m adopting!” If you weren’t in so much pain, you would’ve laughed. All things considered, this was shaping up to be a very normal and healthy delivery. Still, this was not a biology lesson for these girls, it was a life lesson. As a dutiful professor who desires to make her lessons stick, you decided to…ham it up a bit.
“AHHHHH!!!” You screamed. The Midwife seemed surprised as you were in between pushes, but she quickly caught on. You looked at your husband. “WHY DIDN’T WE USE A CONDOM….?!” You didn’t have time to gauge the girl’s reactions before another contraction hit you, eliciting a very strong, and very real scream. “AHHHH!!!” 
“Give me one more big push, Mama…she’s almost here!”
You summoned all the strength you had left in your body, as if you had called on the strength of every woman before you that was in this position. You felt the telling movement in between your legs, and your screams were cut only by a loud gushing sound as your body finally released your daughter. 
She was perfectly healthy. The baby cried softly as she was placed on your chest while the Midwife cleaned her. Your eyes were locked onto the soft creature, but for the briefest of seconds, you looked up. One look at the faces of your audience told you all you need to know. They got the lesson. 
The Midwife remained to clean you up and help you to recover. Meanwhile, your husband escorted the girl’s out of the house. They didn’t speak. 
“Ladies, thank you for sharing this very special moment with us. We hope you learned a lot!” He said, his voice dripping with smug sarcasm. The girl’s just nodded quietly, no doubt reconsidering their desire to have children. “Oh, before you go, the Professor wanted to make a gift for you all.” He pulled out a basket with three bags and handed one to each student. “Ten condoms and a guide on how to use them properly.” The girls snatched the bags and held them close as if those condoms were life-saving medications. “And the Midwife wanted to offer you all her card, if you choose to ignore what you’ve learned today…” He added a small business card to each bag and let them go on their way. 
He returned to your side with a smile. “You think they got the lesson?” You asked. He smiled. “I think so.”
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dumplingsfordays · 1 year ago
Reading 30 Strales and omg Blade smelling like citrus sounds amazing. I've been playing for about 3 weeks and after fulling catching up on the trailblazer quests I was like dang blade kills people a lot right, he probably smells like blood 24/7 that's so gross. All this to say... reject logic, I agree that blade smells like citrus. Do you have thoughts on what any of the others would smell like?
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what the hsr men smell like
ft. blade, gepard, jing yuan, dan heng, luocha, and welt
cw!: mentions of blood, no pronouns for reader mentioned, implied relationship, cuddling, swearing, super fluffy :)
note - thank you so much for reaching out to me omg 🥺 i reject logic too so that's how the whole citrus thing came to be ajsjdk. also i know absolutely nothing about colognes/fragrances so i'm sorry if i mess some of these up ;-; hope you're having a great day/night though pookie <3
and as always, thank you for reading :)
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~ as mentioned above, def smells like citrus and bergamot.
~ sometimes you can catch a little metallic-y whiff of (cough cough) def not blood (cough cough), but it never lasts for long - when he hugs you, the smell of oranges invades your senses like a light summer breeze~
~ and don't get me started on how obsessed he is w this scent. if he stays somewhere for even 1-2 days, you know he's bringing along his 3 freakin citrus-scented candles!!
~ please run your fingers thru his hair when you're hanging out or cuddling. please. he will melt from headpats and your fingers will smell like his shampoo for the rest of the day, and since you love the scent of gentle lime, why not?
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~ omg this man!! he's totally giving cashmere + hot cocoa for some reason??? he doesn't really use cologne/fragrances and prefers his natural scent, but does use cashmere and vanilla body wash + shampoo.
~ like sure, after a busy day at work or training he'll kinda smell like sweat but will immediately take a shower when he gets home. he hates being sweaty and thinks it's icky if he does for too long-
~ and when you snuggle up to him for cuddle time on a day off, you just wanna stay there forever bc his scent envelops you like a blanket on freezing winter nights <3
~ overall very comforting and warm, just like Gepard himself!! (cries in human heater vibes)
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jing yuan
~ musk + cinnamon + a little bit of spice, and def uses cologne.
~ actually wants to smell nice and puts in the effort!! changes his sheets, washes his clothes, showers every day (but washes his hair every 3 days or so bc haircare)
~ speaking of haircare, this man's big on it. most of his haircare products smell like the aforementioned musk and cinnamon, but he uses this one cream that smells like cloves and you freakin adore it. sometimes you borrow it so that whenever you're going out and he's busy with his big boy general duties, it feels like he's with u <3
~ and ughhhh his bedroom smells like him so whenever you guys have le cuddle time you fall asleep almost immediately. ofc he eventually does too (bc he loves how u smell too pookie, don't tell him i said that though he would kill me aksjskd) and you're so warm and soft and how could he not fall asleep??
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dan heng
~ very ocean-y (salty?), small hints of eucalyptus and cypress as well. when he uses cologne he uses very, very little, but he actually has 2 separate colognes, one for the ocean-y cypress, and the other for the eucalyptus
~ i feel like this is kinda a bold statement but he uses bath bombs. like he gets a bath bomb that smells like mint, gets in the bathtub w it, and glides his thumbs over its surface bc he likes the texture-
~ he might not be the cleanest man in the universe, but he sure does smell like it!! something about eucalyptus and cypress and mint and a hint of ocean breeze is chillingly refreshing and tbh you kinda dig it :D
~ mornings w dan heng. omfg they are ethereal bc he literally smells angelic??? like a gentle freshness yk and the pillows smell like him too so lazy mornings are def a thing that you guys love sharing <3
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~ oooo he's kinda a wild card imo, but personally, i think that he smells like jasmine + honey (not just bc of his idle + technique!! pinky promise)
~ he lowkey smells a little like freshly-cut grass, very light n refreshing. however, jasmine takes center stage, and if you really bury your face in his long-ass hair, you can catch a whiff of chamomile :))
~ super big on herbal teas and honey as well - i hc that he brings a water bottle w him that's just green tea n honey so when you're close to his face (cuddling, hugging, etc) the honey adds this sweetness that blends super well w the aforementioned chamomile + jasmine <3
~ like jing yuan, super involved in haircare!! he does use less products, but you still freakin adore this chamomile shampoo that he uses. avid believer in aromatherapy, prob uses essential oils (not for curing cancer ofc)
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~ coffee and amberwood!! both are deep and rich scents and he probably uses cologne in very small amounts aksjdks
~ coffee addict and the scent faintly lingers, so the amberwood is really more prominent, but overall i promise he doesn't smell like dust or smth, he's not that old he takes good care of himself :))
~ burns incense in his room bc it helps him relax and concentrate on his drawings, so he does have a little resin smell to him, but you don't mind bc it's actually quite comforting. he once almost caused a fire bc he dropped a lit match onto the carpet but we don't talk about that-
~ loves to hug you so whenever he does, you always feel so cozy and loved and aaaaa ya'll are so cute i can't <3 and since he's pretty tall he sometimes rests his head on top of yours and hugs you from behind like that and you melt immediately bc it's like a blanket!! but smells super nice!!
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celtrist · 3 months ago
For your obsession au, do Husk and Niffty have an obsession with Alastor too? If yes, how do they display it?
So I'm inclined to say yes as the obsession AU pretty much has anyone and everyone affected. I've only really played around with unfallen angels or characters like Mammon and Octavia as characters not effected by it.
With that said, I did think it would be funny if Niffty wasn't affected for absolutely no reason considering how she is in canon. However, I do think she would logically be just as affected as everyone else as the au is meant to put Alastor through the ringer (though how much of a break is it when the only person you can talk to is Niffty? I'm certain he WOULD go crazy at some point). But maybe I'll play around with the idea. But as of right now, she is obsessed like everyone else.
Niffty is very clingy, likes to constantly clean Alastor's space, and steals his things from unfinished food to underwear, and puts it in her stash of things to more than likely do unspeakable things with. She more than likely sets mouse traps for Alastor but where Vaggie is clever with her traps, Niffty very much isn't. Alastor still likes Niffty for her "twisted little mind", and will actually indulge her somewhat (like if she sets up a literal mouse trap for him, he will "play along" up until actually being "caught". To be honest, Niffty is pretty much the same as canon, she's just got the hots for Alastor and makes it known (loud flirting and all). So she does a lot of things you'd expect her to do, steal his stuff, watch him sleep (if he does), just watches and stares at him generally when she was nowhere in the vicinity 2 seconds ago (Alastor has probably gotten both startles by her but also given a resigned tired "Hello Niffty" on multiple occasions). Niffty still likes other bad boys though and with her questionable attention span, isn't always focused on Alastor. Though she more than likely has fantasies of either Alastor (and others sometimes) doing horrible things to her or her (and others sometimes) doing horrible things to Alastor. To quote Husk "You don't even wanna know what's her deal".
People don't really see her as a threat to their relationship with Alastor though. And it's probably due to Niffty still being her normal self and getting distracted pretty often and as a result not constantly focused on Alastor all the time that Alastor is pretty tolerable of her. Plus, I just like to think he has a soft spot for her.
Husk is a toughy. I do think I've settled on the idea that, while the obsession curse can increase one's hate of Alastor, it does ALWAYS still include an aspect of a desire to be with him. Whether THAT varies between platonic or romantic I'm not quite sure, but I'm inclined to the latter (as someone said, it's kinda supposed to be an aroace nightmare). Husk is probably one of the "better behaved" folks though. He's a pretty mellow guy compared to most other characters in the show, so I'd imagine how he'd act here would be subtle and not as overt as some of the others. I can see him having just wanted to own Alastor's soul as the reason he gambled his own soul away rather than having not much left and being desperate. He wants to not just be with Alastor, but to OWN Alastor. Unfortunately, Alastor is still good with cards in this AU so Husk has the opposite of what he wanted. He still takes what he can get though. Since becoming a bartender in the hotel, he's more than likely roofied Alastor on occasion. Husk is like Vaggie in that he really hates Alastor but also loves him. But where Vaggie wants Alastor to change to be more feminine, Husk would prefer Alastor nice and quiet. Any talking he does want to hear would be more along the lines of a "master and servant" dialogue, with Alastor being the latter. Considering canon Husk would more than likely KILL to see Alastor in misery, I'm certain he's had some pretty sadist ideas with him due to his hate for the guy. But maybe here he'd be more along the lines of "I wanna see him in pain but I don't want him to actually no enjoy it". However, I think he does want to just be a shoulder for Alastor to lean on too, and is more than willing to hear Alastor talk about his problems at the bar. More than likely Husk has probably subtly put things into Alastor's head during those moments too, like messaging. But Husk doesn't genuinely want Alastor hurt or anything and is certainly one of the more aware people about the curse. As a result, I can also see him trying to hold back on trying to do anything bad to Alastor.
While Niffty is pretty easy to imagine, Husk has been super hard. He's just a character that I have a really difficult time thinking about "what it he was a yandere" for. Someone mentioned something about Husk just wanting to be a good buddy to Alastor, but that seems too nice for Alastor. By the same token, it honestly could make for a good "break-up" from everyone else. Thus why I have Husk also being one of the very few (possibly only one) actually holding back on his instincts caused by the curse. Any thoughts about Husk's obsession or ideas to do instead would honestly be helpful. He's a tough cookie for me.
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ryuichirou · 8 months ago
twst boy’s thoughts on breeding kink stuff. like who’d enjoy it and indulge in it, find it embarrassing, or straight up don’t like it. (i can see idia insisting he’s not into it but his tops are bullies…someone save him…)
Anon! Sorry for the late reply.
It was a bit of a tricky one because of my own complicated relationship with the breeding kink lol So I’m sorry if some of the hcs are less enjoyable because of it, but I tried to make it fun + it was very interesting to think about how these boys would actually feel about it.
Idia’s tops are indeed bullies… despite what I wrote in this post, Idia is so bulliable that every single top of him would go “alright let’s breed him” even without having this kink lol
Riddle – he probably hasn’t even heard of something like this, so if someone tries to explain this kink to him, he might misinterpret it and say that this is indeed the correct way to have an intercourse (= you should do it to procreate, sounds logical to him). This would probably make people who are aware chuckle… I think Riddle is way too far in his mind to fully get it. In terms of kink, he is more into other stuff… of which he also isn’t really aware.
Ace – if asked about it, he would act like this is kind of a yuck kink: why does everything have to be about making babies? At the same time, he is a simple guy, so if he is in the heat of the moment, he might start saying some bullshit with no filter, so it kiiiind of turns him on. But maybe it’s just because he is too damn horny and pretty much anything would turn him on lol
Deuce – not into it… or is he? Honestly, it’s hard to say because his brain just shuts off whenever he has sex, so maybe he indulged in something similar to this… when things got too animalistic. He can’t quite control how his body reacts when he feels filled; maybe it does feel kind of good… But he really doesn’t remember. He doesn’t-!!
Trey – he isn’t super into it; he did watch a bunch of porn with this exact kink at some point because he was trying out different things and seeing how he feels. And it didn’t really resonate with him a lot. I guess he just ties breeding with actually having babies too closely, and he would like to avoid that even in theory: the ultimate older brother is tired and wants to have sex without worrying too much…
Cater – he is not super into it, it just doesn’t click in his mind; but similarly to Ace, if he is horny, he is horny. He would play along if his partner suddenly started saying stuff during sex, but also add something like “no way~ Kei-kun doesn’t want to be a dad yet, are you really that hungry for that?” or something among the lines.
Leona – he is more into it than he wants to admit. It is kind of a huge secret, but when Ruggie noticed that, Leona smirked and said that this is another reason why he and his brother are so different: Falena has always been a very oblivious horny breeder, and Leona, well… he has always loved the feeling of being mounted and bred. Ruggie didn’t need to hear it in this kind of detail, but sure. 
Ruggie – he is not into it when his head is cool, but when he gets horny, he can’t quite control it. He cums a lot and cums often, so at some point his brain gets completely fried and he can’t think of anything other than the need to inseminate. He also finds humans with this kink kind of funny… don’t gatekeep breeding wtf Ruggie.
Jack – “all beastmen have breeding kink” is a stereotype, and Jack Howl is the reason it exists. Now this is someone who can’t actually help it and suffers because his instincts get the best of him; but at the same time there is this sentimental brain cell in his head that make him feel like the love he feels for someone just doubles when he breeds them. Even if he knows that Deuce won’t be able to produce a litter, he won’t stop trying… But when the sex is all done and Jack is sane again, he kind of cringes at all this.
Azul – he doesn’t have a breeding kink and doesn’t really see a point in it (someone please explain to Azul that kinks don’t really have points), but he gets kind of aroused from the thought of using breeding to control a person… I think that’s a whole different kink altogether though… Plus, ironically he is probably the most likely out of the trio to have his instincts to breed take over. I just want Idia to have octopus eggs…
Jade – he would be into the transformation a human body would have to go through to sustain eel eggs + he finds popping eggs very satisfying, does that count as a breeding kink? No Jade, it doesn’t! What the hell! Anyways, for Jade it’s more of a science project than a kink…
Floyd – he gets carried away easily, and no kink is really a 100% turn off for him. So sometimes it would be a yuck for him and he would say that pretending as if you’re making babies is gross and babies are also gross and the whole thing is gross. But sometimes he will start asking Riddle weird questions and say weird comments, like how his body is so tiny it probably would look giant if he had his eggs. He might even force Riddle to beg him to cum inside for that exact reason. But maybe this is just because he loves to mess with Riddle too much.
Kalim – he probably doesn’t even know it exists… and if he hears about someone having this kink, he would think that this is very wholesome and sweet. And a little bit sad. Say, Jamil, is there a way for them to have a kid if they want it so badly they keep trying? There must be, right?
Jamil – he doesn’t want to answer Kalim’s questions and doesn’t want to even think about it. In general, I think he is indifferent and sometimes doesn’t really like it. But the latter is because there was a period in his life during which he kept having nightmares about having Kalim’s babies and having sex with him repeatedly for years and years. He doesn’t know what the hell that was all about.
Vil – it’s not 100% totally impossible to get him in the mood for it if he is super deep in his roleplay mode. But in general and if he is not in a very specific mood and high level of arousal, Vil doesn’t really resonate with this kink all that much. Whenever he tries to think about it with a fresh mind, he thinks about how he’d rather be a hot step-mother + how cum is a bitch to clean out afterwards…
Rook – let’s be honest he probably loves it lol There aren’t a lot of kinks that this man doesn’t like. With breeding in particular though, to him it ties closely with the primal kink and domination play, so putting his seed inside someone is like a victory: a wild beast is now tamed, defeated and mellow, shivering under him, completely surrendering to Rook to the point of being ready to be his bitch. I guess Rook is the type of person that Ruggie would make fun of… he doesn’t make fun of Rook though, that’s too scary.
Epel – he is similar to both Ace and Deuce in a way. He would be violently against it in theory: he is insecure enough about enjoying being a bottom, he doesn’t need another added layer of anything even remotely feminine on top of it; but when he is being bred, his body adjusts to it surprisingly easily. He probably wouldn’t beg to breed him, but his body trembles very obviously if his partner is talking about this kind of stuff while fucking him. Epel is a little bunny…
Ortho – (breaking our usual order, because…) maybe he is going through a phase, maybe he is just messing with Idia, maybe he is serious, but sometimes he really seems super into breeding, especially in his puppy gear. And he talks about it a lot, too: about how he would be very happy if he could make a baby with niisan, how it would be a symbol of his love and such. It’s supposed to sound very romantic, but sounds very cursed, as if he just took these lines from some incest hentai (and he probably did). Anyways~
Idia – he is NOT into it, and to be completely fair, he probably genuinely isn’t into it. He would even rant about how weird it is and how it’s annoying that everything is about procreating, as if there are no other enjoyable aspects in sex (… in theory of course, who needs sex anyway). But there must be some reaction because Ortho learns what makes him react and continues to do it more and more. It’s probably an exclusive thing just for Ortho though… (he’ll still have Azul’s octopus eggs)
Lilia – it’s not like he is super into it, but he does like to tease his partners because they either get shocked by him implying that Lilia could breed him, or get super aroused, or both. Lilia loves all kinds of dirty talk, so he does talk about breeding and such a lot too. But it depends on his bottoms’ reaction: if it messes with their heads, Lilia does it with more enjoyment: he loves it when boys are visibly conflicted because what Lilia is saying is cursed, but somehow feels good. Lilia doesn’t do it with Malleus though… for some reason.
Silver – he doesn’t think about it much, I think he’s indifferent in general. Which doesn’t mean that he has never been bred before. Lilia also probably explained to him that sometimes fae have certain urges, and that he’ll have to help Sebek out sometimes in when it happens… and Silver always keeps it in mind. Maybe deep inside he is looking forward to it… a little bit. Anyways, he puts himself into mating press position when he knows it’s time, and it blows Sebek’s mind.
Sebek – rationally, he really doesn’t like it and even gets grossed out, but it’s because he is so troubled with his own instincts and his body maturing and becoming more demanding. So it’s like people with the breeding kink are just making fun of him in his head… At times he is even worse than Jack at it. He is meaner about it too, so if he is with Silver or Idia, he might start rambling something about them being grateful to have his seed. If he is with Malleus though, he’ll shut the fuck up and breed him like a good pup, feeling way too excited about the prospect of Malleus himself having his seed inside his body.
Malleus – it’s tied with his fertility because he lays eggs lol He loves getting cream-pied and marked, he loves being put into positions that would in theory ensure conception. At times it feels like Malleus doesn’t see any reason to have sex if he isn’t getting cream-pied… He also loves teasing his lovers with implications.
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clerical3rr0r · 6 months ago
I’ve finally recovered from the latest episode of Malevolent enough to actually try to analyze it. It got very long and that’s not even all I wanted to say.
Malevolent 45 spoilers under the cut
First of all shoutout to Harlan Guthrie for making me cry. Was not expecting that tonight but I can’t even be mad about it because the storytelling was so good.
Second of all, the themes. Where do I even start?
As soon as they started talking about the Boy Brigade I knew things were going to take an interesting turn. As John and Arthur both point out, we rarely hear about Arthur’s childhood. He rarely thinks about it. It was a very difficult time for him and to an extent he treats it as if it’s best left forgotten. While it was a difficult time for him and it sounds like he has complicated feelings about much of what they were trying to teach him, it was where he made his first friend. That’s a good memory for him, and it always will be. In that and in other little moments there, he said he found hope.
Hope is a large part of this podcast and the entire point of this episode. When Arthur feels apathetic and discouraged by a lack of meaning, John reminds him that they can make their own and Arthur remarks that he feels hopeful. When Malam explains what he does, he says that children represent hope in this world. Hope is what he saw in the fire and what drew him in.
Personally, I’m seeing connections to season 4 when Arthur referred to John as a child. He meant it in the sense that John didn’t have the same emotional maturity as someone who spent decades living as a human, but it also works in the sense that John is so very hopeful. For all the horrors he’s witnessed, he hasn’t let them beat him down. Even when Arthur dies, he doesn’t stop fighting until he rewrites the narrative to bring his friend back to life. He still refuses to accept that Arthur will (probably) have to die eventually. And when Arthur brings up the admittedly good point that they could be on a fool’s errand, John argues that others might have failed, but they wouldn’t. It’s a simplistic, almost childish argument with no real logic behind it, but it worked. It was exactly what Arthur needed to hear.
Even though the fire had been lit for some time, Malam only appeared when Arthur had been cheered up while he was in the middle of talking about a point in his childhood where he found hope. I’m sure Faroe was a part of what led Malam to that fire, but Arthur’s newfound determination seemed to be the main lure.
And, of course, there’s Faroe. We know Malam can and has killed people in service of children. He did not harm Arthur. He simply spoke with him, granting him information and peace of mind. Faroe didn’t seem angry or resentful. She seems to be sticking around of her own free will. She believes in Arthur so much that Malam took notice and helped her help her father. Even after death, her belief in him empowered him to keep going in a tangible way.
If children represent hope, Faroe’s renewed presence has a double meaning. When she died, Arthur’s hope died along with her. All throughout the story, it was an accepted fact that she was dead and gone. Arthur had been without hope for a long time by that point. At least, he thought he had been. But even though Faroe was gone, she was with Arthur the whole time. Even if he couldn’t hear it or feel it, the hope was always there. The hope will always be there.
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ghooostbaby · 2 years ago
Now that i am fixated on he xuan and hua cheng’s dynamic, rereading the black water arc and seeing all of the tiny but meaningful ways they talk to each other is kind of a delight. I suppose on the surface it might seem that they’re kind of passive aggressive in their communication and at minimum are kind of prickly with each other. However, obviously all their face-to-face interactions are shown through the perspective of xie lian, who they need to convince that they are a legitimate god and the ghost king who kidnapped and tortured said god. they’d have to be pretty inept if they got along any better in front of a heavenly official... if you pay attention, it becomes clear how they’re actually always working together and helping each other out.
When shi qingxuan and “ming yi” first show up at the puqi shrine, hua cheng and ming yi react to each other with intense animosity and hua cheng tells ming yi to leave and not come back, and ming yi responds “coming here was not my choice!” The narration explains specifically that their reactions to each other must be because they had last met when hua cheng had kidnapped and tortured ming yi, at least as far as shi qingxuan and xie lian are concerned - so it seems to me that they are putting on a good act to help keep he xuan’s disguise up, while hua cheng is communicating objections to he xuan involving xie lian, and he xuan is responding that he doesn’t want to, but his hand has been forced by shi qingxuan.
Then when they’re going over shi qingxuan’s scrolls hua cheng corrects the mistakes that the kills attributed to the Reverend, and that actually some kills were his own and some were Black Water’s, and then has a pretty good time insulting Shi Wudu. All of that could be typical for Hua Cheng, and there also could be a lot of other double meanings read into it, but I just think that He Xuan probably enjoyed hearing that a lot. And when Hua Cheng describes how the Reverend goes after not only the prey but all its family and friends … something about it feels like he’s speaking for He Xuan’s benefit, speaking out loud all the things He Xuan can’t say yet about what happened to him so Shi Qingxuan has to be forced to deal with it, which I think would be a little satisfying for He Xuan. Hua Cheng seems to be giving him face, showing respect…
Then when they go through the array and Shi Qingxuan gets quite close to the truth of who meddled with the array, Hua Cheng starts babbling accusations and twisting logic so Shi Qingxuan gets confused and distracted and they move on. On the surface it looks like its because Hua Cheng could look guilty himself and he was showing that he wasn’t there to meddle or help, just to be with Xie Lian … but suspicion of Ming Yi was the most probable cause of the array taking them to a wrong place, and Hua Cheng’s contributions mean they barely consider it at all.
“What’s with that look? In my opinion, don’t you think Lord Earth Master is the most suspicious one?” said Hua Cheng.
Ming Yi’s eyes also swept over. 
Hua Cheng added, “Instead of focusing on guessing who meddled after, what if the array he drew was wrong from the beginning? You don’t necessarily need a reason to do something. Lord Wind Master, you yourself are suspicious too.” 
“Huh?” Shi Qingxuan had never thought the tables would turn on him, and pointed at himself. “Who? ME?!”
“Yeah. A thief crying thief is a common thing,” Hua Cheng said. “Just why have you come? If you and your esteemed brother are truly scared of the Reverend of Empty words, why were those rags cobbled together? It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that the two of you schemed, and intentionally led us here.”
Just by looking at his expression, one could tell that he was cheekily gabbing nonsense; but he looked so confident that almost anyone would start doubting too. Shi Qingxuan was almost shaken.
(the last part ahahaha hua cheng <3)
 Even in the novel as a whole - hua cheng and he xuan do a lot of things to benefit the other that otherwise they wouldn’t have wanted to. They always have a self-serving reason to pass it off as instead of “i just love my ghost king pal <3” but i firmly believe hua cheng and he xuan respect and *gasp* care about each other!!!
hua cheng lies to xie lian to support he xuan's plans in the black water arc and i think it would take a LOT for hua cheng to do that. And in the last book, he xuan comes when hua cheng asks to help shi qingxuan hold together the spiritual array fighting the human face disease, that also is not something he would ever do lightly- even when he does come he seems very angry, as well as that this is the only time he shows his face around shi qingxuan again, and he hadn’t shown his face to anyone since his revenge but for this either.
Also in the last book, he xuan lets hua cheng trash his territory and pretty much smash apart his bonefish, and hua cheng says he can do this because of he xuan’s debt, but 1.) it doesn’t seem like he xuan is ever paying him back, or that there’s any kind of a collection deadline, he xuan just keeps taking more and more, 2.) hua cheng doesn’t seem liable to let someone take so much from him if he had wanted to be paid back, and 3.) hua cheng does not seem to care about any of his nice possessions and wealth, he’s pretty careless with the rare treasures he has, his own mansion burning down (twice?), and so on. He seems pretty unfussed about spending his resources as if there is always more where that came from. (credit to @muigiel for this observation) So i do think this is a purposeful mislead. Like the debt is a good cover for them to do nice things for each other :3 (i love them)
I think in general in tgcf ghosts and gods are not as they appear, and the more i look into ghosts in this book the more full of goodness, hope, love, and life they seem to be. (qi rong is an outlier and should not be counted. Ok but he is loved by guzi who apparently finds him to be a better father than the original (omg i’m so sorry guzi) so he does count a little i guess?) 
I think a good indicator of how the actions of these ghost kings should be taken is given in the moment with hua cheng, xie lian and guzi where guzi is afraid of hua cheng on sight, and xie lian says, “don’t worry, this gege is a good person” and hua cheng says “no, i’m a very bad person” while making a cute little butterfly fly over to guzi. in hua cheng’s and he xuan’s responses to each other it’s as if they’re saying “i’m a very bad bad person” while making little butterflies fly toward each other. if we miss that I think we’ve missed something important about the story.
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beebopboom · 11 months ago
A Case of Missing Weaponry
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Probably the thing Archangel Michael is most known for in biblical lore is striking Satan down with a sword/spear (i see them used interchangeably) and yet it seemingly has not been touched on in the show.
Granted it is a story largely in Revelations and we are shown that that is not an entirely truthful book in the show so it might not even be a something that proves to be anything
but I have a theory for you anyway.
Michael has continued to be a mystery in this show with their motivations, their past, and their knowledge all called into question.
and yet another thing we haven’t even gotten a verbal mention of is their weapon - the legendary weapon that stuck Satan down from the Heavens.
With all the mentions of the fall and the Great War it’s an interesting detail to leave out but I was willing to leave it alone for the reason mentioned above.
In @drconstellation future of echos past meta she points out the Michael parallel indeed being the one to take the shot at the Lucifer parallel - which is then later confiscated by police (ok maybe not that exact meta but i couldn’t find the one where you went into detail about it😭)
@youryurigoddess pointing about the Michael statue in the trash mountain is missing its sword
and the scene being depicted within Agnes Nutter’s book
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It makes a person start to wonder yknow?
but where could this weapon be if it’s not on Michael’s being? The logical explanation is that it’s just up in Heaven somewhere, I mean it’s not like Michael has a use for it right now anyway.
So up in heaven? Confiscated? Never existed? Misplaced?... Maybe
There is one small offhand comment (you know I love those) in 1941 that threw me down a rabbit hole of what could maybe be Michael's weapon.
When Aziraphale is handing over the books he compares Agnes's book to the Holy Grail but that's not the one I want to focus on rather something mentioned right after,
The Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Lance
This spear is said to be the one that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross to make sure he was dead
The spear which was said to guarantee victory in battle. (That was until it made its way to Hitler and he lost) 
but probably one of the bigger success stories about this spear is one that actually connects it back to Michael
Emperor Constantine
He was the one to bring Christianity into the Roman Empire and believed in the power of this spear - bringing it into battle with him as his main weapon.
Constantine and his co-emperor Licinius were the ones to sign into law that Christians could worship publicly and have churches
later they fought each other with Constantine coming out victorious near the Michaelion - which caused him to attribute his victory to Archangel Michael
even going as far as comparing Licinius to the serpent that Michael defeated, as described in Revelations. Using the serpent as a symbol for Licinius in money and art
he then continued commissioning statues and art of this event eventually replacing him and Licinius with Michael and Satan, which then lead to it being standard of what Michael is known for - spear and all.
Interesting (very shortened) story isn’t it?
Now this spear has been passed along all throughout history with many people claiming to have it and different pieces of it displayed throughout the world, so maybe it just was a replica of Michael’s spear just like they did with Aziraphale’s sword - the Romans seem to have a type for their weapons
there is also a very interesting conspiracy that after the Americans found it after ww2 they brought the real one back with them and leaving a replica behind - yknow considering the hints at America having something to do with s3
How Michael’s spear would have ended up lost on Earth I do not know but I do think that this could be interesting if nothing else
either way the lack of talking about it in the show has always had me intrigued
What is up with you Archangel Michael?
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gingergofastboatsmojito · 9 months ago
I've been diving deep into Storer's body of work pre-The Bear during the last few weeks. It's been exhilarating. He's sooo good that I'm still clueless in some aspects, TBH, which I love and drives me crazy in equal measure, of course. His scriptwriting style is more on the journalism side, that's why there's not much suspense but rather rawness in his lines, no regular plot twists, but twists in the layout of the plot, not in the plot itself.
He lets you in on what's gonna happen if you pay attention to the facts and details he presents, but he will definitely pull a twist as to how to go about it and make you reconsider the whole point he made earlier. He loves symbology and metaphors yet also uses those resources to divert, not just to tell the story, but to take the viewer off course and distract them, telling them a story that is not the real story he's telling, sneaky and clever, always. He's in the details and in the big picture at the same time, he writes boldly about the characters and lets you figure out the story by yourself, doesn't hold your hand, just shows it to you for you to make what you want or can out of it. I'm all for it.
As a director, he’s more conventional, which aligns with what he said about the movies he likes. It’s all there, clearly, he’s into “classic” movie-making. It’s easier to figure him out as a director than to figure out his narrative as a writer because he’s a shapeshifter yet a logical thinker. And I think that also has a lot to do with Joanna Calo, they are a great team when it comes to writing. She brings out his more subtle side. The journalism bouquet disappears and the deeper layers, psychology textbooks, etc show up. Fishes is a great example of that, the storyline is still raw (Storer) but it’s also in the layers, the softer ones (Calo) and then there’s the common ground they probably wrote together, which is what we perceive on screen as intensity to the point of being in a constant rollercoaster:
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That’s not all Storer, that’s Stalo. And then there’s the cinematic style, which is more along the lines of the American indie style that was popular (and award-winning) in the 90s. I'm no expert on that, or on any of this... quite frankly... But I find it amazing, really, because that style is gone in the movies and Storer brought it back to TV and in this day and age, it’s a total game changer. I think we’ll start seeing more shows with The Bear’s aesthetic moving forward.
Anyway, so back to this passion project I have been working on for weeks now: I haven’t figured out what he’s gonna do with a 💯 level of certainty yet, which drives me crazy but I love it, of course. However, what I did figure out by now is all the potential plot twists he won’t be going for. All I can safely rule out because he would never do (I will be going over my notes on that in future posts). As a result, I'm now more confident than ever before about Sydcarmy being endgame. Not only it is a potential closure of the entire arc, with very solid chances of materializing, which we have all been thinking about all along, in my case since Braciole. It’s actually a total and utter certainty by now. My thesis on his work is very much still a WIP, can't wait for S3 to add it to the material I'm studying, but I will go about it more relaxed from now on because I already figured out what he will never do with Carmy.
There’s no version of The Bear in which he will put that character he created and that represents himself loves so much, through what he will put him through this upcoming season, without giving him whom he wants at the end.
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Bonus track: let's pay close attention to spoons from now on.
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thewulf · 2 years ago
Flatter Me || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Please do a Jake x reader where it’s angsty then fluffy! Like the reader likes jake and jake likes reader but they both are like “oh no how couldn’t they ever like me” so there’s an event and they decide to go together as friends cause they both don’t have a date but maybe reader was talking to rooster and thought it seemed flirty.. Read Rest Here
A/N: Loved writing this one! Just love fluffy Jake really :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.7k +
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“You were unbelievable! You are unbelievable.” Jake shot you a wink across the table after recalling some of his favorite memories in the Navy. The group of you had all just been inducted as instructors at Top Gun after passing all the tests and flight sims you needed to. It wasn’t easy. Probably one of the toughest things you had to do so far. But you’d all passed. Naturally. You were the best of the best.
“You flatter me Seresin.” You held up your beer to his before taking a quick sip of the cool liquid polishing off the glass.
He tilted his head taking a long look at you before responding, “The truth darlin’.” He let his accent draw out knowing you loved it making that very clear. You and Jake had run in’s throughout the years but never actually got to know each other until last year when you were moved to his base. You’d surprisingly gotten along right at the get go.
He only ever gave compliments to you. He made sure to look out for you. He adored you. You quickly found a way to weasel a way into his heart shattering that imagine of Hangman he so desperately tried to portray. You’d slipped right through the mask seeing him for him. Jake. Your Jake. Your favorite guy.
Shaking your head, you bit your bottom lip lightly not having a clue what you were doing to him, “You have a date to the ball yet?” You lost your confidence and sounded like a middle school girl trying to chat with her crush. You’d prayed he’d say no. He always said no. He wasn’t the ‘dating’ type. Or so, he always told you. That’s why you held back. Too scared to admit any sort of romantic feeling towards the man. You were terrified he’d high tail it in the opposite direction. Instead of freaking him out you’d just keep your lips sealed. Easy enough, right?
He shook his head, “Not yet.” He sighed taking a peek at you. He wanted to take you more than anything. He had been stalling unsure of how to ask you. He wanted to take you as more than friends, but he too was terrified of losing you. He knew that logically, that’d never happen. But things always changed when feelings were admitted to, “You?”
You sighed, “I think I’m going to have to ask somebody at this rate Jake. Not a guy has even looked at me.” It’d never bothered
Oh, how wrong you were. So, so wrong. But the guys knew that you were his girl. He’d made that adamantly clear. And he panicked. He panicked seeing the sadness you were trying so desperately to hide from him.
“Come with me.” He spit out.
Raising a brow, you leaned your elbows on the table using your palms to rest your chin, “Go on.”
He mimicked your actions. His eyes danced from yours down dangerously close to your lips then right back up, “I’ll take you to the Navy Ball. As friends. If you want.”
Damn. You’d gotten your hopes up with that one for a second too long, “As friends. Yeah.” You responded not knowing you’d just reinforced that for him in his own mind. The two of you playing a cruel game with the other and not even knowing it.
“Great.” He nodded giving your wrist a light tap, “It’s a date.”
The grin that erupted on your face couldn’t be stopped, not even if you tried. You didn’t try, “It’s a date Jakey boy.”
He rolled his eyes at that nickname. Only you were allowed to call him anything other than Hangman, really. But you pushed it with that one. No matter how soft his heart had really gone for you, “What color is your dress sweetheart?”
Your eye twitched at that new one. It was always darling with you. He’d never thrown out a sweetheart in all the time you’d known him, “A light blue.” You fished your phone out to show him a picture from the website.
He took a quick look before turning his eyes back up to you, “You’ll look beautiful in that darlin’.” He was laying it on thick now.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see. “Smiling warmly at the handsome pilot you turned towards the group that had begun chatting amongst themselves knowing you and Jake were going to be off in your own little world anyway.
“I’m out. Anybody need another?” A round of no’s followed by Jakes shaking head had you strolling up to the bar alone with your empty glass.
You’d been so caught up watching the people across the bar you hadn’t even seen Bradley stroll right up to you, “Would you look what the cat dragged in.”
You snapped your attention to the much taller dark-haired pilot, “Bradley!” You gave him a one-armed hug squeezing him tight not knowing you had a pair of eyes focused intently on the interaction.
“Congrats on making it in.” he smirked knowing he’d been induced six months prior. He’d never seemed to let you, or Jake live it down. He was the first to make it in.
“You finally got some competition huh?” You grinned knowing how to get right under his skin.
He laughed flicking you in the arm, “You can say that.”
You cooed placing a gentle hand on his arm. Mocking him absolutely. But that’s not what Jake saw, “It’s okay Bradley. You can give compliments. It won’t kill you.”
He grumbled, “That you know of.” Grabbing his beer he motioned you along, “Come on. Seresin’s been staring me down since I walked over to you.”
You grabbed it before shoving him lightly, “Shut up Bradshaw.”
He shook his head quickly, “I didn’t say anything. But you just did.” He shot you a wink before walking to the other side of the table. When you sat back down Jake was looking down and away. He was oddly quiet the rest of the night even as you finalized the plans to go to the Navy Ball, as friends. Friends. Friends don’t feel the way you do about him. Fuck being friends.
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You were always busy anymore, especially during the work week. So was Jake. So, you didn’t think too much of it when the two of you had barely communicated before the Ball. Little did you know he was trying to avoid you at all costs. He couldn’t be around you. You liked Bradley and he couldn’t take it. You never looked at him like you did Bradshaw at the bar. Eyes fluttering and your mouth bursting with giggles, cute as hell. Fucking Bradshaw was going to take his girl. How in the hell had he managed to get your sweet, sweet attention. Jake swore he was the least deserving of the group to get your attention.
So, he did what he did best and bolted from his problems. Avoided. He’d even found a new date for the Navy Ball. Convincing himself that it’d be for the best. You liked somebody else. You didn’t want to go with him to the Ball, as friend. When he didn’t hear back from you after he swore that he texted you he got a little worried but didn’t think too much of it. You were known for opening texts and responding days later. Maybe you were on a mission to find another date to the ball, Bradshaw probably. Fucking Bradshaw.
But Jake was an idiot. He never sent a text. Letting you get ready, drive to the venue and wait. Wait on his stupid ass. You sat at the gazebo in front of the venue waiting. Watching. Waiting and watching and starting to feel a little more apprehensive the longer it took for him to get there. You waved as the other men and their wives and girlfriends walked on in. You hid your sadness as Bradley passed by with the prettiest girl on his arm. You pulled out your phone. No text, no call. You could call him, but it just didn’t feel right. Something was wrong. You’d missed something.
What you weren’t ready for was Jake showing up thirty minutes after you’d planned with a beautiful girl on his arm. A beautiful girl in a light blue dress. You’d felt paralyzed. Maybe he wouldn’t look. Maybe you’d just be able to slip on out after another little bit. Once everybody had arrived. Fuck. What in the hell was happening?
“Y/N?” That familiar voice rang out breaking you from the spiral your mind was going on.
You sprung from your seat brushing the icy blue dress down, “Jake, where’ve you been?” Wide eyes looked at him as his kind eyes brushed over your features. He knew you saw the girl behind him. He saw the panic on your face. The wobble in your voice. The telltale signs you were about to cry. Shit. Did he send the text? He could’ve sworn he did.
“Y/N, I texted you. I found another date.”
You stepped back feeling the stone-cold dagger rip right through your heart. It was beating so damn fast it was hard to even think of a sentence in your head, so you shook your head instead. Shook it quickly buying yourself time, “I didn’t get a text.” Looking down you sucked in a heart breath. Breathe. You had to breathe. It was fine, a simple miscommunication.
He stepped forward feeling a similar pang through his own heart. Double shit, “I’m so sorry.” His heart was going to shatter when you stepped back again. You never ever ran from him.
“It’s okay. I should go. Enjoy your date.” You slipped out down the stairs behind you. Thanking the Lord that there were two sets of steps, and you could finally just run away from him. How fucking mortifying. Why would Jake like you? He wasn’t the dating type. He was Jake fucking Seresin. The playboy extraordinaire.
You dapped the inner corner of your eye trying to stop the inevitable waterworks that would commence once you got home. But Jake was quicker, “Woah, woah. Hold on.” Gently, he grabbed your elbow pulling you to a stop, “You can stay. You still have a ticket.” He tried to remind you feeling awful about it all. You weren’t finding another date. You were waiting on him.  
You shook your head quickly, “I don’t want to.”
“Why not?” He wouldn’t let you go. Even when you tugged a little.
“Jake. Just let me go home.” A single tear spilled down
“Y/N…” He looked into your eyes for something. Anything. But it was all sadness. Such sadness that he caused.
You yanked yourself away from him, “For the record. I didn’t want to just go as friends.” You let another tear fall before hightailing it to your car. Peeling out of the lot before he could even really process what the hell you’d just told him.
He ran to his date muttering a quick apology before handing her the tickets telling her to enjoy herself before getting the hell out of there. He had to get to you. You didn’t like Bradshaw. You liked him? Fuck. He groaned before throwing himself into his car and driving right to your place.
He knocked. And called. And knocked some more. You knew he had a key. He could use it but he was waiting on you. You decided to let him sit there for a good thirty minutes of incessant banging and calling before you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Would you shut the hell up?” You pursed your lips studying the handsome man before you.
His eyes went wide not thinking you’d actually answer, “Y/N I’m…”
“Annoying as hell.” You went to shut the door, but he stopped you. Stepping inside quickly, “I didn’t invite you inside Seresin.”
He grimaced knowing you were livid. You’d have every right to be. He was pissed with himself for being such an ass to you. His girl, “We need to talk. Can’t do
“We don’t.” He studied you. His heart ached as he saw the tears staining your beautiful makeup. Beautiful no matter what.
He sighed taking your hand, “Yes we do. Come on.” He pulled you to the couch. You’d just gone with it knowing it’d be now or tomorrow with Jake. There was no avoiding the rejection that was incoming. You gave yourself a little distance between the two of you.
You just felt like arguing at this point. You didn’t really need to pick a fight but here you were, “I said…”
He interrupted you before you could pick that argument completely though, “Do you like Bradshaw?” He knew you didn’t. But he needed to hear you confirm it.
Making a nasty face you responded to him, “Bradley? Ew. I don’t fucking like Bradshaw. Are you kidding me? He’s like my brother.” You fake gagged before crossing your arms over your chest. Was that what this was all about?
“But at the bar.” His heart dropped to his ass as he processed your words. You didn’t like Bradshaw?
You shook your head confused as ever, “You’re going to have to elaborate Jake.”
He waved his hand, “Never mind.” He’d really fucked this one up. How had he managed to do that so quickly? This was why he didn’t do relationships. This right here.
He did know one thing though. You were worth it. Whatever it was you needed to gain his trust that he brutally shattered in one moment. He knew you were worth whatever fight he needed to fight. He wasn’t a relationships kind of guy, but he would be with you. He wanted to be with you. He loved you.
You interrupted his thoughts with your own rambling, “That’s so gross Jake. Can’t believe you would even think that Jake Seresin! He’s…”
“I like you.” He interrupted your ramblings knowing
You snapped your neck so fast towards him he thought it’d give you whiplash, “What?”
Smiling he reached a handout for yours, which you’d never deny. Your heart fluttered as he laced his fingers within yours making sure to rub the back of your hand with his thumb, “You heard me sweetheart. I like you.”
“Oh, you do?” You couldn’t quite believe your ears right now. Jake liked you? The guy who didn’t do relationships? Now, what in the hell could that mean.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “I do. A whole lot.” His eyes bounced around your face as you took in his words.
After a moment that felt far too long to him you let out a beautiful smile. The smile that pulled him right into you, “I like you too. A whole lot.”
This time it was his turn to look surprised, “You do?” He was mocking you at this point and you knew it. But it didn’t
“Asshole.” You shoved his shoulder lightly with your free hand that he caught with his own free hand far too easily.
“But I’m your favorite asshole, right?” He grinned leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
You shook your head, “You’re on the shortlist Jake.”
He chuckled looking at you softly. Softer than any expression you’d seen on the man prior, “I’ve never told you how truly beautiful you are Y/N.” He smiled seeing your expression of adoration as you listened to him, “Inside and out I’ve never met a more amazing person before. I like you a whole lot. I think I’m falling in love with you if we’re being honest here.” He let spill out before he could reign it in.
You wiped away the tears that were threatening to spill, “You flatter me Seresin.” Shaking your head, you buried your head in the crook of his neck wrapping your arms around him tightly. He responded by doing the same, pulling you into his lap completely. Oh, how he’d dreamed of this for a while. Dreamed of holding you in his arms.
“You deserve it sweetheart.” He brushed a hair out of your face once you looked back up to him.
You grinned not really believing this was happening after so long of pining for your friend. You’d all but given up at this point but here he was confessing his feelings so freely, “Would you kiss me?” You asked hoping you’d never wake from this dream turned reality.
His smile could’ve lit up an entire room, “I thought you’d never ask darlin’.”
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @dempy @mayhemmanaged
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Killua Relationship Headcanons
As soon, as I step out of a format, believe me I´m struggling. So, I already know, that I will also struggle quite badly with this one. Though, I´m sure I will find my way around this one as well.
What I´m looking at is a request from a darling anon, who requested relationship headcanons for Killua, in response of me posting the yandere headcanons. So, I will have to take another look at this boy and figure out how he would act as well in this particular situation.
Well, that´s surely going to piece of cake, won´t it...
Killua Relationship Headcanons
He was very likely the driving force behind getting this relationship started → very picky who he talks too, or even which names he remembers
Because of something like this, he wouldn´t even realize if you were the one flirting with him
This could become very funny (at least to me), if you´re oblivious
A bit of a bastard to you
Tends to pick on you quite a bit → all in good faith, even though some of his comments tend to turn into a mean direction
Hilariously enough, it´s how he tries to show you affection → bit of Kindergarten-Logic that one
Still very attentive and attuned to you → knows when he hurt you and apologizes, also aware when something seems to be stressing you out
He is aware of what you´re feeling
This will cause, by the way, as many problems as it´s solves
Because he somewhat expects you to be attuned to him in the same way
Which means he rarely talks about hat he feels, and just thinks you will know what he feels without him telling you
It´s like pulling teeth when you try talking emotions with him as well... good luck...
Someone who shares food with you
Another way he tries to show you affection → like I said very much like 5 year old...
Say goodbye to an evening at home → wants to see new stuff whenever he can and enjoys sharing the experience with his partner
You better get along with Gon and Alluka
Otherwise he will drop you without hesitation (their opinion means everything to him) → later yours will as well
Actually takes a lot of input from you
Tends to remember your likes and dislikes very well
Will show this very off-handedly (probably not even actively memorizing anything)
Has a habit of losing himself in his relationships
You NEED to ask him every now and then for his opinion and separate the two of you into individual people, instead of being one
Needs someone who can slow him down every now and again → he´s always alert, all the time, it will burn him out someday
Don´t sweep him along → he needs the space, otherwise he will be lost!
Hilariously enough, a bit of a gentleman → tends to walk on the side wherever the road is, like he bodily puts himself between the road and you
In general tends to put himself bodily between any perceived danger and you → also something that seems to happen unconsciously
Also the first one that will pull you away from some things
Likes to keep you in sight of him → a strong tendency to let you decide where to go, or to simply point over you shoulder when he wants to go somewhere specific
Not big on PDA → will hold your hand, sure, but please don´t kiss him, yeah the hug is also fine
Terrible at communication → never tells you anything
Doesn´t mean he is good at keeping secrets though... → he will share it before you know it with Gon or Alluka
Their secrets are also shared with you though Still, there is always some understanding between the two of you and he always tries to make sure that you know that he loves you. He understands your actions and your words and knows that you know him well enough to understand him as well. He is someone, that will try to make the relationship work. And with a little bit of cooperation, you two will make bond, that could last a lifetime.
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thesweetnessofspring · 1 year ago
Since I love your headcanons so much, here it goes: Do you think Peeta had had other girlfriends or kissed other girls? 👀 I think it’s very ~interesting~ that the first kiss that makes Katniss want another is the first kiss where Peeta is fully present for, as in he is not in unbearable pain or high fever or feeling miserable, I thought that was very telling. Also, if it was his first time making out with someone it probably wouldn’t have left such an impression on Katniss. Of course, she also had no experience in kissing so that could be an explanation. However, he also said he noted just about every other girl and Katniss noted he was always surrounded by a crowd of friends so that makes me wonder. He was also an athlete and we know those boys tend to be popular with girls.
Thank you ☺️
Aw, well thank you nonny! Glad you appreciate these headcanons!
Interesting points that you bring up about for their first real kiss, Katniss enjoys it. So is Peeta experienced, is he that good naturally, and/or do he and Katniss just have that amazing of chemistry? 🎆
Well obviously I think that their natural chemistry plays a role in this, however, I headcanon that Katniss wasn't Peeta's first kiss. Not only does this boy seem to know how to kiss, but his flirting game is criminally good. Part of that is talent, but I do think he had practice. And tell me that half of the merchant girls in 12 weren't in love with Peeta (and probably some boys and Seam girls, too). Katniss was intimidating, but Peeta's so friendly someone was going to go for him.
Plus, Peeta admits to noticing other girls, but unlike Gale, he knows that detailing it isn't going to make Katniss feel good, so he doesn't show off about it.
I headcanon that Peeta had two girlfriends before Katniss, both pretty short relationships. His first one he didn't really like, but it was a her friends talked to his friends who convinced him to meet up with her and go out kind of situation. Peeta feels more like he's supposed to do it, because if he turns down this cute girl, his friends will think something's wrong with him, or worse, find out he actually likes Katniss! So he meets up with her, he has his first awkward kiss and they "date" but don't actually say anything to each other, and break up a week later. He's 13.
When he's 15 he thinks maybe this time he can get over Katniss. She's hanging out with the handsome Seam guy, after all, and they've never talked. So he finds a girl he has a bit of a crush on and starts flirting with her, asking her out. They get along much better than the first girl he was with, but every time he makes eye contact with Katniss, he knows what he's doing isn't working. They last a month before Peeta breaks up with her.
I know some like to think Katniss was the only one for Peeta, but I think part of the value of dating for 99% of people is learning who you don't work out with romantically as much as finding out who you do work with. Katniss was able to compare what she had with Peeta to what she had with Gale and come away knowing that Peeta is who she needs. I think it's just as important that Peeta gets the same experience. As much as Peeta follows his heart, he seemed to have thought his way out of pursuing Katniss, and in that had the opportunity to experience very early attempts at dating and discovering that you very well can't logic love. It's deeper and more compelling than that, and for all the reasons Katniss doesn't make sense, his heart knows it can only be her.
Thank you nonny! ❤
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tea-twords · 7 months ago
ehehehe first fic im writing after what feels like a year or two or a billion. But im actually feeling it rn so im gonna give it a shot. AND PLS FORGIVE ME FOR BAD WRITING IM SO RUSTY RIGHT NOW IM TRYINT TO GET THR HANG OF IT
So a few headcanons I used for this fic before we get into it:
Whenever the Arataki gang is in jail for some stupid as ever thing, Shinobu gets a bit antsy after a while cause she’s the type of person to always need something to do. Not doing anything makes her a bit anxious
Heizou is very good at reading people’s emotions but that’s probably canon enough
Shinobu knows a way to make a functioning bracelet out of like 4 naku weed stems somehow
So um aha no idea how to format so I’ll try my best
And also a warning for some swear words, I also hc Shinobu swears at her ler while getting wrecked
Lee: Kuki Shinobu
Ler: Shikanoin Heizou
God the day Heizou had today was surely a good one.
He returned to the police station after a day of substantial progress on his investigation into a new case to hear what sounded like a chorus of angels (and a few devils) breaking out in song.
Heizou’s immediate thought was “What in Celestia is going on”, as would anyone else think if they were in his current predicament.
He figured out pretty quickly that the culprits for this outcry of song were none other than the one and only Arataki Itto and his buddies, Mamoru, Genta, and Akira. Having been arrested for “disturbing the peace” (having a whole karaoke session right in front of komore tea house and actively inviting any passerby to join them), they decided to take their…passion, for karaoke to their prison cells and somehow managed to get some of the other inmates to sing along.
It was pretty hilarious, to say the least. It took almost all of Heizou’s willpower to not to burst out laughing as his fellow officers attempted to get the situation under control.
“I’ve got to tell Shinobu about this”
So now here he was, walking through hanamizaka, looking for the places Shinobu can commonly be found. Something was off though…
She’s not here.
“That’s troubling…” Heizou thought. “Where could she be, if not here? Definitely not any shrines, maybe at a shop? Or perhaps the by the sea!”
Heizou began to walk in the direction of the shore. It wasn’t the most logical place to look next, but something was telling him he’d get lucky there.
“Hey, Shinobu!”
He called out to the green haired girl sitting in front of the sea next to a maroon drawstring bag. She held her mask to her face, but lowered it once she saw who called out to her.
“Oh, hey.”
“My intuition told me I might find you here. I’ve got to tell you about what happened today at the-…hey are you okay?”
Heizou paused mid sentence after taking a closer look at Shinobu. She was making bracelets out of naku weed and sango pearls, but something was wrong. Her back was unusually straight, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her movements on the bracelet were sharper than needed, and she was switching sitting positions in the sand like twice a minute. She seemed…bored. Restless. Anxious.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“I’m here to talk if you need. Somethings wrong.” Heizou said, sitting down next to her.
Shinobu sighed and looked back down at the bracelet she had just finished making.
“Nothing crazy serious, I guess I’ve just been bored. I’ve done all I needed to do today, but the idea of doing nothing is just uncomfortable…It’s weird. I’m always cleaning up after the gang’s messes, but now..”
“You don’t know what to do now since there aren’t any messes to clean.” He finished for her.
“Yeah, pretty much. Gotta keep myself busy.”
“I take it that’s why you’re making bracelets by the sea?”
“I’ve got nothing better to do, so yeah. Just a hobby to pass the time.”
“They’re beautiful.”
Shinobu smiled. She looked back up at Heizou to find him marveling at the one currently in her hand. Little sango pearls were intertwined in a wreath of naku weeds. She’d been wanting to make bracelets with them ever since she picked some up during Boss’s rock and roll event at watatsumi island.
“You want one?”
“Only if there are extras.”
She opened the bag next to her to reveal she had made quite the supply of bracelets already.
“Woah…you’ve been here a while, I see.”
“Heh, yeah. By the sea is a nice place to be.”
“That rhymed.”
“Thank you.”
They sat in silence for a little longer, admiring the coming sunset before Heizou spoke up again.
“I also noticed you aren’t wearing your mask at the moment.”
“I felt like breathing the air by the ocean a little better. It helps when you need calming down. And I don’t have to keep the mask on if it’s just you here, you know who I am.”
“I guess that’s true. Still, it’s not often I get to see you without it.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts.” Shinobu said, already almost done with her next bracelet. “This one is gonna be yours.”
“Ooh, really? It’s an honor to watch the craftsman work.” He said peering excitedly at his future bracelet in-the-making.
She finished up quickly and handed it to him.
“I added an extra sango pearl, cause you’re one of my best friends.”
“Awww, really? That means so much, Shinobu, thank you.” Heizou said, his expression softening greatly. He looked like this emoji 🥺.
“Y-yeah..” Shinobu mumbled, averting her eyes.
“Aww, are you blushing?” He teased, moving a little closer to get a better look.
“No! And stop awwing at me!” She hid her face, preventing him from getting that better look.
Heizou pouted. “Shinobu come onnn, I never get to see your face! Especially not your blushing one, you can’t deny me this opportunity.”
“Shut up. You’ve seen me blush before anyway…”
“But not without the mask! Pleaseee?”
“I would rather plunge in the sea in front of us.”
Yeah, she won’t budge. Heizou has to use his secret weapon now.
From where he was sitting next to her, he wrapped his arms around her in a hug and looked up at her with puppy eyes.
“H-hey! Careful! I’m not even gonna look at you.” She said, flinching first at the sudden contact but still keeping her face hidden with her hands and knees.
“Hm, “careful”, you say?”
The silence was loud. She couldn’t see his face, but she knew exactly what expression he had on.
“Wipe that smirk off your face off your face, and don’t even think about it.”
Heizou giggled mischievously. One because he did in fact have a smirk on his face, and two because he now had a new idea. An idea to get her to finally show her face, and you know, maybe help her feel a little better.
“Careful? Careful with what?” He said, lightly tapping at her sides. Nothing unbearable, but still getting a reaction.
“Heizou, noho! I’ll kill you! Don’t even try!”
“Threatening a detective with murder now, huh? I thought we were best friends, Shinobu.” He said sarcastically, glancing at his new bracelet on his wrist.
Shinobu tried desperately to squirm out of his hold. It was over for her if he went through with this, she’ll never hear the end of it.
“I personally can’t believe I didn’t think of how ticklish you can be earlier!”
“Heizou I swehehear…”
“Oh, this is good for me. Now I’ll get to see your blushing face and your laughing face without the mask at the same time!” Heizou said, picking up the pace and now scribbling his fingers at her sides.”
“Noho you wohohohont! Heheizohou!!” She giggled, her hands instinctively grabbing his wrists. However, unfortunately, due to his place behind her, she had much less leverage and it was quite futile.
“You’re suhuhuch a piehece of shihihit! AHAha-!! Asshohole!” At her remark he gave her a quick tase to the side, clearly elevating her reaction.
“Now that’s no way to talk to one of your best friends.”
“Shhuhut the fuck uhuhup!! You’re nohohot my behehest friehehend, dickhead!” She retorted, squirming in any way she could to not show him her face in this state.
“Really? I guess that extra pearl was a mistake then…I’m hurt Shinobu, really.” Heizou said, not hurt at all. He knows she doesn’t mean it at all, hell he’ll yell similar things when he’s on the receiving end too. That still doesn’t mean he’ll have mercy just yet, however. He moved one hand up by her ribs, the other hand down by her stomach, and dug in. Not too much pressure, but just enough.
“HeheHEHEY!!” Shinobu laughed. Now he was currently attacking two of her bad spots at the same time, and she knew that he damn well knew what he was doing too.
She continued to giggle brightly, not caring about hiding her face anymore and instead kicking her legs and thrashing around (adorably by the way) and doing whatever she could to escape.
Since hiding her face was no longer Shinobu’s top priority, Heizou had no problem finally seeing her laughing/blushing face without a mask.
“Aww, I see you now~” He teased, grinning down at her wide smile. He began to slow down, having got what he wanted and not wanting her revenge to be too devastating.
“Ahahrehe you happy?”
“Very happy.”
“Greheheat, you can stohohop.”
Taking her for her word that she’s had enough, he finally stopped his attack on her midsection and let her breathe as she slumped on his shoulder.
“You know it was fun.”
“You’re still an asshole.”
“Come on, look how relaxed you are now. Much better than how I found you earlier. Oh right, speaking of, I was gonna tell you-“
“Apapap, wait one second.” Shinobu interrupted. “I just want you to know I’ll get you back for your cruelty today, when you least expect it. Could be in a few seconds, could be in a few days. Your intuition won’t be able to save you, detective.”
It was Heizou’s turn to be nervous. Maybe not nervous, actually, more like excited. Anticipation always made things more fun! Not that he’d admit it in this moment.
“Mmmm…o-okay…” He shrank in on himself while Shinobu sat next to him, her eyes hungry to see him in her same position. It always amazed him how easily she could bounce back from getting tickle attacked.
“A-anyway, the four of them in their cells-“ He continued, making the most of the time he has left before his inevitable doom.
Heizou shared the story of how the gang managed to get fellow inmates singing along with them in prison, and they discussed various Arataki gang stories until the sun set.
And yes, Shinobu did eventually get him back.
@adrienisweird @emiefluff HI GUYS I WROTE SOMETHING
again I apologize for bad writing I just kind of wrote as I went and lost myself in it. Still getting the hang of it but I hope u guys like it and I hope it’s a good start!!
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maxwellatoms · 1 year ago
Hello, I hope you are well. I look forward to the stream on Thursday.
I suppose first I should ask if you would rather me send asks through here or through Patreon. But anyway, here is something I have been wondering. I have quite a bit of a preface though:
I never actually grew up with Grim Adventures. I was a wee little tot when it was airing, so if I was watching TV, I was watching one of those preschool shows. When I did get old enough to start watching shows geared towards older kids, I had just missed out on it. I only got around to watching Grim Adventures and Evil Con Carne rather recently.
But what I did grow up with was Chowder. I never remembered it well as I got older, but what did stick with me was "The Puckerberry Overloads." Child me struggled to comprehend the logic behind how Chowder could be in his own mouth. After rewatching the series recently, I was very surprised and excited to see you were credited as one of the writers and the storyboard artist for the episode. I even recognized your voice from one of the characters. I suppose you really were there all along.
So I wanted to ask, how did you end up doing some work for Chowder? Were you simply a guest of sorts? I also saw you credited as a writer and storyboard artist for another episode in another season, so how did that come to be? What I'm mostly curious about is how that factored all in with the Great Purge.
I would love to hear whatever you are willing to tell me. Thank you for reading.
Thank you for writing!
I'll still be around on here. I think the Patreon is probably a better place to ask questions if you really want an answer, since I'll try to answer every question on there. Here, I tend to cherry-pick and I've got a bit of a backlog.
Long story short, Billy & Mandy eventually wrapped, which left me to do Underfist and develop a couple of other properties for CN. My friend C.H. Greenblatt (creator and voice of Fred Fredburger, and writer of a number of memorable episodes) got his own series, "Chowder". They were having trouble finding a board artist to fill one of the slots, so I said I'd do a board. Greenblatt and I have always helped each other out when we can over the years. Just this year we got to produce Jellystone Season Two together, and it was the best time I've had on a series in a decade.
I did another board for Season Two, and that's about when "The Great Purge" happened. And there was no escaping that for anyone, really.
C.H. Greenblatt and I had a really fun Looney Tunes pitch we sold right before the pandemic hit. Like everything else during that time, it went into Deep Freeze. Maybe one day we can get back to it.
He'll definitely be making an appearance on "Billy & Mandy vs. The Entertainment Industry". More on that soon™!
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