#loan counsellor
bizknnect · 6 months
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We are hiring Education Loan Counsellor
We are hiring an Education Loan Counsellor for the Noida location. Interested candidates can apply. Contact us now. Apply now.
Visit here- https://bizaccenknnect.com/jobs/
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Study Abroad Consultant in Noida, Agra - FREE Career Counselling
Brainerrs Overseas Admissions provides the best study abroad consultancy services in Noida. A FREE career counseling service is also available, as well as a 100% admission guarantee. Contact us today to learn more!
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cosmicpuzzle · 4 days
Random Astro Notes
^If your 5th ruler is in 8th house, then you may have little luck in speculation.
^If Sun is with south node(ketu) your confidence may be low though you are capable. If Sun is with north node (Rahu), you may have false confidence even if you don’t have much potential.
^Moon with north node people lacked nourishment in childhood. This is because their own emotions are blocked from receiving anything.
^If Jupiter aspects your Mercury, your education goes smooth especially after school.
^Venus in cancer are likely to spend more on domestic comforts, cars, real estate and interiors.
^Sun in Sagittarius people are big on ethics, morals , religion, philosophy and children as well. This is because Sun is placed 5 places from its own sign Leo.
^If your 2nd ruler is in 4th house, you are likely to invest in properties.
^Mars in 7th house are going to attract Aries big 3.
^Venus in Capricorn men prefer a working spouse. They don’t like homebodies and like their spouse contributing economically.
^South node in 6th can mean you get caught for someone else’s mistakes. This is due to your past life karma of enemies.
^If your 9th ruler is connected to 6th, you may take a big loan for your college/university studies.
^Most counsellors have a strong connection of Moon to 8th or 12th house.
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mozzaicynth · 1 month
one thought everyday and its just the amazing world of gumball especially these three freaks (doodles + some headcanons below :3)
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mr small -
my interpretation of small becoming more mellowed out in the future seasons as opposed to season 1 is him managing his anger in a more healthier way (meditation, etc) (plus i think all those herbal infusions are incredibly effective on the nerves) . that being said i think he still has underlying anger issues and lashes out if prompted too much . another reason hes nicer and more of a pushover in the later seasons is because i like to think hes guilty of his plethora of outbursts earlier on, especially towards students (unwarranted shouting which as a school counsellor he should know is pretty harmful on younger kids) . the fact that he tries to offer his help when its absolutely not needed so many times later on in the show further makes me like to think he’s making up for it all
hes also so autistic to me hes on the spectrum you cant tell me otherwise and i think hes pretty awkward and considered strange by the whole town (which is saying a lot for elmore standards) . still super friendly and approachable but he also cant take hints and he definitely stims (and has special interests, alternative medicine are you kidding)
his music taste i love to think is all over the place … i get the general consensus is he listens to mystic chants and sitar music but he definitely listens to more, ranging from pop to indie to rock to metal (this may or may not have become an idea when i was listening to ‘darts by soad and associated it with him,) . also what with his stupid little self funded album that is such a jarring listen ‘cause of all the ridiculous genre changes
i think he crochets/macrames as a hobby along with other diy stuff (most of the decorative items in his home crafted by him) making him, surprisingly considering how incompetent he is sometimes, super crafty/handy .
larry -
larry is a great person: incredibly intelligent, he’s very knowledgable on a plethora of subjects and he has a big heart, holding little to no virtriol against the people of elmore (except the wattersons but that is SO warranted) . thus i like to imagine he did great in school, moved on to do so wonderfully in uni whilst juggling jobs and his studies but after graduation was left stuck (alike so many people nowadays) . neither small or larry came from well off families but i think for larry he didn’t have much of a support system anyway so currently he overworks and works and works just to catch up on the student debt whilst simultaneously paying his taxes (i still think about that episode all the time fuck the police . big pink son of a bitch), loans and not to mention the bare minimum to keep himself alive
he’s a very sweet and kind person but anyone under the immense stress that he’s under would be irritable and temperate (he deserves to be more angry imo) and i whilst he has so many jobs he always aims to excel at all of them, having an incredibly particular way that tasks must be done and having them organised . because of this, he can be a lot more temperate when interacting with coworkers, especially those who don’t do their job as well, having to take matters into his own hands . as he and karen (his girlfriend throughout the series) share some jobs it puts a strain on their relationship (which was built off of the mutual ‘having several jobs’) and they break up .
even so, though larry consistently tries to propose to her in the show, in “the laziest” he doesn’t seem to be happy nor comfortable at all with the prospects of marrying her . in fact, even when he’s achieved the ‘american dream’ (properties like a house and car and a family (his girlfriend soon to be wife)) he’s unhappy . personally i don’t think he knows what he wants to do with himself ; he works all day and night and has little to no time for himself to even think in peace that the only purpose he knows is work .
i like to think he used to be an artist; self taught, it was a hobby and an enjoyment but his studies and his work took over so his one form of self expression was squeezed out of his life .. (i like making their lives as bleak as possible soz ! 🙏) he still admires the arts and i think that’s another reason he likes steve so much; his handcrafts and mini projects .
steve and larry are two opposites that are similar in ways .. but i love their dynamic so much . my interpretation of them is that steve will help larry balance out his life slightly better to leave room for himself instead of working 24/7 . steve has his head in the clouds and larry grounds him, and larry is so stuck in his ways with work that steve pulls him out of it slightly, lifting him up a little higher (AUGHHHGHH I HATE THEM I HATE THEM
as for their relationship with rob, im very much a stevelmeyer adoption truther !! both larry and steve coming from dysfunctional families, they aim to help rob and take care of him to the best of their abilities . further, larry taking on taking care of rob gives him direction in his life again . 😁😁😁😁😁😁
this isnt gonna be the last post headcanon/idea wise i still think of them 24/7 but heres jus SOME things .. (im such a yapper sprry not sorry !) :3c
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tsarisfanfiction · 6 months
The Best Teacher
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Kayla, Yan, Jerry, Will All new Apollo kids have to have their archery skills vetted. TOApril 2024 has begun and this time I plan on actually taking part, so here is day 1 - Missed Target
“Have either of you shot before?” Kayla asked, turning to face her two newest siblings.  Perhaps she should have asked that earlier, before leading them to the archery range and putting bows in their hands, but who said she was the best person to be doing this?
Well, she was the best archer in camp, so of course she was.
Kayla steadfastly ignored her spectating brother from where he was pretending not to watch behind the waiting line.  Will might be head counsellor, but he was not the best archer in camp.
Yan shrugged.  He – they, she corrected herself – held the bow she’d given them up, inspecting it.  She hadn’t given them anything complicated; camp default was the longbow, which was very much a point and shoot type of bow.  Powerful, but easy enough for most demigods to get the hang of.  “Once or twice,” they said in a dismissive voice that meant either they were lying, or didn’t think it was important.
Next to him, Jerry was plucking at the string of his bow – composite recurve, because he was a bit younger and smaller and longbows were tall – absently.  “Nope!” he said cheerfully.
Well, Kayla had had worse students – ones that had shot before and thought they were good at it, until she caught sight of their form and realised it was a miracle they hadn’t hurt themselves trying to draw their bows.  Not used to shooting meant blank slates.
“Okay,” she said.  “In that case, part one – safety rules at the range, before our big brother yells at me because I forgot to say something and someone gets hurt.”  She intentionally didn’t look towards where Will was sitting with Nico.  “This is the waiting line.  Don’t step past that unless you’re about to shoot.”  She pointed at the line closer to the targets.  “That is the shooting line.  While doing range shooting, you stand on that line and do not cross it under any circumstances while anyone has a bow in their hand.”
“What about non range shooting?” Yan asked, and Kayla shrugged back at them.
“That comes once you can range shoot well enough to not kill anyone,” she said.  “So, who’s first?”
“Me!” Jerry shrieked, throwing his hand in the air at the same time Yan said “age order,” and stepped up to the waiting line.
Kayla should have expected that, really.
“Experience first,” she decided.  “Jerry, stay there and watch.”  The British boy pouted but Kayla ignored him as she led Yan up to the shooting line.
For demonstration reasons, she’d passed over her own bow in favour of a longbow.  The smooth European yew felt different in her hand to her usual carbon fibre, but it was still instinct to raise it and draw back under the close watch of her new siblings.
“Let it settle,” she cautioned.  “Then one… two… release.”  Her arrow thudded into the centre of the target, burying itself halfway to the fletching.  “And finish like this.”  She held her position for a moment, letting Yan take it in before relaxing.
“I got it,” they said calmly, and before Kayla could even say anything, they had their loaned longbow at full draw, steady and with beautiful form.
Before she came to camp, Kayla would have thought Yan had lied about how little they’d shot before, but she knew better now.  Things didn’t always follow logical sense for demigods, and being able to perfectly draw back a longbow when they were a child of Apollo was hardly surprising.  Yan didn’t count out loud, but they didn’t need to.  Kayla saw the bow settle as the draw weight sat into their back muscles, and the moment it stabilised, they released.
It wasn’t a perfect shot – their technique was, but they clearly needed to work on their aim a little – but their arrow buried itself in the inner red ring of the target.
Another archer sibling.  Kayla grinned and handed them another arrow.  “Again,” she encouraged, and they obliged with a grin of their own, smaller than hers but she suspected no less maniac.  It was a thrill, feeling the bowstring sing and knowing that the arrow was going to land exactly where it had aimed.
Yan’s second shot was closer, breaking the line between inner red and outer gold, and Kayla knew it wouldn’t take much more practice before they were hitting gold every time – and once they could do that at greater distances, it would be time to move on to combat archery rather than target archery.
Kayla was delighted, but before she could give Yan another arrow, Jerry made his presence known behind her.
“When’s it my turn?” he demanded, and Kayla realised she couldn’t expect him to keep waiting.  Maybe he would be another archer sibling; she’d like that.  Most of their cabin were healers and musicians before they were archers (she carefully didn’t think about why) – and if she was honest, she’d like more siblings that could help her support their dad, if he ever came back and brought more enemies with him.
“Now,” she said, handing a few more arrows to Yan.  “Keep shooting,” she told them, confident that they wouldn’t hurt themselves if she looked away (anyway, Will was there if something did go wrong).
Jerry bounded over the shooting line, looking eager – more eager now than he had before Yan had shot, and Kayla couldn’t quite forget that the two of them had arrived together, had reportedly known each other for some time before discovering they shared a father.  He made impatient grabby hands for an arrow, and Kayla gave him one.
Instantly, she could tell that Jerry was not an archer first and foremost.  He fumbled the nock against the string a couple of times before it finally caught, and when she had him mirror her at full draw…  There were things to work on.
Before she could step closer to him to correct his stance, he let the arrow fly, jerking back awkwardly at the bow’s recoil, because he hadn’t been stable at all, and the arrow predictably responded in kind.
Kayla didn’t see where it landed, because she was too busy looking at Jerry, but she noticed the distinct absence of the thunk of an arrow hitting a boss.  Instinctively, she winced.  Missing the target entirely was embarrassing, especially as she had them set so close to the shooting line for initial lessons.
Jerry looked like he was about to cry, and Kayla was not equipped to deal with crying younger brothers, so she hurriedly stepped up to him and started nudging his feet with hers.
“Let’s fix your stance before you try again,” she said, gripping his shoulders and twisting his torso until it was straight, side on to the targets.  “Feet wider… wider… wider… okay, that’s good.  Head…” she put her palms either side of his face and carefully directed it to look straight at the target without twisting the rest of his body.  She nocked the next arrow herself.  “Draw back… Elbow up.  And back more.  More… more.  Use your back muscles, not your arms, it’ll be easier.”
After some poking and prodding, she had Jerry standing at full draw in something that looked reasonably like it was supposed to – not perfect, but that was going to take some work, she accepted with some internal dejection.  Just because Da was a coach didn’t mean she was a good coach.  Teaching people to shoot was far harder than shooting.  “And release.”
There was at least a thud of contact this time, but when Kayla turned to look at where it had gone, it had still landed outside of the target sheet, barely hanging on to the edge of the boss.
Jerry burst into tears.
“It was better!” Kayla tried to reassure him.  “It’ll just take some practice!”  Behind Jerry, she could see Yan approaching, looking distressed at Jerry being upset, and this was way out of Kayla’s wheelhouse.
A hand on her shoulder pulled her back slightly and she glanced up to see Will smiling at her gently.  “I’ve got this,” he promised.  “You take Yan.”
“But-”  She was the one that was supposed to be teaching them.  Will wasn’t actually supposed to be there at all, and he certainly wasn’t supposed to be taking over teaching when he was the worst archer in cabin seven!
Well.  Second worst archer, now.
“I was that bad when I started,” Will told her, his voice raised enough that Jerry and Yan could hear him, too.  “I’ve got a few tips and tricks that I was given back then that helped me, so they might help Jerry, too.”
Kayla hated that she could probably guess who had given Will those tips and tricks, because she’d noticed that he had a habit of not naming their dead siblings ever if he could help it.  He’d mention names she didn’t recognise, ones that had left before she’d arrived, but the ones that had died?
Introducing others to the archery range always made her think of Michael and the first time he’d introduced her.
“Go on,” Will nudged her.  “Go have fun with Yan.  I’ve got Jerry.”
It seemed wrong, leaving the two worst archers together, but maybe Will had a point, and Kayla really wasn’t equipped to deal with Jerry’s tears – or the frustration she was going to feel when Jerry kept struggling, because she could admit she wasn’t the most patient demigod in the world.  Not even close.
“Okay,” she caved, passing the spare quiver to Will and persuading herself that she wasn’t giving up, she was just being smart, and Yan still needed some tips on aiming, if nothing else.  “Come on, Yan, let’s get your aim perfect.”
“But-” they protested.  Kayla ignored it and grabbed their arm, pulling them back to their place on the shooting line.
“Will’s got Jerry,” she assured them, and Yan hadn’t been in camp long enough to know exactly what that meant, but they knew that Will was head counsellor – and sure enough, already, Kayla couldn’t hear any more crying, just a low murmur of reassurance from their big brother.
She tried not to let it get to her when, despite still not managing anything better than the outer black all session, Jerry still looked far happier with Will’s tuition than her own.
Will was just like that.
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ago0112 · 11 days
The Bear, The Bard, and Hamlet
Christopher Storer pulls from so many media types, music, movies, opera, theater, and it's beautiful. He is on point with Alfred Hitchcock in telling stories visually.
Like others have mentioned @gingergofastboatsmojito @thoughtfulchaos773 @currymanganese he pulls from the Bard, William Shakespeare. Fairest Creatures and Midsummers Night's Dream.
Another is Hamlet. Long story short, Hamlet's uncle kills his dad, marries his mom, and he goes, rightfully so, a bit mental with wanting revenge. (Yes, yes, yes, it's far more poetic than that. Worry pas, I get it. My dad is a retired English Lit professor.)
So, how does this relate to The Bear? Well, Mikey is definitely the stand in dad for Carmy and Nat. But, take it a step further. Their dad, seemingly, vanished, left them. Their "uncles," Lee and Jimmy, are connected with unsavory types. *cough *cough the mob. Mikey, Donna, and Jimmy say he wasn't good with the business. This has me wondering if, like with his son's, he went looking for a loan that he either couldn't, didn't, or wouldn't pay back. Not that Jimmy or Lee killed him, but they know what happened to him. And I feel that they also had something to do with Mikey's death. Again, not that they did it, but they know more than they are letting on. Jimmy feels so guilty this season. And felt so guilty to give Mikey the money in the first place. Where is that guilt coming from?
So, back to it. Carmy is Hamlet (Hamlet is driven by revenge. Carmy is driven by a need to prove himself for attention and acceptance. And kinda revenge, too.) Mikey is King Hamlet (king Hamlet is Hamlet's father. Mikey is the stand in dad to the bear siblings). Claudius is Uncle Lee (fucking asshole abusive prick. And I know there's more to Mikey's death and Lee had a part to play.) Donna is Gertude (Hamlet's relationship with his mother was strained and she was also poisoned. Carmy's relationship with Donna is messed up and her drinking also isn't good for her.) Ophelia is Claire (She gets burned by Hamlet. Not literally. Which does happen to Claire. No matter how I might feel about her.) Jimmy is Polonius ( "He is the chief counsellor of the play's ultimate villain". Jimmy is in businesss with Lee. And Polonius is supposed to be a busy body. Which, let's face it, Jimmy is.) Fak and Teddy are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (I want more space for them lol.)
Let's add the other Shakespeare plays in here, too, so we can get a good idea of the whole complete story of the Bear.
I also love that Richie is Puck. His fucking dream weave, people.
The rest of the Faks are The mechanicals.
Syd is like Cordelia. (King Lear's youngest daughter. Yes, I know, another play but still relevant. She refuses to wax poetically about the love of her father in public just to get some land. He refuses her and makes her life hard... Syd's not signing the agreement and is not really enjoying this version of Carmy.) She's honest, true, and brave. Puts up with a lot of shit.
I'd like to go back to two characters though. Dum and Dummer, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern or Neil and Teddy Fak.
In Hamlet
"They are two old school friends of Hamlet, and they come to visit him after his father's death, though it turns out that they are called to Denmark by King Claudius and Queen Gertrude to spy on Hamlet. They represent corruption and deceit in the play, and their existence and actions are full of irony."
Wait, what was that last part again?
"They represent corruption and deceit in the play, and their existence and actions are full of irony."
Hamlet ends up killing them, lol.
I don't think Carmy will. But it's definitely going to be interesting. Oh, Ophelia goes mad (because of Hamlet) and drowns herself...I don't want that for Claire. Hopefully, she moves on. Clearly they aren't good for each other.
Also, Richie, I want more of your dream weave. Lord, what fools these mortals be, am I right? Come on Robin Goodfellow, show us the goods.
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kyokosasagawa · 2 months
hi yes so I got to talking to a non-profit debt counsellor about everything, and guess which bitch successfully did not get kicked off of her debt counselling program and whose worker is going to be adding everything to her program
thats right, its me.
so basically:
from now on, the payday loans are going to be monthly. we do not know the exact amount yet, but!!! it will save our ass so much to have it go from that amount to something manageable.
i will never be allowed to touch a loan again. that is ok. i am free.
in my moms case, it'll still take untillllll roughly august 31 for her to be free of payday loans, but once she is, we will be be gucci
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in conclusion:
once again, thank you all so much for the help. y'all have no idea how much i appreciated it.
payday loans are hell, don't do it
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
I love thinking about everyone coming back to Hawkins eventually
Steve is the Middle School guidance councillor (Mr. Clarke is now the principal) Robin is the High School guidance counsellor and runs the school's gay/straight alliance. The two of them went to the same college, they just can’t stop looking out for other kids going through rough times.
Will is not only a fantastic artist but a wonderful storyteller. he gets a degree in English literature and he does a few art classes to be the best he can be and he turns his stories into graphic novels that he illustrates himself. The Stranger Things series is published through scholastic and in libraries all over the country, he gets fan mail from other weird kids who found solace in the stories, he does book signings and he takes photos with groups of friends that formed over the love of HIS book and it makes everything worth it. with the success of the book he can move anywhere he wants to, but he just buys a nice big house in Hawkins with enough space for anyone in the party to stay when they visit. and Joyce lives with him too, she takes care of the house when he's out on book tours and talk shows and she's so, so proud of him.
El was able to get into an adult education program and catch up to a grade 12 education by the time she’s 23. After that she goes to college, she gets a degree in early childhood education and she works in the elementary school as an EA for special needs children. Now she runs the special needs program at both Hawkins middle and high and her office is right beside Steve’s.
Dustin originally goes to school for engineering but gets sidetracked when he meets some people in the radio and communications courses. He ends up switching over and getting his degree in television broadcasting. Now he's Dustin Henderson head news correspondent for HAWK Channel 7 News, he does the 6 and 11 o'clock news, and his voice fills the homes of Hawkins residents for many years
Erika goes to college and gets a degree in political science and comes back to run for mayor of Hawkins and she wins. she’s the mayor for a long time until she decides to run for governor. And then president.
Jonathan is so burnt out from everything and the trauma of it all that he doesn't do anything big for a while. He works odd jobs, he gets hired for some prom photos and then some engagement photos and then the same couple comes to him a year later for their baby's newborn photos and that's where his career starts. He makes business cards, he gets a business loan and rents out a building downtown and he opens a photography studio. He's Erika's campaign photographer, Steve and Robin get him a contract with the school for grad photos, and he loves it.
Argyle befriends Keith whose parents own both the arcade and family video and he convinces them to open up a Surfer Boy Pizza branch in Hawkins to go with their games and movies... and now He's the manager of said Surfer Boy Pizza and living his best life.
Max is a doctor at the hospital. When she was in recovery, she got bored just sitting in her room in her wheelchair so she asked to help out. They let her do rounds and learn what a nurse did every day which helped her get up and start walking again… and she ended up loving every second of it. She went back to high school after that and took every science course she could, she went to college on a scholarship and she came back to Hawkins Memorial hospital as soon as she could. Now she's head of trauma surgery in the ER.
Nancy comes back to Hawkins in the 2000s after years of being a big city cop in Indianapolis for many years, ready to take over as the Hawkins Chief of Police when Hopper retires.
Much like Nancy, Mike also works with the Hawkins police. He is a social worker who relocates children during an emergency. If a couple passes away in a car accident, a domestic dispute, or anything, Mr. Wheeler is called in to talk to the kids, make sure they're okay and drive them to their Foster parent or next of kin. It's a very hard job to do but he has experience with finding kids on the worst night of their life and making sure they're taken care of.
Lucas doesn't know what he wants to do for a while. he takes a basketball scholarship to a really good college somewhere far away and he thinks he'll find himself there... and he's right. he gets hurt in his 3rd game and benched until he's better, causing him to spend a decent amount of time with the team's physical therapist. he remembers when max was in recovery and how he liked to help her and so he switches his major to Kinesiology and he becomes an occupational therapist for people with chronic illnesses and severe disabilities. he moves back to Hawkins when Erika gets elected, the town a lot different and there's a large number of veterans in the area too since the war, she convinces him to move back and open a care facility, cause no one understands Vets better than someone who's been on the front lines himself.
Eddie tours around as a guitarist for some solo artists for a few years and then comes back to Hawkins to set up a music store where he does guitar lessons for kids after school.
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abubblingcandle · 2 years
UK Teachers Strike
As I sit here at home on a Wednesday in term time, I still find myself writing a list of all the work I have to do to even break even with my deadlines for this week. And that is choosing to not do anything to help my non-striking colleagues.
I know a lot of people I know on here aren’t from the UK but please support the Teachers Strikes. 
We are not striking just because we are underpaid. We are underpaid, don’t get me wrong. But we are striking because the government has abandoned us and yet at every turn we are the villains of the story. 
So here is my vent (this turned so much longer than I anticipated) but also to try and bust some myths of what us teachers are going through and why we feel the need to get some change:
“Teachers just work from 9-3 and get 6 weeks off at summer” - No teacher, and I will stand by this, who is doing right by their students can work 9-3. To start off with we have staff meetings before and after school, parents evenings, pastoral care meetings and conversations with parents about their children if their children are struggling which can’t be done while teaching. As a 2nd year teacher I get 7 hours a fortnight of in school prep time. During that time I have to plan 50 lessons, each one adapted for that specific group of students (in my experience each lesson takes about 15-20 mins if it is pre-planned, 45-60 mins if it is from scratch). So just that alone if we assume all these lessons have planned planned last year and can just be adapted it would take me 12.5 hours a fortnight to do this. I also have to deal with problems within my form including observing lessons with them in, talking with support staff about how we can best help them and behaviour/attendance monitoring. That takes up an hour a week on a good week. Then we have marking and data entry. For KS4 classes it can take me 40 mins to mark each paper, for KS3 classes less time but there are more of them. Assuming this is a test fortnight, I have two ish classes in each year for each subject so we’ll say 60 kids x 20 mins per test = 20 hours. So the basics 34.5 hours a fortnight of work that isn’t teaching ... and 7 hours allocated. Then if we assume I get home at 4, go to sleep at 10 to get a full nights sleep that is then 6 hours on an evening, 30 hours from weekdays. To do all the work I need I need to work all hours in a school day and most hours on an evening. But then at least I have weekends free! Then we have the pastoral care. Teachers are people children trust. If you are a good teacher then children will trust you with their problems. So on a lunch time and break time (my time to decompress) I find myself instead being a counsellor helping pupils deal with anger, sadness, discovering who they are, learning how to be teens and the problems that come with that. So most days I don’t get a lunch break and instead have to use my planning time to eat if I have a planning lesson.
“The average wage of a teacher is £48k” - The average wage of all teachers might be £48k but that includes the heads of trusts who get paid over £100k. As a second year teacher I get paid £28,900. With taxes and student loans etc. taken off from it I get a take home pay of just over £1.8k. The average monthly take home pay in the UK is £2.5k. I genuinely almost might not be able to pay my bills this month because of striking one day. 
“Teaching isn’t that hard, parent’s did it fine during lockdown” - Parent maybe taught one child using work that was set by their teachers. That is not comparable. Someone today who is also striking said something that stuck with me “imagine being a hairdresser and every day having to argue with the client that they need to take their hat off to have a haircut”. Parents hate teachers, children hate teachers, but good teachers want what is best for your children. Things children have actually said to me this week:
- “They should get some other teachers in here because you’re shit”
- “This school is shit and so are you”
- “You’re so strict, don’t you have anything better to be doing with your life”
- “Are you actually going to be teaching us something interesting today?”
- “I don’t need to know this so why should I bother listening to you?”
- “You can’t made me do anything, deal with it”
- “Being here is torture, you’re torturing me you know”
All of those ... were for doing my job. Most of those were for either making them open their books to write or the audacity of asking them not to talk over me. 
“Teachers get to strike and have the day off but if I take my kid out of school for a holiday then they are fined for losing vital education time. How is that fair?” - It’s not but it’s not teachers who are punishing that rule. It’s not teachers who benefit. Your child will lose out on valuable teaching time. They will lose out today. But if a strike doesn’t disrupt then what is the point of a strike. Don’t be mad at us. Be mad at the government that is making us do this.
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accountabilityza · 5 months
From Debt to Prosperity: The Advantages of Debt Management in Cape Town
Debt is an issue that many individuals and households in Cape Town face, just like it is everywhere else in the world. Still, if you have the right plan and resources, you may turn things around and go from living with loans to being wealthy and stable. With several advantages that can help people regain control over their finances and create a more promising financial future, debt management Cape Town provides a way to make this change.
One of the main benefits of debt management in Cape Town is the ability to combine multiple debts into a single, affordable monthly instalment. This can lessen the chance of missing payments, which can result in extra fees and penalties while making it simpler to maintain on top of payments. Long-term cost savings can be achieved by consumers who consolidate their financial obligations by lowering their total interest rates.
One more benefit of debt management in Cape Town is the chance to collaborate with a qualified debt adviser or counsellor who can offer specialised advice and assistance. These specialists can assist clients in making a sensible spending plan, arranging a repayment schedule, and negotiating on their behalf with creditors. This can offer a clear route to financial freedom and help lessen the stress and anxiety associated with debt.
In Cape Town, financial counselling and schooling are additional benefits of debt management. Knowledge of finances can be enhanced, and better money management skills can be acquired by participants in many debt management programmes, which also offer educational materials and workshops. People will be better equipped to make wise financial decisions and stay out of debt going forward as a result.
Furthermore, debt management in Cape Town can assist people in raising their credit scores. Through a debt management programme, people can show creditors that they are creditworthy, which over time could improve their financial score. Acquiring loans, credit cards, and other financial products with better terms and lower interest rates may become simpler with a higher credit score.
In Cape Town, managing debt might enhance relationships. Although managing debt collectively can help couples and family members build stronger bonds and improve communication, financial stress is a common source of conflict in relationships. Programmes for managing debt frequently offer tools to enhance cooperation and money communication, which over time can strengthen bonds between people.
Moreover, debt management in Cape Town can provide people with a feeling of financial empowerment and under control. People may reclaim their sense of agency and confidence in the future of their finances by being initiative-taking in addressing their debt. This may increase general wellbeing and life quality.
Debt management in Cape Town can support an empowered and financially responsible culture. Through the provision of tools and resources, debt management programmes assist in the development of a financially responsible and literate culture. A more robust and prosperous society on all fronts may result from this.
Finally, debt management in Cape Town provides several advantages that can assist individuals with getting out of debt and securing a better financial future. For those seeking financial stability and prosperity, debt management programmes offer a wealth of resources and assistance. Education, debt consolidation for cheaper interest rates, and monetary independence are a few of these. People in Cape Town can take charge of their financial situation and create better futures for themselves and their families by using these programmes.
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bizknnect · 6 months
We are hiring Education Loan Counsellor
We are hiring an Education Loan Counsellor for the Noida location. Interested candidates can apply. Contact us now. Apply now.
Visit here- https://bizaccenknnect.com/jobs/
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Random Astro Facts #7
^If your 2nd ruler is in 4th house, you are likely to invest in properties.
^Mars in 7th house are going to attract Aries big 3.
^Venus in Capricorn men prefer a working spouse. They don't like homebodies and like their spouse contributing economically.
^South node in 6th can mean you get caught for someone else's mistakes. This is due to your past life karma of enemies.
^If your 9th ruler is connected to 6th, you may take a big loan for your college/university studies.
^Most counsellors have a strong connection of Moon to 8th or 12th house.
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zalia · 2 years
Fanfic Self-Rec Challenge!
I got tagged by @anneapocalypse​ to rec 5 of my own fics! Forged in Wrath and Ruin (Destiny) - EMBRACE ME, LIGHTBEARER, AND BE A GOD OF DEATH. When Osiris never returns from investigating Xivu Arath and Hive activity on the Tangled Shore, Saint takes it upon himself to find him. There is a threat growing on the Shore, turning people into monsters that think only of bloodshed. Saint finds himself working with a young Lightbearer loaned to him by the Spider to unravel this insidious darkness, and hopefully recover Osiris before he is lost.
[This one is forever going to be special to me because *damn* first multi-chapter fic I ever finished! Most plotty fic I ever finished! I am so damn proud of it and still wrangling the sequel which is uh... longer ^^;]
Falcon’s Chase (Destiny) - “He has eyes for you, Osiris,” Felwinter says. Saint has been bringing Osiris food and little gifts, but this is surely something that Saint does for everyone, or maybe a sign that the Titan pities him. Or perhaps a sign that Osiris is allowing his fear to overwhelm his judgement. [First time writing Felwinter, and starting to really poke into the idea of Osiris as neurodivergent and doing an actual get-together fic!] The Erotic Adventures series (The Magnus Archives) - Sex, Jonathan Sims had decided a long time ago, was confusing. This obviously meant that further research was required. During the course of that research he has managed to acquire one (1) boyfriend (Martin, who he adores), one (1) play partner-slash-dom-slash-relationship counsellor (Elias, smug but extremely competent and discreet, with high standards), and a rather good way of making his brain be quiet for longer than a few minutes. Now Martin is staying over at his house, Elias has invited them both to dinner, and Peter thinks it's all rather amusing. [My 50K 3-part epic exploration of asexuality and BDSM which is extremely personal and important to me.] Advanced Memetics (Destiny) - You’d always expected the end to come in a flash of blinding revelation. Instead it begins with... nothing really. A song that hums at the back of your skull, as the red flowers and leaves begin to lap at the walls of the Last City. [Sometimes I just want to write what I call ‘weird experimental theatre’ fics. This is one of them. Written very soon after Witch Queen came out - so much of the imagery and lore in it was incredibly evocative.] A Matter Of Trust (Destiny) - It had been Osiris's Light that had taken him to Mercury, all those years ago. It makes a twisted sort of sense that it is the Darkness that brings him to the frigid wastes and ruins of Europa. He had never thought of himself as someone who sought power, and yet here he is, seeking out the pyramid and the Darkness that lies within it. [Written during Season of the Haunted. Everyone gets therapy! I also got really invested in the friendship between Eris and Osiris - especially now Osiris is Ghostless.]
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men-of-progress · 2 years
How to start building wealth
An abundance of valuable resources or material possessions is wealth. Building money is crucial for gaining financial freedom and stability. It gives people the freedom to live their life as they see fit and a sense of security. This blog's objective is to offer advice and methods for getting started with wealth accumulation.
Financial security is more crucial than ever in the modern society. It's essential to have a strong financial foundation because living expenses are rising and the employment market is getting more competitive. It takes time and effort to build riches, but in the long run it is worthwhile.
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Understanding Your Financial Situation:
Knowing where you stand financially is the first step in accumulating money. Analyzing your earnings, outgoing costs, and debt is part of this. Your financial goals can be determined after you have a thorough awareness of your financial status. This can involve paying off debt, putting money aside for retirement, or saving for a down payment on a home.
A budget is a key instrument for accumulating wealth. It enables you to track your spending and make necessary changes to achieve your financial objectives. You can pinpoint areas where you can reduce spending and divert that money toward your financial objectives by using a budget.
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Eliminating Debt:
There are many different types of debt, including credit card debt, mortgage debt, and debt from student loans. You can create a repayment strategy after you are aware of the many debts you are in. This can entail making a budget, consolidating debt, or getting expert assistance.
The snowball approach, the avalanche method, or getting expert assistance are just a few methods that can be employed to pay off debt quickly. The avalanche technique entails paying off the debt with the greatest interest rate first, while the snowball method prioritises paying off the smallest obligation first before moving on to the next. Consulting a financial advisor or a credit counsellor is an example of getting expert assistance.
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Building an Emergency Fund:
A savings account for unforeseen needs is called an emergency fund. In the event of an emergency, such as a job loss or unanticipated medical costs, one should have one. It is advised to have an emergency fund with at least three to six months' worth of living expenses. An emergency fund can be kept in a money market or high-yield savings account.
A sense of security and peace of mind can be obtained from an emergency fund. Additionally, it might offer financial security in the face of unforeseen circumstances like job loss or medical bills. It's crucial to set up an emergency fund account just for this purpose and to refrain from using it for anything else.
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Future Investments:
There are many different kinds of investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. Beginners may find investing difficult, but there are various methods to get started, like using a robo-advisor, speaking with a financial professional, or conducting your own research. Investment diversification is crucial since it lowers the chance of financial loss.
It's crucial to keep in mind that it's never too late to begin investing even though it can be daunting. Your money has more time to grow the earlier you start. It's important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Diversification is key when investing,
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Creating Multiple Income Streams:
Creating different income sources is a crucial first step in accumulating wealth. It enables you to spread out your sources of income and reduces the danger associated with relying just on one. You can pursue a variety of revenue streams, including rental income, freelancing, and launching a side business.
Starting small and building up gradually is the key to developing several revenue streams. As you may test the waters and discover what works for you, starting a side business or doing freelance work can be a wonderful place to start. You can then put more time and money into your income streams as they expand.
The significance of passive income should also be noted. Earnings that you receive without actively working for them include rental income and stock dividends. Creating passive income streams can give you a reliable source of money and free up your time to pursue other interests.
In conclusion, accumulating wealth is a process that calls for perseverance, commitment, and a well-defined strategy. You'll be well on your way to accomplishing your financial goals by comprehending your financial condition, getting rid of debt, setting up an emergency fund, investing for the future, and generating numerous streams of income. Keep in mind to be consistent and disciplined, and don't be hesitant to ask for financial advisor assistance if necessary.
it's important to understand the significance of erecting wealth and the way that can be taken to achieve it. We've bandied the significance of assessing your current fiscal situation, relating your fiscal pretensions, creating a budget, barring debt, erecting an exigency fund, investing for the future, and creating multiple aqueducts of income. All these points are pivotal in achieving fiscal freedom.
It's also important to flash back that fiscal education is a crucial factor in achieving your fiscal pretensions. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University is a comprehensive course that can help you gain the knowledge and chops you need to take control of your finances and achieve your fiscal pretensions.
As we come to an end, it's time to take action. By creating a budget, paying off debt, saving for an exigency fund, and investing for the future, you'll be on your way to achieving fiscal freedom. Flash back to stay harmonious and patient, and you'll see the results of your sweats.
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study-abroad-delhi · 11 days
Study Abroad Consultants in Gurgaon: Your Gateway to Global Education
Gurgaon, now officially known as Gurugram, has rapidly evolved into one of India's leading financial and industrial hubs. Alongside its corporate growth, Gurgaon has also become a key destination for students aspiring to pursue higher education abroad. Many students in the city dream of studying in world-renowned universities and building global careers. However, navigating the complexities of applying to international universities can be a daunting task, which is why study abroad consultants in Gurgaon play a pivotal role in helping students achieve their dreams.
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The Role of Study Abroad Consultants
The journey to studying abroad involves various steps, including selecting the right course, preparing for standardized tests, drafting essays, securing financial aid, and ensuring that visa applications are completed successfully. Even though there is abundant information available online, the entire process can still be overwhelming for students and their families.
This is where study abroad consultants come in. These professionals offer expert guidance and personalized services to ensure that students can navigate the process with confidence. Here are some key benefits of working with study abroad consultants in Gurgaon:
1. Personalized Guidance
Every student has unique academic interests, career goals, and financial constraints. Study abroad consultants work closely with students to understand their preferences and recommend countries, universities, and courses that align with their aspirations.
2. University Selection
With thousands of universities to choose from, it can be difficult to identify the right one. Consultants simplify this process by helping students shortlist universities that match their academic profile, career goals, and budget.
3. Application Assistance
A successful application requires more than just filling out forms. Consultants assist students in writing impactful personal statements, crafting engaging essays, and securing strong letters of recommendation. They ensure that each application stands out in a competitive field.
4. Test Preparation
Many international universities require scores from exams such as the GRE, GMAT, IELTS, or TOEFL. Study abroad consultants provide test preparation support, including study resources, tips, and strategies to help students achieve the required scores.
5. Visa Support
The visa process is often one of the most stressful parts of studying abroad. Consultants help students prepare the necessary documentation, understand visa requirements, and ensure that all paperwork is filed correctly and on time.
6. Financial Planning and Scholarships
Studying abroad can be expensive, but consultants provide guidance on scholarships, financial aid, and education loans. They help students explore options to make their dream education more affordable.
Top Study Abroad Consultants in Gurgaon
Gurgaon is home to several reputed study abroad consultants, each offering a range of services to guide students through the application process. Here’s a look at some of the top consultants in the city:
1. Grace International
With a strong presence across India, Grace International offer comprehensive services to students aiming to study in countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Their counsellors assist with everything from course selection to visa processing and even provide test preparation support for IELTS, GRE, and GMAT.
2. IDP Education
Known for their expertise in guiding students to top universities in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US, IDP Education offers a wide range of services including career counseling, application guidance, and visa support. They have established ties with numerous global universities, ensuring students get expert advice on their study destinations.
3. Edwise International
Edwise International provides a full suite of services, including course selection, test preparation, and financial advice. They have strong expertise in guiding students to institutions in the US, UK, Australia, Europe, and more. Their personalized approach helps students navigate every step of the application process.
4. Global Opportunities
Global Opportunities is known for offering in-depth counseling services, with a focus on helping students apply to leading universities in the UK, Canada, Australia, and Ireland. Their counselors help students with everything from documentation and interview preparation to visa applications.
5. Merit Higher Education Consultants
Merit Consultants specialize in helping students secure admission to top-tier universities in countries like the US, UK, and Canada. They also offer services like essay writing support, interview coaching, and scholarship application assistance.
Choosing the Right Study Abroad Consultant in Gurgaon
With so many options available, it’s important to select a study abroad consultant who meets your specific needs. Here are a few factors to keep in mind:
1. Reputation and Success Rate
A good study abroad consultant should have a proven track record of successfully placing students in reputable universities. It's a good idea to research online reviews, testimonials, and success stories of past clients.
2. Range of Services
Look for consultants who offer end-to-end services, from career counseling and test preparation to visa assistance and financial advice. This ensures you get all the support you need under one roof.
3. Partnerships with Universities
Many study abroad consultants have partnerships with international universities, which can give students access to exclusive admissions pathways, scholarships, or fee waivers.
4. Personalized Counseling
No two students are the same. Choose a consultant who takes the time to understand your unique goals and challenges, offering tailored advice and personalized support throughout the process.
5. Transparency
Ensure that the consultant has a transparent fee structure and is clear about the services they provide. There should be no hidden charges, and you should be fully informed about the costs involved from the outset.
For students in Gurgaon aspiring to pursue higher education abroad, working with a study abroad consultant can significantly ease the process. From helping with university selection and applications to providing visa support and financial advice, these professionals offer valuable services that can make the difference between a smooth journey and a stressful experience. With expert guidance from reputed consultants, students in Gurgaon can confidently take the next step toward achieving their dreams of a world-class education and a successful global career.
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