#loa lore
brainman1987 · 4 months
could I get Taishen in Tiana's blue dress? Pretty please 🥺
I hope I’ve done him justice….
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laurenwalshart · 22 days
Worship of the Wild Gods/Loa
The list of Wild Gods is vast and complex. If you go to any Warcraft wiki and look up the Wild gods it becomes a maddening web that will leave you more confused than when you started. For many their understanding of the Wild Gods starts and stops with the Ancient Guardians of Mount Hyjal that fought in the War of the Ancients (Aessina, Aviana, Malorne, etc), but this isn’t the full picture of the Wild Gods as a whole.
Because of the complexity and diversity of the Wild Gods, it is a common misconception to label the Loa or August Celestials as lesser Wild Gods or something else entirely when in fact the terms are interchangeable. All of the Loa, the August Celestials,the  Ancient Guardians, greater and lesser spirits are Wild Gods. What is also clear is that there is a power of scale of the Wild Gods. Those more well known may be at the higher end of the power scale due to more followers, worship, and offerings granting them a greater portfolio of power and likely a wider reach. There may also exist greater and lesser spirits of a forest, a small grove, local temple, or a single tree that only have limited power in the local area where their followers worship them. (Some examples of this include the Great Bear Spirit in Nighthaven or the Deepwoods Spirits in Karasang Wilds)  
A more recent example that proves that Wild God and Loa are the same term came in 10.2 with a Gossiping Dryad discussing the Wild God/Loa Q’onzu. She says “I heard they’re demanding to be called a ‘Loa’ these days.” (questline “The Answers You’ve Earned”). What is interesting is that no mortals alive now seem to have a memory of Q’onzu and they claim to have existed long before recorded history. Perhaps we have never seen them on Azeroth because there is no one who remembers their name to worship them or provide offerings for them to cross from the Emerald Dream, in a similar way to how Hakkar or Mueh’alah require offerings and sacrifice to cross into our plane. 
What is interesting is that there may be one distinction between the Loa and the Ancient Guardians/August Celestials. The Guardians and Celestials may be bound to Order. It is said in Chronicle Vol. 1 “It was on the slopes of Mount Hyjal that Freya bound the spirits of her beloved Wild Gods to the Emerald Dream…” (pg 40) which includes a list of Wild Gods of both the Ancient Guardians and the August Celestials. In the case of the August Celestials they even chose to remain around a Titanic Facility. The Keeper Freya imbued with the power of Eonar the Life-Binder may be doing just that, binding primal nature spirits with order magic to make them more “stable.” (see Palawltar’s Codex of Dimensional Structure). Perhaps they are bound so they do not require as much worship to remain in reality or they are bound to maintain the order of the Titan’s restructuring of Azeroth and not seek out their own goals. We don’t truly know. What we do know is that while the records of the Titans and their Keeprs present their actions as benevolent and idyllic we know they are often half truths hiding darker experiments and much of the history before the Ordering of Azeroth. We do know life existed before Keeper Freya and as with many other points in Azeroth’s history the Titans Order the advancements of other domains and claim it as their own.  With all this in mind it appears the Loa may then be Wild Gods unbound by Order that require worship of their followers to manifest. This makes Q’onzu’s decision to be called the Loa of Change all the more interesting because Change can be Chaos and not Ordered.
I’ve always found the concept of Greater and Lesser Spirits to be an interesting concept for Druid RP in WoW. Having a connection with one can ground your character to a specific grove, temple, forest, or jungle that they hold scared. Perhaps it is where they know the spirits well and move freely or perhaps this connection is what grants them their wild shapes instead of a big name Ancient Guardian. It also presents interesting roleplay opportunities when your character enters wilds or even biomes that they do not know and come in contact with spirits that are strangers to them. How does your Druid make themselves known or do they at all? Do they provide offerings or seek blessings to travel safely? Do they have rituals that they perform or make shrines for the Wild God they are devoted to? All small things that we don’t see in game very often or if at all, but add so much flavor.
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frutavel · 4 months
Fun OC fact of the day:
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These four are technically related.
The three night elves are siblings, but if you go far back enough in the family tree it turns out they all share a common ancestor with Tau - and oddly enough the nelves are actually closer to that ancestor than Tau is. Their parents are very, very old elves, and all in all only a few generations removed from the dark trolls that bore them.
Kaharau is a dark troll who, according to legend, wanted to cheat death by becoming a loa. He sought to achieve this by having his friends and family pay him tributes in life, something that most saw as foolish or a joking manner.
The young ones took that to heart though, and a few too many eager younglings was more than enough to fulfill the old man's wish. It's said that ol' Kaharau became a trickster spirit in The Other Side, and while few know of his story, he is kept alive in legend and song and the occasional offering made by those who find some joy in his tale.
Kaharau's descendants would eventually split in two lines. One line was changed by the Well of Eternity into something entirely new, becoming the night elves that Adagio, Andryza and Rex were born from. The other line continued as they always had, and Urutau is now one of the few living grandchildren of a trickster loa.
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
How do you see Verity and Aislinn’s careers going post LoA2? Also how does Aislinn feel about being in a relationship with a vampire (while she’s still a human)
Hi 🦋!
Life after LOA 2:
Well, Aislinn and Verity stay at Ricci, Tanaka & Wright (or was it Ricci, [MC's last name] and Tanaka? It's been a bit since I finished LOA2) until Aislinn is diagnosed with cancer and asks to be turned. (Which came at a good time because a LOT of people were commenting that Verity didn't look a day over 30) They "retire" and move back to Montana with Gena Wright (Verity's adoptive mom and the woman who turned them) and Aislinn is turned.
Now a newly turned vampire, Aislinn is slowly reintroduced into the world of humans gradually over 10 years (which seems like a long time but is actually short for a newly turned vampire. Aislinn has an exceptional amount of control for a vampire). They take some time to travel for a little bit and than decide to buckle down. They move to Alaska, get married again and go back to law school. After graduation and passing the bar exam they end up getting hired by rival firms lol. The few times they went head to head in the courtroom were 🥵 lol but they got a kick out of it. Eventually though they move up the ladder and together started their own law firm. Until they got too "old" so they start over in a new city, new life. From time to time Aislinn gets her teaching degree and teaches law as a college professor in some life times.
In between lifetimes, so about every 30-40 years, they spend time traveling together and/or just spending time in "retirement" until they get that itch for the courtroom and they happily start over.
Aislinn on Verity's Vampirism:
There was the initial shock when realizing that some of the supernatural creatures from stories were actually real but Aislinn accepted Verity and was in fact, fascinated by them.
Aislinn found Verity being a vampire sexy. Verity could hold and carry Aislinn without ever getting tired, Verity can easily pin her down, and there's no overpowering a vampire. And when Verity fed from her, it's an erotic experience. The downside, though, was that since Verity could easily lose control during sexy times, they tend to handle Aislinn like glass. They refuse to get rough with Aislinn until well after she's turned. A kiss could turn into broken teeth, jaws, or nose. Move too fast or too hard, Verity could accidentally break Aislinn's pelvis, clench Aislinn's wrists wrong and she would snap like a twig so Verity is careful to the extreme, which irritated Aislinn at times, but after having to replace the bed and a couple of desks a few times she understood Verity's fear. [The worst Aislinn "suffered" from Verity was some light bruises, which caused Verity to spiral, but Aislinn was pleased with and quickly tried to reassure Verity she was fine, she had gotten worse bruises by slamming into her own desk]
One of the biggest cons with living with a vampire is how big of a damper the sun can be to outside activities. Even though Verity always wears their bracelet, the sun still hurts and makes them sick if they're out under it for too long. Camping and hiking on a sunny day is miserable for Verity. And Aislinn found that out the hard way after Verity tried to tough it out for Aislinn and ended up nearly passing out. It about gave Aislinn a heart attack and after getting them out of the sun and their strength back, she scolded them for not telling her how bad it was. (At that time, Verity had Aislinn thinking the bracelet gave Verity total immunity to the sun rather than just partial, because they didn't want Aislinn to miss out on activities and her hobbies) Afterwards Aislinn is always checking in on Verity, making sure to always have a pair of sunglasses, an umbrella and a long sleeve shirt on her, just in case Verity forgets. (Which is often lol because as intelligent as Verity is, they can be a little bit of airhead when it comes to taking care of themselves.)
Hope you a great day/night! 🫶🏽
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hisnamewasphil · 9 months
I’ve been binging the hell out of Prime and Mikey has only replied to me three times, but I have a heart attack every single time.
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The Original Color of Erzulie Freda (Hazbin Hotel)'s Magic
(these are all referring to DeviantArt OCs, not the actual lwa)
At the beginning of time, Erzulie Freda's magic was actually the color rose. Maman Brigitte's pink magic is a different hue, but Erzulie Freda's rose magic was the same hue as Erzulie Dantor's red magic. The only different was the shade, where Erzulie Freda's magic was lighter and Erzulie Dantor's magic was a darker shade of red.
After their bitter argument, Erzulie Freda split off from Erzulie Dantor. This caused her magic to change in color from rose to light blue. She split off from Erzulie Dantor because she is the most emotionally intelligent of the Loa; this was her way of trying to respect her sister's boundaries.
Should the twin sisters ever reconcile, Erzulie Freda's magic would go back to being rose in color.
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serpenlupus · 2 years
Akunda vs Kimbul
So I’ve had to postpone a bunch of projects  because I just, don’t have enough time. But there is a headcanon explored on the Kaia comic that I really wanted to share and talk about with others, so I’m gonna go ahead and just do that XD
I think that the Temples and cults of Akunda and Kimbul on the desert of Vol’dun are not there despite it being a place for criminals, but actually take a function there because of it. Let me explain!
So, for starters, I always found it curious that Akunda was stated to be the Loa of Storms and new beginings (edited for correction), and took away the painful memories of those who asked for it in his temple. Like, weirldy convenient that people that are sent to this place because of their “mistakes” or wrongdoings can just, forget about them.
Then on the Temple of Kimbul you have his teachings written on a visible spot and being very focused on courage, strength of will, not thinking you’re above nature, and just generally very noble values? And I’m assuming those are the ones the followers held when the Temple was inhabited.
And there is their placement on the map. Here I put my character on the entrance of each temple, in front of each Loa, and then compared.
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It gave to me the impression that they were possitioned opposites of each other both geographically and also “morally”? As in, if we follow the logic of the Temples being there because of the outlaws, in one place they’d be forgetting their past pain and starting anew, while on the other they’d be faced with a specific set of morals that could revolve about facing their wrongdoings and rectifying them. Like, imagine rehabilitation.
Runing away from your mistakes vs facing them, sort of metaphor
(Obviously the out of game, IRL reason as to why the lessons of kimbul are so visible is for the player to have clues to complete the shrine of the ring quest, and Akunda erases memories to have to recover them for an important character, but I’m jsut havig fun here so xD)
Although, I don’t think all of the outlaws that Zuldazar sent to Vol’dun would go to either of the temples, nor all the people living in those temples would have been criminals. There’s always exceptions and variety.  We also don’t exactly know what crimes entail banishment to Vol’dun, and if you know about caste social systems you know some ““crimes”“ can be bullshit, so... I won’t speculate on that end.
There’s also an object called [Chain of Exemption] that implies you can only leave Vol’dun with a special permit, so I’m guessing an exiled couldn’t easily leave Vol’dun, or maybe could never leave, but life on the temples is a better alternative than the desert for sure (this item was added on shadowlands though).
The fall of the temple of Kimbul must have upset the balance at some point, given how he refused to accept new followers until the last ones were avenged. And we don’t know when exactly the Sethrak started to turn hostile (I didn’t consider Sethraliss in this equation because I couldn’t find a Troll follower of her in game), so this is a headcanon I have of the past of Vol’dun, and not of current. It gets a bit more explored in the comic as I say, but this is the gist of it ^^
What do you think, too far fetched? Maybe some of it makes sense? Let me know xD
Also, noticed the modus operandi of the Naga when it comes to Kimbul and Gral? Kill their followers while the Loa is away, leave their temple in ruins? What’s that about, are we gonna get more of Naga vs Trolls in the future? I think I’ll have to make another post regarding that.
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zyhaanz · 2 years
Have a tiny feeling Zul could and would have done this
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gutsfics · 2 years
anyway this marks the second Open Heart fic ive written half way but have been unable to finish for Reasons I Do Not Fully Understand
tbh im beinging to wonder if Ethan is the right partner for Baxter & thats why im struggling writing them
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848 angel number
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samcozy · 4 months
🤜Bliss Blueprint: 5 Key Elements
Inner calmness, outer fortitude, succeed.
Pamper your soul with self-care.
Your potential is limitless, embrace.
Chase passions, seize opportunities.
Seize opportunities, embrace adventure, thrive.
Tap Now And Get Free Motivation Gift.💕
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suboficialflores · 10 months
Once upon a time I was a Spanish lecturer at a university. They trusted me with 100-300 level classes (lol wild)
Then I was pulled into a Title IX investigation that really had nothing to do with me, and like an idiot I did what I thought was the right thing
If a professor rapes a student and another professor asks you to testify on behalf of the student, you may get fired as retaliation (even though that’s illegal)
Last I knew, the accused professor is still tenured
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screbel · 1 year
goddd I hate lost ark players. "nobody asked for cyberpunk cowboy skins" do you hear yourself? the cyberpunk cowboy skins in the game which has a whole chunk of lore dedicated to cyberpunk cowboys from cyberpunk country where cowboys are from??? and you don't want them?????? shut up shut up
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corkinavoid · 2 months
Quick question
I have three things on my mind:
1 - Horror Castle AU - Tim (possibly with a secretary/bodyguard/other Bat) has come to Vlad's castle to discuss some deal between DalvCo and WE, met Danny (possibly also Dani and Dan, possibly some of them, or all of them de-aged), heard some disturbing shit, got curious and stayed for dinner to learn more. I may or may not add Al Ghul Twins, LoA, Lazarus Waters, cannibalism, plain horror stories, and just creepy af vibes here. Approximately a one-shot. Vaguely inspired by this prompt but does not follow it closely.
2 - Call for Adventure AU - in the middle of conflict between Infinite Realms and Earth, Tim had been taken hostage by denizens of the Realms. Danny, the peace-keeper and a future King, steals him away with a portal, but it backfires, and both boys are stranded who the fuck knows where, while Danny is wounded and unable to make portals for some time. Now, they have to work together in order to make it back to Earth before Infinite Realms wage war. And it's all fantasy-world flavored, with magic lore and cultural differences. Yes, they end up falling in love.
3 - Other Call for Adventure AU - basically the same thing as one above, only it's not fantasy-world flavored, it's futuristic-space-odissey flavored, with cosmic horrors, spaceships, Tim being the genius tech mastermind that relies on science and machinery while Danny is a species native to space. Danny is the cosmic horror, yes.
The question is, what should I focus on first? I'll probably end up writing both (the call for adventure is either fantasy or space, so it's not three but two ideas, really), but I can't do them at the same time, unfortunately.
Also, no matter what you choose, it will be a while before I post it anyway.
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ascendedice · 2 days
I figured it out!! I made the BEST shifting and manifesting subliminal I've made yet.
(i will link the posts that helped me a LOT, sorry if I miss some.)
Link to the sub!
all the benefits are in the video's description.
Anyway, time to yap! (read on why and how works below)
Soo, I've been researching manifesting recently and got into deeper LOA lore and realized a lot of things that can be used in subliminals.
Your subconscious mind is always impressed by everything AND it takes everything literally. This can be used to your benefit in subliminals. Here are some of the general things in the sub:
Guiding your subconscious mind directly in the subliminal.
In this one, I specifically explained the subconscious mind how it should accept and use these affirmations, as well as the spell work and energy work. Each one of my audio files are energetically charged through a spell and layered, so they will work even without headphones (even though they're recommended because of the 432 Hz frequency.)
LoA affirmations.
I made sure the subliminal reassures your subconscious mind that your manifestations come true instantly and that the 4D is the only true reality. I wrote a lot of affirmations revolving around your manifestations and desires happening into your 3D instantly, inducing an instant shift/manifest.
Persisting affirmations.
The subliminal will help you persist onto your assumptions so you can shift instantly.
The perfect mindset.
This subliminal negates all negative thoughts, reprograms your mind into BELIEVING that you got the power to shift cause you already do.
Here are more posts from my fav creators that helped a LOT:
@jealousmartini - the post she replied to me with!, a really good manifesting method
@tellafairy - check out all of the posts listed there, they all helped a lot.
Tysm for reading, happy shifting/manifesting!! 111 222 333
my discord server (for witches and shifters)
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acourtofladydeath · 3 months
You’re writing more for To Become a Vanserra? 😱 where are you going with it?? What’s the lore?? Tell us moreeee
These are the next four fic ideas. This may not be the order in which they are posted, but it is the tentative order.
Brotherly Competition: Elucien X Azris switch. The brothers compete to see who can get whose mate to tap out first. Lucien brings a devious little toy to the party.
"Birth of an Empire" is LoA and Beron's induction ceremony. You'll meet Beron's parents, his three brothers, and his little sister. You'll also see where Beron learned to become who he is.
Beron X Elain: This is still in development, so I won't say too much. "Petal" will make a return.
This fic is going to be fun, and mostly OC based which I LOVE experimenting with. Conleth and his mate have their initiation ceremony... but her bond snaps with his brother Fintan as well (she will have a bond to each brother, the brothers will not have a bond to each other). Will Conleth be able to share? How will the rules of the initiation have to change? How much chaos will Eris and Lucien's attitudes add to the evening (the answer is a lot).
The lore will be sloooowly dished out over the fics. There are ALL sorts of easter eggs and little lore drops trickled throughout the first two fics. Many things will come back, or be expanded on throughout the fics. Some things will repeat in every fic in the series. Can you figure out what they are?
If you haven't read the series yet, you can find it here!
There's smut, theres lore, there's snark, there's feelings galore. So excited to continue to share this adventure with y'all!!
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