#lmk baboon
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
If the Gibbon and/or Baboon told Wukong about the Stone Eggs before leaving earth, why wouldn't they make a pit stop on the moon to give Macaque the same talk?
They honestly probably did!
On their way off-planet they took a rest stop with Chang'e before leaving the solar system. They probably met Macaque this way, all primates super-surprised to see eachother.
Young Macaque: *has never seen another monkey before* ◉ ̫ ◉ Babs and Gibs: *did not expect to see a monkey on the moon* Babs: "Uh..." Gibs: "Hi little one!"
The two older monkeys stay on the moon longer than they had planned (Chang'e was delighted for the company) so that they could impart basic monkey knowledge since Macaque and the other lunar deities didn't know any of it.
They get to the; "Make sure not to bury yourself, or you're body will start to make a Stone Egg that could kill you" - talk after a good few teaching sessions about the regular way monkey infants get made. It left the little moon-shadow monkey very disturbed.
Ironically the pair forgot to specify that it was an ability *special* to Stone Monkeys. Macaque spent years thinking that *any* one could accidentally create a Stone Egg if they got buried for long enough.
First time he saw someone taking a mud bath, he started screaming.
As for Macaque knowing that Wukong was under the mountain... he sorta assumed since his head was exposed, the Stone Egg process couldn't happen. Like, he thought maybe you needed to be completely airtight for your body to start doing it.
In the aus where Macaque returns to see a Stone Egg-pregnant Wukong, he still has a moment of "Who did this to you!? I'll kill them!" before he remembers "Oh yeah..."
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year ago
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So one head-canon turned into another and then another and then another an-
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marshalforgotten · 9 days ago
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Since this is out on DA. I figured I would share you all this bit of Flower Fruit Mountain as well. There is definitely a few things I can improve on, but overall I am satisfied showing off Macaque's skills. <3
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ep2nd · 6 months ago
What are your lmk sexuality canon
Alright here we go-
Yall please don't kill me this is my own headcannons-
MK- Demiromantic
Mei- Bisexual
Macaque- Bisexual
Huntsman- Bisexual
DBK- Bisexual
Redson- Bisexual and Genderfluid (the genderfluid might be canon to LMK can't remember)
Wukong- Pan
Azure- Pan
Spider Queen- Omni
Tang- Gay and Aromantic
Syntax- Ace
Sandy- AroAce
Pigsy- Bi
Scorpion Queen- Lesbian
Peng- Non-binary (canon)
Yellowtusk- nothing (I just don't have any for him)
The Mayor- Queer
9HD- Queer
Big Spider- nothing
PIF- Straight Alley (is that what you call it???)
Red-Horse Baboon- Demiromantic and Gay
Long-armed Gibbon- Pan
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katt-is-a-hot-mess · 1 year ago
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Some doodles again! I might change meis design sense I’m not the biggest fan of it tho
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Some close ups!
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boonalina · 1 year ago
I present to you, one of the four celestial primates, The Red Baboon:
(Her name is Hong Fei - Last name First name)
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Design Details: Her concept and design is very much inspired by the idea of "death". The red pattern at the end of her sleeves represent the Lycoris Radiata aka the "death flower." Plus she carries a scythe, which is most often carried by a grim reaper. Her primary colors are red, white, and black, which are all colors that represent death. As you can see from the photo, her tail can detach and turn into her scythe (and yes, she can feel whatever happens to her scythe.) Her face design is inspired specifically from the mandrill baboon.
(Listen, we were given basically zilch on the other two primates so I worked with what I got. I do plan on making a design for the "long armed gibbon" as well.) Here's a link to the season 5 fanfic I'm writing with her in it: Wattpad Link
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noodlecatt467 · 1 year ago
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A Hypothetical situation that was too much fun I couldn’t resist drawing ft.MK
This is when the baboon starts to realize MK the legendary hero and defender of the world………is kind of an idiot
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brokenolivejar · 1 year ago
RAAAA I COLORED THEM for those who are actually interested in them looks around
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dorothygale123 · 1 year ago
I'd say I'm becoming a nerd, but that ship sailed a long time ago. I guess I'm just expanding my nerdiness to other areas.
So in Journey to the West, the Buddha explains that there are 4 'spiritual primates' that don't fit into any categories for immortals or types of creatures. Fans of Lego Monkie Kid are likely familiar with 2, the Stone Monkey Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque. The other 2, the Long-armed Gibbon and the Red-Buttocked Baboon are a lot more obscure. They only get a brief mention in JttW because the focus of the chapter they appear in is Macaque, but the idea of a set of super powerful Immortal monkeys is just too fun to pass up, you know? So I've been thunking my thinker.
What if each primate was associated with a different realm (mortal, heavenly, lunar, and underworld) and element? I know the 4 elements (earth, water, wind, fire) are a western idea rooted in alchemy and eastern mythology has 5 elements (earth, water, fire, metal, wood), but there aren't 5 monkeys and this is just a thought experiment and not me trying to force western ideas onto eastern culture.
Got it? Good.
Now, Sun Wukong is very solidly earth because he's, you know, a rock. No surprise there. He was also born in the mortal realm and spent most of his life there, so we'll call him the celestial primate of the mortal realm while we're at it.
The Six-Eared Macaque is another easy one. A lot of LMK fannon associates him with wind, inferring that his heightened hearing has something to do with wind magic. He's also very closely tied to the moon because of the line in "Shadow Play" where he directly compares the Warrior (himself) to the moon. So Macaque is the celestial primate of wind and the Lunar realm.
Now here's where we get a bit more speculative and start using information creatively. There are 2 monkeys, realms, and elements left I want to use, so let's start with the monkeys so everyone has a baseline understanding.
The Long Armed Gibbon (Gibs, from now on) is described as being able to "seize the sun and moon, shorten a thousand mountains, distinguish auspicious from inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars."
The Red Buttocked Baboon (Babs for short) has "knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept I'd daily life and can avoid death and lengthen its life."
Starting with the realms because they seem easiest to assign, I would give Gibs the Heavenly realm because of its ability to move around celestial objects like the sun, moon, planets, and stars. This leaves the Underworld to Babs, which I think fits nicely because their "knowledge of yin and yang" and "understand[ing] of human affairs" would make them a good assistant to the 10 Kings of the Underworld.
Next comes the 2 remaining elements, water and fire, which are a bit tricky because it could go both ways.
Gibs could be fire because the sun and stars are giant balls of burning plasma, but also water because the sky/heavens are often associated with an ocean or other bodies of water in several different mythologies. For example, in Egyptian mythology, Ra sailed his boat through the sky every day, while in early Abrahamic belief the sky was a huge dome with water on the other side, and rain happened when floodgates were opened to let the water through. In Chinese myth specifically, the Milky Way is often depicted as a river that is sailed through by various deities.
Babs could fit with fire as well because underworlds and hell-adjacent places are often shown to have fires to torment and punish the sinful dead, no surprise there. But there is surprisingly a lot of water symbolism in the realm of the dead as well. For example, some people may be familiar with the Japanese idea of the Sanzu River, very similar in concept to the Greek River Styx, as well as the Chinese Huang Quan/Yellow springs.
Personally I would pair Babs with fire because he has red in his name, making him the celestial primate of fire and the Underworld.
That leaves Gibs to be the celestial primate of water and the Heavenly realm.
I feel pretty good about this, but if anyone else has other ideas I'd love to hear them.
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variskonna · 1 year ago
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Here's redesigns for the two of the celestial primates that I drew a while ago.
The one at the top is the Long-Armed Gibbon and the one at the bottom Is the Red-Buttocked baboon in both of his monkey and human form wich i gave him because it kind of just makes sense for him to have one based off of the incredibly brief mention and introduction we have of him in jttw.
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mori-lazuli · 2 years ago
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Here’s my concept sketches of the Red Horse Baboon, one of the four mystic monkeys mentioned in jttw (lmk design)
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
[However, I see your 5 elements and raise you one DUKE OF THUNDER!]
Okay, that has got to be the best bitchin title I have ever seen. Move over, Thor, we have a new royalty over thunder to gaze at!
Huh, so, if he could be another Celestial Monkey, likely even older than Babs or Gibbs...why didn't Buddha ever mention this guy?
*Several monkeys turn their heads to look at the big man himself*
Buddha: Ah, well, you see-Look, bear!
*Everyone quickly turns to look, realize the trick and snap back to see Buddha hastily making an escape through the window*
Hmm...*looks up which numbers are lucky in China*, okay, so 4 is actually unlucky, which is probs why the 4 Celestial Monkeys are also called the Monkeys of Destruction.
But the lucky numbers are 6 and 8, with 7 being a generally good number, but being also that the 7th Month is called the Ghost Month and it sounds close to 'to deceive'...hmmm...
Oh, and it sounds like a vulgar way of saying 'penis'.
Okay, so, Duke of Thunder, Long Armed Gibbon, Red Buttocked Horse Monkey, Intelligent Stone Monkey and Six Eared Macaque make 5.
Including our little Harbinger of Chaos, that makes 6, which is a lucky number.
But MK being the 7th Celestial Monkey would make it more fun - at least a part of me thinks so - so, who the hell could be the Sixth Monkey?
Wait...Wuxing has Earth and Wood be different elements...
In Saiyuuki, she has similar eye markings to SWK - much like how Macaque has a similar one to SWK - which should mean, she is also a Celestial Monkey!
I once saw somebody headcanon that Rin-Rin is a flower monkey demon and her flower do give me Cosmo (a plant alien) from Sonic X vibes...that could work.
She's just chilling somewhere, never knew what she is and just exists, vibing along the way, not knowing all the bullshit that is going on, like:
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Rin-Rin being that friend in the group who never got into any drama, and is still living their best life at home.
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I even plan on her (at least a character based on her) still being alive/youthful in the TMKATI au, and the other monkeys are confused af. She's like the aunt/cousin in the monkey village who just... never aged?? They think maybe she ate a peach of immortality and didn't know about it.
Someone like Erlang (all seeing eye) peaks in and is like "Whoa. That monkey came *out* of a tree of immortality. Thats new. Wonder if anyone else knows about this... Best not say anything and cause a fuss."
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marshalforgotten · 2 months ago
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Behold! Mk's first encounter with the Barefoot Bandit.
I do like to think Alkebu-lan met with him in seasons one or two and with her ability to perceive souls, she was able to quickly figure out that the protagonist was NOT as he seemed. However the thief felt it best to let someone closer to the boy inform him on that.
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ep2nd · 7 months ago
@remy-a (sorry again)
(These are ships I like and I am aroace soooo, not the best person for that "romance chemistry")
Freenoodles- they are so like an old married couple lol, they're cute and adorable and I love em, the show keeps putting these together yall can't tell me they're throwing literally bread loaves at our faces
Shadowpeaches- alright before anyone says anything- I like this ship, but it needs A LOT OF WORK, for those who haven't seen my Macaque redemption arc thoughts, they need to talk things out. Like a lot. And that's maybe on them getting back together. Now for anyone who's read Trials of Apollo (don't look at me like that I liked it) Commodus and Apollo have a very similar relationship like Macaque and Wukong. One was killed by the other, though they didn't want to, forced to because they were hurting people, and then go resurrected and went to get revenge on their ex-lover. Now commodus is a pot much, bloody killy and villainous and worse, but still- you can't just get back together after something like that. Now do I have an A03 bookmark for shadoapeaches roommates and lots of Stonefruit trio/Monkey trio family fics, of course they're adorable and I love em. Needs works, lots of work
Dragronfruit- It's cute, but the age difference- and that Redson is usually forever child like Nezha- I'll go 6/10, not all the same rules apply to LMK as JTTW
Spicynoodles- ALRIGHT. IM SORRY BECAUSE HALF THE FANDOM SHIPS EM, BUT I DONT. I- I just dont like em? And I usually ship all the Fandom favorite ships. I like the Trafflight trio as FRIENDS and Friends only. I just don't see any chemistry? More just plane rivals. Also look to Dragonfruit about other explanations
Spider Queen x Scorpion Queen- alright I can't remember the name but I think this a hilarious but a good potential ship, I like it a lot, it's cute, would love to see more stuff
I know they aren't even LMK nor is canon BUT IVE SEEN TUMBLR MAKS THIS.
Red Bottomed Horse Baboon x Lomg Armed Gibbon- I'd call it Astralspirit or some type of astral/cesltail word and then a ghost/underworld vibe. Now I'd get into a rant about what I've come up with these two, but that's another day. Anyway, they be like a quiet and loud type, one who doesn't like touch then the other who really loves it, one who plans everything and the other who goes with the flow, one who is always serious and the other always happy. Very opposite characters. If Pigsy and Tang are old married couple these are ultimate soul mates with like a perfect relationship, they talk things out, learn to love and live with things they personally don't like but the other does... stuff like that. Now I've seen this ship in the very few posts about the other 2 Celestial Primates, usually as Wukong or Macaques parents, so I know some people ship it. Also, I guess with Shadowpeaches, 2 of 4 Celestial Primates, they'd ship the other 2 together
Now If I didn't mention a ship, either A I forgot or B, I don't ship it, probably B, like Lionpeaches, Chimera, Venompeaches, Mayor x Syntax, Macaque x 9 headed snake demon, or others. If ya ship ya em, then that's alright!!(as long as it's not like horrible) I'm just not a big shipper too so yeah
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the-kaiju-family · 10 months ago
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Hello! Question for you, are their any other Kaiju's? And do Kaiju's powers vary between person to person, if they have any? Thats all! Get a good sleep!
Hello! so so sorry for the late reply, I've been working on designs and my art app keeps erasing all of my progress so I'll have to answer your question via text and screenshots that I have :< I'll def update when i have more art coming out.
Starting off we have:
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Liu'er mihou: The Tribes leader
The infamous six eared shadow king has the ability to create a entire ecosystem to wilt and bend to fit his tribes life style. This is hidden behind a even larger almost dome like bubble that is made up of the tribes sacred caves that hold crystals of the dead, giving it a dark purple and black color as the shadows make it constantly spin, blocking out the outside world and protecting the people inside. These crystals hold memories of the past loved ones and where it is a time to mourn and remember those who have passed on to live their next life. These memorabilia also play key roles in ones birth where they are given a stone to proudly wear for their life and given when they die, letting them rest peacefully with their ancestors. (unfortunately this is all i could save before the crash, will update later!)
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The Six eared Kaiju has a outside reputation for being a ruthless cannibal and is hungry for power. How this may be true when he was still growing out of his youth, this chief has gone soft as he found peace with his three cubs that were born from his now late wife. Liu'er has the ability to spread out a net of shadow demons to hunt or search for important things both inside and outside of his territory, however he can only go so far before he starts getting hallucinations. He is, as you may think, a ageless and immortal, able to live out the centuries. However, he is still vulnerable to death and can fall in battle. Liu'er still has the same smoke/shadow abilities as he dose in LMK. After getting into a unbreakable truce with the Ice-Bone kaiju, he has the unfortunate capability to create things out of ice, but his tribe and family helped make it worth it, especially during the summers. The lead Huntress
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The Chief's daughter: Rose/Rosie (As this is my self insert i will be using first person for her but that will vary) Being the Chief's oldest and first born cub, there was already a lot of pressure and praise from the tribe. It wasn't until the day that marked me 14 years of age, that my father pushed me more to do outside activities rather than just playing with the local children of the tribe. Similar to my mother, I has a deep connection with the forest witch led me to inevitably get my very first kill and get me into training to be a huntress. Abilities are slightly different from my fathers as it had evolved. Things like being able to walk into shadows and come out to the other side of the territory were a main one that he has to become accustomed to.
However, things like the smog/smokescreen that was laced with freezing temperatures made my father realized that his truce had a genetic effect on him.
The sonic screech that was so loud it was silent was something that i had developed when i became a hunter, it was something that was taught to me by my mother to help stun prey and get a clean kill. The guard and the Healer
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The Twins: Rumble and Savage Most twins argue who was born first, but for the case of these two, they were born mere seconds apart! Rumble, the one on the left, had earned his spot as a territory guard when he completed his ceremony when he killed a rabid bat that was infecting the fruit supply and making the people ill. He has yet to develop abilities other than shadow travel due to him needing to create some of his own as to make him more of a threat and less predictable. Savage, the one of the left, had gotten his rank as the tribes healer after he managed to kill a unknown creature to the land. Seeing how nobody knew of this creature and how it had rows upon rows of teeth, he was granted the highest praising job as healer, learning little from his mother and is currently being taught by the tribes elders.
The celestial dragon
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Ne Zha Found by the Shadow tribes daughter when he was injured, Ne Zha is forever in her debt for not killing him during the struggling and harsh winters they were currently going through. After he killed himself on the mortal realm, Ne Zha had gotten a curse by Ao Bing's father that left him permanently as a Lung dragon, payback for murdering his son Infront of the entire dragon clan. He currently is a rare sighting in the Celestial realm and spends most of his time in the waters of the garden of the Jade emperors palace. Ne Zha has the unique ability to breathe pink and yellow fire that can turn a scalding white if he is angered enough. Sightings say that his flames resemble a storm of petals and leave a root like burn on his victims. Ne Zha can create sharp, body piercing, daggers with local lotus flora that he can control or summon on command of needed. When he is hit with great force petals may also generate. Ne Zha can conjure a protective magic barrier, which serves as a defense against incoming attacks for both himself and others. He also has little familiars
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The Yin and Yang Tribe and The Star Tribe
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Not much is known about these two tribes other than that they live extremely close to one another and live in peace.
Again, I am so so so Sorry this didnt get out sooner but I will do my best to get the Sun Tribe out next! -
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boonalina · 11 months ago
Excerpts from my LMK fanfic ( pre-season 5 fan-write)
Chapter 1 "Mei pulled out her phone and took a quick selfie with the two in the background."
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Chapter 2 "She flinched, and quickly grabbed her tail from him and hugged it. They were quiet for a moment. "U-Uh.. W-What is it..?" She looked off to the side in embarrassment from her reaction."
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(Click on the links to read it. Girl in pic is my interpretation of the Red Baboon.
I named her Fei Hong.)
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