#lmao this is boring but i’m Stressed
wizardrights · 1 year
we have very little space in our apartment and my roommate doesn’t like the litter box in the living room and NEITHER DO I but we already have one in the bathroom and having it in my room was driving me crazy so anyway i got a litter cabinet and a deodorizer to put in it and i’m hoping so hard that’ll help with the frustration we’re having about it out in the living space. if anyone has any suggestions pls let me know. ugh
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lunadreamscaper · 4 months
I’m gonna be honest
I think the reason I stopped reading VenturianTale fan fiction is because every fan fiction I read resorted to using Jimmy Casket as the main plot point.
Or would build up to something else then change it last second to Jimmy being the main plot point and throw everything away and it was so frustrating that I went from a Jimmy Casket lover to HATER and I mean HATER lmao xD
Like there were so many other interesting VT characters to pick and chose from but it was Jimmy everytime 😭/lh
But now I think Jimmy is cool and I don’t mind him in fan fiction if done right. And instead all my hate and rage goes towards Jordan/hj
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lyriumsings · 1 year
it’s been over an hour since i started this dumbass paper i’ve earned my lunch lmao
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astarionancuntnin · 2 months
Hyello! I don’t know if you do requests but I thought I’d ask so the request is that x reader is honestly pretty badass and Astarion does something that pisses her off and so she barges into his tent after a long day to tell him off and fight him but decides that amidst the anger there is also hunger and decides theres a a way he can make it up to her and smutty content insues, preferably very like animalistic?? think closer by nine inch nails lol i do like the idea that they're both fighting for dominance in the interaction, you choose which one wins lol hope I’m not bothering you
did i listen to closer on repeat to bring you this? perhaps
and i never really put it out there, but hell yeah im taking requests! thank you for being my first <3
(also thank you for your patience i was heavily focused on my last chapters for die for you before approaching this ask and then it really went overboard LMAO you said "animalistic" and i took it literally, i hope you enjoy!)
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Run, Little Fox
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pairing: astarion x reader!ranger!tav
rating: E
word count: 5.1k
cw: 18+. smut, biblicaly accurate Astarion primal!astarion, predator/prey, knife play (if you squint), rivals/hate sex, mildly dubious consent, fighting for dominance, p in v, blood/vampire bites, creampie, very slight somnophilia (but id rather mention it, never too safe)
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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That’s it. 
That was once too many.
This brat of a rogue had gotten on your nerves more times than you could recall, and today you decided you had enough. Your group trusted and respected your position as their leader, a brave and cunning ranger whose decisions everyone agreed with — as they were for the greater good — so why couldn’t he do the same? It wasn’t enough that he questioned your every move in front of everyone else, no, he grew bored of you ignoring his remarks. He just had to act on his impulses and get you in trouble this time. 
You had intended on getting information out of a group of adventurers, when he had tried to pickpocket them in the middle of your discussion, and when he got caught, things obviously went south. You tried to talk things down, but they wouldn’t hear it. One thing led to another and next thing you know, they laid in a pool of their own blood and you stood with no more information than you started with. All of it, because of him, and he had the gall to say it was your own fault for not defusing the situation better. Really?!
The stress of this adventure — the impending doom that those tadpoles in your brains were — was already enough weight on your shoulders, you didn’t want to deal with Astarion’s trickery on top of it anymore. No — you couldn’t. You had enough of his unnerving attitude; enough of his shameless flirting when it was clear you weren’t interested; enough of his impetuous disdain and insolence that matched your own. Tonight, you would set the record right.
Once back at camp after this horrendous, unending day by his side, the first thing you do after dropping your loot and equipment at your tent, is bolt straight for Astarion’s. 
Still covered in a mix of your sweat, today’s unfortunate souls’ blood — and your own — you burst through the entrance of Astarion’s tent without so much as a warning to find him peacefully laying, with one arm behind his head and the other already flipping through the pages of a book he had found, and most certainly stolen, during today’s stroll.
He barely lifts his head to notice your intrusion, his eyes darting your way, half-lidded. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
The sheer audacity of the smirk he gives you. 
“You—” You fully step into his tent, staring him down with an anger that couldn’t be contained, as you close the flaps behind you, “Have been a pain in my ass for long enough.”
He scoffs, “Darling, we haven’t been close like that yet — unless this is your way of asking?” He closes his book and puts it aside to focus on you, as he rests on his elbows, his taunting smile never leaving his lips. What you wouldn't give to wipe it away from his smug face.
“The last thing I want is you anywhere near me.”
“You see,” he checks his nails, bored. “I have a hard time believing that, dear.”
“Get over yourself.” You cross your arms over your chest, annoyed at how well he could annoy you. “What makes you think I want anything to do with you after the commotion you caused today?”
“For one, you came to me, in my tent. If that's not a dead giveaway, I don't know what is,” his eyes dart back to you. “And to further prove that point, you still haven’t left — even though you claim I am the reason for your frustration. Really, it's as if you relished my company after all.”
You open your mouth to contradict him, but your words are left hanging when he gets up, his shirt slightly unbuttoned revealing the lines of his muscles concealed underneath and you can’t help but let your eyes wander longer than you intended, gulping as you do so. He chuckles lightly before he speaks up again.
“Secondly, I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me.”
Your eyes shoot up to his face again, and you ask defensively, “Would you rather have me not look at you?”
He gives you a mischievous look as he eyes you up and down, and he meets your gaze with just as much intensity.
“Third, and lastly, I can smell you, darling.”
“I haven't washed yet.”
“You know that isn't what I'm referring to.”
Your heartbeat quickens, as the air seems to draw out of the tent, “Well, whatever you think this is, isn't your doing,” you lie plainly in the hopes he buys it, but his smirk leads you to believe he sees right through it.
“You’re not fooling anyone but yourself, dearest.” He tilts his head, a long silence settling in between the two of you, with your breathing as the only sound audible in the space of his tent. “Maybe… There's another reason you might be frustrated. That all this, pent up anger building inside, is because of something else that you can’t control.” He closes the distance between the two of you, stopping but a whisper away from your face, and his voice gets lower, deeper. “Something that you would rather not have to deal with, but for some reason just can’t get rid of. Something that just rubs you the wrong way, and is the same reason why you can’t help but want to stay in my presence.” 
You scoff, challenging his gaze, “If that something you’re referring to is you, Astarion, then you’re right — you are the sole reason of my frustration as of late, but I could do without your irritating presence.”
“Oh, but I could make it much more pleasurable.” 
You lean back, and turn your head aside, trying to make some distance between the two of you, ”You give yourself too much credit.”
He slides a finger down your throat, leaving an unexpected shiver in its wake as he exposes your neck, when he pushes your vagabond strands of hair away, before he continues.
“Why don’t you give me a chance to show you exactly what I mean? We would both benefit from this, really; I could fix your predicament, and in exchange, I could receive… a little something from you in return.”
You contemplated the opportunity laid before you for just a second before opting for the reasonable choice. You grab his hand, pulling it away from you and when you speak up again, the anger in your voice is gone, leaving place for your much smoother, yet very assertive tone. “If you want my blood, you’ll have to earn it.”
You release his hand and he keeps it in the air where you left it, cocking his head to the side as he looks at where your hand had held him, “Earn it, you say?”
You nod, “We wouldn’t want you to become soft now, would we?” A smile of your own takes place on your lips. “If I am to be your meal, it’s only fair that you work for it.”
His eyes dart back to yours as a smirk appears on his lips, “I’m all pointy ears.”
“I’ll be hiding in the woods. If you can find and catch me, you get to drink from me. But if I catch you instead, you’re never getting a drop from me.”
He sighs, “That’s hardly a fair proposition, darling.” As you’re about to contradict him, he continues, “Here’s mine instead: if you catch me, fine — I’ll keep chasing boars and whatnot in the woods — but if I catch you…” He leans over the crook of your neck, whispering. “I get to drink from you every. night.”
You grab him by the chin, bringing him face to face with you, “If I catch you, you don’t get to put the party at risk anymore. You will be kicked out of the camp if you do.” If you had to put your vitality on the line, he had to bet something just as valuable.
His fangs glow in the faint lighting of his tent as he smiles. “Deal.”
You drop his chin as he steps back and you notice how something about him seems to be shifting; the pupils of his eyes widen, darkening; his own breathing stops; the hands at his side turning into claws, with his long and sharp nails peaking out, ready to hunt. There was nothing left of the rogue in distress that you picked up a few weeks ago, who could’ve pretended to be nothing more than an innocent, but rather pale, elf. 
When he opens his mouth to speak again, you spy his elongated fangs; much longer than you remember them to be, and his voice—
You don’t lose a second more; the vision of nightmares before you triggered your fight or flight reaction and without your weapons, the choice was clear. You turn around and slide through the flaps of his tent, bolting straight for your tent, where you quickly manage to pick up your trusty dagger and your set of bow and arrows.
Thankfully, everyone else at camp had gone off to bed, so no one notices you as you pick a frantic run towards the deep woods, making distance from the hungry vampire on your tracks. 
The woods are dark, with only the faint light of the moon guiding your tracks. Once far enough, or so you think, you hide behind a tree to control your breathing; you had no intention to lose to this, you needed all the advantages you could get. With your experience as a ranger, you were almost assured to catch him off guard.
What you had seen in his tent before sprinting off was like nothing you had ever seen before. Of course, you knew Astarion was a vampire, but this was… different.
A beast, straight out of those scary bedtime stories you recall from your childhood; a monster guided by his thirst for flesh and blood, who would show no mercy, no remorse. It was merely enough to make you question this challenge with him, Gods, how embarrassing would it be to lose your life to a stupid game you had initiated purely out of spite?
The rustling of leaves nearby brings you back into focus, the adrenaline in your veins keeping you on edge for any sound. You ready your bow before you peek out of your hiding spot to aim where you heard the sound and wait patiently for another moment, your eyes never leaving the bush right until you hear another crack — right when you release the arrow, your aim striking true as you hear a loud thud. You wait a few more seconds, and when no sound can be heard from the bushes you leave your cover, advancing towards your prey. When you push the branches away, you’re face to face with none other than—
A boar.
Shit. Well — guess you caught your next meal.
Another rustling of leaves has you drawing out your bow again, ready to strike, but you’re unable to tell where it comes from.
“How does it feel, little fox?” You hear him through the woods, his deep and raspy, but unnatural voice almost echoing through you. “To be the one being hunted?”
“I’m hunting you, too, in case you forgot,” you mumble mostly to yourself, not wanting to draw out more attention and telling on your location. 
Although you were confident in your capacities, you couldn’t deny the fear building up in your chest. The unnerving feeling of knowing he was around, knowing he was onto you, but unable to find him through the dense woods, the reminder of what he looked like before you ran for your life, a creature of darkness—
“Keep running, you delicious little thing,” his voice already seems to be coming from somewhere else, where exactly you couldn't tell, as if he was constantly moving and it came from everywhere all at once. “You’re making this too easy for me.”
Damn him. He could be anywhere, it was useless to stay there, out in the open, when he was clearly onto you. Then again, he could also intentionally be pushing you to run, only to lead you into a trap of his, right where he wanted you to be. 
No, you’re smarter than this. You won't let your emotions get in the way of this: you were a hunter, born and raised for this kind of situation.
He is just another prey; you can outsmart him. You are better than him.
You put away your bow and arrows; you know your long range weapons would be of no use to you if you couldn’t see your target. If he’s trying to make you run, he has to be further ahead, so the smart choice would be to go back on your tracks.
You turn on your heels in a heartbeat and start sprinting in the opposite way, not even bothering to look behind you for any sign of him, as you hear the clear rustling of branches around you. At this moment, you know he’s right on your tail, the sounds of the forest barely covering the sound of his own movements between the trees — if that was even him. You assume it is, but who’s not to say it isn’t just another boar? Either way, all you can do now is keep running, hoping he will tire before you.
But you were against a creature of the night, someone — or rather something, now — much more in its element, in the darkness of the woods, than you were. 
You don’t run for long before you stop abruptly in your tracks to change directions, leaving the clear road for the crowded forest, where you think you could lose him.
You're temporarily reassured when you don't hear him anymore, and allow yourself to breathe again. Your heart is pounding in your chest, faster than ever, as the fear of being chased — of your life being on the line — created a warmth within you that pooled right down to your core. The risk of being caught, as for once you’re the prey, and you can’t explain it, but it excites you. Although Astarion had gotten on your every nerve, you had to give it to him — he was right that his unnerving attitude had gotten a rise out of you in the most carnal way — but you’d never admit it to his face.
A good minute passes by with no sign of him, and you feel safe enough to peek out of your hiding spot, investigating the beaten path for any sign of life. When you’re met with a dead silence, you move away from the tree you had been leaning against, only to come face to face with Astarion, who drops from the branches just above you. His eyes are somehow a much deeper shade of red, his pupils fully blown out, and he even seems taller as he smiles down on you, and that’s when you perceive the additional fangs that appeared next to the smaller ones you knew. 
You’re fixated on his sudden presence, assessing your opponent the way you would a wild animal, and you remain unmoving, focused on your own breathing.
“Nowhere left to run, I’m afraid,” the voice that comes out of his mouth is otherworldly, almost a growl and nothing like his sultry voice he used to try and charm you before. It’s as if anything that once made him pass as a mortal was gone the second you ran off from him.
You want to turn around and sprint in the opposite direction, but he's faster than your thoughts. Before you can even move a finger, he grabs you by your neck, his sharp nails digging into your skin enough to draw blood as he pushes you against the nearest tree, slightly lifting you from the ground. Instinctively, you reach for your dagger, but he is fast to catch onto your intentions and takes it away from you, throwing it on the ground far from reach. With no other options left, you reach for his hand around your neck, trying to hold on as your vision blurs from the chokehold he had on you. 
“Caught you, little fox,” he leans into your neck where you bled from to breathe you in, and licks your skin from the bottom of your neck up to your jaw, tasting your sweat mixed with the dry blood left on you. Your camp clothing leaves you dangerously exposed as opposed to your armour, and he had every intention to take advantage of it. “You will make a fine meal indeed.”
He presses his entire body against you, and you can feel not only his oddly cold breath down your neck, but also his hard bulge rubbing against your navel, right above the heat between your legs. 
A particularly bad idea crosses your mind, and you know you’ll blame it on the lack of oxygen later, but for now, it’s the only option you have.
Your hand slides down to his crotch, where you squeeze his length through his trousers, making him shudder against you and loosening his grip on your throat. You take this chance to free yourself as you quickly push him away and against the earthy ground of the forest, pinning him down using your entire body weight. You land right next to your knife and grab it just in time before he comes to his senses, now holding it against his throat.
“I win,” you say, breathless, over him.
You remain unmoving, with the threat of your knife keeping him in place, but unsure what to do next — until he laughs. You’re taken aback, but you keep your position, pressing your blade deeper into his throat.
“Well done.” His voice softens, still deeper than what you’re used to, but less guttural than it was a minute ago. “You have me completely and utterly helpless. What will you do next, I wonder?”
You don’t get to answer before you feel him moving under you, his hardness rubbing against that sweet spot between your legs. Your breathing quickens once again, caught off guard by the delicious movement of his hips against you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You ask, the words almost getting stuck in your throat.
“Fulfilling my part of the bargain, of course.”
“That’s not—” he lifts his hips higher, the tip of his crotch rubbing against your clit, and your body tenses at the contact. He’s rock hard and between your thin camp clothes, it's almost as if you were rubbing skin to skin against each other. A pleasurable shiver running across your spine, and you allow yourself to close your eyes for just a moment, fighting between giving in to your desires or stopping yourself from letting this go any further; it was clear which side of you was winning over, as your hunger for that something more was becoming impossible to ignore. You soften your grip on his wrist and your dagger against his throat, and that’s all he needs to gain back dominance over you, flipping you back under him and seizing your wrists to pin you down the same way you had him only seconds ago.
“Now,” he says, “this is much better, don’t you think?”
“Oh you prick,” you groan, fighting to free yourself from his grip on you, but he only tightens his grasp around your wrists. His immortal strength beats yours and your hand twists under his crushing grip, making you finally release your knife.
You curse under your breath for letting yourself be bested by the most annoying member of your party; the one who you had dreamed to put back in his place was now dominating you instead. A mix of anger and shame swirls in your stomach, along with something else that you want to deny, but can’t for the life of you understand.
Your eyes meet his, dark and hungry and so incredibly close to you. His lack of breath is strange in comparison to yours, so heavy that your chest rises with each breath you take, brushing against him. It wasn't a position you were used to, either, and you find yourself liking it more than you thought you would; with his entire body pining against yours, his legs surrounding yours and keeping them closed together, your wrists held strongly above your head; a prey caught by her predator.
You remain unmoving in this position for what feels like an eternity, until he licks his lips, his eyes falling to the space in your neck that was exposed just for him.
He leans into you, his deep voice shooting a warmth straight to your core. “This little game of yours made me quite hungry.”
You gasp when you feel his bulge rubbing against you once more and touching that sweet spot that made you rub your thighs together. 
“Perhaps,” he whispers, “you've grown an appetite of your own, little fox?”
You take a few breaths, "If you wanna feed, be my guest. You…” you sigh, defeated. “You earned it. Just— be quick about it.”
You turn your head aside, looking away and giving him space to feed, only for him to lean back, “Quick? Oh darling, you’re mistaken if you don’t think I won’t draw this out as long as I possibly can.”
He pushes your wrist up above your head where he can hold them both with one hand, while his other hand slides down to your chest, his sharp nails grazing against the curve of your breast. You close your eyes as his hand continues its journey down your navel, and into your pants, rubbing against the moist spot that kept growing in your panties.
“But don’t worry — I’ll make sure we both get our fill tonight,” he growls.
Your hips move of their own accord, wanting more of him and his touch, almost against your own will.
“Greedy, greedy, little fox.” He flashes a toothy smile, “Can't get enough? I'm not surprised.”
Your eyes open back up and you stare at him, frustrated, “Gods, do you ever shut up?”
“You have such a way with words.” He sighs, pulling his hand out of your pants. “You know, it's a wonder we haven't gotten killed because of your social prowess.”
“If you think you’re so much better than me, why don’t you—”
His lips collide with yours into an hungry kiss, one bold enough to shut you right up. A part of you is disgusted, furious, even, that he would push himself onto you, but your body’s reaction betrays you, as you kiss him back with the same intensity. It’s sloppy, his elongated tongue invading your mouth and rubbing against yours, until he bites into it and sucks, letting your crimson hit his lips. 
You moan as you pull back, rolling your tongue around to feel the puncture he made, and he smiles down on you, his teeth tainted by your blood.
“Ah… delicious.”
Something comes over you, a supernatural strength — almost animalistic — and you flip him back around on his back to take control once again. Your dishevelled hair frames your face over him, and he gets to see you panting, teeth bared, with angry eyes towering over him. There's a flash of surprise in his eyes before they take back their lusty look, and his hands fly to your shirt, ripping it open as his nails tear through the fabric as if it were air. Your shirt is quickly discarded, exposing your skin to the cool night air that raises the hairs on your back.
In the frenzy, you give the same treatment to his shirt, using that strength to destroy his clothing and revealing the very muscles you spied earlier in his tent. He raises himself up to meet you where you sat over his hips, his mouth finding yours  and kissing you feverishly as he did before, while his hands work to remove your pants. 
With a grunt from him, you're pushed back on the harsh forest ground where he rips away your trousers, leaving you only with your panties to cover you. You gasp into his mouth, breathing in his cold breath, when the night air that matches his breath hits the thin fabric of your undergarments. The shock of temperature affects you more than you had anticipated, as you are completely soaked from your arousal that had pooled down there since the beginning of the night. Astarion instantly notices it, and laughs ominously.
“Are you still going to deny it now?” He pushes your underwear aside and slides his dexterous fingers between your folds, discovering just how dire your situation is. “Hells, look at how wet you are, just for me.”
His fingers feel good, and fucking Hells you didn’t want to admit it — he was an absolute asshole — but that ship had sailed a while ago, and now you just wanted to know how good he would feel inside you.
“If you still want to feed, you better do it now before I change my mind,” you groan.
“Change your mind?” He scoffs. “I'm afraid that isn't an option. I won fair and square, little fox; now I get to devour you every night.” He flips you around, the sudden roughness of the earthy floor rubbing against your sensitive nipples making you gasp in surprise. You feel him move behind you, and you're not sure how or when it happened, but he must've removed his own trousers as you feel the ghost of his cock hovering just over your entrance. Your heart threatens to burst out of your chest with anticipation, and this feeling goes into your throat when he grabs you by the nape of your hair and pulls you into him, making you arch your back and clearly exposing your neck to him in the process. “Starting tonight.”
Within the same beat, he thrust into you, his hips slamming hard against your skin, and his fangs dive into the crook of your neck, finally taking what is rightfully his.
You cry out at the stabbing pain in your neck, this one much more different than the first time he bit you, as his elongated fangs dive deeper into your neck to draw out more of your life source, and the additional fangs leave more marks into your skin. It hurts and yet, you find your core growing warmer and wetter; between his bite and his reckless thrusting into you, with the added sensation of his initially cool skin getting warm from your blood. His thrusts gain in speed and force, and in that position, there is nothing else you can do but take it.
Even as you try to reach behind you with that last remaining will to have control, to grab his hair and pull him forward, Astarion takes a hold of your arm and pushes back against you, using his entire body weight to hold you firmly against the rough ground, and his hips to slam into your needy, little cunt. With your hair still pulled back, but your wrist now stuck in his grasp, he continues to take his fill of you with no restriction.
“Look at you, finally put in your place,” he growls as he licks up the drops of blood leaking from the fresh wounds in your neck. “Is this what you’ve been desiring all these times your eyes got lost at the sight of my body? What you’ve been dreaming of? To be properly used, like a bitch in heat? Ravaged by a beast?”
You manage to get a few words out between rushed breaths, sneering.
“F— Fuck. Y— You.”
He snickers wickedly, “I guess that answers my question. Don’t worry, pet. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Oh you—”
“Shh now,” Before you can even finish your sentence, his hand quickly moves from your wrist to your mouth, muffling any sounds coming from you. “We wouldn’t want to risk waking our dear friends, now, would we? Unless that’s what you want?” You groan in the palm of his hand and he chuckles. “You depraved little thing. I’ll give you just what you desire.”
His hand previously holding your hair goes down your body to hold your hips in place as he fucks you, and his teeth sink into your shoulder on the other side of your neck. The gesture meant only to keep you steady as he fucks you senseless. With his fangs deep into your skin, his nails cutting the soft skin of your hips and his dick pounding your abused cunt, you scream into his hand as you reach your climax. It’s nerve wracking, mind shattering, and leaves you completely drained. 
With a final push inside you, Astarion’s hips still and he growls into your neck, taking his last sip of you, as he pulses around your inner walls, filling you up with his warm seed. Your muscles fail you, as your body goes limp against the earthy ground, and you barely feel anything else — leaving you almost unconscious. Behind you, Astarion pulls out of you, and a weak moan escapes you as you feel his load leaking out of you.
While you’re recuperating from this treatment, Astarion loses his monstrous features: his nails retract, his pupils go back to those annoyingly charming red ruby eyes, his fangs retract just enough to fit back into his mouth, and he mimics breathing again; now passing as a mortal again.
With the minimal strength you manage to gain back, you push yourself up, and gather the few pieces of clothes that were shredded during your nightly session; tomorrow you would definitely need to find new camp clothes, these were the only ones you had and they were utterly ruined. Thank the Gods everyone else was fast asleep and you’ll be able to walk back to your tent without any remarks.
As you’re about to take your leave, completely disregarding the rogue who looked just as messy as you were, you hear him clear his throat.
“It’s always a pleasure to be doing business with you, my dear. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
You roll your eyes before shooting him a glare. “Don’t push your luck.” Your cheeks still flushed, your hair all over the place, and your form barely clothed, making you not as convincing as you had hoped for. 
You only catch a glimpse of his smirk in response to you as you walk away, and when you catch yourself actually looking forward to it, you tell yourself it's only for the opportunity to put him back in his place. 
Perhaps another white lie to coat your true feelings, but no one needed to know about that.
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tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce @jwera @annnagennnie @angeldarkness95 @marlowethebard @hellethil @frankie-mercury @ariajc79 @lets-just-daydream
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imaginesig · 3 months
“I had the best day with you today”
Based on: “I was enchanted to meet you”
Kimi Antonelli x Norris!Reader
Could be read as a stand alone, very short
After dedicating Enchanted to their relationship, who would’ve thought Kimi and Y/n would get to see it live
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Liked by carmenmmundt, user71, landonorris, and 917,828 others
yn_norris: “I cry a lot but I am so productive”
tagged: no one
Kimi.antonelli it’s genuinely concerning watching you stress over bracelets and a bodysuit
oscarpiastri im right there with you mate
Yn_norris eras tour prep is not for the week‼️
lilyzniemer especially when you’re making your own stuff
user1 the nods to Midnights/Vigilante shit 🧐 Ms. Norris I think I know your outfit
Carmenmmundt I’m so excited!!
lilymhe we’re gonna have a blast in T-3 days!!
alexandrasaintmleux were all packed up and ready 🫶🫶
user2 all the wags are gonna show up and slay while the men will prod wear some boring ass clothes
yn_norris you best believe Kimi’s gonna slay, I made him a fit so he can’t embarrass me
user2 lmao Y/n
user3 this is so aesthetic i could cry
load more
Kimi.antonelli posted 2 stories!
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Captions: 1) ive been roped into bracelet making 2) did I do good?
you did so good
Whoever you trade that to will be so lucky
I need to do more
get to it then
Lily hasn’t gotten to me yet
If she does idk what I’ll even make
Best of luck avoiding it solider
I wanna join
Don’t worry she’s bringing the materials with us so you can make some at the hotel
yn_norris posted a story!
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Caption: I’ve arrived 🫶✨🪩
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liked by user1, taylorswift, Olliebearman, and 817,828 others
Kimi.antonelli: “I was enchanted to meet you” 💜
tagged: yn_norris, Taylorswift
yn_norris I love you 💜🫶
Kimi.antonelli I love you too 💜🫶
user2 ugh i need a concert bf
carlossainz55 @/landonorris after tonight I cannot do the overprotective uncle role anymore, they’re too cute
landonorris MATE WHAT
Kimi.antonelli finally a win
carlossainz55 but hurt her even a little…
Kimi.antonelli I understand
Taylorswift THE Enchanted couple
Kimi.antonelli what a compliment
yn_norris I’ve fallen to the floor and started violently sobbing
Landonorris L
user3 did you trade your bracelet??
user4 the fact that this whole post is centered around Y/n 🥹🥰
user5 drivers (+ their so) really brought the best energy
User6 do you think Travis felt more at ease bc he wasn’t surrounded by other celebrities but rather other male athletes?
user7 I wanna know if him and Logan talked American football
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Liked by taylorswift, Lilymhe, landonorris, and 182,928 others
Yn_norris: “I had the best day with you today” 💛
tagged: Kimi.antonelli, lilyzniemer, carmenmmundt, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux
Kimi.antonelli you looked so beautiful in the concert lights 💛
yn_norris ditto 💛
user1 the fact Kimi and Y/n matched the hearts to the lyrics album for both posts makes me sick
lilymhe it was so fun!!
carmenmmdunt gorgeous
lilyzniemer you win best couple costume!!
landonorris after seeing Vigilante Shit I have decided that your outfits are way to inappropriate and therefore I hate them
yn_norris too late 😚
taylorswift best outfits! Best energy! Best fan! Y/n I love you 🫶🪩
yn_norris you’re the best everything!! I love you too 🫶🪩
user3 she’s just like me fr
ussr4 her bracelet collection 😭😭
user5 people have said she wore them the whole time
Yn_norris well what was I supposed to do? Not show off all of my new besties and their hard work??
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Slutmas Day 6
Stressed & Insecure (Matt)
Request: None
Warnings: Mommy kink, talk of poor mental heath, angsty at first, Matt being insecure, talk of body dysmorphia, friends to lovers, cockwarming, oral, whiny Matt
“You’re such a good boy for letting mommy take care of you like this”
Matt’s pov
Everything sucks right now, I’m so busy with work, it’s taking up all of my time, and everything going on right now backs up to that. I was purely stressed from work originally, which I know might seem easy, but don’t be fooled because it’s not. We’ve had so many meetings for sponsored content, videos, guest appearances, and merch designing, on top of filming for our YouTube and the Podcast. I’m genuinely just drained, my anxiety is high, I can’t sleep, and I’m overall in a bad mood.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why not just jack off?’ well that’s because I can’t. I guess with being stressed and overwhelmed by everything, my cock just won’t get hard. It probably doesn’t help that my body is constantly getting hated on because of my weight, it makes me really insecure and uncomfortable with myself and my body. I was sitting at my desk doing some more online work and it was pissing me off, I’m so frustrated! I’m just doing so much overthinking and it’s making me stressed, overwhelmed, and insecure.
Just as I threw my notebook across the room there was a small knock and Chris popped his head in. “Matt, are you alright? Do you need anything?” Chris asked, knowing I wasn’t in the best mental state. “I’m fine, I just want to be alone” I sighed back, “Are you still coming to Larray’s house with us tonight?” I completely forgot about that. Chris looked a bit disappointed by my answer but he understood, “Nah I’m just gonna stay here, ‘m stressed and overwhelmed right now so I won’t be any fun” I said before Chris closed the door.
That was my insecurities talking, I always found myself rather boring and unenthusiastic when I’m in these moods. It had been about an hour of trying to get hard and then sitting in my chair with my head in my hands. My door slowly creeped open and I immediately assumed it was Chris or Nick. “Get the fuck out of my room!” I yelled, turning around to be met with my best friends confused face. “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” Y/n said quite nervously. I slammed my fist down on my desk before completely losing it, hot tears rolling down my face.
1 hour earlier
Y/n’s pov
I was at a nail appointment when I got a text message, I was already done with my fingers and in the chair for my toes.
iMessage start at 5:02pm
bro are you busy
i’m getting my toes done rn
at 5:30 me and nick are going to larray’s for the night
so i wanted to ask you a favor
yk how matt’s been kinda moody lately?
well today he’s really stressed and sad so he’s in a bad mood and i don’t want him to be alone tonight so can you head over afterwards and chill with him?
you literally just set up a playdate for your child lmao
but yeah i’ll go over there, i’ve missed my matty poo
wow but you don’t miss me
that one hurt Y/n/n 🥲
anyways lmk when you get to our house bc we leave in 15
awe of course i miss you too sizzle 🤍
i’m abt to pay then I’ll head over
don’t call me sizzle
*Y/n/n🪼 disliked this message*
iMessage ends at 5:37pm
The message had been from one of my best friends, Chris, he asked if I would go hang with his triplet bother, Matt, for tonight. I know he’s been getting a lot of hate about his attitude/weight and has been down the past 2 or 3 weeks, so I was hoping to cheer him up. I drove directly to the boys house after paying for my nails since I had a bunch of essentials over there and didn’t need anything from home.
I let myself in with my key and walked up to Matt’s room, which groans of frustration could be heard coming from. I lightly knocked before entering his room, as I was reclosing the door Matt yelled. “Get the fuck out of my room!” he said angrily, Matt’s never yelled at me before and he looked so pissed off that I got a little nervous.
I quickly replied with “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” he looked at me for a second before I saw his face change to one of pain, hurt, and anxiety. Matt slammed his fist onto his desk yelling “Fuck!” before choking out into sobs.
His whole body was shaking and he slid out of his chair onto the floor, something he does when he’s really, really upset. I immediately ran over to sit next to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking figure. “I’m sorry! They hate me and I’m sorry!” he blurted out, causing me to be a bit confused as Matt’s hands desperately clung onto my shirt.
“It’s okay Matt, let it all out. You’re safe honey, I’ve got you-“ I was cut off by Matt pulling away from my shirt and basically screamed out in pain. “I don’t know what the fuck I did! Y/n, what’s wrong with me!? A-Am I not good enough!? I’m too skinny, I try to eat more but I can’t gain weight, I fucking hate my body! All I keep doing is disappointing everyone, Y/n I-I don-“ he started spiraling into a panic attack and I was worried, I have never seen Matt this bad before.
I didn’t know what else to do so I pushed past my own anxieties and kissed him. I cupped both of his cheeks and smashed our lips together, Matt was shocked at first so he didn’t kiss back but once he realized what was happening, he kissed back. I pulled away and Matt’s lips tried to chase mine before he opened his eye.
“W-What was that for?” he asked, a bit breathless from his previous breakdown. I suddenly felt shy so I looked down, “I uh- I didn’t know how else to get you to stop talking” I said, nervously playing with my fingers. “Oh, well thanks?” he said in a questioning tone, “Did you mean what you said about your body? Do you really think that?” I softly asked.
Matt groaned and stood up, offering me his hand, “I don’t want to talk about it but yes, I do hate my body” he mumbled as I too stood up. We made our way over to his bed and laid there in silence for a few minutes. I rolled over to my side facing Matt “Have you tried cumming?” I questioned quietly, “What!?” he rolled to face me as well, confused by what I just said.
“You know, because you’re stressed. I think I read somewhere that having an orgasm helps to relieve stress” Matt’s face was now painted red. He rolled over to be flat on his back again, “I’ve tried but I can’t get hard” he exhaled deeply. “Oh… I could try to help if you want” I offered, chewing on my nails, Matt turned to face me again, “Help.. me get… Help me get hard?” he questioned nervously.
We both had blush covering our faces at this point, “Yeah, then I can go chill in Nicks room and you can jerk off” I smiled shyly. “I mean that could work but I don’t want to be naked if you have clothes on” “You don’t have to be naked, you just have to trust me” “I-I trust you, how do we start though?” we conversed. I took a moment to think before asking, “Do you want to make out first, I know I’m like a lot bigger than you so I don’t know if it would be a problem for me to sit on your lap. Is it a problem?” I asked self-consciously as we both sat up.
Matt looked at me with an unamused look, “If that’s your way of making me feel worse about my body, it worked because your body is amazing” he huffed out, avoiding looking at me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way” I said with a sad smile, upset that I hurt Matts feelings. “I know you didn’t but my body is like the main reason I cant get hard. I don’t like looking at myself naked, it shows off too much of what’s wrong with me” he replied.
It was silent again for a few minute until I broke the silence again, “I think it’s hot” “What?” Matt looked at me confused. “Your body, I think it’s hot” I smirked, “You think so?” “I know so, don’t you ever notice me staring at you when you’re shirtless or only wearing your boxers?” I teased some more. “I haven’t noticed actually, however, I have noticed you’re not on my lap yet” Matt pouted, pulling me onto his lap.
I was about to say something but was cut off by Matt grabbing the side of my face/neck and pulled me into a sweet kiss that quickly turned needy. I pulled back for a second to catch my breath, “Shit, I’m sorry! I’m just so touch starved and crave physical affection. You were gonna say something?” he panicked. “It’s okay, I know that physical touch is your love language, it’s one of the things I like about you. I forgot what I was going to say but I can tell you I’ll kiss you again” I giggled.
With that, Matt pulled my face to his again and this time the kiss was soft, yet also rough and needy. I had my hands wrapped around Matt’s neck, but his laid awkwardly at his sides, almost as if he’s scared to touch me. I pulled back from the kiss to grab his wrist and mumbled something against his lips. “You can touch me you know” I smirked as I placed Matt’s hands on my waist and went back to kissing him.
Matt’s hands quickly slid down and tightly gripped onto my hips, slowly starting to rock me back and forth. I started feeling his cock get hard and once I could tell he was fully hard, I stopped everything which caused Matt to let out a displeased whine. “Mmh why’d you stop?” he pouted, “Because you’re hard now, which means it’s my queue to leave” I said while trying to get up.
Matt held my hips down and begged, “Please don’t go! I-I don’t think I’ll be able to make myself cum, me being alone with my naked body sounds like a bad dream” he sighed. Piggybacking off what was just said he added, “W-Would you please m-make me feel good? I’ll let you have your way with me as long as it’s not super rough because I’m not in the mood for that” his eyes got a shade or two darker.
“Yeah, I can give you head if you want or you can sit back, relax and enjoy the full sub treatment” “Does the full sub treatment include sex? Because I’ve never been the submissive one before, I uh usually do doggy so my body isn’t seen as much. I’ve never even had a chick ride me before but you being on top sounds really hot, we don’t to have sex by the way, I was just saying if you wanted to I’m down” Matt confessed.
“If you stop talking about sex with other women, you have a deal. I might keep my shirt on though” I replied as I started slowly rocking my hips again. Matt’s grip on my waist tightened and he thrusted his hips up, his hard-on pressing against my clit so nicely that I let out a small, quiet moan. His eyes grew even darker after that, “No you will not. I wanna see your beautiful belly, I just know it’s gonna turn me on so much more” he instructed me.
I blushed and nodded, “Okay then handsome, just lay back and let me do all the work, tonight is all about you” I said, watching him nod before my lips were on his. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip, silently asking for access to his mouth which was quickly granted. He had a bit of trouble giving up control over the kiss at first but once I started trailing my kisses down his throat, he finally gave up on trying to win.
Matt’s pov
After Y/n had dominated the kiss, we made out for a bit before she started kissing down my neck. Once she reached the collar of my shit, she stopped and stood up to unbutton her pants. “If you really want me to make you feel good, take your pants off for me” she said seductively as she pulled off her own baggy jeans. I followed her directions and pulled my sweats off before grabbing her hand and leading her to sit on my lap again.
Y/n sat on my lap again before taking off her shirt, leaving her in a black lacy bra with matching panties. “Fuck… you look so goddamn beautiful” I said while looking into her eyes, my hands running up her thighs. “Mmm, thank you handsome. Can I take your shirt off?” she smiled, placing a short but sweet kiss to my lips, “You can do whatever you want to me” I panted, already being completely whipped for her.
She took my shirt off before whispering in my ear, “You’re such a good boy for letting mommy taking care of you like this” as I helped her get my pants and boxers off. “Such a pretty cock Matty. You gonna let me make you feel good?” Y/n teased, making me squirm a bit. “Please! Please just make me cum!” I pathetically begged as I watched her hand slowly move up and down my cock.
Y/n’s pov
“Anything for my sweet boy. Now tell me what it is that you want baby” I asked softly, loving how fucked out he looked already. “Want your mouth please mommy! Want you to ride me after!” Matt confessed all whiny and desperate, and who was I to deny him that? Without a word, I nodded before bring his tip into my mouth, loving the whimper he let out, “Yeah j-just like that, fuck!” he groaned as I swirled my tongue around his tip.
After teasing Matt a little bit, I decided to fully take him into my mouth, almost immediately deepthroating his cock. “Holy shit mommy! You’re so good at this! I won’t last long!” he cried out, bucking his hips up when I hummed against him. I continued doing this for a few more minutes when I felt Matt start to twitch in my mouth, his lower abdomen contacting as well.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna cum— shit!” he whimpered as his hips thrusted upward and his left hand came down to hold my head in place. His right hand was pulling at his own hair as he shout a huge load into my mouth, so much that it was literally dripping out of the corners of my mouth. As I came up for air, I wiped the corners of my mouth to clean up the spilled cum and then licked it off.
“Did that feel good Matty? You were such a good boy” I smile as I placed a sweet kiss to his lips. “More! I-I need more! Y/n please, I need you to ride me. I’m so fucking hard still, I need to drain my balls in you” Matt begged me. “So needed aren’t we?” “Yes, please I need you” Matt nearly yelled with tears in his eyes. “Okay, okay, calm down sweet boy. You’ll get what you want, just be patient” I spoke softly as I pulled off my panties and unhooked my bra.
Matts hands immediately went down to my ass, staring up at me with a look of desperation. “Are you gonna be a good boy?” “Very good!” I smiled as I slowly sunk down on his cock, trying to adjust to how long and thick it was. “S-So tight mommy! So f-fucking tight!” Matt whimpered out as I started to move up and down with the help of him. Both of us were moaning quite loudly as I started to move faster, pulling his hair in the process.
“Such a good boy Matty, making mommy feel so good with your big cock!” “W-Want you to cum. Wanna f-fill you up” Matt grunted as he started bucking his hips up into me at a fast pace. We were both very close and with one more thrust that hit my g-spot perfectly, I was cumming on his cock. “Fuck Matt, I’m cumming. Oh god— cum for me baby!” I cried as I rode through my orgasm, starting to slightly overstimulated but wanting Matt to cum.
With a loud whiny growl, Matt came inside of me, this load was equally as big as the one from earlier, instantly dripping down his balls. “Holy shit— I love you, and I’m not just saying that because you gave me the most mind blowing orgasm ever. I genuinely love you Y/n” Matt confess as he started to rub my back. “I love you too Matt, I mean it” I smiled as I placed a soft kiss to his lips “Don’t get off, cockwarm me all night please” he sweetly asked.
I agreed and we got situated so we could lay down, Matt turning off his bedside lamp in the process. “Tomorrow, I’m gonna take you on the best date of your life, but for now, goodnight pretty lady” “Goodnight Matt, I love you” I mumbled into his neck, feeling the sleep take over my body. “I love you too, and thank you for tonight. Now get some rest baby” was the final thing to be said before we drifted off to sleep.
All work is subject to copyright
© Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal my work
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spr1ngbunni · 6 months
Stress Relief (William Afton x Reader)
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼ ☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼ ☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
Summary: Reader is stressed out as usual and William takes things into his own hands to relieve your stress.
Tags: nsfw, smut, vaginal sex, overstimulation, corruption, daddy kink, drugging (but the reader is into it LMAO), age regression if you squint, choking, multiple orgasms, creampie, breeding kink, toys, soft!dom!William, submissive!soft!reader
author’s note: AAAAAAA here’s my first William x Reader smut fic i’m a bit shy to post this tbh 🤧. This definitely isn’t for everyone as there’s some very self indulgent kinks but regardless I hope you enjoy!! Also no beta LETS GOOOOOO
Word count: 4k
You & William have been dating for a few weeks now, and you couldn't have asked for a better lover. He was the richest man in Hurricane, with an empire so great he could care for you, a whole family and more. His tall frame domineered in every room he was in. His usual bored, uninterested gaze always turned to one filled with love and admiration when pointed in your direction. William considered himself God, a man who created life itself, and every person in Hurricane was so much lesser than him, less smart, less powerful, less brilliant, except for you. You were his treasure, his most precious belonging. You belonged to him. Such a darling little thing for Mr. Afton.
You were always so kind to him, and he adored your sweet voice, kind eyes and he believed you to be absolutely ravishing. You had to be his, all his, and you took to his advances so well.
William had never loved like this before. Hell, he didn't even know a love like this could exist. William Afton was a whore, and despite this, his many partners in the past could never amount to how you made him feel.
Really there was nothing like it. He had remembered the first time he held you- you were a crying touch starved mess, and William’s gentle affection brought you to tears. And in his embrace sparked a unique, unforgettable and esoteric feeling. As you cried, you couldn't help but feel like a kid again, running to your Dad for comfort… and for William, he was a Father again, holding his newborn baby as they cried and cried. Gently rocking you in his arms to soothe your quivering, emotional self.
Since then the dynamics really shifted between you and William. Whereas he becomes more of a dom and caretaker than a traditional boyfriend. And you have loved it so much. Some people may say he was too controlling… But it was a comfort to you. You were always stressed, worrying about every little thing, and what kind of Daddy would he be if he didn’t help his baby bunny? So of course Daddy will help you out, pick out what you’re gonna wear for the day, what to eat… All he wanted was the best for his baby.
Which is why he made you a special little gift. You have been stressing out more than usual as of late, so William has taken the executive decision to remove every last bit of stress from you. And with this-
William held up a mechanical device underneath the blinding bulb of the overhead lamp sitting above his workbench. He inspected it for any imperfections. The device itself was sleek and smooth, a plastic outer shell, in the shape of an egg-like structure. The top had an opening, fit with soft smooth silicone. The opening was no more than a few inches deep, and at the base of the toy was a more phallic silicone object. All waterproof and skin safe of course.
William smiled at himself in self satisfaction. He had made great unbelievable advancements with his robotics, so certainly machines of this nature wouldn't be difficult for him to replicate.
Toys were no new thing for you and William, but it would be the first time he built one for you. Completely tailored to your body, your greatest weakest points all taken into account upon creation. To have William’s precious baby bunny come undone from his own creations, was an exhilarating thought. One that practically made his pants tighten at the mere thought.
After feeling satisfied with the aesthetics of it, William decided to try the power. A few second long press of the button and the little toy came to life. A soft humming resonated through the workshop, and William carefully examined the toy. Pressing the opening to his hand he smiled.
Just the right amount of vacuum pressure, vibration, and the pulsating inner core really tied it all together. His hand slid to the phallic object on the other end of the toy, wrapping around it tight, imagining his hand to be your inner core gripping onto it. He smiled once more as his hand ached, just knowing the thousands of nerve endings in your cute little pussy would be no match.
Yes this will do. This certainly will do.
It would take away his baby bunny’s stress but even their mind as well… Though this was no concern for William, you are his bunny after all, and that includes having ownership over your mind. He’ll take good care of it as he does you…
Though his little excursion didn't end there. Once the toy was all set he grabbed a miscellaneous dime bag, filled with crystalline substances and headed upstairs into the kitchen.
He loves his baby bunny he really does. And he’s so proud of them for working so hard. But his bunny works too hard sometimes, not knowing when to stop. Even he struggled to get his bunny to rest.. Some nights William had to physically pull you away from work and into bed… and with the amount of stress you’ve been harboring as of late… William wasn’t taking any chances! So of course he needed to take things into his own hands.
He was cooking dinner for you, and upon plating the servings did he make sure to incorporate a decent dose of the crystallized powder into your serving. He hummed in satisfaction and returned to waiting for your arrival.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
The familiar sound of the door locks unlatching brought upon William’s attention.
“I’m homee !” your voice called out, completely intertwined with stress and exhaustion.
Oh poor baby, you sounded so stressed..
William rushed over to greet you, cupping your face in his hands and pressing kisses all over.
“Welcome home Sweetie”
You giggled at the sensation of his beard and kisses tickling your face. You wrapped your arms around him tight as he showered you with his love.
William rubbed your back soothingly and gave you a gentle pat.
“Aww my poor baby…”, he cooed, running his hands through your hair soothingly.
“I can feel the tension in you…Why don't you let me take good care of you. I made dinner already so why don’t we get all cleaned up and eat hm?”
You pull yourself slightly away from him, not enough to fully separate yourself from him and nod.
“Yes.. that would be so nice” you respond, the sound of exhaustion in your voice apparent.
William hummed in satisfaction and scooped you up to head towards the bathroom. He turned the knob on the shower on and began to gingerly undress you, leaving gentle kisses on your bare skin whenever exposed. He really had to hold himself back from going overboard, there would be plenty of time for that later, but for now he just needed to care for his bunny a little bit.
Once declothed the both of you entered the shower, water now hot enough to your liking. You found yourself hugging Will again, feeling affectionate. The vague weariness in your limbs causing you to lean into him exhaustively.
“My poor baby, all stressed and tired” William squeezes you tight before running his hands down your body. He reached over for the soap to begin cleaning you, keeping you close.
Letting William bathe you like this was always so intimate and sweet. It really highlighted the more gentle side of himself. The way he worked was focused, methodical, similar to him cleaning his animatronics, and with that spark in his eye. That spark that said “This is mine”
Once clean, you both head to the kitchen to eat. You already feel so much better, the heat from the water and Will’s gentle affection soothing your body and mind.
You sat down at the table already feeling much better, and now noticing your hunger. Will returned from the kitchen with two plates of food, setting yours right in front of you.
“Aw Will, it’s so sweet of you to have cooked for us, its like you’re the housewife for a change” you joke, as Will cooking was rare. You tended to cook for the both of you like the sweet housewife you were to him.
Will chuckled in response “You’ll always be my little housewife bunny, plus, how could I not take care of my baby?”
You smile at his words and begin to eat.
“This is delicious! Thank you again Will” though you noticed something was off with the aftertaste. It was almost sour. Maybe William wasn’t the best cook but you paid no mind to it. You just pushed past it and continued to finish your plate.
“You don’t have to thank me bunny, I’m just taking care of you” he smiled.
As you finished your plate, you noticed the beginnings of a sensation pooling in your stomach. You could feel your head start to feel a bit hazy. It felt as if… something was kicking in? You shook your head, choosing to ignore it and finish your meal.
But the feelings only increased. Your vision shifted in and out of focus and you squirmed in your seat.
“What’s the matter?” William reached across the table and grasped your hand, rubbing soothing circles onto the back of it.
“I’m-I’m fine really, just a little dizzy” you go to stand up and thats when it really hits you.
You stumbled and Will was quick to catch you, getting up from his seat and headed towards you, wrapping you tight in his arms.
“Whoa there sweetie ! Be careful !”
“Aahh Will, I feel weird, like something is kicking in” You hold onto the man tight, feeling your head go more and more numb. The warm feelings increased and spread throughout your whole body. Being so close to Will and simply just touching him made it worse. Did being this close to him always feel this good?
His scent; cigarettes, cologne and a secret third thing that was just so purely William filled your senses as he held you close. And the tactile feeling of his soft shirt and warmth of his body was just so intoxicating.
“W…..Will, Did you drug the food…? I’m not mad… just wondering..” You nuzzle him affectionately and glance up at him with those sweet eyes of yours.
He smiles at you in return, petting you lovingly.
“Aww baby I had to! You were so stressed and upset I couldn’t just leave you like that… and you’re a very good bunny you always are.. but sometimes you don’t listen and won’t rest.. So Daddy needed to give you special medicine to help you relax is all. I just want the best for you”
You let out a soft whine as the drug continues to assault your system, and Will’s sweet words bounce around in your brain, registering purely as pleasure.
“Daddyyy… I love you Daddy… so good to me.. taking care of me like this”
You couldnt help but feel a rush of excitement over the situation. How Will loved you. Loved you so much he’d do anything to make you feel better. To even go as far as to drug you as a way to release you from your stress had your head spinning and your pussy throbbing.
“Now sweet bunny why don’t we get you to bed hm? So Daddy can help scrub away whatever stressful little things are left in that pretty head of yours”
William scooped you up once again and took you to the bedroom, making sure to leave a long kiss on your forehead, pouring all his love into it.
“There we are…. Now how are you feeling?”
Daddy sat on the bed as you lay next to him.
He gazed down at you, gently petting your hair, occasionally running his thumb across your cheek affectionately.
“Mm feeling all floaty… its nice…. want.. want Daddy closer” You reached out to him, wanting to hold him close.
“Of course darling” William moved across the bed to hold you tight, increasing his petting to your whole body. He ran his hands down your arms, your side, down your thighs and back up, repeating the motion, each time creeping closer and closer to your inner thighs.
All you could do was babble and whine as you regressed into a more docile and dumbed down version of yourself. High off the pleasure from the chemicals of the drug and your Daddy’s gentle touches and words.
William loved seeing you like this, all dumb and sweet for him. Seeing every last bit of stress leave your face, seeing you relax into him, unable to even form coherent sentences. He leaned down to kiss your face again, in between muttering words of praise.
“My bunny, so good for me”
You wriggled and whined, feeling increasingly needy as he continued. Eventually you couldn’t take it and captured his lips in a deep kiss.
Though you were the one who initiated the kiss, you were quickly put into submission as William took control, holding you firmly in place as he kissed you so deeply.
His hand dips in between your thighs as he lightly sucks on your tongue, rubbing gently over your clothed clit.
William smiled through the kiss and pressed his hand harder onto your cunt. He didnt move for a few seconds, but held his hand still, pressing into the dampening fabric. The firm pressure of his hand on your crotch made your head melt even further. Feeling the edges of your mind slip away as he continues rubbing you deeper into submission.
“Aww is my baby getting needy?”
You continue to make sweet noises for him, and he gently shushes and pets your hair, slipping his hand into your panties to touch you directly.
Your reaction is immediate.
You gasp out as your head spins. The feeling of his fingers on you is such a simple action, yet its breaking you apart.
“Such a good bunny for Daddy, taking pleasure so well” William kisses your forehead and removes his hand from your crotch and roughly pulls your panties down and off of your body. Then, he aligns his hips with your crotch and begins to grind against your bare cunt.
You can feel yourself soaking the front of his pants, the rough fabric and his hardening cock grinding into your overly sensitive pussy.
“Ddadddyyy too much ahhh—!” you cry out as he roughly ruts against you.
Your head still spinning you feel William grip your hips and push them against his, ignoring your cry.
“You’re all mine bunny, this cute little cunt of yours belongs to me ”
William wraps his arm around your waist and pushes you ever closer to him. His hips began to increase in pace as you start to cry out for him over and over. Leading into an explosive climax, you cum all over him, feeling a rush of wetness between the both of you.
William continues grinding into you, overstimulating you but not too much.
This was just the beginning, and he couldn’t get too carried away just yet. And look how cute you were, cumming all over his clothed hard crotch.
William kisses your forehead, and leans close to your ear and speaks lowly,
“Darling, I have a surprise for you,”
“Wha? Daddy?” You barely could register what he was saying to you, your mind melded with the drug and the overwhelming high of post orgasm bliss and overstimulation.
William reached into the nightstand to reveal a lewd looking object, clearly a sex toy that he himself had engineered.
“This is made especially for you my princess,” he leaned back over to you on the bed and started peppering your face with kisses.
Sliding his hand down your body he gently rubbed you again, and with his other hand clicked on the toy.
A humming vibrating noise filled the room along with your uneven breaths, your brain now registering just what he was talking about.
William went on to explain the toys functionality, in the same way he would go on about his own animatronic creations. Methodical and professional, his voice confident and unwavering as if he didn’t have a trembling little bunny beneath him.
“This here is for your clit. The opening is fit with soft silicone. I just know how sensitive you are there sweetie, its one of your weakest points and Daddy just can’t help but play with it hm?”
“When I place it on you,” William held the toy firmly against you,
“there’ll be a bit of vacuum suction and vibration of course, all meant to overwhelm your cute little clit with pleasure”
Before you even had the chance to respond William clicked the toy on, and your response was immediate.
Your clit is sucked up gently into the toy exposing every sensitive nerve to devilish vibration.
Your hips jerk upwards and William pins you down firmly, pressing the toy ever so slightly harder into your supple flesh.
Its pleasure like you’ve never felt before. Your weakest point manipulated solely by your Daddy’s creation.
You writhe under his grasp, crying out broken moans and whines of “Daddy” fully melting underneath his assault directly on your clit. And it just keeps going.
It’s only seconds before you’re cumming again, and again, and again. Completely overwhelmed with continuous orgasms, your body unable to handle the newfound pleasure that has been bestowed upon you.
“Shhh sweetie its okay. Just keep cumming for Daddy alright?” William’s voice is sickeningly sweet, laced with lust as he continues pushing his creation harder onto your clit, upping the power even more.
“Too much Daddy— its too—!” tears slip out your eyes, completely overwhelmed with mind numbing pleasure.
“Aww my poor baby” William leans down to capture your lips in a deep kiss to shush you, wiping away your tears. You can barely kiss him back, just crying out as he dominates your whole being completely.
After he pulls a few more orgasms out of you he finally puts the toy to rest. He kisses you deeply, his feverish movements now slow and intimate. He sets the toy aside and rubs his hands soothingly up and down your body. He breaks his kiss with you and gently wipes your tears away. He then kisses down your body, leaving marks at your neck, down your chest, kissing softly on your tummy.
Once his face greets your overstimulated, swollen pussy he gently pushes a single digit into you. You’re tight, but due to your arousal and subsequent orgasms you’re cunt is more receptive to the intrusion.
He pushes his finger in and out slowly as you begin to whine again when his finger curls just right inside of you. He stretches you out slowly and fully, inserting another finger.
“Good bunny, taking my fingers so well”
Once he feels satisfied with his work, he reaches back for the toy, this time his attention on the other side of the object. He clicks on the button and teases your entrance with it. Your clit still buzzing and your head still melting, you cry out as you feel William push in the vibrator. Your walls clench against the vibrating toy, already feeling pleasure heat you up once again.
William wraps you into his arms and kisses you again as the toy assaults your insides.
At this point your head is mush, overwhelmed with so much bliss as Daddy cares for you. Every worry and every bit of stress you carried completely melting out of you. Your head lulls and William holds you up
“Don’t go out on me now sweetie, Daddy isn’t done with you yet. I still have to breed that tight little cunt of yours”
“Daddyyy please—-“
“Wanna feel you deep inside—!”
You whine out feeling your cunt overwhelmed with pleasure as the toy inside you continues to buzz. It feels so good but it isn’t Daddy. And you want Daddy’s thick cock and virile seed inside of you, desperately.
“No need to beg sweetheart Daddy’s got you” he pulls the toy out of you, then undoing his belt and fly, pulling his straining cock out his pants. He strokes himself a few times kissing the corners of your mouth as you gasp for breath.
He lines himself up with your heated core and slowly pushes himself in. Savoring the feeling of your tight heat with every inch.
“Biiiig stretch bunny” William completely sheaths himself inside of you, and you can feel your walls stretch to accommodate his large size. He’s much bigger than the toy so its quite the fit. You feel him snug against your cervix and you let out a drawn out moan as you’re completely filled with Daddy’s cock.
“Nggghhhh… so deep Daddy”
Slowly and firmly he presses even deeper before sliding out slightly. Sensually and gently fucking into you.
Your head spins, your breath quickens, your mind completely hazy as you take your Daddy’s cock so deep inside.
William presses his forehead against yours and intertwines his fingers with your trembling hands.
“My sweet baby bunny, you’re so good for me”
You can only moan in response, completely incoherent as the drug pulses through your veins and pleasure spreading from your cunt to your entire body.
William languidly fucks into you, wrapping his arms around you tight. He lifts your hips and pulls all the way out leaving your hole clenching on nothing for a brief second before he slams himself in again. This time rough and even deeper, practically bruising your cervix.
You cry out as William ruts into you at a rough pace, all his inhibitions gone. He loved toying with you, but he’s just been aching to be inside you all day.
“Ahh— Haah Daddyyy—!”
“Good bunny taking Daddy’s cock so well. Gonna breed you so fucking good”
William continues his brutal pace, bringing one of his hands to your throat and pressing down firmly. You gasp and squirm under his touch, bringing your hands to his, feeling the strength of his grip on your sensitive neck.
Your head becomes impossibly even hazier as Daddy presses his hand tighter onto your throat. You glance up at him and see nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. His precious bunny was being so good for him. Taking his cock so well while he choked you. He truly loved you so much.
Your hips lift up to take him as deep as possible, lewd wet sounds filling the room. Nothing but pleasure is coursing through your veins and in that pretty little head of yours.
“Look at my baby bunny, taking a proper fucking from Daddy, yeah?”
“Ahh- Haah fuck so good Daddy!”
William releases your throat from his grip and reaches over and grabs the toy again, pressing it on once more.
You gasp for air and once the sound of vibration hits your ears you feel yourself ache again.
“Daddy I can’t-“
before you even finish your sentence the toy is back on your clit, sucking and vibrating the oversensitive nub.
You cry out a broken scream as the sensations of being ruthlessly bred and your clit stimulated at the same time overwhelming your poor bunny brain as you cum all over again, clenching around William’s cock.
“Feels good doesn’t it princess?”
“Gonna fill your womb with my cum. Gonna make you a mommy” William groans out, watching your fucked out expression as he rams himself deep inside you.
Your mind goes nearly blank at the thought of carrying his child and William notices, and that look alone brings him to the edge. He curses as he feels himself spill inside you, thrusting and pushing his cum deep into your womb. He leans into the crook of your neck and groans as he feels you squeeze him so nicely.
“Such a nice hole for me to fuck…such a pretty womb all for Daddy to ruin”
“Mmm—! Daddyyy love you so muuuuch—!” You cry out, wrapping your arms around him tight, tears spilling out your eyes once more.
“Love you too bunny” William kisses you deeply, keeping eye contact with you as he does. You cum around his cock again, milking him for all he’s worth. He keeps lazily thrusting and sets the toy aside, settling on rubbing your sensitive nub in slow, soothing circles.
You continue to throb and clench around him involuntarily, softly panting in your post orgasm bliss.
“Mmm my pretty bunny”
William pets your hair softly, moving a strand out of your face.
You’re completely gone at this point, William having corrupted you completely and fully. Turning his sweet little stressed bunny into his pleasure filled fucktoy.
He kisses you again, gently and soft.
“Love you my sweet princess” he whispers, watching as you lose consciousness there in his arms.
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kissitbttr · 8 months
watching the superbowl rn (i have no idea what is happening BUT)
more so a thought but like frat!miguel getting hella mad that his team is losing, like shouting n all, groaning nd stressing while all u can do is just stare the way his veins buldge whenever he yells……. (⸝⸝𖦹 ̫ 𖦹⸝⸝) fuck……… not me getting turned on by an angry miguek bye
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i’m a firm believer that miguel is a chiefs fan (LMAO) and seeing them losing to 49ers (the team that he insisted to beck and carlos will for SURE taking the L later on) is pissing him off,
“fuck! fuck, fuck! qué coño están haciendo ?!!”
miguel had insisted that you watch the superbowl with him and his frat brothers. despite you telling him that you don’t know jackshit about football and would probably ended up gettin bored, he bribed you with snacks and cuddles later on. sadly, you fell for it. who could even resist?
“what the fuck even was that play?” miguel suddenly stands up from his seat, accidentally knocking your leg over his lap. his hand moves to touch your ankle as a silent ‘sorry, princess’.
though you don’t know anything about this game, one thing you know for sure is how much you love seeing your boy friend gets riled up,
his thick calloused fingers run through his already messy hair—thanks to the sex you both had an hour ago— teeth clenching in anger with his bushy brows pulls together out of frustrations,
you never seen him look so sexy it’s driving you insane,
“who was that?! number four from 49ers”
“the rookie. moody or some shit” beck shakes his head, eyes focusing on the screen,
miguel lets out an exasperated groan, hands furiously rubbing up and down his face before putting them behind his head,
“you regret not putting your bet on mccaffrey, o’hara?” carlos teases from his left. earning a glare from the man,
“don’t fucking push it, you motherfucker” miguel points his finger at him. “the fuck is up with mahomes?!”
“not his skills, that’s for sure” carlos pipes quietly but that doesn’t go unnoticed by miguel. causing him to throw a pillow at him. “ow! easy!”
“why is taylor swift in it everytime kelce holds the ball? this ain’t about her!”
“do people still even give a fuck about her?”
“this is football moment! not a fucking mediocre popstar shit! who has control with the cameras anyway?!”
the banter is funny, really. not what you haven’t seen before anyway. but the highlight of it all is really miguel being absolutely defensive about his favorite team that the sight is making your knees wobble and your pussy wet,
his arms are crossed. biceps bulging because of it. red eyes not leaving the screen as his pupils furiously move from left to right, eyeing how the scene plays before him.
god, you feel so bad for being horny right now.
biting your lip, you decide to tease hin a bit. poking the back of his knee with your toes a couple times before he turns to glance at you,
“what is it, princesa?” at first he thinks that it’s because you wanted him to seat back beside you, and so he does so. reaching out to pull your legs back to drape over his lap but his eyes are now back to the tv,
tilting your head to the side, you watch how his expression settled into a deeper focus. lips formed into a concentration pout while his large hand rest on your bare thigh, giving it a squeeze every now and then. a simple confirmation from him to not leave you out,
“you’re so hot when you’re angry, miggy”
hearing that, his gaze then move towards you. seeing how your pupils dilated by looking at him, lashes batting in innocence matter before he drops to look at your bitten lip. he feels your fingers softly tracing up and down his chest.
oh… he knows that look,
shaking his head, “no, no, no. you can’t do this to me! not right now, baby! I’m watching the game!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“you know exactly what i’m talking about!” he protests, eyes leaving the screen to completely look at you when the game goes to commercial. “you’re giving me that ‘fuck me’ eyes! you know i can’t resist that!”
beck and carlos share a disgust glance with each other, shaking both of their heads before they move to grab another can of beer in the kitchen, not wanting to hear this couple’s banter.
you feign a look of fake surprise. “how dare you assume that! i’m just staring at you! can i not look at my boyfriend?”
“you’re gaslighting me, muñeca. that’s not okay! you think i don’t memorize every look that my own girlfriend has when she wants something?!”
“and what is it that i want?”
“you want to fuck me!” he exclaims. “and i want to as well! but this game is—“
“important to you. yeah yeah” you sigh dramatically before getting up,
“where are you going?!”
“to your room. i’ll be waiting there. naked. come find me if you changed your mind” you respond, eyes rolling. “five minutes or no tits for you for the rest of the night”
miguel panics at that, you don’t know if you’re being serious or not but it’s hard to tell. he watches you walk back upstairs to his room, contemplating whether or not he should follow you or stay here. his knee anxiously bounce up and down. he feels like this is a matter of life and death situation. like someone is pointing a gun behind his head.
but he made up his mind already,
beck could see that. he knows what his best friend about to do. that’s why his eyes are wide, shaking his head and put a hand out as if to stop him,
“no. no, o’hara. i know she’s your girl but you gotta put bros before hoes on this one! come on!” beck is begging at him, but it’s too late because miguel already bolts out of the sofa and sprint towards his room
“get your ass back here, o’hara! fuck!”
197 notes · View notes
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 2 months
Yeti Point
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 4.4k
Notes: I deleted my previous note on this lmao it turns out the only funny part is Bruno Mars face in that skit and like MAYBE two other parts
P.S: So I just kind of feel like i've really been putting nothing out you know? Like i'm just really sick rn and its stressing me out but I am definitely working on all the requests in my inbox and doing my best to get things done because like all I want to do is right but you know no apparently all my body wants to do is die so I mean
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Eddie pulls up to the ski chalet, the snow falling softly as you get out of the truck and squeal
“We’re here!! Finally!!!” You spin around in the snow, your arms spread wide as Eddie trudges back to the trunk. He’s a Texas boy, grown and raised, in California, warmth, and heat, run through his Mexican soul. 
How you managed to convince him to go skiing he’ll never fucking know, but that sweet smile, and those big round eyes… and the way you went down on him had him booking the trip faster than you could finish him. 
He had to be thinking with his dick. 
He puts his hands on his hips, watching you standing there and he wants to sass you… but you just look so pretty, the snow falling in your hair, those really…really tight pants that were insulated and made your ass look so damn good 
“Eddie?” You wave your little glove paws at him and he flinches, blinking rapidly 
“I said do you want any help? What are you staring at?” You giggle as you come over, hooking your fingers into his belt loops and pulling him against you. The proximity alone makes his head spin, he cups the back of your head, pulling you in and giving you a little kiss on the forehead 
“Be a good girl for me and go check us in” He instructs you lowly, his voice deeper than normal. You look at him through your sunglasses, because you know that look, you know that tone. 
“O-okay. Yeah, sure…” 
It’s nice and cozy when you get into the building, with a large fireplace supplying a thick heat. You wander over to the desk, tap the little bell, and turn toward the large windows, looking out over the slopes 
“Hey! Welcome to Aerial Alps, how can I help you?” 
You spin around, a little smile on your face as you look at the man in front of you. He’s pretty, he’s blonde, he’s tall. You can’t tell if he’s actually hot or just conventionally attractive 
“Hi I’m just checking in, um it should be under Diaz?” 
“Oh yeah sure okay” He smiles at you, flashing those pearly whites 
Okay yeah, he’s kinda hot. 
He scrolls through the computer a bit bored, a bit distracted as his eyes keep trailing over your figure 
“So? Honeymoon?” He asks as he types a few things in and you blush a little 
“No… just here with my boyfriend for a few days” You sigh dreamily, your eyes have little hearts in them and he nods, going back to the computer 
“So like… just a boyfriend huh?
You shrug, starting to tap your nails on the counter 
“I mean, we’re pretty serious.” 
Never-mind. Not hot 
Eddie comes in with your bags on his shoulders, he walks over and sets them down at your feet, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck 
“Did you get our room key, little one?” 
“Trying,” You say, turning in his arms and burying your face in his chest, he kisses your head, giving you a look before looking at the man behind the counter, his expression darkening 
“Do you need my ID or something?” 
He looks at Eddie, Eddie is taller, stronger, and a hell of a lot less nice right now. He straightens up a little, clearing his throat and handing over your room key
“Uh- you requested our more private cabin? Lovers lane?” 
“That would be the one yes” 
“Okay it’s just out the door and to your left, it’s uh, got a giant heart on the door” 
You look up at him, giggling and standing on your toes to kiss his jaw 
“That’s sooo romantic Daddy” 
You empathize the word “daddy” and he smirks down at you, squeezing your ass in his hands 
“Anything for you baby girl” He nuzzles his nose against yours, giving you a sweet peck on the lips, and swipes the key from the counter 
“To the left?” He asks the man again, who’s staring, wide-eyed, with pink cheeks 
“Uh huh t-to the left”
Eddie places the key in your pocket and thanks him as another guy comes over to take your bags for you. 
“Lead the way, sweet girl” 
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Eddie watches you. Ever since the snow had started falling soon after you guys had settled in, you had gotten increasingly worried it seemed. It wasn’t even that bad… at first. And then four hours later when things just weren’t letting up he realized that maybe he should also be just a teeny bit worried. The door was fully blocked at this point, but the front desk had called, making sure they had enough food and enough logs to last a few days and they did, honestly. But he’s watching you stare out the window and it's starting to make him worry about you. 
“Hey, baby girl? Hey, why don’t you come over here little one?” Eddie gets your attention now, using his soft voice, the one he uses when he’s fucked you senseless and wants to bring you back down to earth. You come over to his open arms and collapse down into them. You snuggle up in front of the fire and he smiles, stroking your hair softly. He smiles, stroking your hair gently.
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?”
You sigh into his arms, relaxing a little, and shrug “Oh you know, how this is my fault I got us into this stupid mess”
“Right. Right. You made a snowstorm happen, thus trapping us all alone together in the middle of the woods. Yeah, you’re so right baby this is definitely your fault!” 
You swat his thigh and he snickers, holding you tighter as you sit in front of the blazing fire, the flames flickering proudly. 
“Well, when you put it like that…”
He gets up with you in his arms, walking back to the cozy bedroom
“You need a nap” 
“Your mom needs a nap” You stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes. Tossing the covers over your head. 
“Shut up and nap, I want to set up a little surprise for you okay? Daddy needs some time.”
You perk up, and he eases your head back down “What do you mean a surprise?”
“You’re not gonna get it if you don’t nap. I know you’re exhausted baby from being up all this time, worrying. Just take a nap for me okay? Be a good girl for Daddy and take a nap. I promise when you wake up it’ll totally be worth it okay?”
Now that he keeps freaking mentioning it, a nap does seem like a really good idea. Now that he’s got you all tucked in you can feel the exhaustion in your muscles from worrying so much. It was snowing this morning, it was snowing this afternoon and it’s probably going to keep snowing this evening, there’s only so much worry a body can take. 
And okay maybe being trapped with someone as absolutely sexy as Eddie isn’t so bad. You pull the covers over your shoulder and he leans forward, kissing your forehead gently
“I’ll be here when you wake up baby, goodnight”
“Hmm goodnight” You smile sleepily. 
You awake a couple hours later to soft music playing in the living room. There’s a little note and a single rose on the pillow next to you, Eddie had apparently packed you a little surprise and he wanted you to put it on before you came out of the room. You get up from bed, stretch your muscles out, and look around the room, there’s a small box on the chair next to the bed. Huh, that must been where he put whatever this little surprise was. 
You walk over to the box and take off the top slowly. There’s a nicely folded, red. silky, baby doll and matching g-string. You grin as you slip off the oversized t-shirt you’d been wearing and get into the baby doll. It cups your breasts together so perfectly, it’s almost like he’s holding them himself. You check out the full-length mirror, admiring your figure and the way the little nighty highlights your curves perfectly. 
God, he really did know every inch of your body perfectly. 
You stick your head out of the door, looking around for him 
“Hey, baby?” You say quietly “I’m um- awake now. But I want to freshen up a little, can I come out?”
You hear some shuffling and Eddies hand comes out from the other side of the door, a blindfold in his hand 
“Yeah you can freshen up Princess, just wear this for me huh?”
You blush as you take the silk blindfold and tie it around your eyes 
“Okay, ready”
Eddie opens the door, bumping into you and you let out a soft oof. He rolls his eyes and snorts, grabbing your arm and pulling you from the bedroom 
“Next time back up, dumbass” 
“Next time back up, dumbass” You repeat in a nasally voice and he swats your ass
“Oh, you think you’re so funny huh?” 
You squeak as he pushes you through the bathroom door and shuts it behind you. 
“Let me know when you’re coming out!”
“Okay!!” You look in the mirror again, taking your time to fix your hair, making sure it matches the feel of your sexy outfit. You make sure your legs are perfectly smooth (that’s more so for you) and that your body is nice and soft and hydrated. You put on your favorite lotion, rub it in, and let it dry as you do your makeup, it’s nothing elaborate because something tells you Eddie is just going to smear it all off… but he likes it when your mascara runs… so you put some on anyway, a little light foundation and some lipgloss. Honestly, you really did want to contour a bit… but again he’s literally just going to fuck it right off and this was too expensive to waste 
You take the blindfold in one hand and stick your other hand out like a little beak 
“Hey, Eddie? I'm done! But I put on makeup… I’m not putting that blindfold on yet” 
You hear his deep chuckle from over in the living room area and you know he’s shaking his head 
“Come on out Princess”
You’re not sure what to be expecting… but Eddie laid out on the floor, on the bearskin rug, a fire roaring behind him as he twirls another rose in his fingers. He looks up at you, his eyes dark and lustful 
“Fuck you’re beautiful” 
He’s acting like he’s not the picture of the most perfect porno. He reaches behind the sofa next to his head and holds out one more box 
“For me” 
You look at him skeptically, stepping over and grabbing the pink box. You pull out the most gorgeous red heels you’ve ever seen, coated in little diamonds and sparkling in the light of the fire 
“These are-“
“Way too high, I know. But I like to watch you struggle like a slut in them. If you don’t wanna put them on baby I don’t mind… seeing you like this? Is more than enough” 
He looks like those hungry wolves in the old cartoons, drooling over your body. You decide just this once, you’ll humor him. You stand up, step into the beautiful shoes, and wobble a little, they’re higher than anything you’re really used to and you know he likes it that way 
“What do you say?” He asks as he gets up, his thick cock bouncing off his thighs as he walks toward you. Your eyes are practically glued between his legs and he smirks, cupping your chin and lifting your head to look into his eyes. He squeezes your chin and you hiss a little, his grip firm
“Don’t make me repeat myself, Princess” 
“T-thank you d-daddy. They’re so beautiful” 
“Walk for me?” He does ask, because he doesn’t want you breaking your neck in those. You nod slowly, turning around with your arms slightly raised at your sides for balance. You walk a ways away, looking just a bit like Bambi as you stumble a little. You hear him groan softly, knowing exactly what he’s doing before you even turn around. You do a little spin, nearly toppling over but keeping upright as you walk back toward him, watching the way he strokes his cock slowly, his precum dripping onto the floor  
“Jesus, you’re gonna be the death of me. Look at you” He pats your head lovingly “My sweet little bimbo is almost as tall as I am in those” 
Your cheeks flush as you look away from him, his words so sweetly degrading. He tilts his head, taking your figure in for a moment before grinning devilishly 
“You’re so good at listening… maybe there is something in there” He taps your forehead, leaning in and giving you a little kiss on it.
“On your knees” 
He holds your hands, helping you down. You settle on your legs, looking up at him so sweetly, so innocently. He knows exactly what you’re doing as he holds your cheeks in his hands 
“Oh, you think you’re so perfect huh? You think you can just bat those little eyelashes… and I’ll be easy on you” 
You gulp as he pulls your head closer to his cock, you wrap your lips around the tip, sucking softly as you keep your eyes on him 
“You remember your safe signal?” He looks at you seriously for a moment and you nod, pulling off of him 
“Mhm, I bite… Gently!!” 
“Which is not to be confused with?” He asks, rubbing his cock on your lips, painting them with the real lipgloss he likes on you 
“If I accidentally use teeth” you blush “It needs to be a real bite” 
“That’s my good girl” He pats your cheek “and you’re supposed to remember?” 
“Daddy can handle a little pain if it means stopping when I’m very serious about it” 
“Alright sweet girl” He taps your lips and you scoot forward, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. He groans softly as he slides his cock in, taking a moment to enjoy the wet warmth surrounding him. He bobs your head back and forth slowly before pulling you closer, making you take more of him 
“Oh, fuck” He draws out the word as he fucks your face, He can't help but buck his hips, thrusting deeper into your warm mouth, his eyes half-lidded in pleasure. 
"That's it, baby," he encourages, his voice thick with arousal. "Show me how much you want it."
You take him in more, bobbing your head faster as your tongue wraps around his cock, dragging the tip of it along that thick vein. Your eyes roll back as you suck his cock, the sounds of your choking slightly are music to his ears 
Eddie's back arches, his entire body tensing as you take him even deeper, your tongue teasing him in all the right places. He can feel the heat building up inside him, threatening to spill over.
"Fuck, you're so good at this," he pants, his voice hoarse with need. "You're gonna make me lose control, baby."
He can't help but thrust harder into your mouth, his hips moving in a primal rhythm. Eddie's eyes flutter shut, his hands tightening in your hair, guiding your movements as he nears the edge.
"I'm gonna cum, baby," he warns you, his voice a low growl. "I'm gonna fill your pretty little mouth."
 You moan around his cock, making eye contact with him like you’re begging him to do it, begging him to explode in your mouth so you can swallow every last drop
Eddie's body shudders, his release overwhelming as he erupts into your mouth. He groans loudly, his hips jerking as he fills you with his seed. He holds your head in place, giving you time to swallow every drop before he finally pulls back, his breathing ragged.
"Fuck, that was amazing," he pants, his eyes still locked on yours. "You're a natural at this."
He bends down to press a kiss to your forehead, his hand smoothing your hair. "Now, let's see what else you can do, hmm?" he grins, already hardening again in anticipation. He doesn’t hesitate to yank your babydoll over your head, just ripping your thong right off your body. He makes you leave the heels on, he loves fucking you in heels 
 You crawl over to the bearskin rug, in front of the roaring fire and lay down, still panting and wiping your lips with the tip of your finger to make sure you’ve gotten every last drop. You look over at him, biting the tip of your finger, and slowly spread your legs for him 
“Like this daddy?” 
Eddie watches your every move, arousal still burning hot within him. He follows you to the rug, crawling over to you as you lie down. He hovers over you, his hand reaching out to brush your hair back from your face.
"You're driving me crazy, you know that?" he murmurs, his lips brushing your ear. "I want to make you feel as good as you've made me." He takes a moment, kissing your body, savoring the sweet taste of your skin, the soft feeling against his lips. 
Eddie settles between your legs, his hands gripping your thighs as he positions himself at your entrance. He looks into your eyes, his own dark with desire as he slowly pushes into you, groaning at the tight, wet heat that surrounds him.
"You ready for me, baby girl?" he asks, his voice a low rumble. "I'm going to take you so hard, I don't think you'll ever want it to end."
Your thighs tremble as you nod at him, delighting in the tight grip he has on you
“Fuck me, Daddy, god fuck I need you so badly”
He loves when you get like this, whiny and hot and needy, senseless for his cock 
Eddie smirks at you, his eyes filled with lust. He takes your eagerness as a cue to thrust into you harder, his hips rocking in a fierce rhythm. He feels your tightness, your wetness, and it's enough to push him over the edge again.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groans, his grip on your thighs tightening. "You feel so good, baby."
He leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue invading your mouth as his hips continue to pound into you. Your body is slick with sweat, and his muscles tense as he loses himself in the heat of the moment.
As he picks up the pace, Eddie's thrusts become harder, more aggressive, his breaths coming in ragged pants. He reaches down, his thumb brushing against your clit with each thrust, watching as your eyes roll back in pleasure.
"You feel so fucking good, baby," he growls, his voice thick with lust. "I'm not gonna last much longer."
He can feel the heat building up again, the edge of release beckoning. Eddie's movements become more frenzied, his grip on your thighs tightening as he drives into you.
"Come for me, baby," he demands, his voice low and commanding. "Let me feel you shake around me."
His own orgasm crashes over him, his body shuddering as he spills himself inside you. He holds himself deep within you, his breaths coming in short, panting gasps as he rides out the waves of pleasure.
You cum with him, gripping the fake fur of the rug beneath you, sobbing his name over and over, as he shoves his cock in you, grinding it in and stuffing his cum deep inside 
Eventually, he pulls out, collapsing beside you, his arm draped over your waist. "God, that was incredible," he whispers, his heart pounding in his chest. "You're incredible."
You shake your head deliriously, slowly, side to side “No, you’re incredible” you giggle, rolling into his chest as he wraps his arm around you 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so in love” He whispers in your ear as he nuzzles against your neck, your bodies sticking together, your breathing starting to level out. 
“I don’t think I have either” You smile sleepily, snuggling back into him. The warmth of the fire and his strong arms starting to pull you down into a peaceful sleep 
“You know, I don’t think I mind being snowed in with you… maybe we should come on vacation here more often” 
“You mean it??” You blink up at him and he kisses your nose 
“Oh hell yes, especially if it means doing this over and over and over again, snowed in or not”
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After a while, you pass out in his arms as he hums softly to you, rubbing your bare side slowly, enjoying your naked body pressed into him. He nuzzles his nose into your neck, enjoying the soft scent of sex clinging to you that he knows you hate to wake up to. So he pulls himself away from you, smirking at the way you frown a little, and goes to the bathroom. 
It’s pretty romantic in there already, he pulls out some candles from the vanity and sets those up around the large jetted tub. He sits on the edge, turning on the hot water and adding your favorite soap to it. As he waits for the water to fill he sets up a nice fluffy towel for you and your favorite pink silk robe with your name embroidered in the corner
He turns off the water, swishing his hand through it to make sure it’s the right temperature before heading out to come grab you. You’ve managed to curl up into a little ball closer to the fire like you were searching for warmth. He easily picks you up, smiling when you cuddle into his chest, and walks into the bathroom 
“Y/N? Baby girl, it’s time to wake up…” He bounces you a little as he sets you down on the toilet first, waking you up just enough to pee. You lean heavily on him, still half asleep as you clean yourself up and he walks you over to the sink and helps you wash your hands. 
“Come on cutie, it’s bath time” You’re a bit more awake now, stumbling toward the tub as he holds onto your hands, guiding you 
“You drew me a bath?” You ask sweetly and he smiles, stepping into the tub backward and helping you in 
“Mhm, and I’m going to wash your hair and help clean you up too” He gets you into the tub before sitting down and reaching out for you. You straddle his lap, putting your chest against his and nuzzling into his neck, your body automatically relaxing in the warm water. 
He trails his fingers up and down your spine, making you squirm a bit and he smiles as he starts to rub your shoulders 
“You like that hm? You like daddy’s hands on you?” 
You nod slowly, adjusting yourself a bit, your hips tilting forward and he kisses your neck, cupping the back of your head and pulling you closer to his lips. He continues to massage you, his fingers working their way down your arms, his thumb brushing over your pulse.
“You feel so good in my lap,” he tells you, his voice a low rumble “Right where my pretty little girl belongs”
Eddie's hand moves to your chest, gently cupping your breast, his thumb teasing your nipple. "I want to make love to you all night, baby," he promises, his eyes dark with desire. "Are you ready for round two?" 
“Nice and slow?” You breathe against his lips, tilting your head as you kiss him passionately
Slow and gentle it is," he agrees, his hand moving from your breast to your thigh, spreading your legs.
He positions himself at your entrance once more, his eyes locked on yours. "You're so beautiful, and I'm so lucky to have you," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.
Eddie slides into you, his movements slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving yours. He can feel your tightness, your wetness, and it's all he can do not to rush.
"This is for you, baby," he whispers, his voice low and intimate. "I want to give you everything you want and more."
He begins to move, his thrusts slow and measured, his hands gripping your hips. The water laps at your skin, the candles flickering in the dim light.
Eddie's gaze is fixed on your face, watching your reactions as he takes you, his own pleasure building with each passing second. He can feel the tension coiling within him, but he refuses to rush, wanting to savor every moment.
"You feel so good, baby," he breathes, his voice thick with desire. "So tight and wet around me."
He continues to move, his pace increasing ever so slightly, his body pressing against yours, their skin slick with water. The room is filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and the wet slapping of their bodies.
Eddie's hands move to your breasts, his thumbs teasing your nipples as he continues to thrust. The water splashes around you, staying in the tub as you lay your head back, your hands planted firmly on his shoulders 
“Cum in me, please Daddy cum in me” you gasp, breathless as he dicks you down slowly. His thrusts slow, hips snapping into yours harshly as you finish around him, your body shaking as you bite down on his shoulder, your hips grinding down onto him, taking him as deep as you possibly can 
Eddie's body shudders, his release imminent as you beg for him to fill you. He groans, his hips jerking as he spills himself inside you once more. He leans down to press a kiss to your neck, his breathing ragged as he collapses onto you, spent.
"Fuck, you're amazing," he whispers, his hand holding your hair. "I could do this all night."
He holds you close, your bodies still joined, the water lapping at your skin. The candles flicker, casting a soft, romantic glow over the room.
“You wanna stay like this for a bit?” He murmurs, kissing your cheek gently. You lay your head on his shoulder, pull your arms into your chest, and adjust yourself on his cock 
“Yes please” Your hand comes up, cupping his neck and snuggling into his chest and he smiles, stroking your hair softly 
“Alright baby girl we can stay like this as long as you want” 
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Got a case of reaaallly sensitive breasts so !!!
Werewolf chris and nipple play 🐺
funny thing... i already had a drabble with this scenario, so i started tweaking it as soon as i received this ask... now i don't think i can call this a drabble anymore lmao. hope y'all enjoy it.
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series. you don’t really need to read any other instalment to understand/enjoy this piece). | Word Count: ~4k | Themes & Warnings: fantasy/supernatural AU · smut | established relationship | reader is chubby based on former instalments, but there’s no focus on it in this piece · pet names · lots and lots of praising · nipple play · cock warming · interruptions (but it’s fine, i promise) · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method used, but the reader is presumed to be on birth control] · creampie.
minors do not interact.
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When Chris came home earlier this afternoon, all sad and pouty because nothing seemed to have gone how he wanted it to today, you offered the one thing you knew would help him start improving his mood. 
‘Do you want me to help you find solutions, or do you just want to vent?’ You’d asked him while you prepared some relaxing tea.
‘God, I really just want to vent…’ Chris replied simply, which was perfectly valid.
So he did just that, all while you delicately massaged his broad–and admittedly tense–shoulders, taking the occasional sip of your cups of tea. Chris sat on one of the kitchen stools, and you stood behind him, listening intently to him for as long as he needed you to.
“…But it’s all boring, stupid shit. I know, I know. I need to let it go”, Chris finished his rant with a sigh, tilting his head back to lean it against you.
“It’s not stupid, baby. You’ve got very valid reasons to be frustrated about it”, you moved your hands from where they’d been kneading his shoulders to his hair, so you could caress the soft strands.
Chris immediately closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He was quiet for a while, just enjoying the movements of your fingers against his scalp.
“Thank you, love”, he mumbled eventually, finally opening his eyes and turning around to place his hands on your waist.
“Nothing to thank me for, darling”, you mumbled back, just as you looped your arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss.
Chris pulled you closer to him so you could stand between his parted legs, chest against chest. The stools of your kitchen were tall, so it was easy to just melt into the kiss, he might as well have been standing with how minimal the height difference was.
After a while of just kissing, one of his hands found its way under the oversized t-shirt you were wearing to grab a handful of your ass. The sudden action made you squeal in surprise, but the sound quickly evolved into a chuckle.
“Handsy, huh?” You asked between pecks of your lips, carding your fingers through his hair.
“Mhm…” Chris’ lips were on your neck in an instant, slowly, oh, so very slowly leaving open mouthed kisses on your skin. You’d lie if you said it wasn’t heating you up. It was almost like he just knew you’d been dying to be with him all day. “Don’t see you complaining. If anything, your heart’s beating faster, and you know I can just smell how horny you are”.
Caught red-handed, as always.
As your boyfriend nibbled on your pulsepoint, his free hand joined the other on your backside, for him to knead and squeeze your buttocks to his heart’s content. You could stop him whenever. You knew that the second the words came out of your mouth he’d stop completely… But you honestly didn’t want him to.
“You know…” Chris mumbled against the skin of your neck, coaxing goosebumps to raise on your flesh. “I think I’m still a bit stressed”.
He wasn’t stressed anymore. He knew it, you knew it, and he knew that you knew, but you decided to humour him anyway.
“Are you?” You chuckled, grabbing a handful of his hair to pull him away from your neck. Chris just let you move him like that, and the moment his eyes landed on yours, you started to feel tingly all over.
You weren’t sure if it was due to how blown his pupils suddenly were, or if it was that damned animal stare of his that always seemed to affect you in ways it certainly shouldn’t have, but you immediately felt your breath catch in your throat. Especially when his grip on your bum tightened.
“Mm. Very”, Chris grinned at you–a wolfish grin, very fitting for someone like him. “Think my pretty girlfriend would like to help out with that?”
“Mmm…” You acted as if you were thinking about his question, as if it needed an in depth analysis before you could answer it, but, ultimately, you grinned back at him. “You’re saying that your pretty girlfriend listening to your problems for almost twenty minutes isn’t enough?”
Chris’ smug façade immediately crumbled, replaced with the most adorable pout and puppy eyes you’d ever seen. “Baaabe, that’s not what I meeeaan…”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I know, I know. I’m just teasing you, I’m sorry. Tell me, baby, what do you want from me? Whatever it is, just say it, and it’s yours”.
“…Whatever I want?” Chris asked, as if he didn’t know that he could ask absolutely anything of you, and that you’d give him exactly what he wanted. Just like he would do for you.
“Whatever you want, baby”.
Chris hummed. His eyes jumped all over your face, taking in your features, until they finally started travelling further down to look at your neck, your chest, your legs… Even if your body was covered by his t-shirt, it was like the garment simply didn’t exist.
Finally, when he had seemingly decided just what he wanted, he took a deep breath. One of his hands let go of your bum to start making its way towards your tummy. Chris squeezed the flesh briefly, then he dragged that same hand all the way up your torso, until it reached one of your breasts.
It was such a simple thing, but the way his palm wouldn’t detach from your skin had heat spreading all throughout your body, even more so when he gave your breast a hefty squeeze, only to finally pinch your nipple.
You bit your lip at the sensation, tugging a bit on his hair. For no particular reason other than because you could.
Chris’ eyes were focused on your chest, on the movement of his hand under the fabric. After a deep breath, he finally spoke again.
“I know what I want…”
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Soft, wet sounds filled the space of your living room. They mingled with the content sighs leaving your boyfriend’s mouth, and with your occasional quiet moans.
When Chris told you this was what he wanted, it hadn’t been exactly what you had expected, but you certainly weren’t going to complain. Not when his monster cock was buried deep within your walls, not when his lips were attached to your chest…
You were certain you had surpassed the thirty minute mark already. Over thirty minutes spent sitting on this armchair, straddling him, becoming putty in his hands. Thirty minutes of sweet, sweet torture. 
Chris detached his mouth from your chest. Squeezing your breasts gently with both hands, he blew on your nipples, the feeling was enhanced by the remnants of his saliva spread all over. You felt your walls clamp around his length, and a whine escaped your mouth. 
“You’re dripping, pretty baby. I can feel it trickling down”, Chris chuckled, kneading your breasts. He sounded immensely amused, and you attempted to bury your face in the crook of his neck as soon as you felt your cheeks heating up.
“That’s because my boyfriend has been playing with my tits for almost an hour”, you mumbled, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. 
“Should we stop?” His hands immediately stopped their motions on your chest, although he didn’t remove them. The question was genuine, it spread a pleasant warmth within you, and you couldn’t help but appreciate that he checked in on you. He always did, and you always appreciated it.
“No”, you replied almost immediately, trying not to pout at the dwindling of your pleasure when his fingers stopped stimulating your nipples. “I love when you play with them…”
“You do?” Chris smiled at you, dipping his hands from your tits briefly to caress your sides, making goosebumps raise on your skin.
You nodded in response, swallowing the saliva that had pooled in your mouth. His hands continued their path lower, finding your thighs, gripping the flesh tightly while biting his bottom lip. Your mind was already drifting elsewhere, transported by the dark haze in Chris’ eyes, by his hands on your body.
“You like it when I fondle them?” Chris brought his hands back to your breasts, and started kneading them gently. You nodded, absentmindedly licking your lower lip while you stared into his eyes. 
“Yeah? Mmm… You like it when I… ghost my fingers over your nipples like this?” He dragged his thumbs over the stiffened buds, slowly, with barely any pressure, but the movement had you inhaling deeply, and your thighs twitching with need. You nodded again.
“What about… when I roll them between my fingers like this?” As soon as both his thumbs and index fingers pinched each nipple, rolling them softly, you couldn’t contain the moan that came out of your mouth. The contact had sparks of pleasure shooting from your chest to your core, making you clench around his length, making Chris inhale deeply at the tight grip of your walls. 
“I–I do”, you replied simply, closing your eyes and throwing your head back as your boyfriend kept rolling your nipples between his fingers, slowly increasing the pressure. 
“You always make the prettiest noises when I play with your tits, love”, Chris kissed your cheek, making you flush impossibly further. 
He left a trail of kisses from your cheek to your ear, whispering as he went. “My girl’s perfect tits, hm? So full and soft… I love playing with them, too, you know?” 
A shiver ran up and down your spine when he whispered in your ear. You did know, but you loved hearing it anyway. Once again, you nodded, taking in deep breaths, whining a bit the more he played with your chest. 
“What about my mouth, baby?” Chris mumbled, still close to your ear, pressing his cheek against yours. “Do you like my mouth on your tits, too?”
You nodded, eagerly, desperately… Your body started to tremble because of the way he talked to you, because of his hands working your chest, and his cock stretching you open. “Love your mouth on my tits…”
“Mmm… Love having your tits in my mouth, too”, Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek, an oddly tender gesture considering the circumstances. You whimpered as soon as his lips were pressed to your heated skin, digging your nails further into his shoulders. 
Chris finally stopped stimulating your chest, and you exhaled, finding both agony and relief in the lack of contact. Cupping your breasts, squeezing them, he took them in his hands, and he leaned in, slowly, almost tentatively landing a lick on one of your nipples. Before you could even react, his lips closed around the sensitive bud, and it made you moan again, a bit more desperate this time.
His languid licks had you trembling once again, they had you whining like a hungry puppy, and you supposed you were. Right then, you certainly felt like one.
You wanted to roll your hips, to try to find some delicious friction by rubbing your clit against his pubic bone, but you knew he wanted you to be still. So you tried your best to not move, you simply held onto his shoulders as tightly as you could, getting increasingly more worked up the longer he sucked, and licked, and touched your sensitive breasts.
The rumble on the side table next to the armchair pulled you out of the daze Chris’ attention had you in. He detached his mouth from your chest to look at the rumbling device, and you immediately whined at the loss of contact. He read the caller ID out loud. You couldn’t help but sigh, annoyed. It was your boss, of all people… 
“You should take that”, Chris removed his hands from your chest, leaning back on the armchair and placing his hands on your thighs, squeezing them. “Could be important”.
A pout immediately formed on your lips. He just giggled when he saw it, cupping your cheek and tugging your bottom lip with his thumb.
Finally, with another sigh of annoyance, you reached for your phone and answered the call. “Hello?”
The audacity of your boss to call you out of your business hours… And for something so stupid. It was like all those delicious endorphins that had flooded your brain throughout the past hour were forcibly flushed out of your system as soon as you heard her voice.
A frown made its way to your face while you listened to her oh, so urgent query. Momentarily, you forgot about your boyfriend’s thickness deep inside you. At least, until he leaned into you again, wrapping his arms around your waist and attaching his lips to your collarbone.
Saliva pooled in your mouth, so you swallowed, closing your eyes to attempt to focus on what your boss was telling you. Admittedly, it was much harder than you could ever imagine, especially when Chris kissed your skin so lovingly and tenderly, when he whispered words of appreciation between each kiss. ‘Gorgeous… Pretty… Soft… Beautiful… So smart in your work call, huh?’
You just couldn’t take it anymore, you needed this call to end now, or you’d die due to lack of intimacy with your gorgeous boyfriend. So you cleared your throat–both to get the attention of your boss who was still rambling on the other side of the line, and to conceal a whimper that almost came out of your mouth once Chris’ lips attached to your pulse point.
“Listen, the files I sent out today have the answer to all of those questions. My shift ended, like, two hours ago. Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean you can call me out of hours, much less for something like this?” You might’ve spoken a bit harsher than you intended, but you needed to get your point across.
Chris squeezed your ass, tightly, almost making you moan right on the speaker. Thankfully, your boss stuttered a ‘Oh, shit I thought you were still working, I forgot your shift changed this month. I’m so sorry! Let’s talk tomorrow!’
You said your goodbyes and pressed the red button on your screen. After a double take to make sure the call had been hung up, you dropped it back on the side table, sighing. But this time, you didn’t sigh out of annoyance, but due to the fact that Chris had tugged your earlobe with his teeth.
“You’re so fucking hot when you get all bossy, fuck”, he attached his lips to your pulse point once again, sucking on the skin. “Talking about your spreadsheets, and pivots, and numbers, and shit”.
You chuckled, bringing your arms to Chris’ shoulders and pulling him further into you. “That’s the true boring stuff, babe”.
“Mmm… Still…” Chris peppered kisses all over your face–your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your chin… “Wanna keep going? Or is the mood ruined for you?”
“Does it feel like it’s ruined for me?” You clenched around his length, voluntarily, making him twitch inside you. “You’re still rock hard, baby. So I’ll take a guess and say the mood hasn’t been ruined for you, either”.
“How could I not be rock hard when I have a Goddess on my lap? When you’re so deliciously warm around my cock?” Chris pulled away from your hug, cradling your face in his hands to plant a loud, wet kiss on your lips. “Should I continue where we left off?”
You nodded, and immediately your boyfriend’s mouth was back on your chest, sucking your nipple into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it, all while his other hand squeezed your other breast, stimulating the hardened bud with his fingers. 
In no time, Chris had you a whimpering, moaning mess again. You were seriously dripping, you could feel your own juices leaking out, and if you hadn’t been too engrossed in the tingles of pleasure coursing throughout your body, you would’ve stopped to put a towel under your bodies.
“Baby…” You mumbled, threading your fingers in the hair on the back of Chris’ head, tugging the slightest bit. “Bite?”
He opened his eyes, looking at you with that dark, predatory look that always made you want to submit, to let him make you feel good however he pleased, to let him ruin you. He didn’t say anything, though. Instead, he just did as you asked, nibbling on your sensitive skin as his other hand pinched the other nipple.
He kept the slow rhythm of his tongue, of his teeth, and his lips, every second bringing you closer to a ledge you weren’t even sure you’d be able to fall over like this. Eventually, he switched sides, attaching his mouth to the other nipple to get it just as wet and puffy as the other.
You could feel yourself clench around him, just like you could feel him twitch every time you moaned his name. Something was brewing in the pit of your stomach, something warm and familiar…
“Oh, fuck! Chris!”
All of a sudden, your release hit you like a truck, your entire body shook, your boyfriend groaned against your chest, and tears quickly welled in your eyes. It was so much, an explosion of pleasure that dragged warmth everywhere within your body. Familiar, yet new at the same time.
Your thighs flexed with exertion, you were trembling, and as you started to come down from your high, you just couldn’t stand any more stimulation to your chest.
“Fuck, fuck, babe–stop, please…”
Chris detached his mouth from your abused nipple as soon as the words came out of your mouth. Your body slumped, your world started to spin, you were panting still, and all you could do to keep yourself grounded was pressing your forehead on your boyfriend’s shoulder. He simply hugged you close, caressing your hair, whispering soothing words. You could vaguely register them among the ringing in your ears.
“Baby, talk to me. Are you okay?” Threading his fingers in your hair, Chris massaged your scalp. His tone was gentle, but slightly urgent. It wouldn’t have been the first time you passed out after an orgasm, so you could totally understand why he was trying to get a reply from you.
You nodded, still panting a bit. With a deep breath you removed your head from his shoulder, placing your hands on his chest for stability. “I’m okay. But, holy shit. What was that?” 
“One of the hottest things you’ve ever done, holy fuck”, immediately, Chris attached his lips to your cheeks, kissing away the tears that had inadvertently fallen from your eyes. “I really… I mean, it wasn’t my intention to make you come from that. I didn’t even know you could do that”. 
“I didn’t know I could do that, fuck…" You’d always had sensitive nipples, they’d always been a good trigger for your pleasure, but only when it was coupled with clit stimulation, so this certainly caught you off guard.
Chris looked at you for a moment, all starry eyed, as if he had just been given a Christmas present. In an instant his lips were on yours, kissing you deeply, adoringly, all as he groaned against your mouth and groped your ass. “So fucking perfect, shit…”
When he pulled back from the kiss, he held you close, pressing kisses on your cheek while you tried your best to catch your breath.
He was still hard inside you, you could feel him twitch sporadically as he caressed your body, and even if you had just come a handful of minutes prior, you had been waiting way too long already. 
“Babe…” Bringing your hands to his face, you cradled it, and leaned in to kiss him. You barely detached your lips from his, simply letting them brush against his lips with every word that came out of your mouth. “Please, Chris. Fuck me. Fuck me good, please I need–”
Your sentence got cut short, what should’ve been the rest of it was replaced with a yelp as your boyfriend held you tightly and moved. He moved so fast you registered it only when you were already with your back against the armchair, with your boyfriend hovering over you and with your hips in just the right angle by the edge of the seat. 
“Want me to fuck you good?” Chris mumbled against your mouth, throwing your legs over his shoulders and holding your hips tightly. “I’ll fuck you so fucking good, my prettiest. Just like you deserve”. 
Whatever response you had died on your tongue, replaced by broken moans of his name as your boyfriend started to ram into you, so hard you could practically feel him in your throat.
“So fucking perfect coming because I was playing with your tits, shit…” The sound of sweaty skin hitting sweaty skin filled the room, mingling with the obscene squelching sounds produced by his cock going in and out of your cunt at such an aggressive pace. “How lucky am I, huh? Every day… you just remind me… how lucky I am… because I’m able to call you mine. Fuck!” 
You couldn’t speak. The only noises you could produce were whines, and whimpers, and moans, and your boyfriend’s name as he kept stimulating that sweet spot within your walls, bringing you alarmingly fast towards your second high.
“My perfect girl, and her perfect tits, and her perfect body just for me. Just for me, hm?” 
You just nodded in response to his question. Because you were. you were his girl, and your body was his to enjoy.
“Mine. My pretty baby all for me, fuck…” Removing one of your legs from where it had been resting on his shoulder, Chris’ hand got easy access to your centre, and you immediately held your leg against your chest, letting him work you up just how he wanted, just how you wanted. “C’mon, baby. Give me another”.
In no time, you were trembling with your release, tearing up at the onslaught of sensations coursing through your body. Chris rammed into you once, twice, thrice, and with the fourth thrust he dived in, finding your mouth and kissing you sloppily right before he finally exploded within your warmth. Keeping his hips pressed against you, he shot his load deep into you, all as he groaned, and grunted, and borderline growled within the kiss.
Panting a bit, Chris moved away from your lips, pressing a trail of kisses from your face to your shoulder, eventually resting his head there while he composed himself. You were too fucked out of your mind to do anything other than bring your hand to the back of his head to play with his now sweaty hair. 
After a minute, he detached himself from you, kissing you one more time before he was pulling out. “Stay still”. 
When he came back with a soaked washcloth, he cleaned you up, getting as much of his cum on the rag before he dropped it to the floor and scooped you into his arms. You weakly held onto him, letting him carry you to your bedroom.
“Love you. You know that, right?” Chris pressed a kiss on your forehead, placing you down on your shared bed.
You hummed. “I love you, too”.
Chris smiled brightly at you, kissing you on the cheek one more time before he was pulling himself away from your space.
You grabbed his hand, pouting, and he immediately giggled. “Where are you going? You gonna leave me all alone here? No cuddles?”
“Baby, of course not. If I ever skip our post-sex cuddles, assume I’m gravely ill and take me to the hospital”, Chris leaned down so he could place a kiss on the back of your hand. “I’m going to get you some water. You need to hydrate, pretty. I’m nowhere near done with you yet”.
“O–oh”, you started to feel tingly all over again, just as you felt heat creep on your face.
“Yeah, oh”, Chris chuckled, pressing another kiss on the back of your hand before he mumbled a ‘Be right back’.
You unashamedly stared at his ass until he left the room. You were definitely getting a handful of that later, since it seemed to be like it was going to be one of those long, strenuous, yet immensely satisfying nights. 
As you laid there on your side, hugging a pillow to your chest, you honestly couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face while you waited for your boyfriend to come back.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
special thanks to @notastraykid for giving me her much valued opinion before i posted this.
figured i’d tag anyone that wants to be tagged in my wereroomies instalments. if you don’t want to be tagged in little ask responses like these let me know ! If you want to be added to the tag list, you can fill in this form. be aware that you must have an indication that you’re an adult in your blog if you want me to tag you in my works
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slytherinshua · 3 months
summary. how your boyfriend reacts when you can't sleep. genre. fluff. warnings. food in dohoon's. other than that nothing. pairing. tws x fem!reader. wc. 612. request. requested by 🪩 anon: ot6 tws headcanon where you're an insomniac and can't sleep and they come over to comfort you :( a/n. i want youngjae so bad like why don't i have him why doesn't he exist in my life this is not fair wtf i cried writing this...
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man… i’m ngl he’d just kiss you. not in a sensual way at all he’s not trying to take it anywhere but it’s just to distract you or make you stop talking. he loves listening to you talk don’t get him wrong, but you tend to talk a lot when you can’t sleep and the words aren’t always the most understandable. kissing junghwan would busy your brain so much that all you can think of is him and he knows this. plus he thinks it’s so cute how extra flustered you get when you’re tired. he could keep kissing you for hours without getting bored, trust him.
he’ll make you food, whether you say you’re hungry or not. most of the time it’s ramen or something quick and easy. the smell of the food always lures you into having some, but on the rare occasion that you really don’t want to eat anything, dohoon will finish it himself. he definitely won’t leave your side or just let you be awake by yourself unless you want it. he might even go outside on a walk with you or to a convenience store to get a sweet treat or drink. little things to get your mind off of stressful topics is exactly what you need, and dohoon accomplishes that better than anyone.
he’d read you to sleep omg :( he always has book recommendations and his voice is so soothing and soft it’s like its own lullaby even though he’s not singing. you get really invested in the story since he read you a couple chapters, so whenever you can’t sleep again he’ll pull out the book again. you probably go through several books with you over the months. sometimes he’s too tired to read to you, so you have to just cuddle with him instead </3 listening to his steady breathing and heartbeat will eventually lull you to sleep as well.
insomnia means more kdramas to watch as far as hanjin is concerned. he’d feel so betrayed if you had started watching anything without him cause you couldn’t sleep. he’d rather you wake him up than watch without him dkdjsks <//3 so you get all cuddled up and put on one of the more relaxing dramas like one of those small town romance ones. playing with hanjin’s hair while you watch probably means he’ll fall asleep before you do, but most often you fall asleep almost at the same time. you wake up in the most uncomfortable position— hanjin all tangled on top of you.
oh boy if anything he’s gonna make it worse for you to fall asleep… when he hears that you can’t sleep all tiredness practically leaves his body and he gets a second wind like no other. he’s hyper, maybe extra hyper cause he was tired before. he’d put on music and dance with you or just yap your ear off… but it does actually help tire you out, especially the dancing. you might get noise complaints from the other members or your neighbours about the music and singing, but jihoon doesn’t really care lmao.
cuddle bug :( as soon as you say you can’t sleep, he’s already grabbing his pillow to go cuddle you to sleep. he’s super tired but still trying to talk you to sleep, maybe sing you a lullaby if you need it </3 being in his arms makes falling asleep 100 times easier. although he probably ends up falling asleep before you, his presence still helps you doze off. you’d just stare at his peacefully sleeping figure until your eyes start to feel drowsy. kissing his little nose before you close your eyes as well </3
↳ tws taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @seunghancore,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy,,
@50-husbands,, @hursheys
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trashmouth-richie · 11 months
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≛ modern!eddie x female reader x modern! steve
≛ summary: a week after being stranded on the side of the road with eddie and steve, you finally figure out what you’re going to do. Can the boys agree to what you have planned?
≛ chapter warnings: MODERN AU, 18+ only I can’t be anymore clear about that, fuckgirl! reader vibes, Steve’s kind of a dickhead, oral m & f receiving and giving, mentions of birth control, reader gets eaten out by a girl, drug use, mention of alcohol, modern themes including texting, snapchat, iced coffee, crumbl cookie lmao etc, no y/n used, readers nickname is taff or taffy (bruh I hate using y/n catch me using any dumb nickname) Eddie picks reader up in a hug, real simpy Eddie behavior.
“I just don’t know Robin,” you explain, pulling literally at your hair from the root, “what should I do?” 
Ever since that day in the back of Wayne’s truck, you hadn’t had a single night of peace. Both Eddie and Steve were blowing up your phone. Begging for your attention. It was flattering at first. Two of Hawkins hottest at your beck and call. Each vying for your undivided, not knowing that they were competing for it. 
“Quit squirming,” Robin says in a huff between your legs, her mouth blossomed red and slick with spit, “I’ve been down here for thirty minutes and you aren’t any closer to coming than when I started.” 
Her apartment was hot and sticky, the oscillating fan on its last leg, and you were both stripped down to nothing to keep cool on your planned girls day in. A day to forget about the boys stressing you out and for Robin to get away from her annoying ex. And just like how it usually happened with her, you ended up snorting lines and making eachother buzz with orgasms. 
“Ugh, sorry,” you say annoyed, leaning up on your elbows to see her pretty face, “I just can’t relax.” 
“Tell me about it,” she says around your puffy clit, the tip of her tongue flicking it like a snake. 
You had made the boys swear to secrecy that they wouldn’t tell a soul about what had happened. But you didn’t promise anything. 
And the moment you had gotten home, you sent a text to Robin explaining every single detail, down to girth and length. 
“I think, you should date them both, try em out, what’s the worst thing that could happen?” 
“You think so?”
“Yeah, now please shut up, you’re taking forever and I’m bored.”
The next morning you woke with a smile on your lips. Any turmoil left in your mind on your decision had gone with Robin’s idea. 
The alarm clock on your bedside table illuminated 9:15AM and before even slipping your toes into some slippers, you sent two text messages to two recipients. 
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The normal routine of your morning commenced without fail, washing your face, scrubbing your body in the shower, putting on light makeup before making a pot of coffee. 
Eddie arrived first, his motorcycle echoed loud off the parking lot as he backed it into a spot against the sidewalk. His dark curls were honeyed by the sun, a bag of Chinese takeout in one arm and a dozen roses in another. The prettiest dimples displayed on his stupid gorgeous face. 
“Hey beautiful,” he smirked, wrapping you in a hug and kissing your cheek. He smelled like muted cigarettes and bourbon cologne. The creak of his leather jacket echoed in your ears as he lifted you off the ground into a bone crushing hug, making you squeal.
“Sleep well?”
Before you could answer his smile had faded into a scowl when the door swung open and Steve stood at the threshold.  Wielding a pink box of gourmet cookies and two iced coffees, his wire framed Ray Bans pushed into his hair. 
“Munson,” he greeted, nodding to his friend in that jock head jerk. Stepping around him, Steve sets the coffees on the counter and gathers you into a hug, kissing your neck and whispering that he had missed you. 
His golden retriever vibe of tanned skin and forest colored eyes bore through you when he licked his lips. 
You pull away and smile at them. They both look so good but in completely different ways. 
Eddie’s tattoos were peeking out from under the tight white shirt he was wearing, as was a silver chain necklace. 
You were practically drooling to get your lips on his skin again. 
Steve was in light colored shorts and a casual button up, exposing the dusting of chest hair that your fingers ached to be wrapped in. If you had your way you’d take them both right here right now but that’s not what today was about. 
“Why are we both here, baby?” Eddie asks, setting the bouquet and the Chinese food on the counter, pushing away the pink box of treats from his competitor.
“It’s obvious.” Steve says with a smirk pulling on his lips, “she’s gonna let you down easy and go out with me.”  
“Always so cocky,” you tsk, trying not to look at the way his shorts are cinched at the zipper. 
You look between them, big doe whiskey colored eyes stare at you in longing, while the mossy floor ones squinted with a smirk. 
 “We need to talk, and rather me having this conversation twice- I figured we are grown ass adults and can talk about what happened.” 
Eddie nods and crosses his arms, leaning forward to not miss anything you were about to say. Meanwhile Steve leaned a hip into the wall, checking his phone. 
“Before I stroke your egos, you both know you’re hot, so I’m not going to tell you how fucking great that day was.”
“fuck yeah it was,” Steve chimed in, adjusting his length in his shorts. 
Eddie blushed a pretty salmon and shot you a wink. 
“But— I’m not choosing between the two of you, I can’t, ask Robin, I about gave her a brain aneurysm yesterday trying to figure it out.” 
You were the one on the verge of an aneurysm when you came allover her lips but that’s another story. 
“So, we’re gonna do this with no strings, no feelings, just friends hooking up and playing around. Cool?”
Eddie’s eyes fall to the tops of his boots.
“So let me get this straight,” Steve gaped, eyebrows pulled in, “you’re going to go out with the two of us... at the same time?” 
“Yeah, kinda what you do with every hussy in town Harrington.”
Steve’s gears are grinding but Eddie hasn’t said a word. 
“What the fuck Taff?” Steve huffs in annoyance. 
you banter back talking to him like he’s a child, “what’s the matter Harrington, don’t like sharing?”
“Rich boys are used to having their way.” Eddie gloats. 
“Oh fuck off,” he pours, “what about sex? Or is this like a PG thing, eating pizza at Chucke fuckin’ Cheese?” 
You cross your arms, and lick your lips, “oh we’ll be fucking, but not until you’re clean, both of you.” 
Eddie’s eyes finally perk up, he hasn’t been with anyone since last year and he was checked three months ago. 
“Oh come on!” Steve whines, “MaKenna is a virgin, and Blair and  Nicole have only blown Tommy since being with me— no need to fuck anyone else catch my drift?” 
“Sorry Harrington, I’m not risking catching anything and giving it to Eddie because you fundipped your way across campus. Show me you’re clean and it’s game on.” 
He pouts, “Jesus Christ… I’ll even wear a condom, c’mon.. I swear I’m clean.” 
“What the fuck is this 1990? I have an IUD, just get clean and we can do whatever you want.” 
Eddie feels like he has the upper hand for the first time since arriving at your apartment, “W-when does this start, sweetheart?” 
“Right now,” you shrug, “ I know you had to take off work today so I’m yours, see ya tomorrow Stevie.” 
“Such bullshit.” 
“Don’t worry buddy, I’ll take care of her while you’re off swabbing your pee hole,” Eddie says with a wave to his friend,  cockiness in his stance. 
“Be nice, boys.” 
You don’t expect what happens next but Steve grabbed your wrist and twisted you into him, kissing you square on the mouth just as firm as he did in the bed of Wayne’s truck. Rough and giving no grace he leaves you spinning even after he’s left. 
“Text me if you get bored with this one,” he says, licking his bottom lip to get one more taste of you as he walks through the door, “bye.” 
You cross the kitchen to the counter, lips still buzzing from Steve’s kiss. You pull out two forks from the proper drawer and rip some paper towels from the roll. 
Pulling out the white cardboard containers of Chinese food from the plastic sack, you plate them with shaky fingers. The fork in your hand slipping every once in a while and clanging loudly into the ceramic plate. 
“Hungry?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Starving actually,” Eddie says, “but there’s something I wanna do first.” 
You tear open a foil packet of soy sauce between your teeth and squeeze it all over the fried rice, “yeah, and what’s that?” 
Not noticing how close he was to you, his hands rest hotly on either of your hips, fingernails grazing the cotton of your shorts.
In a quick spin, you’re suddenly facing him, fork in one hand, soy sauce packet in the other. His eyes are impossibly dark, and a twist of a smirk lays on his pretty lips. 
“I wanna kiss you.” 
His lips ghost over yours and your tongue reaches for his lips but is met by nothing.
His breath fans across your lips, the sweetest of pouts escapes you, and his adam's apple bobs in his throat, swallowing your annoyance, “not here.” 
His fingers tease the waistband of your shorts, cold steel of his rings icing into your skin, dipping into it with a tentative touch. 
The zipper of his leather jacket bites into your palms as you pull him closer into you, and just like that day on the side of the road, it felt easy with Eddie.
You share the same bated breath as his fingers plunge deeper and push your underwear out of the way.  Between your slick folds he teases at your clit with his middle finger, swallowing the pretty noise you emit. 
“Wanna kiss you here,” he said with a thick fingered flick against your clit making you moan through your teeth but lips,  “need to taste you, again.” 
You moan his name and he helps you wiggle out of your shorts in a hurry. Feeling like you’re possessed at the sight of him dropping to his knees on the cold linoleum of your kitchen floor, like a sinner praying for mercy in a cathedral—you’re practically begging for his tongue where you need it most. 
Two weeks ago you and Eddie were just friends, and now he’s pulling the prettiest noises from you that would make the angels sick with worry,  
His lips kiss your thighs feverishly in his travels. Dark curls tickling against the spit from his sloppy mouth. Every sensation in your body was screaming, and you cursed out loud when he hooked your leg over his shoulder like a guitar strap. 
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he pushed this tongue into your slick, flicking against the hood of your clit, “so fuckin pretty baby, been seeing her in my dream for a week.” 
Nerves wrecked already you’re practically a puddle at his simping words, trying like hell to balance on one foot and carving your nails into the underside of the counter. But Eddie’s face could have held you up alone. 
He’s buried in your pussy. The happiest of graves. Nose, mouth chin- gone. All you can see of him down the plain of your own body are his curls. But you can feel him everywhere. 
Devil's tongue stuffed between your legs, thrashing and lapping up like a mad man starved. His groans vibrate around you and your legs quake. His fingers are pushed deep in the well of your velvet walls, another circling your ass and putting the tiniest bit of pressure there making you cry out. 
His name falls from your lips like a chant, faster and faster until your orgasm peaks and blinds you, your body losing all control from his tongue, your knuckles go white when you grab his hair, holding him right where you need him. 
“Fuck,” he groans, wrapping his lips around your sensitive clit once more before he adjusts your panties back into place. Your fingers ache from the grip you had on the counter and in his locks. 
Kissing the delicate fabric around the apex of your thighs, he whispers softly, “I could do that everyday.” 
He helps you step back into your shorts, that glorious tongue poking out in concentration, and he looks up at you with a shy smile, standing and holding your hands.
“With a tongue like that, I might let you.” 
“Don’t tease me Taffy, I’m still hard.” 
And now it was your turn to be needy. You pull the lapels of his leather jacket into you and you kiss his slick coated lips, he tastes like you and the salty soy sauce that was still on your lip. 
Kissing Eddie was different than Steve, he painted your mouth the same way he lapped at your folds. If you never caught your breath— that would be fine with you. Your head spun around his web and you were tangled in it. 
His hands wrap around your back and one holds your face. It was deeply passionate, and your heart was bursting, your lips move to his neck and you suck and bite a mark into him, and he whimpers when your kisses go small. 
“This is gonna get cold Eddie,” you say against the column of his throat. 
“Let it, I’ll buy more.” 
You grin into his skin and he laughs when you tickle his sides, “c’mon,” you urge. 
And Eddie gets in one last kiss before breaking away, pulling your lip down with his thumb, and you shudder at the way he looks at you as if you’re the only girl on the planet, “if you say so.” 
The Chinese needed to be s microwaved but it was still good., The hunan pork was tender and juicy, and the lo mein noodles were to die for. You and Eddie sat side by side on the barstools and talked like you always had. He had a gig this weekend and when he asked if you were coming you said of course you were, a quirk to your brow. 
“Alright,” he said, putting alot of effort and concentration into twirling a noodle with his fork, “just wasn’t sure.” 
You leaned forward and kissed sauce from the corner of his mouth, and your core ached and pulsed at the sight of his boyish grin and blushing cheeks. 
“Wouldn’t miss it, even if it is Steve’s night.” 
He accepted a bite from your fork of fried rice, and almost melted when you held pinched fingers up to his mouth of a ripped piece of crab rangoon. 
“We’re still cool, right?” he asks after crushing the bite between his teeth, his eyes watching you put your fingers in your mouth and nodding. 
“So c-can I ask you something as a friend?” 
His brows are pinched in a furrow and you know he’s uneasy about something. 
You slurp a noodle into your mouth and talk with a mouthful, a hand in front of your face, “spit it out, Munson.” 
His fork clanks on the plate as he sets it down and gives the plate away. He runs a hand through his hair, and leans on his elbows and picks at his rings. 
“So, why— I mean, why the both of us. You and Harrington can’t even stand each other.” 
He was right, before last week you and Steve could barely be in the same room together, and now you were agreeing to fuck with no strings attached. 
“It’s physical with Steve, like pure animalistic instinct. There’s no thoughts, and I think us hating each other just makes it that much better.” 
Eddie’s weight shifts on the stool and his eyes never leave his rings, spinning them in a nervous habit. 
“So you don’t like him like that?” 
And the truth of his question falls through but you refuse to answer it, you have your own questions to ask, you toss the paper napkin onto your plate and mimic his actions, pushing it ahead on the counter. 
“Eddie.. are you jealous?” 
You leaned into him, the pads of your fingers daintily walking up his thigh, your eyes blink slow in a lazy seduction and fuck he’s practically putty in your hands. 
He licks his lips feverishly, suddenly hot around the collar and his heart hammered a rhythm loud enough to make a tune out of it. 
“N-no,” pppft he stammers, “I’m not jealous,” he tries his best not to catch your eye but once he does those hersheys bars give him away and a bubble gum blush tickles his cheeks. He clears his throat with an ahem, and raps his knuckles on the counter. 
You stand and wiggle between his legs, pressing one hand further into his crotch and the other on his chest, toying with his necklace, your finger skating the pick left and right the chain making a zippered like noise. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” 
Eddie is floored, wilting like a flower— all the oxygen and water ran out from the                                                            √≈petals. His mouth was almost glued shut, it’s so dry, Sahara would be jealous. 
Your lips pucker behind his ear and the filth you’re whispering to him sends shivers down his spine. It’s lust  licked and heavy, want me to touch you, or do you wanna touch me? 
He answers with a dry groan and a swallow, and his hands find your hips spinning you around,his lips ghost over your neck and you throw your head back into him, pushing your ass into him to feel the swell of his bulge in his jeans. 
He’s rutting into your doughy ass, his fat cock loving the friction you’re bouncing against him, you move your hips and grind further into him. 
“Fuck baby,” he moans hot against the shell of your ear, catching in his throat. 
His hands creep under the hem of your shirt and skate against your skin, the smooth of his nails electrifying each touch. They work along your curves, his big thick hands touching every inch of your skin, rubbing along the lacy edge of your maroon bralette. 
The pads of his thumbs graze against your peaked nipples and you exhale. You're surrounded by the sharp spice of his cologne, the muted cigarettes clinging to his jacket, it encompassed you, held you like a hug and had your eyes rolling in the back of your head. 
It felt too good. His lips hummed against your neck, vibrating hot and sending goosebumps along your skin, and you wanted more. Needed more. 
You followed his hands, tracing the veins on the tops of them with your fingers, pushing your palm flat against them, making him squeeze at your tits, and you purred out his name, a shade away from whining. 
Fuck you wanted him so bad. And judging by the firmness of his cock beneath your asscheeks, he wanted you just as badly. 
You spun quickly, grabbing his hands and leading him to the couch, his lips were red from sucking on your neck, bangs were pushed up awkwardly from the position his head was buried into your shoulder. He looked drunk, enamored with something you didn’t recognize.
The leather of his belt was heavy in your fingers as you unraveled it through the buckle and the first loop on his jeans. His eyes never left yours as your fingers flipped the button and pushed his jeans down his hips. 
He shuddered a breath when your hand cupped him in his boxers, the velvet of his skin soft and warm in your soft grip. He was bigger than you remembered, thick like a stout of beer.
“Christ Taff,” he breathed when you stroked him fully, the pad of your finger running over the vein that ran along his cock. 
You looked at him through your lashes as you lowered yourself to the ground, dragging his jeans and boxers with you, “this what you wanted big boy? Wanted me on my knees for you?”
He hums and holds your chin, brushing his thumb across your lips. 
Licking the tip of his thumb, you hold his heavy cock in your hands, stroking his shaft slow then fast, “you’re so big, Eddie.”
He swallows his next words when your tongue circles his head, collecting the precum with each devilish swipe. You stick out your tongue to show him the pearl in your mouth, and he almost combusts when you swallow it with a hum. 
He’s certain he’s going to die right here in your living room, looking at you with your pink tongue swirling around his cock, the way your lips suction around him, fuck, you haven’t even put him fully in your mouth yet and he’s a goddamn mess. 
The teasing is too much but he’ll take whatever you give him, if you were to stop now he’d be completely satisfied, he’d have to pump his cock furiously when he got home to make the ache go away but, he’d do it. 
But you don’t stop, fuck no. You’re just getting started. You like him like this, flushed in his cheeks and waiting patiently for your mouth. His mouth opening as yours does. Waiting, pleading, hoping that you would finally let your wet warmth surround him. 
And then you do. 
He stretched your mouth cheek to cheek, a literal mouthful. And he hums. Is he thanking God? You hide your giggle, deciding to take him further into your throat as you hollow your cheeks and slide him deeper with the help of his canting hips. 
You hum around him and it tickles him, but he’s so drunk on your mouth he’s muttering sentences that don’t even make sense. 
Pumping your hands along his shaft you dribble spit from your throat to the head of his dick, a slimy string connecting you mouth, one that you slurp back up and take him in deeper. His knees are bent and he pulled his shirt under his chin, wanting to see you fully with his cock stuffed in your mouth, your pretty eyes are teary and he can feel you gag around him before he pulls out and you come back for more. 
He’s not sure how long you’ve been at this, and he’s trying to keep his mind averted to anything other than your slippery throat and the cute way your eyes are looking up at him. 
This was better than the way you sucked him off in the bed of Wayne’s truck. You were solely focused on him here. No other distractions, just you and him. 
“Look so fucking pretty, baby,” he moaned, reaching down to hold your cheek, his thumb wipes away some of your smudged make up from your eye, “ do you know that?”
You nod with him in your throat, and he breathes more nonsense as he looks to the ceiling and runs his fingers through his hair, trying not to convulse, but he can’t take it any more, you're working his dick like you’re short on rent. 
“Fuck, sweet girl, fuck,” Eddie whines, scrubbing his hands down his face, his stomach burning to give in to you,  I— shit shit shit, ‘m gonna come.”
He works his hips away from you but you wrap your arms around the back of his knees, holding him with his dick still in your mouth, waiting like a kitten for milk.
He cums hard, biting through his bottom lip to keep himself from yelling out loud. You don’t stop bobbing your throat, swirling your tongue, around his length and puckering your lips around him. 
With his load in your mouth you paint his cock with it, moving it around and around with your excess spit, a hurricane against your tornado tongue, you finally swallow, sucking in your cheeks once more, and cleaning Eddie off in one swoop. His cries fill the room and you finally release him with a pop. 
“Jesus, fuck.” He exhales, sleepy eyed. His reddened swollen cock hanging between you both, “c’mere.” 
He helps you to your feet, and you tuck him back into his boxers gently. He mutters an embarrassed thanks, you’re smiling up at him with a cocky little smirk. Completely ready for him to pull up his jeans, maybe get himself a beer from your fridge, but he doesn’t. 
Eddie holds you to him, his forehead leaning on yours, big hands wrapped around the small of your back. His erratic breath plumed through his nose and his chest was beating fast. You’ve never seen him like this, “Eddie?” 
He doesn’t let go, doesn’t say anything, he just moves back to press the lightest of  kisses to the tip of your nose. “You, “ he finally says, licking his lips and rolling his eyes into the back of his head, finally focusing back on you, he pulls you closer, enough that his eyes are all you can see.
But whatever he was going to say is stuck in his throat, he never finishes what he was going to say. Just pulls you into him and holds you there, his lips on your neck, kissing you softly. It was a perfect day. You should have known it wouldn’t have been weird between you and Eddie, falling back into sync as best friends and laughing while snacking on m&m’s and smoking from his dab pen. 
You end up falling asleep on your bed together, tired from exerting so much energy and bellies full of Chinese. Netflix asks, are you still watching YOU? on the tv on your dresser. Eddie’s tossing and turning wakes you and you grab your phone to check the time. 5 o’clock. Taking an almost four  hour nap, but in reality it felt like four days straight. 
But that's not the only surprising thing on your phone. 
A litter of texts. From the same occupant. The other half of this agreement. 
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hope you enjoyed, seems like Steve isn’t too thrilled right?
♡tag list: @dashingdeb16 @emxxblog @mopeymopeymouse @pretendthisnameisclever @mommybaby-witch @eddies-acousticguitar
@tlclick73 @figmentofquinn @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @whenshelanded @micheledawn1975 @3rd-conchord * @leelei1980 @mopeymopeymouse @browneyes8288 @emilyslutface @mmunson86 @josephquinnsfreckles @eddiesxangel @elegantkoalapaper * @str4ngergirlw0rld * @corrodedcoffincumslut @nailbatanddungeon @crybabyddl @zenathebeautiful @astela17 @taintedcigs @bettyfrommars @munsonsuccubus @munson-blurbs @hollandweather @serasvictoria @steviesgrl @sweetsweetjellybean @curiositydooropened @ashyyboyy @urlbitchin @sllooney @lame0o @ali-r3n @bangaveragewhitewine
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jeonjklibs · 11 months
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PAIRING - Gojo x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS - Your older brother Geto invites his friends over for the weekend. The plan was spending your weekend studying, but is soon interrupted by a deceitful and very much inappropriate desire; your brother’s hot friend.
CONTENTS - implied age gap + heavy contents of smut (minors DNI !!!)
A/N - this was written by my friend and the idea was based off of a dream I had last night LMAO. This is one of the first stories she's ever written. We made this within a day so sorry if it isn't the greatest, but nonetheless we hope you enjoy reading!
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I just got back home from school, and even though I’m home the lingering feeling of stress due to exams being soon is still very present. 
I decided to take some time before indulging into countless hours of studying. The thought of it is so dreadful you’d rather listen to your best friend talk about her meaningless hookups with random men than do anything related to school.
It’s almost 4:30pm, and it’s been an hour since I got home, usually my brother would be back by now. You start to wonder where he could be but you remember you need to focus on studying. You grab your textbooks and notes from your bag and as you're about to start reviewing you hear the front door slam open, followed by a loud noise.
Irritated, you mindlessly leave your room and start expressing your annoyance at Geto. 
“Geto, your being too loud, I am trying to study, and I—-,” you cut yourself off as you realize that not only is your brother now home, he brought two of his friends with him. 
Annoyed, you ask “why are all your friends here, usually you go to their place,” 
“Since mom and dad are away, I thought it would be okay if my friends stayed over for the weekend.”  He replies displeased.
Standing there annoyed, you couldn’t help but notice that one of his friend’s has been staring at you intently. Confused, you look over and make direct eye contact, noticing it was Satoru Gojo. Yet slightly annoyed by the interference, you break eye contact, turn around and march back to your room. As you are walking down the hall you still can’t shake the feeling that he is still staring at you.
As you sit down at your desk, you find yourself in disbelief that your brother of all people could be friends with the most known fuckboys at your school. Especially Gojo, the amount of girls he goes through is demented. I couldn’t understand why he was staring at me the way he was. Slightly irritated, but aware there’s nothing you can do, you get back to studying and try to forget about everything.
An hour or so of studying passes, you hear a knock at your door, and say “come in,” thinking it was Geto, to your disapproval Gojo walks in. “Where's Geto?” you ask him with a confused look on your face. 
“They went to the store, I decided to stay back,” he replies, slightly leaning his back onto the door frame. Staring at him bewildered, you ask “and… you’re here why?...” The room was deafening. The awkward silence in the room was dreadful, and to make matters worse he was just staring at you. It’s like he was analyzing every detail of my face. 
“I don’t really know, I just decided to stay back” he says unbothered, his eyes still staring. Glancing at him staring, his bright blue eyes are piercing into your soul, you can’t help but feel uncomfortable, but a slight coyness builds inside of you. 
“What do you want, Gojo?” you question sternly.
He pauses and says, “I just felt like you could use some company, and I’m one of your brother’s friends, so you should call me by my first name, it’s Satoru, if you were unaware.” He says with a sly smirk. Your face begins to flush as you realize Satoru Gojo is flirting with you. 
Although repulsed, you are bored out of your mind from studying, so you decide to play along, just this once. “Okay Satoru, what do you want to do then?” As those words leave your mouth, you lock eyes with Gojo. He leans off the door frame and begins to approach you slowly.  
As he inches closer to you, your heart begins to race. He stops in front of you leaving a small gap separating the both of you. You are shamefully turned on by this man standing in front of you, but are also disgusted by these feelings. You begin to break eye contact and turn your head away from him out of guilt, but before you can manage to he grabs ur face forcing you to look into his eyes yet again. 
“You’re the prettiest little thing, let me keep looking at you,” He says in a soft tone. You are surprised that he can speak so softly, that he doesn’t always sound like some cocky bigshot. You look at him in awe, your face flushed, you're speechless. 
In a sudden movement, Satoru closes the gap in between you and presses his soft lips against yours. He pulls back ever so slightly, looking into your eyes lustfully. 
“Your lips taste so sweet,” he says, licking his lips, a slight smirk creeping on his face.
A warmth arises in your stomach. Looking up into his luminous blue eyes. You're confused, baffled even at the events that have just occurred. Your feelings are conflicted, but you found pleasure in the kiss and wouldn’t mind if more were to happen. 
As you yearn for more, you close the gap yet again and your lips touch his, the kiss is so soft and slow, soon Satoru’s tongue desperately finds a way into your mouth, and your bodies are so close, you feel yourself craving more of him, more of Satoru.
His hands begin traveling from your neck to your breast, your body aching for him. You start leaving soft kisses around his neck, and start teasing his waistband with your thumb. He pulls away and takes off his shirt, you notice that he is much more muscular than you anticipated, turning you on even more. You gradually place kisses on his chest down to his v-line, you feel his bulge in his pants and you know that he yearns for you too. 
You lower yourself perfectly and begin to unzip his pants, as Satoru is playing with your hair, you pull his underwear down and reveal his dick, it’s veiny and his length is somehow bigger than his ego. 
Starting by teasing the tip and licking up the front of his shaft, you take all of his length in your mouth and down into your throat. Satoru begins to roughly shove his dick in and out of your mouth, causing you to moan. Grunting and praising you, Satoru pulls your hair tightly, and breathes heavily. Eventually, Gojo slows down and you can feel his dick pulsating, you begin to bob your head, allowing him to finish in the back of your throat. 
Gojo, panting, smirks and says “You were so good to me, now let me do the same to you.” He lifts you up and sits you on your bed. He starts kissing your body and teasing you, lightly brushing his fingers between your legs, he begins taking off your shirt unveiling your breast. He looks at your body and tells you “you’re perfect,” he grabs your wrists and pushes you down onto the bed. Gojo leans over you, never lifting his gaze off of you. 
He kisses you softly and slides his fingers into your panties, starting to rub your clit. He takes off your underwear, and slides his fingers into you, you let out a soft moan. His fingers are so long, they’re more than enough to satisfy you.
You start to grind on his fingers, and Satoru starts to suck on your nipples, sending more and more pleasure into your core. Unable to contain yourself, you moan, “Satoru please.” This makes Satoru go crazy, he pulls his fingers out and grips his dick. He starts to rub your clit with his pink tip. This, the teasing, the anticipation is killing you, you look into his eyes practically begging him for it.
He slides his dick inside of you, he starts slow in order to give you time to adjust to his size. He grunts as he pumps in and out, both of you feeling the pleasure from each other's bodies. You grab on to his veiny, muscular arms as you can’t control yourself anymore, the knot in your stomach begins to undo. Satoru continues to stimulate you past your limit. You’ve came and now the overstimulation sends you into oblivion. Gojo’s grunts are getting louder and louder, you know he’s close.
You look up to him in desperation as your body is electrified with pleasure, and you manage to let out a “please,” gripping onto his arms and digging your nails into his skin, you feel him slow down as you can feel him fill you up with his warmth. 
After he pulls out, you can still feel the pulsating between your legs, He lays on top of you panting and your body is trembling from the pleasure he inflicted onto you. You both lay there in awe catching your breaths. You are badly ashamed of what you had just done, you couldn’t believe what you just did with Satoru.
After laying there for a few minutes…
Gojo admits to you, “you know I’ve wanted to do this for a while.” 
Confused, you ask, “What do you mean by that?” 
“I've seen you around campus for quite awhile now, it’s a surprise you were Suguru’s sister, you’re polar opposites.”
Starting to feel angry you ask, “so was this just one of your MANY conquests?”
“Satoru, are you going to answer me?
Suddenly you hear the front door open, and Geto yells out Satoru’s name, “Satoru, we’re back.”  
Gojo gets up and scrambles to get dressed, his shirt half on as he’s scurrying to the door. Before he leaves he looks back at you, a small smirk plastered across his face.
“See you tomorrow, y/n.”
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
cay looks like she’s suffering so
realising you both want to have a baby and fucking at any chance you get with max. very inconvenient places and you almost get caught lmao
this ones for you babe @estevries
Max was determined to start your family sooner than later, so his urge to have kids was kicked into overdrive and all the pent up stress and whatnot from the season just made it ever worse. 
It was like every time he wasn’t in the car or training, you two were fucking. It was driving you a bit crazy to tell you the truth. You were counting down the days until his triple header, giving him a kiss and sending him on his way. 
The first few days were good, waking up to your boyfriend not up in you was a nice change but once the second week rolled around, you were bored. So there you were, joining him for the last week of the triple header. Max was beyond happy to have you with him, calling you his good luck charm - though you both knew he did well whether you were there or not, but it was nice to feel special. 
It was race day, the final one before the week off. Max was pacing the length of his driver’s room, which wasn’t much to be honest. “What’s wrong?” You asked him, looking up from the couch. 
He nods towards the window, the pouring rain was making him a bit uneasy. Max had driven in the rain multiple times, his results were good per usual but today in particular, he couldn’t shake the feeling. 
“C’mere,” you grabbed your boyfriend’s hand, pulling him to sit next to you before you get on his lap. “Take a breath, everything will work itself out. Doesn’t it always?” Your eyes find his and he sighs, smiling at you. 
“My good luck charm,” his hand rests on your lower back. “What would I do without you?” 
“Who knows?” 
The man pulls you in for a kiss. Your hand on his cheek when he flips you two over, letting you lay on the cramped couch, settling between your legs. There’s a tangle of limbs, hands all over each other, the clothes being tugged and tossed in every direction. 
The dress tossed on the floor, Max's fireproof top with it and his race suit hanging by his thighs now as you were lying on an angle on the couch with the pillows under your back to keep you up and your hips rest the arm rest, your legs hitched on his hips. 
“Fuck, right there.” Your hand on the back of his neck pulling him down to kiss you, Max’s cock splitting you in half. You two had maybe 15 minutes before he was needed and had to be in the car.
Max was insatiable.
“Right there,” you breathe against his lips, “Max, fuck, please.” You ramble, not exactly sure what you were asking for.
Max knew you like the back of his hand, your back arched and head tipped back into the cushions. 
He was certain he would fuck a baby into you right then and there. 
“Man! You ready?!” Checo shouts from outside, the door knob turning. “I’m changing!” Max shouts back, dropping himself on top of you incase his teammate didn’t hear him. 
Even though Max was covering your body, it was abundantly clear as to what was happening; clothes on the floor, your legs over his hips, the man practically naked on top of you. 
“Sorry!” Checo shouts back and then the footsteps disappear. 
Max gives you an apologetic look, leaning down to kiss you and covering your whimper as he pulls out. You two are dressed in record time, your hair tucked back into place and your dress on before you turn to fix the strap on the top of his race suit.
Your boyfriend backs you up against the wall, kissing you once more; feverish and needy, his hand slipping between your legs to feel your wet panties.
“Fuck,” he huffs, dropping his head onto your shoulder. “Remind me why I became a driver.”
You pull him up to give him one more kiss, “go win your race, baby.”
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riacte · 7 months
Yeah yeah TNT trap but one bit of the stream that absolutely fascinated me was the neighbours solidarity between Ren Iskall and Beef. Ren and Beef freaking out over Iskall running back and targeting False if they ever let sight of him. Ren's brain having dived into a "it's us against them" mentality and being anxious around the mountain people because of course he does that, it’s his favourite hermit’s life on the line. Of course he would see as some sort of war even though nothing happened. Ren naming their voice chat group something boring and nondescript like “neighbourhood planning” so no one would join. He’s both still Ministering and keeping up with the theatrics by pretending to be in a so painfully boring meeting. Neighbourhood mafia boys trying to kill Bdubs (for False). Iskall being like lmao you guys are stupid. Lol. Anyways.
And it was so funny how when the trap was done, they were like ahhaha lol see you guys later. Or never. We never knew each other.
Which naturally freaked everyone out. And what was fucking funny is that other people like Grian, Joe, and Hypno were online and aware of the scheme. They even made references to it in chat. Grian and Joe at least were watching Ren’s stream, because of course he was streaming a top secret operation (and Beef later was like WHY ARE YOU EVEN STREAMING and Ren was like 🥺 this is why I’m a bad reaper). But I don’t think anyone snitched. Everyone acted normal, if not nosy.
The part of the stream that charmed me and gave everyone the impression of “oh, we’re REALLY in it now” was when Ren was alone in his Gigahut and someone whispered to him about Bdubs being on. And those three neighbourhood members met up in Ren’s hut and just sat there panicking and talking about Bdubs. It was so tense. They were the image of three scared whimpering people huddled together on a sofa in the relative safety of their neighbourhood (far away from Bdubs’ trap). (On a side note, I’m always glad when builds are somehow the backdrop for dramatic and tense moments because the build instantly feels lived in and the space feels used. Like there’s a core memory attached to the build now.)
And in the end, they decided to venture out to spy on Bdubs. Which they did for an hour. With spyglasses and crouching. And Ren, good old Ren, was pushed centerstage because he was the second reaper to ever exist and still hadn’t gotten a kill AND he was dead set on supporting his False, and since it was the final two, Bdubs has to go.
Watching the hermitchat go by while those three were intensely studying Bdubs like a nature documentary was hilarious. Seemingly nondescript discussions. The trio panicking and then Grian sent out “have faith”, which might be in reference to G’s own fishing thing but the trio took it as a double message for their own plan (since G was watching the stream). All the whispering. It’s killing me. And False logging on, mostly unprotected (because they were all away!!) and Cleo being like yayy I have no allegiance to False I’ll blow up whatever <3 And False saying she needed a miracle and those three were like WE ARE TRYINGGG (False was aware the three were trapping). Ren’s refusal to say something in chat because he’s a red name and he’s tense.
Ren had to be the one to activate the trap (even though Beef was the one who suggested it and Iskall laid out the redstone). SO the other two had to leave him alone while they engaged Bdubs in discussion so Ren could sneak in and blow them up. Our poor reaper had to fly solo with 2.9k people on his stream. “It’s just you and me, chat”. He’s sat there for three hours. He’s missing dinner.
AND BEEF YELLING AT REN TO ACTIVATE THE TRAP WAS SO STRESSFUL. Even when the ruse was up, and even when Beef and Iskall were like hahaha Ren you SUCK so bad, Ren continued with his last shred of hope and absolute last shred of dignity. He lied. And Beef was probably like 👀 Ren hasn’t given up yet! Gotta distract Bdubs more!
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I haven’t watched much Beef before this but now I’m quite charmed with him. He’s great with improv, fucking hilarious to bounce off with, and kept calm and steady throughout the operation. I love how him and Iskall had to hold Ren back from charging in like a madman and blowing himself up because doggy self sacrificial tendencies. Beef was the brains and common sense. And I love how supportive he was of Ren the entire time.
🥺 Beefrenskall. The trappers. The neighbours. Flying high their banner for False. Wanting to be a miracle for her. 🥺🥺🥺
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robogart · 5 months
Finances/student loan vent?
Tried to reach out about my student loans to the private loan company they’re through to see if I could lower the monthly payments at all since I’m having trouble with the $375 lately and they were basically like “you can go on forbearance (they call it extension and seem to lump it as just general deferment) but it will accrue interest and you might have to pay more after anyways 😝 and I’m just like…bike accident pose wtf ; w ;
I know so many people have student loan debt in the country but in my immediate circles I’m the only person I know who has it and I just feel like a big idiot? Like I signed the “Want To Be An Indebted Fool” contract at 17. Like everyone I know has parents who paid for everything and it’s just like.. damn… I know it’s no one’s fault but the systems but I can’t help but feel like I’m constantly doing everything wrong 😔
I’ll figure it out somehow and I know a lot of it is a combination of many things happening in my life right now but yeesh! I tried to watch that Financial Diet YouTube a couple friends have told me about but like..it’s not really relatable to my financial circumstances so it feels hard to take notes? And I end up feeling stupid again lmao - this vicious capitalist cycle! 😤
If I had nicer feet I’d sell pictures but damn even that market is hard to break into unless you do something niche! Saucy pictures are such a tough thing to navigate too 😮‍💨
Aghhh anyways! Just grumbling and trying to figure things out!! I’m just feeling a bit lost and stressed over it all 🤧 trying to figure out so many work/career things too woof it’s been a pretty stressful new year @ w @
If anyone has financial advice/youtubers/blogs/etc for low income people with debt that you find helpful, I’d love to hear about it 🙏💖 or like a super rich family member who wants to give like 38k away bc they’re bored? Let me know! 👀✨
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