#eddie x you smut
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𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 — eddie x fem reader (7.1k)
summary: 2011– your roommate drags you to a frat party and ditches the second she sees the guy she’s been fucking. left by yourself, you meet someone by accident, someone who isn’t in the fraternity
warnings: smut, underage drinking, p in v, unprotected sex, grinding, dancing, eddie is trying to be cocky but he’s just awkward and silly
notes: i had a blast deep diving back into my hs and college days to reminisce with this. i hope if you were growing up during this time you can giggle along with me. love youuu oooh! also i hid some easter eggs in here (they’re not hidden at all)
The basement was steamy, and not in a ‘oh it’s a little warm in here but more like, every single person is drunk off their ass and the walls are sweating’kind of way.
College was everything you’d hoped it to be and more.
Your roommate, Kenzie was the type of girl who had an ‘open closet’ policy letting you wear her clothes almost more than your own. You weren’t too keen on sharing a dorm room with a girl you’ve never met before, but thankfully—you had gotten lucky.
You had heard the horror stories from your older sister about her terrible roommate freshman year and you worried for most of the summer that you’d strike the same type of fortune. It wasn’t until you got a friend request on Facebook and a cheery little message :
[Kenzie Walmen 2:07 PM: heyyyy roomie (;]
that you knew you had nothing to worry about.
She was from the west coast in sunny California, that bright western sky seeped deep into her personality. Kenz was sun kissed and bright haired, pretty ocean dipped eyes to give her the All-American type of aesthetic that most girls wished for. And maybe it was her laid back disposition, or her thrill for living it up and every hour of the day— that landed you here tonight at Delta Kappa Sigma.
It wasn’t your scene.
You weren’t shy or new to getting drunk, you had even been so brave to take the occasional hit from a homemade bong in your neighbors dorm a few times, but the frat parties were known for their out of control Project X style of getting shitfaced.
And something about guys with too much testosterone and too much Adidas cologne made your skin crawl and not in a good way.
“Prints always look weird on me,” you grumble into the mirror eyeing your curves in a leopard lace tank top and black skirt, “is it too much?”
Kenzie adjusts her off-the-shoulder top, adding a bit of shimmer powder to her exposed shoulder, “absolutely not, if anything it’s not enough.” Neon feathers decorate her bouncy curled hair as she eyes you in the mirror, “add that silver chunky necklace, and you’ll look bomb.”
She was right, the necklace really pulled the entire look together, and if it were Halloween weekend you could even pass as a Spice Girl or maybe Snookie.
“Sooo, is Steve gonna be there tonight?” You ask elongating the vowels in the aforementioned name, followed by some kissy faces and porn worthy moans.
Kenzie rolls her eyes, a dusting of pink warming her cheeks, “yeah… about that. He said he has a “surprise” for me when I get there, so if I disappear, I’m just with him, okay?”
“Wait wait wait—” you protest, holding a death grip clutch on a bottle of UV blue. “We aren’t even at the party yet and you’re already planning on ditching me?”
And that’s what got you here, a little more than drunk, holding a piss warm Green apple flavored Four Loko to your mouth, leaning against the corner basement wall in hopes to maybe disappear, wishing you were anywhere but in this cesspool of basement.
The “DJ” (a frat guy wearing neon glasses with bars across them, scrolling through an ipod and a playlist more than likely named ‘Get Crunk’) was playing Kid Cudi, again. Everyone was screaming along to the chorus like he personally wrote it for them and their experience at college. A headache was brewing behind your eyes as the beat thumped loudly into your chest and radiated to your temples.
Kenzie left almost immediately upon arriving. Swooped up and tossed over the broad shoulder of Steve the minute he answered the door. You laughed and shook your head, imagining how she was probably face down in navy cum stained sheets by now.
The hours she spent on her hair and makeup went to waste, only being seen by the dead catalog eyes of Playboy’s finest from their pinned positions on the walls of Steve’s shared bedroom.
Another sip from the overly carbonated beverage has you shuddering, the fiery ripple of fruit flavored [vomit] alcohol scouring through you like lava, causing your face to screw into a disgusted look.
How can people drink this shit?
Your bladder screams at you to break the seal, demanding to find relief, immediately. The black lights were zero help in disguising if there were any doors that might lead into a bathroom. Pushing from the wall and taking the last hot sip from your drink, you navigate your way to the stairs.
A table holding lone solo cups in formation from a forgotten beer pong game is now the proud owner of your empty can.
Weaving through the jungle of fist pumping douchelords and tipsy sorority girls making out for risqué facebook pics labeled [*~Freshman Y3ar!~*] you finally emerge from the sweaty pits of fraternity hell and climb the beer stained steps to the main floor.
The monotonous beat from the music thumped a little less loudly up here, as if the noise was absorbed by the maroon colored carpeting and the oak cabinets in the foyer.
The house was dated, decorated with a clash of orangey dark wood mixed with emeralds, dark reds and gold. As if this house was based out of Tuscany instead of midwest nowhere— complete with the rubbery fake fruit and vines that stood solely to collect dust.
You had never been here before and didn’t know where in the hell to start looking to find the bathroom, and like Alice, you figured you might as well try every door knob in this type of Wonderland.
The first door you peeked into looked like it was a formal dining room, but instead sat a television on the great oval table blasting obnoxiously loud as a pornstar moaned ripples of “pleasure” through her pink pout. Above her was an extremely tanned guy rocking a set of hard abs, thrusting in a slow rhythm that didn’t match her orgasm.
A snicker slips from your lips and you gently pull the door closed with a small click, loud whoops and whistling from what you could only assume were a couple of frat guys erupt behind the door.
Watching porn together.
You’ll have to add that to your growing list of things you didn’t know about the brotherhood behind a fraternity.
The second door looked more hopeful as it was adjacent to the kitchen area. Upon nearly peeing down your leg, you were shocked stupid when you yanked the door open to find a closet housed with cleaning supplies.
What the fuck?
How could a frat house not have a bathroom?
Your bladder squeezed in on itself and you were certain you couldn’t hold it any longer. Just short of giving up on this quest of relief and going back to your dorm, a gaggle of girls run down the steps leading to the top floor, where you could only assume the bedrooms were.
“…why are frat bathrooms always so fucking dirty?!”
Hustling up the never ending carpeted stairs, your bladder was on the brink of exploding as you shoved past a wooden door with a paper sign that read, “no jerking off in the shower!! pipes are clogged!”
Your sandals clapped along the sea foam tiles floors as you slipped into one of the many metal stall doors. With a swift hike of your skirt up to your middle and pull of your panties, you were finally able to pee.
A choir of angels sang the HallelujahHallelejuah chorus as you went and you sighed in relief that you had made it.
“..yeah yeah, okay asshole,” a loud voice sounded from just outside the bathroom door frame, “you still owe me from last time,” the voice now echoed as it hit against the tiles and cement block walls, “no, payment is cold hard cash buddy, I don’t care if you have to dip into your trust fund.”
A pair of black docs stomp into the tiled bathroom, nearing the stall you were in. There's no way he’ll come to this stall.
“Tell daddy that you need more money for polos or Jordan’s— I really don’t give a fuck, but you need to pay the fuck up.”
But as fate would have it…and in your hurry to get to the toilet before pissing all over yourself… and forgetting to lock the door in your haste… the stall door swings wide open— revealing a very bottomless you, to a pair of very wide dark, deer-in-the-headlight eyes.
A beat that feels like an eternity passes, his hand is choked against his belt in a yank to unthread it, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear. Your hands fly to cover yourself the best you can, panties still at your ankles, skirt still around your midsection.
It’s all yells and screams with this random guy stumbling over himself dropping his phone on the ground and spewing, “Shit! Sorry! Sorry!” and you yelling for him to shut the fucking door already.
His apologies don’t stop as he pulls the door closed, and from the other side of it as you pull up your underwear and adjust your skirt.
“I swear! I didn’t think anyone was in there! I promise!”
Your face burns in embarrassment as you contemplate melting into the floor and becoming one with the poorly aimed piss stains and the dirty grout. As good as that sounds you still have to leave, you still have to pass the guy who just saw your bare vag and you still have to navigate your way out of here.
His phone lays face down on the floor, and you pray it isn’t broken for his sake. You pick it up, flipping it over to see that it scathed by with just a fine crack from one corner to another. His screen saver is a picture of a group of guys in a skatepark in the dark, smoke billowing thickly to cover their faces as they stand on the boards, the one with dark longer hair is shirtless, and painted with tattoos.
“Shit,” you breathe quietly, “your phone is cracked.”
You can see the shadows of his feet pacing back and forth but when you speak they stop, “oh..,” he mumbles, clearing his throat a bit, “umm, yeah, no biggie it was broke like that already.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah— hey, if you wanna slide that under the door I can um, let you ..ahem.. finish up in there.”
Shit. Duh he needed his phone, and you were just holding it hostage in here as your shame hung thickly in the air. God this might really couldn’t get any fucking worse.
A deep breath in through your nose, you fake a mask of confidence and open the stall door.
You hadn’t gotten a good look at him when he barged in on you, but now in the fluorescent dust covered light you dared to look a little longer at him.
Long locks of honeyed brown locks fell onto the tops of his shoulders, covered with a green plaid flannel that hung open showing his neck and a flick of dark lines from a tattoo hidden under a black band tank top. His eyes were just as brown, round and flocked with a grove of thick lashes. Clearly he was the shirtless one in his background picture.
He smiled sheepishly, pulling his jaw taunt as he averted his gaze to the toe of his boots, noticing your hand stretched out before him to give him back his phone, he glanced at your face, skimming his hand over your palm.
“Thanks— uh…” he started, shifting his weight to lean back against the many rows of sinks, “sorry again, I promise I don’t normally walk in on ladies using the facilities.”
His eyes met yours and you instantly felt a heat run to your throat, his lips were impossibly plump as he drew them into a tight smirk.
Fuck are those dimples? Of course they were. God he’s so pretty.
You smile, “normal people lock the stall, but I was in a hurry… well I was lost!” you exclaim in a huff, fully hands on hips annoyed, “why the fuck would the bathroom be on the top floor?”
You asked him incredulously like he should know. But on second thought…
“uhh… I dunno,” he shrugs, sliding his phone into the front pocket of his light wash colored jeans, not even looking at the broken screen as he leaned back again, “I’m not exactly an architect.”
“But you live here?” you question, turning on the sink to wet your hands, “haven’t they ever thought of putting even a half bath on the main floor?”
He rumbles out a laugh that makes your cheeks tingle, your buzz still in full force, “nah, you got it all wrong, I’m not a member of the ‘fraternity brotherhood of Alpha Mega Steroid’”, he jokes with air quotes, smiling wide when your lips tick up at the ends. “But I am a frequent guest, of sorts…”
This guy seemed to be one of those people who can make a nun blush, witty and dripping with a sexual charm that radiated from him like a ray of fucking sunshine. And fuck that grin of his. You’re in trouble.
“Ahh, okay,” you banter back easily, shaking your hands to dry them since there were no paper towels in sight, “which one is your boyfriend? Let’s see I know.. Kyle? I think is his name, reddish hair, kinda feminine hands, or are you fucking Steve because I gotta say, I think my roommate might be giving you a run for your money right now.”
Eddie’s eyes light up, a quirk in his brow as he asks, “Blonde girl? Kinda naive, head over heels for that mop of perfectly styled hair? Shit, what’s her name…Kelly? Kitten? She’s your roommate?”
Of course he would know her, Kenzie knows everyone, and seems to leave a kind of impression on people that you envied. As bright as she shined, you were the shadow behind her.
“Yeah,” you say, not hiding your annoyance, remembering how you got into this predicament in the first place.
Eddie looks just as pissed as you’re feeling, “Oh, Stevie boy and I will be having words later on his lack of tact. They’re the reason why I was out wondering the halls like a fuckin’ ghost in a haunted mansion.”
He takes note that you’re in the same boat he’s in but in your case, it’s a little worse, being a girl alone in a frat house never ends well.
“I’m Eddie, uhh…designated dealer,” he says in almost a whisper, “for the deep pocketed asshoels full of daddy’s money.”
You connect a few dots, realization hitting hard in your frontal lobe from conversations you’ve kind of listened to from Kenzie about Steve.
“Ahh, okay… now that you mention it, Kenz has talked about you before. You’re Steve’s old friend, Munson? I thought she meant like a forty year old or something.”
He laughs, loud and belly rolling like, “nah, minus a twenty from that. Steve and I are just close friends ‘s all… and no, not boyfriends.”
You laugh then, all bubbly and light hearted that has his own skipping beats. Saying your name, he repeats it, a little grin on his face that he tries to hide, “mm that’s cute.”
“Cute?” you question, an eyebrow raised as you fold your arms in on themselves, poking a hip out.
“Yeah… cute,” he says standing fully and peering down at you, “your name is very fitting for you.”
You roll your eyes playfully at his flirty words. Even though your stomach is somersaulting at the way his eyes seem to drip from heaven when he looks at you, your cheeks heating beneath his gaze.
“Is this the part where we exchange our hometowns and majors, because I’d rather get run over than do that right now.”
Eddie chuckles, “oh yeah, well I’m actually here on an athletic scholarship.”
“Really?” you question, eyebrows cocked in disbelief.
“Yes!” Eddie jokes back, trying to bite back a smile, “if you must know it’s for Tennis, but please don't bother me for an autograph. I'm just trying to be a normal guy tonight.”
“Noted.” You giggle, admiring the way this banter is coming so easily, maybe it was the liquid courage taking over or the fact that he was actually fun to talk to— either way, this night is starting to take a turn for the better.
“So, what does a Tennis star/designated rich boy drug dealer usually do at these kinds of things besides bursting in on girls using the bathroom?”
He smiles, dipping his chin and looking at you through those impossibly thick lashes. Pushing off the sink he asks, “Sell a little here and there, sometimes dip into my own stash…what do you usually do at these things?”
“Well,” you tease, twisting on the ball of your foot and heading towards the door out to the hallway, “I’m not usually at these things.”
“Ohh my god,” Eddie preens in his best valley girl/ Kourtney Kardashian impression, “you’ve never been to frat party!?”
You smile, at his stupid joke, “Noo, I haven’t actually. Kenzie drug me out for a little pick me up after we bombed our History midterm, to…y’know— live it up— YOLO, all that.”
“Okay okay, letting off some steam after the stress of class, I get it...school was never a cake walk for me either.”
“Yeah! But then your friend snatched her up, and since I don’t know anyone here… I was doing a very impressive wall flower guise, until my bladder interrupted that… and then a guy barged in on me in the bathroom.”
Eddie stalks towards you, his eyes roving over your body, “Well… now you know me, soo Miss Lady Wallflower,” he cracks, “shall we descend to the basement and keep this party going?”
His infectious smile stretches wide, practically ear to ear and you find yourself grinning just as wide, trying to twist your lips to at least hide your enthusiasm a little bit but goddamn— something about the way those dimples compliment the fucking christmas twinkle in his eyes.. ugh.
He was trouble. The kind you had always craved but never dabbled in. But when in Rome…
“Lead the way.”
Eddie had made a pit stop in the large kitchen before returning to the basement.
“Now sweetheart,” he purred, fishing around the shelves, of a pantry, moving cans of food and bags of chips, “I didn’t plan on drinking more tonight, but I’m not gonna let you drink by your— aha!”
Eddie stands upright, brandishing a large box of saltine crackers. Your eyebrows furrow in response and he bows low, puts his hand inside the box, “I present to you, Stevie’s not so secret hiding spot,” pulling out his hand, his fingers are wrapped around a bottle of Burnett’s Vodka.
Your eyes widen with devilish glee as you smirk, “how did you know it’d be there?”
Eddie unscrews the cap and puts it to his lips for a long six second pull.
You weren’t watching the way his throat bobbed and gulped when he swallowed each burning swig. Nope, not at all. You definitely weren’t memorizing each valley of cords and muscles as a single drop fell to his sharp chin and jaw. Never, not you!
And you weren’t holding your breath right along with him only breathing when those fucking glorious thick lips popped clean from the mouth of that bottle… his lips shiny from the bitter alcohol like a gloss you desperately need to lick clean. Yeah… no. that was not you…
So it’s only fitting when he speaks hoarsely and clears his throat that you are snapped back to the moment, your core keeping its own pulse.
“He’s been keeping vodka in the same box in a food pantry since we were in high school, guy is the most unoriginal bastard I know,” he shrugs, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, and you can’t help but almost pout in the wasted opportunity.
His eyes meet yours and they look just as hungry as you were feeling. He smirks crookedly and you practically flatline from the depth those molasses colored eyes hold. He moved first, inching towards you like a wolf stalking its prey, your pretty chapstick smile daring him to come closer.
But the fuse between you is snuffed out cold as a crying girl erupts from the basement steps, her gaggle of friends helping calm her down as they leave the house.
Eddie shakes his head and clears his throat as if he was just as bothered by you as you were of him. Turning towards the fridge he asks, “I’m sure they’ve got some Sunny D you can chase this with if that’s cool?”
The basement proved to be in the same situation you had left it in: hot, sweaty, sticky.
“Fuck,” Eddie breathes hotly behind you, loud enough to hear him above the music, “it’s like a furnace down here, no wonder that girl was crying.”
You lead him to the corner you were tucked in before, your drink still sitting on the beer pong table. By the way he is standing you can tell that this really isn’t his scene either, but after a while of passing the vodka and orange juice back and forth between you, he seems to loosen up a bit. His shoulders relax as his back leans against the wall next to you.
Eddie’s words slurring together as his stories became more and more animated, and you giggle along, never taking your eyes off of him. Completely enamored.
Your stomach burned with a flurry of butterflies when a few of his clients came up to him to buy, each more nervous than the next. Eyeing you suspiciously, questioning if you were some sort of a narc.
Eddie stepped ahead of you, his shoulders squared and chest out to casually announce that you were cool and were with him.
You didn’t know that he was waiting for you to object to it, to shove away from him and call him a pig for even assuming that you’d ever be seen with the likes of him besides in the dark, but you never did.
Hours pass and the music just gets worse. Wiz Khalifa starts singing about colors and Eddie looks at the crowd of people grinding and rolls his eyes.
The alcohol has you feeling tingly, a buzzing of flirtation sparks your blood and you are closer to Eddie than ever, the smell of his musky cologne and laundry detergent invade you.
Like any drunk girl, you start getting antsy, a little more touchy, and a lot more feely. Standing around isn’t cutting it anymore and you want to move, toss your hair back to some cheesy song, want to feel those hands you’ve been staring at all night run along your body as your hips move against him.
Running your forefinger along the inside seam of Eddie’s flannel shirt, you look up at him through your lashes.
“I’m assuming you’re not one to dance to a club remix?”
Eddie watches your finger stroke up and down, your knuckles barely grazing his abdomen, but the small touch sending electricity to his spine.
He leans into you, following your lead and pinching the hem of your skirt between his large fingers “you’d assume correct, the music I listen to is a little more head bangy than this.”
“So,” you say coyly, pulling him towards you just a fraction more, “what you’re really saying is that you can’t dance.”
Eddie scoffs, throwing his head back, his throat sticky with sweat and the hair by his ears wet and curling into ringlets, “oh I can dance my ass off honey, taught Channing Tatum everything he knows.”
His hands find your hips, and you almost lose the little bit of confidence you have gained when the warmth of them seeps through your shirt, his blunt nails skimming your skin in small strokes.
“Do these little white lies masked as dorky ass pickup lines work for you?” Your hands are on his chest now, the black light illuminating each letter of his Deftones shirt to sparkle like snow beneath your fingers.
“I don’t know,” he whispers into your ear, pulling you tight against him so your chest is pressed into his, “you tell me.”
The music changes and a throwback song
comes on, one you haven’t heard in years.
“Guess you’ll have to show me those moves, because in typical drunk girl fashion… this is my song!”
You grab Eddie’s hand and stomp to the middle of the floor, pulling him along with you until you’re shoulder to shoulder with other drunk and sweaty college kids.
“Get low?” Eddie asks from behind you, his mouth dangerously close to the shell of your ear as his hands land heavy on your hips, “seriously?”
Leaning your head back so your lips could reach him you talk loud enough just so he can hear you, “stop talking and fucking dance with me already.”
“Goddamn…” he groans when you finally push your body fully back into him.
It’s sloppy and horribly uncoordinated the way your drunken hips move beneath his hands. You’re both swaying along with the music, trying like hell to match the rhythm of everyone else around you. But in the tiny square footage you have in this cluster fuck of a space, Eddie has all the right moves.
His palms are pressing you tighter into him, making sure you can feel just how hard he is, how hard you are making him.
Courage and a few prom night dances under your belt have you dropping low and coming up slow, your skirt fanning out the tiniest bit as your knees are bent to the ground.
And Eddie is practically thanking God himself when you run the fattest part of your ass up his body, on the bunched denim by his shins, skimming the barely there fabric of your skirt against the hole in his knee, and finally up where he desperately needs your body the most.
When you come back up he moves your hair from the side of your neck, his lips puckering around your earlobe as he nibbles lightly, “spin around so I can see you.”
He groans again when you shake your head and laugh at his dismay, as much as he is turned on and bothered you are too, but the power of keeping him like this, teasing him with your body— turned you on even more.
You snake your hands upwards seductively, landing daintily at the nape of his neck, twirling the wet tendrils of curls round and round pulling gently. Eddie hisses through his teeth, his hands roaming freely from your hips to your ribcage running them along the length of your sides, bruisingly hard.
One minute you’re facing away from him, eyes closed in pleasure as he roves over your body, his lips pressed to your neck, and in the next he’s spinning you around so that you’re face to face— eyes locked on eachother, the heat and the alcohol and the endorphins are too much to handle.
Your once labored breathing snuffs out to nothing when he leans in with licked lips his eyes fixated on your mouth. Standing. Staring. Staring and standing. You’ve had enough of this cat and mouse game.
“Fucking kiss me alrea—”
His mouth with its plush pillow lips slam into you. He tastes like tart orange juice and a bite of alcohol. Like the way a summer day would taste if it were bottled up. He licks into your mouth and you whine for more of him, clutching onto his neck and pulling him further into you.
When you break for air it’s loud, smacking lips and lapping tongues, tilting your heads to line up perfectly. When you twist yours again, Eddie holds onto your neck angling it just so with a glint of trouble in those whiskey eyes as he dives into the supple skin at the column of your throat.
Sucking, swirling— his tongue is hot against you and you’re clutching onto his shoulders, your nails digging into the pilling fabric like he was the only thing keeping you Earthbound.
You wiggle in his arms, squealing and whining out but he’s holding you tightly against him, moaning words into your neck that you can’t hear above the music. Then he’s on your mouth again, working you into a fit. His big veiny hands move along your back, grabbing your ass softly, then work up to wrap in your hair or lightly scratch at the inch of skin between your skirt and your tank top.
Doing your own little damage to him, his shirt is shoved up over his chest, your fingernails trailing down his tattooed skin. A rise of goosebumps following in their tracks, and he stops kissing you to suck in a breath, your smile on his lips as you laugh and he whispers a breathy ‘fuuuuck’.
Your fingers trail down to his waist band, tickling his skin as you suggest an idea with your eyes, one that you’re certain he would understand.
“C’mon,” he mouths, gesturing his chin to the exit as he slowly begins to pull you from the dance floor, up the stairs and into the kitchen area.
Eddie knew what he wanted. Knew it the second you walked out of that stall with that sweet fucking smile on your lips, shy and coy when he called your name cute, like you weren’t at all used to the type of attention he was giving.
And maybe you didn’t want this with him. Maybe you were a: ‘fuck-me-in-the-dark-so-I-won’t-be-embarrassed-by-being-seen-with-you’ type of girl, but you did dance with him, you laughed at his stupid jokes, stuck by him almost all night, but still he needed to be sure.
He thought maybe in the brighter light you’d change your mind about what you wanted, what you needed from him, but you surprise him when you cling to his side, going up the steps, and backing into a wall pulling him with you by his shirt needily when you reach the top.
“D’ you uh..wanna get outta here?” he slurs, almost sleepily, his bangs fucked up beyond belief, his hair drenched and sticky with sweat and humidity, lips swollen red.
“My dorm isn’t far,” you say, looking up at him through your lashes running your finger along the waist of his jeans, “across campus.”
Eddie chuckles, “fuck…” he sweeps a thumb over your pouted lips, groaning as he bites his own. “I’d crawl to fuckin’ Alaska for these, honey.”
Your cheeks burn sweetly from his inebriated compliments. And even though you’re tipsy and so is he, you feel an odd sort of comfort with him—one you haven’t experienced before.
“Let’s go then,” you whisper into his ear, “I want you inside me.”
That did it for him.
Eddie was all but running with you across the campus green, but not before taking off his long sleeved shirt and placing it over your shoulders murmuring how it was freezing and you’d probably get sick.
Your combined laughter ricocheted off concrete forums and neatly trimmed grass. Passing by the fancy Chemistry Lab building, the Art Museum, the Med School and finally to your painted black brick dorm building: “Wheeler Hall”
“Here’s home,” you sing out, placing your key into the door and pulling on the steel handle.
The Wheeler Dorms were the newest addition to the college town. Named after a family that was killed in an accident back in the 80’s or something… you didn’t really remember what happened.
The side door you had come in through was closest to your room, 011, on the first floor, again, the universe being kind to you.
“Never been here before,” Eddie said looking around with wide eyes, “any of the dorms actually.”
You smiled upon unlocking your room and entering, hanging up your keys on the command strip hooks by the door. Whatever confidence he had back at the party is now deflated a bit once he realizes just how different the two of you are. What the hell was he doing here? You’re in college, he’s only here because he deals.
“Uhh..?” he questions, eyeing the lofted bed, “you know I was joking about being an athlete, right?”
You giggle and toss your purse onto the futon, “relax, that’s Kenzie’s bed, mine is the shorter one.”
“Oh thank fuck,” he practically sings letting out an over exaggerated sigh as he plops down on your futon, eyeing the leopard throw blanket, “I may look like a suave Casanova but I’m about as agile as Mr. Bean.”
Laughter fills the room and you click on a lamp throwing the room into a cozy ambience as you slip off your sandals and sit on your bed, leaning forward, “you’re way hotter than him.”
Eddie blushes a bubble gum pink sheen, using his still damp and unruly hair to cover his face, “keep being sweet on me see where it gets you.”
“Is that supposed to be a threat, or a promise?”
“Oh baby, I don’t make threats, not to a girl that’s like you.”
“Like me?”
“Yeah you,” he deadpans, standing up and waltzing towards your bed, crowding you in, “funny, sexy, and by some greater power— digs me… at least I hope.”
“I’m not the type of girl to bring a guy back to my place, Eddie,” you nearly whisper, putting a finger into his dangling necklace and pulling him forward, “you’d be the first.”
Eddie places his hands next you on the bed, “like your first? Or just here in college first, I’m cool with either I just— are you sure you want this? I can leave if y—”
Cutting him off you kiss him, but not like the heavy kisses earlier when you two were making out like you were each other's oxygen masks, this one is sweet, like melted sugar on Eddie’s tongue.
“You talk too much,” you say with a warm smile, wrapping a finger around his curled ends of hair, “no more of that, just kiss me.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Eddie wraps his arm around your waist and shifts you up further into the bed, laying your head on a pillow his body pressed into yours. He takes his time with you, kissing your lips then your jaw, working his way down your neck to where the bruises he’s already sucked into your skin were painted.
Your moans and little breathy sighs have him hard against his zipper, his hips bucking into the tiny fabric of your panties that’s covering up that sweet pussy he got a glimpse of earlier.
His shirt is somewhere on the floor, you had pried it off of him between locked lips and groans of having to move your lips from his that earned you a throaty laugh from him and the sexiest eyes that drove into you with an intense ferocity.
He lowers further down your body, kissing every inch, moving your tank top out of the way to eye your orange bra, his mouth between your cleavage, moaning about how orange is now his favorite color.
Eddie’s everywhere all at once, a hand traveling up and down your thigh, from the crux of your knee to the waistband of your skirt, the other hand is popping your tits out from that new found favorite colored bra of his —smiling wickedly at your peaked nipples.
You moan lustful bliss as his tongue circles each one, giving equal attention to both, “you like that?” he asks.
“Feels so good,” you whine, “more, please.”
Eddie smirks with your nipple between his teeth, “don’t have to ask me twice.”
You weren’t a virgin, but holy shit you felt as if you had never had sex before, well never sex like this. Eddie teased you with his fingers, his thumb rubbing your clit while his fingers pumped inside of you, each curling inward towards a place nobody has reached before.
He groaned with his bottom lip tucked between his sharp bite rubbing his achy cock through his jeans when you pushed your skirt down laying there in a matching orange lacey thong, bedazzled on the hips.
“Would it be corny if I say you look like a Goddess?” he asks sheepishly, pinching the stretching fabric around your hips, “because… wow.”
You bite your finger as if you were really thinking hard on this, hiding a smile, “you’re too much, Munson.”
“Too much?” he scoffs, pulling down your panties and settling himself between your legs, “you haven’t even seen my dick yet.”
You sit up, tits out and naked from the waist down, “well by all means, show me.”
“Greedy girl,” Eddie smirks, “did you bring me here just to get me naked? I’m appalled!”
You move to your knees, sitting upright a bit so your face is level with his. You kiss him softly, moving to his neck and sucking just right to pull those deep moans from him that make your knees shake.
Feather light touches skate along the expanse of his chest, working down down down until you’re undoing his belt, thumbing open the button on his jeans and yanking down his zipper.
When your hand slides between him and his boxer briefs, Eddie hisses, watching you pump him slow and tight. The feel of your smooth palm against his velvety shaft makes him almost cum right there and then, it’s been awhile since the last time.
But you’re not hesitating or questioning yourself and he isn’t either. It’s almost fluid like a rocking wave the way Eddie lays you down, a team effort to swiftly shove down his jeans so you can finally feel eachother where the desperation is needed most.
Legs hiked over his hips, he lines himself up with your gummy slicked entrance. It’s a deep and achy stretch for you, a vice grip for him. The lazy gasping moans you both emit are drawn out, yours practically breathless.
“Holy fuck,” you breath into his mouth as he peppers you with kisses. He drags his hips out at a measured pace, pushing in just as unhurriedly, enjoying the way your body adjusts, cuffing him like a glove.
Eddie breaks away from your lips to watch your bodies join together, moaning your name as he presses his forehead on yours collecting your mouth with his.
“Shit…This okay?” he asks earnestly, nipping at your ear.
You nod in gasping silence, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he speeds up. Your hands are skimming down his bareback, pressing him further into you with every thrust, begging him for more.
He snakes a hand between you, rubbing circles in your puffy clit as he thrusts harder, trying to get you there before he loses all control. “Want you to feel good sweetheart, fuck— keep making those pretty little noises, you’re squeezin’ the hell outta me.”
And he does. You cum hard around him, your walls fluttering and pulsing so fast you practically black out from the mixed pleasure of his fingers rubbing your clit and his cock stuffed in deep.
His name falls from your lips in tiny little whines and he bucks into you a hard and final time before he groans, holding onto your headboard for support as he’s bottoming out, stringing rope after rope of hot spend inside of you.
“Baby,” he whispers, “God—” he stops cold, realizing what he just did and what he didn’t do. “Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck! I didn’t pull out, I'm sorry! I’m so fucking sorry!
You laugh wickedly, your body shaking beneath him at his worried panicked face.
He’s a babbling, out-of-breath mess, “’s not funny! I just got caught up in the moment and you felt so fucking good and I’m still a little dru—”
“Eddie, it’s fine,” you say, holding his cheeks with both hands squishing them together so his lips pucker like a fish, “I’m on the pill.”
His face is still squished together when he speaks, “oh, well… okay.”
“You’re fine,” you coo, coaxing him down from the ledge of regret and self hatred, “I—” you lean up and kiss him square on the mouth, licking into it and sliding your tongue against his, “I liked it.”
His eyebrows disappear into his bangs and before he can open his mouth to speak you’re pulling him onto you kissing him deep and needy.
The two of you end the night that way, him holding you, your hands in his hair, kissing so much your lips are chapped— never getting enough. Legs entangled together like a weaved basket. You fall asleep before he does, your little huffed breathing making his skin damp as you curl further into his chest.
Wonder if Verizon is open tomorrow? He thinks when he remembers that his phone is definitely broke from it landing on the bathroom floor—but he’d never tell you that.
He also wouldn’t tell you how he was supposed to go back to Steve’s tonight because they were leaving to see another old friend in California for the weekend— or how they needed to be at the airport by 2 AM for a 4 AM flight. — or that Eddie was Steve’s ride because he lost his license in July.
He wouldn’t tell you any of it. None of that seemed to matter when you were sleeping so cute on his chest like that.
When late morning comes you’re at it again, this time you’re riding him on the futon, slow like a twangy country song his hands rocking your hips. When you both finish you drag him to the showers, pumping some expensive shampoo into his hair and giggling when you tell him to be quiet so you won’t get caught.
Steve called Eddie’s phone all night, and all morning, sending duplicate texts of rage, wondering where the fuck he had gone.
Eddie silences the last call from Steve as you’re getting dressed, wearing a black pair of yoga pants and a zip up hoodie. He smiles when you offer to comb his hair, grabbing your wrist to pull you onto his lap kissing behind your ear.
His voice is low, soothingly sweet and minty from your toothpaste as he asks, “can I take you to breakfast?”
#Spotify#eddie x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson fanfic#eddie x you smut#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x you fanfic#eddie fanfiction#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson#eddie munson angst#eddie munson x you
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: You and Eddie spend some ‘quality time’ together in his van on a stormy afternoon 😘 Includes oral sex (f receiving) face-sitting, masturbation, squirting, unprotected p in v sex
It’s a gorgeous, stormy afternoon in Hawkins. Heavy rainfall drums against the roof of Eddie’s van, trickling down its fogged-up windows. The two of you are wrapped together under a blanket in the back, stripped to your underwear. Eddie’s hands run along your back as you lay over him, his fingers working your bra undone. He succeeds at unhooking it and the bra slides down, the fat of your breasts now pressed against his bare skin. Your breath hitches when your peaked nipples meet the coarse hair on Eddie’s chest. Every part of you seems on fire, sensitive and filled with need. Eddie can feel your arousal, one of his thighs situated between yours, the warmth of your soaked panties wetting his leg…
His breath is warm and moist on your neck, raising goosebumps across your skin. Eddie’s lips suck gently along the base of your throat, traveling down your chest till he’s massaging your breast in his mouth. You keen into his tongue, gliding your nipple against the soft, wet pad. Lightning strikes close by, the rumble of thunder vibrating the backseat under your bodies. Eddie slides his lips off your breast, his eyes wide with mischief. “That was a big one, huh?” he murmurs up at you. Adjusting yourself on top of Eddie, you’re now straddling his bulge instead of his thigh. He groans as you bear down on his stiff cock, the fat outline prominently tenting his boxers. “Yeah, it is a big one,” you respond, using Eddie’s previous words.
He holds you at the waist, rolling his hips upward, grinding you over his bulge. The rain grows stronger along with the wind, whipping against the sides of Eddie’s van. He gently eases you off of him for a second, gazing between your bodies at the soaking mess you’ve made on his boxers. “Jesus Christ,” he marvels, sounding awestruck. “I don’t know if it’s wetter out there, or in here…Fuck I need to taste you…” Eddie guides your hips as you crawl up his body, till your thighs are framing his face. “Atta girl,” he mumbles into your cunt, but his words are obviously muffled by your pussy in his mouth. Eddie’s left hand squeezes at your hip, while his right hand moves to touch himself.
His eyes drift closed, his tongue lapping your cunt through your slippery panties. You sink deeper over Eddie’s face, humping his lips and chin, marking him in your scent. He’s tugging at his cock now, grunting into your wet heat as he fucks himself and you at the same time. Your fingers are locked in Eddie’s hair, his ebony curls damp with sweat. The atmosphere inside the van is extremely warm, prompting you to toss the blanket off your bodies and onto the floor. Eddie’s hand is working himself closer and closer to climax, his mouth sucking your clit through your panties with the same goal. The underwear is completely saturated by this point, a useless barrier between your cunt and Eddie’s mouth. When you come, your orgasm fucking drenches Eddie, the slippery liquid running down his cheeks and neck.
Eddie flips you over, pulling his cock from his boxers and tugging the sopping crotch of your panties aside. Your legs wrap around him instinctively, begging him to fill you up, and he readily obliges. Eddie enters you easily in one thrust, his hands clutching your ankles for leverage as he pumps your cunt full of his release. He lays over you, panting and chuckling into your hair, “fuck sweetheart, m’sorry I came so quick. Y’just squeezed me so good, couldn’t help myself…”
Eddie slides a hand between your bodies to pull his dick out of you, his fingers grazing your clit in the process. A little gasp leaves your body at the contact; Eddie smiles up at you wickedly, that mischievous look in his eyes again. “Aww,” he coos. “Looks like you’ve got one more in there for me, huh princess?”
Before you can respond, Eddie’s already moved backward in the seat, nuzzling your belly on the way down to your pussy. He peels the ruined panties off of you, slathering your legs in your juices as he pulls them off and tosses the soaked fabric to the floor. Eddie rests on his elbows in front of your ass, and burrows his face between your legs.
Your fingers find his hair, tangling in Eddie’s wet mass of curls as he eats you. Heavy rain pummels the roof of Eddie’s van as his tongue bullies its way inside your pussy. It’s almost too much, the way he forces his tongue in and out of you. Eddie isn’t content with licking your clit; he literally has to fuck you with his mouth before he’s satisfied with his work. He knows from experience that you have the strongest orgasms when he pumps his tongue in and out of you like this, rubbing the tip against your g-spot, licking you from the inside out. Your hold tightens in Eddie’s hair, your cunt gripping his tongue as its thrusts continue.
Rutting yourself against his face, your clit bumps Eddie’s nose just as his tongue reaches the deepest place inside you yet. Your climax streaks through you like a bolt of lightning painting the sky, your creamy walls twisting and clenching around Eddie’s tongue. He grins into your cunt as you soak his face again, getting off on the vibrations of your orgasm he can feel through his tongue.
Eddie licks soft stripes up and down your pussy as your orgasm fades, pressing feather-light kisses onto your clit. “Good job, baby,” he says, lifting his head from between your legs. “I knew y’had another one in you…”💋
#stranger things#stranger things smut#Eddie Munson#eddie munson x you smut#eddie munson smut#fluffy smut#smut and fluff#eddie x y/n#eddie x you#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson one shot#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson x y/n#eddie x reader#eddie x fem!reader#eddie smut#eddie fic#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x fem!reader smut#joseph quinn#eddie one shot#Eddie x you smut#Eddie x reader smut#stranger things 4#st 4#Eddie filth#eddie munson filth#eddie munson fic
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do not — under ANY circumstances — think about trusting eddie with the remote to your vibrator.
because that fucker would be a menace about it, switching it on at the most inconvenient times when you’re in public… just to illicit some sort of response from you.
like turning on setting #1 in the middle of the grocery aisle, while you’re bent over and looking at the produce. he'd watch you jolt back up and shoot him a disapproving glare, all while doing your best not to cum right on the spot.
"clean up on aisle seven," eddie would joke.
and he'd do setting #2 when you two are out with friends. maybe you're laughing at one of harrington's jokes a little too hard and eddie can't find himself to admit that he's just a little bit jealous. so out of retaliation, setting #2 would serve as a blissful reminder from the night before, when eddie was tonguing you to tears on the kitchen island, his thick fingers pulsing in and out of you while you desperately ride his face, your body shaking and dumbing out more and more with every euphoric shockwave into your clit.
“you okay?” steve asks you when he hears the fortified moan marinating at the back of your throat.
“yeah,” you pant, knees bucking as you grip onto the corner of the table for dear life. “just hit my knee on the table, that's all.”
setting #3 is abrupt. unforgiving. you’re doing something as simple as laundry; but the way you strut around the house in your messy bun has him in so much heat that eddie needs you back in bed. or on the couch. or any piece of furniture in the house really.
and when you dart into the master bedroom, you're stunned to see your husband laying on his bed, lazily stroking his stiff cock with blissed-out hooded eyes as he watches his muse grow more frustrated with him, hands on your hips at the doorway.
"really, eds?" you hiss, though towards the end of your plea, it melts into a moan. "i know what you're doing and it's not going to work."
"looks like i gotta get more creative then," he quips, smirking to himself as if he's got... quite literally... something up his sleeve. "you down to try setting #4?"
confused, as there are only three settings, you ask him,
"what's setting #4?"
"you're looking at it," he comments cockily.
do NOT think about it…
or do. idc.
divider @mikeykuns
#eddie munson#eddie munson smut#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson headcannons#eddie munson headcannon#eddie munson hc#eddie munson hcs#eddie munson x reader smut#eddie munson x you#eddie x reader#eddie x you#eddie x you smut#eddie munson x you smut
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hmmm i can’t stop thinking about eddie being such a mean fuck in bed. mocking and teasing and degrading. repeating every little moan you make and just laughing at you when all you can do is whine in response😈
Trigger Warning: p in v sex, female reader, name calling, slapping, if I missed something tell me please!! 18+
The sound of your headboard slapping against the wall is so intense you are surprised a hole hasn't been knocked into the wall yet. Eddie has your legs spread, and pushed back right next to your head. Tears are streaming down your face as you look up at him, your breathing labored and shaky. "Fuck Eddie please, I can't take it anymore." You cry out, a harsh slap lands across your cheek. Eddie pouts at you mockingly, before laughing.
"Shut the fuck up little slut, you're the one that was begging for my dick a few minutes ago, now take it." Your eyes tear up as he thrusts into you even harder, you didn't even think it was possible to go any harder but somehow Eddie did. You cry louder as Eddie reaches down to start rubbing your clit. "Aww poor little girl, stuffed so full of my cock and all you can do is cry about it." You nod helplessly, your lip trembling as Eddie pulls out of you abruptly before flipping you over.
"Need to fuck you from behind baby, gotta see that pretty ass bounce on my dick." He mutters out before lining himself back up with your pussy, pushing in roughly. You only cry louder as he begins fucking you even harder than he was before, his pace brutal and unforgiving. He reaches forward and grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you back so your neck is leaning back in an uncomfortable position.
“Look at you baby, taking my dick so good. You love it when I fuck you like this don’t you? Pathetic little whore.” He spits out, his other hand slapping your ass hard, leaving welts and bruises from his rings. More hot tears stream down your face. Your eyes swollen and puffy.
“F-fuck Eddie! I’m gonna cum, please don’t stop!” You cry out, pushing your hips back in time with his thrusts, making him go deeper inside of you. He hits your g-spot three times before your vision turns white. Your orgasm hits you harder than it ever has before as you scream out for him. “That’s it baby, fuck!” He says, pushing your head down into your pillow and fucking into you while you cum around him.
“N-no more baby please.” You beg as overstimulation begins to set in. Eddie just leans his head back and laughs, leaning down over you and bringing his lips right next to your ear. “This is what you wanted remember? Filthy little whore, be quiet and milk my dick.”
It goes without saying that for the next week you can’t even sit down, after you made Eddie cum he just kept going until you both couldn’t take it anymore… but you wouldn’t have it any other way. The way Eddie fucks you is everything you need.
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𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie munson is in love with you. and he refuses to let a little date set up by a guy who probably doesn't even know your favorite movie ruin his chance of getting with you.
fic warnings (mdni 18+): reader is over 18, loss of virginity (for reader), cunnilingus, cum eating, heavy making out, fingering, teasing, mentions of weed, vaginal penetration, eddie has a little bit of a corruption kink if you squint

Eddie Munson never yelled. He never raised his voice when he got mad, he never got angry with people who have done him wrong. Despite his outward appearance, his rings were always kept to himself, used more as a fidgeting tool than anything else, and his little knife was used to carve his name in the tree outside the school.
Everybody who knew him decently well would know that he was really just a temperate soul, and it didn’t take a lot to make him happy. The Hellfire Club almost always brought a joyful smile to his face and when he was tired his joints were always there to solve whatever problem he was facing.
But above everything, you seemed to be his answer to all of his woes.
You, who he's known ever since middle school. And at first, it wasn’t your smile that made his day just so much better because your braces got in the way and you hated how food sometimes got stuck in them, so you refrained from smiling for the first three years he knew you. But then you did and things just seemed to fall into place. He could stare at the softness of your eyes for days and never grow tired. He’d make a song to reminisce on the little snort you let out at his dumb jokes because he cherishes it more than anything.
As time seemed to pass, your friendship got closer and closer and everything seemed to be known between the two of you. Who his first kiss was, who yours was. What your favorite bands were, people you despised, and people with whom you could get along. Eddie knew your favorite movie because you loved movies more than anything. You could talk about them on and on, for hours on end because he’d never get tired of the animated way you explained the cinematography and acting. Truth be told, Eddie could never get tired of you, but he had to tell himself something to try and get over you.
When you turn up to his trailer, insistently knocking at the door with a gleaming grin on your face, he couldn’t ever say no. And he guesses that his compliance with letting you get away with owning every crevice of his bleeding heart would only lead him to more misery than anything, but Eddie just had no control over his mind when it came to you.
So with you sitting on his legs, your shirt riding up just a little bit so that he could catch a little peek of your soft skin, his mind was going into overdrive. You played with his hair, fiddling with the pesky elastic band he had given you earlier as you tried to give him the most outrageous hairdo you’ve ever seen. You’d give him an occasional apologetic smile when you tugged just a bit too hard, but it didn’t matter because your fingers were just so soft and gentle that he wanted you to tug at his hair again. And the worst part was that he couldn’t even relax because his entire body was tensing up with the words that spilled out of your mouth.
“And then she gave me a lower grade because apparently, she has a late policy? She never had one all year, remember?” Eddie nodded and that seemed to be enough for you as you continued, “Anyways, I told her that. And after a couple of minutes, she said she’d give me something a bit higher, but it was still shitty for all the work I put into that poster.” You give an exasperated sigh, your lips pouting a bit as you lean a bit more forward and Eddie feels like this is what paradise must be.
“She’s an astronomical pain in the ass. And she likes you. Remember how I forgot to write my name on that one paper? She was really about to shove that ruler up my ass.” He teases and you laugh a little as you remember the fond memory.
“Yeah, well, you always have it worse Munson. But I almost lost my grade because of her!” You exclaim, taking a deep breath as you calm down, eventually giving him a shrug, curling one of his strands around your finger as you watch it unravel, falling onto his forehead as you look down at him with a little smile, “But I know my way around teachers. ‘S why I got her a bigger gift for Christmas, she knew she’d have to pay me back sometime.”
“You’re a little bit evil, y’know that, right?” Eddie quipped as you swatted his shoulder, pinching his nose and he rolled his eyes at your childish antics, “Have the entirety of the teacher and student population wrapped around your little finger.”
“What?” You shake your pointer finger in front of his face, “This one?” Eddie smiles as he pushes it down, poking your sides as you squeal, a cascade of giggles falling for your lips as his hands attack your sides.
“That’s the one sweetheart.”
He cradles your elbows, careful that you don’t fall, but how could you when you're sitting so comfortably atop him? It was little moments like this that gave Eddie hope that maybe there was something more than you were leading on, that maybe, just maybe you could at some point reciprocate his feelings.
“Oh! Almost forgot to tell you this, but I have good news, really good news. You’re never going to believe it. Leaves your jaw hanging, spits in your eye, kick you in the shins, good news,” You try to contain the gleeful smile that made its way onto your face, “I was - no, wait… I want you to guess.”
“Yeah, guess!”
“Um…” He scratched his head, biting his lip as he shrugged, “Your parents are buying you that car?”
“I said good news, Munson, not a miracle.” He huffs a little laugh, sitting up a bit so that he rested his head against the headboard of his bed, craning his neck a bit so that he could look at you better.
“You found a cure for cancer? Always knew you were a smart little cookie.” He pinched your cheek, giving you a boyish and cheesy grin as you swat his hand away.
“No, ugh, you suck at this Munson,” And though you say it you still play with his hair, twirling it around, and it was enough to show Eddie that you didn’t really mean your words, “No, Charly asked me out on a date!”
Eddie choked a little bit on his spit, his eyes bugging out as he coughed, his fist hitting his chest as you worriedly patted his back.
“You alright?” You asked, your voice tilting a bit as Eddie hurriedly nodded, his heart stopping right then and there in his chest as every little moment flashed through his eyes. His hands felt clammy, the room was getting too hot and suddenly he felt like his throat slowly was closing up on him.
“Y-yeah, yeah, peachy.” Peachy? No wonder you hadn’t given him a chance by now.
“Oh, um, okay, well…” Your brows furrowed as you examined his face, doing the little beads of seat accumulating on his forehead, “Do you want some water?” And he shook his head, clearing his throat as he tried to pretend like he wasn’t about to lose every shred of sanity he had left. Though Eddie didn’t want to hear any more of this and just wanted to curl up into a big ball and just weep, the pure radiance that flowed out of you to tell him the big news didn’t allow him to do it. So he just motioned for you to continue, his soft brown eyes looking anywhere else into the room so that they wouldn’t give his true emotions away.
“I actually never thought he’d do it, y’know, because of how awkward I can be around the male species,” You continued, going back to fiddling with his hair as though nothing happened, “But he asked me yesterday! He said he wanted to take me to that drive-in theater,” You paused, your lips pursing as you tried to fluff up his already fluffy hair, “You know, that one next to the bowling alley?” And Eddie can only hum, his hand splayed across his chest as he felt his heart churn into a tight pulp.
Because the worst thing is, you’re going to go back to your house after all this is over. You come over, talk, make him fall in love with you all over again, and unknowingly make him go crazy at the mere thought of you. It wasn’t his fault that he spent years pinning after you, but it definitely was when he never gave his feelings up.
He knew that he couldn’t sabotage years of your friendship if he actually told you the truth, ruin the hours and days you’ve spent with each other just because his anguished and lovesick mind told him it’d be a good idea to reveal the truth to you.
“And then - do you have any more hair ties?” He held up another one, ready on command as you gave him a tiny grin, “Thanks Eds,” You ruffle his head a little bit, “And then he said that we could go to his place.” You paused for a second, gathering all of your thoughts as you spoke, “Now,” You look down at him with a raised brow, “I’m gonna need you to be honest with me, okay, Munson? And don’t laugh…promise? Okay?”
Your change of tone worried him, and if it was apparent by the furrow of his brow then it might have been from the way he stopped breathing momentarily. Eddie knew you long enough that he was aware of almost all of your secrets, if not every single one. The two of you were open with basically everything and the way you nervously fiddled around with your fingers was out of character for you.
“Scouts honor.” He muttered, trying his best to hold up the three fingers as you rolled your eyes, going back to his hair because you couldn’t help the heat that spread across your face, the embarrassment that would come with your following question.
“Does that mean he wants to, um,” You falter, your hands pausing their movements as you look off to the side, “Well…you know…” It’s too much to say out loud, and even though you’ve known Eddie for a while, the way he looks up at you confused only adds to the humiliation you were getting.
“I actually don’t know. You take my power for knowledge for granted sweetheart.” He says with a little laugh, his head nudging your hand, a silent way to tell you to get back to playing with his hair. His lightheartedness eases you up and you giggle, flicking his forehead as he winces a bit.
“That he wants to, uh, do some body boogie…?”
“Body boogie?”
You cover your face with your hands as Eddie lets out a hearty laugh, some of his tense posture melting a bit as you slap his shoulder, gnawing on the inside of your cheek as you felt like you wanted the earth to swallow you whole.
“Sex, Eddie,” You spit out, “Does he want to have sex with me if I go to his house?”
Pink dusts his cheek as you look at him worriedly, your eyes big and round as you watch his face flush. Every part of his body seemed to be shutting down, and if it wasn't enough having to find out that you were going on a date with this basketball player, having to think about him doing such things with you made his stomach churn uncomfortably. But he swallowed thickly, not wanting to make you feel awkward or embarrassed as he shrugged, his tongue feeling abnormally big in his mouth as he tried to think of what to say.
“Yes or no? Come on Munson, you’re a guy. If you wanted to take a girl home, is there any backing behind it other than a cup of coffee?” Your eyes squint, and now you feel like he’s just playing with you when in reality he felt like he was slowly yet surely losing grasp of himself.
“Um, well, I…” He scratched his jaw, taking in your anxious face as a line appeared in the middle of his brows, “Depends, really.” And he sees how you chew on your lip, his answer obviously enough to send your mind into a spiral of thoughts.
“Depends on what…?” You push, readjusting yourself on his legs so that you wouldn’t put so much weight on his thighs. The single movement almost made him forget who he was, his hands almost coming up to your hips to hold you steady where you were.
Eddie faltered. How could he explain this? It’s not as though he was the guy, not like he could get into his mind, dig deep, and look at his desires. If it had been him, he’d never take you to a drive-in theater. He’d take you to that little pizza place you liked so much and buy a whole pizza for the two of you to share. He’d get you ice cream - three scoops if you wanted, and he’d pay for it because he’d never let you spend money when he was there. He’d drive you back home, and drop you off at your front doorstep with a sweet goodbye kiss. But Eddie knew that his fantasy was simply too unrealistic to reach, and if he was trying the be realistic then, yeah, that guy probably did want to have sex after you went to his place.
“I don’t know sweetheart,” He ran a hand through his hair, something he often did when he was feeling like his whole world was crashing down on him, “If he’s really horned up after the movie then he most likely will want to have some…body boogie.” You groan at his choice of words, falling off of his lap much to his great disappointment as you bury your face into one of his pillows.
“You’re not going to drop that by chance, are you?” Your voice comes out muffled as you refuse to look at him, and he laughs a bit, nudging your side with his elbow as he shakes his head.
“Over my dead body.”
You mutter something inaudible to yourself, your nose pressed flat against the fabric of his pillow as you hug it to your chest, rolling over to your side so that your back was facing him. He watches as your back moves up and down with every breath you take, and he wishes he could map all the little birthmarks you had all over your legs and thighs with his lips if you gave him the chance.
“It’s just I think that the only reason he asked me out is that…he wants to get in my pants. Well, to be honest, I think that’s the only reason I got asked out…” You turn around, laying on your back as your hands lay across your stomach, “Whenever I talk to him he always looks like he’s in his own place. And yesterday he barely even acknowledged our date, just the ‘getting to his house part’. And I refuse, you hear me, Munson? I refuse to let him get anywhere near me if that’s the case. It’s only the first date! I barely even know him. I m-mean, what happened to chivalry, you know? What happened to opening car doors, or asking how your day was, or simply just speaking, huh? And you’re probably right! He always stares at my chest when I wear that blue shirt. God, can you imagine? I was going to wear it tomorrow, too! That’d probably get him horned up enough to just tear it-”
“Whoa! Hey, slow down a bit, yeah?” He held his hands up, a nervous smile on his face as he searched your frantic eyes. Your chest was heaving up and down and you were quickly trying to pick at your nails as you trailed off.
“I don’t understand. If you want to go out on a date with this guy, why are you so…jittery?”
“Jittery?” You raised your brow, your lips turning into a little frown as you squinted at him, “What do you mean, jittery?”
“Your pupils are dilated, your hands are shaking like crazy. You spoke about fifty words per second back there and you look like you’re about to eat anything that comes at you. If that’s not jittery then I was fucking calm during my presentation last week.” He tried to joke as he nudged your arm with his hand, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as you flop back down, groaning as you jam your palms into your eyes.
The truth was, you had no problem with sleeping with somebody. You wanted it after hearing all your friends rave out their first, second, and third times. It was just that you did want to spend it with some nobody who wouldn’t even remember your name come the next morning. And even though your friends seemed to always like the experience, they never failed to mention how it hurt when the other person never gave a shit about them afterward.
Call it a wishful mindset but you felt like you had barely any control over how most of your life was spent. And this one thing that you could actually control couldn’t have gotten tainted by a guy who barely even washed his dick.
“I’m not jittery…I’m just having the sudden and impending realization that you’re right and he probably won't even focus on the movie because he only wants to have sex with me and get it over with.” You sink as your own words hit you.
“You’re overthinking this, Y/n. He probably wouldn’t be able to focus on the movie because he’s too busy looking at the disaster sitting next to him.” He says and you scoff, slapping his chest as he grins triumphantly.
“You don’t understand, Eddie. Every date you’ve gone on has been great. You two always have a splendid time eating your splendid pizza and having splendid conversations. I’ve been on a date with two guys - two guys! The first one couldn’t even count because he showed up ten minutes late to the restaurant and said he had to leave because his mom had a stroke - a fucking stroke! And the second guy had the sudden realization that he was into men halfway into the movie…Eddie, are you even listening?”
You stopped because as you looked over to Eddie you saw the growing smile on his face, the way he had to try his very hardest to suppress it as little uneven huffs came out of his nose, his lips wobbling as he covered his lower face with his ringed hand. When he caught your angry stare he broke out into a chortle, his arms covering his stomach as your own frown wavered.
“I’m absolutely hopeless, Eddie. People have changed their preferences because of it!” You gnaw on your tattered lip, weaving your fingers together as you turn your neck over to look at it, the smile on your face falling as it turns into something more melancholy, “Am I really that pathetic?” It comes out as a whisper but it’s enough to carry between your two bodies, enough that Eddie stops laughing and he can almost see himself in the way you torment yourself over this.
He clears his throat, propping himself up on his elbow as he shakes his head, shutting his eyes for a second as his lips pressed together thinly. There was a speech laying at the tip of his tongue and he was prepared to give the monologue of his life to explain to you that you were actually far from pathetic. But he was shy, contrary to popular belief, and he fiddled with the ends of his hair as he said something less blatantly obvious that would showcase his never-ending love for you.
“No, you’re not pathetic, you just have…bad luck when it comes to the people you go after.” It was simple but it still made that little frown on your face disappear as you gave him a sheepish smile.
“I do?” You bit the inside of your cheek as he huffed out another laugh, nodding as you couldn’t help but mirror it.
“Rotten luck, sweetheart. Worst I’ve ever seen.” He teases but it’s the kind you love, the kind that cheers you up even when you feel like shit. It’s the sort of Eddie Munson that very few people see, and maybe that’s what makes it even more special.
“You’re right,” You whisper, pouting at the frayed strands of his blanket, “I should probably just give up, hm?”
“No, don’t give up just…look for people with better traits.” He quickly stammers, cringing as he blushes at the way you look at him, your eyes never leaving his as you try to make out what he was saying.
“Better…traits? Like what, Munson?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Don’t start out with a hoops and laundry baskets player, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah?” You say with a laugh, sitting up as you scooch a little bit closer to him so that you weren’t so far away, “What else should I look out for?”
“Guys who don’t like Metallica or Iron Maiden,” You mutter out a quiet of course in agreement and he smiles, “Guys who aren’t tatted up, guys who-”
“Tattoos? That’s a must?” He nods definitely, pointing to his bats.
“It’s a necessity. How do you expect a guy to commit to you if he can’t commit to something like these, hm? This - this is just skin, really, at the end of the day. You’re a lifelong deal, sweetheart. You tend to stick and never let go.”
Your confusion melts away into a shy smile, your face heating up in embarrassment as he shoots you a playful, teasing grin. He’s pulling at your strings, waiting to see if he could unravel you.
“Anything else I should be wary of, oh wise one?” He rolls his eyes, shoving your knee as you giggle at the nickname
“Guys who wouldn’t drop what they're doing when you call them if you need anything. Or guys who don’t listen to what you say because believe it or not, you’re really fucking funny. Or - or guys who don’t watch your favorite movie over and over again because it gets “boring”. Guys who don’t appreciate your smile or that weird noise you make when you laugh - which, seriously, you have to get that checked out. I could go on and on, really. I could write my english paper on this shit, you know.” He tries to joke but your eyes are lost somewhere else, a slight glaze to them as your lips part.
The heat in the room has amplified, and the silence that is carried out between your two bodies is too much to handle. It’s suffocating that your throat closes up, the way your mind is opened and new thoughts are flooding in. His words replay over and over again because your heart is probably twisting them into something more than just a warning of what to be cautious of in people to date. It feels like the sun is drawing closer to this little room out in Hawkin’s trailer park and you don’t want to do anything about it when Eddie’s looking at you like that. Has he always looked at you like that?
“Um,” Your throat clogs up and you have to clear it, the stick feeling sitting on your tongue much more than nervousness, “Well, that - that eliminates almost every guy in Hawkins, Eddie. Unless you want to count Gareth but,” You breathe deeply through your nose as he never breaks eye contact with you, “I don’t think even I can convince him to watch pretty in pink again.”
“That a bummer.” He mutters, his pink lips looking softer than usual as his finger near your knee taps a little bit on your skin, leaving little goosebumps in its wake as you suddenly feel like your clothes are getting too tight.
“A real shame, Munson.”
Eddie gulps audibly, his doe eyes widening as you shift, watching how your shirt hitching up a little bit, giving him a little insight into your supple skin as you readjust it again, your gaze falling onto something to the side because it was just too heavy to hold his.
So he sits up, his jeans wrinkling with his movements, his rings clattering together as you bashfully look back at him, your two hearts seemingly beating in one rhythmic thump. This never happened, not with the two of you, so why, why did it feel like Eddie was suddenly gripping your thoughts with his innocent words.
“Listen, I’m just gonna shoot a thought out into the open, okay? Don’t take it too seriously because I’m rarely thinking straight. I should get that checked out, r-really, but, uh, okay, anyways. It’s just something that, uh, popped into my mind, yeah? Maybe - maybe, there’s somebody else? Not Gareth, or Charly. But somebody who…” He fails to think of a good enough word to explain his thoughts, but you fill in for him with a hesitant, hopeful smile, the same one that reminded him that he could never love anybody more than he loved you.
“...who actually cares?” And he nods, grateful as he gives a weak little huff of a laugh, ducking his head down for a second as small breaths are shared between the diminutive space between your two bodies.
“Yeah, somebody who actually cares.” He repeated breathlessly.
Your eyes trace his smile lines, the crinkle around his eyes as he stares at you. Have they always seen such a brown color, looking like melted chocolate? You couldn't have just discovered that he had a splash of freckles, barely there, only illuminated by the light overhead, across the apple of his cheeks.
Since when did Eddie Munson look like this?
“Look, what I’m trying to say is…how about,” His smile falters, the confidence he usually has leaving his system as the bits of insecurities accumulating throughout the years bleed through, “How about me? See if I can live up to the Munson name? I’m really good at being a gentleman, you just haven’t seen that side of me…yet, maybe, possibly…?”
You don’t say anything, and the silence freaks him out more, so he continues to ramble on.
“Actually, let me backtrack a bit. I’m sorry, really sorry. I just talk out of my ass a lot. I was smoking earlier and must still be on a high o-or something, that has to be it. Just forget I e-ever said that, okay-” But you cut him off, leaning your body in by a bit so that your noses bumped against each other, your hand having to come up to his chest for balance as you smash your lips against his.
It almost seems unreal, the way everything seems to unfold.
He stammers, pulling away a little as his lips ghost over yours. Your chest heaves with uneven breaths and your lipstick’s all smudged, but you’ve never looked more beautiful to him. He watches as you readjust your position a bit so that you were resting on your knees, your hands crawling around his shoulder almost in a shy manner, terrified that you had read the room wrong. Your lips rest whispers away from him, and Eddie knows that as crazy of a person he is, there is no way in hell that he’d ever be going to let you go again.
So he pushes back into you, the force almost causing you to tumble down on his mattress had it not been for his hands supporting your back. It was feverish, needy, how the two of you moved against each other. You felt your teeth clash, his hair ticking your face as he moved his hands up to gently cup your jaw, the motion was slight but it made all the butterflies in your stomach multiply by tenfold.
His tongue swipes against yours, and you let out a quiet moan as it slips into your mouth. His hands go down to your waist, tugging up your shirt so that they could grip at the skin underneath. You don’t miss the little groan he lets out when he moves you closer to his chest, unknowingly moving your knee against his growing bulge.
“Shit, Eddie, I…” Your eyes shut as you feel his lips trail a wet kiss from your mouth to your jaw, moving as his thumb tilts your head up to reveal the column of your neck to him, “I don’t know how to…” And you trail off, another moan escaping your lips when he lightly bites at your pulse point.
But even in his delirious state Eddie can still hear, and so he lets go, looks up at you in slight confusion as his tongue pokes out from his swollen lips, his thumbs holding onto your hips with such care that you don’t know why you never initiated this earlier.
“What do you um,” His fingers draw small patterns on your heated skin, “What do you mean?”
You duck your head down into his chest, and he smiled to himself at how cutely you clutched at his old band shirt, your cheek pressed against the fabric as you gave him a tiny shrug.
“I’m kinda, uh, clean in this department, Munson,” You look up at him with those eyes that make him go insane and he almost forgets how to control himself, but he still doesn’t seem to understand what you were trying to say, “Catch my drift?” You ask awkwardly as you fiddled with the string of his ripped jeans.
“But I thought…” His forehead knocked against yours, his nose bumping with yours as you felt a small smile grow on your face, “You said you had your first kiss with Sean Oman…right?”
“Well, you were telling me all about your experiences and I felt left out so I just, well, made up a little…fib.”
“A fib?” He repeats slowly and you nod, embarrassed that you’d actually have to tell him this, and you could see how the gears in his head were turning as he pursed his lips, “So you’re telling me you haven’t slept with Harrington either?” And his tone is accusing but he still can’t help but grin because of how embarrassed you are.
“Come on, Munson,” You press another kiss to his lips because now that you know what it’s like the seconds adding up after each one is getting addicting, “You couldn’t really have believed that I slept with somebody like Harrington.”
“I’d never doubt that Harrington would want to be with you,” Edde argues as kisses you again. This time, it’s slow and sweet, and his lips are as soft against yours as your hands come up to toy with the strands of hair against his back, “Who wouldn’t? Have you taken a good look in the mirror?”
You giggle as you nod, and he presses a kiss to your cheek, moving up so that he kisses above your eyelid, anywhere that he could reach as you felt every nerve in your body yearn to feel his lips on your skin.
“Then I guess I’ll have to make you look again.” He trails off and you feel him stop. You whine a bit as he looks back down at you, his face suddenly overcome by a new emotion as he purses his lips a bit.
“Wait, so, um…if I’m getting this, what you’re saying is that you’re a - a…” He breathes deeply through his nose and it takes everything in him not to go crazy at the thought, “You’re a virgin?”
Embarrassment floods your senses as you slowly nod, not able to get it out as he lets out a little gasp of shock, his cheeks flushing red as if he were the one in your position.
“Y/n, I…” He falters as he looks down, “I don’t want to be the one that…takes it. I m-mean, you want it to be with someone important, right? And I can’t imagine that it’s ever been something you’d look forward to… losing your virginity in a trailer that constantly smells like cheap cologne and weed. Sweetheart, I don’t want this to be s-something that you regret because-”
“Eddie,” You turned his face so that he was looking at you. Your thumb finds his cheek, and you rub up and down slowly, your own bottled-up emotions spilling out as you give him a weak laugh, “You are that important someone. Shit, I-I can’t imagine it being anybody else, you know? I probably trust you with my life and…listen, Eds, what I’m trying to say is...if you’re okay with it, I am too.” The smile you give him could power up his weak self for decades to come and even then he could run on the mere thought of your words playing endlessly in your mind.
He feels like maybe, somehow, this is his own heaven. That he waited long enough to feel you kissing him as if time was running out as if the world was going to stop spinning and the two of you only had so many minutes left to make the most of it.
“You’re sure?” He’s chewing on his lips nervously because deep down he knows that there’s no way you’d want this. You're miles away from his league, lightyears ahead of someone he could even call a friend. He wanted your first time to be somewhere meaningful, somewhere that he could confess his yearning feelings and have you listen. But even now you seemed to be content with him, pulling him closer to your body.
A beat follows and you slowly nod.
“Yeah…let’s see if you can live up to the Munson name.”
The two of you are terribly coordinated, but it results in laughs and giggles as you fall back onto his bed with you situated on his lap, just like you were earlier in the night but this time with much more feelings behind the action.
“Getting a little bit of déjà vu right now, no?” He muttered and you snorted, your hands moving across his chest as you eagerly tried to lift it up. You couldn’t have done it without his help but Eddie still looks at you as if you’ve hung the moon and stars, “Huh…” He moves up your shirt, pointing to the area around your stomach, “You have a birthmark here. It’s cute-”
“You talk a lot for somebody who’s about to get very lucky, Munson.” You say, cutting him off with a laugh and he does the same, straddling your hips in his large hands as he moves you to be over his crotch, letting out a little moan as you rub against his erection.
You pause for a second as you take him in, your head tilting to the side as you give a smile far too innocent for the situation he was in. After all these years of knowing Eddie, you had how you’re suddenly coming to realize just how pretty he was, how his skin was soft and his tattoos trail further down than you thought.
“Hey,” He muttered, tapping your cheek as he shot you a shy smile, “Everything good so far? Want to stop?”
“No, no,” You stutter out, nervous as he waits for you to gather yourself up, “It’s just that…you’re really nice to look at, Munson.”
He groans out at your confession, blushing an even deep red. His lips pout slightly as he brings your hands up to his lips, pressing kisses against your knuckles and fingers, kissing your palm and wrist as he tries to cover every inch of your skin with himself.
“Well, Y/n, you are just simply irresistible.”
“...really?” Your voice is small in the open space of his room, suddenly shy with the amount of attention you were receiving all at once. Especially because this attention was so tooth-rottenly sweet that you felt like you could melt into a little puddle and still be happy.
“More captivating than anything I’ve ever seen in my life, sweetheart. Swear it on my life. And my guitar.”
And you giggle, rubbing at your eyes as you try to convince yourself that this was really happening. And it was because the more you moved the more Eddie’s smile fell and turned into something more sinful, something that reminded you that the two of you were about to cross a line into unknown territory.
“O-oh, fuck, wait,” Eddie groans at the way you rub your aching cunt up and down his jeans, your own cunt clenching at the mere thought of having him inside you, “That’s - that’s, fuck, you don’t have to do that.” He's lying because he can’t seem to make you stop, only gripping your ass with more strength as he moves you up and down, guiding you on how to ride him to maximize both of your pleasures.
“Eddie,” You whimper as your clit rubs against his sheathed cock, the sensation more tantalizing than anything your fingers have given you, “You’re - you’re gonna have to walk me through some things b-because I’m a little bit clueless when it comes to this.” You try to laugh but it turns into a breathy moan as Eddie lifts your shirt up, easily taking it off as you lift your arms up for him.
You let out another whimper as he sees your bra, his hands moving up to trace the delicate lace around your breasts, his own brain shutting down as some carnal desire bleeds into rational thought as he expertly unclasps it in a swift motion.
“Eddie!” You squeal when your bra falls down your arms, your hands subconsciously covering your chest as you laugh in shock, “Give me a little warning before you do something like - like that.” And it’s not that you're mad, no, you could never be mad at Eddie. It’s the fact that nobody's ever seen you in such a vulnerable and open position before. But he didn’t even have to speak, the simple way he looked up at you adoringly was enough to soothe your tense nerves.
“Sorry,” He bites out, biting his lips when he gently takes your wrists in his hands as he looks up at you, “Tell me if I’m going too fast, okay?” His words are so sweet you think that they must be dipped in honey. He can coax you out of any state you’re in and put you in a mindless trance. So the only thing you can do is nod as your hands fall back down to his naked chest, holding you up as he slowly reaches up.
Your breasts are soft against the rough padding of his fingertips after years of playing guitar, molding to his every touch and squeeze as your eyes flutter shut at the alien sensation. You feel him wanting to go slow, not wanting to push your boundaries as he flicked his thumb over your nipples. Your stomach clenches and he notes the movement, so he does it again, this time quicker, and to both of them. He can see how your lips are trembling, your hands gripping onto him with every fiber of your being.
“So fucking pretty, holy - fuck,” It’s so soft that he feels that his jeans are growing obnoxiously tight, and everything around him seems to be spinning, “You're so s-soft and so fucking sweet, god, you’re gonna - gonna make me cum by just looking at you.”
His hands trail up your back, pushing you a little bit down and he meets you halfway in another kiss, swiping his tongue against your lips as he groans at the taste of your spit, hungrily licking it up because he couldn’t get enough of it.
Precum stains his boxers as he feels your bare chest rub against his, your nipples driving him crazy as he cups your ass, grinding you on his dick as he kisses your neck, leaving wet splotches in his wake as he sucks marks along the line of your collarbone. The feeling is foreign to you, but each time he bites and sucks at your supple skin you feel yourself clench your thighs together, running your hand through his hair as you try to bring him closer, not able to get enough of the feeling.
“Wait, wait,” He stammers, stopping your hips as you whine against his neck, but he only smiles at your skin, kisses the top of your breasts as he tries to hold you in place, “I need to prep you first.”
And your brows furrowed in confusion at what that meant, but before you could even question him, Eddie’s grippe your thighs, flipping you around on the bed as you let out a little yelp at the sudden change. He moves so that your legs are in between his, and he gently spreads your knees apart, your breasts heaving up and down as you watch him flash you a little wink.
His hands move up to your stomach, stopping at the waistbands of your shorts as he looks up at you, waiting for your confirmation. When you give him a tentative nod, he gently tugs it down, giving you a knowing smile as you lift your legs up for him. You watch with a lovesick grin as he carefully folds them up, placing them to the side as he pats your knees, giving you a little kiss as his thumb runs dangerously low to your covered clit.
“Polka dot panties, huh?” He murmurs and you groan, your hands going up to cover your eyes as he chuckles, “What? It’s cute, nothing to be ashamed about, sweetheart.”
You mutter something and he can't make it out, but he still smiles, letting go of your knee as he rests it out on the bed, relaxing down onto the covers as his fingers trail up your bare thighs, gripping and kneading them as he kisses the skin leading up to your most sensitive part.
“Shit, this shit’s gonna drive me crazy, y’know that, right? Only thing I’m gonna think about for the next couple of months is this, and your skin that’s just so fucking s-soft, shit. Fuck, and this?” He cups your mound as you squirm around at the feeling, his fingers trailing up and down where your folds would be as presses down, a moan falling from his lips as he sees a wet patch forming between his fingers, “More fucking addictive than anything I’ve ever seen. Don’t think I’m ever gonna let you go after this, yeah? You’re so fucking perfect, you d-drive me crazy - fuck - every day, and you don’t even know it,” He presses a kiss to your cunt and your breathing nearly stips as he plays with the hem, “Think you’ll let me take these off for you sweetheart?”
The only thing you can give him is a nod and a mess of words that fall from your lips as he gently tugs them down, your panties almost stuck to the slick that you’ve produced in these past couple of minutes as Eddie almost drops dead at the sight of your bare pussy. He tugs them down your legs, placing them next to your shorts as he takes in a shuddering heave.
You’re more beautiful than he could have ever imagined, and he knows that this is going to be a night he’ll never forget for the rest of his life. He watches as your walls flutter around nothing, your cunt clenching as you seem to just be waiting for him.
“Oh, f-fuck,” He mutters as he rubs at your essence, “You’re making a mess already and I haven’t even touched you. Shit, you’re gonna make me go crazy.” His pointer finger trails up and down your lips, and sweat little moans Espace your mouth as he continues to map out the delicate skin of your cunt.
“Is it okay if I stretch you out a little bit? I have to prepare you, sweetheart, don’t wanna hurt you. I’ll be slow, okay?” He breathes deeply, his eyes turning a dark brown, almost black as he takes in the sight of your naked body lying underneath him.
“O-okay, Eddie, p-please…just touch me…” You can barely talk in your uneven breaths, and Eddie will gladly soak in that at a later time, but he knows that now is not the time to do it. So he obliges, taking his long finger as he gently and carefully pushes it into your pussy, the two of you letting out moans as he feels you instantly sucking him in.
“Alright - oh shit, wait,” He stops, and you look back down at him to see him wringing the rings off of his rings, a little pile collecting in his palm after he’s done taking them all off. You watch as he looks around, not knowing where to put them as you wave your hand in front of his face.
“I can be the ring bearer…if you want, of course.” You whisper, hating your choice of words as his eyes widen for a second.
But then a boyish grin breaks onto his face as he gives you a slight nod, pulling your hand closer to him as he begins to stack the rings on different fingers, his own little system to where they all went. When he was done he could barely breathe straight and you had to tap his forehead to get him back into reality again.
“So fucking hot, damn,” He murmurs, kissing the back of your hand as he goes back to what he was doing, his bare and slender finger pushing past your entrance as he caught you off - guard, “Sweetheart, you’re - you’re so fucking tight,” He murmurs as he curls his finger a bit, your eyes rolling back into your head as he hits that spongy spot inside of you, “You're sucking in in s-so well, Y/n, you’re doing amazing, k-keep on doing that, fuck.”
“E-Eddie…!” Your toes curl as he adds in another finger, his tongue finding your swollen clit as he gives it a slow kitten lick, his eyes widening as he laps up more and more of your sweet taste, “S-so good! Fuck, that’s so good…mph!” You try to muffle your cries with your hand, biting down on the back of it as he pumps his fingers in and out, your eyes never leaving the way a string of you connects his fingers to your entrance.
He goes a little bit quicker, slurping around your clit as the obscene noise fills your ears, making you almost go numb until that was the only thing you could hear.
“Eddie, faster, go faster…please!” And it’s not like you to beg, you normally like working hard for something, but Eddie can’t even find it in himself to taunt you right now as you unravel so beautifully under him, your tits jiggling as you hopelessly ride his fingers.
“Whatever you want.”
So he quickened his pace, his fingers curling up and continuously hitting your g-spot as you grow wetter around him, his tongue coming down as his thumb occupies your swollen bundle of nerves. His muscle helps out with his fingers, whatever room there was left he swirling it around, feeling up your walls as your legs began to shudder around him.
“F-fuck, Eddie, that feels so fucking good!” Your fingers move into his hair, wrapping around his curls as you begin to move him up and down, controlling the pace and where you want him to be as you wrap your legs around his torso. He can feel the coldness of his rings bite at his skin, the temperature difference making him hiss out, but he knows he can’t get enough of the feeling.
“Y-yeah? Well, I can fucking feel it. You’re soaking. Wouldn’t be surprised if my bedsheets are all ruined after this,” He kissed your clit as his fingers went even faster, “Go on - do it. Make a fucking a mess. I wanna see you cum. Wanna see you cum so bad. Come on, you can do it. You’re such a fucking good girl f’me, listening to everything I say.” He grubs as your walls clench around him even tighter, his tongue coating in your sweetness as he can't seem to get enough of the taste.
It’s all so filthy, you mindlessly note. How he’s eating out like you were his last meal and he practically needs you to survive. Everything he’s doing is enough to make you grow wetter around him, and you know it’s only so much longer away until he drives you to your breaking point.
“Eddie, I’m - I’m gonna…” Your tongue lolls out as you feel it all washing over you, your first climax of the night causing you to almost lose sense in everything that wasn’t focused on Eddie as you cum around his finger
“There you go, y-yeah, fuck! That’s it, come on princess.” He stammers, egging you on as you spasm around him, your cunt clenching down on him so tightly that you refuse to let him go. He can see white painting his fingers, and the sight of your cum almost makes him release himself all over his boxers, and it takes a lot of willpower to control himself as he slowly brings his finger out of your fluttering hole.
“Holy fucking shit,” He whispers, looking at the mess underneath you as his eyes rake back up to you, “You good up there?”
“Just p-peachy, Munson.” You say, mirroring his old words and he chuckles, crawling back up to you as his thumbs rub at your chin. He moves it down for you and you comply, feeling him stick his two fingers flat down on your tongue as you close your mouth around him. You moan at the tangy taste of yourself on him, swirling your tongue around him as his pants tighten at the feeling, everything about this just so fucking hot that he hopes he has it engrained in every single nook and cranny of his memory.
“You’re gonna make me cream my pants if you keep doing that,” He whispers and you smile up innocently, your eyes wide as if to ask: me?
He brings his fingers out as you release him with a pop, and he leans down to press a chaste kiss against your lips, your essence, your saliva, and everything else mixing with his as you two fall into a trance at the addicting taste.
He goes to say something but stops when he feels your hands trailing down, pawing at the zipper of his jeans as he almost collapses on top of you.
But he controls himself, his hand circling around your wrist as he brings it up to his lips, kissing or fingers as he runs a hand adoringly across your cheeks, feeling like every emotion he’s been keeping to himself for so long was spilling out in his movements.
“But…” You trail off, your lips turning into a frown in confusion as Eddie stops you, “I just want to help,” You cock a brow at the tent in his jeans, “And it really looks like you need it, Munson.”
He laughs, kissing your forehead as he shakes his head in strange defiance.
“As much as I would love, believe me, I would probably be over the moon any other day but,” He looks at you so adoringly, with so much care, and maybe even love in his eyes that you feel like you’re caught in a trance, “I don’t want you doing this for your first time, okay? Just let me take care of everything, yeah? And then…maybe, if you’d like, I can show you how to do it a-another time?”
You nod against his lips, your hands curling around his neck as you bring him down, feeling like your chest is about to explode from everything he’s making you feel.
“Another time, really? You promise?” And you say it like you couldn’t believe he’d want to spend more time with you, however outrageous the thought is. Because in your mind you simply can’t fathom how somebody like him could want to make more space for you. Fuck, if only you knew he’d really attempt to move mountains (really, he would) if you asked him to.
“Oh,” He scoffs, his thumbs making little parentheses against the growing crown of your lips, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You grin, and you slowly watch through half-lidded eyes as he ducks down, making another wet trail of kisses from the valley of your breasts, taking his time as he goes down to your stomach, his hands gripping at your love handles as he suddenly stops, remembering that he was still clothed waist down.
He unbuckles his belt, slowly unraveling it from his jeans as he throws it aside into a corner of his room. Eddie then goes to his jeans, groaning slightly as he shuffles a bit, taking them off next as they join his belt.
But what you were waiting for most was him as he found the top of his boxers, a bead of precum staining through them, a telltale sign that he must have been torturously edging himself this entire time.
You watch him silently, your uneven breaths filling the air as he tugs them down, his cock springing free as he sighs in relief at the feeling.
You didn’t know what to expect, school never really taught you much other than how to put a condom on, but it certainly wasn’t this. He was huge, and you were definitely sure that as much as your friend likes to rave about their boyfriends, Eddie would beat them all by a mile.
He was long, a being traveling up to mean his angry, leaking head. There was a little tuft of brown curls waiting at his base, his ball sack hanging low as you licked your lips at the sight. It all happens in a matter of seconds but you feel like eons pass before Eddie does anything.
“Remind me to buy some film, yeah? Wanna take a picture of you like this. Need something to give my wallet to some company.”
“You’re a tease, Munson. You say this and you’d probably cream on the spot whenever you’d open it.”
He scoffs, shaking his head as he swipes at your knees, the joyous smile on your face melting the apprehension in the room. He leans over your chest, looking for the drawer on his bedside table as he pulls it out, searching around for the box of condoms.
He pulls it out, shaking the box a bit as you watch him visibly sink with disappointment.
“What?” You ask, worried at his sudden change in attitude.
“I’m out.” He murmurs in a dejecting tone as he sinks to his knees, his hair falling around his shoulder as he throws the box angrily at his lampshade.
Your brows furrow as you sit up, resting back on your elbows as you fiddle with his necklace, moving his guitar pick around as you shrug, giving him a sheepish and wavering look as you pout a little bit.
“Can't you just…pull out?”
His eyes fall to yours as his lips part.
“Pull out?”
You squint, looking over to his window as you try not to smile.
“Yeah, just…pull out. Finish on my boobs or face, whatever you prefer.”
Eddie’s mouth runs dry at the thought, huffing out a little laugh for your sake. Going raw in you for the first time, feel you all around him as he finishes in white ropes, marking you with his seed. It’s enough to put him in a little trance, and you have to snap in front of his face to snap him out of it.
“That could work…right?” You watch as he nods slowly, thoughts running through his head as he gives a tentative nod at your idea.
“It’s not safe, sweetheart. Don’t want to risk it.” He cups your face, his thumbs moving across your face as heat blossoms in their wake.
“I can take something tomorrow.”
Eddie still looks unsure, but you move his jaw so that he is looking at you, not wanting him to get lost in his own little world as his thoughts spiral.
“It’s okay, Eddie, p-please, just whatever you do… please just fuck me tonight. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it if you d-dont.” It’s the truth because Eddie finally had his hold on you, and you didn't know that if he didn’t do it with you tonight if you’d ever be able to feel the same you were as you felt with him right now.
“Are you sure?”
You nod, giving him a small smile as you crawl up to his lap, situating your entrance right above him as his eyes flutter shut as he feels his head running up against your bare cunt.
“Never been more sure in my life.”
He groans, his hands coming back to your hips as he nods with you, giving up his resolve as he slowly pushes you down while moving himself up, a string of curses falling from his lips as he feels your wetness around him, the feeling of you clenching on his cock ingraining into both of your minds.
“F-fuck! That’s so fucking amazing, I’m gonna, gonna go insane. You’re clenching so tightly, and fuck,” He whines at the way your cunt looks swallowing his dick whole, “You look so fucking beautiful right now, Y/n, wish I could take a picture. Wish this could last forever - shit - you’re t-tight. You have to let me know if I’m hurting you, okay?” He stays in you for a couple of seconds, wanting you to get adjusted to his size as your walls get used to him.
“Okay, okay Eddie…please, can you please just go f-faster?” He almost loses his grip on you as the words tumble out of your mouth.
“Yeah, just,” He grips your ass, pulling you up as he gives up, losing all the control he had as he ushes up in you in one swift motion, dirty moans falling from your lips as his hips begin to thrust up into you, the feeling a little painful but deliriously amazing, “Fuck, sweetheart you- you feel so good! Better than anything I could have imagined. You’re so fucking perfect for me, j-just like you were made for this cock. You were, y-yeah? Made all for me?” You quickly nod against his neck, your wet lips finding his collarbone as you suck onto his skin, not knowing how to control your moans as he sets the pace for the two of you.
“You’re so good, Eddie!” You cry, your eyes watering as little tears fall down your cheek, watching your chin as the salty flavor fall against his chest, “S’big, Eddie. S’big and so fucking g-good!”
“Oooh, fuck, you’re clenching down on me so fucking tightly, Y/n, just, just fuck,” He groans, his cock pulsating inside you as he feels your essence slick down to coat his balls, “Shit, you’re so dirty. This is so fucking dirty, yeah? You feeling g-good, sweetheart?”
“S’good Eddie!” Your cry out, “I can’t - can’t feel anything other than your cock, Eds!” Your words slur together as his hand travels down to your clit, rubbing at it quickly as your eyes roll back at all the different sensations.
Your moans travel around him, filling up the room as he whines into your ear, biting at your lobe as everything becomes too much for him. The way your walls gripped up on him, the way his vein dragged up and down, his head continuously hitting your g-spot, you felt like you could die right here and die happy.
It’s all so much as he continues to fuck into you, his dick filling you up so nicely that everything felt like a fever dream.
“You’re clenching down on me so t-tightly. Are you gonna cum? Come on sweetheart, cum f’me, you can do it, fuck, I know you can…”
“Eddie! Eddie, I’m g-gonna, Eddie, I’m….ohhh!” You wail out, seeing white as your toes curl, your nails digging into his back as your climax suddenly hits you as you gush around him, spraying his abdomen as he almost collapses at the feeling of you cumming around him.
“Fuck, fuck, holy mother of all that is g-good…” He pulls out, his own release painting your tits white, some of it spraying across your chin as he sets you down on the mattress, the two of you heaving heavily as try to come to terms with what just happened.
He swipes at his cum, dragging his finger back up to your lips, just as he did before as you suck it off, the salty taste something you knew you’d get addicted to as you suck his pointer finger clean.
His eyes travel across your naked and wrecked body, how your release is spilled underneath you, tainting his bedsheets into a deeper color as your breasts are covered in what was left of him. Everything just looked so sinful, so wrong, and so unlike the two of you. But even with that, it all just felt so fucking good.
“Hey, you there Munson?” You tapped his thigh, dragging your finger up and down the muscle as you massaged it a bit.
“In the flesh.” He teased, kissing you again as he taps your cheek, moving off of you as his dick grows soft. He looks around his bed for a clean towel and he grins in triumph when he finds his own, just fresh from the wash as he brings it up to your covered chest.
He wipes at your face, smiling at your fuck out expression as he loving stares back at you.
“Everything feel alright?” He asks, worried that he was too rough, too fast, and too mean for your first time, but you give him a happy shake of your head, your lips pulling back to reveal that gorgeous smile that always made his stomach flutter.
“Better than alright.” You answer, your hands going to find him as you give it a little squeeze.
Eddie stares at your chest until he clears his throat, finding your shirt as he passes it to you, covering up your exposed breasts almost as though he hadn’t been going crazy over them minutes ago.
Seconds pass, and now quiet fills the once loud room. The two of you can’t seem to bring yourself to speak in worry of ruining whatever flame it was that was just sparked moments ago.
Years spent as friends never prepared the two of you for something like this. His chest and forehead are lined with sweat, and you doubt you look any better as you feel your mascara and eyeliner smudging underneath your eyes. Everything was just so filthy that it felt out of place for how sweet and innocent your friendship used to be.
But the more you look at him the more your heart betrays you.
In the moments between whatever that was, you saw glimpses of Eddie you could never see as just being his friend. You saw his slow and caring side, the one that made the feelings in you turn into a pulp of a ball because you knew nobody else would treat you with the tenderness Eddie Munson did.
And so it freaked you out. What if you lost him after this? Would he even look at you? It’s difficult, you know, for the two of you to pretend like nothing ever happened. But it’s slow and impending as the realization hits you. It’s that you never want to forget this. You never want to forget the way Eddie Munson held you with such gentleness, or kissed you with such fever that you felt like you’d go dizzy if it wasn’t for his strong arms.
“Want your rings back?” You ask. It’s a simple question but it works to lighten the mood. You watch Eddie grin, looking at your hands bared in his own sort of mark as he shakes his head.
“Hold on to them a little bit longer f’me?”
You smile to yourself, twirling the pieces around on your fingers as you wait for him to say something else. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, Eddie was always more confident, but right now, he seemed more closed off than you’ve ever seen him.
“So…what now?” You quietly say, your fingers fiddling with each other as you glance over at him.
The question hands heavy in the air as the two of you wonder the same thing.
Eddie looks down, tenseness filling his shoulder that maybe this was it. This was the end of your friendship, and there was no way to recover from this because honestly, how could you? It’d be too awkward to continue as just friends, and he didn’t know if you felt the same way about him as he felt for you.
He didn’t want to lose you. He knew that if he had to, he’d just put this memory on the back burner. Pretend like it never happened. But the gut feeling in him, the one that perhaps even started this whole mess in the first place, was telling, no, begging him to continue. To see what happens if he pushes the limits of what “just friends” do.
“Well,” He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes finding yours as he shot a tiny smile, “If you want… I can still live up to that Munson name. O-only if you want me to, of course.” He starts out, simple enough so that you could reject the idea if you didn't want to go any further.
But your head tilts to the side, a hopeful smile making its way onto your face as something teasing gleams in the irises of your eyes.
“Oh yeah?” Your brows raise as he nods, scoffing that you could even question the Munson name. Your question spurs him on more, and he chuckles, nodding at your sliver of doubt as his thumb rubs across your cheek.
“Yeah,” He pokes your side as you let out a little giggle, the two of you easing into something that was in between friends and something more, “I’d take you to the carnival, the one right outside Hawkins. I’d win you one of those obnoxiously big stuffed penguins because you’d want one, right?” You nod, giggling as he continues, some of his confidence returning as he steadies himself back down on the mattress, his hands moving quickly as he tries to paint the picture for you.
“Then I’d take you for some ice cream. Or sundaes, if you’re up for it after all the popcorn I shove down your throat,” You laugh out loud, the sound carefree as your eyes are wide in clear joy, and Eddie can’t help but laugh too as he continues, “We can watch that new Tom Cruise movie, what is it, Top Gun? Yeah?” You’re laughing loudly at his silly antics, no longer worried about what’s going to happen because you want to see what Eddie’s going to do.
“And after the movies, I can drop you off at your house, give you a little good night kiss as I sail home on my van.”
You beam up at him, sitting on your knees as you try to match his height, pretending to contemplate and think about his most delightful offer as Eddie begins to wrap his arms around your waist.
“That’s only if you’re willing to take a chance on me, though. Are you up for it, sweetheart?”
And there was no possible way to say no to him as you leaned in, closing the gap between the two of you as you giggled against the kiss, your arms steadying themselves on his shoulder as you told him all he needed to know.
“Never letting go of you, Munson. Said it yourself; I stick and never let go.”
He chuckles into the kiss, his smile radiating, brighter than any light in the room as he held you there in his arms, not ready to let go of you because at that moment he knew he never could.
#eddie x reader#eddie munson x reader#eddie x reader smut#eddie munson x reader smut#eddie x you fluff#eddie x reader fluf#eddie x you#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson smut#eddie smut#eddie munson x you fluff#eddie munson x you#eddie munson#eddie stranger things#stranger things 4#stranger things volume 2#eddie munson x reader fluff#eddie munson x you smut#eddie x you smut#eddie x reader fluff#eddie x fem!reader
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: *✧・゚eddie x female reader | snowed in | 18+ smut [6K]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* sexual tension lingers when you + your bestfriend get snowed in together during the biggest blizzard on record - aka, eddie munson and the blizzard sex in apartment 4D
“So that’s how you would find x,” you say tapping the rubber eraser to your notebook paper, “is this making any sense?”
When you agreed to come help Eddie study you were glad to do it. Ever since you were kids he had always struggled with school. While he was able to skate through elementary and middle school, high school had been harder for him. And he would be the first to admit that it was you that got him through his final year at Hawkins High.
Now, many states away, at a college where the only person he knew was you— he was falling behind.
Having a new found freedom of college professors genuinely not caring if you showed up to class or not, he took advantage of that perk and decided to not attend his eight AM class monday, wednesday, and definitely not friday.
Assignments went undone, tests were skipped and forgotten about. Weekday ragers, mid morning hangovers, and late night shifts as a barback at O’Houllihan’s kept Eddie busy but not enough to excuse his lack of attendance.
The end of the semester was nearing, and Eddie was looking at failing remedial algebra. A class that meant he was already behind everyone else, and if he were to fail— he’d be kicked out left to pack his shit and head back home.
After an ass chewing over thanksgiving break from a disappointed Wayne, that icy blue stare nearly welling with traitorous tears, Eddie finally decided to pull his head out of his ass and study for his last semester of junior year.
“You’d think after dealin’ for Rick all through high school that math would be a fuckin’ no brainer.” Eddie huffed, sitting back in his desk chair, his long thick fingers folded behind his head, “maybe if they added dime bags and some half ounces, I’d actually understand this shit.”
You snickered, pushing eraser shavings from the page with your fingers, “think Mr. Walter would go for it, he totally ate his fair share of shrooms in the 60’s.”
“Mother fucker probably invented them.” Eddie agreed, dragging those big hands down his face with a groan, “godddd I hate school.”
You close the Algebra book and shove it into Eddie’s backpack zipping it up, “oh you poor thing, must be hard to be musically talented and go to college on a full ride scholarship.” Your bottom lip pops out to show your fake sympathy and Eddie returns it with an eye roll and a middle finger.
“Shit,” he sighs, blowing air through his lips standing and running his fingers over your jacket on the back of his chair, “didn’t even think I’d get in let alone have all of my tuition paid for, besides.. you’re the one who was going to leave me for dead back home Miss This-Will-Look-Perfect-On-My-College-Applic—ow!”
Your friendship with Eddie was never a casual thing.
You were friends, sure, but it was somehow more than that. Eddie had dated around in high school and you had too but they never lasted. Summer of senior year you had even been so close as almost sharing a kiss while drunk on Boonesfarm at Byers’ party— something you both denied ever happening. But something you also both stayed up at night thinking about unbeknownst to one another.
That June night was burned into your brain, and you could still feel the ghost of his lips on yours.
“I wasn’t going to leave you for dead!” you teased, giggling as Eddie nursed his ‘injury’ after the pencil you had been holding slammed into his soft hoodie, “I told you we’d find a way for you to come with me.”
Eddie smiled and bit his lip, he was grateful that you were willing to do whatever it took to get him into college. And he was stunned stupid when his creative writing, and an autobiography that was assigned freshman year had gotten the attention of not one, but two of the bigger colleges you had also applied to.
He swore he never submitted them, deciding at the last minute that college wasn’t for him and that he didn’t want to leave his uncle behind— so you and Wayne both did it for him. Licking envelopes and sticking stamps, praying on a trailer park dream that Eddie could get in.
“Always lookin’ out for me aren’t ya?” He mused, his cheeks burning with a blush on his porcelain skin.
“We look out for each other, Eddie,” you say cheerfully, “Always have.”
Eddie stares as you read through your notes, eyeing the little piece of hair that falls into your eyes, too short to shove behind your ear. He remembers when you got glasses, how you hated them. Loathed the way they made your face look, and how the wire rims sat on your round cheeks. Now they’re pushed on top of your head, pulling your hair back so the light in his room shone on your silky skin.
You were beautiful.
Pushing yourself up from the bed, you stretch with arms over your head, fingers laced together. Eddie snuck a glance at you, noticing that your soft cardigan fit too big on the sleeves and the plain shirt you wore underneath was riding up your stomach, showing a strip of skin that he only got to see during the summer time.
He wasn’t sure when he started noticing you were more to him than just a friend— that’s a lie, Eddie knew the exact moment, the exact second.
He skipped out on dates, said no when Rick’s girlfriend offered to “show him the ropes” one night when he was waaay too high and was blabbing away about how he didn’t know why he ended things with every other girl he had been with.
It was obvious why. Maybe to everyone but him and to you.
“I’ve had enough studying for tonight,” Eddie says, cracking his back, “wanna go to a movie or somethin? Channel 6 said we are in for some snow… I can drive, we can sneak in some shrooms Pete left, I might have some k laying around here somewhere.”
You giggle reaching back to the bed and gathering your stuff. “Nothing about being high at the movie theater sounds good to me, Eddie.”
He rolls his eyes, “yeah because you always freak out, weed is s’posed to be relaxing.”
For whatever reason, weed was never that for you. It left you paranoid and skittish, but mostly clinging to Eddie with wide horrified eyes, whispering about how you couldn’t feel your legs.
“Thanks, but not tonight,” you say behind your hand as a yawn escapes, “I gotta work in an hour and Sal said if I’m late one more time he’s gonna fire me.”
“Ppffft, he’s not gonna fire you, fucker can’t afford to lose anyone at that shithole.”
You grab your bag and look for your shoes, shrugging.
“Tips are good, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes a few times and they fork the dough over. Plus! Mikey always saves me a burger when he shuts the kitchen down. Win-win.”
He stands with a cross to his brows and when he doesn’t say anything you pull at the sleeve on his hoodie, “come on, walk me out. ”
Eddie hated your job. Hated that you worked at the sleaziest bar in town. The thought of you flirting with drunk guys to make a little extra money made him sick.
He’s mumbling under his breath the short walk to the door, unlocking the deadbolt and pulling the door open with dramatic flair, he bows with a hand forward to let you exit. You laugh, and before you can say bye, before you’re crossing the threshold Eddie pipes up in a serious voice.
“Tomorrow. Movies. You, me, a bucket of over buttered popcorn… I’ll even buy you a Cherry Coke.”
Heat warms your cheeks under his stare, and you can’t help but smile back at him. That nagging feeling you couldn’t pinpoint was hung thick between the two of you again, and you looked anywhere but at him.
Taking time to examine the veins on his hand as it gripped the door handle, the way his eyelashes seem to have their own permanent curl to them…. “add a pack of twizzlers and you got yourself a deal, Munson.”
He smiles as you step into the soft lit hallway of the fourth floor. “Don’t leave me hanging, sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, he’s standing in the doorway, the door partly closed behind him, “see you later, better hurry—you’re gonna be late.”
Eddie watches as you head for the stairs. His heart pumping wildly in his chest, but why? You two were friends. What was he even doing?
Shutting the door he slides the bolt into place pressing his forehead into the wood, a low groan escaping from his lips. What the hell was he doing? He runs the conversation back over in his head mocking himself as he strips off his hoodie and t-shirt, tossing them around his shared apartment.
“You and me and buttered popcorn’ Christ Munson, get it together.” Flopping on the couch Eddie sighs loudly, saying your name out loud and letting a smile quirk on his lips as he drifts to sleep.
❆ ❆ ❆
Frantic knocks pull him from his catnap and he rolls his eyes as the knocks turn to pounding. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep for but it was now dark, his apartment cast into complete inky blackness.
Pete probably forgot his keys, again, he thinks. Bounding to the door and flinging it open an annoyed expression on his face. But it’s not Pete at the door, it’s you.
Snowflakes, and chunks of ice were matted in your wind blown hair, your teeth chattered loudly as you tried to force a small smile, wiping a tear away from your eye.
“Jesus! Are you alright?”
Eddie pulls you inside rubbing your arms to bring warmth back into them. He listens as you sob about getting stuck in the ditch on the way to work, and how the only landmark you could make out was Eddie’s apartment, so you made the decision to leave your car and trek back the way you had come.
He huffs in a worried tone, flicking on the lights and watching as they sputter to life. You’re gently trying to pry the gloves from your fingers when he steps in to help and unzips your jacket, assessing you further as he realizes you are covered in snow.
“You walked here?!”
Eddie always yelled when he was worried or scared, a bad habit that he unknowingly picked up from Wayne.
The tears flow down your face now in a frozen river, the ache of numb limbs and nearly frostbitten skin has you crying out in pain.
“I should have st-stayed in the car, but it was so cold Eddie, and th-the snow is coming down so hard, nothing in town is open! N-no one on the streets, not even a snow plow.”
Eddie leaves you to throw open the crooked blinds. Not a single street lamp was on, the city looked deserted except for the howling wind and sheets of snow blanketing the ground, swallowing up the roads. If he were to look hard enough he’d see the waist deep path you had made to get here.
Doubling back to your shivering body, his mind was scrambling on what to do. “Christ! You’re lucky you’re not dead!”
“I know,” you wail, unable to stop the clacking of your teeth, “b-but I didn’t know what else to do!”
Wayne had taught Eddie many things in his time of caring for his nephew. How to fish, how to hunt, how to be a respected man (that he was still trying to master) But something that always stuck with Eddie was the fear of the elements and how you could die from a heat stroke or the opposite—freeze to death.
“You gotta warm up before you pass out or something, your clothes are soaked, they need to come off.” He shakes his head like a parent finding their teen sneaking out of the house. “Go to my room, undress and I’ll make some coffee.”
Your clothes were stiff and heavy as you peeled them from your body. Clumps of snow littering the carpet of Eddie’s room as you stripped with shaky fingers and shivering limbs. If you weren’t freezing you would have thought about how strange it was to be naked in your bestfriends room, but at your current state you could barely register what you were doing.
His bed was warm as you sat under a blanket, the entire thing webbed around your head down to your toes, only leaving your face exposed.
A low ring sounds from the kitchen and you hear Eddie move around to answer the phone. You couldn’t remember a single time where you felt this cold. Even doing your traditional New Year’s eve plunge into Lover’s Lake with Eddie every year was warmer than this.
It could have been ten minutes or an hour before Eddie came into his room. He was balancing two cups of coffee and a plate stacked with two grilled cheese sandwiches.
“Alright Frosty,” Eddie jokes lightheartedly, eyeing your heap of clothes. Clearing his throat, his cheeks pink as he starts to ramble, “h-hope you’re hungry, because this is all I know how to make and I can’t go to the grocery store to get anything else.”
“Smells good,” you manage through shivered lungs and rattling teeth, “thank you.”
He sets down the mugs on his nightstand, adjusting it so you could both reach as he sat beside you, then deciding to grab one and moving closer, taking a big gulp before he sits back.
“Probably shouldn’t hold a cup yet, you’ll burn yourself.”
He waits for your hands to wrap around the porcelain and he gently tips the cup towards your lips. The coffee seems to seep through your bones, warming you up ever so slightly as you convince your throat to cooperate and swallow. It was heaven.
“Always looking out for me, Munson,” you say with a little smile, your eyes meeting his.
He holds your gaze for longer than he ever has, not saying a word just staring endlessly into your eyes. A smile creeps to his lips and he hums softly in agreement.
A beat passes of Eddie carefully helping you sip at the coffee, and you begin to feel your fingers thaw, yet the chill in your body is still prevalent and you shake beneath the heavy blanket.
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch again as he contemplates how to help. A hot shower would only make it worse, causing your body to go into shock. But you needed to get warmer. His mind is working a mile a second but it comes down to the same thing, there’s only one thing he knows of for sure that will help.
Kneeling in front of you Eddie reaches forward and touches your cheek. “Hey, I need you to know that all I’m trying to do is help you okay? Cause right now you are shivering and your lips are changing color… so I need— I … shit, I’m going to hold you, so that my body temperature can help get yours back up.”
“Okay,” you murmur, glassy eyes barely open.
“Do you trust me?” He asks almost shamefully, “Because its—”
“Yes, Please.”
“Okay, okay okay,” Eddie moves the end table and positions himself in front of you again, pulling gently at the blanket wrapped around you until you’re only sitting in your bra and panties, but he doesn’t look. Instead he positions himself behind you and wraps the blanket behind the both of you.
He winces when your cold skin presses into his chest, “goddamn, you’re freezing.”
You muster a small giggle in response. His skin feels like fire against yours, almost painful as your body temperature fights to calibrate with his own.
Any other day you’d have been embarrassed to have Eddie see you like this, mismatched undergarments and looking sickly, and you would definitely feel something more than anything but tired with your bodies huddled together under the blanket.
His warm calloused hands run up the length of your arms and down your knees to your ankles and up again. You can feel the press of his belt buckle into your lower back, the heat from it almost branding your flesh like cattle on a ranch.
You welcomed his body warmth with open arms, his hands melted you, and fuck— they felt amazing on your frozen skin. Your teeth chatter as your hands huddle around your mouth, blowing any warmth into them you can, trying to stifle a small escaped mmmf.
Given the circumstances, Eddie is relatively calm. He’s not letting himself register that he is touching you, that his bare chest is against your soft back. That your skin, although ice fucking cold, is smooth like silk, he’s not comprehending that you’re both half naked in his bed.
No— he’s not doing any of that. Because you are his friend, and you were going to get sick if you didn’t warm up soon, and he was helping you.
Nevermind that your clothes were cluttered on his floor.
Nevermind that you were wearing a lacy pink bra, a color that he definitely didn’t know the proper name of.
It didn’t matter that your breathing seemed to hitch a bit when his hands worked up your knees and skimmed along your waist, his thumbs rubbing over the string of stretchy fabric sitting high past your hips.
You were Eddie’s friend, he was your friend, and that’s all that matt— jesus christ are y— are you enjoying this?
No, no. He’s mistaken. His voice was almost gravely when he collected his thoughts. “Is this okay? Are you feeling better?”
Answering with a nod you lay your head back against his shoulder, “feels good, your hands… s’ warm.”
Eddie takes the opportunity to nuzzle his chin into the space between your neck and shoulder, wrapping himself around you in a hug. “For the record, there won’t ever be a day where I won’t look out for you, sweetheart.”
If your cheeks could heat up they would burn, but right now the frozen butterflies in your belly warm up and flutter around, causing a sheepish little grin to paint your lips.
“Really?” you whisper, tracing the top of his hand delicately with your finger tips.
“Yeah,” Eddie scoffs lightheartedly, “can’t imagine not having you.” He goes rigid, stumbling over his words, realizing what he just said, “n—not having you in my life, as a friend.”
The silence grows loud and Eddie panics, but you haven’t pulled away yet.. in fact you haven’t said anything at all. He was aching to know what was going through your head.
“Have you… thought of having me another way?”
Your own heart is pumping so fast all the cold has left your extremities. It was either now or never knowing, and missing this opportunity so perfectly laid out like you had in June years ago wasn’t something you are willing to do again.
“Have you thought about us.. being more than what we are now, more than this.”
Eddie, ever the brave, takes a deep breath steadying his hands on your knees in a slight grip, “yeah, yeah I have.”
“Oh,” you choke out.
Oh? A word of multitude meanings. It’s silent again, only the roaring wind outside to accompany the wild beating hearts in Apartment 4D.
Before either of you could say anything more, the lights flickered once, twice, and finally went out for good.
“Shit,” Eddie breathes behind you, and he tries to move but you hold him where he is: with you, holding you, touching you.
“Do you remember the summer after Senior Year? When Jonathan threw that party at Hopper’s abandoned cabin?”
Of course he remembered, the smell of your vanilla perfume still stung his nose from time to time, even though you had switched to a different one, Eddie never forgot how your skin glistened, how your hair smelled of sticky honey and vanilla. He found himself drowning in that memory of you often.
“Yeah,” he swallows, “I do.”
It's easier in the dark to ask these kinds of questions, easier to answer them also. Like the dark casted a veil of trust and zero judgment. As if whatever you were admitting would stay here forever, in the inky dark, beneath the heat of Eddie’s warm arms and a hand me down blanket.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” your voice was small and meek, but beneath your skin your heart thundered.
He lets out a shuddering breath past your shoulder, one that raises goosebumps against your bare skin. “I didn’t know you wanted that from me.”
Before you can object Eddie continues, “you made me nervous back then… I couldn't think, and I don’t— didn’t— want to ruin it.”
“And now?” You ask, moving Eddie’s hands like a puppet master so they skim up your hips and around your middle, cupping just below your foreign shaded pink bra. “Do I still make you nervous?”
He swallowed audibly, but he took back control of his hands and rested them below your ribs, circling your skin in lazy patterns, his thumb nail catching on the underwire.
“Well,” he whispers against your shoulder, his lips hovering idly over your pebbled skin, “I’ve had years to fantasize about it.”
“Mhmm,” he confirms, lowering his mouth impossibly lower to your skin, “can’t get you outta my head.”
Your breath catches in your throat and your body is pulsating with want, warming from the inside out, no longer shivering from the freezing temperatures but from him.
You needed your hands on him. Now.
Lifting your arms to escape the warmth of the blanket, you reach backward to cradle them behind his neck. Weaving them through his soft curls as you arch your back and pull him toward you.
A groan escapes his lips and you shudder in response, unable to take one more minute without his lips on you, you turn around and balance on your knees between his legs.
He’s too pretty like this, nothing but the shadows of the storm on his face and bare chest. A haze in his eyes as they roam over your body. A strangled fuck slips from his lips and he’s all but drooling like a puppy at the sight of you like this in front of him.
“C’mere,” he nearly whispers, gesturing with his fingers and patting his lap with his other hand.
You straddle his hips and lay your hands on his chest, flicking your thumb nail across his silver chain he never took off, a shy smile on your lips.
Eddie rests his hands on your lower back, following your spine and finally feeling that the little stretchy fabric he felt earlier on your hips, v’d off into a tiny thong. He was positive he’d have a stroke before this blizzard was over.
“I wanna kiss you like I should have at Byer’s party. ‘m not gonna stop unless you tell me to, and goddamn baby I really hope you don’t.”
His lips find yours in the dark and fireworks light behind your eyelids. It’s soft and slow and impossibly sweet. Eddie tasted like coffee and cream and slow Sunday mornings.
You open your mouth and his tongue greets yours, tangling together into a sleep massage filled with soft moans and rolling hips. Your fingers weave through the hair at the back of his neck and after all this time of knowing Eddie, you can’t believe how soft his hair feels.
Like silk sheets in a fancy hotel.
He’s swallowing your little gasps as he grows hard beneath you. Peppering kisses down your neck, across your collarbone and landing back to nip at your earlobe. He’s taking his time, carving his hands along your curves, kissing every surface he can find, growing impossibly stiff beneath your sweeping hips.
Eddie moans when you call out his name once he has you on your back, his mouth hot against your peaked nipple, your fingers wrapped in his curls. You’re practically writhing beneath him, aching for him to keep going.
His boxers come off and you can only feel, and judging by the way your hand can’t wrap fully around him— you knew taking him would be every bit of heaven and the best parts of hell.
He whines with pleasure when he’s pressed into the mattress as you tease him. Kissing the tattoos on his hips, you make sure to take extra care of the warped and mottled patch of skin on his ribs. You knew, despite his protests, that they still itched and weren't as pliable as it had been before the skin was ripped from his body.
Your hands work his shaft in tandem with your mouth, wrapping as much of him as you could manage, he’s a panting mess when he practically pleads that he can’t take anymore, he needs to be inside of you.
He leaned towards the night stand reaching for a lone condom. But you want him just the way he is. Want to feel everything he has to offer. Want to feel him stretch you open, want him to feel the way you adjust and gasp with each inch of him stuffing into you.
When he lines up, he looks up just as you intake a sharp breath, watching as your bodies connect, and he practically cums on that sight alone.
He’s moaning low and practically rumbling out fuck every other word. Your breath is gone, suffocated by being so full you can barely contain yourself. Eddie works you through it, and when he’s fully seated to the hilt, he leans forward and collects your lips whispering how he’s got you, how he’ll take of you, always. And he would forever if you’d let him.
When he moves it’s slow and steady, his hips moving fluidly like the rhythm to a song. Your hands are clutching onto him, gripping his biceps, leaving moon shaped indents in his skin that only add to his pleasure.
Eddie picks up speed when your body moves back against him, knowing that you need more, want more and he’s happy to oblige. Pressing a thumb on your clit he rubs slow, then fast. Circular, then up and down. He’s working her like a rotary phone and you come undone, whimpering his name and moaning as tears leak from the corners of your eyes.
He follows not far behind you, and it’s a shaky, earth shattering high that has him throwing his head back holding onto your hips as if you were keeping him Earth bound.
You both collapse into a tangled mess of sheets and sweat and discarded clothing. Eddie tries to get up but you pull him back to you, kissing his jaw and reveling in the high of euphoric bliss.
❆ ❆ ❆
Four days the power flickered on and off as the city worked hard to restore things back to normal. It was the most snowfall the city had ever seen, but you missed it all. Hard to keep track of what day or time it was when you were constantly being fucked into oblivion by a man who absolutely adored you and worshipped your body like a sacred temple.
You were raw, and stained with presses and laps from his lips and tongue, a deep set of teeth marked the back half of your shoulder that you were extremely privy to.
Eddie also had his fair share of love bites and claw marks from you. Unlocking a kink you didn’t know even existed a/n: (Does it? Marked men? is that a kink? listen bitch idk but it’s hot)
Neither one of you worrying about anything, barely making time to make a meal before you were back at it again, on the table, the counter, the bathroom floor, Pete’s bed, up against Eddie’s closet— everywhere, not a single surface was left untainted.
The questions of what comes next, what does this mean for him and for you would be answered another time.
For now, in the blissful naivety of the shelter from the blizzard in his bedroom of apartment 4D —that would later smell of coffee, and cigarettes and a record set of orgasms: you were tickled pink to be snowed in with him.
likes, comments, reblogs are loved and adored ** if you want to see more dm’s are always open and welcome, thanks for having me back here after being gone from this space for a few months 🖤💋
All time taglist that i’m dogshit at remembering: @dashingdeb16 @bastardstevie @what-the-jams @lexr86 @pretendthisnameisclever
#eddie x you#eddie munson smut#eddie x fem!reader#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson angst#eddie x you smut#eddie x reader#stranger things
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steddie x reader • deliciously filthy smut • mfm relationship • dry humping • oral (m&f receiving) • p in v sex
❌ shit gets xxx rated immediately lol, smut below the cut👇
“That’s it honey,” Steve groans, his voice thick as syrup. “Rub that little pussy all over my cock, get it nice ‘n wet for me…”
Eddie watches you masturbate Steve between your thighs, jerking himself to the view. Watching you hump Steve is always a pleasure, but the sounds you make are even better. Each time you rut yourself against Steve, your sopping cunt makes the most delicious little noises. Eddie savors every single one.
Steve’s cock is hard and glossy, poking up between your legs. You wiggle intentionally on his lap, a throaty groan leaving his lips in response. A pearly string of precum oozes from Steve’s tip. You glide your hips over it, smearing his arousal with yours.
The room already smells like sex, a delicious blend of sweat and arousal. Eddie is getting impatient, his cock twitching in his fist as he longs for one of your holes around him. Steve’s eyes are closed, his forehead creased in concentration. Eddie shakes Steve by the shoulder, smiling tightly. “It’s my turn, Steven,” he insists, to which the other man grumbles but reluctantly agrees.
Eddie pulls you onto his lap, but he’s not interested in letting you grind on him. He wants to be inside you. Steve strokes his cock idly, massaging your cum over his shaft. You wet Steve’s cock so perfectly that his hand glides smoothly as he works himself. Steve shivers when his thumb catches his tip, leaking more precum as he watches you sink over Eddie’s cock.
Your mind feels fuzzy, every thought in your head evaporating as he fills you. Eddie can sense it, the way you’ve just lost all ability to form a coherent thought. He nuzzles against your ear, grinning when he tells you, “it’s okay, sweetheart…I’ll do all the thinking for you…”
Your head tilts back when Eddie bucks into you. He snakes a hand up your body, lightly wrapping his palm over your exposed throat. Eddie locks his other arm around you, clamping tight across your breasts to hold you to him. Sweat dots his forehead, every muscle in his body tensed as his cock bullies your cunt.
Steve approaches you, standing between your legs. He’s breathing heavily, sweat dripping from the ends of his hair as he orders you to “open.” Your lips part, tongue easing forward, ready for Steve’s cum. He presses his tip to the warm, wet muscle, cursing when your eyes flick up to meet his. Ropes of cum spill from Steve’s tip, painting your tongue a creamy shade of white.
As Steve’s cum slides down your throat, you feel your own climax building. Bouncing aggressively on Eddie’s cock, you push him as deep inside you as you possibly can. Your pillowy walls squeeze Eddie without mercy, milking every drop he has to give. He fills you up so completely, that when he smacks your ass and tells you to get off his dick, cum spills out of you and onto Eddie’s lap.
The room around you is soft and hazy as you come down from your orgasm. Not content with seeing you come only once, Steve and Eddie tug you to the bed and splay you over it. Steve positions himself between your legs, lifting your thigh to rest over his shoulder. Eddie lays beside your waist, bumping shoulders and elbows with Steve as they both claim space between your thighs. You clutch handfuls of both Steve and Eddie’s hair, tugging them onto your cunt. You’re so sensitive, already close to being over-stimulated; but the image of both boys’ tongues working between your thighs at once is too beautiful to resist.
Since it was Eddie who made you come previously, Steve seems to be on a mission to outdo Eddie’s cock with his mouth. Steve licks your cunt clean, scooping Eddie’s semen out of you with the tip of his tongue till all he can taste is you. Eddie sucks at the skin above your pussy, planting open-mouthed kisses over your mound while Steve eats you.
Steve’s nose is smashed to your clit, greedily inhaling your scent. He removes his tongue from inside you to lick wide circles over your clit, slathering your pussy in spit and cum. The sound is so wet it’s sinful, your juices sloshing loudly as Steve works his tongue back and forth between your folds. Eddie chews little crescent bite marks into your thigh as if sampling the flesh of a rare delicacy. His senses are consumed by you; Eddie’s nose is so close to your cunt, he can smell it, the flavor a sweet syrup on your thighs that his tongue laps devotedly.
Your back arches sharply, limbs contorting as pleasure supersedes control of your body. Eddie locks you in place with his forearm flattening your stomach, holding your ass to the bed. Steve is rock hard again, grinding his cock against the mattress as he consumes you. Tears burn your eyes, your mouth agape as saliva drools from your wide-parted lips. Eddie leans forward, swiping his tongue along your jawline, catching your spit before it reaches the bed.
The breath leaves your body, possibly taking your soul along with it, as you come. Eddie’s lips have latched to your breast, tweaking and teasing a nipple between his teeth. Steve refuses to stop licking you, his mind completely pussy-drunk until you are forced to buck out from under him, your pussy so sensitive it’s raw. Steve looks up from between your legs with a glassy, fucked-out expression, his lips and chin dripping wet.
Eddie kisses up your chest and neck, finding your lips and slipping his tongue past them. Your eyes drift up to the ceiling as he works his tongue against yours, the world drifting away softly as you drift gladly with it… ᥫ᭡.
#stranger things#stranger things smut#steve harrington#steve harrington smut#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#joe keery#joseph quinn#eddie munson x you smut#Eddie Munson#eddie munson x reader#Eddie Munson x you#steddie#steddie x reader smut#steddie x reader#steddie x you#steddie x y/n#eddie x y/n#steve x you smut#eddie x you#eddie x you smut#steve x you#steve x reader smut#steve x reader#eddie x reader#steve x y/n#Steve smut#eddie smut#eddie munson smut#steddie smut
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[smutty smut, boot humping, 18+ only, name calling]
Eddie making you hump his boot, laughing sadistically above you as you whine, gripping onto his leg for dear life. Tears spring up in the corner of your eyes at the leathery material scraping against your clit with every thrust of your hips. This was your ‘punishment’ for acting out, you secretly loved it and Eddie knew this, his big hand gripping the back of your hair and pulling it so you’re straining to look up at him. “Look at you, getting yourself off on me like a pathetic little mutt. Go on baby make yourself cum and you just might get my cock later.” He says, his voice full of pure lust watching you use him like your own personal sex toy. Only a few more jerked movements of your hips and you’re cumming all over his boot, your slick coating it and dripping down to the floor. Eddie smiles down at you proudly, “Atta girl, now open up.” You hear him say as he works on his belt, his hard on straining against his pants right in front of your face.
#eddie munson smut#eddie munson x fem!reader smut#eddie smut#eddie x reader smut#eddie x you smut#eddie munson reader insert
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I'll Be Gentle
Pairings: Eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie takes your virginity
Warnings: oral (f receiving) fingering, teasing, unprotected sex!. 18+ MDNI, if you do, you will be blocked.
Note: never written smut before so, really sorry if this is bad.
Eddie always wondered what you were thinking about when you he caught you staring at him at all the time.
Whether it was his ring-decorated hands, his face and hair, or his waist. He wanted to know why.
You weren't the type of person to throw yourself at him, you weren't even experienced at all, so you probably didnt even know if you were looking at him in desire or just admiration for the boy.
He noticed the sudden changes in your behavior, especially excuses to touch any part of his body.
He first noticed when what used to always be hugs from around the neck, to now be low on his waist.
Or when cheek kisses were replaced by his neck and collarbones.
Or when you'd make excuses to hold his hand and fiddle with the rings on his long, rough fingers.
He didn't complain nevertheless. He loved the affection, he was just confused as to where all this was coming from.
You weren't completely clueless when it came to sex, you knew how it worked and how to do everything, you just didn't know what it felt like to want someone, you haven't experienced what it feels like to be touched in such an intense and intimate way before, what it feels like to have someone thrusting deep inside you making you let out the most sinful sounds any human could hear. You didn't know.
Eddie was barely experienced, his hands did the job everytime, but he knew what to do, he knew how to make a girl scream, and he knew he was able to do it.
So when he noticed how you got nervous around him, he was curious. You weren't like that when you first started dating, and that was 8 months ago.
"Hello, darling" he opened the door to his trailer to find you standing in a hellfire shirt. As you were an honorary member. With a bag in your hand, full of everything you would need for the night.
Every Saturday was date night for you guys, were you would stay at his trailer for the night. So today was no different, Eddie rented you guys a VHS to watch tonight, he would order some pizza or something and you'd cuddle up in his bed and fall asleep together.
"Hey" you smiled at jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his waist, with his arms around your shoulders.
"Come in" he moved out of the way, letting you in.
You were both on the couch, you cuddled into Eddie's chest with his arm around around you. Although Eddie couldn't focus when you kept shifting in your spot. Moving closer to him even though you were as close you could get, but he noticed how your legs were tightly closed together, like you were trying to get some sort of...friction. he tested his theory and placed a hand on your thigh, seeing you squirm in your place.
He smirked as he figured it out.
"You ok, sweetheart?" He asked innocently
"Mhm" you hummed in response
"You sure? You've seemed to be a bit...on edge lately" he said, caressing your arm in a manner that made your insides twirl.
"I'm fine" you shuddered
"I know you want something, sweetheart, maybe even need something. Dont be afraid to ask" Eddie whispered in your ear
"It feels funny" you dug your head into his neck and squeezing onto him
"What feels funny, darling?" He questioned
"Down there" you said reluctantly
"Your tummy?" He guessed, he knew what felt funny, he just wanted to hear you say it.
"No, my- my, just forget it, it doesnt matter" you whined.
"This area?" Eddie quizzed as he moved his hand dangerously close to your clothed heat.
"Higher" you murmered
"Here?" He moved a finger to brush the fabric covering your sensitive area
"Yeah" you nodded vigorously
"Well what are we going to do about that, sweetheart?" He raised an eyebrow
"I dont know" you threw your head back.
"C'mere" he brought you up to straddle his lap, placing a hand on both of your thighs.
"Want me to show you how to fix that, Baby?"
"How" you spoke softly, moving your head to the crook of his neck
"Want me to show you?" He asked
"Yes please" you sighed
He picked you up and moved to the bedroom, where he placed you down and crawled on top of you.
"Do you trust me?" He looked at you seriously
"Yeah" you smiled softly
Eddie dipped down to attack your neck with the hottest and sloppy kisses. One hand on the side of your head, holding him up and the other gripping on your waist, with the occasional light squeeze.
The soft noises coming from your pretty mouth echoed in his ears.
He moved down to suck on the skin of your cleavage. He pulled the hem of your shirt and waiting for your permission, which you gave him. Eddie swiftly removed the shirt that was covering your top-half. He had never seen you without a shirt on, not even in a bathing suit so he stopped for a minute just to admire your sweet body.
"Eddieee" you whined
Eddie smashed his lips on yours, sticking his tongue down your throat. You had made out before, but it was different now, if was hot and heavy and full of a completely different emotion and feeling.
You let out an airy moan, making the sounds vibrate against his mouth, sending shivers down his body. He had waited so long for this.
He unclassped your bra with barely any struggle and tossed it to the other side of him room. He let go of your lips and looked at your bare chest. His eyes fixated on them before going to attack one of them, leaving the other to be massaged by his hand, his tongue swirling around the nipple of your plump breasts, making you arch you back in inevitable pleasure.
You're body was so sensitive to every touch he placed on you, making it so easy to leave you in a mess.
He crawled down the kiss lower down your abdomen, giving every inch of your body something to moan about.
He unbuttoned your pants before sliding them down in a painfully slow pace, just to see how you bucked you hips. He placed delicate kisses on the inside of your thighs, the only thing that's keeping his from you in the silk panties hanging low on your hips.
He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow, to ask for permission
"Eddie please" you begged
His fingers curl around the fabric and pulled them down, keeping eye contact with you that made you shiver.
"If you don't feel comfortable with anything just tell me, ok? And I'll stop, no questions asked, ok?" He spoke softly in desire
"Ok, I will" you nodded you head.
Your legs were still pressed together tightly, so he spread them to her access to your aching core.
He slid a finger up and down your slick folds, sending automatic pleasure to your body.
"God your already so wet for me" he groaned at the feeling.
Eddie collected some of the juices and rubbed it on his fingers, looking at it with lust. It was all for him.
He dug his head closer to heat and stuck his tongue in slightly. Making you jump and yell out in surprise
"God, Eddie"
"Stay still for me, sweetheart" Eddie demanded, holding you by the thighs.
He attached his tongue to your throbbing pussy and tasted the sweet liquid you produced.
"You taste so god damn good, darling" he groaned against you.
The sinful noises of his tongue slurping you and your moans filled the room.
He stuck a finger in your core and started pumping in and out of you.
"You're so good, Eddie" you gripped his hair and pushed his face in more, making his nose hit the bud of your wet pussy.
You let out a high pitched scream when he curled his fingers inside you.
You had no idea it would feel so good to have him eat you out like this, you had pictured it, even had a dream about it once, but it didn't compare to the way he was making you feel right now. It was heavenly.
He stuck another 2 fingers in your tight pussy, slightly stretching the skin of your entrance, making you hiss in a hint of pain, Eddie knew he didnt really hurt you, it was normal, you hadn't been stretched out down there, but he was going to make sure you were.
"Ed-Eddie?" You stuttered, trying to contain your moans, although you could be as loud as you want seen as though Wayne was out working at the plant.
"Yes, darling" he said against you
"My tummy feels funny" you admitted
With one last lick through your folds and in your entrance, he pulls away
"Wait- why did you pull away! Was that bad, I'm sorry" you cried out in frustration.
"No, that wasn't bad, sweetheart, I was just getting you ready" he grinned sadistically
"Ready? Ready for what?" You whined, any bit of pleasure washed away from the loss of contact.
He didnt give you an answer. He just took off his shirt and pulled his pants down. Leaving him in nothing but his boxers as he crawled back onto of you, wrapping his arm to your back to press your naked body against his as he moved to adorn your neck with more marks.
"Eddie, I'm begging you, please do something" you moaned.
"Well, since you said please, how could I not" he laughed
He pushed his boxers of and wrapped your legs around his waist, giving him a good angle to slide right into you.
"I'll be gentle, alright princess" he said, placing a sweet kiss on your lips before pushing into you.
Eddie knew he wasn't small, he was a pretty big guy to say the least, so when you screamed out in pain from just half of his thick cock, he got worried. How were you going to take all of him?
"Its ok, I got you. Remember what I told you?" He spoke gently
"If I get uncomfortable just tell you" you whimpered
"That's right, princess" he nodded his head, pressing his forehead against your own, giving you a light kiss.
Eddie slowly moves himself deeper in your pussy.
"God, how are you so damn tight?" he groaned and your walls basically squeezed him.
"Mhm" you hummed
Eddie slowly pushed in and out of you, still cautious if your in pain, but seeing your eyes rolled back and your mouth wide open. He had no choice but to go faster.
"You feel so good, princess" he groaned
"You're so big" you whispered
"Trust me, I know, baby" Eddie chuckled
Eddie hit a spot that sent you over the edge with pleasure.
"FUCK EDDIE" you screamed out while letting out the most sinful moan he'd ever heard.
"That's right, sweetheart. I'm the only guy who can make you scream like that" he smirked leaning down to your ear
"Do it again, baby, scream my name again" he whispered.
"I- you- so- good" you stammered
Eddie slammed back into you, hitting the spot again making you scream his name louder this time
"Feel- you feel so fucking good" he groaned
"Is this what you wanted all this time? All the touching and staring at me, hm? Is this what you were thinking about? How I could make you scream and moan with nothing but my tongue, fingers and cock? Is this what you wanted?" Eddie questioned
"Mhm" you purred
"Words" he demanded
"Yes, Eddie" you cried
"How do I feel, baby? Do I make you feel good?" He asked
"So good, you make me feel so good, you feel so- FUCK!" you yelled out
"You could've just asked for it"
Eddie moved your hips along with his, making the skin clap against each other, adding more friction to his fast and deep thrusts
"Eddie" you muttered
"Yes, princess"
"That feeling in my tummy is back again" you said, leaning your head back
"You've never had an orgasm before, have you princess?" He chuckled
"No" you shook your head
"When that feeling gets too much to handle, I want you to just let go, ok, kind of like push it out for me, ok?" he told you
"Yeah, I- i can do that"
Your mouth opened widely again. So Eddie took the chance to smash his lips in yours while keeping up the pace of his thrusting. Your hands finding their way to Eddie back and scratching him
You stuck your tongue in his mouth, searching around making him groan. You detached your lips from his and leaned up to adorn his neck with the marks he gave you.
Eddie held the back of your head and pushed you head deeper in his neck. The only thing keeping him from falling down on you was his unsteady hand on the headboard.
Eddie threw his head back and felt the knot in his stomach start to form, so his pace quickened inside you, he was going to make sure you came before him, in his eyes your pleasure came before his own.
"Eddie- I- EDDIE" you screamed, your voice cracking from going to high as you couldn't hold the feeling in anymore.
You released all your juices on Eddie's dick as he slowed his pace, not trying to overstimulate you.
"That's it, God, just like that, sweetheart" he rolled his eyes back and pulled out, spilling all his cum on your stomach and panting heavily.
Eddie dropped beside you sighed
"You did amazing, princess" he brushed the hair that was stuck to your head from sweat behind your ear.
"Thank you, Eddie" you said quietly, moving closer to his warm, sweaty body.
"There's no need to thank me, darling" he laughed
"I know, I just wanted to say it, for everything" you yawned.
"How 'bout I start the shower, we get you all cleaned up and then go to bed, how does that sound?" He suggested
"Sounds great" you smiled
"M'kay" he said before pressing a kiss on your head.
I dont know how I feel about this. But uh, hope you enjoyed that you filthy people.
#eddie munson smut#eddie munson#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson x shy!reader#eddie fanfiction#eddie x you smut#eddie x you fluff#eddie x y/n smut
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♔ 𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍: 𝖜𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊
♔eddie x female reader (lilith au)
♔ tw: 18+ minors get fucked. as all of the lilith au—can be read as a stand alone fic, nicknames, voyeurism? nude in public, driving while receiving head, driving while fooling around sexually, mentions of hickies.
♔a hot summer day calls for a drive out of hawkins out of indiana, but when your boy toy looks as delicious as Eddie does, you can’t keep your hands (or mouth) to yourself
more lilith here
“What does she say in that movie?”
Examining your neck in the mirror of Eddie’s visor, your fingernails poke the purpling marks adorned with deep swelled red pocks from his teeth. Some faded, others fresh and still slicked with your lover’s spit.
A joint burning fresh extends across the center console to share with you from ringed hands, nudging your bare shoulder with knuckles that were scuffed and scabbed over.
“Shit, not sure princess,” Eddie mouths around a cloud of smoke, “that cheesy musical?”
Taking the joint you flip the visor up, cranking the window down a few more notches before putting your painted toes on the dash, one foot on the vent.
“Something about looking like a leper, anyway, these….” you say pointing to the string of hickies on your neck, “are the prettiest necklaces I’ve ever owned.”
Eddie smiles a wicked grin, barely able to contain control of the steering wheel at you admiring his handiwork.
He was covered in marks from you as well, pink scratches down his chest and back, a permanent swell on his bottom lip from the way you sucked and bit on it, teasing him whenever you could.
He winks and nearly growls, “it’s a collector’s item, one of a kind, baby.”
“count me rich then, how much further?”
“Border is coming up I think,” he reaches his arm towards you playing with the steel bar between your bare nipple, “I love seeing you like this, but you might wanna put some clothes on.”
It was hot in the van, hotter yet after Eddie had enough of your teasing tongue on his earlobe and decided to pull over for a quickie on an abandoned road. Pounding you raw until tears split from your eyes.
You were sitting completely naked, pussy bare as you fiddled and finagled with the air conditioning levers. “It’s so hot, and I’m sweaty, clothes are staying off… or is it bothering you?”
Eddie was shirtless as well, his skin sparkling with a sheen of sweat, fresh claw drags across his torso.
He grabs for your leg making you swivel in your seat as he pulls it towards, ass cheeks sticking and rubbing on the itchy fabric, “nothing you do bothers me little vixen,” his eyes flutter to you and then his crotch, eyeing you again so you can see the bulge growing in his jeans already, “you know that.”
Your eyes hood as you look at him through your lashes, a smirk slithers to your lips, “good.” Shifting sideways in your seat your bare toes rest on his lap, dangerously close to his erection.
Cranking the window down the entire way you stretch your arms and head out into the lazy breeze. Your body is on full display for him to feast his eyes on. Resembling a Victorian styled painting.
He drank in the way your skin stretched over your ribs as you bent out of the window, chin pointed to the cerulean sky, fingers twirling in the wind. The sun sparked hot against your tits, glinting a hue of seafoam blue from the windshield visor. Neck prickled sweetly with his hickies.
Your black painted toes circle around his cock, working him gently with the arch in your foot, a silver ring on your second toe.
“Baby, baby, baby…” Eddie groans, shifting himself deeper into the driver's seat.
The wind chilled your fingers enough to cool you down, they felt like ice on your burning skin as they slithered further down to the warmed wet heat between your legs.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he groans as your feet stroke him again and again.
Middle finger deep inside of yourself you only smile, spreading your knees apart to show him, “don’t I always?”
“Fucking Chriiist,” his arm stretches out over your knee, reaching for any part of you he could without killing you both by going off the road, his lips press tight together when you whine out from your own pleasure. And you can feel his dick kick up, “goddamn sweetheart.”
Minutes pass of Eddie glancing between the open road and your fingers feverishly rubbing at your clit and slipping in and out of your slick folds— trying to focus on his task at hand.
A pretty little pout crosses your brows, frustration painted on your face, “your fingers are bigger than mine, it doesn’t feel the same.”
An idea crosses Eddie’s mind, filthy and genius.
“Want me to do it for you, angel?” he half mocks, pushing your feet back to you, “sit up straight.. normal.”
You do as your told, legs stretched open with a foot out of the window. His middle and ring finger curl towards your mouth and you open with no hesitation, sucking, tongue rubbing softly on the pads, his blood boils at the warmth from your mouth.
Popping his fingers out with a little pop, he works on your clit first. Teasing, rubbing, pinching. Your angelic moans fill the van, music to his ears. When his thick fingers push into you, your eyes roll at the pained pleasure, coloring your vision to a dim onyx, seeing spots.
“right there, huh?” Eddie grunts when you gasp and pant his name, “sucking me in deep princess holy shit.”
Your release hits fast, gushing over his fingers like a faucet, nipples tweezed between your pinched grip. Eddie encourages you through it, his hot breath steaming up the window, sweat on his brow.
Opening your eyes, the sun seems like a hot iron poker to your retinas, the blissful high coming down as your body heaves deep breaths, lips pursed.
Eddie’s fingers pull out and you groans at the way you’ve coated his fingers, “look at you, making a mess.”
“Let me fix it,” you purr before grabbing his hand and wrapping your tongue around his fingers, sucking your taste from them, licking them clean.
“Fuck,” Eddie pleads inaudibly, and you only bat your eyelashes and smirk. All hope is lost when your cheeks hollow and you look at him with innocent eyes.
“That mouth of yours.. I need it on me, now.”
You oblige all to giddily, planting your knees on your seat and leaning over to unthread his belt, licking at the claw marks on his skin as his cock flops out from his boxers in all its veiny glory.
A dribble of spit falls from your tongue like honey, trickling on the head of his cock, “should we pull over?”
Eddie’s eyes are nearly shut as he holds your chin, “nah, I got it, just need you… please.” His hand rubs down the bare of your back, cupping the fat of your ass, breaching your pussy lips open with his middle finger and you let out a satisfying moan.
“You good, baby?” he asks, “so fucking dirty for me.”
Pumping him slow with your hand, you lower your mouth to the soft velvet of his cock, sliding him in and out of your mouth, nodding along to his question, and popping off to mutter a gasped, “mm only for you, Eddie.”
He cants his hips up to your open mouth, nearly cumming when you gag and slurp him up, bruising your throat. He works his fingers the way you like, stretching you open and going deeper than your own could reach. Your vibrating moans around his length have him squirming in the drivers seat, swerving over the yellow lines and back into the lane again.
You cup his balls, rubbing a thumb between them in circular motions, and Eddie yells out.
“fuuuuck, take it baby,” his hand falls from the wheel and holds your head down as he cums hard. Coating your throat in his second orgasm in less than an hour, aching sensitivity pulsing through his throbbing cock.
Your name falls from his lips like a chanted prayer in a backwoods church, soft and quick. His warm cum stays in your mouth as you suck the soul from him— hungry for more.
When you pop off of him and tuck him back into place, he looks wrecked, fringe of his bangs frizzy, dripping from sweat, navel pooling with perspiration.
Opening your mouth to show off his spend on your tongue, he about comes undone. It took him a while to get used to this but now he knows you’d never spit, not his girl.
Swallowing, and brandishing off your empty mouth, you lick lips like a cat after a meal, “you taste so fucking good, Eddie. How the hell did your previous girlfriends never do that?”
“Fuck princess,” Eddie groans, pulling your lip down and watching as the plump flesh thumps back into splace, sending a shiver down your spine, “I dunno, still trying to wrap my head around how I got lucky enough to find someone who loves doing it… fuckin’ won the lottery with you, my little sex addict.”
Relighting the joint from earlier, you press your lips to his, shotgunning smoke from your lungs into his mouth, letting his heady taste go from your tongue to his.
He inhales and you sit back on the sticky mess you had made earlier, ashing the joint out the window lazily, “only thing I'm addicted to is you.”
#eddie munson#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x you#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson smut#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie smut#eddie x you smut#eddie x reader
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Eddie Munson x Reader SMUT • Includes oral (f receiving) p in v sex
You weren’t supposed to be doing this. Your friends would never approve. He was the town’s resident bad boy, and in the minds of some, its villain. Onstage at The Hideaway, performing with his band, Eddie Munson looked every bit the larger-than-life personality his reputation described. Tossing long, jet curls over his shoulder, beads of sweat flicking from the ends of his hair, Eddie looked more like an angel than a devil. But every time his sable eyes caught you in their sights, Eddie held you with his gaze as warmly as the Devil holds a sinner’s hand…
When Eddie approached you after his show ended, you felt the heat of temptation burning down your defenses. Those dark, mysterious eyes held even more power over you up close; so when Eddie offered to buy you a drink, you accepted without hesitation. His conversation was as smooth as his fingers, the way they’d manipulated the strings of his guitar and later, how they manipulated the buttons of your dress undone. In the back of Eddie’s trailer, with your legs draped over his shoulders, he kissed soft and teasing along your thighs, deliberately avoiding the place you needed his mouth until you were begging.
He smirked up at you, the tip of his tongue lingering over your clit. “You look pretty from down here,” Eddie muttered lecherously, nuzzling his nose a little lower and drawing in a deep breath. “Smell pretty, too,” he added, then flicked his tongue over your clit, making you shiver. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you smell-.”
Eddie abruptly pressed his face into your cunt, his tongue slipping between your lips in a filthy, open-mouth kiss. Your back arched, a sharp gasp hissing from your chest. The rough stubble on Eddie’s chin rubbed against your ass as he ate you, his face rutting into your heat in wet, sloppy thrusts.
You gripped his hair in your fists, holding on for dear life as Eddie’s mouth worked you into a sopping mess. Your cum-slicked thighs trembled around his face, marking Eddie’s cheeks in slippery trails. He hummed a melody low and deep into your sex, the vibrations buzzing through Eddie’s tongue and straight to the throbbing burn at your center.
With a sharp cry, you yanked his hair to the point of causing pain, but Eddie didn’t react. He was too focused on the high of feeling you coming around his tongue, the soft spasms of your pussy massaging him in shallow, rhythmic tugs. Eddie instinctively wrapped an arm over your waist to hold you down as your hips bucked above him, to protect both of you as your climax ripped you apart. A burst of fluid gushed over Eddie’s face, dripping down his chin and between his lips as he lapped up your release.
Eddie pulled you onto the floor and into his lap, guiding your lips to his. The cool leather of his pants felt like Heaven against your throbbing, sensitive cunt. Eddie groaned into your mouth as you sank onto the prominent bulge below his waist, his fingers quickly moving between your bodies to unbuckle his belt. As he loosened his pants and adjusted them to the side, Eddie’s cock sprang free, glistening with precum as it slapped against his stomach. With a few deft movements, Eddie had his tip primed at your entrance. With his eyes fixed on yours, Eddie gently urged you forward, sinking you onto his cock.
What was first a soft whimper turned to carnal groans of ecstasy the moment Eddie thrust upward. His hands found purchase in your hair, fingers coiling through your strands to hold you in place as he used your cunt.
“Fuck you’re so tight,” Eddie grunted against your shoulder, his breath a moist vapor on your skin. “Gonna milk me dry, aren’t ya sweetheart?”
A sharp piston of Eddie’s hips forced his cock even deeper. You yelped as he bumped your cervix; but the jolt of pain was immediately replaced by pleasure, as the deeper position allowed Eddie’s base to rub your g-spot. The beginning of a second orgasm thrummed between your legs, building and blooming around Eddie’s cock. He growled beside your ear, hands moving to your shoulders and squeezing tightly, lifting you off his cock as he felt his climax approaching.
With a loud groan of relief, Eddie came all over himself. You both watched in a fucked-out trance as semen painted his stomach white. Eddie panted out a breathy laugh, making a joke about the dry cleaner, but you were honestly too far gone to hear him completely.
When you had recovered, and your legs were once again fit for standing, Eddie helped you to your feet. “We play here again next Saturday,” he told you, a satisfied grin on his lips. “You should come.”
The double meaning of Eddie’s words struck a pretty, dangerous chord inside you that made your heart kick up its pace again.
You and Eddie said your goodbyes, before parting ways for the night. As you watched his trailer pull out of the lot, the thought of your friends’ disapproval was completely absent from your mind. Maybe Eddie Munson was the devil Hawkins claimed he was, after all? He’d certainly managed to bewitch your body in a single night, as only a devil could.
As you slid behind the wheel of your vehicle, plans for seeing Eddie again next week were already fluttering through your head. If the Devil was in Hawkins, it seemed he’d found a new disciple, in you…
#stranger things#stranger things smut#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson x reader#eddie x you#eddie stranger things#eddie x reader#eddie smut#eddie munson#joseph quinn#eddie fic#eddie munson x you smut#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x fem!reader smut#eddie munson one shot#Eddie one shot#eddie x y/n#eddie x fem!reader#Eddie x you smut#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson filth#Eddie filth#eddie munson fandom#eddie fanfic#Eddie Munson fan fiction#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things 4#st s4
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cannot stop thinking about modern! Steddie and having a three way FaceTime call, where they are trying their hardest not to cum in their pants while you fuck yourself on camera for them.
#steddie smut#steddie x reader smut#Steve Harrington smut#eddie munson smut#eddie munson smut blurb#eddie x you smut#eddie x fem reader#steve x female reader
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“don’t look so scared, princess, we’ll make it fit.”
Ohh fuck i am a goner 🫠
truth or dare. | eddie munson x reader
this one is… filthy. a little enemies to lovers with eddie <3
“thought you said eddie wasn’t going to be here!” you hissed to robin with a glare.
“no, I just didn’t answer. c’mon, he’s always here. I know you’re like his enemy or whatever, but you never come hang out anymore!” she grabbed your arm and pulled you over to where all of the adults were strewn over couches in the basement of nancy’s.
there he was, all dark brown eyes and stupid smirk — sipping from a beer bottle. you scowled at eddie, resigning yourself to an evening in the presence of the one person you tried to avoid in hawkins, indiana.
you were a good girl, and eddie was a bad boy. it could’ve been that simple, but it wasn’t. ever since highschool, the two of you loathed each other. nobody knew the real story, from the outside, it just always seemed like the two of you had never gotten along.
you hated him because he thought you were a stuck-up princess. he hated you because you thought he was a futureless punk guitarist.
it had all started sophomore year of highschool, when he’d kissed you in the locker room. your heart had filled with butterflies, but they quickly collapsed when the principal walked in on you. terrified of getting in trouble, when you’d been asked what was going on, you insisted that you would never kiss eddie munson. even eddie’s tough-as-nails exterior couldn’t keep your words from piecing his heart.
ever since then, you’d be enemies.
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𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞
love sick! eddie x fem reader
eddie comes to your house in the middle of a rainstorm begging for something you can’t give him
hurt no comfort, reader is kinda a fuck girl in this situation, eddie is sweet, smut 18+ only mdni
Rain pattered loud against the windows, thunder clapped and rumbled in before the lightning rode behind and brightened the midnight sky. His hair was sopping wet, dark waves drenched to silky ropes. You didn’t know how long he was knocking before the repetitive noise had woken you.
He was soaked.
Soggy Reeboks squished against the doormat as he chattered his teeth unwillingly through the threshold of your front door.
Water pooled around his feet as you counted the slow drops of rain falling from his fingertips onto the carpet. A steady rhythm— anything to keep your eyes from seeing the hurt etched into his face.
A fling was all this was supposed to be. Nothing serious. No feelings. You kept your side of the bargain but Eddie fell for you before he could stop himself. He thought if he kept his feelings hidden you wouldn’t catch onto them, or maybe he silently hoped you also had feelings for him.
It wasn’t until he noticed your car parked outside of Steve Harrington’s house, on the way to work one morning. Dew slicking your windows, that he realized you had been there since night, having spent the evening tucked into a king bed with Steve, of all people.
He ignored his aching heart, shook away the hurt. The smile he put on when you stopped by his work to have a quickie in the bathroom, was practically believable, award winning.
Your car showed up in other driveways, and he wondered if you’d always been there— under his nose, or if this was new for you.
Eddie wanted you all to himself. But that was not part of what this was. Months went by and he never once turned down your midnight calls. He ignored hickies that weren’t from him, earrings with initials that weren’t his or yours. He wouldn’t dare lose you because he couldn’t handle how he felt. But one night he messed up.
The night was like any other, he was buried inside of you, as you rode him in the tub. Soapy water was splashed all over the floor, his tattoos looked alive beneath the shimmery smears of body wash. As your tits bounced in his face, your fingers were curled tight at the back of his neck, wringing the wet from his curls.
And it slipped.
You felt so good, your perfect body full in his hands, delicious curves and smooth skin he could never get enough. He’d never forget the tangy lick of cherry on your lips, the way your eyes closed as you came.
Three words fell like a prayer from his lips, a spewed string of murmurs that stung his eyes from relief, finally letting it out. And as he came you stopped cold.
And that was it.
It had been a month. Arguably the worst month of Eddie Munson’s life.
A month spent drunk and high, only to find out that the demons couldn’t be deceived. The reality of you telling him it was over hit him over and over again. Your face, the tears you wouldn’t allow yourself to fall, blinded his dreams, tortured his sober hours. He was a wreck.
Arms crossed tight, socked toes working into the carpet you haven’t stopped staring at the water running from his rings.
“Eddie… what are you doing in the rain?”
He couldn’t tell you that he walked here from The Hideout. That he just needed to see your face.
“Are you drunk?” You reach for the keys on the little hook shelf he had put up for you after it sat in a plastic bag on your table for weeks. He teased you about knowing your way around a screw driver, put the wall stud meter on himself and told you it was broken when it didn’t beep.
He didn’t say anything and you sighed clutching the keys in your palm and reaching for a jacket, “c’mon, let me drive you home.”
He held your arm before it could grip the cotton of your jacket, bringing it down to your side.
“Please..” he begged, a cold hand moved to your cheek and you finally looked at him. Almost taken aback by the purple circles of agony coloring his under eyes, his skin was sickly ghost-white and pale, “I wanted to see you.”
You breathed his name as his fingers curled around your jaw, sighing, closing your eyes, “I can’t… I can’t be what you need.”
Love wasn’t for you. It never had been, and he understood that… until he didn’t, until he told you he loved you, until he swore you felt the same. But you didn’t, you couldn’t.
He felt insane coming here. The guys tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen.
“I know, I just…” what he wanted was you, wanted to feel your body pressed to his, wanted to taste your lips as you desperately unzipped his pants— giggling in the empty hallway to his bedroom.
He wanted to hear your pretty sighs as he nipped at your thighs, feel your knees buckle when his fingers pushed past your warm slick lips under your skirt.
“..didn’t get to— I know you can’t change how you feel but..”
“…lie to me.”
You’re stunned, staring back at him at his wild eyes filled with so much hurt you could feel it in your soul. “I… don’t understand.”
He wets his lips then, and you can taste the bated breath on them, the intoxicating essence that Eddie always filled you with, and you yearn for more.
He’s so close to you now, pressing your back firmly against the shut door. his wet hair beading onto the thin strap of your tank top.
“Please sweetheart,” he whispers, moving the strap down your arm, “.. lie to me, tell me you love me.”
You hang your head, murmuring out a plea that’s formed with hot staticky lust and pain, “I don’t want to hurt you Eds.”
A finger hooks under your chin bringing you back up to him and he smiles with tears in his eyes, “you won’t baby, you never could.”
You say it and his lips find yours in a heated squish of flesh and teeth. The gasping breath echoing along the walls as Eddie hooks his arms beneath your knees and carries you tight against his chest to your room.
Your arms untangle the leather jacket from his shoulders, and when he sets you down like a dainty flower on your mattress he finishes the hasty job of wrestling his arms out from the destroyed fabric and it slaps to the ground.
Clothes are everywhere, yours dry and his completely soaked, he shivers in his nakedness, skin bitter cold to the touch. He seethes when your warm hands pull him down to you, your body practically a furnace against his.
His mouth is hot against the column of your throat, sliding his tongue around the silk of your skin. His hips roll into your body when he smells your shampoo, fuck he’s missed you.
You’ve missed him. Nobody in Hawkins could compare to the way Eddie made you feel.
He intertwined your fingers like lover’s would and you let him. Easy to pretend that you were both on the same page of feelings, everything with Eddie came easy. He’s murmuring nonsense into your neck, tongue swirling, teeth biting, marking you up the last time.
He wanted to be yours. Wanted you to want to be his. But he had to let you go, and tonight he would spend as much time as he could bringing you over the edge of the peaceful shattering of pleasure.
He moves down your body kissing between the valley of your tits, lapping up your honey sweet nipples like they were made of nectar. Never getting enough.
Your pitiful moans dance like dandelions around your room and he nearly cums on your blanket when you pant his name as his tongue licks up your cunt.
He’d missed your taste, the way he’d fuck you stupid and hours later he could still taste you on his lips. You wrap your thighs around his head like he knew you would.
A peek up your body and your fingers were fisting the comforter, and he smirked into your clit.
Whoever you were fucking now must not be doing it right because you had come fast on his tongue not once, but twice, and his heart swelled with pride.
When he climbed back up the bed, your eyes were shut and you looked drunk, ragged breathing making your heart skip beats.
He lays beside you, kissing your bare shoulder, working a path to your cheek, waiting patiently for your strength to come back, whispering how he’s missed you, how beautiful you are, and you hold back tears.
You said it again when he stretched you open, gasping and crying out from his size, “..fuck, so so so big.”
He chuckled into your neck, pistoning his hips with a jerk causing you to moan, “don’t want you to forget about me pretty girl.”
Your reply is snuffed out into his neck, slurred out with moans and murmurs of his name. He fucked you hard then slow, a lazy rhythm with his forehead resting on yours, collecting your lips with his whenever he could, swallowing each others groans.
He’s close, and so are you. You can feel his arms beginning to shake, and his breathing picks up in racing tandem with yours. “where’d you want me?”
Your eyes are rolled back and you’re arching your back from the bed, babbling a plea of how you don’t care where, and your orgasm snaps.
Eyes pinched and huffing you both come at the same time, tangled in sweaty sheets and frizzy hair. It’s pure bliss, no matter how ignorant you may both be in the moment.
Hours pass. Eddie’s light snores keep you company with the hum from the dryer filled with his clothes. Your fingers slide through his curls, working knots out with your fingernails as he lays heavy on your chest. His lips are red from the night, maybe a bit swollen.
Pushing back his bangs you get a good look at his features. The bulby nose, the silver scar on his forehead that you never thought to ask where it came from. The thick sweep of black lashes contrasting to his porcelain skin. He was beautiful.
And you were a liar.
Saying it a third time tonight, you say the three word lie Eddie begged you to tell him.
He was fooled, and you’d keep doing it to protect him from you. Because saying you loved Eddie, never was a lie.
#eddie munson#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x you#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson smut#eddie imagine#eddie blurb#eddie munson imagine#eddie x you smut
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≛ modern!eddie x female reader x modern! steve
≛ summary: a week after being stranded on the side of the road with eddie and steve, you finally figure out what you’re going to do. Can the boys agree to what you have planned?
≛ chapter warnings: MODERN AU, 18+ only I can’t be anymore clear about that, fuckgirl! reader vibes, Steve’s kind of a dickhead, oral m & f receiving and giving, mentions of birth control, reader gets eaten out by a girl, drug use, mention of alcohol, modern themes including texting, snapchat, iced coffee, crumbl cookie lmao etc, no y/n used, readers nickname is taff or taffy (bruh I hate using y/n catch me using any dumb nickname) Eddie picks reader up in a hug, real simpy Eddie behavior.
“I just don’t know Robin,” you explain, pulling literally at your hair from the root, “what should I do?”
Ever since that day in the back of Wayne’s truck, you hadn’t had a single night of peace. Both Eddie and Steve were blowing up your phone. Begging for your attention. It was flattering at first. Two of Hawkins hottest at your beck and call. Each vying for your undivided, not knowing that they were competing for it.
“Quit squirming,” Robin says in a huff between your legs, her mouth blossomed red and slick with spit, “I’ve been down here for thirty minutes and you aren’t any closer to coming than when I started.”
Her apartment was hot and sticky, the oscillating fan on its last leg, and you were both stripped down to nothing to keep cool on your planned girls day in. A day to forget about the boys stressing you out and for Robin to get away from her annoying ex. And just like how it usually happened with her, you ended up snorting lines and making eachother buzz with orgasms.
“Ugh, sorry,” you say annoyed, leaning up on your elbows to see her pretty face, “I just can’t relax.”
“Tell me about it,” she says around your puffy clit, the tip of her tongue flicking it like a snake.
You had made the boys swear to secrecy that they wouldn’t tell a soul about what had happened. But you didn’t promise anything.
And the moment you had gotten home, you sent a text to Robin explaining every single detail, down to girth and length.
“I think, you should date them both, try em out, what’s the worst thing that could happen?”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, now please shut up, you’re taking forever and I’m bored.”
The next morning you woke with a smile on your lips. Any turmoil left in your mind on your decision had gone with Robin’s idea.
The alarm clock on your bedside table illuminated 9:15AM and before even slipping your toes into some slippers, you sent two text messages to two recipients.
The normal routine of your morning commenced without fail, washing your face, scrubbing your body in the shower, putting on light makeup before making a pot of coffee.
Eddie arrived first, his motorcycle echoed loud off the parking lot as he backed it into a spot against the sidewalk. His dark curls were honeyed by the sun, a bag of Chinese takeout in one arm and a dozen roses in another. The prettiest dimples displayed on his stupid gorgeous face.
“Hey beautiful,” he smirked, wrapping you in a hug and kissing your cheek. He smelled like muted cigarettes and bourbon cologne. The creak of his leather jacket echoed in your ears as he lifted you off the ground into a bone crushing hug, making you squeal.
“Sleep well?”
Before you could answer his smile had faded into a scowl when the door swung open and Steve stood at the threshold. Wielding a pink box of gourmet cookies and two iced coffees, his wire framed Ray Bans pushed into his hair.
“Munson,” he greeted, nodding to his friend in that jock head jerk. Stepping around him, Steve sets the coffees on the counter and gathers you into a hug, kissing your neck and whispering that he had missed you.
His golden retriever vibe of tanned skin and forest colored eyes bore through you when he licked his lips.
You pull away and smile at them. They both look so good but in completely different ways.
Eddie’s tattoos were peeking out from under the tight white shirt he was wearing, as was a silver chain necklace.
You were practically drooling to get your lips on his skin again.
Steve was in light colored shorts and a casual button up, exposing the dusting of chest hair that your fingers ached to be wrapped in. If you had your way you’d take them both right here right now but that’s not what today was about.
“Why are we both here, baby?” Eddie asks, setting the bouquet and the Chinese food on the counter, pushing away the pink box of treats from his competitor.
“It’s obvious.” Steve says with a smirk pulling on his lips, “she’s gonna let you down easy and go out with me.”
“Always so cocky,” you tsk, trying not to look at the way his shorts are cinched at the zipper.
You look between them, big doe whiskey colored eyes stare at you in longing, while the mossy floor ones squinted with a smirk.
“We need to talk, and rather me having this conversation twice- I figured we are grown ass adults and can talk about what happened.”
Eddie nods and crosses his arms, leaning forward to not miss anything you were about to say. Meanwhile Steve leaned a hip into the wall, checking his phone.
“Before I stroke your egos, you both know you’re hot, so I’m not going to tell you how fucking great that day was.”
“fuck yeah it was,” Steve chimed in, adjusting his length in his shorts.
Eddie blushed a pretty salmon and shot you a wink.
“But— I’m not choosing between the two of you, I can’t, ask Robin, I about gave her a brain aneurysm yesterday trying to figure it out.”
You were the one on the verge of an aneurysm when you came allover her lips but that’s another story.
“So, we’re gonna do this with no strings, no feelings, just friends hooking up and playing around. Cool?”
Eddie’s eyes fall to the tops of his boots.
“So let me get this straight,” Steve gaped, eyebrows pulled in, “you’re going to go out with the two of us... at the same time?”
“Yeah, kinda what you do with every hussy in town Harrington.”
Steve’s gears are grinding but Eddie hasn’t said a word.
“What the fuck Taff?” Steve huffs in annoyance.
you banter back talking to him like he’s a child, “what’s the matter Harrington, don’t like sharing?”
“Rich boys are used to having their way.” Eddie gloats.
“Oh fuck off,” he pours, “what about sex? Or is this like a PG thing, eating pizza at Chucke fuckin’ Cheese?”
You cross your arms, and lick your lips, “oh we’ll be fucking, but not until you’re clean, both of you.”
Eddie’s eyes finally perk up, he hasn’t been with anyone since last year and he was checked three months ago.
“Oh come on!” Steve whines, “MaKenna is a virgin, and Blair and Nicole have only blown Tommy since being with me— no need to fuck anyone else catch my drift?”
“Sorry Harrington, I’m not risking catching anything and giving it to Eddie because you fundipped your way across campus. Show me you’re clean and it’s game on.”
He pouts, “Jesus Christ… I’ll even wear a condom, c’mon.. I swear I’m clean.”
“What the fuck is this 1990? I have an IUD, just get clean and we can do whatever you want.”
Eddie feels like he has the upper hand for the first time since arriving at your apartment, “W-when does this start, sweetheart?”
“Right now,” you shrug, “ I know you had to take off work today so I’m yours, see ya tomorrow Stevie.”
“Such bullshit.”
“Don’t worry buddy, I’ll take care of her while you’re off swabbing your pee hole,” Eddie says with a wave to his friend, cockiness in his stance.
“Be nice, boys.”
You don’t expect what happens next but Steve grabbed your wrist and twisted you into him, kissing you square on the mouth just as firm as he did in the bed of Wayne’s truck. Rough and giving no grace he leaves you spinning even after he’s left.
“Text me if you get bored with this one,” he says, licking his bottom lip to get one more taste of you as he walks through the door, “bye.”
You cross the kitchen to the counter, lips still buzzing from Steve’s kiss. You pull out two forks from the proper drawer and rip some paper towels from the roll.
Pulling out the white cardboard containers of Chinese food from the plastic sack, you plate them with shaky fingers. The fork in your hand slipping every once in a while and clanging loudly into the ceramic plate.
“Hungry?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Starving actually,” Eddie says, “but there’s something I wanna do first.”
You tear open a foil packet of soy sauce between your teeth and squeeze it all over the fried rice, “yeah, and what’s that?”
Not noticing how close he was to you, his hands rest hotly on either of your hips, fingernails grazing the cotton of your shorts.
In a quick spin, you’re suddenly facing him, fork in one hand, soy sauce packet in the other. His eyes are impossibly dark, and a twist of a smirk lays on his pretty lips.
“I wanna kiss you.”
His lips ghost over yours and your tongue reaches for his lips but is met by nothing.
His breath fans across your lips, the sweetest of pouts escapes you, and his adam's apple bobs in his throat, swallowing your annoyance, “not here.”
His fingers tease the waistband of your shorts, cold steel of his rings icing into your skin, dipping into it with a tentative touch.
The zipper of his leather jacket bites into your palms as you pull him closer into you, and just like that day on the side of the road, it felt easy with Eddie.
You share the same bated breath as his fingers plunge deeper and push your underwear out of the way. Between your slick folds he teases at your clit with his middle finger, swallowing the pretty noise you emit.
“Wanna kiss you here,” he said with a thick fingered flick against your clit making you moan through your teeth but lips, “need to taste you, again.”
You moan his name and he helps you wiggle out of your shorts in a hurry. Feeling like you’re possessed at the sight of him dropping to his knees on the cold linoleum of your kitchen floor, like a sinner praying for mercy in a cathedral—you’re practically begging for his tongue where you need it most.
Two weeks ago you and Eddie were just friends, and now he’s pulling the prettiest noises from you that would make the angels sick with worry,
His lips kiss your thighs feverishly in his travels. Dark curls tickling against the spit from his sloppy mouth. Every sensation in your body was screaming, and you cursed out loud when he hooked your leg over his shoulder like a guitar strap.
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he pushed this tongue into your slick, flicking against the hood of your clit, “so fuckin pretty baby, been seeing her in my dream for a week.”
Nerves wrecked already you’re practically a puddle at his simping words, trying like hell to balance on one foot and carving your nails into the underside of the counter. But Eddie’s face could have held you up alone.
He’s buried in your pussy. The happiest of graves. Nose, mouth chin- gone. All you can see of him down the plain of your own body are his curls. But you can feel him everywhere.
Devil's tongue stuffed between your legs, thrashing and lapping up like a mad man starved. His groans vibrate around you and your legs quake. His fingers are pushed deep in the well of your velvet walls, another circling your ass and putting the tiniest bit of pressure there making you cry out.
His name falls from your lips like a chant, faster and faster until your orgasm peaks and blinds you, your body losing all control from his tongue, your knuckles go white when you grab his hair, holding him right where you need him.
“Fuck,” he groans, wrapping his lips around your sensitive clit once more before he adjusts your panties back into place. Your fingers ache from the grip you had on the counter and in his locks.
Kissing the delicate fabric around the apex of your thighs, he whispers softly, “I could do that everyday.”
He helps you step back into your shorts, that glorious tongue poking out in concentration, and he looks up at you with a shy smile, standing and holding your hands.
“With a tongue like that, I might let you.”
“Don’t tease me Taffy, I’m still hard.”
And now it was your turn to be needy. You pull the lapels of his leather jacket into you and you kiss his slick coated lips, he tastes like you and the salty soy sauce that was still on your lip.
Kissing Eddie was different than Steve, he painted your mouth the same way he lapped at your folds. If you never caught your breath— that would be fine with you. Your head spun around his web and you were tangled in it.
His hands wrap around your back and one holds your face. It was deeply passionate, and your heart was bursting, your lips move to his neck and you suck and bite a mark into him, and he whimpers when your kisses go small.
“This is gonna get cold Eddie,” you say against the column of his throat.
“Let it, I’ll buy more.”
You grin into his skin and he laughs when you tickle his sides, “c’mon,” you urge.
And Eddie gets in one last kiss before breaking away, pulling your lip down with his thumb, and you shudder at the way he looks at you as if you’re the only girl on the planet, “if you say so.”
The Chinese needed to be s microwaved but it was still good., The hunan pork was tender and juicy, and the lo mein noodles were to die for. You and Eddie sat side by side on the barstools and talked like you always had. He had a gig this weekend and when he asked if you were coming you said of course you were, a quirk to your brow.
“Alright,” he said, putting alot of effort and concentration into twirling a noodle with his fork, “just wasn’t sure.”
You leaned forward and kissed sauce from the corner of his mouth, and your core ached and pulsed at the sight of his boyish grin and blushing cheeks.
“Wouldn’t miss it, even if it is Steve’s night.”
He accepted a bite from your fork of fried rice, and almost melted when you held pinched fingers up to his mouth of a ripped piece of crab rangoon.
“We’re still cool, right?” he asks after crushing the bite between his teeth, his eyes watching you put your fingers in your mouth and nodding.
“So c-can I ask you something as a friend?”
His brows are pinched in a furrow and you know he’s uneasy about something.
You slurp a noodle into your mouth and talk with a mouthful, a hand in front of your face, “spit it out, Munson.”
His fork clanks on the plate as he sets it down and gives the plate away. He runs a hand through his hair, and leans on his elbows and picks at his rings.
“So, why— I mean, why the both of us. You and Harrington can’t even stand each other.”
He was right, before last week you and Steve could barely be in the same room together, and now you were agreeing to fuck with no strings attached.
“It’s physical with Steve, like pure animalistic instinct. There’s no thoughts, and I think us hating each other just makes it that much better.”
Eddie’s weight shifts on the stool and his eyes never leave his rings, spinning them in a nervous habit.
“So you don’t like him like that?”
And the truth of his question falls through but you refuse to answer it, you have your own questions to ask, you toss the paper napkin onto your plate and mimic his actions, pushing it ahead on the counter.
“Eddie.. are you jealous?”
You leaned into him, the pads of your fingers daintily walking up his thigh, your eyes blink slow in a lazy seduction and fuck he’s practically putty in your hands.
He licks his lips feverishly, suddenly hot around the collar and his heart hammered a rhythm loud enough to make a tune out of it.
“N-no,” pppft he stammers, “I’m not jealous,” he tries his best not to catch your eye but once he does those hersheys bars give him away and a bubble gum blush tickles his cheeks. He clears his throat with an ahem, and raps his knuckles on the counter.
You stand and wiggle between his legs, pressing one hand further into his crotch and the other on his chest, toying with his necklace, your finger skating the pick left and right the chain making a zippered like noise.
“Tell me what you want, baby.”
Eddie is floored, wilting like a flower— all the oxygen and water ran out from the √≈petals. His mouth was almost glued shut, it’s so dry, Sahara would be jealous.
Your lips pucker behind his ear and the filth you’re whispering to him sends shivers down his spine. It’s lust licked and heavy, want me to touch you, or do you wanna touch me?
He answers with a dry groan and a swallow, and his hands find your hips spinning you around,his lips ghost over your neck and you throw your head back into him, pushing your ass into him to feel the swell of his bulge in his jeans.
He’s rutting into your doughy ass, his fat cock loving the friction you’re bouncing against him, you move your hips and grind further into him.
“Fuck baby,” he moans hot against the shell of your ear, catching in his throat.
His hands creep under the hem of your shirt and skate against your skin, the smooth of his nails electrifying each touch. They work along your curves, his big thick hands touching every inch of your skin, rubbing along the lacy edge of your maroon bralette.
The pads of his thumbs graze against your peaked nipples and you exhale. You're surrounded by the sharp spice of his cologne, the muted cigarettes clinging to his jacket, it encompassed you, held you like a hug and had your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
It felt too good. His lips hummed against your neck, vibrating hot and sending goosebumps along your skin, and you wanted more. Needed more.
You followed his hands, tracing the veins on the tops of them with your fingers, pushing your palm flat against them, making him squeeze at your tits, and you purred out his name, a shade away from whining.
Fuck you wanted him so bad. And judging by the firmness of his cock beneath your asscheeks, he wanted you just as badly.
You spun quickly, grabbing his hands and leading him to the couch, his lips were red from sucking on your neck, bangs were pushed up awkwardly from the position his head was buried into your shoulder. He looked drunk, enamored with something you didn’t recognize.
The leather of his belt was heavy in your fingers as you unraveled it through the buckle and the first loop on his jeans. His eyes never left yours as your fingers flipped the button and pushed his jeans down his hips.
He shuddered a breath when your hand cupped him in his boxers, the velvet of his skin soft and warm in your soft grip. He was bigger than you remembered, thick like a stout of beer.
“Christ Taff,” he breathed when you stroked him fully, the pad of your finger running over the vein that ran along his cock.
You looked at him through your lashes as you lowered yourself to the ground, dragging his jeans and boxers with you, “this what you wanted big boy? Wanted me on my knees for you?”
He hums and holds your chin, brushing his thumb across your lips.
Licking the tip of his thumb, you hold his heavy cock in your hands, stroking his shaft slow then fast, “you’re so big, Eddie.”
He swallows his next words when your tongue circles his head, collecting the precum with each devilish swipe. You stick out your tongue to show him the pearl in your mouth, and he almost combusts when you swallow it with a hum.
He’s certain he’s going to die right here in your living room, looking at you with your pink tongue swirling around his cock, the way your lips suction around him, fuck, you haven’t even put him fully in your mouth yet and he’s a goddamn mess.
The teasing is too much but he’ll take whatever you give him, if you were to stop now he’d be completely satisfied, he’d have to pump his cock furiously when he got home to make the ache go away but, he’d do it.
But you don’t stop, fuck no. You’re just getting started. You like him like this, flushed in his cheeks and waiting patiently for your mouth. His mouth opening as yours does. Waiting, pleading, hoping that you would finally let your wet warmth surround him.
And then you do.
He stretched your mouth cheek to cheek, a literal mouthful. And he hums. Is he thanking God? You hide your giggle, deciding to take him further into your throat as you hollow your cheeks and slide him deeper with the help of his canting hips.
You hum around him and it tickles him, but he’s so drunk on your mouth he’s muttering sentences that don’t even make sense.
Pumping your hands along his shaft you dribble spit from your throat to the head of his dick, a slimy string connecting you mouth, one that you slurp back up and take him in deeper. His knees are bent and he pulled his shirt under his chin, wanting to see you fully with his cock stuffed in your mouth, your pretty eyes are teary and he can feel you gag around him before he pulls out and you come back for more.
He’s not sure how long you’ve been at this, and he’s trying to keep his mind averted to anything other than your slippery throat and the cute way your eyes are looking up at him.
This was better than the way you sucked him off in the bed of Wayne’s truck. You were solely focused on him here. No other distractions, just you and him.
“Look so fucking pretty, baby,” he moaned, reaching down to hold your cheek, his thumb wipes away some of your smudged make up from your eye, “ do you know that?”
You nod with him in your throat, and he breathes more nonsense as he looks to the ceiling and runs his fingers through his hair, trying not to convulse, but he can’t take it any more, you're working his dick like you’re short on rent.
“Fuck, sweet girl, fuck,” Eddie whines, scrubbing his hands down his face, his stomach burning to give in to you, I— shit shit shit, ‘m gonna come.”
He works his hips away from you but you wrap your arms around the back of his knees, holding him with his dick still in your mouth, waiting like a kitten for milk.
He cums hard, biting through his bottom lip to keep himself from yelling out loud. You don’t stop bobbing your throat, swirling your tongue, around his length and puckering your lips around him.
With his load in your mouth you paint his cock with it, moving it around and around with your excess spit, a hurricane against your tornado tongue, you finally swallow, sucking in your cheeks once more, and cleaning Eddie off in one swoop. His cries fill the room and you finally release him with a pop.
“Jesus, fuck.” He exhales, sleepy eyed. His reddened swollen cock hanging between you both, “c’mere.”
He helps you to your feet, and you tuck him back into his boxers gently. He mutters an embarrassed thanks, you’re smiling up at him with a cocky little smirk. Completely ready for him to pull up his jeans, maybe get himself a beer from your fridge, but he doesn’t.
Eddie holds you to him, his forehead leaning on yours, big hands wrapped around the small of your back. His erratic breath plumed through his nose and his chest was beating fast. You’ve never seen him like this, “Eddie?”
He doesn’t let go, doesn’t say anything, he just moves back to press the lightest of kisses to the tip of your nose. “You, “ he finally says, licking his lips and rolling his eyes into the back of his head, finally focusing back on you, he pulls you closer, enough that his eyes are all you can see.
But whatever he was going to say is stuck in his throat, he never finishes what he was going to say. Just pulls you into him and holds you there, his lips on your neck, kissing you softly. It was a perfect day. You should have known it wouldn’t have been weird between you and Eddie, falling back into sync as best friends and laughing while snacking on m&m’s and smoking from his dab pen.
You end up falling asleep on your bed together, tired from exerting so much energy and bellies full of Chinese. Netflix asks, are you still watching YOU? on the tv on your dresser. Eddie’s tossing and turning wakes you and you grab your phone to check the time. 5 o’clock. Taking an almost four hour nap, but in reality it felt like four days straight.
But that's not the only surprising thing on your phone.
A litter of texts. From the same occupant. The other half of this agreement.
hope you enjoyed, seems like Steve isn’t too thrilled right?
♡tag list: @dashingdeb16 @emxxblog @mopeymopeymouse @pretendthisnameisclever @mommybaby-witch @eddies-acousticguitar
@tlclick73 @figmentofquinn @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @whenshelanded @micheledawn1975 @3rd-conchord * @leelei1980 @mopeymopeymouse @browneyes8288 @emilyslutface @mmunson86 @josephquinnsfreckles @eddiesxangel @elegantkoalapaper * @str4ngergirlw0rld * @corrodedcoffincumslut @nailbatanddungeon @crybabyddl @zenathebeautiful @astela17 @taintedcigs @bettyfrommars @munsonsuccubus @munson-blurbs @hollandweather @serasvictoria @steviesgrl @sweetsweetjellybean @curiositydooropened @ashyyboyy @urlbitchin @sllooney @lame0o @ali-r3n @bangaveragewhitewine
#Steve x you#eddie x you smut#eddie munson#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x reader#Steve x you x Eddie#Eddie x you x Steve#fuckgirl! reader
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Spooning with Eddie (Eddie x Reader smutty blurb)
cw: 18+ only! minors DNI, grinding, cuddling, unprotected piv (please use protection IRL), creampie, lil bit of dirty talk, fem!reader as well as the use of "girl" to describe reader.
The two of you are cuddled up in his bed, spooning. He's got one arm under your neck, the other is draped over your waist. Your breathing slows down as you relax into him. You feel his breath on the back of your neck as he adjusts his hips once, then does it again, the third time you realize he's grinding into your ass.
"Whatcha doin' back there?" You laugh out.
He hides his face in your neck as he moves the hand on your waist down to your thigh, rubbing up and down.
"Nothin'... you just feel really good." He accentuates the "really" with a desperate thrust.
You smile a little and move your hips against him. He sucks in a breath and grips your thigh while moving with you. You sigh as his hand wanders to your inner thigh, rubbing little circles. The bulge in his pants has gone from slightly noticeable to impossible to miss.
He whimpers into your neck, "Need to be inside you. Please?"
"Well," you push back onto him a little harder, causing him to groan. "Since you were good and said please." You move to get up, prepared to ride him when he stops you.
"I want you like this."
He pulls your shorts and panties off, followed by his own boxers and pants. His hand finds its way to your cunt, middle and ring fingers prodding at your entrance. He's excited and a little proud when he feels how sticky and slick you already are.
"What's this for, huh?" He dips the tips of his fingers into your hole, then runs them up to your clit to circle it. You bite your lip before replying,
"Some needy little slut kept trying to fuck me. Think he better hurry it up."
He huffs a little laugh and pulls up your leg to give him better access. You hold your thigh as he rubs the tip of his cock up and down your folds. You moan and move your hips, desperate for him to be inside you already.
"Oh, I'm the needy little slut? Look at you, baby."
He teases you a bit longer, rubbing and slapping your clit with his tip before finally entering you. The stretch his thickness gives you is overwhelming. You press your face into the pillow as he buries himself to the hilt. He slowly grinds into you while planting kisses to your shoulder and neck. He pulls out completely, then sinks back in until his hips are flush against your ass. You mewl and rock back into him. He rubs your clit with one hand and uses the other to grip onto your hip.
The room is filled with moans along with the sound of skin slapping and the squelch from your cunt. As you feel your peak approaching, you grab onto his arm and shiver. The thigh you have raised starts to shake as you come undone.
"There you go, that's my girl." He rasps out.
You keen at his praise and ride out your high as he continues driving his cock into you. Once the attention to your clit starts to overstimulate you, he moves his hand to your jaw, turning your head to face him. He rests his forehead against yours. His eyebrows pinch together and his thighs start to shake, letting you know he's close.
"There you go, that's my boy." He whines at his own words being used against him and spills into you. You rub your nose against his and give him a small peck on the lips as he calms down.
"You little minx. Where did you learn to talk like that?"
"I learned from the best."
#eddie x you#eddie x reader#eddie x reader smut#eddie x you smut#eddie munson smut#eddie munson x reader smut#eddie munson x you smut#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie x you fluff#eddie x y/n smut#eddie x female reader#eddie x fem!reader
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