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Mis Hanes LHDT+ 2024 / LGBT+ History Month 2024
Mis Hanes LHDT+ Hapus 2024! Heddiw yw diwrnod olaf y mis, ond dwi'n dathlu’n hwyr gyda fy hoff lyfrau sy'n dylanwadu ar fy ngwaith.
Happy LGBT+ History Month 2024! Today is the last day of the month, but I'm celebrating late with my favourite books that have influenced my work.
Y llyfr heddiw yw 'Understanding Trans Health' gan Ruth Pearce, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2018
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn hollbwysig i unrhyw un sy'n astudio pobl draws yn y DU yn yr 21ain Ganrif. Yn llawn hanes traws a meddygaeth draws, mae'r llyfr hwn yn disgrifio'r dirwedd feddygol y mae pobl draws a meddygon CHR yn ei hwynebu yn y presennol. Roedd y llyfr yn ddefnyddiol iawn ar gyfer fy ngwaith israddedig y llynedd.
Today's book is 'Understanding Trans Health by Ruth Pearce', published 2018.
This book is essential for anyone studying trans people in the UK in the 21st Century. Full of trans history and trans medicine, this book describes the medical landscape that trans people and GIC doctors face presently. The book was very useful for my undergraduate work last year.
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn? / Have you read this book?
#cymraeg#welsh#lhdt#cwiar#llyfrau#Ruth Pearce#Understanding Trans Health#Gender Identity Clinics#trans medicine#trans health#trawsryweddol#traws#trawsrywiol#anneuaidd#cymblr#Llyfrau Mawrth
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Llyfrau nodyn 💖
#cymraeg#llyfrau nodyn#notebooks#stationery#collage design#creatrix cymraes#artists on tumblr#my artwork#art#myart#collage#analog collage
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💌 ! - this is my (llyfrenfys') main, I hope that's okay
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
You're another mutual who does some GREAT fucking work. You really do so much in my eyes for the Welsh speaking queer community. To the point where I've known other queer Welsh speakers mention your stuff!! Honestly keep up the great work, you're amazing, mate.
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About me: 23 yo trans man doing a postgraduate Mphil in Celtic Studies at Aberystwyth University - also writing an LGBTQ+ Welsh dictionary (see: @llyfrenfys sideblog)
Asks welcome about my hobbies, interests and projects. Also in general (within reason).
Linguistics, history, politics, Celtic Studies, language learning, watercolour painting, leathercraft, crochet, reenactment, sketching, steampunk, darksynth, retrowave, synth-goth, punk, prog rock, Muse, The Clash, dinosaurs, human prehistory gay and trans history.
- Prosiect Llyfr Enfys (Welsh LGBTQ+ Dictionary) see: @llyfrenfys
- Postgraduate degree
- Hanes LHDT+ Cymru blogs
- Celtic Students blog
- @llyfrau-enfys (main)
- @llyfrenfys (primary project blog)
- @siarad-mewn-tafodau (personal interests blog)
Other social media:
- Instagram: @llyfr_enfys
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
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Bywyd Cwiar Cranogwen
Ganed ‘Cranogwen’ (9 Ionawr 1839 – 27 Mehefin 1916), neu Sarah Jane Rees, yn Llangrannog, i Frances Rees a’r morwr John Rees. Yn anarferol am y cyfnod, addysgwyd Cranogwen yn yr ysgol leol ynghyd â’i brodyr hyd at bymtheg oed. Mae’n hefyd yn aml yn cael ei ystyried yn anarferol oedd Cranogwen yn morwr yn ymuno â’i thad ar y môr yn masnachu ar hyd yr arfordir ac weithiau i Ewrop. Fodd bynnag, nid oedd yn anghyffredin i ferched fynd gydag aelodau gwrywaidd o'u teulu i weithio. Roedd gwragedd a phlant y morwyr yn mynd gyda nhw, er na chaniatawyd hyn ar longau’r Llynges Frenhinol ar ôl 1869. Mae rhai morwyr benywaidd eraill yn cael eu hystyried yn cwiar heddiw, a rhai morwyr hefyd yn cael eu hystyried yn ddynion traws. Dychwelodd Cranogwen i addysg ar ôl tair blynedd ar y môr, i ysgolion mordwyo yn y Cei Newydd a Llundain, ac yn 1859 sefydlodd un ei hun yn Llangrannog. Er bod tystiolaeth o feirniadaeth ar ferched yn rhedeg ysgolion mordwyo, o eglwysi a’r ‘Llyfrau Gleision’, nid oes cofnod o feirniadaeth o’r fath tuag at Cranogwen.
Ym 1865 enillodd Cranogwen yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberystwyth gyda ‘Y Fodrwy Briodasol’, yn mynegi beirniadaeth o’r disgwyliad ar ferched i briodi, trwy safbwyntiau pedair priodferch, gan gynnwys un yn dioddef o gam-drin domestig. Curodd hi feirdd gwrywaidd enwog fel Islwyn. Yr oedd ei henw barddol yn cynnwys yr enwau Sant Caranog, yr enwyd Llangrannog ar ei gyfer, a'r afon Hawen gerllaw. Gyda llwyddiant parhaus mewn Eisteddfodau, cyhoeddwyd Caniadau Cranogwen yn 1870 a bu Cranogwen yn siarad ledled Cymru, a theithio fel pregethwr lleyg Methodistaidd, gan gynnwys dwy daith Americanaidd.
Ym 1874, bu farw Fanny Rees o Langrannog o'r diciâu ym mreichiau Cranogwen, ar ol symud i fyw yn ei chartref teuluol. Disgrifir galar Cranogwen ar ddiwedd trasig ei pherthynas mewn ysgrifeniadau hunangofiannol. Yn ogystal, ystyrir ei barddoniaeth i fel ei hysgrifennu mwyaf angerddol, megis ‘Fy Ffrynd’. (Ceir cerdd angerddol iddi hefyd gan Buddug, sy’n disgrifio sut y bu bron iddi addoli ac edmygu Cranogwen ‘anfarwol’.) Wrth i Cranogwen barhau i fyw gyda’i rhieni, roedd Jane Thomas yn byw yn agos, fel ei phartner cefnogol ac ymroddedig. Pan fu farw rhieni Cranogwen, gwerthodd y tŷ a bu’n byw gyda Jane am ugain mlynedd olaf ei bywyd.
Ym 1878, daeth Cranogwen yn olygydd 'Y Frythones' - nid y cylchgrawn cyntaf i ferched Cymru ond y cyntaf a olygwyd gan fenyw - a oedd â mwy o negeseuon proto-ffeministaidd a hyd yn oed cwiar na'i ragflaenydd, er yn dal i gynnwys gwersi ar fod yn merched a menywod dosbarth canol parchus a chrefyddol. Ond o fewn y gwersi hyn, roedd Cranogwen yn hyrwyddo ysgrifennu merched Cymru, gan sicrhau bod 'Y Frythones' yn cael ei ysgrifennu ar gyfer merched gan ferched, wrth ddweud i'w darllenwyr nad oedd angen iddynt i gyd briodi, fel ‘merch fan yma ar ein pwys’ (Jane Thomas) a byddai’n rhoi atebion, yn y golofn 'Cwestiynau ac Atebion', y gellir bellach eu dadansoddi fel queer. Ym 1887, pan ysgrifennodd darllenydd wrth gwestiynu steiliau gwallt byr bob ar ferched, gan ddweud na allai ddweud ai merched neu fechgyn oedd y rhai â'r steiliau gwallt hyn, atebodd Cranogwen: “Yn gyntaf peth gan hyny, felly, gofynnwch i'r person pa un fydd, ai bachgen ai merch? Yna ewch yn mlaen a'ch neges." Pan holodd darllenwyr am ferched yn dod yn bregethwyr, fel Cranogwen ei hun, daeth hi i’r casgliad, “Nid yw gwahaniaeth rhyw yn ddim byd yn y byd.”
Roedd Cranogwen yn forwr, athrawes, bardd, llenor, golygydd, ymgyrchydd dirwest a llawer mwy. Etifeddiaeth ffeministaidd yw ei hetifeddiaeth – sefydlwyd ‘Llety Cranogwen’, lloches i ferched a menywod digartref yn y Rhondda gan Undeb Dirwestol De Cymru. Mae hi’n parhau i fod yn ysbrydoliaeth, i’r grŵp Cymraeg ‘Cywion Cranogwen’ ac i gylchgronau Cymraeg modern gan ac ar gyfer merched Cymru, fel ‘Codi Pais.’ Mae ei hetifeddiaeth hefyd yn un cwiar, yn ysbrydoli merched a phobl cwiar, ac oedd Cranogwen yn agored am ei pherthynasau yn ei hoes ei hun (er fel 'cyfeillgarwch rhamantus' pryd hynny), sydd bellach yn cael eu dileu yn rhy aml yn hanes y fenyw 'anfarwol' hon. Dylai Fanny Rees a Jane Thomas, a oedd yn caru ac yn cefnogi Cranogwen, a’r themâu cwiar mewn barddoniaeth gan ac i Cranogwen, bellach gael eu cynnwys yn barhaol yn ei hanes. Ni ddylid dileu eu hanes nac arwyddocâd etifeddiaeth Cranogwen i bobl LHDTC+, ac yn enwedig menywod cwiar Cymru.
Ers 2023, mae cerflun o Cranogwen yn ei phentref, Llangrannog.
Ffynonellau a Darllen Pellach:
Caniadau Cranogwen
Jane Aaron, ‘Gender Difference is Nothing,’ Queer Wales, gol. Huw Osborne & ‘Developing Women’s Welsh-language Print Culture’ Nineteenth Century Women’s Writing in Wales.
Katie Gramich & Catherine Brennan gol. Welsh Women’s Poetry, 1460-2001: An Anthology.
Norena Shopland, Forbidden Lives: LGBT Stories of Wales.
Sian Rhiannon Williams, ‘Y Frythones: Portread Cyfnodolion Merched y Bedwared Ganrif ar Bymtheg o Gymraeg yr Oes,’ Llafur, IV, 1 (1984).
Jane Aaron, Cranogwen, 2023
Llun o Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.
#cranogwen#cymraeg#welsh#sarah janes rees#cymru#wales#on this day#otd#ar y dydd hwn#m#seems suitable to have Welsh language posts for Cranogwen as well
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Preparati, sarà una lunga lista
Su AO3 c'è un'autrice in particolare che ti consiglio che è akosmia, tutte molto belle e scritte davvero bene.
Per il resto tornando su wattpad:
- LilithJow, che già stai leggendo, scritte molto bene ma con tanto angst, quindi dipende dai gusti
- uolftreno, una delle mie prefe, secondo me scrive benissimo, te le consiglio tutte ma in particolare "Di piccoli grandi ficcanaso e vino rosso", "18 cose vere" e tutte le raccolte os (ha una ff in corso "finestrini sporchi, anime pure" molto bella ma sto aspettando che la finisca)
- altre autrici molto brave con tantissimi generi diversi: actionratio, mityboh, writingtheskies, nanniswritings, gioorgiis, redastras, blvcobalto, gingerbianca, lyssnokomis, sandysworks, phrasesmri, AlmightyDarcy, Nef-ertiti, ironicamania
- "ancora cinque minuti" di llyfraus
- "Un pezzo di teatro di successo" di avrtnicolas
- "cose", "Sonetto LCVI" di apiots (ne ha altre che devo ancora leggere)
- "La fenomenologia di Manuel e Simone" di renninaswriting
- "possibile, impossibile" nel profilo di simuelsantas ma che ha scritto LilithJow
- "Trust me" di Acata_
- "Dipinti nudi" di closisntthere_
- "Quello sguardo" e "Sedici" il suo sequel di disastroaereo, tutto molto molto angst soprattutto il sequel
- i profili di simuelsantas con tante os natalizie scritte da autrici che ti ho già citato, onemoretales con una lunga raccolta di os, roommatessimuel con 2 storie scritte in collaborazione
Buon divertimento!! 🫶🏻
servizio pubblico per gli interessanti ✏️✏️✏️
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Smae, Dwin drio dysgu cymraeg! Dwin bod americaidd ond dwin hoffi yn dysgu hiaith.
Dwin licio hiaith cymraeg, lladin, groeg hen a saesneg hen, almaenwr a sbaeneg. Dw i ddim yn dda iawn yn hiaith, ond dw in licio.
Dw in dysgu lladin a groeg hen, a llyfrau arthuraidd a llyfrau groeg yn yr ysgol. (A chymraeg, ond dwi ddim yn mawr(major?) yn gymraeg)
😄 fi tumblr prif yw some-sort-of-siren
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In Wales, Gauman Nhul comes on the night of the 9th of November and leaves a book with daffodils pressed in it for each house, then the two eldest children in the house must fight to the death over who keeps the book. The winner is also granted a medal, bestowed by Gauman Nhul on the 10th, also known as Dudd Llawer o Llyfrau
Neil Gaiman, what are you doing EVERYWHERE?? Yesterday, you were in two knowledge bowl questions- one involved a reading from a passage in Stardust, and the other was "Which novel, written by Neil Gaiman, published in 2001-" (I didn't hear the rest of the question before I was shaking my teammate to hit the buzzer). And then, this morning, your name was one of the answer options to a radio show question about who wrote a Dolly Parton song. Sadly you did not write a Dolly Parton song.
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just read an article about "the myth of welsh victimhood" which claims that brad y llyfrau gleision and tryweryn were lies. and it complains of the "red tint to welsh cultural values" as being a result of some idea about socialists having psychological disposition towards conformity rather than, you know, wales being an internal periphery exploited for centuries.
i want to strangle.
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Y rheithor yn Llanfaelog pan agorwyd yr eglwys newydd yn 1849. Mae cyfeiriad y llyfr William Williams am ei ran ym Mrad y Llyfrau Gleision. Dwi ddim yn gwybod beth oedd ei ran yn hyn.
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Y llyfr heddiw yw 'Queer Square Mile' a olygwyd gan Kirsti Bohata, Mihangel Morgan a Huw Osborne, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2021.
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn gasgliad o hanesion Cymreig LHDT+, o'r 19eg Ganrif i'r 21ain. Fy hoff hanesion yw 'Y Dyn a'r Llygoden Fawr' (1941) gan Pennar Davies a 'Nadolig' (1929) gan Kate Roberts. Mae'r ddau yn drist iawn, ond yn bwysig iawn yn yr hanes llenyddiaeth Gymraeg LHDT+.
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn?
Today's book is 'Queer Square Mile' edited by Kirsti Bohata, Mihangel Morgan and Huw Osborne, published in 2021.
This book is a collection of LGBT+ Welsh stories, from the 19th Century to the 21st. My favourite stories are 'The Man and the Rat' (1941) by Pennar Davies and 'Christmas' (1929) by Kate Roberts. Both are very sad, but important to the history of LGBT+ Welsh literature.
Have you read this book?
#cymraeg#welsh#lhdt#cymblr#llyfr#Queer Square Mile#Y Dyn a'r Llygoden Fawr#Nadolig#Kate Roberts#Pennar Davies#Llyfrau Mawrth
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@llyfrau-enfys Ulster Irish has probably the most accessible set of beginner resources, that being the Now You're Talking video/audio/worksheet series which you can find here. That also leads in to their intermediate course called "Céim Ar Aghaidh" Bláth na dTulach is a phenomenal site where you can read and listen to short stories in Ulster Irish for free. When you're looking to get more exposure to Ulster Irish in general, there's several radio shows/podcasts, like Barrscéalta, Bladhaire (which I think is ending soon, but you can still listen to the archive), and Beó Ar Éigean (probably the most craic of those 3 but only one of the hosts has ulster irish), Na Seansálaithe (also only one host with Ulster Irish and good craic). This'll be the most important thing long term for learning a specific dialect - hearing it a lot and getting an idea of what's more commonly said in that dialect. Past that, if you're looking to get technical into the ways that the ulster dialect is different from the others, An Teanga Bheo - Gaeilge Uladh is a very good book (in Irish) about the differences, a partial translation of it is available online here, unfortunately I'd say of the ATB books it's a little more dense than the others and sometimes sacrifices brevity and relevance for the sake of completeness. Things like fuaimeanna.ie are quite useful for comparing the sounds of the dialect to others, and getting an idea of how to pronounce all of the sounds. If you're looking to get extra technical, you can pull out the dialectal studies, stuff like "The Irish of Tory Island", though those can be quite intense, and probably not necessary unless you're particularly interested.
Maidin mhaith! Asking from my main (you probably know me from my sideblog llyfrenfys) but recently I've decided to relearn Irish and I was wondering if you knew of any resources for learning the Ulster dialect specifically?
I was taught very basic Irish at undergrad in the Connacht dialect- but I've forgotten most of it since I've been focusing on my Welsh more in the last few years. I've decided to try again with the Ulster dialect and so far I'm doing better than the first time round. The similarities with Scottish Gaelic really help, since I was able to pick up the basics of that a lot faster than when I first was taught Irish. In any case I'm finding the Ulster dialect a lot easier and I'm enjoying being able to say things as Gaelige again.
It's alright if not, but are there any resources out there for the Ulster dialect specifically? Grma in advance!
I’d love to help but unfortunately I have no idea. I definitely know a couple of people who are trying to learn Ulster Irish though and maybe they might have better advice - @trans-cuchulainn I think is one? And @kaityslangblr has quite a few posts that look educational.
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1 and 4 for the ask game?
1. Who is your favourite historical person?
Answered in another ask: "John Brown or Erks Mānts (I think his story is really interesting!)"
4. Favourite historical era?
This one is hard, for sure. A lot of interesting stuff happened in Late Antiquity in a lot of places, but I also really love reading more about oral traditions in ancient history, and how knowing/learning about them can impact how things are viewed today etc
ask game
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Mis Hanes LHDT+ Hapus! Happy LGBTQ+ History Month! Here is my annual post compiling the events happening in Wales:
Throughout February until June 30th at St Fagans Museum: Wales is... Proud & Wales is... Remembering Terrence Higgins
From the 8th until 27th: Cynon Valley Museum Pride exhibition
Various dates: Queerway, 9th at Porth, 10th Merthyr, 14th Llanelli
Various dates: Iris on the Move, 13th at Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff, 17th at National Museum Cardiff, 25th at Aberystwyth Arts Centre & more
Various dates: Queer Emporium - 9th Comedy with Leila Navabi, 17th Transition, 18th Sound Check (music), March 2nd You’re Invited, March 16th Chwarae’r Chwedlau & more
9th Queerdos Wales’ Anti Valentine’s Day Ball at Porter’s Cardiff 7pm
9th Tai Pawb ‘Older LGBT+ People in Housing’ 11am online
11th Sadie’s Butterflies at National Waterfront Museum Swansea
12th Lezdiff - Cardiff Lesbian Festival at Chapter from 12pm
16th Paned o Ge Kinky Books at 7pm
17th Hwyrnos: QUEER at the National Museum Cardiff from 7pm
17th Lleswyl online from 7pm
18th Aberration at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Proud Writing workshop at 2pm and Dreaming up the Past at 7pm
20th Dyddiau Du + Trans Aid Cymru Social
21st Llyfrau Lliwgar Online 7pm (yn Gymraeg)
21st Reclaim the Frame at Snowcat Penarth
22nd Dyddiau Du Queer Words
23rd Conwy LGBTQ+ Celebration at Conwy Culture Centre 6-8pm
25th Cardiff Trans Singers, Cathays at 7pm
28th Ladies of Llangollen British Library event online from 8pm
March 5th Carmarthen LGBTQ+ History Month, details tbc
March 7th National Library of Wales Aberystwyth - Queer Tales from Wales’ The Story of Amy Dillwyn at 5pm
#mis hanes lhdt#LGBT history month#lgbtq history month#lgbt#lgbtq#wales#cymru#links#m#mine#if you know of more let me know!#or more details I couldn't find for all the times etc rn#I will update this!
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Sorry I didn't see this until now @becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys
I've only recently become active here again - but I have a new main now @llyfrau-blaidd and transferred this blog to my new account. Still need to update my pinned on here to reflect that though.
I've got a few new things planned for on here, hopefully they'll be up in the next few days.
Fi'n cofio bod rhywun ar Tumblr yn creu geiriadur o dermau Cymraeg LHDT+. Mae fyng ngŵr i'n cyfieithu dogfen ar hyn o bryd o adnoddau am bobl cwiar ifanc, ac mae ei moyn gweld y geiriadur.
Oes unrhyw un yn cofio pwy odd e? Sai'n gallu cofio
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“GWENITH” “….y funud hon” “Amddifad Gri” “Y BRAWD”
- Stondin Lyfrau Mel Williams - Eisteddfod Môn 2017 (Diolch i Rhodri Nwdls)
#ffontiaucymraeg#clawrda#clampoglawr#ffontiau cymraeg#ffontiau#cymraeg#llyfrau#book design#welsh#welsh fonts#welshfonts#typography#graphic design#eisteddfod#cymru#post gwadd
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