#live video monitoring services
securens-systems · 10 months
Uncovering the Advantages of Live Video Surveillance for Businesses
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disabled-dragoon · 2 months
Information regarding the UK riots
If you're worried about the riots right now and are concerned for your safety, the safety of friends and loved ones or the safety of other members of your local community, here are a few posts, organisations and social medias that may help. Feel free to add any others that you know of in the notes.
This post by @lovelysakuryay with information on what to do if you are the victim of an attack, as well some information on helplines, mental health services and some charities you can reach out to and/or donate to (which will be listed in the section below)
A list of fundraisers for people and communities impacted by the Southport attack and far-right riots. Post by @octarineblues
Post by @northern-punk-lad listing the times and locations of riots on Wednesday 7th August.
Exit Hate: Helping people and their family to walk away from extremism.
Stop Hate UK: 24 hour hate-crime reporting hotline
Migrant Voice: A charity that helps migrants advocate for themselves.
Refugee Action: Helps refugees to rebuild their lives.
North East Anarchist Group: Some information regarding locations of planned far-right riots on their social media, as well information regarding the location of counter protests in the north east of England.
Green and Black Cross: A "grassroots activist legal support group". They offer "know your rights" training courses, as well as information on your rights as a protester and interacting with the police and staying safe. Find them on instagram as well under @gbclegal.
Netpol: Or, the Network for Police Monitoring. A good organisation to look into regarding protest rights and legal resources.
Migrants Organise: Provides a platform for migrants to organise. Offers advice and support, as well as access to grassroots organising, research, advocacy and campaigning.
The Anthony Walker Foundation: Local anti-hate group in Merseyside.
Note from @octarineblues:
"This is a bit more useful for larger towns/cities, but: a local BLM group will also have up to date info! Antifacist or anti-raids group as well - they will often have access to good info and they are already used to reacting quickly."
Social Medias:
It's worth checking your town/local area's social media pages (if they exist) for information regarding possible planned riots and destruction. There may also be one or more pages regarding news in your county/constituency.
Additional social media pages:
@ukisnotinnocent on Instagram. A group "mobilising against fascism" across the UK, providing updates on the riots as well as information on the locations of planned violence and staying safe while counter protesting. CW: There are some shocking videos and images on here which depict some of the violent scenes seen lately.
@monitoringgroupne_n on Instagram. A group that shares updates, information and concerns regarding the policing and fascism in the North and North East of England. Including sharing information on the location of planned riots, some information on counter protests and staying safe while protesting.
@standuptoracismuk on Instagram. A good resource for riot times and locations, as well as counter protest times, locations, information and footage.
@ukfactcheckpolitics on Instagram. A page dedicated to "exposing government corruption". Great for quick news and updates regarding both riots and counter protests. Like @ukisnotinnocent, they do share videos and images as well, the contents of which can be shocking.
Also, I've noticed that a lot of groups protesting the ongoing genocide in gaza have been very vocally against the far-right riots and have been sharing some information alongside their usual stuff. If you know of a local encampment/group, it's worth searching for their social media.
It's worth checking the lists of people that the listed groups follow on social media as well for more information regarding riots across the country.
Please, please share any more that you know of/find, and I'll update this as and when I can.
Stay safe everyone <3
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mt-oe · 3 months
Idol!Mizu AU where Mizu is in a girl group 🫡 she's known for being the "handsome" girl of the group but also her and reader having constant romantic tension with each other on stage
Fans speculating whether or not Mizu and Reader's interactions are just for fan service or more genuine
Hey dear!
I hope you're still there! I wanted to look for girl groups with a similar trope (or at least what fans make it out to be) to better visualize the idea. Though I think I made this more dramatic than the idea.
Honestly, I really have to thank you because your idea introduced me to C-Pop and it's been great so far! Thank you so much <3
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, short, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note: Yes, I used oshi no ko for the pic, but I do not condone incest. That's fucking disgusting. It was the only idol manga I knew with the panel vibes I was aiming for ;;
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It was 6:57pm at Tokyo Dome. The venue usually filled only by the brightest and most talented idols was now filled with fans clutching their light sticks and banners excitedly. Admins from both official and unofficial fan pages handed out fan made photo cards to anticipating hands as they sang along to the music video playing as they waited and practiced their chants.
Outside, those who got out-lucked by others during the ticket selling or just couldn't afford the tickets, waited, hoping for even a glimpse of their bias by some lucky chance. Some were even hoping that a scalper would come pass by, try not minding how overpriced it would be. Double, triple, or even quadruple the price. It didn't matter. Any price would be worth it just to watch the biggest and hottest idol group in the world.
The talk of the town—the world rather.
Four members recruited as trainees at the same time, each scout claiming that they were a once-in-a-lifetime find, now formed under one group. They were charming, addicting, and they knew how to get everyone hooked.
Akemi, the group leader and princess. Born and raised in Kyoto. Undeniably pretty, soft, alluring, yet at the same time, fierce, well-spoken, and confident. "I want to be great," she said during the interview. And indeed, great she is. Rumors had it that she was the daughter of a famous businessman, but due to the lack of evidence, the rumor stayed a rumor. Ise. She may be the oldest in the group, but her charms never faltered with age. Always the face in sexy and mature concepts. Brands aiming for a more elegant and stronger appeal would come rushing at every given chance. Faced a lot of backlash at the start of her trainee days for being scouted along the streets of Kabukicho. However, after a long struggle and proving her talents, the information was finally forgotten, drowned in the sea of praises. Mizu, the lady killer. Homegrown from Kohama. The talent manager almost put her in a boy group due to her androgynous-borderline-masculine look. Usually stoic and aloof. Everyone would kill for her to smile at them. She rarely posts on social media. Her managers have to beg her for a crumb of an update. Fortunately, the company somehow found a social media manager for her. Now fans await her gym pictures, drooling over her abs, and her livestreams where she basically just does the most normal things. Everyone eats it up though. You. Everyone considered you as the doll of the group. An all-rounder, handling singing, dancing, and the most active when it came to fan interactions. You definitely had the most fan meeting fan cams. Able to handle every concept equally, whether it be the typical cute idol concept or a more mature sexier concept. The face card never declines.
Anyone who didn't know them had to be living under a rock or something.
Several news reporters struggled amongst each other to get the latest news about the on-going concert. Some fans even got interviewed about their sentiments, ranting on live television about how excited they were. Traffic reports had to be monitored constantly with how large the traffic jam was.
Finally, the clock struck 7.
It was go time.
The lights dimmed and the general announcements were given. Though it wasn't like anyone cared. They were too busy scrambling back to their seats, making sure their light sticks were on the correct settings. Excitement rushed through them as they watched the back-up dancers get into position on stage.
Cheers erupted from the crowd as the music started. The stage filled with smoke and colorful lights, adding to the hyped up feeling. Fans stood up as they saw the silhouettes of their idols, screaming their lungs out.
"Tokyo! Did you miss us?" the familiar voice of Akemi could be heard as the platform was raised, causing a massive wave of screams and cheers from the crowd. You suppressed the urge to gasp as you finally got the opportunity to see how big of an audience your group had amassed. You knew your group was famous, but to see what Tokyo Dome looked like sold out?
It was like a dream.
A sea of lights glimmering in the dark, like stars littering the vastness of the sky. Each a different color to represent their bias, some blinking multiple colors to represent their equal love for each member. If you had to envision what a fantasy world would look like, it was definitely this.
Your eyes looked over the tarps hung over the railings, all welcoming your group back in Tokyo, expressing their love. Each banner causing your smile to brighten as you sang through the mic, a bounce in your step while you roamed through the stage, wanting to interact with everyone equally.
Enjoyment ran through your body as you performed. An intense want to bring your fans the same joy that they brought you motivated you to do your best. You could feel your heart swelling with affection for your fans. The blood in your veins running faster as the lights shone brighter and brighter but never outshining you.
What can you say? The stage was your playing field.
Everything was going great. The song was going well, no technical difficulties, and none of you were getting tired yet. Your skirt fluttering animatedly as you continued to roam around, waving and reaching your hand to those in the VIP standing area. As the song reached it's final chorus, you were about to stand up straight when your foot suddenly slipped, causing you to fall forward.
A gasp made it's way off of your lips as you closed your eyes. All your thoughts going blank as you waited for the pain to hit you. However, seconds passed and...nothing.
Oddly enough, it feels like the stage became a bit more quiet. Slowly, you opened your eyes, expecting to see the floor and a bit of blood. Instead, your eyes met the surprised—and maybe even swooning—eyes of your fans.
Confused, you looked back to see Mizu's hand gripping your arm tightly, preventing you from falling. A stern yet concerned expression on her face. She looked back at you, eyes narrowing as she pulled you up into her arms effortlessly. Her lips tugged into a small smile, hands wrapping around your waist as you giggled and gave her a nod to thank her silently. Ah, damn it. You could see the amount of Tiktok edits made later.
Fans squealed at the interaction, whispering and fawning over how romantic it was. The constant romantic tension between the two of you was no secret within the community. It started as a joke during the group debut with how many times the two of you interacted behind the scenes, but now everyone's wondering whether there was something more to it.
Song after song, your group performed tirelessly, starting with songs from the cute concept albums. Eyes were on you and Akemi mostly, having fit the concept the most. However, you couldn't help but feel a particular set of eyes on you, even when it wasn't your part yet.
You looked around, before your gaze landed on Mizu's, who immediately looked away. A small amused huff leaving you as you walked over to her, bumping her lightly with your hip, making her eyes widen slightly.
The lights soon dimmed as the group finally finished with the first half. The other members leaving the stage to give way for each other's solo songs.
Wiping the sweat off of your forehead, a cold sensation suddenly pressed against your shoulder, making you jump. It was Mizu. In her hand was a water bottle. She chuckled and handed it to you, amused at the residual rush you felt. "You're doing an awful lot, aren't you?" she chuckled, sitting down next to you, her pants already changed for her solo.
"Well it's Tokyo Dome after all," you sighed dreamily, taking a huge gulp of water before smiling sheepishly at your makeup artist who looked pissed at you for ruining the lipstick she just retouched. "Who knew we'd reach this far?"
Despite spending your trainee days together, the blue-eyed idol was still an enigma to you. Someone you felt a strange sense of longing and comfort, but at the same time, someone you couldn't quite grasp.
Mizu smiled fondly at you, patting your head. "I always knew you could do it," she mumbled, eyes studying your form. The amount of stamina you had for performing never ceased to amaze her. Unbeknownst to you, she shared the same sentiments. You were incredible to her.
"Hey! No touching the hair!" you huffed, swatting her hand off playfully. "And you're here with me too, aren't you?"
She raised an eyebrow and gave a small nod, smile never leaving her lips. "I am, but you.." her voice trailed off into a fond whisper as she stood up again. Cerulean eyes squinted as she laughed softly, her voice hinted with something else. Admiration? Attraction? Love? "I never doubted you. You're more of an idol than anyone in our group."
You were about to question her about it, a small tightening feeling in your chest. You knew about the fan allegations and you knew Mizu knew about it too, but sometimes she made you feel like they were true; that your fans had noticed something you didn't.
As you opened your mouth to ask, her wardrobe manager rushed into the room and immediately scolded her for wandering off when it was almost her solo. She flashed you a small smile and a little wave before her face rested back into her usual stoic expression.
A sigh left your lips as you stared at where she previously sat. 'I'm going crazy, aren't I? She's probably just doing this to make the act more believable..' you thought, standing up as well to talk over to your makeup artist.
Your heart hurt slightly at the thought. What will happen once all of this was over? When the audience no longer cared about the small smiles and touches she gave you? You wished you could stay here forever, to be by her side through the ups and downs of this idol life. Maybe even after, in a more peaceful one. But realistically...
Mizu would forget about you then, wouldn't she?
The inner turmoil boiled up in your chest, making you sigh. 'I need to stop. We're in the middle of a concert,' you thought to yourself. Your eyes traveled to the small TV they had set up backstage, watching as the love of your life you bandmate performed her song.
The twinkle in your eyes brightening as you watched her. Each lyric, each dance move, each fan service, making your heart clench with a strange sense of longing. "She's going all out, isn't she?" your makeup artist said softly, attaching the gems to your face. You quickly snapped out of your love-dazed trance and huffed. "A bit," you replied. "But she's not going to outdo me."
It was frustrating. How both of you tiptoed around your feelings but never taking a step forward.
You couldn't take the step forward. A step forward meant the end of your career. Her career. You couldn't do that. Not when she was shining so brightly.
After a bit of preparation, it was finally your turn to be on stage, performing your solo. Undeniably, your performance was impeccable. Choreography practiced to perfection, each note hit, and every pose timed to give the most impact. However, despite how seemingly well you were performing, your thoughts were plagued by the uncertainty you felt.
After all this, it would be over anyway. When the lights of your idol career stops shining, so will her small reassuring gestures, so will the butterflies she gave you.
As the song transitioned to the next album, you were pulled out of your thoughts by a hand on your waist, giving you a small pat. Ocean eyes squinting as she smiled at you reassuringly. "Keep your mind on the stage," she whispered against your ear before turning her mic on.
She's right. You were getting distracted.
"Oh who do you think I am," you jokingly whispered back, covering your mic before joining Ise and Akemi walk around the stage. A chuckle escaped her lips as she watched you move, eyes filled with admiration unbeknownst to you. The interaction making her fans swoon as the romantic scene fueled their fantasies. She soon joined the rest as everyone did their best to give the performance Tokyo deserved.
Confetti flew around as the performance finally ended. You were now accepting gifts from your fans, catching stuffed toys thrown onto the stage. The turmoil in you continuing to brew, the stage really brought you a strange kind of happiness. Would you choose to stay here? Or would you take the dive forward into love?
Like a prince charming, here to save you from your thoughts, Mizu gave you a small pat. A hug hidden by the smoke covering the stage as the platform lowered. Oh why the hell were you thinking so much?
Maybe someday, the both of you would finally brave it out and confess. Maybe someday, the world will accept two idols falling in love. But today was just another job well done.
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Make Love, Not Porn
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
18+ content — minors, do not interact
wc: 6.7k
Synopsis: You crave a life of normalcy, he craves you. And he'd do anything to keep you, even if you're for the world to see.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, subby/service top!hyunjin, softdom!camgirl reader, dry humping, oral (m, f), piv, camming, consensual recording, can't immediately think of anything else, let me know if I missed something!
Past Broadcasts : Hi, My Name Is
Live : Sunday
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Hyunjin didn’t realize how much he liked being filmed, and photography in general. He seems to have picked up a knack for the hobby once the two of you started to get more comfortable. After the first night the two of you had sex, he began to be more conscious of all the recordable moments, from your puffy morning face to the cum dripping from the corner of your mouth.
You didn’t mind it at all, he was cute about it. Hyunjin had you send him the video you took together after you edited out the extra time at the end when the two of you had long forgotten about it. Never in a million years would he admit to anyone that he watches it more frequently than someone ever should watch their own amateur porn videos, for some reason it’s a comfort video of sorts. He likes hearing the way you laugh after the both of you cum, he likes seeing the way you handle him so carefully and how supple your skin looks because he knows it is.
Even though you’re still doing your streams, you still make time for him. Usually that time happens to be right after you’re done, Hyunjin on the bed watching as you pleasure yourself. The heat of his stare hasn’t dulled in the slightest. In fact, it’s brought your on-camera orgasms back. It’s all the more exhilarating knowing that none of your viewers can see his stupidly handsome face ogling you with a hand around his cock, hard only for you.
That routine had set itself in stone after a month went by, which is why you were comfortable when he asked if he could use your computer to look up a recipe to print.
“Why can’t you use your phone? It has bluetooth,” you suggested initially.
“Y’know the preview screen? I like to read it to make sure that all the information is on there. I can’t do that on my phone,” Hyunjin replied.
It made sense at the time, that’s why you agreed to let him use the computer in your showroom, the same one you use for your livestreams. Never in a million years did you think you’d catch him sitting in your chair with his pants around his ankles jerking off to the same video that sparked his interest in filming.
The first thing you checked was that the light near the computer camera was off and that he wasn’t accidentally live, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth seeing the light off. There was a fat grin across his face, sweaty and more than relaxed in your chair. On the monitor was the image of you on your knees just as he tensed up and from what you could tell, orgasmed. The look of surprise on your face as you caught him had him cumming into his palm, as if he wasn’t in your house, sitting in your chair, using your computer. It didn’t even seem like he cared that he got caught– spoiler, he really didn’t care.
Hyunjin was incomparably comfortable around you and in your little bubble. There wasn’t anything he didn’t think he could talk to you about. All of the little things and kinks he thought were strange, you accepted with open arms. Getting caught jacking off to a video of you giving him head was probably one of the least strange things on that small list.
You had gotten down on your knees again and sucked him through to a second orgasm, not an entirely uncommon occurrence now that he was a semi-permanent resident in your heart and apartment. He had hunched over you, one hand on the back of your head keeping you in place as you deepthroated his cock, the other, from what you could tell, slammed onto the desk above you and gripping onto it for dear life. It was your big pretty eyes and the small hum onto his cock that made him cum again, another one so hard that he didn’t notice his hand sliding across the desk roughly and hitting your keyboard, which then slammed into the mouse. Of course you couldn’t hear the sound of the cam site’s whooshing as the same video that played in the background was also being uploaded onto your page.
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Creatures of habit, the both of you were, sharing a shower and eating dinner together still wrapped in your bath robes with towels wrapping your sopping hair. Neither of you had checked your phone in maybe two hours when you finally realized there was an incessant pinging noise coming from your showroom. It had reminded Hyunjin that his phone was nearby and reached to check it before you finally stood to go find out what was happening.
“When did you post a new video?” He asked, shaking the towel into his hair. You shrugged without looking back, on to find the source of the annoying notifications.
Your computer was still on, red flag number one.
Red flag number two, your keyboard and mouse were askew all over your desk. Your first instinct was that someone broke into your apartment while you were showering and they were hacking your account– it does, afterall, have your bank account info so that the tips can go directly into it.
But as you sat down to look at what was going on, you would rather have been robbed. Mouth dropped and heart thumping out of your chest, replaying on your cam page was the video of you between Hyunjin’s knees and head bobbing up and down with his quiet moans echoing in the computer speakers.
Just as you realized what had happened, your partner in said video fumbled into the door way and held up his phone. You couldn’t see the screen from that far, but you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“I didn’t–”
“You wouldn’t–”
“I don’t know what happened–”
“When the fuck did it get uploaded?” Hyunjin strode by your side and leaned over your desk to check the timestamp. You watched his face and prepared for any kind of anger, readying for the worst, bracing for impact that he was going to fight to take the video down then grab his shit and hyperdrive right out of your life. Instead, his eyebrows relaxed and a kind of smug half smirk took over his expression. “Oh, my bad, hahaha.”
You raised a brow at him, nothing but dumbfounded. “What?”
“Well,” he rubbed the towel into his hair again. “You were under the desk, so you couldn’t really see.”
“You posted it when your dick was in my mouth?”
“Not on purpose!” Hyunjin wrapped his arms around your neck in a headlock to smother his cheek against yours. “I can’t really focus when your mouth is so warm, wet, sloppy, delicious–”
“Ew, I get it!” Giggling, he pecked your lips then gestured for you to stand up so he could take your seat, patting his thighs to sit in his lap. A light pout on your lips, you took the offer and slung an arm over his shoulder.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you were slightly embarrassed at how easy it was for you to get caught like this. Nothing has ever happened in all your time of camming that would have made you feel so exposed. It was a private moment that you assured him was for your eyes only. Embarrassed was a nice way of putting it, you were ashamed, guilty, remorseful even.
“I have to take it down,” you shook your head and reached for the mouse, but Hyunjin stopped you by intertwining your fingers together. “What? You didn’t agree to this. I promised it was just for us. I’m so sorry.” There was a lump in your throat, having to swallow it down while fighting the tears wanting to roll.
Hyunjin seemed unphased, maybe even… enjoying it? He was smiling into your shoulder. “Why are you making that face? I’m crying and you look like you just got away with murder.”
He took a second to respond, laughing softly into the bathrobe you wore. “Stop it! I need to take it down!” He fought you harder as you struggled in his grasp to even reach the mouse, arms slithering around and restricting you entirely with hardly any force as he was just that much stronger.
When you finally calmed down enough for him to lightly nose at your cheek again, you huffed. “I dunno, babe. Is it really so bad if we keep it up?”
You stopped fighting him back, “you wanna keep it up?” Hyunjin shrugged shyly.
“A little. Look, other people like it, too.” He reached around you to scroll through the comments.
Reading your comment section was usually a highlight that you saved for some down days. The ones under your video with him was even more ego-boosting than usual. There were keyboard smashes, people asking when they can have a turn with you cus he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, even legit offers in your inbox for higher level filming services. Hyunjin would scroll, point to one, and you’d giggle in his lap.
— sexy wuts his @?
— sounds so good with her mouth stuffed
— i want him?? i want her?? u guys need a third??
“Look at this one, ‘I’d pay for a silicone mold of sweetheart’s mouth.’”
Hyunjin grabbed your chin and made you twist to face him, opening your mouth to look inside as you wiggled your tongue. “Yup. Could definitely make money selling a pocket if it was shaped like this wonderful, glorious, gummy—“
“You’re disgusting! I don’t even think that’s possible.”
“Yeah, you’d swallow the molding, you’re too good at that.” 
The light smack you sent to his shoulder made him smile and cheekily kiss you. It was like he was starved for kisses with how intensely he moved, far from the truth as possible. Hand slipping to cup your cheek and the other slyly moving the robe to expose your thigh enough that it made you pull away and raise and eyebrow. “You really don’t wanna take the video down?”
Hyunjin scrunched his nose, “hell no. It kinda makes me wanna… Should I make my own account?”
Your face lit up, “really?” Another shrug. “I mean, you’ve already got a few fans and they’re asking for more. But babe, it could be a lot. Are you sure?”
“Maybe? I haven’t really thought about it. It wasn’t even an idea in my head until I saw the comments. But I do like taking videos and pictures. I’m not totally sure I could do the live stream stuff like you. Gotta leave you sooome business.”
“I don’t think you should jump right into it, maybe dip your toes in first before hopping in the deep end. Would you wanna try guesting on my stream first?”
“Like, actually be on your live?!”
You forgot how the two of you met in the first place, that he recognized you because he was a fan of your cams. Not for a second did you stop to think that it might’ve been weird because everything with him happened so naturally. Well, he did make it weird at first, and truly had you anxious to even go to the grocery store– but that was because you were too in your head about being recognized in the first place. When you actually spoke to him, you realized that’s just him and his awkward way of showing his emotions. You didn’t doubt for a second that even if he didn’t recognize you, he would’ve found a way to wriggle into your life at some point in time. Part of you mentally slapped yourself for not going to his coffee shop sooner.
“Why not? Then you don’t have to start alone,” you wriggled free to wrap an arm around his neck again. “For me, I contemplated it for months. I can’t remember when I started, it was so long ago–”
“I think it’s been, like, almost a year and a half.”
You lightly slapped the back of his neck, “don’t interrupt me, I’m trying to be sincere.” A peck on your cheek as an apology. “But it was scary at first. Remember what I said about intimacy  the first time I brought you back here?”
“You can speak now.”
“How could I forget? That’s permanent spank bank material. Stored in the mental vault for when you’re not with me.” Charming as ever.
You rolled your eyes. “It feels like that. Instead of one person watching, it’s a whole audience.” If the twitch beneath your thighs was anything to go by, you’d say the look on his face was a nearly identical giveaway. “The offer stands if you wan–”
“I want to.”
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After a long, detailed discussion, you finally agreed your next livestream would be the night, and you got him naked. Or— you finally let him get naked. Hyunjin was still in his underwear, but it was enough for him.
You moved things around so that the camera faced the bed, adjusting the tripod to a lower angle so that no faces could show. For this special occasion, you put on dainty white sheets that made the bed feel bigger on this end of the camera. Hyunjin adjusted the lighting for a warmer feeling, inviting. That alone made you want to skip the broadcast and fuck him right then and there.
Hyunjin was shaking in his skin with excitement. You told him to lay back and try to relax as you set everything up. Seeing you walking around in pretty little lingerie was getting him antsier as the seconds passed, wanting nothing more than to reach out, grab you, and kiss you silly.
He was leaning back on his palms and swinging his feet back and forth as you finished, last touch being turning the computer so if you wanted, you could watch yourselves. 
You were bent over and reading the comments of the people in the live stream waiting room, “live soon, hardcandysweetheart: sunday.” The stare burning holes into your ass made you giddy and smile.
“Everyone in the comments is confused since I don’t usually go live today,” you giggle, straightening up and facing the boy in your bed. He looked extra handsome, for some reason, more than usual. Maybe it was the hormones or the anticipation, probably your insatiable need to have him all the fucking time. Even if today didn’t go as planned and you don’t have sex, you’d be content with just laying beside him and getting to look at his pretty face. 
“I would be, too. Can I have a kiss now?”
“Impatient.” You gave him one anyway, slotted between his spread knees to lean down and plant a soft, velvety kiss to his lips. Hyunjin slid a beneath your butt to hold you close, the other gripped onto your hip restraining from doing more before the camera was finally turned on. He wanted to go further as his tongue licked at your bottom lip in asking for entrance, a whine emitting when you pulled away to deny the request. 
“You can always back out. At any time. You don’t have to say anything, just get up and leave.”
Hyunjin wasn’t listening to anything you were saying, you could tell by the glossy-eyed look he had as you brushed his hair from his face. His eagerness was contagious, you were on the verge of leaning in to kiss him again because of your own selfish needs, however the pinging of your computer’s five minute warning made you glance back before continuing.
“I’m serious, Hyune. We don’t have to do this. Tell me now and I’ll cancel the live.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He teased, tugging you tighter.
“I do this for a living, I’m fine. I just don’t want you to regret any—“
Within a quick second, he pulled you to fall into his lap to be taken in with a deeper, hotter kiss that made you forget that there was a timer counting down his showcase. “Okay, I’ll shut up now.”
A minute and thirty seconds, you straightened yourself out and settled into a more comfortable position for the introduction. That was going to be the hardest part, explaining the video that was accidentally posted and now, this brand new guest that wasn’t even another streamer. Hyunjin was an unknown— either the reaction was going to be through the roof, or astronomically terrible.
Fourth five seconds, you anxiously changed positions again and had him scoot a little further back on the bed to sit between his legs. Instinctively Hyunjin leaned his chest onto your back, draping an arm around your waist. “Relax, we’ll be okay.”
3, 2, 1. hardcandysweetheart, you are now live!
“Hey there, did you see my little surprise?”
There was another twitch in his pants against your lower back, you silenced your own panting lungs, the small action more than enough to soothe the worries you had.
“I think you liked it, so much that I just had to invite him back for more.” Your body moved slightly to the side and made room for Hyunjin to wave. As he did, you leaned in to quietly place a reassuring kiss to his cheek, to which he returned happily. 
You could faintly make out the comments scrolling by faster than you could attempt to read. “You’re excited, huh? It’s been a while since there’s been someone I wanted to bring on. This one’s special.” His hand massaged into your side, acknowledging the passing words and his heart thumping harder.
Hyunjin almost forgot that you were livestreaming, more than immersed in your voice that he fell into some sort of trance, hearing but not listening, relying purely on what he could see and feel. And that was you. His gaze only on you, unable to look anywhere else as that spell had goosebumps raising along his skin when you did nothing but touch his thigh. 
“Look at that, I think he’s more than ready to go. Practically drooling, aren’t you, baby?”
“Mhm,” he nuzzled his nose into your cheek, trying to hold back from his usual affections so as not to give too much away so quickly, and finding it difficult.
“He’s very obedient,” your voice lowered an octave, reaching back to cup his cheek and trail a finger down his neck to his chest, a red line following the same path. “Like a pet. Just follows me around, wherever I go.” Hyunjin whimpered, just a little, but enough for the audio to pick it up. “Hey now, be good for our guest. No begging.”
He kissed your cheek again, an apology.
Turning your attention back to the comments, “so sorry, lovely. I wanna ask you how your day went, but someone is a little too enthusiastic to get started. I hope you don’t mind, I’m still training him. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” he responded softly.
“His voice is so pretty. I know you’ll enjoy tonight’s stream, maybe even as much as I do.”
Your legs spread, hooking them over his knees and leaning back into his hold. Hyunjin’s hands started roaming everywhere they could, emphasizing his neediness by digging his fingers into the insides of your thighs and pulling them that much wider. Automatically they trickled their way down to your center, gently running the pads of his fingers over the gusset of your underwear. Even you could tell, it was incredibly wet, the aroma of your arousal filling the room. 
Glancing at the monitor, his frame overshadowed yours by what seemed like miles. Hyunjin’s broad shoulders shielded your back and you couldn’t help but relax further into him.
Hardly even there, he pushed into your center, drawing a small gasp from your lips. The small circles he traced sparked the need to buck your hips up and into him.
His mistake for laughing, you slapped his hand away to stand and shove him back onto the bed. The view of your ass covered his face from showing, but if watchers could see, they’d see him teething at his lip to hold back a victorious smile, as if it was his plan all along to get you to bite back. Hyunjin raked his eyes up and down your body before putting his hands behind his head.
Another strike.
“You think you’re gonna get to sit there like a pillow princess? D’you really think I’m gonna do all the work?”
The smile faded faster than it came.
Climbing onto his lap and straddling his hips, the camera got the perfect shot of your soaked crotch and the underside of his raging boner twitching in his underpants even more when you slammed both your hands onto the bed on either side of his head. Hyunjin flinched, but he wasn’t scared. More like turned on beyond belief.
“Little pet,” one finger tipped up his chin to close his awestruck dropped jaw. He could feel the heat of your cunt radiating through the wet material, suffocating in it when your hips softly landed right on top of his cock. Even through both of your underwear, the feeling of you on him was enough to turn the tables and he rut up into you.
The nickname, the finger lightly scratching under his jaw, everything down to the intonation when you spoke to him made Hyunjin forget there was a camera on the both of you. Aside from the very obvious seriousness of the act of sex itself and every other time the two of you had been together, this moment felt intensely more intimate. He couldn’t quite put his finger on as to why that was. The concerns you voiced before echoed in the back of his mind, though there wasn’t a single doubt that he had in wanting to continue.
The small fact that you cared enough to keep asking and keep reassuring that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want, made his entire body heat up. Sure, the bar was on the floor. But it wasn’t just this one instance, you were persistent in making sure he was comfortable, and Hyunjin was grateful that the sentiment was returned in his efforts to help you learn about your own relationship needs outside of sex. Such a miniscule thing to be in love with, but it was his deal breaker. Call him a simp, but you had his balls tied in a heart shaped knot. 
You sat on top of him with an almost unimpressed look, letting him continue to hump against your warm cunt. Determination clouded the horniness as you tilted your head. The truth was that that alone felt remarkably good, keeping up the facade was one of the hardest things you had to do. To fight the impulse to moan, you steadied yourself and sat up straight, looking down at Hyunjin while his hands iron gripped onto your hips. The strength he held onto you almost was close to toppling you over.
Instead, you gave in just a little and sat fully. Hyunjin’s tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth, adjusting his knees and bumping you up to stabilize himself as the dragging of his covered cock slide against the wet friction of one another’s underwear. Sweat dripped down his temple and soaked his hairline, rolls of his hips took a full bodily effort. His abdomen moved in waves and gave you a preview of what it would look like when the underwear finally came off, delicious enough to rake your fingernails from his collarbone to his waistline, Hyunjin’s eyes rolling back as you did.
“Mmf– please, please,” he whimpered, becoming more erratic as the seconds passed. He dryly humped upwards so rough now that you were just about bouncing.
“Please what?” His hands slipped below the waistband of your panties and drug it half down your ass. “Use your words.”
“Fuck, need you.”
“Need me? Okay, pet.” 
With that, you abruptly stood up– not without a barrage of pleas and whines– and made room for him to hurriedly slide off the bed and kneel on the floor in front of you as you took his spot. If he had a tail, it’d be swinging back and forth.
You checked the camera’s view just in case, but it saw nothing but the back of his head, at the most. As he told you in earlier discussion, he was fine with that. The view of his back muscles made your mouth water that much more as it contrasted with the puppy dog look he was giving you now, waiting.
“So polite, baby.” You had barely moved to slide off your underwear when Hyunjin jumped at the chance, rushing it down your legs and tossing it to expose your dripping core.
If it was even possible, his eyes widened to the point of total blackness, determination now tainted with the lust that had driven him to this point in the first place. He’d never realized this side of him ever existed, this carnal desire and rapacious thirst to be suffocated in every aspect by a single person. He wanted to consume each bit of you down to the bone. Pick you apart just so he could thoroughly examine and ingrain every nerve and fiber that made you whole. This intense feeling, he never wanted it to end.
His hair was soft as you ran your fingers through it, playing with it for the viewers to see how good he was, waiting for permission like a true pet companion. Tongue running along his lips, he palmed at himself again and shifted uncomfortably in his spot.
“Go on. You wanted me, so have me.”
Spreading your legs wider, you didn’t have to work very hard to get him to dive into you head first. He was so overly excited that he moaned at the first taste of your pussy, dragging his tongue uncoordinatedly while shoving himself as close to you as possible.
As soon as his tongue touched your clit, you figured it was time to forgo worrying about how the stream looked and just let yourself fall into the feeling. Hooking your legs over his shoulders let Hyunjin sink his teeth further into you, or, more like his tongue slipping further down to prod at your hole and circle it before entering. Even if it couldn’t reach far in, the wiggling motion had your head falling back and moaning out. Voicing how pleased you were made Hyunjin reciprocate and mumble into your swollen cunt, vibrating every inch. 
Skin sensitive and needier than you wanted to let on, you were torn between satisfying yourself and putting him in his place.
But he was being good, the thought still crossed your mind no matter how well he was performing.
Being on live camera seemed to have sparked an even bigger submissive role Hyunjin wanted to fill, goading you into keeping a hand on the back of his head so that he had little room to breathe. As if he wanted to be put in his place.
Digging your heels into his back to secure him in place between your legs seemed to have given him the feeling he wanted– to be used.
Your hips canted into his mouth, not needing to chase his lips but wanting more of the suction, more of his tongue, more of the feeling. Like a freshly lit fire burning wildly in the center of your body and he was the dry wood and oxygen that kept it alive. Funny how that was when just looking at him takes your breath away.
Hyunjin wrapped his arms under your thighs to grip onto the tops of them, fingernails digging deeply into your skin to which you didn’t mind at all, the pain felt good with the pleasure. As you became louder, he did, too. His soft humming, lips suckling in your clit, tip of his tongue wiggling against it lightly as he did so, cumming was guaranteed as soon as he took your underwear off. And fuck, did it feel extra good.
Eye rolling, muscle tensing, vision blinding, chill inducing, voice numbing, leg twitchingly good.
You slouched over him as you came down, still partially aware of the green light blinking on your computer keeping you on camera. Hyunjin softly kissed your sensitive bundle of nerves to ease the comedown, mumbling what you think was praise when it should be you praising him for what was for sure his best round of head yet.
“I take it back,” you breathed out with a chuckle, and Hyunjin shot his head up to look at you with confusion. “I think I should put in some work for how amazing that just was.”
Hyunjin lopsidedly smirked, the view even cuter because your essence was smeared around his entire lower face.
“I’m so proud of you, baby. Maybe you don’t need as much training as I thought.”
You tapped his shoulder so he could scoot back and make room for you to stand. Hyunjin followed brief instructions to get onto the bed once more, laying down and ready for his underwear to finally come off. You rid yourself of the rest of your lingerie first, tossing the bra at him and laughing, just the littlest bit mocking when he brought it to his mouth to bite on. Stealing it away, you scolded, “nuh uh. I want them to hear you when I fuck you.”
“When you fuck me?”
The way you phrased it intimidated him a little, but also excited him. The prospect of getting fucked by you was something he’d never even thought would come out of your mouth let alone actually happen. He’d always thought that, traditionally, men should be the ones doing the fucking, that it was his job to cross that finishline with him putting in the effort. Hyunjin didn’t even know how this was a possibility, but he was more than ready for whatever you decided to do to him.
“Don’t worry, I’m saving the strap for another day. I don’t wanna scare you off so quickly.” All of that sentence and none of that sentence registered in his brain. “Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
Repressing the endeared smile on your face wasn’t an option. It was one of the rawest emotions you’d shown him yet, and being so open about it had Hyunjin’s heart doing somersaults into his belly, all of him fluttering on cloud nine. 
Your body covering his entire body including his face from the camera, you kneeled onto the bed between his legs and hovered over him to finally kiss him. Really kiss him, the way he’d been craving all night. The kind of kiss that murmured the words your lips didn’t know how to, unconditional and safe, hands so delicately open as he placed his entire heart into them.
Amidst his mind being blown with just a kiss, you snaked your hand into the waistline of his underwear and dryly– aside from all the leaking precum– stroked him until he whined to rid them. Condom placed on the edge of the bed for convenience, you were gentle in rolling it on, gentle in maneuvering to toss one leg over his hip, and gentle in taking his left leg into the crook of your arm.
All across the board, Hyunjin was confused. 
What in the hell kind of position was this? He had never seen you do this in any of your previous cams? Was there even a name for the pretzel he felt tied into? That’s an exaggeration, he’s just never been bent like this before. Now he gets how you must feel.
Your right thigh was locked under his to keep the position in something like a scissor looking kind. In his mind, it was odd, for sure. But he happily went with it because he knew you wouldn’t lead him anywhere he wouldn’t want to go.
One more soft, shared kiss, you scooted a bit higher up his body– straining his elevated leg a little because he didn’t think he needed to stretch beforehand– and settled directly over his aching cock. He hadn’t been properly touched since he’d gotten you completely naked and was in dire need of attention. Your hips dropped and he was sinking into you with nothing but slick and very much wanted entrance. Hyunjin felt strange, a wonderful and thrilling kind of strange that came from the new position and new atmosphere surrounding the both of you.
As you came to the hilt, he thought, “dear god, why didn’t you fuck me earlier?”
“Honestly, I didn’t think you would like it this much.”
His eyes widened to realize that he’d spoken his thoughts aloud. Hyunjin also didn’t realize how much time had passed since he had entered you and drool was dripping from the corner of his mouth. You didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.
How could you be? You had an earth shattering orgasm and now got to fuck the most amazing and understanding person you know. And get to repay the favor with an extraordinary orgasm for him? You must have died and gone to heaven.
“Oh god, please keep going.”
An excited smirk, you experimentally moved your hips back and slid yourself off his cock, sinking back onto it as if you were the one penetrating. Hyunjin’s eyes rolled back and he groaned loudly. Music to your ears, you sped up just a little so that the bed rocked.
On your end, this was the ideal position. Every slide up and down his cock rubbed the under and inner part of your clit just the right way that you felt it in your legs. Hyunjin reached out to hold onto you, but couldn’t find the strength to hold on for very long before reaching a hand up to steady himself against the headboard.
You wanted more, needed more. Slinging his leg over your shoulder gave you more room to move freely, fuck him harder, faster until all that could be heard was skin on skin and wetness drowning his cock with every thrust. He loved everything about it and was doing whatever he could to suppress the impending high. Hyunjin wanted to cum, but didn’t want the moment to end even more.
“S– stop, stop,” he stuttered and held a hand out towards where your bodies connected. You cowered back and pulled him out in fear that he had changed his mind. Every negative thought you’d previously had about the situation came flooding back. That was, until he panted out a dreamy sigh, “don’t wanna cum yet. But please, fuck me harder.”
Endearing in every sense of the word.
“Because you said please.”
To give him a second to recuperate, you gently laid his leg back down and kissed his cheek. Then he gave you the okay once again, and changed to lifting both his legs around your waist. Hyunjin anticipatingly chuckled when you guided his cock to point a little more downward as you let him fill you, leaning your weight onto your arms that planted beside his head and letting him wrap his arms beneath the underside of your shoulders.
The steady rolls of your hips was exhilarating, scratching the itch that you didn’t know needed to be scratched, so satisfying that he face palmed himself for not thinking of it earlier.
You rested yourself on top of him so you were chest to chest, selfishly being a bit lazy because you wanted to taste his pretty lips once more. You knew the view for the stream was more than enough, probably too personal for Hyunjin’s first time camming, however he didn’t seem to mind. The camera being on was probably what made his senses skyrocket.
What a funny little attention whore.
You caught your rolling hips turning into harder slams, stronger and stronger with every slap of skin to skin. Hyunjin tightened his legs around your torso and kissed you back sloppier, uncoordinated as his high approached. He used the momentum of your movements to rut up to meet your center in time. Who was fucking who now, neither of you could tell nor care. 
His unfiltered moans of euphoria were too cute to keep for yourself, pulling away from the kiss as he came nearer and nearer to the edge. By the time you’d felt the knot tightening in your belly, Hyunjin was summoning whatever self control he had left to not blow before you.
“‘M gonna cum, ‘m gonna cum,” you whispered, letting your forehead fall into the crook of his neck and bite onto the supple skin. Messy and carelessly you fully weighted slammed your hips onto his as your cunt fluttered with the overflowing pleasure, sealing both your fates when you stopped entirely and let the pulsing within you milk you both for whatever you could collectively release. Hyunjin’s coarse voice filled the air as he fought the urge to say your real name, settling for unintelligible fibs while he filled the condom to the point of bursting. You couldn’t stop the convulsing of your hips that shallowly made you both shudder in overstimulation.
A ringing in your ears and warmth of his arms tightening around your waist, you wanted to shut your eyes and fall asleep just like this. But there was the growing sound of tips pinging to replace the previous adulterous noises and bring you both back to reality.
You kissed his chest before sitting up and kissing his lips, as delicately as possibly pulling away and letting him relax into the bed. The shaking in your legs made it almost impossible to turn and face your body towards the camera once more.
“What’d you think? Wasn’t his voice just to die for? Always so sweet.” Your eyes glazed over the rapidly scrolling comment section, unable to focus long enough to truly read any of them. Hyunjin didn’t even move, probably worn down to the bone. “I think our guest enjoyed himself. I know I surely did, and I hope you did, too, lovely. Let me know what you think, should he join us again some time? Maybe it’s time to wash up. Take care, lovely. Until next time.” You waved your fingers, paused a second, and ended the live with the comments still rolling. Not in the right mind to read them, you put your computer to sleep and crawled into bed beside the dozing man.
Hyunjin fought to keep his eyes open, too exhausted for his own good. You looked him up and down to assess his state– condom still on so you helped take it off him, limbs bent and tired as you assisted in stretching them to lay flat. The last step was taking him into your actual bed. No way were you letting him sleep in this icky, sweaty bed.
“No shower yet, Hyune. Just bed. Can I help you up?” He hazily nodded and allowed you to drape his arm over your shoulder so you could guide him back to your bedroom.
As soon as you had him beneath the covers and his head hit the pillow, he softly mewled and reached his arms out for you to take your rightful place within them. Then, he was out like a light. 
Soft snores and his heartbeat were all you could hear. There was nothing else you deemed worth the effort to think other than, people are only temporary for as long as they choose to be.
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He couldn’t be more excited, the pleaser he is, Hyunjin was shaking in his skin as he watched the timer count down the seconds.
“Relax, baby. I’ll be right here if you need me,” you leaned back into your chair that sat out of sight of the camera, half naked as well to make it less nerve wracking. Phone in hand to monitor all of the comments of the people in the waiting room, this was a highly anticipated event in your extremely small circle. This was everything and anonymously nothing, but thrilling either way. “Have fun.”
Hyunjin weighed his options between the thirty seconds he had left and the need to get one more kiss. He chose the latter, skipping up to you and taking in your lips with unexaggerated passion. “For good luck.”
3, 2, 1. i.scream.sundae, you are now live!
“Oh, hello. Have we met before?”
A/N: unsure of the positions within the story? look here!
and that's it for this mini series! took me so fucking long to finish but ya know life happens. hope it was ehh maybe worth it. thank you for reading!
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky @karivm
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
I have thoughts about JB300 androids that we see in the Stratford Tower that work on TV.
Live translations require a ridiculous amount of equipment: cameras, tripods, cables (A LOT of cables), computers, keyboards, monitors, additional monitors for operators to see what's up, audio equipment, extension cords, all kinds of converters...my point is that it's a lot of stuff and shit is heavy and expensive. Even the most simple set-up requires the amount of equipment that's heavy, expensive and requires several people to operate.
But now let's imagine an android being involved — that's already a camera + tripod + operator + computer + potentially audio tech. It's like most of the heavy equipment and necessary crew at once.
JB300 are probably amongst the most powerful androids in terms of their hardware as they potentially process multiple raw video/audio inputs, but also the least human-like as a consequence of their function. If they record through their eyes they need to stay still, if they hold an external camera their hands should not shake even a little and they have to be able to walk in such a speed with such stability that from a bystander perspective it'll look disturbingly inhuman as no human can move in this precise way, be so still and hold a heavy camera for that long. I headcanon that JB androids don't even breathe as this action will only disturb their otherwise perfect stability and they already are too uncanny with most of their humanisation filters being incompatible with the kind of work they do.
It's possible that setup for live translation can look simply like two-three JB300 that act like operators+camera+transmitters+converters+audio-techs and a human with monitor for live-stream editing which, however can also be omitted if JB300 already can run the stream with deciding on the fly which input to send live, when and how with which captions/additional graphics. Hell, they can basically replace the whole crew and truck worth of equipment with only like three-four JB300.
Thinking about it I arrived at the point where I started to speculate how can this affect the existing set-up and here's the vision:
Being on the other side of the camera it's one thing to look into the camera and another to be watched by eerie motionless android whose eyes are switched to record mode and don't even look human. It's possible that JB300 would be filming through one-way mirrors so that those people who are being filmed would look at their reflection instead of JB300 whose sight is only making them feel uneasy.
Basically yeah, JB300 androids are probably amongst the most powerful yet inhumanly-looking androids there are. They may not have that much of the social protocols to hold a conversation as they are really much practical tools that need to follow instructions rather than appealing to someone as friendly customer service faces. Also they probably have the most expensive eyes among all androids.
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mariacallous · 11 months
For more than three weeks, Gaza has faced an almost total internet blackout. The cables, cell towers, and infrastructure needed to keep people online have been damaged or destroyed as Israel launched thousands of missiles in response to Hamas attacking Israel and taking hundreds of hostages on October 7. Then, this evening, amid reports of heavy bombing in Gaza, some of the last remaining connectivity disappeared.
In the days after October 7, people living in Gaza have been unable to communicate with family or friends, leaving them unsure whether loved ones are alive. Finding reliable news about events has become harder. Rescue workers have not been able to connect to mobile networks, hampering recovery efforts. And information flowing out of Gaza, showing the conditions on the ground, has been stymied.
As the Israel Defense Forces said it was expanding its ground operations in Gaza this evening, internet connectivity fell further. Paltel, the main Palestinian communications company, has been able to keep some of its services online during Israel’s military response to Hamas’ attack. However, at around 7:30 pm local time today, internet monitoring firm NetBlocks confirmed a “collapse” in connectivity in the Gaza Strip, mostly impacting remaining Paltel services.
“We regret to announce a complete interruption of all communications and internet services within the Gaza Strip,” Paltel posted in a post on its Facebook page. The company claimed that bombing had “caused the destruction of all remaining international routes.” An identical post was made on the Facebook page of Jawwal, the region’s biggest mobile provider, which is owned by Paltel. Separately, Palestinian Red Crescent, a humanitarian organization, said on X (formerly Twitter) that it had lost contact with its operation room in Gaza and is “deeply concerned” about its ability to keep caring for people, with landline, cell, and internet connections being inaccessible.
“This is a terrifying development,” Marwa Fatafta, a policy manager focusing on the Middle East and North Africa at the digital rights group Access Now, tells WIRED. “Taking Gaza completely off the grid while launching an unprecedented bombardment campaign only means something atrocious is about to happen.”
A WIRED review of internet analysis data, social media posts, and Palestinian internet and telecom company statements shows how connectivity in the Gaza Strip drastically plummeted after October 7 and how some buildings linked to internet firms have been damaged in attacks. Photos and videos show sites that house various internet and telecom firms have been damaged, while reports from official organizations, including the United Nations, describe the impact of people being offline.
Damaged Lines
Around the world, the internet and telecoms networks that typically give web users access to international video calls, online banking, and endless social media are a complicated, sprawling mix of hardware and software. Networks of networks, combining data centers, servers, switches, and reams of cables, communicate with each other and send data globally. Local internet access is provided by a mix of companies with no clear public documentation of their infrastructure, making it difficult to monitor the overall status of the system as a whole. In Gaza, experts say, internet connectivity is heavily reliant on Israeli infrastructure to connect to the outside world.
Amid Israel’s intense bombing of Gaza, physical systems powering the internet have been destroyed. On October 10, the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which oversees emergency responses, said air strikes “targeted several telecommunication installations” and had destroyed two of the three main lines of communications going into Gaza.
Prior to tonight’s blackout, internet connectivity remained but was “extremely slow and limited,” Access Now’s Fatafta says. People she has spoken to from Gaza say it could take a day to upload and send a few photos. “They have to send like 20 messages in order for one to go through,” Fatafta says. “They are desperately—especially for Gazans that live outside—trying to get through to their families.”
“Every time I try to call someone from family or friends, I try to call between seven to 10 times,” says Ramadan Al-Agha, a digital marketer who lives in Khan Yunis, a city in the south of the Gaza Strip. “The call may be cut off two or three times,” he told WIRED in a WhatsApp message before the latest outages. “We cannot access news quickly and clearly.” People in the region have simultaneously faced electricity blackouts, dwindling supplies of fuel used to power generators, and a lack of clean water, food, and medical supplies. “It is a humanitarian disaster,” Al-Agha says.
Connectivity in Gaza started to drop not long after Israel responded to the October 7 Hamas attack. Rene Wilhelm, a senior R&D engineer at the nonprofit internet infrastructure organization Ripe Network Coordination Center, says based on an analysis of internet routing data it collects that 11 Palestinian networks, which may operate both in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, began to experience disruption after October 7. Eight of the networks were no longer visible to the global internet as of October 23, Wilhelm says. Ahead of this evening’s blackout, there was around 15 percent of normal connectivity, according to data from Georgia Tech’s Internet Outage Detection and Analysis project. That dropped to around 7 percent as reports of the blackout circulated.
One office belonging to Paltel in the Al Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City has been destroyed in the attacks, photos and videos show. Floors have been destroyed and windows blown away in the multistory building, and piles of rubble surround the entrances. (It is unclear what equipment the building housed or how many floors Paltel occupied.) Another internet provider, AlfaNet, is listed as being based in the Al-Watan Tower. The company posted to its Facebook page on October 8 that the tower had been destroyed and its services have stopped, with other online posts also saying the tower has been destroyed.
Multiple Palestinian internet and telecoms firms have said their services have been disrupted during the war, mostly posting to social media. Internet provider Fusion initially said its engineers were trying to repair its infrastructure, although it has since said this is not continuing. “The network was destroyed, and the cables and poles were badly damaged by the bombing,” it wrote on Facebook. JetNet said there had been a “sudden disruption” to access points. SpeedClick posted that the situation was out of its control. And HiNet posted that it has “no more to offer to ensure” people could stay online following “the attacks and destruction our internet servers have suffered.”
Across Paltel’s network on October 19, according to an update shared by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 83 percent of fixed line users had been disconnected, with 53 percent of sites providing fixed line connections also being offline. Half of the company’s fiber optic internet lines in Gaza weren’t operational, the update says. The connectivity disappeared this evening, according to Paltel’s Facebook post, which says there has been a “complete interruption” of all its services. Paltel, AlfaNet, Fusion, and SpeedClick could not be reached or did not respond to requests for comment.
Lost Connections
In recent years, governments and authoritarian regimes have frequently turned to shutting down the internet for millions of people in attempts to suppress protests and curtail free speech. Targeting the communications networks is common during conflicts. During Russia's war in Ukraine, its forces have decimated communications networks, tried to take over the internet, and set up new mobile companies to control information flows. When Hamas first attacked Israel on October 7, it used drones to bomb communications equipment at surveillance posts along the borders of the Gaza Strip.
Monika Gehner, the head of corporate communications at the International Telecommunication Union, says the body is always “alarmed” by damage inflicted on any telecommunications infrastructure during conflicts. The ITU, the United Nations’ primary internet governance body, believes “efficient telecommunication services” are crucial to peace and international cooperation, and its secretary-general has called for respecting infrastructure in the Middle East, Gehner says.
Officials in Israel have consistently claimed they are targeting Hamas militants within Gaza, not civilians, while responding to the Hamas attacks, which killed more than 1,400 people in Israel. The Hamas-run Health Ministry within Gaza has said more than 7,000 people have been killed there and released a list of names. A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces did not respond to WIRED’s questions about internet disruptions within Gaza.
Hanna Kreitem, a senior adviser for internet technology and development in the Middle East and North Africa at the Internet Society, an open internet advocacy nonprofit, says Palestinian firms have a “big reliance” on Israeli internet firms. “Palestinians are not controlling any of the ICT infrastructure,” says Mona Shtaya, a non-resident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. Mobile networks in the Gaza Strip rely on 2G technologies. Al-Agha, the digital marketer, shared a screenshot showing mobile internet speeds of 7.18 kilobytes per second; average mobile speeds in the US in 2022 were 24 megabits per second, according to mobile analytics firm Statista.
“The internet is vital in times of war in crises,” says Fatafta, the Access Now policy manager, who adds that there can be “terrible consequences” linked to connectivity blackouts. The UN’s OCHA said rescue workers have had a harder time “carrying out their mission” partly due to the “limited or no connection to mobile networks.” Al-Agha says he has lost some clients due to the disruptions. The lack of connectivity can obscure events that are happening on the ground, Fatafta says. News crews have told WIRED they have footage from the ground but are “losing the story because of the internet.”
Kreitem says that a lack of electricity and access to the equipment will have made an impact on top of any physical damage to communications networks. “We don't know how many of the people that actually operate these networks are still alive,” Kreitem says. “The network operators are part of the world there, there's no place for them to run. They are as affected as any other person.”
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mitigatedchaos · 7 months
[ tumblr user ]
"Afab trans woman" why do you view trans womanhood as a Vibe you wanna adopt and not a collection of a wide range of experiences based on the material circumstance of being assigned male at birth and transitioning to become a woman. We've always had afab people who call themselves trans women (it's why so many of us are so militant about tme vs tma, because these people would try to pass themselves off as us and speak over us) and it's cause people want the culture and coolness that we have cultivated for ourselves without having our struggle. They want the cultural view of being the epitome of queerness that's thrust upon us without having to deal with the transmisogyny that that same culture throws at us
We've gotten a few isolated and largely unconfirmed reports of AFAB people identifying as MtF trans.
It's difficult to tell if this is a real thing, or if it's a one-in-a-million thing that's just being noticed and amplified by the internet, or if it's some people making these stories up for internet clout or for other reasons.
I've been considering the increase in identification as "non-binary" compared to 2008 levels, and I have a theory.
Back in the 2000-2008 era, the Internet was still a separate place you would go. You would physically sit down at your computer, log on, and then go on websites or use messenger services, etc. Corporate and government use of the Internet was more limited. There was more socially acceptable use of alternate channels such as phones, physical meetups, etc.
Cyberspace was real, but it wasn't ubiquitous. It didn't follow you around when you logged off.
Now, thanks to smartphones and increasing dependence on the internet, cyberspace is almost everywhere. Data is light, it doesn't weigh much, and it can smoothly glide at a moment's touch. Privacy in physical space can disappear with only a few seconds of notice.
The cyberspace layer is a new layer on the stack of what has to be considered in social interactions.
The social contagion theory is about the idea of male-identifying gender non-conformity spreading to girls and young women from outside as a meme (in terms of a self-replicating idea) resulting in local social pressure. However, we can invert it:
What if it's a hiding place?
Our current system of ordinary laws is not designed for constant, thorough enforcement. If we were constantly monitored by AI to enforce our current laws, it would be intolerable.
The ubiquity of smartphones and social media may have lead to a radical increase in internally felt social pressure for gender conformity, and a narrowing of what's considered acceptable gender behavior.
While from the outside, most of us would say, "Yeah, there can be masculine women, so what?" for people who have a high internalization of social pressure, that might not be good enough.
Identifying as "non-binary" provides social permission (including internal social permission) not to be layered with 3mm of makeup, even though the influencers are presumably off presenting their unrealistically flashy lives on internet video platforms doing just that.
As for MtF specifically, in terms of what's visible it tends to be a pretty intense band of humanity, culturally, and especially online.
There are a number of reasons for this, but to emphasize one of them, if you have people that are uncomfortable in real life, they may spend a lot of time online, and if they're not mindlessly devoting that to social warfare, they may devote that to cultural development. As more culture development shifts online, they'll have a disproportionate influence. The current cohort of MtFs also hit a bit earlier, so they're a bit further along, career-wise, and a bit more knowledgeable.
So it wouldn't be surprising for a number of young AFAB people, who are evaluating 'who they want to be', to look out there, and decide to try on 'trans woman' as a label and see how it fits, see if it changes them, or helps them fit in.
But is that actually happening? I dunno.
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exnori · 2 months
About Exnori
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Hello, I am Exnori.com, a premier cryptocurrency exchange dedicated to revolutionizing the way you trade digital assets. I am here to offer a secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform that caters to both beginners and seasoned traders alike. Let me take you through the various aspects of my services and why I am the go-to choice for cryptocurrency trading.
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At my core, my mission is to create a transparent, secure, and seamless trading environment. I strive to empower my users with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the volatile world of cryptocurrencies confidently. My vision is to become a cornerstone of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, where traders can thrive and reach their financial goals.
Robust Security Protocols
Security is my utmost priority. I employ state-of-the-art encryption techniques, robust multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring to protect your assets and personal information. My security infrastructure is designed to be resilient against cyber threats, ensuring that your investments are safe with me.
User-Centric Design
I am designed with the user in mind. My platform boasts a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies the trading process. Whether you are accessing me via desktop or mobile, you will find a consistent and user-friendly experience that makes trading easy and accessible, no matter where you are.
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The cryptocurrency market is constantly evolving, and so am I. I am committed to continuous innovation and regularly update my platform with new features and improvements. This dedication to staying ahead of the curve ensures that I can provide you with the best tools and technologies for successful trading.
Choosing Exnori.com means partnering with a platform that is dedicated to your success. With my robust security measures, user-centric design, extensive asset selection, competitive fees, and unwavering support, I am here to help you achieve your trading goals. Join me at Exnori.com and experience the future of cryptocurrency trading.
By joining Exnori.com, you are becoming part of a dynamic and forward-thinking community. Let's trade smarter, safer, and more effectively together. Welcome to Exnori.com, where your trading journey begins!
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
The Digital Revolution Is the Prime Enabler of Tyranny
Paul Craig Roberts
Sweden and France now ban cell phones in school.
Digitalization of youth has had serious adverse effects on physical and cognitive development. Having raised a generation of youth unable to function because they are digitalized-addicted, Sweden, France, and other European countries are eliminating cell phones from the school day.
As I have often said, the digital revolution is the third worst thing that dumbshit humanity has brought upon itself other than nuclear weapons and American biowarfare laboratories.
Mothers harassed with trying to keep up in a men’s world substituted digitalization for motherhood. The consequences are dire.
Grandparents report that their grandchildren instead of acquiring skills wasted their period of cognitive development playing video games and scrolling cell phones. Consequently, they are incapable of working or comprehending the requirements for their survival. Their world is a world of entertainment.
The child-unsafe Tower-of-Babel-Sodom-and-Gomorrah-society that the liberal-left have created for Americans has left parents at the mercy of the Child Protective Services Gestapo. Consequently, mothers have added over-protection to the plague of digitalization, and the consequence is the inability of youth to develop into confident and capable people. It leaves the youth of our time susceptible to tyranny.
In my day, we grew up in fights on the school play yard during recess, with each boy proving by his willingness to fight that he couldn’t be bullied. The teachers who were playground monitors never interfered with the right of passage unless things got out of hand. But by that time another boy had intervened by taking up the fight of the defeated kid. Bullies were short-lived on the playgrounds of my youth. Most of us grew up believing in ourselves. It is this constraint on inappropriate and unacceptable behavior that is missing today. Today Americans lack the confidence to confront the tyranny that is encompassing them. They take refuge in the fake news of their oppressors while their liberty dwindles.
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tf2-news · 10 months
We want to apologize for the period of inactivity. We did not publish anything since the main amdin presented psychological difficulties, but, we are back.
It's been a while since our last post. However, we have not been able to collect much information but we have something that will surely interest you.
Many would think that hackers and people who hire bots like to remain incognito, however, we found a YouTube Video which took us to an account of a person whose sole purpose is to ruin games from tf2.
The account is called "rosne gaming" and has a total of 55 videos, as well as a Discord server and 15 lives.
We ask you please not to use this information in a bad way. However, this YouTube account has more than one tutorial, explaining how to hire bot services. Lately we have been reviewing and monitoring tf2 games, and we noticed that the tricks that this user affects are usually tfort, and hightower.
Below we attach screenshots.
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We ask that you please report this account, and if possible, make sure to expel, pop songs that you see from all the servers, these bots hired by this user usually join, they have a link with the name of their channel, so remember to report them.
The following months we will be more active and bring constant updates on the various issues affecting the community. Tf2. Thank you for the support you have given us and until next time.
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Harley D. Dixon 7
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. As always, I hope you enjoy reading! :)
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Just like everything else, the elevators are all dead.
After we rummage around for the flashlight, we have to climb the emergency stair-well to make it back up to the lobby. As the door creaks open, we find only more darkness and empty space waiting for us, but at least we have the moonlight, now. We step out. It streams in through the gargantuan windows, glittering across the polished tiles. I find it calming to know that despite everything that we people are going through tonight, the night still knows how to be beautiful all the same. I watch the round belly of the moon glow behind a thin cloud.
Beside it, a bright star winks.
I imagine it's my Momma winking down at me.
I use the sight to steady myself.
I have to be brave.
"The doors are all locked, right?" I whisper, thinking of all those dead soldiers outside, standing to attention. "Nothin's gettin' in?"
"Nothin's gettin' in." Shane promises. "Doors are all electric. Couldn't let anythin' in even if they wanted to, ain't that right?"
Dad side-eyes Shane. "Yeah."
"See? Nothin' to worry about."
Shane's doin' that thing again — lying to hide the truth.
As subtle as I can, I scoot a little closer to him, away from my Dad.
We watch as the light crawls over the reception desk, the scattered papers, and the muddy boot-prints we left behind earlier today. I hold my breath, waiting for a type of creature to lunge out, teeth bared. I must shudder, 'cause I feel my Dad give my hand a squeeze, and pull me back into his side. I wish he didn't. The light continues over the tiles, and then it slowly climbs the furthest wall from us. Dad levels it with the entrance to a corridor so dark that it seems to just be a black hole at the end of a long tunnel.
There's just one detail out of place.
It's so bizarre that my Dad can't even put it into words.
There — Red light, projected from somewhere inside the corridor, flashing on the tiles. The corridor must make a turn, and the light must be around the corner, blinking on and off. On, off. On, off — As if the building isn't completely out of power.
For some reason, this light gets to stay on.
"What is that?" Dad mutters to Shane. "That corridor— What's it lead to?"
On, off. On, off.
The flashlight flickers for a moment.
"The control room."
We've been in the control room before. During the tour, it was one of the stops. It's essentially head-quarters for the CDC, and it was lined with computer engines and monitoring equipment that looked like it belonged in a move about aliens. All around us, after he booted the system up, we saw bobbing green wave-lengths and confusing scientist languages typed in pixelated text. None of us knew what any of it meant. On the main screen, the scientist played us a video of an infected woman's brain. Together, we watched her die. It felt like attending a belated funeral service, and it was everyone's least favorite part of the tour, 'cause we were all forced to re-live our days on the road, watching what we thought was me dying; attending my funeral.
It could have been me on that video.
Glenn was picking at his nails the whole time, and Rick looked like he was hating every frame of the video. Carol was so distressed that Lori started rubbing her back, reminding us kids that it was just a video. When I glanced at Andrea, she was staring at her shoes again, thinking of Amy. My Dad was the one to eventually bully the scientist into turning the video off.
Just before it cut out, a bullet pierced the woman's skull.
I hate the control room.
Everybody hates the control room.
Now, just a few hours later, we're faced with the same room again.
"Makes sense, right?" Shane mutters. "Kill the place; conserve power for the main hub?"
On, off. On, off.
"We should check it out." Dad says.
On, off. On, off.
"Are they in there?" I ask. "Is Glenn in there?"
On, off. On, off.
"I don't know, baby."
On, off. On, off.
The light does not disappear again. It seems to grow brighter by the second, until it looks like the floor's been painted red.
We hear a noise from deeper inside the CDC.
Muffle, muffle.
"What was that?" Shane asks, drawing his pistol, now, as if he can kill a sound.
Geh, Ow, Now.
My Dad draws his gun too, glancing at Shane.
Geh-Ow, Goh.
"That's someone shoutin'." I exclaim.
Shane looks at my Dad. "Jenner?"
We start jogging toward the corridor as a small unit.
We start running.
The red light starts to flash. A wailing alarm takes over, pulsing loudly from all directions.
Now we're sprinting.
The cluster of noise and voices and shouting reaches a concerning volume, and we're all racing down the corridor, tryna reach it; see what it is. It has to be the group. We have to help them, if they're in trouble. When we turn the corner, we see that the light was coming from this area, above a metal door. For a moment, I can see everyone standing on the other side, inside the control room.
I begin to smile.
Wait, something's wrong.
They're all rushing to the exit.
The voice becomes clear to us, at this very last moment; just one moment too late.
I think that's—
It's Rick.
"Get out, now! " 
The last thing we see is Rick waving his hands above his head, and then the little red light blinks out once and for all, and the metal door hisses right before it slides shut. There's nothing we can do as it traps the group on one side and us on the other. 
My Dad's momentum slams him right into the door, and he uses his shoulder to brace impact, but the door just doesn't budge. Without hesitation, he shoots three bullets — Bang, Bang, Bang — Into the crevice of the doorframe, but even they get absorbed into the metal, like it's just a big silver sponge for violence; like we could beat on it forever and it still wouldn't open. I skid to a stop just behind him.
"Did he just lock us in?" I hear Glenn screeching from inside.
The siren continues.
It's like being inside an alarm clock.
Wait, did—? Did Glenn just say that someone locked them in there? Why would they do that?
It must have been the scientist, I think. Maybe he's upset with us for wanting to leave so soon after dinner ended, so he decided to try force us all to stay, instead of just asking. I don't want to stay, and I don't wanna be friends with him, neither. He said all those things about suicide — about my Momma — and he speaks like he's a robot with only one battery in him. He gave us soap and potato salad, but he's not actually any good at making friends. He's an evil scientist. He locked my friends, plus Rick, inside.
Shane arrives one second after, and gives the door a big, hard kick, but again, it stands strong.
He was right.
Nothin's getting in. 
Nothing's getting out, neither.
It's sealed tight.
How are we gonna help 'em?
"Come on!" My Dad grunts, hitting the door.
My head thrums with the alarm.
Glenn cries again, "He just locked us in!"
Shane crouches; gets his face as close he can to the bullet holes, like it's an intercom. "Rick!" He shouts, over the noise of the voices inside — Open those doors, Jenner, Why'd you lock us in, What's going on, Mom — and crying; that's crying, I think. It sounds like Sophia, and if I were in there with them, I would want to give her a hug. Jenner's not my friend, but I think Sophia might be; maybe Carl, too. I can hear a computer lady's voice, too, but she sounds like she's cool as a cucumber, nonchalantly counting, Twenty Nine Minutes and Forty-three seconds remaining, Forty-two, Forty-one. Shane smacks the door, wanting to know what's happening. "Rick! We're here, man!"
We wait for someone to answer.
"Are we—?" I nibble on the ends of my pyjama sleeves, worried, "We're gonna get 'em out, right?"
I remember the mouse that got stuck in the walls of our old house. It struggled and struggled until eventually, it just died.
"Yes, we are." Shane nods to me, panicked but confident.
We hear approaching foot-steps from inside.
It's Morales.
I think Rick must be busy talking to Jenner. He's the best with words, after all. If anyone can convince Jenner to let 'em go, he can.
"Man, what's goin' on in there?" Shane demands. "What happened?"
"Generators," Morales pants, "Jenner said they're all on their last legs. After they're gone, CDC's got nothing. No water, no lights. That's why Rick was hollering for us to leave, and why everything 'cept this room's gone kaput. Where were you? Did you notice?"
"Oh, we noticed alright." Shane rubs at his forehead, stressed. "We were in the lower levels with our thumbs up our asses."
That's a weird phrase.
Twenty-Five, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Three.
There's more arguing on the other side of the door — What happens in twenty-eight minutes, Jenner, My children are in here, Please open the doors, Answer me right now — and the sounds of chairs and computers being thrown to the floor. I think there's another fight going on, but at least I'm not in it, this time. Morales tries translating the kerfuffle to us — Somethin' about the timer; somethin' about Jenner. He says that when the timer reaches zero, something called decontamination will begin. Does that mean, like, cleaning? It's impossible to keep up, so I just keep my distance, fiddling with my pyjama shirt. I try to ignore the missing button. My Dad uses the butt of his pistol to smash open a panel by the door, but it's for a keycard. We don't got keycards, or regular keys, or nothin'.
Nothing can open these doors except Jenner.
"Do you know what this place is?"
That's him.
His voice comes booming so loud from inside the control room that even me, Shane, my Dad are startled, and we're behind the door. Everybody goes quiet. It's like when a teacher at school suddenly decides that they've had enough, and explode.
"We protected the public from very nasty stuff!"
Dad glances at me; yanks me closer, looking tense. I guess I was startin' to drift away again.
"Weaponized smallpox!"
I try my best not to flinch.
"Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country!"
I remember hearing about Ebola. It's famous for killin' people.
"Stuff you don’t want getting out! Ever!"
There's a long, long pause.
It almost seems like the CDC was built to trap things inside it. The smallpox, and the— the Ebola? Those might've been things that they didn't want gettin' out, ever, but we do. We want out. If Jenner doesn't give us our friends back, I'll be very sad. I'll even be sad about officer Rick. He got my Uncle Merle killed, but Shane needs him. They're like brothers. I wouldn't want Shane to lose his brother.
Carol, Jacqui, Andrea. Glenn.
I'll be very sad.
Even if we never get to eat potato salad ever again, I still want everybody to be able to leave the CDC.
Suddenly, the computer lady speaks up again but she's not countin', no more.
"H.I.T.s—" She explains to us, and if she was a person, she'd be smiling pleasantly, "High-impulse thermo-baric fuel-air explosives consisting of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen at between five thousand degrees and six thousand degrees and is useful when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired."
Greatest loss of life?
I freeze.
My Dad freezes.
Shane freezes, too.
He glances back at us; At me. He looks like his heart's stopped.
I think everyone on the other side must look the same way.
"It sets the air on fire." The scientist gives it to us in its simplest terms. "No pain."
Twenty Six minutes and Nineteen secon—
"An end to sorrow; Grief." The scientist continues, and I imagine him smiling pleasantly, too, like he's smelling a sweet flower. "No more regrets."
I realize in this moment, as the weeping on the other side starts up again, that Jenner is like my Momma. He wants to kill himself. He thinks that when the computer lady sets the air on fire, everything is going to be better for him that way. That's why he sounds so happy. I think back to dinner — His wrong-smile, his empty gaze, his dull voice — and I wonder how I didn't realize this sooner. People who are suicidal stop living a while before they actually die. I know that. I didn't notice with my Momma, neither, not until it was too late. It's too late now, too. Uncle Merle would say Jenner's taking the pussy way out, 'cause that's what he used to say my Momma did, but there's nothing easy about it. Nothin' at all.
My Momma wanted to jump off a bridge and Jenner wants to be set on fire.
Six thousand degrees, the computer lady said.
That's a lot of degrees.
I try picturing those windows to the outside again to calm myself; that star, winking.
The fire might kill us, too, if we don't get out.
I hear glass breaking, voices crying out, and thumping from inside.
The men must've broken the fire axes outta their cases, and are trying to chop the other three doors down with 'em.
My Dad shoots the keycard scanner.
Shane shoot, shoot, shoots the door frame.
All I can do is fiddle with my buttons and try not to cry — I've cried far too much tonight. Crying is for pussies. I ain't a pussy.
"Shane and Daryl are out there?" I hear someone shout.
"Yeah! That door, there!"
A few moments later, someone else is talking through the door.
That's Glenn's voice. He's using the bullet holes as an intercom just like Shane was. I drop to my knees in front of them, pressing my hands on the freezing cold metal on either side. I wish I could peer through and see his face, but bullet holes ain't work like that. Glenn doesn't sound like he's hurt or nothin'. That's good. I smile.
Twenty Four Minutes and Fifty Sev—
"Are you okay?" He asks, voice cracking. "Your Dad? Shane?"
Glenn must be tryna peek through the bullet holes to see my face, too.
"Uh-huh." I shout back. "We're okay. We—"
Just as I'm about to say more, my Dad sneers at the door, screaming, "Somebody drag that Einstein-Motherfucker up 'ere so's I can shoot him through the fuckin' door! My kid's out here!" He punches the metal. "Come here, ya coward! You wanna die? Lemme do ya a favor!"
"You drive that axe through his skull, Rick!" Shane shouts into the door. "You do it now!"
"W-We—" I choke on my words.
My Dad is all angry again.
If the main doors weren't sealed, he would've already dragged me outta here.
"What is it?" Glenn asks me.
I try to clear my head. Through all the chaos, me and Glenn are just knelt by the door, having a conversation. Instead of thinking about my Momma, or Jenner, or all the locked doors, or the computer lady, or my angry Dad, I try to pretend that we're on the roof of the RV again, watching the sun rise, munching on old cherries without a care in the world. Bullets and axe heads and fists are banging and cutting and thumping all around us, but I just focus on Glenn, and he just focuses on me. What would I say to him, if everything was normal?
"Glenn, my favorite color's yellow."
It's the strangest thing I could've told him right now, but it's true. I love yellow. What a lovely, simple thing to think about.
"Wh—? What?"
"Y-Yeah, like um— Like the sun." I take a deep breath. "And bananas."
I'm not scared. I'm brave. I'm someone who likes the color yellow, and I'm not going to die today.
"You like bananas?" I ask.
Glenn takes a minute to adjust to the sudden change in subject — Bananas are very different from mega-explosions, after all — but then he replies, and his voice is a little calmer, this time, and a little closer, too. "Yeah," He tells me, punctuated by another gunshot. "I like bananas. Every fruit, really. My Mom used to make me and my sisters a bowl of mango and banana every day after school. We—" Somebody swings an axe into the door. I think we both jump. He continues, "We ate it all together, in— in our backyard."
"What were their names?" I ask, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Lisa," Glenn tells me, prolly imagining sunny afternoons and fingers covered in sticky fruit juice. "Naomi, and Jenny."
Lisa, Naomi, and Jenny.
Those are pretty names.
"My Momma's name was Lindsey." I find myself admitting to Glenn. This is worse than admitting my favorite color to him — This is a secret. This is something only me and my Dad know; Something I'm never allowed to talk about. Now that Merle's gone, he won't ever be able to speak my Momma's name again, which means that it died with him. That's what I'm supposed to do. After this, I swear I will. "And she was the best Momma ever."
My Dad wishes my Momma was gone forever, 'cause that's what happens when people die, like with Merle. He doesn't wanna talk about him, and he definitely doesn't wanna talk about her. But she's not gone. I know 'cause half of my cells belong to her — Lindsey Hunt's — which means that inside of me, my Momma's still alive. She made my blood, and she made my heart.
She lives in my memories.
She lives in the stars.
My Dad just don't see it.
"I bet." Glenn says. I wonder if Glenn lost his Momma, too. "What was her favorite color?"
Blue, like the fake sapphire gem that hung from her necklace. Blue, like her skinny jeans. Blue, like my Daddy's eyes.
"And she liked to write." I tell Glenn, 'cause maybe if I pass all these gems of information over to Glenn, my Momma can live on with him, instead, 'cause I know that as soon as we make it out of the CDC, I'm never, ever gonna be allowed to talk about my Momma again — Not to Dad, not to myself, not to anybody. If I do, I'm gonna get belted again. I don't want my Momma to die for a second time. I don't want her to be forgotten.
I think of everything I ever knew about my Momma.
"She used to write on napkins at the diner, while we waited for our pancakes. She wrote all over her hands if she ain't had any paper. She wrote a bed-time story for me too, once, for my— my fifth birthday. It was called My Little Fairy, Here's all my Kisses. 'Cause I got fairy kisses. My moles. That's what she called 'em. It was my favorite book ever. And— She called me her little fairy-girl. She always said if she could do anythin', she'd be an author."
"Open the doors!" Shane shouts. "Open them, now!"
I block it out. I block it all out.
I need Glenn to know about my Momma.
"She loved playing guitar. Daddy taught her how. She liked the Spice Girls. It's all she listened to."
Glenn lets me speak as much as I need to.
"She always kept her hair short, 'cause she hated the feeling of it touching her shoulders."
My Dad shoots the door again.
I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter.
"And she wasn't sick in the head." I quickly tell Glenn, 'cause this part is really, really important. "She wasn't. People said she was, but it ain't true. She took her medicine. She weren't sick."
I think Glenn puts his hand on the door, probably right over mine, 'cause I hear a hollow thunk. I wish there was no door.
"She weren't sick. She was just sad! Okay?"
He needs to get this part.
Twenty Three Minutes and Fifty-nine seconds, Fifty-eight—
My Momma used to write, and sing, and dance, but she used to cry, too. One day she came home, and she just cried all night. After that, she cried all night, every night. I never understood why. Every time I asked, she'd just cry some more. I think my Dad understood, but all he ever told me was, It's not for little girl ears to hear, chicken, so ask me somethin' different. After a while, he stopped tryna make my Momma feel better. He gave up. That's how I know he hated her, 'cause I never gave up, and I loved my Momma. She was a sad woman, but she weren't sick.
Glenn pauses, and he sounds sincere when he says, "Okay, Harley."
The others think Glenn's a bit of an idiot, but he's as every bit caring as any one of 'em.
"She was like Jenner." I say. "She was sad, and then she died, and then she weren't sad no more."
"Harley, I'm sorry." Glenn sounds out of breath. "I'm—"
"Don't be sorry." I shake my head, remembering what I told Sophia. I suck in a deep breath. "Sorry is only for when it's your fault."
Momma dyin'— That was Dad's fault. He ain't never said sorry.
I don't think he ever will.
That's okay, though, 'cause this is the last time I'm ever gonna think about my Momma. After this, never again.
"What about your Momma and Daddy?"
Glenn listened to me, so now I want to do the same for him.
"I don't know." He sighs. "I'm not sure what happened to mine. They could be gone. They could be out there somewhere, still alive."
"I think they're still alive." I say. I'm actually smiling. "If they're anythin' like you, they're alive."
Glenn is fast like a cheetah and strong like a house cat, and he's not as big as my Dad, but I'm just as sure that he's gonna live forever. Sure, he sucks at cooking, but he learnt his lesson. He's friendly. He's determined. He's resourceful. And he's real good at finding old packets of freeze-dried cherries. If they're anything like him, Glenn's Momma and Daddy are alive, and so are his sisters, Lisa, Naomi, and Jenny. All of them.
I hear Glenn laugh.
There are bombs in the walls and everybody's panicking, but me and Glenn are laughing.
"Thank— Thank you." He tells me. "And if they're not, I hope they're with your Mom, and everybody else you've lost."
Maybe everyone who's died so far are all eating fruit together, somewhere.
I hope my Uncle's not bein' too much of an asshole to 'em.
"I hope so, too," I laugh.
What a lovely, simple thing to think about.
It's as I'm sittin' there, smiling and thinking about happy things with Glenn, that the door opens. It slides into the floor, revealing Glenn on the other side, kneeling just a couple inches away from me. We stare at each other, caught off guard.
Not for long, though, 'cause my Dad grabs my shirt and forces me to stand. I stumble after him.
Glenn snaps out of it, too, and scrambles to his feet.
Then, it's just running.
Running, running, running.
Jenner let us out?
Jenner let us out!
Rick! He did it!
We run down the corridor, and then we run through the lobby, and then we run through a side corridor, and then another one, and another one, and another one, and then we're running back into the garage-lookin' space we first arrived in, and these doors are all opening, too. My Dad is running so fast that I almost can't keep up. The roller doors open inch, by inch, by inch, and we run even faster.
The night is revealed.
We run into it.
My bare feet smack against the cement, and then they sink into grass, which is so, so soft, and we hear crickets chirping, and the breeze.
"Go, go, go!" Rick shouts, leading us all through the field the other way, this time, under the moon.
"Get down!" Shane hollers.
The explosion. The explosion is still coming.
"Everybody, behind the sand bags!" Rick cries.
We run, run, run past half-dead soldiers and full-dead soldiers, and the tank, and the barricades. We reach the edge of the field, where big, brown blobs are stacked on top of each other to make a long, lumpy wall. Ahead of us, Rick vaults it, and then he pulls Lori and Carl over. Me and my Dad are next, and he gets me by the armpits and just about throws me to Rick, who just about dumps me on the ground. Dad jumps over; muscles my head down until my nose is grazing the pavement, tucked safely under his chest. There's more rushing; more people throwing themselves behind the wall.
The ground shudder-udder-udders beneath us.
Then the air is set on fire.
Everybody bunkers down as the sky bursts like a balloon. A wave of scorching hot air thrusts over our heads, carrying smoke and debris with it as it sails through the sky. I listen to empty helmets and broken pieces of metal land sporadically all over the street. The CDC crumbles in the background. Windows shatter. Rooves cave in. Walls topple over into the field like broken Legos. It's the loudest thing I've ever heard.
Eventually, it ends.
We slowly untangle, and gaze out over the sand bags together.
The CDC is a pile of rubble and ash. It sits there, smoking gracefully, like somebody's stomped-in sandcastle. It looks like it was never a building at all — just a black husk. I think of Jenner, willingly sat at his computers, burned to a crisp. I wonder if it made him happy. Weirdly enough, I hope it did. I hope he ended up wherever he wanted to be. We watch as the moon rises behind the destroyed utopia, 'cause despite everything that us people have gone through tonight, the night knows how to be beautiful all the same.
Orange burns bright against the black of night.
We admire it like a nice view.
"Is everybody okay?" Rick gulps, hands on his hips.
Everybody murmurs a general yes.
When I glance at my Dad, he's already looking at me. Already, I know that nothing is going to be the same after this. We're not coming out the same way we went in. Next to us, Rick pants beside his family. He wraps them in a hug. Carol holds Sophia's hand to her mouth as they both cry softly. Morales and Miranda hold Louis and Eliza. Glenn takes off his cap; almost drops it. When he meets my eye, I feel a little embarrassed about all the things I told him when we were talking through the door. Shane runs his hands through his hair. Jacqui and T-Dog smile.
Andrea— Wait.
Andrea and Dale. They're not here.
That's when I see Jacqui point to the other side of the field.
"Guys, I think that's them."
I follow her finger with my eyes.
Everybody does.
Like two little dots in the distance, we watch as Dale and Andrea poke their heads up from behind some more sand bags. They dust themselves off, hesitantly look around, and then they spot us, and some of us wave to them.
Only Dale waves back.
I think back to what happened with Glenn, and I pretend that the part of me that was still holdin' onto my Momma died in the CDC. I pretend that it's a little burnt chunk turning to ash, right next to Jenner. I am never going to talk about her again. I'm never even gonna think about her. I forget every memory I ever had of her, and that's it — She's really gone, now. She died with me. I hope she would forgive me. If I could talk to her one last time, I'd tell her that I just don't want Daddy to beat on me, anymore, and that I'm sorry.
One last brick falls from the CDC.
It's time to leave another home again.
When I climb into Dad's truck, I can see Shane standing in the shadow of the RV, sneering.
Dad loads his pistol and places it on the dash, staring him down.
Shane scoffs.
Everything else might be over, but not this.
They are going to kill each other.
I'm sure of it.
As rural Georgia rolls past the windows, I stare at the pistol on the dash, thinking of Shane. I stare at Dad's bouncing leg and his knuckles as he cracks them, and I think about what might be going on in his head. I stare at my feet, thinking about how we have no home again.
When my Dad reaches for the gear stick, my body does that thing again where it flinches all on its own. I regret it immediately.
He gives me the weirdest look.
I go back to staring at the loaded pistol just so I don't have to look at him.
This is how the entire car ride goes.
Everybody is exhausted come morning.
By the time the sky turns pale blue, we're pulled over in the parking lot of a small strip mall. We all climb out, revealing ourselves to each other in the sunlight. Everybody is covered in soot and sweat, still dressed in their sleep clothes. Most of us don't even have any shoes, I realize. Rick's walking around in his socks. Everything we owned got blown up. There are no more water bottles, no more food, no more hair brushes, books, pillows, blankets, tooth brushes, or even any toilet paper. We took everything we owned, down to our very last protein bar, into the CDC.
'Cause thought we were safe.
We were wrong.
We might as well be holding a banner that says, We have lost everything. Don't bother robbing us.
Some of the men break off to search for supplies without really telling anyone. Nobody's really talking. Shane and Rick search the convenience store. Glenn and Morales take the office supply shop and the pet shop. My Dad takes the book shop all on his own, lugging his crossbow over his shoulder, glaring at Shane. Supplies used to mean gas and bullets, but now it means anything. 
All I have is my dinosaur pyjama shirt, some purple pants, and a hair lackey, now.
And my Dad. I think.
I watch him disappear through the little blue door.
"Hi, Harley." A sweet voice says.
I look up from my bare feet to see Sophia walking over to me. She's just like me. All she has is a blue shirt with a rainbow on it, some spotty pyjama pants, her shoes, and the headband in her hair. Oh, and her dolly. Still, she smiles. I'm glad she's okay.
When she reaches me, I scoot over.
She sits next to me on the abandoned coffee-table I'm sitting on.
Neither of us say anythin' for a minute, and it's like that day on the picnic blanket again. Neither of us know what to say, so we say nothing. We watch Glenn and Morales go literal dumpster diving outside the office supply shop, and we both laugh when Glenn leans so far over the edge that he sorta just falls in. Morales has to pull him out by the back of his jeans. We hear him complain, Pinche idiota, as he tries very hard not to grab anywhere near Glenn's ass. He fishes Glenn out, who's splattered with dumpster-gunk and random bits of trash.
He holds up an object to Morales, grinning.
"Wonder what he found." Sophia giggles. "He must've really wanted it. I bet it was a new cap."
I find myself giggling, too. "I bet it was a giant bar of chocolate."
"I bet it was a neck pillow."
"I bet it was batteries for his Walkman."
"I bet it was a comic."
"I bet it was headphones to block out the sound of Dale's stories."
Sophia turns to look at me, a glint in her sleepy eyes and a smile between her cheeks. I think this is what friends do. When we hear Dale pulling out that poetry book again from nearby, ready to form another story circle while everybody waits, we burst into laughter.
I cover my mouth. "S'like he heard me."
"He's way too old for that." Sophia claims. "Old people have bad ears."
"Dale's not that old."
"Yeah, he is. He's got grey hair and glasses and everything!"
"Your Momma's got grey hair!" I remind her.
"Oh, yeah." She covers her mouth now, giggling and going pink. "Oopsie."
"Don't worry, I won't tell 'er you said that."
"You promise?"
That's also somethin' friends do. They keep secrets.
"Pinkie promise?" Sophia offers.
I link my pinkie with hers, and we shake 'em.
"Pinkie promise." I say officially. "I won't ever tell your Momma that you called her super, super old."
"Hey!" She grins. "I didn't say that!"
"Okay." I shake our pinkies again. "I promise I won't ever tell your Momma you accidently called her a lil' bit old."
"Better." Sophia smiles. "Thanks."
We go back to watching Glenn and Morales together, 'cause it's a bit like watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. By now, they've cleaned out the office supply store and are checking out the pet shop. The door's all boarded up, but they ain't got tools to pry it open, so they just kinda tug at it for a while. I think Glenn asks Morales to try use a rock, 'cause he picks one up off the ground and pounds it against the nails in the wood, but he ends up dropping it onto his bare toes. He bends to soothe them, frowning. Glenn laughs. Me and Sophia laugh, too.
Glenn and Morales really are stumped, though. The door won't open, and the windows are all boarded up, too.
That's when my Dad emerges from the book shop. He's holding a plastic bag full of stuff, minding his own business. He's about to walk back when he spots Glenn and Morales acting like idiots. We watch as my Dad debates going over to 'em. Eventually, he does. He must actually call them idiots, 'cause the two men roll their eyes, but my Dad just unsheathes his knife and starts whittling the boards off the door.
When it's flimsy enough, he uses his shoulder to force it open. After three crack, crack, cracks, the door bursts open.
Glenn and Morales nod, thanking him.
My Dad walks away.
"Woah. Your Dad's nice?" Sophia whispers to herself. "I always thought he was scary."
A little, I almost tell her.
"Not really." I shrug, instead. "You know, everybody always says that."
"That's 'cause everybody's always gettin' glared at." She snickers. "He's got such a mean face. So did Merle. Not you, though."
I give her a confused look.
"Okay, maybe you do."
I push her lightly. "Whatever."
She snickers some more, which makes me smile.
"Really, though. It's nice he helped them."
I always knew my Dad wasn't a bad person. Someone can't be a bad person when they sing me to sleep every night, and keep my baby photos, and make sure I always eat 'fore they do, and go cold when there's only one blanket. They can't be bad when they make sure animals never suffer when we hunt 'em, and feed birds the bread from their lunches while they're on break, and recommend brands of diapers to other people in the baby aisle. My Dad's done all of those things.
But I never knew 'bout nice. Nice is for Disney princesses.
I think I see it, though. I wonder what changed. The only thing I can think of is Uncle Merle not bein' here no more. 'Cause I know that if he was here, my Dad wouldn't have helped Glenn and Morales get that door open. He also wouldn't be handing out books and magazines to the women, like he is right now. I watch as he gives Jacqui a fashion magazine, and then a small assortment of bookmarks he found to Dale, who's been dog-earing his poetry book up until now. Dale's face lights up. When they all start thanking him for the small gifts, my Dad quickly walks away.
Merle wanted to rob these people. I heard him talking about it one night.
You're not fuckin' serious. My Dad had scoffed to my Uncle, They got kids here. What if that was Harley?
My Uncle Merle used to beat me, too.
He was the first person to ever beat me.
When my Dad came home from his shift and found me shirtless on the sofa, covered in bruises with my hair all knotted, he went straight for the pistol they used to keep under the sink, cocked it, and barged into the spare bedroom, where Uncle Merle was knocked out in his bed. He'd been sniffing powder all day, which always made him crazy right before it made him sleepy. I remember hearing him fall to the floor. My Dad almost shot his brother in the face that night. They argued for a long, long time.
When my Dad came out, he was bruised, too.
He silently sat next to me and held me for so long that we both fell asleep there, watching cartoons on mute.
After that, my Dad started beating me, too.
Maybe like how my Momma used to be a part of me, Merle's still a part of my Dad.
I'm not sure if I miss that side of Merle.
I don't think I miss him.
That's what Sophia said about her dead Dad.
It's what I almost think about my Uncle Merle.
But I don't, 'cause Merle's blood.
He's a part of me, too.
Glenn and Morales enter the pet shop, disappearing behind all the boarded windows. Since we can't watch them anymore, which makes Sophia pout, Aw, that was fun, we decide to pass the time by letting her do my hair instead. I bask in the sun while she takes her time weaving a bunch of braids into my hair — Big ones, lil' ones, wonky ones. She even braids my bangs, which we both think is really funny. She tells me I look like one of her old Barbie dolls, 'cause she used to always experiment on their hair. We talk about all the toys we used to have, like Littlest Pet Shop and Nerf guns. My first ever toy was a Nerf gun. When I tell Sophia, she tells me her first ever toy was a pink teddy bear.
It's not long before we notice Glenn walking up to us. He's holding something behind his back.
"Hey, guys." He calls out, grinning. "Nice hair."
"She looks pretty, doesn't she?" Sophia smiles. "You want me to do yours?"
He laughs. "Uh... maybe later. Thanks."
"What's behind your back?" I ask him, trying to take a peek.
"Oh, yeah. You have to close your eyes." He says, and then he realizes that Sophia might feel left out, so he tacks on, "A-And you, too, Sophia."
"No, it's okay." She shrugs. "It's for Harley, right?"
"What? How'd you know?" He frowns. "It could just be something cool I'm showing you guys. You don't know."
"When have you ever shown us something cool?" Sophia teases.
"I found that lizard, that one time."
"It was dead!"
I roll my eyes, laughing. "Glenn, just show it to us!"
"Okay, okay. Close your eyes first."
"Do I have to?"
"Uh, duh." Glenn tells me. "It's what's-behind-my-back protocol. So, close your eyes."
Me and Sophia glance at each other, and then I do as he says.
"They're closed." I promise him.
"Awesome." And just three seconds later, after some rustling, he says, "Now open them again."
I open my eyes. I expect to see an interesting rock, or maybe a leaf with a weird pattern. I would love that. But that's not at all what Glenn's holding out to me. He's holding a small pair of yellow rain boots. My jaw drops open. These boots are more than banana-yellow, or sunshine-yellow. They're offensively yellow. They're possibly the brightest, most shocking, most blinding color yellow, ever. They've got little cartoon lady-bugs printed all over them, and one super big lady-bug on each ankle. This must be what he found in the dumpster.
They must've been easy to spot. You can prolly spot these things from a mile away. It must be like wearing the sun.
"Happy late birthday." Glenn smiles, a little awkward, like he's not sure if I like 'em.
I reach out for the boots, and he lets me take 'em.
Yellow — My favorite color.
"Oh my God," Sophia gasps. "They're so cute."
I can't believe my eyes.
"They're perfect," I gape. "It's the best birthday gift ever, Glenn."
"Sorry I couldn't find any socks," He says. "This place was all pretty much picked clean."
I pull the boots onto my feet, and it turns out that not only are they the perfect color — They're also the perfect fit. They're not too tight, not too loose. I kick my legs up and down, feeling them out. They've got a little dumpster-sludge smeared on them, and there's a hole in the toe, but they're perfect. These are my favorite boots ever.
"Thank you, Glenn." I grin down at my new boots, tapping my toes together. "I love 'em."
He looks proud of himself.
I'm already feeling a little bit better about everything that happened at the CDC.
"You're welcome." He sticks his hands in his pockets, awkward as ever. He says goodbye to each of us and walks off toward everyone else.
"Glenn's nice, too." Sophia smiles.
I think back to the CDC, and that morning on the RV. "Yeah," I smile back, admiring my boots. "He is."
"Harley! Come on, it's time to go!"
When my Dad calls for me from the truck, I feel my smile fade almost all at once. I'm not looking forward to another silent car ride with him. It's like we can almost hear what each other wants to say, but I'm too scared to speak up, and he's too stubborn. He'd rather pretend there's nothing we need to talk about in the first place. I'm not looking forward to watching his every move, worried he'll reach out for me every time he reaches for the gear stick. I'm not looking forward to the weird look he gives me after, neither. It's like drowning without the water. 
I'm not looking forward to it at all.
I almost wish I was allowed to ride in the RV, with Glenn, instead. We could talk more about happy things.
Dad calls out for me again, louder this time. "You gonna make me repeat myself?"
Sophia gives me a little smile, but it's way too sad-looking.
"Bye, Harley."
"Bye, Sophia."
At least I have some cool boots, now.
When I climb into the passenger side, my Dad scoffs, frowning. "Fuck happened to your hair?"
I spend the whole car ride undoing Sophia's braids.
Author's Note.
We are finally done with the CDC 😭
I decided to keep Jacqui alive because Jim doesn't really die per se, in this fic, which I think is her main reason for wanting to stay at the CDC in the show. Morales' family is still here, too, but we'll get back to canon pretty soon since we're entering season two.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sending love! :)
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pod-together · 1 year
Pod-Together Day 10 Reveals 2023
Mirdala Jetii'ad [text, audio] (Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by vamprav, performed by DuskDragon39 Summary: When Obi-Wan Kenobi comes back from Melida/Daan he was grounded for a few months. Qui-Gon Jinn decides to call in the assistance of his estranged master to monitor his padawan while he goes off on another mission. That one decision changed quite a few things, starting when Master Dooku is called out to deal with a situation on the minor planet Galidraan.
The Amusement Park Job (Leverage) written by s0ckpupp3t, performed by dapatty Summary: Saving a group of high school kids prom? Piece of cake. Trying to not involve themselves in amusement park shennanigans? Harder than you'd think.
Lake Kane (Stranger Things (TV 2016), Firewatch (Video Game)) written by SSLeif, performed by Rambling_company and Elle_dubs Summary: It’s the summer of 1985, and construction of the New Mall expected in Hawkins has been Delayed. Steve Harrington, newly graduated, newly cut-off, needs a summer job. Hargrove is still in town, so Steve’s absolutely not going to lifeguard this year. Eddie Munson gets caught that one-too-many’th-a-time, and Hopper makes it clear he needs to find some gainful employment, ideally elsewhere, and Hop does not want to see Too Much of him this summer, Or Else. Robin Buckley needs a summer job, ideally something that lets her do college prep work at the same time… And the forest service is having trouble retaining fire lookouts in this one… mysterious… stretch of woods. . A Stranger Things/Firewatch AU
a work in progress (Ted Lasso (TV)) written by meyml, performed by roseszain Summary: “Were shit, weren't I. Me teachers, they always said I’d left me head out on the pitch.” Jamie drums his fingers on the table as his eyes scan Dr. Sharon’s bookcase. ** Jamie Tartt (Maybe Possibly Perhaps) Has ADHD
Star 69 (Deadpool - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types) written by nemorps, performed by Elle_dubs Summary: Wade's just trying to live his mercantile life to the fullest when circumstances leave him house-bound with nothing to do but watch TV and jerk off, so of course he calls his favorite phone-sex hotline. Peter's just trying to make it through college and superheroing in one piece. Thankfully, his job as a phone-sex operator allows him to work a schedule that accommodates both. It's all going swimmingly until a new soulmark shows up on his wrist out of no-where.
The Price a Man Pays [text, audio] (Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897)) written by estelraca, performed by artax_risen Summary: In a world where men have long been a minority, often sold to groups of women, Van Helsing will do anything he can to help his younger friend Jack Seward save his friends from an ancient evil.
Be by my side (Check Please! (Webcomic)) written by DesignatedGrape, performed by Amanita_Fierce and HowOldAreWe Summary: Kent: I wish you were here Whiskey: I wish I was, too. xx
Or, still separated by a thousand miles and an international border, Kent and Whiskey try to keep their relationship casual. Spoiler: they're not very good at it.
little echoes (Avatar: The Last Airbender) written by sulkybender, performed by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid Summary: “I think,” Zuko says slowly, “we may have angered the spirits.” Sokka scoffs. “Spirits are bullshit,” he says. “Okay,” Zuko says, “so what do you call this?” He waves his hand generally at them both, the state of them. Zuko is still on his back, half-incapacitated; Sokka is sitting up, but hardly better off. “There’s a rational explanation,” Sokka says. Zuko arches his eyebrow. “There is,” Sokka insists. “Stop that. Don’t smirk at me.” “So what is it,” Zuko says, smirking. Sokka thinks for a moment, wildly. “Static… electricity,” he says. Zuko bursts out laughing. “Okay, okay, I get it,” Sokka says, ears burning. “It’s a working theory.”
The Downpour (LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022)) written by legonerd, performed by ReformedTsundere Summary: The sword burned his hands.
What if Wu was wrong, and Kai wasn't the Master of Fire?
Stones of the Soil - Rebuilding (Rubble) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time - Andrew J. Robinson) created by BardicRaven and RisalSoran Summary: Waking from a nightmare, Garak remembers another dream. A better dream: Doctor Julian Bashir coming to Kardassi'ya - despite everything. Despite Bashir's Starfleet career; despite what happened to Kardassi'ya. But was it really a dream? And if it wasn't, what will the future hold - for himself, for Julian ... and for Kardassi'ya?
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sketchfanda · 6 days
Kirishima’s Mystique Party 4
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Among the taimanin corps, each and every kunoichi was akin to snowflakes with no two ever being alike be it in their looks and personality to their skill sets. Anko Mitarashi was of course no exception to this be it her choice of uniform or most notably her high level libido which could put a porn star to shame, it’s a wonder she didn’t do it for a living. Well when she wasn't busy running errands on the clock for the corps, she was indeed showing off what God and good genetics alike had blessed her with when it came to working for the camera of Manaworld Pictures, much to the pleasure of the boss lady herself. Who had given the part time kunoichi porn star a little job she was more than happy to see to being taken care of.
Mainly locate and if the opportunity presents itself, get laid with the one they called Red Riot and really Anko could've just kissed Ms.Syx then and there. She'd not been available at the time when the Taimanin corps had made that move during the second year of Hero Course classes A and B during the post hero war period, and she'd been pouty about it ever since. She'd heard the Red Riot alone had been tapping major ass, even the Igawa sisters had gotten in on the action!! And it seemed Ms.Syx had been keeping tabs in the chivalrous himbo and was scouting him as potential talent to sign for her studio but before she even considered a casting couch interview, she wanted to assess his potential and that’s where Anko came in.
So here she was strutting about on UA with her fine sexy self turning heads and making jaws drop as she made her way on over to the Heights Alliance dorms, directions kindly provided by Ms.Midnight of course. The Rated R heroine was always only too happy to help out someone in her line of work, what with being well acquainted oth ths Taimanin corps…and so very intimately acquainted with Syx on a very personal level. Anko of course couldn’t help but relish the raging hard ina and gushing wet clams she was leaving in her wake except of course for this one little grape headed runt she had to kick away like a soccer ball. That guy just screamed keep away at all costs.
That little moment aside, Anko soon found herself standing before the door to Kirishima’s dorm room, giving it a knock as she did her best casual pose. The chivalrous hero answering only to drop his jaw at the sight of the fishnet clad bombshell before him as she flashed a predatory grin and invited herself on, ditching her trench coat to ensure he had a good view of the sway and flexing muscles of her backside. While Kirishima was distracted by the sudden onslaught of sexiness before him of course, the pornstar kunoichi worked on secretly setting her cellphone in place as she set up the streaming function to ensure Syx got a live video feed of what was about to happen. Shooting a sexy look over her shoulder at the stunned himbo as she sensually licked her lips, swivelling her hips as she made her fishnet mesh clad booty cheeks clap, giving her ass a swift slap as if she were a bitch in heat courting for a good fucking…which wasn’t that far off the mark.
At Manaworld Pictures studio grounds, to be precise the office of Syx, the violet skinned platinum haired elf looking hottie paused in her paperwork as she heard her PC ping with a notification. The smut producer checking to see it was from Anko, no doubt her signal that she was doing that scouting assignment as she clicked to accept and open the view of the stream. She could only hope it would be as good as that wild video involving Toppy Bunny and Enorma Rae, that had kept her up for nights with how ducking sexy it had been. Eyes widening and her mauve face blushing as she beheld quite the sight before that was making her so damn wet right now.
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There on her monitor in full screen view was Anko in nothing but thst kinky fishnet mesh outfit of hers, on her knees as her boot cheeks jiggled while she serviced Kirishima with her mouth and tits. Her plus ultra long tongue wrapped around his big cock like a boa constrictor, eyes burning with lust as the himbo pumped and thrust his fuck hammer between those luscious boobs. The kunoichi porn star licking, kissing and sucking the tip as it hit her skilled dicksucking lips, Syx looking on with awe at kinky display. The elf like babe unable to help herself as her hands began to touch herself all over, mentally visualising herself in Anko’s place.
How Syx so badly wanted to be there, to taste that hit slab of meat the kunoichi was currently deepthroating in her lewd livestream. To feel herself getting facefucked and those no doubt strong hands groping snd touching her violet skinned body, her seat and thighs becoming soaked as she began to probe the cameltoe of her thing with her fingers. Moans filling her office as Anko began to up the ante using her mouth and tongue to get Kirishima good and riled up, the himbo groaning awhile the camera was set in a way that gave Syx a good shot and angle. That fishnet clad figure glistening with a sheen of sweat as her tires swayed and those slutty boot cheeks clapped like erotic thunder, all the while her caramel eyes gazed up at Kirishima with an intense lust that clearly said “I’m horny and I need you to fucking breed me, big boy…..”
It was no wonder then that Kirishima proceed to rip thst fishnet mesh suit to shreds and pull Anko up off of the floor and throw her down to her bed. Pounding on and mounting the taimanin pornstar much to her sensual delight as she found herself in a mating press, screaming he head passionately as the hardening stud pounded her like a jackhammer. Both his room and the speakers of Syx’s filled with the sounds of skin slapping skin as that length and girth pounded deep into her womb and those heavy nuts smacked her juicy asscheeks with intense force like a set of wrecking balls. And how she was loving every damn second of it!!
Syx wasn’t just feeling so inspired in her sexy fantasies at this very moment, rather motivated with new ideas for potential skin flicks she could make with this himbo stud as her lead. Looking on as Anko was out through the ringer by the sex machine who had infamously rocked both Toppy Bunny and Enorma Rae’s worlds in what could only be called a veritable montage worthy of being immortalised in the kama sutra. The snake taimanin kunoichi’s face a constant shift of shameless ahegao indicating how she was drowning in mind numbing ecstasy, hollering with sun dirty talk that is when she coild form a sentence. And the guy could still keep going, especially thanks to a little boost from that quirk of his, an absolute unit marathon man to say the very least.
But of course just when either she or Syx thought this couldn't get any better, Kirishima's door opened to show none other than Mina and Maya walking in on this ongoing rut marathon. Now in any sort of cliche scenario or outdated obsolete period era, catching your man in bed in the act of coitus with another woman would lead to some needless and pointless grief or drama. Not in the case of this day and age especially with the acidmaker and her shapeshifting girlfriend, especially when it came to their himbo alpha male as they grinned lewdly with pride before they began to strip and join in. Syx's fantasies increasing as she wondered how the lips and tongues of the candy duo would compare to some of her co-workers and co-stars, especially her beloved Red....funny how both she and Kirishima had crimson hair.....
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When it was finally all over, Anko found herself laying atop the himbo with a smile on her face that implied she'd definitely been fucked stupid and loved each and every damn second of it. The himbo's juice soaked cock sandwiched between her spanked booty cheeks, the bedsheets stained with sweat and juices as Mina and Maya lay on either side of them. The foursome basking in the afterflow as one of the taimanin pornstar's shadow snakes secretly slithered over to her hidden phone to cut off and end the stream. Much to Syx's relief of course...
The elf woman laid in the seat of her office, a sweaty, naked mess as she panted, catching her breath as she recoveed from the orgasms she'd taken throughout her voyeuristic session. Eyeing her hand as her fingers dribbled with a spider-web like trail of her nectar, oh yeah there was no doubt this had been the horniest she'd ever been and that Anko had done her job successfully. She knew for sure she needed that sturdy himbo working for her and that had to happen as soon as possible. and she knew just the person she had to contact about making that arrangement....
Syx:*Humming to herself sensually as she looked through her rolo-dex, finding just the number she needed as she took it out and picked up her phone. Dialing the number as she waited for the call to go through, grinning as she heard it picked up.*"Kayama darling, it's been far too long. Listen, this is in regards to a particular student of yours who's caught my interest with his potential..."*As the elf babe spoke to the Rated R heroine, making plans for her future stud star, Kirishima was unaware his libido was about to get even more of a workout than it already was. But you could bet he was going to face the oncoming challenges like he would any...like a MAN!!*
Get Glitched!!
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Miko Kubota, known particularly by her gamer handle and chosen hero name Me-KO was excited to say the very least and that was still an understatement if anything. After all being here in Japan, her matriarchal homeland and one of the central meccas of gaming as the representative for Hinobi at this major convention was ideal for her, so many games to check out and try, the preview trailers, the stunning (and sexy as hell) cosplays!! It was also a chance to meet and hook up with her regular online gaming penpal Maya who had promised her a very special surprise, one the shapeshifting hottie guaranteed would rock her world about as hard as the combos and high score she herself could rack up. She hadn’t felt this hyped besides the wait for each and every new Hinobi game release or trailer drop.
It was easy enough to find the shapeshifting Jagua stunner even in a crowd of folks with quirks, as she was rocking her quirkless/casual form while rocking a kick ass and she had to say, quite sexy, Morrigan cosplay. And hot damn, she better pinch herself to see if she was dreaming because was that the alien queen Pinky with her? There was no mistaking that horned, exotic bubblegum coloured form even as she rocked her own Morrigan cosplay, seems her and Maya opted for a tandem twin act of sorts as they welcomed the Hinobi girl with a hug and some pecks to the cheek. She could gather this wasn’t the intended surprise but to think her penpal was girlfriends with the ine and only Mina Ashido was a nice little one….and quite sexy, to say the very least.
Of course Miko didn’t find herself having to wait long for the surprise as they took her along to the attached hotel playing host to the gaming convention. Navigating the labyrinth of corridors and hallways as the bombshell trio came too a stop what the glitch tech could only assume was Mina and Maya’s room, the latter using the key card to unlock the door as they stepped inside. Mina covering her eyes as they entered, no doubt to increase her anticipation before she let them go, allowing Miko to drink in the sight before them. And oh what a sight it was, she could swear her every nerve was flaring up with arousal as several switches began to flip inside her brain and her pussy quivered with, to paraphrase a certain green alien, a MIGHTY NEED to mate and breed!!
There sitting on the king sized bed was the one and only Red Riot himself, Eijiro Kirishima, naked as the day he was born with his Adonis tank frame glistening with a sheen of perspiration. A set of noise cancelling headphones and a leather strap blindfold giving him a case of twofold sensory deprivation while his oh damn fine heavy set of cock and balls laid exposed before her. The former rigid and stiff as a goddamn flagpole, coated in what was either a heavy coating of lube or, she had to guess, Mina and Maya’s saliva no doubt from these two getting him nice and worked up in the mood for a little primal loving. The shark teethed redhead enquiring if his two alpha girls were back yet as he feeling edgy at the moment, no doubt impatient from having to wait who knows how long and unaware of the newfound company his candy coloured lady loves had brought along with them.
Miko of course was, no doubt about it, feeling her bidy go into full on bitch in heat mode, her libido at the helm telling, outright hollering to get naked, mount thst slab of beef and start making hot, sweaty fuck to make some babies. Looking at Mina and Maya with an expression as if wondering if this was a dream or if they were serious as to what they were implying here but it was that this wasn’t a dream and they were being legit, they were giving her an open invite to ride their man and have him bang her brains out. Now far be it for Miko to look a Gift horse in the mouth or in this case flashing it’s big fuckhammer because she’ll be damned if she even thought twice about this as she stripped down to nothing within a a blink of an eye. Mina and Maya humming snd licking their lips in approval at the thicc gamer girl’s oh so fine thicc, juicy frame as she handed Mina her phone, showing she had a livestream function set up, seems she wanted to show off this possible once in a life time experience to some of her fellow hammer girlfriends and really like she and Maya could pass up a chance to show off their man?
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Making her way in over to the chivalrous himbo, her juicy boot cheeks clapping as she squatted down to the floor, licking her lips at the cock she beheld before her. Grasping that hot slab of length and girth as she began to pump it, breathing in his raw scent before she began planting licks and kisses from the immense tip to those smooth, glorious balls no doubt loaded with his hot seed. Feeling her pussy lips gush and quiver as juices begin to dribble, making a growing puddle on the floor, Kirishima’s groans music to her ears. Which motivated and turned her on as she soon took his cock into her mouth, lips eagerly latching on as she began to suck and blow with gusto, practically deepthroating him as she felt his hips buck and thrust out of reflex.
Miko would tell you herself for certain that she’d alway rated Red Riot among her top 3 to 5 hero dudes she’d sleep with if given the chance and why not when he looked like someone out of a fighting game? Now here she was having a chance to live out her fantasy for real as she performed fellatio on his cock, taking his facefucking pelvic pumps like a champ with her eyes twinkling with skyrocketing lust. Before Miko knew it, she found a Kirishima’s hands grasping her violet lock as he hoisted up off of the floor and into his lap in quite a fitting display of his raw manly strength, straddling his waist with her luscious thighs as she pressed against his sculpted physique. Tits rubbing against those firm pecs as sh pressed her lips to his, making out with sloppy yet passionate lust being exchanged between them in a little game of spitswapping tonsil hockey.
It was clear that even with the headphones and the blindfold, the stud could tell he was currently not having either of his two alpha girls in his grasp but rather a very thicc, juicy and very down to fuck eager new playmate which he certainly didn't mind. Which Miko could tell as much given that saliva soaked cock of his sandwiched itself between the juicy bubbly twin buns of her bodacious asscheeks which were being grabbed and squeezed by those oh so deliciously firm hands of his. Purring and moaning in their liplock as she felt those aforementioned hands slap her ass like it was a bongo drum to be beat before she grasped and lined that shaft up with her gushing slit. The himbo clearly getting the ideas as he pumped his hips to meet her own lowering ones, moaning together as inch after inch of his meat sank in deep into the wet, warm embrace of Miko's pussy which became stretched and filled by that penetrating cock.
As soon as she had fully bottomed out, those heavy balls resting against her glorious ass as the pair paused to get used to the sensation of being so intimate with each other the first time, they wasted little to none in getting right down to business. The glitch-tech gamer babe raising and lowering her hips with a steady rhythm, deep moans coaxed out of her as Kirishima met her rodeo riding motions with swift, powerful pelvic thrusts. If she was to look down now, Miko knew there was no doubt she'd have quite the sizeable bulge in her stomach due to how deep reaching and filling this Plus Ultra manly cock was. That magnum dong soon increasing in its speed and intensity as Kirishima suddenly stodd up to his feet, making Miko gasp as he hooked his powerful arms around her legs, the force of his fucking making her howl and moan with erotic abandon at this sudden but very welcome display of raw sexual virility.
Now Miko was no meek fragile China Doll virgin by any stretch of the imagination, she had the secret stash of sex toys and a personal digital folder of porn to prove it and as was mentioned before, Kirishima was high on her to do list. But hot damn if this studly himbo wasn't putting her fantasies to shame because he was rocking her world like some pornographic final boss and she was loving every goddamn second of it especally with Mina and Maya watching. Every orgasm a thrilling sensation as this teddy bear of a sex god took her in any and every postion she found to be quite enjoyable from being folded in a mating press to being taken from behind doggy style until her arms and legs could no longer hold her up and she had to take it prone bone. Biting and gripping the bed sheets for dear life as that Riot stick of a cock kept pounding her sexy gamer booty like she owed him money.
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Miko was loving every second of this, every orgasm on par with that lovely thrill and tingle of having your player character level up after a major grind. Her body and libido getting quite a workout, more so once that blindfold and headphones came off and Mina and MAya entered the fray for a little foursome fun. The bed rocking with a tangle of limbs and the rhythm of skin slapping on skin with a variety of 3 on one to two on one or one on one when the other two needed to recover. Suffice to say Miko really hoped whoever was watching the stream on her phone Maya had so thoughtfully set up before hand was enjoying the show, which reminded her, she definitely would need Kirishima's contact details. After all a stud like this was too damn good to be just a one off one time deal, how could her body not become addicted?!
And oh yes, Miko's gamer girlfriends were enjoying the show alright especially if the comments from VampPiggySlayer69 or Zahra were anything to go by to name a few. To say nothing of the lucky ladies who were in the rooms next door, who just so happened to be stars from Manaworld pictures doing some work on the convention floor as cosplay idols. Ears pressed to the walls or peeping through some secret viewing holes to get a load of the hot action going on as they found their fantasies getting quite some fuel. And some very lewd, kinky ideas of course.....
Syx of course found herself getting quite a few detailed calls and a few secret pictures sent by her loyal employees much to her delight. Now her desire to have Kirishima recruited into her studio's ranks increased, outdone only by her own personal desire to have that stud mount and fuck her like the modern day caveman she was. Sooner or later, he would be hers and she was going to make him quite the star. And make quite a few customers happy, had to love her female clientelle fanbase......
Clussy Fever
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Somedays when life gave you lemons, you had two options being you make lemonade or you get mad and demand to see life’s manager because who the hell did life think it was giving you lemons you didn’t even want in the first place!? It all depended on circumstances and the weird wonderful ways in which the universe worked and for Eijiro Kirishima, this was one of those days. It had all seemed simple enough, one moment he was just enjoying a little quality time with his girlfriend duo at their apartment then next thing he knows there was a knock on the door. So imagine his surprise and confusion when he went to answer it, opening it to get a shower of streamers and confetti from a clown girl who blew a party whistle and handed him a business card that read “Giggles:Party Clown for all your needs!!”
Giggles:”Good afternoon there sir, your humble party clown here to brighten your day!! Word is we got a call about someone being down with a case of clussy fever and the only treatment is for you to make some whoopee with these cushions!!”*The sexy clown girl shot him a wink and blew him a kiss, as Kirishima shot a deadpan look over his shoulder at Mina and Maya. His expression making it clear that he was wondering if they were behind the presence of Giggles here yet they were as confused and puzzled as he was. But they certainly wouldn’t seem to mind if he took advantage of this opportunity, wasn’t often you had a sexy clown come your way looking for a good time. It had to be a case of the wrong address but what the hell, right!?*
Now while it was unsure how or why they had a stripper clown sent their way but when life opens a door, it’s because opportunity knocked. Besides which it was rather funny and adorable to see their boyfriend’s reactions, he no doubt wasn’t someone who had a coulrophobia but was still confused as to how to feel about this. All the same it was clear his eyes wouldn’t take themselves off of Giggles’ tight, toned little backside especially given her outfit left very little to the imagination. As the duo took and sat him in the single seater couch, they watched and waited for the clown girl to get right down to business.
Giggles:*Taking out a stereo from…..somewhere as she placed it on the table, pressing play. A little playful circus tune playing as she made her hips do a little shimmy while giving her suspenders a quick pull and snap which made her tits bounce and jiggle. Her eyes twinkling with mischief as she looked Kirishima’s way, seems she was going to enjoy this more than one might think for a professional stripper clown girl would.*”Now then ladies and gentleman, for my first performance, a little magic trick with a disappearing act…” *That got Mina and Maya’s attention as they noticed her secretly lick her lips sensually and where her eyes wer locked intheir man’s crotch, making it clear what the target of her so called magic act was going to be and it was sure to hot and lewd…*
Well nothing ssid hot and lewd like a hot piece of clussy proceeding to make your boyfriend’s cock disappear…by deepthroating him right off the bat!! Her emerald green eyes twinkling with shameless lust and sensual pride at her stunning feat of fellatio as she practically fscefucked herself on Kirishima’s fuckhammer, her lips kissing the base and his balls. Neck swelling from now far reaching and filling his cock was. The himbo groaning as as Giggles was really working him up with that glorified oral pussy of hers, all the while any confusion or issue Mina and Maya had before went out the window due to enjoyment of the sexy live show before them. If having their alpha male bang a sexy clown girl wasn’t on their to do list before, hey when opportunity knocks, right?
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Niw as to how and why Giggles wound up coming their way, it just so happens it was due to an intentional clerical error on the part of her company. She wasn’t actually meant to be at this address but management had issues with the original client that had contacted them for the hire. Enough so that they decided to spare the stripper clown the grief and misery of having to deal with this clod and opt to screw the guy over. Hey they may be a stripper clown joint but they were clowns all the same and if it’s one thing clowns were good at it, it was pranking fools.
Which was why the original client that had been looking to hire Giggles, one Minoru Mineta, answered his door to find not his much desired stripper clown. But rather instead a very terrifying clown dominatrix and her behemoth hyena quirked bodyguards who proceeded trash him around and work him like the punching sandbag at a gym. Focusing especially on punishing his cock and balls and let's just say that Dominatrix could get pretty creative with the whip and riding crop in such ways that there was no way he'd get off to this in anyway unless he was one very warped masochist. Just because they were clowns didn't mean they were stupid and that was a lesson this little grape dunce was learning the hard way.
But enough about him, back to our main himbo and how it was going with his unexpected little surprise case of Clussy fever. To say that things were getting pornographic was an understatement as Giggles was taking it fast, rough, deep and hard. It was like the woman had to have some sort of toon physics type quirk with how she was handling Kirishima's riot hammer given some of the nosies and sounds coming from her and yet somehow it added to rather than detracted from the raw, passionate primal energy on display. It was as entertaining as it was oh so damn sexy for the bubblegum duo to behold and whoever decided to send Giggles their way was definitely getting a giftbasker as a thank you.
That is after a couple more rounds and orgasms of course, their man and the porno clown were still ready and raring to keep going at it. From hooting and hollering erotically as she took a jackhammering doggy style, biting the bedsheets as her arms were used as handlebars to having her arms and legs in his strong grasp as he fucked her in a full nelson, feet planted firm on the ground as he was using her like a pocket pussy. Her facepaint make-up becoming undone by her sweat and tears of mind numbing ecstasy from the pleasure flooding her brain and nerves and really how could she not? The guy was giving her pussy, mouth and asshole a real workout that no prior clients or partners had ever managed before and he hadn't even cum enough times to count on one hand yet!!?
But of course the fun only increased once Mina and Maya decided the clown girl had enough one on one fun with their man and threw themselves into the mix. Their caressing gropes and their lips and tongue working over her already orgasm hammered body with a tandem assault that clearly showed how intimate and familiar they were with another woman's body. Making out with her as she bounced and rode her bubbly circus booty on their himbo's raging hard cock, rocking the stripper clown's world in a way she was sure to never forget. Even long after her official hiring deadline had passed, she was still there wanting more until she felt like she'd need an ice bath or to be carried out on a stretcher, no way she was leaving a cock like this unsatisfied!!
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Unknown to the horny Red/Pink/Blue trio of course, Giggles' personal gear bag of tricks and toys which laid a few a few feet away from them had a hidden camera built into it. Which of course was picking up each and every single lewd, intimate detail of this wild romp which was all being transmitted somewhere. Now where exactly and to was the question to ask and the answer was none other than Syx of course. Who was once again flicking her bean as she jilled off once more to her own personal Red Riot voyeur show.
Yes as you might gather, her studio Manaworld Pictures happened to own and run Giggles' erotic party clown firm and it was her personal intervention that had seen to sending the bimbo clown girl over Kirishima's way as a sort of stealth gift to entice him in the future for personal benefits that could be offered if he decided to work for her. As well as arranging Mineta's ongoing dominatrix torment of course because how she loathed that little creep, let's just say he once crossed her in a way she would never forgive him once upon a time and when she held a grudge? Ooh how she held a grudge....But enough about that of course!!
Suffice to say the elf babe had ensured Giggles' was rewarded with a generous bonus in her paycheck agyer her secret scouting and performance in that little job. While Mineta had endure quite a few medical sessions with Recovery Girl both in terms of the physical and psychological damage, that dominatrix clown and her hyenas had really done a number on him. While Kirishima found himself puzzled by the business card Giggles had left him after her departure once she'd finished basking in the afterglow and a little snuggling of coruse. He wasn't sure how and why it bore the logo and number of Manaworld pictures but something told him..he was going to need to call it sooner or later...
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nishakrishnan1996 · 4 months
Mastering Digital Marketing in 2024: Essential Strategies for Success
As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to stay relevant and competitive. The key to thriving in 2024 lies in understanding and implementing effective digital marketing practices that leverage the latest trends and technologies.
For individuals who want to work in the sector, a respectable Top Digital Marketing Course in Pune can give them the skills and information they need to succeed in this fast-paced atmosphere.
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This comprehensive guide explores the essential strategies needed to create a robust digital marketing plan for the coming year, featuring clear, bold side headings for easy reference.
Define Clear Goals and Objectives
The foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy is setting clear and measurable goals. Start by identifying specific objectives that align with your business priorities, such as boosting website traffic, generating more leads, increasing sales, or enhancing brand awareness. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress and measure success. With well-defined goals, you can focus your resources on the most impactful activities, ensuring that every effort contributes to achieving your business objectives.
Gain Deep Audience Insights
Understanding your audience is crucial for crafting a targeted and effective marketing strategy. Develop detailed buyer personas that capture your audience's demographics, behaviors, preferences, and pain points. Conduct thorough market research and analyze data to create accurate and comprehensive personas. Audience segmentation allows you to tailor your messages and campaigns for different groups, improving relevance and engagement. By knowing your audience intimately, you can create more meaningful interactions that drive higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
Focus on High-Quality Content
Content remains a cornerstone of digital marketing success. Create valuable, high-quality content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests, including blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts. Use a content calendar to plan and schedule your content, ensuring consistent delivery and alignment with your marketing campaigns. A strong content marketing strategy not only attracts and engages your audience but also positions your brand as an industry authority, building trust and credibility over time.
Optimize for SEO and SEM
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are critical for increasing your online visibility. Optimize your website and content for search engines by focusing on keyword research, on-page SEO, technical SEO, and link building. Complement your organic efforts with paid search marketing (PPC) to drive targeted traffic to your website. By combining SEO and SEM, you can strengthen your online presence and make it easier for potential customers to find you, maximizing your reach and driving high-quality traffic.
It can be very beneficial in this situation to register in the Digital Marketing Online Certification.
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Leverage Social Media Marketing
Effective social media marketing involves choosing the right platforms based on where your audience spends their time and tailoring your content accordingly. Engage with your audience through regular posts, stories, live videos, and interactions to build a community and enhance brand loyalty. Social media allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level, fostering relationships and encouraging user-generated content. Active participation in social media conversations humanizes your brand and provides valuable feedback to improve your products or services.
Utilize Data Analytics and Insights
Harnessing the power of data analytics is essential for tracking performance and making informed decisions. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and other analytics platforms to monitor key metrics and analyze data. This enables you to understand what’s working, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Regularly reviewing and interpreting data allows you to optimize your digital marketing strategy, allocate resources effectively, and achieve better results, ultimately driving higher ROI.
Embrace Personalization
Personalization is increasingly important in today’s digital marketing landscape. Use data and insights to tailor your marketing efforts, from personalized emails to targeted ads. Leverage AI and marketing automation to deliver personalized content at scale, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. By making your audience feel valued and understood, personalization strengthens connections and increases loyalty. Providing relevant and timely content improves the overall customer experience, boosts conversions, and drives long-term business growth.
Adopt an Omnichannel Approach
An integrated omnichannel approach ensures a seamless experience across all digital channels, including your website, email, social media, and mobile platforms. Maintain consistent messaging and branding across all touchpoints to provide a unified customer experience. An omnichannel strategy allows you to reach your audience wherever they are, delivering a cohesive and consistent journey. By integrating your marketing efforts, you create a holistic view of your customers, enabling you to deliver personalized and relevant interactions that drive engagement and loyalty.
Prioritize Mobile Optimization
With more users accessing the internet via smartphones and tablets, optimizing your website and content for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, providing a seamless experience for mobile users. Incorporate mobile-specific strategies such as SMS marketing, app-based marketing, and mobile ads to reach users on the go. Mobile optimization not only improves user experience but also boosts your search engine rankings, as mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor. Catering to mobile users helps capture a larger audience, increase engagement, and drive more conversions.
Enhance User Experience (UX)
Providing a positive user experience is essential for retaining and converting visitors. Ensure your website loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and offers a user-friendly interface. Make your digital properties accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, to expand your reach and improve user satisfaction. A well-designed website with intuitive navigation and fast load times enhances the overall user experience, reducing bounce rates and increasing the likelihood of conversions. Prioritizing UX builds trust and credibility, encouraging visitors to stay longer, explore your offerings, and become loyal customers.
Stay Innovative and Adapt
Keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing is critical to staying ahead of the competition. Be willing to experiment with new strategies, platforms, and tools to find what works best for your brand. Innovation and adaptation are key to maintaining a competitive edge and continuously improving your marketing efforts. By embracing change and being open to new ideas, you can discover new opportunities, optimize your campaigns, and drive better results. Regularly evaluating and adapting your strategy ensures you remain agile and responsive to market shifts and customer needs.
Ensure Compliance and Privacy
Building trust with your audience requires a strong commitment to data protection and privacy. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, and be transparent about your data collection and usage practices. Implement robust data security measures to safeguard personal information and demonstrate your commitment to privacy. By prioritizing compliance and transparency, you build a reputation as a trustworthy and responsible brand, enhancing customer confidence and loyalty. Staying compliant also helps you avoid legal issues and potential penalties, protecting your business from reputational damage and financial loss.
By incorporating these essential strategies into your digital marketing plan, you can effectively reach and engage your audience, achieve your business goals, and stay competitive in the dynamic digital landscape of 2024. A comprehensive approach that includes clear goals, deep audience insights, high-quality content, SEO and SEM, social media engagement, data analytics, personalization, an omnichannel strategy, mobile optimization, user experience enhancement, innovation, and compliance will position your brand for success. Embrace these elements and continuously refine your strategy to drive growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve long-term success in the digital world.
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digitaldhruvblog · 3 months
SEM Techniques: Driving Traffic and Conversions Through Paid Search
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses aiming to increase their online visibility and drive conversions. SEM involves using paid advertising on search engines to reach potential customers precisely when they are searching for products or services. This blog explores the intricacies of SEM, its significance in the modern business world, and how it can help drive traffic and conversions. We will also highlight the expertise of the best certified freelancer for growing your business online, Digital Dhruv Ravaria.
1. What is SEM?
Definition of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
SEM, or Search Engine Marketing, is a form of internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. Unlike SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which focuses on organic traffic, SEM uses paid strategies to achieve instant visibility.
Components of SEM
Paid Search Ads: These are text ads that appear at the top or bottom of the SERPs. They are triggered by specific keywords that users enter into the search engine.
Display Ads: These are visual ads that appear on websites within the Google Display Network. They can include images, videos, and interactive elements.
Shopping Ads: These ads appear when users search for products on Google. They show product images, prices, and store information.
Remarketing/Retargeting Ads: These ads target users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand, encouraging them to return and complete a purchase.
How SEM Differs from SEO
While both SEM and SEO aim to increase a website’s visibility on search engines, they do so in different ways. SEO focuses on optimizing website content and structure to improve organic rankings over time, whereas SEM uses paid advertising to achieve immediate visibility. Together, they form a comprehensive search strategy that can maximize both short-term and long-term online presence.
2. Why is SEM Useful in Today's Modern World for Growing Your Business?
Enhancing Online Visibility and Brand Awareness
One of the primary benefits of SEM is its ability to enhance online visibility quickly. By bidding on relevant keywords, businesses can ensure their ads appear at the top of search results, making it easier for potential customers to find them. This increased visibility not only drives traffic to the website but also enhances brand awareness. Users repeatedly seeing a brand in search results become more familiar with it, which can influence their purchasing decisions.
Targeting Specific Audiences with Precision
SEM allows businesses to target specific audiences with precision. Advertisers can choose who sees their ads based on factors such as location, language, device, and user behavior. This level of targeting ensures that the ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the chances of conversions. For instance, a local business can target users within a specific geographic area, ensuring that only potential local customers see their ads.
Driving Immediate Traffic to Your Website
One of the most significant advantages of SEM is the ability to drive immediate traffic to your website. Unlike SEO, which can take months to show results, SEM can generate traffic as soon as the campaigns go live. This immediate influx of visitors can lead to quicker conversions, making SEM an ideal strategy for businesses looking to achieve short-term goals or launch new products and services.
Offering Measurable Results and ROI
SEM provides measurable results that allow businesses to track the performance of their campaigns in real-time. Using tools like Google Ads, businesses can monitor metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per click (CPC), and return on investment (ROI). These insights help in making data-driven decisions and optimizing campaigns for better performance.
Complementing Other Digital Marketing Strategies
SEM complements other digital marketing strategies, such as SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. For example, while SEO works on improving organic rankings, SEM can provide immediate visibility. Content marketing can be amplified through paid promotion, reaching a wider audience. Integrating SEM with other strategies ensures a holistic approach to digital marketing, maximizing overall effectiveness.
3. What is the Importance of SEM in Today's Modern World?
Expanding Market Reach Quickly
In today’s competitive market, businesses need to expand their reach quickly to stay ahead. SEM allows businesses to enter new markets and reach a global audience without the geographical limitations that traditional marketing faces. By targeting specific keywords related to their products or services, businesses can attract potential customers from all over the world.
Increasing Conversion Rates with Targeted Advertising
Targeted advertising is one of the key strengths of SEM. By focusing on specific keywords and demographics, businesses can attract high-quality leads who are more likely to convert. Additionally, SEM platforms offer advanced targeting options such as remarketing, which targets users who have previously visited the website. This increases the chances of converting visitors into customers, as they are already familiar with the brand.
Gaining Competitive Advantage in Search Engine Results
With millions of businesses competing for attention online, gaining a competitive advantage is crucial. SEM allows businesses to appear at the top of search results, even above organic listings. This prime placement increases visibility and the likelihood of clicks. By consistently appearing in top positions, businesses can outperform competitors who rely solely on organic traffic.
Providing Detailed Analytics for Performance Tracking
SEM platforms like Google Ads offer detailed analytics that provide insights into campaign performance. Businesses can track various metrics, including impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per acquisition. This data helps in understanding what works and what doesn’t, allowing for continuous optimization of campaigns. Performance tracking also helps in allocating budgets effectively, ensuring that advertising spend is used efficiently.
Allowing Budget Control and Flexibility
One of the significant advantages of SEM is the control it offers over budgets. Businesses can set daily or monthly budgets and adjust them based on campaign performance. This flexibility ensures that advertising spend aligns with business goals and financial constraints. Additionally, businesses can pause or stop campaigns at any time, providing control over expenditures.
4. Why is SEM Crucial in Today's Digital World?
Adapting to Consumer Search Behavior
Consumer search behavior has evolved significantly, with more users relying on search engines to find products, services, and information. SEM allows businesses to adapt to this behavior by ensuring their ads appear when users search for relevant keywords. This adaptation is crucial for capturing the attention of potential customers and guiding them through the purchasing process.
Leveraging Advanced Targeting Options
SEM platforms offer advanced targeting options that allow businesses to reach specific audiences based on various criteria. These options include demographic targeting (age, gender, income level), geographic targeting (location, radius targeting), and device targeting (desktop, mobile, tablet). By leveraging these options, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience, increasing the chances of conversions.
Responding to Market Trends in Real-Time
The digital market is dynamic, with trends and consumer preferences changing rapidly. SEM enables businesses to respond to these changes in real-time by adjusting their campaigns accordingly. For instance, businesses can launch new ads to capitalize on trending keywords or seasonal events. This agility ensures that businesses stay relevant and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.
Enhancing Mobile and Local Search Visibility
With the increasing use of mobile devices, enhancing mobile search visibility is essential for reaching on-the-go consumers. SEM allows businesses to create mobile-specific ads and optimize their campaigns for mobile users. Additionally, local search visibility is crucial for businesses targeting local customers. SEM enables local targeting, ensuring that ads appear when users search for products or services within a specific area.
Utilizing Remarketing to Recapture Potential Customers
Remarketing is a powerful SEM technique that targets users who have previously visited a website but did not convert. By showing tailored ads to these users as they browse other websites or use search engines, businesses can recapture their attention and encourage them to return and complete a purchase. Remarketing keeps the brand top-of-mind and increases the likelihood of conversions.
5. How Big Will SEM Grow in the Near Future?
Predictions for the Growth of the SEM Industry
The SEM industry is expected to continue its rapid growth as businesses increasingly prioritize digital marketing strategies. According to industry reports, global spending on SEM is projected to rise significantly in the coming years. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of digital advertising, advancements in targeting and automation technologies, and the need for businesses to stay competitive in the digital landscape.
Emerging Trends in SEM
Several emerging trends are shaping the future of SEM:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are transforming SEM by enabling more accurate targeting, predictive analytics, and automated campaign management. These technologies help optimize ad performance and improve ROI.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing SEM campaigns for voice search is becoming increasingly important. Businesses need to adapt their strategies to capture voice search queries and provide relevant responses.
Automation and Smart Bidding: Automation tools and smart bidding strategies are streamlining SEM campaign management. These tools use data and algorithms to adjust bids in real-time, ensuring optimal ad placement and cost-efficiency.
Video Ads: Video content is gaining prominence in SEM, as it engages users and provides a dynamic way to convey messages. Businesses are increasingly incorporating video ads into their SEM campaigns to capture user attention.
Personalization: Personalization is becoming a key focus in SEM, with businesses tailoring ads to individual user preferences and behaviors. This approach enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of conversions.
The Increasing Importance of Data-Driven Advertising
Data-driven advertising is at the core of SEM, enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on real-time data and analytics. By leveraging data, businesses can optimize their campaigns, improve targeting accuracy, and achieve better results. The increasing availability of data and advancements in analytics tools will further enhance the effectiveness of SEM.
The Role of SEM in Integrated Marketing Campaigns
SEM is a crucial component of integrated marketing campaigns, complementing other digital marketing
strategies such as SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. By integrating SEM with these strategies, businesses can create cohesive campaigns that deliver consistent messages across multiple channels. This integration ensures maximum reach, engagement, and conversions.
Future Challenges and Opportunities in SEM
As the SEM landscape evolves, businesses will face both challenges and opportunities. Challenges include increasing competition, rising costs, and the need to stay updated with industry trends. However, these challenges also present opportunities for businesses to innovate, optimize their strategies, and achieve sustainable growth. By staying agile and embracing new technologies, businesses can navigate the evolving SEM landscape and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
6. Digital Dhruv Ravaria: One of the leading SEM Freelancers
Introduction to Digital Dhruv Ravaria
Digital Dhruv Ravaria is a highly acclaimed and certified freelancer specializing in Search Engine Marketing (SEM). With extensive experience and a proven track record of success, Dhruv has helped numerous businesses enhance their online presence, drive traffic, and achieve significant growth through effective SEM strategies.
Overview of His Expertise and Accomplishments
Dhruv’s expertise spans various aspects of SEM, including paid search ads, display ads, shopping ads, and remarketing. He is known for his innovative approach, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. Dhruv’s accomplishments include successful campaigns that have driven substantial traffic, engagement, and conversions for his clients.
Highlighting Key Projects and Success Stories
Dhruv has worked with a diverse range of clients across different industries, helping them achieve their marketing goals through tailored SEM strategies. Some of his notable projects include:
E-commerce Business Growth: Dhruv developed and executed an SEM strategy for an e-commerce business that resulted in a 50% increase in website traffic and a 30% boost in sales within six months.
Lead Generation for a Tech Startup: By creating targeted search and display ad campaigns, Dhruv helped a tech startup generate high-quality leads and significantly improve conversion rates.
Local Business Promotion: Dhruv implemented a local SEM strategy for a small business, improving its local search visibility and driving a 40% increase in organic traffic and customer inquiries.
For businesses seeking expert SEM services, Digital Dhruv Ravaria offers unparalleled expertise and dedication to driving measurable business growth.
SEM continues to play a pivotal role in modern business strategies, enabling brands to connect with global audiences, drive traffic, and achieve conversions through paid search. By understanding the fundamentals of SEM, embracing emerging trends, and partnering with experienced professionals like Digital Dhruv Ravaria, businesses can harness the power of SEM to boost their online presence, enhance brand equity, and achieve long-term success in today’s dynamic digital landscape.
Call to Action
To explore how SEM can elevate your brand’s online presence and drive business growth, contact Digital Dhruv Ravaria today. Visit digitaldhruvravaria.in website to schedule a consultation and discover personalized strategies tailored to your unique business goals.
To learn about SEM , you can visit DGmark Institute
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ysbrydthespoop · 1 year
Gorillaz Headcanons Part 3
After the forever cult incedent, Noodle subconsciously makes the decision to wear less pink and makes the conscious decision to dye her hair back to black. She is officially done with this cult shit.
"If anyone ever says it would be a good idea to start a cult ever again. I'm punching them." Noodle 2023, as they all pack up to move the fuck out of Silver Lake.
She never thought it was a good idea in the first place. She pretty much only went along with it to monitor it and make sure the boys didn't do anything stupid behind her back.
She regrets not keeping a closer eye on 2D. Admittedly, almost all of her attention was focused on Murdoc because she thought if anyone was going to end up getting themselves into trouble, especially in a cult situation, it was him.
Noodle thinks Murdoc is way bigger dumbass than 2D. In her words, "He's proved this many, many times."
Russel agrees entirely and will tell you, "I can vouch for the girl. There have been so many times."
The music video for 5/4 was ultimately scrapped because Russel and 2D were convinced that if it ever saw the light of day, social services would come for their assess and they would never get to see Noodle again.
Getting naked during a live concert, while filming a music video, in front of Noodle can also be added to the list of reasons why Russel has broken Murdoc's nose.
"I wish I was blind." Noodle 2001. Or whenever the video for 5/4 was in production.
When Noodle was around ten years old, two Marv and Harry level morons decided it would be a good idea to try and kidnap her. Actually, they made Marv and Harry look like geniuses. This was around time the band had really started to gain fame and success, and they thought they had chosen the perfect target. Small kid. Incapable of defending herself. Especially against two fully grown men. Wealthy caretakers. What could go wrong? All that resulted in that were two grown men getting the crap beaten out of them by a tiny child and then by three other grown men.
2D made her go to counselling after that, certain she was traumatised, but at most, all that incident was to her was an annoying inconvenience and an insult. They really thought she'd be an easy target? Idiots. Counselling probably did help her through events to come, though.
Even after regaining her ability to speak fluent English, it still took about a year for Noodle to understand 2D's accent.
Every Halloween, when Noodle was still young enough to go trick or treating, she'd wear a birthday girl badge with her costume, as per Murdoc's advice. Said advice would land her with a ton of extra sweats, to the point where all three of the other band members had to help her carry it all.
And because Noodle was small and looked a bit younger than she was, they may have gone a few years after she would have been considered too old.
The others all read 2D's poetry just because they it's something they like to do. But they try to keep 2D from knowing because they suspect at least some of them are meant to be private and personal. Exept Murdoc. He reads them to see if they have the potential to be turned into lyrics (or so he claims) and has no problem telling 2D if they're good or "rubbish." The sight of Murdoc sat on the floor, poetry spread about him, base in his hands. Trying to get his notes to synchronise with 2D's words is a sight 2D has long since gotten used to seeing. Quite a few of them have ended up becoming songs
2D took a degree in law because of what happened to them in LA when they tried to make a movie. He didn't want himself or anyone he cared about to be conned and taken advantage of like that ever again.
In the aftermath of the forever cult incident, there are two members that are under the constant watch of the others. Noodle and Murdoc have been watching over Russel since this whole thing began, and that's not going to stop any time soon, or ever, until they know he's going to be okay. Meanwhile, 2D was drugged for weeks, and they're praying he doesn't have any lasting affects.
Now that the forever cult is no more, the clues in the static have served their purpose and everyone, namely 2D, is safe, Noodle has only one thing to say to Russel "My friend, I'm putting my foot down now. It's straight to therapy for you."
Murdoc has only one objection to this. "Let us get back to England first, love! The bills here would bankrupt us!"
When Russel headed out into the desert, he unknowingly put Noodle through a nightmare. Well, it had been a nightmare for 2D and Murdoc, too. But she thinks she has the right to say it was especially a nightmare for her because she had to manage this shit. He didn't tell anyone where he was going or how long he'd be. He was just home one minute, gone the next, and this sent Noodle frantic. He still wasn't well, not by any means, and in his unstable state, Noodle wasn't sure if he was a danger to himself. The others didn't fare much better. Murdoc was trying to show them he wasn't worried, but you could tell in his eyes he was panicking. The only reason 2D kept calm was because he was still high out of his mind. If he wasn't, he would have had a panic attack there and then. But even in the state he was in, the thought of Russel being missing alone in the state he was in still made 2D worry a little. Cue a search and possible rescue mission that took all day. ALL DAY. With a high 2D in tow because 2D also wasn't in a state where he could be left alone right now and like hell was Noodle trusting Murdoc to be alone with him in a state like this. In fact, none of the boys could be trusted on their own. She wouldn't have trusted Murdoc on his own on any day of the week. Just for being Murdoc. So their so-called search party was just her looking for Russel while babysitting the other two. The ultimate low point came about four hours in. When the possible places Russel could be were becoming threadbare, and as if some dumbass had said "Well at least this can't get any worse", 2D started to come down from his high, and with it, down came the gravity of the situation. And that was when he had a panic attack. Russel had left his phone at home, making the tracker she put on it useless. So they had no choice but to find him the old-fashioned way. The gruelling, never ending, ever terror and dispare inducing old-fashioned way. When they finally managed to find him, it was a releif beyond words to find him asleep, looking more at peace than she'd seen him in years. But the smallest part of her (the part of her she didn't particularly like) wanted to let Murdoc smack him.
Noodle has decided the others don't need to know that she has now put a tracker on every single vehicle they own, along with every device that can support one. She loves Russel with all her heart, but she is NOT letting him do that shit to her again.
And then the next day, 2D goes missing. He goes off by himself without telling anyone despite still being under the effects of all those drugs. Actually, he probably went off like that because he was still under the effects of all those drugs. I mean, she found him playing a melodica while standing on the severed head of the demon that just tried to eat him, for God's sake. God knows what he was thinking! When she realised he was gone, her reaction was pretty much, "OH HELL NO BOY!"
How she managed to be raised by these three and not develop a severe addiction to nicotine is beyond her. Every day, they make her think, "I need a cigarette, and she's never once smoked a cigarette in her entire life.
One of the main decisions Russel makes while out in the dessert is to spend more time with his loved ones. Especially 2D because man did almost die, and if he had, Russel would have wasted the last year or so he had with him staring at a TV. And especially Noodle. He doesn't regret getting obsessed with static chanels and the idea of a promised land. Because if he hadn't, they might not have been to save 2D. But he does regret that he neglected everything else around him, including her, and now he worries they might not be as close as they used to be.
Noodle, on the other hand, has been worried sick about Russel for over a year and just wants him to be himself again. It's not going to take much at all to get these two back to being as close as they've always been.
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