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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Saved it because it had Roger in it! xD
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
I said, don't touch it!
She actually blocked it? Proofs that she really does protect it.
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Little Nightmares memes I made. From Nintendo Switch.
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There's a secret step in there, and it's pretty hard to get out. I actually thought I had to reset this chapter.
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Enjoy these! XD
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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Uh oh...Yep. He's pissed!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Low and Alone.
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Finally decided to draw these two new characters from Little Nightmares 3! 
Low and Alone belongs to their rightful owners, Bandai Namco, and Super massive games. I would still credit this to Tarsier Studio's.
This is a fanart. 
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
The secret fireplace in Little Nightmares 1. (DLC.)
I want to come back into talking about the secret fireplace, nearly at the end of chapter 3. When the Nomes were standing infront of the furnace, and you can see their shadows casting over the floor, as the lost children. Around the place you'll see very familiar belongings, that belonged to Roger.
This is a clue, that he is connected to them. Not just about that, I'd like to remind you about this. That this secret is very Important. That the fact, you'll see his mask again in Little Nightmares 2, in the hospital. I believe strongly, that the Janitor might appear in the third game! I am convinced, that this is not the last of him.
This is for a fact, that he had appeared, a few times in the previous games. He would now have to be given a role. All of those clues should not be for nothing? Right? So, this evidence is pointing out that the Janitor, Roger is going to be an Important character in the next game. (I hope so.) But then, it depends if he's going to be used as an enemy, helpful, or something else.
I think his arc is not too late for it to be changed/Build up! This thought came into my mind recently. Before the release of Little Nightmares 3! Regardless, I am looking forward to it! And is waiting for more clues for the Janitor, because of the evidence been shown. I just know that he's going to be given a role!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Doing duties.
The Sun animatronic has been reported scaring little kids. (Even a little boy once being under his care. Saying that he was too uncomfortable leaving the lights on, and having night terrors going to bed.
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Then there's the Janitor doing a very morbid Job.
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Their jobs are a little different. While one concept is more morbid. But you get the context.
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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The cute little boy is back! ^u^
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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WAX Bellman! Literally in his name! He's got a burning candle on his head!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
The giant doll baby theory. (Little Nightmares 3.)
My giant doll baby theory is this. I think that the giant doll baby is perhaps a robot. With/or the concepts of it being a vehicle, or a cyborg. Part organic, part robot. An artificial being crafted by the dark magic by someone. Or an ancient demi god, summoned by the Mirrorman./Northwind. Very much like the robot's from War Of The Worlds.
Theory 1. The baby is a robot, because of it's movements and it's robotic eye. That has the same magic found in the Maw, when the eye solidifies kids, if they get spotted.
This detail would explain how the eye in the Maw works. It's like it's connected. It's operational electronically between the eye and the doll baby.
The clue is the eye's movement, it moves side to side. It acts like a camera. It probably is, the lenses you see through it on those counters, you see in the secret rooms. That operates, through the lenses of a Robot.
Theory 2. Tied with 1. It is possible that the Robot is a vehicle. It's unclear who is driving it. This idea, comes with the fact that it looks like it's been driven. It's destroying buildings. And it's a very big robot, thus giving it's headspace plenty of room, for someone to sit in it. And control it.
This would also explain why it's eye movements are rigid. And is glowing the same light through the eye. The person behind it, is shooting their magic out of the eye. That's making the kid's freeze. This concept is very common in many robot movies.
Theory 3. Another likelihood of it's creation. That the doll baby is artificially made by someone, as a security drone or something. Designed to guard the secrets with in the Nowhere. Locked up somewhere, for centuries until it get's activated again, by it's creator whenever it's needed.
Final theory: The giant doll baby is was summoned by the Mirror Man. After being buried for a long time. (Or like the artificial theory, it was created by somebody else. And then summoned by Mirror Man, after it's been discovered by him.)
Then the Mirror Man started to use it as a weapon, and gave it commands to do his bidding. That would too explain why it was behaving so hostile. Then lastly, the Mirror man gave it some of his powers, that gives it the ability to freeze kids.
Those are my theories about what I think about the giant baby doll monster, and hope you enjoyed!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Mono's mechanics.
I find it fascinating how Mono can run around limitlessly without getting exhausted.
Where as you have Six, and the RK kid getting exhausted, after a long sprint. They remember to take a breath, when they need to.
And then you have Mono who, could just do it. Mono is a very fit kid, apparently! Don't know how. But...Yeah!
Six, and the RK is more natural!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Yes. That's what I did!
Yes, you know it's true! I have been playing back on Little Nightmares before the release for Little Nightmares 3! I played Little Nightmares two first, to complete the rest of my collection of the Hat's. And to retrieve the rest glitch remains, that I missed out to play through the rest of the story, and get the secret ending! (You don't have to.)
But I wanted to get the full experience. I have, but I had to replay the last chapter to trigger the ending once I've collected the Glitches. Once I've done that. I've played the first one again. I've played the DLC first, and then Six's story. And man...It was a blast! I've gotten better at killing the ghost bitches.
The only times where I remember failing is where I fell down that gap, in the floor, because I wasn't paying attention! X'DD.
And the second one where, I ran past the ones that follows you, and when you meet the other two that stops you. I pretty much got ambushed! Haha! Had a few losses, but I promise you, I've gotten much better with handling the flashlight!
Regardless, I played it all through!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
How to defeat the Granny in Little Nightmares DLC. Because she killed me a lot of times! And it pissed me off.
How to defeat the Granny, because I learnt it the hard way. The most effective way to see where she is. Or just roughly where she is.
Is, you got to watch the water ripples, when she's swimming around under water. Do not be fooled by her animations underwater, as that is just a ruse to think she's over that side. Where her water ripples are a little further up for example. It's mostly inaccurate.
And definitely watch out for her bubbles, when she does swim up close to you, she makes a gargling growling sound, when she's near you. That means she's getting ready to attack, and you only have a few seconds.
Only around one to two seconds, before she grabs you. For I have survived it a few times, when I managed to climb up a barrel in time, or a chair. But you only have a certain amount of time before she knocks it over. And catches you that way.
The best effective method to keep an eye on her, is to use your flashlight. To see her animations is rare, just make sure you watch out for the ripples. Her sound ques. Her sound cues are Important for this next part, because it can be used as a strategy thing to get away from Granny.
Also, can be used as a temporary indicator. Most Importantly, is that you keep moving. NEVER stand in one spot! Otherwise, she will eventually come up and knock the furniture you are standing on. To screw you over, and give her the best chance to catch you.
Best thing, that as soon as you hear her gargling noises, just when she appears at her closest, is when you jump. I found that the couch is the safest, because you won't fall of as easily. Though, it can still be a hazard.
I figured, that if you jump off before she hit's the couch, is when you jump off the couch, and swim towards the nearby barrels, to give you some time. But you, got to move quickly. Watch the ripples, just before she makes the gargling noises, to give you the que to jump off when she does attack, and swim to the next closest thing.
I found out that the planks in the water are short period floaties. They keep you from being captured. Because, I did try that last time, and they saved me. I'd call these planks "Emergencey platforms."
They only stay afloat for as short while, that once you climb on. It won't be long for the Granny to start her que, and come back to grab you from there, so be sure to jump off immediately when you hear her sound. And swim up to the suitcase up ahead. When you go for the secret bottle. Up on that platform.
You can try this method where, climb onto furniture, and wait. Wait for a little bit, until you hear her coming up. And when she comes to her closest, you can jump across to the next one. And have her crash into the furniture, and then jump off the suitcase to claim the bottle. That way, so it's the most effective and safer to go.
Lastly, the bait. You can feed her more than one bait. Pick up the bait, and throw it away opposite from the destination you are going to go. Throw in two baits', to keep her busy for some time. To better your timed advantage to swim over to the other side, over to safety faster.
And lastly, if you need to. Immediately swim over to the nearest platform. Just to give yourself sometime, to distract Granny before proceeding on.
And never climb onto something that looks un floatable, that's not going to hold your weight. (I.E small crates, useless junk.) Go to a nearby barrel, or luggage that would hold your weight.
Or the planks, for temporary weight, but you gotta move quick. They are sinkers! Gives you a second chance to spare, before Granny captures you.
That's it! Have fun with the DLC! xD
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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I remember I posted this some time ago. Looks really epic!
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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Perfect combo!
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cypaira-the-skeleton · 1 year ago
Just imagine Six and Gregory switching universes and having to face the other one's "Enemy"
... Both Roxanne and Roger would be fucked, poor them xD
In the SB situation.... Cassie would have a Huge surprise with the Blind Janitor. Who knows, she might befriend him?
Blind ones.
Both characters who are blind. Has lost track of time, but has heightened senses, and learnt to adapt to the envoinment.
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Roxanne wolf. (FNAF-SB RUIN)
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The Janitor. AKA Roger. (Little Nightmares.)
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