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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
How to defeat the Granny in Little Nightmares DLC. Because she killed me a lot of times! And it pissed me off.
How to defeat the Granny, because I learnt it the hard way. The most effective way to see where she is. Or just roughly where she is.
Is, you got to watch the water ripples, when she's swimming around under water. Do not be fooled by her animations underwater, as that is just a ruse to think she's over that side. Where her water ripples are a little further up for example. It's mostly inaccurate.
And definitely watch out for her bubbles, when she does swim up close to you, she makes a gargling growling sound, when she's near you. That means she's getting ready to attack, and you only have a few seconds.
Only around one to two seconds, before she grabs you. For I have survived it a few times, when I managed to climb up a barrel in time, or a chair. But you only have a certain amount of time before she knocks it over. And catches you that way.
The best effective method to keep an eye on her, is to use your flashlight. To see her animations is rare, just make sure you watch out for the ripples. Her sound ques. Her sound cues are Important for this next part, because it can be used as a strategy thing to get away from Granny.
Also, can be used as a temporary indicator. Most Importantly, is that you keep moving. NEVER stand in one spot! Otherwise, she will eventually come up and knock the furniture you are standing on. To screw you over, and give her the best chance to catch you.
Best thing, that as soon as you hear her gargling noises, just when she appears at her closest, is when you jump. I found that the couch is the safest, because you won't fall of as easily. Though, it can still be a hazard.
I figured, that if you jump off before she hit's the couch, is when you jump off the couch, and swim towards the nearby barrels, to give you some time. But you, got to move quickly. Watch the ripples, just before she makes the gargling noises, to give you the que to jump off when she does attack, and swim to the next closest thing.
I found out that the planks in the water are short period floaties. They keep you from being captured. Because, I did try that last time, and they saved me. I'd call these planks "Emergencey platforms."
They only stay afloat for as short while, that once you climb on. It won't be long for the Granny to start her que, and come back to grab you from there, so be sure to jump off immediately when you hear her sound. And swim up to the suitcase up ahead. When you go for the secret bottle. Up on that platform.
You can try this method where, climb onto furniture, and wait. Wait for a little bit, until you hear her coming up. And when she comes to her closest, you can jump across to the next one. And have her crash into the furniture, and then jump off the suitcase to claim the bottle. That way, so it's the most effective and safer to go.
Lastly, the bait. You can feed her more than one bait. Pick up the bait, and throw it away opposite from the destination you are going to go. Throw in two baits', to keep her busy for some time. To better your timed advantage to swim over to the other side, over to safety faster.
And lastly, if you need to. Immediately swim over to the nearest platform. Just to give yourself sometime, to distract Granny before proceeding on.
And never climb onto something that looks un floatable, that's not going to hold your weight. (I.E small crates, useless junk.) Go to a nearby barrel, or luggage that would hold your weight.
Or the planks, for temporary weight, but you gotta move quick. They are sinkers! Gives you a second chance to spare, before Granny captures you.
That's it! Have fun with the DLC! xD
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bamsara · 6 months ago
As a writer who doesn't often read other fics because of personal preferences, but also to focus on my own and spend a lot of time writing something completely to my own exact tastes instead I gotta ask
(This is specifically about long-fics, but short fics can work too)
Personally, I have specific preferences/squicks that make it hard for me to read certain things and prefer to write what I like instead of looking for it in other places (That's not to say that it can't be found! I just find writing it to be a lot more satisfying)
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shinechermont · 4 months ago
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I wanted to do something with my less known OCs for a while, and this seemed to be a good idea.
This meme was basically stolen from @zu-is-here's old works.
All characters belong to me, except for Amoris Plena, who makes a lil' cameo and belongs to @help-im-a-gay-fish
Gayfish also is the one who designed Condiment!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months ago
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bababerries · 5 months ago
think my main issue with Sharon Rainsworth is idk what Mochijun was trying to do with her and she feels very out of place in the cast
Her thing is that she feels weak specifically because she relies on her chain a lot but it’s kind of just stated and then done with and she’s like ��I was arrogant about it” but this wasn’t shown so I’m just like ???? Her main role in the story is a support to Break similar to Reim and like that’s fine but it’s so distracting how out of place she is because sometimes I feel like I’m reading a separate story when there’s a scene about her specific insecurity and I’m just like “oh ok” I think the idea of Sharon being reliant upon her chain and constantly being cuddled and sheltered and seen as weak especially with the state her body is in of not aging causing a lot of crisis within her because she’s in this weird stage of not feeling exactly like an adult but not entirely like a child is interesting but it doesn’t feel like that at all tbh it's not explored despite how it's adding to her insecurity. And then there’s the whole her acting “arrogant thing” and my response to that is when? The only time she was mean is once to Gilbert like literally only one panel, she was joining in on teasing him with Break. It's very light hearted and comedic to and frankly who in the manga doesn't bully Gil? It's not enough. I wish they made her messier and that she was a spoiled princess with unchecked privileged who was overcompensating and trying to hold the power of her family after feeling coddled and sheltered throughout her life and feeling like she needs to live up to the image of her mom and grandma but doesn't know how to so she's all talk and relies heavily upon her chain and acts haughty about it. Not realizing she's further indulging in her ignorance of the world. I think she could’ve been interesting in PH classism and exploitation themes. That she wants to be "strong" but is just furthering her ignorant just in a different way. And real strength and maturity would come in her recognizing the flaws in royal society and how they hurt and exploit the people below them. And her having to look inwards on her own flaws and unchecked privilege. (It also just adds to pandora heart's toxic codependency theme where obsession and reliance on something is harmful and denies you of growth and identity) And I just think about that one line she says to Lottie “selfishness runs in my blood” or smth it was a good line but it really doesn't feel earned because we never see Sharon being selfish or arrogant or cocky or anything. I don’t mind Sharon not being that angsty of a character she didn't need to have a sob story and a breather character like her would be good for more diversity esp when a lot of characters in pandora hearts can be quite intense with their conflicts. But her entire arc is incredibly lacking. The manga tells me *this* is her arc without actually showing it. And her development is someone calling her weak once and gets over it
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mdemorita · 1 year ago
Tobias or Mary Goore?
[kids.temp on tiktok]
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chubbyroseart · 1 year ago
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(pyramid head voice) u got games on your phone??
// inktober redraws day 10 //
i dunno how i feel about this one, but hey, thats day 10 done :)
reference under the cut
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psychicdamage-identified · 1 year ago
whoops I already mentioned it was the goop post. i am so sorry i woke up 2 minutes ago
ah shit another one lost to the goop
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thenixkat · 1 year ago
damn fuck. can't remember if the reviving the dead thing was specific to the dungeon on the Island due to the immortality spell or if it was a common thing in man-made dungeons. I'm pretty sure it's not common since there were researchers specifically in the Island's dungeon trying to figure out why fuckers can come back to life?
also if revival isn't common to dungeons in general then that makes adventuring a much more dangerous profession
*Edit: Found some info. Does seem to imply that the resurrection thing is due to the spell on The Island's dungeon. But also that makes adventuring a much more dangerous profession elsewhere and the particular dungeon in the story much more attractive to folks wanting to get into the profession if they can fuck up and just get revived.
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sweetsuke · 6 months ago
usually i feel okay about my writing but then i remember that almost nobody reads it, including almost all of my friends and my partner. and then i have to remind myself that im not writing for anyone but me, so it doesn't matter if it's not read. but man does it hurt to see people gush about each other's art and im just over here like. my "art" isn't in a visual medium that's easily digestible (it takes longer to read than to take in a drawing), and therefore it will never receive the kind of engagement that other art does. and it just really really really hurts sometimes. AUGH.
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redtoondevils · 4 months ago
It's been a while, since I drew these characters, such as the DCA (Daycare attendant.) And the Janitor from Little Nightmares. I've been slowing down on them, but I still think about them occasionally. I've been missing them. Especially Roger.
Even the Granny too. She is an underrated enemy.
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scribblys-scribbles · 2 years ago
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Princess of Autism
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just considering something...
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year ago
giving a surprise present to everyone who sends me a cool ask <3
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pinky-in-blankets · 1 year ago
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Jack: "I Told you not to Go outside the Castle ALONE, ESPECIALLY since you arent that skilled in combat yet. Now you know WHY."
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teefsintheweb · 2 years ago
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Vacation things.
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