#little llama
the-slinkyy · 2 months
average mcc activities
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(joel’s mcc ender cup stream)
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llamagoddessofficial · 11 months
It was the best hidden room in his castle.
Nightmare appeared, emerging from within the liquid shadows at the far corner, taking on a solid form. The room had no doors- that was the trick to it. Only a being who already knew the room’s location in the castle, and had the ability to transport themselves through space, would be capable of accessing this place.
... Though there was no door, there was a window. Just one. A circular skylight, directly above the bed... it gave a perfect view of the stars.
It was a small, comfortable chamber, the obsidian walls draped with finely embroidered midnight blue tapestries to maintain warmth. Ancient murals, moons and interlocking patterns that had long lost their meaning, inlaid with silver- the silver caught the light from the small glowing blue stones that dotted the walls. The room was barely brighter than a dim twilight. 
Of course... the most important thing in the whole room was what was at the centre.
... Nightmare approached your bed.
A fine bed, of course. A large canopy draped luxuriously, for even more warmth, protection and quiet. Only the best for you. You were tucked under sumptuous sheets, your head upon a satin pillow, sweet little face barely visible under all the layers of comfort.
... He reached out, tucking the blanket down slightly, to get a better look at you. You were so peaceful. Your cheeks had regained some colour, over the past few days, as had your lips- but your eyelids did not move.
He knew what it looked like. If his damned brother found this room, and the sleeping human, he’d jump to conclusions (as he always did); Nightmare had stolen a human, cursed them with eternal sleep. Worst case scenario, Nightmare was tormenting this human as a sick game- best case scenario, Nightmare has grown so feverishly attached he would rather have someone sleep in his arms forever than be free to walk away from him.
And... well. It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t enjoying having you this way. But it was missing one crucial detail.
... You would wake up the moment you wanted to.
He sat on the bed, beside you. He reached out, and gently stroked your hair... enjoying the softness and texture.
You didn’t stir.
Nightmare had felt your pain far across your universe. Like a moth to a flame, he came to you- and though he originally had only the intent to feed, he loved you the moment he laid eyes on you. Your Soul, such a pretty thing, cracking under the weight of its pain; the fractures sparkled like fault lines in a diamond. You were holding the agony within, unwilling to let anyone know. You were on the verge of shattering. On the verge of your Soul going out.
When he came for you, you didn’t protest, you didn't even struggle.
You had looked at him with an empty, accepting expression.
Perhaps you thought he was death? Cute.
... So he took you, instead. You let him put his arms around you- he had never had someone accept him so completely, his jealous desire only intensified. He carried you back to his palace, he cradled you lovingly. Once your eyes had closed, he laid you down in the quietest room, in his finest bed... cuddled under his softest sheets and guarded by his most possessive magic.
The spell in question was one he hadn’t used in a long, long time. There was nothing on any Earth that could forcibly awaken you from your slumber. No sound, no touch, no pain nor magic. No power he (or any other great being) possessed, nothing in the wide multiverse. Nothing could awaken you from the outside.
But... the moment you wanted to open your eyes, you would. The tail of the Rupert’s drop. As if waking from a pleasant midday nap, the spell would shatter into dust around you.
It was a one-way spell. That was what made it so powerful.
... He continued to stroke your hair. Your dreams were safety- he ensured nothing crossed your mind but visions of peace and warmth. You curled deeper into his dreams like a hibernating rabbit. He could sense the injuries in your slowly Soul mending, your wounds slowly healing, as you were finally allowed to rest.
You had yet to even think of opening your eyes.
At that moment, the moon emerged. Its light passed through the skylight window... catching a small array of crystals that hung above your bed. Flecks of iridescence silently scattered across the walls, and over your face. 
“... beautiful.” He murmured. “no one will ever hurt you again, my darling. no one. i promise.”
... You, of course... did not even stir.
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roostercrowned · 7 months
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Teen Boys part two the road trip is even better on a re-read. can you IMAGINE being Kettle. being any of them
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mashedbootatoes · 6 days
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Carl made a friend
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
Just heard from one of my followers (and via someone on Twitter who is also there) that Michael is back in London and seeing Kiss Me, Kate on the West End tonight. I'm truly hoping he went to the show with David, and I can just picture them in the audience, waiting until the lights go down to hold hands. Leaning over periodically and whispering/giggling to each other in hushed tones as they try not to draw attention to themselves. Everyone around them knowing, but having the good grace not to say anything, and to leave them be on their date.
But yes. The Cardiff run of Nye ended a mere three days ago, and yet Michael has returned to London already to see his boyfriend. God, how you love to see it...
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raccoon-coded · 5 months
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A collection of images I took in photo mode (and a couple of screen caps) from the Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy video game. 🚀
It's such a brilliant game. Great story and the team dynamic and dialogue is just incredible!
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
“It’s been so long since your last post about building your new fence, we really miss hearing about it” said no one ever, but here’s yet another fence post (<- laugh) anyway. Progress has been made!
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In the above pic you can see the new gate was still held close by a piece of string, but I found a tree root that makes a cute latch, here it is <3
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I had the worst trouble screwing it in! The last few fence posts I bought were acacia because the store ran out of chestnut ones, so I discovered that acacia is unbelievably hard. It’s nice to know the posts will last a long time, but they killed a drill bit without breaking a sweat. I didn’t know wood could do this to metal:
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In the first pic you can see that fence posts have been installed to the right of the gate, but nothing else—well the crossbars and wire netting are now in place:
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Since I screwed the crossbars on top of one another to make the fence a bit higher, the wire netting didn’t go all the way up, so I had to do some patient lacework with string to fill all the gaps, or else Pampe would put her head between the bar and the netting and just push down to widen the gap and squeeze through. (Lived experience.) But it looks oddly nice:
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I also left 1 gap at the bottom, too small for a llama but large enough for a Pandolf and two chickens to enter and leave the pasture as they please. (Though Pan can’t gain any weight in his butt or he won’t fit anymore):
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At one point I had to go to the store to buy some more washers and bolts and I met a teenage cow happily wandering on the road far away from her family. It’s always nice to know I’m not the only one with fence troubles.
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Go back to your mum immediately young lady! I have a llama who would be very proud of you.
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I used to have a very convenient little tree where I hung the hay nets, but unfortunately it had to be felled when we built the greenhouse. But one of its roots became the door latch, and I also salvaged one of its branches to build my new hay net holder where the tree used to be, so it will continue to carry hay nets in the afterlife. I intended for my modern art installation to look like a llama but everyone is telling me it’s more of a moose:
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The target audience was very puzzled by it at first, and Pirlouit was the first animal who dared to approach it because he would do anything for his hay.
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Although at first he stretched his neck and lips as far as he could so he wouldn’t have to go too near the hay holding-animal’s head...!
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Then everyone followed his lead (except Pampe who in the below pic is right in front of me checking the fence for weak spots) (but there have been no llama escapes through the new fence! it is as of yet undefeated)—and then even baby Poldine started eating hay :) For the first time! She was just waiting for her hay to be served to her hanging from the spine of a wooden moose butler.
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nooooough · 3 days
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sunseed-fandump · 5 months
✨️They have met✨️
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rupertholmes · 1 month
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hateful little llama
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kuzcosources · 1 year
Gods, how are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
What in the sweet hells were you thinking!?
I was right there!
Gods. Do you have any idea how much that hurt?
Well, apparently there's a limit. Somewhere between a nice summer's day, and the FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!!
That was the least you could do after dropping a building on me!
I admit I like this one's approach. A little genocidal, but effective.
You just want to team up with some blood stained killer? Because I'm fine with that.
So much for the cavalry riding to our rescue.
Well, that's a little dramatic, don't you think?
Why, she sounds positively demented. I love it. Let's tell her everything.
Now, I can't help but notice that one of us is positively drenched in blood, so...
Of course, what fun! I'm going to fucking kill you.
You have a manner of irresistible desperation about you... I like it.
Oh. Oh dear.
If the opportunity arises for me to become a more magnificent bastard than I already am, why turn it down?
If you're trying to encourage me, you're failing miserably.
Please, don't mind me. I'll just watch.
My only complaint is that you didn't want to share.
Nothing like a little camp drama to spice up the evening.
Wait, don't interrupt them. Let me do it.
I don't need a reflection to know this looks fabulous/
And to think people say size doesn't matter.
_____ wouldn't put up with this shit.
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mewziesart · 5 months
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new fortnite pony!!! was gonna try making fortnite adopts but then i fell in love with her so ill try again next time lol!
heres lana llama, shes based after lana llane from the fortnite crew lolol
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plusie · 1 year
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those-pony-vibes · 1 year
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My display | (Those Pony Vibes)
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fantasticalleigh · 2 months
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finally found some star shaped beads, been waiting to make this for a while now 😇
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steampunk-fr · 2 years
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Woag…no way
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