#little Mix 2017
flakatita · 9 months
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Panchito thought he was a father there for a second.
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soupy-cosmos · 9 months
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New year new teen!Louie⁉️⁉️⁉️
ft. my first proper attempt at the official art style ^w^
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legendofthe3divas · 1 year
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Jerrie at Radio 1 Big Weekend in 2017 <3
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littlemixdaily · 2 years
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Glory Days (Platinum Edition): Booklet - 2017
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k-hippie · 1 year
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Champignac is a fully living Frenchy suburbia World based on Champs-les-Sims and has nothing to do with a vacation place ... Well, nothing is not really the right word ;)
Back in 2016/2017, when we began to think how we could remade Champs-les-Sims, we didn't know really what kind of world we wanted to do. We named the project : Sims de Nimes. Then, because we were on other projects ( such as sims 4 k-mods ) we left Sims de Nimes somewhere in the pipes.
We made Oaksoak Hollow ( based on Mystic Falls ), we made Eureka Valley ( a world between tech and classic life ) and we left behind the Sims 4 because, well ... too long to explain. :D
So, it was time to get out of the box our old project of Sims de Nimes ... During this time, some talented creators re-made Champs-les-Sims with their own vision, more oldy or more city life like, or more like Sunset Valley ... All those versions are interesting, but we wanted something else. And so, is born Champignac !
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If Champignac is a true living suburbia world, it is too a quite rural world, almost a village with :
37 Community Lots
36 Residential Lots
10 Medieval Towers all around the town :)
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In addition, it remains few Empty Lots, differently sized to suit whatever you wish ... So, let's say Champignac is a french-not-so-little-town where life is slowly flowing and dynamic at the same time, perfect for families and Sims looking for a different lifestyle :)
A typical downtown and outskirts, full of old buildings and southern architecture, a joyful mix between south-east and south-west housing, with a touch of something more northener ( but don't tell the citizens; it's a sure way to be frowned upon ) ... After all they worked hard to keep Champignac as it is!
People living in Champignac are quite glad of it. Sure, teenagers dream of foreign lands, but they are not too eager to leave.
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Once, the townies of Champignac were grumpy because Champs-les-Sims was so more popular than their hometown ... After all, everybody went to Champs-les-Sims, stayed there, made nectar, drove a Kenspa, flirted with locals, or … anyway! Tourists had a full experience in Champs-Les-Sims and weren't interested in visiting any other city. Champignac, the official twin city, didn't benefit from any international exchanges, and was left anonymous, far from fame and glory. As unreachable as the Eiffel Tower seen from Champignac ... until ...
In February 29th of a certain year, a distant descendant of Marquis de Landgraab lost his way on the road to Champs-les-Sims and landed in Champignac. Instantly, he fell in love with the town.
He saw an always growing vegetation, a Monastery full of secrets, the familial beach ( yes, there is a beach in Champignac ), the forgotten obelisk, the shop keepers full of stories, the well preserved houses, the green fields and the paved streets, the true Café Catane and a remaining wild fauna running here and there ... He saw perfection !
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For a time, the townies of Champignac experienced fame and glory. But how exhausting it was! Tourists not really caring about the legacy of the kiosk owner, the monks overwhelmed, the museum director who couldn't find enough teenagers to help ... Even the fishes were exhausted! Hard times indeed ... Happily, this descendant of Marquis de Landgraab met someone, somewhere, and moved out, far far away from Champignac. Celebrities said their last goodbyes and slowly, life, as it should be, was back :) The townies and City Council learned from that experience that they very much preferred not to be as famous as Champs-les-Sims ...
Life in Champignac was relatively calm again when suddenly, a global health crisis emerged and the Simvid-18 pandemic hit many many people ... Anxiety swept through the villages and the small towns, including Champignac of course ... With an aging population, residents became increasingly concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and the future of the city.
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Shop owners and farmers who were already considering retirement were now faced with the daunting task of deciding whether to continue their businesses in such uncertain times. The entire world seemed to come to a halt, leaving everyone in Champignac wondering who would carry the torch and ensure the future.
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Surprisingly, the youngsters that only came sporadically for holidays, moved back to Champignac. Fearful of living in a crowded city and eager to gather with family members, they came to the old town with friends. After all, there were spare bedrooms in most houses!
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When the restrictions were lifted, many were reluctant to leave. Going back to a stressful life and fast-paced city wasn't enticing anymore. Most decided to turn their lives around. They took up the florist shop or asked for a job transfer ... So, life emerged again :) Champignac is now a thriving town where you have everything you wish for and nothing more.
Champignac is blessed with old churches turned into bars or wineries, old palazzi that are inspiring, and small boutiques as gathering places ...
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Winters and autumns are short, while spring and summer are long. Come and live among thousands of old buildings, walk on streets Roman soldiers once trod upon, see treasures from foreign campaigns, and benefit from the perfect blend of country living and town living.
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Remember ... With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Champignac offers the Sims a captivating and enriching experience. From the stunning architecture to the delectable cuisine, every aspect of this town reflects the South of France’s intoxicating charm.
Are you ready to move in Champignac ?
blackgryffin \o/
IMPORTANT : We advice STRONGLY to begin with the half-populated SavaGame provided in addition to the World itself ...
DO NOT FORGET to download the CC of Champignac we provide on our website too ! for more information, see the 2 posts below ;)
Have fun !
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Dead Man's Dust
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Intent: For preventing spirits from following you home.
1 pt Chili Pepper (any type)
1 pt Salt
1 pt Basil
1 pt Garlic Powder
1⁄2 pt Dill
1⁄2 pt Lemon Peel
Optional: Add a pinch of Curry or Cumin for extra oomph.
Note: Powdered versions of most herbs are available online. I recommend Starwest Botanicals and Penn Herbs for quality products at reasonable prices. Also, if you can get your hands on a good electric spice grinder, you can make your own powder from dried herb products. If you don't have premade powdered herbs, grind each ingredient separately to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger unground pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the mesh strainer reduces lost material and makes collection much easier.)
Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately. Label with the name, date, and ingredients for future reference.
This powder performs one of the functions of Banishing Powder, but with special attention to warding off pesky ghosts. After visiting historical or haunted locations, or any time you feel spooked while walking home, sprinkle a palmful of powder on the ground and scrape your feet on it (as if you were wiping off dirt) to keep anything ghostly from following you home. Take three steps backward and spit toward the powder, then continue on your way.
For extra protection, toss a pinch of Banishing Powder, Threshold Powder, or Black Salt over your doorstep when you get home.
Note: For safety's sake, make sure you never cast this powder into the wind and wash your hands after use. Leftover particles on your skin can cause pain and irritation if they come into contact with your eyes or breathing passages.
-adapted from Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils, (c) 2017 by Bree NicGarran
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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odinsblog · 10 months
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Land and Housing
As a result of decades of land confiscations and discriminatory land policies, Israeli authorities have hemmed in Palestinian towns and villages, while nurturing the growth and expansion of Jewish communities, many of which in practice exclude Palestinians. The majority of Palestinians in Israel live in these communities, while some live in “mixed cities” like Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Haifa.
Ninety-three percent of all land in Israel constitutes state land, directly controlled by the Israeli government. Israeli authorities confiscated much of this land, several million dunams, from Palestinians through several different legal instruments, as documented in a later chapter of this report. A government agency, the Israel Land Authority (ILA), manages and allocates state lands. Almost half the members of its governing body belong to the JNF, whose explicit mandate is to develop and lease land for Jews and not any other segment of the population. The fund owns 13 percent of Israel’s land, which the state is mandated to use “for the purpose of settling Jews.”
Israeli authorities have almost exclusively allocated state lands for the development and expansion of Jewish communities. Since 1948, the government has authorized the creation of more than 900 “Jewish localities” in Israel, but none for Palestinians except for a handful of government-planned townships and villages in the Negev and Galilee, created largely to concentrate previously displaced Bedouin communities. Less than 3 percent of all land in Israel falls under the jurisdiction of Palestinian municipalities, where the majority of Palestinian citizens live, according to a 2017 estimate by Israeli and Palestinian groups.
Even inside Palestinian towns and villages within Israel, Israeli authorities discriminatorily restrict the land available for residential growth. The authorities have zoned large sections of Palestinian towns and villages for “agricultural” use or as “green” areas, prohibited residential building in them, and built roads and other infrastructure projects that impede expansion. A 2003 Israeli government-commissioned report found that “many Arab towns and villages were surrounded by land designated for purposes such as security zones, Jewish regional councils, national parks and nature reserves or highways, which prevent or impede the possibility of their expansion in the future.”
While increasing focus in recent years on these issues has resulted in more state-approved residential development, they have done little to date to change the reality of hemmed-in Palestinian towns and villages. By contrast, in case studies documented by Human Rights Watch in each of Israel’s six districts, planning authorities provided sufficient land and zoning permissions to predominantly Jewish communities to facilitate their growth.
(continue reading)
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A Guide to Black Dresses (Band)
Who are Black Dresses?
Black Dresses is a Canadian musical band, formed by two women, Ada Rook and Devi McCallion, who are both artists on their own.
The band was formed in 2017, following their first ever single - Paper Planes (cover of MIA). 
Devi and Ada started the Black Dresses project when they were friends, however they're currently in a relationship and implied to be married to each other.
They started the Black Dresses project, as a form of venting, and did not expect to blow up in the slightest. However, following the release of their debut album - WASTEISOLATION, they gained attention of the internet. With their unique sound palette, dark and vulnerable content of the lyrics, and general surrounding of enigmatic no-name artists, they started to quickly follow with underground cult following. 
Gaining much praise, getting a score of 9 out of 10 from Anthony Fantano, and especially, becoming viral over the song "IN MY MOUTH".
Unfortunely the band diss-banded after harassment that Devi received from the internet users after they found her online presence and internet footprint. Both Ada and Devi didn't really like the attention they gathered. So in 2020, they stopped making new material. But did in fact release old unreleased stuff all up to 2022.
In 2023 they announced working on their 7th album and making new music. Releasing more singles and uploading little snippets on them working. Confirming that way that they're a band once again.
The musical style
Black Dresses musical style is based on mixing a lot of genres. As an underground artists, Black Dresses are influenced by a lot of lesser known styles and genres coming from the outsider world of music. 
You cannot really explain their sound in simple words, but i'll try. Their genre is often described as "Noise Pop", but they're much more than that.
I'll try to describe their general sound, but i will go into more details following the guide's part about each individual album.
Most of all, Black Dresses are an electronic band, they do use real life instruments, mostly guitars and drums, but it's mostly electronical elements.
Black Dresses mixes elements of Pop, Industrial, Noise, EDM, Rock, and are mostly described as extremely experimental.
To lesser extent they also use hip-hop, ambience, metal, glitch, synth, and screamo.
Their vocals are rather amateur, which shouldn't really scare you, as it just adds to the charm. They're also notable for their usage of screaming vocals.
Themes of Black Dresses 
The main themes of Black Dresses music are:
Mental suffering,
Living with mental ilness - such like depression or severe anxiety,
Coping with trauma - mostly from their childhood, and the sexual abuse they went trough from the hands of adults in their life.
Healing from those experiences, seeing hope in the future.
And environmentalism - raising awareness about the issues of global warming and pollution.
But there's ofcourse many more songs that don't follow these themes. 
Black Dresses often get accused of being "edgy", however you shouldn't perceive them like that. Their music is full of real struggles that both Devi and Ada are going trough. They do NOT romanticize or fetishize the themes of their music, nor they sugarcoat it or exaggerate it. 
Not to mention their music is full of hope for better tomorrow and wanting to improve, giving it all a positive message.
Release guide
2018 - WASTEISOLATION: Their debut album, definitely the darkest in terms of themes. Essential for every fan of the band, the best place to start. Mostly lighter in sound, doesn't incorporate as much noise as following releases.
Really accessible for newcommers.
2018 - HELL IS REAL EP: A 5 five song EP making a bridge between WASTEISOLATION and THANK YOU. It's a bit moodier than the previous project, but also it's a place where Black Dresses started to use more screaming vocals and noise elements.
2019 - THANK YOU: Second album, much more surreal in the sound palette, much noiser and more electronic. Black Dresses at this point got a little less personal in their lyricism.
2019 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2019: A sequel to their first ever project together, DREAMS COME TRUE 2017 which i'll mention later. It follows 3 WASTEISOLATION songs re-made and re-worked. As well as one brand new song.
2019 - LOVE AND AFFECTION FOR STUPID LITTLE BITCHES: Black Dresses (succesful) attempt at poppier sound. Much less crowded instrumentals and simpler, catchier beats. Doesn't belittle their noise elements and screaming ofcourse! 
2020 - Peacefull as Hell: Black Dresses most popular album after WASTEISOLATION, got an extremely positive review from Fantano and semi-blow up on the internet. A fan favourite.
Black Dresses production got more professional. 
The sound is much lighter and goes into the direction of electronic pop rock.
2021 - Forever in Your Heart: Black Dresses heaviest project to date. Ada and Devi at their most industrial and metal. A lot of screaming and noise. Another fan favourite.
2022 - Forget Your Own Face: Their latest album, as for the time of writing this guide. Their most disorganised project (which was intentional), full of distortions and noise and screams. It was a surprise release and is made from re-made unreleased material going as back as 2019. It contains some of fan favourite songs.
Other notable work:
2017 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2017: First ever released collaboration between Ada and Devi, a short 4 song EP.
2017 - LETHAL POISON FOR THE SYSTEM: A 3 song EP in collaboration with 99Jakes and Laura Les - a member of 100 GECS. Includes first single Under Black Dresses name.
2018 - CRUSH: Single, a cover of Tessa Violet.
2020 - 745 Sticky Remix: Black Dresses remix of 100 Gecs song that ended up on the official 100 Gecs remix album.
2023 - Shines: Single, a collaboration between the band Purity Ring and Black Dresses.
Merch and how to support them
Black Dresses ocassionally releases their albums on cassettes, however they were all limited and are currently unavaible. No official CDs or Vinyls were ever made.
You can buy at any time Black Dresses hoodies or T-shirts on https://black-dresses-merch-store.creator-spring.com/
(Ada also sells her merch on that)
You can buy their albums over Black Dresses bandcamp, or support them directly trough Patreon.
You can also contact Devi or Black Dresses trough an e-mail and show your support with words!
 (Please do not send this e-mail to anybody who could harass them) 
That's all, i hope you'll have a wonderful time listening to our gals! :DD
Black Dresses Extended Universe Guide
What's that? You're interested in checking out Ada's and Devi's solo stuff? Well, it might be much more confusing or interesting than you think, in fact, it's a whole rabbit hole. So let me introduce you to, what i like to call, the "Black Dresses Extended Universe" (BDEU or simply BDU). 
BDU is a collective of every side-project, nickname under which one of the girls released music, or any other band that contains either Ada or Devi.
Ada Rook's side of EU
Let's start with Ada Rook, since there's a little bit less going around her.
Ada started releasing her music in 2015, following her first OST for her game (as she's a game dev), and her first EP in 2016 "void memory".
Ada used the nickname "rooksfeather" or simply "rook", however after the release of "Parasite" she started using her full name.
Ada's solo discography follows 8 EPs, 4 Soundtracks, and 6 albums. 7th one on the way 
Her musical style is similar to Black Dresses, but more into industrial and rock side of things. Her older music used much more ambience and was darker, moodier. Her recent style incorporates much more screaming and poppier sound. However, in case similar to Black Dresses, each album have it own distinct sound. 
She also released one album with an artist called Deathirl, "DEATH IN REAL LIFE" and it's extremely rare media, not even listed on RYM. However reuploads of it exists.
She have one Alter-ego, called "Crisis Sigil" Under which she's doing extreme grindcore. Crisis Sigil released 2 EPs and 1 Album.
Ada is also a part of 2 other bands beside of Black Dresses,
"rook&nomie" is a collaboration between Ada and ESPer99, they released 2 albums. Their style is much more poppier than anything else that Ada does.
"Angel Electronics" is a fresh new band formed by Ada and Ash Nerve. They're doing power electronic rock, and their sound is more joyful. They released 1 album so far.
Notable Ada Rook releases:
"Shed Blood" by Rook
"Parasite" by Rook,
"2,020 Knives" by Rook,
"UGLY DEATH" by Rook,
"Rookie's Bustle EP" by Rook,
"GOD CUM POLTERGEIST" by Crisis Sigil,
"ULTRA PARADISE" by Angel Electronics,
"Superego Royal Jelly" by rook&nomie
Devi McCallion's side of EU
Wow, we are in for a heck of a ride... Oh well,
Devi started releasing her music since the age of 15, however most of it is probably lost media at this point. She's putting music out on her own label - Blacksquares, Under many different alliases and side projects, i'll talk about each one later.
Devi's style is mostly indie pop, influenced by sub-genres like dream pop, synthpop, ElectroPop and simply underground pop.
Her music is often simplistic and cartoony, but it's hard to explain her signature style in words. 
But it's worth checking out.
Devi rarely releases anything Under her real life name, mostly singles. But she did release 2 albums Under her real name together with Katie Dey, mixing production of both girls. 
Devi used many different nicknames trough her career, such like Dizzy Girl, Devi April McCallion, Vriska Serket, Walking Patriarchy and The Little Fears, however all of these names aren't connected to any specific releases, as far as im aware (Devi's music is a huge Rabbit Hole, full of lost media and rare material).
It's also worth mentioning that she released a compilation of her unreleased material Under the name "Blacksquares", it's titled "LIFE IS HELL (ASMR)".
Okay, so now we are going to talk about each one of her musical projects. We'll start with 4 of the most essential ones, then the more obscure ones, and we'll finish it all with Devi's other bands beside Black Dresses.
1. EAT BABIES? - A name she really doesn't like to be assiocated with, so it's better to treat this project as a fun fact, rather than the core of her career. EAT BABIES? was her first ever project (that we are awere of) Under which she released 2 albums and 2 EPs. It was much more amateur than what she's used to do now. And she doesn't like to associate this project with herself due of the fact she was much different person back then. 
2. Mom - is her second most popular nickname. It was her primary stage name for a long time untill 2015 when she came out with "Girl Rituals".
Mom released 5 albums. And semi-blow up with a song titled "joyfulthought". Mom is a time when Devi really started to work on her pop sound and signature style. 
3. Cats Millionaire - the third most popular Devi project. Cats Millionaire was active from 2011 to 2013. Released 2 albums, 4 EPs and 2 mixtapes. 
Cats Millionaire is characteristic for overall theme of My Little Pony, since Devi used to be a brony. The lyrics and aesthetic are all about MLP. The sound was much more soothing and toned-down than most of Devi's releases.
4. Girls Rituals - Devi's current main allias and her most important project that's still active from 2015 to this day. Under that name Devi released most of her music, and she really perfected and evolved her pop sound with each and every release. Beside of many singles, she released 2 EPs (one with Ada, one with 4lung, however the second one is since deleted because of the 4lung allegations), 1 remix album, 1 instrumental album, and 5 albums. With "Reddishness" being Girls Rituals fan favourite release.
Now, Let's get over every other side project.
10 Chains - only one instrumental album have been released. It's noise/ambience.
Doro Doro Dono/More Bears- Just one single released each for two of these projects,
traptraptrap - 2009. one album released. Despite the name, it's her usual pop stuff.
Triangle Giant - named after one of Devi's bands, only one EP released. ElectroPop.
Yellow Bile - 3 EPs released. Usual pop stuff. One of the EPs are lost media.
Tiny Magnesium - Really obscure stage name for her usual pop sound. 2 short albums released.
Leader Misty - Pokemon themed 2008 project, one instrumental album.
Holographic Rainbow - Only the soundtrack to the discontinued web comic (of the same name) have been released.
Hexi Wing - name she used to release her self-spoken erotic fan-fiction. You're probably not interested in that 👀.
Now, last but not least, Devi's multiple bands before and after Black Dresses.
Dr. Massive and The Headwound Extravaganza - was a 2008 electronic band that released mostly covers of rock songs. Only one album have been released and the band is 100% discontinued right now. Devi was responsible for programming, drums and vocals. There also were
Mike Will Smith - percussion and vocals,
Allan Burke - synthesizer and vocals, 
Jonathan Oscar Cianni - programming, bass,
And Sensitive Bear - bass and vocals.
Unfortunely i couldn't find any info about the band members.
Giant Triangle - A band where Devi used to do vocals from 2008 to 2016, the band had a lot of members that went and go, but it seems their only official release is an 2020 EP. Usual electronic and pop.
The Various Endeavors? - a 2009 band who's appearently still active? They released one synth punk album, and a compilation of unreleased tracks in 2021. John Bevier and Tyler Bruce are in the band along-side Devi.
VCF Freq - A collaboration between Devi and Boy Pussy, they're doing minimal techno. They're Technically still active but their only 2020 EP dissapeared from any streamings. It's thankfully archived on Soulseek.
Anarchy 99 - A collaboration between Devi and So Drove, they're doing electronic pop rock. They're still active from 2020 and actually release new material consistantly. A couple of singles have been released and one album.
Notable Devi  McCallion releases:
'Self-titled" by Mom,
"3" by Mom,
"Fun Fun Fun" by Cats Millionaire,
"Reddishness" by Girls Rituals,
"Im Desperate" by Girls Rituals,
"CRAP SHIT" by Girls Rituals,
"Cow" by Girls Rituals,
"Rockstar Super Heat" by Anarchy 99,
And that's all there is to BDU ;)) have fun Discovering it! ❤️
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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another one of these posts lol... sketches vs final. not much changed for these ones, i kind of went into them with a very solid mental image already in my head. all of these were done start to finish in procreate
thoughts below the cut
horse fight .... this is based off a really really beautiful sky i saw while driving home one evening. i'm really proud of getting the colours i saw exactly right, this kind of greenish yellow fading to dark blue and with grey clouds low over it that looked very dark against the yellow by the horizon, but very pale against the dark blue.
i thought it would be a cool backdrop to draw a scene i've been thinking about for a while. The little cartoony horses are there to provide some tonal whiplash but also because these are two immortal shapeshifters who can fight violently without it being a huge deal. the little horses represent the actual gravity of the fight (that is, kind of a slap fight between two drama queens) which contrasts with the visuals of two animals brutally tearing at eachother. also i got the two horses at the bottom mixed up, Pascal is the one with the skinny plumed tail and Macha has a more traditional horse tail and i put them on the wrong sides.
i had a LOT of trouble shading this. i didn't want the horses to be too shiny but that meant a much lower contrast in shading and even with my screen brightness turned up i could barely see what i was doing. but i wanted it to read as realistic. mixed results i think. if i did it again i might try a different shading style because this one didn't really do it for me
spooky van!!! the post i deleted by accident (rip. i will repost it soon). this is a picture of the barrow (the field) taking a different shape - in this case a cool van. the van contains every single thing the field does (including the human victims that get lost in there...) but compressed down into a manageable shape. the void is Pascal because the field is inside him. he did this for his human bf to provide novel way to travel through the Otherworld. don't ask how this works like, spatially, because the answer is: i don't do hard magic systems in this setting
i loooove shading things with pencil hatching and i really like contrasting it with smooth colours/shading so that's mainly what i did here. it was simple enough. the van is of course heavily referenced and i wish i had been able to stylise it a little more.. maybe next time. i want to draw a kind of cutaway illustration of the van showing exterior and interior (like an old blueprint schematic), which i might use as a cover for the book/comic/whatever but that will require a very intimidating level of precision so i think i'll work up to that.
RUA magazine. this is my third time doing a rua magazine cover (first time posting tho). this is an in-universe magazine distributed throughout the Otherworld to an audience of fairies. in the sketch, the illustation was originally the King of Pentacles tarot card (the pentacle being the disco ball). but i decided to make a different King of Pentacles card for him instead, since I try hard to move away from symmetrical composition for the tarot cards (it's boring). so i repurposed this one into another magazine cover. like i said Pascal is a self-absorbed attention whore and has a habit of giving bullshit interviews just so that he can be on the cover as much as possible. he dresses like this all the time (the year is 2017)
the disco ball took 15 years off my life and it's not even the first disco ball i've drawn! i finished my actual king of pentacles card before i finished the rua cover sketch, so i can show u this
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which is much better even if i did reference so heavily that it isn't exactly stylised. but this card needs some serious revision before i even think about posting it. i'm just not happy with his face.
original intent was for it be mysterious with emphasis on the neon lights but it ended up far more suggestive than i expected. that's life!
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hypnoneghoul · 4 months
absolution live 2017/2023
here I am with my over 1,5k word autistic ramble about the differences between absolution live from 2017 and 2023. at the end there is an audio file of both versions put together, if anyone would be interested in that. it sound very cool heh
also tags for people who showed interest in this: @forest-rot @ghuleh-recs @counting-eyerolls @ngnt-writes @ghnosis @rain-ghoul-appreciator @sister-rosemary-marie
anyway, under the cut
I will start with an analysis of instruments and players separately, one by one, and then I’ll talk about the whole thing a little bit. Also I’m using only ghoul names in there, but when I’m talking about styles and skills I obviously mean the unmasked folks.
Both in 2017 and 2023 we have Mountain on drums, which gives us a very fun comparison opportunity. In 2017 he goes heavy on the cymbals—according to the original version of the song—but it makes the whole thing a bit too crashy and too clogged. The drums are very widely mixed and set—slightly focused on the left side following the stage layout from then—but I think the cymbals could be a bit quieter in comparison to the actual drums, especially the floor tom. In general we can hear how smaller Mountain’s kit was in 2017. In 2023 the entire drum part is sharper and deeper, more bassy and it’s focused more in the middle. The way it feels to me, in 2017 the drums are the background and in 2023 they are the core. Mountain has better fills in 2023, he obviously got more comfortable just jamming in there and having fun over the years.
Dewdrop on bass in 2017; we can hear (or at least I can) that he is not a bassist. He scrapes his pick on the strings a lot which is connected to him being primarily a guitarist—it’s about the picking hand placement and angle. The bass is pretty quiet and it has overdrive on it. It helps conceal his buzzing a little bit, because it happens a fair amount for Dewdrop. Again—bass is not his main instrument. We can also hear exactly when he slams it, like we know he loves doing. In general sometimes he’s quieter and sometimes he’s louder and it’s mostly caused by his picking; how he angles his hand in certain moments and how much strength he puts into it. At the end he goes absolutely feral. Not surprising.
Rain in 2023 is amazing. He’s very skilled, and it’s a huge shame Ghost doesn’t have any songs that could really allow him to show off. He hit his cue a bit too fast at one point, but it might as well be intentional. He’s so much clearer and cleaner, both due to his skills and the settings. Rain has more drop, he most likely has his bass on a different pickup setup than Dewdrop, plus they used different basses—Rain’s with additional mods. One of those mods is a very heavy bridge—Badass Bass—and I bet we can thank that piece for the sustain and note definition in Rain’s playing. In general it flows more, fits into the whole image better. His changes in volume are controlled, not accidental like it happens for Dewdrop. Rain puts more slides, tiny additions and note changes into his live playing, it makes it a bit more lively to me. He’s put perfectly in the middle, nicely blended with the drums.
Unfortunately there isn’t much I can say about Ifrit, Dewdrop, Aether and Phantom mainly because “Absolution” isn’t really a guitar focused song and so it isn't the best song to compare guitar skills, either. The most interesting part—guitar wise—is the solo and little fills on the rhythm now and then.
Ifrit is very precise, I couldn’t hear any mistakes from him, but also the lead is surprisingly quiet in general. His palm muting is on spot, pull-offs and hammer-ons both in the chorus and the solo are very clean and he is simply a pro, he’s got super skills and I wish we could’ve gotten more (</3). He makes the whole song as lively as his stage personality, it sounds flowy but packed with emotions and still so precise it hurts.
Dewdrop’s sound is way better, though he and Ifrit are close skill wise. The difference between Hagstrom Fantomen and Fender Stratocaster is a big one, the main aspect that we can hear is the sharpness of the former and more grounded sound of the latter. Those two guitars also have a very different pickup arrangements—Dew’s strat has SSS (3x single-coils) pickups and he uses the bridge one (which is a Seymour Duncan Hot Rail), and the Fantomen’s has HH (two humbuckers that can be slip, but as far as I’m aware no ghoul used that feature), also with the bridge one used more frequently. In “Absolution” Dewdrop doesn’t add very much—as he does to some other songs—so it’s pretty much the same as the original version. There are small differences that inherently come with his style and that is what makes his version differ from both Ifrit’s and the album's, but it’s all very slight. Dew also makes a very good use of his pedals, mainly wah—especially at the end.
Aether is a bit off tempo in some parts. He plays well, mostly clean, but we can pick out some slight mistakes—mostly sounds that aren’t supposed to be there. His palm muting is a bit too light. He goes heavy on the pick which makes his part of the solo a bit sharp (especially that he’s playing the higher harmony) and square-ish. The sharpness is, again, something we can partially blame on the Fantomen. Only partially because both Ifrit and Phantom prove that it’s manageable. 
Phantom is very clean, he adds a lot of slides which is a feature of his personal style. Said style of his is very lively and fun, to me it sounds and feels like a slinky (don’t laugh at me it’s the autism). He’s more fluid both in the solo and the rest of the song than Aether, but makes one—barely noticeable—mistake in the solo where he misses a note.
Also Phantom and Dewdrop in 2023 are more in sync than Aether and Ifrit in 2017. For whatever reason.
Now keyboard; Zephyr goes absolutely ham on the keys, but it is a piano song so that’s not only understandable, but also desirable, I would say. Key’s are in the right ear with slight migration to the middle when it matters, again according to the stage layout. Their precision and speed and overall skill is insane, the ending when they go wild is the most impressive part, because the song itself doesn’t give many opportunities. If you haven’t seen a video of Zephyr playing that ending you gotta do it now because it really is insane (RIP to that Nord Stage 2 though). The synth fill before the solo in 2017 is played back, in 2023 it’s played live by Cirrus.
In 2023 Cirrus plays the main chorus keyboard part, it can be heard easily on the left side (so once again stage layout accordingly). It’s clean and precise, she’s also very skilled, but unfortunately doesn’t really show off at the end like Zephyr does. Cumulus plays some chords before the solo while Cirrus plays the synth fill.
Vocals are not my thing so I’m only going to say what most of us can hear; Terzo is very nasal, but cleaner, and sings a bit higher. Clear pronunciation, good flow. It’s closest to Tobias’ normal singing voice. Copia is even more nasal, more growly and raspy. They’re both, obviously, in the middle in case of mixing.
Backing vocals in 2017 are all play-back for obvious reasons—pretty simple, taken straight off of the album recording. It’s put on the left, but it could be more favorable in the middle. 2023 is way more spectacular thanks to—mainly—the backing vocals. They are 90% Aurora and Cumulus, with lower levels of Cirrus and barely anything of Swiss. He’s louder by the end. I’m still conflicted about the growls—if it is Swiss or Papa’s play-back—but it’s a great addition that was very mild in 2017’s play-back. The backing vocals are on the sides, accordingly to the stage layout. It all just adds more spice, I adore them.
Sound engineering and mixing is so much better in 2023. We can easily tie it to the budget (though I’d like to “blame” it on Hayden’s part in the engineering, he’s a mastermind, too). The sound is much clearer and fluid than in 2017, it highlights all the instruments perfectly at the same time. Mixing in 2017 is more blunt, it’s a bit duller and some changes in volumes and placements of instruments could—or even should—be made. It doesn’t mean 2017 sucks—far from it—it’s just a technical difference which actually warms my heart if we look at how far has Ghost come. So, once again, considering the budget in 2017 vs. 2023 it’s all understandable. Also the crowd sound control in 2023 is very fun; it makes a great use of all the yelling causing the whole song to sound warmer and fuller.
Both 2017 and 2023 are on the exact same tempo, they can be put over each other perfectly (which I did). They slide apart at the end and the break before the outro is longer in 2023. The 2023 outro itself is pretty boring in comparison to 2017, most likely because in 2023 it’s not a closing song. Below there’s both “Absolutions” over each other; 2023 in the left and 2017 in the right headphone.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
I Wish That It Could Be Like That
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Summary: An affair with Harry has taken its toll and is no longer enough.
Warnings: angst, infidelity - please don't read if this is a trigger for you
Word Count: 1824
A/N: Written in 2017, inspired by "Secret Love Song, Pt. II" by Little Mix. This is in first person, but the woman's name is not mentioned.
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"Have you seen my ring?" asked Harry, standing in the doorway of the bathroom.
"Which ring?" I sat up, stopping in the middle of buckling the straps on my shoes. My breath caught in my throat. Oh, Shit!
"This one," Harry held up his left hand, but pointed at the middle finger with his right.
"Oh," I sighed. "Thank God, I thought you meant..."
"No," he shook his head. "No, I don't-" His words stilled in his mouth and he swallowed hard.
"You don't what?" I raised a brow.
"I don't...wear that one. When I'm with you."
"Oh." I released a breath and grabbed my other shoe, stopping once again. "That's not true. You had it on the other day."
"When?" Harry crossed the room to inspect the dresser.
"At the dinner par-"
Harry nodded at me in the mirror, recognizing my acknowledgment. There had been people at that dinner party who knew her. Who knew them as a couple. I'd had to pretend, playing another one of his friends who just happened to be at the party, and not his date. I was a great actress. No one was the wiser. No one knew our secret.
We had to hide, Harry and me. It wasn't easy, and to be honest after three months, it had started to take its toll on me. In the beginning it was merely a physical attraction we shared. We didn't mean for it to happen. No one ever does. Over time it had started to develop into something more, at least on my part, and I had reason to believe he felt the same. However, he belonged to someone else.
I always only referred to her as her. I couldn't bring myself to use the term wife. Occasionally her name rolled off my tongue, tasting of shame and self-disgust. It wasn't that I had any issues with her. As a person, she was fine, lovely even. It was just that she had something I wanted. She had his last name. She had him.
And for that reason alone, I hated her.
I bit my lip as I tied on my other shoe. Harry passed me as we walked around the bed, still searching for his missing ring.
"There it is," he half giggled when he lifted the pillow. I returned the grin he gave me as he slid the ring onto his finger.
"C'mon, love," he said, holding out his hand to me. "Let's go."
We drove to a night club just outside the city, one that a mutual acquaintance, whom knew nothing of our affair, had casually mentioned in conversation. I felt relief in knowing that we wouldn't be recognized, happy to spend a fun-filled evening as a couple in someplace other than my apartment or a hotel room.
Harry held my hand for the entire drive, absent-mindedly rubbing his thumb across my knuckles and rings, occasionally lifting our joined hands to kiss the back of mine. I sat back in my seat, a contented smile on my face as I listened to him humming along to the radio.
I hadn't told him yet, but I was in love with him. I'd decided that day, that morning while I was getting dressed, or maybe brushing my teeth as I thought of his smile, his laugh, his voice...the way we fit together. It was so obvious, I had to laugh at myself. Every piece of him just fit perfectly.
Harry walked around the car to open my door like a gentleman, and again held the door open when we arrived at the entrance of the club. He gently guided me inside with his hand on the small of my back as we walked up to the bar to give our drink orders. We'd only gotten halfway through our first cocktails when a song we both loved began to play. Without a word, Harry set down his glass and pulled me onto the dance floor.
The bass zig-zagged through my veins as we danced, pumping loud and causing the floor to feel like it was made of rubber as we bounced to the beat. I raised my arms above my head like a fan at a concert as I sang along and twirled in a circle at Harry's feet, making him beam his million-watt smile.
With not nearly enough alcohol in my system yet, Harry agreed to sit the next song out and return to the bar for more drinks. This time we grabbed a couple shots, letting the golden liquor loosen any stiff joints and muscles. I watched Harry sway his hips to the next song as I sipped on a glass of water, eager to join him on the dance floor once again.
I giggled at the pure joy he exuded when he placed his hands on my hips and shifted them back and forth to get me to dance. He was obviously having a great time, and that itself made me happy.
We danced a couple more songs, both of us getting hot and sweaty. Then an oldie from the 70s started to play, a more mid-tempo track with a sexy groove. I gave Harry a wink as I began to dance closer to him, my fingers lightly teasing the opening of his shirt, tickling the unfastened buttons.
I loved the way he was looking at me. His eyes sparkled in the dim light, the green darker than usual. He didn't have to say a word. I knew what he was feeling, because I was feeling it too.
I knew I wasn't supposed to. Every warning he'd ever given me replayed in my head as I stood on my tip toes. I didn't care. I needed his lips on mine. I wound my arms around his neck, my chin tilted, awaiting his kiss.
But it didn't happen. Instead, Harry unwrapped my arms from his neck, squeezing my hands before letting them fall between us. His jaw set, he shook his head.
"No, baby," he whispered.
Though his tone was firm, like a parent scolding a child, I knew I detected a bit of regret and sorrow. Or perhaps that was just my own wishful thinking.
"We can't. I've told you."
"No one knows us here, Harry."
His brows furrowed, the crinkle above his nose deeper than ever, he shook his head once more and turned toward the bar. I stood in my spot, my feet unable to move. My chest shook as I began to sob internally, careful not to let any tears roll down my face. Finally, I was able to walk, following Harry where he stood at the end of the bar.
"Take me home," I mumbled.
"What?" he turned to me.
"I'd like to leave," I declared, my bottom lip trembling. "Drive me home, please."
"We only got here..." his eyes shifted around the room. "It's early."
"Fine," I argued. "I'll find my own way."
Pushing past him, I made it outside, my heels clicking on the pavement and down the sidewalk. I pulled out my phone to call a cab just as Harry caught up with me.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting a ride," I answered, my fingers tapping anxiously on the screen.
"Don't be like this, love. We've been through this."
"Harry, not one fucking soul in that bar knows you're marr-" I couldn't say the word. It tasted awful on my tongue and made me nauseous. "That I'm not yours."
"Baby..." He stepped closer, but still didn't reach for me. The few inches between us might as well had been a million miles. "You are mine."
"Am I? Because I don't feel like it."
Harry remained silent, the only sound his breath as he exhaled through his nose. I felt the tears form in my eyes again and I blinked, desperate to hold them back.
"You won't even touch me now," I whispered in a shaky voice.
"I...I want to..."
I shook my head, the first lone tear trickling down my cheek. "Just take me home. Please."
Dropping his head, Harry dug his keys out of his pocket. I followed him to the car and climbed inside when he held the door open. The noise rang in my ears when he shut it, like the sound of a pinball dropping down the chute, much like the clanging of a phantom beat in my empty heart.
As he drove, the silence was deafening. I couldn't stop the tears anymore. They came rolling down my face like a waterfall. My chest shook with heavy breaths. I couldn't look at him, so I just stared out the window and watched the headlights and street lamps go by.
"I'm sorry," Harry finally spoke.
I sniffled, still unable to turn my head. "I don't wanna hide anymore," I mumbled through sobs.
I could hear him swallow, hear the sound of his hand running across the steering wheel. He cleared his throat.
"I wanna be able to be seen with you," I continued. "I want to be able to kiss you. Why can't we be like that?"
"We...we just...we can't."
"Why not?" I cried, finally turning to face him. His face was lit by the dashboard light, but his expression was unreadable. "I love y-"
"Shh, baby, don't," he interrupted, reaching over the seat to grab my hand.
"Don't what? I can't help it, Harry! I'm in love with you! I want the world to know. I wanna shout it from the rooftops!"
Harry said nothing else for the rest of the ride home. I just sat in the passenger seat, staring at him, waiting and hoping desperately for him to speak. His hand still held mine as he pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car in front of my apartment. Releasing it slowly, he shifted the car into park and bowed his head.
"It's hopeless, isn't it?" I finally asked.
"It's...it's complicated, baby. You knew that from the beginning."
"You said I'm yours. Why is that complicated?"
"Because, it is," he glared at me.
"Because someone else is yours too. That's never gonna change, is it?"
Harry sighed, answering my question with that one gesture.
"I can't live this way, Harry. I've been hoping..." I shook my head, wiping another stream of tears. "No, I can't. I can't keep waiting. It'll never be enough."
"I'm sorry, baby," he said again. "I just can't give you what you're wanting right now."
"I know."
I leaned forward, placing my hand on his cheek. His eyelids fluttered as my lips met his and he kissed me back. One last kiss. A kiss goodbye. Forever.
Neither of us spoke. Instead, I opened my own car door and walked to my own front door, unlocking it as Harry backed out of the parking space. His taillights shone on my hardwood floor when I turned around and watched him drive away.
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legendofthe3divas · 2 years
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Omg guys it’s been 6 years since the no more sad songs music video ft machine gun kelly came out! So many memories with this song from the glory days tour to summer hits tour to the confetti tour we all loved!
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37sommz-archive · 5 months
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NOW PLAYING: michaela's grid dynamics. ✼. view:⠀masterlist⠀⸻⠀join the taglist⠀⸻⠀request.
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Bonding over their mutual dry sarcasm, Alex and Michaela are another underrated pairing on the grid. Though not exceptionally close when compared to their other grid friendships, there is a lighthearted respect for one another that underscores all of their interactions. Michaela regularly voiced her missing Alex’s presence on the grid during his brief hiatus from the track and Alex claims Michaela was the first driver to congratulate him upon his return. As regulars on each other’s personal Instagram profiles, they’ve subtly played into fans’ expectations of a monthly Albon dump on Michaela’s secondary page.
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Fernando is admittedly one of Michaela’s racing heroes. Aside from his clear talent, Michaela has been vocally in support of his “villain” approach to racing, though she admits she doesn’t have half the courage needed to pull off some of his stunts. On Fernando’s end, he has always identified Michaela as a blossoming force on the grid who would be capable of domination if given the right team behind her. 
It’s a little-known fact that Michaela’s signing with Aston Martin was actively encouraged by Alonso who insisted the team allow the two drivers to compete against each other for points. In his view, the two would flourish in an environment where they were encouraged to outplace each other. To Fernando’s credit, his approach has worked pretty well for the team in its development of a more competitive reputation on the grid, for which Michaela has repeatedly thanked him.
As teammates, the two spend a considerable amount of time together having grown quite comfortable in each other's presence. From the occasional humorous quip during press conferences to their iconic tiktoks, Fernando and Michaela's partnership has been her most successful at the Formula One level.
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Of all the drivers on the grid, Michaela shares the most extensive history with the Frenchman. As her first teammate after joining Prema to race in the GP2 series in 2016, Michaela has not been shy about expressing how thankful she was for Pierre’s consistent inclusion of her in a sport that had been continuously unwelcoming. Though their beginnings were an awkward mix of pubescent introversion, by the end of their season together Michaela was a regular guest with Pierre’s family when her own family could not make the flight from Australia. Accordingly, Michaela is quite close with Pierre’s mother, Pascale, who is never seen without a #37 pin on race weekends. 
The next three years of their friendship would be strained by Pierre’s move to Super Formula in 2017 while Michaela remained at the Formula Two level. Their friendship would recover, however, after Michaela was selected for the 2019 grid as a driver for Alfa Romeo. Since then, Pierre has continued to be one of Michaela’s most vocal supporters, regularly extending cheers her way through passive comments during press conferences. 
However, their close comfort with one another is often mistaken for a bitter rivalry. especially after a particularly tense moment at the 2022 Monaco GP where Pierre pulled off a choppy overtake with Michaela calling him a “cunt” over the radio. The swirl of rivalry rumors never seems to fully go away with their limited interactions on race weekends, but their dual-family dinners tell the full story.
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As the two black drivers on the grid, the two have always been silently protective of one another. In a similar vein to her admiration of Fernando, Lewis has always been Michaela’s greatest motivation in believing that she was capable of reaching Formula One despite the matters of her race and gender. Accordingly, Lewis was the first of the senior drivers to pass his personal number to the driver in her rookie season. 
To this day, the two conduct quiet check-ins with each other whether grabbing a gourmet lunch in Monaco or sitting front row at Fashion Week. One of the more underrated pairings, the other drivers recognize the unique bond the two have and marvel at Michaela’s ability to chip away at Lewis’ guarded exterior.
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Another set of former teammates, Michaela and Charles were admittedly not very close during their time at Prema in Formula Two. The running joke of “Sommers falls just short behind Leclerc” rings uncomfortably true for the Australian who first experienced a taste of Il Predestinato’s reign after finishing 2nd in the Formula Two Championship. Though that simple fact never bothered her much, the media storm that continues to cloud over any semblance of tension between the two bothers her to no end.
As the two have matured past that tense 2017 season, they’ve found common ground in the issues that frustrate them within their careers. Similar to the sense of pressure she shares with Max, Michaela shares a passionate frustration with Charles in the face of a less-than-beneficial strategy. In particular, Michaela’s second season at McLaren and Charles’ 2022 season with Ferrari brought the two almost infinitely closer as they bonded over not the nicest words vented about their respective teams. In fact, Charles was the one to convince Michaela to take a risk in signing with Aston Martin after the 2022 season, a decision he never lets her forget turned out quite nicely for her driving style.
Aside from their shared tempers, Michaela and Charles spend quite a bit of time together privately, frequently attending tennis matches alongside their partners—and Pierre. Their friendship is a fan favorite though the two rarely publicly outside of Instagram comment sections and press conference giggling.
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Though Lando and Michaela have known each other since 2014 when they both competed in the Ginetta Junior Championships, it wasn’t until their rookie Formula One season that the two exchanged their first words. While Lando fervently claims that Michaela was quite removed from the other drivers in the championship, they both know the hidden truth of Lando’s bashful shyness in the face of the then taller, more competitive Australian. Despite the rocky start to their friendship, their first two seasons in Formula One were marked by a noticeable growth in recurring bits and shared inside jokes. 
That growth was initially spelled out to be a dream pairing for McLaren after they signed Michaela to a two-year contract in 2021. Placing two extraordinarily talented drivers with a rare competitive respect for one another seemed to be the right choice for the papaya team until the two actually began racing during the 2021 season. Disaster for the two drivers quietly drew closer throughout the bulk of their first season as teammates with glimpses of the future lying in terse shoulder checks after particularly competitive races. 
The discord between the two McLaren drivers became clearer in 2022 after Michaela publicly voiced her frustration with their overwhelming support of Lando despite her outperformance of the British driver in all but two races in those two long years. The tension between Michaela and the rest of the team came to a head in Sao Paulo when she was ordered to give way for Lando to pass her into 3rd place so she could defend against Carlos in 5th. Despite begrudgingly following the orders, Lando would collide with Leclerc to receive a penalty and be forced to retire later on with gearbox failure. With a new order to compete for points, Michaela would win the race but be left to celebrate on her own with the rest of the team retiring early to discuss adjustments with Lando. 
After the season closer in Abu Dhabi, Michaela would sign a joint statement with McLaren stating she would not be pursuing another contract with them and would instead be joining Aston Martin. The disastrous season for the Australian only stifled her friendship with Lando who found himself less than happy with the grudge she would hold against him for their entire tenure as teammates. In the two seasons since then, the two have spoken on short occasions in attempts to repair their friendship. Though they seem to be on less bitter terms with one another, their interactions are kept brief in public between tight-lipped smiles and the very rare return of an old joke.
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As the only Australians on the grid until Oscar’s promotion in 2023, Michaela and Daniel bonded over their mutual distaste for English cuisine and endless homesickness. Admittedly a bad influence, Daniel brings out Michaela’s wild side often dragging her along into his X-rated jokes and late-night adventures in the cities they visit.
Though their vibrant friendship is frequently exploited for PR purposes on Drive to Survive and Formula One promotional content on YouTube, the two prefer being matched up together due to their similar energies. Michaela’s image, carefully crafted by her Press Officer Beata, always comes tumbling down as she giggles at Daniel’s shenanigans, letting out the off-color expression with the ease of a wide smile adorning her face. 
The normal tense in her shoulders naturally relaxes whenever Daniel enters the room who is more than aware of his calming effect on the younger Australian. Most recently, the two have attempted to indoctrinate Oscar in their more extroverted ways. Michaela in particular has taken Oscar under her wing at press conferences in her own way of simulating the state of ease Daniel places her in.
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Before 2023, the extent of Carlos and Michaela’s interactions was limited to shared eye rolls across the press conference room and a rare Sommers-faulted crash at the 2021 Canadian Grand Prix. Though fans mourned the lack of interaction between the two favorites, their friendship suddenly burst onto the public radar after Michaela appeared in one of Carlos’ vlogs in early 2024. 
Since that surprise appearance, they’ve been somewhat unsuccessful at hiding their shared camaraderie in the public eye. Giving into the public demand for their interactions, Carlos and Michaela have slowly opened up about their friendship, giving the occasional insight through seemingly empty comments. Though not much is known about just how close the two are, it’s frequently pointed out that Michaela was a guest at Carlos’ sister’s wedding despite not being publicly announced as one. 
Privately, Carlos is possibly Michaela’s closest friend on the grid with Carlos Sr. even musing that he had hoped the two would get together, much to their mutual genuine distaste for the idea. In Michaela’s own words, Carlos is the only driver she trusts with her precious puppy Tilly. Carlos has casually echoed that sentiment claiming that the two push each other to continue to be at the top of their performance, encouraging each other through the roughest of times in both their career and personal lives.
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When Yuki first entered Formula One, there was an unspoken expectation that he would get on quite well with Michaela. Paradoxically, the two bring out the absolute worst in each other. Amongst the glaring jabs thrown at each other in press conferences, there lies an animosity that both intrigues and bewilders everyone in and around the Formula One world.
The discord between the two shortest drivers was placed center-stage through a screaming match in the pits after Yuki spun out of a turn, taking Michaela with him and handing them both a DNF in a critical race for the Australian. Since then, the two racers have done their best to exchange as few words as possible, keeping the strife cold for the sake of their teams’ best interests.
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If you asked the other drivers if they thought Max and Michaela would have gotten along, they all would have responded with resounding dissent. Despite the odds, however, the two have only become parters-in-crime through their time competing against each other. As two naturally ultra-competitive people Michaela and Max have bonded over the pressure they both feel to deliver—admittedly in different ways—every weekend. Though most of that pressure is relieved in late-night rants over the phone, they do find levity in making fun of the press every chance they get. As such, the two are rarely placed next to each other in press conferences unless they’ve finished with a very familiar Verstappen-Sommers podium. 
Max is another driver who’s particularly vocal about his support of Michaela’s “trailblazing”. Though the media frequently attempts to bait him into forced high praise of the Australian driver, he makes it a point to call out journalists who center her gender in a less than well-meaning way. One of the more iconic Mickey and Maxie moments came after Max shut down a reporter fishing for an unflattering story while ignoring her glorious winning finish. 
Off duty, the two spend quite a bit of time together whenever Michaela finds herself in Monaco. Joining him for simulation streams and being pictured spilling their secrets over drinks has led to an abundance of deranged shippers and secret romance rumors. The two find the fun in the rumors, playing up their dynamics when they become aware of fan presence during their private outings. However, they’ve both been more than clear that their friendship is nothing more than that, leaving no room for their partners to be harassed by crazed fans.
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✼. taglist:⠀@evie-119 @lavisenri @doodlehunz @thearchieves @pamacs-macs @hwalllllllelujah @d3kstar @thewannabewriter @vogueprincess @cha-hot @certifiedlesbianbaddie @nichmeddar @bxdbxtxh
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littlemixdaily · 2 years
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Glory Days (Platinum Edition): Back Of Insert - 2017
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reallypheelingit · 24 days
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omg i drew my Shortest Tundra a couple weeks ago, so now it was time to draw my Longest Tundra, Brightsoul!! Big boy hours..He's actually one of the tundras i've had the longest too, from early 2017 omggg. I can't believe I hadn't drawn him in full yet, but better late than never!
Anyway, Brightsoul's a math teacher with a PhD in Calculus! (He's..very overqualified for Florabrisa fdgsfd) hHe does his best to make math fun for the kids of the clan, but his reviews are mixed..he's trying his hardest though and believes in the success of every student, even the ones that fall alseep in class. He also loves doing sudoku and other little logic puzzles like that, and he'll never say no to a good slice of cheesecake c:
also he has really small wings relative to his body size dfgsdf i feel like tundras aren't particularly renowned fliers in the first place tbh so he probably doesn't take to the skies much at all.
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whyse7vn · 7 months
!gc namjoon who has never experienced peace since joining the group
!gc namjoon who feels like being in the group has aged him 50 years
!gc namjoon who despite this would rather drop dead than have not met all of you
!gc namjoon who knows every single member like that back of his hand
!gc namjoon who often worries his members find him boring
!gc namjoon who forced everyone to download life 360 while on tour because you all wouldn’t stop getting lost and it was stressing him out
!gc namjoon who has a fun fact about everything like fr everything its kinda crazy
!gc namjoon who still to this day checks the life 360 app (that thank god none of you have deleted) every morning afternoon and night to make sure everyone is safe
!gc namjoon who has now reconsidered his position on having kids if parenthood is anything like looking after his members you can count him out actually!
!gc namjoon who on one random night in 2017 went to an equally random art gallery on his own “impulsively” and definitely NOT because you briefly mentioned you needed “artsy guy” in your life
!gc namjoon who after the “impulsive” art gallery trip which he actually did enjoy way more than he expected to seemed to have a complete personality shift finding interest and beauty in the smaller and simpler things in life
!gc namjoon who won’t admit this out loud but one of the reasons he hasn’t learnt how to drive yet is because he enjoys the fact that you drive him everywhere, you’ve even given him the silly little nickname of “number one passenger princess” that makes him feel all giddy inside
!gc namjoon who always puts his members first
!gc namjoon who wouldn’t of minded having you as his roommate but when 21 year old jungkook came to him all puppy eyed and nervous asking namjoon if you would like the idea of living with him all joon could do was smile “that’s a great idea kook! i’m sure she’d love it”
!gc namjoon the most patient man you know
!gc namjoon who buys you flowers for every single major holiday without a fail
!gc namjoon who once set you and jungkook’s kitchen on fire
!gc namjoon who has almost asked you to be his girlfriend a total of 5 times so far
!gc namjoon a true gentleman and romantic at heart
!gc namjoon who gets so upset when you refer to him as RM whether it’s a joke or work related it’s joon to you always and forever
!gc namjoon who for every piece of artwork in his home from paintings to poem books can relate said artwork to one of his members, he finds comfort in collecting pieces that remind him of his favourite people
!gc namjoon who genuinely freaks out if the group chat isn’t active at least once everyday
!gc namjoon who went through a really intense gym phase and would genuinely force all his members to wake up at 6 am and go on runs with him. however the whole group run thing only ended up lasting around 3 days turns out yoongi is really not a morning person and jimin surprisingly was (at the time) and that does not mix well !! long story short yoongi punched the shit out of jimin while tae recorded, you and jin laughed, hoseok was on the brink of passing out, jungkook was crying… for some reason? and namjoon was stressed safe to say group runs or work outs never happened again after that and namjoons intense gym bro lifestyle slowly mellowed itself out
!gc namjoon the groups designated decision maker no matter how small all large the issue what joon decides is right and final an unspoken agreement between the members
!gc namjoon who often wonders how you all put so much trust in his words and decisions honestly it scares him a little a LOT
!gc namjoon who hates boba
!gc namjoon who allows you to meal prep for him, he thanks the lord you do this for him actually saving him from having to cook for himself most days
!gc namjoon who is really good a board games
!gc namjoon who talks in his sleep
!gc namjoon who is quite a traditional man
!gc namjoon who doesn’t believe in hookup culture, flings and friend’s with benefits
!gc namjoon who prefers cute dates, long walks and sharing interests
yet !gc namjoon who lets you lead him into an empty room away from the obnoxiously loud party thrown for jungkooks 24th(?) birthday
!gc namjoon who from then on lets you steal kisses from him
moments with him
!gc namjoon who doesn’t believe in “casual”
!gc namjoon who can’t do “casual”
!gc namjoon who is aware of his feelings and of everyone’s feelings
!gc namjoon who knows his members like the back of his hand
he knows their realising their own feelings
each others too
he knows jaehyun was a wake up call not just to him but to everyone
!gc namjoon who knows he’s running out of time
!gc namjoon who wishes he was selfish
wishes he was an asshole
a self serving piece of shit
who wishes he could just shout from the rooftops how utterly obsessed and fuck he’ll admit it at this point in love with you he is
he wishes that he could love you without hurting others
!gc namjoon who has become a casual in your life
a casual kiss
a casual fuck
a casual dinner
casual moments
!gc namjoon who has become accustomed to being your romantic casual because despite initially not believing in the concept namjoon is more than willing to throw away all his morals and beliefs if it means he gets to have you hold him for a night, kiss him for a night, be with him for a night
namjoon is willing to do pretty much anything and everything to be a part of your life, a temporary go to, name it and he’ll fill that role no questions asked
kim namjoon is willing to be
your casual.
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp
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