#literally jumped for joy
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despazito · 6 months ago
Basils #1 fan in the entire world is a little bichon mix named peanut
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siriusly-the-best-bi · 2 years ago
guys the kiss was so important especially from a narrative and storytelling perspective because it was literally Crowley taking everything that's happened between them, every unsaid intention and every unspoken promise, and making it physical.
He's taking their arrangement and every other bullshit excuse they've ever used to hide how they feel about each other and throwing them out the window to put their feelings into an undeniable physical action that holds a lot of meaning to humans in order to be absolutely sure that Aziraphale knows exactly what he means when he says "we could have been Us." He wants to be absolutely sure that there are no misunderstandings between them and know that Azirphale will be committing to this decision with absolute reassurance that he's been understood and rejected anyway.
he's taking a human action with so much meaning and so much importance, and he's using it as a way to desperately make Aziraphale completely and undeniably aware of what he's stating. No more charades and no more lies or cover-ups. There's no denying this thing between them now, and Crowley did it the human way. Because he and Aziraphale love humanity and it's everything to them in their own ways.
There's a reason we saw a kiss between Crowley and Aziraphale, and not Gabriel and Beelzebub, despite them both being undeniable foils.
and really if you just think about that isn't it so god damned beautiful?
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theooo-saurus · 5 months ago
he make the cards go boom💥💥
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for the drawing meme kabedon timbern
<3 basalting
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PoV: Your friend makes you bingewatch her favourite Shojo shows with her, so to annoy her you fake flirt and mimic a Kabedon
Except. Except did his eyes always have that glimmer in them?
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fatuismooches · 3 months ago
A compilation of a few notes in no particular order written by two odd scholars found by the Traveler on their journey throughout Sumeru. Some of the words have been crossed out or lost to time, making them illegible.
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Forgotten Note (found in the desert inside a huge Ruin Golem)
[A page torn from someone's notebook that seems to be hastily written and forgotten.]
... I can't believe what I've just witnessed. We spent DAYS traveling out here to the desert because Zandik wanted to tinker with that huge robot for ages. Me too of course, but that's not the point. Here he was just a few moments ago, brimming with excitement at being able to pilot it. It was cute...
... And then not even a minute later, he was hunched over, clutching his stomach and mouth. I was initially concerned, but he merely waved me off and began writing at the speed of light, still holding back the urge to throw up. And that's when I realized this fool was ███-███...
... Zandik was going to give it one more go but I quickly stopped him. I wasn't about to have him getting sicker than he already was. Tried to fight me on it but he was dizzy enough to take himself out. He's currently grumbling at me in the corner, but he'll get over it...
... Silly man, he let me put his head on my lap while he rested. Good thing I packed some light snacks... but note to self: for the foreseeable future, don't let Zandik into any kind of transportation. Hopefully, he'll outgrow it one day though...
Zandik's Note (found on the edge of Sumeru near Fontaine)
[A short note containing idle thoughts - the lack of importance may have caused it to be discarded.]
... There is an area in the desert that provides a clear and close view of the neighboring nation, Fontaine. [Name] insisted on showing me it as we happened to be close by...
... I'm not particularly interested in that land, but there are some things that may be worth looking into. [Name], however, wants to get academic leave to do some research there - more truthfully, they want to try out the macarons. How typical of them...
I suppose it's not the worst idea. They are an excellent partner, plus the extra ███ would be useful for my ███ research, and I'd make sure those people would never know...
... Regardless, there's no rush. Perhaps one day we can go...
[Name]'s Observation Log - Page 34-35 (found in the rainforest inside a tree hollow)
[A page torn from an observation log wedged deep inside a tree, preserving a little bit of its contents - it seems the writer wanted to hide it.]
... Day 1 of my first expedition with Zandik. Of course, every course comes with a dreaded group project but I am happy to be paired with him. Zandik, however, not so much. He's barely spoken to me the whole time. Well, he barely speaks to anyone in general, guess that's part of the reason other students refer to him as ███ ███. But I literally live with him, don't I deserve some special privilege?...
... Day 2 of my first expedition with Zandik. I looked a bit at his notes last night so I could start drafting the research report, but then he snatched them away when he noticed. He's extra grumpy at me now. I wonder what kind of things he writes about...
... Day 3 of my first expedition with Zandik. We've gotten a lot of stuff done but he seems far more interested in ███ than looking at plants. There's this one ruin in the distance he keeps eyeing. I bet if I wasn't here, he'd be there. If I present him with a ███ ███ of each type, would he finally talk to me? Hmm, that'd be hard to hide from the sages though...
... Day 4 of my first expedition with Zandik. I lied and said there was a better spot to get samples and brought him to that ruin. Long story short and after a lot of annoyed Zandik later, we made it in. When the killing machines awakened, it seemed he had a bright idea and had begun instructing me to hit them in a very precise way. Well, he certainly knows how to use someone efficiently... After all of that, all of a sudden he had found his voice and began shooting off orders to fetch this tool or that textbook and so on. Never got a thank you but he compensated with some loud, excited mumbles...
... Day 5 of my first expedition with Zandik. Thanks to Zandik actually doing his share of the work, we finished the fieldwork quickly. I showed him what I had so far and he seemed pleasantly surprised, although his expression was still flat. As we worked, he wasn't as talkative as he was yesterday, but the silence wasn't awkward like before. Well, as long as I get paired with Zandik, I think I'll survive this semester, and it'll be a bonus if he warms up to me. Speaking of warming up to me, Zandik wants to come back to the ruin we went to yesterday - with me too!!!!! It'll be our little secret that no one will find out. I think I got on his good side a bit, he looks cute when he's smiling. His teeth are even sharper up close.....
Nearly Torn Note (found inside an ancient book in the House of Daena)
[A small paper that has nearly been ripped in half, but some of the words are still cohesive.]
... I ███ them. Why are they here? I told them I did not need help, nor was I interested in assisting them. But they're here anyway. Of course they are. When are they not? Is there ever a moment when they're not constantly chirping in my ear? No, of course not. I'm ███ to live with them after all...
... With their ███ smell wafting through the dorm after a shower, or the scent of their cooking that they specially make ███ ███...
... Their stupid voice is prattling away right now, and I ███ how I do ███ find it irritating. My mind seems to automatically ███ ███ anything their ███ mouth says...
... I found their touch repulsive, but now I ███ for them to...
... There is something wrong with ███...
[At the bottom lays a tiny doodle of someone, presumably the person who occupied Zandik's mind, and has been intensely scratched off.]
Collaborative Note (found in an old camp near the woods)
[An abandoned note that appears to be written by two people. The top half is messily written and smudged thanks to the large amount of ink spills and blots. The second half is neater but the writer seems to have given up.]
... My ███ is a ███. Thanks to ███ help, we were able to acquire numerous ███ to help with the ███ ███. Were it not for them, there could have been a great ███ in my ███...
...Alright, that's it. Zandik is banned from writing notes now. I'm drawing the line. I bought five pens with us, and he has broken four of them so far. It's barely been a few hours! I still don't know how he does it- okay well now he's tapping me impatiently to write down his thoughts. Best get on it before he breaks this one and starts using ███ as ink...
...After a series of ███ were conducted, it has been concluded that it may be ███ for a ███ ███ to be ███-███. Wait... all the ink is on my hand now! And it smudged more!! Ugh!!!...
... I'm going to start forcing him to wear gloves... he's getting his inked hands all over me... at least we can shower ███!...
Paimon and the Traveler reviewed the notes they found contemplatingly - it was definitely not all of them, considering how hidden many of them were - but they found themselves oddly intrigued by the multitude of notes left by these two characters. Paimon was more interested in the love story part.
"You know, Paimon's not too sure... she's getting some mixed vibes from Zandik here... he seems kind of a big meanie to [Name] to be honest!" The Traveler watched in amusement as Paimon got grumpy on your behalf.
"... But he does seem to lighten up sometimes. Maybe he's not as bad as we think. Guess we can't piece together their relationships just from some notes, eh?"
"Well, Paimon thinks they seemed like a cute couple, well, minus for some things. Mostly, um... Zandik's oddness which you can't really excuse but I guess it's okay because they're long dead! Still, [Name] sure had strange taste in men..."
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curdledmilkk · 1 year ago
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nine of swords for the @founders-tarot-zine
I’m so lucky to have been able to participate in a collaboration with a dear friend and muse (who wrote a beautiful fic to pair with this drawing)! So happy to create something together after all this time, and if you haven’t read her fics yet then I highly suggest checking them out.
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nai418 · 24 days ago
Punch-Out!! In the Super Mario Bros. Movie
Since I’m ill and this fandom has nothing I tried to find all of the Punchy cameos in the SMB movie (Even the leaked images from the concept art, lmao) and I’m not sure if anyone has posted these already but I want these guys on my blog so yea.
This is gonna be a long post so just open the cut for the rest of the images (PS. A lot of these are going to be in terrible quality so look at them from afar if you want)
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So first of all, the Punch-Out!! Pizzeria! I would eat here in a heartbeat (Also I just noticed the continuity error with the bicycle, weird)
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On the same wall of the entrance door is supposedly Mac’s stuff, or maybe replicas? There are also framed photos of (bottom left to right) I’m gonna assume Aran for some reason, Doc Louis, Bull (Seemingly his “Does anyone else dare to challenge me!?” pose), Sandman who’s above him, Disco beside “Mac’s gloves,” Little Mac himself, the one in the small yellow frame I can’t make out but beside the clock is Don.
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Mac, Mac and Doc, and an article of Mac (The header reads “Little Mac,” and the little photo down there is Bear Hugger.)
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Portrait of Doc biking.
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The one and only Glass Joe :) He’s super cute in this photo
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Title Defense Joe, you can tell by the headgear
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Lil Mac and Joe staring each other down lol. The referee is here as well but he looks somewhat younger?
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Should be TD Kaiser
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Kaiser and Disco in color! (Wow look at that quality.)
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Kaiser and Don fighting…
Unfortunately I couldn’t find any Hippo photos as iconic as he is :/
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Piston and Bull in a match, it’s hard to make out the second one but Hondo seems to be struggling there
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I couldn’t find any Tiger portraits either
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Don frames! He looks really cool in the second one, I love his smug face (Punch Out fans (me) will say this and it’s the blurriest shit ever.)
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Of course we have Aran looking as devious as ever. What even is the stance in the first one
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I can only assume it’s Soda in the second image that Mac is fighting because the opponent is pretty tall and looks Pretty Bald, but I can’t say because I don’t think that’s a speedo he’s wearing…?
No Macho images! I’m surprised, you’d think he’d be hogging up the cameras. If he went to this place he’d be pissed there’s not a big fancy portrait of himself.
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And Sandman! Looks less bulky in the last image but that’s definitely him. He looks pretty happy?
And lastly these three which I can’t make out who’s in them for the life of me:
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The first one looks like Mac fighting… someone, but who else is shorter than him?
I’m pretty bummed about the one on the very bottom it looks like there’s about 4 people (I think Kaiser is one of them, the second to the left seems to have a mustache and his contender haircut) but it’s really blurry so I can’t make it out ~_~
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submerge-in-reverie · 7 months ago
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what the fuck... is this allowed? is that allowed??
please click for better quality :,)
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veradragonjedi · 4 months ago
Michael pumpkin :)
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I love him [ID in ALT]
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dawntainbobbynash · 10 months ago
“Bobby delves deep into memories of his childhood, unearthing moments from his fractured past”
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celestial-werewolf · 3 months ago
SCREAMING ‼️❕‼️❕‼️❕‼️❕‼️❕‼️
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mipexch · 1 year ago
so happy...
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hawkfuller · 2 years ago
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we've got chemistry, we either gonna kiss each other or headbutt each other, and you never know what. phil is disgustingly talented, he can sing, he can dance, he can do frontflips, he can act, he can do comedy, he can do sound effects, he can play football very well... there's really nothing he can't do, other than believe in himself enough. (x)
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feligayzed · 4 months ago
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I SCREAMED. also the cutest doodle on this planet earth GUHHH I am SICK!!! /pos
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ulyuxe · 2 months ago
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new seth dickinson book soon... never kill yourself
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xiaeom · 1 month ago
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recent cms ^^
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