#literally incredible men.
rosefires20 · 4 months
My brainrot today is thinking about just how incredible for a character Eowyn is.
Genuinely. The series might not have many female characters but the ones we do get go so fucking hard.
To me, Eowyn is literally the definition of defining being a woman for oneself. She rejects the roles she is given despite acknlowdging the importance and its mostly because she knows part of the reason is that she is a woman.
The reason why she is obsessed with Aragorn isn't because she loves him but because she wants what he has. She wants the freedom and courage and bravery that Aragorn has at every turn. She literally has multiple conversations during the Two Towers about how what she fears most is a cage. All this girl wants is the freedom to be and not be forced into a role. The best thing is that she literally gets that.
The segment of Return of the King about Eowyn and Faramir is literally about her piecing together what she truly wants. She doesn't want Aragorn. She wants freedom and the ability to choose. Faramir does nothing but encourage that in her. Their love story is literally one of the healthiest love stories I've seen in a long time because at the heart of it, their love is a place to return home to for both parties. Both go off to lead and help their people for a considerable amount of time before returning to each other but that does not diminish their bond. Even Faramir, I believe, falls in love with her bravery and dedication to her loved ones. The reason she went to Pelenor Fields and Gondor with the troops of Rohan was because she had things she wanted to fight for. She wanted to fight for herself, her people, and her loved ones. She is the one who protects Theoden after he is killed so that his body gets the treatment it deserves. She encourages Merry and helps him go to the battle because she sees her struggle in Merry. They feel helpless standing around when there are things to be doing.
Let's also not forget the fact that she was around Grima Wormtounge just as much as the King was. She was exposed to the same poison and awful words that eroded the king. It's even implied that her care for him is part of the reason why Theoden was savable when Gandalf showed up. She had the same power and bravery as everyone else even if she didn't see it in herself.
Then at the end of the day, SHE decides where she wants to go and what path she wants to walk. She walked the path of a warrior. The path of a princess/ruler. The path of a caretaker. But in the end she decides which elements truly mean something to her outside of gender definitions. That is what makes her character so incredible to me. In this she literally kills one of the biggest enemies in that battle with such a badass line.
#i could talk for ages about how i see the struggle of defining being a woman for oneself in her#she rejects the feminine roles given to her but she also doesnt quite want the masculine ones#she just wants the freedom to choose and have the same respect that men are given#she doesnt want to be belitted because she is a woman#thats literally what Faramir gives her and why she stays with him#Faramir loves her for her not anything else#he respects her as she does him#i am someone who is a woman but rejects the definitons of being a woman because they are toxic and caging#all i want is the freedom and respect of being a HUMAN being#i lend more masculine because that is where that freedom is more often but i also see how toxic that relam is too#niether side is good which is why i choose my own path and defintiom#the fact that eowyn gets such a similar story in a series written by a man in the mid 1900s is incredible#i am someone who would love to have more female characters but i do not want them at the expense of them being proper characters and humans#ive read a lot of fantasy women do not always get the agency they deserve#i would rather take fewer well written women then a bunch of poorly written female characters#lotr has that#eowyn arwen and galadriel are all given agency and the space to be their own individuals which makes them incredible characters#thats what i want out of books and ficition#god im making myself insane about my own thoughts lol#i could talk for ages im not kidding#eowyn#eowyn of rohan#lotr#lotr rambling#lord of the rings#the two towers#the return of the king
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hey there kids want to read the truest description of X-Men ever given
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sophrxsynes · 2 months
remember back in the rcdart era of tumblr when drawing fetishistic hyperfeminine caricatures of trans men with huge tits and hips and snatched waists and womens lingerie and makeup and pussies out got you ran off the site. now it's completely encouraged and is the default way people portray trans men and if you have a problem with it suddenly you're the monster. normal pro trans website great allyship
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transmascissues · 2 years
it’s wild to me that someone can tell a story about a cis man being transphobic to a trans man and then come to the conclusion that the moral of the story is “men are vile”. like, there are two men in this story and one of them is literally the victim of it. how do you think that helps him?
just goes to show that even people who truly want to support the trans men in their life are so deep in the “all men are evil” brain rot that they end up both demonizing the trans man by demonizing manhood and misgendering the trans man by talking about “men” as a group that everyone else is meant to understand he doesn’t belong to.
so much of tiktok (and the internet in general) is just a deeply depressing case study of what happens when you spend the formative years of your life believing that the thesis of feminism is “men bad” and not, like, “all people deserve liberation from gender hierarchies and equal opportunities to thrive”.
“men bad” rhetoric will absolutely never help the trans men in your life; if anything, it’ll just hurt them. so maybe, if you actually give a shit about trans men, leave that rhetoric in the past, especially when you’re specifically talking about a trans man.
cis men are not abusive toward trans men because they’re men and men are evil. cis men are abusive toward trans men because they’re cis and have power over us which they can and will use to assert their place above us in the gender hierarchy. cis women do this too because it’s not something innate to manhood that drives that behavior, it’s the power-hunger of cisness.
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criscura · 3 months
Not apologizing for the meme made on my camera app LITERALLY i can't focus on any of his scenes because of this
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Why. Why is he Like That. Why did they draw him like that. Why in 30+ episodes has it never been addressed ONCE
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bywandandsword · 14 days
I'm also eagerly awaiting the day that we don't start off the semester with a publication by Boas or Malinowski. Sure, read their stuff in a theory class, get a basis for how anthropology theory developed, but in every other class? For fucks sake, there has certainly been better introductory writings on these topics since 1926, you know?
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transsexula · 3 months
Theres a very weird movement going on here, where if you mention issues related to men, you are automatically labeled an MRA.
In all honesty, it makes sense with what feminist theory has been clipped off after t*rfs got their hands on the "feminist" title and ran it through the mud. Because to them- men are evil. Masculinity is evil. Specifically trans men are evil gender traitors who want nothing more than a slice of the patriarchy pie.
Where is the space now in progressive/feminist circles for men? Especially queer men? Men who have BEEN feminists, who have been active politically, in their communities and homes- where is the space for them? What happened to stronger together? When did the mass begin adopting t*rf talking points? When did feminism as a whole become centered on those talking points?
Like. I AM allowed to talk about the issues I face in a heteronormative cis-centric society plagued with patriarchal views. That shit affects me deeply! I talk about it on my blog. In my own space. I also uplift the voices of others- especially women, and fem-aligned people. It's important to have connections with all sorts of people- it makes me feel more whole, both in the personal connections, and the connections made through works of art, books, etc.
It is frightening to watch the community splinter apart as the looming threat of a Trump term is happening. It feels like being in a crowd, helping everyone into a safe zone and reaching for a hand up- only to be left behind and closed out as the zombie hoard closes in.
Under pressure, things begin to break down. But we really need to do our best to mend the splintering, to fill the cracks and seems and divides. Because otherwise, their next step is "Conquer" and I don't want to see that for us.
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florallylly · 4 months
stobin as me and bestie (who i am now woefully ACROSS THE COUNTRY from ....) who have regular chili's dates and get disgustingly drunk off mango presidente margaritas and green tea shots. the only food ordered is the dip trio (shared) (white queso, regular queso, guac) (we are both lactose intolerant).
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q-morning-crew · 9 months
fitpac, "roommates" who don't actually live together 🤝 curtwen, "partners" who work in two different organisations
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bisexualamy · 1 month
my sister got married yesterday in the chabad shul we grew up in and it was a lovely wedding and i'm excited to have a brother (never had one before) but ALSO i need everyone to know that, after attending this shul for over a decade regularly and another decade intermittently (when i'm back to see my parents) i thought i'd found every picture of the Rebbe they'd hung up but i discovered, at 9pm after a long day full of wedding, while putting the chuppah away, that he does in fact also watch over us from the supply closet
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rpfisfine · 3 months
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javier bardem has the most insane side profile ever
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Nothing angers me more right now than the Christianization of gender
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the-daily-male · 1 year
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Today's daily male is HoTGuY (GoodTimesWithScar) from Hermitcraft!
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landfilloftrash · 11 months
If I told you there was a series of games created before I was born, developed by Capcom, and that I was obsessed with a pairing of middle aged men within; The pairing being comprised of a someone around a decade or so older than the younger, lighter colored hair, stern and serious with a very deadpan sense of humor, along with “this is my job. I shall do it perfectly” demeanor about his work— very cat-coded in general, if you can think it, it will most probably apply— and the younger being very a determined brunette with firm morals who goes toe to toe with the older man and is frequently one of the only ones who can do so with their hell-bent insistence to do good and defend those who cannot, no matter the cost, who is quite dog-coded in reverse. They spend a few years in each other’s company, learning about each other (even if it’s at a distance and professionally) and then. Something happens. The older one of the pair betrays the brunette — his strings being pulled by a higher power, but it does not excuse him— and in the process reveals a cowardly and vengeful side after the event, causing the entirety of the franchise we play to happen. And then only a bit later in the storyline, one murdered the other, in cold but passioned blood, because destiny deemed it this way and they only heed the call of it. And whether or not it was intentional, leaving said murdered man’s child an orphan completely alone in the world as a side effect. For years after the event, they are satisfied with what happened, if burdened by guilt. But they were right to do so, weren’t they? They proceed to be metaphorically haunted by the man they killed for the rest of their life, however. And that will come to a head for them.
Now… am I talking about Chrisker (Chris Redfield/Albert Wesker), or Shingou (Mitsurugi Shin/Karuma Gou) ?
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laugtherhyena · 7 months
Kizuna comphet lesbian is a headcanon that you'll need to chop off my hands if you wanna take it from me
#look i know that this sounds borderline unbelievable when you think of Kizuna at face value but hear me out#has Kizuna ever show genuine attraction towards men?#she flirts and goes around with guys for what they can give her (money. gifts. protection. etc) the story makes that incredibly clear#because she was taught by her mother + the environment she grew up in that it's men who are gonna give her the things she wants#and girls are “competition” of sorts#and I know there's her interactions with Yuki in her FTEs#but Kizuna gets bothered that he's not falling for her advances not because she genuinely likes him#but because she wants to get something out of him. like she does with literally every other guy#when he doesn't fall for it she takes that as an insult because of how normal he is in comparison#to other guy's she's gotten wrapped around her finger. she's mad that he didn't fall for her trap not that he doesn't like her back#the FTEs make that clear#and while there are some other lines from the final FTEs and that extra one you get from giving her a specific item#they read to me more like a mixture of Kizuna trying to leave her old habits and her teasing/messing with Yuki#like i REALLY can't see those as genuine romantic attraction#and that's saying something because as much as i dislike Ayame's final FTEs her talk with Yuki there feels more like a genuine crush/romance#than the ones Kizuna has with him in her final FTEs. you know what I'm saying?#anyways. that's the ramble for today 🥰#dra#danganronpa another#kizuna tomori#hyena ramblings
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shopcat · 6 months
turns anon off. i think one aspect of the reason there are intolerably endless amounts of gay and even bi transmascs who claim to not be able to like character who is a woman and use every reason under the sun to justify this, from "i just can't relate to them" to "the writers themselves don't like them so why should i, they're written badly and don't deserve the effort", and additionally, the implication that in order to Enjoy a Character you must be capable of being attracted to them And also be plain attracted to them (which only ever applies to women for some reason, I Wonder Why, and also is a weird mindset to have regardless about anything in the world forever) is because they, AS transmascs with a flawed mindset, particularly with baby transes, are so used to rejecting femininity and some sort of nebulous concept of womanhood that it comes to the point where women are now entirely unrelatable, entirely useless to you as they serve no purpose, entirely unable to be empathised with or liked and entirely unable to exist as people, reduced to nothing and left behind with the "girl clothes" you threw away or whatever.
they're operating under the notion that to be transmasc is to reject being a girl or a woman, and in one foul swoop reject everything about them and everything that may encapsulate that, and fail to see how this is not only obviously some very surface level unsubtextual misogyny, but also absolutely ridiculous and childish and Wrong as a mindset (and somehow fail to see how negative of one it is in the first place... being trans is about embracing what makes you happier and more comfortable, not soullessly rejecting something else). they don't WANT to engage with female characters, they don't fucking care!!!
and to be clear i hold absolutely no sympathy for people who hide behind their own dysphorias and misgivings and identities in order to absolve themselves of having to actually care about women in any substantial way, esp the ones who cling onto the gay/bi identity before anything else bc it provides them some sort of euphoria and then clouds their judgement entirely and leads to situations where people genuinely say "i think the reason i can't relate to women is because im gay (and don't want to fuck them)", and i refuse to sympathise with little boys who refuse to grow the fuck up.
i also think this is particularly important just to note, bc like yeah i'm talking about fictional women here, but it's no surprise to me when these men and boys turn out to be raging misogynists irl, recreate meninism and harbour unquestionable transmisogyny, all bc they've normalised this way of thinking whilst victimising and infantilising themselves at the same time so that they can't be criticised. i would be deeply ashamed if i had the lived experience of a woman in any way, shared everything in common with them that we do and actively chose to turn my back on them. you don't grow misogyny the second you try out he/him pronouns but these idiots sure act like it. if you as a transmasc cannot at all find it in yourself to want to relate to or share experiences with or even just plain like and love and respect women you need to seriously examine why, doubly so for anyone who IS attracted to them in some way for some very obvious reasons.
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