#literally all i wanted for my birthday was to stay home and not go anywhere and i come out of my room and BOOM people in my house
hdmiports · 6 months
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feefivefoe · 1 month
Please can we hear your thoughts on what Bruce does/thinks when being confronted with his neglect by Jason (and maybe the other boys too)??
Thank you, and have a nice day!
Bruce is the one I have the hardest time characterizing tbh.
I think his first reaction would be denial? He hasn't been the best father, but even he wouldn't go as far as to forget his own chi...
Oh my god he doesn't know how old you are. You were...you were older than Tim but younger than Dick, he thinks.
When was your birthday?
Did he ever give you a birthday party?
What wing of the manor did you sleep in?
Where were you right now?
Unlike Tim who starts the unofficial search, Bruce heads right to the batcave to find your official records. Social security number. If you worked anywhere or has anyplace legal to stay, you'd have to input that. He's ashamed he has to go through a government database to find it, rather than simply knowing it.
And just like Tim, he finds nothing. Which scares him beyond belief. Had he lost you already? Did he actually forget about one of his children and then unknowingly replace them? Was he actually guilty of what Jason had accused him of years ago, albeit to a different child?
In reality, you're living solely through cash. Plenty of individuals are eager to avoid paying all their taxes, and are thrilled to accept cash only payments on your rent, or paycheck. Legally, you haven't done anything since graduating high school.
Not necessarily hiding from them, per say, as you don't think they'd go looking, but just because you don't want to be known as a Wayne.
And god, there is so much guilt, fear, and anguish rolling around inside that man. He needs to find out where you are, and if you're okay, and if anybody had done anything to you.
He swears if they have, he'll rip the motherfucker to pieces-
No. That isn't going to help. So instead he checks every reported death within not only Gotham, but any city within a 50 mile radius. For the last 10 years.
As well hidden as you are, nobody can hide from Batman while he's concentrating every effort to find you.
He's hesitant to bring you home at first. How can he call himself your father after forgetting you for your whole time living with him? But his regard for your safety eventually wins out. Until then, you just get a concerning amount of money just...stashed in your apartment??? What the fuck??????
Dick also feels a lot of guilt, but he somewhat subconsciously channels that into abundant overeagerness. Instead of focusing on how many important moments he missed...that he can never get back with his first baby sibling...
...ah, he should focus on all the memories you can make going forward! He has to take you to all his favorite spots, and you take him to yours!
What interests do you have? Are you a go to the aquarium person? Family movie night? Spa night? Just having fun with everyone at dinner? He has to do these things with you! And then you'll be his family again, and he'll love you, and you'll love him-
In spirit, he shows up outside your door like Damian. But he is self aware enough to know that'd freak you out, so instead he 'coincidentally' shows up at your work...in the bad side of town...and his attitude definitely gives away it was planned.
He messes up your "I'm a nobody like all of you" persona you'd spent years cultivating, and by the time he leaves, all your coworkers and customers know that you're Dick Grayson's sibling...which means Bruce Wayne's child, but he likes saying you're related to him more.
Tim doesn't give a fuck at first, like I established. It really is a game to see if he can find you before anybody else does. When he loses that to Bruce (damn it-), he decides he'll just know you BETTER than the others to win.
So he starts literally stalking you and making a psyche profile, like you're a case rather than his sibling. Any interest you've ever listed in your social media is cross checked with any belongings of yours. Merch or posters? Songs you listen to? Any of that content, he consumes as well. He's going to need conversation topics with you.
I'm not entirely sure if he actually loves you as family, or if you're just a hyperfixation that's consistently buzzing at his brain. It's like he wants to dissect, then digest you. Pick you apart piece by piece so he sees every last skin cell, then make that information a part of him
Though, he'd claim it's the former. To him, there's no discernable difference.
He's the one who meets you at your hobbies. Claims an online friend brought it up, but hey, it's crazy to see you again!
Even though it's your first conversation...maybe ever?
He's chatting to you like you haven't been estranged your whole life.
And the look in the eye is...a little unnerving.
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pokado8 · 4 months
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Happy Birthday!
summary: what they do and how they spend your birthday with you <3
warnings: none
a/n: thought of this since today is my birthday!
Kuroo Tetsurou, Kotarou Bokuto, Shouyou Hinata, & Kenma Kozume
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Kuroo Tetsurou
✿ Kuroo wants to make sure you have the best birthday ever
✿ he’ll throw you a surprise party and everything. He just wants you to have a good time
✿ first Kuroo will take you out to go get breakfast and you guys talk about what you have to do for that day
✿ meanwhile your friends and his friends from nekoma and karasuno are at your house decorating and getting everything set up
✿ once you and Kuroo get done with breakfast he takes you shopping so you can get some things that you want he’s paying ofc
✿ if you try to tell him that you don’t want anything or that you’ll pay for yourself he will not stand for it. He will literally force his card into the employee’s hands
✿ he’ll go with you to get your hair and nails done for your birthday so you can look all nice and pretty pls let him pick out a nail color he just wants to be helpful 😭
✿ when you’re done yaku texts him that everything is ready and to bring you home. When you get there your friends all jump out and scream happy birthday
✿ everyone plays games and eats some food and cake
✿ after the party when everyone has left Kuroo gives you your gift from him after much teasing on his part
✿ it’s a photo book full of pictures from when you two started dating and some that are pretty recent. If you look at him you can obviously see a light pink tint on his cheeks indicating that he was nervous.
✿ if you tease him about this he’ll either get defensive and playfully tell you off or admit that the reason he’s blushing is because he was nervous. No in between
Bokuto Kotarou
✿ now Bokuto is special. He will force you to stay over at his house the night before your birthday and sing you happy birthday knowing it’s not 12 yet
✿ he just loves you so much he wants to wish you a early happy birthday
✿ once it’s finally 12 bokuto will hug and kiss you so much you feel like your face and body might go numb
✿ he’s so energetic you have to tell him to save his energy for earlier in the day and to go to sleep with you
✿ when you guys wake up and do your routine bokuto is glued to you. Anywhere you go he’s going too. Bathroom? Okay, he had to go too. Kitchen? Alright, let’s make breakfast. Going back to sleep? Hmm well fine, he could use the extra few minutes.
✿ kind of like Kuroo, Bokuto will get some of his and your friends to come hang out with you for your birthday
✿ you guys might go out to eat or something and celebrate there
✿ wants everyone to know it’s your birthday and will make sure they know too. He got you one of those award ribbons saying ‘birthday girl’, ‘birthday boy’, or ‘it’s my birthday!’ And yes you have to wear it
✿ when you guys get some alone time Bokuto’s demeanor will change from playful and energetic to serious. The shift is crazy and it will catch you off guard
✿ but anyway he’ll tell you how much he loves and appreciates you and how he really hopes that you had fun for your birthday
✿ he’ll give you a handmade bracelet or necklace and some snacks cuz he’s not very good at gift giving
✿ he hopes that him making the jewelry was okay instead of him buying it. He just wanted to get you something more meaningful
Hinata Shouyou
✿ Hinata is literally bouncing off the walls
✿ he so excited for your birthday dare I say more excited than you
✿ he doesn’t know what to do but he’ll just do whatever you wanna do
✿ if you stayed over at his house then he’s waking you up with soft gentle kisses on your face, but if you didn’t then he’s the first one to tell you happy birthday once it hits 12
✿ you guys are doing everything for your birthday. Maybe even things you haven’t even tried
✿ Hinata will take you out for a little walk while holding hands with you as you talk about what plans you have for today
✿ you’ll go get some ice cream and maybe even share one together if Hinata is feeling a little bold
✿ after ice cream you guys go to get some food and talk. Hinata might even ask force you to play volleyball with him if the conversation steers towards that direction
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends or family then that’s your next stop after he absolutely crushes you in volleyball. He’s like the loudest one singing happy birthday
✿ like bokuto, Hinata is glued to you the whole day and he won’t let you go. He’s like a little puppy following you around everywhere you go
✿ for your gift Hinata made you this little diy box full of cute pictures you took at the photo booth and some cute keychains, charms, and plushies
✿ after he gives you your gifts you guys eat some cake and watch movies
Kenma Kozume
✿ kenma is pretty laidback for your birthday. Although he wants to make sure you have fun he also doesn’t want to overwhelm or overstimulate you with so much stuff
✿ he invites you to stay the night the day before your birthday under the guise of ‘playing video games’ when in reality he just wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday
✿ both of you stay up for hours and when it’s 12 kenma pauses his game, turns to you while having a small smile on his face, and says “happy birthday, [name]” with the softest voice ever. Depending on how brave he’s feeling he just might give you a quick kiss on the lips
✿ if there’s something that you specifically want to do that day kenma is all for it. Even if it’s something physically demanding
✿ when you both wake up he cuddles into you some more while softly talking to you as to not break the peacefulness of the room
✿ kenma will do his best to make breakfast for you but don’t expect it to be top tier cooking because he’s not really the best at it
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends and family then you guys will bake your cake together.
✿ kenma will take you to the beach later on in the day so he can have some more alone time with you. If you want to he’ll even dip his feet into the water with you (doesn’t have to be the beach it can be anywhere just someplace that isn’t very populated/crowded)
✿ when it’s time kenma will sing you happy birthday as another surprise although it would most likely take a great deal of persuasion from Kuroo for him to even consider doing it
✿ he’ll be so nervous while singing it and if you tease him about it kenma will lovingly tell you to shut up and that the only reason he did it was because it was your birthday
✿ when kenma thinks it’s an appropriate time he’ll give you your gift which was a cherry blossom tree lego set and some ramen with a heartfelt message. Like Bokuto he really isn’t good at gift giving
✿ he’s so nervous when gifting them to you. His hands are superglued to his pockets while you examine your gift. If you tell him you like it then he’ll be really happy and you both will spend the rest of the day putting together your cherry blossom tree
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reblogs are appreciated!
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Kinktober (reuploaded)
Forced Orgasms (Matt)
Request: handcuffing & blindfolding matt on his birthday. his gift is reader herself. she goes down on him & whispers filthy things in his ear. putting her boobs in his face. riding him. but he can't see or touch the entire time. so he gets so overwhelmed out of pleasure & all that?
Warnings: smut, use of handcuffs/vibrator/blindfold, minimal squirting, daddy kink, idk what else to put lol
Matt’s pov
Today was our 20th birthday, it was Sunday morning and I woke up to the smell of vanilla and coconut. It was Y/n, our hometown best friend who now lives near us in LA, I’d know her smell anywhere. See, I may or may not have a huge crush on her, so I was pleasantly surprised to be woken up by her. “Good morning Matthew, happy birthday!” she said excitedly as I rolled over in bed, “Don’t call me Matthew” I groaned into my pillow. “C’mon get up! Me, Madi, and Laura have a surprise for you guys, go brush your teeth” she tried pulling me up but failed, “Okay fine” I agreed, getting up and going to brush my teeth.
She covered my eyes as we walked downstairs to the living room, I heard Nick complaining to Madi when we got there and assumed we were just waiting on Chris. I was right as a couple of minutes later we heard Chris come upstairs and all of our eyes were uncovered “Surprise!” we heard a bunch of people say. It was our parents, Justin, and Nate, that was a really good surprise. We walked over and hugged everyone, thanking Laura, Y/n, and Madi afterwards because they knew we missed everyone. We had a pretty chill day, going out for a late lunch around 4pm because our parents and Justin were jet lagged as fuck. Nate was staying with us and he wasn’t really that tired anyways.
We got home around 6:30pm, Madi, Y/n, and obviously, Nate came back with us. I felt like everyone knew something that I didn’t because Chris and Nate kept smirking at me while Y/n, Nick, and Madi kept whispering shit to each other. I was confused but I just ignored it, chilling for an hour and a half before I went upstairs to change, for some reason, Y/n followed me. “What are you doing?” I questioned her, she grabbed one of my hands, making me nervous as she played with the couple of rings I had on. She looked at me with an adorable shy smile, “I have another gift but it’s only for you, pack some clothes and stuff, it’s a surprise” she said shyly, letting my hand go as she sat on my bed. I was still confused but I packed a bag anyways, we headed downstairs and Y/n said bye to everyone.
I was literally so confused, where are we going, what are we doing? I thought to myself as I too said bye to everyone. “Bye Bernard, have fun, and don’t get mad at me for exposing you!” Chris shouted as we left. “What is he talking about?” I asked Y/n, “Don’t worry about it, but you can’t get mad at me if you don’t like it. It was Chris’ idea, I just agreed that I liked it” she once again said nervously as we got into her car. We arrived at her apartment but before going inside she put a blindfold on me, dragging me inside “Wait here for two seconds I’ll be right back” she said, running up the stairs.
Coming back down after a few minutes, she grabbed my hand again and helped me up the stairs, we made it to her bedroom. I could smell her favorite vanilla candle burning which was calming but I got nervous again when she started speaking, holding one of my hands again. “Promise me that you won’t beat Chris’ ass for telling me this and don’t yell at Nate and Nick for telling me something else” she pleaded, now I was concerned because what the fuck did they tell her?
“I promise to try not to beat his ass” I nervously laughed, still not able to see anything, “And you have to promise not to get mad at me because I’ve almost backed out so many times because I don’t want to lose you as a friend” she said kinda fast. That’s something she does when she’s really anxious so I pulled her in for a hug, she had definitely changed shirts since I could now feel her shoulders but I just ignored it “I could never get mad at you” I honestly told her. “You have to promise me Matt” she mumbled, “I promise Y/n/n” I said as she pulled away, standing off to the side of me.
“Okay then take your blindfold off” I did as she said, blinking a few times before realizing what was laid out on her bed. There was a black silky blindfold, two sets of fuzzy black handcuffs, and a vibrator on her bed. Confused I turned to Y/n to ask, “What is all that f-“ but I quickly cut myself off, when I saw what she was wearing, “Woah…” I said as I felt my cock start to get hard. There she was, wearing an all black, lace lingerie set and she looked fucking phenomenal. “Do ya like it Matty?” said asked while biting her lip, my eyes raked over her body, “Love it” was all I could manage to say.
Y/n stood in front of me, “So Nick and Nate have been saying you have a little crush on me…” she teased, “And Chris really did you a solid” she continued. I blushed because it’s true but I was also confused as to what Chris told her. “What did he do?” I asked, Y/n stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, making my breath hitch. “He told me that you wanted me to blindfold you and handcuff you to the bed. And that you wanted me to ride you and tease you all night” she said in a seductive voice. Moving closer to my ear, she whispered, “Is that something you really want Matty?” she asked before stepping back.
I couldn’t believe what she just said, I was only able to let out a breathless, “Please” which made her smile. “Yeah? Then strip down to your boxers and sit on the bed for me pretty boy” she said. Placing her hand over my cock and giving it a quick squeeze before she sat on the corner of the bed. I stood there processing everything until she snapped me out of it, “I’m waiting Matty” she spoke in a condescending tone. With that I quickly got undressed and sat on the bed, Y/n came and sat on my lap “You really wanna do this Matt?” she asked sweetly.
Y/n’s pov
Matt put his hands on my waist and looked at me with his bright blue eyes, “More than anything, please I want this so bad” he said before moving one hand to my cheek and pulling me in for a kiss. I started grinding down on him as the kiss got heated, I grabbed one set of handcuffs and cuffed his right arm to the bed frame. Matt bucked his hips up and whined as I did the same with his left hand and he pulled away. “Holy fuck this is already so much hotter than I could have ever imagined” he panted, already looking so fucked out.
Before I could say anything, Matt spoke in a low voice, “Chris left one thing out, I want you to force me to cum until I physically can’t anymore. Don’t stop unless I say the color red. No matter what, do not stop” “That’s fucking hot” I smirked at him. I placed my lips back onto Matt’s while rubbing my hands up his sides, biting his lip as I pulled away. “Are you ready for the blindfold daddy?” I asked, remembering Matt once said he had a daddy kink. He let out a deep groan “Wanna see you get naked first” considering he’d be blindfolded for most of this, I decided to be nice.
I got off the bed and turned around, teasingly taking my panties off so Matt could see my ass before I went back to straddling his lap. I unhooked my bra and dropped it off the side of the bed while Matt’s eyes stayed glued to my chest. He was also biting his lip so I gently pulled it back from his teeth, “Is this better?” I asked as I grabbed the blindfold. “So much better” he replied, “It’s a shame you won’t be able to see it” I smirked as I slipped the blindfold over his head and got up, remembering I forgot to pull out my lube. “What are you doing?” he questioned but I just ignored him, throwing the lube on the bed and sliding his boxers down.
I knew Matt was going to be big, but I wasn’t expecting him to be this big, “You never told me you had such a big dick before” I teased him, watching his cock ooze with precum. “You never asked” he replied back, trying to be a smart ass but quickly humbled himself as I grabbed onto his cock. “Don’t be smart mouth with me, Matthew” I replied, moving down to tease his cock, licking a bold stripe from his balls all the way up to his tip. His breath hitched as I moved back to sitting on his lap, grinding my wet pussy against his cock. “Don’t tease me Y/n/n” Matt groaned, thrusting his hips up in hopes of sliding into me but failed.
I kissed my way down Matt’s body, fully taking all of his hard cock into my mouth at once causing Matt to let out a surprised moan. I licked all across his shaft, digging my tongue into the slit which caused Matt to buck his hips up and make me gag. I continued sucking him off until, without a warning, Matt came down my throat. I moaned around his cock before pulling off and swallowing, “That was- wow that was amazing” Matt panted out. “Want me to ride your cock daddy?” I asked while kissing his neck and rubbing his thigh, causing him to get hard again. “Please do. I want your wet little pussy around my cock so bad baby” he groaned, desperate to fully live out his fantasy. I moved to straddle his lap, lining up my hole with his dick and slowly sinking down, whimpering at the big stretch.
“You’re so big Matt! Making me feel so full” I whined. Slowly, I started to move on his cock, “Goddamn babe, you’re so fucking tight” Matt groaned, bucking his hips up slightly. I started moving at a pretty decent pace, loving Matt’s moans and grunts from beneath me. I removed my hands from his shoulders and started playing with my tits, making sure to let out loud whines and moans to tease him. “I bet you wish you were the one touching my tits right now huh?” I teased, shoving my boobs in his face. “So badly Y/n/n, fuck- I want you to cum around my cock so bad” he said, I moaned as he started thrusting his hips up, causing me to get closer to the edge.
“S-So close daddy” I cried out, “Be a good girl and rub your clit for me” Matt ordered, I started bouncing faster and rubbing my clit. “Fuck Matt, I’m gonna cum! Need you to cum inside of me” I told him as started to cum around his cock, moaning loudly. Matt let out a grunt before filling me up with his cum, I slowly got off his cock and ran my fingers through my folds to collect all the cum. Once my fingers were coated with a mixture of our cum, I brought them up to Matt’s mouth. “Suck my fingers for me Matty” I asked nicely, rubbing the tips of my fingers across his lips, Matt obliged and sucked all three of my fingers clean. He wasn’t hard again yet, but I still started cleaning the cum off his cock with my tongue, slightly overstimulating him. Slowly Matt got hard again, whimpering as I started to kitten lick the tip, making him involuntarily thrust his hips up.
“Too much Matt?” I questioned in a teasing tone, “No! Feels so good, I can definitely cum more for you!” he whimpered out desperately. I started to give him head again, deep throating him the best I could while massaging his balls. I ran my other hand up and down his stomach, lightly scratching the skin and making him shudder at the feeling. “You’re doing so good Y/n/n, making me feel amazing! I always knew you were a slut for my cock” Matt groaned, both praising and degrading me. I moaned around his cock which caused him to thrust his hips up and let out a guttural groan as he came down my throat with minimal warning. All I got was a whiny, “I’m g-gonna—” before he was shooting his load into my mouth.
I obviously swallowed and then pressed my lips against Matt’s, smiling into the quick kiss. I licked up the side of Matt’s neck, nibbling on his earlobe before asking, “How’s the birthday boy enjoying his surprise gift?” resulting in him whimpering. “He’s enjoying it more than he should be…” he moaned, “That’s good, is it too much yet baby?” I asked, wanting to make sure I wasn’t making him cum too much in such a short amount of time. “No, I want more… Actually, I need more. Please! Remember what I said?” He squirmed as I ran my hand across his inner thighs “You want me to force you to cum until you can’t anymore and say the color red” I replied with a giggle.
“That’s correct and I don’t remember saying red yet, so get back to work” he ordered me, “Matt you’re really not in any position to tell me what to do, you know? If I wanted to I could just leave you like this, hard and needy” I teased him. “You wouldn’t dare” he growled, moving his legs to wrap around my thigh and pulling me closer so he could grind himself up against my thigh. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to do that but it was really fucking hot. “Wow, I didn’t know you were so needy for me daddy” I said as I pulled my thigh away from his dick, “Take off the fucking blindfold” he tried to sound authoritative, but he honestly just sounded like he was begging.
Instead of giving him what he wanted, I grabbed the lube and opened it, squirting some directly onto Matt’s hard cock. “Fuck, that’s cold” Matt whined before I started jerking him off, spreading around both the lube and the precum on his cock. I was moving my hand at a fast pace and since Matt was already extremely oversensitive so I wasn’t too shocked when he started cumming a bit, but I didn’t stop this time, I kept going. I was enjoying how much Matt was squirming and whimpering under me and I knew it was starting to become too much for him.
Matt surprisingly came a lot for this being his 5th orgasm in such a short amount of time, shooting out cum onto his stomach and my hand. “Have you ever used a vibrator before Matt?” I asked while he was panting from his orgasm, “Yeah, I have one. They feel good, are you gonna use yours on me?” he asked out of breath. “Can I?” I asked, not wanting to push it, “You can, IF you take the blindfold off and let me eat you in the morning” he explained. “Okay fine, only because I wanna see those pretty blue eyes” I agreed.
I slipped the blindfold off, letting Matt’s eyes adjust to the light, watching as they scanned the room before looking at me and staring to get hard again. “Look at that, all I have to do is look at you to get hard” he chuckled before adding, “Make out with me for a minute, yeah?” I giggled at his cuteness but complied, cupping one side of his face and pressing our lips together. We had a heated makeout for a few minutes before I pulled away, Matt bit my lip as I did so, making me whine. “If you want me to cum a lot, you’re going to have to use the vibrator on my tip mostly” he said quietly, blush spreading across his face.
I kissed his neck, mumbling a quick “Got it” before sucking a few hickies onto his collarbone. “This is definitely going to be the last time I’ll be able to cum so I want you to ride my thigh and use that vibrator on me. I need to mark you up too, it’s not fair” he told me. I grabbed the small vibrator and sat on his thigh, slowly rocking back and forth before I turned it on and enclosed my fist with the vibrator around the tip of his cock. Almost instantaneously, Matt started whining as his thigh flexed under me, causing me to moan in return.
“Feel good Matty?” I asked, already knowing the answer, “Mhmm, please uncuff my right hand, wanna rub your clit and make you cum!” he begged and who was I deny that? As soon as he was uncuffed, his two fingers were inside my mouth, having me get them nice and wet so he could rub my clit, noticing we were both getting close. Matt pulled his fingers out of my mouth and immediately started rubbing my clit while sucking hickies into the skin of my neck and breasts. “Fuck daddy, ‘m so close already!” I whimpered and Matt just hummed in agreement, speeding up his movements.
Not even a minute later, I was squirting all over his thigh due to the stimulation on my clit, which led to his orgasm and it was indeed bigger than the last two. I was out of it and didn’t realize I was still holding the vibrator against him until his hand came up to lightly slap my face. Not hard enough to hurt, more like a tap to get my attention back, “R-Red” he said hoarsely, not being able to reach the vibrator himself. “S-Sorry Matty” I said turning it off and tossing it somewhere on the bed behind me “S’okay” he said softly.
Without getting up, I unlocked the other handcuff, Matt’s left arm came down to wrap around my waist like his right one. Matt started leaving kisses up my neck, sucking a few more hickies across the otherwise clear skin. “Best. Birthday. Ever.” he said between kisses, that were slowly moving up towards my lips until we finally shared a lazy but passionate kiss. “Can we go to sleep Matty, ‘m tired” I yawned, even though he should be the tired one.
Matt nodded, helping me lay down before grabbing his shirt off the floor to wipe the cum off both of us. He threw his shirt back onto the floor, moving the vibrator to my nightstand, and handing me my phone to turn the lights off. When I unlocked my phone I laughed, “Chris wants to know if you enjoyed your surprise” “Send him a picture of me kissing your neck right now, it’ll teach him not to be so nosey” Matt mumbled back before kissing my neck.
I snapped a quick picture, not really capturing my face, and sent it with the caption of: ‘Matt said stop being nosey’ and waited for his reply. I turned the lights off as Matt pulled my back against his chest, resting his head on my shoulder as we cuddled up together, only opening our eyes again when we got a response. From Chris: ‘I just threw up’ Matt just kissed my neck again as I turned my phone off, “Well then he shouldn’t have fucking asked” he said tiredly.
I hummed in agreement, grabbing his hand that was around my waist and holding it. “Goodnight Matty, I know it’s technically Monday now but happy birthday handsome” I told him. “Goodnight my beautiful girl, I hope you know you’re mine after tonight and that I love you” he whispered into my ear, “Don’t forget Imma wake you up tomorrow by eating you out” he added. I giggled before replying with an “I know and I love you too” before we both drifted off to sleep. I guess you could say I made a pretty good birthday present.
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heavyhitterheaux · 7 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 2: Late Nights and Spousal Confessions
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Synopsis: Not wanting the night to end, Jack quickly asks to spend more time with you. Little did the two of you know that it would end up being a therapy session about your marriages to other people.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 First
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack continued to look at you in disbelief before the biggest smile broke out on his face as he quickly embraced you.
Your arms immediately went around his neck as you felt him pick you up so your feet were hovering above the ground as he hugged you tighter.
“Are you really here right now?” He asked as he whispered in your ear and you simply nodded before responding to him.
“I am and you can thank your little brother for that.”
“And to answer your question, yes. I did miss you, more than you know.”
“Well if I would have known that you two would be this excited to see each other, I would have done it sooner.” Clay mumbled and the two of you couldn't help but laugh. Jack placed you back on your feet before his left hand went to cup your face as his right started to play with the ends of your hair. Something that he used to do when the two of you were younger so it was obvious that old habits die hard.
“And that's who he let get away? Look at how they're looking at each other! Jack hasn't acknowledged anyone else since he's seen her. He doesn't even look at his own wife like that.” Ace said to Clay who simply nodded in agreement.
“That's who he should have been with and stayed with from the beginning.”
The party consisted of Jack and Urban making their rounds and mingling with all of their guests, but one thing that didn't happen was you leaving Jack's side. You had been basically glued to him for the entire night and you could tell that your presence was giving him a sense of comfort. Just like before when the two of you were together.
When it got close to about 2 in the morning, people were starting to wind down and leave and since Clay brought you, he quickly asked when you would be ready to leave, but Jack jumped in before you could say anything.
“I'll take her home, don't worry about it. We have a lot to catch up on.” He said while turning to you and smiling.
“I figured, but I thought I would ask anyway.” Clay said while smiling at the sight in front of him. He didn't even know the last time that he saw his older brother so happy and he was hoping that it would stay that way and the two of you would end up together like everyone wanted.
No one had really mentioned or brought up the fact that Jack's wife, better known as Kelsey, hadn't even shown up to her own husband's birthday party but it was clear that Jack did not care one bit. His attention and focus had been on you the entire time and you were low key happy that you didn't have to compete for it with someone else.
The two of you were now settled into Jack’s Jeep and he simply looked over at you and smiled.
“I literally just cannot believe you’re here right now.”
“I actually wasn’t going to come, but Clay convinced me.” You said being completely honest as he began to drive.
“What? Why?”
“I didn’t think that you would have wanted to see me.”
“What the? It’s not like we ended on a bad note. Besides, I literally always ask your mom about you anytime that I see her. That just happens to be a lot since you know our moms have been inseparable since we began dating and haven’t let up since.”
“Very true. Any time I talk to her and ask her what she’s doing she says she’s with Maggie.”
“I don’t want to take you home just yet, if that’s okay.” Jack said, looking straight ahead as he was coming to a red light.
“Hmm, we can go to Waffle House, they’re still open.”
Once the two of you reached Waffle House and got settled into a booth in the back, you knew that Jack was bound to ask you about being married and you were just waiting for it. You both scanned the menu in a comfortable silence before he spoke up.
“So…..” You said back to him as both of you let out laughs.
“Tell me everything. What’s been going on with you?”
“Well, I did end up going to nursing school and did that for a little while before I decided to go back and get my CRNA.”
“Damn, I knew my girl was smart. I remember you telling me that you wanted to do that. That’s anesthesia right?” Your heart instantly fluttered when you heard him call you his girl.
“It is, I didn’t think that you would remember.”
“I remember everything about my first love. Including how she didn’t think my full name was Jackman and decided to call me Jackson instead and it stuck.”
You immediately busted out laughing remembering the conversation that the two of you had with you both going back and forth debating on what Jack’s real name was. And you legit asked Maggie to see his birth certificate which she laughed about.
“And to this day, you are the only person allowed to do that.”
“But I love Jackman better. It makes you unique.” You replied as you looked back down at the menu and was deciding on what you wanted to drink.
“What else has happened? You live in Cali now, right?”
“Yeah, I live in Calabasas and have been there for about six years. I like it…. At times.”
Just then the two of you were interrupted by your waiter who you looked up to see was Ms.Isabella. She was the manager and worked here for as long as you two could remember.
“Well isn’t it my favorite nurse and my favorite rapper?!”
“Ms. Isabella, respectfully, don’t you only know like five of my songs? How am I your favorite rapper?” Jack asked joking with her, but all she did was laugh and roll her eyes at him.
“I’ve been to enough concerts to know more than five songs. Anyway, you two aren’t married yet?” She asked and both of you looked like deer caught in headlights, but you quickly recovered.
“Ms. Isabella we’re both married, but not to each other.” You asked and all she did was try to hide the obvious smirk that was about to be displayed on her face. She had definitely been talking to your mother and knew what she was doing.
“Oh, what a shame. Anyway, all I know is that I remember the two of you always being in here when you were younger and being inseparable. Especially when both of you would be drunk and trying to sober up before you went home. A secret that I shall keep from both of your mother’s forever. Anyway, what are we drinking? Orange juice?”
“That’s fine.” Jack quickly said as she nodded her head to walk towards the counter.
When she walked away, it was slightly awkward and you knew for a fact that he was about to ask you now.
“So, how long have you been married?” He asked while looking down and drumming his fingers on the table.
“This year will be three years.” You quietly answered and Jack nodded his head. One of the first things he noticed was your wedding ring when he had first laid eyes on you and seeing it in person made his heart drop. He knew that you were, but was wishing deep down that it wasn’t true.
“What’s his name?”
“Does… he treat you well?”
You hesitated on answering that simply because you knew the type of person that Jack was. Even though he wasn’t one to care for confrontation, when it came to you he didn’t care. He would probably have no problem hoping on a plane and going to Cali in order to beat his ass for what he had done to you.
“That’s…. A loaded question. Umm…”
“Y/N, I’m not trying to pry and you only have to tell me what you feel comfortable with me knowing. But the look on your face is telling when I asked about him.”
“It’s just complicated.”
“Marriage can be difficult sometimes, but it shouldn’t be complicated if the two people involved work together.”
“I… I married a wonderful person who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, but about ten months ago his true colors started to show and I don’t think that I can stomach being married to a person like that much longer.”
“Did he put his hands on you? Because….” Jack asked with his voice slightly raising and you immediately shook your head no and placed your hand on top of his in order to get him to calm down.
“No, nothing like that.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise. It’s nowhere near that.”
“Then, what is it?”
“He’s been cheating on me for a year and got another woman pregnant.”
Jack’s mouth was now hanging wide open as he looked at you dumbfounded.
“And does he know that you know this?”
You just shook your head no and sighed.
“I… you know that you deserve better than that.”
“I know, I’m just trying to stack my money to be able to get a divorce and get away from him. I already opened up a bank account that he has no idea about.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Jack quietly said as he saw your eyes watering. Bottom line was you still loved Xavier despite what he had done to you and you absolutely hated yourself for it.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, just a little while longer. Now onto you, tell me all that there is to know about Kelsey. I thought I was going to meet her tonight. How’s married life treating you?” Even though you had heard from multiple people about how Jack was miserable in his marriage, you needed to hear it come straight from him.
“Hmm, not a lot to tell.”
“What in the world is that supposed to mean?”
When Jack was once again quiet, you could still read him like an open book despite how many years had passed.
“You regret it.” You quietly said and he just looked at you.
“How can you know exactly what I’m thinking without me having to say anything and you’re in tune with my feelings when my wife can’t even do that?”
“I can read you like a book, Jackman. I’ve always been able to. You can be completely silent like just now and I…. why do you regret it?”
“I’ve recently found out some things about her that I didn’t know before and it makes me think that I truly don’t know her at all and I rushed into this.”
Ms. Isabella interrupted the two of you as she sat both of your drinks down and was waiting for the two of you to order.
“I'll take the all star breakfast.”
“Me too.” You quietly said as you handed her your menu and she simply shot both of you a smile before walking away.
“So, Clay telling me that you were miserable in your marriage wasn't a lie?”
“I… I know he's just trying to look out for me but it's not a lie. I definitely care about her to a certain extent and don't want anything bad to happen to her but….”
“Then do what you have to do in order for you to have a peace of mind.”
“I want to give it time seeing as it hasn't even been a year yet and the fact that the amount of people that would be telling me ‘I told you so’ would be endless.”
“Don't worry about them. As long as you're happy, that's the important part.”
“Besides, I’m here for you and will support you with whatever you decide.”
“I appreciate that. Now that I got you back I'm definitely not letting you go again.”
It was around seven in the morning when the two of you finally pulled in front of your parent's house and you weren't afraid to admit that you were sad that the night was coming to an end.
When the two of you had left Waffle House, you both decided to watch the sunrise for old times sake since that was something that the two of you would do often when you two were together.
You were excited that he was now back in your life and was hoping that it would be for the long haul.
“I hope you had an amazing birthday.” You said as the two of you were now standing outside of his Jeep.
“I did because I got the best birthday gift that I could have ever asked for, like Clay said. I appreciate you for coming and I'm happy that I got to see you. It's been way too long.”
“It has.”
“How long are you staying?”
“About another week.”
Jack simply nodded as he grabbed your hand and started rubbing small circles on the back of it.
“Block out some time for me?”
“For you? Always. You never have to ask.” You answered as you smiled up at him which he quickly returned before bringing you into a hug.
“I missed you so much and that is probably all you're going to hear me say over the next week.”
“I don't mind because I missed you too.” You responded as the two of you finally pulled away.
“Go and get some sleep and I’ll call you later.” Jack said as he reached down to kiss your forehead and then your cheek which was dangerously close to your mouth, but you brushed it off and thought nothing of it.
“Since we now have an audience.”
You looked behind you to see your brother looking out of the window on the second floor as your sister and your parents were looking out of the window that was in the living room and you immediately groaned as Jack laughed. Your mom looked to be on the phone and you knew for a fact that she was talking to Maggie and giving her a play by play.
“I'm probably hitting the studio later. You want to come?”
“Hmm, I think I can clear my schedule for you.”
“Then it's a date.”
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Can’t Get Away From You
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Erling Haaland x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: a mini fight, some shouting, one mention of throwing something at someone, your boyfriend is attached to your hip and follows you like a puppy, power outages, jumpscares, some swearing, stuck in the middle of no where. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Author’s Note: okay I lied, I know I said no fics but this was in my drafts and I had the urge to finish it :) also this was a random idea that @themandaloriansdiaries​ and I came up with on ft many many nights ago
"Why do you always do this?” You shouted at the man across the room from you. 
Your boyfriend stares at you like you had gone insane and sometimes he thought you were, but tonight’s shouting was justified.
The two of you were supposed to go to your sister’s surprise birthday party but big shocker, Erling chose to stay back and kick a ball around for another 2 hours. Their training session was already done, he had no reason to stay back and yet he did. You were waiting for him so you could go together opposed to taking two cars because he kept telling you 10 more minutes and he’d be home, but you ended up being two hours late to your own sister’s party.
“I said I was sorry, didn’t I?” He looks at you and you can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Yes, because that makes up for the fact that I was late to my sister’s party. You’d never do that to your sister, would you? And you know I would never do that to her either. I actually care to show up when I say I will.” 
“Y/n, you're overreacting. She didn’t even care that you were late.” He huffed, sitting on the couch. 
You cannot believe him; he was late, had the audacity to tell you she didn’t even care and now he can't even stand up so you can shout at him? You were sick of his shit, you needed to leave before you threw something at his head. 
The man watches as you grab your purse and phone, storming out of the front door and letting it slam shut behind you. He gets up, following you out the door.  
“Where are you going?” He shouts from the porch, you don’t answer but instead get into your car and back out of the driveway. 
You had no idea where you were going but you needed to be anywhere but there. 
You drove for what felt like hours before you finally stopped in some random parking lot off the side of the road; you had driven out of the city and into the countryside. Hunger was kicking in and you tumbled through your purse for a mint, a piece of gum or literally anything edible. Eventually giving up on the tumbling, you dumped the contents of your purse into the passenger seat and switched on the light. 
There’s a set of keys staring at you, a bright blue man city key chain hung on the bunch; the keys to the cabin. 
Shortly after you and Erling began dating, the two of you decided you needed a place to go when you wanted to be away from the city. That’s how you ended up with a cabin 3 hours outside of Manchester. 
The sky was varying shades of the black and the once viable moon was now blocked by clouds. You figured since you were closer to the cabin then you were home, you might as well spend the night there. 
Another hour and you pulled into the muddy driveway, it seemed to have rained at some point during the day. You silently thank your boyfriend in your head for putting in sensor lights, otherwise you might have just slept in the car. The yard was pitch black and the Remingtons, the couple who owned the house across from your place, were away for the summer which meant you were all alone in the middle of nowhere. 
The thought freaked you out, but not enough to make you turn back and go home. 
You shoved everything back into your purse, slinging it over your shoulder as you avoided the puddles of mud on your way to the front door. The look clicked as you turned the key and you sprinted into the cabin, shutting the door behind you. 
A hand dragged across the wall, feeling for the light switch and you pressed it, lighting up the place. You also turned on the light in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom because you were alone.. not because you were scared or anything like that. 
The cupboards were pretty empty, anything of substance was eaten the last time you two were there because you didn’t want it to go bad. The only things were a few boxes of mashed potatoes, a can of corn and one can of sliced pineapple. 
You couldn't be bothered to cook so you pulled the pineapple can out and was about to crack it open when there was a knock on the front door. 
It was safe to say your blood ran cold. 
The Remingtons were gone, you were certain of that because they told you to check on the house when you come down if you did, which meant they weren’t there. 
No one else lived around here, and you can’t just say no one is home because you switched on every light possible. 
Setting the can down, you slowly made your way to the door. You waited to hear if there’s another knock, you peeked out the front window in hopes of catching a glimpse of whatever was outside. 
“Babe!” The voice called, startling you. “Open up!” 
You groaned, the voice belonging to none other than your boyfriend. You opened the door, unfortunately, and found your giant of a boyfriend standing there with a bag in hand.
“Are you gonna make me stand in the rain?” He asks, the hood over his head blocking the water from his face. “I figured you didn’t eat dinner, so I brought you something to eat.” He stepped into the house; he was so big, you couldn’t really stop him if you wanted too.
“When the rain stops, I want you out.” You turn to him and he smiles, nodding. 
He handed the bag over to you, the smell of Chinese food filling your surroundings. You refused to cave, holding your ground and staying mad at him. He shut the door behind him, turning the locks. 
“What the fuck man? How’d you know I was here?” You handed the bag over to him, acting like you didn’t want it. Erling shrugged, taking the bag back and going to the kitchen. 
He unpacked the boxes, setting them on the counter. “You left your location on.” 
You groaned quietly, cursing yourself for leaving it on. Erling ignores your theatrics and puts some food on a plate for you, bringing it over to you and setting it on your lap. He knew you well enough to know if he offered the plate to you, you’d refuse and you needed to eat; part of why you were so snappy with him was because you were hungry. 
He can’t help but notice how you un-tense now that he’s around; it brought a smile to his face but he didn’t dare say anything. 
Erling sat beside you, eating quietly.
“Can we play a board game?” He asked, setting the plate on the coffee table. 
Erling hummed, going to dig the monopoly box out from the tv stand drawer. He set up the board, all the little pieces, the cards and the dice and began playing by himself. 
You ignored the man, trying not to laugh as he screwed him over on one of the places he wanted. He rolled the dice, counting out the places he needed to move when the lights shut off. 
The sound of thunder startled out, causing you to jump slightly. 
“Babe, you okay?” He called, getting up. “Ow fuc-” he groans, probably stepping on one of the little pieces. 
“I’m fine,” you get up, walking to the kitchen to get your phone off the table. It wasn’t pitch black, you can still make your way around the house so you searched through the kitchen cupboards for some candles, anything that can give you light for the time being. 
Erling had gone quiet, you were about to turn around to see where he was but a hand on your shoulder caused you to drop your phone and let out a scream. 
“It’s just me,” he laughed and you smacked his arm. 
“What the fuck man! God, you are so- ugh.” 
You sit at the table, phone back in hand as you called the power company. They finally get to your call after an hour on hold and let you know that the power won’t be turning back on until tomorrow morning. 
The phone dropped on the table, your head tipped back as you groaned. 
Erling reaches for the candles on the top shelf and lights them, setting them on the table. He sits across from you quietly, the two of you listening to the rain until the sound stops, the last flash of lighting strikes and it goes quiet. 
He looks out the window and back at you, the soft orange glow of the candle light reflecting off of your skin. “I should head out,” he says, pulling your focus to him. 
“The rain.. it stopped. You said leave when it’s done raining.” He reminds you, standing up. 
“Oh.. right, yeah. Okay, go ahead.” 
Erling kisses your head when he walks past you, telling you to call him if you needed anything but you ignored him, still holding out on being upset even though you weren’t anymore. 
The door shuts, you move from your spot at the dining room table to the couch but before you could sit down, the doorbell rings again. “What?” You shouted, walking over to see what he wanted. 
He smiles at you when you open the door, pointing to the tree that’s fallen and blocked the driveway. “I’m stuck.” 
“Use that viking strength of yours and push it away.” You shut the door again and went back to the couch. 
You felt a bit bad, the guilt of him sitting out in the rain sunk in, even more so seeing that you had nothing to distract you. You pulled yourself off the couch and opened the door again, assuming you’d see his car on and him in it but it was off, the driveway was dark and the tree was still there. 
“Erling?!” You shouted in the emptiness, “where are you?!”
There’s no answer but what are you supposed to do? Stand out in the rain or maybe go looking for him in the dark? 
You shut the door, turning back around to see him sitting at the kitchen table.
“WHAT THE FUCK ERLING?!” You screamed, your heart jumping out of your body momentarily. You let out a breath, hand pressed to your chest. “How the hell did you get in here?” 
“The back door was open.” 
“Why are you lurking at the back- wait, it was unlocked?” Your brows furrowed, looking towards the back door. 
Erling nodded, “yeah, I wasn’t lurking though. I went to check if the generator would turn on.” 
“And it did?” You wrapped the blanket from the couch around yourself. 
Erling looked up at the light that’s yet to turn on. “I mean, obviously not.” 
It was freezing in the cabin, considering that the power had shut off and it was raining, it only made it colder. 
“C’mere,” Erling calls for you, his arms opened as he waits for you to come cuddle up next to him. You shook your head, waddling your way to the bedroom. Your boyfriend follows you, watching as you dropped on the bed and pulled the comforter up on top of you. 
You can feel the cold running up your spine, the cold air creeping along your skin despite the two blankets and the giant man in the room lifting the blanket wasn’t helping. 
“What are you doing?” You grumbled, not turning around. 
Erling slipped into bed next to you, pulling you flat against his chest. His body was like a heater, the man wrapping his arms around you and kissing your shoulder before fixing the blanket. 
You tried to wiggle away but he held you firmly in place. “You can stay mad but I'm not letting you freeze.” 
You let your boyfriend hold you, simply because it's cold and not because you were mad at yourself for being mad at him for no reason. At some point, the two of you must've dozed off.
The lights were what woke you up; bright white lights shining down on you from the ceiling and the fact that the curtains were still open didn't help your eyes that were now adjusting to being open again. 
There’s some heavy on you, you can’t even pull yourself up and you’re almost certain you know what it is. You look down to find your giant of a boyfriend on top of you. His arm tossed over your hip, face smooshed against your stomach as he snored quietly. 
You smiled, forgetting all about last night as you pulled the hair tie from his hair. He stirred, settling moments later when you passed your hand through his hair. Your fingers rubbed along his scalp, massaging his head. 
“Morning,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your stomach. He kicked the blanket off of him, “it's hot.” 
“Power turned back on.” 
He shifts, laying beside you and pulling you into his side. “I’m sorry about last night.” 
“Mhm hm, I know.” Your fingers dragged along his shirt. Erling looked down at you, “are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Sorry,” he says, like it's obvious. 
“No,” you joked, smiling at him. Erling knows you were, you don’t really do emotions or say sorry but he knows you are. 
He laughs, kissing your forehead.“Shall we go get breakfast?” 
You groan, burying your face in his side. “We have to take two cars.” “Oh and move the tree.” He reminds you, making you groan again. 
taglist: @thesnailus @alwaysclassyeagle​ @kylianswag​
add yourself to the taglist! 
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
imagine this, right? i js got the idea. might not be the best one in the world, but here.
dick and tim have been married for anywhere around three years. tim’s twenty four at this time, dick’s thirty-one. their love life is incredible, sex life just as good. tim kisses him in the mornings. they go out every sunday. the batfamily’s come to accept it because they’re so in love. their honeymoon phase is literally their whole marriage.
‘disgustingly in love,’ — jason.
‘dick has stooped so low,’ — damian.
‘please don’t make out on the couch,’ — duke.
they’re the kind of couple people hate, the bond that people want to have, and—
then dick cheats.
it wasn’t a good decision, but happened with this villain—‘and you know how the men in this family are with villains, tim, how the villains are with us. she was hot. and it had been going on for weeks. i refused until he didn’t. i tried, tim.’ dick doesn’t have a good excuse. tim’s out of his life within a week, divorce proceedings already starting.
it’s dick’s all time low. tim doesn’t even look at him. dick begs him to stay as he packs his bags. he says he’ll never do it again, it was a one-off occasion, but tim’s trust is like stained glass, so pretty when he has it, so devastating when it shatters.
tim’s friends despise dick. kon-el always challenges his authority on joint missions now. steph outright says the divorce was his fault and disinvited him from outings because it was still so fresh and tim would be there. wally and cassie give him looks and fall into whispers whenever he passes. jason jokes about it and has it in every low blow he can muster.
he still sees tim every other day, because of their careers, but tim avoids his patrol areas and bruce purposely sets them apart.
once or twice, bruce mentions how they should forget grudges on the job, but he can’t help it.
almost a year passes, and tim’s birthday happens. dick watches it happen from his phone, scrolling his socials, and breaks down. it’s a cycle of him wanting tim to feel as useless as dick without him, to him wishing the best, until he admits he wants nothing more than tim again and hates himself for losing that.
he buys him a gift that night. leaves it on tim’s usual work space in the batcave. that evening, he finds a sticky note on his door with the word “thanks.”
he places one on tim’s desk, so sure it’s him, giddy with the idea of them talking again, he writes back, “ur welcome.”
it should be the end. instead, dick finds a “how did u know i’d want this?” on his nightwing suit. he replies with, “because ur tim” and places it on the zesti can in the bundle, because tim takes one around this time, and always follows their placement.
“what does that mean” on dick’s shoes in the morning.
“u like collections” on a figurine tim left in the parlour.
“i know and i couldn’t even get my hands on this one” the inside of dick’s smoothie mix bottle.
“what? u can’t get ur hands on a simple superman figurine?” the side of the leg extension/curl machine in the home gym, timed before tim’s work out.
“there was only five of this one ever made.” the mirror in dick’s en-suite.
“and now u have one of them :)” tim’s degenerate energy dark chocolate bar container.
they go on like this for a couple weeks. start hanging around the manor that much more often to encounter their next note.
“did u see what she wore to the gala? (he forgot her name, so there’s a doodle of a woman with pronounced ears and a bad tiger print scarf crammed on the note)” “didn’t you wear five toed shoes to a gala?” “it wasn’t tiger print.”
“i love alfred’s cookies.” “ur sticky note has crumbs.” “don’t talk to me about sanitary stick notes, piss stain” “u could smell the apple juice stop with the piss allegations :(”
and so forth. eventually, dick musters the courage to talk to tim again. he says hi one night they cross paths on patrol. it’s the most awkward reaction he gets, silence, then a returned, ‘hi.’
the sticky notes stop.
dick hates himself for a total of three days before tim asks if he wants to work a case together. he hops on it fast.
they spend all night looking through it, figuring it out. it’s difficult. they spend the night after that to finish it. tim’s speaking to him again, a bit more like a friend, more sarcastically, and dick knew he couldn’t stay away forever.
a month later, and he might mention something of their past, hinting on it. dick hasn’t gotten over tim. ever. tim replies, in the kindest way possible something that translates to ‘we’re never getting back together.’
dick is heartbroken.
their interactions change as soon as tim is aware dick’s still into him. not in the way he distances, but in the way he talks to dick, leaning over his shoulders to show him new installations and software, holding his forearm time to time, casually, like his hand just slid there without thinking, and hanging an arm over his shoulder enough for dick to ask himself why.
dick once asks, while tim is dealing with a bad gash and he’s in daring spirits, ‘do you ever miss us?’
‘maybe,’ tim says, ‘i miss the other stuff.’
‘the other stuff?’
‘like, the sex.’
he realizes quite soon that tim’s ‘we’re never getting back together’ euphemism wasn’t a full sentence, or concept. he did say something else after, to further soften it, but dick stopped listening then. he mentioned he didn’t mind them being friends, something other with benefits, and it clicks then.
we’re never getting back together, but we can hook up if you want.
tim didn’t say that word for word, but it’s clear he meant that now.
dick wants the same relationship with tim he had then, beyond sex. they were better than sex. sure, the sex was incredible, tim felt so good for him, and remembering it now starts a craving in him that furthers when tim’s fingers brush along his skin.
‘i meant more than that.’
tim shrugs. dick should probe, keep trying to pry something out of him. but dick is a weak man when tim offers him something.
‘but that’s fine. i miss it, too.’
dick wishes he could take the betrayal back. he hasn’t touched anyone else since the divorce. it felt like cheating, seeing someone else, made him sick and he wasn’t in the hottest mood without tim around. but now tim is, for him, and he’ll take whatever he can get.
that’s how dick ends up with his ex-husband on top, insisting he does all the work because he just sterilized and bandaged his side, and it’s best he stays down. tim slips down him, and it’s been a while, such a long time dick is throbbing before tim even starts. he grabs his hips so hard, and can’t even thrust up before tim scolds him and breathily threatens to stop if he keeps writhing so much, that he needs to keep still if he wants this.
dick strains not to lift into tim, trembling beneath him, running hands along his smooth torso. so, so pretty.
tim’s thighs work, slapping onto his flesh, his cock dripping on dick’s abs. dick wants to sear his finger prints into his hips. to account for how he can’t thrust his hips without tim aggressively palming at his stomach, shoving him down or making him jerk down with pain, he manhandles tim by his hips, plunging him down on his cock. tim sings so lovely, hunching over. he tries to kiss tim when he hovers close enough for it to work, but tim rights his posture the last second, bouncing on dick’s cock and he loses his mind. he squeezes his hips one handedly, the one thing anchoring him, focusing his other on rounding tim’s cock and rubbing.
hair haloes his bowed head, his blue eyes dazed then shutting tight, pretty lips falling ajar in a gasp. dick swallows down the i love you clawing in the back of his throat, and comes after tim, spurred on by how he tightens, his trembling, and that look on his face. tim slips off of him, first checking the bandages for any bleeding, and relaxing when there’s none.
finally, they clean up, but it happens again. and again.
it’s good for the reason hook ups often are. better because tim knows him, knows what turns dick on, and where on his body causes tremors to race about his nerves. it hurts for the reason that’s all it is. hook ups. tim never kisses him during them or stays too long for after care before he finds something to do.
dick is still so in love. he can’t complain. but he wants something more. he can be casual with anyone else, but not his timmy.
however this ends im not sure but it was an idea i had ig.
!!!!!! dick being so desperate to take back what he did and to be able to have tim again but not being able to. the most he can get is the occasional hookup but even then tim still keeps his distance and does not treat dick affectionatly and doesn't act like them meeting is anything other than a hookup. i love the idea that when tim starts treating dick more civilly, maybe even nicely he gets so happy and exxcited that it might mean more only to deflate when tim tells him no again.
dick starts getting affectionate, starts reaching for tim because he thinks maybe because tim is nice to him now, that because tim talks to him, doesn't look at him with dead fish eyes that it means...more.
and then any hope dick feels collapses when tim holds his hands and starts softly talking like dick is a child. "just because i can work with you and just because i laugh with you and am nice to you, it doesn't mean i forgive you dick. it doesn't even mean i miss you,"
just dick always getting his hopes high and then having them knocked out from under him.
dick was always stuck in this cycle of relationships. cycling through the same partners again and again and after cheating on tim it ends. he never enters that cycle again. instead he enters a new one. one where he reads into tim's behavior and words thinking he has a chance again, building his hope up again. only for it to be dashed.
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20-th-centurygirl · 10 months
sfw alphabet
levi colwill x reader
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a/n: you can find the nsfw version here <3
masterlist navigation
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
so so affectionate! he's always so touchy with you like he cannot keep his hands off you and not in a sexual way he just needs to have some sort of contact with you
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
feel like he'd be such a flirty best friend. always being touchy and making little comments (you're 100% always snogging at the end of a night out together) and there's always a lil tension but neither of you ever actually want to confess ofc you both eventually do and that's the whole reason you got together in the first place 🤭
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
loves them!! spending loads of time together is rare so whenever he has the chance he's just latching onto you like a koala and refusing to let go
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
in my head levi is an absolutely awful cook but he secretly teaches himself to cook so he can eventually cook you your favourite food on your birthday and have a whole 5 course candle lit dinner at home 🥹
he seems super tidy too like he won't ever leave mess because he just doesn't like it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
depends on the reason why you're breaking up but i think he'd try to be as civil and respectful about it as he could
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
he isn't really in a big rush to get married or engaged to you because he knows you're not going anywhere so he doesn't see the need to rush
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
so so gentle with you he literally treats you like royalty. you are his angel and he will always make sure you know that.
emotionally he's the same. he's always so mindful that you don't like arguing and that you'd rather talk about your feelings and communicate instead of having a big fight.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
his favourite hugs are hugs from behind ! he loves coming up behind you and just wrapping his arms so tightly around you and nuzzling his face into your neck, pressing little kisses all over you.
and he adores it when you do the same to him ! like you come up behind him while he's cooking (can manage a pot noodle and tbags about it bless him) while he's in just joggers and he melts when you wrap your arms around him and press kisses to his bare back. and he loves that you're so much shorter than him 🤭
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
you had to say it first. he knew he was hopelessly in love with you really early into your relationship but he was super nervous about lovebombing you so he stayed quiet. but oh my god his reaction when you told him you loved him!! no win or trophy could ever compare to you loving him!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
i think it's very rare he does actually get jealous. he's just so so confident in your relationship and he knows full well (because he's seen it before) that you'll tell someone that's flirting with you that you're not interested because you have a boyfriend.
but when he does!! he needs a very good reason to and he will literally march over, slide his hand round your throat and pull you in for the most dizzying kiss before pulling away, smiling and whoever is trying it on with you and walking off
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
kissing you is his favourite thing in the world !
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
so so cute. he wants a baby with you in the future so he's always trying to show off to you about how good he is around kiss.
like you're babysitting your niece and he's just being the best around her and going all "maybe we should have one?"
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he's normally off to training super early so lazy sundays are literally his favourite days ever. just waking up late and smothering your face with kisses to wake you up (and ofc that leads to the softest slowest sex ever) then just making breakfast before going out on a little walk and coming home to watch movies and nap on the sofa !!
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
nights are when you get to spend the most time together so you both take advantage of that. cooking dinner together and cleaning up together before showering together. then you're forcing levi to do a whole skincare routine (that he secretly adores) and cuddling in bed!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
in my head he opened up to you completely after a really bad game. like you'd been together for a few months so he was still keeping himself super closed off. but he had a really bad game (maybe even had a little injury) and all you did was smile and ask him if he was okay and he just broke down about how tired he was. it's that first time he was ever completely vulnerable around you and he knew you were the perfect person for him the way that you reacted.
then i think after that and just further into you're relationship he's really good at communicating and it's rare that you have an argument.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
his patience on and off the pitch are so so different. when he's with you he is literally so so calm. you're literally perfection in levi's eyes and there's nothing you could do to change that.
but when he does get angry he tries his best not to take it out on you, and if he does he'll leave you for a little bit to calm himself down before wrapping himself around you and mumbling little sorrys in between kisses
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers absolutely everything about you idc. literally every little detail about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
anytime you go to his games he gets so giddy. the first time you went he was so so happy and was the biggest show off ever
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
so so protective! you're his girl and no one is ever allowed to hurt you!
he adores your protective streak and he can't help but get so giddy when he sees how angry you get at fans for criticising him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
always always goes above and beyond. honestly he will always make sure you have the best because you're his girl and that's exactly what you deserve!!
dates and anniversaries are literally perfect because he can read you like a book and he knows the way to your heart!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
i feel like he always puts your needs above his? he could have had the worst game of his life and be so so miserable but he refuses to actually put those needs above yours? he's good at communicating when it comes to things that bother him but he is awful at communicating his feelings.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he always makes sure he looks his best for you!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
absolutely. you are literally his whole world.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
he loves wearing matching outfits ! they're super subtle but you're always matching
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
i don't think he'd be interested in someone that's super vain? he'd rather date someone that's super down to earth and knows that there's way more to life than money and looks.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
he loves naps! always dragging you to the sofa under a huge pile of blankets so you can have a nap together
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madame-fear · 6 months
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : how would Kuku celebrate your birthday with you? ♡
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : just fluff. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Esteban Kukuriczka x (fem!)Reader
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𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐It’s your birthday! And your boyfriend is probably more excited than you are to celebrate it, because it’s yet another year of celebrating the fact that on a day like this, the world has been blessed with your presence.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐I have the feeling that he’s probably been organising it probably a month or two before your actual birthday. He prefers to have everything prepared beforehand, so it’s as perfect as possible.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐Expect to be woken up with breakfast on bed, and tons of kisses— and of course, a softly muttered ‘happy birthday, my love’ in between kisses. At one point, Kuku will put the breakfast aside (like on a nightstand table) just to attack you with a tight embrace and more kisses.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐Don’t be surprised if you receive warm birthday messages from his cast friends. He basically told everyone about your special day, and expects you to be as pampered and cherished as much as possible.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 And, since we are talking about you being pampered— I can imagine you’d get showered in gifts. From roses, to plushies, books, maybe even a bracelet or necklace with both your and his initials on it; literally you would be gifted tons of things from his part.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐^ And if you receive something that you saw, liked, and wanted while being somewhere together and didn’t tell him; don’t be surprised either if he gifts that to you. I have the feeling he’s a very observant person, especially around you, his sweet love.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐He’s organised an entire day just for the two of you to do your favourite things together, or maybe just something special to celebrate your birthday.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 You would hang out together around somewhere you like— literally wherever you wish, or whichever place you enjoy being around the most. He’s taking you to anywhere you tell him to go.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 Or if you prefer to stay at home, that wouldn’t be a problem at all. Kuku would just organise something fun & special to do at home, filling you with all the cuddles and kisses you very well deserve. ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 Makes an Instagram story wishing you a happy birthday, telling you just how much he adores you eternally, and loves only you— nobody else, but you. Maybe, just maybe it’s a bit of very long message, but it’s an extremely endearing one.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 He would most definitely cook your favourite food for your birthday, and would also get you your favourite treats & cake! (if you want a birthday cake, ofc)
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐You would probably watch movies together and spend some good, loving quality time together. The entire day would be filled with kisses, hugs, cuddles, constant praising, him pampering you endlessly, and sweet birthday wishes. Kuku would adore to spoil you every single day, but you’d be particularly showered in affection for your special day. ♡
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING LOVE @luceracastro.ᐟ Today is the day we all cherish your lovely existence— you are filled with pure positivity, love, care, and are also one of the most understanding persons I ever had the fortune to meet. I can never stress enough how proud & grateful I am to be your mutual, thank you for sm everything you do and give !! 🥺 May all your days be filled with love, joy, and prosperity ♡ Have a marvellous day, mi amor! 🥳🥂💕
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 34 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 35
Summary : Loki meets the ancient one and she has all the answers for you both.
Warning: 18+,, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), timey wimey stuff topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love,
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You were at the hospital to see Mrs Geller but you were early so visiting hours weren't open just yet. You missed Loki, you hadn't seen him since the night of your birthday, which to be fair was just two days ago but you felt extremely anxious because of everything that has been happening.
Your mom had called you this morning to tell you that she had hurt her legs while working out and as soon as she had told you that you knew somehow it was connected to you.
Loki had told you that he would find the answers about all these glitches in time but you feared those answers would turn your world upside down again.
All those thoughts running in your head were starting to give you a headache so you got up and made your way to the staff area to grab a cup of coffee, luckily for you it was empty.
"You be like baby who cares, i know you care, bring it over to my place i don't know what you did–" you stopped singing to yourself as you felt a presence behind you so you turned around. It was Doctor Mark. Ofcourse.
"That's for staff members you know that right?" He asked you and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes,
"I know but ..it's just coffee you know?"
He shook his head in response and walked towards the machine to pour one for himself,
"How's she doing now?" You asked him so he sighed deeply as if your mere presence was irksome to him. Why were you meeting all these assholes doctors, at first Strange and now him.
"Same as before, she's stable but there's no improvement" he told you so you nodded
"But she'll be okay right?"
He turned his head to look at you as you asked him again, he seemed soft and sympathetic for once, he also seemed as if he knew she won't recover from this.
"What was that song you were singing just now?" he asked you to change the subject so you chuckled in response..
"It's under the influence by Chris Brown"
"The what?" He looked at you a bit surprised so you told him again, this time enunciating each and every word carefully.
"Don't think i have heard of it" he shrugged as he said that so you crossed your arms.
"That's fine i have not heard all the songs in the universe" you chuckled, however it wasn't from amusement but barely annoyance.
"I operated on that man once..we stayed in touch, that's not his song..I'd have known since he keeps sending me his tracks"
He said in a nonchalant manner so you squinted your eyes.
"Well that's nothing..i ..I work for loki..a literal god"
"Yeah what do you do for him?"
"I'm his assistant "
"If he's such a god why would he need an assistant"
"Because he does .." you walked out of there to save face after that. Why was he so annoying? And what did he mean when he said that song didn't exist? You heard it in the last timeline, that was the song you played as you both got high that night. You quickly took your phone out and searched for the song but you didn't find it anywhere..it didn't exist, he was right.
But how could it be? You remembered it, you heard the song, loki did too, you remembered the lyrics for god's sake.
As you reached home that evening you immediately called Loki.
Loki knew in order to find the answers you both were looking for he'd have to go find the sorcerer supreme and he did find her quicker than he had anticipated, maybe she wanted to find him as well..
"Pardon me, I need a moment," he said to the woman in front of her who was the sorcerer supreme before Doctor Strange. You were calling him and he never ignored you call no matter how busy he was or wherever he was so he picked it up immediately
"Darling are you alright" he asked you in a hushed voice,
"Yeah I just need to talk to you about something"
Well he needed to tell you something too but he knew it wouldn't sit right with you, he was being unfair again but he had to do this in order to protect you both.
"I'll be there in an hour okay?" He said to you softly before he hung up and turned his attention towards the woman everyone addressed as the ancient one.
"Is there no other way?"
He asked her in one last desperate attempt to avoid his fate but she only gave him a faint smile in response.
"If there was any other way you wouldn't be here seeking my advice. What you two have done have caused a warp in the current timeline, look around you Loki ..everything is disintegrating because you two chose to deviate from the original timeline and found each other before your time"
"It's's not out fault that your protégé messed up the spell and we both remembered each other"
"Well this time she won't"
As he entered your apartment you were pacing back n forth in your living space with a worried look on your face.
"You remember that song I played when we got high together the first time in the other timeline?"
You asked him hurriedly so he smiled but his eyes were teary, heart breaking at the thought that he was going to lose you again and this time you won't even remember him, he just had to rely on fate to bring you back to him. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you lovingly before he placed his forehead down on yours,
"I love you" he mumbled softly and as giddy as his words made you feel you knew something was wrong, you could just tell by the way he felt around you, it was as if you were connected to him in more than just a physical or emotional way.
"I love you baby .. something is wrong..isn't it?' You asked him so he sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"What were you saying about the song? I remember it clearly" He brought one of his hands to your face to tuck your hair behind your ears, the gesture made you lean into his touch.
"It doesn't exist..not in this universe..why?" You asked him so he sighed.
"Perhaps it hasn't been created yet"
"Then how come we heard it in the last timeline?"
"Because we were living a life that was never meant to happen darling and.." his voice broke as he paused his words for a moment and closed his eyes as if he was too afraid to say whatever he wanted to say,
"What is it?"
"We are still living that way darling..this is not how we were supposed to meet again"
You felt your heart drop as he said that. No, you couldn't go through this again, haven't you both sacrificed enough for the sake of the world?
"So? What's the problem then?"
You asked him as you pulled away from him so he grabbed your arms and pulled you closer again,
"You know what is the problem here sweetheart..you can see it can't you? All around you, things are happening..bad things and they'll keep happening until we fix our mess"
"We fixed it once" your voice choked on your tears as you spoke and it took everything in him to stay strong at the moment, he had to, he had to suffer this time for both of you.
"I know..I know we did, we did our best, it's not our fault that we remembered each other but I have found the sorcerer supreme.. there won't be room for any error this time" as soon as he said that you broke down in tears. This was your worst nightmare coming true.
"No please loki no please..pleaseee nooo" your hiccuped sobs crushed him to the core. Why couldn't he just spend a lifetime with you where he could just keep you happy? He knew he'd have to spend years without you before he was able to fulfill all the promises he had made to you.
"We are meant to be together my love, we are made for each other, I'll find you i promise, when the right time comes I will find you and I'll make you mine..i promise.. and then I won't let go until the end of time, until the end of us"
You stopped crying as he said that, you just felt broken at the moment, you didn't know how you'd survive this all over again.
"Thirty years, I have waited thirty years of my life..all my life to have a moment where I didn't feel so deeply sad or worthless. And then you came into my life out of nowhere and I have never been happier, i have been happier beyond my imagination with you" he cupped your cheeks as you let out broken sobs but you weren't done speaking just yet
"And now you want me to give it all up so I can go on and live miserably for a few more years? You are telling me that i…me..basic stupid me whose existence didn't even matter until I found you is the reason why this universe is falling apart and now I'm responsible to fix it? I'm supposed to sacrifice everything to fix everything all over again?"
He stayed quiet for a moment, he wanted you to vent, to take out your anger, whatever you had said had only pierced his heart deeply, he never wanted you to feel this way again but he had no choice, he never really did, he never got his will..
"Don't you see it, princess? It's all about you, everything has been about you, it had been about us finding each other but we find each other at the wrong time.. always the wrong time" He mumbled softly, things grazed over your cheeks to wipe your tears
You really wished his words had made you feel better but it really didn't, you only felt heartbroken at the thought of losing him, forgetting him completely and moving on with your life as if you weren't loved so immensely by this gorgeous man in front of you.
"And Yes you'll have to sacrifice again to save the universe and you won't even remember doing it but i promise that when I find you again I'll help you remember. The sorcerer supreme- she gave me her word that she'll help us remember everything, every moment that we have spent with each other, she'll help us relish those memories again, this won't be forgotten, our time together won't be forgotten"
You had to let go of him as if you had never fallen head over heels in love for the very first time.
You felt empty and all you wanted to do was halt time from moving somehow and freeze this moment right here so you could spend your whole life like this..a forever with him
"What if you don't find me lo? What if we don't find each other?" you asked between your broken sobs so he picked you up by grabbing onto your hips and walked a few steps to press you against the closet door, if he was going to lose you for years he'd want to engrave this moment in his head.
"We will..we are destined for each other. This is my last attempt to atone for my atrocities but I won't be so kind the next time.. I promise I'll ruin the whole multiverse and everyone in it just to keep you by my side"
Well you wouldn't even stop him.
You moaned as he pressed his lips against your neck and sucked on it while his fingers removed your clothes magically, he was going to fuck you but he was going to take his time, as you felt his cock inside you, you couldn't help but gasp as his girth stretched you out.
He didn't even use a protection this time but you didn't care about it, everything would reverse anyways. Right?
"What if you don't find me attractive when I'm older than this or bigger or ..just different" he chuckled but his teeth gritted and a moan escaped his throat as you clenched your walls around him
"You really think a few wrinkles on your beautiful face or a couple of pounds is going to change the way I feel about you?"
"Mmm i hope not" he didn't stop his thrusts until he had you a quivering mess, as he laid you down on the bed you were just staring at him with a dazed look on your face,
"God I'd never get enough of you" you whispered as your lips lingered over his mouth for a moment before you kissed him passionately.
"I'd never want that either sweetheart " he looked down at you, he can try all the positions in the world with you but this right here was his favorite of all, your body underneath him and eyes staring back at him with such love and adoration.
"Loo" you mumbled softly so he snapped out of his thoughts and leaned down to kiss you before he hummed "I'm scared"
"I know princess, so am I, but we have to do this. I can not lose you, I can't take such a risk" you nodded as he said that but he could still see the saddened look on your face.
"What if something happens and we aren't at the right place at the right time? What would happen to us then?" Your eyes welled up again so he cupped your cheeks and kissed you before he smiled.
"My love, no matter where in the world we are, eventually we will cross each other's path..I'll make sure of it. A moment so absolute where you'd would be eager and desperate to fall so deeply in love with me..just like this, you were made for me darling and I'll find you anywhere, anytime..i promise "
He kissed you tenderly and then he pulled away, a sudden look of confusion flashed across his beautiful features.
"That is strange" he mumbled and it made you giggle.
"What ..kissing me?"
"No..I uhhh ..just this moment we had just now..i have had a dream similar to this in the previous timeline..not same but similar..I always thought it was just us from the future" you hummed as he said that.
"It's a time loop Loki ..i understand it much better now"
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you snuggled him into you, one last time before you'd lose him again, you didn't even know how long you will have to go without him or when you'll see him again..it could be five years or ten or even twenty, you just hoped he'd find you before you're too old to love him the way he deserved, you wanted more time with him, you wanted forever.
Time was disintegrating so both of you had decided to go through the ritual the very next day, however this time you weren't really fixing the timeline but yourselves, the spell that sorcerer supreme was using would keep you in the same timeline but you won't remember the last few months in the way you did now, you'd remember it the way you were supposed to live it and so will everyone else around you.
She wasn't reversing the timeline again, she was barely fixing your time, she was fixing the mess Strange had caused with his spell. You'd wake up in the same time but your life will be completely different. She was going to make you forget each other. Or that's what you thought she was going to do. You didn't know the complete truth, he didn't tell you.
Before you could go through the ritual you wrote an important mail to Mark Johnson and asked him to send it to someone very important immediately. You needed it to be sent before the ritual, you had made sure to use an anonymous mail but you called him at the hospital to ensure that mail would get sent. Afterall he won't really remember you and you definitely won't remember him.
"I'll always love you lo, no matter where I am or even if I don't remember I just know my heart will always belong to you, it will never belong to anyone else"
His eyes teared up as you hugged him tightly, he wished he could have prevented this somehow but he knew he had to do this to protect you and your loved ones.
"And one more thing lo--" you mumbled softly and his brows furrowed
"Time was never wrong between me and you..it was always right..it was always pure and it was beautiful"
Just like last time you all sat down in a circle, he had kept his eyes on you before his world shifted right in front of his eyes, one moment he was there with you with your hands clutching onto his and the next moment he was in a prison cell in Asgard.
The spell had worked and it had worked the way he wanted it to work.
"When the time comes, you'd go see her and then you can make her remember everything you want.. before that you can not intervene no matter what" The ancient one warned him so he nodded, his eyes welled up at the thought but he knew he didn't want to live without your memories, he wanted to keep it, he wanted to remember you so he could make you remember him when the time comes, he was terrified of the pain that he will have to endure in the next few years but he was ready for it.
That's how he was destined to suffer.
A lone tear spilled from his eye as he sat down on the cold floor of the cell wishing that he was sleeping in your arms instead but he knew he couldn't afford that no more, he knew he won't get to see you, touch you or kiss you for the next seven years.
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23 @oreo-cream @aesonmae @salvinaa
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dozing-marshmallow · 11 months
I looooooooove the chris x wife! reader fic that you wrote!! It got me kicking my feet and blushing 😊 By any chance, could you write a chris x wife! reader going on their honeymoon?
Awww this is such a cute idea, thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear that you loved the last one! ⋆˙⟡♡  I had to get something out on the man’s birthday as soon as I could and this request was the one I was fixated on finishing the most, so do enjoy reading and McLean’s bday ~💗!
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Most newly wed couples go to just one location for their honeymoon.
Yet it was very poor of you to think that standard would apply to Chris.
You didn’t realise until he informed you that you were gonna go to two countries per continent(apart from Antartica, cuz what the hell): Barbados and Costa Rica for North America, Brazil and Colombia for South America, France and Italy for Europe, Thailand and (The) Philippines for Asia, Morocco and Tunisia for Africa, French Polynesia and Australia for Oceania.
The only reason why Chris cut it to two instead of four was because he suspected you would get sick of travelling, and didn’t want you to be complaining on holiday.
“Chriiis, we don’t need to, you know!” you’re verbal about your humble take on the honeymoon as Chris made his long list based on the notes he wrote from his and your opinions,“This is all so costly! We could really go to two continents instead!”
“Huh?” he looks at you, confusion scratching into the space between his eyebrows,“(Y/N), this is literally nothing. You seriously wanna spend our whole two months of celebrating marriage in one place like working class people?”
Harsh, but it’s fine because it’s Chris.
Before you left, he took you on a massive shopping spree where it had not even been the beginning of him pampering you with all the jewellery, the swimsuits and the candies.
This guy doesn’t need to book reservations: the best hotels, air BNBs, holiday homes, you name the one you want to stay at the country and baam. Availability opens a door and charm hands over the keys.
He also hired a chaperone for each country, but most of the time, only for the arrival and departure; he wanted more alone time with you.
At this rate, you wondered if he needed to pay to enter the countries asides from paying the fuel and landing runway.
That’s right. You were getting there by his jet -he ended up upgrading- to each location.
Since it wasn’t meant to carry fifteen contestants this time, Chris abolished the loser and first class section in the new version of his plane to be furnished completely into his headquarters.
During each jet ride, you and Chris would review helpful phrases and attractions that would enhance the experience.
“So in France, we will have to remember to say “bonsoir” from 6 PM onwards.” you reiterate.
“That’s doable.” Chris comments, leaning back in his chair.
“And they don’t like smiling a lot.” you add, doing it yourself.
His relaxation ended,“Bummer. D’you think they can make an exception for me? My resting face is a smile.”
They did- in every place.
The honeymoon was an epoch for Chris to meet his fans from all over the world. If you had a dollar for every autograph he signed the entire getaway, you would have enough money to have your own jet.
Weirdly enough, Chris lost genuine pleasure to greet his global admirers and increasingly rushed the interactions.
“It’s okay to be more attentive to your fans, Chris.” you insist, with your head on his bare body, laying around somewhere on the warm Tunisian beach.
“Nah.” he differs with his hand scrubbing sand on your back,“I came on holiday with you, not them. I couldn’t leave you by yourself.”
Aw. You love your husband,“You’re right. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
He bought you anything that caught your eye. Clothes, hats, rings, ice cream, souvenirs.
Chris had also bought five cameras. He wasn’t letting a single moment of a scenery or pose go to waste.
Be prepared for the day when he eventually gets them all printed out and stuck in fresh albums and wants to reminisce with you.
He took you to the best restaurants, never settling for one less than five stars (maybe four if you persuaded him enough).
“To another exceptional night of our honeymoon!” he raises his glass of happiness.
You copy, both clinking and declaring cheers.
Going back to your accommodation, Chris would have you carried until the first descent onto the fine duvets.
Let’s just say that, by the time you do get back to Canada, both husband and wife’s necks have never been more wine red.
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
Okay I saw “First time getting drunk” on one of the prompt lists and now I’m imagining aelin or rowan maybe having their 21st, having waited all that time without having alcohol and maybe the other one’s teasing them for being such a goody-two-shoes, and then they get drunk together and it’s either hilarious or there’s a love confession or literally anything at all, this is just where my brain headed but you can go anywhere you want to with this prompt, your ideas are always amazing
(And congrats again❤️)
HI ABBY THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️this made me CACKLE and i hope it makes you laugh too ;)
Word count: ~1.4k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, drunken antics, *someone* is a lightweight
The Staghorns Bar was packed by the time Aelin and Rowan walked through the old wooden doors, instantly bombarded with the barrage of blaring music, tattooed skin, and beer stench that was so familiar to Staghorns's regulars.
"Welcome to your new favorite place!" Aelin called into Rowan's ear, raising her voice over the thumping music.
He rolled his eyes and pulled her closer against him. "I already want to leave."
She laughed, pinched her best friend's cheek. "Where's the fun in that, birthday boy? You don't even have to pay for your drinks tonight."
"Fine, I'll stay," he relented, grinning at her. "If only for the free drinks."
"You've never known the pain of paying for your booze," she reminded him, snickering. Rowan's refusal to touch alcohol until he was 21 had been a longstanding joke among their friend group.
"And whose bank account has that benefitted, hmm?" He raised his split brow.
"Okay, you can stop now." She poked him in the ribs. "I got the full college experience, booze and all, and I'm still in one piece, despite your hovering, Mom." She delivered that last word with heavy sarcasm. She might be eight months older than her best friend, but he hovered like an overprotective mother hen.
He snorted. "You keep calling me that, Ae, but we all--urk!" His snarky comment was cut off by a trademark Fenrys Moonbeam Hug Attack, which he allowed for exactly two seconds before shoving the blonde off of him.
Ever enthusiastic, Fen turned his sights onto Aelin, hoisting her off her feet in a bear hug. "You brought the birthday boy!" he exclaimed.
She laughed. "It took some bribery, but yeah, he's here."
"And he's gonna get druuuuuunk!" Fen cheered in a sing-song tone of of voice that had Rowan rethinking his decisions.
"Uh-uh, nope, I know that face." Aelin linked her arm through Rowan's and tugged him towards the booth where their friends were waiting. "No running away now, birthday boy."
"I'm not getting drunk," Rowan griped.
She snorted under her breath. "Since when have you ever listened to Fen's wildness? You'll have a beer, maybe taste some liquor, take a shot and cough on it like all the new drinkers do, and go home finally knowing what alcohol tastes like."
"And I should be excited for that?" he asked, deadpan.
She smacked his broad shoulder, which did more damage to her hand than his rock-solid muscles. Damn athletes. "You'll at least be able to tell your big bad hockey boys that you've graduated from the kiddie table." They reached the booth, where far too many people were crammed into a space meant for eight people, maximum. "He's here!"
"Happy birthday!" cheers sounded from their friends, and Rowan found himself deluged by more hugs and handshakes and back slapping.
"Never thought I'd see your pansy ass in a bar," Lorcan smirked, clapping him on the back.
"Fuck off." Rowan clapped Lorcan's back harder. The two of them had been teammates since they were in middle school, and Lorcan had been trying--unsuccessfully--to get Rowan to come to hockey team parties for years.
The taller man smirked wickedly and turned around, holding out his hand. "El, baby, pass me a cup?" A plastic cup full of beer appeared in Lorcan's hand. courtesy of his girlfriend, Elide. "Here you go, Birthday Boy." He picked up how own drink and tapped it to Rowan's. "Cheers, bitch!"
Rowan caught scent of the beer and immediately wrinkled his nose. "Smells fucking awful."
Appearing at his side, Aelin laughed. "We're college students, Ro, we only buy piss-cheap beer." She raised her own glass to him and pressed her lips to his ear. "Drink up, and I just might buy you something better."
"God damn, you're a terrible influence," he muttered, teasingly. "Cheers to me, then!" Saluting the booth, he tipped the cup back and took a long drink.
And gagged. "Fucking hell!"
Aelin chugged her whole cup in one go and laughed. "Not a fan?"
"No!" He switched cups with her. "Where's my real drink?"
"Aww, look at our little boy, all grown up and wanting liquor the second he tastes his first alcohol," Lorcan crooned, dropping his arms around Aedion and Rowan's shoulders.
Rowan shook him off. "Jackass."
Aedion slid a shot glass full of clear liquid across the tabletop. "All yours, birthday boy!" His grin was just as maniacal as Aelin's when she was up to no good.
Aelin shot her cousin a sharp look. "Aedy, is that--"
"Let him drink it and we'll find out," Aedion interrupted before she could finish, making a dramatic shut up! gesture.
She rolled her eyes. "You're a terrible influence." Swiping the other shot from Aedion, she took a quick sniff--yep, tequila. "Okay Ro, ready?" He nodded and picked up his shot. "Happy birthday, bestie!" She clinked her shot with his and, in unison, they tapped their glasses on the table and threw back the shots.
Rowan coughed and wheezed as the tequila burned down his throat, his face flushing red. "What the fuck?"
The booth burst into raucous laughter as he dropped his shot glass, reached for the glass of water sitting in front of Elide, and gulped it down desperately.
Only to find that what looked like water was in fact vodka.
"Look at our little alcoholic go!" Elide cheered, taking her drink away from Rowan as he coughed and spluttered some more.
"Wuh-water," he managed to wheeze. Aelin passed him her water bottle, and he took a tentative sip to confirm it was actually water before guzzling three-fourths of the bottle in one go. It helped, but didn't do anything to clear the glassy sheen his eyes had already taken on after half a cheap beer, one shot of tequila, and a generous helping of Elide's vodka.
"Better?" Aelin took back her water bottle. "Ro? Is that better?"
He turned to face her, blinking at the way her outline was...fuzzy? He shook his head. That couldn't be right. "Huh?"
A wide, wicked grin slipped across her face. "Rowan Whitethorn, are you drunk already?"
"No, I'm not!" he protested. It came out more like "no-uhmmm-not."
She snickered. "Should've known you'd be a lightweight after all your years refusing to drink." Standing, she draped his arm around her shoulders and waved to the table. "I'll make sure the birthday boy doesn't pass out before he gets home."
Rowan swayed on his feet but let her lead him out of the bar and across the parking lot until they'd reached his beat-up old pickup. He went to step up into the passenger seat, missed the running board, and flopped forward, catching his upper body on the seat.
Aelin sighed and rubbed his back comfortingly. "C'mon, you big drunk oaf, you have to get into the truck. I can't lift you."
"I'n lif' you," he slurred, grinning a big silly grin.
"I--wha--Ro!" She gasped as he turned around and lifted her easily, setting her down in the passenger seat. "Um, you've got it backwards, Rowan. You're way too drunk to drive. Hell, you might be too drunk to think properly' I can't let you drive."
"Am not!" He stuck out his lower lip. It was adorable. "'M'thinkin' jus' fine, an' I think I love you."
Aelin froze.
Rowan blinked at her, his hazy eyes wide with concern. "Ae?"
"You...you love me?"
A soft pink blush crept up his cheeks. "Yeah."
Her lips curved into a tiny, hesitant smile. "And you had to get drunk to admit it?" He opened and closed his mouth a few times, at a loss for words. She laughed softly and caught his chin in her hands, her bringing his face close to hers. "I'm just teasing, Ro." Gently, she pressed her lips to his, tasting the lingering alcohol.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her harder, breaking away after a long, sweet moment. His bright grin settled into a dark, cold corner of Aelin's heart and warmed it right through. "Stay wi'me?" he asked, his words still slurred together.
Beaming, she hopped down from the truck, boosted him into the passenger seat, went around to climb into the driver's seat, and started up the engine. "Of course."
Despite falling asleep within the first two minutes, he held her hand the whole drive back to campus.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
happy birthday!!! I hope you have a good day!
I was wondering if you would be willing to discuss what a healthy amount of isolation is - if any, that you're aware of? If you don't want to do that today that's totally okay and I understand, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot.
My parents never let me leave the house. I've never been on a walk by myself, or to the store, or...like, anything that wasn't an appointment, I always have to go with one of my siblings or my parents. I have to tell my parents where I'm going if I use the car, and they have to approve of where I am going. I was homeschooled, and I wasn't ever given the opportunity to make friends outside of church because my parents had no interest in enrolling me in anything, but they get really angry that I don't have any friends anyway, and insist that our stay-at-home lifestyle is healthy and normal.
Like - okay, when lockdown happened during covid, I had to make no adjustments to it because I literally never left the house anyway.
Is this normal and/or healthy? It doesn't really feel healthy, but it also feels like I'm being dramatic. Like don't most kids /want/ this?
This is not just isolation anon, it's confinement. You are being confined and held prisoner to your parent's allowances and wishes. You're obviously an adult if you can use the car, so there's absolutely no way your human rights are being respected here. You should be allowed to go anywhere, anytime, whenever you want, for any reason you want. What you're describing is confinement and abuse, isolation is only a side-effect (altho I am sure that your parents do want you to stay as isolated from any support as possible).
What you're describing is making me believe you might have been raised in a cult. The home-schooling, limit on making friends, not being allowed to make friends of another religion or beliefs, not being allowed to go out alone, always being watched and controlled by someone, that is extremely far out of the normal, and all of these are red flags of cults. I encourage you to research cults (if anyone has a good link with all of the red flags of cults, please put it on this post, I'm googling and I can't find any good resource right now) and to check if many other things click.
Even if its not a cult, something is deeply wrong here, because you are not being allowed your basic human freedom to come and go. There is no healthy amount of being isolated by other people, on purpose, to keep you from gathering knowledge, friends, experiences and options. These people are making sure you can't leave, that you can't go anywhere without being tracked - meaning they know you have a good reason to leave, and that you will want to leave.
You are not being dramatic, this is very far out of normal. Whatever 'healthy' isolation might be, it would be when you alone decide to stay on your own, not when someone else confines you and forces rules upon you about where you're allowed to go and whether you're allowed to be in anyone's company.
I managed to find this link, about cult-type control, see if this is useful to you and if you relate to the items on these lists.
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nokacchan · 2 years
what do u think are skz languages?
hi babes 👋🏻
let me say first. I'm really bad at this kind of thing. Anyways this is entirely my own opinion. Everyone is free to leave a comment on your thoughts ! :D
everyone love language is giving while only Changbin is receiving since I can't really think what his love language is (honestly all of the above seems suited🫠)
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Chan : Physical touch (giving)
— you can see how he really likes to hug his members. He is always there to comfort them on stage, off stage. Anywhere, he will be there by your side. Why? because you're family to him.
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Lee know : Acts of Service (giving)
— Lee know seems like he is quite independent. You know how he always talks about his cats & how he feels like sometimes his members are like his children. He's always going to make sure his members (and cats) are comfortable. *Gives you a blanket* "you seem cold, here's a blanket, please stay warm"
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Changbin : Acts of service (receiving)
— I just think this way because binnie seems like the type who would feel thankful for even the smallest matter. Like you remember about the food he wanted to try out last week but couldn't go because he is busy. And you brought it for him. "For me??? I love you!!!" He's going all over you. That's him, Seo Changbin.
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Hyunjin : Physical Touch (giving)
— To me, I think he is more "I'd rather hug you than talk" because actions speak louder than words. It's like a reflex to him. You're sad? Need a hug? He will hug you.
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Han : Giving Gifts (giving)
— I mean like you read the birthday wishes he wrote for his members you'll get what I mean. Your birthday? "Alright, my treat. What do you want?". Literally byf vibe here. Please don't reject his gifts, he will be sad.
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Felix : Words of affirmation (giving)
— He is really straight forward. That one video of him coming to visit Changbin during Changbin's birthday live. Yeah THAT. "You deserve more". He's a total keeper. Keep him in your pocket, don't let him go. A literal bundle of joy!
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Seungmin : Acts of service & Words of affirmation (giving)
— he is kind in between both. You know how seungmin would send on bubble like "what are you doing?" "Have you eaten?" He really does care so he would ask. It's part of his nature. Stays and stray kids are literally his home, so he would definitely check on up them when he notice somethings off.
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Jeongin : Words of affirmation (giving)
— I'll be honest I couldn't really think because he's like all of the above but I think this suits him the most. He is just always smiling. On bubble, he would sent voice message. "Have a nice day~ Cheer up~". He is that boy who would pop up in your chat group and say, "I hope you all are doing well. Text me if you need a friend to talk to. I'm always here for you"
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
The Marriage Pact Part 1
To Have and to Hold
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AN: I am so excited for this 😆
Synopsis: Jack brings up the marriage pact that the two of you made when you were seventeen on your 30th birthday
Pairing: Best Friend!Jack Harlow x Best Friend!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were attempting to drift off to sleep since you were exhausted from everything that took place during the day getting things together for Jack's tour when you heard Jack’s voice interrupting you. 
This typically happened more often than not seeing as he still suffered from nightmares and would often come into your room whenever you stayed at hotels and if you two were home, he would be calling you. 
"Stink! I know you’re not sleeping! Get your ass up!"
"Well I was trying to be before you so rudely interrupted me. I am running on fumes seeing as I had to make sure everyone’s shit was together before this tour started." You answered as Jack walked over to the bed and pulled the comforter off of you.
He didn’t say anything for a few seconds and just peered down at you while you casually raised your middle finger up in his direction and all he did was roll his eyes.
“You’re staring at me.Creep. You literally see me just about every day and know what I look like. You’ve known what I looked like since I was born basically.”
"Uhhh because there is literally two minutes until your birthday and I am always the one to tell you happy birthday first. That was the whole reason why I came in here in the first place."
"Jack, it's not my birthday. But I should be used to this by now, always busting in my room unannounced." You said while shaking your head as Jack came to sit next to you as you were still laying down and peeking out from under the comforter since you had thrown it back over yourself. .
All he did was stare at you for a few seconds before shaking his head.
"You work too hard and although I thank you for it, you need a break. I know being my manager isn’t easy and that I constantly give you headaches. But, It's about to be March 21st, sweetheart. I will never ever ever ever forget my favorite girl’s birthday no matter what I have going on around me."
"Forgot your own birthday, but your best friend in the entire world is never going to forget it. You'll get the rest of your gifts later, but I have the cake, card, and one of them right now. So sit up so you can eat it. Oh, and happy birthday to my most favorite person in the world." Jack said while leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Thank you, Jack Jack. It totally slipped my mind."
"I always got you, baby. You know that." Jack replied while pinching your cheek. 
"And I got you. Forever and ever." You answered before taking off the comforter and sitting up against the headboard as Jack made himself comfortable next to you while reaching over to the nightstand to grab the cake he got for you.
"I decided to switch it up this year since you've been having your obsession with strawberry flavored desserts so I got you strawberry cake with buttercream icing which I know is your favorite."
"Why are you so perfect?" You asked with your mouth watering at the sight as he handed it to you. 
"You're the perfect one and make me look good. Why do you think I wouldn’t take no for an answer when I told them that I wanted you to be my manager?" Jack answered as he set the cake in the middle of both of you.
“Because you would literally lose your head if it wasn’t for me. Been that way since we were little.”
“Hmm, you have a point.”
Jack did the honors of taking the first small piece from the cake slice first and holding the fork up to your mouth so you could taste it.
“Damn, I’m going to need a whole one now. Where did you get this from?” You asked as Jack got another fork for himself and began eating.
“Ms. Beverly. She made it without a second thought once I told her it was for you.”
“Aww, really?!” 
Ms. Beverly was your third grade teacher who had now since retired from teaching and runs an entire bakery in Louisville. The two of you kept in touch and she became one of your favorite teachers who had a lasting impact on you. You always knew that you could go to her when you needed to if you weren’t comfortable going to your parents.
 “Free of charge might I add, but I still left her a big tip. Probably bigger than what the cake originally cost.”
“Now, how in the world did you get in here?” You curiously asked seeing as the two of you were currently in L.A.
“Don’t worry about how I got it here. Just know that I did it because I know that this would make you happy. And you know how important your happiness is to me.”
“I literally hit the jackpot in the best friend department.” 
It was quiet for a few minutes as the two of you were still eating, when Jack suddenly broke the silence.
"Now you know what this means right?" Jack asked as you looked up at him from your birthday cake.
A tradition that had taken place with him buying you your own slice of cake or cupcake ever since you turned fourteen.
He would save up his allowance two months in advance just to be sure he had enough for when the time came to buy it.  
He was always the first one to tell you happy birthday ever since you could remember. It also helped that the two of you only lived a few houses down from one another. 
"What? That I'm having a cheat day and need to go to the gym an extra day this week?" You answered, but Jack shook his head no and had a somewhat serious look on his face.  
"No. We're both thirty." Jack quietly said and the both of you stared at each other for a few minutes before either of you said something.
"You… you actually remembered and you were serious?" You asked him as you put down your fork to give him your full attention.
"Of course I was serious. What better person is there to marry than my best friend who I know I can trust and won't let me down?"
When the two of you had turned seventeen, it was right after the worst break up that you could have ever imagined. 
Him cheating on you with someone that you were close to and you just knew the world was over.
It wasn't until you decided to go to a party and get drunk with Jack keeping a close eye on you that the conversation of a marriage pact was brought up the next morning when you had finally sobered up.
"If I were to propose to you right now, would you say yes?" Jack asked you as the two of you were laying on the floor in his bedroom staring up the ceiling. 
"Of course I would. You’re my best friend in the entire world and I know the last thing you would ever do is hurt me." 
"Then let's make a deal. If we're both single by the time we're thirty we'll get married."
You quickly agreed and simply thought to yourself that pact or no pact, you would marry your best friend in a heartbeat. 
You had reached the center of the cake when you noticed something hard that made a sound once your fork had hit it. 
All you did was look at Jack before moving the rest of the cake to the side and discovering a silver pear shaped engagement ring.
The ring that you told him that you had always wanted. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared at it for a few seconds before finally turning to look at Jack. 
"Jackman Thomas…." You started to say, but nothing else came out seeing as your heart was now beating a thousand miles per hour and your breathing was beginning to be erratic. 
"You know how much you mean to me because I literally tell you every day and I cannot go one day without being around you. If I’m not around you, we’re on the phone talking to each other or even sometimes just doing our own thing. Plenty of times we’ve called each other and we won’t even speak, but we just know that the other person is always there.  You have been in my life since damn near birth and I don't see myself without you by my side for the rest of my life. I was dead serious when we made that pact at seventeen. I want you to be my wife because I know no one else will come close. You know me better than anyone and I can share things with you and not feel like you’re judging me for any of it. So, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and fulfilling our marriage pact?"
“This is one hell of a gift. How much was this?” You began to say and Jack just smiled at you since he knew every time you got an ounce of nervousness in you, you began to ramble.
“Since when does that matter, and when do I ever tell you how much something is that I bought for you?”
“It doesn’t, but as you can probably tell right now, my heart just fell out of my ass.”
Jack began laughing as you were still trying to come to terms with what he had just asked you.
“Baby girl, I need an answer.” He said as you were playing with the ring in your fingers.
“You really want me to be your wife?” You quietly asked and all Jack did was nod.
“Till death do us part?”
“Through sickness and in health?”
“For richer or poorer?”
“Baby girl! At this rate, we should get married this very moment. You got me over here reciting vows and shit. And you know for a damn fact that I’ll always take care of you regardless.”
“Okay, okay, okay. I was just thinking out loud, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. This is a very important thing to think about but I will tell you that if you don’t want me to be your hus…”
You immediately cut him off.
“Do NOT finish that sentence because I do. And my answer is yes.”
“Wait, really?”
“Well, did you think that I was going to say no?”
“Okay, well I was only 65% sure that you would say yes and that’s more than 50, so I thought to myself the chances of you saying yes are greater and that I might as well try.” Jack quickly took the ring from you and slid it onto your finger as you sat there admiring it. 
“You remember what ring that I said I wanted. Wait, how did you even know my size?”
“Really? Your best friend of thirty years now and you’re asking me if I know your ring size?” All Jack did was look at you in disbelief.
“Okay, fair point.” You quickly picked up your cake and the two of you finished eating as so many thoughts were running through your head and Jack quickly noticed.
“What are you thinking?”
“Well for one, our mothers will be very happy about this.”
“True. I know that had a bet going even if neither of them want to admit it. They’ve probably been planning for this since we were born.”
Your mother along with Jack’s mother Maggie were best friends and got pregnant around the same time and agreed that your mom would name her first born while Maggie named you. Seeing as the two of you were eight days apart, once your mother finally brought you home and got settled, Maggie of course came over to check on her and it was good that they had support systems in place that would help them navigate being first time mothers while also supporting each other. Maggie had set Jack in the bassinet next to you and you immediately took to him. It was almost as if the two of you were hugging and now have been inseparable ever since. 
“I definitely think that they have a color scheme in their head and probably even a location.”
“But, we have plenty of time to discuss that. There is absolutely no rush and seeing as I know tour is about to start we’re both going to have our hands full.”
“Are we… should we announce this? Like what are people going to say?” 
Now you were beginning to worry.
“Who cares what people have to say. We’re two grown adults who want to be married to each other. And I actually have an idea about announcing it, but like I said. No rush, and we have plenty of time. For now, the birthday girl needs to go to sleep so she can have energy for her surprise party later tonight that she has absolutely no idea about because she did not hear what I just said and Urban is going to kill me if you say something.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh and shake your head at him as you once again made yourself comfortable under the comforter. It was around 12:45 and you had to be awake around 7 in the morning.
“I promise not to say anything and I will act very surprised.” You said as Jack made a motion to get up off the bed, but you quickly grabbed his hand to pull him back.
“Where is my fiance going?” You asked and all he did was smirk.
“More than likely you’re going to end up back in here before the night is over so just stay in here.”
“Good point. I’m used to you sleeping crazy anyway.”
“What the? I do not!” You said in response as Jack took off his shirt and got underneath the comforter with you and brought your head to lay on his chest.
“You either steal the blankets from me, kick me, or hit me. I’ve been dealing with this for how long?”
“But… you always wake up well rested and you usually never have a nightmare when I’m next to you.” You replied while picking up your head to look at him.
“One of the many things that I love about you.”
“Ooh, tell me more. I want to hear all of this.”
“Later, when my birthday girl wakes up, don’t read your card until you’re by yourself.”
“Did you put money in it this year?”
“I put money in it last year!”
“Jack, you gave me a dollar.”
“However, you got a Givenchy outfit, two Birkins, two Telfar bags, Louboutins, and new earrings so I don’t want to hear it. I gave you gas money.”
“Don’t push it. I’ll take everything I bought you back.”
“Well you for damn sure not getting this ring back so you can forget it.” You replied while picking up your hand to look at it.
“Here you go, starting already.”
“I thought we were supposed to go to sleep? The light is still on.”
“We are, but I wanted to look at your beautiful face.” Jack answered while you rolled your eyes. 
“You are literally so full of shit. I repeat you know what I look like.”
“And you wonder why you only got a dollar.”
“Goodnight, Jackman.” You said as you reached over him to turn off the light and all he did was laugh.
“Goodnight future wifey.”
“I’m letting you know right now that I’m hyphenating my last name.”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
Your alarm blasted in your ear signaling that it was time for you to get up, but Jack’s arms were wrapped around you so tightly that you were unable to move and turn it off.
“Babe, move your arm.” You quietly told Jack and all he did was groan and hold you tighter if that was even possible.
All you did was sigh and try to pry his arms off of you with no use.
“You are such a big baby.”
“I’m your big baby. Five more minutes.”
“Then reach over and turn it off. But I do still have to get up.”
“No, you don’t. The birthday girl is relaxing on her birthday seeing as I literally canceled everything that you had scheduled for the day since I knew you had probably forgot.”
“No, go back to sleep.” Jack replied as he reached for your phone to turn off your alarm before settling back down next to you and simply laying on your chest as you played in his curls that you loved so much.
“Did you sleep okay?” You asked and all Jack did was nod.
“No nightmares?”
“No, and I was having a good dream before it was so rudely interrupted by your alarm.”
“You slept in my room, remember?”
“Yes and can we go back to sleep because we have a lot to do today.”
“Well how long can I sleep for?”
“Your hair and nail appointment is at 9, now go to sleep.”
“Nope, go to sleep. I’ll tell you more when I wake up.”
You did as you were told and woke up at around 8:15. You quickly hopped into the shower seeing as Jack had rolled away from you, so this was the perfect opportunity to make an escape. He was going to complain later, but you would worry about that when the time came. 
Deciding on your pink and white jumpsuit, you quickly got dressed as you now heard Jack stirring. You turned around to see him reaching for you and he quickly let out a sigh when he noticed that you weren’t next to him. 
“You left me in my time of need.”
“I-.... you were asleep!”
“So? Your point? Anyway, the car should be downstairs now to take you to get your hair and nails done. I’ll see you when you come back.”
“And be on your best behavior. You and Urban because good lord.” You responded while putting in your earrings.
“We will be! And we will not be getting ready for your surprise party later that you don’t know about because that part of the conversation last night did not happen. And I took all of your credit cards because everything is on me today. You’ll have your chai latte waiting for you at the salon. Your only job today is to relax and let me take care of everything for you. Come here so you can get your birthday hug.” You simply held up your hands in defense and weren't going to put up a fight as you walked over to Jack who was now standing and quickly embraced him. 
“Happy birthday my pretty girl.” He quickly kissed your forehead as you hugged him tighter and smiled.
“Thank you and thank you for everything that you do for me.”
“I think it’s the other one around, but for today I’ll take it.”
Jack made sure you got downstairs and into the car okay before going to bother Urban and to get ready for your party later. Jack was itching to tell him about the two of you being together or being engaged? Whichever one it was but since he hadn’t cleared it with you beforehand he decided against it. 
His heart just about jumped out of his chest when you had told him yes last night when he had asked you to marry him, because he honestly thought that you were going to say no. Little did he know that in the back of your mind, for the last few weeks you had been thinking about the marriage pact heavily and wondered if Jack had honestly forgotten about it. So when he did bring it up, you were almost at a loss for words. 
But now that you got him and he got you officially, you were going to do anything possible for your relationship to continue to thrive as you would soon have different roles. Going from best friends to husband and wife. 
It was around 5 in the evening when you finally returned to the hotel and sent a quick text to Jack letting you know that you were back in your room. As you walked further into the room, you caught sight of a black and silver dress along with a brand new pair of Louboutins sitting on the bed and simply smiled and laughed to yourself.
You went closer to see that there was a note attached written in Jack’s handwriting.
For my fiance (you are about to get sick of me because I’m saying that every chance I get),
Put this on and then text me when you’re ready.
Happy 30th birthday, baby girl 
Your future husband
Once you were dressed, you sent him a text as promised and within five minutes he was opening the door to your hotel room (since the two of you always gave each other keys to your rooms) and smiled when he saw you.
“Damn, you got a man?”
“Actually I do.” You answered while playing along.
“And he left you here all by yourself looking that good?”
“Bye Jackman. I am so done with you.”
“You look gorgeous as always. Did you like the outfit I picked out for you?”
“I do and it fits perfectly.”
“Now, are you ready to go to your surprise party that you didn’t know about and will act surprised once we get there?”
“Yes, and I can’t wait.”
The party was in full swing and you were mingling with all your guests seeing as Jack literally flew in all of your friends and family so it was a small and intimate setting which he knew that you would prefer. Crowds weren’t your thing and would quickly give you anxiety being around a lot of people. Jack noticed that you were now staring off into space and quickly pulled you to the side in order to make sure that you were okay as he could tell your social battery was slowly diminishing.
“We can leave whenever you want. Just want to make sure that you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, I promise. Just a little tired, but I know it’ll be worth it.”
“Should we tell them? I’m surprised no one has said anything about your ring yet.”
“How about when we cut the cake we do it?”
“As long as you’re sure. It’s only friends and family so I know they won’t say anything until we give them the okay to.” Jack said while moving a curl out of your face.
“I’m sure.”
“Absolutely positive? Because we can wait, I don’t want you to feel as if I’m rushing you because that is the last thing I want.”
“You worry too much, I’m fine. I promise and I’m sure. Now I can tell all the girls to back up off my man.” You said while laughing and wrapping your arms tighter around Jack as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“You sure can. First thing out of my mouth will be is I’m taken and spoken for.”
All Jack thought to himself was that he knew from an early age that the two of you would end up together. However, it seemed like any time he tried to make a move you had a boyfriend and the last thing that he ever wanted to do was come in between that since he wanted for you to be happy. 
Usually once your boyfriends found out how close you and Jack were, they always accused you of cheating and would simply break up with you. But you had it in your mind that your soulmate whoever that was would respect the relationship that you have had with someone literally since birth and realize that Jack was not going anywhere and would forever be a part of your life and you wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Jack remembers comforting you every time it happened, he would give you a chance to have some time for yourself, but before he could make his move on you, you were once again in another relationship. 
“Let’s do this, then.”
“Happy dirty thirty to my favorite girl in the entire universe. I just wanted to let you know for the millionth time today how special you are to me and….. We have something to tell yall before we cut the cake.” Jack started to say and you were now in front of him.
“Should we say something or wait?” Jack asked as he looked down at you to increase the suspense even though the two of you already agreed on it.
“Hmmm, I guess we can tell them since they’re eventually going to find out anyway.” You responded and shrugged at the same time. 
“Out with it already!” Urban yelled while looking between the two of you and Jack simply held up your left hand to show everyone the ring.
“Wait, what?” You then heard him say and for good reason. 
“I’m officially changing Y/N’s last name to Harlow.” Jack answered before grabbing hold of your face and then leaning down to kiss you as you eagerly kissed him back. Once the two of you broke apart, all you saw was confused faces around you. 
For that to be the first kiss you and Jack shared, you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.
The two of you have gotten close to kissing before, but Jack would quickly move away or you would.
Because deep down in your mind you never thought that he liked you back the same way that you liked him and didn’t want to set yourself up to be hurt in the end. 
“I… did I miss something?”
“Apparently I missed the entire relationship because WHAT?” 
“That ring is big as shit.”
“Did anyone know that they were together? Because I definitely didn’t.” 
And then you heard both of your mothers.
Jack made eye contact with Urban who was looking at him in confusion and knew that the both of you would have to explain this to him later.
He knew that the two of you liked each other and would tease the both of you every day about it and asked when one of you were going to make the first move and ask the other one out.
So, the fact that now the two of you were in front of him and you were now wearing a big ass engagement ring was reason enough to have him in his feelings.  
With the marriage pact, you and Jack simply kept it to yourselves not involving anyone else just in case that something were to happen, as in, one of you getting married. Jack knew that Urban was going to be hurt about this seeing as the two of them literally told each other everything, and would explain his reasoning to keep it from him later. 
“Let me see the ring!” Your other best friend Ariyana said while coming over to you and grabbing your hand.
“I’m so happy for you and knew that the two of you would eventually end up together. I’ll beat you up later for not telling me.” She said while hugging you as you laughed.
Jack gave you a light squeeze on your shoulder as he went over where Urban was as you were now conversing with Ari and both of your parents.
“Urb.” Jack started to say, but he immediately stopped him. 
“So, we’re keeping things from each other now?” Urban questioned as he now had his arms crossed.
“No, but we didn’t want to say anything until we were sure. I promise it’ll make much more sense once we both explain it to you later.”
“As much as I got on the both of you every single day all to find out that the two of you were together anyway?”
“Like I said, we’ll do it later. If Y/N’s too tired we’ll do it tomorrow, but like I said once we tell you it will make much more sense.”
“It better make sense, because right now I’m ready to kick your ass for lying to me.”
“I get it, but fix your face before Y/N sees you. Don’t upset her.”
“I’m the only one who should be upset, but fine.” 
“Will it soften the blow that you’re going to be the best man?” Jack hopefully asked while looking at him.
“A little, but throw in some ramen and weed for good measure.”
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie said no all those years ago, and you've grown apart, literally. You moved away with your father but eventually came back to Hawkins to live with your mother and finish your senior year. After Eddie saw you, he realized just how badly he messed up. And how badly he needed to make it up to you. Word count: 7.6k (my longest ever)
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI or I will steal your Thanksgiving leftovers. Unprotected sex, fingering, slight praise kink, Eddie is sub then dom, loss of virginity, teasing, unedited writing, I don't know what else and it's almost 5 am
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//so i wasn't anticipating this being so long so very sorry
"Get the hell out of here!" your father's voice boomed across the tiny living room, the sound smacking you in the face. "Where am I gonna go? I don't have any friends here!" you answered, suddenly recognizing just how bad you were sweating from the frenzied argument. The cold November air coming from the open windows reminded you to stay grounded.
"I don't give a damn. Anywhere but here. Go to your whore mother. She'll take you in." the venom in your father's words struck you right in the heart. It hurt to know that your father harbored this much hate for you.
"Fine, don't try to get me to come back. You and everyone else can go to hell." you tread through the empty bottles your father carelessly downed like water through the past few months. You picked up your bag of various items you grabbed in a rush. One of those items was a necklace with a guitar pick, the red color shining against the dim lights in your house.
"You too, sweetheart. Get the fuck out of my house!" he watched as you swung the front door open and stormed off to your car. The pouring rain concealed the tears falling down your enraged, red face. Your father watched you pull out of the driveway and speed off into the night. You drove for a while, back to your mother's house.
Back to Hawkins.
That was 3 months ago. Now it was your senior year, and you'd rather be anywhere than a small town in Indiana, but you didn't have much of a choice. 
"Y/n, you can't miss your first day. You've dozed the summer away, time to get up and actually do something." your mother was lovely most of the time. You had no intentions of ever speaking to your father again.
"I don't want to go. People will remember me, and I'll be a loser like I was before I left." You were desperately praying that she'd let you stay home, the overwhelming dread of being bullied had left you unable to sleep the entire night.
But, you found yourself walking into the doors of Hawkins High, your nerves making you feel sick to your stomach as you pushed one of the double doors open. You could feel your hands trembling. 
You thought about your life before you moved in with your father midway through middle school. You left your best friend, the man you fell head over heels for. Eddie Munson. 
You fondly recollect learning how to play D&D with him, being there when he got his first electric guitar for his 13th birthday and watching his poor attempt at playing his first chord. You were happy. Everything was okay.
Then, your dad suddenly gained full custody, because your mom had a few loose ends she needed to take care of. So, after 13 years, you were moving out of Hawkins and into your father's care. He wasn't much better. Your father delved into an alcohol addiction almost a year after you moved in, and it became harder and harder to lead a normal quiet life. 
Not that a normal life was feasible anyway. You weren't the chattiest person at school, so you often went overlooked as you finished middle school and went through 3 years of high school. The bullies weren't the worst part. 
No, the worst part was missing your old life. Your old friends, the blossoming Hellfire Club, your mother. But most of all, you missed Eddie Munson. 
Hawkins wasn't the prettiest or most interesting town. It was actually quite boring there, but it was home. Home, where everything was okay.
You weren't particularly popular back in Hawkins either, but at least you had people who gave a damn about your emotions. But now, 5 years later, the "Welcome to Hawkins" sign only brought the fear that everything has changed. You came back in the summer, hoping to get accustomed to life in Hawkins again.
Except you didn't. You dwelled in bed, every new day brought the challenge of getting out of bed. It was exhausting and very lonesome. Until school came crawling back, and you were forced to be around incompetant idiots for hours each day. Just the thought alone was excruciating.
So, after years of pushing the memories of Hawkins deep down in your brain, they all came flooding back as soon as you drove up to the school. It never was a pretty school.
You made your way to your first class just before the first bell rang, the sound making you cringe as you managed to keep your tired eyes open. The first period started, and you had nothing but a notebook and a pencil like everyone else, but they already knew each other. It was a small town, nobody came or left. Except you, yet people didn't seem to recognize you.
You were grateful.
As the bell rang, you tossed your things into your bag and headed out into the hallway. You could have sworn you saw someone staring at you, but you already started walking so you figured it was your imagination.
You were so nervous you could pass out, you chalked up the thought of someone watching you on your silly mind. 
The day went by pretty fast to your surprise. Nobody had really said anything. Perhaps they didn't recognize you. You definitely changed yourself when you left Hawkins for the city. You wore makeup now, sharp eyeliner adorning your face, and whatever else you decided on before you left that morning. Your clothing style was more mature, showing off your body in the way that you wanted. You changed your hair as well. It was shorter.
Lunchtime came around, and you were lucky to find an open seat in the bustling cafeteria. 
"Hey, you're in my seat." you felt someone gently nudge your shoulder. You were face-to-face with Jason Carver when you turned around. 
//pretend the timelines match
"Oh, okay." you knew Jason was an asshole. He teased you before you left. But today was your first day, and you couldn't possibly care less that you were sitting in some jock's seat. You nodded to him and turned back around to eat your lunch. 
"I don't think you heard me. You're in my seat, move." you could hear stupid cheerleaders laughing behind you. Great start to your first day.
"No, I don't think I will." by now half the cafeteria was watching you stand up to THE Jason Carver. "Fine, you brought this on yourself." the girls forcibly pulled you out of your seat, dropping you onto the floor next to the lunch table with a thud. Your tray was slid off the table, the clattering noise filling the air. 
"Go away now, please. Or do we need to remove you ourselves?" Jason took your seat, shoving your backpack in your direction. You said nothing as you cleaned up the mess from your lunch tray. Footsteps approached you, making you roll your eyes.
"Have you had enough yet? Get the fuck away from me." another pair of hands started helping you clean. You glanced up to see a boy with long hair and a jean jacket with numerous pins and patches spread throughout. "Relax, I'm not here to throw you on the floor." he chuckles to himself, though he quickly shut up when you weren't laughing.
Eddie didn't know how to talk to girls. It was never his strong suit, especially when the girl had just been humiliated in front of a third of the school. The only girl he was truly good at talking to was you. You were the only girl that tolerated his loud terrible guitar playing and endless rants about whatever nerdy subject came to his strange mind. It was endearing and some of his favorite memories.
He missed you greatly when you moved to your dad's house. The grief he felt was similar to a breakup. Uncle Wayne had to deal with Eddie's moping and whining for two weeks after you left. He hardly played guitar for a month until he finally got over you. 
He convinced himself he would never see you again. And he hadn't recognized you when you sat in his first period today or during lunch when he was face to face with the prettiest smile he'd ever seen.
"Thank you." you flashed a small smile at him before standing up. Eddie froze for a split second. Something in your smile reminded him of a fire he once felt for a girl long ago. He had no idea it was the same girl he fell in love with years ago.
"No problem, they're just bullies. You can sit at my table. We'll make some room for you." Eddie had dealt with bullies all his life, just like you. He led the way to his table, where all the students had the same white shirt with black sleeves. "What's the Hellfire Club?" You sat next to Eddie, reading the 'Hellfire Club' text on their shirts.
You already knew the answer. Eddie was planning the club in middle school, his campaigns would take forever to plan yet you'd be there for every second.
It annoyed the hell out of Wayne but he let it slide because it was a clear case of young love.
"Oh! It's our D&D club. You know what D&D is, right?" He lifted an eyebrow, still blissfully unaware of who he was speaking with. You chuckled and nodded. "Of course I do. How many people are in the club?" when Eddie started the club, it was just you, him, and whoever would volunteer. Eddie listed the names of several members, pointing to each one as he spoke. 
"Um, Eddie, who is sitting in my spot?" Dustin cleared his throat before he spoke. Eddie sighed, sending a death glare to the boy. "She's a friend, sit next to Gareth today and respect our guest, Dustin." Eddie smiled at him sarcastically before turning back to you.
Lunch was over quickly. You got up to leave the cafeteria, eager to get the day over with. Eddie tapped your shoulder. "I never got your name by the way. I'm Eddie Munson." He offered his hand, to which you shook. You contemplated whether you should even tell him your name. 
"Y/n L/n." You sped out of the cafeteria before Eddie could realize who he was talking to. It took him a full minute to recognize your name. His jaw dropped when he finally realized that he was talking to you, his best friend. He came to the conclusion that he had to see you again.
You, on the other hand, were hoping that was the last interaction you had with him. The truth was you had a falling out with Eddie right before you left. You asked him out, with an elaborate plan to ask him on his birthday. You bought him a vinyl record to add to his collection and a few more minor gifts in hopes of gaining a shred of his affection. But, when you showed up at his door, he was with another girl. He was showing her how to play his guitar.
He never let anyone play his guitar, not even his best friend. Eddie saw you, a smile on his face while you felt your world collapsing from the second you saw her in his room from the hallway. "Hey, Y/n! I wasn't expecting you. What's all this?" he looked at the bag of gifts you packed before walking to his house.
You felt sick to your stomach. Like a knife had been stabbed in your side. And Eddie was the perpetrator. "Um- Just a few gifts. Happy birthday." you offered a faint smile, your mind far away, engrossed in your own rapidly swirling thoughts. Eddie took the bag graciously. "Thank you! This is my girlfriend by the way. She likes D&D too." Eddie smiled a toothy grin, shoving his fluffy hair to the side. His hair was still in that awkward phase between short and long.
The second knife to your stomach. His girlfriend? 
"I just wanted to stop by. I'm gonna go now." Eddie flashed a confused look your way. "But you just got here? Wayne bought a cake if you want a slice?" Eddie spends most of his birthdays hanging out with you. It felt abnormal to not celebrate with you. 
"No. I need to leave." you were about 2 seconds from bursting out into tears, and Eddie quickly realized this. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" it hurt to see his best friend upset. He was oblivious to the fact that he made you cry. 
Eddie had no interest in the girl sitting on his bed strumming nonsense on his guitar. He felt like he had no chance with you, a girl who he's spent years chasing. You were miles out of his league, and he couldn't possibly ask you out because what if you rejected him? He shuddered at the thought of losing your friendship.
So, he tried anything and everything to get over you. Distracting himself with music, dating whoever he thought would make him forget, and ignoring you. He didn't visit you on your birthday next week.
No calls, no gifts, no visits. Radio silence.
So, you ignored him as well. You figured he had been occupied with his new girlfriend. You couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else, the jealousy consumed you whenever you thought of him. 
When Wayne broke the news to Eddie that you had moved, Eddie had pretty much broken down. He hadn't said goodbye, missed your birthday and ignored you for the last two weeks you had together. All because he was too much of a coward to say he was in love with you.
And then here you were, sitting right in front of him the whole lunch period and he didn't even recognize you. Eddie searched the halls for you for a few minutes before eventually wandering to his class. It was like you disappeared. 
The next few hours went by extremely slowly. Eddie couldn't wait to get to you and tell you everything he should have before you left Hawkins. He would apologize for treating you the way he did when he was a cowardly 13-year-old.
Eddie didn't miss the way you were very enthusiastic about the Hellfire Club and the way you smiled when you recognized him. It made him feel like his old self again, pining after his nerdy best friend. 
He never saw you after school, you had bolted as soon as the bell rang. He didn't see you for a whole week after that day. He'd go to school hoping to see you roaming the halls with your headphones on listening to some loud song like you always did. You always managed to stay one step ahead of him, racing from one class to the next. You actually skipped first period that week. 
He felt as if you were ignoring him. You were, in fact. You still harbored a little hatred for him, despite having a crush on him for 5+ years. Some crushes never go away, and your crush on Eddie would never disappear. No matter how hard you tried to forget him.
When he spotted you walking to your car, he practically sprinted across the parking lot to catch up to you. "Y/n!" He hadn't said that name in years. It's funny how weird a word sounds when you think about it. You froze in your tracks, unprepared for the confrontation of a lifetime you were about to unleash upon him. You turned around to face the panting boy in front of you. "Yes, Eddie?"
Hearing his name from your lips was something he never thought he'd hear again. Eddie knew he wasn't the sharpest-looking guy in school, but he was never one to fit in anyway. He hoped you didn't feel repulsed by him. "So it really is you?" he was breathless, and not just because he ran across the parking lot. By fate, you were brought back to him, looking as beautiful as ever. Hell, even more beautiful than when he first met you. 
"Yeah, I moved back in with my mom. Never thought I'd be back here." You were honest with him. A pact made between you two, there would be no lying or withholding information from each other. Sure, you've broken it more times than you'd prefer to say, but you tried your best. Eddie nodded, shoving his clammy hands into his jeans pockets, desperately trying to seem cool and collected despite his heart hammering quickly in his chest.
"Well, was city life better than Hawkins? You look very different." Eddie liked your new look, though he thought you were captivating in anything you wore. You laugh at that. "Me, different? Look at you! Your hair!" You reach over to run a hand through his tangled hair and Eddie swears he can hear his own thoughts screaming at him to pull away. But he doesn't. He wouldn't dare pull away now that you're closer to him than ever. 
"I'd say you changed more than I did. You're still playing guitar I hope. I remember Wayne said he'd give it to me if you didn't use it." You saw his eyes light up the second you mentioned music. 
"Hell yeah, I am. I'm in a band. It's called Corro-"
"Corroded Coffin. I helped you with the name, dummy." You were never mean to him, Eddie understood after years of being friends that you never meant it when you called him a dummy or stupid. Tough love is what you called it.
"Really? Well, I guess I owe you for that." Eddie couldn't hold back the smile that snaked its way onto his face. He stayed awake at night when he was younger, wondering why you wouldn't inform him you were moving away. "You owe me for a lot of things, Eddie." you giggled to yourself, but Eddie wasn't catching on.
"What do you mean?" He leaned against your car as you sighed. "There's a lot you don't know about. I've done a lot for you when we were kids, helped you get your start with the band, the club, I introduced you to metal." you were rambling, still not getting to your point. 
"Yeah, that's what friends do for each other. What are you saying? Do you want me to pay you or something? Is that the reason you came back here?" You scoffed. "Please, I didn't want to be friends with you, I was in lov-" you stopped yourself, but Eddie had heard most of it. "You were what?" he wanted to hear you say it.
"No. You don't deserve to hear it. You know, I was truthfully gonna ask you out on your birthday, got gifts and everything to convince you, but you were already with another girl when I got there." You were still carrying feelings for him. He was like a virus that wouldn't go away.
"I was dating her to try and ignore my feelings for you." he laughs when your jaw drops. Both you and Eddie were very expressive around each other. "I hate you! Why would you do that?!" You smack his shoulder. Eddie was laughing at the idiocy of the situation. "God, this is so stupid." he ran his hands through his hair.
"No, it's just you." you laugh when he holds his heart, feigning offense. "How dare you, you're the coward for not asking me out earlier!" He earned another slap, but this time he caught your hand. "You're so sensitive, you know that? You always have been." Eddie was suddenly very aware of how close he was. He could smell your perfume and it made his head spin.
You were frozen in the spot. His warm body heat from his hand warmed your arm as he held his tightly. "Let's go on a date." you blurted out, making him drop your hand. "Now?" he raises an eyebrow. "Yes, right now. My place. We'll watch a movie and order pizza." You were forcing him now, but frankly, he didn't care. The girl of his dreams has just asked him out. 
"Well?" you look at him with hopeful eyes. The longer the silence went on, the more your confidence slipped. He slipped out of his trance and nodded frantically. "Ye-Yeah! Right now, let's go!" How could he ever refuse?
You drove home, barely able to contain your happiness. Eddie watched you. You looked angelic, the autumn trees giving an orange hue to everything near it. Your sweet, soft features encouraged him to let his inhibitions go. "Why are you staring at me?" you look over to see him scanning your features with an enamored gaze.
The soft humming of your car allowed a peaceful silence between you two. "I just can't believe you're back. Why didn't you let me call you when you moved?" Eddie was still as oblivious as he was 5 years ago. "Eddie. You had a girl over and you let her play your guitar. I was in love with you. I couldn't bare to see some random girl have all your attention while I was right there waiting for a love that would never come. And when you forgot my birthday I had assumed you wanted nothing to do with me after you got your girlfriend." it sounded a lot worse when you said it aloud. Eddie was awestruck.
"Oh fuck I am so so sorry, Y/n. Man, I really messed that up. I liked you too but I convinced myself that you were out of my league so I tried dating other girls to forget about you but it never worked. I could never forget a girl like you, you're too remarkable." he turned in his seat to face you.
"Y/n, I promise I will never treat you like that ever again. If I hurt you that bad you have permission to slap me." His brown puppy eyes were slowly convincing you to forgive him as you pulled into the driveway. "You're an idiot, Eddie Munson."
"You are too, Y/n L/n." 
//yeahhhhh did you think it'd be like nancy and steve? no, we call each other idiots in this house
When you got inside, you tossed your coat off your shoulders while Eddie stood awkwardly beside you. "You've been to my house like a thousand times, why are you acting like that?" you laughed at the way he was awkwardly standing near the door. He shrugged and tried to play it off. "Well, we're on a date. It's different circumstances. If we were hanging out I'd already be on your couch with a bag of Doritos." he chuckles, making you smile. Mission accomplished.
Eddie was still in shock to see you. It still surprised him just how much you changed, physically and mentally. He had to admit, you were pretty before but now you were beyond gorgeous. And he had you all to himself, it didn't seem real.
"Am I dreaming right now?" his eyes widened as he realized he said that aloud. You let out a chuckle, turning on the tv. As you bent over, you saw him staring at your ass. "Is this what you'd typically dream of?" you give him a suggestive smirk as you sit so close your thigh is touching his, teasing him. You planned to make him forget about any other girl in Hawkins with this date, but it got increasingly difficult to pull yourself away from him. He was very endearing and handsome you could hardly control yourself from jumping him before you even got to the house.
Eddie's eyes grew impossibly wider as he flinched at the contact. You'd never been this close to him. He had a perfect view down your shirt and into your bra, it was killing him. Eddie did dream about you a lot, even 5 years later. The entire week, actually. His dreams weren't as PG as he lead you to believe. This entire week he'd been haunted by you in his dreams. You noticed his cheeks flush as he shifted on the couch, his hand moving to cover his lap nonchalantly.
Monday, your first day back, he went home thinking about how good your breasts looked in your black tank top when he was helping you pick up your lunch tray off the floor. Tuesday, he dreamt about your hips, how good you'd feel sitting in his lap. He imagined himself running his hands up and down your thighs, hearing your sweet moans as he inched you closer and closer to submission. 
Wednesday, he dreamt about your body draped over his bed as he took his time with you. He could hardly contain himself at the thought of your sweet pussy taking him so nicely. Thursday, he imagined you going down on him. Your pretty lips were taking him in your mouth, he was imagining how you'd gag on his cock as he gently tugged at your soft hair as you gave him a blowjob.
Now it was Friday, and he was semi-hard in front of his best friend. You wanted to make him flustered, it was adorable how he squirmed and blushed. "Maybe those dreams were a little more...sensual, yeah?" you placed a warm hand on his cheek, a small gesture but it drove him insane. He'd be lying if he said no. He was trying his best to focus on anything but your silky, sultry voice and your warm soft thigh touching his. His cheeks flushed as he used as much willpower as he could to keep himself from getting hard. 
"I forgive you, for dating that girl. But I still think you should make it up to me." Eddie's mouth felt dry as he struggled to find the words. "Yeah, yeah I can do that. What do you want? I can buy you some records or something-"
"I want a good date. I want to be close like we were before I left. I miss us." you weren't lying, you missed the way you two found comfort in each other. It was effortless with Eddie, you missed that. "Ye-Yeah I can do that." Eddie wasn't used to being so speechless and shy around his friends. But your way with words and assertive nature had him falling for you harder than ever before. The way your hungry eyes looked over him as he talked made him warm inside. 
"We'll talk about those dreams later. I wanna hear all about them." You put a movie on. You were fully aware that Eddie's dreams were sexual, but you wanted to make him feel hot in his seat.
"I really don't think you want to hear about them. They're not that interesting.." he fumbles with his rings, desperate for any kind of distraction from your sexy glare. "I think I do. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." Eddie never felt pressured by you. He knew that you would back off if he asked.
The conversation died when the movie started. It only took about 30 minutes for you to become suddenly very needy. And not in a "friend" way. "Eddie, can I sit in your lap? I'm cold." Eddie choked on air for a second, inhaling deeply. He knew that you'd feel his erection if you sat in his lap. So he protested.
"You don't want to, trust me, we could get a blanket- oh fuck.." Eddie let out a strangled groan when you moved into his lap. His hands fell to his sides, finding it difficult not to hold you against his chest. "Is this okay? We'll both warm up this way." you lean back against him, your ass pressed tightly against his hard-on. A small gasp came from Eddie, his hands gripped your waist. "Don't move, please." he was trying so hard to hide his erection.
"Like this?" you wiggled your hips in his lap, earning a long groan from his soft lips. The room felt 10 degrees hotter as you teased him into oblivion. His palms held your hips in place, the tight grip giving you butterflies in your stomach. Eddie was panting lightly now. "You're doing this on purpose. Fuck you're such a tease." he breathlessly laughs as he watches you turn around to face him, your clothed pussy now pressed against his hard erection. 
His head tilted back against the couch as he bit his lip to stop another noise from coming out. "You're right. I really did want to watch the movie but this is just so much better." Eddie exhaled. "I'm better than the movie?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't imagine you giving a damn about him, let alone bringing him home and giving him this kind of attention.
"Obviously. Can I kiss you?" you glanced at his soft lips before pressing yours against them. Eddie let out a short whimper against your lips, the feeling of your kisses and your pretty thighs sitting on his lap were almost too hot to handle. His hands cupped your face. You could hear the desperation in his gasps for air every few seconds. 
You pulled away, your ruby-red lips leaving a stain on his. "You don't know what you're doing to me, Y/n," he says between shortened breaths. You pressed a kiss to his heated cheeks. "I think I do." you reached down to palm his hard-on through his jet-black jeans, making him buck up to meet your hand, and a groan escaped his pretty, red-tinted lips. His eyes rolled back into his head at the thought of being this intimate with you. He dreamed about this.
You continued your efforts until he grabbed your hands. "Let's slow down. I don't think you want this to be over in one minute." he laughs, feeling dizzy with desire as you gaze up at him. Your big, gorgeous eyes were enough to make him weak in the knees. Good thing he was sitting. 
His hands wandered up and down your body, stopping at your boobs.
"Can I?" he asked politely as if you didn't just have your hand on his dick. "Yes babe, I'm all yours." the pet name made him hum in pleasure as he tried to contain the huge smile growing on his face. The thought of you being his girl filled him with pride. It also made him insanely turned on.
He wasted no time putting his hands on you. His large palms smoothed over your boobs over your shirt. You curled your fingers underneath the fabric and pulled it over your head. Eddie's eyes widened as his jaw dropped. "You're so naughty, no bra?" he stared at your tits before squeezing them and playing with your nipples. You sighed in response, giggling at his reaction.
"What if I told you I wasn't wearing underwear?" Eddie groaned at the thought. "Are you serious? Jesus christ you're gonna kill me, Y/n." the jeans were starting to feel uncomfortable over his hard dick. "Can we go to your room? I'm sure your mom would kill me if she found out we're doing this on her couch." Eddie couldn't keep his eyes off your tits. He wasn't even looking at your face when talking to you. 
"You're just scared she's gonna walk in on us." you laugh. "Well yeah she'd shoot me!" he collects himself and makes his way to your room. "Ladies first." he watched your ass move in your tight shorts as you made your way upstairs to your room. "You're such a pervert." you tease him.
"Says the one who wonders about my wet dreams." Eddie froze. "Aha! So you do dream about me! Tell me what you've dreamt about me doing. Please?" you pouted, using your best puppy eyes in hopes to convince him. "Or...you could...show me?" 
He could work with that. "Alright, I'll tell you what to do." Eddie mustered up a bit of courage as he took the lead. His fingers ghosted over your spine, sending chills all over your body. "Take your shorts off, please.." Eddie sat on a chair beside your vanity, sending you an enamored smile. As you pulled your shorts down to reveal your lacy blue panties, he chuckled. "I was hoping you wouldn't be wearing anything under those. You're a liar." you laughed and made your way to him, your body feeling hot with desire.
"I said that to get you going." You placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I've been hard since you started the movie, you don't have to worry about that." he laughed as he unzipped his jeans, letting his clothes dick get some relief from his restricting pants. "Come sit on my lap. I'll show you a part of what I dreamt of." His hands grabbed your waist, pulling you into his warm lap.
"I dreamed about holding you against me. Unable to move as I run my hands all over you and have you begging for me." One arm wrapped around you, tightly holding you against his chest. His other hand was rubbing your thigh, squeezing the soft skin. "So soft, so perfect for me. I dreamt about you all this week. You've been ignoring me, sweetheart." his hands traveled further up your thigh to your inner thigh, tracing your bikini line.
"I almost didn't recognize you at first. But either way, I was staring right down your shirt. Right at those perfect pretty tits. God that's all I could think about all day." he groans in your ear as he ruts against your ass. You whimper at his words. "Eddie please-"
"Please what? I haven't even touched you!" He smirked as he cupped your cunt, rubbing up and down your slit through your lacy panties that you, unfortunately, decided to keep on. You sighed in pleasure, a small moan coming from your lips. Eddie smiled as he placed hickeys along your neck, sloppy kisses all over your collarbone and neck while he teased your pussy.
"You're so wet for me, sweetheart. You've soaked your panties." he tsked, pulling his hand away, making you whine in response. He didn't reply, but he slipped his hand into your panties, his talented fingers immediately finding their way to your clit and you can barely contain yourself. The feeling of his dick grinding into your ass made your head spin.
Eddie gently rubbed your clit, the slow pace sending waves of pleasure crashing over you as he stroked your pussy. "Oh fuck, Eddie.." you didn't know what you saying anymore, the moans fell from your mouth without hesitation. Hearing you moan out his name was all he needed to motivate him. "Good girl, your moans are so pretty. Just like I imagined." his finger teased your opening, making you whimper in response. "Please Eddie.." you begged for him to touch you more, anywhere. 
Eddie was practically trembling beneath you. He wanted this for so long. Not this in particular, but being this intimate with you. He'd daydream for hours about holding you close, comforting you...boyfriend things. Now that he was this close to reaching this dream, he didn't want to lose sight of it. It felt like heaven to hear you moan his name and come undone by his lewd actions. 
His other hand cupped your breast, pinching your nipple between two fingers. He relished the way you arched into his hand as he stroked you and groped your tits from behind. You squirm as he teases your entrance, his fingers so close to where you want them. "Please!" you grind your hips to try and create some pleasure, but he stopped you when he pinched your hip. "I'll get you there, sweetheart. Just let me live in this moment. You're so gorgeous, wanna see you come undone from just my fingers.." he pressed messy kisses along your neck as he spoke.
He obliges and gently pushes two fingers inside, watching you gasp at the feeling of his long rough fingers inside your warm pussy. "Mmm look at you, so sweet.." he groaned softly into your ear, further bringing you pleasure. His fingers went deeper, curling them ever so often, making your eyes roll back into your head. "Eddie oh my god" you leaned your head back, resting it on his shoulder.
"Look at me while I fuck you with my fingers, baby." you lock eyes with him. His intense gaze only brought you close to your release. Then, he adds another finger. Your jaw drops as you let out a sweet gasp and a quick moan of his name. His fingers curled inside you, feeling that spongy spot. Soon you were practically seeing stars as you looked into his eyes. He pumped his fingers in and out, watching your reaction. 
He was trying with all his might to not cum right in his jeans. The pleasured cries coming from your mouth gave him butterflies in his stomach. He quickened his pace, your body writhing in front of him. "Please I'm so close Eddie, please!" you didn't know what you were begging for, but you didn't want his motions to stop.
"I know baby, I know. Look at me when you come, I wanna see those pretty eyes.." he tilted your chin to look at you, a sly smirk adorning his handsome face. He felt your walls tighten around him as you teetered on the edge of your orgasm. "Come on sweetheart, be my good girl, cum on my fingers." you let out a loud cry at the sensation. You repeated the words in your head. Yes, you were his good girl. 
His words pushed you over the edge, "Fuck Eddie, I'm gonna.." you breathlessly moan against his lips as he presses a sweet soft kiss to yours. Your body trembles as your orgasm rushes through you, the feeling coursing through your entire body. "Mmm, that's it, sweetheart. So good for me." he was panting, between your hips grinding on him unintentionally and your sweet sexy moans, he practically came in his pants.
He led your orgasm ride out until you were nothing but a shaky mess. He pulled his long fingers out of your cunt and placed them in his mouth. His eyes rolled back at your taste. "Sweet, just as I thought." he groaned at your taste. "Feeling good?" he chuckles.
"Shut up, Munson." you get off his lap, your shaky legs only allowing you to reach your bed before they collapse. "Need a little help?" he laughs. 
"No, I need you to fuck me." you huff, pulling your underwear off to reveal the sticky wet mess that he created. His heart skipped a beat at your statement. This was all he could ever dream of and more.
He fumbled into his back pocket and his eyes went wide. "I don't have a condom." he let out a frustrated sigh. You normally would have just given him a blowjob and called it a day, but you couldn't take another night without him inside you, surrounding you, loving you. "Just pull out. Okay? You can cum anywhere else you want." Eddie nodded, grateful for your desperation.
He made his way to you, his hands shaking in excitement. He dreamt of this for years after you were gone. "You let me know if you need to stop or if something hurts. Okay?" he cups your cheek sweetly. You smile at the gesture. "Yes, now please touch me." you laid underneath him. Eddie stopped for a moment to get a good look at you.
"This may or may not be a surprise to you but I'm not really experienced in this field. Haven't had much practice...at all." he tried to explain, and you understood, just as he'd hoped.
"Seriously? So all that back there was your first time fingering a girl?" when he nodded, you were taken aback. "You have to be kidding? That was singlehandedly the hottest experience of my life and you're telling me you haven't had any experience with a girl?" he shrugged. "I've made out a couple times." 
"Eddie are you sure you want me to be your first?" you didn't know if he'd want you to be his first time, after all this was your first week back in Hawkins. But to him, there was no other person he'd rather lose it to. No other person in Hawkins he'd rather spend his time with than you. "Yes, it has to be you. I've known that I wanted to be yours since the day I met you. There's nobody else I could think of that is worthy of my time. So yeah, I want it to be yours. I wanna be yours." your heart melted at his words.
You smiled at him before pulling him into a warm embrace. You kissed him shortly. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." you were in awe of how sweet he was. He had a strange and even anti-social demeanor at school but here, he was the sweetest guy you've ever met.
"Eddie please, I don't think I can wait much longer." you reached down to circle your clit, humming at the sensation. Eddie grasped your wrist tightly. "That's my job." he watched you squirm at his words. Eddie spread your legs slowly, his eyes raking over your body. "God I love your legs.." he kisses your lower leg, humming to himself. You shiver at the feeling. "You're so goddamn hot.." he watched you whine impatiently.
"Eddie please fuck me.." Eddie felt a surge of pride when you begged for him. He ran his tip up and down your entrance, groaning softly at the feeling of your warm, dripping pussy against the tip of his cock. "Shit I don't think I can last long." he's been hard for practically 45 minutes. You pull him close, your forehead touching him. "I don't care, just want you, all of you" Eddie's heart melted at that.
He pushed into you, his dick stretching your tight walls as he went further. "Oh fuck, Y/n you're gonna be the death of me.." he could feel your clenching tightly around him as he pumped in and out of you slowly. You whimper at the feeling, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pull him in for a messy, deep kiss.
"Such a good girl, fuck you're so hot like this." he was openly moaning, not caring about the sounds he was making. "Is this okay? You like this?" he quickens the pace of his thrusts, biting back a loud groan. You were a moaning mess, trembling mess underneath him. You nodded quickly, your nails raking over Eddie's back as you took every inch of his cock.
"Oh my god, Eddie yes! So good, so good baby." you whimper, gasping for air with each uneven thrust he gave as he got closer to his orgasm. You were squirming and moaning beneath him. He could hardly think of anything else other than the feeling of your sweet pussy and your pretty moans in his ears.
You grind up to meet his thrusts as he desperately tries to bring you to orgasm before he does. "I can feel you baby- feel that you're close-fuck" he whimpers unashamedly in your ear. "Cum for me please, sweetheart. You're so hot I can't last much longer." He was so close, so unbelievably close. 
Your eyes were shut in pleasure, your hands grabbing fistfuls of his long dark hair. "Oh fuck I'm gonna.." you were cut off by your own gasp as your orgasm washed over you. Your mind went blank, but you could feel yourself gushing all over Eddie's cock. He prolongs your orgasm for as long as possible. His cock twitches inside you and he pulls out, seconds away from painting you with his cum. 
"Can I cum on your tits, please? Shit- I've been dreaming about this all week." he rambles on, unable to gain control of his emotions as he pumps himself, his ragged breaths giving you butterflies in your stomach. You nod, unable to do anything but watch as he releases his seed onto your breasts with a loud, satisfied groan.
You were trembling underneath him, your orgasm still giving you aftershocks. "You just relax, princess. I'll clean you up." he cleaned you up in a short amount of time. Eddie crawled back into bed with you, his hands pulling you closer to him.
"How was that for a first date?" he chuckles as you roll your eyes. "Well you made up for the lost time, that's for sure." you laid your head on his chest, inhaling his scent. Weed and cheap cologne. Perfect.
"I wasn't lying about anything. I prefer you over everyone. A-And I realize this is very sudden but I love you. I always have." he confessed, and you couldn't contain your smile.
"You're the only person I'd stay in Hawkins for, Eddie. I love you too." you grabbed his face and kissed him, your lips curling into a smile. "When does your mom get home?" he looks at the clock on your bedside table.
"She's on a work trip. She'll be gone until next week." you flash a smirk at him. 
"Good, I'm not finished with you."
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