#lit analysis is my passion and so is this book
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stroobae · 1 year ago
Okay so basically I got to do a presentation about chapter 30 from The Dream Thieves in my Creative Writing class and I got way to carried away writing a full analysis so I thought I'd post it here
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I think this passage is so great because it's packed with symbols that completely encapsulate the character of Ronan Lynch. Firstly, we have Ronan’s tattoo, which holds a lot of significance in terms of its literal purpose and what it figuratively represents. We learn here that the literal purpose of the tattoo is to instill fear and intimidation among others. Ronan is a very damaged person, and uses his physical appearance as a warning sign for others to steer clear of him after his father dies. He has a shaved head, a permanent scowl, and most intimidating of all: a tattoo which stretches from the back of his neck all the way down to his waist. His tattoo has a lot of grotesque, frightening imagery in it, which is interesting considering its design is made up of “things from his head.” The fact that the dark imagery portrayed in his tattoo is from his head reveals the struggles and dark things that come out of his own mind. His tattoo is a literal manifestation of Ronan’s inner self portrayed in a scene on his back. He’s quite literally wearing his heart on his sleeve (or on his back rather). It’s also mentioned that Ronan has never been able to see the tattoo fully, because it’s on his back. It can only be seen by others standing behind him, and also, when he’s naked (which is something I’ll come back to later). I think that the placement of his tattoo specifically is a really important metaphor alongside the idea that Ronan’s tattoo represents his whole character and inner self. The fact that Ronan cannot see the whole picture of himself and only “bits and pieces” seems like a large indicator that Ronan doesn’t know fully who he is. In the prologue of The Dream Thieves, it’s stated that Ronan has three secrets, all of different natures; the nature of the second secret being one you keep even from yourself. So essentially, Ronan has a part of himself which he doesn't even truly understand, and I think that this is really accentuated by the fact that he can't see his whole tattoo (his inner self) because it's always behind him. However, others also can’t see the whole tattoo unless he takes his shirt off to show them. (BIG THING FOR LATER!)
In the epilogue of TDT you find out (along with Ronan himself) that he’s in love with one of his best friends, Adam. During this chapter, the reader hasn’t been told yet that Ronan is in love with Adam; mostly because the book follows his point of view, and he doesn’t actually know this about himself yet either. It’s made into a plot twist of sorts in the epilogue, and many readers said that they weren’t aware that it was coming at all. A lot of people felt that Ronan’s crush on Adam came out of nowhere. But if you’re me and love to look WAY too deep into every single line of a book, you’ll know that this isn’t the case at all. This dream is a dead giveaway of Ronan’s feelings. First of all, dreams–especially the way that they’re portrayed in this book–are a look into one’s inner conscience. Your dreams are able to display your deepest feelings and desires, even if you’re not consciously aware of them in real life. Ronan especially is a character who has walls built up, and doesn't verbally communicate how he feels to any other character. He doesn’t even allow himself to examine his own feelings/desires, and has a lack of self-vulnerability and personal emotional intelligence. So in his dreams, his most inner part of himself comes to the forefront of his mind and shows him things he didn’t even know he wanted. To validate this idea, we have the fact that Ronan can fully see his whole tattoo in this dream. His tattoo represents his inner self, and he is finally able to see this part of himself within his dream. The dream begins with Dream Adam tracing his tattoo, and in Latin (which I’ll unpack later) he says,“Scio quid hoc est” which roughly translates to “I know what this is.” Once again, returning to the idea that Ronan’s tattoo is a manifestation of himself, we have Adam physically touching it and telling Ronan he knows what the tattoo means. He understands its whole purpose; why Ronan got it, what it’s really depicting. Dream Adam isn’t intimidated by the tattoo like most people because of its gruesome imagery, but instead he knows that it’s really made up of things from Ronan’s conscience, that it’s a representation of who he is inside. What’s really being portrayed in this scene is Ronan’s desire to be truly known by someone, which is a common theme in the series. The fact that the person shown “knowing” Ronan in his dream is Adam specifically is really important as well. Up until this point, we know that Adam and Ronan are friends, their relationship is shown to be tense and is characterized by squabbles which are resolved by the end of the day. We don’t really know exactly how they feel about each other yet based on their surface level interactions. Therefore, this chapter is extremely important in developing their relationship. We now know partly about how Ronan truly feels about Adam. Not necessarily what their relationship currently is, but what he subconsciously wants it to be. Ronan wants to be known by Adam and believes that he has this capability, since it’s Adam who fills this role in his dream. 
In the dream, Dream Adam then transforms into Kavinsky, who’s the antagonist in this installment. Kavinsky is an adrenaline junky who’s presented to have an infatuation with Ronan. He gets him to do crazy things: dangerously drag race in the streets, take questionable dreamt-pills, and throw molotov cocktails at white Mitsubishis. He’s infatuated with Ronan mainly because of Ronan’s outward reputation and appearance, his mutual love for perilous activities, and the fact that they share the supernatural ability to take things out of their dreams. Kavinsky wants someone to enable him; who he can be an enabler to. Kavinsky thinks that they’re one in the same, and that Ronan is an exemplary candidate for a self-destructive partner. In Ronan’s dream, when Adam turns into Kavinsky, Ronan disappears entirely. He becomes only his tattoo, which gets smaller and smaller until it's simply a tiny Celtic knot. The notion that Ronan disappears and that his tattoo (all that’s left of him, a manifestation of his conscience) gets smaller when Kavinsky appears, shows that he literally feels small when he’s with him. Kavinsky belittles Ronan. He misunderstands who he is, and boils him down to his wildness and rash spontaneousness. He quite literally swallows Ronan whole in the dream; he destroys all that he is. Dream Kavinsky tells Ronan in Latin, “Scio quid estis vos'', which roughly translates to “I know what you are.” WOOOOOF. OH, IT'S SO GOOD. I GOT CHILLS. This could have SO many meanings. “I know what you are” could mean that Kavinsky knows that Ronan is a dreamer, just like himself, or it could also mean that he knows Ronan is gay (if we’re revisiting that idea of this dream bringing to the forefront parts of Ronan that he doesn’t know about himself yet). Adam and Kavinsky are complete opposites in Ronan’s dream, and furthermore, his life. The dream versions of the two represent what he wants, versus what he’s settled with. Currently, Ronan doesn’t think that he’s worthy of someone who truly knows and loves him. Instead, he’s resigned himself to a homoerotic unlabeled relationship with Kavinsky—who doesn't actually care about who he is, and only wants someone who he can destroy his life with. The exact phrasing of the things Dream Adam and Kavinsky separately say to Ronan are SO significant. Essentially they’re telling him the same thing: what they think they know about him. It's the words which they use to say this which makes these statements wildly different. Dream Adam says “I know what this is” about Ronan’s tattoo, meaning that he knows Ronan’s inner self. He knows this thing which he can’t normally see all of himself display of terrible things from his own mind. Dream Kavinsky says “I know what you are” which displays his assumption of Ronan’s outer character.  It’s a bold assumption and an incorrect one. The difference between Adam and Kavinsky to Ronan, is that Ronan wants Adam because he’s different from himself, and doesn’t want Kavinsky because he’s too similar to him. To an extent, I think Ronan fears Kavinsky because he’s who Ronan would be if he didn’t have Gansey or Adam in his life to keep him sane. Initially, Ronan does like to have someone to let off steam with, but he eventually realizes doesn't want an enabler to ruin his life with. He wants someone like Adam–his polar opposite–to know him, to ground him. He wants to feel alive, and awake. 
Another interesting element to this chapter is that Ronan’s dream seems to be erotic in nature; it’s a wet-dream. This is a little jarring for a YA novel, but I personally think eroticsm and sex used in literature as metaphors for conveying relationships and character vulnerability is really beautiful and clever. The significance of it being a sex dream is the fact that Ronan, as previously stated, isn’t someone who verbalizes his love for people. He shows it through physical intimacy and acts of service. Intercourse is literally as close as one can be with another person, and Ronan is completely vulnerable and laid bare in this moment. In it Ronan is naked, which we know because the dream begins with Adam tracing the tattoo all the way down his bare back. Remember, Ronan’s tattoo can only be seen fully when he’s naked, which adds another layer to this. Here it’s assumed that he had allowed Dream Adam to see his tattoo, because he had to have taken off his shirt to see it. Circling back Ronan’s tattoo placement, it’s something that not only can’t be fully seen by himself, but also can’t be fully seen by others unless he decides to strip naked for them. Here he allows Adam to see it and even trace the lines of it down his back. He felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with Adam like that, and to inspect his whole being. The fact that Kavinsky then appears and the tattoo becomes smaller represents Ronan's uncomfortability with Kavinsky. He didn’t mean for him to see that part of himself and shrinks away in shame until Kavinsky devours the tattoo without permission. It really enforces the idea that Ronan wants and chooses Adam, but Kavinsky forces himself into his life and takes from Ronan without asking. Finally, Ronan awakes from his wet dream “euphoric and ashamed.” This could either be about the fact that it was a sex dream with not one, but other boys, or the confrontation of his true desires. He’s ashamed to admit what he really wants, and doesn’t allow himself to fully comprehend what this dream means. Ronan even thinks that he never wants to sleep again, which really means that he doesn't want his dreams to confront him with his true feelings again. This can tie into the metaphor about Ronan’s sexuality in terms of the fact that he got off to Adam and then Kavinsky, or that he doesn’t want to let his guard down and admit what he truly wants. 
It’s now finally time to unpack the use of Latin! Hooray! Throughout the series, we’re shown that Ronan is really flippant about school. He’s constantly on the brink of expulsion from Aglionby because he doesn’t go to any of his classes or do any of the work. However, the one class he has consistent attendance in as well as the highest overall grade is Latin—second to his proficiency in the language is Adam. They’re both in the same class, and are said to be able to almost fully understand and speak perfect Latin. The use of this dead language is a common theme in the series, and almost all of Ronan’s dreams are in latin. There’s an underlying meaning in that alone. A fun tidbit if we’re looking into the meaning of latin phrases we have the imagery of “claws and beak” described about the imagery of Ronan’s tattoo. The latin phrase “Unguibus et rostro” translates to “claws and beak” and is an expression about fighting with everything you have for something you want. It’s idiomatically comparable to phrases like “heart and soul” and “with all one’s strength” (thanks to ravenclawsandbeak on tumblr for sharing this finding with the fans).  In the final book in the series, there’s a short chapter which is essentially a call-back to this chapter, and follows the format in which it’s written pretty clearly. However, Ronan is awake this time rather than dreaming. 
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This chapter is more or less a sex scene between Ronan and Adam, and is essentially the exact opposite to Ronan’s wet dream in TDT. Here, Ronan’s desires are no longer a fantasy that came to him in a dream, he finally has exactly what he’s wanted all along. in which they admit their feelings for each other, which is done indirectly and not through words. The fact that it's through a sex scene is significant because it's showing their intimacy. Intercourse between people is literally as close as two people can get. As a couple, Adam and Ronan rarely verbalize their feelings about each other, and so this intimate act is really them letting down their walls and allowing themselves to be completely vulnerable to each other. Here, we have Adam studying Ronan's tattoo in real life this time, just like in his dream (Something he’s only able to do because Ronan allowed him). He sees all the fine details in its design, and interestingly enough, speaks aloud this latin phrase “Unguibus et rostro” (This also begins a common theme of Ronan and Adam speaking in cryptic latin phrases rather than just actually telling the other of how they feel about each other, but that's a story for another time). This, as everything else does, has multiple meanings; it shows that not only Adam correctly interprets the imagery on tattoo, showing that now he does truly know and understand Ronan’s inner self. But also it reiterates the meaning of this phrase: that Ronan has appropriately fought with all he had for what he wants. He was able to reject Kavinsky and stay true to himself and his principles, and he realized his feelings for Adam, and was able to let his guard down enough to reach out to Adam and let him know how he actually felt about him. And similarly, he allowed Adam to love him back. 
So why did Maggie Stiefvater include the chapter in TDT? It completely breaks the flow of the main story, interrupts two other character’s POVs, and comes seemingly out of nowhere. It's not described where Ronan is, who he came to sleep, when it’s happening. It feels as if the placement of this chapter didn’t matter; it could appear anywhere and still have the same effect. My theory? I think that Stiefvater specifically placed this chapter here because she thought it was an appropriate time to learn more about Ronan, and she wanted the chapter to stick out due to shock value. Because it’s at such a seemingly random moment, and its content is brief and strange, it’s a stark outlier from the rest of the chapters. For me, this strategy totally worked. When I think back to this book, this chapter is by far the most memorable one. I remember it almost immediately when I think about any specific line/chapter from this book. Even though the dream seems random and complex, it has so much meaning packed into it about Ronan’s inner conscience and character. Stiefvater wants to reveal all of these things about Ronan previously analyzed without directly telling us. 
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imreidswifey · 2 months ago
Out of My League -S.R Fluff-
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Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid has spent months secretly crushing on you, a fellow BAU agent, but his insecurities convince him you could never feel the same way. One day, he overhears you confessing that you have feelings for someone and assumes it’s about someone else. Heartbroken, he begins to distance himself, convinced that staying away is better for both of you.
A/n: Hope you enjoy it was a very quick write
Emotional angst and hurt/comfort themes
Self-doubt and insecurity
Mentions of unintentional eavesdropping
Mild language (optional, depending on interpretation)
Fluff and mutual pining
Happy resolution
——————————————————————————- The BAU headquarters buzzed with its usual rhythm, agents navigating the organized chaos of paperwork, discussions, and analysis. Dr. Spencer Reid sat at his desk, his focus buried in a file, though his mind kept wandering. He tapped his pen absently against the desk, his thoughts elsewhere. Or rather, on someone else.
You had joined the team months ago, quickly proving yourself not only an asset to the BAU but also someone who had seamlessly integrated into the close-knit team. For Spencer, it was more than your intelligence and dedication to the job. It was the way you smiled, the way you listened so intently when he rambled on about some obscure fact, and the way your kindness seemed effortless and genuine.
But Spencer was Spencer—socially awkward, uncertain of himself in any scenario involving emotions. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t thought about telling you how he felt. He’d imagined it countless times, but every scenario ended the same way: with him fumbling his words and you walking away, likely embarrassed or uninterested.
Still, hope was a persistent thing, and though Spencer tried to bury it, it remained—until the day he overheard you in the break room.
He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. The sound of your voice had caught his attention as he passed by, and before he realized what he was doing, he froze just outside the doorway.
“I just can’t help it,” you were saying, your tone light but tinged with something deeper. “I’ve tried to ignore it, but it’s impossible. They’re just… brilliant. Kind. So completely out of my league it’s ridiculous.”
Spencer’s heart had leapt at the first few words, only to plummet just as quickly. His fingers tightened around the file he was holding, and his stomach twisted painfully. You weren’t talking about him. How could you be? You had to be talking about someone else on the team—someone confident and charismatic, someone who didn’t trip over their words or spend more time in books than the real world.
He left before he could hear the rest of what you said, retreating to his desk in a fog of heartache.
In the days that followed, Spencer convinced himself that the best thing he could do for you—and for himself—was to create distance. If you were in love with someone else, the last thing you needed was him hovering around, making things awkward. He started keeping his conversations with you strictly professional, avoided joining the team for coffee runs or after-work drinks, and buried himself in cases more than ever.
It hurt more than he cared to admit. Every time he saw you laugh with Derek or share a quiet moment with JJ, the ache in his chest deepened. But it was better this way. It had to be.
For your part, you couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. You’d always enjoyed your conversations with Spencer, the way his eyes lit up when he explained something he was passionate about, or the rare but endearing moments when his dry sense of humor caught you off guard. But now, he barely looked at you.
At first, you thought it was your imagination. Then, you assumed he was just busy. But as the weeks dragged on, it became impossible to ignore the distance he was putting between you.
Finally, after a particularly long case that left the entire team emotionally drained, you decided enough was enough. Most of the team had already gone home for the night, but you spotted Spencer still in the conference room, his long fingers flipping through a stack of photographs.
“Spencer,” you said, stepping inside and shutting the door softly behind you.
He looked up, startled, his pen pausing mid-note. “Oh. Hi.”
“Can we talk?”
He hesitated, his expression unreadable, before nodding. “Sure.”
You moved closer, your heart pounding. “Have I done something wrong?”
The question seemed to catch him off guard. “What? No. Of course not.”
“Then why have you been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t been avoiding you,” he said too quickly, looking down at the papers in front of him as if they might shield him from the truth.
“Spencer,” you said, your voice soft but firm. “I know you have. If I’ve upset you somehow, please tell me. I’d rather know than keep guessing.”
He sighed, pushing the stack of papers aside and rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s not you. It’s… complicated.”
“Then explain it to me.”
He hesitated, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of the table. “I overheard you in the break room a few weeks ago,” he admitted. “You were talking about someone you… care about.”
Your eyes widened. “You overheard that?”
He nodded, his gaze fixed on the table. “I just thought… I thought it would be easier for you if I kept my distance. I didn’t want to make things uncomfortable for you.”
Your heart clenched as understanding dawned. “Spencer,” you said softly, stepping closer. “Did it ever occur to you that I was talking about you?”
His head snapped up, his eyes wide with disbelief. “What?”
“I was talking about you,” you repeated, your voice steady despite the nervous flutter in your chest. “You’re the one I have feelings for. Not someone else. You.”
Spencer stared at you, the words seeming too impossible to process. “But… why me?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Why not you?” you countered, your tone gentle but insistent. “You’re brilliant, Spencer. You’re kind, thoughtful, and you make me feel like I matter in a way no one else ever has. And for the record, you’re not out of my league. If anything, it’s the other way around.”
He blinked, as if waiting for you to take it back or say it was a joke. When you didn’t, his lips parted, and the smallest, most vulnerable smile crossed his face. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” you said. “Unless you don’t feel the same way, in which case, just tell me, and I’ll—”
“I feel the same way,” he blurted, his words tumbling over each other. “I’ve liked you for so long, and I just… I didn’t think I had a chance.”
A relieved laugh escaped you, and you took another step closer. “Well, you do. So what are you going to do about it?”
For a moment, Spencer seemed frozen, as if his mind was running through every possible response. Then, with a courage you hadn’t expected, he reached out, his fingers brushing yours. “I guess I could start by asking if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime.”
You smiled, your hand turning to intertwine with his. “I’d love to.”
Spencer’s face lit up, a warmth spreading through him that he hadn’t felt in years. And for the first time in weeks, the distance he’d created melted away, replaced by a quiet, tentative joy.
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sukunasun · 4 months ago
I'm not the person who sent the sex scenes ask but your writing, altogether, fascinates me so as a lit buff I'll gladly get your recommendation/influences list, for smut and non-smut if you will. I'm soo curious
from one lit buff to another pls send me a list too. or just one book shall do. but make it a rly good one.
warning: keep in mind that these are my preferences so feel free to discuss, disagree, or discard my suggestions completely because 1) read whatever you like. 2) erotica isn't usually my genre of choice (says the person who writes about dick and fictional men) so i have yet to fully explore the plethora of great books waiting to be read.
3) some of the writers and works i've listed below touch upon strong /controversial sexual themes, deviant sexualities, and a tad bit of psychosexual analysis. they are not inherently smut or romance stories but i'm focusing on the writing and how said themes and subject matter are dealt with. they might also require some further reading to get some context, i find understanding and analysing a book makes the experience more worthwhile beyond any initial judgement/review.
4) these are less influences and more informants because i have nothing to pull from irl so i rely on writers to tell me what love and sex is like for them. i wouldn't ever dream of writing this well since my pool of experience is merely a puddle. the fact that my writing fascinates you is praise beyond what i actually bring to the table, so thank you anon, i hope to reach a point where i write about these themes as poetically and profoundly as these writers do.
Delta of Venus by Anais Nin (a great introductory erotic work)
"You do not know what you are missing by your microscopic examination of sexual activity to the exclusion of aspects which are the fuel that ignites it. Intellectual, imaginative, romantic, emotional. This is what gives sex its surprising textures, its subtle transformations, its aphrodisiac elements. You are shrinking your world of sensations. You are withering it, starving it, draining its blood. If you nourished your sexual life with all the excitements and adventures which love injects into sensuality, you would be the most potent man in the world. The source of sexual power is curiosity, passion. You are watching its little flame die of asphyxiation. Sex does not thrive on monotony. Without feeling, inventions, moods, no surprises in bed. Sex must be mixed with tears, laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all the spices of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing, opium, wine."
Lady Chatterly's Lover / Women in Love / Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence (ah yes...the one and only)
"They threw off their clothes, and he gathered her to him, and found her, found the pure lambent reality of her forever invisible flesh (…) the body of mysterious night upon the body of mysterious night (…). She had her desire of him, she touched, she received the maximum of unspeakable communication in touch, dark, subtle, positively silent, a magnificent gift and give again, a perfect acceptance and yielding, a mystery (…)"
Les Liaisons dangereuses by Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos (the revenge...the jealousy...the utter malice!)
"I shall possess this woman; I shall steal her from the husband who profanes her: I will even dare ravish her from the God whom she adores. What delight, to be in turns the object and the victor of her remorse! Far be it from me to destroy the prejudices which sway her mind! They will add to my happiness and my triumph. Let her believe in virtue, and sacrifice it to me; let the idea of falling terrify her, without preventing her fall; and may she, shaken by a thousand terrors, forget them, vanquish them only in my arms."
Fanny Hill by John Cleland (this is so old but its most known for its genitalia euphemisms, a.k.a. 'how else do i describe a cock without calling it a cock')
"...and now, disengag’d from the shirt, I saw, with wonder and surprise, what? not the play-thing of a boy, not the weapon of a man, but a maypole of so enormous a standard, that had proportions been observ’d, it must have belong’d to a young giant. Its prodigious size made me shrink again; yet I could not, without pleasure, behold, and even ventur’d to feel, such a length, such a breadth of animated ivory! perfectly well turn’d and fashion’d, the proud stiffness of which distended its skin, whose smooth polish and velvet softness might vie with that of the most delicate of our sex, and whose exquisite whiteness was not a little set off by a sprout of black curling hair round the root..."
Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (see also: Bad Behavior – Mary Gaitskill. includes 'Secretary')
“Oh, I am suffering frightfully.” “Poor friend!” she brushed my disordered hair back from my fore-head. “I hope it isn’t through any fault of mine.” “No—” I replied,—“and yet my love for you has become a sort of madness. The thought that I might lose you, perhaps actually lose you, torments me day and night.” (...) “I can no longer live without you, oh wonderful woman,” I said. ��Believe me, believe only this once, that this time it is not a phrase, not a thing of dreams. I feel deep down in my innermost soul, that my life belongs inseparably with yours. If you leave me, I shall perish, go to pieces.”(...)“It shall never end,” I cried excitedly, almost violently. “Only death shall part us. If you cannot be mine, all mine and for always, then I want to be your slave, serve you, suffer everything from you, if only you won’t drive me away.”
The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas (a fictional fmc writes to a fictional freud and psychoanalysis ensues)
Emma by Jane Austen (my fav austen book and the prime example of the friends-to-lovers trope. matchless wit and charm. knightley still makes me swoon to this day)
James Joyce's letters to his wife (i picture nanami writing this while huffing and puffing in anxiety as his stuttering, fountain-pen gripped fingers spill ink alongside his guts onto paper)
"My darling Nora, I am panting with eagerness to get your replies to these filthy letters of mine. I write to you openly because I feel now that I can keep my word with you. Don’t be angry, dear, dear, Nora, my little wild-flower of the hedges. I love your body, long for it, dream of it. Speak to me, dear lips that I have kissed in tears. If this filth I have written insults you bring me to my senses again with the lash as you have done before. God help me!"
Lust, Caution / Half a Lifelong Romance / Love in a Fallen City by Eileen Chang (see also: Cosmopolitan Love by Sijia Yao as a further read in understanding the ideas of chinese love and western love)
The Kites by Romain Gary (i recco'd this a few months ago and i'm bringing it up again!)
"I really don't know where I had come up with the idea that love could constitute the whole of life's work and meaning. Probably I had inherited this total lack of ambition from my uncle. Perhaps, too, I had loved too early, too young, with all my being, and there was no room left over in me for anything else."
Crash by J.G. Ballard (i read this after watching the movie adaptation, it's definitely edgy but also violent so proceed with caution)
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller (gah. i had to power through this but he writes so viscerally. sex is life and also death)
"She rises up out of a sea of faces and embraces me, embraces me passionately--- a thousand eyes, noses, fingers, legs, bottles, windows, purses, saucers all glaring at us an we in each other's arm oblivious. I sit down beside her and she talks--- a flood of talk. Wild consumptive notes of hysteria, perversion, leprosy. I hear not a word because she is beautiful and I love her and now I am happy and willing to die."
Frenchman's Creek by Daphne du Maurier (my beach read pick about the constraints of women and the timeless fantasy of lusting after a pirate or what it ultimately symbolises—freedom)
"There was silence between them for moment, and she wondered if all women, when in love, were torn between two impulses, a longing to throw modesty and reserve to the winds and confess everything, and an equal determination to conceal the love forever, to be cool, aloof, utterly detached, to die rather than admit a thing so personal, so intimate."
THANKS FOR MAKING IT TO THE END. these are some that piqued my interest, there's a whole lot more i can't remember atm but i hope they're enough for now. do look them up before diving into them in the case of any triggering subjects. and check out other works by these authors too if you like them. thank you for sending in this ask and happy reading!
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melliae · 8 months ago
Refraction Railway Line #3 Abnormalities Part 2 (Analysis)
A False Prophet
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“@$*@)$ ?@#$!!@#* !@*()!%&$(^!!!!@&(@)” - Abnormality Encounter.
Arguably, this one was a headache to analyze, and that may be the point of its existence: it doesn’t write for any necessity or greater purpose beyond its own twisted pleasure. It is so absorbed in its own writing, trying to reveal and write the future (wink), that it doesn’t notice that it burns everything around it with its quill, returning all interactions with another being with pure, unaltered hatred due to them daring to interrupt its self-serving writing.
Obviously, understanding that much is the easy part; even the characters themselves do. However, now comes the actual question: what is the Skin Prophet exactly writing?
“Yearning for destruction and doom, it writes and writes and writes.” - Abnormality Encounter.
Its own selfish, biased predictions about how everything ends, naturally. It endlessly writes and delights in its own imagination about all kinds of dooms, ruins, and falsehoods, which, again, don’t serve any purpose beyond its own pleasure. If we take into consideration how its self-damaging skill, “6:5”, may be based on Isaiah 6:5, everything coincides:
“‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.’”
When actual darkness sets in, when Skin Prophet can finally see only itself instead of being distracted by anyone else or its own writing, “God”—the actual truth—appears… and “He” smites it down. This is telling because, in the Encounter itself and the Logs, it is mentioned that the candles are lit from the get-go (or they constantly go on and off), meaning that it’s never surrounded by absolute darkness, going against the presumed meaning of “9:2”:
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” - Isaiah 9:2
Despite using its intense wrath to turn off all the candles, the surroundings never go fully dark thanks to its pen and eyes—it’s unable to confront the bitter, cold truth that lies in the abyssal depths. That’s both the reason why it is, above all, weak to Gloom and why it disappears once you choose to “snuff out the candles”: you turn off all that distracts it from what’s true, thus making it confront the contradictory nature of its existence.
“The records, inscribed with that burning quill, are endless. Yet the prophet must write. Because the future is also endless.” - Mid-Combat Event.
How can it write about the endless future if the only thing it yearns for is ruin and doom? To see the worst of everything despite being incapable of confronting true darkness?
In regards to the other check options, they add more to it: choosing to “peek at the book” when encountering it in the MDs ends up with every Lustless ID losing 20 SP; in contrast, passing the check in the mid-combat Event—which requires Lust, by that matter—also leads to -20 SP in the selected ID, independent of affinity. That’s to say, reading Skin Prophet’s “gospel” is a bad idea for just about everyone. But those who are familiar with the violent sway of desire can appreciate its reprehensible contents, even if comprehending such garbage is impossible.
No matter with how much zealousness it writes all its prophecies, thinking they are some sort of divine revelation, because Skin Prophet is just that: a skin-deep, false prophet trying to justify its twisted perception of a half-baked evil, because in the moment it knows true desolation and darkness, it collapses. But at the same time, nobody can deny the obsessive passion engraved in the incomprehensible ramblings, enough for even the most “depraved” people to be shaken to their core.
“Because had they not done so, they could not have endured this world. Because they were weak! I was their lighthouse in this world of tempest… I gave them an unambiguous path to follow!” - Ahab, Inside the Whale (Sinew Bridge), Canto V.
Unreflective, contagious madness about knowing—wishing for—evil, spreading like a wildfire… Surely there are many people or organizations like that in the City, guiding others through self-serving fabrications.
Hatred for All
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“You feel a cold wave crawl up your spine in an instant, but it may be the right choice. Even children know not to play with fire.” - Abnormality Encounter.
It hates you. It hates you so goddamn much. Even more than Spiral of Contempt. Though it may be more accurate to say that it hates the entire world, including itself, “hoping to burn all down”, according to Ishmael’s corrosion line, and as its capacity to turn every skill into a Wrath-based one shows. But at the same time, it's a homely presence, unable to guide anyone yet offering a warm embrace anyway.
“These flames… they do not burn; they only bring us warmth. Perhaps accepting them may be of benefit to us.” - Yi Sang, Abnormality’s Observation Log #1
However, the only way to endure that embrace is through understanding and already holding such devastating wrath. Those who don’t have it will be consumed by the embers and set ablaze by the wings of the Moth, who whas accepted a long time ago that way of existing, as its Sloth skills, “Flame Strike” and “Ardor Blossom Pinions”, clearly show: it slowly, lazily—or maybe “mechanically”—strikes the embers within its wings.
The rest of its skills are similar in nature, slowly building up and fanning its fire through the battle until it reaches 5 Embers and its infamous “Ardor Blossom Star”, when there’s no more Sloth nor Pride regarding its existence, just pure hatred for everything that exists, even you, that has entered its territory.
“Something draws you into the haze. Countless flowers in the shape of a butterfly flutter and form a field of stars. A fiery heat assaults you from the haze as you lean over to pick a flower.” - Abnormality Encounter.
Though, if you are able to destroy its wings or remove its “core” during its mid-combat Event, its wrath stops suddenly, since you have taken away the fuel of its flames… but not forever. No matter what you do, Ardor Blossom Moth will keep on accumulating hate until it can burn down everything that surrounds it, even—or especially—itself.
The moth is no more than a lost soul that wishes to end everything. You can’t help it beyond just ignoring it and following your path. Or, if you want to take the risk, go and drown it in sorrows, cut its wings; it may not be 100% effective, but it sure is a better option than feeding its flames through a hug, lest you think you are able to withstand its unending hatred that created its own hell.
Maybe watching from a distance is safer, no matter how warm and comforting the fire—the hate—looks.
The Spiral of Contempt
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“Blood pours from above; the land of gold lies beyond. The spiral ahead loudly screeches. It must have reached this depth after burrowing and burrowing. Although it has no eyes, it creaks to face you.” - Abnormality Encounter.
A land of gold and blood. Those are the defining traits of the Spiral’s world, and they are extremely easy to understand: a land of luxury, pleasure, and loftiness built over the sacrifice of endless bloodshed. After all, the Spiral only reached it after burrowing so, so much, but in what it burrows if not in the human’s soul?
“You continue to stare at its peculiar movements with yearning eyes. It feels as though spirals of spikes are digging into your head.” - Abnormality Encounter.
It sacrifices those who look with awe at its golden shape, those who adore it with fervor. Yet, the Spiral can’t detest them more, wrapping its spines and branches around its “adorers” in order to make them worship it with their blood. That’s the reason behind both the unique death animation of the Sinners and of its new EGO gift, “Awe”—as if it wanted people to be envious of its “magnanimity”, even in death.
However, its prideful nature isn’t anything new. Each of its descriptions never fails to mention its “faceless look” of contempt against everyone. But it would be too simple for its arrogance to be born out of economic difference, wouldn't it? All of its attacks point to an impersonality in things, maybe even some sort of “objectivity”, as if it was the good thing to do: the Spiral is so superior to you that it must hate you. I think the name of its theme puts the final nail in the coffin: Cur Dolorem Sentis—Why do you, wretched things, dare to feel pain?
But as in everything I’ve written, the Spiral’s pride isn’t absolute. Quite the contrary: it’s quite frail, because it forgives you once you choose to avert your eyes in its Encounter, be it thanks to your own (self-)hatred or despair, unable to think of yourself as worthy to look at it. That, paradoxically, leads it to show respect for “a being of no significance” in the form of its EGO gift, making it hate itself.
Such fragility is also shown in its passives, “Compounded Contempt” and “Penetrated Gaze”, that make it more vulnerable the more status the Sinners put on it, the more “filth” that penetrates it and makes it hate them even more. The status of “Gaze” and “Contempt” are important in this context too, which are explained by the Observation Log #3:
“We've been missing its logic and pattern this whole time. There’s a specific window where it grabs us if we attack its hands. At first, I thought it was just plucking us one by one, like plucking weeds from a garden… going for the most annoying one of us. You see the logic, right? If you could squash anything getting in your way into tomato paste, wouldn’t you?”
The “Gaze” status, thus, refers to the Spiral giving the Sinners more attention (than it thinks they deserve) until it has enough and intimidates the Sinners through sheer “Contempt” alone. However, if that ID with Contempt is “Grasped” by its only Pride skill, “It Shall Constrict”, then you can show it the truth: that no matter how much contempt it holds for others and tries to crush them to show how superior it is, the Spiral is just as small, pathetic, and fallible as everyone else.
“A piercing gaze sizes us up. It feels as though the Gaze is seeing right through us. You feel its inquisitive, intense gaze.” - Mid-Combat Event.
What is that “Gaze” that sizes the Sinners up? I don’t really know. But I think it is may be the Spiral’s very own gaze, with the Sinners finally returning the contempt and hatred, burrowing deep into its essence so it won’t ever forgive its humiliation.
“It seemed dazed for a good while, too. And that’s when we managed to really hurt it. Mmm… still, we have to let it gaze at us with that weird look if we wanna pull off something like that again.” - Rodya, Abnormality’s Observation Log #3.
Though, as always, if the Sinner isn’t familiar with the sensations and power they want to transmit to the Spiral, it’ll return the favor with utter Contempt.
Now, it’s also important to keep in mind that its “Gaze” can be forgotten if it uses “And It Shall Contempt All”, drowned by its pleasure and satisfaction derived from seeing the Sinners bleed like the lowly maggots they are. Its other Lust skills follow a similar principle: the Spiral is ecstatic at seeing the Sinners bleed through “It Shall Penetrate”, and “It Shall Shun” becomes stronger once it sees the Sinners are unable to break its “Grasp”.
In regards to the other two skills, “It Shall Grip” is the less interesting: It “grips” the Sinners and other people because that is what it has been doing for a long time, and thus nothing special. But “It Shall Be Insidious”... That one is interesting because it implies its hatred wasn’t abrupt; it slowly grew through its continuous burrowing until it reached the heights we see in the games. After all, it’s called “Spiral of Contempt” for a reason.
And maybe that “spiral” is within you too.
“From the excavated brain, geysers of hatred and contempt erupt.  It’s as if those feelings were inside you all along." - Abnormality Encounter.
Hatred for something from the get-go is not possible, or at least not for most cases. It’s something that piles up gradually, experience upon experience, until a trigger appears and your brain is blown into smithereens—burrowing so slowly until you reach the “land of gold”, the perfect utopia for you.
But alas, you shouldn’t construct a city upon the blood of those that hate or adore you, or you will one day confront that very same gaze that you imparted unto others. And no matter what you do, how much contempt you hold for them and expose every single one of their flaws with your “omniscient gaze”, they will drag you once and for all.
Everyone dreams of toppling the tyrant. You are no exception.
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freyjas-musings · 9 months ago
Elriels making a fuss about people using their degree is such hypocrisy when they have had psychologists and medical students giving unsolicited advice on fictional characters. There is nothing wrong if someone wants to use their degree, you have been in this fandom long what are your thoughts on it?
Hello Anon,
I hope this is a genuine question and not a bait.
Irrespective of how long I have been in this fandom my OPINION on the matter is this -
1. It's ridiculous for psychologists to provide their expertise based off of human psychology for a SA survivor who is Fae and fictional. Unless there is a university that's offering courses specialising in Fae and they graduated from there their expertise on the matter is unsolicited and null and void. Even if they said yes I specialise in Fae who are immortal, then the question of what sort of Fae comes through.... just within SJMs universe the Fae are anatomically different between TOG ACOTAR and CC.... so you see that clown 🤡 shouldn't be taken seriously. Same goes for medical advices .... The above two are not the same as someone wanting to use their Lit degree to analyse ACOTAR which does come under literature.
2. People can use any test subject to use their skill and knowledge. If someone is saying I want to use my degree to analyse ACOTAR books then that's their choice. There is nothing wrong with it.
Comprehension and Analysis are two different things .Comprehension is basically interpretation and conclusions you draw based on that .
Analysis goes deeper, you identify patterns based on X number of test subject anomalies and then come to set of conclusions.
So, if someone wants to deep dive and perform an analysis using the tools and knowledge they gained from their hard earned degree its fine I just don't see what's the need for people to spoil their fun. It's also anti intellectualism and prejudice to say because someone else doesn't have the means to go to a university no one should use their degree or speak of it. We can all empathise with the fact that not everyone can afford University educations, but disregarding or disrespecting those who have worked their asses off and trying to guilt them for having a degree is not necessary and fucking disgusting.
Does a Lit degree give a person an edge in comprehending and understanding ACOTAR which is written best at 10th grade English level.... The answer is No ... it doesn't. Before someone says I don't respect Lit degree holders I will have you know my mum has a Bachelors and Masters in literature ... she also has a degree in science but decided to pursue Literature because she was passionate. In our house we respect people with Lit degrees.
You don't need a Lit degree to understand SJM books or comprehend those books. I wouldn't tell you all I am an Electrical engineer so I simply have better understanding of how a coal powered generation plant works .... that i am simply better than most of you ( The working principal is 9th grade science )... its embarrassing for me to use my degree as a flex there ..... but ..... I do have a more in depth knowledge of how the plant works beyond the basics , I will be able to tell you exactly how much power will be generated based on the turbine speed and the surface area of the turbine blade , what sort of efficiency are we looking at , what sort of loses , protection curves and so forth. Is it something everyone should know? No.
So Analysis using a Lit degree does allow them to gain a visibility of the authors patterns and writing techniques better. But you don't need it to see she is going for Gwynriel or Elucien or Elriel.... it is definitely not a flex.
3. Elriels trying to shame people who have a degree is akin to the bitter old generationsal women who compensate their insecurity by degrading women today who both work and manage families by disregarding their effort or by finding faults.
As long as someone doesn't come to you and say what I say goes because I have degree .... there is no reason to get your panties in a twist.
These are fictional books most of us read to escape our shit lives just let us have fun.
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aois-amaterasu-painting · 4 months ago
The GazettE symbolism analysis -part 4- Babylon, the Red Goddess
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BLEMISH lyrics:
In darker dreams A goddess speaks to me And it seems I cannot see the light Out of sight And reborn somewhere else Don’t just abandon me
Kai about BLEMISH:
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and BLEMISH starts with: "Killing my past"
Ruki about FALLING:
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BLEMISH: "I had to stifle my cries when I caught sight of my own twisted shadow"
FALLING: "In those swirling depths, my thoughts are the cherished shadow of my former self"
BLEMISH: "I want to be reborn"
FALLING: "To be reborn again, I’m gonna fall"
So, BLEMISH is about the NINTH goddess, and the NINTH goddess seems to be based on Babylon the Great from the Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse of John in the New Testament). So BABYLON'S TABOO is the cover art track.
She is our rebirth goddess and her coming was foretold with the UGLY photoshoot (where they are lit with a red light) as well as the 15th anniversary photoshoot.
Now, the Revelation to John is also referred to as Judgement Day or Doom's Day. Judgement Day was the GazettE's 2004 live, where they wore white with gold accents military style outfits. The 15th anniversary outfits were like a new version of that look.
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Judgement day DVD cover (2004) - Doom's day (Ninth tour Uruha merch):
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The 15th anniversary live itself was all about confronting their past selves, the ones from the earliest days, the period they never previously included in their looking back at the past tours.
Throughout 2016 and 2017 they played BLEMISH in almost every festival (Kishidan Banpaku16, Knotfest, BIAB3, Spooky Box 2: Lucy, Countdown Japan).
Even if the setlist was just 5 songs BLEMISH was always included.
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I knew UGLY is foreshadowing Ninth goddess because of the red light and the blood that is featured in the PV but Ruki also said this about UGLY in the Black B Pass:
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There were also many details during the NINTH era that were symbols of the goddess - like Ruki wearing the "In Utero" shirt and the cd's of the album itself being smeared with blood.
Dogmatic Final DEUX ends with Ruki screaming "we will die" but there is a picture of a baby in the womb on the screen.
Kai about Deux in Dogma Book:
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(Dogmatic Final Deux)
Interestingly this beautiful grotesqueness is in the UGLY PV exactly what Kai described when talking about DEUX. Also notice that the man is wearing a military style hat, just like the Ninth goddess and it's definitely not a coincidence.
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Another thing that appears in the Book of Revelation is The Beast 666, where it symbolizes rebellion, and opposition to conventional morality (Black moral?)
In Thelema Babalon and The Beast are counterparts, with the beast representing passion. I said in my 1st analysis that the beast represents controlled instincts, and it might be true, since some esoteric traditions do see the Beast as the lower nature of Man, and dealing with that is a big part of the Jungian individuation process.
But at the time of writing this analysis, I have an Uruha Ninth interview on my mind, where he says that "the GazettE always wants to appeal by going in an aggressive direction." And because of that, I can't help but think that maybe the passion they are referring to is their passion, and their aggression, that they put into their music. Although, that panther does look very tame, so I'm not sure. Maybe it's both meanings. Like, they are dealing with their aggression by exorcising it during performances.
In most religious contexts the Beast is depicted as a more mythological beast, like a manticore or dragon or something with multiple heads. In the Thoth Tarot deck, it's a lion.
In our case, it is the black panther and phase 03 of the Ninth tour, when it appeared, was called "Passion is Ferocious." They were also 2 sides of the Babylon's taboo T-shirt.
As you can see, on the Ninth world tour DVD cover art, the 2 of them are reunited.
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I've made the proposition that Uruha's green Hellion is representative of the Goddess herself.
And now it seems to me that the 666 Hellion is the Beast. The 666 scale seems very intentional.
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All of his guitars are connected to the goddess in some way:
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The very 1st one, from 2006 (NLSG), features a Sacred Heart, a new version of the Sacred heart on the back cover of Ninth. 2 - the white one is for Chokmah, where the path of Daleth (the Empress tarot card) leads. Or to put it more simply white is for Yang. 3 - The rebirth goddess herself. 4 - as I just mentioned, is her beast.
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Her 1st appearance was in 2006 (NLSG) with Black Moral. Then, she was on the Toxic CD jacket (2011) with speakers decorating her. Then, with Division (2012) she is split into two - Fragment [Vein] & Fragment [Artery]. In Ninth Odd Smell lyrics Division is referred to as "The Division of the heart."
Note that both of these albums heavily feature EDM elements and ALOT of worldview was shown in the video visuals on stage during the finales of these albums.
The Toxic and Division jackets become conjoined (pic4) in the artwork that came with the Redefinition tour (2014) DVD limited edition. The separate twins become 2 heads of a Gemini, the speakers still featured as head decoration.
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On the Redefinition DVD cover art the 2 of her heads are now death and rebirth, with Death taking hold for now. It was released on the 13 anniversary, 13 being associated with death and after the "looking back at the past" tour which is a "death" before another "rebirth" (with the new album.)
In the 13th anniversary teaser she appears as a scarlet woman, background black & white, colorless, like the death goddess' realm (or wasteland), making the redness stand out even more.
She then morphs into the Ninth goddess (Ninth released on the 13th of June, making her, very appropriately, a Gemini.)
Before the release of Dogma we see her as a Death goddess but the 2 of them are conjoined, in unison. Remember my twin guitars - twin goddesses post? Aoi and Uruha play most of the songs on Dogma in unison.
Ninth, musically, stands out as the album that was fully recorded digitally, Toxic and Division had heavy electronic music elements, Blemish in it's initial stages, had heavy digital elements - as Kai said in the quote at the top of this post. In the Dogma book Blemish and Bizarre are described as 'inorganic'.
On Ninth the 3 tracks composed by Uruha are 99.999, The Mortal, Babylon's Taboo.
When talking about The Mortal Uruha said: "When I created this song, I was inspired by the theme of AI and a mechanical worldview, giving it a bit of a sci-fi feel. We included inorganic voice-like sounds throughout, adding a subliminal sense of lifelessness to complete the track."
You can hear her voice at the beginning of The Mortal. Also during The Mortal, Ruki has this choreography where he is trying to reach her. She is, of course, the red light in this case.
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My The Mortal scenography post
This was The Mortal merch:
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Ninth jacket artwork itself is glitchy, 99.999 is a track that contains within itself all of the SE from their previous albums. AI is something that is digital and consumes information. Like the Matrix or the Mother Goddess.
From Google: "Matrix" is related to "mother." Its figurative meanings relating to a source, came from the Latin "mater" (mother) and "matrix" (pregnant animal; womb)
In Kabbalah, the realm of Briah (waters of the collective unconscious) is where pure divine ideas, take on the beginnings of form and distinction. It is the realm of archetypes, the primal blueprint for all creation, the womb of creation.
By ascending through the Tree of Life, mystics seek to pierce the veil of Binah. Binah embodies Daat (the Abyss / hidden knowledge) as well as the limitations of Understanding. To transcend you must embrace the paradox: seeing forms as illusions yet necessary for divine manifestation. Understanding is realizing the illusion of separateness and the eternal interconnectedness of all.
She is the emotional fabric of existence and the collective emotional body of humanity. And music is a bit like that as well.
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That's why on the Toxic CD jacket she is decorated with speakers, and in the Ninth tour teaser she appears as sound waves.
She is music. The source of inspiration, the music itself, as well as the shared feeling of unity between the band members and the attendees of live performances.
And 20th anniversary Babylon's Taboo starts with an intro of mesmerizing red lights:
The chant ADE DUE DAMBALLA is from Chucky and translates to "Give me the power, I beg of you!" — it brings about broiling storm clouds of lightning and thunder in the skies above as the practitioner effectively swaps one body for another. (this is from Google, I did not watch Chucky)
But it is essentially a voodooo chant for soul transfer. The motif of lightning is featured in the Ninth tour promo posters and teasers. There is also green lightning during Nox, as it's performed in MASS final. Nox, the Roman goddess whose name means "Night."
From A. Crowley's The Vision and the Voice: "Therefore art thou called Understanding, O Babylon, Lady of the Night!"
And what is on the MASS album jacket? Night, containing all before seen archetypes of the collective unconscious, making NOX the MASS cover art song.
So, MASS jacket is all containing visually, NINTH SE 99.999 is all containing musically, they are the 2 red albums, but it didn't start then. If you look at the Redefinition DVD jacket (the death goddess) at the bottom of the art you can see the Dim cube and the Stacked Rubbish chair, so she consumed the 6 albums that were performed with the Redefinition tour. What's left? Their early works, the pre-Disorder mini albums, and that's precisely what they performed during the 15th anniversary "Itan."
Ruki did confirm in an interview that 15th anniversary is a continuation of Redefinition. And having the Goddess consume all their previous works was necessary for her to appear the way she does with Ninth.
But let's get back to 20th anniversary Babylon's Taboo, it ends like this, with the Red beam finally entering Ruki's heart:
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Babylon's Taboo transition into Dogma: - these songs are always performed in that order and they are also next to each other on the Heterodoxy Abyss disc.
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The Sacred heart is about compassion that is born out of suffering.
I talked more about where else Ruki featured The Sacred Heart and the meaning of it in my 3rd analysis, so I will not elaborate on it here. (But I do have a hearts tag)
The Japanese word for "heart" is 心 (kokoro). It refers to the spiritual heart (mind, soul, emotions) and there is a separate word for the physical heart itself.
Whether it's merch design or emojis, hearts and roses are Ruki's favorite motifs, so let's talk about the rose next.
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(1 - Nil limited edition, 2 - Division ヘドロ HEDORO (composed by Uruha), 3 - Regret, 4 - Nil again, 5 - RCE final pamphlet Uruha, 6 - Ruki IG post from 2023, captioned "After spending a long time immersed in the sound, it feels like my head is on fire 🔥 Ah, I hope some inspiration hits me soon." , 7 - In Blossom, 8 - Nilduenilun, captioned: "This is a reworked version of the flower motif used during ACT 1, tying in the significance of 5 years to create the final design 👏 I’m really fond of the motif, it feels so true to myself and the symbolic box.")
Hedoro lyrics:
"Before I realized it, the once-noble cause had become twisted, A paradise much like the *abyss. If we strip away regulations and consume the taboo, Would even the earth transform into heaven?
This reality feels just a little pitiful, So I close my eyelids and see with my other eye, I could laugh at it—if only I tried. As you can see, this is the state we’re in.
Spotted, oozing, endlessly spilling arguments. Under the *Buddha’s feet, Tonight ends once again in despair.
Riding the rhythm of semi-madness, Spotted, oozing, endlessly spilling arguments. If there’s no going back, Then like an ignorant child, Let me fall endlessly."
*奈落 (Naraku) abyss or Buddhist spiritual realm of hell. (Naraku, like the song title. Naraku's lyrics end with "Naraku wo mita", meaning "I saw the abyss") **仏 (hotoke): Refers to Buddha or a Buddhist figure, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment or divine presence.
Mentions of stripping away regulations, consuming taboos, falling into darkness are all also in the lyrics of Wasteland, (which features a headless Buddha statue in the background of the live performance.)
Words used in both Hedoro and Wasteland lyrics:
規制 Kisei (regulations) 禁断 Kindan (the forbidden, taboo) 堕ちる Ochiru (collapse or fall) 闇 Yami (darkness)
In Blossom lyrics:
"The hands that gave birth and abandoned me Living days without grasping anything Counting the pain on my fingers So I won’t forget
I need a meaning to live for Ideologies take root in my mind Nothing changes even if I die [...] (Until this wound becomes the trace) Playing with the abyss reflected in the revolving lantern
The dripping color from disheveled hair Differs from the ideal paradise I painted It’s so tainted, dull, and lifeless Which part should I peel off to make the paradise scatter?
(I change despair into hope) (I break you and get hope) [...]"
So what these songs have in common is mentions of the Abyss and it makes me think of this a Nietzsche quote:
“You have overcome yourself: but why do you show yourself to me only as the one overcome? I want to see the victor: throw roses into the abyss and say: 'here is my thanks to the monster who didn't succeed in swallowing me alive.'”
Although, Ruki loves Guns N' Roses, chances are, he has started using this motif because of that. It was NIL that featured roses most heavily (the DVD jacket also features guns), and it was that 2006 NLSG finale that Babylon 1st appeared in (look at the t-shirts they wore during encore.) Ruki said that the end of NIL feels like going to heaven, so having "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" soundtrack played during the break before the encore felt natural. And after that, it became a tradition, it was played during Shikkoku and Ninth final as well.
So, it definitely has multiple meanings, as most things do, in the Ruki world.
But the word "nil" is a contraction of "nihil" (like the SE for DOGMA). Nihil meaning "nothing" "non-existence" "negation" and nil also means "nothing" or "zero."
Which makes me think of Sunyata - "emptiness," "voidness," "nothingness" or "zeroness." In Buddhism, realizing Sunyata is essential for attaining enlightenment. It's there to dissolve ego attachments by realization of the impermanent nature of reality.
"Nil" is the GazettE's 2nd album and it is the name of Ruki's solo project. Interestingly, Hide's solo project was called "Zilch", and zilch also translates to "nothing," "zero."
In Ninth Odd Smell "Nil" is called 無 (mu) which has connotations of Nothingness in Zen Buddhism, Void in an abstract or cosmic sense, Nonexistence & Negation/Negative.
The line itself is: "The second "無"—a future that tears through the darkness."
But let's talk about Abyss & Lucy next.
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If we look at these names just through the esoteric lens it should be that the Abyss disc is the dark tracks and Lucy disc is all about finally seeing the light in the darkness. And some songs on the Abyss & Lucy setlists fit this description, but others absolutely do not.
I'm looking at Heterodoxy ABYSS track list and Wasteland, Goddess, Ruthless Deed, Babylon's Taboo, Ominous, Dim scene all make perfect sense.
For LUCY, Ninth Odd Smell, Dawn, Two of Kind, Blemish fit in great with the idea of Lucy as bringer of light. But then there's Maggots and Vermin which absolutely don't fit.
In an interview for Black B Pass Ruki was describing GODDESS (the song) in terms of bipolarity of manic depression, saying it's definitely on the depressive side. Now, ABYSS & LUCY being depression and mania is very fitting. Looking at them this way, every single track on the list makes perfect sense.
Abyss & Lucy are also somewhat reminiscent of our goddesses of Death and Rebirth. Well, they are both twins. Although, I believe Ruki means it a little differently, since it's always the little girls that represent Abyss & Lucy. Regret cover art also features the two girl twins (and a rose).
By the way, I believe the girl on the Undying cover is the same as the Abyss girl, I think there is a connection here - between her and the Death goddess. And if you look at the Spooky Box 2 image, the Lucy girl is surrounded by red, nooses and blood, in what seems to be suicide circus (Babylon symbols)? She sure is looking cheerful and murderous. The Abyss girl - on the contrary is scared and withdrawn, in an asylum.
But if you look at lyrics of LUCY (the song), it's about greed:
"Enchanted by the darkness, I reach into the nest of desire, A pleasure-soaked, adaptive vice;" "Hey, Lucy, Pretending to be omnipotent is such a bad habit, Exposing it all. Greed (lust), folly (lie), bluff (crime) Over again." "Swallowed up by your greed, you forgot you were being strangled."
Greed is a recurring theme in Ruki's lyrics, and a lot of the occult themed song feature it, even Dogma. In the video he marks the bottom of the upside down triangle with greed.
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This sort of meaning attached to the 3 angles is completely Ruki's creation. Usually, in esoteric graphs, the whole inverted triangle would be Shadow, and the whole upright triangle would be Light.
Dogma lyrics: "The countless corpses of my kind are the corpses of greed;" "I witnessed the death of greed"
Barbarian lyrics: "The greed that's been played with to the end Seeps out sluggishly. Scattered amusements, defenses of greed, An emotional decay that's a spectacular view." "Numbers games, beyond madness Can you hide your servility Behind that embellished smile?" "The shapeless end of greed, Hung upside-down. That fading, faint smile"
Note that Barbarian live (Mass Final) features that beautiful intro/outro of Uruha in green and red light. And in Lucy he has a guitar solo, even though Dogma as an album was lacking in guitar solos.
Also, The Hanged Man XII tarot card is represented by an inverted triangle. I mention this because there seems to be a pattern of "hanging" happening here.
Karasu (crow) lyrics: "Temptation can’t steal away the core of myself Exposing the transformation clearly, I’m bombarded by limitless greed" "So I’ll become black just like a crow that can’t be tamed" "Dragged into jet black"
Malum (evil) lyrics: "Morally bankrupt and completely drenched in red like a demon In the indiscriminate inhuman depths of extreme greed" "Pray as your eyes gaze down into the abyss of death"
Bizarre lyrics: "This gate is to hell, Scared body, With greedy eyes"
In Christianity, the Whore of Babylon is associated with false religion, often tied to materialism, greed, idolatry, moral and spiritual decay.
But in Thelema Babalon represents liberation, spiritual ecstasy, and cosmic power. She is not viewed negatively but as a destroyer of false purity and societal hypocrisy. She invites you to transcend ego and embrace spiritual transformation through surrender to her divine current. (I believe that's what happens on the red MASS DVD jacket)
So, they are both named Babylon and associated with red. It gets confusing, yes, especially since Crowley also sometimes spelled her name as Babylon...
I believe the Ninth goddess is meant as the positive one, as music.
And the other, decadent, greedy one is music industry.
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I believe that's who we see in the Ugly MV, the red woman of the greed of the music industry. That would make perfect sense with what Ruki said (quoted at the start of this post) about the UGLY PV being about judgement and 7 deadly sins, focusing on greed.
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(Note that this MV features a murky crimson shade of red, different than the scarlet red lights of our goddess.)
Ruki said that the 3 tracks on UGLY are connected like a concept album, so the first 2 songs are about his anger at the lying betrayers, those ugly surroundings that he has to spend time in. But despite all that, there is salvation - Goddess.
Part 5 - Alchemy & Mass
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jkoo-njoo · 3 years ago
Love serenades
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pairing : husband! Namjoon x wife! black fem reader
summary : Namjoon is being way too focused on this book right now, while you’re not being hugged. This needs to change.
genre : 100% fluff & domesticity
word count : 915
warning : none !
author’s note : Namjoon has short dirty blond hair. And he’s got his very big prescription glasses on lol it makes him look so so cute. Also, I’m mentioning sensuality in this fic ; and I mean the literal sense of the word : attraction to senses, here, the touch. My OCs are always asexuals, so no sex is implied hehe. Enjoy my loves ! <3
You just finished your self care routine in your shared bathroom with your husband, and you’re now heading to bed.
As you climb on it, you reach Namjoon’s level, hovering over him. He is reading a book. He looks so adorable when he’s focused with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and his big glasses sitting proudly at the top of his nose.
It was a book about feminism and philosophy named born in 1982, Kim Jiyoung if you recall well. He’s been deep into it for a few days now, and you can’t wait for his personal analysis of the book and his review.
It’s one of the many special habits you have between the two of you : whenever one reads a book, they must to make a review of it to the other. You absolutely love the moments when he makes his little presentation and reviews the book to you, because he is so eager to share his knowledge and his point of view he always prepares them with so much dedication, it’s very endearing to witness. That’s why when you see that he starts a book, you light up inside, impatient for when he finishes it.
Anyways, as of now he was no where near finished, and you, on the other hand, were in great need of some affection.
You’ve always been a touchy person and you’re really open and comfortable with displaying affection ; being very sensual with your partner was your love language. And while you’ve learnt to align your clingy nature as much as possible with namjoon’s more laid back and distant one ; you had your moments where u needed a bit more touch than usual.
And this was definitely one of those times !
You’ve been standing over Namjoon for a while now and he still hasn’t moved an inch. He must be really invested in his book. How cute. But, I need his cute ass to pay attention to me.
So, you bent a little, just enough to align with his forehead, and place a soft and delicate kiss. The kiss was very gentle, as if his skin was porcelaine and you did not want to chatter it. Then, you did the same on his cheek. One on the left. One on the right.
By now, he was smiling with that soft dimpled one he does whenever he feels shy and overwhelmed with attention. Again. How cute.
You couldn’t refrain yourself from grinning back.
Then, you spoke up.
— You seem really invested into that one book babe. I know you’re about to make a fire review of it, but could you please tell me about the passage you’re reading right now ?
His eyes lit up.
— Of course angel. Cmon, lay on my chest, I’ll tell you all about it. Then, you’ll tell to me about your day. Deal ?
It was your turn for your face to light up.
— Deal.
As you answer him, you shift yourself to come in between the sheets and lay on his sides, your head on his chest. You angle your head so that you’re facing the book so you can read while he makes his explanations.
You’re actively waiting for him to start, but he stays silent.
As you look up, you catch Namjoon looking at you with heart eyes. You’ve never seen this much passion and intensity in his stare.
It startles you a bit. You giggle.
— What ?
He smiles.
— Nothing.
— I’m waiting for the review siiiir ! if you don’t start soon, I’ll bite your nipples.
You were being absolutely silly and it was making him feel dizzy with love. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop feeling this way when he looks at you.
Finally he confesses.
— Have I ever told you about how beautiful you are ?
— Yes, everyday.
You already know where this is going : a serenade about how much he loves you. He’s so random sometimes, but that’s what you appreciate in him.
— How every time I see you, my heart skips a beat ? How lucky I am that you’re my wife ? And how thankful I am that I get to share my love for you everyday ?
You were about to make fun of him for being sappy, but it still affected you every time he did this. It does feel good to be constantly reminded by the person that you’re sharing your heart with that they’re actually happy and grateful to have you in their life.
It’s melting your heart, and you were already quite sensitive by your need of affection. Oh God.
He keeps going. His heart is beating faster.
— I hope you’re aware that I’m being completely honest every single time I say these things to you. And I’ll repeat it, over and over again, so that you never ever doubt the feelings I have.
— Oh my God shut up. I’m about to cry. When did we stray from you reviewing your book to you showering me with love paroles.
Your eyes start watering, and eventually, a tear falls. Then another. And another again.
— Even when you cry, you’re so pretty. My pretty little crybaby.
And that was the last straw for you, causing you to definitely shut him up with a kiss.
Needless to say, you finish the night kissing and cuddling your bestfriend and lover ; and you couldn’t be happier. He feels the same.
Masterlist <3
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mickey-henry · 4 years ago
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
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pairing: bucky barnes (bookstore au) x reader
summary: eager to escape the heat, you find yourself in the presence of a mesmerizing bookstore and an irresistibly beautiful man.
word count: 2.3K
author’s note: hello! welcome to my third fic😊 I’m eager to share this with you all! I now have a taglist (the link is also in my bio) if you’re interested🥰 thank you to @certainaesthetic​ for helping me workshop this idea, @fuckandfluff​ for the grammar help, and @midnightf​ for hyping me up as I wrote it! likes, reblogs, messages, replies, and comments are cherished! the header images are from pinterest and the divider is from here. I hope you like it! 💖
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You’re desperate to escape the smoldering heat. It’s too hot to rest in the car; it’s been baking all day beneath the sweltering summer sun, parked just outside your place of work. If you attempt to sit in it now, you’d only be greeted with a wave of torrid air, stung with the touch of your seatbelt, and burnt from the searing leather of your steering wheel.
You’re off from work earlier than usual—the blinding sun is usually long beneath the horizon before you head home for the day. The pathetically small sun visor does nothing to shade your eyes from the blazing sunlight. Rather than driving half-blind, you decide to wait out the setting sun.
As you ponder how to spend the rest of your afternoon, you realize that now is an opportune time to visit the new bookstore, The Book Haven, that opened last month. After changing out of your uniform and throwing your work stuff in the trunk, you walk across the plaza to the shop entrance.
The bookstore greets you with the chime of a bell and a rush of cool air as you step in, a blissful contrast to the scorching outdoors. The welcoming scent of coffee grounds and the tangy aroma of old books accompany the refreshing breeze. You take a deep breath, appreciating the convivial atmosphere. The bookstore is a sublime sight; words almost can’t describe its charm.
Shelves like skyscrapers—stuffed to the brim with books, magazines, and comics—graze the ceiling. An intimate reading nook lies next to the door; an inviting window seat dwells beside a floor-to-ceiling window. Clear mosaic window clings cover the glass, casting beautiful rainbows throughout the store. Stringed vintage light bulbs illuminate the shelves; candle-lit sconces adorn the top corners of each one. Oriental rugs lay between the shelves, covering a dark mocha floor. Tucked in the back of the store is a small coffee cranny, hidden at first glance. Frank Sinatra’s charming, rich vocals travel through the air, tickling your ears. The owner clearly put the utmost time, energy, and love into the creation of their shop. It is unequivocally perfect and already one of your favorite places.
You wander to the classics section, enthralled by the exquisite covers. Sensing someone nearby, your eyes glance at movement caught in the corner of your eye. Your stomach somersaults at the stunning stranger. The instant you lay your eyes on him, you forget to breathe for a moment—your breath engulfs your throat. You’re astounded by the Adonis of a man before you.
Bristles of scruff grace his defined jawline—his low man-bun neatly styles his dark chestnut hair. A grey short-sleeve button-up shirt hugs his toned arms; a white tank top clings to his lean, fit frame; cuffed slim-fit khaki pants, help up by a bronze braided belt, embrace his thick thighs; and weathered, chunky brown leather shoes don his feet.
Through the rose-colored glasses that surround your heart, your soul imagines a life with a perfect stranger. The hopeless romantic in you can’t help but steal glances, hoping to catch a better glimpse of him. The moment he turns to walk away, your heart sinks to your stomach. You hope this isn’t the last time you see this gorgeous man.
A few minutes later, you’re mulling over a collectible edition of The Catcher in the Rye, attempting to justify purchasing yet another copy of your favorite book. A melodic voice interrupts your pondering. “That’s a pretty edition of The Catcher in the Rye you’ve got there.”
You turn towards the charming voice. Lo-and-behold, it’s the love of your life: the handsome stranger you’ve mentally lived a lifetime with. His beauty is even more profound up close: now you can see that his eyes are a lovely shade of blue. His eyes, haunted by a subtle sadness, draw you in, unlike anything you’ve experienced before. You find yourself entranced in his sea-blue current; you could easily drown in his gaze. You attempt to hide your awestruck expression and converse with him like a normal human being. “I agree! I already own a copy though, do I really need a new one?”
“I think we both know the answer is always yes,” he assures.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me. I'll get it! Thank you for justifying my unnecessary purchase.”
Your words hang in the air, everything going quiet as you wait for the ravishing stranger to introduce himself. The two of you stare in silence at each other, the tension thickening as the seconds pass by. After a few moments, his face flashes in realization—you were waiting for his name.
“I’m Bucky,” he offers with an enchanting smile, extending his hand out to you. You share your name as the two of you shake hands. Your eyes stare down his veiny arm to his ring-studded fingers grasped around yours. You allow yourself to imagine for a few moments how amazing those fingers would feel tracing your arms, tangling your hair, and teasing your inner thigh. Your lustful reverie comes to an abrupt halt at the sight of the book nestled inside the crook of his elbow: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the bane of your existence. You scoff with furrowed brows; of course, Mr. Handsome Stranger would be interested in the one book you despise.
“Got something to say there, sweetheart?” he questions with an amused grin.
“Out of all the classic novels in this entire store, that’s the one you chose? The Metamorphosis?”
“What’s wrong with this one?” he jives.
You pause for a second, debating whether it’s worth it to argue with a stranger. The pondering lasts only a few seconds; the exhaustion from your day disintegrates your filter. Besides, you loathe The Metamorphosis.
“What isn’t wrong with it? The dude wakes up thinking he’s an insect? The reader has to sit there throughout the entire book, wondering whether he’s a man or a bug? What the actual fuck? I didn’t appreciate the existential crisis that book gave me at fifteen; if I can help someone else avoid the suffering caused by that monstrosity, I'm going to do my part,” you huff, unamused by the joy Bucky seems to gain from your zealous analysis.
“Wow, what a passionate review! Perez Hilton would be envious of your slander. Okay then, what classic would you recommend instead?”
You cross your arms, expecting him to challenge your response. “The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.”
“That’s a play,” he counters.
“It’s published as a book; it counts! It’s witty, playful, and has a happy ending, which is the most important point of all. It also doesn’t make you want to pull a Fahrenheit 451 and burn every copy in existence,” you attest.
He steps closer to you, tucking loose strands of his hair behind his ear. “Life doesn’t always have a happy ending, sweetheart.”
Great, there he goes again with that freaking pet name; it’s going to be the death of you. He knows your name, you just gave it to him, yet here he is, infuriatingly insisting on calling you sweetheart instead. Stupid pretty boy with his ocean blue eyes and amorous smile.
“That’s exactly the point,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “So, why would I want to read something that doesn’t end well? If I’m going to escape this reality for a while, it better be for a happier one.”
“And if it's not?”
“Then I’ll throw the book across the room and make up my own happy ending!”
“Ooh, aggressive,” he tuts. “The owner of this place might not be too happy with you if you’re throwing books all over the place; it’ll scare away the customers.”
“Then it’s a good thing the owner isn’t here,” you interject confidently, knowing full well you have no idea who the owner is.
“Well, that just isn’t true, sweetheart. You’re looking right at him.”
He’s lying—he has to be. Why would a dreamboat like Bucky own a bookstore?
You scoff, “you’re not the owner of this place.”
“I’m not? What makes you say that?” he banters.
“People like you don’t own bookstores!” you exclaim.
“People like me?” he goads, cocking his head to the side. The action erupts butterflies in your stomach.
“Attractive people!” you groan.
“So you think I’m attractive?” he plays, stepping to close the gap between you.
“Psh, no, you wish,” you muster. The heat spreading across your cheeks betrays your bluff.
There are mere inches between the both of you now; you hope he can’t hear your racing heartbeat. You watch his eyes go down from yours to your mouth and back up again. He eyes you with a smirk, his teeth playfully tugging his bottom lip. It takes everything in your power not to give in to his spell.
“I’ve known you for what, five minutes? I don’t go around kissing strangers, Bucky,” you falter, taking a step back from his closeness.
“Then let’s not be strangers, sweetheart. Grab a coffee with me; I know a nice place, not far from here,” he flirts, gesturing to the counter at the back of the store.
“Let me learn more about what goes on in that pretty little head of yours,” he purrs, his breath tickling your cheek.
“Okay, fine. I’ll have a coffee with you,” you surrender.
A bright, honeyed smile dons his face.  
“It better be good, though. Not the stale crap you usually get in the middle of the afternoon.”
“I’d only give you the best, sweetheart,” he winks, extending his right hand. You take it; he gives you a soft squeeze before weaving you through the towering shelves.
Your discussion continues with another passionate book review as he prepares your drink. He’s a sucker for gritty dystopian novels while you gravitate towards sappy romances. He shares his passion for painting as he guides you to the reading nook. The artwork hung on the edges of the bookcases is crafted by him—a detail you hadn’t noticed at first glance. His stunning work features both landscapes and people. He loves to sit in a picturesque landscape and paint for endless hours. Occasionally, he takes his old polaroid as he explores the town, snapping moments between strangers, translating their intimacy to canvas when he gets home.
He gestures for you to take a seat in the reading nook before handing you our steaming cup of joe. You sit with your legs crossed, your hands hugging the mug in your lap. Bucky sits with his leg draped over the side of the bench, his left foot pressing into his right thigh. The conversation shifts topics; the two of you divulge your desires and unfulfilled ambitions. You aren’t sure if it’s the look in his eyes, the sweet cup of joe in your palms, or the aroma of coffee surrounding you, but in his presence, your senses feel wide awake.
Before you know it, the mesmeric moon replaces the sizzling sun, melting away the blistering heat, and the steaming cup of coffee in your hands has long chilled. Bucky’s employee interrupts the blissful rendezvous, informing him that all the closing duties are complete, and he’s headed home for the night.
You stare at your watch in shock—it's five past nine. Where did the time go? You apologize profusely to the poor kid who had to close up alone; he assures you it’s no problem.
A melancholic pit in your stomach forms as you turn back to Bucky. He’s nestled himself into your soul; you don’t want to say farewell to him so soon. He has a sad glint in his eyes; you hope it’s because he’s also dreading the end of this perfect night.
“Can I walk you to your car?” he asks timidly, his earlier suave demeanor gone from his voice. He stands up in front of you, offering his arm to escort you.
“I’d love that,” you reply with a shy grin, grabbing his arm and hugging it tightly.
In the blink of an eye, you’re in front of your car. You let go of his arm and lean against the trunk. You stare into his eyes, hoping that he can see without the use of words how much you don’t want this moment to end. There’s a few moments of painful silence before Bucky clears his throat.
“So, now that we’re not total strangers, how about that kiss?” he flirts with pleading eyes.
“Okay,” you reply with a bashful smile.
He slowly reaches his hand towards your cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb. He presses his forehead against yours. “Are you sure you want to do this? ‘Cause if we do, you might not be able to get rid of me, sweetheart.”
“Yes I do, Bucky,” you giggle.
He grins as he gently presses his pillowy pink lips on yours. The kiss steals all the air from your lungs—his touch sends tingles throughout your body, electrifying your veins. You’re breathless when your lips finally part.
“Let me get your number before I let you go,” Bucky insists. You nod and hand him your phone, unable to form a coherent thought.  The ghost of his lips and fingers trace your figure. You’re barely acquainted with his tender touch, yet you feel naked without it, yearning to once again be within his grasp.
You exchange phones—adding your number and name with a sparkling heart emoji and swiftly passing his phone back before you can change your mind. Bucky snaps a quick selfie for his contact, smirking for the camera. You grin when you see he also put emojis by his name: a beetle and a kissy-face.
He pecks your cheek before opening the car door for you. “Hope to see you around, lovebug.” The new pet name burns your cheeks and erupts butterflies in your stomach.
He doesn’t leave the parking lot until your car disappears completely from his view.
You drive home with thoughts of Bucky swirling in your mind. You send a silent thanks to the universe for bringing this beautiful man into your life. His voice, touch, and smile echo in your thoughts for the remainder of the evening—his presence paving its way through your dreams. You’re falling hard and fast; you only hope he’ll be there to catch you.
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tagging a few mutuals who expressed interest in this story🥰please fill out the taglist form if you’d like to be tagged in the next story! 💖
@ritesofreverie @midnightf @certainaesthetic
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transmutationisms · 3 years ago
Would you be able to give some references or places to read more about the humour stuff? I looooovvveee purgation motifs
YES. so first of all, just for getting an overview on humouralism, my go-to would probably be "passions and tempers: a history of the humours" by noga arikha. this covers a pretty broad historical sweep.
looking at purgation more specifically, "the expressiveness of the body and the divergence of greek and chinese medicine" by shigehisa kuriyama is sooo good. it's a comparative history, but the parts on chinese medicine are really mostly to illustrate points about greek med. also, the focus is on bloodletting specifically, but very similar logic about purgation and cleansing motivated a lot of other humoural medical treatments, and kuriyama does draw some of that out. this book is just so cool.
ok fuck it i'm just gonna bullet point the rest of this lmao
"a reconstruction of the hippocratic humoural theory of health" (balzer & eleftheriadis, 1991, journal for general philosophy of science. doi 10.1007/BF01801207) -- another good overview. more digestible length than a whole book
"humoring the body: emotions and the shakespearian stage" by gail kern paster -- really good look at how much we're missing when we disembody early modern drama, and given the influence of shakespeare over succ... yes
"the rise and decline of character: humoral psychology in ancient and early modern medical theory" (jacques bos, 2009, history of the human sciences. doi 10.1177/0952695109104422) -- historical argument is problematique but it gets the noggin rotating
"diseased bodies, defiled souls: corporality and religious difference in the reformation" (charles h parker, 2014, renaissance quarterly. doi 10.1086/679783) -- on catholic views of humoural 'defilement' vs calvinist views of sinful sensuality. reminder that the roys are catholic lol
"you are what you eat: historical changes in ideas about food and identity" (steven shapin, 2014, historical research. doi 10.1111/1468-2281.12059) -- intro to food and temperaments, including humoural aspects. side note, literally love steven shapin. please read him.
"'you have no good blood in your body': oral communication in sixteenth-century physicians' medical practice" (michael stolberg, 2014, medical history. doi 10.1017/mdh.2014.71) -- patients' views of the body as unclean and in need of purification/evacuation/etc
"blood matters: studies in european literature and thought, 1400–1700" ed. bonnie lander johnson & eleanor decamp -- as the title suggests, mostly focussed on blood. but includes analysis of blood as a humour, and also shows how this kind of analysis can help us make sense of literature/media
"humoural wombs on the shakespearian stage" by amy kenny -- more shakespeare, lots of Gender. looks at performance history in conjunction with humoural theory
most of these books you should be able to find free on z lib etc, and with the articles access varies but if you hit a paywall, lmk and i might be able to float you a pdf. also if you read german or french there's a lot of lit on humouralism out there.
oh and also you can snowball the reference lists in any of these things and be pretty sure you're finding good stuff!
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lifebetweenpages · 2 years ago
You’ve read the title correctly, and I can hear you saying: “Lifebetweenpages, you’re still not giving us a recap of the books you have read over the past month (plus a few weeks, give or take)! Bad Bookblr creator!” However, instead, I am giving you my list of movies to watch when you are out of ideas for your books, can’t be bothered to read and still want to feel like an intelligent author. We’ve all been there.
I can also hear you saying “But Lifebetweenpages, how can you be a trustworthy authority on writer things? You’re our favourite bibliomane, not our favourite author!” To this, I raise two points:
I have been writing silly little books since I was virtually a toddler, and I have three main projects sitting dejectedly in my Google Docs currently, my novel which I work on most frequently sitting at an upsettingly ‘decent’ 23k words.
I do imagine you would have more faith in me, dear hypothetical followers, seeing as you only exist in my synapses, and I would hope I hold higher opinions about myself than that. However, I believe many of you (hypothetically) should have (hypothetically) guessed that I’m a writer as well as a reader, seeing as all writers read and many readers write.
Now with that out of the way, let’s jump into our list, and by list I mean my ramblings about two very specific movies.
I’ve decided to put the obvious up first, so you can skim through this if you have either watched this incredible movie or have already heard glowing reviews.
With its heavy focus on classic poetry and message of embracing the arts and following your passions, it’s not a surprise that Dead Poets Society has became the artist’s top pick movie and a cliche staple on this sort of snappy list.
When I say the movie focuses on poetry, I mean a much stronger term. Dead Poets Society promotes poetry in a way, showing the viewer the truth, joy and magic that comes with the form of art, inspiring them to go out and seize it. If that doesn’t help sell the movie to you, just note that my friends and I, who come out of every poetry analysis in English class with our eyes glazed over, were inspired to create our own Dead Poets Society, meeting every so often. In fact, we reconvene in two days time at the time of writing, and I still need to pick a poem (and it will be a Sylvia Plath.)
Another element that stands out in Dead Poets Society is the atmosphere of the film, somehow drawing in: a contagious teenage sense of wonder and mischief, world-destroying grief, and that Dark Academia aesthetic that people on the internet adore and my blog leans into all together.
So please, even if you aren’t a writer or reader and have stumbled onto this page confused and startled, give this movie a watch, for your own world to be changed if not just for me.
2 - TICK, TICK... BOOM! (2021)
You know the overwhelming sense of doom that comes with attempting to make your mark on the world? Do you recognise the sense of dread that drowns you whenever you remember the concept of time? Well so did Jonathan Larson, and he documented the experience expertly when writing Tick, Tick… BOOM!
Lately, I’ve been hearing this sound. Everywhere I go. Like a tick. Tick. Tick. Like a time bomb in some cheesy B-movie or Saturday morning cartoon. The fuse has been lit. The clock counts down the seconds as the flame gets closer, and closer, and closer, until all at once -
This was written years before he achieved fame with RENT, years before his genius was appreciated, and years before his untimely death from an aortic dissection. Tick, tick... BOOM! was written when Jonathan was relatively unknown, struggling with balancing work, social life and his art, and completely confused as how to tackle the final fragment that was needed to complete the musical he had been working on for the entirety of his youth, fighting against the tides of the ever-chasing deadline of Superbia's first showcase. Whatever your art is, I imagine you can relate to the desperation of Jonathan.
Andrew Garfield, who plays Jonathan Larson, perfectly portrays the starving artist, ever frantic to please, ever submerged in just how much there is to balance, ever striving to make a difference, and it almost feels as if he has held a mirror up to the artist's soul, portraying all of the irrationality and the unintentional selfishness as well as the charisma and the creativity that I see in myself every time I look into my mind for more than one second.
All of these factors and more that I can't find the words to describe (which is a lot for me, because I always find some words, however shallow they may be) makes Tick, Tick... BOOM! one of my favourite movies. Plus, the songs are absolute magic (I have a very strange favourite - Play Game - how can a song parodying 90s hip hop reflect upon the commercialisation of theatre in such an eloquent way?)
So those are my recommendations for all your tired writer needs, and once you do watch these, my asks are open for you to wax poetic about their glory.
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marimopeace · 4 years ago
there's a limit on how much you can be an isekai intellectual...
a bunch of analyses have been popping up before me all day so i wanted to throw my hat into the ring. all love to ppl who are exercising their creative minds + ppl like geoff here who just talk about these things because of fan interest but i feel like there reaches a point where exploring the "types" of isekai is pointless? i've seen ppl list out the different types of villainess revenge isekai or fantasy mmorpg isekai but eh why fit them all into separate boxes like that?
i think it's easier to think of isekai as a "type" (genre) of itself with only two categories: 1) a focus on isekai (lit. another world) 2) tensei (lit. to be reborn). this allows for a variety of applications and thus tropes that ppl see so many trends of!
with isekai - in another world
you see everything from:
pure fantasy (inuyasha, digimon wait maybe not the best example but in my childhood mind i count digimon as pure fantasy, fushigi yugi)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (.hack//legend of twilight, sao ugh, log horizon, overlord (LOVE OVERLORD!)
otome game-esque worlds >>> this is where it gets complicated with "villainess routes" since i admit there are multiple villainess tropes but this is why it's nice to not think of this as a "sub-type/genre" bc it frees you from those complications! (the saint's magic power is omnipotent, the white cat's revenge as plotted from the dragon king's lap soso cute!, the savior's book cafe in another world, i'm a villainous daughter so i'm going to keep the last boss wait i can't remember if she's reborn in this one lmaooo see this is why rules make everything hard)
with tensei storylines - being reincarnated/reborn in another world as *insert character/role*
you see...
the same tropes!!
pure fantasy (a returner's magic should be special, reminiscence adonis, the lady and the beast, light and shadow, i can't think of a manga off the top of my head for this ah)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (so i'm a spider so what i stan kumoko so hard, her majesty's swarm, can't name another off the top of my head ah i hate lists shorter than two things...)
self-insert based games/novels (fiance's observation log of a self-proclaimed villainess, who made me a princess, death is the only ending for the villainess, the villainess wants to marry a commoner, honestly games vs novels are different applications but i'm not in the headspace to try to remember a bunch of both lol)
*insert line break to give random ppl a break from scrolling but tl; dr just enjoy things for what they are no need to micro analyze*
similar variations occur in both genres (if ppl want to be super technical i guess i'm arguing that isekai itself is a massive genre that has the "another world" subgenre and "reincarnation" subgenre tl; dr) so i think it's honestly a huge pain to try to separate all these trends into so many different types of stories. for me personally it's easier to not get overwhelmed by this gigantic umbrella of "isekai" that spans light novels, manhwa, manga, and mobile games by just stripping each story down into its trademark tropes (aka character archetypes, story structures) and slapping "oh this is a person going to a world that's not ours" and "this person gets reborn as blank in another world". none of this "omg this power fantasy is such a this kind of isekai moment" or "there are 14 different types of villainess revenge stories and this series fits into this" bc AH labels! limitations! circle-jerks via ppl trying to compartmentalize everything and sound smart for leaving a comment on story analysis instead of ooh-ahhing over a character's face! dividing things into light novel manga vs manga vs korean manhwa ft. female characters!
the last bit is mainly why i feel frustrated by ppl's insistence to group everything?
the video linked at the beginning of the post (honestly good video essay, i enjoyed it, i just kept thinking in my head the whole time "marimo these are tropes do not take the genre talk literally") has a baby comment thread talking about "korean isekai manhwas" as a genre featuring nothing but reincarnated villainess' and i can't.
like i cannot acknowledge that as a genre of any sort. the energy i felt reading through some of those insights takes me back to 2012 when all yt americans discovered k-pop and deemed all korean music k-pop from then on! (ppl still do this now, yes you are seen and don't talk to me pls i don't like you. k-pop is korean pop music and nothing less and nothing more. take a few seconds and try to parse apart aspects of korean culture instead of slamming everything into a monolithic label that has the letter k and a hyphen.) it feels so odd to see a bunch of young ppl on ig and tiktok acknowledge korean media that happens to be in the form of a webtoon as "oh stories all about young girls becoming villains in stories they made/played" bc it feels so reductive u.u
(positionality disclaimer that i'm praying isn't actually necessary: i am a 3rd-generation korean of japanese descent do not fite me i am exhausted irl of ppl asking for validation/verification bc massive shove off.)
breaking news! korean manhwa...is just as multifaceted as japanese manga...bc how can comics as an art-form not have multiple genres...huh such a shocker?!?! same likely applies to media in other parts of the world like chinese manhwa and french comics--not my place to explain either of those i just know those industries exist bc of wakfu and donghua shows by Tencent.
at the end of the day it's not like analyzing any kind of isekai is wrong--absolutely not!! i think it can be super fun to think about how isekai elements complicate a story (MCs trying to go back home, ppl from the og world, reincarnation plot-twists) or maybe even bash a series for including some kind of other world element when they could have just written a super fun fantasy.
insert marimo's brief ramble that hey you can get sick of truck-kun's hitting disillusioned guys who happen to be super duper smart or girls who happen to be master chefs/craftsmen but transporting a fully-grown being into a fantasy setting is the ultimate cheat code for making mundane modern technology seem cool and overpowered, and being reincarnated as a fully grown person in a world with a pre-made story/game set-up completely bypasses the need for an author to slowly flesh out world-building in a natural progression so isekai is actually a really smart writing tool it's just that there are some series where the author didn't use it well at all and it's cheesy or clearly isekai was misused as a vehicle for character/story development and it was pointless *DEEP BREATH OUT*
in this essay i will argue...lol i am such a culture studies major!! if i were an english major i would be talking all about writing but here i am having a side-tangent about world-building via someone being reborn wow i love this for me (don't get me started on when an author has someone reincarnate as a baby and the story is mostly them having warm fluffy moments with their family--typically father figures--and getting lots of powers i could and would and probably will rant about east asian toxicity)
but anyway am i crazy????? like yes for being passionate about the technical use of a word like genre (i am a scorpio rising let me be fussy pls) but i don't think it's a lot to ask for ppl to not unironically see "villainess revenge isekai" as the definition of korean manhwa.
idk as someone who resonates with why japanese isekai is so popular domestically + why a lot of korean manhwa feat. the same tropes (it's not for great reasons lads it's actually depressing tbh) i'm just starting to feel kind of pained by the generalization and need to separate "cute japanese girl in an otome game"/"japanese boy finds a harem in another world" from "korean girl dies and comes back as a villainess" bc they are just! applications to the same story device!!
recommendations for any who makes it this far down below <3
// also gladly recommend any of the examples i've listed in the above rant as i've read/watched all of them and adore them v much! //
save me princess
super refreshing fantasy manhwa ft. a princess and her ex-boyfriend having to save the world!
the beginning after the end
an AMERICAN web novel turned into a comic (but see it being not korean/japanese doesn't really matter when you just consider isekai as a genre...isn't it nice to not overthink it?) ft. a super-powerful wizard king reincarnated into another world and starting from scratch--gives mushoku tensei vibes but huge twists!
the reason why raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion
love love LOVE this story--read the title and you'll learn how this girl reincarnated as the character raeliana in a book gets married to a duke!
trash of the count's family
such a good novel!! a guy gets reborn as a lazy oaf and he takes the hero of the story under his wing...plot twists come up later on!
this time i will definitely be happy!
v good and refreshing for a shorter series! she's been reborn 3 times and remembers every time the hero's stabbed her in the back, and now she just wants to break up with him!
silver diamond
older manga but v good adventure w intrigue! a boy who loves plants get sucked into a desert world with demonic lizards and a mysterious bodyguard by his side. shonen-ai not BL but wonderful vibes nonetheless + great side characters!
the princess imprints a traitor
adore everything in this from the world (not in that way this society makes me so angry) to the machinations at play and the dynamic between the fl and ml
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seeminglyseph · 3 years ago
one day I am going to have to write something to the lit 103 teacher who had us study the great gatsby, I don’t know what tone yet, because I’m not sure I ever disliked a book I am now passionate about so much. It was partially because she really obviously was extremely passionate about the book that made me want to write an essay of substance in the end, even though I fuckin’ just hated everyone in it. But she let me write about Fitzgerald’s female characters, and linked us to some of Zelda’s essays. Which gave me the ability to make a lot of the essay a statement about the representation of flapper culture and treatment of Zelda by Fitzgerald as aspects of intent, even if one of the major lessons at that time was death of the author in that.... ‘right now I want a raw analysis of the text without bringing judgment of the author into play, that’s next semester and a different sort of study’ So it was kind of ‘it is unknown if the authenticity of Fitzgerald’s female characters is an indication of his own insight, or if it is another example of the author’s habit of plagiarizing his wife’s writing. the exact amount of writing that should be attributed to Zelda Fitzgerald is unclear.’ Just as an analysis of how Zelda’s study of flapper culture from her experiences and opinions had an effect on the characters in the fiction.
A result of this has kind of been my transforming into a Zelda Fitzgerald spokesperson, like ‘hi actually Zelda was amazing and her husbanded locked her in an asylum to kill her career did you know that? She certainly had her issues she lived in the 1920s and I’ll excuse none of that but I might fight bungou stray dogs in her honour’
Also now I have to be That Guy who explains that cleavage was not something flappers would be showing off, they wore binding undergarments to make their breasts and hips appear flat as possible. The short hair and straight body type was a flamboyant show of androgyny and another one of those ‘popular with women more than men’ fashion choices everyone ends up assuming is about men in the end....
but even then, the email I would have to send was ‘sorry to the rest of my class who clearly wanted me to shut the fuck up, the process of discussing literature with you and the ‘yes, and...’ cycles I felt like we got into awoke a passion for literary analysis I did not know I was capable of and I do not know how to satisfy so a blessing and curse upon you for awaking this hunger within me. I’m applying it to Greek Classics instead of modern classics but like it’s the same concept and genuinely miss having an unhinged discussion about meanings you could extrapolate from a text even if you graded like you were trying to hurt me you explained that really well as ‘it’s a transition between high school expectation and university expectations. I grade at a higher level than you’re used to because this is about being able to write at a university level. You’re specializing now, the grades are harder. But on that scale 84% is extremely high.’ so like even when I bombed I was like ‘okay, points not made as intended, time to draft out new arguments”
like I don’t know how to explain that as a person with extreme RSD from ADHD and Trauma I like.... She made a disappointing grade a growth point rather than a failure and it was... exactly what I needed as a new but much older student. (starting uni in your late 20s surrounded by people 10 years your junior is scary as shit.)
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songbirdsingingthings · 4 years ago
Luminescence - Armin Arlert x Reader
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama
AOT Masterlist - Main Masterlist
WARNINGS: Season 3 & kinda 4 spoilers
Requested by Anonomys:
Hello,I hope you have a beautiful day! Could you please make an imagine of Armin and his s/o (either fem or g/n,whatever is more comfortable for you to write) about their night routine when they go to the sea and just relax in each other's presence?(everyone has already seen the sea for the first time) soft armin hours 24/7😭
I have been FEELING the Armin feels so much recently. This little blonde boy has just captured my heart. I hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it!
Word Count: 1.6K In and out the tide would go. All day, never ceasing, the ocean would move in and out in a steady rhythm. Sometimes the waves would be a little more rough or even shallow, but they would ebb and flow all the same. It became a comfort for you ever since the Scout Regiment had built the new headquarters by the ocean. There was always a buzz throughout the buildings; Eren doing this, the Marleyeans saying that. It all grew so effortlessly tiresome that by the end of the day you were fatigued, your shoulders were aching, and your head longed to be nestled into a soft feathered pillow. There was one thing, however, that you allowed to capture your attention rather than allow your brain to turn off and sleep. Armin Arlert. With his newly cut blonde hair and his mind brimming with knowledge, he had managed to weave his way into your heart and invade your senses, bringing with him all the things you never thought you could hold dear. 
“Y/N, you’re free to go. Just take that paperwork back with you and have that analysis done by tomorrow.” The recently appointed Commander Hange tells you, flashing a quick smile before sweeping up her own materials. Across from you Captain Levi had already stood up from his chair and was making his way out. Finally Jean, who was seated to your right, huffed a sigh.
“Preparations are never gonna end are they,” He laments, pinching his fingers to the bridge of his nose. You give him a pity smile and pat his shoulder.
“Not until Hange and Levi think that they’re good enough.” Jean rolls his eyes and stands from his chair, stretching his arms out.
“Alright, well, I’m outta here. See ya tomorrow.” He sighs. You wave your hand in farewell and gather the several papers and briefings into your arms and drag yourself out of the little conference room. You groaned as you felt your several aching limbs weighing you down and the pounding in your head. Making plans for the invasion of Marley were no joke and surely took a toll on your brain. In a decent amount of time, you make your way to the beach huts where you found Armin waiting your steps, his nose buried in a book. A light smile spreads across your face.
“How was your day?” You asked, causing the blonde to close his book and jog over to your side.
“About the same as yesterday. You?” He says softly, taking your hand in his and walking the both of you into the little hut. You simply hum and lean a bit more into Armin’s side, which told him basically everything he needed to know. You were tired, your brain was fried, and you wanted his company. With a content grin, he placed a kiss to the top of your head and had you sit on one of the chairs in the small living room. “How about I grab some dinner while you shower? I’m sure Niccolo won’t mind if I take a couple of plates from the dining hall so we can just eat here.” He suggests. His proposition practically makes your heart sing at the thought of having a quiet meal, just the two of you.
“I’d love that,” you say earnestly, placing your paperwork on the low table in front of you. “And even if Niccolo won’t be happy about it, he’ll be too distracted by Sasha to notice.” You quip, earning a laugh from Armin.
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” 
The shower you took was heavenly. Since everyone was having dinner, you had first dibs on the hot water and you basked in it. Your body smelled of a light lavender, every bit of grime was wiped off of your body, and even your hair was washed. The change of your clothes also helped to brighten your mood. Gone was the white button up and cargo jacket - you were all comfy in the light and airy sleepwear. The soft fabric seemed to kiss your skin in such a sweet way that you felt you could fall asleep right then and there. But, the savory smell of freshly cooked seafood worked its way into your senses causing your eyes to snap open.
“Dinner!” Armin called. You rushed your way towards him, and more importantly the food, in excitement.
“Looks yummy.” You say, helping him set down the trays of food and laying out the utensils. Dinner was a little quiet, since both of you were super hungry and dinner tasted fantastic.
“I read something rather curious,” Armin says, instantly gaining your full attention. He was always finding something new every time he read a book. Whether it was the genetic property of a fig leaf or certain characteristics of different types of rocks, you always found it interesting to hear.
“Do tell,” you urge, using your fork to bring the last little morsel of food into your mouth.
“It’s a sort of natural phenomenon called bioluminescence. Unlike a shooting star, though, it’s actually caused by microorganisms that light up when agitated.” You pause a bit when you hear his explanation, confusion flickering across your face.
“They light up?” You wonder. Armin nods to you in response. “But whenever we’ve been outside and in the ocean, I’ve never noticed anything lighting up.” Armin takes your response into consideration and leans back in his chair a bit. It takes a minute for his brain to connect all of the dots, trying to think of why no one has ever seen anything that was somewhat supernatural in the water before. Then, like a lightbulb going off in your head, you stand up suddenly causing Armin to jump a bit. “Because it was daytime!” You conclude, grabbing hold of Armin’s hand and ushering him out of the door. Neither of you bothered to slip your shoes on beforehand, so your bare feet met the somewhat chilled sand.
“I don’t even know if these kinds of organisms are native to our area though,” He says warily, squeezing your hand.
“It doesn’t hurt to look!” You say cheerily, all of the former exhaustion leaking from your body as the cool ocean breeze swished your clothes and hair. Finally, the two of you made it to the shoreline. The waves were constant as ever and reached just before your toes before pulling back. “You said they lit up when they were agitated, right?” You ask, looking to Armin who was standing by your side.
“Yeah,” he says as he rolls up his pants so they don’t get wet, “so any touch from us should make them glow.” With a deep breath and a cautious expression, you extend one of your feet over the water and very slowly let it sink into the water.
It was as if your touch was magical. The second your foot met the water, a bright blue light surrounded it. A gasp left your lips, immediately followed by a smile as you let your other foot go into the water, causing the space surrounding it to glow even more. You looked back to Armin who was currently marveling at the discovery, and he quickly joined you in the water. The deeper you got the more the water lit up. The light blue reflected across your faces, shading them in an azure hue.
“Armin…” You murmur, breathless at the sight, “it’s beautiful.” Wrapping an arm around your waist, he pulls you into his side. In front of you, he lets his hand fall into the ocean and drags it along, the water behind it leaving a brightly-lit path. “What was this called again?” You ask, looking up to his awestruck expression.
“Bio, uh, Bioluminescence,” He says, hesitant as he’s taking everything in. Finally, he looks back up to you and smiles widely. “Think of everything else that the ocean can hold.” He gushes. As you look at him and his infectious grin, only one adjective comes to mind. Delectable. You move your lips closer to his as you tug his collar down, bringing with it his head. He gets the message quickly. He raises his hand, now wet with seawater, to your cheek, his thumb swiping across your lips. You had no idea where he had gotten so confident - Armin was a gentle lover. Usually he preferred to cuddle rather than to engage in a makeout session and favored forehead kisses. Maybe he had seen someone do that or read it in a book, but you didn’t care - it made your heart race. His lips met yours passionately, wrapping both of his arms around your waist tightly and pressing you as close as possible to his chest.
“When this is all over,” Armin says breathlessly, then going back for a second kiss. “When this war is done.” Another kiss. “Let’s live on the beach. We can discover everything this great blue abyss has to offer.” One final kiss. You lean into his body as he embraces you, situating his chin on top of your head.
“That sounds lovely,” you hum, nestling your head into where his arm and torso meet. The two of you stay like this for a moment, basking in each other's warmth and presence before the chill of the air got to be a bit too cold for your liking.
“Should we go inside? Burrow under some blankets?” Armin asks, both of you wading your way out of the water. His hand is in yours again, swinging them a little. You give him a grin and nod as he leads you back into your and his shared hut.
“Bioluminescence, huh.” You say, still marveling at the glowing sight. You made your own discovery too. The closer you looked at Armin’s eyes, the more you saw that glow of the blue water. Both brimming with energy and both inviting. Their presences are equally calming to most, but to you, it was all him.
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missanthropicprinciple · 4 years ago
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A Tale of Elio and My Fixation with Lovable Androids
TL;DR Feel free to scroll past this unless you’re keen to read my ramblings about androids, Neoclassical art, children’s lit, and bad science fiction movies. 
Since the late 1990s one of my favourite books has been A Tale of Time City (1989) by Diana Wynne Jones. It’s a mildly confusing story but engaging, with memorable characters, including the android Elio, pictured above - my own fan art from a few years ago. Studio Ghibli really needs to make this film if no one does a live-action version, seeing as they brought Jones’ novel Howl’s Moving Castle to life. Here’s a scan of my favourite edition with mesmerizing cover art by Richard Bober.
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This book inspired me so much I’ve done research on it. I wasn’t in a class in grad school that allowed me to write about it so I took it on as a casual independent project in 2019. Two days after my dad died of cancer I was scheduled to present my paper on Elio from ATOTC. Needless to say I was not able to finish writing the essay. I told the department coordinator I would likely not attend but I would let him know. He was seriously surprised that I showed up. I must have looked like a ghost - wearing a nice top, skirt, tights, and short heels. I was still in total shock but I thought I might as well press on. My paper’s working tile remains as it was: Elio: Android Autonomy and the Personification of the Sun God. I presented a long bullet point list of working ideas and research done up until that point. My work is still on the broad side because it’s an intersection of young adult fiction, Neoclassic art, and android autonomy; I have some narrowing to do. Here are my main arguments thus far: 
Firstly, the android character Elio’s physical characteristics and personality are inspired by Helios, the Hellenistic Greek god and personification of the sun. Apparently, Elio is a Spanish name meaning sun and also an Italian given name referring to the element helium, originally derived from the Greek name of the sun-god Helios. 
Secondly, Elio and Helios share more than an etymological connection and the comparison of Elio to Helios can be articulated in two distinct ways: the aesthetic comparison, and that Elio possesses some of the qualities Helios is known for. Jones’ work repeatedly associates Elio with sunlight and golden hues, aspects which are exemplified in the 1765 Neoclassical painting Helios as the Personification of Midday by Anton Raphael Mengs. (I vaguely remember translating a couple passages from a large art book written in German when I was studying Neoclassical art.) 
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This work is considered an unusual depiction of Helios. Mengs uses a motif of the glowing arrow which is interpreted by François-Xavier Fabre as a symbol of the midday heat and the sun's rays which penetrate and give light to the earth. The representation of the sun in this way is considered unusual for the 18th century because it goes against Classical and Baroque iconography which portrays Helios riding a chariot. Ironically, Jones references this. Elio proclaims his fondness for films, particularly the chariot race from Ben Hur. Elio, like Mengs’ depiction of Helios, lacks a chariot but retains his beauty and powers.
As for Elio possessing some of the qualities of Helios, the god is often referred to as “all seeing” or “Zeus’s eye.” Similarly, Elio has the ability to anticipate problems and see what humans do not, but not because he’s a god, but because he’s a servant. However, this is where his self governing comes into play when he uses his observations to take action beyond any directives he has been given. His physical strength, like Helios, exceeds that of humans. Elio himself says, “my utmost is more than twice that of a born-human” (Jones, 211).
Thirdly, Elio’s self awareness allows him to use both his powers of observation and superior physical strength independent from humans. He does not always wait to be told how to use his power; he wields it. Not only does he play a part equal to that of humans in Jones’ plot, he specifically controls the fates of certain human characters. For example, he doesn’t always utilize his speed when he’s at the beck and call of his master, Sempitern. He makes choices not to fully comply with the demands made of him.
My fourth point, which I can’t quite articulate well, is that the most significant dynamic of this comparison is the body of Elio and how his physicality interacts with his autonomy. Elio acts as an individual who contributes to a wider mythology just as Helios does. Yet, while Elio is superior to humans in many ways, his quasi-humanity allows him to act in ways which align with Helios’ qualities.
For example, Elio makes personal choices and exhibits emotions not necessary for him, as an android, to function. He confesses a desire to harm another android out of annoyance where a passionate opinion would not be expected from an android. This human failing is indicative of the same autonomy which allows him to act as Helios does. Elio has been constructed as a superhuman body in terms of his abilities, however, the human qualities which contribute to his Helios-like powers undermine his intended purpose. 
Ultimately, Elio ascends the usefulness of his “owned” body by acting independently from the humans who utilize him. His human qualities make him vulnerable and therefore he loses some of his godlike powers. Elio, while only an assistant to his human owners, utilizes his own physical and mental powers to maintain his autonomy. Conversely, his god-like qualities make Elio more human rather than affirming his android identity.
This is a very complex subject and I don’t really know where I’m going with it and have possibly made some suppositional errors. TL;DR: What I do know is that Elio presents a paradox: being idealized for his abilities allows him to be autonomous while being autonomous disrupts the servitude of his body.
I am in the process of determining what lens I will use to analyze Elio’s experience and functionality of being an android. I’m thinking about using Alan Turning’s 1950 work Computing Machinery and Intelligence. I’m still navigating the literary theory aspect, or indeed philosophical aspect, of this area of study. 
This brings me to something I came across later that relates to Elio and ATOTC. 
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The closest depiction of an android that I’ve seen to Elio other than Data is from a terrible and somewhat forgotten science fiction film from 1989. “Byron”, (played by pre-Jurassic Park-fame Bob Peck) the android in the painfully awful film Slipstream comes very close to Elio in terms of tone, attitude, and characterization. Despite the embarrassingly bad script and dialogue, Peck does a bang-up job, seemingly acting in a wonderful film running parallel to the absolute trash his co-stars were apparently “acting” in. Yes, I rewatched this film just to write this analysis. (The secondhand embarrassment is off the charts and I had it playing at a low volume most of the time Byron was not on the screen.)
When you first see Byron he’s acting out autonomy but you’re not aware he’s an android. The audience is told he’s an escaped fugitive, a murderer, and that’s all we know for over half the film. Yet there are several clues. When you first see him he’s running over rugged terrain in a suit which was kind of a big hint but nothing makes sense in this film so I just thought that it was a weird costume choice. Then he’s literally shot with a grappling hook. He doesn’t seem to be in pain even though he’s shocked by it, and then is pulled down by a bounty hunter named Tasker (Mark Hamill) and hits the ground from a great height and doesn’t die. He just quotes what I think is John Gillespie Magee, Jr.’s "High Flight”: “I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth….and touched the face of God.” Next time you see him, he’s in handcuffs, looking super depressed, and apparently not bleeding out from the now absent grapple hook that’s gone through his forearm. 
He eventually quotes Lord Byron to cryptically indicate his name which is lost on Bill Paxton’s character, Matt. “Byron” essentially means cowshed. It’s ironic because Byron the android is in many ways a receptacle of knowledge. Matt even says sarcastically, “Well aren’t you a walking storeroom of information,” and Byron responds cheerfully, “Yes.” 
Byron breaks out of his handcuffs saying they’d “become rather superfluous.” You think he’s just showing off but once you know he’s an android you know he’s just honest all the time. He then heals a blind child and paraphrases Psalm 127:3. Matt says, “I didn’t know you were a healer.” Apparently Byron can perform cataract surgery in less than five minutes. Along their journey together (Bill is set on collecting the bounty on Byron’s head before Tasker can catch up) they camp out. Byron sleeps with his eyes open. (Even if he is an android wouldn’t his eyes need to be “cleaned” in the same way humans need to close our eyes and blink?) Matt wakes up to find Byron seemingly strangling him. “I was feeling your carotid pulse,” he explains. “I was just checking for arrhythmia and episodes of ventricular tachycardia.” At this point you realize he’s not so much a spiritual healer as a doctor who philosophizes a lot. 
Byron’s miraculous behavior and pontificating is called into question by a nomadic spiritual community which has been torn apart by an attack on their village. As he lays dying, Ben Kingsley’s character calls Byron a “false prophet” but his faith in this stranger is somewhat restored when he says, “all that will be left of me is bits of gold in the sand. You have a soul, do not abandon it in death.” 
Another character says, “The stranger is no mortal man.” Therefore it is clear that Byron likely isn’t human. We don’t find out he’s an android until 46 minutes into the film. Once that’s cleared up, other concepts arise in the script. While not well executed, they are really interesting; emotion both positive and negative, free will, perfection, A.I. slavery, and murder are all addressed throughout the second half of the film. Byron says he doesn’t understand “hate” in context of his “master” to whom he was nurse, brother, father, mentor, and friend, but he admits he was more of a slave than anything else. 
The character Ariel takes an interest in him for a variety of reasons, especially romantically. In one very evocative moment we see Byron in a museum exhibit, a false garden of Eden, full of fake vegetation and taxidermies, full body mounts. So we’ve got an android having an Adam experience. Whether or not he experiences “original sin” with Ariel or if he’s “fully functional” is never acknowledged. Although one woman says, “Amanda slept with a robot?!” (who the f**k is Amanda?!) and a man says to another sitting next to him, “I hear they’re rather mechanical in the saddle.” 
Byron is less concerned with consummation and more excited about love, sleep, and dreaming. When he is with Ariel he doesn’t quite know how to act in terms of sexual play and then apologizes: “I’m not accustomed to being loved.” We see him closing his eyes when he’s cuddled up with Ariel; the next day he is certainly very pleased that he fell asleep with his eyes closed and had a dream. 
In terms of his servitude and autonomy they did not spend an adequate portion of the exposition on it. Matt has a change of heart and says instead of collecting the bounty, he’ll set him free as it’s briefly revealed that Byron killed his “master” upon the man’s request. Naturally, this brings up a lot of confusing feelings for Byron. “Is this what it’s like to be human? I don’t think I’m up to it,” he says. “Can I be trusted with human feelings?” And in a way he cannot. Ariel is brutally shot by Tasker.
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Byron is angered over Ariel’s death and follows the bounty hunter to his ship. Instead of taking him in to collect a reward, Tasker tries to run him down with the glider plane. Byron manages to get himself caught in the engine and starts to strangle his assailant. Tasker quotes “touched the face of god” which brings Byron to his senses and he stops killing Luke Skywalker Tasker and tries to save the plane. It looks like he’s going to hot-wire it but then uses the wires like reins (chariot imagery???). They crash into the side of a mountain slope. Tasker dies but Byron survives. Apparently he’s basically indestructible and somewhat godlike. “I’m too dangerous to be human,” Byron tells Matt. In the end, he goes off in search of the place he’d been dreaming about. 
Although in terms of physical appearance the two androids are vastly different, they have so much in common. Here are some basic concepts. 
Character: Both are stoic, formal, intelligent, honest
Indestructible: Byron is injured with a grappling hook, takes a major fall of about 20 or 30 feet without a scratch: he is somewhat godlike or slave-like, meant to withstand destruction and pain. Elio is less indestructible but easily repaired.
Healer: Byron has the skills to heal people with basic surgery. Elio doesn’t take his own injuries seriously and experiences pain for the first time (Jones, 218-9).
Both think they deserve to be punished: Elio states this quite clearly (Jones, 276) and Byron says the same thing about himself with resigned passivity.
Complex relationship with “human emotions”: Both come to terms with violence, anger, and love.
Autonomy: At the end of the film Byron goes off on his own to look for a promised land. Elio decides his own fate by deciding to accompany the children of the story, stating that Vivian is a “particular favorite” of his (278). 
Dreaming and stories: Byron is searching for a place, “where I think I belong,” he says, which is a place he often thinks and dreams about. Dreaming is considered to be a human attribute, a non-essential bi-product to consciousness. Elio enjoys stories and old films (Jones, 180), similarly “human” in nature. 
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(Peck, seen here waiting for Bill Paxton to learn how to act. Sorry, I’m salty.)
Disclaimer: This is a work in progress! This project is an intersection of niche subjects that interest no one but myself. 
Anyway, my point is (yes, I did have a point...or rather several) was that if anyone should adapt A Tale of Time City, Byron from Slipstream is the best example of how Elio should be portrayed in terms of characterization. I feel that Slipstream should have been centered around Byron. The film was kind of like, just about the “we’re both fighting over the bounty of this fugitive” sorta thing. It would have made more sense to focus on Byron as he is arguably the most interesting character and represents many of the conflicts within the story. I would like to combine my research on ATOTC and Slipstream one day. In any case, this is a good start. 
Works Cited (WIP) 
Jones, Diana W. A Tale of Time City: Knopf, 1987. Print. Perkowitz, Sidney. Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids. Washington, D.C: Joseph Henry Press, 2004. Print.
Roettgen, Steffi, and Anton R. Mengs. Anton Raphael Mengs: 1728-1779 Part 2. München: Hirmer, 1999. Print.
Turing, A. M. “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” Mind, vol. 59, no. 236, 1950, pp. 433–460. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2251299. Wilson, Eric. The Melancholy Android: On the Psychology of Sacred Machines. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. Print
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purplebass · 5 years ago
James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs: 1001 Nights and Layla and Majnun
Yet another essay/analysis about James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs and the references of their story with classic Middle East literature books such as “1001 Nights” and “Layla and Majnun” and how those books might have inspired some TLH storylines.
Similarities between “1001 Nights” characters and James and Cordelia
The Layla references by James and Alastair
The Scheherezade storyteller
The metaphor of James and Cordelia’s relationship
Cordelia as James’s link to this world
In the Classic Reimagined with Shadowhunters characters book, Cordelia and James are pictured as Scheherazade and sultan Shahryar from “1001 Nights”, and she is probably telling him a story in that art. This book is a collection of folk tales and it is often referred to as “Arabian Nights” and has elements of different Middle East cultures. In short, the sultan Shahryar marries virgin women and then he kills them after the night they spend together. After some time, there aren’t virgins anymore, so the vizier's daughter, Scheherazade, offers herself as the next wife/queen and survives because for 1000 nights she tells the sultan a story, which she never finishes, to keep him curious. The sultan spares her life because he wants to know how the stories end, and after 3 years (1,001 days) she finishes the stories but the sultan has fallen in love with her and he doesn’t kill her. 
Like Scheherazade, Cordelia likes books and likes to tell stories. Cordelia is Persian and this collection of tales also contains Persian elements, and the name Scheherazade means “of noble lineage” from Middle Persian. Cordelia also offered herself to marry James to save him from facing judgement from the Clave.
The name of the Sultan, Shaharyar, means “holder of the realm” as king/prince, because the “shah” was the crown king/prince/emperor in Persia/Iran. James loves to read as well and he has expressed several times in CoG2 that he wants to hear Cordelia’s stories. 
“Night” in Arabic is “Layla”, which is not only the title of “1001 Nights” in Arabic (“Alf Laylah wa-Laylah”), but it also refers to “Layla and Majnun”. The only time James calls Cordelia “Layla” is when he has the scalding fever and is in and out of consciousness. Alastair also calls Cordelia “Layla”, which is not just super cute but also a reference to their Persian heritage and it also refers to the aesthetic behind Cordelia and James. Cordelia is the night and James the day, but Cordelia is also the fire and James is the shadow. Cordelia is also a heroine like Scheherazade, of course. In literature, the Scheherazade storyteller is also someone who tells a story and is fighting with death, which means that they are telling their story to the reader but they know that they don’t have much time because death is around the corner. If you consider the trouble happening in CoG2, every character of TLH risks to die, especially since we have different POVs and each character tells their own story from their perspective. The only character writer in TLH is Lucie, who also notices how life is terrible and unpredictable, while she only wanted to put joy into her stories:
She felt somewhere in the core of her heart the truth of what her mother had just said. And one should put truth in books, she thought, but this would never be the sort of thing she put in the pages of The Beautiful Cordelia. Books were about experiencing joy. This was the raw and awful stuff of life.
It was much too terrible.
When James has the scalding fever, Cordelia reads him poems and tells him about “Layla and Majnun” by Nizami. From Days Past: Cirenworth Hall, 1900:
She read him the poems of Nizami, and especially the story of Layla and Majnun, one she clearly loved and had known since she was very small. Her cheeks grew unexpectedly red at the more romantic parts: the poor boy falling in love with the beautiful Layla on first sight, wandering mad in the desert when they were separated.
If we were to analyze this, we could say that it reflects James and Cordelia’s story to some degree. James didn’t fall for Cordelia at first sight because he had the gracelet in most of the times they met through the years, but when the gracelet is off and especially after this moment with Cordelia tending to him while he was sick, James is not able to keep her out of his mind even when he later meets Grace again in Idris. Now I don’t know what will happen, but until the gracelet is off, James will act as doesn’t love Cordelia unless their bond breaks the spell of the gracelet. Or Cortana could destroy the gracelet? The last part of this section I reported above “wandering mad in the desert when they were separated” made me think about the shadow’s realm. The realm is like a desert because there is nobody around, and when James goes there before he finally meets Belial, it’s deserted as there is no one there (even if I guess there are demons, but it’s mostly a lonely place). Cordelia is the only one who went to the shadow realm with James and seems to be a threat to Belial in that dimension, because of Cortana. Will James go back to the shadow realm and will Cordelia have to look for him again like at the end of CoG2? That could have been a foreshadowing for the ending and of James and Cordelia finally meeting Belial, but who knows if that won’t come into play again in the future. James could be unable to go back to the normal world and he could be stuck in the realm. Just a thought.
Even when James has the scalding fever and travels to the shadow realm, Cordelia is the only one who is able to bring him back and to their world, which means that there is a link between them, something in Cordelia and James both, a pull. Perhaps it’s the affection they feel for each other, the fiery passion that they could unleash after the gracelet is finally off. Like we saw in the whispering room. That was raw and unrelenting passion, the metaphor of Cordelia and James as a couple: fire and shadow. Cordelia is the fire/match that lit James on fire. Here’s more quotes from Chapter 3, Days Past: Cirenworth Hall, 1900 to support this idea:
He reached for her, and the shadow that was his hand caught hers, darkness against flesh. He wondered how his touch felt to her. His whole body was tensed, like a horse shying from thunder. The room smelled of lightning.
“James, you must hold on. You must. Don’t go anywhere,” Cordelia said. “Stay with me.”
“ ‘ I sought not fire, yet is my heart all flame. Layla, this love is not of earth.’   ”
He shuddered and felt himself come back to this world fully, felt his body return to the space he occupied. 
Note: There is also a parallel scene where it’s Alastair who tells Cordelia to stay with him, which could be a hint that Alastair might be the link for Cordelia to stay in this world if she ever falls into the shadow realm with James, perhaps (like Lucie could also be another link for James as his sister). In the flashback from Chapter 20, Days Past: Cirenworth Hall, 1898:
When he looked suspicious, she said, “I could use some help, Alastair. You see how careless my form is.” Alastair came and took the knife from her. “Very careless,” he agreed. “I know swordplay comes naturally to you, but not everything will. You must slow down. Pay attention to your feet. Now, follow my gestures. That’s it, Layla. Stay with me.” And she would.
To reinforce the parallelism between famous Middle East literature and English literature, we also have “The Beautiful Cordelia”, which is not a real book but a story in the making, since Lucie started writing it when she was 12 and she still hasn’t finished it. It’s also a story-within-the-story like the narrative in “1001 Nights”. Lucie is also telling her own story to the readers, and in CoG2 she is writing about Cordelia who is a beautiful red haired woman. Cruel Prince James, inspired by her brother James, is one of the characters of her book even though we don’t know if he is the Lord Hawke who adored Cordelia and supposedly is her main love interest.
One thing that differs in “1001 Nights” and “Layla and Majnun” is the ending. The first has a happy ending because Scheherazade and Shahryar fall in love and she doesn’t die because she becomes queen. In the other book, however, which is sort of a “Romeo and Juliet” love story, the ending is not happy. Layla’s father doesn’t want her to be with Majnun, because he considers the man mentally unstable (Majnun means “crazy”). In the end Layla marries someone else and Majnun roams in the desert because he can’t accept to live in a world without her. They die without seeing each other again, both heartbroken because they can’t be with the other person. 
Now don’t take the books word for word. They are inspirations for the main story for sure, but the good thing of inspirations is that they never have the same ending of the original.
Thanks for reading! I know it’s quite long, but I don’t have the gift of brevity, I’m sorry. 🤣
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haberdashing · 4 years ago
Transparent Closet
Jon and Georgie, both of whom are bi, come out to one another... in a way.
Written as part of @jonsimsbipride for the prompt “Solidarity”. Inspired by this post, though it portrays Jon as pan while this fic has him as bi.
on AO3
One of Jon and Georgie’s first dates was watching a series of mediocre supernatural-themed horror films together.
One of the things they’d first bonded over was their shared interest in the supernatural, after all (though Jon had never dared tell her of his first-hand experience with such things... and years down the line, Jon would learn that Georgie hadn’t dared share her own with him either), and what were schlocky movies for if not watching them together with someone you care about and talking trash loudly enough that the actual movie could barely be heard?
The lights were turned down (though not entirely off), Jon and Georgie sat pressed against each other on a couch that was either too small or just the right size depending on one’s perspective, and the movie marathon began.
After the night in question was over, Jon quickly forgot most of the details of the movies they chose to watch then--the titles, the storylines, even the number of movies they managed to fit in before conking out for the night--but one bit from the marathon stuck with him.
There was a lead actress in one of the movies who was pretty, but in a way that was clearly Hollywood trying to make her appear down-to-earth. The woman in question wore full makeup in every scene and was skinny and conventionally attractive and wore clothes clearly fitted precisely to her body shape, but her long brown hair looked a bit untamed and there was a speck of dirt placed just so on her cheek, so clearly she was just a regular person, right?
(In Jon��s opinion, the attempt fell well short of the mark, but he wasn’t terribly surprised; what Hollywood executives thought was normal and what regular people thought was normal were clearly two different things. Regardless, the actress didn’t strike Jon as his type.)
A few minutes into the movie, screams came from within a mansion that had been rumored to be haunted, and while most of the characters froze up or ran away, the lead actress took off her high heels and ran towards the mansion, her bare feet squelching in the mud with every step.
When that happened, Georgie tapped Jon’s arm and said in a stage whisper (as if they were in a movie theatre with others to disturb with their speech, instead of it just being the two of them snuggled up on that small couch), “Sorry, Jon, think we’re gonna have to break up now, that woman just earned my hand in marriage right there.”
Jon diverted his attention from the movie and looked over at Georgie, and he saw on her face when the realization hit her that she’d never actually confessed her attraction to women before. She didn’t look scared that Jon would reject her for it, though--that was one thing Jon always admired about Georgie, that she was never scared, never filled with the fear that consumed Jon’s own mind so frequently. But she watched Jon’s reaction to her statement almost as closely as he was watching her now.
“Surely we can work out an arrangement.” Jon replied after a brief moment. “She can have you on the weekends, perhaps?”
That careful scrutiny apparent on Georgie’s face melted away in an instant, replaced with a gentle smile. “Don’t be selfish, Jon. You can have me on the weekends. She gets the weekdays.”
“It’s hard not to be selfish when something so precious is at stake.” Jon reached for Georgie’s hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “But you’re right, fair is fair. Switch off every other week, then?”
“Hmm...” Georgie pressed the hand that wasn’t being held by Jon against her chin, as if she were deep in thought.
“And she can have you for the holidays.”
“Alright, sold.” Georgie pressed her lips against Jon’s cheek, and though the contact only lasted a moment, the warmth from the kiss was still enough to carry Jon through the rest of the night, his mind now filled with anything but the cinematic schlock still playing in front of him.
Jon was sitting on Georgie’s couch, listening to her rant about her troubles with a recent biology assignment, before she suddenly switched gears and asked, “So what have you been working on lately, Jon? Can’t be as bad as all that...”
Jon didn’t need to think twice about which of his assignments to discuss, not when one of them always seemed to be in the back of his mind at any given moment. “No, it’s quite interesting, actually. I’ve been working on an analysis of the book A Separate Peace--have you ever read it?”
Georgie hesitated for a moment, wrinkling her nose in thought before shaking her head in response. “The name sounds familiar, but I’ve never read it, no.”
“Alright, so-”
Just those two words emerging from Jon’s mouth were enough to put a wry smile on Georgie’s face--she knew what was coming, knew that Jon was getting ready to ramble on about one of his latest interests, and it warmed Jon’s heart to think that she was clearly looking forward to such rambling, a far cry from how his grandmother’s eyes had always glazed over when he’d tried to explain his passions to her.
“It’s about the narrator, Gene, returning to a boarding school he used to go to and reflecting on his time there, and specifically on his relationship with another student there, Finny--er, not relationship like that, they were friends and, and rivals... though actually, maybe like that too? There do seem to be certain- certain undertones, though maybe that’s just me projecting on Gene a bit too much there...”
Georgie raised an eyebrow. “Would you want to have a relationship with Finny, then?”
Jon looked down at the couch to avoid Georgie’s gaze. “Well, uh, I doubt Finny’d be interested in me to begin with, he seems out of my league...”
“You underestimate yourself, Jon.” Jon looked back up at Georgie just in time to catch the playful twinkle in her eye. “Besides, it’s a hypothetical. If the option were available, would you date Finny?”
“And if we weren’t already dating?”
Georgie let out a snort of amusement. “And if we weren’t already dating, too. Don’t worry, Jon, I’m not going to get mad if you’d date a fictional character.”
Jon thought about it for a moment. “...probably, yes, I would. Though he’s, uh, he’s sixteen. And dead by the end of the novel. So...”
Jon could swear he saw Georgie’s face blanche for a moment, but it was fleeting enough that he wasn’t sure it wasn’t just his imagination running wild or a trick of the light; the color returned to Georgie’s face in an instant, and any uncertainty in her expression was replaced by an exaggerated wrinkling of her nose. “That does tend to put a damper on potential relationships, doesn’t it?”
“Just a little bit.” Jon said, a bit of laughter sneaking into his voice.
“So how did this Finny die, anyway?”
“Well, it’s pretty much the climax of the novel, so to get into that, I’ll have to explain the rest of it first-”
Jon launched into a detailed explanation of the plot of A Separate Peace, and Georgie watched him with interest the entire time.
Jon didn’t entirely realize the implications of him admitting that he’d date Finny if given a chance until later in the night, when Georgie brought it up again during a lull in the conversation.
“So, if you’d date Finny-”
“Given all those hypothetical caveats, yes.”
“Right. And you’re dating me-”
Jon raised an eyebrow, schooling his face into his best semblance of surprise. “I certainly hope we’ve established that much.”
Georgie swatted at Jon with one hand, though the motion was slow and gentle and ended up coming just short of actually making contact with him.
“So you’re into both guys and girls, then. Do you identify as bi then, or pan, or-”
“Bi, yeah.”
Georgie’s face lit up at the words, her mouth stretching into a wide grin. “Same here! High-five? Wait, no--bi-five!”
Jon and Georgie both giggled a bit at that pun, and when Georgie extended her hand in Jon’s direction, Jon high-fived it without hesitation.
“Say, come next Pride, you can use the face paint I’ve got if you want, if it’s got cooties I dare say you’d have them already...”
Jon shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not exactly a fan of face paint.”
“Really?” Georgie wrinkled her nose. “Ah well, more for me, then. I do have some old pins you could have if you want, too!”
“Only if you’re sure you don’t want them.”
“Oh, I’ve got plenty to spare. Fun fact, covering a hat entirely with pins is not nearly as fun or practical as it sounds. Learned that one from experience.”
“Wait, you’ve got a hat covered with pins and you’ve been hiding it from me this whole time?”
“I used to have a hat covered with pins. Ended up taking them all off, and I had to throw out the cap underneath because it was so riddled with holes, and now I’ve just got all these pins hanging around...”
As Georgie kept talking about how she’d covered a hat with pins before and why she ended up taking them all off, a smile sneaked its way onto Jon’s face.
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