#liquid violins
euesworld · 1 year
"Liquid violins wailing melodies in my veins, slipped in with ailing heart beats mixed with sin as it sails through me.. moon tunes swoon like boom, boom, boom.. sitting in your room, consumed with you. Living in the bloom, but you blue with gloom.. bring it back, swing it back, sing a laugh, fade to black."
Every smile is like music to my soul, when you are smiling even sad songs sound beautiful - eUë
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black-salt-cage · 3 months
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chibinasuu · 21 days
Good Mornings | Sanji x Reader
Part of the Thousand Sunny Slice-of-Life Series
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
Summary: It became a habit for you to wake up early and accompany Sanji in the kitchen as he prepares breakfast for the crew Word count: 781  Tags: F!Reader, one-shot, pure fluff, domestic bliss onboard the sunny, platonic straw hat pirates x reader, main pairing could be interpreted as platonic or romantic, no use of y/n
edit a/n: oh wow! didn’t expect to get 80+ notes within a day of posting this, not to mention this is my first ever op fic, so thanks! i’m making this “slice-of-life moments on the sunny” thing into a series with all of the straw hats so stay tuned!! update: some of the other parts are now uploaded and linked above! please do give those a read if you enjoyed this :)
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Mornings on the Sunny belong to you and Sanji.
It started one day when a particularly bumpy wave roused you from your slumber. You groaned when you saw that the sky was still dark outside. The clock on your bedside read 4:47 AM. You tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes before accepting that you were not gonna be able to fall back asleep again. 
You sighed and got up, wrapping your blanket around you as you padded barefoot to the kitchen. Your plan was to just grab some coffee and return back to your room, but you stilled at the doorway when you saw Sanji already up and in the middle of preparing today’s breakfast. 
You felt the corners of your lips turn up in a soft smile as you watched him peel some tangerines from Nami’s tree – harvested with her permission, of course – whilst humming an unfamiliar tune. A cigarette sat unlit between his lips. 
The slight creak of the dining room floor as you stepped into the room startled him, but he relaxed when he saw it was you. 
“Good morning, my sweet! Why are you up so early in the morning?”
“The rocking of the ship woke me up earlier and I couldn’t fall back asleep,” you shrugged, “so I’m here for some coffee.”
You moved to grab the kettle, but Sanji beat you to it and ushered you to sit at the kitchen bar instead. 
Sanji winked at you, “One coffee, coming right up!” 
The aroma of coffee brewing soon permeated the air, filling you with a sense of comfort. You were not exactly a morning person, but at that moment, you thought that you could probably get used to this. 
“Thanks,” you smiled with gratitude as Sanji slid the mug filled with the dark liquid across the bar to you.
Sanji smiled back, “Anything for you,” and returned to his cooking. 
You sipped the coffee slowly as you watched the sun rise above the horizon, its rays seeping in through the dining room windows. You know it won’t be long until the others wake up. Then, the Sunny will again be filled with chatter, and not to mention, Luffy’s thunderous demand for breakfast. You enjoyed the rowdiness of the crew, but you also found yourself savoring the peace of the morning. The kitchen was quiet, safe for the soft clanging of Sanji’s cooking. 
Brook was the first one up among the others. You heard him tuning his violin on the lawn, before playing a sweet rendition of Binks’ Sake that acts as a morning alarm for some of your crew members. 
One by one, the Straw Hats filed into the dining room, extending their ‘good mornings’ with varying degrees of alertness. Franky and Robin strolled in fully awake and dressed, whilst Chopper and Usopp were still in their pajamas, yawning and rubbing sleep from their eyes. By 9 AM, everyone but Luffy was seated around the table. Sanji dished out crepes with tangerine sauce, as well as an assortment of the crew’s favorite dishes. Sandwiches, onigiri, bacon, sausages – the plates kept on coming, and you wondered how one person managed to cook this heaping feast each and every day. 
The crew chuckled as the captain’s booming voice echoed through the hallway. Luffy launched himself into his seat at the head of the table, and finally, the crew indulged in their first meal of the day. 
The next day, you woke up at 5 AM – on purpose this time – and sauntered into the kitchen. 
When Sanji saw you, his face lit up in a mixture of surprise and joy. 
“Good morning, my dearest! What did I do to deserve the company of such a beautiful lady again on this fine morning?”
He reached for the kettle as you laughed and returned his greeting, “Good morning to you too, Sanji.”
“Coffee?” He offered. 
“Yes, please.” You replied whilst making your way to sit at the kitchen bar. 
Morning after morning, you joined Sanji in the kitchen. Some days you exchange playful banter with each other. Some days you don’t talk at all, just enjoying the tranquility of each other’s company. Some days he even let you help around with small tasks during breakfast preparation, after much nagging and insistence from you. 
So now, mornings on the Sunny belong to you and Sanji. 
Now, you wake up not with a groan, but with a smile and anticipation, even when the sun has not yet risen. Because you know Sanji will be there in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hand and a sweet smile on his face,
“Good morning, my darling!”
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
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constantinerkives · 1 year
Unholy Matrimony, YJM // (M)
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PAIRINGS: GP Demon! Yoo Jimin x fem violinist reader
WARNINGS: bl00d, demonic ritual, use of classical music as a means of summoning a demon, brief mention of religion, violinist reader, YJM is the daughter of the big man downstairs (if you get what I mean), reader's in her early thirties but she offered herself when she was twenty-three, Karina has poetic rizz, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, marking, mating, unprotected sex (stay safe ya'll), breeding, breeding kink, creampie, age-gap, Karina speaks IN LATIN, who are we kidding, KARINA IS THE MAIN WARNING
SYNOPSIS: It's amazing how desperation can lead from one thing to another. You crave to be recognized, to be valued. And it's selfish - but she approves. After all, it's humane - greed. And she'd be a terrible wife if she doesn't support your one-way trip to eternal damnation. But that's where she comes in, to stop it from happening and give you nothing but luxury and comfort. I guess you can say that being married to a devil isn't bad after all.
A/N: Hi guys! this is my first fic, hope you like it <3333 I've also made some modifications from the original story, hope you guys won't mind. Sorry to keep you guys waiting but I was fighting demons (lmao) for the plot of this one-shot, Happy reading <3!
WORDCOUNT: 9, 535 oops this was self-indulgent AHHAHAHA shi-
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TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Melodiam meum - means 'my melody' in Latin Dilecto - beloved in Latin Hermaphrodite - an organism having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics, either abnormally or as a natural condition Brava - well done or very good. It is used to praise a female performer
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It's ridiculous
The creature watches with amusement as it eyes the young lady standing alone in her spacious living room. Her silhouette is wrapped in darkness with no source of light other than the soft glow of five white candles circling her. Her face remains in the dark, veiled with desperation with a whiff of mystery. 
How desperation can lead you to commit the things you thought you wouldn't do. 
"Please," She whispers, "Please work,"
It inclines its head, watching as the young lady pulls out a kitchen knife. The blade glints menacingly in the dark as she positions it atop her wrist. 
Do you want to do this?
And cuts her flesh, crimson dense liquid oozes out of her flesh and she directs it to-
The creature sneers. A violin. Her blood coats the strings of the instrument, and traces of her drip down to the floor as she picks up the bloody violin and begins to play a familiar piece; popular with seasoned violinists. 
The Devil's Trill Sonata
You are a desperate girl...
She plays with feverish determination all while her wrist continues to bleed. The demon crosses its legs, arms crossed against its chest, and leans comfortably against the velvet settee. 
That's it. Keep playing. I am no stranger to greed. Play it with your heart's desires. 
Her fingers smoothly transitioned from one note to another, clean and precise. The first movement leads you to a false sense of softness and beauty, and slowly...the devil grins as the young woman slightly loses her balance. She's running out of time, running out of blood. Ah, poor soul. She hasn't even reached the second movement yet. It seems like another soul will perish for nothing. It watches with practiced dismay as the girl's body visibly pales, and she's beginning to lose her energy. She's one push away from knocking a candle and collapsing - losing her life to a meaningless offer. 
After all, what the devil played was far superior to what Giuseppe Tartini had played. The creature's lips curl to a sneer. No other violinist had come close to its execution. 
Then, with a stroke of luck, the girl regained her composure for some unfathomable reason. The devil blinks, surprised by the sudden change as she grounds her feet against the tiled floors pooling with her blood and strokes the strings violently; the entity's face beams with unbridled pride. The girl plays over four octaves of the note G, with her hands stretched out over three octaves. A move that the daughter of Lucifer can only execute. 
The human plays with intensity now, and the entity finds itself leaning away from the backrest of the seat, watching with phantom hawk-like eyes as the girl pours every last bit of her living minutes into its piece. For centuries, no one has executed it the same way this mere human did. Anger and envy flash in its eyes as it flicks a hand. The candles' feeble light extinguishes, all except one, and the girl weakly gasps. 
The entity hastily stands up from the velvet settee and gracefully stalks toward the confused and terrified girl as she mumbles: "What? What the hell happened - did it work?"
Oh, it did pretty human.
It grabbed the candle as it willed itself to manifest a physical form. The young woman gasps as the creature grabs her by the collar of her blouse, and with its' other hand, it holds the candle next to her features. The woman lets out a pathetic yelp as she looks up only to see two rich ichor irises looking down at her with scorn, envy, and dare she adds amusement.
The demon examines her delicate features, soft brown eyes, fair skin, and a whiff of innocence that crumbles down to greed and desperation. 
And fear
It's beautiful
"Have I satisfied you?" The girl meekly starts. Her voice sounds distant. She's hanging on for dear life, and the demon wanted her to fall into the pits of eternal damnation. But it begrudgingly longed for her to play it again. For no human played it as well as she. 
The entity narrows its' eyes as the girl begins to lose her balance. Her knees were about to give out if it wasn't for the being holding her by the collar. 
The demon leans close, and the girl's eyes visibly shake. It slowly lets go of her collar and reaches out for her cut wrist, its talons almost cutting into her skin. She gasps as she felt a searing burn crawl over her cut wrist. 
"Be seeing you," It said, vowed. Before the demon drops the candle and lets go of the girl, allowing her to collapse into her pool of blood before it disappears into thin air. 
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Years have passed, and you are a renowned violinist of your generation. Here you stand in front of your devoted fans, playing the piece that brought you money, power, and glory in the world of music. 
A small smile graces your lips as the curtains close, and the theater erupts in cheers and applause. Another successful concert lands on your plate. You return to your first stance as your posture relaxes, and you make your way backstage. Your handler, Park Sooyoung, her fair complexion glows underneath the lights. Her exquisite red dress hugs her body flawlessly as she approaches you with a wide grin and drapes her arm around your shoulder. "Another successful concert - this calls for a celebration!" She wriggles her brows, and you merely chuckle in reply. 
As much as you want to, your muscles crave rest. And a drink. 
With an apologetic smile, you reject your handler's offer for a celebratory dinner, promising to eat with her tomorrow, but for now, you need a night's rest. 
She understands with a soft smile and gently pats your shoulder. "Of course, you deserve it after playing The Devil's Trill Sonata for almost fifteen minutes." Sooyoung chuckles. "But I'll escort you to your private drinking booth before I, too, call it a night. How does that sound?"
"Perfect," You agree, and the latter takes you to your destination and leaves you to your drink of choice, red wine. Château Lafite Rothschild. 
A pleased sigh leaves your lips as you unceremoniously collapse on your seat. Tired eyes examining your surroundings, your booth is a spacious room. Walls wrapped with high-quality velvet wallpaper, expensive paintings depicting pagan Gods, the lights were the same, albeit softer to look at, and plants to give the room a bit of life. 
A relaxing sight. You pour your wine and lean comfortably against your seat, your head thrown back, allowing your neck to rest whilst your right hand holds the stem of your wine glass. 
That's what life's about, luxury. 
And you bathed in it. You crave the beauty of wealth and luxury that your way in life has brought to you. 
Just as you're basking in peace, a figure emerges from the shadows in a black blur. You didn't notice it until the atmosphere grows heavy, your skin prickling at the sensation that someone is watching you. 
"Indeed, that's what life's all about. Isn't it? Basking in luxury." 
"You've done well tonight, Ji Y/N." Says a feminine voice, steely, low, and churning. You snap your head towards the owner of the voice; your face turns bloodless, even at the warm glow of the light, and there sits a resplendent woman wearing a black cropped blazer; underneath it is a matching black tube and matching back trousers and heels. At the base of her slim neck is a layered gold necklace. The outfit was simple, but her features made up for it. The woman sitting before you has a fair complexion that will put the moon to shame, a sharp jaw, plump lips, luscious black hair tied neatly to a high ponytail, and a small face. Not to mention her lean stature and posture. Judging by the way she gracefully sits, she's taller than you. And just like you, she too is holding a wine glass, slim fingers, and perfectly manicured nails secure the stem of her glass. 
But something's amiss. Yes, she is human, a beautiful human, and you're no stranger to all things beautiful - but something about this woman's beauty throws you off. 
A trip to the uncanny - something about her doesn't match humanity at all. 
She lacked warmth, not only in her eyes but her overall presence. 
"Who are you?" You demanded, "What are you doing here?"
The woman's lips curl to a grin, showing you her perfect set of teeth. "You don't remember?" She asks in return, unperturbed. Your face twists to a scowl, "I asked you a question." Posture bristling with guarded animosity before you peered over her shoulder. "Security!"
The air grows heavy as the woman holds an open palm up. She is no longer smiling. "That won't be necessary." Her voice was cold and cutting, booming with authority like no other. Then, her grin returns. "Perhaps this shall jog your memory, pretty girl." 
She blinks, and her cold, brown eyes change to a rich hue of gold. Menacing and distant. 
"Be seeing you,"
On cue, your right wrist burns, causing you to drop your wine glass against the carpeted floor. You back away from her, standing up too hastily, and in return your seat tumbles. 
"You," A sharp gasp leaves your lips. No, it's too soon. A cold, hard laugh tumbles from the latter's lips. "My," She sips her drink before gently setting it against the tabletop. 
"Are you here to collect my soul?" There it is again, that meek tone. The devil inclines her head to the side, brows furrowed. "Me? Collect you? Oh. No, no. Not yet melodiam meum." You don't know what it means, but the way it rolled off her tongue made your gut churn. 
"Then why are you here?" You voiced out. 
She eyes you up and down. "You know, my beloved. I am offended by the turn of events." She stands up, and you instinctively back away as she circles the table and stalks toward you. Her hips swayed in a sultry manner as she did. She keeps advancing until your back is pressed against the wall, hands pressed to your sides while the raven-haired enigma delicately brushes her knuckles against your cheek. The contact sends shivers down your spine. Her proximity allows you to inhale her seductive scent. The blend of florals with amber and musk is a perfect balance of femininity and masculinity. 
"For years, I watched over you. I made sure no harm came to you and only commanded success to fall into your plate. I blessed you with concert after concert - and I know your love for all things beautiful." The devil purrs.
"So I made myself beautiful for you, dilecto." 
Not a single lie in sight. "Who are you?"
"Karina," She replies, "My name is Karina Yoo." The latter pauses. Her gold eyes trailed down from your eyes to your lips. 
"Do remember that, my bride. I will walk the earth with you until your time here is due. And the world will know me as your companion, your spouse." 
And your vision turns black. 
You woke with a groan, your head throbs with pain, and you shift in your bed. The white sheets cling onto your skin as you lay on your side, the sun peeking through your curtains, blessing your suite with its light. You stare up at the ceiling, rubbing the sleep of your eyes, and as you regain your awareness. Well, so are your memories of last night. 
Your body quickly turns cold, and you sit up, muscles aching in protest, but you ignore it as you check yourself. You are wearing your sleepwear as opposed to the form-fitting dress you wore for the concert last night. Nothing else seems to be wrong except for the fact that you did not change your dress last night. Who brought you to your suite, then? It couldn't be Sooyoung. She went on her way first.
"You're awake," Says a familiar, cold voice. 
The hairs at the back of your neck rise. 
Slowly, you turn your head to the tall figure leaning against the doorway to your lounging area. Karina, as she calls herself, is no longer wearing her black suit. Instead, she's wearing a white button-up shirt, black trousers that reach three inches above her ankles, and black oxfords. Her rich, black hair cascaded freely like a black waterfall. 
"Karina," You rasped, and the devil's lips curled to a smile. "You remembered."
You press your back against the headboard, posture brustling with animosity as your hands' fists the sheets. "What did you do to me?"
The latter frowns, "I did nothing, pretty girl. I merely allowed your body to rest for tonight before-"
"Before what?" You cut her off breathlessly as your forehead begins to sweat, and your body becomes warm with each passing second - soon, your body is veiled by a thin sheen of sweat, making you uncomfortable as you throw the duvet away from your feverish body. 
Your stomach churns harshly, and your eyes sting as you fall onto your side, hands clutching your stomach as you look at the entity standing at the foot of your bed, eyes studying your writhing figure. 
"What did you do to me?" You sob as the pain doubles, fiery, almost. 
Karina's features break to a knowing smile as if she had seen this before and approaches the side of your bed, the mattress dips at her weight and reaches a pale, slender hand towards you, and you find yourself not moving, too feverish, so you let her touch you. And her touch was soothing. 
"Shhh," The raven-haired enigma coaxes, "Your body is reacting to its new owner. Best to let me handle this, Y/N." 
New owner?
You couldn't process anything, distracted by her touch soothes your hot skin as you slowly relax into the sheets. A relieved sigh leaves your lips as the pain ebbs away. 
"Easy does it," She remarks, "Are you feeling better now, delicto?" 
"Yes," You reply curtly as you eye her warily. "Wonderful," She gracefully stands from your bed, "Now rest. I'm sure you have questions for me once you recover." 
"No," You protest, and her gaze turns sharp, making you shrink in your bed as she tilts her head. "No? What do you mean no?"
"I have a meeting with a sponsor," You stammer under her piercing gaze. The latter pauses, "You have plenty of time to prepare, rest. I'll take care of it." 
"Take care of what?"
She flashed her bright golden eyes at you, and once again, your vision turns black. Three hours later, a scandal broke out.
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Italy is known for its warm, Mediterranean climate. Summers are always hot, sunny, and dry. 
But no amount of summer dresses can protect you from the cold, piercing gaze of your handler who sits across you in a cafe with her arms crossed and her expression blank. 
After Karina took care of your meeting with a sponsor, word got out fast and a controversy broke out with your fans shocked at the fact that you are married. Hence the meeting with your handler, who also knew nothing of the situation. 
"So," She begins, "You're married?"
You tried not to cringe as you looked at Karina; who was sitting beside you, drinking her espresso with gusto. She wore a black coat with red lapels, a black turtle neck, trousers, and heels. 
"Yes," She replies as she sets down her mug. Sooyoung slowly turns to your 'wife' before looking at you. "And since when were you two married?"
"Seven years," Karina smoothly replies. You two shared a glance. Seven years ago, you offered your soul to her.
"And how come I only knew about this after Mrs. Yoo talked to your sponsor?"
"I wasn't feeling well," You wince, "I told my wife-" This coming off from your tongue is a foreign sensation. "That it can wait, but she insisted." 
"Y/N was bone-tired last night." Karina adds, "I'd be a terrible wife if I insist that she gets out of the house to speak to the sponsor, so I took it upon myself to go." You softly cleared your throat, "How did the public react to this?"
"They've seen Karina's photos." Sooyoung leans against her seat, "They approve of her." A wry smile graced her lips, "That adds your wife to their list of 'celebrity crushes' I believe."
You repressed a sigh of relief, "That's good news." 
"Don't be too relieved yet," She massages her temples, "You have yet to address this at your conference. I'll have your script ready, and of course, your wife has to follow it as well." She turns to look at the devil disguised as your wife. "Is that okay with you?"
Karina grins and suddenly interlocks her hand with yours. The sudden action surprises you, and she flashes you a look. Your lips form a practiced smile, and you duck your head as if you are flustered. 
"Yes, I'm fine with it. So long as this keeps my wife happy." 
"Good, the conference starts at 2 PM sharp. Let's get you both ready before then." 
Addressing your marriage to the public was easy. The press loved ogling at your 'wife'. You can't blame them though she looked ethereal in her outfit; a form-fitting black, high-neck dress and a black blazer draped over her shoulders, and her hair was freely cascading down to her breasts with diamond earrings as her accessories while you wore white dress. Both of you looked exquisite during the conference, and you didn't forget the way the reporters begin talking all at once upon announcing your next concert and the piece you'll be laying next. 
The Last Rose Of Summer by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst. 
Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst is not the biggest name in classical music, but his ‘The Last Rose Of Summer’ is notorious among violinists for being a complete nightmare to play. Ernst was an obsessive devotee of Paganini, the original violin rockstar, and he loved to include stupidly complex pizzicato in his music. Karina's soft lips curl to a smirk as she ends the event by taking your hand in hers. You eye her cautiously. This wasn't part of the script? 
Still, she raises your hand and brings it to her soft, warm lips, pecking the back of your palm. Your cheeks warmed as the cameras flashed. Your spouse looks at the press and flashes them a jaw-dropping smile. "We'll get going now. May you all have a nice afternoon." Without another word, she leads you down from the stage and to the exit, where a sleek black car awaits the both of you. 
"Take us back to the hotel, please." You told the driver. The man nods and was about to close the partition before Karina speaks up. "Take us to Ratanà, Mr. Giovani. I'll treat my wife to a nice meal after the conference." 
"Very well, Mrs. Yoo." The driver replies with a thick accent before finally closing the partition. You glare at the latter while she leans comfortably against the leather cushion and looks at you. Karina arched a perfectly sculpted brow. "Why the surly look, wife?"
"What are you going to do in a restaurant?" You snap at her. Karina guffaws in amusement. 
"I'd like to see how the world changed after centuries." She simply answers. "I'd like to see more of the world with my two eyes." 
A huff leaves your lips as you turn away from her and cross your arms against your chest. "You still have some explaining to do." 
"Which is why a restaurant is a perfect place for it." 
"People will hear you." 
"I've booked us a private booth." You snapped your head towards her, "You did what?"
"I won't repeat myself, beloved." She chuckles, "As you've said, I owe you an explanation. 
The people inside Ratanà gawked at the two of you as soon as you entered the restaurant. The clattering of plates and utensils stopped as well. You flush at the reaction while your wife places her hand on the small of your back. Even with your dress, you can't help but shudder at the contact as she flashes the crowd a charming smile before leading you to your private booth with a female waiter stationed outside your door. 
"We'll order later," Karina's smooth velvet voice coaxed the woman into an agreement before finally entering the private booth. 
She pulls out the chair for you to sit on, and you begrudgingly obey as she sits across you. Silence permeated the air. Gone is her alluring aura, replaced by enigma. As if all of it was an act - it is. 
"Where to begin, where to begin." She mused wryly. 
"Why are you here if not to claim my soul, then?" You snap, "Why waste your time tagging along?"
Karina tilts her head. Her intelligent eyes regarded you.
"Well," She begins with a distant smile. "I visited you every two years, watching from afar while you amassed your concerts just to see how your talent has bloomed."  
You wait for her to explain further, "I'll be frank, darling." Your gut churns at the endearment. "Throwing you into the pits of hell after your time is done is nothing but an exercise of futility, a talent like yours deserves to have a place next to mine." 
Your brows furrow, "Next to yours?"
Her lips curled, "Why do you think you offered your soul to me out of all the demons out there?"
You replied with silence, and Karina narrowed her eyes in disapproval. "Something tells me that you didn't gather the slightest bit of information about who I am, delicto." She leaned away from the backrest of her seat and interlaced her fingers together. "Tell me, do you know who I am?"
"A devil who named herself Karina Yoo." 
A scoff befalls her lips, "Foolish girl, you're lucky to have offered your soul to me." 
"Why?" You snarked, "If I'm so lucky, why?"
Her eyes flashed, "My father," She hisses through gritted teeth, "Is the angel of music. Lucifer was the angel of music. After his fall, he reigned in Hell and has simply lost interest in that title." Her expression darkens, "Which is why I took that spot while I helped humanity discover it with my profound ability that I inherited from him."
Your eyes subtly widen, "Yes," She growled.
"You're sitting with the daughter of Lucifer. His finest creation, second to music." Her eyes glowed to cruel gold. "And you tied yourself to me, Ji Y/N. You offered your body and soul to me. That makes you mine as I am yours."
Something's not right. Why is there an indirect statement of equality?
As if reading your mind, she addresses it with a softer tone. 
"As I've said, my beloved: leaving you to burn in hell would be a waste. I have taste in talent just as much as you have taste for beautiful things. In my millennium of harvesting souls, I am nothing but a sponsor to those who offer themselves to me. I will keep you. I've decided to keep you after hearing you play all these years. And I confess that I envy your ability, albeit you're human. I am still superior to you on all levels, but when it comes to music, we are equals."
"So that makes me your actual wife, then?" You squeaked. Karina lets out a rumbling chuckle, "Oh, yes, darling." You hold her gaze, and this time, it's intense. 
"That makes you mine as I am yours." She husked, her eyes tracing your features possessively. "So if you had any lovers or flavors of the day, forget about them." 
"So possessive," You remark shakily, and the latter lets out a wolfish grin. "I am a demanding creature, Y/N." She then leans away from you. "We can order now. After this, we can return to the hotel, and you can start practicing the piece you'll perform at your concert next month. The earlier you master it, the better. And I will help you along the way." 
She's right, of course, but you wouldn't admit it to her face. 
"Alright, call in the waitress." 
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Your routine is divided from going out with your wife to practicing until your fingers go numb. 
The Last Rose Of Summer by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst was the last of his Six Polyphonic Studies for solo violin. It is a set of incredibly difficult variations for the violin. The first few weeks were nothing but agony as you practiced in a private setting, preferably away from the devil of music. 
For days, it's either you couldn't transition smoothly to another note, or you struck a wrong chord. Either way, it's still a mistake.
This complex set—full of every imaginable and unimaginable technical difficulty—includes an introduction, theme, four variations, and a devilish finale. At first glance, an impossible task. This one requires both physical and mental fortitude. And each mistake drains it out of you. 
"Jeez," Sooyoung hisses as soon as she sets foot into the room. "Y/N, get yourself off the floor and sit on the couch, will you?"
A tired groan leaves your lips as you force yourself to get up. Your muscles ached in protest as a result of standing for hours. 
"You know what," Sooyoung sighs as soon as you unceremoniously plop on the couch. "How about we call your wife, hm?"
"No," You sigh as your tired mind thinks of a lie. "She's busy."
"Busy doing what?" Shit
"Managing her family's financial reports." Yeah, that should do it. 
"Don't be ridiculous," The latter admonishes, "Your wife is never too busy for you. I'll call her."
"Sooyoung no-" Too late, she had dialed her number, and you tuned out their conversation. "She says she's on her way." Your handler informs you as soon as she drops the call, "See, I told you she isn't too busy when it comes to you." 
"Whatever," You mumble as you close your eyes to get a few minutes rest. 
By the time Karina made her presence known, it was already evening. You scowl at her as you groggily sit up. "What took you so long?"
"You looked peaceful," She snorts, "And besides, you're more tolerable when you're not scowling at me all the time." 
"What time is it?"
The devil checks her watch. She bought it a few days ago from Bulgari. "6:37 PM, why?"
"Shit, that's late." 
"You needed rest," She reminds you as she sits next to you. You lean away, taken aback by her proximity as she looks down at your fingers, "And your fingers were turning purple. You practiced for quite some time and ignored your body's protests for rest. Hence why you collapsed next to this couch." 
How did she-
"Sooyoung told me," She answers. "Why force your body to such limits?"
You rolled your eyes, "You sound like my wife," 
"Because I am your wife," She grins, "So take care of yourself." 
You blink at her. For weeks that you spent with her, the older woman did nothing but make sure you were comfortable and safe, sure there was bickering, and dare you say banter. But she performed her duties as a wife should. It's baffling, to receive this treatment from a devil of her caliber. 
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She questions, her eyes beaming at your attention before you tear your gaze from her. "Nothing, I'm hungry." 
"Perfect," She grins, "I discovered a recipe that you might like." 
"Cooking, you?" You mused, and Karina lets out a carefree laugh. It sounded pleasant. Not that you would say that to her face. "Why yes, pretty girl." She grins, "Now come. I want you to be a witness of me cooking a dish created by humans." 
She grabs you by the hand, and your pulse quickens at the contact as she leads you out of the building and to your car, a sleek, gray Bently Continental GT S. The raven-haired beauty opens the passenger door for you. You didn't say anything and entered the vehicle. She closes the door gently and enters the driver's seat, finally driving to your designated hotel. 
The smell of roasted lamb chops floods the dining area of your suite. Karina said that it'll be done in a few minutes. Your stomach grumbles at the sight of the delicacy in Karina's bare palms as she places it in front of you. She dusts the lamb chops with garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper. Your mouth waters at the meal she prepared for you while she sits across from you, eyeing your face with mirth before finally gesturing at your dinner. 
"Well? Dig in." 
You didn't need to be told twice and began wolfing down your food. 
Karina watched you carefully as you ate with gusto before stopping midway. The older woman frowned, "What's wrong?" 
You look up at her, "It's not poisoned, isn't it?"
She placed a hand over her chest in faux offense. 
"Poison? You?" The raven-haired woman continues: "I would never. You must have faith in me, beloved. I would never poison a pretty girl like you."
Your cheeks change their color to a subtle hue of pink. "Faith is foreign for someone of your caliber, Karina."
"Trust me," She grins, "We're more direct than your trusted angels, beloved."
A hum leaves your lips as you continue to eat. Karina once again watches you before you pause for the second time. "Aren't you hungry?"
"We have a different diet from you humans. Souls, that's what we feed on, your intense emotions, energies." 
"Are you feeding from me right now?"
The latter replies with an unbridled smirk, "I am, but at least we're both benefitting." 
"Fair enough," You shrug before finishing your dinner. 
"Are you having a difficult time practicing your piece?" She asks after you've finished your dinner. A pause, "Yes, but I'll get better." 
"Not very reassuring, delicto." She replies as she interlocks her fingers, her expression serious. "Your concert is in three weeks, and your piece has four sections."
"Then what can we do about it?"
"I can help you." Karina offers - no, states. "It'll be quick, and you will save time." 
You arched a brow, "By what, cutting my wrist and pouring it over my violin?"
The devil guffaws at your snarky reply, "No, no. You perform. I will proctor your performance and give you feedback accordingly." 
You contemplated her offer. It's not that big of a deal. Perhaps guidance from a devil of music could save you time. "Alright," You rub your palms together. "Perfect," She purrs.
"When can we start?"
"Tomorrow," Karina checks her watch, "We'll start after lunch. Is that okay with you?"
You have nothing to do anyways, "Fine by me." 
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"You missed a note," She looks up from her book. "Again, from the top." 
You bite your inner cheek and return to your second stance before slowly stroking the strings. Minutes later, she stops you again. 
"Your timing is off." 
"Don't I know," You grunt as you return to your first position and begin again. 
Hours turn into days. While yes, having Karina monitor your performance saves time, you can't help but feel your patience waning whenever she stops your performance. 
"I didn't even miss the note!" You asserted. Karina closes her book and looks at you. You stop yourself from saying more as your bones ache from standing for two hours. 
She lets out a hum, a tone that holds no consequence of your assertion.
"I forget that you're human." She says to herself rather than you. "But you have to keep up with me, beloved. Let's take a break. How do thirty minutes sound to you?"
"Wonderful," You groan before you sit on the floor of your lounging area. 
It went on for another week with the devil being surprisingly patient with you. Even with your patience cutting short, Karina allows your jabs to fall on her with every mistake you make improves under her watchful eye. 
You are forced to stop when you couldn't reach the note. "Crap," You cursed as you messed with the transition to the ending of the piece. Karina took notice of this and tilts her head, "Try to position your hand once more." She instructs, and who are you to disobey? She is your wife, your mentor. And so far, you learn quickly with the techniques she's amassed through the years. 
She examines your hand before standing from her settee and moving behind you. You stiffen at her proximity as her pale hand hovers atop yours while the other grasps your waist. A soft gasp leaves your lips as she presses her front against your back. The latter smirks but resumes correcting your finger placement. 
"Position your hand like this," She husked. A shudder leaves your lips as her warm breath fans the outer shell of your ear. Your skin tingles at her touch. 
"There," She purrs, "Very good,"
But she doesn't let go. 
She retracts your hand from the fingerboard of your violin and places it on your hips, securing you against her. "You know," She rasped, "This is by far the closest we've been." She flushed herself against yours as if she couldn't get enough, "As your wife, I've never received an embrace from you, beloved." 
"If you wanted a hug," You breathily reply as you lean into her touch. Karina's lips found themselves on the exposed expanse of your neck, ghosting over your skin. "Why didn't you just ask for it?"
She chuckles deeply, and it has your guts churning. "Oh, can I ask for one now?" You balk up a response, and Karina's patience wears thin as she spins you around. Her strength forces you to face her and drop your violin and violin bow. Your eyes blew back at the cruel glow of gold in her eyes. Her black veins surface on the sides of her gorgeous face. Her skin is paler than normal. She uses one hand and grabs your hair from behind, forcing you to look up at her with a hiss. 
Your eyes traverse from her eyes down to her kissable lips. Karina notices this and licks her in return. You swallow harshly at the sight. 
"I can sense it, Y/N." 
"Sense what?" You breathe out, and your wife sharply inhales and leans close. "Your hunger, no, not from food, but for me, beloved. I don't see the point in holding back." Her other hand traverses upwards; to your neck and gently squeezes it, eliciting a gasp from you before she uses that same hand to pull you impossibly close to her. 
"Be selfish, be lustful - lose your inhibitions to me, Y/N. I am your wife, your mistress, your servant. Use me as I will use you." She leans closer to the point that your lips are almost touching, her plump lips begging to be kissed by yours. 
"Sin with me, darling." Her voice distorts, "For sin is your birthright. Your faith has taught you to deny your desires and it has imprisoned you. Break your restraint. As your wife I encourage it, my love." She sighs as your hand caresses her cheek. 
"I am selfish, needy, and demanding. Y/N. And you shouldn't be less than I am. Let me have you, let me spoil you some more, even with the riches that are foreign to the world of the living, allow me to embrace you - you will be my queen. Fair as the sea and the sun." 
And while she pours her declaration, Karina Yoo's lips fascinated you. It sickens you all at once, but that is what seduction does to you. Her lips; were plump and inviting. Though you find her frightening at times, you can't help but feel as if you've known her before, that you are perfect for her. If you wanted something beautiful, this woman would be would give it to you. If you have an ideal type, this woman would be your ideal. 
You had not known before that you wanted all these things. That you preferred dark hair and a slightly cruel expression, that you wished for tallness, or that a woman embracing you and pouring her confession might thrill you. A whole young life’s worth of slowly collected predilections coalesced in a few moments within you, and Karina Yoo, her eyes glowing with desire, becomes beautiful and perfect. 
You shivered, and without thinking, you leaned in to capture her lips with yours. Not on the cheek, not chastely or unchastely, but greedily with your whole mouth. She reciprocates this, she eats your breath in the kiss, and you feel like she would swallow you whole. Your hands shamelessly claw her silk shirt from behind, crumpling the expensive fabric as the daughter of Lucifer deepens the kiss by tilting her head. Her grip on your hair tightens, and her other hand's nails dig against your hips. 
Together, your lips move languidly against each other, and the world feels like it's so far away. 
You two kiss until your human lungs burn for oxygen, and you push your wife away begrudgingly. 
Here you two are, panting and wanting more before she chased your lips with hers. Her mouth is hot against yours. You can taste the feverish desire from her. Suddenly, she bites you. You pull away from her, hurt and surprised as you raise your hand to your mouth. Your fingers are bloody, and Karina's lips were smeared with it. Her eyes gleamed. 
You balked. Your lips pulsed where your wife's long, thin canines had cut you. 
If you allow her to do this to you, what else will you let her do to you?
Karina Yoo, your wife, your mistress, your slave, wiped your crimson blood from her lips. She eyes you with hooded, glazed eyes as she licks it clean. 
"Beautiful," She closes her eyes and slowly opens them before her arms circle around you greedily, and your back is suddenly pressed against the mattress of your private quarters. 
Her bright eyes are predatorial as she stares down at you. She wasted no time putting her hands on your waist. Her sensual scent invades your nostrils as she presses her lips against yours. You can taste your blood on her tongue as your hands cup her jaw. Karina's tongue glides against your lower lip before breaking into your mouth; only because you let her. She swallows your moan as she slides her tongue in your mouth, and she lets out a guttural growl in reply as your skin becomes hot under her touch. 
The older woman leans away and unravels your button shirt, and harshly pulls it off your body, leaving you alone with your bra. Her ichor-hued eyes visibly darken to a hue of copper before her lips attach to the column of your neck. Her hands smoothly go to your back and unclasp your bra, and haphazardly throw it somewhere in the room. 
You let out a mewl when she softly bit the center of your neck, followed by a gasp when her tongue smoothens it, she pulls you into an all-consuming kiss, her hands let go of your wrists, and your hands hastily gripped her biceps as her weight doubles making you press against the mattress, her lips muffling your groans and grunts as her teeth bite your lower lip, forcing a gasp out of you and allowing her to insert her tongue inside your mouth, your grip on her tightens as your lungs burn from the lack of oxygen. 
She pulls away for a split second, allowing you to breathe before connecting her lips with yours, her hips bucking and thrusting against your clothed core, making you moan into her mouth as lust ignites between your legs. You tilted your head to meet her kiss as your legs circled her waist. 
Karina groans, and she thrusts her hips against yours. You feel something poking against your clothed core. It's hard, and it feels good. 
As if sensing your curiosity, Karina chuckles deeply. "We're hermaphrodite beings, beloved. I can pleasure you as a man, or woman, or both." She breathes against your lips. "Which do you prefer?"
"You," You mewl as she kisses your neck. "I want what you are right now, even forever." 
The latter grins and bites into your neck, eliciting a yelp from you as she traverses her kiss downwards until she reaches the waistband of your pajamas. Karina's lips curl to a smirk, her hands latching onto the fabric of your pants before she effortlessly rips it and throws the torn fabric away. Your eyes widen while hers light up in amusement as she licks her upper teeth. 
"Relax," She purrs as her finger hooks the hem of your panties and yanks down. Your cunt flutters at the exposure, toes curling with anticipation as your wife dips down, her tongue takes a bold lick on the seam of your pussy and shuddering when she retracts and swallows. 
"Divine," She darkly grins as her hands pry your thighs to spread and latch onto your folds, eliciting a yelp from you as her tongue breaches your walls. You throw your head back when the warm, wet muscle begins to messily move in circles. Your arousal drips down the seams as she alternates from sucking and circling, eyes closing shut as carnal desire begins to take over the both of you. "Karina," You softly moan, "Fuck, so good - more, give me-"
She cuts you off with a growl, sending vibrations against your cunt. The sensation has your eyes rolling back as her tongue thrusts in and out. You plant your feet against the mattress and buck your hips against her face. "Fuck!"
Karina grunts and bites your clit, this sends white-hot pleasure through your body with carnal rapture seeping inside you as the woman withdraws. "Oh, you like that, don't you?" Des[ote your flustered state, your cheeks reddens. Karina hums and licks her lips which are covered in your arousal and her spit. "Let's try that again, yeah?"
She didn't let you reply and connected her mouth to your folds. Beads of sweat form on your forehead as heat bubbles within your body. You bristle in lust as the woman kept lapping your juices, her tongue working hard on sucking and thrusting inside your core, the obscene sounds were enough to lubricate you, your hand takes a purchase of her hair, tugging on it as moans and mewls befall your lips, evidently pleasing the woman who in turn moaned at the taste, doubling the sensation as she bites your clit again. 
Your back arched as does this again and again. Triggering a bundle of nerves. "Karina," You whimper, and you can feel her smirk as she finally decided to have mercy on you, her teeth retracting from your clit and deciding to continue back to eating your out, both your juices and her saliva drip down from your ass to the sheets as she continues to ravage you. 
And when her tongue manages to find a spongey spot, she immediately flicks it. Her ministrations made you see stars, hips jolting and accidentally grazing your clit against her teeth, making her moan while eliciting a pleasured cry from you. Walls clenching against her tongue, the woman in between your legs is determined to finish you off as her teeth keep biting your clit; helping her stimulate your orgasm as your eyes roll to the back of your skull, back arching and sweat dripping off every pore as your undoing hits you, knocking your breath out of your lungs.
The woman groaned at your nectar, lapping it up until you were whimpering, thighs shaking, and hands trying to pry away her head.
Karina decided to have mercy on your state and pull away with cum-smeared lips that formed into a smug smirk.
Despite your blurred vision, you can see your wife resting her head on the side of your thigh, kissing the expanse of skin before trailing up to your lower abdomen, giving it a soft kiss and mumbling something incoherent before kissing her way up to your lips, her body looming above you her hands trapping your sides as her lips mold with yours, giving you a taste of yourself as your hands caress her upper body, fingers working on with the buttons and belt of her suit to touch her bare, dewy skin.
Karina made it easier for you by snapping her fingers; she is just as bare as you.
Your eyes shamelessly trail down her body. Karina's body is lithe, though her biceps are slightly defined, so are her collarbones, her toned stomach, and...
Your eyes trail lower, and your core throbs with excitement. 
So this is what a hermaphrodite being looks like. 
Or maybe, that's just Karina adjusting for you. Either way; you'll take her as she is. 
The latter grabs your jaw, forcing you to lock eyes with her.
"Let's see," She rasped, "Just how much you can take from me, pretty mortal." 
Her body is never far away from yours, always flushed as her lips wrap around the exposed skin she finds. Your hands grabbed her strong back helplessly as she lodged her cock deep within you, veins rubbing and drilling with vigor while you moaned beneath her. "Fuck," She breathed, pulling out before thrusting back in, eliciting a gasp from you as she fucks you with abandon.
Her talons clawed the sheets, eyes screwing shut with every pound. 
"Fuck, beloved." Karina softly moans as she drills deeper into you. The force behind her thrust pushes you upward, and she had to lock her arms around you to keep you from leaving her. 
Your lips bite her shoulder to muffle a scream when she hits a spongey area. You heard Karina groan softly when your wall clenched greedily, hips snapping back and forth, your stomach coils, your skin burning with carnal want as your legs lock around her waist, ankles pressed against each other as her essence leaks from your abused cunt to the sheets after going at it for hours. The older woman felt her balls tighten, and her cock swelled as she pressed her forehead against yours, mewling as your release made your walls feel tight. You smell the mix of perfume, sweat, and sex from your bodies as her thrusts get sloppier and shallow to the point that she isn't pulling out anymore, her hips pistoning the same vulnerable spot that she had to muffle your strained moans with an ardent kiss as Karina stills her hips, thick spurts of cum painting your walls; you can only whimper; cunt accepting what she has to offer as this also triggers your orgasm, unannounced.
Karina pressed a kiss against your clammy temple, your walls convulsing, clenching around her incessantly.
Your hair is tousled and unruly, and your neck and collarbones were covered in her marks. The woman above you growls and sets her speed, her warm, thick cock drilling in and out in carnal want, ichor-hued eyes veiled with devouring lust as she throws her head back when you willfully clench your walls around her. Your lips chased her neck, nipping her Adam's apple, and she slightly falters. You can see the veins prominently bulging from her neck, beads of sweat running down her beautiful skin, and her sharp jaw on display for you. You drink in the sight as you pull her back to you, her wet hair sliding back, her kissable lips twitching to a smirk, gasping and whining with every clench of your needy cunt. 
The raven-haired beauty presses you harder against the bed, her weight doubling as she flushes her body against yours, her dick pistoning in and out of you, raw. Her pace bristles with an animalistic drive, her breath fans your lips, and grunts and hush moans break past her lips with every pound. 
"Are you close?" She couldn't control the distortion of her voice while you shamelessly raked your nails against her back. "Fuck," You mewled, "Yes - close."
The daughter of Lucifer mouths your cheek, mapping your features with her mouth as her toned stomach flexes. Your thighs burn with every pound and tears trail down your cheeks, blurring your vision as you choke a sob. The latter groans and withdraws her cock until only the tip remains and slams back in. You dig your nails harder, leaving crescent shapes and red vertical lines along her back to the point that you're aware of how much that would be painful for her.
You briefly pull away to lock eyes with her, the obscene sounds of skin slapping reverberate in your room, and she looks at you with a small smile. "Use me," She pecks your lips softly, "As I am using you."
And who are you to refuse?
You hide your face against the column of her neck as the appendage kisses your cervix, and she does this again, and again, and again. She fucks you harder on your mattress, deeper, and you are on the verge of letting go. "Don't hold back," She moans.
Her cock twitches inside you, her hands move to the sheets, crumpling it as if her life depended on it while she fucks you carelessly, and your body heats up.
You bite down on her neck, muffling a scream as you cum, and milk her cock dry, legs trembling like a leaf, and your vision blackens. Karina sighs in pleasure as her cock savors your nectar. She bites the juncture of your neck and keeps fucking you through your orgasm.
And finally, she lets out a high-pitched moan and cums. She stills her hips and hides her head in the crook of your neck that's littered with marks. Her cock spurted out thick warm spurts of her seed, her soft lips kissing the side of your neck, your hand circled on her hip while the other one held her nape, both of you panting for breath.
After a minute of silence, she looks up at you. "Can you do one more?"
You nod mindlessly. Of course, one more always meant more than what you thought Karina said. 
Because even as a devil, a daughter of Lucifer; she took you to heaven's door multiple times. 
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You knew that once she had a taste of you she'd never stop. 
Karina...that woman is insatiable. 
And of course, you'd let her do anything to you. 
A moan leaves your lips, only to be silenced by her hand clamping over your mouth. 
You'd let her fuck you an hour before your concert. 
The devil looms over your face, the light shielding the smirk on her lips while she fucks you against the sectional couch. The raven-haired beauty moves her hips languidly against yours. Her pace is desperate and strong and you claw her Brioni suit that you bought for her two days before your concert. Her pants pooled her ankles, while you're still wearing your bathrobe, or rather what's left of it. How did this start? You just finished taking a bath and walked past your 'wife' who's already done preparing. She said you smelled good. Bullshit. 
"Do you want me to go faster?" She asks, mockery evident in her tone. "Fuck - yes!" You choked a gasp as she jogs her hips firmly, and you let your head fall against the couch chanting: Yes, and fuck, your pussy clenches in gratification eliciting a moan from Karina as she licks a line from your neck to your ear. 
"Is that better?" She husked, and you moaned again in reply. The devil growls and sets her speed, her used, hard cock drilling in and out of you in carnal want, her blown, brown eyes flashing gold and veiled with lust. She throws her head back to move her hair that's sticking against her sweaty face. Sweat runs down her pale skin, her sharp jawline in display for you. You drink in the sight - like a lewd statue exclusive to you. Not to mention the suit that compliments her lean form, her hair wet and slid back, soft lips twitching to a gasp, chuckle, and groan with every clench of your needy cunt. 
You lean up to capture her neck with your lips, tongue licking her Adam's apple before biting it. Karina moans loudly, and you peck her for it before she turns it into a tongue-dancing session. Karina's hands cup your face and press you harder against the couch. Her weight doubles as she flushes her body against yours, her veiny cock pistoning in and out of you, her pace bristling with an animalistic drive, breath fanning your lips. 
Karina maps your features with her eyes before she brushes a familiar spot that have you rolling your eyes in return. Her stomach flexes, your thighs burn from her ramming, and tears trail down your cheeks. You're thankful you haven't put any makeup or skincare on for it. Karina gasps, the sight enticing her, and she momentarily stops thrusting. The devil pulls out eliciting a breathy whimper from you as you pull her close, head shaking sideways as your eyes begged her not to pull away. Karina slams back in. You screw your eyes shut as she abuses the spot again. A vicious grin graces her lips as she fucks you harder, deeper in your fitting room with her other hand clamping over your mouth. 
You've reached your limit.
You bite her hand to muffle a scream as the strong wave of your orgasm hits you. Karina bites your shoulder, pointed teeth piercing your skin as you milk her dry, your legs shaking like a leaf, and your vision blackens - your energy drains and your skin is covered in a thick veil of sweat. 
"That's it," She groans as she cums inside you. Warm, goopy, and generous. She lays on top of you, her arms snaking on your hips while you caress the back of her hair. 
While you're fucked out, the latter seems to bask in the afterglow of fucking. Her golden eyes examine your state before grinning and pressing a kiss on your clammy forehead. "Rest," She gently commands with a soft voice, "I'll fix you up later, okay?"
You swallow harshly, throat dry. "Fix me later or fuck me later minutes before the concert starts?"
Karina's chest rumbles with a chuckle, "The former, though I wouldn't mind fucking all night after the concert." 
You groan in reply, and she laughs, "I'm serious, beloved. Rest and I'll take good care of you." 
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To master 'The Last Rose of Summer' is an ambition for most violinists, and with the devil of music as your wife, success never tasted so good before as you have the audience at the palm of your hand. 
The spotlight at your divine figure, at your hands that transitioned from one note to another with angelic grace. 
Your eyes are locked with the devil in the front-row seat of Teatro Alla Scala, one of the most famous theatres in the world. It was built in the late 18th Century to plans made by the architect Giuseppe Piermarini, at the request of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. A range of operas, classical concerts, and ballets are performed during the theatre season, which is one of the most important appointments in the Milanese social calendar.
Karina sat there crossed-legged with a smile, wearing her navy blue, double-breasted wool Plume suit, and trousers, inside, she wore a white turtle neck, and her hair is neatly combed and slid back. Her black hair cascades beautifully for you to see as she watches you with pride and acknowledgment. 
You couldn't help but mirror her smile. 
Something has changed within you, you can't help but glow at the fact that you've brought back a long-neglected virtuoso piece, creating a performance of pure musical delight. 
Your body feels like it's on fire. You didn't care to fathom at all as you basked in the attention. 
Yes, be selfish, be cruel, my beloved shouldn't be lesser than I
And as you brought the audience to an explosive end, while everyone else applauded, your eyes were only trained on your wife who stands up, amongst the cheers and howls of the crowd, it was only her voice that gave you clarity. 
"Brava," She commends with distortion that no one else seems to hear. No one but you. She spoke again in another language, and this time, you understood it. 
"Omnis, surge et accipe sponsam meam et aequalem meam. Aperi portas inferi novae reginae tuae; Ji Y/N."
Everyone, arise and welcome my bride and my equal. Open the gates of Hell for your new princess; Ji Y/N.
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Thoughts? Oh and if you have requests, feel free to flood my ask box skksks
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solannn · 5 months
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ᥫ᭡ 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
⤷ bsd men ; what’s their fav things to do with their lover ? gn reader, might be hinted male. Established relationship, can be imagine as bf or husband.
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˒ ⏤ 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 ;
• ⮑ i feel like, he would love doing chores with you. Like chore dates /hj
• ⮑ like he’s in the kitchen, washing the dishes with you. While he dulled the dirty plates, and made a pile of plates. You rinsed the plates and the piles. He found it fun to do chores with you, he loved it.
• ⮑ he seems like the person who hates chores or duties, however he isn’t. Sometimes he could be lazy to do it, when he isn’t in a mood. He def listen to music while doing it.
• ⮑ he will probably play with the foam from the dishwashing liquid, and put some froth on your nose, for a laugh.
• ⮑ i think, while he scrubing the dirt of the dishes, at the same time he would, he puts some music to enjoy their moments together. (It’s song about sucide) he propose to sang the song, with him. How could you refuse, this guy who was such a tease to you
9/10, it’s pretty cute that he’s helping you with chores, without getting bored.
˒ ⏤ 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚 ;
• ⮑ bikes dates, like he’s showing you his fav place at midnight.
• ⮑ like he’s taking to the countryside, late at night after a long day at work. You’re holding his waist, tightly as you sat on the behind him. As he start the cycle and began to move it forward slowly. The breezing air was going through your long/short.
• ⮑ The warmness of your held, making him smile slightly. Sometimes, on middle of the road, he would ask you if you’re doing okay, or wondering if you’re asleep.
• ⮑ he loves taking you to his favorite place, the landscape is always so beautiful. He does that, with a grin on his face he also does that after a stressful day.
• ⮑ the countryside is mostly a village is often a place where traditional ways of life are still practiced or, has rustic charm, with its thatched-roof cottages and winding streets. It’s so lovely, the ancient woods, which were still used to build houses, the trees and bushes which surrounded several villages. Lights illuminated their view, to better see the landscape. The stars shone brightly, and the moon was reflected by the sun.
10/10 it’s makes me feel sleepy, if someone does that to me, specially if i had a hard day.
𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲 ;
If you’re a musician/violonist ;
• ⮑ you loved, music, and syncs melody and so does Fyodor.
• ⮑ don’t you think a violinist and a cellist, are the most perfect duo for each other ?
• ⮑ To calm down after a hard day, or you just want to relax with your partner. The music filling in the room, they didn’t need the lyrics, the intrusment was already perfect.
• ⮑ While you play violin, he plays cello with you, creating the most beautiful and elegant melody. The song was relaxing to both of your ears.
• ⮑ A harmonious, and tuneful melodious sound filled the room, Fyodor’s eyes was closed, enjoying the melody you made, with him. You and Fyodor were having fun, no matter what melodious music he started playing, you could follow him, or recognize the music without any problem. Once the music stopped, Fyodor opened his eyes again, looking at you and curve his lips into a grin. Fyodor had noticed, but not you. Nikolai and Sigma were in the same room, they were curious to hear such synchronized music. Nikolai was amused, as he clapped his hands, quickly, whereas Sigma clapped softly, while glaring at the excited clown.
idk what to rate him, i don’t even play instruments
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
GQ, Man of the Year // Jake Seresin
Summary: After the events of TopGun, Jake Hangman Seresin finds himself being awarded the prestigious GQ, Man of the Year award. With his best friend in toe—Jake finds himself in a whirlwind of confessing his undying love for his best friend.
Warnings: Smut. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Unprotected Sex. Make receiving oral. Best friends to lovers trope. Callsign Jinx.
Word Count: 7.1k
Author Note: Happy Saturday! I know I’ve been pretty quiet as of late but I’m still here. Here’s a one shot for your Saturday morning. Love you, bye. xxx
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Anxiety. It was the only thing you could put it down to. The way your hands shook, the way your heart raced a little faster than you would have liked it to have been beating. Thumping in your chest and ears. The way you felt the heat in your cheeks rising with sweaty palms to match. Leaning against the bar as you cleared your throat behind your fisted hand, the bartender raised his eyebrow as if he were already waiting for you to order your drink of choice while he poured the last bit of Whiskey Sour into the chilled glass before him. 
“Can I get a Vodka Redbull please?” You kindly asked the bartender with a shy smile as if he’d say no, or that your request was putting him out of his way. “But uh, can you put in a champagne glass?” The bartender laughed softly, he shook his head as he gave you a weird look. However, he complied with your strange request, after all it was his job and moments later? He was bringing you a champagne glass full of the golden bubbly liquid.  
“Thanks.” You gestured with yet again with the same shy smile that you had greeted him with a few minutes prior. As you sipped the alcoholic beverage you looked around the ballroom for your date, panic began to set in real quick when your wide eyes never met his. Jake Seresin was never late, and the idea he’d been late to such a prestigious event made your stomach churn with anticipation and uncertainty. 
Jake had told you he’d be right behind you when he sent you on your way, but now you weren’t too sure how far right behind you was.
It was safe to say you were extremely out of your comfort zone, your surroundings were elegant and oh so intimidating. The sound of violins in the background coming from the string quartet made you want to straighten your posture as if you were carrying a stack of books on your head. Never had you ever seen a marble staircase in person with what seemed to be gold detailing. You’d lived in New York for the better part of your entire life. You parents were both born and bred in Brooklyn and you’d grown up in what seemed to be the world’s smallest apartment. You knew of The Beekman, however, you never thought, even with your job taking you all over the world, you’d ever step inside the Manhattan building. 
“Shit, where are you?” You mumbled under your breath while your eyes frantically scanned the bustling ballroom for your best friend. Before you reached full panic mode, your core temperature surely rose as your anxiety threatened to overcome you—an all too familiar hand placed itself delicately against the small of your back, just above your ass, dangerously close to something more than just a friendly hand, a gentle chuckle in your left ear made you instantly relax. It was him, no other than your best friend, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. 
“Real classy Jinx.” Jake whispered in your ear— not before he slowly took the glass from your hand, taking a small sip of the Vodka Redbull which filled your glass. “Jesus, wasn’t expecting that, though it was Champagne.” Jake frowned softly as he placed the cool glass back in your manicured hand before he shook his head, walking you to your assigned table, hand still glued to the small of your back, walking close by your side. 
“You should’ve known better than to bring me out in public, especially to something this fancy.” You sassed as you walked with Jake back to your seats, the entire ballroom was settling as other guests did the same. So many people all here for the same thing, their guests, families and friends all here to hopefully see them thrive and be recognised for their fine work. 
“Had to settle.” Jack smirked as he leaned down slightly, kissing your cheek softly to stop you from turning to hit his chest playfully, a reaction he was quick to respond to after knowing you for almost six years.
You’d first met Jake when the two of you first ended up at TopGun. At first the cocky aviator from Houston Texas didn’t at all seem like the type of guy who you’d easily get along with. But that first impression was quickly obliterated when the two of you had been paired up together for a Hop. The rest was sort of as they say, history.
You and Jake couldn’t have been more different if you tried. He was outgoing, boisterous and sure of himself in every aspect. You were quiet, reserved and self doubt was surely something that resided deep inside your bones. You brought Jake Seresin down to earth and he brought out the best in you. It was Ying and Yang.
The two of you formed a strong bond that could be felt in the sky, on land and beyond any measurement of distance. Over the course of your friendship the pair of you had become inseparable. Two peas in a pod. A dynamic duo. Each other's wingman. 
“Didn’t have anyone else to bring, besides, I can’t wait to see you cry when I become Man of The Year.” Pulling your chair out for you, Jake's smug attitude made you giggle, his face instantly lit up at the sound of your beautiful laugh– a sound he cherished just as much as the girl it came from. The love of his life.
Jake had been nominated for a Man of The Year award after a mission that saw him on your doorstep with his duffel slung over his shoulder the second he was told he was dismissed. Not all the details had been released, but from what Jake had told you in the middle of a full blown panic attack and from files you pulled at work, it was safe to say the award was well deserved. He deserved to be nominated.
Jake Seresin had gone against his own orders to stand down to save Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradley Rooster Bradshaw. Without Jakes life saving decision, those two men wouldn’t be alive.
Although he wasn’t in it for the praise, it was nice to see Jake recognised for his efforts. Sure, he was always sure of himself. The best of the best he’d say. But you knew deep down, there was something of doubt in his mind that he’d never be enough. 
You thought it was his fathers tough love that drove Jake to want to be the best. You didn’t need him to tell you that you were right about that either, because you knew you were. You’d seen the way Jake acted around his dad. It didn’t take you longer to figure out why he was the way he is in most aspects of his career.
Not wanting to show up to such an important and publicised event alone, and with Rooster, one of Hangman's closest and dearest friends being unavailable due to his own deployment, it was a no-brainer that Jake would ask you to accompany him to the Prestigious event. You were his best friend and wingwoman after all and just so happened to be stateside. 
“You do realise all these men are nominated? You might not even receive an award, don’t be so sure of yourself Seresin.” You teased menacingly as Jake continued to be the gentleman he was, pushing you into the table as you sat softly on your chair, a little too fast for your liking, just to be a child— a gentle squeal left your mouth as you collided with the perfectly decorated table. The aesthetically pleasing ornaments and beautifully smelling candles shook momentarily as you gripped the edge. “Jake!” You hissed. Other occupants at the table weren’t shying away as they stared at the two of you, most likely thinking— ‘Such childish behaviour.’ 
“Don’t Jinx me Darlin’, I’ve got this in the bag and you know it.” There it was, the nickname that nearly sent you into cardiac arrest every damn time it left his perfect lips. You watched as Jake took his seat next to you—noticing for the first time that night just how grown out yet tamed his facial hair had become. It was almost a full beard at this point, and it looked right at home on his perfectly handsome face. His voice brought you back down to earth before you could float too far away, thinking of Jake. The love of your life, your best friend. 
“Huh?” You asked, completely dazed for a moment as you shook your head slightly. Jake threw his head back in a soft chuckle at the sight of you being so frazzled.
“I said, you look good? The wigs a nice touch, never thought you’d rock platinum blonde.” Through near panic and Jake distracting you– you had almost forgotten the entire theme of the night, 1920’s glam. 
“Oh? You think?” You questioned, touching at the curly shoulder length wig that you thought suited your outfit, a floor length, white, semi-corset style dress that hugged you just right. It accentuated your curves and plunged just a bit below your comfort zone in the chest area just right. Silver jewels dangling all over – it was a beautiful dress, to say the least, very fitting for the theme.
“Yeah, I mean it – just don’t kiss me when I win? That red lipstick is dangerously bright.” Jake joked as he smiled childishly as you smiled back. His hand reached for yours on the table, squeezing tightly as you felt his leg shaking against you under the table. “I’m honestly terrified– despite my cool calm and collected mannerisms.” You couldn’t help but playfully roll your eyes. “I’m just glad you agreed to come with me.” His lips turned upwards into a soft smirk, just admiring the girl who sat beside him. The love of his life, his best friend. “I’d most likely never would’ve accepted the invitation if you said no.”
You leaned your head on Jake's shoulder, careful not to smear your makeup against the fabric of his ostentatious blue and white pinstripe blazer, the suit couldn’t have been tighter against his muscular body but much like your own attire – accentuated him in all the right ways. Both dresses to the nines. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Seresin.” Teasing, you lifted your head as the lights dimmed, clapping ensuing as the presenter of the night sauntered across the stage. Waiters alternated meals on the table in front of you – Jake tried to hide his disappointment as he got steak while you got salmon. Looking at each other with an almost telepathic ‘switch?’  Discreetly swapping your meals to better suit your personal preferences.
Half a meal and two Vodka Redbulls down, the list of recipients grew as the awards left to give dwindled. You could sense that Jake was beginning to doubt if he would actually receive the highly accredited award. He didn’t do what he did out of curiosity for praise and validation. He did what he did to save two people who’d taught him a lot about himself. He couldn’t just sit back and do nothing when he could have done something. 
The nights he slept alone were already plagued enough with nightmares of what could have been if he didn’t go after Rooster and Mav. He didn’t allow himself to think of what those nightmares might have entailed if he listened to direct orders and stayed on the carrier. 
“Jake? stop shaking your leg, It will happen if it happens yeah?” Your hand was resting below the table on his bouncing knee, instantly calming him as you rubbed softly against his suit pants. “You did a good thing, award or not.” 
“Just wanna make everyone proud ya’know?” Jake confessed, his face almost saddened with the idea he might walk out empty-handed. His eyes glassed over as he looked at you, so anxious that he had a light layer of sweat covering his forehead. The light from the candles situated on the table made him glisten. Cupping his cheek, Jake slightly moved his head into your touch, leaning into your comfort, the feeling instantly slowing his heart rate—you always had such a calming effect on him as your thumb rubbed softly against his scruff. 
“You already did, the moment you decided you wanted to help, no award could ever truly measure everything you’ve done—Darlin.’” You couldn’t help but to smile, tossing the pet name Jake often called you in his face—causing Jake to scoff softly as you continued to softly rub the pad of your thumb against his scruff covered cheek. Leaning in closer as Jake closed his eyes, eyelids fluttering. You were absentmindedly doing the same, the slow lean in as eyelids fluttered. Lips ghosting, dangerously close. Jake's hand coming to cup your cheek as you did his. But it was to no avail. Both you and Jake pulled back from one another immediately as loud clapping filled the banquet hall, ten recipients were standing on the stage holding their ‘Men of The Year award’ proudly in their hands. 
“That was the last recipient anyway” Jake sighed, you’d never heard him sound so defeated before as he fixed himself up and cleared his throat, slightly disappointed that he didn’t make the cut. “But, regardless—“ Jake's voice was nothing but soft as he looked at you. Heart eyes took over his entire face. “You look stunning and the fact I got to see you so dressed up instead of you in your flight suit for once was worth every moment.” 
“Oh rack off will ya.” You sassed as you turned in your chair to take another mouthful of steak in your mouth, being ever so careful not to rub your lipstick off in the process. Jake did the same, but his eyes never left your profile. He was captivated by your beauty. An unspoken love was clear as day between the two of you, both recognising each other’s feelings but never acting on them, never admitting them—both too scared to ruin a lifelong friendship. 
“And for our final award of the night. The prestigious 11th Men of The Year award that is specifically awarded to individuals who go above and beyond what is required of them.” The room was silent as the presenter spoke, you could hear a feather drop it was so quiet. “This individual has proven that always following what you’re told to do, isn't always the right thing to do.”
You knew it was coming before Jake did, you could tell exactly where this was going—it was Jake. Your Hangman. It was Jake Hangman Seresin who was taking home the 11th Man award. As you placed your hand excitedly on his shoulder you noticed how ridged he’d become– most likely scared he was getting his hopes up too quickly, scared to be disappointed. Scared he thought he had a chance only to be snubbed at the last second. 
“This individual risked his own life to save others without hesitation or fear of consequence and with only seconds to spare, saved two actively serving naval aviators who would have otherwise met an untimely demise and there is no doubt in our minds we have made the right decision in recognising his marvellous effects. This year’s honorary 11th Man of The Year award goes to……” As the presenter spoke, nearing the end of his speech, the sound of ‘Norman Greenbaurns - ‘Spirit in the Sky’’ began playing over the speaker just as a slideshow of video footage of Jake and Bradley aboard the Carrier moments after the events of their herring experiences played on the two large screens left and right of the stage. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes with a giddy smile thinking– ‘this is going to shoot his ego through the roof.’
“Lieutenant Jacob Hangman Seresin!”
At the sound of his name being called, you both shot up onto your feet and embraced each other in a tight, celebratory hug. Jake was quick to pull away and shake you slightly by your shoulders—an excited and overwhelmed Hangman laughed as tears welled in his over joyous eyes.
“What the fuck is happening Jinx!? w-what I, what do I do?” He asked nervously, so much adrenaline was pumping through his system he couldn't think straight. This wasn’t anything like flying a multimillion dollar fight jet adrenaline. No—this was something more personal. 
“Go! go up to the stage Jake, holy shit!” Nudging him, Jake fumbled with his blazer button—nervously approaching the stage as people clapped and cheered around him, including yourself. You couldn’t breathe, watching as he shook the presenter's hand and accepted the award he deserved more than anyone.
Jake had risked his life to save others, and you knew better than anyone that even thought some would say he wasn’t all that of a team player, that he’d do it over and over again if need be. Because underneath all the male bravado and the cocky attitude, it was just Jake. Your Jake. Your best friend. The love of your life. 
You only sat when the clapping stopped, wiping away tears of joy as you watched on with pure admiration for your best friend. Holding your hands up to your face, counting your lucky stars you got to experience such a moment. Your best friend being recognized as the selfless man he was. Patrons sitting at the same table were unable to take their eyes off the love you were radiating for your best friend.
“Oh woah.” Jake exclaimed with a soft laugh into the microphone. You couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip, trying to hide the enormous grin plastered permanently on your face as Jake's eyes scanned the room for you– to calm his nerves.
For a Naval Aviator who was so accustomed to keeping his composure under immense amounts of pressure, keeping a level head in pressing situations and making sure every action he took was executed correctly and without flaw, public speaking had never been his forte. So Jake did the only thing he knew how to— he looked for his girl and pretended the entire room was empty. All but you. He focused on the only person he wanted to see. His entire soul was focused on you and you alone, lightning up the entire room like a beacon of hope and gratitude. 
“To be receiving such an award is truly a blessing and I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to be this year’s recipient.” You looked at Jack as he looked at you and felt your heart flutter. He looked so handsome, devilishly handsome in that blue and white pinstriped suit. The way his facial hair was perfectly groomed and the hair atop his head carefully slicked back. He looked nothing short of perfection. 
Raised by women for women. 
“I never thought my actions would lead to this, being recognised for insubordination.” The crowd chuckled as Jake gave them that perfect Hollywood grin he was so utterly gifted with. “But i'm beyond thankful that i'm standing here right now.”
“I want to give a special mention to my family– thank you for loving me unconditionally, to my squad back in North Island who do the absolute most in keeping me humble and my ego in check.” The entire room laughed with Jake as he spoke. “To Bradley and Mav for teaching me things about myself I never even knew until I was taking off from that carrier after them.” Then, Jake stilled for a moment as he took a deep breath in. And finally to my girl.” Your breath hitched in your throat at the sound of Jake calling you his girl. “Although she prefers to stay in whenever she can, she reluctantly agreed to attend tonight’s banquet with me and I’m glad she did otherwise she’d never be able to hear me say just how thankful I am for her and her undeniable loyalty to a guy who isn’t worth a second of her time. I hope I made you proud Darlin’.” Holding the award above his head, the room erupted into cheerful whistles and thunderous claps of congratulations. “I'm a part of the team once and for all.” The guests only quieted once Jake had exited the stage to have his photo professionally taken and most likely be interviewed.
Your heart was so full, so proud of the man Jake had become, the passionate aviator that was just adored by the entire world. 
You loved him, you truly did adore everything about him. the way he’d hold your waist to the way he’d kiss your cheek. You loved the way he’d always let you sleep in his bed whenever you stayed the night– never wanting you to take the lounge that nearly broke his back every time he crashed on it. 
You adored the way he always let you borrow his hoodies – anyone your heart desired. If he had planned on wearing it, he’d change his entire outfit just so you could remain in it. The way he always left the last slice of pizza for you, regardless if he was starving – it was always yours. You loved the way Jake would let you nap on his chest, even if he had important plans or places to be, he’d stay still for as long as you were asleep for. 
Every moment spent with you was worth savouring because the both of you knew that those moments were fleeting with deployments forever looming above your heads.
All the little things he did throughout the years had finally taken its final toll on your heart – you were undeniably in love with Jake Seresin, your best friend – your goofy other half, your partner in crime. The only thing that scared you more than anything else in the world was finally admitting it. But the thing you didn’t know—was that Jake felt the exact same way, he wanted you to be his girl officially, wanted to be yours, but he was terrified you’d reject his love – in his mind? You were out of his league, way out of his league.
You were the only woman Jake had never tried to play, the only woman Jake never used cheap pickup lines on or thought about having a one night stand with. You were Jake's end game, simple. But he was scared you wouldn’t feel the same. 
“You know you ugly cry right? Jake's voice startled you as you waited at the table for him to return, many of the others who sat at the same table were now vanished— either on the dance floor, at the bar or returning to their respective hotel rooms.
“Your ego really didn’t need that, at all— you’re already so big headed enough as it is.” You joked, standing to embrace him once again. “I’m so proud of you Jake, but that speech? Cheesy– at best like a four outta ten.” You sassed, kissing his cheek. 
“Come dance with me?” Jake whispered just enough for you to hear, his voice was soft and full of happiness. He took your hand in his as he made his way to the dance floor– littered with couples slow dancing. Spinning you into his chest, Jake placed his hand on the small of your back– bringing you as close to him as he possibly could, his other hand in yours.
It was a comfortable silence as you swayed to the music– Shawn Mendes’s ‘Never be alone'. Your head rested against Jake's chest, gently grasping his shoulder. 
“Jinx?” Jake cooed as you looked up at him, his eyes trained heavily on yours– only ever breaking eye contact for a second as his eyes dipped to look at your lips. “What are we?” You felt your heart skip a beat at the sudden question. Your eyes followed Jake's as you noticed how his lips looked slightly chapped but oh so kissable. 
You’d always wanted to feel his lips against yours. Too many times they’d kissed your cheek or forehead, leaving you longing for more. 
“I uh, we’re best friends I guess?” You stuttered, unsure of what to say in the moment, so desperately trying to read Jake's perfect face as you continued to sway around the dancefloor together– pressed up against one another, Jake's grip only tightened, he never wanted to let you go.
“Would it freak you out if I said I wanted to be more?” Jake’s voice was low as he continued to guide you across the floor, his fingers fiddled with the zipper that sat just above your tailbone – causing Goosebumps to rise over your exposed back. “I know it’s not usually what I’m after, but with you? I’d give anything.” 
Your heart felt like it was racing a million miles an hour at the confession leaving your best friend's lips as he twirled you around and took you back into his arms. 
“No. it wouldn’t, but how much more?” Jake dipped his head just a bit— leaning into you, he closed the gap between your lips and his, ghosting over your lips as you bit your bottom lip, trying to stop your lips from turning upright into a cheesy grin.
“All of you Jinx, let's just cut the shit we do? I just can't help but want to kiss you right now—so please stop me if you don’t want me to?” Jake’s hot breath fanning over you, the hint of the sweet alcoholic mixture of your Vodka Redbulls and whiskey sours lingered as he spoke. The both of you having  had more than you’d cared to admit– but you didn’t mind. As Jake’s lips just barely grazed against yours you giggled, moving both your arms to wrap around the back of his neck. Jake smiled as the angelic sound left your mouth.
“Kiss me.” Was all you said before Jake dipped you down and attached his lips to yours—your wig fell to the ground, exposing your natural hair as he brought you back up.
“There she is.” Jake jokingly teased as he rested his forehead against yours, smiling as you looked up at him. “My wingwoman.” Completely smitten for the man who held you in his arms as you danced. 
“Jake? you have somethin’ on your lip?” You told him through a witty smile “here, let me.” You reached up and connected your lips once again, only this time you asked for permission into his mouth by running your tongue along his bottom lip slowly– sensually. Granted access, your tongue danced gracefully with Jakes, fighting for dominance—you couldn't help but let him take over.
Jake couldn’t contain himself, moaning softly into your mouth, your reaction was to pull away– panting slightly as you tried to catch your breath. You knew people were staring at the two of you— but you didn’t care, all you wanted was Jake and you couldn’t contain your excitement. Knowing the consequences of your actions would be something the two of you would have to talk about once the alcohol left your system. 
“So how long?” You asked softly, a little afraid of what the answer may be. How long had you and Jake waisted tiptoeing around each other's feelings? At the same time through your timidness, there was a hint of cockiness in your tone of voice.
“How long what?” Jake questioned as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders—walking you both off the dancefloor through the ballroom as you made your way back to the hotel room GQ had been kind enough to put you both up in for the weekend.
“How long have you had a crush on me?” You mimicked Jake's actions and wrapped your arm gently behind the small of his back.
“Oh, okay let's not get into all the specifics Jinx.”
“What if I want specifics? Like what if I want to know just how much you really like me?” You were just nitpicking at this point, so overjoyed with the event of this evening – you were on cloud nine. “It’s not every day that you get to say, Jake Seresin, Casinova extraordinaire is utterly infatuated with you.” 
“I don’t remember saying that—“ Jake chuckled, but you were right. Oh so right in every way. He was obsessed with you. He was infatuated with you. 
“What if instead of telling you how much I really love you, Why don’t I just show you—I mean— there’s only one bed in the hotel room and that lounge looks just as uncomfortable as the one back home.” Jake was rambling as he opened the taxi door for you, the yellow cab was waiting to take you both back to the hotel a few blocks away. Before stepping in you turned to Jake– pulling him down to your lips by his tie. A sudden surge of confidence radiated through your entire body.
“Are you trying to get in my pants, Seresin?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
“More than ever before Y/l/n.” Jake mumbled, his husky voice made the heat rise in between your legs. Jake had never been this flirtatious with you.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not wearing any then huh?” You smirked hungrily before falling back into the back of the cab with grace— pulling Jake down on top of you by his tie. Your lips collided as he crawled over the top of you, his hands gripped at your hips as he sucked your bottom lip– letting it smack back against you before the taxi driver piped up, clearing his throat.
“Where to Lieutenant?” 
From the second you entered the ostentatious luxury suit Jake’s hands were all over you, as were yours on his. Jake couldn’t help himself. He slammed you against the wall in the entryway, your hands worked fast to remove his blazer, next– his tie. It was all a daze. So much adrenaline pumped through your veins at Jake’s sensual and needy touch. 
“Are we really doing this?” Jake pulled away to pause, to rest his forehead on yours as you worked to unbutton his white dress shirt. Breathing heavily you nodded eagerly in response. 
“Less talking Jake, you’re overthinking, that’s not like you at all.” You breath fanned over his parted mouth before Jake attached his lips to yours– his now fully exposed torso was pressing against you. Chiselled like a Greek god. An adonis. 
“C'mere Darlin—'' Jake huffed as he spun you around, your face pressed against the wall as he unzipped your dress and began trailing harsh, hungry kisses up and down your neck. His hands trailed up your arms to where your sleeves rested on your shoulders. Pulling them down slowly– revealing your body to him in all its semi-naked beauty. The only thing left on your curvy body as you stepped out of the dress, a mess on the floor, was the white lacy panties you had specifically brought to be hidden under the near sheer dress. You wanted to feel sexy for yourself. 
“You’re beautiful.” Jake mumbled. “So beautiful Jinx.” If it had been anyone else Jake wouldn’t have mentioned it. But you were you and you deserved to know just how beautiful he thought you really were. “My god are you perfect.” His hands gripped your hips, spinning you around to face him yet again. 
“Trying to sweet talk me?” You questioned as you worked fast to unbuckle the leather belt that held his suit pants tight on Jake’s waist. You unbuckled the belt before pulling it through the belt loops in one perfect motion slipping it right off. Your manicured hands unzipped Jakes fly as you watched with a smirk as he shimmied out almost desperately.
The both of you were now only in your underwear. Standing before each other, exposed so intimately for the first time. Together. 
“Is it working?” Jake teased before he squeezed your hips, causing a giggle to escape your swollen lips. “Jump.” Jake ordered and you complied. Jumping up, you wrapped your legs around his waist before you let his hands hold you tightly against your ass as he walked you to the ‘uncomfortable lounge’.
Falling back onto the lounge, Jake watched as you crawled between his legs in front of him on the floor, your fingers dipping into the waistband of his boxer briefs as he lifted his hips to accommodate your next move– removing his briefs completely. 
As you slowly removed the unwanted fabric from Jake's body, his cock sprung free from its previous confines– resting heavily against his lower abdomen as he slouched back against the back of the lounge. His tip was pretty pink, almost the exact colour of his perfectly swollen lips. His shaft smooth apart from the vein that ran up his entire length from the base to his tip. God he looked throbbing.
There he was. Jake Seresin. Completely exposed before you with flushed cheeks that told you he thought he was dreaming. 
Without a word you gripped his length in your hand, pumping him slowly— some pre-cum already oozed from his tip at your touch. You leaned on your knees between his legs, spreading them as far as Jake could get them so you could take more of his length down your warm, fuckable throat.
“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to suck you off.” You admitted as you pumped his shaft softly in your hand, watching as Jake's mouth turned into a smile and he chuckled from the pleasure. “I’ve thought about it a time or two while I was touching myself.” 
“I’m dreaming.” Is all Jake said before you took his tip inside your mouth – tasting the slightly salty pre-cum as you swirled your tongue gently around his sensitive tip. “Oh fuck--!” Jake moaned as you worked your way down his shaft inch by inch, training your throat to take him in his entirety. Grinning up at him like the devil would. 
Hollowing your cheeks as you looked up, sucking hard as you watched Jake exclaimed a guttural groan as he ran his hand through his hair. “Oh fuck, feels so good, holy hell!”
Your nose was tickled by the manscaped pubic hair that Jake had let grow a bit, his tip leaking more pre-cum down the back of your throat as you swallowed around his tip. Working him expertly. 
“S-shit! Come here, now I-I need to feel you before I fucking cum down your throat.” Jake pulled you up by your hair– watching as you gasped from the sudden pain that flooded your head, only for it to turn to pleasure seconds after. He made a mental note that you liked your hair pulled, something he would have to do another time– but for now all he wanted more than anything was to fuck your tight little pussy. As you crawled back up to straddle Jake’s lap, he was quick to rip the almost brand-new panties off your body.
“Jake—” His lips pressing against yours cut you off before you could complain.
“S’okay Darlin’, ill by you new ones.” His hand rested gently against your throat as he maneuvered his cock to your dripping entrance. This was the moment you had both dreamed would happen. Jake’s thick throbbing cock pressed slowly into your tight dripping pussy, stretching you out more than you had ever been stretched before as you sunk lower and lower– inch by inch. It was otherworldly. 
Jake’s cock grew thicker in the middle, a slight curve to the left, having to stop to moan at the pleasure you were already receiving half way down his thick shaft. At that moment your mind wondered— god help all the women who came before you. There were surely many. 
Because Jake's best friend meant you were around alot, you stayed the night more often than not and sometimes– on the rare occasion Jake let one of his conquests stay the night, you aided him by taking out the trash. 
“Oh fuck Jinx, please, j-just sink lower, b-begging you.” Jake whimpered as his hands gripped your hips tight, his head ducking slightly to take your right nipple into his mouth. As you sunk lower, finally taking Jake in his entirety in your tight pussy– his teeth sunk softly into the sensitive erect bud.
“UH—fuck! Jake, please move.” You whimpered, wanting Jake to buck his hips up into you, and so he did. He removed his lips from your nipple as he guided you up his cock a bit, arousal dripped down his shaft as he fucked up slowly into you. “Ahh- yes! Jake k-keep going!” You cried out into the hotel room, your mouth fell unapologetically open into an O shape as pleasure captivated your entire body. “Oh my god you feel so fucking good.” 
“So fucking right for me, so fucking tight for me huh? Ride me.” Jake ordered, his hand wrapped around your throat just the slightest bit more. You sunk down again, then back up almost instantly, quickly finding a comfortable rhythm as the sting from being so incredibly stretched out subsided into nothing but pure pleasure. “Never thought i'd get to see you like this, i'm the luckiest man alive.” 
“Ahh- fuck!” You both moaned in sync as you rode Jake’s cock, your hips rolled as your hands gripped the back of his hair, pulling tighter every time your pussy fluttered around him. “Yes, yes yes!” 
“Jake, I love you” you cried out, riding his cock the best you could as the coil inside your core tightened. Almost letting the tip fall out as you fucked down hard on the entirety of his length. Jake's eyes went wide as he watched your lips say the three words he’d been dying to hear you say for years. That he never thought he’d hear. 
When Jake went after Rooster and Mav there was one person he was thinking about the entire time. You. Simply you. His best friend. There wasn't a single thing Jake wouldn't do for you. You were the only person who ever saw the good in him amongst all the male bravado. You were the only person who knew why he was the way he was. You were the only person who ever gave him the benefit of the doubt and knew when the time came–Jake would do whatever it took to keep the people around him safe. 
Jake Seresin had been in love with you ever since that very first day he sat next to you in TopGun. He counted his lucky stars every night on every deployment he went on since as he stared absentmindedly at the photo he took with him everywhere of the two of you after graduating top of the class. His wingwoman, his best friend, the love of his life. 
Your callsign was blatantly wrong. The reason you were giving your callsign in the first place was because you’d been paired with Jake. it was a Jinx, a bad pairing that everyone, including none other than Natasha Trance thought would end in a tragedy. Jake would leave you hanging like he did with everyone else. 
But here you were. 
“I, oh fuck Jinx I love you too.” Jake moaned near pornographically as you tightened around him once again. Every time you sat down on his cock his tip pressed against your cervix, filling you so good you were sure you’d cum within seconds if he kept hitting all the right places. You were getting closer and closer with every thrust. 
“Cum around my cock Darlin’ – I wanna see your pretty eyes roll in the back of your head when you cum on my dick.” Jake's voice was heavy, he spoke through heavy breaths as he worked his hand between the two of you– his thumb rubbed figure eights over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Trust Jake Seresin to know exactly how to please a woman. 
“Ah! Fuck m’wanna cum so bad, keep going, please!” You whimpered, falling into Jake’s chest, his head fell into the crook of your neck. He could see your ass bouncing so perfectly up and down as you flicked your hips– his eyes widening at the sight. So perfect. So sexy and oh so hot. 
“Look at you, riding my cock effortlessly, you like my cock inside you huh Darlin’? Show me how much you love my dick inside you.” Jake moaning dirty nothings in your ear was only working in his favour as he pushed you further and further towards your orgasm. The hands that wrapped softly around your throat released to fondle your ass, helping you keep your fast-paced rhythm. Aiding you in your efforts to get off on Jake's cock. 
“Oh yes! m’cumming don’t fucking s-sto.. ah fuck!” You cried into Jake’s shoulder, the hand that rests on your ass came to pull your hair back into a makeshift pony, forcing you to look at Jake as you came.
“Look at me Darlin’, wanna see how pretty you look.” You gasped as you pulsed and throbbed around Jake’s shaft, wrapping so tightly around him as he watched you tremble above him, fucking you softly through your high. Jake watched your eyes roll, watched your mouth gasp for air as you held your breath- he watched the sweat that dripped down your forehead as you came hard for him. Fluttering rapidly and without rhythm around him as your velvet walls constricted his shaft and took him hostage. Leaving him at the mercy of your orgasm. 
“Fuck, hop off, oh my god—I’m about to fucking—oh god.” Jake groaned, his own orgasm was so close. He could feel the pool at the base of his shift filling rapidly. Your slick folds worked to slick his cock to the point of no return. Helping your still trembling body off him and down to your knees Jake held your hair as you opened your mouth, tongue waiting and welcoming the warm spurts of cum that shot from Jake’s tip as he stroked his length to his high. Watching his cum cover your beautiful face. 
Jake watched as you licked as much as you could from around your mouth, watched with wide eyes as you swallowed his seed before he leaned back again– lazily stroking his semi-erect cock. A giggle left your mouth as you looked up at Jake, his cum dripping down from your face onto your bare chest.
“What’s so funny?” Jake asked as he came down from his high— still trying to catch his breath. Still trying to wrap his head around the fact you’d both just done what you did. You could only look up at him innocently as you bit your bottom lip. So completely mesmerised by the man who’d just become so much more to you than you ever thought he would be. 
“You forgot your award…” You’d only just realised  had left his Man of the Year award behind.
Jake looked at you softly before he took your lips hostage once again. Tasting his own cum on your lips, a taste he didn't mind sharing so long as it was on your beautiful lips. Kissing you tentatively and slowly before he pulled away. You were all he ever needed. 
“I went home with someone much more valuable."
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weeesi · 5 months
Weather - May Prompts (19)
In case you read yesterday’s 221B and wondered what John was doing whilst Sherlock was locked in a doss house fingering (not the way it sounds) a scrap of blanket: 
For reasons he doesn’t entirely understand, he clicks on the radio after dinner.
Don’t know why
John squirts a dollop of fairy liquid into the basin and plunges his hands into the steaming water. The heat hurts in a good way. He’s reminded of his body for the first time in several minutes. He grabs the sponge. Breathes.
Dishes are a part of his life again after over a year of mostly binning takeaway containers the morning after a case. Sure, Mrs Hudson did more than her fair share, and their beat-up tea mugs always needed a wash, though Sherlock never liked to — stop.
There’s no sun up in the sky
He washes his dinner plate and stares ahead at the blank eggshell wall. He should put a picture there, maybe, or a clock. Something interesting to look at. It’s surprising how much artwork Sherlock had round the flat. For all his disdain of emotion, he certainly seemed to be moved by — stop.
Stormy weather
He washes his drinking glass. Tries to focus his attention on the suds coating his red-chapped fingers, on the words the woman’s singing, how different her voice sounds to a violin — stop. 
Since my man and I ain’t together
He washes his fork and his knife. If only he would’ve — stop.
Keeps rainin’ all the time
Thank you to @calaisreno for the fun prompt series! Tags in replies. Thanks for reading! <3
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killerbananas · 5 months
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Your sensual madness is something Erwin adores.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 992 wc | afab!reader x Erwin
Warnings: smut; masturbation, PIV, drunk sex (ergo dubcon), creampie, breeding allusions, very Emotional
AN: Repost from my old account. This is some of my most abstract writing so please know it may not be your flavor (I wrote this absolutely smashed and edited only lightly).
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Your body feels as though pliant liquid in the sheets that caress your body like a lover's kiss. Your hips undulating against the fabric as it slides along your skin while you writhe. Your breasts heave with a heavy breath that brings your chest high and lets your nipples crest upward. Nothing is stopping how good you feel in this moment and you naturally turn sideways and then to your stomach, finding rhythm on your fingers to pinch swipe press roll and even twist your clit until your essence slides to your fingers beneath you like dripping honey, succulent sticky sweet.
Your entire being is focused on finding release and relief and pleasure and molten fluttering godless rapture in equal measure. It’s impossible to think. Things have been murky since you left your house, your temporary house? Something felt intangibly unstable about your residence but fuck did words escape you. You needed a goddamn earthquake in your cunt or you were going to ungather at an atomic level.
It’s here he finds you, desolate and wanting, wet slick and fucked on your fingers nearly raw. But you need every centimeter of him inside you once you find him there. Once you see him. When you realize there is a fucking solution to the madness ripping you apart and it is Him. He worries for your wild passion, but he starts to understand quickly, helping to quell the sheer force that ensnares your body in ardour. His blonde hair rasps your fingers like frothing tides that bind your bodies in tortuous waves crashing torrential collisions. You do not know where is up but you are full to bursting with Erwin. His cock is inside your sweet walls that hold him close in a lover’s grasp. As if he’s the glue to your universe and the only sanity holding your bones together but with the stitching of steel that his confidence lends in droves as he fucks you alive, whole, full, healthy.
Light halos his hair as whispering temptations to seek a brightness you cannot touch without irreparable, fatal implications, to touch the sun. But he is between your legs and you will have the fill that insatiates your appetite to gargantuan propensities as if to flick your sexual psyche to violins playing a warrior’s tale.
He presses forward into your sopping cunt with a length that burns and the symphony pitches wild in your ears. You cannot control how you choose to receive him. You body caves to the invasion of something so splittingly large you can almost not compete with the stretch it necessitates. But you wouldn’t have it any other way as he completes you with every inch of himself. To know him this way connects you so naturally that your body cannot help but submit to his every whim as he subliminally commands it.
He craves and he will do as he sees fit, like scowering your cunt because he wants to have every inch of you marked. When you’re out about your day your cunt should weep with his come. Every moment without being inside you is torture to his being and he rectifies it with sturdy jams into the softness you willingly present him. That is your cunt being speared by his length for what feels like hours as his cock stirs molasses between your thighs as a concoction you want to choke on he is so incensing. You do not know where his battering bruises end and your soul or being begins. He is so deep you feel as though there is no difference where your breaths synchronize in aphrodisiac whimpers that thrum as a war drum in your chest.
He conquers your body and resides inside you with a parasitical harmony that shreds and glues your psyche with equal dissonance and nirvana. You would accept no less from the god between your plush thighs that promises pleasure of his cock for as long as you’ll have him as you give your very womb over to the virile creature you choose to willingly house at your apex. His balls draw into a tightness that blinds his lungs of breath and mind of thought as he drives deep. He wants to fuse your beings as though a cosmic rip may render life more meaningful if he pushes only a centimeter deeper into your soft cunt. He wants to solve every problem in his body ache to wail and wound to fatality with the leaking essence your body grieves to him in pleasure unbounded.
He doesn’t judge as you pull upward in a tensing arc that replicates the swell of merciful relief lapping your sense of self as you curl into his stomach, a warm retreat for your tender limbs. He is a comfort like the freeing sunlight on a cold winter. He titillates your senses with every movement and gesture as he crests within your womb. A fulfilling radiance shines in your mind as he releases, seed seeking purchase into the rendered Life you proffer with raised hips.
Erwin falls forward into your arms as you are only full of the sense of Him. His contours cover you as he lays down gently with your form on the mattress. Lips wisp ballads of kindnesses professed in blissed cerebral ichor that cloy your lungs with affection so bright you nearly burn at an internal smoulder. You are so overwhelmed that water brims your eyes as traitorous fear leaving you in visible droplets Erwin catches with his ready thumbs that swipe love into your visage. He wishes, swishes a calm into your body that pairs with the release he has consistently tapped into your bud with precision of a lover overcome with care for another. He presses himself deeper and closer with your flutters that continue to milk him like a suckling desire of wholeness that blisters your being in need.
He answers, all of him a balm on your ache.
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Taglist: @aotwarriorsimp @alexpro-nwn @animediplomat @antoxsmith @armoredpotato @aviinnit @beffjurky @blondeboyfriend @casuallyck @cherrxs @dearbaji @erwinsbaby @eyesucket @fairypiku @fandomficsobsession @fujoneshi @holographicceo @hinasakuino @interfectio-mortales @kenryug @koulakoukoula2003 @kxkyuu-main @lavenderdaisyhoney   @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @chaotic-nick @nathalunalune @notgoodforlife @arsonszn @pockcock @poursomesunaonme @scouts-stuff @seychellse @shigarakiapologist @soaringmirror @sparklekitteh @stigandr-the-cat @syrma-sensei @reiners-milkbiddies @tiffanyy-21 @tonaken @torapologist @touyyes @we-are-so-close
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monbons · 13 days
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Stitch Sunday
Big week friends! I made some serious progress on my CORB art this weekend. Since I can't post anything finished, here is another teaser of those same legs from last week... but this week they are even sexier (if that is possible).
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So in love with how this doll turned out. It is part of a set, but I can't start the second doll until a visit to the fabric store. I need fabric with the tiniest paisley print possible. Or sequins. Also tiny. We'll see if I'm successful...
In other news, I started posting The Boy Next Door. I'm glad it is out in the world, even though it is nerve-wracking in a way no other fic has been (even the first one!). This is the first idea that is all mine from beginning to end---not a canon divergence or an AU of an existing work---so it feels very high-stakes. Just my brain playing with dolls, and y'all might not like what the dolls are doing, you know? Anyway, I am having all the feelings.
Since chapter 1 and chapter 2 were originally one chapter, there won't be a teaser of anything new today because I've already teased enough from Chapter 2 in the past. Instead, let me convince you to start reading it with another snip from Chapter 1 below the cut.
I wave and smile as broadly as I can. “I just moved in!” My neighbour impersonates a Greek sculpture and doesn’t stir at all, their pale skin only adding to the illusion. I think they can hear me. I’m being extremely loud. A single pane of glass is not a real sound barrier. I motion for them to open their window. For a moment, I think they will— they lean forward, their book all but forgotten as they stretch toward the latch. I try to take this opportunity to gather more clues, although my new observations are equally contradictory. They are not just slim but flat-chested with no hips in sight. But, they move the way they play violin, like liquid—all grace and finesse. Most boys I know are bumbling fools like me. I keep waving like an idiot as I hang out of my window. They reach out a hand and … shut the drapes. Again.
I'll try to find a new snip for WIP Wednesday. In the meantime, hellos and high-fives from the doll factory!
@thewholelemon, @bookish-bogwitch, @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @raenestee
@iamamythologicalcreature, @emeryhall, @mooncello, @hushed-chorus, @rimeswithpurple
@artsyunderstudy, @aristocratic-otter, @arthurkko, @best--dress, @brilla-brilla-estrellita
@run-for-chamo-miles, @supercutedinosaurs, @whatevertheweather, @talentpiper11, @larkral
@shrekgogurt, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @blackberrysummerblog, @messofthejess
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @orange-peony, @facewithoutheart, @alexalexinii
@ic3-que3n, @skeedelvee, @fiend-for-culture, @beastmonstertitan, @melodysmash
@martsonmars, @katatsumuli, @comesitintheclover, @stitchyqueer, @erzbethluna
@ileadacharmedlife, @theimpossibledemon, @letraspal, @rbkzz
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xiakato · 1 year
Interview With The Vampire (M) (TW) - Giselle
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“Ready?” She asks, her voice low and sultry. The type that would send shivers down your spine and goosebumps throughout your body. You turn and look at her, her ghostly white skin, her lips stained crimson. Swirling her wine glass, filled with her favorite blood, fresh as it can be. 
“Yes, Lady Uchinaga,” You sit across from her, she watches intently as the blood swirls. The slight smirk on her face is attractive yet unnerving. Her glossy black nails shine under the low light she demanded there be, brightness was something she never liked. 
“Oh please, I told you before just call me Giselle or Aeri. No need for formalities, I lived long enough, those are just a mere bother.”
“Right… Giselle, thank you for agreeing to this interview,” You thank her feeling her eyes crawl over you. The feeling of unease, you know, will never leave you for the duration of this talk. Placing the audio recorder on the table, her eyes follow your every movement.
“Your welcome, it’s not like I had anything better to do. Especially nothing special enough to turn down an interview with such a good looking man.”
“Thanks for the compliment, let’s get right into it,”  You smile slightly which she reciprocates, “When were you born?” 
“I was born in 1683, during what most of your historians call the Edo period,” She sips from her glass before placing it on the table with such grace only seen from Royal families. 
“What can you tell me about your family?” 
“My family were well off, my father, the head of the Uchinaga clan. My mother, your run of the mill dancer in the taverns in and around Tokyo. Being a daughter let alone being the only child had its perks.”
“What were these perks?” 
“Everyone being at your beck and call, never having to share anything. Only thing I had to share was my father’s attention as the head of the Uchinaga clan, he had duty to the shogunate. One that not even his family came first.” 
“So I’m guessing your father was mostly absent? What was that like during that time period?” 
“It’s quite alright, my mother was indeed ample support that I would’ve needed as a little lamb. The guards were adequate people to converse with as I got older. Although my father was vermin, detestable truly.”
“What happened to make you see him as such?” You take a slight notice in her tone, with the topic of her father quickly making itself a no go zone. 
“I killed him,” She downs her glass of blood, “What else is there?” 
“When did you turn into a vampire?” Despite wanting to know why she killed her father, you thought it to be a better course to avoid such a topic. The tint of red in her eyes works wonders as a deterrent. 
“In 1705, a rather unfortunate circumstance made me what I am today,” She licks her lips, gathering the crimson liquid still present, a peek at her fangs make you gulp. The striking white burned into your skull, “Don’t stare too much, you might make me blush.”
You snap out of it as she chuckles, “What was that circumstance?” 
Her eyes got sharp,”I don’t dwell on it so I wish that you would respect it.”
“Yes, of course,” You flip through your questions, “What have you done to pass the centuries?” 
“Many things, all of which only provided me with slight enjoyment before the disappointment. Piano, violin, opera, even was a whore for a time.” 
“Why a whore of all things?” 
“Easy prey, men that only think with their dicks are the easiest of prey, them and women hoping for the secrets of eternal beauty.” 
“Was there ever a lover?” You ask as you watch her eyes soften, only teary eyed. You knew immediately that this may be a more sensitive subject than her father. 
“There was,” She pauses a bit, grabbing a blood bag filling her glass, “He was a farmhand on my family estate. Truly a pure soul, innocent to a fault. He taught me that love can come in many forms. He was my first for many, until he was killed.. By my father.” 
“I see…Sorry for bringing up a sensitive topic,” You sadly smile at her, despite the centuries she has lived, she’s still a human at heart.
“It’s fine, in fact you remind me of him. You have  his same eyes, the eyes seeking the answers to the infinite amount of questions they contain within.” 
“By the way you speak of him, I’m honored,” She smiles at your response, the tense atmosphere nearly gone.
“I’m glad,” She gulps down the blood, leaving her glass empty once again only to fill it quickly, “Once I got turned into a vampire, my father saw me as a monster. Locking me away in my room, yet boarding the windows so I didn’t turn to ash. At that time, I didn’t know who the real monster was. Luckily, Tatsuya snuck to me every night, he didn’t care if I was a vampire or not. I was still his Aeri, he gave me his blood to slake my thirst. I still remember the taste of it, the metallic taste, mixed with his emotions, truly a delicacy.” 
“Tatsuya was your lover I’m guessing?” 
“He was, despite everything good I can say about him, he was a simpleton. He wasn’t careful with his movements and one day my father caught him and forced me to watch as he tortured him for visiting a monster.” 
“I’m guessing this is why your father is vermin in your eyes?” 
“He is more than vermin, that foul being didn’t have more right than me to be called human, I snapped and killed my father,” She pauses and stares at you as if she’s gauging your reaction, “And everyone else in the Uchinaga Clan.” 
“Even your mother?” You ask calmly, ignoring your racing heart. 
“She was the least enjoyable kill, I truly loved my mother and everything she did for me yet she stood her ground with that filth. I pleaded with her to just leave and never look back at the burning estate.” 
“What did she say? Aeri.” 
Her eyes flicker in and out of deep emotion hearing her name roll off your tongue, “She told me that no monster would deter her from fighting to protect her house, even if the monster wears her daughter’s face.” 
“I’m sorry Aeri, I truly am that your family turned their back on you.” 
“It was to be expected, After all they were trying to marry me off to gain more power within the Shogunate inner circle.” 
“I see,” You pause, looking down at the recorder, an hour has passed since the start, “Can you tell me about any other vampires that you have met over the years?” 
“All of them are the peak of beauty, at least were. Some are dead now, the latest death being that of a beautiful tall woman at the hands of a father hell bent on finding his daughter. I wonder how I would’ve turned out if my father was like that. One you may know is Karina, that witch always craved attention.” 
“Karina, the pop star is a vampire?” You tilt your head, absentmindedly giving her a view of your veiny neck.
“Yes, I turned her myself. She was also an attention whore, but in the bedroom and on the streets,” her eyes watch your neck, “I must say though, Y/n, your neck looks absolutely delectable.” 
You instantly cover up your neck only adding to her laughter, “You can’t have any of my blood.” 
She stands, strutting her way to you, her dress flowing behind her as she straddles you with ease, “Are you so sure about that darling~?” her voice ever present sultriness turned up 10 fold, “I smell your fear, your excitement.” 
You button your collar, revealing your cross, blessed by the Vatican, “Back off Aeri.” 
“How cute~” She smiles, gripping the cross, ignoring the burning sensation on her palm, tearing it from the chain. Her hands glide down your chest, unbuttoning your shirt as she gets lower and lower, “Are you going to be a good boy for me?” 
You nod, hoping whatever she does, it’s over quickly, “What do you want from me?” 
“Your blood obviously, and the bulge in your pants that’s been throbbing against me as soon as I straddle you,” That damn smirk evident on her, that one that is unnerving, “You love the danger don’t you? The danger of know that I could tear your throat out before you even notice,” 
You shake your head, as you continue to cover your neck, “I don’t like the danger, I would rather live.” 
“No need to lie~” She whispers in your ear as she takes in your scent. Her slender hands move yours without much resistance. Her fangs grazed your neck softly, making you jump a little, “Someone is antsy~” 
“Get off of me, I don’t want this,” You demand of her, only to feel her sink into your neck. Your breath hitches, your eyes roll back as you listen to her take gulp after gulp. She pulls back, licking the crimson from her lips. 
“Delicious,” She smiles, her teeth stained with your blood, she kisses you. The taste of your own blood envelopes your mouth, pulling away, she slits her wrist with her fang, “Here darling~ drink,”  You shake your head, but couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful crimson staining her milky skin. Drawn to it, you lean closer, taking hold of her hand. You lick the dripping blood leading yourself to the slit on her wrist, before drinking your fill. The warmth takes hold of your body, “Atta boy~ drink to your heart's desire~” 
Darkness starts to take you over, as you sleep past out. Strange, all you did was drink her blood. 
“Get up Y/n,” You hear her, your eyes flutter open,you don’t feel any clothes on you. You’re shirtless as your body is covered in hickies, you look at her, her beauty is undeniable, eternal is an understatement, “It’s been a week since I turned you.” 
“Wait,” You croaked out, “You fucking turned me?”
“Yes,” She stands up from her chair, dropping her robe, revealing her body. The perky breasts with her puffy pink nipple stand out to you. She gets on top of you, stroking your cock, “I want you to be my lover for the time being, if you choose to stay is up to you but you now live as a vampire,” Once she was satisfied with your hardness, she slides your cock into her, “Mmm~ I missed this feeling, although you’re bigger than most,” She moves your hips, grinding against you. Your hand reaches her meaty ass, squeezing it. Spreading it with your grip, you start to thrust upwards into her, “Now you’re on board~” She moans out, taking your cock better than any woman before her. You ignore the changes that you can notice about your body only focusing on her. The recoil from her body as your body collides with hers, her juices coated your cock and your thighs. 
“Fuck Aeri,” You breath out as you flip her onto her back, continuing your assault on her body. 
“Please, keep saying my name. I- I love it when you say my name,” She says between her moans, your hand pushing down her hips. 
“Take it Aeri,” You comply with her request, her back arches to better accommodate you. Using your grip on her hips, you pound and pound away. Not worrying about her, she can take it, “Fuck come on Aeri.” 
“Fuck Y/n, give it to me!” She screams out gripping on the sheets, “Give that fat fucking cock~” She tightens squirting all over the sheets, her tightness makes you cum. You push deep in her, filling her. 
“That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” You say between your breaths as you pull out of her with a pop. 
“I-I take b-back what I said, you can’t leave,” She reaches behind her, sliding your still hard cock back into, “G-give me more please, daddy?”
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s0larine · 19 days
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summary ☩ The reader, an undercover Assassin, goes at a high-society masquerade ball to gather information about Templars and unexpectedly meet her former friend, Shay, now fully allied with the enemy. Neither can afford to reveal their true identities in such a public place, but they are drawn to each other through the anonymity of the masks.
[a/n] ☩ [y/f/n] means your fake name because baby we’re playing undercover tonight~ reminder that english is not my mother tongue. UNEDITED
word count ☩ 3,979
pairing ☩ shay cormac x f! reader
content warnings ☩ slight sexual tension, female reader, enemies to lovers, mentions of shay's deflection, fluff, assassin! reader, templar! shay, reader in a gown, shay being a man, shay having a long time crush on reader, mutual pining, ...
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   New-York, June 1756
“Everything is in order. You can enter, Lady [y/f/n].”
The red coat handed you your invitation. As you entered the huge place, your eyes wandered around you, detailing every nook and cranny, taking in and memorising the layout of the area. The grand hall was indeed a spectacle of opulence. Crystal chandeliers sparkled above, casting a golden glow over the sea of masks that danced and mingled below. Laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the soft strains of violins filled the air, creating a scene that was far removed from the dangerous world you were familiar with.
Your mission tonight was simple: gather information, and your mentor was clear about your purpose here; not to engage at any costs. The Templars were holding this extravagant masquerade in the hopes of attracting allies from high society, and you had been sent by the Assassin Brotherhood with—of course, a fake name—to blend in, to listen, to learn. The gown you wore tonight was unlike anything you were used to—luxurious, intricate, and adorned with a mask that glittered in the candlelight. Your hair was gathered in a half bun and some golden hair clips adorned them. In order to pass for a member of high society, you even took the time to put on a jewellery set; a necklace, dangling earrings and a few bracelets and rings. But beneath the facade of wealth and elegance, your blade was hidden, strapped to your left thigh under your luxurious gown, ever ready. If I'd been born as a man, hiding it and having simple access to it would have been easier, but there's nothing more I can do in this puffy dress… you thought. 
As you walked amongst the other attendees, getting as close as possible to people whose clothes meant something to you, such as high-ranked Templars, you noticed a very particular group of men at the other side of the hall. Among them were Colonel George Monro and Sir William Johnson, both members of the Colonial Rite of the Templar Order. Your eyes fell on their silhouettes with their recognisable clothes from beneath your own mask but quickly continued their search. And who else…
What you hadn't expected was to find him here.
Shay Cormac stood with the group of men, dressed sharply in a black tailcoat with accents of silver and red. His mask, a sleek black piece that covered half his face, did little to hide the sharpness of his features or the air of authority he carried. His eyes, however, were unmistakable. The same stormy brown eyes that had haunted your thoughts since the day he defected from the Brotherhood.
You hadn't seen him in years, but the memories were fresh, the betrayal still raw.
But there was one detail that made your blood run cold: the young man's eyes were already riveted on you. When has he ever noticed you before? Your heartbeat quickened and you finally looked away, turning to a passing servant. You picked up a glass of champagne as he passed by you and began to sip the golden liquid, your eyes frantically searching for a place to rest in order to pass for an innocent. Maybe it was just a coincidence... No, no, he's far too clever to think that I'm just a random young woman...
You risked looking back up at the group of men he was with, but he had already disappeared. Your breathing quickened and you turned away from his previous location towards a random group of people, just to pass for a guest sympathising with others. Your heart raced as you opened your senses; you knew he was coming for you and you couldn’t do anything but pray he hadn’t recognised you yet. This was supposed to be just another mission, a simple infiltration, but now everything felt different. Could you approach him without giving yourself away?
A voice behind you jolted you from your thoughts, soon followed by a delicate 
"Would you care to dance?"
You freezed. A delicate palm soon rested on the small of your back and another one entered your field of vision from the right, at the level of your own right hand. Closing your eyes, you inhaled sharply before turning; you found Shay standing before you, his right hand still extended and a dangerous smile playing on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat once again at your inattentiveness. You needed to be more careful around him… The recognition in his eyes sent a chill down your spine. He definitely knew. He had seen through your disguise, just as you had seen through his.
But you couldn't afford to let him know the depth of your awareness, not here, not now.
"Of course," you replied, your voice steady despite the tension that coiled in your chest, giving away your champagne glass to a passing servant. You placed your right hand in his left, feeling the warmth of his grip, and he led you onto the dance floor.
The music swelled around you as Shay pulled you close, one hand resting firmly on your waist, the other holding your gloved hand in his. His touch was confident, and his movements were smooth as he guided you effortlessly through the steps of the waltz. The crowd around you faded into the background, your focus narrowing to the man before you.
"You've been watching me, [y/n]," Shay said softly, his lips barely moving as he leaned in. His tone was teasing, but there was an edge to it, a hidden challenge.
You met his gaze, your mask hiding the flash of defiance in your eyes. "I could say the same about you, Shay."
He chuckled, the sound low and dangerous. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
"Not long enough," you whispered with clenched teeth, your voice sharp despite the graceful steps of the dance.
Shay's grip on your waist tightened slightly, which made you tense, a silent acknowledgment of the tension between you. "You always did have a way with words. Tell me, are you here for pleasure, or are you working tonight?" You did not fail to notice his gaze sliding down your neck to the start of your cleavage, checking you out shamelessly. 
Your cheeks flushed, feeling like a lamb trapped in the fangs of a wolf. You felt the heat of his breath as he spoke, the proximity making it difficult to keep your composure. Every instinct told you to draw your blade, to end this now, but the crowd was thick, and the consequences of a public confrontation were too great.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" you replied, your lips curving into a smile that didn't reach your eyes.
He twirled you effortlessly, the skirts of your gown swirling around you as you spun, and when you came back to him, his hand was lower, lingering just above the hidden blade at your thigh. He didn't touch it, but the threat was clear. He knew exactly where it was. Your blood ran cold at the thought that he had found your dagger.
"Careful," he murmured, tilting his head, his voice a soft warning. "This is a delicate dance we're doing. One misstep and it could get… messy."
From being riveted on his chest, your eyes looked back up into his own, the familiar storm clouds swirling with something darker, something more dangerous. "You think I'm afraid of a little mess?"
Shay's lips quivered into a smirk, and for a moment, you saw a glimmer of the man you once knew, the Assassin and friend who had fought beside you. But that man was gone, replaced by the Templar before you.
"You should be," he whispered, pulling you closer as the music slowed.
The world around you seemed to fall away, the crowd, the mission, the masks—all of it dissolved as the tension between you reached a boiling point. The weight of your shared history hung in the air, unspoken but palpable. You had fought side by side once, and had trusted him with your life. And then he had betrayed everything.
But here, in this moment, with his hand on your waist and your bodies moving in sync, the lines between enemy and ally blurred. You hated him, you were sure of that, but the way your heart pounded in your chest told a different story. There was something more, something you had never fully understood.
"Tell me, Shay," you said, your voice barely more than a breath as the music began to wind down. "Why did you do it? Why did you turn your back on us?"
Shay's expression darkened, the playful smirk fading as his eyes grew hard. "You wouldn't understand, [y/n]."
"Try me," you insisted, your grip on his hand tightening.
For a moment, he hesitated, his gaze searching yours. And then, just as the final note of the waltz echoed through the ballroom, he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Because sometimes, the Brotherhood is wrong."
With those words, the music ended, and Shay released you, stepping back with a final, piercing look. He bowed slightly, a mockery of the formal dance, and then turned, disappearing into the crowd.
You stood there in the middle of the dance floor, watching him go back to his Templar associates. You were unable to move, your heart racing, and your mind spinning. His words echoed in your ears, and for the first time, you weren't sure where your loyalties truly lay.
As the night wore on, you realised that this masquerade was more than just a mission—it was the beginning of a far more dangerous game. One that you and Shay Cormac were destined to play, whether you liked it or not.
The evening continued around you, but it felt as though you were standing still. The swirling skirts, the clinking of glasses, the murmurs of conversation—they all faded into background noise as your mind raced with Shay’s parting words.
“Because sometimes, the Brotherhood is wrong.”
Your hand unconsciously grazed the hidden blade at your thigh, the familiar weight suddenly feeling heavy. Shay had betrayed everything you once stood for. He had walked away, abandoned the Creed, and joined the very enemies you had sworn to fight. And yet… there was a flicker of doubt creeping into your thoughts, a doubt you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel in years.
The Brotherhood had given you purpose, structure, a cause greater than yourself. But now, for the first time, you wondered if Shay’s defection wasn’t just a selfish act of betrayal. His eyes when he spoke had held something you hadn’t expected: conviction.
You shook your head, banishing the thought. No. I won’t question the Brotherhood. Not now, not because of him.
But that resolve felt brittle.
You caught a glimpse of Shay again through the crowd. He had made his way toward the far end of the ballroom, mingling with Templar officials, exchanging pleasantries. But his eyes kept darting back to you, just as yours did to him.
What was his game?
Your mission was still clear. Gather information. You weren’t here for personal matters. You couldn’t afford to let Shay’s presence distract you. But despite your attempts to stay focused, your thoughts kept wandering back to that dance, to his touch, to the way his breath had brushed against your ear when he whispered those final words.
Suddenly, a hand landed lightly on your shoulder, jolting you from your reverie.
“Care to join me for a drink, my lady?” The voice belonged to a man in a silver mask, a high-ranking Templar based on the insignia on his sleeve. His eyes were sharp, watching you with interest. It was clear he had noticed your distraction.
Forcing a smile, you nodded, reminding yourself of your mission. “Of course.”
As you followed him to a quieter corner of the room where the drinks were principally gathered, you could feel Shay’s gaze burning into your back, but you didn’t look back. You couldn’t. The Templar was speaking now, sharing something about the recent victories they’d secured in the colonies, but you weren’t really listening despite the purpose of your mission tonight. Your mind was still with Shay, turning over everything he had said—and everything he hadn’t in a way. After a few minutes of absent-mindedly drinking champagne and listening to the man recount his false prowess, you finally excused yourself from the conversation, your head buzzing with alcohol and of course the weight of your conflicting emotions. You were a little hot and needed air, away from all those rich folks.
You headed for the balcony overlooking the formal gardens of the period building. Stepping out onto the balcony, you took a deep breath of the cool night air, leaning against the marble railing.
It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of footsteps behind you. Opening your senses once again, you closed your eyes and you instantly knew who it was.
“You always did like your quiet moments,” came a familiar voice.
You didn’t turn around immediately, your hands tightening on the railing as Shay approached. You could feel his eyes boring into your back, or even your bum, and the tension rolling off him.
“I didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” you said, still facing the darkened city beyond. “You’ve made your point. Or was there something else you wanted to say?”
Shay didn’t reply immediately. Instead, he stepped beside you, his presence warm and solid in the cool night air. You could feel him watching you, studying you, but you refused to meet his gaze.
“Tell me,” he said finally, his voice low and measured, “do you truly believe in everything the Brotherhood teaches? Or do you just follow because that’s all you’ve ever known?”
The question hit harder than you expected. You had spent years training under the Creed, living by its rules, carrying out its missions without question. But standing here now, with Shay beside you, that certainty felt… shaky. He wasn’t just talking about betrayal; he was challenging everything you had built your life around.
“Why are you asking me this?” you shot back, turning towards him and leaning against the fence that was now behind you. The action made the dark-haired man's eyes slide towards your protruding chest, and they stopped there for a few seconds before returning to rest in your eyes. You frowned slightly, licking your lower lip, you decided to ignore his gaze and continued the conversation as if nothing had happened. “You’re the one who abandoned us. Who betrayed your brothers and sisters. You walked away, Shay. And now you want to question my loyalty?”
His jaw tightened, but his eyes never wavered. “I didn’t betray the Brotherhood. I saw the truth. The Assassins… they’re not as righteous as you think. They preach freedom, but they’re willing to sacrifice anyone who gets in their way.”
You inhaled sharply, your chest suddenly pressed against the corset of your dress. You opened your mouth to argue, but the words died on your lips. There was a certain fire in his eyes, a depth to his conviction that shook you. He wasn’t lying. He wasn’t manipulating you. He believed what he was saying.
“I followed the Creed because I believed in it, just like you do, [y/n],” seeing that you didn’t speak, Shay continued, his voice steady. “But I couldn’t ignore what I saw—the innocents we put at risk, the people we hurt for the sake of an ideal. The Brotherhood is supposed to protect people, not destroy them.”
You felt a pang of anger, but also of confusion. Shay wasn’t wrong about some of the darker sides of the Assassins’ work. You had seen it yourself—the collateral damage, the grey areas where right and wrong blurred.
But you had always trusted the Creed to guide you, to show you the path forward.
“And what about the Templars?” you countered. “They’re no saints either, Shay. You think they’re any better?”
“I don’t think they’re perfect,” Shay admitted. “But they offer something the Assassins never could—order, stability. A chance to build a world where people don’t have to live in fear of chaos.”
You clicked your tongue and turned away again, staring out at the city while shaking your head, your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. Part of you wanted to reject everything he was saying, to cling to the teachings of the Brotherhood. But another part of you—a part that had been growing ever since Shay’s defection—couldn’t ignore the doubts.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” you asked quietly, your lips quivering with sadness.
Shay’s silence was heavy before he finally spoke. “Because you deserve to know the truth. And because I don’t want to lose you to the same blindness that I was caught in for so long.”
His words were raw, unguarded. For a moment, you weren’t an Assassin and he wasn’t a Templar. You were just two people standing on the edge of something far bigger than either of you.
Your heart ached with the weight of it all—your history with Shay, your loyalty to the Brotherhood, and the undeniable pull you felt toward him. The night had begun as a mission, but it had become something far more dangerous. The real question was: what would you do now?
Slowly, you turned to face him a second time since you stepped on the balcony, the air between you charged with everything unsaid.
“What happens now, Shay?” you breathed, the question hanging heavy in the air.
Shay’s eyes held yours, the storm of emotions mirrored in his gaze. He stepped closer, his voice low but resolute. “Now, we decide what side of history we’re on. Together.”
The weight of Shay’s words lingered in the cool night air, settling between the two of you like an invisible barrier. His eyes held yours, intense and searching yet soft, as if he was trying to read the turmoil inside you, to understand the emotions you weren’t sure you could admit to yourself.
“Together?” you echoed, your voice softer than you intended.
Shay stepped even closer, his tall frame casting a shadow in the moonlight, towering over your gentle but firm and well-trained one. The tension between you shifted, no longer just the push and pull of conflicting loyalties. There was something else—something that had always been there, beneath the surface, but never acknowledged.
The air around you seemed to thicken as he closed the distance. His gloved hand reached up slowly, hesitating for a moment, before gently lifting your mask. The gesture made you swallow your saliva in order to get rid of the lump that was starting to form in your throat. The intricate piece slid off, exposing your face to the night’s cool breeze. His gaze softened as he studied you, no longer the dangerous man who had left the Brotherhood, but someone familiar—someone who had once meant more to you than just a fellow Assassin.
“I never wanted to lose you,” Shay murmured, his voice lower now, more intimate as his eyes gazed at your opened lips. “Even after everything, I never stopped thinking about you.”
His confession sent a jolt through you, and you had to look away, your heart pounding in your chest. The years of anger and betrayal clashed with the warmth that was blooming inside you now, a warmth you hadn’t felt since before Shay had turned his back on everything you believed in.
“Shay, we’re on opposite sides now,” you whispered, though even as you said it, the words felt hollow.
He didn’t back away. Instead, his hand moved to your chin, gently guiding your face back to meet his eyes. “Does it matter? Here, right now, do sides really matter?”
Your breath caught in your throat. This was dangerous—not just because of who he was, but because of what you felt for him, what you had always felt. His hand moved from your chin to cup your cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle for someone so dangerous, so conflicted.
“I couldn’t let you go then, [y/n],” he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. “And I can’t now.”
The vulnerability in his words, in his gaze, disarmed you completely. All the questions, the doubt, the anger—it melted away in the warmth of his touch. For so long, you had convinced yourself that you hated him, that what he had done was unforgivable. But now, standing here, feeling the heat radiating from him, you realised the truth: you had never stopped caring for him.
Your breath hitched as he leaned in closer, his lips just inches from yours. You could feel the heat of him, the steady rise and fall of his chest. Your heart pounded in rhythm with his, the magnetic pull between you undeniable.
“I’ve never stopped thinking about you either,” you admitted, your voice barely more than a breath as your gentle eyes switched from one to another of his and sometimes stopped on his chapped lips for no more than half a second to switch back to his eyes.
That was all the invitation he needed.
Shay closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was slow and deliberate, as though he wanted to savour every second. His hand on your cheek slid to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss. The warmth of him, the way his lips moved against yours, sent a shiver down your spine. The world around you disappeared—the masquerade, the mission, the war between Assassins and Templars. None of it mattered. Not now.
Your hands found their way to his chest, feeling the solid strength beneath the fabric of his coat, and absent-mindedly stroked the Templar sigil on his torso. His other arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him, his body warm and solid against yours. The kiss deepened, the slow burn of passion igniting into something more urgent, more desperate. Years of unspoken tension, of denied feelings, seemed to pour into that kiss, both of you trying to make up for the time you had lost.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing hard, your foreheads resting together as you tried to catch your breath. His thumb gently stroked the side of your neck, a soft, intimate gesture that made your heart race even faster.
“I don’t care about the sides anymore,” Shay whispered against your lips, his breath warm. “I care about you.”
His words sent a wave of emotion crashing through you. You knew it wasn’t that simple—nothing ever was in your world—but for this moment, it felt like it could be. Like the war, the betrayal, everything else could fall away, leaving just the two of you.
“I don’t know if we can ever go back,” you whispered, your voice shaky with emotion. “After everything that’s happened…”
Shay’s hand tightened around your waist, pulling you even closer. “Maybe we don’t need to go back. Maybe we can start something new.”
You directed your gaze to meet his own eyes, seeing the same conflict mirrored in his eyes—the pull of duty against the pull of his heart. But there was something else too: hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, you could find a way forward together.
“I don’t know what happens next,” you admitted, chuckling softly, your fingers tracing the edge of his collar.
Shay leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Neither do I. But we’ll figure it out. Together.”
You closed your eyes, letting yourself savour the moment, the feel of him against you, the warmth of his embrace. For now, that was enough.
And maybe, just maybe, it could be enough for whatever came next.
   PART 2 in writing...
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© solarine. i do not allow my works to be copied, translated, modified, adapted or published on other platforms without my permission. thank you for your attention.
dividers by @/thecutestgrotto
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TADTC Lore Dump #2
Human/avatar body
The Time Capsule pulls people in body and all, there is no trace of them after entering
Those in the Capsule feel human sensations, since their avatar body is linked to their real human body. They have to fulfill these sensation via eating, drinking, or sleeping
The avatar body is complex and based on the actual body of the person it sucked in.  All avatars have a liquid that acts as blood if they get hurt or injured they will bleed. 
The pain they feel when getting injured in the capsule is the same pain they would feel in real life
If any body parts or limbs of the member are ripped off or removed they will not grow back unless BUBLE finds a reason to replace them.
If the members were to ever leave the capsule they would not be able to perform the roles that they were given in the capsule anymore.  Ex. Pomni could no longer play the violin, but Caine could still play the piano since he could prior to entering. 
The members do not age in the Capsule, they are perfectly preserved 
Reproduction is possible in the Capsule 
When someone is abstracted they go brain dead and their human body is recycled 
The World of the Capsule 
They're multiple locations within, the main is the tent which resides in the middle of the Capsule
The other locations include but are not limited to a Botanical Garden, Shooting Range, Hotel, and Museum 
Between the locations is a pixelated cityscape
Underneath the city is a complex sewer system meant to clean out old data
On the edge of the capsule in “No Man's Land” where the abstractions are sent and where they are supposed to stay
If punishments are deemed necessary BUBLE will take over Caine’s body and perform the punishments through him 
Caine is fully conscious when BUBLE is doing this and has tried multiple times to fight BUBLE off, sometimes with some success but not usually.
All punishments are preformed via the red strings, whether its physical or phycological torture  
Caine can only bypass the strings when heavily inebriated
The Protocol
Due to issues of guest being a bit to handsy with the women in the capsule there is a protocol in place to prevent the women from being touched sexually 
The moment a guest touches one of the women sexually the guest's avatar will freeze and they will be kicked out of the Capsule
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THE NIGHT BELONGS TO YOU (bonus chapter)
Bonus chapter of my Blade x reader fanfic, stay tuned in for the rest soon. It's pretty wholesome overall (found family trope with stellaron hunters etc). This part contains mostly spice and massaging Blade's hands for him, reader knows Blade for a long time already and they have close relationship. I think Blade is slightly OOC here.
It's my first fanfic and english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I NEED CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
Enjoy my first contribution to the fandom!
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BONUS CHAPTER, All of Eden’s vices running through my veins
Pink, silk nightgown hugged y/n’s body in all the right places, lace barely covered flawless skin of her cleavage and upper part of her thighs. She always found it hard to sleep in summer heat as a native of Arkona, land known for it’s cold winds and snowy  mountains, so she gravitated towards skimpy clothing in most heated months of the year. Even winter here felt kinda warm to her, she used to walk outside without a jacket, just in a thick hoodie. Kafka tried to put her winter coat around Arkonian each time she saw her dressed like that, y/n found it very cute. She lived with Stelaron Hunters for over a year now, and despite their bad reputation she has never in her life felt more cared for and accepted. If somebody told her a year ago she will be baking Oak Cake Rolls using supersoldier mechasuit alongside friends, taking violin lessons from one of the most dangerous women in the universe or playing Tekken with overambitious young hacker while getting roasted by a hot immortal Y/N would advice them to go see a doctor.  
She looked at herself in the mirror, braiding her hair so they won’t warm her up further during her slumber. Her fingers worked fast, agile and flexible like branches of weeping willow despite going through hardships of martial arts training she went under Blade’s supervision. Halfway through, her attempt at classic hairstyle got interrupted by knocking on the door, audible despite music she put on in the background. Displeased, she secured it with a band and got up. The moment the door opened and revealed her male coworker there was nothing left of her sour mood. 
His red eyes looked her up and down, Blade was too done with bullshit today to check her out in less obvious way.  His hair was put up with elegant chanhua hairpin, decorated with delicate white flower ornament. It wasn’t a big change in his appearance, but it surely was eye-catching. He seemed more beautiful, majestic like a heron in flight with his hair up. Y/n sighed, impressed by his good looks and dignified aura. 
He was the first one to break the silence. He cleared his throat and spoke as nonchalantly as he only could in his rough voice. 
 - Good evening y/n, I just returned from work. I came here to check up on my apprentice and drop something off. I bought a gift for you during my last mission on Jarilo-VI, from famous local seller named Sampo. - he gave her the plastic bag he was hiding behind his back with slightly trembling hands. - I think you will appreciate it, you mentioned your willingness to use your massaging skills a few times so far. 
 - Hi dear. What kind of occasion is this? - she laughed a little. 
 - No occasion, I just saw it among other things he offered and thought about you. - he admitted with straight face. 
Arkonian thanked him and grabbed the bag. A little bit suspicious, she reached inside it and pulled out a small glass bottle filled with shiny liquid. Golden dust floating on top of it shimmered when she shook it. Attached label with a note written in cursive informed her that this substance is allegedly a massage oil.  
Y/n decided to check it just in case, she heard enough about Sampo and his scamming habits to not trust it carelessly. She opened the bottle and sniffed it. Pleasant lemon and bergamot scent hanged in the air. Hmm, not bad. Maybe Blade was 100th customer on that day and actually got a good quality bonus. 
 - Do you like it? - Blade attentively checked her face for reaction.  
 - To be honest I absolutely love it. - she admitted cheerfully. - But please, do not trust Koski too much in the future, trading with him is like a russian roulette. He can give you precious stuff or completely rip you off for a fake. 
- Good to know. - he took a mental note to check everything twice next time he visits this merchant. - Will you let me in? All this traveling around the galaxy really has worn me out. 
Y/n blushed heavily, only now did she realise she didn’t invite him inside her bedroom. 
 - Of course, make yourself comfortable. - she sat down on the bed, patting the mattress on the right side of her body. He closed the door behind himself before taking place next to her.  
 - So... How have you been when I was on the go? Did you behave yourself? No more cursing swords for now? - stellaron hunter spoke in low voice, coming off a bit strict. 
Y/n sighed and  rolled her eyes.  
 - I have been a good girl, don’t you worry man. - Blade cringed visibly at her words. She lied to him but he will surely have better occasion to learn about it soon enough. Arkonian was not in the mood for his preaching now. - How was work? Any unpleasant surprises? 
 - You know, with Elio’s gift it’s already very hard to be taken by surprise, now we also have your visions. Why do you worry so much? - he was quick to dismiss her anxiety. 
 - I still remember how our first mission went. It’s not entirely unpleasant memory, after all we got so much closer to each other that day. - gentle smile adorned her face as she blushed unknowingly, recalling past events. - Yet, you did get hurt badly that day. Can you blame me for reacting like that? 
 - Since that one time we had no such incidents, however it does not make your concern any less valid. - he admitted. Awkward silence has set in, sated with unvoiced desires. He felt it was him who should break it, now or never. - I didn’t come here to discuss business matters. In fact, I hoped you could help me unwind. It was such a long week. - his voice came out a bit suggestive. Was this really the same guy who used to barely speak in her presence months ago and scoffed at her endeavors to get closer?  
 - It’s so bad that you prefer to be distracted from it over confiding in me? - Y/n raised one of her eyebrows.  
 - Exactly. Speaking of which, don’t you think it’s a good moment to put your new ointment to the test? - he gestured towards oil bottle she held in her hand. Y/n still was not used to him being so direct with his wants, it took her a few seconds to process his request.  
- Are you sure this is what you want? - she whispered, looking him straight in the face. With the kind of injuries he had survive she didn't know if she could truly help him with lingering pain and stiffness, but she definitely knew that nothing can be done to help him in long term either way. 
- Yes, it's worth a shot. Don't worry, I don't expect much to begin with. - he sighed. - Why ask, wasn't it you who convinced me to do this so many times? You got cold feet? 
- No, it's just... - she exhaled softly, shifting in place. - Thank you for trusting me. 
She took his palm in hers tentatively, noticing  Blade had no gloves on. He normally avoided taking them off, but it wasn't her first time inspecting old scars on his skin. They covered his hands densely, she recalled patching up some of those wounds. He compared their fingers, slightly smirking at how big he looked like in comparison to her. One of her hands found elegant oil bottle, she let few drops fall on the top of his left hand, then she spread it over the top of it. With round, gentle moves she caressed it, avoiding his eyes. Then she rubbed each of his long, thick fingers separately, stretching them out. Calloused skin and rigid joints hardly submitting to her attempts at relaxing them.  
Shimmering dust made his scars stand out even more, they were like cracks on his porcelain skin. Arkonian once heard of Kintsugi, art of repairing broken pottery by mending it back with gold. But she was not delusional, Blade was not to be whole ever again, no amount of care could glue him back together. She knew, and she accepted him the way he was. Fragments of what was left of him put together by cruel fate like a stained glass, equally sharp and fragile. Legendary craftsman's last masterpiece bursting at the seems, burdened with weight of unforgivable sin. 
Music in the background switched to Sweather weather by The neighbourhood when she turned his palm upside down, once again intertwining their fingers as she rotated his hand while securing it with her other one to loosen up his wrist, then she used both her hands to stretch his out backwards as her thumbs rubbed from the middle of his palm to the sides, opening it up and relaxing every muscle. He felt horribly stiff under her fingers but she expected this already, aware of his past injuries. Arkonian just hoped she could bring him some alleviation from chronic pain, even tho his dexterity will never return. 
 Concentrated on doing her job as well as she only could, she missed his lazy grin and warm, full of lust gaze fixated on her face. Even little sighs of relief getting out his throat when she dug into the meat between his thumb and index finger escaped her attention. He hasn't been touched in tender way for so long, past centuries of his life consisted mostly of silent prayers for death among endless battles, constant suffering and countless cuts from his enemies weapons. Those few who were somehow kind to him still avoided touching his broken body, afraid of mara lurking inside him like a rabid dog. Blade melted into pleasant, warm sensation more and more, he felt way too relaxed for his own good. Being physical usually felt like a sin, state of his flesh a punishment for his crimes, pain it's burning reminder - yet, in that moment with her, his body hesitantly shed it's defences, out of his newfound comfort something grew, deep in his abdomen, heat slowly spreading over him, clouding his mind. With all her curves on display in a nightgown Blade still felt most tempted by those soft lips she unconsciously licked when she focused on him. If he made a move would she look at him with disgust and turn away?  
When he looked in the mirror all he saw was disfigured abomination but y/n looked at him like he was someone. Like he wasn't defected, turned into a monster. He wanted to believe that he is the man she saw in him, to smash every mirror in this damn place and only seek answers about himself in her eyes, that now stared back at him. Her lips slightly parted, skin glistening with sweat, and those wide doe eyes. So sweet, so soft... Seemingly in his reach. He could not ignore this thirst any longer.  
Gently, he pulled her to himself by the hand she caressed him with, when her fragrant body landed in his lap his lips found her fingers. He planted passionate kiss on every knuckle, massage oil covering her palm made his lips softer and more juicy. Arkonian couldn't stop herself anymore as well, she kissed him with all the hunger she cultivated in herself over months spent together. She knew he was not used to affection and receiving kisses, so she lead it, but Blade was just as enthusiastic, deepening it and turning his tongue around hers. 
 They grinded against each other slowly, to the rhythm of the music. Y/n could barely hear Sugar by Sleep Token playing in the background when sounds of heavy breathing and Blade's grunts filled the room. It was way too hot for her in this place, she quickly took of her nightgown, now sat on top of him only in drenched lace panties. His reaction was worth more than any words he could express his desire and admiration for her body with, y/n had no doubts she was just his type when he looked at her with pure wonder. 
 His hair was messy, hairpin disappeared somewhere just like all his mental restraints. He teased her with his fingertips through delicate fabric, her thighs throbbed in response. She let him rip her panties off of her. Those big, calloused fingers massaged her so well, stretching her tight hole deliciously, but could they prepare her for this big thing she felt growing in his pants? Just thinking about it made her so wet slick dripped down his palm. 
Blade reluctantly took his hand away to lick it off his fingers. He wanted to taste her for a while now, and with satisfaction he found out she was just as sweet as she looked like. Perfect fruit to rip and devour. He wanted to command her to sit on his face and ride it roughly, he would hold her down firmly so she couldn't get up until she would come at least twice. Wanted to show her he was good enough. Before he managed to turn those thoughts into reality she already took his hard manhood out of his clothes. 
- You know, maybe I could give you a special massage? - she winked at him, spraying some oil on it, then spread it with her both hands, one on top, teasing the tip, another near the base. Her hands moved in opposite directions as she gripped him and massaged his swollen member in circular motion. Whimper left his throat, shocking them both. He didn't even know how touch-starved he was, having only his sword to cling to for all those years, until she touched him, every cell of his wanted to beg for more. She rubbed over the vein under his dick with just the right amount of pressure. Her skilled hands played with him for minutes, discovering sensitive points he was not even aware of, but when Blade felt his orgasm approaching he stopped her movements.  
- I don't want to cum yet, I need to feel you around me first. Come here. - his husky voice giving her orders made her even wetter than she was before, way more than she thought was possible. He picked her up and put her right above his member, she carefully slid it inside of her inch after inch, there was no rush.  
- I know I am big, give yourself some time. - he encouraged her. No matter how much he just wanted to slam into her with full strength, her pleasure was more important to him. What was the point if she didn't enjoy it? He was never a gentle type but for her he wanted to be. She was still so fragile.  
While her body adjusted to his impressive length she took off his shirt, leaving him in unbuttoned pants only. In a second his pale, muscular chest  glistened with sweat and oil from her hands cause she just had to feel that men up. Pupils of his eyes widened at the sight of her breasts so close to his face. He sucked on them passionately basking in softness of her flesh, she giggled in response and stroked his head affectionately. They cuddled for a bit in that position, her cunt clenching around him while he rubbed circles over her back soothingly. Y/n was the first to move, slowly grinding into his hips and kissing his shoulders. She felt so safe and taken care of and so did he. Blade let her set her own pace for now, in fact he would let her do absolutely anything she wished for to him.  
Walls he built around his heart were near impenetrable, but once somebody got inside immortal warrior became defenceless against their whims, if he only could he would give them every star in the sky, even if he would never admit it aloud. He was always like that, back during High Cloud Quintet times he used to give his friends priceless weapons as a token of friendship, even now he had a hard time saying no when he went outside with his dear coworkers, always purchasing a new coat for Kafka, buying so many games for Wolfie that Kafka scoffed at them, agreeing to this annoying nickname he was given or even giving up his private cellphone for them. 
Blade despite all that never considered himself taken advantage of, it was clear none of those close to him would ever see him as a mere idiot to manipulate or a toy, after all such privileges were reserved for the most trusted people only. He cherished all their respect, yet for a long time he was unable to find any crumb of reverence for his broken being in himself. He called himself Blade, and it was easier for him to live believing he was nothing more than a tool of the fate, pain was a little bit more bearable for a broken masterpiece to take than it was for a man with great ambitions and ruined dreams whom he barely recalled and neither could or wished to be again.  
Blade is made to be used, powerless without the hand that guides it, created only to bring pain and bloodshed, yet now his body was harnessed for completely different purpose. Woman on top of him released heavenly moans each time she went down on his erected cook, her lips parted in a way that made him want to kiss her desperately once again, her eyes filled with hunger and pure adoration. He couldn't imagine his corrupted body had a potential to be a source of bliss to a woman or man anymore, last memories of such activities shared with friends from Quintet were barely vivid in his mind. Since his body was pierced a thousand times by his previous mentor he couldn't stand physical proximity of anybody, lightest touch made him tense up. During his trainings with Arkonian he grew accustomed to her closeness but the ease he took her touch with bewildered him. How easy she was to crave, to need, to take over his mind. How easy it was to not think anymore, to let her use him for her own pleasure, to be utilized for something else than spreading pain and misery for once.  
He took pride in her praises, opened himself to this new role, found fulfilment in it. Blade rubbed her tired hips up and down when she bounced on him, all sweaty, hot and blushing. So, so beautiful. She clenched on him, close to her orgasm. He needed her to cum for him, to sing his name even more. In attempt to earn more of her sweet reactions he thrust up into her. Slow, deep and very, very hard. This immediately pushed her over the edge. 
Y/n whimpered in a straight up angelic way, squirting all over his abdomen when his seed filled her hole. Orgasm hit Blade with all force of instincts denied for centuries, almost knocking him out. Addictive, ecstatic feeling shook his whole body, coercing moans out of his throat. His head fell on y/n's shoulder, and she brushed through his hair with her fingers, scratching his scalp and neck.  
 Libido  seemingly starved to death through centuries of neglecting primal needs once again woke up in him. In that moment he knew, it was not enough. He needed to take care of her perfectly fuckable, receptive, soft and welcoming body as well as his own desires till none of them could stand up. Inhaling her inviting scent his fingers dug into warm, delicate flesh of her hips when he carefully pulled her underneath him, his cook already hard again.  
Her skilled fingers reached out to feel his torso again, she put it carefully over his biggest scar, where his heart should be, unnaturally cold sensation of his sweaty skin grounded her. His palm covered her smaller hand, so delicate in comparison to his wide chest. She was not a petite woman by any means, her body was strong and used to harsh conditions of her home planet, but she could not lie, she loved how much bigger than her Blade was. How he towered over her, could embrace her in a way that made her feel completely protected and hidden in his muscular arms, like he did just now pressing her to bed with his body.  
Both his hands grabbed hers and pinned them down to the mattress, her thighs embraced his midriff.  She sated herself with him, engulfed in his smell she forgot the outside world, only two of them mattered now. Her form trembled underneath him when he moved, now much more decisively, fast and precise thrust slowly but surely emptying her brain from all unnecessary thoughts and worries, driving her crazy. 
His penetrating gaze never left her face, making sure there was no sign of discomfort or rejection.  But there was only satisfaction and invitation in her eyes, and for the first time in years he allowed himself to want something else than revenge and death, just for tonight. But deep down Blade knew it's not a one time thing, not when it feels so right. Not when he finally got a taste after convincing himself for months that it would be the best for everyone involved if he pretends Y/n is just a coworker to him, not a woman he dreams of each night before falling asleep. 
She hissed when his lips and fangs brushed over her pulse point. Poor y/n will have to cover up some hickeys in the morning, or who cares, he would simply tell her to keep them on sight, it's not like nobody can hear her cries. His steady, merciless pace made her climax way sooner than she expected, even so close to his own release he kept his rhythm. Her nails scratched his back harshly, but none of them worried if they will leave marks. This sensation combined with the way she clenched around him pushed him to his own orgasm. Praises y/n moaned into his ear went straight to his head, she shamelessly let him know just how much she loves what he does to her, how she wants him to never ever stop, how handsome and talented he is, how capable of making her cum harder than she ever did before for anybody else. He fucked her through her high with cocky smile on his face.  
As both of them calmed down he still moved inside her, giving y/n last few pushes, slow and gentle, as if he wanted to soothe her. Orgasmic haze faded away, leaving them with clear minds and sated bodies. Soon after her breathing evened out he pulled out kissing her forehead and picked his clothes up from the floor.  
- I thought you would stay with me - Arkonian barely managed to hide how hurt she was by the fact, that he just stood up instead of cuddling with her.  
- I will, but first do me a favour and put this on. - he passed her his shirt. - I don't want you to get sick and that's what will happen if you sleep in this thin lingerie of yours. 
- If I put this on will you come here? - she whined at him, pouting slightly.  
- You don't need to ask me twice. - Blade smiled at her. It looked a bit awkward.  
Y/n sighed in defeat and let him wrap way too big shirt around her, next he lied down by her side and covered them with a blanket. Not even a minute passed and she was out like a light. Blade admired how peacefully she slept in his arms, knowing damn well if something happened to her he would set whole known universe ablaze. Thought itself made his heart ache more than his hands did, unexpectedly y/n's massage indeed somehow alleviate the pain a little bit. He probably should ask her to do this more often, especially if it could end up with their bodies entangled once again. 
For now he decided to watch over her sleep and guard her through the night. He was well aware of her strength, she was more than able to protect her own self after hours of practicing martial arts with him, but sheltering Y/N from harm personally made him feel like he was doing a good job for his favourite girl. Sight of her in his shirt, smelling like him, covered in his marks with his semen dropping out of her made him feel like he claimed her in a way and it made him want to keep her safe and spoil her till she is ruined for other man cause nobody can satisfy her as well as he can.  
He wished he could enter her mind to learn all her deepest fantasies and cravings to fulfill them one by one so she needs him as much as he needed her. Perhaps she already did, y/n always considered him no matter what she was about to do, as if he was at all times on her mind. Took care of his wounds after missions and never judged him, never asked him to be somebody else. Never took advantage of his kindness or used any of his secrets against him, even in anger. Something so basic yet so rare nowadays. Y/n knew he yearned to rest in eternal peace but decided to cherish him either way without trying to fix those unrepairable parts of him or using him to feed any sort of saviour complex. Whenever he craved her company whether he was willing to admit that or not, she was always there for him, with cup of warm tea, bunch of bandages just in case and ready to listen about his struggles, always so understanding and nonjudgemental, his confidant, his true tranquillity. Flowing over him like holy water, washing away suffocating feelings inherited from his past.  Therefore in return he decided to give her the last years of his life and spend them well, making sure she's happy and secure. 
Blade promised this to himself with crescent moon above them as a witness, inspecting how it's soft light blessed y/n's features with ethereal glow. One thing he was sure of - once the time to join his fallen foxian friend in afterlife comes, y/n will understand and let him go with no resentment, but until then he will stay by her side like a silent protector, with red thread of fate binding them to each other, not as destiny's slaves but as it's choosers. 
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Marauders band AU:
James and Peter forming a band in their really early teens. Denim jackets, converse and matching hair. Sirius black coming along years later looking for an escape from his family all of which are world renowned classical composers. Cigarettes, liquid eyeliner and painted nails. Potter on the guitar, Pettigrew on Vocals/Keyboard, Black on the drums. Remus lupin found them last, an eighteen year old with nothing to loose, Doc martens, Scars and hands born to play the bass. Lily, Marlene and Mary a band who they met at a recording studio. Sirius putting up his hair with drumsticks. Regulus carrying on the black name with Barty, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas, playing violins and pianos and cellos at opera houses. Wolfstar being shipped by fans worldwide. Joint Instagram accounts. Regulus teaching James how to play on a keyboard because he didn’t want to overshadow Remus. Sirius and Regulus being seen arguing in Public, captured by Paparazzi. Leather jackets and designer suits. Remus himself having a tremor in his hands, he needs meds for just so they can stop shaking. Arguments before concerts. Chaotic interviews, music videos. Questions asked about love, Peter smirking, James blushing, Remus kissing Sirius. The whole lot of them LGBTQ+ icons, Remus, Lily and Regulus performed a song together once and everyone went mental. I could go on. The potential is here guys.
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 18: 'Like Real People Do'
Warnings: Mentions of blood, childbirth, last chapter
Months had passed since your relationship with Thomas Shelby had come to an end.
You had someone by your side with every step of the way. Now just a few weeks away from your predicted due date, Ada, Polly, and Esme were there to help you when you needed them. Even Alfie and John had stopped by a few times when you needed them to. But the Shelby women were there through it all. Esme had made an effort to be with you almost every day, even while she was expecting her first child herself.
Esme also kept Thomas' name to a minimum when it came to conversations with you, although she had wished she could gossip about the recent things he had done. Your mind had drifted back to him from time to time, wondering what he had gotten himself into now or how he was doing in that big mansion all alone. You stayed strong and refrained from reaching out to him for your own sanity.
Esme wore she would never give Tommy any kind of update on how you were doing, but Polly and Ada gave him some peace of mind after answering his burning and persistent questions.
“She’s doing just fine,” 
“Her and the baby are healthy,” 
“Yes, she’s still working,” 
But that was the extent of it all.
Tommy really had no idea how you were really doing, and even though you wanted to keep it that way, he still refrained from stopping by your bakery, or sending a peaky boy or two to keep watch on you and the kids. An extra measure to make sure you were safe. He knew you were smart, and would have spotted them right away, but again part of him wished that was the case so you could talk to him again.
But it was better this way, it kept him up at night, thinking you were all alone now. He stayed awake at night with the regret of ever hurting you and jeopardizing your relationship. The one night with Lizzie Stark caused his heart to shatter every night he went without you in his arms.
You, on the other hand, continued to care for your two children and work on your own for the most part, even if you slowed down the further you grew into your pregnancy. You eventually gave into Esme’s request to help you out when the days got busy or when you simply needed to rest. 
Tonight was Henry’s first orchestra concert. You were adamant on attending, no matter what. You sat in the front row with Elizabeth in the middle between you and her Aunt Esme. Watching him on stage along with the other kids of all ages. You gushed to Esme about how cute he looked in his suit, but went silent as they began to play. Listening to the beautiful symphony of classical music. You proudly gazed up at him on the stage as he focused on the sheet music and the movements of the bow on the strings. It was times like this where you were thankful that Thomas paid for violin lessons so he could perfect his skills on time for the show. Your smile dropped as you felt a sharp cramp to your side, inhaling quickly. Your hand quickly flew to your stomach for a moment until the pain quickly subsided. You managed to sit through the concert in uncomfortable silence, not wanting to miss a second of Henry’s performance. You shift in your seat as you take slow and deep breaths while rubbing your side to calm down. 
Once the curtains close and everyone applauds, you turn to Elizabeth. 
“Why don't you meet your brother backstage when he’s done?” You asked her. 
“Okay mum,” She nods, watching her stand from her seat and skip off to the side of the stage. Esme looked over at you, worried.
“What’s wrong, love?” She asked, moving to sit in Elizabeth's empty seat. You groan a bit, attempting to stand up but sit back down with a shocked gasp. You feel around your dress, as the clear liquid spilled down to your knees and into the floor. 
"I-I think my water just broke," 
You knew your due date was nearing quickly but you didn’t think the baby would come this early. Esme rushes to help you stand, grabbing your arm as you hissed at the aching pain in your back. 
“Come on love, not much time now,” She guides you to stand up. Just as you pass the stage, Elizabeth and Henry walk out. Henry held his violin case as he looked at you. You halt your steps. 
"Oh, you did amazing sweetheart," You smiled at him as he gave you a tight hug. 
"Thanks mum," As he let you go, you reached out for their hands. You glanced at Esme as she nods once to make a call to John.
"Okay, listen..." You paused, taking a deep breath. "We will drop you off at Aunt Adas and then we will come pick you up in the morning when-" 
"Rather than staying with their own father?" A strong voice said from behind. 
"Dad!" The two shouted happily as they ran to him and hugged him tightly. 
"Alfie?" You stood up straight with a groan. After he greeted the kids he approached you.
“No way in hell you’re gonna let my kids be watched over by a Shelby,” 
"Alfie I-”
" Right, I will be taking them for the night, I insist…" He dismissively told you. 
"You really never miss their performances," You told him quietly with a small smile. 
"Of course not, I fuckin' love my family," Even past his burley exterior, you could still see the love in his eyes.
"Mum?" Elizabeth looked up at you. You glance down at her. 
"Right! We'll get you in the morning when the baby gets here. okay?" 
Their eyes brightened up. 
"Okay mum," They said. You slightly bend down to pull them into hug them and give them quick kisses on their cheeks. 
"Stay safe, mum" Henry whispered in your ear. You nodded. 
"I love you, I will see you in the morning," You handed your children off to their father. Just then Esme had returned, rushing to your side.
"Thank you, Alfie," You smiled at him, wanting to just reach to hold his hand, but Esme grabbed your hand first after seeing the sweat beading on your forehead. 
"(Y/n)," She whispered. 
"I wish you well (Y/n), may God protect you, Love...stay safe," 
That was the first time you had seen him show real concern for you in a very long time. 
"Love, the car's here we've got to go," Esme rushed.
In the car, Esme sat in the backseat with you, helping you breathe through the sudden increase of pain as John drove like a madman back to your flat. As planned, you had arrived home and John helped you out of the car and into your bedroom. Esme was quick to call Polly and had her rushed over, since she was the only person you had trusted to help you deliver the baby and she lived only a few streets away. As you sat on the bed, hunched over and panting, John rubbed your back. Even though he had seen this many times before and witnessed the birth of his many kids and siblings, he still felt anxious for you as his hands shook.
"(Y/n) Polly is on her way but we need to get you ready," Esme hurried into the room, holding clean sheets and a large, thin night dress. She had ushered John out of the room, sending him to gather blankets, towels, and water. She helped you undress and put on your nightgown as you finally were able to catch your breath for just a minute before the cramping started up again, this time a loud cry erupting from your throat as you gripped onto the bed sheets. 
"Fucking Christ!" You shouted.
"You're doing great love just keep breathing," Esme calmed you, trying to keep your breathing regulated. She moved your hair out of your face as it stuck to your face the more you began to sweat. 
"Esme, it hurts! I can't do this!" You cried. 
"Yes you can! Just hold on, Polly's almost here," She comforted you. You whine as John entered the room, bringing the things Esme ordered. 
"She's here," 
It was like everything was a huge blur, you had no idea what was going on until Polly greeted you. Hasty, and trying to stay calm as she ordered John to get more water. 
"(Y/n), you've got a fever, you need to stay awake so we can get the baby out, okay?" She spoke clearly. You tiredly nodded. She helped you onto the bed, sitting up as she rubbed your back gently. In the midst of your next contraction you held Esme's hand tightly as Polly checked your dilatation. 
"You'll need to start pushing soon okay?" Polly asked, standing up to wash her hands and grab the pile of linens and towels.
"N-No, I can't, it hurts," You cried, your words coming out like slurs and your eyelids getting heavier. 
"Shit, John! Where is the fuckin' water?!" Polly shouted. The room began to spin as everyone in the room began shouting and yelling at each other. You couldn't comprehend what was happening. Not until you heard him call your name. 
"He just turned up, I couldn't tell him to leave, Aunt Pol he has every right to be here!" John argued. 
"I don't give a shit, he's hurt her in more ways than one and right now she needs help not a fucking reminder of the man who put her in this situation!" She argued. 
"She doesn't even want to hear your name, what makes you think she wants you here?!" Esme spit. 
"(Y/n)," He called. "I need to see her, please," He begged as he tried to push past Polly. She glared at him, refusing to let him through. 
"Only if she agrees," She noted. 
"She's delusional, she can barely speak!" Esme shouted. 
"Tommy?" You mumbled. A whimper left your throat as you looked towards the door. A moment of silence filled the room as he was let in, much to Polly and Esme's dismay. Thomas stood by you and held your hand as you looked at him with a dazed look in your eyes. Your face was pale, your pupils wide, as the sweat drips down your temples and neck.
"Hi love...I'm here now, I'm here for you," He nodded. 
"Polly-" You quickly turned away from Thomas as you called for his aunt. She walked to the bed once again, lifting the sheet to check your dilatation. With a focused face she ordered Esme to help. 
"Give her water, try to keep her cool because this baby is coming now," She hurried. Drinking the water quickly and shutting your eyes as you felt the need to push. 
"You're doing great, (Y/n) just keep breathing," Esme encouraged you as she dabbed your forehead with a damp towel. You nod once as you try to focus on your breathing. The impending pain made you open your eyes as you frantically reached for Esme's hand. Esme held you close, looking up at Thomas to step up and do the same. He was almost frozen in his place as he stared at her.
"Tommy," You called for him again, holding your hand out as he tightly squeezed. You cried out in pain
"It'll be okay, keep going," He looked at you with wide eyes. 
"Fuck!" You cursed loudly as you threw your head back. 
"Almost there (y/n) almost there! One more!" Polly affirmed. It seemed like everything had gone by within the blink of an eye. One last push and one last cry from you and it was all over. The pain became numb as your legs trembled. The warmth of the blood drenched your sheets as Polly gasps in relief. Far too exhausted to lift yourself up to get a proper look at the little bundle as Polly cleaned them up. Your vision begins to double as you sink back into the pillows. The muffled sound of Esme and Tommy calling your name was almost deafened when you heard the coos and crying of the baby. You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier as the sweat and heat began to get too much for you. And with that, you were out. The room was worried for you. Trying to wake you up but the fever, the pain, and the blood loss had all hit you at once. 
That summer, Elizabeth and Henry were sitting on an old blanket on the grassy hills under the trees. The very same spot Thomas had taken them, chasing the ducks and flying paper airplanes over a year ago. The sun was warm and bright as the birds sang and the children laughed. A basket full of food and sweets sat beside them, Henry was restraining himself from sneaking a taste of the apple dumplings. You had approached behind them, the small baby in your arms as you set the small bag of necessities for the baby on the grass before you sat down. 
"Can we take Evelyn to look at the ducks, mum?" Elizabeth asked, the baby cooed and giggled as she grasped onto your fingers. 
"Yeah, let's go before Aunt Esme arrives," You nod as you stand up, and approach the small pond. She was still small, but her chubby hands grasped at the water, giggling as the little gold fish scattered whenever she wiggled her fingers. You chuckled as Elizabeth and Henry fed bread to the ducks, screaming and laughing as the ducks quacked and chased them around if they held the bread for too long. 
"(Y/n)!" Esme had called. You stood up, looking at the top of the hill, holding your hand over your brow to shade your eyes from the sun. She waved happily, the baby in her arms bundled close to her chest. John's kids greeted Henry and Elizabeth before they gathered to run about the hill. The two of you sat on the blanket, watching the kids kick a ball around, their laughs were carried with the wind. Behind you, in the car, John stood. Smoking a cigarette. 
"You alright, brother?" John turned to his older brother. Thomas leaned against the car. You didn't know he was there, and he didn't want to be known. He held the cigarette in his mouth as his hands were shoved in his pockets. He heavily sighs. 
"Yeah..." He mumbled. He hoped to get a glimpse of your new life. You looked happy, laughing with Esme as you held the baby by the hands as she took wobbly steps. The small glance he got at her, in her bright blue eyes. She looked just like a perfect combination of the both of you. It ached him that he had to keep his distance when all he wanted was to be next to you, holding the babe in his arms just as you were now. 
"Why don't you go talk to her?" John asked. He didn't completely understand why Thomas couldn't just man up and talk to you again. But it was more complicated than that. 
"I can't John," 
"Why not? Tom, you were meant to be, just give it a try," 
The days after Evelyn was born, Thomas tried to reignite that spark in you. And as much as it saddened you, you declined.  Your heart wanted you to go back to him, but every other part of you didn’t want to get hurt again. It just wasn't going to work. The amount of times he had hurt you was just too much to overlook the times he cherished you.
"Perhaps meant to be just wasn't for us, John..." 
You picked Evelyn up, lifting her up in your arms before bringing her down to give her a kiss. She squeals as you do it again and again. 
"That's bullshit," John muttered, flicking the end of his burnt out cigarette onto the gravel road. Thomas only took his hand out of his pocket to do the same. Shaking his head, swallowing thickly as he felt the lump in his throat grow the more he watched you. 
And you smiled, maybe not at him, but after all this time you still smiled, so he smiled too. He quickly looks down, licking his lips before pushing himself off of the car. 
"Let's go," He mumbled as he got into the driver's side. He gave you one last glance. Evelyn looked at you before turning her head to Thomas. Locking eyes with him. It was like he lost his breath at just how beautiful she was. Making him think, just how could someone as cold and deadly as himself make something so warm and beautiful. 
"What are you looking at, love?" You asked Evelyn, she looked at you then back to the road. Pointing a chubby finger in that direction. Confusion washed over your face as you looked over your shoulder. You both stared at each other, doing and saying nothing until you lifted your hand to give him a small wave, as a comforting smile formed on your face. Thomas returned the gesture before driving off. Your eyes followed the car until you couldn't see it anymore. 
"You still love him, don't you?" Esme calmly asked. You looked down, swallowing a bit before silently nodding. 
"That's okay...You made the right choice," She scooted closer to you, putting a comforting hand over yours. You nod again, your breath shuttering as you look up. The golden sun casting a glow on your skin as you wiped your tears. 
"We were always made for each other, just never made to last,"
This was the final chapter of 'Blue Skies' I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have another Tommy Shelby story in the works that will be posted soon! In the mean time if you would like a bonus chapter with Tommy x (yn) or Alfie x (yn), feel free to let me know.
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cogcltrcorn · 3 months
I have went insane. anyway. my ideal "the vampire lestat" album (or "songs lestat WISHES he wrote first").
yes the songs DO follow the order and themes of the chapters in the novel the vampire lestat, thank you for asking. compelete breakdown is under readmore.
if this doesn't become canon I'm suing rolin jones for emotional damages
1. The fame, lady gaga - self explanatory, the introduction. I am the vampire lestat, I'm immortal, more or less. I am what america calls a rock superstar, ETC
2. ARTPOP, lady gaga - the rise of lelio, specifically nicki playing the violin in the witches place and in general the birth of Lestat's idea that art is the only thing that can protect you from the darkness
3. liquid smooth, mitski - the magnus of it all. the turning.
4. Aura, lady gaga - this is ALSO going into the legacy of magnus chapter. this is when lestat decides that being evil is fun and also he is most definitely NOT scared and NOT broken he killed his former and!! he's not a wandering slave he is a woman of choice!!
5. G.U.Y - this is just about gabrielle. like look me in the eyes and tell me it isn't
6. Venus - children of darkness song. take me to your leader. when you touch me I die for a minute inside etc etc
7. Dance in the dark - the vampire armand chapter. sometimes you just gotta write a song about your ex's trauma you know
8. brand new city, mitski - the whole. dying in egypt thing. and marius of it all. notice how mitski comes out every time there is an old ass vamp in the picture
9. bloody mary, lady gaga - the akasha song... lestat WOULD look at himself and say "well I am basically like mary magdalene except for the incredibly ancient vampire queen"
10. Lightning, Charli xcx - THIS IS THE SONG FOR LLOUISSSS... frankly I had sooo many options. well I guess lestat will need to release an ep filled with specially songs for louis
11. Applause, lady gaga - obviously the "age of new innocence", aka "god I love the modern times" song. he truly does live for the applause btw
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