#liquid glucose for sweets
mrkoolindia · 11 months
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astercontrol · 8 months
I think
If a program just got lasered into the User world, with no experience of drinking or eating User food
(only drinking the system's "liquid energy" and otherwise getting charged on the system's power)
that program would have the most fuckin voracious sweet tooth
Oh you get all your energy through your mouth? Okay so how do you turn this stuff into power? Lemme research what's in it... Holy hack this is complicated
Ok but this sugar stuff? glucose, etc... this is what converts to energy most directly for you, right
This is your way of consuming energy. Ok good to know
ALL the candy in the house. ALL the syrup, yes just the syrup don't bother with the pancakes
I'm supposed to charge myself on about 2000 "calories" of your energy daily. Got it. Buying this extra large milkshake and I'll be good for the day... AAAAA. Why does my body feel so bad later. I GOT ENOUGH POWER
Energy drink? Yes please -- OH HOLY GLITCHING GRIDBUGS THIS IS NOT ENERGY. it is... power-intensive malware that makes you use up all your energy faster and then crash??? Mixed with something that TRICKS you into feeling like you're getting sugar but you're not?? I WILL DEREZZ WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THIS
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jka11072 · 2 months
Books that trigger me
+ drive with all books epub
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Glucose revolution 10/10
🤍Should you read it?
🤍She has an instagram account too
🤍Why should we avoid glucose spikes?
Insulin goes up preventing the body from burning fat!
🤍Eat in the right order
Veggies (greens first for fiber) > proteins > carbs (sugar, honey, fruits, bread, pasta, etc..) 
When eating something sweet try to add anything before (greens, nuts, yogurt…) to flatten the spike 
🤍Don’t count cals 🤷‍♀️ not all cals affect your glucose levels
🤍Don’t snack sweet, have it after a meal instead
🤍Drink a tsp of vinegar with water before a meal (helps flatten spikes)
🤍Move for at least 10mins after you eat
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The obesity code 10/10
🤍Should you read it?
🤍if you like fasting you should read the book there’s so much tips I can’t fit
🤍Reduce added sugars 
🤍Don’t snack (1-3 meals a day instead)
🤍Coffee is good yay (source of antioxidants, magnesium)
🤍Reduce refined grains (white flour, bread, cookies, cake etc…)
🤍Protein should be about 20-30% of your diet
🤍Increase natural fats (olive oil, nuts, butter) 
🤍Eat more fiber, konjac, vinegar (called protective factors)
🤍Fasting (24hr or 36hr, but do what you can manage)
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French women don’t get fat 7/10
🤍Should you read it?
🤍There’re recipes and personal stories in the book if your interested 
🤍Eat slowly 
🤍Eat a wide variety of foods (home cooked, quality over quantity)
🤍Have fun while you prepare your food (🤷‍♀️)
🤍Only eat while sitting from a plate, don’t eat out of packages, don’t watch anything while eating
🤍Portions, reduce slowly and keep a scale on hand (usually half a pound of anything is usually too much)
🤍Don’t buy foods that you can’t control yourself around, until you can start controlling yourself 
🤍Move please (20 min walk after a meal will do)
🤍Don’t get too hungry (you’ll probably binge) 
🤍The scale isn’t that accurate (measuring or buying a piece of clothing smaller than your usual size)
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Salt sugar fat 6/10
🤍should you read it?
It kinda explains how companies fool us with unhealthy foods I mean if your interested in that go for it 🤷‍♀️
🤍In conclusion a combo of sugar fat and salt is addicting 
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The skinny rules 8/10
🤍should you read it?
🤍It basically tell you the reason for each rule, also goes in depth on how to read food labels, and some recipes
🤍Drink a large glass of water before every meal
🤍No liquid cals
🤍Protein with every meal
🤍Less refined grains (white flour)
🤍Eat more fiber (30-50g)
🤍Eat apples and bananas everyday
🤍No carbs after lunch (potatoes are carbs too)
🤍Pay attention to food labels (serving sizes, protein, sugar etc…)
🤍Pay attention to your portion sizes 
🤍No sugar (even artificial 😞)
🤍Don’t eat meat once a week (🤷‍♀️)
🤍No fast food! 
🤍Big breakfast small dinner (go to bed hungry)
🤍Don’t eat out (feel like it’s the same as no fast food)
🤍Don’t eat high salt foods
🤍Eat your veggies please
🤍Get good sleep
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Ultra processed people 100/10
🤍should you read it?
Yes yes yesss
🤍it basically explain how ultra processed foods are bad for you but I can’t go in depth here so just read itttt, it disgusted me so much that I actually eat waaaay less ultra processed foods, also watch his videos on YouTube!!
In conclusion?
🤍Sugar is bad (especially on an empty stomach)
🤍Don’t snack (1-3 meals instead)
🤍Walk walk walk
🤍Don’t eat white flour
🤍Just don’t eat ultra processed foods
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Drive with all books mentioned (epub)
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: sawsbuck ingo, pokehybrid au, fluff, short
“Dearest? May I ask what you are doing?” Ingo felt nervous as you stood on a stool before him to stand above his height. The Sawsbuck hybrid trusted you not to cause him any harm, but his instinctual feelings as a prey animal won out in some way. You hummed playfully and reached a hand to feel the dense foliage that had grown out on his antlers. Summer was here, after all. The flowers had long since fallen from his antlers, and budding leaves instead took over.
“I read that Sawsbuck leaves tend to make wonderful tea leaves,” you told him, feeling a single leaf curiously. “I… I was curious.” Ingo stood quietly in contemplation. That… Sounded oddly pleasant to him. The idea of his body being able to provide you something like that.
“… Oh, I had no idea,” the older twin replied, but recalled a few kids and adults that had asked to harvest some of his leaves, “Take as many you would like.” You smiled and gently worked to pick the leaves off without causing him any pain. You soon had a nice pile developed on a sheet. Humming, you placed it into a bag.
“Well, the next step is to let these dry out,” you explained, “In around three weeks, I'll know just what flavour your tea provides.” Ingo tilted his head. Flavour? He had not even considered that. The poor hybrid could only hope it was a good one.
It was with intense anticipation that he watched as you poured hot water over the small mesh bag that held the tea leaves inside. An earthy aroma ruminate around as they steeped along. Ingo still felt extremely nervous. What if he had a bad flavour? There was an odd insecurity in his heart about this. You hummed as you removed the tea bag from the cup, having served its purpose entirely. A light green colour had taken over the once clear liquid.
You hummed excitedly and brought liquid to your lips. He swallowed nervously as you drank down the tea. Your face shifted around in contemplation for a moment.
“Bitter,” you commented, “Herbal, though. A bit minty? Definitely bitter.” Ingo felt mortified. Bitter? He was bitter? His heart hurt. You walked over to him and cupped his face sweetly. “Coffee,” you told him, “You drink a lot of coffee.” Oh, he thought, he did.
“… Ah, so what I ingest effects the flavour of my leaves,” he noted to himself, “I could only imagine how disgustingly sweet Emmet's would be then.” Your eyes darted to another tea bag you had sitting on the counter. “… Beloved, what is that?”
“Emmet tea blend,” you joked, “I wanted to try both of your leaves.”
“… May I try them both, too?” he asked, now curious about the flavours himself.
“Sure, knock yourself out,” you slid the cup of his tea toward him.
He would say that he quite enjoyed the flavours, as opposed to your opinion on it.
Emmet's was a straight glucose drink, however.
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msbhagirathi · 4 months
The Angel That Set Them Free [TATSTF 3]
Hi. Welcome. Go on. Read it. :)
He plopped down, on the enormous revolving chair, in front of his impeccably shiny mahogany desk, waiting for him, to bang his fists on its top, as he usually did.
But the blow never came.
He sagged into the chair, eyes closed, head resting atop, every single morsel of energy having abandoned him, the moment, he stepped into his shell.
Perhaps, to give up and go to hell, once and for all, is much better than remaining alive and going through this living hell, every single day.
Whilst contemplating it, he took a once-over through his room and instantly knew, that, nothing in this room, would be able to help him.
He closed his eyes and tried to imagine, the reactions from all his dear ones; his mother, his father, his sisters and one hell of a gang of his cousins.
A reminder of his sweet family, brought back, altogether a new trail of memories, spent with them.
Good times.
He felt his lips curling up into a small smile.
They had all, been right after-all. Everyone had warned him, not to commit, the exact same mistake, that, he had made, eventually.
To make Myra, the sole purpose of his existence.
Had been the single most, biggest mistake of his life.
And, perhaps, his last one.
He wondered, whether the girl, he had married, would be sad or whether she would dance away, in pure ecstasy, that, finally she would be free, from this sham of a marriage.
To be honest, he was quite amazed by the level of her tolerance.
He had half-expected her, to leave the penthouse, after the first month and move back to the Raizada Mansion, just so, she would have someone to talk to. But, surprisingly, she had disappointed him.
And, for the first time, it felt good, to be disappointed, with something, he had expected, but didn't happen.
Was her name.
Joy. Happiness.
He had long forgotten, that these emotions too, existed, in the spectrum of human emotions.
He raised himself up, with great difficulty, collecting every ounce of energy left, within him.
He felt ~kind of~ odd to think, how emotional breakdown could drain out, all the glucose, from his body, like literally.
He managed to drag himself into the kitchen and fished out the largest knife, he could find, within his vicinity.
He stared at the red liquid, rapidly bubbling out from the slit, on his left wrist. He felt himself, slowly slipping into darkness, knees dropped down to the floor and he fell flat on the floor, beside a pool of his own blood.
Last, he registered, vaguely, was a cry of a new born, from afar.
P.S. : I know the starting chapters including this one had been somewhat depressing for you to read :/ and even more devastating for me to write :( Believe me. But, I promise good times will definitely come very soon :) So. Howazit? Do tell. Ok. Then. Bye. God bless you.
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without-it · 1 year
ok i lied i love to update u guys. heres updates and general tips and goals for the next fast ❤️
said id wait till thursday but at my core im a little silly guy who loves to lie and tell untruths!! so heres the fasting tea abt wrapping up that last 90 hour fast and starting this one
first off, the refeeding and weight gain update from the two days of eating "normally" : weight update this morning, from my last weigh in on monday, i gained about 1/3 of a pound (i lost just over 10 pounds so really good return) so really happy with that honestly. refeeding is such a huge and often overlooked aspect to fasting, and if its handled wrong it can often negate all ur hard work.
when i refeed i focus on PLAIN low calorie foods. if you end a fast with curry to be perfectly honest ur gonna shit urself to death and have a fucking miserable time lmao. my go to is a PLAIN UNSEASONED steamed veggie dish (usually steamed broc and corn, broc bc low calorie and corn bc i am a corn GIRLIE), and often with miso soup to go with it. unseasoned foods help with the upset tummy after ending a fast, and get ur body used to actually processing glucose again. and miso soup is just a nice low calorie simple food to add some fun into that meal. pls dear god do not eat sweet foods / high salt / high seasoned in general / or heavy meat or sauced dishes as a fast breaking meal. if youve fasted for more than a 4 days im not joking you can literally end up dying from that so just be responsible shawtie damn. (look up refeeding syndrome im not a doctor so im not gonna give u the lowdown)
things to focus on during the fast to help prevent rapid weight gain: drink ur god damn liquids. i dont care if ur getting water in thru diet soda or tea or fizzy water or even coffee. that is water, that is a pro and do not listen to ppl who say that water "doesnt count". when you restrict liquids during a fast you will obvi lose more weight in the short term, but during refeeding if u start drinking normally again (as i really hope u are lmao) you will gain this water weight rapidly. u turned ur body into a desert for a few days, and best believe the second u have more liquid ur body is gonna hang on to that for dear life. its better for u and less stressful in the long run to just keep up ur liquid intake during fasts trust me.
and then this is my go to routine for every fast:
every day i take these suppliments: high strength collagen, iron, zinc, a womens multivit, and the unsung hero of fasting? FIBER TABLETS. bro i can fast for over a week and still not be constipated bc im on my SIGMA FIBER GRINDSET
and then my daily intake: at least a liter of water every day with the "Endura brand low carb sugar free electrolyte drink" (in lemon lime flavor) (i put 2 scoops aka 2 serves per liter of water) the taste is super mid but honestly drinking that every day on my last fast made things such a breeze. literally like no headaches, no cramps, minimal dizziness, and my sleep was mostly uneffected.
then i also have either a can or two of coke zero. yes i know it has 1.1 calories and diet coke would be technically more appropriate for a fast, but i hate diet coke and u will not catch my ass drinking it
and then a cup or two of green tea with a 0 calorie sweetener. no recommendations on the sugar bc honestly i swap between brands depending on whats avail at my grocery store that week lmao.
all this liquid and high variety keeps me kinda full, and provides fun taste enrichment so i dont literally go monkey insane drinking plain water for a week. cool if u can do that but ur literally a psycho and not to be trusted frankly
so current goal is at least lunch time saturday. i have plans to do lunch w my friend but honestly if im not rly hungry then and i wanna keep the fast going im just gonna cancel that lunch or even push it to dinner to just get a few more hours in!
as usual, expect weight updates every morning. the starting situation is: 87kg exactly ( 191.8 pounds) , 20% of my weight loss goal achieved. see yall tmro for the update!
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jennhoney · 11 months
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So I’m on my sixth continuous glucose monitor sensor today and thought I’d do a report as I had a couple people ask questions. Mine is a Dexcom 7, everybody is different so everybody will have a different experience but here’s how it went for me:
1st (not pictured) Failed in less than six hours (supposed to last 10 days) I did get slightly sweaty it was a 90 degree day. My nightgown strap ripped it out of my arm when I was changing my clothes. The instructions advise not getting ~moist~ for 12 hours. I’m always moist.
Did research and decided to buy skin tac liquid adhesive and skin grip over patches.
2nd (blue) used skin tac and over patch. Went pretty well stayed on full 10 days.
3rd (yellow) used skin tac and over patch. Went pretty well stayed on full 10 days.
4th (purple) tried it without skin tac, just with the over patch and it stayed on the full 10 days but the readings were a bit flaky. There were times when I know my phone was in my pocket, you must always be within 20 feet of a receiver or it has to recalibrate for up to 20 minutes and you can’t get readings while it is recalibrating, but I would get a no signal reading. I’m unsure if it was just a flaky sensor or if the skin tac helped the previous sensors stay in place and have better more continuous readings.
5th (no color because absolute trash) fell off my arm as I was setting the applicator down. I used skin glue even.
6th (black) this one also almost fell off my arm. Used skin glue and over patch. too soon to tell but it has been telling me I’m dying for like two hours now. The instructions say readings can be very inaccurate for the first day. Very true. An alarm is going off about every 10 minutes. It is not a relaxing Saturday.
My overall review is I wish this worked better for me. The first 10 days of readings had me changing my routines (probably for the better???) I cut out my morning sweet cream in my coffee because I saw that I would spike even though it should have been well within my carb limits. And, at least for now as we are testing me out on less meds, I adjust my meals according to the numbers sometimes restricting my carbs severely rather than the diabetic counseling advice of eating about 60 carbs each meal. It’s been helpful to see the continuous data. I didn’t understand that I can fluctuate a lot and that sometimes my body is correcting itself so I don’t necessarily need to correct things with food or meds or more exercise. Mostly though it’s been fucking frustrating. The applicator is difficult for me to administer myself, the back of the arm is an awkward spot to reach alone especially on a week with a non dominant hand (I’ve been switching arms every 10 days but one doesn’t have to). I think the skin glue helps a lot but it is not tinted so good luck lining the applicator up with the applied glue. I tried making a pen drawn circle and applying the glue inside but I have trouble getting adhesive to stick to my skin so ink was having nothing to do with me. Next time I’ll have a sharpie within reach. You really have to think about when a good time is to change the sensor. You won’t have readings while it is calibrating and you wouldn’t want to do one right before bed . If it’s anything like mine you’ll get alarm readings for at least an hour (and this one is going on three hours of alarm readings). I hate finger pricks and before this I thought the CGM would eliminate the need for finger pricks but please know it does not. You still have to carry your blood glucose monitor with you. There will be strange readings with the continuous glucose monitor that you will have to check and you occasionally have to recalibrate with a blood reading. So I’ve been doing less finger pricks which has been a nice break but none of this has been what I imagined it would be. The only thing that I think is a wild success is the Skin Grips they last the full ten days of life and exercise and (occasional) showers and get a little ragged but not too bad. I take a bit of issue with their idea of rainbow but that’s a me problem.
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healthfitnessmrunal · 5 months
Sugar Defender: A Game Changer for My Blood Sugar Management
I've been battling blood sugar fluctuations for years. The constant highs and lows left me feeling sluggish, irritable, and constantly craving sugary treats. I tried modifying my diet, incorporating more exercise, but achieving consistent blood sugar control remained elusive. That's when I discovered Sugar Defender, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.
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Natural Ingredients, Powerful Effects
Sugar Defender boasts a blend of natural ingredients scientifically chosen to support healthy blood sugar levels. We're talking ingredients like Eleuthero, known for its adaptogenic properties that help the body manage stress, a significant factor in blood sugar spikes. There's also Gymnema Sylvestre, a revered herb in Ayurvedic medicine with research suggesting it may support healthy glucose metabolism. Additionally, the formula includes chromium, a mineral that enhances insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to utilize blood sugar more effectively.
Beyond Blood Sugar Support
What truly impressed me about Sugar Defender is its well-rounded approach to blood sugar management. It goes beyond simply regulating blood sugar spikes. The natural blend also promotes sustained energy levels throughout the day. Gone are the afternoon crashes I used to experience. Plus, I've noticed a significant reduction in sugar cravings, making it much easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Easy to Use and Reliable Results
Sugar Defender comes in a convenient liquid drop form that's easy to integrate into my daily routine. The drops have a slightly sweet taste, making them a breeze to take. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my blood sugar control. My energy levels soared, and the constant sugar cravings subsided. I even started monitoring my blood sugar at home, and the readings consistently reflected a healthier range.
A Valuable Addition to My Wellness Journey
Sugar Defender has become an essential part of my wellness regimen. It's empowered me to take charge of my blood sugar management naturally. If you're looking for a reliable and effective way to support healthy blood sugar levels and experience the positive effects of stable energy, I highly recommend giving Sugar Defender a try. It's a fantastic product that has made a world of difference for me.
Important Disclaimer
It's important to note that I'm not a medical professional, and these are simply my personal experiences. As with any supplement, it's always wise to consult your doctor before starting Sugar Defender, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.
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maaazzzzzy · 1 year
Ana Tips
Fasting is hard.. but black coffee can make it easier! It reduces appetite and makes you feel fuller! I understand it is not tasty or the best thing in the world to some people. I can teach you how to change that!
Step one:
Purchase any zero calorie sugar, for example, stevia. Stevia will not break the state of ketosis during fasting. ("Ketosis is the metabolic state that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.")
Start by adding two packets to your black coffee. This should make it taste sweeter and make it a lot more enjoyable cold or hot.
Step two:
Gradually go down to less stevia (liquid or regular) than you added before. I used two small sugar packets. I put one instead of two into my coffee at first. It was not as sweet anymore but it wasn't disgusting.
Step three:
Next try not to put any of the sugar in. For me, I did prefer it with the sugar (just one packet) but I decided that plain black coffee was better for me and also cheaper. Fake sugar is bad for you so you should try to drink coffee without it. But if you prefer the sugared coffee better you do you! I add to my coffee sometimes as a sweet treat.
I hope this helps! Have a wonderful day.
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Auctober Day 2 - Info Dumping
"Sugar is a molecule called Sucrose." Himari had been talking about sweets again.
"Sucrose is a disaccharide, which means it is made up of two molecules stuck together." For about 10 minutes.
"The two molecules, monosaccharides, are known as glucose and fructose." Together in Ichika's bedroom.
"Because of how sucrose as a molecule is formed, we can make all kinds of candy and sweets, using only sugar and a type of liquid!" Himari was lying on Ichika's bed, talking at length about sweets. And Ichika sat next to the bed, listening.
Listening. Something so simple and easy to do, and yet so many people had failed Himari on that very front.
When she was a child, Himari had no fear of talking about what she loved. And so she would talk, and talk, and talk about sweets whenever someone brought it up. But soon enough, people decided that they were bored of Himari. And so, they would brush her off when she tried to talk about her passion.
Before long, Himari "learned" that people were bothered by her. And so, she stopped talking, about sweets, about books, about... anything really. She'd just quietly stand off in the corner, reading her books, keeping to herself.
Then Ichika came along. 
Ichika was like a bolt of realisation in Himari's life. Ichika loves sweets too, though not in the same way that Himari does. Ichika was passionate, bright, determined. Everything Himari wasn't.
And Ichika cared about her. 
Meeting Ichika led her to meeting the rest of her team too. Pekorin, Aoi, Akira, Yukari, Ciel, and Pikario. 
They all cared about her. They loved her. She could talk about sweets for hours and hours, and they would just sit there and listen. They would ask questions, they would be excited to hear more, they would care about her feelings. They encouraged her to be herself.
Before long, Himari learned that it didn't matter that some people were bothered by her, as long as the people who truly loved her, her true friends, stood by her, then Himari was okay.
Just sitting together, enjoying each other's company, and listening to Himari rattling on about sweets at a mile a minute, made Ichika very happy. 
And that made Himari happy too.
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mrkoolindia · 1 year
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magioffire · 2 years
“If you crave sugar, just ask! You don’t have to wrestle my hummingbird feeder...”
The fae felt like he was positively starving. His kind simply just did not tolerate going hungry, especially during this time of year. Unlike back home -- where almost every tree and bush was heavy with some sort of fruit, and flowers filled with nectar cropped up even in the driest, coldest of Sidhe winters -- this place was utterly devoid of anything he could pluck off a tree and eat. He sniffed out a apple tree, ate as many as his stomach could tolerate, but he was *still* craving more sugar. The fae transformed himself into a moth to better navigate past homes, using his antennae to sniff out the slightest indication of glucose. Then, eventually, he found something he never expected to find in this food desert. He could smell pure liquid sugar, and like a moth to a flame, he immediately went for it. The giant moth landed on the branch above the feeder, scaring off the humming birds and bees with its massive bulk. He crawled down to the feeder, and then woefully realized that in this form -- he didn't have a mouth. So, he elected to transform back into his more humanoid form. He clung to the branch and feeder, until the branch bent under his weight and unceremoniously snapped, sending him and the feeder tumbling to the ground. He wasn't perturbed though, the nectar was *his*. He was about to start pouring the nectar into his mouth when he heard a voice calling him out. Vali stared, wide eyed, splayed across the ground, feeder in his hands. He laid there like that, just staring, for a good while. Usually, he would have chucked the feeder at this interloper and dashed off. But the promise of more sweets was too alluring -- he knew the mortal wasn't lying, he could smell even more sweet things inside. Vali hoisted himself up onto his haunches, placing the feeder back down. He looked at Vail expectantly. The fae placed his palms firmly on the ground, rose up on all fours, his spine flexing easily to allow a mad dash towards the stranger who so woefully offered sugar to a fae preparing for the Wild Hunt. At least Valeriu wasn't currently craving protein.
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Delicious chickpea tortillas in a frying pan. Healthy breakfast 16
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They can be used instead of bread, along with soup, salad, or any other dish. And they can also be used as a separate dish or snack.
In tortillas, you can wrap an omelet with coconut milk, quinoa with vegetables, or just sticks of raw vegetables with tahini.
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You can also make "cream tubes": to do this, fill the tortilla with soft avocado, tahini, or even thick applesauce for children.
You can also make a dessert for the whole family from chickpea tortillas. You just need to add a little coconut sugar to the dough and dip the finished masterpiece in hot chocolate or honey.
Healthy breakfast of sweet potato falafel with sesame seeds. Lesson 15
About the benefits
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As I have already written, I was brought to chickpea tortillas by necessity – doctors forbade eating gluten-containing products, which include wheat and rye flour. The problem of non-tolerance or allergy to gluten has recently become more common, and the complexity of the diagnosis makes many people continue to unknowingly eat foods that are harmful to their health. Therefore, in any case, even a partial replacement of gluten-containing products with gluten-free ones will benefit.
In addition, chickpeas are representative of legumes and have a high content of vegetable protein, and this is important for those who, for one reason or another, restrict the intake of animal food.
Chickpea flour contains many useful elements and vitamins. And such an essential amino acid as methionine is found in chickpeas in greater quantities than in all other agricultural crops.
It is necessary for the human body, as it is directly involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine and acetylcholine. And these substances, in turn, affect the full transmission of various impulses by nerve fibers, that is, normalizing the work of nerve cells.
Back in the early 19th century, Australian scientists found that chickpea flour products practically do not increase blood glucose levels, which means that they can safely be consumed by people suffering from diabetes.
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Chickpea flour 1 cup Water 1-1,2 cup Egg 1 piece Salt to taste Garlic 1 clove Cumin 1/2 tablespoon Turmeric 2 teaspoons Sunflower oil 6 tablespoons
The choice of spices can be any, to your taste. I gave the recipe the ones that I use myself.
Cooking procedure
Mix chickpea flour with salt, turmeric, and cumin in a container. While stirring, gradually pour in 1-1. 5 cups of water. The consistency is slightly more liquid than on pancakes. Add the egg and mix everything together.
Chickpea flour has a special feature – the dough forms lumps that are poorly mixed. But there is also a secret to how to deal with it. You need to put the dough in for half an hour or an hour in the refrigerator. After that, mix again, and there will be no trace of the lumps.
Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. Pour the dough into a thin layer-just as it happens when baking pancakes. Squeeze a clove of garlic into a frying pan using a garlic press.
After the first side is fried, turn the "pancake" over. You can finish by frying the second side. And you can make a tortilla with a filling. For example, putting grated cheese in it. While the second side is being fried, sprinkle the tortilla with cheese.
And then, already on a plate, roll it into a roll. I tried variations of fillings from mushrooms and eggplant. Another option is to wrap raw chopped vegetables (for example, tomatoes and cucumbers) in a ready-made tortilla. All the variations are very tasty. Perhaps you can come up with your own version. Bon Appetit!
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The Benefits of Guava Leaves for Diabetes: Insights from Dr. Partha Banerjee
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Hello everyone! I am Dr Partha Banerjee, and today, I am pretty excited to share some insights from my book “Harvest Harmony” relating to a natural remedy that is gaining attention and has been touted as having benefits in managing diabetes — the guava leaf.
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic disease in the way your body handles sugar-more specifically, glucose-as it triggers high blood sugar levels. To avoid complications, control of blood sugar levels is essential though conventional treatments like insulin are efficient in controlling diabetes; however, many are interested in the natural methods that can complement it.
Guava Leaves: A Hitherto Untold Treasure End
Though often relegated to the background of herbal remedies, guava leaves are full of nutrients and bioactive compounds that hold a possible promise for numerous health benefits, especially for people suffering from diabetes. Here’s a closer look on the benefits of guava leaves for diabetes:
1. Regulate blood sugar levels
Perhaps the most remarkable function of guava leaves is their ability to control blood sugars. Scientific research has revealed that guava leaf extracts can inhibit one of the carbohydrate digestion enzymes called alpha-glucosidase. If guava leaves slow down the activity of the alpha-glucosidase, the increase in the concentration of blood sugars after meals could be slowed down.
2. Full of Antioxidants
Leaves of guava are very rich in flavonoids and tannins that have been reported to prevent oxidative stress within the body. High oxidative stress levels have been frequently related to complications of diabetes. Use of guava leaves in diet may help mitigate such risk and support health generally.
3. Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Some studies show that guava leaf extracts may enhance the sensitivity of insulin. High insulin sensitivity promotes the use of insulin by your body, further lowering blood glucose levels. In a type 2 diabetic patient, for example, improved glycemic control will be brought about by increased insulin sensitivity.
4. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Health
Secondly, it has been traditionally used to treat gut digestive. The system of the gut is very important in diabetes because it helps to regulate how nutrients are absorbed within the body. The anti-inflammatory compounds present in guava leaves help lessen inflammatory-based gastrointestinal discomforts, further supporting metabolic health.
5. Weight Loss
Weight management is also a significant issue for most diabetic patients. Some characteristics of guava leaves should make them effective weight reducers: they increase the feeling of fullness and minimize the urge to consume more. Thus, they will limit overeating, and a balanced diet can be ensured.
How to Incorporate Guava Leaves in Your Life
The integration of guava leaves into your life is relatively simple. Here are just a few suggestions:
Guava Leaf Tea: Steep dried guava leaves in hot water. This might probably be the most basic method to obtain this herbal infusion, which can be consumed plain or with a drizzle of honey for that touch of sweetness.
Dried Form: Guava leaves can also be dried and powdered. This powder can be sprinkled in smoothies or yogurts, and it may also be sprinkled over salads to get a boost of nutrient addition.
In form of Supplements: If you are one who prefers the concentrated form, then look for guava leaf extracts available in capsule or liquid supplement form; always consult a physician when intending to start using a supplement of any kind.
More important, although guava leaves may not be used to cure diabetes, the researchers have confirmed that they give many benefits that may enhance blood sugar regulation and general health. As always, consult your doctor before changes to the diet or treatment schedule.
In “Harvest Harmony,” I delve deeper into the many uses of natural remedies like guava leaves and how they can fit into a holistic approach to health. Remember, nature often holds the key to our well-being. Explore, learn, and embrace the harmony it can bring to your life!
Stay healthy and balanced,
Dr. Partha Banerjee
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coconutsplit · 1 month
Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It serves as the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest other types of food. In humans, as well as in many other mammals, milk is produced naturally to nourish offspring, and it contains a balanced combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
Components of Milk
Water: Milk is about 87% water, which acts as the medium for all other components.
Casein: The main protein in milk, making up about 80% of the protein content. It is responsible for the white color of milk and is important for cheese production.
Whey Proteins: These make up about 20% of milk proteins and include alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and immunoglobulins. Whey proteins are easily digestible and are a popular supplement in bodybuilding.
Butterfat: Milk fat is made up of a mixture of triglycerides, which are responsible for the rich, creamy texture of milk. The fat content can vary depending on the type of milk (whole, reduced-fat, skim, etc.).
Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Milk fat also carries fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.
Lactose: The primary carbohydrate in milk, lactose is a disaccharide made of glucose and galactose. It provides energy and also contributes to the slightly sweet taste of milk.
Vitamins and Minerals:
Calcium: Essential for bone health, calcium is one of the most important minerals in milk.
Vitamin D: Often added to milk, vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium.
Other Vitamins and Minerals: Milk also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, riboflavin (B2), and vitamin B12.
Enzymes and Hormones: Milk contains various enzymes and hormones, including lactase (which helps digest lactose) and growth hormones that are naturally present in the milk of all mammals.
Types of Milk
Animal Milk:
Cow's Milk: The most commonly consumed milk worldwide, available in whole, reduced-fat, low-fat, and skim varieties.
Goat's Milk: Popular in some parts of the world, goat's milk has a different protein structure and is often easier to digest for some people.
Sheep's Milk: Used primarily in cheese production, it has a higher fat and protein content than cow's milk.
Buffalo Milk: Common in South Asia, buffalo milk has a higher fat content and is used to make dairy products like mozzarella cheese.
Human Milk:
Breast Milk: The first and most important food for infants, breast milk is specifically tailored to the nutritional needs of human babies and contains antibodies that help protect against infections.
Plant-Based Milk Alternatives (these are not true milk but are used as substitutes):
Soy Milk: Made from soybeans, it is a common alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan.
Almond Milk: Made from almonds, it is low in calories and is often fortified with vitamins and minerals.
Oat Milk: Made from oats, it is popular for its creamy texture and is also fortified.
Coconut Milk: Made from the grated meat of coconuts, it is used in cooking and as a dairy alternative.
Uses of Milk
Direct Consumption: Milk is consumed as a beverage, either on its own or added to tea, coffee, or other drinks.
Dairy Products: Milk is processed into a variety of dairy products, including:
Cheese: Made by coagulating milk proteins, particularly casein.
Butter: Made by churning cream, which separates the butterfat from the buttermilk.
Yogurt: Produced by fermenting milk with specific bacterial cultures.
Cream: The fat-rich layer skimmed from the top of milk, used in cooking and desserts.
Ice Cream: A frozen dessert made from cream or milk, sugar, and flavorings.
Cooking and Baking: Milk is a common ingredient in many recipes, providing moisture, richness, and nutritional content.
Infant Formula: For babies who are not breastfed, infant formula, often based on cow's milk, is used as a substitute.
Nutritional and Health Aspects
Bone Health: Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth.
Protein Source: It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, necessary for muscle repair and growth.
Hydration: Milk is hydrating, with its high water content, and can be a good post-exercise drink.
Potential Allergies and Intolerances:
Lactose Intolerance: Some individuals lack the enzyme lactase needed to digest lactose, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort after consuming milk.
Milk Allergy: A more severe immune response to the proteins in milk, primarily affecting children but can persist into adulthood.
Milk is a versatile and nutritionally dense liquid that plays a crucial role in human diets around the world. Whether consumed directly or used to create a wide range of dairy products, milk provides essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. However, individual tolerance and dietary preferences may lead some people to choose plant-based alternatives or other substitutes.
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adoctorx · 2 months
Dietary changes like eating more salt and drinking more fluids may help with POTS symptoms. A gluten-free or low FODMAP diet might also help with certain symptoms. When you have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), your heart may beat very fast after you stand up from a sitting or lying position. You may get dizzy, lightheaded, or faint. That’s because POTS causes less blood to return to your heart after you change positions. Anyone can get POTS, but females ages 15–50 are more likely to experience it. Although symptoms generally improve as you age, changing your diet can also help you avoid getting dizzy and lightheaded as often. Here are some diet tips to help you manage your POTS symptoms. 1. Drink enough fluids each day It’s essential to drink enough each day, especially if you have POTS, which causes a reduced blood volume. Experts recommend 2–3 liters (68–101 ounces) of fluids daily. But be sure to check with a doctor if you have heart or kidney disease. Ways to drink more every day include: drinking as soon as you wake up using a water-tracking app drinking a glass of water before each meal replacing other drinks with water keeping a reusable water bottle near you drinking one glass of water per hour at work Another tip: Drink 2 cups (480 milliliters) of cold liquid if you feel faint. That may help boost your blood pressure and lower your heart rate. Beverages to avoid with POTS Drinking more fluid can help with POTS because it can increase blood volume. However, some people may find some drinks unhelpful. Alcohol may make POTS worse because it is a diuretic, meaning it makes you lose fluid, lowering your blood volume. Drinking caffeinated beverages may or may not help. Some people find caffeine helps their symptoms, while others find it makes them worse. The authors of a 2021 research review suggested that people with POTS try caffeinated beverages only if other methods don’t work. Was this helpful? 2. Increase your salt intake Several studies have found that eating more salt may help with POTS symptoms. For example, a recent small study of 27 people found that people with POTS who ate a high sodium diet had fewer symptoms. Recommendations for how much salt people with POTS should aim to eat each day vary from 6–20 grams. Salt is about 40% sodium, so this equals about 2.4–8 grams of sodium. Since this is well above the recommendation of the American Heart Association, check with a doctor first, especially if you have heart or kidney disease. Some salty snack ideas include: pickles olives salted nuts and seeds popcorn cheese anchovies smoked fish miso sauces such as cheese or gravy 3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake Large, carbohydrate-rich meals can cause your body to divert more blood to your digestive tract, possibly worsening POTS symptoms. With POTS, common gastrointestinal (GI) problems include: nausea vomiting bloating diarrhea constipation Foods with a higher glycemic index — meaning your body breaks them down faster — divert blood flow. You can manage your symptoms by basing your meals around vegetable or animal protein and smaller amounts of whole-grain carbohydrates like brown rice, sweet potato, or seeded bread such as rye. People with POTS may also be more likely to have glucose intolerance, a risk for type 2 diabetes. Reducing your simple carbohydrates and replacing them with protein and fiber can help. Foods to eat with POTS dietary supplements recommended by a doctor probiotic and prebiotic foods whole grains like brown rice high protein foods like soy foods and lean meats healthy, salty foods like nuts, pickles, or popcorn Foods to avoid with POTS simple carbs like white rice and sugar sweets baked goods pretzels and chips white bread, white pasta 4. Consume smaller meals Eating a big meal can make anyone sleepy, but it can especially aggravate POTS symptoms.
Digestion causes your body to divert blood from the rest of the body toward the digestive tract. You can avoid this by eating smaller, more frequent meals. Eating smaller meals can help you keep your energy level steady. It can also help if you experience nausea, a common POTS symptom. Experts recommend five to six small meals a day. 5. Identify and avoid food triggers Food allergies and sensitivities may contribute to POTS symptoms. According to a 2018 review, people with POTS commonly report food allergies and intolerances, as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Gluten may be a common food trigger for POTS. A small 2022 study found that a gluten-free diet helped reduce POTS symptoms. However, the researchers noted the need for larger studies. You could try eliminating certain foods from your diet to see which ones trigger POTS symptoms. POTS and IBS People with POTS often report also having IBS. IBS causes uncomfortable symptoms such as: diarrhea constipation bloating gas Some research suggests that a low FODMAP diet might help reduce IBS symptoms in people with dysautonomias like POTS. FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols) are foods that are difficult to digest and may contribute to IBS symptoms. Frequently asked questions What diets are good for people with POTS? Because many people with POTS also have uncomfortable GI symptoms or IBS, some experts recommend a gluten-free or low FODMAP diet. A higher-sodium diet can also help with symptoms, but check with a doctor first, especially if you have heart or kidney disease. What aggravates POTS? Common triggers of POTS symptoms include: getting overheated eating refined carbohydrates like white bread being dehydrated or not drinking enough exercise getting your period resting too much pregnancy trauma viral illness major surgery Does POTS get worse when you eat? POTS symptoms can get worse when you eat large meals because digestion diverts large amounts of blood to your GI tract and away from your heart and brain. This can worsen symptoms. Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day is better to avoid worsening your symptoms. Can POTS cause weight gain? POTS is more commonly associated with weight loss than weight gain. That may be because POTS symptoms, such as nausea, make it harder to take in or process enough calories from food. Takeaway Dietary changes may help reduce POTS symptoms. Drinking more fluids and adding salt to your diet can help, as can eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. You may also want to avoid alcohol, fizzy beverages, and refined carbohydrates like white bread and pasta. GI symptoms can often accompany POTS. Gluten-free and low FODMAP diets may help relieve some of those symptoms. Talk with a doctor about what other changes you could make to reduce your symptoms.
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