#limitless tv
beachesgetpeaches · 8 months
so glad that i rewatched this show but ALSO there truly is no escaping taylor swift not even in a cancelled (prematurely! sucked that it was cancelled! i was devastated ngl) 2015 tv show.
also brian finch is my tv husband no take backsies
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
Whumptober #29
xxx what doesn't kill me...
When Brian bought his car, he’d imagined, foolishly, that he’d be using it to go on epic road trips. Maybe with his sister. Maybe Rebecca. Just junk food, too many energy drinks, mix cds (no aux cord for him!), and the open road. 
Getting pulled over as he drove out to the middle of nowhere to chase down a lead on a case is definitely not what he’d had in mind. Luckily, the officer had let him off with a warning and a stay alert out there.
It’s weird how tired he is. He’s never been this exhausted before while on NZT. He’s also never taken pills back to back with no recovery time and no sleep for two straight days, but it’s an important case. There are lives on the line. 
Surely Rebecca will understand that. 
“Brian? It’s late, are you okay?”
“Heyyy, Rebecca,” he says, wincing at how obvious he’s making it that something happened. He wouldn’t’ve even called her at all if not for the fact that the Bureau is going to find out anyway. One of the conditions of his working for them. He’ll definitely get in more trouble if he lets them find out from the police. “I know it’s late, sorry. I’m fine. Just, uh…I kinda got pulled over. I’m not in any trouble, no ticket or anything.”
“You did the right thing by telling me. What happened? Are you okay? You sound off.”
“It’s the case,” Brian answers. Not the whole truth, but not a lie either. “Look, it’s probably nothing. That’s why I didn’t ask you to come along.” That and the fact that it could be dangerous, but he doesn’t say that part. “I’ll let you know if I find anything. I gotta go.”
He hangs up before Rebecca can answer. She’ll be angry--and deservedly so. He just doesn’t have it in him right now to face her. So he keeps driving, trying to ignore the growing pressure at the back of his eyeballs. 
The NZT tickles something in his weirdly sluggish brain, and the words sleep deprivation make themselves known. Before it can produce a frightening set of statistics about the number of drowsiness-induced car wrecks that happen each year, his head starts to nod.
The NZT would’ve, if it could’ve, reminded him that it’s called a microsleep. They only last for a few seconds.
A few seconds, of course, is all it takes.
Rebecca’s heart pounds as she gets out of her car. The dark street is lit up by lights from the first responder vehicles. The colors catch on the broken glass on the street, lighting up the pieces in short bursts of red and blue. Her fingers move nervously as she approaches the wreckage. 
“Ma’am, I’m sorry but you need to stay back--”
Rebecca digs through her pocket, struggling to keep her frayed nerves in check as she pulls out her badge. “I’m Rebecca Harris, FBI, and that’s my partner.”
The officer seems reluctant, but he doesn’t argue as she moves around him and toward the crash. Her heart is beating so hard it hurts. It’s obvious from the damage that the car rolled. She knows it’s bad. She’s terrified to find out just how bad. It’s everything she has to keep walking. 
Her footsteps slow as she gets closer, her heart leaping into her throat as she lays eyes on Brian. There’s a c-collar on his neck and his head and face are covered in blood. The door’s been crushed inward, and she can see that Brian is pinned by the dash. One of the paramedics is leaning in through the passenger window, the other kneeling on the ground beside her.
“Oh my god, Brian.”
“Reb…Rebecca?” Brian’s voice is quiet, broken, and the paramedic on the ground looks up sharply while the other one, still in the car, raises her voice.
“Whoa whoa whoa, don’t move, Brian. You need to keep as still as you can, remember? Baz, can you get her out of here?”
“No,” Rebecca pleads as the paramedic, Baz, walks toward her with a sympathetic look on his face. “Please, just--He’s my partner, my--my responsibility, and I just…”
Baz puts a hand on her shoulder, gently turning her away from Brian and the wreckage.
“He’s stable,” he says gently. “Firefighters are on their way to help us get him out of the car, and Connie’s starting an IV right now. She can be a little short sometimes, but she’s the best at what she does. Your partner’s in good hands. I know you’re concerned, and I know you want to be there for him. But we need to focus, and we need Brian to focus, alright? So I need you to wait over there.”
“You’ll tell me if anything changes?”
Baz nods. “I’ll do my best to keep you updated.”
She wants to argue. Part of her wants to push him to the ground and run to Brian’s side and stay there until they get him out. But she knows the man is right. Her feet drag as she walks back toward the young officer. 
“Are you the officer that pulled him over?” she asks as she reaches him. “Brian called me before the crash. He didn’t tell me why he’d been pulled over, though.”
The police officer looks nervous, but he nods. 
“Can you tell me what happened, officer…?”
“Harrington. Look, he passed the breathalyzer, I--”
“Breathalyzer?” Drunk driving doesn’t sound like Brian at all. Driving, period, doesn’t really sound like Brian, but apparently he’d had some sort of breakthrough that couldn’t wait…
“Yeah,” officer Harrington says, interrupting her thoughts  “He was weaving. And when I pulled him over, he seemed…well, frankly Agent Harris, he seemed intoxicated. Bloodshot eyes, hand tremors, wasn’t speaking too clearly. He didn’t smell like alcohol, though. And like I said, the breathalyzer was clean. Told me he’d had a long day but that he was fine.”
“So you just let him go?”
The man winces, a guilty expression falling over his features, and it’s obvious that he blames himself. 
Rebecca blames him too.
“There wasn’t much I could do,” the officer says. He won’t meet Rebecca’s eyes. “He was sober.”
“He was exhausted. If there had been anyone else on this road--” She’s interrupted by the telltale sound of a fire engine, and she turns.
“I’m sorry,” Harrington murmurs behind her. She looks at him. His eyes are wide, his expression haggard. “Listen, I’ve--I’ve seen a few of these before. Extractions. They can get…intense. It’s loud. Scary. They’ll be taking him to Good Sam, if you. If you wanna meet him there.”
“No,” Rebecca says. “No, I’m not going anywhere.”
Brian wakes up disoriented, with that unpleasant panicked feeling that comes with being stuck, and it takes a moment to realize that he isn’t.
He’s still catching his breath, heart hammering, when he feels a hand on his, and Rebecca’s face swims into view. 
“Brian, you okay?”
It’s hard to think with the pain that’s starting to creep in from all over, but he nods once, grimacing at the movement. 
“Do you know where you are?”
Antiseptic, IVs, cannula tickling at his nose. The look of worry on Rebecca’s face. He doesn’t need the clear pill to know the answer to that question. “Hospital?”
“Do you remember what happened?”
As consciousness sharpens, so does his mind. His memory. 
Oh, god. 
“I…I crashed.”
Rebecca nods solemnly, her mouth drawn into a thin line. “Yeah. Daryl and Jason found all of your extra research, and the missing pills. NZT doesn’t make you invincible, Brian, and it’s definitely not a substitute for sleep. What were you thinking?”
“I just wanted to find those kids. The window was shrinking, I--Shit, how long have I been--”
“We found them. They day after the crash. They’re back safe with their families. The research you did led us to the house where they were being held. But you can’t…” Rebecca sighs, pushing her fingers against her temples. “What you did resulted in a good thing, but it wasn’t a good thing. You’re incredibly lucky. You could’ve hurt someone else. Someone could’ve died. You could’ve died. Do you get that?”
The pain is starting to deepen, growing sharper and making it harder to focus, but he nods.
“Yeah. I’m really sorry, Rebecca. It won’t happen again.”
“You’re damn right it won’t.”
The pain crescendos and Brain lets out a long groan, brow furrowing and jaw clenching.
“Hey, take it easy! Here.” Rebecca presses a white remote into his hand. “Here.”
Brian takes it gratefully and pushes the little green button, then lets his eyes fall shut as the medication floods his system.
“Brian?” Rebecca’s voice is softer than it had been, gentler. 
“You really scared me. I’m glad you’re okay.”
Brian is already asleep.
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kindaskimpy · 5 months
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there are 2 types of brainrot
“I haven’t stopped thinking about these 2 characters and my life has been irreparably changed by it.”
“This show has changed me for the better/worse, I love this show so much I am crying over this at 3pm in the afternoon.”
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mistbornthief · 2 years
the premiere of Play It By Ear’s got everything: there’s RAPPING there’s DANCING there’s KILLING
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verese-voit-tout · 16 days
Thinking about the moment in the Limitless pilot when Brian Finch walks into a bank, steals a gun from the security guard, holds the gun in the wimpiest fucking grip possible while he holds up the place (& being so polite while he's at is) and asks the bank teller to contact a specific FBI agent so he can solve his friend's murder and
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outlook-hater · 10 months
re-watching the end of S1 E1 of Downton Abbey when they declare WW1
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tuliharja · 1 year
Eight Favorite Shows -tag game
Thanks for the tag @dinainwater! It was a bit hard to decide, since I've more than eight shows that should be on this list, but...
In no order:
Ouran High School Host Club
Ranking of Kings
Recovery of an MMO Junkie
Star Trek: The Original Series
The Orville
The Vampire Series
Why Women Kill
Tagging: (no pressure of course) @callmeasyouwantidk, @officerjennie, @jkrobertson, @hellbubu, @blamedorange, @lemongrass-and-cedarwood, @the-con-she-called-conscience, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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aro-ortega · 1 year
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matt-murdick · 9 months
I love accurate sibling representations in media. like yeah, lie to the cops for your brother and then rat him out to your parents. love it.
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beachesgetpeaches · 8 months
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toiletpotato · 1 year
Norm Lewis singing Waiting for Life is SO JOYFUL AND WONDERFUL oh my gOODNESS
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who's down for sleepover saturday tonight?
i'll answer any asks that come through about cartoons or life stuff, host a teleparty at some point, and maybe go live on twitch to play some games
we'll get the party started around 9 pm et. leave a like or comment on this post if you're interested in joining. see you there!
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emiarainewrites · 2 years
Anyone interested in Blood Drive fics?
Reader inserts mainly. Maybe headcannons, depends on what you might be looking for.
I’d be happy to write for just about any of the main characters (especially Julian Jonathan Slink!)
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I just wanna resurrect this fandom and support it and do something for this show. It richly deserves anything it’s fans can give it.
Like Rocknrolla, if we aren’t getting a continuation then I’m gonna have to get my fix somehow!
Blood Drive is a criminally underrated show that was cancelled WAY too early (fuck you syfy channel). So go check it out and spread the word!!
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pablolf · 1 year
I sometimes teach a college course on celebrity culture. When I have to explain to students what the mythical “It” factor is that differentiates true stars from even other actors, I have an easy trick. I simply say, “There are three Hemsworth brothers,” and a wave of understanding passes through the room. There are three Hemsworth brothers they might recognize on the street; only one has “it.” Chris Hemsworth — indisputably, obviously, singularly — is a star, and, to be a star of that magnitude is to access a certain kind of immortality, even if metaphorically. You will decline, and you will age, and you will lose your edge, but the idea of you, your image out there in the minds of the public or streaming in the halls of Asgard, will outlive your mere body. Limitless is not a show about taking the rich and famous down a peg. In fact, for as much as it spotlights Hemsworth’s blindnesses and naivete, it’s remarkably generous toward him as a person. But it is a surprisingly self-reflective show about what happens to a charismatic, handsome, jacked, vulnerable, aging, deathbound human being who’s watched an image of himself achieve an immortality that he’ll never know. Despite that, Chris Hemsworth is, like a lot of people, like me, a generally happy guy, pushing 40, with a loving partner and a job he likes, just trying to keep a handle on his kids at the restaurant, just trying to breathe.
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