#desperately need to figure out how to get this off my TV and onto my computer for you all to see
toiletpotato · 1 year
Norm Lewis singing Waiting for Life is SO JOYFUL AND WONDERFUL oh my gOODNESS
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hispg · 9 months
My sweet friend
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Pairings: Best friend Leon! x fem! Reader
Wc: 2.2k
Summary: After a party you decided to sleep in your best friend's house, little do you know that sleeping is the last thing that he'll do.
Warnings: Porn without plot, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, somnophilia, dub-con, drunk sex, dirty thoughts, a bit of dirty talk, shameless smut.
He was shirtless, just wearing his sweatpants, all at ease as he waited for the episode to finish.
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Another quiet evening in Leon's apartment. He was just lazing around watching some series on TV. It was his day off, so he was making the most of it.
He wasn't one for staying up late, and considering it was already half past ten at night, it was high time he fell asleep.
He was about to doze off on the sofa when he heard the doorbell ring. This puzzled him since he hadn't invited anyone to his apartment that night.
Sleepily, he got up from the sofa and headed for the door. He opened it while rubbing his eyes, not even paying attention to who was waiting for him.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite police officer!" You say in a slightly raspy, slurred voice. You were very loud that night.
He opens his eyes, noticing your figure. He was used to these visits from you. After all, you were best friends, but he'd never seen you so loose like this.
"Uhm, what are you doing here?" The question came quietly from his lips, although he kept a sweet smile for you.
Of course, he heard when you started talking, but paying attention to what you were saying was another story. His eyes traveled down your body, and seeing the way your curves were being hugged by your tight black dress was simply immoral.
He took a deep breath, remembering every detail. It wasn't hard to guess that you were coming from a party, and you looked so beautiful.
"Mhmmm, Leon! Will you let me in?" You whimpered slyly, throwing yourself into his arms.
"Ugh, you stink of alcohol." He grumbles, gently dragging you inside.
All you did was mumble some nonsensical things, which frankly Leon didn't even try to pay attention to. He just dragged you into his room, laying you on the bed.
You needed that, just as you would need him the next day. He swore to God he was trying not to look at you, but the way your curves were so exposed in that dress.
He shouldn't have, but he could already feel his blood pulsing in his lower body. As a precaution, he decided that he would sleep on the sofa for the night until he heard your whimper.
"Am I going to sleep alone? No! What if there's a monster under the bed?" You said in the same drunken, raspy voice. He wondered how much you'd had to drink that night. And for making the situation more amusing somehow, you sat on the bed and pouted at him.
He hides a laugh from you, finding your childish behavior comical, to say the least.
"Ok, I'll sleep here. But if you kick me out of bed, I'll throw you out. Do you hear me?" Leon whispers jokingly, sticking his tongue out at you.
You nod desperately, pulling him into bed with you. He falls onto the bed gently, snuggling into his side.
And once you lay back down on his bed, he can't help but look at you with the most pleading eyes on earth. Even if you're not noticing it, too busy trying to be comfortable on his bed.
But he can't help it. The way your dress always lifts up a bit, threatening to show the curve of your ass. Fuck, too exciting for him not pay attention. He could end this, surely, just putting a blanket over you would solve the problem.
And that's exactly the point, he don't want to solve the problem.
He preferred to stay on his side of the bed, looking at your ass bouncing every time you tried to get on a comfortable position, the way that the dress drawns your curves so damn perfectly.
He swear to God that he's trying to not think about it, but the way that his cock is throbbing on his pants says otherwise. He even grabs a pillow, softly rubbing against his erection, hoping that this helps him to ease a little.
Didn't take long for him to get mad about it, why instead of the pillow, it couldn't be that pretty mouth of yours? That pretty plump, pink lips of yours? Damn, the way that it would fit perfectly around his cock.
Or even better, what if he can use that pretty pussy of yours? He can bet that your pussy it's just pretty as you.
Without even noticing, his hands slipped through his pants, his fingers rubbing the tip of his hard cock. And he can already feel the considerable amount of pre-cum sliding down on this dick, messing his thighs on the process.
When he felt what he was doing, he stopped himself, thinking about how wrong it was. No, it was too dirty to do that while you were beside him.
He breathed heavily, trying to focus on getting his composure back. He got his phone, and started to scroll it, praying that this give him some sleep, so he can just close his eyes and rest, even if he doubt that he's going to be able to sleep this night.
A couple of minutes later, he felt a bit more calm, taking deep breaths and trying his best to not think about you. But when he turned to your side, his mouth fell open, eyes widening at the sight.
There you were, laying on your stomach, your dress was now at your waist, giving him a perfect angle of your bare ass cheeks. His mind goes wild, seeing how round and plump they're.
And then again, he felt his cock hardening, so damn hard that he can see it through the sheets.
"Fuck me.." He murmured, drooling at the magnificent sight of your bare ass.
His hands trembled, and he was willing to at least give a squeeze on that ass, he can't control himself. It was such a hot sin in front of him.
And well, before he even realized his hand was on his cock, palming himself to get some relieve.
His another hand roaming in your arms, gently caressing it. He can't believe how much he gets aroused only by such a simple touch like this. He felt your soft skin under his fingertips, and it was so damn smooth.
You shivered at his touch, even if you were sleeping, just one involuntary action. As if even when you were sleeping, you still wanted his touch.
He couldn't help, letting out a soft whimper while he was jerking off, feeling so excited over you. He can't contain himself, too much for him.
Finally, his hands reached your lower back, and he started to play with the waistband of your panties, wanting to desperately feel what's underneath.
Slipping his hand down further, he gets to touch your ass cheek. Dragging his fingers over it, rubbing and giving little squeezes. Feeling the soft flesh of your ass.
And shit, he felt so turned on by that. Cock twitching and pulsing on his hand, he's sure that once he come, it's going to be a thick,long load. He's more than sure of it.
You stirred, shifting your ass a bit more up, stretching yourself a bit, soon turning back to your normal position.
And then again, Leon whimpered, hand dangerously close to your covered pussy, fingers roaming eagerly your ass, wavering around each centimeter.
That purked little cunt, that he desperately wants to suck and lick until you're begging him to stop. That little cunt that he wants to fuck over and over, and fill it up with his cum. 
In an impulsive thought, his hands slide to your already wet folds, not touching it directly. The tip of his indicator finger stroking it above your soaked panties, and he was whining so damn much right now.
He keeps telling himself that this is wrong, that he shouldn't be doing this. But hell, if is this bad, why you're so fucking wet? There is no way that you didn't want this, too.
The way that you started to rub your thighs together, pressing them against each other so tightly. This was the bit of sight that he needed, and well, he would keep going.
He kept stroking his cock with one hand,  he was trying his best to not cum that fast, but he can't help it. When he entered his finger on you, feeling your tight wet walls sucking him in, he whined loudly, more than he should.
Words can't describe how relieved he felt knowing that you were a deep sleeper this night, maybe from the tiredness along with the fact that you were a bit drunk. Enough to knock you down on this bed.
Then again he slipped another finger, whimpering at the sensation of your tight little cunt. Wanting so bad that it was his cock instead.
His fingers started to grind you, moving at a slow and steady pace. Feeling your gummy and velvety walls embrace him tightly.
"Mhm.." There it was, your sweet voice moaning at his touch.
You started to stir, drowsy opening your eyes. Your eyes nervously darts around, while Leon look at you with a soft smile, as if he wasn't doing anything. But you could clearly feel how hot it was between your legs, you could feel your fluids dripping down your thighs.
Too bad you were too tired to protest, not that you were against it either. Not least because as soon as you realized what he was doing, you swung your hips towards him, thrusting in a way that made what he was doing easier.
Another sweet whimper escapes his lips, his fingers start to move faster. In and out, curving around and hitting your sweet spots. By then, you were buried in the pillow, letting out sleepy cries and moans, and that made him even hornier.
Just seeing that you accepted him even though you were in such a vulnerable state made him lose his mind easily. And without waiting long, he asked you, "Do you want me to rock you?"
It seemed like an innocent proposal at first, not that you were in the best state of mind.
But all you did was nod, wanting him to rock you to sleep. He quickly withdrew his fingers from you, making you whimper at the emptiness you felt.
He licked his fingers, savoring the taste of your sweet honey. And indeed it was just as he imagined, you were as sweet and delicious as honey.
And then he pulled you to him, your back against his chest, one of his hands finding your hips, pushing them forward a little.
In one swift movement, he shoved his cock into you. With one strong, deep thrust, he was all the way inside you.
Only now did you understand what he meant, it wasn't a proposal to go to sleep.
He was going to rock into you.
"Mhmh, Leon..." You moan softly, your fingers curling into the pillow.
"Shh, I'll put you to sleep." He whispers in a little whimper, feeling overwhelmed by the way your pussy nestled his cock so well.
This was better than you imagined, him thrusting gently while holding you by the waist, moving in and out.
He whimpered so much, it was so good the way your spongy walls gripped him, pulled him in.
The poor thing was so needy that he couldn't stop touching you, kissing your neck, biting and licking the soft skin.
Just as he stroked your clit from time to time, only to feel your little hole clench around him.
"I'm close." You moaned a little louder, your nails sinking into the pillow.
He growled in your ear, squeezing your waist and thrusting in without warning. He knew he was close too, and surely he couldn't wait to come inside you, to fill you with his cum until you couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm going to fill you up, until my cum starts leaking out." He murmurs, rocking his hips at an abnormal speed. Moving back and forth without stopping.
"Mhmhmm, ah, ah..." You babble, not even making the effort to speak a single sentence.
"Getting fucking drunk on that cock, aren't you?" He groans, thrusting into your weak spot, making you see stars every time.
Enough for you to fall apart, calling his name again and again, your walls slapping against his cock, spilling everything you had to offer.
That was the last straw for him too, you could feel the first spurts inside you. And just as he imagined, it was a long load, he can see it running down your wet folds. He gives you a satisfied smile, seeing what he's wanted to see for ages.
You were breathing heavily, your lips parted, and your eyes closed. He was almost in the same state, except he was wide awake.
He kisses your cheek, pulling the covers over you both, not even bothering to clean up around here.
"Sleep well, sweetheart." He whispers, tucking you into the same big spoon position.
Giving you a tight hug and light kisses on the neck, and that's how it went until you both fell asleep.
Being honest? He couldn't wait for the next day, because he was going to do it all over again.
Oh, how he would.
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bonny-kookoo · 5 months
I’m obsessed with my princess. I’ll take a late night snack if you have one 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
Since I've been yelled at to make more brat tamer kook content: Here you go, some sweet tension!
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Jungkook has come to learn that you know very well how to get under his skin by now.
And you also, not just on occasion, make it a fun game for yourself to see how much you can annoy him before he snaps. Maybe because he's been pretty lenient with you compared to how he would normally like to go at it. He can't really do much about it either- his wolfblood constantly telling him to put you back into your proper place in the pack.
A pack he doesn't have, but that doesn't mean his instincts know that too.
Jungkook doesn't have many canine hybrids as friends, except maybe Yoongi. But since he's bonded to his own partner, Jungkook doesn't really feel any sort of need to care for him like he does with you- though he's not too sure why he's starting to get so attached to you either.
You're just friends- and even that would technically be a stretch to say. He doesn't know you, and you don't know him either.
But he can't deny the fact that he really.. enjoys this game of push and pull you two constantly seem to engage in, every bark sent into your direction only momentarily causing you to follow his word. Maybe you're instinctively able to really figure out if he's being genuinely angry or upset at you, or if he leaves room for you to try and test him on his threats, because otherwise, he'd not be too sure as to why you're just so good at walking that line with him.
And sometimes he has to admit, his fingers are itching.
Just like today, where you're just constantly annoying him by either repeating his words for no reason, or by making his job absolutely impossible. Though, taking care of you at your apartment and making sure you're getting the hang of normal everyday life-tasks wasn't really in his job description, to be fair. He's not even getting paid extra for this.
Why is he doing this again?
He's not sure, but he also can't really think about it for much longer, because right now, you've overstepped the line. There's no way you don't know what you're doing, and no one can blame him for physically acting on this, because how dare you.
You just bit him.
And he's reacting accordingly, at least if someone was to ask his instincts in that moment, a hand on the back of your neck pressing you down into your couch, while you growl to yourself. And the second he realizes what he's doing, he wants to apologize-
when he notices your tail wagging. Even this right now, is still a fucking game to you.
"Don't tell me you're pissed just cause I nipped your arm there." You laugh, probably sensing that he's not serious yet. "Boo-hoo. Now lemme go, I wanna watch TV-" You start to struggle, successfully slipping out of his grip- but he's not done yet.
He can't let this stand.
So just as you're ready to slip off the couch, he grabs you by your waist, just to pull you back, his body entirely covering yours, keeping you in place while he bites your neck.
Scruffs you, like the spoiled, unmannered pup you are.
And the reaction is almost instantaneous- compared to how on other occasions you've simply accepted and reluctantly agreed to his scolding, right now, you're fully submitting, tail between your legs underneath him, a soft whine coming from you. And it's now that he realizes, he's never had the upper hand over you, never had you under control at all.
You've always simply let him win.
Once he lets go of you, ready to apologize for acting so harshly, you instead crawl onto his lap, clinging to him, quietly. Visibly in need for his comfort again, desperate to get back on his good side.
Oddly how he remembers himself acting when he was younger, and scolded by his own parents.
Suddenly, you're not all that bold anymore, not even apologizing, simply leaning into him, rubbing your cheek against his clothes whenever he stops holding you. It all happened so quickly that he doesn't even process it that much right now, but all he knows is that whatever happened definitely got the message across for you.
"I'll never bite again.." You mumble into his shoulder, hiding away from him, and he laughs, running a hand up and down your back.
"No, it's fine. It just caught me off guard." He explains himself. "I'm a wolfdog mix, so I apologize I reacted like that. I couldn't really help it." He offers you, and you nod.
"No, I was being mean." You defend him. "Can I continue cuddling you? Or do you want to leave?" You ask, giving him the genuine option to go- and he knows, he probably should.
But instead, he shakes his head, and sits a bit more comfortably.
Holding you until you fall asleep, while he watches some random TV channel in your apartment.
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stars1997 · 3 months
left alone
Paring(s): Jack Hughes x Fem!Reader (Trevor Zegras's sister) Warnings: NSFW!!! Smut, making out, p in v, unprotected sex, oral (F receiving), getting caught, swearing, very vocal jack, desperate jack, Use of y/n, nicknames (baby, good girl), not edited.(let me know if i missed any) Summary: y/n gets invited to the Hughes's lake house this summer with her brother. She and Jack end up having the house to themselves. Jack then finds out that she has had a crush on him.
word count: 1.9k
All the boys were supposed to be out getting food for this big barbeque they wanted to have tonight. I was lying in bed, trying to find something to watch on Netflix, just happy to have the house to myself even if it’s only for a short time.
This summer has been crazy. The lake house has been filled with a bunch of rowdy hockey players, and being the only girl in the house, it can sometimes get overwhelming.
After what felt like ages of trying to figure out the TV and then pick something to watch, I finally decided to watch Mamma Mia.
This was my first time coming to the lake house. Normally, it’s just Trevor who gets invited.
Ellen thought it was a good idea for the boys to invite me. I have been cooped up in my dorm room all school year, so I needed a good vacation.
I also think she told them to invite me because she knew that you have had a crush on Jack for a while now.
As I was pulling the comforter over my legs there was a knock at the door. But before I could answer, they just let themselves in.
Jack walks into the room and tosses himself onto the bed. “Hey.” He says his voice monotone as he puts his hands under his head before his head hits the pillow, his eyes focused on the TV mounted on the wall in front of the bed.
He gives the TV a weird look and reaches for the TV remote. He was already changing the channel before I could even register what was going on. Jack and I have never really hung out alone. So, him choosing to hang out with me caught me off guard.
“Hey, I was watching that!” I say, reaching over to try and take it out of his hand.
“Mama Mia sucks. I’m putting on Jaws,”  he says, still no emotion in his voice as he speaks.
“Don’t you have a TV in your room? Why did you have to come into mine to watch it?” he scoffs at me like I’m supposed to know why he’s in my room.
“Jaws is scary. I was also lonely because the guys left without me to go get the food,” he says, turning the volume up on the TV. I let out a huff and rested my back against the headboard.
Jack made himself comfortable as I picked up my phone to text my friend about what was happening.
Jack is in my room right now. He just walked in and changed the movie that I was watching. I don’t know why he couldn’t just watch it in his room. He told me that he was lonely.
Omg! He totally likes you! You should tell him that you like him.
No, I'm not doing that. Are you crazy? He’s just going to laugh in my face and then it’s just going to be awkward between us.
I mean why else would he be in your room right now if he didn’t like you? I say go for it! I love you and all but I'm tired of hearing you talk about how hot he looks when he has just woken up and that you wish he would just rip your clothes off you.
Whoa! I have never said that!
You didn’t have to I always know what you are thinking about. That’s why we’re best friends. Now go and get your man.
You know that nothing could ever happen between you two. Trevor would not be happy to find out that his best friend is getting with his sister.
I place my phone down and get up to go grab a snack. When I come back to the room I see Jack looking through my phone.
“Why the hell are you going through my phone? How the fuck did you even get into my phone? It was locked when I left.” Putting the bowl of popcorn down, I run over to where he’s now sitting on the side of the bed and snatch my phone out of his hands.
“It kept dinging, and I see you type in your code all the time,” he said a smirk now on his face. “So… you have a crush on me?” The smirk never left his face.
“No. What would make you think that,” I say trying to play it off. Trying to act like he wasn’t just looking through your messages with your friend. “Well, first you’re a horrible liar. Second, you are texting your friend about how you think I'm so hot when I have just woken up and that you wish I would rip the clothes off you.” I’m now painfully aware of how close we are to each other. I’m standing so my legs are in between his.
“Now what if I told you that I have liked you for years? And it’s been hell not being able to tell you.” He looks up at me as I cross my arms at what he’s saying. “You're just messing with me because you now know that I like you. So, qui-” He cuts me off by standing up and kissing me.
“Is this ok?” His voice is almost a whisper, almost too quiet for me to hear over the movie that’s still playing. like he was scared to ask.
I shake my head yes. His lips find mine again. The kiss is hard and fast like he was scared I might pull away. “I have been wanting to kiss you for so long,” He says, bringing one of his hands up to cup the back of my neck. His other hand finds its way to my lower back, right above my ass, as he kisses me again.
His hands now travel to the back of my thighs picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He sits back down on the edge of the bed. My hips rocking against him, trying to relieve the tension that has grown between my thighs.
He lets out a grunt, moving both his hands up to my waist so he can help me grind against him. “Fuck. If you keep going, I'm going to cum soon,” he says, still grinding me against the bulge in his pants. “Jack. Please, I need you,” I say, my voice all breathy and whiny.
That’s all he needs to hear before he picks me up and tosses me on the bed. I pull my shirt over my head throwing it to the side. He climbs over me, taking the waistband of my sleep shorts in his hands, and pulling them off me. I’m now in nothing but my underwear. His eyes rake over my body before he kisses me again.
His lips travel down my body to right above my underwear. He hooks his finger in my underwear and pulls it down, placing a few kisses on my thighs as the cold air hits my wet folds.
“Fuck, you're beautiful. If I had known that you liked me as well, I would have asked you out a long time ago,” he says before he hooks his arms around my legs, his hands holding me down at my hips. Kissing me one last time on my thigh before he licked up my folds, sucking my clit into his mouth.
I let out a gasp that turned into a loud moan. His tongue flicks over my clit as he sucks. I try to buck my hips up, his hands keep me in place. His beard scruff rubbing my thighs, creating a burning feeling, and adding to the pleasure. My hands make their way to his hair, tugging hard. He lets out a few grunts as he switches from sucking my clit to lapping at my entrance, making me moan.
“Jack! Fuck, I'm getting close. Don’t stop!” My hands still tugging at his hair. His hands grip my thighs as he pulls me closer to his face. Letting out more grunts he moves back to sucking and licking at my clit.
A loud moan leaves my mouth and my back arches off the bed. “Jack! Oh god. Yes. I’m-.” My sentence gets cut off with another loud moan as my orgasm hits me hard.
“Fuck y/n. you taste so fucking good," he says, kissing his way back up my body, stopping to suck on my nipples.
When his lips make it to mine, I can taste myself on his lips. He pulled away to take his shirt off, now only in his gray sweatpants. A wet spot where the tip of his cock sits pressing against the fabric.
“Lay down I want to ride you,” I say making my way to straddle him.
I reach my hands out and touch his chest. Running them down so they rest on the waistband of his sweats. Only pulling them down enough to pull his cock out.
My thumb slides over the tip and he lets out a hiss. “Come on baby don’t tease me.” His lips form into a little pout.
I adjust myself so I’m now hovering over his cock. I run his tip through my folds, and he lets out little whines. I slowly slide him in, and he tries his best to hold back a moan. “Fuck! Baby, you're so tight. You feel so good around me. Move baby. Need to you move please.” His voice is desperate.
His hips bucking up into me. I start bouncing, and my head tips back from the pleasure. I feel his hand slide from my hips up to my breasts. I let out a loud moan as he rolled my nipples between his fingers.
“Shit. You're doing good. Such a good girl for me.” He thrust to meet my movements. “Jacky! Yes!” My nails run down his chest. With every thrust, he lets out a little whine and mumbles curse words under his breath.
We were too focused on each other to hear the front door close downstairs or the footsteps up the stairs.
“y/n! Jack! Come help us bring in the food,” Quinn yells as he makes his way up the stairs. Shocked expressions make their way onto our faces as we scramble to move away from each other. I grab the closest thing to cover me, it so happens to be Jack's shirt pulling it over me. Jack pulls up his sweatpants and I'm sliding on my underwear right when the door opens.
“y/n have you seen-” Quinn’s mouth drops open and looks between the two of us. Then he lets out a laugh. “Oh boy. Trevor is not going to be happy about this,” Quinn laughs. “Trevor! You owe me twenty dollars!” Quinn rushes out of the room and back down the stairs. I look at Jack wondering if he knew what Quinn was talking about. He looks at me just as confused. We make our way down the stairs following Quinn into the kitchen.
“You owe me twenty dollars,” Quinn says with a big smile on his face. “No! I told you I was not making a bet on when your brother and my sister were going to hook up. That’s gross bro. Jack, I’ll beat your ass later but right now we have a barbeque to host!” Trevor makes his way back outside. Me and jack just look at each other in shock.
“you guys knew?” I ask, now very confused. “Yeah! Your crush on him was so obvious to everyone, well except to him,” Trevor yelled into the house. Everyone let out a small laugh as they went out to help Trevor outside.
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peetaslefttoe · 1 year
Heyy! Btw just saying I love your work! 💚
Could you maybe do an imagine where Peeta is fucking us up against a wall? I just think that would be very hot ngl. 🥵
warnings: degrading, praise, shower smut
summary: request above
author’s note: aw tysm! i love this idea 😭 (reader is in Katniss’s place) sorry it’s kinda rushed
Masterlist Pinned xx
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You strode onto the elevator, trailing behind Peeta. You tried to his your exhaustion from tonight festivities, not to mention the thoughts swarming you as you prepared to face the arena once again. You tried to calm your mind, focusing on your surroundings, the elevator doors squeaking shut, the sweet smell of Peeta’s cologne, the feeling of the dress hugging your skin. You let out a sigh, trying to slow your breathing. Peeta’s eyes flicked to you, concern pooling behind them. He chewed at his bottom lip, looking back towards the doors, confusion written on his face. The elevator dinged, shaking you from thought as Peeta walk out and into the hallway.
You stood at the full length mirror, taking in the now burnt dress cloaking your figure. Peeta walked behind you, looking at you in the mirror. Your eyes met and you saw the concern once more.
“You okay?” He finally murmured against your hair.
“Yeah… just- worried,” you whispered, swallowing down a sob.
“I know, I know… so am I,” he said quietly.
“I can’t get my mind off it, I’m so scared Peeta,” you shivered. He placed his arms around you, embracing your tired form in his warmth.
“Mm is that what you need? A distraction?” his voice was low, making your stomach flutter.
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly, clenching your thighs and trying to stifle your feelings towards him. Surely he was just going to watch some tv, maybe read a book with you, get you mind off things… right?
“Mkay, how about you take a shower?” he kissed your bare shoulder gently, startling you but comforting your pounding heart. You nodded, meeting his eyes in the reflection. You followed him into the grand bathroom, a shower and bath so large only the capital could have. He leaned into the shower, flicking on the warm water and letting it run. Peeta turned his attention back to you.
“Here,” he brought his hand to the zipper of your dress, brushing your hair out of the way and dragging it down your back. He leaned into your neck, peppering you in wet kisses.
“Peeta?” you said quietly, he couldn’t feel this way for you too, could he?
“Shh we can talk tomorrow, let me make you feel better,” you felt your heart swell, you turned clutching his face and kissing him passionately. Something you’d been waiting to do for a long time. He kissed you back harshly, gripping your lower back and tugging you to him. He broke away, planting a kiss on your collarbone before tugging your dress down. He helped you step out of it, kissing your sore legs as he went. You shook under his soft touch, your core throbbing for him. You took off your bra, his piercing eyes never leaving yours as he looked up at you.
“Can I?” he tucked his warm fingers into the top of your panties as he searched for permission. You nodded shyly.
“Words baby,” he warned, you were certain your underwear were absolutely soaked now if they weren’t already.
“Yes, yes please Peeta,” you whined, desperate for his touch. He smirked at your begs and slid your panties down and off your body. He pressed an open mouth kiss to your pubic bone, before nipping at your hips.
“Fuck, can’t believe this is what you’ve been hiding under those district outfits,” he groaned palming his hardening length. You blushed, crossing your arms and looking away.
“Let me see you darling, come on,” he coaxed your arms away from your bare body, squeezing your eyes closed. You heard him stand, and shuffle out of his ravishing matching outfit.
“Open your eyes Y/N,” you slowly did as he asked, looking into his beautiful face once more.
“Good girl, so fucking gorgeous,” he praised, kissing your cheeks. You blushed even further, turning to putty under his gaze. You suddenly noticed he too was naked, you couldn’t help your eyes wandering down his perfect form. You couldn’t help but yearn to lick his sweat soaked torso as you scaled his figure. You eyes landed on his thick, throbbing cock. The head dripping with pre-cum, balls heavy as his chest heaved with excitement. He guided you into the shower, no doubt checking you out once more. The hot water hit your body, soothing your tense muscles and dripping down onto your face. Peeta ran his hands through his wet hair, his arms flexing making you clench.
“Peeta,” you whined, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck the life out of you right then and there.
“Tell me what you want, tell me how I can make you feel better,” he said smugly, kissing you softly.
“Want you to fuck me,” you finally said, steam from the water floating between you both. As soon as the words left your mouth he was pressing you against the slippery tile behind you. He kissed you roughly, biting at your lip before licking them gently. He slipped an arm around your waist, patting your ass gesturing for you to straddle him. You wrapped your bare legs around his damp hips, looking up at his water soaked face.
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this, the things I want to do to you Y/N…” he nearly moaned as he looked at your exposed skin.
“Please Peeta, do them, everything you want to do to me, use me,” you begged shamelessly, aching for him.
“Mm I will darling, gonna distract you so well,” he whispered, raising you higher against the wall and sucking at your hardened nipples. You threw your head back, grasping his hair roughly as he massaged your other boob.
“Oh my god, please!” you whined, rutting your hips into him. He smirked, flashing his dimples before reaching a hand down to your throbbing cunt. He bit back at strangled groan as he ran his fingers through your slit.
“You’re so fucking wet, is this all because of my outfit?” he asked.
“Fuck Peeta, you don’t know how much that’s been torturing me, if you’d asked I would’ve gotten down on my knees in front of the fucking capital for you,” you whimpered, your desperation eating you alive. He swore under his breath, before inching his thick member into your pussy. You whined loudly as he stretched your weeping hole around him.
“Oh my god, you’re so tight princess,” You nearly came at his words, clinging to his back. He clutched your hips as he pulled out slowly, until only his tip held you open. Before you could beg for his cock once again he slammed back into you. You shook with pleasure as he thrust into you. You arched your back giving his access to plunge deeper inside you, he blushed your sweet spot making your eyes widen as you gasped.
“Right there?” he smiled before repeatedly slamming into your aching walls. Your eyes rolled back as he bounced you on his member, your back hitting the wall as you held onto him.
“Holy shit Peeta, your stretching me so good,”
“Who knew you were such a fucking cock slut,” he said smugly, surprising you with the harsh contrast from his usual shy demeanour. You couldn’t even respond to his dirty words as he fucked you senseless. He brought a hand to your through squeezing softly and making your wet pussy tighten around him.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you? Is that what you’ve been so desperate for today?” he said breathily, thrusting into you faster.
“Yes yes yes, your arms looked so fucking hot, needed you to choke me Peeta,” you whimpered, a blubbering mess as he pounded you. You felt a knot growing in your stomach, your pussy clamping down around him as he used you.
“Cum all over me darling, you’re taking me so well,” he muttered, his praise making you throb. You brought a hand to your clit rubbing it furiously as he slammed into your abused hole repeatedly.
“Look at you, filthy girl, acting all innocent up on stage when all you wanted was for me to choke you while I fucked your raw cunt, so desperate you’re playing with your little clit like a bitch,” he choked you harder as his thrusts became sloppy, plunging deep into your pussy. Your legs shook around his hips, a heat growing in your pussy as Peeta hit your sweet spot over and over against. The sound of the shower water hitting the floor and his dick fucking your soaked hole filled the room.
“That’s it, soak my cock,” You moaned loudly, whimpering his name as you tilted over the edge. You thrashed against his cock, you mouth hung open in pleasure. He moved his hand from your throat down between your hips, smacking your swollen clit as he fucked your through you high. Your walls squeezed around him as he groaned, pumping his warm cum inside you. You both stilled, you stayed against the wall for a minute or two as you regained your composure. Peeta leaned back helping you up and off his cock and placing your feet back on the slippery tile. He kissed you gently, running his hands along your shoulders as he embraced you.
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cmncisspnandmore · 6 months
Coming home to you: Captain John Price X Reader
Pairing: Captain John Price X Wife reader
Warnings: Slight OOC John (? maybe??), mentions of dead child, mentions of death, typical COD violence. Sad john.
A/N: This is probably going to either be a mini series, or maybe even a whole series. Im not entirely sure yet, but I cant get Farmer!John Price out of my head. So here it is. This first part kinda gives you a look into what I feel like can happen when missions are tough and John is able to come home to someone he trusts completely, what happens behind the scenes.
Word Count: 2412, On the shorter side, mainly setting the scene. next part will be longer.
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You toe off your mud caked boots as you pull your hood off. Droplets of rain fall to the dark hardwood floors. Leaving a small puddle on the floor, a deep sigh leaves your lips as you look down at the mud tracks. You had just washed that this morning, which you wouldn't have done if you had watched the weather and knew that you were going to be getting rain and Gale force winds this afternoon. 
But while John was gone, you couldn't bring yourself to watch the News. There was always this dreadful turning in your gut when we tried to watch the News when he was on deployment. The kind of anxiety you feel when someone says they need to talk to you. You remember the first time you watched the News after you and John started dating, he was away on deployment. You had sat down on your small couch in your too small flat, curled up with a cup of coffee, and watched the morning News like always. It wasn't until they announced that a Military Helicopter had been shot out of the sky that you started to panic. 
You called John 8 times that morning, begging him to pick up the phone, to tell  you he wasn't on the helicopter. But he didn't answer once, it wasn't late that night that he finally called you back. Apologizing profusely for not being able to call you sooner, he spent almost 2 hours on the phone with you that night. Shushing you as you sobbed, telling him how you thought he was dead all day. John was patient with you, he explained it wasn't his helicopter that he and his team were safe. He told you how he couldn't receive cell phone reception until they got back to the base they were working out of, and how he was so sorry you went through that. 
From that moment on you promised to never watch the news while he was gone, you would wait for someone to tell you personally that something had happened. Because you never wanted to feel that way again. So now during John's deployments, no matter how long, the Tv in the living room remained off. 
“Pretty wet out there huh?” A deep voice rumbles, John's shadowy figure leaning against the wall, his boonie hat pulled down shielding his eyes in the dim lighting of the kitchen. 
“Bloody Hell!” you gasp, your hand flying up to your chest. Your eyes wide as you look up from your wet shoes. “You scared the hell outta me!” You scold, desperately trying to keep your smile at bay. 
John pushes off the wall, his blue eyes trailing up your body as he takes in your wet clothes and hair. “Just now, I didn't mean to scare ya, Sweetheart,” he smiles as he stands in front of you. His tight fitted gray shirt stretched across his broad chest, as he reached forward, pulling you into his arms. You instinctively wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into the center of his chest. 
“I missed you so much…” You mumble into the soft fabric, the scent of tobacco and his cologne flooding your senses. The nagging voice that constantly whispered all the terrible things that could happen while John was away finally quieting, as you held onto him.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs into your hair. “I’m sorry I was gone so long… Things didn’t go as planned…” he clears his throat, as he pulls you a little tighter.
You pull back slightly so you can look at his face, in the dim lighting of the kitchen you can see how tired he is. Deep purple bags under his bright blue eyes, his skin a little paler, his usually well kept beard is longer and in need of a trim. “Is everyone okay? Did.. Did they all make it home?” You whisper, one hand coming up to rest along his cheek, your fingers smoothing down some of his facial hair, trying to tame the too long strands. 
“They all made it home Baby, Soap is a little worse for wear but he’ll be okay..” he leans down pressing a kiss to your forehead. You were always so worried about the members of his team, although they were around your age you were more like a Mother Hen to them.  Always fussing over them when you got to see them, even Simon allowed you to fiss over him. Price thought it was funny to see the hulking 6 '4 man follow your orders, you had even convinced him a few times to let you tend to a wound under his mask. He had of course only agreed as long as you did it in a private room so no one outside of the team could see his face. 
“How were things around here?” Price asks after a moment, pulling you back into him, tucking your head under his chin.
“It went well for the most part. Although I think something fell on one of the fences in the big back pasture on the edge of the property. I had put the sheep out there a few days ago and Mr. Watson showed up a few hours later with Michelle, his little herding dog and a few of our sheep. He said he found them standing outside his fences by his sheep.” 
“Well. first thing in the morning we’ll go out and check the fence line, i’m sure this storm is probably going to do some damage,” He mumbles, as the wind howls against the old farm house. The glass panes on the windows rattle as the wind whips around. Leaves and rain swirling across the ground as it pours down. 
After a few moments of listening to the rain and wind, you pull away from John. Reluctantly stepping out of his warm embrace, you pull your wet jumper off, leaving you in nothing but a thin t-shirt. The ends of your hair leave small water droplets on the thin fabric. “I didn't make anything for dinner..” you mutter as you glance around the kitchen, trying to mentally take inventory of what you can throw together for him. 
“Don't worry about it, Sweetheart, I’m honestly not that hungry,” John says softly, as he takes his boonie hat off. He tosses it onto the table and runs a hand through his hair, it's slightly longer than the last time you saw him. A little on the wild side much like his beard. 
“Are you sure?” You ask, brows furrowing. He was thinner than the last time you saw him, of course he was still a force to be reckoned with. To most people they wouldn't be able to tell that he had probably spent the last few weeks in the field, surviving off MRE’s, but you could. You knew John's body better than anyone. You had a habit of studying him while he was home, constantly trying to burn the memory of him into your brain, in case he didn't come home. 
“I’m just exhausted, Sweetheart, I was kind of hoping we could head to bed early.. I just.. I just want to hold you,” he scrubs a hand across his beard, blue eyes burning into you. There was something he wasn't telling you about his last mission, but you knew not to pry. He would tell you when he was ready, and if what he needed right now was to hold you then that's what you would give him. Without a moment of hesitation you lock the back door and grab his hand, pulling him towards the stairs. 
Even in the dark you could navigate the house with ease, you knew this house better than anyone. Maybe even better than John, with the sheer amount of time you spent cleaning and taking care of the old house while he was away. You did everything in your power to make the house as warm and inviting as possible for when he came back. As you reach the top of the stairs John's hands wrap around your waist. The warmth of his fingers seeping through the fabric of your shirt. He gently guides you towards your room, the door open revealing the spacious bedroom.
It was bigger than the other 2 bedrooms on the second floor, but it was still cozy. The four post bed against the back wall, the bay window on the left that was adorned with soft pillows and fuzzy blankets. A few stacks of books left on the floor, from the last time you sat there and read. The fireplace was stocked with wood and newspaper all ready to be lit. The glass doors open slightly to allow easy access for whoever was to light it. The soft gray duvet laid on the bed, slightly rumpled from where your elderly cat had napped on it during the day. The grumpy old barn cat had decided a few years ago he was going to be an indoor cat. 
He had run in one morning and refused to go back out, so now during the day when the sun was out you would often find him lounging on your bed. Basking in the sunlight, until someone came into the room. When night time came around he was often sleeping downstairs on his lavish cat tower you had ordered for him. Soaking up the warmth from the fireplace you usually had lit. 
As you walk into the bedroom John quickly releases your waist, crouching down next to the fireplace where he lights the newspaper. After a moment the wood catches and he closes the glass doors, the fire light flickering across his face as he stares into the flames. 
“John?” You whisper, coming to stand behind the tall man. Your arms wrap around his waist as you lay your cheek in the space between his shoulder blades.
“Hmm?” John hums quietly, his hands coming to rest over yours. 
“I know.. I know you don't like to talk about it..” you pause a moment, “but if you do want to talk about it.. I’m here.” 
“I know.. Im..” John fumbles over his words, “I..” his voice cracks. 
Your heart breaks as his voice breaks, his shoulders pulling tight as he struggles to contain his emotions. This massive mountain of a man was hurting, and there wasn't anything you could do to help. Your arms tighten around his waist as his breathing grows ragged, his large shoulders shaking slightly as he cries. You don't move, your head resting against his shaking form as you hold him. “Shh… it’s okay… it’s okay…” You whisper, as your own eyes burn with tears. 
John has always been calm, cool and collected on the outside. That's what made him a great leader. He was able to compartmentalize in the worst situations. He would never let the members of his team or even his enemies know that something had bothered him. He was ruthless on missions, and straight to the point. He was every bit the hardened soldier he needed to be on the battlefield. 
But at home, where he didn't have to be the grumpy superior of his team, he was softer around the edges. He was a man who cared deeply for those close to him. He wasn't a stone wall of impasse, it was here tucked away in the quiet of the countryside that he allowed his walls to come down. He allowed himself to feel the things he locked away while deployed. It was in the soft light of the fire that he showed you the parts of him that enemies would use against him. 
John Price was just as much a human as anyone else.
You wanted nothing more than to be able to erase the horrors that plagued him. To chase away all the horrible things he witnessed in the field.t. You stand there for a long while, continuing to whisper soft reassurances to him, your hands pressed flat against his chest as he struggles to pull air into his lungs between sobs. It takes him several minutes to be able to calm down enough to speak again.
“There was a woman… She.. got caught in the crossfire.. She was killed.. Her 6 year old daughter watched. We tried to help her but the girl was just too far gone after everything that happened, when we went back to the small village to look for anything that could give us a clue to where the man we are after went.. I found her.. She was just hanging there…” His voice cracks. “ A 6 year old little girl hung herself after watching her mother die.. And I just keep seeing her hanging there.. So small and lifeless..” He whispers, his voice hoarse as he relives the horrors of finding her. 
There's nothing you can say to make him feel better about what happened. There were no magic words that could take it away. There was no way of bringing the little girl back or making the scene erase from his memory. So you just guided him to the bed, having him sit on the edge. Gently pushing his shoulder so he laid on the soft fabric duvet. You climbed over him, curling up into his side, your head resting on his chest as you laid there. Allowing him to hold you against him. His arms wrapped around you, pressing the entire length of your much smaller body against him. The warmth from your body grounding him. John closed his eyes, focusing on the feel of you in his arms. 
“I’m sorry, I try not to bring this stuff home.. But I just couldn't stop thinking that maybe I was faster.. If I had gotten there just a moment earlier I could've saved her mom.. And in turn saved her. But I wasn't there in time. I wasn't able to help her..” He whispers.
“It's not your fault.. You didn't pull the trigger, you didn't know she would take her own life.. She was 6.. Not many 6 year olds would do that.. But the kids in those places. In the face of constant war and death… they’re sometimes already too far gone. It's not your fault.” You whisper, pressing a kiss to his chest. 
“I know.. I just need some time.”
“Take all the time you need, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
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Next: Part 2
Taglist: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
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flowerandblood · 8 months
Glass Cuts Deepest (12)
[ professor! • Aemond x student! • female ]
[ warnings: oral sex, fingering, smut, kissing, fluff, angst, trauma, mention of rape, indecent student-teacher relationship ]
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[ description: A female painting student is finally able to choose the specialisation she has dreamt of - stained glass. She wants to become a student of the best specialist in this field, but he, for some reason, refuses to accept female students into his workshop. She finds out that he once slapped a female student of one of the other professors. Nevertheless, she makes an attempt to find out what happened then and to convince him to teach her. Slow burn, sexual tension, dark, agressive Aemond, great childhood traumas. ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
He fully realised how involved he already was in this relationship when he had to fall asleep alone in his bedroom after he returned home. His flat had never seemed so empty, so cold, so alien to him before − he realised that it didn't even have anyone's photos in it, no memorabilia − it was a place where he existed between work and nothing else.
He tried to do what he always did, made himself a cup of tea and turned on the TV to watch the news, read a book on catacomb painting he'd borrowed from Cregan, but still all he did, all he focused on, was glancing at his phone screen.
She hadn't texted him, nor had he texted her even though they had each other's phone numbers.
He himself didn't know how he felt about it, at the same time raging with desperation, opening the new message window several times to write her anything, to apologise for the scene he had done to her the day before or to wish her a good night, but each time he deleted everything, throwing the phone somewhere in a corner, heartbroken.
Perhaps she needed time to herself to think things through.
He had cornered her and not given her time to think, and she might not have really wanted that.
She might not have wanted to take on the kind of baggage he was carrying.
He went to bed with this thought and turned off the lamp, but he felt restless and uncomfortable. He got up twice and checked that the front door was locked, just in case, and then went back and laid under his duvet, but the feeling remained in him.
The feeling that something was going to happen, that he would hear the sound of the door opening, as it did then, and see her on the doorstep.
He shuddered at the thought, clenching his eyes shut, dreaming only of Wright calling him, of telling him she missed him and wanted to see him, of coming to him and falling asleep beside him, making him feel safe.
She didn't call and he wriggled through the night, panicked, sad and tired. He gave up at four in the morning and took a shower, made himself a quick coffee in a thermos and drove to the university, deciding that he would rather use this time in some meaningful way.
He turned on all the lights and took a sheet of clear glass from his compartment, intending to cut it for his personal project, wanting to create a stained glass window for himself with Adam and Eve motif.
He wished to model himself on Dürer's copperplate, but changing it a little, softening the proportions of the figures, painting them in a slightly more mannerist form. He had no intention of giving the figures their faces, of course, however he found the work itself meaningful.
He shuddered when he heard someone come inside, despite the fact that there was still an hour left before classes started, and froze completely when he saw her standing in the aisle.
"Good morning." She said softly, warmth and happiness in her eyes at the sight of him from which he felt heat in his chest − he couldn't stop the shy smile that forced itself onto his lips.
He couldn't stop himself from kissing her as soon as she let him get close.
He found to his despair that her scent was enough to make him completely hard and he suffered through the day, watching her from the sidelines, witnessing the way she talked to her year mates, being able to get close to anyone but him.
As he spoke and noticed her gaze, he would lose the thread and have to quickly return his thoughts to what he had just talked about, embarrassed and ashamed that he had acted like a child.
The only thing that kept him sane was that she had agreed to come to him in the evening.
Despite the fact that he usually worked after hours, that afternoon he returned to his flat immediately after class, doing his shopping beforehand, recognising that he had to host her somehow and prepare something to eat.
He was also embarrassed to find that he should change the bedding for a clean one.
While doing this, all he could think about was what they were going to do on his bed when she came to him and he had a feeling his cock would just explode with arousal.
He didn't want to touch himself before she came though; he wanted to be desperate and on the edge of his endurance − he hoped that this would make him finally get over himself, that the lust would completely stupefy him and make him think of nothing else but fulfilment.
When at last she knocked on his door, when at last she stood on his threshold he felt apprehensive, realising that he had never invited anyone there before.
He let her in without a word, feeling his throat tighten. She was wearing a dress and nice long, white socks that he couldn't stop looking at, thinking only of the fact that he wanted to press her against the wall and slip his hand under her underwear, wondering if she was in the same state as him.
"If there's something wrong, I'll change. I took my things." Her worried voice snapped him out of his reverie and he looked at her surprised, not understanding what she was talking about, only realising after a moment that she thought he was looking at her like this because he found her outfit inappropriate.
"What? No, no. Come in. Are you hungry? I'm just heating up dinner." He said embarrassed at the direction his thoughts were running off in, deciding that she should at least eat something before he touched her, heading towards the kitchenette.
"Yeah, I'd love to." She said softly as she followed him, sitting down on the other side of the kitchen counter, looking intently at what he was doing.
He felt strangely tense; he'd never seen another human being in this space, much less a woman − he recognised that he hadn't spoken to one in so many years that he wasn't even sure how he should refer to her, not wanting to come across as a buffoon or a simpleton.
He knew he hadn't shown his best side to her before and he wanted to change that, but it only made him stress even more and say very little.
He almost choked, pulled out of his reverie when he heard her question while they ate.
"Where am I going to sleep?"
He looked at her in shock, thinking quickly about what he should answer, recognising that if he told her he wanted her to sleep in his bed it would immediately give away what he desired, perhaps putting her in an awkward position. He decided to get out of it somehow.
"…it's up to you. I can sleep on the couch." He said cautiously, watching her reaction, wanting to make sure she didn't think he was just a pervert who was only hoping for his student's young body to make his night more pleasant.
She meant so much more to him.
"What if I don't want you to sleep on the couch?" She asked quietly, looking up at him with her big, warm eyes.
He reached quickly for his wine glass, taking a sip from it, feeling her question in his trousers. He set it down, looking at her intensely, wondering if she really wanted an answer to that question or was just teasing him.
Then we'll fuck, he thought.
"Will you show me your bedroom?" She asked softly, lightly, non-committally, and he swallowed loudly, wondering if she was doing it on purpose or if in her mind it was really just an innocent question that wasn't going to lead to anything more.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asked carefully, looking at her face, and she nodded. He pressed his lips together, gazing at her bare shoulders, the shape of her breasts outlining under her dress, and thought he couldn't take it anymore.
He stood up and glanced at her, waiting for her to move behind him.
He led her to one of the rooms to which the door was on the corridor and stepped inside, lighting the lamp standing by his bedside table, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, feeling his heart pounding hard, his hands clenched into fists.
He felt his manhood pulsate painfully hard in his trousers as she unhurriedly laid on his bed with her stomach down, placing her cheek on his pillow, playing with the fabric of his sheets, not even looking at him. He looked down at her long legs and swallowed loudly, thinking that if he didn't touch her soon he would probably die.
He circled his bed, climbing onto it and kneeling behind her, having her legs between his thighs. He lifted the material of her dress up and exposed to him the bare, glistening skin of her buttocks, which were framed by pretty white lace panties. He placed his large hand on one of them and stroked it, feeling how soft and firm her skin was, her whole body tensing under his touch.
There was no turning back now, he thought.
He'd been thinking about it all night.
About how he wanted to do this.
He placed one hand next to her head while sliding the other across her stomach and squeezed her with his body, sighing along with her as he pressed his length hidden under the material of his trousers between her buttocks, rubbing against her, feeling a wonderful pulsing, his free hand brushing away her hair, kissing her neck with his warm lips.
They both drew in a loud breath as his hand under her belly slid lower, pulling up her dress, picking at the material of her panties, slipping his fingers underneath. He heard her moan helplessly, writhing beneath him as he touched her moisture, her slick folds − he involuntarily licked his lower lip, feeling how hard he was.
"− have you been this wet since you came in here? − or maybe since this morning? −" He gasped delightedly, trailing his lips along her soft skin, listening to her accelerated, erratic breathing, rubbing with the movements of his hips against her buttocks, making shivers come over him, her wonderful scent filling his nostrils.
"− it's your fault, Professor −" She mumbled regretfully, and he felt her words between his thighs, his cock pulsed hard when she called him that, shamelessly using his academic title in such a situation − his fingers began to massage her puffy clit in circular, sure motions, making her moans of pleasure grow louder and louder.
"− mine? − because I take care of my student's needs like any good Professor in my position? −" He breathed out in her ear and smirked mischievously feeling how his strokes were accompanied by a sticky click of her wetness, both of them panting and moaning, her thighs involuntarily parting beneath him, allowing him better access.
"− I need this − please −" She mumbled with difficulty, clenching her hands on the fabric of his pillow. He groaned low, rubbing himself against her, feeling the heat in his lower abdomen at the thought of what he wanted to do.
"− I know −" He hummed, then slid the tip of his middle finger gently inside her − her walls were hot, fleshy and sticky, tight, resisting him with his every gentle push. He felt a powerful shudder pass through her, she cried out beneath him in pleasure, parting her lips, her body trembling under him, sucking his finger deep inside her.
"− shhh −" He hushed her, not letting her move, delighted that she was at his mercy, that he was touching her in such a way and it felt wonderful, not a trace of discomfort or bad memories in his mind.
"− please − ah − please − please −" She mewled pleadingly; he thought with tenderness that she was on the verge of orgasm, unable to get anything more out of herself, and he merely teased her, sliding his finger in and out of her, returning to her clit again after a while, not giving her what she needed.
"− please, what? − don't be disrespectful, title me properly −" He growled warningly, recognising that she had wanted this herself − she had wanted to play like this and now she had to suffer the consequences.
He heard her moan loudly at his words, her thighs trembling under his hand, his fingers all sticky from her moisture massaging her with a loud, lewd click.
"− please, Professor − please, I've been waiting for this all day −" She mumbled, and he chuckled low, taking pity on her at last, seeing the state she was in, and slid his whole finger inside her, feeling how wonderfully hot and rough she was inside, her muscles clenched against him greedily.
He heard her gasp loudly, pressing her face against his pillow, her hips struggling to rock into the rhythm with his movements as he kissed her neck, her jaw, her cheek, her temple.
"− soaking wet for her Professor − fuck − you're a very dedicated student, aren't you? −" He gasped in delight, literally fucking her with his finger, searching for the spongy bud inside her that he had read so much about on the internet, knowing that it should be somewhere above her entrance. He realised that he had found it between her slick muscles when he heard her loud, surprised moan of pleasure, her lips parted wide, her eyes clenched as if in surprise and disbelief.
"− yes − God − yes, yes, please! −" She cried out pathetically, and a few of his movements were enough for her to cum on his fingers, her warm moisture spilling over his hand.
"− fuck − what a little mess you are −" He muttered with delight at her state, feeling how hard she came, fascinated with what he could do with her.
He groaned lowly feeling that he couldn't take it any more, that after what he had seen and felt he needed to finally relieve himself with his hand.
"− don't move − okay? −" He asked quickly, panting loudly along with her, lifting himself up and resting his body weight on his knees. He unbuttoned his trousers and put his hand under his boxers, with quick sure movements starting to jerk himself off, looking at her bare buttocks, at her wet underwear, at her face, at her trembling body.
Fuck, she was so pretty.
He knew he was going to cum soon, he could feel it.
"Can I kiss you there?" She asked softly, and he froze in mid-motion, panting heavily, thinking he'd overheard himself.
He saw her open her eyes and press her lips together, playing with the fabric of his pillow, breathing unevenly.
"You could lie on your back and massage yourself, and I would kiss you there. I wouldn't touch you with my hands, just my lips and tongue. I've never done that before, so it would be our first time."
He stared at her in disbelief, breathing loudly, feeling his manhood pulsate hard in his hand at her words, at the thought that her sweet lips could touch him there, give him pleasure in such an intimate place. He thought, however, that he might inadvertently hurt her, and he would not forgive himself for that.
"− I − God - I don't know − I wouldn't want to hurt you − force you to do things like that, humiliate you −" He mumbled out struggling to put into words what he was feeling − he saw her move, shaking her head quickly, still not looking at him.
"− I want to try it − I'll tell you if it feels uncomfortable and you can do exactly the same − you don't feel bad when I kiss you, just when I touch you with my hands − I thought maybe this is our way to your fulfilment together −" She said softly, tenderly, and he felt he could come from just those words, from just imagining what she was talking about.
He felt horror and hope at the same time − he wanted her to do it, he wanted it to work, but he was afraid it would end up like the last time.
If she couldn't even touch his cheek, how could she touch him down there?
On the other hand, he realised that she was right, that they had kissed many times, but it was the touch of her hand that scared him.
Alys had never kissed him.
He swallowed loudly, looking at her uncertainly.
"−… will you tell me if there is something wrong? −" He asked in a voice trembling with emotion, and she nodded quickly.
He let out a loud breath, burying his manhood in his boxers, laying down next to her on his back, leaning partially against the backrest, breathing loudly.
He swallowed hard, horrified when he saw her rise and move towards him, laying between his thighs − she didn't touch him, but just looked at him expectantly.
"So?" She asked softly and he felt his cock pulsate impatiently, demanding at last the relief he craved − he was terrified and aroused, curious and uncertain, he felt his lips get dry from exertion and licked them involuntarily with his tongue.
"If it goes wrong − what do I say?" He asked uncertainly, wanting to know how he was supposed to act if it was unpleasant after all, not wanting to hurt her with his sudden, aggressive response. She considered his words for a moment, lowering her gaze.
"− say slower if you feel it's right but things are happening too fast, or faster if it's too slow. If you feel bad say stop and I'll pull away immediately −" She said calmly, and he felt relieved, sticking to these rules as something that could actually work, giving him a sense of security.
He thought that it might have gone too well for them.
"− and if I − you know −" He mumbled, and she smiled slightly, warmly, embarrassing him completely.
"− well − Eve was the first to taste the forbidden fruit, wasn't she? −" She asked softly, and he thought it was over, that with or without her mouth he had to come right now, because his cock would just explode in his boxers.
"− touch yourself as you always do and just say if what I'm going to do makes you uncomfortable − remember this is time for you and your pleasure −" She said calmly and he needed no more encouragement, on the verge of despair, slipping his hand back under the material of his boxers, tightening his fingers on his hard manhood, clenching his eyes in pleasure, jerking himself with sure up and down strokes.
When he felt her lips on his sensitive skin he gasped and moaned, but thought with surprise that it was not unpleasant, more like a gentle tickle.
However, when after a moment he felt her lips and her tongue licking upwards to the head of his cock he groaned louder, feeling a shiver of pleasure − her tongue was moist and rough, teasing him in a way that the touch of his own hand had never given him.
"− fuck −" He muttered, tilting his head back, panting heavily, massaging himself with increasing speed.
He stared at her in disbelief, seeing her leaning towards him with her eyes closed, brushing the pink tip of his cock with her lips, licking it with her tongue faster and more intensely, making him feel like he was just about to come on her face, his cock pulsing greedily in his hand.
He wasn't sure he'd ever seen a more perverted sight than her lips pressed to his swollen cock, leaking with his precum.
He parted his lips wider and gasped, surprised when she suddenly lifted higher and slid the fat head of his cock between her lips, teasing and licking it with her tongue. He clenched his eyes shut, tilting his head back, feeling this incredibly gentle yet intense sensation, with an involuntary rocking of his hips he pushed his length deeper into her throat, shuddering with arousal.
"− oh, God − please −" He mumbled out, horrified at how pleasurable this was and clenched his free hand in her hair, moving deep inside her mouth, feeling his whole body quiver in pleasure, just thinking about how warm and wet her throat was, how soft her lips were sucking him so intensely.
He thought that deep inside her he felt safe, he felt good, so wonderfully good.
"− faster − ah, fuck, squeeze me here −" He exhaled, grabbing her wrist quickly, tightening his hand with her fingers on his hard cock, showing her how she was supposed to squeeze him − her hand was wonderfully soft and warm, giving him a much more pleasurable sensation than his own, jerking him with a sure, intense motion harmonising with the smooth movements of her lips, loud from the click of her saliva.
"− forgive me − fuck, 'm gonna cum −" He mumbled out surprised that his fulfilment was approaching so quickly − he felt it in his lower abdomen, and then he just cum in her mouth, panting heavily with pleasure, leaning forward, surprised at how hard he throbbed inside her, how his orgasm shook his body.
He had never experienced anything like it before, and he felt completely stupefied by this wonderful, hot pleasure.
"− fuck − fuck, baby − oh my God −" He babbled with difficulty, clenching his eyes shut, breathing loudly, unable to stop himself from throbbing, listening as she bravely swallowed everything that came out of him.
He let go of her hand and hair, looking at her, and she immediately pulled away from him, sliding him out of her mouth with loud plop, breathing hard as he did, looking at him in disbelief.
He didn't know how any girl could look so innocent after sucking someone's cock.
He thought perhaps she was just a saint.
"− you are indeed my revelation −" He whispered embarrassedly, smiling involuntarily, feeling relieved, feeling free, because they had done it, succeeded, found a way for him to experience fulfilment with her, some point from which they could start.
He pulled her to him by the material of her dress, wanting to feel her close, now, immediately, and embraced her tightly, kissing the top of her head, feeling boundless gratitude for her sacrifice, that for her, too, this was the first time, and she was so brave, so good.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, and she nodded quickly, snuggling into him tighter.
They talked for a while longer, considering what to do next, whether she should move in with him. He respected her wishes and the fact that she felt joy and peace when she said that she would be coming to stay with him overnight.
That she would be there for him.
Just as he had promised, he let her study. After they both dressed in their pyjamas and lay down on his bed he snuggled into her, nuzzling his cheek against her soft breast hidden under the material of her t-shirt, her free hand combing through his hair as the other held the book she had just read, resting it on her raised thighs.
He muttered under his breath seeing what she was reading about, that she was preparing for an exam on the history of Renaissance art.
"Dürer?" He asked, running his pointing finger over her bare arm, and she nodded, turning the page, then went back to stroking his head.
"I'm working on a stained glass window right now, the design of which is based on his copperplate." He said softly, concentrating on how soft her skin felt under his fingers. He heard her move in curiosity, glancing up at him.
"What theme are you based on?" She asked excitedly, and he swallowed loudly, feeling embarrassed at how obvious his choice was.
"Adam and Eve." He whispered, pressing his lips together, waiting with a pounding heart for her reaction, wondering if she would see him as a desperate idiot.
He felt her hand freeze in the air only to surprise him as she hugged him tighter to her chest, placing her book on her stomach, embracing him with her other arm as well, leaning over him and kissing his hair. He murmured low, feeling hot in his heart at her reaction, her acceptance of how involved he was.
"They won't have our faces." He added lowly, and she giggled slightly, heartily − he felt butterflies in his stomach at that wonderful sound, at the thought that she was laughing because of him.
"Thank God my Professor is so smart." She said with amusement, both mocking and praising him at the same time, and he snorted at her words, cuddling his face into her firm, soft breast, wonderfully warm, adjusting to the shape of his cheek.
He murmured quietly, turning his face and grasped her nipple hidden under the material of her shirt with his lips, sucking on it in a light, unhurried rhythm.
He heard her moan quietly, surprised, involuntarily pressing his head closer to her chest, clenching her thighs in a sudden surge of pleasure, stroking his hair.
"You promised." She muttered regretfully, alluding to the fact that he was going to let her study for her exam which was to take place in a few days. He hummed under his breath, rubbing her nipple with the tip of his nose.
"I promised I'd let you study when we were done."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess
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moldycantaloupe · 4 months
29 with t4t swisstom perhaps 👀
from this prompt list, 678 words of t4t swisstom coming right up! slight cw for exhibitionsim, phantom is desperate.
Swiss could laugh at how desperate his bug soon became after being summoned, always needy and ready for something, or someone. He had been trying to enjoy his night after a long day of menial chores at the ministry, lounging out in the common rooms. A movie Rain recommended was on, but his investment was short lived when he noticed the figure at his side. Phantom stood right next to him, their eyes not quite meeting his own. They grasped at the hem of their sweatshirt, nervous.
“What’s up, bug?” He stretched his arms over the back of the couch, watching as Phantom flinched at his voice.
“Um… help,” they cleared their throat, “I need help. Please.” 
“Yeah?” He tilted his head with a grin. “With what?”
A whine got caught in their throat, hands never stopping with their shirt. “Swiss, please don’t tease.”
“Well, I’m kind of in the middle of something…” He gestured a hand towards the movie still playing, “so if you need something, spit it out.”
“I-” Phantom hid their flushed face behind their hair, “Swiss, please,”
Swiss hummed, lips pursed as he stared straight at them. They tried to hide from his eyes to no avail. 
Soon he let out a feigned sigh of annoyance, patting his thigh. “Alright, c’mere.” 
Phantom hesitated, their head swiveling to look around the room.
The small circles began to grow increasingly faster as they grew more desperate, breathy moans directed into his ear. He could feel himself growing wet at the display in front of him, finding it hard to keep his resolve. The minty scent of their arousal was intoxicating. They tried to reach out to grab his hand but were immediately met with a stern look of disapproval and hiss. 
“You can either wait, or you can do your business and get on with your night.” Swiss put simply. Phantom seemed to make up their mind in a second, soon finding themselves straddled to his thigh, a hand on his shoulder to keep balance.
They immediately began grinding against his thigh in small circles, letting out the smallest sigh in relief. Swiss hummed again in content and glued his eyes back onto the television, doing his damndest to ignore the whiny ghoul on his lap.
“Please, touch me,” they whimpered.
“It’s my thigh or nothing,” Swiss warned, “I’m not lifting a finger to help you get off.”
He could cum just at the look they gave him. Their head landed on top of their hand on his shoulder as they let out a cry. In desperation for stimulation, their free hand snuck its way under their sweatshirt, fondling at their chest. Their grinding became erratic as their whines and whimpers turned into moans, successfully muting out any sound coming from the TV. Swiss groaned as one of their knees pressed into his own cunt, the pressure welcome. He could feel the spot on his sweatpants growing damp under their ministrations.
“Oh, hell- Swiss-” Phantom bit into their hand at a particular hard grind, a choked out moan getting caught in their throat.
“So damn noisy.” Was all Swiss said underneath the squirming quint. Their knee was a constant now at his aching cunt. He blushed deeply at the feeling, trying to keep his own noises from escaping through his bitten lip.
“‘M close,” they whimpered. “Please, Swiss,”
Before he could say anything, their grinding sped them through as their orgasm hit, moaning his name through it all. He grunted at his own release thanks to them, his head hitting the back of the couch. They panted as they slowed to a stop, their legs twitching in overstimulation.
“Swiss,” they whispered in his ear after a beat, “please help.”
He inhaled sharply and lifted his head back up, eyes back onto the now forgotten movie.
“I told you after the movie.” He couldn’t help the smirk when he felt their hips circle his thigh again, the smallest noise escaping them.
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worksby-d · 1 year
An Everyone Thinks It Oneshot 
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Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader 
Summary: Your second first time together. 
Warnings: RPF, implied smut (bigger focus on the before and after sorry girlies use your imaginations), implications of past toxic relationships, a smidgen of angst, 18+
Word count: ~1,700
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
As the movie you’re watching ends, Chris pulls you closer beneath the big blanket you’re sharing. His arm hooks around you as if to keep you in place just a little longer. 
A silence fills the room as you stay put, resting your head on his shoulder to watch the credits roll. You’ve both come to dread this part of your date nights – The inevitable end when one of you has to leave to pick your son up from whoever you lied to in order to have another secret evening alone.
It’s your turn tonight. At least it’s supposed to be. 
“You’ve probably gotta get going to pick up buddy boy from my mom, huh?” 
He presses a kiss to the top of your head before you sit up to look at him. His eyes are bright from the reflection of the TV.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head and let your words come out slowly to gauge his thoughts. “I asked her to keep him overnight tonight.”
“Really?” You can tell they begin to run wild as the smile on his face grows. “So…” 
“So…” You hum back, quieting him with a kiss before moving onto his lap. “You better make it worth my while because I feel bad about lying to her again.” 
“I’ll make you forget all about it,” he whispers. 
“Is that a promise?” 
With a nod, his nose brushes against yours and he’s desperate for you to be closer, but he’s letting you take the lead.
“I swear.”
“All right,” you sigh, teasing him with a doubtful tone. And as if you’re reading his mind, you put your lips back on his again. “I trust you.” 
Your last three words are a lot more serious sounding and he knows by the way you relax against him as you say it that they have a deeper meaning. It’s not only about trusting him to make you forget about the little bit of guilt, but about trusting him enough to take this step in your relationship. 
Holding you close as your kisses become more heated, he tests the waters by slowly dropping his hands from your back to your waist. His fingers slip under your shirt until you feel his warm palms resting against your bare skin. 
You eventually have to reluctantly pull away, refusing to let your first time be on his couch. Catching his breath, he watches as you stand up and hold your hand out for him so you can guide him to his bedroom.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
As good as he’s already proving to be at making you forget about what was worrying you before, it’s the insecurities in the very depths of your mind that are taking its place.
Your hands on his sides tug lightly on his shirt to get his attention. “Chris,” you speak up softly, feeling like you need to before too many clothes start coming off. 
You don’t push him away or try to move yourself, but he lets up immediately. Lifting his face from the crook of your neck, his eyes meet yours looking for any signs of discomfort on you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” It takes you a second to figure out how to say what you’re thinking. You shift a bit beneath him, fingers wandering and getting distracted by a button on his t-shirt. “I don’t– I don't look the same as I did when we did this the first time.”
He doesn’t mean to laugh, but that’s so far from what’s on his mind right now. He’s quick to kiss away the wrinkle on your forehead when you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“To be fair, I was hammered that night,” he tries to explain. “I don’t remember what you looked like.” 
You roll your eyes thinking about it, not exactly feeling better when you look back on that night, but you do crack a smile.
“I’m being serious,” you chuckle, playfully shoving his chest. “What if–”
“Nothing,” he cuts you off. “No what ifs. I love your body. This body gave us our son.”
He can feel you relax against the bed as he says it.
“But besides that… I think you’re so beautiful.” Before you can shake your head or hide your face, he gives you a soft kiss. “Stunning…” He goes on, giving you another kiss between each word. “Gorgeous even!”
“Shut up,” you laugh, pulling him back down for good to hush him.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
If you were asked how long you’ve been laying in his embrace, you wouldn’t be able to answer. Completely content with your head on his chest, your focus is only on the sound of his heartbeat against your ear until his voice interrupts the quiet.
“Earth to Y/N,” he whispers, gently squeezing your upper arm. 
You hum, and if it’s even possible, nestle closer to him. “What?”
“Was that okay?” If you’re not mistaken, he’s the one with nerves for once. “You’re scaring me with the silence.”
You let him sweat for a moment, but can’t help but laugh. “You’re crazy.” Tilting your head, you give him a languid kiss. “Was more than okay.” 
He lets out a quiet scoff, directed at himself for being doubtful. 
“Hell yeah it was.” His smug self is back just like that, holding up a hand for a high five. 
“Oh my God,” you groan, rolling your eyes at his gesture, but you're no better than him, giving in and pressing your hand to his. “You’re an idiot.” 
“Watch it,” he laughs. “You’re the one that just high fived me back.”
He leans in for one more quick kiss, mumbling something about getting up to start a shower. 
“No,” you beg, drawing out the word. 
“You can stay laying here for a minute–” 
“Alone?” You pout. 
“Come on then,” he chuckles, helping you out of bed and toward the bathroom with him.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Making it the short way to the shower feels like a blur. You’re exhausted, letting him hold you underneath the water. 
If you stay still much longer, you’re convinced his hands rubbing your back would soothe you to sleep right here. 
His chest shakes against your own as he lets out a quiet laugh. 
“Didn’t take you for the clingy type,” he jokes–or tries to at least. 
He knows he said something wrong when he feels you tense up though. 
“Sorry–” You instantly back away from him, but force a laugh to disguise the fact you’re terrified if he’s actually bothered by it. 
“Oh, no– I was just…” He wishes he could take it back. “I was teasing. Sorry–” 
Shaking your head, you flash him a smile. “It’s okay.” 
He holds his arms back out for you, but you just grab some body wash from behind him to finish cleaning up. 
An unmistakable tension grows until Chris decides to be the one to put an end to it, getting out of the shower first to find a warm towel to hand to you. 
The silence continues though as you both get ready for bed. You want to get over it and move on, but your mind is torturing you with the thought of him realizing how unbearable you might be–if not now, eventually.
You take your time on purpose, needing to have the moment alone when he walks out of the room. 
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
After a couple deep breaths and splashes of cold water on your face, you eventually step back into the bedroom. 
He’s remaking the bed when your eyes fall on him. 
Passing him, you reach for a pillow and finally muster the courage to say something.
“So, I can go sleep in one of your guest rooms if you don’t want me in here…” 
“What?” He stops adjusting the blankets to look at you. “Why wouldn’t you just sleep in here?” 
“Well, I don’t–” You shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna, like, assume…” 
He’s at a loss, taking a careful step closer to you. “Did I do something? I thought we were having a really good night and then you started acting weird.” 
You so badly want to interrupt and deny it, but you can’t. 
“I made that remark about you being clingy… I didn’t mean that, I swear.” 
“I know… But– but if you did…” Tears gloss over your eyes. “I’m just trying to– I want to do everything right. I don't wanna screw this up by being needy or– or suffocating. It sounded just the same as all the other times I’ve been told that.” 
The confused look on his face softens. “I didn’t say any of that…” He knows who has though and he could kill him right about now.
“Yet.” You ignore him, rambling at this point. “Damn it. I know that’s stupid. I know it is–” 
Taking a few considerate steps closer to you, he takes the pillow out of your hands and tosses it back on the bed. He keeps his arms held out for you and you let him take you in them this time. 
“Relax, relax, relax.” He repeats the words until he feels you calm down under his touch. 
It takes a while, but he finally hears you let out a deep breath. 
“I would hold you all day long if I could,” he whispers. “I’m sorry I said what I did.” 
“But you shouldn’t have to be. I have a lot I haven’t worked through… Clearly.” You find it in you to let out a short laugh. “It’s not your fault.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll work through it together.” 
He feels your nod, but you don't say anything right away. 
“I did have a really good night,” you promise when you’re ready to talk again. “Thank you.” 
He gently brings a hand up to guide your head off his shoulder so he can kiss you.
Smiling as he pulls away, he holds out his other hand, pointing toward the bed. “Spend the rest of the night with me then? …Please?” 
“Okay,” you nod. “I’d love to.” 
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21
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joocomics · 8 months
jungsu likes to watch ♡
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smut | jungsu x fem!reader | mdni
cw: masturb., orgasm denial, voyeurism
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The last few days before Jungsu leaves on tour fly quickly, and they turn you into the most clingy person to exist. You’re aware of it.
You’re all over him every chance you get, cause he’s about to be away for almost two months. Although he doesn’t say anything, Jungsu enjoys it - the way you crawl onto him when he sits in front of the tv, the way you always look for his hand when you go on walks, and of course, the way you kiss him, long and deep, until he’s out of breath, when it’s only the two of you - like you’re trying your hardest to remember the exact taste of his mouth, and the exact shapes of his body.
On your last night together you pull him to bed with lust glowing in your eyes, causing Jungsu to give you one of his smirks, which do not hide at all the fact he’s finding this adorable, but also amusing. He knows you want him again. No, you need him again. Even though in the morning he fucked you till your eyes were tearing up.
“You horny little girl, what are you going to do when I leave?” He asks, getting on top of you with lazy movements. His voice is still raspy from his late nap, which only turns you on even more.
“I don’t want to think about this now.” With zero patience you press your lips against his, letting your hands explore the soft skin under his white shirt. This is the first time you won’t see each other for such a long period of time and you really couldn’t fully grasp it yet. You trust Jungsu, if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now, but you still couldn’t help but worry how your first separation will go. To shut off your mind you completely focus on his soothing voice, the way his breathing warms up the skin of your neck, while even the weight of his body brings you pleasure.
“Soo needy,” he whispers. “You can’t go a day without my cock.” A light chuckle leaves through his lips, but the words are dripping in confidence. “I fuck you every single day and it’s never enough for you… You’re addicted, baby.” He places a kiss on one of the marks he left around your collarbone this morning. “What am I going to do with you?”
However, just when you’re about to reach for his crotch, Jungsu all of a sudden jumps off the bed. You watch him make a few steps back and forth, before he turns with a mischievous look, as if he’s plotting something. You wait for him to say something, slightly on edge.
“Show me…”
“Show you what?” You ask, not getting the hint.
“What you’re going to do when you need my cock, but I’m not here to give it to you,” he answers, as if it was more than obvious.
He pulls the chair from your desk, and sits waiting for your next move. He looks calm, and for some reason, that makes you even more nervous. Of course you’ve touched yourself in front of him before, but only during sex, not like this.
“Come on, baby,” he leans closer for a better view with elbows resting on his knees. “Give me something to think about when I miss you.”
“Will you fill me up after this?” Your question comes out almost desperately.
“I’ll do anything you want,” he grins, slightly going over the bulge in his pants with one hand.
You smile shyly at your boyfriend’s words, as you spread your legs wide open, after your panties were tossed on the floor. Burning heat flows underneath your skin when you realise that Jungsu does not miss a single flinch from your body. His gaze is focused on your figure, that’s softly illuminated from the dim bedroom lights, and becomes more and more intense, as your own fingers pump into you so eagerly, filling the air with pretty lewd noises.
Seeing you so vulnerable and desperate for his touch is now Jungsu’s favorite thing in the world. He’s aware those fingers of yours are not nearly enough. Whatever you do, however you do it, you’re still not experiencing half of the amazing feeling his cock rams into you. He can just stop this and fulfill all your needs with a single thrust - your small fingers definitely do not reach as deep as you like, even though you moan so beautifully... If he just quits watching, he will have you orgasm in seconds, but teasing you like this excites him so fucking much. He cannot look away from your thighs bent to your chest, as you pant his name like a song, it’s addictive. The fact he’s just watching from a distance, occasionally guiding your fingers with words - even more. Until he decides to take full control.
“Stop.” He exclaims, stroking his erection. He barely succeeds at hiding his grin, after he hears your tortured whine.
You obediently pull out your soaked fingers, again, while hiding your exhausted face in the sheets at the same time.
“I thought you liked it when we cum together.” Jungsu playfully teases you, enjoying the trembling of your legs now tightly wrapped together from the urge for relief. “What happened?”
“I-I do,” you squeal in immediate response. “But this is too much… I can’t… N-no more, please.” You breathe out heavily, holding your thighs together. The overstimulation has weakened your body, and all you need now is for the rush to come, and take a rest.
Jungsu thinks over his next command, while your adorably bent figure, makes his dick throb harder into his fist.
Why didn’t he thought of this sooner?
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
2012 get thrown into Rise Universe and The Universe is like "Don't we already have these guys? Two sets? ... Well one's incomplete, lemme fix that," and gives 2012 the same Mystic Powers as their counterparts.
Rise Boys think there's a band of villains impersonating them and causing massive amounts of public property destruction. In reality the 2012 Boys are ABSOLUTELY FREAKING OUT BY THE SUDDEN POWERS and just trying desperately to keep Mikey from setting things on fire and Raph's headslaps from destroying whole buildings and Leo from getting stuck inside random places and Donnie from unleashing a rain of mystic gunfire onto every stray animal that spooks them by accident.
Eventually Rise find them, ready for a fight, but 2012 are just tired and confused and now there's? More turtles? Who are also color-coded ninjas? Is this an alternate universe again? Hey please help us Raph tried to flick a bug off of Donnie and sent him through like five buildings and then Donnie blew up an alleyway trying to open a can of peaches and Mikey started a forest fire trying to swat a fly and Leo almost got caught because he accidentally fell through a portal he made while cutting a loaf of old bread and he ended up in the middle of the damn mayor's office.
And who are The Rise Boys to say no, especially when 2012 pulls out their secret weapon: those Sad Eyes they used to convince Splinter to let them to to the surface in Episode 1. Raph and Mikey agree to help right away while Leo and Donnie reluctantly go along.
They bring them back to their kick-ass lair that's way better than 2012's let's be real here, and Splinter and Draxum are both there trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with the TV without Donnie's help. Rise Mikey enters with a "Hi Dads so we found some stray other turtles with our powers who may or may not be Us from another universe, anyway we'll be in Raph's room if you need us okay bye!"
"... Did they just say, Other Versions Of Themselves?"
"Oh, great. Now I have to go back to calling them colors! ... Unless I call the new ones colors. Hmm..."
"You're not more concerned about this?"
"Of course I am! There are eight teenagers living in my house now! My shows will never be heard by me again!"
"And also the multiverse might be ripping apart?"
"But. Also more sons."
"... Yes."
Cue Rise Boys trying to teach 2012 Boys how to control/use the mystic powers while the 2012 Boys are still trying to process how different this world is.
"Okay Tiny Me, the key to it is viewing it as just another part of your body- are you listening?"
"Huh? Hey, why's the city so colorful right now?"
"Uh, 'cause of all the colored lights? Does yours not have them?"
"Nah. Our buildings aren't really tall enough for this many."
"Your buildings are short?! What kinda New York do you live in?!"
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lolbotvr · 2 years
Bob x Gender neutral reader♡
Nsfw or not your call, but Bob like fresh outa jail going to see the reader>:)
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*Bob x GN!Reader Who is Fresh Outta Jail~
Warnings: not exactly smut but definitely spicy~, so marked as NSFW, mentions/implications of murder and cannibalism, they/them pronouns, 3rd person (no use of ‘you’ unless spoken), kinda short oops
(^Tell me if I missed anything or if I should add/remove anything!)
I tried my best! Also the name ‘Bob’ was killing me while I was writing this. I hope you like it and Tysm for the request! <3
The opening of a window in their house had caught them off guard, but they immediately knew who it was breaking in.
“Hey, darlin’~!” A dark voice echoed around the house as their murderous boyfriend roamed around.
Excitedly, they ran out of their room and straight into Bob’s arms, laughing as they clung onto him with a few tears pricking their eyes. They felt Bob’s big arms wrap around their smaller figure, listening to (Y/N) murmur about how much they had missed him. They looked up at him, “I’m so happy you’re back. I saw you escaped on the news. I couldn’t wait until you were here with me again…”
Bob smiled, “I missed you so much. I just could not wait to get back to you and have my arms around you...”
As Bob said that (Y/N) could hear the desperation in his voice, making them immediately feel the deep blush cross their face.
Bob desperately slammed his lips into theirs, already beginning to grope around their body. He was able to back them against a wall and was somehow able to deepen the kiss, making it more passionate and full of love and lust. They needed him too.
“It‘s been so long since we’ve gotten this close to each other…” Bob murmured into the kiss before pulling away and staring hungrily at their neck.
Not even a moment later, he attacked their neck and began biting at it, making (Y/N) gasp before letting out a lengthy and lengthy moan. Bob couldn’t help but smile as he began to kiss down their neck while telling them, “Oh my god, darlin’. You taste so much better than any other person I’ve ever tasted before… I could eat you up all day.”
“B-Bob…” (Y/N) moaned out as Bob attacked their neck.
Bob smirked before chuckling, muttering, “You’re right. We should wait to do this later, hm? Need to get you nice and ready.”
They gulped as he picked them up and brought them to the couch, sitting them in his lap. He grabbed the remote and flipped on the tv, chuckling at their little huff in annoyance as they snatched the remote from him and flipped through the channels.
But Bob’s mischievous grin could only grow wider as he heard them gasp when he gripped the hem of their bottoms and began to tug them down.
His voice was somehow able to get lower as he teased:
“Didn’t I say I had to get you nice and ready for me?”
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thewritingginger · 2 years
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Posts are gonna be kinda dodgy cuz Im slumpin’ but I'm trying to power through 🤞🏻
Plz mind any mistakes :)
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Apollo x M! Reader Word count: 4,1k+ words Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Established relationship, Model! Apollo, Dom/sub behavior,  Pet names, Sexting, Phone sex, Guided masturbation, Mutal Masturbation, Slight degrading, Dirty talk (obvi), Praise, Sex toys (vibrator), Anal Fingering, Anal penetration
Enjoy ~
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Tossing your keys into the bowl by the door of your apartment you let out a tired sigh. Stripping yourself of your jacket and scarf you shoot your boyfriend –Apollo– a text before getting ready for a shower.
Y/n: “Back home, today couldn’t have ended fast enough. Call me when you can. ❤️”
Leaving your phone by the bathroom sink you warm up your shower trying to not stay glued to your phone waiting for Apollo to respond –which has been really hard not to do any free chance you’ve gotten these past two weeks.
Apollo had to leave for a few photo shoot and a show. In the past you’ve gone with him and were able to not only watch him do his work but to travel and explore new places together —though your schedule didn't allow that to happen this time. Although these trips being longer than a week weren’t often, the time apart was never easier because of it. Even when you have to be apart for more than a day the two of you are always sure to have a nightly phone call, along with texts throughout the day.
As you were rinsing your body you heard your phone ding —it was Apollo’s text tone. Finishing up you quickly dry off to see what he had sent.
Apollo: “I’m sorry, my love. I’ll call you later. I have a meeting with my manager. What are you up to?”
Y/n: “No worries. I just took a shower and probably will order out tonight.”
Walking into your shared bedroom you hadn’t even thrown your dirty clothes in the hamper before you got another notification.
Apollo: “Oh, mind showing me? 😏”
Biting your lip you shake your head at his audaciousness.
Y/n: “Don’t you have a meeting?”
Apollo: “Yes but perhaps you can send me a little something as inspiration to end it sooner?”
You’ve always found it hard to deny Apollo, especially in person, but he does make an enticing proposal. Forgetting your task for clothing you go back to the bathroom and wipe the steam off the mirror. With your towel still wrapped around your waist, your hair wet and racked back, you snap a picture with your chest and loosely tied towel in view. Looking it over once more you press send.
Y/n: [Photo Attached]
Apollo: “What a tease you are.”
Y/n: “I guess you’ll have to get done with your meeting if you want more.”
Apollo: “I guess I will. I hope you don’t have anymore plans for the night because when I’m done with you, you’re gonna be too exhausted to move 😉”
Y/n: “Can’t wait.”
Just the thought of it was enough to make your cock twitch with excitement but you hold it back for now. Instead of getting properly dressed you decided to throw on your robe then put in your order for dinner.
An hour or so has passed since your last text from Apollo, with your meal finished you’re now sitting on the couch watching tv when you got a notification.
Apollo: “My meeting is over and I’m in desperate need. You think you can help me with that?”
You feel giddiness well up inside you when you read his message.
Y/n: “I’m sure I could figure something out. 😊”
Getting off the couch you make your way to your bedroom and into your bedside table, inside is a purple vibrator –Apollo’s favorite to use on you. Laying on the plush mattress of your bed on your belly, you open your camera app and begin recording.
All that can be seen on the screen is your slightly exposed chest, your lips and your tongue lewdly sucking the toy in your hand as if it was a cock. As you suck and spit on the phallic toy you are sure to zoom in and capture the spit dripping down your fingers –just how Apollo likes it.
Pressing send, you flip onto your back with your head propped against your pillows, anticipating your boyfriend’s response.Your cock is already painfully erect and you’ve barely begun.
Instead of a text you receive a phone call, your golden haired boyfriend’s face illuminated on the screen. Pressing the green button you hold the phone to your ear where you hear Apollo’s smooth voice.
“Babyboy, you look so pretty sucking your toy.”
“All for you, Lo. You like watching me suck on stuff?” You ask playfully, eliciting  a low chuckle.
“Absolutely but I think I’d like to hear you play with yourself even more.” His forward words make you whimper. “Tell me, baby, what are you wearing?”
“Just my robe, it’s open and just barely able to cover my cock.” You hear a low curse on the other end of the phone making you giggle.
“Send me a picture. I want to see how hard you are for me.”
Doing as he says you take a picture of your barely covered member, your hand wrapped loosely around the base. In a silent moment between snapping the photo and sending it you know the moment Apollo saw it due to the low growl that rings in your ear.
“By the gods, Darling. I want you so badly.”
“Yeah? What would you do if you were here?” You ask, sinking further into the mattress, biting your lip. A soft chuckle tickles your ear.
“If I was there I would strip you of that pesky robe and admire your gorgeous body by running my hands up and down every part of you.”
“Uh huh.” You sigh, running your hand up and down your chest, imagining it was his. “What else?”
“I would then have you spit in my hand and start jerking your pretty cock in my hand till you’re begging for more. Then I would lean down and lick up all the precum that leaks out of your little red tip. I’d suck you off and massage your balls in my hand and when you’re just about to cum I’d pull away –just to hear you whimper.” He sighs hungrily. “ I always do love the way you sound when you’re all worked up for me.”
Listening to Apollo’s honey rich voice depict such naughty things, you begin to slowly jerk your cock creating soft breathy moans to play through the phone.
“Is my baby getting excited from just my words?”
“Uh huh.”
“Use your words, Darling. Tell me, what are you doing?” Taking a few breaths you collect your words.
“I’m stroking myself, imagining it’s you.” Your admission blooms heat to your cheeks but it's rewarded with a warm hum of approval.
“Yeah? Give your pretty cock a little squeeze for me and rub your tip with your thumb.” Doing as he instructs you keen into the receiver. “Does that feel good, baby?”
“Is your tip leaking?” You give another groaned ‘yes’. “Gather it on your fingers and lick them clean.”
Giving your shaft a few more tugs you milk the few drops of precum that’s beginning to drip down your length onto your fingers and begin sucking them clean, humming into the speaker.
“Does that taste good?”
“Yes, Sir.” You say.
“Good boy.”
“Where are you?” You breathlessly ask, your hand continuing to slowly stroke your member. A low rumble from Apollo’s chest meets your ears with his response.
“Well, my little dove, if you must know I’m in the back of my chauffeur’s car with only the dividing wall between us as I palm myself to your sweet sounds.”
An low uncontrolled groan is pulled from your lips at the thought of him pleasuring himself so close to someone else blissfully unaware of the erotic act taking place behind them. Your public figure boyfriend doing the unthinkable with a high likelihood of getting caught all because of his desperation for you.
You pull this from him.
The very idea makes your hand move quicker on its own.
“Does that excite you, Baby?” Apollo asks, already knowing the answer.
“Yes.” You breathe, needing more you mewl. “Talk to me, please, Sir. I need to hear you.” The other end of the line rings with a dark chuckle.
“So needy. So impatient.” He tsks mockingly. “What more could you need, babyboy? You have me. I’m listening to you jerk your pretty cock. What else is there?
“Perhaps you need me to tell you what a dirty boy you are for making me pull my cock out in the backseat of my driver’s car? How I wish you were here to clean up the precum already leaking from my tip with your tongue. Would you like that? To taste me? Have me fill your mouth till I spill down your throat?”
You can hear a slight hitch in Apollo’s voice, a clear indicator that he is stroking himself as well. The shuffling of clothing and the soft shift of leather beneath him as he gets himself comfortable for your play. The next few minutes the two of you merely exchange fevered breath and cursed moans as you feel yourselves to the idea of each other.
“Baby, you have your toy with you?” You give a hum of approval. “Good. Turn it on for me, put it up to the mic so I can hear it vibrate against my ear.” Doing as instructed, you release yourself to find the vibrator you’d discarded on the sheets. Turning it on you hold it in front of the receiver and touch it with a soft moan.
“Give it a filthy suck for me.” Again you quickly obey, earning you praise. “Good boy. Make it nice and wet, pretend it's my cock you’re prepping for your little asshole.”
Slurping on the vibrating toy between your lips makes your cock twitch with excitement, more sheer white liquid spilling out.
“Run it up and down your shaft and around your tip, Baby. No cumming! Just edge yourself.” A shudder runs down your spine at the sound of Apollo spitting into his hand to wet himself.
Doing as he says you slide the tip of the toy along your length and around the flare of your engorged tip, coating the silicon in your drippings.
“That feel good?”
“Yes, Sir.” You squeak out, your eyes screwed shut —the image of Apollo’s godly naked form painted behind your eyelids.
“Rub it against your balls.”
The vibrations that go through your tightening sack makes your toes curl and another choked moan releases into the silent room air.
“Speak to me, Baby. How are you feeling? What does my naughty little boy need?” You are almost so lost in the shock waves the vibrations are shooting through you to comprehend the words your boyfriend said into your ear. Swallowing a moan and wetting your lips you find the words.
“I feel needy for more. I need you to- to stretch me out. I feel so empty, Sir. Please.” You sound pathetic but you don’t care and neither does the man on the other end.
Your confession is met with mock sympathy.
“Poor, Baby. Needs his boyfriend to fill him up. Play with his little hole, make it loose and well used, huh? Need me to spit on it, make it sloppy. Stuff in my fingers to prepare you for my fat hard cock?”
“Yes. Yes!” You gasp, teasing your contracting hole with the pulsing vibrations of the toy in your shaking hand.
“Fuck. You sound so cute.” He says almost to himself. “Baby, reach into your bedside drawer and get your lube.”
You instantly toss the vibrator to the side. Hitting the speaker button you place your phone on the pillows beside you to grab the tube of clear gel in your bed sit table.
“Put it on your fingers and rub it everywhere. Coat your pretty cock, your tight balls and on and around that needy little hole of your’s. I want to be able to hear your hand moving against yourself any way I tell you to.”
Squirting a generous glob of lubricant onto your fingertips, snapping the lid shut and tossing it next to your toy, you begin rubbing the cold gel against the hot skin of your erection and most intimate areas. The vulgar sound of your wet palm working yourself fills the air alongside your breathy moans and sighs.
One hand is squeezing your shaft with every stroke, as the other kneads the slick into your sensitive balls —with your fingers moving further south to tease your clenching asshole.
“You sound so beautiful, Darling. Sounding so slick and desperate for me. Tell me what you’re doing. Paint me an image to jerk off to.” His lust coated voice purrs into your ear.
You tell him of your sprawled out naked form, your robe lost on the floor –forgotten– and your working hands on your groin.
“I’m stroking my cock and massaging my balls with lube like you told me to and made my needy hole sloppy how you like it.”
“You teasing your little asshole with your fingers?” He intersects.
“Yes, Sir.” He tsks in disapproval. “I’m sorry, Sir. I -ah- I couldn’t help it.” You whine with a high keen from the duel stimulation of your hands on your genitals.
“I know, my naughty boy. Always so excited for me with little patience.” You whimper apologetically that Apollo knows is hollow from your pleasure-filled moans.
I should punish you for your disobedience.” He lets his words hang between you, interrupted by a lusty moan of his own. “But… I’ll let it slide this one time for me having to leave you in this sorry state.” You eagerly whimper in agreement.
“Yes, please. I tried waiting for you but I miss you so much, Sir.”
“I know, Sweet boy and you’ve done so good for me. When I get home I’m gonna worship you as you deserve for being so good.” His promising and praising words melt over you, sending a shudder down your quivering form.
“As you stroke yourself can you insert one of your fingers into your tight hole for me?”
“Yes, Sir.” You instinctively reply
Releasing your testicals you readjust yourself against the pillows to better reach between your spread legs. Gathering the slick dripping around your hole you prod it with your middle finger teasingly a few times before finally sinking it knuckle deep. A high pitch sigh escapes your lips.
“Good boy. Start slowly pumping your finger till you can press another one in.”
Guiding you through your ministrations of your own genitals with body melting praise and bone chilling filth spewing into your ear till you’re able to comfortably curl three digits within your tight cavity.
“That’s my boy. Play with your ass harder, I want to hear the squelching of your fingers stretching you.” A choked-gasping moan tears through your throat as your movements become more aggressive. Hungry. Needy. Your other hand gripped around the tip of your shaft, thumb pressed and rubbing against your profusely leaking head.
“Sir- please. I- fuck!” You cry.
Balls tightening, cock twitching and eyes screwed shut with muscles cramping with built up tension. You can feel your end nearing and it feels so good. You want nothing more than to erupt in this moment with your fist wrapped around your raging erection and knuckles deep in your own quivering asshole but that relief was pulled out from under you by Apollo’s commanding voice rumbling in your ear.
You groan and whimper in frustration at your obedient body pulling away at his single worded command –body shivering, toes curled and chest heaving.
“Good boy.” His rich voice smooths over your pleasure deprived body. “You were so close, weren’t you, Baby?” A sniffled ‘uhuh’ was your response as a frustrated tear streaks down your heated cheek.
“I know, Darling. I’m sorry but I couldn’t let our fun end just yet.” He says sweetly through the speaker. “We haven’t even gotten to properly use your toy, have we?” He asks, a clear smirk in his voice.
“No, Sir.” You manage to say, through heavy breath.
“No.” He parrots. “And what a shame it’d be to not.” He chuckles.
“Pick up your toy and put more lube on it, I want my vibrator to slide smoothly into your pretty asshole. Make it nice and easy to fuck yourself with it.” You give a whimpered ‘yes, sir’ as you dutifully spread more gel along the length of the purple toy and more on your waiting hole.
“Vibrate it against your hole. And no touching your cock.” The second half comes out as a thinly veiled threatening command. If you had half a mind left you might tempt that and purposefully disobey Apollo’s words but your well trained body was running on autopilot. Doing everything to please your boyfriend. To do just as he says for the rich reward of his praising words.
Rimming your hole with the toy, it takes everything not to finally shove it fully into your gummy walls. But you’re good. You wait despite your pleading body.
After a small eternity of sending vibrating pulses through your hole that is clenching the prodding silicone tip, eager to suck it in.
“Please- I need it, Sir. Please.” You plead wantonly, as your other hand rubs against your exposed chest, pinching and teasing your hard nipples for much needed stimulation.
“You haven’t touched your cock? Or pressed into your needy hole without my permission?”
“No, Sir. I was good. I promise.” You cry, hoping your words ring earnestly in his ears, granting you what you need most.
A torturous moment of his deafening silent tongue, nothing but his low growls and a grumbled ‘shit’ to be heard in the speaker.
“Go ahead, Baby. Stuff your slutty hole with your toy. Pretend it’s my cock. Imagine it’s me fucking into you. Pressing your body into the mattress with my hips.” You can hear the staggering in Apollo’s voice, his hand moving audibly faster with the added wetness of his spit.
Inserting the toy that doesn’t fill you nearly as much as you need. With your eyes squeezed shut you try to imagine it’s Apollo’s cock but it's not and that knowledge only makes your desperate misery deeper. Your free hand still resists touching your painfully hard cock, opting to continue toying with your nipples. Touching the expanse of your heated flesh with your palm.
“Please, Sir. Let me touch my -ah- my cock. Please. Please.” You are so hot, it feels as if a fire has been set under your skin, you’re past the point of caring about begging. You’d gladly grovel and lick the ground under Apollo’s feet for the chance to get the relief you’re so desperately seeking.
Thank the gods he takes pity on you, his voice just as debauched as yours.
“Yes, Baby boy. Stroke your cock. Squeeze it hard. I want to hear your cries of pleasure in my ear as I cum. I’m so close, Darling.” He growls, his voice low and restrained.
“My cock is so fucking hard for you, Baby. I should be the one inside your fucked out hole, not that toy. I should be the one making you cry, seeing your cute face —all fucked out and euphoric. Fuck!
Can you hear how hopelessly I’m stroking my cock, trying to make myself cum?”
You can’t. You are barely registering the words Apollo is saying through the rushing wave of pleasure crashing over you. You moan an affirmative sound anyway with your helpless ‘please’ and whimpered ‘yes’.
The two of you are no longer sharing coherent thoughts, you’re merely urging the other to their ends with praise and gratified sounds.
“So good for me. Fuck. I need you. Crave you. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
“Yes, Apollo. I’m- I-.” You are unable to finish your declaration before your high overtakes your body.
The never ending pulsing of the vibrator invading your quivering walls, hitting that secret button deep within,  doesn’t falter along with your persistent fist. In a moment of blinding heat, the imaginary cord within you snaps and splits you into a million deliciously destroyed pieces.
Streams of hot white spunk shoot from your flared tip, painting your panting chest. The hand holding the toy slows, as well as your moving fist milking the last drops of your pent up seed till your fatigued riddled body slumps —the toy still lodged inside you and hand grasping your exhausted shaft.
All that’s left with your tired-shaky breath is the soundtrack of Apollo’s impending end. His breath horse and haggard as his hellbent hand furiously jerks his cock till his finally silently roars an open mouthed groan of release.
The next few moments are filled with your collective gasping breaths, the low hum of the vibrator overstimulating your used hole and soon a warm and coughed out chuckle from Apollo. You can faintly hear rustling coming from his end as he —presumably— begins cleaning himself up.
Then a finalizing sigh comes through.
“Are you still with me, Darling?” He asks, humor lacing his voice making you tiredly chuckle in return.
“Barely.” You joke. “That was-.”
“Wonderful.”  Apollo finishes. It was –considering what you had available in your current separation.
With gentle guidance you turn off and slowly remove the vibrator from your pulsing insides and manage to turn your slack body onto your side, bringing the phone closer to your face.
“I miss you so much, Baby.” You confess, a bittersweet edge ringing true in the end.
“I know.” He really does.  
Basking in the afterglow of your intense high, you listen to Apollo’s melodic voice praising you and saying more promises that makes your cock tempted to twitch back to life sooner than expected.
“Be prepared, my darling boy, once I get back you’re not leaving that bed till I’m satisfied.”
“Sounds like the kind of torture I can get behind.”
“You should be very careful what you wish for, you might end up biting off more than you can chew at once.” A giddy feeling wells up in your chest but is interrupted by the sound of a knock coming from the front door.
You let out a disappointed groan, you didn’t want to end your flirtations yet.
“What’s wrong?”
“There is someone at the door but maybe if I just stay here they’ll go away.” You say playfully but are met with a disapproving Apollo.
“No, no. Be a good boy and answer the door.”
“Fine.” You sigh, willing your body to sit up sighing from a delicious soreness radiating from beneath you.
And as if on cue, just as you were about to pick up your discarded rope Apollo interrupts you.
“Naked.” The single word makes you stop in your tracks.
“You heard me. Be a good boy and answer the door –naked.” You try to retaliate but his tone leaves little for argument. “You are my obedient boy, aren’t you?” He asks, teasingly, knowing it’ll spark your submissive need to please. Gathering your dazed courage you sigh out a coy ‘okay’.
Walking out of your bedroom on shaky legs you patter over to the door with a thrilling mix of shame and excitement turning in your belly. Peeking through the peephole you don’t see anything —it’s covered, leaving only darkness in your sight.
“I can’t see who it is.” You whisper into the receiver making Apollo chuckle.
“That’s ok, just open it.” Swallowing your resignation and in a push of sudden courage you unlatch the lock and open the door.
On the other side is a smug, and slightly disheveled, looking Apollo hanging up the phone, shoving it into his pocket.
“I told you it’d be okay.” He says smugly, stepping into the doorway to capture your nude form in his arms. The door quickly shuts behind him as you leap into his arms, his hands eagerly cup under your ass. Your lips are locked with tongues in a desperate battle for dominance as he slips off his shoes and walks the two of you back to your shared bedroom.
The wind is knocked from your lung when he throws your back to the mattress before him. Propped on your elbows you watch entranced and bewildered as your boyfriend undoes his tie and begins stripping himself of his pointless expensive clothing.
“I hope you’re prepared, my darling.” He says, crawling over your body that is moving further up the mattress, in nothing but his underwear with a very prominent tent already forming.
“I wasn’t lying when I said we’d be in here till I’m done with you.
And I intend to uphold that promise.”
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I’m still not very well versed in writing Male x Male stuff, i hope this wasn’t too bad 
Feedback and Interaction is always appreciated! :)
💛 ~
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l0rdgeosupport3rr · 3 months
Infatuation - Sukuna drabble
Request for : @piest4r
AU, gender neutral reader, first,second third person povs, fem bodied reader
Tw: stalking,suggestive behavior, possessive behavior,dubcon
As the moon hung high in the night sky, it cast a pale glow over the city streets below. The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the scent of autumn. Amidst the quiet of the night, a figure moved silently, its steps calculated and deliberate.
There were no corners, no alleyways, no hidden places they didn't know about. They had spent weeks observing their target, learning their patterns and secrets. It was time to make their move.
Around a corner, they spotted them. The person who had occupied their thoughts day and night; the one who made their heart race and their blood boil. It was time to claim them as their own.
Sukuna stepped out of the shadows, his presence immediately commanding attention. His tall frame towered over his target, his powerful aura radiating with dominance.
"Finally found you," Sukuna said in a low voice that sent shivers down their spine.
Their eyes widened as they took in Sukuna's imposing figure. He looked like a god amongst men; strong, confident, and utterly captivating.
"You... you've been following me?" they stammered out, trying to process what was happening.
Sukuna nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving theirs. "I wanted to know everything about you," he admitted honestly.
A mix of fear and excitement coursed through their veins at Sukuna's confession. It should have terrified them that someone had been stalking them for weeks but there was something undeniably thrilling about it too.
"Why?" they asked softly.
"Because I couldn't get you out of my head," Sukuna replied honestly. "Every thought consumed me; every moment without you felt like torture."
He took a step closer to them, closing the distance between them slightly. "I needed to know everything about you so that I could make you mine."
Their breath caught in their throat at Sukuna's words. They never could have imagined that the one who had been stalking them would want them in such a possessive way.
Before they could respond, Sukuna reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small package. He held it out to them, his gaze intense.
"I've been planning this for a while," Sukuna said as they took the package from him. "I wanted to be prepared for when the time was right."
They looked down at the package in their hand and slowly unwrapped it, revealing a pair of lacy black underwear. It was their favorite pair, the one they had mentioned in passing during one of their conversations.
A surge of desire rushed through them at the sight of the familiar underwear. They realized then that there was no denying how much they wanted Sukuna; how much they craved his dominance and possessiveness.
Looking up at him, their eyes filled with a mix of lust and need. "Fuck me, Sukuna," they whispered desperately.
Sukuna's lips curled into a predatory smile as he closed the remaining distance between them. He grabbed their waist roughly, pulling them against his body.
"With pleasure," he growled before crashing his lips onto theirs.
The world around them faded away as they gave themselves over to each other completely. There was no denying the connection that burned between them; it was primal, irresistible, and utterly intoxicating. When night finally fell you figured it was best to stay home and try to ignore this weird stalker who seemed infatuated with you.
You change into a satin pajama set and climb into bed flipping through channels when there’s a knock at your door startled, you walk over and open it cautiously only to come face-to-face with Sukuna himself.
“I told you that you’re mine” He whispered darkly And with that he stepped past me walking inside my apartment as if he owned the place.
I watched in shock as he made himself comfortable on my couch turning the TV off “Close the door sweetheart we have things to discuss.”
My feet moved on their own accord obeying his words as I closed the door behind him. Suddenly the world spun around me and when it righted itself we were no longer in my apartment.
Instead, we were standing inside a large bedroom that looked way too fancy and expensive for someone like me. It took a moment but I quickly realized where we were; this was Sukuna’s room.
“What are we doing here?” I asked confused as hell by everything that was happening
A predatory smirk graced his lips “I thought that would be obvious by now darling… I brought you here to show you, you’re mine. Now undress and get in bed”
My eyes went wide as my face turned a bright shade of red, I don’t know what I was expecting from him but this was definitely not it.
“W-what?” I stammered nervously
Sukuna sighed dramatically “Must I repeat myself? Get undressed and get in bed”
A shiver ran down my spine at the commanding tone in his voice, but I couldn’t help The defiance that welled up inside me.
I crossed my arms over my chest glaring at him
The air in the room instantly grew thick with tension as Sukuna's eyes darkened and his face hardened. He rose from the couch, towering over me with an intimidating presence.
I could feel a mix of fear and arousal coursing through my veins, but I refused to let him see how much his commanding demeanor affected me. I held my ground, defiantly staring into his deep, penetrating gaze.
Sukuna took a step closer, closing the distance between us. His voice dropped to a low, dangerous growl. "You think you can defy me?" he said, his words dripping with dominance. "You think you can resist what we both know is inevitable?"
A shiver ran down my spine as his intoxicating aura engulfed me. My heart raced in my chest as I struggled to find my voice. "I... I don't belong to anyone," I managed to say, my voice laced with defiance.
A sinister smile played at the corners of Sukuna's lips. He moved even closer, until there was barely any space between us. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore.
"Oh, sweetheart," he purred, his breath hot against my ear. "You will learn that you already belong to me." His hand gently cupped my chin, tilting my head back as he leaned down to claim my lips with a searing kiss.
A wave of desire washed over me as our mouths moved together in a fierce, passionate dance. Sukuna's kiss was demanding and possessive, leaving no doubt in my mind that he was in control.
I couldn't help but melt into him as his hands roamed my body purposefully. The soft fabric of my pajamas felt like a barrier between us that needed to be eliminated.
With one swift motion, Sukuna tore off the satin top, exposing my bare breasts to his hungry gaze. His eyes darkened with a primal hunger as he leaned down to capture one hardened nipple in his mouth, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh.
A moan escaped my lips as a surge of pleasure coursed through me. Sukuna's hands worked quickly to rid me of the remaining fabric, leaving me completely exposed and vulnerable before him.
I stood there, trembling with anticipation as he stepped back to admire the sight before him. "So fucking beautiful," he growled, his voice dripping with lust and admiration.
The intensity of his gaze sent a rush of wetness between my thighs. I could feel the ache for him growing stronger with each passing second. I wanted nothing more than to surrender myself completely to this dominant man who had claimed me as his own.
Sukuna's eyes locked with mine as he slowly began to remove his clothing, piece by piece. The sight of his sculpted body left me breathless, yearning for his touch in ways I never thought possible.
Once fully undressed, Sukuna climbed onto the bed, beckoning for me to join him with a crook of his finger. I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through me.
But then Sukuna's voice filled the room once again, firm and commanding. "On your knees," he said, his tone brooking no argument.
My breath hitched at his words as I slowly made my way towards him on trembling legs. I knelt before him on the soft sheets, feeling a sense of submission that both scared and thrilled me.
Sukuna's hand gently cupped my cheek as he looked into my eyes with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "You're mine now," he said, his voice filled with possessiveness and desire. "And I'm going to make you remember that with every fucking touch."
He slowly traced his lips down my neck, and my body trembled in response. I closed my eyes and allowed him to take what he wanted.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Chris Evans x Female Reader
Summary: After a long few weeks, your anxiety had built up which only contributed to your lack of sleep, so when you try and get some much needed rest, your brain doesn’t help and sends you into a panic 
Warnings: anxiety, talks of mental health, insomnia, soft ending
A/N: I wrote this for my sweet bean @chrisevansdaughter I did change it a little since I usually don’t write Chris fics with a younger sibling, I tried to make it as comforting as possible so I hope this helps. I am always here to talk to anyone whenever you need, I want to provide a safe space for you to seek a friend or just some comfort! <3
Word Count: 849
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The past few weeks had been absolute hell, from working piling up, your mental health taking a decline due to the cloudy grey days that January brought with it, you were exhausted, physically, and emotionally. You’d never had an easy time sleeping, but now it was even worse due to the constant battle your brain gave you every day, it’s almost comical how you hadn’t been able to catch a break for a while. I guess that’s why you opted to bury yourself in blankets on the couch in yours and Chris’s living room, calling off work for the next two weeks in an attempt to get a hold of yourself. 
The fire was on under the TV and a few reruns of your favourite show were on which helped to give you some level of comfort as your anxiety picked up. The more you watched he TV, and the warmer your body got, you felt yourself start to drift off. You desperately needed sleep, but having nightmares often followed the rest you begged for, so after fighting it for a little bit, you eventually fell asleep. 
All you could hear was constant screaming and loud noises as you looked around frantically, it was like you were paralyzed in your nightmare and couldn’t move. It must have been a few hours of sleep you’d managed to get before you shot up, gasping for air, a pair of hands finding your cheeks and holding you steady 
“Hey, hey, hey…breathe honey…it’s okay, I’m here”
“I-I..s-so loud”
Chris looked at you with concern as tears started to fall down your cheeks, his thumbs catching some of them as they fell 
“You’re okay, you’re safe…did you have another nightmare?”
You nodded your head, hands moving to hold his wrists almost as if to check if he was really right in front of you, closing your eyes to take a few deep breaths, Chris sending gentle praise your way until you opened your eyes again to look at him
“It was the same one…I just wanted to s-sleep, and i’m so tired”
He nodded listening to you as you spoke 
“I even called off work for two weeks because they w-won’t give me a break, I just need a break Chris”
Chris could feel his heartbreak seeing his girl so exhausted, the sound of pure burnout evident in her voice, wishing he could snap his fingers and make everything better, so for now he opted to get up onto the couch and cuddle in beside you, bringing you to his chest and letting you lay your tired body against his
“Okay sweet girl, tell you what, the next two weeks we’re gonna spend some time just you and me, we’ll figure out how to help you sleep easier, maybe take a trip with Dodger up to the cabin for a few days to get away from the city? Whatever you need to feel better, I’ll support and help you in any way I can”
Before you could answer, Dodger had shown up obviously hearing his name, and took his place on the couch, opting to lay on your lap, the pressure helping to ease some of the anxiety you still felt 
“Hi bub…you heard your name huh?”
The pup looked at you with his big brown eyes as you rubbed a hand over the fur on his head, no doubt sensing your discomfort and wanting to help in any way he could 
“I like the sound of that…I think just spending time the three of us will help”
Chris pressed a few kisses to your temple while his arms tightened around you, adding another layer of safety for your mind that had now begun to quiet down 
“Alright, so you let me figure everything out, and I’ll take care of it all, we’re gonna get you feeling better in no time, I love you, I hope you know that, and I am so proud of you”
Blinking back another round of tears you lifted your head away from his chest to place a kiss on his lips
“I love you too, always, thanks for taking such good care of me…”
He smiled tucking you back against him and pulling the blankets up over your shoulder, Dodger moving to get more comfortable too
“I will always do whatever I can to help you feel your best, no matter what life throws at you, no matter how high the waves get, I will always be here to help you through it.”
For the first time in a few days, you were able to feel nothing but the calm and quiet your boys and home brought you. It was going to be a long road of getting you the support and help you needed, but Chris was going to be there every step of the way. He wouldn’t leave you stranded, and he sure as hell wouldn’t leave you to face these challenges alone. As long as he had you in his arms, he’d do his absolute best to keep you safe, and protected…and Dodger would too.
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djsherriff-responses · 4 months
Hi, im really curious? Do you have any Dolph headcanons/ideas/analysis etc? :0 I’m really bad about keeping a consistent idea of a character in my mind, so I’m curious!
First off for tips on keeping a character consistent, I’d recommend rewatching/rereading the source material or at least bits off it.
I personally have a combination of “throwing crap at a wall till it sticks” and “imagine my own stories as tv episodes and replay it over and over again”, while that’s more how I generally write my own characters than specifically fan works, doing that and rewatching clips I find helpful. I also recommend reading up on analysis on the character by other people in the fandom. While some you may strongly disagree with, it’s worthwhile to have different perspectives
Anyways headcanons on Dolph
I used to headcanon Dolph having issues being possessive but after what the manga reveals, I no longer feel that’s in character for Dolph as it goes against what we learn about him
However I do HC that Alex made Dolph believe he was possessive , playing on Dolph’s need for affection and protective nature, and Dolph now struggles with the idea that wanting any affection and reassurance from someone is him being “too much”
Dolph is terrified of getting close to someone and hurting them (this is a combination of Alex self projecting onto Dolph at times and Dolph in the process of the fact he killed Alex and the grief that comes with that)
However I do still think Dolph is a bit of a freak in the bedroom , but now there’s the added fact that whatever he’s into is a by product of some sort of horrible trauma having a weird effect on his brain chemistry and it causing a lot of uncomfortable feelings being discussed
Going off that last point, I think Dolph would be into the idea of getting pregnant/having kids in some way, for the wrong reasons. That sounds out of character unless I explained this one so: I think Dolph has an unhealthy view of himself in that he feels like he has to be “useful” to someone in order for his life to have meaning. Obviously throughout most of his life he was a weapon and then later a boytoy to be discarded. Despite the betrayal , Dolph wanted to die once he got his revenge against Alex, showing that Dolph didn’t see any reason to stay alive if he had no one to be alive for. There’s also the fact he desperately longs for family , particularly parental/mentor figures, so it wouldn’t really shock me if Dolph “I’m gonna settle down at the age of 23 with a man twice my age” Laserhawk had fantasies of starting his own family with Alex ( just imagine that one suicide squad scene were Harley imagines her and the joker as a Suburban family) which goes further into the idea he only values himself if he has value to someone else
……… though realistically Dolph would actually be incredibly freaked out if he did end up having a kid with Alex , despite said fantasies (the difference between fantasy and reality and all that jazz)
I think he should get into gardening. I think it’d be a nice contrast to the intense tech he grew up with and be symbolic of him learning to be independent and free
Dolph does a surprisingly amount of stupid shit , he literally gave himself salmonella on several different occasions just because he wanted to eat cake/cookie mix and didn’t have the patience to bake it
Dolph is competitive with games to the point he’d break a leg just to win bingo
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