#lillian platt
shelbgrey · 1 year
Twilight Imagines: The untold Stories of Forks
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Request are CLOSED
If I write for the girls it's gonna be family or Platonic, I'm not good at writing romances with girls
I don't do 'shared mate' content, sorry.
Cullen family:
Fire safety
Going to the zoo Headcanons
Cats in the cradle
4th of July Headcanons with my favorite boys
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
Next to me Series
Forever Now
Being Emmett's and Rose's daughter HCs
Aesthetic Board
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
Jasper dating Bella's sister HCs
Aesthetic Board
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs
Aesthetic board
Carlisle Cullen:
Aesthetic board
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen Headcanons
Aesthetic Board
Having a crush on Edward Cullen Headcanons
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Aesthetic Board
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Aesthetic Board
Eleazar Denali:
Glory of love series
Aesthetic board
Dating Eleazar Denali Headcanons
Voice of an Angel
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and dating Garrett HCs
Tayna Denali:
Aesthetic Board
Wolf pack:
Seth Clearwater:
Aesthetic board
Jacob Black:
Aesthetic Board
Paul Lahote:
Aesthetic Board
Leah Clearwater:
Aesthetic Board
The Volturi:
-I don't write for them much
The Volturi:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger
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Biographical Information
Born: 1915; Rochester, New York
Changed: April 1933
Age when turned: 18
Created by: Carlisle Cullen
Alias: Rosalie Lillian Hale (birth name/current name), Rose, Rosie, Babe, Blondie, Sleepless Beauty, Beauty Queen, Angel
Physical Description
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Hair color: Pale blonde
Eye color: Violet/blue (human), Crimson (newborn vampire), Gold (vampire), Black (when thirsty)
Skin color: Pale
Family Information
Family members: Emmett Cullen (husband/mate), Royce King II (ex-fiancé)♰, Mrs. Hale (mother)♰, Mr. Hale (father) ♰, Two younger brothers♰, Carlisle Cullen (adoptive father), Earnest Cullen (adoptive father), Jessamine Hale (adoptive sister), Alice Cullen (adoptive sister), Edythe Cullen (adoptive sister), Bella Swan (coven mate/great niece by marriage), Grace Platt (adoptive sister)♰ Marie Higginbotham née McCarty (sister-in-law)♰, Renée Swan (niece by marriage)♰
Special Characteristics
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities, Improved beauty, Self-control
Occupation: Student at Forks High School, High school and college student
Loyalty: Cullen coven, Denali coven, Quileute wolves
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honeybee-bunnybee · 2 years
bolded terms are my current fixations,l and/or biggest interests/faves!
cozy grove // (kind of all the characters LOL) ted sapsen, bruin tram, clyde wallace, emperor bearos the third, pius of grizz, jeremy gruffle, dalia of cosgrove, lillian mcquill, ben hiberneczek, archie pawston, captain billweather snout, mr. kit, pandam, lee berry dennings
ni no kuni // oliver, swaine, the conductor, the guardian of worlds, cap'n crossbones, zip vector
the architect trilogy // the projectionist, patches, everett sneed, penelope swan, roscoe fitzgerald, j.w macaw, reddington rousseau, rick rousseau
pokémon // giratina, spiritomb, darkrai, shaymin, banette, combee, drifloon
a hat in time // snatcher, the conductor
cuphead // king dice, the devil, mortimer freeze, chef saltbaker
deltarune // spamton, jevil, mike [specifically the tv head version], rouxls kaard, swatch
undertale // flowey
don't starve // maxwell, wilson, wx-78, wagstaff, wes
hollow knight // hornet, pale king, dung defender, nailmaster oro, nailsage sly, zote
the outer worlds // chairman rockwell, percival platt, vicar max, s.a.m
nexomon // spencer, zetta, metta, fenrir, omnicron
cookie run // espresso cookie, almond cookie, bell pepper cookie, earl grey cookie, licorice cookie, timekeeper cookie, raspberry mousse cookie
goosebumps // karloff mennis
amateur surgeon // dwayne pipe, hubris d'obscene, alan probe
× means romantic, & means platonic!
cozy grove // pius of grizz × emperor bearos the third, jeremy gruffle × ben hiberneczek, lillian mcquill × beatrice mellifera, clyde wallace & lillian mcquill, lee berry dennings & bruin tram, bruin tram × clyde wallace
ni no kuni // cap'n crossbones/gallus, the conductor/guardian of worlds
the architect trilogy // the projectionist × patches × reddington rousseau, jacques jenesaisquoi × rick rousseau, everett sneed × roscoe fitzgerald × j.w macaw
deltarune // spamton × jevil × mike × rouxls × swatch
don't starve // maxwell × wilson × wes × wagstaff [but not involving wilson × wagstaff]
hollow knight // pale king × dung defender, zote × grimm
the outer worlds // chairman rockwell × percival platt
cookie run // espresso × almond, licorice × earl grey, timekeeper × raspberry mousse
amateur surgeon // dwayne pipe × alan probe, hubris d'obscene × alan probe
aesthetics // the color yellow, romantic academia, horror academia, beecore/honeycore
edits // stimboards, icons
other // drink/food stims, dessert stims, insects
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daily-rayless · 4 years
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I don’t know how much Lillian likes elegant parties, but with Darzi as your best friend, at least you look good.
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runicmagitek · 5 years
Future (Lillian Platt drabble - Transistor)
((  Another drabble collection completed! Many thanks to everyone who has stuck around for these drabbles. I hope you lovely readers enjoyed this take on Lillian. I hope to keep writing more of these with another citizen from Cloudbank, so stay tuned! ♥ ♥ ♥ ))
One day Lillian emerged from her office, left the OVC, and never returned. Barely a year as chairwoman and she accomplished more than her predecessors combined. She claimed her resignation was personal, but rumors dominated sincerity. Writers slaved over terminals to churn out the best headliner documenting her leave.
Who was she to stay? Cloudbank's finest were disappearing. Without them, there was no Cloudbank, no future for anyone.
Someone had to uncover the truth and Lillian preferred death than to ignore a challenge. If no one else would, then might as well be her.
Besides, she already had a lead.
[also on AO3]
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werankladies · 7 years
Transistor Ladies Ranked By How Big Their File Size Is
1. Red - A fully leveled Red has 32 MEM. Good luck beating that, anyone.
2. Sybil Reisz - As a Lesbian and in-game boss, she is one of the most powerful people in Cloudbank, and therefore must take up a lot of space.
3. Farrah Yon-Dale - Farrah controls the weather, which is a function that’s bound to take up some space.
4.Lillian Platt - Science is very important in a place like Cloudbank, so one of the top scientists is going to be very important in turn.
5. Niola Chein - Everyone knows politicans don’t have big file sizes.
6. Luna - Luna is a tiny girl, but we love her anyway.
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lungblossom · 7 years
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“Lillian Platt used to run the OVC. Said she left for personal reasons...”
hello again transistor tag, are you tired of me yet, because im not done
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The Olympic Coven - height lineup
Process videos:
Emmett McCarty Cullen
Rosalie Lillian Hale
Jasper Whitlock Hale
Esme Anne Platt Evenson Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
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New Moon, Chapter 24: Vote
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The only reason I put myself through the torture that is reading Midnight Sun was because I wanted to see some Cullen Family antics yet we hardly got any 😭 I went through all that for nothing
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lionslullaby · 4 years
i often think about the probability that Edward probably heard an emo song for the first time and thought “finally, someone as miserable with their existence as me.”
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Aesthetic Boards:
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Dr. Lance Sweets:
Dating mood board
My Boys aesthetic
Agent Seeley Booth:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Updated aesthetic of my favorite agent
Agent James Aubrey:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
His aesthetic
Big brother aesthetic
Dr. Wendell Bray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Vincent Nigel-Murray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Arastoo Vaziri:
His aesthetic
Angela Montenegro:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan:
Her aesthetic
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
His aesthetic
Carlisle Cullen:
His aesthetic
Husband moodboard
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
The cowboy's aesthetic
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
The Brooders aesthetic
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
The queen's aesthetic
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Mama Cullen's aesthetic
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Her aesthetic
The Denalis:
Eleazar Denali:
His aesthetic
Tayna Denali:
Her aesthetic
Kate Denali:
Her aesthetic
The wolf pack:
Paul lahote:
His aesthetic
Leah Clearwater:
Her aesthetic
Seth Clearwater:
His aesthetic
Jacob Black:
His aesthetic
🗡️Once upon a time 🍎
Robin Hood:
My Boys aesthetic
Robin dating Hooks sister mood board
Killian Jones:
His aesthetic
New aesthetic
David Nolan:
My favorite prince's aesthetic
August W. Booth:
His aesthetic
Dr. Archie Hopper:
The cricket's aesthetic
Ruby Lucas:
The beautiful wolf's aesthetic
Snow White:
Her aesthetic
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean mood board
My angel's aesthetic
Dating aesthetic
Updated aesthetic
Sam Winchester:
The moos' aesthetic
My favorite Angel's aesthetic
Marc Spector:
His aesthetic
Steven Grant:
My baby's aesthetic
Tony stark:
Big brother aesthetic
Scott Summers:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Hank McCoy:
My blue baby's aesthetic
Dr. Egon Spengler:
My love's aesthetic
Dating mood board
Ray Stantz:
The sweet boy's aesthetic
Peter Venkman:
His aesthetic
Winston Zeddemore:
His aesthetic
🏍️The lost boys🩸
My favorite vampire's aesthetic
Mated to David aesthetic
His aesthetic
💙Random characters🩵
Ace Merrill:
His aesthetic
Richard Lawson:
His aesthetic
Cliff Booth:
His aesthetic
❤️‍🔥Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shepherd:
Mcdreamy's McAesthetic
Dating aesthetic
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Biographical Information
Born: 1901; Biloxi, Mississippi
Changed: 1920
Age when turned: 19
Created by: Unnamed staff member from the asylum
Alias: Mary Alice Brandon (birth name), Alice Elizabeth Platt Cullen (current name), Ali, Shortie, Little Freak
Physical Description
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Height: 4'10"
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown (human), Gold (vampire), Black (when thirsty as a vampire)
Skin Color: Pale
Family Information
Family members: Jessamine Hale (mate/girlfriend), Carlisle Cullen (adoptive father), Earnest Cullen (adoptive father), Emmett Cullen (adoptive brother), Rosalie Hale (adoptive sister), Edythe Cullen (adoptive sister), Bella Swan (coven mate), Grace Platt (adoptive sister)♰, Cynthia Brandon (biological sister)♰, Unnamed niece, Edgar John Brandon (father)♰, Lillian Brandon (mother)♰, Anna-Marie Brandon (stepmother)♰
Special Characteristics
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities, Improved agility, Self-control
Special Abilities: Subjective precognition
Occupation: Student at Forks High School (currently), High school and college student
Loyalty: Cullen coven, Denali coven, Quileute wolves
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herculeanbitch · 4 years
Okay here me out; the Cullens but make it e v i l
- Jasper using his control of emotions to make people feel like shit all the time
- (he has more than likely driven some people to suicide by doing that)
- Alice seeing good things happen and doing everything in her power to wreck it
- a girl at school got a higher grade on a pop quiz than her and her long time crush is about to become her partner?
- whoops! lover boy was involved in a tragic accident that left him brain dead, sorry (she's not sorry in the slightest)
- Edward revealing people's most private thoughts and absolutely decimating their reputation and general life
- not being able to read Bella's thoughts and being so frustrated by it that he stalks her and becomes creepily infatuated with her
- he black mails Bella into going on a date with him and they get into a relationship because he's rich and mysterious and she's naive and its toxic as fuck
- (she gets pregnant straight out of highschool with Renaissance and takes the frustrations of her toxic relationship out on Charlie to the point where he disowns her)
- Rosalie becoming the stereotypical mean rich blonde girl that makes everyone feel like absolute garbage even without any powers
- hell, even just comparing themselves to her does a lot of damage because she makes sure they know they'll never be as good as her
- Esme, Emmett, and Carlisle could never, i cant be convinced.
- They literally just grab Seth and Leah (my precious beans) and make a break for it to Denali where they hide for the rest of their days
- Jacob is Jacob
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Okay so we always talk about Edward's musical talents and Rosalie also playing piano but I have some thoughts
I hc that Emmett plays the banjo, the washboard when he wants to annoy Edward's delicate musical sensibilities, and he plays the spoons to remind himself of his mother who taught him how as a little boy
Lots of people hc that Jasper plays the guitar and I don't disagree, but I think he also plays the fiddle. He kills Devil Went Down to Georgia, but only when he feels like it(Emmett can beg all he wants but he won't give in)
Rosalie also plays the violin, and she plays so beautifully that it makes you want to weep
Alice plays the jaws harp to accompany Emmett's musical stylings
Esme has always been more for singing than instruments
Carlisle rocks out on the hurdy gurdy and has since before he changed Edward
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runicmagitek · 5 years
Promise (Lillian Platt drabble - Transistor)
Lillian promised to permanently block off Wednesdays for Niola. She was the refreshing breath of air Lillian needed come the middle of the work week. And yet she sat cradling her cappuccino while staring at the untouched hazelnut latte opposite her. The steam vanished, then the lunch rush, all oblivious to the vibrant woman missing at Lillian's table.
Not once did she sip her own drink. Not until Niola showed up. It wasn't until the sun dipped into the horizon that Lillian pried herself away from the window table, discarded both drinks, and lost herself to the sea of pedestrians.
[also on AO3]
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