#lil peggs
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troubledcomet · 2 years ago
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drawing simon feels like coming home
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iiep-wop · 2 months ago
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mingyuonlyfans · 1 year ago
just did a little scroll thru ur blog and love ur experimental short form smut posts ssjshdsj highly agree that vernon is just a guy!! he seems like a chill flexible guy who’s down for whatever.
thank you :D im still working up the courage to post longer ones SKDHSJJDS and thank YEWWWW this is literally vernon -> 🧍‍♂️
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liverpool-enjoyer · 3 months ago
Would you mind ranking the mission impossible movies from best to worst?
now ik you said best to worst but imma go from worst to best cause i think thats more dramatique
7. mission: impossible 2 low hanging fruit i know. look i dont dislike this movie - im a diehard m:i fan, so i like all of them. this movie has its moments, n i rlly like john woo as a director, n i loved the rock climbing scene n knife stunt. the romance rlly brings it down for me tho, felt very shoehorned in there.
6. mission: impossible 3 here bc its better than 2 but not as good as 1. loved that it introduced my goats julia n benji, n i loved the building jump n the running scene. rlly solid movie, only this low bc i like the others more.
5. mission: impossible ik its pretty criminal to have the original at number FIVE, but the next four are just so goated. now obviously this movie is great, its the og. but tbh it doesnt stand out to me as much as the others do, doesnt have as much of a huge action setpiece that we've come to love. plus, modern day tom cruise wouldve done that helicopter in the tunnel bit for real.
now i call this next category the FOUR MOVIE PERFECTION RUN,,, bc thats what it is. every one of these next four are absolutely perfect in my eyes, n i could see any of them being someones number one
4. mission: impossible - ghost protocol perfect. down to the last minute detail. i,,, i mean where do i begin. THE burj khalifa stunt. adding benji to the team permanently. paula patton beating ass. the dude from lost dying like five minutes in. tying up the loose end that is ethan n julia. n ik this is niche but the lil outfit change ethan does when hes leaving the kremlin gets me every time. gosh theres just,,, SO much to love abt this movie idk what more i can say. this one was my mission impossible gateway drug.
3. mission: impossible - dead reckoning ok hear me out HEAR ME OUT. before you get mad. OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING, this is the best one. this is THE best one. but this is my personal ranking. the reason i put rogue nation n fallout over this MASTERPIECE is purely bc of,,, The Thing. yknow. the thing that happens to that one character. that one very beloved character. if youve seen the movie you know what i mean. but if youre not a mission fan, n youre not emotionally attached to these characters like i am, this is the best one. unfortunately, i am very emotionally attached to ethan n his pals.
2. mission: impossible - fallout now,,, what can i say abt fallout that hasnt already been said. its perfection. perfect, down to the last minute detail. the STUNTS. the continuity from rogue nation. introducing alanna n having her stab a man while wearing this GORGEOUS white two piece that i still think abt to this day. bringing back solomon lanes bitch ass. bringing back ILSA who is literally my number one my goat my everything. n tell me how every action setpiece n fight is imbedded with fucking CRACK. the club bathroom fight, the HALO jump, ilsa n benji duking it out w lane in that little shack, ethan n walker duking it out on a cliff, THE WHOLE ASS HELICOPTER SEQUENCE where tom cruise just casually flew a helicopter as one does. n OHMYGOSH THE RUNNING. im a simple man ok i could literally watch nine hours of simon pegg telling tom cruise where to run. oh also the fucking fake out in the beginning w the fucking hospital room n benji impersonating that cnn fellow is literally the most impressive thing in the series to me. i was FLABBERGASTED. ok i know im just rambling n listing things but this movie is just,,, so, so good
1 mission impossible - rogue nation see. im aware that fallout n dead reckoning are objectively better than rogue nation. however,,, nostalgias one HELLUVA drug. this movie came out when my family was moving n i was SUPER emo abt it. but i had been looking forward to this movie for like years at that point n even tho i was going through a tough time i was SO stoked to see rogue nation. n rlly i feel like its the perfect mission impossible movie. luthers back after being absent in ghost protocol. tom cruise holding his breath for six fucking minutes as one does. benji is the damsel in distress. n how could i forget the fact that this movie introduces THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SERIES??? ilsa my GOAT. notice how the three movies shes in are the top three,,, yeah shes the best written character in the series not to mention shes uh just rlly cool n yeah. this blog proudly promotes ilsa faust supremacy.
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pendingfeels · 8 months ago
Have yet to finish the rest of S04 (I'm in the middle of E07)
it's like this:
I want to hug Butcher because nobody else will
Someone give M'M a vacation lord knows he needs it
Why is Frenchie suddenly gay this season?, I thought Kimiko and him were gonna be a thing but I guess that's out the window?
Homelander is just disgusting hands down after the collection of grey pubic hairs he's collected and the whole breast milk thing and plenty more things I'm sure I just can't think of them all
Hughie's dad Simon Pegg, is just an amazing actor and I loved his performance throughout all of the seasons but especially this season
Starlight/Annie January is still gorgeous with or without plastic surgery and I'm just saying this cause I can kinda tell she got some work done but that's okay! Do you girl
Hughie is still kicking ass, but i just want to protect him like the lil baby faced punk he is
Someone please adopt Ryan out of his family, this is a shit show and he's going to grow up being so confused by homelander's terrible parenting skills. But then again Homelander was born in a lab so, who's to blame.
The rest of the season is well bloody diabolical.
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callmearcturus · 1 year ago
@icecreamvi replied to your post “Ok just finished rogue nation i think i liked...”:
I loved when they put the guy in the box
i loved when Ethan had a cute lil convo with the terminal agent at the start
i loved when ethan fixated on ilsa's shoes, and when ilsa tossed him the key but he couldn't fucking reach it so he just vaulted the pole, and the power of both of them barefoot and fighting in tandem
i loved every moment alec baldwin looked like an idiot
i loved all of Brandt's microexpressions (there are a lot)
i loved Benji just casually being able to completely clown on a lie detector test, the first of many hints that his competence has grown. also grown: his beard, and it looks amazing and soft
I loved "Hi Benji. Miss me?" like my god <3
I loved how Benji is GENUINELY INTO OPERA, we never get hints that he's a scifi or fantasy geek but we KNOW he is into classical music and live performance, that's so good
I loved Ilsa in the golden dress, esp the lil shorts underneath that are so functional
I loved Ethan vs a Tall Dude and how it genuinely alters how Ethan has to fight, and the desperation of his physicality, esp that double kick to the guy's chest, it's so GOOD
I love how Ilsa spots Benji once and saves his life bc everyone who lays eyes on Benji imprints on him
I love the car chase and how Ethan bodily searched Ilsa but it's not gross or weird, it's professional, I love it so much
I love the fucking scene between Ilsa and Solomon, the seething annoyance between them, the grit-teeth cooperation, I adore it. also just how she tossed the gun and how NOISILY it clatters on his sushi setting
(i'm gonna keep going )
I love that Simon Pegg pointed out that Benji is the only person allowed to yell at Ethan, and its GLORIOUS when it happens. i love Ethan's stunned little "okay" after and the microsmile he gives as he turns away.
I love Luther's role in the story, I really adore how Luther and Benji on paper have similar roles but in function they are just so different. Benji is a field tech, he has initiative and moves on his feet. Luther is better at the actual tech stuff, can do much more impressive feats, but doesn't have that same boots on the ground vibe. It's amazing.
I love Ethan and Benji's Morocco outfits. Ethan's in maybe his most colorful outfit of the series and I love it, and BENJI'S SHOOOOES.
I love Ilsa debriefing the boys and how cute they are and her expressions during it.
I love that Tom Cruise can hold his breath for fucking five to seven minutes and he freaked out the filming crew during the torus sequence.
I love that in MI3, when Ethan came back from the bed he was immediately 'on' and ready, but in RN when he comes back from the dead, he's like. he's so fucked up l m a o.
I absolutely adore that when the script called for Ethan and Benji to get into the car, TC was like "I can't just get in the car" and then was like "I got it. roll cameras, I got it," and then improvised the moment when ethan faceplants off the car. And I love it bc I see myself in that technique, because it's a moment that had the potential to have Something, so he made sure it did. With a movie, you have 2 to 3 hours to tell a story and convey characters, and TC refuses to waste any of the moments, and I try my best to do the same with my writing, so I respect it.
I love the motorcycle chase but I'm a slut for all motorcycle scenes.
I love "Tell me you made a copy of that disk," "Of course I made a copy," the LOVE IN BENJI'S EYES. GOD.
I love Ilsa vs her shitty handler and the horror of how screwed she is, how you can watch the hope in her eyes die. Also the shake in her voice with "You bring me in," its amazing.
I love Brandt vs Ethan for the entire end of the story, the Bitchiness vs the Tiredness, it's tasty. Great chemistry.
The entire scene between Solomon and Ilsa in the graveyard is honestly gorgeous. The scenery, the camera pulled all the way back, the black slim look Lane has, Ilsa's amazing coat, the way they talk. I really adore that entire scene.
I love how Ethan doesn't think for a second about running away with Ilsa.
AND OF COURSE I LOVE THAT THEY TOOK BENJI. He's the damsel! And Ethan immediately loses it, he's out of his mind, yeah lets kidnap the fucking PRIME MINISTER, and how every time he tries to explain Lane, everyone else is like "ethan, u cray tho" I love Ethan's desperation, I feast on it.
I love how... Ethan memorized the fucking list. What a fucking batshit move. God.
I love Ilsa vs the Bone Doctor and how she rides his body the fuck down. THE WAY THAT RN KEEPS FUCKING WITH GENDER, like Ethan's play against Lane is a Wounded Gazelle Gambit, a very femme-coded move that fits with his MI1 history as a honeytrap, while Ilsa gets the extended fight scene.
not as much as I love Fallout tho
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andrewknightley · 1 year ago
OKAY WAIT SPEAKING OF M:I 8 PREDICTIONS. i have money on like. if the entity or whatever name the ai has needs some sort of avatar to represent itself it's gonna keep using benji like it was stealing info abt him with the fake bomb and did the whole "you are done/dunn" thing to ethan in his voice and idk. i want to see simon pegg play a villain. a boy can dream
I also love when charas invent lil passwords and stuff to not get tricked by copies of themselves and all the shenanigans that can ensue from that
But also if you wanna see Simon play a villain he has done it it some stuff!! Mostly are Surprise Villain in bad movies tho but i heard he plays a baddie in Doctor Who and i assume its nice to watch (i still have to find wich ones are his episode or episodes)
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roguelov · 1 year ago
Welcome back Rogue boo! Sorry I'm late for the welcoming 😓but I got a thot and sub Morpheus idea for you.
Soo... reader know how to Shibari which is a type of rope bondage art (I Believe) in Japan (that I know of) and the reader want to spicy things up in the bedroom and Morpheus would agree. Suddenly Morpheus is bound by red rope in one of the many Shibari styles and has he tied hanging from the ceiling and maybe... reader offer to maybe....
Peggs him... 👀🫦
(pretty much like this) 😅😅😅 maybe Morpheus wanting to do it to reader too...🥵🥵🥵
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Sub!Dream is best Dream (based the lil blurb on the 1st pic 😉)
Your fingers trailed down his toned, bare body. Dream let out a shaky exhale. He shivered at your delicate fingers.
So soft, and also mischievous.
“You look beautiful,” you hummed, fully admiring him now.
Dream dangled wonderfully in the air. His arms and legs crossed and tied together behind his back in lovely red ropes, while his head faced the ground. Standing in front of him, your fingers lifted up his chin. His eyes were already glazed over with lust and want. His oceanic blue eyes was being overtaken by the black void.
“My love,” he whined softly. He had been tied up for too long. His cock begged for your attention, begged for release.
Your thumb brushed over his bottom lip. He looked so helpless, and so unbelievably enticing. You were a hungry predator, and he was a piece of meat strung up.
You would devour him.
You knelt down to be at eye level with him. You cupped his face, placing a tender kiss on his lips. He sighed, fall into you. He parted his lips, begging to taste you, to have more. Yet, you pulled away before he could enjoy himself.
He huffed, a pout on his lovely lips.
“Oh, Dream,” you purred, standing back up. “I’ll take good care of you, I promise.”
You strolled over to the bed where a strap laid. One Dream designed. But, his mouth still dried at the sight.
You walked exceptionally slow towards him. You spun him around, and stopping him until he faced away from you. The strap teased him, and he nearly wanted to rut back into you. He was becoming so desperate. He needed you, he needed you now.
“My love,” he whined again. His head slumped forward, as he tugged on the resistants. “Please.”
“Patience, my king,” you chuckled. “I will give you exactly what you want.”
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binoculares · 9 months ago
Simon Pegg was amazing in the last episode of the boys. He should have been unhinged a lil more I think
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plasticfangtastic · 2 years ago
Might be early to be making S4 of the Boys predictions but I wouldnt be suprise if we get a proper teaser soon and why the heck not.
Homelander trial only last for like 2 eps
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the DA in charge of Homelander trial and the reason he meets Butcher is bcuz he has the most shit against Homelander
Homie full govt name will be revealed altho I like the idea that he has no last name and will end up taking Ryan's and give us some Butchlander content in the process-- altho charging a guy named John Butcher for murder is kinda funny
The Deep relationship with his Octopus GF will end up with her breaking up with his dumb ass
A-Train will leave the Seven or be paired with Sister Sage
Firecracker will be a short lived love insterest
Black Noir II is Noir's kid so they can still try to pull the ending of the comic somehow.
Billy will take compound V
Frenchie and Kimiko will still not hook up
Hugie and Annie relationship will still be annoying af
Ryan will become a lil terror as his powers continue to show more progress than anticipated
This is my dumbess predition but Hughie's mom is Homelander mom and thats one of the reason she left them... technically Hughie is 30 and Homie is 41/42 so they could be brothers in the show... so its possible that she could had been a teen mom, and while Simon Pegg is only like 3 yrs older than Starr IRL i got no idea how old Hugh is supposed to be in the show. Plus it could explain Homie weird fucking behaviour against Hughie
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 2 years ago
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Title: Luck
Rating: G
Director: Peggy Holmes
Cast: Eva Noblezada, Simon Pegg, Jane Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, Flula Borg, Lil Rel Howery, Colin O’Donoghue, John Ratzenberger, Adelynn Spoon, Grey DeLisle, Suzy Nakamura, Kari Wahlgren, Kwaku Fortune, Chris Edgerly, Maurice J. Irvin, Nick Thurston, Fred Tatasciore
Release year: 2022
Genres: adventure, fantasy, comedy, family
Blurb: Suddenly finding herself in the never-before-seen Land of Luck, the unluckiest person in the world must unite with the magical creatures there to turn her luck around.
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shrimpimage · 2 years ago
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@melancholykazoo​ resident barbara expert rate my hcs and dooble
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years ago
Luck Teaser
Welcome to the Land of Luck, the mythical place that handles luck - good and bad - for humans. Enter Sam Greenfield, the unluckiest person in the world, into this land where humans are not allowed. I’m sure Sam will get along juuuust fine.
Luck stars the voice talents of Eva Noblezada (Sam Greenfield), Jane Fonda, Simon Pegg, Lil Rel Howery, Flula Borg, John Ratzenberger, and Whoopie Goldberg. The film hails from Skydance Animation and Apple Original Films. Luck is directed by Peggy Holmes from a screenplay by Kiel Murray.
Luck hits Apple TV+ on August 5, 2022.
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thepeoplesmovies · 3 years ago
Apple Announce The Highly Anticipated Animation To Premiere On Apple TV+
Apple Announce The Highly Anticipated Animation To Premiere On @AppleTV #skydance #simonpegg #whoopigoldberg #animation
Apple have announced they will be releasing Skydance Animation‘s highly  anticipated, star-studded animated adventure film Luck in August globally as a Apple Original Film. Like virtually everything these days, the film  has found itself  delayed thanks to the ongoing pandemic. Originally the film was due to be released 18th February, now it’s 5th August. Along with the new release date Apple has…
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dcfontaines · 5 years ago
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i want what they have 😔
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doodlerdoodle · 6 years ago
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Simon Pegg body transformation. (Via Rebourne Fitness on IG)
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