swan2swan · 19 days
Brooklynn's dads really went to her funeral twice, huh.
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fernacular · 3 months
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Despite what you may have heard Bruce Wayne is not, in fact, a furry.
He is, however, very opinionated.
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uncanny-heart · 8 months
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my forever favorite character dynamic of all time
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anti-rop · 2 months
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absolutely despicable behavior from WB to plunder a fan film from 15 years ago just because their corporate greed led them to want to make their own (likely soulless even with PJ’s involvement) version with the exact same title.
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UPDATE: the copyright has been released and the fan film The Hunt for Gollum is back on YouTube and can be watched. Though, it's still really telling of the capitalist corruption of WB and Hollywood that their first move and publicity for this (unnecessary) movie was to directly attack the fans for something produced over a decade ago.
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hillhomed · 2 months
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im no less than what i cant be
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yuyokunoshishi · 1 year
also add in the tags if you want how your tolerance has changed over time!
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broh3m3 · 3 months
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Kalim's tsum vignette was fun (I lost my mind multiple times)
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sapsolace · 5 months
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obsessed w these boneheads as of late :]
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fazbear-ent-official · 2 months
fuck a weighted blanket im getting myself springlocked
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briviting · 2 years
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womp womp
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fruitsyrups · 10 months
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This probably isn't entirely in character but it's based on an exchange I had & I thought it would be silly with these two
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odinsblog · 3 months
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The crew of a massive container ship that crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday warned of power issues before the collision, which caused the bridge to collapse into the frigid Patapsco River, officials said.
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said the warning from the ship’s crew likely saved lives.
“We’re thankful that between the mayday and the collapse, that we had officials who were able to begin to stop the flow of traffic so more cars were not on the bridge,” Moore said. He called those officials heroes.
Moore noted that the bridge was up to code at the time of the collapse. He said the collapse was a “shocking and heartbreaking” event for the people of Maryland who have used the bridge for 47 years.
(continue reading)
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twilight-zoned-out · 1 year
The Ken dance is so magnificent because it’s reminiscent of the Golden Age of Musicals when there would just be artful dance sequences for no reason other than the director wanted to have one.
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shivunin · 1 year
Because I have just seen this specific thing for the second time, I would like to say:
If I reblog your art, I do not expect you to reblog (or share!) my fic in return
If I comment on your fic, I do not expect you to comment on (or read!) mine in return
My enjoyment of anyone's work does not come with strings or expectations
My friendship is not a bill that you will have to pay later
That's it!
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archieyelash · 7 months
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The only survivor of oliver's plan.
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Kon was visiting small town and trying to take a little bit of a breather.
Sometimes things got to be a little too much. For instance, he recently found out that due to some weird niche law, he wasn't a person. He was property.
So even if he ever got tired of essentially being owned by CADMUS, it was them or some government branch called the GIW.
And no one knew anything about the GIW.
So even if he wasn't really with CADMUS anymore, he would never be free of them. Which was. Not great.
So he was just. Taking a small breather.
Sitting on a curb, eating some burgers, and just vibing.
Then someone grabbed both of his shoulders in a death grip.
"Dude, what-?"
"-I'm sorry, but I need you to stay still or I'm gonna get got." A panicked teen voice hissed.
Kon turned his head; there was a scrawny teen with unnaturally clear blue eyes, black hair, and a white knuckled grip on Kon's shoulders as he desperately tried to...keep his feet on the ground?
Then a van came tearing around the corner, with the letters GIW stamped across it. The men that left it were wearing white suits, and were clearly keeping an eye on the terrified kid trying to pretend like he wasn't about to float out of some sort of fear response.
Oh, this was another clone. One without the protection of CADMUS or Kal.
Yeah, no.
He's got the kid in his arms and was flying over the mid-sized city in an instant, right before pivoting and retreating to Metropolis.
He needed Kal for this. The man was over his thing about clones, and Kon couldn't face the American Government alone.
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