#like. it’s not nothing that he’s doing shit like this it’s so obviously vile
catnpc · 2 years
im curious what it was that made u change ur mind on dan btw? it seems like u used to be a fan. ive never been in that circle so i know nothing but im wondering what bullshit he pulled for u to go "actually 🤨" . rightfully so anyway hes deeply deeply annoying AT BEST
not only was i a fan i literally had multiple items of clothing that dan howell wore specifically because he wore them. what i could afford as a 16/17 year old anyway. i also went to his and phil’s first tour and met them both. dan howell specifically influenced so many parts of my adolescent personality—and probably still does in some ways 😓—that it’s hard to describe.
mostly i just kinda grew out of them when i went to college, and as a young gay boy i kind of figured they were gay and felt personally let down that they were so willing to play it up for views yet not commit to it ever. there was just a lot of disappointment + growing up that led me to lose interest, and at that time i didn’t have the strong hate and resentment i do now.
in terms of when that particular feeling began, i’d say it was around the time that dan came back from not posting or doing much of anything for 2 years with a coming out video, self-help book, collaboration with youtube themselves, and then a hour-or-so long pity documentary wherein he described how youtube had fucked him, a millionaire, over so much.
i think i was just old enough to recognize the entitlement, narcissism, and deeply warped grotesque view of the world dan howell engaged and encouraged. like, he wrote a self-help book after disappearing for 2 years because of depression. he is so shallowly political, steadfastly unaware of his privileged position in the world, and unbothered by manipulation that seeing or hearing about him makes me feel unsettled in a deeply sad, sick way.
he’s a guy who started dating a 23 year old at 18 and got famous too soon. hes addicted to the attention. and he won’t FUCKING stop using the q slur. basically i realized all of this when he returned to the internet and couldn’t fucking stomach him anymore, and that was that
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timmydraker · 18 days
Tim’s parents demand a meeting with Bruce and their son himself to discuss the future of their company and Tim’s place in it. Everyone knows they probably want to get in on Bruce’s wealth and business so they might be able to go from millionaires to billionaires like Bruce.
To everyone’s surprise, Tim accepts and says he’ll do it as long as Bruce will stay with him the entire time.
Obviously Dick refuses not to and Damian insist as the ‘true heir’, which makes Jason want to as well just cause he’s not being left out. Duke promises to stay out of it and keep the girls busy so Tim doesn’t feel cornered or smothered in worry.
So, Bruce and his three sons sit on the meeting with Bruce doing most do the talking and Tim sitting on a chair with his brothers all keeping eyes on him.
Jack and Janet try to give pleasantries to their son but he just stared at them, a blank look that even Bruce can’t decipher if only because he’s never seen it before.
Jack does most of the talking, explaining that Tim still has a set aside amount of many and place in the company but that it’s only there because he’s kept the family name. They explain that they would be happy for Tim to take the Wayne name as long as their son gives up his legal place in the company and hands over his personal funds they gifted him willingly.
They subtly explain that they want him to continue to work with the as he works with WE extremely well, and that they could possibly become partners.
Tim would still be the co-CEO of WE as well as COF for Drake Industries but he must… ‘donate’ money to them regularly as a show of good partner ship.
Bruce is furious that they just want money and haven’t acknowledged their son or the fact that he just turned eighteen, but he remains calm and after almost twenty minutes of talking Dick cuts them all off.
“Perhaps-we could ask Tim himself what he thinks of this offer.”
The growing tension both settles and raises as everyone turns to Tim who is sitting like a statue.
He looks like he could be dissociating but there’s a distinct presence in his eyes like he doesn’t want to miss a single word or second.
Jack sits back and gives Tim a stern look, “Well, son? What do you say?”
Tim speaks in the same voice Bruce has heard him talk to clients he doesn’t like, “I’ll accept, I’ll even give my earnings from the company.” Just as Jack and Janet begin to look smug and his family members look shocked he adds, “on one condition.”
Janet looks at him like he’s the most vile creature ever and covers it with a forced smile as Alfred pours more tea for her as a means to appease the clearly nasty woman.
Everyone waits for Tim to state his condition but none of them are ready for when he looks his parents each in the eye and says in the calmest, most level voice the most shocking sentence nace they have ever heard from both Tim and Red Robin:
“I want you to kill yourselves.”
No one speaks.
Jason and Dick look genuinely afraid, Damian looks taken aback though not nearly as shocked as Bruce is with his jaw hanging low.
Alfred for the first time in his life serving the Waynes spills tea and looks at Tim in a way that shows he is genuinely aghast.
Janet and Jack are frozen looking at their son like he’s a different person, which is funny as that implies they knew he was before.
Tim doesn’t smile or gloat, he does nothing to suggest his words were one big joke or last ‘fuck you’ to them.
He sits still and patient, waiting for an answer.
Janet opens her mouth several times to speak but never gets any words out though Jack manages to get over his shock and fury crosses his face. He opens his mouth, most likely to yell or berate his son but Tim beats him to it.
“It’s your choice. I’ve said all I want, so kill yourself or leave.”
Tim picks up his own tea and watches as Jack and Janet storm out of Wayne Manner.
Silence prevails for a while with none of the family talking until Damian breaks the silence, “Holy shit.”
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rotthepoet · 3 months
Theodore Nott and The Late Night Smoke Breaks
or, The time Theodore Nott realized he fucked up.
Theodore Nott x gn!Reader
Content: Modern AU, Language, No use of Y/N, drug use/smoking in order to cope(Nicotine/Weed), angstish to fluffish, Theo has daddy issues, a jealous Theo is a sad Theo, they make up in the end. Not my best work by a long shot, and I hate it actually, but stories are stories and I want to put mine out there.
The breeze high above Hogwarts was cold and Theodore Nott, a seventh year nicotine fiend draped in green to honor his prideful house, sat on the balcony of the astronomy tower. The castle stone pressed against his back, digging past the thick sweater he wore and into his shoulder blades. Theo didn’t bother to adjust himself, just opting to fumble with the joint between his fingers. His third of the night to be precise, but no amount of smoke in his lungs and fog in his mind could undo what he had done mere hours ago.
A simple question. That’s all it had to be. That was all it was supposed to be. Just a quick question to quell the burning anxiety in his stomach. Just a friendly question. Of course that wasn’t how it played out. He was never quite able to communicate with you.
Theodore’s fingers itched towards his phone, and he cursed under his breath. A glimpse of twelve new messages did nothing to ease the licking flames of guilt burning in his chest. He had really fucked up this time.
Perhaps he was higher than he had initially thought as he picked up his phone, allowing muscle memory to unlock the screen and let him view his missed messages. Although, missed isn’t the right word. ‘Avoided’ might be more fitting in Theo’s circumstance. Long paragraphs blurred together, simple phrases like “wtf is wrong with you?” and “you do this every time Theodore!” Stuck to his mind like flies in a glue trap; or maybe a rabbit in the jaw of a wolf. You were the wolf, weren’t you? Or had he been the predator the whole time?
He had his father’s tongue, this fact was quite familiar to Theo, who spat vile words and insults in fits of rage before he could fully process what he was saying. It often led to physical altercations, bloody knuckles and bruised eyes. He hated the way you looked at him afterwards. Ashamed. Embarrassed. Disappointed.
He sent the text without even thinking, the burning anxiety twisting in his stomach. “K” was all he sent. All he could manage. He shut his eyes, cursing himself aloud. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t just avoid you. It hurt.
One missed call. Two, then three.
One new voicemail.
Curiosity- more-so an intense desire to hear your voice- clawed at his mind, and with a simple press of his fingers he closed his eyes and listened to your words. Angry or not, he missed the way you talked. He missed you.
“You can’t keep doing this, Theo!”
Guilt twisted at his stomach. You sounded like you had been crying, your voice raw and cracking.
“You keep shutting me out, you get so angry when I tell you about any of my friends, or any of my plans! You ask, I answer, and then you lose it. Every single time. You threatened to beat the shit out of that Gryffindor after they asked me to help them study-“
Untrue. He threatened to beat the shit out of that Gryffindor after they obviously hit on you.
“-then you claim that I’m ignoring you- or that I take your friendship for granted! You talk to me like your friendship is some privilege I don’t deserve. You just… You dangle it over my head like it’s a prize! I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Your voice cracked. It made his own heart shatter. He hated it when you cried. He hated the long breath you took to steady yourself. He hated that he wasn’t brave enough to look you in the eyes and tell you he was-
“Draco said you stepped out for a smoke. You’re always avoiding conversations like this.”
You stopped talking for a moment, letting the microphone pick up your soft breathing and light footsteps.
“I can’t keep doing this Theodore, I can’t be your friend if you just keep treating me like this. I don’t know what to do to make you feel better.”
The voicemail ended, and Theo wished the stone of Hogwarts would fall upon his head and crush him. Tears welled in his eyes, and it took more than a minute to will them away. He stood, slowly and shakily. He fucked up. He couldn’t lose you, not like this, not now.
His feet carried him without a second thought, breaking into a sprint down the darkened hallways of Hogwarts. He raced down and up stairs, listening to the annoyed groans of paintings he disturbed. He didn’t even bother to avoid the ghosts patrolling the halls, sure to rat him out. He’d take a year’s worth of detention just to have a moment with you.
He was at your door in mere minutes, fist rapping against the heavy wood of your dorm room.
It wasn’t you who answered, but your roommate instead. Their “Can I help you?” was ignored, and their body was shoved out of the way and out of the door. He slammed the door behind him.
Your eyes met his. They were sad, red and puffy. He reached for your face, and you pulled away. The nerve pulsating through his veins dissipated. He fucked up majorly.
“You shouldn’t be here, Theodore.”
“Not Theodore… please. Just let me talk to you.”
You shook your head, but ultimately scooted over in bed and allowing Theo the space to sit down. He looked at you, desperate to see your face, to fix his mistake. You didn’t look back again him, instead picking at the dead skin around your nails.
Theo’s heart raced faster as he inched his hand towards yours. He couldn’t formulate the words. This was all wrong. He wasn’t supposed to tell you like this, not when you were crying. Not when you were angry at him.
“You’re my everything.”
“Are you serious?” Your eyes blew wide with rage. “You tell me that I’m a waste of time, then avoid me, and you come in here to tell me that I’m ‘your everything’? Have you lost your mind?”
Theo had in fact lost his mind. Everything he said made it worse. Every move he made caused an avalanche of consequences.
“I can’t lose you.”
“Why? So you can yell at me to feel good about yourself? Do I fuel your ego, Theo? Do I make you feel special? Is that all I am? Just here to make the ‘oh high-and-mighty Theodore Nott’ feel powerful.”
He gripped the loose fabric of his pants. He couldn’t do this anymore. He lost his nerve.
“Then what am I to you Theo? Am I a friend because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. You make me feel like-“
Theodore didn’t let you finish your sentence. His lips pressed against yours in the blink of an eye, and while he closed his eyes, yours stayed wide open in shock.
Theo moved one hand to your cheek, barely letting the skin touch. You could feel him shaking. You could feel the heat radiating off of his cheeks. You could taste the cigarettes on his lips and the smell of pot was overwhelming.
He pulled away, opening his eyes, watching your face. His heart sunk when you wiped your mouth, declining to speak.
“I need you.” He whispered, voice cracking with the words. “I’m sorry. I was so…” he couldn’t even find the right words. “I just needed you to be mine.”
You stared at Theodore. A blush crept up to your cheeks, and the rage boiling inside of you slowed to a simmer.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?”
Theo gripped your hand, “I wanted to- I just couldn’t…” he paused, “I just couldn’t find the right way to say it.”
“So you threatened to beat up everyone who talked to me?”
“Only the one’s who were interested in you.”
A small laugh left your lips, and it made Theo’s heart swell.
“I’m still angry at you.”
“How can I make it better?”
You thought for just a moment, the blush pushing up to your ears. “You could start by asking me out.”
“Will you go out with me?”
And that was all Theodore needed to hear.
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dulcewrites · 1 month
Hmm well now that Disney went and showed their asses (again), I feel like I can say this without putting bad juju out/jinxing anything. I honestly think the writing was on the wall when amandla, who was arguably the most excited pre the show coming out, essentially went radio silent. Then my gut feeling was only compounded by them (Disney - Lucasfilms - whoever) clearly pushing Qimir/Manny as the lead… which is just not how the show works??
There are possible reasons for that. As for pushing Qimir, it’s clear he (and maybe Sol as well) ended up being breakout characters from the show. I can’t begrudge that - Qimir is interesting as hell. But we see him through the eyes of our leads - he wants an acolyte. There is no acolyte without Osha and Mae. Also why isn’t Manny being pushed in tandem with the actually lead of the show. As for Amandla not being invited to things like d23 or swcj (like Manny), I’ve seen people be like “well, they could just be taking a break considering all of the racist stuff that’s been hurled at them”. And like yeah maybe, but you’d think the people that employed them, would ya know say something about it. Especially considering that Amandla has been burdened with dealing with racist since like the age of 12.
But this is Disney and Star Wars and Lucasfilms where everyone outside of the main story gets treated like shit.
Now for the thing that I didn’t want to put out there before actual news of s2 - I’m sorry but I can’t help but feel like this is them pushing the black nonbinary lead out so they pluck parts of the acolyte for something else. Because while I don’t cruelty pass them (releasing this news on Manny’s birthday is vile), something about them dragging Manny out in particular to several events knowing they were canceling the show just doesn’t make sense? Nothing is set in stone obviously but now I’m seeing people talk about them highlighting Qimir and Darth Plagueis (literally who gives af about that hag) but gutting the story of anything else.
I hope no one takes this as me saying Manny hasn’t dealt with his fair share of shit. He’s been outspoken about how hard it is being a Filipino man in Hollywood. But at the end of the day, Qimir (and by extension Manny) being a mysterious double lightsaber wilding MALE sith gives him an element of protection Osha and Mae (and by virtue Amandla) don’t have as characters. Because notice how much of the ire with the shows casting is about the lead character(s) being black women.
Anyway this is just me rambling about something that’s been on my mind. Tbh I actually have hope that it won’t happen simply because I don’t see the creator/writers of the show being down with that. Also Manny has been vocal about supporting Amandla and not being able do this without them
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Ok so I can't screenshot so I'm putting this in the asks but people are talking about netanyahu because he's getting the attention right now. And that's because he's genociding Gaza right now and nothing else of that scale happened since. So of course he's the it girl rn.
Like I wholeheartedly agree with you, we shouldn't be saying people "deserve to die", I just want to point out that I don't like it whenever people go "but why are people talking about this figure (who's getting all the attention right now) and not these other figures? (Who aren't getting attention)"
But TLDR netanyahu's doing some fuck shit that's getting reported on so obviously he's getting talked about the most generally.
To bring it back to the original conversation, people were talking about Putin when the Russo Ukraine war was going on. I saw people get excited at the idea that he might have cancer when that lump on his face showed up. Putin was the it girl and now it's netanyahu.
Look I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but the original comment I was responding to was antisemitic and your comments excusing it are microaggressions.
[Original post for reference]
There are a few things going on here:
1. People are giving a hugely disproportionate amount of attention to Israel's military response to the October 7th massacre in Gaza because they are antisemitic. There have been plenty of humanitarian crises affecting Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, yet the world literally only cares about them if they can use it as a cudgel against Jews. Obviously it's a humanitarian crisis and it deserves attention, and Israel deserves scrutiny and accountability for its actions. But the laser focus on Israel and only Israel belies the true motivation.
2. There are numerous other humanitarian crises happening right now that affect substantially more people, and which are unquestionably genocide. Can you name them? Can you tell me the relevant major players by name? Can you tell me the number of people murdered? Why or why not?
3. Specifically naming Bibi out of every possible vile human one could name, to me, specifically, a Jew - that's extra sus. Taken in combination with the previous points? Yeah, it's antisemitic.
4. The genocide of Ukraine by Russia is still ongoing, and ignorance about it is leading to dwindling support to such an extent that Ukrainians are having to ration bullets to defend themselves with. This one isn't meant as a scold, by the way — the plight of Ukraine is getting intentionally buried. Please don't stop talking about Ukraine, they need all the help they can get.
[And in b4 someone thinks I'm trying to say you shouldn't pay attention to what is happening in Gaza: please DO keep paying attention to Gaza and keep holding Bibi's feet to the fire. He's awful, his policies are awful, and he's encouraging the absolute worst members of Israeli society for his own selfish reasons. The people of Gaza are going through hell and need our help. Just please, for the love of G-d fact check things first and make sure you're not "supporting Palestine" by being antisemitic. Also make sure you are holding Hamas responsible for its part in the humanitarian crisis.]
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restinslices · 8 months
I also got another fluff request but for Kitana. Y’all make me sick, I could just BAFFGSGTGSGG (me vomiting cause y’all don’t wanna be depressed). Using stupid pictures because I don’t think I have for them yet.
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The haters will try to convince you that Bi-Han wouldn’t give a fuck. That he’d tell you to walk it off or some other mean shit 
I encourage you to ignore them
Bi-Han is snippy but y’all let’s be fr, he’s an older brother. He’s the older brother. He’s definitely been forced to take care of his brothers 
As the oldest brother he’s always had to do shit for his brothers so this is not his first rodeo 
If it’s something small and you’re in the middle of something, like a mission, he’d encourage you to pull through. If you’re not in the middle of something then he’d take care of you 
A small illness can become bigger so he makes sure to address it right away
He knows random remedies you’ve never heard of. Jump down, turn around, pop your ass, swallow a lemon and now you’re ok
You’d recover way quicker with him watching over you 
And if I said he makes you meals will y’all boo me for making him soft?! Idc.
Once again, he’s the oldest. I’m the youngest so I’ve seen how much weight the older ones gotta carry. He for sure knows how to do things like cook, clean, take care of sick people, ect. 
He makes these heavenly soups and just like that, your sore throat is gone 
Soups, teas, a nice healing stew, he’s on it
If you have body aches, he makes you do certain stretches 
You swear this man knows witchcraft because everything he suggests works 
Obviously if you’re heating up he’ll put his hand on you. We knew this was coming.
He’d prefer you to use an ice pack or use a cold rag but let’s be real, you’re not gonna do that when you could just cling onto him 
The best doctor the Lin Kuei has ever seen even if he won’t admit it
The strongest of illnesses mean nothing to him. He’s gonna get the job done 
Kuai Liang
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Also a good nurse
He’d ask Bi-Han for some help when it comes to soups and shit. Kuai Liang can cook but he recognizes that Bi-Han got a magic touch 
If you’re in the middle of a mission and feel unwell, he wouldn’t tell you to stop what you’re doing but he has you doing less. He’ll have you behind him and would suggest you to do simple things, like keeping watch 
If you’re not on a mission then he’d pay more attention. You expect that Bi-Han would have you wait and Kuai Liang would treat you right away but I think it’s the opposite. Bi-Han being the caregiver knows how annoying it is to take care of someone really sick (which could have been prevented) and Kuai Liang is the younger sibling who would put off mentioning his illness 
He’d have you track your symptoms at first to see if it’s something serious or something a quick nap could fix 
Lingers around you to make sure you’re ok
Cooks you warm meals if you’re cold but if you’re warm he’ll give you cold liquids 
You can’t sneakily miss taking your medication cause he’s on your ass. Probably has an alarm set and everything 
If you’re overly warm he won’t be all on you because he’s warm, but if you want physical touch he’ll let you hold his pinkie 
Bi-Han gives you remedies even if they taste absolutely vile but I think Kuai Liang would try to give you remedies that don’t taste that bad 
Has you laying down a lot so you can recover quicker. If you have no responsibilities to tend to he’s not letting you get up 
You’ll have to convince him to let you do things like, oh idk, walking around? I have the flu, I’m not dying 
When you start to recover then he lets you move around like normal. He just doesn’t want you exerting yourself and getting worse 
Tries to find out if there’s a certain thing you were exposed to that got you sick so it doesn’t happen again
Tomas Vrbada
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Similar to Kuai Liang in the sense that if you’re on a mission he’ll want you to do less intense things, like keeping watch 
He constantly asks if you’re ok and what your symptoms are 
If it was up to him, you’d be sent back home immediately. You’re just gonna get worse and you probably can’t focus 
If you have nothing to do then he’s basically right on top of you
I feel like he has random thoughts he doesn’t want to have and he makes himself paranoid. He’s the type to google his symptoms and legit starts to think he has cancer because WebMD said so
He also thinks out loud so he’s the type to say “what if you’re dying?… that actually wasn’t appropriate. I’m sorry”
Nah, you gotta move now Tomas 
Because of his paranoia he’s constantly checking up on you 
Kuai Liang but worse because you can convince him to let you move like a normal person but that’s not happening with Tomas 
Becomes your nurse and your butler because he’s doing everything for you 
Cooking? He got it. Making tea? He got it. Making sure you take your meds? He got it. Grabbing a cup of water? He got it. Wanna walk to the bathroom? He got strong arms-
He’s neither hot nor cold so feel free to snuggle next to him 
His brothers are soup kind of guys but I think he’s more oatmeal and tea 
Also tries to give you better tasting medicine but sometimes you just gotta thug it out 
If a mission comes up but you’re still sick, he will not let you attend at all 
Constantly drying your blankets so they can be extra warm if you’re cold 
Distracts you by talking about random shit
Only convinced you’re not dying when you’re no longer sick
He’s on your ass 24/7 but it’s Tomas so who’s complaining?
This is not me turning over a new leaf. If I think of something sad, y’all WILL hear about it💕
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shellforbrains · 3 months
okay, strap in, here we go.
i think i & a lot of other people went into Apology Tour expecting Stolas to be at different point in his character development then he actually is. but that development is definitely still coming!
a deep dive into where Stolas currently is at character wise with insights from my own personal life experience.
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in this deep dive into where he currently is, i want to use what i personally have experienced & witnessed in my own life as a guide. bc if i'm being honest, after i had time to mull it over, looking at Stolas in this episode was both like looking in a mirror & also like looking at some of my own family members who i have tried to correct on their own microaggresions in the past.
now i want to preface this by saying that i am white. i will not be speaking on this from the perspective of a POC. i am speaking on this from the perspective of someone who has had to go on a similar (but obvs not as extreme) journey that Stolas is on, and as someone who has seen people i love vehemently deny their problematic actions when i have tried to tell them how harmful they are & how hard it is to actually argue with them about it.
and i'd also like to add that i am not trying to shit on Stolas with this & say that Blitzø did nothing wrong in their arrangement ever or in Apology Tour. Blitzø is also on a character arc of his own & growing as a character.
both he AND Stolas continued to suck at communicating this episode, & it wasn't anyone's sole fault there. i'm focusing less on their conflict (though of course i will make reference to it) & more focusing on where Stolas currently is in his journey & how him acting the way he does in AT is... not far off from reality, honestly.
even if it's painful to watch at times, i do have to commend the writing there haha. bc it's pretty fuckin' spot on.
okay with all that out of the way, let's get our hands dirty:
the description of the episode itself confirms that Stolas is "still not quite being self-aware enough at times" & boy did they hit the nail on the head here lmao.
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i think most people will agree that Stolas still has a LOT to learn about the race/class difference & the power imbalance between he & Blitzø, but even still, some were expecting better out of him in AT than what we got. myself included.
but let's look at FM from his perspective:
he's off his meds & obviously went into that night with a very black & white view of the possible outcomes: either Blitzø returns his feelings & they'll be dating by the end of the night, or he's been keeping Blitzø against his will & is a monster. no room for shades of grey.
and when Blitzø (understandably for multiple reasons) mistakes this basically out of nowhere declaration of feelings as a form of rp, Stolas (very understandably) gets his feelings hurt. he shuts down & stonewalls.
he doesn't see any shades of grey when Blitzø chases after him, says he needs a minute to think, makes reference to his feelings being played with, or the fact that, while aggressive, Blitzø was trying to talk things out with him. Stolas only hears the yelling and (again, understandably) gets triggered.
ALONG WITH, it seems, only hearing the "everything you've put me through, you rich, privileged asshole" comment & the "treat me like one of your butler imps" comment. which, if i'm being honest, i think ALSO really hurt his feelings, based on how he ends up acting the next day in AT.
here's where my personal experience comes in, so let's tldr my story real fast:
i was raised in a fairly privileged position & was basically brainwashed into far right ideology from a young age at the private school i attended. trust me, i went on a WILDASS journey to unlearn some of the craziest & most vile shit that had been hammered into my head since i was a little tiny child. it's a tough journey, too, that's filled with a lot of ups & downs.
part of what makes Stolas such a special character to me is seeing that journey reflected on screen with the good, the bad, & the ugly. which is also why i get very frustrated with fans that want to ignore the bad & the ugly parts of Stolas' character & journey.
bc, yes, while he is a fictional character, it is always important to hold oneself accountable. even though i am a completely changed person from who i was all those years ago, i know that even at 33 there are probably things i still need to unlearn that i just haven't stumbled upon to challenge me yet.
the journey that Stolas is on is not a single switch flip or a short, easy one. nor should it be treated as one. however, i think it's important to dive into these things and see where it's coming from, even if it shines light on the bad & the ugly in a way that some people may not like.
now with my personal experience in mind, & how Full Moon went from Stolas' perspective, let's finally address that painful exchange that happens the morning after Full Moon.
emotions are still high, neither of them has had time to really process, Stolas is still very deep in his own feefees, and those feefees are HURT.
Blitzø, in his mind, has rejected a relationship with him. as well as accused him of being a racist/classist, something that Stolas does NOT see himself as. and, like ANY privileged person mostly oblivious to their own behavior, he gets his feefees hurt over this as well as getting very defensive about it.
while the bar is quite literally in hell, Stolas DOES treat imps... better than other Goetia. that doesn't mean he treats them WELL, bc he DOESN'T, but to Stolas himself, he sees other goetia carry imps around in purses like animals or throw them around like objects like Stella did. in his mind, he's treating imps very well! so he must think, "so why would Blitzø or that Stiker guy even say anything like that?! that's ridiculous & hurtful!"
enter stage left Blitzø, who starts off with his typical sexy talk which then turns into needling/arguing. (once again, oof. they both continue to suck at communicating this ep so hard.)
and when this exchange happens, it is... it is so quintessential oblivious privileged person getting defensive.
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"i'm not racist/classist! when have i EVER done something like that? you talk just like those people that hate all white/rich people!"
i have literally heard basically those exact words, and ones similar to what Stolas says later, from family that i have tried to point out microaggresions to before.
microaggresions are called microaggresions for a reason & are obviously not considered the same as the more outwardly hateful shit for a reason. they are harder for people to realize that they are doing/participating in and therefore very easy to get their feefees hurt over & defensive about.
bc the ppl committing microaggresions hear the big, ""scary"" words like "racism" or "classism" & think of the most extreme examples, not the ""mundane"" shit that THEY do. so if someone says they're being racist/classist, they think they're being accused of the extreme shit & think people are being absolutely ridiculous.
bc OBVIOUSLY Stolas isn't carrying an imp around in a purse or yeeting them like Stella does so what's the big deal, right? /s
moving forward in their exchange, we come to these lines. and here's where, if i haven't ruffled feathers already, i'm probably going to ruffle them now.
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by saying this, Stolas DOES make a point but also... DOESN'T at the same time, ending up only reinforcing his own ignorance & lack of self-awareness. but before anyone starts furiously typing to me, let me explain.
Blitzø DOES need to hear this to begin to understand how Stolas has been making attempts & does care in his own way, just like how Blitzø also needed to hear what Fizz said in Oops for the same reason.
HOWEVER, just like how Fizz said what he said in Oops without full context of the arrangement that Blitzø & Stolas had, Stolas says what he says here without the full context of his actions & how they actually read to Blitzø, especially in the context of the deal they had.
he is genuine about his attempt to make Blitzø understand he cares, but just like before, this is ALSO quintessential privileged person being defensive.
"if i were racist/classist why would i want to date a POC/a poor person? if i were racist/classist why would i want to be seen with a POC/a poor person? if i were racist/classist why would i want to spend time with a POC/a poor person or support them?"
yes, Stolas cares about Blitzø. but this is called being seen as an Exception or One Of The Good Ones. Stolas doesn't look down on Blitzø as much as he does other imps, but that doesn't make Blitzø feel any better. and even still, while Blitzø is the Exception, it still doesn't mean that he isn't still looked down on or been the victim of microaggresions from Stolas.
and honestly, some of the talk i've seen these past few days around the fandom regarding this has been... very fucking exhausting.
yes, i more than anyone understand that Stolas is not self-aware enough to fully realize his own behaviors yet. but everyone seems to be putting this entirely on Blitzø's shoulders to fix & educate Stolas on this despite the fact that Blitzø is also hurting & neck deep in his emotions as well.
Stolas gets a pass for being ignorant & uneducated & neck deep in his feelings but Blitzø is apparently supposed to be able to articulate perfectly to Stolas every microaggresion he's suffered & be able to sit him down & give him a lecture on Hell's Racism & Classism.
just like how it is not the job of POC to educate white people, or any other underprivileged group to educate a privileged one, it is NOT entirely on Blitzø's shoulders to educate Stolas.
Stolas is approx. 36 years old & has a smartphone. Google (or i guess it's gaggle in hell) exists & Stolas shows later on in AT that he DOES indeed have tiny blips of self-awareness, little nagging feelings that he's missing something.
yes, it would definitely HELP to have Blitzø explain his own perspective to Stolas, as i'm sure Stolas would be willing to listen if Blitzø can find a way to properly elaborate. and i do think Blitzø WILL at some point in the future do that!
BUT. confronting or educating loved ones is SO much harder than anyone else. i think part of the reason WHY Blitzø has a hard time saying specifics to Stolas (besides his own self-hatred & communication issues) is BECAUSE he cares about him so much.
it was not easy at ALL for me to try to confront loved ones in my life about their behavior, & being met with the defensive reactions only made it more painful on top of that. it is not uncommon at all for ppl to let a privileged loved one get away with things that they would NEVER let someone else get away with.
this leads into where i basically want to say... if you're having any worry or doubts about Stolas' character arc right now, don't worry. we've gotten some pretty clear signs from AT that there's still plenty to be addressed on Stolas' side & that it WILL be coming.
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he simply is just not as far along in the journey as some of us thought he was, & that's okay. he'll get there, even if it is painful right now.
personally, my biggest theory on HOW he'll get there is the whole "Stolas is stripped of his title & everything he owns" theory that's been circulating around the fandom. something that drastic happening to him, leaving him with nothing, & forcing him to see what Hell is actually like for the lower class outside of his gilded cage would be one hell of a wake up call for him.
but even if that theory isn't correct, i still believe that it will not just be solely Blitzø or others around him showing Stolas the error of his ways.
i am of the opinion that something drastic will happen that will also help shift his view much more into focus & make him even more receptive to what he's being told about the racism & classism of Hell.
bc oftentimes, it DOES take something drastic in a journey like this one to actually light a fire under one's ass. what that will be for Stolas...? well, i guess we'll just have to wait & see!
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 5 months
hiii could you do a nick x trans!reader where they’re out on a date in public and a fan comes up to nick for a photo and says something transphobic to the reader?
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Not A Fan
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Summary; Nick and his boyfriend are on a date, when Nick gets noticed by a fan. The fan asks to take a picture, but says something vile to Nick’s boyfriend.
Pairing: Nick Sturniolo X Trans!Reader (he/him.)
Warnings: Use of the t-slur, transphobia, cussing & foul language, arguing.
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“C’mon, slow poke!” You giggle, tugging at Nick’s arm, attempting to lead him into the restaurant, that Nick had a reservation for.
You two had been dating for a long time, but out of respect, Nick hadn’t taken you out to many very public places. As a trans guy, you were worried that one of Nicks’ fans would be transphobic to you, or even just anyone walking past.
Today, however, was your one-year anniversary, and you agreed to let Nick take you somewhere ‘fancy’. He had picked a well-known restaurant, one that you had been wanting to go to for a while.
“Excuse me..?” You hear a voice call out from behind you. You and Nick both turn your heads, and you were met with a girl, who seemed to be around eighteen. She smiled brightly at Nick, but completely ignored your presence. You didn’t mind much, since most of the triplets fans didn’t really acknowledge you.
“Yeah?” Nick asks, looking down at the shorter girl. Her friend stood behind her, minding her own business. She must not watch them.
“I’m a huge fan, could I get a picture..?” She asked shyly, and Nick smiled. Nick was always sweet and gentle when it came to his fans. Without them, he knows he wouldn’t be where he was today, so he was always appreciative.
“Of course. Do you mind if my boyfriend is in it?” He asks sweetly, and the girl glares at you. Her demeanor almost immediately changed.
“Yeah, I do mind, actually. I don’t want her in the picture. I don’t wanna get contaminated.” The girl rolls her eyes, handing her friend her phone. You immediately felt tears prick at your eyes. This is exactly why you hate being in public with Nick.
“What the fuck?” Nick growls, stepping away from the girl. “You fucking disgust me.” He snaps, and the girls eyes widen.
“What-? Why?” The girl asks, as if she had no clue what she did wrong. “Because I don’t want your tranny girlfriend in the picture? I’m a fan of you, not her.” The girl scoffs. Nick’s eyes widen.
“You better watch your fuckin’ mouth, you dumb bitch. Don’t think that just because you’re eighteen doesn’t mean I wont beat your ass. You are not a fan. You disgust me.” Nick growls, immediately grabbing your hand.
“What— whatever. You’re right. I’m not a fan after this shit.” She rills her eyes and turns around to walk away.
“Thank fuck. Trust me, you weren’t a fan in the first place, you stupid cunt.” Nick snarls. You stood there, in complete awe.
Obviously you felt bad for possibly ruining your date, but you felt safe with Nick.
“I’m sorry, my love,” He coos, gently rubbing your cheek. He places a small kiss to your lips.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Nick. That was fucking amazing. Thank you.” You gape, pulling him into a hug.
“Of course. You’re my man, i’d do anything for you, baby.” Nick reassures, taking your hand in his once again, pulling you into the restaurant.
“God, I love you.” You mumble to him.
“I love you too.” He says back.
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『 ↳✧・゚ Finn yaps❕ ;
Im so sorry this took so long and its so short, but i really hope you like it🤍
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I do NOT give permission for my work to be published on any other site, nor to be claimed as your own . However , reblogs , likes , and comments are much appreciated ! 🤍
ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bernardenjoyer @lovely-calypso @junnniiieee07 @tillies33ssss @imwetforyourmom @slut4mattsturn @thenickgirl
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could I have a dark chocolate number 7 with Nico Robin?. Thank you
I just had to get the Robin request I had done today since it's her birthday
Yandere Robin x GN!Reader
1k words
I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something.
Robin adores these moments.
Being able to enjoy a quiet moment without fear is a gift in and of itself. Being able to do so in your company? Priceless. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The Thousand Sunny was currently docked at a new island, and you two decided to spend some precious downtime at a local cafe after checking out a bookstore. Both of you were silently enjoying each other’s company while reading your respective finds. Words weren’t necessary during times like these. 
Nothing could ruin this.
The door to the cafe chimed as a new customer walked in. Instinctively, Robin spared a glance to see who it was. Such vigilance was a force of habit at this point in her life, one she doubted would go away anytime soon, if ever. Her grip on the book tightened when she noticed who it was.
She hadn’t caught the pest’s name yet, and frankly she didn’t care to. She had encountered him at the aforementioned bookstore when he decided that you were simply the most attractive person he’d ever seen- the one thing they could agree on- and incessantly hit on you until you two were able to sneak out a side door when he wasn’t looking. 
Was it a coincidence that he came here too, or was he now adding stalking to his list of undesirable traits?
Robin’s stiff demeanor managed to catch your attention, “Is everything alright, you look- Oh.” Your eyes followed her own and spotted the problem. You abruptly lifted your book so that it was covering your face, “Maybe if we keep our heads down he won’t see us.”
“Oh hey, fancy seeing you here!”
Shit. So much for your idea.
The nuisance confidently strolled up to the table, zeroing in on you while ignoring Robin. You cringed away as he sidled right up to you; not quite invading your personal space yet, but not far off from doing so either. 
“Yeah, what a coincidence,” you said flatly, not looking away from your book.
Undeterred by your response, he keeps talking, “How about I join you? We can finish-”
“Don’t, just leave.” If you were going to be too polite to tell this prick off, then Robin would take the reins. She had no problem telling some creep that can’t take a hint to piss off. The man gawked at her, taken aback to be getting told off. Robin continued, “They couldn’t be more obviously disinterested in you, get over yourself.”
“I didn’t ask you, I don’t care what you think.” He was positively seething, a vein in his forehead throbbed out.
“She’s right.” His head whipped back to you as you spoke up. “I’m with her. I’m not interested in getting to know you.”
The pest looked so mad that Robin was readying herself to defend you in case he lashed out. After a tense pause, his arm shot out and knocked your books off the table and then he immediately turned to run away from the situation like a coward. But not before spitting out a few absolutely vile words in your direction.
Robin was not about to let that slide. She stood up so harshly that her chair almost toppled over from the force, “I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something.” 
She started to pursue him, but was stopped by a hand pulling on her skirt. You were on the floor picking up your fallen books and gave her a pleading look, “Don’t. He isn’t worth the effort, just let it go. I’m fine, really.”
Nothing about what just happened was “fine”. Robin herself had a thick skin and didn’t let anything she deemed important get to her. This was important. No one was allowed to treat or speak to you that way. Unfortunately, it seemed you disagreed with that sentiment. Every time she put someone in their place in your honor you would try to stop her and insist that she was being too extreme.
She wanted to go after him… but she also didn’t want to upset you. With a heavy sigh to settle her nerves, she knelt down to help you pick up the rest of your books, “You’re right. He doesn’t matter.” The relief on your face was palpable, and Robin cherished the sweet smile that graced your face after.
Now that the annoying scene was done and over with, both of you settled back into your respective seats to resume as you were before. While you happily dug back into your book, Robin reopened her own. She wasn’t reading it, however.
Using her devil fruit, she spawned eyes around the building. It didn’t take long to find that piece of shit who had dared to impose upon you. He was still close to the building, kicking over some boxes in an alleyway. Robin couldn’t hear what was being said, but with how much his lips were flapping she doubted it was anything she wanted to be aware of.
It would seem his little temper tantrum wore him out. He leaned against the wall of the building, running a hand through his hair as his chest heaved from anger and exertion. A smirk tugged at Robin’s lips when the man began to panic as several arms came out of the wall and grabbed him. A hand clamped over his mouth to keep him from calling for help as two more hands gripped his head. 
A satisfying snap could be felt as she violently twisted his head to one side. He fell limp to the filthy ground of the alley like the despicable trash he was. Robin pulled a tarp over him so as to avoid you potentially spotting him on the way back to the Thousand Sunny. It would be a shame to upset you when you were having such a nice day together up to this point.
Content that the problem was taken care of, Robin dismissed her extra appendages and refocused on the present. You were casually sipping from your drink while turning the page of your book, not having an inkling as to what just transpired outside.
Robin smiled, then properly began reading her own. Today was just perfect.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 8 months
ᴋɪss ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ || ʜʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs) x ɴɪɴᴛʜ ғ!ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
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We travel back in time! A time in where two secret lovers were forced to hide their love for one another, but what happens when they perform what is seen as a 'seductive' performance together? While also being in the midst of a disagreement?
ෆ contents - long fic, fluff, secret relationship, light argument, some cursing, happy ending, song fic? (if you squint)
ෆ word count - 1,354
ෆ note - i may have went a little overboard on this one due to hyun being my bias 😅 this one's a long one so i hope you enioy! ♡
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"Maybe if you'd listen to me, this wouldn't have happened!" came the remark of a certain fiery maknae. The receiver just rolled his eyes, "If I listened to you I'd be in bigger shit than I am right now!" He fired right back at her. Despite the venom the pair spat at each other, Aiko and Hyunjin did truly love each other, they were just.. having a very loud discussion. So what got them into said discussion? A paint brush. Aiko had got live on YouTube for a bit, after making sure any and all hints of her budding relationship with the tall ferret was concealed to the world. She just forgot one thing, the very used and worn down paint brush that Hyun always uses for his paintings that could rival those of Picasso himself. Hawkeyed STAYs obviously noticed and even more rumours of the two being romantically involved with eachother resurfaced. These rumors were true, but the public couldn't know that, no one but the group could know.
"Whatever, I'm honestly glad they saw it! I'm tired of being so secretive, other idols have gone public about they're relationship! Why can't we?" Aiko challenged, "Because you're under enough hate as it is! Going public would just make things worse for both you and me, the group as well!" Hyunjin wasn't wrong, if they were to go public, Aiko's hate would increase, since even being rumored to be dating the heartthrob of the group made her the recipient of the most vile of comments. "I'm not scared of them! You don't need to worry so much, It's nothing I'm not used to any ways!" Aiko rolled her eyes, she was beginning to get sick of this conversation. "Why are you like this?! You never care about yourself and that hurts me! It's almost as if you do it on purpose! I care about you alot, Aiko, and it hurts to see you so- so comfortable with being hated and harassed so much!" Hyunjin finally snapped. He made way for the door, "Let me know when you finally pull your head out of your ass and think of how your actions have an effect on those who love you." He walked out, almost slamming the door due to how strong his feelings were. Aiko was left stunned in place, of course she'd seen Hyun get over emotional, but never that much. She was broken out of her thoughts by her phone vibrating on the table next to her. She picked it up and read the text from her manager, it was time to prepare for the next performance scheduled for Stray Kids.
Aiko wiped her face, she needed to get her mind straight. She walked out of the room and out of the building, passing a very pissed off Hyunjin on the way out. He wasn't actually mad at her, he loved her more than she knew, he was just mad that she held almost no regard for her own health and well-being, and how she didn't even consider how he'd feel if she someday fell apart and stopped fighting.
A few weeks had passed since they're argument. They decided to spend some time away from one another, to avoid further animosity between them. This cold war didn't go unnoticed, the other members had definitely noticed how the lovebirds hadn't exactly been love birding lately. Chan not liking his members to be this distant with each other sat them down and talked it out with them, which helped them at least forgive one another, but they still weren't 'back to normal'. The next stage for the MANIAC tour was approaching and Chan had had an idea, one Aiko and Hyunjin might both enjoy. "A dance cover?" Aiko asked, looking up from her phone, "Yeah! We think it'll be a neat idea! Plus STAYs will love it!" Chan knew Aiko would do anything if it meant that her beloved STAYs would be happy, "Fine, but in the middle of a tour is kinda weird, oppa.." Her tone was accusing but Chan had already walked out of hearing distance.
Aiko sat in the middle of the practice room scrolling aimlessly through her phone. Chan had apparently asked for the members to gather in the practice room for their apparent "dance cover" for a song she wasn't aware of yet. What was even more suspicious was that Chan asked to meet in the smaller practice room rather than their regular room for some reason. Ai trusted Chan but she was really starting to question his intentions- "Hyunjin?!-" Her thinking was interrupted by her tall petty ferret, who she still was being icy to, walked in. "I knew he sounded suspicious.." Groaned Hyunjin, Chan had told him the same things he told Aiko, except he had told him the song choice for this dance cover. Blackpink's collab with Dua Lipa titled 'Kiss and Makeup." That was when he started to raise suspensions. As the petty pair sat on opposite ends of the dande room waiting for the other members, it was becoming abundantly clear of what Chan's intentions were.. to try and reconcile the two through a dance cover. How creative. It was when Minho sent Aiko the specific choreography for the cover when the maknae had just about enough of this reconnection tactic. Towards the ending of the song, when the final chorus begins, Aiko and Hyunjin are supposed to do a body roll off eachother (like jenlisa at 2023 coachella).
The two dancers had done the rest of the choreo flawlessly, but when it came to that final piece of moves, it was a little hard to digest. For starters, neither of them were used to 'spicy' dances, and they weren't done being petty towards eachother.
"Touch me like you touch nobody, put your hands all up on me-" "Hyunjin come on! We've been stuck on this move for a week now!" "Well it's not all my fault you know! You haven't exactly been all that into either!" Aiko groaned and walked to turn off the music, they clearly needed a break. What she didn't see was the look of longing Hyunjin gave her. He hated their situation, and all he wanted to do was hug and say that he forgave her. "Aiko, we should talk." Ai was surprised, he hardly ever called her by her full name, so she could tell he was serious, "About what?" She questioned back, "About everything, about us, and about what we should do." Hyun sat down on the couches in the back of the room and silently requested Aiko to do the same.
As soon as Aiko sat down, Hyunjin placed his hands gently over hers and began speaking, "Jagi, what's going on between us? We never used to be like this..." "Petty?" Aiko finished for him. She sighed, "This all started with the whole keeping our relationship a secret.. I personally think we should come clean, but if you're not comfortable with that then I understand." Now it was Hyunjin's turn to be surprised, it was hard for Aiko to admit she was wrong. He scooted closer to her, now feeling the strong urge to just.. hold her, "I've been thinking about it and.." He trailed off, "And?" Aiko urged. Hyunjin gave a sigh of defeat, "It's getting difficult to hide the fact that I love you.."
Some time has passed since their talk. They forgave eachother and finally put their immature pettiness aside. They both decided to reveal their relationship to the public during the month before they're comback in June, so they would have enough time to mentally prepare. They killed the 'Kiss and Makeup' performance flawlessly, which again strengthened the dating rumors even further. Aiko couldn't wait to tell STAYs that those rumors were in fact a reality. A loving reality at that. This cold war proved to Aiko that Hyunjin did infact love her more than words can describe, and this further cemented Aiko's insane love she has for Hwang Hyunjin, and now nothing could stop her from what she's planning to do next.
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Always keep in mind that nothing in this series and in my posts are real! So anything that may seem 'out of character' should be considered as part of a fake universe! <3
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 7 months
Remember when I said, I have more than 3 rants saved in my drafts? Yeah, so here is one of them.
Not a Random Thought but more of a RANT -
Alex fucking Palmer by god i hate this shit piece of a character( sorry for this crude language or upcoming ones, if any) befor some people say oh you gate alex you must be mYsOgInIsT, if you hate a woman you are not misogynistic and believe me i hate horseman and that shithead aydin too but this is about her.
Lets be honest here, NO ONE hates alex for her friend with benefits thing with Will, like okay you fucked move on and neither do anyone hate her for being a luxury escort.
She deserves every bit of hate for being a total bitch to emmy for no reason, looking down on her, comparing her trauma to her, emphasizing she suffered more??
Seriously Alex Palmer deserved a punch to the face.
At one point i even began to understand Aydin's point of view and i hated that scum bag, but alex she just got worse and worse.
Concepts like Dignity and maturity are foreign to Alex Palmer and it shows.
Also i don't think anyone else noticed this, but she clearly wanted to be way more than she was in everything specifically in Will's life thats why she kept on butting in.
She was so goddamn annoying.
I really blme PD for this too, they went about will and alex and will and damon all the time and when people started Shipping them, they were like "How did this happen?"
Why create a fuss of them when they are not even end game?????
Will was an alcohol and drug addict, was depressed, thought about suicide for years when he was around alex and damon And people are shipping them?????
The guy would have probably died of OD if they(Damon andalex) were around and emmy hadn't come back.
What kind of a shitty ass friend was this alex like she knew about will drugs and all not once did she say anything to stop him?? I know she is not responsible for it,but she acted all entitled all throughout Nightfall maybe used her head and said anything, even damon tried to make him stop drinking????
Also, someone has to say it so i will, this devil's night fandom is full of idiots and hypocrites, it is so normal for them to hate on banks and emory like they weren't the only two with brain, they literally LOVE the horseman but hate on emmy for what ?? Because she rejected a boy, or signed those paper??
She was backed in a corner and had to save her grandma, she thought of will and was technically helping them or else more videos would have came out?? Did you not read the book?? Horseman assaulted Rika, Damon treated Banks like a Dog, Will was a bitch to Emory in blackchurch, always pushed her in corners in high-school and by god they just Love them.
Or maybe they hate her because they wanted willalex.
Its is sooo common to hate on banks and emmy but god forbid someone mentions how much of an idiot rika was, alex almost let emmy got r*ped( someone mentioned it in a post that alex knew about taylor but didn't show herself to emmy), the douche bags horseman enough said but yes hate an orphan girl who wanted to save her grandma and did nothing wrong. Especially SOME fans act like you killed someone instad of mentioning the obvious.
Also how the fuck on earth PD can throw willemmy out of the window in their own goddamn book, ever since alex arrived everything was Alex,alex and bitch alex,...
The train scene was sooooo disgusting and vile and what made me livid is after that will says " oh she belongs with us, she is like us" i was literally like shutup asshole it took you this to see emmy belongs with you not when she said she loves you, and also the alex deserves to be taken care of, like fuck off!!!! she was nothing but a cunt of emmy for no reason in blackchurch and even after that, if anything emmy should have slapped her real good. But obviously as she was a fucking fanservice so it was only logical to throw willemmy and everything about them out of their book, right??
No one even hugged emmy, i said it once and i will say it again none of those assholes deserved emory scott. Not even Will bitchy grayson.
And the loop holes in Nightfall that were like 20 kept on coming because of this alex plot was sooo stupid.
How can you write a character like emory, so strong and complex and will insecure and addict and literally abandon them in THEIR OWN BOOK.
But yes Alex "fucking pick me girl, i am better than you emory" Palmer deserved the entire half of the book.
I once saw a tiktok that said Alex carried this series. My reaction was like
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She did nothing to the plot in corrupt, hideaway or killswitch instead of making normal things sexual and i don't count the shopping scene in hideaway because kai paid or else she wouldn't have done it. And in nightfall all she did was be a stupid bitch who was jealous of emory because will still wanted Emmy and aydin was ignoring her, as he should this bitch grated my nerves.
Everytime someone says Alex was awesome, i just sigh and move on.
I didn't pay any attention to alex in other books like she was a side character right, but in NF apparently she becomes a major character and ended up running the book, i blame those horny Facebook group people who wanted Alex so much they kept on bugging Them, look what you did you ruined a book that was about to be an awesome one.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Omg I saw your moon dominance post and I have to share something 😭
I have a friend whom I went to the same school as, we still talk sometimes but not as much.
She has always been quite a charismatic person, and is a relatively small built, conventionally attractive blonde white girl. Needless to say she is considered quite “soft and feminine” - I only mention race because racism would naturally prevent her being perceived that way.
I like her, she’s very diplomatic and intelligent but MY GOD the manipulative tendencies she had growing up😭😭😭
It’s been a couple years since I was regularly in close proximity to her so I can’t remember that many examples of her lying (also because it was a such a common occurance), however I remember it getting to the point where she herself would awkwardly joke about it.
What I *do* however remember quite distinctly the way she’d occasionally have these “tantrums” after I gave her any mild criticism.
For example, one time we were all having lunch together as a group and she made a mean spirited comment on someone else who was nearby. I pointed out that is was a pretty mean thing to say, not in a particularly accusatory tone, and she quite literally started shouting at me saying “WELL THATS QUITE BIG OF YOU TO SAY BC YOU TOLD ME [insert minor joke about manipulative Snapchat fboys that therefore was nothing to do with her] AND IT REALLY UPSET ME [insert sob story about having a disabled brother] etc etc”
She also had a similar public outrage at me after I asked her if she brought her present in for the Secret Santa, and she responded by kicking me in the shins and going on a tangent about how her life is really stressful and how I only worry about “school and sleep” 💀
However the interesting part that I vaguely covered at the beginning is that she had mastered the whole sweet innocent teenage facade. She had people, primarily older men in authority, entirely wrapped around her finger. She developed this oddly close relationship relationship with one of our teachers, which never got inappropriate, but he would direct like 80% of his energy to helping her over other students (who were equally if not more needing of help). Similarly her therapist literally UNRETIRED to help her personally 😭 I can think of so many examples of authority figures literally bending over backwards to be of service to her.
(She also attracted a kind of unreal level of male attention that was way above the average)
To finally conclude:
She is a hasta sun, moon and ketu with PBP ascendant. Her birthtime isn’t exact but I feel as though PBP is more likely than UBP.
There was also an incident of her sleeping with a teacher in his 20s when she was 17 😬 obviously it’s on him, but it’s interesting to consider that she has Jupiter in the 9H in Chitra (mars) - aswell as a mercury chitra which sits in her 4 planet 8H stellium.
Sorry for this extremely lengthy ask😭 it’s more of an info dump than an ask but I hope it served as an interesting example of moon dominance (+ a little bit of mars influence) in women
bestie never apologise for spilling tea 😂i love reading what ya'll have to say, otherwise i feel like im talking to a wall. and i feel you about this moon bestie of yours, im glad you're out of that toxic friendship!!
a few years ago i had a toxic moon dominant bestie who like you said lied so much and manipulated things so much, its hard for me to even make a list of the shit she did lol, yk how a lot of poc parents will whip their kids or yell at them or something and afterwards act extra nice bc they feel guilty?? I've noticed that Moon dominant people are like that to some extent. my "friend" would say the nastiest most vile derogatory things about me TO ME and then when i responded with radio silence she'd be all 🥺🥺im so worried about you, have you eaten? have you done all the assignments?? here's mine, you can refer to it🥺🥺,, like i was always sooo confused by her but then i started seeing thru her bullshit, how she's only being nice cause she feels guilty lol,, she had a tendency to criticize other people A LOT like your friend and honestly its tiring to listen to that shit, so i think i started saying nice things in return like "oh but xyz is so sweet, she's always so thoughtful" and then she'd say some shit "its so crazy you'd say that because i felt like xyz and abc always hated you" like classic manipulation lmao, like she hates those ppl and if i say one nice thing about them, then she'll try to convince me that those people hate me so that i can be on her side in bitching about them lmfao.
Moon dominant people are soooo insecure its sad,, they feel the need to be so rude and nasty af to others to mask their own insecurities. Obviously I'm only talking about unhealthy Moon influence, im sure there are nice ppl out there as well.
u guys pls feel free to dump any gossip/tea u have in my inbox, i love reading this stuff!!
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buddiekinard · 2 months
It’s not you who enjoys Buddie and BT that’s the problem. What is a problem and what makes a big part of the fandom uncomfortable is BT shippers acting like we all have to like BT and never say a word about the ship and their fans because if we say anything negative we’re called homophobic and haters or other vile and untrue things. That’s not all of you but there is a big group of people who make it impossible to interact with that ship in a normal way. If you’re not as much of a fan of it as them then you’re a villain. They paint themselves as victims and complain about how people are being mean to them everyday but they’re the ones that turned this environment so hostile and toxic. We don’t want to play with them because it’s not normal for people to act like jokes or criticism of ship is something people should get attacked for.
Buddie absolutely IS my number 1. i want buddie endgame. Absolutely. But i feel very uncomfortable sharing content that says don’t interact if you like x this could go for anything - not just bucktommy.
that being said.
no offense but some of the shit people say about tommy DOES come off as homophobic (not all of it not everyone) there have very definitely been some posts i’ve seen that purposely evoke violent graphic images of gay bashing and i think some people need to realize that pointing out how that might be hurtful and triggering to some gay/queer men and how it might have real world implications isn’t saying the entire fandom is homophobic or bad for disliking tommy. there is nothing wrong with disliking tommy! there is nothing wrong with disliking bucktommy! there isn’t even anything wrong with saying it. but if someone tells you that the imagery and language you’ve specifically used is very eerily similar to homophobic rhetoric maybe just listen for a second rather than doubling down and saying something even more disturbing and violent the next time. like people very much care more about defending a fictional pairing than they care about real people who could be hurt by these types of violent language.
i’ve tried really hard to stay out of this fight because i DO think there are ott things on both sides. i do think some people have kind equated disliking tommy with general homophobia and that’s obviously not the case but to deny that there haven’t been things said that come off as at the very least questionable is in bad faith, imo. talking about violently beating a gay man or implying that he’s a predatory groomer are homophobic things that have implications in the real world. luckily i haven’t seen anyone i follow doing either of those things so i don’t think anyone i follow who dislikes tommy is homophobic. if you aren’t doing those things it’s Not About You.
like i said, i try to stay out of this but i don’t want to ignore this ask. im well aware this will probably get me blocked by some people and that actually does make me really sad. i want to reiterate that i dont think anyone i follow who doesn’t like tommy is homophobic. i’ve never seen anything that i consider to be homophobic on my dashboard. i love everyone i follow and would love to continue following them or i just. would hit that unfollow button. so i am not trying to make any blanket statements. i just think there’s nuance and maybe that makes me a wishy washy person afraid of picking sides.
i also don’t necessarily think there’s sides to pick. i think we’re all here to have fun whatever that looks like but if your idea of fun is being mean to people or making fun of them or thinking it’s hilarious to exclude people we probably just don’t gel as people.
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notdrawnbro · 2 months
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You know, I think a lot about where I belong. And obviously fucking dead is the correct choice, since I’m a worthless piece of shit who can’t keep a friendgroup together, let alone a family or myself for times sake.
But I thought a lot about soul and shit too. And at the end of the day, I just feel like Lil’ Cal is the only viable option. No matter how cruel and vile that thing was to my brain, he was my best friend and my only friend. After everyone left me, he was there. I loathe him so much.
Why? Why can’t I be you! So innocent and lifeless and in control, can’t I be fucking in control for once? I hate being a stupid shitty little cocktopus, and I don’t tell my daughter because it’s fucking precious to her, but at some point I just get so angry and rip out my own stuffing. All I ever do is get angry and do nothing about it anymore. If I was Cal I could do something. If I was me I could do something.
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hermionesmoon · 1 month
Lucas Sinclair antiblackness rant:
This is absolutely disgusting. Once again people are being racist and anti-black towards lucas just like they do IN EVERY SEASON!!!
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In season 1 they hated him cause he was rude to el.
In season 2 they hated him cause he “shouldn’t have been the one to get with max.”
In season 3 they hated him because he “wasn’t a good boyfriend to max.”
In season 4 they hated him cause “he changed and betrayed the party.”
Season 5 isn’t even close to being out yet and they’re hating on him because of his hair… his hair that was literally a fucking popular style back then are they seriously this dumb?? Or are they saying anything they can think of just to shit on him again and be racist?
i haven’t seen anyone else talking about it and when i make post like this it doesn’t get as much interaction as my other post but oh well.
these people need a serious wake up call cause there’s no fucking way. As a black person who loves stranger things it is heartbreaking and disturbing to see people do this every new season.
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and this person did nothing wrong but i added this one because i wanted to show how they complemented erica’s hair, i’ve seen multiple people say they love erica’s new style and once again in this season she has straightened hair so i was wondering would they still love her hair sm if it was in it’s natural state? no.
this just makes me so upset cause there is literally NOTHING “weird” about his hair??? and i’m not just saying that like if it actually did look off then maybe i would understand but his hair is literally just his natural hair in a box style whether his hair is growing out or he got it purposely shaped that way it SHOULDNT MATTER there shouldn’t be so many people laughing at his hair knowing damn well one google search can show you multiple other black men from the 80s with the same damn style.
and before someone says “they did the same to will tho so it’s not racially motivated” they made fun of will for having a bowl cut them made fun of it for being an even shorter bowl cut, with lucas they are comparing him to other people in a derogatory way you could say the subway surfers one “wasn’t a big deal” whatever you want to believe but saying he has minecraft hair??? and saying “wHat’s wRonG witH hIs HaIr” while laughing obviously has vile intentions and over 100 likes on that comment is insane. these people really can’t comprehend non-white people before the 90s and it shows.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
alrighty, to steal or not to steal! this one is a little hard to liveblog and I'm not going to go through all the options, so I'm just gonna take you through my favorite path and gush about how hot and gay everything is for the most part! there will be a little commentary on other paths but yeah :)
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(thats the ile d'oleron)
notes under the cut as always!
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for your viewing pleasure in case its been a while and you haven't played.
fun fact- I am also taking us on close to the first route I ever took with this special. I got waylaid along the way by the trick routes and failed a lot, but I'll get us on the path to the first win I ever got. (the best one.)
i was SHOCKED by how good this special was the first time I played through it. I had just joined the fandom, I was scrounging for content in the waiting-for-s3-desert, and boom- there was a SPECIAL? why didn't anyone tell me?
anyway, this is always super fun to do. I've done every single route multiple times and recorded all of them too for the illegal stash but theres nothing quite like playing it.
in the very first episode (and african ice) devineax mentions an amusement park in shanghai. wonder if the two are related, or if VILE just has a shit ton of properties in there?
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she did, in fact, get shanghai'd in shanghai.
oh. thats why its set here. ahha i get it
she loves them 🥺
i choose top floor
carmen trusts her grappling hook in a glass building more than I trust myself
girlie walked into that empty steel door locked vault with an indiana jones trap ass looking phone in the middle that maelstrom was talking from and went to pick it up with ZERO hesitation
ah, carmen sandiego and its weird genre of toilet paper jokes during stressful circumstances
maelstrom's exasperated eyeroll and sigh as the married couple bicker
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i choose steal for vile
the first time I played this i obviously chose to try to save zack and ivy. since I know that leads to failure now, I'm skipping it this playthrough, but it was quite the shock the first go around! tsonts plays to my little angst loving heart by making you watch zack and ivy and sometimes carmen meet horrible tragic ends again and again lmao
girlie the old you stole the statue of liberty skill issue
i like the glow of green on carm's face here to show her temporary allegiance change and vile's win
the terracotta warriors are super cool im glad we get to visit them
i think the first time i played this option i talked to tigress. since sneaking just gives bonus material and doesn't actually change anything (plus. puppies) im going that route!
i choose sneak past tigress
oh btw i love the little simplified characters in the choices they r so cute
also carmen's quips if you take too long to choose are hilarious and worth waiting for. dodge the cat or stop to chat?
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subtitles doing the most
i LOVE how bitchy carmen gets in the special she's hilarious. she's very quietly pissed off the entire time and she mostly takes it out on tigress
those slides down the tunnel are sooo smooth
its impossible, as a canon law, to get zack and ivy's names right if you're a villain
i love the two's looks at each other when she steps on the booby trap its just resigned "ahhh shit."
imagine if there had been spikes at the bottom of the pit and carmen had just saved herself sdgjadsgjds
"im the one sitting in the catbird seat right now" oh you
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anyway, i'm choosing leave tigress
this is the choice i made my first time playing! i love carmen's sassy ass "i cant hear you! im in a tunnel, bad connection!" line, and i'm not going the arctic circle path anyway so it doesn't matter.
tigress bugshadowing for s4! lots of foreshadowing for s4 in the special actually
the "theyre stunning" followed by that just. crushed look when she remembers what she's here to do augh
he has a beard and a mustache
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she so cute
i choose hide and blend in
my first go around I chose to hitch a ride, as, I thought, was logical. I didn't know carmen had access to stopping time, a disguise, and endless amounts of dirt to camouflage her perfectly with the statues in addition to a handy spot to keep her change of clothes. who knew? im going with hide to speed up my run, but I was pissed off the first time i played this let me tell you sjgdhsgdhs
actually, you know what, let me hit ride for a second because I think there's a carmen death at the end of that one I want to comment on
carmen "historical artifacts are irreplaceable treasures" sandiego, everyone
why are vile's names for zack and ivy so shit
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oh yeah here we go
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the crash landing! I made a post on that years ago but my headcanon was that carmen was so distracted that she crashed and died I think lmfao. anyway no one came outta that one unscathed. k, back to the route!
OH i also like that the format for this is like the old gameshow a little bit with chief's lines at the end. its fun
they really wanted to call this thing "carmen sandiego: vile operative" didnt they. hamlet? was bela in on the naming of this?
cleo's little shoulder shimmies
abby trott's singing voice this episode <33333333
also THE OLD THEMEEEE this whole thing is just a throwback honestly its a lot of fun
carmens eyeroll at "carmens choice" jsadgha
to steal or not to steal: or, bellum and cleo being married old women for forty minutes
i choose cleo's caper
we just gotta get to the gay dance scene as quickly as possible okay
carmen asked for the specification on the eggs so seriously
cleo speaking french. thats it thats the post
some of the lines in this special are a little weird with repetition. carm does it once with the riding with/hiding among the statues in a way that sounds a little unnatural, and she does it again here with "everything i ever steal from vile goes straight to charity, and now they're making me steal from a charity?" the inflection/repetition is just weird, like the emphasis should have been on steal, not charity. idk maybe gina just reads weird
carmen SLAYS in this dress. i wish it was even more extravagent but i get they needed something simpler for the dance scene. still shes hot as fuuuck for the whole part
her leg split is scandalously high btw??
and JULIA GOOD GRACIOUS SHE'S SO GORGEOUS actually thank god for chase never showing his face in here he gets enough spotlight in the choose your own adventure novels
it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that julia looks different because shes wearing contacts
her favorite acme agent
how did she find out julia's last name i wonder
noooo carmen dont avoid her ur so sexy ahahaha
carmen's voice. when she says scarlet santa rosa. hdhwidw oh boy. also hello, fake name for hospitals and hotels in every fic ever from this point out. we salute you.
player's "oh boy" he knows carmen's too gay for this shit
also good GOD yes we're dancing. only thing we're missing is carmen saying she likes to tango more than she likes to waltz so there we go. gay time
i choose to accept the dance
"do i cut a rug, or put the 'go' in sandiego?" these lines are GEMS
man this scene is spectacular
adoring how miserable carmen looks the entire time she's dancing with this rando. can she do it? yes. does she want to be? hell no
the guy: :D carmen: 🙁
girl if you were any further apart from this dude you'd be in north america
carmen fantasy mind link with mime bomb where she kicks the man to the curb and engages in a techno dance fantasy where she lets her hair down and goes wild, imagining julia argent seeing her and cheering her on gayly is top ten scenes in all of animation history
carmen's hips in the dance have me in a chokehold figuratively and i wish it was literally
the little prance after carmen kicks herself in the face is so gay you're being so gay dude. she imagines julia watching her and she stares directly at her and PRANCES
love the imaginary dance partner guy. carmen's like hm i wish this guy was fun
also THRILLED that the only canon imagination we ever see carmen having is one. being paranoid about a crusty 20 year old shadowsan stalking her and 2. having a dissociative dance fantasy because dancing the waltz with monaco royalty is torturous to stay grounded for
when she takes her hair out like if you agree
that was fantastic as always, sorry you had to sit through me ranting gayly for that long. time for more gay ranting. ITS JULIA!
carmens little moment of panic when julia comes up behind her is always great
man theyre so gay. julia is confident and girl please bestie i love you but this is the ONE time you're wrong
my favorite frame. goldfish julia
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the height difference
"so good to see you again" 😌
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julia using they/them pronouns win writers did her dirty in the s3 opener
"I will CERTAINLY be relieved once any stolen treasures MYSTERIOUSLY appear at my doorstep to allow me to return them to the proper authorities" she says in the most seductive voice possible, turning and walking away with a look over her shoulder
shes literally flirting you guys
player said woah because even he knew that the usual writers never let julia have that much personality and gaydar
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gay abt it. also obsessed with their little hooves
we never talk about how dirty tsonts does you. it leads you unequivocally to believe that tricking julia is the correct option to keep both carmen and her safe. it ALSO leads you to believe that carmen is just going to pull a "WHATS THAT OVER THERE" trick and leave. SHE DOES NOT. DO THAT. SHE LOCKS JULIA OUT ON THE ROOF, STEALS FROM HER, AND LIES TO HER. WHY
anyway first time i played this i tricked julia thinking i was keeping her safe and was so pissed off by the outcome that I went back and trusted her. we do miss a glorious angy jules moment of her screaming "la femme rogue" with ten times less punch than devineaux, though.
all that is to say i choose trust julia.
either way you slice it i managed to wind up in a pickle at a caviar party
they say trust like three times in this conversation its so. the core of their relationship
carms little smile mmmmmmmmmm
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ah, the cs 3/4 turn
OKAY even though it'll lead to bad shit happening we cannot skip the stash part because 1. it gives us one of carmen's BEST outfits and 2. i have a funny story about it/this is what i picked the first time
also it again leads us to the wrong choice on purpose in my opinion, which i think tsonts is designed to do
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shes my profile picture and shes so killer in the waitress outfit god im so gay about it
okay here's my funny story when mime bomb started choking i was COMPLETELY prepared to have an option to save him or continue to go after the caviar and i was also COMPLETELY prepared to let him die i felt really bad about it once I realized they obviously weren't going to let him choke
mime bomb singing opera foreshadowing!! while hes choking to death
carmen could give me the heimlich maneuver
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mime bomb hairline reveal
everyone just dissipates once they realize they were laughing at a person actively dying
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who is also the me on tumblr
the waitstaff wondering why this piece of fish weighs five times what its supposed to and why this one weighs nothing at all 🤨
you uncouth ninny
i love the cut from zack and ivy trying to fight to them immediately getting brainwashed they didnt stand a chance
btw where does carmen keep just. changing. where is she going. did she mug a waiter for that outfit and leave them naked in a closet. what
anyway ultimately i choose dash
she so cute when she commit acts of violence on innocent people
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elsa is that you
man i love that shot of her putting on the glider. where is everyone though. like did they just think she threw herself off the edge and were like ah well
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i love getting to see clips of carmen actually pulling the cord on her glider also her WHOLE LEG IS OUT GOD DAMN
imagine if they had just prerecorded zack and ivy and they were way off the mark. and zack and ivy were just mindwiped already
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its my favorite background extra!
also the carmen-in-milan extra who was in dubai was also in the earlier scene
i choose steal for vile again becauseeee we snubbed tigress so that would fuckin suck for us. i do really enjoy the trust tigress --> arctic circle route, though (i wasnt even aware there was more than one good ending for a really long time because i always left tigress in the hole lmfao) but shes actually decent. i also like when you leave tigress --> arctic circle because carmen just kicks a solid metal foot thick door. and it hurts. like she didnt think about that one
hell???? in a kids show??? 😲
i like how you can see that carmen appreciates how incredible it is that theres soft tissue intact
another weird inflection thing? she says "attempt to clone-" like shes about to put emphasis on the dinosaur part after, when i feel like she would put emphasis on clone? idk whatever
gremlin bellum is the best
editing carmen sandiego clips to be way out of context is my passion. ugh. im going to hell
montana got such a sad info section honestly
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carmen slaying that red eyeliner
OKAY first time i did this i tried to catch the plane, which is what im doing now because...it just adds scenes and doesnt actually change anything. however the first time i did this...you know what, tell you when we get there. here we go.
rip carmen's motorcycle which she somehow had in montana
imagine being the pilot
oh yeah okay. so, the first time i played this i literally fucking thought i had just condemned carmen to a horrific and unnecessary painful death. the glider prevented me from having a full out heart attack, I think, but it scared me VERY BADLY!
and then- alright, by this point, I'd chosen wrong pretty much every single time. the van, the soldiers, the stash/dash, everything. i just fucked up EVERYTHING. so when bellum called and was like YOU WASTED SO MUCH TIME i thought OHHH NO FUCK DID I DOOM THEM AGAIN NOOO. it turns out, you get that scene no matter which path you take. so. whatever. but that series of events got me so scared
TSONTS does more for carmen's friendship with zack and ivy/building relationships with allies than the entire main series and you can fight me on that
she thought you were making a funny 🤨
autistic bellum agenda
first time around i picked el topo! there are fun sides to both- el topo's line about being pawns in a bigger game, but also le chevre gets you a chase scene on a rollercoaster where agent zari tries to run carmen over . ride the cyclone her if you will. both are fun, but for the sake of doing my og path im going to go for el topo!
el topo is such a cinnamon roll. hes excited to work with her 🥺 he hates no one 🥺
"very well dressed company" acmeoffical should put that was their tagline
i think my first go around i hid, so I'm doing that. AgAiN, tsonts leads you to the wrong option. like. obviously running seems stupid if the entire place is crawling with them?? to me, anyway. but. i guess its always right in this playthrough. still choosing hide first because i like to see carmen break shit and get caught
she pulls a dokuso on that one. where did she get a smoke bomb
the cranial dranial. btw the noises on that title card are disgusssting. you miss out on so many good gags if you save zack and ivy from dying. bellum and cleo squabbling. bellum renaming the mindwiper every three seconds
anyway onto the good option of run
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and my favorite background acme agent <3
carmen being loud af in those vents and REALLY not careful with that one of a kind priceless bone
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behold, carmen sandiego
love how embarrassed zari is jdsgdjsh
girlie fit through THAT grate???
love how you can see her little foot sticking out from behind the tourist before she pops out
i also love how carmen very clearly notices julia following her
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my favorite bg character again
julias so cute
woah, a mindwiping carmen plot?? thats so diabolical! im glad its possible to entirely avoid that fate for carmen in the canon. yep!
lil. gay julia
its so sad when julia rejects her if you decide to lock her out on the roof. but also hilarious because julia tracks her through the airport LITERALLY just to break up with her on her own terms. shes like oh i gotta find carmen and carmen is like hi and then julia just leaves
also the dont trust julia ending is literally the worst ending in the game and its a crime that that symbolism didnt carry to the main series. so angsty and good though i really like that scene
ALSO also the carmen getting mindwiped bad ending?? THATS how carmen should have reacted in s4. shes struggling, shes trying to avoid it, but like?? in the CANON MINDWIPING carmens just like grgrggrgr im biting this. not going to change my behavior of yanking on my wrists as maelstrom reveals a terrible fate to me just going to keep looping "struggle animation" like an npc
sorry. im salty about that. you can tell. back on track to the gay ending.
UM. SURE? shes so cute
PAPER STAR'S THEME!!! i love that being woven into the score
juliaaaa in the hat and coaaaat
zack and ivy's banter in the evil shack is great
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oddly specific subtitles?
carmen got the perfect circle capabilities of luz in here
how did she just move that piece of roof aside instead of it falling in help
"since when does carmen sandiego wear glasses" REALLY thats the ONLY thing that looks different about her? not the. race change. or the dark hair pixie cut. or losing half a foot of height
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zack hugging carmen <33
man im hitting my image limit for this post help
also carmen just shoving zack away is so funny shes not even gentle shes just like BOOM lets jet.
that vile grunt slamming face first into the helicopter my beloved
"not of helicopters im not!" zack says, flying the helicopter flawlessly
"here's looking at you, crew" is a reference to the 1942 film casablanca which was the first location carmen visited outside of vile island. in this theory i will prove that casablanca was the first movie she ever watched and-
how do you know where julia lives, huh carmen? dont you know thats GAY?
HHAAIHUDGHGGHDSJ i love this ending so fucking much arhsghaggdrg. im carmen sandiego and im here to make your day. she's wearing the hat and coat. shes so cute theyre so gay et cetera et cetera
that gayass little display carmen does for her
the fucking. bouquet of red roses oh its carmens color no shut up she did NOT have to do that that was EXPLICIT. ALSO JULIA BLUSHING ABOUT IT WHILE SHE THANKS HER AND HOLDS THE BOUQUET IM GOING FERAL OVER THEM TSONTS DID SO MUCH FOR US
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what an absolute treasure i love the recreation of the old rockapellas song. they got to correct their czech republic inaccuracy wheeze. oh to be a geography show during a time when geography isnt staying the same long enough to make content about it
zack submitting himself to chinese water torture just for fun
the vile operatives ajdgshdfaghds
ABBY TROTT <3 love you and ivy's dancing and ivy singing and everyone dancing and everyone singing pop off slay the whole nine yards
obsessed with that little arm move on "berlin down to belize" what was that
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carmivy canon
tigress's shoulder shimmies and pinchies of the glider yes
cs color theory ON LOCATION + the gays being gay
ive never understood the mekong from the jungle line honestly. did she steal the whole river. unify east and southeast asia. i guess so. if she can steal the statue of liberty why not
puberty didnt hit player like a truck it hit him like a rocketship
brunt's little jig as she goes to punch the living daylights out of carmen <3
i also love zari's line
"A moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a vehicle while it is in motion" julia literally knows carmen is a cant drive gay
mime bomb's one line <3
once again, ABBY TROTT'S VOICE
tigress dances like i dance. badly
the little faculty dance showcases is also fantastic. get bellum'd. maelstrom's doing a mickey mouse clubhouse ass dance. cleo is slaying
the mystery: is coach brunt saying "let me know" or "lambkins, oh" its the first one but i thought it was the latter for a long time
never noticed the mechanic waving her little wrench around. there are a bunch of cute motions like the gays being gayer, a cleaner singing into his mop, and ivy pumping the air with her fist
anyway, SORRY! this was long af! my bad! it's a lot to cover and. kind of hard to liveblog when there are so many options. if anyone got this far, i hope you enjoyed it! see ya next week for season 3!!
and, yes, i was later again. more late than usual, actually. i've been busy with art fight >:)
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