#like. I'm sure there's a story to every single one of those. but heck if I know!
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Checking the clock to see who of my moots has a weird sleep schedule be like
(Spoiler: it's me. I'm the weirdo)
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yuikomorii · 24 days
Ayayui date♡
// I'm not sure why, but I suddenly got a burst of creativity. There's no special occasion for this post; it was really just an excuse to edit Yui in my favorite Princess Collection outfit. I like how the merch line was released right on Ayato’s birthday, so I really wanted to see an Ayayui date in those outfits! 😌💕
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I was in the mood to write a special scenario again. You just have to click on ‘Keep reading’ to find it. This one is set after the LE events, particularly after the After Story, so I hope you enjoy it! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
Ayato: Haa… finally!
After all this time, I’ve managed to sort out every single problem in the Demon World.
Geez, I’m gladly taking a break!
( Ever since I became king, I’ve been buried in an endless pile of documents—so many that I’ve grown sick just being in that place. Things seem to be getting better in the Demon World, though I’d lie to say it’s perfectly stable. )
( Well, whatever. I shouldn’t bother too much about that… for now. )
( Right now, all I can think about is her. Ugh, these stupid king duties have kept us apart for way too long. I’m sure she must’ve felt really lonely, huh…? )
( Damn it! That was never my intention, but I know it must be boring as hell to be stuck in the castle all day by yourself. )
( That’s why, I’m definitely going to make it up to her today and take her somewhere nice~! )
Place: Their room
Ayato: Chi-chi-na-shi, guess who’s ba—
( Hah!? She’s not here? )
Oi, Yui!
( She’s still not answering? )
Yui, where are yo—
???: Ayato-kun..!
— hugs his back —
Ayato: What the—!
Yui: Fufu, sorry for taking you off guard. I was just thrilled to see Ayato-kun again!
Ayato: Geez, next time I call you, answer me, understood? You’re still in the Demon World, anything could happen when no one’s around, y’know?
Yui: Ah… I’m sorry for being careless. I hope I didn’t make you worry…
Ayato: No need to sulk now. What matters the most is that you’re alright.
Now… about the thing you’re wearing. Where the heck did you even get it from? It’s the first time I’ve seen you in it.
Yui: Oh, actually I bought it last time we went shopping together. You see… I didn’t show it to you back then because I wanted it to be a surprise, but uuh… does it not suit me?
Ayato: Haa… normally, when a woman wants to surprise her man, she wears lingerie or something sexy, but I’ll forgive you this time. Why? Because you look hella cute in that, can’t deny.
— Yui blushes —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you! I’m really happy…!
Ayato: ( Is she seriously almost on the verge of tears for that? )
C-C’mon, don’t get all emotional over every little thing. The date hasn’t even started yet! You really want people to see you with red eyes and puffy cheeks outside?
— Yui shakes head —
Ayato: Good, now let’s go!
— He takes her hand —
Place: Kaminashi City
Ayato: Can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I somehow missed this place.
Yui: Is that so? I thought Ayato-kun didn’t like the Human World.
Ayato: I don’t mind either of them, but right now I’m sick of the Demon World. If I see one more document, I will end up throwing up on the spot.
Yui: Ayato-kun…
( That’s right, he’s been working a lot ever since he became king. I’m sure it must truly be tiring spending days in front of all those documents. )
I’m glad you put a lot of effort in your role, but take it easy, okay? I can’t do much in this situation, yet… If you ever need help, I want to be there to support you!
Ayato: Hmm… anyway. I’m not here to talk about work again. I just want us to enjoy some time together for once.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun really sounds exhausted… He’s matured so much these past few months, which isn’t bad, but I just wish he could relax a little. )
Then, let’s make the best of this day!
— tugs onto his arm and starts walking —
Yui: Haa… it’s way better outside.
( Ayato-kun is still waiting to pay for our things, but it was way too hot in that store, so he told me to get some fresh air. )
( Now that I think about it, vampires are always cold, so I doubt the heat bothers him as much as it does me, right? Even so, seeing him care about my comfort makes me really happy. )
— warm breeze hits —
Yui: Mm… so ni—
— something suddenly hits her —
Yui: Kyah! What on earth was that!?
Eh? That’s—
Familiar: Greetings. Pardon my interruption, but could it be that you are Komori Yui-sama?
Yui: ( ‘Sama’? Uuh… I feel like that’s an exaggeration. )
Yes, I am. Did anything happen…?
Familiar: Rest assured, there is no need for alarm. My purpose here is simply to entrust this to your care. Unable to find Ayato-sama, I must rely on you to deliver him this letter.
— Yui takes it —
Yui: But, what’s this letter about?
If it’s possible to tell, of course.
Familiar: In essence, a new set of documents has been prepared for Ayato-sama. Please inform him at your earliest convenience, as his return is eagerly anticipated.
Yui: Wait! Does it mean that he really has to return now—!
( Oh no! The familiar is already gone! )
( To think that Ayato-kun was finally starting to relax again… )
( All this letter will do is ruin his day, that’s for sure. )
( But at the same time, not showing it to him… that would undoubtedly get him in troubles. )
( Uuh… This situation is so complicated. What should I do…? )
Ayato: Chichinashi!!!
Yui: ….!
— suddenly hides the letter —
A-Ah, Ayato-kun, you’re back!
Ayato: Duh, and I kept calling your name but it seems you only answer to Chi-chi-na-shi~.
— He starts pinching her cheeks —
Yui: Whey dwont, staphh!
Ayato: Hehe, that’s what you get for spacing out and ignoring me.
Anyway, you weren’t approached by any creeps, were you?
Yui: N-No, not at all!
Ayato: Hmm… that doesn’t sound too honest. Are you lying?
Yui: No way! I… I’m just hungry and my stomach won’t stop growling, which is really embarrassing…
Ayato: Haa… you never change. Always getting embarrassed over everything, but no worries, I didn’t hear anything. Though, if you’re really that hungry, I guess we could get something to eat.
Yui: Y-Yeah, that sounds great!
* Timeskip *
Yui: ( After the restaurant, we went to the mall, then back to the center. Ayato-kun… we walked a lot today, but instead of getting tired, he just got more and more energetic. )
( I suppose he was really in need of this break, so maybe hiding that letter wasn’t entirely bad, no…? Still, I’ll have to give it to him today, otherwise I’ll surely put him at risk… )
Ayato: Oi Yui, look!
Yui: W-Woah! I’ve never seen such big Takoyaki before!
Ayato: Heh, right? It’s even bigger than the ones from the Demon World!
Also, Ore-sama got you this, so I better see you eat it all.
Yui: Eh-? This is such a big donut! T-There’s no way I could eat all of it!
Ayato: So you’re refusing my donut? You’re way too ungrateful for a Chichinashi. Well, in that case, I guess you don’t need it any—
Yui: No, no, the donut is good!
— starts eating it —
Come to think of it, today you’ve spoiled me quite a lot, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: And why would that be bad? I thought women liked that.
Yui: It’s not bad, but I really didn’t do anything special. You’re the one who’s been working all day and night, for this reason I believe you deserve this treatment more.
Ayato: Haa… getting all self-conscious, just like always.
Look, you know I’m not good at sentimental shit, but after everything we’ve been through, your presence is special enough for me.
I guess I just want to cherish you, that’s all.
Yui: Ayato-kun… I feel the——
A-Ah, oh no!
( The chocolate… it melted on my hand! )
I-I’m sorry, I’ll be right back!
— tries to stand up —
Ayato: Nah, nah. C’mere.
— grabs her and sits her on his lap —
Yui: Wait, don’t!
— he starts licking her hand —
Yui: A-Ayato-kun, stop it! We’re in public…!
Ayato: Mnn… Mm…
— slowly bites —
Yui: Uuh…
( At this rate, people will definitely start watching!)
— starts moving —
Ayato: Tch, you’re making this way too hard for both! Just stay still and stop acting like I’m about to kill you!
Yui: ( I know his intentions aren’t bad, but this is getting too embarrassing…! )
( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun! )
— tries to push him away but falls down —
Yui: Oww…
Ayato: ( Geez, what a klutz. )
Haa… are you hurt?
— grabs her arm and picks her up —
Yui: Ah, I’m alright, no worries.
Ayato: Oi.
What’s that?
— picks something up —
Yui: ….!
Ayato: Is that… a letter for me?
— starts reading it —
You… you had it all this time with you and didn’t say a word?!
Yui: I… I can explain!
You see, I thought—
Ayato: Shut up!
Do you even have the slightest clue about what you just did!? I seriously doubt you understand how important king duties are, do you?
Hah, of course, you don’t! Why would you?
You sit around doing absolutely nothing all day while I’m working my ass off to make sure you and everyone else can live comfortably!
I’m out here putting in the effort, grinding to create a decent life, not just for you, but for everyone, even if I didn’t ask for this shit. And you do this to me!?
I thought you matured too, but at the end of the day, you’re nothing but a selfish bitch!
Yui: Wait! Ayato-ku—
Ayato: Don’t touch me!
Yui: …!
Please, listen to me!
— grabs his clothes —
Ayato: Quiet! I’m not risking to go through that again only because of someone like you. Get lost!
— pushes her away and leaves —
Yui: …!
No… No… this can’t be the end…
How… How could I be this stupid…? Hhn… Ngh…
Kuh… Ayato-kun.. Nhn…
Place: Avenue
Ayato: (Fuck! I can’t return to the Demon World right now. )
( On top of that, why the hell am I the one feeling guilty now!? )
( She… Yes, she deserved that treatment. That’s what she gets for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Besides, what she did could lead to something dangerous. )
( It’s not the first time she pulls such shit on me anyway, but… )
( Why can’t I stay mad at her no matter what she does to me…? )
Tch, such bullsh— Hah?
Guy 1: Aww, she’s playing hard to get~!
Guy 2: Aren’t you a bit too feisty for a crybaby?
???: S-Stop it! Leave me alone!
Ayato: …!
( That voice… Yui! )
Place: Alley
Yui: I-I told you to stop!
Guy 1: Just come with us, it’ll be fun~.
Yui: No, I don’t want to!
Guy 2: She keeps struggling, isn’t she cu——
— gets punched —
Guy 1: What the—
Guy 2: Such strength!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Get out of my sight, you bastards! If you don’t leave this girl alone right now, I’ll make sure your already disgusting faces get even worse!
— they start running away —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you!
( He came back for me… )
Ayato: ….
— grabs her hand and starts walking —
Yui: ( Ever since Ayato-kun saved me, he hasn’t spoken a word. )
( It’s obvious that he’s mad… )
( But if both of us keep quiet, this conflict will never be solved… )
Ayato & Yui simultaneously: I’m sorry.
Yui: ( Eh? Did he just— )
No… I’m the one who should apologize. I hid that letter, knowing full well the consequences it could have.
However… I only did it because I wanted Ayato-kun to have some free time for himself too.
Ayato: You…
Yui: I’m aware of how much work you have to do, and being king is definitely not easy. That’s why, I really admire your for that.
Nevertheless, it saddens me seeing Ayato-kun so stressed out and exhausted. I want Ayato-kun to be always as energetic and cheerful as he was today, but… I do realize that I’m just being selfish.
Ayato: No… You… You’re not selfish, I am.
I was the one who didn’t listen to your side of the story. It’s just... I’m afraid of failing as king. There, I said it!
I don’t want to put the people I care for in danger, nor can’t I accept being a worse king than that old fart, so all I have to do is carry out my duties. Hell yeah, they’re a pain in the ass but that’s my responsibility now, which is why I can’t back off.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… I never thought you felt that way… )
N-no, the way you reacted was understandable. Anyone under that much stress might have done the same, and I can’t blame you for it.
Besides, I can’t say your words were wrong. I am indeed incapable of fully understanding the challenges you face, however… no matter what happens, I want you to know that you’ll always be the best king to me…!
Ayato: …!
Heh… you really never change.
— hugs her—
Yui: W-Well, I suppose I can’t change if I do nothing all day.
Ayato: Hmph, are you throwing shade at me for what I told you?
Yui: Eh? No way, it was just a coincidence! I swear!
Ayato: Pfft, proved my point. You'll forever stay the clumsy, stupid, and oddly adorable woman that you are.
Yui: Hey, that’s backhan— Mm…!
Ayato: Nn…
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… his kiss is so gentle… )
( I really missed Ayato-kun’s kisses. I’m so happy…! )
Ayato: Oi, don’t tell me you’re about to cry again.
Yui: I’m not but…
I just want to know, will the letter get Ayato-kun in troubles…?
Ayato: I might get some weird looks for not showing up on time, and maybe a lecture or two, but it shouldn’t be too bad. I was supposed to start on them today since there’s a lot, but... I think I’d rather spend my time with my girl instead.
Yui: Is that so? Thank you.
But doesn't that mean you'll have to work even harder to make up for today?
Ayato: I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t want to think of tomorrow, all I want is to focus on the present.
Yui: Fufu, I see. By the way…
Will you uhm… stay overnight too?
Ayato: Heh~? Is that supposed to be a sex invitation?
Yui: I… T-That’s—!
Ayato: Heh~, don’t even try to get out of it, it’s written all over your face.
Rest assured though, the invitation is accepted~.
— Smooch —
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kevin-the-bruyne · 4 months
I do find it quite insane that people think Bridgerton season 3 was too rushed. I really think Colin's every plot line has been to bring him closer to Penelope. I think there's plenty of gifsets already that show the little affectionate or longing looks between Colin and Penelope starting from season 1. But I don't even mean those when I say that Colin is written in a way that perfectly matches Penelope's fat girl romance story. People skirt around calling Penelope a fat girl and therefore her romance one that's strife with struggles around being fat because somehow that is what they think will betray their fatphobia. But it's not fatphobic to recognize the way that a fatphobic society has fucked with both Colin and Penelope's heads. Colin's incredibly strong, incredibly illogical crush on Marina Thompson, Penelope's cousin, suddenly makes so much sense when you contextualize it as his feelings for Penelope being misguided onto the closest eligible target. (It honestly even felt that way when I watched season 1 as it was coming out.) Because here's the thing about Penelope, right? That society has deemed her ineligible. A fact that we know Colin is painfully aware of by the end of season 2 when he declares to his 'friends' that he would never court her. The same friends he calls shallow to their faces in season 3. So was it surprising that Colin's whole arc in season 3 was about shaking off the shackles society has on his decisions and more importantly, his desires. Because Colin isn't just trying to get by with society's expectations like Anthony was, no. He was trying to change himself to like it. He was trying to buy into it. Because society made him miserable before and maybe embracing it would make him happier. There's a reason he's so passionately anti-Whistledown. She represents those very shackles of society that ironically keeps him from acknowledging his feelings for Penelope. Colin has been in love with Penelope for just as long as she has been in love with him, if not more. But Penelope wasn't the only one who thought that was impossible simply because she was fat. In fact, this is a very common fat girl dating experience, you meet men who would absolutely fuck you, heck they can even love you in their own way but they're not ready to face the shame of other's judgement in acknowledging you. Colin's every appearance on this show starting from season 1 has been setting him up to release those shackles. He wanted to for Marina, but his feelings for her were not genuine. He chased her out of obsession, not love and I think that distinction was infinitely clear to Marina. She could never inspire this soft, sensitive man to harden his backbone in a way that Penelope can. His love for Marina brought him anguish, his love for Penelope brings him joy. The Duke and Daphne barely had a conversation that entire season, Kate and Anthony met and created all of this havoc for what? Colin and Penelope are the only two, whose emotional connection has been established over the course of three whole seasons. Lots of criticisms can be made of their romance I'm sure, but rushed? Listen, I know why people think it's rushed and while season 1 and season 2 Colin would really really care that you think Penelope is unfuckable but season 3 Colin doesn't have a single fuck left to give.
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superkooku · 4 months
Dionysus' iceberg
This post is what remains of an initially very long rant idea. That means there will probably be a part 2 😏.
Here's the reason for my title :
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In theory, you can stop there since my meme pretty much summarizes my complaints. But since I like ranting, I'll continue 😈
The tip of the iceberg
When you think "Dionysus", which words come in mind first ?
Probably "wine", "party", "alcohol" "fun god".
These words are what most people remember about Dionysus. And yes, I'm not going to deny, they fit.
Unfortunately, my problem comes with the fact that 9.5 times out of 10, Dionysus' personality will exclusively revolve around these aspects.
Since the issue is about modern adaptations and perceptions, I'll use a modern term.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with flanderization, right ? If not, the link to TV Tropes' article on the subject is available.
Many adaptations fell into that trap for, I think, every single Olympian.
Hades, god of the dead, lord of the Underworld = Satan, evil death god, darkness and sorrow
Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty = Superficial bimbo who only cares about her pretty face
Zeus, king of the gods, lord of the sky and thunder = 100% pure God OR more recently : evil king god who constantly abuses women.
The gods are stripped of their complexity to fit simpler and more "digestible" characterizations. It doesn't help that the cultural context surrounding them is also taken away...
But this is about grape boi, right? Well, Dionysus is no exception to that rule. In fact, he might be one of the worst cases.
So far, he was never really portrayed in an "insulting" light, like Apollo in Lore Olympus or Hades in the Percy Jackson movie. Fortunately.
But, from all the popular adaptations I've seen, none of them manage to portray Dionysus ! None ! Does that make them automatically bad ? No, of course. It's just something I noticed.
God of war ? Doesn't appear, only mentioned
Disney ? Don't even try 🤣. Just a drunk goofball. Yes, that includes the fantasia segment and Hercules.
Lore Olympus? Well, he's a baby for 99.99999% of the time, so it doesn't count. But he's still a quiet little Gucci bag for Persephone.
Hades I ? Just a nice guy. But hey ! He can give us useful boons ! And I like his sass.
Maybe he'll do more in Hades II. They're usually more accurate than most, right ? Though that's not a very high bar. And they know about Zagreus ! Surely that's a good sign, right ?
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Here's what all these adaptations tell us :
Dionysus is the god of wine, feasts and parties
He's an Olympian
He likes to get drunk and party 🥳
And that's it.
Again, I'm not blaming anyone, but if the myths stopped with those three points, wouldn't everyone wonder why he's even an Olympian ? I sure did when I was a kid.
We have the god of thunder, the goddess of wisdom and war strategy, god of music/arts/medicine/100 other things, the god of the oceans ! Many cool gods !
And some drunk dude. He's not given any particular power, except the power to stay super passive no matter the stakes ! If the story revolves about epic godly fights (which is often the case), he's absolutely useless.
Heck, Hades II even actively depicts him as a pacifist who can't handle war. While he's not physically a weakling, he sure psychologically is.
Why is this a problem ?
I am not going to beat around the bush: this gives us a very incomplete and incorrect perception of the god.
Even the things that aren't forgotten about him (like his link to wine) aren't explored.
The thing with Hades II (that's the last time I'll mention it) is that it tries to deepen the flanderized version of Dionysus. He's not stupid, but afraid. He drinks to forget his issues.
While this characterization can be very interesting taken separately, we must remember that this isn't an OC, but an interpretation of a cultural figure.
It must be accurate ! While I can accept some liberties, I think that those should mostly be an extension of the original material, not a total deviation.
Dionysus isn't a scared little boi or a stupid drunkard you can manipulate. In fact, that's quite the opposite. And he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.
(even if the "dirt" in question is the blood of his enemies).
Under the surface
Though it's rather "stuff you can find on Wikipedia". Or by reading the myths.
More about it in part 2 of the rant...
It'll be about theater, madness, travels, link between mortality and immortality and... pirates turning into dolphins.
The actual interesting stuff about Dionysus.
Edits :
1. Thanks to @st4riel-the-w1tchling for clarifying the situation about Percy Jackson. I made my own research about BoZ. My opinion is basically still the same. Again, nothing terribly offensive, but nothing that interesting for Dionysus either.
2. I made part 2 a while ago, might as well add it here :
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bitletsanddrabbles · 10 days
Stolen Child: A Much Needed Screaming Fit
Okay, so, as I said earlier - I'm fine. The story's fine. I'm not angry at anyone about anything or shouting at or accusing anyone of anything or any of that sort of thing that I might come across as somehow because I'm shouting and only sort of semi-coherently. I'm just shouting because I need to shout.
Basically, I've been feeling increasingly just…tired and tense? The temperature spike this weekend did not help at all, since I am not a heat person and it narfs my sleep. And my brain finally phrased last month as "I didn't have a single day off in August because every time I wasn't at work I was some stripe of not-feeling-well", at which point the rest of my mind and body went "YES EXACTLY!" and doubled down on the exhaustion and anxiety. I also have another routine medical appointment next Tuesday and something going on with my hand that looks kinda like ringworm, but doesn't act like ringworm (and how would I have picked up ringworm there?), which I will need to make another appointment for. Which means I really need to have a good, old fashioned, overstimulated three-year-old level melt down about something I care about, but that is not ultimately important to the universe and then go…I dunno. Maybe eat some ice cream and take a nap. Definitely with the napping.
Since Stolen Child is kinda the Big Craft Community Craft Thing right now and ranting about it could, conceivably, generate some useful dialogue which always results in Happy Brain Chemicals (useful right now!), we're going with that one. So if you feel like reading through the flailing mental health fail rant and giving advice, observations, feedback, or just patting me on the head and saying "Don't forget to breathe, dear. Air is important", go right on ahead. If you don't, eh. Not your job. Feel free to keep scrolling.
And now! Here we go! Ready, set - MELT DOWN!
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This right here? Is a great comment. It's a lovely comment. I love informative comments like this! There's only one problem with it:
See, back in 2017, when I was first plotting this whole thing, my plan was to have him wind up…not heir. I seriously think he'd be happier doing like Tom and Henry and living at Downton, but running a clock shop somewhere and letting Mary run the estate and George be the heir. Thing is, I didn't know that was possible just like that. I hadn't made any of my UK fan-friends at the time (heck, I don't think I had this account yet?). As I have mentioned a million times, I fail at research, although I have been slowly getting a bit better with help. So at the time I thought that an Earl's son became the heir, no questions asked, and no options unless they abdicated which was fully what I intended on having Thomas do after a bit of trying and getting a headache and having him and Mary both unintentionally-but-avoidably stomp all over each other's toes. Then I started rewatching (didn't make it through season one because I have officially hit the 'can't really watch things on my own' stage) and was immediately reminded that Matthew didn't have a choice but to be heir. Oh! Oops! Guess Thomas can't abdicate! Which is how we wound up with the current draft.
And this comment.
Now, I have no reason to disbelieve the statement that they don't need to recognize Thomas, but I can't think of why my UK friends wouldn't have pointed it out at some point, except that I did always call it the Thomas-as-Heir fic which could have lead to the concept that heir was my desired end game. Or perhaps it was one of those things that just didn't get questioned because subconsciously they thought it was my desired end game. Or maybe something else perfectly logical! I mean, there are reasons it could have happened, but my brain is not braining good right now, so. Point being, I didn't know and I'm still not sure and this firmly falls outside of my 'things I can comfortably research'. If it were modern, sure! But history?
Seriously, my researching lessons in school extended to 'go to the library and read a book' and stopped. There was nothing about how to gauge how trustworthy the book was, or if there was, I didn't learn it because I moved through three school districts (five if you count college and uni) and wasn't in the right district at the right time. Given how obvious it is that there are a lot of history books out there that straight up lie (and I don't just mean the school texts. I've tried to teach myself history in recent years and wound up straight up calling bull shit on several books), this leads to massive trust issues. I asked at my local library if they had a research librarian on staff and bless his heart, the fellow I was talking to didn't even know what that was. There's another library nearby that is bigger, but I keep forgetting that it's part of our library system now and honestly I don't even know how to drive there and don't like driving in that area anyway and I'm not even sure the busses will take me there in a reasonable manner given public transport in this area. I know I've heard of a couple other tricks over the years that I've carefully noted down in places I've forgotten about so that I could reference them later.
And if it is true (which I have every reason to believe it is), what then? I've already set up the entire story to have Thomas be recognized as heir! I mean, I could put it on hold and rewrite the ending. There are a couple of scenes that would be easy, but others would be straight up impossible. I'd also have to lose at least three scenes that I've been looking forward to sharing and that people would love, and I don't know what I'd replace them with, and I'd have to rewrite the dinner scene (*straight up cries at the thought*), and I am a slow writer, so I have no idea when it would be done! I kinda hate the idea of telling everyone "We're going to be a chapter a week!" and then three chapters later going "Haha, just kidding! Indefinite hiatus while I fix the entire plot!" Especially since right now reader comments are definitely my primary 'happy chemical' source and I need that! On the other hand, I really, really love the idea of this being a one shot and not having to figure out what happens next! But it might not get done for another ten years if I try that!
If I do stick with him as heir, it seems like people would know that not recognizing him was an option, so I'd still need to do some rewriting to explain why he winds up heir! And why would he? The only thing I can come up with given my current setting is Cora pitching an ever loving (dignified, restrained) fit over the idea of not acknowledging him and he and Robert just going "OKAY OKAY WE YIELD!" which will still take some rewriting, but a lot less (I think I can keep the rewrites ahead of the posting schedule for the most part maybe?), and will still leave me figuring out where we go from here, but might work as a decent compromise?
Either way, I have to figure out what I'm doing before I post next week's chapter! And all my brain wants to do is melt into a puddle of goo for a month! The idea of trying to research or plot or anything like that just makes me want to sit in the shower and cry! I WANT A MONTH'S VACATION FROM LIFE, DAMN IT ALL!
Edit: I now have an appointment to have my hand looked at this Wednesday.
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benis-chillin · 24 days
IDW's Fang the Hunter and the failure of Neo-Classic Sonic
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(In case you're stupid, this is an opinion piece made for discussion)
Greetings, boys and goyles. I'm Benis, otherwise known as Benis Chillin, Sonic lore enthusiast and fanfic writer. I say the latter part because I want people to know that I'm well aware that many of my criticisms are based in the fact that I'm a writer, and unlike most people, I try to run more by objective canon than my whims. I explain it more here.
And per those standards…The current state of Classic Sonic SUCKS.
Now, I am a Modern Sonic fan through and through. I LIKED the 4 main Classic games when I played through them, but Sonic Adventure was the one that truly hooked me in. The world established by that game, and the ones that followed, just have my interest more, and I would prefer things be made in service to THAT.
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However, to the greater detriment of society, Sonic Generations happened, and Classic Sonic was reestablished as part of the brand after years of Modern Sonic being THE face of everything, with even collections of Classic games using Modern Sonic artwork. And with the environment of the internet in the 2010's, it's no surprise that they decided to let Classic be its own sort of "brand" with Sonic Mania(bleh)and Forces(less bleh).
But they had a fun spin on it: A split timeline.
As explained above, Classic Sonic was given his own little mini-continuity to run around in, which is actually a brilliant idea, from a brand perspective. Original Classic Sonic had the creative freedom to do whatever the heck he wanted to, since he was the main Sonic. However, new Classic material, or Neo-Classic material, as I shall now refer to it, if left in the main timeline, inherently has the “prequel” problem where things HAVE to have some kind of hook for it to really be worth having another branch of the brand available. I wouldn’t say EVERY brand has this problem, but even the most masterful uses of that format have to deal with the fact that the future is predetermined, and Neo-Classic Sonic material just does not have the leg room to work around that problem.
So, split the timeline, and just do whatever with it. It’s an AU, go nuts! Let a part of the brand reset and grow in a different way for that audience who isn’t into that Modern stuff!
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And we had a promising enough start with the 30th anniversary comics! Full of interesting returns that you didn’t really see in the mainline books. Heck, we got an actual look at the design of Metal Knuckles, that was pretty rad!
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Bark, Bean, and Fang also had an appearance that made their old Archie team somewhat canon, after they only appeared as illusions in Mania.  Sure, these characters were neat in the Archie comics, but getting a proper form of that in a continuity free of that Satam Stank was nice. This particular comic being a separate thing from my main love, while not diving into the weird stuff that would turn me off from it, inherently made the comic more interesting, even though I’m not much of a Classic Sonic fan.
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And so this sentiment continued through the next specials, but something else began to shift on Sega’s side. The dumbassery of single timeline was stated to be the new status quo, and they started acting as such with new Sonic material.
Sonic Superstars came out, too, and my feelings on that are known. Now, after his appearance in the comics had been a bit of a treat, even if you didn't like him, Fang was in an official Sonic game again, with 3D renders to boot!
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...But he was still the same jackass with barely any personality that he was before. Because Superstars was TRYING to be like 3&K with its storytelling, while lacking basically every element that made 3&K's storytelling work. Combine the lackluster story and music, both of which were caused by the idea of it being a Neo-Classic game, with the fact that the graphics were 3D, and now the question is being raised of, "Why wasn't this just a Modern Sonic game?" 
Cause from an outsider's perspective, it being a Neo-Classic game only served to hold it back in a ton of ways!
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For example, the character of Trip. She seems well liked in the Sonic fanbase, but Sega's kinda funky with how they handle characters being both Classic and Modern. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman, and Metal Sonic seem to be allowed to exist in both parts of the brand, but that's it. 
Knuckles Chaotix is said to be canon, but the Classic Chaotix are unlikely to appear anytime soon since Sonic Heroes soft-rebooted them. Mecha Sonic was allowed to appear in the Modern "Scrapnik Island" mini-series, but I suspect it's seen by Sega as a "modern reboot" rather than a character being allowed to co-exist between the two brands again. Heck, they didn't even have the guts to show the Classic versions of the characters during the flashbacks, even though logically, they were still referencing 3&K.
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 So will Trip be allowed to appear in any meaningful way in the future? Probably not, the way things have been going.
So, if all Classic characters can only appear in Neo-Classic material, then the Neo-Classic material has to be as good as it can be, right?
Well, that's where the Fang mini comes in.
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Written by Ian Flynn, who has very much been showing how utterly stretched he is across so many Sonic projects lately(even if I would still regard him as a fairly decent writer, just...Has his limits), the Fang mini is the epitome of BORING! 
The basic story is that Fang and his gang are seeking out, "The eighth Chaos Emerald," visit a few people who tell him it doesn't exist, and then Eggman sends him to deal with the Hardboiled Heavies going rogue.
Along the way, Fang is just randomly a dick to his friends, and they end up abandoning his ass at the end because this comic is, for some reason, a direct prequel to Sonic Superstars, and we apparently needed an explanation of why they weren't there?
If my summary didn't sound that bad to you, it's because you don't have to go through the grueling wait that being an IDW Sonic fan entails.
Seriously, the wait between issues of IDW Sonic has become a real problem the past few years. Ever since the Metal Virus ended, the main book has had a massive problem with pacing. 
And sure, there are arcs and ideas I like there, I AM a fan, but not a lot HAPPENS in each issue compared to earlier in the book's run. Even re-reading them, the pace is oddly slow for a book about a fast character, and the issue especially persists here...On top of the main book being paused for a bit so THIS shit could come out.
(Current arc is doing better, though, so hope they keep that up)
Issues 1&2 are wasted with Fang harassing Sonic and Knuckles for a bit that, guess what? Goes nowhere! And then we briefly divert to Fang and co. in a watery old Eggbase so Eggman can capture them and actually get the plot going…3 issues into a 4-issue mini! Then, we finally get to the main event, where all will be revealed! And…
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It's the Warp Topaz from the main book. The Hardboiled Heavies found it in a cave, where nobody ELSE knew it was, so it can't be the source of the 8th Chaos Emerald rumors.
Like I told ya, that went NOWHERE!
So they fight the bland-as-shit Heavies, Fang adds the Warp Topaz to his hover bike thing, and the airship is wrecked, leaving Sonic and Tails to have no idea what just happened, their involvement being a complete wash.
And our story ends with Bark and Bean rocketing off in little hovercars that just raise the question of why they didn't use those when Fang threatened to kick them off in Issue 2, since he has no say in whether or not they launch.
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I actually managed to ask Ian Flynn about this on the Bumblekast, and this was his response:
Worth noting that the final issue has an additional editor that didn't work on the previous issues. Not saying EVERYONE'S blameless in this, but if I had to choose a weak point…
This mini-series encapsulates every little issue the Neo-Classic line has had since they officially eschewed split timeline.
 It feels the need to go out of its way to explain shit that doesn’t matter, like where Bark and Bean were during Superstars, Fang having the Warp Topaz, but not using it during Superstars creates a gaping plot hole that will not wash away, and it not going away at the end brings up a lot of timeline issues that I can only hope that Knuckles special resolves! 
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In fact, why didn’t HE get the mini!?
Even in his Classic state, Knuckles has a LOT more to carry a story with! From the secrets of his island, to the mysteries of his people(which Adventure and the Frontiers promo animation hinted at), to even just doing his own treasure hunts! Heck, you could even pin him against both Fang’s crew and the HBH, and you’ve got enough of a banger to hold 4 action-packed issues right there! 
But no! Instead, we get a book that seems written to depend on the personalities of the protagonists…When said protagonists barely have any personality.
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Like, let’s consider Team Chaotix from Sonic Heroes ALONE. Vector is the loud, bombastic leader with a love of music, and true detective skills, as showcased by him figuring out that their employer was Eggman on his own by Rail Canyon. Espio is the disciplined, if a bit full of himself, ninja, taking down the bad guys with stealth and precision, while also being somewhat melodramatic. And Charmy is the excitable ADHD kid of the group who may occasionally want to go off-track and play around in the giant casino area.
These characters are simple, yet so full of personality that you immediately like them(unless you’re a 2010’s YouTuber). THESE guys can hold a narrative.
By comparison, what do Fang’s gang have after 3 comic appearances and Sonic Superstars?
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Fang is a hired goon who has goons, Bean is “funny” bomb man, and Bark is the silent strong guy with a soft spot.
That is really it.
And this was FINE back when they were still in “Sega forgot us” territory. Being obscure oddities that we would rarely get in stories actually did a lot of heavy lifting for their more limited personalities. Despite what the current writers seem to feel about such limits, judging by Silver and Blaze's current "vacations" in the main book, characters being rarer can actually endear you to them.
But now, these guys aren't really that rare. In fact, I’d say they’re about equal to Team Chaotix in terms of mass media exposure within the past 5 years, and they’re considerably lacking in comparison. 
Hell, even compared to the characters created RECENTLY in IDW and the Modern games, they're pretty lackluster. Yet I'm supposed to care about these assholes just as much as those guys?
Which, really, is how ALL of the Neo-Classic media feels these days.
Look, I get that Neo-Classic Sonic media doesn’t want to step on the toes of Modern Sonic. I do. But I really think it needs a good shake-up.
Quit treating it like it’s this special thing, because it isn’t anymore. Find a more solid identity for this branch of Sonic if you want it to survive, cause THIS doesn’t cut it anymore.
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there's been something that's been eating at me.
look at early mn and watch them all be so anti-anything leading them into conflict that they couldn't easily weasel their way out of, crack jokes about stopping the adventure and becoming sharecroppers, and how matt had to force them into caring about the war and the people it impacted (one of which being a player's husband) instead of ignoring it to do anything literally else.
and this carries on even after they're thrown into the thick of it. from handwaving away all of what essek did for the sake of "well, he's nice to us! and it happened so long ago it'd be pointless and hypocritical to hold him to that!" (which, you know, not how that works but sure) and pushing off dealing with the cerebus assembly until the very last episode, every single conflict the nein had was only relegated to them and their personal struggles. tharizdun and cognouza were really cool as apocalyptic monsters, but we only figured out their importance after the fact or in an exposition dump!
and this is what the mighty nein is praised for! they're praised for steamrolling over every single possible conflict they could encounter unless matt made it mandatory because of ashley's schedule or the baileyham's baby! so of course when the next campaign rolls around and the fandom is asked to look deeper into the world asides from the character's personal lives, they get upset.
and i'm not saying that it'd be superior if they were more objective or went with less character-based decisions or storylines as opposed to plot based decisions that impact the politicial discussions of exandria first and foremost. heck, it annoys the HELL out of me when characters i like in c3 are nothing but objective and refuse to budge on it (if you know you know) or when they stop to talk about lore stuff for too long! i love the silly feel-good vibes of the nein that're light on story and heavy on characterization!
but it does feel weird that people look at c3's less-than-wholly optimistic plotline where the status quo is directly questioned and insist it's forcing the series into new waters it was not built to tread when no, it's always been there. you just never found it pertinent to interact with because the players never took those routes, and were incurious after the fact.
when matt says he plans to make the animated series of the mighty nein far darker and more political, i can't help but wonder if the fans will reject it outright.
(obligatory disclaimer that YES i'm frustrated that there seems to be no other option for bell's hells than to get that salty codger's moon hijinks dealt with and not a single loose end left over and THEN they can finally do stuff they want and have downtime without being reminded that they gotta stop him every other sentence and they're all clearly dying to get to that point... but there was sledding on a wok, and making dresses out of cocktail shrimp for a zombie rat, and spin the bottle too. to act like they're completely flat little npcs running to the next objective marker over and over and have no silly character moments is plain wrong.)
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armoricaroyalty · 10 months
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Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: now here are those wholesome sibling relationships we have all come to love and expect from my story!
Transcript under the cut.
Nakawe Palace // Armorican State Visit - Day 2
REPORTER | ...I'm live outside of Nakawe Palace, where the press and members of the public alike have gathered following unconfirmed reports that Crown Princess Rosalind has, for 3 years, conducted a secret relationship. REPORTER | This afternoon, Uspanian tabloid The Concordia Times broke the story of the Crown Princess's relationship with Komrebigan national—and accused murderer—Hakane Satō, also known as Mary Yokoyama. REPORTER | [offscreen] In 2013, Yokoyama was named as a person of interest in the still-unsolved disappearance of her husband, Noah Satō. She was questioned by Komorebigan police in 2013 and again in 2014, but released without charge. Blackwell Palace has yet to comment on this developing story... MARY | [offscreen] Are you sure this is a good idea? ROSALIND | Do you have a better one? MARY | No, but give me a week— ROSALIND | We don't have a week. ROSALIND | [in Komorebigo] Darling, is everything alright? You seem upset. MARY | [forcing a smile] I'm fine. [knock on door] ROSALIND | That's them, now. ROSALIND | You're late. MARY | Good to see you both. EMILY | Don't look at me! I was ready to go while he was still putting his contacts in. FREDERICK | Sorry. I was late getting back from Canarís. I ran into an old friend... ROSALIND | Well...whatever! Come in! Sit down! We need to talk... ROSALIND | So...I'm sure you've seen the news by now. FREDERICK | Heck, I've seen the reporters. They're still all outside, by the way. EMILY | Frederick... ROSALIND | Can you not be a smug know-it-all for 15 minutes? This is serious. ROSALIND | We don't know how the story got out. We're looking into potential leaks, but in the meantime, we can't allow the press to run with this. The longer it's in the headlines, the worse it'll be for the family. EMILY | I'm so sorry, Your Highness. This must be so difficult— FREDERICK | You've got friends in the press. Can't you get Vance Marshall or one of his cronies to kill this one for you? He's done it before. ROSALIND | It's too late for that. It's all over the Uspanian press and the major Armorican networks have already picked it up. Our only option now is damage control, and we'll need something big to bury this one. ROSALIND | [sighs] We need you. Both of you. EMILY | Both of us? FREDERICK | I don't think I like where this is headed... ROSALIND | [offscreen] The only thing that people love more than a royal scandal is a royal wedding. EMILY | ... FREDERICK | ... FREDERICK | Roz, are you shitting me? EMILY | Frederick— FREDERICK | You want me to propose just to bury an embarrassing story? ROSALIND | What's the big deal? You were going to do it, anyway— FREDERICK | get shit from the press every single day of my life! And you have never once lifted a finger to defend me, but I'm supposed to make major life decisions to spare you a couple weeks of bad press? ROSALIND | [offscreen] I am the Crown Princess— FREDERICK | Yeah! I know! You've never once let anyone forget it. ROSALIND | [offscreen] —I have to be beyond reproach. ROSALIND | Unlike you, I do not have the luxury of making mistakes. Everything I do has to be perfect, for the sake of the entire family! Everyone depends on me, Freddy! Do you really think the Armorican taxpayer would keep paying for your fuck-ups if I wasn't included in the bargain? FREDERICK | Oh, poor you, it must be sOoOo fucking hard being the chosen one! ROSALIND | IT'S NOT MY FAULT I WAS BORN FIRST YOU ENTITLED LITTLE— EMILY | [offscreen] [sobs] FREDERICK | ...Em?
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sunshine-overload · 4 months
[BSTS] Main Story S5Ch8 'Long Night' - Part 2
part 1
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Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
akira: .......
takami: What's wrong, Akira?
akira: Nothing. Was just thinking that Saki-chan hasn't visited for a few days now. 
takami: That's true, maybe she's been busy. Does it discourage you that she's not here?
akira: Obviously. I want her to see how hard I'm working. Have there been any updates on Sin? You ran into Unei on the way here didn't you?
takami: I didn't speak with him directly but it appears Sin has been discharged from the hospital.
akira: Oh? And what about Kokuyou?
taiga: I still haven't been able to get in contact with him. Feels like he's ghosting me.
takami: It's possible he's shut his phone off for personal reasons.
akira: Personal huh...
-sin walks in-
sin: Can you hear the footsteps in the night?
taiga: Woah!? Sin is here!
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akira: You sure got here quick. I heard you got caught up in a car accident?
sin: ...I'm fine. I just took a little knock to the head.
taiga: That doesn't sound like nothing.
sin: There were no problems found when they examined me.
akira: .......
takami: You sure got caught up in an unlucky situation. Have you spoken with the person who injured you?
sin: The shadow does not possess a name.
takami: I see, so you don't know who it was...
taiga: So it was a hit and run? You seriously need to be more careful.
akira: Well, what matters is that he's ok. Now it's just Kokuyou we need to worry about... Where the heck is he?
sin: All that can be found inside the empty box is dusk. Before night falls you must block out the light.
akira: I have no idea what you're saying man.
taiga: I feel so restless, a Starless without Kokuyou in it is so weird.
takami: True... On the off chance he doesn't show up I think we should prepare a back up plan. Akira, do you have any ideas?
akira: Without our leader I'm the highest in command yeah? I know that already. We'll proceed with a version of the show with me as the centre. Find someone to fill up our missing spot.
takami: I've already asked Kasumi to help us. Mokuren gave their consent as well.
akira: Then we're already all set? You're so capable it's almost annoying y'know.
Chapter 2 extra
-starless hallway-
takami: Kei, have you heard that we haven't been able to contact Kokuyou?
kei: I have. If W has a missing man do you intend to borrow a substitute from another team?
takami: Worry not, we've already asked someone. Kasumi will be filling in if Kokuyou does not show up in time.
kei: Then why are you speaking to me?
takami: I was just wondering if you're also in a bit of a pinch. Your mind is elsewhere isn't it?
kei: It is none of your concern. You should focus on your own performance.
-starless office-
akira: How mean can a person be? How did Mokuren even eat that many?
takami: What happened?
yakou: It seems that Akira bought some protein bars but Mokuren ate every single one of them.
mokuren: Obviously. Think of it as payment for me letting you borrow Kasumi.
akira: Aren't those completely unrelated matters?
takami: We're thankful for Kasumi's help though. This way we don't need to delay and can proceed with rehearsals.
yakou: Still, it's pretty unusual that Kokuyou hasn't shown up or contacted us yet.
takami: Indeed. We can't get a hold of him at all.
mokuren: It can't be helped, want me to replace him instead of Kasumi?
takami: Someone like you wouldn't be able to sub in for Kokuyou. It's true that you used to be a W member too but you're in a league of your own.
mokuren: It's not like you to try and flatter me, Takami. You owe me one.
takami: It's not flattery, I'm being serious. And I understand that we're in your debt.
yakou: 'Abandon the Dawn' is the name of your new show huh. I think Kasumi will be able to blend right in.
mokuren: Hopefully it interferes with his C lessons. That way he'll require make-up training.
yakou: You shouldn't be saying that, Mokuren. Kokuyou isn't here so please cooperate.
mokuren: You think I care? I've done my part in helping them already.
yakou: So, if Kokuyou does return, will you have him take Kasumi's place?
akira: Eeeh, nah. We'll just have Kasumi perform the whole run.
yakou: Well, I have no complaints as long as everything goes well. It looks like it will be a success at least.
mokuren: You're lucky this is happening while the owner isn't here. He'd be making a fuss about disbanding their team right now.
yakou: I can't deny that... Still, I wonder what happened to Kokuyou. Is he sick? Has anyone checked his apartment?
takami: No, I haven't been to check. Could anyone lend me his address?
akira: Don't worry, I'll go check on him. I'll leave it to you to teach Kasumi the choreo, Takami.
Chapter 2 SideA
-starless balcony, evening-
kei: ....... (sigh)
takami: Kei, if you're looking for something then I think I could help you.
kei: No need.
takami: Stealing back what's been stolen is just a simple game of cat and mouse.
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kei: And so what if it is? I am just doing what I must.
takami: It's just like you to be persistent . Then, how about you utilise my help?
kei: Why would I do that?
takami: Because I can prepare what it is that you need. For example, I could prepare a perfect replica, that would be useful to you, would it not?
kei: I refuse. I have no intentions of being used by you.
takami: I'm doing no such thing. All I want from you is information. About the Miki-san's and Iwami-san, and various other things.
kei: You really think I'll agree to that? 
takami: I'm up for further negotiations whenever. Kasumi interrupted us last time after all.*
kei: You mean back during W's 'BLACKSTAR' performance? It's too late for that now.
takami: Not for us it isn't. I'd like to avoid any unnecessary confusion.
kei: So you're trying to gain my gratitude?
takami: Who knows... It's just, because of the rumours spreading about the owner's absence, the power balance of this area is in danger.
kei: So you're saying continuing this farce of a play is your keeper's wish?
takami: —So, what will you do?
kei: It's obvious what my highest priority is. For now I shall dance to your tune.
takami: I wasn't expecting you to agree. In that case, negotiations are complete. I'll let you know when things have been prepared.
-takami leaves-
kei: ...He's annoying to deal with. I'd rather not associate with him, but I have no choice.
-kei's phone rings-
kei (on phone): It's me. What is it? 
I'm not happy about it, but not knowing Kokuyou's location is the only way to protect her. It's only for a few days, I can put up with leaving Saki to him for that long.
What? But that place is close to... Why would he go there, of all places…
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kei (on phone): No, for now it is still safer than her being here. Understood, I'm grateful for the update.
-kei hangs up-
kei: Birds are suited to the freedom of the sky... Will I allow it to be swallowed up by the shadow of fate?
*Takami is referencing the talk in S2Ch6 - SideB 2 extra
Chapter 2 SideA extra
-behind starless, day-
hinata (on phone): Hello~ It's me. Yeah, that's right, I went and checked a locker at the train station for him. He's a real slave driver~ Not to mention when I finally found the right locker it was empty! Like, why did he send me there if nothing was inside? It doesn't make any sense~ Also the other day he randomly told me to go and search for Sin and—
-kei appears-
hinata (on phone): Oh, sorry, I gotta go. Someone that's hard to deal with just showed up.
kei: Chatting away on the phone during your work hours, you truly are taking your obligations lightly.
hinata: I'm on my break! I'll head right back so don't get on my case about it. And so? You got business with me or something? I'm not in the mood for a lecture.
kei: You were the first to discover Sin after he was injured, weren't you, Hinata?
hinata: What? You want to talk to me about Sin? I was told by Iwa-san to look for him... It was awful, he was bleeding everywhere and I had to call an ambulance.
kei: I see. So there were no other witnesses and you were the one who claimed he'd been in an 'accident'. There's no way to prove that is the truth.
hinata: What do you mean by that?
kei: Oh I wonder. You above all should know best what I'm insinuating. I'm just wondering if the theory that the first person on the scene is the most suspicious holds any weight.
hinata: W-wait a minute, what are you saying? You don't think I did something do you? Go ask Sin yourself, he'll tell you the same thing! It's the truth!
kei: Indeed, I have already asked him. He told me that you saved him.
hinata: Then... You suspecting me was just a bluff? Tch, don't piss me off, you're messed up in the head, you know that?
kei: I simply wanted to hear your understanding of the situation. Return to your work.
hinata: Oh shut up, you idiot! You're so freakin' annoying!
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-hinata leaves-
kei: Setting him up as the first one on the scene and sending him to pick something up at the train station lockers... I wonder if Hinata himself even realises the extent in which he is being used.
Chapter 2 SideB
-old messy house, night-
kokuyou: ...It reeks of mould.
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saki: This place is...
kokuyou: Relatives of mine own this house. When I was a kid they looked after me for a period of time. After my grandparents died my relatives moved away and no one has lived here since. Being here again is nostalgic but this place is a complete mess. Come on in, there's still space to move around.
saki: Please excuse me.
kokuyou: Sorry about the mess. If anything gets in your way just push it aside. It's still dark out, what time is it— Right, we left our phones behind. I can't even check the time.
saki: We can't check the news or anything either.
kokuyou: I wonder if there's anything in my jacket pocket... My lighter and... This isn't gonna be useful.
saki: What is that?
kokuyou: It's an mp3 player. I put our new show's song on it.
-koku starts playing 'abandon the dawn' instrumental-
saki: (This song...)
kokuyou: .......
saki: Um, Kokuyou-san, I really am sorry for getting you involved in this.
kokuyou: There's no need for you to apologise. This isn't anything new and it's not like I could just leave you be.
saki: But your show is starting in a few days... I know, why don't you let me stay here for a while? You can head back to Starless and prepare for your show.
kokuyou: You want me to leave you on your own? Don't be ridiculous, we’re past the point of going back now.
saki: I don't want to cause you any more trouble than this.
kokuyou: Sin told me to hide you away for a week. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. A week means I should make it back in time for the opening show. Things should calm down by then. Team W has Akira and Takami, they can handle themselves. 
saki: But you need to rehearse too, Kokuyou-san. Otherwise you won't be able to synchronise with the others.
kokuyou: Don't tell me you're worried about me messing up. I don't need any advice on that front. So long as the Starless stage exists, I'll be there.
Feel free to use the house however you like. Don't mind me. You're probably still on edge but try and get some rest. You're tired, so don't go overthinking things. I'm gonna go check something out back, don't go outside.
Chapter 2 SideB extra
-kokuyou's relatives house, evening-
saki: Nn...? I fell asleep…
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saki: (What time is it...? Looks like it's evening... I wonder where Kokuyou-san is.)
kokuyou: You awake? I didn't think you'd crash right here, I even cleaned up a room further in the house for you.
saki: Sorry, it wasn't intentional...
kokuyou: It's fine, you must've been really tired.
saki: Did you sleep too, Kokuyou-san?
kokuyou: Yeah, just a bit. I checked out the area too. There's a small strip of shops nearby, so if you're hungry we can grab something to eat. There's a public bathhouse there too. The shrine behind the house hasn't changed either. This place really is just as it was in the past.
saki: Oh right, you said this was your relative's place didn't you? Did you come here to play when you were little?
kokuyou: Yeah, something like that. Since I haven't been here for a while I figured we'd be safe coming this far. It doesn't seem like we've been followed but don't go wandering off on your own just in case.
saki: .......
saki: Is there nothing that you want to ask me?
kokuyou: If I did, would you even have any answers?
saki: That's...
kokuyou: I know that you don't know what's going on either. So asking anything would be pointless and only trouble you, am I right?
saki: Sorry...
kokuyou: There's nothing you need to apologise for. I've told you this already. Even if you had answers, you're not the only one who wouldn't talk about it.
saki: What do you mean?
kokuyou: Those at Starless are all the same way. If you ask them anything they're not the type to give you an honest answer. So, don't worry about it.
saki: ...Thank you.
kokuyou: Anyways, did you want to step out for a bit? We can go buy something to eat.
saki: —Um, Kokuyou-san.
kokuyou: What is it?
choice: I want you to get back in time for the performance / thank you for helping me
>thank you for helping me
saki: Thank you so much for helping me.
kokuyou: Don't sweat it. As if I could just leave you be in that situation. Now go and get yourself ready to go out. Your bedhead is pretty impressive.
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saki: Uwah, I need a mirror! I'm borrowing the bathroom!
-saki runs off-
kokuyou: ...I'll have to do something about this.
>I want you to get back in time for the performance 
saki: I want you to make it back in time for your performance.
kokuyou: You... —Understood, thanks. Now go and get yourself ready to go out. Your bedhead is pretty impressive.
Chapter 3
-rehearsal room-
akira: Aaand we're all done. As always you're quick on the uptake huh, Kasumi?
kasumi: Ahaha, I'm glad you think so. Maybe it's thanks to the fact you're the centre.
takami: We've gotten used to the new centre as well. The show has taken shape.
taiga: As expected Akira's version of Tristan is way too flashy. I could never~ 
akira: I'm always giving it my all y'know. Man~ I wish Saki-chan was here, I wanted to sing my words of love to her.
taiga: She hasn't been visiting recently. I guess she must be busy.
takami: I heard she hasn't been feeling well. Kei was worried about her.
akira: Wha, I hadn't heard that. Is she ok?
takami: I don't know the details, but I hope she feels better soon and is well enough to come visit again.
kasumi: Same~ I'd love for her to come and see the new show. And if possible, I hope it can be performed by the whole of W. So... Any updates on Kokuyou?
taiga: Nope. I think his phone battery is dead.
takami: Didn't you go check his apartment, Akira? 
akira: I did, but his motorbike wasn't there and I couldn't find him anywhere either.
sin: If the evening is destined to become darkness then the curtain of the night becomes meaningless. Furthermore, a dull blade cannot cut through the stars. That is all there is to it.
takami: It's not easy to be optimistic in a situation like this.
akira: Don't overthink it. We just gotta do what we gotta do.
taiga: A performance without Kokuyou huh... I never even considered it being a possibility. Has W ever put on a show without him before?
akira: Nope. Not that I know of at least.
taiga: I see, I'm a little worried what the audience's reaction will be like.
akira: I told you, we just gotta do it. Quit your mumbling.
taiga: Huh? Ah... Got it, sorry.
kasumi: Ahaha, Mokuren always says that if you're worried then it means you haven't practised enough, Taiga~ Let me help you with a Team C style intensive training course.
taiga: What? Hold up, since when were you this sort of character? No way!
kasumi: Can we start over from the top, Akira?
akira: ...Yeah, sure. The overall level of our performance is fine but if you're concerned about Taiga then let's focus on him.
taiga: Give me a break here!
sin: The diffused reflection of the light produces a false image. All we can do is follow the winding spiral as it disappears down into the void.
takami: No matter what happens, I just hope this is put an end to quickly.
Chapter 3 extra
-starless restaurant area-
heath: Gui, you're acting differently from usual.
gui: ...Am I?
heath: The colour of your aura is wavering. Did something happen?
gui: ...No.
heath: It wavered again. Is this about Saki? It is, isn't it? I haven't seen her here in a few days now and she always visits a lot, especially before a show starts. If you know something then tell me. Don't lie.
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gui: I can't tell you.
heath: Oh you ‘can't’? I see what's going on here. Fine, I'll go and ask Kei then.
-heath leaves-
gui: Me too... I want to know what's going on as well.
-gui leaves-
-starless backrooms-
heath: Hold it, Kei. Have you put her in danger again? Where is Saki? Tell me where she is this instant.
kei: Calm down, Heath. I am aware that you currently do not trust me.
heath: (coughing fit)
gui: Heath...! Heath, breathe. Slowly, in, out, in, out...
kei: Are you here to question me too, Gui?
heath: (coughing) ...Sorry, I'm fine, Gui.
kei: I understand your concerns fully. However, there is no need to worry as currently she is safe. In order for her to avoid any further danger, she has left the immediate vicinity.
heath: ........
heath: Is she truly safe?
kei: Yes. There is someone with her to protect her. And that is neither you nor I.
heath: And can you trust this person?
kei: ...Somewhat.
heath: Why... why can't it be me? Why the fuck are you standing around here instead of helping her?
kei: Because I must be here in order to protect her. Doing so is the very reason for my existence. Gui, look after Heath. Search within yourselves for your own reasons to be.
gui: Ok.
-kei leaves-
heath: ...Godammit. Why am I always so powerless?
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Chapter 3 SideA
-break room-
akira: Thanks, Kasumi. You've really saved our asses this time around.
kasumi: Oh no, it's no problem. I'm just happy to be useful. But... Don't go overdoing it, Akira.
akira: Hm? What's this? Are you looking out for me? If so I'd rather it be a cute girl that's fawning over me.
kasumi: Ahaha, noted~ Well, I'll see you in our next rehearsal then.
-kasumi leaves-
akira: .......
-nekome appears-
nekome: That was one one big sigh. You must've been working hard, you alright?
akira: Well I'm not alright anymore. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now.
nekome: Looks like I caught you at a bad time~ Though that's to be expected, your team was suddenly thrown for a loop after all.
akira: Thrown for a loop huh... Funny hearing you of all people say that. By the way, Nekome, you wouldn't happen to know anything would you?
nekome: About what?
akira: Like why someone would suddenly disappear, or where they would go if they decided to. You have experience in those areas after all, could you give me some advice?
nekome: Hahah, that's a tough question. Kokuyou and I are completely different too.
akira: Completely different? What do you mean by that?
nekome: I mean that we value and prioritise different things. The things that we can't abandon.
akira: I don't get what you're trying to say.
nekome: Hey, Akira, do you have any spare change on you?
akira: Don't extort me, you haven't even answered my question. 
-nekome buys something from the vending machine-
nekome: Hahaha, sorry. To be honest though, Akira, I don't know either. So, I'm sorry for all the trouble I must’ve caused~ It even bothered you, right?
-nekome leaves-
akira: Look at that, he had plenty of change on him. Why is he like this...
Chapter 3 SideA extra
-police station-
kei: The person who assaulted you has been arrested. However he was merely a thug working under someone else's orders. By the way, Hinata mentioned that he was told by Iwami to go and look for you... He didn't appear to have any intention to hide that fact either. 
sin: He is using his pawns to his convenience. Those who know nothing are easier to control. Anything else?
kei: The item that was stolen from you had already been passed off to a different courier. However the ghost is not on the move. Before long, the one in possession of the card shall also be arrested.
sin: Meaning it has not reached that man's hands yet?
kei: Those who already work for money are easily convinced by more money.
sin: I see. So you're just waiting for them to fall into your trap. Alas, it is clear who is pulling the strings behind this. We should prepare our next move.
kei: I made a deal with a faithful dog. His keeper is preparing to go on the hunt.
sin: You made a surprisingly bold choice.
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kei: It was necessary to assure the bird's freedom.
sin: So you're willing to get your hands dirty if it's for her sake. That is just like you.
kei: It's still not enough. The shady groups around here are already looking for new positions.
sin: Hm, it's bothersome. Has news of Haseyama's absence gotten around?
kei: The cover up has reached its limit. 
sin: The pests infecting the nearby area should have been exterminated though.
kei: It's still not enough. That is why I must immediately change my approach.
sin: Meaning that taking back her card is the top priority?
kei: Exactly that.
Chapter 3 SideB
-kokuyou's relative's house, day-
saki: (Today marks the end of the week Sin-san told us to run for... Tomorrow will be the opening show of Team W's performance. I wonder if Kokuyou-san could get there in time if he went alone on his bike? I could take the train...)
saki: ...Hm? Where is Kokuyou-san actually? Maybe he went outside.
-time pass, roadside path, day-
saki: ...He's not here either. I wonder where he went.
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-screen glitches-
saki: (W-what was that? For some reason... this path feels familiar—)
kokuyou: What are you doing out here, Saki? I told you not to wander around by yourself.
saki: I'm sorry. I just wanted to check how you were.
kokuyou: I was visiting the shrine out back... Sorry for leaving you on your own.
saki: No, it's fine. I also— Huh?
-screen shakes-
saki: (Ngh... My head hurts... Why...?)
kokuyou: ...We've had a conversation like this once before, haven't we?
saki: Once before... With me?
kokuyou: I don't know. I just remember when I was a kid, I was waiting for somebody here. Tch, I can't recall anything else.
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saki: (Huh...? This has... Happened before...)
kokuyou: Anyways, let's head back. You look pale.
saki: I'm fine, more importantly, Kokuyou-san— Back then, why did you come here?
kokuyou: Back then? What are you talking about?
saki: (Why did I ask that... What ‘back then’ am I even talking about?)
-screen glitches-
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saki: Sorry I... I don't feel so good after all...
kokuyou: You ok? You look awful, c'mon let's head back.
saki: But... Your show...
kokuyou: That's not important right now. We're heading back for now, you can say your piece later.
-quick flashback appears-
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saki: (My head hurts so bad... It's no use, I can't even think straight anymore...)
kokuyou: Don't overdo it, here, lean on me, let's go.
saki: Ok... Sorry for the trouble.
kokuyou: I told you already, we’re past the point of going back now. Just stop thinking about it.
saki: (Stop thinking...)
-saki closes her eyes-
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Chapter 3 SideB extra
-kokuyou's relative's house, evening-
saki: Nn… Hm...? I'm...?
saki: (This is... Kokuyou's relative's place...?) 
kokuyou: You awake? Feeling any better?
saki: Kokuyou-san... What time is— The sun's already setting!?
kokuyou: Yeah.
saki: (If it's evening then... No but, if he leaves right now he could still make it.)
saki: Kokuyou-san, if you leave now you'll be able to make it back in time for tomorrow's opening show.
kokuyou: And leave you all alone after you just collapsed on me? If I felt like leaving you I would have done so already.
saki: ...I'm sorry... I really am...
kokuyou: Quit worrying yourself over it, I can afford to miss one show.
saki: Kokuyou-san...
kokuyou: Team W isn't just me. The rest of my team can manage. Akira's got his voice, Takami can organise... Recently Taiga has even been proving himself. And lastly there's Sin. He's surprisingly good at creating that trademark W atmosphere. He may have been injured but that won't stop him. That's just the kind of guy he is.
saki: ...You have a lot of faith in them all, don't you?
kokuyou: I wouldn't say that... It's more that I just know how those on my team think. So don't look so down, none of this is your fault. 
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kokuyou: —Five years ago, when I first met you, you looked like any other regular woman just living her life. Even now, I still just see you as a normal woman. Except, you've been targeted by some suspicious group that I don't know and you've even been kidnapped before. Do you really think I'm heartless enough to just leave someone like you to handle all that on your own?
saki: Kokuyou-san...
kokuyou: It's fine, get some more rest. You still look pale.
saki: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry...
-saki falls back asleep-
kokuyou: ...What to do.
saki: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry...
girl: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry…
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-flashback end-
kokuyou: ...Tch... Why does it hurt? Why is the scar on my neck hurting all of a sudden?
-flashback, alleyway-
sin: Peace cannot be achieved if old wounds still ache. —Proceed with caution, Kokuyou, Saki.
-flashback ends-
kokuyou: ....... (thinking)
(to be continued)
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Holy shit you actually read my post thank you. And sorry for what I will throw out here:
Hello again! I guess I should use some label but I always forget. Let's just go with 💭 anon because I think way too much for anyone's liking. And Yes, I did finish Chapter 6.
So Chapter 6 actually gave a LOT of information for us and yes MC finally did stuff that actually helped them gain some merit. Their abilities still feel pretty dormant, I guess they wanted to show off just a small taste of what MC could be capable of in the near future. Hopefully. If they don't relapse back. Your move PB and you don't have a lot going for you atm.
But...that's about it. I think after this many chapters and most of the summaries of the L card stories...I don't really have a lot of expectations. In fact anything with the MC is very low expectations for me. But I say I will give them a slightly lighter sentence for CH6, only a smidge but I'm just that hard to please. In the end, I still don't see why the devils like MC. Like I get the devils have no shame and stuff but if the MC is supposed to represent like "us," then it's not really like, blank slatey enough for me to want to make an MC OC because it's like the game tells you that you have to be a frigging pervert which to each their own, I don't really function that way enough to want to fuck every single devil. If I want to make someone crazy I'd make a demon instead. Heck a powerful demon MC makes more sense than a rando human watching porn who happens to be the descendant of someone important? I mean I expect more to their background but it's "descendant of Solomon this and that." Too much emphasis on the Solomon part(be quiet, Sitri) too.
And honestly agree with you when they decided to go gaga over the angel. Heck during the Foras confession bit I'm just going. "Foras you're so sweet, but..seriously? -scoots him over to Astra/OCs- You can do better." I guess PB is making them consistent of them going stupid over any pretty face, and honestly I think everyone's gonna have to just deal with(and I'm sure they are) MC being...well MC I guess.
I accepted it, but I won't like it. It gets tiring when I have to go: "Oh they did a cool thing good for them--aaaaannnnnd we're back to them being a perverted degenerate. Great. Moving on."
Props to PB making a H game and all that, but maybe I'm silly and want to some more meat on those bone(rs). I don't even bother with the unholy boards anymore because I reading the first parts I'm not really invested to throw in all those candies.
I'll let you in on my inbox strategy 💭 anon. There's literally no organized way I answer asks. I do in fact read every single one, and see if my brain has an answer for it, if I do and I can churn it out without getting distracted it gets posted quickly. If not it takes a few days 😭 (or longer as most of ya'll can clock) So yes! very slow reply rate, but I do read every single one at least once so I can keep track of what I need to answer when I get to it.
SO YES glad you finished chapter 6 so we can talk about this better.
MC really made me wanna smack them when they were doubting the devils because I'm like, hello??? the only good angel you've seen is Leamas and even then he was lying to you for his and Nina's benefit while almost getting ya'll killed in the process. Plus, Gabriel killed your bestie/future husband if he has anything to say about it, every devil's backstory should have you convinced, especially Belial's. His damn vocal cords are damaged, you think he did that on purpose?
"I only heard one side" true. But the angels haven't really given you any reason (main story wise) to believe that they should be trusted and shortly after Camael definitely proved that point by getting frustrated when they wouldn't believe him.
There was also that point where they attacked poor Ppyong, so it's clear that they haven't gotten to that level of being able to handle all of the kings powers. Nor be able to take on multiple contracts.
I love how you mentioned scooting Foras over to other OCs, but yes Foras please look elsewhere.
And to brag about Astra for a bit, if you don't mind me doing so, while Astra does have the "hot girl summer, th0t" personality it's literally because she's allowed to do so in Hell, so why not? back with Minhyeok she doesn't want to further embarrass him by acting out, saves that energy for her job, and comes back home and chills out with him. But also, there's a sense of "I have to fight with them otherwise what I am here for?" which is why she tried to beat up Gabriel when she was attacked by him in the first place lol I had to put that for her because I was like, nah we're not gonna have a character that doesn't fight that doesn't sit right with me.
And other's OCs also seem to have their amazing personalities and some are even fixed on one devil and that's it. I love how realistic that can be, and how everyone's characters differ from MC. That's also why I agree that while they aren't blank-slate enough for self-insert, they are made to where we all can just insert our own characters in place and it would still work to some degree.
And for making a demon OC, I'm starting to think I should bring mine over. Nova is half-demon, but I think my demon OC would fit here too (couldn't really figure out how to get him to fit in the OM universe)
I know there's some MC fans out there that don't really see anything wrong with them, (which is why I have my tag on here) but sorry ya'll MC just ain't doin' it for me. Male MC acting this way too just makes me feel like I'm reading this one BL that I won't mention or we'll be here all damn night....lmao
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
sad my guy didn't make it through but considering how many folks there were and the repeat submissions others got, I'm not that shocked in the end ^^; having said that can i please have my propaganda foe wes pokemon back to use for later (even just like. sent back through an ask or DM'd. if you don't have it anymore that's fine too!!! figured I should ask at least. Hope you have a nice day/night/whatever time!)
Of course! I documented every single propoganda that was sent to me through a Google Sheet. Here you go-
"Honestly it's the drama of having and Espeon AND an Umbreon and abandoning the life he knew to try and start over but peoole still remember who he used to be. (Also the coat and boots. Big ol coat that covers most of his body in combination with boots that're making him like 2-3" (5-8cm) taller.) He starts the game by stealing a machine that can steal Pokemon and *blowing up the HQ* of the group he was a part of until very recently. He has explosives. This is never addressed again. Wes spends the game essentially trying to make up for his actions and stealing back Pokemon in order to unlock their hearts and free them from being fighting machines. He has a kickass motorcycle and eventually is basically recognized by Ho-Oh which is cool as heck. Other people still recognize him as the person he used to be, but he fights past it and very much establishes himself as a new person who isn't just gonna sit back and watch the world burn. Tbh Wes got so much transmasc swag by accident cause I was writing a fic with him as one of the main characters and things just sort of clicked into place by accident??? a happy accident. wound up being very thematically relevant by sheer coincidence. He named himself after Westley from The Princess Bride, it exists in pokemon Because I Said So. also I didn't include this above because it's tangential at best, but near the start of the story he rescues a girl named Rui from being kidnapped. The reason she's captured is because she can see the Aura of things, which is useful because that's the only sure-fire way of determining if a Pokemon is a shadow or not. Three generations later we get another Pokemon (besides Lucario) capable of using aura, in the form of Sylveon. you know, THE trans flag pokemon. I just think that's neat =)"
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For those of you who are really into the Transmascswagpolls lore, I mentioned Wes offhandedly once before on this blog- this is actually the character that I at first glance thought someone had submitted one of my own OCs. His name is Adonis Wes
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If anyone is interested, you can find more information about him on my artfight profile.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I love Apollo therefore Ara is throttling the living hell out of him -Danny Words: 2,563 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XI: With All Due Respect, Which Is None
"Nemo, trying to lose them is pointless—"
"Do not unbuckle your seatbelt!" He gives a sharp turn to the left.
Apollo yelps. "Is your plan to avoid a fight by dying in a traffic accident?"
"Ha-ha." Percy says through gritted teeth. "I'm getting us to the beach. Ara could get this done anywhere but I fight better near water, and I'd like to better our chances."
"Because Poseidon?" Meg asks in the backseat behind Ara's.
"Yep. That pretty much describes my entire life: Because Poseidon."
Ara hears the younger girl excitedly shuffling in the backseat. "You're gonna be like Aquaman? Get the fish to fight for you?"
Ara laughs. Percy grumbles. "Thanks, I haven't heard enough Aquaman jokes for one lifetime."
"I wasn't joking!"
"He's just cranky," Ara gives him a look. 
 "Ah, I know these spirits!" Apollo exclaims. "They are... um..."
"What?" Percy urges him anxiously. "They are what?"
"I've forgotten!" The boy huffs. "I hate being mortal! Four thousand years of knowledge, the secrets of the universe, a sea of wisdom—lost, because I can't contain it all in this teacup of a head!"
"Hold on!" Percy gives another violent turn making Meg hit the ceiling with her head. The girl bursts into a fit of giggles while Ara scolds her brother. "Just another mile or so to the beach... Plus we're almost to the western edge of camp. We can do it. We can do it."
The moment he says it, a blob flies directly to their windshield, making Percy give an abrupt turn and causing the car to spin. Ara lets out such a strong curse word that Apollo covers Meg's ears and blushes. Paul's blue Prius swerves off the road and breaks through the limits of an orchard, crashing right in between two trees.
Percy unbuckles his seatbelt. "You guys okay?"
"Oh gods, this will take ages to fix..." Ara places a hand on the dashboard and glows orange, assessing all the damage the Prius took in the collision.
Meg fights with the handle. "Won't open. Get me out of here!"
"Back here," Apollo tells them. "Climb over!"
They leave the car with shaky legs and stunned brains, Ara spots the three blobs no longer looking like blobs. She curses and draws out Almighty. "The heck are those?"
"STOP!" Apollo tries to sound powerful, but his voice quivers. "I am the god Apollo!"
He gives a step forward and Ara tenses. "Are you sure...?"
The boy silences her and Ara obeys out of habit, he may not look like a god but she's still aware of who he is. "Leave us or be destroyed! BLOFIS!"
Ara frowns. "Did you just scream my dad's last name as a ward against evil?"
It does nothing to destroy the creatures, if anything, they look more ready to kill. "Oh, dear." Apollo says shakily. "I remember now..." 
"What are they?" Ara asks out of obligation, because she certainly doesn't want to know.
"Nosoi. Plague spirits," he winces. "And they can't be killed." 
"Nosoi?" Percy helps Meg out of the car. "You know, I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end."
"You haven't killed me yet," Apollo points out.
"Don't tempt me," he retorts at the same time Ara says Don't tempt him.
"These creatures are not myths," Apollo continues. "Of course, most things in those old myths are not myths. Except for that story about how I flayed the satyr Marsyas alive. That was a total lie."
"You did what?"
"Guys, could we talk about that later?" Meg grabs a random tree branch as her weapon of choice.
"Apollooooo..." speaks one of the creatures. "We have coooome to—"
"Let me stop you right there." Apollo crosses his arms. "You've come to take your revenge on me, eh?" He looks back at the demigods. "You see, nosoi are the spirits of disease. Once I was born, spreading illnesses became part of my job. I use plague arrows to strike down naughty populations with smallpox, athlete's foot, that sort of thing."
"That was actually going to be my next question," Ara says.
"Oh, really?"
"No, you self-centered doofus!" She exclaims. "Why would you antagonize the living hospital waste?"
"Somebody's got to get the job done in a respectful manner! Better a god, regulated by the Council of Olympus and with the proper health permits, than a horde of uncontrolled spirits like these."
Another spirit speaks up. "We're trying to have a moooment here. Stop interrupting! We wish to be free, uncontroooolled—"
"Yes, I know. You'll destroy me. Then you'll spread every known malady across the world. You've been wanting to do that ever since Pandora let you out of that jar. But you can't. I will strike you down!"
"What will you strike us down with? Where is your booow?"
"It appears to be missing. But is it really? What if it's cleverly hidden under this Led Zeppelin T-shirt, and I am about to whip it out and shoot you all?"
The nosoi hesitate a bit. "Yooou lie."
"Why do you speak like that?" Ara blurts out.
"Like what?"
"Elongating the o's," she tilts her head. "Is that supposed to be threatening or...?"
"Are you trying to antagonize the hospital waste too?" Percy mutters. "Listen, Apollo..."
"I know what you're going to say. You, your sister, and Meg have come up with a clever plan to hold off these spirits while I run away to camp. I hate to see you sacrifice yourselves, but—"
"That's not what I was going to say. I was going to ask what happens if I just slice and dice these mouth-breathers with Celestial bronze."
One of the spirits makes a noise that kind of sounds like a laugh. "A sword is such a small weapon. It does not have the pooooetry of a good epidemic."
"Let me give you a real nuclear farewell, then," Ara mumbles, ready to change her sword into a bazooka.
"Stop right there!" Apollo steps in. "You can't claim both my plagues and my poetry!"
"You are right. Enough wooooords."
Apollo lifts his arms with his palms facing the creatures as if to blast them, but nothing happens when he does that. "This is insufferable! How do demigods do it without an auto-win power?" 
Ara turns her sword into a shotgun. "Let's survey after I put these uglies to bed."
Meg stabs one of them with her branch and the wood sizzles like it's sinking in acid. "Let go!" Apollo squeals. "Don't let the nosoi touch you!"
Ara steps back, but Percy charges without a second thought. He rarely gets those anyway, and one of the spirits tries to seize his wrist. Meg throws a frozen peach at the head of the creature, and Ara loads her shotgun, ready to finish him off. She shoots, but the creature's body dissolves and forms again without any damage.
"We gotta run," Meg concludes.
"Yeah." Percy stumbles back. "I like that idea."
Ara grabs Apollo's wrist and drags him through the orchard easily even though he's almost the same height as Percy. "That's the western border of camp!" Her brother points further ahead. "If we can just get there..." 
He explodes a tank near them and with Ara's help, wills the water to swirl around the bodies of the nosoi, the girl glows teal as they run through the field. "That's cool!" Meg runs happily. "We're going to make it!" 
"Can y'all stop saying that!" Ara exclaims irritatedly. The nosoi burst out of the ground ahead and Percy doesn't have time to stop before he runs through one of them. "Nemo!" She gasps.
"Don't breathe!" Apollo squeaks.
Percy presses his lips together and clutches his shirt over his nose, he holds the little breath he can gather. Ara loads her shotgun again while Meg picks up another bruised peach from the ground. Ara runs through a few plans in her mind. "Can I use water?"
"If I use water is my brother going to be okay?"
"I don't know! There is no seawater here!" Apollo screeches when another spirit charges at him and makes him crash into a tree.
"I'll take my chances," Ara summons the skies the moment the last spirit charges at her, and even if he's good at dissolving, there's nothing he can do against the speed and power of lightning. She looks between her brother and the helpless god, not knowing which one to focus on.
"Which fatal illness shall I use to kill the great Apolloooo?" The third spirit hums approvingly as it stalks the god. "Anthrax? Perhaps eboooola..."
"Hangnails," Apollo coughs out. "I live in fear of hangnails." 
Ara reaches for her octopus, fishes out a water bomb, and tosses it at Percy's feet. He closes his eyes tightly when the bomb explodes and Ara contains the detonation, making the water swirl as fast as possible, imagining whatever virus, germ, or bug is in there getting washed away. The girl glows brighter and closes her fist, dragging the water away from her brother's body, and into the plague spirit hovering over Apollo, lifting the being in a seawater ball.
"Percy, help!"
He helps her hold the ball up. Apollo is curled up in the mud, Ara glares at him feeling dizzy. "What now, Lester? We can't keep that thing trapped forever."
Just as she says this, the spirit Percy had previously run through reforms and pounces at them. Meg screams, taking them by surprise. "GET DOWN!" Everyone obeys, watching in shock as a thousand frozen peaches fly up and straight through the spirit, intercepting the one in the water bubble too. It's such an impressive display of strength and skill that they stay down even after the spirits fade.
Percy speaks weakly. "What just happened?"
Apollo clears his throat. "Meg, is it safe?"
"I—I'm not sure."
"How'd you do that?" Percy rubs his nose like he's got an itch that reaches all the way to his brain.
Meg shakes her head. "I didn't! I just knew it would happen."
A plague spirit sits up with difficulty. "But you did doooo it. Yooou are strong, child."
"Not strong enough," said the other. "We will finish you now."
"Are you kidding me?" Ara growls. "What does a girl gotta do for her murders to stick?"
One of the spirits does something that sort of looks like a smile. "Arae Jackson, soooo feisty. The girl's guardian is sooooo disappointed that he didn't find yoooou first." 
Meg kicks the ground, squealing in panic. "NO!" Another large group of peaches flies up and gets together, mixing and molding into a chubby plant-baby that reminds her of a nymph in the worst kind of way.
Ara frowns. "Is that...?"
Percy makes a face. "I hate these things."
"Wh-what is it?" Meg asks.
"It's a grain spirit," Apollo explains, visibly shaking. "I've never seen a peach karpos before, but if it's as vicious as other types..."
Ara lowers her weapon. "Let's not look threatening then... and step back veeery slowly... Meg, command your little friend to attack the nosoi."
"But I don't—"
"Do it," Ara says kindly yet curtly. "It'll listen."
With a shaky finger, she points at the plague spirits. "Eat them."
The next few seconds are a display of peach feral violence, enough to make Ara swear to never eat said fruit for the rest of her life. The baby chomps, munches, rips, inhales, and obliterates every single speck of nosoi in sight. Just as quickly, the grain spirit sits obediently at Meg's feet and burps, his green eyes attentive as he hits his chest proudly in an archaic gesture. "Peaches!"
Percy leans closer to Ara. "Do we kill it?"
"No!" Meg turns to them urgently. "Don't hurt him."
"Not planning to," Ara says. "Thank Peaches for us."
Meg pats the creature's head. "You saved us—Thank you." The creature wraps his chubby hands around Meg's leg, hugging her with such a gentle grip it melts Ara's heart, although she can't forget the way he consumed the plagues as if they were nothing but smoke.
"Peaches," he purrs.
"He likes you," Percy points out the obvious. "Um... Why?"
"I don't know," Meg blinks. "Honestly, I didn't summon him!"
"Meg," Ara starts patiently. "Your godly parent..." Something is not adding up. Ara heard the nosoi mention some guardian being disappointed over the fact that they didn't get Ara first... did they mean Meg's?
"Well, whatever the case," Apollo says dismissively, "we owe the karpos our lives. This brings to mind an expression I coined ages ago: A peach a day keeps the plague spirits away!"
Percy wrinkles his nose. "I thought it was apples and doctors." The creature shows its fangs at him. "Or peaches. Peaches work too."
"Peaches," the grain spirit nods solemnly.
Percy sneezes, perhaps the plague left him with some kind of seasonal allergy. "Not criticizing, but why is he grooting?"
"Grooting?" Meg frowns.
"Yeah, like that character in the movie... only saying one thing over and over. You know the one, Ara, you love the Raccoon."
Ara looks back at Meg. "He's asking why he's communicating using a single word."
Apollo shrugs. "I don't think a karpos tends to have a... targeted vocabulary."
"Maybe Peaches is his name." Meg pats the creature's head amicably. "That's what I'll call him."
"Good idea," Ara nods. "At least he seems to listen to you, so—"
"Whoa, she's not adopting that—" Percy sneezes again, shaking his head. "Ugh. The nosoi did something to me, my nose is all itchy."
"You're lucky," Apollo points out. "Ara's trick with the water diluted the spirit's power. Instead of getting a deadly illness, you got an allergy."
"Let me see," Ara presses a hand between his eyes. She reaches for the watering system of the orchard, willing the water out. "This will be quick, so don't breathe for the next five seconds."
In a swift motion, Ara glows teal and shoots a bit of water into Percy's right nostril and out through the left, giving him an instant nasal wash. He doubles over cursing and coughing. "A little heads up would be nice!"
"I told you not to breathe," she pats his cheek lovingly. "How's it feeling?"
Percy inhales deeply. "Good as new. You're the best, Birdy."
"No problem," Ara kisses his cheek.
"Excuse me?" Apollo speaks in annoyance. "We still need to move!"
Ara's eyes turn cold in an instant. She reaches the boy fast, making him yelp and stumble. "Listen here, you Less-tier god—you took plague spirits to where my pregnant mother lives, you almost got my brother and a twelve-year-old girl—that I still don't know if you kidnapped—killed, and you still don't understand that you're in no position to boss me around. Thank Percy for driving us here."
Apollo cowers a bit, looking back at Percy while blushing. "Thank you."
Her brother doesn't move an inch to pull Ara away from the former god, he seems to enjoy the scene. "No problem."
"Can we go now?" Meg asks like she's getting bored.
"An excellent idea," Apollo says promptly. "Though I'm afraid your father's car is in no condition—"
"I can drive you the rest of the way, if we can get it out from between those trees... Aw, Hades no...." Percy groans. Ara spots the police car stopping near the collision. "Ara, if they tow the Prius, we're dead. Our parents need the car."
"I got this," Ara eases him. "Bit of charmspeak and they'll help you tow the car back to our parking lot. You can explain what happened, and I'll be back before dinner, I'll get the car running by the end of the weekend, it'll be fine."
Percy nods at Apollo and Meg. "So you're seeing them to camp?"
Ara looks briefly over her shoulder. "Wait there, I'll be right back." She looks at Peaches. "You're in charge, bub."
"Peaches," the creature puffs out his chest.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Felix and Kagami dating is way too out of the blue that Adrinette dating can't even compare. Kagami went from "You kidnapper!!" To "He's the same as me just socially inept kid!" In less than ten minutes top and I always wonder what the heck is happening. But the last scene where Felix give back Kagami's ring make me wonder if he slipped a command to make her change her mind about him. He's an oportunist thorough and thorough and also despite his claim that creating and destroying a sentimonster is cruel act, he didn't seems to have big moral flop after the red moon incident. So what's the chance he didn't do it, especially if he think it will works in some way?
Yeah like, they speed-ran enemies to lovers so quickly and both their characters suffer for it. It makes Kagami look pretty awful for siding with the guy who betrayed her friend and hurt her so badly, who is the reason their city is in danger, and Kagami goes ahead and lets Felix know her identity? What the fuck Kagami?
And I don't like how Felix is considered to be redeemed just because he's dating Kagami. He hasn't changed, he still justifies himself and doesn't apologize for the hurt he's caused Adrien and Marinette.
And literally, Kagami apparently falls in love with him a few days after he kills her mother in front of her. Sure, he brought everyone back, but he had to be talked into it, and yet she's so chill about trusting and defending him. This all also after he's just kidnapped her violently and admitted to having spent the past few days stalking her. It's played off as endearing because Marinette also does the same thing, and she just goes "you're so bad at social interactions" instead of calling Felix deranged and trying to get away from him. And apparently it just takes Felix giving one hint at a sob story and one speech about Senti-rights to convince her that everyone was wrong about him and that he never did anything wrong and that he was just misunderstood and couldn't express himself. That's some BS if I ever heard any. Kagami with the strong sense of justice who held a grudge against Adrien for not being a good boyfriend (she had the right to hold a grudge, I'm not blaming her for that, just pointing it out) just... instantly forgives Felix and defends him, and agrees with his justifications for betraying Ladybug and the people of Paris for selfish reasons? Kagami, who hates liars and manipulators, goes behind Marinette's back to reveal her identity without her consent to the last person she'd ever want knowing that information. Feligami as a ship thoroughly assassinated Kagami's character in every single aspect, and I hate what they did to my girl so much. The moment she started a relationship with Felix, her character just became so insufferable.
And Felix goes from being a wild card villain to just "sad boy uwu" the moment he meets her, and the writing just starts pretending his negative qualities, like his manipulative ways and his tendency to lie and take advantage of other people don't exist anymore. Because if they acknowledged those, then they'd have to acknowledge that Kagami "I hate liars" Tsurugi would despise him. Their personalities do not click at all, and for them to have any kind of dynamic and to speedrun their relationship, the writers wrote out their qualities that oppose and clash with the other person and just made them so OOC that it would enable them to get together in a few days. Kagami is saying shit about how Gabe and Tomoe won't allow them to "love each other freely" with her whole chest after she's known this guy for less than a week. And like, the way Kagami now just cares about her love with Felix instead of about anyone else around her, especially in the season dedicated to her friendships with others is so... bleh.
And I don't think Felix can be considered redeemed just because he's now just focusing on his obsession with this girl instead of trying to ruin his cousin's life again. All that talk about how he's doing this for Adrien and how he wants to fight for Senti-rights, and it all goes down the drain the moment he meets Kagami. Apparently, those things don't matter to him anymore, because he never mentions or speaks to Adrien ever again, outside of bringing him up as "the boy who Marinette loves." And he's perfectly okay with killing the Senti-projector, so I guess the drive to find freedom and justice for his fellow Sentimonsters was just a silly phase that he gave up on once he found a girlfriend? Okay.
And the implications! Felix just loves her because she's a Sentimonster like him, Kagami just confessed to still being in love with Adrien and he has Adrien's exact face and is similar to Adrien and Marinette (because they are both stalkers apparently). It just seems like their projecting their feelings onto the first person who seems like they meet their expectations instead of liking them for who they really are. Felix doesn't know jack shit about Kagami, and Kagami doesn't know anything about Felix other than that he's a massive jackass, and they are apparently in love less than week later? Sure Jan.
I don't think Felix used her Amok, honestly, but I also can't help but think it makes so much sense as to why Kagami does a complete 180 about him, like, she went from hating his guts to defending him against Ladybug and Chat Noir in less than a few hours. That ain't the Kagami I know, and it would make sense if she had been commanded to do so with her Amok. I used to think that Felix wouldn't do that, at least, but given how willing he was to give Adrien's free will back to Gabriel and how willing he was to kill his Senti-projector, I don't put it past him honestly. He's a massive hypocrite.
I have plenty more thoughts on these two and not enough time to write it all down, but I have written a long critique of Felix and Feligami here, if you're interested. But yeah, they suck lmao.
Thank you for your ask!
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eorzeanflowers · 9 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @miqojak Ty for the tag!!! Sorry it took a hot minute.
Tagging: Uhhhhh, @terminuspride, @fair-fae, @alannah-corvaine, @voidsentprinces, @healerstail, @ahollowgrave, @alicelufenia, @starrysnowdrop, @briar-ffxiv, @driftward
Now to the list! In no real particular order cause I really just drift from thing to thing.
Penny Polendina (RWBY)
I love my quirky little robot girl. She's the absolute best, a brilliant fighter and very emotionally intelligent. She is such a cheerful ideal, someone who tries to see the best in people. She knows when they've gone too far and isn't afraid to stand up for what she wants! Which is the whole core of her little arc. Being a weapon given a soul and all. It is a beautiful story of a little girl who cares so much and wishes to be able to just... be that cheerful little girl without the weight of the world. Its just so sweet.
Honorable mentions: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Oscar, Neo
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2. Kafka (Star Rail)
In all honesty she's the reason I'm even playing Star Rail. She is such a mysterious character, with a voice to die for. Yes, Hoyoverse characters tend to be rather shallow (that's a gacha game for ya), but Kafka just hits everything I love in a character. Her character short when she was fully released is... *chef's kiss* just amazing. I will admit, every time she does her ult in game I join her in saying "Boom." ^_^;
Honorable Mentions: March 7th, Stelle (Trailblazer F), Seele, Bronya, Jingliu
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3. Lyse (FFXIV)
Shocker, the leading lady of Stormblood is still my favorite? Honestly, all three of the ladies from Stormblood are the trifecta of favorites. (Lyse, Fordola and Yotsuyu) The various storylines that cause them to interact is such a delight. I wasn't too bothered by the whole "Yda was my sister" thing, cause well, Yda was barely in the game post ARR... And like, it was always Yda and Papalymo. Never just one or the other. So when Lyse got the chance to shine and actually take center stage, I was smitten. She's tough, gentle, sassy, collected, brilliant, a bit silly, and more. Such a well written character. I'm still upset she left the scions tbh. Could've added a little hair color diversity by a little bit. :P
Honorable mentions: Aymeric, Hilda, Erenville, Zero, Y'shtola, Thancred, Ryne, Gaia, Minfillia
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4. Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Ok, seriously, this series grabbed me by the throat and would not let me go. Gideon is such a lovely first viewpoint (and I adore all the viewpoint characters). She takes no shit, talks a lotta shit, and can fight a whole heck more shit. The way she interacts with Harrow at first, then the other Necromancers and their Cavaliers is such a delight. Sure you hate Harrowhark so much Gideon, why are you obeying her command to not speak a single word to literally anyone else, hmmmmmmmmmmm?????? Also the gay panic that Gideon seems to have on the regular is just. Great. I don't want to speak too much more on Gideon, cause this series is just great and you should read it.
Honorable mentions: Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Nona, Camilla Hect, Ianthe Tridentarius, Coronabeth Tridentarius.
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5. Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact)
Last time it was Eula, now it is Raiden Ei. It is always a toss up between them, if I'm being honest. Ei is just... such a sad puppy? XD Its the best way to describe her. So trapped in her own past and trying to do what would best preserve her sister's memory... She's just SAD guys. Yeah, she may not be the best governing force for her nation, and she indirectly killed a lotta people with her retreating away and leaving a puppet behind, but we the Traveler showed up and fixed things! Also she gets two amazing boss fights, I honestly wish I could do the story one again but I ain't working through Mondstat and Liyue again. >.>;
Honorable mentions: Eula, Alhaithem, Deya, Kamisato Ayaka, Zhongli, Nahida, Navia, the Wanderer, Wriothsley
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6. Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3)
KARLACH IS THE BEST AND SHE IS SO SWEET AND LOVELY AND SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GO BACK TO HELL OR DIE OR [redacted]. She is such a lovely goofball that even shows platonic love if you don't romance her and I really think that is great! Her arc tying into Gortash was delightful, bringing her much more into the story instead of just a bystander like a couple of them. (Like out of all the origin companions Astarion barely has any connection to any of the major players in the story, he's pretty self contained tbh.) Her sweetness, the way she says she's gonna eat dirt if you leave her camp, and her cheerful demeanor are just.... Amazing. I'm really running out of words for Karlach cause she is my favorite. I'm gonna have to start BG3 up again and actually play my romance run of her soon.
Honorable mentions: Shadowheart, Wyll, Astarion, Lae'zel, Dammon, Orin, Jaheira, Minthara, Isobel, Aylin
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7. The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Ok, a bit of a cop out since, you know, they are the star of the show. BUT COME ON. The Doctor in their various iterations have been so enjoyable. My personal favorite is Tennet's 10, but Capaldi's 12 is a strong second. Its just a good show to binge at times. There are a lottta good episodes, a few really bad ones, but overall its a good time. The scene at the end of the special where they rescue Gallifrey is still one of my favorite scenes in the whole franchise. And hell, the Archeologist is based (loosely) on them, so how can I not include them?
Honorable mentions: DONNA NOBLE, Rose Tyler, Clara Oswald, Bill Potts, Me, Strax
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8. Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
Have I mentioned I love tragic characters? Xion is literally the definition of tragedy, with all the problems with her just existing lol. Her presence in 358/2 Days really made the game for me. Roxas was kinda bland and having someone that was similar in age (like Sora, Riku and Kairi were) to interact with made it all that much better. AND SHE GETS THE HAPPY ENDING. Eventually. Boy is it a long road, but that's Kingdom Hearts for ya.
Honorable Mentions: Kairi, Namine, Riku, Sora, Aqua, Terra, Master Xehanort, Isa, Lea
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8. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
I really wanna pick someone else in all honesty, but Fire Emblem has a worse problem than Hoyoverse games in their bit characters. :/ Lucina is a strong character that really delighted me when I played Awakening. She's such a surprise that it really helps make that Fire Emblem my favorite. She's got a good supporting cast too, with Robin and her dad Chrom, but Awakening was really her game. Chrom was kinda there just to be her dad lol
Honorable mentions: Robin, Chrom, Ike, Mist, Soren, Sumia, Erika, Marisa, Lyon, Elincia
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9. Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
Full disclosure, I have not played his game, in fact the only two castlevania's I have played both feature non Belmont's as the lead players (Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclasia). But the way Trevor is in the show, OH BOY. He is rough, he is blunt, he is smart, he is SOOOO dumb, he is loyal, he is a fighter, he never gives up, HE IS JUST GREAT. He's also one of my biggest Bi panics when he shows how much of a badass he is in episode, I think, 4 or 5 or later? Its been a hot minute since I watched that series. When he first uses the flail weapon that I forget the name of.
Honorable mentions: Shanoa, Jonathan Morris, Charlotte Aulin, Sypha Belnades, Alucard, Dracula
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10. Aigis (Persona)
Aigis is a super cutie and I love her interactions with the female protagonist. I really wish P3 wasn't such a long game and Aigis actually showed up a little earlier. She's just a doll! I do need to try and find a copy (or emulate) FES to play the storyline with her as the lead singer. Its just so rough to get thru P3 I just lose motivation. T.T I've made it to the vacation part with the female lead, like, three times and no further cause my motivation tanks. WHICH IS WEIRD CAUSE THAT'S WHEN YOU MEET AIGIS. Its just too long for me I guess. XD
Honorable mentions: Teddie, Female lead P3, Male lead P4, Yukari Takeba, Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Fuuka Yamagishi, Shinji Aragaki, Junpei Iori, Chidori Yoshino, Elizabeth, Theodore
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Not gonna lie, kinda struggled to find a full 10 franchises to pull a character from. My mind just goes blank when asked my favorite character from X place. Names escape me and everything. XD But as you can see, I love robot girls, strong girls, mysterious girls, tragic girls, a fail man, and traveling weirdo.
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askthechronoverse · 5 months
8, 32, 33, 56
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Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
The middle. Isn't the story all about the journey?
Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
*claps* Yes. This will be fun.
It's hard to pick three. That's like picking my favorite cookie and I really like cookies. The Lego Movie fandom alone is full of some amazing talent.
Gotta go with @exhausted-eternally to start. If you aren't reading The Demon of Undar right now, you're missing out. I look forward to seeing a new chapter come up when it does. I need to know what's going on and the way they translated the characters into a fictional setting... oh my god, I could gush about that all day.
@unikittybeforethereign is an up and coming Unikitty writer but what you've got to be in the first chapter wondering why Richard is acting like he needs to go to a therapist yesterday? You're doing something right.
I'm just going to go into a completely different fandom for this last one because I never get the chance to talk about this type of thing. So one of my favorite games on the DS is a game that was published by Atlas called Contact. You can find yourself a copy, I recommend it. I'm not entirely sure how easy it is to find nowadays. It's a very meta-feeling game. Fantastic RPG. This fanfic? I haven't read too much else by this author, but they captured the feelings and emotions of what the player character and the hero of the story, Terry, would be feeling at the end of the game so well. I want to go into this person's other works because it's just that great.
If you're not on this list, ask me the question again. I will probably answer with different people because... I read so many talented writers. I'd be spending all evening if I listed every single writer I liked.
Do you want to be published some day?
Define that.
I do have a story in the latest Lego Movie fanzine (I'm sad it's ended, but all good things do). The Chronoverse is also part of Tern's TLM archive initiative. Both of those are physical. It's not with someone like Random House or one of those big names or under my government name, but the work is mine and can be read by others. Heck, AO3 and this blog can be considered an independent publication, just a digital one.
I did used to have dreams of being picked up by some large publisher. The current landscape of writing has had me rethink what it means to truly be published.
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I've been told by at least two people I can write emotions really well. And I'm proud of that. I write horror. I write adventure stories and mysteries. All of those emotions to drive the story. It's a real attribute to be able to have you feel for the character in any of those situations.
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Stumbled on your AU and it sounds SO COOL, the female protags often get sidelined and I really loved reading about them here! :D I was Immediately expecting Hikari to be full of ghosts or a time traveler with the comment about her way of speaking and bearing and it's so cool! ALSO man,,,I love protags being older than base game lets them be,,,,I love to see it
Question about your Hikari specifically; from what I can tell as Akari she is still in Hisui. Will she ever be able to make her way home? Or is it like a concurrent, conflicting timeline thing? I hope this doesn't sound mean dxfcgv I'm just really interested in how they work out in story!
Also if it IS a fall and then return, did she know the other protags prior? Does it change how she interacts with them? REALLY love that Leaf is as nonverbal as Red, that's something I really enjoy about Red that I like to see for her as well! Esp since Leaf Green was the first game I owned (borrowed my cousin's Blue for One [1] car ride but yeah) so I am especially attached to her as the protag. ;w; Green I am sure has no idea how to handle her sincere congratulations because that MAN he is....he sure is. XD
LOVE TO SEE SOME LOVE FOR FEARSOME POKEMON YOU GO KOTONEEEEE so so glad you still have Kris present as well, very attached to her dxfcvgbn
Me handshake Haruka I too want every single pokedoll in existence, what is her favorite pokedoll she has? Is there a story behind it? Has she ever learned how to make her own? Also LOVE to see a sea shantier, heck yeah. Does she have a favorite shanty? Or favorite vibe of shanty I guess dxcfvbghn LOVE that Touka suplexes Boldores, has she always had that strength or did she have to slowly run a gauntlet of suplexing Pokemon until she got there? Did she ever suplex a train- I saw you're a fan of ferriswheelshipping and I enjoy that your Touko and N both share the desire to protect innocents, is it maybe something they bond over?
I feel Mei's clumsiness on a deep level because I swear I run into things every DAY, at least she has someone to keep her from getting hurt too badly. XD I really like that she's both doing Pokemon things and looking for her prince; in a lot of media I feel like one is often sidelined for the other, and it's nice to see what looks like it'll be a healthy mix! Also I have to ask, do her Enamorus attempts end in success or catastrophe? Who has she most famously [or infamously] gotten together?
Love what you've done with Serena as well! Does she ever Rhyhorn race herself?
AND WE LOVE A GHOSTY PRANKSTER as someone who just Absorbs behaviors from those around me I really really enjoy the thought of someone doing that with ghost Pokemon. And love the callback to the hex maniac line heheheheheeee
RIP GLORIA YOU ARE NEVER GONNA RECOVER FROM THAT ONE OH NOOOOOOO but love the use of valiant bcus it's not used enough and it also like. Paints a picture. Like in a crisis, this Gloria would stare it down and do everything to avert it, and I really like that.
I've barely even touched Paldea szdxcfvg so I know nothing about it BUT love a straight A scholar, and I love Juliana's naming scheme too! Does she have any favorite courses? Any specific part of Pokemon research she may enjoy?
ANYWAY THIS GOT. REALLY LONG. I'M SORRY. But I also gotta ask my favorite question for any Pokeoc/Pokeau, which is what is everyone's favorite Pokemon type and why is it Bug type
FEEL FREE to not answer all my rambles sdfxcggvh I know it's a lot, but I really love what I saw on the protags page and I wanted to know more! :D
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I agree that the protagonists are prone to being sidelined; it's been a steadily increasing occurrence ever since character customization was introduced to the series. That's actually one of several reasons why I began this blog!
These girls are so very important to me.
Now, to address your Hikari-related question: Hikari, or rather Akari, is determined to return to her time, reunite with her companions (both human and Pokémon), and continue striking terror into the hearts of challengers as Sinnoh's ruthless Champion. But she may tempt a boy into following her home, though...
And yes! Akari has in fact met the other protagonists prior to being sent to the Hisuian era! The narration of the story I'm currently writing even mentions a few of the other girls, showing that she does indeed know them, and well enough to apparently be familiar with some of their various quirks.
All of them meet one another sometime shortly after the events of Black 2 and White 2, at the World Tournament in Driftveil City. It's sort of similar to that scene in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a collective realization of "You're like me...(!!)"
But about Hikari's/Akari's manner of speech. This is something I'm struggling with somewhat, since I'm afraid that what's written in her character profile may be misleading. I'm aiming to give her an elegant way of speaking, but this is more meant to allude to her not sounding unusual at all when she's swept away to Hisui - which ironically only makes her seem even more suspicious to those like Kamado.
My decision for Leaf to also be mostly nonverbal was partly because it sounded interesting to write, but also because I wanted to try a different approach with a silent character - normally they're depicted as shy or standoffish, but Leaf isn't either. She's as vibrant as can be, and loves to interact with people.
Kotone's team isn't set in stone yet, but aside from Eva, her Typhlosion, she has a Gyarados (Carmen), and I would love to give her a Tyranitar too! All three quite fearsome!
And Kris taking the role of Kotone's friendly rival - I dislike adapting characters out, I want to give a role to everyone, especially the first female protagonist in the series. Even though she's the friendly rival, Kris is intended to be just as tough of a challenge as Silver - she has the starter weak to Kotone's, which is a Chikorita, but she very quickly covers her partner's weakness.
Haruka doesn't exactly play favorites with her Poké Dolls; each is a valuable member of her plushie family! She freaks out if even one is unaccounted for. About her sea shanties, she does have a few she's fond of, like 'Paldean Ladies', and one that you may be familiar with that goes something like,
"O'er across the ocean's tide Rays of sunshine far and wide Wingull they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!"
Not a sea shanty, but she also enjoys singing 'Rainbow Connection'.
Touko's strength is tied to her passion to protect the innocent! It all began when she was young - she would beat up anyone that bullied Bianca or her "baby brother" Touya. Her having Pokémon now doesn't really stop her from pummeling people (or trying to), though-
She and N, while they're connected on wanting to protect innocents, throughout the events of Black and White, they constantly butt heads on the best method to do that. Touko also calls him "geek boy" after hearing him speak math one time.
Mei's most notable attempt at playing Enamorus... well, I'm certain if you think about it long enough, you'll figure it out!
Serena enjoys Rhyhorn riding more as a recreational activity rather than something to seriously pursue. It's more like Rhyhorn strolling when she's on the back of one.
Mizuki is meant to be this girl in FireRed and LeafGreen!
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Another reason she admires Leaf is because she didn't even so much as flinch when she and her Ghost-type pal pranked her. Her eyes just widened in surprise, no scream as expected!
As for Gloria's past crush, Hop is a good boy and lets sleeping Yamper lie. But her big brother Victor... "But Leon, you CAN'T go! I LOOOOVE you!" And he carries on until she has to slap him-
Juliana doesn't have a favorite class because she loves everything about her academic experience. But Director Clavell is her favorite member of the staff.
Everyone's preferred type? Well, I wouldn't say anybody has one since their teams are relatively balanced. Haruka and Kotone show appreciation for Bug-types, though!
This response has gotten rather lengthy as well, but thank you for showing such interest in Sisterhood!
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