#like you think bullying them is what would make them evil?
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sal-absinthii · 1 day ago
100% agree (this is coming from a Snape blogger)
I understand why people are only interested in characters other than their favourites to the extent with which they interact with their favourite, and I don't necessarily think that's a problem; if the Marauders fans want to spend all of their energy only talking about how incidents like the werewolf prank affected their faves and give little if any airtime to how it affected Snape or anyone else, that is entirely their right (this was a real example I saw so it is why I used it). But if that's what you want to do then you need to understand the limitations of it and not attempt to draw conclusions about other characters based solely on their interactions with your fave, or to judge them based on how it made your fave feel.
It annoys me that people act like Lily was either perfect or unforgivably selfish (usually, it seems, depending on their views of Snape and/or James). It also annoys me that people take their unsubstantiated and unfair black-and-white view of her and project that onto ~the narrative~ or authorial intent. Lily was NOT flawless or unusually terrible, and we know this because we are given evidence and clues about her personality and motivations in the text itself, and yet people will still accuse "the text" of portraying her over-simplistically just because they have failed to read between the lines even a little. I have seen JKR accused of being a misogynist for painting Lily as a madonna whose only value is in vicariously redeeming men, and I have seen her also accused of being a misogynist for painting Lily as a selfish stuck-up gold-digger. The reality is that if either of these are your takeaway about Lily, it says far more about you than it does about either Lily or JKR and I suspect that the misogyny in question does not lie in them.
People seem to really forget that she is, at the end of the day, a teenager, who has reactions a teenager would and makes choices a teenager would. I like the argument here too about how A. a lot of women do end up with abusive people and it doesn't mean that the abuser is not abusive just because at some point the woman presumably chose to be with them, and B. the only relevant thing as far as Lily is concerned is what Lily thought. You could argue that she did see it and chose to delude herself, which could be an interesting angle to take about her psychology, but that is also a human thing to do and wouldn't make her evil. We know that the bullying continued. That doesn't mean Lily has the same information and distance about it that we do.
I think a lot of this website would fail the theory of mind test, and it's kind of ironic that a lot of the people who keep saying she ought to have had more empathy for Snape and the emotional maturity to know that he needed friendship make their argument in a way that demonstrates they are unable or unwilling to empathise even a little with Lily or have the emotional maturity themselves to understand that this is a teenager navigating all the usual teenage problems with some political conflicts thrown into the mix and she also deserves to be given some mercy about any choices she makes that we, on behalf of our faves, wish she hadn't.
how can lily be a good person if she married a bully?
I'm going to break this down because it does legitimately seem to be an issue for so many people. I received quite a few asks about this a few days ago so I'm just going to address it generally here. Apologies for the length of this, I tried to cover everything I could think of. Let's get two things out of the way first:
Firstly, if you truly believe James was an abuser, and you're seriously asking how a woman could ever marry an abusive man, this is indicative of a fundamental lack of understanding about how abuse works. This is victim-blaming rhetoric. Abusers are predatory, manipulative, and often extremely charming, and they have a specific methodology for ensnaring their victims. I highly recommend Lundy Bancroft's book Why Does He Do That for further reading on how abuse works. The reality is that women marry abusive men all the time, and it doesn't make them bad people. If you believe otherwise we simply have nothing to talk about here.
Second, the question of whether or not James ACTUALLY changed his behaviour is irrelevant here, so I'm not going to directly address it either way. The main thing is that Lily BELIEVED that he had changed, whether or not he actually did, and we know this from Harry's conversation with Remus and Sirius. We also know she wasn't aware of the full extent of the bullying, as she didn't know the details about the prank.
For the purposes of this I'm going to adopt the perspective that James never changed, had 0 character development, and was secretly a terrible person the whole time. To be clear this isn't what I believe-- but I think it's helpful to start from a similar place.
Onto the main points:
An overly forgiving nature can be a flaw, but it doesn't make someone a bad person.
Nor does it make them selfish. Even if I concede that James was irredeemably evil as a person, the fact that Lily believed him to be better than he was, even if she was wrong, makes her at worst naive, not selfish. In fact, I'd argue that it's a sign of empathising with someone too much, which is sort of the opposite of selfishness. We know that Lily had an overly-forgiving nature, because she demonstrates that with Severus when she's willing to overlook his associations with the worst people of all time. And as we know from the fact that her friends were openly critical of it, and that she suffered as a result of it, her friendship with Sev was hardly 'convenient' for her. That she forgave him and overlooked his behaviour, and defended him, despite the fact that it was actively inconvenient for her, indicates empathy (and probably too much of it) not selfishness. Being overly forgiving is an established character trait of Lily's, as she tells us she "made excuses for [Sev] for years." Making excuses for someone you love is a flaw, but not one necessarily rooted in selfishness. Again, it was actively inconvenient for Lily to make excuses for Sev. It's also a very human flaw, not one that makes her a bad person-- especially when you consider that Lily's capacity for forgiveness had its limits, as she demonstrated with Snape.
To forgive is an act of compassion... it's not done because people deserve it, it's done because they need it.
anyway with that buffy quote out of the way, lets move on
Lily owes Snape nothing.
I'm sure people will disagree, but, objectively, she just doesn't. They are not friends at this point. He has demonstrated consistently that he doesn't have enough consideration for her to stop rubbing shoulders with people who literally want to murder her, including a boy who attacked her housemate. So why is Lily expected to take into account his feelings and his history with James? Which leads right into:
It's a massive double-standard for Lily to be blamed for marrying James when Snape isn't afforded the same for associating with Death Eaters.
I mean, think what you want, but to me being a mass murderer intent on exterminating an entire subset of the population (talking about Voldemort and other DEs here, not Snape) is like, maybe, a tiny bit worse than being a bully in school. But what do I know. Snape willingly joined up with such people, knowing perfectly well what they wanted to do to Lily, the woman he loved, and everyone like her. If Lily's choice in husband makes her a selfish person, then by your own logic Snape is completely irredeemable and you should probably delete your blog about how misunderstood and babygirl he is.
Sometimes people marry or befriend terrible people.
Similar to the first point, lack of judgement is a flaw but not one that directly indicates selfishness. Again, remember, Lily believed James to have changed. She believed, whether or not she was wrong, that redemption is possible. It's extremely common for women to date and marry terrible men, unfortunately, and to be blinded to their flaws. There are many possible reasons for this. I guess you can argue that the desire to be loved is inherently selfish, but that still wouldn't make Lily notably selfish at all, rather just a normal human. Plenty of people have had the experience of dating someone who is terrible or being friends with someone who is terrible at some point in their lives, and it doesn't automatically make them terrible themselves. People make mistakes and have poor judgment occasionally. Her actions in SWM suggest she would not have tolerated nor validated any cruelty from James towards others, had she been aware of it. Anyway, once again if you're holding Lily responsible for James's actions you need to also hold Snape responsible for the actions of his buddies. If it's selfish for Lily to associate with a bully (who she believed to have reformed) it's straight up devoid of any humanity whatsoever for Snape to KNOWINGLY associate with people like Mulciber, Voldemort, and Bellatrix. I don't actually believe this btw, I'm just following the logic through.
Furthermore, it's completely unfair to blame Lily for, in particular, the past actions of her husband.
As we clearly see in SWM, she did NOT tolerate his behaviour during the years before they started dating. James's behaviour is simply not Lily's responsibility, and neither is Snape's. It's not her job to fix them nor pay for their mistakes, nor should she have to investigate and tally up all their past wrongdoings when making her own choices. If James was actively being a menace and Lily was just watching going 'teehee' I'd understand this more, but again, she was NOT aware. Based on her behaviour in SWM, this would be out of character for Lily.
Someone having a moral stance you personally disagree with doesn't automatically make them a bad person.
If your moral stance is that James's past actions are completely unforgivable, and you could not personally date someone who did what he did, no matter how he evolved as a person, that's perfectly fine. As I've established, Lily was not aware of any continuing wrongdoing, nor would she have validated or supported it had she been aware. Lily's belief was that the person she was currently dating was a good person. She believed in redemption and second chances. If you personally do not believe in redemption or second chances, I'd question why you even like Snape, but ultimately that's your prerogative. However, believing otherwise doesn't make Lily a bad person nor selfish, even if you personally disagree or think she was wrong. People are allowed to be mistaken.
Snape was probably less relevant to their lives than you think.
Like to be quite honest, they were fighting a war and priorities had shifted, as they often do in adulthood. Lily ended her friendship with Sev, and after Hogwarts James and Lily almost certainly had no association with him whatsoever. Is Lily expected to continually self-flagellate over Snape for the rest of her life? Is she expected to take him into account in every decision she makes, forever? Believe it or not James and Lily existed separately to Snape, rather than as extensions of his character. They moved on. Snape didn't, that's what makes him beautiful-- and yes there's a reason why Snape couldn't move on, but, again, that is not Lily's responsibility. It seems reasonable to me that, particularly given the extreme nature of her circumstances, Lily would take into account first and foremost the actions she observed from James in the present, rather than what he did in the past. See above re: Lily owes Snape nothing.
Being selfless, kind, or a good person doesn't make one perfect.
When I say Lily was selfless, I do NOT mean that she was flawless. If this is your takeaway I worry for you. Also, enough about the Virgin Mary lol. Anyway, humans are complex, and selfless people are capable of selfishness on occasion. Everyone is. A certain amount of selfishness is not only normal, it can be a good thing and necessary for protecting yourself. When Lily ended her friendship with Sev, it was something she was doing for herself, so in the most technical sense (and it's still a huge stretch) it can be viewed as selfish. Nobody is or should be 100% selfless all the time. So even were I to concede that she was selfish in marrying James (which I don't) it doesn't preclude her being a selfless person in general.
Being selfless, kind, or a good person doesn't make a female character 'unrealistic.'
What even is this argument, honestly. Like do you just not believe in the existence of good women irl? Suspicious. I would gently suggest that if you find it unrealistic (or boring) for a woman to be a good person, that's maybe something you should take a closer look at. If your automatic assumption about a woman is that she must have married a man for his money, I would also interrogate that belief.
idk she was a teenage girl, pls develop some empathy
once you come down from your podium in the unholy tribunal, it might be worth considering female characters (and women in general) as human, and not just avatars who simply react to the emotional turmoil of men. At absolute worst you could assume that she was tricked by James (which I still disagree with, but it's a slightly more generous reading) or was blind and naive. All of which are more understandable than, for some reason, assuming she was a conniving bitch who wanted to hurt Snape and selfishly marry into wealth. Ultimately her decision to marry James probably had nothing to do with Snape at all. She was 21 when she died. Bad judgment is common at that age, and it's not necessarily a product of selfishness at all. Look, I'd understand this whole thing more if everyone was in their 30s. But is it not the teenage girl experience of all time to date an asshole? Do you have no empathy for that situation? Like I said, I'm arguing this based on the idea that James was completely irredeemable; would an abuser not abuse his girlfriend too? Would someone who is evil and cruel in all respects not also display cruelty to his wife? Can you not summon up an ounce of empathy for a 17 year old who might have thought, as many young girls do, 'I can fix him?'
To conclude, I think that the idea that Lily marrying a bully makes her a bad person is just rooted in lack of empathy for her as a character. Despite spending hours dissecting every last thought process a man might have had, there's no attempt at all to try and understand Lily's motives, rather they're considered exclusively from the perspective of Snape's emotions. This is unfair.
I don't doubt that it hurt Snape's feelings for Lily to date and marry James. But Snape's feelings are no longer her concern. She owes him nothing. Sev called his best friend a slur publicly and joined an organisation that wanted to murder her, with no respect for her feelings at all. They are no longer friends, and he has no right whatsoever to expect her to consider his own emotional needs anymore, and her choices no longer have anything to do with him. Nor should they have.
Whether or not you think it was a mistake for Lily to marry James, that's Lily's problem. Not Snape's. If you truly believe James was a monster, logically it's Lily you should be feeling sorry for. The fact that there's no empathy for her to be found, and that people revert so quickly to the Top 100 Misogyny Classic of 'she must be a gold digger' speaks for itself.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days ago
In light of what has happened recently; Every passing day makes it more and more incomprehensible to me that the American electorate voted for clowns like Trump and Vance when there were red flags everywhere. Jesus...
This is something that bears repeating: The Republican candidate being a bully and all around horrible person is a feature to the people who voted for him, not a bug.
Yes, what tipped the balance might have been neutrals who were misinformed into thinking Kamala would be the worst option, or people "protesting voting" or staying home... but Trump's base... the people who have been loyal to him through all of this... they don't see his behavior as "red flags."
The term "sanewashing" has popped up a lot lately in how the media refers to Trump. But I think it started with his electorate first.
There was this idea among Democrats back when Trump was first running that he was too radical to win the Republican primaries. When he beat out all the competition, Democrats would cope by saying "well, look at all the Republicans who didn't vote for him." But it didn't matter because those people did vote for him in the general election.
Democrats have been acting for the last decade like there is going to be something Trump will do that will be so horrible that the Republican electorate will turn against him.
I think that this is because most Democrats are fundamentally good people who expect that even if they disagree with their political opponents, those opponents have some shred of humanity and human decency somewhere inside that will be appalled by what is clearly monstrous behavior.
Democrats and Republicans both project. Democrats are largely good people who tend to project our goodness onto Republicans, thinking Republicans should be horrified by things that are so clearly horrible. Republicans are terrible people who only care about themselves and want to hurt everyone who isn't like them for being different, and project by seeing us as just as vile and nasty as they are.
One example of this that I've seen a lot is the "Russian Bot" narrative. Yes, I'm sure that there are plenty of Russian bots out there. No doubt! But it also seems like a way of shifting blame. An idea that the most horrible messages have to be coming from bots because you just couldn't imagine a real human being that terrible or monstrous.
It's not that all Republicans are terrible either. There are or at least were some good or okay ones.
But remember that moment when John McCain corrected supporters who were claiming Obama consorted with terrorists in 2008 when he was the Republican presidential candidate, and he was booed by his own party at his own rally?
This is what Democrats seem to consistently not understand about the Republican party.
The rot is in the electorate. It always has been. The politicians are terrible and corrupt, yes. But a lot of them are also still representing what their voters want.
What you see as "red flags" are traits Trump's voters WANTED from McCain and he couldn't deliver on.
They like Trump bullying our allies because they see that as strength.
They like Trump taking away rights from trans people and locking immigrants in concentration camps because they don't have the capacity to empathize with anyone not like them as a human.
They like Trump breaking the law as he sees fit, being accountable to no one and declaring himself a king because they want a dictatorship as long as the dictator is theirs.
And the hardest pill to swallow is that these horrible people who would have gladly supported the Nazis in the 30s and 40s are not bots. There are not some distant enemies. They're your neighbors. They're your family. They're the people who will smile and wave as you pass them on the street.
This is what modern Democrats cannot seem to process. That there is this actual blight of evil in this country that are otherwise normal people, but politically would gladly support the most heinous and monstrous of policies.
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year ago
Sometimes I'm hard pressed to get into villain AUs because people just don't understand what would make a lot of characters into villains, they just want their blorbos to be meaner and fit a certain aesthetic and have now made them into an unrecognizable character.
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snekdood · 1 year ago
"if we make america worse and more of a dictatorship that will be even harder to unravel and make it the way we want the country to be, maybe then everyone will join our Glorious Revolution!" bb girl you cant even be in the same room with someone who thinks you should vote, how in tf do you think you're gonna unite people to fight in The Revolution with you? it's gonna be you and your 5 friends, i hate to break it to you.
#i dont think you realize how repelling you and your politics are to everyone else#you get all of your validation for how Smart You Are from your friends and ignore any kind of feedback that suggests you should#change or do something differently. thats the only reason you're so convinced average people will go along with you bc you keep getting#affirmation from the people who ALREADY agree with you- but you have NO IDEA how to bridge the gap between people who agree#with you and disagree with you. you're horrible at convincing people of your side of things outside of straight up guilt tripping them#or bullying them like a highschooler. im sorry but the tools you learned to survive with as a kid aren't gonna help you in this situation.#the ONLY THING you can come up with to bridge that gap is a bloody revolution. thats how bad you are at this.#and you're also so bad at this and unimaginative that you dont even realize how THAT might not even be enough.#you cant imagine ANY kind of avenue to getting people to change AT ALL outside of blood and fire. and thats why people call you#an authoritarian.#i'll be honest- i really do think the world would be a better place if we did incremental change under a democratic president who wont#set the world on fire vs the godkingemperor republican WHO WONT EVEN LISTEN TO YOU AT ALL EVER AND MIGHT KILL YOU#FOR PUTTING UP A STINK. idk if you noticed but if that evil fuck gets into office we are severely outnumbered if he gets police#n shit to go after his own citizens. letting trump win is making this battle so much harder than it needs to be.#you are choosing trying to fix the world while its exploding vs trying to fix it before it explodes at all.#what is this like a procrastination thing? you wanna wait till the last minute to try? idfgi. wtf is wrong with you#throwing minority lives away to prove a point. and then you try to tell me you care. gtfoh.#accelerationists should never be taken seriously.
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idrathernot · 1 month ago
#I don't post here myself ever but like. I dunno.#I work at a public school as a visibly GNC adult. And I work with special needs children. We have a pretty significant immigrant population.#Everything I see about the elimination of DEI just makes my blood run cold.#Even tho I do everything “right” in that I never ever discuss controversial topics at work#No politics no drama no mention of LGBT stuff except to my most trusted team members if they mention it first#But I know it'd just take one upset parents and with my discrimination protections gone....#Not to mention that we've had to sit down and discuss what to do if ICE comes for our kids#And then what about my direct students? Are their protections going to go next?#I work with the most vulnerable category of students even WITH their protections. What will happen to them without them?#I can't just sit here and lose my kids one by one as the laws keeping them safe healthy and educated disappear#How fucking evil do you have to be to think “protecting and including vulnerable people” is something that should be eliminated#I'm not incriminating myself by sharing my plan for if I overhear an ICE pig in the office searching for one of our kids but#I have accepted that if it comes down to it I will probably be arrested bc#I am not standing by and being complaisant in that moment#The day I agreed to this job I also accepted that from that day forward those are MY KIDS during the school day#Unless I hear straight from the parents to give up then I'll keep protecting those kids.#I just thought the things I would be protecting them from was bullying or regular school danger like tripping on the playground#Not the actual fucking President#I shouldn't have to even be imagining what I would do in these situations#And those babies shouldn't have to deal with actually experiencing them
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lizardho · 5 months ago
I came out to my dad as bisexual at 14 and I was PANICKED because I had a crush on a guy in my Boy Scout troop and thought I was Going To Hell Forever and he was so kind and understanding of my distress, but he had NO idea what bisexuality was. He just said “yeah but you like girls too? This is normal. Everyone is like this.” And I love my dad and trust him with my life to this day and the idea that the concept of bisexuality had not occurred to him had not occurred to me so I put it off.
By 16 though I had a crush on like THREE boys. Three entire boys in my Boy Scout troop. I felt like my sin was slowly advancing, until like an untreated cancer it had become metastatic. I remember bawling my L’il limp-wristed sissy eyes out in his big rumbly truck on the way home from a scout meeting and him telling me that it was OK, that he still loved me if I was gay, but that he knew I wasn’t gay because I still had crushes on women and that meant I was straight. I didn’t quite know how to explain that those felt *~*different*~* and that I felt like I was losing a fight to evil inside me but I again felt comforted by his reassurances and his genuine fatherly love.
At 18 I was like “hey I’m realizing all my friends are going on missions. I don’t wanna do that. Idk how to say that and I don’t have a ‘good enough’ reason to not wanna go.” So I just put it off. Again, my parents were extremely supportive of the information I gave them (I blamed it on perpetually forgetting to start the paperwork.) and one day my mom texted me that she had done the paperwork for me! And that all I needed was to get a physical! So I did that (it was awkward af tbh, my hernia check was done by a trainee doctor and she spent like 3 minutes fishing around my inguinal canals before her attending rescued me) and was sent to Mexico City where I learned that in addition to dipshit himbos with strong hands and scruffy guys with artistic hearts I was REALLY into chubby Latin men with strong personalities who bullied me a little when I lived in Mexico.
I remember my first companion got annoyed with me during an argument and said we were just gonna wrestle and whoever won the wrestling match won the argument (I stg I am dead serious this happened.) I was like…SWEATING when he tore off his tie and threw his white button-down shirt onto the ground (I won btw, don’t ask me how).
I remember one of my companions with this really intense, almost manic energy telling me that he was gonna make sure I was safe in a new area I didn’t know very well. He cooked breakfast for me and we’d go shopping together on P-Days and in the mornings before breakfast he’d jog around and do pull-ups with his shirt off and I’d do anything but look at him because my face would break out in a sweat so intense he’d think I was crying and come over to see if I was OK and somehow make it worse. He let me play D&D with myself in the evenings even though it was against mission rules because he knew how lonely and stressed I was.
I remember one of my companions was a big chubby man with a loud voice and a great sense of humor. He was kind and direct when addressing conflicts with me, and always bragged about how he knew the secrets of women’s minds and it felt like he really did since it almost always boiled down to “Treat Them Like People and Love Them a Lot. Don’t Stop Being A Person For Them. Also Eat Them Out Sloppy Style.” Our P-Day activities sometimes felt like dates, and it seemed like he was more attentive to my emotional state than I was since he was always the first to suggest we slow down our Divinely Mandated, God-Ordained, Super Sacred Work and Wonder to get a snack or check out a Pawn Shop (I love Pawn Shops).
I remember another companion who asked me to bully him every time he did something against his goal of losing weight. It was like he gave me Carte Blanche to take out my crush on him by being a nuisance and I LOVED that. I remember having a breakdown one day after we’d spent the afternoon frantically cleaning our disgusting-barely-habitable mission house to make it look less vile that it was (not our fault imo?) and I started bawling and he pulled me into a hug and he smelled good and he told me he knew it wasn’t just the house and that I was mad at him for being a Huge Dickhead for about a week (true) and that he would work on it. (He’s also a huge chaser but that’s a separate thing.)
I remember one of my companions waking up early (and our schedule is already built for sleep deprivation) to make me a “birthday cake” from knock-off Nutella and bread. He used matches for candles and woke me up, lit the ‘candles,’ pulled them out, then smashed it in my face and took a bunch of pictures while I was still madrugada and disoriented as fuck. He had the same sense of humor as one of my HS crushes and I could push his buttons pretty easily which was so fun.
I came home from my mission and started back at BYU where I became actively and aggressively suicidal. I had a stalker the year I moved up there and my dad’s solution to that was to get me a gun. I know he wouldn’t have bought me a gun if he could have read my mind, but I had a loaded pistol under my bed during a trifecta faith/sexuality/gender crisis and that was not helpful. I remember that the day I decided to kill myself I figured I’d call the BYU CAPS and see if I could get into therapy because it felt like what I was “supposed to do” so I could check my suicide boxes. My therapist was the guy who’d helped me pick a major the year before and was this drop-dead gorgeous Hawaiian man who cried when I told him how I’d been feeling.
A few weeks into therapy I met another stunning man with soft eyes and a scruffy illegal-at-BYU beard he kept pushing his luck with. He was funny, kind, patient, married, and wouldn’t give me the time of day if he knew I was crushing on him. We were in my history of psych class, which was inarguably the worst psych class I have ever had, and we studied together for every assignment and test and I realized that my feelings for him and for all the men I’d already mentioned were in direct conflict with my faith and relationship with God. My already agonizing spiritual conflict became even more wretched and as a result of this plus some other tightly-packed experiences with Mormonisms bullshit, I left the church.
After leaving the church I decided to move back to AZ and transfer to ASU. My mom helped me get a dog since I think it had started to dawn on my family that my mental health was barely getting me through the day, and she knew that we both loved dogs. Madi made my last year at BYU livable while I got my shit together and transferred. In that last year, I went on a date with quite possibly the only semi-openly-out trans person on BYU campus. It was not a great date imo, I was not doing well, but the person I spoke with was fun and fascinating and talked to me about Gender Dysphoria and it really cemented my need to go. To leave and never come back to that fucking school.
I started at ASU a month after my last semester at BYU and within a very short time frame it felt like I was coming back together, like a puzzle magically putting itself together in an environment that wasn’t slowly draining that puzzle’s will to live.
On the 4th of July, the year I started at ASU, I saw a transition timeline photo of a gorgeous happy beautiful happy radiant happy woman and her former Mormon missionary self and I realized the light that was on in her eyes was the light that was off in mine. I looked into transitioning for 3 days, sleeping about 10 hours total during that time. I started talking to other trans people on Reddit (one of whom is now my beautiful fiancée @cintailed) and after about a month of making preparations to be disowned and kicked out, something I was not sure would happen but was ready to go through to Turn On The Lights, I came out to my family and it was amazing. I started HRT a month after that. I secretly dated some dorky guys for about a year while I applied to grad schools. I got into a great grad school for me and my needs. I got FFS. I did my trainings and classes. Me and my fiancée moved in together after some LDR shenanigans. We’ve lived together now for 4 years of basically marital bliss. We have a cat named Grandmother Esmeralda Weatherwax who bites the hell out of my feet about three times a day. My bi-cycle continues to be part of my life but now it’s not as scary. Baby gays in my life have started to look to me for advice. Idk how this all happened so fast. When the years, months, weeks, days, and hours seems to crawl by so slowly now they are rushing past me so fast it’s almost bewildering. Whereas before I felt like I was living on borrowed time, past my ‘expiration date,’ now it feels like I can Fucking Breathe. I’m training myself to slow down now and it feels worth it to Live In The Moment.
Idk why I wrote this. Idk why these thoughts only seem to come up on Sundays when I’m supposed to be writing my dissertation. Idk why I’m crying rn or why I feel so happy. I’m gonna post this shit then get on with my dissertation I guess. Read more Terry Pratchett and give yourselves the time you need. Get a pet. Talk to someone. Re-examine the events that brought you here. Be gayer. Love y’all 💕
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iamthedukeofurl · 9 months ago
Discworld is an interesting beast in the age of ACAB. Like, the city watch books are a story about police and the way in which a good police force can help and protect people. Which would make it copoganda. And I'm not going to say that the City Watch books are completely free of copoganda, but they also do something interesting that fairly few stories about heroic police officers do, and I think it has a lot to do with Samuel Vimes. A lot of copoganda stories like, say, Brooklyn 99, are perfectly capable of portraying cops as cruel, bigoted, and greedy, but our central cast of characters are portrayed as good people who want to help their communities. The result is that the bad cops are portrayed as an aberration, while most cops can be assumed to be good people doing a tough job because they want to help protect people from the nebulous evil forces of "Crime". The police are considered to be naturally heroic. Pratchett does something very interesting, which is provide us with Vimes' perspective, and present us with an Unnaturally heroic police force. In Ahnk-Morpork, the natural state of the watch is a gang with extra paperwork. It's the place for people who, at best, just want a steady paycheck and at worst want an excuse to hit people with a truncheon. Rather than be an army defending people from the forces of Crime, the Watch is described as a sort of sleight-of-hand, big burly watchmen in shiny uniforms don't stand around in-case a Crime happens in their vicinity, they stand around to remind people that The Law exists and has teeth. The Watchmen are people, when danger rears it's head, their instinct is to hide and get out of the way. When faced with authority, their instinct is to bow to it out of fear of what it might do to them if they don't. Carrot is a genuine Hero, but his natural heroism is presented as an aberration. Normal Cops don't act like Carrot does. The fact that the Watch ends up acting like a Heroic Police Force is largely due to the leadership of Sam Vimes, but Vimes himself is a microcosm of the Watch. The base state of Sam Vimes would be an alchoholic bully of an officer, one who beats people until they confess to anything because that makes his job easier. Vimes The Hero is a homunculous, an artificial being created by Sam Vimes fighting back all those instincts and FORCING himself to behave as his conscience dictates. Vimes doesn't take bribes or let his officers do the same because, damnit, that sort of thing shouldn't happen, even if doing so would make things a lot easier. Vimes doesn't run towards sounds of screaming because he WANTS to, he forces himself to do so because somebody needs to. It's best summed up in Thud “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Your Grace.” “I know that one,” said Vimes. “Who watches the watchmen? Me, Mr. Pessimal.” “Ah, but who watches you, Your Grace?” said the inspector with a brief little smile. “I do that, too. All the time,” said Vimes. “Believe me.”
In the hands of another writer, or another series, this exchange would be weirdly dismissive. To whom should the police be accountable to? Themselves, shut up and trust us. But from Vimes, it's a different story. Vimes DOES constantly watch himself, and he doesn't trust that bastard, he's known him his entire life. The Heroic Police are not a natural state, they're an ideal, and ahnk-morpork only gets anywhere close. Vimes is constantly struggling against his own instincts to take shortcuts, to let things slide, but he forces himself to live up to that ideal and the Watch follows his example. Discworld doesn't propose any solutions to the problems with policing in the real world. We don't have a Sam Vimes to run the NYPD and force them to behave. We don't have a Carrot Ironfounderson. But it's at least a story about detectives and police that I can read without feeling like I'm being sold propaganda about the Thin Blue Line.
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yanderenightmare · 13 days ago
Okkotsu Yuuta
♡ TW: noncon, yandere, kidnapping, bondage, revenge, bully reader 
♡ FEM reader
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Thinking about the major power trip Yuuta went through once he figured out how to control his cursed energy. 
Here’s this loser who’s been bullied all throughout life for being such a loner, who suddenly gains unlimited and unsupervised power to do whatever he wants. And he’s never once stood up for himself out of fear that Rika would take it too far—but he’s fully in control now and free to do all those things he’s been too scared to do before.
You used to be one of those bullies back in the day—one of those pretty girls who would laugh and sneer at him while other goons would do their worst of swirlies and wedgies and gut punches. He hasn’t seen you in years already, but there hasn’t been a day he hasn’t thought about you. Old, twisted emotions of hatred and want brewing in the darkest pits of his gut. He can still remember that evil look of glee in your eyes each time you’d say or do something horrid.
He wonders if he has that same awful look in his eyes now as he stands over you—terrified, lying in his bed with your hands and feet tied.
He doesn’t even remember how he got you there. He must have blacked out completely, and yet, the knots of rope are tied so neatly he must have known what he was doing.
You’re in what you wore to bed—a pair of panties and a little crop top. He’s actually never seen a girl so bare before—only two flimsy articles away from being naked. It makes him blush—big and dour-eyed, scanning every curve of your smooth skin, feeling his throat get tight.
Your mouth’s taped shut—he isn’t interested in anything you’d have to say. But he’s left your eyes. He can’t tell if you recognize him. But the fear within them makes him feel so good he’s never been harder in his entire life.
Still, he doesn’t know if he can go through with it. It’s a strange feeling—how your shivering and tears make him feel both ashamed and yet so very horny he might cum in his pants just from looking at you. 
He thinks of the you from back then—what an absolute bitch you were—all your mean words and hard glares, ugly comments whispered in your friend’s ear while looking down on him, giggling behind a hand as if it were some big secret you were talking shit—as if you hadn’t just poured rotten milk over his head in front of everyone.
Yeah… you deserve this.
You try worming away from him once he crawls on top of you, but the way he’s tied you makes it a pointless struggle. It should make him feel worse, but oddly enough, it just makes him want to touch you more. Your skin is so soft it gives him chills, manhandling you just the way he sees fit. 
It seems crazy to him that something with teeth as sharp as yours can also look like the sweetest thing in the world. To anyone else, he must look like the bad guy. But he knows, and you know—you’re no victim.
With your hands tucked under your back, you’re completely pinned beneath him as he straddles your legs. You whine, but he pays you no mind—carefully lifting your top up further.
His body sags with a sigh at the sight. They’re even more perfect than he’d dreamed, and they feel even better in his hands—soft and squeezable.
It’s so fucked up—you have the ugliest personality he knows, and yet you're just as pretty as he remembers. He hates you, and yet you’re the only one he wants this way.
He bends down and wraps his mouth around your nipple—it’s perky and warm and makes him groan with a shudder—rocking his clothed bulge against your thigh with a string of moans.
He can’t believe your pussy is just a thin little layer of cotton away—waiting for him just beneath a pink print of cartoon bunnies. He doesn't know why, but he really likes that more than the black lace he’d expected. 
Suppose it makes you fit the role more—his prey.
Just knowing he’s going to fuck you makes him feel like the most powerful guy in the world. He wants to make you cum until you can’t even remember your own name.  He wonders if you’re a virgin, too, but he doubts it.
“I’ve seen you had so many tongues down your throat, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve had dick just as much.”
But that’s okay. He’s going to make sure this time is special. 
His body drapes yours with all its weight as endless thoughts of what he’s going to do to you flood his head. He moans, making drool spill over your chest where his mouth covets your breast while he keeps rutting into you—he’ll make you feel so good you fall in love with him.
And it’s sad how the thought alone instantly makes his boxers fill with stickiness.
And it’s only sadder as the post-nut-clarity hits because he’s left with a heavy feeling of grief for not having filled your womb instead. 
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♡ OKKOTSU YUTA masterlist♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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themultifanshipper · 2 months ago
Id like to make a request. Could you write a fic about franco and reader, with voyagerism (idk how you spell it lol). Preferably not by a parent this time (thats a joke!) . You could write a threesome if you think of someone that would go well with franco( I cant think of anyone rn ) . I liked Podium celebration, if thats something to go on. Thanks ahead of time.
P.s. I wouldve suggested lando but you asked for no ln4 fics and I dont think carlos goes with franco ( idk ).
P.s.s. Maybe, and thats a maybe, you can write readerxfrancoxpepe ?
P.s.s.s. Im ovulating rn so…thats what this is abt
How you ended up in this position, you weren't really sure. 
But who were you to complain when you had the attention of not one, but two incredibly fit men on you. 
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Warnings: smut, in honour of Franco's dick sucking lips, threesome, blowjobs, facials,  i'll be honest there is no plot to be found here
Franco had been the one to suggest it, the man was shameless after all. 
And of course Lando had to overhear the conversation, because really, the paddock was not the place to be talking about threesomes if you wanted to be discreet about it. 
You and Franco had a thing. 
A sexual thing. 
It wasn't rare that you would find yourselves in each other's beds after a tough weekend. 
This was shaping up to be just that. 
Lando was your teammate, and ever since you'd joined McLaren there had been a sort of lingering tension between you two. 
And, well, Franco had been obsessed with Lando for years. 
He talked about the brit constantly, and when he'd suggested a threesome, you hadn't said no. 
And Lando, who was sitting at the table behind you, had caught quite a bit of the conversation, but wasn't sure how to broach the subject with you. 
Until he didn't have to. 
You were in your driver’s room later, fooling around with Franco. 
And by fooling around, I mean he was railing the shit out of you on the couch. 
Your cries of pleasure were driving Lando nuts, so he stormed into the room, fully intending to tell you both off, but the words died instantly when he saw you. 
You were straddling Franco’s thighs, facing the door, so that you were on full display, spread out for him as Franco's cock split you open. 
Your eyes went wide when you saw him, but you couldn't say anything because your mouth was stuffed with Franco's fingers. 
All you could do was moan around them while Franco carried on thrusting into you.
Lando could feel himself hardening at the sight in front of him, and he could do nothing but stare in awe.
It took several long minutes before Franco noticed him, and immediately an evil grin settled over his features when he finally did.
Lando remained speechless so it was up to Franco to break the silence. 
“Come on in Lando, we were wondering if you would show up” 
He continued thrusting into you almost nonchalantly. 
Lando's gaze was fixed on the way your cunt was clenching around Franco, drooling helplessly as he bullied his cock in and out of you. 
“Fuckin' hell”  Lando muttered, and took a step towards the couch but Franco stopped him by raising a finger and tutting at him. 
“Ah ah, strip” 
Lando’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he complied, quickly pulling his team gear off and took another step, but Franco stopped him again. 
“Sit down” he said simply and Lando looked at him with a confused expression. 
Franco rolled his eyes “Where do you think? On the floor, where you are” 
Lando looked outraged but Franco quickly shut down any protests. 
“Either sit down or get out” 
Lando sat down. 
“Good. Now you are going to watch me make her come, and you are not going to touch yourself, understand?” 
Lando nodded. 
He wasn't entirely sure why he was complying, but something about Franco's tone and demeanor was turning his insides to liquid. 
He watched as Franco picked up the pace of his hips, and one of his hands went to tease your clit. 
You were completely out of it and you threw your head back as you felt you orgasm quickly approaching. 
Franco was nothing if not good with his hands. 
“Look at Lando, sweetheart. He wants to see you come. Don't you Lando?” 
The brit nodded furiously, making the younger man chuckle. 
“See, he is desperate for it. Come for him baby. Make a mess on my cock” 
You came with a muffled wail, riding out the waves as you bounced on Franco's cock. 
Lando thought you looked like a goddess. 
Franco gently lay you down on the couch and motioned Lando over. 
“Sit” he stood up and offered his seat to the older man. 
Lando complied, confused at why Franco was… 
Franco was on his knees. 
Franco was spreading Lando's legs and crawling between them. 
Franco was licking his lips at the sight of Lando's leaking cock. 
Oh god. 
Franco's mouth. 
The Argentine had his lips wrapped around the base of his cock, and was swallowing around him, breathing through his nose, like a fucking pro. 
“Fuck- Jesus, Franco” he hissed, and Franco hummed around his cock. 
You'd recovered by this point, and had crawled toward Lando to bring him into a kiss. 
He groaned into it when Franco started bobbing his head, looking up at the two of you through his lashes. 
The sight was something else. How a person could look sinful and angelic at the same time was beyond you. 
“Lando” he was breathless as he pulled off with a pop, and a string of spit joined his lip to Lando's tip. “Fuck my mouth. Please” 
The brit groaned, and grabbed a handful of Franco's soft hair, sliding his cock along the younger man's outstretched tongue. 
“You two are going to be the death of me” he couldn't believe this was happening. 
You giggled, and he pressed forward, filling Franco's mouth, all the way to the base and started a steady rhythm with his hips. 
Franco's jaw quickly went slack and his eyes were glazed over as Lando used his mouth for his pleasure, and you noticed him gripping his own cock tightly to avoid coming too soon. 
Lando pulled him off his cock and panted, eyes black as he stared down at the younger man. 
“Fuck. I'm not going to last much longer if you keep doing that.” 
Franco nodded, breathless and red in the face, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks as he got up off the floor. 
“You want to fuck her?” he asked and Lando looked at you. 
You nodded enthusiastically at him and he gave you a shy smile. 
“Would love to” 
You lay on your back, and Lando slotted himself between your legs, lining himself up and pushing in slowly. 
You both needed to take a steadying breath once he was fully inside.  
Christ he was big. 
You looked up at Franco, who's hands were wandering across your skin greedily, and pulled him closer to you. 
You put your tongue out, and he grinned understanding straight away what you were asking for. 
But before you could take him in your mouth, Lando spoke up. 
“Uhm… can I?” 
Both your heads snapped to him and he shivered at the attention. 
“Unless you don't want me to” 
Franco bit his lip, remembering all the times he'd imagined Lando on his knees for him, not quite believing it was actually going to happen. 
“Sure, mate” he managed to say almost nonchalantly. 
Getting to fuck the driver you'd been crushing on since you were 15 was quite an experience for him, bless his soul. 
Lando grinned and leaned over you, looking up at Franco seductively before taking his tip into his mouth and suckling on it gently. 
He whined softly, he could taste the remnants of your juices on Franco's cock and the thought turned his brain to mush. 
Franco groaned and put a hand in Lando's hair to grip it, not pushing, just to ground himself. 
But Lando liked that a bit too much, and at the feeling of hands in his hair, his hips bucked and you moaned at the sudden movement. 
You all soon found a rhythm, Lando fucking you in earnest while Franco alternated between fucking each of your mouths. 
He'd been so on edge since he fucked you that he knew he wouldn't last long, and Lando wasn't going to last long either. 
“Lando, you'd better make her come before you do, or we are never inviting you again” 
Lando moaned around his cock but one of his hands trailed down your body to help you along, his slick fingers working over your clit in tandem with his thrusts. 
You and Lando came almost at the same time, rutting against each other desperately as you rode out your highs. 
Franco, the bastard, pulled out and pumped his cock furiously while he watched you and Lando completely fucked out under him. 
He came on both of your faces, streaks of white painting your skin as he groaned and his knees almost buckled at the sight. 
Cleanup was easier than it had any right to be. 
Thanks to your regular activities with Franco, you always had wash cloths ready in your driver's room. 
“You know…” Lando said, as you sat there with a cloth, gently wiping the cum off his face “I could've swallowed and saved you this hassle” 
Franco gasped dramatically. 
“You are such a slut.” 
Lando scoffed. “Takes one to know one. You were the one basically crying on my cock before” 
Franco blushed and pulled a Tshirt over his head to try and hide it.  
But Lando pressed on. 
“Tell me, how long have you dreamed of doing that?” 
“Doing what?” Franco asked, not quite meeting his eyes. 
“Sucking me off” he had a smug grin on his face. 
Franco just blushed even harder. “I would rather not say…” 
You giggled and pulled Lando in for a quick kiss, getting up to retrieve your clothes. 
“So…” he said awkwardly, looking between you and Franco. “Will I be invited back into this little arrangement?” 
Franco smirked, zipping his pants up swiftly. 
He walked towards Lando on the couch and brought a hand up to cup his jaw. 
He leaned down, as if he was hoing to kiss Lando, but the little tease just hovered there, lips barely brushing against the other as he spoke. 
“I think you have earned it” he he rasped, and Lando felt his pulse quicken as Franco pulled away, slapping his cheek lightly and retreating to pick up his jacket. 
You glanced at Lando and he looked quite flustered. 
Oh yeah, this was not going to be the last time, if you had anything to say about it. 
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gotta-winwin · 3 months ago
OT13 Reaction -- to you being bullied in the past/highschool
masterlist | cyana's masterlist
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tw: this one holds a lot of mentions of verbal bullying and cyberbullying - it's something very close to home for me and this fic will be for anyone who has experienced the same thing. remember that you are strong and the harsh words don't define you! i love you and stay safe <33
he can feel his blood boiling the moment you comment on your past experiences with bullies. seungcheol prides himself to be a level-headed type of guy, but the thought of you getting hurt - even in the past - strikes a chord deep inside of him. he's thinking about buying a plane ticket to your hometown just to find those fuckers and bury them six feet under. however, he's mature enough to know that violence never solves anything, opting to show you even more love than before (if that's even possible) to remind you that you are worth everything in the world.
jeonghan's mind is already whirring overtime the moment he finds out about your past. using his scary, evil, mastermind brain for good this time, he can't help but envision decking the people who've hurt you. doesn't mind listening to you as you rant, knowing that you need a silent supporter by your side. will never tell you about how he sees red just thinking about your so-called "friends" who made you feel so horrible about yourself.
joshua can feel his heart crack with each name you tell him you've been called. takes the time to reassure you that you are none of those horrible things, that you're kind and beautiful and so so so smart. traces his finger across every scar and imperfection you've been bullied over, whispering how much he loves you. doesn't mind giving your bullies the nastiest side-eye the next time he sees them.
although he's doing his best to be present as you tell him about your past, jun is internally screaming at himself because you. are. crying. it's like he malfunctions every time it happens, hating how sad and scared you look. despite his panic, he's awfully calm when he comforts you, explaining to you that no, you are not weak because of this. in fact, you're much much stronger.
soonyoung's somehow found himself perched on top of a chair, his body steaming with anger, holding too much rage to sit still. you can tell he's struggling to hold back the foulest curse words, knowing that he should at least let you finish your rant. the moment you're done however, he's cursing them, their mother, their partner, anyone he can get his metaphorical hands on. it's okay baby. he'd tell you once he's calmed down. they're probably failing in life. but look at you! you're successful and beautiful and you're dating me!
wonwoo's asking you questions in a way that makes you fear for what he's about to do. what's their address? social media? social security number? you have to physically sit him down and remind him that the bullying happened years ago in highschool and that there was no point in trying to get revenge now. he's visibly deflated by the news, but decides to just dote on you even more to prove to you that their awful words were wrong. i'm no good with words, but i'll show you how fucking stupid they were to hurt you.
jihoon doesn't really know what to say when you tell him. he only thanks you for feeling brave enough to share such a painful part of you with him, feeling happy you trust him enough to do so. neither one of you revisits the topic: until one day, you see a suspicious amount of rageful revenge lyrics and comfort lyrics in seventeen's new releases. i guess we can credit the making of Hug to that instance.
minghao's glad he meditated last night because what you just told him would have definitely set him off without it. he doesn't hesitate to hold you, asking you if you need anything from him. i'm so proud of you for surviving all that, my love. they were obviously blind and didn't see your worth. and i'm sorry you thought they were your friends. he makes it clear that he's here for you, whenever you need to talk about it again.
seokmin more than upset when you're finished telling him everything- he's confused. he doesn't understand why anyone would want to hurt you, let alone say all those nasty things and pretend to be your friend. he apologizes for crying, trying to laugh it off by saying idk why i'm crying so hard, it didn't even happen to me but i'm the one sobbing like a baby. promises you that he's never leaving your side and you don't have to ever worry about him turning on you like your friends did in highschool.
all mingyu can think about as he listens is that he could have made it all better if he had just been there. he tells you while gently wiping away your tears that he would've traded places with you in an instant. i wish we'd met when we were younger, love. i would have fought them all back. but most of all, he wishes he was there to protect the younger you, knowing a child didn't deserve all that.
although you're doing a great job already, seungkwan can't help but join in on dissing your bullies and so-called "friends." he nods along enthusiastically every time you throw an insult, preferring always to laugh about it instead of cry. he's hyping you up, agreeing with everything you say as you recount your highschool days. yeah, no she sounds like a bitch. i bet he couldn't even read a chapter book. bro probably stank, you were safer without him. she's sounding like one of those insane kdrama rich ladies - and not the hot ones.
vernon's quietly listening, storing away every single piece of information for the next time you guys return to your hometown. he's already preparing his plethora of insults and backhanded digs, ready to show them a taste of their own medicine. he quietly tells you that he can relate - school had never been kind to him either - and he somehow spins all your shared trauma into something beautiful. we were meant to be, he says, cause you healed me, and now i can heal you. his words make you smile through the tears - and you fucking love him for that.
chan's at a loss for words once you're finished telling him everything. he's overwhelmed by the sheer amount of harsh words and sickening moments, knowing that if he felt this bad just hearing about it, he couldn't imagine how you felt going through it all. you're much braver than i would have been, is all he says after a pause. i love you. chan might be a man of few words, but he knows just what to say.
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svetamillss · 1 month ago
omg I love your writing, can you do one with squid game characters seeing the several bruises on your body that you have been trying to hide pls?
Headcanons: their reaction to your bruises🩵
Featuring: Cho Hyun Ju x Reader(f), Thanos (Su Bong) x Reader(f), Se Mi x Reader(f)
Summary: you studied at the university. And often faced bullying. Many guys humiliated and beat you, which caused you to have bruises that you tried to hide.
A/N: Thank you very much for such a charming order! I hope you liked what I wrote!
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Cho Hyun Ju
You didn't want to tell your girlfriend anything about it, because she had her own problems because of the transition to a girl. That's why you tried to hide all your bruises.
But you couldn't do it forever. After all, you sleep in ordinary pajamas, which opens your skin of your feet and hands well.
And because of this, the following situation occurred.
Ju was already lying in bed when you quickly came running and covered almost with a blanket, it worried her.
- Did something happen, baby? Why did you hide from me? - she asked, looking only at your head, which was looking out of the blanket.
- I'm just cold, don't worry.
- Hmm..but now the weather is hot..and you often started wearing warm clothes. Maybe you're sick??? Then don't cover yourself up so much!! - the girl said excitedly, removing the blanket from you, you tried to stop her, but nothing came out, she defeated you.
Pulling off the blanket, Hyun Ju noticed a lot of bruises on her arms and legs, her face turned pale sharply.
- Baby... Why do you have so many bruises??? - you had no choice but to confess everything.
After your story about being beaten at the university, Hyun Ju got very angry, preparing to deal with your abusers at such a late time, but you barely stopped her.
- No one will dare to touch my baby with a finger. Tomorrow I will go to your university and deal with everything. And I don't care if they look at me askause, I won't let them touch you.
Your favorite girl will definitely deal with your abusers, that there will be no wet place left from them.
Thanos (Su Bong)
In your opinion, the guy was not the one who would worry about the problems of others, even if something happened to loved ones.
That's why you decided not to tell him anything, but just put on clothes with long sleeves so that nothing could be seen.
But you didn't take into account the fact that Su Bong is quite observant and quickly notices changes, especially if they concern you.
You were going to go to the movies. You put on a long-sleeved sweater again, not paying attention to the fact that it was quite hot outside.
- Are you a fool? - he asked rudely, entering the room, seeing how you were dressed.
- What are you talking about?
- Have you seen the weather outside? Why the fuck are you dressed like in winter? Go change your clothes! - he was worried about you, although he showed it in a different way, you decided to take a chance and admit what was going on.
- I can't dress openly yet.
- Why else is that?
And you told him everything, from the beginning to the very end. His face changed with each new word, from neutral to more evil.
- WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU SILENT?! - he shouted, but you understood that he was not shouting at you, but because of the whole situation.
- I thought you wouldn't be interested..
- Fuck! You're completely crazy! How could you think that?! It makes me very angry! That's it! Tomorrow I will go and kill everyone who touched you. I'll do everything so well that they won't suit you anymore. If, of course, they stay alive.
You couldn't refuse him. Although, even if you refused, he would still do his own thing. After all, he loves you very much.
Se Mi
The girl worked very hard, so you didn't want to burden her with your problems.
But Se Mi was very attentive and therefore immediately noticed that you began to wear baggy clothes, although you usually wore more open clothes.
- Honey, have you decided to change your image? - she asked, laughing a little, when she saw you in a huge sweater.
- I just decided to experiment.
- When you lie, your ears turn red. - she said, after which you immediately covered your ears with your hands, realizing that she caught you.
The girl came close to you and said in a stern tone:
- Undress. I have to see what you're hiding from me. - you blushed from her words,but obeyed and showed all your bruises.
The girl gently stroked the places of your bruises, silent for a long time.
- Se Mi?
- Who did it? - you explained everything to her, she was angry, but tried not to show it to you.
- Don't hide it from me anymore. Tomorrow I'll deal with everything and everything will be fine.
Se Mi never throws words to the wind, she will help you cope with everything. She won't care that she's a girl and go deal with the guys, your safety is the main thing for her.
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introsquirrel · 22 days ago
Rereading murderbot (again) and just got to art's introduction.
And like, art doesn't play nice with other bots. It bullies them, it intimidates them, it will hurt other bots to get what it wants if it doesn't want to waste time hacking it.
And it tries that with mb. I mean, info secunits is probably like 80% propaganda, 15% corporate promotions, and 5% actual development and research, almost exclusively focusing on what they are designed for and how they got there.
It's out there, about to start a boring transport/recon mission, and one of the most dangerous and feared entities basically jogs up to it and goes "hi, I'm a friendly bot, like super friendly, totally nothing suspicious here. Can I have a ride? Here's a GIANT file of pirated media"
And it's still a bot, just a bot with organic parts. Art is a research vessel and it's curious, and this is a rare opportunity to get info on secunits, which are probably a huge pain in the ass to deal with on its missions, with almost no practical info about them. Also, this might be an indication that someone has caught on to its antics and it probably wants to nip that in the bud.
And it turns out the huge file of pirated media isn't secretly a virus or malware, and looking at it's movements, Art can see that it isn't actively hostile towards humans. Unexpected, but hey. Points to this weird construct. But that might not be it's goal.
And then it sits down and starts sorting and watching media so art is like alright, it's obviously not here to fuck me up and it has no idea what the hell I am. Let's make sure this moderately dangerous condtruct doesn't get any funny ideas.
I don't think art was going for friendly in the slightest. I think to wanted to scare mb to make sure it didnt try anything. I think it expected mb to get pissed or argue.
But mb basically shuts down. It stops everything and huddles into a chair and i imagine that it does its best impression of a secunit in stasis.
And when art is like "I mean, don't fuck with me, but you can still watch your TV shows" mb responds with something that would not be in construct research outside of very clinical and vague explanation.
It shows art that it expects art to hurt it. And it's shows that it can be hurt, that it has been hurt, and that it probably has some trauma related to this hurt. It also probably accidentally added some context to the punishment recordings. I'll bet mb was punished for not wanting to hurt it's clients.
And art... well, mb said in the first book that being half human half bot isn't two conflicting sides, but just a whole of what it is. It isn't human, it isn't a bot. It is the culmination of both. A sentient entity that was developed by humans for slavery and spent its entire existence being punished for having free will.
Art is also a sentient entity that was developed by humans for a purpose. But it was treated with love and respect and it's free will was celebrated, if tempered.
Imagine thinking you are one of a very exclusive group of entities that has been categorized as something that is a gross misconception of what you are and what your capabilities are. Art is a bot, which are not humans and dont have rights because they don't have feelings or wants or desires and cannot feel pain. You think you are a very unique entity, no one has done this before.
But they have. The proof is sitting, frightened in your body and you had no idea. Mb is as capable of evil as any human, and as capable of destruction as any bot. You are also cable of extreme evil and destruction. But you are loved and cherished. This entity, this thing is as human as you, moreso even, and it has spent its entire life being hated and feared and it chose instead to just coexist when given the chance.
Art says "I'm sorry I frightened you". Not, I didn't mean to frighten you. And then mb grumpily (which is understandable!!) Lets art watch media with it.
Like, art just met the dumber more compact prototype version of what it could have been and went "wait no this is cool actually." Mb can't br programed to turn against its crew, it processes it's feeling both organically and inorganically, it can hack and learn and be loyal and be angry. And it has no idea what it's doing or what it wants, but it's VERY good at security.
So yeah, I can see why art kind of latched onto mb. And why it told it's crew about this strange little secunit it found on its mission. Kind of like finding someone SUPER cool who just gets you on a level no one else has been able to. Someone who coordinates so flawlessly with you but still is able to challenge you when it needs to. Someone who loves and is exasperated by humans as much as you, even as you need to be "human" to be able to interact with them.
So yeah. Mb and art, first meeting. Perfect 10/10 can, have, and will read again
Edit: ALSO ALSO art gets to watch media with full context for the FIRST TIME IN ITS LIFE. Mb can process human emotions into data automatically and now it gets to experiencd fictional story as it's meant to be experienced for the first time and mb is so so indulgent of it and kind to it, letting it take time to process things and rewatching parts with it when it wants to.
Jdjdhdhdhej fuckin LOVE THESE TWO
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blorger · 5 months ago
yes, hello, please let the record show that when Harry and Draco meet at Madame Malkin's and Harry is reminded strongly of Dudley Draco hasn't done anything that is particularly vile, he's just
been blond (technically "pale", we can't yet make the Dudley to Draco connection via hair color)
talked about having two involved parents
I direct the jury to this exchange:
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Draco is just behaving like a kid, even if he uses the world "bully" ( he's clearly using it hyperbolically) and drawls (the Malfoy Special, if you will). This is not exactly villain foreshadowing 101.
Something could be said for how Draco's words suggest a power dynamic wherein he's in control of his parents, like Harry views Dudley and the Dursleys's relationship, but also... Draco is a child making boastful remarks to another child, one would expect exaggeration as par for the course.
I fail to see any signs of Great Evil; Draco's phrasing may have triggered feelings of inadequacy and maybe also envy, (Harry wants a family most of all as per the mirror of erised) but also, Harry has presumably been going to school and has met plenty of parented children, this can't be a new situation.
What I'm saying is that jkr is doing a bit of a tell don't show, she is giving us the key with which we are to interpret every one of Draco and Harry's interactions from this moment on but kind of falls flat in the execution.
What I (and others beside me) read in their following interaction is just two people not understanding eachother. One boy feels confused, insecure and out of his depth and the other one doesn't know this is happening. Draco is trying to make a good impression on a schoolmate by saying any and all impressive things he can think of, not knowing that by repeating his father's greatest hits he's inadvertently alienating Harry.
In conclusion, your honor, I posit to you that upon their meeting Harry immediately feels strongly about Draco but, in his inexperience (and lack of emotional development see: cupboard), he is unable to identify the origin of said strong feelings and attributes them to dislike (the Dudley Connection). Thus a scene meant to highlight their incompatibility ends up foreshadowing Harry and Draco's unusual bond instead.
tldr: drarry is a great ship, jkr is an idiot savant who managed to write the greatest enemies to lovers storyline of all time without meaning to and also I know I'm reaching but I've decided this is the bible truth since truth is what you make of it.
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alwaysanundertone · 6 months ago
Why try? | poly! marauders x fem! reader
angst / fluff
CW: brief mention of bully, negative self talk, some cursing (?) I think that’s all :)
word count: 1.4k
note: it’s my first mini series and English is not my first language, just wanted to say so in case you spot any error :)
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4 coming soon
“Why are they dating me?”
That’s the question that kept flashing in your head 24/7 for the past week.
It all started when you were sitting with your group of friends in the Ravenclaw common room. You had just returned from your secret date with the marauders; even though they wanted to love you in public, you didn’t. It was silly, really, but you didn’t want all of the backlash that it would inevitably come from dating them.
You knew, deep down, that if you were to love them in the open, everyone would be confused as to why they chose you. They were the marauders, for god’s sake, even you had doubts about this… thing that you had been going on, god only knows what everyone else would be thinking.
So you invented an excuse. You told them that your brother was protective over you, that you didn’t want to cause them trouble. You could have been spending more time thinking about a better story: your brother couldn’t care less about your wellbeing, let alone who you dated. It didn’t matter what he really thought, though, because they believed the lie.
It hurt to have to lie to the boys that you were growing fond of, but still, years and years of bullying made you this way. You never really viewed yourself as someone worthy of affection, let alone of love. You never really liked your physique, you hated your nose, you wished you had something special about your physical appearance but you couldn’t find it.
Even your personality didn’t seem worthy of being known, or at least you thought so. You were an A-student, but only because you studied hard. You had a lot of hobbies, sure, but you weren’t exactly good at them. All of this to say, you didn’t deem yourself worthy of their attention.
Now you were sitting with your friends, chatting, and of course, of fucking course, they had to start talking about james.
“I really don’t get how he can be so oblivious about my flirting”
This caught your attention. The girl talking wasn’t exactly your friend, however she shared her room with Emmeline, one of your best friends, so she started hanging out with you. Still, you didn’t know about this flirting until now. You chose to listen quietly.
“… I mean, I even went to his game wearing his damn number on my back. What do I have to do in order to get his attention?”
“I don’t know Aurora… Rumor has it they are all dating some new girl, though nobody knows who she is! They saw them hanging around near Hogsmade, but nobody saw her face. I really thought they didn’t want to include anybody in their relationship”
“Another girl?” Both you and Aurora exclaimed at the same time. This. This was a rather embarrassing situation.
“What Y/N? Decided to join the conversation?”
“Yeah, didn’t take you as a marauder fan?”
This is why you should learn to keep your mouth closed.
“What? Am I not allowed to be curious?”
“Yeah, not like they’ll ever consider you.” Em stared at Aurora blankly, you were sure your face was showing every little thought that was slowly, but surely, starting to crawl over your consciousness, making you doubt yourself.
“What? Don’t look at me like I’m the evil guy. It’s nothing personal, Y/N, but you are just a normal girl, they seem like the type to enjoy someone more… special?”
And that’s when the doubting started.
“Yeah… I think I’ll go study now”
You excused yourself, while you clearly heard Em starting to get angry at Aurora, but you just couldn’t take this.
It was one thing to doubt yourself, but if even your friends thought the same of you, maybe you were right, maybe you should just stop bothering them.
You ran to the library, to the farthest corner. Staring at the rain pouring outside your window, you started to do the one thing you were really good at: self loathing.
A hand made you jump.
“Hey there dovey, didn’t mean to scare my girl”
Remus was looking at you with that loopsided grin of his that made your stomach flip. He called you ‘his girl’, even though you weren’t official, your heart swelled.
“Hey Rem” You tried to smile, you really did, but for some reason your facial muscles couldn’t bring themselves to work. His face immediately fell.
“What is going on?”
You could have just told him.
Maybe you should have.
But you really weren’t one to just talk about problems, you preferred to just pretend.
“Nothing! Nothing I- I just-“ You stopped for a moment. Great job, Y/N, you were doing such a great job! You took a deep breath. “Nothing, I’m just a bit stressed about herbology? You know I’m not the best at it”
He seemed to believe you. “Well, we can study together then?”
Again, you should have said yes.
“I’m sorry I just- I mean, we hung out earlier? Aren’t you tired of me?”
He frowned. “No? Why would I be? Sirius and James are napping, I was actually looking for you? I feel like we hardly ever have some alone time together”
You wanted to cry, you wanted to talk about every little doubt crowding your mind. But you couldn’t, your tongue twisted.
“But I mean, if you want some alone time I understand!
You simply nodded.
“See you around Remus”
“Okay then? See you around?”
He turned, stopping for a minute, likely pondering if he should just go away or stay to talk. He decided to leave.
You fell even further on the armchair, your mind flooded with doubts.
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You sat at dinner, exhausted. You have been spending the whole afternoon running through the endless possibilities as to why they were willingly spending their time with you. Were they making fun of you? Were they just bored? None of your answers made you feel any better about yourself.
Now you were staring at your plate.
“Hey Y/N” Em looked quite concerned. “Are you alright?” You nodded, she frowned.
“If it’s Aurora who got you so sad, don’t worry, I kicked her ass”
You snorted at that. “No, don’t worry Em, everything’s alright. You know I get like that when the winter nears”
She nodded. It was exhilarating how everybody seemed to believe your lies.
Throughout the whole dinner, you sensed three pair of eyes burning through your back. You decided you couldn’t stay a minute longer under their scrutiny, pretending to eat, pretending to have fun. You simply stood up, exiting the Great Hall.
A hand grasped yours, making you jump.
“What’s up with you lot today? Trying to induce a heart attack?” James snickered, tugging your wrist and making you end up in his arms.
You noticed Sirius and Remus looking at you, the latter still sporting the frown he had in the library.
“Just wanting to check up on you. Moony here was quite worried about you, said you seemed sad. Is everything alright?” Sirius searched for your eyes, while you looked at your feet. “Did we make you uncomfortable in any way?”
“No, no it’s not that”
That’s it. You really were stupid.
Remus quirked a brow. “So you are sad about something.”
“Well, you know… the rain.”
James looked like he was about to laugh. “Well yes, it rains quite a lot in Scotland?”
“No, I mean I get quite moody when the weather starts to worsen” At that James hugged you.
“You poor thing, you should have told! Wanna come in our dorm and have a cuddle?”
A cuddle did sound nice, but then again the doubts started to flood your mind. They already had to spend time to someone as uninteresting as you, the least you could do was try to not be a burden.
“No, sorry I just want to take a shower and have some alone time, you know?”
They seemed worried. James looked like a lost puppy, not understanding why you were so suddenly trying to create space between you and them.
Sirius nodded. “Okay love, but if you change your mind you know where to find us, yeah?”
You wanted to cry. To actually sob into their shoulders and word vomit every single mean thing that you told yourself in the last six hours. Instead you just smiled, waved, and ran to your room.
And so began the worst week of your sixth year at Hogwarts.
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misseviehyde · 1 month ago
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Madeline was shocked when she opened the present from her daughter to find two sexy pearly hooped earrings nestled amongst the tissue paper.
The earrings seemed familiar somehow, yet she couldn't quite remember where she'd seen them before. A slight chill ran down her spine, almost a fear reaction, yet she couldn't say why.
Her daughter Katie smiled proudly as her Mom lifted them out of the box and eyed them suspiciously.
"They're not really my style darling," she whimpered.
"Exactly Mom. You need to try something different. You've become a total social outcast since Dad left. You dress like an eighty year old spinster, spend all your time online or in front of the TV. You need to get back out there."
Madeline lowered her head and choked a sob. Her daughter was right. She was an overweight loser who spent all her time at work or sat at home wrapped up in a cardigan reading by the fire or watching trash TV. She was a total dork. Her brief relationship with Katie's Dad hadn't even lasted that long. He'd left her for his secretary, a hot high maintenence bitch who could give him what she never could.
She hadn't even had sex in eleven years!
Katie looked at her Mom... the holes in her sweater, the lack of makeup, the grey in her hair, the overweight tummy and felt pity. She did love her Mom but Madeline was frustratingly introverted. Her Mom was something of a disappointment.
Katie had been shocked and surprised to find the old hoopsd earrings in a box in one of her Mom's drawers. They were sexy and hot, so unlike anything she'd expect her Mom to own. She'd taken them to a jewellers and had them upgraded. She hoped the upcycled earrings reminded her Mom of a time when she was young. Maybe it would bring a spark back.
What Katie didn't know though was that these earrings were NOT Madelines.
Long ago, nearly twenty years ago now, they had belonged to Madeline's bully Ashley. The traumatised Madeline had stolen them as an act of rebellion and daring, keeping them as a reminder of how cruel and evil some girls could be. Ashley had been the epitome of a cruel and dominant Alpha Girl. She had been the most popular girl at school and had made Madeline's life a living Hell. That was why she had felt instinctive fear when she saw the earrings.
"Why don't you try them on Mom?" asked Katie as Madeline looked at the hoops suspiciously. There was something not quite right here, but she also felt a dark temptation to put on the earrings. With a shiver she took out her own simple studs and slid in the bitchy hoops.
They looked like something a rich bitch would wear and to Madeline's surprise she felt a surge of confidence and pride as she admired her new earrings in the mirror. Her back straightened a little and her posture became more confident.
"Wow Mom, you look great," smiled Katie.
"Yes I do don't I?" purred Madeline, ignoring her daughter. "I never imagined I could ever feel sexy again, but now I do. It makes me wish I could start over again. Be young and hot and popular again. Not that I was ever popular, but imagine if I had been?"
Madeline's lips twisted into a smile as she imagined herself as Katie's age... but hotter... worshipped by hunky boys and served by beta girls. Beta girls like Katie.
She shook her head causing the hoops to tinkle and came back to herself. "Thank you darling, I love them."
"You don't have to wear them if you don't want," smiled Katie.
"No... I want to wear them. I think I'll leave them in. They feel... good."
Madeline snarled as she tore through her wardrobe. It was two hours since her daughter had left and she had been in a frenzy since then.
These clothes she was wearing felt pathetic, but nothing in her wardrobe suited her either. She tipped over her makeup table. Pathetic too. No wonder her husband had left her.
She needed fashion, she needed expensive makeup. She needed to look hot.
Madeline staggered to the mirror. Her body was burning, her brow feverish. She felt like she was on fire, but it felt good. It felt like all the weakness inside her was burning up. It felt like she was becoming stronger and more powerful.
"Yesssss," she hissed as she gazed at her reflection. Could it be? Her skin looked younger, her waist thinner. Surely it wasn't possible but it almost looked like she was... transforming?
She reached up and touched the earrings. They tingled and in that moment she remembered. "These... these are Ashley's earrings."
She nearly ripped them out in fear and disgust... but another part of her suddenly thrilled at the thought. These were HER earrings now. Her foolish daughter had given them to her not even realising what they were.
Madeline groaned. These strange feelings, the changes to her body - they must be something to do with the bullies earrings. She should take them out now whilst she still had the strength to remove them.
Her hand wavered by her ear...
She moaned and a wicked smile lit her lips. Mmmmh, it was already too late. She wanted this so badly now...
She was going to become a bitch...
Madeline writhed on the floor in ecstasy. It was five hours now since she had put on the earrings. Her desire to remove them had completely faded an hour ago. She was damned and she didn't care. She welcomed the evil now flowing through her. She wanted to be completely remade.
She had stripped down to her underwear. Her once flabby body was drenched in sweat. Saggy skin had tightened and wrinkles vanished. Greying hair was now bright blonde and her ass was tight and round.
A demonic grin on her now young and pretty face, Madeline rubbed her pussy and screamed as she squirted again to drench the carpet with more of her juices.
"Fuck yes. Hahaha I can't wait to get FUCKED!"
No... she was no longer Madeline. She was Maddy now.
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Maddy grinned as she imagined all the evil mean things she'd do now she was an eighteen year old bitch.
"Steal my daughters boyfriend, bully her and make her suffer... fuck YESSS!"
Maddy groaned as her already dripping pussy got even wetter. Long slutty fingernails decorated each finger now and she rubbed her sensitive clit, screaming as her warped mind filled her with pleasure.
Every inch of her was now built for narcissistic pleasure. She was a Goddess.
In her body, her soul had been warped and corrupted beyond recognition. Kindness and love were now alien emotions to this bitch. Selfishness and ego ruled Maddy's personality. She was now a spoiled brat who only cared about herself.
The earrings had corrupted her beyond recognition.
Maddy purred as she orgasmed again. She couldn't wait to go shopping.
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"Hey loser," laughed Maddy as Katie walked into her apartment.
Her boyfriend was lying on the bed naked, drained and exhausted from the marathon fuck session he'd just had with Maddy. Seeing Katie, he blushed and slipped off to the bathroom.
"Who... who the fuck are you? What are you doing with Richard?" screamed Katie.
"Ohhh don't you recognise me dear? It's me... your Mommy. I'm still wearing those earrings you bought me. Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you want your Mommy to be more outgoing and find a man?"
Backing away Katie screamed as Maddy leapt up and with superhuman strength lifted her up and pinned her against the wall.
"Madeline is gone. From now on you call me Maddy... or even better, Mistress. Your man is mine now and you are going to be my loyal beta servant."
"No! I won't let you..."
Katie screamed as Maddy suddenly jabbed something into her ear, then the other.
A pair of stud earrings marked with the symbol for beta.
"Oh you will. I bought these from the shop where you got these earrings improved. Turns out they make magic jewellery. Those Beta Studs won't take long to make you into my subservient slave."
Katie sobbed as she felt the fire drain from her. She could already feel a terrible temptation to serve Maddy growing within her.
"I bought ten more pairs of these beta earrings. You're going to help me pierce all your friends until they all worship me. What do you say?"
"Yes Mistress Maddy," groaned Katie as to her horror she felt an urge to worship and admire Maddy swell in her chest.
Yes... she had to serve. It would be hot to make others serve Maddy.
Clicking her fingers Maddy laughed as Richard walked back into the room.
"She's been neutralised just like I promised. Now if you don't want me to take out that stud earring I gave you, you better come here and fuck me again."
Richard grinned and bent Maddy over the bed whilst Katie watched happily subservient.
Yes... life was going to be better for everyone from now on. Maddy would make sure of it.
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sigma-alpha-writer-chad · 4 months ago
Grow Up, Would You? [Josh Washington]
“I don’t know if you’ve changed any since middle school but I really hope you’ve learned the difference between pranking somebody and just being a fucking bully.”
You can also find this story on Ao3!
Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven
NOTE: This chapter is about twice as long as normal. Thank you!
"Jordan, wake up!" I hear Hannah yelling through the bedroom door, pounding on it hard enough to break it. In a panic, I roll out of bed, hitting the ground with a thud.
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I cry out, scrambling for the door. I pull it open quickly, fearing for a millisecond I'd ripped it off it's hinges. In front of me is Hannah with a shy grin on her face. Next to her is Beth, holding a large plate stacked with pancakes. My jaw drops. I'm speechless.
"Good morning sleepyhead," Hannah says meekly. She very much understands she nearly killed me with her wake up call.
"What the fuck?" I groan, rubbing my eyes. "Is this how you normally wake people up?"
"With pancakes?" Beth offers, holding out the plate to me. I scoff, shake my head, and sigh heavily.
"Everyone else is downstairs," Hannah says, taking a pancake directly off of Beth's plate and handing it to me. I take it and take a bite. It's a good pancake.
"Who made these?" I sigh, motioning for the girls to enter my room so I could get dressed. They close the door behind them.
"We did, and Josh supervised." I rubbed my temples from the hangover that began to creep it's way into my consciousness. I hadn't even noticed it with the adrenaline roaring through me. As I crouch down to my bag, Hannah and Beth both set themselves onto the bed.
"How was your night? You guys were laughing, like, the entire time. We heard you from upstairs!" Beth says. I shrug.
"It was good, from what I remember." I admit. Slowly, the memories had started trickling back into my head. The porch, the couch.
My face starts to redden immediately as I think about it. The smell of his clothes, laying in the snow, his head in my lap.
"Did you get wasted?" Hannah asks. I can hear her eating.
"Feels like I did," I admit with a small chuckle. "My head is starting to hurt."
"Smart of you to leave water and aspirin next to your bed," she replies. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I pull out a pair of jeans, a dark blue turtleneck sweater, and a pair of thick black socks.
"What?" I look up, and knowing, evil smiles start to creep onto their faces. They are more like their scheming brother than I thought. I stand up and change as Hannah reaches over to the pills and water.
"No note," Hannah sighs as she hands them to me.
"Why would there be a note?" I ask defensively. "I probably put them there and don't remember." I take the items from Hannah and down them.
"Or somebody else put them there."
"Ok guys," I start, putting my hands up. "I can tell you're scheming. I know your brother, you've got the same look he does when he's about to throw paper at my head." They snicker a little at this.
"Josh totally has a thing for you," Beth whispers. I raise my eyebrows. "And we think you guys would be super cute together."
"I don't think so, girls. To either of those things," I gulp, walking quickly for the door. Beth is quickly able to block me, standing in front of it. "He's made my life hell for most of my life. Isn't just getting along enough?"
"We saw you guys outside yesterday," Hannah beams. She appears as if she can barely contain her excitement and she pushes up her glasses. "Just rolling around in the snow... On top of each other."
"We were drunk!" I defend, nearly yelling. "Now can we please go downstairs?"
"Are you claustrophobic?"
"Nevermind." Beth steps aside, and I hesitate. I take a deep sigh before slowly turning back around.
"What makes you think he feels that way about me?" I ask. Both girls look at each other with smug smiles on their faces, and I roll my eyes.
"Well, for one, the amount of attention he's given you over the years is incredible," Beth starts. "Maybe not the attention anybody would've liked-"
"Not that we're excusing it." Hannah chimes in.
"Right. Bullying is wrong and he's an asshole for what he's done to you over the years. But for the entirety of our lives that he's known you, he's perked up at the mention of you." I raise my eyebrows again and place my hands on my hips, waiting for them to continue.
"Every time Chris was over, somehow you were always brought up, even after you changed schools."
"I think you guys are bullshitting me," I laugh. There was no way.
"I can almost guarantee he knows things about you that you wouldn't think he does," Hannah says. They finally start making their way towards me and the door to exit to the kitchen. "You'll see." I roll my eyes and sigh.
"Don't worry, Jordan, we'll take care of it." I don't like the sound of that at all. As soon as the door is open, Hannah and Beth rush past me. When I get to the kitchen, I see Josh, Chris, and Matt talking.
"Good morning," I greet. As soon as Josh sees me, a red dusts his cheeks. He averts his eyes, looking at the ground. A smile tugs at my lips for a moment. Does he remember?
"Good morning, cousin." Chris says in a sing-song voice. Matt smiles and nods in greeting. Everyone else was scattered around, Emily, Mike, and Jess on the couch, Josh, Chris, Matt, and I in the kitchen, and the twins go to the dining room table to sit with Sam and Ashley.
"Mornin'," Josh nods. Chris squints his eyes, looking between Josh and I.
"Forgive the attitude, Josh woke up mad hungover." Chris explains.
"You didn't?" Matt asks, grabbing a plate of half eaten pancakes that I can only assume is his and continuing to eat.
"Nah, never had a hangover in my life," he brags, pushing his un-styled hair back. It pokes upward as it would normally would, but the bedhead was severe, making him look more like Guy Fieri than my cousin. As I go to the massive plate of pancakes on the counter, Josh walks up next to me to get some, himself.
"How did you sleep?" He mumbled, his voice low. I hum as I consider my answer.
"I slept fine," I answer. I grabbed three pancakes, spreading butter across each one. I hesitate before what I say next. "Thank you for the pain killers and the water."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Josh says, a smile tugging at his lips. The same as the day before out on the balcony, he was standing shoulder to shoulder with me as we decorated our breakfast.
"Right, I forget you're pure evil." I chuckle.
"Just the worst." he responds. We look at each other, just standing and smiling like fools. Chris slaps his hand hard on Josh's shoulder, knocking the air out of his friend and snapping us out of it.
"You guys seemed to have sorted out your differences," Chris coo's, shoving himself between us and draping his arms over our shoulders. Josh looks frustrated, his common intense stare now aimed at his best friend. "I'm so proud of you guys." I laugh, and Josh's expression softens.
"Yes, Cochise, your roll as best friend is officially revoked and now given to Jordan," he teases. Chris gasps and releases us from his loose embrace, allowing us to actually eat our breakfast.
We eat in a comfortable silence. The ambience of the warm fire crackling in the living room and the gorgeous view of the snow falling slowly outside of the windows allows for a comfortable environment. This is the most comfort and acceptance in a group I've felt in a long time, if not for the first time.
"Alright party people," Beth starts, everyone else following behind her. "Group meeting in the kitchen."
"Oh, yay, my favorite." Emily says sarcastically. Everyone ignores her as Beth continues on.
"What do we want to do today?"
"We could go on a hike." Sam suggests. Jess looks at her in terror.
"In this weather?" she gasps.
"If you wear the right clothes it's really not that bad."
"For Ms. One-With-Nature, maybe."
"Do you still have those skis and snowboards up here, Josh?" Mike asks. Matt perks up.
"Yeah, sure, but I don't think anybody here is professional enough to navigate the trails here," Josh answers. "We could use the outdoor hot tub."
"And freeze to death as soon as I leave the water??" Ashley scoffs. "No thank you!"
The group continues to babble, throwing out ideas left and right of what we wanted to do today. As it was my first time at the lodge, I figure it would be better if I stayed out of this conversation - especially because I just don't know what there is, here. I listen in. Sam, Matt, and Mike are suggesting more strenuous and physical activities, Chris suggesting things like a snowball war, the others suggest more indoor activities. The twins and Josh say nothing other than confirming the possibility of the activity being a choice at all.
It appeared that "snowball war" was tied with "massive indoor blanket and pillow fort."
"C'mon, guys, it's winter! When was the last time we played in the snow?" Josh asks excitedly. He's waving his arms around as he speaks. I'm not sure I've ever seen him want something so bad.
"When was the last time you've made a pillow fort?" Ashley asks. As they continue their debate, I can't help but notice that Hannah and Mike were missing. I glance around, but they're nowhere to be seen. My eyes land on Emily. Her expression is that of fake interest in the conversation, trying to hide what I could tell she really felt. I never thought that I would see worry in her eyes. She makes eye contact with me, but instead of making a scene, she averts her eyes and turns around, heading towards the bathroom. For a split second I swear I saw tears in her eyes.
"Snowball fight wins the vote!" Chris cheers, he and Josh chest bump and I nearly jump out of my skin at the sudden interruption to my thoughts. "Everybody gets ready and we'll meet outside." As we disperse, I go in the direction that Emily had. I get to the bathroom, where I assumed she went, and gently knock.
"Go away!" Emily hisses. I can hear her sniffling.
"Snowball fight is the winner." I say softly. I'm pressed lightly against the door, wanting to hear anything she might say.
"Okay, great! Then go do that and leave me alone." There's a long beat of silence, the only sound being toilet paper ripping off the roll and what I assume is Emily blowing her nose. "I know you're still out there."
"Are you ok?" I ask. Silence again, and a sniffle.
"Yeah, I'm... Fine," she answers, her tone much softer now.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not with you." she scoffs. I sigh and let off the door. As I do, it opens. Emily, shorter than I am, looks up at me, her mascara streaming down her face and smudged badly.
"You look like shit." I state. She laughs and steps aside for me to step in, closing the door behind me.
"Are you gonna make fun of me?" Emily questions, leaving against the sink and crossing her arms.
"For what?" she looks at me like I'm stupid. "You haven't even told me what you're crying about yet. Not much to work with." She laughs again, softly. A smile tugs at my lips, a sort of pride swelling in my chest at making her smile, let alone laugh.
"It's just..." Emily looks down, shaking her head like she can't believe herself. "Mike."
"What did he do?"
"He -" she cuts herself off and looks up at the ceiling, blinking tears away as if her makeup wasn't already ruined. "He keeps entertaining other girls, I don't know. I know you noticed he and Hannah are nowhere to be seen. They were out on the balcony earlier." I slowly set myself down next to her. She doesn't move, so I hesitantly reach up and place my hand on her back. I can feel her tense up before settling under my touch.
"I'm sorry, Emily." I offer, unsure of what to say.
"Hannah and I have been friends for so long, I thought she would have some kind of respect for me," Emily gulps. "After all I've done for her."
"I don't know what to say." she lets out an airy laugh at my statement. All I know how to do is to continue to rub circles onto her back through her thin sweater.
"Listening is enough, or... whatever," she sighs, leaning into me and laying her head on my shoulder. For a moment, I considered pinching myself. We sit there together in a comfortable silence aside from the last sniffles of heartbreak from Emily.
"We can fuck them up with snowballs," I offer quietly. I didn't want anyone to start looking for Emily - I was almost certain she was missed. "You can spit on them or put ice chunks inside." Emily rolls her eyes, but she's smiling as she pushes herself off of the bathroom counter.
"Encouraging me to split people's lips with ice is a cruelty I never expected to hear from you, Jordy." I narrow my eyes at the rather cringeworthy nickname. "It's a nice refresher."
"Do you want me to help you with cleaning up your makeup?" I ask, opening the cabinets in search of makeup wipes. "It's smudged to all hell."
"It's a smoky eye, genius," Emily retorts. I scoff at her as I find the wipes I knew Beth kept in here. "Ever see it before?"
"You're not rocking it, girlfriend." I state in a mildly mocking tone. She quirks her eyebrow at me and in her eyes is something different when she looks at me. It looks like approval - respect, even, but with Emily I knew it could never be that easy.
"Jordan." She commands as she sits on the lid of the toilet and waits for me to clean her up. I snap my head to her. She spoke with such authority, I wasn't sure what to do other than pay attention. As our eyes meet, Emily looks away with a sudden shyness and embarrassment.
"Thank you."
I stand at the door, looking outside at my acquaintances as they chatter. I was as dressed for the winter as I could be - which wasn't enough. I hesitated in leaving the warmth of the lodge despite knowing I would only have fun.
"Don't just stand there, let's go." Emily goads, pushing past me and pulling open the door, causing me to stumble. She's cleaned up and dressed fashionably, and I suppose she's back to her old self. I can't help but smile, though. I'm just glad she feels better. I sigh before following behind.
"There you are," Josh says as he spots me. His gaze completely passes over Emily, who is directly in his line of sight. Of course, she notices and turns around to smirk at me with an eyebrow raised. I can only shrug in response. "Now we can get started!" I bury my nose in my hoodie, Mr. Winter already biting at my face.
"What are the rules, good sir!?" Chris shouts in a terrible noble accent. He's already in the snow, using his feet to push up a pile for cover like he did when we were children. Say what you want about Chris, but when it came to snowball fights? He didn't play around.
"Why, thank you for asking, my good man!" Josh responds, his accent better but not by much. "No ice, in the snow! We don't want a single fatality on this battle field!" He paces forward as if he were a drill instructor, holding his hands behind his back and looking straight ahead. I can see Matt and Mike rush to follow Chris's lead in making their own shields. "Do try to avoid headshots!" Josh stops and turns around quickly before pacing ahead. "FINALLY!!"
"Get on with it, Josh," Sam scolds, folding her arms. I can tell she's eager to begin and her patience was running thin from being cooped up indoors.
"If you're hit above the belt, three times, you're OUT!!" He continues, ignoring Sam aside from a glance. He stops, finally standing still and facing towards those of as that hadn't already started our defenses. "Are we clear?!"
"Sir, yes sir!" I shout, saluting him. Nobody else does the same, and I feel embarrassed. Is nobody else funny or am I just that lame? Josh beams at me, and my concerns suddenly cease. My heart rate rises.
"5 MINUTES TO PREPARE!" He shouts. As the remaining group disperses, Josh hurries over to me, looking me up and down with a concerned look on his face. "Where's your coat?"
"It was stolen at the station," I mumble. "This hoodie is all I've got. It's plenty warm." He sighs and opens his mouth to say something.
"Jordan, Josh! Come here, come here, team up with me!" Chris whisper shouts. As Josh and I rush over to the now massive wall Chris had pushed up, I glance over across the other side of the yard. Matt, Jess, and Sam hurriedly make their pile. Jess is grinning from ear to ear as she tosses fluffy snow onto the top of their wall, contributing near nothing while Sam and Matt pack the snow in as tight as possible.
In another corner, Ashley, Mike, Emily and Beth do the same - minus Emily. She's crouched down with the others, but by the look on her face I can tell she's not enthused about putting her gloveless hands into the freezing snow. Finally, Hannah and Ashley practically bury themselves in the thick blanket of weather as if hiding themselves. I can't help but snicker at their fear as Mike shouts.
"WAR!!" He immediately throws a fat snowball at Matt's pile. Matt turns to look, and unluckily enough, gets hit directly in the center of his face.
"Fuck!! I thought we said no headshots!!" He goes down. Jess squeals in fear and excitement. Snowballs start flying everywhere. Josh, to my right, made snowballs and packed them as tightly and as spherical as he could, making a pyramid of ammo for Chris. I move in between Chris and Josh, hoping for both protection and a little bit of warmth.
"Load!" Chris shouts. I take a snowball from the pile of 'ammo' and place it into Chris's hands.
"Dude, where are your gloves?" I ask. He throws, and just before he can hide again he's hit in the shoulder.
"THAT'S ONE!!" Jess shouts excitedly. I peer over the snowfort to see her jumping up and down before Matt and Sam pull her down, just barely avoiding the wrath of Michael Munroe and Emily Davis.
"Shit, I can't believe Jess got a hit on me," Chris grumbles. I giggle as I hand him another snowball. He throws it again, and I hear Mike shout.
"You're sure you're not too cold?" Josh suddenly asks, holding a loose pile of snow in both of his hands. I look at him over my shoulder and I'm shocked to be met with what seemed like genuine concern.
"Yes, I'm sure," I assure. I'm lying, though. I wanted to ask him to let me use his coat again so badly, to bury myself in it's warmth and his smell. I shudder at the thought of being so affectionate towards him. He may soon be a friend, if the kindness continues on, but I didn't want to admit yet that I'd grown so fond of him and the things about him so quickly after I'd hated him so passionately. I turn back around and hand Chris another load before feeling Josh's arm press against mine, sitting shoulder to shoulder with me. He's so, so warm - and I think he knows this.
"THAT'S TWO!" I hear Jess cheer as Chris's glasses are knocked off of his face.
"Fuck!" Chris hisses, wiping the snow from his face. "Shit, that's so -" another hit to the back of the head interrupts him.
"YOU'RE OUT!!" Sam boasts. I peer over the diminishing cover to see who had retreated back into the lodge in defeat. Josh, Sam, Mike and I were the only ones left, Jess actively walking up the stairs as she'd just gotten 'out'. Ashley and Hannah had gotten bombarded almost immediately after the match had started, so I was unsurprised to see them on the porch, huddled together for warmth. Aside from that, I notice that Emily and Jess are whispering to each other, glancing at Hannah and Mike. I furrow my eyebrows before getting blasted in the shoulder.
"Holy shit!" I hiss. Mike threw hard.
"Hey, man, cool it!" Josh shouts as I lay behind the nearly completely destroyed wall of snow.
"Sorry!" Mike returned. I feel another one hit me. Josh kneels next to my dying form.
"Josh, I..." I start dramatically, grabbing at his shirt. "I can't go on..."
"No, c'mon Jordan, don't do this to me! We're gonna make it, okay? We can still win! There's two of us and one each of them!" I hear Sam groan in displeasure as Mike defeats her swiftly. "One of them!" Josh corrects himself. I laugh, and he ducks to barely avoid getting hit.
"I'll distract him, you go in for the kill," I whisper. Josh nods, and I let go of his shirt.
"Godspeed, pilgrim," he says. I roll over to my hands and knees, crawling - rather clumsily - out of the little cover I had.
"Not smart, are you Jordan?" Mike calls out, launching snow at me. I drop to the ground, barely dodging it. "Pure luck!"
"How much life you got left in you, Mike?" I shout back, getting back up and running, crouched, to the depleted cover Matt had built up. Unlike the others, who were now huddled together and speaking in whispers, Matt, Hannah, and Beth sat on the stairs and watched us, cheering. Matt looked stressed out, as well, as if his favorite team was close to losing.
"Hit me twice and you've bested me!" Mike calls. I manage to dodge another of his throws. As I bend down, I scoop up my own snowball and throw, barely bothering to aim. The weak snowball splits into multiple pieces, but the majority still hits him.
"THERE'S ONE!" Matt shouts. I nearly jump out of my boots. I've never seen Matt so energetic and passionate about anything before. "ONE MORE, ONE MORE, LET'S GO!" As Mike aims to throw at me again, he's hit in the chest by Joshua. Mike falls dramatically, sticking out his tongue and crossing his arms as he fell backwards to his death.
Instead of walking to Mike, Josh walks to me and helps me up. As I grin at him, he presses a snowball to my chest.
"You are dead, and victory is mine." He states, patting my shoulder. My jaw drops, and I can hear Matt and Mike laughing.
"You betrayed me, just like that?" I frown. Josh says nothing, opting instead to lean down by my ear so no one else could hear him.
"Let's get in the lodge and get you warm." He pats me on the shoulder again before walking past me and into the lodge. I huff, crossing my arms in annoyance. Some things never change. Once we're back inside, I glance at the clock. We'd been out there for a little over an hour and a half.
"Who wants hot chocolate?" Beth asks in a sing song voice. She motions towards the counter, where there was a line of steaming hot chocolates and a large, clear bowl of tiny marshmallows. I stay behind as the rest of the group crowds the counter. Josh stands with me.
"Have you spoken to my sisters this morning?" He asks, bumping his hip into mine.
"Some. Why?" I return the hit.
"I think they're scheming something." He hums. We continue hip-bumping back and forth.
"They are Washingtons, after all," I grin, dodging his last hit and going to the hot drinks. They smelled so, so good. I grab my cup and step back, my back bumping into Josh's chest. He grabs my hips gently to hold me steady as he puts his mouth next to my ear, just as he did moments before outside.
"I think they're trying to get us together," he surmises. "They're even looking at us right now." I glance up at the twins as Josh backs up a little. He was right. "Just watch out. We might get tied together, or something when we least expect it."
The night is an odd one.
As soon as the sun began to set, drinks were reintroduced to the group. Unlike the night before, however, everyone was sipping rather than chugging. There's an odd tension in the air. Nearly everyone had been shooting suspicious glances at one another for the entire evening, Emily and Jess being the worst. They just kept whispering. Sam was the biggest give-away that something was afoot, her expression one of guilt and confusion. Whenever I'd tried to pry, though, I was turned away until eventually the majority had sauntered off to somewhere else.
Josh, Chris, the twins and I sat in the living room together, red solo cups with our names written on them scattered across the large coffee table. On the television, commercials no one paid attention to were running. At this moment, the man on screen was attempting to sell a non stick copper pan.
Hannah and Beth sat on either side of me. Beth wore black leggings, a thin grey sweater, and her fuzzy beanie to match, while Hannah was dressed in dark jeans and a t-shirt.
"I never noticed your tattoo," I point out, poking the design on Hannah's right shoulder. "You like butterflies?" Her face grows red as she nods and smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear. I narrow my eyes at her. What kind of a response was that? Chris and Josh bantered about some video game as Hannah and Beth began to attempt a confession from me.
"Do you like him too?"
"Do you think he's cute?"
"Would you kiss him if you got the chance?"
I grow more and more frustrated with each question, tired of repeating myself. With each 'no' and 'stop asking,' the anger continued to build inside my chest. Eventually, I stand up.
"Okay, guys, that's enough. I told you no and to leave it alone." Chris and Josh stop to look at me, the twins looking embarrassed themselves.
I don't think Josh was disgusting or anything. Unfortunately, in fact, I have continued to think the opposite as we to spend more time together. But the lack of boundaries that the twins seemed to respect had pushed me to my limits, despite their seemingly good intentions. A wave of embarrassment washes over me as they stare. Hannah and Beth are smiling, still, and the embarrassment is replaced again by anger.
"I'm going to go lay down, I think," I decide, taking a deep breath. I downed the rest of my drink quickly, setting it back down onto it's coaster rather harshly. Other than Josh, the others begin to protest. Instead of asking me to stay out, have more to drink, he stared up at me like a puppy. For some reason, that was what made me want to stay the most.
That look.
"Just a nap, just a nap," I promise as I walk towards the stairs, waving my hand over my shoulder dismissively. As fun as everything had been, my social battery and tolerance for other people had been shrinking exponentially. A part of me couldn't wait to go home.
I get to my room, flopping down onto the bed and groaning, kicking the bed. I love the twins, I really do, but the lack of boundaries and acceptance of the word 'no' was concerning and uncomfortable, to say the least. I start to drift off to sleep quickly.
Josh has been kind to me. Caring, even. I replay our interactions of the weekend over and over again in my head. He'd said it was because I was friends with his sisters and his best friend, but was that really the only reason? Kindness by association? My face grows hot when I remember the couch, his hand resting on my neck, the way he looked at me, leaning in to kiss me.
I thought he had a thing for Sam.
Just as I'm about to fade out into dreams, there's a gentle, barely audible knock on the door.
"Go away." I groan, burying my face into one of the soft feather pillows. I didn't want to see anybody right now.
"It's Josh."
"...come in."
I take my face out of the pillow to watch him. The door creaks open slowly, opening just enough for Josh to slip through. He closes it behind him as if sneaking in.
"Don't worry, I think we're in the clear. My parents are asleep," I joke. He rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. "What's with the smug face?"
"You told me to go away until you knew it was me," he says. I sit up and scoot to sit on the side of the bed, Josh coming to sit next to me. He sat close, our shoulders pressed together as usual. "I think you're starting to like me, J."
"Why did you come in here?" I ask, ignoring what he said. He chuckles.
"I wanted to check on you, is all," Josh answers. "I'm sorry about the girls, they're convinced we're meant for each other now that we're not... battling." I nod slowly as if in understanding, but all I can think about is how good he smells and how warm he is.
"It's just annoying, I guess," I shrug. "My boundaries mean a lot to me, I don't like when any of them are crossed." Josh says nothing. There's a sound at the door followed by girlish giggling, and Josh stands up quickly, his eyes wide.
"They didn't..." he says, marching to the door and grabbing the handle and shaking it wildly. "Goddamn it!"
"What? What is it?" I ask, growing worried.
"They locked us in."
"They what?" I nearly shriek, standing up with him. "What kind of door locks from the outside!?"
"It's a trick we used to do when we were kids," Josh explains as he continues to shake the handle. "There are these things that let you lock a door from the outside, it's kind of hard to explain." I scoff, pressing myself against the door.
"Hannah, Beth," I start. "Chris! Let us out! Please!?"
"In a bit!" one of the twins responds. I can't tell who is speaking through the door, their voices identical as their faces.
"I am not happy, you guys," I state. We hear them walk away hurriedly, and Josh sighs. I turn to him. "What do we do?"
"I guess we wait."
"...I don't like being trapped." I murmur, barely loud enough for him to hear me. I hold myself as if I'll fall apart. Josh looks at me with an expression I can't pinpoint. Fear? Regret? I don't have any issues with being in a small room or in any room at all - as long as I can leave at any time. I sit back onto the bed.
"Is that..." Josh starts. I look up at him. His expression is embarrassed and remorseful. "Is that because of me?"
"...yeah." I admit. Josh had locked me into lockers at least once a year when I was small enough to fit inside. I would scream and cry for at least 20 minutes each time until he let me out. The teachers at that school sucked. He says nothing, turning away.
He doesn't apologize.
"That... sucks." he mumbles. My chest hurts. Is he not sorry? His expression was remorseful but I wanted so badly for him to say it, to apologize for everything he'd put me through despite our eventual reconciliation. I say nothing, though. I hesitantly accept that an apology should never be expected from him.
Josh stays silent as he sits next to me again, though this time he's not touching me.
"They'll let us out, okay?" he says, attempting to comfort me. I don't respond, choosing instead to roll over and lay onto the bed, my back turned to him. It's petty, I know. But I was so, so uncomfortable. The inability to leave the room was crushing to me. "They'll let us out." I feel the bed shift as he moves, placing a hand on my shoulder. My instinct is to shake him off, but I would be lying if I said the physical contact didn't ground me somewhat.
We don't speak for a while, just sitting in the uncomfortable silence aside from my deep breaths in an effort to calm myself.
"Is there anything I can do?" Josh asks. His hand never leaves my shoulder. I slowly start to turn to him again.
"I don't think so," I answer. The silence continues as I very slowly make my way to sit next to him again. Eventually, I'm back in place. I barely lean against him, testing the waters. His touch was comforting and grounding, and it was what I really wanted - needed - right now. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't his arm over my shoulder pulling me into him.
Josh is warm, and much more solid than I expect. It wasn't as if he was a beef cake, but his shoulders were somewhat broad, he was lean, and it felt as if he were somewhat muscular.
I try not to think about him shirtless.
"I'm sorry for... kinda freaking out," I apologize. Josh hums in acknowledgement, rubbing my shoulder slowly and gently.
"I wouldn't consider such a calm reaction 'freaking out'," he responds. I wrap my arms around his waist in a lazy hug, and I hear his strong heartbeat quicken, my eyebrows raising slightly in surprise. Was he nervous?
"Your heart beat is fast."
"Is it?" I feel his breathing slow down as if to calm himself and his heart, but the breaths are much deeper. I let go of his waist and back up to look up at him through my eyelashes. His hand moves from my shoulder to my back, and he looks back at me with a look I can only describe as desperate.
"Yeah," I murmur. Josh's eyes move quickly around my face as if looking for something, lingering on my lips for too long. The tension is incredibly thick. "Do I make you nervous?"
He slowly places both of his warm calloused hands around my face, his thumb caressing my cheek bone. His mouth hangs open slightly and his breathing continues to deepen.
"I am..." he starts again. His eyes lock with mine now. "Terrified of you." My lips part as if on instinct as he slowly leans in and tilts his head slightly. Our noses touch and he pauses. He's shaking so badly. I can't help but let out an airy chuckle. My own heartbeat was so fast I was waiting to go into cardiac arrest.
"ALRIGHT, FELLAS, YOU'RE FREE TO GO!!" Beth shouts, nearly kicking down the door. Josh and I jump, and I fall off the bed and hit the ground hard.
"Shit!" I hiss, the pain rippling through my body.
"Are you okay?" Josh asks, standing to pick me up. I can hear Beth gasping loudly.
"Shit, we should've just left you guys in here," Hannah sighs. I glare at her for a split second before scrambling for the door, nearly shoving past them. "Jordan, wait!" she calls, but I ignore her. I grab Josh's winter coat, the one he lent me previously, and go outside. Instead of staying on the balcony, I trudge down the stairs and under, sitting in the corner.
For a split second I feel like I am overreacting. But I needed to be alone and out of that room. I hated being trapped, more than anything. Not being able to escape a room, not knowing when you can get out - it's torture.
I'm able to stay grounded with the warmth and smell of Josh's coat. I can't believe I almost kissed him just moments prior, and despite my raging anxiety, I smile. Then I frown. It only then occurs to me that I wanted him to kiss me. I want him to kiss me.
I want to kiss Josh.
I bury my head in my arms and laugh.
Hey y'all, once again I'd like to thank you for your patience. This chapter is really long because it's supposed to be the last day and night before the plot of the game really kicks in, but it started getting too long. Thanks for reading, next chapter soon!
Taglist: @sc4rrc@mattymxmo @cellyx33 @jenepleurepasbaby@kalynnjonas @spinback-kiva @frankcastlesvest @barnxsromanxff @kapczan
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