#like yo this is my third test and if you have the opportunity ...there is NO EXCUSE to not test yourself!
thegothicviking · 3 years
Have tested myself for Covid again. May not get the results until tomorrow.
But I am pretty sure I am infected. If this is not Covid then it sure is some hardcore flu! Cus' OH BOY!
For the past two days I've felt as if someone has been pulling my arms from behind and pressing their foot against my upper back/in between my shoulders and also into the back of my neck. And I have not been lifting weights and I have not slept in a weird position. I know how that feels like and this ain't that sis!
Yes I have my period now, but the cramps some days ago were insane. Insane!! I was at the brink of CRYING.
AND my period was 1 week late! Even if my period has never been on time (I have POCS) it has always been only a couple of days late or has arrived a week too soon. Never a whole week too late! And I have read that as weird as it sounds; Covid-19 can have an impact on your period. Yeah...I know. Weird!
However; what people seem to forget is that Covid doesn't need to give you symptoms that involves cough/lung/your breath.
Sometimes it can be something as simple as muscle pain...headaches..feeling dizzy...feeling fatigue/exhausted...lack of apetite...loss of smell and/or loss or taste...nausea...Diarreha..stomach aches/cramps...constipation.
And sometimes there are literally
So far I have only felt exhausted and it feels like I have a fever, I am dizzy, I have a headache, nechpain, back aches (especially between my shoulders) nausea/feeling sea sick, clogged up nose (but no dripping).
My point?
Don't wait (seriously!!) Do not wait for breath/lung and fever related symptoms before getting tested for Covid 19!
Listen to your body. If something seems off and you feel sick, then something IS off and there is a freakin' pandemic going on! If you have the opportunity to get tested..
Get tested! Get tested! Get tested!
It's much better to get tested often for "no apparent reason" than risking walking around with Covid and not knowing it because "Oh. You haven't coughed or felt feverish yet..."
Covid can be a lot sneakier than you think!
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Part 1 (months 1-6)
Jin x oc
Pregnancy au
Word count: 4.5k
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I didn’t know what gif to use so here’s jin and his giant baby🥰
Jin and Hana had met during the year 2013, just before Bangtan had debuted. She had been with him through thick and thin, the highs and lows and everything in between. With Jin constantly going on tour and his military service coming closer the couple had decided to wait until after at least one was out of the picture before settling down and starting a family. Well that is until someone else came into the picture.
Month 1
For the third day in a row Hana had woken up her husband Jin as she ran to the bathroom. Without much thought Jin throws the covers off of himself and rushes to follow her. Navigating the way proved to be difficult with his blurry vision and groggy state of mind, the light in the bathroom is the only clue as to where to go.
As he enters the bathroom he is met with a view of his wife kneeling on the ground, head over the bowl letting everything out. The sight is enough to unsettle his own stomach.
Ignoring the queasiness he grabs her hair from her face and pulls it back behind her head, tucking the strands behind her ear. He grabs the elastic from his own wrist and ties it lightly around her hair.
A quiet thank you is heard in between the gagging. He sits down beside her and the toilet and lets his arm rest on her back, rubbing slow circles to comfort her in any way he can.
After a few minutes the worst of it seems to have dissipated, and she can now comfortably lift her head away. He reaches up to the handle and he once again flushes the remnants away.
“I’m sorry Jin, I didn’t mean to wake you up” she says bowing to him lightly then going down to rest her head on the seat.
“Honey, you know it doesn’t bother me!” He says holding the side of her face giving it a light squeeze. “I would do anything for the love of my life, you know that love, right?” He says smiling to her, his head mimicking the angle her head is on.
She lightly giggles and gives him a matching smile back. “I love you” she says reaching her hand out, his hand comes and grabs her giving it a tight squeeze.
“I love yo- oh no! Over the bowl honey!” He yells out as he sees her rushing to get her face over the toilet. He laughs and rubs her back while grabbing some tissues from the cupboard. He wipes her spillage up and continues comforting her as she lets more and more out, seemingly never ending.
“Don’t worry Love, Shrek always said Better out than in!” Jin says, making her laugh while she regains her composure.
Once she is finally done she hits his leg as she gets his help to stand up. “You are so annoying, you can even let me throw up in peace.” She says grabbing a plastic cup and filling it with water from the tap. After gurgling multiple times she and Jin go back to bed together.
A couple minutes go by while the couple lay facing each other in bed, their feet the only part touching. Jin speaks up asking her something that’s been on his mind, “Hana, I think you should take a test.”
She gets nervous from his statement, she knows exactly what he is saying but she just doesn’t want their very unplanned plan to be messed with. “No! no more math tests, I finished those years ago!” She yells out to him making him let out a chuckle, but she feels his stare on her face making her nod back. “Yeah, Yeah I should,” she says quietly.
“You know I love you, no matter what.” He says putting his arm around her hip pulling her an inch closer to himself.
“Yes, and you know I love you, as long as you behave right?” She says.
“Yes mom” he says, turning away from her in the bed. She laughs and starts spooning him.
Later that day Jin and Hana are sitting together on their bathroom floor holding each other’s hand tightly. The three tests they bought that morning sat on the counter, waiting for the timer to reach 3 minutes.
Hana’s eyes are trained to the floor in front of her, her mind off in another universe trying to forget the reality of the moment. Jin however keeps his eyes on his wife and every few seconds it shifts to the timer set. Each second goes by slower and slower, after what seems like ten hours the timer hits 3 minutes. Jin squeezes her hand bringing her back to their world.
“I love you no matter what, Okay Hana” he says softly trying to ease her stress.
“I love you too” she says before taking a deep breath. “I’m ready if you are” she says while standing up avoiding looking at the counter.
“Ready as I’ll ever be” he says as he slowly gets himself up from the ground. Jin leans down and gives her a kiss before grabbing her hand and pulling her to the counter.
The three tests all lay in a line, their eyes scan over all three. Each one with a positive result.
“Oh my goodness Jin!” She yells out before hiding her face into his chest, his expression turns into a happy one as he holds his wife. His arms rub her back as he feels the tears soaking his shirt. He tucks his face into her neck and gives it a kiss.
“We did it baby” he says smiling while placing more and more pecks all around her neck. “We’re having a baby” he cries out, his own tears now running down her neck.
“We gonna be parents” she says as she pulls her head out of his chest trying to meet his eyes as he lifts his head back up.
“I can’t wait for our princess to be here,” Jin says, putting his hands on her flat belly. He kneels down and kisses it, he says a quick hello to the baby before he rises and gives her a kiss.
“Mmmh I think you’re right about a baby girl” she says before returning his kiss.
2 Months
After a month of keeping the news a secret they finally decided to share it with their families. Both sets of parents were over the moon for a grandchild, especially since it was both of their youngest having kids first.
Jin’s brother cried when he heard the news, causing Jin to make fun of him and his soft heart. Though Jin's sister in law and Hana’s sister both started jumping for joy when they found out. Each of them grabbed her belly and asked to help plan the baby shower.
Now with their immediate family knowing the news they finally decided to let his Bangtan family know. Their plan was to slowly give out clues during dinner until someone figured it out.
They were all sitting in the dorm's dining room just about to start to eat, their final additions to the table was all that was left.
“I need some wine, does anyone else want any?” Jungkook asks, making his way towards the kitchen.
Jin cuts him off before he can make it there, “no alcohol Jungkook, Hana can’t have any so don’t tease her” he says putting his arm around her while looking at him from across the room.
“Since when? Didn’t she go out with us not four months ago?” Jimin asks, pouting his lip in confusion.
“Oh this started recently, it’s just for a couple months that I have to stay alcohol free, probably better for everyone” she says shrugging.
The older three eye the couple suspiciously while the younger boys start digging into their food. Jin and Hana give each other a look and let out a quiet laugh before beginning to eat.
Once everyone starts eating they start having conversations amongst themselves, their suspicions lessened as time moved on. Only Yoongi was keeping a strong eye on Hana.
He began to notice how much larger her appetite had been from the last time he saw her, not even a week ago. She was shovelling food into her mouth as pleasantly as she could manage.
Jin catches Yoongi’s eyes as he puts more food on her plate, he whispers something into her ear. From what he could read on his lips he said something along the lines of, eat up, princess needs lots to eat.
“You’re pregnant?!” Yoongi blurts out, catching everyone at the table's attention. The couple stare at him for a moment blankly, before Hana breaks into a laugh and Jin pouts.
“Pay up Jinnie, I told you he’d figure it out first” she says putting her hand out. Jin stands up and goes to his jacket and grabs his wallet. He places a ten thousand won bill into her hand. “Can’t believe you thought Jungkook would figure it out first”
“I had faith in him, I thought he’d know when his playmate was coming!” Jin says, letting out a laugh.
“Wait so you are?” Hoseok’s voice says breaking the couple's banter.
“Yep, we got a bun in the oven” Jin says smiling brightly to his brothers. All the boys excluding Jungkook got up happily and ran to give them hugs and congratulations.
After everyone got their hugs, the couple noticed Jungkook sitting in his seat with a small pout on his face.
“Jungkook, what’s wrong honey?” Hana says walking over to his chair, as she waits for his response she brushes his fingers through his hair.
“I thought I was your baby! I already share you with Jin, now I have to share you with a baby” he says crossing his arms, his face trying to contain the smile he is dying to let out.
“Oh Jungkook,” she says as she leans her head down to his ear and whispers something to him.
“Deal!” He says and then stands up and hugs her. He then rushes over to Jin and squishes him into a hug lifting him up from the ground.
Hana laughs and goes back to her seat and starts to eat again. With the baby she had begun eating double what she used to, normally this early on pregnant ladies couldn’t eat much but she on the other hand could eat a whole horse given the chance.
“Well congrats Jin, I’m very happy that you get to have this opportunity with Hana!” Namjoon says, smiling and holding onto Jin’s shoulder. “If you’d like, I can talk to management with you.” He offers being the leader he is.
“Thanks, we can talk to him together soon.” Jin says, patting his arm. “And thanks for all your guys congratulations, I can’t wait to be a dad and for all of you to be an uncle!” He says to the whole group.
3 Months
Now that Hana had reached the third month of the pregnancy, she had started her second trimester. Now there would be more appointments coming up for the couple to attend. With Jin’s busy schedule he can’t make it to all of them but luckily he could for the most exciting to date.
They could finally listen to the baby's heart beat!
Hana had just reached the start of the second trimester of her pregnancy. Her eating was the same as the first trimester although she could no longer stomach garlic (which made eating at home easier as Jin was already allergic to it).
Jin had become over the moon when he was finally able to come to an appointment with her. He had been so caught up with practicing since the tour was so close, that he didn’t have enough time. But now on a Sunday evening they got the time and went into the clinic to finally see the baby.
Hana had been offered many times during her ultrasounds to see the baby but every time she refused since she wanted Jin to see their baby for the first time at the same time.
Inside the clinic the couple were in one of the rooms along with the sonographer. Hana was laying on the hospital sized bed with her shirt pulled over her still flat belly. The sonographer had the jelly already smoothed out on her stomach; the cold feeling had worn off after the second time.
Jin was eagerly waiting on the bedside with his hand holding hers tightly. His eyes stay locked onto his wife’s figure, never leaving her body, not even when the sonographer talks to them about her habits and feelings.
“I have a feeling you don’t really want to talk to me today” the sonographer says, letting out a laugh as she looks at Jin, only now catching his attention. “Would you like to see your baby?” She asks.
Jin's eyes light up as he looks quickly down to his wife seeing the same light in her eyes. “Yes please!” He says to her while still looking at Hana, he gives her a squeeze on the hand and lifts it up and places a kiss on her knuckles.
The sonographer smiles fondly at the couple as she starts setting the screen up for them to see the baby. She breaks the moment as she places the device back onto her stomach moving it to the right spot, before turning the screen fully for them to see.
“Jin and Hana meet baby Kim” she says as she holds it in place.
“That’s our princess right there Honey!” Jin let’s out, most of it coming out as a soft cry. His eyes have tears threatening to come out.
“There she is,” he whispers as he lowers himself to the bed, his elbows leaning against the bed. He scoops their intertwined hands up with his other one, the ball of hands serve as a hiding place for his face. He lets his tears out into his hands, occasionally kissing any part of her hand he can find.
Hana admires the picture for longer, the blob in a baby shape brings a smile to her face. Tears slowly leave her eyes in happiness, not only from the baby but seeing his reaction.
She knew he had wanted a baby for so long, months into their relationship he had mentioned how much he wanted kids. Unfortunately with his work he didn’t have the time, or the privacy to live out the dream the way he wanted. But he wouldn’t change this experience for the world, he was so happy with everything they had right now.
4 Months
“Jin!” Hana's voice yells out from the kitchen. Since it’s still early in the pregnancy he knows it shouldn’t be something major, as long as it isn’t one of her mood swings that always seem to come when she’s hungry.
“I’m coming Hana!” He yells back as he starts going down the stairs to her voice.
“Well hurry up!” She shouts out sounding a little too grouchy for his liking. His slow walk turns into a jog not wanting to be on her bad side.
“I’m here love, I’m here” he says slightly out of breath as he enters the kitchen. “What is the matter?” He asks, eyeing her figure that is staring into the fridge.
“Where are the pickles?” She whines out turning around to give him a view at her upset face.
Jin walks forward to the fridge to grab the giant jar he bought two days ago for her, “there is a giant jar in there Hana!” He says while searching around the fridge for it. “Where are they?” He whispers out.
“I ate the jar already, now they're all gone.” She says frowning to him, tears spilling from her eyes.
Jin leaps up and brings her into a hug. “Honey it’s okay we can get more pickles!” He whispers into her ear like a sweet nothing, “it’s okay”
“Can we go shopping right now?” She asks while crying into his shoulder.
“Yes we can baby!” He says happily trying to cheer her up.
After a much longer than anticipated shopping trip, Hana has her pickles (enough to last a month at the rate she is going) along with a large tub of ice cream and many many different types of chocolate snacks.
Obviously shopping with a hungry pregnant lady is not the best thing to partake in. But as long as she was content and healthy Jin couldn’t help but be happy.
Jin carries the bags of pickles and chocolate from the trunk of the car into the house. Hana opted to only bring in the ice cream and one singular jar of pickles.
Jin sees Hana already opening the ice cream container as he walks into the kitchen. He laughs seeing the jar of pickles open with a few pickles cut up.
With the pregnancy she seemed to gain some super human abilities of being able to make food at lightning speed. She also was now able to pickle jars with no issues.
She also gained some odd cravings during the pregnancy. The most recent one was pickles and ice cream, but mainly pickles and Strawberry ice cream with chocolate sauce drenched on top.
“Having your usual lunch?” He asks continuing to stuff the pickles into the already filled fridge.
“Mmhmmm” she hums to him, her bowl nearly overflowing with all her ice cream. “Want to try some?” She asks him while reaching around him to get to her chocolate sauce that is in the fridge.
“Are you willing to sacrifice me ice cream and pickles?” He asks skeptically.
“As long as you make sure the fridge is always stocked up then you can have it all the time” she says grabbing another bowl out of the cupboard.
Jin sighs he wasn’t actually planning on trying any since she had never let him even have one singular pickle in the past week. He watches as she prepares him a big helping of ice cream (tiny compared to hers) and places a full pickle worth of slices into the bowl.
She grabs the bowls and brings them to the dining table, Jin follows behind shortly after with the chocolate sauce in hand.
“Eat up hun” she says smiling at him.
“Thanks honey” he says while grabbing his spoon and hesitantly scooping up some of the ice cream, a pickle on top in its glory. His stomach grumbles at the sight, but unlike Hana it is not because he can’t wait to devour it.
“Wait Jinnie! You forgot chocolate sauce” she yells while tipping the sauce over top of his spoon. It lathers the spoonful and covers what was seen before, almost making it easier to get, almost. He waits as she covers the rest of the bowl in the sauce before he even attempts eating it.
He brings the spoon to just outside his mouth, he pauses watching her chomp down on her giant spoonful. Her cheeks flush seeing him watching her as intently as he is.
“Don’t look at me like that, eat it” she says while covering her nearly full mouth.
“I didn’t actually want any,” he says, his ears turning red.
“I know!” She laughs out, “but I thought you might as well have some now, cause if you don’t eat it all I will have it” she smiles at him.
“Have it” he quickly says, pushing his bowl over to her.
“You have to eat the spoonful though” she says seriously.
“Woah calm down, I’ll have it mom” he says raising one arm up over his head and the other up to his mouth.
“Okay let’s see it baby!” She says enthusiastically, making him roll his eyes. “Hey, no attitude! Eat your food now!” She says semi sternly.
He sighs and slowly brings it up to his mouth, he closes his eyes and opens his mouth. His hand waits for a second before her hand starts pushing it faster to his mouth, only a second later the spoonful is fully in his mouth.
One second is all it took to taste the awful mixture.
He gets up and runs off down the hall, Hana can hear his gagging but stays planted in her seat.
“That’s what you get for trying to tease me for my cravings” she mumbles, “more for me” she shrugs and starts eating again.
5 Months
Early Saturday morning Hana was wide awake getting changed into some nice clothes to attend their family gathering later that night. As she was about to button up her blouse she caught sight of herself in the mirror.
Her eyes widened seeing her body, she slid the blouse of her arms and set it down on the bed. She went closer to the mirror to get a better look at her now visible baby bump.
She looks into it sideways to see the curve that her stomach takes. It was hardly noticeable but when looking for the bump it was clear as day.
Their little (possible) princess was now big enough for her to be found, this thought made Hana so happy and emotional. She smiles with teary eyes at her reflection.
Unknown to Hana, Jin is awake and gazing with so much love at her and the baby. He quietly gets out of bed and walks up to her.
As he reaches behind her she can see him in the mirror, she turns her head to him but stays standing the way she was before.
Jin pecks her lightly on the lips and then back hugs her, his head sits on top of her head. His hands cup the very small bump, both of them smile seeing how small “she” still is.
“Jin?” She asks, looking him in his eyes through the mirror. He hums back not wanting to divert his attention from the bump. “This feels like a picture moment,” she says.
He doesn’t respond but when he leaves the room it tells her yes, he is going to get the camera he got years ago that he has been using to document their life together.
After a few minutes he comes back with the camera and a Polaroid camera. She smiles at him knowing he wants the picture for his wallet, currently he has a photo of them on their wedding day, some dates and the ultrasound picture inside.
No words are spoken as the two set up the cameras, neither of them thought through the idea of how to make it look good with the cameras inside the picture.
After many failed attempts filled with bad angles, awkward faces, wrong timing, and horrible camera placement they finally get a few that they can live with.
Jin’s Polaroid caught his favourite picture, Hana didn’t know he was taking the picture so it is just of her cooing at her bump in the mirror.
6 Months
Hana quietly opens the door to the rehearsal room where the boys of bts are practicing for a performance. Jin refused to leave her alone at home after she had been complaining of a headache that morning.
So he brought her into work and took her to the lounge and let her lay down and told her to come see him when she felt better or if she needed anything.
Hana finds a spot along the mirror to sit down and lean against it. Once finding a comfortable way to sit with her now (much bigger) visible bump she watches the boys start practicing ON.
She smiles seeing Jin dancing and lip synching his parts. Half the smile is from seeing him doing what he has grown to love and the other half is the proud feeling of seeing him grow into a great man, and soon to be dad.
While watching them she feels a soft tap on her stomach. Her head whips down to look at her belly, her hands that were already sitting there are now shaking. After a few seconds she feels another little tap close to the same spot. Her shocked expression morphs into a happy face.
She slowly gets up off the ground so she can get Jin. Normally she would never interrupt their training but right now she was too happy to let anything stop her.
“Jin!” She yells out her voice filled with joy. All the boys stop and look over in confusion, but Jin rushes over to her once seeing her very happy expression.
“What is it love?” He asks laying his hand over her hand that rests on her belly. She says nothing as she moves his hand onto the spot where the baby had been kicking.
She looks into his eyes as she feels another one, his face lights up with happiness. His eyes grow wide and look teary knowing the baby is healthy and moving around.
He looks up and pulls her into a tight hug, but not too tight not wanting to crush both of them. He leaves a bunch of kisses over top of her forehead and hair, his excitement very obvious for everyone in the room to see.
All the boys are watching from afar at the couple with a heartwarming feeling seeing their oldest member living out one of all of their life dreams.
Jin let’s go of her slightly and moves one hand from her back to on top of her bump. He chuckles when another kick happens as soon as he touches it.
“She loves me more!” He says sticking his tongue out at her teasingly.
“She spends more time with me so who does she really love more?” She says sticking her tongue out at him mockingly.
“I don’t force her to hang out with me unlike you” he says accusingly.
“I do not!” She says exaggerating her pout. He laughs and pulls her back into a hug. They stay holding each other for a moment until she becomes an emotional wreck for a moment when thinking about the timing.
Jin stands confused while hugging her, his wet spot on his shirt keeps growing making him worried. “Hana what’s wrong?” He asks softly not wanting to set her emotions off again.
She turns her head to the side and puts her head over his heart listening to the beating to calm herself down.
“Princess must have heard the music and wanted to dance like her daddy” Hana says to him in a sad voice making him laugh at her for getting emotional over that. “Don’t make fun of me” she whines which succeeds at making him laugh even harder. This causes him to get a smack on the chest which only hardens his laugh.
Permanent Tag list:
@jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @softbobamilktae
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anotherhamiltonblog · 4 years
Unwritten Destiny pt 1
Unwritten Destiny part 1 a Daveed Diggs x OFC fic (partly Rafael Casal x OFC)
Rose Soo faceclaim is Christian Serratos(Rosita from TWD)
Warnings: Flirtation? Cursing? Embarrassment. Some fluff? Pregnancy. Some social media in there. Talk of Cheating... that’s it i think. ALSO ITS NOT PROOF READ.
Word Count: 2.5k(maybe a little more. i forgot now)
Forever Tag: @i-know-i-can​
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The first time Rose ever spoke with Daveed, it was back in 2015, she was trying to call her cousin. Yet a male answered the call. Not that Rose even noticed, she went straight into a rant about her delayed flight. Her asshole boyfriend who refused to travel with her and how she was starving. 
Of course, after finding out that it was a man named Daveed listening to her rant. Rose listened to him explain that Pip had left her phone at his place after their cast dinner. It was past midnight and Rose was waiting for late flight from L.A to NYC to spend time to her cousin.
The two happily chatted, going on random things. Like the Hamilton show and how much Daveed was really enjoying his part in it. Daveed kindly talked to her until she had to board her plane.
The second time was when her cousin Phillipa was dragging Rose to a after party after the show. Rose had been fighting with her boyfriend over the phone a few minutes before they had arrived. To say her mood had turned sour was an understatement. She was on break from filming The Walking Dead and just wanted to spend time with her cousin. He didn’t want to join her, his loss. So, as she stood around, a cup in her hand, Rose couldn’t help but roll her eyes and judge the party. Not that meant to do so, she was just in a foul mood.
“Hey! Pip’s cousin!” a voice called out, Rose looking over and raised an eyebrow. “Daveed… we once talked for over an hour on the phone?”
At that she laughed and held out a hand. “Ah, a face to the voice… I’m Rose, or Rosie.” She introduced herself.
“Well it’s nice to finally meet you.” He winked and looked around. “Enjoying the party?”
At the question, Rose pulled a face. “I mean, it’s ok. Feels a little… high school scene.” She admitted. “The red solo cups, tacky music…” she shrugged and looked around. “At least everyone’s having a good time!” She added with a laugh.
“DIGGS!” A voice yelled out from Daveed’s other side. “Dude… where is the food? Also… I might have broken a vase. BUT I cleaned up the mess!”
Rose’s face paled and her jaw dropped. “Wait… it’s your party?” she asked turning to the two men. Cursing under her breath when Daveed nodded, Rose tipped back the drink in her cup before excusing herself.
She could not believe she just bad mouthed the party to the fucking host. God this was not her night.
By the third time they were talking, after countless teasing from Daveed at the ‘boring’ dinner and ‘horrible’ music the restaurant was playing. Rose ignored him, while the rest of the Hamilton cast were laughing and having a jolly good time.
“Yo, where you going?” Rafael asked when Rose stood up.
She just gave him a pointed look and held up her phone, showing a call was coming through. Turning, making sure she had her ringing phone, Rose walked away from the table.
Standing outside of the restaurant, talking to her boyfriend, more arguing then having a conversation. Rose talked, expressing herself and moving her hand around as they fought.
“Trouble in paradise…” Daveed commented, everyone really trying to ignore the girl outside, not that it was easy. They were seating next to the windows, which gave them perfect view of Rose.
“Not that it’s anyone’s concern… her boyfriend is an asshole who didn’t want her to come visit.” Phillipa glanced at everyone and went back to talk with Jasmine.
When the girl came back to the table, her eyed, red and slightly puffy from crying. She picked up her purse and put down money. “I gotta go… I’m sorry.”
With that, she didn’t wait for anyone to stop her. She turned and rushed out.
Being busy with the show, comic con and interviews. Rose was finally getting time off. The year was 2016 when the two ran into each other. The two being in Miami, while one was on a break, the other was simply just on her day off from Comic Con and photoshoots.
Walking the beach, wearing a one-piece black bathing suit that showed off all of her back. Rose was enjoying her time away from her cast mates. She loved everyone she worked with, yet these little moments when she could just breath and he herself. It was what she preferred.
“Rose?” a strange, yet very familiar voice called out. Causing the dark-haired girl to turn and be shocked to see Daveed standing there.
In just swim trunks.
“Hey! What brings you here to Miami?” she asked, a small smile on her face.
“My group is doing some shows here…” he chuckled. “I’m just enjoying the sun and almost deserted beach.”
Nodding, Rose looked around before facing the ocean. “It is nice when almost no one is around, huh?”
“What are you doing here?”
Turning back to face the man, Rose chuckled. “Uh, work… This is my day off. Tomorrow I’m back at comic con and interviews about the new upcoming season.” She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Oh true… I’ve been watching that. The ending of season six… that was fucked up.” Daveed grinned and raised an eyebrow, nudging Rose softly. “Come on… give up some spoilers?”
Laughing and nudging him back, Rose shook her head. “No can do.” She laughed, the two giving the other a small smile.
Spending the rest of the day together, Rose snapping photos for Daveed to post. Only for him to do the same for her, he snapped various photos, some without her knowing.
Rose had a good day; she had planned on spending it alone. To clear her head from her idiot ex, yet by nightfall, as she got back to her hotel room, after having dinner with Daveed. Rose realized she didn’t think about Mark once the whole time she was out.
Grabbing her phone, she found Daveed’s number and clicked on it to send a message.
Rosie: ‘Thanks for today. I hope you have a great show. I’ll have to try and make it to one of your shows before leaving!’ D. Diggs: ‘Tell me which night your free and I’ll arrange it for you!’ Rosie: ‘Will you also arrange the menu, the venue, the seating?’
Giggling at her little Thomas Jefferson jab, she started to take off her makeup waiting for a reply. When her phone dinged. She picked it up and giggled.
D. Diggs: ‘You think you cute or something?’ Rosie: ‘Oh, I think I’m adorable! 😉’
When she didn’t hear back from him, she went and got ready for bed after posting a photo pn twitter.
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Her phone going off hours later with a new text, yet Rose was already fast asleep.
She was sad when the opportunity to go see Daveed with his group never came. Though she tried to get a night off. She wasn’t able too. Something Daveed luckily understood. Not that either party were particularly happy with it.
Rosie: ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it to your show… ☹’ D. Diggs: ‘I understand. You’re a busy gal.’
Getting on the plane with her castmates, Rose sighed and fixed herself on the seat and fell asleep.
2017. A year in which Rose didn’t see anyone other than her castmates and boyfriend. Going as far as changing her number to stop all the fighting she was having with Mark. He hated that she was texting Daveed. So, she did everything to not talk to him anymore. No matter how much she missed the man.
By the end of 2017, things were going so horrible that Rose couldn’t take it anymore. She was in the middle of packing her bags while Phillipa was waiting in the living room for her.
“I can’t believe you would do this!” she yelled at Mark, fed up with all the lying and cheating. “After everything I did for you. Fuck. You!” she snapped, pulling on her coat and grabbing the four bags she had packed.
“I’ll be sending someone to get the rest of my stuff. You touch one thing that’s mine. I won’t hesitate in going to the cops and charging you with the abuse you put me through.” She hissed, raising an eyebrow at Marks scoff.
“No one will believe a bitch like you.”
Grinning, she nodded slowly. “I have proof. Pictures, videos and voice recordings.” She said calmly, “So don’t fucking test me.”
With that said, she turned and stormed out of the room and went downstairs. Her cousin helped her with grabbing two bags, and they left the house.
Being at the Premiere of Blindspotting, Rose was excited. When Rafael messaged her on Twitter and asked her to be his ‘date’ seeing as he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and didn’t want to go alone. Deciding to go for it, Rose was more than happy to dress up and be one of the first people to see the movie.
At the Premiere, she was on Rafael’s arm, the two talking and having a good time. When they bumped into Daveed, Rose still smiled. Despite the little green monster on her shoulder when she saw him with the gorgeous Emmy Raver-Lampman. The four talked, she allowed them to take pictures with the cast of the movie, even getting pulled into some photos thanks to Rafael.
By the end of the night, both Jasmine and Rose were ready for the after party.
At the party, the girls were dancing, drinking and laughing together. Jasmine telling Rose about how Daveed and Emmy met back during the Hamilton days and they started dating a few days back.
Rose told Jasmine about her ex, the cheating and beatings. The end and how Phillipa went to help her leave. Then the random message Rafael sent to invite her and how the two hit it off. Just as friends,
Not that the night ended like that, after lots of alcohol and light touches, Rose and Rafael ended up sharing a hotel room and bed that night.
The next morning, neither really minded what happened, deciding to keep it up simply for pleasure. Seeing as neither one of them were in a relationship.
There were times, Rose would go visit man, go on tour with him and Daveed, whenever she wasn’t filming. He would come to Georgia to visit her as well. The two hitting it off pretty well. When they decided to end things, around the time Daveed and his girlfriend Emmy split. Magazines always making things up about the two friends, everyone wanting to know if they were dating, or what was going on.
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Rose found herself living in New York. 2019 was starting to look a lot better than she expected, only problem… Rose was pregnant, and Rafael was now dating some pretty model. He knew, of course he knew. So did his girlfriend. They all decided that Rose would keep the baby and split visitations.
The situation was a weird one, not that Rose cared, she was happy, Rafa was happy. Everyone was happy.
On an afternoon walk, she was surprised when she bumped into Rafael, who was waiting for Daveed. Jokingly posting a photo of Rafael on her Instagram, tagging Daveed. The two waited around for the other male. Just walking around and laughing. Rafael buying her a New York pretzel as they waited.
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By the time Daveed joined them, the guys kept making her stop to take pictures of them every now and again. Rose rolling her eyes and smile each time.
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“Come on… Phillipa is waiting for us to have a late lunch!” Rose linked her arm with the two males, and they headed to the cute deli.
Sitting down, Rose asked for an iced tea and a smoked ham deli sandwich with a side of tator tots. Everyone at the table being quiet and just sitting around after the orders were placed.
“So… we gonna talk about the elephant in the room?” Daveed asked, glancing around his friends at the table.
“I think I’m gonna call him Dumbo, Jim and Henry…” Rose said, looking behind Daveed, who turned and saw mini statues of elephants on a shelf.
Thankfully that broke the ice and they fell into comfortable talk, mostly about work. When the food came, Rose scrunched up her face when the smell of smoked ham hit her. Covering her mouth, she excused herself and rushed off to the bathroom.
Rafael on her heels, along with Phillipa who went into the bathroom with her.
Daveed’s POV:
Watching Rafael come back, Daveed raised an eyebrow. “She ok?” He asked, obviously worried.
“Hmm?” Rafa raised an eyebrow and lifted his head once he sat down. “Oh… shit man. I didn’t even.” But he trailed off. “Remember how we were kind of seeing each other and broke off a month back cause I met Adrienne?” he looked up at his best friend and slouched back in his seat. “She’s pregnant. I mean, we don’t want to terminate the pregnancy. Adrienne is ok with it, understands that Rose and I were never in love… simply physical between us.”
Daveed rubbed his forehead. “Well… there goes my chance with her.” He mumbled and
Rafael furrowed his eyebrows and leaned forward. “What do you mean?” he asked his best friend. “You’ve been with Emmy… That’s why I asked her out man.” He kept his voice down so those around wouldn’t hear.
“Yeah, I know. Why do you think we didn’t work out. She’s a great girl. Talented… but she’s not Rose. I was waiting for y’all to end so I could ask her out.”
“Well, you still can… I mean, if you don’t mind her being pregnant or anything. Won’t be like it’s some strangers kid or anything.” Rafa suggested with a smirk. “She’s a great gal ya know.”
Daveed just sighed and shut up when the girls returned.
“Hey, I asked them to switch your sandwich. Hopefully Roast Beef will be better for you.” Daveed grinned at Rose, noticing the slight blush on her cheeks.
“Aw, thanks Diggs.” She smiled and kissed his cheek before sitting back down. “Don’t worry… I washed my mouth with mouth wash I carry around.” She added making Daveed chuckle.
After everyone ate, Phillipa went to the theater her show was at, Rafa left to head back to the apartment he was sharing with his girlfriend while they are in New York,
Daveed looked at Rose and smiled. “Want to go grab some ice cream?” he asked and offered his arm to the girl, she grinned and nodded, agreeing to go with him.
The rest of the day went nicely, with both Rose and Daveed walking around New York, acting as if they were tourists visiting the city for the first time.
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AN: That’s the first chapter. It’s long. the fic itself will only be around 5-6 parts.
Hope you all enjoyed this!
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actress4him · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 30
I tried another new style for this one. It's not one that I would want to use for a fic any longer than this one, but it was interesting to do and I thought it worked pretty well for this. It certainly allowed me to include a longer span of time without writing a forever long fic. Nothing at all is graphic in this, but you should still check the warnings because there's a lot packed in.
Also, you don't even know how close I came to leaving it on Day 31. But I decided to be nice. You may thank me in the comments.
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Day 30 (No. 31) - Experiment
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: dehumanization, all of the following is referenced, not shown - human experimentation, muzzles, mild blood, needles, teeth pulling, respiratory distress, seizures, burns, broken bones, electrocution, surgery
“New specimen, coded KK5738. Male, approximately twenty-one years old. Mother is full-blood Galra, father was full-blood human. The subject takes on the appearance of an Asian male - white skin, black hair, eyes...vary from grey to violet, depending on lighting. Height is approximately five foot eight inches, weight approximately one-hundred-forty pounds.
“We will begin with a general examination.”
“You can’t do this! You will not get away with this! You people are sick! You’re all going t-nngh hnnghaah!”
“Subject KK5738 continually exhibits aggressive behavior, despite its restraints, including shouting and attempts to bite myself and my assistants. Measures are being taken to prevent this from happening any further.”
“X-rays show that most of the subject’s internal organs are the same as a full-blood human. However, there appear to be two or more extra organs of unknown function, adjacent to the liver and intestines. Further examination is needed. Exploratory surgery has already been scheduled for next month.”
“The subject possesses the most fascinating blood I have ever seen. Results from the first sample have come in, which are detailed in Report 659. Today I will be taking several more samples for further testing.
“I will also be taking skin and hair samples. The skin sample will come from the inner right arm.”
“I don’t know how you think you’re going to get away with this. I am a U.S. citizen. I am the leader of Voltron! Yo- hhha.”
“Subject KK5738 still shows defiance whenever given the opportunity to speak, though it seems to have weakened since the first day. This is probably due to the amount of time it has spent immobile.
“Currently its typical mouth guard has been changed out for a surgical gag so that we may extract teeth without being bitten. We will also be testing its jaw strength.”
“That was the last injection.”
“Thank you. As will be detailed in Report...ah, 668, Subject KK5738 has now received the first twelve of the substance injections that we plan to test. Substances one, four, and seven caused no noticeable reaction. Substances...two, three, eight, and ten caused mild external reactions, as detailed in the report. Substances five and nine’s reactions were internal, monitored via MRI. Number nine we did have to administer an antidote to prevent further damage. Substance eleven caused the subject to vomit extensively. Substance number six had the most dramatic reaction, garnering the use of an epipen, and it appears that substance twelve will be similar. I’m seeing signs of respiratory distress already, and -”
“He’s seizing.”
“Alright, go ahead and give it. So the subject showed the most sensitivity to substances six and twelve. Specific symptoms will be listed in Report 668.”
“Daily monitoring of the various wounds created on Subject KK5738’s thighs. The superficial cut through the first layer of skin has nearly disappeared. The one millimeter deep cut has completely scabbed. The five millimeter cut has finished sealing up, but has not yet started forming a scab. The two centimeter cut is still open, with no visible change. 
“The first degree burn is still peeling slightly, but the redness is no longer noticeable. The second degree burn is possibly slightly less red than yesterday, but the blisters have not changed. The third degree burn shows no visible signs of healing.
“Once everything is fully healed, tests will be performed to ascertain the damage to nerve and muscle in these areas. Unfortunately, it does not appear at this time that the subject has any accelerated healing abilities that could be useful for advancing our technology.”
“Subject KK5738’s oxygen deprivation test showed that it can last thirty seconds longer than the average human male before losing consciousness. Further tests will have to be performed to determine why.”
“We have just concluded our breakage tests for Subject KK5738’s bones. This included a finger, rib, radius, and femur. The exact pressure needed for each bone will be recorded in Report 682. Bones will be reset, and healing will be monitored.”
“So far the subject has responded well to the nutrient drip that it has been on since the beginning. Starting today we will be removing one of the nutrients...ah...protein, so that we can study the long-term effects. In a human, we would see swelling of the abdomen and extremities, as well as muscle weakness, brittle hair, and ridges in the fingernails. Maybe one day I’ll be able to run these same tests on a full-blood Galra for comparison. For now, we’ll have to see what this hybrid can tell us.”
“The subject seems to have calmed, or perhaps weakened, to the point where the mouth guard is no longer necessary. We will, of course, keep it on standby in case this changes, or we require something to muffle its screams.”
“Please...please stop...I don’t...I don’t want it.”
“We are applying electrode pads to key points on the subject’s body so that we can proceed with our electric shock test.”
“Please, I just...I wanna go home.”
“Today we are monitori-...A-admiral! Sir!”
“At ease, Doctor.”
“What a pleasant surprise! To what do we owe the honor?”
“The hybrid specimen, of course. You’ve had it for a month now, and I’ve been keeping up with your reports religiously. I decided it was high time I come see it for myself.”
“Of course, of course. Well, here it is. Quite the specimen, is it not?”
“Well, it’s like you said...pretty much looks like an Asian kid.”
“True. But as I’m sure you’ve seen in my reports, there is so much that is un-human about it. I honestly can’t believe it got away with passing for human for as long as it did.”
“I...am human. And you...you people are monsters.”
“Hm. I see you’re letting it talk.”
“Yes, sir. It seemed unwise to keep the mouth guard on it for such an extended period of time if it could be helped. I’ve been tempted to put it back on, to be sure, but I imagine that after a while of seeing that talking doesn’t get it anything, it will stop.”
“You’re just as bad as the Empire...you know that? You can’t...keep me here forever. Someone will find me.”
“And just who is it that you think is even looking for you, hm?”
“Admiral, sir, I -”
“No no, don’t worry. I think this could help you with your little talking problem. Lieutenant, pull up the article for me.”
“Voltron is looking for me. My team...they’ll find me.”
“Your team thinks you’re dead. The whole world thinks you’re dead. Here, see this? ‘Black Paladin Killed in Crash to Earth’. This article is from a month ago. No one is looking for you because you didn’t make it to the hospital alive. Your Galra mother identified your body. You were cremated. Your funeral was two weeks ago. It was quite the touching ceremony, you should have seen it.”
“It appears you have sent KK5738 into shock.”
“Maybe it won’t be quite so talkative anymore.”
“I must admit I have been looking forward to this day since first setting eyes on Subject KK5738’s X-rays. Currently we are prepping the subject for surgery by cleaning the torso where the incisions will be made. I’ll be starting with a Y-incis-...pardon me. What is going on out there?”
“Everybody step back! Hands up where we can see them!”
“What in the -...who are you, and what do you think you’re doing in here? This is a high level security facility -”
“I am Commander Takashi Shirogane, and these are the Paladins of Voltron. Now drop the scalpel and step back away from our friend.”
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mr-entj · 4 years
Hello Mr. Entj! I hope you’re well. I have a request, can I please ask about your LinkedIn profile? Please don’t worry I won’t send you a request or share it with anyone. I want to check your experiences and how you wrote about them. I’m truly inspired by you and I feel like you’ve opened my eyes for certain matters and motivated me even though I have been suffering from depression for years now so it’s hard for me to always put my head up and feel hopeful! Thank you for everything :)
I’m well, thank you, and I’m glad to hear you’re finding motivation despite still battling depression. Never stop fighting.
To your question, I don’t publicly post personal identifiable information on Tumblr, but I’ll share how my LinkedIn profile is set up by highlighting the 4 main sections every LinkedIn profile should have and provide concrete examples to help illustrate my point.
LinkedIn 101: Building your profile
1. About
What goes in this section:
A 1-3 paragraph professional summary. Use short and concise sentences with bullet points to highlight your professional background, don’t hit people with an autobiographical length wall of text with personal details.
This section includes: who you are, your work experience, what you’re good at, what you can do for potential employers, and what you’re looking for in your next position if you’re job hunting. Add skills, specialties, areas of expertise, etc.
If job hunting, tailor this section to your target role (the role that you want) and not your current role (the role that you have).
What doesn’t go in this section:
Referring to yourself in a cringey third-person voice (ex: ”Jane is a graphic designer. She has a degree from American University.”). You don’t have multiple personality disorder, and even if you did, tell whichever personality writing your LinkedIn profile not to do this.
Personal details (ex: ”I have 2 kids and a rottweiler named Ben”). I’m sure Ben is adorable, but LinkedIn isn’t the place for that.
Political preferences and views (ex: ”Trump is an asshole!”). This will hurt instead of help your chances of finding a job, not necessarily because people disagree with your political views (they may actually agree with you), but because it shows poor judgment in publicly posting something like that in the first place.
I am a Junior Partner at McKinsey & Company with 10+ years of experience delivering strategy and operations engagements to Fortune 500 health care and life science clients in the United States and European market. I help executives identify growth opportunities and unlock operational potential through digital innovation.
My passion is in creating systems and innovative processes to deliver high quality and affordable health care services to the vulnerable and underserved populations.
My areas of expertise include:
Digital strategy
Organizational change
Process improvement
Performance improvement
Systems implementation
In my spare time, I sit on the Board of Women in Tech where I champion initiatives to mentor and grow the next generation of female leaders. I graduated from Yale University with a Master of Business Administration and the University of California-Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Science in Business-Economics.
2. Experience
What goes in this section:
All the companies you’ve worked for that are relevant to your current career. Add a few sentences describing the specific teams you’ve worked on and what they do because outsiders wouldn't have any idea.
Your exact titles. Don’t lie or embellish this. Recruiters searching for talent will reach out under the impression you hold the titles you’ve listed because they signal years of experience. It’ll also be reflected in the background check.
If you have less than 2 years of work experience, add:
Internships and university experience. Highlight what projects you worked on, what they accomplished, and what your role was. Be sure to define acronyms before using them.
What doesn’t go in this section:
Resume-style bullet points of your tasks and/or achievements. A LinkedIn profile is not a digital resume, don’t treat it as such. Resumes are submitted to websites and/or recruiters and should be customized for the target role. If you list all your tasks and/or achievements on a LinkedIn profile, you become locked into one type of professional profile and won’t be able to tailor your narrative for specific roles. A resume is a separate document.
Jobs that have no relevance to your target career. Don’t add the summer job at Jane’s Frozen Yogurt Shop if you’re searching for UX designer opportunities in tech unless you actually did UX design work for Jane’s Frozen Yogurt Shop. Only add experience that’s relevant.
Client information. Don’t publicly name clients without permission, ever.
McKinsey & Company - Junior Partner (January 2019 - Present)
McKinsey & Company is an international management consulting firm with more than fifty offices in twenty-five countries. One of the five largest consulting services in the United States, it specializes in problem solving and program implementation, primarily for corporate clients.
Member of the Digital Innovation team leading health care and life sciences clients in systems implementation and optimization initiatives.
Tumblr - Senior Product Manager (January 2017 - January 2019)
Tumblr is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007. As of August 12, 2019, Tumblr hosts over 475 million blogs and has over 500 million monthly visitors.
Member of the UX Product team responsible for building and launching new features on the platform such as chat, video uploads, and interface updates.
3. Education
What goes in this section:
The schools you’ve attended. Add undergraduate and graduate schools only, don’t add community college or high school unless they’re your highest levels of education.
Your degree and major. Self-explanatory.
If you have less than 2 years of work experience, add:
Latin honors (ex: summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude)
Clubs (ex: Sororities, fraternities)
Awards (ex: Dean’s List)
Scholarships (Ex. Fullbright Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship)
What doesn’t go in this section:
GPA. No one cares.
Test scores (ex: SAT, LSAT, GMAT). No one cares.
Certificates from MOOCs. Put them in the Licenses and Certifications section.
4. Skills & Endorsements
What goes in this section:
Your professional skills (ex: Data analysis, project management, financial modeling, graphic design, UX design, research design, SQL, C++, etc.).
Look up people with the role you want and copy their skills as a good start. Skills are one thing used by recruiters to search for candidates.
What doesn’t go in this section:
Your personal skills or hobbies (ex: Cooking, juggling, yo-yo-ing). It’s LinkedIn, not eHarmony.
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 22 It’s About Time
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It’s about time something is 1 part.
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“Where is Bulgaria?” Ah, i see. Interesting.
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How long he had that bird?
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And there goes the bird.
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“I call you forth! Argante”
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“Lady Pale”
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“Baba Yaga”
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“Eldritch Queen” Remember these names. Cause Jim won’t.
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“I come to trade”
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“Gunmar’s war for the surface lands has ravaged my village”
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“I need the power to protect my people”
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“You seek magic, but what do you bring in return?”
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“Here, my offering”
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”Carved from my own living stone” If this was a human he offer his liver.
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“You will seek Merlin’s champions”
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“and bring death to his Trollhunters!”
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You know what they say: “Magic comes with a price”
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“What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?”
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“I’ve got it! Nacho cheese”
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“And it’s “Nacho” day, either”
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*Sighs in Troll*
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“I said”
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You guys are a bit late.
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“I miss the simpler days of hunting gnomes” Ah, good old first half of season 1 days. Good times.
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“The Mega Trinidad Scorpion Burrito with spicy sour cream and pastrami” Well i love spicy food. So i have to be the judge of that (What i mean is at times my family would say something is spicy and when i try it i say it’s not. I’m so use to spicy things that it’s rare for them to burn my tongue. If that burrito is as spicy as Toby says it is, i’ll be the judge)
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“Not again!” They really need to stop feeding him
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“The Kairosect enables its bearer to step outside of time”
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“Affording the opportunity to do this”
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“What just happened?”
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“I feel so violated” Jim is looking at Toby and Claire wishing he was in Toby’s place. And Claire is wishing Jim was in Toby’s place.
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“This is amazing!” “Ow!”
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“Do you know what this means?” “We are Dio!”
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“We are Jotaro!” “We can start screaming ZA WARUDO!” “Or say Yare Yare Daze”
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“Ah! Power’s of this device are limited to three rules”
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“According to the inscription”
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“the first is that only one person can step outside of time” “So it is The World”
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“Secondly, is the time-stopping effect lasts for precisely”
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“43 minutes and 9 seconds” But why that precise time?
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“And the third?”
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“You can only use it, uh...”
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“Three times”
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“Wait! You just used that thing, like twice”
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“Well, the first, to test its ability”
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“and the second, to demonstrate it to all of you” Moral of the story is don’t let Blinky test or demonstrate anything.
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“Try to fit some sleep into your busy schedule, okay?” Yeah, i can’t fit sleep into my schedule.
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“Guillermo, no... no...” Suddenly dreaming about the series creator.
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“Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?”
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“Jim, it’s 8:30!”
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“I slept through my alarm!”
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“They’re gonna carve that on your tombstone, Jimbo” Here lies Jim Lake Jr. He died cause he slept through his alarm.
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“We got a problem!”
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“Oh, great. Now what?” “I was thinking last night”
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“Say you go through with trade and Angor’s free. How can we trust him?”
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“What do you mean?”
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“He kills Trollhunters”
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“I don’t think he’s looking to retire” Angor Rot later retires to... Uh, somewhere. You guys decide.
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“An infestation!”
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”How did you get my number?” “It was Toby!” “It was Claire!”
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She slides in. Like how she’ll slide in when- Never mind.
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“They’re revolting!”
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“I know, gnomes are disgusting”
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“No, the other kind of revolting, dear!”
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“They’ve organized to tear apart my shop!” Gnomes, you should do that here where Capitalism ruins our lives.
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“What do you mean, you can’t? You either wear the ring or make the trade”
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“I can’t stack gnomes!”
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“Not stacking! Catching!”
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“Poof! Last challenge, Lake!”
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“Just get the ring-”
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“No, you have to trade-”
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“I’m losing my mind!“
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Someone needs to help this boy.
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“Tell me” “I mean, he just seems so...”
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“It’s almost like he has this entire secret life”
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“that i don’t know anything about”
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“Wait. Oh, my gosh. What is that?”
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“I know that teenagers go through all manner of changes”
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“But what bothers me is that Jim and i have always been close”
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“I mean, i didn’t think that we would ever keep secrets from each other”
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“Are you okay?”
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“I-I truly doubt he’s keeping anything secret from you” Yeah not like something about Jim’s secret life is right in front of you.
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“Well, perhaps the issue is that he’s no longer a man-”
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“I mean”
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“Becoming a troll!”
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“Wah!” Is this some sort of foreshadowing?
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“Are you sure you’re all right?”
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“I’ve never felt better”
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“Oh, dear. Just gassy”
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“Mr. Blinky, your skin... You’re turning blue”
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“Now, i don’t want to alarm you, but i think you’re having a heart attack”
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“And are you smoking?”
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“A filthy habit. I really must quit” Wow they got away with a smoking joke.
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“Everyone, go away!” When you want to be alone.
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“Master Jim! Disaster!”
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“I’m reverting to troll form!”
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“That’s great! Isn’t that what you wanted?”
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“Yes, but in a public toilet where you mother is beating down the door! And my gronk-nuks are exposed!”
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“Blinky’s stuck in Arcadia”
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“and he’s turning into a troll”
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“My Shadow Staff is at home”
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“Tell him i’ll be right there!“
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“Why did you let me drag you into this?”
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“But how could i ever say “No” to those eyes?”
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“Jim, focus!” Took the words right out of my mouth.
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“Needs to be more gay”
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“Much better”
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“Adios, Senor Uhl” Jim should be lucky that didn’t kill him.
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Gotta deliver the coffee.
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“Jeez! Blinky!”
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“What have you been eating? Wait what’s... Oh god i just saw a gronk-nuk! I’m blind!”
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Somehow Blinky didn’t fly off.
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He shoots.
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He scores!
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Jim is having too much fun.
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“Hey, Strickler!”
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*Spits in Troll*
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Okay, JoJokes aside. I have a question about the Kairosect. When used is the whole world frozen, or is it only the town? Like say Jim goes outside of Arcadia. Will everything be frozen or not?
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“Did you just touched my butt?” “I don’t how that happened, but you do have a nice butt” “It’s true” “Thanks Eli”
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“Blinky, you’re back” “And naked. Can you get me some clothes please”
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“My soul...”
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“It’s... It’s gone”
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“My soul!”
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“You lied to me!”
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“You fool”
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“Your flesh is worth”
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“Ugh.. I feel like someone spit in my mouth”
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“The ring!”
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“Oh, no!“
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Thanks for the jump scare.
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Ring? Gone. Angor? Pissed. Hotel? Triviago.
Okay, so update. This is going on hiatus starting tomorrow cause the first episode of season 4 of ML is airing this Saturday and the Shanghai Special is Sunday. So this won’t be back till Tuesday.
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Let Me Smell It
Another @princessstevens inspired one shot. This is some foolishness y’all and I thoroughly enjoyed writing every bit of it.
Pairing: Erik & Simone (black!OC) Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Cursing, mild smut, copious amounts of niggatry Suggested Listening: Don’t Hurt Yourself & Sorry x Beyonce
2:00 am.
The time on her Apple Watch enraged Simone, a taunting reminder that her husband still was not home. What was supposed to be a few hours out with the fellas had turned into 4 missed calls, 3 unread text messages, 2 hours past his initial proposed time of arrival, and 1 extremely pissed off wife. She didn’t mind Erik spending time with friends, especially since they rarely saw each other due to conflicting work schedules, but what had put the icing on the cake was his wedding band that she found lying on his side of their Jack and Jill vanity. Her rational sense told her that he probably forgot it when he was moisturizing his hands with her homemade shea butter, but her Scorpio sun told her that he had decided to relive his glory days while hanging out with his single, fuck nigga friends. Erik had always been a ladies’ man but had calmed all the way down once they became official. His friends would always tell her how much she had changed him and how pussy whipped she had him. Her inner brat would always smile triumphantly, proud that she was the one to tame the infamous Erik “King Killmonger” Stevens.
“This nigga got me fifty shades of fucked up,” she growled as she slammed the shot glass down on the kitchen island. She was on her third shot of Hennessy and she wasn’t sure if the warm sensation she felt was because of the alcohol or her rising anger. Her “Fuck Love” playlist blared loudly from the Alexa speaker, and she was currently singing along with Beyonce at the top of her lungs.
Who the fuck do you think I is? // You ain’t married to no average bitch, boy //
You can watch my fat ass twist, boy // As I bounce to the next dick, boy //
And keep ya money, I got my own // Keep a bigger smile on my face, being alone //
“Who dick you bouncing on other than mine?” Erik quipped with a raised eyebrow. He had been silently watching her for about five minutes, chuckling softly to himself as she fumbled with the Hennessy bottle for shot number four.
“Not yours, hoe ass nigga,” she spat as Beyonce raged in the background.
“Hoe ass nigga? The fuck you talkin’ about, Simone?” “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You were supposed to be home 2 hours ago. I’ve called and texted you and you’ve ignored me every single time! What bitch you been fuckin’ on?!” Erik shook his head and chuckled softly. 
“You drunk, ma,” he replied casually as he moved the Hennessy bottle out of her grasp. This only made her angrier.
“Ain’t nobody drunk! What bitch you been stickin’ ya dick in while you were ignoring me? Was she even cute? I bet her lace front was jacked and her ass was fake!” She was on a roll, slamming and throwing things around the kitchen while he stood with his arms folded.
“I don’t even know why I married ya hoe ass! It’s only been a year and you back to doing the same shit you used to do!” Hurricane Simone raged from the kitchen to the living room before finally coming to rest in their shared bedroom, with Erik following slowly behind. He watched as she knocked pictures off the walls, threw his clothes over the balcony, and threatened to Left Eye their home.
“Girl calm yo ass down, I told you I was at the bar. It was loud and crowded so I didn’t hear my phone ring or feel it vibrate.” “So why you leave ya ring at home?” “Oh, that’s where it was? I thought I lost it somewhere in the bar.” The casualness of his behavior was only adding fuel to Simone’s fire. Here she was raging and throwing a fit about him being a lying, cheating ass nigga while he sat at the foot of their bed scrolling through his Instagram account. Two of her biggest pet peeves were liars and people trying to make her feel stupid and in this moment Erik was doing both.
“Let me smell ya dick?” The question was so unexpected that Erik’s head snapped up to make sure he heard correctly.
“Say what?” “You heard me, nigga! Let me smell ya dick! If it smells like anything other than ya cologne and sweat then we’re gonna have an issue considering you been gone since 9!” Her attitude almost diminished when she saw his lips twist into a sly smirk. It was the face he made when he was innocent and about to call her bluff.
“You wanna smell my shit, ma?” He asked as he began to undo the Ferragamo belt that held his pants up. “Come smell it then. And be ready to suck it while you down there.” Simone shook her head and walked back towards their bathroom, mildly embarrassed and ready to be done with the entire ordeal. Erik Stevens, however, wouldn’t let the situation die so easily. 
“Oh nah, Ms. Thang. You were so big and bold and adamant that a nigga did some shit, bring ya thick ass back over here and sniff this dick.” His pants were now around his ankles and he gripped his length at the base, bouncing it up and down in a taunting manner. Simone sauntered back over to him and slowly sank down to her knees. She bit her lip as she looked up at her man standing over her, his gold fronts gleaming in the light of their bedroom. Suddenly, she dropped to all fours and attempted to crawl away, only to be caught by her ankle and flipped onto her back. He then straddled her chest and held his length in her face.
“Nah, smell it!” He growled through clenched teeth. “You big, right?! You gone fuck me up if I don’t pass ya fuckin’ sniff test, right? Aight then, be a big nigga!” He chuckled darkly as he watched her squirm, trying her hardest to get away from him.
“Ok, I was wrong! Nigga get off me!” “Not until you smell it!” He said, smacking her repeatedly in the face with his shaft.
“Oww, nigga! That was my fuckin’ eye!”
“You don’t need eyes to smell or suck this dick, now smell it,” he taunted, still smirking down at her. She sucked her teeth before grabbing his length and sniffing it thoroughly. Erik took the opportunity to guide his length into her parted lips, groaning as her tongue glided along his shaft.
“How ya pussy taste, ma? Tell Daddy how ya pussy taste off his dick.” She moaned softly as she took him deeper into her mouth.
“I’m all yours, ma. You got me until I take my last breath, I promise,” he moaned as she sucked him with all the passion and fervor she possessed. He slid his hand into her boy shorts and stroked her folds, feeling her essence pool around his fingers.
“This Daddy’s pussy, baby?” he cooed as he slowly thrust himself into her mouth. She whimpered softly as he pushed his fingers deeper into her center. He could tell she was close by the way her walls clenched around him.
“You wanna cum on Daddy’s fingers or his dick, Princess?” She responded by pushing him off her chest and rolling onto her stomach, arching her back the way he liked. He growled softly as he lined himself up with her entrance, leaning down to whisper in her ear as he sank all the way into her.
“I apologize in advance for the carpet burn, but you’re about to make it up to Daddy.”
TAGS: @blktinkerbell @thehomierobbstark @eye-raq @thadelightfulone @hearteyes-for-killmonger @vikkidc @madamslayyy @raysunshine78 @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @theogbadbitch @nickidub718 @blackpantherismyish @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @youreadthatright @panthergoddessbast @heyauntieeee @bakarilennox @maya-leche @rick-sosa @kissmyafropuff
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minhyunluvr · 5 years
look | strife
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"A test of our quirks?!" The class mumbled various thoughts on the subject, one about the entrance ceremony and guidance sessions that would be missed.
"If you also want to be a hero, you will need to sacrifice things that are generally a waste of time." Aizawa clipped in the direction of the voice. "Professionalism is crucial." A ball hit your chest. He pointed to a white circle drawn in the dirt, gesturing for you to stand there instead. "How far could you throw in middle school, Miss Choi?"
"One, '(Y/n)', and two, I was home schooled." You replied, getting into a throwing stance.
"Noted. Go ahead and throw it using your quirk, but don't leave the circle."
Taking in a deep breath, you shook your head in acknowledgement. You turned around to Kaminari, latched your quirk onto him and waited for him to begin blinking, as strong emotions—usually melancholic—wash over the target of your quirk as it takes affect. As he executed the tell-tale action, you closed both hands over the ball, holding your throwing arm back. It flew forward at high speed, starting its descend about forty meters ahead. Taking one last glance at Kaminari, you formed a golden retriever. Kaminari began to yell about seeing a dog appear out of thin air and point as it leaped into the air, snatching the ball and running toward the horizon. More of the students gawked at the canine as it became universally visible, some calling it cute. The dog clicked out of existence once you felt like your score was good enough. Aizawa gave a pointed look at your form before going over your results.
"234.1 meters. That's impressive for someone with a quirk like yours. I guess creativity is important. This country's education system insists on prohibiting the use of quirks while taking averages on children's physical skill. It's not rational, as we should not be belittled to our old form. But since this is a hero school, you are permitted to use your quirks. I'm sure that Miss (Y/n)'s score would not be in the 200's without the usage of her quirk, so there is a large difference between the abilities of our ancestors and the ones of our own."
Students threw in words of excitement, resulting in a dark look forming on Aizawa's face. "'Fun?' Do you really think you will pass the three years of school here if you view this as a game? You won't. By the way, the person with the lowest score at the end of this will be expelled. No exceptions."
"Third place..." You sighed, slightly disappointed. "At least it was two recommendeds who beat me." Denki and Iida rushed over, bombarding you with questions about your quirk.
Your eyes closed in annoyance, another sigh dejectedly leaving your lips. "My quirk won't be as effective if I give you the details... My score relied primarily on physical skill this time around, but that's all I'll disclose."
Iida chuckled, "You say that like it's a confidential criminal case."
"Wait, what the fuck?" The spiky blonde shuffled over after gaining enough information from eavesdropping on the conversation. His noise level attracted other people to the conversation, and a small crowd formed around the four of you. "How the everloving hell did you beat me again, but this time without even using your quirk?"
"My physical ability is probably superior to yours. Use your brain, dumbass." You looked up at him with a blank facial expression, examining his reaction. He genuinely came off like a villain rather than a hero, and it was entirely possible that he could change sides at any given opportunity. Viewing him as an opponent could help if that ended up being the case, so studying his body language and attack sequences was essential, given how powerful his quirk was.
"You damn bitch...." He removed his hands from his pockets and cracked his knuckles, aiming his palms at your feet. 'Mediocre...' You thought, skipping out of his fire zone. Right as the first explosion went off, you focused your quirk on Iida. A box formed around Bakugou, and a small gasp slipped through Iida's mouth. It soon became visible to everyone else, and a machine pushed it up a few feet from underneath.
"What the fuck did you just do, bitch!?!" He yelled from the sky, voice weak. Another explosion was sent through an air hole you had created, but it missed you, almost hitting Kaminari.
"That is enough. (Y/n), I disabled his quirk, so if you would please release him." Aizawa walked into the circle of students, eyes gleaming. Blinking a bit from the glare of the sun, you slowly brought his box down to the ground and obliterated it from existence. Bakugou's eyes would have torn razors through your skin if it was possible. Well, there probably was someone with a quirk that could do that, but he couldn't, so you get the point.
What he could do, though, was rush at you with the force of an overly-active 15-year-old boy. Soon enough, you were pinned under him on the ground, him yelling obscenities into your face. As his warm spittle flew onto your skin, the side of your mouth began to twitch. Your knee flew up and made contact with his groin. A throaty gurgle cut his cursing short and his hands weakened their grip on your wrists. Letting out a quick sigh, you moved your knee further into his right leg as to move him onto his back. You hovered over him and shifted one of your knees onto his stomach while you felt around for a pressure point that would knock him out.
You hadn't noticed how quiet the field had gotten until your classmates began to cheer. 'Is that really necessary...?' Iida and Kaminari rushed over and dragged you back to the group, both giving you high fives. Aizawa sighed, rubbing his temple as he moved to check on Bakugou. The other students crowded around you, asking various questions. One girl with black hair stood off to the side, confliction evident on her features.
"Yo, you butchered him." A male individual with red hair exclaimed, walking to the front of the circle.
"Yeah, (Y/n)! When will he wake up?" Kaminari agreed with the red head, a perky grin complimenting his features.
"How overpowered can you be?" Another student sighed.
"It usually takes about three minutes, but he seemed worn out before he decided to pounce on me, so it might take ten, at most." You rolled your eyes at the memory, a migraine taking form.
"He seemed pretty lively to me..." A short boy with green and black hair pouted, worriedly glancing over at the blonde, all the while clutching his broken finger. Aizawa was hovered over Bakugou, tenderly checking his pulse.
The familiar heterochromatic male who stood in the back nodded in agreement, catching the attention of quite a few—primarily female—students. His eyes closed in slight annoyance, arms crossing against his torso. His presence seemed salient, which was probably why so many students noticed his movement. Even though the classes' attention had turned to him, he didn't say a word. You blinked rapidly as your eyes randomly began to water, head shaking slightly. There was something achingly nostalgic about him, but your mind couldn't reach it.
Aizawa cut in, walking toward the group. "I believe that we're done here for today. Please return to the classroom. (Y/n), see me in the teacher's lounge. We have a few things to discuss."
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zalrb · 5 years
TVD 3x03 Review
I’m skipping to 3x03 because me and initiumseries already did 3x02 in a drunk review even though for some reason I label it 3x03 (maybe I was still drunk when I uploaded it):
1. I like that when Damon asks Katherine where she is and she says, “Staring out your window, pining away” this fool actually looks around. She isn’t there, Damon.
2. I didn’t realize how whiny Nina is as Katherine until now, my god.
3. “Details are all a blur.” “Well that’s a crying shame.” Translation: YOU DON’T REMEMBER US, STEFAN?
4. Yeah I hate it but in 3x03, when Stefan’s feeding on that woman in the car, Paul is slick there because as an actor he’s relishing the opportunity in being bad, it works well for him.
5. Rebekah’s introduction is pretty good. Just rolling up on Stefan, licking his cheek and talking about the date he just killed. This is why I never understood why when people think of Bad Boy Stefan/Dark Stefan and his partner in crime they go to Katherine, it’s Rebekah he’s the “bad boy” with.
6. “Chicago was magical.” “Yeah well I’ll take your word for it.” Legit Klaus’ utter look of disappointment when Stefan brushes off Chicago is hilarious. Omg, those two.
7. Oh look Damon just in Elena’s bed, she’s clearly uncomfortable and he’s making a sexual joke. Omg totally in love!
8. Oh Look Damon rifling through Elena’s underwear drawer.
9. Caroline’s dad’s logic doesn’t make sense considering that Caroline isn’t going around killing people for blood. She uses blood bags. She has it under control. He can’t turn her into a non-vampire so this entire process is a waste of time.
10. I will say the shot of her being tortured by the sun was good.
11. Damon forcing Elena to read Stefan’s diary is literally just him trying to knock him down a peg in her eyes.
12. I was going to say I find it interesting that as a ripper Stefan would continue to write in his journal but in the ‘20s Stefan doesn’t have his humanity off, he’s just off the deep end with his ripper nature so he’s manic, which means he does feel and Stefan probably feels things the most profoundly on the show so it would make sense he’d journal.
13. Stefan as a Ripper is also just a bro. Which I find funny.
14. “What is this?” *shows a picture of Stefan and Klaus.” “I told you, Stefan, Chicago is a magical place.” LOL. Be boyfriends.
15. HA. Yo I’m sorry man but Stefan grabs Klaus and pulls him around to face him, Joseph’s face JUST looks turned on. They can’t help this shit and it’s HILARIOUS.
16. They tried to recreate the Klebekah scene with Steroline but the latter felt flat for SO many reasons. First of all, with Klebekah, their victim is panting, which adds a really disturbing sense of eroticism to the scene. Second of all, Stefan starts touching Rebekah AS they feed on this woman. Third of all, Claire and Paul just had better chemistry.
17. “I’m bored, I want to go.” “Then go without me I’m not your girlfriend.” Says Rebekah to her brother meanwhile her brother and Stefan are eye-fucking the shit out of each other after Stefan and Rebekah were getting off on killing an innocent woman. Legit the three of them together are MESSY.
18. There is so much inappropriate tension in this scene.
19. And again, Klaus looks so turned on at Stefan committing violence, he STAYS adjusting himself, like omg.
20. This is the second Black female bartender that Damon’s flirted with that’s ended up dead.
21. I think what I actually enjoy about Elena reading Stefan’s ripper diaries is that she flips through it looking for hope (one of their fundamental themes) and she gets to the 30s where Stefan says the bloodlust is easier and Lexi’s onto her next project, which is getting him to laugh and she smiles, assured. I like it because she didn’t have to see that he was “cured” she just had to see that he was better.
22. The closet scene! AND their love theme plays. 3x03 is definitely not an underrated scene among SErs but I always like talking about how layered it is in terms of the characters and in terms of chemistry. I bring it up a lot because Lupita Nyong’o brought up a point about chemistry:
“Chemistry is something that you pray for as an actor because it is so hard to fabricate. It’s so much easier to just have it and then, you know, work on other things, on your intention and your action and all that. Trying to fabricate chemistry is just … it adds another … it’s a lot of energy.”
And I think a prime example of this is 3x03 because even the way Nina spoke about the scene, about how at that point, it had been the longest time she and Paul had gone without filming a scene together so seeing him really felt like seeing him for the first time and the feeling of the scene
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And like I’ve said before, Elena being in the closet is Stefan’s past/his darkness and his future/his light converging in one space.
But also what I like about SE and the way TVD had written them is they give them mini tests within the relationship that they then overcome. For instance, Stefan is super far gone, he’s off the wagon, he’s been murdering people for months, is he so far gone that he’ll turn on Elena? And for a second it looks like he might when calls Klaus over but he doesn’t because he just gives him a vintage.
Stefan is drinking human blood, Elena doesn’t like it, is that going to be a choice that tears them apart or brings them together? Elena chooses to be in it with Stefan by giving him her vein.
There’s constant tension between Stefan’s vampirism and SE love and SE love always wins out. 
23. “I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it and move on.” Damon, you’re a dick.
24. Klaus is so in love with Stefan and I find it hilarious because this isn’t brotherly at all.
25. These stares. Get a ROOM.
26. Yeah see Candice is good at screaming when it comes to being tortured but when it comes to crying she’s adequate at best.
28. Touching chests and shit.
29. Klaus: I forgot what it was like to have a brother.
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30. It always bothered me that when the vampire use vampire speed in the show and slam each other against things like walls and doors, nothing dents or cracks. They do it in Mr and Mrs. Smith for godsake and they’re not even vampires!
31. That was a BAD shot of Ian, man, he looked old as fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
32. “Well I am torn, you see, I promised Stefan I wouldn’t let you die but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you WANT to die otherwise you wouldn’t be here...” Jo’s delivery is on point.
33. I’ve said it before but the, “You shouldn’t be here.” “Where else would I be?” and Elena’s head tilt like of COURSE I’d come after you, of COURSE I’m here, of course, of course, of course, is really just pure SE.
34. “When I’m done with him, he won’t want to go back.” Idc, the writers had to know that that the line was DRIPPING with innuendo.
35. “I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to be with you.” SE did this so much better than DE did because it wasn’t hyperbolic and the inflection in Paul’s tone, the shocked stillness of Elena is just done so WELL. And their circumstance is also SO MUCH sadder than DE’s was because DE’s issue was literally just that Damon was trash.
36. Aww Forwood.
37. Oh Klaus stabbing Rebekah because she wants to leave, I just wish they made them Cesare and Lucrezia. Go all the way. Cowards.
38. Klaus: Look guys, we’re an Ot3 again!
39. See when Rebekah throws over the casket, it should break apart.
40. Stefan’s hair really was stupid in the 20s.
41. “Have you seen these two people before?” “No.” “OK.” That’s it?
Alright guy, thanks for reading!
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 73 Xs1)
"Pittsburgh Proposals"
📷 creds to @southsidequeenie
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"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!???" Ashleigh snaps the moment Luna and Colson hit the bus.
He's bouncing from the adrenaline. Walking straight into the back room, she's focusing on how to save her ass.
"That Motherfucker hit me and I LIT HIS ASS THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson beams as he plops down and grabs his guitar.
Strumming he raps.
🎶We didn't talk about it🎶
🎶We just got gully🎶
🎶I sized up his body🎶
🎶Put some white chalk around it🎶
"NOOOOO!!???" Slim's mouth drops as his eyes get wide.
Luna calls Monica immediately. Explaining what happened and how she couldn't check for security footage.
"Fuck Luna, that's at least 3rd degree assault...." Monica sighs.
"I know... What was I supposed to do, Mon? That bitch would've jumped on me if I'd have left her hanging. You know how she is." Luna's rubbing her forehead as she sits on the bed.
"Fuck.... I hope I didn't fuck her face up." Is all she can think as she lights a joint.
"You could've just hit her..." Monica debates.
Using sarcasm to cover up her guilt, Luna replies. "I like props."
She puffs on the joint. Trying to calm her nerves. She doesn't know where her xanax is.
"Don't be a dick." Monica tells her curtly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I feel fucking awful. You think I should call Em myself?" She asks, having his personal number.
As it was said before, Luna and Marshall know each other. It's mostly professional but as with all of Luna's relationships, there's a personal lace to it. A genuine friendship. She has been in and out of Michigan for the last 5yrs.
"Absolutely fucking NOT. You call Mike, see if he can get me the tape. Then you sit tight. Where are you now?" Monica has a sterness to her voice.
"Uhhhh... Somewhere between Detroit and Pittsburgh." Luna answers, pulling on the joint.
"Pittsburgh. Then where?" Monica's trying to keep tabs on her client and also her friend.
Luna sighs, exhaling while thinking out loud. "CA, Philly, then DC. I'm pretty sure."
"Alright. Stay in touch with me. Call Mike. DO NOT call Marshall. Luna. Not even a FUCKING text. Do not incriminate yourself. You know you never admit fault." Monica advices her.
"I do, I will. And I won't." Luna tells her, taking her direction.
Hanging up with Monica, Luna finishes the joint. Looking for her xanax. She finds a bottle in her travel bag. Popping one she calls Mike.
Mike is a Fixer. You have a problem, Mike Fixes it. For a fee. Whether base to base or annually. Luna met him during the 5yrs she's been involved with Flint's community. It only being an hour outside of Detroit, Luna has made a lot of connections through the years. Mike being an irreplaceable one.
Placing the call she doesn't go into much detail. Just pleasantries and what she needs. Mike understands. Telling Luna he'll take care of it and get in touch with Monica. They know each and have worked things out on Luna's behalf before. He goes on to tell her to try not to worry about it until she hears from Monica and to take care. The old man liking Luna, never minding when she calls.
Walking back into the main room of The Bus, Luna looks for her school bag. Her shoulder is killing her and she wants her percs.
Everyone is loud and rowdy. Still hype from Colson and Luna's antics. Joints are being passed. Hotel Diablo plays in the background.
Luna sits in between Ashleigh and Colson, once she pops them. Sinking into the couch, she hits the joint Colson passes to her. He rubs her leg, going back to his conversation with AJ. Ashleigh noticing Luna's mood, she asks her.
"So, no coffee, hunh?" Trying to lighten it.
Luna sighs as she exhales.
"Nah, man... That shit's all over Kim Mathers face. She replies, feeling awful.
Hitting the joint again, she won't even look at Ashleigh. Colson overhears her, whipping around.
"What!?" He asks her.
"Yeeeeah... She could be hurt and I could be fucked...." Luna trails off, thinking more of Kim.
"What do you mean? Explain."
Colson's confused. Not seeing anything Luna had done. She goes on to tell him how she had popped the top off of her coffee to threaten Kim from jumping in but that she'd tossed it on her to stop dude.
"Wait! You fucking hemmed up a DUDE too!?" Slim interrupts. "You're fucking monster."
They're all listening. Luna still feeling horrible over Kim. Slim hitting the nail on the head.
"He was going for Colson. What else was I supposed to fucking do?" She asks, shaking her head.
Looking down while running her hands through her scalp of her loose bun. Luna's tired and cranky. Her shoulder hurts. She truly feels like fucking shit and is genuinely worried for Kim. She doesn't even really care if she gets in trouble. Luna's used to fucking shit up, but this one doesn't feel okay to her.
"I need to take a nap before we get to wherever we're going." Luna leans up and kisses Colson on the cheek.
Knowing something's wrong, he only says Ok.
"Rage on My Dudes." Luna throws her fist in the air to The Boys as she heads back to the room.
They toss her Feel Betters to another one of her tossed fists.
After a while of kicking it, Colson heads back to lay with Luna. With noise canceling headphones on, she's knocked. Before climbing in with her, he sits on the edge of the thinking about the things she said.
"Fuck... I hope she's not in trouble... I can't believe she did that... She really will do fucking anything for me." His heart pounds as butterflies flitter in his stomach.
Once in Pittsburgh, things pick up in their normal chaotic way. Only worse. They're so late, there's only 6hrs to build the stage and rehearse.
Standing together, with their arms wrapped around each other. Luna's head rests against Colson's chest.
"I don't think I wanna perform tonight, if that's okay?" Luna says looking up at him.
"Yeah, Kitten... Are you alright?" He asks her, concerned.
Before she can answer, Don comes storming over to them.
Pointing aggressively. "You two. With me. NOW." He demands.
Luna and Colson look at each other with scowls on their faces. Taking her hand, they follow Don to the side of The Bus.
"I'm not going to be putting up with your fucking shit. I'm not gonna stand for the bullshit you two pulled today with the coffee. Making us late. You two are gonna get in fucking line and follow the fucki..." Don tries to tear into to the couple.
Luna isn't having it. She interrupts him quickly.
"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to!? You don't fucking tell me what to fucking do and you SURE AS FUCK don't speak to Colson that way.  You must've lost your fucking mind. Anything goes down, it's OUR asses. NOT yours. Don't forget who signs your fucking paycheck, BITCH." She spits with venom.
"Actually I'm paid by the lable, Little Girl." Don snaps back at her.
Sometimes Luna has no self control. This is one of those times. Don's words release a furry. Without thinking, she kicks out the side of older man's right knee. He howls in unexpected pain, leaning forward to grab it. Luna uses this as an opportunity to slam her right fist into his face. Knocking him off his already unsteady feet.
Colson watches in shock. "THIS bitch is truly a fucking LunaTic." He thinks, unable to help himself from loving her even more.
Stepping over top of Don. Luna stares down. Very calmly and coldly, she states.
"I don't give a fuck about a lable. Come at my boyfriend or myself like that again and I will rip your fucking heart out and eat it for breakfast. BEFORE I leave you along the side of the highway for the vultures to eat. You. Don't. Run. Shit."
She stares at him for a long minute, eyes daring him to speak. He doesn't. Walking away, she grabs a Roadie. Pointing at Don, she tells him he needs a medic.
Colson looks down at Don and shrugs. Sucking his teeth, he laughs.
"You heard My Lady." He confirms before running off after Luna.
Luna sits with Ashleigh as The Band rehearses. She's sipping on camomile tea and smoking a cigarette. Hearing what Luna did to Don, she asks Luna about it.
"You alright? You seem to be popping off today." She observes.
Luna takes a drag of her cigarette. Looking over at her, she lifts her sunglasses.
"I'm worried I fucked her face up." Luna answers honestly, referring to Kim. "Not because I could get in trouble but because it was mean."
"Why'd you do it?" Ashleigh tests her.
"Because I wasn't risking her hopping on me or Colson." Luna answers without hesitation.
Ashleigh knows it shouldn't but it makes her smile. Colson and Luna maybe crazy together but it's because they're crazy for each other.
"What about Don?"
Luna slides her glasses back on and into her seat. Sucking her teeth before inhaling again.
"Fuck Don." She says with no remorse.
Luna can be extremely sweet and then ruthless within seconds.
"Agreed... He's a dick." Ashleigh laughs.
Luna sips her tea, smoking away.
"You're not performing tonight?" Ashleigh asks noticing the change in the setlist.
"Noooo... I just... Today's already been a lot... And people kinda freak me out sometimes..." Luna rambles.
"I get it." Ashleigh pats Luna on top off her shoulder reassuringly.
Luna gives her a grateful smile as they continue to chat and watch The Band. It's another long setlist.
Before the show, Colson's phone rings in his dressing room. It's Diddy on FaceTime. Sitting on the couch next to Luna he answers.
Diddy starts in immediately.
"Tell me WHY, TMZ has cellphone video of what looks like you beating the shit out of who they're claiming is Eminem!?! It is the THIRD day of the fucking tour!" He explodes.
"Yo Man, that mothafucka had it comen'." Colson shrugs.
"I TOLD you not to touch him." Diddy warns Colson.
"He fucking snuck him!" Luna pops her head into the screen.
"OOOOOH!!! You're there too!? Perfect! What THE FUCK were you thinking, Loons? And what the fuck did you do to Don?" He digs into her now.
"What was I thinking? I got him the fuck up outta there, was what I was thinking. And fuck Don. He needs to learn his place. What's Marshall saying?" Luna asks.
"What's Marshall saying?" Diddy mocks her.
"FUCK you, Sean. What's he saying?" She demands.
"Nasty." Colson thinks to himself with delight. Listening to his girlfriend battle his boss.
"Nothing. No one can get him on the phone. Right now you two are a pair of lucky fucks." He points at the screen.
"Shit DUDE, what if he's not reachable because he's in the hospital with her." Luna worries.
"He snuck him, Sean." Luna says again.
"I'm sure his bitchass did. But that's not what the tape might say. Don't sweat it, I'll take care of it. You owe me two interviews for this bullshit though, Luna. Tomorrow before you leave and then NY." He tells her.
"Fine." Luna agrees, rolling her eyes.
"ATTT!! Don't you roll your eyes at me Girl!! I'll make you do Philly too." Sean teases her.
Luna laughs. "Yeah. Get another fucking road manager. Don sucks."
Shaking his head at her, Diddy tells them both to do the Fucking Interviews. They say Yes Sir in unison. Looking at each other and laughing as Diddy hangs up on them.
"Are we out of trouble?" Colson asks, looking at her inquisitivly.
"I don't know... But Sean's not pissed so that's a solid. I wanna say it's gonna really depend on how much damage was physically done and how deep their pride runs. He may not want it out because you beat his ass while she may because she's pissed I hurt her... I really don't know." Luna looks worried.
Taking her face in his hands, Colson kisses Luna. Stroking her cheekbone, he reassures her that they'll Figure It Out.
Ashleigh pops in telling Colson 10mins. Luna shoots Monica a text asking her to please check Detroit hospitals for Kim.
Sex Drive plays, hyping the crowd before Slim comes on to introduce Colson. The arena is pouring with overwhelming energy.
Colson has 27 songs lined up. The setlist only slightly changing from the night before. He kicks it off with Habits and Breaking News 2 again.
Luna watching and bobbing side stage with Ashleigh. Dancing with each other as they laugh and sing to El Diablo.
Loco, GTS and part of Wild Boy are played. Colson tearing up the stage. Running back and forth. Jumping on speakers. Talking to his family. As he rips through Let You Go, Luna's phone rings. It's Monica. She excuses herself from Ashleigh.
"Hey!!" Luna shouts, trying to find a quiet place backstage.
"Luna?" Monica asks.
"Yeah, I'm here!!" Luna tells her as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
"Oh Good, I can hear you. I got the tapes. It's nothing. It only focuses on the register and counter. Wherever you were, was off camera thankfully. I checked the hospitals too. A woman came into Harper with minor facial burns. She was treated and released."
Luna let's out a relieved sigh.
"We look good but we're not out of the woods yet. They could still press charges or file a civil suit."
Luna understands. She informs Monica of the cellphone footage. She's asks if Luna's on it.
"Not that I know of." Luna tells her.
"Okay, I'll contact Sean. He doesn't know what you did?" She asks.
"No...." Luna trails.
"Keep it that way. I know you guys are friends but the less that can link you, the better. I'll take care of Colson too." Monica reassures Luna.
They hang up to Luna's immense gratitude and Monica's words of safety.
Luna gets back SideStage as The Band is finishing up The Break Up. Luna presents Ashleigh a bottle of Jameson with a grin.
They happily swig and sing together as Colson nails his part of I Think I'm Okay before heading into Hollywood Whore. The riff always breaks Luna's heart.
He changes the lyrics. Rapping the words:
🎶Imma get me a wife🎶
🎶Because she's the baddest bitch🎶
🎶I trust🎶
Ashleigh looks over at a blushing Luna.
Playing Ocean Eyes, Colson glances side stage to find her. She's right there.
"She's always right there. With those beautiful fucking eyes. He thinks grinning at her.
See My Tears is next before Colson and Rook switch off. Colson slamming into the drums as Rook nails Shout At The Devil. For the second night.
Luna and Ashleigh lose it along with the erupting crowd.
The Band slams through Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down. The stage is black and silent for a moment. Colson catching his breath before he speaks to his family in the dark. Moving things around. Moving things around. Voice quieting the crowd.
"Being here tonight makes me miss my friend." He's referring to Mac. "You know you guys are my family. We're all family. If you're hurting talk to each other." Tears are welling in his beautiful eyes. "Talk to us because we love you. And we don't want to lose you too." The tears drop down his cheeks. "I've never played this before, but it means a lot to me. And I hope I do Clapton proud."
He laughs, wiping his tears as the lights go up. Playing the opening chords to Wonderful Tonight, he pulls up a stool to the mic beside his.
"Luna get the fuck out here!!" He calls.
Luna's heart is pounding. Tears falling from her blue eyes. Ashleigh takes the bottle from her and pushes her on to the stage.
"FAM!! This is my girl and I'm gonna sing her a song if you don't mind."
The crowd roars as Luna slides onto the stool. Still picking the chords, Colson leans over to kiss her red cheek.
🎶It's late in the evening🎶
🎶She's wondering what clothes🎶
🎶To wear🎶
Colson grins at Luna, recounting all the times he's watched her get dressed.
She harmonizes with him, asking.
🎶Do I look alright🎶
He answers her singing.
🎶And I said Yes🎶
🎶You look Wonderful Tonight🎶
Leaning in to kiss her through the chords.
Watching him, Luna can't contain herself as the chords rip through her soul. "Fuck, I love him." She thinks as tears drop.
Colson continues singing.
🎶We go to a party🎶
Remembering the night with The Paul Brothers, he chuckles to himself.
As she harmonizes with him again asking.
🎶Do you feel alright🎶
His mind floats to the moment she had asked him that during his birthday party.
Continuing to serenade Luna.
🎶I feel wonderful🎶
🎶Because I see The Love🎶
🎶Light in your eyes🎶
🎶And the wonder of it all🎶
🎶Is that you just don't realize🎶
🎶How much I love you🎶
Luna's heart explodes, right there on stage. Colson finishes out the last verse effortlessly. Leaning into kiss Luna as the crowd Awwws them.
Kissing him back, Luna grabs her mic as Colson takes off his guitar.
"Isn't he fucking wonderful??" Luna sniffles as she asks to the crowds cheers.
Walking around the stage, she agrees.
"He's pretty fucking wonderful, hunh? He's so wonderful that I got a Baaad Thing for him. Can I tell you about it?" Luna asks the roaring crowd.
Singing acapella.
🎶I know I'm outta my head🎶
🎶But I haven't lost my mind🎶
Her voice stops the crowd and Colson.
The range and strength of her voice is unbelievable. Colson picks his guitar back up as he kicks in with her.
Their sexual energy is undeniable. Luna snakes around him as they both weave around each other. Colson ripping his guitar through the air.
With her hand on his heart, they sing together.
🎶Tattooed you on my body🎶
🎶So I can take you wherever🎶
The Band slams hard as Luna belts out the last lyrics, running her hand down Colson's cheek.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
He throws his guitar over his shoulder. Grabbing and lifting Luna up, he kisses her hard.
Grabbing her mic, he shouts "Thank You Pittsburgh!! WE OUT!!!!"
Kissing Luna again, he wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk off stage. Her hand on his chest. Voice buzzing in his ear. The energy between them is insane.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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riverteatime · 5 years
Mafia’s fight (Demon MC, Mafia goons fic, Snatcher fic)
Author note: Mention of alcohol. Drink too much alcohol is dangerous for the health. Drink one beer one random day is good but NOT MORE.  
Ok so here’s the fic!!!
  As the sky is grey, you walking in Mafia Town. Mafia Town is not a bad place for a walk but you are easily bother by the ressemblance of the inhabitants. Here, when someone is not from this town, everyone could see him. And it’s also work for you. Fortunally, this ‘mafia goons’ -it’s like that Hat call them- are not evil. Some of inhabitants of your former planet would have striken you since a long moment. But it doesn’t mean that they are completely pacifist because you have seen recently them fight other persons like old men. 
  They are just idiots, fools like Snatcher said. But one ask stay in your head. If they are stupid so why they have boats? They surely have some smartess behind this stupidity. 
You shock your head and you can feel something. Water fell on your head. Heck, it’s raining. And because you are a fire demon you don’t like the rain. Not because it is an opposite element of your power, well it’s true, but also because when it’s raining you catch colds and you hate to be ill.
So you have to wait under a roof of a structure.
“At-CHU” You sneeze “F***ing PECKING rain. Why I have left my planet?” And with that you start shivering. You mutter under your breath and you hug yourself to have some warm. 
Wait... Is that a bar you can see in the other side of the place. Well, you have such luck for once. You run in the direction of the bar, trying to avoid the falling water.
   As you enter you hear the sound of a little bell hanging in the front of the door. It’s like every Mafia men who were on the place are there because of the sudden fall of the rain. As you walk in the room you can see them. Some are playing card games, other are just chatting and drinking. You sit in the front of the bar table.
“What woman stranger would like to drink?” Ask the Mafia barman
“Have you got some beer? If you have I would like to have a glass.” You say to him.
While the barman serve you the beer you turn your head to see a group of goons in front of a Tv. You can see two group, one group is wearing a blue T-shirt while the other wear red shirt. Some of them are holding signs. 
“What is this?” You ask to the barman
“Strange woman don’t know football? It’s a sport that Mafia watch on the TV. Mafia run behind a ball and shoot it to the adverse goal” Says the Mafia
“Wait... Football is a sport of my planet. How it could exist in this planet too?” You ask to the barman with a confused head.
“Mafia don’t know. Mafia is not astrologue” Answer the barman, dusting a empty glass.
You tilt your head and you remember that they are not smart enough to answer you. Well, it’s not like you love football so you just drink your beer. Key-word is trying. In fact, a large Mafia goons comes to you. You don’t see him arrive but you can smell him. And you can guess that he is much bigger than the others. 
“Hey-Strange woman! You don’t come from here?” Ask the giant Mafia goon.
“If I’m a stranger to you it’s mean that I don’t come from the city” You answer him with a serious voice.
“Mafia don’t like stranger. Mafia Town is for the Mafia.” Say the giant.
“Well I’m just drinking a beer while the rain is falling. But I want to be alone. So get lost.” You continue
“No one talk to Mafia like this. And stranger is not allowed in Mafia’s bar.”
“What you want giant pig?” You ask with a disguting voice. “If it is a fight I’m your woman”. And with that you shapeshift your hands for your two favorites fire-blades. But the giant Mafia remarks this and make a sign of stop.
“Not like this!” Says the man. And with that you are surprised. “Mafia want to adjust this with arm wrestling.”
Meanwhile in a certain huanted forest...
“*Growl* Where she is again? She had to be here for...” Snatcher watch the clock that hanging in the wall “... For one hour! Her alarm clock had again stop, or else?” Snatcher close his book violently “That’s it! I’m going for you MC!” 
And with that the shadow teleport himself to the Hat Kid’s spaceship. The alarm ring when he arrives. The kid with her umbrella in her hand go out of her bedroom. But when she sees Snatcher she puts away her weapon.
“Hi BFF” She says with a tiny voice
“Good morning, brat! Have you seen your demoniac partner?” Asks Snatcher
Hat Kid’s tilts her head before remembering that Snatcher love to call MC ‘demoniac partner’. The kid shooks her head to say no.
“She went for a walk at Mafia Town. But she said that she is strong enough to be alone because the last time I was spying her. You want to see her for what?”
Snatcher slabs his head with his hand “Nevermind kiddo.” And with that the shadow teleport himself for a second time but now at Mafia Town
Back to the bar...
You are sitting at a table with a Mafia man.
“Mafia have to test strange woman strengh before Mafia do arm wrestling with strange woman” Says the giant Mafia beside her.
“Ok” You say as you understood
“But no arm wrestling without prices” Continues the big man.
“What are you saying?” You asks to him with a confused head.
“Mafia mean that if Mafia win, strange woman have to give something at Mafia” Answers the giant
“And what do you want? I’m not from here so I haven’t much things with me except my power” You say to him
“Mafia is not interest by power. Mafia is strong enough to bet other Mafias. But Mafia have seen this” And with that he shows with one of his finger your locket that you wear on your neck. You are doubtful. Your locket is the most precious thing you have. Thanks to this you can control your power. Without him, it is the power who control you. Many demons have fall because their were crazy and overpowered for them. When a power is too strong, you cannot control it. 
But take no danger in the life is not a demon do the most. So you accept. “But at one condition. If I win you have to give me...” You move your head to scan the room. Wait... Is that a timepiece of Hat Kid you saw on the showcase? “This!” You shows with your finger the magic hourglass.
“Mafia say no worries”
And the strange fight begin. You put your right arm on the table and you take the hand of the Mafia in front of you. You can feel that he limit his strengh. 
“Hey! If you limit your strengh the win should be not legal!” You say to him
“Mafia don’t want to breack a arm of a lady!” He says with a smile
“I am not a lady.” You say with a cold tone
And with that your send his arm to the opposite direction, down into the table.
“Mafia is cheating, Mafia is scare to bet a strange women” Say an other Mafia man
-----(For more easiness I have to call him Mafia 2 and the other Mafia 1)----------
“Mafia is not scare, Mafia don’t want to hurt a woman” Says Mafia 1
“Get lost” With that Mafia 2 punchs Mafia 1 who fell from his chair. The giant Mafia grab them from the T-shirt. 
“Don’t punch Mafia!” Says the giant, with a evil glare. The two fighter calm down. Mafia 2 sit in front of you and grabs your arm.
“Ready?” You ask. “And don’t limit your strengh, I have more strengh then you believe”. 
And you start to fight with Mafia 2. He is more stronger than Mafia 1. But not enough. As you feel your strengh into your arm and the hand of your enemy trying to crush yours fingers, the arm of Mafia 2 try to put you down. And he is shaking and sweat from the head to his fingers. You adopt a look with no expression. You are very concentrated.
Then you feel that an opportunity comes. In fact, Mafia 2, after five big minutes, start to be tired. His arm is shaking. So you don’t wait and you put his arm down. With a painful yell, Mafia 2 fell sof his chair. 
“Strange woman is a way more strong than Mafia” He say, lying on the floor.
The giant Mafia man looks at you surprised by this. You don’t seem to be hurt by his companion. 
“Strange woman have win to fight against me. It’s a very rare luck strange woman have.” Say the giant.
“I’m used to” You say while you elevate your shoulders.
“Mafia like that” Tells the big man while he sits on the chair.
You put your arm on the table for the third time. You grab the hand of the giant Mafia and you start to force your arm. He is very strong. With a painful expression, you continue to stand but your arm is hurting. Maybe is a way too much stronger...
NO! You have to win! You don’t want to be a crazy demon who cannot control himself! For you and for Hat Kid!
You let out a beastly yell. You can feel your arm become more and more stronger and the arm of your enemy more and more weaker. And with a second yell... You put down his arm.
The Mafia community are gasping. No one had bet their chief at a arm wrestling game. And plus, you are a woman. A thin woman like this have such power in his body? The Mafias cannot believe this but you have beaten their chief.
“Mafia is impress of such power” Says the giant Mafia. But you are suddenly tired and your arm is pecking hurting you. You hold your arm with the other and you yell of hurt.
A shadow, outside the bar was watching. You haven’t see him the first time but now...
“Oh-ho...” You say at his direction.
With a dark light, Snatcher is appearing in the room. He don’t seem very happy. In fact, you can see his nails are much more sharper than the normal. And with a dark tone he say to the Mafia community.
“DO YOU HAVE A DEAD WISH...BECAUSE I’M STARVING” And with that magical purple pillars appears and blows some Mafia goon. Snatcher laugh machiavely. But you are not enjoy of this situation.
“Snatcher!” You say “Snatcher?” You ask “SNAAAAAATTTCHEEEEEERRRRRR” You scream to him to stop but he is not hearing you. “Peck!” You mutter under your breath “If you don’t want to stop so I have to stop you!” And with that you let your wing appears and you charge to him.... And you hug him. It’s very effective because he calm down instantly. 
“Hurting is bad” You say to him.
“GET OFF TO ME !!!” He screams.
“Nope. If you stop yes.” You answer
You appologize in front of the barman and the giant Mafia for what had happen. They says that it is nothing. And they even thank you because you have lighted their day. So you walk in the direction of your favorite noodle.
“I have fix your fault” You say to Snatcher;
Snatcher growls at you and mutters under his breath. You were in danger. This fool have hurt you. Why you call this ‘a fault’? But he don’t want to tell this. No! He have another plan in mind thank to this.
“I have to go to the spaceship before Hat Kid worry about me...” You start.
But your shadowy friend grab you in his arms. You let out a surprised yell but also painful as he touch your right arm. He teleports himself to his house, right on his armchair.
“Hey!” You scream. “What did you do?” You ask again screaming.
But he don’t answer. Instead of he sit you on his lap and grab your painful arm. Even if he just touch you, you scream. “STOP” You yell. But he doesn’t stop. You try to breack free but you can’t. His tail is around your legs so you cannot move.
“If you stop screaming and stop moving I make you free” He says.
So you calm down but you let out some small yells. He grab a piece of fabric and wrap you arm on. You ask him what is he doing.
“I wrap you arm. It have to be at the right place for healing it.” He say.
“Wait! Healing?” You ask.
“Yes. Healing magic. I can heal people but it take some hours for a arm or a leg. It depend on the type of injury.” 
“I’m surprised that a ghost know how to cast a healing magic” You says surprised.
“And I’m surprised that such a powerful demon don’t know how to cast a healing magic” He answers with the same tone of you.
You smile “Don’t be so mean.” You say to him. “How long does it takes?”
“I said some hours. Geeze you don’t listen.” He answer
“At-chu” You sneeze. “Heck, I think I have catch a cold.” You say to him.
But he was not listening. In fact, he is thinking that you sneezing is really cute. “Snatcheeeer!” You call him. Suddenly he invokes a blanket and wrap you in. Your arm is hurting you. And Snatcher can feel it. So he lie you down on his body and invites you to relax. He closes his eyes to be more concentrated on your hurting while you try to forget the hurting feeling.
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troubleshipping · 6 years
Long list of various Team Rocket headcanons
Recently I had a really nice talk with @masterstarpikachu about Rocketshipping/general Team Rocket stuff, and some of the headcanons that were brought up are just too good not to be shared with the world so I have compiled them into a big post
Warning: Some small nsfw elements at the very beginning of this, please beware if you don’t like that kinda thing! Nothing explicit but like the evil word s*x is mentioned once so shield yo eyes kiddos
Contents of this post include:
- Controversy about the see-through level of Pokéballs - Meowth and the Pokémon shittalking humans behind their backs - Meowth and Jessie tease James about literally everything - Meowth is a supportive friend in the most asshole-y way possible - Jessie actually being nice for once - Food - Hot take but Jessebelle is a yandere - Jessie almost dies but it's okay because the ship happens
Actual list under the cut because this good content here got long
- Starting topic that triggered this entire conversation: - Jessie and James are about to get intimate, but just in that moment - *Pokéball release sound* “WOOOOBBUFFET” - So that raised an important question: - How much exactly are Pokémon able to see out of their Pokéballs? - Because most of the time when they’re called out mid-battle they immediately charge in without hesitating, so it seems like they know what’s been going on - Larvitar was able to see out of its egg shell too which suggests similar things for Pokéballs - Trainers, do not leave your Pokéballs in the same room you do private stuff in
- What if that’s how Meowth finds out Jessie and James are a thing - “Meowth, how did you know? What do you mean Seviper told you?? How did Seviper know???” - “…..oh my god” - Mime Jr was too young to see that - James will never live it down - He’s too ashamed to look his son in the eyes ever again - Probably needs to sit him down to have *the talk* and it’s the most shameful thing he’s ever had to do - Does Mime Jr even understand what he’s saying? Does it care about what humans do? Probably not, but Meowth won’t think it’s necessary to point that out
- I like the idea of Meowth sharing gossip with the other Pokémon in general - He’s barely seen talking to Pokémon, which is honestly a waste if you ask me? It’s like the writers forgot that bilingual people don’t actually forget their mother tongue - Imagine Meowth and the other Pokémon just complaining about the dumb shit the humans do - Besides, let him have some friends he won’t be the third wheel to lmao
- Literally tho, imagine all their Pokémon had seen their masters, ahem.. “blast off” - Poor souls didn’t know Pokéballs were see-through from the inside - Jessie would pretend not to care, she’s above that. There’s no reason at all to be ashamed. But she’d be blushing so hard she wouldn’t fool anyone. - Shit’s awkward no matter how tough you are - James wouldn’t even try to pretend, James would straight up die - RIP James
- On another note - James totally makes those little high pitched squeaky sounds during sex and you cannot change my mind it’s canon - You know exactly what I mean - There’s literally no way he doesn’t - He’s tryna be all sexy and smooth and stuff but then Jessie starts touching him or something and he just SQUEAKS - Secretly she finds it kinda hot in a weird way but she’d never admit it - Pretends it’s a coincidence that she’ll keep trying to get him to make more of those sounds - Meanwhile Meowth outside the door is like “what the actual fuck James” - “Jimmy’s such a weird one” - He’d tease James to no end about it - Meowth embarrassing James about details of stuff he shouldn’t even know about is my new favorite thing - Also Jessie trying to stop him but also holding back laughter because “well he’s not wrong” - “WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?!” - C’mon she can’t turn down an opportunity to tease him - James is then all embarrassed and lowkey offended and gives her the silent treatment - He refuses to talk to her ever again - Aka for like the next half hour or so - Eventually she’d probably apologize though because even she isn’t THAT mean - At least not when it comes to James - Not always - Maybe - She gets soft around him when nobody’s around to see it - Sometimes - And maybe he’d forgive her if she did those things again...
- Jessie being soft with James is my absolute weakness though - Especially since they’ve been friends for so long and he knows full well that nobody else is allowed to see that side of her ever - It’d definitely make him feel special and loved - Imagine Jessie letting her guard down and being kind to James for no reason other than because she genuinely wants him to be happy - I am weak - Even if it’s just little things - Especially those tbh - Just trying to cheer him up when he’s down instead of simply telling him to get over it - Saving a nice bottlecap she found even though she never understood that hobby of his - Just saving it for him because maybe he’d want it - He’d be so touched - Probably would make his entire week - He’d save that one bottlecap forever - Even if it’s not one of the kind he collects, or a duplicate or sth - It’d be his most prized possession
- Something I really want to happen is them sharing their food properly, because you know that for those two that’d be a HUGE sign of affection - The anime may pretend they share everything equally (they say so in an episode) but honestly 90% of the time they get in literal fights over the last scrap - So one of them happily sharing could even be the first step of them realizing their feelings - Like, maybe James would let Jessie eat his portion - She’d definitely take longer than him to show any signs of affection - And she just - “Why’d you let me have it is something wrong with you?” - “No…it’s just…you seem really hungry” - When he offers her the food, instead of immediately devouring it like she usually would she just - Stops and doubles back - Stares at the food in his hands, then at him, back at the food - “Are you serious?” - In that moment he realized what he’s done and gets all defensive - “Just eat it, Jess!” - “I’m just not that hungry, okay?” (*stomach growling noise*) - Then they are interrupted by Meowth - “What about me? I’m starvin’!” - In the end they just split it in three parts because sharing with them both is a bit less awkward to explain
- Also - In the beginning when they start falling for each other, Meowth would be oblivious by choice - As in he sees the signs but he ignores them because “nahhh no way” - Then when he figures it out he mercilessly teases James about having a crush on Jess every chance he gets - Though he’d do it without her hearing about it, because he isn’t THAT mean to him - But when they actually start dating he realizes he was a FOOL and now he has to deal with that forever - Like - He probably gave James advice out of pity - (James totally confides in him at some point because he just needs to talk to SOMEONE) - But then Jessie went for it and he realizes too late what that means for him - Now he needs to live with the consequences
- Meowth giving James love advice about Jessie though - That sounds like a huge train wreck - I mean he may tease him to no end but they’re still best friends so he’d still try to help when he realizes James is serious - “That dumbass really got it bad huh” - Deep down he does care for his friends after all - He’s like permanently done with James’ shit but he still keeps his secret - Although he can and will use his newly gained knowledge as blackmail whenever he wants something from him - And at the same time half of his “advice” consists of “lol Jessie’s gonna kill you” - “YOU’RE NOT HELPING MEOWTH” - James is already well aware of that - That’s his problem - He’s been faced with the full extent of Jessie’s wrath before - He knows better than to risk getting on her bad side
- On the other hand, it’s canon that when Jessie falls for someone she tends to actually act friendly and kind around them to some degree - Which I’m assuming is an instinctive reaction because she doesn’t want to scare them off - But falling for James would be weird since it’d trigger her instinct to be soft and good but at the same time - “No that’s James wtf” - She’s been treating him full force nasty for years and so far he hasn’t left so there’s really no need - Honestly James tends to get freaked out whenever she’s calm because a nice Jessie is just WRONG - Pure boy got so used to her mean antics he gets worried about her when she’s friendly to him - As a result, before admitting her feelings even to herself, Jessie would instead get MORE mean out of defiance - That darn Tsundere smh - She cares a lot about him but she cannot show weakness her mind won’t allow it - Nope - Fight me, feelings
- Vs Jessebelle, who is a Yandere and should be feared - And should also be decked in the face by Jessie tyvm - Imagine an actual Yandere Jessebelle tho - Nightmare fuel - I mean that whip scene was already terrifying - She broke a fucking dresser with the hit that was aimed at James - I know it was exaggerated cartoon violence but like she almost straight up murdered him - And his parents are okay with that?? - Because he’s too delinquent for her - So he can just die apparently - Now imagine her getting obsessed with him to the point of actively following him around to get him to marry her - And trying to get Jessie out of the way to get him back - Can I just say Horror AU right there - I’m an angst writer don’t test me - I like to take dark stuff and make it WORSE - Picture this - James coming back from a short trip to gather firewood or sth like that, only to find Jessie unconscious and bleeding from a stab wound - :) - Maybe Jessebelle is still standing there and laughing because she finally won - Of course she’ll survive but just BARELY - They’re in the middle of nowhere and James frantically tries to find someone to help her but they’re all alone - I mean after all that blasting off they probably know some basic first aid at least - He could stop the bleeding and then take her to a hospital with the hot air balloon - Cue that good ol’ “refusing to leave her bedside until she wakes up” cliché thing - But also imagine Jessie waking up in the hospital with James asleep next to her - Maybe even subconsciously holding her hand in his sleep - Because he was too worried about her and was probably talking to her before he ended up passing out from exhaustion
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unholyforged · 6 years
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⤻   *       IIIIIIIIIIT’S EDIE !!!! :   back at it again   &   here to introduce you to my lil #irishaccentaf , #vsmol , #butvstrong , HENRIETTA FIGG !!!!!!!    
unlike my intros for siri sadboi black & frankleface longbooty , this intro post will ( hopefully ) not be , like , 1000000000000 words long b/c ,,,,,,,,,, like ,,,,,,,,,, i’m trying to turn over a new leaf ?? and am tryna live a life where i don’t spend 30 days and 30 nights pouring out my heart and soul into my muses backstories whilst crying into a pack of tim tams ??  :’) ajisodjeiowoew . so ANYWAY , without further ado , here’s the loml , henri ♡♡♡
** TRIGGERS : death , religious extremism , physical and emotional abuse .
⤻   *       APPLICATION   —— !
* ╰    ( KANG MINA )┋have you met ( HENRIETTA FIGG  ) ? ( she ) reminds me of ( holy water and incense ; a girl nailed to a burning crucifix . sorrow burdened , unholy forged —— magic mistaken for sin . could you speak through embraces rather than speaking with words ? it’s easier for her to understand the language of touch . there are brutal fists and the bloom of black bruises , she dreams of liberation ; she can find it if she chooses . so defying god , she closes her eyes , and with broken bones she refuses to cry —— she is divinity unto her own sacred self ; a girl reborn , all evil repelled . she dwells in that hazy in-between world which sits some place between where she’s escaped from , and who she’s yet to become —— an angel that fell , her tears are undone , she’s not holy , she’s no one ). a ( nineteen ) year old ( ninth ) year ( slytherin ), the ( unholy ) is known to be ( + adroit & + compassionate ), yet ( — feckless & — impervious ). that explains why they’re majoring in ( wizarding law ). rumour has it, ( henri ) is siding with ( the order ) in the solemn war that blazes just beyond the horizon. ( admin edie, 22, aedt, she/her )
⤻   *       THE BAD BEGINNING  ——   !!
YEAH , SO , HENRI !!!!!!!!
was born with the name delilah healy .
v religious parents
v religious upbringing
HAD a lot of faith in GOD before THINGS happened
“ what things though , edie ???? ” you may ask
VERY GOOD QUESTION. A++++ , my loves
my cupcakes , i shall tell you :~)
delilah grew up in the irish countryside . devout catholics , delilah’s parents had moved to ireland from korea when they were newlyweds , having heard of the large catholic population there . upon arrival , they changed their korean surname of ‘ hwang ’ to the irish surname of ‘ healy ’ ; the name change helping them feel more a part of the irish catholic church community . 
when delilah was a little bub , her parents just thought that she was the most perfect thing in the world ! with silken black hair & bright brown eyes eyes , delilah seemed like god’s gift to the healy’s , tbh .
delilah ( let’s just call her delilah until we get to why she changed her name to henrietta !!!!! ) was practically christined AS SOON AS her umbilical cord was cut tbh . all like *pops out into the world* *has umbilical cord cut* *CHRISTENED* !!!!
“ what a holy child !!!!!! an angel !!!!!!!! ” —— everyone would say this to the healy’s , and the healy’s were like HECK YA our angel faced cute patootie is the gr8est !
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and then , one day , STRANGE THINGS started happening .
only three years of age , flowers would BLOOM beneath delilah’s feet during moments of happiness , while during moments of distress , melancholy & anger , the ground stirred and shifted where she stood , as if it were about to SWALLOW HER WHOLE. 
“ WOAH , DEVIL CHILD , OUR CHILD HAS THE DEVIL IN HER !!! ” —— the healy’s . smh . 
a man who belonged deeply & FIRSTLY to god, his OWN SELF SECOND, and his WIFE AND CHILD THIRD , these mystical ( MAGICAL —— but normal WIZARDING WORLD ) happenings were painted by delilah’s father as evidence of his daughter’s DEMONIC POSSESSION . with misguided love & brutal hands , delilah’s father fully intended to cleanse delilah of the devil’s influence .
^ mr. healy began to beat delilah every time somethingmagical strange would happen
for a small while ???? this actually seemed ???? to solve everything ????? :( 
a religious girl herself , delilah believed that the magic , the BEATINGS , and MISERY that had consumed her life were all part of some GRAND TEST . all she needed to do , SHE KNEW , was PROVE HER FAITH IN GOD & SHOW that she was worthy , strong and true , and her hardships would be over . GOD would reward delilah for her love and devotion with kindness and fortune,  and everything would be fine in the end .
with this belief in mind , delilah ENDURED ALL OF HER FATHER’S BRUTALITIES for years —— she BELIEVED that she deserved the tattooed bruises of deep purple and blue that covered every inch her soft skin , and she spent day after day crying in the darkest corners of her room —— scarcely even daring to believe that she was even deserving of being touched by the rays of sunlight that crept in through her cracked bedroom window . SHE WAS WRONG , SHE WAS IMPURE , SHE WAS UNHOLY .
until one day around the age of 8 delilah turned around and was like “ NOT TODAY SATAN ” @ mr. healy :o & after a particularly harrowing beating , delilah decided to fight back . 
DELILAH WASN’T IN CONTROL as the furniture began to hover above ground , kitchen knives and chairs and cupboards levitating in an unnatural manner that foretold the DISASTER about to unfurl . as delilah let a wail rip through the air ( girl broken , girl afraid ) , a cupboard SLAMMED mr . healy to the wall —— CRUSHING & SWIFT . after a moment of pure terror ; the world grew SILENT once more . wood splintering , knives clattering to the floor , dust settling , and delilah held her father’s lifeless body in her arms until strange people called aurors showed up , obliviating her mother , and escorting delilah out from the premises .
six months after the incident, the wizengamot try delilah’s hearing . ultimately, the verdict was that delilah had killed her father ( unintentionally , through a burst of uncontrolled , pre-adolescent magic ) in self-defence —— an event that was built up over a lifetime of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of a cruel muggle mother and father . rather than being locked up , delilah was sent to a rehabilitative ward at st. mungo’s to receive physical treatments from healers , as well as emotional counselling . 
it is at st. mungo’s that delilah meets a healer by the name of fenella figg —— and , after establishing a relationship of trust and friendship , fenella and her husband ( ernest ) decide to adopt delilah into their family . 
⤻   *       SHE DEFIES GOD  ——   !!
the figg household is the exact opposite of the healy household ; filled with strange but affectionate creatures called kneazles , filled with magic and pumpkin pasties , and filled with love for the sake of people , not for the sake of god . best of all , the figg household isn’t lonely —— for more than finding the love of two new parents , delilah also finds the love of a sister , five years older than her : arabella figg . 
in the busy figg household , crowded with commotion , kneazles , and love , delilah finds the strength to defy god , and believe in herself instead . as a promise to herself ( a promise of never faltering again , and never fearing again ) , the girl changes her name to HENRIETTA ( derived from heimiric —— meaning home & power ) —— leaving delilah in her past with her fears & scars . 
⤻   *       LIL TIDBITS   ——   !!
cool cool cool , TOIT !!! 
so henri is a pretty sweet chick 
she’s very capable
exceedingly kind
but pretty sharp most of the time
she will hex u real good if you’re mean
* mushu vc * she’ll hex u , she’ll hex ur cow , she’ll hex ur whole family 
dw tho , she will hex her own housemates when they’re being asses too ( and NOT TO STEREOTYPE OR ANYTHING , but being in slytherin , there are ,,, a LOT ,,, of assholes in her house )
equal opportunity amirite ?? 
henri loves : quidditch ( is slytherin team’s keeper ) , duelling , kneazles , cats, owls, rats, dogs , dragons , octopi , pandas , unicorns , elephants , tigers , chickens , ANIMALS !!!!!!!!!!! , people are okay too ......  !!!!!!!!!! , firewhiskey , bonfires , fireplaces , the colour red ( shoulda been a gryffindor , sorting hat wyd ??? ) , muggle films , kidding around with arabella , hanging out with arabella , arabella (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ , watching the sunset , watching the sunrise , hexing nasty ppl , healing kind ppl , knitting , speaking her mind , starting fights , winning fights , watching the stars at night , her family & those that she holds dear .
henri abhors : clichés, norms, being painted as a damsel in distress , the patriarchy, blood supremacy / and its gross supremacists , people telling her what to do , organised religion , dark magic , tuesdays , arithmancy , losing , being wrong , being woken up , lukewarm baths , peeves , bullies , food that’s gone cold , when it’s cold but not cold enough to snow , when her owl doesn’t come back to the owlery by nightfall , hard beds , disco , condescension , malice & the ones she cares about being hurt .
henri eats a lot . food is her friend . yorkshire puddings are yummo & they are her fave [ assorted devouring sounds ] . she’s also one helluva cook :~)))))))))))) 
henri has no chill when it comes to her values i.e. fighting against blood supremacists , fighting for gender equality , fighting for equal rights for centaurs ..... EQUALITY THINGS IN GENERAL !!!!!!!! -— henri has a teeny tiny short fuse when issues of equality are concerned & she is always ready to smite any sonuvabeech who crosses her on these issues . she’s also pretty aggro on the quidditch field yo’ . that’s the unholy 4 u .
my babe can drink more firewhiskey than the whole student body at hogwarts combined , but she never gets drunk . she has the alcohol tolerance of a large blue whale tbH ???? she’s the #mumfriend at parties because she’s the only one sober enough to be .
henri honestly really kind when she lets herself be ????? she finds happiness in watching the stars , in flying , in climbing trees and caring for others —— she finds knitting , and cleaning cathartic , and wants nothing more than to lie down in bed for the rest of her life , surrounded by fluffy duvets and warmth :~))))) however , amidst trying to escape from the clutches of her past , make headway as slytherin keeper in a sport that’s still predominantly played and spectated by men , and trying to come to terms with the fact that there’s a very real war on the horizon , henri hasn’t been left with much room for softness . she is , though —— ... she has the softest of hearts , which is exactly why she needs to make sure her exterior is impenetrable . 
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spooky-ghostwriter · 5 years
Dressed to Kill - Chapter Twenty-One
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Next Chapter –>
Tsukiko dreamt.
She stood on the same dirt path, but she would have hardly believed it was the same forest of her previous dreams. No longer did the sunlight trickle down through the forest's canopy and give the foliage an unearthly glimmer. The world around her seemed grey and dull. The trees and grass, once so full of life, felt empty.
There was no wind blowing. No skittering of possible animals or chirping of birds. The silence was as disturbing to Tsukiko as the lack of light.
As she walked along the path, she took the time to search the forest. She wasn't sure what she was looking for; Tsukiko had never been able to find whatever had created the noises in her previous visits. Still, she overturned rocks and ruffled through bushes and shrubs, hoping to find anything.
No matter how often or where Tsukiko stopped to look, she found nothing.
Finally, the dirt path ended. She stood at the crossroads. The paved street that marked the entrance to the right-hand path, and the huge skyscrapers that marked the city looked just as they always had. However, this time, they were not just on Tsukiko's right. The city extended beyond, standing behind both ends of the dirt path. The forest, full of its dangers and mysteries, no longer existed.
Tsukiko crossed her arms and sat firmly on the edge of the dirt path.
“No,” she said simply.
There was no answer, not that she expected one from a city.
“You hear me?!” Tsukiko demanded from the nothingness. “I made my choice! You can't take it away from me now!”
On previous nights, it was the walk down the dirt path that felt eternal. Now, the timeless step was how long Tsukiko waited on the end of the path. After what could have been months of sitting with her eyes closed, she heard a noise.
A distant male voice was yelling something. It was so far away that Tsukiko couldn't make out the words. She refocused on the voice.
“Must be fifty trucks...”
“Who? Who's here?!” A second voice demanded.
“A... a circus!”
Tsukiko's eyes shot open – now she was fully awake.
A black truck screeched to a halt in Cypress Laboratory's parking lot. Vercingetorix stepped out of the driver seat. He cracked his knuckles. Stiletto emerged from the passenger seat, already holding daggers between her knuckles. Ravindra and Henry appeared from the back doors. Ravindra took a drink of something in a flask; Henry seemed to be playing with a yo-yo that no one could see.
A large trailer pulled in beside them. Much more colourful than Vercingetorix's truck, it brightly advertised wild animals. Pierre and Galen stepped out in sync and opened the ghost lions' cage. The lions roared, their ferocity aimed at the building before them.
A smaller, even brighter, buggy followed. Miss Isle was driving, but she was hardly the only occupant. Galen took his eyes away from the lab to watch their display. A man swung his already-stilted legs out of one side and stood over ten feet tall. A clown juggling sabers followed. Two more clown women hopped out from somewhere, pulled supplies out of the trunk and began hastily setting up a trapeze.
One after another, more vehicles and circusfolk appeared, until at last, the entirety of the Alesia Circus stood on the facility grounds.
Miss Isle tossed a megaphone to Vercingetorix.
“Attention, people of the Cypress Research Facility!” He cried, his voice booming through the city square. “Researchers, scientists, and all other human staff – please evacuate the area immediately. We have no quarrel with you.
“Garrick!” Vercingetorix said. The harshness in his voice was amplified tenfold by the megaphone. “We are prepared to destroy every single one of your dryads. But. If you release Tsukiko, we are willing to discuss terms of peace.”
Galen looked at Vercingetorix. Both of them knew that the chance of peace was infinitesimally small. Vercingetorix's death grip on the megaphone's handle told Galen that Vercingetorix was himself hoping that Garrick would choose the hard way.
A few moments later, the doors to the facility opened. A group of people emerged. Stiletto prepared herself to fill the targets with knives, but it quickly became clear that these were ordinary humans – men and women with their hands raised, watching the circus with incredulity.
When the crowd thinned, Vercingetorix found one of the last people to leave and grabbed Mr. Richards by the shoulder.
“Were you the last to leave?” He asked.
“Yes,” said the man. “Only Garrick and... I guess Specimen Delta must be that Tsukiko you mentioned.”
“Specimen...” Vercingetorix repeated through grit teeth. He noticed his grip on the man's shoulder tightening as well and released him.
“Get everyone as far away from here as you can,” Vercingetorix said. “Now.”
As dozens of vehicles drove away carrying the evacuees, the facility doors opened again, and one final human stepped outside. For a moment, Galen hoped it would be Tsukiko, but instead, he saw the cactus farmer, Atticus Lee Pereskia.
“What the hell...?” Galen asked.
Atticus walked up to Vercingetorix and tipped his straw hat.
“You're a dryad after all, I see,” said Vercingetorix.
“Why yes, in fact,” The farmer drawled. “This here dryad is what I call a mouthpiece. I wasn't quite able to figure out how to get rid of this doggone accent, but overall I'm satisfied with the results.”
“So that's Garrick speaking?” Stiletto asked.
“That's right, little lady.”
“If you're here to discuss terms, release Tsukiko first,” said Vercingetorix.
“I'm afraid I can't do that just yet,” said Atticus. “There hasn't been a scrap of useful data from any of her tests.”
“Look,” Vercingetorix muttered. “We can tell you as much as we know about Tsukiko's abilities. But we need you to release her first.”
“No no no no no,” Atticus said, shaking his head for each 'no'. “Your explanations can't be trusted. Y'all are used to deceiving an audience, and I'm sure your explanations of Specimen Delta's abilities are just the same. You see, Specimen Alpha, all y'all are liars. You show people smoke and mirrors and tell them the impossible just happened. I'm the one who takes the impossible and truly makes it real. Y'all seem to have fluked your way into recruiting someone truly magical, and I'll be damned if I let that chance get away.”
Galen spent a moment wondering how Garrick's folders of research explained the ghost lion whose leashes were held in Pierre's hands. On the other hand, he imagined Tsukiko must be proud to be even more magical than the ghost lions by this strange plant-man's standards.
On the other other hand, he felt a simmering anger at Garrick refusing to release Tsukiko.
A blast of fire flew from the other side of Vercingetorix's truck. It caught Atticus, setting the farmer ablaze. He burned as quickly as a scarecrow would have; the fire completely immersing the dryad from the inside out. Being only a mouthpiece, Atticus eerily made no noise as it burned, even as the last few cinders disappeared into the air.
“Ravindra!” Vercingetorix cried.
“Yes?” said the firebreather.
“I was going to kill him,” Vercingetorix said, almost pouting.
“My apologies,” Ravindra said with a laugh. “But I believe we'll all have ample opportunity to kill dryads.”
“Yes,” Vercingetorix agreed, a hand on the seed in his chest. “I think you're right.”
The grass between the parking lot and the facility began to rustle. A patch rose up, then pulled away like a curtain; behind it stood a humanoid mass of vines and pumpkins, nearly identical to the one Tsukiko and Galen fought so long ago. Another flap of grass transported a snapdragon onto the battlefield. Then a smaller version of the apple tree monster, then a woman-like mass of ivy. They were soon joined by cactus foot-soldiers and plant monstrosities that Galen had never seen, but the other members of the circus seemed to recognize.
The battle began. Three human-shaped cacti emerged from the horde. These seemed intent on Vercingetorix – they rushed towards him, and their needles seemed to grow into spear-like weapons moreso than mere spikes.
“Only three this time?” Galen asked. He slammed the pinky sides of his hands together. The Boxer Shorts responded, even beneath the Cargo Pants. The metal wires shot out from the edge of his shirt and clamped on his hands, forming gloves of steel.
Two of the cactus dryads threw punches. Galen's fists reacted automatically. He crashed the back of his left hand into the downward strike of one dryad. His right fist collided dead-on with the other dryad's fist.
This would have been all it took to destroy the last cacti he fought, but these two simply pulled back and prepared for another attack.
“Henry!” Galen cried. “These ones are way tougher than the last ones. Watch out!”
Galen was unsure of whether the mime actually heeded his warning. He looked over at Henry and Vercingetorix; Henry was holding his hands flat against some sort of non-existent barrier. The third cactus soldier bashed its fists against it over and over again. Clearly, just like the previous cactus soldiers, this dryad did not realize why punching was failing, and could not come up with a better solution.
Henry lifted one of his hands from formation, the only gesture keeping him and Vercingetorix alive, and used it to cover his mouth while he yawned.
I should have taken up miming, Galen realized.
“Galen! Duck!” Stiletto's distant voice roared.
Galen obliged. He lowered his head just in time to watch a battleaxe spin through the air and decapitate one of the cacti.
I should have taken up axe throwing too, Galen decided.
He put those thoughts aside and went back to what his present situation and skillset allowed him to do – punching. He wound back a fist and thrust it against the remaining dryad's head. It moved to block with one of its arms, but Galen's punch pierced through and crashed into the dryad nonetheless. What would have been the plant's face splattered into liquid, and it fell to the ground dead.
“Galen, take one of ze lions,” Pierre said. He approached the group with both ghost lions in tow on their enchanted chain leashes. “Heir will take you to ze top floor. Begin searching for ze girl there. Once we break through, we shall search from ze bottom up.”
“Are you sure?” Galen asked, looking up at the building. It was seven storeys tall. “I was thinking of trying out the Jumper.”
“No, no, focus on the Boxer Shorts,” Vercingetorix said, in a much calmer tone of voice than the flailing fists of the third cactus dryad a few inches from his face should have allowed. “The Jumper can be dangerous if you're not used to it. Take one of the lions.”
“Okay,” said Galen hesitantly. He undid the Boxer Shorts' metallic gloves and took hold of Heir the lion's chain. “Now what?”
The lion took a step upwards. It walked through the air like a ramp.
“They can walk on air?!” Galen demanded. He held on to the chain for dear life as the lion's climb began to lift him as well.
“Of course zey can!” Pierre cried. “Zey are ghosts. Ghosts are not affected by gravity!” His yells became more and more distant as the lion carried Galen into the air, but Galen was sure that Pierre's ranting continued far past the point he was out of earshot.
“All right, Heir,” Galen said to the lion. They reached the fourth floor; Galen's hands ached, but he gripped the chain tighter. “Let's get to the roof.”
The lion made a growling noise. Galen hoped that meant it agreed with his plan.
They reached the fifth storey. Heir stopped its ascent. It turned so that it faced the wall head-on.
“Uh, buddy?” Galen asked, dangling. “Two more floors to go.”
Heir ignored him and moved forward. Its head disappeared into the wall, the rest of its body slowly following.
“Heir! Hey! No!” Galen cried, as the chain leash began to lose its grip on the beast, unable to pass through the wall as Heir had. “Okay okay.”
He tapped the sides of his hands together. The Boxer Shorts' gauntlets snapped onto his hands. He let go of the chain with his right hand, letting the metal coils lock the chain to his left. Then, before the chain disappeared, he punched the wall with all the force he could muster.
With a resounding crash, Galen had a passageway into the building. Heir gave him a look of confusion, as if wondering why he hadn't simply phased through the wall like Heir himself. Galen returned the lion a look of annoyance.
Still, whatever methods they'd chosen, both of them were inside. They stood in a hallway, one so white and clean to the point of sterility that Galen almost felt bad for obliterating one of its walls.
“I don't suppose you can sniff out Tsukiko, can you?” Galen asked the lion.
Heir yawned, then sat down in the sunbeam created by Galen's hole in the wall. It stretched out its ethereal limbs.
“I'd almost forgotten you were a cat.”
Five storeys below, the battle raged on.
“Come, everyone!” said Pierre. He led the larger ghost lion Reign as well as a large portion of the circus' stagehands and clowns, as the other members of the circus tackled the initial wave of dryads. “Be careful,” Pierre said. “Remember that zese dryads can pop out of ze grass at any time.”
Pierre took a tentative step on the grass. Nothing happened.
“Well zen, I guess zey are out of dryads,” He said.
They were halfway across the lawn before Pierre was proven wrong. Dozens of meters' worth of grass blades fluttered up around the squadron. Pierre and Reign watched in shock as vast green pillars rose from the ground around them, towering high above their heads.
“What is zis...?” Pierre asked.
Thousands of thick plant stems stood around them, barricading them within a labyrinth. Pierre pushed against the wall in front of him, but the plants stood sturdy.
“Reign, go through.”
The ghost lion hesitantly pressed a paw against the wall. Even it, the incorporeal lion, could not pass through the wall. The beast leapt up and began running up the air, but the plants stretched to form a ceiling cage.
“Zis is insane...” Pierre muttered to himself.
In one instant, Pierre, Reign, and nearly half of Alesia's forces had been trapped by a massive corn maze.
Stiletto and Miss Isle circled the apple tree monster, blades and bombs at the ready. The thing was relatively small, only about eight feet tall and ten long. Stiletto spied one pulsing heart buried beneath a mass of branch-like ribs.
“Do you think you can blast those ribs apart?” Stiletto asked.
Miss Isle idly juggled a hand grenade as she thought. Stiletto took a moment to confirm it still had the pin inside it before allowing her to continue.
“That shouldn't be a problem,” Miss Isle replied. “But the tree with three hearts had really durable hearts, remember? Can you kill this one?”
“We'll find that out when you blast through the ribs.”
“Fair enough,” Miss Isle shrugged, yanking out the pin from her grenade.
“Torch, please!” Ravindra bellowed. A stagehand ignited one and passed it to him while he swished a mouthful of some flammable concoction.
His opponent was a lumbering ape-like creature, a mass of vines and leaves lined with bright red peppers.
Ravindra released a fireball. Flame swirled around the dryad, engulfing it in a burning vortex. Ravindra spat every drop of liquid through the torch, letting nothing go to waste.
To his shock, the dryad remained standing. It was not undamaged; parts of its greenery were charred black, but it felt inconceivable that the behemoth was anything more than cinders.
“I don't think I'll be able to defeat this thing,” Ravindra said to his small band of stagehands. “See if Vercingetorix can find someone else – I may be able to help with the corn maze or apple tree instead.”
“Roger!” said one of the torch-holders. He ran off to Vercingetorix's position.
The hot pepper dryad took notice. It flexed its nonexistent muscles and the peppers on its body constricted. A second later, seeds burst through the pods like bullets. Ravindra felt a seed fly smack against his teeth and enter his mouth.
He coughed. The seed burned with an unimaginable heat – or at least, one that Ravindra had only ever felt from his fire-eating acts. The peppers and the seeds they fired were nothing like peppers known to humanity.
The crewmembers behind him had taken equivalent attacks. Not used to such heat, they clutched their throats and screamed in pain.
Is that why it was able to survive my fire? Ravindra asked himself. Perhaps it needs to be heat-resistant to tolerate the spice of its own seeds. I'm not completely sure that's how spiciness works, but I'll be sure to look that up when we're done here.
Besides Ravindra, all of the men and women facing the hot pepper dryad fell to the ground. Ravindra ran to the closest.
He's only passed out, He thought with relief. I'm glad those seeds weren't poisonous, but still...
Ravindra chewed the seed that the dryad had shot into his mouth. Indeed, he could understand how a normal human would be affected by this level of spiciness.
He picked the fallen torches up off the ground, and lit them with his own.
“I see that I need to be the one to kill you,” Ravindra said to the dryad, even though he doubted it could understand him. “I can't let you incapacitate anyone else.”
Ravindra took a swig of the mysterious fluid he kept in his flask.
A battle of heat. I accept your challenge.
“Pardon me, Henry,” said Vercingetorix, as the final remaining cactus dryad continued to uselessly batter the mime's invisible wall. “Could we actually kill this dryad and move on?”
Henry waited for a second between punches and gave Vercingetorix a quick shrug.
Vercingetorix spied the battleaxe Stiletto had previously thrown, lying on the pavement just a few feet away.
“Allow me.”
Vercingetorix leapt out of the safety of Henry's invisible barrier. The cactus, spying Vercingetorix as the main target, turned and lumbered forward to intercept him. Vercingetorix swung the axe as he picked it up, lobbing off one of the cactus' arms. The dryad made a full-bodied gesture as though it would be howling in rage and pain if it had a mouth. It swung its remaining arm, but Henry jumped between the two of them. The cactus' attack stopped an inch before Henry's new gesture; a mimed wall protecting Vercingetorix and Henry once more.
Vercingetorix adjusted his grip on Stiletto's battleaxe and prepared for another swing.
Before he could, the cactus dryad's needles shifted. Spikes shot out of what would be its wrist and skewered Henry's shoes. The mime winced as the needles pierced his feet.
That wince, the one flinching of Henry's fingers, was enough to remove the effects of the mime barrier. Whatever mind the cactus had that had believed in the wall no longer did, and its next punch was unimpeded. Vercingetorix saw the needles come over closer. At the last moment, he felt a hard shove; Henry forced him out of the way of the cactus' attack.
The cactus bashed Henry directly with its spiked limb. The needles extended as they struck the mime's body, and for an instant, Vercingetorix could see their very tips emerge from the back of Henry's clothes.
Vercingetorix screamed wordlessly as he swung the battleaxe. He cleaved the dryad in half vertically. The two pieces fell apart. Vercingetorix couldn't afford to spend any time confirming whether this was enough to kill the dryad.
He tossed the battleaxe aside, catching Henry with both arms. The battle continued around them; Vercingetorix heard explosions, flame, ghost lion roars and weapons flying, but gave none of those sounds any attention.
His mind was frozen, focused so intently on Henry that nothing else around him mattered. It was all the same as before. The blood. The ragged breathing. The weight of a human in his arms. The sad disgraceful state of a person who Vercingetorix had previously thought to be infallible.
It was all the same as when he had lost Freya.
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scribo-ergo-sum · 6 years
Soulmate AU, Fated Failure 2/2
No one understood why you wanted to be a teacher, except other teachers. There was something wonderful about watching students’ eyes light up when they finally understood something. Being there to aid students as they grow and learn about the world was something magical you could never give up. You especially wouldn't give up your favorite day of the first semester, Career Day. Today was the day, for your senior students to realize that life didn't end after high school and that there were a million options out there beyond just going to college. Many of your students were on career, or tech tracks so this day was even more important for them. During your free period you made your rounds of the stuffy gymnasium making sure to give reassuring smiles to your students as they plucked up the courage to visit the different tables. The table for the welding, and construction groups were always the biggest attraction. You made your way down the center isle curving towards the tables set up for the military tracks. They were always the most imposing, and you typically found that if you chatted with some of the officers your students were more likely to approach. The recruiter standing alone at the Army table looked like your best bet. He was tall, and built just like the army men in the old war propaganda posters. You plastered on your best parent night smile and he smiled back.
“Good Morning ma’am. Looking to switch careers?
“Good Morning.” You laughed once his question registered. “I'm afraid my principal would die before he let me leave the building. I'm one of the teachers on the Senior team, just checking in. Everything going ok? You were looking a little lonely over here.”
Captain Rogers Ma’am.” He stated holding out his hand for you to shake “We’re doing just fine.”
“Well I was hoping if I broke the ice some students might wander over" you glanced around noticing a couple students make a wide loop hopefully in your direction. “Captain. I believe you said we? Are there more of you? I hope they’re not too young or some of my students may skip class to hang out here all day. I believe last year we had some lovely older gentlemen, and did not have to worry.” You laughed at the thought of your students harassing the last year’s recruiters as you’re sure they would someone as attractive as Captain Rogers. He smiled at your joke, and shook his head.
“Just Sergeant Barnes is with me today. I’m sure you’d like to meet him.” The Captain smiled wide as he looked around, hoping to grab his partner, he looked like he had something funny he wanted to tell you but needed to wait for the Sergeant. “We’re filling in for the usual recruiters but he seems to have wandered off.”
“Ms. Y/L/N?” a small voice broke into the conversation. You turned to see a student from your third period. “Sorry to interrupt-"
“Not at all.” you assured her, giving a side glance to Cpt. Rogers. “Captain Rogers was just mentioning the awesome opportunities to work with advancing Technologies through the Army. You know a lot more about that than me, perhaps you could take my place?” Your student beamed. “It was wonderful meeting you Cpt. Rogers. I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N if you or your partner find yourselves needing anything.”
You made a few more loops around the cafeteria before your planning ended and you needed to return to your other classes. You caught a few glances from Captain Rogers and gave an amicable wave as your eyes caught the hard stare from the man he had mentioned earlier. Sergeant Barnes was not the same clean-cut army officer as Captain Rogers, but both men did the uniform proud. You're fairly positive a few girls from your A.P course were considering signing up just to upgrade their boyfriends versus their resume. He stared liked he was trying to see into you versus catch your attention. You felt a slight blush, and hoped it wasn't over something embarrassing like your skirt being tucked in your underwear. You broke the staring contest and casually ran your hands along your skirt. Everything seemed fine, and you had worn stackable bracelets so you knew it wasn't your two favorite words that had caught the eagle-eyed Sargent’s attention. Finishing your last goodbyes to a few doe-eyed students all dreaming of bright futures, you decided it was time to return to your classroom. You thought you heard someone shouting after you from the gymnasium, but when you turned no one was there. You figured the student could find you later.
The rest of that week, and the next passed with a lackluster routine. Midterms were coming up. and if the students wanted follow any of those careers they needed to graduate high school as well as your class, first. You found yourself sitting on a stool at the island in your kitchen thinking over the last essay question you needed to write for the midterm exam. You fingered the stem of your wine glass letting your eyes trail around the living room of your apartment. Your life always walked the fine line between cozy clutter and utter disaster. You couldn't quite decide where it fell today. Your work pants were hanging off the back of the couch. but you could see the floor throughout the apartment. That counted as a win, but the dishes mocking you from the sink said otherwise. The bookshelf you put together from IKEA was almost full enough to buy another, maybe you needed to take more books to your classroom versus leaving so many in your apartment. A knock at the door broke into your musings. You looked at the door waiting for it to yawn like the doorknob in Alice in Wonderland and explain to you why anyone was at the door when you had made yourself cook for once instead of ordering take out. You slipped off your bar stool, and snagged the pants off the sofa shuffling them back on as you moved toward the door.
You pulled the button through the loop as you squinted through the peephole. While your door may not have yawned, your evening was getting curiouser and curiouser. Sergeant Barnes was standing, well shuffling, on the other side of your door with a bundle of sunflowers. The bright yellow flowers stood out against the dark hues of his uniform. His hat was tucked under his right arm, hair longer than you what you imagined was regulation. Your brain ran through every scenario that could have landed him at your door. None of the good, and most of them made zero sense. The nervous biting of his lip is what finally did you in, and you decided to open the door. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tried to find a pleasant reaction to wear as you opened the door. His reaction when the door swung open told you that your face had opted for the high school tested and approved “what shenanigans are you up to now" expression over the “friendly welcome.”
“Hello...Can I help you?” you asked slowly, realizing he wanted you to speak first.
“Hi. Ma’am. Umm. I'm Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes. I don't know if you remember me -but uh.” He stammered like a freshman trying to piece together a presentation in front of their class that they had forgotten to memorize.
“Yes. You were at the Career fair at the high school, but I don't believe we had the chance to be introduced.” You realize you should have been more concerned by the entire exchange. There was a man you hadn’t spoken a word to, standing outside your door like you had a date that you had forgotten about. However, despite being very confused, you felt completely safe. Despite the at least 6ft tall wall of muscle in front of you, you felt less stressed than you had all week. You allowed a small smile to drift across your face and leaned against the door frame in a more relaxed position. “Captain Rogers passed along your name, but I can't imagine I made enough of an impression on him to have him sending a Sergeant to my door with flowers.” You hoped a joke would cause him to stop looking like your door was the entryway to a firing squad. However, he didn’t appear to like the insinuation that the flowers were from the captain if his hands tightening around them were any indication.
“No. Well, yes we did not meet officially at the fair- the uh flowers are from me- you see" the Sergeant ran his hand over his face and wrapped it around his neck pulling at his collar as it moved back to its home squeezing the life out of the sunflower stems. “God why is this so hard"
You smiled again, waiting for him to continue. You were starting to think this was going to be the beginning of your hallmark movie, and this man you barely knew was going to profess love at first sight. You told the thought to stop right there. Attractive as he was, you weren't his soulmate. You let the cloud of sadness pass you by and tried to look reassuring to the poor man still hunting for the elusive English Language.
“You see Ma’am. We actually met before the fair.” You allowed the shock to show on your face. “We met at the park, I believe I uh told you to fuck off?”
Your eyebrows joined the rest of your hair at the top of your forehead. If you hadn't spent the last several years fine tuning your temper control with hordes of high school students you would have slammed the door in his face and never looked back. Hell, temper aside you still wanted to slam it. You also wanted to push him, and tell him to fuck. Off. You knew the steam leaving your ears must be visible. The army man stiffened and tried to finish his speech.
“I came to apologize. I thought- I thought you were my friend Steve. Captain Rogers who you met at the school. He threw the Frisbee. I was mad- I didn't realize- I thought it was him coming to chide me for running into a damn tree like an idiot. God, Doll. I am sorry. I was an ass. I promise I am not always an ass. Please give me a chance to prove to my soulmate that she's paired with a fuck up, not a complete and total dick.”  A nervous smile moved across his features, he tried so hard to look remorseful and apologetic.
You huffed. He was your soulmate, you had to let him try. You'd spent your entire life with the F word tattooed on your wrist. You could handle anything at this point. You needed to give him a chance, but that didn't mean you couldn't make him work for it.
“How exactly did you get my address Sergeant?” You used your best disappointed voice. “Who at my school is getting fired over your chivalry?”
“Shit. Um. I promised I'd keep the name to myself. But I did promise to lead some safety assembly in exchange? It’ll be the worst hour of my life, especially since Steve will have to come. Who the hell knows what it'll take to make that happen. But I figured, well I hope a chance to fix things with you will make it all worth it?”
Barnes gave a shit eating grin after the last thought, hoping his suffering for the children would get him on your good side, or at least out of the penalty box. You let out a disgruntled sound.
“Let me try to fix this,” he continued. “Let me buy you a coffee, let you see the guy behind the shoving and the swearing.” Crossing your arms, you decided for one more jab before you let it go.
“I don’t drink coffee.” You allowed his face to fall for a few seconds before you continued. “But I know a place that makes great hot chocolate down the road. Let me out these in some water before we go.”
           He passed you the flowers, and you heard him let out a deep breath. You turned your back but he stayed in the doorway. You looked at him smiling the first real smile he had the privilege of experiencing. You thought for a second he may have stopped breathing.
“That's as close to an invitation to come inside as you’re going to get Sergeant. Better grab it while it lasts.” The smile you received in return was worth every bruise on your heart.
“Please call me Bucky.”
“Feel free to call me Y/N.” You leaned under the sink to grab a vase. “Well. Bucy. We are going to need to work on that mouth of yours. I am an English teacher I'm sure we can find some less colorful phrases for you to try.” He laughed and mumbled something your ears didn't quite catch. You shot him a look waiting for him to try again.
“What kind of teacher doesn't like coffee?” He said smirking. Realizing your opportunity, you let the widest grin move across your face as you grabbed your keys to move toward the door.
“Oh fuck off Bucky.”
After years of hating your soulmate tattoo, you finally let yourself laugh it off, and the melody of your soulmate laughing with you made it that much easier.
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woman-of-destiny · 2 years
Word for Today
Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
This speaks to troubled waters because for most of us, we’re afraid when trouble comes. Fear loves opportunities to torment us, hinder us and hurt our minds. It loves to put us in a prison of limitation especially when troubled waters are raging against us. But, we know that with Jesus, nothing is impossible.
The verse says, “don’t be discouraged, I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
The Israelites found themselves in troubled waters when they approached the River Jordan. The Promised Land was on the other side. This was the last major obstacle that stood in their way of reaching their goal. Under the leadership of Moses they had crossed the Red Sea.
But, now Moses was gone and Joshua was their new leader. Would he be up to the test? Could he build a bridge over troubled waters?
It was during the flood season. The waters of the river were abnormally high. God told Joshua to walk to the river’s edge and stand still. Instead of building a bridge, Joshua was instructed to select one man from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
They were to go ahead of the people and stand in the river. Then the priests, bearing the Ark of the Covenant, would pass by.
When their feet dipped in the water the waters abated and a dry strip of land appeared, which enabled all the people to cross the river basin.
The priests remained in the middle of the river until every person had safely crossed over. The crossing of the Jordan is a story of trust, faith and patience.
Joshua trusted that God would hold back the waters and make a bridge for his people. God trusted that Joshua would do as he was told. The people trusted in their leader, Joshua, to lead them to the other side of the river.
The Lord told Joshua to “stand still in the waters” of the Jordan. Unlike Moses who raised his staff to part the waters of the Red Sea, Joshua was instructed to wait.
When we are experiencing troubled waters we often lose patience. Because we live in a society that wants everything now and expects everything to be done yesterday, we have become an impatient people.
When we experience troubled waters we get anxious. We want a quick fix. We want the pain, the suffering, the confusion to go away as soon as possible. We want to get to the other side immediately.
We are more like Evel Knievel, wanting to be blasted across a river canyon rather than climb down the hillside and wade across where it is safe.
Crossing troubled waters requires trust and patience. And it also requires faith. Faith in a God who assures us that He will be with us in our transition.
Faith in a God who promises new life in a new land. Faith in a God who can create a bridge over troubled waters in ways that surpass our understanding.
In the Ark of the Covenant was the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses was symbolic of the presence of God. Consequently, the Israelites believed that God was with them as they traveled about two-thirds of a mile between the waters of the river.
Today can you trust God to be your bridge over troubled waters?
Have a Blessed Friday
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