#like tommys very much more 'i think with my heart not my head' and tubbos more inclined towards what the 'most logical' thing to do is
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btw i will never be over how tommy kept his compass locked in his enderchest at all times, and tubbo never took his out of his offhand
#my post#listen i KNOW tommy couldnt have kept it on him often bcus dream wouldve destroyed it#but. yknow. something about tommy heart-on-his-sleeve innit keeping it locked up#and tubbo close-to-the-chest _ having his displayed where everyone could see it#like tommys very much more 'i think with my heart not my head' and tubbos more inclined towards what the 'most logical' thing to do is#but when given an item that could in all honesty represent their heart. they both carried it differently than youd expect#idk its just an interesting detail to me
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this is a very specific detail, but when you mention headcanons for wil/lmanburg/dsmp you often mention redwoods and crickets? could you talk abt the redwood a little because i just think redwoods are cool bc i live like an hours drive away from the forest. theyre so tall and gorgeous and imposing
op this ask made me so happy I’m literally so grateful. everytime someone asks me about l’manburg my heart does the grinch thing
so redwoods were canonically the trees in l’manburg, and they were clearly very important to them. they were mentioned in their decree of independance, and it was also a huge rule in l’manburg to never burn down the trees. something about that is so important to me. it may be the way in the midst of war, they still cared about their land so much. I’m obsessed with nature and healing metaphors. So I often think about c!wilbur standing at the base of a giant redwood tree, and being reminded that maybe his mistakes are smaller than they seem to be. Maybe the trees serve as a reminder that something will always be more powerful than him, no matter how hard he works. It’s not his fault, yk?
They also climbed the trees in l’manburg a lot and it seems so cool to me that they did. Like I think about tubbo and Tommy being kids again, digging their nails into the bark and growing closer and closer to being able to see the entire smp. I think about c!Niki smiling at them.
I think about the l’mancrew hiding behind the trees in the war, and the stumps being so much higher than them. Maybe they cared about it so much because the land seemed to care about them too.
Also redwoods lifespans being for thousands of years, and being cut short because of the l’manburg explosion.
a bunch of creatures tend to live in redwoods, so I like to think c!fundy and c!tommy would go around checking out the little ecosystems being held inside another one. l’manburg being their own system inside of the smp. defiance of man and nature or whatever
C!niki also burning the l’mantree to the very ground…do you think a little bit of it remained. A stump covered in ash. maybe she wasn’t so different from the trees herself.
I don’t know why I bring it up so much, really. I wish I had better answers for you but it’s just something about it pulls at my heart. These were just the first thoughts in my head
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What's this? A fic from me in the DSMP category because there was canon lore? In 2024?
I was watching or getting ready to watch someone else, I had my follower list open at least, and saw Jack was live and there was something about logging onto the server later in his title and wait what. I knew as soon as I updated some friends about said happenings, I muted the Discord channel I sent it in in case people wanted to talk more about it and maybe sent spoilers later, and I was on here very little because I knew even though I'm not 100% in the fandom anymore and certainly not a fan of all the members, I would like to see it for myself. So I watched the vod the next morning and oh my god.
I did not expect to get literal chills the moment he logged on and the first thing we saw was the bench. And I almost cried when we saw Las Nevadas. And I did cry a bit when we saw Tech's house. Regardless of how much I care about the streamers who were part of that as of late, I did at one point, very much so. This was something I did not expect, it was so nostalgic and emotional and actually warmed my heart a bit seeing so many fans come together during and after it happened. This was a really unexpected and lovely way to tie things up, I thought they kind of were already in all areas for me at least, but I think that this was a good way to finally properly say goodbye.
No warnings
1,438 words
Tommy was. Somewhere.
He wakes up he thinks, he opened his eyes at least, running a hand through his blonde curls.
He didn't think he was alone this time. Or well, he wasn't always, Tubbo was there sometimes, but this was a different sort of person feeling.
He typed into his communicator for the heck of it.
"Wh-where have you fucking been?"
Been here for years mate.
Made loads."
He was.
He was in Las Nevadas?
This whole time. This whole time?
Tommy stood at the top of the hill at the entrance of the faux desert and sure enough.
Someone with one blue and one red eye, a head of buzzed hair with a headset on top, a blue short sleeved hoodie, and camouflage pants stood at the bottom.
"Let me bless you, my boy, it's been too long."
He threw a couple of diamonds at the feet of younger, who probably looked just as puzzled as he felt.
"Jack. Seriously.
What happened?"
"What do you mean? I've just been here. Playing roulette."
This whole time? This whole time.
"Wanna know where I've been?
Come with me."
"Hold on, can't leave on a loss, gotta get that big win."
Jack came out eventually, and they walked out of Las Nevadas and along the Prime Path together, he has somewhere to show him.
"It's good to see you."
"You too, man."
"I've been here."
"Here? Under the bridge?"
"Out in the distance. That way.
I've got a house. It's nice."
"I haven't seen anyone for a loooooong time.
Well, maybe Tubbo, every now and again."
Tommy and Jack walked, or well, Tommy walked, and all the sudden Jack's voice became quieter and quieter somewhere behind rather than beside him.
"Me either, casino's been empty.
Honestly, I just steal money from the safe's to gamble with. I could take it all if I wanted, but the thrill keeps me in there.
Gambler's addiction, they call it. One day I'll win big. 99% of people quit before then.
But not me. I'll make it. It's been years, but, it's coming."
He turned his head to the boy with heterochromia behind him, blonde waves bouncing lightly.
"You're not very good at catching up, are you?"
"Just telling my story, man."
Jack said while he jogged to be once again beside him.
"Never thought I'd be around these parts again. I moved far from here to get away from it.
It brings back too much. Joy, fun, sadness, pain. Too much of all of it.
But it's nice to see a familiar face."
The path they took to get to their destination was familiar, and this time he knew it was safe as well as convenient, no one with a mask he had to worry about being on the other side, or worse yet, chase him.
A bridge of cobblestone among the dark red brick and close to unbearable heat, from one swirling purple transparent gateway surrounded by obsidian to another, and they were spot out onto a soft cold white blanket.
"I don't live around here."
"Oh. I thought that's where we were going?"
"No, god no. Do you know how long it took for me to get back here?
I come here a lot though"
A house, a cabin to be exact, sat the same as them in the nearby distance.
It was cream colored with chestnut colored accents, a matching wooden roof and front door, and a chimney that stood tall and sat bare, no plumes of smoke emitted which once came from it.
"Cool. It's quaint. I like it.
Maybe I'll bye it when I win big!"
Tommy looked to the older boy with two colored eyes beside him, opened his mouth but decided against saying anything, then opened it again to say something after all.
"This is Technoblade's house."
"Oh. Maybe I won't do that then."
"How long do you usually sit here like this?"
"As long as I need to.
Sometimes minutes. Sometimes hours."
There were areas of fences close by on the surrounding property, the occasional bray or bah or grunt echoed through the air, and sat in the otherwise quiet.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure. Hit me."
Tommy fidgeted with the fingers on one hand in his lap as he found the right words and considered them being actually spoken.
"Do you ever.
Like, despite all the war, and the fighting, and all the- well, all the mess- how much it sent me a fucking mess.
Do you ever miss it? Those days? The people? Or, well, the way they were. The way it all was."
Jack looked at him, something like softness in his features.
"Sure. It was all a bit much at times, and I'm not sure I'd wanna do it all again.
But I miss it sometimes. It was fun, really."
"Yeah, I don't think I'd do it all again either. But. I don't know, I've tried to move on. My little cottage far away, my humble paradise. But that trails a lot into my mind."
"I think it trails onto all of our minds sometimes, wherever we all are.
But we all have to move on, find our own destiny sometime."
"Okay. Phew. I'm glad it's not just me."
"Chasing the win keeps me happy.
I like who I am now, probably more than I was. But that doesn't mean he was bad."
"You like being a gambler? Over an incompetent fight loser?"
Jack laughed, soft and genuine, and Tommy fidgeted a bit harder.
"I guess they're not great options are they."
"Sorry, that was a bit harsh, I don't see many people."
"One of them means I might win someday, I was never gonna win back then."
His face held that expression again, soft, almost sad maybe.
"I've still got my one life. One canon life.
And I intend to use it the best way I can."
"What do you mean? How do you wanna use it?."
"You know. I've not got a clue.
But I'll figure that out later.
For now, I've got my cottage, and my new pet! Oh she's adorable. Mareep, she's a little sheep I caught.
But you know, things are okay for me.
Tubbo and his fucking bees I see also every now and then. He's doing pretty well for himself. Selling fucking honey."
"Oh, that's good. I thought he exploded when I blew up everything.
I can't actually die I don't think, so I never know whether these things are bad for everyone else or not."
"I guess being the president of L'Manberg teaches you a few logistical things, aye?
Not that either of us would know anything about that."
"I haven't seen anyone else besides Tubbo."
"Yeah, you two are hard to separate."
"Tell me about it."
"I think I like it that way for now though.
The quiet life."
"Quiet is nice. This is nice."
"It's good to see an old face though. I know I said it before, but it really is."
Tommy pushed himself up and off the snow beneath them, a couple joints popped, Jack did the same, they stayed standing with the cabin behind them.
"Well, I can't stay for long, I've gotta do things like feed Mareep."
"Yeah, I got some places to see, now that I'm out.
Haven't left there in a while, probably should go check on some things."
"Is there anything else you wanna ask me? I have no questions for you."
Jack looked like he might have something to say, but was going through the roster of words in his mind, carefully considering them.
"Are you happy?
I guess that's really all I'd care to know."
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, closed it, gave a whisper of a smile, ran one of his hands along his pant leg in a partial fidget and a partial way to rid himself of the cold, then opened it again.
"Getting there."
They both nodded gently.
"I'm glad."
"It's good to see you, Jack."
"It's good to see you too, Tommy."
"I hope you get that big win someday.
Oh, and hey. Don't let anyone bye this house."
"I won't."
"I might not see you again. But I hope to lhear about it if you win big."
That's okay. You will. I can deal with just knowing that you're happy."
Tommy held out a hand.
"So long J Money."
Jack shook it.
"Bye Big T."
They both looked to the cabin once more, gave a two finger salute, and went their separate ways along the snowy path.
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Hi denz do you have any set designs for any of the other characters in you pirate AU? (I Might need ideas for art mayhaps :D) like you can choose any character or characters you want
I also just liked seeing your thoughts about technos design bc it made more sense to me when then reading the newest chapter
Hi Ýr! I actually do, and also've drawn up some designs (Ranboo especially, since i needed a visual refrence for their entire. Situation.) The top two drawings are a bit older since i did them a while ago, but i still think its accurate?
The bottom one was the first of the new drawings i did, and i think its a bit obvious but that's fine. Gonna just point things out because i think that's the best way to explain :D Also trying not to delve too too much into spoilers but it will be tricky.
The before thing is referencing mainly when Ranboo met Tommy and Tubbo, it's after the boat crashing. Shaded parts are white, because ranboo scars white, and the mouth scars are placed where the jaw connects to the rest of the head. He also has ones on their tear ducks, thats what the scar lines near the eyes are. The top before drawing (the side profile one) has ranboo's braid still in, but thats technicly wrong because while Ranboo had their braid in when they met Tommy and Tubbo, they never tied it again. No reason to that, Ranboo just didnt feel a need to do it.
Their braid is tied on the right
The now drawings include the bandage, cause Ranboo doesnt really want to show his scars (bandage is tricky to do himself, but he can do it and usually does. There is a Reason in chapter 2 Ranboo asks tommy specificly to help him re-bandage his face.)
Last thing about them cause i know this is getting rambly (fully aware no one minds, but also i am trying to be clear and FAILING) : Ranboo has pointed ears. This is not a normal thing. Techno doesnt mention it because he choses not to notice it, but it felt impoprtant to mention since im talking about Ranboo's design.
Little baby tommy zoom in (i doodled it so small lmao sorry bout the pixels)
I just felt like drawing him very little and young. The scar is face paint wow i wonder if its familiar i wonder if thats like, a hint to something who knowsssss :) (Also it might just be mud actually, not face paint. He put mud right next to his eye and he thought it looked SO cool)
Also, pigtails. That was important. He has pigtails. In my heart it matters, fem tommy for the win he deserves to have longer hair
ALSO. The full body is inacurate, but it would be spoilers to do an accurate kid tommy so i sadly can't. When it's revealed i will as a little sorry (and also cause i REALLY wanna draw it but shhh thats not important) (it might also be related to why Ranboo asked Tommy to help him with his bandages. But i refuse to give away more than that)
Last but not least, Tubbo!!!!
He is NOT bald i just didnt want to draw more, so i took an screeshot of and older drawing of his scar because i think that's important. His eye droops and his face is a bit messed up, he also can't hear out of his left ear (obviously) but his other ear isnt that good at hearing either. Tubbo's been around cannons since he was too little to understand that, hey, maybe covering your ears will be helpful in the long run. But he was little and no one ever told him. He figured it out now, but his reflex is more of 'tense and stay very still' instead of 'cover your ears and duck'
He also tends to wear heavy outfits. Like, a big jacket and big boots and just clothes that are so puffy that they give him a round silhouette if that makes sense
#blabbing#id in alt text#<- WE WIN THESE LESGO IT WAS SO SO HARD AND TRICKY MY BRAIN WAS PROTESTING BUT I DID GOOD#by did good i mean i 100% messed something up somewhere but. yknow. thats fine (it im very open to people telling me how to do ids better)#my art#sketch art#bench trio#they mean so much to me in this au#cursed aro techno pirate au#still so pissed off tumblr doesnt show me that tag. so many words i constatly forget the order#writing talks#the inbox#Ýr#god i hope there arent too many typos i dont wanna reread this whole thing i when i could be reading animorphs instead#<- not a joke omw to read animorphs
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Chapter 4: All my Marionettes
"Did you notice the marionette strings around your wrists?
Or did you just forget that I existed?"
Then, just as you try to calm yourself, you hear it.
A faint click.
The sound is soft, almost imperceptible at first, but then, as if it’s drawing you in, it sharpens, becoming louder, more deliberate. Your head snaps toward the sound, and suddenly, there’s a shimmer of light ahead. The dark walls of Limbo part in response, opening to reveal a glowing portal. It’s not much—a crack in the darkness, a soft light spilling through—but it beckons, like a lifeline.
You don’t hesitate. You stand, despite the coldness gnawing at you, and step toward the light. Your feet feel heavier than before as if the air itself is pulling you back, but you push through it, one step at a time. Each step feels like it takes forever, and the ground beneath your feet seems to shift unnaturally, distorting the very space around you.
As you reach the portal, you step through it, your surroundings warping, folding in on themselves. The darkness of Limbo is replaced with flashes of light, the sound of rushing wind in your ears, and a sharp pull in your chest.
When you open your eyes again, you're no longer in the void. The first thing you notice is the unmistakable scent of fresh air—earthy, damp, and alive. The air feels different here, lighter. You blink rapidly, taking in your surroundings, and immediately your heart skips a beat. The familiar sight of the land outside L'Manberg greets you, but something is wrong. You’re no longer in Limbo. No, you’ve respawned. But the world feels… off.
The ground is cracked, the sky is an unnatural shade of red, and there’s a tension in the air, an oppressive weight that wasn’t there before. The world looks like it’s been scarred by something much worse than just the destruction you caused. And then you hear it.
“Well, well, well.”
The voice cuts through the eerie silence, a mocking tone laced with something darker beneath it. You freeze, heart pounding in your chest. You know that voice.
Turning slowly, your eyes lock with Dream’s. He stands there, just beyond the ruins of what used to be L'Manberg, his figure silhouetted against the fiery backdrop. His mask conceals his expression, but you can see the glint of amusement in his eyes—the kind of amusement that doesn't bode well for anyone standing in his path.
“So, look who’s back from the dead,” Dream says, stepping forward. His voice is casual, almost too casual as if he’s been waiting for this moment. "You've sacrificed your first life... to join the victors. Welcome back."
“You did it, didn’t you?” Dream’s voice is calm, almost eerily so. The words are not accusatory, but the underlying judgment in them stabs deep into you, like a blade twisted in your gut.
You open your mouth, but the words don’t come. You’ve made your choice. There’s no excuse for what you’ve done, no justifying it. Not to Dream. Not to anyone.
He steps forward, closing the distance between you with every deliberate stride. The sound of his boots crunching against the debris is too loud in the silence.
A bitter laugh escapes your lips, though it feels hollow and wrong. “You gave me the choice,” you say, the words feeling alien in your mouth. You remember the letter. Make the move. If you want out, now is the time. It was supposed to be a way to escape, a way to leave the madness behind. Now, all that remains is the destruction you’ve caused.
Dream tilts his head, studying you with an unsettling intensity. “You think you can just walk away from this? That there’s no price to pay for what you’ve done?” His voice lowers, the words turning darker. “You’ve betrayed everyone you’ve ever known. Tommy. Tubbo. Wilbur. They trusted you. And now look what you’ve done.”
The mention of their names cuts deeper than anything else. A stab of guilt twists inside you, but you push it down, squashing the feeling beneath the surface. They made their choices. You made yours. It was never meant to be.
“You don’t know what it’s like Dream,” you mutter, eyes downcast, unwilling to meet his gaze. “To be caught between two sides, with no way to win. No way to belong.” Your voice shakes, betraying the doubt you thought you buried long ago. “I was just... tired.”
“Tired?” Dream scoffs, the sound almost mocking. He steps closer still, his green eyes burning with that unyielding focus. “You think the world cares that you’re tired? Do you think any of this was for you? This was never about you, Y/N.” His use of your name makes your blood run cold. “This was about power. About control. And now you’re just another pawn who thought they could escape the game.”
You shiver. You lost the trust of everyone. Just to become one of Dream's marionettes. No better than Eret, no better than his Dreamons. Even if you turned back now, L'Manberg would never accept you. But you didn't let Dream see your torment. You stood there, unnervingly still. "Then let it be so." You turned on your heel and walked away.
You gather your dropped things before they get stolen away by the skies. As you did, right in the ruins of L'Manberg, you checked to see if the coast was clear before you wept. Oh, to think that you were just a pawn and Dream was just playing you, just controlling you, like a clever puppeteer, pulling the strings. The tears stained the ashes before fading into nothingness. Then unmistakable footsteps were heard behind you.
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AO3 WRAPPED NUMBER 29 but i want u to give me ur top 3. or top 5 if u have a lot
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
MAC MY FRIEND MAC GHOSTIEZONE!!! my top fav passages i've written this year.... this is gonna take a while to answer i have so so many to choose from omg.... i'm gonna put this under a cut bc it is going 2 be Long (also i am going 2 tag u because idk if u have seen it yet and i v much want u to see the dstuck passage i'm posting it's got wilbur in it :3 @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone )
3: this one is from my ctubbo oneshot titled Harlequin that i wrote on impulse in early september. mac idk if u have read it but u should i think u would like it :3 the style of it is v experimental in a lot of places but i had SOOOOO MUCH FUN writing it and it's kinda angsty but the ending is sweet and i reread it and was like ;-; this fic was very much me projecting onto ctubbo OK HERE'S A QUICK PASSAGE :3
Tommy is your brother, you think, but not in the way he and Wilbur are brothers. They’re brothers in general, two different souls who experienced such different walks of life and stick together regardless, who follow each other to the ends of the earth no matter how wrong or bad one of them thinks the other is.
You and Tommy are more like... kindred spirits. Brothers in war, allies in politics, victims of abuse who pull each other up by your boot straps and lean on each other so you can keep going side by side.
It’s never just Tommy, or just Tubbo. It’s always Tommy and Tubbo.
Like one name.
TommyandTubbo. TubboandTommy. T+T.
Brothers in experience. Partners in life. Two sides of the same coin. Inseparable.
But that’s just the thing, isn’t it? You’re part of the same coin, but people look at you and see two heads, one on each side, no tails. Nothing at all to differentiate the two.
You could draw horns on one side and a white streak on the other, but at the end of the day they always see two copies.
When people run into you, they ask “Where’s Tommy?” “Do you know where Tommy’s been lately?” “What’s Tommy up to?”
You can’t always answer that.
For as much as you’re inseparable, sometimes you’re both alone for a bit. You always come back around like two magnets drawn to each other until something or someone yank you apart again.
You don’t like being a copy.
You don’t even know if Tommy realizes that’s what you are.
Tommy and Tubbo.
The main character and his sidekick.
He called you the main character once, during the Disc Confrontation, and himself the sidekick, and hearing that
actually made you
Even if everyone else sees you as a second quieter Tommy, he doesn’t.
That counts for something.
2: MY VASHWOOD FIC Just As Beautiful As The Day I Lost You MY BELOVED <3 ughhhh writing this was so sad i genuinely cried doing it. the moment wolfwood remembers vash is what gets me. ik you've read it already but here's that one little passage here for u just for funzies <3 NOW CRY!!!!!!
The video stops.
Vash snaps his gaze to Rosewood. He’s trembling like a wet cat, hand poised over the spacebar. His breath hitches once, twice. He turns to Vash, slowly, just as tears begin to spill down his cheeks.
“What the hell, Needle Noggin,” he whispers. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”
Uncertainty is the only thing Vash can respond with. He steps closer, hand hovering over Rosewood’s shoulder. “I... don’t...”
Rosewood pushes the chair back, wooden legs scraping across the floor, doubles over, and buries his face in his hands. Vash takes that as a signal to do something, so he rests his hand on Rosewood’s back. After the comfort Rosewood gave him last night, it’s the least he can do, really.
Rosewood chokes back a sob. “I shouldn’t know these people,” he says, voice thick with tears. “How... do I know them? How do I know you?”
Vash’s heart leaps into his throat. He kneels in front of the chair so he’s level with Rosewood. “Do... Do you...”
Rosewood looks up, an angry furrow in his brow, even he wipes tears from his eyes. The expression is so incredibly Wolfwood that Vash doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“This past week has been fucking torture, Spikey. You—I saw you leave church last Sunday, and I didn’t even see any of this,” he gestures to Vash in general, the spikey hair, the glasses, the scars, “but you just—you stuck in my head and I couldn’t explain why. I... I still can’t.” He gives a wet laugh. “Humanoid Typhoon my ass. You’re more like a parasite.”
A lump forms in Vash’s throat, alongside something so bright and hopeful he feels dizzy with it. Hands shaking, unsteady like they’ve never been before, he reaches out, fingers brushing over Rosewood’s jaw. He wipes away a stray tear, stubble sharp beneath his thumb.
Rosewood sniffles, shakes his head. “Don’t look at me like that, Needle Noggin. I can’t take it when you smile like that.”
Vash swallows. As quiet as can be, barely any breath behind his voice, he says
A sob rips itself from the throat of the man in front of him. Vash catches him as he lunges from his chair and into Vash’s arms, heaving cries pressed into his shirt. Vash holds him tight, hands clenched in his jacket. The black poncho remains on Vash’s lap, pressed between them. A stray tear soaks into the fabric. It takes Vash a moment to realize it fell from his own face.
He's never been so uncertain in his life.
But whatever this is, whatever he’s awakened in the priest in his arms, whether it’s real or a delusion, he wants to keep it.
He tucks his face into the crook between a neck and a shoulder, and he cries.
1: i think my fav thing i've written this year would be the tntduo chapter of dstuck that i sent you a while ago BUT since u have already read that and it's wayyyy too long to put in one post i am going to choose a different dstuck thing. most of the passages i wanna put here would involve MAJOR SPOILERS but i have one chatlog between wilbur and one of the cherubs i'm putting in there to kind of sort of replace cdream (i don't like ccdrm but his character is Important so i basically split him in two as a cherub and changed his name). honestly it was kind of a hard decision to change his name bc he's such an iconic villain but i think i did ok with still capturing his Evilness and his shitty asshole vibes ANYWAY this is one of my fav parts of this chapter i love writing chatlogs <3 tw for ummm some brief suicidal ideation bc it's cwilbur that's how it goes
hi wilbur! IO: Ah fuck, what do you want? can’t i just say hi and see how you’re doing? IO: I mean, I can’t stop you, I guess. you’re getting closer and closer to entering this game. isn’t that exciting? IO: Sure. you don’t sound excited. :( IO: What do you mean? This is the picture of excitement. IO: Look at me, I’m jumping up and down with joy at the prospect. liar. IO: Fuck you. hey, now don’t be rude! we’re friends, aren’t we wilbur? IO: We were, yeah. IO: When I was like, twelve. IO: But you started bad mouthing my bro and the rebellion and being all shitty and manipulative, and I literally tried to kms whben I was fourteen because of the shit you’ve said so like IO: No I wouldn’t say we;re friends. but we’re past that! i’ve changed, wilbur. IO: Yeah yeah so you keep fucking saying. if we’re not friends, why do you keep responding? IO: Because you’ll keep fucking bothering me until I do it's just because i want to talk to you. is that really so wrong? IO: Yeah IO: I know the shit that you did to my bro and I don’t fucking much appreciate it that was ages ago! come on, wilbur. you’ll get me out of here, won’t you? IO: If I could kill you I would. man, tough crowd. i think you’ll come around eventually. and even when i do get out of here without your help, your bro is the first one i’ll go for. i’m sure you know this, because it happened in your past. and then i’ll go for the little one. your pen pal. :) he is your bro, after all, and yeah, maybe the older one will slip through my fingers, but your pen pal? he's still young. your bro will get away from me when we’re both older, but your pen pal won’t defeat me while he’s just a kid, and i’m a GOD. :)
The chatlog closes on its own.
He used to be nice, but you think it’s just because he wanted to be your friend. Or, at least, pretend to be your friend. He filled you in on a lot of information about your future and the game, about your upcoming journey as a Bard of Heart, how destructive the class is, how you’re fated to destroy everything you’ve ever held dear and harm the people you love, the nuances of your aspect, the role you’re meant to play in this game.
He called you a supernova in the making, a nuclear bomb waiting to go off, a personified Chernobyl in your own right. It sounded kind of cool at the time, but it placed this heavy weight on your shoulders, this expectation for destruction.
You’re pretty sure he lied about most of the stuff he’s told you, but you can never be sure. You’re set on relying on Phil’s foresight to tell you your role now, although he doesn’t have all the answers. Still, it’s better than running in blind with your only guidance being the ravings of a madman from the distant future. He used to be so kind, it was hard not to believe him.
He wasn’t so kind when you had a sword at your own chest.
#whiskey yelling into the void#friend tag :3#HEHEHE I LOVE SHARING MY WRITING <3#i hope u like the dstuck passage i am having soooo much fun writing wilbur in dstuck :3#he's my fav little guy
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back of the hall (unfinished oneshot)
have old writing i never got round to finishing that i lost motivation for :) this was way back early 2022 but i hope u like it anyway - was supposed to be more of a plot twist than it is but i also don't like this enough to finish it LMAO. but posting it = dreblr angst so who am i to pass up the opportunity huh
warnings: death, abuse, dead body, emotional distress, suicidal ideation, funeral, crying, general sad themes, no happy ending
Dream isn’t invited to the funeral. He shows up anyway.
It’s still his server – not the Tommy SMP, like he’d snapped months ago, shit, over a year ago, in his big grand Disk War performance, it’s the Dream SMP, right? – no matter what people say, so though he receives no invite, no call to join the event, no attention from anyone, he decides to go. It’s a personal thing, even if he tries to convince himself otherwise. It’s a very, very personal thing, judging from the lodge of emotions in his throat when he arrives.
Easily slipping into the back of the funeral hall undetected, Dream notes how few people are actually there. He’s not surprised, really (people are fickle, people’s emotions make them cruel) and he doesn’t care (he doesn’t), but something prickles behind his eyelids, something suspiciously like tears. He ignores it in favor of settling into a chair at the back of the hall, gnawing on his lip and adjusting his mask self consciously while Tubbo climbs wearily to his feet to speak first over the body. That’s not surprising either.
“We… weren’t as close, as we used to be, when he died,” Tubbo says falteringly, and Dream refrains from snorting at the understatement, “and honestly, we didn’t really get much of a chance to speak after everything. Um– All things considering, he used to be someone I would consider a friend. A close friend, actually. And it’s… Weird to know he’s not going to be there. I dunno! It’s weird knowing how different the server will be with– without him here now.”
Dream shifts in his seat uneasily. Tubbo had always worn his heart on his sleeve, struggling with a suit of responsibility he never fit into and trying to fill footsteps that his predecessors had made. He’d mocked him for it, back in New L’Manburg – you’re the worst President L’Manburg has ever had, Tubbo! – but he’s mellowed out since then, since the death had left him hollow and empty. Now, the sight of Tubbo makes him sad, fills him with a heavy sort of regret that ultimately means nothing if he doesn’t follow through on it.
That heavy regret still stings, though, so he does his best to tune Tubbo’s soft grief out until it’s Ranboo clambering to his feet to speak, the half-Enderman’s tail flickering uncertainly in the dying light of the sun. The hybrid gazes out among the scattered guests, fiddling with speech cards anxiously before making a decision, and shoving them into his pocket. Despite everything, Dream allows himself a private, proud little smile. They’re not on speaking terms anymore, he and Ranboo, but the kid has improved in leaps and bounds since their last talk.
“So– you know my memory is bad,” Ranboo starts, and it gets a few snorts and meaningful hums, “so honestly, my– uhm, the memories I have with– with him are limited. We– We’re pretty close. We were pretty close, I guess, uh– Sorry. Sorry.” He blows out a nervous, apologetic breath, and briefly, his eyes flicker over to Dream. Recognition passes through them, along with the same tired look Ranboo had given him back when they’d last spoke, and Dream dips his head, hoping he’s as indecipherable as ever to his old protege. “He was… I mean, he used to be a light on the server, you know. Always… talking to everyone, always around. Everyone I spoke to said the same– even outside of the server, when it was just me and him, way, way back– He always smiled. I mean… after– exile, and the prison, and– and everything, that smile went away… And it was hard to remember who he used to be. I think I lost sight of that, somewhere along the line. I think he was planning on it. I think he knew we all would. I think, towards the end, he was sort of hoping for it.
I, honestly, don’t have a lot to say. I told him as often as I could when he was alive, you know? He was… I mean, Tubbo is my family, Michael is my family, my friends are my family, but he– he was special. I don’t know. I don’t think he believed me. I wish he was here so I could tell him how much he meant to me.”
It’s a strange feeling, grief. Dream isn’t a stranger to it, but he’s not used to the destructive feeling that this kind of grief brings, this all-encompassing misery that’s almost part of him. It carves chunks out of him – all he can do is sit, numb, guilty, frozen in place, as Techno gets up to speak.
(He hasn’t spoken to Techno in forever. He misses him.)
And Techno is more emotional than Dream had expected, silent while he fights for his composure, and Dream can’t help but marvel, in a strange, twisted kind of fascination, how much a single death has brought the server to its knees. He hadn’t seen this when Schlatt had died, or when Wilbur had died – what makes this death so different?
…This death had been supposed to make the server happy. Why hadn’t it worked out? What had he miscalculated?
Techno speaks, brief, struggling for blase, and Dream hasn’t seen the piglin struggle this much to force words out in a while. Philza takes over from him, his words of mourning short and sweet. Really, the immortal has seen so much life, so much death, over centuries and over lifetimes: why does he bother to still care? Why does he care so much about one death, one boy, that had really been doomed from the moment he started to fight? Dream has to marvel that the two of them had shown up, has to marvel anyone had shown up. He hadn’t expected many to – is it heartwarming or miserable to see that his plan had failed?
There are a few notable exceptions. Punz isn’t here (Dream hadn’t expected them), searching for netherite on the other side of the Nether. George and Sapnap aren’t here, though Dream hadn’t expected them either: it’s not like they had any business being at a funeral. They hadn’t been close to the body in the casket, probably didn’t give two shits that it lay there bloody. Sam is there – Quackity is too, which is a surprise, because Dream has assumed the duck hybrid didn’t really care about anything, let alone anyone. Those two don’t give speeches – only a few others do, all of their words grief-stricken and short – but Sam does stop at the casket, hovering by it like he can’t really believe what he’s seeing.
Or maybe, Dream reflects, he’s making sure his job is truly complete.
And, of course, he’s here. Dream.
He’s uninvited, sure. But he’s here: that has to count for something. As people file out, silent, bowed by sorrow, Dream tucks his hands in his pockets, and finally makes his way to the casket. It takes a little courage to look down, to force himself to study the boy in the casket, something like regret making his eyes cloud again. Still– he sees exactly what he’d wanted from the moment he’d chosen to exile TommyInnit, and a small, satisfied smile comes to his face.
In the casket is his own body. Peaceful, finally. Relaxed. It’s too thin and too broken, sure – he recognizes all the scars that cover his body, takes note, in some detached surprise, of the ones on his face he’d never really got the chance to see.
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C!tommy character headcanons!
Ohohoho fabro, you are fueling my hyperfixation… I’m so glad you asked about him >:)
Realistic Headcanon: I feel like this has been hinted towards in canon (although maybe that’s just me overspeculating, who knows) but I really love the idea of the clingy duo “head and heart” dynamic, with Tubbo being the head and Tommy being the heart. Tubbo tends to think the more rationally out of the two, trying to think what is best for them (think: Dream manipulated Tubbo into exiling Tommy by making him think it was the most logical thing to keep L’Manberg safe) while Tommy is more impulsive and follows his emotions rather than actually thinking through (ex: Tommy’s most valuable possessions are the things that have lots of sentimental value to him, he has displayed multiple times that he places his self worth in his relationship with others- first Wilbur, then Tubbo) and has been shown to be extremely loyal, sometimes even to the point of death, to those he cares about (which, side note, is why i totally believe in a hogwarts au, Tommy would be a Hufflepuff rather than a gryffindor). Both have their pros and cons, but you need both in a good relationship.
Hilarious Headcanon: As much as he acts like an angry, impulsive gremlin, Tommy is absolutely ✨soft✨ when it comes to his best friends (Tubbo and Ranboo). Don’t get me wrong, he still absolutely cusses up a storm and insults them when they’re together- because come on, it’s bench trio, they’re the literal embodiment of chaos- but he is absolutely wholesome with them when he thinks no one else is paying attention. Tubbo is pretty jacked and despite being considerably shorter will sometimes just pick Tommy up with no preamble and carry him places, and Tommy just is like “okay, so this is happening.” Also we know Tommy and Tubbo are very clingy emotionally but Tommy is also like. Physically clingy. He likes to be touching Tubbo whenever possible. It’s frequent to see them walking around the SMP together just casually holding hands (completely platonically) with Tommy shooting death glares to anyone who even looks at them wrong while Tubbo is just oblivious to it all and rambling about some topic (probably bees or nukes, knowing Tubbo). As for Ranboo, Tommy will never admit it but the allium Ranboo gave him as a gift when they first met made a huge impact on him and now Tommy loves flowers and him and Ranboo will frequently give each other flowers (not to get angsty on the funny headcanons but that’s part of the reason why Ranboo absolutely covered Tommy’s house with flowers after his death)
Angsty boi Headcanon: so we all know Dream’s whole “thing” with Tommy is that he brought love and attachment to the server, and the purpose of exile was to mold Tommy into the ideal attachment. That ultimately Tommy became Dream’s one attachment. We know that went both ways, that Tommy became so attached to Dream that he didn’t know how to live without him and became blind to his abuse. But what happened after he ran away? Sure, there was still lingering effects of his Stockholm syndrome with Dream, but eventually more of him realized the bad in Dream than the good. And for the headcanon, I think, after this happened, Tommy had to turn his attachments to something else. Tommy had become so used to being completely reliant on and submissive to Dream that now that he was independent again, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Even before Dream, he was pretty reliant on Wilbur to tell him what to do. I think Tommy was starting to realize that he had never truly been independent in his life, and now, for the first time he was being given that and couldn’t handle it. He had Techno for a little while, but Techno was never really a leader for Tommy. He treated him more like an equal than Wilbur or Dream ever did, and Tommy wasn’t used to that. I think that’s why he suddenly became so obsessed over the discs, even more so than before (telling Tubbo the discs were more valuable than him- although he immediately realized the mistake in that) and even hesitating when trading the disc for Tubbo’s life in the final disc war, although mostly he develops an attachment to Tubbo. It’s not like their friendship before- although I’m not saying their relationship was bad or unhealthy, I think Tommy was more desperate to cling onto Tubbo because he felt like without something to be attached to, he was nothing. This is why he told Tubbo he thought he was nothing without him, why he was so bitter about Ranboo “replacing him” as Tubbo’s best friend despite the fact that Tommy and Ranboo had been on really good terms through most of the smp (even during exile, when clingyduo was suffering). Why limbo was the worst thing he had ever experienced, enough to scare away any suicidal tendencies, because he was all alone apart from people who made him feel unsafe and miserable (mostly Wilbur, occasionally Schlatt). Tommy had always been dependent thanks to Wilbur’s need for authority but exile made him completely unable to function on his own.
Unrealistic Headcanon: okay this isn’t really original at all but it’s one a lot of the fandom seems to accept as canon, however I’ll categorize it as unrealistic seeing as it’s literally been addressed and debunked by the creators themselves (at least, if you asked Techno- Will clearly had other thoughts-) and that is, of course, sbi being a family. This one takes a lot of tweaking of canon due to the fact that Phil and Techno’s actions became very… questionable. But i mean, the pieces for it are definitely there. Wilbur canonically considered Tommy his brother anyway, even though they weren’t related, and Phil was actually quite a good friend and fatherly towards Tommy when he wasn’t blowing up L’Manberg (and.. he was the one to decorate the L’Manhole, so I like to think that was his way of apologizing- we know he doesn’t regret what he did but maybe he regrets the way he went about it and the friends he hurt). Even Techno, the biggest stretch out of the three, actually got really close to Tommy in that period between exile and Tommy betraying (“betraying”) him, and we can even see from his will that he never really stopped thinking about Tommy, and he had become one of the few people that he really cared about in his life, despite their clashing political and moral opinions. I usually like to go with the fandom favorite headcanon that Phil and Techno got preoccupied with Techno’s voices, maybe were leaving Will and Tommy alone a lot, Will was more of a parent to Tommy than Phil ever was, then Will got into a serious falling out with Phil and Techno and took off with Tommy to eventually create L’Manberg.
Hoo boy, that was… long. Like, way longer than I meant it to be. It was supposed to be like a few sentences but I ended up writing a mini essay for each one. Tell me I needed to rant about this to someone without telling me I needed to rant about this to someone 😂
I just love Dream smp character analysis, gosh I could talk about this all day
#asks#headcanon asks#fabro-de-omres#dsmp#tommyinnit#c!tommy#c!tommy headcanons#headcanons#character analysis#kinda?#rosie rants#dang this post sure lives up to that name#if this isn’t a rant#i don’t know what is
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Hello, Tommy,
Yes well now you mention it I think Puffy has a point. I wouldn’t worry about it if I was you but also I’m me and bad at that so you do as you see fit haha.
Well we are doing just dandy thank you for asking. Spring in my little Snowchester, still not as warm as our old Winters. I might boil alive if I was back in L’Manburg after spending this time all frosty. But adapting and surviving and what-not! it is what we do. We can measure the windspeed without the anemometer freezing and snapping now. Woosh and all that.
Now that the life has returned to the ground Michael is collecting bug’s. Very good at it. He puts them near Ranboo while he’s not looking and Ranboo jumps and makes the hissing noise. You know the one. Hhsashhhashahssh.
Actually while I am thinking about it you should not have asked about Ranboo. Because you will be angry when I say all this, but I will tell you still because I am polite like that. And I think about him rather a lot.
He has been going all droopy lately, with his ears, and eyes. I think it might have been the Winter doing it to him so we will see shortly what it is all about. It is nice because he makes little noises all the time and Michael likes it when he goes rumblerumblerumble and I don’t mind it either (he is nice to sit with. Warm and like a stormcloud.) but I worry about his brain. Who knows what he is feeling in there. Not me. Because when I try to ask I see his droopy eyes and I pat him, and pat him, and he goes rumblerumblerumble and then I think oh you gentle thing. And then I don’t have the heart to say it because I like patting him (don’t tell him. I have jobs to do and if he finds out I will be too far gone to complete them and he is doing all of his jobs just fine, except, droopy, and if he can then why can’t I. That’s my question)
And sometimes he does all of his jobs and makes Michael do his nice Michael laugh and he goes to that spot in the west wing where the sun comes in and the dust is like fairies. And I say Ranboo! Oh Ranboo! I lost you! And I find him all curled on the floor in the sun and I say Ranboo. Oh Ranboo. I found you. And then I wonder if he is sad and I see his droopy eyes and so forth.
Anywho I am sorry because we are meant to be talking about you (Tommy) and not Ranboo (Ranboo). Well you are welcome over anytime Tommy and you know this damn well. But I do like these letters. I am playing a game: how much can I write before my head explodes. Probably not a whole heap (track record) but I’m having fun and it’s the inside that counts or something.
I’ve been thinking about you alot. Sometimes I wish you were here to be droopy too so I could look at you and Ranboo and say. My goodness. You are all so droopy. Then I’ll know it was the Winter that did it! Well listen here Tommy. I will make you some good soups, when you feel droopy, and I’ll make you drink them from a mug. And you’ll say Blasphemy Tubbo! I can’t believe it! And I’ll say shut up you are droopy stop talking. And I will smile and you will smile and we’ll commit private property damage or treason.
Here are some more words for you. 1. We should all start saying bah humbug because it would be funny. 2. I miss you alot. But you know my words have not been so good lately and I know yours haven’t either. So I’m writing more letters and you’ll like them I think because they have all my love. Yes I think about my droopy husband and creepycrawly son-boy but you are always there too so smile a little bit and write me a letter back.
Lots! Of! Love!
Tubbo Underscore-Beloved
My house
We don’t have a postcode
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Cheer Up, Ranboo!
Summary: Ranboo’s a bit down after losing MCC, again. Sapnap cheers him up!
we’re gonna pretend that sapnap is staying with ranboo in this one
i rlly should not write mcc tickle fics💀
Ler!Sapnap, Lee!Ranboo
warnings: tickling, like one swear word
who requested this? i forgot LMAO
Sapnap was currently sitting next to Ranboo on the couch, after all of MCC Pride was finished.
They didn’t win, but they sure as hell did amazing. They had a lot of laughs, some panic moments, they all helped eachother out, they made a pretty good team!
Which is why Sapnap was unsure of why Ranboo was so upset and stressed out over not winning. But his confusion to why Ranboo is feeling,, well, his feelings, did not matter. What matters is helping him be cheer up.
“Ranboo, I promise, you did amazing. We all did, but especially you!” Sapnap reassured the teen beside him. A tear fell from Ranboo’s eye, and Sapnap wiped it away with his thumb.
“I just-“ Ranboo paused to take a few breaths before he continued. “I just want to actually win! I want my fans and my friends to be proud of me!” The sentence broke Sapnap’s heart. Ranboo’s fanbase and his friends were so so proud of him, they expressed it so much.
“Oh, Ranboo. Your fans are extremely proud of you! They express it all of the time! For you to be on twitter a lot im suprised you don’t know that,” the last comment got a slight smile out of Ranboo.
“Don’t even get me started on your friends! We are literally so proud of you, you’ve been doing so amazing. Not even just with MCC, in all of your content! In the words of your bestfriend TommyInnit, you are so very pogchamp and epic, Ranboo. And in the words of your other bestfriend Tubbo Underscore, you are the most epic person ever, Bossman!” ((a/n: i made those quotes up))
The thought of Tommy and Tubbo, and Sapnap mocking their british accents, made Ranboo smile like a little kid. He turned his head away so Sapnap wouldn’t see.
“Cheer up, Ranboo! Let me see your smile!” Sapnap grinned as he took his hand up to Ranboo’s face and turned him to face him. Sapnap then squished Ranboo’s face with his hand, making Ranboo giggle and push him away. “Sahapnap!”
Sapnap only continued doing it, and Ranboo was already forgetting his stress.
“Cuhut it ohout!” If he was being honest, Ranboo didn’t even know why he was laughing. But his laughter was cut off with a squeal and there was suddenly a hand clawing into his stomach.
“Ohoh shihit- SAHAPNAHAHAP!” Ranboo fell backwards on the couchand Sapnap only followed, setting himsef on Ranboo’s thighs.
“Ah, so you are ticklish. Thought so!” Sapnap grinned evily as he scribbled his fingers all over Ranboo’s stomach.
“SOHOHOMEWHEHERE EHELSE AND GEHENTLEHER! PLEHEASE!” Ranboo cackled as Sapnap quickly switched to slowly dragging his fingers up and down his sides, which produced honeysweet giggles from Ranboo.
“You’ve gone all red, Ranboo,” Sapnap’s playful grin turned more fond at the teen below him. It was an adorable sight, truly. The bright red blush on his face growing to his ears and down his neck, his wide smile, and his sweet giggles that could probably stop a war if Sapnap was being completely honest. Not to mention he wasn’t even fighting against the tickles. How endearing could one eighteen year old be?
“Sahahahapnahahap!” Ranboo whined at Sapnap’s tease and he squeezed his eyes shut. Sapnap brought up his hands to lightly scratch behind his ears, and he cooed at how Ranboo flinched and scrunched up his shoulders.
“Aww, ticklish ears, Ranboo? How cute,” Sapnap teased the boy below him, noticing that the more he teased the more he giggled.
“Nohohot cuhuhute!” Ranboo squealed as Sapnap brought his fingers down to his neck.
“I think everyone in the universe would disagree with you on that one, Ran,” Sapnap then slowed his fingers back to light traces on his ears, and Ranboo melted into the couch. Sapnap chuckled. “Yohou good? You’ve practically melted!”
“Yeheheah..” Ranboo then weakly grabbed at Sapnap’s wrists, and Sapnap stopped and got off of Ranboo.
“You alright there?” Sapnap said as Ranboo sat up, then immediately crashed into Sapnap’s arms. “Mmmhm.. tired..”
“Get some sleep, Ranboo. You deserve it.” And that was the last thing Ranboo heard before drifting to sleep.
Of course, Sapnap got a few pictures to send to Tommy, Tubbo, and Aimsey. Tommy would forever deny that he immediately went to Ranboo’s house to join the cuddle party, Tubbo and Aimsey later following.
#fizzthelee#fizzthelee fics#lee!ranboo#ler!sapnap#mcc#ranboo#sapnap#tommyinnit#tubbo#aimsey#I ACTUALLY GOT IT OUT BEFORE THE NEXT MCC THIS TIME#YAYYY#I also actually proof-read!#Wow!
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In which Tommy has a nightmare, and enderwalk!Ranboo is of the opinion that grass blocks make everything better.
(word count: 1,413)
Tommy jolts out of a nightmare that he doesn’t want to remember, and a few seconds later, finds himself hyperventilating outside on the grass.
It’s not on, is what it is. He hardly asked for this, for these awful dreams and this inability to sleep for more than a few hours at a time at best, for this creeping certainty that Dream is breaking out, is going to come for him, and that it’s only a matter of time before something awful happens. He didn’t ask for any of this, but he has it, and he’s not moving out of his house, because that would feel like a concession, but on nights like these he wakes up and the dirt walls press in around him and he can’t breathe, and it is completely and utterly the worst.
So. Outside. Grass. Hyperventilating.
Calming himself down is old hat, by now. He figured out how to do it a long time ago, around the time when he realized that there wasn’t going to be anyone holding his hand anymore, that he was well and truly on his own, without a friend in the world. Other than—but no, he doesn’t go there. He knows better, now, even though his brain still tries to play tricks on him sometimes, tries to convince him that Dream is the only one who actually has his best interests at heart.
The point is, he knows how to do this. He’s used to it. And frankly, he’s glad that he is, glad that he can do this on his own, because he doesn’t want anyone else around him when he’s like this. Doesn’t want anyone else to see, doesn’t want anyone else to know that this happens, doesn’t want anyone else to be able to point at him and go, look, the great TommyInnit brought low.
So when he regulates his breaths and swipes the tears from his face and unclenches his fingers knuckle by knuckle, he looks up and most definitely does not expect anyone to be crouched in front of him. When he sees that there is, he scrabbles backward and lets out an incredibly manly scream, and he doesn’t think he can be blamed for it, because what the fuck?
“Holy shit,” he wheezes, “holy shit, you can’t just—” And has to stop, because it’s not just any weird crouching person. It’s his fucking—what’s the word for when a very irritating and terrible person marries your best friend? What’s the title for that? Annoyance-in-law?
In any case, it’s Ranboo.
“What,” he says, “the shit are you doing?”
Ranboo makes a sound that is not words at all. In fact, it sounds very similar to an enderman vwoop, which, alright, the guy’s half enderman, that checks out. Except, his eyes are also purple, and he looks rather taller than he normally does, even crouching down, so something is weird here. Something is very, very weird.
“Fuck off,” he says. “Go and, go and raise your shitty child or something. Sing ‘im a lullaby. Go on.”
He makes shooing noises with his hands, like one might do to a dog, or a persistent crow. Ranboo tilts his head very slowly, like a complete fucking weirdo, and then rises in one fluid motion, and goes walking off somewhere. Tommy stares after him, because he hadn’t really expected that to work. But alright, he’ll take it.
“That’s right,” he mutters. “Just fucking, fucking leave, go on.” He stares down at the grass, running a shaking hand through his hair. He is, maybe, not quite as recovered as he’d like. He’s usually not, after the initial panic, usually can’t make himself relax until the sun has crested the horizon and the sky has begun to lighten. He’s ruined for sleep tonight, that’s for sure.
But it’s alright. It’s alright, he’s used to it. He can do it. He can do this. He’s a big fucking man, and he can survive on a few hours of sleep a night, and he can avoid looking at himself in the mirror and remembering another face, eyebags just as dark, hair just as wild, eyes only slightly more desperate. He doesn’t have to remember things. Not if he doesn’t want to. He’s great at not remembering things, him.
Footsteps. He jerks, looks up again, and Ranboo is standing over him, and why is he so fucking tall?
Ranboo makes another vwooping sound. And then a little trill, almost like a bird, if a bird gargled gravel and then turned into an eldritch monstrosity. He crouches again, and then holds out his hands, and there is something in them, something that he is offering him, and—
Tommy squints. It’s a grass block.
“What am I supposed to do with that?” he asks.
Ranboo vwoops.
“Could you just stop being so fucking weird?” he demands. “For five minutes? I don’t think that’s too much to ask, really. God, you’re just. The worst.”
Ranboo shifts a bit closer, still holding out the grass block. Like he wants him to take it.
“I’m not taking your stupid block,” Tommy says, and accepts it.
Ranboo vwoops.
“Why would you even—” he says, burrowing his fingers into the dirt. A bit of it crumbles to the ground. He doesn’t understand how endermen manage to do this, keep these blocks in perfect shape, grass and all. “Why would you even give me this? What are you trying to pull on me, eh? It won’t work. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, pal. You’re up to something. Why are your eyes all purple?”
Ranboo vwoops.
And then—Tommy remembers something. Something he wasn’t particularly trying to remember, and usually, that’s not such a great thing, but it’s not so bad this time. Because this memory is from just a couple of weeks ago, in Snowchester, one of those times that he was trying to hang out with Tubbo, but Ranboo was just there and wouldn’t leave, and Tubbo wouldn’t make him leave, so Tommy spent the entire time being vaguely pissed off. And he was trying not to pay attention to Ranboo, really, he was, except he remembers him saying something about how he gets anxious, and how holding blocks of things and putting them down places helps him. At the time, he made a point of not acknowledging him, because Tommy’s not an idiot. He knew what he was trying to do, and he didn’t appreciate it.
He stares at the block in his hands. And then back at Ranboo.
He wants to be angry, at the idea, at the presumption, because who the fuck does Ranboo think he is, trying to patronize him like this? But Ranboo keeps up his soft warbles, and he finds his eyes filling with tears instead.
“Are you,” he says, and his voice is not choked, it’s not, “are you trying to help me?”
Ranboo vwoops. Chirps. And then reaches out, slowly enough that Tommy doesn’t feel the urge to flinch, and runs gentle clawed fingers through his hair.
“Oh,” Tommy says. And doesn’t lean into the touch. He doesn’t. But if, hypothetically, he does, that’s between him and Prime on high. Or at least, it would be, if all his muscles didn’t go lax a few seconds later, and if he didn’t accidentally on purpose tip forward against Ranboo’s chest.
The dirt slips through his fingers. But that’s alright, because one of Ranboo’s arms wraps around him, and the other keeps carding through his hair, like Wilbur used to do when they were younger and things were better and they were two halves of a whole rather than puzzle pieces that got bent out of shape. The way his head is, he can feel vibrations running though Ranboo’s chest, like the purr of a cat, and it’s going to lull him to sleep if he’s not careful.
He can’t let that happen. He has more dignity than that.
Except he’s very tired. And Ranboo is clearly—sleepwalking, or something. Not all there in the head at the moment. So maybe he won’t remember this in the morning, if Tommy makes sure to wake up first. And that would be alright.
“You’re still terrible,” he mumbles, but the words are slurred, and Ranboo’s arms are very warm and comforting, and he’s drifting. He can feel it.
So he lets himself. Ranboo’s warbles follow him into sleep, and he dreams of stars.
#mcyt#dsmp#dream smp#dsmp fic#tommyinnit#ranboo#enderwalk ranboo#allium duo#/rp#cw swearing#cw panic attack#cw past manipulation#cat writes fic#i should let y'all know that tommy deffo does not wake up first#the conversation the next morning goes something like this:#ranboo: why are we here??? why are you on top of me????#tommy: i'm attacking you#ranboo: ??????#tommy: i'm winning
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Pocket Knife Prince
Pairing: c!Technoblade x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] You’ve liked Technoblade from the moment he joined Pogtopia, but you could never quite bring yourself to confess. Who knew it would only take a pocket knife and some potatoes to change that?
Warnings: minor cursing & one slightly out of pocket joke
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: this a repost of an older story i had posted a while back. this story takes place back when technoblade was still allied with pogtopia. i hope you enjoy! <3

You huffed as you pulled yourself up another rung on the ladder, your arms straining as you did your best to keep yourself balanced. You still couldn’t fathom why Tommy thought it was a good idea to dig straight down.
“I’ll hit a cave, eventually,” he had told you as he grabbed a pickaxe, already starting to mine away at the space beneath his feet.
“Maybe,” you had said. “But what if you hit a lava pool? Do you really want to burn alive?”
“Oh, I have a backup plan in case I fuck up.” He held up a bucket of water, grinning at you. “Bam. Fucking foolproof.”
Yeah, sure, you thought to yourself with a grimace as you continued to haul yourself upward. You might not have died while digging down, but I might die while climbing up.
Pausing, you reached behind you to adjust the strap of your back with a cry of frustration. This is way too heavy—I should have gone back earlier.
You looked back up again, squinting for a second before your eyes lit up. At long last, light! You were at least somewhat close to the entrance, now. “Just a bit more climbing,” you muttered to yourself as you reached up once more, “and then you’ll be able to take this stupid bag off.”
A few moments later, you gasped as you finally dragged yourself out of the vertical tunnel, standing up on shaky legs. Without even an ounce of hesitation, you swung your pack off your back, dumping it onto the dusty earth ungracefully. Your muscles practically screamed with relief as you rolled back your shoulders, a wide smile stretching across your face.
“Hey, boys!” you shouted, your voice echoing in the tall ravine. “Guess who’s back?!”
You heard some rumbling, then a tuft of blond hair peeked out from one of the overhanging pillars. “Big [Y/N]!” Tommy shouted, waving at you. “You took for-fuckin’-ever to get back.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s not my fault we needed so much stuff.” You narrowed your gaze. “Also, your ladder idea sucks.”
Tommy scowled. “My ladder idea is fucking genius, you bi—”
A new voice cut in. “Tommy, that’s enough.”
You smiled triumphantly as you watched Tommy immediately shrink back, his tone quieting as he grumbled defeatedly, “Yes, Wilbur.”
Giving him a quick ruffle of his hair, Wilbur strolled down the ravine’s cobblestone steps down to the bottom. He pulled his hands out of his coat pockets as he flashed you a grin. “Welcome back, [Y/N]. How was the trip?”
You offered him a weary but satisfied look. “Oh, you know. Dark. Dusty. The usual. But…” Bending down, you flipped open the top of your pack and pulled out a smaller sack, shaking it in front of his face. “…I got all that gold you wanted! There’s probably a little less than seven stacks in there, which will be plenty if we want to make some golden apples.”
Wilbur blinked at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise as a smile began to tug at his lips. “Not that I doubt you or anything,” he said, “but where in the world did you manage to get nearly seven stacks of gold?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, dropping the bag into his hands with a hum. “In a cave.” When he stared at you in stunned silence, you quirked a brow at him. “What? It’s not like it was hard.”
He was grinning now, shaking his head. “You’re batshit crazy, [Y/N]. That’s incredible.”
You smiled sheepishly at his words. “For the record,” you pointed out, “I didn’t do it all in a single day or anything. I was gone for, like, half a week.”
“That’s still really good work, alright?” He reached over, playfully punching your shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
You winced, shooting him a dirty look. “Ow, that hur—”
“Oh, you’re back.”
Your head whipped around at the sound of low, rumbling voice. Your frown vanished at the sight of Technoblade standing a few feet away from you, a basket of potatoes held in his gloved hands. You felt your heart swell and a bright grin replace your scowl as you bounced over to him. “Hi, Techno!” you chirped.
He smiled back at you, his gaze kind. “Hello.”
From behind you, Wilbur let out a distressed noise. “Jeez, you seem so excited to talk to him but barely batted an eye at me. Did you miss him that much?”
You stuck your tongue out at him, trying to hide the flush of your cheeks. “More than I did you.”
Tommy cackled as he walked by, adjusting the straps of the pack in his hands. “Ouch. Maybe you should get some ice for that burn, Wilbur.”
Wilbur grimaced, opening his mouth to retort when his gaze suddenly lit up. “Actually,” he said, turning, “speaking of ice, who wants to go with me to the Nether to destroy some of the SMP’s and Manberg’s ice roads?” A devilish grin split across his face. “I figured that it would slow them down a bunch and they’d spend less time focusing on us, so it’ll be easier for us to get into contact with Tubbo.”
You blinked at him, then sent him a teasing smile. “Wilbur, this might one of the only good ideas you’ve had since starting a drug cartel.”
“Thank y—wait, is that a compliment?”
“Man,” Technoblade sighed, rolling his eyes at him, “just take it as one and let your ego coast on that for the next six months.”
“Anyways,” Wilbur said, ignoring him and moving on, “who wants to come with me?”
You shook your head, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “No thanks. I just got back from a long, long mining trip. I think I’m due for some time off.”
Wilbur nodded. “Alright, fair.” His gaze moved to the figure standing next to you. “Techno?”
Technoblade simply raised the basket of potatoes in his hands. “Nah. I’ve got my hands full here.”
Wilbur made a face, a hint of desperation seeping into his eyes. “You can farm potatoes any time,” he said, his voice raising a pitch or two. “How about you just come with m—”
“Why don’t I just go?”
Wilbur froze, and he turned with a shaky smile. “A-Are you sure about that, Tommy? You sure you don’t just want to stay in the ravine with [Y/N]?”
Tommy shrugged, flipping the stick in his hand. “Not really. It’s not like I have anything better to do, anyways.” He nudged the pack at his feet. “I’m even packed and ready to go, too.”
Wilbur swallowed, and you could have sworn a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. “You really want to come?” he added, sounding more and more uncertain with each word that passed his lips.
“I dunno, Wilbur,” Technoblade spoke up, quirking his lips at him, “but it almost sounds like you don’t want to bring Tommy with you.”
Tommy gasped, looking appalled. “What the hell, Will? Of course you want me to go with you, right?”
Wilbur turned on his heel, dragging a tired hand over his face. “Sure, Tommy. Let’s just say that.” He strode away toward the stairs, practically stomping his way up to the second floor. “Just give me a second to grab a pack,” he sighed, waving a hand behind him. “I’ll be down in like five minutes.”
Tommy threw his hands in the air, waving his stick. “Fuck yeah!”
Technoblade let out a quiet chuckle, turning on his heel. “Well, I’m gonna go back to farming.”
You glanced at him shyly, trailing after him. “Can I come with?”
His step faltered, and he turned to send you a fond look. “Always.”
Your heart lit up at the sight and you grinned, following him into the garden room. The entirety of the floor had been replaced with dirt, tiny streams of water weaving their way around the potato patches. You let out a quiet hum as Technoblade set the basket of potatoes on the ground, grabbing a hoe from its place on the wall and walking over to the makeshift field. Digging the blade of the hoe into the earth, he pulled back and repeated the motion until the soft, dark soil was exposed to the air. Leaning back against the wall, a soft smile crept onto your face as you watched.
You remembered when Technoblade first arrived in the Dream SMP, all those months ago. You had been sitting in the ravine, peeling an apple with a pocket knife as you chatted with Wilbur, when Tommy burst in with a deafening shout about “the blade”. Raising your head, you had opened your mouth to make a snarky retort, but the words died in your mouth the minute you laid eyes on him.
He looked like a prince—a handsome one, at that.
While Wilbur had jumped down to greet Technoblade with a friendly hug, you had simply stared at the newcomer, pocket knife in your hand and apple slice in the other. As Tommy brought Technoblade over to you and asked you to introduce yourself, you remembered that dizzy pink feeling rising in your chest as you blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Want an apple slice?”
You had expected him to be confused, shaking his head and pulling away with a disgusted look. But instead, his gaze flickered to your hand.
“I’d rather have the knife.”
You had blinked at him for a moment, stunned, then burst into laughter, outstretching your hand with the pocket knife handle extended toward him. He had offered you a small, awkward smile back, gingerly taking the knife from you. When his hands brushed against yours, that hazy, rosy feeling swelled in your chest again.
Ever since that moment, you’d only fallen harder and harder.
It was difficult to put into words just what drew you to Technoblade. Of course, he was pretty, but you weren’t that shallow. He had an awkward charm to him, something that seeped into every aspect of his being. He was hardworking, determined, sarcastic, and oh-so very real. You couldn’t name one thing about him that you didn’t like, really. You loved his laughter that came in brief, giggling bursts. Every time he smiled, you couldn’t help but smile back. He never failed to keep you guessing, and you loved every second you spent with him.
You weren’t sure how far you’d fallen at this point, but you knew one thing, and it was that there was no going back.
“Hey,” a new voice said suddenly, pulling you away from your thoughts. You turned, watching Tommy stick his head into the room. “Can I have some potatoes for the trip?”
Your eyes shot to Technoblade, who paused for a moment, then nodded, gesturing to the basket at his feet. “Sure. You can have a couple.”
Tommy grinned, strolling in to lean down and pluck three potatoes from the pile. Standing back up again, he toed the basket, tossing and catching a potato in his hands. “Hey, Techno,” he said, “don’t you ever get tired of farming these things?”
Technoblade paused, patting down the dirt he had just covered another potato with. “Eh, not really.” His eyes flickered with contentment, and you felt your lips twitch. “I like it.”
Tommy frowned. “But,” he said, “it’s so fucking boring.”
You gasped, shooting him a glare. “Tommy! That’s mean.”
“What? Am I wrong?” He flung his arm out to point at the tilled dirt, clearly unimpressed. “All he’s doing is the same fucking thing over and over, again. We’re in a war, [Y/N]. Why can’t he just spar with me or something?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, deadpanning. “Tommy, the last time you sparred with Technoblade, you lasted less than ten seconds.”
He grew quiet. “Okay, well, you didn’t have to put it like that, but—”
“What? Am I wrong?” you said, mimicking him.
A second passed. Then two.
“…touché, [Y/N].”
“Tommy!” Wilbur’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs, his head popping out from between the railings. “You ready to go?”
Without missing a beat, Tommy whipped around, rushing out of the farm room and slipping up the stairs. “I’m coming!”
A smirk tugged at Wilbur’s lips. “Heh.”
“Wha—oh, Will! That’s fucking disgusting.”
“But it was funny,” you called out after the youngest.
“Fuck off, [Y/N]!”
Beside you, Technoblade let out a laugh, his eyes curving into two crescent moons as he set down the hoe and picked up a shovel. With a fond smile gracing your lips, you took a step toward him, leaning down to take a closer look. There was something so endearing about knowing someone as powerful as Technoblade had a hobby as mundane as farming—farming potatoes, to be more specific.
You liked it. A lot. You liked him a lot.
You wondered how much longer you could go without saying it aloud.
“Hey, Techno,” you murmured, watching his ears perk up at the sound of your voice, “could you teach me the best way to plant potatoes?”
He paused, his shovel planting itself in the earth as he turned to look at you, his lips parted in surprise. “Y-You actually want to learn?”
You bobbed your head, praying that your face wasn’t growing any warmer. “Of course. Fighting’s fun and all, but there’s more to life than just bloodshed.” You flashed him a bright grin. “Besides, an army needs food to fight!”
With a small grin, he gestured for you step closer. “You want to make sure you dig about six to eight inches down,” he explained, gesturing down the hole with his finger. “If you don’t dig deep enough, then the potato will be too close to the surface, and if you dig too deep, it’ll have a harder time reaching the top.”
You nodded, your tongue swiping over your lips in concentration. Technoblade let out a brief cough, turning away with a slight flush to his cheeks as he grabbed a potato from the basket next to him. “Then,” he continued, “grab a potato. You’ll want to cut it in half down the middle and plant it so the cut side is facing downwards.”
Sticking a hand into his pocket, he rummaged around for a second before pulling out a familiar pocket knife. Your eyes flashed with recognition as he flipped the blade open and sliced through the potato with ease.
“Is that,” you began slowly, your tone tentative and gentle, “my pocket knife? From when we first met?”
Technoblade’s hands faltered as he sliced, his gaze flickering to you with a bashful look. “It’s—um, yeah. Does… does that bother you?”
You immediately shook your head, waving your hands in front of you. “No, not at all! I-I was just wondering. I haven’t seen it in a while, that’s all.”
He lowered his chin, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “I’ve been taking good care of it,” he admitted quietly, his gaze not meeting yours. “It’s important to me.”
You blinked, your heart beating faster in your chest. “It is?” you whispered.
He nodded. “It is.”
You wanted to curl up into a ball and squeal. It only took two simple words from him to send you into a flurry of awkward smiles and blushing whines. You couldn’t believe just how far gone you were.
Technoblade stretched a hand toward you, half of the potato he cut clutched between his fingers. “Here. You try planting one.”
With a shaky hand, you gently pulled the potato from his hands, nearly flinching at the feeling of his skin brushing against yours. Carefully, you reached over and set the potato face down like he had instructed. You pointed your hand toward the pile of dirt lying just beside the hole, about to start covering the potato when his arm shot out in front of you.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, making you freeze in place. “You don’t have gloves on. I don’t want your hands to get dirty.”
You sent him a small smile, waving a hand dismissively at him. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.”
He didn’t budge. “Please. Let me.”
That fuzzy feeling was back, and you pulled back. “Okay,” you whispered, your stomach swarming with butterflies as you watched him cover your planted potato with his hands. For someone who made a lot of jokes regarding human ethics, he was far more caring than he let on.
“Y’know,” you said softly, glancing over at him, “it’s really cool watching you do this, even if Tommy thinks it’s boring.” A small smile flitted across your face. “There are all these specific conditions that you have to know to have the most efficient farm with the best percent yield of potatoes—it’s honestly kind of surreal just how much brainpower actually goes into farming.”
Technoblade stared at you, his eyes reflecting something thoughtful and warm, and another thought popped into your head. You felt your cheeks begin to grow warm at the words swirling around your head. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you opened your mouth, again.
“I-I, um,” you began shakily, suddenly finding the scuff mark on your shoe very interesting, “I really hope you know how smart we think you really are. How smart I know you are. Because you are. Smart, that is.”
You must have been trembling, you could almost feel it. Why was it so hard to put your feelings into words? At this rate, you were never going to be able to confess how you felt. Just how much longer could you drag this out fo—
“Hey,” he said gently, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned your head, your lips parting as you looked at him in surprise. The moment his soft gaze met yours, a spark of electricity ran through your veins, and you shivered for an entirely different reason.
“Thank you,” he murmured, tilting his head at you. “I appreciate it.”
Suddenly, he squinted his eyes at you, his carmine gaze narrowing. “Oh wait, you’ve got something on your face,” he murmured, inching closer in to take a better look.
“Oh,” you said, a hand immediately darting up to your cheek, “that’s probably just some dust or soot or something. You know, from the mines.” You wiped at your face with the back of your hand, embarrassment shooting up your spine knowing that you probably looked dumb. “Did I get it?”
He frowned, pulling off his gloves as he leaned closer. “No, here let me just—”
Suddenly, his hand was on your face, your cheek held gently in his palm. Your heart came barreling to a stop, your entire body freezing like ice.
He was so close.
The pads of his finger were warm and calloused, yet they held a certain softness to him as his thumb slowly swiped just under her eye, careful to brush away the dirt that marred your face. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you found yourself unable to look away from him, hyperaware of the goosebumps that shot up your sides as his gaze met yours. A prince—he really did look like a prince.
For a moment, the two of you simply gazed at one another, a silent question hanging over you.
Before you could stop yourself, you opened your mouth.
“Can I say something kind of crazy?” you whispered.
“Of course,” he whispered, not moving his gaze from yours for even a heartbeat.
You sucked in a deep breath, screwing your eyes shut. “I…” You swallowed. “I really, really want to kiss you, right now.”
A moment of silence passed, and you held your breath, tension digging itself into your shoulders. Oh, I’m totally about to get rejected. This was such a bad idea. What was I even thinki—
“Can—” He started then stopped, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “Can I say something even crazier?”
You heart leapt. “Yeah, totally,” you breathed.
He turned back to look at you, and you felt something deep in your chest click. “I really, really want to kiss you, too.”
Your eyes flew wide, and you couldn’t stop the giddy grin forming on your face. Almost imperceptibly, Technoblade dipped his head down close to yours, his crimson eyes darting across your face as he took in your every feature. As he leaned closer toward you, a question silently flashes in his gaze.
Can I…?
You smiled and nodded oh-so subtly, just for him to see.
Yes, yes, yes.
Ever so slowly, he leaned down toward you, and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Just then, his lips met yours, soft and tentative like a deer taking its first, shaky steps. Electric ran down your spine at his velvet touch, your hands reaching up to wrap around his neck and touch his cherry blossom pink hair. His crown tumbled to the ground off his head, rolling a few times before coming to a full stop, but neither of you particularly noticed, far too enraptured with one another to care.
This was everything you could have possibly asked for.
A moment later, you pulled apart, gasping for air as the two of you gazed into each other’s eyes. His hair had been mussed by your touch, his lips parted and puffy from the kiss.
You didn’t think he could look any more princely, but he still managed to prove you wrong.
Clearing your throat, you cast eyes away in shy embarrassment. “I feel like I should also clarify that this means I like you,” you added in a rush, fidgeting with your hands. “Like, way more than I thought I could ever like a person.”
Technoblade let out a sigh of relief, lips curling at the corners. “Oh, that’s good. I like you, too.” Your heart did a backflip in your chest, shouting in celebration as he added, “I was sort of thinking we were just gonna kiss and never talk about it, again.”
You shot him a quizzical look. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.”
He sent you a crooked smile, but his gaze was fond. “Only kind of.”
You weren’t quite sure how many minutes passed in comfortable silence, both of you simply basking in the other’s warm presence. It was nice—this was nice. You wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while longe—
“—y it, Tommy, just say it!”
Your eyes shot wide open in panic. Across from you, Technoblade’s expression mirrored your own.
They were back.
“I’m telling you it’s okay, Tommy—you can call me ‘Wilby’ if you want to!”
Flailing your arms in a panic, you immediately began to backpedal to the other side of the room, Technoblade picking up his shovel and beginning to shovel as fast as he could.
“You’re still going off about this shit? Jesus Christ, I don’t want to call you ‘Wilby’, oh my fucking go—”
Wilbur crooned as they stepped into the garden room, “Aww, Tommy, my little gremlin.”
“Shut the fuck up, Wilbu—”
“B-Back so soon?” you prompted, pretending to have been looking at the potato field with great focus as you turned to face them.
Wilbur turned away from Tommy, the smile sliding off his face. He nodded with a sigh, adjusting the pack on his back. “We almost got to the portal, but Antfrost saw us, so we had to book it.”
Technoblade paused his movements, deadpanning with an unimpressed tone. “Tragic.”
Tommy scowled at him. “Don’t sound so cocky, bitch. You didn’t have to outrun like, half of the SMP all the way back here without getting tracked.” Suddenly his gaze shot to the ground, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “And why’s your fuckin’ crown on the ground?” he muttered, snatching it from the dusty floor and tossing it back over to Technoblade.
“No reason,” you said half a beat too quickly.
Wilbur’s eyes flitted back forth between you and Technoblade, taking in the sight of your flushed cheeks and Technoblade’s disheveled hair. Then, a sly, scheming smile crept onto his face. You gulped.
Oh, he totally knew.
“Tommy,” he said, the shit-eating grin still plastered to his face, “how do you feel about going on another trip with me?”
Tommy’s head whipped around, his eyes swimming with confusion. “Another trip?” he parroted.
Wilbur nodded, still smiling. “Yep. Another trip. Let’s get going, yeah? I’ve got something wonderful in mind.”
Before Tommy could even react, Wilbur had grabbed onto the handle of his pack, dragging him back and up the stairs. “Wilbur! What the fuck? Where are we even fucking going?”
“On a trip!” Wilbur sang as he trudged up the stairs with Tommy in tow. Throwing one last glance over his shoulder, he sent you a knowing wink. “You two have fun, now.”
You gaped at him as he walked off, Tommy still kicking at his heels when they vanished from sight. A moment passed in silence before you turned to look at Technoblade, again.
“He knows,” you whispered, half in awe and half in horror.
Technoblade grimaced back at you. “Oh, he absolutely does.”
A beat of silence fell over you. Your eyes locked onto his carmine ones, and something seemed to click just then, a smile crossing both of your faces.
Indeed, Wilbur had just provided you with the perfect opportunity.
Who were the two of you to not take it?
#technoblade x reader#mcyt x reader#dream smp x reader#dsmp x reader#sbi x reader#mcyt x you#mcyt x y/n#mcyt scenario#mcyt fluff#mcyt angst#mcyt fanfiction#mcyt fanfic#mcyt imagine#mcyt imagines#dream smp x you#dream smp x y/n#technoblade x you#technoblade x y/n#technoblade fluff#technoblade imagine#technoblade scenario#technoblade angst#dsmp x you#dsmp x y/n#sbi x y/n#techno x reader#techno x you#techno x y/n#techno fanfic#techno imagine
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DSMP x f!reader headcanons (seeing you in a ball gown for the first time)
Them reacting to you dramatically walking down the stairs in your beautiful ballgown. Warnings: none (I don’t think)
Note: you guys aren’t yet dating in this headcanon (except for bench trio. That is strictly platonic)
When you walked down the stairs in your extravagant ballgown, the breath left Dream’s lungs, leaving him speechless
He met you at the bottom of the stairs and held his arm out like a gentleman
He didn’t even bother to try to hide the blush on his face, he knew it would be useless he didn’t care if people saw him blushing
“Y/n, my dear,” he said, looking you up and down. He whistled sharply, a smile playing at the edge of his lips. “You look stunning.”
You giggled. “Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself.”
He’d parade you around, showing you off
Compliments you the entire night (each compliment gets more flirty as the night draws on. You’re bright red by the end of the night)
he would not be able to take his eyes off you. You looked so beautiful in your gown, face illuminated by the warm lighting as you danced, a joyful smile on your face
Dream would sweep you off to the the dance floor where you’d waltz the night away, staring into each other’s eyes with unadulterated love
George almost choked on his drink when he saw you enter the ballroom looking like an goddess on earth
blushing like a tomato, he would approach you shyly and ask you for a dance
“Lady Y/n? Would you care to share a dance.”
He smiles like a thousand suns when you say yes without hesitation, gently leading you in a waltz.
He might stumble a couple times because he was so distracted by your beauty, but you two laugh it off. he may or may not stumble a couple times just so he can hear your laugh again
One time, you caught him staring
After you two had fulfilled your duties by being at the ball for as long as was required, he’d want to take you outside
Under the stars, you two would just talk.
Until you got tired. When you fell asleep on his lap, he tensed up for a moment before relaxing and gently stroking your hair.
Sapnap was chatting with Dream and George (they attended the ball as a couple) when George pointed out that you had arrived
He looked to where you were and legit couldn’t stop himself from smiling ear-to-ear
“She looks... amazing,” he mumbled.
George laughed, which made Dream smile. Dream kissed his fiancé’s head before addressing Sapnap.
“Go tell her that, idiot.”
So Sapnap walked over to you and straight-up said, “You look beautiful, Y/n”
blushing at the compliment, you asked him to dance (he happily accepted the offer)
Literally the entire time, he would not stop flirting with you or telling you how beautiful you looked (as he should)
Dream and George were so happy that their ship was sailing, btw
Karl was just rambling on and on about how excited he was to dance with you (everyone agreed it was adorable)
He was smiling so freakin’ wide when he saw you. Everyone swears it lit up the whole room
He sorta tripped over his own feet with nervousness on his way to greet you at the bottom of the stairs
“Wow, Y/n.... You look really good!” He mentally slapped himself for giving such a “bad” compliment
You returned his sunny smile before complimenting him back, which made both of you blush
You guys most likely didn’t waltz for very long, instead, Karl would take you outside and put on some of his own music for you guys to jam to in fancy clothes
Quackity was joking around and talking with a group of people when he heard your name whispered next to him
he followed everyone’s gazes to see you, walking down the stairs in the most beautiful dress he’d ever seen. No, you looked beautiful. The dress just highlighted that.
When he got over to you, he bowed dramatically, causing you to giggle.
“Would you care to dance, my lady?” he asked, extending his hand
you gladly took it and got swept to the dance floor
I feel like waltzing with Quackity would be surprisingly fun (idk why)
the entire time, you guys would be causing a little bit of trouble by subtly knocking into other pairs as you waltzed
by the end of the night, your stomachs hurt from laughing so much and trying to stop yourselves from laughing
Wilbur was talking with the rest of the SBI members when you and your gown caught his movement
He almost dropped his glass on the floor (techno casually caught it before it could shatter)
He didn’t even realize that his feet were walking him over to greet you
like the gentleman that he is, Wilbur led you down the rest of the stairs, guiding you to the ballroom floor
He placed his hands on your waist and you rested yours on his shoulders
“I presume this means we’re dancing?” he says with a cheeky smile
You giggle and nod as he starts the waltz, moving smoothly with the music
all of the SBI are really happy that Wilbur has found someone like you
Philza is smiling, Tommy is (jokingly) calling you guys disgusting, and Techno is just nodding with smug approval as you rest your head on Wilbur’s chest.
Bench Trio (platonic):
You and the bench trio (y’all are called the bench crew) decided to attend the ball together as friends
well, Tubbo platonically asked out Ranboo. Which left Tommy to platonically ask you out (you said yes, ofc)
When they saw you walk down the stairs, they cheered.
I swear, these kids were so obnoxious. Like, the whole ballroom could hear them cheering and clapping for their friend walking down the stairs
everyone thought it was adorable, tho
Tommy gave you a high five when you reached the bottom
after getting some food and refreshments, you guys joined everyone else on the dance floor
Tommy, to make things more “interesting”, played his disks instead of the waltz music
Dream, who was organizing the function in this headcanon, was NOT happy
You guys were dying of laughter at watching Dream’s facial expressions when the music changed to Tommy’s upbeat songs
it was the best night of your guys’ lives
Technoblade: (might make this into an actual fic if it’s requested)
it was during one of your sexual tension-filled training sessions when Techno asked you if you wanted to go with him
After a moment of shock (which he used to defeat you) you accepted
“You’re lucky I said ‘yes’, Tech. Normally I don’t accept the invitations to dance from people who beat me up everyday.”
“Give yourself some credit, Y/n. You’re really good. But yes, I am lucky.”
You felt so freakin’ powerful as you confidently walked down the huge flight of stairs in your gorgeous gown.
Techno was speechless. Even the voices were quiet (before they whispered about how stunning you were) he tried to erase the shocked expression from his face before hie reached you
You smiled as he held out his hand to you
“M’lady.” His voice was comforting even as it elicited butterflies in your stomach.
Technoblade’s heart jumped when you held his hand.
you looked so angelic in this light. Even though you had a reputation similar to his, you had such a wonderful personality that drew him in
Because of both of your guys’ agility that was developed and honed through your years of combat, you danced so gracefully
It was as if you were the breeze moving through the room
Everyone turned their heads to look at you two
When the music became more fast paced, you switched to a different style of dance, trading moves and moving as fluidly as rivers
This was the moment that Techno realized he was in love with you
Before the night ended, he complimented your outfit and told you how beautiful you looked
at one point, it got cold so Tech gave you his dark maroon suit jacket (imagine techno in a dark dark red suit! asdkfhaskdjfh)
He let you walk home with it as long as you returned it to him at training the next day
Needless to say, the SBI family was teasing Techno for the next couple weeks
he didn’t mind, tho
#dsmp x reader#dsmp x you#dsmp#dsmp fanfic#dsmp headcanon#mcyt x reader#mcyt headcanons#mcyt imagine#dream#dreamwastaken x reader#dreamwastaken#georgenotfound x reader#georgenotfound#sapnap x reader#sapnap#karl x y/n#c!karl#quackity#quackity x reader#wilbur x reader#wilbur soot#wilbur soot x reader#bench trio#bench trio x reader#tommyinnit#tubbo#ranboo#technoblade x reader#technoblade#wren_queen stuff
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I want this word literally just a word
diplodocus ( it a dinosaur I think I spelt it right I'm pretty sure it tubbos favourite I cant remember)
It my favourite word to say
Mabey with tommy or ranboo?
a/n: MILO, MY LUVVVV AAAA I LOVE YOU MY DEAR!!! I'M SO GLAD I'M FINALLY DOING YOUR REQUEST!!! I'm sorry it took a while, but this request is so cutee aaaaaaaa :))))). So I hope u like this, UR AMAZING MY MILO, MY SWEETHEART!

Sickness & the Diplodocus
a Ranboo/ You!!
summary: You were not feeling too great, you woke up sick. It was very out of nowhere, but, fortunately, you had your best friend Ranboo who took care of you. You still could laugh though, a weird documentary about a certain dinosaur making you smile.
TW: sickness, headaches, throwing up,

You awoke in cold sweat, your breathing fast. You had no idea why you felt so weird, awful even, and just sick. You tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in your head made you fall back onto your pillow again. You were so cold, and also hot at the same time, it was almost confusing. You coughed, your throat dry and your body in need of water. Again, you tried to get up, but it worsened the pain lots. So the only solution was getting your roommate to help you a bit, even though you didn´t want to burden him. ´Ranboo?’ no answer. ‘RANBOO?!’ you yelled with all the air you had in your lungs, your voice cracking mid-call. This, however, did work, and he came crashing through the doorway. ‘Yea- Woah, Y/n, are you okay??’ He looked at your state, and immediately sat at the side of your bed. You shook your head. ‘No, I don’t think so’ you weakly said, and he put a hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. ‘Gosh, you’re so warm, and you’re sweating as well,’ he noticed, ‘I think you have a fever’ You sighed, and coughed again. ‘Just get me some water and I’ll be fine, I have a lot to do today.’ You said, and tried anóther time to sit up, but you flinched at the pain. ‘No, no. Nuh uh,’ Ranboo dissaproved, laying you softly back again. He got up to get some water, but the time he was away, you felt worse by the minute. Finally, you were able to stand up, but not for good reason. You ran to your bathroom, leaving the door open, and threw up in the toilet. It was overwhelming, feeling this bad, and you started to cry at the impact of it. Ranboo found you, a glass of water in his hand, which he put on the sink quickly. ‘Hey? Are you alright there? Oh, love,’ he saw you kneeled in front of the toilet, and came up quickly behind you. He petted your hair, and pulled it back for you. He heard you sniffling. ‘Shhh, It’s okay, It’s okay.’ He comfort you, and your breathing slowered as you relaxed once more. ‘Thank you,’ you softly called out, as you flushed the toilet. He gave you the glass of water, and with little sips, you hydrated yourself again. You were still very weak, so he carried you to your bed, and layed you under your blankets again. You´d shower later that day, or maybe the day after, but now it was time to relax a bit. To your surprise though, Ranboo came back with a warm cup of coffee, some painkillers and another blanket. ‘Thank you so much, you’re so kind. I don’t need another blanket though.’ You whispered, and he set everything down on your nightstand. ‘No problem hm,’ he said, petting your head and ruffling your hair. ‘But that blanket is for me, I’m gonna keep you some company.' Your heart fluttered, and you looked at him in awe. He was honestly the sweetest, and a more comforting person wasn’t possible. He grabbed his laptop, he did have to do some work, but he stayed with you for the day.
You laughed as Ranboo pointed at the TV in front of your bed. The pain had cleared up a bit, you were still sick, but he took good care of you. He had put on a documentary on the Diplodocus, which Tubbo recommended to the both of you. You finally had the time to, and you were laughing your asses off. ‘OF COURSE TOBY WOULD WATCH THIS’ Ranboo yelled, wheezing as tears formed in his eyes from the laughing fit. ‘LOOK AT THEIR SILLY LONG NECKS’ you giggled, the dinosaur on the screen looking weird. You leaned your head against his arm, and he lifted it, putting it around you instead. You watched the silly show on the TV in a comfortable silence. His breathing and your tiredness were enough to make your eyelids feel heavy, and you quickly fell asleep. You were safe in his embrace, your best friend, your savior.
You had a pretty weird dream about sitting atop of the long necked dinosaur, the ‘Diplodocus’ as you rode through jungle’s with Ranboo beside you. It may have been the weirdest you ever had, obviously influenced by the documentary you watched before you fell asleep.
You woke in the morning, the long sleep making you feel better again. You told Ranboo about the dream at breakfast, and you laughed your asses off even harder about it.

a/n: MILOOOOO I HOPE U LIKED THIS MY DEAR, UR SLEEPING NOW, BUT IT'S OKAY :))) HOPE U LIKE THIS WHEN U WAKE UP. And you too, other ppl here, you are awesome and take ur rest. Everything is gonna be fine, I assure you, and if somethings up DM's are open my dears!! SORRY IF THIS IS SHORT IM AT SCHOOL RN- I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHHH<3!!
@kiss-me-more-whore @milofroglover
#ranboo imagine#ranboo#ranboo x you#ranboo fluff#ranboo platonic#platonic ranboo x reader#ranboo x reader#cricket crew#mcyt#mcyt imagine#dreamsmp#dsmp
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tour guides
ranboo x streamer!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff, crackish
word count: 866
warning(s): none
synopsis: on ranboo’s second day, he receives a tour of the dream smp by the president of l’manburg. during that tour, ranboo sees you pass by and his heart may have palpitated.

currently, ranboo was getting a tour from l’manburg’s own president, tubbo. as ranboo and tubbo sat at the bench they talked, taking a small break from the tour.
“so who’re you most excited to meet on the smp?” tubbo asked. “i think i’m equally excited to meet everyone but i’m slightly more excited to meet (y/s/n).” he said, looking at tubbo with his minecraft character.
right after he said that, tubbo saw you run by, “oh look there they are!” tubbo said. ranboo looked around and when he turned his back facing tommy’s house, he saw you run by. in real life, ranboo’s mouth was open agape and his heart was rapidly beating in his chest. with his minecraft character, he slowly looked at tubbo.
“tha-that- that was (y/s/n) holy cow. oh my god. wha-what the- heh did i just summon them??” he asked, being very frantic. he then saw tubbo no longer moving and at the bottom left corner of his screen he saw that tubbo wrote a message.
Tubbo: (Y/N)! (y/s/n): YES MR. PRESIDENT? Tubbo: come greet our newest smp member
“what- what are you doing tubbo? are you, are you trying to give me a heart attack? i thought i would have at least a few day to prep myself before meeting them, what the heck tubbo?” ranboo was still quite frantic, unable to find the right words as he was about to meet you. all while tubbo was laughing.
(y/s/n): where are you? Tubbo: you just passed us, tommy and my bench
ranboo then saw you running back over and when you got to them, you started crouching and he crouched back. “oh my god, tubbo. i’m not ready for this.” ranboo said. “oh you’ll be fine, big man” tubbo assured.
Tubbo: vc 5
you joined the vc and tubbo immediately said, “(y/n)! this is ranboo, he’s our newest smp member! ranboo say hi.”
“.. hi.” ranboo said with a much quieter voice. “hi ranboo! i’m (y/s/n), but you can call me (y/n)!” you introduced. “well, (y/n) do you think you could give ranboo the rest of the tour? i have to go. he just needs to see the dreamon headquarters, l’manburg, and pogtopia.” tubbo asked.
“of course! i’d love to give ranboo a tour of the smp.” you smiled. “great! well, bye now.” tubbo bid goodbye, walked away and disconnected from the server.
“well ranboo, this way is the dreamon headquarters so let’s head there first.” so as you gave ranboo the tour he was really quiet, which made you think he didn’t like you. you were cracking jokes to maybe help him get a little comfortable but you were just filled with silence so you decided to just keep quiet and only talk about the tour, giving him details about each place you went to and the history behind it. little did you know that each time after you told a joke, ranboo muted himself and laughed out, being kinda shy.
“well, that was the end of the tour. i hope you enjoy your time on the smp.” you smiled and said bye. ranboo let out a small, “thanks,” and ran somewhere so he could blow up on his chat on how he just met you.
“chat, do you think he hates me?” you asked. as you chat went by super fast all you could catch was:
no!! you’re his favorite streamer LMAO he was probably just nervous because he looks up to you a lot he’s usually super outgoing !
you laughed. “oh my god! i can’t believe he was so shy. that’s cute.” as you were still streaming you went to go onto his stream and when you joined you heard him ramble about how cool you were.
“chat what the heck. i just met (y/n). like the reason i started streaming was because of them. i am completely in shock right now. what the, oh my god.. and their jokes! they’re so funny!” he said. you laughed and told your chat not to snitch on you.
his chat then started telling him:
well, you kept on going on mute whenever you laughed i don’t think they know you like them they might think you hate them
he read them and gasped, “oh my god, i was muting whenever they joked. dude, i was so nervous, what the heck, oh no. what if i ruined it? what if they think i hate them? oh no.” he panicked. you decided to send him a dono to calm him down a bit.
you sent a $50 dono saying, “maybe next time we play together, you don’t have to mute yourself when you laugh at my jokes. welcome to the smp ranboo.”
“(y/s/n) thank you for the 50- oh no. you just heard me saying all that didn’t you? i swear i’m a lot cooler than this.” and you sent him another one.
“i’m sure you are. message me on discord next time you want to play together ^^”
“oh gosh, thank you for the dono’s (y/n) and yes, for sure. i will.. let you know,”
#ranboo imagine#ranboo & reader#ranboo fluff#ranboo crack#mcyt#mcyt & reader#mcyt imagine#mcyt fluff#mcyt crack#dream smp#dream smp & reader#dream smp imagine#dream smp fluff#dream smp crack#streamer!reader#ranboo & streamer!reader
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can u do streamers with a plus size reader? ty i love ur fics ♡
+ reminder! every body type is beautiful in its own way, and I’m sure that all of the mcyts would want to date a person of any size! hope you enjoy<3
++ I also added a couple of insecurities that are common for a lot of people cause I felt like it ^-^
dating a plus size reader; mcyt x reader
dream is an absolute softie for you
he will literally carry you anywhere you go
even if you insist for him not to
he just lifts you up into his arms and runs off with you
as I’ve mentioned before, he loves squishy places of the body
especially the booty ;)
so expect a lot of grabbing whenever he’s near you (with your consent, of course)
always tells you how amazing you look
even if you’re only wearing sweatpants and a basic tee and feel like absolute shit
and he would definitely have you pose for pictures of his merch
he loves resting his head on you
uses your chest as his personal pillow
he thinks it’s absolutely crazy how you’re able to make every outfit look good
like, you could wear a plastic bag and still look like a model to him
you two go out to eat fast food at the most random times
some days midnight, some days at 5am
admires your confidence
he loves your thighs sooo much and always has his hands (or eyes) on them
he almost holds your thigh more than your hand
and he just thinks you’re so gorgeous and can’t believe he can call you his
but when he finds out you don’t think so, his mind is blown
like... what?
are you blind????
he tells you how “you’re so fucking hot” every day until you start thinking so yourself
loves baking cakes with you
and makes sure you’re always well fed
he absolutely adores your stretch marks!
he loves just tracing his fingers over the lines
following them around with his fingertips
and gets very focused about it to a point where he stops listening to you talk
he makes sure you never feel down about something as natural as stretch marks
and makes sure to kiss every place you're insecure about
techno literally doesn't care what you look like
he only cares if you're happy, cause he really hates seeing you sad
especially when he can't do anything about it
so when he catches you one day looking at yourself in the mirror with a look of disgust
his heart crumbles in his chest
sits you down to talk about it
and gets more touchy afterwards along with spurring out compliments more often
wilbur soot:
wilby is also a big sucker for thighs
he’s not super grabby, but he gets his point across;
that he absolutely loves every part of your body
to be honest, like techno, I see wilbur as someone who literally does not care what you look like
if he likes you, he’ll love the way you look either way
he is very appreciative of soft, fleshy parts of your body
that he can just cling onto when he wants
fuck, does schlatt love to have you on his lap
like he might not come across as someone who’s cuddly
but I’m telling you
he is super cuddly
he just wants someone to hold and to be held by
he needs that physical touch and he just can't seem to keep his hands off of you
he’ll tell you “you look so stupid right now”, laugh, and then give you a big ol’ bear hug
jokes aside, he makes sure you know just how dizzyingly beautiful you look 24/7
corpse husband:
fishnets, legs, fishnets, legs
even if you don't like wearing fishnets, he’s just all; legs, grab, thighs, squish
no but seriously he loves your legs so much
they just catch his attention and immediately make him go soft
without you doing anything you’ll just hear him giggle at you
and then realise he’d been looking at you for a hot minute, just taking in how absolutely stunning you look
and he doesn't fail to let you know that :)
karl jacobs:
like wilbur, I think he just genuinely doesn't care and loves you regardless of what you look like
we all know that karl’s way of showing affection is through touch
so he loves cuddling up to you
using your chest as a pillow and engulfing you in his arms
and he’ll be whining within a second if you even a much as try to move away from him
something he doesn't realise he does, but you do, is that he will just randomly hold on tight to a certain part of your body
even if you're just talking
his hands will be on you without him even noticing
and it’s really cute
I’ve mentioned this before, but I think that skeppy really likes the way skirts look on you
or tight-fitting jeans
anything that compliments your body, really
though he does like the way you look without any clothes on
anyways, he fucking loves your body so much
and any person who thinks differently is not his friend
he’s always hugging you
or brushing his knuckles over your arms lovingly
small touches are his forté
he can never seem to keep his eyes off of you
no matter how hard he tries, you’re just too gorgeous
isn’t the touchiest of the boys, but when he’s in the need for some physical touch, he’s very obvious about it
will start off by holding your hand
and then maybe move onto hugging you from behind
comes off pretty clingy once he needs that love and affection
he just loves touching you; maybe cause your skin is soft? he’ll never tell you (it’s his little secret)
he looooooves loves loves how, and I quote, “thicc you are”
and he gets so clingy, too
makes grabby hands at you if he needs to to catch your attention
and definitely, without a doubt, uses your chest as his personal pillow
he’s also a squisher
your thigh’s kinda become his little stress toy
alex will fully commit to being a complete simp for you - he does not care at this point
can get blushy sometimes when he catches himself looking at you for too long
if you thought that sapnap would be wild when it comes to thighs, let me introduce you to this man
luke is a massive sucker for some thick thighs
and don't even get me started on the flesh on your hips
he lowkey has an addiction to constantly keeping his hands on there, but it’s not like you mind
it’s like his hands are glued onto you sometimes
holding on tightly or gently, doesn't matter
and sometimes he’ll even get lost in the way his fingers dig into your skin
can't fathom the fact that you're all his
sam is literally the cutest🥺
gives you compliments all the time
and literally always has a hand on you to gently caress your skin
and he is always gentle with his touches
and I mean always
drawing circles onto your back or arm using his thumb
placing small kisses on your temple
he always posts pictures of you on his instagram and twitter
has like one or two pictures of himself, and the rest are of you :]
literally smothers you with love and affection
he loves the little dents in your thighs from cellulite
finds it sooo attractive
loves to trace his fingers over the dents
notices immediately if there are changes in your eating habits
and will confront you the second he notices cause he can't bare the thought of you eating less than usual
makes sure it never happens again
they have a special seat for you right on his lap
if you were comfortable with it she’d love for you to sit with them in his streams
SHOWERS you with compliments
and leaves trails of kisses everywhere
even if you whine about it being too much or distracting you
he ignores it and continues
can't believe she’s ended up with such a god/dess as you
jack manifold:
jack was completely shocked when he found out you were insecure about your body
what was there to be insecure about?
to his eyes you were completely perfect, and he just couldn’t understand how… you couldn’t see that?
makes sure you now how absolutely stunning you are
can't help but to show you off to everyone (he is a leo after all)
and also let’s his hands roam all over you - with your consent, of course!
adores you so much
tommy had seriously never thought of it before you’d said that you didn’t want a piece of cake after he asked
and he goes; why?????
and you’re like; I shouldn't eat it
and he’s even more ???
doesn't know what why or when you decided you “shouldn't” do something as normal as eating
it’s so very obvious how soft he is for you when it’s just the two of you
and even succumbs to his soft side in front of others if he gets too caught up in your beauty
tubbo just… doesn't care
like, at all
but of course he notices the absolute beauty of you, and will simp for you
doesn't shower you with compliments, but gives subtle signs
a common one is squeezing your hand
or calling you cute or adorable
brushing a strand of hair out of your face
simplicity is his thing
lots of hugsss
unintentionally squeezes too hard so you have to tap his shoulder
and he just giggles
he likes resting his head on practically any part of your body
cause you're so comfy
wants to constantly fondle you in his arms
he’s become so used to clinging to you, it’s just by instinct at this point
tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50 @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets @vernon-dursley @childhoodgrunge @fivxss @hexagonclash @crazyjuls12 @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy @aiofheavenandhell @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson @ineedtogetoutofhere @twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys @squiddyyyy @c0wc0ww @animeweeb019284 @m00-bl00m-k0le @stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre @uhhhguiltypleasures @trappedchest @punzrights @trashgremlin36 @cyberrsoot @elebeleb @k3nn3dis-crap @karlshoodies @rascal-in-banishment @heartbroken-writer @bartok-the-magnificent @ihavenoideashelp @goldiefox1 @bethybop @helluhru @venuzblr @pha5ed5tar50 @cscooop @bethybop @lunareclipse-13 @http-strawberryy
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