#like those really silly graphic tees
owlarchimedes · 5 months
Fred and George's shop selling shirts that say "Don't get splinched!"
That's it send tweet
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struwberrii · 3 months
haikyuu!! at an american highschool ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
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pt.1 here pt.3 here
these are just some of my silly headcannons on how i think hq characters would act and what stereotypes they would be at an american highschool (as an american highschooler ☝️🤓)
characters: kuroo, kenma, bokuto, akaashi, oikawa, iwaizumi
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literally the biggest nerd but sm girls crush on him
the type of guy you gotta hit your friends with the “hear me out” before you say he’s cute
kind of annoying and cocky about his intelligence but ppl still like him
gets real creative about his insults towards ugly people
wears cringey dad graphic tees bc he has no style
crunchy coughs in class a lil too often….
has the oldest most beat up car on the planet like it’s a safety hazard driving that thing
always smells really weird like cigarettes or something despite not smoking a day in his life
debate club.
his note books have like water stains and the covers are like torn apart and look like they were used as a shield during a war
offers all his friends rides but is such a scary driver
makes fun of ppl “lovingly” but he’s lowkey a bully
jokingly owns a minecraft hoodie he bought from the kids section and it’s SO TIGHT it’s a crime to wear that out with his big self
wears the same clothes multiple days in a row, he don’t gaf he probably slept in ts too 😭
probably doesn’t really smell bad, just kind of…. moist? marinated?
his hair is probably really greasy sometimes
always brings some type of gaming console to school and plays during lunch and during any free time he has
sneaks his phone when he isn’t supposed to and has never been caught
for some reason he sits with cool people despite NEVER talking during class and never going out of his way to make friends (kuroo forces him to hang out with his friends)
raged at his game super loud in class one time and got so embarrassed he begged his counselor to take him out of that class
his grades are ok for someone who never studies or even really pays attention
some of his teachers have gone entire school years without ever remembering his name
has the best comebacks to everyone, he is not afraid to clock you
drives the biggest jeep or like ford bronco ever and is actually a decent driver
his parking is TERRIBLE though and he never bothers to fix it
probably would play football (i’m sorry guys) and is constantly at risk of getting kicked off the team for his grades
akaashi helps him study to stay on the team
genuinely the biggest himbo, a bunch of the girls think he’s adorable but he never gets the hint
posts silly gym selfies on his story
book bag has like 1 notebook in it, maybe a pencil if he’s lucky
teachers secretly love him (but not enough to pass him)
i feel like he’d also try and join the swim team for some reason
i feel like he’d eat burger king for lunch :,(
girls confide in him with their drama even though he gives no helpful feedback or advice and just occasionally gasps and goes “no way”
has the most cracked iphone screen on the planet
probably taking like half honors classes or AP (idk how it works i’m not at a regular high school sorry guys </3)
gets school iced coffee for breakfast
takes super good and detailed notes and helps bokuto despite being a lower grade
wears the funkiest outfits but girls still think he’s cute
no girls talk to him though because he’s so quiet
always has at least 1 airpod in
sells pics of his notes
sometimes goes off campus for lunch with bokuto, but refuses to eat burger king
other days he probably has salad for lunch
probably in like orchestra but never carries his instrument in the halls bc he thinks it’s embarrassing
bokuto is loud af cheering him on when they have concerts
also sneaks his phone during class but got caught one time and now he’s kind of too scared to use it
wears those tight work out shirts to show off his muscles
probably drinks like protein drinks in class
has the biggest water bottle ever like bro drinks a gallon of water every period
has a SUPER old iphone or like an android he refuses to upgrade because it gets the job done
always posting about his gains
probably crashed his car and his bumper is like hanging off his car
in like a weight lifting or body building club and is probably the leader of said club
he and oikawa are a very popular duo
occasionally skips class if he ever just doesn’t feel like going
his notes are so vague and short yet he understands and remembers everything he wrote
his grades are insanely good too
literally only wears sports clothing
uses really good smelling cologne but since he’s so active there’s always a hint of must from all the sweat :,(
man hoe
he has been in just about every girls dms at some point
his grades are like, okay? he’s not failing
does stuff for female validation, like ik if he had a cat he’d be posting it on his story constantly and like flexing his hand veins
drives a bmw
if he’s actually in a relationship, he’s super loyal tho
his teachers kinda hate him
still uses snapchat and his snap score is like 500k
has decent fashion but dresses mildly gay at the same time
people constantly make jokes abt him and iwa being gay and he gets so mad (maybe he’s projecting idk)
smells a little like vanilla
he and iwa get in n out for lunch and eat in his car
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th3tism · 16 days
hiii saw your requests are open!!! i dont request often but i have had a thought gnawing at my brain, the mercs (scout, spy, demo and sniper if not all bc ik writing 4 all of them is) a gn reader with a bunch of like, ironic graphic tees. like, ones with cats on it that say "LESBIANS EAT WHAT?" or like, "i ❤ milfs". like, silly tshirt collector and wears that shit proudly. mb if this is a weird request 😭 also doesnt matter if theyre red or blu
Mercs: demo, spy, sniper, scout
Silly shirts 🗣️🔥‼️
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Dude owns this shirt
I don't care, he has it and he wears it all the time
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He will steal your shirts, either out of spite or bc he thinks they look cool
He probably bought one of those shirts when he was drunk
He laughs his ass off when he sees you in one of those shirts
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He has this shirt btw
The guy has standards
He doesn't like those shirts, he thinks they are unprofessional and unfunny
Anyways he owns this shirt
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He's neutral about him
He doesn't really care but some of them will get a little chuckle out of him
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He probably has this shirt somewhere in his camper
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cyeayt · 8 months
whats ur tim headcanons :)
oooh i have so many i can sort them into appearance, character arc, and sillies, a lot of these are lifted from fics i like fyi,,, ty so much for the ask, this is very rambly lol
i tend to think of Tim as Malay mostly because of Head in the Lion's Mouth and renwhit's other works with the stoker bros which rewrote my brain although in my mind he has short hair instead of long like he has in those series. i also have fallen to the fanon of him wearing colorful button ups but i don't really like him in aloha shirts just cause i think he has better taste than that, i also think he has his ears pierced and i am not immune to the idea that he wears a shark tooth necklace he got from Danny. I do also think that he had his hair shorter and dyed purple on the ends in season 1 that he then stopped taking care of in season 2 so it was washed out green and all messy by season 3, by which time i also think his fashion had deteriorated and to me he was at the unknowing in the rattiest hoodie imaginable and jeans he had been wearing for at least 4 days. he can have a graphic tee as a treat but he was def greasy.
in terms of his character i have a lot of stuff that i think are headcanons that are actually just canon (like that he knew something was up with sasha before not-sasha was revealed or that he felt comfortable in research before getting drawn back into the horror) because i have a really shitty memory but heres some stuff im pretty sure isn't plain stated in the text: he and Jon bonded in research and were very close before Jon became the archivist, and part of how they bonded was that they were both overworking themselves looking for their answers and also they're really good at breaking into places together. i am also a sucker for the idea that jon and him were involved or dancing around something but had to break it off when jon got promoted. speaking of hcs with high angst potential, i also think a lot about subtle rituals of intimacy between him and sasha and the small ways in which he would have noticed that there was something off with her. i also see him as being estranged from his parents/ them suspecting him of having something to do with Danny's death, which is not helped by the box of photos n such i think he keeps hidden in his closet/under his bed. in terms of his mentality Tim is really relatable to me i think he really struggles to be trusted in meaningful ways and that Jon suspecting him of murdering Gertrude brought back a lot of bad memories of police and his parents thinking he killed Danny. he gets stuck into patterns of though and mindsets esp when hes depressed and has trouble thinking of things in different terms in s3. also he did nothing wrong but thats neither here nor there
sillies! hcs that have little support but i think are funny, shipping stuff, and like whatever.
It's not really supported by canon unless you think he was playing 4d chess with Basira in s2 but in my mind Daisy and Basira were the ones investigating Danny's disappearance and they have a bad history. i like to put this one in my aus/ give him and daisy and basira a weird antagonistic relationship whenever i can because i think its funny when people are bitter with each other.
while i do agree that Tim would enjoy outdoorsy stuff like rockclimbing or kayaking, i don't think he's that good at it. i def see him as like the nerdier brother and think that he got into stuff that he and Danny did together, but it would be like Danny trying to convince him to go on the black diamond while Tim zigzags his way down a blue square. idk what the rock climbing equivalent of that is but i do know that tim cannot do bouldering.
i also see tim as being aro-spec like demi-romantic bisexual or somewhere in there idk im aflux aroflux its all soup to me but he and sasha are queerplatonic to me. also don't @ me i think he at the very least flirted with elias a few times either pre-archives for funzies or at some point in s2-3 when he stopped giving a shit.
hcs are so fun bc they're like little outfits you can put your character in like not every fic i write will have all of these and some of my more minute ones contradic each other but they're like ships to me anywayyy
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cheerful-sixears · 6 months
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Finnigan "Fitz" Barnes || he/him/his || pygmy/jamnapari goat || 30
update for a dear OC of mine ;u; <3 don't consider myself a real furry [moreso enthusiast] , so yeah! Finnigan or "Fitz" was one of my first 'coming out' OC's that I created with the help of my brother, @monkie-deej. <3
Profile below the cut ;u;
☽��⋆Name: Finnigan Olivander Barnes
☽。⋆Nickname(s): Finn, Finny, “Fitz”, Finners, Fizzy, Fizzles, 
☽。⋆Species: Pygmy Goat, Jamnapari Goat & 0.2% fainting goat
☽。⋆Age: 30
☽。⋆Height: 5'3"
☽。⋆Weight: 290+lbs
☽。⋆Hair Color: curly and dyed pink
☽。⋆Eye Color: Kelly Green
☽。⋆Fur Color: rich cream colored w/ Rusty, Reddish Brown markings + "pink nose"
☽。⋆Hoof/Horn Color: pale, pastel slate brown
☽。⋆Tattoos: none
☽。⋆Scars: right elbow; knees [scattered]
☽。⋆Piercings: Ear lobes, bullring/septum
☽。⋆Notable Accessories: Occasionally; a paperboy hat, fingerless gloves, kandi bracelets galore
☽。⋆Occupation/Specialties: Zombies/Ghouls, Drawing, Writing, and Currently Unemployed from a REAL jobbb
☽。⋆Fears: *murky [deep] water, heights and most high speeds, losing Audron
☽。⋆Hobbies: Drawing, writing, scrapbooking, collecting various things, reading, cooking
☽。⋆Clothing: Prefers clothing to be on the more comfortable side, edgy. He doesn’t have much of a ‘fashion’ sense, and he doesn’t really care what others think of his personal, artsy choices. As long as it’s comfortable and brings good feelings, he’ll wear it. Hee mostly prefers graphic tees, dark colored band tees, sometimes with silly phrases alongside fitted jeans [in pink or purple] and crazy hoof-shoes.
☽。⋆Personality: Finn has a gentle heart, and a childlike nature and mind most often. He can be very sensible, yet very sensitive, and is always willing to accept those willing to accept him. He adores and is always willing to make new friends of all walks of life, but has a hard time doing so, making him seem somewhat imposing and difficult to approach. He may see the glass half empty on some days, but never doubts a rainy day having a chance to be a genuine, good one. It’s hard to make him cry, but when he does, he spills his heart, and usually feels better by the end of it. Overall, he is a very generous, kind, and caring individual, who is fun loving, and adventurous at best.
–Romantic: Closed // [fictionally]
–List: Macaque [Lego Monkie Kid], Ryo Asuka//Satan [Devilman Franchise], Kumatetsu [The Boy and the Beast]
–Friends: Audron/OddyMoo [ @monkie-deej], Shadow/Shade [ @evil-dad-evil], 
–Friendships: Open // [just ask! <3]
\\\-Weaknesses/Negative Traits/Disadvantages-\\\
☽。⋆Illnesses: short temper, sad very often, tummy troubles, common migraines and symptoms
☽。⋆Weaknesses: pollen/allergies, social anxiety, anger issues, 
\\\-Other Preferences-\\\
☽。⋆Likes: Cooking, Eating, Star Gazing, Mythology, Vampires and cryptids, All nighters with friends, drawing, rodents/marsupials, winged things, dinosaurs and paleo, undead things, dark poetry, loud music, swimming, plushies, reading, the undead, cooking, being lazy on comfy days
☽。⋆Dislikes: negative thoughts, bright lights, migraines, losing control over himself, repetitive noises, fake people, fakes and liars, assumptions, cleaning, control freaks, 
☽。⋆Romantic Preference: Demi-Asexual
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peachdoxie · 1 year
Baring my soul a bit here. CW for weight gain and fatphobia.
Clothes shopping for me these last two days has been hard. I mean, clothes shopping is hard for me in general for a variety of reasons, but this particular foray has been very melancholic: I only really shop for clothes when I need new ones, and the reason I need new ones lately is because I've gained enough weight that I no longer fit into a lot of my old clothes.
I won't go into detail because it's personal, but I've gained a lot of weight over the last seven years due to health reasons, to the point where I've about doubled how much I weighed when I was 20 (I'm 27 now)—which to be clear deals its own psychic damage, having to deal with fatphobia both external and internal, so I'm not discarding it. But one of the hardest things for me to deal with when gaining weight is the slow attrition of what of my clothes can actually wear before they're too small.
Because clothes shopping is hard for me, I'm rather attached to the clothes I do buy, and especially to my graphic tees with fandom or other silly stuff on them. The last seven years of my life—and particularly the last year and a half, when PCOS reared its ugly head—have been filled with a constant feeling of subtle loss as I outgrow clothes I love. It's not something I recognized until recently, when I had to buy new pants after wearing out all the old pairs (I buy multiple pairs of the same pants) and the ones I ordered the next size up didn't fit me. But since then, as I had to find a new style of pants to wear, and as I've started working at my library again, I've noticed more and more how many clothes have gone from my daily wear bin to my "not regularly wearing" bin.
Before this weekend, I owned more clothes that don't fit than I did clothes that fit. It's been hard for me to face the growing collection of clothes I can no longer wear. The idea of donating those clothes is difficult to confront, because it will mean I've finally come to terms with the fact that, barring unforeseen and unhealthy changes in my life, I will never be able to lose the weight I've put on and wear them again.
I know I don't have to get rid of old clothes. There's always mending them to make them fit, or like making a quilt out of my graphic tees so I can keep them even if I can't wear them. But right now in my life I don't have the capacity to mend clothes or find someone who can—I've got enough other stuff going on. And I've been trying not to hold onto things with the idea that I'll do "something" with them later, because my experience has shown me that I don't, and holding onto stuff I'm not going to use any time soon just adds to the accumulation of guilt and shame.
It's just hard to deal with all of this right now.
(Please do not give me suggestions on what to do with my old clothes, or suggestions in general. I'm typing this to vent and process my thoughts, not to seek help.)
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pink-lemonadefairy · 6 months
pls someone tell me how to deal with not being a teenage girl anymore i don’t think i can do it. i always drift between feeling excited and okay that i’m growing up and being utterly terrified / panicked and wanting so badly to be 16 or 12 again that i feel physically sick. and then feeling so horrible about not enjoying my teenage years and wasting them away that i’m about to end up doing the same for my early twenties. i know 20 is young but it also feels so old and like i should have everything figured out already. i know i have my whole life ahead of me but it doesn’t feel that way at all. society viewing women as ancient beings from -2 billion years ago when they hit 30 doesn’t help either. like? do i seriously just have 10 years (or will it be 5?) before people don’t see me as young and free or whatever the hell but then it’s like who caresss what people think agghhhhh. idk idk idk. i look at my mom who’s fifty this year and she’s as bright and active and smart and fun and youthful as ever. she’s going to the gym and she’s gonna start school again. i don’t see her as old, like at all. idk why i have such a hard time with me though. it also doesn’t help that ive never ever experienced any sort of romantic attention / interaction / intimacy :’) & it makes me think ooh boy the clocks really ticking. BUT ITS NOT WHY CANT I UNDERSTAND THAT!!!!!! but time moves so so quickly and it petrifies me into not even wanting to do things bc what if i end up wasting my time? what if i fail? why even try.
like im so excited bc im finally getting to know myself. high school was actual dookie water and i was a shell of a human but now im starting to feel alive again and like the world is actually big and not super tiny. im so excited for the summer bc i plan on trying new hobbies and reading a lot and doing a ton of crafts. i finally found clothes i love and feel comfortable in!! but what if my hobbies and interests end up seeming childish. do i have to retire those things when i get older? i just want to be able to be older and still wear converse and silly graphic tees or wear cute hairstyles and read fantasy novels (EVEN MIDDLE GRADE BOOKS BC THEYRE NOSTALGIC AND THEYRE REALLY GOOD) and idk rewatch phineas and ferb every once in a while if i feel like it without seeming crazy. idk :|
ugh. ive never felt so split in my emotions.
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doomedpuppetyuri · 5 months
RAAAAHHHH HIII EX HUSBAND THANKS FOR LETTING ME BOTHER YOU INTO SENDING ME AN ASK /silly gumdrop time waow (answering the bedroom one first bc that one's actually pretty important to its story) 💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat? Gumdrop does. Not have a very clean room. she had to sell like 75% of her possessions not that long ago and still manages to have a ridiculously messy room. When it doesn't look like a bomb went off though it's pretty cool tho tbh She's got a few glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall, and some posters for movies it's never seen but decided made it look cool or smth. Maxine always ends up bringing over some of the extra food that she makes, so her minifridge is. somewhat overflowing. There is a pile of clothes on the floor comprised almost entirely of graphic tees. She sleeps on an air mattress atm but really wants one of those round beds with the canopies It's also got a little fish tank in the corner for one of its friends(since they're a water-based being who can compress and expand their form) to hang out in when they come to visit 👁️ - How do other people perceive this oc? How close do their first assumptions come to the truth? I'd say common first assumptions of her are usually that she's kinda smug but relatively friendly, a bit reckless, and maybe a little shallow/airheaded These are all true except for the last part. My girl's just adjusting to having a human form ok give her a break /silly
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endcant · 1 year
sometimes i see ppl my age genuinely talk abt tiktokers/zoomers looking stupid in y2k playstation looking outfits and i’m like. so u didn’t grow up looking back at media from ur very early childhood, knowing ppl looked super fucking cool for like A Brief Minute, and wondering why no clothes that look good like that are available. maybe i just spent too much time with DDR and JSRF. i guess older millennials didnt have to wonder why bc they understood why but also like… idk it haunted me.
it sucks that clothes like that r only being explored again now that i’m both responsible for paying bills and also old enough to be expected to “know better” what if subcultural fashion werent solely seen as an expression of teen angst in america society what if fashion was also an expression of looking fucking sick as hell for no reason at any time anywhere.
maybe its shallow to care about clothes so much but i literally got into graphic design seriously bc i wanted to make my own graphic tees in like 2016 so it’s just part of the shit i think abt.
it kinda makes me pissy when ppl act like the kids look too silly and i’m like… really? in the mallgoing early 2010s my mainstream options for clothes to pursue as a fashion-aware aspiring guy were literally like that haunting Nerd Inspired shit, and neon athletic wear, and Swag™️, and the only alternative was wearing a black graphic tee shirt from hot topic with ur skinny jeans instead of a swagful graphic tee with ur athletic clothes.
says this gazing forlornly upon my wardrobe that still contains the windbreakers and snapbacks i purchased with my coffee shop job money way back when and then a bunch of office boy clothes from college and then a bunch of cozy clothes i bought while on that broken leg drip. i have not ever been satisfied with what i wear since like 2016 when i could reasonably spend all the money i earned buying things from tumblr artists’ merch stores. ofc those clothes were either cheap and didn’t make it to today or they were good quality and are still with me today but are a size too small. abcdefg
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whoredmode · 10 months
For the ask meme; 3, 8, 17, 19! 😊
Christmas Boss Asks
3. What's the best Christmas gift your Boss has ever gotten and/or what gift would win your Boss's heart?
anything from one of his lovers would win him over, even if it was kinda small or stupid. he’s a sucker. he just likes to know they’re thinking of him. also when it comes to kinzie specifically i feel like she’s kind of a bashful gift-giver so it makes him smile to see her go through that trouble.
8. Does your Boss dress up at this time of year in any way? Dressing nicely for parties, Christmas sweaters, silly pyjamas etc.?
definitely like around srtt time when the saints are really at the height of their glamour anteros would make a point to dress up for a fancy christmas party. he likes throwing parties as it is but i think it had always been a secret fantasy of his to have one of those classically fancy christmas parties in the penthouse.
on the other side of things, he may have some stupid christmas sweaters along with his collection of old stupid graphic tees, but he honestly doesn’t wear shit like that the older he gets. if it was around sr1/sr2 time he might. but i think he also finds a lot of ugly christmas sweaters just. corny. he’s picky about his ugly stuff.
17. Does your Boss have a favourite Christmas song?
frank sinatra’s have yourself a merry little christmas. he’s a classic christmas song enjoyer. he’s someone whose christmases growing up were always kinda all over the place, so when he became an adult, there was a part of him that just wanted the type of christmas you get in an old holiday special. obviously this idea would have to change slightly as the years went on and his circumstances changed, but ultimately when he thinks of christmas, he does picture something a little norman rockwell.
19. What's the most chaotic thing that has happened with your Boss's Saints around this time of year?
i don’t know if chaotic is the word i’d use, but i do have a whole post-sr2/pre-srtt christmas story that involves anteros bailing out johnny and having a real heart-to-heart moment with him. and it ends them setting a giant christmas tree on fire. classic stuff.
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cu1tofdionysus · 3 months
Fasting all went 2 Bushwick together
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Julian Foy is the type of guy you want to be your friend’s boyfriend. He has fiery red hair and wears silly cropped graphic tees, comes across as possibly gay when you meet him (he’s not!) & knows everybody and a little bit about everything. He’s the lead vocalist for a band called Fasting that sometimes plays at TransPecos.
Fasting is the type of band you’d want to play your zine release party. Composed of 5 members– Sean Lawson, Sean Terrrell, Gordon Gillespie, Julian Foy and Jessie Capozzi– They can sway a crowd, literally and figuratively. The dreary April night I saw them, they were one of a few acts inaugurating Rambler Magazine’s latest print issue. They were following a slow, jazzy type band at Village Works, a tiny indie bookstore on St. Marks. Who knew it was a music venue? The place was overflowing with books on tables and books on shelves. It was raining, forcing the indoor/outdoor party strictly inside. The owner of the venue was behind the register asking the musicians to “Keep it down!’ The band was practically on top of eachother, performing from a walk-in closet sized corner of the venue. The crowd was on top of eachother, too–”DON'T lean on the books, please.” Foy bounced around during the set wearing his graduation cap (Pratt Institute, Film,) warding off any low spirits. The guy next to me mutters to those surrounding him, “They’re really good!” twice, banging his shaved head back and forth. 
In the words of Capozzi, bass, keys, sometimes the sax, (Pratt, Drawing,) Fasting makes “very human music.” Some songs are shoegazey, or noise pop-y, some are more post punk. “You know me so well” has warbling, subdued and sweet, almost ghostly vocals. “Lay me down taking my shoes off / I forgot my socks/ grave was faded and hard to read/ written on a subway wall. ” But it’s less about the song’s lyrics and less about the buzz of the melancholic guitar and thrashing drums, those could be gone by the next song. It’s more about the universals, the mood, the feeling, the scenes they emulate.  
John Public, the band’s 2023 debut album, is a memento, a mixed bag, made up of songs as old as 2018, the birth of the band, all the way to 2022. Those first songs came to life in the Pratt Institute dorms, as well as friendship and mold. The album’s namesake, John Public, references an inside joke amongst Pratt students. “John Public” is the John Doe for Pratt’s  lost student ID poster. The album is about that time, going to art school in Brooklyn, part- time jobs and smoking cigarettes, sometimes hand rolled. Trying to scrounge up $7 for a Prontos Deli sandwich. Those days feel like dreams. 
The newest member, the second Sean, Sean Lawson (The New School, Jazz) joined the band after a quick DM exchange with Sean Terrell, drummer, (Pratt Institute, Painting.) I am told by multiple sources that Sean Lawson is a musical genius. Terrell messaged Lawson on Instagram, wondering if he knew anyone who could play lead guitar. Both Seans had met through “the scene.” Lawson could play lead guitar, a member of another band, Aggressive Squirrels, already. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who…
We have to rush to Bushwick, to the Fasting Apartment, because some of the band is driving to Jersey right after the interview for a house show, or house party, or something like that. Sage, my roommate and Foy’s girlfriend, has told me stories of foot fungus and rats plaguing the infamous crib. There’s a Popeye’s and Mcdonald’s nearby, attracting chaos and all sorts of creatures. This is the band’s headquarters, and 4/5 of the band’s general living quarters: Gordon Gillespie, rhythm guitar, (Pratt Institute, Photo) and then Foy, Terrell and Capozzi. Sean Lawson doesn’t live here, this is the first time he’s been here, actually. There's a CPR dummy perched above the kitchen counter and a Hello Kitty poster on the wall, gifts given from the mystical streets of the city. Adobo seasoning, an astray, headphones, pliers, half a pair of sneakers and a roll of duct tape litter the coffee table. Capozzi’s room has a pair of pants pinned to the wall. You can barely see the floor of Gillespie’s, who has a loft bed.
Keep reading for a conversation with Fasting about the band’s history, a secret 6th member, the creative process, and hating music.
How'd you meet?
Most of us met at Pratt. Sean and Gordon were random roommates when they were freshmen like four years ago. 
Did you live in the apartment before? Or did you make the band before? 
Band before, 5 years ago now. Freshman year..
Julian was down the hallway from me and Sean.
There's also another member we need to speak about. 
A secret member who is going to become a monk soon.
He was our fucking grateful dead. What's the guy? He was our Jerry Garcia.
So, in the Can-- paper thin walls and shared bathrooms for the entire floor. Right? 
Naked people everywhere. People would have to go back to the room with a towel where other people were drinking Red Bull and vodka shots.
Every Tuesday night everyone in the entire building would get hammered.
Because everyone had the morning class off, we all had 1pm classes.
The walls were super thin. So, you could hear what was happening in every room as you passed by. In your room, you could hear conversations everywhere, even underneath, because the floor was just so thin. You could jump on it and it would bounce. You could bend the walls. They were made with thin plywood, to be temporary housing for the people who built the other dorm. We met because you could hear through the walls what people were doing. When they were making music, we could hear it. We'd just knock on just knock on the door and be like, what is that? What is that song?
"My name is Julian and I'm a really good rapper. Let me freestyle for ya."
You rap? 
Yeah, I was in a rap group called "Sort of Sober." We were all so bad.  We opened for Lil TiJay. That was our moment. For Lil TiJay at a club. That was pretty cool. 
They all started playing music together. And then Eddie, who hasn't lived in New York for a while, joined. And then I floated in. Really early though, we wrote "talking to ed" like the first week I joined. 
Jesse would float in to play the saxophone.
People who could hear it through their wall would tell me to shut the fuck up.
I started talking to Sean, because I was in another band of people I knew from Long Island and I asked him to be the drummer. And he did that for a while. And I had class with Gordon, so we all kind of knew each other musically, and not musically. There was no real rehearsing at that time, a lot of making recordings in the dorm.
It wasn't a group of people either. We had people floating in. Our friend Thomas wrote a song that we used to play in our set.
We would have homies sit around giving us conceptual ideas. 
Was there a certain sound that you were aiming for back then?
Any idea that came to our heads. A lot of indie? 
I was super into fucking Current Joys and Black Marble, and shit like that. Gordon put me onto shit that I used to hate, which was straight up emo music and Algernon 1000s math rock. Ones where the vocals are super annoying, and like whining. Now I love that shit. 
When we were sophomores we started rehearsing more seriously with Julien singing, Sean drumming and singing a lot, Gordon playing guitar, and our friend Eddie playing lead. I was playing bass. We played one show, early February of 2020. We played battle of the bands. 
Eddie faced away from the audience the entire time, because he was wearing a Michael Jackson shirt.
We lost because JHARIAH all voted for themselves. We joked that we were gonna vote for ourselves and JHARIAH did. There were probably about seven votes total, and five of them were everyone in that band. 
Yeah, then Sean didn't come back to the city for the next year. Neither did Gordon. I started living with Julian and someone else. 
That was a dark period. That was sort of the Dark Ages.
Sean (Terrell) came into the city to visit his girlfriend. That fall, we jammed once. It was really fun, we wrote a song. The next fall, I guess the fall of 2021, Sean moved back to the city to continue going to school. Then the four of us started living together. Eddie never came back after COVID. He moved to Colorado. We've still kept in touch. He was the greatest musician of the group, by far.
But he gave up making music and he deleted it off the internet and became a monk. He was super Russian Orthodox. In high school, he made music with this band called The Hellp, producing.
Wait, I’ve heard of them.
There are some really funny pictures of him on the internet. I saw Reddit posts from a month ago, where someone was theorizing that he was still involved.
He's got memorable licks. Tasteful, memorable melodies. You can hear it on "I will go outside." 
So that's basically the history. Then Sean joined. Our friend Jamison, she played with us for a little bit, but it was a more casual thing. We played as a four piece for a little bit. Sometimes with Julian trying to play lead guitar, but not practiced. Sean Terrell DMed Sean Lawson asking if he knew any New School jazz guitarists who would want to be in the band. Which is crazy because he saw us play the worst, most tension fueled show of all.
There was a point in the set where Jesse said that it was their last show. It felt like everyone in the audience was like, "Was that a joke?"
I liked that it was hard to tell. 
You used to say that a lot. We used to be in the middle of practice. You'd be like, "Alright, we're done." 
Because I thought that. I honestly hated it for a while. Not the band specifically, just playing. I don't know why I thought it was really stupid for a while. I think I was just really mad all the time at a lot of things in life. There was still enjoyment with playing music, but I got to a point like when I was finishing Pratt, like in 2022, where I actively didn't listen to music. Unless it was like jazz on the radio, for almost an entire year. 
Through a tiny cassette player.
That or baseball. 
But even that whole time, I was still writing music.
Are you a perfectionist? 
He's like a contrarian.
That's not true at all. 
Where does the name “Fasting” come from?
They spent a whole week trying to think of a name. 
A whole year.
Some silly names we were going to be, "Christmas." 
"Christmas band" does not work. "Dog with a cane" -- that was the first name. We had a SoundCloud with that name. We never posted anything.
These nincompoops went on the balcony to smoke cigarettes. They come back like "Yo, we've thought of it. Balconies." 
The name Fasting came from when we were still in school and Gordon didn't get paid for their Pratt job for a while. So they had no money. When Gordon was really hungry, they would say, "now I'm fasting."
I was in the photo building. I was working the desk, but the way their system is, you don't get paid for the first month. One meal a day, your sandwich or something. Now we're all fat. 
I have three questions that go together. Do you live together, except for Sean, because you're a band or because you're friends? What makes you so close? And how much time do you spend together?
We live together because we're buddies. But the band did exist first.
If we were having friend problems, we'd play music about it sometimes.
Our early practices were so bad. If Julian was mad at Sean he would try and scream over him every time he was singing. I couldn't play the bass. They were just so bad. We wouldn't live together if we didn't also, like, enjoy spending time with each other a lot.
We've known each other for so long. I think the closeness started early on. We've done a lot of shit together over the years. We've seen a lot of shit. We've seen each other grow up because it's been like fucking five years at this point, which is insane. Now we're all adults in the world having jobs, which is weird.
What genre are you? 
We used to say "fast and fun." 
Music for everyone under the sun.  I do think it's very human.
(Mocking Jesse) "it's very human music." 
Post punk, new wave, not so much anymore. Definitely math rock for people that can't count.
Math rock for people missing fingers.
We have a lot of overlapping musical interests but also everyone is into their own thing which is something I've always enjoyed. 
Jamison was full on funk sometimes. And we had a saxophone.
We usually like to have friends on the album. 
What's your music about?
it's not about music, but it also is. (Laughter from the band.) Now I've gotten super into songwriting. There's so much to explore forever. I really enjoy experimenting with harmonies or with songwriting and dipping back into old ideas. So for me, it's about writing songs and trying to play them live. And having fun. Which we're trying to do for the first time.
I used to give a fuck about lyrics. And now I super don't. I only use lyrics as a vehicle to sing notes. They're more free associative. I would "free associate" words until I would come up with idioms or phrases that didn't mean something that I hated. Or could be construed in a way that was really dumb. Julian loves writing.
I love writing lyrics and all my lyrics are about something. I always imagine that I'm trying to say something, and as I'm saying it, it's coming out through rhythm. Then the melody comes from music. For me, the first three or four years of making music, it was all rap. Malik, and Phil, from that band (Sort Of Sober), influenced me a lot. I used to write spoken word in high school, that's also rhythm based. But it wouldn't fit tightly into phrases. The two of them were like, your flows are terrible. Now I'm like, where can those things meet? Also a lot of improvisation. There's a lot of times during shows where I've sung lyrics that I never wrote for the band, or they came out live, and sometimes I'm not even saying words. That's fine. I might be saying words. I might be saying sounds. 
It's a lot of poetic imagery. There's not a lot of concrete stories or ideas. 
We haven't had a concept album yet. Unless the concept is drinking beer.
Say that was the concept of the last one. 
0 notes
l0svers · 1 year
watching that 90’s show *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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episode 01
love that they kept the silly transitions ah!
also the writing is so good — it stays so true to the original
i love kitty & red so funny
screamed when michael and jackie showed up
i want a summer like this anyways
so hyped to keep watching
episode 02
not much happened lol
love that sherri is becoming friends with kitty
episode 03
the commercial !!
not them going to the mall to get leia her first kiss
they had no right giving jay that much rizz for that car scene with leia — also since when was he so smart
red & his massage chair lmao
episode 04
love all the references and repeated situations from the original show
why did they do leia dirty with her hair
also their rave outfits are kinda rough — love the purple skirt overalls tho
the friends reference feels outta pocket like we’re ross & rachel even together by that point of the show being on air?
episode 05
the ✨internet✨
ew creepy hot tub lady
red being scared about the computer haha
the sex phone call lmao
“the internet is just two demons yelling at each other”
i knew hot tub girl was gonna be an issue
episode 06
i LOVE gwen’s fit
please i thought they were at least 15
“you’ve got twice the balls, act like it” — CRYING
the who 90210 but point place version is so funny
bob singing karaoke lol
episode 07
criminal mastermind without the mind a kelso lol
tattoos, babies and DUI’s the unholy trinity — CRYING SHERRI IS SO RIGHT
it’s a cat haha
red teaching sherri to ride a bike
episode 08
red is SPEED
ski jump arms haha
the moose
episode 09
not school starting soon :,(
uh oh bf vs bff time fight
“those kids are idiots”
“i like you” haha
training montage love
kitty wanting to be the school nurse so cute
her nurse nightmare woof
uh oh couple lost in the woods ft leo
love how they snuck into the country club iconic
leia giving nate water haha
not gwen being snappy — but we love the heart to heart between nate & leia
awww good friendship hug thank god
kinda loving all of jay’s stupid graphic tees — like this green one with the wolves
oh no not a serious relationship talk jay, i knew it was inevitable but ahh
episode 10
them dancing so cute! love!
oh nate… buddy your timing so bad
uh oh the breakup talk
i can’t take jay seriously with all the cheese wizz on his shirt
the phone in the pot haha
not the chili’s lol
leia turning into red lol “dumbasses”
donna figuring out about the boyfriend being a kelso and about him in general
fez’s tiny pants lmao
“i have a tv in my bathroom BITCH” crying
oh fenton
my literal reaction was: they are not about to kiss right now right? WRONG Z
love the throwback circle
awww they’re signing the water tower!
“well i made that birch my bitch” thank you fenton for being iconic
she’s gone *sobbing*
aw so glad it showed the film
other notes
i could not for the life of me tell why jay looked so familiar — then it dawned on me (no pun intended) that he was in nicky ricky dicky and dawn haha
overall i really like the show i think it’s fun and a great tribute to the original but the pacing was a little weird especially towards the beginning/middle it felt like it reached a good pace towards the end — part of this is def the episode limit but yeah
intrigued to see how next season goes
the whole nate thing is kinda random — like i understand them having the same outlook or whatever but they barely interacted throughout the season
honestly that is one of my complaints is that there were so many characters that i didn’t get attached to a whole lot of them or know much about them by the end
0 notes
jobean12-blog · 2 years
Joooo have you seen Sebbys dancing story? What am I saying ofc you have!!
But like what if you mixed that and Chris 'awkward dancing tgt?? Like reader waking up to these boys jamming it out while making breakfast on a beautiful Sunday morning ( imagine them trying to twerk😂😂). Or coming home from a long day of work and just admiring the view
Morning Wood
Pairing: Stucky x reader (Lumberjack AU but they are retired superheroes)
Word Count: 1,405
Summary: You and the boys are enjoying your time paradise. Retirement is good.
Author's Note: Hi love! Thank you so much for this fun and sweet request! It made me smile! I decided to have them living their best life in a beautiful and secluded cabin somewhere amazing! I also thought it would be an amazing excuse to use these gorgeous edits by my friend @thelemonadestxnd 🥰Hope you're having a lovely night and you enjoy this! Hugs! 💕Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by my sweet @firefly-graphics thank you lovely🥰
Warnings: soft and fun fluff, teasing, implied sexy fun, lots of silliness, Alpine
Edits NOT MINE: Credit goes to @thelemonadestxnd for BOTH of these gorgeous pieces!
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It isn’t the warm sunshine or the loud twitter of the birds singing outside your window that wakes you from a deep and sated sleep. Even your fluffy white cat, Alpine, has his head up, pointy ears flat against his head and a disgruntled look on his face.
“Alpine,” you mumble. “What in the…?”
The cat meows in response, stretching and kneading at the sheets before curling back into a ball and closing his eyes.
“Yea…” you say in sleepy agreement, “I don’t know either. Back to bed.”
You lift the covers over your shoulder and snuggle back into the pillow, letting your eyelids softly shut until you hear the racket again.
“Whyyyy,” you whine.
With a frustrated huff you beat at the pillow before throwing the sheets off and swinging your legs over the bed. Steve’s large tee shirt falls to your knees and you stomp over to the chair and grab Bucky’s discarded flannel and put it on.
Something round and heavy thumps against your chest and you slip your hand into the breast pocket of Bucky’s flannel. Your fingers wrap around something smooth and slightly pliant. You smile to yourself and gently pat the pocket, whispering, “I’ll save that for later.”
“What the hell are they up to!?” you screech, peeking out the large bedroom window.
You can’t see either one of your boys but you can certainly hear them. You shuffle into the kitchen and see all the necessities for your favorite breakfast ready on the counter as well as a fresh bouquet of the most beautiful wildflowers at the center of the table.
You soften at the sight and slide on your slippers. When you open the large front door of the cabin, the morning air holds a slight chill that the late Spring sun is quickly chasing away and the air is sweet with the fragrance of new growth.
You step out onto the large porch and walk down the steps, making your way to the back of the house and the source of the commotion. With a few more steps you turn the corner of the house and the sight in front of you makes you stop in your tracks.
Both Bucky and Steve are standing near the pile of firewood, shirtless, suspenders hanging freely around their legs, with their axes over their shoulders and their tight jeans clinging to their thick thighs.
You swallow hard as your entire body reacts, goosebumps covering your skin and your thighs clenched.
“Stevie. Come on! America’s ass can do better than that,” Bucky teases.
“I’m trying pal,” Steve shouts as he continues bending and shaking his ass.
Bucky drops his axe and proceeds to show Steve once again how to twerk.
“Look Rogers. Legs shoulder width apart ok? Like you’re gonna do a squat. Really bend those knees.”
You reach into Bucky’s flannel pocket and pull out his hidden treasure, biting into the juicy flesh of the plum while you watch the entertainment unfold. You can’t take your eyes off them as you munch, glad for the small distraction of the fruit.
 Steve studies Bucky intently, his eyebrows drawn in with his focused concentration.
“Now, arch your back, you really want your butt to be out there ya know,” Bucky continues.
Steve positions himself the same as Bucky, nodding intently.
“We really need some music,” Bucky sighs. “Alright, hands on your knees and bounce.”
Bucky shakes his ass and you stifle a giggle, not wanting the show to end.
"Ok, ok, lemme try again,” Steve says once Bucky stops.
Bucky straightens and steps back, leaning against the wood pile.
Steve shouts, “I think I got it!”
You let out a snort and Steve’s mid twerk when he goes still while Bucky throws you a knowing smirk.
“Is that my plum?” Bucky asks, sauntering over.
You shrug, the motion purposefully casual as you lick the plum juice from the corner of your mouth.
“Hiya doll face,” Bucky murmurs as he takes you in his arms. “Lemme get some of that.”
He kisses the corner of your mouth, sucking gently before pulling away and humming pleasingly at the taste.
Steve walks over with a bright smile, planting his axe on the ground and leaning down to kiss you.
“And is that my shirt?” Bucky asks, fingering his flannel.
“And my tee shirt,” Steve adds.
“Yes, yes and YES!” you huff. “What about it? Couldn’t you two find other shirts to wear this morning?”
The boys stare at you before bursting into chuckles.
“Nah, too much work,” Bucky sings. “Besides, the sun is warm.”
“And what has you up so early sunshine?” Steve asks.
“YOU TWO!” you scold. “Alpine and I were all cozy in bed and then you two started a twerk party.”
“Bucky started it,” Steve states. “We originally came out here to cut the last of the firewood.”
“I just don’t want him going around saying he can do it if he can’t,” Bucky announces.
“But I can now,” Steve responds with a goofy grin.
“Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the show,” you giggle. “It just wasn’t the morning wood I was hoping to wake up to.”
Bucky drops his head, shaking it as he laughs loudly.
“I don’t get it,” Steve says. “What’s so funny about morning wood?
“Oh my gosh Stevie,” you snicker.
You grab Steve’s shoulder and pull his ear down to your lips. When he stands back up his eyes go wide and then his smile follows.
“Oh yea. That happens every morning,” he states. “Then we end up spending most of it in bed…”
Bucky walks by and slaps Steve on the back of his head before scooping you into his arms.
“We’re sorry we woke you doll face,” Bucky croons. “Let’s go have breakfast.”
You look over Bucky’s shoulder and wink at Steve as you finish off the plum. Bucky brings you into the house and sets you down gently on the kitchen island.
“Now, you just relax angel. Me and Stevie are gonna make ya breakfast.”
Steve slides between your legs for a quick kiss before meeting Bucky at the sink to wash his hands. They work in perfect harmony, easily navigating the kitchen space to prepare pancakes, eggs, bacon and a bowl of fresh fruit.
They set the table and smile proudly, matching lopsided grins when you lick your lips.
“Ya hungry doll? Bucky simpers.
“Uh huh,” you breathe out.
You slide off the island into Steve’s waiting arms. Steve sits down and pulls you into his lap and Bucky pulls his chair close.
“I guess getting woken up to watch you two shake your asses and then get a homemade breakfast isn’t the worst thing…” you simper, reaching for the fruit.
Bucky and Steve smile, their mouths stuffed full of pancakes. Alpine finally wanders in from the bedroom with a loud meow.
“Oh, look who has finally decided to grace us with his presence,” you chide. “Get enough beauty rest fluffball?”
The cat slips between Bucky’s spread legs and jumps up onto his thigh, perching himself daintily while he cleans himself.
“Don’t get any ideas cat. That’s my seat!” you say as you narrow your eyes at Alpine.
The cat lifts his tail and nestles closer into Bucky’s side, pawing at the spots of sun dancing over his metal arm.
“I swear he does it on purpose,” you whine.
“Don’t be jealous doll face,” Bucky purrs. “You know I’m all yours.”
You stick your tongue out at the cat and rest your head along Steve’s chest, lightly combing your fingers through the hair that lines his hard muscles.
Alpine watches your every move before tiptoeing across Bucky’s lap and placing one white paw onto Steve’s thigh.
You instantly sit up. “Don’t even think about it cat! THIS SEAT IS ALL MINE!”
The boys laughter is so quick and loud that Alpine jumps down with an unhappy meow and goes to lay in a ray of sun on the floor.
“You two,” Steve starts as syrup drips down his chin.
“So cute,” Bucky finishes with a smirk.
You swipe your thumb across Steve’s chin and then stick it in your mouth to lick it clean.
“Whatever,” you huff, nibbling on some bacon.
“I don’t think we can let our girl get outta bed early anymore Buck,” Steve says.
“You’re right Stevie. From now on any morning wood business stays in bed until she’s happy.”
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@book-dragon-13 @christywantspizza @dreamlessinparis @goldylions @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @loricamebackyetagain @lookiamtrying @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @breakablebarnes @seitmai @justile @weekendgothgirl @turbolisedcomet @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @hiddles-and-skittles @loki-laufeyson-1054 @rebel-stardust @peaches1958 @bb-skyrunner
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shs-marching-frogs · 2 years
What the SHS Kids Wear to Band Camp
John: standard khaki shorts and graphic t-shirt, you know the drill.
Rose: tank top and athletic shorts. She occasionally peppers in a pair of earrings for ~flair~
Dave: athletic shorts and slogan t-shirts. Think "I got my crabs from dirty dicks" level slogans.
Jade: denim shorts and crop tees, paired with green converse
Jane: high-waisted khaki shorts and button-up short sleeve tops. This girl WILL NOT compromise her 50s aesthetic for functionality.
Roxy: sweat pants and tank tops, topped off with funky sunglasses
Dirk: various anime shirts and those really long tripp shorts. Totally not functional, and he regularly overheats.
Jake: same thing as John but add a flannel on top
Aradia: same thing as Jade, but instead of cropped t-shirts, it's oversized t-shirts
Tavros: jorts and one of those patterned floral shirts that dads wear. Also, birkenstocks
Sollux: sweaters and jeans. why, the world may never know
Karkat: old band t-shirts and jeans
Nepeta: cargo shorts, a tank top, and far too many silly bandz on her arms
Kanaya: ballet wear. like, leotard with a sheer overskirt ballet wear. this chick is wild
Terezi: athletic shorts with oversized patterned button-up tops and crocs
Vriska: tank tops and boxers that she stole from John
Equius: muscle tanks and athletic shorts. He still manages to overheat in this
Gamzee: whatever he wore to sleep the night before
Eridan: his uniform. There is something wrong with him
Feferi: pajama shorts and tank tops, with plenty of friendship bracelets on top
Damara: anime t-shirts and low-waisted athletic shorts
Rufioh: his vest and shorts, t-shirt not included (to the distaste of most of the band)
Mituna: khaki shorts and striped t-shirts
Kankri: sweaters and shorts. w h y
Meulin: tennis skorts and tank tops, with her hair pulled up into a bun
Porrim: shorts and a tank top, all black
Latula: bright colored athletic shorts and t-shirts
Aranea: flowy dresses b/c she owns nothing else
Horrus: also his uniform
Kurloz: stereotypical juggalo fit, face paint and all
Cronus: T-shirts with rolled sleeves and jeans
Meenah: leggings and cropped t-shirts
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last-herondale · 3 years
Casual Encounters
✨Loki✨ pt.2
Material: Fluff, Angst, Fem!reader x Loki.
Warning: None.
A/N: Hi! I had a really fun time writing the first part to this series. I’m glad a few of you enjoyed it and I’m excited to see where this goes! Feel free to request any future scene ideas or what have you! I think I might have an overlooking story plot in mind, but fun scenes with other MCU members might also be fun!
Movie nights were always a favorite on the compound. It was the one night of the month where everyone wasn’t tied down to any obligations. No one was an Avenger this night, rather they were just friends among friends. They were your family, really, and you cherished this time with them.
Of course, it was hardly ever perfect. A small group had been dispatched to Buenos Aries on a mission and so a handful of your friends were missing. Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Vision, and Thor being among them. It was supposed to be an easy mission, but they had been gone a week longer than expected. The absence of them made you itch with discontent.
“Well, I may have burnt the popcorn a bit,” Wanda’s voice came up from behind you. You turned your head and plastered on a smile as she entered the large living room and sat next to you on the couch. “The kitchen will probably smell like it for a few days.”
She offered the bowl of slightly burnt popcorn to you and you grabbed a handful and stuffed it into your mouth. You were in your pajamas, since everyone agreed that movie nights were the one time where comfort was a priority. You wore soft gray bottoms and a graphic tee that dawned a comically draw picture of Hulk on top of the Empire State Building. Bruce had found it amusing.
“Have you found a movie yet?” Wanda asked, picking around the bowl with her fingers. You had flipped through the queue mindlessly, your thoughts occupied elsewhere and had come up empty handed. You handed the remote to Wanda in defeat.
“You’re better at picking anyway.” Wanda happily accepted the remote, however a quick hand plucked it from her in an instant. “Not so fast! It’s my turn to pick.” Sam threw himself into the armchair across from Wanda, the remote victoriously in his hand as he flipped through his choices. Wanda could have easily retaken the remote with her powers, but instead she just threw a kernel of popcorn at his head.
“Fine, just no horror films. I’m not in the mood for mindless blood and gore tonight,” Wanda mumbled. She was missing Vision, you knew. Being away from him was hard for her, and you often kept her company when he was away. “You know it’s just because you won’t have Vision to hold you when you get nightmares,” you laugh, nudging her gently. She shrugged, unapologetic.
“Don’t worry ladies, if you get scared I’ll protect you tonight,” Sam replied with a smirk, his eyes playful.
“If I recall, Wilson,” a sultry voice came from the entryway. Your body stiffened slightly at the recognizable voice. “You have a rather silly fear of spiders.”
Loki entered the living room, his lips upturned in a smirk. His eyes flickered to you momentarily, his blue eyes seeming to pierce your soul. But then they were gone, his attention turned to a very annoyed Sam. “Hey man, that spider in my shower was huge. Too huge. Plus they have all those nasty, hairy legs…” he shivered. He furrowed his brow and pointed accusingly at the God of Mischief.
“I told you not to mention that, especially around Parker. Kid will never let me live it down if he hears that,” he mumbled. You and Wanda erupt in a fit of laughter as Sam rolls his eyes. “Sorry, Sam,” Loki shrugs as he slaps Sam on the shoulder playfully. “I’m sure Wanda and (Y/N) are capable of keeping your little secret,” Loki smiled. “Of course we will,” Wanda said, a large smile on her face. You nod in agreement, one hand covering the large smile on your lips. Sam just shook his head and smiled, never one to stay angry.
“Whatever. Let’s just watch the damn movie. Come on and take a seat man, I was just about to play Murder on the Orient Express. I heard it was a good mystery.”
Loki was in casual attire. A dark blue tshirt and black sweats. He was barefoot, the cool temperature of the wooden floors clearly not bothering him. He shrugged again and to your surprise, took the seat next to you on the couch. Position wise it made sense. This couch had the best view of the massive tv, but still there were other seats he could have chosen. You felt your chest tighten as the heat of him radiated from the proximity of him. Wanda, on the other side of you grinned mischievously and rose from her seat.
“I better make more popcorn,” she mused as she handed you the bowl. She disappeared into the kitchen as Sam started the movie making sure to turn off the lights as she did so, leaving you alone in the dark next to Loki. He was inches away from you now. The space between you like currents of energy, sending chills down your spine. You kept your eyes on the tv, focusing on the previews with intensity while Sam scrolled on his phone.
When Wanda returned with another bowl, she passed by the couch and opted for another armchair instead, a wry smile on her face. Not cool. You think, knowing damn well she would hear you. She just chuckled and kept her eyes on the tv as the movie played.
His presence beside you was maddening. The whole time you focused on keeping your breathing steady, as each time he shifted in his seat, the air in your lungs caught. At some point during the movie you could have sworn you felt someone staring at you. Despite the temptation, you kept yourself rigid and still, refusing to look away from the screen. Once the movie was over, you felt yourself relax a bit, glad to be able to turn and look at him for a moment.
His blue eyes were waiting for you. Up close they were beautiful, like frozen crystals in winter. Your eyes traced the shape of his lips and the curve of his jaw. “Did you like the movie?” You ask, the question strained in your throat. He seemed pleased to be addressed by you, his lips curving slightly.
“I did, actually. Midgaurdian movies are not quite like Asgaurdian plays, but I find I enjoy them quite the same.” You allow yourself to smile at him, enjoying his willingness to let you get to know him. But you were hungry to learn more.
“Well,” Wanda yawns as she stands from her seat, “I think I’m going to call it a night.” She bid everyone goodnight as she ascended to her room, and Sam turned to look at you two, amusement in his eyes.
“Now that she’s gone, I have been dying to watch Hereditary. It’s supposed to be pretty creepy. Are you guys down?” He asked.
You weren’t one for horror flicks. You’d seen enough horrific things in your lifetime, especially as an Avenger. But you weren’t ready to go to sleep yet. You wanted to stay in that couch more than anything. “Sure,” you finally say. Sam grinned and looked to Loki who just shrugged. Taking that as a yes, Sam immediately began to search for his movie.
“I never took you for a horror fan,” Loki murmured beside you. His face had leaned closer to your ear, making a chill roll down your spine. You lifted your chin to him in defiance, refusing to look weak. “I don’t scare easily.” He gave a small laugh, and his brilliant teeth shone for a second. His eyes seemed intense for a moment as they bore down on you. “I’m sure you don’t,” he said in a low voice. You shivered again.
As Sam started the movie, you felt a soft blanket materialize around your lap. You turned to see the final bits of magic as the rest of the blanket covered his lap as well. “Thanks,” you mumble, turning your head towards the movie. After a few minutes into the movie you felt Loki shift in his seat. He leaned closer to you, his shoulder leaning on yours as you felt the chill of his skin on yours.
“If, on the off chance you do get scared,” he whispered in a low voice, his breath hitting the back of your neck, “ you are more than welcome to hold my hand.” He was teasing you, you knew, but somehow the playfulness was gone from the atmosphere.
You leaned back slightly, letting your mouth get close to his ear. “And if you get scared? What then?” Your heart was slamming against your chest. You had never been so close to him, so playful. How far could you push your luck? Loki chuckled softly. You felt cool fingers trace along your forearm aimlessly. “Hmm, now there’s an idea,” he almost purred. You wanted to play along, oh you wanted so much more than that. You turned to him, your eyes deepening with desire.
“What did you have in mind?” He whispered, his lips grazing your ear, making your head swim.
“Loki…”. Your voice trailed off.
Suddenly the lights blazed on, the whole living room alight, causing you to quickly push away from Loki. Sam was up instantly, a look of concern on his face. Wanda had run from her room, her combat gear on and a worried, frantic look on her face.
“Wanda, what’s wrong?” You asked, your body rising from the couch.
“It’s Vision, and the rest of the team. There’s been a problem. There coms are knocked out, and they haven’t reported to their next checkpoint.” The words tumbled out of her mouth. Sam was by her side, a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Woah, slow down. What’s happening?” He asked.
Wanda took in a deep breath, her eyes settling on you with fierce intensity. “Suit up, all of you. We’re being called in.”
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docholligay · 3 years
Doc if Gothic Lolita suddenly became a mainstream fashion trend, would you mind terribly?
This isn't really going to be either rant or rave so I'm doing this before I officially start!
Not at all! I would frankly welcome it in a number of ways, and do you know WHY?
It takes effort, and it is a cultivated style choice. It may not be the style choice for me, in fact I would say it is almost certainly not, though there's a little bit of overlap with one or two pieces of mine, but those pieces are what would be considered awfully conservative for lolita. A style not being FOR ME, doesn't make it bad! I think of it about like I think of steampunk, it's mostly, "but why, though?" There are styles I think are hideous, but show a great deal of care and intention and ability to feel out the specialness of an occasion. A style I think is UGLY is different from something I think is SLOPPY.
But Doc, you may say, you are FAMOUSLY snobby about clothing! Mmmm, yes and no. I resist the term "snobby' because I just think it's fuck-stupid that Americans got it into their head that the ability to respect the formality or specialness of an occasion is somehow 'fake' and it's much more 'real' to wear jeans and a graphic tee with fucking workout shoes everywhere you go. Is this Reagan's fault too? I wouldn't put it past the bastard, but somewhere along the line casual got associated with authentic, though that could not possibly be more incorrect. Authentic people are authentic, and it is only the very self-important who believe that they bear no responsibility to help make an occasion special. And every time I say this, someone in yoga pants argues that it's about MONEY, no ma'am I have seen plenty of people of little means in nice outfits from thrift stores. I PERSONALLY have found it's people of middle to upper class who believe that they are so fucking special they can wear running shorts to a Michelin starred restaurant.
BUT THIS HAS IN FACT BECOME AN UNRELATED RANT. What I meant to lead into was I would be DELIGHTED to see this while I was at a fine restaurant dining out with my wife (if I had to wear a lolita outfit, this would be it):
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Or this:
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Because it is neat, formal, shows a lot of work and intention and care, and would be perfectly acceptable at a fine event. I mean, if we're just talking about daily life even, I would fucking applaud seeing this:
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Which I think is so silly as to be cartoonish, but at the very least, shows that someone got up this morning, and made a choice to present themselves to the world in a way that adds to the flavor of it. I would rather see that, or someone in full steampunk, or oh, let me think of something I loathe, feitshwear as streetwear, for example, because at least there is a suggestion that an effort is being made. I'm very Tan France, "Make an effort!"
And you don't HAVE to be this wild to make an effort, but my god if I could ban adults from wearing graphic tees with cartoon characters on them please know I would.
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