#like they didn’t sleep in the bed together but still the whole scene SCREAMS fanfic
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carnivorousfairy · 2 months ago
the wolverine really had a “there’s only one bed” scene…what fucking fanfic writer was in the writers room that day???
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year ago
Francesca, Aragorn
Song link
Fanfic, gn! reader
Angst with fluffy ending
Word count: 2651
Tw: Mentions of battle/injuries/deaths. Mourning and loss and whatnot. Aftermath of the Battle of Helm’s Deep.
Summary: When you joined the fellowship, it was in order to protect the ring bearer. You had never been in a true fight, nor had you ever slain anyone before. Your first battle had been a gruesome one, and you struggle to compose yourself afterwards. Aragorn comes to your room to comfort you.
Requested by @rebelbagel . You initially wanted Until It Sleeps, but when I was writing it, I realised the fic was pretty much exactly the same to this one (hurt/comfort). This one was written for someone else who didn’t want to be tagged, but I decided to combine it with your request! I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I still hope you like it <;33
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more
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“Do you think I'd give up? That this might've shook the love from me? Or that I was on the brink? How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily?���
You weren’t a fighter. Never had been. You’d never even killed someone to begin with, and that would say a lot considering the life of a ranger. You knew how to hunt, you knew how to hide, but you would never fight unless there had been no other option. And in all your years, the need for it had never been apparent.
You should have known better when you joined the fellowship. You had met Aragorn years earlier, and began travelling together shortly after. You had aided him in bringing the hobbits to safety in Bree, after which you swore to protect him and the ring bearer. You knew the journey would be a dangerous one, and you would never get through it without fighting, however much you wished to have held the same positivity as Merry and Pippin.
You had gotten the relatively easy route initially. Your first kill had been an Uruk-Hai, and though still terrifying, you didn’t feel much remorse for it afterwards - they were ruthless killers to begin with.
But everything quickly went downhill after the Battle of Helm’s Deep. The desperate screams of the women, the final shouts of fallen men, rain water turning red upon reaching the floor, and the abandoned weapons. You had expected to calm down once the battle had been over and you were free to return to your appointed chambers, but somehow, the feeling of desperation and grief only seemed to grow at the impending silence. The second you had entered the room, you had sat down on the bed, simply staring ahead, your eyes glued at the wall, hyper aware of all sounds around you.
“Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change. My life was a storm, since I was born. How could I fear any hurricane?”
You could still hear the sobbing and praying in the square, followed by footsteps in the keep and hushed whispers which you couldn’t quite decipher. But most heartbreaking of all were the mothers crying out for their lost children. Your fight did not lie with the people of Rohan - you had fought alongside them. Yet, it felt as if you were to blame for all this pain.
Familiar footsteps were heard coming up the hall, before gently halting in front of your door. You wanted to call out, be it to dismiss him or to invite him, but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to make any noise. So when he knocked and you remained silent, he let himself in.
“You should let someone see your injuries,” He remarked kindly, having already taken note of your sudden silence after the battle. He knew better than to comment on the whole ordeal immediately. You merely shrugged at him, your eyes slowly falling onto his figure. He sighed as he observed you, silently closing the door behind him before nearing you.
He didn’t say anything as he sat down beside you, his own injuries seemingly not having been attended to as well. You didn’t tease him for it. Not now. You just stared back at the blank wall, your mind replaying the scenes that had occurred only moments earlier.
“If someone asked me at the end. I'll tell them put me back in it Darling, I would do it again.”
His hand on yours is what slowly pulled you out of your mind and back to the present. You didn’t know what to say. No words would make up for what you had seen or what you had felt. It just felt wrong. All of it did.
“The people of Rohan will be safe now,” Aragorn tried to console, but you interrupted him halfway. “These are mothers,” your finger pointed towards the window, where sobbing was still audibly heard. “And they just lost their children.” Then, your head turned slightly, your eyes trailing up to meet his. “How do you cope with that?”
Sincerity and sympathy formed in his eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows together, visibly contemplating what to say next: “We can’t linger on that which is already lost.” You just scoffed at that, shaking your head lightly. “That sounds easy.” He dared risk a little smile at that, squeezing your hand in reassurance.
You tried to copy his smile, forcing happiness onto your features. A single choked sob escaped you as the lump in your throat began to build, your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to push the feeling down. You didn’t see nor hear Aragorn push closer to you until his arms were around you.
“If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again.”
He didn’t speak as you broke down in his arms. Your hands clung tightly to the back of his shirt, your face buried against his chest as your body shook with your sobs. You had endured hardship before this travel, and had seen enough of it during your travel, but it suddenly seemed to become too much. Inexplicable grief washes over you. Grief for people you fought with; whose names you might not have known, but who you would have laid your life down for.
The aftermath seemed to simply be the breaking point. When all adrenaline had worn off and reality had begun to settle in. The moment you realised what you have done and what it had cost. The aching in your body seemed all the more visible now, but somehow it hadn’t even come close to the mental turmoil soaring through your body.
If this is what Aragorn had felt during all his earlier battles, you weren’t quite sure how you would manage after that. You had sworn to protect Frodo, and though he wasn’t near now, you would gladly give your life to pave the way for him. However, now you wanted nothing more than to simply stay here and help everyone build the keep back up again.
“I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life. If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I would do it again.”
“I don’t know if I can do this,” you admitted through sobs, too embarrassed to look back up at him, even though you were sure he wouldn’t have minded. Be that as it may, you heard his gentle voice soothing you, shushing you before speaking: “I understand.”
You didn’t know what you expected him to say, but you would have at least anticipated some resistance. Some voice of reassurance telling you that you would be okay. That it was simply all in your head and that there was no reason to be stuck up on this. You would have anticipated anything but him telling you that he simply understood.
If this was your moment and your decision to stay, he wouldn’t even fight you on it. You and him both knew that you staying here would only make the destruction of Mordor and Sauron more difficult, but Aragorn was willing to risk it all just to let you handle on your own boundaries. If you hadn’t already fallen for him before, you might have just done it all over now.
“For all that was said Of where we'd end up at the end of it. When the heart would cease. Ours never knew peace. What good would it be on the far side of things?”
The hurricane of anguish and anger slowly settled as you properly processed his two words, your crying eventually dying down, though his grip did not fade.
Finally, you looked up at him, confusion on your face. “What if I were to stay? Are you not going to ask me with you?” “Why should I?” He countered softly, no ill intentions on his tongue. “Of course I would want nothing more than you beside me, but who am I to force you into a fight you do not wish to be part of?”
You couldn’t suppress the slight scoff in your throat as his words. Shaking your head lightly, you rested it back upon his chest, his hold now more comfortable than soothing. “This fight requires everyone to take part,” you lectured quietly. “Sauron takes no neutral opponents.”
Instead of a verbal response, he lowered his head lightly, placing a kiss in your hair, letting it linger for a while.
“It was too soon When that part of you was ripped away. A grip taking hold Like a cancer that grows Each piece of your body that it takes.”
“If you wish to stay here, I will let you.” He confessed, his voice a mumble against your skin. You would have loved to stay and get caught up in a fairy tale where you didn’t have to face the consequences of your actions, nor keep to the promises you had made. But you knew better than to remain there that was safe and false.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, hesitation clear in your voice. A heavy sigh came from you as your shoulders drooped. “It was all so much.”
Aragorn hummed in understanding, his hands squeezing you slightly, before parting from your hold. “The aftermath of a battle is the hardest part of fighting.” When you nodded at him, he continued: “But it also reminds me of why to never stop fighting. If I had not, I do not think I would have been on the right side of history.”
Again, you couldn’t help but smile slightly, wiping the tears from your face as you tried to forget about your breakdown seconds prior. “You want to leave a legacy.” You voiced.
“Though I know my heart would break I'll tell them put me back in it. Darling, I would do it again.”
“Yes,” he admitted. “But not for the world.” Then, he rose from his seat on the bed, now making way to the window, observing the people walking around on the battle-ridden fields. “For those who properly knew me. I do not want to die, knowing I could have fought.”
He turned around at his own words, dropping his head to the side as if hearing his own advice for the first time. “You live. That is why you keep fighting.”
You wanted to believe him. He seemed so confident about his own speech that it nearly enticed you as well. But as you followed his footsteps and came faced with that which you had dreaded this entire time, your expression fell again: “What about those who lost their kin. Their loved ones?”
Aragorn followed your gaze, spotting an elderly woman weeping at the tears of an older soldier - one who you could have only guessed to be her spouse. Empathy came to Aragorn’s senses. Yes; he did feel bad for the people. It was, in a way, his responsibility to keep them safe. And though a great half of them had been alive, he could not say so for the rest. Yet, he kept his head high: “It is not up to us to determine their sorrow, nor force ourselves into their narratives. Let them grieve in their own way.”
“If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again.”
Your hand found him as you stood beside him, your head leaning on his shoulder as you observed the people. You could understand his point, and you wanted to feel that way as well. But words were easier spoken than actions were executed.
“Yes, lives were lost,” the man continued. “But there always will be. We remember those who have fallen and fight our next battles in their honour. There is no dignity in dying for salvation.”
‘There is no dignity in dying for salvation’. Those were words that you could understand. Words that you might have believed and emphasised with. He did have a natural skill for great speeches. You voiced this to him: “Spoken like a true king.”
“I am no leader.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Before he could bring his argument, you interrupted him, pointing towards Théoden, who was speaking to a small group of men: “I think the people would disagree.” Then, you looked up at him, shrugging nonchalantly.
“I think I would disagree.”
“I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life. If I could hold you for a minute. Darling, I would do it again.”
He reciprocated your look, that somehow permanent and effortless expression of gratitude and love written on his face. “I would have you; king or no king.” He spoke sincerely. “I do not care for the thoughts of others.”
In any other scenario, you could have easily said something back. But the comment seemed to come out of thin air, taking you by surprise. Regardless of the amount of times he had expressed his love to you verbally, it could still take you aback at times. Your face heated at his words, a flustered ‘thank you’ spilling from your lips as you forced your eyes to the mountains ahead.
Darkness loomed there, the sky having turned almost black. If there had been any sunlight left, it was not in the east of Middle-Earth. Helm’s Deep appeared to be the final destination of a little sliver of light, its luminescence faint, but apparent. It reminded you of what you had yet to face. That this battle might not be the most difficult one yet. Perhaps you were right to stay. It would certainly be the safer option.
But there was no point in being on the wrong side of history.
“I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I.”
“I could not stay,” you ultimately decided aloud. “If I can do anything about the terror of Sauron, I should. His defeat is near, I know this.”
A snicker of relief came from Aragorn as he let go of your hand. “You have great hope in Sam and Frodo,” he shared. “Keep it; hope is your greatest weapon.”
“No,” you dismissed. “My weapon is my greatest weapon. And maybe you.” Finally, a genuine smile climbed on his face. No assuring chuckles or elevating grins; a genuine, relieved smile. “Maybe me?” “If you were not here to tell me all this, I don’t think I would have walked with you to the ends of the earth.” “You do not have to,” Aragorn tried to convince, but your mind was already made up.
“No, I’m going to.”
“I would not change it each time. Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I.”
His arm wrapped around you as he pulled you into his side, a hum of acknowledgment vibrating through him. “Then I am glad to have you at my side.”
You turned your head to the side, leaning down to place a kiss on the hand that held your arm. In response, the fingers flexed slightly; a signal of near affection and endearment. If he could not voice it, he would show it.
“I’ll fight,” you hummed, nodding your head towards the square in front of you. “For them. And for all who might follow them.”
And though a fight against Sauron sounded terrifying, you found yourself oozing with new-found confidence, if not some sort of comfort. A legacy; not for the people of Middle-Earth, but for your kin. Something to remember you by. If you were to go down, you weren’t doing it by giving up. You would do it beside him, fighting for those who cannot. And somehow, that seemed more peaceful than you imagined war to sound like.
“I would not change it each time. Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I.”
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didsomeonesaydaddydraco · 4 years ago
Fire meet gasoline | Draco Malfoy one shot
Request: yes, from the prompt list and by a lovely anon. (Hi! So I was wondering if you could make a Y/N x Draco fanfic with this prompt: “Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live”? The details would be like Draco and the reader had gotten into a fight about a stupid thing but make up in the end? Also...can it include fluff?)
Word count: 1,984
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin reader
Used prompt: 1. Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live
She was fire and he was gasoline. If people didn’t know better, they would have thought Malfoy and Y/L/N hated each other. They were always arguing about something, screaming at each other, ignoring the other, death stares and cold shoulders were the right description for their friendship. And it became even worse, when they smelt each other through the Amortentia potion. Draco became the most possessive and overprotective boyfriend ever, only letting his friends to talk to her. But just because he was acting like an arrogant asshole, it didn’t stop Y/N to be her own person and live her life the same way she did when they were only friends with the blonde boy. Of course Draco always picked a fight over this, and they would entertain the whole Common Room and sometimes even the Great Hall with their arguing. They were clever, one of the brightest in their year, so their fights were smart too. They were the explosion when fire meet gasoline. They were burning, but they burned in their love. 
Neither of them could have tell the exact reason of their argument. Both of them were tired, couldn’t sleep enough because they were up all night studying for their upcoming exams. The tiredness made them irritated and sensitive, and the whole week, they picked fights over the stupidest things. Like why was Draco always so mean to everyone who only wanted to be nice with him. Or why did she felt the sudden urge to help Harry and Ron with their essay for History of Magic. Malfoy even managed to get detention, because he almost hexed a first year old who picked a flower to his girlfriends as a thank you gift for helping him found his way back to the Hufflepuff Tower. They were fighting all week, and they were tired of it. But it wasn’t enough for them to actually push their pride aside and apologise to each other for being a bitch. No, they chose to argue over everything they could. 
“Do you think they will ever get tired of arguing so much?” Pansy Parkinson asked Blaise Zabini with a sigh, and rested her head on the chuckling boy’s shoulder. She was glad for the few minutes without Malfoy and Y/L/N, she had been listening to their bickering and arguing all day. On the other hand, Blaise found the couple rather entertaining, and often mocked them for being so stubborn and hot-headed. No matter what some people said, they were actually a match to happen. 
“I think they will argue even on their wedding day” Theodor Nott said with a huge smile and watched as the famous Slytherin couple entered the Great Hall. Both of their faces were red, and even though they were holding hands, it was evident they were still fighting about the same thing.
“Yeah, only if she doesn’t kill him until then” Blaise laughed with Grabe and Goyle, who were more occupied by the huge amount of food in front of them. Draco and Y/N joined their friends by the table, but they didn’t sit next to each other. Draco hopped down next to Blaise, and Y/N sat next Theo. Their friends watched them with amused looks.
“Look, all I’m saying, if you want to be with saint Potter, go and be with him” Draco spat and grabbed the plate from Y/N’s hand to put on some steamed vegetable for her. She rolled her eyes at his comment, and poured a glass of water and another glass of orange juice for him. Pansy chuckled at them. She found it funny, how they still cared and went along with their usual routine while they were clearly pissed at each other “But don’t forget that…”
“What?” Y/N raised an eyebrow at Draco “Don’t forget that your father will hear about this?” She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, but her eyes were smiling “Please, you know that Lucius actually likes me” she shook her head and placed a stuffed potato on Draco’s plate.
“Bitch” Draco murmured and took away his plate from her “Everyone is head over heels for him, and I don’t know why” he rolled his eyes and aggressively cut the meat of his plate “And I don’t understand why’d you go and help him with that stupid essay, Y/L/N. You are a perfect pureblood, with a powerful family and you’re my girlfriend” he kept on renting. Their friends sighed in union and grabbed turned back to their food. It was going to be a very long night “Plus, should I mention that he is probably only using you for your looks? He is so pathetic, like who on Earth would actually be friends with an ork like Hagrid?” 
Pansy looked at her best friend, seeing the familiar look on her face. Y/N had enough of Draco’s childish behaviour, and how he was accusing everyone for every single thing, acting like he was so perfect. It was one thing when he was acting jealous and obsessive with her, but she couldn’t stand hearing him talk shit about nice and pure people like Hagrid. He was one of her favourite teachers, and she just wanted to put him in a bubble and protect him from the cruelty of real world. And she was certainly tired of arguing with him all day. She thought they were over the little incident, which was actually just a quick study session with Harry and Ron in the library, but it looks like Malfoy couldn’t drop it and believe that they were only friendly with her when they hugged her in the end. Those two would have failed History of Magic if she didn’t help them with their essay. But mostly, she was tired of hearing Draco talk and talk and talk and talk. She understood why Lucius was usually so annoyed when his son talked. Draco had the tendency to overdramatise things and make them look like it was the reason of the world ending soon. 
“Shut up, Draco” she said and put down her fork. Y/N felt a headache approaching, and she couldn’t afford resting for the rest of the day. They had an important Potions test on Monday, and she didn’t want to spend her whole weekend in the library. Not, when they had plans in Hogsmeade. She stood up and made her way out of the Great Hall. She needed space and silence, and she couldn’t get neither there. Malfoy was fast on his feet, rushing after her, and stopping her by grabbing her hand. They were standing in the middle of the Hall, most of the students’ eyes on them.
“Excuse me?” He said with concern. He didn’t mean to upset her and make her angry. He knew his behaviour wasn’t the best, and how he acted was a little bit toxic, but this whole love thing was so new to him. He never thought he could someone like he loved her, and he certainly believed nobody would ever love him. Not until he realised why he felt his blood boiling in his veins every time he was Y/N with a boy. And not until he realised why he was always so excited when he saw her, and why he felt that strange feeling in his stomach when she would hug him or just touch him. He was in love with her. Deeply, crazily and madly in love, and he didn’t plan to let her go so easily. That boy, honestly wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side. Marrying her, buying their own mansion and filling it with little Dracos and little Y/Ns. 
“Please, be quiet. I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live” she said annoyedly and tried to free her hand from his grip, but Draco was stronger. She looked up at him with a determined look, ready to tell him to go and fuck himself, but the amused look on his face confused her.
“Drop the attitude, woman” he said and bend down just enough to be able to pick her up and through her on his shoulder. He knew she wasn’t used to be told what to do, so it always silenced her when he did it. 
“Draco, put me down right now” she commanded, but he acted like he didn’t hear her. All eyes were on them, their own group of friends laughing at the pair. They knew this was their way of ending the argument and making up, so they continued their meal with the thought of not having to worry about the scene they would walk up to in the Common Room.
“Come on, princess” Malfoy playfully patted her butt and made his way back to the Slytherin Common Room. He smiled innocently at the students who were passing by them, looking at them strange and wondering why on Earth he was carrying a cursing Y/N on his shoulder. 
When they finally reached Draco’s dorm room, she refused to say anything. She just let Draco drop her on his bed and watch her pouting and looking up at the ceiling. He always found his girlfriend rather cute when she was mad at him, which she was a lot of time. He didn’t even know why they made such a big deal out of his jealous tantrum. They should have been so used to it by now. He gave up and with a sigh, he climbed on top of her, so she no other choice but to look at him. 
“Baby” he said in a soft voice, kissing the top of her noise and nudging it with his “Don’t be like this” 
“Piss of, Malfoy” she turned her head and stared at the picture of the two of them, hugging each other. It was taken last summer, when they visited the beach together and spent the whole day playing in the water, chasing each other in the sand, and cuddling under the stars, making future plans and talking about baby names for their kids. Even though they both knew they had plenty of time for those things, it was something very intimate and heartwarming, talking about their future together.
“I know you love me” he laid down next to her, and pulled Y/N on his chest.  He played with the ends of her ponytail. It was something that calmed down both of them “And you know that I love you” he tilted her head just enough to see her beautiful pace. She wasn’t angry. She was annoyed with him. She didn’t understand why he had to act like a baby when he was almost eighteen years old. They could have spared so much time for themselves. 
“No, I hate you” she buried her face in the crock of his neck. She breathed in his amazing scent, and felt how the stress and annoyance slowly left her body and mind. She relaxed under his soft touch, and let herself to enjoy the small kissed he was showering her face with.
“You can hate me as much as you want, as long as you don’t leave me” he said with a smile, and with a sudden movement, she was under him. She blushed at the way he looked at her. It was pure love, lust, admiration and loyalty. She knew he was the last one who would have heart her. Draco might have been the biggest cry baby ever, but he knew when he had to act like a man and protect his lover. 
“How could I ever leave you, you annoying little twat?” She laughed and pulled him down by his tie and kissed him sweetly. They both smiled in the kiss, and knew they were done fighting. At least for the day. 
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years ago
Postscript. Part 3 of 3.
Loki x Sylvie "Our divorce never went through" Modern AU. Angst, Rated T.
Masterlist of my Sylki fanfics here.
Exactly three weeks later, Sylvie walks into his bar. Her eyes drift immediately to the counter, where she spots him bartending, and she gives him a little wave.
He waves back, dumbfounded, having no idea how to react when a scene from his dreams becomes reality. She makes her way through the crowd, and takes a seat on a stool in front of him. "One whiskey please."
"With water or something else?" He asks, trying his best to recollect himself and act professional.
She shrugs. "You already know how I like it."
He returns a moment later with her whiskey on the rocks, and she takes a long sip. The bar is busy, and he has to quickly turn his attention to the other customers.
She sits there quietly for the next two hours, watching him work, sipping her drinks, before the crowd thins and he can return his attention to her. "Hello again", she says with a grin.
"Hi." He answers with a low, nervous laugh. "How did you find this place?"
She shrugs. "You know I was always a good stalker."
"That, you were." He says with a grin, remembering the days in the college when she used to grab his phone and go through people's profiles to figure out little things about them. Blackmail Fodder, she used to call it. "So what brings you to my little corner?"
Sylvie knows that if it wasn't for the alcohol in her system from the three neat drinks she has downed, she wouldn't have the courage to say what she's about to say. "I wanted to see you again."
He feels his heart skip a beat. That treacherous thing never listens to logic when it comes to her. "Why?"
"Do I need a reason?" She asks, and orders another drink. He cuts her off, deciding she's drunk enough. He announces last call, intending to lock up early- he has already messed up at least a dozen drinks, and really, how can he focus when she's here?- and she clings to the stool, watching him close up.
He tugs on an ear nervously when it's just the two of them left inside. He has not been alone with her in an extremely long time, and he can feel his body starting to betray him, as he starts noticing how incredible she looks in her skin tight jeans and top, the outfit clearly a deliberate decision on her part. "Let me call you a cab."
"No." She protests immediately, struggling to stand up. He rushes to her side and offers her support, and she steadies herself with a hand on his shoulder. "I'm okay, I'm okay."
"Yes, clearly." He says sarcastically. He reaches for the phone in his pocket, then wonders if it's safe to leave her alone in a cab in her current state.
A very bad idea occurs to him then, one that every single one of his friends and family would scold him for if they knew. "Come with me." He urges her gently, and she follows without a question.
He takes her to his apartment upstairs, and leads her to his room, the one place where nobody except him is allowed- not his family, or friends, or the rare dates he brings over.
She stumbles inside, and the first thing she notices is the photo on his nightstand.
"Shit." He realises his mistake too late.
Sylvie stills for a moment, before walking over unsteadily and taking the photo in her hands. It's one from their honeymoon. They couldn't afford a fancy place, and had decided to take a staycation instead. It's a picture of them in their old apartment, on their old couch, sipping on coffee in their old mugs. She runs her fingers over the glass and the wooden frame, searching for the warmth that resonated in her heart during those days. "Do you still have the mugs?"
"I did, for a while... But they eventually broke." He tells her guiltily.
She can picture him smashing them into pieces out of rage, and she can picture him accidentally dropping them on the floor and being anguished over it. She's not sure which one actually happened.
"You didn't ask for anything in the divorce." He points out. Then a dark thought occurs to him. "Do you want something now?"
She blinks. "I-" she sits down on the bed, placing the photo frame back, but upside down in her inebriated state, and she lets out a bitter laugh. "I don't even want a divorce.'
His heart skips another beat, now on the verge of feeling an emotion that is dangerously close to hope. Seeing her on his bed is not helping things either. "You should get some rest."
He proceeds to leave, but she tugs at his hand and stops him. "Stay with me."
"Sylvie." He scolds. His heart beats ridiculously, and he can't get his hand free from her.
"Please?" She pouts, and his eyes automatically drift to her lips. They are soft and inviting, and he really should leave swiftly.
He steps closer to her, and places a small kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well."
He turns out the light and closes the door shut on his way out, and spends the rest of the night tossing and turning on the couch, images of Sylvie on his bed burning brightly in his head.
Sleep does come, around dawn, and when he wakes up it's already past eleven.
Sylvie is in the kitchen in last night's clothes, and she's making pancakes for lunch, like she always did. This is how it was, when she was his.
She gives him a small smile. "Morning."
"Mmm", he hums, picking up the newspaper from the counter, reading the headlines but registering nothing. Words seem to lose all their meaning when he's with her. He watches her go about, her movements very familiar but a distant memory at the same time. Finally, he asks. "You still haven't told me why you're here."
Sylvie tries her best to appear confident and unfazed, when inside, she feels herself shaking. "I... I felt that we left some things unsaid."
Loki winces. "Please don't tell me you want us to scream at each other some more."
She laughs, trying to ease some of the tension. "No, that's not what I mean, at all." She turns the stove off, and finally gives him her full attention. "I know I have no right to say this, and I know I have no right to ask this, or anything of you, and I know you will probably say no, and I understand, but..." She finishes her rambling, and takes in a deep breathe. "I've been kicking myself for the last three weeks for not saying this. I need to say it."
"Okay." He says quietly, ready to hear her out.
"How do you think Thor feels when he meets Sif now?"
"That's an unusual question to keep you occupied for three whole weeks." Loki notes. When he notices her waiting for an answer, he shrugs. They work together, they meet every day. It's not a big deal. "Indifferent, I suppose. That's how people feel when they move on."
"Precisely." She toys with a stray strand of fibre in her jeans. "Do you feel that way when you look at me?"
He really shouldn't answer that. He really shouldn't open himself up to a world of hurt again.
But foolishness is in his blood, and his blood has been rushing to unexpected places when she stands so close that he can smell her intoxicating perfume. He can't help himself. "No."
Her face brightens visibly, and a smile spreads across her lips, a shadow of the woman she was when they first met. "Neither do I. When I look at you, I realise how much I've missed you. How much I... I still..." She can't finish the sentence, but she doesn't need to.
His hands are clenched into a fist next to him, and he's breathing heavily. "You could have called."
"How could I?" She asks, her voice sad once again. "I walked out on you. How could I ever expect you to take me back?"
He closes his eyes, trying to push the bitterness down. "I kept calling you. For months. You never returned my calls. Not once."
"I couldn't." She places a hand on his arm, willing him to look at her. Her eyes mirror his- fearful, hopeful, and tear-stained all at once. "I couldn't go back. I wasn't ready, back then. I needed time... And I... I'm ready now."
He shakes his head. "Wow. This is unexpected."
She takes in a shaky breathe. "Loki, I know you don't owe me anything. But all these years, something has been missing from my life. I always knew, but I didn't know at the same time, if that makes any sense. When you called, and when I saw you, it finally clicked. I... I know what I've been missing. I know what I want. I really do want to try again."
"And what happens if you decide to give up again?" He wonders aloud. "Where does that leave me?"
She closes her eyes, letting the tears fall. "I've spent countless nights awake, picturing you sleeping next to some nameless woman, kicking myself for giving up. I was young, and stupid. But I'm not any of those things anymore. I will fight for us this time, I promise you." She reaches for his hand, and his grip is tight, almost painful, but he doesn't speak. "Say something, please." She begs after a while.
"I don't want to get hurt again." He says, but he tugs her closer, until his arms are wrapped tightly around her and his face is buried in her chest. His voice comes out muffled. "And for the record, I've missed you too."
Her hand finds its way into his hair, and she inhales his scent, the familiarity of it bringing her comfort. When you have love, you only need one other thing- timing. This this time around, she has a feeling they have got that right.
She doesn't know what else to say, isn't sure where to start. But she'll figure it out.
They will figure it out. Together.
"When you're young, you just run, but you come back to what you need."
(The end.)
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sazc94 · 4 years ago
Bad Idea, a Bucky Fanfic
Requested by @lannycleave
A/N Sensitive themes including injury, smut and kidnapping/suggestions of abuse. 18+
Also I'm still new at this so any feedback is appreciated.
Prologue, Part 1
Words 2886
Part 2
Present day earlier that evening, NYC.
It had been six months since that mission in Boston, Bucky never came back into the bedroom that evening and had been avoiding you since. The intel you and Bucky had gathered had been a huge help in bringing down the trafficking ring of HYDRA. You had gotten back from a Mission with Tony, Steve, Wanda and Nat earlier that day which had been the big take down, to your disappointment but not a surprise Bucky hadn’t attended.
Stark had insisted on throwing a party to celebrate the take down of one of the most despicable HYDRA divisions he’d ever had the mis pleasure of dealing with. Nat had pulled you into her room before you’d had time to slip out after the debrief knowing you would ditch the party to avoid Bucky given half a chance.
So that was how you ended up wearing the slinky black strappy dress and black thigh high boots, sat at the bar on your fifth glass of wine, moping. The party was dying down and you had put on a brave face but seeing Bucky actively avoid you had hurt more than you were willing to admit.
“Y/N!” Said Steve joyfully, bending down to kiss your cheek, “mmm you smell delicious” he said before sitting down on the empty barstool next to you. You offered a small sad smile in return.
“Y/N? What’s wrong” he asked. He placed his hand on your knee in a comforting gesture. You knew you should not have mixed your wine with those two tequila shots, suddenly the damn burst and you were spilling the entire story to Steve about Boston, including the part about how you’d nearly blown your cover, how if he hadn’t called Bucky and Tony called you then your certain you would have fucked each other there and then.
By the time you had finished the story you had sobered up but Steve, seeing you so emotional had insisted on driving you home, the super soldier couldn’t get drunk on normal Alcohol and as Thor hadn’t been around with his Asgardian wine, he was sober. Handing you his keys and advising you he was just going to grab his jacket you said your goodbyes to Wanda and Nat. Little did you know Bucky saw you leaving with Steve wearing his jacket and arm round your waist.
Steve dropped you off insisting you keep his jacket and drop it off at the compound in a few days. You brushed your hair out, cleaned your teeth and make up off. You were exhausted the combination of: alcohol, a mission and your tears had worn you out. So, you shimmied out of Nat’s dress and climbed into bed in your underwear. As you snuggled down into your bed exhaustion pulled you under.
Against better judgement, knowing that Steve and Natasha would never let you live it down if you got your ass handed to you. You opened the door without hesitation, gun pointed.
You woke up with a start, you looked at the time on your alarm clock. 02:30.
The rain was crashing at your window. *Thump Thump*. You jumped at the sound of someone banging on your door, they were banging so loud it sounded like they were about to break the door down. At least you knew you hadn’t been imagining the sound in your sleep.
“Who the fuck is banging on my door at 2:30 in the goddamn morning” you mumbled to yourself, grabbing your gun from your bedside table and silk robe of the door you made your way quietly to your door.
“Bucky, what the actual fuck, you scared the shit out of me” you yelled. Bucky was stood at your door, pale and soaked through. This whole scene made no sense Bucky had been ignoring you for 6 months.
“Are you insane?” You asked.
“Look Y/N. I know I fucked up back in Boston, but you didn’t have to go home with my best friend!” Bucky shouted his face bitter and twisted with pain.
“Fuck You Bucky” You shouted you went to slam the door in his face but he wedged his foot between the door and frame.
“No, where is he?!?!” he demanded to know, “Steve? I know you’re here I saw you leave with her” Bucky shouted pushing past you to your open bedroom door.
You didn’t follow, Bucky had been ignoring you since that night in Boston and suddenly he’s here accusing you of sleeping with his best friend, like he had a claim on you. Bucky returned after a few seconds; anger flared in his eyes when he spotted Steve's jacket on your sofa.
“Where is he? Y/N!?!” Bucky whispered looking betrayed.
“He’s not here you fucking idiot! He brought me home after I poured my soul out to him about how you have been avoiding me for 6 months, he lent me his jacket because I didn’t have one, now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave” you said snatching Steve's jacket from Bucky’s hands. You started to walk back to your bedroom, you didn’t want to spend another second more in Bucky’s presence, you may not have slept together back in Boston but you thought he would at least think of you with enough dignity to not sleep with his best friend.
Before you could make it to your bedroom Bucky grabbed your wrist and spun you round crashing his lips on to yours, the kiss took you by surprise you welcomed his kiss for a few seconds before you came to your senses. You shoved Bucky away from you and walked towards the door.
“Repeat that last bit again” he said his piercing blue eyes had clouded over. You felt your breath catch, not sure whether James sorry Bucky was pissed or turned on, you swallowed slowly,.
“I cant do this James, I am not something you toy with, you may I am not a doll that you will break if you touch me, but I will not have you ignore for me for six months, turn up here in a rage and kiss me just for you to ignore me again. Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James.” You said, your chest heaving.
You could not believe you had called Bucky James. Bucky walked over to you and pushed the door shut with one hand.
“Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James” you said. Bucky growled a low moan and pushed himself against you. You squeezed your legs together as you felt your cunt throb and betray you. Bucky grabbed you by the throat, not with enough force to cut of your air supply but with enough of a grip to send a buzz to your head.
“One more time doll” Bucky moaned.
“Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James” you whispered.
“Oh god, fuck yes, that feels amazing” you managed to squeak out, Bucky, smirked. Slowing his pace down he once again pulled almost out entirely before slamming back into you, repeating this a couple of times, he felt your walls tighten around him your back and neck arched, crying out for him to fill you up with every single delectable inch. Bucky kissed your neck and dug his right hand into your hip.
With that Bucky undid his trousers letting them fall to the floor with his boxers, whilst he stepped out of them, he ripped your panties from your body, he swiped one finger along your slip and then pushed his throbbing cock into you. You cried out at the surprise and intrusion; Bucky waited a few seconds before he ordered you to lift your legs. You complied and brought your leg up whilst Bucky cupped your ass urging you to bring your other up and wrap them round him, reassuring you that he had hold of you. Just as you had wrapped your legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist he pulled back and slammed into you, Bucky undid your bra pulling it down and throwing it to the side. Bucky once again pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into you, grabbing your breasts in his right had whilst his cool Vibrainium arm cupped your ass.
He quickened his pace the feel of his cock stroking your insides over and over had you mewling. You grabbed your hands around his neck and kissed Bucky moaning his name into the kiss, you leant back as Bucky pounded into you over and over, lowering his mouth to your breasts he took one of them into his mouth swirling his tongue over your nipples.
“Fuck Y/N that feels so good do it again” he said bringing his Vibrainium hand down his thumb began circling your clit, you felt yourself tighten again, that coil inside you was close to snapping, remembering Boston and feeling how close you were you lifted your head and fixed your eyes on Bucky.
“Bucky I’m so close, please let me cum” you whined. Bucky sped up once more, harder and faster the cool Vibrainium rubbing your clit compared to the polar opposite feel of his warm cock rearranging your insides was too much and you were just about hanging on. Bucky felt you tighten around him again and he nearly lost it there and then, but this was about you and making up for the six months he had ignored you, god it had been torture for him.
“Cum for me doll” he said and with that the coil in you snapped, Bucky’s pace slowed as he coaxed you through the orgasm as you screamed his name over and over in ecstasy.
Bucky slowly pulled out before untangling your legs from around his waist. In one swift movement Bukcy chucked you over his shoulder and walked into the bedroom. Throwing you down on the bed you squealed. Before you could even get comfortable Bucky had flipped you over so you were on your back. He left a trail of blazing hot kisses down your neck, breasts and stomach before ducking his head down between your legs.
“Oh-god” you squeaked. You felt Bucky chuckle as he wound his tongue inside you making you squirm. That familiar coil was building in you and as if Bucky could tell his thumb brushed your clit, slowly but then it started building whilst Bucky drank every last drop you offered him up. Bucky suddenly pressed his thumb into your clit and began rubbing back and forth, it was too much and before you could ask for permission you were cuming again. Bucky didn’t seem to mind though as he continued fucking you with his tongue.
“Oh doll, look how gorgeous you look glistening like this for me” Bucky said, before pushing a finger inside of you. “Really doll I had no idea just how much of a slut you truly are” Bucky hummed against your sensitive bud. He slowly curled his finger up and started pumping stroking your G Spot watching you squirm as he hit it over and over, then he lowered his mouth to your cunt. He started by kissing you, then he moved to slowly swirling his tongue around your clit. Whilst one finger became two and then began to suck your clit, you felt your legs shake, this was even better than the first time he had touched you those six months ago.
Your fingers tangled in Bucky’s brown hair as you started to grind against his face. Bucky moaned, removing his fingers before replacing them with his tongue.
Bucky lifted your ass slightly allowing him to get that bit deeper this new position had you clenching around him again, every inch of you still on fire from the previous two orgasm’s you knew you wouldn’t last long especially as he kept stroking your G spot with every purposeful stroke.
Bucky slowly withdrew his face and stood up, his eyes looked at you with an animalistic hunger, removing his top he then gave his cock a few quick tugs before spreading your legs with his vibranium arm, the feel of the metal and anticipation of having Bucky’s cock inside you again made you shiver. Bucky slowly lowered himself onto the bed using his arm to prop him up so he didn’t crush you, he leant down and kissed you. You could taste yourself on Bucky and that only made you groan, without breaking the kiss you felt your way down to Bucky’s cock guiding him into you, he entered slowly until every single inch of you sheathed him.
Bucky started to rock back and forth slowly whilst you adjusted to him again, there was touch of passion mixed within his hunger this time, the urgency of wanting to be inside you slightly subdued after you had fucked his face. Once Bucky was confident you had adjusted to him his pace quickened again. He kissed you again wanting you to swallow him hole, fuck it felt so good to be fucking you, he had wanted nothing more than to claim you like this since Boston but like the arse he is, he had convinced himself he would break you if he touched you again. He hadn’t realised he had already broken part of your soul by ignoring you for six months.
“Bucky” his name caught in your throat as Bucky once again sped up and pounded into you.
“I’m close not sure I can hold out” you said between gasps for breath. Bucky moved his thumb down to your clit again, knowing this would throw you over the edge he began to swipe slow purposeful circles round it.
Bucky waited a few moments for your breathing to steady before he withdrew from you, he kissed your head before pushing of the bed. You felt a brief stir of panic when he didn’t immediately wrap you in his arms, before you could panic too much he returned with damp wash cloth and gently cleaned you up. You couldn’t help but breathe a small sigh of relief when you realised he wasn’t leaving you. After he returned the washcloth to your bathroom he chucked his shirt at you with a smile.
“That’s not a problem Y/N, I wanna feel your tight little pussy milk my cock dry, now cum for me Y/N” he said with that you slammed yourself up to him chasing the orgasm you knew was about to rip through you. Suddenly you just didn’t feel quite full enough and pulled Bucky into you with your legs, Bucky slammed into you hard and fast and with that the orgasm ripped through you.
Your cunt tightened around Bucky’s cock and he couldn’t hold back any more moaning your name he let himself release his hot cum inside you. Thrusting into you as he released his pace slowing as he emptied himself.
“Put that on Y/N I want to wake up to the sight of you wearing it in the morning” he said whilst he lowered himself on to your bed.
You felt a lump form in the back of your throat had you hoped he would stick around after? Yes. Did you expect him to stay the night? Hell no. Were you ecstatic about the fact he wanted to wake up next to you. Fuck yes.
You pulled his shirt on over your head and curled into Bucky’s side nuzzling into the crook between his neck and chest. He snaked his arm around you pulling you that bit closer, he then kissed your forehead before lightly kissing your lips.
“Look Y/N. I’m sorry about the last 6 months and how I acted after Boston I should have treated you with more respect than I have been, I know you’re not a breakable little doll and I do genuinely care about you. I just” Bucky sighed. You lifted your head to look at him with your eyes baring into him.
“I just, worry about hurting people I care about, what HYDRA did, it fucked me up pretty good and I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve to have people like you care about me” he finished. Seeing Bucky so vulnerable made your heart ache.
Knowing in this moment he didn’t need words he need actions, you pushed yourself up so you were sitting up, you straddled him, before gripping his face in between your hands. You stroked his face gently with compassion and adoration, you lowered your face and kissed him, passionately, slow and firm. Pouring your heart into the kiss. Bucky pulled you closer to this kiss encasing you with his arms.
He broke the kiss first and you rolled of him pulling him with you as you rolled onto your side. He snaked his arm over you pulling you close to him till you were flush with him. With his left arm he snaked his cool metal fingers into yours. You smiled to yourself and snuggled your back that bit closer to him wanting him to know you were his and he was yours.
Bucky kissed your neck and shoulder lightly which sent butterflies through your stomach. Eventually once your heart had finished pounding in your chest you drifted off to sleep.
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thepulta · 4 years ago
A/N: Written because I have nothing to do with my life except stare at the turtle tank that now inhabits my desk, play Sunless Sea, and write fanfic. Probably a sub-canon piece too because idk about Fitzroy willing his shit to the rest of the crew; I just made that up on the spot. Maybe we can assume it wasn’t a whole lot.
If anyone is reading the Westlie-Series who isn’t on the Pyrrhus already, this is about three weeks? after they left Port Prosper together. There was an Incident of Self Sacrifice on behalf of the captain because @nicktosaurus​ likes murdering beloved NPCs in dramatic and horrible ways. We had the chance to save him while running away from the Glorious even though they started shooting up the whole island while Fitzroy was getting surgery, Selmer fucked up his roll and Capt’n died. Cue horrified drama onboard the ship as we picked up Selmer and got the fuck out of there without even our dead Captain’s body. We also had like three days of fuel left. Aaand scene:
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Marion slammed the door to the engine room. Selmer hurried after her. Lizzie had already vanished. Elijah stood next to the stove, possibly making tea, but his hands were shaking; he grabbed a cup, put it on the counter, grabbed the kettle, put it back down, picked up the cup and filled it with water; poured the water out and filled up the kettle. Owen had already left, vanished.
Westlie stepped into the hallway, holding out a hand to steady herself against the wall as she made her way to the map room.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
She stumbled inside, locked the door, and slid down to the ground, her back to the rest of the Pyrrhus. Everything was numb. Westlie opened her mouth, out of air. Was this what fainting felt like? She had to breathe. Breath, Westlie, breathe.
I can’t. She dug her fingers in her hair. I can’t breathe. I can’t feel anything.
Fitzroy is dead.
Her soul screamed in anguish.
No. No. This wasn’t real. This was a bad dream, a nightmare. She’d stared too long out the window. Selmer had stared too long out the window; he had to be wrong.
But there still wasn’t Fitzroy on the ship - sleeping or up and about. There was no careful, courteous gaze. No knock on the map room when she put a book away too loudly. The last time he’d been up and about - Westlie laughed bitterly through her tears - it was past midnight and he’d knocked briefly on the door, letting himself in to find her knee-deep in charts. Westlie remembered smiling when she looked over her shoulder, seeing it was him. She’d caught herself after in surprise; she’d never done that to anyone. Maybe Morgan. But he was welcome because he simply looked over her notes and pulled out another book. And that was bitter. Stars, it was bitter. She had so much to learn. She had so much to learn.
Westlie covered her mouth with her sleeve and screamed into it, shoulders shaking as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Fitzroy, what do I do? Tell me what to do. You’re the captain. What do I do?
Books. She always had books.
Westlie stumbled to her feet, drunkenly leaning on the bookshelf as she blinked her way through the tears. Charting, charting, charting, navigation; biology, maps, one of Fitzroy’s journals; she scrubbed her eyes. Some books on the Queen’s fleet, a small book on the Glorious - shame, they could have used that - charts, charts, charts, navigation, diagrams of engines, diagrams of boiler rooms. Bediveres, Altanis, Molochs, Parsivals, Miscllaneous Reclaimed engines. She pulled a few of the books off the shelf onto the ground. Please, please, please, please, please let there be something. Abnomalies, a study of gravity, propultion, engineering, boilers, repairs, navigation, navigation, navigation, Pellinores, Pellinores, Pellinores, engines, repairs. Westlie cried harder as she knelt in the chaos, scanning the last row of books. Repairs, repairs, the Glorious, a series of notes in Fitzroy’s handwriting titled “Cargo Purchase and Sale References”, Pellinores, shipyard references, exploration of the reach, dangerous encounters in the reach, history of the reach, old captains, old engines, dead engines, engine scavenge log. Nothing on crew and captains or reviving dead men.
She’d never felt so helpless.
There wasn’t a hole in her heart, she wasn’t lonely, it was a hole in her stomach that made her want to hurl until there was nothing left; an abomidable chimera of grief and fear. Westlie pounded the bookshelf, feeling the tears drop off her chin into her lap. She should have done something. Anything. Should have stayed behind with Selmer, should have fought the Glorious off. They could have found a better doctor. They should have saved him. Fitzroy deserved to be saved. He deserved to be alive. Westlie sobbed harder, sinking against the bookshelf. All of them had failed, and now Marion was without a father, Westlie was without a teacher, Owen was without a job, Selmer and Elijah were without a friend.
At some point her eyes ran out of tears and she still cried until they burned. She didn’t remember anything else except waking up in the pile of books, every bone in her body aching. There was only a soft fungal luminescence outside the window. The Pyrrhus was deathly quiet, the engine hushed like it too was mourning its Captain.
Oh they were almost out of fuel too.
Westlie hurt too much to feel anything. She stood, facing the desk, her body wanting to sit but immobile. Her eyes felt dead. Without thinking she turned around and unlocked the door, slipping into the open hallway. It was too open, she felt exposed, but too lethargic to care. She made her way to the cab room. All the readings were fine if a bit low. There was some comfort in checking the pressure gauge, something she could touch; something she had control over.
Westlie opened the door to the catwalk of the engine room and looked down. The engine itself hissed softly, the coal bin was almost empty. Marion was curled in her cot, Selmer and Lizzie nearby. Westlie watched them for a second, then shut the door again. She walked down the hall to the now-empty cargo hold. The beds where the tiny family slept were still up, otherwise it was empty. Down to the crew quarters. Her bed was empty in the corner. Owen and Elijah were on the opposite sides of the room. The first sleeping, Elijah awake and... doing something by candlelight. Westlie couldn’t quite see, nor did she care. She turned away without being seen, hesitating before Fitzroy’s cabin.
She hated herself for standing there, for just staring at the handle with her dead eyes and empty soul and finally, like a ghost was moving for her, opening the door and stepping in.
It looked like he left it. It looked like he would come back any moment. There was cold coffee on the desk from at least two days ago after their escape from New Winchester. Someone made the fucking bed. There were book out, his reading spectacles on the nightstand. Westlie felt the tears well up again her but it just made her eyes burn worse. There was blood on the floor by the bed. She should clean that. Later. Tomorrow. She stepped to the far side of the room, making a circle around the stain in respect for the dead, and picked up the book by his nightstand. “Captain’s Log: Nov 1903 - ____”
She couldn’t take it. Westlie bit her lip to keep from letting out a sob as she grabbed the book and fled, still carefully to keep her footsteps hushed and not let the door sound. She escaped back into the map room, locked the door again, and sank down like earlier. She hated herself for opening the book. She hated herself for skipping most of Fitzroy’s neat, precise scribbles and going all the way to the last few pages. They were shakey and succinct.
            Difficulty breathing from gunshot wound. Aid must be administered but our only chance is a homestead. Lustrum is too far; suggested course for Father Apollyon.
[Blood dotted the last entry from a coughing fit.]
              Set my will in order in case of surgery failure. Pyrrhus command will be passed to Westlie; I trust the crew to help her. Estate portions for the rest of them; Selmer might forgive me for my lack of trust when he can easily support his mother. Documents filed in letters for London. May I be remembered as a good man if I do not live.
Westlie set the book down and covered her face with her hands. Fitzroy you fool. Fitzroy you FOOL.
Why didn’t he pick Elijah? Elijah deserved it. Kind, loyal Elijah. She couldn’t see Selmer or Marion taking command, but Elijah would do alright. She could follow him. But her?
Westlie felt the overwhelming urge to cry for the fifth time that night; truly overwhelming because a few tears leaked down her cheeks despite her puffy eyes. She was new, quiet, incompetent, and hotheaded. The crew didn’t trust her- for fuck’s sake she’d lost the battle with Marion over that fucking smoke shell. And Marion ended up being right; if they’d fought the Glorious would they have come out in one piece? Westlie let out a bitter laugh. She might as well die with Fitzroy and pass it to someone else that way.
Why Fitzroy? You knew I wanted to be a navigator. You knew I was good at it. You must have figured I’d never be a good captain. My father is a monster. I’ve done horrible things. They’ll look to me for guidance and I have empty palms and a checkered past. You put me as First Mate because I was good at paperwork and good at numbers. I’m nobody’s friend. Not even Lizzie’s. Why would you let me lead?
Why did you let me come with you?
If Fitzroy was there in the room with her, Westlie would have punched him. Lost her temper, told him to fuck off and check his pipe for honey; she was incapable, she was absolutely not ready. He was her captain but he was wrong.
But he was her captain.
Westlie tossed the book onto the earlier pile by the bookshelf and curled against the wall. Damn him. Damn him for dying. Damn him for jumping in front of Selmer. Damn the Glorious. ... She had to listen didn’t she. That was his order. Not only his last order, but his dying wishes. Who could refuse that? She would just... have to be as much like Fitzroy as she could remember. Westlie laughed a little bitterly. Well she knew who not to be like; she could start there too.
It was stupid. The whole thing was stupid. She was stupid. Stupid death, stupid timing, stupid her, stupid decision. The situation bared its full weight on her and she couldn’t even tell it to fuck off because she couldn’t muster the strength to be angry. She didn’t want to fight; she was tired of fighting. She’d gotten her hopes up and the world had put her in her place. She would always, always be alone. Westlie balled herself up tighter against the wall and cried herself to sleep a second time.
#westlie#skyfarer#skyfarer rpg#the crew of the pyrrhus#crew of the pyrrhus#the adventures of the pyrrhus#I don't feel like writing every characters reaction to it especially because I think we should all write these pieces individually#I just felt like writing Traumatized!Westlie per usual#I feel like this is low-key important to her characterization as well#(so I'm shamelessly writing this to make me a better RPer)#because she knows instinctively Fitzroy is both a good person and a good captain. he's not emotive not expressive but he's helpful and good#she's never had a leadership roll in her life personal or work related it's all very based on Do What Other People Say#And then once fitzroy is dead and there's nobody to tell her what to do; it's Group Opinion because she feels like Fitzroy wouldn't do#anything the crew didn't specific want him to do; which is very fair. He didn't anticipate getting tangled in with the Glorious#and otherwise he told selmer and elijah and marion pretty much everything; he wasn't closed off#but then (I haven't fanficed nor do I plan to fanfic this) Elijah starts needling her to take responsibility and stop deferring to others#she defers to Not Being Like Arthur which I think is going to be her moral guide for a while#it's a pretty good guide#arthur is an asshole#eventually she might have to toss that too but not for now#I wanted to write a short piece where Fitzroy explains why he allowed her on the Pyrrhus in the first place with her father being an arse#but I figured that would be better left in nicks hands#sunless skies
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twilightknight17 · 5 years ago
It’s finally time to throw Yald out a window and see what’s waiting on the other side.
The answer is screaming. Lots of screaming.
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It’s a god, Morgana. It does whatever it wants.
I’ve never noticed before, but the shadows roaming Qliphoth look like miniature Yalds.
The summoning of Satanael always makes me a big ball of mush, when everyone believes in you so hard that it gives you more power than you could muster on your own. It’s great and I am a sap.
Turning yourself in to the police, though, god, it’s still completely unfair. Do you understand what you’re asking of him, Sae? After everything he’s already been through? After promising to have the adults handle it? That takes some nerve.
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...I’m an idiot and teared up a little. X’D
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I mean not really because I’d rather you stay with me but at least you’re alive. I’m so grateful. I wish there was a dialogue option to express that.
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...you don’t say, Atlus. X’D
I’m not dating anyone, so I spent Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas and New Year’s Eve with my friends.
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This...does feel like how P5 should have ended. Akira should have finally been allowed to be happy. Skip to Valentines, skip to March, have Sae pull some strings to get Goro out on probation, not just because I’m biased but because narrative foils and circular narratives.
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.....ignoring which timeline Scramble is actually in, hahahaha no, kids, you get about six months and all the weirdness restarts. XDDDD
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You’re my little brother, clearly. Thank you, dialogue option, for existing. <3
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......what? Wait, no, that’s horrifying, what the fuck. Who allowed this???
Happy new year! Now that we’ve destroyed god and freed the masses from being controlled, this year is gonna be grea--
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So I’m pretty sure Lavenza helps lead you out of the warped school. But that whole sequence was exceptionally eerie. Especially in the context of still being in your prison clothes. You’re still being held captive, just...by something else this time.
Everything is fucking weird after that, though. Kasumi is the only fragment of sanity in this stupid world. Everyone looks gorgeous in their kimonos, though, especially Haru.
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“Not ALL the time!”
I’m genuinely surprised we got to see Kasumi’s dad. Now, where’s Ryuji’s mom? (And of course he shows up and does the most dad thing possible and immediately embarrasses her in front of her senpai. XD)
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This boy has a logic gate on his brain, I swear. “Is Morgana present? If yes, proceed. If no, cease everything in favor of wondering where Morgana is.” Also, really? We came home from the shrine and can’t do anything else? We just laid in bed with our phone all evening? I have one video game left to beat! X’D
The scene where you wake up with human!Morgana in your bed plays out like some kind of ridiculous fanfic plot where the main character has no memory of getting together with their love interest. Except in this case it’s the equivalent of Akira’s brother, so it’s just weird as hell. It’s also evidence that the wish-granting isn’t perfect. It doesn’t necessarily adjust the world to match the wish. If Morgana and I are human roommates, wouldn’t we have two beds? Morgana doesn’t think curling up to sleep next to me is weird? Sojiro doesn’t think us sharing a bed is weird? Oh god what does Sojiro think is happening between us?
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Local teen five seconds from panic attack after gaining an entire family unit literally overnight.
Local teen two seconds from panic attack after dead woman wishes the man that used to be his cat good morning.
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Local teen metaphorically sits in the corner and screams internally because he has no idea what’s happening.
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....thank fuck. My boyfriend has arrived with common sense, hopefully.
Goro wants to make a deal to investigate all of this weird shit together. He’s suspicious because he was just let out of prison for no reason. And then he saw Wakaba and that basically cemented that everything is fucked up.
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...what appeared immediately? Nothing was strange until after New Years, as far as I could tell. :/
Kasumi calls in a panic because she can see the stadium Palace hovering overlaid with reality. So Akira agrees to go and meet her, and Goro invites himself along.
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Not when you’re making that face, honey. ;)
We agreed to go investigate the Palace, and Kasumi is confused by everything about Goro. Including his outfit and his sudden bloodthirstiness. XD
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I’m howling, both dialogue options are the same. XDDD
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Busted. XD Look at him fucking smirking; he’s having fun.
I still love the Palace music a lot, and this whole fractured iridescent aesthetic is nice. They’re not really being subtle when all the bulletin boards are for “happiness cognitive psience”, though. X’‘‘D
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...hang on, why is the nav eye like that...? How did he... What the fuck? That was Yald’s, how did you...?
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......by a loose definition of “well”, maybe.
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That is fucking terrifying and you need to stop. Right now. I’ve already pointed out one spot where that didn’t work right.
I appreciate that Goro is not buying a single word of this for even a second. X’D
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CALLED IT. BULLSEYE. The only thing I didn’t get was that she wasn’t pretending. She legitimately believed it. Because this asshole has apparently been able to fuck with people’s cognition for a year. He used us to find the metaverse so he could get everyone at once.
And now I have another reason to play NG+, because the implication is that because he could only alter an individual’s cognition, everyone but me and her knew she was Sumire. Her father called her Sumire at the shrine on New Years. So now I need to go back and see if anyone other than me or Maruki calls her Kasumi.
(So did her dad just ignore her thinking she was Kasumi or...????)
Maruki’s holding Sumire hostage and wants us to take a week and see what “his reality” is like. Goro thinks it’s bullshit. I think it’s bullshit. Goro’s giving me time to wake up the other Thieves, which is good. This has all gone so far off the rails. Maruki’s got some sort of messiah complex, and first of all, we already have a messiah, and second of all, the worst dictators are the ones that think they’re doing it “for your own good”.
Fuck it. I’m going to chill in the Den for a while. There’s new stuff in the vending machine! It’s...oh. A guillotine. It comes with a pile of bodies and actually moves up and down... Exactly the sort of thing I’d want... Oh, and a statue of Yald! Now I can look at his stupid feet up-clos--
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Anyway, look who’s finally here! I have time for a round of cards, especially since I’m out of coins. Let’s go, honey, bring it o---
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allie-and-her-fandoms · 6 years ago
In Your Arms
Author's Notes: Hello guys. After 2 years of not writing for them, I decided to write again for the one ship that owns my heart and soul, Renora from RWBY! I am actually pretty happy about how this one turned out, unlike those I wrote two years ago *shudders*. Anyway, huge shout outs to @ship-ambrosia, @sweetmemories2606, @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate, @thelegendofcloud and @scarlet-curls for inspiring me to write this fic, and major gratitude to @luccie-eclair for beta reading this fic. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for this. Also, happy late birthday to @jfangirld. Without further ado, enjoy (or endure).
Category: bed-sharing, hurt/comfort, F&F (fun and fluff)
“We… we are in the right room, aren’t we Ren? This cannot be our room! This isn’t what we asked for!” Nora started stammering, a scarlet similar to the one painting the twilight outside, slowly painting her cheeks.
“Yes Nora, this is Room 46. It is written on the keylock and on the room’s door.” Ren replied stoically, seeming unfazed by the newborn situation they were faced with now.
“Ren, we need to go to that receptionist and tell her to give us another room. We clearly asked for a TWIN room, with TWO beds, not a double bed room!” Nora shrieked, pointing with her both index fingers at the double bed in the middle of the room, then rushed out of their room and was about to go downstairs, where the reception was. She wasn’t going to accept that! She wasn’t… she wasn’t ready. However, she felt a gentle, yet firm hold on her right forearm. She soon stopped walking and glared at her onyx-haired boyfriend.
“Nora, we would’ve paid the same for a twin room either way. It’s fine. Now please, don’t go and break that receptionist’s legs.” Ren teased Nora, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Alright, fine,” Nora replied. “Ren?”
“Hm?” his magenta eyes found their way to her cerulean ones.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean… with us, having to share a bed. It’s been quite a while since we last did this. How old were we, anyway? Eleven, maybe twelve? Anyway, it was until we started attending a combat school, wasn’t it? After that, no more bed-sharing, unless we had nightmares.” The ginger-haired girl babbled, gaining her ninja partner’s attention. Is she… nervous? This question echoed through Ren’s mind, as Nora kept babbling in honest, her heart pounding like crazy against her chest, her mouth resembling more to a desert, and red tainting her face.
“And then we got into Beacon, and the situation repeated. We were still together, but not together-together yet, and we had less nightmares, so yeah. After that, we didn’t need to share beds. Yeah…” Nora stopped, her mouth dry and her breaths more frequent.
“Yes, Ren?” Nora’s eyes were lost into his, her gaze sending a wave of warmth that rushed into his veins, making his own heart doing somersaults into his chest, his knees turning into jelly.
“It’s nothing. Remember why we’re here. Salem may be gone, but the creatures of Grimm are not. This is our first mission as licensed Huntsmen, and I can’t have my partner worry about something as minor as bed-sharing. Like you said, we’ve done this before. We got this.” his soothing voice calmed Nora, as his hand found its way to her left cheek, then he caressed it with his thumb.
“Besides, now we’re also together-together, aren’t we?” he gave Nora that one soft smile he had reserved for her, and her alone. “And I know I am not a man of words, but… You are my everything, Nora. And I will not anyone harm you.” A look of determination got painted on his face, as he pressed his hand harder against Nora’s cheek. Have her cheeks always been this silky?
The thunder goddess’ face twisted from her dumbfounded expression into one that, in Ren’s eyes, was so soft, not even the most expensive Mistrali silks couldn’t compete. “Same here. Ren, you are my family, my light, my world. And I’d be damned if something happened to you! That’s why, as long as you’re willing to protect me, then I’m going to do the same thing.” Her hands found their way to his free hand and sandwich it, giving it a small grip.
In that moment, her eyes full of love met his, full of resolve. Ren could drown in those turquoise eyes and would have nothing to complain about, because the only thing Lie Ren would ever need in his life is his partner and love, Nora Valkyrie. As long as she was by his side, he was more than content. As long as he could hear her voice the first thing in the morning, feel her index finger brushing his nose, feel the warmth of her hugs, breathe in her vanilla and cherry scent, or simply see her smiling his way, Ren could consider himself a happy man; Nora was his salvation, after all.
The same goes for Nora. So long she could boop her partner’s nose, mingle her fingers with his ebony river of hair, feel his strong arms around her, and simply having her by his side, Nora was the happiest woman in Remnant.
“Now… shall we go into our room and get ready for bed? The sun has set already, apparently.” Ren asked his ginger girlfriend, after he took a glimpse at the opened window on the hallway, that was no more reflecting the sunlight, but the moonlight. He then freed Nora’s cheek from his touch (something she didn’t want to end) and guided her into their bedroom, his other hand still held between hers – not that he minded. “So… which one of us should go and change first?” he questioned, while pointing to the bathroom door with his thumb.
“It’s okay, Ren. You can go there; I’ll change here in the meantime. I promise I won’t peek.” Nora’s eyebrows wiggled while she shot a smirk at Ren, earning a small blush from him. He was so easy to fluster sometimes.
“I’ll have to lock the door then. And while I’m there, I’ll take a long, long shower.” He bantered, a smirk leaving his lips, as he opened up his bag, took his pajamas, and entered the bathroom, and Nora could hear the door locking shortly after.
Shortly after Ren left the bathroom, all dressed up in a black t-shirt and long basil trousers, Nora stormed in the bathroom, already dressed in her black BOOP t-shirt and her magenta shorts. She loved Ren, but sometimes, getting ready for bed would take him forever. It’s a good thing that I love him! she mumbled, as he got into bed.
After she finished all the business she needed to finish in the bathroom, Nora decided it was finally time to go to bed, to get her batteries charged. However, when she saw Ren sitting on the bed – no, their bed – she felt blood rushing into her cheeks. They were going to share a bed! She quickly tried to hide her now ruby cheeks with her palms, that were also in flames.
“Nora, are you done with the bathroom? I really need to use it now.” Ren asked, noticing the fact that the ginger woman’s whole face was now on fire. “Are you okay?” he rushed to her side, taking her hands off her cheeks and placing his own in a rushed manner. “Do you have a fever? Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes, Ren. I’m good. You can use the bathroom now.”
When she finally got on the bed, Nora felt that it was small, almost constraining. How are we gonna fit in this minuscule bed?! she wondered, scandalized by the seemingly reduced size of the double bed, failing to notice Ren approaching, and sitting down next to her, until she felt their shoulders brushing. She got startled and looked over her left shoulder, only to meet Ren's worried gaze.
“Nora, are you… okay?”
“Sure, Ren. Why did you ask?” she put a reassuring smile on her face.
Ren’s worry still didn’t fade away. “Are you still… thinking about our… sleeping arrangements?”
Nora let out a frustrated sigh, and nodded. Ren also found himself nodding. He understood how she felt; in fact, he was just as scared as her. It was the first time they shared a bed not out of obligation, or because of the nightmares that would haunt their early lives. And now they were also together-together.
“Got it. Nora?”
“Yes, Ren?”
“Let’s try and get some sleep. We need to get up early tomorrow.”
“Okay, Ren.” Nora sighed in relief, grateful that Ren had changed the subject. She then turned her back to him, as she hummed “Good night”, but not before she kissed her boyfriend on his cheek; a gesture he happily reciprocated, bidding her goodnight and waiting for sleep to come and get them to Dream Land.
An acute scream made Ren jump off the bed he had forgotten he shared with his girlfriend. He then started shaking her shoulders gently, begging her to wake up. As her eyes snapped open, the first thing they met was the magenta of Ren’s own eyes. Shortly after, she jumped into his arms, as Ren understood that her nightmare must’ve been horrible, given her reaction before and after waking up. After holding her close in his arms, while caressing her short ginger hair and assuring her everything was okay.
“Nora, it’s okay. Everything is okay. I’m here, I’m right here.” he kept murmuring, as her hair flowed through his fingers.
“You… You died. You had managed to save me and then… then…” Nora’s sobs turned more violent, as the scene of Ren’s death at the hands of the Nuckelavee kept playing on repeat in her head, red staining her white shirts and her screams echoing among the ruins of Kuroyuri.
“Nora…” his voice lulled her in the night, and his arms held her so close to his chest, their hearts were against each other. “I’m right here. Remember what we promised that day? ‘We keep each other safe.’ Even from nightmares.” Ren caressed her hair, as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, then placing his own forehead against hers, looking straight into her eyes, azure against magenta.
Nora held him even closer, his heart beating in unison with hers, as her sobs subsided and he dried her tears, sheltering her in the temple of his care. “Thank you” was all she could whisper, while her puffy eyes found his, full of love and care. He always had her back. And for that, she always thanked whatever being was out there, for giving her the best gift she could ever get.
After a few minutes of holding each other like they never wanted to let go, and whispered promises, sleep decided to pay them one more visit for the night. But right before Nora’s eyelids could finally stay shut, a gasp left her lips as she felt two strong arms around her waist, pulling her close to a hard chest. Her body became tense, her heart beating like crazy, and her eyes widened as Ren pulled her closer to him, as he peppered her left shoulder with butterfly kisses. Nora couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriend’s gesture. He had never been the affectionate type, but there was little to nothing he wouldn’t do for her. And that included romantic gestures, like spooning or kissing. And for the second time that night, she thanked life for gifting her with her boyfriend.
Not even an hour later after falling asleep, Nora woke up again due to a ray of sunshine finding its way to her eyes, something that wasn’t truly on her taste. As she spun around, her face met Ren’s chest, her lips at the same level as his heart. Feeling brave, she kissed his covered chest multiple times, without noticing that Ren’s heartbeat became even faster and his face redder, and as he shifted his arms around her a bit, so she could be even more glued to him, he also thanked life for giving him the woman worth spending the rest of his life with. Little did they know however, how that one night was just the beginning of a new life for them, where kisses and such small gestures would be just the beginning.
Any kind of feedback is more than welcome. Once again, thank you for reading this!😊
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Last Night (Explicit) - Nik Ryder x MC (Leah Mendoza)
Summary: “After last night I…I thought I meant something to you.” They have been breaking down each other’s walls and are a team, and they wait one night before meeting with the Fae.
Tagging: @furiouscloddonutpeanut @indiacater @aneutronstarcollision @ethan-jonah-ramsey @dr-brianna-casey-valentine @wildflowersandmessyhair
Author’s Note: Hi, this is a repost of the same fic and I deleted the original post. What happened is that when I reblogged/tried to edit it I accidentally deleted the text of the entire story and I honestly have no idea how to fix it besides reposting it. I tagged all the people who originally asked to be tagged plus anyone who reblogged it, in case anyone was wondering where it went. I’m still new to this whole fanfic scene on tumblr. Sorry about that! Also, warnings still apply that this fic depicts explicit sexual acts and it’s not for children.
They had barely made it out alive. Leah and Nik returned to Nik’s apartment with the agreement that they would all re-group in the morning to venture to Lamrian, Lord Elric’s realm. Nik cast a temporary ward over his loft so they would be safe for the night, but the ward wouldn’t keep them safe forever. Leah sighed and hung up that hideous pink dress, wearing only a white silk slip that stopped just above her knee. Donning that heavy dress to avoid the ire of the ghosts on the ship felt poetic to her; playing by the rules of the supernatural made her watch more closely where she was stepping as if she could trip over a long skirt at any time, and the gravity of her situation weighed heavy on her mind like the weight of the puffy layers. But unlike the dress, she couldn’t just take her situation off her body and hang it up for the night. Her hair was still damp from the shower, and her skin raw from scrubbing away the undead swamp and murder of the very witch who sent a killer creature after her. She shivered slightly and wrapped her arms around herself in a tight hug. Her entire life suddenly became so complicated. 
As she waited for Nik to get out of the shower, her mind began to wander in flashbacks of her time in New Orleans and they inevitably focused on him: him teaching her how to fight in the alleyway and pinning her against the wall, his temple resting against hers as they pretended to be married and danced in Persephone, his lips brushing against hers softly as they sat on the edge of the bayou and again each time he bared his pain to her. She flirted with him at first for fun; he was hot and brooding and she was definitely interested physically. But the more time they spent together and the more they shared with each other, she began to yearn for more.
“I think I’m in love with someone here.”
In hindsight, Leah knew she shouldn’t have said that. But it was that secret that was eating away at her when she sat on the cold ground in her underwear, well aware of Nik’s eyes on her. She felt a rush of embarrassment in her cheeks as she remembered his searching gaze as the breath left her mouth, sound waves reverberating through the dilapidated room. Her cheeks flushed further when she recalled her knocking on his door that night and them together in a fit of passion only to be halted by the cold winds of fate (literally). She would have cursed at the Fate if the Fate wouldn’t hear her.
Leah heard a click as the door to Nik’s bathroom opened and the man in question stepped out, his dark hair damp and draped over his forehead, hiding seemingly permanent lines of worry. He was wearing only a pair of gray sweatpants, and Leah stared before she could stop herself.
“Rook?” His unusually quiet baritone reached her ears, and she was brought back to reality. When her eyes met his, she shook herself out of her trance and unwrapped her arms from her torso.
“Sorry, was just thinking...about tomorrow,” she supplied a quick excuse. It wasn’t too far from the truth; she thought about it seemingly non-stop on the way home after Nik mentioned it. She didn’t know what to expect from meeting with the Fae, but she told Nik on the way home that she trusted his judgment and could have sworn emotion flashed through his face before he quickly composed himself. Nik nodded and began to walk out of the room. Leah reached out and put her hand on his bare shoulder to stop him; usually he would have supplied a snarky, flirtatious comment in response to her staring. He was more open with her since the bayou, but he could barely look at her at that moment.
“Nik? Is something wrong?”
“Just going to sleep. I’ll take the couch tonight,” Nik answered, his face in the same neutral expression.
“We can share your bed...you act like we haven’t slept in the same bed before,” Leah chuckled slightly, trying to make light of the situation and ignore the memories of the previous night and slight dampness between her legs as a result.
Nik muttered unintelligibly, and Leah raised an eyebrow and moved closer. “Come again?”
Finally, he looked at her properly, and her mouth went dry at the strange mixture of tenderness and lust on his face. His eyes skimmed up and down her body intensely, and he licked his lips while a slight blush dusted his tan complexion. “Leah...”
“Yes?” Leah’s flirtatious side emerged, and she decided then and there that she would let it flourish. She placed her palms over his taut chest, and her fingers danced subtly over his skin. Nik growled softly, and she knew that his self-restraint was wavering as he leaned into her touch. Leah stepped closer until her pelvis met his, and she smirked as she felt his cock twitch against her. 
“Leah...” The way Nik said her name again implied that he had more to say, but Leah did not want words at the time. All she wanted was him, all of him. She trailed her lips down his neck as her hands roamed over the webs of scars that marred his toned torso, and eventually they settled near the tent in his sweatpants. His breath hitched as her hands floated over his concealed arousal, just close enough to sense but not close enough for them. “What are you doing?”
Nik tried to stifle a grin; he both hated and loved her sense of humor. “Yes I can see that, rook. Trust me, no complaints there. But why now?”
“I think the real question is: why not now?” Leah countered, staring up at him with the perfect mixture of innocence and sin. “A bloodwraith is trying to kill me, Nik. I know it’s your job to make sure that doesn’t happen, but it also reminds me that life’s too short.”
When she rose to her tip toes and kissed his neck again, she suddenly felt his rough hands grab her forearms and pull her to his lips in a searing, passionate kiss. Leah kissed him back with the same fervor, the white silk nightgown riding up slightly as she moved her hips with his. Nik growled softly and his hands began to travel up her thighs and over her hips. The kiss was reminiscent of what they started the previous night after meeting with the Fate, but this felt more urgent and as if there was no tomorrow. Hell, there might not be a tomorrow for her.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Nik whispered as their lips separated, holding her tightly and protectively by the waist underneath her silk slip. “And that’s not because it’s my job.”
“You don’t have to say that,” Leah rubbed his back with hands recently calloused from wielding weapons and werewolves. What really made Nik the one for her was the knowledge that while he would always protect her, she didn’t feel like a damsel in distress. He had pride written on his face when she expressed an interest in learning how to fight, and she held her own to help him in multiple situations. As someone who had been underestimated all her life due to her gender and size, this type of respect meant the world. “I trust you.”
“And I would never willingly hurt you.” He wrangled the guilt creeping up his chest as he gazed down on her now serene face, knowing that tomorrow she would inevitably be angry and hurt because of him; still he hoped his hunch was correct.
“I know that. I still want this with you.” Leah thought that his last statement was oddly placed but didn’t think much of it. She nipped at his jawline, silently urging Nik to let go and allow himself this pleasure. “Like you said, we’re a team, right? No matter what happens, I will always want you.”
At that, Nik finally let go and gave into what they both wanted. He kissed her again, tenderly and reflecting his rapidly growing feelings for her. She kissed him back and sighed contentedly; she would admit that she became weak whenever he showed vulnerability, and this paired with his hands pulling her slip over her head to expose all of her skin made her positively soaked.
Leah moaned as Nik’s hands traveled to her breasts, massaging her nipples until they stood on end. His tongue made its way down her neck and to her right breast while his hand kept massaging the other one, and he felt a deep sense of accomplishment at the sounds that he was coaxing out of her. While his mouth moved to the other breast, his fingers prodded her most private area. He pulled his hand away for a moment to marvel at how soaked she was for him, and in one swift motion he swung her around and threw her onto his bed, his lust going into overdrive. Leah yelped in surprise at the sudden movement.
Nik climbed on to the bed with her and kissed and nipped down her body one more time. “Spread your legs for me.”
Leah obeyed, and he began to leave small purple bruises on her inner thighs. She moaned loudly as his tongue glided over her labia and straight to the hood of her clit, which he began circulating with that damn talented tongue of his. 
“Fuck...” She cursed, but felt blessed as his tongue took her to heaven and hell and back. He took her clit in his lips with a powerful suck, and it took her all of her willpower not to scream out in ecstasy. She moaned loudly as he continued licking and sucking, unraveling her slowly and surely. After a few more minutes of him pleasuring her, Leah sat up and kissed him fiercely, her hands tugging his rock hard erection out of his sweatpants. Nik groaned as she bent down and took him into her mouth and he hit the back of her throat.
“Goddamn, rook,” He tangled his fingers in her chocolate brown waves as she bobbed her head up and down. Her tongue lapped precum off the tip and danced all the way down to the base and back up. Her mouth was divine, but he detached himself from her mouth and laid her down on the bed. “Are you sure you still wanna do this?”
“Hell yes…” she consented in a breathy tone. Nik swung her legs over his shoulders and prepared to enter her until suddenly she stopped him with a hand to his chest. Leah stood up while muttering something about getting carried away and took a row of condoms from her purse. Nik raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. “What? I came to New Orleans to party and hook up with hot people. Didn’t exactly party the way I thought I would, but the second one...” She threw one at him with a wink and he caught it, chuckling. As reckless as she could be half the time, Leah had her moments where she surprised him with her practicality. 
Once the condom was securely fastened, Nik gently laid her down on her back and positioned one of her legs over his shoulder. Maintaining eye contact, he held her close and slowly slid into her as she moaned and clung to him. Once Leah nodded, Nik began to thrust into her slowly at first and then faster and faster. Nik sucked on her collarbone as she dug her nails into his back, and sweat glistened on both of their faces and moans and profanities were sent out liberally. Leah was utterly in heaven as his hand reached down to rub her clit aggressively while he continued rapidly thrusting into her. 
“Nik, please…” she begged, wrapping her legs around his waist to pull him closer. He grunted and kissed her as he maintained the pace of his thrusts. Leah pushed on his chest and he folded, laying down on his back while she straddled him and lower herself on him slowly and deeper than ever. Soon she was bouncing on his cock while he thrust upwards on a steady, rapid rhythm. They moved together perfectly in sync in the same way they moved together as a team on the battlefield. Each thrust sent stars into her line of vision, and she came quickly with a burst of light in her head. Leah struggled to hold herself up as Nik gripped her hips and continued to chase his own release, and he came soon after. She collapsed on top of him and pressed her lips against his tenderly. The two took a few minutes to discard the condom and wash up before settling into his bed, both with completely satisfied looks on their faces. They continued to kiss each other softly as tiredness crept into their bodies, no words needed.
“Hey I just thought of something,” Leah eventually said sleepily, snuggling into his chest. “Since I did...ya know...I can now call myself a Nik RIDER!”
Nik groaned and shook his head as she laughed at her own joke. This woman will never change, not even after a serious conversation and sex. “Hand to god, Leah, if you did that just so you could make that joke—“
“And then I can take that further and call myself a d—“ Leah was cut off with a quick kiss, his hand cupping the side of her face gently. Nik kept shaking his head with a semi-amused grin; this woman will never change but he wouldn’t want her to anyway.
Leah eventually drifted off to sleep, feeling at peace for the first time since she stepped foot in New Orleans. The bloodwraith was still after her and everything about the supernatural world was confusing, but at that moment she could trust someone and forget. Being with Nik made her feel secure and that they could actually win. While she slept, Nik stared down at her head resting on his chest with sorrow smeared on his face, knowing that the next morning’s events may very well make her hate him forever. There was a silent mutual trust between them and the thought of breaking that broke his heart, but he told himself that it was all in the name of protecting her. All that mattered was that she was safe. But for now, as he closed his eyes, he would enjoy having her in his arms.
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sleepymarmot · 5 years ago
The Untamed liveblog, eps. 33-38
Didn’t post a liveblog yesterday to avoid possible spoilers in the replies, so here it is now.
Before I proceed, here are my guesses as to the identity of the mysterious flute player: 1) Guangyao, the most obvious candidate 2) Xue Yang 3) idk, a new character 4) Guangyao is a red herring. The real villain is Nie Huaisang because that's funny
Relieved that WWX experienced the 16 years too. I was afraid he was regained consiousness straight from the moment of his "death" of whatever it was, so LWJ would be 16 years older with him which would have made the romance VERY awkward.
The room scene is beautiful, but one thing I particularly appreciate about it is that finally, probably for the first time in the show, these two are allowed time alone together in safety and relative privacy, and the scene can organically develop into a tender private moment that isn't for the camera to see or show.
"I must not reveal my identity" says WWX, who is dressed almost exactly like 16 years ago
Oh god I still can't tell apart the two young Lan disciples.
Switched to the subtitles from Viki. Unfortunately, they need to be resynced manually every time, and that, for some reason, messes up the file's internal subtitles. Ah well, I don't know Chinese anyway, and now the English subtitles actually say accurately what the characters call each other.
Feeling both represented by WWX's dog phobia and offended that it's a running joke
Oh "cool", another casual mention of supposedly likeable characters brutally beating their children :/
god, JC is really shitty at leading/parenting. "I'll break your leg", really?
"With my uncle's character, he would rather catch the wrong one than let the right one go." And execute the wrong one? Yikes
Wait, are you telling me NHS is a baddie for real lfmao
Aw, the fan scene is cute
Oh, so the first time we see Guangyao again is in a flashback about the mysterious death of the clan Nie leader. How convenient.
Stop! Making! Flasbacks! To the fucking Nonconsensual Alcohol scene! I am trying to ignore its existence! Why did you have to tarnish the current scene, very endearing by itself, with its presence?
Gasped IRL when Wen Ning's silhouette appeared. Good job writers!
Ouch, that looks painful
Oh, so the siblings weren't killed? That makes sense, if you pretend to spread their ashes on the wind, you don't need to show the bodies. Hopefully Qing survived too, but I wouldn’t expect much towards a female character from this series... Killed off the only two women, now we’re in No Woman’s Land comfortably and forever I presume
And here I thought WWX was actually going to apologize to Ning for treating him like a thing or a slave, now that he unexpectedly has a new opportunity to do so!
I'm assuming the chicken are a wedding gift joke?
WWX got so disctracted by the drunk LWJ he completely forgot about Ning smh
Maybe now it finally occurs to WWX to ask about his son...
Loving every look at how the common people interpret and interact with the epic history he participated in
I want to meet more of the recurring characters, but on the other hand: ghost town and WWX leading a field trip for a bunch of teenagers!
This show is too multi-faceted. I'm constantly going "This is my favorite part of the show: the sweet romance. No, this is my favorite: the ghosts and WWX being a cool necromancer. No, this is my favorite: the family drama. No, this is my favorite: clan politics. No, this is my favorite: WWX with kids." and it just keeps going in circles.
Aww, the kid thinking WWX is like LWJ because they're both competent leaders who make others feel safe*
And now it's an action movie where the hero and the villain exchange a whole spiral of "No, I outsmarted you first" and drop one-liners every minute. Hilarious
The kids watching two zombies punch each other through a window like a football match on TV, I'm crying
Kids: "Don't you think Light Bearing Lord is good?" WWX internally, with a dreamy smile on his face: "Haha what they're asking ME if I think the love of my life is 'good'? How would it even be possible to less than utterly admire someone who is so graceful, skillful, protective, just, kind, beautiful... Oh wait are they still waiting for an answer"
* Added after the episode: If this kid is actually Yuan and he feels this way because they're both his dads I'm gonna scream I WENT BACK TO EPISODE 1 AND THE SUBTITLE SAYS 'LAN YUAN'. TIME TO SCREAM I GUESS. I KNEW THIS NAME COMBINATION SOUNDED FAMILIAR Did LJW get beaten for bringing him in, then? Did he spend the first three years raising him? I checked the subtitles and the name Yuan is written with different characters but that's probably fine? I doubt LWJ ever asked WWX how his son's name was written, or even if he knew, he could have wanted to protect the kid's identity - he's Lan and not Wen, after all If this is true then WWX has the funniest and most valid excuse for being an absent father. Sorry I missed your entire childhood and adolescence, kid, I was literally dead the whole time But also, if this is true, why didn't LWJ bring it up immediately DAMMIT I WAS PLANNING TO GO TO BED AND NOW I WANT TO SEE THE FAMILY REUNION ASAP God, in the light of this, the silence spell scene in ep 2 becomes even funnier. The more I know about these characters, the better it becomes. LWJ's silent stare at JC, apparently, meant "Look how well I raised WWX's son. Must I also raise his nephew, since you are clearly unfit for the job?" Involving kids, especially other people's, in your powerplays is shitty, but the scene is fucking hilarious. Anyways if this ends up being a giant coincidence and the kid is given so much focus for no or some other reason you're NOT allowed to laugh at this paragraph
God, this feels like... idk any Celebrimbor/Annatar fanfic lmao. I'm in pain. Let me guess, people write very painful fics about these two right. Fuck. I'm 21 minutes in, is this going to last the entire episode aaaaaaa
Fuck. Well how am I supposed to sleep after this. This episode didn't even make me cry once, it's not that type of bad thing. And not the type where something is so brutal I shield my mind because I prefer to pretend that level of pain can't exist. It's just diabolically designed to be maximally fucked up.
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holylulusworld · 6 years ago
Dear Jealousy,
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Request: I was wondering if I could have a Jared x reader fic where there is angst, smut and fluff too. Maybe they address some cheating rumours and the reader gets insecure, they have a full blown fight and then sex sex sex
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Warnings: language, arguments, violence (not against human), angst, angry reader, fingering, vaginal sex (unprotected), dirty talk
For my fanfic Jared is married to the reader. I do not accept any hate toward the wives of the SPN cast. If you are a hater play somewhere else!
Cursing you look at the pictures of the Supernatural set. Jared is hugging and kissing Genevieve Cortese. You didn't even know she's back at the show. Now you see pictures of her and your husband obviously pretty cozy!
He told you years ago that he never had contact with her again. Knowing you doubted his interest in you. You're far from being a hot actress. You always knew you can't compare with women like Danneel or Genevieve.
Till now you believed his words but seeing those pictures let you doubt he means what he said. Gen must work for weeks on set. You checked some fan sites and it seems the whole fandom went rampage, seeing them back together.
Some fans even commented that they saw them together, having dinner.
Jared was silent the last weeks and came home late at night. Now you know why…he has her back…
Feeling the anger and disappointment welling up in your stomach you pace around your living room. As soon as the front door opens you storm toward your husband.
“Is there something you have to tell me, Jared?”
“Huh? What’s wrong, Baby?”
“Don’t Baby me! You know exactly what I mean! GENEVIEVE!”
“Oh, I forgot, she’s filming some scenes with us for the 300th episode," Jared says nonchalantly and you lose it.
Slapping his cheek you start yelling and cursing.
“Do you believe I’m stupid? I saw the pictures! You were hugging and kissing her. You had dinner with her! You’re cheating on me! I knew I can’t trust you!”
“I’m not cheating on you! I hugged her and kissed her cheek. She’s still a friend. I had dinner with her but not alone! Misha and Jay were with us, just like Kim and Samantha!”
"Sure! You're always good at excuses! You’re late every night, you are always tired and we didn’t have sex for weeks. I know why! You are fucking her!”
Jared tries to calm you; tries to touch you but you toss a book after him. Hearing him chuckle makes you even more furious. Grabbing the plates from the kitchen counter you throw them after your husband.
“Stop throwing stuff at me! Are you insane? I don’t have an affair with Gen, she’s engaged. I only want you.”
Getting even madder you grab his favorite book, a first edition, to toss it at Jared.
“I swear if you throw that book I’m going to spank your ass and more!” Jared warns.
Licking your lips you weigh your possibilities. You will not give in. This is on him. Grinning you throw the book but Jared catches it just in time.
He and his goddamn large hands. Picking up one of his shoes you want to throw it too but Jared is faster taking the shoe out of your hands he tosses it aside.
Angry looking down at you Jared towers over your much smaller frame. His size is intimidating and you stare up at the smirking giant.
“Now you are really in trouble! That book is something special and you just threw it at me!”
“And you cheated and me!”
“No, I didn’t cheat on you, Y/N!”
“Uh-huh and that’s the reason you barely look at me! Months ago you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself and now you’re ignoring me the whole time! Fuck you, Jared. I’m going to sleep in the guest room tonight.”
“No way! You won’t sleep in the guest room!” Jared yells now.
“Fine, then I’ll call Danneel and ask her if I can sleep in Jensen’s and her guest room!”
“You won’t sleep there either!”
“Shall I sleep on the street or what?”
“You will sleep in our bedroom! You are my wife!”
“Until you decide to go back to Genevieve!”
“God, you’re so frustrating sometimes. If you don’t believe my words I guess I need to show you whom I belong to.”
Picking you up Jared throws you over his broad shoulder. Ignoring your cursing and the fact that you slap his ass the whole time he carries you toward the master bedroom.
Tossing you on the bed he hovers over you. Staring angrily down at you he crushes his lips onto yours. Pushing against his chest you try to free yourself but you fail.
Ignoring your resistance Jared starts kissing down your neck and you can’t hold back the moan escaping your lips.
“Hmmm…you smell so good, Baby,” Jared rasps against your skin.
"Get off me, Padalecki!" You grunt.
"Nope. I'm going to show you that I only want you." With that, he rips your dress open.
Cursing you glare up at your husband, only to meet his lust-blown eyes. Still ignoring your yelling he drags the dress down your body.
The smirk on his face grows wider when he sees you're not wearing a bra or panties. Well, you wanted to seduce him before you saw the pictures.
“God, Baby, so fucking hot,” Jared groans.
“Get off me! I’m mad at you.”
“Not for long, I’m going to show you what happens when you act like that.”
Without warning, Jared moves his large hand between your legs. While rubbing your little nub he pushes two fingers into your warm entrance.
The huge amount of wetness makes him grinning even more. He fucking knows how much he turns you on, even after all those years he melts you into a puddle in no time.
Giving in you fall back onto the bed while Jared starts flicking his tongue around your nipples. His soft hair is tickling your skin and you start tugging at it to keep him in place.
The steady thrusting of his long fingers combined with the pressure he adds to your clit makes you squirm under his touch.
Grazing his teeth over your nipples he feels your walls tighten. Right before you can come he removes his fingers. Whining you stare up at him.
"No coming for you until I say so. Now hands and knees Baby, your husband will show you whom you belong to and that you're the only woman he wants."
“Are you talking about yourself in third person now or what?”
“I gave you an order woman…now or I’ll slap your ass.”
Not reacting you stick your tongue out. Before you know what happens Jared flips you over. Moving on hands and knees you curse while Jared strips his clothes off.
Butt-naked he moves behind you to plant soft kisses down your spin. Arching your back slightly you enjoy the gentle touch of your husband.
His lips are all over your body, just like his rough and large hands. The anticipation gets unbearable and you start whining.
“Say it!” Jared orders but you ignore him.
“I’m still mad at you…”
Sliding his hard cock through your wet folds he chuckles when you push back against him.
“Fine, I’m yours…only yours,” you mutter.
“And I’m yours, Baby, only yours.”
“Show me you’re mine, Jare.”
Entering you with one swift motion Jared groans at the feeling. He missed you; he missed doing this with you.
Starting to thrust into you he grips your hips roughly. Finding the perfect rhythm you meet his hard thrusts to give you both more friction.
His large hands holding your hips roughly while he’s busy fucking faster into you. The room slowly fills with the smell of sex and Jared's manly musk.
“Just like that Baby, god, yes…don’t stop.”
Pounding into you Jared groans behind you, your walls already tighten around him and he needs all strength to hold back.
Pulling out he flips you over again only to move between your legs right away. Placing your legs around his waist he kisses you softly.
Your arms find their way around his back on their own. Slowly starting to thrust into you your husband doesn’t take his eyes off your face.
Smiling you hold tight onto his back when he picks up the pace. Pistoning his huge dick into you he brushes over your sweet spot over and over again.
Not able to hold back any longer Jared fills you with ropes of his cum. Your nails bite into his back while you scream his name in ecstasy.
Jared presses your body softly against his, just holding you tight for a moment he nuzzles his nose into your neck. Kissing your pulse point he smiles against your skin.
“I only love you Baby, only you. I would never cheat on you. I love you, Y/N.”
"I love you too. I'm sorry,  but sometimes I have doubts about myself. I'm not pretty like all the actresses surrounding you. I'm just me…"
“That’s exactly what I love about you. Y/N, you are just you. You don’t fake anything.”
“Sometimes I get jealous Jared, I can’t change that.”
“Don’t ever change, Baby. Never change…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl , @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva
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almaasi · 6 years ago
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x14 “Ouroboros”
conclusion: yes, apparently feet can look gay, and Dean and Cas are both queer by proxy
me: still v magnesium deficient, sick, dizzy
any thoughts stated here are run through a pudding filter so please do not be alarmed if they are incoherent or a weird colour
okay it’s a Steve Yockey episode so i guess he’s gonna give us a great character and then kill them before the title card
hang on i need to eat and i can’t eat and think at the same time so i’mma go watch an episode of shaun the sheep brb
okay well i watched half an episode and ate half my food so,... yay
sam’s “i believe in us” *PUNCH* still makes me laugh
the body on the AAAAAAAAAAAAA I’
can i just watch this whole thing with my hand over the screen
because that is what i’ doing rn
oh god i hate this
actually you know what
i just skipped to the title card
cause fuck that haahahhaah nope
oh lord it didn’t skip to team free will
how much of this do i have to take
oh okay tfw are here already
i fuckin love rowena and how much they ask for her help even though they’re “enemies” except they’re clearly lowkey Fond of each other
also i like how this ep started in the middle of the case
rowena: “hello castiel” ;) ;) ;)
okay well
this pleases me
because i know the only way this ends is that cas is not interested and that’s the Point
because he <3s dean
but also why the hell is rowena into cas....... surely she knows he loves dean. unless she’s just into starting shit, i wouldn’t be surprised
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the way jack says “i’m not dying”
cas: “he’s now claimed the lives of six people in northern new mexico”
why does he say “people” like that
dean’s throwing a looooot of salt at rowna. maybe because she keeps flirting with cas
“everything means something”
sam says dean can keep michael locked in his head “because he’s dean and dean is dean”
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah okay
expert closet curator, you mean
dean has a good feeling about bringing rowena in on this one??????????????? after all the snark????????????
cas: “they do have many books”
me: *squINTS REALLY HARD* i feel like they’re implying something else and neither of them are talking about the same thing. did dean set sam up on a date with rowena????????????
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paralleling rowena and sam perhaps
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concerned head tilt
oh god their love and mutual understanding and trust in each other is killing me with its softness
i’m so so so glad we get to see them in some downtime at fucking last
oh no jack’s coughing again
why can’t he have nice things
dean: “that’s what i’m supposed to say, right? i’m fine? keep on moving?”
cas: “no, dean”
the fact dean lets his guard down only with cas in private ;~;
sidenote, this episode is giving me my bloody valentine meets hunteri heroici vibes, which is nice because they’re two of my all-time fave episodes
but god i wish it would go easy on the cannibalism
dean: “i’m barely even sleeping” :D
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but also
i’m so emotional because he told anyone at all, but especially that of all people he told cas
of course he told cas, cas is his emotional sounding board
if this were a fanfic cas would offer to share the bed with dean and help him sleep
....but i mean, who knows, maybe dean was secretly hoping for that anyway
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that’s the face of “dean doesn’t know what liturgical means”
jack: “what’s an av club?”
cas: “it’s a special club for people who do not play sports”
dean: *points at cas* “him. he’s av club”
mmmmmmmm yup
autistic nerd
dean’s baseball and track team, cas is av club and student tutoring
but also if dean ever got cas onto the baseball field cas would hit every ball first time
and dean would be swooning
he’d be in there with charlie every fuckin day and leaning seductively on furniture while cas does his nerd thing, until the point where something properly capures dean’s interest and then HE WANTS A GO and bats away everyone else’s hands and hogs the contraption for 3 hours. also he’d fix things when they break
look i’m just gonna count dean calling cas “av club” as flirting, because hello yes there is no way dean doesn’t find that interesting
i fucking knew it
the moment this episode opened and i saw the guy’s bare feet in the kitchen somehow i knew he was queer ??????????
i can’t explain it
but the fact there was a shot of his feet and his feet looked gay i can’t even
anyway this probably doesn’t even count as legit queer rep given he’s seducing guys and killing them so
stupid gay feet
sidenote: did ANYONE else get queer vibes from that opening scene? CAN PEOPLE’S FEET LOOK GAY OR IS THAT JUST ME
maybe it’s like... the sensuality of bare feet + cooking, breaking pointless gender roles n stuff, my brain has been coded by society’s bullshit to perceive sensual men as non-heterosexual
but also. the foot-upward view of a new character... male gaze, right? and seeing the male gaze on a male character makes it queer
it’s a thing
it’s a thing and the directing got the point across and it took me until now to work it out
now i’m going back to cas’ line “six people”
my initial understanding of that line was that they weren’t all men
but the thing was the people didn’t need to be said that way if it was just men and women
my immediate instinct said the victims were non-binary, but i didn’t type it because i had no reason yet to believe that might be true and it seemed unnecessary to say it
but at this point, as the baddie hits on a guy at a truck stop in exchange for a ride, they’re clearly potentially queer victims
yeah that explains the inflection
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on the one hand, i’m seeing a connection to that time dean was seduced by a siren
but see my problem with this is that the guy’s either gonna end up dead or saved and i don’t know which yet
i just want happy queer stories
so i’m pretty divided about this
but on the other hand, please, god, let this gorgon guy “sense things” about dean
IS THIS THE FIRST GAY KISS ON THIS SHOW?????????? 90% SURE THIS THE FIRST GAY KISS. there might have been a background one once
i feel like there should’ve been an optic nerve attached to that eyeball.. and a lot of gross stuff
but also thank goodness there wasn’t
ohdfjfdg i really hate this
but also i’m smiling?
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cas: “is this amusing to you?”
the guy called him sir!!! eeheheh
cas: “you’re not standing alone, why doesn’t he mention me?”
dean: “maybe you’re not his type”
i mean. guess he can’t see angels. BUT ALSO
steve yockey, this is the episode i was waiting to see from you
team free will working a case together, dean and cas on a date talking about their feelings, on a case about queer stuff
hell fucking yes
rowena: “need anti-venom in case one of you boys gets sloppy”
wouldn’t that mean noah kisses either cas or jack
god i’m so glad rowena’s there too
this episode is great sdgsfkg
noah: “then he doesn’t have to die like all the other men”
okay so all the victims were men
which makes me even more curious about why cas used that inflection on “people”
cas also looked like of amused? definitely a misha expression rather than a cas expression, the little lilt of a smile on his lips like the way he says any word starting with “h”
maybe some of them were transgender men and cas didn’t know them before they died so could only guess as to their gender? maybe some of the bodies they found were not gender-conforming
it also kiiiiind of sounded like misha changing the script after a discussion on set about it
but if that were true then that means someone on set doesn’t believe gay or queer men are men? maybe? maybe i’m reaching there
but i’m genuinely caught up on that inflection and the use of that word, it really stood out to me
and it stands out especially, now, because like i said, we know the victims were men, we know team free will found them all, and we know they were queer.
but also it’s not dean saying it, it’s cas
and i can’t imagine any scenario where cas would have trouble with non-binary pronouns
if anyone has further thoughts on this, please direct me towards them
my browser broke?? and i lost a chunk of this post, but i had the above stuff backed up in email
i'mma go back a bit and try and remember what i typed
idk i think it was just about the fact noah confirmed all his victims were men which further confused me
and then said he also eats ladies
and then said some feminist stuff which made me sad that it came from the bad guy
but also that i could imagine cas saying something similar, deadpan, and then reaching for dean’s burger
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* schmooch *
okay YES
WHY IS HE FIXATED ON DEAN WHEN THERE’S 3 OTHER PEOPLE IN THE ROOM? and why only write the letter to dean?
i love how this episode refers back to some of the older episodes, in the best possible way
conclusion: dean is bi
noah took the bag with the snek inside but i guess the snek esckep
maybe true love’s kiss will wake dean up
hurts my heart how cas has apparently made peace with the fact he’ll outlive dean and sam
i guess it’s good but
can’t help but believe deep down he would rather die than live without them
and now i’m crying because cas says the point is that you got to know them at all
suddenly catharsis for future pain
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rowena as michael??? okay, that i can get behind
michael (about dean): “it didn’t work out. it was him. not me.”
flip of a classic dating line, making this QUEER AGAIN
//waits for the silence to be over
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oh boy
i was really hoping it would turn into a plotty one, the way changing channels does at the end
this was really well done and i enjoyed it a lot!!!!!!!!! i mean, besides the squicks, and the fact the queer rep and feminist lines came from a bad guy
dean was 100% noah’s type
jack is the bestest baby bean
i feel so bad about the thermometer thing..... like, i’m not sure if it was meant to come across as funny? but there was no indication it should be... which is good i guess? but also i feel secondhand violated
i like that this episode actually came full circle on that “dean vs michael” point, rather than having it be a one-off conversation and things aren’t resolved until a later episode
i think i’m gonna enjoy rowena as michael. and i like that she said yes because she does care about team free will
sad about maggie :c
but also all those other extra hunters were changed out pretty much episode so there was no real way to know who they were. they seemed pretty diverse though, across various episodes
i liked the asian lady vet!!!! she was fun. and i’m glad the asian gay guy didn’t die... where did he even disappear to though? who knows
overall 10/10? it had all the good shit i like so. yep.
but more of all
i love that the fact noah was fixated on dean put him in the “noah’s type = queer” category, and when noah kissed cas it did the same thing
so really, by evil proxy, noah made a point of showing us who’s queer
i mean we already knew
no conclusion on why cas said p e o p l e though
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bamon4bamily · 6 years ago
TVD fanfic 9X03 (part 2) Hope you enjoy!=)
Cut to – next day, Alaric’s office. Caroline and Alaric talking.
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ALARIC: What? How is that even possible, Caroline?!
CAROLINE: I know it sounds crazy, that’s why I wanted to tell you myself. Also, so you wouldn’t freak out if you saw him…
ALARIC: He is alive?
CAROLINE: Yes, Lexi too. Unfortunately, so is Katherine, she took one of the house rooms but don’t worry, we locked her in last night; so, she isn’t going anywhere.
ALARIC: I still can’t understand… how?
CAROLINE: Well, seems like when Bonnie linked to the source she linked to everything in existence… and some lost, or unfulfilled souls caught a ride back with her… I guess? I really can’t understand it either… but, they are in fact back and very much alive.
ALARIC: I have to talk to Bonnie… this can’t be good.
CAROLINE: Didn’t you hear me? Stefan is alive, how is that not a good thing?
ALARIC: I did hear you Caroline, and I’m happy for you, but you know that there are always horrible consequences with these types of things…
CAROLINE: Not always Ric, and we don’t even know what “these types of things” really are, so, I would appreciate some positivity and support.
ALARIC: I’m sorry, this is just a bit much for 8am. Have you told the girls?
CAROLINE: Not yet, I want us to tell them together. I asked them to meet us here after their first class.
ALARIC: So, where is Stefan now?
CAROLINE: He’s still asleep in my room.
ALARIC: And Lexi?
CAROLINE: She took off early this morning.
ALARIC: We’ve been through some pretty crazy things before, but this definitely tops it… Have you told Elena?
CAROLINE: Not yet, she went back to Whitmore last night, and I really don’t think this type of news should be given over the phone, so I’ll drive up to see her in a couple of days.
ALARIC. Make sure you get some drinks in her first…
CAROLINE: Oh, for sure!
ALARIC: Listen, Radka talked to the student’s parents, asked them if they would be fine with us having a memorial…
CAROLINE: Yes, of course!
ALARIC: They want nothing to do with us, don’t want us at the funerals, don’t want to hear or see us ever again…
CAROLINE: What? Why?
ALARIC: Can you blame them? I mean, if their kids hadn’t come to this school, they would probably be alive…
CAROLINE: We don’t know that; they were targets to that freakshow of a cult, they would have gotten to them here, or anywhere else.
ALARIC: Well, whatever the case, we have to respect their wishes.
CAROLINE: I know, but we are still having a memorial in their honor.
ALARIC: Radka said the same, she’s already prepping everything, the ceremony will be tomorrow evening.
CAROLINE: Good… (they hear Bonnie screaming, they run out).
 Cut to - Bonnie sleeping in her room; she is screaming; Damon runs in and finds her shaking and elevating, along with everything in the room.
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DAMON: Bon-Bon? Bon? Bon, wake up!
 Bonnie wakes up, everything drops back to normal.
 DAMON: Bon, are you O.K? 
BONNIE: I’m fine, what are you doing in my room? I was sleeping…
DAMON: You were screaming so I came to check on you. Found you and everything else in this room floating… You scared me half to death...
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BONNIE: Sorry, must have been having a nightmare… had way too many shots last night…
 Stefan comes running in, Alaric and Caroline briefly after.
 STEFAN: What’s going on? Bonnie, are you O.K?
CAROLINE: What happened? We heard you screaming…
BONNIE: Just a bad dream is all.
DAMON: Oh, it was more than that, Bon! The entire room looked like a scene from the exorcist!
BONNIE: I’m fine Damon, so drop it.
DAMON: Literally what happened with everything, including yourself, when you woke up, Bon…
ALARIC: Do you remember anything? Any images, flashes?
BONNIE: Nothing visual… all I remember is having a terrible feeling that something was very wrong…
CAROLINE: Oh my god Bonnie! (Hugs her) Listen, I think that what you need is to rest, and some good old-fashion pampering; you haven’t had any downtime after everything you just went through…
BONNIE: I really don’t feel like sleeping after this…
CAROLINE: You don’t have to sleep, just rest, OK? I’ll bring you some breakfast in bed, we can watch some T.V, just tune out for a bit…
BONNIE: That actually sounds kind of nice… but what about our little roomie problem? Not to mention our little “where is Waldo” situation. We really need to deal with that.
CAROLINE: Don’t worry about Katherine, we’ll make sure she stays put, and, we’ll deal Mr. MIA later. For now, let’s just take a breather.
DAMON: I agree with Blondie, Bon, let’s take some timeout before the Avengers reassemble…
BONNIE: Well, guess there is nothing wrong with taking some downtime…
CAROLINE: Great! These guys (referring to Alaric and Stefan) and I will go make breakfast. (They leave the room).
DAMON: (Puts on the TV) OK, Bon, so what’s it gonna be? GoT?
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BONNIE: (Gives him a smirk) You know me too well… (Damon gives her a wink).
Cut to Salvatore kitchen – Caroline and Stefan are making pancakes, Alaric is attempting to help.
 ALARIC: (To Stefan) So, welcome back…
STEFAN: Thank you, Ric, not sure you would be too thrilled by it…
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ALARIC: Hey, we are passed all that, I really am glad that you are back (bro hug). (To Caroline) So, I talked to Radka, her and Sergei will help run things while we figure this whole thing out.
CAROLINE: That’s great; Bonnie needs our full support. Can you even imagine what she is going through?
ALARIC: Not even a little bit. Having that much power…
CAROLINE: And dealing with what that asshole almost made her do. Never thought I would ever say this but, we should’ve listened to Damon.
STEFAN: Anyone care to fill me in? I was dead for quite a while…
ALARIC: Didn’t you guys do that last night?
CAROLINE: We decided not to go into that and let this (referring to Stefan being back) sink in first; it’s not every day a person comes back from the dead. Listen (kisses Stefan), what do you say if, later today, you and I go to our spot… I’ll put you up to date then.
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STEFAN: That sounds great.
CAROLINE: For now, let’s have breakfast and binge some GoT, which I’m sure is what Bonnie and Damon are watching… and we’ll take it from there.
STEFAN: Can I have an aspirin first? Forgot about this nasty human side-effect…
ALARIC: Here, take one of these (opens a counter, gives him a pill), works for me every time. (To Caroline) What about the girls? I thought we were talking to them after first period.
CAROLINE: I was thinking that we can talk to them after school instead? We can hide Stefan for a few hours.
ALARIC: Sounds like a plan. You guys mind if I leave after breakfast? I need to keep researching this source thing…
CAROLINE: Of course, the more we know about it, the more we can help Bonnie.
Cut to – Matt and Khuyana at their house. They are lying in bed.
 MATT: I’m so happy you are back, I missed you so much (kisses her). You have no idea how crazy these past days have been.
KHUYANA: I can only imagine… from what you told me, sounds straight out of a horror movie. I’m really glad you are O.K, but promise me you will be careful, this is dangerous ground you’re walking on…
MATT: I promise…
KHUYANA: Tell you what, let me go make us some breakfast, we’ll eat in bed.
MATT: That sounds amazing, I’ll come with you.
KHUYANA: No, it’s fine, sleep for a bit, you need it. I’ll be back in a few. (kisses him and leaves, Matt gets a call).
MATT: Hello Mayor, is everything O.K?
EDWARD POWELL: Sorry to disturb you on your day off Sheriff, just wanted to let you know that the “situation” has been handled, I’ll brief you in detail tomorrow morning.
MATT: Thanks for letting me know.
EDWARD POWELL: It’s my duty, Sheriff. I’ll leave you to rest now, you’ll need it for what is coming… Good day.
 Matt hears Khuyana scream and sounds of a struggle; comes running down with his gun. Finds her arm locking an intruder on the floor, he is faced down.
 MATT: (Pointing his gun at the intruder) Don’t move! (To Khuyana) What happened?
KHUYANA: I came downstairs, found him in the kitchen so I arm-locked him… (to the intruder) not on my watch!
MATT: (Points the gun to the intruder’s head) Listen, you piece of….
TYLER: Matt, Matt! Don’t shoot, it’s me…
MATT: Tyler? What the…
Cut to – some weird old mansion library.
 MAN’S VOICE: Well, that didn’t go as expected… I’m quite disappointed, I thought you had everything under control?  
DARIUS: Everything is under control, granted there were some unexpected twists, but I will handle it.
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MAN’S VOICE: I trust you will, we are running out of time, and I’m running out of patience.  
Cut to – Salvatore mansion, Katherine in her room.
 KATHERINE: (To herself) It’s a beautiful day to be alive! (Admires herself in the mirror, gives her self a smirk).
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Rebirth agrees with me, I look so young!… (lip signs as she is looking at herself in the mirror) H-O-T (winks at her reflection). God, I’m starving! Wonder what these losers have in their fridge… (Tries to open the door and realizes she is locked in). Those little…
Cut to – Bonnie’s room, the gang is having breakfast and watching GoT. Caroline gets a call from Matt.
 CAROLINE: (Before she picks up…) Guys, it’s Matt, should I tell him about (looking at Stefan) well, you know?...
BONNIE: I think it’s better if you ask him to come over, we’ll tell him in person…
CAROLINE: True. (Answers the call) Hey Matt! How are you?
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MATT: Care, I really need you to come by my house…
CAROLINE: Is everything O.K?
MATT: Everything is fine… I think, not sure…just, please come over.
CAROLINE: I was about to tell you the same thing… we really need to talk to you too…
MATT: Care, I can’t right now… I’m in the middle of a very strange situation, it’s either that or I’ve gone completely mad…
CAROLINE: What happened Matt?
MATT: Care, really, if I could tell you over the phone I would, but you can’t say these types of things over the phone, plus it would help if you see for yourself, and verify that Khuyana and I are not insane…
CAROLINE: (Putting the pieces of the puzzle together) Wait… does this have to do with… well, let’s just say, Night of the Living Dead thing? (Pause for a bit) How did you find out about Stefan?
MATT: Wait, what? Stefan? What about Stefan?
CAROLINE: You know… Lexi and Katherine too…
MATT: What?! No, wait… I’m talking about Tyler…
CAROLINE: Oh my god! Tyler too!!!
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MATT: So much for not talking about this over the phone… What the hell is going on?
CAROLINE: Tyler is alive!!!! (To the gang) Guys, Tyler is alive!!!
 They all look incredibly happy, except for Damon who seems a bit more worried than happy.
 MATT: Wait, so Stefan, Lexi, Katherine, and Tyler are alive? … Wonder if anyone else rose from their tomb… Listen, we definitely need to talk about this in person, all of us, we’ll head to the mansion.
CAROLINE: Perfect, see you soon. (Hangs up).
DAMON: So, wolf-boy caught a ride too… good for him, he was gone way too soon (everyone gives him a look).
BONNIE: You are lucky no one seems to remember exactly how they died… except for Katherine for some strange reason…
CAROLINE: Speaking of, we should check up on our little house guest…
 Cut to -Katherine’s room, she is desperately trying to open the door. The gang walks in, Caroline sustains her.
 DAMON: Should have gone for the window Kitty Kat, I’m sure you would’ve landed on all four…
KATHERINE: Let me out of here! I just needed a night’s rest. I’ll be on my way now.
CAROLINE: Not that I would want anything more, but there is no way in hell we are going to let you out until we figure this whole thing out.
KATHERINE: What is there to figure out, Barbie? I was dead, now I’m alive, there is justice in the world, the end! (To Stefan) By the way, didn’t get a chance to tell you last night, but you are looking fine! (Gives him a smirk)
STEFAN: Listen, Katherine, you need to tell us what you remember…
KATHERINE: I thought I made it clear last night, you and Damon… (shakes her index finger) bad, bad, bad… And don’t even get me started on you Bonnie, except you, get a free pass for the ride.
 Alaric comes in the room.
 KATHERINE: Oh great, professor Xfailure is here…
ALARIC: Bonnie, I found something… you need to come with me.
DAMON: I’m coming with, my allergies are starting to kick in (gives Katherine a look. Alaric, Bonnie, and Damon leave the room).
STEFAN: (To Katherine) You are going to need to stay put for a while, so, just kill some time… you can look at yourself in the mirror all day, I know you love to do that. We’ll be back.
KATHERINE: (As they are leaving and locking her up again) Stefan, don’t you dare! Stefan! (In resignation, stands in front of the mirror admiring herself).
Cut to – Salvatore mansion library
 ALARIC: (Hands Bonnie an old book) Look at this…
BONNIE: Ric, this can't be real…
DAMON: What’s going on, Bon? Let me see…(Reads) No… this is impossible…
ALARIC: I think we are way passed impossible by now…
 Cut to - Salvatore living room, Caroline and Stefan coming down the stairs. The doorbell rings.
 CAROLINE: That must be Matt and Tyler!
STEFAN: That was fast…
 Caroline opens the door.
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  KLAUS: Hello, love...
TVD Fanfic 9x03 (part 3) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy!=)
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Dusk To Dawn: MDZS Fanfic/WangXian P3
Only a month and two weeks had passed since Wei Wuxians death. Lan Wangji was a shell of his former self. Lan Xichen was increasingly worried for his brother, as was their uncle. They tried many things, but nothing they did or say changed anything, Lan Wangji wouldn't snap out of it. Even Sizhui and Jingyi had been sent to coax Lan Wangji out of Jingshi, but it was a useless effort. 
    They had all grieved Wei Wuxians passing, some still grieving, even Lan Xichen and his Uncle and the two Young Lan juniors. Despite everything, Who Wuxian had grown on Lan Xichen and his Uncle. Lan Xichen had gotten quite close to Wei Wuxian, he was like another younger brother, his brother-in-law. And now he was gone.
   Sizhui and Jingyi were still mourning and the two were even more heartbroken over Lan Wangji and worried because he wasn't the same anymore.
   But there was nothing the could do.
Wei Wuxian wasn't coming back.
   Lan Wangji sat in the dark of the Jingshi, staring into nothing and crying for Wei Ying.
Wei Ying!
Wei Ying!
Wei Ying!
  "Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji collapsed in on himself, pleading for his love to come back. 
   For days he had switched between playing inquiry and his and Wei Yings song, Wangxian. 
  But it wasn't enough. It was never enough.
  Lan Wangji sat alone in silence, crying for the man he loved so wholly and devotely, a man whose soul is no longer with him, no longer existing in the same world anymore.
 The tears never stop falling, and the shattered shards of his heart keep splintering into nothing but dust. He cried until he cried no more, not because he had run out of tears; no, it was because Lan Wangji, one of the former Twin Jades of GusuLan, HanGuang-Jun was no more. 
   His only and final thought was of his lover, Wei Ying - Wei Wuxian, and his eyes had closed, his heart had given out in one last pitiful beat, seizing its painful and broken struggling all together. 
   In that same night, though it was late past their curfew, Lan Xichen, who was worried, had come to check on his brother.
 "Wangji? Wangji, I'm coming in." Lan Xichen spoke softly. 
   Lan Xichen froze completely. "Wangji?" His lips trembled. He slowly stepped towards his younger brother. His younger brother, was dressed in his white inner robes, curled in on his bed, like a child. Tear streaks were visible on his face. 
   "Wangji?" He called again, more softly, more pleading. His little brother didn't respond at all. No sound, no movement from his younger brother. The fear in Lan Xichens heart increased. He noticed on the side that Wangji's Guqin, the strings red with blood, not a lot, but enough to be alarmed. 
   He rushed to his younger brothers side, to shake him. "Wangji?" The moment Lan Xichen touched him, he flinched and jerked his hand back. His little brothers body was cold to the touch. Too cold. 
   He approached again, sitting beside Wangjj, holding his brothers wrist that had become so frail in his hand to search for a pulse. Lan Xichen was shaking terribly and he tried to calm himself down so he could concentrate. 
     He held his brothers wrist for a few minutes searching frantically for a faint pulse of over his shaking. 
There wasn't one. 
    No pulse at all, and his little brothers chest was unmoving and still, without any sign of life. 
   He gazed at Lan WangJi's face, at his baby brother he adored so much, the little brother he looked after as best as he could-
  Had died. He was dead. 
He caressed his younger siblings face with gentle affection, wiping away the still-not dried tear tracks on his pair, cold face.
      A quiet sob escaped Lan Xichen as he held his little brother in his arms, wishing with every fiber of his being that his brother and his brother-in-law  will be happy together in the afterlife, even though part of Lan Xichen wishes he could have his baby brother back. 
     He wishes the infuriating but caring Wei Wuxian would be by Wangji's side, and his mischievous and bright brother-in-law who could light up any room with noise of laughter, of a taste of happiness.
  All of those things were no more. And in time, they would be nothing but faded memories. 
   Lan Wangji, HanGuang-Jun, had died from a broken heart. Unable to live with the pain of losing his love, not for the first - but the second time, his heart could not handle the pain; unable to cope with the grief. 
    In his memory and his beloved, after his death, his eldest brother, Sect Leader Lan Xichen, now the lone and sole Jade of the twin Jades of Gusu, drew a picture of his younger brother and his brother-in-law from one happy memory in Gusu. 
    The two were side by side in the black and white imagery, one playing the flute-the other playing the guqin and both had soft smiles on their faces, gazing at the other with love. Young children awed and sitting spaces around them with equally content expressions. Peaceful. Even Lan Qiren in the painting was soft, standing his eldest nephew  and sect leader Lan, with his ever constant gentle smile. 
    The drawing captures a special moment in time, to always be remembered and passed down, never to be forgotten.
   The story of HanGuang-Jun and his beloved, Wei Wuxian - will be an endless tale throughout time. 
  A tale of a love so strong, so devoted and everlasting, and the trials that love faced, and how in the end, it had come full circle. 
   That love became infinite. 
It would stay that way, always, and if one closed their eyes and listened closely, they will hear the endless song of the two lovers of Wangxian, from dusk to dawn. 
    A song just as infinite and endless as the love the two individuals had shared between themselves for one another, their eyes ever only for each other.
   Once upon a time. 
        ☆ Extra: Sizhui's Dream and his Grief: 
    Sizhui sat alone in his room, and in the dark. It was still daylight outside and not yet dark, Jingyi had left after crying with him earlier to give him some time alone. Sizhui was grateful. 
    A month or so had passed since Senior Wei's death - his Xian ge-ge. He still couldn't believe it. It seemed like a nightmare, and he wanted so badly for it to be one so he could wake up and see Senior Wei smile at him, and tease him, or give him a hug; comforting Sizhui in his embrace. 
    But no, his Xian ge-ge was dead and gone. 
   And so was HanGuang-Jun, the man who had raised him in Senior Wei's stead. 
   The whole Cloud Recesses were in mourning. Disciples were allowed a break from lessons for a few days, allowed time to grieve.
   Sizhui laid down, curling into a ball, and hugging his knees. He wished this agonizing pain would just go away. He cried, and cried, muffling his sobs as best as he could, still thinking about the fact that his Xian ge-ge would never hug him ever again.
    He ended up crying himself into an exhausted sleep.
   A-Yuan looked up at his Xian ge-ge when his name was called. Xian ge-ge was smiling and he rushed up, grabbing A-Yuan tossing him up in the air a little and caught by Xian ge-ge's arms.
   A-Yuan giggled and squealed. "Xian ge-ge!" He gripped the man around the neck, hugging tightly, shaking with the man as he laughed out loud.
   "How was my little radish today, hmm? Were you lonely without me? Waiting for me?" Xian ge-ge chuckled. A-Yuan hummed, nodding in reply. He was happy his Xian ge-ge was finally back from his trip down the mountain.
   The man in black holding him just laughed again, nuzzling A-Yuan's face with his own. A-Yuan nuzzled back with a giggle and sweet little smile. 
"Xian ge-ge! Don't go! Don't leave me!" Little A-Yuan screamed and cried reaching for the man in black robes walking away from him. No matter how he hard he ran, he still couldn't catch up. 
  "Xian ge-ge!" A-Yuan cried again. The man stopped at a distance, turning to look back at him with a sad, soft smile, A-Yuan ran desperately to reach him but even the the man wasn't moving, he couldn't get to him. 
   The distance just bridged out further, a wide chasm of space that could never be closed; the distance never reached. 
A-Yuan sobbed loudly, begging his Xian ge-ge to come back.
  The man had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, A-Yuan. Xian ge-ge can't come back. I have to go." He said. A tear fell from the man's eye as he turned his back and walked away.
"Xian ge-ge!"
The scene had changed.
  A-Yuan was older now. He was Lan Sizhui.
His Xian ge-ge had a different face, and he now called him Senior Wei, but his heart always called him by Xian ge-ge.
  And that same man, was leaving him behind again.
 "No!" He cried. "Please stop! Wait!" 
Sizhui ran to catch up. 
Why wasn't the distance between them growing shorter, instead of farther? Why was his Xian ge-ge still so far away?
"Please!" He sobbed. "Don't go!" 
The man just looked at him with a gentle smile, and suddenly-the distance was gone.
   Sizhui gasped as his cheeks were framed by the hands of the man before him. 
  "Oh, Sizhui. You can't follow me, where I'm going. It's alright." He shushed crying boy, holding him tenderly. 
   "Look at me, Sizhui." He spoke gently, but firmly. 
   Sizhui looked up at him, tears still falling. 
  "I know it might be hard from now on, difficult to move on, but even though I - we - Lan Zhan and I won't be there anymore physically, we will still always be with you, here." Wei Wuxian tapped his heart. "It's okay to cry now, and let it all out." He soothed.
  "But I don't want you to go!" Sizhui cried out, hugging the man tightly. The other just sighed sadly, patting his back. 
  "All things with life come and go, Sizhui, nothing ever lasts forever. When flowers bloom, they too fade eventually, drying out and dying before repeating the cycle and growing all over again. It's natural. We will always be with you inside your heart. No, Lan Zhan and I did not share blood with you, and yet are you not a part of both of us? Would you deny us that?" Wei Wuxian questioned.
"No! Never!" Sizhui replied vehemently. That made the older man chuckle and he arched a brow, "See? You are and will always be a part of us. Learn, Live, Love and grow well Sizhui. I can't stay any longer, Lan Zhan is waiting for me." His Xian ge-ge grinned with a cheeky smile and a wink. 
Sizhui giggled at that, tears slowing but still falling. Wei Wuxian held his face in his hands, wiping his tears away. "Good boy, Sizhui. I know you will be just fine. You still have people that will look out for you. Look after yourself please as well, and the two other little rascals. Jingyi and Jin Ling. Guide each other." His Xian ge-ge, touched their foreheads together, then missed one gentle kiss to Sizhui's temple. 
"Our parting won't be forever, little radish. Remember, Lan Zhan and I will always be with you. To every ending, there is always a new beginning. But who knows, maybe there are no endings, just new journeys." Wei Wuxian smiled at him, before pulling away.
  His Senior Wei, His Xian ge-ge waved as he walked farther away from Sizhui, and in that distance, he could see HanGuang-Jun, Lan Wangji. 
    The man in white robes was looking at him with a soft, golden gaze - giving Sizhui a nod and a gentle smile before both men turned their backs to him; Sizhui stood watching as their hands grasped one another, fingers intertwining, linked together forever. 
    He stayed until they both faded away, and then Sizhui woke up. 
   Sizhui gasped, wide awake. Sitting and staring at nothing, a moment before a fresh wave of tears fell from his eyes, cascading down his face.
   He saw Jingyi was back, and awake as well, it was late at night. 
   Jingyi crawled onto the bed next to him, touching shoulder to shoulder, offering his presence and comfort; he too was still grieving, still crying. Jingyi didn't ask anything. They just sat together in the dark, needing each other and being there for each other.
   Sizhui closed his eyes, leaning into Jingyi. Jingyi did the same, leaning into him.
  In their silence, they listened closely and could hear the song that played in the quiet, echoing like a gentle lullaby. They listened to it together, the song WangXian, allowing themselves to grieve.
  Outside, the night sky was clear, the moon was bright, and the stars danced cheerfully, the song WangXian, lingered in the world, and endless song, and endless tale of a love that once was. 
A story that had come to an end.
But do stories ever truly end, or has new journey - only just begun? 
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bgn846 · 6 years ago
The Little Advisor - FFXV Fanfic
Ignis get hit with a status effect that de-ages him to the tender age of seven.  However it takes him a little while to warm up the bros, and he may never believe Noct is the prince. 
Check it out on AO3 if you want otherwise it’s all below. 
The look of fear in the young boy’s eyes was enough to make Gladio stop his approach.  “It’s okay buddy, come on don’t you recognize me?” He tried with a nervous smile.  “It’s me Gladdy.”
The fair haired, green eyed youth took a step back and looked like he was about to start crying as Noct ran over.  “Holy sh --.”  He exclaimed before Gladio cut him off.
“Noct, language!” He chided as he knelt on the ground to be eye level with the boy who had managed to find a large rock to hide behind.
“Guys!  That fight was intense I don’t think I’ve ever seen that monster before.” Prompto exclaimed as he ran over to see what Noct and Gladio were looking at.  The scene that unfolded before him was not expected.   The prince and his bodyguard were trying to talk to a small child.  How did a kid even make it all the way out here?
There was something odd about the youth, his features were familiar and he was staring at Gladio like he’d seen a ghost.  He had to be no older than seven, dressed in little slacks, a white shirt, and vest.   Then a thought hit Prompto like a ton of bricks, was he looking at a young Ignis!?   He couldn’t help it as he squealed.  “Ignis!  Is that you?”
The boy still looked distressed but managed to take a deep enough breath to speak.  “How – how do you all know me?”  He asked in a timid voice.
“Iggy it’s me Gladdy, we grew up together.  I’m just older now.” The shield tried for a second time.
“Huh uh!  You’re too big and your hair is different!  Ignis shouted with a pained face.  The kid still looked like he might burst into tears any second.
“Did he suffer a status effect?” Noct asked quickly trying to catch up to what was going on.
“Like sunshine said, that monster was new so I guess it had a new magic trick to go with it.” Gladio sighed.    
“What do we do?” Prompto asked worriedly.  It didn’t seem like Ignis was going to be very trusting of them anytime soon.
Gladio turned back to put his full attention to Ignis.  “Do you remember when we decided to play hide and seek from my dad?  We ran out to hide in the garden and we both fell into the fish pond.”
This surprisingly got a reaction out of little Ignis.  He leaned out partially from his spot behind the rock and looked at Gladio very seriously.  “What did we do after we fell in?” He asked.
Smiling the shield recounted the rest of the tale.  “We were silly and ran back into the house screaming for help and got the floor all wet and made my dad fall on his butt.”
In a flash Ignis had bolted from his spot and ran straight for Gladio after he finished talking.  The tears that had been threatening to spill were now coming full force as he clung to Gladio’s neck.   “Wh—aaa happened?” He wailed.  “Wh – ere are we?”
“We are outside of Insomnia and you got struck by some magic that is confusing you.” Gladio offered as he hugged little Ignis and rubbed his back.
“Don’t leave me!” He cried out unsure of what to expect next.
“I’m not gonna leave you Iggy, its okay we will help you.”
After a minute of sobbing Ignis had managed to calm down enough to lean back and stare incredulously at Noct and Prompto. “Who are those two?” He whispered in Gladio’s ear as he wiped an errant tear away from his round cheek.  
Blondie over there is named Prompto, he is a very good friend of mine if you need anything you can ask him for help alright.” Pausing Gladio looked to Noct next.  “Do you remember taking care of the prince?”
Ignis nodded and narrowed his eyes at Noct.
“Well that’s Noctis.” He added pointing for dramatic effect.  
“Na uh.” Ignis pouted.  “He doesn’t look like him at all, don’t try and trick me.”  
“Hey buddy I’m not trying to trick ya, it’s true he’s the prince.”
Ignis outright frowned this time and shook his head more aggressively.  He then turned back and hugged Gladio again so he didn’t have to look at the rest of them.    The walk back to camp was interesting, Gladio had asked if Ignis wanted to be carried and he had agreed immediately.   Prompto trailed behind with Noct keeping stride next to him.
“I can’t believe he doesn’t recognize me.” Noct huffed under his breath.   “Gladio looks so different and I’m practically the same.  What gives!”  
“Maybe you should try smiling more.  I mean it worked for the big guy.”  Prompto offered.
Noct grumbled and kept pace with them even if he was stomping more than usual.  Though the blonde also felt a little left out.   Gladio seemed to be the only one of them that Ignis would interact with.  Once the haven was within sight Noct ran ahead to talk to Gladio.
“So what’s the plan? Do we have any idea how long he’ll stay little.” Noct asked.
“I think we should give a couple days and if nothing changes then we -- um – jeez I don’t know Noct.  The list of people available to ask questions to is kinda small these days.   I’m praying to the astrals this will work itself out like every other status effect we’ve had to deal with.”  
“Fair enough.” Noct agreed and then he scowled.  “What are we going to do for dinner?  Kids are picky eaters and our chef is underage.”
Gladio didn’t even grace the question with an answer he shook his head and climbed up on the haven  ignoring Noct.
Dinner as it turned out wasn’t an issue, little Iggy seemed to take to whatever they gave him.  He did stay glued to Gladio’s side during the whole meal though.  Noct to his credit did try and start a conversation with his de-aged advisor but it didn’t quite have the desired effect.
“Hey Specs did you like dinner?” Noct asked looking directly at Ignis.
The look of death the young boy shot at the prince was epic.  Prompto didn’t think kids of that age were capable of processing that depth of emotion.  
“I’m grateful for the food but there’s no reason to make fun of me.  You’re mean!” He huffed.
“Whaa – I’m not making fun of you that’s what I call you all the time!” Noct scrambled.
“Just because I wear glasses doesn’t mean you can pick on me for it!”
“Seriously I’m not picking on you!  We are really good friends trust me.” Noct tried again. It was becoming obvious that Noct had forgotten little Ignis only had his younger memories.  He was trying to talk to him like an adult.
“Hey Iggy, I’m sure Noct doesn’t mean anything bad by what he said.   He won’t call you that again I promise.” Prompto chimed in to help the situation.  “Right buddy?” He asked looking to the prince.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” He exclaimed.
“Noct, just stop talking buddy you are making it worse.” Prompto added with a soft voice.  Thinking quickly on what might distract Ignis from the way the conversation had gone he perked up when he remembered how they’d gotten to the haven.  “Hey Iggy, wanna help me bed down the chocobos?”
For the first time Ignis actually seemed excited about something.  He sat up straight in his chair that had been drug so close to Gladio’s the metal legs were intertwined.   “They have been grazing for the afternoon so it’s time for us to collect them and make sure they are safe.”
He nodded and his green eyes lit up in excitement.  “Can I go with Prom? Please?” He begged looking up at Gladio.
“Sure of course I told you he’s a good friend of mine; you’ll be safe with Prompto.”
No more words were exchanged and Ignis shot up out of his chair to follow the blonde.  “Oh! Do I need to help clean up?” He asked quickly looking around at his empty plate.
“You’re good kiddo, Noct and I will clean up, go check out the chocobos.” Gladio said with a smile.
At the mention of Noct’s name Ignis scowled again and gave him a dirty look.  Prompto caught Gladio trying to stifle a snicker; he was enjoying Ignis giving Noct shit.  The prince seemed so enraged and he was opening his mouth to comment but Prompto drug Ignis away with him before he had the chance.
It became clear that de-aged Ignis absolutely loved chocobos, almost to the same fervor as himself.  Prompto would have to figure out how to milk this new development.  Ignis was jumping up and down and chasing the birds around as the blonde rounded them up.  
Ignis’ chocobo seemed to understand that the little bundle of energy running around was her normal rider.  She followed him intently and kwehed at him a few times in an effort to play.   Prompto was only able to pry him away from the now corralled birds with a promise of riding them the next day.
Seeing Ignis as a kid was so odd, he did things that other children his age would do but it was still weird to see Ignis acting this way.   Prompto just assumed he’d been an adult forever.
The remainder of the evening was spent around the fire relaxing.   Ignis had first gone to sit on Gladio’s lap but when he’d taken out his book to read the younger boy became bored quickly.  He wiggled out from under the shields arm and tentatively approached Prompto. “Can I sit with you?”
“Sure buddy! Wanna play a game with me?” Prompto asked as the little boy clamored into his chair to sit with him.
“What game?”
“Kings knight and if we play well we can beat grumpy pants over there.” Prompto added with a grin as he looked over to Noct.
Ignis immediately got serious and balled his little hands into fists.  “Game on!” He shouted excitedly as he sat on Prompto’s lap.
The chatter of Ignis’ voice calling out moves and warning of danger filled the next hour. Prompto and he managed to wallop Noct in the game.  The blonde wasn’t sure if he wasn’t trying or was so flummoxed at Ignis’ attitude towards him that he kept messing up.  Either way it was fun.
Sleeping arrangements didn’t go as expected when they all piled into the tent once the fire had died down.  Ignis usually slept on the outside edge next to Noct but when he was shown to his sleeping bag he started fidgeting.  “Um – do I have to sleep there?” He asked quietly.
“It’s where you normally sleep.” Noct cut in with a frown.
Noct really needed to work on smiling because Ignis started crying a second later.  Thankfully Gladio came to the rescue.  Clearly helping to raise his little sister had instilled some good life lessons.
“Hey Iggy, which shirt do you want to sleep in?  The one with chocobos on it or the one with a moogle?”  He asked easily.
Prompto watched in awe as Ignis managed to stop crying and wiped his nose.  “Um – what color is the chocobo one?” He sniffled as he wandered over to Gladio.
Both shirts were his because why on Eos would Gladio own either of them and Noct only owned dark stuff.  The shield showed him both and Ignis selected the yellow chocobo one. Prompto was tasked with helping him change while Gladio did some rearranging of the sleeping bags.
“There!  How’s that Iggy?” Gladio questioned a moment later.
The kid smiled finally and hopped on his feet.  “That’s mine in the middle right?” He checked while pointing.
“Yep, right in between me and Prompto, so you’ll be safe.  Sound good?”
That seemed to end the issue for the night and Ignis happily settled into his newly assigned sleeping spot in Prompto’s oversized T-shirt.   Noct looked so put out that he’d been relegated to the edge of the tent that he immediately turned over and pretended to be asleep.
Prompto  nearly forgot they were on the run and trying to save the world.   He had a good reason, there was a giggling little kid trailing him around.  The first adventure of the day had been waking up the chocobos and feeding them.  Next they packed up camp and set off in the direction the next haven.
They’d done the two day trek on chocobo to reach a tomb.  It had been a bust but they’d still run into the nasty monster that had de-aged Ignis.  Thankful that no one had been seriously injured and the natural choice was to head back to the regalia and continue on.
When they’d started out on the birds the original intent had been for Ignis to ride his own.  However he didn’t feel comfortable by himself and ended up sitting with Prompto.  Once he felt safe all he wanted was for Prompto to make the bird go faster.  Typical kid.
It was during one of these moments when they were running ahead of the group that Ignis squealed excitedly.  “Look!!” He shouted.
“Huh!  What is it kiddo?” Prompto asked concerned.  
“A lake!   Can we go swimming? Pretty please!”  He begged.
Gladio rode up a second later. “What’s up?”
“Iggy wants to go swimming.” Prompto offered as he pointed to the body of water.
“I think we are almost to the next haven so this would be a good stopping point to take a quick break.  Hey princess you get to fish if you want.” Gladio called back to Noct who looked positively miserable sitting with a scowl on his face.
“Yippee.” He droned.
“Come on man cheer up, if you catch anything we will have a good dinner.  I do know how to cook a fish!” Gladio replied.  
Poor Noct had pretty much been given the cold shoulder by Ignis the whole day.  The glasses comment and sleeping bag misunderstanding had soured things.  No matter how many times Gladio and Prompto had tried to explain that Noct meant well.  Ignis still refused to believe it was really the prince.  His friend wouldn’t act like that, he’d insisted.   Noct was sweet and fun to hang out with.
Of course the prince over heard these exchanges and that would send him off into a little spiral of depression.  His beloved advisor didn’t like him anymore.
Seeing tiny Ignis run with all his might and jump straight into a slightly cold body of water was amusing.   He surfaced a second later screaming.  At first the blonde thought something bad had happened.   Then the sound of laughter combined with the super loud splash from Gladio cannonballing in after him calmed his nerves.
Noct had taken a position at the end of the dock to fish and ignore them all as they had fun.  Prompto had never seen Gladio laugh so much as they did that afternoon.  Little Ignis was a pretty good swimmer and once he figured out the shield could bodily toss him several feet in the air he was hooked.  He could only imagine the fun they must have had when they were kids together.  Gladio clearly cared a lot about the advisor.
After what seemed like an hour Gladio called Ignis over and suggested they get out.  Prompto had gotten out already since he’d started to get cold.  Ignis was practically turning purple but apparently kids don’t notice those things.  He whined loudly at the suggestion he wanted to play more.  One stern look from Gladio changed his mind real quick.
It was all for the best because Ignis got dried off, redressed, and wrapped in a large blanket.  Then not five minutes later he was fast asleep in Gladio’s arms.
“Any luck Noct?” Prompto asked.
“Not yet, but maybe now that you guys aren’t making such a racket I’ll catch one.” He huffed.
He was right, it only took another thirty minutes and they had food for dinner.  “It’s getting late we should find that haven and set up camp.” Gladio reasoned.
The haven was only a short ride away and it looked like they were going to make it there without issue until a pair of cockatrices showed up.  “One of us needs to look after Iggy!” Gladio shouted quickly.
“Give him to Prompto, he might run away from me at this point and he needs to stay safe!”  Noct instructed as he dismounted and prepared for battle.  
“Highness!” Gladio growled.  “I need you to stay safe as well, Iggy would run me through if something happened to you.”
“Then don’t let anything bad happen to me!” He shot back.  “Let’s go!”
Ignis woke up as he was being roughly transferred from Gladio to Prompto.  He was groggy but became alert the second the battle started. Trying to help, Prompto offered calming words as they took the birds and hid behind some nearby rocks.
The blonde desperately wanted to help but he wasn’t sure how Ignis would handle the sound of his guns.  Not to mention the birds might spook and run away.  He had to hope that Gladio and Noct could handle the situation.
In hind sight Prompto wished he been more observant of where Ignis was looking.  He watched the whole battle from start to end.  Once the final blow was dealt and a wounded Gladio limped over to check on them Ignis had started to cry.
“Iggy It’s okay I’ll take a potion and be alright.” He added with a stained voice.
“We need to get to the haven now.” Noct ordered.
Ignis cried the rest of the way.  Prompto had to hold him since Gladio’s leg was bleeding.  They had a potion but the shield wanted to take it once they safely reached the ancient stones just in case it was needed before then.
“Iggy, we are all alright, why are you still crying?” Prompto asked in hopes of getting an answer.
“Th-those things were sc- ary.” He sobbed.  “An-nd they hurt Gladdy!”
“Noct and Gladio beat them so they won’t bother us again and we have magic to heal Gladio.”
“What – what i-if more come?” He sputtered.  “We will need to hide again.”
“That is why the haven is so important little buddy. “  The stones in question came into view and in the fading light the glowing lights could easily be seen.  “Check out the magic in those stones Iggy; they protect us all when we stay there.   All three of us will protect you too.  You are safe.” Prompto assured.    
Ignis didn’t exactly relax once they arrived.  He didn’t let go of Prompto until Gladio was healed and cleaned up.  Then in a flash he had released the blonde and dashed over to the shield.  The big guy took him up in his arms and settled them both in a chair by the fire.  “You gonna help me cook?” He asked.
The little boy nodded but stayed curled up in Gladio’s lap.   Prompto followed the instructions he was given on preparing the fish and then Gladio took over roasting it over the open fire.  He could complete this task one handed since his other arm was full of a timid Ignis.
Bless the shield because he had the patience of a saint.  Once the fish was done he had Prompto help him again with plating and then they ate in silence, mostly.  Gladio was quietly talking with Ignis helping to distract his wandering mind.
However, when dinner was done and Gladio brought out his book Ignis didn’t leave his embrace.  Prompto ended up playing a few rounds of kings knight with Noct and then decided to call it a night.  Swimming and being out in the sun had drained his energy plus the stress of trying to calm Ignis down earlier hadn’t helped.
They rest of them ended up turning in soon after.  Ignis had pulled Prompto and Gladio’s sleeping bag as close to him as he could.  The blonde could only hope the status effect would wear off soon.  He didn’t want to completely scar little Ignis’ mind with all the fights they endured.  They all drifted off to sleep soon after.
An odd noise woke Noct up.  It was dark in the tent but he could barely make out a figure sitting up in the middle, it was Ignis.  “Hey buddy, what’s up?  Do you need anything?” He whispered.
“Can you hear that?” Ignis breathed.
“Hear what?” Then it hit Noct what the little guy was talking about. It was the noises that had unnerved him when they first started camping out in the wilderness.
The sound of daemons lurking nearby.
Granted they were one hundred percent safe on the haven but it still didn’t make the noises any less creepy.
“Yeah I hear it.  The things making the noise won’t come up on the rocks.  I promise.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure.   I won’t let anything bad happen to you.  You’re one my best friends.”
“Can I lay next to you?”
The question caught him off guard since Ignis had been so untrusting of him so far.  “Of course, I’ve got room in my sleeping bag you can just hop in.” It took no more than ten seconds for the skinny youth to relocate.  It was at that point Noct realized Ignis was shaking.   Reaching out to rub his back seemed to help.
They stayed like that for a long while, listening to the monsters outside and hugging.
“You still don’t look like I remember you.” Ignis finally uttered in a faint voice.
“But you think it’s me now?” He asked hopeful.
Ignis nodded his head and snuggled closer.  “Sorry, I didn’t believe you.”
“It’s all good.” Noct finally felt better, Ignis liked him!  They fell asleep a few minutes later.
Ignis wasn’t exactly uncomfortable but he wasn’t comfy either.   Things had happened and he had a fuzzy memory of them.  Opening his eyes revealed a passed out prince centimeters from his nose.  Wiggling slightly he understood why he felt stuck.  They were both apparently jammed into the same sleeping bag.
Now magic was an odd thing so when things like status effects took place clothing and personal items went along for the ride.  This meant that Ignis was currently fully dressed, shoes included just like he was during battle.  The one new item of clothing was a comical yellow chocobo shirt stretched out over top of his shirt.
“Anyone else awake?”  he asked hoping for a reprieve.  The astrals blessed him with an answer all be it a groggy one.
“Iggy? Is that you? Like the big version of you?” Gladio asked.
“Oh dear, did I shrink? I’m afraid I don’t remember much.”
“You were seven again.”
“Oh. That would explain my current predicament.”
This caused Gladio to sit up he smiled once he figured out what had happened.  “I can help you out, hold on.”
Noct slept through Gladio helping Ignis shimmy out of his sleeping bag.  Just kept on snoring like nothing was going on.
“Do you need to go back to sleep?” Gladio asked.
“Might not hurt.” Ignis pondered as he took of his shoes and Prompto’s t-shirt.  Figuring it didn’t matter much he kicked off his pants and threw his dress shirt in the corner.
Gladio looked at him wide eyes. “Who are you and what are you doing?”
“Embracing my inner child, now where is my sleeping bag?”
“Between me and sunshine.”
“Was I clingy?” He asked as he crawled over to sleep.
“You were interesting.  I’m sure when Noct wakes up he will tell you everything and more.  I have a feeling he will hug you for the rest of the day.”
“Oh dear, I guess I wasn’t very nice to him then.”
Gladio snickered.  “You were you.  I’m glad to have you back though. You’re cute as a kid but I miss having back up when we fight, and decent dinners, and someone to talk to and –.”
Ignis cut him off. “I’m glad you missed me.  Now shall we go back to sleep?”  The older man smiled at him as he rolled over on his back.  He was going to have to make sure to fix Noct’s favorite breakfast to ensure his prince didn’t think he was unloved.  Hopefully Prompto took some pictures of his status effect; he was curious what he looked like with the others as a kid.      
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takadasaiko · 6 years ago
Codename: Grey snippet - Contradictions
Summary: They're on the clock and Riley isn't answering his phone.
Notes: I have a tendency to write little snippets of prose for either scenes I'd like to add into my pilot project Codename: Grey someday or that will likely never make it, but I'm just fond of the idea. Typically they're pieces of backstory or have some element of spoiler-y material, so I don't post them. This doesn't, so here we are. This feels odd to post something that's not technically a fanfic to this site. Is this weird?
 For those that don't know anything about Codename: Grey, I think this is written so you don't need a lot of information. Jake is an FBI agent with a specialized task force and Cas is a covert operative with a private intelligence firm called Pallas Corp. The two teams were thrown together and tasked with investigating and unraveling a global criminal organization known as the Syndicate. This story takes place sometime very early in S1.
I’d love to hear your thoughts if you have a chance to read it :)
When he hadn’t answered his phone the night before, she had written it off to the fact that it had been two in the morning. The problem was that he hadn’t answered at seven either. Or eight. He wasn’t at the office and neither Quinton or Arlinghaus had been able to reach him either. That meant that Riley was either dead in some back alley somewhere or had overslept his alarm. Right up until Arlinghaus had been able to track his cell to his apartment in Brooklyn, Cas would have put money on the first theory.
The sun was already climbing in the sky by the time she made it all the way down to his apartment complex and to his door. Either one of his people could have come, but Cas was in the mood to make him regret wasting her time that morning.
She pounded hard on the heavy door. There was a long moment of silence from the apartment before she finally heard shuffling from inside. She knocked again - a little harder this time - for good measure. If anyone on the floor had still been sleeping, they weren’t anymore.
Jake Riley jerked the door open and Cas’ original smart remark died on her tongue. He was pale, his gaze a little unfocused, and there were dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t slept much at all. She’d seen him just the day before, and while he’d seemed a little off his game, it looked like he’d taken a drastic turn downward sometime in the last few hours. “You look like crap.”
He stared at her for a moment like it was taking longer than it should have for the words to process their way through his typically sharp mind. Then he blinked hard, his gaze only a little more focused when his eyes re-opened, and glared. For half a beat she thought he would snark back, and couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment when he turned around without a word and shuffled back into the apartment.
Cas followed, shutting the door behind her, and her gaze drifted over the space as he texted somebody. Kleenex littered the floor, the trash can only half full before he apparently stopped worrying  about the accuracy of his aim. Cough medicine, a bottle of zinc tablets, and a pair of glasses that had her trying to recall if he had a prescription in his file were all cluttering the tiny table next to his bed.
She looked over at the sound his phone made as he sent it skidding across the counter. “Oh look. You do know how to use it.”
Riley glared at her again and opened his mouth only to close it, clear his throat in what sounded like a painful manner, and try again. “What do you want, Cas?”
“For you to check your phone every now and then would be a start.”
“I only just dozed off when you woke up the whole neighborhood.” He paused a second, reaching up to run a hand through his dark hair and standing it on end. “I’m sick.”
“I can see that, but unless you tell someone, there’s no way for us to know unless we come pounding on your door.”
That finally pulled that annoyingly smug smirk from him that she knew all too well. “What? Super spy can’t piece the clues together?”
“You know I’m good, Riley, but even I need intel. I was under the distinct impression you would be pissed if I bugged your apartment-“
“Pretty sure I told you that the next time you break into my apartment that I’m gonna arrest you.”
“- so I had no way to know why you weren’t answer my calls.”
He snorted, which turned into a coughing fit as he made his way over to his desk chair and half fell into it. Between hacking, he motioned at her. If he was trying to offer any sort of explanation was impossible to tell, so she took the initiative to grab the bottle of water he had on the floor next to his bed and handed it to him. He took it and managed a couple of gulps, finally drowning the cough at least momentarily. He swallowed hard and winced. “What were you calling about?” he managed, his voice thin.
Strangely enough, Cas had to stop herself from telling him that it could wait. It couldn’t, no matter how miserable he looked. “Our techs were able to break the security on Klein’s phone. I got it to your people this morning when you wouldn’t answer and Quinton recognized the name Gabe Francis. He said you were the only one that could find him.”
Riley slouched down in the chair, eyes squeezed shut and massaging at the bridge of his nose. “Yeah.”
She waited, expecting more, and when it didn’t come she nudged his leg with her boot. “Sometime before the arms dealer gets his guns over the border?”
The federal agent grimaced as he straightened and stood. Cas’ next question died on her lips as he pitched forward, and she had to jump to keep him from face planting into his floor. She helped him stay on his feet - mostly - and started directing him towards the bed. “I can find the guy, but it’ll be a lot quicker if you tell me where to look.”
“Oh no,” he managed through a cough. “You’re not going anywhere near my CI.” He sank gratefully to the bed, falling back against the flattened pillows. “Grab my phone?”
She crossed the the small studio apartment for the discarded phone. It showed one missed text from Quinton, but not the content. Riley had his arm across his eyes like he was trying to block out the light. “Migraine?”
“Working that way,” he muttered, and reached out for the phone.
Cas watched as he opened it and typed in a message. His movements were sluggish. Clumsy. He winced and shifted his weight on the bed, not looking like it helped a lot, and finally made his way through it before locking the screen again. “It’ll -“ he stopped, clearing his throat - “be a couple of hours at least. I’ll get ahold of you when I hear from him.”
He relaxed as best he could where he was, eyes closed and Cas wasn’t sure what to do. He was burning up. If the flush across his cheeks hadn’t been a clear enough sign, the heat burning through his t-shirt when she’d helped him to the bed had sealed it. He wasn’t steady on his feet and from the looks of things was running low on tissues and water. There were no signs that he’d eaten anything recently.
“Go away, Cas,” he grumbled, not bothering to open his eyes.
She lingered just a moment longer and watched as he turned fitfully in the bed, burying himself a little deeper in the blankets, everything about him screaming that he wanted to be left to suffer alone. Finally she turned, making her way out of his apartment without a sound.  
Jake woke in stages. The first thing he registered was the distant sound of buzzing. Like an alert coming through. The next was that his eyes didn’t want to open. It took a couple of tries before the world came blurrily back into existence and he found himself lying on his back in his own bed, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t have his contacts in. That was part of the problem. The other was that it felt like someone had slammed his head against a wall.
“You’ve got a text.”
The unexpected voice pulled him through whatever layers of sleep might have remained and Jake would have fallen off the edge of the bed if he hadn’t been tangled up in the sheets so tightly. They hindered the panicked movement long enough for sense to break through the fog  and he squinted at the owner of the voice. “Cas?”
“Hiya.” Cassandra Smith didn’t bother to hide her amusement at his reaction as she waved his phone in front of his face. “You’ve got it set so the text doesn’t show.”
“Yeah… security. Didn’t I tell you to leave?”
“I came back when I realized I didn’t trust you to wake up when Francis texted you. Good thing I did.”
He grunted and reached for his glasses by the table. He hated them. The prescription was five years old at least, which didn’t matter when he wore his contacts day in and day out, but the full force of the cold that had hit him had knocked him for more of a loop than any other had in some time. On top of everything else, having small pieces of plastic stuck to his eyeballs hadn’t exactly been appealing. He set the glasses on his nose and his phone read his thumbprint.
“What’d he say?”
“He’s going to drop the intel off and you’re going to pick it up.”
“I’m not comfortable letting this guy dictate terms.”
“I know him. It’s fine.”
“Sure it is.”
Jake coughed his way through trying to pull in a breath and it took a moment before it passed. At least he wasn’t throwing up anymore.
“You’re shaking.”
“What part of sick didn’t you get?” he groused back at her and watched as she started off towards  his kitchen. Great. His apartment might be small, but he was still going to have trouble forcing his voice loud enough to be heard in the kitchen right now. “It’s a boxing gym on Wyckoff. Lockers in the back. Grab the key from the top drawer in the desk.”
“At the Base or here?”
“Here,” he managed, sinking back again. Who knew talking could wear a person out? Now that he didn’t need them anymore he half tossed his glasses back to the nightstand and curled up into the pillow, listening for Cas to go for the key.
If she did, or when she did, he wasn’t sure. The next thing he knew she was standing over his bed with an oversized mug filled with something that was steaming. She set it on the last empty corner of the table. “If it goes cold, that’s on you. I’ll bring your key back later.”
She didn’t wait for him to answer, but he heard her close the door behind her. It took a moment for him to force himself up on an elbow and to squint over at the soup-filled mug. He hadn’t had any soup in is apartment. Or gatorade, for that matter, but there was a bottle sitting next to his water that was back in its place next to the bed. Against the wall and within reach there was a new box of tissues, some cold medicine, and two more water bottles. Cas had left when he’d told her too, but it looked like she’d returned with what anyone else might have called a care package.
If he ignored the fact that it meant that she’d likely gone snooping through his apartment while he slept, it was almost… thoughtful. She’d played it off like she hadn’t trusted him to wake up and get the job done, and maybe that was part of it, but it wasn’t all of it.  It was the last thing he would have expected from her. He didn’t usually have this much trouble reading people.
But maybe that was the draw, the reason why he hadn’t pitched a bigger fit when the orders came down that they’d be working with the team from Pallas Corp. Every time he thought he had her figured out he found a new layer, a new piece of the puzzle.
She wasn’t a puzzle he was going to solve right then. Right then, as he found himself slipping back down to the bed rather than trying his luck with the soup he wouldn’t be able to keep down anyway, all he could do is file the unexpected kindness away to hadd to his growing pile of contradictions that made up Cassandra Smith.
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