#like they both just stood there and let them think they'd gotten away with everything they'd done
flysafepapi · 2 months
Oscar Tully said "I accept you as my vassal, Willem Blackwood, but I am Lord Paramount of all Riverhouses and there is only one answer for the crimes you have visited upon your neighbours."
But all I heard was "You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges, Lord Baelish?"
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totalswag · 3 months
Love your writing! So good!! Could you do one where the reader and Rafe have not been dating for long, only for about two weeks or so, and she is very insecure and doesn´t understand why he ever approached her to ask her out in the first place. She isn´t the most outgoing and thinks she is quite plain looking, comparing herself to all the much prettier girls (in her opinion) at parties that she evidently thinks he will leave her for and so she she starts to distance herself to make it hurt less
unworthy doubts — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note first off, thank you so much. you don’t know how much that means to me. to all of you reading this right now; please know how important you're in this world. youre beautiful on the inside and outside in your own unique way 🤍.
summary questioning and comparing yourself to other girls while wondering why your boyfriend, rafe cameron, chose you.
warnings insecure, comparing, mentions of parties, crying, doubt.
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Rafe Cameron and you started dating for almost a month; it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a relationship. Although it’s in the early stages of your relationship, you haven’t felt this way.
However, your insecurities felt like they'd been with you forever.
Rafe's confidence and charisma seemed to effortlessly command whatever room he entered. You felt invisible; blending into the background. Comparing yourself to other girls at parties; pretty smile, makeup, etc.
What could rafe see in you?
The worries had recently gotten stronger, a constant voice in the back of your head. When you saw Rafe taking to someone or laughing too hard at someone’s joke, the voice whispers became louder.
You stood against the railing of Tannyhill watching at the sunset in your own thoughts. The breeze felt nice and it felt like good time to enjoy the moment.
"Hey," Rafe's voice interrupted your thoughts, making you jump slightly. He joined you at the railing with a troubled expression on his face. "You have been quiet recently. Is everything alright?
Rafe noticed your change in attitude in the previous three days. He had asked if everything was fine, but you refused to talk about it. Tonight, he wants answers. He's concerned about you.
You forced a smile, but it did not reach your eyes. "Yeah, I am fine." Just... exhausted, I suppose."
Rafe did not appear convinced. He stretched out and carefully tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "You know you can speak with me, right? If something is bothering you, please let me know.”
Your heart sunk as you heard those words. Deep down, you want to open up to him and express your feelings. You don't want to come across as undesirable and make him think differently of you.
You felt words spilling out, but you remained silent.
"Y/N, I feel like you're pulling away from me." "Is it something I said or did?" He creaked "Please let me know, baby."
"It's not you, Rafe," you eventually confessed, the words rushing out before you could stop them. "It's me." I just don't understand why you chose me. I am not like the other gals. I'm not as attractive, outgoing, or—"
Rafe cut you off, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Is that what you think? That I don't realize how magnificent you are?"
Rafe's thoughts were all over the place. Seeing tears gather in the corner of your eyes caused him to cry.
You shrugged your shoulders, feeling tears form in your eyes, and down your cheeks. Not bothering drying them off.
"It's difficult for me to not to think about that when I'm constantly comparing myself to these girls" you ramble on when Rafe cuts you off.
Rafe approached, holding your face in his hands. "Look at me," he murmured quietly, waiting for you to meet his eyes. "I asked you out because I like who you are. You are nice and intelligent, and you make me laugh like no one else can. You are attractive to me both inside and out. And if you can't see it yet, I'll spend as much time as necessary to show you."
His words struck you like a tsunami, removing any doubts and anxieties that had been building up. You took a nervous breath as tears finally poured over.
You bury your face against his chest, letting out your sobs and putting your arms around his body; Rafe gently strokes your back, rocking you both side to side and whispers nice words into your ear to calm you down. 
"I can't afford to lose you," you whine against his chest.
"Baby, you will not lose me; I will be with you every step of the way," Rafe says before kissing the top of your head several times.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @rosezza @solanathascientst @diqldrunks
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aphrogeneias · 4 months
it's been seven hours and fifteen days —
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (soulmate!au)
summary: it's new years eve, and as the year comes to an end, so do a lot of other things.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: fluff and a lot of angst. brief sexual assault (by an unnamed patron). a little bit of violence. mention of a gun (as a joke, very quickly). a cliffhanger. stobin (platonic with a capital p) appreciation.
author's note: it's been a long time, but the show must go on. i hope you enjoy it! <3 also, please don't hate after you're done with this, 'kay? pinky promise.
series masterlist
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Steve and Robin surprised you with a visit right before New Year’s Eve of 1991.
Surprised isn't the word, in fact. They had both been dropping hints about coming over to see you whenever you'd talk on the phone for a few weeks then, especially since Eddie came back to your life. You were trying to not worry them, to not bring up the subject too often, but they knew you better than you knew yourself.
In the same way Eddie once knew you too.
On the morning of the 30th, you were woken up by several insisting knocks on your apartment door. Those were unexpected in themselves, since no one used to visit you. Especially at that time of day, after a long Sunday night shift. Your roommate was out of town for the holidays, and even then, it wasn’t like there were people coming in and out of your home on Monday mornings.
Mornings were for sleeping in and recovering from the buzzing in your ears left by way too loud live music — Linda would always say you'd all end up deaf, but you couldn't think of a better way of eventually losing your hearing — and standing on your feet since the afternoon. However, that particular Monday morning was different than any other.
Stumbling out of bed, you inwardly cursed whoever was bothering you this early, when you'd just gotten to bed. From the other side of the door, you could hear two people arguing. “Stop knocking! You've already woken up the whole building!”, one of them said, in a frazzled whisper-shout. The other responded, in an almost bored tone, “And she might still be asleep.”
You'd never yanked the lock open that fast in your life.
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, with bags under their eyes and bags on the floor by their feet, stood on your doorstep. Their matching smiles staring right back at you.
“What are you doing here?” You gasped, launching yourself forward, involving both of them with your arms around their shoulders in an awkward group hug.
“We were long overdue for a road trip to see you.” Steve sounded tired as he squeezed you back.
“The old Beemer almost didn't make it.” Robin commented as you pulled away.
“I’d kill both of you for surprising me like this on my day off but I'm too happy to care right now.” You were already pulling their bags inside and closing the door, leading them in.
“Can we take a nap first? I'd rather be killed while I'm well rested.”
The cold, early morning sun shining through the window curtains made that sight even more surreal. Robin already lying on your couch, and Steve sitting himself on the floor in front of it, resting his head on the seat. You smiled through the sleepy fog that still lingered behind your eyes.
“That can be arranged.”
They slept through the morning and a little into the afternoon, which gave you time to sleep too.
After you were all awake and they'd settled their luggage in your room, showered and changed, it was time for an improvised breakfast for lunch with whatever you had in your fringe. Frozen waffles, scrambled eggs and plenty of coffee.
You sat around the small, square table in your kitchen while you listened to them talk about everything, everyone, you'd left behind. About running into your mom at Bradley’s Big Buy, about the kids going to college, — and how Robin hopes Dustin never follows any of Steve's advice, much to his chagrin — about Robin’s life in the city and Steve’s struggle to let go of the past.
Some things would never change, even when they did most drastically.
You didn't speak about yourself, content in just hearing them talk, basking in their warm presence. Until Robin asked, “What about Eddie, huh?”
“Yeah, what about Eddie?” Steve repeated, trying to act casually while he filled his mug with more coffee. It was never his strong suit.
You sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. “What about Eddie?”
“Can't we ask how he's doing? How are the two of you doing?” Robin mirrored your position, grinning at you.
“There's no two of us, nothing’s changed in that regard, before you ask.” You sighed, “And Eddie… Eddie is doing great. The band is doing great, they're getting good traction with the public, the bar has been more and more crowded each weekend. It's just a matter of time until they get a better offer as a resident band, or from a label. I'm happy for him, for them.” You quickly corrected yourself.
“What about you? Are you happy?”
You couldn't help but smile at Steve's question. “It's bittersweet, I think. I grew used to having him around again, some days it's like I haven't even left, but I know it's got an expiration date hanging over us all over again. It's good to have him while I can, you know? I try not to think too much about it.”
“No use in telling him, then?” Robin finally breached the subject, you knew that was where they were trying to get all along.
You shake your head. “No, there never was, really. It's what I told you guys five years ago and it hasn't changed. Eddie doesn't want a soulmate, even if it's…”
“Not even if it's you? I really doubt that.” Steve interjected.
“Especially if it's me. Especially now, after everything I did. It's not fair to him.”
They exchanged a look then, one of those looks Robin and Steve shared that no one but then could really tell what it meant. It was enviable, really, to be that understood by someone. You once knew what that was like.
Before either of them could say anything, something shifted at the table. Subtle, like a soft gust of air, but you knew the feeling. You knew it well, and when you looked down between the empty plate of waffles and your barely touched cup of coffee, sat something that wasn't there a moment ago.
A woven leather bracelet, with a simple silver clasp. It was slightly worn, clearly well loved. There was no question where it came from.
You picked it up, letting it hang from your pointer finger.
“Is that… his?” Steve broke the silence.
A tired sigh left your lips from deep within your chest. “Who else could it be from?”
One more for the box.
As seemed like a pattern that day, you got woken up again, this time by the phone ringing.
Robin was sleeping in your roommate’s bedroom — because what she doesn't won't hurt her — and Steve was dead asleep, snoring on your couch. He didn't budge as you picked up the bright blue receiver from where it hung from the wall.
“Did I wake you up?”
Eddie's tone did not indicate he was even a bit remorseful — you could practically see the dimples forming around his lips stretched in a charming smirk, his body leaning against the telephone booth.
“You didn't call me to ask that.”
Little did he know you had a matching smile on your own lips.
“You’re right. Jus’ wanna hear your adorable, middle of the night voice.”
“Asshole.” You scoffed, and if your face felt a little hot, you tried to ignore it. “What's up?”
“You wanna go help me put up some posters over on the Strip? Linda said we need all the marketing we can get for New Year’s, and I could use some help.”
“And your dear bandmates can't help because…?”
“Didn't ask them. I'm asking you.”
“Why? Missed my pretty face that much? You saw me yesterday, man.”
“Jesus…” He sighed, overdramatic and loud, as you'd expect. “Just get your cute butt over here, I'm waiting at the next corner.”
You giggled, again, not being able to help yourself. “I knew it.”
Most days, you liked to tell yourself you shouldn't get too attached. Eddie would soon be leaving again, on a tour bus to brave the country — with how much people they'd been attracting to The Deuce, it was only a matter of time until one of them was a producer scouting for their label’s next big hit.
You told yourself that, if he didn't leave, then you would. You'd done it once, there was no harm in doing it again.
You realized you liked lying to yourself more than you were previously aware of.
Lying to yourself was what you did when you were crammed into the passenger seat of Jeff’s old car, less conspicuous than the beat-up behemoth Eddie calls a van, scouring the city for the best spot to tack some concert posters. The late night radio tune the background of your laughter, inside jokes returning like second nature, the red string tightening around your pinky finger.
It was what you did when he held your hand to make you walk the streets faster, trying to cover more ground through the night, the same way that he used to when you played together. When he asked you to sit on his shoulders to attach posters to places higher than either of you could reach, and his hands rested warm on your thighs. When you ended the night at the same diner you did every morning, sleepy eyes meeting over hot coffee mugs.
Closer each day, still pretending to be far.
Holidays were never a busy time at The Deuce, which meant that the crowd at that New Year's Eve party was something you'd never seen before.
Being one of the smaller, lesser known clubs at the Strip, your parties were always a bit more inconspicuous. Smaller bands, smaller crowds, a lot less trouble. For some reason — and you suspected it was due to the news of a certain frontman’s charisma spreading through the city like wildfire — everything you expected was turned upside down this year.
Tickets were sold out that afternoon, and the bouncer had manager to squeeze in a few more people waiting in line. All pretty girls, of course. You had drinks to sell, after all.
The beginning of the night went as smoothly as you could manage. You got in earlier than usual, as did the rest of the staff, and by the time people started rolling in, you barely had time to greet Robin and Steve, who promptly found a place to sit further from the stage.
It was funny, seeing all of your old friends under the same roof again, even if it was just for one night. The boys came from backstage to say hello for a moment, and it was almost like being back at The Hideout again, with those same old drunks, and much less history between all of you. If you closed your eyes, it was almost like being there again.
If you looked closely, though, the strained smiles and awkward small talk amidst your closest friends and Eddie told you everything would never be the same again, not even if you tried.
A new year, a new life. Wishes to make, though yours was always the same.
You tried to shake that feeling, though, and concentrate on work. On the buzzing, electric feeling in the air, on the loud chatter and the music the DJ was playing in the background, on the eminent excitement for midnight to come.
Your wish happened to come out of backstage again that evening right before the band came on, wrapping one arm around your shoulder while you carried an empty tray towards the bar.
Your heart raced as he leaned closer, voice lowered for your ears only. “Do you see that guy over there?”
He pointed at a man sitting by himself, close to the stage — as close as he could get without getting into the crowd that was already forming in front of it. He looked like a mixture of Kim Fowley and a Ken doll, nothing too out of the ordinary for the men you saw regularly here, but he was definitely not a regular.
“Who is that?” You whispered back at him as you placed the tray back on the counter. Eddie remained there, with his arm around you, his body learning against your side. You could tell how excited he was by the wild grin on his face.
“He's here for us. Linda called on some favors with an old friend who knows people, and… voi-fucking-lá. We have an in.”
“Good luck, then.” You smiled, turning to fully look at him. “You're gonna need it.”
You were not expecting it when he left a lingering kiss on your forehead before walking away.
If there was a strange feeling growing on the back of your throat, you tried your best to ignore it. It stayed there as you watched Corroded Coffin perform what you thought was their best night there, their music rising and rising the crowd until they broke like a wave, manic guitars and heavy drums working them for their own pleasure.
It stayed until the clock struck midnight, and Eddie threw a kiss at you from the stage, and you pretended to catch it in the air and place it in your heart. Somehow, that felt more intimate than the dozens of couples kissing all around you.
All hell broke loose after the band left the stage.
The DJ returned, where he would stay until the bar closed, and as everyone scattered around the bar, it was the usual pandemonium you were already used to, but with much more people. The bar was busy, which meant you were busy, but not too busy to sneak a shot or two with Steve and Robin, or watch the former flirt with Heather behind the bar.
Eddie and the boys were all around, talking to everybody. It felt nice to see them in their element, especially Eddie with his big gestures and loud personality — he was right at home, there. It felt even nicer when you managed to cross each other, his hands always finding a way to touch you, to let you know he was there.
As good nights, though, that one also had to come to an end.
It started to crumble when you had a full tray of beers, and a man bumped into you. You tripped, but didn't fall, thanks to all the practice you'd had. The man grabbed your waist, then, harshly. “Whoa, there! Falling for me already?”
“You wish. Let go.” You responded, curly, already trying to escape. It wasn't the first time you dealt with one of these types, and it wouldn't be the last. Keeping your cool was the best you could do in a situation like this.
“Not yet. Let me show you a good time, baby.”
“I said let me fucking go.” You gritted through your teeth. Some people around started to notice, and it wasn't long until they started staring. His hands started to lower on your hips, whining some you couldn't understand through slurred speech, until you felt someone push the man's shoulder.
“She said let go, man. You heard it the first time.”
“Not right now, pretty boy.” He pointed at Eddie, and you saw an opportunity to pull yourself away, and didn't resist stepping on his foot, hard.
“Asshole. Get the fuck out of here.”
The man’s face grew red with pain, and anger, no doubt. “Bitch!”
You heard Eddie let out a bitter laugh before his face was flying at the man’s face, who upon impact, lost balance and barrelled into you again, but with full force this time, sending the beers on your tray flying, glass shattering on the floor, and beer spilling onto you.
It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. Eddie fought the guy, who was already on the floor, as the boys came running to drag Eddie away. Robin, with Steve on her tow, pulled a startled you by the hand and away from there. Her and Heather lead you towards Linda’s office at the back, but all you wanted was to look back.
In your haste, you'd left the door unlocked.
The bathroom inside the small office room was cramped, but better than the ones outside. Robin had offered to come in with you, but you wanted to cool off alone. She waited outside as you attempted to clean yourself, your black top hanging from the sink as you wiped the drink off your chest with paper towels.
Your heart still beating fast in your eardrums, though the adrenaline was starting to wear off, made you tremble a bit, a cold shiver going through your body. You didn't know if it was relief that nothing worse happened, or if it was the phantom memory of Eddie’s hands gripping your body close to his.
You sighed, looking at your disheveled self in the blurry, dirty mirror.
The door handle rattled behind you, and you answered without looking. “I'll be right out, Rob.”
“Buckley is outside with Harrington and the bartender chick.” There's a slightly injured hand, free of the usual rings adorning it, holding the door a few inches open, and a face obscured by overgrown bangs. “Can I come in?”
Through your daze, you made yourself a reminder to trim Eddie’s hair when you could.
Sensing his hesitation, you smiled as best as you could through your reflection, feeling too vulnerable to look back. “Yeah. Of course.”
Quietly, — too quietly for Eddie — he came in and the door clicked closed behind him, but he didn't move, staying still with his back against it. You realized he was probably trying to make himself smaller, as to not scare you even further. Your heart grew warm while your body still shivered.
“Is everyone alright?”
When you turned, you noticed you were mirroring each other's positions. Trying to stay as far as possible in that tight space, arms pressed to yourselves, as the red string between you pulled and pulled and pulled, strained to the point of breaking.
It didn't, it wouldn't.
“Yeah, they kicked the guy out. Uh… I kicked the guy out, actually, and the guys helped, but yeah.” He chuckled nervously. You couldn't see them, but if you had to guess, the tips of his ears would be bright red. “Linda threatened him to never come back with that pistol she keeps under her desk, you should have seen it.”
You giggled despite yourself, “Man, how could I have missed that.”
“Are you alright?” Big brown eyes stared at you from across the small room and, as they always did, disarmed you completely.
“I'm alright.” You turned again, reaching to give your wet top a thorough squeeze before putting it on again. “Didn't get hurt, just got wet…”
You forced a laugh, but Eddie didn't return the sentiment. When you looked back again, he wasn't looking at you anymore.
He was crouching, picking something off the floor. The ceiling light wasn't on, just the yellow one over the mirror, and you struggled to see what it was until he straightened himself up, shuffling on his boots. The first thing you noticed on his right hand was a silver chain, and at the end of it, a red guitar pick. It must have fallen while you took your top off in a hurry.
You knew it like the back of your own hand. It was slightly chipped at the bottom, the scaly red slowly losing its former glossy finish, the faded Fender logo at the center of it.
You knew he knew it too.
“Where did you get this?”
A hand stretched between you, like a long corridor in a dream. Just within your line of sight, but unreachable. The necklace hung from it, limp, its silver chain glinting in the yellow light of the flickering lamp.
When you didn't answer, Eddie’s voice hardened. “I'm not gonna ask again.”
Your eyes were focused on the red guitar pick, not on his face. You swallowed hard, “I think you already know.”
“No, I don't.” He emphasizes it with your name, and it hurts you to hear it. The atmosphere changed completely, then. “I lost this years ago after a show in Indy, but you were already gone. Where did you get it?”
Eddie's voice trembled with something you only describe as betrayal. There was grief too, somewhere in there. Your shattered heart ached, but you couldn't find it in yourself to say something. Anything.
“What have you been hiding from me?” He had never sounded this quiet. It scared you.
“Nothing you don't already know.” You mumble, staring at the floor. “Like I said, I think you already know.”
Frustrated, he stomps his feet, but you don't flinch. “Goddamnit! Just tell me. Tell me. I want to hear it from you.”
“So, you do know?”
Narrowed eyes met in the middle. The red string tensed, and bent — does it break? Could it, ever? Sometimes you wished you could snap it. For his sake, not yours. But all it did was stretch impossibly tighter, like the fist that closed itself around your heart.
“I don't…” Eddie's eyes glistened in the dark, whiskey dark, swimming in murky waters. “I feel like I don't know you like I thought I did.”
You broke first, approaching the door with trembling legs, like a deer in headlights. The two of you stared at each other closely for what felt like more than just a mere moment, unsaid things hanging heavy in the air.
“Did you ever?”
It doesn't break, but bends, and bends, and bends.
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
i’ve been LIVING for your we all got needs series !!! if possible, i’d like to request a little blurb of when zoro and sanji have sex with other people and the readers reaction (for ex nami or robin ) TYSM!!!
Hi, thank you so much! 🥰 I've got plans in the works, so these blurbs won't fit in the story timeline, but I hope you enjoy them!
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Everything's Fine ~ Part 1
Pairing: Sanji x Fem!Reader & Zoro x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 787
Summary: You've been seeing both Zoro and Sanji for awhile now, and now they'd each like to see one of your friends. How well do you handle sharing your boys?
Rating/Warnings: Fem!Reader, Reader Insert, Polyamory, Relationship Discussions, Cigarettes, Pet Names, Established Relationship, Jealousy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
A/N: These blurbs are from the We've All Got Needs series (sometime after part 9), however won't fit in that story because I've got other plans. I hope you enjoy these, and the drama coming up in future installments!
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Sanji Asks Permission
Sanji pulled you aside after dinner.
“It’s not your night, waiter.”
“It’ll just be a moment, Marimo.”
Sanji’s eyes met yours, but quickly looked away. He was blinking too quickly, and your brows furrowed.
“It’s okay, Zoro. I'll meet you in a minute.”
Your swordsman gave a disgruntled huff, but left you in the galley with your cook. 
Following him to the table, you saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
“Sanji, what’s wrong?”
You’d gripped his hand, suddenly concerned. He squeezed your hand in both of his on the table, and they were clammy.
“Everything’s okay, darling. I just…”
His voice was strained, his face turning bright red when he met your eyes.
“Please, Sanji, you’re starting to scare me.”
He pulled his hands away, almost fumbling to light a cigarette. 
“Nami and I- We discussed making an arrangement of our own.”
His wide eyes stared into yours, and you caught yourself before laughing.
“Fuck, Sanji, you had me worried!”
“Oh, I- uh…”
The reality of it sank in then, and you thought of your friend, and of Sanji who had become your cook. You knew how much Sanji had been enamored with the orange haired navigator, and you were hit with the stinging fear that you would lose this beautiful man to your beautiful friend. 
You let yourself breathe deep, the scent of his cigarettes keeping you in the moment. 
“I want you to be happy, Sanji.”
His face burned red again, and you fought not to giggle.
“Let’s just keep talking. If you guys start seeing each other regularly or seriously, then we can all figure out boundaries okay?”
“O-Of course, darling!”
Before he floated into the air, you patted his hand. 
“To be honest, Sanji, I am nervous.”
He looked almost shattered then, and you hurried to reassure him.
“I’m just nervous because I love being with you, and I don’t want to lose you.”
“Angel, I could never leave you. You mean the world to me.”
Tears had pricked the corners of your eyes at your confession, and he snuffed out his cigarette and rushed to cradle your face in his hands. 
“Darling, Y/N. Please, if you’re not comfortable wi-”
“No Sanji, it’s okay. I think I’ve just gotten so used to being spoiled.”
You gave him a watery smile, already feeling more at ease. Feeling connected with his hands on your skin, and his sweet words soothing you. 
“Beautiful, you know I will never tire of spoiling you.”
And you believed him.
Zoro Asks Permission
Zoro had followed you out on deck after lunch, and stood awkwardly while you leaned on the railing, enjoying the fresh air. 
“Are you on guard duty or something?”
He coughed, shifting his weight, looking sheepish. 
“What’s going on?”
You raised your eyebrows, wondering if you should start to worry. 
Zoro took a deep breath, and then quickly forced words out of his mouth as if trying to get rid of them. 
“I want to ask Robin if she wants to sleep with me. As long as you’re okay with it, Needy.”
You were too impressed that Zoro managed to tell you his feelings to realize what it meant. 
Then you nodded slowly, letting the idea wash through your head.
My Zoro. And my Robin.  
He was staring at you like he was expecting you to fall over or something. 
“I…I am okay with it. I think I just need a little bit to get used to the idea. Is that okay?”
He smirked before pulling you into his arms, rubbing a hand along your spine. 
“Of course it is. Needy.”
You squirmed against him, trying to push away to stick your tongue out at him, but he crushed you against him until you were gasping with laughter.
He sat you down with your back against the rough wood of the railing, and trailed his fingers along your face, shoulders, and arms. 
“You know you’ll always be my Needy girl.”
And you believed him. 
The Morning After
The morning after their first time together, you felt like a piece of shit. You’d been literally spoiled with both Sanji and Zoro hanging all over you at every meal, and you caught yourself feeling jealous that your friend would be taking some of that away from you. You pinched your thigh, trying to get out of that spiral. 
Stop it! I love them all! We are all family on this ship. I’m not losing them. I’m seeing them have more joy and love in their hearts. And that makes me happy.
And you believed yourself. 
You were all human, and it was still going to talk a lot of talking, and a lot of work. 
But it was worth it.
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Thank You For Reading! 💜
Part 2: Everything's Fine.
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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not-5-rats · 22 hours
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change!-"
Eughhh I'm bored so I'm gonna ramble -
(Mentions of blood, injury, violence, death also shitty writting)
The escape was ongoing. There'd been a couple of hiccups but they had finally gotten back on track! Everyone was happy to be getting out of there...but they were frightened, I mean they were at constant risk of being caught and atp it would probably be decided that they were all too much hassle....they'd probably just kill them right there at that very moment.
So everyone was quiet as they shuffled through the many dark passages which filled the arena. Marco was leading the front, since he knew the way, as Rolden marked the end of their group, the tension was thick but one person seemed more effected by it than anyone else...Bug. They hated being here, it was disturbing, in every cage they passed there was a half-blood either curled on the floor, blood staining their entire being...tears staining their face, or they were snarling, growling at the bars as the group passed...savages...maybe it was for the best thag they were locked away.
Wait...what the fuck were they thinking! This isn't good! This is bad!! These poor creatures, they're being mistreated, they're being abused!! But...look at them...they're vicious...how could creatures like that ever be let back into society!! No, no they couldn't genuinly be having these thoight! After everything the boys had done for them! Half-bloods are not monsters...no...they're not!...right?
As Bug got lost in their own head they didn't notice as the group neared their way out of the arena, they remained unaware until an odd voice snapped them out of their trance
"Well...what have we got here then?"
Shit. A small group of Hunters stood infront of them, there weren't many of them but there was probably too many for them to fight off. They were frozen, both groups silently staring at one another until the 'leader' of the Hunters began to speak, taking large steps towards them
"Listen you're lucky we found you and not anyone else. We'll let you off, nobody gets hurt, if you turn around and let us put you back in your cells...or assign you a cell given the new faces"
Bodie spoke for the group, he refused, they had gotten so far they wouldn't dare turn around that easily. The Hunters laughed, the leader went to speak, but they suddenly stopped as they spotted somebody in the group that seemed out of place
"*Bug*, well what a lovely surprise. What on earth are you doing wandering round with a bunch of escaped monsters hm?"
Bug stepped forward, their gaze seemed fixed on the floor as they passed the others, soon they stood just infront of the rest of them, face to work with their old colleagues. Bodie attempted to place a hand on their shoulder but Bug quickly shifted out of his grasp
"Ah, Edwin I was just...I, we.."
They fell silent for a second, their eyes slowly rising from the floor to the eyes of the Hunter at the front. As their eyes met an odd feeling overcame Bug and they spoke once more, louder, more confident this time
"I found them, trying to escape with the help of their...odd friend, I knew I couldn't take them in alone so brought em round here...knew somebody would be here"
They stepped forward once more, the eyes of their frien- their captures behind them burning into the back of their skull. They never meant to do this...but after the kind of creatures they'd seen in here...it's safer for them to be locked up in here rather than be out there where they could hurt innocent people.
The Hunter smiled at them, the group of half-bloods began to ask questions, to demand answers, to yell at Bug for what they were doing...but Bug didn't answer them, they didn't even acknowledge their cries. The group went to turn but more Hunters had appeared around them...they were trapped.
Suddenly it escalated, the Hunters quickly realised the group wouldn't go willingly just as the group realised their friend was a traitor. The Hunters made the first strike, Edwin strolled past Bug and went to apprehend Bodie, but he didn't let them take him...so Edwin attacked and ordered the others to do the same.
It quickly resulted in everyone being involved in the commotion, blood splattered the walls, the sound of claws digging into flesh and daggers piercing the skin. Bones snapping, metal clashing against scaled...the sound echoed in the hall. Soon there were...bodies on the floor, none dead yet, but a couple Hunters were knocked out and Timmy seemed to have had his ankles severely damaged in the scuffle. Bug rushed over to the trapped gator, unable to lfit himself from the floor. They stood over him...they never meant for it to get this far...they didn't think anyone would be hurt this badly...they just thought they'd be taken away, locked up. Yet they saw the damage to his legs...if they left him here, the Hunters would force him to fight on this stumps...he didn't deserve that. They lifted a foot...to put the poor soul out of his misery
But before they could do so they found themself om the floor having been thrown to the side by a larger figure. As they tried to figure out what had happened they felt a harsh hand grab their face, their head was tugged off the floor, their eyes were met by a familiar face.
Bodie...he was so angry, they'd never seen him like this, they knew his face yet...he seemed so different. The resentful look he gave them, the hatred in his eyes...it was painful so look at. Yet Bug could see the other feelings he had hidden beneath the rage...the hurt, the confusion, the betrayal...those hurt them more than the anger ever could. They were snapped back into the moment as they were violently shaken
"What is wrong with you! You had no idea where we were going, you had no idea who would be here, what was all that nonsense!"
Bug didn't answer they just stared at him
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change! Was this your big plan? Or was this just a game to see how far you could get before running back to your little friends"
He shook them again...still they said nothing
"Answer me *Bug*!"
Marco suddenly appeared behind him, tapping his shoulder. The Hunters were all out or had retreated, but they'd soon be back. They had to go now, or else they'd never get out. Bodie didn't take his eyes of Bug even as Marco spoke...and Bug didn't move their gaze either.
Bodie hesitated...but he knew he had to get the other out of here...they were more important than this...thing. He let go of their face, their head fell and hit roughly against the floor. As blood began to stram from the back of their head Bodie stood, Timmy was over Roldens shoulder but apart from his ankles none of them seemed to have any major injuries. The group left the arena that day, they never looked back...and as they left Bug lay on the ground...they remained unable to believe what they had done.
They betrayed everyone, they left their colleagues to live with the boys...then betrayed the boys to return. Yet now they lay without anybody. Nobody to comfort them, nobody to hold their hand as they slowly bled out. They had fought to keep the boys locked away, to keep them from hurting anyone else...yet here Bug was...and the half-bloods walked free. They hadn't hurt them...not on purpose...they never killed them. They lay on the floor, they wouldn't survive and it was their fault...they had let these thoughts overcome them...even though they knew these people, they knew Bodie...they knew his family...they still doubted them. They saw them as killers when really...the killers were still in the building
With their last breaths Bug remembered their time with the half-bloods. They remembered how much they cared...and they thought about how quickly they turned on their family...just because it was what they were taught to do.
How fucking pathetic are they...
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Free Falling - Azriel
A/N - just a little something for our Az. Could potentially do a part two where she finds out what happens in the Court of Nightmares?? Let me know. No trigger warnings that I can think of!
Azriel had blown things well out of proportion. You'd been training with Cassian and he'd forgotten his own strength and your lack of it as a mere human, Feyre's best friend from her old life and had landed a good hit right on your nose, pain radiating through your face.
He cringed as he heard the crunch of your nose and tried to steady you before you fell from the impact but the Spymaster had appeared out of the shadows as Cassian had moved to grab you and had his brother by the collar of his leathers.
You sighed as the two of them began to fight, Cassian taking everything Az threw at him and your begging them to stop fell upon deaf ears but had attracted the attention of Feyre and Rhys who were now stood with you, Feyre fussing over your broken nose. Ignoring her you turned to Rhys and said "Can't you stop them? Before they hurt each other?" He looked over you at his mate, a look on both of their faces that you couldn't read and you felt frustration rise in you as you realised something was going on that everyone on the balcony was in on apart from you.
"Let's get your nose fixed" Feyre said gently taking your arm, you pulled away from her "Not until they stop" she sighed at you. You had started to worry about the Illyrians in front of you not knowing who would win this. Cassian had started to fight back, he had the size and the brute strength but Azriel was quicker and had shadows on his side.
You'd spent a lot of time with the Shadowsinger since being invited to the Night Court by the new High Lady and you had considered it an honour, being the first human allowed to visit the beautiful city that Rhysand had sacrificed so much for and had secretly been hoping they'd allow you to live out your remaining years here, with them.
You enjoyed his company, it helped that he was beautiful and in your opinion, his inside matched his outside, he never told you much of what his role as Spymaster entailed, happy to let you think he simply snuck into places and made connections who provided him with information, he never wanted you to know about the room in the Court of Nightmares where he extracted said information from said connections or the blood that sullied his ruined hands.
Worry began to seep into your bones for him as Cassian looked to be over powering him landing hit after hit, and you wondered now where he'd come from, had he been watching the whole time or known that you had gotten hurt? When you really started to think about it, he'd always been fiercely over protective of you, the one he'd almost died for to stop you going into the Cauldron and thrown you into Rhysand's arms, Nesta would never let it go that it wasn't Elaine who was spared but she was getting better and had even formed a friendship with him.
Protective you thought, like Rhys is with Feyre and then a realisation had hit you, Cassian had known Nesta was his when she was human, when she wasn't capable of feeling it, is that what was going on? Is that why everyone shared knowing glances when you'd done humanly clumsy things like falling and grazing your knee and he'd be on his in front of you in seconds, wrapping your hand and cutting your dinner for you when you'd broken a wine glass and cut your hand cleaning it up?
Before your mind could run wild with the possibility you formed a plan to get the two males to stop if Rhys wasn't going to do anything about it "Az" you breathed out "catch me" he stopped immediately and turned, bracing to catch you, expecting you to be running at him and you just caught the look of panic on his face when you sailed past him and leapt of the edge of the balcony.
Your stomach dropped and adrenaline had started to pump through your veins as you free fell through the air, it was the most amazing thing you had felt, your hair whipped around your face as you sailed downwards and wondered what it would be like to fly, just as Azriel and his brothers did. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it might burst out of your chest as shadows appeared in your peripheral vision and wrapped around your wrists at the same time you felt them curl around your ankles, cold, calm and soothing and you were gently being pulled upwards until your back met with the hard chest of their master who wrapped his arms around you so tightly you could only just about breathe. His body tense. He said nothing as he headed back towards the House of Wind.
He landed gently on the now empty balcony and placed you on your feet. "Never. Do that again" he spoke, words lethal, shadows flaring around his shoulders, you could see why he'd been dubbed the Angel of Death. "It got you to stop." You stated as he rubbed his hands down his face "You scared me half to death" his voice still terrifying. "I'm sorry but you wouldn't listen" you tried to meet his gaze but felt tiny when you met it so looked down to your feet, he took one of your hands in his "Cass hurt you" he wiped some of the blood from your face as you rolled your eyes "He didn't mean to, Az" you met his gaze again, this time it was softer "I don't like you getting hurt" you gave him a small smile "I'm human, I'm bound to get hurt, you'll have to accept that" his shadows flared again at your words.
Silence filled the space between the two of you for several moments "Az?" He nodded at you to continue "Take me flying?" He gave you a half smile, the only kind of smile you'd seen on his beautiful face "Enjoyed your trip off the balcony did you?" You just nodded "I felt so free" he smiled this time a full smile and your heart stopped "Let's get your nose fixed first, little human, then we can fly all night if that's what you want"
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Hi! I'm currently reading all your works cause i've fallen in love with the way you write. I was wondering if maybe you were interested in writing some kind of deep interaction between Rio and Miles G (42)? I really like the way you portray him, and I feel like Rio would be against him taking the responsibility of being the man in the house. Like (i think) she'd be thankful, right? But I think she'd be telling him that she's able to take care of them both, that he's too young. But, idk, I'd just love to see how you think they'd interact.
Tysm, that means a lot :')) and yes I haven't gotten the opportunity to write extended familial interactions yet!! (apologies for the lack of Spanish, I am not a native speaker and this is very dialogue-heavy. I wasn't about to risk it lol)
Miles carefully peeled open the envelope of cash that Uncle Aaron had given him at the small dinner table.
"Here, let me," Rio reached over to try and take it, but the boy held it to his chest.
"Lemme just count it real quick."
The woman chuckled as the boy rapidly sifted through the crisp bills with the expertise of a salesman.
"Whose money is it that you need to count it?"
"Just makin' sure," Miles said with a grin before sliding the envelope over to her.
Rio took it and rose from her seat to store it in her room upstairs.
She set it on her nightstand, next to a framed family photo and a blown-out scented candle. A younger Jeff had his arms wrapped around her and an eight-year-old Miles, who still smiled with all (or most) of his teeth. Rio had hardly known what to do with his hair, so he sat on the high stool with a little afro. The little boy's hair had stayed like that until he came home crying from school one day, fussing over 'his hairline'. By fifth grade he had gotten a fade. By tenth grade, he came home with freshly-braided cornrows and two shiny studs in his ear.
The sound of sizzling and popping in the kitchen broke her out of her reverie.
"Miles, what's going on in there?" the woman called out as she hastened down the steps, fully prepared to put out a fire if need be.
But there stood her son, now tall and wiry, looking up at her with a pan full of simmering vegetables and meat in one hand, and the other hand on his hip.
"I'm just making dinner, mami."
The boy pressed his lips together. Rio had that far-away look on her face that she got when he was about to be bombarded with baby stories. Again.
"Do you...need something?"
"No," she replied as she leaned against the entrance. Watching.
Waiting for him to overcook something or forget an ingredient, providing an opening for her to take over. He had homework to do and yet, here he was, worrying about dinner and counting money.
...Unfortunately, he was currently preparing everything just like she had taught him.
"So? How's school? You still talk to that Lee kid?"
"Yeah, sometimes."
"You hang out still? I haven't seen you with your skateboard in a while."
"You know, now that I think about it, don't you think that thing's getting kinda old? We could see about getting you a new one."
The boy shrugged, his gaze fixed on the pan in front of him.
"Don't shrug at me. You know how I feel about that," the woman padded over to the kitchen cabinet, carefully removing two dishes before setting them on the counter. "and stand up straight, you're slouching."
Miles ignored her and took a plate, scooping rice into it. He added in some of the contents of the pan before offering it.
Rio looked at the plate. Then at Miles. Then the plate again.
Her son's brows furrowed in concern. "Is it bad? Did I screw it up?"
She gave the boy a sad smile before taking the dish, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"It's fine, it's just...you know you don't have to do this, right?"
"No offense, mami, but you had McDonald's for dinner last night," a grin played on Miles' face, "and the night before that."
Rio gave him a playful smack on the shoulder.
"Miles, I'm serious. Your uncle and I are working so that you don't have to worry about anything. Understand?"
The boy looked unconvinced, but he nodded anyway. "I got it."
Before turning to leave the kitchen, the woman stopped.
"One more thing,"
"Remind me to take you to that skate shop on Saturday, seriously!"
Miles laughed, "Copy."
I free-wrote this instead of outlining, so I hope this is deep enough of an interaction! Thanks so much for reading <3
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hazzybat · 4 months
Jan/Jure for 24?
24.. in danger
Loved doing an uncommon pairing! This was silly and fun and I really enjoyed it.
This counts as in danger right?
"Why the fuck are we here again?" Jan asked, clutching onto Jure's arm tight enough he knew he would leave a bruise.
"Because we're stupid," Jure responded his voice trembling. The room they stepped into was no better than the last, the walls covered in grime and gore, the furniture slashed and destroyed. They took another step before they heard a loud bang and a door to their right slammed open. A huge, hulking figure stood in the doorway, brandishing a very loud and very large chainsaw. The figure revved the engine and that spurred Jan into action.
He grabbed Jure's hand and sprinted through the next door, not even bothering to look where he was going, only thinking about getting away from whatever the fuck that thing was.
He heard Jure's footsteps behind him along with the chainsaw engine sounding much too close for his liking. He ran faster, not once letting Jure's hand drop as he burst through another door.
They were in a dark room, a small wondow only letting in enough light for Jan to see it was  maybe a kitchen of some kind. He didn't bother to take in the scenery, instead he raced to a large cupboard and threw open the doors to find just enough room for both him and Jure to hide in.
He dragged his friend inside before shutting the door behind them.
Their terrified breathing filled the tiny space, their hearts racing as they held each other close. Tears streamed down Jan's face as they waited in the dark, listening out for any sounds that they were followed. It felt like an eternity passed. They slowly caught their breath but were still trembling, to scared to dare break the silence that settled around them.
"What the fuck," Jure finally whispered out, his arms tight around Jan's body, trembling.
Jan jumped out of his skin as they heard the door to the room open and heavy footsteps began walking around the room. Jan's heart lept to his throat.
He found the back of Jure's head and pulled him close, their breath mingling together in short sharp pants. The footsteps stopped right outside the cupboard and Jan thought his heart might explode from how fast it was racing. He was going to die, they were going to be killed in a closet and he had so much he still wanted to do, so many regrets. He turned to Jure, the blonde man's eyes large and shiny in terror.
"In case we die, know that I always wanted to kiss you," Jan said before pulling Jure close and kissing him hard. Jure responded a second later, kissing him back and running a trembling hand through Jan's hair. It was messy and hard and Jan wished he'd kissed him sooner.
They heard the door open but both were too terrified to look and fact their doom.
"Why are you making out in a cupboard in the staff room?" Nace asked them.
Jan turned to look at a very confused bassist standing in front of them. The lights in the room has been turned on and Jan could see now that the room they'd run into was not somewhere they were meant to be.
The room had no themeing, no blood and gore and ruined furniture. It was a perfectly normal staff room with a few worn couches and a small kitchenette.
Jan sheepishly stepped out of the cupboard, still holding Jure's hand.
"We got a bit lost," Jure offered as explanation. They both felt a bit silly now. They'd agreed to go with the others to the haunted attraction, everything starting off fine until they'd gotten separated from Kris, Nace and Bojan. Evidently in their haste to escape the madman with a chainsaw they'd entered a staff only area.
"That doesn't explain why you were making out," Nace chuckle as he lead them back out towards the exit, having been allowed back in to find his friends.
"I didn't want to die a virgin" Jan joked, grinning at Jure who leaned in to give him another quick peck. Maybe Jan could kiss him again even when they didn't think they were about to die.
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panandinpain0 · 2 years
can I request some fluff for Edward with a gn reader? I just really had a bad day and it's so draining having to deal with constant mood swings of other people 🧍 so just some comfort if that's alright?
"Long Day?"
I've had a pretty bad day too, Anon, it'll be okay <3
Fluff/Comfort Edward Cullen x GN!Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Tumblr media
Twisting their head back and forth, pops coming from their tense neck, (Y/N) opened the door to their apartment. It was a shabby old thing in Forks, Washington, but they'd had a long day in Port Angeles.
Letting out a long sigh, (Y/N) kicked their door shut, dropping their keys in the bowl next to the door and kicking off their shoes. They slowly started taking off their jacket, eyes drooping, before catching onto the figure in the kitchen doorway.
"Oh, dear God!" (Y/N) exclaimed, gasping and holding a hand to their chest, rolling their eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Edward didn't sound the least bit apologetic, an amused smile playing on his lips as he walked towards (Y/N) and helped them take off their coat.
"It's fine, I just didn't hear you," (Y/N) mumbled in response, rubbing their eyes and yawning.
"Long day?" Edward asked, ready to hear all about it.
"Don't even get me started. What is it with customers treating employees like they're below them?" (Y/N) started walking to the kitchen, getting themself cereal in the dimmed room as Edward followed.
"All day I've gotten complaints on everything I've done- even though I know I've been doing them right! Ugh, and my coworkers seem to think my sole purpose in life is to listen and help them with their problems. Katy today kept trying to get me to talk to her boyfriend for her, can you believe that? There's no sense of professionalism, you have no idea how much I want to tell her I don't want to be her friend..."
(Y/N) continued to rant, sending Edward the most hilarious facial expressions that had him holding back a laugh, opting to nod sympathetically instead. It wasn't that he didn't think their problems were legitimate- that's not it at all. He honestly didn't like seeing them all worked up, but the sense of domestic-ness in the situation brought him peace. He would listen to them everyday for the rest of his life if they'd let him.
Finally, huffing as they set down the milk on the counter, (Y/N) regarded Edward closely.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be complaining-"
"Don't even start that," Edward interrupted. He stood up from his place in front of the counter and walked around it to (Y/N), taking their face in his hands. "I did ask, and you know I never mind listening."
(Y/N) sighed, unsure, but shook their head. "How was your day?"
"Boring without you there," Edward suavely responded, winking.
Snorting, (Y/N) put the milk away and picked up their cereal.
"Wanna watch a movie while I eat?"
Edward merely hummed in response, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and walking with them to the living room.
Turning on the show they'd been watching together, Edward sat down rigidly on the couch. (Y/N) sat down inches away from him, leaning into his body and pulling a blanket over them both (though they knew it'd do little for Edward).
Slowly Edward relaxed, and the two stayed in the warm cushions long after (Y/N)'s cereal bowl sat discarded on the coffee table in front of them.
Speaking of (Y/N), they were snoring on Edward's shoulder, fast asleep as Edward rubbed their arm soothingly. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on their forehead, closing his eyes. If he'd ever wished he could sleep before, it had never been as strong as it was now.
Hope I did your request justice, Anon!
I channeled a lot of my shit into this and honestly I feel comforted- so at least it helped me 💀
-Author Max <3
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Micro (or not) BL Reviews
It's that time again. Seeing as how a couple of things have ended recently and I let my obsession with a certain drama sort of take over everything else of late, I dedicated this week to catching up on all the things I've been missing and doing a quick round up (or not so quick, as it's me).
So let's get started, shall we?
Recently Completed
Stay By My Side - Oh Taiwan. I just love you. I think we had like eighteen "fall into you" moments in the first three episodes alone. The premise was fun - it reminded me a lot of Master's Sun, but the execution of course is totally different. The leads were cute. The chemistry was chemistrying. I loved the sister and that basketball boys. It was mostly fluff, which I am not complaining about because I love me some fluff. That said, I don't think it did anything particularly revolutionary and it never really did manage to grab me.  7.5/10
Wedding Plan - A MAME offering, but…not bad? I mean, not great either, although I will put up with a lot for the premise because I eat shit like that up, but I've seen way worse from MAME. However, it's not going to become a guilty pleasure show like LITA or an unexpected comfort show despite myself (at least the AePete parts) like Love by Chance. It was fine.
Things I really did like:  Nuea's family and his workmates (I loved how fiercely both sets of people stood by and supported him through everything from his huge mistake in sleeping with the groom to running back home to deal with it to basically adopting Lom into the group when they worked it out ("we have a new brother in law"). The lesbians - I could have used a bit more heat but I'll take it for now. Let's work on normalizing GL in our BL (frankly I'd love it if we started doing more of that and less of the token straight couple or three)! Was a little annoyed by how they had to fix everything but I won't pretend that the bits with them in episode 6 didn't get to me - I may have teared up a little when Marine was being treated so horribly by Yiwa's mother - that whole thing was so upsetting on a number of levels. And I was happy for them that they could afford to run away to their own happy ending. Also the gag of Lom pretending to be devastated when he was anything but was kinda funny, I will give the show that. And I did like the way that Lom's mom came around - realizing with time that losing her son the same way Yiwa's mother lost her could be a very real result if she kept being rigid. I also liked that she didn't just suddenly become a PFLAG member (or whatever the equivalent would be here) but simply told her son that she would work on it, because that felt more realistic.
The show also got me with how fucking lonely it must have been for both Lom and Yiwa, to know that they were gay and that they could never say anything, and how overwhelming and relieving it must have been to find someone who understood in each other. No fucking wonder they'd do anything for each other. I would have too, if I'd had someone like that growing up.
So yeah. It was fine. I mostly had a good time, even if I got a little bored once or twice. Frankly when it comes to MAME, being a little bored is preferable to feeling like the top of my head is about to come off because I'm so annoyed. Final verdict 7/10
Jun & Jun - Korea keeps making office BLs and I will continue watching them until the end of time. Especially if they keep on serving good kiss while they do it. And this one had bonus scent kink! I honestly don't know what's gotten into Korea lately but I am very much here for it.
This was a fun little office BL.  I liked how flirty it was from the get go, the way that both Juns danced around each other with the full knowledge that they were flirting. The intern group was fun, too. I really enjoyed the boyfriend episode at the end.
Everyone was very cute in this, but Simeon was my utter favorite. He totally stole the show for me. Him and Young. Young especially was a surprise, since she drove me bonkers when she first showed up. But she grew on me. I liked how fast she decided to embrace Lee Jun, and her and Choi Jun's friendship was cute.
I shipped Simeon and Hyung Hyun Jae too. Hard.
All in all this was cute, even if it didn’t manage to grip me as hard as I hoped. Like I said before, I'm not sure what's gotten into Korea lately but I hope it continues. 8/10.
Laws of Attraction - When I first saw the trailer for this, I decided to skip it. The leads were attractive enough but to be honest it seemed kinda poorly made and like it didn't know what it was going to do with itself. And I was feeling surly and judgmental and decided that it just wasn't for me. Also it was on iQIYI and I had no interest in signing up for another subscription.
But then I saw someone had stuck it on youtube and I was bored one Saturday an there were a few eps already out, so I thought, eh, why not?
And I've not regretted it for a moment.  I loved this show so much my god. Even when OF started (and you all know how much I obsess about OF) this was still the thing I looked forward to most on Saturdays. I adored Charn and his shark smile from moment one, and that adoration did not cease throughout the entirety of the show's run. His character development was by far the best on the show, and I loved the slow, stumbling way he regained the person he used to be, while still keeping the ruthlessness of the man he allowed anger and bitterness to let him become (up to a point). I loved that the show began and ended with his shark smile, but for very different reasons. And he and Tinn were adorable.
I appreciated them banging the marriage equality drum, too, and especially Charn's very pragmatic reasons for wanting it to be legal (as a lawyer, he would think like that, and I appreciate that the show kept him in character even when he was sappy). I also loved his wedding jacket I want four.
I also loved Tinn, and I have to give credit to Jam for the way he portrayed him. While Film totally ate as Charn I do think that in some ways a character like Tinn is harder to portray, because it would be very very easy for him to become preachy because of his morality and rigid sense of justice. But Jam played him with enough nuance that he never slid into that for me - he was willing to occasionally be at least slightly underhanded when the situation called for it, and while he expected Charn to be better (and read him to filth when he caught him out lying to and manipulating him), he thankfully also seemed to understand the fine art of compromise. Plus he's really pretty. Both of them are really pretty.
But the thing that I never expected was just how hard I turned around on Thaenthai. He drove me absolutely bonkers for the first few eps, and I was loudly annoyed by the fact that after about ep three (if not sooner), it became clear that he was not the one who had hit Tonkhao but that he was being made to take the blame. It felt to me like the show wanted me to excuse how vile he was (acting like Tonkhao's death was nothing, beating the crap out of Tinn when he was already tied up and helpless, just generally acting like a spoiled, entitled, horrible shitstain of a human being) because his father beat him. And while that was horrifying and I wanted him to get the hell out of there as soon as possible I still felt that a worm is a worm is a worm, even if the worm's father happens to be worse.
But then the show went and did something I did not expect it to do: it didn't just tell us that Thaenthai was lashing out because he was caught in a desperate limbo of wanting to run away from his and wanting to please him, but it went and did the work to show it. I started turning around on him after he found out about the gardener his father used as a scapegoat once things started getting heated, because we finally got to catch him before he had time to put on his mask. And it just kept coming, because now we knew what to look for. He's still an ass for beating the shit out of Tinn when he was tied up though, lol.
Another thing I really loved that this sow did with him was show him loving his dad in spite of everything. This man beat him, nearly drowned him, let him take the blame for a murder he did, tried to kill the only person Thaenthai felt was really on his side (because I do think that the intent was always to kill Thee - I'm just not entirely sure why it didn't happen as soon as Thaenthai got on that plane. I guess because we needed a happier ending. I am not complaining), and told him to his face that he could never love him because he killed his mother, and yet Thaenthai still loved him, still wanted his attention and his respect and his love in return. And it just rang very painfully true to me. You don't stop loving your parents because they're shit, and humans for some reason tend to be wired to try harder for love that is hard to receive (or impossible, in this case).  It did not surprise me that Thaentha tried to visit his father in prison, or that he was sad when he died. But neither did it surprise me that something in him seemed looser in those scenes as well, because even though he loved his dad there's a part of him that's glad he's gone.
I love stuff like this, because it's so complicated and realistic and it hurts in a way that only something that resonates with reality can. I ate it up.
Shout out as well to Not Vorarit, because he really did a good job with Thatthep. The way he slowly unraveled as the show went on was pitch perfect, every little nuance from his first intro as the shady but possibly not *that* shady "concerned" parent right up until that last scene with Charn where he's just a cackling monster. Kudos, you created an excellently detestable character. Watching him get his comeuppance was certainly a highlight of the show for me.
I was also really into the way that Tonkhao was very much a main character despite the fact that she died so early. One of the best strengths of this show was the way that it never let us forget what started this whole thing, it showed Tinn and Grandma grieving for their little girl, talking about her, missing her. Being reminded of her around every corner. They kept her in the forefront of our minds exactly the way that they should have, and I was delighted by it.
Other fun notables are himbo ex Nawin and Rose and Maya, our GL couple that I wish had gotten a little more screen time *as* a couple but either way were fabulous. I will love this show forever for introducing Nawin in the final hour and making him such a great combination of ridiculous and ruthless. And the way they let him breathe as a character - they really just stood back and were like "look at this ridiculous man stealing the show" and it was amazing. And Rose was just - she was such a good friend to Charn the whole way through, and both her and Maya's utter delight for him when he found Tinn (and them welcoming not only him but grandma into their little family so readily) warmed my cynical heart. And I will watch Sylvie Pavida in pretty much anything, I think.
All this raving and yet I still have to go with a final score of 9/10. I recommend this show, it's way better than I thought it would be, but there are some questionable choices made, the CGI and the fight scenes are laughable (the fire at Charn's office made me laugh so hard I had to pause), and they pulled out a guitar and sang not once, but twice. And they don't even have the excuse that one of them is supposed to be a singer. Also frankly nowadays every Thai show I watch I have to ask myself "did I enjoy this more than Moonlight Chicken?" which I only gave a 9.5, and for this one, the answer was no. So 9 it is, but a highly recommended 9. This was so much fun and it will be very missed on Saturdays.
Currently Watching
Be Mine Superstar - I really do  not get why they have decided to give the doom eleventh episode to this drama. It makes such little sense from this couple, who are the least dramatic pairing possible. They should have just left the angst to Muang and the doc.
Speaking of which, I have been disappointed with that storyline. I feel like we went from nothing to boyfriends with no real development, and now that they're not boyfriends again we're supposed to care, and I just don't.
Also Title is really out here doing the most. My dude, can't you just bow the fuck out gracefully? Blergh him and the manger stuff is still really annoying. Kevin was a delight though. Even though that's one too many dudes thirsty for Ashi for my personal taste (although he is very pretty so I totally get it).
Hidden Agenda - I actually kind of loved how ridiculous the conflict between Joke and Zo wound up being. Oh sure, Pat helping Joke along was a betrayal of trust or whatever, but it just felt perfect for the kind of drama this is. I get the idea that it felt like a betrayal of trust, but I also don't really get how it was too much different from what Zo was trying to do with Nita. Whatever, I love my low stakes drama on Sundays, keep it coming Hidden Agenda.
Kiseki: Dear to Me - This show is doing what I wanted from Only Friends and giving me all the cameos. The way I yelled when I saw the two from history: make Our Days Count. I think my favorite is Ai Di - poor little ball of adoration and pettiness and jealousy. I adore him. Oh, and that scene in the spa was great - I loved how everyone was looking at everyone else while the episode's guest stars (HI, Be Loved in House I Do guys! Good to see you) side eyed the lot of 'em. Me too, my friends. Me too. They're all messy and in love with everyone else and I am here for this weird quadrangle.
The main couple has less of a chokehold on me, but I like our uptight, traumatized doctor to be. And okay, yes, it got me with his unwilling return to a solitary life after Ze Rui disappeared on him. My guess is we're gonna speed run to the imprisonment and amnesia in the synopsis, and I'm good with that. I hope the cameos continue, but even if they don't I'm really enjoying this.
Taikan Yoho / My Personal Weatherman - I saw this called live action yaoi and at first didn’t really believe it, but no. No, it really is. And I am *here* for it. I can't say it's my favorite thing airing right now but I'm enjoying it.
The Jungle - (not a BL, so I'm cheating here, ah well) I don't know who thought that what we needed was four entire episodes of Pine's manpain, but they were very wrong. At least for my money. On the bright side, August is gorgeous and Pat is killing it. The series has been uneven for me and I'm a little annoyed they apparently want to wrap up Pine's BS, Nathee and Florence, *and* address Hunter's backstory in just two eps. But eh, whatever, I was only ever really watching for the women and Mix and thankfully Hack and Irin gave me all the mess that was promised (and not really delivered on, unfortunately. Not that I wanted a bunch of assholes womanizing, but aside from freaking Pine everyone's stories wrapped up in a couple of episodes of mostly no mess at all). 
Looking Forward To
23.5 - Come on GMMTV get this thing out already I want it. I have been patient but come oooooon. I had three highly anticipated dramas for this line up and this is the only one that hasn't been released yet and I want it. Gimme my GL.
Absolute Zero (Sep 27, iQiYI)- this is gonna hurt but at least I know it going in?
The Box (Sep 22, not sure about where) - Not a BL, but looks like a good time. Plus I'm interested to see Prem in a thriller - I think he'll do well.
I am also wondering what will replace the Monday/Tuesday hole The Jungle will leave when it stops airing or if they plan to do reruns.
And apparently we're getting the GMMTV 2024 lineup in Oct this year, which seems really early but maybe I'm wrong. I didn’t actually pay attention to the 2023 lineup until way after it came out so I can’t be trusted. *whispers* please let Midnight Museum have a season two, please let Midnight Museum have a season two.
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gryfferin-gaybies · 6 months
Prompt - My *weapon* is broken
Aurors Draco and Harry stood back to back, firing spells at the enchanted objects advancing from all directions. They'd called for back up 20 minutes ago, where was everyone? Their criminal had made his escape as the Auror partners tried not to get killed by everything in the large storage unit.
"Duck!" Draco yelled as three kitchen knives flew at their heads. The two men moved as one, the knives zipping over their heads to hit the wall and clatter to the floor.
"Draco!" Harry shouted as they stood back up together, still back to back. "We've got to get out of here!"
"You think I don't know that," Draco shot back. He sent a stupefy spell at a ceramic snake that had come to life and was ready to strike at Draco's ankle. "We could just Apparate," Draco offered.
Behind him, he heard what sounded like a heavy book slamming and a crack. "Fuck! That would work except now my wand is broken." Draco knew there was no way Harry could perform wandless magic in his state of exhaustion.
"Shit! Ok, hold onto me. I'll get us out of here." Draco felt Harry wrap his arms around Draco's shoulders, Harry's chest pressed to his back. He could feel Harry's breath on his neck. In any other situation, he would've gotten a hard on.
Before Draco could Disapparate them, Harry cried out and let go of him. Draco felt him slide to the floor.
"Harry? Harry, what happened?" Draco tried to get a look at his friend and partner behind him but his surroundings were still trying to kill him. "What's going on?"
"Nothing," Harry said through gritted teeth.
Draco had an opportunity. With nothing close enough to be an immediate threat, he cast a ward that enveloped them both but it was only temporary. Once he was satisfied with his work, he turned to Harry. "Let me see."
Harry was sitting in the floor with his legs sprawled out in front of him so he could kick things away. There was a large glass shard sticking out from his side. "I'm fine. Let's just get out of here."
"You're not fine! You can't Apparate like this. It could get lodged in further. We need backup." Draco examined the wound, trying to gauge how deep it was.
Harry hissed as Draco pressed two fingers lightly to his skin. "Well they're clearly not coming any time soon. It's our best shot at getting out of here."
"Absolutely not, and I'm not fighting you on this either. It's too dangerous. I . . . I'm going to have to heal you here." Draco stuttered.
"What! No way! Do you even know what you're doing? There's no way I'm letting you botch me up like that." Harry pressed his hand to his side, letting the glass protrude between his fingers.
Draco sighed. "I went to medical school before becoming an Auror, remember?"
"Yeah! Like 15 years ago! You're out of practice and you're coming nowhere near my injury." Harry tried to turn himself away from Draco but winced.
The wards started to shimmer, a sign they were fading. Draco cast another in a hurry and then three more in succession, hoping they'd last longer.
"Potter, you're going to have to let me heal you so we can get the fuck out of here! You know I'd never hurt you. I'm in love with you." He sighed and closed his eyes. This wasn't exactly how he'd wanted to tell Harry he'd fallen for him for him but the words were out before Draco could stop them. The longer they'd worked together, the closer they became and eventually their friendship turned into something more for Draco. It happened about the same time they started using each other's first names—thought Draco still called him Potter when he was being a stubborn git like right now.
"Wait what?" Harry asked. He didn't sound mad or upset in any way.
Draco opened his eyes to see Harry's reaction. He was pleased to find that he didn't look disgusted, only shocked. "This isn't how I wanted to tell you, but it's true. I'm in love with you. And I wouldn't let myself work on you if I wasn't certain that it's our best option."
"I love you too," Harry said, staring deeply into Draco's eyes. Draco was certain he'd heard him wrong or that he didn't mean it but before he could ask for clarification, Harry spoke again. "And I trust you so just fix me so we can leave."
"Alright, hold still." Harry grit his teeth and Draco set to work. He tried not to think about what Harry had just said or that it was Harry he was healing. He had to stay focused. With steady hands he removed the glass and closed the wound. But he'd still need a hospital and soon.
As Draco finished up, more Aurors stormed in.
"Oh sure, now you get here!" Harry rolled his eyes.
Draco helped him to his feet and Apparated them both out of there, deciding this was the rest of the Aurors' problem now. His priority was getting Harry to the hospital so his wound could be healed completely. . . And so they could talk.
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
Hope for the Hopeless Nanny (Scarlett x Reader)
The reader is the nanny for Scarlett’s kids, and after the reader calls home and admits how hated they feel there, Scarlett makes it her mission to cheer them up. (Word count: 2634)
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“I just don’t feel… wanted here, Colin acts like I don’t exist and Scarlett is so cold with me. I love the children and they like me but I’m just so unhappy, I don’t know how much more I can take.” You told your mom over FaceTime, trying to hold back tears.
After a rigorous interview process, you were finally a live in nanny for Scarlett Johannson and her two children, you really gave the role your all, and stayed up every single night to ensure everything was ready for the next day.
You got on with the children well, but you felt like the parents didn’t like you, and it made you feel uncomfortable and unwanted, especially when Scarlett would bark orders at you when she was in a rush, which was like 99% of the time.
Tonight you just couldn’t take it, and you called your mom to break down, finally getting everything off your chest.
Scarlett happened to be coming past your room after having gotten water, and overheard your conversation. She didn't realize her anxiety about having to hire someone to live in the house and her feelings of inadequacy as a mom now that she's taken on a new company were making her come off so cold. She stood out of sight, waiting until your call was over until she could apologize.
You caught Scarlett in the corner of your eye, you assumed that she was going to tell you to be quiet. You said a quick goodbye to your mom before hanging up, hiding your phone under your pillow and curling back up on the bed.
She knocked gently on your door, "May I come in?" You immediately jumped, not expecting her to acknowledge you.
“I-I’m sorry Mrs Johannson, I’ll be quiet.” You murmur out, on the verge of tears again as you shut yourself down.
"Hey, you can call me Scarlett.." she began, coming near your bed, "May I sit? I…owe you an apology." She began, but you quickly shook your head.
“Nothing to apologise for.” You told her quietly as you curled yourself up on the bed, beginning to zone out.
Scarlett bit her lip, she felt so guilty, but she couldn't help but think how you looked like Rose curled up like that when they'd have a disagreement. She tried resting her hand on your side, "Y/n, please, I owe you an apology for how I've behaved since you've been here.."
“You’re fine, it’s no big deal. As long as the children are okay and you guys are less stressed then I don’t matter.” You replied, not being able to help but flinch ever so slightly when Scarlett touched your side.
"No, I value each of my employees as people first, but that's not how I've been treating you, and I'm so sorry," she said, squeezing your side empathetically.
You flinched once again and shook your head. “Again, there’s nothing to apologise for. You can be reassured that there’s nothing you need to do for you or the children tomorrow.” You said, trying to change the subject back to work.
"You're so wonderful with both of them, I think maybe I was feeling guilty that I wasn't spending time with my kids and I took that out on you," she said, absentmindedly running her hand up and down your side in a comforting manner, somewhat oblivious to the effect it was having on you.
You eventually just shuffled away from Scarlett, shaking your head as you tried to hold back your giggles. “You’re still a good mom, it’s okay to ask for help.” You said, trying to smile.
"Is that a smile? I don't think I've seen one of those since the day I hired you.. maybe I need to change that right now?" The actress smirked, realizing she'd discovered your sensitivity. She pounced and began gently poking and shaking into your tummy, sides and ribs. "Ticktickticktickle y/n, I need to see your smile!"
“I smile for the children.” You replied with a shrug, before letting out a squeal and curling up. “Nonono I’ll wake everyone up!”
Scarlett smiled playfully, "I guess you'll have to laugh quietly," she said and pulled you into a hug, tickling your tummy and squeezing your sides. "Coochiescoochiecoochie coo!" She whispered into your ear.
You blushed madly and cover your face with your hands, shaking your head as you broke into giggles, trying to wriggle away from Scarlett.
"Awww you're so adorable when you smiiiile!" She said, easily keeping a gentle hold on you as she now reached to squeeze one over your knees while her other hand squeezed the tops of your ribs, "C'mon, y/n, smiiiile!"
You shook your head stubbornly, but squealed when Scarlett touched your ribs, you rolled to the other side of the bed with a blush, still holding back giggles.
“Oh c’mon y/n, lauuugh for meeeee! You deserve to smile and laugh like this! Tickticktickle!” The actress cooed to you as if you were one of her kids as she reached over and dug gently into your ribs, kneading in a little.
You let out a muffled squeal as you covered your mouth, accidentally letting out a few giggles as you arched your back and rolled to the edge of the bed, not realising you were now hanging upside down off the bed.
Scarlett raised her eyebrows and smirked, “Uh oh, what have we here?” the motherly tickle monster grinned and pulled your top up to raspberry your tummy all over.
“NAHAHAHEHEHE!” You screeched with laughter and shoved your shirt down, thrashing from side to side as you covered your belly quickly.
The actress moved her hands to your hips to stabilize you and her thumbs landed in your hip hollows, accidentally squeezing as she kept you hanging without letting you drop.
“MRS JOHOHOHO-“ You laughed out, kicking your legs out whilst thrashing from side to side, unable to quite process what was happening.
She gently pulled you up, fluttering into your tummy, “You can call me Scarlett.” She whispered softly in your ear before raspberrying your neck, “I’m sorry I haven’t made you more at home.” The actress said sincerely as she rocked you a little.
You let out a few giggles and shook your head, scrunching your shoulders up a little. “No it’s okay, I’m not used to being wanted anywhere anyway so it wasn’t that different to school and my old job.”
“Well it should be, I truly loved you and I’m so grateful for how you are with the children. And how much you do for me. I hired you with the intention of making you a member of the family and I’ve treated you like…a servant.” She said as a tear rolled down her cheek, “Like my co-star had to act on The Nanny Project.” Her smile came ironically as she held you close. “I’m truly sorry, y/n. I’m so glad you smiled with me tonight.”
You shrugged, sighing quietly as you remembered how Scarlett treated you earlier. “Well, my contract says to make life as easy as possible for you so, that’s what I’ve been doing, no matter how I felt.” You told her, tensing up a little as the anxiety took over you.
She nodded, “Colin was nervous about having someone, he added that. I’m sorry again. I want to make this right, to have a relationship with you that’s like a friendship, y/n. You’ve more than proven your worth here. I want you to know how valued you are.” The actress added as she gently tickled your back as she often did for Rose.
“I’m just a nanny though, you don’t have to put that effort in if you’re too busy.” You replied, your overthinking causing you to be an anxious mess whilst at the same time flinching at Scarlett’s comforting touches. “It’s not like I deserve it anyway.”
Your boss clearly disagreed, immediately tickling into your ribs again, “You do, y/n, you’ve been taken for granted for far too long!” She protested as she tickled you in her lap as she would her own children.
“Buhuhut it’s fihihine!” You replied, squealing as you tried to wriggle off Scarlett’s lap, assuming that it was an accident as at the same time you gently pushed at her hands.
“Get back here cutie!” She said playfully and growled in your ear when she had you back, crossing her arms over you and scribbling into your sides, “Coochiecoochiecoochiecoo, I’m gonna tickle you to pieces until you know how much you’re valued!”
You squealed and shook your head, breaking into giggly laughter as you arched your back and kept pushing at Scarlett’s hands. “Nohohoho not nehehehecessary!”
“Oh it’s not?? Maybe I should change your contract to add tickles to make you smile when you’re sad! Hmmm? Ticktickticktickle!” She cooed and nuzzled into your neck as her fingers spidered up and down your sides and into your ribs.
“Nonono that takes up your time!” You replied, scrunching your face up as you giggled helplessly. “I’m supposed to hehehehelp you relax!”
She smirked, “What if I told you this is relaxing?” She said in a low voice, just above her growl tone, wiggling her fingers above your torso, causing you to blush madly and shrug.
“Well, I wouldn’t judge you but it’s a strange thing to find relaxing.” You reply as you cover your upper body with a shy smile. Scarlett grinned devilishly, “Oh is it? Then why does it help you relax too?” She asked, her years as Black Widow and an actress in general helped her read you like a book when she saw you relax as you were tickled.
“What? This isn’t relaxing, knowing that you don’t hate my existence is enough to make me relax a little, but not this.” You reply, avoiding the dreaded t word.
“What do you mean ‘this’, you mean tickles? Tickling? Being tickled?” She smirked to see how you reacted to the word. You blushed more and more every time that word was mentioned, shaking your head as you covered your ears.
“Oh you can’t say oooor hear the word?” Scarlett asked and wiggled her fingers at you and sang, “Ticklingticklingtickling!” You let out a tiny whine as you kept plugging your ears, refusing to smile or react to her mean teasing.
The actress rolled her eyes and pounced on you again, this time squeezing up and down your sides as she continued teasing, “Ticklingticklingtickling!”
“Neheheheeeeee Mrs Johahahahannson!” You squealed out; still unable to call her Scarlett as you blushed and now covered your sides.
“Oh it’s your sides is it?” She smirked and pulled your top up to raspberry your tummy again and then snuck her spidering fingers into your rib, causing you to screech and burst into giggly laughter, unable to take the raspberries as you thrashed.
The actress eased up and let you breath, “Okay, okay, easy y/n. I’ve got you.” She said softly and ran her fingers through your hair.
You curled up against her, taking in deep breaths as you relaxed for the first time in a while, you looked over at Scarlett and offered a shy smile. Her heart melted and she kissed your forehead.
“You actually like me then?” You asked her hesitantly, your anxiety still looming just enough to be wary of whether or not she likes you.
“Absolutely, I always did. I was taking out my own insecurities on you because I wasn’t realizing they were there. You’re not just an incredible nanny, but such a kind and loving and caring person.” Scarlett said sincerely and scritched the back of your neck as she opened up to you.
You were close to tears at that point, the exhaustion from cleaning the house until midnight and then waking up at 5am to prepare breakfast, five hours of sleep was not enough for your body and you were feeling it. The worst part is, Scarlett had no idea.
“Hey, hey, what’s on your mind, I can see how upset you are…” she offered softly. You sighed, looking at the clock to see it was 2am, meaning tonight you were going to get 3 hours of sleep, you didn’t even realise what you were about to say.
“It’s okay, I better rest as I’ve gotta be up in three hours. I can’t lose out in any more hours of sleep.” You murmured with a slight chuckle.
“No, after this, you get to sleep until you wake up. I’ve already taken tomorrow off, I need it and so do the kids, and you’re joining us for breakfast or brunch or the first meal we make. If anything I’m sure the kids would love to bring you breakfast in bed, y/n. I owe that much to you. You’re getting a huge bonus and six weeks vacation you can use at any time with all expenses paid for you and loved ones to take any time you wish. I need you to know you’re valued and so is your self care.” Scarlett said as she rubbed your shoulders.
“What, nononono you can’t do that, please no, I’m not worthy, I’ve already got the stuff prepared to do breakfast tomorrow and- I can’t just take time off looking after your family.” You tried, taking in deep breaths as you felt yourself getting worked up.
“Your vacation will be our vacation, we can take time off. The kids need time with us too, you’ve lightened the load while we’re in full force with work, especially the Outset for me, but it’s been hard and I’ve been far too hard on you. We both need some fun. And I’d like to have some with you and allow you to have the freedom to choose some fun too. The kids and I can use what you’ve prepared and we’ll bring you breakfast, sweet y/n.” The actress said and looked into your eyes sincerely.
“But being with the children is fun-“ you tried to say, your eyes refusing to meet Scarlett’s.
She gently held your face with her palms, “Y/n, you’ve been with us for a while now, when was the last time you did something you enjoyed for just you besides the fun you have with my children that you do so incredibly well? When was the last time you saw your mom in person or your friends?”
You shrugged in response. “I don’t have any friends.” You reply. “As for my mom, I dunno, like six months.” You reply casually as you kept your eyes to the floor.
“Well you can say that you have one now…I want to be more like your friend than your boss. And please, once we hangout tomorrow morning, call your mom and make plans for a trip on me.” Scarlett said gently and rubbed your back, humming quietly.
“But.. surely you would rather take your family away on holiday, I don’t understand why you want to be so nice to someone like me.” You tell her quietly with a sniffle.
“I can do both, sweet y/n,” she said gently and tickled under your chin, making you gasp and cover your mouth, shyly hiding under the covers as you let out a tiny yawn. “Nono…”
The actress held you close and hummed to you, determined to treat you like family as she soothed you to sleep, rubbing your back and combing through your hair with her fingers as your eyes slowly shut.
You heard Scarlett hum out a quiet lullaby as you felt your body relax for the first time since you started working for her. Trusting her with her promises, you slowly drifted off to sleep, eventually getting the hours of sleep you needed and deserved.
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turtledealer · 2 years
Itachi x Reader (angst)
songfic: unlucky by Lunar Vacations
"could go outside
Let the wind flow through me If stood in the sun
I would vanish completely"
Itachi sits in the room he's been staying in for as long as he's been gone from the hidden leaf village. The silence of his room is only accompanied by the tormenting whispers of his walls. He's gotten too sick to really wander around outside like he used to do. Keeping up a façade of strength around his fellow Akatsuki members was draining him more and more. He truly just wished to rest. To be freed from his burdens but he knows he can only let Sasuke do that for him. His dearest little brother that he loved oh so much, only second to you. His best friend.
"I remember you said
If you walk the line, then your feet will get cut
So unlucky"
He kicks his feet over the edge of his bed, walking over to some picture frames. His room was minimal because he didn't have any need for any materialistic things since they'd be worthless anyways in the end. The edges of him mouth turn into a tiny smile, to an untrained eye it wouldn't look like nothing much more than his usual face, but he knows you would've recognized it as his smile. His eyes lightly gaze upon the small assortment of pictures. Pictures of you, Sasuke and him spending time together. These pictures haunt him in the form of guilt and anguish. As he stands there he recalls some memories of you and him.
"Itachi!" You yell at him, out of breath. "You idiot why do you always have to walk so fast!" You laugh and nudge his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I need to get to my training soon though" he smiles at you softly. His eyes are gentle and friendly.
"It's quite alright, you should take it easy though 'tachi.." you say, a semblance of worry crossing your face. "If you keep your training up day and night, you'll only cause yourself harm"
He nods in agreement, he knows, but there's not much he can do. He doesn't have a choice but he'll entertain your worries if it will ease your heart, even slightly. "Yes, I will.. thank you y/n". He's lucky to have such a sweet friend like you by his side.
"You're in love and I'm unlucky See you in the street
Start to wonder deeply
If changed how i was
How would everyone view me?"
Itachi always knew of your crush on him, he knows shisui only hit on you to try to get him to put up a fight over you. However being in the ANBU doesn't permit such feelings. He knows it won't end up well for either of you. Unfortunately at his young age, he should've been able to explore that, to explore love. He shouldn't have seen the horrors of war the way he did, he shouldn't have had to train so hard for the sake of his clan the way he has since he was a young boy, but life has it's inequalities. Luck was never on Itachi's side, unluckily for you, otherwise maybe...just maybe.. you both could've had a fighting chance in the future to be happy.
"Safe face for tonight
Keep on thinking
It's just a line
Safe face for tonight
know you're thinking It's only right"
It's hours before his big mission now. He's counting down the seconds from when his life is completely tattered and ruined. He felt a piece of his heart shatter when he told Sasuke he couldn't help him. He wanted nothing more than to hold him close and tell him that no matter what, his big brother loves him more than anything in this world. After all of this, he knows Sasuke will never see his big brother in a good light again. He hopes he left his baby brother with some good memories of him even if he hides them away. He knows he should go see you, before everything happens he wants to see your smile just once. He heads over to your home.
"tachi! Hey! How nice to grace me with your presence!" You beam brightly, dashing over to him. You haven't seen your crush in so long and it's so wonderful to know he has some time to visit you. You can tell something's off, his eyes are dull and there's remorse written all over them.
"Hey 'tachi what's wrong?" Worry laced through every syllable.
"Nothing nothing y/n, you just know missions and training have kept me busy nonstop.. I'm just tired" he gives halfheartedly with a plastic smile. Itachi wasn't a very touchy or affectionate person, even as friends but he knows he's never gonna see you again.
"H-hey! What're you doing?" You blush at the sudden embrace you're given. Something is seriously wrong but you won't know what it is unless he tells you, so for now you give him a light squeeze back. He pulls away slightly, looking at your face, analyzing every single shift in your features. To you, he seems like he's peering into your very soul and it's a little unnerving, but to him he's memorizing every single thing about you that he can. He smiles lightly, a genuine smile for once in quite some time. "sorry If I'm worrying you, I just have a long mission soon.. just trying to say my... See you later..." He hesitates trying to find a good way to phrase what he wishes to say.
"I'm going to head off now.." he moves your hair from your face carefully, almost as if he's afraid to touch you like you'll crumble into pieces.
"Be safe itachi! I have something I wanna talk to you about when you get back so you better be safe!" You punch his arm gently, suddenly recalling something.
"Oh! Here's a gift I've been meaning to give you for your birthday I missed since you were training too hard!" You pull a necklace out of your pocket. It's obviously a little hand carved necklace you got from a vendor nearby for cheap, but to itachi, he wouldn't sell this for the world.
"Thank you y/n.. I'll cherish it every single day I'm away" he bows slightly and starts to take this leave.
"Hey one last thing!" You yell from afar, "Don't train too hard or you'll only harm yourself" you giggle lightly whilst waving goodbye to the young boy. You hope you can see him again soon, you wanted to tell him how you felt, after all, it's one of the last things shisui told you that you should do before he disappeared.
"You're in love and l'm unlucky"
Later on into the night, after killing his whole village and dealing with Sasuke, he had one stop left. Your home.
He slowly walks down the familiar path into your yard. Leaves crunching with every step. Blood covers every article of clothing. He slowly opens the door to your home. He knew you lived alone after you were orphaned at such a young age due to the wars. He hopes you'd understand in the afterlife that this was to stop others from the same thing.
" Hmm..? 'tachi?" You wipe your eyes lightly whilst lifting yourself out of bed. Your vision is still blurry from just being awoken. "It's really late to visit.. you should've come by in the morning" you yawn out. There's a putrid smell in the air and you can only assume it's the garbage you haven't taken out in a couple days.
"Y/n... Forgive me..." He practically begs, tears falling from his eyes. He slowly pulls his katana out from behind him, the blade dripping with blood.
"Itachi? What the hell are you doing?" You ask, finally seeing the sight in front of you. Dead eyes, tears, blood covering every inch of the man before you, and a blade pouring blood. You back away slowly, getting your chakra ready. Before you can do anything you're suddenly unable to move. "Itachi no.. itachi what are you doing??" You cry out, you can't stop shaking no matter how hard you try to seem brave.
Itachi looks at you, his eyes can't seem to stop watering, his heart aches more and more with every single step he takes towards you. "shisui had told me you loved me before...." He begins "I'm sorry I could never reciprocate those feelings.. I'm sorry for everything... I hope one day you'll forgive me.. one day far into the future when we're both in the afterlife I hope... I hope you'll see I'm doing this for everyone's sake... I-im... not doing this because I want to .. god how I wished this moment would never come.." he chokes out, pointing the katana at your shaking body.
"But...just know.. maybe in another life.. I can love you without this guilt.. maybe in another life we grow up together and become amazing Shinobi and eventually even start dating... Maybe in another life I'll be a good brother in Sasuke's eyes as well... " He pushes the sword forward, wincing at the feeling the blade piercing your flesh.
You yell in pain at every move he makes. "I hate you..itachi.. you're a monster.." you finish as he plunges the blade into you all at once. You take a final look at the man you had once loved, your best friend, ironic that it ended up like this. You'll never forgive him. No matter what.
"I love you"
Itachi falls to his knees, his time is coming soon and he'd have to face you again. That's what he feared most. He loved you so much and he killed you. He betrayed you.
He wipes his tears away and gets up to grab a note he had written and some flowers. He heads to your grave and gently places the note and flowers down. "Hey y/n... I'm sorry for bothering you... I'll... Get what I deserve here soon... So unfortunately you'll have to see me again" he weakly laughs out. "I'm sorry for everything, I'll explain every single thing to you. You don't have to forgive me.. I just wanna see your face one more time.. it torments me every night.. I close my eyes and I see the look in your eyes you had when I killed you .. I hear you repeating monster over and over again.. you're so painfully right.. maybe.. we can start over with new memories and new lives.. y/n.. I'm so genuinely sorry... It'll be by Sasuke's hands too, I know that you'll be glad to hear it, I ruined his life and now he's getting vengeance for you and everyone else.. it's what he deserves" he smiles sadly, wiping his tears. "I'm sick and dying anyways.. this is the only fair way to go.. don't you think y/n? You were right.. the training and over doing it really messed me up... I should've listened to you shouldn't I?" He smiles while getting up. It's time. He knows he has to go and handle what he needs to handle. "Goodbye.. I'll see you soon y/n... I'm sorry"
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greer-morgan · 1 year
Family Ties | Self-Para
“It's just there's so much of it. The future is real, but... the past, well it's... all made up.”
Time: February
Place: District Ten (the funeral of Prairie Quartz)
Greer flicked open Prairie's knife, which was tucked at the bottom of the pocket of her long black coat. She ran her thumb along the blade and folded it closed again, before starting the process over in a steady rhythm. She'd nicked the pad of her thumb this same way at least a dozen times by now, so often that she knew there would be a scar there when she finally let it heal over.
It was an unseasonably mild day, almost pleasant. Greer was caught somewhere between grateful that Prairie had gotten a nice day and angry at the sun just for having the audacity to shine. But despite the sun, everything was still and stark, and bare. February seemed to be dipping her toe into spring for just a moment, ready to pull it back out again without warning. The threat of cold made all of the red and white flowers pop against the scenery and the new quartz headstone, freshly placed into hard earth.
They'd all stood in small groups for the memorial— a few peacekeepers, The Morgans, Greer by herself, Prairie's father by himself to give a speech— none of them brave enough to cry in front of the others. That vulnerability was a currency too valuable for any of them to be willing to exchange with the others. But it had been a nice service, Greer wished she could think as she walked away.
"Hey! hey, Greer wait up." Greer's brother jogged up behind her.
"What?" She tossed over her shoulder, almost deciding not to stop.
"I've... I've been thinkin'. There's a lot'a talk about what's goin' on in Eleven, and people are gettin' organized in Ten too. I've been thinkin' about helpin' out."
Greer laughed sharply, which cast a shadow of hurt over Cal’s features. "What's funny about that? I wanna make somethin’ happen. I thought you of all people’d be all about it."
"Why would I give a shit?" Greer turned to face him, settling under the low, twisted branches of a bare tree. She was tempted to lean against the trunk, already exhausted by both the day and the impending conversation, but she thought better of giving up whatever physical space she could command.
"'Cause shit's gonna be different. People are talkin' about endin' the Games, G. Don't you want that?" He answered her, a child-like optimism to his voice.
"Yeah, of course I- fuck, Cal... I guess-"
"You guess what?" He cut her off.
"I guess I just don't fuckin' believe you. You're not gonna get involved. You're not gonna risk your career, the money you get from dad. You're gonna what? Start swingin' a gun around? Killin' peacekeepers? There's a fat fuckin' chance of that. You? Who's so afraid of causin' a scene? Who'd never say one bad word against dad? Yeah, you're the real face of a rebellion, Cal."
"Oh, unlike you, who only knows how to cause a scene?"
"What's that mean?"
"You know exactly what it means. You love to yell and complain about everythin'. Oh, look at me. I'm the only one who's ever had a sad fuckin' feelin'. You won the Games and you just went and cut us all off? Why? For the drama of it?"
"I did not! I did not cut you all off!" The words ripped themselves from her throat with such force it was almost sore. Her skin grew hot with the frustration that no matter how loud her voice got, she was never heard. "I cut mom and dad off. I did not cut you off! It's not like any of y'all ever thought to call me either. That shit goes two ways."
"What the fuck happened to us, G? We used to be so close, and then one day you were like a whole different person."
"Sorry, I had some other shit goin' on."
"I'm not talkin' about the Games, and you know it. It was way before that. We used to do everything together, and now you're like this cold bitch I don't even recognize."
"It’s ‘cause I was the only one who ever got in trouble for any of it."
"Oh, yup. There it is," Cal rolled his eyes. "You remember things so much worse than they really were. You make everythin’ out to be the end of the damn world."
"I do not remember them worse. You just never got in trouble for anythin'! I stood in that damn corner starin' at a fuckin' wall for hours-"
"It was not hours."
"It was hours."
"It was maybe thirty minutes."
"It was hours. And it's not just that,” she breathed. “It's all the other shit too— the manipulative shit they’re always doin’. The time they took my bedroom door off the hinges? I still don't know what fuckin' for. Or all the times mom and dad pretended I wasn't even there. You didn't have to beg them to look at you on fuckin' Hearth Day, Cal! That house was a fuckin' prison, but it never affected you, 'cause you're mom and dad's perfect boy."
"It wasn't always easy for me either. Dad didn't hit you the way he hit me. It sucked sometimes, but he made me fuckin' tough, Greer."
"Yeah, real tough. Filin' paperwork and livin' off dad's money. You think he's gonna buy you nice things when you run off to play rebel?" They both knew from the start he was never really going to do it, but this was beyond that now. This was a lifetime of resentment boiling over, and neither was willing to cut the heat.
"Me? Look at you! It's real easy to be high and mighty, cuttin' off dad's money when you're bein' funded by the president. I don't see you strugglin' to make ends meet."
"You think I wanted this? Any of this? I should've died, but instead I played their stupid little game and did exactly what they all fuckin’ wanted from me— start to finish— and I get to live with that every day. Prairie's dead, and I couldn't bring her or anyone else home, and I get to live with that too. I should've died, and mom and dad don't give a single shit as long as it fits into their narrative, and they don't give a shit about your life, or Leighton, or Teeny, or Avery-Kate either. I hate to be the one to say it, but mom and dad don't actually give a shit if you're even alive, Cal. They never have. They never will."
"That's not true," Cal protested, even though a part of him knew it was. "Dad tells us all the time how you leavin' broke his heart."
"Yeah, well..." She shook her head. "Funny how he cares now. Could'a cared any time in the last twenty-four years. But I guess that’s the kinda thing that’s easier to say than do, ‘cause you only gotta say it when it makes you look good. No fuckin' follow through. Sorta like your whole rebel idea, huh?"
All that anger had fizzled into nothing but silence between them now. Silence that lasted too long. Silence that made Greer's chest ache. There was nothing left to say.
"I'll see you at the next one of these," Greer concluded, already walking away, tossing a half-hearted wave over her shoulder at him.
"Yeah," he answered her, more under his breath than out loud. “See ya then, I guess.”
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ophelia-jones · 2 months
This is an excerpt from my current fic over on AO3 "Whatever it takes"
Act 2
Daryl was loading equipment into the back of a truck under the hot Virginia summer sun. His shirt clung to his chest and arms with sweat, and he had to hold a hand over his eyes to look around the courtyard at the people working to rebuild what they had thought to be an impassable fence. When he looked toward the factory building, he saw more people hard at work to repair the damage he and the others in the coalition had caused two months prior. They hadn't gotten as far as he had hoped in the rebuilding efforts.
These people were defeated and anxious. Most of all, they were slow to trust. Daryl could hardly blame them. They had only been seeking safety and wound up like this. He leaned back on the bumper of the truck to rest, fishing half a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it carefully. When he looked up again, he saw her. Wyn. She wore a black racerback tank top today, revealing strong arms and shoulders tanned from day after day of the same sun that beat down on him now. Her brown hair was sun-kissed, and sweat dampened around her heart-shaped face. She wiped her forehead with a red bandana and then tucked it in her back pocket.
Daryl's eyes swept over the pronounced curve of her ass for a moment after, his cock shifting slightly in his jeans as he admired her hips and thighs as well. He had loved the shape of her. The way she fit against him - around him. He shifted his weight to hide the bulge in his pants from the half chub he was getting just watching her bend over to pick up pieces of debris and toss it into a pile to be taken away once the cleaning was finished.
And God damn that tank top, with her generous breasts stretching the material until it seemed practically painted on. He stood and returned to his work with the cigarette pinched between his lips.
He couldn't understand why his body betrayed him so much, especially at his age. It wasn't like he was some 18 year old kid obsessed with getting laid. He didn't like not being in control of himself. This put him in an irritable mood - just as it had every single day since they had arrived at Sanctuary. He couldn't - no, WOULDN'T- explain exactly why he was this way around her. More than his physical desire for her was his need to protect himself.
In his entire life - more than four decades - four women had said the words 'I love you' to Daryl. His grandmother (frequently), his mother (occasionally), Beth (she was the type to love everyone), and Wyn. Wyn had clung to him and breathed his name. He could still feel her bare skin against his, feel her hands in his hair, and the way he had wished every time they'd been together, that he could just stay inside of her. The feeling of connection, both physical and emotional, was unfamiliar, but at the same time, it was everything he had always longed for. The way she looked at him... no one had ever looked at him the way she did. There was a desire, which was intoxicating, but there was a gentleness. Not pity, but something more like the feeling of seeing home after a long journey.
It scared him shitless.
Everyone he loved seemed to meet an early and tragic fate. His grandmother, when he was , was 6, his mother just a few years later. Merle. Beth. Glenn. He wasn't dumb enough to be superstitious. He knew there was no curse taking them from him; but he sometimes felt that way. He was hurt by the way she had declared her love, and then just days later, left him. She just ran away.
He had been haunted by dreams of his father and Merle laughing at him. His dad belittled him for thinking he had ever been good enough for a woman to love. Merle made fun of him for wanting her to love him. For wanting her close to him. For wanting her like he did.
Then he dreamt of Glenn. Glenn, with his hope for the future and his love for Maggie. His love for all of them. He dreamt of Glenn beaming at him and giving him some speech about Daryl letting himself love and be loved. These more pleasant dreams often turned back into the nightmares about his family. Sometimes, as Glenn was smiling brightly and talking about the baby, he would relive that awful moment when Negan had taken him from them. How he had made fun of him while he was dying.
He hadn't slept well in a long time.
Wyn was laughing with someone, and the sound of her laughter reminded him of the way, sometimes, when he had made her climax, she would let her head fall back and laugh from deep in her chest. She laughed, she'd told him, because she felt like a bird set free and taking flight. He had ached with joy at that description. That he had given that to her. That HE had given her the feeling of freedom.
She'd made him feel respected. Necessary. The others in Alexandria had done that for him, too. So what was the difference?
Daryl's chest tightened whenever he got close to the answer. Because he felt foolish to have believed she loved him. Then she had left him. Just like everyone always did.
Suddenly, there were raised voices and the sound of people moving hurriedly. Most were hurrying to get out of the way. He turned to look, his face stern. He hoped it was the sort of trouble he could fix with his fists.
Wyn was trying to work with a handful of men who had served as low-level saviors for Negan, most of whom were relieved when he was removed from his throne. Make no mistake about it, the man had been a mad king and a tyrant. Many of the people here had stayed despite the fact that they feared him because they knew everyone else was afraid of him, too. That made them feel safe.
Some of them, however, had believed in his methods. They had felt freed knowing that they could be arrogant and violent, and there would be no punishment. Hell, they would be rewarded for swinging their dicks around and asserting themselves. They didn't want to go back to a more civilized way of life. Nor did they want to give up Sanctuary. A few of them were niave enough to think they could take it back.
Arlis was one such man. He was 6' 4" and somehow still weighed close to 200 pounds. He hadn't risen in the ranks of the saviors because he wasn't good at showing the inner circle the respect they demanded. He hadn't been killed for one reason and one reason alone. One was his sheer size. He was a potential weapon in a dire situation. The sort of situation where one might set a rabid animal free without concern for who it attacked or if anyone survived including the animal itself.
"I'm not taking orders from a stupid bitch that doesn't know what the fuck she's doing!" He screamed, stepping up to her with his chest out and his fists clenched. She had only just gotten back to full strength and with no bruises left from the beatings she had gotten from Simon eight or ten weeks ago. She really wasn't in the mood for more violence. Still, she stood her ground. She did the best she could to keep her posture calm and neutral. She didn't want to give him any reaction at all.
"That's fine. But you WILL be taking orders from the council, and that means me. You were offered the option of being locked up at Hilltop or being here and being part of the rebuilding. You play by my rules, or you go spend your days in a cage at Hilltop under Maggie's supervision," she told him firmly. "You're getting close to losing the option to be here."
Arlis lunged forward and planted a hand on each of her shoulders, shoving her to the ground. Without pause or remorse, the man stepped forward and raised one booted foot.
Wyn rolled to the left, but she hit the chain link fence and was pinned between it and Arlis and all she could do was cover her head and draw her knees up in the fetal position to try and protect her most vulnerable organs and her head. Every muscle in her body tensed, and she could hear the blood rushing in her ears as she braced for the impact.
Reality seemed to pause like a held breath.
Suddenly, there was a commotion above and beside her. The sound of bone crunching against bone as a fist met someone's jaw. She felt the impact beside her on the gravel beside her. She heard the chain link fence rattle and the grunts and growls of men fighting. The scrabble of boots and knees in the gravel, and then an eerie stillness accompanied by the sound of fist meeting flesh over and over again.
Wyn scrambled to her feet, and when she found her balance, she saw Daryl on top of a man five inches taller and 40 pounds heavier than himself. His hand twisted in Arlis' shirt to keep him from moving out of the way of the brutal punches being thrown by Daryl's other hand.
"Daryl! Stop!" Wyn called out in shock before rushing forward to grab his arm as he drew back to deliver another punch to the man's bloodied face. "Stop." She told him when he looked back at her.
"This is not the way to deal with things!" She said. Her voice was far calmer than before. Daryl stood quickly and jerked his arm out of her grasp.
"This is the only thing these ass holes understand," he told her curtly. He stomped off , saying, "You're welcome, by the way."
Daryl then went over to the barrel of water they had drawn up for the days work. He used a smaller container to draw up enough water for him to drink and then poured the rest over his head and face. He shook his hair like a dog, spraying droplets of water onto Wyn's face as she approached. She pulled her shirt up, exposing her belly as she dried her face on the bottom half. Daryl caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye but didn't turn to look at her directly.
Wyn took a second bucket and filled it.
"Wash your hands. Let me see how bad your knuckles are," she told him. She reached out and took his closest hand. He started to pull it back, but her fingers on his had some sort of paralytic effect on him.
"I've had worse," he grumbled.
"Good for you," she retorted quietly as she guided his hand into the water and washed away the blood with gentle touches and strokes. Finally, Daryl found his ability to move. He pulled his hand out of the water and lifted it high in the air so she couldn't grab it again.
"Why are you like this?" Wyn asked, looking quite cross. She lurched to the side suddenly and grabbed his other hand, and tried to dunk it in the water. Daryl grabbed the water bucket. Despite the threads of blood in it, he dumped it over her head. He hadn't thought about it. It had just happened. For a comediacly long moment, neither moved. They didn't speak. They did not even breathe after her sharp intake of breath as the water hit her hair and quickly dripped down to wet both back and front of her shirt.
Then, just as involuntarily as dumping the bucket, Daryl snickered.
Wyn shook with irritation. She turned and looked up at him, her wet hair sticking on her cheeks and nose. Daryl's usually impeccable poker face could not conceal his amused satisfaction, and he looked down at her and smiled. It was the rarest of Daryl's smiles, one which revealed his teeth and made his eyes shine.
"I said I was fine," he told her. "Go ahead and try that again. I'll dump you headfirst in that barrel."
"You think you could?" She scoffed. This, as far as Daryl was concerned, constituted a challenge. He bent, wrapped an arm around her waist, and put his shoulder against her belly. When he stood up, she was bent like a sack over his shoulder. One of his hands reached across his chest and wrapped his fingers around the waist of her pants. Within a step or two, he'd reached the barrel. While Wyn squirmed and kicked, he used his grip on her pants to pull her away from his body as he leaned forward and sat her directly into the barrel. The cold water soaked into her pants and climbed up her back. Wyn screamed, shocked at the cold on her skin.
"You mother fucker!" She bellowed, struggling to free herself as Daryl doubled over in laughter. She managed to tip the barrel and scramble out. As she stood, she lifted the now much lighter barrel and swung it to throw what was left of the water in his face. He stood, pushing the wet hair from his face and spitting. He was still wiping his face and blinking away the water when Jesus and Jerry rushed up to them. Jesus snatched the barrel away from Wyn, and Jerry tried to wrap Daryl up from behind in a bear hug, lifting him off his feet.
"Get the hell off me!" Daryl growled and pulled away, looking like he was ready to start swinging.
"Hey! Hey, calm down!" Jesus ordered. He tossed the barrel down and stared each of them down sternly. "What the hell was that? This is drinking water!" This was enough to humble and quiet both of them.
"I was just trying to help him," Wyn said with a pout in her voice. Daryl mocked her, pretending to say the same words in a condescending manner.
"You're a prick!" She snapped.
"Enough! You two are supposed to be leaders here! Stop acting like children!" Jesus yelled, standing between them with his arms extended to keep them far apart. "Go! Cool your heads and get cleaned up. You're going to refill the water for everyone." Daryl gazed at Wyn over Jesus' head. It was hard to focus on anything but the way that tank top clung to her to reveal the way her nipples had hardened from the cold water. Damn it, his cock was dancing again. He shifted his weight before agreeing with Jesus that they would do that. His poker face was back as he walked into the building to do just that. Wyn was feeling thoroughly foolish and went inside without another word to her fellow board members.
"I didn't realize they were a couple," Jerry said in his innocent way.
"Neither do they," Jesus replied.
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bchanslvr · 3 years
all i need [h.p x gn!reader]
word count — 1,282
warnings — utter fluff, love-struck harry, slight allusions to sex?? lmk if there is anything i missed
summary — love at first sight with harry james potter.
a/n — i haven't written anything in months but guess who inspired me to write something? this beautiful angel @hey-there-angels this is for her and her only. jkjkjk anyone can read this but it is written with her in mind <3 also sorry if this is shit i haven't written anything in MONTHS. still hope you enjoy !!
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harry was mental for you. completely. he fell in love with you the moment he'd see you at the yule ball.
he thought you looked gorgeous in your outfit, your bright big smile and just everything about you seemed to click to him.
his crush on you seemed to increase the second he got to know you better, your likes were so different but similar to him that you both together would never clash.
he thought of you as the sweetest, even when you thought you weren't. and every time he tried to make a move to get you there was always something in him that stopped him. terrible scenarios playing in his head of what happened every time that he loved someone.
so even if he was dying to kiss those perfect lips. to feel your warmth around him as you hugged him with love. to caress every part of your skin with a gentleness that no one else could do.
to see you smile, to laugh, to cry because of him.
he thought of the future you'd two have late at night. he'd never felt this kind of feeling before so it was very foreign to him.
he tested the waters one day when he asked to hold your books during classes and you refused of course. cause you were the sweetest and didn't want him to suffer from your problems. he ended up carrying them anyways.
a while later he took you out. as just friends. to see what it would be like and merlin. it was everything and more than he'd dreamed of.
he hadn't even gotten the chance to touch you, to hold you, but yet he was high off his mind with just your mere presence.
he'd catch himself staring at you throughout the day, constantly wondering what you were doing, if you were okay.
somehow he'd even gotten the courage to tell his friends about you. and that to him felt like introducing you to his family. as if you were his partner.
they encouraged him to go get you because it's better now than later right? who knew what would happen to him or you between the upcoming years with voldemort rising. but he wasn't ready to face the smile of rejection yet.
ron had told him that he was being ridiculous when harry had told him about his worries.
to be specific "come on mate. do you really think that y/n would really reject you? i mean, you've got everything. fame, money, great personality, body (no homo), mind. honestly everything. there is no way in hell there are any flaws in you"
though in reality, everything was wrong with him. he was so prone to anger, reckless, stubborn, self-confident. and so many more that he can't even name right now.
you didn't deserve that. you deserved someone better than him. someone who wouldn't put a frown on your face with concern.
for a split second, he'd thought even if you dated him, it would only be for his fame and money, but he knew. he knew you were nothing like that.
you were an angel.
and that's the only thing that kept pushing him on.
the chance to call you his. the chance to hold you close and never let go. the chance to finally love someone, and have a family with them.
so one particular night, he pushed every thought except you away. said fuck it and went to the astronomy tower, because of the letter he slipped inside your robe pocket.
this was a very cliché spot but it was the only one where they'd be alone together, so he had to make up with what he had. the spot he'd chosen in the tower was very romantic anyway, so it was a win-win for him.
he waited about 5 minutes, give or take for you to come but yet you didn't. his inner demon told him that you had stood him up and left him to stand there like a fool, and just when he was threatening to leave.
you came. just as beautiful as ever. the moonlight reflected off your hair, making it shine.
and then it hit him that you were standing right there, inches from him with that gorgeous smile.
this was his only shot, he thought as he took a big breath.
"y/n. i've brought you here tonight because i have something very important to tell you. this was very hard for me to come up to this point but it was worth it because you're here. there's no point in tip-toeing around the million dollar question so here i go.. y/n y/l/n you are the most beautiful and honest person i've ever met. i fell in love with you the moment i saw you those years ago on that dance floor. the way you smile, laugh, talk, cry even has me mesmerized. you're so thoughtful and brilliant it amazes me that i even have the chance to be alive next to you right now. and i am here to ask you today to let me be your boyfriend. your partner in crime. i'd treat you so well. bathe in my love and worship you with kindness if you would only give me a chance. that's all i ask. a chance with you. i'd love you until my dying breath if you were mine. so please. just give me one."
he felt a huge weight lift off his chest as he uttered the last few words, emotional and anxious for your response.
yet you just stood there shell-shocked. he had no idea what was going through your mind if what he said had been too much.
though every single thought left him in a heartbeat when he felt you crash into him, your lips on his, and your warmth so close to his heart.
he didn't know how to function before he remembered who he was and kissed you back.
it was just as sweet as he had dreamed. he pulled you closer by the waist your body warm against the cold wind and your lips a distraction from his thoughts.
you both had no idea how long you two were kissing but you had to breathe after a while after all so he removed himself from you with dismay gently.
he was still in shock that you had said yes. right? you kissing him was a yes right? he began to grow even more worried when he saw that you were tearing up. it was you that initiated the kiss so why were you crying?
"i- y/n. a-are you alright? i'm sorry if i said anything wrong but please don't cry.", but then when he said those words you were smiling.
"i like you too harry. i was just- i just never expected you to like me back. YOU liking ME back? i thought it was another dream or i was going crazy but i- i like you. no. love you. i don't care if it's too soon but i've always loved you. your speech was so sweet thank you. and yes. yes i will let you be my boyfriend, partner in crime if you will."
he thought he was going crazy when he heard that last line but he couldn't help but smile back. pulling you into a hug he buried his face in your hair inhaling your scent.
he couldn't believe that you were his and that he was yours. but it was all he'd ever wanted so he stood there basking in the feeling of love and finally a chance at something new.
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