#like there's just so much of it they're so ridiculous
one of my like reimaginings of canon HSR is that personally i like to imagine that borisin aren't like. so outright Super Duper Evil anymore, and the issue with them isn't even really always the aggression directly, so much as their populations rapidly spiral out of control because they're sorta immortal and yet also fully capable of (and very good at) reproducing, including regularly going into heats. the funnier flip side to this is that foxians are Also a bunch of horny bastards who Also go into heat (annually, in the late winter/early spring), and Also have the potential to spiral into ridiculous population sizes. it's just. most foxians culturally would rather EXPLODE than admit to this. they need u to believe so so So badly that they are just wholesome upstanding citizens with Spotless Self Control and Not Like Those Horny Irresponsible Weirdos. They go to LENGTHS to find effective Stop Being Horny treatments and frequently have to change it up and hunt down replacements and new formulations because their stupid baka immortal bodies keep adapting to everything thrown at them and going "nice try but I STILL WANT KITS IDIOT" jiaoqiu and feixiao both gotta spend like three months a year trying all kinds of shit and fighting for their Lives to remain normal on the outside while lowkey being Plagued and Swamped with thoughts of their Desperation to do Unspeakable Things to not just each other, but also Moze, on the inside.
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twoyara · 1 day
Karens never existed
As a non-white woman, I don't understand why this slang exists at all. No, I'm not here to show how cool and smart I am, it's just a logical conclusion. Are white women can be racist? Yes. Can they be fascists? Yes. Can they be rude and loud? Sure. But, as you all know very well, there are already names and terms for these things. You don't need to invent some new ones for it. Oh, and like, all other women of all races and ethnicities can't be like that or what?
The problem isn't that they're rude or racist, is it? The problem is that they are confident middle-aged women who know how to stand up for themselves and their rights. Because, my God, how much humanity hates women who try to stand up for their rights. All this nonsense about radfem didn't come out of thin air, y'know
Even if white women are scandalous, so what? White men aren't scandalous? They aren't loud and racist? Why isn't there any popular slang for white men? Why aren't there a ton of memes about them? Videos making fun of them? Forums and articles? Because no white woman has as many rights and freedom as a white man
How stupid is it to think that white women are somehow protected from patriarchy and think that they somehow have more rights than all other women. And even better if they're rich. But history by a bunch of actresses and models proves that neither money nor white skin will save you from rape, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, kidnapping, murder. The only thing they're protected from is racism. I doubt that either. If white person came to my republic, they'd be greeted with racist comments (sad truth)
NO WOMAN IS SAFE AS LONG AS THERE IS PATRIARCHY IN THE WORLD. The term exists only to once again demean and ridicule women. That's all. Eat it up, chew on it, slurp it. Idk just stop being so dumb
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milkyhoneybee · 2 days
Harpy girlfriend who doesn't have human hands and she can't get her wings into the right position to play with her tits, absolutely losing it and trilling loudly when you suck on her nipples and grope/pinch them
Fitting a pair of snakebite nipple suckers onto her and watching as she becomes more desperate, clawed feet coming up to try and pull them off but they're too narrow for her to get a good grip on
Laughing and cooing at her as her feathers fluff out and she gets frustrated as the constant pressure turns to oversensitive pain
Eventually you tell her they'll come off if she bounces enough, and you set up a suction toy on the floor for her, watching her bob up and down erratically as she tries to get the suckers to pop off
Her cloaca dripping wet, stretched around a toy that's just a little too big for her, eyes dark and face flushed, sharp teeth worrying her plump lip
Eventually you take pity on her and yank the nipple suckers off roughly, making her cum hard and let out an avian screech as her nipples are finally exposed. Throbbing, thick, bright red from their abuse
Of course, you don't waste time getting them in your mouth
Next time, you go for clover clamps with weights attached and send her out flying, watching her have to readjust her wings every time the weights make her flinch or tense
You joke about getting her heavy silicone implants and how she wouldn't need to fly then, she'd be your pretty songbird on display, perfect tits to show off how successful she is, not needing to hunt or migrate when she has you to care for her, even if the implants would make her look like a ridiculous, sexualised ornament instead of the regal predator she is in her own mind
If you got them big enough, she'd be able to reach them and press them together with her wings
You could get her some pretty gold chains to hang between nipple piercings, put all sorts of colourful hanging jewels on them to show how much her mate cares for her
Or, even though she's more avian than human, you wonder if you could get her to lactate, especially when she occasionally lays an unfertilised egg or three, always getting broody and needy around then, how cute she'd look begging you to drink from her tits to relieve their fullness, maybe get her a wearable set of pumps modified to fit over her wings like a harness, so she can get her teats sucked while she hops around your home
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lemotmo · 23 hours
I'm not sure how you feel about getting these anymore but I thought this was hilarious so wanted to share for you at least to read even if you don't want to post. 😊
Q. I really was trying to hold onto the belief that the show wasn't going to make Eddie gay but it's really hard to see what other storyline is possible given those latest Ryan interviews. I would love to say gay or not the show would just keep Buck and Eddie as platonic best friends but there is zero chance of the show not pairing them together. They really did just use my man as filler until they were ready to tell the Eddie story. That's so gross.
A. Well, anon that's the point of a plot device. Their only reason for being is to move a larger story forward. By definition their filler characters. They have no individual significance or purpose. Their purpose is the story they're being used in. I've been telling you this for months now. Many of us have. He was never going to be anything more than a plot device. The show wasn't subtle about it either. It's been pretty much a connect the dots picture of plot device usage. Go back and watch his scenes in season 7 with this new found realization and I promise it will not be hard to see. And I agree, especially with the context the latest Ryan interviews gave, there's really not any other story it could be. He also confirmed they're not turning him into the new Bobby, and he's not siding with Gerard. So it was nice of him to debunk the latest round of ridiculous takes during the interview. If I could offer you a suggestion though I would encourage you to give the story a chance. If you pay attention to Eddie, and not your fandom people telling you to hate him, you will like him. After all there's a reason you all tried to hijack his entire backstory and history for Tommy. Let yourself enjoy the character those things actually belong too. Let yourself enjoy the actual story.
Oh Nonny! I feel joyous and happy whenever I get another of these posts in my ask box. While I'm asking people to not ask Ali any questions through my blog, I'm still perfectly happy posting her asks here. 😋
Especially since, for most of us, this is the only way to read Ali's posts and we do love her posts very much. So don't hesitate to drop something in my ask box. The only things I don't post about are the direct posts about the BT fandom, but Ali has told me she isn't replying to those posts anymore anyway, so that eliminates that problem.
As for the ask itself...
Yeah, so many of us have been saying this since day one. Tommy was only ever there to help Buck out of that closet. He was never really meant to be anything more than that. Sure, the change of the storyline because of the early renewal, gave Tommy some more time on the show, but that's where it ends.
So yeah, going back to rewatch the previous seasons, knowing what you know now? It will change the way you see Eddie and Eddie and Buck's friendship and maybe you'll find some joy in them. Just let it happen.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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therethatstar · 2 days
*I* raise you Pond cuddling with Phuwin and Parker and Hana.
okay okay alan. i am here. and i see the vision.
pond starts bringing parker over when he comes over to phuwin's place because he wants parker to be familiar with hana. and parker is quite hyper as you would expect a gold retriever to be. but when it comes to sleeping, they find that parker would snuggle up somewhere near phuwin's leg because phuwin sleeps pretty still and pond has a habit of moving alot during his sleep so parker stays the farthest from pond lol
hana is different tho. hana does not like to be held. in general. but especially when she's sleeping. not even by phuwin. and the first few times, hana doesn't even let pond hold her. but turns out, hana was just taking her time getting familiar with pond because by the time she is comfortable around pond, the damn cat is always on pond's lap or anywhere in close proximity to pond. EVEN WHEN SHE'S SLEEPING. suddenly, she always snuggled up in pond's arm when they get ready for bed time. would literally squeeze between pond and phuwin to be held by pond. and sure, phuwin thought it was cute at first. happy to see hana finally warming up to pond. and phuwin hates to admit it. but hana is kind of taking all of pond's attention from him. it's stupid. phuwin knows it's stupid to be jealous of his cat but pond lets him cuddle up to him everytime they spend the night together and these days they're sleeping almost practically at an arm length from each other.
he sort of brings it up to fourth. to which fourth raises his brows at him, "you're not jealous of your cat are you? because that would make you sound ridiculous."
phuwin just stares blankly at him, lips press into a thin line.
"okay, you're fucking jealous cause your boyfriend likes your cat more."
technically they're not boyfriends. phuwin doesn't know what they even are to each other. friends who cuddle? friends who fuck on the regular? friends who get familiar to each other's pets? whatever any of those things mean. but that's beside the point.
"it's not that im jealous. it's just. i rarely get to see him as it is these days. and the only time i get to see him, hana is always in his arms."
phuwin wants to bring up that just the other day, pond came over and he went straight to pick up hana. phuwin can let go of the fact that pond didn't even give him a peck on the lips. and pond ALWAYS does that. but the fact that pond barely spared a glance at phuwin? phuwin doesn't bring that up to fourth tho because he thinks it will really make him sound insane.
"maybe you can bring it up to him?"
"and have him think im insane?"
"look phuwin. i don't know if anyone has ever told you or if you're that oblivious. but pond is pretty fucking insane about you. in case that wasn't clear to you yet. so im pretty sure there's not much you can do to make him think you're more insane about him than he is about you."
phuwin doesn't bring it up to pond tho. even if he thinks about doing so many times. but it's just. how the fuck do you even put something like that into words that doesn't make you sound like you're out of your mind? 'hey i like that you're getting along with my cat so well but like she's kind of getting all of your attention lately so like can you kiss me and hold me to sleep is that too much to ask?'
as they're getting ready for bed, phuwin wraps himself in his blanket and he can feels pond staring at him. he turns to pond, "what?"
"why are you sleeping so far?"
it's only then when he sees that hana is laying somewhere near pond's head.
"hana gets all fussy when she gets squeezed between us."
"well hana isn't between us now. so come here."
pond looks a little taken back, "no?"
"hold hana. whatever."
pond looks a bit confused at first but his eyes change. like something is clicking for him.
"phuwin, come here."
phuwin only frowns, or maybe he's pouting, he doesn't know. even makes a move to scoot farther.
"khun tang. come here before i get to you first."
phuwin scoffs at that. what is pond gonna do if he doesn't? manhandle him like a sack of potatoes?
as a matter of fact, that's exactly what pond did. one breathe and pond moves at the speed of light, scooping phuwin in his arms in no time. he holds phuwin close to him, chest presses to chest, squeezing phuwin so tight, it knocks all of the air out of phuwin's lungs. phuwin tries his best not to hug him back because he's still very much sulking. but that only makes pond hugs him even tighter.
then pond pulls back, before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "you're cute when you're jealous, phuwin."
what a fucking insane thing to say. phuwin is NOT jealous. "and you're not cute when you're delusional."
"over your own cat too."
"i don't know what you're talking about."
"hana is hella of a fluff ball to hug to sleep, i will admit that. but you know who's even more of a fluff ball to hold to sleep?"
phuwin glares at him, "compare me to a fluff ball and you're sleeping on the sofa."
pond curls his lips downward, teasingly, "who said i was gonna say you?"
phuwin pinches the lower of pond's stomach, "think again before you even try to insinuate that you're holding someone else to sleep."
pond whines, laughter bubbles out of him, "oh we're getting aggressive in bed now. are you gonna start biting next? never thought i would be into that. but i could be."
pond laughs out loud, bending down to kiss the frown off of phuwin's lips. then kisses him again. then on his cheek. his other cheek. his nose. his eyes. his forehead. his lips again. deepens it until he feels phuwin responds back.
he pulls after a moment, glancing down at phuwin, lips all red and swollen, eyes widen, "even if i'm not holding you to sleep, i think about holding you to sleep. i think about you all the time, you know that? only you."
and he says it so easily. so casually. like phuwin's world doesn't stop spinning for a moment. like phuwin isn't tipping over into a void. like phuwin's heart rate isn't a racketing mess now. like his chest doesn't feel tight like there is a lack of breath centering around his heart. his gut throbs, heart kicked dumb.
and phuwin's heart feels like it's ten and a hundred and a million sizes too big for his body. for the universe itself, even. because pond is still smiling at him, nothing coy or hint of obnoxious in it, at the edge of shy and so so honest. because pond is not the universe but he looks like he could fit the entirety of phuwin's soft mushed heart inside himself, keep it safe, keep it his.
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The crazy Sacrilege fan here ! I LOVE THAT DRABBLE MIKASA IS SUCH AN UNHINGED FREAK I ADORE HER THANK YOU LYS THANK YOU !!! And Eren cares about her , « might even love her, just a little » LMFAO MR COP IS SO BUSTED !! If I may ask, how do you think they would react to a pregnancy scare ? I think crazy ass Mika might even like it, think it’s the Lord’s Will for them to be with child . Eren is head over heels for his little gf so he woudn’t mind giving her a child but he doesn’t want her to regret it later, she needs to go to college and start a career first!
omg okay, i can totally see this going like both ways, mostly bc I'm so anti religion bc of how much fucking shit it can create. So me, being a little shit, i'd love to go against the grain here and have Mikasa just be pRO CHOICE GIRLY !! Altho I do think she'd be like a little thrilled to have a child with Eren lol. LETS WRITE IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!! bro tell me why they're so cute tho i like this drabble lol
Mikasa stares at the pregnancy test blankly, head knocked back against the bathroom cabinet of Eren’s apartment. Two little red lines to seal her fate, she should be thrilled.  
She isn’t. 
Contrary to her mother and every other girl in her church, Mikasa feels nothing but dread, cold, inescapable dread and suffocation. Because yes, a baby is cute, a baby is sweet, a baby would be the perfect embodiment of her and Eren’s love. They’d be the picture perfect happy family, the one people see on instagram, and she could be a stay at home mom and do all that ridiculous mom-fluencer stuff she sees.
The entire idea makes Mikasa want to throw up, and she’s not so sure it’s the pregnancy, because she isn’t that far along at all yet. 
She slumps, dropping the test to the floor beside her and blinking back stubborn tears, she wonders if this is God’s plan. Because surely, it must be? She wouldn’t be pregnant if it wasn’t His will. Hell, she’s already gone against the church by using birth control, condoms and the pill. 
So there’s really no other way she could have possibly gotten pregnant, right? Nothing else other than pure divine intervention would have allowed this. 
Mikasa sniffles meekly, a tear sleeping down her cheek despite her attempts not to cry and she wipes it away with her sleeve. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she crumples in on herself because what the fuck is she going to do? She’s not married, not yet at least, not in school yet –will probably have to drop out now actually– and her parents will most certainly withdraw what little support they were willing to provide her. She can hear it now, they’re going to call her sweet little baby a bastard, the church will gossip, her youth group will turn on her, and the pastor will look at her with eyes full of disgust at every turn. The tears flow faster now, slipping down her cheeks freely, and before she realizes it, she’s sobbing alone in Eren’s apartment bathroom, utterly alone. 
And there’s that too, isn’t there, how Eren will react. She doesn’t know, doesn’t want to lose him, but what if it’s too soon? Eren isn’t that old, only 24 and still working his way up in the force, he probably doesn’t want a baby yet either. 
He’s certainly never talked about it, and it has Mikasa tearing up all over again, because she’s going to lose him, and her parents again all at once. And she can’t lose him, she just can’t, she loves him. What had started as pure angsty rebellion had turned into love so quickly she doesn’t even know when it started. But he’s so supportive, hot, and so fucking good for her if she thinks about it, had told her just to fucking move in when her parents had gotten fussy over their break-up. He’d shrugged like it was no big deal, “Don’t worry about rent, Mika, just as long as you sleep in my bed.” Then, he’d left for work with a wink, and Mikasa for the first time in her life had real fucking independence, the very thing she’d been yearning for, begging for when he’d fucked her on that alter. 
And now here she is, about to lose it all again, her shackles renewed by the responsibility of a child and all the pressures that come with being a mom before she’s financially ready or responsible in the slightest. 
There is a click outside and Mikasa inhales sharply, glancing at her watch, because how long has she been in this bathroom moping? It’s 9:00 am on the dot, Eren is home, having just gotten off an overnight shift, and she can already hear him stomping around, seeking her out. “Mikasa,” He calls, and she slaps a hand over her mouth to keep quiet, for what she doesn’t know, he’ll find her eventually. “Baby where are you, I can see your shoes by the door, come out.” She doesn’t, fear paralyzes her, this agony of what to do, to tell him, not to tell him, to just run away and give it up for adoption, show up again in nine months and hope he doesn’t hate her. But Eren is a cop, surely he’d find her no matter where she went? And he does, just like he’d find her if she ran away, sweeping the apartment methodically before coming to the bathroom door, just off his bedroom. 
He knocks, “Miki, what are you doing?” She doesn’t answer, just grabs the pregnancy test, holds it closer as the two positive red lines blur together, tears flowing freely again. It takes Eren one attempt, one fucking shot to jimmy the lock open, and he’s leaning against the door frame like an avenging angel as he looks her over. He’s terrifying, clad in his police uniform, black cargo pants with so many pockets and that tight long sleeve shirt that goes under his body armour. 
He quirks a brow up at her as he notices her tears, eyes scanning her over, and she can pinpoint the exact moment he notices the pregnancy test, his teeth coming down to bite into his lip, his only nervous tic. “So,” He asks casually, “Pregnant?” She nods meekly, a sob working its way up her throat, all she can think to do is apologize, because obviously it’s her fault, “I’m so sorry Eren.” 
She should have never slept with him, never disobeyed God like this, it’s her punishment, and she just spirals, ugly crying in her boyfriend’s bathroom at 8 am on a wednesday. “Oh Miki no, it takes two, okay,” Eren half laughs as he kneels down next to her, tucking a strand of hair out of her eyes. He wipes the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs, cupping her face with more love and affection than she’s ever known in her life, “It was definitely more me if I recall correctly, in the back of my squad car, in the kitchen,” He smirks, looking down at her, “Yesterday morning in the shower.” Mikasa smacks him for that, choking out a laugh, “Stop it, I’m sad right now.” Eren chuckles, sitting down next to her and grabbing her hand with the pregnancy test to look at it himself. “You don’t have to be sad Miki, it doesn’t have to be a big thing you know.” 
She leans into him, her head on his shoulder as she thinks about it, “Eren I’m gonna get huge and fat, it’s definitely gonna be a thing and people are definitely going to notice.” He bumps her with his shoulder lightly, “Nah you’d be cute pregnant, and fuck,” He groans as if he’s thinking about it, “Your tits would definitely get even better.” Mikasa gasps, smacking his arm again, and before she can stop him he’s going in for a squeeze that has her yelping because yeah, she’s already a little more sensitive. He smirks, more smug than he has any right to be in this situation, ten minutes ago she was crying her eyes out. 
“So does this mean you want it, then, that you’ll support me?” Mikasa asks hopefully and Eren squeezes her thigh, looking down at her with more intensity than she knew him capable of, “Mikasa of course I’ll support you in whatever you decide to do, this would be my kid too.” He pauses and Mikasa waits, looking up at him earnestly, ready to accept whatever else he has to say, because he’s Eren and he so obviously loves her. “I know it’s a little taboo in the church community, but have you thought about getting an abortion?” Mikasa cracks, heaving out a great sob, and before she knows it she’s in Eren’s lap with him shushing her as she whispers all her fears into his neck, “You don’t want it, you’re lying you just- you just want to appease me and –” “Mikasa,” Eren kisses his way up her neck, voice right at her ear, “I’m not lying, but look at me.” He cups her chin roughly, tilting her head up so she’s forced to look into those pretty green eyes, “Baby you’re in school, you haven’t even started yet, and I’ve heard you, fuck baby I’ve heard you talk about school so many times and how much you want to be a nurse.” He leans down, so their foreheads touch, and he leans into her, “And as much as I’d love to see you pregnant, how fucking pretty you’d be, cute as hell waddling around my house knocked up with my fucking kid, it would also suck a lot because I know Mikasa that you’d be miserable, would be delaying your dreams for several years at the very fucking least and I could never ask you to do that.” Mikasa inhales shakily, relaxing into him now, the hand on her thigh, the other at the nape of her neck, how warm and solid he is against her, Eren. 
She tilts her head up for a kiss, something soft, chaste, comfort. 
He kisses her softly, all gentle affection, his hand rubbing over her thigh to keep her calm and when she pulls back she’s calmer, more stable in his arms. 
“Is it allowed?” She whispers, almost nervously, afraid she’ll be shot down by the universe at the mere suggestion. Eren laughs, his hand drifting up to her hip to tug her closer in his lap, “Of course it’s allowed Mikasa, no one has to know we have free health care you know, we’ll just you know, schedule you an appointment, I don’t think it’s that hard.” “Really?” she mumbles, “Just like that?” “I think so, I mean obviously I haven’t had one, but I don’t think it’ll be that difficult, we can call in a minute.”
“Okay,” she mumbles and Eren kisses her again, nipping her cheek as he demands her attention, “But I want to know you’re doing it for you, not because of me or anything else, this has to be your decision Mikasa and I’m just along for the ride.” She sighs, “I think you’re right, I just didn’t want to be the one to say it, but before you got here all I could think about was how much it was going to fuck up my life.” Eren gasps, and she looks up, suddenly afraid, does he think she’s disgusting, a worthless human being because of it? His eyes are alight with amusement, “You swore, what a naughty little church girl you are.” 
She smacks him and violently, which has him cackling, and he uses his leverage to go in for another kiss, which she accepts gratefully. “As long as it’s your decision Mikasa, I don’t care, hell I kind of agree, I’m not sure if I’d be a great dad right now, I’m too selfish. I wanna keep you to myself for as long as I can.” Mikasa laughs, “Then maybe we’d better start using better protection.” “Yeah, we’re also scheduling you for an IUD appointment, because fuck are you bad at taking those pills.” She winces, “I took it this morning.” Eren looks at her in disbelief, “Miki you’re already pregnant.” “Well, I tried not to be,” She tells him poutily and Eren pinches her waist, “You did a shit job.” “We just agreed it was your fault!” 
Eren smiles deviously, “Yeah it is, and it’s about to be my fault again.” 
He yanks her down against him, a devilish gleam in his eyes, and she can feel his very obvious erection right against the soft of her cunt, separated only by the thin layer of her pyjama pants. 
“Have you been hard the entire time?” “I’m not a monster, just since you swore, it just does things to me, it’s not my fault, really it’s yours.” “Oh my God,” Mikasa groans, and she can feel Eren below her, grinding her down against his cock, that guilty look on his face, “Holy fuck does it turn you on when I’m like bad?” “Is that blasphemous of me?” 
“God yes,” She tells him and then she’s kissing him, because no one else but Eren Yeager has ever made being bad feel so good.
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
Taikan Yohou is so extra funny on the rewatch because you can really see how much Yoh and Segasaki both think they're communicating effectively and straightforwardly, and it's just the other guy who is the incomprehensible enigma.
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Seriously how can M*r*uders stans like random Slytherins (who tf are Evan Rosier, Pandora (is that Luna's mum and why tf is she Evan Rosier's twin in half of these), and I don't even want to discuss Regulus) and make them Actually Misunderstood Good People Who Were Forced Down That Path when at least one of them *coughreguluscough* was obsessed with Voldemort
And then turn around and make Snape an awful person?
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dootznbootz · 3 days
Odysseus is already a SA/rape survivor twice over. WHY are people compelled to make him have to go through it again with a different immortal? WHY are people making coercion a JOKE? Something to LAUGH at. The guy who cried every day as a "unwilling lover beside lover all too willing" and was already coerced once before in order to save his friends is clearly a "slut" who would LOVE to do this again, right?
Do people laugh at other characters who have to go through this too? Why is it “funny” when it's Odysseus? Because he's a guy? Because it's a male god who's making him do this therefore it's “funny”?
Is it because it was Goddesses who hurt him in the first place? Therefore not seen as "valid abuse"?
Or is it because since the Goddesses were "bad", a God doing it will be "better"?
If Odysseus would not have done this (which yeah he wouldn't have of his own choice) if it weren't to save his men then it's coercion.
I don't like that this stuff is almost taken to be “lighthearted”.
You could say it's because "It's AU Odysseus who would "want" to do this" which sure...but please look into WHY it's "funny" to portray the victim of SA as a "Manwhore"? or why you're portraying him that way in the first place. What about Odysseus makes him a "manwhore" specifically?
(can there at least be a specific tag for this whole "Zeus makes Odysseus have sex with him in order to save his men AU" for folks who want to block it? ;~; Don't take this to heart too much but just...please look into WHY it's funny.)
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creaturefeaster · 3 months
sorry if this is a weird/confusing question, but if Colorquest was real or at the very least just mimes, would they still look cartoonish irl? like next to a realistic person theyre super rounded. like something out of roger rabbits. or would they be somewhat realistic too
This isn't confusing at all. Honestly, it's something I feel like I struggle to convey to people quite often, so the fact that you ask really excites me... er, as long as I'm interpreting the question correctly, of course. Which, it feels like I am.
Yes, the mimes would feel very artificial. They are like what you would expect a 3D stick figure to look like in real life-- with the added (typically) cylinder/tube-like torso, of course. Smooth surfaces with no imperfections, no pores or divets. Round, cartoonishly proportionate living mannequins, with the surface area of their bodies scattering light in such a way that it's hard to get a read on their depth as if they are cell-shaded; They are almost walking cartoons, but with respect to three dimensional laws. Less decided upon, I often consider they'd have a start black outline around their silhouette, like the effect you find in Borderlands games for instance.
So basically yeah they'd look about how they do as they are drawn as they would in real life. The living would look like actual organic people like you and me.
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shannonsketches · 3 months
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He said "Fuck this shit, I'm out" I'm crying. Toriyama's Vegeta was so top shelf 🤌
(From Neko Majin Z Chapter 5!)
#dbtag#Idk why Toei didn't lean into Vegeta being a version of Piccolo you could put in funnier situations like Toriyama wrote#He's reserved and professional and proud but JUST immature enough to bite down on a gag that Piccolo would readily swerve#But they take a lot of Goku's chaotic comedy away too in favor of Hero(tm) writing and that is why I keep pulling my hair out aklsjdlas#Toriyama was sO funny and it bums me out so much that the anime derailed how lighthearted and straight up silly the humor is#and replaced it with Misogyny Is Funny and humiliation kinks asjklfhadjk and it's not just my complaints about Vegeta and Bulma!!#“Goku is running away from his very reasonable wife because he is a goofy little guy who doesn't want to do his chores” becomes#“Chichi is Cruel to Goku who is Trying to be a good husband because she doesn't relate to his passions and vilifies him for having them"#which is not their dynamic at all but dudes in the writing room are like “being married is fucking awful amirite fellas hahaha”#but Toriyama was like “Being married is not for everybody but it can be really great if you and your partner are on the same page”#Chichi's reasonable! And Goku isn't romantically wired but Goku can enthusiastically consent to sex and still not enjoy kissing#those things can be and are true for a lot of people! And it makes even more sense if you hc Goku to be aspec (and audhd coded) like I do#Kissing can feel gross and can be a sensory overload for many folks. Doesn't mean they're stupid or innocent.#(although Goku CAN still ride nimbus so idk what Pure entails in this universe askljad)#Like I am the FIRST person to joke and drag Goku about his marriage as an aspec myself but like legit Goten is a Last Night On Earth baby#He knows what sex is. But also between how socially removed Goku is and how Shy and Conservative Chichi it's not out of line#to assume the actual words sex and kiss have never been spoken in that house skljdlajdf I FULLY believe Chichi uses code words#Chichi thinks her son being blonde makes him a delinquent and still uses honorifics with Goku like it is fully reasonable to assume#that the joke of Goku's naivetè centers around the fact that his wife is too embarrassed to talk about Certain Matters in a normal way#While Bulma and Vegeta are slutty hedonistic cityfolk who need jesus (according to chichi probably...and me but I support them)#anyway. point is. Toriyama was funny as hell and Nekomajin is absolutely ridiculous and goofy and has a fully amoral main character#which just reminded me that toei is allergic to letting goku be a gremlin and so vegeta's not allowed to be a gremlin wrangler#even though that's been his job since the day he met raditz alksdjaskljd
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possamble · 5 months
realizing im kind of a weirdo about laios and marcille
#possramble#ignore this im just babbling but#the thing is that like. i don't ship laios and marcille together. their relationship is so so important to me in that laios comphets himsel#and THINKS that he might be in love with her but he isn't and that's my insane obsession#platonic soulmates for real but they're so sweet together that i fully expect them to be shipped together#like i get it. that's almost the appeal for me. if dungeon meshi were any other series there'd be an epilogue where they get married#convention dictates that they're meant to be together as the male protagonist and his beloved female deuteragonist#but dungeon meshi DOESNT do that and i love it so fucking much they're the comphet besties ever for my strange little brain#like if i ever did an arranged marriage au it would absolutely be laios and marcille having a platonic political marriage and then just#the most insane mutual pining with marcille and falin while laios and marcille struggle their way into becoming best friends#the imagery of the king and his beautiful court mage being tender to each other and everyone thinking they're in love is like catnip to me#like yeah they'd be like that and have no idea people think they should be together and the subversion makes me so obsessed#the more people ship them romantically. the more i enjoy their platonic dynamic it's like some sort of weird comphet fetishism idk#people think they're in love and im outside the window like YES... YES!!!#but also the second i see stuff of them kissing on the mouth or fucking im like oh god no i went too deep in here i gotta get out#don't wanna see that. i'll go feral over the idea of laios and marcille being arm-in-arm like king and queen but they would not fuck.#i want marcille to be his default comphet beard and dance partner/plus one at official royal events but they're not kissing.#she's there on his arm because he's scared of the other noble women tryna get him and being a baby about it#and people see them muttering to each other and laughing and generally being very sweet and think that they're dating but they're not.#she's actually covered in hickies from falin underneath her dress and is gonna get dragon dicked right after the party is over#like she's in her bedroom and falin's helping her take her ridiculous dress off while listening to her complain about politics#and falin is the person she goes home to the person she falls asleep to and wakes up with#they're a triad of utter devotion to each other but only farcille's side of the triangle is romantic#it's almost like an open secret because they're not trying to hide it at all but people assume and are surprised to find out#like people are so right about her relationship with the toudens but with the siblings' roles switched#love of her life & irreplaceable life companion. does anyone get it#anyway. i don't know what's wrong with me#it bothers me that they're not the undisputed most popular het ship for marcille on ao3#it's unnatural. marcille being paired with any other man should be a fringe case.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
Giving a complicated tragic childhood backstory to your favorite character is all fun and games, until you realize you need to account for how old all the other adult characters would have been at the time and realize that scenes that would work perfectly if one character was twenty three and the other was fourteen stop working when you need other characters who are played by adult actors clearly younger than they are to be in college at the same time so your story beats line up thematically.
#Don't worry. I made an excel document for this over a year ago#Was that unhinged? Yeah. But this is harder than you think it is#In unrelated news it is now reasonable to have a child in your 20s 30s or 40s depending on when the plot needs the child#Also people in their early 20s can be in grad school have already established careers and adopt children now. I've declared it.#Also: Hollywood stop trying to trick me into believing women in their 30s are the same age as men in their 50s. It's never gonna work.#I'm fighting for my life to make these age gaps normal even on a platonic level#Don't worry I aged the girls up and the boys down#But still this is a bit ridiculous#If you use the actors' ages it doesn't work. Garrison's actress is 16 years younger than Curtain. Why?#I mean I like the casting. But SQ is a teenager. We know Curtain has had his evil plans at least since SQ was born and lost his bio dad#and if the Whisperer is Garrison's invention that means she and Curtain were working together when SQ was born#If SQ in the show is 16 (the actor was older I believe) and Garrison is 37 (that's how old the actress is now she was younger at time)#That means Garrison was only 21 and Curtain was well into his 30s. And that's after you age SQ down and Garrison up for the calculations#So Garrison was likely (according to the shows' casting) even younger than that which begs the question what was Curtain doing?#Was he spending his 30s lurking around college campuses and high schools looking for a kid whose inventions he could steal?#What in the Marcus Cutter is that about?#All these jokes about Garrison being SQ's uninvolved divorced stepmom but nah she's really his estranged big sister#also this is very frustrating because the irl age gap between the actress who plays Number Two and Tony Hale only 7 years#but they're the ones for whom a 16 year age gap would have actually made sense because he adopts her in the books!#but now since Garrison is clearly so much younger than Number Two Curtain and Benedict I have to deal with this#(Don't worry I figured it out and made the age gaps normal. You just now have to believe Number Two is only a year older than Garrison)#It was the stress of living with her family that aged her and Garrison just looks naturally super young that's what we're going with.#And don't get me wrong:#I do like the actresses and actors they casted they're great but sometimes I google the ages and I'm like oh you cannot be serious#But we've (more or less) figured it out#Rant over#writing#writing struggles#tmbs
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andorerso · 1 year
sorry but comparing whether Jyn or Cassian suffered more in their life like it's the fucking trauma Olympics is fucking ridiculous
they both suffered the same and it's literally not a competition, hope this helps <3
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quiet-longing · 3 months
because sometimes louis (and vampires) deserves nice things
Or: no, they really don't, but I'm giving it to them, anyway because it amuses me.
Iwtv is a painful fandom to be a part of, especially if you know what's coming and I think most people know, readers or not. The books have been out for years. There was a movie. The internet exists. What I'm saying is anyone coming into this fandom is probably someone who, by general cultural osmosis, knows what's up. Nobody's coming in blind. So, we all, to varying degrees, know how much it's gonna hurt us.
So after I brood about it (like the good Louis fan i am), I like to imagine a softer world for the characters. A world that's filled with small dramas instead of big ones and imagine them still being their ridiculous selves.
Now, think of this introduction to my soft vampire daydreams as a warm bath...
The premise is superficially the same minus the murdering and vampirism and it's a modern day human AU, so this Claudia has two dads and not a dad and an uncle and more importantly (not to Louis and Lestat; they would like their young, sweet daughter back; not this shrieking changeling who's replaced her), she gets to grow up. She's adopted (legally and everything!) because Tragic Circumstances (not caused by Louis this time). Now, I thought Bailey played Claudia a lot younger than 14 in the beginning and I really enjoyed it. Claudia almost certainly didn't get a childhood, so when Louis and Lestat vamped her, she did, and I take my characterization from that because this is supposed to be fun.
Anyway, they adopt Claudia at younger than 14 - young enough that she's still asking "is that my fountain?" "is that my house" "are we a family?" and she is exactly as spoiled as she is in the show. Whatever she wants, she gets. Louis and Lestat dote on her. Lestat especially, spoils her. They have a special bond (I've yet to figure out about what yet; not the stage, that comes later and Claudia is sooooo mad about it). She has special bonds with both of her dads, but in her early childhood, she's especially close with Lestat because they're so similar. When she hits her tweens and teens, that's when she gets closer to Louis because "the NOISE, the DRAMA, he's so STUPID! he doesn't understand ANYTHING" and "noise! Noise is this torment that you pretend is music! I taught you better! She knows, Louis! She knows what music is; she only does this to HURT ME!, 'DRAMA?! DRAMA?! shouting in French', 'I AM AN ADULT; I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING AND IT IS YOU WHO IS STUPID, UNGRATEFUL BRAT!' followed by the very loud, very identical sounds of inarticulate rage, a chorused 'I HATE YOU' and the slamming of two doors in unison.
Lestat would absolutely argue like this with his teenage daughter. He would absolutely be the parent says 'your face is stupid!' to his kid, throw the exact same tantrum while his husband watches serenely 'LOUIS, MON CHER, HOW CAN YOU TAKE HER SIDE?!!!!!!! DO YOU NO LONGER LOVE ME?????' Meanwhile, Louis has said nothing as he listened to the two of them present their case to him as if he's some kind of judge. As if he wasn't just sitting here all cozy, reading his book when these two loud brats stomped (loudly) into the living room and stood in front of him, taking turns (loudly) hurling insults at each other while throwing their arms out as if they're presenting one another to Louis and then looking at Louis as if to say 'can you BeLieVE what i have to put up with? Louis does believe it. Louis absolutely believes because Louis is currently putting up with it times two every day of his life. He is seriously reconsidering Lestat's offer to nominate him for sainthood and present his case to The Church. St. Louis of New Orleans. It has as ring to it. Louis is not serene. He only looks serene because he is imagining his own softer world where his husband and daughter had quiet fights, upstairs, away from him, while he got to finish a book (one! single! book!) without interruption. And now that they've both stormed off without waiting him to render a verdict (he has yet to do this; he is mildly disappointed because he kind of wants to do that thing Armand showed him on the Ipad that time - hold up a picture of each one of them and tell them it's the same picture. He'd been a little confused by it at first and then Armand have given him a long lecture on memes on and Internet Culture before Daniel (Old Maniel, my beloved! I don't care; this is my new favorite iteration of devil's minion and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands) cut in: "Armand, I think he's got it. I had to explain memes to him. He had a lot of questions and I did a lot of research. Sorry, Louis." Louis, had in fact gotten it, gotten it quite a while ago. He'd pretty much gotten it as soon as Armand had pulled up a picture of the meme that wasn't two obscure Renaissance paintings.
He's not as technologically inept as everyone seems to think he is. Lestat is obsessed with social media. Louis helps him photographs his "thirst traps." (I imagine that's how Louis imagines the word thirst traps in his head.) Which reminds him. He's pretty sure he's due for that meltdown soon enough. It's getting harder to bribe Claudia's friends not to show her her dad's Insta. Louis does, in fact call it Insta. Occasionally 'the 'Gram' when he wants to be silly. Because Lestat. And because he's bribing his daughter's friends to steer away her away from the small empire Lestat has built across various social media websites.
Lestat's been a very benevolent ruler; he loves engaging with his subjects. Louis wishes he would engage a little less because he is very concerned that the one video of Lestat doing the Britney Spears knife dance in his underwear) is going to go viral. Right now, the good citizens of Lestat's fiefdom are hoarding it to themselves, making it their new 'iykyk' wink-wink nudge-nudge. And it was one of the paid streams, but still. Of course it was going to get out. He's just glad the public Lestat subreddit has banned posting it and is being strict about taking it down every time it goes up. (Louis is bizarrely familiar with certain corners of the internet, but he doesn't even know the nyan cat meme. Old? Yes. But standard curriculum for anyone who knows memes. Which Louis does not. The only memes he knows are Lestat memes and they all originated with Lestat. He doesn't even know they're called memes. He just thinks of them as funny edits pointing out Lestat being ridiculous. He can't believe Lestat likes them as much as he does, frankly. I love Louis.)
So, yes. That's another thing St. Louis of New Orleans has on his plate. His daughter's inevitable discovery of her father's social media following and that the real reason all her friends always want to hang out at her house is because they think her dad is hot, not because they're rich (well, they are and that is part of it, but mostly it's because they want to ogle Lestat. They think they're being subtle. They are not. Claudia, so far, has assumed it's because they share the same opinion of her father as she does: that he's a ridiculous idiot and that they're laughing at him, not giggling about Lestat 'just breathed omg!' like the 14 year-olds they are.)
Le sigh. This post was supposed to be about Claudia and her Regina George era and Lestat and Louis getting called to the principal's office and listening to a list of her crimes and making Very Serious faces at her and getting to the car and Louis starting to lecture and Lestat asking why she wasted her time on this instead of taking down the other Ultimate Mean Girl that just moved here who's trying to challenge Claudia's status as the Prettiest and Most Perfect Princess That Ever Walked This Earth Everyone Loves Her Just What Are You Insinuating About My Daughter [insert French insult] (did I already say Lestat is French in every universe? well, if i didn't, he is, and if i did, now you're really certain.)
Anyway, enjoy my crack thoughts about everyone's favorite vampire family.
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