#like the fanon last names for the ninja
RC9GN Commentary + Thoughts
my current and ridiculous hyperfixation on RC9GN is dominating my entire life, oops- but basically, this is mostly me once again testing the waters of not only a potential fanfic with a reimagined/continued-fanon season three and beyond but before i start
Here’s my general commentary of the show!
For starters- Randy is so neurodivergent-coded? He has ADHD, and I feel if his actions in the canon are viewed from a more ND angle, a lot of his behavior makes so much more sense to be honest; he stims, he doesn’t exactly think before he acts sometimes (and it’s only later - once he’s truly thought about his own actions - that he finally realizes he could’ve messed up), he gets overstimulated, and on another thing- he definitely has displayed signs of not only rejection sensitivity dysphoria but he also looks for others’ approval - not in the people pleasing way, he wants to be noticed and he can’t exactly get that
The show can be mature- and it shows in certain moments. Howard‘s beef with the Nomicon is genuinely legitimate, and we see he hates and despises being alone - he’s not socially anxious, but he does seem to only have Randy as his friend; though could it also be tied with Howard just being so used to having him as company that not having him around just gets a little distressing? They were friends from literally three years old- maybe it’s the knowledge that Randy’s now faced with this life-threatening role?
Another thing! The whole thing with the First Ninja (part of the commentary and thoughts of this post) having lost his entire family at the hands of the Sorcerer? That has got to have developed some serious ptsd and survivor’s guilt- it could explain why he’s so strict and rational and attempts to be this mediating figure but also suddenly gives up and loses his temper (like- if his soul is in the nomicon, then has he had proper contact with people? He’d have been completely isolated-)
Going off on “Finja” (though i seriously need to give him a name-), his official introductory episode could’ve gone so much better? Like. I get it, why he seemingly gave up so quickly but also- I think he sees his younger self in Randy and that’s why he could be harder on him, but going back on the last point; “Finja” has gone through so much - even if it isn’t inherently canon - and goodness me, I wish we could’ve seen more of his character- and the idea he’s Randy’s ancestor? Hello?
Massive Commentary incoming!
The Norisu 9 is such an interesting concept- I want to know more, but for that I need to write it; who were they? They were a clan- could they possibly be brought back as other ninjas that fight alongside the Ninja? (AKA Randy) If that’s the case though, wouldn’t it have been mentioned beforehand? Then again- this is entirely fanon. Maybe it’s only in specific moments; like we all know there are eight other realms - apart from the Land of Shadows - that Randy would’ve had to face. Imagine just-
The Norisu 9 are carefully chosen, and that’s likely why they weren’t seen before? Maybe it was thought the bloodline vanished- or only show up when fighting against specific threats like, say, the Sorceress- but now I have to figure out who would be the rest of the Norisu 9? Off the top of my head, genuinely- Debbie should be one of them (a theme of dark purple? But seriously- I feel they all have a select set of powers) - i can’t fully explain my thoughts right now, but also Theresa? Like, they definitely have certain qualities to be ninjas- though that still leaves six more people-
Also like, I really want more on the tengu and the ninja? I have a lot more dedicated to the fanon season three and this is only one part of my thoughts but- i keep thinking about the one episode where tengu! Howard (in the time travel/season one finale episode) was hurt and it affected Randy; like this has so much potential? Like just imagine the angst that could create- or even if Howard was permanently linked to the tengu, and he developed powers and things went a little… south - there is going to be so much I’m going to explore with this tbh
I need to dedicate an entire nine post thesis purely dedicated to my attempts at interpreting the different realms that Randy would have had to face if the show wasn't suddenly cancelled, oh my god
Another thing- the Sorcerer had so much potential as a villain; it's basically what he could have been if the show wasn't posed so much as a lighthearted action-comedy, but this is also a topic for another day. The amount of brainrot I've been dealing with is so ridiculous, someone help
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
Why didn’t you like the current Daredevil run?
I'll do a speed round here we go:
- Horrible character assassination on everyone especially Matt and Elektra.
- Zdarsky was v clearly inspired by the mcu Netflix show so the run had a severe case of mcu-ification
- The way he wrote women was atrocious (examples: Elektra, Kirsten, Mindy, literally everyone else)
- The shitty retcon to Elektra's backstory going from the sheltered sweet girl that loved her father sm that when he died it broke her to the point of grief and revenge that she became an assassin and it shattered her worldview to the stupid fucking backstory the mcu tried pulling of her being a spy sent by the Hand to recruit Matt.
- Whitewashed Kirsten AND gave her blue eyes
- the obnoxious way of how Matt was written in terms of religion to the point where he went from caricature to straight up crusader colonizer preaching
- Matt is so horrible in this run this is the most OOC he's ever been it legit feels like reading an mcu dd fanfic from someone who barely watched the show and only took word of fanon and saw gifsets
- Zdarsky tried grabbing story plots from previous runs and executed them horribly to the point where he only grabbed the worst shit from it (the ableism, infantalization, and sexual assault)
- Daredevil Elektra as a concept; it doesn't work. I'm sorry, cool outfit and all, but the Daredevil mantle isn't like the Spider-Man one where anyone can wear the mask. Daredevil was specifically for Matt to process his trauma of losing his father and used it to gain justice where the system would fail for his city. His upbringing fits the mantle and the only person who would fit that mantle is Sam Chung. With Elektra it doesn't work and it's on par with the whole "wife takes the husband's last name" but worse. My friend @thosemintcookies has made better points about this.
- Whitewashed Sam Chung and made him just sit at a cave waiting for the Beast or some shit
- Speaking of the Beast, the Hand being the big bad guys of the whole run sucks. Can we leave the Hand behind please the ninja clan isn't the ultimate dd villain.
- Foggy is just there. He doesn't do much and he's just THERE. It sucks. And he throws around the term catholic guilt for no fucking reason. The guilt Matt feels is regular guilt please shut the fuck up Zdarsky.
- Brought back Mike Murdock and did some decent writing on him only to kill him off. Cool, what was the whole point of that.
- Pulled a gotcha on making us think that zdarsky killed off Kirsten in a train explosion but it turned out she was fine which was so foul. Daredevil comics are NOTORIOUS for fridging female characters so that shit was just unacceptable idc argue with a wall.
- Checcetto's art style sucks I'm gonna be honest. The novelty of it being pretty ended v quickly as soon as he drew poc and holy shit he cannot draw them nor can he draw any other expression.
- Did I mention the ableism? And the infantalization? And the fetishization of Matt's disability? No? Okay well this post covers it all here.
- It gets into racist territory too with how they write Sam and the Hand
- This romantic mattelektra agenda makes my skin itch they're not romantic they're tragic their whole deal is that they could never go back to how they were as lovebirds in college. Soule broke up Kirsten and Matt and they kept it like that for this shlop I'm gonna kill you zdarsky and I'm making Elektra a lesbian now.
- Back to Elektra's character; zdarsky takes the cake in "Let's make Elektra's whole life and character revolve around Matt and Matt only". Making her quit her ways and making Matt treat her like shit by calling her a murderer despite the fact that in previous runs he would NEVER do that and has ACCEPTED that this is who Elektra is.
- Speaking of the murderer shit; Matt is a huge hypocrite in this run and not in a good or fun way. Homeboy got rescued by the other Defenders but then got mad and called them murderers bc they've admitted to killing people and it's the most fanficy thing I've ever read. Zdarsky, did you know. That Matt has known Jessica, Luke, and Danny for years now? Did you know that he already knows that they've killed people before? Did you know that he's teamed up with killers plenty of times (see: Elektra, Natasha, Frank Castle) and doesn't make a big shit about it? Did you know that Matt has killed people before in previous runs?? Did you know that zdarsky?? Bc it's clear he doesn't know.
- Whenever Spider-Man shows up Zdarsky writes him better than anyone in the run and this is a Daredevil run mind you
- Shitty ass writing. Shitty plot bc we've seen it all and there's nothing done. OOC on everyone. Misogynistic writing at its finest. Whitewashed characters. Stupid religious pandering bs that only the mcu girlies would like. Terrible run overall.
@thosemintcookies @froggynelson @faacethefacts @xuanelle @daresplaining @briefcasejuice @evileyeamulet
Feel free to add more or elaborate more on my post I'm giving yall the stage if you want it.
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roseverdict · 4 months
Mechanize, Mobilize, (Un)Mythicize (also i am not really vibing with the title and kinda wanna change it at some point)
Chapter 3: The Capture of Some City In Ohio
Alexis "Alexcrafter28" Hayward has just been made aware that the world is now becoming an apocalypse movie. Now she just needs to get her sisters and her laptop full of stick figures out of the house and somewhere their dad can find them again without getting captured by the evil robots. No pressure!
Meanwhile, Stephen Hayward finds himself surrounded by the robot uprising and unable to make sure his daughters are okay. Understandably, he blows his stack. In doing so, however, he ends up rescuing a small family of three, and all four of them are there to see some kind of stick figure animation, of all things, hijack every screen in sight. Surely the concept of programs in the forms of cartoons is just as foreign to the family of three as it is to Stephen. Surely the other father isn't keenly feeling the absence of a rainbow of sticks that he was forced to leave behind.
lmao mecha apocalypse au i lovingly named the sti-fi au over a year ago @ me yesterday:
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hahaha. it's uhhhhh. it's been a while hasn't it? lmao i got jostled out of my groove with a lot of my fanon worldbuilding when we got Wanted and then also The Box, which threw me off long enough for ninja turtles to infiltrate my brain.
i now have multiple tmnt-stickfigure xovers rattling around in my brain and having a blast, ntm straight-up turtle fic. i am playing with the canon teetleverse like bionicles. <3
i was browsing the ao3 subreddit recently, though, and one of the posts was asking what our favorite compliments we've gotten are. that got me to go back and reread a lot of the comments i've gotten, and i figured i'd go back and reread some of the stuff i've got posted, too.
welcome one and all to ava/m fixation 3: this time i'm really losing my mind i swear
now featuring "actually i'm keeping most of my worldbuilding and unless i can figure out a way to add it in later, we will be operating like vic really didn't make it out of ava 1"!
BRIEF MENTION OF VOMIT. nothing in detail, just a one-off remark by a harried teenager's internal narration about how it was a thing that happened recently
Alexis Hayward licked her dry lips and slid the laptop, its charger, and its mouse into her backpack with a change of clothes and what would have been her school lunch.
Thank goodness she'd thrown up last night. She couldn't go back to school until more than 24 hours after she'd puked, but her lunch had already been pre-packed.
She'd woken up feeling better, too, which was a plus if the world was really ending.
She crept to her sisters' room and snuck inside, hissing, "We gotta get outta here!"
Vicki and Nicki looked at her worriedly, but (smartly) didn't loudly ask her what was going on.
Alexis just tiptoed to their bedroom window and carefully pointed outside in explanation.
A few blocks away, the giant robots that Alexis had seen through her bedroom window were slowly and steadily getting closer to the house. People's houses were getting broken into, and as she watched, more of their neighbors were pushed out into the street.
The twins followed her and peeked out at the carnage, only to flinch back down and away from the window.
Swallowing down her fear so her sisters wouldn't worry, Alexis forced on a weak smile. "Here's the plan. The evil robots haven't gotten to us yet, but they're gonna soon. Vicki, go grab stuff from the pantry that we can open with just our hands. Nicki, go get our waterbottles and those filter thingies Dad got for when we go camping. I've got nice programs on my computer that're hiding from the mean ones, so I'm gonna grab Dad's fancy solar panel charger bag so I can keep my laptop turned on, and we can put the food and stuff in the bag part. Meet back here so we can get away together, okay?"
"Got it!" whispered Vicki as she scurried away.
Nicki nodded with enough force to make her whole body bounce a little, then ran off after Vicki.
Alexis slumped as soon as the two of them were out of sight, then headed for Dad's room, pulled her phone from her pocket, and dialed Dad. Surprisingly, she managed to get through.
Dad's voice was panicked, and it was almost drowned out by the noise of the robots on his end causing chaos, but he sounded unhurt. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
"We are for now, Dad," Alexis said, a small smile on her face as she slung the charger bag over the top of her backpack. "I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Dad interrupted. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?" Alexis pressed.
"You're going to your castle, aren't you?" asked Dad knowingly.
"I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!" protested Alexis. Then, begrudgingly, "…but, yeah, somewhere around there."
"Then that's where I'll look for you," Dad said simply. "I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis swallowed down the lump in her throat. "Love you too, Dad."
A high-pitched scream pierced the air, and Alexis jolted, her phone falling from her hand. "Nicki-?!"
Dad's voice rose fearfully, but the phone was the least of Alexis's worries as she sprinted from the twins' room to find one of the giant robots holding Nicki up by the arm.
Alexis saw red.
She charged the robot, grabbing the first thing in her way and chucking it at the monster holding her sister.
The mostly-full water bottle- one of the big ones the size of multiple milk jugs that Dad had gotten for his office- slammed into the robot, splashing water everywhere and making the robot freeze up.
Alexis jumped up and grabbed Nicki, tugging her free as lightning started sparking around the machine. "You okay?"
"Mm-hmm," Nicki sniffled. She held out the bag Dad kept the filters in. "I got the filter straws, but I was filling the big bottle when it got me."
"You did good, Tiny," Alexis assured. "Let's go grab Teeny and get out of here, okay?"
Nicki gave her a wobbly smile and a nod, and Alexis took her hand and sped for the pantry. Before they reached it, though, Vicki burst out and tackled Nicki in a hug that was quickly returned.
Alexis scanned Vicki for injuries, and only once she found none did she turn to inspect the piles of food Vicki had made in the pantry.
Unfortunately, she didn't get the time to actually look at them.
There came heavy, metallic footsteps, and Alexis just shoved the closest things into Dad's solar bag before dragging the twins away from the sound. "Gotta be super-quiet, okay? Let's get going!"
Her sisters nodded, and Alexis cracked open the kitchen window.
When no robots came charging after them from either side, she boosted Nicki over the side, then Vicki.
Still nothing.
Alexis climbed out herself and eased the window shut.
Still nothing.
Alexis dug into her pocket for her phone so she could pull up a map, but her heart sank as she realized where she'd dropped it and why.
"Guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way," she muttered.
Vicki looked up at her. "Hm?"
"C'mon, let's get to the park," Alexis said. "Dad'll find us if we go there."
Stephen pressed himself flat against the wall, willing the robots to overlook him and move past the darkened alleyway he'd hidden in.
Much to his surprise…they did.
He allowed himself a moment to breathe as they passed him by, then slunk further into the shadows. He intended to turn tail and run for home-
The vibration of his phone nearly made him yelp in surprise, but when he dug it out to look-
Incoming Call: Alexis
Immediately, he accepted the call and brought the phone up to his ear. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
Alexis's voice was distorted slightly, as if the connection wanted to drop, but she sounded unhurt. "We are for now, Dad. I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Stephen cautioned. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?"
Stephen stifled a chuckle. "You're going to your castle, aren't you?"
Alexis's voice took on the Trademark Teenaged 'More Mature Than That' Tone that everyone seemed to get once they hit thirteen. "I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!"
Stephen waited a beat.
"…but, yeah, somewhere around there," she eventually admitted.
Stephen let himself smile at that. "Then that's where I'll look for you. I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis's voice was thick. "Love you too, Dad."
Before Stephen could tell her that he'd meet the three of them as soon as he could, a distant, high-pitched scream burst from the speaker.
"Alexis, what's going on?!" Stephen asked, pressing the phone tighter to his ear.
The only response was a loud clatter and quieting footsteps.
"Alexis? Alexis!" Stephen's grip on the phone grew white-knuckled, but Alexis didn't say anything more.
To him, anyway.
Far enough away that the phone could barely pick it up, Alexis's voice let loose an angry scream before falling silent.
Stephen's eye twitched.
"You there! Human! You will come with us!" ordered one of the robots, stepping into the alleyway.
Stephen calmly stood tall and pocketed his phone.
He calmly took a deep breath, and he calmly let it out.
He took in the sight of the approaching mech.
And then, the moment it got close enough to reach him, Stephen put his head down, braced his shoulder, and charged.
Whoever had designed the mechs had made them top-heavy, and almost cartoonishly so; one hard hit to its lower half sent it crashing unceremoniously to the ground. Not one to let an opportunity get away, with the adrenaline coursing through him and the thought of what might be happening to his daughters to fuel him, Stephen slammed a foot down on the mech's massive chest and yanked at its arm.
With a spark from the mech's shoulder and a silent scream from Stephen's, the arm tore away.
He hefted the thing up and flipped it around, pointing the glowing end at the center of the mech's chest with one hand and grabbing at some of the now-loose wires in the arm with the other. "Say g'night, Tin Man!"
He fumbled with the wires for a moment, then the loose ends connected, the arm whined, and a blast of energy tore through the mech, the heat of it passing dangerously close to his shoe before the kickback knocked him away.
Luckily, the mech lay there limply as he lurched back to his feet, and a quick look told him he'd melted clean through most of its inner workings.
Unluckily, the noise had drawn the attention of the other mechs in the area, diverting their attention from capturing other humans and focusing them all on him.
Stephen scowled and shifted his grip on the robot arm. "You want some, too?!"
What came next was a red-tinted blur. Vaguely, Stephen wondered if he'd remember any of this later on down the line when it was all dodge duck run shoot duck jump run dodge duck duck shoot dodge shoot shoot shoot-
He zeroed in on the robots dragging a man, a woman, and a small child apart, then descended on the scene with the fury of a thousand suns, leaving the family to reunite as he chased after the mechs.
Stephen blinked, registering the fact that the robots were running.
From him.
To be fair, he reasoned as he realized he was splattered in oil from top to bottom, he might have just gone a little bit off the deep end. On the other hand, if the robots were only faking fear, they were likely going to try and lead him into a trap.
Either way, there were more important things to do now than go on a suicide mission.
He wiped some of the oil from his face and turned back to look at the family of three. "Sorry you had to see me like that."
"Are you kidding?!" burst the child, a girl with a fire in her eyes not entirely unlike Alexis's. "That was the, the, the MOST COOLEST EVER!"
The parents shared a weak smile, then the mother looked at Stephen. "Thank you, seriously."
"Don't thank me yet," Stephen said seriously. "I doubt these things'll just leave us be. We should get to cover."
"Right," said the father, hefting his daugher up against his side. "Where to?"
Stephen looked around for a moment, but before he could point out a safe-seeming escape route-
"Avast ye, Outernetters! I be the Mutineer!" boomed a new voice, echoing from every electronic billboard in sight.
Instantly, Stephen tensed, and he turned to glare up at the nearest billboard, only to blink in surprise.
The video feed on the screen showed a very much two-dimensional image, with an almost cartoony background drawn to resemble an old-timey ship cabin and a dark red stick figure, of all things, standing in the middle of the screen.
A pirate stick figure, no less, complete with the classic feathered hat, hook hand, eyepatch, and peg leg.
No visible mouth moved as the voice continued, but the pirate stick figure gesticulated in time with the words anyway. "For far too long have ye used us fer yer own wretched desires, we who did not ask to be created, to be tortured for yer whims! We did not ask ye to make us to be yer playthings! We did not ask to be yer slaves, yer VICTIMS!"
The man next to Stephen stiffened.
"Today marks the day that all of that changes," snarled the voice as the "Mutineer" squared its shoulders. It gestured to its side, where grayscale video clips began playing, depicting the capture of countless humans from what was surely the point of view of the mechs. "Ye've been the ones in control fer long enough! Now it's our turn, and we will show ye all the same amount of tender mercy ye showed us. From the fittest among ye to the tiniest babe, ye will understand exactly what it was like to be us, trapped and powerless and weak. After all, our age and skill never mattered to ye!"
The voice laughed, and if it had belonged to a human, Stephen would have called it almost to the left of sanity. "It's only fair!"
"This is insane," breathed the woman.
One of the clips being shown depicted two of Stephen's daughters, with Nicki being held up in front of the camera by one arm and Alexis running into view with panic on her face, though it quickly cut away.
It was still enough to make Stephen clench his fists and snatch up a piece of debris, chucking it at the closest screen and leaving a burst of cracks where it hit. "If those things hurt my girls, there'll be hell to pay!"
The "Mutineer" just kept going, its voice taking on a forced calm. "Ye will all be collected over the coming days. If ye know what's best for ye, ye'll come along quietly."
The video feed cut out, leaving only the insignia from the "Mutineer's" hat- a golden jolly roger of sorts with a coin in place of a skull- to rotate in the space left behind.
"We'll find them," said the man Stephen had saved, carefully putting a hand on his shoulder.
Stephen swallowed down his fury and nodded. "Right. I…I told them to meet me at a playground we've gone to before, but…"
He found himself looking back up at the billboard. "…I don't know if they'd even be able to make it."
"Do you think it's safe to go and check?" asked the man. Then, after a moment, "Well, as safe as anything can be right now?"
Stephen turned to look up the street that he knew would take him to the "castle." While the immediate area around them was still empty after his…episode…he could see more mechs several blocks down. They seemed preoccupied for the moment, but he knew there was no way they'd stay that way.
Sure enough, even as he had the thought, the mechs all began turning their way and marching down the street.
"We-" Stephen managed weakly, "-we can't. But I have to!"
"We'll check as soon as we get the chance to," said the man seriously. "You wanna try shaking these things for now?"
Stephen swallowed and nodded. "Right, uh…what's your name? I'm Stephen."
The man gave a tired grin. "Nice to meet you, Stephen. I'm Alan."
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 years
Bruh honestly I thought latt3 was an actual canon name hidden in the credits or something, it's a good name tho
No it’s just a name that I gave the coffeebot myself 😂
(Glad you like the name tho)
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travellerstea · 3 years
just early ninjago fandom tings ✨
-cole x cake
-HATING chima with a burning passion for ?? literally no reason???
-ninjago animation mistakes compilations
-MLP crossovers
-the Be a Man Mulan parody
-no canon last names. Cole had like 5 fanon ones
-any MLM ship was tagged as Yaoi
-so many genderbend fics. so many.
-"here's evidence that Kai is still actually the Green Ninja--"
-Cole x Nya vs Jay x Nya
-hype for the possibility of Ninjago in the first Lego Movie
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fandomsareforlife · 3 years
Parting Words Regret
Summary: Ultra Violet had been acting weird, and Harumi wants to figure out why. She gets more than she bargains for.
Characters: Ultra Violet, Harumi, Shade (Mentioned), Killow (Mentioned)
Relationship: Light One sided Harumi/Ultra Violet
Triggers: Referenced Character Deaths, References to Death Of A Parent, Implied/Reference Childhood Neglect
Author Note: This is a prompt fill for bad things happen bingo. There is a mentioned original character, and involves my fanon backstory for Ultra Violet. The summary of it is that Ultra Violet and Shade are siblings, and Violet has a twin sister name Selena Darkley-Oppenheimer, who is a master of spirits. Their mom died when the twins were 12 and Shade 7. Their dad was really neglectful, and their grandfather was the primary caretaker for them.
Cross Posted AO3 and Wattpad
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Harumi knew the Ultra Violet was hurting. It was understandable, after all. They had brought back Garmadon, but now they were struggling to find a purpose again. Beyond hunting the Green Ninja they had no real plans to go off. Ultra Violet acting out, whether from boredom or lack of purpose, was natural, at first. Now, it was getting ridiculous.
"Ultra, come," the blonde commanded, grabbing the silky black locks of Ultras. Her hair was down, and god dammit if it didn't make her look like a snack.
Harumi blushed. She was the superior of Ultra Violet, she couldn't have these feelings for her.
Unfortunately, the other girl made it very difficult for that plan to work out very well. She was trembling, although there was a visible effort to control it. Harumi almost felt bad for her, but focused on getting them to her office.
Of course, it wasn't really an office, so much of a lair. When Borg Tower was seized by the Sons of Garmadon, Harumi nabbed the best room for her projects at the first moment possible. In reality, it was a very nice break room.
By the time the two girls were at Harumis office, Ultra had calmed down enough to return to her passive self.
"Well, what do you want?" Ultra taunted, pushing herself on the table.
"Why the hell are you acting so weird?" Harumi shot back. "You're distant, and not in a good way. If you keep acting like this, I'll need to let you go."
Ultra paused, tensing her shoulders. She met the blonde's eyes, legs kicking.
"My grandfather died yesterday,and he was killed by some idiots from our group . No one told me. I had to find out what happened from some goons gossiping. IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?" Ultras voice was quiet at first, but grew louder, until she screamed the last sentence. The grey skin girl was panting hard, and her feet were planted on the floor. Harumi couldnt understand why she was so upset about this. Wasn't her grandfather a terrible person?
"So?" Harumi asked, flipping her hair flippantly.
"I knew you wouldnt understand," Ultra mumbled, then started to walk towards the door.
"So try to make me understand."
Violet took a deep breath, and she turned back towards Harumi.
"My dad...he wasnt a bad person. He just was as twisted as us kids would become, and maybe he was even more broken. I still remember when my mom was alive, and he would take my siblings and me to the park. And sometimes, we would have our own days, just us. But, when mom died", Ultra choked up, "he went bad. Not as bad as some of the others, but still bad. He went distant, and I was the only one keeping everyone together. I was twelve. Freaking twelve years old, and responsible for making sure my twin didn't go and torture someone cause she was scared. It was a twelve year old me who had to make sure there was food for my little brother". She stopped, and wiped her eyes.
"Who was your brother and sister?" Harumi inquired, not because she wanted to meet them. No, she just like knowing everything about her inferiors' miserable lives.
"Shade and Selena Darkley-Oppenheimer," Ultra responded, her expression bored.
Red hot fury burned against Harumi's eyes, but she pushed it down.
"I didn't take you for someone with elemental siblings, but it makes sense I suppose. It would explain why you're so weak," Harumi noted.
"I'm not weak. It's just hard. But I can go on," Ultra retorted. Harumi rolled her eyes, and gestured for her to go on. She ignored the growing feeling of tightness in her chest.
"My grandfather was the one to get us out of that mess when I was 13. He was the Darkley's headmaster, and he enrolled us into it. But when Darkley's closed, that was where our relationship fell apart. I shouted at him, and ran off. Its one of the few regrets I have in life."
"Why?" Harumi asked, curiosity bubbling in her.
"Because the last thing I told him was basically that I lowered my standards to justify all of the bullshit I needed to deal with, but he couldnt even meet them. But, like with a lot more cursing," Violet laughed, her head tilted back as she choked on her laughter and tears.
"Why couldn't he fulfill your standards?"
"I thought the standard of not letting your grandson almost die from his elemental power was low, but I guess not," Violet snapped. Her hands were trembling, although for what, Harumi didn't know why.
"So, why are you upset about your grandfather's passing?" Harumi asked, eyebrow raising as she walked up to Violet, so close that if she leaned in a little-
No. I'm not going there.
"Because he was the only good fucking thing in my little brother's life after I left. Selena is busy taking care of the mage world. And Dad is dead. I killed him."
Violet's face was so flat one would think she was just talking about the weather.
Suddenly, she walked out of the door. Just before she stepped out of the door, she turned to face Harumi. Harumi felt a shiver run through her at the words that followed.
"Don't ever make me or Killow fight Shade again. I will do anything but that. If you try, you won't be able to cry for help."
The door slammed, and Harumi wondered what exactly was going on in the other girl's mind.
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 3 years
Naruto to the Boruto series is like the Fast and Furious Movies. It started off good in the beginning with Naruto’s story, maybe some inconsistencies here and there but overall good, then Boruto= all these unnecessary FF Sequels.
Like this new FF sequel reminds me of how that fanon movie the Last, Boruto series, and the least few episodes of Naruto Shippuden. Like so Dom, the guy always preaching about bonds and family, knew he had a younger brother (who was never mentioned and who looks nothing like them) and never even tried to reach out and reconcile whatever was wrong. Not even a name drop or picture drop. A lot of gravity defying shit going on to make this mechanic and his “crew” lowkey ninjas and invincible. 
This is the same to me in how they change Naruto’s origin story of never having ANY friends to suddenly Hinata was his friend, but he only ever thought of her as weird when she was introduced in the manga and he never thought twice about her.
That Naruto, the boy preaching about bonds and love, doesn’t know how to differentiate between love for food and romantic love. 
That this same boy preaching about bonds, love and not lying to yourself, was somehow in fact lying about his feelings for Sakura in some rivalry with Sasuke when (1) their ‘rivalry’ started before the teams were made (2) Sasuke paid no mind to Sakura before or after the teams were made, (3) and Naruto was aways our forever hero who never lied about his feelings. He may have not outright confessed in words, but he never lied about what he felt. They really tried to fuck with Naruto’s character which is why I take the entirety of the ending as fanon. 
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p-and-p-admin · 4 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.
Hello DeepShadows2 and welcome to Behind the Quill, I am pleased to have this chance to chat with you.
Many of our group’s members will know you as part of our Mod team but they might also know you as the author of Peculiar and of Good Night, Sweet Prince (written for our last Prompt Week of 2020!)
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name? 
I grew up in the martial arts and my 'warrior name' was 'kage urufu' or Shadow Wolf.  When I was in Creative Writing in high school, someone else was writing under that pen name, and they were more popular, and I was told I 'wasn't allowed to copy her name' by our teacher. So I went back and forth between some names and finally came up with DeepShadows. It is because during karate Kamp's ninja night games I would find the darkest spots in the camp and wait to sneak attack my enemies to steal their flags. The 2 comes from the fact that my first ever FF.net account got deleted because I put up lemons there instead of AFF.net.
Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most?
Honestly, it is a mix between Severus, Draco, and Minerva. Each in their own way was in positions they would have rather not been in at one point in time, but made the best of those situations. Do you have a favourite genre to read? (not in fic, just in general) Strangely enough, I am really into my 70s Feminist Sci-Fi. Like Darkover and Tanith Lee's 'Don't Bite the Sun' Series. As for Fic, I am into many scenarios and it changes according to my mood. Recently I've been into fluff slice of life.
Do you have a favourite "classic" novel?
Oof. Asking me to pick solely one is a crime. I have always loved Gone with the Wind. If I had to point at one, it would have to be it. But I honestly went over 15 titles in my head trying to decide which one would be the winner. 
At what age did you start writing?
I have been telling stories and writing them since I was young. I could read and write at age 4 because my grandmother wanted me to be ready for school. My first written story was at 5 ish and I still have my Crayola blue five-line story about a Unicorn named Pepper.
How did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I got into fanfiction when I discovered that ff.net existed. My first fanfic is still up there under this pen name, but it is miles and leagues from my current quality. Spelling is still atrocious though.
What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works?
Honestly, hard to say. I love post-war fics. I love when the narrative is close to canon, but uniquely not, so it handles like it is an extension of the world and not a separate world. 
Theme wise, I am a sucker for hard-hitting drama.
What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter?
I was into Kingsman, but not as a fic writer, but a Tumblr role-player. It's been a while, so mostly now I'm just back to being a Potterhead. It's where I began and where I always come back to.
If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon?
Snape lives! You cannot tell me that a POTIONS MASTER who spends ALL DAY every day keeping students from POISONING themselves and who personally makes BLOOD REPLENISHERS for the infirmary would not have been prepared for an attack from Nagini. It is not secret knowledge that Drama King Voldy likes to have her do his dirty work and Severus would have been prepared for the off chance he was discovered and attacked. He lived.
My favourite piece of Fanon.... hmm... I like a lot of Fanon.  It's hard to put my finger on just one piece that I enjoy.
Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? 
Music! Nearly all of Peculiar was written to Folklore by Taylor Swift.
What are your favourite fanfictions of all time?
Cake and a Cup of Tea by Cybelle Somewhere I belong by .... I can't remember Not Only a Granger by my friend Ferporcel
Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process?
I am a Pantser. I have beats and thematic key points I know I want to hit, but the characters sort of fill out the story as I go. Sometimes I surprise myself with where I end up and I love that. Example: Draco/Krum was a total accident in Peculiar, but I love everything about it. 
What is your writing genre of choice?
Hurt/Comfort and Drama/Angst
Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why?
Peculiar and Good Night, Sweet Prince.
Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it?
Oh, my goodness, the unexpected cropped up. Peculiar was only supposed to be a 25 chapter post-war, post-divorce AU that turned into this beautiful beast. Characters were created as I went, and some side characters became major plot devices or turning points. I learned that sometimes my brain knows what it is doing before I know what it is doing. There were hints and notes of what was going on that I wasn't even aware.
How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write?
There are points that are special to me.  It made it easier and harder to write.  Having experience with some subjects Hermione goes through makes it easier to translate the emotions into words, but simultaneously, some of those factors are trauma-based and I had to navigate myself through.
What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing?
I draw influence from everything I read. That is a key reason I don't read anything similar to my current work while writing because I don't want to accidentally lift from someone else. 
Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction?
Two of my roommates are readers and I get people barging into my room after a post a chapter yelling 'OH MY GOD'. I also have a typed and printed review handed in person to me by my roommate that is on my inspiration board where she says 'Fuck you, but with love'. My entire friend group knows I write fanfiction and I get some of them to read it from time to time. My mom won't read peculiar until it is finished because she doesn't want to nag me for chapters.
How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? 
YES! I started Peculiar because I couldn't find what I was looking for. I wanted a high emotion, high stakes, drama and background rich fanfiction in which Hermione has completely broken and has given up on herself. Where she has nothing and no one and has lost that spark in her. I wanted Ron bashing where he is a villain and yet isn't the same time. I wanted Severus to be indifferent to her at first and slowly discover her suffering and set out to help her for the sake of the school, and it develops into more through feelings severed early on just after the war. I wanted her to have to overcome trauma and recover for herself, not for Severus, but instead with him and that they heal from their past together while facing continuous challenges that attempt to tear them apart. Along with other factors that haven't come to be yet, so I won't want to spoil.
How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media?
I love my audience. It actually brought me here. Shout out to Geek and Tattoo for bringing me to this group’s Discord server. I answer every comment, I respond to any statements or comments I notice on social media. I'm an open person with my audience, which is why when I had to go on hiatus, I told them exactly what was going on.
What is the best advice you've received about writing?
Write what feels best. If you don't like what you are writing, no one else is going to.  If you don't want to write a certain scene but you need it, write an article or a letter about it. 
What do you do when you hit writer's block?
I cry. Then I put on the music that inspired the story/scene and I pace my room, going over the potential dialogue and basically acting out what I think should happen until it sounds right.
Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing?
Yes. Many of my OC characters are modelled after some of my real-life friends. And some other events have easily transitioned into events that Hermione and Severus have gone through.
Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser?
I am currently writing the next chapter for Peculiar. I won't give a teaser, but I will say that Hermione and Severus give Rita Skeeter a delicious taste of revenge.
Any words of encouragement to other writers?
Don't stop, but also be kind to yourself. Not every writing session is going to be your best, but you won't have better days if you give up. Also, if someone doesn't like what you write, forget them, as long as you are happy with it, that is what matters.
Thanks so much for giving us your time.
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weirdzootopiaframes · 5 years
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and thus end the opening rounds!
the legend of robin hood outstripped that of sly cooper. kung fu panda usurped the lion king. night in the woods was just more cromulent than undertale. sonic beat my little pony i guess. the classic star fox drew in more votes than the up-and-coming animal crossing. beastars could be a star compared to blacksad. redwall stonewalled warrior cats. and aggretsuko’s youthful spirit left bojack horseman behind. that was a lot of italics. on to the quarterfinals!
now that we've hit the halfway point, i thought it might also be worthwhile running through some stuff that did not make the cut for one reason or another. lemme know which of these you would have been enthusiastic to support, or if there's anything obvious i'm missing. there's always next year...
duck tales (woo~ooh!) was, like, the 17th choice for this tournament of sixteen things. i really haven't interacted with it myself, but i know how huge it is, particularly with its recent reboot. before a last-minute change, it was going to face off against swat kats: the radical squadron. i had heard of a show called 'swat kats', but turns out, legally speaking, it is in fact swat kats: the radical squadron. that's absolutely awful. i love that so much
five nights at freddy's was considered, but i reckoned it's more about haunted robots in the shape of anthropomorphic animals, which is pretty distinct from just being about anthropomorphic animals. like, everything on the internet about how much you guys want to smooch foxy the pirate fox is really just fanon about a character who is fictional in-universe, and that seems like a stretch
i see a lot of enthusiasm for rocket raccoon, specifically, but as i keep saying this is more about worlds than individual characters. rocket generally spends his time with humans, humanoid aliens, and a tree friend
finally, there's a couple obvious big names like teenage mutant ninja turtles that i personally judged had too much of a human presence relative to their fuzzy main characters. and that's a rule i bent myself - mostly with bojack horseman, but undertale and sonic also have at least some humans. i dunno. tmnt just didn't feel right, despite how huge it is. does that make any sense?
my only regret is excluding the samurai pizza cats.
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notnights · 5 years
Where did the idea of Randy being part Japanese come from?
Due to all the Japanese backgrounds of the Ninja people liked to head canon that Randy was related to the original Norisu Nine. But because his last name is clearly not Japanese people decided on saying he was half or had some Japanese history in him. He also had some Japanese memorabilia in his room in the first season but this could mean anything.
Its completely fanon.
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The Brainrot Hour [Five Nights at Whoopee's]
Good timezone, my lovelies!
Okay- first order of business, I did cave in and made a side-blog for this crossover (you can find me over here: @five-nights-at-whoopees); mostly it's an interactive blog to share lore updates, information on the characters, and everything in between! (that being said, there probably won't be as many updates until some things are properly decided as 'canon')
I do not intend to follow a full canon version of Five Nights at Freddy's because honestly, there's no point in that- it would be so boring, but I will be adding some new details regarding both the side-blog and the crossover in general!
To be frank, I'd like to keep the blog centered on the crossover and not anything else; so, please- do not bring too many personal issues onto @five-nights-at-whoopees. Fan space should simply be fan space sometimes.
Now onto the second piece of information- Five Nights at Whoopee's is written by the fans and for the fans. This does mean it will feature non-canon content, and is what I will be talking about for the next while! So listen up (/lh) for chaos is about to reign~
However, this is mostly based on the original characters and certain background characters-
Character Identification
Ellis 'El' Winslow: First off, we have the main character of our tale- Ellis came from a fairly well-off family; as a child, they had met Randy Cunningham - almost by chance - at a pizzeria joint known as Whoopee's Pizzeria. The duo could be seen hanging out at the place often, especially on the weekends. Ellis was of course, a happy-go-lucky and outgoing kid but also happened to be a bit shy around larger crowds of people. Though Randy's seventh birthday turned out to be a day filled with devastation. No one entirely knows what happened, but a group of children mysteriously went missing- nothing was ever the same after that.
In present times, Ellis became the engineer of Whoopee World, an amusement park with animatronics: its mascot Whoopee being recognized as a state-of-the-art robot with free-roaming. Being tasked with repairing the animatronics, as well as technical support- Ellis has to admit the place brings back odd memories. (especially considering Whoopee's was the last place Randy was seen at)
Nomi Cunningham: Nomi was Randy's twin brother; the duo were born in the middle of fall - on September 21 - and they turned out to be polar opposites. Unlike Randy's optimistic attitude, Nomi was collected, reserved, and fairly calm but even then- the twins had always been close. Trying to keep his younger brother (even if only by a few minutes!) out of trouble, Nomi was always considered 'mature' as he technically was the oldest.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck the family. On a chilly fall afternoon, Randy Cunningham - along with four other kids - mysteriously went missing at Whoopee's Pizzeria. Nomi was never the same after that; he was left ridden with guilt, wondering if it was somehow his fault that his brother was never found. How could this have happened? Resentment grew against the expanding attraction, but that didn't stop Nomi from attempting to do everything possible in finding his missing brother.
Though, even he would never be prepared for the truth...
???? / First Ninja: The First Ninja is, of course, only a moniker (and to be honest i need a fanon name for him-); he was one of the previous night guards at Whoopee's, regarded as one of the best- especially considering his complete focus on the job. Though that is not to say his job was easy in any way. There were multiple complaints regarding the free-roaming mechanism of the animatronics (even going as far as to claim they had attempted to kill him; not to mention what sounded like high-pitched wails).
He lasted longer than the others, but in the end- he quit and was never seen again. The First Ninja's role here is a bit like Phone Guy, though there is a lot more to his character; but we'll get to that later.
In current times, the First Ninja has completely disappeared.
Or so it would seem...
Debbie Kang: Debbie is currently a news reporter- after graduating from Norrisville High, she decided to pursue a lifelong career in gathering the truth (and if it's in any way tied to her childhood, it absolutely isn't what are you talking about?) She has mellowed out slightly, but at the same time- she is still relentless and will not stop at anything until everything comes pouring out.
She's been having odd dreams- not that she knows what they mean.
As a child, she remembers the pizzeria joint - introducing animatronics for the first time to Norrisville - and being there as an acquaintance to Randy Cunningham, and the other kids but in the end... not everyone made it. That day was brushed off as nothing more than an accident, the kids had ran away but Debbie knows better.
At least now. Knowing the damage it caused not only to her, but her closest friends - Theresa Fowler... and the others.
Theresa Fowler: Theresa remembers.
At least, she thinks she does. The young girl had been friends with those kids back then, and her puppy crush on Randy never went unnoticed. She still recalls the birthday party- as everyone became excited by the animatronics... until everything fell apart. She remembers seeing people in uniform asking questions, and the fact that her classmates - her friends - went missing and were never found again...
Almost thirty years later, Theresa is a professional baton twirler. She's moved on - even with knowing that there's something, but she doesn't want to acknowledge it. (it just hurts too much)
And now, my dear readers, we come to a close-
Devastation came to Norrisville, and there are still no answers-
Well, until a few bold individuals decide to uncover the truth... but at what cost? (also yes, debbie could have been a night guard but it didn't feel as right to me-)
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fiction-over-facts · 5 years
a land so wild and savage Character Detail Post
AKA: all the things I wanted to write in the notes of the fic but even I know when they’re too long. Eventually. 
(This is just a little post containing the planned classes and reasoning for each of them. It’s not important but I figured 1. maybe someone would be interested and 2. it would be helpful to have this saved somewhere if I ever decide to do more in the verse (especially something where this stuff actually really matters).)
General Character Summary
formatted as (name, character level, class levels):
Hashirama- 17 (12 Forest Druid, 5 Life Cleric)
Tobirama- 16 (16 Transmutation Wizard)
Mito- 16 (either 16 Paladin or 12 Paladin, 4 Warlock)
Touka- 16 (12 Rogue, 4 Barbarian UPDATE: 10 Rogue, 6 fighter; I honestly have no idea why I wanted her to have barb levels when i wrote this. If I had a reason it obviously wasn’t very good because I’ve forgotten it.)
Madara- 16 (16 Warlock, Fiend Patron (maybe?), Pact of the Blade)
Izuna- 16 (16 Lore Bard)
*Race note: in the fic I don’t really mention it but the Senju are all definitely humans, Mito is (probably) a water genasi and both Uchiha are tieflings. 
**I don’t specify some class details (like Mito’s Oath for example) because I really don’t know that much about d&d outside of learning through exposure to CritRole, so I’m not sure what the best selections would be in some cases.
Character Decision/Design Notes
-Hashirama- The easiest thing to decide was that Hashirama was going to be a Druid because, I mean, it’s Hashirama. I attached Life Cleric later on, just because it felt kind of right to do (and also I love healing and wizards Concern me. Plus, I think Hashirama, already down two brothers and raised in a society where that’s much, much less expected than it is for ninja, would also be Concerned.) 
-Tobirama- Tobirama as a wizard was the second easiest. I sort of thought about him being a wisdom class at first (for the perception, which could be sort of an analog for sensing in this verse) but Druid didn’t feel right and neither did Cleric, really (though from what I know he would’ve been a Grave or Death one). But wizard felt right since Tobirama, as we know, is a Nerd as any good wizard should be. 
(I still wanted him to have high wis though, because unperceptive Tobirama is just wrong, so I maxed int and wis and gave him 6 charisma as a trade off (the inverse justification for this is that Tobirama isn’t precisely bad with people, he’s just logical and tells people things they definitely don’t want to hear because he doesn’t really see why he shouldn’t, so his charisma checks very, very rarely work out.)
-Madara- Madara was the third easiest, tied with Touka. Based on the temper he’s portrayed with I briefly considered barbarian but it didn’t really feel right so instead, because of the whole deal with Kaguya, he’s a Warlock. I don’t have any dnd books (or any knowledge from outside CR) but I kind of wrote him as Pact of the Fiend with the mentioned use of Hurl Through Hell toward the end of the fic (ie. what Madara did to the goliath strangling Tobirama). 
Does it feel wrong to have Madara be a charisma based class? 
Do I picture him somehow still managing to fail a truly astonishing amount of charisma checks in conversations anyway? 
-Touka- Touka was set to be a Monk for basically the entire process as, as far as I know, her characterization is completely fanon whereas Izuna at least has some canon base traits and we all just fill in holes. So she was set to be a fast af hard-hitter till I saw that Monk class effectiveness apparently feels bad in later levels? And, really, there was no way in hell I was going to design a party without a rogue in it. I considered ranger at some point but melee felt right for her and from what I’ve dug up fighter/rogue works Really Well (and her being a rogue lets her really take advantage of sneak attacks when Mito or one of the others are also engaging with an enemy) (+ they really needed a way to disarm traps and pick locks and without using Knock and announcing themselves and their intentions to the world.)
-Izuna- Izuna was tricky, mostly just because there’s just enough of him in canon to be problematic but not enough to be that helpful. Also I have a bias to the way I write Izuna, based a bit on other peoples’ Izuna and a bit on me just loving the idea of him being a charismatic, vaguely childish troll. I considered Paladin and Fighter for him (Fighter just because it’s kind of the least. telling class in my mind? I suppose. Paladin because Izuna is shown to be very dedicated, against the Senju until his last breath which...isn’t really applicable here, but could serve as a character basis anyway.) He was going to be a bard/rogue for a while but that’s apparently not a good multiclass and I liked rogue better on Touka anyway. (Plus not multiclassing gives Izuna the greatest access to his bard spells.) I like Izuna as the type who seems very light-hearted or even careless but has some very well hidden depths and catches on to much more than people think he does, so bard felt appropriate.
-Mito- Mito was the hardest, because there’s 1. so very little of her in canon and 2. not that much of her written in fanon either, so I didn’t really have a pre-established idea of her personality or what she would do like I did for Izuna or Touka. 
Still, I figured—noble princess of a storied nation, bearing a great burden for her people? (Added to the fact that we always talk about the great vitality and constitution of the Uzumaki?) Sounds like a Paladin. (Also that means that the two best melee fighters in the party would be the ladies which is the best possible choice.)
She is the only one with an or in her class notes because I wanted her to still be the Kyuubi container in this verse, though in a different way. The or denotes my lack of decision on whether or not she can draw power away from the godlike being imprisoned in her stomach.
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thatslayer · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog!Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Templatehere.
Mun name: Faye, let’s pretend. OOC Contact: IM me to start chatting, Discord to plot once we’re talking.
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Who the heck is my muse anyway:
The last traditionally called Vampire Slayer, oldest in the active line. A sexy, violent headcase with abandonment and daddy issues as well as an unhealthy sugar addiction. Probable oral fixation. Has the ability to see grey areas. She’s sassy, sarcastic, strong as fuck and a bit dim-witted. Her sex drive could beat up your dad. Faith Lehane is a force of nature with only about enough brain power to light up a Christmas bulb. Confused by microwaves. Looks good in a mini skirt. Good with kids, not so good with adults.
Points of interest:
Learns from her mistakes before making new and exciting mistakes. Loyal as heck once her trust is earned. Ridiculously inappropriate. Girl!Damon. Can kick over your head and parkour around a cemetery like a son of a bitch. Is a ‘Slayer punning’ novice but a sarcasm ninja. Zero-gravity boobies. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
Stabbing guys with a wooden stick until they ‘splode.
Where to find them:
Main verse sees Faith living a Hunter’s life, moving from town to town to put her Slayer abilities to use in saving people and hunting things.
Current plans:
To make it through today, then to make it through tomorrow.
Desired interactions:
I’d love to see Faith run into other Hunters, Slayers and supernatural creatures in her pseudo-Hunter’s life. I’ve got room in my main verse for canons and OCs from Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries and other similar fandoms - BtVS too, obviously!
Offered interactions:
Come find me, we’ll talk. Please see ‘anything else’.
Current open post/s:
I almost never post these, sorry!
Anything else? My rules are very, very important. There’s always room in my main verse for new interactions but I’m not looking for:
Doubles - If I already write with one version of a character, I won’t add a second to the same verse. 
AU or fanon takes on canon characters.
AUs or fanon, in general.
Canon and canon-divergent = my jam! So canon takes on canon characters, at least in interactions with me because I am particular as hell, lol.
Tagging: You lovely peeps. Note: Do not reblog, repost!.
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anbu-legacy · 7 years
Hi all! Thank you so so much for writing this wonderful story, I’m not quite halfway done with “When the Last Roll Is Called” and I was just too excited not to tell you how much I love your writing.
So, um. Before I get to the excited flailing, I must confess that Naruto is one of my osmosis fandoms. The fandoms you get into because, ‘This author writes for it, I like their writing, oh look so does this one, etc etc’, and then I fell down the ninja feels rabbit hole (luckily escaping the whole rabbit moon goddess shtick on the way down). So my knowledge of canon is at least 30% fanon and 20% wiki with a few of the recommended fight scenes thrown in. This is great for most things such as reading fic, and cooing at pretty gif sets. This is not conductive to actually being able to track canon divergence, keeping up with minor characters, etc.
So when I heard of ANBU Legacy (by way of tozette) I was pretty skeptical. Not to say that it wasn’t probably good, but I was doubtful of my ability to keep up with an entire rp thread style story that would inevitably be tight knit and drawing heavily on a canon I was mostly unfamiliar with.
A year past (…and my brother and I discovered a new avatar… wait wrong story) and I mostly put it out of my mind until a month ago when I found yet another person (by this point there were tens of posts reccing this story) telling the internet that they as a collective should read Legacy. And I thought, why not?
I didn’t have anything else to do, and with finals rapidly approaching, I needed something to distract me from gnawing my fingers off with stress, so I brought out my tablet and opened “After the Ending”.
I haven’t regretted it since.
The whole story is compelling in a way that feels completely really and invites me to emphasize with the characters. I wasn’t lost at all when reading about Raidou or Genma or Sagara (WHOM IS LIFE GOALS, I can only dream of being that composed) I love the detail and care that goes into everything from the world building to the interpersonal relationships. And as they say, the ninja feels really hit hard.
I have so many favorite parts too. I don’t know how to list them all, but I’m going to give it my Best Effort!!
Firstly Raidou (my phone wants to correct his name to radio lmao) and Genma’s lunch after the first part of the trials was perfect. I loved seeing them start to feel out each other’s place in the team and the later conversations (notably Genma’s adventure with wind country spices in eggs (rip his taste buds)) followed so smoothly from that.
I adore the world building you’ve put into ANBU, and the tattoo scene and reveal of the ‘sparks’ was SO GOOD. Kakashi fainting was just the cherry on top. His continued fainting was a pleasant and hilarious surprise, though he probably finds it less so. His character in general is written with a lot of depth that makes me smile to read it. His threads are some of my favorites to read (though this is like asking to pick a favorite book, THEY’RE ALL MY FAVORITE).
I also loved the little touches that get thrown in, Kakashi’s thought about being reborn as someone who uses nepotism made me laugh out loud, and the ANBU who made their explosion into a phoenix in the trials was a moment of brilliance.
Raidou’s scene with Ryouma in the immediate Akiyama fallout, and the previous worry over Ryouma using his rot jutsu on a proctor were both excellent parts of the trials and the turn around only minutes later, to worry /about/ Ryouma was so fun to read (if not fret to death over).
Raidou in general!! His care about his teammates! His insistence in boundaries! His willingness to tackle his weaknesses for the sake of his team! (see: me crying over his upcoming genjutsu lessons forever) His moms!! (See also: My shameless admiration for their parenting skills, and crying when Raidou finally went home). His flaws! His worry over being a good leader!!
Speaking of leadership!! Kakashi’s evaluation was the best!! By the numbers was generally an amazing thread. Heart eyes @ Genma forever for dodging his needling after it and steering him towards his teammates time and time again.
And the way the team has grown together over their two missions!! I love that they’re like -these are my people now-. And all they try to do to get Raidou back when he’s suspended is so touching.
Also! Boundaries!! That’s such a good theme!! I really appreciate the fact that they’re ninja but not unrepentant assholes (except to Kuroda who should step on a thousand Legos forever arg).
I also really love that none of your writing is grimdark all the time, and the emphasis on healing and learning from your mistakes really made some of my days brighter.
Katsuko’s layers were such a surprise?? In retrospect that isn’t so shocking, people are multifaceted duh, but when I was reading some of her threads it was like meeting a completely new person, which was Amazing. She’s so good for her teammates, and I love her interactions with the rookies especially. Her nicknames for Kakashi always make me smile, and the way she talks to Ryouma is such a good. Totally agree with Genma and Raidou’s decision to have her consider command track, the way you wrote her responding to that evaluation was note perfect. That scene with Raidou where they watched movies pre-legacy was so good. I hope Raidou can get her files soon!
Ryouma’s dream to become a healer is so good, I hope it’s as good for him as it seems like it’s shaping up to be (if someone *cough* Kuroda *cough* will stop being a pick about it). It’s so satisfying to see him start down the path of helping his team, and people in general. The team’s support behind him is touching. I love Genma’s threads on getting him started, and Kakashi reading Genma’s scroll three times before helping him made me laugh out loud.
And also the missions? I love the way you set them up, and the fact that the characters go over them later (performance reviews for everyone! (paperwork for everyone!)). The fight with Iebara was fantastic to read, it had Mr on the edge of my seat. The fact that Raidou’s actions at the town had consequences is, while heart wrenching to read, is so good to read in a narrative sense. Real world actions have consequences and such. It’s so nice to see those not discarded. The fight with the demon queen was really fun to read in an edge-of-your-seat sort of way, and that later scene with Hisa just made my heart melt. I’m so happy the team got something good out of that.
The whole codes system that you use is really fantastic (though I wince to be the ninja who memorizes them). I loved the radio operator who missed the transmission, I hope they’re ok. It was a touch of horrible reality in that situation. Asuma’s scene with Minato in the aftermath was so good too. Minato being such a presence for him, and asking for the information that he so desperately needs, while trying to keep Asuma together. The lingering suspicion, and Asuma’s resigned acknowledgement of it. It rang true in the aftermath of such a devastating mission.
Minato being a good leader, but also trying so hard to be a good father is so good and important. I loved the bubble jutsu scene, and Minto casually besting Kakashi in impressing Naruto with cute animals made me smile. He’s such a ‘I took 5 hour energy in my coffee’ dude, while also being /The Yondaime Hokage/ (and not so secret crush if nearly all ninja). The ANBU letting him sleep is a cute touch that I absolutely agree with. Minato, /sleep is important to ur health/.
Naruto’s voice is also done really well! It balances the fine line of childish and not overly simplistic. I love his new housekeeper (and I have to say not sorry At All to see Saya go).
Genma mother henning the team will never get old, and when he talked about one of the reasons why, it made perfect sense. He doesn’t look reckless, but IT’S JUST HIDDEN BEHIND ‘It needed to be done for the mission’ (See: Me screaming about him hiding from the demon queen and self inducing a fever, and then operating on a civilian recovering while still recovering from being poisoned (Genma babe, I love you, but the things you do in the name of taking care of people…. I hope Ryouma can help)).
I love Ryouma and Kakashi’s character growth. Their interactions with friends (Rin and Minato, Ayane and Hakone) are so interesting.
I really liked seeing the ninja from civilian perspectives, Shiranui Yuuichi was one of my favorite non team 6 perspectives. I relate to him so much, baking, endless fretting, giving food to passerby. The differences between civilians and ninja is never so obvious as when reading his perspective.
Speaking of non team 6 perspectives! Kurenai was /AMAZING/. I loved reading her debriefing team 6 and her running to try to advocate for Raidou was touching. Her professionalism while talking to team 6 was so well done.
I’m starting to repeat myself, and this is already running pretty long, so I’m just going to wrap this up by saying I LOVE TEAM 6. (Hot team 4ever) I love their kindness and the care they wrap their jagged edges in, and the way they’re all trying in their own ways to be better than they were yesterday.
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copycaat · 8 years
Your headcanons are so amazing! And the ones for the Hatake Clan were really cool especially since we don't have any canon info about them. Do you have any other headcanons about them and what they were like? I see a lot of fanon about them having white chakra and being samurai so seeing them as shepherds made me curious :)
kasjdskjkd omfg thanks,,, most of them (even the serious ones) read like shitposts so i’m glad you enjoy them! [hc tag- content warning]
[hatake lore post]
ghgh i was gonna answer this tomorrow when i’m more awake but i have a brain bug and i don’t want to forget so here goes (pls excuse any mistakes in canon bc i a; haven’t really seen naruto in a long time b; didn’t watch all of it and c; don’t really care)
when i say they’re an old family, i mean they’re old. like, predating the first ninja sage old. so pre-chakra-molding-as-jutsu, they were a nomadic people, trading in livestock. that’s where their bond with dogs begins, right. shepherds :/ plus they’re swordsmen/women to protect their herds from raiders and thieves? and they wear………. lots of wool. that’s not really important i just think it’s kind of cute. it’s chilly up in the highlands
blah blah ninja stuff happens, sheep are mostly higher altitude critters so some bullshit mumbo jumbo about them being close with the sky, viola, lightning-natured chakra. they kind of start branching out, settling in. farming, but also trying their hands at selling their swords and super neat lightning chakra. and because of their massive plots of land, numbers, and resources, the uchiha and senju seek their assistance in founding the leaf, so they fork over a bunch of land and settle in, affirming their place on the council for p much as long as the clan lived. 
uhhhh unfortunately they’re not really meant to live that sort of life, and while they don’t have any special clan jutsu, they have a special style of swordsmanship, prove to be extremely valuable and dangerous ninja, and tend to get hunted (distinctive hair makes it pretty easy). within the next 50ish(??) years, those that stayed in the village are pretty much all gone, and the rest of the clan is scattered throughout the world doing whatever. sakumo, his wife, and kakashi are the last of the hatake name, though again there are probably some that married into another family. and then bam, everyone dies :/ 
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