#like sure it’s already thief/detective so that’s easy
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goth-goro · 1 year ago
is there even a little bit of overlap between the persona fandom and the penumbra podcast fandom bc i NEED a to talk about/draw akeshu as jupeter
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meep9898 · 3 months ago
being in denial about weight gain
For Fio-chan~
(So a regular day for Fio, huh? No worries I gotchu, Shiki~)
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Setting aside her ever-lasting quest to end The Feeding Faction’s fattening schemes once and for all, it was time for the full-time detective to take on some simpler cases. No matter how small or easy, she’ll take any mystery on if it means helping out the community and increasing the popularity of her investigations agency. After all, small cases like these should be a mere warm-up exercises for The Great Detective Casablanca! With her regular trench coat, tie, and deerstalker on, Fiorella headed to the scene of the petty crime.
If you’ve ever heard the expression “as easy as taking candy from a child”, then you may already know what this first case entails, for the perpetrator of the crime has decided to turn the metaphor into something literal. A few hours ago, Fio’s client, a child no older than eight, hired the ace detective with the allowance money she had saved for the last three weeks, though the detective insisted the only payment she needed was the satisfaction of getting that candy back to its proper owner…and maybe tasting some of it herself…
“Either I get that candy back, or my name’s no longer Fiorella Casablanca”, the detective stated proudly to the young kid once they met at her house.
After an arduous investigation, the clues she discovered led her straight to the criminal’s lair: A treehouse found on a very small tree. (In fact, the ‘robber’ was her client’s brother and the treehouse was located in the same house. The investigation would have been much shorter if Fio had listened to the child claiming her brother took her candy).
Now, the delusional woman found herself going up the wooden steps, already winded halfway through the climb. ‘Really long way just to get to a silly treehouse…’, she thought to herself. Reality was that there were three to five steps at most, for the treehouse wasn’t located very high. However, when someone’s as heavy as Fio is, any climb, no matter how short, may prove to be extremely tiresome.
If the candy had been stolen only a few hours ago, surely there was no way for the robber to eat all of them so quickly. Her assumptions proved to be right once she got to the top of the treehouse and saw a snot-nosed brat, around twelve years-old, sitting on a corner with a big smile on his face and a gigantic lollipop on one hand.
“Freeze! Drop the candy and put your hands up in the air where I can see them!”
Barely having enough space to get inside, hips wedged on the tiny treehouse’s doorframe, Fiorella pointed a finger at the confused kid.
“I, The Great Detective Fiorella Casablanca, shall give that candy back to its rightful owner! You are under arrest!”
If any kid heard that from any normal detective, they’d either be crying, calling one of their parents, or pleading for their freedom, but Fio was no normal detective. Her ample size and jiggly frame made her look like the least intimidating individual to ever exist, an oversized parody of a true investigator. As it is commonly known, kids could be very cruel, and her target took advantage of the chuuni detective’s appearance.
“Whatever you say, Officer Fatso!”
“Officer Fat…? Not only are you a terrible thief, but you’re also blind for I am in better shape than the average person! In fact, I am so lithe and petite that I was able to overcome the crushing climb to your pathetic treehouse…”
Fiorella’s rant about her size went on for a couple of minutes, with enough shaking of her wobbly biceps and enough waggling of her wide hips during that time to make the treehouse shake and creak, sending the poor wooden structure down since its weight limit had been surpassed the moment Fio had tried stepping into it…
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Once the cloud of dust had settled, Fio found herself on the floor, her humongous shapely rear having cushioned the fall. No…That wasn’t it. There was something under her…
“Get..off my leg…fatass! You weigh like a ton!”
“Just..get off, whale…!”
“Whale?! I’m not getting off and there’s definitely no escape for you now!”
In the end, the candy was safely retrieved and given back to its rightful owner, the kid’s brother ended up being sent to the hospital thanks to a broken leg that had been ‘crushed’ by a ‘very heavy object’, Fiorella profusely apologized to the kid’s parents, and the detective got half a handful of candy as payment for her services.
Back at her office, Fiorella still found herself being troubled by something that up-to-no-good candy thief had told her. Who did this kid think he was, going around calling her ‘Officer Fatso’?! Could he not recognize the stunning curves of a svelte woman?! Hmmmph!! She’ll show him!
Heading to the bathroom and stepping onto her scale, Fiorella was surprised to see a three-digit number being shown on the thing’s screen. Perhaps it wasn’t properly calibrated. She stepped onto it again and saw the exact same three-digit number once more.
Grumbling, the detective walked outside and tossed her scale into the nearest trash bin. Damn thing was as useless as that kid’s eyes! She’s not fat and there was no way that a stupid device could know her size better than she does!
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years ago
Cookie Run Webtoon EN TL
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NEED TO SHARE THIS HERE... A few days ago Korean cookie run fandom was buzzing because 3 chs of an official cookie run webtoon had been uploaded... the pages have since been taken down (there's speculation that they might've been released too early by mistake??) BUT someone archived them so they can still be read!! And I did a (rough) english translation of all 3 chapters!!! (it was fun🥺 pls enjoy)
(Link to Ch 1) (Link to Ch 2) (Link to Ch 3)
CH 1:
note: Roguefort cookie's name in Korean(괴도맛 쿠키) is literally Phantom Thief(mysterious thief) flavor Cookie, and this 괴도 is the same thing Kaito Kid from Detective Conan is called (괴도 키드)
🌶:Yep, I really am a genius.
🌶: uhaha! instead of robbing a bank, it's much faster and easier to just rob bank-robbers, ya know~!
🌶:With this, my bounty will go up another level...
🌶: what, what's going on? (suddenly)
Reporter: As for Roguefort cookie's previously announced target, a 60 carat Yellow Diamond:
This jewel has been passed down from the Golden Cheese Kingdom for generations, and is said to be a symbol of good fortune, bringing(lit: wishing for) prosperity and longevity to the nation.
🌶: (Hmm, that's a puny gem.)
The jewel's owner adds that they will compensate the cookie who captures Roguefort Cookie, a payment of 1,000,000 coins as a reward to whoever captures this phantom thief...
(jolt)🌶: (A million coins?!)
🌶: (Then Roguefort cookie's bounty is higher than mine, isn't it!!) (1000000 vs 700000)
🌶: (I'll have the pride of a thief and steal it first!!)
(Title:) Who is the best thief?
Ep 1: Who is the best thief?
-That night
🌶: WAIT, YOU THERE! (suddenly)
🌶: I heard the yellow diamond was at this mansion. Know where it is?
butler: (EEP) ch, chili pepper cookie?!
butler: This is a very tightly guarded place, How in the world did you get in?
🌶: Psh, this is mere child's play to me. (lit: chewing gum)
butler: I'm calling the guards/security.
🌶: ......
🌶: What are you doing? Roguefort Cookie. (pause)
Roguefort🧀: A sloppy disguise, I suppose.
Roguefort🧀: ...How did you know?
🌶: A thief's intuition?
🧀: Haha... how interesting.
To think you'd see through my disguise. (riiip)
🧀: Then I guess you're also aware that I have the jewel with me.
🌶: WHAT?!
GHH! (whish) (whish)
🧀: I wonder if you can catch me?
I am the best phantom thief who has never been caught to this day, after all~ ^^
🌶: Don't make me laugh, I'M the best!!
🧀: (heh) If so...
🧀: How about we admit that the cookie who steals this jewel is the best thief? (sparkle)
🌶: Heh, think I won't be able to snatch it from ya?
🌶: You'll end up regretting this.
🧀: We shall see.
!!! (pause)
(🌶) You?! Cheesecake Cookie?!
🌶: This place is your mansion too?;; (Just how many mansions do you have?!)
🧀: How did you know we were here?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: With all this terrible noise you've been making, wouldn't it be weirder to not know~?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: Apparently, it seems like you want to distinguish who is the best thief between you, but...
🧀🍰: Haven't you two already stolen all the decent treasures anyway?
Try stealing something a bit more difficult~
🌶&🧀: more difficult?
(grin) 🧀🍰That's right. If you're a real thief...
🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶&🧀: !!!
(end of ch1)
cheesecake🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶: someone's... whuh?
RF🧀: Heart. someone's heart.
🌶: What's so great about stealing someone's heart?
🧀🍰: Stealing something tangible is too easy~
Why, don't think you can do it?
(frantically/fiercely) 🌶: WHADDYA MEAN!!
🧀🍰: And you, Roguefort?^^
RF🧀: (Heh) ...Seems like it'll be interesting. Though stealing someone's heart is also too easy for me...
🧀🍰: huhu~ Good, good!
🧀🍰: Then make sure both of you come back here at the same time again tomorrow!
I'll explain the details then~
🌶: ...an invitation to a ball?
🌶: (Where's Cheesecake?)
🧀🍰: Oh my~ Welcome, Chili!
🌶: What about Roguefort?
🧀🍰: Roguefort already arrived first and got started~ (hoho~)
🌶: WHAT?!
🌶: They beat me to it?! I gotta start quickly too, who's my target!?
🧀🍰: Wait, before that- (snap)
🧀🍰: Let's get you changed first!
🌶: GUH? (grab)
🧀🍰: Take her to the dressing room~ (what is that state you're in?)
(thump, crash)
(title: Who is the best thief?)
🌶: What the hell is this!
🌶: guaah!! This dress is too stuffy/suffocating!! (creak creak)
🧀🍰: Oh my, is that so?
🧀🍰: Hold on-- Now where would my new Chocolaté Collection be... (toss toss)
🌶: ...By the way
What are you two doing here?
🥛: A part time job!
🥛: I have to buy Dark Choco-nim's goods, you see~ (hehe!)
💪: They released new protein, so I need money! (flex)
🌶: Ah...
🧀🍰: Chili! Try this on~
🌶: Phew, I think I can live now~!
🧀🍰: It suits you well~
🧀🍰: Here, take this.
🌶: What's this? ??
🌶: A mask?
🧀🍰: Tonight is a masquerade ball, you see.
🧀🍰: Your target is wearing a cat mask.
Between the two of you, the cookie who wins their favor first will win.
🌶: How would we prove that we won their favor?
🧀🍰: You just have to receive and bring back one of their things as proof/indication of winning. (You musn't steal it!)
🧀🍰: I already told Roguefort the same thing, so you should probably get going right away?
🌶: (A cat mask she said... where in the world are you?)
🍮iii: Can't I hold that for a sec?
🧙: No.
🍮iii: just once~!
🧙: No-!!!
🌶: Excuse me...
🌶: By any chance, have you seen a cookie wearing a cat mask around here?
🍓: ! (gasp)
🍓: Huh? Uh...
I, I... (th, that...)
🍓: I-I saw someone that way... (blush~) (note: speaking formally)
🌶: (whish) Ah, thanks!
🍓: 😳.....
🍮iii: trade with meee~!
🧙: I said no!!
🌶: ! (Over there!!!)
(loud footsteps)
RF🧀: ...So as I was saying...
🌶: Hi! Nice to meet you! (whack!) (shove)
🌶: For you to play dirty and go first...
(/ch 2 end)
🌶: ghh...
🌶: (I butted in all confidently but...)
(awkward) 🌶: (what the heck should I say?)
🧀: The moon is flying unusually high tonight... It must be because she is jealous of your beauty.
🐱: Oh my! 🌶(dripping down)
🌶: (Are they crazy?) (I can't say something cringey like that!!)
🍮: 'scuse me!
🌶: Huh?
🍮: She said she's got something to say to you!
🍓: U-um, well...
🍓: I-if it's okay with you... May I have this dance? (lit: will you dance 1 song with me?) (note: speaking very formally)
🌶: No, I...
🐱: My, you musn't refuse an invitation to dance, you know.
Please go on ahead! (lit: go and come back)
(zoned out)
🌶: (Dammit, I can't just leave Roguefort alone like this though-!!)
🌶: At this rate, I'm gonna lose..!
🍓: U-um, excuse me, by any chance...
🍓: Could it be that you didn't want to dance, but reluctantly agreed and forced yourself to for my sake...? (lit: ...pointlessly because of me, reluctantly came out)
🌶: Ah, it's not like that
🌶: To be honest, I don't really know how to dance. Today is my first ball, ya see.
🍓: I-is that so?!
🍓: Wh-what should we do, It's my first too tho...
🍓: I'm so sorry for making things troublesome for you...! (dashing off)
🌶: W-WAIT!
🌶: Are balls such a big deal? We just have to move to the beat, right?
🍓: B-but...
🌶: Look! Those guys are all enjoying themselves dancing, aren't they!
(🍮: You really can't dance!! (stomp stomp) )
🍓: Ah...
🌶: Let's just enjoy ourselves as well!
🍓: ...Okay!
(Wheee~) (/giggle)
🐱: ......
🧀: Pardon me,
🧀: The lobby is rather chaotic, so it seems like dancing might be difficult... shall we move to a quieter place?
🐱: Yes, sounds good. (footsteps)
🍓: Whew~
🍓: I had fun, thank you so much!
🌶: Me too! (hahaha)
🌶: (Gasp) (This isn't the time for that!)
🌶: I totally forgot I was in the middle of a bet. I have to quickly go back to stealing hearts... (whish whish) Where the heck did they go?
🌶: Hey, have you guys seen Roguefort Cookie?
🥂: Roguefort Cookie..?
🥛: Ah, I have!
🥛: I saw them go out to the garden a little while ago.
🌶: The garden?
(dashing footsteps)
🥂: Roguefort Cookie came to tonight's ball? They're not trying to steal something, by any chance...? (That was Chili Pepper Cookie just now, right?)
🥛: Ah, I heard they're doing a bet with Chili Pepper Cookie.
🥛: I encountered them while I was changing clothes... they really did disguise themself perfectly!
🥂: Aha~
🌶: What garden is this wide? (Seriously.)
🌶: Ah, there they are.
(/ch 3 end)
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writing-in-sin · 2 years ago
In the Nick of Time
Based on my old post, where Kaito's busiest day date was on the same day when Shinichi followed after Vodka. Seeing the detective chasing a man who dressed similarly to Snake made Kaito run after Shinichi, saving him in the nick of time from Gin
It was honestly by chance.
Beyond a sense of unease, Kaito didn't think much of the murder by the roller coaster that had a whole crowd gathering around. That is, until he spies the foreboding figures of the two men in black standing by the rows of witnesses
Worried and alarmed, he made sure to send Aoko back with Jii before he carefully blends into the crowd and watches, almost unbiddenly, as the famous high school detective solves the murder in record time. On any other day, Kaito would allow himself to be impressed but as it is, he's more focused on the two men that he can only assumed to be colleagues of Snake's
But why? There's no Big Jewel on display, he'd know if that was the case. In fact, the only Big Jewel nearby was the Angel's Crown he barely managed to steal and used to clear his name merely an hour ago.
Well, whatever the reason is, it's never a good idea to be careless around anyone resembling people like Snake.
"Go on ahead, Ran!"
"Wait, Shinichi...!"
Although, it seems like Kudou didn't get the very obvious memo if running after the stockier man is anything to go by
"Shit," he curses under his breath, conjuring a cap before chasing after the reckless detective
As if today wasn't busy enough already!
Finding the detective is easy enough, spying the younger teen hiding nearby out of sight. No, not good enough. Not when there's supposed to be two of those bastards
Spying a flash of silver, Kaito quickly whisks Kudou within the shadows just as the silver haired man rounds the corner. Before the detective can struggle, Kaito firmly traps Kudou in his arms, a hand clamping against the other teen's mouth while wrapping an arm around Kudou's waist
"Don't," he growls in warning as Kudou stands rigid in his hold, the detective's back flushed against his chest. "Not unless you want to get us both killed."
Miraculously, Kudou stays still
After a moment of painful eternity waiting, the two men finally walk away with their sniveling accomplice in tow. But Kaito's been hunted by these men long enough to know that he needs to be extra cautious even if the coast is seemingly clear. So with care, he guides Kudou away from the scene until they're at a safe enough distance
Once satisfied, he lets go, barely avoiding the kick to the head with a mocking laugh
"Is that how you thank someone who just saved your life, Heisei Holmes?"
Kudou glares, pale and flushed. "Who the hell are you?"
"Me?" Kaito chuckles, giving a showman's bow. "Why, I'm but a humble thief."
Kudou falters at that, confused. "...a thief?"
A gentle breeze rustles the canopy above them, streams of moonlight cutting across the darkness of the night as Kaito stands across the detective.
Kaito grins, wide and unholy. "Kaitou KID to be exact."
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pen-observing · 4 years ago
request: how lucifer, mammon, satan, belphegor and diavolo react and find out about you having 'I now own your soul' under the terms and conditions of a webpage.
While Lucifer is certainly busy all the time, and tries to balance it by having you in his study as he works, he can’t hide how tired he has actually been for the past 4 weeks.
All you know is that Diavolo has made the meetings more frequent and they are taking a toll on him
And since he means that much to you, regardless of if you wish to acknowledge it or not, you have to ask what is going on once he stands up and walks over to reach for another bottle from his shelf Lucifer does not drink that often and he certainly doesn’t try to avoid work by drinking.
Just what could be making him act this way?
“Lucifer, you have to tell me what is going on.”
He stands on his side of the desk just pouring another glass down.
Curse him for being elegant and showing his forearms while doing so!
And then he dares to look at you with full focus and furrowed eyebrows and he is about to say something and he looks like-
‘no. You are human.’
“Come on! You know I won’t tell anyone!”
He does trust you at least after so long.
"Very well. I will tell you since it has something to do with a human. If, by any chance, you spread the information, the price you pay will be a heavy one."
He can’t intimidate you that much but you know when he is serious.
"You see, recently, Diavolo has had more issues than ever with someone we like to call ‘code soul stealer"
“Uhn,, and that is?”
He takes a sip of his drink and holds the glass while looking at you.
“Apparently, a pesky human added ‘I now own your soul’ in their terms and conditions on a web page and some application. With this, they have stolen many souls and Diavolo has grown even more concerned these past few weeks since the page is just gaining popularity.”
Oh fuck, oh fuck. Thats you that he is calling a pesky human! You only did it as a joke because you saw a meme! It wasn’t supposed to make an enemy out of you to the prince of hell!
How are you supposed to tell Lucifer that? How will he react?
Maybe if you do tell him it will actually create more good than harm?
Or, you could hide it for the rest of your life and- no! The honest way with Lucifer is the best way. He trusts you enough so you have to trust him too!
“Lucifer...I am the pesky human you are referring to...”
He drops the glass. 
“I swear I had no idea souls were actually real and now I own a lot of them! O-On the good side I went viral 4 weeks ago so...oh, that is why you’ve been so busy....sorry.”
Lucifer says nothing.
He just falls into the chair in the most dramatic way you’ve ever seen.
He covers his face with both hands and groans into them loudly.
If you were not ‘code soul stealer’ you would laugh at him right now. But he has to figure out a way to protect you now.
You see, dating Mammon means that you two will bicker plenty.
However, it is usually silly stuff that you bicker about like; are gold or silver lines better on this cup of tea or not?
He just loves you too much to get into a serious argument with you.
However, Levi dragged you both to play a spy/heist game that just came out and Mammon cannot accept to lose such a challenge.
He is not proud that people call him thief, but he is proud and believes he has the skills to back up his many enrichment-plans
So the fact that you won against him for 3 times in a row is UNNACCEPTABLE under this dark, dark sky.
Mammon denies it all. ‘i went easy on you’; ‘I did it cuz you are happy when you win’ and ‘please, don’t you know who I am? I am THE Mammon!”
And while he is cute while bickering, sometimes it becomes unbearable.
So, you do what any normal human would: you challenge him by listing your biggest ‘heist’ ever.
“You don’t know who you are talking to! I have created a heist unlike any other! I have stolen a million souls so far! The DevilTV refers to me as – unstoppable soul collector!”
Levi left long ago so Mammon is standing there completely stunned with the stupidest look on his face so far. He kind of looks like a blowfish.
Still, he runs and puts a hand over your mouth and whispers:
“Don’t yell! We don’t want others to know that we run that business!”
Excuse him? Who is this –we- he speaks of?
“You will add your boyfriend to those plans, won’t you?”
Mammon will not let shock stand in the way of money or souls. You can explain to him how you managed that later but for now – just add him as your accomplice.
You love your boyfriend.
You really, really do.
You love seeing him so excited and focused on finding clues to the newest Devildom mystery that you chose to let him have his fun by not telling him YOU were the one he was searching for.
And while you love him that much, you are about to ruin the whole game.
Why does he think it is appropriate to own 48 pairs of the same Sherlock Holmes outfit with THE UGLIEST MATCHING HATS YOU HAVE EVER LAID YOUR EYES ON.
First, he wore them in his ‘detective office’ only. Also known as the Lamentation house storage room for cleaning products. And that was fine, it was.
But then he started to wear them inside the house and in the garden. The saddest day was when a cat knocked the ugly hat off and ran away with it. Oh praise that cat! Praise the little paws!
However, he has gone too far.
He knows no bounds and shows no signs of stopping.
He started wearing the outfits OUTSIDE! In the middle of cobblestone paths of the main street while you were trying to have a nice date!
"Who knows where the soul snatching culprit could be hiding? I must wear this outfit everywhere to catch their clues. Trust me.”
That is it.
If one more iguana-looking-ass demon points their finger at you two and snickers as you walk past – he will have a rude wake up call.
How is it possible that he is trying to catch the culprit that is you but doesn’t pay any attention to you?
So, when you arrive home and he walks into the mop closet to add another unrelated photo to his crazy whiteboard as a clue – you tell him to sit down for a moment.
“Satan, honey, I have something to tell you about your soul snatching culprit.”
That definitely got his attention.
Finally! He is actually looking at you!
You lean down and gently kiss his head.
“I am the culprit you’re looking for. How does it feel to completely miss something right under your nose?”
He freezes up and throws a pen towards the whiteboard. It just bounces off and hits him in the back.
“You....you mean to tell me that,,, the biggest Devil Mystery TV phenomenon is ACTUALLY YOU?”
You are met with complete disbelief. Satan demands a detailed explanation on how you did it. He even tells you to use his whiteboard to retrace your steps!
...good luck...
Will Belphegor ever actually publicly say that he has changed because of you? No.
Will he ever actually admit that to other brothers besides Beel when they’re talking in the late hours of the night in their room? Oh, absolutely not.
Will he tell you? Yes.
Yes but.. He will leave something out.
Sometimes Belphie looks at how you smile and remembers things that make him famous in this realm.
Yes, he is one of the most powerful demons and yes, he has a reputation of rebellion and the biggest steak of unattendance in RAD but
He is also a fairly famous scholar.
His papers and research are cited on the regular.
But when you smile and say a witty joke – he remembers that most of them focus around him proving just how dumb or naïve humans actually are.
But, you’re human and he hopes that you never see those.
Except that you do.
Because he is so famous it is no surprise that while looking for research papers to reference for your next assignment you saw his name while browsing through
And while you love him - you will not allow him to just diss the whole mankind.
So, you grab one of them from the library. Walk home, go to the attic while he is napping and open it up, putting it right on his face.
It takes a couple of seconds but he feels something is wrong and his hand reaches for it.
When he pulls it away, he is met with his thesis that was further developed from the seduction speech class assignment.
It sets it up as: ‘Seduction speech as a matter of blatant deception that humans always fall for but could never recreate.’
You are not even that mad at it to be honest.
But proving him wrong is always fun. And little does he know about your biggest secret ever.
“I will cut right to the chase and say – fix your bangs I want to see the way your eyes look when I tell you this!”
“I wonder who messed up my bangs with the academic paper in the first place?” is what he replies but his hand is already on his forehead.
“Whatever. Prepare to be amazed! I am the one the elders of the devildom are always ranting about on TV! Yes, I am the ‘pesky little human’ who is stealing away ‘edible’ souls! How is that for your thesis now? Is that not true deception?!”
He likes your smile still. You’re standing in front of the bed looking at him with sparkling eyes and clenched fists while striking a pose. It is silly really but he smiles.
Because you are.
And while he will ask you a bit more about that claim, he is just happy to know that maybe his next academic paper (which everyone eagerly awaits) will be tad more positive to your kind.
You got an urgent call from Barbatos.
On the doorstep he told you that Diavolo needs you in his study.
What could you do that Barbatos can’t and will help Diavolo? Does such a thing even exist?
You walk inside of his office and are pretty sure Barbatos did not want to go inside because of the fact that a rat could be hiding under the mountain of papers that are all around the room.
Usually, Diavolo immediately stands up, lights up the room with his smile and stretches out his hands for a hug.
Now? He hears the doors open and looks at you with a weak smile while his head is resting on his elbows from behind the desk.
He has never looked worse.
“Barbatos said you called for me?”
You are unsure where to begin with this so you state a fact while thinking of questions to ask.
“He has? I have done no such thing?”
Great. Now both of you are confused.
“Can you tell me what is going on?”
Diavolo sighs and his smile is still nowhere to be seen.
“The elders have been so annoying lately. I understand that the biggest threat to the Devildom and everyone’s life here still has not been identified but there is nothing I can do except search!”
Just what threat is that? What could be making Diavolo so miserable?
“They keep comparing me to my father without actually offering any ways of fixing this!”
“I will try to offer some way if you tell me what the threat is!”
There you are, making a grand exclamation and promise while trying to avoid papers on the floor. Diavolo sighs again.
“A human is ruining our business! They somehow set up a page that allowed them to own souls by consent in some application under the terms and conditions. I mean, this has never happened before! Humans were never expected to think of that or have access to such means! And the name they used was fake. How am I supposed to find them and then burn them in the darkest pits of hell as the elders want me to?”
You stop trying to avoid the papers.
Did...did he just say darkest pits of hell? Did he just say the elders want YOU burned?!
How are you supposed to fix this? It was a fucking joke! You did not imagine this could ever happen!
“Diavolo you promised you would protect me no matter what, right?”
His eyes are serious when you say that. “Yes. I will. Is something amiss?”
“Diavolo.... I am the enemy your elders want to burn.. PLEASE DON’T LET THEM! MY SKIN JUST ADJUSTED TO THIS TEMPERATURE!”
Diavolo looks at you and laughs like never before. It is cute, it is childlike. His laugh finally lights up the room.
He thinks you are joking.
He thinks you are joking and abruptly stops once he realizes that you did not join in on the laugh.
You were just trying to crack a joke and make him feel better, right? There is no way that is true, right? But judging from your reaction he knows it is.
So, he grows serious once more.
He runs to embrace you.
“Please tell me you are willing to make a compromise because the elders do not care about how your skin adjusts to the temperature.”
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takaraphoenix · 3 years ago
I put this as rambling into the tags of the GIF sets I just made, but I feel like actually putting it into coherent sentences and into one post.
So I rewatched the Black Star heist. The very first time Conan and KID met on screen (not in-universe; though I suppose it can be argued that they didn’t actually meet during the Clock Tower heist). And while I was aware that I’ve shipped these from the get-go, I somehow was under the impression that most of the big soulmate stuff only happened later and the ship grew in importance.
But no, I was wrong. This ship goes so hard from the very first episode.
Shinichi really went from “Who cares about some thief?” to calling Agasa like “Please tell me everything you can find out about him, I want to know it all before I meet him also yes, I am absolutely meeting him one-on-one, all alone, not calling the police, because I want to see his face” within one day.
And when KID lands, Shinichi just goes ahead and waxes poetry about KID, describing him in flowery language, not analytic language as you would expect from a detective.
But he’s not the only one here. Kaito has two sentences of interaction with Conan and concludes that no, this is not an ordinary kid, then commencing to not treat Conan like a little kid anymore.
Shinichi really comes out of this first encounter so impressed by Kaito, he calls him ‘incredible’ and expresses gratitude for Kaito to be on the ship because he now gets a second chance.
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I’m particularly in love with this moment. He has met KID one (1) time, but he already has such unwavering faith in Kaito that he just knows, for a fact, no one will find any evidence, because it’s him. Who develops such a level of trust in a criminal they’re chasing? Or... quite frankly... in any person they’ve only met once.
Shinichi is so wrapped up in Kaito, he straight-up drops the Conan act even around Nakamori-keibu, because he is so giddy about this mystery and trying to solve it. Heck, he is so wrapped up in Kaito, he misses easy to spot evidence and then calls himself out on it, calling himself pathetic for being so distracted by KID.
Kaitou KID distracted Kudou Shinichi so much that he missed evidence. That’s not something Shinichi does. He doesn’t miss evidence.
And instead of telling any member of the police, or using his tranquilizer gun on “Ran”, he lures Kaito somewhere where they can be alone so they can talk. So he can exposition everything to Kaito’s face. Sure, he threatens Kaito a little bit with his soccer ball, but also... not really.
From their second meeting on, he kind of stopped trying to actually capture Kaito. The first time, on the rooftop, he was actually planning on using his watch. This time, that thought doesn’t even cross his mind. (And in future meetings, even when he “tries” to use his watch, he usually announces his presence beforehand so loudly that it would be impossible for Kaito not to just dodge him.)
You can actually feel Shinichi’s excitement throughout this entire heist. The way Kaito is established as someone who challenges Shinichi intellectually to this degree, someone Shinichi already expresses excitement about facing again.
This ship really went soulmate-levels hard from the get-go and the amount of love I feel for it is overwhelming.
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luna-lina · 3 years ago
it hasn’t been long since I reblogged a post about a thief/reposter and I already found 2 more accounts since then. I @ some of you if I recognized your gifs. I hope you won’t mind
1. the first one
- they don’t reblog anything else so it’s easy to just scroll down and see all the stolen gifs. here are some I recognized from
kinnporsche x - pretty sure all these belong to @nanons
my name x - these to @toptaps
river where the moon rises x x x x - these belong to @surii @mostlyfate @yesdramas @winar @cuddlybitch @gominshi @shangyangjunzhu
ashin of the north x - @gominshi
the great wall x - @wuyus these are yours
the wolf x - some belong to @ohsehuns​
the untamed x x x - I recognize some from @wangxiians @blinkplnk @luffys and @thejingshi
word of honor x x x - @zhouszishu @maikhiwi00 @recapitulation @gusucloud
and there are others from dramas I’m not so familiar with like: snowdrop, princess silver, jiu liu overlord, shes of love, some marvel shows, x-men
2. the second one
- it’s harder to recognize the gifs bc they were cropped (they cropped your watermarks too if you had any, they did to one of mine) and resized, added text, so they lost quality. I recognized some here
law school x - these are from @cuddlybitch @apokalypsiaa and @chaselikewolfs
doom at your service x - @yeo-rims @dramadailyy @surii @jaehwany @dramaism
my roommate is a detective x - some belong to @movielosophy and @lunlvns
2gether x x x - I can’t find the owners rn but I remember seeing some of these gifs on my dash
some tags in which you can find more reposts: x x x x
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stillness-in-green · 3 years ago
I feel like compress’ ancestor would completely disagree with his descendent’s actions and I want to know why the heck he wanted to leave that legacy with shigaraki
I think that question is why Horikoshi assured us in Mr. C’s character profile page that we hadn’t seen the last of him, because, yeah, it’s a big, flashing, obvious question: Why would someone who proclaims himself the proud descendant of a noble thief have thrown his lot in with terrorists?
He must have his reasons, surely. He’s not stupid, and he’s clearly always been opinionated about the morals of today’s society, and especially how they’re passed on to society’s youngest. (“You kids today have your values chosen for you.”)
So what are his values? And what were Harima’s?
Well, whichever family member Sako’s remembering in Chapter 294 says, “Our family’s lineage is all about exposing injustice.” The word used there is fusei: injustice, iniquity, impropriety, dishonesty, illegality, and so on. Harima targeted “sham heroes” and preached reformation while distributing what he stole back to the streets. That sort of thing is basically the less bloody version of what Stain was doing—targeting sham heroes and preaching reformation, but via thievery rather than slaughter.
We can assume it’s the Stain association that drew Sako—a phantom thief successful enough to be on the nation’s most-wanted list even then—to the League. We might assume, then, that Sako had already reconciled his family goal with Stain’s methods: certainly he never complained about the League’s choices of targets the way Spinner dids. It’s also possible that, rather than already having gone Full Extremist, he was only partway invested in the family dream at the time—more on that in a bit.
See, as we’ve seen via Lady Nagant, there is in fact quite a lot of fusei lurking beneath the pleasant facade of Hero Society. @codenamesazanka has a theory(1) that maybe Mr. C was doing things more traditionally for his family lineage, give or take, but then one day when he was scoping out his next target, he saw them get blown away by an HPSC sniper, and ever since then, he’s come to the horrifying conclusion that his family’s usual methods are woefully insufficient. Therefore, perhaps, he’s gotten more extreme, because gentlemanly burgling and mild fool-making are never going to be enough to root out an evil so deeply entrenched.
Given the suggestion that Hawks was raised more for spying than covert assassinations—and also because I would really not want to have to sneak up on a man whose feathers can detect air movements in his surroundings—the easy assumption for who Compress might have seen back then would be Lady Nagant. I don’t think that entirely works with Lady Nagant’s timeline,(2) which by my rough estimates has her going rogue about seventeen years ago; Atsuhiro would have been only fifteen at the time, probably too young for phantom thievery.
Still, there are ways you could tweak the scenario to make it fit—maybe he’d gotten it into his head to go do something flashy to make the family proud even though they’d thought he was a bit young still. Maybe he’d been with a family member at the time, even! Or maybe he found out about the HPSC’s under-the-table housecleaning some other way, long past Nagant’s fall. Whatever the case, I regard it as a very good explanation for Sako swinging hard into fanaticism.
An alternative thought I’ve had is wondering if, perhaps, Sako was something of a black sheep in his family. Maybe he’d given up on the family dream a long time ago—not because he saw something drastic, but just because he could look around and see how entrenched Hero Society had become in the four generations since Harima’s time.(3) In that scenario, something must have changed his mind at some point—there’s Stain, of course, but even more importantly, there’s Deika.
Mr. C changing his tune after Deika would track with a noticeable shift in Mr. C’s tenor if you’re paying attention to certain things in the (too brief) PLF era. Like, Compress staunchly never talked about his past through most of our time with him, even looking noticeably disgruntled when Shigaraki and Ujiko discussed the former’s younger days, or rebuking Twice for getting attached to others. And yet after the merger, he was the one of the League who, along with Spinner, seemed to have thrown himself most wholeheartedly into the whole Paranormal Liberation Front endeavor! He was in meetings all the time (per Twice) and, when he was gouging out parts of himself to escape Jeanist, the first name he went to in a sentence that would culminate in, “will change the world in my stead,” was the PLF! He modified to Shigaraki,(4) but the PLF was in his thoughts too.
My theory, then, is that, give or take however much he was thinking about it when Stain’s fame drew him to the League, Sako had kind of washed his hands of his family’s dream up until Deika. With the merger, though, the sudden influx of resources and cogent ideology headed by Shigaraki’s unstoppable fervor, maybe he came to believe that the dream—or at least the form of it that Japan needed in the woefully deteriorated state it had reached—might be back on the table after all. Hence, when that dream was at risk in Jakku and Sako finally decided to make his reveal, he went all the way in on said reveal.
Would Harima approve? Well, possibly not—but Harima was also living in a fundamentally different Hero Society than Compress is: a newer one, a more malleable one. Yet even in that fresh-faced version of Hero Society that had only just begun to put its trust in heroes, Harima ultimately still failed. We can’t really know what he’d think was acceptable in light of horror stories like Lady Nagant, the death of Todoroki Touya, and Tenko’s Long Walk.
I think the much more interesting question is, “What does the rest of Mr. Compress’s family think?” And I hope that, in the course of getting our promised further information on what Sako’s deal is, we also get some more insight on who was telling him all about his glorious bloodline in that flashback, where that person is now, and why the family is Sako rather than Harima.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
1: Here, down towards the bottom, but the whole post is worth a read. I agree wholeheartedly that it’s incredibly damning that someone with as perfect a folk hero story template as Harima is known in the modern day as an infamous villain, and that there’s a very good chance it was Harima’s own preaching that goaded the proto-HPSC into adopting the methods they did.
2: Which is a bit nebulous. She has to predate Hawks, though possibly not by more than a few months if President Pearls already had an eye on young Keigo. Hawks is 23 now, and has been with the HPSC since he was a kid, maybe in the six area—Hori likes his 6-year-olds. That puts Nagant as being last active seventeen years ago. Assuming she’s not lying (to her creator) about being almost but not past 40, that’d mean her last days as a hero were when she was just 21 or so. To my eye she looks older than that in her flashbacks—I’d say 25—but that’s what I’ve got numerically.
3: This goes double if Sako's family has always known about the HPSC's darker elements because Harima Oji was the first person the HPSC vilified and/or covertly murdered on its way to becoming the HPSC of the modern era.
4: He either narrows down to Shigaraki specifically of all the PLF members or shifts the lens on Shigaraki’s association from PLF to League; the Japanese is unclear.
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themaribatpit · 4 years ago
Jasonette July Day 4: Game On
Written by: The Maribat Pit  @jasonette-july-event  Prompt: Game On Rated: T (for sexual references, mostly references to things that happened in the comics.  You have been warned.) “I can’t just go spilling my protégé’s secrets. I can barely send her out into the mean streets on her own.” she said with a coy show of innocence that she wasn’t even trying to make believable.
 “I’m not asking for her identity, all that concerns me is why you decided to take her in.” Batman explained.
 “She was in trouble, I was in the neighbourhood and I gave her a helping hand,” she explained. “That special claw of hers comes in handy, and besides we all know how you feel about magic users Bruce.” She wasn’t wrong about that.  Batman could never trust Constantine further than he could throw him. He could only bring himself to turn to Zatanna when he really needed her help.  Shazam was an exception, seeing as the limits of his magic were clear and simple enough to understand.  That didn’t make him any less formidable, but it didn’t make him quite as unpredictable.  He was, at the end of the day, a detective who was trained to think rationally and logically in order to get to the bottom of a situation.  Magic was the ultimate wild card, and the sooner he figured out this girl’s abilities, the better.  “You’ll be pleased to know she’s not a completely hopeless case, she’s been helpful but she doesn’t get quite the same thrill out of thievery.” Catwoman remarked, “but it’s been lovely having her around, and I’m not about to just hand her over to you”.
 “Then what would you have me do?” he asked, “I’m concerned your rivals might be a little less forgiving.”
 “Is that so? You don’t think she’s strong enough to save herself?”  Catwoman smiled, it was nice to know that he cared, just a little. “Besides, she’s already had years of experience under her belt, maybe you’re just jealous you didn’t find her first.” She taunted playfully. Goodness knows he was in no position to talk when it came to taking people under his wing.  “Tell you what, how about we have a friendly little wager?” Bruce saw her eyes light up at the thought, but he was undeniably curious about what she had in mind.
 “What do you propose?” he asked.
 “A fun little game, your boys against my little foundling. If any of them can take her down, then you can welcome her into your family with open arms” she explained.
 “How do I know she won’t just kill them?” Batman asked, it wouldn’t be the first time Bruce had to try and steer someone away from any homicidal tendencies.
 “She’s a lot of things, but let’s just say killing wasn’t really an option for her back in the day.” she explained, “She’ll fall in line with your ‘no killing’ rule quite nicely. Think about it, your sons versus my little girl.”  Her claws skated across Batman’s shoulders as he pondered this.
 “Anything else?” Batman asked, he had to know exactly what they were walking into.
 “Your boys can bring a second to their little duels, but only one.  No need to have the Titans ganging up on her.” she explained.  She left out the part about her protégé having other tricks up her sleeve.  With the power she had, they would be lucky to get a single scratch on her.
 “So be it then.” Bruce said, it would be an opportunity to see how this girl measured up against the boys he had trained. At that moment Catwoman decided it was game on.
 Marinette had just come home from her classes at Gotham University, and she was looking forward to a quiet night working on some designs that were due a few weeks.   A text message from Catwoman brought her plans to a grinding halt:
 “Mari dear, made a little wager with Batman.  You beat his four sons in a fight, and you get to stay with me.  If you lose however, he gets to take you under his wing (in every sense of the word).  They’ll be on the lookout for Lady Noire in the next few days, but I never said anything about only using her to win.”
 Marinette was really starting to regret being saved by Catwoman. That night, she was outnumbered by some muggers who thought she would be an easy target.  She was trying to find an opening, to make a break for it, maybe find somewhere to hide and transform if she really must.  Suddenly she heard a voice grab their attention, “I’ve always loved big strong men who aren’t afraid to show it with someone half their size.” she purred.  While they were distracted, Marinette decided to call on Plagg for some help.   She always loved how the Lady Noire suit made her movements feel lighter, plus the night vision and Cataclysm were useful too. Unfortunately for her, it meant that Catwoman saw her in action and decided to take an interest in her from that day forth.  Sure, she was a cunning thief and there was little that Marinette could do to stop her. At the same time, Marinette was a young woman in a city that was the polar opposite of what she knew in Paris. She couldn’t deny that there was something comforting about having someone in this city looking out for her. Especially since her parents were in Paris, and Master Fu was no longer around to help her.  She took the Miraculous with her to Gotham City, but none of the other wielders came with her.  She was still their guardian after all, but she had to be more careful about using them.  She wasn’t about to single handedly take on superpowered crime lords with their armies of henchmen. She had to be a lot more careful with her powers since other people could get hurt.  Besides, they already had a small group of vigilantes keeping the city safe, they didn’t need her.
 Marinette reread the text message over and over again.  she was about to see what these vigilantes were made of, though it was just as accurate to say it was the other way around.  She opened the box, carefully choosing which ones she could use in a fight.  She usually used Lady Noire when she was with Catwoman, but by the sound of it she was counting on her to use all of her tricks to win.
 Damian never fully understood his father’s attachment to Catwoman, but this was a challenge he could not refuse.  They were told to keep an eye out for this “Lady Noire” character while they were out on patrol.  Oracle had agreed to referee this ordeal, Damian was absolutely certain he was going to be the one to bring her in.  They were allowed to bring a second, but Damian didn’t think it would be necessary. From what they were told she was a smaller Catwoman, though they were told to exercise caution because of her destructive abilities.  The last person Damian had expected to find was a girl in a red and black body suit, who looked nothing like the girl with long hair and green eyes that Batman had described.  Still, there was something odd about the girl and Damian moved in closer to investigate.
 Catwoman had given Marinette a vague rundown of who her opponents were.  There was Nightwing, the eldest of the four boys and a trained acrobat. The second eldest was the infamous Red Hood, Marinette had heard rumours about him and she had no way of knowing if the Kwamis could guard her against someone who uses firearms.  The third was Red Robin, Catwoman advised using clever strategy if she was going to get the upper hand on this one.  Finally, there was the current Robin, the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul, the youngest of the boys who was trained by assassins before Batman took him in.
 She took the Ladybug earrings with her, seeing as they were more versatile for the occasion.  In addition to the earrings, she wore the Longg’s choker around her neck.  Master Fu had often cautioned against using fusions, considering how draining they were on her body.  Her new mentor advised her to use every tool she could in her arsenal, because they certainly would.  On most nights she noticed a small, hooded figure passing through her neighbourhood from time to time. She decided to see which of these boys would be her first opponent.  
 While she was standing on that rooftop, she heard a few footsteps behind her.  It was raining but through the mist and the rain she could see a small, shadowy figure watching her closely.  It made sense, she was dressed in bright colours and standing on a rooftop in the pouring rain.  She practically had a sign on her head that said “come and get me”, which in some way was part of her plan.  The question was, whether or not her first opponent would take the bait.  “I know you’re there little one, so are you going to stay there or come over and say hello?” she asked, Marinette tried to sound cheerful but she ended up sounding silly instead.  She tried to hide the burning embarrassment she felt at how silly that sounded. The boy could probably sense it too, because she turned around and saw him narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously.
 He leapt from his perch and landed behind her with a thud and splatter of rain water.  He was no taller than Marinette and he wore a red and green outfit, with a black hooded cape and a green domino mask. The red and green outfit had a golden yellow “R” on his chest, and she also noticed a sword that was sheathed at his side.  Marinette had to suspect this boy was the youngest out of the boys, Robin.   The two of them stood in silence for a long moment, she figured that someone who was formerly trained by assassins would be a little more hostile.  Then again, he was probably expecting someone else entirely.  “Aren’t you a little young to be out patrolling by yourself, little one?” she asked, trying to make some kind of conversation with the boy. She wasn’t in any position to say anything about this, considering she had been protecting Paris since she was 13.
 “What’s it to you?” He scoffed, “we’re looking for someone named Lady Noire, and you clearly wanted to attract someone’s attention by standing on a rooftop in that costume”.
 “Robin, can you not be a brat for like, five minutes?” Red Robin groaned into his comm, but Damian didn’t listen.
 “You can either state your business or stop wasting my time” he snapped, as Marinette chuckled.
 “So, you’re planning on challenging Lady Noire.  Tell me, what do you really know about her?” she asked him.
 “Only that father and that woman have taken an interest in her, and I intend to prove to both of them that she is nothing special.” he growled, “so unless you know something about her, stay out of my way”.
 “You seem certain, for someone who has never once faced her” she said with a smile.
 “I was trained by the best, I will not lose to someone who is little more than a foundling.” he was reaching for his sword at that moment.  Red Robin and Nightwing rolled their eyes at that comment as they listened in. They knew they had all bested their youngest brother at some point or other, despite being “foundlings”.
 “It would have been easy too just to hide from you and your brothers, but I’m going to enjoy taking you down a peg.” She braced herself for her first fight of the challenge.   She really could have, but sadly she had very little patience for people who thought they were better than everyone else.
 “I won’t lose to you Lady Noire, or whoever you are”, he growled as he drew his sword and pointed it at her.
 “Tikki, Longg, unify!” she called out, and a flash of red and gold light stunned Robin for a moment. The red and black bodysuit now had gold accents and a symbol on her chest.  The symbol was a lighting bolt, a wave and a gust of wind all swirling together.
 “What did you do?!” Red Robin yelled into his comm, “I swear if she kills us all just because you couldn’t control yourself…”
 Robin looked up to see that she had a yo-yo in one hand and the other reached behind her to draw a sword.  
 “And by the way, it’s Dragon Bug to you”, she swung her yo-yo with one hand and Robin ducked to dodge it. After dodging it, he charged at Dragon Bug, katana in hand.  She blocked his attack with her sword before kicking him back with her foot.  Dragon Bug pulled back her yo-yo and charged at him with her sword, when he blocked her, he spun around and kicked her legs out from under her.  As Dragon Bug fell to the floor, she raised her sword and yelled “Water Dragon!”.  There was more than enough to create a barrier that pushed Robin back before he could strike again.  Robin was knocked back against the wall, and she took out her yo-yo to make an escape to the streets below.
 This Lady Noire, Dragon Bug, whoever she was, had insulted his honor.  To him, that just simply would not stand. His father said that he wanted her alive, but he could barely get a scratch on her.  He got up quickly and used his grappling hook to swing after her. She was waiting for him, with her hair blowing in the wind, and a smile that Damian wanted to wipe off her face. He charged at her once more, this time sliding on the floor at the last moment and hoping to take a swipe at her leg. Once again, she managed to turn and block his katana. The pair of them traded blow after blow after blow, but he could only land a few scratches on her.  Marinette could use Lightning Dragon and shock the boy, to bring this to a swift end.  However, with all the water that was around them, she might end up killing the boy instead. Before she could try anything else with that sword, he blocked it and sent it flying off to the side. Marinette watched as her sword flew out of her hands before clattering on the ground next to them.
 Marinette had to admit that this kid was good and that the fusion was starting to drain her a little. She had to act fast as she dodged another incoming strike. She leapt backwards to dodge it but the boy took out a grappling hook, he gave it a few good spins before flinging it forward and catching her foot.  He pulled the wire taut and sent her crashing to the ground, hard.  “You may have your tricks, Dragon Bug, but I have skill, I have training, and now I have defeated you.” he called out as he tugged at the wire, pulling her towards him.
 “That may be true, but there’s something you should know…” she groaned as she propped herself up on her elbows, he stopped for a moment as he waited for her to tell him exactly what that was. Marinette reached for her yo-yo, she needed to finish this and safe her strength, “…you’re not the only one who’s had training.” she told him. Dragon Bug quickly spun her yo-yo and swung it at Robin, this time wrapping the wire around him and pulling the string tight.  He tried to free himself using his katana, while Dragon Bug unwrapped the wire around her foot.  As she stood up she said, “another one of my ‘magic tricks’” as she ran to retrieve her own sword.  She sheathed the sword and looked back to find a hog-tied Robin, desperately trying to cut the cord and free himself.  She wanted to enjoy this moment for just a little longer, there was always something so satisfying in moments like these.  She took a moment to send a quick message to Catwoman:
 “Dragon Bug: 1, Robin: 0” before sending her a selfie, with Robin tied up in the background.
 She glanced back at Robin who was now just scowling at her.  “You fought valiantly little one, but sadly you are not my only opponent” she told him as she unwound the string around him. When she had her yo-yo back, she flung it towards a street lamp and swung forward, lifting her up off the ground. There was one thing Damian was certain of, there was no way his brothers were going to let him live this down. With a good tug of her yo-yo, freed Damian, spinning him around in the process.
 Meanwhile, Jason and Roy were on a road trip back to Gotham, the two of them had just taken care of a Drug Lord in Starling City.  Jason’s phone buzzed with some news from Dick, something about how they had all been embroiled in a bet to take down Selina’s new protégé.  If any of them win, she has to join the Bat family, and if they all lose then she keeps working with Selina.  He could not bring himself to care, it was 50/50 on whether or not this girl was tolerable or if she was going to annoy him like the rest. Roy glanced over at him before turning his attention back to the road, “you look like you’re desperately searching for a fuck to give” he commented.
 “Just some dumb bet Bruce made,” Jason shut off his phone before reclining back in his chair.
 “That’s not like Bruce, usually making dumb bets was something you guys did” Roy wracked his brain trying to imagine the stoic and serious Batman making a dumb bet.
 “Something about Catwoman and her little sidekick.” he drawled, “If Dick, Me, Replacement or Demon Spawn take her down, she becomes Batman’s little sidekick.  Like he doesn’t have enough of those running around”.
 “Ah, I’m guessing you don’t want to fight her when we make it back to Gotham City?” Roy asked, “wouldn’t it be hilarious if you taught her how to win against your brothers?”
 Jason gave a half-hearted chuckle, moments later his phone buzzed with more messages.  He was really looking forward to this little power nap, but he checked to make sure no one desperately needed his help.
 He sees the picture that she took with Damian tied up in the background.  Babs, Steph and Cass had watched the whole thing, with popcorn. While Tim had made that photo the new wallpaper on the Belfry’s computer.
 “Well, says here she literally wiped the floor with Demon Spawn, before swinging away on a yo-yo.” he said and they both laughed “now I’m just mad I won’t get to buy the girl a few drinks”.
 “I mean either way, I’m sure you’ll get your chance if you’re both in Gotham City.  I’m just sad that I’ll have to be your third wheel.” Roy said wistfully.
 “Roy, I had to listen to you and Kory in the next room,” Jason recalled, “you have no room to complain about third wheeling.”
 “Awh was little Jaybird jealous?” Roy joked.
 “Hey you’re the one who assumed that we banged in the first place,” he said “all I said was I was with her, and you decided to interpret that however you wanted”.
 “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway because she ran off to Miami to work through some things, and we’re just over here thinking about the good old days,” Roy said.  The two of them continued to drive in silence and Jason leaned back, trying to get some sleep before facing whatever chaos was waiting to greet them in Gotham City.
  Tim has researched all he could on this mysterious Lady Noire, yet there are several reported sightings of different vigilantes all with the same height and build. Lady Noire, Ladybug, Dragon bug. Tim compiled all known sightings onto his corkboard to get a clear picture of who this person is.
The fight between Dragon Bug and Damian provided him with crucial information on how he could counter Dragon Bug. Tim then donned his Red Robin costume and began patrol of Gotham City. Gliding across he spotted an usual sight, a costumed person standing on a rooftop. It had to be the one Batman told him about, the person he was to fight because of the bet.
Tim landed on a nearby rooftop to reconfirm the target. "Same height and build, but this costume is different." Tim sighed, he had noticed that each costume had its own power and abilities, and made detailed notes on each. Codename: Polka-dot had the power to summon an unknown household object. Codename: Catwoman II used an indestructible staff and the power of disintegration, Codename: Drake used a sword and came with the power of hydrokinesis.
However, he had no intel regarding this new costume. He decided to press his luck and use stealth to take her down. He leaped off the roof and began gliding towards her with a kick.
To his surprise, his target shrank at the last second, he glided through and smashed into a skylight, landing inside an abandoned building.
Multimouse followed suit and jumped in through the broken skylight. Landing right at the centre of the room, she simply stood there arms akimbo looking at him. Red Robin threw a smoke bomb, grappling to the rafters. Multimouse did not pursue, no sense of panic she simply walked to a wooden crate and sat on it.
Red Robin, took the opportunity to launch himself off and glided towards Multimouse with a kick. He was shocked to see her suddenly turn around as if she knew he was there the entire time, with perfect timing she grabbed and judo flipped Red Robin through the wooden crate. Wiping her hands in a dramatic manner, Multimouse walked to the centre of the room and crossed her arms. Red Robin crushed a smoke bomb with his hand, obscuring the area and diving towards an underground vent.
He began to wonder how she was able to counter him so effectively. "The power of foresight? 360 degrees x-ray vision? No it can't be." Red Robin thought to himself. While crawling in the vents to a position behind Multimouse, he berated himself for pressing his luck without any information on Multimouse. He peeked his head out of the vent, Multimouse had not moved, she continued to stare at Red Robin's previous location. Taking another chance, Red Robin jumped out of the underground vent ready for a takedown.
Again as if she was a clairvoyant she countered him perfectly, spinning on the spot and delivering a crushing kick to Red Robin’s midsection. Sending him flying across the room, he took out his staff and slowly got up, using the staff as if it was a cane. He stood on shaky legs, in disbelief.
He then begins to notice something unusual hanging on the hem of his cape. His eyes widen as he takes a closer look. A miniature clone of Multimouse was hanging on, his eyes snapped up to the rafters and then the vents. There were several miniature clones all over the building, all about the size of a small insect.
Red Robin's jaw dropped as he had this epiphany. Seeing her cue, Multimouse shrank down and spawned a horde of miniature clones. Millions of clones rush towards Red Robin, he begins swinging his staff, stomping on any clones on the ground, flailing his arms like a madman. The horde bellows a collective “Surrender,” Red Robins defiantly continues to fight.
Soon the swarm begins to cover Red Robin all the way up to his neck, his body unable to move. The Multimouse arms pulls off the cowl and begins pulling all of Red Robin’s hair. Red Robin, facing the agony of Multimouse waxing his head. “Ok, ok I give up.” he cried. As he finished his plea, the swarm dissipated and reforms to the singular human sized Multimouse. Red Robin is then left kneeling and staring at the strands of his own hair left on the floor.
Multimouse, seizing the opportunity to obtain a trophy of her efforts, takes a selfie with a poor, disheveled Red Robin in the background.
  Marinette was really starting to feel the effects of using different Miraculous for two nights straight. Dragon Bug was draining enough, but she had to use Multimouse to take on Red Robin.  That left Nightwing and The Red Hood, and she was starting to wonder what was the point of this game.  She felt like she was just fighting to win, fighting so that the person who took care of her when she first arrived in Gotham could prove a point.  If she won, then she would stay under Catwoman’s protection, and the Miraculous would be protected with her.  Though she was lucky that the Miraculous themselves didn’t look valuable enough to pique her interest.  If she lost to one of them, she would be under Batman’s protection instead.  She would become a part of the group of vigilantes who operate in the city, and she didn’t know how she felt about that either. How would she feel about seemingly being the only magic user among them?  How would he feel about her being a magic user?  She hadn’t even met the guy, all she knew was that he took an interest in her dealings with Catwoman.  Maybe she would encounter the Red Hood and he would make the choice for her by putting her out of her misery.  She decided to settle this fight once and for all as Ladybug, maybe then someone would give her some answers.  
 She got a text message from Catwoman, telling her to meet her on a rooftop that had gargoyles glaring down at the streets below.  Maybe she had information on where her next fight would be, she didn’t say.  By the time she got there, she saw two people eating fast food next to the gargoyles.  The first was a redhead in red armor, and the second was…
 “Get your own brooding spot, this one’s taken!” He yelled. Marinette looked up to see the other guy had a red domino mask, and in addition to being dressed in Kevlar and leather, had a red bat symbol on his chest.
 Marinette spun her yo-yo, getting ready for a fight. The redhead continued eating, while his dark-haired companion gave her a swift once over.
 “So, you’re the girl who took down Robin and Red Robin?” he asked, as if struggling to believe it.  
 “And you are?” she asked, when he put on the red helmet that was in his hand, it suddenly became clear.
 “So, looking for me?” he asked, “Or are you on your way to fight the original boy wonder?”
 “Honestly, I’ll take my chances with you.” Marinette said as she launched her yo-yo at his companion and wrapped the cord around him.
 “Wait, wait, wait why me?” the redhead cried,  then she threw him and sent him crashing into the Red Hood.  The pair of them slammed into a nearby wall before she released the redhead.  She unwound the cord and was getting ready to strike again.
 Underneath the sprawled out pile of bodies, Red Hood grunted “Arsenal, get your ass off of my face or else…” Arsenal got up before he could finish his threat and they both stood up.
 “So who checked ‘Fights with Toys’ off their bingo card?” Arsenal joked.
 “Is that the best you can do?” Red Hood taunted. He came at her with a knife in hand, when she leapt in the air and wrapped her yo-yo cord around his arm.  She launched herself at him, landing an aerial kick on his helmet. Red Hood grabbed her by the foot and flipped her over, sending her crashing to the ground.
“If you came here to fight me that’s one thing, not many people get to say they took on someone with a yo-yo and lived, unless you’re Toyman.” he said, as he lifted her up off the ground.  “If you think this is what it takes to face Nightwing, then you have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
 Ladybug took a few steps back after he helped her get to her feet, “so are you going to fight me instead?”
 “Pixie, take it from me, it’s really not all it’s cracked up to be.  As fun as it’s been watching you kick my brother’s asses, they are nothing compared to Nightwing.” he explained as he took off his helmet and set it down next to him.
 “What do you know about Nightwing?” she asked, still understandably guarded about the situation.
 “Oh what don’t I know, he’s basically Batman’s heir.” he told her “I’m just one of the spares, and that’s on a good day when I managed to not die.”
 Dick had made it clear days ago that he wasn’t going to fight her, he already put his foot down at how silly this whole thing was.  Jason, however, decided to have a little fun. “Honestly, you might as well just walk right into the batcave and challenge Batman yourself.” he told her, “I mean you won’t die, that’s kinda his whole deal, but you’ll be eating through a straw for the rest of your life.”
Jason, enjoying the anxiety bubble in the young woman, and he decided to crank it up to eleven.
“Nightwing is equal if not better than Batman in every way, he once took up the mantle of Batman when he was injured. Not only that, he broke Bane’s back.  He lifted a 7ft tall 500lb big guy, snapped his spine over his knee as if it was nothing.”  Jason moves his arms, mimicking the motion of breaking something over his knee. Ladybug began to sweat even more, struggling to imagine the powerhouse of a man to even accomplish such a feat.
Jason’s grin widens, “not only that, he fought a giant mutated bat the size of a man. He wrestled Man-Bat, putting him in a full nelson and smashing its face into solid concrete” Ladybug cringes at the thought of feeling the full force of having your face slammed into concrete. Jason gets ready for the coup de grace. “In fact, when he was 10 years old, he watched his parents get murdered by mobster Tony Zucco in front of his own eyes. After being taken under Batman’s wing, he went out for revenge. He chased after Tony for hours and cornered him in Crime Alley.
Tony died that night when Nightwent went after him, the official cause was a heart attack.”
Jason stops talking to look around him, as if he was paranoid and there were eyes all around him. He walks up to Ladybug and whispers to her ear “but between you and me, it wasn’t.”
 He turns to Roy, “but if she’s gonna try and take him on after all that, then we might as well pull up some chairs and watch.” he said, giving Roy a knowing look.
 “Oh yeah, I mean he’s no match for a cute girl and her yo-yo.” Roy joked.
 “Come on, he’s probably waiting on top of the Iceberg Lounge, and he doesn’t like to be kept waiting” he declared, Ladybug followed as the three of them made their way to the Iceberg Lounge. She felt her legs shaking, but it’s fine, she would at least live to tell the tale...right?
Nightwing stood on the roof of the Iceberg Lounge, carefully watching the whereabouts of the people going in and out of the area.  He heard footsteps and looked up to see three figures landing on the rooftop in front of him. He looked up to see Red Hood, Arsenal and a short girl who looked to be in her late teens, maybe early 20s.  He looked between them, then back at the girl who was spinning a red yo-yo with black polka dots.
Nightwing waved to them, figuring she would be the short girl mentioned in the bet between Batman and Catwoman. As he noticed the three, the short girl visibly frightened as he walked towards them.
 Nightwing sighed “what did you tell her?” he asked, he had better things to than get involved in Batman’s dumb little bet.  The outcome would have been someone joining the Bat family by force, even he had put his foot down by that point.  
 “I mean, nothing that wasn’t true.” Red Hood told him, “she might as well know who she’s dealing with.”
 “Right, and you probably told her you are just a soft teddy bear compared to me.” Nightwing remarked sarcastically, “was it to keep her from beating the stuffing out of you?”. At that point Ladybug was visibly confused, so Nightwing looked over at her “so how did you get dragged into this? Got sick of having to share a litter box?”
 Ladybug eyes Nightwing cautiously, thinking his joking mannerisms are an elaborate ruse to lower her guard. “What, don’t tell my Catwoman’s got your tongue?” Nightwing jokes with a large grin. Ladybug begins to slowly walk back, confused at how expectations did not match reality.
Nightwing points his thumb at Ladybug and talks to Red Hood, “Alright what did you tell her about me?” Red Hood raises his arms innocently “Like I said, nothing that wasn’t true.”
Nightwing raises his eyebrow at Red Hood and crosses his arms. “Alright I told her how you took down Bane and Man-Bat by yourself” Red Hood admits. “And?” Nightwing begins tapping his foot. “I may have, insinuated that you may or may not have had something to do with Tony Zucco's heart attack”
Nightwing facepalms, “well so much for first impressions, let's start over shall we?”
 Nightwing reaches his hand out to Ladybug, “Name’s Richard but everyone calls me Dick”
Marinette tentatively reaches out to shake his hand, “I know you aren’t enthusiastic about this bet, neither am I. I don’t want to knock your spots off, so how about I lie on the ground, you take a picture for Catwoman and you fly off into the sunset”
 “Where would I go?” she asked,
 “She could come with us.” Red Hood suggested, “nothing would annoy Batman more.”
 “Right, and next she’ll start asking me if I actually hypnotize people with my ass.” Nightwing said as he raised an eyebrow at him.  “Think Catwoman would let you take her?”
 “We already asked, someone has to look after this pipsqueak while she’s doing what she does best, alone”, Red Hood explained.
 Ladybug felt herself calming down a lot more at that moment.  She came to this city not really knowing anyone, feeling like there was no one else looking out for her.  Now, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was going to be in good hands.
 Bonus 1:
Roy: So, should we call ourselves “Red Arse Bug” or “Lady Red Arse”?
Jason: Do you want me to throw you off this roof?
 Bonus 2:
Ladybug: So you all had to wear red, yellow and green?
Red Hood: Yup.
Ladybug: What was it like?
Red Hood: I did my time in the pixie boots, Pixie.  Doesn’t mean I like to talk about it.
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haledamage · 3 years ago
Lady’s Luncheon
for my dearest @queen-scribbles HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIT!!! 💖💖💖 continuing my theme from previous years, here’s two ladies sharing a meal and a chat ;) though Xaeryn and Iorwen are both a bit more reticent to talk about their infatuations than AJ and Kira were. 
1920′s AU tLBT-verse, after they briefly run into each other in chapter 4! Xaeryn is Cait’s and Iorwen is mine and both are our MC’s from @shepherds-of-haven 💖
“Well, well, well. Detective Xaeryn Shrike.”
Iorwen called out the name as soon as she spotted the lady detective, and Xaeryn looked up from perusing a small notebook to stand and greet her.
Without the pressure of work and without Trick and Trouble’s pistols pointed at her, it was easy to recognize Ryn as the girl she’d known in school. They’d never been especially close, but they had both been part of Red’s circle of friends, so they’d at least been familiar.
Then again, it was rare to find anyone who wasn’t part of Red’s circle. He could charm the bark off a tree, if he had half a mind to.
In fact, he was the reason they were meeting here, too. Once it had finally clicked why she recognized Xaeryn, Wen had called Red to find out if he knew how to get in contact with her. It wasn’t surprising that he did; the two of them had always been stuck on each other, even if they’d never acted on it. Or noticed.
One thing had led to another, and now here they were, at a tidy, quiet little cafe that Wen had never heard of. It was certainly much nicer than the jazz halls and speakeasies Trouble liked to drag her to.
“Iorwen,” Ryn greeted with a smile, taking her hand in a warm, firm handshake. “It’s just ‘Miss’ Shrike. And should I call you ‘Captain’ Emroth?”
Wen shook her head as she slid into the seat across from her. “Only when I’m on duty. Otherwise, it’s technically ‘Doctor’. But just Iorwen to you, please.”
“You find time to practice medicine while hunting cultists?” Xaeryn slipped the little pad of paper into her bag as she asked the question.
“More like hunting cultists is why I practice medicine,” Iorwen replied with an easy laugh. “Keeping the Shepherds patched up is a full time job in itself.”
A waitress came by with drinks before they could say more. They waited until she was well out of earshot before continuing; apparently, being a detective made one just as paranoid as the Shepherds did. Or maybe it stemmed from being Mages.
“How’s your thief hunt going?”
“Still in progress.” Ryn’s lips pursed in frustration, eyes going distant with thought. Iorwen could almost see the gears turning in her head, rereading that notebook of hers from memory. It made sense that she was a detective; she had never met a mystery she could let lie.
“I don’t know how much help I can be, officially speaking,” Iorwen said slowly, making sure she had the other woman’s full attention before she continued. “But off the books, I have a few contacts I can ask to keep a look out. Discreetly.”
“And how much would this ‘off the books’ help cost?” Ryn asked carefully.
Wen waved off the idea. She wasn’t going to make an old friend pay her to essentially trick Trinaeste into being helpful. “Remind your bo to answer the damn phone once in a while and we’ll call it even. I’m tired of making the drive to Capra every time I need to consult with him.”
Xaeryn suddenly found the table runner fascinating, smoothing a hand over it to flatten out the creases before doing the same to her already immaculate skirt. “I’m afraid you have the wrong idea.”
Oh, Liefred, you sap. Iorwen barely stifled a sigh. He was so effortlessly charming, except when it counted. What a mug. “My apologies. The way he talks about you, I just assumed…”
That got the detective’s attention, though she still didn’t ask about it. Apparently Red wasn’t the only one who didn’t know how to get the words out. Wen let her have her secrets, for now, and pushed the subject back into shallower waters.
They let the conversation meander wherever it wanted to. It revolved around work, mostly; being a workaholic was clearly a trait the two of them shared. They talked about the Shepherds and Ryn’s work as a detective, about Haven, about Solhadur and their travels since leaving the academy.
“Where’s the farthest a job has ever taken you?” Iorwen asked, swirling her drink in her glass. The ice had long since melted and it was more water than anything else now.
“Hmm.” Xaeryn tapped a finger against her chin in thought. “Heth Macoll. The son of a well-to-do local family had gone missing. His mother thought he’d been kidnapped, but it turns out he’d run away and eloped.”
“Lack of communication is the real culprit once again. Those are always the best outcomes. And the worst.” Wen knocked back the last of her drink and dropped the glass to the table. “I bet Dearest Mother didn’t give you jack.”
“That’s why you always get payment up front,” Ryn laughed. She sat forward in her seat, elbows on the edge. “What about you? The Shepherds must send you all over Blest.”
“I went to The Reach a few months ago. Endarkened-born plague. Ugly business.” She bit her tongue to stop herself from saying more. That wasn’t the kind of talk for a nice joint like this. “I’ll tell you about it sometime. Someplace a little less... ritzy.”
Xaeryn was clearly getting antsy too. She did a good job of hiding it, but she kept reaching for her bag, patting it like she was making sure it was still there. Her mystery called to her again, begging to be solved.
“I should prob’ly get going. Blade will start to worry if I don’t check in soon.” It wasn’t entirely the truth - if only because Blade was definitely already worrying, with her off on her own while there was a known cult presence in town. But Ryn was too polite to leave first, so Wen gave her an out.
They paid their meals and donned their hats and gloves, stepping outside together. Instead of a farewell handshake, they gave each other a quick, friendly hug.
“We should do this again sometime,” Xaeryn offered. Despite the call of work, she still hesitated to leave.
“Bet on it. Here,” Iorwen dug in the pocket of her jacket to find a card. She didn’t use them often, but always kept a few on her just in case. “If you need a doctor’s slant on a case, or if you just want to grab a drink. Give me a ring.”
The card joined the notebook in her bag, alongside gods-only-knew what else. “I will. Thank you, Dr. Emroth.”
“Anytime, Detective.”
She watched Xaeryn walk away, waiting until the steady click of her heels on pavement faded before lighting a stick of charch and heading off in the opposite direction. Time to hunt down a grifter and see if she could convince him to help look for a different one.
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purplellamanator · 4 years ago
So, I'm sorry I don't really know what to call this and did not give it a name- but, this is a product heavily inspired by these head-canon's created and posted by @detectivegeekshin! Please check them out if you haven't already! (if you're following me though you probably already did :D) This is insanely long though and I hope ya'll like it! Sorry @detectivegeekshin that it took me so long! I've been working on this for more than two months I think- so again, sorry!!! Thank you for allowing me to use your ideas to make, what was supposed to be a drabble, story and I hope I did your head-canon's justice! Please excuse my grammar mistakes! I tried my best to clean it up! Thank you again!
Read below the cut for the story :)
Stealing wasn't exactly the word he wanted to use. He didn't consider himself to be a thief. Was it really even stealing if he was taking it from someone it didn't actually belong to? Shinichi didn't think so.
And it wasn't about giving the wealth back to the poor. He wouldn't necessarily call himself Robin Hood either. It was about returning something to its rightful place; to the rightful owner.
It was wrong. All of it. It went against the very morals he himself created to follow when he first decided he'd be the greatest detective of the era. Stealing was wrong no matter if it was stealing something that was already stolen. It was the law and if the law was followed, then it would work out correctly in the end either way.
But that way of thinking wasn't always true. He realized that the longer he worked in this business and the more experience he gathered. It would be a nice world to live in when the law could fix everything. And unfortunately he wasn't naïve enough to actually believe that world existed anymore.
The first time he did it, it had gone against every fiber of his being. The mental crisis he thrusted his entire being into had sidelined him for weeks. So ashamed, Shinichi couldn't bring himself to work on another case. What right did he have? To expose criminals for killing? For kidnapping? For stealing?
He had no right. He was no better than those criminals. Because that was what he was now- a criminal.
The stress and just anxiety that this put him under- Shinichi considered dropping his dream of being a detective. His morals and guilt had been tearing him apart inside.
Until he turned on the news and remembered why he did what he did.
A woman was crying. They were tears of joy and happiness. And she was thankful. Thankful that the heirloom that had gone missing for decades had miraculously found its place back on her dresser. That she had no idea who or how it happened but she was grateful to whomever had given her this.
And that was when Shinichi was reminded of what finally pushed him to this. What made him crack.
He was a detective and he had done his job. He found the precious necklace that had eluded every private eye hired before him. He located it and all they had to do was retrieve it and return it back where it belonged.
But the police couldn't. They needed warrants and that took time. Time they did not have enough of. It would be sold once more on the black market and disappear likely for another decade before they were even served.
The adrenaline that had coursed through him when he finally decided what he would do. He had never felt more satisfied. There had been no disguises; no gimmicks. Just himself. His own face and his own brain. And they still hadn't caught him. It had been easy. So much easier than waiting on the courts.
After that day he saw the news, Shinichi had walked with his head held higher than any other day. He didn't know why exactly. It wasn't like anybody else besides him knew what he had done. No one but him was aware that the woman got that necklace back because of his own actions. Yet hearing people congratulate and whisper about how amazing the mystery was made him smug.
Shinichi told himself it would be a one time thing. Seeing that woman from before distraught and sobbing that her family's prized possession would likely never be returned in her lifetime- it had done something to him. It made him act. Even though he usually did so well detaching himself emotionally from his cases, that one alone had gotten to him. But he'd do better next time. Even if the outcome would be bittersweet and leave him feeling like he failed, he could not do it again. No matter who the victim was or if they cried.
But he didn't stick to that clearly because he did it again a month later, and then soon after that, and again after that.
His excuse each time- he had done so well not getting caught before. What could it hurt to do it again? It was easier. It was faster. With his genius he was sure he would get away with it no matter how many times he tried this. He couldn't be caught. He couldn't be beat. He was just too . . good at it.
Until he wasn't.
He had gotten too cocky; too arrogant. He should've stopped while he was ahead. He had gotten away with it so many times and yet he kept pushing it. And he pushed the boundaries each time. He got more and more careless than the last. And now he was stuck explaining to the last person he ever wanted to find out, why he was parading around as some law abiding detective when he was really a thief.
In the midst of his newly found hobby, Ran- one of his best friends, had realized he was not acting the same as usual. Shinichi didn't allow her to join him to certain cases anymore. He would be secretive about where he was going afterwards as well as if she had somehow already been there, he had even told her to straight up leave.
He should've known that Ran would notice something sooner. It wasn't like him to ever hide things from her and it definitely was not normal for him to tell her to leave a crime scene- unless it was a rather dangerous one. Cases that had to do with robbery didn't normally fall under that. Those were the cases he'd usually rather her witness. She didn't like anything with too much gore and like any normal person, she got scared if she even saw a corpse.
But each time he told her to leave or that she shouldn't follow him. Most of the time he did lie and say it was because he worried it would turn violent. Other times he didn't give a reason. And he definitely should've noticed her suspicion because he normally loved having her witness his cases and deductions. He liked impressing her.
Unfortunately, he didn't notice in time that he was actually worrying her. His sudden change was concerning to her and she ended up following him when he said the Inspector had called and asked for him to come by the station.
Shinichi never went to the station. There had never been a call. Instead, donning his change of clothes, he took a train almost a full hour out till he reached his actual destination.
When he said he had started pushing the boundaries, he had meant it. No longer did his thefts remain with cases within the Japanese Police. He started digging for unresolved cases in the black markets.
The entire time Ran had been tailing him. She had followed him the entire way and he hadn't noticed a single thing, which he didn't know if he should be annoyed by or impressed.
When he had almost been shot however and Ran's foot suddenly came down on the guards head, he settled on being impressed. Because though he was furious she had followed him into such a dangerous underground location, she had saved his ass. And it didn't help that Ran was aware of that fact.
She hadn't pressured him for an explanation. Shinichi thought she would yell at him and demand to know what he was doing and why. Ran hadn't done any of that. Instead, she took it upon herself to be his lookout as he finished what he originally set out to do.
Ran kept her thoughts to herself at first. It had made him nervous considering he was expecting her anger. When he hadn't gotten it, he didn't know what to expect now. Her moral compass was just as strong as his had been. When she realized what he was doing- and she definitely already had, he could only assume it'd upset her. Why wouldn't it? At this point he was no better than-
"Are you Kaito Kid?"
Kaito Kid. Obviously he knew who she was talking about. And it was actually insulting and ticked him off.
What he did took more skill. He wasn't some magic freak with a couple fog machines and pet doves. He had no disguise. If Shinichi wanted something, he walked in there and took it. With his own face.
With a stony expression, he denied the accusation. As far as he was concerned, he always thought of the Phantom Thief as, exactly that, a thief. Truthfully, he hadn't run into the magician too much after his new found discovery. And at the thought he realized that it must mean Kid wasn't after just any treasure. He must've been looking for something in particular which reminded him that he didn't know the guy's actual motive behind his crimes. Maybe like him, he realized, Kid might have a valid reason for turning to crime.
When he started sympathizing with a criminal however he noticed how far in his own crimes he actually was.
Ran took his denial in stride. She didn't seem all that surprised by his response. She clearly didn't actually think he was the Phantom Thief. But oddly enough, she didn't really ask for an explanation. If he wasn't doing this as Kid, then why was he doing it? She didn't claim to want to know.
Oddly enough, that annoyed him as well. It should be a good thing she wasn't drilling him for answers. She was just accepting what he was doing and not going to stop him.
"You're that vigilante thief they're talking about all over the news. . . aren't you? The Night Baron?"
Night Baron? Out of all the things, that's what they decided to go with? And though it was exactly what he was, the word vigilante left a bad taste in his mouth.
This accusation was different however. Unlike the Phantom Thief one, she uttered this one with confidence. If he denied this, Ran would not believe him. There was no point in trying anyway when she had literally caught him in the act.
It took him aback a little that she had caught on so easily. The Night Baron wasn't as common in the news. He hadn't been doing this nearly as long as the other well known thief. It made him question if she'd been contemplating this for awhile. How long had she suspected him? And how could she not say this without any ounce of anger?
"Well. . . I have faith in you, Shinichi," she finally said when he asked. "I know you and I know you wouldn't be doing this unless you had a good reason or you thought it was right."
"And what you're doing is right. The Night Baron helps people."
The amount of trust she put in his character made him feel warm inside. It was embarrassing but that sentiment made the corners of his eyes almost prickle. Shinichi hadn't realized how desperately he had wanted to hear those words. He thought he had come to terms with his guilt. But clearly he had not if hearing Ran say that almost made him get choked up.
Ran didn't think less of him for losing his morals. She didn't look at him in disgust. She approved of it. She encouraged him for doing it. No explanation given yet and she had already determined that what he did, he did for good. He had no desire or intention for personal gain. And he had never felt like someone had ever seen him so clearly before.
Again, she didn't push for his actual reasonings. Based off her earlier assumptions, she likely already knew them. But though it was clear she didn't think it, he didn't want to risk her assuming he was some mindless criminal. Without her prompting, he gave his explanation.
The law wasn't enough sometimes. And though it was sad and went against what he engrained in his own head, this was the best and more efficient option. After all, if you want something done correctly, do it yourself then, right?
Ran hadn't so much as flinched. And it was staggering.
"You're not upset?" He couldn't help the disbelieving tone he used. It was almost a little concerning she wasn't more opposed to this.
Ran shrugged. "I am a little. Clearly you've been doing this by yourself and lying to me when you could've just told me."
Tell her? Why would he want to tell her?
"Shinichi, you were almost shot. Clearly you need help doing this."
Absolutely not.
That had been his initial reaction. If he ever for some reason got caught, it would likely drag her down with him. And that was the last thing he wanted.
But after sleeping on it for a quite a few days, and also that he couldn't sneak off anymore once Ran realized what he was going, Shinichi began to see the possible perks to working with a partner. And not just any partner but Ran specifically.
She was smart. He was definitely the mastermind behind all of their plans but that was not to say Ran couldn't come up with a plan of her own. Her insight gave another perspective that sometimes, he never would've thought of. If she didn't like an idea, she said it. If she thought they should do something else, she told him. Shinichi wasn't perfect. He missed things sometimes. It was good to have her pair of eyes as well.
It was just as helpful to have her brute strength as well. He assumed most would find it somewhat emasculating to be physically weaker than their female counterpart. Shinichi didn't mind at all. He was strong as well but admittedly, there were things Ran could do that he could not. Like denting a wall with her bare fist.
With Ran added into the picture, it came with even more possibilities. And perks.
The one person he didn't want to have to lie to, he didn't have to anymore. And they worked close.
He liked that too.
Ran was a good asset and made his job a whole lot easier. He really took note of that fact when instead of climbing through an air duct to sneak into some party, Ran had somehow managed to get them clearance through the front door.
And that wasn't nearly all she was able to do.
Ran is gorgeous. It was the bitter sweet conclusion he came to when Ran easily had the host eating out of the palm of her hand. The guy probably would've just given her the painting they were after if she simply asked properly.
The thought annoyed him.
He always knew he had a thing for Ran. He was pretty sure everybody knew that fact besides the girl herself. He had known her for a long time now. They had been friends since the first year of college. Their friend group was also the same and their parents both had ties to the Japanese Police Force. And she was stunning to look at. He'd argue it would be impossible for him not to take a liking to his friend.
He never told her though. He didn't know if she felt the same and after this partnership they just started, he wasn't sure it was worth the risk. If he tried a move and it scared her off, he'd have to revert to working alone. And he didn't want to do that for more reasons than one.
Like he acknowledged before, Ran was beautiful. He was not alone in that belief. It made it all the more difficult to witness guys flaunt their wealth and good looks in her face. He didn't want to see that. They didn't actually know her. Ran was his friend for three years. They didn't deserve her especially when clearly all they wanted was to undress her. And they were arguably worse criminals than half the people he got locked up.
So it was all instinct when he finally cracked. Some guy whom they didn't know was trying to dance with Ran. And he wasn't just 'trying'. He was touching and caressing her arm. Gritting his teeth, Shinichi couldn't help himself when he wrapped an arm around Ran's waist and tugged her back into his chest.
"I thought the first dance was mine, wife."
It was stupid. He had no idea why he allowed that to slip out. If he didn't have better control of his emotions he probably would've turned flustered all the way to his toes.
Ran's eyes bulged. "W-wife?!"
Honestly, her surprise couldn't be helped. He had totally blindsided her. It was his fault. And he definitely didn't have a valid enough reason to interfere like he did.
Sensing something was off between the couple, the other guy raised a brow as he eyed the arm wrapped firmly around her waist. "You don't recognize your own husband?"
Shinichi wanted to bash his own head against the wall. This was why they weren't supposed to go against the plan. Posing as her husband had definitely not been part of what they discussed earlier. It caused too many questions that they did not prepare beforehand to answer-
A hand suddenly slid up and brushed against his cheek softly. "We're not married just yet, Shin-chan. Only engaged so it's a bit too soon to be saying that," she chastised with a giggle; her acting on point.
Beyond his control, he could feel a slight heat rise to his cheeks. The intimate way she touched his face wasn't helping either. He swallowed hard as he looked down at her eyes, meeting her softened gaze.
"Oh, forgive me. I didn't see the ring."
The ring?
A ring!
They didn't even have rings to back up their story-!
It was at that point Shinichi didn't know if the guy was actually apologetic for hitting on a married woman or suspicious that they weren't actually a couple that was engaged.
"No, it's our fault really," Ran said sheepishly. "This dummy here didn't get me the right ring size so it's sadly getting resized."
Shinichi was a little insulted. He would've most definitely did his research to get her the correct ring size before proposing.
After the guy walked away, they both found their way to the dance floor with all the other couples and joined in the slow sway. If asked why, he'd argue it was to back up their story even more. Deep down though, Shinichi knew better.
Ran was oddly silent however.
"Shin-chan?" He grumbled with forced annoyance. At the time it had completely caught him off guard. The nickname that his mother used for him. At the time he figured it was payback for the confusion he started. It didn't mean he hated the name any less.
But just as easily, she quipped back, "Wife?" She raised a brow as if to drive her point and he immediately shut his mouth.
It was definitely payback.
Ran never did question why he stepped in that night. They were on a job after all and he deduced that likely she had already forgotten what he'd done. Besides the little hiccup, every thing else went according to plan. Everything else stayed the same.
Until their next job. And the job after that. And the one after that.
Because that one night when they had taken the painting; it had started a trend of sorts. A trend where one or the either would claim to be in a relationship with the other. Before it had started with a dance which at the time, neither had been prepared for and both were too awkward to acknowledge properly. But the next time they are holding hands and eventually it becomes normal for Ran to hug his arm to her chest or for him to hold her waist.
Each time is a mystery to them. Neither have any idea what they'll be. It was a constant cycle of being married, to dating, to two already taken spouses in a very wanton and promiscuous love affair. And the stories they came up with on the spot were more extravagant and extra than the last. And they were never prepared before hand. Suddenly it was a game for them. How deep could they take this? What tale could they come up with this time? It was getting out hand. The stories were getting more detailed each time, he almost believed the lies himself.
Shinichi didn't usually snap back out of it until he saw her again in class the next day. They weren't childhood friends that had been together since preschool days. He hadn't dramatically confessed his love in London while the Big Ben chimed behind them. They hadn't shared a first kiss at Kiyomizu-dera on a school trip to Kyoto.
And it didn't stop there. If they weren't already talking to each other, they would always be touching in some form. Whether that was by a hand resting against his thigh or his fingers dragging dangerously low on her lower back.
It was a very small line they were tiptoeing against and the blatant flirting they joined in with was starting to toy with his emotions. It was one thing to elaborate or give false truths to further their disguises. It was another entirely to grope each other secretly. There was no witness to convince. Who were they showing off for other than each other?
It was getting increasingly more difficult to act like nothing was going on- or at least nothing was going on with his end. He was stressed and constantly filled with anxiety that at some point these lies would eventually bleed into their actual daily lives. Because when he once again had to suppress the urge to grab her hand as they walked from class, he was realizing once again who they actually were.
They were Shinichi and Ran. A Shinichi and Ran that had met three years ago in a shared psychology class. A Shinichi and Ran that were best friends and nothing more. A Shinichi that had been mooning after the same girl since he first met her. A Ran that as far as he could tell, didn't share that same sentiment.
This whole thing was a dangerous idea where his emotions were involved. And due to his argument that they didn't need to stop this 'charade' or whatever was the proper term to call it, it wasn't a matter of if this would affect their personal lives. It was a matter of when.
Surprisingly, it wasn't him that cracked.
It had been an honest mistake- one Shinichi didn't exactly mind. They had been in a study session with Sonoko and Nakamichi. It was a hot day and they had all taken refuge in the campus library. And to also help combat the heat, Shinichi had a water bottle that he was casually sipping on. One that Ran had easily grabbed from his hands to take a swig out of.
Shinichi didn't mind. He really didn't and truthfully, he probably wouldn't of even noticed if it weren't for the fact all their friends froze to gap at her incredulously. She had done this to him numerous times on a job. Asking for a sip of his champagne or simply stealing a bite of food off his plate. It had been a shock the first time but it in the moment he knew that was likely her intention to get a rise out of him. Now however, he was positive that she had fell into that act by mistake. She didn't mean anything by it, he was sure- not like she used to.
Nakamichi whom had been in the process of reading out his answer for one of the questions on the study guide had trailed off slowly, almost completely floored by what he had witnessed. Sonoko looked like she would fall out of her seat.
It was almost laughable that Ran didn't realize the stares that were being drilled into her. Attempting to keep his face neutral, he nudged his knee into hers gently and it was only at that she finally began to realize her mistake.
Features turning a scorching red, she quickly forced the water back into his hands. "I-I'm so sorry!" she burst. "I have no idea why I did that! I don't know what I was thinking," she sputtered. "I-it was just so hot and I-I-"
She was drowning; sinking further into her panic and he tried to save her.
"Ran, it's okay," he said calmly even though on the inside, he was freaking out just as much as she was. "It's hot outside and I've known you forever. We can share a water bottle." Shinichi was trying to play it cool. For the sake of their image with their friends.
Of course it wouldn't be enough to deter the teases they were sure to receive from their friends but what else could he do? He couldn't very well say she grabbed his by mistake. It had literally been in his hand. He had just drank out of it and been going to sip out of it again when she grabbed it. And he definitely couldn't say that she did this to him all the time when pretending to be his wife.
There was absolutely nothing they could say to excuse this. The whole scene had been way too casual even for the two of them. Sonoko, whom had made numerous jokes that they were actually a married couple, looked like this was too much for even her to comprehend. Because whether she knew he had a thing for Ran or not, anything she said before this had been harmless taunts.
"How long has then been going?!" Sonoko having determined that the study session was now over, pointed between them furiously. And that wasn't just an exaggeration. Sonoko looked irritated. Not because they were seemingly dating but because she had both missed and not been informed when it happened.
But there was nothing to tell. Nothing was going on- or rather nothing in the way she was thinking. No matter how many times they both told her that, the Suzuki heiress did not look convinced. Not even Nakamichi seemed to trust it but unlike the other girl, he thankfully kept his accusations shut till they were in private.
"Look- I'm not saying I'm mad or anything. It just sucks a little that you didn't tell me," his friend finally admitted when they left the two girls at the library.
Neither had been worried or surprised when Sonoko said they would catch up with them later. Shinichi felt bad for abandoning Ran but he knew that Sonoko would want to grill her for answers. It would've been more humiliating for both of them to be present for that.
Nakamichi wasn't nearly as difficult as Suzuki to deal with but Shinichi still found himself rolling his eyes. "I already told you," he said tiredly. "Ran and I are not dating." Shinichi wasn't sure how many more times he would have to say just that. He didn't even know if there was any other way to word what he was trying to get through his friend's apparently thick skull.
Suddenly his friend stopping walking, forcing him to do the same. For some reason his eyes were wide and a slight red was forming on his cheeks. "Oh."
Oh? Shinichi raised a confused brow. "What?"
"Well- I just never thought Ran-chan would ever. . . " Nakamichi trailed off, scratching behind his ear awkwardly. "She just doesn't seem the type, you know?"
"Her . . type?"
And then suddenly his friend looked concerned, waving his hands in front of him defensively. "Hey- I'm not judging! Whatever you wanna call it- I support it!"
Suddenly Shinichi was freezing himself. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked aggravatedly.
"You and Ran-chan aren't dating but you're. . . you know," Nakamichi said pointedly. "You still could've told me though. I'm not going to tell anybody. Have some faith man. We've know each other since grade school."
Shinichi's eyes bulged and all the blood rushed to his face as understanding finally hit him.
"Ran and I aren't dating and we're not doing t-that either!" he exploded.
Without Ran even needing to tell him, Shinichi knew Sonoko must've given her a hard time afterwards. Nakamichi probably wasn't nearly as difficult to deal with but it still had been an uncomfortable conversation nonetheless.
His friend actually thought that he and Ran were having . . . sex on the side.
He wouldn't be so lucky.
Shinichi was flushing at the thought alone. It had been so humiliating.
But what made it worse however was when Ran actually apologized to him again in private. She reiterated once more that she couldn't understand what she had been thinking in the moment. She also suggested that maybe it would be best to stop pretending. It was mixing them up in real life and confusing for both of them.
A small part of him was crushed by her suggestion no matter how logical it was. It hurt.
Shinichi rejected the idea. He agreed that maybe they could tone it down some. They didn't need to be a couple every time they did a job. But he also argued that sometimes the act actually did make their job easier. And deep down there was another reason he didn't want to share.
Because if they gave up their little charade, then he knew what that would mean. There was no logical circumstance that would allow him to touch her and flirt with her like when they were on a job. And he desperately didn't want to lose that. Even if their act escalated each time.
But he knew Ran had a point.
Their next job was once again at another extravagant and fancy party. And this time, they both arrived alone. The two had snuck in separately and at different times as well. And throughout the entire night, neither acknowledged the other. They acted like perfect strangers.
This time the showcase was a pearl. A pearl that would surprisingly 'go missing' by the end of the night. And like every other job they did, he had a plan that they had gone over in detail numerous times. One that didn't work out at all considering the whole night had been derailed by the sudden appearance of the Phantom Thief.
The moment that magician's calling card appeared, Shinichi knew they'd have to make adjustments to their plan and they needed to do it now. If KID followed and stuck by the time on his announcement, then the pearl they were both after would be long gone by the time they got anywhere near it.
They had to improvise which was difficult without them even talking to each other. Besides that factor added in, throwing Kid into the mix only derailed everything further. If they wanted any hope of beating Kid, then they had to act right then.
To be honest, it wasn't very surprising they were almost caught. It hadn't been particularly smart of him to continue with his intentions of stealing the pearl. Just Kaito Kid being there caused too much of a scene. Any calling card that arrived meant it would soon be followed by police and a camera crew. The Phantom Thief brought media attention wherever he went. It was dumb of him to not just give the pearl to the thief. Especially cause-
Kaito Kid had mentioned the Night Baron in his calling card. He had made it clear he was aware that he wasn't the only thief present with their sights set on the pearl. And he had mentioned the other thief by name.
That gave a lot of insight Shinichi wasn't even sure Kid meant to give. That calling card told the detective that either Kid knew what types of jobs the Night Baron targeted or worse- that he knew the true identity of the Night Baron. And if the latter was correct, then it meant that someone had been watching him for a long time. Someone was probably watching him right now. And if that were the case, Kid knew his entire plan.
The right thing to do would be to pull back. To grab Ran and bail. The plans he had made were done without taking Kaito Kid into account. But if the other thief really had been watching him, then those plans could be tossed out a window. Nothing was worth getting both him and Ran caught and possibly arrested. The logical conclusion was to escape while they could.
Shinichi was too prideful for that. And stubborn. This wasn't his first run-in with the Moonlight Thief. Shinichi had dealt with him quite a few times when helping Inspector Nakamouri or Inspector Meguire. This would however be the first time he ran into the guy when he was on one of his own little side jobs.
And he was not prepared. Fighting against him as a detective had numerous resources. He had the Japanese Police Force at his disposal. As well as when he was working his real job- he did not need to hide his own face. Not only could he be recognized by the police, he had also made a name as a criminal. If somehow his face was linked to the scene of all those crimes- he was done for.
But like the idiot he was, he couldn't help but take this as a challenge. The fact Kaito Kid mentioned him by name in his calling card told him that the thief knew he was there and also he didn't really care nor was he stressed by that.
It wasn't like him to panic. But in the end, that was what he'd done. His actions had been panicked and rushed and honestly- thoughtless. Ran hadn't scolded him at all through the night; probably thinking now wasn't the time when they were running from police officers. Shinichi could just feel her disapproval however. He knew the moment they were out of here and alone at his house, he'd receive the yelling of a lifetime.
Getting an earful would be the least of his worries if they couldn't find a way out of this building. All of the usual exit points had been closed or cut off due to Kid's warning for his appearance. The guy was a showoff and frustrating. Shinichi knew it was all part of the guy's show to leave people wondering just how he made his escape.
Shinichi wanted to throttle him.
Because of that hack of a magician, he'd get caught. Because of him, Ran would get in trouble with him. The two of them had been running nonstop and even if they had the layout of the mansion memorized, it wouldn't help with guards standing at every single entrance and exit- which is what they had been doing the moment Shinichi triggered their alarm.
The panic and just straight anxiety that he felt in that moment, could not be paralleled to anything else in his life. He knew they were running out of options. Usually he was the one with all the plans but he couldn't even gather his thoughts to try to formulate one. All he could think was how much of a sad excuse for a thief, a detective, and a friend he was-
No. If there was one thing he would do, it was to save Ran. He got Ran involved in this and he would not allow her to go down with him. Already he had given up on finding escape. Now all he was trying to do was deduce just how he was going to explain Ran's side of things. He'd force her to pose as his hostage if he had to. He would not allow her to be ruined from this-
Abruptly his thoughts caught off when Ran very suddenly gripped his fingers tightly. When he glanced over in her direction, he found she was already looking at him. They were both running as fast as they could trying to put more and more distance between them and the heavy footfalls coming from behind them. Unlike him however, she did not appear scared or stressed. In fact, while he was internally having a meltdown, Ran shot him a quick but soft smile.
And suddenly she was pushing ahead of him; her fingers still clenching his tightly as she tugged him behind her.
She was taking them further in though, he noticed incredulously. In fact she was taking them towards the rooms. Shinichi had to stare into the back of her head, as if wondering if she'd lost her mind. There was no exit to the outside this far in. Nothing but windows which they already realized was not going to be an option. There would be officers outside each window waiting for them. They would not be able to get far.
Just when he had been about to reprimand her himself, he found himself being tugged to the side again. Ran's goal hadn't been the window. She had pulled him into one of the numerous bedrooms that lined the hall. Which he guessed would be nice for shock value but again, he found himself wanting to question her. Sure hiding in a room would be unexpected at first but he highly doubted they would fail to check these rooms. All it would do is buy them some time before they were eventually captured. And a simple search would prove that he was in possession of the pearl that was currently missing.
They had put quite a bit of distance between them and the task force that was chasing them. They would have a few minutes at most. And he knew exactly what he was going to do with those few minutes.
"Ran, what the hell?" he spun on her only for his eyes to grow bigger even more. He had turned to find her turning on the table lamp and he really thought she had lost it. They were trying to hide. They should be turning lights out, he wanted to yell as he watched her come back over to him. Anything he was meaning to say was gone when she was suddenly pulling him again and he only watched in confusion as she seemed to position him just in front of the table she had walked to.
His eyes bulged when she grabbed one of his hands and placed it around her ribs. And when she placed the other very firmly onto her rear, he turned into a sputtering mess.
"R-Ran . . . " The way he said her name this time was unlike before. It was smaller he knew but it was definitely nervous as well. By this point he was less concerned about the police chasing them than he was about his partner's behavior. He had given up on talking when suddenly she was pressing her palm flat against his chest. He followed the movement with his eyes until her other hand caressed his cheek forcing him to look directly at her.
She wasn't saying anything. And even if he wanted to, she didn't give him enough time to try. Palm on his chest scrunching into a fist, all he could do was gasp when suddenly he was tugged down into a kiss.
He froze. His eyes had bulged even more he was sure and he felt his features flood red- redder than they had been. It was hard for him to comprehend what exactly was happening right now. Ran hadn't given him a chance to process anything and the moment her lips touched his, his mind went blank. He was pretty sure he wasn't even breathing at this point.
She must've felt how frozen he was because suddenly she was pushing forward more, her mouth pressing insistently against his own. As if yelling at him to do something. And that was all he needed.
Taking notice that her eyes were shut, he did the same before he leaned into her willingly. His hand that she had pressed against her rear- that he had left there mostly out of shock, grabbed her and pressed her against him more firmly. The movement made her gasp and going off her response, his other hand rose to bury itself in her hair where he angled her face to fit more comfortably against his.
The kiss was slow but it didn't mean it was any less sensuous. Tongues were brushing against each other, their breath intermingling as it panted against the other's lips. Shinichi wasn't sure exactly why Ran felt the need to kiss him now, but as far as first kisses could go- he wasn't complaining. Was a reason really necessary?
No. He didn't think so.
Was he going to ask her why she was suddenly tugging his shirt from where it was neatly tucked into his pants?
Maybe later- definitely not now though. He didn't question it. He didn't question hearing what sounded like a door opening before being slammed shut. He didn't want to. If Ran wasn't, then why should he? All he knew in that moment was that something that he had been waiting for- something he had been wanting, was finally happening and he wasn't going to waste his time trying to get an explanation of why.
But even without wasting his time, it still wasn't enough. All too soon he felt Ran begin to pull away. Her hands released their tight grip on his shirt and hair and came to rest smoothly against his chest. Shinichi felt the retreat. She was moving away from him. And the realization made him panic.
No. He felt his mind shout. That wasn't enough. It's not enough.
Surging forward, just after their lips had completely separated, he found them slamming against hers once more. This time because of him. And when she gasped into his mouth he just couldn't help himself. Arms gripping her firmly, he turned to the side forcing her into the wall just beside the shelf she had him pressed against. His fingers had never left her hair and instead his fingers buried deeper into the long strands. If the grip was painful, Ran didn't say. If anything, it sounded like she liked it with the way she released a moan into his mouth.
Shinichi had her pressed into the wall, the hand that wasn't angling her face closer to his, gripping the bare skin of her thigh. In the moment, he didn't care to process or wonder just how his hand got through the slit of her dress. All he wanted to do was just get closer and closer and as close as he could get, he concluded as he forced her leg to stay raised against his hip. When it got to the point they needed a second to just breathe, he had his lips slanting across the smooth skin of her neck. From this position he could feel her panting heavily against his ear. He could feel her desperately trying to draw in air to her lungs. He also felt when she stiffened.
When he had practically picked her up, forcing her into the wall, Ran's hands had both slid to the front of his shirt. When she gripped the lapels of his suit coat she had used force to tug his mouth closer to her neck. Suddenly however, he felt that grip slacken.
"I t-think. . . I think they're gone now. . "
That was like a wake up call.
His own common sense kicking in, he remembered where they were. What they were doing. Who was chasing them. Gently, he released his hold of her thigh and set her to rest on her own feet. Taking a glance at her he noticed she was redder than he was.
"I-I'm sorry. I knew they would find us either way so I-I . . improvised. . . "
Still sort of stuck in some dazed haze, it took him longer than it should to understand what exactly she meant.
Improvised, he repeated again in his thoughts.
That was what she kissed him for? Shinichi could remember discreetly at some point the door opening and then slamming shut shortly after. At the time he hadn't really cared that much to question it. He had been way too focused and interested in something else.
Something else that she 'improvised'.
The bitter thought left the same taste is his mouth.
Frowning, and face turning a darker shade, he took a step back.
"Right . . . " he agreed swallowing hard.
Of course they couldn't stay there any longer than they already had. There was always the possibility that the police would realize their mistake and return. If they were smart, they shouldn't be here for if or when that happens. There was no time to just stand there awkwardly. Though that was what he proceeded to do.
The reminder she gave for why they had hid in this room in the first place, did nothing for him. He should've been like her; scrambling to fix their appearance to look somewhat normal. But he couldn't be bothered. Shinichi watched as she hurriedly straightened her dress and finally, began the process of cleaning himself up. His motions were slow and sluggish however compared to her quick and hastened ones. It was only after a few moments of him pulling his tie forward that he realized his shirt was untucked.
"Does my hair look okay?"
All at once he was distracted. Again. Pausing with his shirt, and glancing back at her. Did her hair look okay?
Belatedly he realized what she actually meant. Was her hair fixed? Did she look normal? And still looking at the hair that he knew she had styled meticulously beforehand, it was tangled and frizzed. The long strands were very obviously out of place.
He startled a little when suddenly Ran was just before him, brushing her fingers through his hair. He was taller than her so she was on her toes, stretching to reach his height. He acknowledged that but seemed to struggle to realize maybe he should lean down to make it easier for her. The thought didn't occur to him. Not at first anyway. Once the thought hit that maybe she was trying to kiss him again, he found himself bending down. Her face was close to his again and he caught the scent of whatever it was she was wearing.
The sudden movement clearly caught her off guard and his eyes that had apparently been focused on her mouth watched as she didn't pull away, but instead rested flat on her feet again. Her hands were still in his hear however and he had to take a moment to wonder if she was going to use that to grab him again.
"Shinichi! What are you doing?" she practically hissed the question; her movements still hurried. "You look like a mess. Hurry up!"
And with a blushing face he realized that no, she wasn't trying to kiss him again. She was trying to fix his hair because it looked ridiculous. And he was just standing there, taking his time. Like an idiot.
Hearing noises in the distance however, they had run out of time. Immediately whatever stupor he had been in, broke and not willing to use anymore time, they bolted.
Shinichi was sure they looked like quite the pair. There was no way people would look at them and think they hadn't done something. He guessed that meant the plan worked but it didn't make it any less humiliating having to push through snickering guests that 'just knew what they'd been up to'.
They hadn't been up to anything however. Just 'improvising'.
And all he had said in response was, 'right'.
Shinichi hated how that one word was all he said. It gave the impression that they were on the same page. And if that was all that kiss was to her, then clearly they weren't. In the moment he hadn't the brain to make the connection between her actions and the situation they had been stuck in.
He wasn't surprised he didn't get her intentions to begin with. Unlike her, it never crossed his mind to use that as a . . disguise? And the fact that they didn't think exactly alike is what saved them.
But he was still mad.
It was laughable and dramatic and infuriating. Because he couldn't do or say anything in response and he knew it. How could he be angry? How could he complain if her plan actually worked? Yeah, sure his pride was hurt and he was a little embarrassed when he realized they were not on the same page. But he could admit, hurt feelings were easier to deal with than jail time.
It didn't mean he couldn't feel the sting still.
Shinichi knew why it hurt so much. He knew the real reason. Because for once he actually believed that Ran saw him as he saw her. Not just best friends or partners in crime but maybe something . . . more.
They had met years prior in a shared class on psychology. And he didn't want to say it was love at first sight but- it was definitely a lasting first impression.
He knew from early on that he held interest there. An interest that was built upon by the constant joint study sessions and realization that they also held numerous moral similarities. They were just pursuing them in different ways. She wanted to be a lawyer and he wanted to be a detective. Quite often he'd make the joke that they'd be an unstoppable pair in law enforcement; jokes that deep down held a hint of seriousness that, at the time, he hoped she didn't notice.
The truth was much harder to swallow. It had come like a bucket of ice, cold water dumped over his head. It felt like a slap to his face. A stone, hard slap of reality. His subtly backfired or rather- his lack of action did. Because again, how could he be mad when he never made his desires known?
He was a real coward. He never could bring himself to confess no matter how often the thought occurred to him. The excuse being- Ran had never gave any indication that she felt the same. Shinichi didn't want to ruin the strong bond they already had; their friendship that they had built on for years. It just wasn't worth the risk when he couldn't be confident in her answer nor her reaction.
But then she kissed him. His whole mind had shut down. And when they separated, possibilities flooded him. He could confess or was a confession really necessary at this point? Ran liked him. Ran wanted him.
That's what he first thought. So he responded. He had kissed her back. And if that already wasn't an obvious display of his feelings, he had acted like a totally catatonic fool directly afterwards.
Once they knew they were in the clear, Ran had become oddly silent. And distanced. She wouldn't meet his gaze and her cheeks were still a suspicious amount of pink. She seemed extremely fidgety to be beside him and the moment they said their goodbyes for the night, she had bolted.
Shinichi didn't know what he had been expecting exactly. An apology? Maybe even a confrontation over his obvious infatuation with her? But she had said nothing. And she had fled like the police were still chasing them.
Maybe what made it worse was that he couldn't be sure if it was because she had kissed him or, that she realized how he saw her and she panicked. Neither meant well for him. Both gave the impression that kissing him made her uncomfortable.
Shinichi wanted to punch something.
And his shirt still needed to be tucked in.
He got more than halfway of doing that before he remembered he was already home and began asking himself why exactly he was fixing it now. He had no need to do it now and grumbling irritatedly to himself, he instead began taking it off.
They didn't take on another job for almost an entire month after that. Waiting in between gigs wasn't unusual but not planning the next however, was. Normally by this point, he'd already be casing their next event. By this time he would've already consulted Ran.
He had done neither.
Instead, he went to school as normal and also continued helping Inspector Meguire when prompted. Nothing appeared different except the absence of their little side cases.
And that Ran was avoiding him.
It wouldn't of been as bad if it wasn't for their friends noticing that something was off. It also didn't help that even the media was pointing out the unusually long hiatus for the Night Baron.
"So about this . . . thing . . that's not really a thing with Mouri-san. . . Do you wanna talk about it?"
And there was his other issue. Shinichi had long given up trying to explain to Nakamichi that absolutely nothing romantic was going on between him and Ran. Now, after their earlier predicament, it became even more difficult to deny. His friend was convinced that the two were simply trying to keep it under wraps. That for some reason they didn't want anybody to know they were seeing each other. Nakamichi had already switched to asking why exactly Mouri-san wanted to hide things because he was confident the two were already together and that there was no way Shinichi would be the one wanting to hide it.
Grudgingly, Shinichi wasn't sure if he should be insulted by that last comment. Deeming that Nakamichi was correct and there was absolutely no way he'd want to hide the fact they were dating, Shinichi decided to keep his mouth shut. If they were dating, he wouldn't want to hide it. If they were dating, he'd walk home with her instead of his dork of a friend. If they were dating, he wouldn't have to explain why she suddenly decided to drink from his drink at a group study session. If they were dating, it would've been his idea to kiss the life out of her while running from the police. If they were dating-
Hand flying to his head, he could feel the strands of his hair getting scrunched between his fingers. And just as quickly as the tangent had started in his head, it stopped. As if the only thing keeping it all together was his hand against his head.
What was he thinking? He mentally hissed at himself as his teeth clenched. Entertaining Nakamichi's story. He was spiraling in his own thoughts and elaborating an idea that had not, and by the looks of it, would not be happening. Ran and him hadn't even spoken properly to each other since the last job. If they did, it was curt, in passing, or in the presence of someone else. Meaning it was a guarantee they could not discuss anything that had happened- her actions nor his seemingly obvious to him confession. Which all he could do was assume that was her intention.
He wanted to pull his hair from his scalp, it was so frustrating. Was he supposed to take this as a rejection? Was he not worth the time to say she wasn't interested directly to his face? Or did she think he would not accept her refusal? Did she think that low of him? He wouldn't lie- he liked her a lot. The rejection would hurt but they could at least be friends still. She didn't need to run from him as if he had the plague. Shinichi swore he could see the panic in her face anytime she happened to stumble upon him unexpectedly.
The space that stretched between them seemed to be widening. And worried the gap would become much too big to mend, Shinichi did the only thing he could do.
He found them another job.
At first, his intentions had been different. He had wanted to use this as a way to get her to talk to him; to address what exactly happened between them almost a month ago. If it was on a job, that was a guarantee they would have a moment alone. But at the realization of how that would probably make Ran feel- he paused. He would be cornering her. And that realization made him wince internally.
Shinichi didn't want Ran to feel trapped. He didn't want her to feel like she couldn't talk to him anymore just because she didn't want him the same way. They could be friends still. He wanted that more than anything. The rest, he could learn to deal with. He was well aware more than anybody about how kind Ran was. Her silence was most likely her way of sparing his feelings and easing her guilt about not returning his affections. She didn't need to feel guilt though. She wasn't obligated to feel any certain type of way. Ran didn't owe him anything regardless of how much he wanted it.
If he had considered it, he knew Ran must've come to the same conclusion- that he was trying to force her to talk. It would likely explain why she took her time responding to his invitation of working again. Her response had come in the middle of the night when he must've been dead asleep. Shinichi had only noticed the text message after turning his alarm off that morning.
Shinichi hated to think it, but Ran's presence- in a roundabout way- likely did more harm than good for his well being. He had already gotten a little risker the more jobs he took on. He acted rash and with no regard for his own safety after a certain point. Once Ran's presence in the form of an accomplice was assured, the possibilities became endless. And so did the risk. If Ran hadn't been there backing him, he surely would've been done for numerous times. He knew that. But that was also why he even attempted those risks.
Having their first real interaction since their last job being another mission, was a mistake. Not addressing what had happened between them before starting this, was a mistake. He acknowledged that when Ran still wouldn't even look at him directly. She definitely made sure to keep her distance as well.
Shinichi had already decided before meeting up that he would not be mentioning 'that job'. It wouldn't be right and it wouldn't be fair of him to try that. Clearly however, Ran hadn't grasped that yet. Any moment he would be about to start talking, she would tense. As if preparing herself for the inevitable.
That meant she knew this could've been a perfect moment for him to question her. She knew that, yet she came anyway. Not even the possible awkward conversation of unrequited feelings would she leave him to fend for himself. She had started joining him on these jobs to defend him in the first place. Whether she didn't want him the same or not, it was still nice to know that at least that wouldn't change.
He just wished that she would relax. There was no way for him to tell her he wouldn't talk about it without actually bringing it up. By the time she might've understood that, they had already put their 'plan' into motion. If it could even be called that. How could they plan when neither could even look the other in the face let alone have a conversation?
This whole night was a bad idea. Shinichi had the feeling throughout the night and as things progressed, it only got worse. Why would he even think this was a good idea? Any person with half a brain would've just dodged the bullet and asked to have the conversation. He had already come to terms in his head that clearly she didn't want him that way. He knew that. Her avoidance spoke louder than anything she could ever tell him. Yet he also knew, hearing it aloud and in the open provided a confirmation her silence didn't give.
Shinichi needed to hear it; aloud. Regardless if deep down he already knew. He needed it. If anything for his piece of mind and for closure. He had pined for her for a long time. Moving on would not be easy. It would take time. But the process wouldn't begin until she gave her refusal outright.
Having all of this sit on him, literally weighing down on his mind, just before a job was dumb. Her presence was only making it more difficult as was her refusal to even properly acknowledge him. He wasn't doing much better, he'd admit. But he had tried to bridge that gap and Ran wasn't reaching from her end.
How Ran felt was everything to him. Shinichi didn't want his presence to be uncomfortable for her. He was doing everything- even down to the plan- to show it was okay. She didn't have to feel the same way. It was fine. He would be fine.
Where as normally they would walk in as a couple when it came to balls and galas, he decided they could work this one a little more separately. Shinichi was doing everything he could possibly think of, to show her that he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. And after the revelation a month ago, pretending to be his wife would surely do that.
Ran only got more tense. And that only made him more nervous. Neither a good sign when communication and teamwork was the most important aspect to be able to successfully carry out these jobs. That should've been the biggest indicator that once again, this was a bad idea.
He messed up. He knew that. Even in the moment when he forcibly shoved that guy away from her, he knew he was the one at fault. There was no reason for his actions. No logical one anyway. The only thing that powered him in the moment was jealousy. It fueled and burned through him stronger than anything he could remember. Nothing had ever cut off his thought process so quickly. Not even the time Ran kissed him.
But this was not what he'd been expecting when Ran said she would 'make an opening for him'. The sensation that sunk deep into the pit of his stomach was similar to being sick. That was the feeling he got when watching Ran disappear into a hallway with the 'owner' of this gem.
He didn't trust it. Not the look in the guy's eye nor the impatient tug he seemed to give Ran. Shinichi didn't trust any of it. And no, it had nothing to do with his jealousy. It was for Ran's safety that he followed them; that instead of going the clear way his partner indicated, that he trailed behind the two out of sight.
Nothing to do with his personal emotions at all.
Peeking around the corner to find his partner pushed against a door about to be kissed however was, again, nothing he had been expecting. Yet the reaction was instantaneous.
This anger he felt was different. This was a different kind of rage that reared its head forward. A nasty emotion he had never experienced so strongly. With a mixture of fury, possessiveness, and just about anything in-between, before his brain could even catch up and actually think- he was already across the hall and shoving the man roughly.
Ran seemed as surprised as the guy. Her eyes had bulged when suddenly the arms that had been bracing her weight disappeared. She stumbled in her satin dress but Shinichi was too furious to help her straighten. His attention was too focused on the creep that was still on the floor, mostly in shock. Shinichi had pushed him hard. Probably too hard if it was able to knock the guy off his feet but in the moment, he could care less. There was nothing that could be said to him then that would make him believe this guy didn't deserve it. He had been touching Ran. That was enough for him.
After finally realizing what just happened, the guy's eyes shot up to look at him angrily. Shinichi wasn't sure exactly what made the guy do it. He honestly thought he just initiated a fist brawl. But likely taking one look at the simple fury on his face, the guy stood up while wiping the blood off his bottom lip; the anger gone from his eyes and instead a smirk that was anything but happy. With a promise to get security for the both of them, the guy exited the hall from where they had come.
They couldn't let him go; not if they wanted their plan to succeed. Both of them had to know that. But neither of them did a thing till he was long out of sight.
It was Ran that reacted first. It was his turn to be shoved as she pushed her hands against his chest angrily.
"What are you doing?" She questioned him furiously. And from that alone he realized the shove was more out of panicked frustration than any real anger.
Shinichi was fine with that. He was sure he had enough anger for the both of them.
"No- what are you doing?" His voice was incredulous just like his face.
"I thought my job. You said to get close to him. You told me to make sure he was distracted."
"I didn't mean like that."
Ran sighed as if she were exhausted. "Well what did you mean, Shinichi?"
"I-I don't know- just anything except making out with him," he snapped and in his frustration he couldn't help but stutter.
"Why are you getting so upset?"
It was clear to him then before she even spoke that Ran understood he was mad. He knew that when her eyes softened towards him. But from her question, she clearly couldn't understand why he was mad. And if possible that was making him angrier. Because from his last sentence alone, it should be obvious why he was upset. If they took away everything that had happened between them a month ago, with his words alone that he spoke tonight, her answer was still right in front of her. He wasn't understanding why she just wasn't getting it.
"Y-you can't do something like that!"
"And why can't I? I swear you don't make any sense to me, Shinichi. I was only doing what I thought you wanted."
She was only trying to make his job easier for him. And if he weren't so heated he'd recognize that what she had been trying to do really would've made the job easier. That disgusting lowlife would've been so distracted. But to achieve that in that way was unacceptable to him.
"Why would I want you to kiss him?"
"Why would you not?" she countered.
His eyes blazed. "Are you actually serious?" he asked incredulously.
"You're mad." The way she stated it- it wasn't a question. It was a fact. And he was mad. He was so furious it was almost insane how personally he had taken this. Because this wasn't acting for him. It had never been. He never had to pretend to feel more for her. This was something he wanted. Not just on jobs but all the time. Him and Ran together. Him and Ran being a couple.
And he knew he had no right to be so upset. She never gave any indication that this would happen outside of their side jobs. He was the one that was turning it into something it wasn't meant to be- a reality. But she could at least do him the courtesy of not acting clueless. He had clearly kissed her that night without any other intention except that he simply wanted to. She knew that. She wouldn't of avoided him in their regular daily lives if that weren't the case.
He needed to step back. It was too soon to come back to this when clearly he wasn't over it. There wouldn't be another job until he could get over his feelings for her. And if that never happened, so be it. He was done with this conversation.
Shaking his head, Shinichi went to walk away. "Forget it."
Ran being quicker than him however, shot forward and gripped his arm. "How am I supposed to 'forget it'? You're obviously angry. Just tell me why." And for the first time in this conversation, he saw that she was actually beginning to get mad.
He had already decided what he would do though and instead he just shook his head again. "If you don't get it on your own, then it doesn't matter," he responded calmly.
Ran obviously rejected that idea.
"It matters to me! I played my part in your plan. I was going to do something I didn't even want to do-"
He wanted to argue that he never forced her to join him as the Night Baron. But it didn't matter now because this would be the last time.
"-so you could grab a stupid rock-"
That rock could sell for over 500,000 yen, he wanted to say but instead he remained stoic.
"-and you just storm in here like a jealous boyfriend-"
He was jealous. But he wasn't going to engage in this any further.
"-which we're not together-"
They're not. He knew that. He would work on it.
"-which you made that perfectly clear in your plan-"
He knew they weren't together. That's why he switched up their usual plan-
Shinichi was actually stunned into silence. There wasn't a lot that could do that for him either. But to bring up the plan that he made specifically to make her comfortable and complain about it, had him even more aggravated. She seemed like she wanted to continue but he wasn't about to allow that to slide.
"What is that supposed to mean?" he finally cut her off, not even paying attention to what she was currently saying. His earlier idea to just let this whole thing go, vanished as quickly as it had come.
Probably thinking she said too much, her tone got quiet and her face went pink.
Regardless of her obvious embarrassment however, she didn't try to take back what she said. "There's other ways to say you're not interested besides pushing me to the side for some side act. You could've told me how you felt. I wouldn't of left you to do this alone," she said with that hint of frustration still there.
But Shinichi was still stuck. Because now nothing was making sense to him. After all this time and he thought he finally figured out why Ran was avoiding him before, what she was saying now completely contradicted all of that.
"What the hell are you talking about?" he flat out asked.
A frown marred her features. "You know what we usually do as these kinds of parties. You know what . . acts work better here. And you changed that on purpose," she accused.
"You avoided me!" was the only thing he could bring himself to say.
"Only because I didn't know what to do!" she raised her voice with a completely flustered face now.
"How about talking to me-"
"Woah, woah, woah!" Immediately their shouting was cut off; both of them jerking in shock before going on the defensive. They were still on a job after all. But once they saw just who it was that had the audacity to interrupt their argument, they both froze with widened eyes and slackened jaws.
Kaito Kid didn't seem to care if he was intruding or not. For some reason, he looked frustrated as he stormed out behind a pillar.
"Are you two actually kidding me?" And the other pair watched as he came closer without a care.
"Some of us are actually trying to work. I've literally been sitting alone in that room waiting and neither of you came to do anything. I could've bailed an hour ago while you guys were griping during a heist. Not to mention the guy I had to knock unconscious on my way over here," he jabbed a thumb behind him and lo and behold the guy he had shoved to the ground was currently leaning unconscious against the far wall. But the Phantom Thief didn't seem to be through.
"Which- how has this not been resolved yet?"
Shinichi and Ran both flushed scarlet and taking that as his answer, Kid threw his hands up in frustration.
"I swear there has been absolutely no progression between the two of you since the first time I saw you. Do you have any idea how obnoxious  that is for a bystander?"
"She avoided you because she kissed you and actually liked it," he pointed a finger at Ran who flushed brighter at his words before turning it to Shinichi next who went pale, "and he changed the plan because he thought you avoiding him meant you didn't like it!"
"Do you see how easy that was? Is there anything that you two do not understand?"
At their mutual silence, Kaitou Kid shook his head aggravatedly before spinning around, his cape billowing out behind him. "And you guys are my rivals?" he grumbled bitterly under his breath. "You guys better have this sorted out before next time."
Even long after Kid left, the two remained standing there completely frozen. They both were staring at where the thief had made his exit but neither seemed to want to break the silence first. Neither wanted to be the first to confirm or deny the accusations thrown at them.
Instead, realizing that they were still very much in the open with an unconscious body and that this job was definitely ruined, Shinichi turned a glance towards Ran. Unsurprisingly she was avoiding looking at him again and her face was still insanely red. But his was too and if it were for the same reason. . . then they had a lot to discuss.
"Do-" he started before cutting himself off. He wasn't sure if now was the right time when they were standing in the hall of one of their heists after having a shouting match. But when her eyes flit up to his quickly at the sound of his voice and saw they looked hopeful, he didn't care.
"Do you want to get something to eat. . . with me?" And then he cleared his throat realizing how informal that sounded and that he better be clear because obviously she didn't go off hints.
"Would like you to go out to dinner with me?"
Her face still impossibly red, she bit her lip before nodding slowly. "I'd like that."
Months later, Shinichi found himself at another gala. It was the usual type of party he hated attending but he'd have to admit as his eyes followed one figure across the room, this one wasn't too bad.
Until it got closer and certain features became clearer and he realized this was actually the worst one yet.
"Ah, Shin-chan, did you see they have a chocolate fountain?" she beamed excitedly before reaching for him.
Immediately he side stepped the arm that went to link with his own making 'Ran' pout at him. Shinichi didn't care until he noticed the confused stare from across him. He had stated this was his fiancé after all and froze when he caught their puzzled looks.
This time, when she went to link her arm with his, grudgingly, he allowed it. No matter if he was cringing so badly inside, his teeth gnashing together irately. "Yes. I saw," he bit out. And barely getting the whole statement out, his champagne flute he held was snatched from his other hand that wasn't currently wrapped around 'Ran'.
Shinichi had to grit his teeth as he watched her swallow practically the whole thing in one gulp. With a cheeky grin he was sure was meant to seem mockingly innocent considering the actual Ran had done this numerous times before, she held the glass out to him with the one measly sip that was left in it as an offering.
"Keep it," he bit out still trying to keep his cool. There were people still watching them after all. And shrugging she downed the rest of it.
Probably noticing the peculiar tension between the two, it was quite easy to dismiss themselves. And as soon as they were somewhere deemed a little private, Shinichi turned angrily.
"Where is she?"
And mocking him further, violet eyes widened comically as brows scrunched in faux confusion. "Where is who?"
The voice was exact. Purely feminine and a complete copy.
But it wasn't real. It was fake and he could tell.
Or rather he noticed the obvious struggle for Kid to keep his knees bent. It was quite embarrassing and even more infuriating to notice that his girlfriend whom he had been trying to ogle had in fact not actually been his girlfriend. But in actuality a hack of a magician doing his best to maintain the height and appearance of a young woman.
More mortified that he believed for a moment this was his girlfriend enough to ogle her, Shinichi had no patience. Fully irritated now, he gripped Kid's arm furiously while snapping in a harsh whisper, "Where is Ran?" The grip only loosened when he realized they were still technically in the open and he forced a small grin at anybody that looked their way.
"Calm down," the still female voice tried to wave him off. "We had a small issue so we had to do a little switch."
Doing his best to ignore that this wasn't actually Ran though it was her voice, Shinichi prodded further. "What do you mean a 'small issue'? What happened?"
"Well something didn't exactly go according to plan and since we both agree your girlfriend has monster strength, I decided as a last resort we can rely on that," the imposter smiled happily.
He was so proud of himself.
Not really sure if he wants to know what that means, Shinichi began heading towards the hall where he knew Ran would be then. "And you just left her there alone."
"What?" Kid pouted. "You don't have confidence in me, Shinichi?" They were in the hall now and Kid was trailing behind him still in that irritating disguise. He had given up on trying to maintain a shortened height and was walking normally, but out of all the things Shinichi could pick apart about the disguise, it was something else that disturbed him more.
"Do not do that," he spun around angrily. It was one thing to call him 'Shin-chan'. Ran would never call him that except for that single time before. But to speak to him how she actually does- it was starting to freak him out.
Kid frowned for real this time. "Don't do what?"
"Stop sounding like her!" He snapped uncomfortably.
Seeming to finally understand, Kid shrugged before saying in his own voice, "Fine."
But that was just as bad. Hearing that voice with Ran's face.
"Never mind- that's worse," Shinichi sighed heavily and fingers went to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Just stop talking."
This was the first and only time they'd ever team up again. Shinichi couldn't believe they managed to talk him into it in the first place. They had been right. There was no point in the two thieves fighting over who stole the ring first when it was clear the goal was the same. Not like last time when the two men both stumbled into a treasure's room two weeks ago wanting to steal the same thing. And after they managed to almost both get caught last time due to them arguing, Ran had been the one to present this idea.
But Shinichi couldn't get over what the dunce had accused him of. 'Stealing his thunder'- as if they were competing to be the most wanted criminal in the fraud department. He wasn't trying to steal anything. As far as he was concerned, Kid could carry all media attention he wanted. Shinichi would never try to take that. But he couldn't help it if fans of theirs constantly argued over who the best thief actually was.
And yes, amazingly that was a thing.
Shinichi resented that though. He was no thief. And after watching him a little more closely, Shinichi realized that just maybe . . . Kid wasn't either.
Neither one wanted the treasure for themselves. Besides Kid's weird rule that he needed to 'look' at the gem before they decided anything. It was clear the Phantom Thief was looking for a treasure and once he found it, he wouldn't be giving it back. Shinichi wondered if that was likely the reasoning for what Kaito Kid was doing in the first place. He had never thought much of the guy. He had always just assumed that he was some mindless criminal that flaunted and attempted to disguise what he was- a criminal- behind obnoxious magic acts. Because that's all they were. Even if sometimes it took a bit to realize how the thief had done it, he always figured it out. There was always an explanation. And that's why Shinichi didn't understand nor did he care to learn just why Kid paraded around like a magician.
But now working with him, it annoyed him, but his curious mind made it easy for him to at least attempt to analyze his behavior.
Kid was doing this for a reason. A reason other than crime at least. He was positive Kid would never try to actually kill or harm a cop or bystander. He always took the treasure and bailed. And every single time, he would read the next day that the treasure had magically been 'returned' to the rightful owner.
Kaito Kid never held onto a single gem he stole. Not a single time.
It was difficult for him to admit, but Ran was right. The two were very similar. Even if they carried it out differently or if their way of doings things were the opposite of the others, their outcome was always the same. Shinichi wasn't foolish enough to believe they had the same goal; that they did this for the same reason. It was clear that Kid was looking for something and once he found it, he would not be returning it. But though he would never say it aloud, the Magician was not a bad person. He always wanted to believe there was no good enough reason to break the law. There was nothing that warranted another person committing a crime. But if that were actually true- then what were he and Ran doing? He wanted to believe they were doing the right thing. And so grudgingly, he accepted that about the Phantom Thief.
Things were very rarely black and white.
"Who was your nice date?"
The soft voice called over to him gently from up ahead on the path. Recognition immediately pulled his attention away from his feet he had been watching dejectedly; his hands stuffed inside his suit pockets. The words that filtered in however had him perking up.
Supressing a grin he shrugged. "Just some girl I met in college psychology."
Ran blushed slightly but smiled all the same. It wasn't till he reached her that she began walking beside him. "She seemed to be dressed a bit risqué though, don't you think?"
Shinichi peeked over at her as she stayed beside him. She wasn't looking back but he could only assume she was wondering how he liked her dress.
Which he refused to judge after having only seen Kaito Kid wearing it.
Referring back to her question, he snorted. "Probably because the wrong person was in it."
He would've much rather seen the real Ran wearing it.
Finally breaking composure- stopping whatever roundabout way she was trying to ask, she stopped walking. "But it was a perfect copy!" she protested pouting and Shinichi had to wonder what exactly she was after here. He had a feeling he'd be in trouble no matter the answer he gave her.
But perfect? Perfect clone, his ass.
"There are just some things that can't be copied," he supplied simply even though in his mind, he knew exactly what parts of Ran couldn't be imitated.
Ran was not content with his response. If anything, she almost became suspicious as he leaned forward with narrowed eyes. "Like what?"
Realizing he might've steered this conversation somewhere he definitely didn't want, Shinichi swallowed hard when she raised a brow.
"What did he not copy?" she asked outright.
If she wants an honest explanation . . .
Sighing, he looked away, turning his nose up. "Your chest does not sit that high. Not only does he not have any, but your breasts are large. He most likely had to make them rest higher to disguise that. And though your thighs do have quite a bit of muscle, they are much softer than what he presented- not to mention he was actually walking around with his knees bent slightly to accommodate the height difference."
Ran didn't respond right away. Her silence dragged on and eventually he became nervous. He definitely confessed too much. Even if she was his girlfriend, surely it would make her uncomfortable to realize he watched her that intently. And on every little detail as well. But Shinichi couldn't help but to be insulted that she said Kid was an exact copy. That would never be possible. Ran could not be replicated. Especially when Shinichi could pick out so many things that the magician had gotten wrong in his disguise. Of course the detective knew there was only so much one could do in a disguise. But still, Shinichi was too much of a perfectionist and Ran was perfect in his eyes.
Suddenly his arm was being gripped gently and Shinichi blinked oddly when Ran slowly wrapped her arms around his. At first he thought she would be mad. He had openly admitted to ogling her. And if she asked him to be more honest, he would have to say he'd been watching her long before they started dating.
"Thank you," she said softly, startling him by breaking the silence and catching him off guard with her response. The confusion must've clearly been on his face because she turned red again. Her smile didn't drop though.
"It's nice to know that you could tell it wasn't me. . . that all you see if me."
They had begun walking again and Shinichi couldn't help but think he definitely dodged a bullet. But he would've been lying if he said anything else. And though it made him anxious to know that all his thoughts and feelings were out and on the table, he was sick of hiding them. Ran deserved to know exactly how he thought about her. She deserved to know just how much he noticed her and for how long he wanted to be with her.
And if he was rewarded for honestly. . .
"I guess that means you'll have to wear that dress again so I can actually give you an opinion on it," he said nonchalantly even though his gaze continued to rest ahead of him. He hoped it came out like a suggestion because he really hadn't gotten to see her in it. Currently she was wearing jeans and coat after having to give up the dress for Kid's impromptu disguise.
"Can't. I'm pretty sure Kid went home in it," Ran innocently said completely missing why he wanted her to wear it again and bursting his bubble in the process.
Deflating, he changed his mind. "He really is a thief," he grumbled.
Ran raised a brow. "And then what are you, Night Baron?"
"Alright," he said sternly while narrowing his eyes and she began giggling.
Clenching her arms much more firmly around his arm, he felt her chest press against it even more making him gulp. "Don't worry. I have something else I can wear just for you," she whispered.
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so-this-happened-i-guess · 4 years ago
Help me relax
[Goro Akechi x Reader]
Request: May I request Goro and a afab reader who experiences chronic pain after a surgery? I recently had back surgery and as I’m recovering it really hurts ahaha. Your writing style is so stylish and I love it aaa
Summary: Goro’s taking care of AFAB reader.
Warnings: - P5 spoilers, but twisted in my favour - mentioned surgery + pain related to it
Author’s Note: Hello! Thank you for requesting this! I hope I didn’t disappoint you, it made me so happy to read you find my style stylish! Thank you! I hope it’s okay I wrote this more neutrally, hopefully! 
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Goro Akechi (the Detective Prince, the fellow Phantom Thief, the man who helped with getting his ass of a father in jail, but most importantly the love of your life) leant against the wall as he eyed you with worry in his eyes. He tried to hide it by looking at his phone or out of the window. Too bad for him, you could read him like an open book. And you loved that you were the only one who saw Goro for who he truly was.
And really, who looks at his phone so often as he did? In the last 10 minutes!
"Ah, this shit hurts," you whispered to yourself, reaching for the edge of your desk to support yourself. It's been a while since your back surgery, but the pain just wouldn't go away. You were a little worried about moving the wrong way, too, so you were taking it easy. Really easy. It was annoying, restricting, frustrating, it hurt so---
"Here, let me help you," Goro suddenly said, stopping the negative train of thoughts. He made a few long steps, closing the distance between the two of you.
"Does it hurt too much?" he asked quietly, his hand hovering in the air near your back. It was so sweet, how he didn't want to cause you anymore pain yet you knew he wanted to touch you so bad. To hold you, to squeeze you in his embrace.
"It's... Not much worse than it normally is..." you mumbled. "I really thought we could try  a longer walk today... I am so sorry, Goro... I know you were looking forward to it," you said quietly, hoping you didn't come off too sad as Goro helped you to your bed.
First, he helped you sit down carefully, then he helped you to lower your upper body, finally helping your with your legs. Such were the instructions you were given by the doctors and you repeated them to Goro almost daily.
“It’s just...“ you paused, unsure if you had the right words to describe how you were feeling, knitting your brows together in thought. Lying in your bed you were left with staring up at the ceiling with your hands making empty gestures in search of the right words.
Those words never came, but Goro didn’t mind.
He knew you were in pain, he knew you were scared of hurting your back. Even if it's been over 7 weeks since the surgery and the scars left were just an annoying reminder at this point, the chronic pain still remained. And so did the fear and anxiety.
Surely, there must be something to help you relax.
He hated seeing you in pain. He loved your smile, your laughter, the way you normally teased him and made fun of his failures, which were rare, of course--!
He wanted to feel your skin under your hands and tell you how beautiful you were, no matter what. He wanted you to know how much you meant for him, no matter what you looked like, no matter the scars.
He wanted to call you by all the sickeningly sweet nicknames and for you to call him like that too, not that he’d request this out loud.
Yet he got this idea.
"A massage."
"I beg your pardon?" you blinked and stared up at him, wondering if you'd heard him wrong as you were already sprawled on your bed and Akechi sat by your side holding your hand. Did you hear him correctly or...?
"A massage. Perhaps I could... Give you a massage? Right?" he repeated, more slowly. More, what word would explain it, hesitant.
He saw you pause, giving it a thought, he assumed. You frowned lightly. Then looked away from him a little and you looked at him again after a bit of hard thinking. You were told not to sleep on your stomach, so if he was to give you a massage, you’d be on your stomach, correct?
“I, uh, no- Goro, I don’t think that’s a good idea,“ you giggled. “You’re so handsy,“ you decided to ease the rejection by teasing him, swatting his hand that was holding yours away for the extra credit.
Of course it worked spendidly: Goro blushed and huffed, a little gasp escaping his lips as if you commited treason of some kind - you sure did, on his ego.
“What are you saying- I- I wasn’t intending on anything of such sorts!“ he said, baffled.
A little laughter escaped your lips and you saw him melt.
“I am just teasing you,“ you confirmed with a twinkle in your eyes, patting his hand reassuringly. “I am sorry. I love you...” you hummed softly.
Goro calmed down, apparently accepting that you refused his suggestion.
“I apologise, I... I wasn’t... really thinking when I suggested that,“ he admitted. “I only wanted to help you...“ he sighed, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “I love you,“ he added at the end, very careful in his movements when he leant over to kiss your forehead.
“I know,“ you nodded with a smile and Goro returned the smile.
He leant down again, this time pecking your lips as gently as he could and you were more than happy to kiss him back.
“But you should listen to me more when I tell you what I can or can’t do,“ you snickered, earning another huff from your boyfriend.
“Oh, stop it. I made an honest mistake,“ he pouted.
“I know, I know!” you laughed. “I am so sorry, you’re just so adorable when you’re like this!” you managed to say between laughing as you squeezed Goro’s hand, moving his hand close to your face so you could kiss the knuckles of his hand. 
“I’ll go make you something to eat,“ he finally said, face red. “After all, I have to take care of you, (Y/N),“ he smirked victoriously, seeing the horror on your face as he started to pull away. It was his turn to tease you.
“Wait- we can order something-??“ you stuttered, suddenly well aware of how you couldn’t just run after him, watching him pull away from you even if you attempted to grab his hand again.
“Oh, nono- please, let me. It’ll be real quick, I promise you,” he laughed, knowing he had the upper hand.
The horror. The drama. The fear. The despair - all because you knew just how terrible Goro was in kitchen. The feelings washed over you like a cold shower that made you shiver.
The man you loved shot you a smirk and you hated him so much, but loved him even more. And then he disappeared in the doorway, definitely making his way to the kitchen with an evil cackle.
“Goro Akechi! Come back!! Don’t you dare touch my kitchen! Don’t you dare burn down the fricken house!“ you yelled after him, only earning another cackle from him.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years ago
catch me if you can
Сharacters: Hange Zoe, Levi, Erwin Smith, Kenny Ackerman
Genres: Mystery / Romance
Summary: The Ackerman duo. Just the mention of this name filled Hange with so many feelings. Mostly, when she reread the files of their cases over and over, until her eyes watered, she felt pricking annoyance. Sometimes, when she stared at the dead bodies of those scarce unfortunates who stumbled upon their crimes, she was filled with hatred and a pushing need for revenge. Hange couldn’t deny, however, there were times when she marveled at the impudence of their crimes. And, when she was investigating the Ackerman’s cases and saw just how meticulously planned they all were, she couldn’t help but feel something close to fascination.No one knew who they were. No one had seen their faces, no one knew their true names. Almost everyone knew of their crimes.Hange was determined to unravel every last one of their secrets. She will put an end to their crimes and then she will get the elusive Ackermans behind bars.
Chapter 6/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The sirens were still screeching, the bright lights of police cars still moving from one neighborhood to the other and Levi’s heart still drumming in his chest when Kenny had grabbed him, pushing him into the dark, empty alleyway.
“What the fuck was that?” he hissed, as he pressed Levi against the rough surface of a brick wall. Even with his mask still on, Kenny’s rage was perfectly visible, his eyes a burning fire.
If he wasn’t so out of it, if he could have shaken off the image of Hange, covered in blood, if he could have heard something rather than her pained scream, the hatred that was radiating from Kenny would have probably scared him.
But now it had a diametrically opposite effect.
“I should be the one asking you that,” Levi roughly threw Kenny’s hands off him. He was shaking, the adrenaline, frustration and fear he had experienced just half an hour ago making an utter mess out of him. He wanted, needed to get it all out of his system. And Kenny’s outrage could be the perfect remedy. “What the fuck were you thinking when you had pointed that gun? Did you want to kill a cop? Do you know what they would have done to us if you got one of their own?”
Kenny’s demeanor changed in a flash – his shoulders relaxed, his breathing slowed down. Patting Levi’s shoulder, he took a step back. With a low hum, Kenny threw away his mask, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
Lightening one up, he looked at Levi, revealing to him a narrow, foxy smirk. "You're so calm, Levi, so rational. Always know better than your uncle. But when I had that pointed that gun," he pressed a point finger to Levi's forehead, his palm imitating the pistol. "Were you just as rational? Because I swear – your eyes showed the exact opposite."
Levi held Kenny’s gaze steadily, refusing to be intimidated. "I was trying to get our asses out of here."
"Could have fooled me," Kenny chuckled, taking a drag of his cigarette and then blowing the smoke right in Levi's face. "I thought you were distracted by the pretty face of that cop," he looked Levi up and down, his smirk growing wider. His eyes filling with something darker.
"Need I to remind you," Levi waved his hand, getting rid of the smoke. "That we're in this mess only because you were distracted by a pretty face. Or you think that cops busting us was a coincidence?"
"No," Kenny lifted his head, releasing another ring of smoke into the air. The momentary silence was interrupted by return of the sirens. The police was getting closer. And that meant they had to run faster. "Traute will get what she deserves, don't you worry. And I hope, Levi," Kenny put his cigarette out, pressing it against the wall. He gave Levi a heavy, loaded look. "That you won't give me a reason to do the same to you."
Levi was a bad person. He held no other illusions regarding that matter.
Thief and liar, he wasn't blind or naive enough to pretend he was anything more.
If he was a good person, he'd surrender to police, confess his and Kenny's crimes and serve his time in prison.
If he was a mediocre person, he'd get on a first plane to somewhere far away and never show his face in this city again.
If he, at least, wasn't a complete piece of shit, he'd leave Hange alone and stop lying to her.
Lying to her became surprisingly easy. And a sort of necessity too.
This is the last time, he told himself. The last time. I just need to make sure that Hange is alright.
Alas… Lying to himself was becoming surprisingly easy too.
Contacting Hange was even less difficult than he had expected to.
Her face was all over the news, the brave detective injured during a mission – there was no shortage of praise to her dedication and courage.
Something warmed in his chest at hearing these praises.
The feeling was almost enough to make him panic. It was one thing when his heart sped up in Hange’s presence. But now he was proud of her achievements as well? A sure sign that he was getting in too deep.
A sure sign that he had to leave.
The last time, he repeated, as he sent a text to Hange.
saw your sad face on tv. are you alright?
Turned out, it was everything he had to do to receive a photo of Hange, grinning at him from a hospital bed, along with an invitation to visit her.
Levi didn’t allow doubts to take hold of him. Before a logical part of him raised its voice and started screaming at him, he grabbed his jacket and left the house. Thankfully, Kenny was out, probably looking for ways to get his revenge.
Levi didn’t care enough to ask him where he was going. After their last fight, they didn’t talk at all. And Levi was more than okay with it. The lesser they interacted, the lesser chances were of them getting into another fight and possibly reaping each other’s heads off.
If Kenny was busy with getting even with Traute, Levi could take a moment to say a proper goodbye to Hange.
Then, he’d leave the city. For good this time.
The hospital – when Levi had entered it – was bustling with police officers.
At first, he almost bolted back home. There were too many of them, and the surge of panic he felt was almost too much.
What if Hange knew the truth about him? Her plan with Traute had failed, but what if she had tried to lure him out here? What if she set another – unescapable – trap for him?
But the police officers didn’t look intimidating. Almost all of them seemed tense – exhausted and worried. But no one had spared him another glance.
And when he told that he was Levi and he came to see Hange, some of them actually smiled.
The blonde woman, the one Levi vaguely remembered seeing in the precinct before, even squeezed his shoulder, as he passed her by. She thanked him for being there for Hange and told him he was a real sweetheart.
Levi didn’t think it was possible to feel embarrassed, ashamed and guilty at the same time.
These feeling grew as he met the tall sniffing giant from before. Was his name Mike? Levi was pretty sure it was. At least, he definitely remembered Hange mentioning some Mike. Most probably it was the exact Mike that was standing before him now. He beamed as he saw Levi approach, beckoning him to come closer.
“Man, it’s so good to have you here,” he said, and the sincerity in his tone almost made Levi wince. He was such an asshole… “Hange had been crawling up the walls ever since she was brought here,” the man appeared to be tired, visibly drained, but beneath the face of exhaustion, it was easy to see the genuine concern. Seemed, like Hange was extremely well-loved amongst her colleagues. “Our sweet Han is terrifying in her anger, but maybe…” he tilted his head, scanning Levi from head to toe. “Maybe, you’ll cheer her up.”
“That’s…” Levi cleared his throat, struggling not to fidget under Mike’s hopeful gaze. God, perhaps it’d be better if they just caught him there. It certainly wouldn’t make him feel so awful about himself. “That’s what I’m here for. Can I come in?”
“Sure!” Mike gave him thumbs-up, smiling in relief. “Hange is just behind that door. I’m not sure if she’s alone, I left her side to get some coffee, but…”
Levi was already on a move, already opening the door to Hange’s ward, and, naturally, he ignored the end of that sentence.
Big mistake on his part.
Because Hange, who was half-sitting on the white hospital bed with a bandage on her right shoulder… Hange certainly wasn’t alone. There was a man beside her, and when he shifted in his seat to glance at Levi, Levi recognized him immediately.
Admittedly, he had never met him in person, all communication was performed by Kenny, but that cropped brown hair, those vibrant blue eyes and stupid, ugly moustache… it was very hard to mistake Rod Reiss for anyone else.
Levi froze, heart in his throat. What was Reiss doing here? Did he know who Levi was? Did he recognize him? The slight uplift of his mouth said that he did.
But, thankfully… Reiss said nothing about it.
Instead, he turned back to Hange, a small smile on his thin lips and his hand pointing at Levi. “Is that your young man, detective Zoe? Didn’t know you were spoken for.”
“I’m not—” Hange flashed, shaking her head rapidly. Despite the tense moment, Levi stole a second to admire Hange’s embarrassed expression. She looked utterly ridiculous, and that served her right, a payback for all the times she was the one to embarrass him. “I’m not spoken for, mister Reiss. Yet, at least.”
Yet, at least.
These words sent a pang straight to Levi’s heart. If only… if only he wasn’t himself, and Hange wasn’t Hange, if only they met at the different time, in different place.
If only. A cruel, painful truth.
“Well, either way, it’s good to know that you have someone who cares about you,” Reiss reached out, squeezing Hange’s healthy shoulder. “Even heroes need that.”
“I’m not a hero.” Hange mumbled, utterly bashful. Levi rather liked that side of hers, he decided he wanted to see more of it. So…
“Don’t sell yourself short,” he grumbled, revealing in a vicious glare Hange sent him. It suited to her red cheeks perfectly. “Your heroic deed is all over the news. Certainly, the news wouldn’t lie?”
Hange’s face screamed ‘stop embarrassing me, you asshole’, but in the presence of Reiss, the only thing she could do was smile and grip the edge of a bed with her healthy hand a little too tightly. Perhaps, Reiss was the only obstacle between him and Hange’s proverbial fury. Still, Levi preferred the old bastard would just fuck off already. And— that he wouldn’t tell Kenny where he had met his nephew.
“It’s time for me to leave,” Reiss stood up, as though he heard Levi’s thoughts. “But hopefully we’ll meet again, detective.”
“Thank you for your visit and your help, sir. I’m sure that once we combine our forces, we’ll catch those Ackermans in no time.”
Levi had caught himself, before his jaw had met the floor. What were they talking about? Catching… Ackermans? Was it another one of Reiss’ schemes? Was it a careful move to boost his reputation? A way to protect him and Kenny? Or… was he covering up his traces? If so, how far was he ready to go to do it? He couldn’t betray Kenny, could he?
“It was nice meeting you,” Levi was so lost in his head, he missed the moment when Reiss approached him. Now he stood right before him, his hand outstretched towards him. Reiss was slightly shorter than Levi, which – in that moment – offered little comfort. “Mister?”
“Levi,” he schooled his expression into something polite and, more importantly, neutral.
“Levi,” Reiss hummed, his eyes narrowing just a fraction. “The name seems familiar. But…” he curled his lips in a smile for no more than a second. It was enough to induce a shiver from Levi. “That’s probably just a coincidence. Have a good night, Levi, and take care of our hero, please.”
“Will do, sir,” Levi promised, squeezing the offered hand just a little too tightly.
He watched Reiss walk to the door, then turn the doorknob, push the door open and then – finally - closed. Only when his short, round stature disappeared, did Levi allow himself to breathe out in relief. He moved a hand through his hair, shaking off the last bits of nervousness. With his heart beating that much slower, he turned back to Hange.
“Is that your new friend?” he asked as he plopped down on a chair Reiss had just vacated.
“Friend?” Hange scoffed. “A rich snob who thinks that money solves any problem.”
“Isn’t he right, though?”
“We’ll see about that, I guess,” Hange lifted her shoulders in attempt to shrug, her face contorting in pain as soon as she moved her injured extremity. Levi swallowed, as he watched her rub the wound gently.
“Does it—” his voice betrayed him, breaking right at the beginning. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Does it hurt?”
“Like bitch,” Hange confessed with a bitter smile. “They give me painkillers, and they help, but… I guess I’ll be away from active duty for a while.”
What happened was the next expected question, a friend ought to ask about that, right? However… Levi wasn’t too keen to hear the answer.
“Your friends are worried about you,” he said instead. He was worried about Hange too, but did he even have the right to be? Even if partially, but he was the reason she had been shot. And he was the reason she was now moping in a hospital.
“Sometimes, they worry too much,” Hange complained. “They don’t even let me work. Mike took my laptop away, and Erwin returned my notebook back to the precinct. I’m dying of boredom here, Levi!” she whined, accompanying that pathetic sound by a petulant kick.
“I’m sure they have your best interests at heart,” he reasoned, doing his best not to laugh. It was his fault Hange was like that, but even so, he couldn’t deny that she looked almost unbelievably ridiculous. And cute, really, really cute.
And… that was another sign that he needed to get out of this city as soon as possible.
“Rest may be good for my body, but it’s bad for my brain.”
Hange fell silent after that. With the thumb of her healthy hand raised to her lips, she stared into nothing. Levi could practically hear the sound of gears turning in her head.
He didn’t like where this was going.
“I know I’m asking a lot…” Hange mumbled, suspiciously avoiding his eyes. “And I’ll understand if you decide to refuse…”
Levi tsked and rolled his eyes. All these dramatics… “Just say what you want from me.”
“Like I said it’s a bit too much,” she began slowly, still unsure. Levi kicked the leg of the hospital bed to speed up the process. It seemed to have a rather positive effect. “But since you’ve already been there and I have the key, could you…”
“Steal your damned notebook for you?”
Hange’s face lightened up as she nodded, and, met with that delighted expression, Levi could only sigh. He already hated himself for it, but… he was a reason Hange was here in the first place, right? He might as well do something to make up for it.
Besides… he really liked that happy smile.
“I’m not asking you to steal!” Hange ardently assured. “You’re not a thief, after all,” she laughed at her own joke, while Levi tried very hard not to cringe. “I’m asking you to deliver my notebook from my office.”
Levi didn’t answer right away, and Hange, probably sensing his doubt, continued, “The precinct is almost empty, since it’s Saturday, and everyone is either here or at home. And even if you do run into someone, just tell them you’re running an errand for me.”
“You make it sound so easy,” he said, shaking his head. He had already decided he was going to help Hange out, but there was nothing wrong with playing a little too hard to get.
“It’ll be easy, I swear! And if you bring me the notebook…”
Hange winked, her smile enigmatic. Levi couldn’t deny, that smile had him intrigued. “If I bring the notebook?”
“I’ll think of a way to thank you for that! Perhaps, when we go on that date you promised me…”
The date on a skating rink, Levi almost forgot about it. But as Hange reminded him, the feeling of regret returned. He wanted to go there with Hange, wanted to hold her hand as they glide through the rink, wanted to see her spin around effortlessly, wanted her to teach him how to do the same, as pathetic as it sounded, even the idea of falling down and freezing his ass didn’t disgust him, if Hange were there with him, laughing her heart out, he probably would forget about the pain and cold. If Hange were with him, perhaps, he’d be able to forget about many things.
And that’s why he had to leave.
“Alright, I’ll bring your stupid notebook,” he conceded, getting to his feet just a little too quickly. Hange’s warm gaze was too hypnotizing. It was dangerous, it was doing something to him, and that something was making it very hard for him to leave her side. “I’ll be right back, just…”
“Stay here?” Hange snickered. “I can’t exactly run away right now, Levi.”
“Right, right,” he nodded, and then, because he was going to enter the police precinct on his volition, because he was doing this for Hange’s sake, because he was the most despicable human being in the world, he reached out and pressed her head to his chest. Hange could probably hear how loud and quick his heart was beating, Hange’s heart – if he deciphered the beeping of medical equipment correctly – was beating almost just as fast. “See you, Hange.”
The softness of her hair was surprising, the warmth of her body was so pleasant, the desire to kiss the crown of her head was almost irresistible, but…
Apparently, he wasn’t a complete asshole.
The hug lasted for no more than a second, but for Levi it seemed like hours had passed. And still, it wasn’t nearly enough.
That step back felt like the hardest thing Levi had ever done. As soon as Hange’s warmth had disappeared, he started to miss it.
“I’ll be waiting,” Hange promised with a smile so gentle, it was…
No. He had already done enough, far more than he should have.
If he did something more, if he kissed her, would he really be able to leave? Levi didn’t want to know the answer to that question. He wasn’t sure he’d like it.
He forced himself to walk away, his stride much swifter than usual. He hoped that breathing would be come to him much easier, when the distance between him and Hange grows bigger.
But apparently… he wasn’t lucky enough.
Getting inside the precinct was laughably easy.
The security guy at the entrance had attempted to stop him, but let him pass as soon as Levi mentioned that he was running an errand for detective Hange Zoe.
Either Hange’s name held a pretty significant value around here, or, more probably, the police was full of incompetent, lazy pigs.
Honestly, a middle schooler could infiltrate this place.
Not that Levi looked like a middle schooler. His face was much more mature. If he scowled hard enough. He hoped so, at least.
Just as Hange had predicted, the precinct was mostly empty. He passed a few closed doors that had a narrow ray of light coming underneath, but as he repeated the path Mike had showed him before, Levi didn’t meet a single soul.
The long hallways were scarcely illuminated, and some lightbulbs were flicking in and out, creating an almost eerie atmosphere. The tension in his shoulders grew bigger as he moved further and further... right inside the lion’s den.
Kenny would have called him a fool. Kenny would have called him shit-for-brains, a fucking idiot, a stupid fucker. Kenny, if he had known where Levi went, would have hit him until all his idiocy disappeared.
Although… the idiocy was too deep inside him now, Levi wasn’t sure that even Kenny was up to task of getting rid of it.
Perhaps, if he’d leave… Perhaps, perhaps. He’d had to leave the city first.
He had to leave the city, Levi decided and as he got inside the elevator that would take him to Hange’s office, he took out his phone and booked the closest flight available.
Singapore, awesome. He always wanted to visit.
The floor, where Hange’s office was located, was just as lifeless. All cubicles stood vacant and the rest of the offices were empty too. Perhaps, most of the officers were back at the hospital, watching over Hange. It was a good thing that she had someone to care about her. Hange deserved that, maybe, even needed that. Especially after dealing with asshole like him.
Just before entering the door, Levi paused with his hand on a doorknob. That tense feeling, that premonition returned and intensified. His stomach was in knots, making him almost nauseous.
It was ridiculous, stupid, the whole precinct was empty, he had seen so himself, but… the alarms in his mind were ringing, begging him to reconsider and go back before it was too late. Before it was too late for… what?
Levi couldn’t answer that question, meaning his sudden panic was stupid, and he himself was stupid for being a scaredy cat. It was so unlike him, and it was foolish, the last couple of days were probably just getting to him, making him more paranoid than usual.
Stop acting like an idiot, he chided himself, swallowing all of his worry down. He exhaled, relaxing the tense muscles of his back. With another mental kick, he pressed on a doorknob and opened the door, doing so unnecessarily slowly.
Just as he knew it would be, the office stood empty.
Levi didn’t waste another moment by being a damn idiot, and walked inside, heading to the desk Hange was occupying back when he had visited her that one time. The mess of paperwork, pens, paper cups and empty boxes from takeout food that had accumulated on the desk was a proof enough that this work space had really belonged to Hange.
Now, if only there was just a little more light… Levi located the desk lamp fairly quickly, but where was a switch to that fucking thing? He moved his hand up and down, his fingers searching and searching…
The light turned on before he found the switch.
It wasn’t the desk lamp though, it was a luster right above his head.
Levi jerked, whirling around, to the door behind him.
As it turned out, he wasn’t completely alone in the office. Hange’s boss, Captain Erwin Smith was still at work, despite the late hour.
“Levi,” he started to approach him, slowly at first. But the office was rather small, and, despite a step that Levi had taken back, despite his thigh pressing into the edge of the desk, the distance between them was shortening at a speed he wasn’t completely comfortable with. “I was waiting for you.”
He was? Why? Did Hange tell him something? Did she warn her boss about his visit? Why would she, if Erwin was the one who had taken her notebook in the first place? Something wasn’t adding up, and Erwin’s guarded face, damn that stoic man, wasn’t helping him solve that riddle.
“Sit down,” Erwin walked just a little too close to Levi, and then turned, taking a seat at Hange’s desk. Awkwardly, with his legs refusing to cooperate properly, Levi sat down at the opposite side. “Do you want some coffee? Or tea? Hange mentioned you like it a lot.”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
What was he going? What was Erwin doing here, why was he looking at him like that – like Levi was a test subject and Erwin was watching his every move behind the lens of a microscope. The comparison almost made him squirm.
“I’m glad you showed up,” Erwin had his hands folded under his chin, his eyes never leaving Levi’s face. His gaze seemed just as neutral as his expression, perhaps, even a little friendly, but the premonition had returned, so much stronger than before.
“I’m here because Hange asked me to,” he said, wondering why his voice sounded so quiet, almost shaky. Levi straightened in his seat, meeting Erwin’s gaze squarely. He wouldn’t let this man intimidate him. Unless, of course, Erwin gives him a reason to be intimidated. “She wanted—”
“Her notebook, yes,” Erwin nodded. “I guessed already. And I’m sure you’ve jumped at the opportunity to get inside her office. Isn’t that right, Levi? Or,” he paused, but Levi knew what he was going to say, knew what Erwin knew, could see it in his eyes that now had betrayed his true feelings and looked more like two icy shards. These eyes, they pinned Levi down, he helplessly stared into them, seeing nothing but hatred and disgust. “Or, perhaps, you’d prefer if I called you Mister Ackerman instead?”
Levi knew what was coming, and, still, his stomach fell. Millions of question swirled around in his head, and that was the only thing that kept him from bolting out of his seat.
How did Erwin find out? When did he find out? And most importantly, did he tell Hange? Or… was the she the one who discovered the truth?
All these questions had Levi on edge, but Erwin… Erwin didn’t seem too keen to answer any of them.
“Did you know there are only four men named Levi in this city?” Levi didn’t know if the answer was expected of him, but Erwin didn’t seem too interested in what he had to say, because after a brief pause, he continued, “One of them is a teenager boy, he’s an athlete, who is raised by a single mother. Another one is a middle-aged, bald man with three kids and a wife, the other is an eighty-year old man, who lives alone on the edge of the city. The last one,” Erwin’s eyes flashed, and Levi swallowed. Just like before, he knew damn well what was coming. “Doesn’t really count, I guess. He had died some twenty years ago, along with his mother. Do you, by any chance, know the name of his mother?”
There was a lump in his throat, one that appeared each time his mother was mentioned, one that made it hard to breathe and pressed on his chest, heavy enough to hurt. But Erwin looked at him expectantly, like his question was a test. A test of what, Levi wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t going to show his weakness, not in front of this particular man.
“Kuchel,” he said, his voice as steady as it could be, considering he was shaking from inside. “Her name was Kuchel Ackerman.”
Erwin nodded, his features sharpening even further, turning into a stone mask. “I refused to believe it at first, when I first looked you up after meeting you right in that office. It appeared to be a horrible coincidence, a weird conjunction. You seemed genuinely interested in Hange, not in her work, and I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt, waiting for a sign that would support or destroy my finding. But last night was enough of a proof.”
Was it? How so? Did Levi make a mistake? If so, then were? And how did Erwin see it?
“Last night Hange was shot,” yeah, Levi was there, and Erwin knew that. What importance did it have now? “But she isn’t dead, not like that politician from a week ago. Your partner in crime,” ah, so Kenny wasn’t yet discovered. Apparently, he wiped the traces of his existence much better than Levi did. “I guess he is the one who usually dirties his hands, and that means he was the one who killed that man. Hange was supposed to die that night too, right? And you were the one who prevented it."
Having said everything he needed, Erwin fell silent. For a long moment, there was no sound, except the tick of a clock, Erwin's calm breathing and Levi's much frantic one.
"So, is my assertion correct?"
Levi said nothing. What was there to say? Say yes and stroke Erwin's ego? Or deny it and look like a fool?
"I'll take your silence as a yes."
His cockiness was irritating, despite it being very much deserved. Still, to be caught by a guy he had seen only once... Levi knew there was a possibility that his involvement with Hange may end with him in prison. He just never imagined that her overprotective boss would be the one to blame for his fall.
"Did you already tell Hange?" he asked quietly, admitting his defeat.
His heart was aching, as he thought of what was awaiting for him next. Was Hange going to be the one to put handcuffs on him? What her reaction would be - would she be gleeful about her victory? Or would that joy be overridden by disgust she felt for him?
"I didn't tell her. She won't know the truth about you. Not from me, at least."
Levi widened his eyes, staring at the man in front of him with shock and incomprehension. Was he... telling the truth? But why?
"Hange would be dead, if it wasn't for you. That's why I'm inclined to give you another chance. Leave this city, Levi Ackerman, and don't come back. Stop toying with Hange's feelings and don’t you dare contact her ever again. She deserves someone much better than you."
Well, in that aspect, Levi agreed with Erwin completely.
"You may bring the notebook to her, but that's it. I'm letting you go not out of kindness, but out of gratitude. Don't make me regret it."
"I'm leaving the city tonight." He promised to Erwin, as he stood up, Hange's notebook secured in his right hand.
Not that Erwin needed to know about it, but he was going to leave anyway. Just in two hours, he'd be on his way to Singapore. If he hurried, he might get just enough time to say goodbye to Hange.
A proper goodbye. He ought to give her at least that much.
He left the office swiftly, before Erwin could change his mind. With his heart still racing after a tense encounter, he ran to the hospital.
When he arrived inside, the hospital was much less crowded than before. There was a fewer number of patients and visitors in the main hall, and those who still were present, were much quieter, subdued and exhausted. There were only a few doctors around, and their faces were pale, eyes blinking tiredly, shoulders slumped after a long shift. The only ones who still kept their energy were nurses, who ran from one side of a hospital to the other, calling out to doctors or carrying the needed medicine.
Still shaken after his encounter with Erwin, Levi used that semi-calm atmosphere to take a deep breath and put his thoughts into order. He had – for the lack of better word – an eventful day, and who knew what would happen tomorrow? Perhaps, it was the last moment of peace he would have in a while.
He was starting a new life, but the prospect wasn’t thrilling or exhilarating. The only feelings it provoked was dread. And a bone-deep exhaustion.
No rest for the wicked, or so Kenny liked to say. It was one of the few things he and Levi agreed upon.
The hospital hallways seemed deserted too, only doctors and nurses still roaming the place. The visiting hours were already over, but Hange’s status as a new city hero allowed Levi to convince them to overlook that small detail. He had to lie and say he was detective Zoe’s boyfriend, but well… Hange wouldn’t know about this. Even if she did, Levi was going to be on another side of the world in just a few hours.
However, he had to admit… saying this out loud felt good. Unreasonably so.
Hange’s boyfriend… it had a nice ring to it. Perhaps, in another life…
The ridiculousness of that thought was almost enough to make him chuckle. Clearly, it was the long couple of days getting the best of him. He needed to rest, get his head cleared up, leave this city once and for all.
The hallway that led to Hange’s ward was almost as deserted as the rest of the hospital. The number of police officers patrolling her had diminished significantly, only two of them still present.
Levi was not at all surprised to see that tall weirdo, Mike, slumped down in the uncomfortable hospital chair with his hands folded beneath his head. Clearly, he was one of Hange’s closest friends. Levi took a mental note of that, storing that information in that corner of his mind that was dedicated solely to Hange. That corner was growing bigger, and that was another reason why he had to leave, disappear from her life. Hopefully, then Hange would disappear from his life and his mind too.
Next to Mike sat a thin blonde woman, whose name stubbornly eluded Levi. Nana… something. It didn’t really matter. The woman was asleep, her face pressed into Mike’s big shoulder. The scene was adorable, Levi thought detachedly. These people weren’t his friends, they didn’t provoke an emotional response from him, however… Hange would probably like to hear about them snuggling together outside her ward. Maybe, that would make her smile. Levi liked her smile, along with her deep, strangely alluring voice and big, look-inside-them-for-too-long-and-you’ll-drown brown eyes, her smile took the most of that special mind corner of his.
The first thing he saw upon entering the ward was the sight of Hange’s peaceful, relaxed face. Be it the exhaustion from last few days, the pain from injury or a simple, soothing atmosphere of the hospital, but Hange was asleep, her mouth slightly open in an expression that could be described as ridiculous if it weren’t so endearing. Without the ever present glasses, she looked much younger than she actually was, fragile almost.
The second thing Levi was saw the dusty black coat and the stupid bowler hat. The start contrast between white ceilings, blue walls, Hange’s still pale body and that black form was striking enough to make Levi wonder if what he was seeing was actually true. It was easier to write it off as a visage, an image of his biggest nightmare that was conjured by an exhausted mind.
Kenny shouldn’t, couldn’t be here. But he was. Sitting dangerously close next to Hange, his lips spread into a wide, bloodthirsty smirk, he stared at her sleeping form like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Levi’s blood turned to ice, his insides twisting painfully. He still couldn’t quite believe it.
Kenny was here.
How did he find out about Hange? Why did he come? What did he want? What was he going to do?
There were so many questions, Levi wasn’t sure the answer to which one would be the scariest.
“You know there are over a million people in this city?” Kenny’s voice was quiet, no louder than a machine that counted Hange’s heartbeats. It wasn’t nearly loud enough to disturb her sleep. “And out of that million you had to choose a fucking cop. Is she that special?” Kenny looked him in the eyes, seeming genuinely curious in his answer. “Or are you just that dumb?”
“Both, probably,” Levi shrugged, marveling at how calm, almost bored his voice sounded. Inside, he was anything but.
Kenny hummed, nodded, expressing his agreement, and stood up, popping the collar of his coat. “Let’s not disturb your sleeping beauty then. Follow me, Levi.”
It wasn’t a suggestion or a request, it was an order, and a clear one at that. Levi gladly obeyed it, because the alternative – whatever it would be – was much, much worse.
Kenny led him out of the ward, they passed through Mike and his friend, who were still sleeping, walked through a long hallway, arrived at the stairwell and then went up to the roof.
Once they were there, underneath pale moonlight and surrounded by bright neon lights of a nearby night club, Kenny punched him.
Levi didn’t even stagger, more than expecting that. He didn’t punch back and didn’t defend himself, knowing that he more than deserved that.
Clearly not satisfied yet, Kenny punched him again, then again, until Levi did stagger and fell on his ass. A thin drip of blood dripped from his lip. Levi wiped it off with a sleeve, briefly wondering if the ache on his cheek would turn into a bruise or not.
Kenny stood above him, his face darker than Levi had ever remembered seeing, his fists trembling from either cold or rage.
“You’re a fucking idiot, Levi,” he spat out, kicking his leg. The kick was light, born more out of frustration than anything else. Levi barely felt it. “What the fuck were you thinking? What the fuck were you doing with that damn cop? Have you lost your mind? Have you forgotten who you are?”
Maybe, Kenny was right, maybe, he did forget about it. Or, maybe, he pretended to forget, letting his heart have what it so ardently desired. But today he was reminded of his place. Several times already.
And he was an idiot, Kenny wasn’t wrong about that too.
He was an idiot, who followed his heart, who chose the one person he absolutely couldn’t have. That choice, although it was only his to carry, wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to Hange and it wasn’t fair to Kenny, to him especially so.
Levi knew about possible consequences, had expected them, but what about Kenny? Had Levi been caught, had Kenny been caught alongside him, his life would have been ruined too. And if Levi made that choice, consciously, Kenny – didn’t. He would never make a choice like that, one that would jeopardize Levi. Kenny was an asshole, a scoundrel, a thief and a liar, but if there was one thing he treasured, it was his family.
He treasured his sister, and after her death, he treasured her son, even if he never actually showed that.
And Levi had betrayed him.
All this time, he was worried, afraid that Hange would learn about his betrayal and grow to despise him, but he had never even thought that he was also lying to the only person in this world, who actually gave a damn about him, to the last part of his family.
Perhaps, Kenny should have punched him a couple of times more.
“You look like a kicked dog,” Kenny rolled his eyes in exasperation, grudgingly offering Levi to take his hand. “Get up, before you catch some shit from this fucking cold. Doubt they’ll let you stay with that officer sweetheart of yours if you start coughing your lungs out.”
“Fuck off,” Levi grunted, but accepted the offered hand and let Kenny hoist him up. “You were the one to punch me.”
“Was hoping I’d knock out that shit out of you,” Kenny briefly glanced at him before burying his head into the inside of his coat to look for the pack of cigarettes, no doubt. One day, the constant smoking would kill him. Then again – with their line of job – they could die at any moment, anyway. Criminals like them had to treasure every second, before they end up in a ditch or in prison. Wasn’t he doing the same, wasn’t he treasuring every second he had with Hange? Perhaps, he was. And now, it came to an end, disappointingly abrupt. “Did I, by the way? Manage to knock some sense into you?”
Levi thought about a notebook, hidden inside his pocket, close to his heart. He remembered how good it felt to hold Hange in his arms, remembered how light her laughter made him feel.
“I think you didn’t punch me hard enough.”
Kenny didn’t hit him again, didn’t even scold him. It seemed like he didn’t have energy for either. He just shook his head - slowly, wearily, and sighed – in disappointment, not surprise.
He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down, his long legs dangling in the air. Kenny seemed spent, defeated, Kenny looked tired and unexpectedly old, like the weight of his years had finally caught up to him. Levi didn’t quite know how to act around him in that state.
Tentatively, staggering slightly, he approached his uncle and joined him at the edge of the roof.
Kenny wordlessly offered him a cigarette, and Levi took it, thanking him with a subtle nod.
The silence fell over them as they both smoked, their eyes glued to the sky above. It was comfortable, this silence. Levi hated to break it, but there were things he needed to say.
“I’m leaving tonight.”
Kenny didn’t ask where, didn’t ask why, he didn’t seem to care at all. Unfortunately, Levi did care.
“Do you want to leave with me?”
Kenny put a cigarette to his lips, took a long, deep drag, released a fat ring of smoke, watched it disappear into the night. He met Levi’s eyes – for a single moment – and then returned to gazing up at the sky.
“Sorry, kid. Still have some stuff I need to finish.”
Levi didn’t ask Kenny to reconsider, didn’t ask what stuff he was talking about. If there was one thing he knew for certain, it was a fact that Kenny had a lot on his hands – Traute and her betrayal, Reiss and whatever he was planning to do. Levi had a lot on his hands too, and the only way to deal with all of it was to leave.
Kenny obviously had a different opinion. Nothing surprising, there were lots of things they had different opinions about.
“That cop of yours,” Kenny put his cigarette out, flicking the butt down below, and took a new one. He lightened it up, the lighter briefly illuminating his grim features. The shadows on his face were almost frightening. “Does she know who you are?”
“No,” the word came out a little bit harsher, gruffer than he intended. Levi wondered what the cause of it was – shame or regret. “But she’ll find out someday, I’m sure. She’s more than sharp enough.”
“You got lucky then, if she doesn’t know yet.”
Lucky? Perhaps he truly was. Was he lucky because he was leaving before Hange discovered the truth? Was he lucky because earlier that day she was still looking at him with stars in her eyes? Or, maybe, he was lucky because he wouldn’t get to see how those starts turn to disgust and hatred?
“Her boss knows, though. He searched my name after Hange introduced us. Did you know there are only four Levis in this city?”
“Your mother’s fault, not mine,” Kenny shrugged. “I wanted to name you Bob.”
Levi choked, shock and laughter constricting his throat. “Bob?” he hoarsely croaked.
“Bob Ackerman,” Kenny smirked, taking off his hat and putting it on Levi’s head. It fell down, obscuring half of his face. “It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Kenny chortled, and Levi couldn’t keep a smile off his face. It seemed like things between them were returning to normal. Levi was relieved.
And at the same, he was sad. Most of the time Kenny got on his nerves, he constantly pushed all of his buttons, but Levi still loved him. In a strange, bizarre sense, he was the only Levi could look up to. And the only one he could trust.
Levi didn’t want to leave him behind, wanted to listen to his stupid jokes while rolling his eyes and calling him an asshole just for a little longer.
But his plane was taking off in an hour. And there was one thing Levi wanted to do, before he gets out of this city for good.
“Kenny, I—”
“I know,” he cut him off. Kenny looked him in the eyes, and if Levi didn’t know him better, he’d say that the smile on his face was sad. “Young love and all that, right? Go, Romeo. Make sure your Juliette doesn’t put handcuffs on you.”
Levi stood up, hovering over Kenny awkwardly. They never, ever hugged. But in this moment, it seemed appropriate. People did hug, when saying goodbye to your loved ones. It was a totally normal thing. Could he and Kenny be like normal people too?
Bracing himself, Levi turned to face his uncle. He only started raising his arms, when Kenny snorted.
“Don’t make this weird, Levi.”
Apparently, they couldn’t even pretend to be normal.
“And you can keep my hat.”
Levi scoffed. “Now you’re the one making this weird.”
“It’s my old age, I guess,” he said. “Now shoo, kid, you don’t have much time. And remember - whenever you go…” Kenny paused, winking conspicuously. “Stir up some trouble, alright?”
Despite himself, Levi chuckled. “Don’t go around being boring too, old man.”
“That you can be sure of,” Kenny tilted his head, at the last moment remembering that his loyal hat wasn’t with him anymore. “And if you go into hiding, make sure you don’t go too deep.”
“So you’ll be able to find and pester me?”
“You know me so well.”
Levi did. And he was going to miss his nuisance of an uncle. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “For everything, for—”
“Yeah, yeah, for raising you and teaching how to be so damn good at stealing stuff. I know you love me more than anything and you think I’m the coolest guy ever, Levi. Now stop being an embarrassment and leave me alone already.”
Hiding another smile, lest Kenny would think that his words were actually not so far from the truth and Levi did like him so much, Levi threw another glance at the night city, briefly squeezed Kenny’s shoulder and headed back inside.
The hat kept falling on his eyes, it was clearly a size or two too big, and Levi was sure he looked absolutely ridiculous, but… it brought along a sense of comfort.
When he came back to Hange, two police officers by her door were still sleeping. Levi passed them without a second glance.
Inside the ward, Hange continued to snore too. He had to hurry to the airport, his time was running out, yet Levi sparred a long moment to commit her face to his memory.
His eyes traced every feature – from the wide forehead and closed eyes with long dark eyelashes that fell elegantly on her cheeks, to the curve of her nose that had small dots of freckles and her rosy lips that were slightly curled upwards.
She was probably dreaming of something so pleasant. Levi wondered what that dream was about.
The only imperfection on her face, the one thing he resolutely didn’t like was a lock of hair that fell just over the tip of her nose.
With a feather light touch, Levi brushed the offending lock away, holding it between his fingers just a little too long.
You’re acting like a creep, he chided himself. Besides, he was going to be late to his flight.
With a heavy sigh and lots of effort, Levi took a step back. He put the notebook on the table next to her bed, briefly marveling at the amount of gifts that had already accumulated there.
Apparently, Hange was very well-loved.
Just at the edge of a small table, he saw a pen that was probably forgotten by the hospital stuff.
Overcome with a sudden impulse, Levi grabbed that pen and opened the notebook on the last page.
Since he couldn’t actually say goodbye, he should write a small note. Whether Hange would even see it or not, whether she would understand who he truly was or not… he wouldn’t be there to witness the result, right?
Right, he decided and started writing.
Too bad I couldn’t make it to that skating rink date. But we still had lots of fun, right? At least, I did.
Be good and kick all of their asses. I know you have it in you, four-eyes.
Whether his abrupt leave, the absence of any kind of conclusion was a good thing or bad, Levi couldn’t quite decide yet.
It left a bitter taste in his mouth, made him feel melancholic, lonelier than ever, but… maybe, it was for the best. Levi didn’t like goodbyes, avoided them at all costs. There was only one person he had ever said goodbye to, and his mother never returned.
He hadn’t said a proper goodbye to Hange, didn’t really say it to Kenny too, and perhaps… Perhaps.
As he left the ward, Levi didn’t look at Hange even once. He tried to pretend that he didn’t care, but the truth was he was afraid that so much as a glance would make it impossible for him to leave that what could have been behind.
He made sure to close the door quietly, but somehow the sound managed to wake up Mike.
He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and blinking owlishly. “Levi?” he mumbled sleepily. “Are… you wearing a hat?”
Levi had forgotten about that thing entirely. But after Mike had mentioned it, he took it off, hiding it behind his back.
Once that embarrassment was dealt with, he cleared his throat. “Hange is sleeping. She’s fine, as far as I could tell.”
“You’re leaving already? Well, make sure to come back soon. Hange will be so happy to see you again.”
“Yeah,” Levi swallowed, the lump in his throat suddenly becoming too big. “I’d be happy to see her too.”
And at the same time he knew, it’d be best for both of them, if their paths never cross again.
“Tell Hange I said hi. And… that I’m going to miss her.”
Levi ignored Mike’s confused question, he ignored his insistent calls. He took one brisk step after another, resolute and determined.
He had done everything he wanted to. And now it was time to leave this city behind.
Once and for all.
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little-mad · 4 years ago
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 10
~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
What was going on around Gavin was essentially up to his imagination due to the fact that Rael wouldn’t move his damn hands. While he wasn’t really eager to encounter any more alteons, Gavin was beginning to feel claustrophobic with parts of Rael’s body surrounding him on all sides.
After the interaction with the guard at the entrance, Gavin heard Rael exchange a few more brief greetings as he made his way through the palace. It was bizarre, being so near to other people but being unnoticed or otherwise unacknowledged.
Gavin found it kind of odd that no one had even commented on the weird way Rael’s hands were situated. Surely at least some of them had noticed, right? So why didn’t they mention it? Maybe minding one’s own business was a big staple of alteon culture or something…
The din of voices, rummaging around, and clanging dishes that had been present ever since entering the building began to fade. Only once everything had fallen silent did Rael speak up. “I’m going to remove my hand now,” he stated.
Before Gavin could get the chance to try to prepare himself, he suddenly found himself bombarded with light. “Ah, god,” he complained as he blinked away the spots in his eyes.
Once his vision had recovered from the initial assault, Gavin carefully opened his eyes all the way. The sight he was met with took his breath away. Sure it may have just been a hallway, but it was the most stunning hallway he had ever been in!
The walls were made of smooth gray stone that rose up into arches in the ceiling. Banners of a rich blue color, decorated with a complex emblem hung from the walls on either side. Floor candelabras that looked to be made out of some kind of dark metal stood every few feet along the sides of the hallway--it was impressive how well candles managed to light the area.
The centerpiece of the room was the tall door that Rael stood directly in front of. The thing was made of dark wood that had been carved with intricate designs. It looked as though it would weigh a ton, even to someone Rael’s size.
Gavin had been in a lot of fancy places in his day--it had usually been while he was breaking and entering, but that was besides the point. The point was, none of those places matched the grandiose nature this literal castle possessed. “Think of all the riches I could find here…” Gavin’s thief brain was kicking in and he very nearly smacked himself as a result. “Yeah, like I haven’t gotten in enough trouble for stealing from alteons,” the more rational section of his mind countered.
“Hey, are you listening?” Gavin was abruptly jerked out of his own mental argument by the sound of Rael’s voice, which he only now realized had been going off in the background for the past few seconds.
“Uh--sorry, what did you say?” Gavin asked sheepishly as he leaned back to look up at the alteon’s face.
Rael blew out an impatient sigh. “I said, this door leads to the central part of the palace,” he summarized. “I also said that I’m going to keep you uncovered from now on.”
Gavin wasn’t really sure whether to be pleased or upset by this news. On one hand, he was eager to not be stuck in the oppressive dark. However, on the other hand, being out in the open meant getting ogled at by giants. Plus there was the risk of someone snatching him again… “No one's gonna try and grab me, are they?” He voiced his concern.
Rael’s expression softened so slightly Gavin barely even managed to detect it. “No, the palace is the most secure location in the world, you’ll be fine,” the dark haired giant assured him.
Satisfied with the response, Gavin gave a nod. He relaxed just a bit. Despite the many ups and downs they’d had together, Gavin trusted Rael’s judgement as well as his ability to protect him. Though the giant had managed to handle the Kaydin situation with words rather than violence, Gavin didn’t doubt that the guy would kick ass in a fight--if the definition in the guy’s biceps were anything to go by anyways.
To be honest, Rael would have preferred to keep Gavin hidden until the moment he delivered him to the Emperor. However, he knew that while the servants he’d passed by already had known better than to intrude upon a soldier’s business, most of the people in the central part of the palace would have no qualms in doing so. If he were to walk in, clearly hiding something, he would no doubt get stopped at least several times. At least with Gavin on display, everyone would instantly know the situation. Of course that may not prevent them from interfering, but Rael could only hope for minimal interaction.
After a quick glance downwards to ensure his passenger was secure, Rael pulled open the large door that separated the servant’s section from the rest of the palace.
The decor and architecture in this area, while similar to that of the previous section, was far grander and more extravagant. Rael didn’t even have to look to know Gavin was stunned by the sight. He took a small bit of pride in knowing the human was impressed by alteon craftsmanship.
The room they were in was the front entryway, it was where most visitors would first enter the palace. A handful of guards dotted the room, and of course, as soon as they all spotted Gavin, their eyes were glued to the little man.
Rael could feel Gavin fidgeting nervously in his hand, and honestly, the feeling was somewhat mutual. While Rael wasn’t the focus of anyone’s stares, he was still getting far more attention than he would prefer. Imagining what they could all be thinking about him made Rael feel sick to his stomach.
“Just...try to ignore them,” he advised himself as he began to walk further into the entryway. Avoiding making eye contact with anyone, he made his way towards the grand staircase that was the focal point of the room.
After ascending the steps, Rael was met with the enormous doors that would lead into the throne room. Rather than going through them, he made a right down the hallway that would take him to the Emperor’s office. The throne room was only used for official, large scale events. The Emperor was far more likely to be working in his office at this hour.
Unfortunately, there was no shortage of people milling around, and while so far everyone had refrained from approaching Rael, that streak was about to come to an end. “Ah, so this must be the human who attempted to rob Lady Elyth,” remarked a woman he recognized as being one of the Emperor’s scribes.
The scribe stood in front of Rael, effectively blocking his path. He sighed internally. Despite having no actual title, the Emperor’s scribes were well respected around the palace, and as close servants of the Emperor, soldiers like Rael were expected to defer to them. This meant he would be forced to humor this woman.
“Yes, I’m on my way to bring him to the Emperor now,” Rael stated, hoping the scribe would want to avoid getting in the way of Imperial orders.
Rael had to fight the urge to look down when he felt Gavin inching backwards on his palm. The little guy seemed to be trying to put some distance between himself at the unfamiliar alteon that was currently staring at him.
The woman gave a nod of understanding but still didn’t move. “This one certainly appears younger than the other ones I’ve seen,” she commented as she leaned in for a closer look.
Rather than jerking backwards as he reflexively wanted to, Rael remained still. He glanced down to see that Gavin had retreated all the way towards his chest. It was evident he was trying to keep a calm expression on his face, but it was easy to tell the man was highly uncomfortable. “Just hang in there,” Rael thought, wishing he could mentally send the message to the human.
Finally, after several long moments of ogling, the scribe pulled back and straightened up. “The Emperor is currently meeting with one of his advisors in his office, so you’ll have to wait until he’s finished” she informed him. “Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day, soldier.”
“And you as well, miss,” Rael replied. He waited until the woman had walked past him and out of sight before he started forward once again.
Gavin let out a deep sigh of relief, but otherwise kept quiet, which was for the best considering there were still guards about. Rael didn’t fail to notice that the human hadn’t moved away from his body. Even through his clothes, Rael could feel the slight movements that brushed against his chest. Were he not a man of fortitude, he may have reacted to the ticklish sensation.
After turning a corner, Rael made it to the more secluded area of the palace that housed the Emperor’s personal office. He was surprised to find the small sitting area outside the office completely vacant. Typically, there was at least one guard stationed outside the door so long as the Emperor was inside.
Rael furrowed his brows. Had the scribe not confirmed that the Emperor was indeed in his office, he might have suspected the ruler was elsewhere. But, since Rael couldn’t risk potentially barging in on a private meeting, he wouldn’t be able to check to be certain. “We’re going to have to wait,” he told Gavin in a low voice.
“Okay, yeah..good,” the human replied, not bothering to hide his relief at getting to postpone his impending judgement.
Being sure to keep Gavin steady, Rael took a seat on the stone bench across from the door to the Emperor’s office. It was only once he was seated that he realized how cramped the hand that was holding Gavin was. For quite awhile now he’d been making a concentrated effort to keep the appendage still so as to not accidentally exacerbate the human’s injuries.
“I’m going to set you down beside me, alright?” Rael waited for Gavin’s nod of confirmation before carefully relocating him onto the bench. Once the human was safely settled on his own two feet, Rael gratefully shook out his aching hand.
“Nothing like a giant castle to make a guy feel small,” Gavin remarked with a nervous chuckle as he sat down.
Rael glanced down at the human thoughtfully. Sometimes he forgot that in Gavin’s eyes, humans weren’t unusually tiny and weak creatures. To him, humans were normal sized--therefore he perceived alteons as giants. It was strange for Rael to imagine, because he couldn’t help but see Gavin as anything but tiny. “It’s quite large even to us alteons, if that’s any consolation,” he said honestly. “Anyone unfamiliar with the layout is bound to get lost.”
It had taken a good few weeks after beginning work at the palace for Rael to get a hang of navigating the expansive property. The winding hallways and innumerable doors made the place a virtual maze. He could only imagine how daunting it must be for someone of Gavin’s size. It would be effortless for the little guy to get hopelessly lost.
Just then, Rael’s attention was drawn to the office door, which had begun opening. The person who exited was familiar--he was a fellow member of the Imperial Guard. Rael quickly realized that he must have been the one who was meant to be on duty outside the office, though that didn’t explain what he’d been doing inside the room.
“Rael, there you are,” Ashryn greeted as he swiftly shut the door behind him before Rael could even get a glimpse inside the office. “I was wondering when you would arrive.”
Ashryn was tall and well muscled. His skin was a touch lighter than Rael’s and his braided hair was of a chestnut brown color. Judging by his broad shoulders and sharp jawline, the guy would undoubtedly make for an intimidating adversary.
“The Emperor just asked me for some insight on a few matters,” Ashryn explained, gesturing back towards the office. Rael suppressed a look of confusion. He had never really heard of a guard of Ashryn’s rank being asked for input from the Emperor himself. “But enough about that,” Ashryn declared, interrupting Rael’s contemplation. “I’m eager to meet this human criminal.” In an instant his gaze was upon Gavin. A sly smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and there was a glint in those pale green eyes of his that Rael didn’t like in the slightest.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years ago
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KID: *gets sad that he couldn’t solve it earlier and save a life*
Conan: *says something reassuring*
Conan: *then immediately proceeds to get sad that he didn’t solve it earlier and prevent this murder*
KID: *says something reassuring*
I just absolutely live for their dynamic, honestly. This is amazing.
And then, please, consider that this is the third time they meet. This reads like they’ve known each other for years already and consider each other equals and frenemies, because... why in the world would you just go up there to have a casual chat with KID and why would KID linger around and wait for Conan to come up to the bedroom to confront them.
No threats of darts or soccer balls. Just a solemn, reassuring conversation.
This is the second case that KID appeared on and the third time they meet, if you count the meetings on the roof and then on the ship during the Black Star heist as two separate meetings despite it being thte same heist. (I’m still discounting the Clock Tower heist for lack of actual interaction and due to it only being introduced later in the DC canon.)
The second instance that Conan encounters KID and he’s already like “flashy as always” as though he has a long list of reference points from previous encounters, the second time and already they’re not even pretending to be on the run or chase and just talk (and sure, Kaito doesn’t actually steal anything here, but he is still the same internationally wanted thief and it would not be unreasonable of a detective to try and arrest him).
Kaito also quickly checking in to confirm a date with tantei-kun later this year so Conan knows he won’t have to miss him for too long. Very considerate of him.
Magic Lover’s Murder Case is the strangest of the KID appearances to me, because it is quite random. Usually, Kaito’s appearances are flashy, as Conan put it, and involve heists. They’re showy and you know to keep your eyes peeled for him from the get-go.
This? This is just... another one of the random murder cases. Sure, there is the “Magic Lover” in the title that makes a KID fan perk up hopefully and Sonoko is gushing about her love for KID, but aside from that, there is honestly absolutely no reason to even expect KID in this case at all. Especially considering that, canonically speaking, at that point KID had only been on one episode - over fifty episodes ago. Yes, sure, I’m aware KID is a long-established character and by far not a one-off character, but considering he had only one appearance so far? To have his second appearance be this... on the down-low. He doesn’t even show his face until the last third of the third episode of this case, nothing before that truly hinted at KID being involved in this at all.
Obviously, he completely gave himself away when he had the need to pick Conan up and then call him “tantei-kun”. Bit embarrassed for Shinichi that he didn’t realize it in that very moment, but he was out with a cold so his KID-radar might have not worked as properly...
Either way, absolutely everything about this, as the second episodical appearance of Kaitou KID on Detective Conan is absolutely amazing. How random it feels, how tropey it feels (the hurt/comfort of Conan with the cold and Kaito immediately pretending to be a medical student and providing the medicine and keeping an eye on him, the snowed in together), just how... intimate their conversation already feels, with both of them being so openly vulnerable in showing their regrets for how this unfolded and both also immediately being ready to reassure the other that it wasn’t their fault, the easy familiarity between them that we are already establishing here.
This is a case I truly, truly wish the MK anime would have redone but from Kaito’s perspective. Him, being involved with the magic group online prior to the murder, deciding to go there, finding himself trapped. His POV on this case and the build up before it would be genuinely so interesting to see. Also, this episode is literally from 1999 and unlike the MK specials from 2011 that had only been three years prior to the MK anime, the updates in art, animation (and technology, if you so choose) would have actually really shown a significant different.
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backtothestart02 · 2 years ago
It's Always Been You - 1/2 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: For the series premiere anniversary. Enjoy.
Synopsis: 1x01 - Canon Divergent - Barry tells Iris how he feels before getting struck by lightning.
Chapter 1 -
The buzz from running out of CCPD to head down to STAR Labs slightly dimmed as they made their way through the crowd, and what Barry had planned on doing since he got off the train earlier that day returned to the surface.
He was going to tell Iris how he felt about her.
No more beating around the bush, no more pretending he just liked her as a friend. No, he was going to lay it all out on the line, come hell or high water, because he was sick of being the guy she didn’t date just because she didn’t know where his head and his heart was at. If he was ever going to have a chance with her, she had to know.
So, as they moved closer to STAR Labs, and Iris started asking him questions about his trip to Starling City, he knew the moment was upon him. Steeling himself for her reaction, he smiled and laughed at her latest remark and began the trek to the biggest moment of his life probably.
“Actually, while I was away, I had a chance to think about, you know, relationships.” He paused. “Oh, I’m not in one,” he said awkwardly. “And you’re not in one either. And…you’re my best friend, Iris.”
“You’re mine, too,” she cut him off. “Why else would I be here?”
“Yeah, that’s not what I meant. What I-”
“I know what you’re gonna say, Barry.”
“I’m not sure you do.”
She definitely did not, but he let her continue anyway. Maybe she did?
“Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together, and we’re kind of like brother and sister… Because we’re not brother and sister, it can get really weird and awkward to talk to me about girls, but I just want you to know that it shouldn’t be awkward.” She shifted gears, driving her point home. “There is nothing that I want more than for you to meet the right person that totally loves and adores you for the amazing guy that you are.”
And he hesitated then, because it would be so easy to let it go at that, to tell her she was right, and that there was nothing more to it. After all, the ceremony was about to start. There wouldn’t be much time for her to answer him anyway, if she had an answer to give him at all.
“That’s…sweet, Iris.”
She smiled and nudged him.
“Aren’t you glad I know you so well?”
“But,” he was quick to say, “still not what I wanted to say, what I’ve been wanting to say for a very long time.”
“Oh.” She frowned, probably bummed that she didn’t know her best friend by heart. “Okay, well, what is it then?”
He took a deep breath and continued.
“Okay. The reason I brought up how neither of us are in relationships right now is because I want to be in one…with you.”
She blinked.
“But we’re already in a relationship. We’re best friends.”
This was gonna be harder than he thought. Better to go straight to the punch.
“Yeah, but I want more than that now. I mean, not just now. I’ve always wanted more than that. I’ve just been afraid to say anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but-”
“Barry, what are you trying to say?”
“I love you, Iris. I’m in love with you. I always have been. And if you feel the same, then-”
Applause cut through as Dr. Harrison Wells came on stage and started to talk. Barry and Iris awkwardly turned away from each other and tried to pay attention to the reason they’d come. It wasn’t until a run-of-the-mill thief grabbed Iris’ backpack containing her laptop and thesis on it that she spoke again, urging Barry into action.
He was terrible runner, and the guy clocked him, cutting his run short, but luckily – or unluckily for Barry – a cocky, young cop stopped him, and confiscated both the thief and Iris’ backpack.
She was eternally grateful, and Barry was left nursing a bloody nose.
They left STAR Labs, having missed the big moment both with each other and the particle accelerator reveal to hang out at CCPD for a bit. Barry didn’t stay long, especially not after Iris admitted to finding Detective Eddie Thawne, her hero of the hour, attractive. She clearly regretted the words the minute they tumbled out of her mouth, because she shot her best friend a look that spilled a million apologies, given the last thing he’d told her, but it was too late for that.
His nose had stopped bleeding, and so he dumped the tissue in the trash and went up to his lab. He turned on the TV to watch the report from the front lines of STAR Labs and look back over his dad’s board that he’d put together over the years, sinking back into the memories of his childhood trauma as the particle accelerator was turned on.
Then, as quickly as everything had been turned on, the power went out. Barry looked out the window and saw a large colorful mass spreading across the sky. His eyes widened as it passed over the building.
Iris’ voice could be heard coming down the hall, her heels clicking away.
“Barry, are you okay?” She burst into his lab.
It started to storm, and Barry looked around as chemicals started to lift out of their containers. He moved to shut the sky window in the roof.
“Iris, stay back,” he ordered, fear building inside of him.
He watched in slow motion as lightning rained down through the window and thrust him across the room just as Iris darted towards him to move him out of the way.
But she was too late.
“Barry! Barry!” Tears running down her cheeks, as she tried to shake him awake, she turned and ran to the top of the steps down the hall. “Somebody, help! Barry was struck by lightning!”
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