#like sure everyone jokes about dumbledore asked calmly
conventofpleasure · 1 year
I can’t figure out why they’re doing a Harry Potter reboot series. Like money obviously but I feel likes fans of the franchise are very attached to the films and that particular cast even if there are elements they don’t like
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joka13 · 8 months
Hello! Feel free to ignore this, but I was wondering if I could request a unrequited love trope thing with one or both of the Weasley twins! And maybe where the Hanahaki disease exists, and if you don’t want to write that and is out of your comfort that is totally chill with me!!! You can go about with the plot however you like :]
Remember to feel free to ignore, thanks! :D
Hi, there! I'm flattered by your faith in me, haha. I will say I found this prompt very interesting and was thankful for the challenge! Hope you enjoy🫰
Dear reader,
As you may or may not know, I post extensive, multiple part fanfiction stories. I must remind you or clarify that I do not consider any requests I write as parts of those stories. Thank you for reading❤️
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Lovesick - Part 1/5
Everybody likes to have fun sometimes. Fred and George made sure to have fun all of the time. Unfortunately for the school staff, the twins' idea of fun usually involved starting up trouble. The brothers were widely known, even outside of Hogwarts, for their mischievous hobbies. So, any time the obvious results of a prank came about, all heads turned toward Fred and George. That was fine and all with the twins; they were always responsible for every prank anyway and everyone knew it. But then, one day, they were blamed for a joke that they did not set.
In the middle of their Potions class, Fred and George were summoned outside by Filch, Hogwarts' caretaker. Normally, the twins would've given anything if it meant not facing Filch's confrontation, but they even more could not stand the Potions class teacher, Professor Snape (he was more difficult to fool than anyone else in the school other than the Headmaster; they could never have any fun in his class), so they gladly cooperated.
"Ah, Argus!" Fred and George greeted the caretaker in unison as they stepped out into the hall. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Don't call me that," Filch growled. "And you know exactly why I'm here!"
"Don't worry yourself. You already spat at us about that last dungbomb," said Fred calmly.
"Just this morning," George added.
"That's not what I'm talking about!" Filch pointed a bony, accusing finger. "A bunch of fish were found flopping about inside all of the toilets in the first floor girls' lavatory!"
The twins laughed.
"We're willing to stoop pretty low, but never low enough to actually enter the girls' bathroom," George snorted (he and Fred once released a small family of gnomes into the girls' bathroom while Pansy Parkinson was occupying a stall, but the twins technically never went into the bathroom).
Fred nodded, still chuckling. "Indeed. You know us better than that, Argus! We're rapscallions, not creeps."
Filch's face reddened. "You have magic!" he huffed. "You could have easily placed the fish from outside of—"
"I'll admit, we're not so talented. I would've liked to take credit for that one," George sighed wistfully.
Fred placed a hand on George's shoulder. "Don't worry, dear brother. We'll think of something just as equally impressive," he comforted.
"You think so?" asked George timidly.
"Aargh!" Filch exclaimed in frustration. "I know it was you two!" And with that, Filch turned around and stomped away in the direction of Professor Dumbledore's office.
George snickered. "I'd say that one went rather well."
"Yes, yes," Fred chuckled. There was a pause. "I wonder how those fish might've gotten there..."
"Shall we go check it out?" asked George. "It's probably been labeled, so no one will go in."
Fred shook his head. "Na, Filch will be in to take care of the mess after he finishes fussing to Dumbledore."
"So we have time to go raid his office while he's busy cleaning up!"
"I like the way you think, George."
"Thank you, Fred."
After filling the toilets in the first floor girls' lavatory with fish you'd collected from the lake as a distraction for Filch, you quickly headed for his office to go through his drawer marked CONFISCATED AND HIGHLY DANGEROUS.
You'd hoped to find something good, but you were disappointed. All that was in the drawer were little, mostly insignificant things. You did recognize a few of the Weasley twins' inventions: firecrackers, puking pastels, dungbombs, etc. It wasn't much, but you started to pocket the Weasley bits anyway because you didn't want to have pulled that fish stunt for nothing.
Just as you were finishing up, you heard the door creak open behind you. You froze. Assuming that it was Filch who had entered the room, you turned around slowly while displaying a guilty expression, knowing you'd been caught.
To your surprise and relief, you were met with none other than the Weasley twins. They seemed just as surprised to see you.
"Merlin's beard, you blokes scared me!" you exhaled dramatically. You looked down at the objects in your hands that had once belonged to the twins and held them out, chuckling sheepishly.
Fred laughed while George simply grinned.
"Keep 'em," George said. "We've got plenty."
"Really?" you asked. "But I thought you guys only sell."
"That's true," said Fred. "But if you're the one who dumped those fish in the bathroom, then you've earned them."
It was your turn to laugh. "Let me guess: you two saw the opportunity I made for myself. I'm sorry to say that there's not much worth taking here," you said as you closed the drawer and shoved the goods into the pocket of your robes. "Well, other than your things."
"That would be our doing," George said shamelessly.
"We ransacked Filch's stash a while back. Guess he hasn't confiscated much since then," said Fred.
You nodded in understanding. "Ah... Well, I'd better get going. The sooner we're all gone, the better."
Fred and George stepped back, holding the door open for you as you exited.
"Thanks!" you said. "And thank you for these." You patted your bulging pocket.
"No problem," the twins replied simultaneously.
"See ya." You smiled and waved, then started to head in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room where you could hide your new toys.
"Wait!" Fred called after you. You turned around.
"What's your name?" George asked.
You grinned. "Y/n. Y/n y/l/n. Pleased to meet your acquaintance," you giggled, curtsying loosely, and then went on your way.
Fred and George watched in silence as you walked away.
"Fred," George eventually spoke. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"I didn't, George," Fred responded, still staring down the hall though you had already gone. "But... I've also never seen a girl steal from Filch... 'til now. It's kinda hot."
George nodded in agreement. "Yeah... Did you notice her house colors?"
"Yeah, can you believe it? A robbing, pranking Hufflepuff!"
"I think we just witnessed a miracle."
The twins laughed together. Though neither of them confessed it out loud, both Fred and George felt something take root (quite literally) inside their hearts that day.
TAG LIST: @jasm-1ne @tomhockstetter7-111 @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
a christmas treat
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george weasley x fem!reader
words: 5,243
a/n: a very seasonal one for you,, hope you enjoy !! :)
warnings: swearing , smut , 18+ 
It had been a drunken mistake. A situation she should never have been in at all. But one final party before the summer break had caused that fateful moment she wished had never occurred. Y/n had been in the library all evening, in a lazy attempt to avoid the Gryffindor party altogether, but decided she would need to return to her dorm at some point.
She’d hoped that maybe they would have calmed a bit now that it was later in the night, but to her dismay the excited shouts sounded the second she reached the common room’s door. With one breath she slipped inside, wanting to pass by the group huddled by the fire unnoticed.
“Hey y/n?” A voice called out.. Her friend Angelina leant over the back of the sofa with a beer in hand and a smile on her face. “You joining us this time?”
“I’m pretty tired, but thanks.”
“Oh come on, you said that last time. It’s the end of term, just have one drink with us?” She pouted, but the girl held her ground and shook her head.
“I have to be up early tomorrow.”
“So do the rest of us!” Lee groaned, “Just stay for an hour then you can escape us again.” He joked. She took the bait, leaving her books on the table and slipping next to Angelina.
She noticed the twins, unfazed by their presence at any sort of party. But she’d never really paid much attention to them, at most times she could barely tell them apart. But with a few drinks in her system, and the need to sleep fading with each one, she noticed one of them in particular. George.
She studied his face subtly as it glowed beside the fire’s light. His was skinnier than Fred’s, with a slightly different jaw shape. His voice was deeper than his brother’s, and she noticed it more as he laughed with disregard for how loud it was and was always the one to start a joke. Then the mole, on the right side of his neck. That was the last thing she noticed before he caught her staring.
But he just did what he always would when someone looked too long, and winked carelessly. Then it was an internal battle not to blush like a child as she quickly looked anywhere but him.
He’d introduced himself not much later while she was pouring herself one last drink before heading up to bed. She’d almost choked at the sound of his voice, surprised that he was taking time to speak to her when he had a whole room of people at his command.
She was drunk, so was he. And she liked the way he smirked and leant down to her from his towering stance. Y/n let him take her ‘somewhere more private’ and fuck her.
That was it. But she reminded herself that he was drunk, so was she.
Nothing more.
So the next day she woke up earlier than the other’s and made her way down to the train alone, in case everyone knew what she’d let that tall redhead do to her the night before. But when they eventually joined her in the carriage, the only questions were about her rushing off so early.
Maybe he was embarrassed, she wondered as the castle went out of view and the lake came in. All that ran through her mind was him, everything she had done was fresh in her memories. So much so that she could barely remember herself being there, if it wasn’t for the hidden bruise he’d left on her shoulder she may have believed it was a dream.
He had felt like a dream.
But he was just drunk, maybe so much so that he had forgotten it all.
It seemed so when they returned after the summer, and he acted as though he’d never even met her that night. So her and the twins remained strangers.
At least until the Christmas break came around.
“I can’t believe they’re making you stay here,” Angelina huffed, often being the first to critique y/n’s muggle parents and their choices.
“It’s just a precaution, I’m fine with them. But when the rest of the family come round, all I want to do is hex them to oblivion.” She laughed.
“It’s wrong though, they’re scared of a witch who isn’t even permitted to do magic outside of the school!”
“It’s only a few weeks, plus I can start studying.”
“Oh good, get all the studying out of the way so we can actually have fun when I get back.” She grinned, snapping her case closed and looking round the room.
“Go, or you’ll miss the carriages.” The girl laughed and pushed her out the door.
“Please don’t spend the whole break alone? And write to me!” She called before rushing out of the common room.
Later that evening she finally did what Angelina had asked of her, both requests. But not quite by choice. She was sitting in the great hall having dinner, the handful of students that remained making it a very peaceful meal. Her hand alternated between eating, flicking the page of her book and writing to Angelina to tell her how boring it was going to be.
She wouldn’t have noticed the two boys in front of her if one of them hadn’t coughed to get her attention. Her eyes looked up, wide and caught off guard as they smiled back with the same face.
“Hello y/n” They said in unison, making it harder yet again to tell them apart.
“You've been left here too?” One of them spoke.
“I don’t mind it,” she said quietly, turning her head back to the book.
Her heart was racing, of course George would tell his brother about the party, she was dumb to think otherwise. But neither of them were letting on about it. Still, they knew her name. He must remember.
“I’m Fred,”
“And I’m George, the better looking one.” He winked, and she froze.
“You okay?” Fred asked, frowning at how she had stopped at the sight of George.
The girl just nodded, resuming her letter to Angelina.
Now it was confusing, she couldn’t tell whether they were pretending to be strangers. Or they actually believed they were. The twins stayed in front of y/n as she carried on her multiple tasks, they didn’t dare interrupt her until she finished her letter and sealed it in the envelope.
“You know we’re the only ones from our year staying here?” Fred told her.
“Oh right, how come you two are here?” She asked them.
“We were hungry,” George said, waving his fork in front of her.
“She means hogwarts you dimwit!” Fred slapped his brother on the head, making y/n giggle sweetly. She had always thought they were annoying, with their pranks and lack of care for anything. But seeing them tease one another, she realised they were in fact quite funny to be around.
“Mother said she’d had enough of cooking for us all, so we’re stuck here this christmas.” Fred explained, not seeming too bothered by his family’s neglect.
“Ron’s here too, and Ginny but I haven’t actually seen her yet.” George frowned, looking round to see if he could spot his little sister.
“Maybe she’s been eaten by that troll hagrid’s hiding in the woods,” Fred said calmly.
“That would be our luck, all mum told us to do was look after Ginny this year.” George groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Back up, a troll?” The girl asked, but both twins just nodded, as if this was known information. “Never mind.”
From then on they sat with her at every meal, always telling her about tricks they would play on the few remaining teachers at the castle. It was four days into the holidays when Fred and George asked her to hang out, a difference to the studying she’d been doing previously.
“We’re heading down to Hogsmeade later, you wanna come with us?”
“You know, seeing as there isn’t really anyone else for you to spend time with,” George had added. The girl still hadn’t figured out whether he remembered the summer party seeing as the only time she saw them was when they were together, but regardless she decided to take Angelina's advice and make some friends.
“Yeah sure,” She closed her book and finished her toast before standing up, “I’ll meet you guys in the common room then?”
It was snowing heavily and y/n was glad she’d put on an extra layer to walk to Hogsmeade, especially when the twins forced her to defend herself from an impromptu snowball fight. Even when she’d hit them both in the face they didn’t give up.
Being away from the castle felt much more fun, even more so with Fred and George taking turns to tease her. Which, surprisingly, she didn’t mind too much. It was never malicious with them, and if they gave it out it was only the rules that they took it too.
They spent the whole afternoon scouring the shops and drinking butterbeer until y/n’s legs felt like jelly and Fred had to give her a piggyback ride up the hill again. Not that he was very trustworthy after him and George raced to see who could drink a pint quicker, five rounds of it.
“Don’t fall asleep y/n,” George had warned as the girl’s head bounced lightly against his brother’s back. “Or Fred will dump you in the shrieking shack!” The girl pretended to be scared, but tried to reach out to push the boy away. Instead she fell off the side of her ride and brought him down with her.
All three of them burst into fits of laughter and spent the next 40 minutes drunkenly trying to complete the 15 minute walk back up to hogwarts. When they finally made it back to the common room, after dodging teachers in the hallway, they fell onto the sofa in front of the fire.
“Fuck, marry, kill…” George started, making y/n and Fred groan in fear of his next few words. “Snape, Lupin, Dumbledore.”
“I think this one might be for you y/n,” Fred laughed.
“Okay,” The girl thought for a second, “right, I would fuck Snape, Marry Lupin… I can’t kill dumbledore though. I’d be evil!”
“You’d FUCK SNAPE?” They cried out in unison, disgusted by her final decision.
“Yeah, I think he’d be a good fuck.” They nearly screamed at what she said. “What…” she laughed, “all that rage has to go somewhere,”
“Stop stop!” George begged, unable to listen any longer. But the girl liked how it bothered him.
“Anyway, I like a deep voice.” She, not really, joked.
Fred started up the hysterics, suddenly unable to stop picturing how Snape would look naked. Something he was not proud of.
“Oh don’t I know it,” George had said.
She hadn’t registered what he’d said, too busy laughing with them both still tipsy from their day in the village. But later on when she sobered up, y/n thought whether George was trying to hint that he did in fact remember everything.
Ron and Harry came down from their dorm room while the older three were still in fits.
“God what happened to you lot,” The twins’ younger brother had called out over the noise, “We can hear you from upstairs.”
“You’ll never guess what y/n said about Snape!” Fred had wheezed out, but was quickly muffled by the other two who decided that both Harry and Ron were too young to know about their game.
“What? I wanna know,” Ron had whined.
“Don’t be so nosy Ron.” George had teased.
“Fred was gonna tell me.” He pointed out, but George kept a tight cover on his twin’s mouth.
“He most definitely will not.”
The two of them left with slumped heads, admitting defeat, and Fred was freed from his temporary prison. He slapped both of his friend’s heads.
“What was that for?” y/n complained.
“I couldn’t breath you idiots.”
They couldn’t help but start laughing again, something which would recur throughout the day until they eventually sobered up before dinner.
Y/n came to terms with the twins and their drinking habits, as it was really the only thing to do to pass the time with so little people around. But when Fred and George were around they always had fun.
The girl watched them whizz about the empty quidditch pitch on their brooms, tossing a ball between themselves. She slipped the flask from her coat and took a sly sip of firewhiskey to keep herself warm. Normally she wouldn’t drink at all, not having done so since the dreaded party where she and George had- you know. But she decided she wanted to do whatever she felt like, it was a rarity.
George flew over, hovering in front of her as she hid the whiskey back in pocket.
“Sure you don’t want a ride?” He raised his eyebrows, he’d been trying to convince her to get on since she’d taken a seat on the stands.
“Not a chance, Weasley, neither you nor Fred are sober enough. I’m precious cargo.” She smiled. The boy’s hair was blown away from his face, held back by the amount of times he’d run his hand through it. She watched his brown eyes sparkle in the winter sun, and was reminded of why he had ever caught her attention in the first place.
“You wanna talk about sobriety eh? Empty your pockets then y/n.” Her stomach filled with butterflies at the sound of his voice speaking her name, but she did as he asked.
“I’ll let you have some if you stop trying to get me on that deathtrap.” The girl sighed and he nodded, taking the flask when she offered it out.
“Nice doing business with you,” He winked and flew off.
The next week went by quickly, and y/n had pretty much forgotten about her worries with George. And now, sooner than any of them had realised, it was Christmas eve. Both twins had burst into the girl’s dorm to drag her out of bed, throwing her around the room until she threatened to vomit on both of them.
“Hurry and get dressed or we’ll miss breakfast.” They called, leaving her dizzy in the middle of the room.
Fred discussed their plans for the day while y/n drank endless cups of coffee, not having the stomach for any food. Not to mention, George had been staring at her for the past 10 minutes, making her too nervous to move much. She much preferred it when she had something stronger to drink.
“I heard from Harry that Ron fancies Hermione,” Fred spoke up, no longer interested in our day's activities. That was very him, he would make a decision then immediately change his mind.
“Well that’s obvious,” George scoffed, having yet another bowl of cereal. She wondered how he could burn off all that he ate. “He’s looks at her with stupid puppy eyes,”
“You have stupid puppy eyes,” The girl joked, earning a look from the twin.
“Oh really?” He laughed. “You practically pout whenever you want something from us?”
“At least it works for me,” I winked, making George choke a bit.
Fred laughed, rarely seeing his brother flustered. They’d discussed crushes before in the past, but y/n had never come up before. He watched the two of them tease one another over the table and thought that they suited each other in reality. Plus, he had never seen George pay as much attention to a girl as he had y/n, even ones that he’d admitted to liking.
That evening had proved Fred’s theory right as they once again sat in front of the fire, the three of them sharing a bottle of y/n’s muggle alcohol. It burnt like hell and tasted like shit, but they had never gotten drunk quicker so decided it was the logical choice.
George had made sure that y/n was warm enough, without expressing too much concern for her that she would notice. Fred had to hide his smug smile as he watched his brother start to flirt shamelessly with their newest friend.
“What do you mean Hogwarts is scary,” He had laughed, “We’re the only things to be feared.” Fred had added.
“And now you’re one of us!”
“As much as that is a very sweet sentiment,” The girl stroked their heads jokingly, like dogs. “But it’s when it’s quiet, like now. My dorm’s just me, and I had the silence. It feels like someone’s always watching.”
“Aww little y/n’s scared.” George had teased, reaching down to tickle the smaller girl. She kicked and wriggled but he was bigger and stronger and could hold her down.
Those hands, holding her arms in place. It almost threw her straight back into the memory of them in secret passageway, him gripping her as he kissed her neck. If it hadn’t been for the tickling, the boys probably would have noticed her shiver at the reminder. But it was lost in their laughter.
It wasn’t long before Fred decided he would give his, slightly older, brother a chance to talk to y/n alone. So he overemphasised his drunken state and wobbled up to bed, leaving the pair by the fire.
They sat in silence for a while, George letting the girl curl into his side as they passed the bottle between them. She watched his hands play with the sofa’s arm nervously and giggled slightly.
“What?” He asked, feeling the need to whisper amongst the silence.
“Nothing,” She dismissed.
“I’ve had fun this holiday,” y/n admitted.
“We have too,” George told her, smiling down sweetly. His top lip curled up ever so slightly, making her blush again like she had done the first time he’d noticed her. “It’s been better than being at home really.” He laughed.
“My family are pretty boring,”
“Oh I can tell,” y/n glared up at him. “I’m kidding darling don’t worry.” Her stomach did multiple flips, not only at the nickname, but at the way he took the arm that was around her shoulder and stroked her cheek. In fact, he didn’t stop. It just became normal after a few seconds, as if he’d always shown her this kind of affection.
“Why didn’t you go home this year?” He asked y/n.
“My parents are muggles, as you know,” she raised the bottle with a gentle laugh “they don’t quite get magic.”
“Oh right,” he was truly invested in her as she spoke, taking in every word with genuine interest.
“They were worried I would let slip to the rest of the family when they came to stay, and well, they haven’t really told anyone else about me.” y/n felt ashamed to be telling George about her family in such a negative way.
“That’s a shame,”
“I don’t mind, they’re just careful people.”
“Still, they should be proud. Not everyone can be a witch,” He laughed.
“I’ve had more fun here anyways, so I won’t complain.” She leant her head on him for a few minutes, watching the flame from the fire disappear over time.
“Can I ask you something?” George suddenly said, making her stiffen up. She just nodded.
“Do you remember, before the summer break, there was a party here?” It was the moment she had been dreading ever since the night itself.
“Uh, yes I do actually.” she gave in, seeing no point in lying to him.
“And you can remember us going off to-”
“Yes George,” she cut him off, embarrassed that she had never mentioned it to him.
“I never told anyone about it,” He told her, making the girl relax ever so slightly. “I didn’t want to just in case you were embarrassed.”
“Thanks, I wasn’t embarrassed as such. Just more scared, that you’d think it was a mistake.” Admittedly she had felt the same, but only because she presumed he would’ve never gone for her had he been sober.
“Why would you think that?” He asked.
“Come on George, we’re different.” The boy had always appreciated how she said his name, and even now it made him giddy with happiness. “You’re friends with every Gryffindor, and they all adore you. I would much rather have my head in a book all day every day.”
“Unless me and Fred are involved.” He wasn’t wrong.
“Yeah well that’s different,”
“Different how?”
“You two are fun,” she admitted.
“And everyone else isn’t?” He smirked.
“You know what I mean, it’s just different.”
“Because of me and Fred? Or… just me?”
She watched his face as he studied hers, taking a deep breath as she rolled her eyes.
“You’re only saying all this because you’re drunk,” y/n scoffed, getting up to leave but he took her hand and kept her sat down.
“Maybe, but that doesn't mean I haven’t been thinking about it.”
His eyes were deep and made the girl’s heart tense as he spoke genuinely. “I thought you hated me after that party, so I just never bothered you. Until Fred decided to befriend you, and then I got to know you and realised why I introduced myself that night.”
“Because you wanted to fuck me?” She watched his face get closer but remained unfazed, refusing to move away from him.
“Of course, but also because you’re beautiful and quiet. Not to mention I’d had a thing for you ever since first year, but you were always in the library and I never got that chance to know you well enough.” He explained softly, their faces now dangerously close.
George glanced down at her lips and y/n couldn’t help but blush.
“I should go to bed,” She whispered, not moving closer or further away.
“Yes you should.” He pulled back with a smirk, seeing her finally let out a much needed breath of air. “Don’t get too creeped out tonight,” He teased as she stood up and walked round the back of the sofa leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
“Come keep me company then you fool,”
With that y/n left, her footsteps going up to her dorm and into the room. George waited exactly a minute after the door shut, counting the seconds one by one. It felt like a lifetime until he reached 60, but then he stood up and smiled to himself. He made his way up the tower, one step at a time to try and make her wait a tiny bit longer. Ignoring the fact that he had been wanting to have his way with y/n ever since that night all those months ago. Having her around had been a joy, but it made his desire grow every time she smiled at him with those lips he couldn’t forget the feeling of.
The lips he noticed first when he opened up the door, not bothering to knock. She was sitting on her bed, just a nightdress on, waiting for him.
“God you’re gorgeous.” He had groaned, promptly closing the door behind him and taking off his shirt.
Y/n struggled not to drag him down as he stood over her body, his abs completely mesmerising her. She knew quidditch was good for something.
“You gonna stand there all night?” She teased.
“No, I’m gonna fuck you like I’ve been wanting to all month.” This time she couldn’t help but gasp at how his words made her feel, her thighs clenching together as a reflex.
George pushed them apart as he climbed on top of her, pressing a leg between her own two. Making the girl moan out at his mercy.
“You’re desperate aren’t you?” She nodded, giving him those perfect eyes he’d been teasing her about only that morning. He dragged his fingers over her face, lifting her chin up so he could run them down her neck. This simple action antagonised the girl, who struggled not to beg for him with each finger slowly gripping her tighter.
Soon he was squeezing, making her moan out effortlessly.
“Hmmm, I love those noises baby.” She could barely hold herself back from pushing herself against his thigh, that remained propped between her legs. It felt like heaven to be touched by him again, and she kept her head held back in ecstasy.
“Please George,” she whispered to him, although there was no real need for them to stay quiet. He slowly moved his mouth to her ear, kissing below it and making her jolt with pleasure.
“What is it darling?”
“Please touch me,”
He took the hand from her neck and pushed her down flat onto the mattress.
“Strip” he demanded, watching her closely discard her nightdress and throw it to the ground. George let her eye him up as he took off his trousers, finally revealing the extent of his bulge as it pressed tight against his boxers.
Y/n could feel it against her pussy as he moved back on top of her, her neck being sucked hard by the boy. He loved the way she reacted to every touch, every finger that ghosted her body, and every kiss placed upon her. It all garnered a gentle moan. George wanted to hear it more and more, he felt entranced by her noises and internally begged for it to never stop.
He pushed himself against her pussy, rubbing slowly with no rhythm to catch her off guard, which god it did. Y/n was all his in that moment, letting herself be whatever George needed as he teased her to the edge. Her breath held as the boy took two fingers and ran them from her neck, freeing her from that euphoric feeling just to replace it with yet another as he slipped them between her folds. Y/n threw her head back, unable to control herself as he played around with her, slipping one finger in and out.
His other hand propped his body up, his biceps big and tensed near her head. She reached up and gripped his arm, moaning out as he pushed in yet another finger inside her, knuckle deep.
“You’re perfect darling,” He told her, “I would have given anything to hear these noises weeks ago.” His voice was deeper than usual, almost a growl as he removed himself from her completely. She whined slightly, making him smirk with how powerless she was.
George reached down to pull out his cock, causing the girl to yet again almost choke. She was amazed at how thick it was. She could feel it perfectly in her memory, but it had been a while and she’d never really gotten a chance to see it in all its glory.
But now there it was, thick and big and waiting to be thrusted inside her. She locked eyes with the boy towering over her body as he teased her with his tip.
“Please George,” She begged, “Please.” Her grip was back on his arm, tightening as he pushed inside. He was drunk on power as she begged for him, begged for him to fuck her even better than he had done months ago.
“Relax baby,” He whispered, pushing it all the way in. The sound that y/n made was nothing short of a scream, finally feeling him all the way in. Her pussy was dripping wet, and gripping onto George’s cock like it was going to be taken away.
The boy pounded into her like he’d been wanting to, ruthlessly and all the while he kept a hand tight around her neck. He thought about how good she made him feel, how small she was compared to him. He loved being able to throw her around and use her as he pleased. But most of all, he loved that she enjoyed it too.
“G-george, George I’m gonna-” Her pussy tightened, making George falter slightly but he didn’t dare stop when she was this tight. Instead he thrusted faster, an animalistic pace, making her scream so much louder than he’d ever heard. Then he felt himself get closer, just from the way her body reacted and he chased that high within her.
“Cum inside me, please.” She begged breathlessly, struggling to keep her eyes open. But when George finally let loose in her pussy, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes in the pleasure of it.
The boy fell to her side, his head resting on the pillow beside her as he caught his breath back slowly. She watched him brush his hair from his face and sigh happily.
“What are you looking at?” George asked, wrapping an arm around her naked body and rubbing his hand against her side.
“I just think you look very cute,” She giggled, high from the feeling of him.
“I fucked you like that, and you call me cute?” He huffed, half joking.
“I can do what I like now, you like me.” She teased him.
“Come on, I’m gonna get enough teasing from Fred when we tell him. I don’t need it from you too.” He groaned.
The next morning, Christmas day, the pair were rudely awoken from their pleasant sleep by Fred bursting into the room.
“I knew it! I could’ve bet good money on you two!” He shouted, shaking his brother as if he hadn’t already heard him come in.
Y/n groaned and rolled under the covers.
“Come on lazy get up,” Fred pulled George out of bed and onto the floor, groaning at his naked brother.
“Good thing you got George before me,” Y/n called out from beneath the covers.
“Get dressed you idiots, there’s presents downstairs let's go!” Fred ran off again, leaving his brother to pull on some clothes. He leant down to pull the covers from y/n’s face.
She felt him place a kiss on her cheek and she giggled at the cold air.
“You getting up?” He asked, passing her a jumper to pull on. She nodded silently, rubbing her head. “Hungover?”
“A little,” She blushed at his messy hair.
“I’ll carry you then,”
The girl put on some pajama shorts and held her arms out for George to lift her off the ground. He groaned happily and took her down to the common room to find Harry and Ron already opening gifts sent from Mrs Weasley. Ginny came racing down not long after, begging Fred to give over her presents.
“These ones are for you y/n,” Harry said when she was plonked on the sofa, warmed by the fire’s heat.
“Thanks Harry,” She looked down at the tag on the packages.
Hope you’ve had a good holiday darling, see you in the summer!
Y/n had spent the best holiday anyone could ask for with her two best friends, and couldn’t imagine having to leave them when the summer came around. She frowned, but the boy with his arm still on her waist saw the note before she could unwrap anything.
“You’ll have to come home with us next summer, not a chance am I letting your parents steal you away.” He joked, but his offer was sincere. She never had to worry about George hiding her away like her parents had done.
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Best Quotes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
“What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?” “Oh no, Ron,” came Fred’s voice, very sarcastically. “No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up.” (Fred Weasley, page 17)
"I shudder to think what the state of my in-tray would be if I was away from work for five days." "Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?" said Fred. "That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway!" said Percy, going very red in the face. "It was nothing personal!" "It was," Fred whispered to Harry as they got up from the table. "We sent it.” (Percy and Fred Weasley, page 26)
“Anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.” (Fred Weasley, page 36)
“I’m never wearing them," Ron was saying stubbornly. "Never." "Fine," snapped Mrs. Weasley. "Go naked. And, Harry, make sure you get a picture of him. Goodness knows I could do with a laugh.” (Ron and Mrs. Weasley, page 63)
“You’re JOKING!” said Fred Weasley loudly. The tension that had filled the Hall ever since Moody’s arrival suddenly broke. Nearly everyone laughed, and Dumbledore chuckled appreciatively. “I am not joking, Mr. Weasley,” he said, “though now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag, and a leprechaun who all go into a bar...” Professor McGonagall cleared her throat loudly. “Er — but maybe this is not the time... no...” said Dumbledore.” (Fred Weasley and Dumbledore, page 75)
“Hello, Professor McGonagall,” said Moody calmly, bouncing the ferret still higher. “What — what are you doing?” said Professor McGonagall, her eyes following the bouncing ferret’s progress through the air. “Teaching,” said Moody. “Teach — Moody, is that a student?” shrieked Professor McGonagall, the books spilling out of her arms. “Yep,” said Moody. “Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment!” said Professor McGonagall weakly.” (Moody & Professor McGonagall, page 82)
“Don't talk to me." "Why not?" "Because I want to fix that in my memory for ever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret...” (Ron to Harry, page 83)
“It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.” (Page 128)
“Oh you is a bad elf, Dobby!” (Winky, 154)
“Percy wouldn't notice a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing one of Dobby's hats.” (Ron, page 155)
“Who're you going with, then?" said Ron. "Angelina," said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment. "What?" said Ron, taken aback. "You've already asked her?" "Good point," said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, "Oi! Angelina!" Angelina, who had been chatting with Alicia Spinnet near the fire, looked over at him. "What?" She called back. "Want to come to the ball with me?" Angelina gave Fred a sort of appraising look. "All right, then," she said, and she turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting with a bit of a grin on her face. "There you go," said Fred to Harry and Ron, "piece of cake.” (Ron, Fred, & Angelina, page 159)
“Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn't mean no one else has spotted I'm a girl!” (Hermione, page 161)
“I took a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room I had never seen before, containing a really rather magnificent collection of chamberpots. When I went back to investigate more closely, I discovered that the room had vanished. But I must keep an eye out for it. Possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning. Or it may only appear at the quarter moon - or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder.” (Dumbledore, page 168)
“I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said, Harry.” (Dumbledore, page 183)
“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” (Sirius, page 212)
“I sometimes find, and I am sure you know the feeling, that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind.” (Dumbledore, page 242)
“You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!” (Dumbledore, page 286)
“Constant vigilance!” (Moody, page 86)
“It is my belief... that the truth is generally preferable to lies.” (Dumbledore, page 291)
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” (Dumbledore, page 292)
“Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.” (Dumbledore, page 292)
“Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.” (Page 296)
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 26
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader   CW: Language, prejudice against MB, blood/injury, sexism A/N: as always, unbeta'd
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Chapter 26: Human Anatomy 
May 4th, 1976
Following the Mary incident, there were two Death Eater attacks in Birmingham plastered all over the Daily prophet now clutched in everyone’s hand. Y/N watched from the sidelines as Lily gripped her copy so strongly that it began to tear where her fingernails were.
Distantly, she could hear Marlene and Dorcas attempting to distract them by fighting over the last Chocolate Frog. Y/N ignored them, her mood dampened from the news and played with her food idly. That was until she felt Sirius nudge her underneath the table, quietly placing the now stolen Chocolate Frog into her hand.
It was clear that she and Sirius reached a standstill. Ever since his outburst, he hadn’t been avoiding her — they still snuck around — but his witty and snarky comments were gone. He’d become more reclusive, shy, even, and couldn’t keep eye contact for too long. A few times, she even caught him entertaining other women and it caused her to stiffen up, laugh bitterly and chip away at any logic, reason — manifesting in irritation and resentment.
It was clear that she and Sirius reached a standstill. Ever since his outburst, he hadn’t been avoiding her — they still snuck around — but his witty and snarky comments were gone. He’d become more reclusive, shy, even, and couldn’t keep eye contact for too long. A few times, she even caught him entertaining other women and it caused her to stiffen up, laugh bitterly and chip away at any logic, reason — manifesting in irritation and resentment.
It was a game of cat and mouse and Y/N was the cat. So the gesture was surprising. She took it from him, smiling as she ripped open the package and split it into two, giving him the larger half. He gave a reticent smirk and went back to his desert.
Sirius Black was confusing.
She saw Remus had put down his copy of the prophet, who pressed his lips together to hide his amusement as he looked between the two. His brow rose; she looked anywhere but him.
It was nearing the end of dinner when James finally joined, just coming from his career consultation. He went over to Ravenclaw’s table first, talking admittedly with Emmeline before making his way over. He was uncharacteristically nervous as he sat down beside Y/N.
“Saved you a plate,” Peter greeted. A large plate of spaghetti hovered in front of him. Normally James would’ve dug in within seconds, but instead prodded at a meatball with his fork. Everyone noticed but ignored it.
“What took you so long?”
Sirius grinned. “I bet McGonagall was listing off the Quidditch teams that want him. Which one is it? Appleby? Puddlemere?”
“I call Ballycastle,” Marlene warned, “I want their spot!”
James remained quiet.
“Don’t tell us you’re going to live off your trust fund,” teased Remus, but it had a questioning tone.
James’s gaze flittered to Lily’s paper before he spoke.“They all reached out.”
Everyone gave a loud round of applause and cheers; Y/N ruffled his hair while Peter conjured one of the floating candles to explode into confetti.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations, Prongs! You deserve —” “I’m turning them down, for now.”
Everyone went still, smiles fading and utensils dropping.
Remus was the first to speak. His eyes glossed cautiously around the table before leaning in. “Want to go somewhere a little more private? To talk?”
James took a deep inhale, peering over to Mary’s empty seat. Still shaken up, Mary had been hiding away in her dorm. As Marlene liked to say, she was pulling a sickie, and nobody could blame her. Then James’ eyes strayed towards Y/N.
“I told McGonagall that I’m enlisting once school’s done.”
Peter placed a tentative hand on him, “What did you say?”
“Er… after everything that’s happened…” He took a deep breath, “I’ve been thinking… I don’t want to live in a world where the people I care about are judged — innocent people are being… slaughtered... I can’t — I can’t just sit here and let it happen! And the war won’t end — not unless people are there to fight.”
Lily ripped her newspaper as she snapped, “This isn’t the time for jokes, Potter. You can’t just say that and —”
“I’m not joking,” James states calmly yet firmly. “Quidditch can wait until the wizarding world is safe.”
Nobody spoke until Dumbledore dismissed dinner.
“I said the same to McGonagall,” Sirius added. Everyone’s head whipped towards him.
“Is this a sick plan you two haven’t told me about?” Remus scolded. His voice was laced in something Y/N couldn’t place but teetered on the edge of indignation.
Sirius shook his head. “No. Never mentioned it to him. It’s just… I want to fight people like… my… family.”
The phrase echoed in her head: my family… What did that mean?
“Then that’s what I’ll do too.” Marlene states.
Dorcas whipped her head towards her. “No, you won’t.”
“Potter’s got a point,” Marlene says. “What good will my influence — power and position I’ve got as a Pureblood do if I don’t put it to use? Besides, my brothers have all enlisted already. They help with the Ministry and Dumbledore.”
Y/N and Lily stayed quiet, both shared a look — the first time either made direct eye contact since their fight. It communicated worry and pure dread.
May 14, 1976
“You pincushion. You’re going to break if you aren’t careful!” She’d been waiting outside the hospital wing for Remus who hobbled his way out with a pink flush.
The Marauders and girls were taking ‘partnering up’ seriously. The Marauders escorted any Muggleborns around the castle at night; James, Peter and Sirius using their blood status while Remus used his height and prefect title as leverage. Even Marlene made sure every first or second year was escorted safely too.
In particular, ever since the mention of enlisting and Mary’s attack, James and Sirius were ruthless — merciless to anyone that showed even the slightest allegiance to the other side. More hexes, jinxs and pranks ensued.
Remus tilted his head as his body shook with quiet laughter. “Just a tumble.”
“Clumsy giant.”
He ignored her, going to take her bag off her shoulder to carry.
“Now you’ve lost it — give it.”
“I’m fine,” he grunted, going to dangle the bag so she wouldn’t be able to take it. But Remus staggered forward a bit, having to stop walking and balance himself out. Y/N noticed, sighing as she linked her arm with Remus’, letting him lean against her for support as they walked.
He did seem peaky, she worried, he waved it off. The Marauders did say he’s ill…
“Are we picking up Butterbeer?”
“Mary and Marlene are getting it.”
“Oh… Mary… How is she?”
Y/N sighed as they turned and left through a secret passageway and into the yard. Today was the last Quidditch game of the year. “I’m not sure… we’re not exactly close and Marlene refuses to spill.”
“I’m glad she’s… okay — out and about. What about you?”
“Me?” She turned to Remus.
“No one has tried to hurt you, have they?”
“Nope.” Best to lie.
Remus loosen up at that. His head tilted to hear her clearer, body hunched over as if he’s trying to get closer.
His soft messy curls were strewn messily around like he just rolled out of bed. “Do tell if someone does. I know you can defend yourself but we all need to be there for each other.”
“Of course. You too?” He hummed.
The hot sun beat down against them as sweat began to form on her forehead. Remus wore a light sweater — just by looking at him, he made her feel uncomfortably warm.
“You’re not hot?” Y/N asked.
He dropped his head a bit and a sudden far-away look filled his eyes. “Erm — not really. I just prefer it.”
She instantly felt bad from his reaction. “Well, at least you look dashing.”
He nodded, smiling before making grabby hands. Y/N glanced sideways, already fishing out her cassette player from her pocket.
“All you do is use me for this thing.” “Hush.”
They walked together down the path, arm in arm, over bumps and dips. Both laughing at the other before Y/N noticed a fairly large ball of black trailing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It was as tall as Flitwick and as long as Marlene’s broom.
Y/N felt herself stop, pulling away from Remus who was about to open his mouth. A rush of excitement filled her. “Is that a dog?!” She already let go of Remus, motioning him over as she dashed off into its direction.
The dog must’ve heard her footsteps before she came to a stop in front of it. Now, slowly walking up, her hand stuck out and waited for the dog to approach.
“Hi there, buddy!” She smiled largely as the dog sniffed her. There was the slightest hesitation before its head rubbed against her hand, moving happily as its tail wagged. Its head bowed, presenting its neck as a sign of submission. It even nudged her. She rubbed the side of the dog’s body. Its fur was shaggy, matted with a bit of dirt which had her nose wrinkled.
Remus eventually appears, watching them but once the dog notices him, it goes rigid, pulling away from Y/N, even going as far to growl at her. Although it’s weak, she still rips her hands away as the dog keeps its gaze on Remus.
“No! Please come back?”
The dog stopped growling, letting her pet him again but bared its teeth to Remus. Remus doesn’t seem to care as he watches the scene intently, a smirk crosses.
“I didn’t know Hogwarts had a dog!” Y/N scratches behind its ears. “You must be Kettleburn’s, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, he’s been around,” said Remus.
“Oh yeah? You seem like such a good boy!” Y/N then stands, picking up a stick before waving it, throwing it far. The dog bolts to retrieve it. “Why didn’t you tell me there was a dog?”
“I’m more of a cat person.”
The dog comes dashing back, stick in mouth as it runs circles around her. She goes to bend down, fingers gliding through its matted fur before getting caught. “You’re kind of disgusting.”
The dog looks at her, its eyes adjusting to open wider while Remus bursts out laughing. Y/N glances at him, questioning his unusual behaviour before reaching to grab the stick from its mouth. She transfigured it into a dog brush and went to work.
"... Kettleburn has really been neglecting you."
Remus’ hands go up to wipe his happy tears before dropping down to sit beside her. She can even feel his body shake with laughter. “You sure you don’t want to leave this mutt be?”
The dog growls at him, Y/N giggles.
“I don’t think he likes you much.”
His face level with the dog. “Don’t like him either.” The dog barks and Remus practically howls.
“So…” he has a sly smirk that tells her he’s up to no good. The light catches onto his eyes, glinting with golden specs like they were infused in him. “You and Padfoot have been chummy lately.”
The wagging tail halts and Y/N stops combing as they both stare at him. The dog pulls away from her grasp and growls at Remus. This time, it’s guttural and deep, sounding like a warning and losing its playful tone.
“I — ugh —” She falters, mentally slapping herself. “We’ve been getting along since Oats. Studying, spending time together… I got tired of fighting.”
“Mmm, I bet.” His voice is condescending. “I heard you want to be a Healer.”
“Say then, do you guys study —” The dog goes and bites down on his jeans, tugging harshly, drawing her attention but Remus continues to study her.
“Look at me, not at him,’” he says cockily. He leans in a challenging manner that has her flustered. He repeats, “Do you guys study… I don’t know… human anatomy?”
The dog barks madly — so loud that they’re getting stares from passing students. Y/N swore she could’ve died there while Remus bellows with laughter: his question answered. She bolted up, remaining silent and marched away from him who hobbled behind her, yelling out false apologies.
Gryffindor, unsurprisingly, had another amazing win against Ravenclaw. James had improved as Captain drastically — confident with his position and team. Marlene improved too, she was almost as fast as the Snitch itself and never let a single Bludger slip past her while James scored goal after goal.
She and Remus still stuck by each other, walking down the rickety wooden stands as they observed the sea of red robes swarming the pitch. James pulled Emmeline into a kiss before he was holstered up by the Gryffindor team. Sirius was cheering him on while Peter was missing, having to leave right after the match for detention.
James then glanced back, along with Marlene, who waved while the two students grinned widely, sticking their thumbs up, fist-pumping in the air as a sign of congratulations.
But it wasn’t long until trouble came their way. Y/N wasn’t sure how Remus knew, but he suddenly went mute, his head perked up and swivelled around. In a fluid motion, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her flush against him; his hand wrapped around her protectively as he shifted his body to cover her and then bucked down; just before a Bludger came barreling their way.
Remus whipped his wand out, pointing at the Bludger that was hurling back, turning it into a balloon.
“The fuck?” Remus breathed out.
From where they stood, they were obscured by the shadows and wooden stands. The crowd couldn’t see them and the Gryffindor team was too occupied to notice. Cackling sounded from one of the exits. It was Crabble, Snape and two other Slytherin’s she didn’t know the names of.
“How cute! Ickle Lupin protecting his Muggle bitch!” Crabble said, flashing a dark smile.
“What did you call me!” Y/N shrieked, still in Remus’ hold before he finally let go.
“Watch what you’re saying,” Remus cautioned, voice dropping low. He stood tall as waves of authority emitted from him while he held his wand tightly, stepping in front of her. His broad shoulders squared. “Thirty points from Slytherin. You don’t want detention, do you?”
“That’s all you got? House points?” Snape taunted. “Loopy Lupin — acting tough in front of his girl.”
“Heard she’s fucking Potter,” the Slytherin said. He had blue eyes and dirty-blond hair.
“I heard differently,” the other nameless Slytherin blurted. He licked his lips in a snake-like motion. “Have you seen the way she and Black are around each other so much now? A Mudblood and a whore!”
She drew her wand.
“Aw, trembling itty, bitty baby!”
“That’s enough, Barty,” drawled Snape. Barty held his wand, toying with it before he lifted his wand, ready to cast a spell.
“Expelliarmus!” Remus shouted at him. Barty’s wand flew from his grasp but wasn’t lucky before the unnamed boy shouted, “Levicorpus!”
Instantly, Remus was grabbed by the ankle, hauled up into the air. Y/N saw him wince, all his belongings thudding to the grass.
“Aw, Rosier,” Snape said coolly. He took a few steps in a twitchy manner, “Stop playing with the poor mutt!”
But before the Slytherins had an opportunity, Y/N shot a spell at Remus, floating him down gently while Snape and Crabble directed a spell at her.
“Protego!” She cried as an invisible shield expanded between her, Remus and the Slytherins. The barrier was so powerful that they all stumbled as Remus went to retrieve his wand.
“Lupin can’t even protect himself! You had to let a girl do it too!” Crabble shouted.
“A Mudblood and a Half-breed! A match made in heaven.”
Angrily, Remus stood, a black ball of light shot out from the tip of his wand at the feet of the Slytherins. A small boom rumbled the ground, sparks of fire emitting but not enough to start a fire. They jumped back and Snape threw another spell.
“Ad sectis!”
Y/N barely had time to block it as a gust of wind knocked them back. It wasn’t a spell she knew of. Remus sent another hex at them but was blocked.
“Dangerous bloke, that Loopy Lupin,” Snape jeered, directing his words at Y/N while the Slytherins laughed. “You ought to be careful who you run around with. Let alone your boyfriend.”
“Shut up!” Remus shouted. “Shut the fuck up!”
“Where do you think he goes every month?” Snape taunted before backing up from them, rejoining the other Slytherins who left, all bellowing, “AHH-WOOOO!”
The reverberation from Remus’ spell drew the Marauder’s attention as they arrived. James saw them, marching up side by side with Emmeline and Sirius. He wore a large smile as he pressed several kisses to the side of Emmeline’s head. “Whiskers! Moony! Did you see that score!”
Remus and Y/N breathed in deeply, dazed and shocked. Remus stumbled over but she clutched his arm to keep him upright.
“Don’t listen to anything they said,” implored Remus.
“Wait… James,” Emmeline said, “I don’t think somethings right.”
“Moony, you’re awfully pale…”
“Shit! Are you guys bleeding?”
Y/N’s eye travelled to a large slash that travelled up Remus’ jaw and leg, blood seeping out at an alarming rate but the cut was shallow. Y/N in turn only then realized the damp liquid was now travelling down her arm. Her arm was also slashed, not deep, but the amount of blood was concerning.
All their voices began chatting over the other as the girls arrived by now; Dorcas rushed up to Y/N, prying Remus off of her as James and Sirius took Remus and sat them on a nearby bench.
“— happened?”
“— Y/N — Remus —”
“Lift your leg —”
“— get to the wing —”
“Merlin’s beard!” Lily shouted. “Give them some space!” Her eyes were on Remus but shifted to Y/N. Hesitantly, Lily walked up to her and bent down in front of her but still kept her distance.
“Okay, we need to get you patched up.” James stood, looping an arm around Remus and stood up.
Marlene rubbed her shoulder while Lily spoke, both James and Sirius doing the same for Remus. “Would you like us to come?”
She shook her head as the girls reluctantly left, but clutched Lily’s wrist as she stood. In a small voice, she asked, “Stay?”
Lily nodded her head and bid her goodbyes with the girls.
“Right, okay. I’ll see you later?” James said to Emmeline who pressed another quick peck to her cheek. Instead of the hospital wing, Remus asked, and was very adamant, about being brought to his dorm where they hauled in Y/N and Lily.
Sirius managed to get the bleeding to stop and worked on Remus before going to patch up Y/N who sat in James’ bed. The curtains were drawn just close enough for them not to be seen while Lily and James feverishly spoke to Remus.
“Ah!” She hissed as Sirius wrapped her arm carefully. Her free hand went to grip on his arm and he looked up at her apologetically.
“M’sorry — and we’re done.” Sirius tosses a quick smile, “You did amazing.” Sirius placed his material to the side and went to hold her hand gently. “What happened? Don’t you dare tell me a lie because this is serious.”
“I thought you were Sirius.” That joke never got old
Sirius broke out into a grin before it quickly vanished again. “Who did this?” He urged voice hardening yet kind. “Please, trust me.”
And she did.
Y/N reluctantly retold the story. Sirius went stiff. She grabbed his arm to bring his attention back to her. “Don’t do something that’ll make it worse. Don't you dare go looking for revenge. Promise me.”
He nodded his head but looked conflicted. At the same time, James pulled back the curtains; Y/N ripped away.
She looked around the room. “Where’s Lily?” “I told her to leave,” Remus cuts in. “I didn’t think that she would’ve liked to hear about the Snape part.”
Her eyes locked with James who wore the same expression as Sirius; he knew. And so she repeated herself, enunciating every word to the boys. “Don't. You. Dare go looking for revenge.”
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
hi love! i was wondering if you could do “false god” + cedric diggory? i hope you are having a great day ❤️
anon: omg can you do a cute little one about cedrics ghost watching over you during the battle of hogwarts (you’re part of Harry’s friend group) and then you die and reunite 🥺
A/N: i combined these two requests. i hope you guys don’t mind!
PROMPT: Cedric and Y/N finally reunite years after his death.
WARNINGS: mentions of death, major character death, angst
WC: 2K+ 
false god (c.d one shot)
When Cedric thought about the afterlife, he never once expected it to be like this. He thought that he would be calm and serene, surrounded by white clouds and sounds of harps softly playing in the background. But the afterlife that Cedric was exposed to, was nothing like that. 
Now, he spent his eternal days, with his heart crumbling in his chest as he watched you lose a part of yourself everyday since he died. He wanted nothing else but to yell and call out for you. He wanted to say, “My darling, you’re better than this. Don’t lose your life just because I’m gone.” It wasn’t fair of him to ask that of you, he knew that. Cedric knew that if the roles were switched— if you were the one in his shoes, he would be acting the same way as you. 
Sometimes he felt selfish because he was relieved that he didn’t have to go through the pain of living life without you. Cedric lived his entire life with you by his side. Since you were kids, you were beside Cedric as your parents were friends with his. You took your first steps together, rode your brooms with one another, entered Hogwarts together. Merlin, both of your first words were a variation of each other’s names. Cedric knew, deep down in his heart, that he wouldn’t know how to live without you. 
Cedric watched fondly as he saw Harry approach you. He was thankful that Harry looked after you after his death, no doubt knowing how close you and Cedric were when he was alive. You looked up at Harry, leaning against his chest as he wrapped a protective arm around you. Hermione and Ron stood off to the side, smiling sadly at you. The start of the year only reminded you more of Cedric’s death and in honor of it, you had a portrait of him hung in the Hufflepuff common room. You were made Head Girl this year and your first duty— which all of the Prefects and Head Boys and Girls agreed to— was to tell all the Hufflepuff first-years about Cedric. 
Now, three months into the start of term, you saw many Hufflepuff students, both first years and older students who had known Cedric when he was alive, talk to the portrait. They sat there for hours, not caring if the image never spoke back. You understood why. The mere sight of Cedric’s contagious smile, the crinkles by his eyes, was enough to put anyone at ease. And if you closed your eyes and focused hard enough, you could hear the sound of his glorious laughter ringing throughout the common room. 
“You ready?” Harry asked quietly, taking a quick glance at Cedric. 
You nodded, ready to enter the Room of Requirement to train for Dumbledore’s Army. You pulled away from Harry and smiled at Cedric, “We’ll talk later, Ced? I love you.” 
Cedric smiled to himself, wanting nothing else but to reach down and touch you. He replied, though you couldn’t hear him, “I love you.” 
As the years passed, Cedric continued to watch over you. He saw you fight and grow into an amazing witch. You learned curses and charms that would’ve thrown Cedric’s head in a frenzy. And all Cedric could do was grin from above and clap his hands happily when you perfected casting your Patronus— a beautiful, Black Swan. He of course had to look it up— who knew there were books available in the afterlife?— and knew that it was perfect for you. You were passionate, driven, and kind with a heart so full of love, Cedric sometimes thought he was undeserving of it. 
He watched you become a Healer St. Mungo’s, living off on your own in a humble flat, not too far from where the both of you grew up. He would listen intently as you talked to him before you went to bed, as if he was right there beside you the entire time. Cedric felt his heart flutter in his chest when he saw you putting up the Christmas ornaments that he made for you when he was 7 years old, too fond of muggle clay for his own good. The ornaments were wonky, and truth be told, they were ugly, but you put them up every year, without fail. 
Cedric watched you live your life but he saw something that most people never saw— he saw you were tired. You were tired of fighting, tired of walking into work to find beds filled with witches and wizards of all ages— some were children— trying to get better because they were attacked, tired of living a life where you were alone, all the time. Despite how tired you were, Cedric knew you were going to keep fighting as long as there was a fight to win. 
When the Battle of Hogwarts came around, there was this feeling in his stomach that told him everything he needed to know. He knew not everyone would make it out alive. For Merlin’s sake, look at him! He was killed like he was just a scrap of rubbish in the way of the Dark Lord, and perhaps, he was. Cedric watched as Sirius Black, Mad-Eye Moody, and even Professor Dumbledore, joined him in the afterlife. It was clear that the Dark Lord and his followers didn’t care who was hurt. 
Cedric watched you limp into the Great Hall, bloody and exhausted, as you pushed past students running around trying to get to their loved ones. He saw you nearly throw up, when you saw the sides of the hall lined with bodies— bodies of students you knew during your time at Hogwarts and some who looked too young to even be exposed to a war like this. You walked down silently, saying prayers for the ones you lost in the battle. 
To your left, you saw Professor Lupin and his wife, Tonks, on the floor, lifelessly, with their fingertips half an inch apart, as if they were trying to touch one last time before the end. You remembered how Professor Lupin teased you endlessly over your crush on Cedric. He was the first professor who noticed it, or maybe he was the first one to have the courage to say it out loud. You weren’t really discreet with your feelings and you were almost sure that Professor McGonagall was aware of it too, but Professor Lupin was the first one to tease you about it. He was the first one to hug you and welcome you into 12 Grimmauld Place when you joined the Order. You were the second person, after Harry, to find out that Tonks was pregnant with Teddy. 
Ahead, you saw the Weasley family gathered around a body. Walking into this war, you knew you were going to lose some people, but never once did you expect to lose a Weasley. You knew that no matter how many of them there were, not one of them could be replaced. As you walked closer, you recognized the body as Fred Weasley. Beside him was his twin, crying quietly into the shoulder of Ron. It was Fred Weasley on the floor— the same bloke who made it his mission to make you laugh once more after the life was sucked out of you when Cedric died. You stood off to the side, an arm wrapped around Hermione. 
Cedric remained silent, looking down at the casualties. Professor Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley, young, Colin Creevey with his camera still around his neck— they were all gone. Cedric hoped that he could promise them that the afterlife brought peace, but he knew he couldn’t do that, because ever since he arrived, he found no peace until he knew you were alright. 
A hand touched his shoulder, and he looked up to see a smiling Fred Weasley. The redhead spoke, “You alright there, mate?” 
“Yeah,” Cedric chuckled, pulling him in for a hug. “I appreciate you looking after Y/N.”
“No worries. It seems like you’ve been looking after her too,” he commented, peeking at the display in front of Cedric. “Godric, Georgie’s a bit of a sap, isn’t he?”
He laughed because only Fred Weasley would make a joke during a time like this. Fred gave a goofy smile and patted Cedric’s back before he walked away, leaving Cedric alone again. As the war picked up again, Cedric focused on you, making sure that you were safe— whatever safe meant in a war zone. When Harry leaped out of Hagrid’s arms, he saw the relief wash over every single person’s face. People fought harsher than before, knowing that the war would soon come to an end and it seemed that young Potter would rise as the victor. 
The Deatheaters knew it too. Many of them began to retreat as they saw the Dark Lord stumble under Harry’s magic. For a split moment, Cedric was entranced by the fight between the two wizards, before you caught his eye again. You were smiling sadly, happy that the war was almost done. Harry was going to win. The fight was won. 
And that’s Cedric saw it. You broke down your walls. 
“Avada Kedavra!”
You didn’t move or try to counter it. You let the curse hit you and you drifted away with the same smile on your face. You knew you weren’t needed down there anymore. The war was finished. Now, you needed to take care of yourself and join the others. You had to pick up the pieces of yourself that you lose over the years. 
When the display ceased to be nothing, Cedric frantically looked around, afraid that he had lost you. But it was the opposite, because not more than a second later, your soft touch landed on his back and there you were. He breathed out a sigh of sadness because you deserved to live, a long and happy and fruitful life. You didn’t deserve to be here so early. He shook his head in disbelief and pushed you away, refusing to look into your eyes. 
You were patient, of course, you always were. You kept your distance until Cedric had the courage to look at you. In your face, he saw you— the person that you were before his death. You were smiling with the smile that made Cedric fall in love with you in the first place. The burden of the war was no longer on your shoulders. You stood tall, finally breathing calmly instead of gasping for air to survive. Cedric understood then that your decision to not fight back was not because you wanted to die, but because you wanted to live. 
The life that you had on the ground was not a life you saw for yourself, but this afterlife, was everything you could wish for and more. He approached you, hesitantly, afraid that you might reject him and Merlin, if you rejected him in the afterlife he wouldn’t know what he’d do. You were here for eternity. You made no moves to get away, instead you melted into his touch when his hand cupped your cheek. 
“I should’ve said it when we were still alive,” Cedric confessed, whispering, hoping that if this was a dream, his quietness would cause it to last a bit longer. He continued, “I love you. And I’ve been in love with you since before I even knew what it meant to be in love. And I’ll continue to be in love with you until our life here comes to an end. I’ll love you even through this other lifetime— especially through this other lifetime.” 
“Cedric Diggory, I’m so in love with you,” you replied, your lips touching his. “I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me and this is the feeling I’ve been yearning for, for years. I’m so glad to be here with you, finally.”
He closed his eyes, pushing his lips against yours. And for the first time in years, you and Cedric finally knew of peace. 
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corinnesamuels · 3 years
Guarding the Gates
Chapter 14: Money and Magic
After a brief hiatus, i’m back in business, baby! In this chapter, Lily and James get more details about their mysterious assignment, James has things put into perspective, Lily goes to girls’ night, and Patronuses bring more stress.
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“Don’t tell me your hearing’s gone.” Moody growls.
To one James Potter, this whole situation feels as if it’s some sick joke. In less than 24 hours, he’s somehow gone from watchman and warrior to becoming the universe’s plaything. Is this a prank? Did Sirius set this up? No, this seems a little too farfetched for his usual tastes. Perhaps this is Peter’s work—
“Why newlyweds?” Lily’s voice sounds breathless when it reaches his ears, but not in that way it had the night before when it sent a chill down his spine and spurred him on…James shakes his head to get his thoughts back to safer ground. 
“Because no one will question why the muggle Prime Minister’s young, newlywed relatives are in such close proximity with the Minister or each other.” Moody replies. “You’ll be able to move under the radar, stand guard over him, confer with each other about status reports, and everyone will be none the wiser.”
“Those around you will simply assume that you are doing what young couples do.” Dumbledore says calmly as he leans back into his chair.
“And the Prime Minister,” Lily continues. “Will he also think we are newlyweds?”
Dumbledore takes a moment to survey them over the tips of his steepled fingers. “The Prime Minister’s team will be told that the two of you are secret intelligence officers.”
Just when James thought the situation couldn’t get any stranger.
Lily almost laughs in her surprise. “Like MI6 or something?” James can hear the sarcasm subtly easing its way into her words.
“I knew we picked the right ones, Dumbledore.” Moody says appreciatively.
Lily’s jaw drops as she turns her head to the Auror. “I was joking…I—nevermind.” She shakes her head. “Why us?”
“We need someone who is intimately familiar with muggle customs and systems who can both pass as a relative of the Prime Minister and also hold their own in a duel.” Dumbledore says kindly as he gestures toward Lily.
James sees the corner of her mouth rise slightly. He knows that while Lily is just as uncomfortable as he is at the idea of having to pretend to be newlyweds on holiday after their previous evening together, she has always appreciated Dumbledore’s praise. And still does, though she attempts to not show it too much. 
“And me?” James asks.
“You are also a skilled dueler, and though a pureblood, I don’t doubt your ability pass as a muggle.” Dumbledore hesitates for a moment, and Moody takes the opportunity to interject.
“And you’re rich, Potter. And we need the two of you to pass as well-to-do.”
James chuckles softly to himself as Dumbledore sends Moody an irritated look out of the corner of his eye. James is quite sure that what Moody said is the crux of the matter, but he knows without a shadow of a doubt that Dumbledore would have said it with more tact than Mad-Eye ever cared to use.
“Besides, the sexual tension between you two is nauseating most days. We might as well put it to good use.” Moody continues as he stands to leave. The chuckle in James’ chest shoots up to his throat, causing him to sputter and cough at Moody’s words. 
He catches his eyes straying toward Lily just in time and forces them to look off in the opposite direction as he taps his fingers against his knees to give his hands something to do. He doesn’t have to see Lily to know that she is mortified.
“Alastor.” Dumbledore’s reproach falls on deaf ears as Moody heads toward the fireplace. 
“I’ve got to be back at the Ministry, but good luck, you two. Remember to stay alert. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” the Auror yells before vanishing in a swirl of green flames.
“Well! This seems like it may be quite the undertaking.” Lily says in an overly pleasant tone as she changes the subject. “What all do we need to do to get ready for this?”
“Before we discuss those details, I must impress upon you the importance of keeping this confidential. No one can know the location or the objectives of this mission.” Dumbledore leans forward and pins them with a discerning look over the top of his half-moon spectacles. “That includes Marlene and Dorcas, as well as Misters Black, Pettigrew, and Lupin.”
Lily and James exchange puzzled looks before turning back to the headmaster with questioning gazes. “I can’t tell Sirius?” James asks.
“Because of the nature of this mission, I must ask you to keep this between us for now.” Dumbledore replies. “Your friends can know that you will be gone for a few days, but all correspondence needs to be done through myself or Alastor. No owls, no Floo, no Patronuses, no details. You will be, as they say, off the grid.” Dumbledore pauses. “Will that be a problem?”
“No.” Lily says. “That won’t be a problem, sir.”
“I assume this means the two of you agree to take on this mission?” Dumbledore asks. “James?”
Lily meets James’ gaze, and understanding passes between the two of them. Duty over discomfort. He nods before turning back to his old headmaster. “We agree.”
When James and Lily finally stand to leave Dumbledore’s office hours later, James is filing away various details, logistics, and plans into multiple parts of his brain. There is so much to do and keep top of mind that he almost forgets to feel awkward around Lily. That is, until he begins to walk toward Dumbledore’s fireplace, and she stops him from grabbing a handful of Floo Powder.
“James? Would you be open to walking past the gates and apparating from Hogsmeade?” Lily’s voice sounds tentative when it reaches James’ ears, as if she doesn’t know that even when it’s in his worst interests, he’ll follow her anywhere she asks. “I wanted to have a word about some of the logistics, and there’s no time like the present.” Lily rocks forward onto the balls of her feet and back, an uncomfortable smile plastered stiffly across her face. 
“Of course.” He replies casually. “Shall we?” Lily nods and falls into step with him as he opens the door and steps aside for her to exit the Headmaster’s Office first. She thanks him and waves goodbye to Dumbledore on her way out, and James turns to give his goodbyes as well.
“Professor.” James says with a nod.
“Good luck, James.” Dumbledore replies with a glint in his eye. For a second, James almost thinks it’s a smirk.
Lily and James descend from the stairs that lead to the stone gargoyle guarding Dumbledore’s office and walk the still familiar hallways of Hogwarts Castle, taking care to skip the trick step on a specific staircase, and waving to a few ghosts as they head toward the main doors. 
“It almost feels strange not doing the full patrol.” Lily says when they get outside. 
Funny. James had been thinking about patrols too. Mostly about how often his 17-year-old self had wanted to pull her into a hidden alcove and snog her senseless while doing patrols. 
“Almost.” He replies.
There’s an unpleasant pause, but James doesn’t rush to fill it like he usually would. Lily asked for a word, so she was going to have to give one. If for no other reason than the fact that he doesn’t know what the fuck to do here.
“James, I…” she trails off before taking a deep breath. “I know what we said this morning, but I need to know if we’re okay. In real life, not just in polite conversation.”
She’s fidgeting with her hands now. James hasn’t seen her do something like that since before she was waiting on her NEWT results. And while he wonders what she has to be nervous about, he feels an overpowering urge to comfort her. Instead, he runs a hand through his hair and lets out a low chuckle. “It’s a bit awkward, isn’t it?”
“To say the least.” Lily raises her eyebrows and drops them as she lets out a huff of air.
James doesn’t know what the protocol is for comforting the object of your unrequited affections after having grief sex with her the night before and dealing with the regret of it just that morning. He’s fairly positive that it probably isn’t taking her by the hand to stop her from fidgeting as she attempts to smooth things over. His pride is very insistent about this fact. But his pride has so rarely ever won out when it came to Lily Evans, so it is easy to ignore. 
He had never cared much for protocol, anyways.
Read the Rest at ao3!
Start from the beginning!
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
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Chapter 3 is finally here. Sorcerers need their shopping done, too. Beyonce/Wong platonic ship (joking)! And finally some action, more witchy stuff. Bucky whump because I have a saviour complex. Stucky cuteness moment. Some blood/gore in this chapter.
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My insides clenched, seeing the yellow and blue notice taped to my door - the building manager rarely left notes, so whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good. I had managed to wind myself up into an anxious frenzy by the time I had gone inside and locked my door behind me, immediately thinking I would have to exhaust myself by turning to magic to keep a roof over my head.
For once, the news turned out to be positive: a neighbor was being evicted and turned in to the police for stealing packages. The building manager urged the tenants to report any missing items and apply for a refund when possible, apologizing for the inconvenience. I wondered what prompted this, basically unheard of in NYC, act of kindness as my altar stared at me with mocking amusement, pointing out the obvious by its mere presence.
Grinning to myself, I texted Odette - predictably, she was happy for me, happy that my protection spell had turned out strong and steady, and added a few tips of her own for my spell to stay that way. It felt like I'd grown invisible wings, those days, with all the possibilities open - and never once did I let myself entertain a thought of getting back at an enemy of the past for longer than five seconds.
Sure, it was perfectly human to consider making the cheating ex go bankrupt or make sure the college professor, that failed a couple of students each semester as a 'reality check', trips and face-plants at least once a day... I mean, who wouldn't experience a malicious sort of joy from petty revenge?
But I found my powers were best applied with a positive result in mind. My friend's cat was the first test rat- I mean, living creature I had practiced my healing spells on. The eleven year old kitty was struggling and both me and my friend loved the critter dearly - so the short, but tiring spell I performed yielded exactly the results I was expecting. Odette said something about genuine love backing up the magic, and- well, Dumbledore much?
On humans, it turned out, it wasn't nearly as simple. I didn't know what I had expected would happen after performing nothing short of a whole improv-performace type of ritual right in front of my very puzzled but hopeful friend with chronic asthma, but it wasn't the sheer exhaustion that ran bone-deep and left me bedridden for a whole day.
Odette visited my dingy apartment with her signature enormous purse full of vials she spoon-fed me and trinkets she strategically placed in and around my immediate sleeping area. "There, there," the woman patted my head as I pitifully moaned at the ear-splitting headache. "The first one is always the most challenging. After all, if it would be easy, everyone would do it."
I understood that. But at the same time, it felt unfair that no good deed went unpunished. I told Odette so, raising my voice to the best of my ability as she rummaged around my kitchen.
"Nothing in this world comes out of thin air, whatever you decide to give has to be taken from somewhere," she explained patiently. "People like us are considered hedge witches. We do solitary work and draw most of our energy from the Earth, from mother Nature. We cannot perform miracles, however, the cost of our spells are very low," I felt an immediate peak of interest at the simple yet effective explaination she gave me. "We remain mostly human. Gaia* is kind and generous to the ones who pay respect," Odette continued over the clatter of pans and pots. "There are other kinds of witches - who take from other people, who take from the dead. But taking something by force always leaves scars and taking something from the dead means bringing a piece of them back to places it should not be."
I pondered the words as Odette brought the kettle to a boil, the whistling shriek piercing through my skull like a sharp projectile. "What about Voodoo practitioners?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity.
Odette cleared her throat. "What is left of them is mostly not human. Their gifts are great but the costs are greater. They can live far, far longer than the average witch but their souls will know no peace, just like the souls of the dead they anchor to themselves over time," Odette entered the room with a bowl of tangy, creamy liquid that smelled like pumpkin soup. "We do not bestow any judgement upon our brothers and sisters but it is our duty to inform the young." She cast a pointed glance towards me, passing me the soup and a wooden spoon I didn't know I had. "This should help you recover. Take tomorrow off if needs be."
She left shortly afterwards and I hadn't much strength than to use the bathroom, wash the rune-engraved spoon and curl up in my bed, only waking up when the meager light shone over my face from the window. Sleepy and fog-tinted, the early morning NYC was damp and windy as I stuck my head out of the window to soak my sleep-heated head in the cool air.
As uneventful as the day at the café was, I still wasn't up to 100% energy-wise, but the long walk from Jeremy's to Odette's was pleasantly invigorating. I didn't find the cold autumn moisture displeasing; the small raindrops kept me awake and alert. Odette nodded in muted pleasure as I clocked in and returned the special spoon back to her. The runes on it were interesting; I had taken a picture of them for research purposes, fully intending to craft myself something similar.
"Odette has taken on an apprentice," Wong's voice had me take in several deep breaths in preparation for the inevitable fuck-fest on my patience. "She has been avoiding me. And the girl is painfully slow."
I didn't hear the answer of Wong's companion over the rustling of the boxes I was hastily shoving in their places before the Asian man's temper grew foul. More foul. Ugh. The sharp ding of the bell had me yelling a, "Just a second please, I'll be right with you," while trying to keep my tone polite.
Wong's sour face and a list of items required greeted me as I flew out of the backrooms, noticing the locked doors of Odette's office on my way out. Wong's companion stood at the far end of the store - his robes quite different from the ones I'd seen people of their kind wear, his lithe, tall figure seeming strangely familiar. I squinted my eyes at his back. "Is this all you need?" I waved the list around, increasing the volume of my voice.
The tall man turned around and I could only gape. He, in turn, also froze, the stern, unfriendly expression losing heat and giving way to perplexed wonder. "I had placed an order, for sorcerer Strange," Tony's boyfriend eyed me somewhat sheepishly under Wong's concerned gaze.
I nodded, eyeing Wong in turn, letting satisfaction nestle a warm ball in my chest. Stephen's look of displeasure had turned onto his... Colleague. By the time I finished retrieving Strange's order and packing up the items on Wong's list, the Asian man had left, leaving Stephen to sheepishly pretend to examine the books on the furthest shelf. I waved the paper bags as he took long strides towards me, his fancy, large necklace glimmering under the lights.
"So, how long have you been working here?" Sorcerer Strange asked after I told him the total.
The cash register beeped loudly, coins clattering on the desk as I counted out his change. "Some time now," I shrugged noncommittally. I felt his magnetic eyes gloss over my adornments, the star necklace, the various rings; I could practically feel him coming to his own conclusions. "Long enough for your colleague to get an attitude with me," I had to make sure he knew I would be taking no bullshit from him - or anyone else, for that matter. Odette's opinion on his kind was firm and I was heavily inclined to agree.
"Hmm, I see," Strange was equally as keen on hiding his curiosity. It was a funny thing, really, that we, being adults that we were, treated this encounter like some sort of a dirty secret. "Don't take it personally. Wong is like that with everyone," The man briefly scratched his beard with a gloved hand before pocketing his change and picking up the bags. "Except Beyoncè, maybe," the wink he threw me was positively mischievous as it caught me off-guard, giving him a fox-like appearance.
I sighed as the door shut behind him. Pretty white boys - the ultimate human disasters.
I had no time to dwell on them, however, as something - or someone, hit downtown with all the malicious intentions to wreak havoc on the innocent civilians calmly going about their day. Mutants and people who knew Odette came in hordes, scrapes and bruises and strange wounds that required imminent healing.
My boss was no rookie, she dutifully accepted each and every single soul, looking worse for wear with each minute. Not being able to withstand seeing her drain herself, I simply took over the simplest tasks - and she said nothing, just gave me a nod, instructed to use whatever I needed and write it down somewhere along with the name of the person who required the healing.
As the battle raged, the crowds thinned but the ones who managed to come to Odette's spouted more serious wounds, obviously a result of them fighting back. Mutants covered head to toe with coats and hats and robes, for me to swallow my shock when they undressed - horns, tails and weird skin textures were on the far end of the normal. I dutifully extracted small pieces of information from each and every person I treated.
Yes, the Avengers were winning. No, there aren't many people hurt, most of the damage is cosmetic. Yes, the villain of the week is as stupid as usual. It was like a mantra. Odette poked her head into the spare room every now and then, her eagle eyes briefly scanning over me to make sure I wasn't exterting myself.
As I applied the healing salve to a tiny, pink-skinned woman, bandaging up her hands, my boss entered and closed the door behind her, setting down on the creaky chair with a loud thud. "Just got the news, the Avengers apprehended the terrorist," she sighed long and slow. "We've done all we could, the next few days I'll be handling house calls so you'll be here on your own. I'll probably see you in a few days, don't hesitate to give me a call if something comes up," Odette seemed to be barely standing up, yet when she tore off a few pieces of her jewelry and chucked them into a big tin can under the sink, the glossy sheen in her eyes melted away.
"Okay," I mumbled under the watchful eyes of the mutant woman. "Will there be more people coming in today?"
"No," the woman in front of me snorted. "SHIELD is prowling the streets. They are not fond of us, they always say we intervene unnecessarily even though we willingly do their dirty work so our children could be safe," the bitter, harsh tone took me off-guard.
I had to admit, there was reason behind her words. "Will you be able to get home safely? I have a puffy coat and a hat you can borrow." Figuring an expensive taxi ride would be a better alternative to something terrible happening to the woman, I offered her my winter clothes.
She smiled at me, razor blade teeth and large, red eyes the kindest I'd ever seen on a person. In the end, she took the clothes, promising to bring them back in a few days and Odette gave me a parka that was too small for her frame - despite it smelling like someone's grandma's attic, I found it to be quite lovely vintage. The puffy knitted scarf she added felt like warmth and safety - she had to have knitted it herself, for I knew, handmade items carried a significant amount of energy in them.
The shop was eerily quiet as I cleaned and scrubbed the stained, dirty floors and disposed of the bloody clothes and bandages in the tiny, odd fireplace in Odette's office - that was a thing most peculiar, it burned everything I put in it, but had no chimney, no place for the smoke to exit. Magic.
Something banged loudly against the entrance door. I let out a startled shriek, broomstick falling out of my hand and adding to the sudden cacophony of noise as the figure behind the stained glass slowly slid down the door, a deep, male voice groaning something incomprehensible loud enough for me to hear.
Grabbing a large serrated knife we used for mincing the bones of small animals, I made quiet steps towards the door, seeing a large, obviously humanoid figure helplessly lean on the door. The man's arm glinted chrome black and gunmetal grey in the low light. "Sargent Barnes? Bucky?" I whisper-shouted, carefully plying open the door.
He lifted his head, blood dripping down from it, his face looked like someone went to town on it with a meat mullet, his eyes were unfocused and couldn't keep a straight line. His flesh arm leaned heavily on the door frame, the prosthetic hanging limply, dragging his whole body to its side. It must've weigh a ton.
"Я должен найти капитана Роджерса," he whispered.
I didn't understand Russian at all but I could make out the name of his boyfriend. Which made sense. Bucky looked severely concussed - I idly wondered what exactly they had been fighting, what could have given a freaking super-soldier such a brain-leaking injury. "Sargent Barnes, follow me," I put on my big girl shoes and used my momma bear voice, towing the man behind me.
He, too, weighed a ton, as I stumbled, helping him into the chair in the spare room that became my healing station for today. The longer I looked at Bucky, the less lucid he grew, eyes falling shut as he murmured something in jagged Russian, slurring his words.
There was no time to think about the consequences of exposure of my witchcraft; mortar and pestle, herbs and salves flying everywhere, I assembled a healing spell and memorized the according ritual in what felt like record time. He was bleeding all over the chair, fresh crimson blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and it was all I could see.
I hadn't known true terror until the blood that poured out turned black. Whatever it was in him, it was poisonous - my protection charms grew hot, scalding as they left marks on my skin; powering through the pain and unable to turn my eyes off the convulsing Barnes, I finished the chant just as the flow of vile, tar-like liquid suddenly ceased. It pooled around his feet, dripped down the armrests and matted his long hair. It reeked, too, of copper and putrid meat.
Bucky had passed out somewhere mid-spell, the slow, steady breathing bringing me my own sense of calm. To say that I was drained would be an understatement - my vision swam and my world spun on it's axis as I unlocked Odette's office to messily rummage through a cabinet for the emergency tonic I knew she kept there. I chugged the vial, an avalanche of almost anxious, jittery energy hit me like a freight train - exactly what I needed.
I bought myself a couple hours of time. Cleaning up the sludge around Bucky's feet and removing the outer parts of his gear was easy as he remained as relaxed as a cooked spaghetti noodle. The amount of weapons he had on him was impressive, but those weren't what I was looking for - his phone. It was dead, so I plugged it in, waiting for the 5% to show and bringing it to his fingertips, hoping he used the print recognition instead of the password option... And I lucked out.
"Hello, this is Star, I found a Bucky. Tell Dr. Strange to come get him, he knows where I am." I texted the "Stevie ❤️" contact, my inner fangirl self squealing at the dorky name of his boyfriend's contact in Bucky's phone. Shortly afterwards, I went ahead and snapped a picture of myself next to sleeping Bucky, figuring out some actual proof wouldn't do any harm in this bizarre situation.
The answer didn't let me wait long. "10 minutes" came the first text, and shortly afterwards - "Is Bucky okay??????". I had to snort at the amount of question marks before honestly replying "He will be ☺️" and putting the phone back in Bucky's pocket. I cleaned up and attempted to lift Bucky up, succeeding in waking him up into a half-lucid state, probably courtesy of decades of training and whatnot, to at least drag him to the front of the store. I wasn't particularly comfortable with strangers seeing the backrooms.
Bucky leaned with his back against the counter, ass flat on the floor and a towel with a cold compress pressed to his head when the doors all but flew open, revealing Captain Rogers, still in uniform and Stephen Strange, arguing with his boyfriend, both still suited up and bloody and grimy.
"Uhh," I blinked owlishly, causing the men to stop bickering and stare first at me, then at Bucky. "I think he hit his head," I offered weakly, backing up slightly at the amount of burning eyes staring at me.
"Shortcake, that you?" Tony's eyebrows rose as he surveyed the bodega, the items on the shelves, the black and red blood stains on my previously pristine, yellow shirt.
"Now is not the time, Tony. Go with Rogers, make sure the medical is prepared for Barnes and disable his arm," Strange barked out authoritatively, shooting me a puzzled but compassionate look. "The portal is open. I'll talk to Star, find out what happened." He advanced towards me as Captain picked up Bucky bridal-style as tenderly as he could while making sure the compress stayed on.
"Keep that tone fo the bedroom," Tony's voice was more than displeased as he shot me and Strange a hurt look, but followed Steve into the golden circle right outside the door before it sparked shut.
"Now, now, what happened here?" The sorcerer's voice lowered into a soothing drawl as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. My shoulders sagged, fingers twitching with anxious energy. The man extended a gloved hand, briefly squeezing my shoulder. "It's alright, take your time."
Damn, did I look that bad?
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.12}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.4k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
The time before the actual welcoming feast seemed to stretch on forever this year. The sorting took longer than usual, or at least it felt like that, and Dumbledore's speech seemed even more repetitive and boring than it always had. Robin guessed that it was the 48 hours without a meal that had her desperately looking forward to the beginning of the feast, and seeing as nobody else seemed to be bothered by how long it all was taking, she probably was right to think so.
In her impatience, she started fiddling with whatever cutlery she had within her reach on the table, tapping her feet, nibbling on her bottom lip… until the people around her were starting to be seriously irritated by her behavior, upon which she forced herself to stop. Instead, she went for her usual inspection of the staff at the head table. What was sitting up there like? Did they ever feel observed, or were they used to it from all the time they got stared at in class? She should ask about it, at some point.
Other than a few more wrinkles here and some new robes there, things really hadn't changed; they never did. While Dumbledore was speaking in the front, the teachers behind him were unsurprisingly not paying all too much attention. Sure, they all made the impression to be listening, but when Robin followed the line of faces, she could see Sprout quietly chatting with Hooch, Trelawney taking more interest in her goblet than in her colleagues, Hagrid and Flitwick having a very subtle argument about something… and then there was McGonagall, talking to Snape as if there wasn't even a speech she ought to be listening to. Robin inevitably had to smile when she saw the two; McGonagall being very much focused on whatever she was saying, while Snape was listening carefully but pretended to be entirely uninterested at the same time. Robin realized that he might very well do that to everyone who tried to talk to him about anything of minor importance. Then again… he was always listening to whatever she was rambling about, without a single spark of indifference. The thought made her smile even more. Perhaps he simply didn't bother with the facades around her anymore because she knew better anyway.
When the meal finally started, Robin was more than happy to indulge in the different kinds of food, and somehow everything tasted better than she remembered it to. But after weeks of living off whatever was cheapest in the store that day, a fully cooked meal like this was the most luxurious thing she could think of in the first place.
"I don't think I've ever seen you enjoying your food that much." Jorien remarked after a while, and Robin had to fight the embarrassment that wanted to paint her face.
"Yeah, didn't you get any breakfast at home?" Cas chuckled while she again picked the mushrooms out of her mixed vegetables and moved them over to Robin's plate. Some things just never changed.
"Good question, you've certainly lost some weight over the weeks of summer…" Jorien added, and both girls looked at Robin expectantly for an answer.
"I had quite a bit of exercise during the holidays, more than I usually get. Running through nature all day, every day, is a workout in itself. Perhaps that's where the weight went." She only shrugged in return, putting it off as nothing like she did so often when she didn't want the girls to know the truth. "I'm sure I'll be back to normal in no time now that we're back at school."
"You should eat dessert, too, then. Your robes look too loose like that, the fit needs some curve!" Cas replied in an expert manner, and Jorien only snorted while rolling her eyes. Robin however didn't mind, and when the time came, she had dessert indeed.
When the feast was over at last and the students started filing out of the hall to head to their common rooms, the three girls were among the very last to leave, as were Simon and his friends. The group split up into three segments in the entrance hall, Cas and Jorien heading to the Slytherin common room and the Ravenclaw boys to their own, while Robin wanted to tag along with her roommates for the way down to the office. But she didn't even get to the staircase before she was whisked away from the two girls –who were accustomed to her sudden disappearances by now– and she found herself in a gloomy ground-level hallway she hadn't even known existed up to this point, with a racing heart that only changed the reason for its speeding but not its pace itself when her eyes fell onto Snape two steps away now. Bloody hell… he shouldn't do things like this if he didn't want her to just lose it at some point.
"Was that really necessary?" She huffed in amusement, and couldn't help smiling up at him anyway. "I was just on my way down to the office to find you!"
"That is precisely why it was necessary." He replied calmly, with the barest hint of a not-smirk. "I have to patrol the castle grounds tonight, Minerva asked me to switch places with her. So no sitting in the office for now."
"Lovely." Robin sighed under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back against the cold stone wall behind her. "And here I was, thinking that I would finally get to have coffee with you again after a week of being alone."
"We still can, after patrolling. Are you accompanying me like always?"
"Obviously." She gave him a small smirk once more, leaning her head to the side. "Are you making me coffee afterwards as a fair compensation like always?"
"Obviously." He rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance, which only made Robin grin more. "I must admit, a week without your insufferable self really turned out to be quite dreadful after all."
"Good. I missed you too."
"Is my house still standing?"
"Would it annoy you more if I said yes or no?" She asked innocently, rising her eyebrows once more, and her heart skipped a beat when he actually smirked for real in return. Always a delight to see, no matter how frequently it happened by now when they were alone.
They started sauntering through the hallways then, like they had done in the past school year as well, in search for students breaking curfew or any other inconveniences they could only hope not to encounter. Patrolling really was something Robin couldn't help but wonder about. Usually it meant for one professor to wander the castle alone, in the dark, without anything to do other than trying to make the night pass by as soon as possible. How dreadfully boring that must be; she was glad that she could make the dull task a little better for Snape by joining him in the misery of it at least. That way, they at least could chat and joke and bicker like always, only a bit more quietly. The portraits still grumbled at them from time to time, which however they simply ignored as they moved along. After an hour, they had caught up on the week's few events on either end, and Snape was quite obviously annoyed by the fact that Robin had spent two days without a meal. It took her a good twenty minutes to convince him that it was fine, and even more importantly, that it was in the past now and thus didn't matter anymore. Still, he seemed to be rather upset with himself about the issue, but Robin knew better than to push him, so she merely changed the topic, and eventually they were back to the usual. Other than that the night was considerably eventless.
It was only when they were passing through an almost empty sixth floor hallway when Robin picked up on a noise to her right, thus stopped walking abruptly and listened instead. Snape followed the example an instant later, and they stood in the middle of the hallway for a moment to listen to the silence, until the odd noises picked up again, from behind an inconspicuous door on the wall to their right a bit further down the hallway.
"Isn't that… just a broom closet?" Robin asked in an irritated whisper, frowning to herself first and then at Snape, until her brain made sense of the circumstances and she felt the heat creeping up her neck. "I, uh… I don't think I want to open that door."
"Neither do I." He grumbled in return, glaring at the door as if it would change anything about the awkward situation. "But as it happens to be, I will have to and you do not. So go ahead and spare yourself the embarrassment if you wish to."
"Nonsense. I'm not letting you suffer alone." She was quick to reply, then made the final few steps to stand with her back against the wall across from the door, and the very second Snape had caught up with her, she opened it with a wordless spell. It was ironic, really, that she didn't mind doing uncomfortable things in his place for the sake of sparing him from it.
The door flew open with a start, two startled yelps could be heard, and Robin's eyes fell onto two kids she had never seen before, which meant they had to be in the years below. They were still mostly dressed, it seems, and she was honestly glad for that at least. No need to make things even more awkward for anyone involved. Both the boy and the girl, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively, quickly snapped out of their shock and straightened their clothing before trying to stammer out poor excuses for what they were doing in a broom closet at this time of night. Honestly, Robin just wanted to snort at their words and actions every other second, but she kept a perfect straight face of neutrality as always while Snape held his usual speech about rule-breaking and improper behavior that she had been a witness of often enough at this point. Never on the receiving end, obviously, but they had encountered enough students out of bed during their patrols that by now she could almost mouth along with his words. She only started actually listening again when Snape turned towards her.
"Could you accompany Miss Parlow to Professor Sprout's office?" He asked neutrally, but without the scowl he had directed at the two students a mere moment before. "I will see to it that Mister Sterling finds his way to Professor Flitwick."
"Yes, of course." Robin found herself replying before she thought, and only once she had agreed so easily, she thought that he had never asked her to do this before. It definitely was an act of trust rather than a burden, she knew that, and that's why she was all the more determined to see even this easy task through.
"Who exactly are you anyway?" The Hufflepuff girl eventually asked, as Robin led her through a few more empty hallways. "No offense, but you look like a fifth year, maximum. Why on earth are YOU escorting ME?"
"That isn't of your concern." Robin replied indifferently, and she was glad that she had decided to take a shortcut to Sprout's office. Perhaps she would ask Simon about the girl, they obviously were in the same grade.
"And why on earth would you wander around with Snape at this time, or at any time really? Is this your detention or something?" The girl asked on, and Robin sent her a glare that shut her up instead of answering the questions.
A few minutes later they reached the herbology professor's office, and Robin knocked three times, then waited while the girl by her side grew more and more nervous. When Sprout opened the door at last, Robin gave her a polite smile, then explained the situation shortly and to the point upon which the girl was ushered into the office.
"Thank you, Robin, I will take care of the issue from here right away." Sprout gave her a smile in return at last, while the girl in the office behind her now looked positively startled. "Tell Severus my thanks too, will you?"
"Wait, YOU are Robin? The girl who everyone's been talking about for years?" The girl in the office asked incredulously a second later, and finally she just seemed absolutely horrified. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry about what I said! Please forget I ever said anything at all, I honestly didn't mean to upset you!"
"Seems like you have inherited some of Severus' reputation after all, huh?" Sprout snickered quietly, and Robin almost had to smirk at her words in return.
"Actually, I believe that this was mostly my own doing." She replied under her breath. "Ever since that incident in my fourth year, people have been weary of me, and as it seems, rumours and legend grow stronger over time. I doubt that any of the lower years even knows what it all is about anymore, but that doesn't stop them from believing in my reputation."
"Take it as a gift, dear. It is hard to come by their respect in any way, especially when you're that young yourself." Sprout sighed quietly, then gave Robin another encouraging smile. "Well, anyway, I hope you two have a good night!"
"Likewise, thank you." Robin returned, and only when Sprout shut the door behind herself, leaving Robin alone in the hallway, she frowned at the herbology teacher's words for a moment before finally making her way back through the hallways to where she would meet Snape in the ground-level hallway they had started out in.
But again, Robin didn't get that far; Somehow, people seemed to take joy in disrupting her plans today, and it left her feeling less in control than she would've liked. This time, how could it be any different, it was Morgan who stepped into her way out of nowhere.
"Miss Mitchell, what a delight to have you back at last. For the new term, of course." He smiled at her brightly, and the hairs in Robin's neck stood on high alert in an instant.
"Professor…" She greeted him politely, but when she tried to walk around him while keeping her head low like she ought to, he blocked her way again, this time getting way too close for comfort.
"And where would we be headed?" He inquired in a bright tone as he moved in even closer, making Robin back up until her back hit the wall. Well… damnit.
"I was just on my way back from Professor Sprout's office." She replied truthfully but quietly, in an attempt to keep her facade up and play the submissive little girl. The act still made her feel sick, but she hadn't forgotten their encounter at the ball; it was very much necessary to refrain from fighting back, and she had done a fairly good job at it ever since adoption this strategy.
"I see." He sighed softly, but still refused to back up even a step. He clearly didn't mind invading her personal space, which became all the more obvious when he traced a single finger along her collarbone and down her shoulder. Robin would've very much liked to break his arm for doing that, but such a behaviour unfortunately wouldn't count as laying low. So she only stared at the ground a few steps behind him and tried not to break her act while he spoke. "After making it to honours in herbology and even giving a lecture in front of renowned professionals in the field, I'm sure you can teach Pomona one thing or two…"
"You… you know about the lecture?"
"It was in the news, darling." He purred with a sickening smile. "I still have the article in my rooms… And the picture, of course."
The thought that Morgan had kept a picture of her made Robin feel even more sour than the situation did anyway, and she honestly just wanted to hex him further down the hallway with a single spell and then dash off like her body and mind were telling her to. But that would count as attacking a teacher, and without any witnesses or proof of her story, she would always end up on the losing end of that scenario. Whatever she did, people would believe Morgan's version of it more than hers, more than the truth.
"You have lost some weight since the picture was taken…" He finally spoke on, in a nonchalant tone that still had a cutting edge to it, and at last he removed his hand from her arm. "Say, doesn't Severus feed his little pet enough?"
A cold shudder ran down Robin's spine, at the same time as her stomach churned and her heart stopped for a moment, then started racing. She felt sick now indeed, scared and sick and far too close to panicking. Morgan was obviously playing with her, trying to get a reaction… but she wouldn't give him one. At least not the one she wanted to give, which was precisely the one he wanted to see.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She breathed in sincere fear, which was working in her favor for once. Why cover up something that was helping the act?
"Oh, I'm sure you do." He smiled at her in a mixture of humour and some twisted kind of adoration. "What do you get out of it, huh?"
"I have no idea what you're implying, but whatever it is, you're absolutely wrong. Sir."
"I mean, Miss Mitchell, that he gets a beautiful and spectacularly talented woman all to himself, devoted as you clearly are. But what do you get from him in return?"
"You're wrong…" Robin croaked out in a whisper, but she couldn't even think of anything else to say to defend herself without starting a war right here, right now.
"Don't tell me I wouldn't find his fingerprints on your skin if I were to take a look… Don't tell me you don't want him to save you right now." He hissed, and his hand was back on Robin's shoulder, squeezing painfully like he had all this time ago down by the forest. She winced involuntarily, and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to keep the gathering tears from spilling over. Perhaps it wasn't so difficult to play scared after all… not when she really was terrified out of her mind for real.
"Let go of me. Please." She tried to get out as calmly as she could, but her shoulder was hurting enough to make her grit her teeth. The pain didn't suffice however for her to miss how his other hand traced her collarbone once again, only to move towards her neck this time. Her urge to fight back grew to the unbearable, and she had to ball up a bunch of fabric of her robes in each hand to keep them at her sides. "You have no right to touch me, nor to threaten me. So, Let. Me. Go."
"You were supposed to be mine, you know…" He sighed sadly, and his fingers traced down Robin's neck, following the thin silver chain of her necklace across her chest to the point where it ran beneath her blouse. Then he tugged the chain up until he held the locket between his fingertips. "It was supposed to be you and I until the end. But Severus just had to get in the way, didn't he? I shall make sure he sees the error in claiming what is mine."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Robin's emotions were finally gaining the upper hand, and her voice shook with anger and fear alike. "But if you try to harm him in any way, I shall make sure that I will be the very end of you."
"Ah, there you finally are again, my dear… I have missed you." Morgan held her gaze with a smirk for a moment, then his eyes traveled down to the locket and inevitably also to her cleavage. "So fierce… So full of passion." With a start he yanked on the necklace, and the thin chain bit deeply into Robin's neck before coming undone.
Damnit, her act was blown, her neck hurting and her shoulder was still trapped in his punishing grip. Robin had given him exactly what he wanted, she knew that, but it was too late to change that now. Even her facades had a breaking point, and Morgan had found it at last. Yet, he still kept her pressed into the wall by her shoulder as he inspected the locket in his hand curiously for a moment, then looked back up at her with a sneer.
"I'm sure you won't mind if I keep this for a while, will you? As a reminder of what ought to inevitably be…"
"Fuck off." Robin hissed in return, dropping every hint of submission to glare up at him in pure hostility. "If you truly believe yourself to be entitled to me in some sickening way, you're even more eaten up by insanity than I thought."
"Insanity is such a vile word, darling… I am dedicated, just like you are. We have more in common than you think."
"You're nothing like me."
"No, I'm certainly not." Morgan chuckled softly and took the last step closer to press Robin into the wall with his own body now. "But that doesn't mean we have nothing in common."
"Get away from me right now or you will regret it." Robin said coldly, and finally released the balled up fabric from her hands. Witnesses or not, she would rather get expelled for attacking a teacher than letting herself be assaulted like this.
"Oh please…" Morgan scoffed in a dismissive tone, and after slipping the necklace into the pockets of his robes, he placed his now free hand against the wall next to Robin's head. "I'm not scared of Severus. And I'm certainly not scared of you."
"You should be." Robin stated under her breath, then focused her entire energy and willpower into a wordless spell that had Morgan flying through the hallway indeed, a good twenty feet even, before he came crashing down on the ground with a gruesome cracking sound.
For a moment he merely groaned and hardly even moved, but Robin still drew her wand from her sleeve and pointed it at the professor in determination to do whatever was necessary to defend herself. No matter what he was about to do now, she wouldn't let him catch her off guard. Not again. But she also wouldn't be the one to attack, not even when he deserved it quite so much at this point. But to her surprise, Morgan simply sat up after a while, hissing in pain, but with the biggest smile on his face.
"This should suffice to get you expelled." He chuckled to himself, overly happy at the prospect, so much so that he simply wouldn't stop grinning.
If anything, this proved Robin right in her assumption that he had been trying to coax such a reaction from her. But then again, she was absolutely certain that his behavior, his words and actions, hadn't been just for show. He wouldn't have bothered to keep her locket if it had been, he merely could've destroyed it or tossed it aside. But he wanted a trophy, and he wanted HER, that much she was certain of now. Only didn't she know what he wanted her for, or why. He certainly despised her, he had absolutely hated her for all these long years, and yet, now, he still wanted her in some twisted way… Robin didn't understand. Not even nearly, not when his behaviour was so different all of a sudden, and yet so very in line with everything that had been in the years before. No, Robin didn't understand at all. But when Morgan scrambled to his feet and limped back towards her, she didn't get the time to think about it any longer.
"A broken bone or two are quite the lovely evidence you presented me with. I shall thank you, my dear." He smiled at her sweetly once more, but stopped a few steps away now that Robin kept her wand pointed at him and bowed ridiculously low before her. How could anyone be like that?! She didn't understand, none of it, but Morgan didn't cease to scare her beyond reason anyhow.
Robin was just about to reply when she heard footsteps approaching quickly from her left, and Morgan seemed to notice them too, for he turned to look right into that direction as well. Three seconds later, Professor McGonagall stepped into the dim light of the few candles that lit up the partial crossing Robin and Morgan were standing in the middle of.
"Oh, Minerva!" Morgan went straight at it, his smile suddenly gone and replaced by a brilliantly feigned pain stricken expression. "Thank God you are here… You have to stop her! I… I think she broke my leg, perhaps my wrist as well, when… when she attacked me!"
McGonagall inspected the scene with wary eyes, taking in Robin's unfaltering grip on her wand that she still kept pointed at Morgan, then her colleague's pity-evoking appearance and pleading eyes. Robin knew that it looked beyond bad for her; what an ironic repetition of the event that had started it all six years ago. The same people, the same situation overall. Morgan was making Robin the villain of his story, himself the obvious victim, and McGonagall had no clue about what had really happened, but she was made to be his judge either way. But honestly, Robin didn't have it in her to defend herself like a bloody child caught in the act anymore. If she was asked for her version of events she would gladly provide it, but she wouldn't try to change opinions that were already forged in stone. If this would mark her fall from grace, she would at least fall with some last scraps of dignity.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 108: Detention with Dolores
At first they all thought they'd somehow found themselves back in that woman's house. Despite a repeat location never yet happening to them, it would be her ghastly place to do so. Instead, it was just as bad, the pink stain that was her life had just traumatized this room.
The very bricks, doilies, and even this side of the door were now horror matched in a vaguely familiar office, a glance out the window showed the Quidditch stands did have them back at Hogwarts though.
"Moony, this is all your fault!" Sirius moaned, still fighting back the impulse to claw his eyes out with or without magic.
Remus didn't even have the heart to argue the point, if he'd known this was what would happen to the DADA job in such a short amount of time, he may have even risked his own affliction to keep this away. The book, once again, was sitting open and waiting for them, and Remus trudged over to get this started. He wasn't sure if Sirius was joking, but he did feel partially responsible for running from the school now whether Padfoot had meant to inflict that in him or not.
Lupin read out the chapter title to nobody's surprise, but a bit of dread. Despite the casual enough set up, they felt something ominous about a whole detention with Umbridge, and they'd never even officially met her. Potter went behind the desk and began rummaging through it with abandon, while Regulus wandered over to the smaller desk where Harry must have been doing his work, but when he got closer he found a rather odd setup.
There was a long black quill he vaguely recognized seeing in his dad's study. He'd seen his dad signing Ministry documents with it though, and Sirius himself had once warned him never to nick that particular one, so he wasn't sure why Umbridge would leave it lying around near Harry. Next to that was a long sheaf of parchment with the words 'I must not tell lies' written several dozen times, and plenty of room to spare for more, but in red ink with little splashes along the border of the heavy paper, yet a pot wasn't in sight.
Lupin's start of the chapter wasn't very interesting, Hermione having to explain to Harry why the student population was treating him this way. It was just a bit sad none of them had wondered the same, but Frank also realized, no one in here could call Harry crazy considering they'd lived through it with him. If he'd just been an outsider? Maybe...
The trio trying to drop the subject and do homework instead didn't last long, as the twins made a rather public launch of what their first Skiving Snackbox was going to be, on first-years.
The Marauders laughed in delight at the mental image, but the others had some reservations about doing the same until all were told to wake up without any setbacks. It was very impressive magic, they'd all admit to that, but the other four still felt it wasn't right, this being done on first-years. At least the volunteers should have been restricted to those of age like the twins were.
Regulus found himself scrutinizing Lupin instead of the quill he was now holding as Hermione lost her temper on the two and went over in a towering tantrum to tell them off in front of the whole common room. It was quite odd, to hear he'd be doing exactly what that Muggle-born was. It didn't bother him as much as it once would have, and that was even more bizarre.
Then he saw Sirius's lip curling in disgust as Hermione laid down the ultimate threat, threatening to tell their mother. Even Peter looked of the utmost affronted just like the rest of the Marauders. Hermione wasn't even their sibling, but he now saw himself more like the Muggle-born than ever, he'd certainly tell them off when they were being idiots, but he'd never go that far. It occurred to him though when Hermione stormed back to Harry and Ron and the Marauders kept muttering amongst themselves rather than continuing, that they were shooting the four furtive looks for more than just their distaste of the situation.
The Marauders had a lot of secrets, and now the four of them were privy to all of them. Their illegal animagus status, their werewolf, and least importantly, their map. Regulus had never had anything to hide to know that kind of gripping fear. He'd already promised Peter he wouldn't say anything about the map, but had he ever promised the same about the larger two? He didn't exactly like Lupin, but none of them were hurting anyone. He would never get Sirius in that kind of trouble, but he wasn't so sure about the other three.
He cleared his throat and waited patiently until everyone was looking at him before saying adamantly, "don't worry Siri, I've never tattled to mother and I'm not going to start now."
To his utter delight, Sirius grinned at him. It was finally that look he'd missed so often these past years, but it didn't distract him from his goal of watching the other three out of the corner of his eye to gauge their reaction.
Evans just clucked her tongue but pressed her lips together, as much as she'd ever shown on the matter of her silence. Alice was smiling at the display, and he hadn't seen her give any ill will towards anyone to worry about. It was Longbottom though who shifted his weight nervously and may be the problem.
Frank would have protested if anyone asked though. Dumbledore had been the one to invite the werewolf into the school and clearly nothing had, or would happen. He wasn't a snitch, he just didn't exactly want to be constantly in the same room with him. He found that even that was beginning to wear off though, he hadn't even moved behind Alice this time in the large open space of the office they were in this time. He'd been too distracted by the vivid pink on the walls nobody wanted to be next to.
Sirius tensed up like Longbottom had just done the same as Hermione and made to move forward and threaten anything he could to make him keep his mouth shut this instant, but James grabbed his arm before he could start another fight.
"We can't kill him until we're out of here, otherwise the books will stop working," he calmly, but quietly reminded.
Peter laughed, but Remus frowned uneasily at all three of them. James was joking, he knew that much, but there was something about the way he was eyeing the four that made his stomach flutter uncomfortably. What were they going to do when this mess was over, did they really trust them all to keep their silence? Even Snape, who now knew his secret as well, had left them feeling so claustrophobic in that castle lately they hadn't so much as sneezed without permission least he do something.
Did Evans even know that? She definitely hadn't known about him before all this though. It was the one thing James had talked about the previous three weeks, how little she'd been in Snivellus's company. The four of them could not just spend the last two years of their school under the thumb of five people though, or they'd do something drastic. Being in this office was only worsening the matter.
Remus kept going uneasily, seeking any form of distraction, and Hermione definitely offered that when she tried her little trick, free house-elves.
Whatever empathy Regulus had for that Muggle-born moments ago vanished, he looked likely to curse her on the spot. How dare she try and snatch away others house-elves! His mind instantly went to Kreacher and someone trying to force him to be free, it was a bleeding miracle Sirius hadn't done it in the future, and had actually considered the threat he posed to the Order if released.
Lily at least sympathized with the idea, but she still hadn't really looked into the matter like she really wanted to now before she shared any kind of opinion. Theirs were honestly the only noteworthy reactions, everyone else just got a laugh Hermione didn't even seem to realize her idea was useless considering they weren't her elves to be getting rid of and Lupin kept going with a faint smile once more.
The rest of the lessons went by without much notice until Care of Magical Creatures, when Malfoy let hint he thought Hagrid was in the same place they did, with giants. Harry's concerned reaction was understandable, none of them could still picture the grounds without him even though Harry kept mentioning it.
Luna Lovegood at least remained as memorable as ever, marching up to Harry in the middle of all eyes and declaring she believed Harry's side.
Sirius still had a dirigible plum tangled in his hair from his time in the bush, and Remus reached over and plucked it now before handing it to Prongs, who smiled fondly and announced, "I think I'm going to take a subscription to that magazine of hers."
Lily smiled without restraint, it was possibly the kindest gesture she'd ever seen him make. Then he caught her eye and gave the little plum a toss before catching it and asking, "like a pair of these as earrings Evans?"
She couldn't even make herself scowl at him, but didn't respond either, still not encouraging him.
James's heart gave an extra little flutter as she took twice as long before just looking away without a response, and he now pocketed it carefully, that was definitely no longer a joke.
Angelina's, lively, reaction to Harry's detention killed any good mood though, Quidditch tryouts even in this rainy weather would still be leagues better than this office. Even the fireplace crackled with a cold chill.
Harry finally made it to said dreaded detention, and they'd all swear the air just got colder with every word Lupin spoke.
Regulus went back to inspecting the long black feather in his hand in confusion, twisting it this way and that in the light, even as Umbridge herself said Harry wouldn't need ink for this special quill. He didn't get it-
"Hey!" He startled when Sirius lashed out and snagged it away.
Potter was hovering above the desk with his mouth hanging open like he'd only just spotted the long sheaf of parchment.
A dementor could have just appeared in the room, it couldn't get any colder in here and the air itself was draining out of all of them. Regulus stamped his foot in frustration; clearly, everyone older than him was getting something he wasn't.
"That's a Blood Quill," Peter finally answered, reaching over and pulling him farther away from the desk as Potter's face kept draining of yet more blood. "We've heard it mentioned a few times, Ministry employees use it to sign official documents. They're, for one use only, though." He finished haltingly.
Regulus finally put it together there wasn't any ink in the equation when Potter blew up the desk, and the paper that had been there. Frank moved to cover Alice, Remus raised the book as a shield, and Lily put up Protego instinctively, but the others only covered their faces as bits of wood rained down.
Curiosity admittedly flared more than anything though, Regulus was half tempted to take it back and give it a try just for the experience, but then Evans marched over to Sirius and snatched it away from him as well. He raised a brow at her but gave no reaction as she drew her wand, and then the place was raining tiny bits of what was left of the feathers from that as well.
She would have done the same if this had been used on Malfoy though, the injustice of it flaring in her like a flame far brighter than the one in here ever could.
Lupin decided to keep reading before anything else got exploded, like this book. His breath was a bit ragged though, he looked like he was going to be sick, even Peter's hand was still shaking a bit where he was holding onto the back of Regulus's robes like he was prepared to drag him farther away before one of his friends exploded next.
Regulus bit down on the inside of his cheek hard as details began to emerge, and he realized he still hadn't fully grasped the grotesqueness of the situation. Harry was having to carve into the back of his own hand, for hours, the truth Umbridge was forcing him to tell his own flesh was a lie.
By the time Harry left the detention Regulus tasted blood in his mouth from biting down too hard and quickly stopped.
The following week of this merely being repeated every night for Harry felt like some new kind of nightmare. The image of Cedric Diggory's dead body could have appeared in the middle of the room again and it would have made perfect sense. This was so disturbing, none of these teenagers could really imagine it. They'd never had to hear of anything quite like this torture, from a teacher at this school.
What was worse, was Harry doing nothing to stop it.
The shock only broke when the chapter came to an end, and Ron's miraculous Keeper position on the Quidditch team distracted no one.
No matter the differences among the eight of them, they found they could all agree on one thing. This woman needed to leave Hogwarts, now.
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saudadeonly · 4 years
let’s start in the middle
Posting this here as well because I am desperate for validation. You can read it on ao3 as well. This work is part 1 of a series in a world three degrees north, the rest of which can technically be read in any order. 
Death Eater! Sirius Black AU
On a cool night in June, Minerva McGonnagall receives a visitor. What he has to tell her is less than pleasant.
(or, Sirius doesn't run away in the summer after 5th year, but instead makes a deal with his mother, and this is a consequence of it)
Word count: 2377
June 1978
The last person Minerva McGonnagall expects to knock on her door on a cool summer night is perhaps not Sirius Black because he’s made it a habit over the years to come by her office at least once a fortnight, but he is certainly not very high on the list as of right now. Come to think of it, Minerva can’t remember the last time Sirius Black was in her office. He’s been remarkably well-behaved in the past couple of years.
“Mr Black,” she greets, looking him up and down to make sure he is not injured in some way. He looks very put together if a bit fidgety so her worries move on to his troublesome friends. “What’s the matter?”
“May I come in, Professor?” he asks, uncharacteristically soft, and the sheer surprise of it is enough to make her step aside.
He walks into the room, back straight, shoulders drawn up, every inch the Black heir he so despises to be. But when he sits down in the in front of her desk, he seems to become liquid, all long limbs and slumped shoulders.
“Have a biscuit,” she says, pushing forward the tin of biscuits she keeps on hand for her students, usually some very distinctive ones, like the one in front of her.
He shakes his head, looking distinctly pale, and she notices, not for the first time this year, the dark smudges underneath his eyes. “No, thank you, Professor.”
She hides her surprise and smoothly closes up the tin, then turns around to her kettle and boils the water in it. “Tea?” she asks, back still to her student.
“I—” He huffs a breath, then says, “Please.”
Minerva doesn’t ask what kind and how much sugar and if he wants milk, because he’s been in her office enough for her to know how exactly he drinks his tea and that he actually prefers coffee, anyway.
He stays silent and unmoving for the time she pours the tea into two cups, which is strange in and of itself, but he doesn’t even say anything when one of the cups slips from its saucer and she barely manages to flick her wand in time to catch it before it spills its contents onto the floor.
Safe to say, Minerva is quite worried now.
Only when she hands him his cup of tea—black, two spoons of sugar, no milk—does he murmur, “Thank you.” He deposits the saucer on the desk and hugs the cup with both hands, blowing softly into the tea to make it cool down faster, his eyes downcast.
Minerva does put down the saucer as well, but she grips the cup by the handle instead and brings it to her lips. She prefers her tea hot. “What’s the matter, Mr Black?” she asks again, patiently, but she doesn’t miss the way his fingers tighten around his cup at the use of his last name. “Sirius,” she amends gently, and he does look up at that, his grey eyes startling. “I can’t help you if you don’t—”
“I’m getting the Dark Mark tomorrow,” Sirius says before she can finish, eyes like steel in their determination.
Out of all the things—Minerva hadn’t expected this, not one bit. She shrieks, but stifles it with a hand before it can fully escape, and the motion sends her tea flying all around.
Sirius seems to have been prepared. Quick as a flash, he has his wand in hand and flicks it, directing the tea back into the cup and the cup itself safely onto the saucer on the desk. He pockets his wand as soon as the cup rattles, and looks at Minerva with a rather sheepish glint in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Professor,” he says, looking like he doesn’t know what exactly he’s apologising for but meaning it all the same. She thinks it must be the first time since he was sorted into Gryffindor that he’s genuinely apologising to her. “I made a deal with my mother two years ago and if I don’t honour it—” He bites his lip, takes a sip of his tea. He clears his throat and when he continues his voice is stronger. “I’m not doing it because I choose to, but because I have no other choice, not if I want everyone I love to live. I know this won’t absolve me of anything I may do, being of sound mind—or, as much a Black can be—but I wanted somebody to know that in my heart—” He swallows, shaking his head, and doesn’t go on.
“May I ask why?” she asks, but she has an inkling anyway.
His Adam’s apple bobs. “You know why,” he says.
Of course she does. She’s seen Sirius this past two years, talking in hushed tones with Regulus, a boy of slighter build but by no means any less talent than his older brother, the strain in their frighteningly straight postures obvious as they exchanged words. And she’s seen the Marauders, her foolish boys, less troublesome and more tight-knit than ever but with inevitable cracks growing between them, what with Sirius’s more—well, serious demeanour. 
“And you’re willing to give up the life you’ve built here, with James, and Remus, and Peter, and the others, for this?”
He smiles, though it’s hardly a smile, and more of a grimace of self-deprecating amusement. “The life I’ve built here, Professor—it’s only an illusion, seven amazing years I got to have before I have to be who I was burdened with the day I was born. Perhaps if I had been brave enough two years ago, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now.” He gives a one-shouldered shrug. “But I wasn’t. So now I will be what my mother expects of me, because that’s the deal we made—I get to finish Hogwarts, doing what I want, then I do as she sees fit and Reggie and my friends remain untouched by her hand.” He blinks, his grimace pulling up into what almost looks like a wry smirk. “I can be a good pureblood when I have my motivations.”
“Don’t be daft, Sirius,” she snaps. He flinches and she softens her voice. “You could choose differently, you could, the Potters would—”
“The Potters,” Sirius says over her with a strength that makes her forget he’s just spoken over her, “are good people, who have been beyond kind to me since the day they met me, but they are old and have enough on their plate as it is, and it would be a piss-poor thanks for their kindness to inflict Walburga Black’s wrath on them.” He puts down his cup and looks at her directly. “I have thought this through, Professor, more than you can imagine. No matter what I do, no matter how I rebel, someone will end up getting hurt. This option predicts only my hurting. This option allows me to protect Reggie and Jamie, Remus, Lily, and Peter. And their hatred, the destruction of my soul, is a small price to pay for it.”
Minerva is left speechless for a second. She has to admit she didn’t expect such an impassioned speech, delivered with such determined force, but then again, Sirius Black always has had a flair for dramatics.
“I—you realise what this entails?” she asks.
“I do.” He clears his throat. “It will hardly be a surprise for the wizarding world, Professor. I am a Black, after all—my soul is as dark as my name.” He pauses, the upturn of his lips almost reminiscent now—he must be enjoying using the joke he’s used so many times already. He sobers only moments later, saying quietly, “But I was hoping it might help you, too.”
Minerva raises a brow. “How will having one of the most gifted students of his age on the side of You-Know-Who help us?” she asks, taking a sip of her tea to calm her nerves.
He doesn’t even react to the hidden compliment, which tells her that the world truly is turning on its axis.
“I know about the Order,” he says calmly. “I won’t join—I have no desire to be a double agent, or a triple agent, as it happens—but I want to…” He licks his lips, placing his elbows on his knees as he leans forward, his hair framing his face—so, so young he is, she realises suddenly. “I would like to pass information to you, whatever I find out that will help you win this war.”
Minerva straightens. “If you want to spy for the Order, Sirius, you should talk to Albus. I am not a part of—it,” she says.
“No.” His answer comes almost too quickly, enough so that she looks at him over the rim of her spectacles. “I don’t trust Professor Dumbledore,” he explains, wringing his hands together. “Not enough to do this with him.” His eyes are almost imperceptibly wide now, grey and earnest, as if willing her, pleading with her, to understand. “But I trust you. And I know you would never—” He doesn’t finish his thought and Minerva thinks that is for the better so when she feels something pricking in her eyes.
She quickly swallows another mouthful of hot tea and smooths down a wrinkle on the leg of her night robes. When she looks back up at Sirius, he’s biting the inside of his cheek. She gives one nod, curt and quick, and says, “Very well.”
He doesn’t exactly brighten but there’s a new ease to his movements as he sips his tea. “Thank you, Professor.”
They drink their tea in silence for the next few minutes, until Minerva dares to ask, “When will you tell James and the others?”
He shrugs. “I won’t. They’ll find out eventually, but until then—I don’t know, I’ll make them hate me.” He huffs a breath of air that might be able to pass as laughter if it weren’t for the way it breaks. “They’ll probably think she has me under Imperius or something.”
“You’re being braver than any Gryffindor I’ve ever met.”
He offers her a small smile. “Thank you, Professor, but perhaps save that for the time after I manage to pull this off.”
They are silent again.
Sirius leans back suddenly, all vulnerability gone from his face, replaced by sky-high confidence, giving her one of his signature lopsided grins and there he is, this brave, troublemaker of a boy she’s known this past seven years. Her heart aches with the thought of that bright boy dying. “So how hard will it be to pretend to hate me if you see me out there?” 
One week, later she watches as he throws up his pointed hat, roaring in joyous laughter along with the rest of his class, the words they’re shouting at each other lost in the applause of the spectators and the students themselves.
She sees him grab Lily around the waist, spinning her round and round as her dark red hair streams behind her, then draw in Marlene and Dorcas with each hand as they stumble into him and embrace him each on one side. She sees him reach Peter next, digging his knuckles into the shorter boy’s scalp with a wide grin and laughingly step away as Peter bats at him. He runs right into Remus and as he grabs him, one hand fisting in the back of Remus’s robes and the other cupping the back of his neck, Minerva feels the need to look away, to give them privacy, even if they’re embracing so emotionally in the middle of a crowd.
When she looks back, he’s already found James, their arms around each other as they jump up and down, the colour of their hair almost identical, the grins on their faces almost duplicates of each other’s, and her insides ache because they could’ve been brothers, they could have been, they could have—
But Sirius’s real brother comes along then, slow and unsure, but with a small smile on his face, and Sirius steps forward to catch his forearm with his hand, briefly pressing their foreheads together. He says something to him, something even she can guess is beyond private, but before Regulus can reply, Hagrid calls for the graduates to go to the boats. Regulus breaks away and goes back up to the castle without another glance, leaving Sirius to pick up his hat along with his classmates.
Minerva, along with all the other Professors, walks the graduates to the lake and stands a few steps away from its bank as they start to climb into the boats, Lily wandering towards Marlene, Dorcas and Mary to let the four boys clamber into one boat together.
It is heart-breaking to think that in just a few days, or perhaps even hours, Sirius will be as alien to them as Severus Snape a few boats away is.
As if sensing her thoughts, Sirius Black looks back at her and grins. “Alright there, Professor?” he shouts. “You won’t miss me too much, will you?”
She doesn’t have it in herself to hold back a small smile. “I think I’ll manage just fine.”
He favours her with another grin and then he’s jostled back as the boats disembark to glide over to the Hogsmeade station. He nearly topples over into Remus, but regains his balance, turning his now much softer smile on the other boy.
They’re nearly in the middle of the Black Lake, when he looks back again, this time no hint of laughter in his face. Their eyes meet, both expressions carefully impassive, but Minerva doesn’t think she imagines the tremble in his body as he lifts his hand—is that the arm that’s been Marked, she wonders, or is it the other one—and tips his hat ever-so-slightly towards her.     
Minerva watches toward them until Albus takes her by the elbow and gently leads her inside. “They’ll be just fine, Minerva,” he says, blue eyes gentle as he pats her hand.
She presses her lips together and closes her eyes, thinking back to that night, imagining those grey eyes staring up at their owner’s namesake in the night sky, blank and unseeing.
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thereddieficlibrary · 5 years
Reddie Soulmates Masterlist pt 1
his favourite colour is yellow. by odetodun (1/1 | 1414 | not rated)
Richie and Eddie have always seen the colours.
more than just a dream by fljghtlessbirds (10/10 | 21648 | mature)
soulmate: (n) “a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.” his whole life, eddie had heard the legends and myths of soulmates. everyone had a unique mark etched onto their body, and their soulmate had the exact same one. eddie still hasn't met his.
The Love Song of Edward T. Kaspbrak by bellatrixblacke (2/2 | 35214 | mature)
"What do you know about Words, Eddie?" Sonia asked.
He reeled back at her question, shocked. What in the Lord's name did words have to do with his mother's untimely death? "Words? Well, they're what we speak, and what we write, and-"
"No, no, not just ordinary words, Eddie," she interrupted him, slightly exasperated. "Words, a person's Words."
Eddie frowned. "A person's words? Like... Like their name?"
Eddie had no idea where his mother was getting at, but he looked at her, saw her wringing hands and the crease on her forehead, and suddenly knew he was about to learn something important.
"Not their name, Eddie, no," she explained. "The Words of their soulmate's song."
Wonky Compass by RanjantheVictor (1/1 | 8558 | teen)
Everyone has a soulmate, and everyone has a mark on their body hinting who that person could be. But marks and soulmates can change.
For Eddie Kaspbrak, figuring it over the years can be quite a challenge.
Our House, in the Middle of Our House by orphan_account (1/1 | 4460 | teen)
Whatever song your soulmate has stuck in their head is resultedly stuck in yours. Eddie, long suffering through mattress commercial jingles and old rock hits, imagines he would kill his soulmate if he had the chance. Or, he would, if he didn't think revenge was a better answer.
Friday, Never Hesitate by wings_g_leviosa (7/7 | 14519 | teen)
The next day, his mother told him to swallow a new pill. Oblong, slightly pink in color. It was bitter on his tongue, and he didn’t like it.
Clue(less) by endversed (1/1 | 8244 | teen)
Every person on this sorry planet wakes up on their seventeenth birthday with a soulmate mark somewhere on their body – but it’s not always easy to figure out. It’s not their name, or their first words to you, or even some kind of matching shape. It’s not anything clearly indicative; nothing concrete (at first).
No, all this mark gives you is a clue.
Cracked and broken. by sweetkisses (1/1 | 15890 | not rated)
Richie is good with words, fuck he's great with words, but he can't seem to say "I love you" to his soulmate, Eddie. Sure, both of their necklaces glow the peach color of love but neither boy has actually said it outloud. Maybe these few months of their junior year can push them to finally say it.
This is a sequel to my other fic, There is a crack right through my heart, you should probably read that first or else you might be a bit confused here.
I Believe A Thing Call Love by ma_cheries (1/? | 3042 | teen)
Soulmate Au- Soulmates wear mood rings but instead of the ring showing there own emotions, it shows their soulmate's mood
your true colours are beautiful (like a rainbow) by eddiefuckinkaspbrak (1/1 | 2371 | teen)
Soulmate AU where you see in black and white until you meet your soulmate.
Resigned to Fate (Fading Away) by punto_y_coma (1/1 | 7712 | teen)
Soulmate AU: Being next to your soulmate heals injuries.
Put Those Colors On by TheMightyChipmunk (2/2 | 16525 | explicit)
Richie Tozier wasn’t funny. He just wasn’t. And Eddie respected Bill for maintaining a friendship with the man since high school, even through Richie’s rise to fame, but no matter how much Eddie loved Bill, he could NOT sit there and pretend to appreciate Richie Tozier's Netflix Special.
“Can you not just sit there and bitch?” Bill asked and Eddie raised his hands in question.
“I didn't say anything!” Eddie argued. Bill rolled his eyes, shoving popcorn in his mouth.
“You’re been making dumb faces this whole time. I can practically hear the judgment rolling off of you.” Bill scolded, “There’s some funny stuff in here, if you get over yourself and... well, parse through the bullshit.” Eddie laughed once, loud and unbelieving.
“Bill, unclench. Eddie’s allowed to not love Richie as much as you do,” Audra said calmly, through a mouthful of Doritos, “I mean, the guy did just make a joke about dick-hole vaping.”
Seriously. Not. Funny.
Set in a universe where you don't see color until you hear your soulmate laugh, Eddie really doesn't think Richie is funny. I wonder how that's going to work out for them.
How Not to Be Soulmates by The Red Squirrel (Just_a_Fangirl) (3/17 | 14177 | teen)
When Eddie joined RB Publishing he expected the usual awkwardness that comes with starting a new job - like forgetting someone's name or losing his way to the kitchen. He did not expect to find himself in the middle of an intense office prank war, or to meet someone he hated as much as much as Richie fucking Tozier.
i love you so much it hurts my head by Biltchibo (1/1 | 5037 | teen)
“For the last time, Bill, I'm not going into that fucking shop with you!” Eddie came back to the moment, aggressively stapling the paper once. “That thing is full of flowers, top to bottom and, “ he turned around in his chair, staring pointedly at the man, Bill, across the room, “it’s Pollen Season, do you want me to die?”
or the Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor Soulmate AU nobody asked for.
The Line Between Love and Hate by hufflepuffkaspbrak (1/1 | 2945 | teen)
They say there's a thin line between love and hate
or the soulmate au where you feel intense emotions with your soulmate & their name appears on your body the first time you touch
desiderium by giraffingallday (1/1 | 2631 | not rated)
He pushed his nose into the soft skin under his jaw, soft prickles itching his face and smoke mixed with a distant smell of plain white soap filling his nose. Richie placed his joint-free hand on the middle of Eddie’s back, just resting there as a heavy solid pressure, and started his story from the top. They weren’t, like, together, but this had always been a bit of a thing for them, the closeness. _
In a world where a soul can only find rest with it's mate, the same is true for Eddie Kaspbrak.
Truth or Dare? by Hand_of_the_Alex (1/1 | 4525 | teen)
When you turn eighteen you are unable to lie to your soulmate. It's Richie's birthday and the losers are going camping.
i fucked your mom by Hand_of_the_Alex (1/1 | 2396 | teen)
Soulmates have a specific phrase on them, a phrase that means something to the two of them.
Eddie has 'I fucked your mom' on his arm,
Soulmate AU: Injuries by HoshiYoshi (1/1 | 1308 | teen)
Soulmates are born with flowers in the places their soulmate is going to be injured in some way that's significant to them.
Beverly has a flower on her abdomen. Mike has flowers around his face and on the inside of his wrists. Richie, on the other hand, has a giant flower on his chest.
sick of losing soulmates by Sunflowers_And_Bluebelles (1/1 | 4934 | general)
That night, Richie was told about soulmates. His mother’s eyes had lit up when Richie told her about the disappearing ink and she quickly ushered him to the dinner table. Everyone could start communicating with them at different ages and Richie was very young compared to others. Soulmates. A person perfectly suited just for you.
the ruby effect by paxamdays (1/1 | 2931 | general)
‘Ruby’ was derived from the word ‘rubatosis’, which in turn had the very vague definition of 'the awareness of your own heartbeat.' Eddie didn't know how one was supposed to be able to feel their own heartbeat, let alone someone else's, but he doesn't make the rules so it didn't matter at all.
In which Eddie is a cynic and Richie, in true Richie Tozier fashion, makes truly awful jokes (and neither of them really know how to talk to each other without being fucking awkward, but that's fine.)
It's Always Been You by chucknovak (1/1 | 2342 | teen)
At midnight on their 18th birthday, every person develops a mark somewhere on their body identical to that of their soulmate. Richie Tozier thinks the whole soulmate business is bullshit; there's only one person he wants his soulmate to be, and what if it's not him?
Stop Thinking So Much by eddiesgazebos (1/1 | 1286 | teen)
the one where Eddie meets a new boy that seems to have something VERY special about his mind.
the writing on your skin by eddiefuckinkaspbrak (1/1 | 2498 | teen)
Prompt: The au where whatever you write on yourself shows up on your soulmates body where you wrote it with Eddie and Richie. It would be super cute ❤️
we have traveled (love and pain) by sunsetozier (1/1 | 4929 | teen)
The Prompt: soulmate au where you share intense emotions. like if richie is really sad then eddie feels sad, if one of them gets punched really hard the other one can kind of feel it. reddie are friends but don't realize they're soulmates until they get confronted by bowers or jumped or whatever depending on how old you want to make them and one of them gets hurt and that's how they figure it out.
man, i can't believe dumbledore died by wheezy_trashmouth (3/? | 1312 | mature)
basically. soulmate tattoo au. eddie doesnt Have a soulmate! ....or does he? haha..jk.........unless??
Handcuffs, Feathers, Rings, and Tattoos by inawaragainstreality (21/21 | 41922 | teen)
Richie's always believed in soulmates and he knows that Eddie Kaspbrak is his soulmate. So much so, he's not showing Eddie his soulmate tattoo until Eddie has his. He wants them to be the first people to see each other's.
But then Richie gets into an accident and loses his memory. His family moves away shortly after. Eddie and the rest of the Losers struggle to deal with their lives without Richie as well as what their new tattoos can mean.
Eddie's almost ready to get over his first love (well second) and start his college life when he runs into the last person he would ever want to see.
Soulmates in Paint by ironarm (1/1 | 1602 | general)
Eddie just wants to hand in his art project, Richie wants to get his number, and apparently, soulmates are a thing.
Eds by Ness09 (1/1 | 7910 | not rated)
When Eddie wakes up on his sixteenth birthday, he finds Eds tattooed onto his skin, but Richie has already found his soulmate. A lot of people hide their soulmate tattoos, but none of them are friends with Richie Tozier.
hard to see this time of night by eddiespaghetti (foxwatson) (1/1 | 8587 | teen)
For 27 years, Eddie Kaspbrak doesn't remember his dreams. Something about him is just broken. But after everything, in Derry, when he falls asleep - he dreams.
at once i knew i was not magnificent by wishie (2/2 | 11651 | general)
Soulmates make romance easier, but they are not, after all, a guarantee. Richie finds this out the hard way, and Eddie realizes the problems with forever. (Or, Richie and Eddie fall apart.)
regrets by r_eddie (1/1 | 2145 | teen)
Where people can feel what their soulmate feels when they touched and things that are hidden safely in their mind are blurted out unexpectedly.
The second Richie accidentally touched Eddie, they instantly knew that they were soulmates. But the problem was that they couldn't even stand being in the same room as each other. When their friends found out, they became determined to help them realize what they're missing out in front of them.
i've lived and died a hundred times by bughead (1/1 | 6167 | general)
In a rare moment of genuinity, Eddie whispers, “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
Eddie and Richie's souls are connected, and they've met millions of times throughout history.
(or, some souls are just meant to meet, one way or another)
I Lost Who We Are by richietoaster (1/1 | 4534 | teen)
Richie frowns, “You can go home if you want to. I won’t be mad at you.”
“I don’t want to. I like hanging out with you. I don’t know, it’s weird..” Eddie looks up at the sky as if he’s trying to think about how to word what he’s trying to say, “You know how magicians, like.. Pull a rabbit out of their hats?”
Richie nods. “I love magic! The card tricks are always cool-io.”
“Yeah.. I’m the rabbit. I appear. And it’s like you’re a magician.”
“I don’t think I understand.”
Eddie shrugs, “I don’t think I do, either."
how do you sleep when you lie to me? by stansrichie (1/1 | 3331 | not rated)
reddie soulmate au where when you write on your skin, it’ll show up on your soulmates skin as well so eddie started wearing long sleeves… until one day, he doesn’t.
Bless You by reddiebitch (1/1 | 1494 | teen)
Soulmate AU where you sneeze at the same time as your soulmate, and Richie has terrible allergies.
The Water Will Carry Me to You by LuddleBubble (1/1 | 8813 | general)
Richie Tozier dreams about his soulmate every night, but he had no idea what they look like, sound like, or even what their name is. It's like that for everyone with soulmates- they interact in their dreams without really giving away their identities. The only way of knowing who your soulmate is, is that you have to meet them out in the world. Of course, you won't know right away, just once you go to sleep that night and you see their face. Richie isn't really looking for his soulmate on this particular day, but instead is just looking to have some fun with his friends. But that's how it works, isn't it? You only find something when you aren't looking for it.
Love me, please? by hoeziertozier (1/1 | 2346 | general)
Everyone has a mark on their body from birth that only they can see. It becomes visible to their soulmate once they fall in love with them. This means that you can love a number of people in your life, but only one of them is your soulmate.So even though everything might be set in stone from the beginning, at least you still get to experience the whole ride of falling in love, and the heartbreak that comes with it being the wrong the person. But he was Richie Tozier, and the universe was never on his side.
best part of me is you by eddiefuckinkaspbrak (1/1 | 2076 | teen)
Eddie and Richie are soulmates who can feel each others immediate emotions. Fluffy! 
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mchanv · 4 years
(DFYaH) Chapter 1: The Book
[Originally on AO3]
(A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first story here, on Tumblr, and I’m not exactly sure how everything works yet. If there are mistakes in the posting of this story, feel free to tell me or help with what you want and can. Nothing coming from the original HP series belongs to me, all those belong to JK Rowling, I only made the story.)
Summary: I’ve always wondered what Draco Malfoy’s side of the Harry Potter saga was, that’s how I came up with this idea. It is not possible at all to be canon, due to the inability of certain magical items in the story. It runs alongside the books very closely, so some dialogue or actions can come directly from them.     Draco Malfoy goes to Hogwarts for his first year. After being sorted into Slytherin and the night had fallen, a strange silvery bird gives him a message. The bird, seemingly a Phoenix, belongs to Albus Dumbledore, his Headmaster, who gives Draco a book upon his arrival in his office that same night. Draco has no idea what the book meant, but decides to go through with what Dumbledore has asked of him.
Ship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood (background)
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Word count: 1, 324
Finally, Hogwarts! Draco breathed in the cold air of the night as the boats drifted towards Hogwarts. 1 September 1991, Draco’s first day at Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
    His father had told him all about it, prepared him for everything. So, it didn’t surprise him at all as the ghosts came floating in, nor as the Sorting Hat began to sing. He thought it quite nice most didn’t; he felt superior to them.
    That evening, Draco was about to fall asleep after a long day as a strange silvery bird appeared next to his bed. He sat up in shock, not having seen it coming in. It seemed to be a Phoenix.
    “Come to my office tonight,” the Phoenix said in a voice Draco recognized as Albus Dumbledore’s, his Headmaster. The Phoenix vanished.
    Draco sleepily got dressed and made his way out of his dormitory into the common room. He was glad to see it deserted. Quietly, not to wake anyone, he crossed the room and left. He walked for a good five minutes until he remembered he had no idea where his Headmaster’s office was. Just as he wanted to turn around and go back to the Slytherin common room, he heard a voice coming from his right.
    “Ah, a student out of bed. I see...” Filch, the caretaker, said, “A new face... A first year Slytherin? Let’s see what Professor Snape says of this...”
    Thinking this was his only change, Draco asked, desperately trying to avoid his Head of House knowing about this: “Can’t you bring me to the Headmaster instead?”
    Filch laughed. “Not afraid of a good punishment. I see! Good then, follow me, boy!”
    Filch seemed quite happy the whole way towards his Headmaster’s office. Draco guessed he must think he would get badly punished, Draco hoped not. While walking, he tried his best to recognize the way they were going.
    They stopped at a stone statue of a gargoyle at the dead-end of a corridor. Filch gave the gargoyle the password and Draco followed him up a staircase, to come to a halt in front of a door. The caretaker knocked and an old voice sounded from behind it, the same in which the Phoenix had spoken.
    They entered and Filch said enthusiastically, “There was a student out of bed, sir! This boy here.” He pushed Draco forward.
    “Thank you, Argus, but I asked him to come here. I’m glad you brought him, you can leave now,” Dumbledore said calmly, smiling.
    Draco sighed internally, he was not getting punished. Filch had kind of the opposite reaction, though, he left the room angry, muttering under his breath something about students being out of bed.
    Dumbledore smiled down at Draco, who shifted awkwardly.
    “You wanted to see me, sir?” he started nervously.
    “Yes, indeed, Draco. Please sit down.” He gestured to the chair before his desk, as he himself sat down behind it. “So, Draco, do you have any idea why I asked you here tonight?”
    Draco shook his head.
    “I see... Either way, you’ll find out soon. Do you see this book here, Draco?” He pointed to a book with a very dark cover. He couldn’t read the title, but there was something written on it in golden ink. He nodded. “What colour is it?”
    At first, Draco thought he was joking. But looking up into those blue eyes, he knew he wasn’t.
    “Black and dark red, sir, with a golden title.”
    Dumbledore looked very pleased with the answer.
    “Is that so? That’s nice! Now, Draco, I didn’t ask you here to test if you were colorblind, if that’s what you were thinking,” he said, “I actually want to ask you for a favour.”
    He took the book and laid it in front of Draco. Draco looked down at it and sneered. The title read: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. “What is this favour, sir?” Draco wondered irritably after reading the title, looking back up at his Headmaster.
    Dumbledore smiled. “I want you to study this book,” he said calmly, as if it wasn’t a big deal, “and note every important bit of information. Do you think you can do that, Draco?”
    Draco frowned. “Can’t you do that, sir? I mean, I might not be the right person to write things down about Potter.” He sneered again at the mention of the name.
    “Already got a past, I see. That makes it even better! And believe me Draco when I say I’ve already got a lot of things to do as a Headmaster.”
    “But... Why me? I don’t understand, sir...” He looked down at the book again, thinking, trying his best to understand.
    “You won’t,” Dumbledore said calmly, Draco looked back up. “Not yet, at least. But you’re the best person for this job. Trust me.”
    He gave Draco a reassuring smile. Draco sighed. “Okay then, I’ll try...”
    “Great!” Dumbledore beamed. “Here, take these for your notes.”
    Draco looked down at the four items Dumbledore had just handed him. One of them seemed to be a book; except without words, and only blank lines. The second thing was long and pointy, he took it and rolled it between his thumb and index; it seemed to be made of wood. The third was a strange rectangular object, it felt rubbery under his touch. The last was again rectangular, only with a round hole in one side, the size of the long, quill -like thing, in which was put a small, sharp blade. “What are these, sir?” he asked his Headmaster.
    “Those are a notebook, a pencil, an eraser and a sharpener,” he explained, pointing from one thing to another. “Muggles use the pencil to take erasable notes in a notebook.”
    “Do I have to write with this, in that?” Draco wondered grudgingly, pointing from the pencil in his hand to the notebook.
    “If you don’t mind.”
    “All right, then. Can I go now?”
    “One more thing, Draco, can you open the book and see where it stops?” Dumbledore asked.
    Draco nodded and opened the book. He skipped through it until the sentences suddenly stopped and the pages turned out white and empty. “Page 141, sir, Chapter 8.”
    “Do you think that is the end of the chapter?”
    Draco shook his head. “Only the start, the second page of it.”
    Dumbledore nodded. “Then I would like it if you’d manage to get to the end of chapter 7 before your first Potions lesson. When is that?”
    “I don’t know, sir, I don’t have my timetable yet.”
    “That’s right, my apologies. Then, can you come back here tomorrow, at 10 o’clock?” Dumbledore asked. Draco nodded. “All right, then! You may leave. And don’t forget to study the book. Goodnight Draco.”
    “‘Night, sir.” Draco stood up and walked to the door.
    “Oh, and the password is ‘Chocolate Frog’!” Dumbledore called after him before he closed the door.
    Draco walked soundlessly through the corridors of the castle, tracking back the way he went. His mind was racing wildly, and thoughts like ‘Why am I the best for this?’ and ‘Is he just playing with me?’ kept returning, over and over again. Finally, he stood in front of the wall that held the secret entrance to the Slytherin dormitory. He whispered the password, and the hidden door in the wall opened, allowing him to enter.
    He walked to his dormitory and laid down on his bed; the book held close to his chest while the other things laid dumped on his bedside table. He took the book off his chest and looked at it; it was too dark to read it so he put it away. He sighed and rolled over, and, too tired to get changed, fell asleep in his robes.
(Text Copyright © 2020 MChanV)
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Muggle Love (Chapter 4)
A/N; Hey lovely reader!! I have been receiving some really positive feedbacks and it makes so damn happy to read them.. I love yea all!!
Chapter 4
Your heart began pounding faster and faster at the sight of a very particular house which stood there. You started running out of your breath. Severus noticed your unusual behaviour and quickly asked you what was wrong. You couldn't get a word of of your mouth, he saw you shivering in fear and his hand found its way to yours. You were trembling. What were you fearing?
He immediately asked the driver to stop and he did as told. He gently pulled you out of the car, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other in yours. He helped you stand but you seemed too weak. You almost fell on your knees but Severus' grip tightened, not letting you go.
"(Y/N) what's wrong? Is this car sickness? Just tell me." You could hear the slightest amount of concern in his voice. You looked up at him and said in a barely audible whisper,
"Severus, I- Please take me somewhere else. Anywhere else. Please." You pleaded and your eyes started tearing. He nodded. He couldn't let anything wrong happen to you, he was the one who brought you here.
The sunset looked exquisite but you two had no time to enjoy it. It would take too long to go back into the city by car. He was left with no other choice.
He sent off the cabbie and took a deep breath. He looked around, made sure no one was around. The neighbourhood was a quite one, like Severus'.
"(Y/N), I need you to stay calm for what we're about to do, okay? Just don't freak out." His voice sounded softer than usual. He was tensed up. Was he afraid for you? Was he really concerned for you?
You nodded. You had no idea what he was about to do but you wanted to get away. Having him so close to you and looking at him concerned for you made your heart melt. Warmth was spread all over you body and you felt a bit better in his embrace. But you were still having the shakes.
He straightened up and apparated. HE JUST APPARATED WITH A MUGGLE?!
He apparated to his own house in Spinner's End. He knew you found this house 'boring' and 'gloomy' but he didn't know where you lived and it was the first place that popped into his head even if it wasn't the most suitable one. It was his home after all.
You did not believe what just happened. You felt sick but luckily did not throw up. You were shocked! What just happened? How did you reach there in just a moment?
"Severus, ho- how are we here? We were- we were at that place and now we're h- here. I- I mean, how did we even-" You started feeling sick again. Before you could say something else, Severus sighed and you were cut off when you saw him taking out his wand,
"What is tha-"
"Obliviate." He muttered and with that he erased the memory of you and him apparating. You felt weak and your feet began trembling again as Severus held you by your waist once more. You fainted. He had expected this to happen.
He still didn't know what happened to you back there. What troubled you so much?
He held your waist tighter and bent a little to pick you up the bride-style. He carried you inside his home and carefully walked the stairs to reach his bedroom.
He delicately set you down on his bed and removed your shoes. He put your feet on the bed as well. He took out a blanket out of a dark cupboard which stood in the corner and tucked you nicely in it.
You looked very peaceful while your were unconscious even though you had fainted because of… perhaps apparating or seeing something terrible but none of these were pleasing. He cleaned up the dusty room with a flick of his wand. He sighed heavily and was disappointed the task he had for today couldn't be accomplished.
He was confused about what should he now. He looked outside the window, it was dark and it wasn't really a starry night. He looked back at you, lying motionless in his bed. Never in his life had any other person laid in his bed but you were now.
"It's odd to see her so quiet, unlike the time being she's awake." He thought and smiled at you. Wait, did he just smile?
His smile quickly vanished as soon as he realised it. He recalled what happened. He remembered the feeling of you trembling in his arms, clutching on to him.
He changed into his normal robes after muttering a spell and sat on the bed. He maintained his distance between you and himself. He looked at you, just breathing calmly. It seemed to calm him too. He closed his eyes trying to relax but there were so many things on his mind, he just couldn't. Soon, he will be going back to Hogwarts and his job still wasn't done.
"Severus, I trust you with this. I need you to look after the boy. Just for some time." Dumbledore said, standing in his office with Severus.
"But there is no need. The boy is with those muggles, Black won't get him there." Severus replied in an angry voice, barely louder than a whisper.
"You and I both know that Sirius can get him, I do not ask much of you, Severus." Albus said looking at him through his half-moon spectacles.
Snape growled, "Not much! You are asking me to stay among those senseless muggles! I can not and will not fulfil your command."
Albus sighed moving closer to Severus, "Severus, you promised to protect the boy…" With these words Sevrus turned his face, he knew he had no choice. He frowned more than usual as he agreed with Albus finally. He felt like he was being blackmailed.
"Great, I knew I could rely upon you. Now all need to do is find yourself a new home in the muggle town." He said casually but Severus' reaction to this was contrasting.
He grunted as he recalled the conversation. A few days ago, Sirius Black, the mass murderer and Voldemort's supporter had broken out of Azkaban. Everyone knew he'd go after Harry Potter whom Severus truly despised but had to to protect.
His eyes found you again and unknowingly, he had been stroking your head. He did not seem to realise his actions again and retreated his arm suddenly. He clenched his fists and got up. Why was all of this happening? Why couldn't you just be a normal woman for him? Why did you have to affect him like this?
Severus planned on sleeping on the couch but he sat sleepless that night. He could not sleep (Psychology says when you can not sleep, it is possibly because you are awake in someone else' dream ;)). He, after a hard time trying to sleep, got up and grabbed a book from his shelf.
Not even realising it, he fell asleep on the couch after a while.
The next morning you woke up and found your self tucked properly in a very soft blanket and on a very comfortable bed.
You gently rubbed your eyes. As you glanced around, you saw Severus asleep on the couch in a corner. You almost jumped when you him and gasped. You blinked rapidly, in case it was all a dream but it wasn't. You were in his room.
You could recollect very little of last evening's happenings. Your head hurt. You yawned and stretched. You sat up and looked at sleeping Severus, his head was leaning sideways. He had a book resting on his lap.
You remembered how you were in Privet Drive and began panicking. Yes, you were familiar with the place. You remembered Severus holding you tight so that you won't fall. You smiled at how concerned he seemed for you.
After a while you finally got up and stepped on the floor barefoot. A shiver of cold was sent down your spine as you set foot on the freezing floor. As you stood up, a creaking noise was produced. You hoped it didn't wake him up. You glanced in his direction and saw him stirring up. He eventually woke up as you stood motionless, guilty to ruin his sleep.
He wasn't surprised to see it was you who made the sound. He rubbed his eyes a bit and yawned and got up, approaching you.
"Morning, Sev." You said trying to sound cheerful but Severus did not look like a morning person.
"How do you feel now?" He asked, his words pleasure to your ears. A flicker of concern in his eyes could be seen.
"Better, I guess." You replied with a weak smile.
"You don't need to smile all the time." He said in his low voice, soothing as always. Your smile disappeared and you, to be honest, thought it rude.
"Did I snore?" You weren't joking, you really were afraid. It would have been really embarrassing if that had happened.
He thought you were not serious but as it turned out you were, "No. But tell me, does your head hurt?" He questioned. He expected this from you after the apparation.
"Yes, but how do you know?" You asked, curious.
He smirked. It wasn't the first time you had the feeling that he just knew stuff.
"You are still weak, sit and I'll get you breakfast."
"But I can walk, see and I need to-"
"Sit." He almost ordered you. His tone was colder now and you could not possibly say no to him.
He stormed out of the room and you sat on the couch. You picked up the book he was reading and were very interested when you read the title. It read "Moste Potente Potions". It was an old and thick leather-bound book. Your curiosity grew and you opened the the book even though you had a feeling you shouldn't.
There were various 'weird' pictures and recipes to some 'potions'. The pages were old, so you flipped through the book carefully. Why was he reading this book? He is a professor, he shouldn't be wasting his time reading this sort of odd stuff.
You heard Severus' footsteps and withing a second, you shut the book and lay it aside and sat up straight.
The door opened to reveal him with a tray in his hands. There was a bowl of vegetable soup and its fragrance reached your nose, it smelled amazing.
You found him bringing you breakfast very cute. You smiled at him, genuinely this time.
"Eat, you'll feel better."
"This is amazing! Really! Did you order it or did you make it yourself?" He raised his eyebrow, he had not expected you to like it so much.
"Do you think food delivery is possible in such an 'unfriendly' neighbourhood?" He replied with a slight smirk. You chuckled slightly.
"You don't need to do this, you know." You said after taking another sip. He stood there without any change of expression waiting for you to continue.
"It was my fault, " you continued, looking down at your soup, not able to meet his gaze. You thought it was your mistake he did not get his work done and your long journey resulted to be a huge waste of time.
You did not see it coming, but he sat down beside you. You looked up into his black orbs, you could start tearing up right now recalling last evening but held it back.
He looked into your eyes said, "(Y/N), do not blame yourself for anything that happened. I should have told you where we were going… But if you do not mind," he hesitated while asking, "Can I know what happened…to you?"
You knew well he will be asking you and were already fighting mentally, deciding whether or not tell you about it.
"I understand, Severus. It's just-" You began as he interrupted you.
"I am not enforcing you. You may take your time. As much as you wish." He said in a concerning tone, making you feel something different.
You place your hand on his, startling him at first but a few moments later, you could feel him relax under it. You reassured him with a gentle smile.
"Sev, I trust you, I don't know why. Not yet. But I have no reason to hide it from you."
You could swear you saw the corner of his lips rise a bit as you spoke. He looked into your eyes more intently than before. Your pupils had already dilated to their maximum extent.
"Well, here it goes.." You hesitated like he did before and he did the same to calm you down, he rested his hand on top of yours. His touch did really calm you down. His hands were cold yet soft.
You continued after a deep breath, "During my childhood..…."
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mitskibf · 6 years
Soulmate AU [WOLFSTAR]
Sirius woke up to find himself in the hospital wing, his right arm tightly bandaged to his chest.
He sat up on his bed, with difficulty, and looked around. The wing was empty, except for one bed. The curtains were pulled around it.
"Finally woken up haven't you?" Came a voice. Sirius looked over with a smirk and found his best friend strutting into the room, still in his quidditch uniform.
"Almost cost us the match, you git" he smiled.
"Come on, Hufflepuff didn't stand a chance." Sirius replied. He glanced at the other bed. "Who d'you think that is?" He asked, a concerned expression on his face.
"Probably a ravenclaw. Heard they had another explosion. That's twice this week." James said.
Sirius looked down at his injured hand.
"That's all the time I can give you Mr. Potter. Your friends need to rest." Said Madam Pomfrey as she walked into the room.
Behind her a girl with fiery red hair peeked inside and smiled at Sirius. She gave him a thumbs up as she walked away.
"See you later, padfoot!" James said as he stumbled towards the door to run after the girl.
"Why don't you lie down now, Mr. black?" Madam Pomfrey said. Her voice was calm but it had a tone of hurry in it.
She helped him lay back down and examined his hand.
Suddenly Sirius sat up straight. He immediately regretted doing that. He winced as Madam Pomfrey scolded him but he didn't hear a word she said.
After she was done, Sirius looked at the other bed. He had a bad feeling in his stomach and his hands were now cold.
"You said friends" he muttered.
"I'm sorry, what?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
"You said friends" he said again.
"Did you hit your head when you fell, Mr. Black?"
"No. But you said friends. To James. You said your friends need to rest."
Sirius could've sworn he saw something in her eyes. Maybe sadness or worry or something else but Madam Pomfrey hid it behind a small smile. " Must've misspoke." She said.
"It's not a ravenclaw student, is it?" Sirius asked impatiently. He tried to guess who it was. Maybe Peter. He always tripped and injured himself. Or perhaps it was Frank, but no he was outside cheering with the others. The only people inside the castle were Dorcas and Remus.
Realisation dawned upon him, along with a cold feeling in his stomach. How did he get hurt? Did someone hex him? Perhaps his cousins? Or did he just fall down those stairs? Questions buzzed around his head. He turned to Madam pomfrey. "Will he be okay?" His voice was a pitch higher.
She didn't speak. Her face was firm and expressionless. "Mr. Black, it's best that you rest." She finally said. "I'll get Professor McGonagall, she wanted to see how you were doing."
Sirius felt anger inside. His questions were unanswered. Remus probably lay in that bed, in pain and agony. His mind jumped to wild conclusions and he couldn't stop it. As soon as Madam Pomfrey stepped out of the room he got up and climbed out of the bed. With difficulty he slowly walked over to Remus' bed. He pulled away the curtains and looked down.
There in the bed lay Remus Lupin with his sandy brown hair and scars. Sirius gazed at him for a moment. He looked perfectly fine for a moment. No signs of being hexed. No new scars. No wounds to suggest that he had tripped. Nothing except for his arm. His right arm was tightly bandaged to his chest. The same as Sirius's.
"Ahem." Sirius knew who was behind him. He turned around with a grin.
"Professor McGonagall! How lovely to see you!"
"How are you feeling then, Mr. Black?"
"Oh, perfect. I'll be heading to the dorm now. Have homework to do." Sirius tried to hurry out of the room before she could see him blush.
Before he could reach the doors, he heard footsteps behind him. Sirius turned around to see McGonagall following him. She placed a hand his shoulder and both of them walked out of the hospital wing.
Kids in the corridors kept whispering about Sirius's cast. He even winked at a couple of Hufflepuff 2nd years and sent them into a flurry of giggles.
McGonagall steered him towards her office. Sirius felt his legs wobble as he remembered Remus. Maybe McGonagall wanted to tell him that Remus may never wake up or maybe that he had lost all his memory or something much worse. Before he could think of anything more, he realised he was sitting opposite McGonagall inside her office with a cup of tea in front of him.
"He's fine." She said calmly.
Sirius blinked. He felt relieved but he was still scared at the same time.
"Just a badly aimed spell" she said. "Madam Pomfrey has assured me that he will be back in his dorm by tomorrow."
Sirius wanted to ask her about Remus's arm and as if she had read his mind McGonagall asked, "anything else you wanted to ask me, Black?"
"How did he get hurt on the same arm as I did?"
"Ah, pure coincidence, black"
Sirius nodded. He didn't believe her. He still doubted if it really was a stray hex.
He came back to his senses when he realised that McGonagall had gotten up and was walking towards the door. Sirius got up and walked towards his dorm. He didn't stop to smile at girls to make them giggle or laugh at a couple of 4th years pulling a prank.
He reached the portrait and entered the common room. Marlene was doing her homework with Dorcas. James and Lily were arguing about something. Peter was reading a book and Frank and Alice were cuddled in a blanket in front of the fire.
Sirius quietly tried to make way to his dorm but was bombarded with questions from everyone. He didn't hear what they were saying. Something about the match, his arm and James asking about Remus. Finally, lily stepped in front of him.
"He's tired. Everyone go back to your work. Peter d'you mind taking him upstairs?"
Peter leapt up from his chair and slowly took Sirius upstairs. "Thanks Pete." Sirius mumbled. " You can go finish your book now." Peter hesitated but then left. The thought of sleep didn't even cross Sirius's mind. He walked across the room and lifted his shirt. He looked into the mirror and saw the scars just below his rib. Remus had similar scars all over his body. Sirius remembered how Remus had told a first year that had asked about his scars that James Potter had a nasty cat. Sirius smiled as he remembered this. However, Sirius knew that these scars weren't from a cat. He also knew that a a week ago Remus had acquired identical scars in the same place as Sirius.
He felt a flutter in his stomach. He ran downstairs into the common room. This time it was lily who cornered him.
"Did you know Remus broke his right arm?" She eyed him suspiciously.
"Umm...yeah. weird." Sirius replied.
"James and Peter just left to go see him." She said. "And you're coming with me". She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the portrait hole. Sirius stumbled behind her as he tried to avoid hitting his cast.
Sirius followed Lily into the library. Mrs. Pince didn't seem too cheerful about it.
"Sit down, black and don't try to run" she said pointing to a chair.
Lily walked over to a shelf and grabbed a bunch of books. She put the books down with a thud and sat down across form Sirius. She handed him a hair tie. "Put your glorious hair up, this is gonna take a while." She opened the books and flipped the pages. Sirius soon fell asleep.
"Wake up, you git!" She whispered. About 7 books lay in front of Sirius but only one was open.
The page read:
Love magic
When two people are so deeply in love that souls connect on a higher level it often affects their bodies. In the most well documented cases, the subjects often experience butterflies fluttering above their heads, finding similar ancient runes on each other without explanation and identical injuries.
Examples given below are of the following:
Sirius read the page twice and then I've more. He looked at lily hoping for this to be a joke. He even pinched his thigh under the table to make sure.
"Are you okay?" Lily asked as he winced.
"Yeah... I think..maybe" he replied
Lily stared at his face as he gazed into the distance. For a moment he felt disbelief, which then changed to laughter and finally the realisation that Remus Lupin truly loved him.
""Are you okay, black? Black!" She shouted.
"Shhh" hissed madam pince.
"Let's go. It's almost time for dinner." Lily said
The two of them walked in to the great hall to find James, Peter and surprisingly Remus, chatting happily and drinking pumpkin juice. Sirius saw Remus and his legs felt wobbly, his hand went cold and his head dizzy.
"Evans, he's sitting right there." He said. Lily smirked and sat down next to James, who shifted closer to her leaving just enough space for Sirius besides Remus. Sirius squeezed in trying not to touch Remus.
"So who wants to sign their casts?" Shouted lily in an almost sing song voice. She was holding 15 colourful pens in her hand.
"Why would we do that?" Asked James.
"Well, it's kind of a tradition among muggles" lily replied.
And so everyone picked a colour and huddled around Remus and Sirius trying to reserve spots on the cast to write messages like 'get well soon' or 'hope you feel better'. Sirius didn't mind everyone pulling at his arm but he did mind all these people swarming Remus and him and pushing them closer together.
After the whole hall had signed their casts Dumbledore announced that it was time to go to bed. Before Remus and Sirius could leave, he stopped them and pulled out a quill. He quickly wrote 'you look super cool' on their casts and then hurried them off to bed.
Sirius went straight up to his dorm while Remus stayed back to finish up a potions essay which he was working on. Sirius quietly went upstairs to change into his pyjamas. After he took off his shirt he examined his cast. So many different colours wrote 'get well soon', some were now just smudges, but, one message stood out. It was written in pink on Sirius's wrist. Sirius tilted his arm to read it.
It read: "I love you, padfoot -M"
Sirius felt blood rushing to his cheeks. Remus Lupin loved him. The sandy haired boy with his beautiful scars and warm jumpers loved him. The shy and quiet boy who turned out to be an evil prankster mastermind was in love. With him.
Sirius ran downstairs as fast as he could. He burst into the common room which was empty, except for James, lily, Peter and Marlene who sat there drinking butterbeer. Everyone looked around to see a shirtless Sirius running over to Remus, throwing his arm around him and kissing him.
Sirius felt like he was on cloud one hundred. He kissed Remus Lupin. And Remus Lupin kissed him back.
Sirius pulled away to find Remus Lupin blushing with a smile on his face. Sirius grinned like an idiot and turned to his friends who were cheering them. Lily shouting about her part in all of this. James swearing at them and Marlene whistling.
"I love you moony" he whispered.
Sirius felt Remus's hand go toward his stomach where the scar was.
"I know" he said. "Have known for a long time."
With that, Remus pushed Sirius's hair away from his face and pulled him in for another kiss which was followed by groans from their friends. Sirius laughed and turned towards his best friend,
"Say James, you wouldn't mind if we borrowed your invisibility cloak, would you?
The End.
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter thirteen | original
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"Now, y/n, you know we made that truce," said James, pouting, as he dragged his trunk onto the Hogwarts Express.
"So?" Y/n heaved her trunk up and started to drag it across compartments, looking for an empty one.
"So we're supposed to be at least on civil speaking terms," explained James slowly.
"What's your point, Pot—James?" Y/n still found it a bit difficult to call James by his given name.
"You're not exactly acting 'civil' to me here, Y/n."
"I'm not? I'm calling you by your first name, and I'm not throwing hexes at you. What more do you want?"
"Oh, but we shared such tender moments for the last few weeks. So...perhaps friends?"
"In your dreams, Potter."
"There you go again!" cried James. "I'm James, not Potter."
"Whatever. Now, where is Bella? She's gone off with Sirius to snog, no doubt. Maybe one day they can actually kiss normally, not snog passionately, touching each other at inappropriate places." Y/n shuddered.
"Oh, but aren't us boys perverts, Y/n?" teased James, grinning. "You said so yourself yesterday, when Sirius suggested to Bella that they should get some time alone in the same room."
"Well, Mum was definitely going to faint when she heard that," said Y/n, chuckling. "Went completely white and fled to her room. Petunia wasn't so—er—calm about it either."
"Considering that she jumped up and started calling us idiots, morons, freaks, and perverted people who only think of the 's' word."
"It's sad, isn't it?" Y/n sighed. "Well, we'd better find a compartment soon, or else—"
She stopped immediately, staring across at the people sitting in the compartment that they were currently in.
James squinted and saw that it was Remus laughing and joking with an unknown girl. The girl kissed him and smiled happily, but they both froze at the sight of Y/n and James staring at them.
"Y/n, James, it isn't what it looks like," begged Remus, his eyes wide.
Y/n snapped out of her trance. "You know, Remus, I thought you were the decent sort, but I thought wrong. How can you do this to Jennifer? I thought she meant a lot to you, considering how much you guys cuddled over the summer. You guys were just snogging this morning at breakfast."
"Remus, you're cheating on Jennifer for—her?" James looked at the girl next to him in disgust.
The girl jumped, looking frightened. "I—I didn't know Remus had a g-girlfriend," she stuttered. Her pale fingers twisted loose strands of curls on her forehead, and her dark gray eyes were wide. "Really—honestly—"
Y/n's eyes softened. "All right, we won't tell Jennifer, but you'd better have a good excuse for her, Remus, since she's probably wondering where you are right now."
Remus glanced at the girl and sighed. "Listen, Tara, I'll see you later, all right? I'm going to go find my friends."
"And girlfriend," added James, still scowling at the small girl. They left the compartment, leaving Tara alone.
"Who's Tara and why were you two cuddling?" asked Y/n snappishly as they went in search of the rest of their friends.
"Tara's my neighbor," said Remus calmly, "and we're really good friends, soon to become cousins, since my only unmarried aunt is getting married to her widowed father."
"Well, cousins can date too, you know," said James grumpily.
Remus laughed. "We're not dating, you goof. She's going to be my cousin! Relatives don't marry each other. Besides, she's like a sister to me, since my only one died when I was nine." His eyes became cloudy.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Remus!" exclaimed Y/n, enveloping him in a hug. "I never knew that you had a sister, and I'm really sorry for jumping into conclusions too fast. I guess I'm just overprotective about my friends."
"Yeah, I'm sorry too," mumbled James.
"Remus!" They turned around to see Jennifer running towards them anxiously. Her thick blond hair was loose all over her face, as her blue eyes scanned them. "Oh, James, Y/n, where were you guys?"
The trio glanced at each other. "We were just looking for you. Remus came along after he found us pass him."
Jennifer glanced at Remus suspiciously. "And you were looking for me for this long? It doesn't take half an hour to search the train!"
"I was talking to my cousin, Tara, about Hogwarts," said Remus quickly. "She's starting her first year, you know."
"Tara Jettison? Isn't she your neighbor, Remus?"
"Well, she's going to be my cousin soon, since my aunt is marrying her father. It'll just be like having a sister again."
Jennifer bit her lip, shuddering. Remus had told her about sweet Sarah Lupin, who had been a year younger than him, and how she suddenly disappeared when he was only nine. Now five years has passed, and Remus assumed her as dead.
"I'm sorry if I reminded you about Sarah, Remus," she said quietly, kissing him on the cheek. "I was just—worried. You know me."
"Yeah," said Remus sadly, his eyes casting a faraway look. "It's all right, I just—I just loved Sarah so much before she...died."
"Remus, just let it out," said Y/n softly.
"I'm not going to cry," he said hastily, rubbing his eyes and making sure there weren't any tears. "I just miss her, that's all. I'm not sad about her dying; I'm just really lonely sometimes without her company. Tara's like Sarah all over again, and it gives me a lot of comfort to feel her presence. I'm not cheating on you, Jen, like a certain h/c-head and black-head seemed to think."
Jennifer laughed, while Y/n and James both turned equal shades of red, scowling.
"Humph! Where were you guys?" It was Arabella, and behind her was Sirius, and both had on a worried expression.
"We thought you guys had missed the train or something!" she exclaimed wildly. "Thanks for worrying us so much."
"Where's Violet and Peter?" asked Y/n immediately, suddenly remembering her other two friends.
"They're in our compartment right now. Honestly, Y/n, at least you should've had enough sense to look for us! Where we all of you? Jen, I told you not to go gallivanting off to find your beloved Remus. Well, now that you guys found each other, why didn't you go and find us? We weren't so important, huh? Huh?"
"Bella, stop hyperventilating," said Sirius good-humoredly. "Now that we found them, let's all go back to our compartment. Those four were probably out having a double-snog date or something."
"I wouldn't be talking, Sirius," snapped James, as they all headed off to the compartment. "You and Bella were probably off doing the same thing. Poor Violet and Peter."
"Well, they were getting pretty passionate too, you know," argued Sirius, while the rest laughed. "What?"
"Violet's too sensible and Peter's too shy to get involved in something like snogging," said Y/n, grinning.
"Yeah? Well, they were holding hands!"
"How passionate," said Jennifer dryly, while Arabella sniggered.
"Actually, they weren't very passionate, but they still sort of like each other. I heard that Dumbledore's hosting a ball next year!"
"How exciting," said Y/n sarcastically. "We get to wear pretty dress robes and be all caked with makeup! I'm so excited!"
"Aww...N/n, just go with James if Snape asks you," said Jennifer, grinning.
"Oh, come on N/n, it's not like James will have a date by then, anyway. Besides, it's next year, what are you fretting about?"
"Hey!" cried James. "I can too get a date!"
"You turn girls down when they ask you to a date to Hogsmeade," said Arabella coolly. "I suppose that's your proof that you can get a date. You turn down everyone, for heaven's sake! When can you not turn down a girl and just take her?"
"Fine," huffed James. "I'll say 'yes' to the first girl who asks me to a date, whether she's pretty or ugly or whatever."
"If you lose, you owe me a Galleon."
"Since when did we make this a bet?"
"Since now."
"Can we change the topic?" asked Y/n loudly.
"If you're getting bored, Y/n, you can always join us," said a silky voice from behind. It was Snape and the rest of his gang, and they were grinning down at the six evilly.
"Get away from us, Snape!" snapped Y/n. "Don't think I didn't forget out little incident this summer..."
"Oh, but why should you care, Y/n? After all, it was only a threat to Potter, not you."
"They don't hate each other anymore, Snape, so of course Y/n should care," said Sirius quickly. He wanted to see the priceless look on Snape's face.
"Y-you guys are friends?" he mumbled.
Y/n shrugged. "Not necessarily friends, but on speaking terms."
"What's the difference?"
"We don't help each other out like friends would. Or actually like each other as friends do, for the matter. We're just civil to each other, then."
"Well, sooner or later, L/n, you'll regret your decision," spat Rosier, glaring. "One of these days, L/n, you'll wish that you had joined us, since the Dark Lord is gaining power from his followers." His eyes had an odd shine to it.
James raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really? That bozo, gain power? Ha, what a laugh!"
"James," snapped Peter nervously. "D-don't get them r-riled up like t-that."
"Is Pettigrew scared?" mocked Lestrange, stepping forward, smirking. "Really, Pettigrew, with a heart like yours..." He leaned forward and whispered quietly, so that only Peter could here, "...the Dark Lord may find it quite useful one of these days, since you're so close to Potter."
Peter just gulped, looking frightened. (A/N: Die, Peter! I'm glad that he's scared!)
Arabella glared down at the Slytherins. "Look, you slimy gits either state why you're here, or leave—simple as that. Surely Slytherins aren't that thick to understand what I just said, are they?"
Wilkes sneered down at her. "You Gryffindors are so cocky over yourselves, thinking that you're so perfect. Well, soon you lot will be the first to go once the Dark Lord gets a hold of Hogwarts. Of course, the Mudbloods go first before anyone else does." He glanced at Y/n.
Snape tensed and looked over at Y/n, too. "Perhaps we should leave, Wilkes."
"Why, Snape? Scared of the Mudblood? I wouldn't be still mooning over her, since the Dark Lord will be ridding of her first."
"Y-you're right, of course," he stuttered. "But...let's leave Potter to his romantic moments again." He made an attempt to sneer.
"Ah, but of course." Malfoy then stepped forward, grinning maliciously. "Perhaps we shall show Potter some of our new powers that the Dark Lord gave us—and our new names."
"Which ones?" asked Y/n scathingly. "Slimy gits, empty-headed, or 'I'm-So-Evil-That-Everyone-Thinks-I'm-Stupid'?"
The Marauders and the girls all laughed, while Y/n smiled triumphantly at the stunned Slytherins.
"No half-Mudblood is going to insult us," snapped Rosier. "We fashion ourselves a name—Death Eaters, loyal to our Master."
"All right, this is such a waste of time. You—you Slytherins all go away! Now!" Y/n was furious.
Snape's gang shot her a last nasty look, besides Snape, and ventured out the compartment sullenly.
"Way to go, Y/n!" exclaimed Arabella. "I was wishing those gits would get out of here soon enough."
"It wasn't too hard," said James smoothly. "All you do is tell them to go away."
"We've already told them that three times, but Y/n actually got them to go," retorted Bella.
Y/n waved her arm aside. "Whatever. You two stop arguing, or else I'll—"
"You know, N/n," said Violet suddenly, coming out of her usual daze. "You're the one who's always arguing with James, so why are you telling Bella?"
"I—" Y/n was about to give her a logical answer, but found out that she had none. "Oh, never mind."
"Ha, ha!" cried Jennifer gleefully. "The great Y/n Potter has been thwarted by the logical Violet Walker! Priceless!"
"Oh, Jen." Y/n sighed. "Will you ever grow up?"
"I doubt it. But I sure wouldn't want to be like you now, or else I'll end up a stiff old lady. You and Violet will probably end up like one of those old ladies who carry a large handbag around and wobble up and down the street, hoping to be killed."
Arabella snorted. Jennifer was too—Jennifer. It was quite sad how she becomes joyful one moment and cynical the next. Good thing Remus was there to calm her down and have her loosen up towards boys.
"Hey, Y/n," said James suddenly, "I heard that you were going to be made a prefect next year."
"Oh?" Y/n perked up. "And where did you hear this?"
"Dad told me."
"How would he know?"
"Because he works at the Ministry, and they make the list of Prefects for next year every year. He showed it to me when he saw your name."
"When did he show it to you? You were at my house the whole summer!"
"Oh—er—" James scratched his head. "Oh, it was—um—well, I forgot! Anyway, you're Prefect next year."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you. You're making this all up."
"Well, obviously. April Fool's!" he cried.
Y/n raised her eyebrows. "Er—James? It's September, not April."
The rest of the Marauders and the girls laughed, while Y/n smirked triumphantly at James.
He was very much embarrassed. "Well...fine, I'll save it for April then!" He pouted.
"Well, well, well." They all turned around to see Amos Diggory sneering at them. "If it isn't the dream team, always having your ways with everyone at Hogwarts." He glanced over at Arabella, shaking his head and then at Y/n, grinning. "Well, Y/n, I see that you aren't steady with anyone yet. Care to go to the first Hogsmeade trip with me?" He extended his arm to her, but she didn't take it.
"I'm sorry, Amos," she replied frostily. "But I think it'll ruin my reputation by dating someone like you. Maybe next time I'll actually consider it for one more second."
Jennifer stifled a laugh, and Amos looked her way. Jennifer wasn't as popular as Y/n and Arabella were to the male species at Hogwarts, but nevertheless, she was still attractive to most. She suddenly stopped laughing, seeing that Amos' gray eyes were fixed on her blue ones. "Yes?" she asked innocently.
"Maybe you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me," he said, flashing her one of his famous smiles that melted every girl's heart.
Jennifer reached out for Remus' hand, and said coolly, "Maybe I wouldn't. Don't you know? I already have someone that I love." She smiled at Remus lovingly, cuddling closer toward him.
Amos snorted in disgust. "How can you girls refuse someone like me? You three are the most popular girls at school, and yet you would rather date the Marauders than someone like Kevin Patil or me. Well, there's no one left except for that disgraceful, no good girl sitting over there next to loser Pettigrew."
Violet jumped, and her lip began to tremble. Her dark brown eyes flashed angrily at him. "You know what? You just think you're so Mr. I'm-So-Wonderful, but you're not! You're just a low-life rascal who plays with girls' hearts one by one until you've broken them all. Why should my friends or me date someone like you, then? Huh? That's a question that even Y/n, James, or Sirius can't figure out, and they're the geniuses of Hogwarts! You just feel like you need to make fun of people like me. Well, you're not cool, Diggory. You're just a low-life jerk."
Everyone stood in stunned silence. Violet was more furious than they had ever seen her, even more furious when she stood against James or the Slytherins. Amos was surprised to see the quiet one of the girls so loud and outspoken. His lips curved into a smile.
"Not that quiet field mouse that you want people to assume about you, eh? I like feisty girls." He moved closer, but Violet pushed him back.
"Leave my friends and I alone, Diggory, or you'll get trouble from me." She drew out her wand and pointed it threateningly at Amos' chest.
Amos huffed and stalked out of the compartment without another word. There were a few more minutes of silence, but then the Marauders and the girls all cheered.
"You sure showed Diggory, Vi!" appraised Jennifer enthusiastically. "Now he'll probably never bother us again after what you did."
Violet flushed. "Do you really think so?"
"I know so."
"Knowing Diggory, he'd probably come crawling back to you girls again," said James pessimistically. "But the Marauders will protect you!"
"Oh, I feel so protected," said Y/n sarcastically.
Before the both of them could start another argument, the lights on the Hogwarts Express started to flicker. Suddenly, everything went black, as the train slowed down.
"What's happening?" screamed Arabella. "Sirius? Where are you?"
"Right here, Bella," came a muffled voice on the other side of the compartment.
"Where's here, you idiot?"
"QUIET!" yelled James. The eight of them became silent.
The driver was speaking through the whole train. "Please remain calm everyone. I'm afraid there's been a shortage of powder, and the train's run out of fuel..."
Everyone groaned, and Y/n questioned, "Fuel? I didn't know you guys used fuel for transportation!"
From somewhere in a corner, James replied dryly, "Well, we don't use magic as the solution to everything, you know. When will you learn, Y/n?"
"Yes, Mudblood, when will you learn?" A soft glow came, as a dark figure glided toward them. As the person lifted his hood, his face appeared—Voldemort.
"Oh, it's you," snapped James. "What do you want this time?"
"Why, don't be so impertinent, Mr. Heir," he mocked. "All I ask you is to join me. There are advantages to this. You and your little friends won't be harmed, as well as anyone connected to you won't be, either. Only my enemies shall be killed and tortured."
James narrowed his eyes. "Why should I believe you?"
"Because I am Lord Voldemort."
"Master?" It was Snape and his gang standing at the doorway, looking shocked.
"Ah, Severus. How nice to see you again."
"What do you want from my friend?" demanded Sirius angrily, glaring at Voldemort. "Leave him alone, or else I'll be dealing with you."
Voldemort raised his eyebrows. "I will leave now, Severus. But I will be back, Potter." He disappeared with a faint 'pop'!
A couple of weeks passed since the incident on the Hogwarts Express, and fourth year was in full swing. They all had more work than ever, and everyone, with the exception of Y/n, were groaning and complaining over it all.
"It's really not that bad," said Y/n enthusiastically, as the eight of them worked on a nasty Potions essay in the library one day.
"Easy for you to say," said Arabella, staring blankly into One Thousand Herbs and Fungi and scribbling words onto her parchment. "You're at the top of the class next to James and Sirius. You're good at everything, N/n. Please respect the fact that not everyone is like you."
"Oh, sorry, Bella," apologized Y/n sheepishly.
A bang was heard as Sirius slammed the book shut impatiently. "That's it, I've had it! I can't stand this work any longer! I'll be off in the common room..."
"Snogging with a girl?" supplied Arabella coolly.
Sirius stared at her, and then grinned. "Aww...you know I'd never, Bells. Only with you."
"I've seen you look at that Lori Paterson from Ravenclaw quite a lot lately."
He tensed, but faked a smile. "I'd never, Bella."
She rolled her eyes. "Su-re. Whatever, I'm going to go back to work."
Sirius rushed out of the library eagerly. A bit too eager, thought Y/n. I sense that something not so good is going to happen soon.
Sure enough, the delightful scream of a girl echoed through the corridors, and Y/n heard the laugh of Sirius along with it.
"What the hell is going on out there?" hissed Arabella. They all followed her out of the library just in time to see Sirius' lips on the one and only Lori Paterson's.
Her eyes filled with tears. "SIRIUS BLACK!"
Sirius jumped and looked at his girlfriend, his eyes widening. "No, no, Bella, this isn't what it looks like."
"Oh, isn't it?" Her eyes flashed. "That's it, Sirius. We've broken up and gotten together again twice, but it isn't happening a third time." She glared at her friends to emphasize more. "It's over between us—forever. You can go snog as many girls as you want now, Sirius. You're free from the burdens of old Arabella Figg." She pushed through the couple and headed toward Gryffindor Tower.
Y/n's eyes burned into Sirius'. "I can't believe you did that, Sirius. After all those intimate moments you've shared with my best friend...you risk her affection with your hormonal desires?" She shoved him to the ground roughly, glared at James, Remus, and Peter, as if to say, "You'd better watch it, too", and went after her friend.
Lori looked awkwardly at the tense silence. "Sirius, you never told me you already had a girlfriend. I can't believe you did that to Arabella and I. She's a good girl, and you risked it just to snog with me? And now I've just found out that you 'had' a girlfriend. Well, Sirius, now you've lost both of us." She bit her lip and ran off to where the Ravenclaw common room was.
Finally, James spoke up. "That was low, Sirius. Real low."
"I know," his best friend sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking. Y/n's right, my hormones are definitely taking the better of me. If I liked Arabella that much, then my hormones wouldn't have taken over. I feel so ashamed." He buried his face in his arms.
Remus looked at him sympathetically. "Don't worry, Sirius. Arabella will forget about this soon enough and you two will get back together again." But James saw doubt and worry in those gray eyes of his friend's, as he looked at Sirius comfortingly.
Sirius shook his head. "No, she'll never forgive me. Bella's right, I'm such an idiot, and I definitely don't deserve her. I may as well rot to the earth and die."
"She'll be over it." They turned around to see Jennifer speaking. Her eyes were red. "I know Bella. She'll forgive you, but it'll be a long time before she even thinks about it. Why did you do it, Sirius? Now you have two girls against you."
He shook his head. "I'm an idiot. Just—let me think this over, all right?"
Jennifer nodded, and leaned against Remus. "You can have all the time you need, Sirius. Because I have a feeling that it's going to take Bella quite a while to forgive you."
"But you said—"
"I said she'll forgive you eventually," she said quietly, "but just not soon."
Sirius sighed. "I deserved it."
Meanwhile, back in the fourth year's girls' dormitory, Y/n was trying to comfort her friend.
"Arabella Figg, stop being so stubborn! I know what Sirius did was wrong, but you know he didn't mean it. If he could choose between a life of snogging and a life with you, he would definitely pick the latter. You know he lo—likes you to death."
Bella raised up her defiant face, but Y/n could see traces of tears in them. "I don't care. He can have all the girls in this whole school for all I care. Maybe I shouldn't have chased away Amos." She sighed.
Y/n stared at her. "You know you hate Diggory—and every other boy you've dated. Forget about them. You know Sirius needs you."
Arabella laughed bitterly. "Ha! If he needs me, then why did he go off and snog Lori Paterson? And lied to me about it?"
Y/n stayed silent, not having an answer for her questions.
Suddenly, the dormitory door burst open, revealing the Marauders, followed by Jennifer and Violet. The girls quickly sat at their respected four-poster beds, while the boys shifted uncomfortably through the tension that was nearly visible in the air.
"Well?" snapped Arabella. "What do you four want?"
Sirius stepped up, gulping. "I-I wanted to say that I'm sorry," he stuttered nervously.
"Oh, really? Well, that's nice to hear. Now, go away and snog some girls; you're wasting my good afternoon."
She stepped right in front of him, motioned the rest of the boys to follow, and said "Good day", before slamming the door in front of their faces.
"Sirius feels really bad about it, Bella," said Violet quietly, as Arabella returned, rather red-faced.
"I'm not really in the mood, Vi." Her voice sounded tired.
Y/n sighed. Her best friend was feeling terrible about snapping at Sirius, but she knew that Bella only did it so Sirius couldn't hurt her anymore. Suddenly, out of the blue, her mind shifted to James, and how he's probably pondering the same thing at this very moment.
Why am I thinking about him? He's only Potter, after all, she thought.
Not much really happened for the next few weeks. The rest of the school had recovered from the shock when they first saw Y/n and James acting civil to each other at breakfast. Hurst had nearly fallen off his chair at the staff table, while McGonagall had wiped her spectacles at least three times. Dumbledore, of course, smiled knowingly at the two speaking politely to each other, mildly amused by everyone's reactions.
"Why doesn't everyone just bloody stop staring at me?" grumbled Y/n, as she sat down for breakfast a week later. "What is it with people these days?"
"Well, N/n," said Arabella, trying not to laugh, "you and James are acting civil and polite to each other. That's something that doesn't happen every day. I mean, usually you two just start arguing every time you see each other. It's not natural to see you two being nice to each other."
"Well, they'll have to get used to it, then," snapped Y/n.
As if to make matters worse, James came trotting to them with Sirius behind him. "Hey Lily!" he said enthusiastically.
"James," replied the h/c, nodding curtly.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Why?"
"You look so—down."
The flower sighed. "Ah, but don't I always? Nothing's going right these days." She looked over at Arabella and Sirius sitting at opposite ends, not making eye contact at all.
James saw too, and sighed wistfully. "Don't worry about it, Y/n Flower. They'll get together; I know it. In the mean time, you shouldn't worry. I mean, we are still fourteen after all and a bit too young."
Y/n looked amused. "Is this James Potter speaking? I'm usually the one who tells you that sort of stuff, while you just don't believe me and go snogging with a third year or something. Are you sure you're feeling all right?"
"I'm fine!" exclaimed James in exasperation.
"Oh, all right then."
But before James could persuade Y/n to make a decent and interesting topic of conversation, a scream was heard in the Great Hall. Apparently, Sirius had accidentally spilled a jug of pumpkin juice on Arabella, causing her to think he did it on purpose and slapped him. Remus coughed, hiding a smile, while Jennifer's eyes began to water as she tried not to laugh. James, however, could not restrain his amusement; he burst out laughing.
Bella looked positively livid and ready to strike. "Can you tell me what's so amusing, James Potter? Perhaps you need a good beating as well."
That shut James up very well.
"Oh, Bella, don't be hard on the boy," said Jennifer, trying not to smile. "After all, the Marauders are always like this, and you've never cared before."
"Well, I've now seen that Amos is right—the Marauders are a bunch of immature pricks who don't have any respect for anyone in this school."
"Amos?" questioned Y/n, alarmed.
Arabella smiled. "Oh, Y/n, I didn't tell you guys, did I? I apologized to Amos, and now we're together again. I guess I sort of misunderstood him last year. After all, the Marauders did influence me then."
Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "Bella, does that mean that...you aren't friends with the Marauders any longer?"
"Friends?" Bella laughed, though it sounded quite different from her normal one. "When were we ever friends with them?"
"Bella, are you feeling all right? You dated one of the ringleaders, for goodness' sake! Are you daft?"
"I haven't a clue what you're talking about, Jennifer Dean, but I can assure you, I've never dated a Marauder in my life."
Jennifer gave Y/n a bewildered look and whispered, "What the hell is wrong with this girl?"
Y/n sighed. "I think she's in denial. Sirius snogging Lori went to her mind, I suppose, so she's trying to pretend that she's barely even spoken to the Marauders in her life."
"What? And she forgave Diggory? I think this has gone too far—"
"If she continues like this, then we'll think of something."
"Does she have to be so stubborn?"
On the other side of the table, Sirius was eating quietly, not even laughing at some joke that James occasionally told to him, Remus, and Peter. Even the teachers at the staff table knew that there was something wrong with Sirius lately. He was usually the bubbly and dashing teenager who had girls falling to his feet, but lately, he was quiet and reserved, that even his fan clubs were rather intimidated by his odd behavior. But James knew better. He knew that his best friend missed Arabella more than anyone or anything else, and that he was extremely guilty over being entranced by Lori Paterson's beauty and letting his hormones get the better of him.
He poked his best friend gently. "Sirius? You all right?"
Sirius shook his head. "I'm fine."
"You know, we have to work on our potion."
His eyes were disinterested. "Right. We have most of it done, right? We can finish by next year and have our forms ready."
"Aren't you excited? I mean, not everyone can turn into an animal at will, you know." James was desperate to get his friend into his energetic form again.
"Mmm. But how will we know it'll work?"
The black-haired boy decided to end the conversation, since he wasn't used to Sirius being so pessimistic and gloomy. He leaned forward to Arabella and whispered, "Can I talk to you?"
Bella's eyes flew up in surprise. "Why, why would such a popular boy talk to little old me?"
James raised his eyebrows. "Pardon?"
She shook her head. "I never did know that a Marauder would be so polite."
"Bella, are you all right?"
"She's in denial," hissed Y/n, grabbing James.
"Is she mad? She doesn't even know me!" James was indignant at not being known, especially by one of his closest friends.
"I told you, she's in denial. She's furious at Sirius, so she's ignoring the whole lot of you. Bella's pretending that she doesn't know you guys at all, except for the fact that you four are the most popular boys in the school."
"That's stupid," said James, looking rather put-off. "I mean, I haven't done a thing."
"Don't worry, she'll get over it, if that's what you're worrying about," assured Y/n confidently. "People like her always do."
"Mmm-hmm...right. You know, I'm really worried about those two. They're not acting normal."
"James." Y/n sighed. "I told you not to worry. Now, let's all enjoy ourselves, shall we?"
"Hey, N/n?"
"Will you go with me?"
"To the dance?"
"What dance?"
"The dance."
Y/n sighed with frustration. "What dance?"
"Hello? Earth to Y/n, little Miss Perfect? You know, the Halloween Ball coming up.
"Er—right. What did you want again?"
"Will you go with me?"
Y/n thought for a moment, then smiled wickedly. "Sure. Then we'll really surprise everyone."
James laughed. "Oh, you'll have no idea."
Remus leaned over and whispered to his friend, "What's so funny?"
"Huh? Oh, me and Y/n are going to the ball together."
"It's Y/n and I are going to the ball together. And are you? Oh, wait 'till the whole school sees you to arm-to-arm! McGonagall will faint!"
"That'll be the laughingstock, won't it? And, oh"—James grinned—"what about Sirius and Arabella? They have to get together."
The tired boy smiled back at his friend. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Old-fashioned closet trick?"
The two boys grinned mischievously and told their plan to the girls."
"James...geroff!" Y/n breathed hard. "Get off!"
"Whoops, sorry Y/n." James climbed off the redhead delicately. "You know, you look beautiful."
She smiled and blushed. "You look great, too. But I know you don't mean it when you said that I look beautiful."
James brushed back a lock of her curling H/c hair. "You're the most beautiful girl in this Great Hall right now, Y/n."
Remus gave a hacking cough and James jumped back, flushing. "Perhaps you can get on with the plan, James."
"Oh—er—right." James fumbled with Sirius and Arabella's wands and handed them to Y/n.
"Y/n and James Potter!" Arabella shrieked from the nearby closet, causing several couples who were wandering around the deserted corridors to jump. "Get me out of here!"
"James, what do you think you're playing at?" shouted Sirius. "Sarah's waiting for me back in the Great Hall! She'll dump me if I'm found here!"
"So let her!" exclaimed James. "You don't like her. You like Bella, and you two have to make up tonight, or we won't let you out."
"Y/n?" croaked Bella. "You don't mean that?"
"Oh yes, we do, Bells. Now, do you really like Amos? If you do, you have to say it in front of my face right now."
There was a silence, and Y/n smiled in satisfaction. In fact, she was so engrossed in the whole plan that she hadn't noticed James staring at her the whole time. Her h/c hair was curled into beautiful ringlets, while she wore robes of a deep e/c that brought out the brightness and beauty of her startling e/c eyes. Her blood red lips were curved into a smile, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. James quickly caught his breath at the sight of her.
James didn't look half-bad either. His untidy black hair was still where it was, since he had trouble managing it with every single hair gel and charm he could think of to make it neat. He was wearing robes of navy blue, while his sleeves were rolled up, revealing muscles that made most of the female population swoon and glare at Y/n jealously as the couple had headed down to the Great Hall.
Both of them had no idea what the other thought of them, so they plaintively ignored the fact, though they did steal glances at each other as they pressed their ears against the closet door. The rest of their friends watched them in amusement, for it was so obvious that they've never seen two people more in love than Y/n and James, though the two stubborn teens would never admit it. Jennifer was itching to match up the both of them, though Remus had to tell her logically how it wouldn't work out at all, seeing that they were barely friends yet.
"Wait until they're close friends, and then we'll move to the next step," he had said wisely. So Jennifer impatiently waited for her two friends to become friends with each other.
The six other friends finally gave up on Sirius and Arabella, since it was obvious that they weren't going to make up that night or the next day, so they unwillingly let out the two.
"That was a waste of a good evening," said Jennifer, sighing, as she watched Sirius and Arabella stomp off toward their dates without a single glance at each other. "It's hopeless, I'm starting to think."
"Don't say that, Jen," smothered Violet. "They'll become together when they're ready. In the mean time, let's all enjoy ourselves with what's left of the evening. After all, it's not over, you know."
"Would you care to dance, Y/n?" asked James, bowing, as he took Y/n's hand politely. Y/n graciously accepted and they waltzed away as the music drifted throughout the large room.
We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me
I was going to find you
What you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This the start
Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
And I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
At the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming
How our dreams would come true
Now here we stand unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Loves is a river and I wanna keep going on
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river and I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning...with you
Y/n and James swayed peacefully to the music as it played softly. As it died away, applause was heard, and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" played.
After the ball, everyone agreed that it was very exciting and groaned over classes the next day. Y/n and James linked arms as they joined the other Gryffindors in the common room to party until midnight.
"That was great," said Jennifer, smiling dreamily as she flopped onto a sofa in the common room.
"Why? You and Remus snogged?" teased Y/n.
"Nah. It was just great. Oh, and you and James were getting pretty cozy there yourself. You guys are really meant for each other, but still can't see it yet. I don't know how much it takes to make you see it yourselves."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"I mean, the song that you guys danced to—it said a lot about you. You and James have been through a lot together, and you've found each other. All you have to do now is realize the fact that you're in love with him and vice versa, so you guys can get married and have Harry." Jennifer winked. "Though Harry should be born when you're in your mid-twenties, Y/n, I mean, I think you're a little too young if it was earlier..."
"Jen!" exclaimed Y/n, blushing. "Don't say those things!"
"Sorry, Y/n, but I had to warn you."
Y/n shook her head, smiling. The words of the song echoed in her head slowly, like a revolver.
We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
Was it true what Jennifer had said? Y/n looked around at James, who was casually dangling a foot in the air while talking to Sirius, Remus, and Peter about the upcoming Quidditch game, Gryffindor versus Slytherin. His untidy, jet-black hair fell onto his face and he brushed it off, his brown eyes locking onto Y/n's. He grinned at her, blushing, and continued to discuss things with the rest of the Marauders with red cheeks. The h/c smiled. Even though she couldn't see James more than a friend, she knew that she would someday, for he was just the person she ought to have to be with me forever.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
a/n; sorry about the song lyrics, i just thought they went perfectly with their relationship at the moment!
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