#like she sings really very low and has fun harmonies and has to go absolutely fucking feral
moonmoonthecrabking · 11 months
i think it's so cool to have a lead as such a low alto as angela. like most "alto" parts have tough, high belts in them. but grace sings lower, in a way that suits the character and the musical and i love that for her
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
(tonight we're gonna party like it's) 1999
god damn i haven't done one of these in a while. its charlotte nilsson time baybee
Lithuania REAL SHAME about this staging. it's a nice song and aiste has a great voice clearly but she doesn't have the right kind of stage presence for this. the dancing around that she was doing didn't feel right for this genre, it was discordant and distracting. also the pink lighting didn't work. if i could go back in time and fix this i'd tell the lithuanian delegation to keep the camera close on her upper body at all times.
Belgium nice song nice voice well staged but she's too damn quiet. i can't really hear her. especially at the beginning. sad bc i have no other complaints about this one except for maybe "is that guy blowing into a horseshoe crab?".
Spain she's a good singer so it's a shame about that dress. also, the verses are kind of boring and i only really enjoy the chorus. also, i keep misremembering this song as having the tune of a bosnian song called "zena svijetom upravlja" or something like that that a friend of mine submitted to a tumblr fancontest forever ago. also also, did i mention that dress? distracting.
Croatia love the "ah-ah-ah-ah"s in the chorus. favorite thing about this song. (maybe because that's what's familiar because that's the thing that everyone puts in the fourth place compilation recap vids or whatever). she looks nice in that dress i guess but something feels kind of off with the staging. i can definitely tell that this followed immediately after dana international. there's something in the way she's moving that's making it clear she's trying to imitate dana in some way.
UK i love this one!! love a girl band, the main singer is really good, and those silver outfits are great. that "say it again, say yeah" is the most catchy/memorable line i've heard so far tonight that i hadn't already seen in a recap video. unfortunately one of the girls was a little pitchy in the high harmonies and that got on my nerves a little.
Slovenia i mean i don't love it but there's nothing to hate about it really. she sounds good. nice classic eurovision ballad.
Turkey this is every turkish entry ever, right? it's not bad really it's just not my speed. i spent most of my time watching this thinking about danish barbershop quartet the clementones and admiring the stage, because this year's stage is cool. more on that later.
Norway ngl kind of disappointed? the dance routine was good, i guess? idk it's not my kind of song and he wasn't great vocally. and that shirt wsa sort of. a choice. didn't work imo.
Denmark you can always count on denmark to do a good happy duet with a guitar. love this. if they hadn't fucked up that very last note this would have been absolutely perfect to me. <3
France like if that song "free fallin'" got eurovision'd.
Netherlands early dutch country is also every eurovision song that follows it for the next like 5-6 years, more at 10! nah but it's alright. and she's pretty, which helps. the song started before she started singing and i was like "?? this is gonna be so good?" and then i remembered it was the netherlands and my expectations instantly went medium. lol.
Poland great belt on this man. not like a literal belt but like his voice near the end when he's belting his high notes, that's good. good tone. song's ok i guess.
Iceland this song slams and i fucking love it in studio but the staging was... a little too over the top, tbh?
Cyprus her voice isn't a good fit. the slow start goes on for just a little too long and she's just kind of shrill.
Sweden it's good, i can see why it won, but her outfit is just so MUCH. i hope it was a candidate for barbara dex. the eyeshadow. the flesh colored fabric underneath the pretend crop top. no thank you charlotte.
Portugal not bad. rui bandeira is kind of a guy who looks like a girl who looks like a boy iykwim. idk it kinda sounds like all the other ones.
Ireland this song is too low for them and it does funny things to their tone quality. too much vibrato.
Austria she's cute, i like the guitar line, this is very radio-friendly and american in a way that allowed me to like... yes tune out but not tune all the way out and just kind of vibe.
Israel it is a sign of how brainpoisoned i have become that i saw a quartet of guys on the stage and thought, "ah yes, the guy in the different shirt is the lead, he has the tenor and the bass on either side of him, and the other guy is the bari". i'm in hell. good song though. i mean i guess. why is it happy birthday?
Malta their harmonies aren't really locking. given, i have a much higher bar for that these days due to the aforementioned brainpoison, but still, some of these chords are heinous. also the song is just sort of not good.
Germany song is alright except for the bridge which is unnecessarily cheesy. i mean, even for the thing that it is, which is a eurovision song.
Bosnia & Herz d... dino merlin? idk this one is weird, they're like conjugating french verbs or something and also this one was muted in the video archive i had and the dino merlin official youtube upload had terrible audio quality so i feel like i can't really judge it
Estonia the onstage aesthetic vibe of this is beautiful, and i like the song, too. it's a shame that it's not a good vocal fit for evelin. a clear precursor to randajad and good use of the stage too.
My top 23 1)Denmark 2)Estonia 3)Portugal 4)Iceland 5)Sweden 6)Austria 7)Belgium 8)Poland 9)Israel 10)Germany 11)UK 12)Slovenia 13)Spain 14)Croatia 15)Ireland 16)Turkey 17)Netherlands 18)Lithuania 19)Cyprus 20)France 21)Norway 22)Bosnia 23)Malta
shoutouts again to my friend rachel's prefsorter, because we can't always have gerbear
Miscellaneous commentary the little cgi tour of europe at the beginning was cute. but also very funny because of how squished together and contiguous everything was. lmao @ the host greeting the "distinguished guests" and everyone there in nice clothes. like wow the contest has changed in 20 years obsessed with these postcards btw. cartoon eve fully tits out. jesus represented as a hot guy in a suit. joseph and his brothers singing in barbershop harmony. the baby moses video game. priceless recaps are so short? i already have a hard time remembering how each song goes but like the recap snippets help absolutely not at all lol at the sun prop. it was a really excellent stage, honestly, a lot of contestants were able to use it really well, but after last year's debacle i just kept giggling whenever i saw the thing move. overall like...it's hard to judge the songs in this era, it's hard to rank them, because really i don't like most of them? like they just aren't really my style. i feel like for many of the 90s rankings the margins between songs are going to be very thin and i'm going to have trouble remembering a lot. i don't listen to a lot of 90s music so it's like... ok? sure? do i even know if this is good? no i don't!
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neon-vocalist · 1 month
i wrote this while listening to the songs and did not proofread so sorry if it’s incomprehensible + i’m putting it under a cut bc i talked A Lot. i just don’t understand this album. i think a lot of the songs would’ve been ranked a lot higher if listened to on their own / in little groups and not all crammed in one album together because there is no coherent genre or vibe. if i was ready for soft, pretty lofi shit i would’ve probably ranked through the blue and skeletons higher, but i’d already been enticed by overkill and donmai. idk. anyway! actually listened to phantomime review & ranking (low to high this time oops):
10. through the blue: i’m used to the lowkeyed shit by now i think. cute intro. cute verse. not what i’ve grown to love from calli but by now this girl does every fucking genre under the sun so what did i expect. it’s great for what it is, once again, i have no idea why it’s in an album with overkill. the thing with this album is it can’t seem to pick a vibe. it opens with three really loud upbeat tracks, overkill is basically rock/metal… cult following is also very metal… and then like. does this. i’m confused lmao and this is not my preferred genre i’m sorry calli 💔 it’s cute. it’s fine. whatever. 4/10 somehow worse than sneaking oops
9. sneaking revenge: not my fav. worse than og sneaking i think. i don’t tend to like features that much bc like. i’m here to listen to calli not some random guy and i especially am not a fan of this guy’s voice in particular. it’s fine but im not happy about it. 4/10
8. cult following: fun and enticing intro even if the 7 seconds of silence made me a little bit confused. i’m loving the transition from aggressive whisper to soft vocals but i am not necessarily loving the amount of time that the soft vocals last or the transition from soft vocals to shouting. it seems a little out of place and i don’t really like the sound of either of them. the hook is not that good. i’m not sure if metal is calli’s scene. i know in my pre review i was like ��lmao this is gonna end up hardcore for everything but the promo!” for one of the songs… and then this one was… but i do not like it lmao. would’ve been ranked even lower but extra points added for calli’s vocals i didn’t know that girl could SCREAM like that! 5/10
7. skeletons: disappointing intro ngl im sorry but we’ve learned by now that im not into slow stuff. also calli’s voice sometimes has like weirdly shadowed tones especially when she’s being quiet and i don’t. really. like it that much. don’t kill me lmao and do not let it be perceived that i don’t adore calli’s singing voice bc i do it’s just like. why r u doing that. seems more fit for a lofi album than an album that kicks off with tide ft. AI. the rap part could grow on me though ngl i think im gonna like this more once i listen to it again a few times. for now though: 6/10.
6. tide: solid song. the novelty of it has worn off which might be why i’ve not ranked it any higher? but for an album opener it’s GREAT. idk if it sets any sort of tone yet but i love it on its own! the harmonies are great :) 7/10
5. midnight mayoi: god i fucking love kobo she’s so CUTE. it’s a little more lowkey than i tend to like, in general, but the vocals are also really pretty and good GOD is this song earwormy. kobo’s voice is so cute i know i already said this but holy shit. the harmonies are also really tasty! very cute song :) owah owah oh… 7/10
4. go-getters: absolute banger this song has everything! the style is something we really haven’t seen from calli before, it’s more poppy than i’d normally like but i’m into it anyway. the vocals are flawless and everything seems so clean despite there being SO MUCH going on lmao i fucking love this song. 8/10
3. overkill: oops i’m scared of ranking it too high but i DO think it’s better than GG. it’s definitely more my style and waaaa the vocals are so fucking tasty i <3 calli. 9/10
2. DONMAI: oooh sassy vocals… god i fucking love calli’s singing voice. i can always appreciate a good rap interlude. the chorus BANGS. calli’s voice is SO SMOOTH like her low notes are soft and enticing and then her high notes are so powerful goddd i love her lmao this song is so good. the bridge is perfect. saxophone!!!!!! 9/10 (note: i realised that while writing to this i was biased by my pre review so i listened to it again after hearing the album as a whole and… yeah no it still goes hard af 9/10)
1. last days: just as soft and slow as skeletons tbh BUT it picks up by the prechorus, the chorus is actually really strong and FUCK that high note is impressive!!! i don’t have the music theory words to describe this but i love the uh. chord… progression… is that the word? lmao. second verse is significantly quicker than the first and i actually really really love this song holy shit… the emotion in the bridge is like. heart wrenching. the harmonies? THE BEAT DROP? WHAT THE FUCK???? 9/10 better than DONMAI
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VoicePlay: The Little Mermaid Medley review
Buckle up folks, this is a long one:
0:00 - One thing I love about VoicePlay's movie medleys is that they don't shy away from the more obscure songs (in this case, Fathoms Below). Almost no one remembers this song, but that doesn't matter, they're just here to tell a story. And Fathoms Below is the perfect intro for this story.
0:23 - I love Layne's bubbles sound effects! They make for a perfect transition to the next song, and the fact that they added actual bubbles on screen just makes it even better 🙌
0:26 - Rachel's voice is PERFECTLY suited for Ariel! She has that light, poppy, Disney princess tone, and I'm so here for it. Homegirl understood the assignment lol
0:29 - The bracelet is such a good touch! (I'm telling you guys, VoicePlay's attention to detail is unmatched)
0:39 - Dinglehopper!!
0:46 - I'm no video editor, but I'm impressed by the fact that the fork dinglehopper doesn't fall back down into frame after Rachel tosses it behind her. Seems like a difficult thing to pull off 👏
0:50 - I'm pretty sure a YouTube reactor has pointed this out before (I don't remember who, sorry), but I love the way Layne, J and Eli repeat the words "I want more" after Rachel. It seems to emphasize how badly she wants more, so it not only sounds great, but it also adds to the story!
1:05 - Those harmonies give me CHILLS
1:15 - Amazing key change on the word "world", it really grabs your attention and gets you ready for the absolute party that is Under The Sea 😂
1:17 - J out here spitting facts lol
1:25 - UGH I love this run so much, because 1. Ascending runs are much harder than descending ones, and J makes it sound so effortless; and 2. The vocal line matches the lyrics (going up there)! You all know I'm a sucker for vocal painting like that lol
1:37 - What more is you looking for, you ask? With this masterpiece of a medley, absolutely nothing 😌
1:41 - Love that half-time breakdown! (VoicePlay does them a lot, they're amazing at them) Great way to change up the arrangement, and make room for the build coming up!
1:50 - Speaking of builds, here it is, and it's amazing
1:59 - Ok there is SO much going on here, I love it!! The way everyone imitates an instrument as J calls (sings?) them out, then there's another key change, then J as a snail comes out of nowhere 😂 Layne, you absolute madlad, you've already outdone yourself on this arrangement and we're not even halfway through it yet
2:24 - Vibe check! Fantastic voice acting from J and Eli, 10/10 very creepy. I also love how the only other thing going on here is Geoff's bassline, it's like we're bracing for what we all know will be an incredible solo
2:33 - Really cool editing!! Again, I know nothing about video editing but I'm sure that transition wasn't easy. Also, I LOVE the arrangement of this entire section with Geoff. He's singing slightly higher than he normally does when he has a solo, which for anyone familiar with his voice/range, creates a lot of anticipation leading to when he inevitably drops really low. Also, the tempo is a bit slower than the original, which makes it sound a bit more sinister. Most a cappella covers (at least, VoicePlay's) are sped up slightly from the original to keep things moving and engaging, so this is one rare and wonderful instance where slowing the song down really works.
2:41 - J's face 👀 sir you're the biggest goofball of the group, why are you so creepy looking here lol
2:48 - There's that inevitable bass drop I mentioned! I love how everyone else cuts out on "yes", followed by a beat of rest - it really emphasizes the creepiness. Also more impressive editing!
2:55 - J. Just J 😂
2:56 - I have no idea what kind of vocal effect was used here, but I LOVE it
3:02 - pathetic
3:06 - Geoff smiling when he sings the words "in pain"?? That is honestly so creepy. I love his interpretation of Ursula so much
3:10 - Fun fact! The "longing to be thinner" girl is Rachel Evans, who's part of the American Sirens, who collaborated with Geoff for his cover of Mele Kalikimaka on his solo channel!
3:19 - That run from J, Eli, and Rachel on "poor unfortunate souls" is SO GOOD, the harmonies and the way it fits into the rhythm (emphasizing the off-beats) is just *chefs kiss*
3:21 - Then that amazing run from Eli? Amazing 🙌
3:25 - I love how J, Eli, and Rachel say "Ursula, please!" instead of Geoff having the whole line (which is how it goes in the original). It makes more sense for their characters, imo.
3:30 - I think this is an appropriate time to let you all know that Geoff does narrations on his solo channel and they sound a lot like this and they are Amazing ok back to the review
3:42 - Man really had the audacity to say he wants her voice when he sounds Like That 😂
3:56 - Ok yeah so that was a 3 octave slide going from mixed voice to chest voice, plus a subharmonic an octave lower at the end because why the heck not. Most people have a range of 2, maybe 3 octaves, and here Geoff is going through 4 octaves in the span of a few seconds. Just another day at the office for him I guess lol
4:08 - Is that a trap beat? On Poor Unfortunate Souls?? Layne Stein, your arrangements never cease to amaze me
4:12 - I love how Rachel is looking around nervously, even though it's not her solo she's staying in character!
4:14 - Love the reverb on Geoff's voice for added spookiness (also he's getting so into character, it's awesome lol)
4:21 - I love how Rachel's facial expression makes it seem like she's not singing of her own accord, and her surprised expression when her voice starts fading away! 10/10 acting (also the orb disappearing from her throat and going into Geoff's necklace is a great touch)
4:38 - Geoff's evil laugh is always fantastic lol
4:42 - This interruption is brought to you by Layne and a fish (Geoff's and Rachel's expressions here are hilarious 😂)
4:49 - Ok who thought it was a good idea to let Layne hold a meat cleaver?
5:00 - I love how everyone but Layne looks VERY concerned and confused, then one by one they just accept it and go along with it 😂 (seriously though is Layne ok, I cannot stop laughing but I am also concerned for his sanity lol)
5:04 - I love how scared Geoff looks 😂 dude is a sea witch who steals voices, but a guy with a knife terrifies him (not that I can blame him lol)
5:09 - J's just like "don't question it, just go with it and hopefully everything will be fine 😬"
5:12 - ELI MY GOOD SIR WHAT IS HAPPENING (everyone's just going crazy in this one huh lol)
5:18 - I LOVE Eli's mid/low range so much!! We haven't heard much of it in recent times since he's sort of taken on the role of tenor 1 (which is also amazing, don't get me wrong), but his tone in his lower range is so smooth and rich, it's just *chefs kiss*
5:22 - Not Layne looking nervously at Geoff when Eli sings "sitting there across the way" 😂
5:54 - This song is just an absolute vibe, Layne KILLED IT with the arrangement 🙌
6:09 - ELI 🤣
6:12 - I love how everyone (including Eli) looks over at seagull Eli, like honestly same guys
6:16 - Is it just me or does it seem like Layne is looking worriedly at Eli like "wait, what? Kiss the girl??" as if the "girl" is Geoff 😂 (note how he looked nervously at Geoff earlier)
6:28 - I love how Rachel's tone is different for Vanessa compared to Ariel. A little darker, a little less "poppy"; it really sells the evil persona she's portraying!
6:39 - Love Geoff's little evil grin 😈 staying in character even when it's not his solo, just like Rachel did earlier!
6:47 - Amazing transition, both aurally and visually 🙌
6:54 - NOOOO 😂 (when I first watched this, it seemed like the audio and video were just slightly out of sync, but then I heard someone say that it could be because Geoff is losing Rachel's voice! Which is a much more interesting explanation, so that's what I'm going to assume lol)
7:11 - Rachel is the queen of belting!! I love how she adds an even higher riff at the end, as if the belt on its own wasn't impressive enough lol
7:12 - Nice callback to Under The Sea!
7:17 - I love that J "steals" Geoff's line and Geoff looks so offended 😂
7:24 - Beautiful, epic harmonies to close things out!
7:31 - But wait, there's more! Because why have just a medley when you can also have a remix 😎
Final Thoughts:
This might just be one of my favourite VoicePlay videos ever. It was one of the first ones I ever watched, and I think it was ultimately the one that got me hooked on them 😂
I love all the theatrics they incorporate into what is at first glance a pretty simple video concept! Like they're all just sitting there, but there's costumes and effects and SO MUCH STORYTELLING, they really just pull you in and it's amazing.
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m34gs · 3 years
Aaahhh it's me again!!!! Idea! Idea!!
Urahara drags everyone to a Karaoke bar because of who he is as a person.  What would everyone sing? Who is everyone there?? What are their voice types?? What chaos ensues??
Hope you're having a good one!!!
GASP! KARAOKE!!!! Hi friend, I love this idea so so much! Karaoke is one of my favourite things!!!!! That being said, I can ramble on music and song choices for forever, and so be prepared. This is gonna be a long one :D
Ok, so Kisuke dragged them out there. Who is 'them'? Oh the usual crew: Ichigo, Yoruichi, Grimmjow, Orihime (she went willingly), Chad, Uryu, Renji, Rukia (again she went willingly), and Nel joins this time too!
As for songs...well here's what I think:
Rukia and Orihime are the ones that are totally enthusiastic about this whole outing. They are very excited to be there. And Nel is excited too, even if she doesn't get all of it. That doesn't stop her from joining in with the other two just as energetically! I think the girls would sing together at least a few songs, and they would be songs like Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, Hips Don't Lie by Shakira, CAPSULE by Hikari no Disco (link here, if you haven't heard this one before, it's cute and has a fun tune!), and other fun tunes that fit that kind of vibe. Nel doesn't necessarily know all the words, but she bops along with them and dances enthusiastically around. Maybe at the start they try some harmonies (building off your idea that Rukia is an alto and Orihime sings soprano, because I absolutely love that) but by the end of it, they are just having fun and singing as happily as they can, not even really caring what they sound like because they are too caught up in enjoying themselves (which is how karaoke is meant to be!) Nel is very off-key and off-beat, but no one cares because she is happy and it's pretty hard for anyone to want to criticize someone who looks so happy to just be there.
Kisuke doesn't go up to sing. But he does drunkenly sing along to every song the girls sing while remaining in his seat curled up next to Yoruichi.
Then, it's Yoruichi's turn. And yeah, she's gonna sing. This woman has confidence, as well as skill she has cultivated over the many years. I like to imagine her voice is also low, chesty, warm and soothing like the smell of cinnamon or the taste of hot tea sweetened with just the slightest touch of honey, or the feel of a warm and strong hug. She knows what songs suit her, too. She's gonna go for the ballads, but not just any ballad. She goes for jazz. Yoruichi sings Summertime, and if you want to know how I imagine her singing to be, just listen to Ella Fitzgerald sing it here! (Ella Fitzgerald is an absolute queen, her voice is so amazing and she is so beautiful!) Kisuke just falls more and more in love with Yoruichi as she sings. This is the only song he's quiet for. (Ichigo goes "oh now he's quiet" and Kisuke hucks a shoe at him and tells him to shut up).
Poor Renji gets dragged up there by Rukia to sing with the girls even though he knows none of the songs. (Rukia only knows them all because her and Orihime have sleep overs and listen to music while painting each other's nails and catching up on everything that's been going on). He is highly embarrassed and flees back to his seat as soon as he can. Then he just sits there all night, face as red as his hair.
Uryu has much the same fate as Renji, but he was dragged up there by Orihime (I think this is a cute ship tbh). He stumbles through one song and dance with the girls, and then manages to escape.
Chad is incredibly quiet, and he doesn't go up to sing for a long time. It takes all of the girls persuading him (and maybe a few drinks? I'm putting this during a time when they're all old enough to drink alcohol). But when he does, his voice is smooth, bass, beautiful, like the thunder rolling across the sky during a storm, and kind of surprises everyone (except Ichigo who knows only because he and Chad sometimes would sing along to their favourite songs on the radio together while hanging out). But Chad is not just a gentle soul. Oh no. He has power to his voice. So he starts off with Sound of Silence by Disturbed (link here for those who are unfamiliar with this version, it's my favourite version of the song).
Unfortunately for Ichigo, the fact he has spent time singing with Chad previously means that Chad knows Ichigo can sing. And Chad is not as innocent as everyone thinks. If he has to suffer, so does Ichigo. So he totally makes the off-hand comment that Ichigo should sing next, because his voice is really good. And now our poor Ichigo has everyone hounding him and Rukia drags him up there and Renji is shouting that he needs to because Rukia already forced him, so it's only fair! And so Ichigo is forced up there. Chad picks the song because he knows Ichigo won't. And he knows exactly which song he's gonna choose and as soon as he hears the intro, Ichigo glares at Chad because what the hell Chad you can't just choose the song Ichigo says reminds him of Grimmjow that is just not fair. Which song, you ask? Criminal, by Britney Spears. :D Ichigo sings it and the entire time he is literally glaring at Chad. And Grimmjow is now confused because is Ichigo singing it to Chad? But why is he angry at Chad then? And why does Grimmjow not like the idea of him singing that song specifically for someone? He has many emotions. He is grumpy and doesn't know what to do for the rest of the song. But he relaxes a bit when Ichigo comes and sits next to him and not Chad. He grins smugly at Chad, but Chad just...smiles knowingly back at him? And now he is More Confused. He would go up there and sing a song for Ichigo, as a fuck-you to Chad (definitely not as showing off to Ichigo, not at all), but he doesn't know what song to choose, how karaoke works, and he is still shy about singing in front of other people. So when he goes home that night, he goes through all the music he has learned about and searches for songs to sing to Ichigo (he's not even sure why but he just knows that he needs to be prepared next time so that he can show Chad he isn't special just because Ichigo was looking at him specifically for an entire song). He will be prepared for the next karaoke session.
These are my thoughts! Thank you so much for the ask! Do you have any ideas to add? Does anyone else join them? Are they in a private karaoke booth or are they at the open stage in a large bar? Do you have any other songs that you think would work really well in the scenario?
Hope you have a lovely day, friend!!!
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twstwonderlandstuff · 4 years
Octo Love! (Reader x Azul!)
Original song
My cover 
Tumblr media
In which [Name] gets a little too tired and goes on a sporadic singing journey.
It always feels like you’ve exhausted yourself to the max limit. Every day, you trudge back to Ramshackle, muscles and back sore from the work Crowley forces upon you, that damned bird. Every day, you collapse into the soft cushions in Ramshackle and fall asleep in 3 seconds, and after an hour-long ‘nap’, you wake up to see Grim sprawled on top of you, snoozing away (you’re always grateful for the ghosts you take their time to spread a blanket on top of both of you). 
But today… today was different. 
No, you’re still exhausted (come ON now, this is school and when does one catch a break from school?), eyebags visible, but this time, you don’t get the chance to go to Ramshackle. 
No-no-no. See, you’re broke. Very, very, broke, and you have to work, and what better place to get models, than working in Monstro Lounge, right?
Well, it depends. 
On good days, working there can be its sort of fun, with Floyd’s unstable mood swings, the business of the place, Azul (with his mafia-like nature) running the place to perfection, and Jade’s butler act, but on other days were simply dealing with that is too much. 
You lose all sense of logic and fear- throw that shit out of the window, dawg, it doesn’t matter.
Say it with me, loud in clear! LOGIC AND FEAR DOESN’T MATTER! Again! LOGIC AND FEAR-
“Shrimpy~?” Floyd asks, and you gasp in alarm, gripping onto whatever you were doing. What were you doing?
Ah, yes, cleaning Monstro Lounge after dark, right, right…
“Yo, Floyd…” You give him a weak grin, tiredly pushing the mop against the tiles. “I’m so… sleepy.”
“But you’re always sleepy.” Floyd points out, lighting up. “Ah, wait here, Shrimpy. I got something for you~” He quickly leaves, leaving you looking like a deer in spotlights. 
“Ehh… ah, whatever…” You mumble, going back to your duties. Oh god, the floor’s beginning to look like something entirely different….
“[Name]? Are you alright?” This time it’s Jade asking, his calm and soothing voice forcing you to rub out the sleepiness from your eyes. You know he’s not that concerned, but the verbalization is appreciated. 
“No, not really. Fuck, I just want-” You don’t get the chance to finish your complaint as Floyd bursts in, holding a sheet of music and a mic in hand. 
“Shrimpy~! You know when you sang that weird song?” Your eyes snap open for the first time, and your cheeks redden. Ahh…
It’s a song from your middle-school years, how embarrassing. You were talking with Floyd- well, to be precise, he was spinning and squeezing you about- and as he was spinning you, you began to hum a little tune. The eel picked up on it, and insistently asked what you were singing about, so you gave him the entire rundown of the song.
He giggled, saying how weird it sounded, but his grin contradicted his statement and before you could realize it, he dropped you on the ground and ran away, doing who knows what- and it seems that he’s…
“You… wrote the entire note-chorus- thing?! Based on what I said?!” You shout, skimming over the notes he’s written down messily. 
“Floyd, this is amazing, holy shit!” You gasp in amazement. “That’s so cool!”
“Hehe, sea otter helped me out! Sea otter’s too nice, it’s kinda annoying.” Floyd pouts, going to sling his arm around Jade. “Whatcha think, Ja-de?”
The twin smoothly takes the paper out of your hands and reads the notes, looking amazed. “Ah.. this truly is spectacular, Floyd. Good job.” He pats Floyd on the head, and Floyd grins at the praise. 
“What’s going on here?” Ah, the man of the hour, the head of the fish mafia himself, Azul Ashengrotto.
You might or might not harbor a tiny, insignificant crush on him. No, you don’t have secret doodles of him and you in the corners of your notebook, of course not! That very notion revokes the idea of logic!
But then again, didn’t you say ‘FUCK LOGIC!’ just a while ago? You did, didn’t you?
Well, maybe the crush is bigger than that. There might be a chance that it’s 0.1% bigger than that.
No, you most definitely harbor an obvious crush on the silver-haired bloke, and EVERYONE KNOWS, except the bloke himself!
“A-Azul, hey!” He waves you aside, used to the way you stutter when you speak to him.
 “Floyd, I believe I told you to check on [Name], not needlessly wave around a piece of paper,” Azul says, adjusting his glasses.
“But A~zul~ take a look! I, Sea Otter, and Shrimpy made this, you know! And I don’t wanna work anymore! I wanna play the piano~” Without giving Azul a chance to protest, he grabs you (and throws you over his back like a sack of potatoes) and the paper, and runs to the piano Monstro has, leaving Jade to deal with Azul. 
“Jade, set me down at once-” Azul complains as he’s handled similarly to you, looking undignified. 
“My apologies, Azul, but it wouldn’t do good to displease Floyd.” Jade chuckles.  “Besides, don’t you want [Name] to rest? It seems that you were quite worried about their health, fufu.”
Azul stiffens, a light blush adorning his ears. “I haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, I must have misunderstood. My apologies.” Jade snickers, setting Azul down on one of the tables in Monstro Lounge, sitting next to him. 
You and Floyd are too far away to hear this conversation, with Floyd getting the piano up excitedly and handing you the mic. 
“Wait, are we going to play a concert? In the middle of the night?” You mutter, taking the mic dumbly. 
“Duh~ you’re pretty dim, Shrimpy!” Floyd snickers darkly, setting the music sheet in front of him and stretching. “What did Goldfish say…? Oh yeah, this spell!” 
After the spell was cast, the piano began to play a tune to what you’re familiar with. 
“Holy shit. It’s playing by itself?!” Floyd pays no heed to your words and began dancing. 
“Come on, Shrimpy, sing!” He encourages you, clearly having fun. 
Well, what’s the harm? You turn the mic on, and begin singing, moving your body for a bit.
“Ooo, we break the laws of attraction
Like you’re sent from above
Got a case of octo love”
Azul glares at the oddly fitting words but begins to slowly bop his head. Jade is smiling, stiffly dancing in his seat. 
“Ooo, we’re like a chemical reaction
Or a code you can’t debug
Got a case of octo love”
“She’s always turning to violence-” Floyd laughs particularly hard at this, and swings you around, leading you to giggle halfway through the song. 
“…’s so determined she’s timeless
And I’m so nervous I’m silent.”
Floyds leaves you be, and you pause in time with the music. 
“What if she finds out I’m lying?
What if she sends me home crying?
Why can’t I just be kawaii?”
“Isn’t that a term Idia-shii often uses…?” Azul mutters. Floyd comes closer to Jade and Azul, picking the latter up. 
“Wait wait wait-!” 
“Too late, Azul~” He plonks Azul, next to you, and you give him a grin. 
“Baby, baby, baby, you’re so fine-” You scream into the mic, clutching it like a madman. 
Mew mew kissy cutie, you’ll be mine-
Crushing, crushing, crushing, on AZUL-” 
The octopus freezes in shock, as you continue with the very, very fitting lyrics. Floyd’s going absolutely ham, doing some sort of ska dance with his twin as he laughs at your mistake. (RIP all the other members of Octavinelle). 
“Oh, did I say that out-”
No, did I say that out loud?!” You, being dramatic, clutches Azul’s hands and shake them, seemingly unaware of what you’ve said. 
The octopus face reddens almost immediately when you swing his arms as children do.
“Ooo, we break the laws of attraction
Like you’re sent from up above
Got a case of octo love”
The poor dorm leader would like to hide under his octopod forever now, thank you very much. 
“Ooo, we’re like an improper fraction
Hope this ship gets safe to shore
Though I’m quite unsure”
“Come on shrimpy, join us!” Floyd grabs you and Azul, and together, the 4 of you began dancing in a circle as the Dance Break ensues, your and Azul’s hands holding each other. Azul just repeatedly wants to die of shame and embarrassment. 
“She’s always turning to violence
I’m always turning to science
She’s so determined she’s timeless 
And I’m so nervous I’m silent.”
You lot stop spinning, dizzy, and out of breath as Floyd takes the mic and sings into it, surprisingly melodious (well, maybe it’s not THAT much of a surprise. He IS from the sea, after all.)
“What if she finds out I’m lying?
What if she sends me home crying?
Why can’t I just be kawaii?
And then I’m like…”
Jade takes the microphone, seemingly knowing the lyrics, and sings into it, making you cheer as you press close to him. 
“Baby, baby, baby, you’re so fine
Mew mew kissy cutie, you’ll be mine-”
You grab the mic back, spinning in place. 
Crushing, crushing, crushing on Azul-”
You point towards the dorm leader, who’s taken to sitting on the floor of Monstro Lounge and hiding most of his face with his hands, excluding his eyes, and come near him, getting your face a little too close to his liking. 
“And so I shout it out!” 
And so I shout it out loud!”
You grab Azul by the hand and drag him towards you, skillfully keeping him balanced. He can’t help but wonder, Where was this energy when you were working?
You began to do a sort of impromptu couple dance, your exhausted giggles and laughs slipping in and Azul sighs at the silliness of it all, but… he smiles genuinely. 
You look so plaintively happy here that he can’t help it, you know?
“Ooo, we’re like a warrior in action
Fit together like a glove-”
You shove the mic into his face, and he, in a low voice, murmurs. 
“Got a case of octo love…”
You gasp dramatically, looking like you didn’t notice him. 
“I’ve been right here the whole time…” He mutters, a little confused. Is this part of the song, or something?
“Ok, now I want to die.” You say, deadpan. The twins, who were back to their own ska dance thing, grabs the mic from you and pulls you and Azul by the arms (again). The four of you began to sing in harmony (as harmonious as you can get, anyway). 
“Ooo, we break the laws of attraction-”
You eagerly grab the mic back.  “A duet will maybe do... cuz I invited Floyd and Jade too!”
“Hehe, of course, you did, Shrimpy~”
“Smooshed together like a bug!!”
“Got a case of Octo love~”
You let out a huge laugh, giggling and snickering as Jade sets you down, catching your breath. 
“That was… fun…! But now, I...holy shit… I’m tired…” You gasp in exhaustion, falling flat onto one of the couches and quickly began to fall asleep, but-
“Ne, Shrimpy?”
With the last bit of your strength, you open your eyes just a tiny bit. “Wha..?”
“D’ya realize what ya said?” Floyd’s grin is wide like he was about to tease the SHIT out of you or use you in some way. He flops on the floor and leans onto your leg. 
“The song, yeah?”
“Hihihi, Shrimpy~,” The twin says. “You’ll see tomorrow~ goodnight.” He says quietly, a quick change of mood. 
“Sleep tight.” Jade laughs, sitting down next to you and putting his head back. 
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Azul finishes, sitting a bit further away from the 3 of you. 
“G’night.” Not a second later, and you are asleep, breathing softly.
“Ne, ne, Azul~? Watcha think of Shrimpy’s confession?”
“Th-that wasn’t a confession! It was a slip of the tongue.”
“Eh. You’re still gonna deny that. That’s cowardly, Azul~ Even Shrimpy knows better than that.”
“I must agree. Honestly, to think that you were beaten to confessing. And most oddly, too.”
*The Leech twins grin widely at Azul’s clamming up. 
“J-just leave me be!”
*With a face as red as tomatoes, Azul leaves, assuming to hide in his octo pot. 
[Thanks v much for reading! This is a better version of what I put out yesterday because god damn, that was disgraceful.]
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deus-ex-knoxina · 5 years
a cappella au
let’s get all the voice types out of the way first:
soprano: allison, she’s classically trained and delights in adding glottal stops to everything as a result of it (just to spite her parents)
mezzo/alto: renee and dan, renee is technically probably more of a soprano but allison’s Very Loud Voice doesn’t need any help holding down the s1 line, and renee’s more comfortable in the middle of her range. dan is a belter who taught herself how to do rIDICULOUS runs and has the low notes to sing alto
tenor: neil (countertenor), kevin, nicky, seth (his tessitura is lower than kevin and nicky so he usually sings with aaron), riko
baritone: aaron, andrew
bass: matt, jean
beatboxer: andrew, renee if he needs a second person for something particularly Wack™
there is literally SO MUCH under the cut so read more for the actual headcanons and fun shit
i’m returning to the whole perfect quart(et) pun with neil, riko, kevin, and jean, in which neil is generally relegated to ‘sing an upper harmony line and don’t overshadow riko’, jean gets bass lines that are, admittedly, musically complex and interesting, riko solos pretty much always, and kevin sings a lower harmony line that is just a little lower than where he’s most comfortable. which riko knows, of course.
the foxes, before neil, generally sing SSATTB, with allison on s1, renee on s2, dan on alto, kevin and nicky on t1, seth and aaron on t2, and matt on bass (and andrew beatboxing). it makes female solos complicated, because they’ll have to simplify the SSA to SA or stick one of the t1s on alto, but nicky doesn’t have the upper range to make it work and kevin refuses (he has strong feelings on tessitura and does Not Want to be forced into singing a part that’s not super comfortable for him again). this results in mostly male solos and the women are not happy.
when neil and his countertenor ass arrive, they promptly stick him on the same part as dan, which frees up allison, renee, and dan to switch parts around so that they can solo! thrilling! he’s already healing rifts!
at night practice, instead of kevin teaching neil raven drills, kevin teaches neil how to access more of the power of his voice (now that he doesn’t have riko telling him to be quiet), and neil teaches kevin (PLOT TWIST) about his upper range and how to make the most of that (now that he doesn’t have riko telling him to sing low).
this is a heavy angst free AU so instead of dying seth quits in the middle of the year after kevin arrives because he thinks kevin’s ruining their group by trying to make them do what he wants instead of doing the music they want to do. there’s a big argument. nobody actually expects seth to leave permanently (they’re not surprised when he storms out), but he does. oops
andrew has perfect pitch and it really irritates kevin that he insists on beatboxing constantly. and andrew, who is kind of entertained by this, is really irritated when neil manages to arrange a piece without any beatboxer part and thus force andrew to sing t2.
kevin would absolutely do the kind of run where you’re just seeing how long you can go before someone is like ‘ok buddy that’s enough we know you can sing’ and that person is ALWAYS aaron and he says it faster and faster every time
kevin: aaaAAaaAaaAaAaAaaAaa--
aaron: i think that’s enough
two weeks later:
kevin: aAaAaaaAAaAAa--
aaron: hmm a little overdone don’t you think
three days later:
kevin: aaaAAaa--
aaron: no.
(nicky, in the background, overdramatically pretending to sing along to whatever kevin is doing)
this never happens to dan because she is the epitome of tasteful when it comes to deciding how long her runs should be. it’s not a fucking operatic cadenza KEVIN we’re not going to sTOP AND WAIT FOR YOU
a bunch of them all try their hand at arranging and matt keeps arranging the most EMO ASS songs and kevin always, always backs him on it and nobody knows why but it’s because jeremy knox once told kevin he really liked mayday parade
(kevin, arranging a new song: andrew come sing this with me i need to hear how these two parts sound together
andrew: did you say something
neil, wandering into the room 5 seconds later: andrew can you come sing this with me i need to--
andrew: interesting. i’ll do it)
allison winds up teaching renee a lot of what she learned in private lessons because renee mentioned she’d like to learn to sing classical music
andrew does his damndest to convince everyone that they should sing an arrangement he made (or rather threw together in 15 seconds but they don’t need to know that) that’s just a vine compilation he saw set to literally random notes and rhythms. i know vine didn’t exist in the 2000s but let me have this. the tenor parts are in 3/4 time and everyone else is in 4/4. the soprano 1 has a low F. andrew passes out the sheet music and tells the foxes he worked really hard on it and it takes neil almost busting a gut from laughter for the others to actually figure out that he’s not serious (they were like. seriously torn because on the one hand it’s fucking weird music but on the other hand andrew has never arranged anything for them so maybe this is?? what he likes??? and they shouldn’t make fun of it because he’s engaging with the group????)
(andrew actually is a big fan of open fourths and fifths. he will never reveal this because it goes against his Image™ to like the literal most consonant intervals in the diatonic scale)
(allison, just to spite him, learns the whole thing and sings it outside his door with the crispest diction ever heard outside the metropolitan opera at seven AM)
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lucidescuella · 4 years
mellifluous ; javier escuella
Tumblr media
first time writing with an OC and i’m really happy with this!! i want to make this an ongoing thing too ☺ i might of made this a little self-indulgent lmao
word count: 1,778
Aurora had always enjoyed the outdoors. There was something so soothing about the smell of fresh grass and the harmony of wildlife around her. She blames her mother for her love of nature due to the fact that their cabin was so small, so all she could do was play outside, but she truthfully didn’t mind. She remembers how she and her older sisters, Amélie and Violet, would run around the grassy fields until they collapsed from exhaustion, usually followed by a fit of giggles. 
Oh, how she missed that old cabin. It was practically falling apart, but her mother had tried her utmost to make it into a home. That old vase that had been in their family for generations was filled with a new set of flowers every week, resting on the middle of the table. Her mother had a consummate hobby of embroidery that she constantly used to decorate. They didn’t have much, but they had each other. At least, for the time being. 
Presently, she’s surrounded by a group of people who Aurora is unfamiliar with, a mix of gazes full of pity and hushed whispers behind her back. She had taken a liking to Mary-Beth and Tilly, who reminded her of her sisters. Karen was a lot to deal with, but not particularly unkind. The men in the camp seemed to avoid her, as she did to them, though she was sure for different reasons. They appeared to be the type to steer clear of comforting someone, most likely because of the awkwardness, while Aurora avoided them because she never really had experiences with men in her life. Though, Hosea was an exception, a warmth in the swarm of cold that she experienced in the past few weeks. 
When a group of men displayed in black hats rode into her line of sight, Aurora had already had a feeling of dread aching through her entire body. She remembered wondering who the hell could these guys be? No one had ever come onto their hidden land of property before. Calling for her mother and immediately grabbing Violet’s hand, everything after that was a cloudy blur of yelling and gunshots that led up to desperately grasping her limp mother close to her chest, witnessing the light draining from her eyes. She remembered the heavy guilt on her shoulders as she watched her sisters get thrown on the back of a horse, riding off in the distance. She knew what those kinds of men did to girls. 
She was an absolute mess when a man named Arthur found her on a trail on the outskirts of Valentine, covered in blood and dried tears. 
Now, she feels weight on her as she runs her fingers through the grass of Horseshoe Overlook, though a part of her is content with the memories playing through her head. The sunrise had just ended, the mix of pinks and oranges fading out to a faint blue. The sound of people starting to wake up and beginning their day overwhelmed Aurora, but she sat still on her spot on the edge of the cliff, shuffling random rocks beneath her. After a while, Tilly had come down to the shore and began to wash clothes, “Hi there, Aurora. Do you mind if I sit here?”
“Of course not, Tilly.”
Tilly sat on the ground next to her and sighed softly, “It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I don’t think we’ve ever been worked this hard by Miss Grimshaw. She starts to yell when I just sit down.”
“Yeah, she seems very...intense.” In all honesty, Aurora was terrified of her and tried to avoid her at all costs. It seemed like anything could and would set her off, but she wasn’t going to admit that to Tilly.
“That’s one word to describe her.”
Footsteps sounded behind the girls, both turning their heads in slight fear thinking that Miss Grimshaw had overheard and was coming to confront them about it, but they were relieved to see Javier Escuella with a mug of coffee in his hand and a soft smile on his face, “Miss Jackson, Miss Everett. How are you ladies doing today?” 
Tilly returned the smile, “We’re just fine, Mister Escuella. Got any plans for today?”
“Oh, you know, rob a stagecoach, get some leads. Try to keep busy.”
“Same old, same old.” 
Javier chuckled and nodded, turning his head to Aurora who was interested in the ground all of a sudden. She felt like she was intruding on a conversation between two obvious friends, and frankly she just felt that she wasn’t wanted there by most. Little did she know that Javier was intrigued in the mystery that was Aurora Everett. As soon as he caught sight of her striking red, wavy hair and piercing blue eyes that held a substantial amount of pain, he knew that he had to get to know her more. The whole gang had known what had happened to her and had taken some sort of pity on her, though that didn’t get in the way of them making it clear that if she wanted to stay, she would need to do some type of work to earn her keep. 
She had understood, but that didn’t stop her from dreading it.
Javier could see that the girl was feeling closed off from the group and decided to take action. After all, when he first joined the group, Dutch did everything he could do to make him feel welcome. “Miss Everett? Since Sean has been rescued, we’re throwing a little party tonight in celebration. Maybe you’d want to join us.”
Aurora felt a little scared of the spotlight put on her, but she pushed it down as best to her abilities, “Uh, what do you do at these kinds of parties?”
“We drink a little, sing songs. It’s not a huge thing, but it’s a lot of fun.”
“I-...sure. I’ll join...”
“Great! Can’t wait. I’ll see you guys tonight.”
Tilly waved a goodbye at the man before smiling at Aurora, “I can’t wait for tonight! Maybe you’ll even feel up to singing a song of your own.”
Though she knew that Tilly was teasing her, her heartbeat picked up, “O-oh, I don’t think so. I don’t think I’m ready for all of that.”
“Oh, of course. We can just lie low, if you want. I would avoid Karen if you want to do that, though.” 
By the time night rolled around, Aurora was done with the list of chores given to her by Mary-Beth. She was exhausted and really didn’t feel up to a party anyway, but she figured that she was going to be around these people for a while, and needed to make good trust with them. Maybe that trust will start with this party. Dutch’s gramophone was blasting through the camp just before the party started, and while she enjoyed the reminded memory of her very own gramophone back home, she didn’t favor the choice of opera that Dutch seemed to like. 
Finally people started to gather, and she sat with a woman named Sadie Adler who was also rescued by the gang. As horrible as it sounds, she was almost relieved to have someone who could relate to her, to not feel alone. She really couldn’t tell if Sadie appreciated her there or not, but she didn’t say anything, so she assumed it was alright. Aurora had heard from Abigail that her husband died at the hands of a group called the O'Driscolls, known for their violent actions against, well, everyone. Part of her suspected that this was the group who was responsible for the death of her mother and the taking of her sisters, but she refrained from asking questions, more so because she didn’t know if she could get through the story without breaking down completely. 
Javier had seen her sit away from the group, clearly wanting to keep a distance. He wasn’t going to force her to join everyone, who was a little more rowdy tonight due to the fact that this was their first celebration in awhile, but he did want to try to get her to open up more. He bid a goodbye to the men gathered around the campfire and grabbed his guitar, searching for the girl he was, for some reason, interested in. He thinks it’s something about the way she appeared almost like a ghost. Where Sadie Adler slowly mourned the loss of her husband, Aurora efficiently worked the day along and kept to herself, usually with a blank look on her face. Almost like she wasn’t there. 
 He took a seat next to her on the outer part of camp. She jumped a bit when she was abruptly knocked out of her train of thought, Javier holding out a hand to try to calm her down, “Lo siento, querida. Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
The redhead sighed in alleviation, “No, it’s fine. My fault.”
Javier jerked his head to the side, displaying confusion, “How is that your fault?”
“I don’t know. I zone out a lot.”
“Well, that’s hardly your fault, querida. I noticed you weren’t at the party, any reason why?”
Oh, god. Aurora thought. They’re going to think that I’m distant and untrustworthy, if they don’t think that already. 
“Um, yeah. Sorry, I just really didn’t feel up to it, I guess.”
Javier nodded, and brought up his guitar to rest in his lap. He glanced at her and found her already looking at him, quickly breaking the gaze, settling it on the sight of her fidgeting with her hands. A warmth crept into his chest, a soft smile visible on his face, “If it’s alright, I would like to play here. I could do without the drunk payasos around.”
“Yeah, that’s alright.”
And with the sound of a mix of people slurring drunkenly and some heading off to bed, it all faded with the soft strumming of Javier’s guitar. An unknown melody had flooded her ears and she hesitantly snuck a look at him, contentment seeming into her veins. She hadn’t felt that in what seemed like an eternity. He had felt the stare of the girl and glanced up, meeting her gaze, and throwing a small smirk at her.
While Aurora had a long way to go to feel okay again, she couldn’t deny the comfort she felt with the man next to her.
lo siento, querida: i’m sorry, darling
querida: darling
payasos: clowns (male)
i used google translate like an idiot, so please tell me if you notice anything inaccurate!!
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nicklukenelson · 4 years
Hunger live reaction!!!!!
(Sorry this is so long I dont have a PC so I can't add a read more break 💔)
Started kinda slow but that CHORUS!!! AND THE BRIDGE!!!!! not my fave but a whole ass 7/10
The way as soon as the music started I could feel my heart grow hands and grab onto that shit for dear LIFE. Not even 12 seconds in and already losing my shit okay.. I can do this 🤡 the vibrato on the "in my luUugs part"!!!!!!! THE HARMONIES IN THE CHORUS THAT SHIT HITS! This song is really exactly the song I needed to listen to after crying for a good two hours shit, i might have fallen more in love with her, didnt even know that was possible at this point 😌🤡 ONCE AGAIN!!!! THE CHORUS!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHTS!! ALL OF THEM!! JUST TAKE MY SOUUUUUL 😭
I've already listened to this song but! Always down to lisen again. This song has that very calming element to it, feels kinda like a lullaby, it's just. Very gentle and delicate and listening to it feels like a kiss on the forehead 👉👈 The "I knew I could stay" in the bridge is my favorite part too feels like shes singing to me. Fun fact! The music video to this song was my first ever interaction with Mali's music!!
This is most likely my least favorite song of hers but the bridge does in fact have SO MANY RIGHTS! also has a very high school musical 3 Sharpay Evan's cafeteria scene vibe 😌
Yay a new song!!! She really did not waste any time before stabbing me in the heart, huh. "As soon as it's perfect I'm searching for something more, let's break eachothers heart" this song might be my favorite lyrically! Really appreciate how low energy the instruments are in this song her voice is really the main focus of the song which is perfect for the theme of the lyrics and the message I think? I love how well her music is not only mixed but organized everything is planned out so well you can tell how much work she put into this. GAH!!! as a music nerd this song is so pleasing to me!!! Very much enjoy how at the beginning her voice is the main focus and it's very. Slow. And a little unsteady. Because she (in the context of the song) is in a very confused and hesitant mindset? But then the music picks up as it continues and not only does her voice grow louder with the music but it becomes shakier!!!!
If only I had a brain because I really wanna do an lyrical analysis on this album but I do not! Have! The capability :(( This song is very much a dancing while crying type vibe. Her bridges are always IMMACULATE! The run she does on the last "would bring me so much pain" !!!!! HERE HAVE MY HEART...and a kidney
THE PRECHORUS!!!!! MALI'S LOWER REGISTER IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!! not even joking if not from a heart attack then definitly from sleep deprivation! AHHHH 2:15. 2:15!!!!! Trust me. TRUST. ME. IM- MA'AM! THE WAY SHE GOES "WaAaSste" !!! Ma'am just take entire ass soul at this point!
:((( this song makes me :((( the chorus is really beautiful too :((( and then the STRINGS!! :((((( THE CHORUS WITH THE STRINGS!! :(((((((( The way she changes the last "it never goes away" :(((((( Her voice is just spectacular and all her songs have so much thought put into them and care and :(((((((
Never noticed the little strings at the very beginning of this but wow that was pretty. The beat on this song!! Very much a spin around in a circle while crying type vibe!! This beat is sick as fuck tho like. Appreciate that beat. It just keeps getting better! The "woAoAh" was very appreciated thank you, mali 😌
Oo this song had some pretty lyrics too! Dont love how it randomly increased in volume at the chorus tho. The little guitar riff right before the chorus is cute tho, very much enjoy that part. I'm getting progressively sleepier while writing these and it doesnt help that all her songs feel like lullabies :(
OKAY FALSETTO! OKAY LOW NOTES!!! THIS VERSE IS SO FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL VOCALLY 😭😭😭 I NEVER WANT IT TO END! THE CHORUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **OH MY GOD!!!! ** Genuinely my favorite song I can't even process it. Before anyone comes for the autotune chorus I just declare that I Will Cry if anyone hates on it, okay thanks! Like! Cmon!!! CMON!!! It adds so much to the song!! You cant tell me it doesnt make u just. Immediately stop breathing as soon as it starts 😌 also the lyrics in this song are so fucking beautiful, appreciation to the lyrics because HOT DAMN.
Overall rating: 10/10 fuckin Brilliant
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ferryboatpeak · 5 years
notes from the forum
wooooooo! it is over, we are back under the lemon tree at our vrbo, and we survived! It was a fantastic night and i loved seeing/meeting so many tumblr pals, you are all even more delightful in person than online. thanks to harry and irv for starting the show so late so we had lots of time to catch up. let’s get to it…
the cameras for the screens were pitched at a fish eye angle, so harry looked like the album cover all damn night, more leg than boy. loved seeing the new signature pearls live.
golden was good! it seemed like they were kind of settling it, and I want greater justice for my favorite track in the tour set. apparently belly rubs are going to be a regular feature of watermelon sugar and obviously i’m all for that. he danced adorably during adore you! lights up was fine! at that pointiI decided we were watching a really good dress rehearsal rather than a One Night Only Spectacular, which was perfectly fine if not exactly what I was expecting.
things got more interesting from there, though! cherry had amazing a capella at the beginning  (like esny on the small venue tour last time).
and then falling! falling! oh my GOD falling! that was the point when i was like oh wow, we are really seeing something special. he was so sad! SO SAD AND BEAUTIFUL! just emoting his ass off and sounding so fucking good! this was the point where jes and i clutched at each other in wordless overwhelm.
to be so lonely was the first song that was revelatory live, like sounded so much better than on the album. i think there was a point where mitch and harry and nye and charlotte were all playing guitar and wow the depth was amazing. The audience absolutely yelled along to “i’m just an arrogant son of a bitch” and harry commented on that afterwards, and let me tell you, i was already over the moon about hearing him sing that phrase but hearing him say “i called myself an arrogant son of a bitch” in his speaking voice was a million times more thrilling.
and she!!!! all i have to say about she is HITCH IS BACK, BABY!!!! mitch used a bit more showmanship than usual during his guitar solo, but most importantly he delivered the entire thing while staring dead into harry’s eyes. i am so glad to see mitch using his love language again! (mitch’s love language is intense eye contact while shredding a killer guitar solo)
sunflower was a bit underwhelming at the start, it seemed like harry hasn’t quite settled on how to perform it yet. but he was bopping around by the end and I have faith that this one will get better and better on tour.
charlotte has prominent harmony on canyon moon that is really really stunning!
he announced before tpwk that he doesn’t have to sing the chorus on this song so he gets to dance, so i was expecting much more dancing than we actually got. he made a comment afterwards about how that one is going to be fun on tour so it seems like he recognizes that it’s going to get better than it was tonight.
 fine line was exactly the closer I knew it could be, it makes me want to cry and I can’t imagine harry closing the show with anything other than that ending forever. i love it.
i was very intrigued that he was so up front about the second set, like warned us ahead of time that he would be playing more than the album, and then was even explicit about how it would be five songs. I don’t know if that was to manage expectations about multiple kiwis or what but it seemed like an unusual departure from form for mr. “keep you guessing” styles.
the second set was of course great but I’m focused on all our shiny new fine line toys so I’m gonna give it short shrift here. he sounded SO GOOD on sott, he just keeps leveling up. I can’t believe this bitch went low on stevie nicks when they danced during landslide. the wmyb moves keep leveling up too. there is no greater proof that one is a mccartney guy than when one chooses to cover mccartney’s christmas song instead of lennon’s vastly superior christmas song, and that’s all I have to say about that. they have given adam an even showier dirtier feature at the start of kiwi and i love it. god I can’t wait to see all of it evolve next year!!!!!
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“Why” tags are going here because Tumblr’s a baby who can’t handle all these words at once. :P
#but i spent my whole life absolutely CONVINCED that wings belonged on my body. it just... tok me a good long while to figure out Why.
#Oh THAT'S why everyone's freaking out over that post.
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#??? why do people do these awful things to Good People though
#i don't know how or why and i don't remember ever having Learned about That Letter? but my mind automatically knew it was 'hath' somehow
#Of course that DOES beg the question of why a LORd of CHAOS doesn't... you know. CHANGE it? ??
#first of all: REM WHY ARE YOU COMING to OHIO of all places???
#okay but. randy how did they MEET what's the STORY why are they HATING on TEXAS
#or like. a Sarcastic Joke because cyborg was once like ''why aren't you miss mary sunshine''?
#''What are you DOING. You RUN. ALWAYS RUN.'' and i was like. ''why bother getting into adventures if you're gonna RUN though..''
#I don't know why but I always score better on Customer Service Questionaires when I choose responses like ''I'm sorry
#i've never seen that still before and I CAN;T FATHOM WHY because that is FANTASTIC!
#I don't know why but ''novice suddenly ends up with super incredibly powerful abilities'' is one of my FAVORITE TROPES!
#I have no idea how/why but these just gave me Massive Leyla and Srentha Feels.
#my usual turnaround time for Dreams to Real Life is about two weeks. not sure why but it happens to like 7 people in my immediate family
#Especially with the bells. I don't know why but bells always remind me of that place. ~<3
#Nobody intrinsically knows how to solve problems that hurt another person. That's why COMMUNICATION is so important!
#also: Good Post re: Why Danny is So Actually-Great
#why does everyone spell ''bear with me' like that?
#i know right? Why did I never think of that??
#why do i love this so much
#that's basically why Evanescence became my favorite band. it's not all romo-/sexually-centric
#i've always read it the same way and didn't notice Why Everyone Stopped Liking Her but that also brought that particular Change to light...
#groans eternally in Tumblr's direction. why even bother with all these updates.
#Oh THAT'S why Eda could do glyphs! /joke
#thaaaat's probably why Fancie Word Choice has always been a strength in my writing.... {lD;;;;;
#velvet and sheer... why have I never seen that combination before? It's GLORIOUS
#That's probably why he's so good at spontaneous Travelling too. Lots of practice when trying to find her... /owo
#This is why House and Senate votes count though! The President may have a lot of control over the military but a strong H+S
#I know MC Escher was a master of this (whatever This is) and that's why he's one of my favorite artists.
#okay but I'm intensely curious why he didn't have a plan to take HIMSELF out and thought he'd have to rely on THEM dsfndsgmfhdgj
#I wonder why he'd need to attack/defend while shifted? Can he also use such magic when he's not shifted?
#but I think that variety is why her every new album is so refreshingly Different.  Her singing ALONE improves so MUCH with every album!
#the only difference is that I imagined the fire came with smoke and that's why her gasp was so strangled and she grabbed her throa
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#i'm cleaning my room and i misplaced it. badfnmkngjf;lk this is why i hate cleaning
#but scenes like this are why i love DC's latest gen of animated movies
#that Friends As Family theme was super important to why i love the 80's comics too..........
#this is why i read fanfic
#i think she feels slighted in some way but i can't pinpoint Exactly Why let alone HOW.
#and it's like.. Halfo f why lapis's characterization is so Shaky for me? Because the girl barely talks??? And she has like 7 Speech Modes
#^^^^ GUYS THIS WAS ALERINA. This is the environment Dove was raised in! This is why losing her mother tore her apart! ^^^^^
#This is so so SO important and delves deeply into why language is so important for learners and general humanity alike. ~<333
#that's why my tag for Old People Stories isn't specific to any generation. it's just Shitty Adults Being Shitty
#I write primarily about OCs and I know that's why my readership is so low. I write stories for a Dead Fandom that has declined sharply.
#you know? so that's why my Affirmations Tag is like 60% Steven UniversE Content at this point. 8F It's Helping Me Learn!
#It's a CIRCADIAN THING not an INSOMNIA THING. I don't know why my doctors don't believe it's NOT the same as INSOMNIA
#oh is THAT why my love language is ''all of them''?
#and i hardcore headcanon ry ouwearing glasses when he gets older. so why not?
#i Suck at the aCTUAL DRAWING art but i'm i na bit of a fallow period with the org and personal life. so why not?
#i'm already planning an aviary for the doves. so why not? (they'd be Very Separate from teh raven though. for obvious reasons)
#let's add to the Emotional Whiplash of Today pile. sure! why not!!
#but i got the dvd and i have vlc so why not use them i guess? i already had it in the drive for the extras and this way there's .....
#She can hop dimensions so why on Earth-- ALL the Earths-- hasn't she Been Relevant to ANY multi-timeline crisis yet???
#yes of fucking COURSE Dove and the rest are in Team Transition too!! Why on Earth-- on ANY earth! wouldn't I transition them too?!
#so why on earth did danny chase get shafted so hard?????
#about WHY or if she's GONNA be OKAY or HOW or--
#So gentle and soft and concerned and really quite quiet and subtle... which might be why others didn't pick up on the Love Vibe
#but the last one I reblogged didn't have that specified! 8O i don't know why one of my special interests is Unusual Instruments
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's about ''they're very different. but they're friends!'' It just never talks about why or how that's important.
#(i think that's her full name for some reason but i don't know why or when i heard/saw it. somebody please correct me if i'm wrong!)
#I must be an Asker. I've never understood why people are so convinced they Can't Say No if someone asks?
#i also think PTSD makes you react to fear Differently from Pure Adrenaline Responses... but i can't unravel Why right now
#And also at the time I couldn't fathom why someone would think she was autistic. because i didn't know myself
#god this foreshadowing was just. so sincere and heart-rending and when this episode came out I *DID* wonder why she'd say that...
#I'm STILL trying to figure out why Srentha thought Dove was confessing that she has heartworm. (i know she Does Not in fact
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#i can't figure out why though
#If my Harmony Core theory is correct: it would explain why they're playing their music So Hard.
#the fact that my first reaction was ''why though'' is..... concerning?
#raven's like How? Why The HELL. and dove doesn't have a good answer besides ''it felt like i needed it.''
#fun fact: i misread this as ''zatana zatara / MICHIGAN '' and i was like... ''why the fUCK--''
#i don't know why there's all this fanart of
#and also sugar skulls are delightful but you should really know what they MEAN and REPRESENT and WHY they're sweet and flamboyant
#if someone is passionate; angry; or distressed over a topic: She doesn't always understand WHY until they EXPLAIN it. If they do at all.)
#oh hey why was THAT line never a meme
#this is why we need
#but that doesn't make it any less FRUSTRATING because I've been wORKING THROUGH the pptsd and why won't it STOP?
#(because that's why we have to pay for everything from movies to individual channels now. let's be real)
#i've never understood why winter and fall were the only ~fashionable~ seasons for wearing black.
#I mean to be FAIR some of the government DID mobilize and that's why we got the Stimulus Bill.
#But DC... this bullshit is why we can't have nice things
#and as soon as I looked it up: y first thought was ''Oh is that why we call them Abner?'' My second was ''Is that what *I* am?''
#also if you're as powerful as zee it probably comes second-nature so why WOULDN'T you throw it around to stop an argument?
#okay but if SPINEL doesn't know then how/why would BLUE know
#what? no i didn't just stare at this for a solid two minutes and read it over five times. no.. why would I do that?
#that's because it's not ''cool'' to hate on it so why would it be ''cool'' to like it ironically?
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's not like a ragey angry thing. it's like........ war of attrition? why yes i think i WILL sign the 47th petition for the same thing
#over and over again and rewound and replayed until i got the whole spell written down. why YES I'm a little hyperfixated! why do you ask!!!
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My Top Songs of 2019
It’s that time of the year again when I take a look back at all the great music that was released throughout the year and choose my top 10.  Quick disclaimer as usual: These are not what I think are the best songs of the year.  They’re not even my favorite songs of the year.  They’re simply the top 10 songs that have defined my year.  (See the end if you’re interested in the rules of the selection of this top 10; also, most of this was written in 2019 but some was written in 2020).
10. “Think About Us” - Little Mix featuring Ty Dolla $ign
“When you're dancin' in the club And the nights are getting hard Do you think about us?”
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Everyone knows that I have a weakness for girl groups.  UK’s Little Mix isn’t exactly my favorite, but admire how strongly they’ve stuck together as a group.  Their chemistry is undeniable, both as people and as vocalists.  To me, “Think About Us” was the standout track from last year’s LM5, and the addition of Ty Dolla $ign was the little shove it needed to be great.  The girls shine with their vocal prowess both on their solos and together on the chorus, and Ty$’s verse splits the track nicely.  The accompanying video is mesmerizing.  Each of the girls look absolutely stunning, and they have individual sets representing the different parts of a relationship, with Perrie as the butterflies-in-my-stomach beginning and Jade as the icy, cold end.  The lyrics are quite vague, but I think that’s the intention.  It’s applicable to any stage of a relationship; it could be a love song or a break-up song.  With it’s fun beat, it’s hard to pick if you want to dance to it, belt it out, or try to do both, but it’s definitely been an infectious part of 2019!
9. “Lonely for You” - Armin van Buuren featuring Bonnie McKee
“No, you're never gonna see me cry I already got a brand new life Don't you know I'm moving on And everyday I'm stronger? I don't even know you're gone”
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The Netherlands’ Armin van Buuren has a recipe to get trance music to pull at your heart, and one piece that makes this apparent is “Lonely for You.”  With the assist from US’s pop hit writer Bonnie McKee, this track is different yet familiar, a haunting disconnect to match the mixed feelings of the lyrics.  From light synths to disco-esque drums to pure piano, Van Buuren’s track pushes and pulls the same way the tumultuous narrator’s lyrics go back and forth, with McKee’s vocals surfing on the top.  The music video has a couple choreography emphasizing the push-and-pull theme, and McKee looks fantastic as usual.  Van Buuren’s Balance is full of more emotionally-rich tracks for both happy and sad times, many of which utilize beautiful piano to highlight amazing vocals.  “Lonely for You” is an altogether addictive track that was perfect for all the lonely nights of 2019.
8. “Antidote” - Mr Hudson
“You of all people After all we've been through Started out an angel And now you get away with murder”
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As a huge fan of the UK’s Mr Hudson, I waited basically a decade for his sophomore album, and it did not disappoint.  While When the Machine Stops features several tearjerking songs, “Antidote” is on the next level.  The song takes the subject of betrayal and perfectly captures how trust can die.  The genius is in its simplicity.  Not a single instrument starts until the entire first verse is complete, letting the lyrics speak for themselves.  Even when the instruments do come in, it’s just soft percussion and synths.  As much as I love vocal runs and ad-libs galore, the straightforward melody had me humming this song for much of 2019.
7. “Me & You” - EXID
“Oh 야야야 더 이상 우리라는 말 하지 마마마 안 봐도 뻔하잖아 야임 마마마 지금 날 어디서 속이려 들어 그건 네 엄마마마 한테나 가서해 baby I don't care”
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As I mentioned in last year’s post, 2018 was the year I fell in love with K-Pop, mostly due to Blackpink at the time.  As much as I love Blackpink (and got to see them live this year!), their limited discography didn’t leave much to be loved.  Enter EXID.  This group is stacked: arguably South Korea’s best female rapper in the game LE, one of the best vocalists Solji, and the girl who is absolutely beautiful, sexy, cute, and smart all at the same time Hani (who may or may not be my ultimate bias, sorry Rosé).  Their previous single “I Love You” missed my 2018 list because it was released so late in the year, but it turned out to be my most played song on Spotify this year.  In fact, several of their songs were on that list.  Like many of their previous singles, “Me & You” is an infectious dance track utilizing each member where they excel: Hani with her soft, sultry vocals, a splash of LE’s sick flows to split up the song, Hyelin’s powerhouse vocals to bring up the first chorus, Solji’s even more powerful vocals to take the song to its climax, and Jeonghwa on the dance break (low key kinda sounds like she’s singing “Baby Shark” but that’s a jam too I guess).  The duality of the track is what makes it stand out, with the pretty vocals and simple verses largely contrasting from the deep and dirtier synths of the dance break.  The video plays with this duality by featuring EXID as brides in white versus clubbing in neon.  The rest of the WE mini album isn’t quite as dance-y but is fun to vibe to nonetheless.  The group unfortunately may be over, since Hani and Jeonghwa are leaving their record label, but they’re at least sticking together for their activities in Japan for now.  So many more K-Pop hits were released this year, some of my favorites being Mamamoo’s “Gogobebe,” SEVENTEEN’s “HIT,” Super Junior D&E’s “Danger,” Park Bom’s “Spring,” KARD’s “Dumb Litty,” NCT 127′s “Highway to Heaven”, NCT Dream’s “Boom”, Ong Seongwu’s “Heart Sign,” and another release to be mentioned later on this list.
6. “Heartbreak” - Hunter Hayes
“Another, ‘Almost perfect’ Didn't work, but totally worth it Better to have loved and lost my mind Than lose the nerve to even try”
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I remember watching the 2013 Grammy’s and watching Hunter Hayes lose all three of his nominations, at that point becoming the “Leonardo DiCaprio never wins an Oscar” meme to me and my friends.  He went on to lose two more nominations, but honestly, I always liked his music (and Grammy nominations are no small feat in the first place!).  While 2017 was technically the year I had my first date and 2018 was the year I had my first girlfriend, 2019 was the year that I really put myself out there and dated the most.  And yes, there was a lot of awkwardness and stupidity and mostly me messing up, but that’s just a part of life.  And “Heartbreak” perfectly captures all those feelings.  From the guitar to the bit of twang to the drums, this song is unabashedly fun country, and the optimistic lyrics always made me feel better.  It’s like a c’est la vie Rascal Flatts’ “Bless the Broken Road” before he found the girl. The accompanying video is also fun with a groundhog day theme as he tries to win over a girl.  The album as a whole is a fun listen, with “Dear God” being the other Wild Blue (Part I) standout to me.  Here’s hoping Part II comes out with some vibes in 2020!
5. “Tempo” - Lizzo featuring Missy Elliott
“He look like he could gain a little weight Lick the icing off, put the rest in your face”
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Lizzo exploded this year, and I’m not mad about it.  She has confidence and charisma galore, and her resulting music is mad bouncy, earning her several Grammy nominations for next year, including Best New Artist.  Her songs like most of Cuz I Love You can be quite loud and in-your-face, which is fine, just not exactly my style.  However, get her on this more subdued R&B beat and throw in a Missy Elliott feature, I’m in.  This will make any upbeat R&B lover dance, and the music video is the kind of hot and fun you would expect (with a cowboy hat you may not expect).  Missy also made an imprint this year with Iconology which is her first group release since 2005′s The Cookbook.  I’ve always been a fan of her work, and this is a perfect feature for her.
4. “NONE of this has been about you” - Spencer Sutherland
“I'm afraid that you would hate me if you knew, That I've become insensitive, It's true, But even if you do”
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Spencer Sutherland’s “NONE of this has been about you” off his debut EP of the same name has a lot of elements about it that I would personally want in a song of my own.  It starts off with a very simple piano and vocals with a tinge of soul.  As he continues to sing, he puts more soul and emotion into his voice, and splashes of harmonies start to come in.  A couple short riffs later and just a second before the drop.  Although, it’s not a dance drop.  A choir drops in for the chorus with some drums to announce that, in fact, none of this has been about you.  The song eventually escalates to Sutherland’s soaring ad-libs over the choir.  Beyond the musical stylings, I enjoy the message of this song.  Sure, the narrator is telling someone, possibly his lover, that his struggles are personal and not something she or he should worry about, but I also like to take it as a reminder not to always worry about others or what they are thinking.  For example, 2019 was the first full year I had an ex, and a lot of that time, I was worried about posting on social media because maybe she’ll think this or that is about her.  Honestly, I don’t recall ever “subtweeting” about her.  We’re good.  Any breakup song or black and white photo I post has nothing to do with her.  So this song is a nice reminder to keep it pushing and stay in your own lanes.  The remaining songs on Sutherland’s EP were all also on repeat throughout the year.  The man’s just got a solid voice, and I’m glad he’s continuing a soulful pop sound that is rarer than before.
3. “Beautiful goodbye” - Chen
“다시 시간을 되돌려 처음 만난다면 가로등 옆에 서 있지 말아요 미소 짓지도 왼손으로 머릴 넘기지 마요 그래야 내가 그대를 지나칠 테니까”
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Now, when it comes to a piano and vocals, nothing dominated my year more than Chen, especially his debut solo single “Beautiful goodbye.”  I won’t repeat all the reasons why I love his voice so much (see last year’s post), but long story short, he’s my favorite male vocalist right now.  Don’t get me wrong, I love EXO and the energy they bring to their songs, but a full EP of just Chen really lets the listener feel his artistry, pulling on heartstrings every which way.  In this song, the narrator is recognizing that his relationship is dead but proposing that they can hold onto it just for a bit longer until they peacefully part in spring.  There’s a respect to their relationship and what it has done for them that they can take with them as separate people before they part ways.  Chen’s voice takes the listener on an adventure, starting soft and simple then escalating and crescendoing to unveil the hardened pain in his voice.  It’s not a sudden angry breakup, it’s more subtle and more somber.  In the end, his soft vibrato and the final notes of the piano leave the listener in just as an uncertain position as the narrator; is it better to hope it stays winter forever or hope for spring to come?  While I also wanted some upbeat songs from Chen, his April, and a flower EP followed by Dear my dear is chockfull of beautiful and emotional ballads.
2. “Never-ending Summer” - Cyn
“What if we don't ever have to say goodbye? I wanna keep living like we'll never die If you're mad then I'm mad too You're crying, I'm sad too I'll watch your back for you, watch mine”
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Newcomer Cyn’s “Never-ending Summer” is, to me, an experience.  It took me a while to appreciate its simplicity, but then it became so addictive that it itself became never-ending.  The guitar or synth (or whatever that instrument is) plays on loop to emphasize the never-ending nature of the song and gives a dreamy vibe that’s somehow both modern and reminiscent of the 70s.  Cyn’s simple vocals evoke a carefree feeling reminiscent of running on the beach and all the accompanying imagery with her photoshoot and lyric video.  It makes sense that Cyn is part of Katy Perry’s record label Unsub Records, as this song feels somewhat like Perry’s hits off of Teenage Dream including “California Gurls” and the title track, albeit much more in Cyn’s own understated style.  This summer, I learned how to surf and have fallen deeper in love with the beach (even though a stingray stung me my last time there), and this song would keep the surfing mentality continuing throughout the year, even when it gets too cold for it to be summer (or, even if my foot is bleeding to death).  Doesn’t hurt that Cyn is unbelievably cute too.
1. “Lovebird” - Far East Movement featuring Lay
“I can sleep here alone, but you know it's better with you You could be by yourself, but you know it's better with two”
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As I grow as a person and become more proud of who I am, I think it makes sense for me to become more proud of my Asian heritage as well as support Asians and Asian-Americans out there, especially in the music industry as music means a great deal to me.  That said, it’s important to me that I don’t support people just because they’re Asian as if it’s some kind of nepotism.  That kind of segregating mentality can also be unhealthy.  Far East Movement are technically a one hit wonder; they have yet to outdo their 2010 hit “Like a G6.”  However, this year I found out about their record label Transparent Music that has been around since 2016 with a goal of unifying eastern and western music.  Their previous album aptly named Identity features a ton of artists from both sides of the word, from Hyolyn and Loco to Macy Gray and Soulja Boy (shoutout to my favorite song on that album, “Freal Luv” featuring Tinashe and yet another EXO member, Chanyeol).  To me, music is about unification.  It is about bringing a deeper understanding through melody and rhythm.  Those are the simplest terms I can put it.  I hope this is evident through this list that I appreciate people and music from all kinds of backgrounds.  Even if my tastes lean one way or another from year to year, I hope my lists maintain diversity and well-roundedness.  Somehow, Far East Movement has managed to capture this sense of unification in “Lovebird,” featuring Chen’s EXO bandmate from China, Lay.  It’s not the most complex song; in fact, like many songs on this list, it’s quite simple.  The synth bends in a carefree way that celebrates togetherness along with the lyrics, and I find that beautiful.  2019 was a year of growth and life, and “Lovebird” was the perfect song to accompany it.
*To qualify for this list, the song must have been released this year.  An artist can only have one song on this list, excluding features.
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tangledgal · 5 years
WARNING: SUPER BIG POST! This is a complete list of my ranking of the season 1 and season 2 soundtrack.
Alright, first, I truly like/ love all the songs in the soundtrack, so low-ranked songs are never “bad.” Second, I’m not counting the 3 scores we got with the season 2 soundtrack. Third, I know that once season 3 has released its songs, this list will become kinda irrelevant, but hey, I’m impatient. Lastly, this is all biased so if some songs seem like they should be lower or higher than others, then that’s fine. I don’t claim to be a genius musician. I just prefer some songs over others.
(P.S. this was written in a day so misspellings are likely) 
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21.) Hook Foot’s Ballad
I don’t think I need to explain why this is the lowest. XD I really don’t mind this song, but it’s so short and just makes me wonder why this was considered a song, but the Reverse Incantation wasn’t! Just . . . meh.
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20.) Wind in My Hair (Reprise)
We’ve all heard this one a BUNCH of times, and it’s pretty okay on its own. I just don’t consider this as high on the list just because we’ve heard it a lot and it’s just “Wind in my Hair” but shorter.
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19.) More of Me
Another song we hear over and over again, but I’m a sucker for upbeat Disney pop music, and the full song is pretty fun to listen to. Nothing special, but enjoyable.
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18.) Next Stop Anywhere (Reprise)
I like this one, but the 30 seconds of just talking at the beginning is a little grating. Again, just “Next Stop” but shorter. Still, Mandy and Zac always sound amazing together.
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17.) Let Me Make You Proud (Reprise)
As you see, I put all the reprises last since they aren’t the most . . . interesting, but this is definitely the best of them since this is the MOMENT Varian vows revenge and makes his arc. It’s very powerful and the singing is great, but again, reprise.
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16.) Listen Up
A fun song that’s just right for Halloween. I particularly love how it has the same sound as “I’ve Got a Dream,” but in a minor key, making it spoopy! It’s just lower on the list since it doesn’t really add much to the plot. Just a good song.
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15.) Life After Happily Ever After
One of the few songs that sound exactly like it came straight from the movie. I like how it fills us in on the plot and with a great melody. Just . . . lots of talking that wasn’t edited out. And not that it’s not good, but I don’t find myself listening to it as often. Still, this was great as the first song of the show and it’s great now.
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14.) If I Could Take That Moment Back
Yeah, I’m a New Dream sucker, and this song made me choke up a bit on my first listen. ASIDE FROM THAT, it doesn’t sound too different from most sad love songs. I didn’t want to put it too high because it’s not particularly unique. Not saying it’s BAD at all! The melody is beautiful (especially on the piano), the lyrics are heartbreaking and match up with the situation pretty well, and of course, Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi duet #2. That’s a win in my book. 
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13.) Livin’ the Dream
Admittedly, I was REALLY surprised when we got a musical number in this episode, and the song did seem really random. Still, this is just a really funny and upbeat music number! It sounds similar to “I’ve Got A Dream,” but with a twist, it’s pretty catchy, the singer does a great job as a replacement for Brad Garrett. I know for most, this wouldn’t usually be this high, but hey, different tastes.
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12.) Friendship Song
I will admit, I like this song A LOT more than most people do. Then again, sucker for upbeat-Disney-pop music right here. I love how the instruments are so clear and beautiful, the melody and fast tempo are really fun to listen to, the lyrics can apply to anyone with a bff, and it always puts me in a good mood!
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11.) Set Yourself Free
This is a weird one. It is nice to listen to and sung well, but I think my main liking for this song is that I feel a little bit of an emotional connection with it. When I hear this song, I think of the beginning of January and waiting anxiously for the finale of Season 1. I remember seeing a sneak peek of this song briefly, then seeing the episode as all the past moments of season 1 flash through the screen. Idk, it’s not really my favorite, but the feeling I get from listening to this brings back a lot of memories to me. I wouldn't put it lower since it does sound nice and I feel sentimental when listening to it, but it’s not higher since, honestly, it really is just Wind In My Hair, but instead of Rapunzel wishing for something, she’s doing something. Overall, good song.
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10.) Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
It’s . . . complicated. The song is so beautiful, I love the opening lyrics and Zachary Levi. Just. . . .  just Zachary Levi. However, I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of the whole “Dark Prince Eugene” thing. I never wanted it to be true, and I was low-key disappointed when it was revealed to be true. (Not devaluing the DPE theorists. Just not a personal fan of it being canon.) Still, I think the song does express Eugene’s feelings pretty well and it is kinda amusing when you realize he’s just having an identity crisis. All in all, we’ve waited a long time for a Eugene solo, and though I wasn’t thrilled about the context, still a fantastic song, and I’ll listen to it many times over.
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9.) Wind in My Hair
The first full song I listened to from the show, sung beautifully, gives the show a great starting point, feels like a classic Disney princess song, and I simply love it. Next.
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8.) Next Stop Anywhere
Great intro song to Season 2! It’s catchy, has amazing singing from the 3, and just a wonderful song. Yea, more unnecessary talking here and there that should’ve been cut out, but I love this song too much. Just like Wind in My Hair, I don’t have a logical reason why I love the song as much as I do. I just do!
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7.) I’ve Got This
I love the opening notes to this song and it drags you right into it! It’s really fun to sing along to and pretend to be the angry citizens. Mostly, I love how the song progressively goes from upbeat and positive, then to worry, then to panic, then eventually to sadness. It’s catchy and upbeat, yet depressing and slow, and I love it. (Also, kittens)
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6.) Buddy Song
Okay, first, can I just say how much I love the context of this song. While the majority of the other songs have an important meaning behind them or are there for some logical reason, the literal purpose of this song is just because Eugene and Lance are drugged up on flowers and that’s it. Usually, I’d be critical to scenes that are pointless or don’t push the story, but here, I have NO problem with it. It’s so fun and enjoyable in how carefree it is. Not only that, but add Zach and James singing like they are having the time of their lives (and not about to die) all to a jazzy beat and you have a musical masterpiece. I was waiting for this kind of song, and I was not disappointed in the slightest!
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5.) Ready As I’ll Ever Be
The first two notes of this song should win an award alone. I love the intensity of this song and how epic it all feels. It stands as an amazing group number, as well as its own song separate from the context. Everyone gets to shine in this song, and it all has a very grand feel to it. Also, it really is the only song of its kind in the whole soundtrack. It’s “the epic theme song before going into battle” song. It’s amazing and really deserves the praise it gets (and then some.)
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4.) View From Up Here
Admittedly not the most “dramatic” song. However, there is just so much about this song I love. First, I never expected Mandy Moore and Eden Espinosa to sound so good together! Imho, their harmony is one of the best in the show. Their voices blend so amazingly together and though they are different kinds of singers, they sound so in sync and the difference in their voices add so much! Also, even though this is like “whimsical exploring song # 12943,” it has this energy and charm to it that I can’t describe. The way it’s sung + the instruments make it sound so carefree, weightless, and whimsical. I feel I have no care in the world listening to it. Also, it’s upbeat and catchy (as always) Love it, love it, love it! (Also, the entire song is actually extended from what they sing in the episode, so that’s even better!)
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3.) Waiting in the Wings
3 words: Eden Freakin’ Espinosa. Her voice was absolutely perfect for this song. Cassandra singing about her dreams and feelings towards being looked-over are expressed so well in the lyrics, the music, and in the emotion and power in Eden’s voice. It’s not only just an amazing song on its own, but it also gives insight into the character and makes us understand her struggles. I love the how gradually it builds up emotion just like in a classic Broadway song and the final note. Holy crap, THAT HIGH NOTE THO. I adore this song, and it definitely deserves to be in my top 3.
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2.) With You By My Side
I’ve been singing this all the time since the end of season 2, and it has never gotten old. The highs and lows each singer reaches in each part sound great, the melody is catchy and hopeful, yet a little solemn and sad. It sounds great and has so much emotion put into each note. The instrumentals are enough to get me to listen to this song! Also, the song itself is a milestone in the character’s relationship that went from acquaintances/ enemies to the best of friends who can’t do anything without the other. It’s a song that means friendship, trials, hope, and the end of a journey. (Or at least that’s what they thought >:))
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1.) Let Me Make You Proud 
No, I’m not a hardcore Varian fan or Jeremy Jordan fan. Not really even a Broadway fan. What I’m saying is that this song, to me, is perfect. The performance, the music, the context, the instruments, and even the nostalgic feeling I get when listening to this. It’s flawless. Jeremy Jordan is amazing at expressing emotion not through just his voice, but his singing as well. Him playing an emotionally vulnerable 14-year-old who is anxiously traveling through a snowstorm all to save his dad who he isn’t sure will even survive the mistake he made, but his motivation is what’s getting him through, adds so much emotion, personality, and power to this character and song. Also, my memories of watching the D23 panel (on youtube. I wasn’t there) when this was being played over a montage of clips we have and haven’t seen before, exciting us for what was to come, was one of the greatest experiences ever. What else can I say? Just . . . perfection.
Super long post, but I’m happy with my selection and I can’t wait for Season 3!
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isnt-it-a-trial · 6 years
i have SO MANY feelings abt heathers uk. so we are doing this alright. this is gonna be long idk how to do the read more thing i’m sorry. i LOVED heathers uk and this is just my thoughts on the album. forgive any typos or anything also i swear i love jamie his accent is just so bad.
beautiful: carrie’s speaking voice in some parts actually makes me very confused idk why it’s so annoying? but her vOCALS! the change in what kurt says to martha was just unnecessary? carrie’s little thing she does when ram talks to her is adorable. carrie’s voice introducing macnamera is so weird? duke’s vomit sounds are disgusting. josie steele as chandler can step on me! from here to the end it’s literally amazing i love you carrie hope fletcher! anyone saying her riff at the end isn’t good is wrong it’s just not as high as barrett or cait’s.
candy store: STEP ON ME JODIE! the instrumentals in this is almost too loud that you cant hear all the harmonies which is a shame. t’shan’s voice sounds much better here than it does usually maybe i don’t hate her duke. sophie’s macnamera feels so innocent in a way? her voice is so cute. all in all gorgeous, jodie steele is a god!
fight for me: carrie’s accent still annoys me but at least it sounds american! the key is lowered but i honestly could not tell lol it sounds gorgeous and i like the effect? veronica sounds more innocent i think and she really just thinks jd is cute and wants a boyfriend and i love that! it’s really pretty, ensemble vocals feel almost off? idk something abt them is weird, could be that the instrumentals are still too loud.
freeze your brain: i LOVE YOU JAMIE MUSCATO!!!! my only complaint is how absolutely horrible his accent is. use ur money from this album to get urself an accent coach pls! but wow his voice is so good. ( the way he says “verONica sAwYer” is going to kill me)
big fun: why is the ensemble singing at the beginning. this is the song i don’t like a lot of the lyric changes in? “brainiac cleans up alright, veronica is hot tonight”? WHO WROTE THAT! i like that she realizes she’s ACTUALLY popular but that was there before they changed the lyrics. pretty neutral on this but u know i still love. jodie has BIG DICK ENERGY. kurt and ram have the best american accents.
dead girl walking: all i can say is i love carrie! i’m okay with the lyric changes they just feel unnecessary? her vocals are so so pretty here and it doesn’t feel like she’s just screaming (i love u barrett but.) jamie’s accent is HORRIBLE. when he says “that works for me!” it sounded SO FUNNY but also like i love him. the guitar in this song is so fun! the END where they’re just both riffing on top of each other i CANNOT deal.
me inside of me: jamie’s accent. stop. but like i love this the ensemble sounds pretty lyric changes also just seemed unnecessary but jodie’s voice is so smooth! the moment where carrie is laughing and then gets called on is so funny. i don’t have any opinions really but it’s cute
you’re welcome: i like this better than blue kinda? “this is what i always wear” was hilarious. really proves how stupid teenage boys are, makes me hate kurt and ram more, also makes it even weirder that the cast and marketing teams talked about kram so much because kurt and ram literally SUCK!!! the whole thing where she was like ‘what was that move from my self defense class’ felt rlly weird and awkward? but she got back at them and in this version veronica is stronger i think and i like that.
never shut up again: this is a bop don’t get me wrong but it pulls me away from the plot? i like t’shan’s voice in this and duke deserves a song just the lyrics feel not very well written and while the part where they talk about what happened with kurt and ram is fun it doesn’t compare to blue reprise. they all call her a slut very angrily and it felt much more obvious why jd was rlly angry. overall a bop but almost unnecessary.
our love is god: i love jamie! accent is still a 4/10 but his voice and acting is good enough i can ignore it. when she’s on the phone with kurt and ram it’s so weird and uncomfortable and it’s kinda supposed to be like that but it was WEIRD. she seems genuinely scared when she asks about the guns and jamie just brushes her off. THE ACCENT IS SO BAD. she seems genuinely worried about ram being dead. kurt is very SCARED. jd is almost more aggressive than ryan. she is very angry and he just repeats our love is god until she agrees is powerful but. this boy can not sing god in an american accent.
dead gay son: i don’t like this song and never had, but it’s fun here and i like the ensemble. lyric changes are stupid? and that’s kinda it.
seventeen: just SO GOOD! their voices sound so good and this is one of the last times veronica is truly in love and trying to comfort jd. jamie’s accent is still ATROCIOUS but i’m trying to get past it. nothing to criticize this is absolutely gorgeous and i love them.
shine a light: hated the accent fleming had. BUT her voice was really pretty! i liked the ensemble but they felt too quiet and low-energy :( fleming wasn’t super funny and that disappointed me tbh. lyric changes were okay!
lifeboat: NOTHING like elle’s. i like sophie’s voice, acting wasn’t super prominent honestly. no huge complaints, she sounded very pretty and also has a pretty high voice but it wasn’t too annoying here.
shine a light (reprise): didn’t like lyric changes, it’s supposed to parallel candy store and didn’t. t’shan’s VOCALS!!!
i say no: could be my favorite song. MADE for carrie, she sounds flawless. fixes a lot of questions i had about the plot, shows that she doesn’t justify what he’s done and she doesn’t want him to do this, especially not “for her”. she can’t help him, such a well written song. apparently when she says dude it’s because he’s pointing a gun at her and i like that touch because jd is really just not a good person. i love you carrie hope fletcher and i love this song.
kindergarten boyfriend: tbh i’ve never rlly loved this song. it’s VERY long but also martha is important and i get this song is necessary. she does a good job, overall it was good i just never liked the song.
yo girl: ive always loved this even though it’s mostly to further the plot. carrie sounds SO WORRIED. liked the dialogue change between veronica and her parents! but i hate her mom’s accent so so much. jamie is so threatening and his accent is still bad but he is very aggressive.
meant to be yours: one of my favorite songs forever. jamie does it justice and i love him for it. his acting comes through and he also sounds so good and i love this song so much. he actually sounds fully unhinged and it fits perfectly and i love it. the ensemble sounds so good. when he’s yelling to get veronica to open her door is PERFECT. he genuinely is shattered when he finds her and it broke my heart. i hate veronica’s mom’s accent.
dead girl walking reprise: i love you carrie! i loved how she changed that riff i almost liked it more. the “go rottweilers” threw me off tbh but i liked the other lyric changes and i still the this fleming. jamie muscato breaks my heart. i like the new dialouge and jamie is the perfect jd if only his accent was better. “don’t talk about my mom” gives more backstory to jd and i like that.
i am damaged: SO GOOD. liked the lyric changes and jamie seemed torn apart and i just. wow. sophie was so concerned after the explosion and. wow.
seventeen (reprise): idk why i don’t like this song? i never have tho, the harmonies are SO GOOD THO. carrie is hilarious and has a gorgeous voice. the ensemble sounds so pretty!
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touchlotsofbutts · 5 years
Tay’s fav new artists, songs, albums of 2019; decade favs too <3
Hello friends. I have listened to 20,000 songs this year (#brag). Some of them I have listened to more than once, and some of them are all together on one really good album I like. Here's some lists of the songs, albums, and people who make them that I liked a lot.
For your listening convenience: a Spotify playlist with the artists, songs, and albums in question. One song from each artist, one song from each album: checka me out
5 new artists from (roughly) this year (unordered)
Slayyyter is the logical conclusion of the early 2000's pop wave, absolutely bubble gum but no longer pulling and punches with its sexual desire. "He wanna get in my guts" indeed.
100 Gecs
I love high energy, I love noise, and I love catchy. Synthesize major electronic musical movements of the last 10 years and then kick that in the dick and you get 100 Gecs.
Stef Chura
A consistent AF album, with great single songs and a slow procession as well, I'm very hyped for more!
Glass Beach
This band is cutting edge, they know a shitton about music, their hour long album feels like it's only 30 minutes, it teleports you away.
Nilüfer Yanya
Clearly someone who is making music with a succinct style and aesthetic, I find it great to see a full album form around (relatively) simple concepts like an imaginary mental health spa.
10 Songs from this year (ordered)
10. "Good News (Ya-Ya Song)" by MUNA
Unexpectedly a smash hit for me, this is such a simple song but something in the melody stirs a deep and warming feeling within me.
9. "Falling Down The Stairs Of Your Smile" by The New Pornographers
New Pornographers always have great singles. Their albums never quite capture the same feeling, and it breaks my heart every time. Still love the band.
8. "Can't Believe The Way We Flow" by James Blake
A many month throwback, this song was a go-to for the whole year. Seemingly forgotten by many (surely not Dave tho), this album and song really showed additional depth for Blake in my eyes.
7. "24" by IDK
Should to DJ Big Fan. This song is fun as fuck and has so many good one-liners. "She says she not a THOT she a nymphooo"
6. "Clarity" by Kim Petras
This song is a guilty pleasure, not because I am ashamed of its content or sound, but because Kim consistently works with Dr. Luke, the fuckhead who absolutely abused Ke$ha. This song absolutely bops though. Oof.
5. "All I Do is Lie" by Stef Chura
A very small sleeper hit for me, and a big regret when I missed Stef playing nearby, but I love the winding and twisting of this song and the simple mantras bouncing back and forth between meanings.
4. "Lark" by Angel Olsen
This song encapsulates all of Angel's album. It's the lead-in to the album, and it truly matches the scope and grandeur.
3. "Stupid Horse" by 100 Gecs
A song so strong I also want to beat the shit out of a jockey. Distill 100 gecs and for me, this song is at the center. High energy, nonsense, and just total fun. I don't feel bad saying I kind of wish all music sounded like this (sometimes).
2. "Jelmore" by Bon Iver
14,115 feet above sea level, I look out to the sweeping arc of the horizon, a cloudy sky blankets the landscape I left behind. Play this song on your rental car speakers when you choose to conquer fear and ascend a towering mountain.
1. "Gretel" by (Sandy) Alex G
I adore the slow fade in, the garbled vocals, the familiar guitar. The garbled mix slowly devolves into a clear message. Alex G has said he never looks up lyrics, that there is an ambiguity to all words in songs. Is that why he sings this with such clear conviction? There's no misinterpretation here: "good people got something to lose."
20 Albums from this year (ordered)
The first ten are great, but I didn't want to blurb for them all!
20. Clarity by Kim Petras
19. MAGDALENE by FKA Twigs
18. Midnight by Stef Chura
17. Miss Universe by Nilüfer Yanya
16. Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen
15. Two Hands by Big Thief
14. Assume Form by James Blake
13. basking in the glow by oso oso
12. Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? by Deerhunter
11. Pang by Caroline Polachek
10. Animated Violence Mild by Blanck Mass
I became stuck in place while listening to Blanck Mass on a plane this summer. One of the only albums I downloaded, it was all I had at 30,000 feet, thrumming engines piercing all the other music I had handy. The cacophony only added to this album, noise layered on noise but turning into melodies and stretching into songs.
9. Father of the Bride by Vampire Weekend
I don't know a ton about jam bands, but I definitely feel it when everyone else says this album was made in hopes of becoming one. This long ass album has some great highs, some charming lows, and honestly a really good chunk of Danielle Haim. Really a soundtrack to 2019 in a lot of ways. But it's really fuckin' long.
8. IGOR by Tyler, the Creator
Tyler's career has had the craziest arc. Rapping about killing women and progressing all the way to IGOR, which, is it even a rap album? The album contains such clear direction and vision, and far less of the reckless anger that Tyler became known for. The energy and sound has been honed down to a fine point, and there's a conciseness that sticks with you for hours after listening.
7. House of Sugar by (Sandy) Alex G
Alex G has always done so much for me. Bedroom music that has transformed each time into bigger and more detailed versions of itself. House of Sugar is no exception. While maybe a little less thrilling for me than Rocket, it's another evolution of this stripped down style, still laid bare but richer all the same.
6. U.F.O.F. by Big Thief
A lot of lists are going to feature some Big Thief. Big Thief is good, their music pierces you through the flesh and hits you in the bones. It stirs the spirit of a time now lost, sidelong glances through thickets of woodsy pines, listening to a friend play a simple song on their new guitar. It's great to celebrate a band and an album that puts a lot of pretense to bed and creates a simple, pleasing experience.
5. Charli by Charli XCX
Charli delivers an album after years of PC Music collaborated mix tapes and psuedo-album releases. Charli isn't some sort of second coming, but is the pinnacle of her expertise: fantastic collaborations, cutting edge beats, and familiar tales of her love and loss.
4. All Mirrors by Angel Olsen
Angel wasn't really known for her grandeur. Her songs and albums were dynamic, sure, with strong emotions, but All Mirrors dives into the direction of a grand pool, crystal clear and vast. "Lark" is a sweeping masterpiece, while "All Mirrors" has a methodical build and release. Angel is fully putting her voice and composition to work with an album this magnificent.
3. the first glass beach album by Glass Beach
My favorite description for this band is "post-emo." Many of my compatriots are not fond of band genres in generally, but for me this really nails it. It's a combination of an emotional, DIY scene with an online mentality, which I feel is representing the pace of the world. Also the music absolutely blasts, grand and epic and quiet and pensive, meandering as it wants.
2. Ghosteen by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Until about two months ago, I wasn't even a huge Nick Cave fan. Serendipitously, I happened to look into his backlog a couple weeks before this surpirse release. I spent a small amount of time looking into his older style, but when Ghosteen popped up, it floored me. That tangible loss, the grief that winds around you and grips you from within, it's on this album in full force. It's an album I know I will listen to sparingly, but lovingly, for ages and ages.
1. 1000 Gecs by 100 Gecs
I typically do not measure these kinds of lists by the number of listens. Usually albums with emotional weight or impact are not so accessible or listenable. This album is an absolute exception, it is crystalline and pure, it is powerful and subtle, its energy infectious. For me, it's a clear message describing the future of music I love.
Honorable menties, not conclusive or ordered, from this year:
IDK's Is He Real?
Holly Herndon's PROTO
JPEGMAFIA's All My Heroes Are Cornballs
Battles's Juice B Crypts
Bon Iver's i,i
American Football's American Football (LP3)
DIIV's Deceiver
Anamanguchi's [USA]
Sir Babygirl's Crush on Me
Sharon Van Etten's Remind Me Tomorrow
Hemlock Ernst & Kenny Segal's Back At The House
Jay Som's Anak Ko
Florist's Emily Alone
"Harmony Hall" by Vampire Weekend
"Superbike" by Jay Som
"Aute Cuture" by ROSALÍA
Many many others!
Roughly 10 of 2010-2019's best albums (unordered)
Halcyon Digest by Deerhunter
Encapsulate all of the indie rock I listened to and make it so dramatic it oozes lackadaisical energy.
The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do by Fiona Apple
The title is as long as the album is great. I am chomping at the bit for Fiona to follow this up with literally anything.
Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens
Many feel Sufjan could do no wrong, but it's not that he's unimpeachable, it's that he is able to shift his sound in pivotal ways at pivotal moments.
Cerulean Salt by Waxahatchee
Waxahatchee captured the post college ennui I was so suddenly thrust into, and continues to kick ass even after I got over the dread.
Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
This album kicks ass, but also I have an undying emotional connection to it since I listened to it on repeat the months after pops died! "We Drift Like Worried Fire" is entwined in my soul.
Good Kid, M.A.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar
There is a lot of great Kendrick to choose from, but the one absolutely stacked with bangers will remain my favorite (but I totally acknowledge the artistic merit and beyond of Damn. and TPAB).
The Monitor by Titus Andronicus
I only got into this album like four years after the fact, but it scratched the civil-war-concept-album-actually-about-the-Northeast I didn't know I had! Pumped it also taught me a cool Abe Lincoln speech.
E•MO•TION by Carly Rae Jepsen
This album guided me from toeing around pop music to going all in and finally have a good time in life.
Song of the summer:
"Steal My Sunshine" by Len
Remarkably, for the 20th year in a row, the song of the summer is Len's "Steal My Sunshine." What a powerhouse.
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rachusdwarfus · 6 years
Fan Review of “Sweetener” by Ariana Grande
this will be informal by the way, just my thoughts on each song!
raindrops (an angel cried): sweet, beautiful and simple. i do wish it had been about 30 seconds longer, but the acapella is a powerful affect. 7/10
blazed: a definite bop. the meaning is almost totally incoherent though—so basically known territory for ariana, which is an unspecific song about love/infatuation. works as a good listen, but doesn’t offer much more artistically. 6/10
the light is coming: an attempt at experimentation that seems to have gone awry. there’s promise in the theme, but this is lost in the dissonance between the chorus and verse lyrics that seem totally mismatched, as well as the messy track and incoherent melody. 2/10
r.e.m.: so cute and dreamy. lyrically diverse and feels like you’re walking through an upside down dream land. the low notes during the “wake up” lines are truly stunning and fairly unheard of with ariana, which makes a nice change. 8/10
God is a woman: like journalists have been saying, this is for sure a ‘sultry banger’. the bass is really infectious and it’s instantly catchy. although for me it is very lyrically weak, claiming to act as female empowerment when all it really does is perform status quo femininity and sexuality for the consumption of the male audience. 6/10
sweetener: for me, one of the weakest songs on the album, which is strange given it’s the titular track. mostly lyrically plain, the sweetener verse tempo seems off and as if the syllables are squished into too short a time. the meaning is lacking, given that all it comes down to is that a man makes her feel good, which wasn’t the theme of ‘sweetener’ that was promised. 3/10
successful: i very much enjoy the beat and track of this song along with the breathy vocals, but struggle with the meaning. firstly in terms of it’s incoherence between whether it’s about being in a relationship, being a breadwinner, or empowering another woman. secondly, the perceived bragging about financial success in the chorus comes off as insensitive and detached. 5/10
everytime: musically stunning. the rawness in the lyrics is also captivating and the character being portrayed in the song is so interesting. the only thing that throws me off is that it feels as though the song used to be named ‘back to you’ and ‘everytime’ seems like a strange fit. 7/10
breathin: my current favourite on this album—lyrically spectacular, with powerful and heartbreaking vocals and backing track. this song is so so strong—the repetition in the chorus works as a musical representation for panicked breathing, and the steady beat of the song works as a synthetic heartbeat. it’s a true insight into anxiety and you feel what she feels as she sings. the beat drop in the last chorus makes me drop dead tbh. 10/10
no tears left to cry: i’ve always thought this was a strong comeback, since after all that has happened, what are you supposed to come back with? ariana had a lot of boxes to tick in her first single of the new album, and i think this song did what it could. it’s a cute bop, and whilst lyrically simple, does offer confidence and hope. 7/10
borderline: a fairly weak song for me. it bops but doesn’t try anything new and stays much the same throughout the whole song. i enjoyed missy’s verse but wished she featured more in it. as with other tracks, the meaning comes off very incoherently. 4/10
better off: an incredibly beautiful song. tommy brown did everyone proud with this. the story being told is captivating, truthful or not, and the lyrics speak deeply. the melody is so sweet and solemn, and you feel the heartache within the song. the strings toward the end of the song bring actual tears to my eyes. 8/10
goodnight n go: i adore this with all my heart. an absolutely beautiful rendition of imogen heap’s song. the breathy high notes give me chills and synth-y additions to the track fit so interestingly and make for an emotion-filled, stunning song. 9/10
pete davidson: if you ignore the crusty title, it works as a very cute song with a sweet and simple melody. the “oohs” are so gorgeous. 6/10
get well soon: this song is so wonderful it’s almost bizarre. the slightly upbeat mood fits the theme of coming down from an anxiety attack—where you feel almost ridiculous looking at your own mind. you feel the sadness within it but also the self awareness that often comes along when you’ve panicked and afterwards, realised that your brain shouldn’t be like this, and with a loved one, you can laugh at it together and comfort each other. all the layers and harmonies are just right, and it all fits together in a way i just didn’t expect. the silence at the end that makes the track 5:22 long to honour manchester (5/22) is a beautifully touching end to a song full of feeling. 10/10
there are several songs in this album that truly stand out. there is however a lot of filler and incoherent sound amidst all of this. the theme of the album is supposedly ‘sweetener’—something that lightens the situation in response to the awful events of the world. this isn’t a feeling i get from the album, other than maybe from get well soon, although it feels more personal than that. the positive songs about ‘sweetening the situation’ are nearly all about relationships that feel unattached and impersonal. the songs that were more heartbreaking, those about difficult situations and introspection were the ones that really stood out for me. overall, the project as a whole is not very cohesive and is filled with thematic holes, but generally works as a fun listen to dance and have fun too, and the songs that stand out individually work as beautiful pieces of art.
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