#like she couldn't have gotten any closer to death
flamingpudding · 1 year
Part 3 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
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Feral brother of mine
When Damien first saw the video from Todd's helmet he only thought of his older brother as an imbecile that apparently couldn't handle children that was until Drake paused the video on the child's face before the video cut off.
Then Richard pointed out the similarities to Damien and of course his first thought was that his mother had made another clone again that they would need to dispose of. That was until he took a closer look at the image when Drake zoomed in. It was still blurry but Damien would recognise that face anywhere and in any state.
Despite his memory being faded it was the face of someone he never wanted to forget and would let freely hunt his dreams. Even if it was to recall the good times or even the bad times through nightmares. Freckles that mirrored constellations and scar by the ear from a training session when the others' dodging ability had not yet been up to par when they were five. Hair longer than his own and less tameable.
Danyal Al Ghul.
His twin that he killed at the age of eight when their grandfather forced them into a fight to death. This was not a simple clone of Damien himself and the teen was pretty sure that his mother must have lost it. Because what else then a clone of his own brother could this be, she probably must have preserved some of Danyal's DNA if not his entire body for this. He must also applaud her cruelty, for the clone was at the exact age his brother had died at.
He does not know why nor how his mother had managed to cause glowing Lazarus green eyes. None of his clones had ever shown these before but a part of him didn't want to know. It already made him sick enough to know that his mother would go so far as to clone Danyal.
All he wanted was to get rid of this cruel clone that wore his long dead brother's face. The knowledge of his brother was something Damien held dear. It was something that belonged to him only and the burden of his death was not something he ever wanted to share either. Besides what use would it be to his family to mourn a member they never would have gotten to meet.
Even as he glared at Todd, who had let loose the feral clone. He could not bring himself to tell them that this was most likely not just a simple clone of himself.
"Come on guys, there is a child running around the Bat Cave. You can fight later about how to safely keep the boy in check."
Clicking his tongue he turned away from his older siblings and drew out his katana. "<tt> I will get rid of that thing myself."
A thing, that was what it was. Damien didn't need his personal feelings or his memories of a twin that could smile brighter than the desert sun despite their pain, get in the way of his rationality. He could not allow this mockery of his twin brother to live on.
He went for the darker areas of the Cave knowing the league trained mind and he was in luck as he was the first to find the feral child hidden away in the area that lead to the medbay. By now the thing was even armed. Damien recognised the dagger as one of his training once, he probably had accidentally left it out of its casing after training right before patrol.
The ex-league prodigy did not give the clone time to react as he attacked without warning. Chasing it through the Bat Cave as it avoided his attacks yet made no move to attack him the way it had Todd. At times the way it dodged made Damien stutter slightly something that never happened before. He slashed at it, ignoring his siblings that shouted for him to stop from the side lines. Ignoring the flashes in his mind of a fight years ago that was similar yet so different.
"I will not let this mockery run free." He muttered pointing his blade as it hissed at him in return. What a feral thing it was, he waited for it to make the first move this time. Clones were not perfect, their forms were lacking, They might retain skills of their original but they rarely were the same let alone cable of thinking outside of what their creator, his mother wanted. He pointedly ignored anything he new about certain clones. They weren't created by his mother, therefore did not count in regards to his conclusion. Yet it was painful seeing this mockery of his dead brother appearing like a perfect copy.
The stance it held with the dagger, despite the feral hissing and movements, it was the exact same his brother had. Sword stances, like martial arts stances had a basic form, every wielder learned and then developed further into their own unique one with time. Danyal had one where he tended to hold the dagger or even swords backwards in his left hand while his right arm covered his empty side with a slight tilt to the back, always ready to reach for any weapon he would carry in hidden pockets on his back.
It was painful to see this clone, this thing mimicking his brother's stand this perfectly. Damien could only narrow his eyes in determination, or was it desperation by now? This was just one more reason to get rid of it. It just hurt even more when with a quick gaze towards the hand that held the dagger Damien also noticed a bad habit his brother had always retained and the league had also never been able to train out of him. It was a small habit, unnoticeable if you wouldn't look for it, yet dangerous to the sword / dagger wielder if they were inexperienced.
Danyal tended to let his thumb rest against the guard if the blade had one or against the blade itself even if it didn't have one. He knows that his twin used to have scaring on his thumb from this habit, especially from their early training years.
This thing was even imitating his brother's habit.
He wanted it gone. Rip it apart and present it to his mother with all the anger and grief it brought to him.
"Guys stop Damien now! That is not a clone!" He heard Drake yell from where the Batcomputer was but he didn't care. This was a clone, so he lunged at the it again. Ignoring how the clone had studied him like he had it. Ignoring how its stance had changed the longer they had watched each other and how that thing let its guard down all of a sudden.
"Damien! Stop!"
It dropped all defenses and Damien could only see that as his chance to deal the final blow to get rid of it. But what he didn't expect despite the dropped defenses was for the clone to also just drop the dagger, close its eyes and smile. The same smile that still hunted his nightmares. His mind flashed back to eight years ago.
"Demon brat! Calm the fuck down!"
The blade stopped inches from the same fatal placement that had killed his brother before. Drake and Richard were right behind him while Todd was by the clone's side gripping at the blade with his bare hands, most likely bleeding already.
"Why?" Damien uttered quietly, his eyes trained on the thing. Richard must have thought that his question had been directed towards them stopping him but that wasn't the case.
"Look Dami, how about listening to what Tim found out first before we decide what to do with that child?"
"Not you." He couldn't help but snap back at them as he withdrew his katana, hearing Todd mutter something about sharp blades and bandaids as well as several curses under his breath. His eyes stayed on the thing. "Why would you let me kill you? Why drop your defence ces? Why not dodge?"
The thing titled its head its glowing green eyes were trained on Damien and he noticed how they flickered into a blue that was so familiar yet so different with the way they glowed. It made chirping noises before it whispered something.
"ahbak, Dami"
Damien froze for a moment there at the quiet words the thing had whispered. How was he supposed to react now? Was this even a clone, no he knew this was a clone. There was no way Danyal was alive let alone still eight years old. He had killed his own brother, he had held him in his own arms as Danyal took his final breath, smiling at him and uttering the same words he had just heard again after so many years.
Even if Danyal had survived somehow then he should be the same age as him. Not the age he had died at. Besides, their grandfather would have never allowed them to use the pits to revive his twin.
Intentionally or not Todd's outcry had ripped him out of his thoughts by a rather pathetic yowl of pain. It was like a switch had been flipped in the clone's mind as his brother had reached out to probably detain it again. The moment Todd had touched him, the thing had bitten into his hand before letting go, hissing and running away from them once more.
But instead of running after that thing Damien stood frozen in place, his mind still racing. He could feel Richard's hands on his shoulders, grounding the teenager with the warmth they provided. "You okay there Baby Bird? You seem rather out of it suddenly."
"<tt> I am fine." His only offered answer, ignoring the worried looks he was getting as he moved to wipe Todd's blood off his blade. He needed a distraction before his mind became any more chaotic and unreasonable. "What did Drake find out?"
"Right… you sure you want to hear that right now?" Giving Richard an unimpressed stare, the oldest sighed looking over towards Drake.
"Well I got good news and probably bad news." Side eyeing his brother Damien kept silent waiting for him to continue.
"I can safely say that the child is not a clone. His DNA does not 100% match yours. It differs too much but - and this is where it's probably bad news - it matches with you to 45%, with a matching to Bruce to about 50%, same with Talia. If I run a paternity test I am sure it would be a hit for Bruce and Talia."
Damien swallowed taking in that information, knowing what it meant. Was he horrified? Yes. Did it also awaken a strange sort of hope? Also, Yes.
"But there was a third compartment of the child's DNA structure which was impossible to test. It could even corrupt DNA samples if not taken apart from the rest. It probably has something to do with the green specs I found in his blood too. So I ran a substance analysis and - you probably won't like this - but it got a hit from a substance we have recorded in our database."
"What substance?" Damien knew, he just knew he wouldn't like the next words Drake would say. He could feel Richard squeezing his shoulder as if to help him keep stable.
"Lazarus Water. It matched with what we have recorded from the Lazarus Pits."
"Drake, are you telling me that after eight years, my mother who apparently had preserved my dead twin brother's body, dropped said body into the Lazarus Pits to revive him and then drop him off with Todd of all people?"
"Yes, wait… dead twin brother's body?"
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Eighteen - CSS DEAD
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
Warnings: Guns, death
1.7K words
Series Masterlist
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LH44 has anybody heard from CSS?
LN4 CSJ55 is safe but haven't heard from CSS
FA14 haven't heard anything down here
CSJ55 I am gathering my men to get back into my house
CSJ55 will keep everybody posted
"What's this?" Y/N asked as she leaned over her husbands shoulder and placed her hand on his shoulder, looking at the screen in front of him. It was clear what it was, a chat forum. But she couldn't make sense of any of the names.
Carlos leaned back, his head against her stomach. Her touch on his shoulder was light, but it was enough, for now. "Guess which one is your brother," he said as she leaned closer to read the screen.
There were so many usernames. LH44, LN4, CSJ55, CSS, CL16, AA23, MV33, JV1.
LN. Lando Norris. Y/N pointed to his last line of chat and Carlos nodded. "Okay, who is everyone else? Who is CSJ55? Why doesn't CSS have a number?"
Carlos told her all about the chat forums. It was kind of funny, actually. That mafia families used chat forums. "My father hasn't responded since we escaped the house," he said, scrolling back through the chat.
Carlos had two chat windows open. One with all of the heads of families and one with his men. Not all of his men were responding, anxiety bubbled up in Carlos's stomach.
That chat with the heads of families kept going. Everybody had responded, everybody but Carlos's stomach. He had tried to check the cameras inside of the house, but they'd all been disconnected or destroyed.
Carlos's phone vibrated against his chest. He picked it up, reading the text. "What is it?" Y/N asked softly, gently. Carlos wasn't hiding the screen from her or anything, but the text was in Spanish and she couldn't yet read it.
"My mother," he answered as he replied to the message. She was okay, had been in contact with Carlos ever since she'd made it to Alonsos safehouse.
As much as the Sainz family and the Alonso family hated each other, they had an agreement in place. If anything happened to the Sainz, those who could get out were to get to Alonsos territory if they could. It worked both way, with the Sainz offering sanctuary for Alonso and his men if needs be.
Señora Sainz had made it to Alonsos territory. By the time she'd gotten there, the attackers had left Alonsos. It was in a state, everything broken, documents missing, just like Carlos's house.
Alonso hadn't escaped like the Sainz family had. He had a bookcase that he could hide behind. Once he was behind it, the bookcase looked bolted to the wall, unmovable. Nobody thought to look for Alonso in there.
When Señora Sainz arrived at the Alonso house, he took her and her daughters to his own safehouse.
"My mother," he said as he placed his phone back on the desk. "She and my sisters are safe, but she hasn't yet heard from my father."
Y/N squeezed his shoulder. "He's gonna be okay," she said softly. There wasn't a lot she could do to comfort him, she knew in that moment. "He's a smart man. He'll know how to save himself," she said and Carlos nodded his head.
But he wasn't so sure.
He turned to his wife, who still had a hold of his shoulder. But she wasn't looking at him. She was looking at the gun he had beside the laptop.
It was the only weapon Carlos had brought with him, which was terrifying. If somebody found them, if a group of people found them, how was Carlos supposed to protect her?
She was staring and Carlos had no idea what she was thinking. He placed his hand over her own and used his other to pick up the gun.
"For my entire life," Y/N began as she touched the gun. Carlos still had it as she ran her fingers over the components. It was loaded, the safety off, and there was no way he was letting go of it. "Everybody around me has been carrying these things around," she said. "I was always afraid of them, and I never, ever wanted to learn to shoot one."
It may have been the way she was saying it, but Carlos knew there was something more. Whether she was going to voice it or not, he didn't know. But he could guess. With how she was behaving before they had to run, he could guess. "Would you like to learn to shoot it?"
She went to nod her head, but then she stopped. "Yes," she said, standing up just a bit straighter. "I'd like that."
Like wasn't quite the right choice of word, she thought as soon as she said it. What she would have liked would have been to never have to shoot a gun, to never be in this situation in the first place. But it had become necessity. Necessity for her for learn to protect herself, to be stronger, to protect her husband.
It was strange for them, to be outside of the cabin. Since they'd arrived only Carlos had gone outside, and that was only from necessity, or to smoke a cigarette. He'd gone to the shops, gotten them food, water, clothes, anything they needed. And every time he had been in some way disguised.
But not now. Now, he and Y/N stood outside of the cabin, surrounded by the trees. It was cold, colder than Y/N expected it to be, and she found herself wrapped up in Carlos's jumper.
It smelt just like him. That combination of smoke and pine. She couldn't stop herself from lifting the collar of the jumper to her nose and inhaling. Again and again she smelled the fabric until it surrounded her, consumed her.
Carlos set up the empty spaghetti cans on top of a fallen tree. He wasn't very good at placing them, and they wobbled and fell off more than once. When he had them all lined up, he waited a moment, made sure the cans weren't going to fall, and walked back over to Y/N.
He pulled the gun from his pocket and placed it in Y/N's hands.
Shooting a gun wasn't supposed to be romantic. But somehow it was. Somehow the way Carlos stood beside her, with his arms wrapped around her, was romantic. Shocker.
He focused on her aim. It wasn't good, and the recoil had Y/N struggling. She tried her very best, and hit the top of the can in the middle, but didn't do much else.
"Can you just show me?" She asked after deciding she'd wasted enough bullets (Carlos had shown her how to reload, too. That she had gotten quick at).
When Carlos nodded his head, Y/N stepped back. She pressed her back against a tree and watched as Carlos, using just one hand, with one eye closed, shot every can sitting on the log.
It was... Hot. A huge turn on, but she couldn't stop herself from pouting. As hot as it was, she wanted to be that good. She wanted to be able to shoot with such precision. And she wanted it now.
Carlos laughed as he walked over and offered her his hand. He pulled her up from the tree, pulling her close before very quickly letting go. "No matter, my pretty little wife," he said as they walked back towards the cabin. "We can try again tomorrow."
Y/N nodded her head, but it was somewhat reluctant. If it wasn't for wasting bullets, she'd keep going. But she followed Carlos into the cabin and sat herself down on the end of the bed.
She still wore Carlos's jumper. The inside of the cabin was warm, but she didn't care, she just wanted to wear the jumper.
Carlos sat himself at the desk and opened the laptop once more. He logged on, going straight to the chat he had with his men. There weren't many that managed to get away from the house when the shooting started; only twenty of them were responding to him. Nobody from his fathers house was responding.
Laying back on the bed, Y/N grabbed her book and began reading as Carlos scrolling through the chat.
"Shit," he suddenly whispered and pushed the laptop away. He stood up suddenly, knocking over the chair, and grabbed the carton of cigarettes from the bedside table.
"Carlos," Y/N called as he grabbed the cigarettes and marched out of the cabin, slamming the door shut behind him.
She walked over to the window, looked outside and watched as Carlos, with the cigarette held between his lips, lifted his lighter to the end of it with shaking hands. He pulled the cigarette away and released the smoke from his lungs, sinking to the floor.
Y/N walked out of the cabin. She walked over to him and got down onto the floor, the ground beneath her knees cold.
He rubbed at his eyes as Y/N wrapped her arms around him. He wasn't crying, no. Mafia bosses weren't allowed to cry. And he was the boss, now wasn't he?
She didn't say anything, just held him. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her chest.
But then Carlos pulled away. He stood up, leaving Y/N on the ground, and finished his cigarette. She watched him, unmoving. Unsure of what to do, she only watched him. Confusion was written on her face as Carlos finished his cigarette and walked back into the cabin, leaving her there on the floor.
Y/N immediately stood up and dusted herself off. She followed after him, pushing her way into the cabin.
Carlos stared at her. She stared at him. Neither of them said anything. His hair was a mess, like for the few seconds he had been alone he was pulling at hit. His eyes were red but no tears stained his face.
She wasn't going to let him be an asshole to her, not anymore. As much as she wanted to attack, demand his respect, she couldn't do that. That wasn't who she was.
Instead she walked over to him and, again, wrapped her arms around him. "Just talk to me," she whispered and ran her fingers through his hair, trying to sort it out. But then she read the words on the screen in front of him.
Carlos Sainz Senior was dead.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa23 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal @graciewrote @biancathecool @evans-dejong
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Awkward Position
Leon Kennedy x female reader
Summary: While trying to help [Name] over, Leon finds himself in an awkward position.
Warning: Fluff.
I saw this scene and I just couldn't help myself. Sorry it's only short.
Please enjoy.
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Leon looked up at her, a small smile on his lips. They had completed their mission successfully, the infected terminated, and any traces of samples of the virus also destroyed. Now, they were getting ready to head to a medical bay to have any wounds checked over. Well, they would be if [Name] hadn't gotten stuck on a top ledge, the ladder laid in ruins during the fight.
"C'mon, it's not that high a drop." Leon called out, his eyes locked on [Name] as she paced around a little, looking for another way down, one that didn't involve her jumping or dropping down.
"Not from where I'm standing!" She shouted back. It was stupid, she knew that. They faced countless monstrosities, faced danger and death alike, and survived. But heights? No. Not a chance. Just looking down was enough for the room to begin spinning lightly for her. The metal gate beside her held in a vice grip, fearing the metal grating beneath her feet with snap.
While lightly unstable, it held but she didn't want to push her luck.
Leon stepped a bit closer, holding his arms out, "I'll catch you!" Uncertainty flashed in her face. She knew she wasn't the lightest person in the world but she also didn't want to hurt Leon somehow by dropping into his arms like this. But he stood there still, his sky blue eyes holding such confidence as his arms remained out, ready to catch her.
Taking a breath, [Name] positioned herself to sit down, her legs dangling over the edge of the ledge, preparing to slip off. Though, this was disrupted as the structure shifted, the ledge breaking off and letting her drop.
A sudden scream ripped from her throat, her arms and legs flailing, and Leon darted towards her. Her body landed on his, knocking them both to the flood with a pained groan. Limbs were sprawled out, their faces hovering close to one another.
"Aah, sorry about that." [Name] whined softly, trying to push herself up but flopped back down, a dull ache crawling up her back. Leon panted lightly, his eyes locking with hers, and smiled.
"It's alright. I said I'd catch you." The two smiled a little before taking a moment to catch their breath. The warmth of his body was comforting, the closeness of it. She could feel his body, even over the clothes. Her chest pressing up against his, something Leon was trying hard not to think about.
Until he felt something stirring inside him. A warmth spilling down his chest and settling into his lower gut. He swallowed thickly, trying to keep his breathing calm.
"Um.... Leon? Is that your gun pushing against me?" [Name] had never seen Leon's face erupt in such red shades before and she doubts she ever will.
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lina-studen · 5 months
random shower thoughts regarding the thing that might be making lenore special (and the cause of her death).
tw: death, mentions of suic!de and related topics.
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I don't have enough evidence, so I won't be upset if this theory turns out to be wrong, but just wanted to speculate.
lately I've been wondering a lot about what makes lenore different from everyone else in the eyes of the raven. she seems to be the only one who can understand him, and he believes that she may have similar abilities to the deans. as if she doesn't even belong in this academy, dare I say.
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I've seen some people in the comments speculate that lenore might still be alive somehow, and is in a borderline state of sorts. I personally don't think that's the case, because in a hundred chapters of the comic, we haven't gotten any hints about it (if I recall correctly, don't quote me on that). what we have been getting hints about is that lenore most likely died from a gunshot to the head. moreover, the clues are both visual and verbal.
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and from the very beginning of time, I was always sure that she ended her life herself. this is one of those headcanons (or headshot canons… sorry) that you just believe in until proven wrong. I'm not exactly sure why. perhaps due to analogies with other stories. for example, I recently compared "nevermore" to "death parade": the main character there also found herself in a purgatory situation and was the only one who couldn't remember her death. near the end of the anime it turns out (spoiler here) that she took her own life.
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plus, it doesn't seem like such an impossible thing overall. whatever happened at that ill-fated wedding led to annabel lee's death. we still don’t know exactly who murdered her, but in any case it's connected to lenore, so she surely felt enormous guilt. put such a traumatic event in a mix with her not so stable mental state.
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during her time at "nevermore", lenore experienced a lot of emotions: fear, sadness, anger, joy, love, pain, relief etc. but none of her experiences brought her closer to the recalling of her death and manifesting. but you know what emotions she didn’t feel? all-eating guilt, wanting to give up, simply not desiring to live… it's a big assumption, but let's say it's possible.
comparing this theory with my other speculation here, lenore might be the only one who's death wasn't caused by the third party.
maybe the cause of her death is the differentiating factor? what if she was supposed to go to another dimension? but for some reason she ended up in the same place as annabel (either because of their connection or because some purgatory secretary decided that self-murder is still murder blah-blah). and now the academy itself and its realm are trying to get rid of lenore, because she doesn't belong here.
sure, these are all far-fetched assumptions based on another speculation, but anything can happen. my moots encourage me to share such thoughts so… I do.
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blkgirl-writing · 11 months
So. Technically... the Revivify spell only works for one minute after death.
Begging for a piece where Gale sees Tav go down in combat, everyone is fighting for their lives, meanwhile he's across the battlefield, fighting his hardest to get closer and feeling the minute they have to revive Tav slipping away...
Gale x Fem!reader
"Cold to the touch"
I have never finished a request so fast I'll be honest. This is so heartbreaking but absolutely amazing.
Tags and TWs: angst, a bit funny, some detailed graphic violence and blood, Gale in denial lowkey.
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Sometimes the fights you picked should have been fights evaded
"Gale, go!" you screeched, seconds before the killing blow you your chest, blood rapidly pooling around your feet, too much blood, you whispered as you looked down with blurring vision, clutching at your skin, trying to stop the bleeding, even for a second. The last bit of your strength used to look back up at gale, and smile. your body thudded to the ground, completely and utterly lifeless.
Gale blinked. The wind knocked out of him like he was hit with a battering ram. He fractically looked around, who was close? no one. Astarion was high on the rooftop, Wyll and Karlach surrounded with no way out, everyone on the brink of death themselves. Lae'zel the furthest and least likely to help. That just left-
"Shadowheart? Shadowheart, HEAL HER!"
"I'm fresh out of spells-" Shadowheart yelled, looking back at your limp body. "I think...She's past anything I can do right now, anyway."
Gale's gaze went down to his own hands, the revive in his pocket, how many things were around him, and how much strength he really did have. Your body was getting cold, soul leaving body, time was of the essence.
"damn it" he whispered, squeezing his eyes tightly closed, concentrating on making sure he wouldn't lose you. He couldn't lose you. If the thoughts of your beautiful life absent from the rest of his miserable one crept up, he'd be paralyzed, he simply could not dwell on the bleak future. "ok"
Gale forced himself forward, nearly slipping immediately and cursing himself. Running. if he wasn't out of all the magic he could muster he could simply misty step. Instead he was forced to make his way little by little while watching the last of life slip from you as the reality set in. He couldn't get to you in time. He needed to save himself and the others if there was any hope of even bringing your corpse to have a proper burial. He had to topple goblins and just stare feet away from you as your magic slipped permanently away from this world. Helpless, and tearful.
He wanted to cover you up. Clothes ripped open from your wounds, he didn't want you to feel exposed. Though, he knew you weren't feeling anything at all. But he had nothing. Once again failing himself and you when he felt you most needed it.
"There....there has to be something we can do" he held your freezing and damp hand in his own warm ones. Enemies blood pooled with your own,. the fight was won, but it truly felt wrong to say those words. He had been brushing your hair out of your eyes while the others gathered around. They'd been the furthest, so Gale had gotten precious moments alone. Muttering sentances he didn't finish. About how he had failed you. About what could have been. Maybe an I love you had fallen from his lips, but it didn't matter anymore, not if he could never hear the words he so wanted to hear back from you, from your own sweet voice.
"I don't know, I....I'm so sorry, Gale." Shadowheart softly touched gales back for a moment of comfort and caring that was so rare for her. that's how he knew it was real. "I know you cared."
I know you cared. He didn't know why those words were his breaking point, but he suddenly felt water dripping down his face. Silent tears rushing down his race. "I truly did."
"We will find a way, Gale. Have hope." Wyll crouched beside Gale on the ground. "I don't think we can do this without her."
"I'll bring her back. Somehow." Gale nodded, finally tearing his gaze away from you. Everyone stood around your corpse. Everyone with the same, grim look. Though, Wyll just looked...sad, sadness for Gales pain, and for the senseless loss of another.
Gale had to get you back to get you comfortable in camp. You couldn't stay here. Not for animals to ravage.
"I'll get her to camp for you, Gale. Don't ware yourself out" Karlach effortlessly hoisted your body over her shoulder. Gale gathered the items that dropped from your pockets on the ground, covered in grime and blood. But he simply wiped it away. He didn't want you to have to clean it off later. He'd worry about the red stains on his fingers and blotches on his clothes later. He just had to worry about getting you back, and never losing you again.
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Tag list, tell me if you want to be added!
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray
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perfectsunlight · 3 months
( 𝟯𝟱 ) ✏ 3 in the morning
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: mentions of cancer, mentions of death, mentions of absent parents
word count: 1.7k
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀: 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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it was 3 in the morning and you couldn’t fall asleep. yuna and minji were both fast asleep, and you didn’t feel like calling your sister at this hour to bother her with your current predicament. 
your argument with minjeong kept replaying over and over in your head. you couldn’t shake the look of hurt on her face when you had begged her to help wonyoung. the memory of her pained expression had gnawed at you since it happened.
with a heavy sigh, you sat up in bed, staring at the dark ceiling. the quiet of the night only seemed to amplify your thoughts, making it impossible to find any semblance of peace. you didn’t know what to do, especially since you never had seen such emotion from the other girl.
regardless, you couldn’t just let things end the way they had.
grabbing your phone, you hesitated for a moment before typing out a message to minjeong. your fingers hovered over the screen, unsure of what to say. apologies felt inadequate, and you struggled to find the right words. you typed and deleted different words and sentences for a few minutes until you ultimately just gave up on texting the president.
your fingers reached up to the bridge of your nose in an effort to try and help yourself focusit was no use. your mind kept drifting back to minjeong—her smile, the way her eyes looked when she talked about something she was passionate about, the way she made you feel confident in your own abilities. 
the thought that you might have jeopardized your relationship with her made your chest tighten. 
did minjeong feel the same way about you? the question kept eating away at you. her reaction earlier had been so raw, so full of hurt. it was hard to interpret what that meant. did she care about you more than she let on? or was it just the sting of betrayal from someone she considered a friend?
you got up from your bed and paced the room, the silence of the night amplifying your racing thoughts. each step seemed to bring more questions. you thought about all the moments you’d shared, the late-night study sessions, the light-hearted banter, the way she looked at you when she thought you weren’t paying attention. were you reading too much into it, or was there something more? to be honest, you felt like you were losing your mind. 
the past 3 days had been a whirlwind of emotions. so many different things were happening all at once and you didn’t know what to make of it. however, you knew you had to figure out what was going on in your own heart first.
you couldn’t help both minjeong and wonyoung. it was not possible.
if you helped wonyoung, it would mean minjeong could lose her position on the council as well as her scholarship and well-earned reputation. if you helped minjeong, wonyoung would be expelled and face severe academic consequences, as well as potential legal ones.
jennie had told you she would sue whoever the culprit was after your finals were over. your sister did not take this issue lightly.
you sighed, sinking deeper into your thoughts. how did things get so complicated? you mentally cursed yourself for letting your grades suffer like this. if you had kept up with school like you were supposed to, then you wouldn’t be in this situation. 
then again, you and minjeong wouldn’t have gotten closer if you didn’t end up meeting two to three times a week.
you knew what this emotion was deep down. you had felt it before with jimin, but it was never as strong as it was with minjeong.
but you couldn't admit you were in love. at least, not out loud, yet.
part of you wondered what the blonde girl was up to at this hour. was she sleeping soundly? or was she plagued with thoughts of you, too?
your eyes wandered to your phone on your bed once more, biting your lower lip before grabbing it and typing a message to the girl who had been on your mind all night.
minejong walked down the marble stairs of her family’s home, rubbing her face in the process. her baby blue monogrammed pajamas matched her fluffy bear slippers as she made her way to the kitchen. the house was quiet, as usual.
both of her parents were rarely home these days. her father turned into a workaholic while her mother often enjoyed taking vacations all across the world with her friends. neither of her parents wanted to be home, not since the passing of minjeong’s brother. 
the blonde passed by the framed family photo in the living room. the kim family never took another photo together after minseok’s death. the image was a painful reminder of happier times—a smiling family, unaware of the tragedy that would later tear them apart. minjeong's heart ached whenever she looked at her brother's face, forever frozen in that picture. 
minseok was the perfect son, but an even more perfect brother. top of his class, engineering student at yonsei, and student council president as well. he was everything minjeong looked up to, as well as her best friend.
unfortunately, cancer had other ideas. minseok died during her final year of high school, and when he did, minjeong watched her family die with him.
minjeong’s father thought money would save his son, and minjeong’s mother thought that fate would spare their son because of his accomplishments in his life. 
and when both money and fate failed, they each found their own ways to cope—or rather, escape. all minjeong could do was throw herself into her studies and focus on becoming the person to fill her brother's shoes.
she was now an only child, and the heir to her father's company. that meant being the best and to be like minseok—to be better than minseok.
and although on paper, she was up to par with her late brother, she couldn’t decide what he would think of her current situation.
in the kitchen, she started making herself some instant ramen as a snack. as she waited for the water to brew, she let her mind wander. the events of the past few days had been overwhelming, and the upcoming issue with wonyoung loomed large in her mind. 
but there was something else that occupied her thoughts even more: you.
the argument you two had still replayed in her mind, over and over. she felt bad about blowing up like that in your face, especially since she never had done so before. even though she knew wonyoung was definitely behind this whole ordeal, she couldn’t help but regret the way she reacted.
after a few minutes, minjeong’s food was done and she moved to sit down at the table. however, she quickly moved back towards the direction of the living room and took a seat in front of the framed family portrait.
her eyes fell on her brother minseok's smiling face, captured forever in the photograph. the warmth of his smile felt both comforting and haunting at the same time.
“hey, minseok,” she whispered softly, as if he could hear her. “i know it's been a while since we've talked like this.” she paused, her fingers tracing the edge of the bowl in her lap gently. 
“i wish you were here.”
minjeong closed her eyes briefly, memories of her brother flooding her mind. they used to share everything—dreams, fears, even silly jokes. losing him had left a void that seemed impossible to fill, especially in moments like this, when she needed guidance the most.
the silence of the room enveloped her, allowing her thoughts to wander freely. “you always knew what to say,” she continued, a faint smile playing on her lips. her late brother notoriously had a way with words. 
she imagined what minseok might say if he were here now, sitting across from her in the living room. would he understand the turmoil she felt? would he reassure her, like he always had, that everything would work out in the end?
with a sigh, her gaze still remained on the photograph. “i don’t know what to do,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. flashes of your face during the argument moved to the forefront of her mind, causing her chest to tighten. “i feel like i let my emotions get the best of me, but i just can’t stand the thought of her thinking i betrayed her trust.” she paused, her words hanging heavy in the air. the photograph of her brother stared back at her, offering silent solace in its frozen moment of happiness.
the blonde’s heart felt heavy with uncertainty. she knew the right thing to do logically—she needed to protect her position on the council, her scholarship, her reputation. yet, her emotions pulled her in a different direction, urging her to consider your feelings, your trust in her.
“maybe i should have handled it differently,” she mused aloud, as if seeking guidance from the photograph. “but how can i just stand by and watch y/n get expelled? and for what? a stupid report based on lies.”
minjeong took a quick bite of her noodles, chewing and pondering what she should do next. the blonde knew how she felt about you. it had taken her a while to figure out why you were the variable in her life.
but she knew it was an obvious answer — love.
she didn’t know much, but she knew she wanted you to be okay. she wanted you to feel heard and understood, and never forced to silence your thoughts and opinions. minjeong knew she had to talk to you, but first she needed to make things right.
after a moment of silence, she sighed softly. “yeah, i think i should apologize,” she said, more to herself than to the photograph. “i owe her that much, at least.”
the thought of facing you again, of admitting her fault, made her stomach churn with unease. but deep down, she knew it was the right thing to do. you deserved an apology, even if she couldn't undo the argument itself.
“but what if she hates me now?” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. mentally, she knew she was being ridiculous. but she would try and shake the thoughts of doubt, for your sake and her own.
“i hope i'm doing the right thing.” the blonde added in a voice barely above a whisper. as if on cue, her phone buzzed with a notification. it was a text from you, asking to meet up later that day. setting the empty bowl aside, she stood up and straightened her shoulders with a small smile.
“thank you, minseok.”
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cxrsed-angel · 2 years
Similar Worries
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Word count: 3k
Warnings: angst, age gap (reader in her 20s, joel in his 50s).
A/N: I wrote this immediately after ep 6. There are spoilers for the episode. gif credits: @joel-miller
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You had been walking in the woods for few hours after you left the couple’s cabin. You were in the back talking to Ellie, telling her how she cant go around tell people they’re like a thousand, especially when they didn't kill you and had given you soup.
When you see Joel stop walking, you walk up closer and see him breathing heavier. You put your hand on his shoulder, watching in fear as he grabbed his chest; you didn't know what to do if he had a heart attack in the middle of the fucking woods in the snow. 
“Joel, what's wrong, are you okay.” you watch in a panic as he nods his head, but he's still breathing heavily. You look around, trying to find somewhere for him to sit but there’s nothing. You try to calm yourself because the last thing you need is to freak out, making Ellie even more scared. You turned to look at Ellie but she was frozen in fear staring as Joel continue struggling to breathe behind you. Your attention is back on him when you heard his voice. 
“Im fine, just the cold air.” he said slowly, still trying to catch his breath; Ellie nods and walks closer.  But you stay silent, frozen in fear trying to rake your brain for any information on heart attacks but you come up blank. You realized didn't know what you would do if he had a heart attack; you're more mad at yourself at the fact that this situation hadn’t even crossed your mind. 
“Good because I don't know what we would do if you had a fucking heart attack right there.” You hear Joel let out a small laugh at Ellie’s joke as she lightly slapping his back as the two of them continued to walk ahead. But you didn't believe him. Ellie was right; what do you do if he has fucking heart attack in the middle of the goddamn forest in the snow. You knew it was something more than the cold air but decided not to press on it. But you kept an eye on him the rest of the way. 
The whole time you were walking, you were quiet. You tried not to show it but, it really scared you, it made you realize how old Joel was compared to; you always knew of course. When he complained about his knees when going upstairs, he talked about his back pain from sleeping on the ground countless nights. But it was always light-hearted, not life or death. You knew he had bad hearing from shooting, but this scared the shit out of you. 
When you were surrounded by the group, you saw Joel was different again, he was off, but you didn't have time to focus on it. You were just relieved they didn't shoot anyone. As you rode on the back of Joel’s horse, all that replayed in your head was how Joel seemed off. Something in his eyes that you couldn't quite figure out. You think back and remember he seemed off ever since you guys had left Kanas; you just never noticed until now, and with the troubled breathing, you were starting to get concerned. 
After Maria and Tommy gave you guys food and told you what house you would be in you immediately needed to show, you also thought it was best to let Joel talk to his brother alone. You went into what you assumed was the main bedroom to shower. After the shower and changing into some clothes, you sit on the bed, and you could hear Maria come and talk to Ellie, you knew you should see what they were talking about, but you figured Maria wouldn't do anything. As you sit on the bed, you couldn't stop seeing Joel struggling to breathe, and how helpless you were, you didn't know what to do, you couldn't save him you just watched. You had gotten lucky today, but one day you're not gonna be lucky; what if you can't save him, just freeze there like you did today? Tears fall down your face as you realize how little you could do.
You hear boots come in the room and assume it was Joel; you look up and see him looking at you. You could tell had been crying, you expect him to sit down next to you, but he stays standing, staring at you. “Have you been crying,” you asked quietly, looking at him, You could see in his eyes something wasn't right, and you wondered if it was something had happened. You waited for him to say something, but he remained silent, staring at you. You try not to sniffle but couldn't help it. 
“Have you been crying.” he repeats as he steps closer to the bed, but you weren't gonna let him change the topic off of him. 
“You first.” you said through snuffles. 
“It was just emotionally seeing Tommy, that's all.” you stare back at him, you knew it wasn't that, and you were a little offended that he thought that would work on you. You knew him better than that. But two could play that game. 
You took your shoes off and climb up into bed and lie down. Joel watches you, confused with frown eyebrows. You let out a fake cry, “it's my period, my emotions and hormones and everything.” You tell him with exaggerated sadness laced in your voice. You knew you were being childish, but you didn't care; you weren't gonna let him get away with that shitty lie. 
He rolls his eyes at your sarcasm as he gives you a deadpan stare. “Really?” was all he said, which made you even more upset. You sit up on the bed and stand up, glaring at him as he remained on the bed. You had been worried all day about him, and he wanted to be closed off to you; you weren't gonna take it. 
“No Joel don't “really” me you know  it's bullshit either tell me or dont tell me, but dont lie to me, god forbid I ask you what's wrong.” you couldn't stand him right now you turn to leave the room, but he voice stopped you making you turn around. 
“We’re staying here,” he mumbled quietly as he stares at the ground, adverting your eyes. You frown at him, not understanding what he meant. You hated when he talked in half sentences leaving out details. Who was we, why are we staying here, and also, why had he been crying? 
“What” you asked sternly, pissed at him for not being clear and deflecting the topic yet again. You walk closer to him, narrowing your eyes at him, waiting for Joel to answer. Joel sighs before looking up into your eyes, “You and I are staying in Jackson, it's safe they have food and shelter it's better for you.” he explains, but his voice is still shaky you could tell he was leaving something out and considering the fact he didn't mention Ellie you knew there was more than what he was saying. Also, he didn't talk to you about it; if you wanted to stay or not, you weren't gonna let him dictate where you go and make important choices without. 
You nod, “okay, well me and Ellie will go to the fireflies to make a cure, you can stay here and live out your suburban fantasy okay.” you replay, full of sarcasm; you watch as Joel's face frowns in frustration. He shakes his head and puts his face in his hands for a few minutes before looking back at the ground. 
“You and I are staying, Tommy is taking Ellie, he’s made the trip before, and he can handle it.”. You were getting tired and annoyed with this whole conversation going in circles and getting nowhere. You didn't understand why he wanted to leave Ellie; why didn't he want to continue? You’ve already gotten this far. But you stopped and remembered earlier when he couldn't breathe, and it clicked. You saw it in his eyes when Sam attacked Ellie when the dog started sniffing Ellie. It wasn't a heart attack. It was a panic attack. He was scared. 
Your eyes softened when you realized and came and sit down next to him. You place your hand on his face, slowly turning it, so he's looking at you. “Joel it wasn't the cold air wasn't it,” you stare full of concern into his brown eyes. You knew you were right when you see a tear fall down his cheek. You grab his hand in yours, rubbing it slowly; you didn't say anything, just waiting until he was ready. 
It was quiet for a moment as he cried silently before speaking again. “I get these dreams it’s a different situation, but they all end the same you or Ellie, or hell sometimes the both of you, dead while I just stand there frozen not doing anything, just like I did with-” you watch, choke back a sob before continuing. “Im just failing, I failed Tess, and Sarah, and in my dreams, I fail you and Ellie that’s all I do is fail.” his voice breaks at the end of the sentence as he continues to cry. 
You feel your heart break at how much pain he has been in and how this had been hurting him for so long. You reach up to his face wiping the tears as they continue to fail. You stay silent, waiting for him to finish. You feel him lean into your hand as you gently caressed his face. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing. 
“I don't know what I’ll do if something happened to you or Ellie, I froze when that kid came up behind me, too damn old to hear them and too slow to do something. I couldn't hear when Henry and Sam snuck up on us. It's only a matter of time before I fuck up and put someone in danger, until I freeze at the wrong time again. Lately I've been so godman scared that my heart feels like it stopping and-” 
“and you can't breath and you get dizzy like you're gonna pass out.” you interrupt him, knowing how it feels. You see his eyes widen a little when you describe what happens. You’ve had panic attacks before you knew they were scary as shit. You remember the first time you felt one you thought you were dying. 
You wipe another tear that falls from his eyes. “They happen to me too sometimes, not as bad when I was on my own after my parents died. I used to get them almost every day then, I got one the first time I saw a clicker all,  I did was crouch down to the floor into ball and cried until it went away then I ran. You’re not failing Joel, you arent gonna fail, You didnt fail when you got us out of Kansas with all those infected and a whole town chasing after us.” you looked into his eyes, but you could tell he was still uncertain, they were still full of worry and disbelief 
“Joel its okay to be afraid I’m fucking terrified almost all the time, Im scared that one of us is gonna catch a cold in the middle of the winter and die, Im scared Im gonna sneeze at the wrong time a room full of clickers and get ripped apart, Im scared-” you paused as you felt your tears coming again, “Im scared Im not gonna be able to protect you, that something gonna happen and I won't be able to do anything to help you.” you smile faintly “I guess we have similar fears huh Texas” you tried to lighten the mood as you continue to cry. 
You see him start to smile too through the tears; his hand came up and wiped your tears. You feel his hand wrap around your waist, pulling you into a hug as your cries came out harder. You thought back on how you thought he was having a heart attack and how helpless you were. 
“You fucking scared me back there, thought you were having a heart attack or something.” you pull away looking into his eyes as yours were filled with tears. “I cant fucking save you from a heart attack Joel, you get shot I know what to do, you get stabbed I know what to but-” You feel yourself choke on your sobs, unable to speak for a second. “I always thought a bite was the worst I had to worry about, you cant come back from a bite, I cant do anything about that, I made peace with that, but what about heart attack, or heart failure, what the fuck do I do then?” You cry out as he pulled back into a hug, rubbing your back as you try to steady your breath. 
You close your eyes as you relax against his chest, and you stay there, in each other embrace, as your comfort each other through your similar worries. Joel pulls away first gazing into your teary eyes. He wants to comfort you, reassure you, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He wants to tell you that nothing gonna happen to him, but he can't. He understands where you're coming from, he's nearing his 60s while you're still in your 20s. He hates himself for allowing you to get this close; he knew you were younger, that you deserved someone better than an old man. But you convinced him, told him over and over that you only wanted him. 
“How about we cross that bridge when we get there okay honey.” he attempted to reassure you but you looked into his eyes, seeing the wrinkles around the outside of his eyes, across his forehead, and lining the rest of his face, the grey in his facial hair and you couldn't you, couldn't do that because you’ll be unprepared when you got to that bridge there’s no crossing it. 
You shake you head as you feel your eyes filling with tears again, “I cant Joel, I cant fucking wait because we wont cross it I will, just me and Ellie watching as you fall to the ground unable to do shit.” Your lips trembling thinking about him being in pain and dying while you stand there frozen with Ellie in horror helplessly. “I dont want to lose you Joel not like that.” you whispered before leaning back into his arms. 
Joel thought about it and knew you were right; he knew you were gonna worry yourself to death about his health, and there want much else he could do to change that at the moment. So he just continued holding you in his arms, racking his brain for a solution but there wasn't an easy fix. He thinks about your words earlier, and how you were so good and quick to guarantee that he hasn't failed and that he wasn't going to, he wanted to do the same for you. But he couldn't find the right then to say, so he let you sob into his shoulder until he hears you stop.
“My brother gonna be a dad.” you widen your eyes at the sentence he just blurted out; you pull away, wiping the tears and snot off your face; you stare into his eyes, confused, until you realized what's happening. “You dont know what to say do you.” you watched as he nodded his head, disappointed at himself for not being able to get his words out, but you didn't blame him; you knew he said more through actions. You remember the first time he tried to say you’re more than a friend to him and watched as he continuously rambled about how much you mean to him and getting so far off topic he started using construction terms as a metaphor for your relationship. You knew what he meant. But you let him continue fumbling over his words before saying you felt the same. Since then, you’ve got used to him showing how he cares about you through his action and not getting too mad at his lack of communication. 
“Do you wanna talk about that or were you just trying to lighten the mood.” You asked him. You knew talking about babies, and parenting was hard for him, but you were unsure if he was ready to talk about how that information was affecting him. You watched as he shook his head and knew he was trying to lighten the mood; at least that was his intention, not quite sure it worked. 
“Trying to lighten the mood but I think I did the opposite.” he replied with an unsure smile; you let out a small laugh at his awkwardness, finding it cute. You nod and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. Before laying in the bed, you watch as he took his shoes off and joined you, laying in front of you pressing his back against you chest. Your arms wrap around his waist as you relaxed against him. You knew that both you and him had a lot of things that you’ll probably never gonna heal from or not worry about. You knew there's always gonna be a wound and hole in him from his daughter, and you were always gonna worry about him and his health, But at least you had each other at this moment; that was all you focused on. 
“I love you Joel, I know its hard but well figure it out, well get through this together, you arent alone.” you spoke softly as your head lay on his shoulder. You feel his hand come on top of yours as it rested on his stomach, rubbing them. 
“I know baby, I-uh I love you too.” he whispers back; you smile against his shoulder as he verbally said it back for the first time. You didn't want to make too big a deal of it; you always knew he loved you. He showed it in multiple ways, but you will admit it sounded nice. you snuggled up, pulling him closer into your chest as you closed your eyes and let this awful day end.
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I just wanted to say that I love your stories. I have had a Hannibal idea rumoring in my mind for some time now and decided to share it.(maybe you can make a one-shot out of it). The reader from our world is a big fan of the show Hannibal and one day wakes up in it (at first without realizing it.After finding a corpse, she somewhat recognises the person, but can‘t quite place it.After she called the police abd the FBI arrives she soon realises where she is. (idk any further, sorry if it‘s really bad)
Could there be a love triangle of some sort between Hannibal,the reader and Will?
Hannibal X Will X Reader: In another life
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a/n: not sure if this was what you were thinking but i hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: death, blood, injurys, attempted murder, being captured, hospitals, crime, fluff, female reader, no use of y/n, not proofread.
Word count: 2,2 K
You could smell a sort of coppery scent. Your head was hurting in a way it never had before. Still you managed to force your eyes to open up. You were laying on your back in what felt like grass. The smell was a bit overwhelming but you couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from. You lifted your body up slowly, resting on your elbows for a moment. It was dark but you could still make out your surroundings. You had no idea where you were. And you had no memory of what had gotten you here. You turn your head to the side and that's when you see it.
A body.
You let out a scream, quickly realizing to your feet and taking a step back. The dead eyes of the body stare up at you. You realize that the scent you’d smelt was blood. Your hands moved around your body in search of your phone. Even though you had no idea what was going on you knew you needed to call this in. Your hands shake as you dial 911. 
“911 what's your emergency?”
“I’m in the middle of nowhere and there's a body. I don”t know how i got here and i don’t know who this person is i-”
“Okay I need you to calm down. Are there any street signs nearby?”
You look around desperately searching for something to help the dispatcher find where you were. Your eyes fell on the sign a couple of steps away from where you were. You couldn’t read it very well.
“Yeah there’s a sign. I’m gonna go closer. It's so dark.”
“It's going to be okay, just read it to me.”
You squint your eyes, trying to make the words clearer. 
“Wolf Trap. I’m in virginia.”
The sound of the operator's voice dulled a bit as you tried to understand what was going on. How the hell were you in virginia? You didn’t leave anywhere near Virginia and you’d never thought of visiting it. The only reason you even knew about Wolf trap was because of…Hannibal. But there was no way.
Or was there?
You finished talking to the 911 operator who had told you she was sending cops to your location. You sat near the edge of the road and waited. You don’t know how much time passed but soon you were surrounded by police. They led you to an ambulance and placed a blanket over your body. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Well nothing other than the fact you were here. And then they appeared. 
You were staring at the ground beneath you, your hands fiddling with each other. You heard someone call out your name, causing you to raise your head. Your eyes widened as you watched Jack Crawford walk over to you. And trailing behind him was none other than Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham.
You had to have been dreaming. That was the only logical explanation. You closed your eyes, pinching your arm. When you opened them back up again nothing had changed. You were still sitting in an ambulance staring at the characters from your favorite show. Jack called out your name against causing you to pull yourself together.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah sorry. I guess I'm still in shock.”
“It’s natural to feel that way after seeing a body.”
Hannibal's voice filled your ears as he spoke and you couldn't help but notice he sounded exactly like he did on television. 
“This is-
“Hannibal Lecter.”
Jack looked over at Hannibal in curiosity.
“And that's Will Graham.”
Will’s eyebrows furrowed at your words.
“You two know her?”
“No they don’t. But I know them.”
You paused for a moment, realizing you didn;y know what part of the series you were in.
“I mean I've read about them.”
“You really shouldn't believe what Freddy Lounds writes.”
You turned to look at will, observing the way he avoided your gaze. 
“She’ll do whatever she can for attention.”
You don’t know how you knew but something told you he was talking about Abigail. 
“Don’t worry. I don’t believe everything I see on the internet. My heart goes out to Abigail Hobbs.”
It was a shot in the dark but what did you have to lose? From the way Hannibal and Will looked at each other you could tell you’d said the right thing. 
“Let's focus shall we. What can you tell us about the victim.”
“Just that he’s a male. And that he is dead.”
“Well that we could figure out ourselves.”
You almost smiled at the sarcastic tone Jack talked in. They were just like you remembered them. 
“I woke up next to him. I remember my head was pounding so I'm guessing someone hit me with something and I became unconscious. But that's about all I can tell you.”
“Okay. Hannibal stay with her. Will you come with me.”
You watched Will walk away with Jack. You assumed Will was about to place himself into the killer's mind and as much as you wanted to watch him in action you knew better than to ask such a thing. You turned your attention back to Hannibal. He was looking over at where Will and Jack had walked over to.
“You can go with them. I’m okay.”
Hannibal gave you a gentle smile. The action made your stomach swoop. Damn your attraction to the cannibal. He moved over sitting next to you. 
“You shouldn’t be alone. This must have been a very traumatizing experience for you.”
“I just wish I knew what happened.”
You stopped talking for a moment, realizing something for the first time. What if you were the killer? Hannibal seemed to sense your uneasiness, his voice calling out your name. You turned to face him, a tear running down your cheek.
“What if I did it? What if I killed him.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t you. And if it was, I'm sure there was a reason.”
“Self defense.”
“Most likely. But don’t dwell on it. Will is going to figure it out. And I'm going to help him find who is responsible.”
You stared up at Hannibal. Everything seemed to rush into you all at once and before you knew it you were crying. Hannibal pulled you into his embrace, his arms moving over you back to soothe you.
“Shh it will be alright.”
After the officers went through their usual questions and forensics collected the evidence Jack told you you were okay to go home. The only issue was you had no idea where that was. You googled your name and were surprised to see your phone number and address pop up. You told one of the officers where they could drop you off. Will overheard you talking to the cop and realized your house was on his way home.
“I can take her.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah it's not a problem.”
Will turned to face you.
“Unless you don’t want me too.”
“No, it's perfect. Thanks for offering.”
Will gave you a small nod, beginning to walk towards his car. You trailed after him. Once you got in the car Will turned the engine on and reversed onto the road. You stayed silent for most of the ride, eyes moving over the trees outside your window. 
“It’s not you.”
Your head snapped to look at Will. His eyes were glued to the road ahead, his demeanor calm.
“Sorry what?”
“You’re not the killer.”
“How did you-”
“Hannibal told me you were scared it was you.”
“Well if it wasn’t me who was it?”
“That's what I'm gonna find out.”
For the next few weeks you helped with the investigation. You’d drive over to the FBI and try your best to give them as much information as you could. And you’d go over to Hannibal's office so he could try to help you remember what had happened to you. Being around Hannibal and Will almost daily made it easy for the three of you to grow closer. You’d go shopping for food with Hannibal and you’d take Wills dogs out for walks whenever you could. You found out that your “character” owned a small coffee shop and that was where you got your income from. Whenever you were free you’d spend your time in your coffee shop. You’d chat to the locals and from time to time Will would show up to talk to you. 
One day you were walking back to your coffee shop from the FBI when you started to feel like you were being followed. You grabbed your keys from your pocket spreading up your pace to reach the coffee shop quicker. You’d placed the key on the door when you felt something knock against your head. Before you knew it you’d fallen to the ground. You struggled to keep your eyes open. You let out a breath, your lips moving to call out Wills and Hannibal's name. 
Then everything went black.
Will had gone over to your coffee shop. He was planning on checking up on you. The moment he got to the front door and saw the key stuck in the keyhole he knew something was wrong. And then he looked down and saw the blood on the floor. He pulled his phone out, dialing Hannibal's number. Before the phone had even begun to ring, Will was racing back to the FBI. 
You opened your eyes slowly. You could feel a chair behind you. You moved to rub your eyes, only when you tried to move your arms you realized they were tied. Panic started to settle in. You moved to open your mouth but there was a piece of tape over it. Your eyes searched around the room, trying to figure out where you were and if anyone was with you. The room was empty except for the chair you were sitting in. You tried to move around but your legs were bound to the legs of the chair. In your attempt to move you've managed to tilt the chair and before you knew it you were crashing onto the floor. Your head hit the floor and you went unconscious again.
Will kicked in the door, his gun pointing into the room. His eyes fell on you immediately. He rushed inside being followed by Hannibal. Your eyes were closed but he could tell you were still breathing. Hannibal moved to tug the tape of your mouth as Will began to work on freeing you from the ropes. Jack walked into the room, his eyes falling on Hannibal and Will. 
“Shit. Is she alive?”
“Yes but there is a wound on her head.”
“Take her to the hospital.”
Hannibal turned to look at Will.
“What are you gonna do?”
“Find the person who did this.”
Your finger twitched  against the bed sheets. You groaned, opening your eyes slightly. A blinding light filled your eyes, causing you to shut them a bit. From the smell you could tell you were in a hospital room. You blinked a bit allowing yourself to become used to the light. You could feel a bit of weight on your hand causing you to look at it. Your eyes found Will's hand. He was sitting on a chair next to your bed, his hand grasped around yours as he slept. You continued to look around the room. On the opposite side of your bed you found Hannibal's frame. He too was slumped against his chair, his head resting on the edge of your bed as his hand gripped onto your wrist. They were clinging onto you to make sure you weren’t going anywhere. You smiled and let out a breath realizing that you were safe.
You shifted in your bed trying to get into a more comfortable position. Will's eyes opened as he felt you shift against him. His gaze found you, his free hand coming up to rub his eye. 
“You’re up.”
You turned to look at Will taking in his sleepy state. He looked awfully cute like this. 
“Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.”
“You should have.”
Your head snapped at the sound of Hannibal's voice turning to look at him. He looked a bit more put together than Will but you could tell he was tired too. 
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Making sure you were okay.”
“I’m sure the doctors here are more than capable of doing that. No offense.”
The room was silent for a moment.
“We caught him.”
You looked at Will. 
“The killer?”
“Yeah. They arrested him a couple hours ago.”
“That’s good.”
“We should have been quicker.”
“Well you caught him didn;t you.”
“Not before he hurt you.”
You could tell Will was beating himself up. You shifted moving to place your hand on his cheek. He raised his head to look at you. You gave him a small smile.
“I’m okay Will. You saved me.”
You turned to look at Hannibal, wrapping your hand around his.
“You both did.”
You had no idea how you'd gotten here. But sitting in that hospital bed, holding onto Will and Hannibal you couldn’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be.
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apocalypseornaw · 1 year
Meant to Be (Pt 1/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You're Sam's best friend. That's the only connection you'll ever have to Dean...isn't it?
Warnings: cursing, mention of death. The usual
@lacilou s idea and I kind of ran with it
Also Bobby's alive past the Canon storyline cause I said so
You'd gotten dragged into hunting at a young age. Your aunt was your legal guardian and a full time hunter meaning you were raised bouncing between motel rooms much the same way Sam and Dean had. That was how you met them, Bobby may never have had his own kids but he had no issue in stepping in to help with both you and the Winchesters. When you were deemed too young to leave alone, too young to hunt you'd end up being dumped off at Bobby's.
You'd met Sam when both of you were ten and had gotten dropped off at Bobby's due to the flu. Your aunt had been mid hunt when she realized you were too sick to keep in a motel and Dean had demanded Sam be taken some where he could actually rest and get meds in him.
A quick friendship formed over the course of the next week while Bobby kept the two of you confinded to the living room. You both slept on the couch, curled up on opposite ends. Bobby would keep a schedule to meds that you both had to take along with feeding you enough soup to feed an army and constantly remind you both to drink more water.
When the week ended and your aunt along with Dean and John came to retrieve the two of you neither of you had wanted to leave each other's side, finally finding a friend that lived a similar life.
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Your aunt and John ended up synching schedules on the three of you getting dropped off at Bobby's. Dean needed more training while you and Sam were just starting.
Dean was a smart mouthed fourteen year old, he didn't know why he had to get dropped off "like the little kids" he didn't want to train on the guns or knives with you and Sam, made fun of any movie the two of you watched and just seemed like he couldn't wrap his head around you being trained as a hunter.
You tried to be nice to him because he was your best friend's brother and you thought he was cute with his bright green eyes and splash of freckles.
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Over the next few years you and Sam grew closer and Dean even started to accept you as a hunter and a friend of sorts. When Sam graduated high school with honors you were in the stands next to Dean, when you got your ged a couple months later they popped up at Bobby's to take you to dinner as a surprise.
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While Sam was at Stanford you and him spoke regularly. You knew about the falling out between him and John when he'd headed for college. You'd encouraged Sam to chase his dreams outside of hunting, he deserved it.
You never told Sam how often Dean would track your most recent number down to check on him. You didn't mind Dean calling but seeing him was an entirely different story, the smart mouthed fourteen year old who was "kind of cute" and didn't quite get females as hunters had turned into a twenty five year old with a smirk that made your knees weak and a swagger that made women throw themselves at him no matter where he was.
You would never admit under torture to the crush you had on the eldest Winchester brother. You told yourself it would go away and it was easily buried for years after all dealing with loss after loss and an apocalypse or two would push anything to the back burner.
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You had assumed the feelings were remnants of the fact that Dean had been your first actual crush. Over the years you'd had a few boyfriends here and there and as most hunters a few hookups under your belt as well. Hell Dean had more than a few hookups under his belt and had taken a year off hunting when he'd thought Sam was dead to be with Lisa. You had gotten over the feelings for Dean or so you'd thought anyways.
What pushed you back fully into the Winchesters' gravitational pull was when you'd gotten hurt on a hunt. A damn tulpa of all things. The embarrassment of getting rolled by something that only existed because a certain number of people believed in it was horrendous. What was even worse was the fact that while you were recovering at Bobby's he'd given you am ultimatum, find a hunting partner or quit.
"Bobby I've only ever been a hunter. I don't know anything else" you'd argued and he'd come right back with "Yeah and I've done lost too much to lose you. Please, I promised your aunt when you were just a kid I'd look after you. This is me looking after you"
You'd given up after that. Two days later Sam and Dean had rolled through Sioux Falls. Bobby had brought up wanting you to have a hunting partner and before Sam could agree to it Dean had spoke up "Hunt with us Y/N. You'd a damn good hunter I've seen you in action. You're Sam's best friend plus me and you get along"
You tried to ignore the little flip your stomach gave when he'd smiled at you, those green eyes as mesmerizing as always. "We'll do a trial run. I'll hang with you two for a few weeks and see if the dynamic can work full time" he'd grinned at that almost as if he'd taken your words as a challenge "Oh sweetheart. I'm a delight to be around and you know it"
You'd rolled your eyes and told Sam "Your brother is too damn full of himself" Sam had laughed and teased both of you by saying "Gee thanks Bobby for recommending me be with these two all the time"
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may-fanfic · 1 year
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Fine Line Between Love And Hatred
summary: The tragic events that unfolded in Woodsboro claimed more than just the lives of your fellow classmates.
warnings: mentions of death, drinking, blood, arguing, breakup, angst
word count: 1,348
((feel free to send in any request you may have 💕))
A soft hand met your wrist just before your fingers could graze the cold metal of the door handle. "Where are you going?" Her delicate voice spoke over the noisy music that boomed through the home. Looking over your shoulder, you spotted the brown-haired woman; her eyebrows fluttered in question, causing a dopey smile to form on your lips. "Home!' you called out; you knew she'd protest walking late at night was dangerous enough, and now with the fear of Ghostface's return, it made it even more risky. "You know you can't go alone." The hold around your wrist was tight but gentle, as if she feared loosening her grip would cause you to bolt.
"Why's that, Tara?" Raising a playful eyebrow, the smirk on your lips as prominent as her fear. You inched closer to her, stumbling over your feet as you did so. "You're drunk, Number 1!" You could roll your eyes at her remark, but you knew you were in no position to oppose; you were drunk, after all. "Number 2," She began warily, snapping her gaze away from yours, flipping your wrist around so your scar faced the two of you. "This." She reasoned, gently stroking the raised skin, the painful reminder of your near demise; she wondered how the one on your ribcage healed.
Tara was surprised when you unexpectedly snapped your hand out of hers; the tender moment disrupted entirely. "Don't! Don't do that." You pointed a finger, an uncontrollable frown now playing on your painted lips. The party felt unbearable at that moment; the music was too loud, the house too crowded, so without a final word, you turned and headed for the door, ignoring her pleas for you to stay with her.
Your head spun, and you wondered if it had simply been the drinks finally catching up to you; stepping into the cold night air was soothing, and despite shivering with each step you took, it was better than spending another second at the party.
You didn't make it far before the same gentle hand wrapped itself around your cold fingers, bringing them in for a warm embrace. You hated looking at Tara; you loathed being touched by her. She'd been nothing more than a reminder of the summer you wanted to forget. It pained you, however, because you did love the woman. "Can't you ever just leave me alone?" You shouted out into the quiet streets, there'd been a few stray people from the party, and Tara was aware of their looks, shyly glancing around to avoid your eyes.
She hadn't let go of your hand. Instead, she stroked her thumb against your reddened fingertips, and you wanted her to let go so badly, but you couldn't say so, not when it was something you craved so dearly. You hated how she looked, like a puppy who'd just gotten scolded, and you wanted to engulf her in a tight hug and apologize to her, but then, your mind filled with the night of your attack.
You could see glimpses of her soft, loving hands painted red with your thick blood, the same puppy-like expression on her face; you could still hear the desperate cries you let out as she whispered reassuringly to you. You realized now that no matter how badly you wanted it to be the same, it simply couldn't be. The love you shared was pure and beautiful, something you were aware you'd never find again, but it was so incredibly tainted now. You wished you could've preserved it. Tara still couldn't make sense of the breakup; none of your friends could; she never dared to question you.
Her eyes finally met yours; a worn-out, tired expression replaced her usual cheerful one. "It's dangerous." She stated plainly; her voice lacked emotion, but her eyes held so much, you knew if you stared into them long enough, you'd see everything. "How? Because there's a slight chance Ghostface is back?" You had no reason to be yelling. Tara had been nothing but calm with you. You stepped closer to her; she could smell the alcohol entangled in your breath. "You know what, Tar? If he's back, I hope he kills me this time." Your voice was suddenly so quiet, so sincere; it made Tara flinch. "You should've let me die because anything is better than this." She shook her head lightly; her breathing felt so much heavier.
"You're drunk; you don't mean that; come on, let's just go back-" She tried to drag you back inside, she told herself she wouldn't let you leave, but you'd been glued to your place, unwilling to move an inch. "I'm going home."
Her jaw clenched, eyes fluttered closed before a disbelief laugh slipped past her lips. She dropped your fingers, tucking her hands together behind her back. "You're so selfish. Do you know how fucking selfish you're being?" Her voice broke; shouting had never been her strong suit.
"Do you think it only happened to you?" She shook her head, faint tears clouded her brown eyes, but she blinked them away quickly. "It wasn't just you! You seem to forget that; you chose to go through it alone." Her shoulders dropped suddenly, letting out an unsteady breath.
"I loved you! I do! And you just forced me away; you left me! Why?" She'd been talking too much, too fast, and you wished you'd stayed inside, called for someone to pick you up instead because now you were faced with this; it was something you hoped to avoid forever. "I needed you!" It was heartbreaking, the sound of her voice, the slight tremble.
"Oh, give me a fucking break." You muttered, brushing your cold hands along your burning face; it soothed you, but it hadn't stopped the shake in your body. "Every day, I thought about you, I still do, and it seems like I am the furthest thing from your mind. I'm not even a passing thought!" She continued, but you needed her to stop; you would've begged her to stop. "You talk to Mindy, Chad, Sam! Even fucking Sam! But me? You're girlfriend; you couldn't even look at me; Why?" She'd been so close to breaking; her face contoured into a deep frown, the whites in her eyes bright red. There was nothing you could say to save her feelings; you knew that, no matter how badly you wanted to try.
"Looking at you made me sick, Tara." You'd been too calm as you spoke, and Tara wished you could've yelled it at her instead; it would've hurt less. "With you, I remember everything I don't wanna remember. You don't know how sorry I am that I hurt you." You hated the way the tears damped her face as you spoke.
The two of you became deflated; it was clear that Ghostface won, you could laugh at the irony. It made no sense yelling anymore; you'd both been exhausted. "I'm sorry." She breathed, trying to pull her lips into a straight line, but it seemed to quiver right back into the frown. She toyed with her fingers now, keeping her gaze low.
You hesitated before you reached out, something you hadn't done in months, softly brushing aside the fringe she'd cut into her hair. Her watery eyes snapped up at you; she could melt into you if she hadn't stopped herself. Your thumb stroked the soft flesh on her cheeks, brushing away the warm tears. "I can't let you walk home." Her voice had been small, eyes searching yours, hoping you could give up your fight. "Mindy would kill me." She continued; it seemed to be her distraction as if you hadn't been so close, caressing her face the way she missed.
Focusing on the soft skin under your cold fingertips, you merely nodded. Tara offered a painful smile, leaning her face into the hand placed on her warmed cheek, pressing a quick kiss to the palm of it, and overlapping her hand with yours.
It was clear that underneath all the ugly, the good was still there; you were sure you'd spend the rest of your life regretting running away.
((reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated))
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orphicrose · 6 months
The Co-Host (Alastor x FemReader) X
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
Warnings ! ! Mentions of Death and Bl00D
W/C: 2.3K
Note : Thank you so so so much to everyone who has enjoyed this story. This is the last chapter to this book BUT I can make another book if anyone is interested. I really do appreciate the love this has gotten. As when it started I thought no one would open it and now i have so many readers.
@cannibalcoyote @kahlan170 @sugxryratz @multifandom-superlover @t0xic1vi @saccharine-nectarine
Rage filled his body, replacing his lust. Surging through his veins like some sort of adrenaline booster. "Satan...."
A cane appeared in his fingertips, gripping to tight they turned white. Circulation scared to temper with the angered wendigo. Shadows tailed behind his hooves like an army of deviancy. Nothing more to lose but his second life, but that was meaningless anyway without y/n. His minions disperse from him like pathogens looking for a host, flying through the walls and dimly lit areas of hell, looking for their target. Satan. 
Alastor rampaged through hell, his demonic form replacing any evidence of someone who was a human once upon a time. Radio dials replacing his pupils, and black tar like legs emerging from his torso like something from the deep sea. Face like a crazed killer relapsing, reminding him of who he was supposed to be. Lilith hadn't given him this great power for no reason, and he was going to use it. 
On the other side of hell, Y/n lay battered on a warehouse floor. Abandoned by its former workers, bought by Satan to be turned into another means of business without a doubt. 
"There were no distractions" She spluttered on the floor, arms bringing her away from the dirt. "My numbers are up, I don't understand..."
"Not even your sins can be of deterrence to that fool." The man mumbled, trailing around her like a coyote. "I should of killed him when I had the opportunity"
Y/n sat still, doe eyes following his movements with any anticipation to flee for her life. "I never asked for any of this"
"No one asks for anything!" He bites back, stopping in his step to lean towards the cowering demon at his feet. "I gave you a job to do, and you failed. I gave you opportunities to be a great overlord, a wealthy power to be reckoned with. And what do you do with it?"
She remained quiet, face falling to avoid his gaze. 
"What do you do with it?" He repeats. Voice quieter, more sinister. "You don't even use it" The quiet whisper turns to a dark chuckle. Repeating the sentence over and over. "You don't even use it". He can't even comprehend how anyone wouldn't want the power, how anyone would fail to use it. 
"What could one want more than raw magic?"
"Normality" Y/n mumbled. Feeling the blood running from her heart to her fingers, a sensation she missed from her previous life. "What do you need a million souls for? " Her tone became accusing, bolder. Climbing to her feet and balancing her stance to oppose the large man in front of her. She couldn't lose more than her life in this moment, she thought. "There is a limit for power, even for a sin as important as you. So, why so many?"
He bared his teeth, psychotic grin turning upside down to a menacing frown. Words nor forming audible, except for the growl vibrating the glare from his fangs. 
"Why do you need the souls?" Her voice raised, coming closer. Too close. One move and he could bite her head from her shoulders like a rabid bear. 
"I must bring her back!" A vociferous outcry escaped him. A new level of hostility replacing his aura, a hand reaching out and grasping her neck. Restricting any air from escaping his prey. "They took her from me" Guttural sounds gave her goosebumps, watching the tormented memories in his eyes crying, driving him to the brink of insanity as the seconds passed. His anguish pouring out in a storm of shattered words and furious tears. 
Y/n clawed at the broken flesh of his fists in desperation, her fear doing the work for her as her body flailed about under his undeniable grasp. Air struggling to escape her muffled ranting for help. Her vision began to fade to the darkness of her eyelids, bloodshot at they roll away from the world. Her fighting against his merciless force taking her life from her. 
"You are replaceable, everyone is. That's what they told me. That's what they said when they took her" His fist grew tighter with ever slow word to fall from him. "They took her, so I'll take you"
Something flew through the air, something sharp. Hitting him in the hand, resulting in another nasty outburst of roars and splattered words from the sin. 
"So, this is why you are the Sin of wraith. Not very composed, I see. How fitting" Static rung in the air as y/n took in as much oxygen the world around her could offer. Clutching her throat in agony. 
The same static got louder and louder from the life outside the building, till it stopped abruptly. The sense of inevitable danger weighed on satans shoulders, looking around in a panicked state for the source. 
"A lot more paranoid than I suspected.." A hand landed on his shoulder, and sunk its claws into him. The large figure swung round, landing an elbow in Alastor's face. Stunning him. 
Satan took a long second to compose himself of the almighty being in front of him, almost too big for the large ceilings. "Impressive" he put a hand over his shoulder, a flicker of light hitting him before the wound was swiftly removed. "But not that impressive".
The sin tripled in size in just a minute. Legs stretching out, and new ones forming from his torso. Face warping into another species, one that Alastor feared the most. A hellhound, Hades himself would be scared. The absence of skin, replaced by hard bone, gave Alastor a feeling of doubt. Yet, his will to win never making a mark on the sinister grin sprawled across his jaw.  
Strong brick and infrastructure of the warehouse began to crumble. Falling around y/n like heavy snow. She had little time to comprehend what was happening as she was pulled out from underneath a falling brick. She sat, confused, on a patch of grass on the outskirts of a forest. A familiar shadow floating next to her on the floor, giving her a sad smile. Gesturing for her to remain in her place, before flying back to his owner. 
Green and Purple hues floated atop the skyline, rocks flying for miles around her as the two beasts began their decent on one another. Primal echoes of their agony sent a wave of anxiety into confused citizens. Scared to see what the commotion was about. A symphony of raw power emitting from the two, clashing and crumbling buildings around their feet. 
Y/n swallowed her fear, and struggled to her feet. It was true, she had power unlike any other overlord. Gifted to her from a sin himself, maybe she wasn't the most powerful being in the universe. But anything could help Alastor win this battle. She took a deep breath, and let it out. Letting her form sink into the ground with a purple mist following her to her destination. Materializing a few meters away from no-mans-land.
Alastor nor Satan took any interest in her presence. Till the ground shook under their feet, and Violet radiance blinded them. Almost like a storm was brewing from the core of the Earth. Years of pent up aggression and frustration came out in a loud bellow, her form warping into what could only be described as a Phoenix. Her large, dragon like body emerged from the human flesh on her back, ripping and burning it to ashes. Fur mixed with dark scales on her winged being, reminding everyone she was still a being from hell. A large beak let out a god awful screech, gaining the attention from everyone in the pentagram, and deafening those too close. Her feathers Ebony and Royal purple, resembling flames the colour of a dawning sky. Ash settled at the talons that broke the concrete below her weight, ash from her former body. 
Everything froze, to admire the beautiful beast in their presence. Mistaken for a corrupt god. Satan would have been proud, if the circumstances were different. He fell backwards a few inches, his form seemingly shrinking. Barely noticeable. 
"Y/n?" Alastor's figure remained the same, but the look in his eyes returned as he looked over to the large beast next to him. A mix of adoration and fear overcoming him. Y/n dared to move her gaze to him, then back to the offender. Remaining silent like a titan. 
Her stance shifted, a foot coming forward with great force in an instant. Letting out another unnerving scream. 
"What in my fathers name is going on here?"
Everyone looked over to y/n. Who did her best attempt at a shrug with her bird shoulders. Eyes widened as she, too, looked around for the source of the voice. The three of them turned to see a small man, hanging in the air with his large wings. Anger painted on his scowl, and arms crossed like a disappointed father. 
"Down!" He shouted, like they were animals, as he pointed towards the floor. The three of the beats shares a confused and almost embarrassed look, as they hesitantly retook their position as an average hell being. Shrinking simultaneously to their previous sizes. 
"Lucifer! How good to see you aga-"
The small man landed in front of Satan, taking no second to strike him across the face. "What do you think you are doing in pride? Destroying my buildings? Scaring my sinners?"
The large man looked down on him with a saddened look, holding the red mark on his face. "I had business to tend to"
Lucifer let out a frustrated laugh as he gestured to the damage around them. "Ya call this business?" He laughed again, stuttering, and holding his temple firmly "I don't even know what to say. Go home!" He flashed him with his horns for a brief second before letting himself calm down. "We will be discussing this later... But a few of your souls are going to be conviscated!"
Y/n stood awkwardly next to Al, holding an arm with the other. The king of hell turned to the two after Wraith had disappeared from his sight like a toddler with a tantrum. "And you two..." His arms crossed again, looking them up and down. Leaning uncomfortably close to them. "I expect more from overlords of my ring."
"I apologies... You're majesty" Y/n inched closer to Alastor for comfort, who remained silent. Staring at the short man in his gaze. 
The king shook his head, mumbling to himself. "This just won't do" 
"Do you mind... getting my soul back?" 
He returned her question with a very unimpressed stare.
"For Lucifers sake... Alastor!" Y/n's voice echoed through the house like a siren in the deer's ears. 
"Yes, Mon Cheri?" He appeared behind her in the kitchen, startling her. He spun and wacked him lightly in the chest in retaliation. "What's wrong?" "You ate the last of the snacks? I was saving them for our movie night" Y/n pouted, holding up an empty box of wafers. 
"I did no such thing. I don't even enjoy those bland creations" He pretended to take offence, holding his heart.
"Well, who else would have eaten them?"
He grinned wider, staring at her with little to no expression before grabbing her arm. "We are going to be late for our broadcast, dear. Lets solve this mystery later" He began to drag her behind him. 
"I think it's already solved" She mumbled, keeping up with his pace.
After the long journey they had suffered together, the two decided to bring a sense of normality to their life's. Staring a new Broadcasting service for all the rings of hell to enjoy. Y/n and co-host. Her name going from the overlord of souls, to the overlord of media. For now, at least. . They did broadcasts 6 days of the week, updating hell on gossip or general news. Even being introduced to sinners who listened to their broadcasts in life. Growing their names, all over again. 
If you want to know what happened to Satan, Lucifer had him put in mandatory therapy for his anger issues. And for his problems surrounding grieving. But y/n's soul was returned to her by the king himself. Well... not so much returned as it was re-located to lucifers possession. Giving a soul back is a lot harder than it sounds. But the point it, it is in a safer place. Satan's Business has been put on hold, for now. Losing over 70% of his workers to lucifer, due to mental instability. Maybe he will rise to power again one day, but at least y/n no longer has to worry about it. 
"Good morning you foul sinners, and today me, and my wonderful co-host Alastor, are bringing you todays news!" 
"Thank you Y/n! Yes, today is already a day not to forget. Turf wars making their way through the east side of the pentagram with someone known as Sir Pentious!" Alastor chuckled "He doesn't seem to be doing so well!" 
The two laughed together. The static from the radio emitting from the small device in a kitchen. Electronic fingers reach out to turn the dial, turning the volume up as the chatter continued. A large figure was perched, listening intently to the noise. A bored expression on his face. "you too, won't be doing so well soon" The boredom shifted to an amused grin. Baring his electronic teeth on his flat face. Static emitting from his body like a circuit.  Vox gave a knowing look towards his small radio. 
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hotchy-poo · 2 months
Five Minutes
a/n: This is my literal first ever piece of fanfiction I've ever written so bare with me please, any and all feedback I would love. This is based off of season 3 episode 20 Lo-Fi.
Summary: The final moments of a terrorism case and too many close calls leaves the reader more shaken than usual.
GN!reader x BAU!Team, some slight Hotch x Reader, maybe Morgan x Reader if you look hard enough.
Word Count: 1.7k
cw: some swearing, discussions of death and explosions
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You can hear your heart thudding in your chest, it feels like your ears are ringing but you can still clearly hear the sounds of the shoes and boots you and most of your team were wearing. Dave and Hotch had pieced it together that the profile your team had been putting together was wrong, it wasn't a trio or duo of serial killers, it was a home grown terrorism attack, and it was going to take place in a hospital in downtown New York. The hospital you and your team are currently in. Almost your entire attention is being put towards sweeping the parking lot searching for the terrorist ambulance driver.
The rest of your brain was occupied with two thoughts. 1. Where the hell is Derek Morgan and 2. That surveillance video of Kate Joyner's SUV blowing up, sending her and Hotch flying. He's behind you now, you can hear the change in his gait, his limp from the shrapnel cutting its way into his leg. You also know his face is scratched to hell and his ear is bleeding. Part of you wishes he would have sat this out due to his injuries but everyone knows he's allergic to taking care of himself.
Turning the corner, gun in hand, finger on trigger, you shake those last two thoughts from your head. All focus needs to be on this current situation. Reid nods towards the elevator and you see the dead special service agents lying there covered in blood. One of their legs in the way of the door preventing it from closing all the way.
Your attention is then drawn to a man who is sitting on the concrete floor with his legs crossed. A phone in one hand and a knife in the other. The team surrounds him, guns raised and ready. You notice his EMS uniform and know this is one of the UnSubs, the master bomber. You also notice the lack of ambulance with a bomb that would decimate this hospital and surrounding buildings. The bomber decides he won't be arrested and uses the knife to end his life, proving that he would kill and be killed for his cause.
A faint explosion is heard far in the distance as Hotch calls in that the hospital is secure. The tension could be felt in everyone's chest as they turned their heads to the sound, making eye contact with others, panic visible in their expressions. Reids phone rings and he immediately answers, only a second passing before his whole body sags with relief as he hears Morgans voice on the other side letting him know he is ok and the bomb exploded in a safe location away from the city and its residents. Relief fills your chest as you realize everyone is safe and that another case has come to an end. And while it may not have been the ending anyone wanted, it was over and you looked forward to leaving this experience in the past.
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You had barely gotten enough sleep in your hotel room, expecting to have passed out from exhaustion from the events of the case, but you found yourself thinking of all of the what ifs. What if Morgan hadn't of gotten to a safe location in the ambulance, or what if he hadn't gotten out in time, what if Garcia couldn't have jammed the cell towers like she did, what if Hotch had been closer to the SUV or even inside of it. Tossing and turning all night left you quieter than usual in the morning and it was not unnoticed by your team.
Reid, Morgan, Garcia, Prentiss, JJ, and Rossi said their goodbyes and see you laters to you and Hotch outside the federal building. You offered to make the drive with the injured man and Morgan was more than happy to let you as he wanted to lay down on the flight and drink his Cristal. Keys in hand you and Hotch begin the walk to the black SUV you would be driving, subconsciously you brace for some sort of impact as you approach the vehicle and before you can try to play it off Hotchner is suddenly standing in front of you with a concerned look in his eye.
"Everything ok Agent L/N?" he asks raising his eyebrow.
You brush him off trying to step around him "yeah of course I'm fine." Hotch shuffles his feet and prevents you from walking away. "I'm just not super excited for the long drive Hotch, I'm good."
You hope that that was enough to sway him and you think is has as he lets you step around him. Just as you reach for the cars handle to throw your bag in the back, you feel his hand grasp your elbow and turn you to face him.
"You know" he begins "it's ok to be upset, what we all just went through in the past couple of days was hard and damaging, and its ok to feel conflicted, or sad, or angry." He moves his head trying to make eye contact with you but your eyes are firmly placed on the sidewalk. Knowing that if you try to explain what it is that you are feeling it might all come out as word vomit and your emotions might get the best of you.
"I'm good Hotch" you respond still not making eye contact "let's just go." You pull your arm out of his grasp before throwing yours and his bag in the back seat. Shutting the door you go to walk to the drivers side when Hotch calls your name.
"Y/N." Him saying your name doesn't leave room for you to walk away. You slowly turn to face him and you see his lips in a straight line and his eyebrows furrowed. He starts to walk towards you, his limp so prevalent and you can't keep it together anymore. Your eyes fill with tears threatening to spill over and you know that if you start to cry you won't be able to stop.
Hotch gently grabs your shoulder and sighs as he asks you again if you're ok and you can't keep your emotions and tears at bay any longer. Tears start to fall down your cheeks as you try to speak.
"It's just... this case was so much... we thought we had it figured out and that we could catch them but they were always a step ahead of us" The tears keep rolling and you can't stop talking even if you wanted too. A sob breaks out of your mouth and you drop your head as your body shakes with your cries. "All I can think about is the what ifs, all I can see is that surveillance video of you being BLOWN up Hotch" You're aware that your voice is much louder than it needs to be and Hotch's ear rings and aches but he acts like it doesn't bother him. "You got flung across a street Hotch! Derek climbed into a goddamn ambulance with an explosive that would have decimated three blocks of this city at least!" Your breathing is erratic, chest falling and raising quickly. You're using your hands very expressively and Hotch grabs both of your arms to try and slow you down.
"I need you to breathe Y/N" he says but you're not listening.
"I thought you had died when I saw that video!" you sob. " And you weren't answering your phone!"
"I left it behind, I forgot about it" He responds "I didn't mean to I'm sorry" his voice is quiet and gentle.
"And then once we were in the hospital Derek took off like a madman and when the ambulance blew up I thought he was in it!" You are still almost yelling, the tears have not slowed at all, in fact they may have sped up. You keep rambling about how you thought you had lost Hotch and then how you thought you had lost Derek. Starting to stumble over your words you stop talking and just start to sob, pulling your hands up over your face.
Suddenly you're pulled into Hotch's chest, one arm wraps around the middle of your back securing you to him, and the other goes to the back of your head. You can his thumb moving on your back trying to calm you. You know your tears are staining his clothes but you can't seem to care, you also wouldn't be able to escape his hug even if you wanted to.
He holds you as you cry, not caring that you are on a busy sidewalk, ignoring peering eyes. His only concern right now is you.
"I know that this case was a lot Y/N" he begins "this case demanded a lot of us, and we were put into dangerous situations. But I'm ok" He moves his hands to grab the sides of your face and pull your head up so that you can look at each other. "Derek and I are ok, some healing time is necessary but we're alive and well."
Your cries have stopped and now you're just left with a runny nose. Sniffling you take a step out of the embrace allowing his hands to fall back to his sides. You let out a singular breathy laugh and wipe your face with your hands.
"You're right" you agree with him, Derek and Hotch are alive and that is what matters the most. "I'm still gonna kick Derek's ass for what he did."
Hotch exhales through his nose and cracks a small smile "why don't we start driving back to Quantico L/N, its a long journey ahead of us."
You nod and climb into the drivers seat of the car, immediately refusing his offer to drive. Turning the key in the ignition and plugging in the offices address into the GPS, you take one deep breath and let it out slowly as you turn on the blinker and pull out into traffic.
The car is silent for a few minutes before you decide to break it
"Hotch?" you ask. He turns his head to you, prompting you to continue, "promise me you won't tell the others that I just cried in your arms for a minute in the middle of down town New York?" You glance over at him and you see a small smirk form on his face.
"I would never" he responds. I also won't say that it was five minutes not one he thinks to himself.
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a/n ok im kinda proud of this, and i hope i can articulate myself well enough, literally just watched this episode for the first time and i cried. if it sucks or you have any tips for me to write better please let me know! I really hope you enjoy it and I hope i get to make more fics hehe
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I'll Look After You Chapter One
Masterlist Series Masterlist
Summary: You and Remus share a chat that is interrupted by a noisy kid
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, the mention of character death and child abuse}
Wc- 3599
Taglist- @otterlockholmes @stylesann @adhxmoony
The sun had gone down completely, the bright reflective moon shining down through the window and drapes, to highlight your huddled figure. It had been days since Harry came home, the adjustments were rather easy to start. The routine came like second nature, like you and the boys had always been living together.
After Harry went to bed, you said goodnight to Sirius and went straight to the living room. You're on a week-long mission. Curled up on the couch, back to the armrest in a mess of pillows. A crochet blanket Lily had made you over the summer back at Hogwarts laid over your lap, your legs bent to hold up a large photo album.
The sound of crackling wood from the fireplace and turning pages filled the very small living space, your soft hums accompanied it. You had a stack of photos in your hand and were looking through the practical hundreds of others from your youth.
“What are we doing here?” A voice so undeniably soothing filled your ears. You let yourself smile, turning to face Remus as he walked over. The full moon was growing closer and it was clear it was already affecting him. His jaw was locked and his eyes were dropped, a semi permanent furrowed brow, and yet still somehow the same comforting boy as always. 
“Can't sleep?” You prodded, pulling your head back towards him, your eyes still on the photos in front of you. Watching the one on top, you, Lily and Remus. It was from graduation, you three were laughing at something the photo taker, Sirius, had said, holding up your perfect marks from the entire school year. Lily was holding two offer letters, one from Fleamont Potter, to come and help take over the business James didn't want to take part in. The other was an offer letter from the ministry, offering her an internship as an Auror. 
Remus was holding an offer letter from St. Mungo’s and one from the Ministry as well. You, of course, were holding up your acceptance letter to be boarded on full time at the ministry as a full fledged Auror. You and Lily were smiling at Sirius, Remus was glancing at you before turning back to the camera as the flash took place.
You found yourself wondering, what would of been different if you hadn't gotten the internship earlier, if Remus was able to accept any of those jobs without worrying about his infliction, if Lily had taken the potioneer job. If keeping your heads down until you knew more would have changed anything. You doubted it. 
You had a feeling an old wizard would of ensured it went his way regardless. 
“No, my bones are aching.” He groaned. You watched as he sat down by your feet, his own back against the arm rest to look at you fully. You smiled at him as he peaked over your legs rather easily. 
“Is that our old photo album?”
“The one we made with Lily when Harry was born? It is. She asked me to hold a few of her things she didn't want to take with her. Said she couldn't bear it if it was destroyed like their other safe houses.” He hummed in acknowledgment and your smile only faltered a bit. It hit hard, every time you remembered she was gone. James as well, but you had to admit, James was like a brother to you, of course he was. You couldn't think of a single person who wasn't extremely fond of him. Either you loved him or hated him, there was no half way. Though, as you both grew older, you knew you'd always have a special love for eachother, but you both grew into other friendships. You both remained each other's anchor, but he wasn't around all the time like he used to be.
Being away from him was normal, it was like you could pretend he was out somewhere in the highlands avenging the friends you've lost. Oh but Lily, you did everything with her and Severus. Even when you lost him, Lily remained tied to your hip. Not having her here was jarring. Especially coming to terms with the fact she had been gone for 13 years.
You looked at the photos in your hand, the ones you intended to gift to Harry for his photo book Hagrid gifted him, and noticed not a single one was missing the red head. Guess it was becoming subconscious. You thumbed the pages idly, tilting your head a bit as you scanned over the moving pages. Your eyes lidded slightly before a hand entered your vision and covered yours. You looked up to meet Remus’s soft smile. 
“Hey.” He whispered. It was that tone. That tone you used to tell eachother secrets when you were surrounded by your friends. That tone he used to promise you everything and nothing at the same time.
“Hey.” You whispered back. Allowing him to take the photos from you and the book next, setting them both on the coffee table and smirking at you. You slowly mirrored his look, a bit confused, with an arched brow and a look bordering on concerned and playful. “Remus?”
“I haven't seen you in twelve years. The days simply aren't enough” He whispered and pulled the blanket from your lap, before patting your knee. He stood up and offered you his hand. “Let's get you a coat. I feel like walking.” He prodded and you gave a bit of a sniffle before you laughed. Always so doting, Remus was.
“Alright alright, so bossy, so needy in your old age.” You cheeked and took his hand. He helped you up but didn't let go of your hand. 
“I was a teacher, Vix. What was it you said, hm? I'm your responsibility.” He teased and chuckled at your rolling eyes.
“I said my promise was my responsibility.” You sang. That was the only way to drag him here with you, the promise you and the boys made years ago, to spend every full moon with Remus. Even during the war, James wasn't there, but you, Sirius, and Peter were.
“Am I not a promise you've made?” He chuckled and let go of your hand, grabbing your old coat from the hanger.
“Not of my own free will.” You hummed and easily relaxed as he slipped the sleeves over your shoulders. Neither of you noticed as Harry peaked downstairs to watch you two leave the cottage into the moonlit outdoors.
As you both walked outside, the cold summer night wrapped around you like a blanket. It felt sort of nice, as the crickets filled the silence with their songs and Remus pulled you along down the trail past the cobblestone fence. It was so familiar, you had taken this walk several times in the past. You could almost hear Mary teasing Lily for wearing a woolen shirt to the lake. James’s adamant defense of his fiancé, while turning the attention to Remus who was wearing the same button up and sweater vest combo he always did.
The closer you got to the edge of the hill by the coast the more vivid those feelings became, passing the three large rocks that marked the turn you had to make to cut through the tree line. Hearing Peter’s rambles about a certain snake him and Sirius found running through the mossy forest floors instead of the path. Sirius’s teasing about his ridiculous encyclopedia-like knowledge of all things scaly. As Remus turned the corner you saw the spot Marlene proposed the promise ring she had been hiding from Dorcas the whole trip. Planning to propose the idea of being eachothers forever just two years before they would pass. 
The feelings held you so tight you felt yourself begin to stutter in your breaths. Hiccuping. 
Remus tightened his grip on your hand and continued to pull you forward. You tightened your grip in return and he gave you a pained smile. His own eyes were glossy. 
“Don't marry your memories.” He whispered and you shook your head, giving a broken laugh.
“What in Merlin’s name does that mean?” 
“Don't become too consumed by them. Let them pass, {Y/N}. It hurts at first, I know.” He whispered and you slowly nodded. Letting him lead you past the proposal spot, further down the trial before you could come face to face with a lake.
A calm silence over took you both, loosing track of time as you wandered deeper into the forest your friends had once marked your own. Eventually, you made it to the small lake you guys would come down to drink at, any excuse to let loose.
It was like a time capsule. Yet.. Beer bottles and an sad excuse of a fire pit were new, with your charms on the dense forest you thought no one was brave enough to venture too deep into the wild. Seems your old stomping grounds became an escape for another group of rowdy young adults. It had been twelve years, you didn't expect this to stay a place only you few knew of.
There is no place, now, that was truly yours any longer. It was a deep rotted feeling of nostalgic pain, and yet it meant so much to you that people did find it.
Hogwarts, the lake, the map, even the shrieking shack. Your secrets were passed on, it was like a memory of you being re-lived everytime someone else came across them. You wanted others to feel that happy, that blissful, that loved, that unrivaled thrill of youth.
“It's strange, isn't it?” Remus mused from beside you, kicking a beer bottle to the side. You hummed out curiously.
“What is?”
“Seeing someone else, living our old lives.” Remus mused and gestured to the ruined landscape. “And treating it so recklessly.” He tutted, making you laugh.
“Nothing we couldn't have done, given access to what the kids have now.” You smiled and looked around the tree line. Remus clicked his tongue. 
“Yes but this was our place.” He whined playfully and you laughed.
“Well,” You stepped closer to him and leaned your cheek against his shoulder. You could feel how tense he was, he must be straining. “I'm sure what was ours once belonged to someone else as well.”
He suddenly went quiet, before he let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “I guess you are right.”
“I am always right.” You mumbled. There was a long pause, before you finally asked what you had been dying to know.
“Yes, darling?” He spoke low, careful.
“What did you do these past few years?”
Remus let out a deep sigh, rubbing his neck. “I was expecting you to ask.” He mumbled and you leaned back to look up at him. He met your eyes and shook his head. “Don't do that.”
“Do what?” You whispered, pulling in your bottom lip.
“Look so guilty. It wasn't your fault, darling.” He sighed and you glanced away. 
“I left you alone for 12 years. We all left you-”
“Not of your own accord.” He challenged and let his hand fall from your shoulder to turn and face you fully. You still refused to meet his eyes. He shook his head and pulled you in again.
“... I spent some time with my father.”
Your eyes widened and snapped up but you could only be met with his bundled up collar against his neck. Wrapping your arms around him and giving a squeeze to show him it was okay to continue.
“After that, I moved to Scotland, there were too many memories in England.” He tattered off absentmindedly, slowly tangling one of his large hands into the hair on the back of your head, pulling you closer. You raised your hands and pressed your palms against his shoulder blades, gathering up some of the back of his shirt as you pulled yourself closer to him as well.
The first month you and Remus were alone, you hadn't had a moment to truly talk. You were dealing with the ministry and he was helping revitalize the place, make it liveable for when Harry and Sirius returned. When they both got there, you were not ashamed to admit Harry consumed your focus. Between stories of his parents, trips to the local town, and helping him unlearn the Dursley’s horrid house training, there wasn't much time for the two others who lived with you.
This conversation was long overdue.
“You moved all the way here? Why didn't you come stay at the house?” You prodded and he shook his head, his chin brushing against your temple. 
“I couldn't. I couldn't face this house when it was filled with so much of Sirius. So much of you.” 
You sighed and closed your eyes. You could hear his heart beating, it was wild and heavy, like it could slam out of his chest at any moment. Like it was trying to break out. “Remus-” You whispered and he just held you tighter.
“I felt guilty, for years, {Y/N}.” He muttered and you tried to pull back, startled by what he said. He refused to let you, nuzzling his face into your neck, feeling the hot tears against your skin. He was holding you that whole time, so you wouldn't see him cry.
“Remus, it's not your fault.” You whispered and moved your hands from his back to his head, and neck, rubbing him soothingly. “I made my own choice that night.”
“I shouldn't have given them your location. I shouldn't have let you go. I couldn't even sleep knowing I..” He muffled his voice in your neck and you held him tighter.
“It was my choice, Remus. You should of known, it was bound to happen to any of us.” You whispered and he shook his head, lowering his hands to rest them against your lower back. Yanking you back fully flush against him once again. 
“Not you. Should of never been you.” He slightly slurred against your wet skin.
“Remus…” You whispered softly, finally able to look at and glance at him. Your voice was shaky, it didn't take much for Remus to break your heart. You would joke he had a knack for it. 
“Vix, I-” There was suddenly a snap in the trees behind you, you quickly glanced over and saw a head of shaggy black hair trying to hide in the treeline. You gave a weak laugh and shook your head.
“Harry, you have you're fathers cloak!” You laughed and he slowly peaked around the corner with a mischievous but nervous smile. 
He laid his hands over his pockets and rubbed his pants a bit, walking towards you two. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.” He smiled, but it faltered a bit when Remus let go of you and walked a bit closer to the lake. You allowed it, letting him have his space. 
“It's okay, Harry.” You whispered and gestured him over. He was in his pajamas still, but was wearing Sirius’s over coat. “Couldn't sleep?” 
“No.. no, not really.” He finally slipped his hands in his pockets and stood by you, bumping his head against your shoulder. You smiled and rubbed his back. 
“That's alright, hun. Want to talk about it?”
There was a long pause, Harry glanced back at Remus who was still staring at the lake, you eventually glanced too and gave a pained smile. “He's alright, Harls.” You whispered and Harry slowly nodded.
You watched as a million thoughts ran past his eyes. You had no clue what Remus and Sirius were on about when they told you how much Harry was like James. You could see Lily's brilliant mind behind those irises, it made you miss her more. It made you yearn to know Harry more. What was going on in his head and what did he want to share.
You had grown closer to him in the few days he's stayed over, you would never want to replace Lily or James for him, but knowing he viewed you as safety was enough. As he leaned further into you, your heart clenched so desperately.
“Harry, think you can show {Y/N} your patronus?” Remus’s voice called over. You turned to face him in slight shock. You narrowed your eyes at him before your eyebrows raised in slight ready realization.
“Oh, uhm.” Harry looked to you, as if seeking your permission. Like there was a world you wouldn't like to see him do it.
“Go on, Harls.” You teased and he smiled softly. Walking over to stand by Remus, you joined them. You ruffled Harry's hair as he raised his wand. It was a bit unsteady at first, you reached down to hold his elbow to keep it up. Remus shooed you away when he noticed how your hovering was making him even more nervous.
You stuck your tongue out at Remus’s smirk but let go of him all the same.
Harry closed his eyes and squinted up his face. You had to stifle a laugh as he began to repeat the motion over and over, as if to familiarize himself with it.
“Expecto Patronum!” He shouted and you watched as light began to leave his wand. He focused, and you watched with a gasp as the blinding blue light left his wand. James and Lily had always been extraordinary, but to watch their child summon a patronus, something they couldn't do at sixteen, at thirteen, just weeks before his fourteenth birthday. 
Lily had been right, Harry would be remarkable.
“You're extraordinary, Harry.” You breath and he seemed to light up despite his focus. Looking back at you in a quick glance, watching how you stared in wonder at his stag. He snapped his head around when he heard Remus wave his wand.
“Expecto patronum!” He shouted and watched as his own patronus, a wolf, tumbled form his wand and ran around you three, before up to Harry’s. It responded simply by jumping over him. You laughed before Harry nudged you, a bright smile on his face.
You shook your head fondly and fumbled for your wand.
“Now, I'm a bit rusty.” You hummed and raised your wand. Looking to the boys, up at Remus before down at Harry. You locked eyes, and you saw the most precious people in front of you. Harry, Remus, and Lily. You just needed Sirius, and James to return..
You shook your head to dismiss the idea, before looking back at the lake. You remembered your days with Lily, running down the fields and making her wrestle her diary from your hands. From dances at the ball together, to dances with James and Sirius. How nothing ever changed, how meeting your partners just meant your family grew. This endless love, her fierce protectiveness, her determined passion. How she protected you from everyone, including your family. Your memories of Lily would always be your happiest, a chance meeting that should've lasted a life time. The memories, however, would. Your wand began to spark as you continued to remember your life before. 
After a few pathetic attempts, you glanced back at the two. Harry looked a bit worried, but Remus met your eyes. 
“Don't marry them.”
You narrowed your own pair at him before glancing down at Harry. You knew. You just knew. 
It seemed Remus did too. 
“Expecto Patronum!” You shouted, remembering your days with Harry for the past week. Taking him to gather clothes, his insistence on the cheapest and second hand things, his kindness, his adventurous soul. How you watched him and Sirius do the most dangerous broom stunts. His seemingly endless bouts of sass when anyone but you tried to reprimand him, he was so unabashedly quick witted. With the small time you've known him, in the letters you exchanged over the end of the school year and the month after, it was like becoming acquainted with an old friend. You wanted nothing more in this life then to keep him safe. Let him know he was loved.
You watched as your fox tumbled out of your wand. You gasped in delight and Harry laughed as it ran around you three. Bounding weightlessly as it tilted over the lake with the other two. You watched as it lost its shape.
It began to morph and become unrecognizable. You began to wonder if you were loosing your touch, until it spun and flashed brighter then ever before. In place of your little silver fox, grew a beautiful and large deer. A doe. Like Lily's, like James’s, like Harry's. 
Remus gave a fond chuckle as the deer walked up to Harry’s and began to dote on it. Licking between its ears, yours moved closer before his disappeared. You looked over at Harry who looked startled.
“I didn't know, patronus could change..” He whispered and looked at you. He seemed even more startled, as you hurried to try and dry your cheeks. Typical, you don't even notice you had been crying. “Sorry, sorry, hun.”
Harry looked to you and back to Remus, who was smiling like mad, his patronus disappearing. “Darling,” He cooed, and you laughed and sniffed.
“I know, I know.” You tried to smile before you looked down at Harry. Your cheeks dimpled and your couldn't help but smile bright at the boy. “It just feels right.”
You wouldn't stay married to your memories, you decided. You would make new ones.
You weren't replacing Lily, you were returning the favor. You were looking after your family.
An: I have been working on this chapter for days, I have restarted it five times, I have not proofread it and I am so sorry if it's a mess should I continue these little scenes as chapters or make them blurbs and get back to the actual story?
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moonpiett · 1 year
Headcanons of watching movies/ shows with Leon
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This is heavily inspired by the fact that I've been sitting on my ass and watched 3 seasons of game of thrones in 2 days.
Also requests are open! Currently working on a Death island leon fic/ headcanons
It all started like any other day, it was a Friday night and you and leon has just gotten the break that you both desperately needed. None of you had the energy to go out for a romantic dinner, so why not relax at home and order some take out.
While leon has gone inside to freshen up tou decided to start browsing for some shows, that's when you found the one (what ever show/movie you want it to be)
Not long after leon finaly comes back with a towel in on his head fully dressed. He sees what you have on the TV and with one look, he was already hooked.
The two of you would sit down on your asses for HOURS watching episode after episode and season after season.
There would be moments in the show where the main character has a touching moment with a parent/ friend, and you couldn't help but start to tear up every so often when that would happen.
While it took a little bit more for leon to start the water works, when ever you would start to get emotional over a scene he would IMEADTLY take notice. In that moment all he would do was move closer to you and wrap his arm arround you while his hand caressed your shoulder.
Leon might not be good with his words, but he tried his best for you.
If you and leon were to ever get addicted to watching a TV show/ movie series it would be like clock work for you both. Wake up watch TV, eat and sleep ofcourse all while sitting close to eachother and making your own commentary about the show.
If it's a horror movie u best belive that Leon is going me ve the type that would say "there's no need to be scared him right here" and then ends up being the one cuddled up in your arms while waiting for the next jumpscare to happen. It's absolutely adorable. "Oh don't worry, nothis going to happen now, the ghost just killed someone so it should be some time befo-" and just like that the ghost popped up again catching you both off guard but this time you were equally as scared and holding onto leon for dear life.
You can not tell me this man wouldn't love a good rom com every once in a while and ESPICALY if it's one of those rom coms that's self aware.
" EXACTLY! he's such an ass hole, and how in the world did she not see all the red flags, the girls colour blind"
Leon would always make sure to give his two sence about the conflict in those types of movies.
I had so much fun writing this and still have more so I'm probably going to make a part 2 of this soon!
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Photograph of A World on Fire (4) - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader - Station 19/Grey's Anatomy
Summary: The world might be on fire with a pandemic happening, and you and Andy face loss after loss, but the two of you stick together and become even closer through it all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Request: hey 💓 could you write a deluca!sister x amelia fic where r is a cheeky italian which puts amelia in gay panic mode x
A/n: this diverts from canon like a curly wurly chocolate bar, also mentions a one night stand, there's no smut but it's alluded to, so, read at your own risk, and don't ask me where this happens in canon, because that will give me another headache:) (i gave myself that headache and followed canon slightly... ooof, warning, canon character death incoming)
A/n: to whoever reads this, you are important.
Andy found out her mother was alive, and then three weeks later, a pandemic set the world on fire.
Andy's mother left, and her father told her that her mother had died, rather than her mother had abandoned her due to mental illness.
Your brother and sister were determined to quarantine away from you, and with Andy in a bubble at the firehouse, you were isolated from everyone.
Andy had enlisted herself in distracting herself about her mother by going to an art store, masked up with a list of supplies for you so you could keep making your art from home. Andy didn't know you had gotten out of the car, sitting on the bonnet with your camera, photographing the empty streets.
You didn't know it was the start of one of two projects during the pandemic that would make your career flourish, as you sat in your black attire, watching the funeral of Pruitt Herrera, that due to the pandemic had to be done online. Watching as Andy spoke, you couldn't hide the love in your eyes for this woman. This woman of fire. Your fiamma.
Your brother sat on your porch as you sat in the hallway, talking to each other through an open door.
"I found inspiration, for two big projects."
"Two big projects? Wow, that's amazing, angioletta. I hope I get to see them before Carina." Andrew smiled, the pride in his eyes obvious.
"Oh she'd be so mad!" You laughed, remembering the last time Andrew had seen your artwork before Carina did, and how jealous she got despite trying to hide it.
"How's your girlfriend?" Andrew threw you off, almost dropping your snack on the carpet in surprise at his question, but you took a moment before replying.
"She is at a family picnic for the first time in twenty years, and I didn't want to impose y'know. Plus, everyone is so determined to quarantine, I'm isolated from everyone and everything, but my art." You admitted, spotting the sad look on your big brother's face at your confession. You were feeling lonely.
"It probably won't help if I tell them that I have a girlfriend too." Andy admitted to her cousin Michelle, whose eyes lit up at Andy's admittance.
"You do? Tell me everything!"
"She's an artist, with two older siblings, who are both doctors, but she is my saving grace in this, this cruel world." Andy confessed, getting her phone out to show her cousin a photo of you, and some photos of your art.
Your phone buzzed as Vic sent you a video, getting your brother's attention as you gasped.
"There, there was a tiger, in the firehouse... a tiger... that's not totally terrifying!" forwarding the video to your brother, who checked his phone.
Fiamma: you don't have any vagina art, do you?
Cariño: that's more my sister's interior design style...
Cariño: good luck to Maya
"You know, on the nights we don't have dinner together. I eat canned green beans for dinner, out of the can." Andy confessed as she watched you stand over the hob, stirring your wooden spoon into something that smelt amazing.
"Fiamma, that's disgusting."
Andrew's text sent horror through your body as you read it. He and Carina were following a human trafficker. And nobody was answering their phone. Not Andrew, not Carina, not Andy, and not even Maya. Miranda and Ben weren't answering either, so you ran out of your house, tracking your big sister's phone as you got in your car.
Your brother was good, he was stable, taking his meds, getting sleep. Your sister had moved in with Maya, she was happy as she could be without missing Italy and stressing over your father.
Warren and Maya began to call you as Ben read your message, realising you were going after your big siblings.
"Announcement! Uh, Carina and her brother Andrew are... well... they're following one of the kidnappers, and uh, Y/n is going after her siblings apparently so..." Maya nervously explained, about to tell Andy off for hurriedly getting her phone but Warren shook his head.
"Probably going to call Y/n. They're, they're friends."
"Carina, Andrew, there's something you should know. Y/n is on her way to you, I'm guessing nobody's kept your little sister in the loop."
"Angioletta? No, she could get hurt. How does she know where we are?" Carina began to panic, hearing what Maya said.
"She's probably tracking our phones." Andrew deadpanned, knowing it was too late to stop you.
You knew they were at the Seattle Transit Station, running as you spotted Carina heading through the doors of the station. Speed-walking after your siblings, you barely made it onto the train before the doors shut, quickly making your way up the carriage until you landed in the seat next to Andrew, sandwiching him in the middle of you and Carina.
"What are you doing-"
"You both scared me. Plus nobody knows who I am so..." you trailed off, whispering in Italian to obscure your words to any non-Italian speakers.
The three of you watched as another passenger stood up and moved away from the three of you.
"My first time being profiled as an Italian."
"Stay back, angioletta." Carina whispered, as your siblings stood up to follow the human trafficker off of the train.
"Go find Ben and the police, I'm not losing her again." Andrew instructed, leaving Carina to nod and get out her phone. That was Carina's mistake as she took her eyes off of you, who ran after her big brother like she did when she was a toddler.
But Carina lost sight of you both, stuck rallying the first responders. She didn't see what you saw. The man barge into your big brother, and stab him.
"NO! Help! Help! Call 911!" You screamed loud enough that Carina heard you, hurrying over to see you putting pressure on a stab wound. A stab wound in your big brother's chest.
"We're here, we're here!" you sobbed, as Warren got your brother on a gurney, Maya holding back Carina as you curled up on the floor, hands covered in your brother's blood.
Carina cleaned your hands as you sat numbly in the back of the aid car, Maya and Ben treating your brother, and Carina recalling songs from your childhoods to soothe your brother's pain.
Sitting in the Grey Sloan outdoor waiting room, you were numb as you saw the look in the approaching doctor's eyes.
Your brother was dead.
In grieving, Carina shut down, but you threw yourself into your art projects. Carina had Maya to keep an eye on her, but you...
Andy was there for you. Andy was there when you didn't sleep at night, staring at a blank canvas until you started to paint, she sat and watched you. You didn't want to talk, your big brother was your lifeline.
"Okay, I know your French toast is better, and so is Carina's, but it's the only thing I know how to make for breakfast." Andy explained, bringing a tray into your spare room aka your art room at this point.
"Looks delicious." You managed to smile, but Andy was taken off guard as you pulled her into a hug, burying your face in her neck and not letting go.
"I'm acting captain today... are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Andy asked, her fingernails running gently over your scalp as she cradled your head.
"I have food and water. I just want to paint my grief, because I don't know how else to express it. Talking doesn't work, talking makes me miss him, even if he's with our mama now." You replied, but Andy saw the look on your face when you spotted the red paint on the palette. She didn't see how it reminded you of your brother's blood on your hands as you sat in the aid car, numb and hoping it wasn't his time.
Your siblings may have called you angioletta, little angel, but your brother was the angel among you now.
Your mother called Andrew and Carina two halves of a whole, but you needed both of them. You were away from Carina for so long growing up, all you had was your brother.
Now he was gone, Carina was stuck with the paperwork, and you buried yourself in your art. Minus any red paint, which Andy had removed after seeing the far away look on your face at the sight of it.
Carina called you hours later, asking if you had spoken to your father at all. You hadn't, but somehow he had heard two days ago that your brother died, and he didn't call either of you.
Andy found you sitting on your porch on her return home, in the spot where your brother had once sat, with a portfolio she hadn't seen before in your hands.
"Andrew was supposed to be the first person to see my projects, but he's..." you trailed off, opening the first page to reveal the photographs you had taken of empty Seattle streets.
"I've never seen Seattle so empty."
"Exactly." You let out a wet chuckle, holding back your tears until Andy met your gaze with a faltering smile at your crying.
Maya Bishop: A Doctor Gabriella Aurora just turned up here
Y/n DeLuca: you'll be okay, it's been a long time since medical school, trust me.
Maya Bishop: Come over and help me?
Y/n DeLuca: i'm having dinner with my girlfriend tonight. i'm cooking too.
Maya Bishop: Girlfriend?
*left on read 4:21pm*
"You know your sister has a girlfriend?" Maya enquired as she walked through the Grey Sloan car park with Carina, hand in hand.
"I assumed she had someone living with her. She had two mugs out when I surprised her one morning, and someone gave her a neck bruise."
"A hickey?" Maya raised an eyebrow, wondering how long you and whoever it was had been dating.
"Yes, a hickey. My sister is not a fan of double dates though." Carina added before Maya could get any ideas.
"I still haven't met your girlfriend. I even met your ex-roommate before I met her." Andy's cousin Michelle pointed out, after pointing out how Andy had gone to every barbecue and not brought you with her.
"My girlfriend lost her brother and her sister is very protective and doesn't want her getting the virus... and we still haven't told her sister we're dating, or that I moved in so..." Andy trailed off as Michelle's eyes widened.
"Oh so it's serious?"
"She's my saving grace."
"My visa expires next month." Carina explained to you, making you flinch. You and Andrew had citizenship, but Carina was here on a visa for her study.
"You have to go back to Italy? They shut down the immigration offices... Carina..."
"Angioletta..." Carina whispered, letting out a squeak as you pulled her into a tight hug, fear setting in that you would lose the only family you had left in America.
Carina and Maya were unaware of how well you really knew Andy, until it came to your brother's memorial in the Grey Sloan car park.
Amelia wasn't there, even if she had mentored your brother for a time. You hadn't thought of the neurosurgeon in a long time, having removed all traces of her from your portfolio, your life and your memory.
Whilst Maya held Carina in the car park, you sat on the ground, holding your knees to your chest until arms wrapped around you, and Andy was almost cooing in Spanish, calming you as you clung to her, mask soaked with tears.
Neither of them had any time to judge, but both were unaware you and Andy really knew each other as more than friends. Any assumption they had was wrong. Andy and yourself were well acquainted.
You didn't hide your relationship with Andy. She was at the firehouse a lot, not wanting to bring covid home back to you, since Maya and Carina were further along in their relationship and when Andy had moved in with you, she tried her best to keep you safe.
Everyone wanted to protect you, but they were isolating themselves from you to try keep you safe.
One of your art projects had been inspired by frontline workers, gaining attention online as people wanted to buy the works, the money going to charities to support people during the pandemic... you were flourishing, and your big brother couldn't see it from anywhere but above, whilst your sister and your girlfriend could see it, and you, but chose not to as often.
Your second project reflected another side to the pandemic, photography of the empty streets, void of all life. Almost apocalyptic in a sense.
Andy spent more time with you than Carina did, but you and your sister handled grief differently.
The fire between you and Andy burned brighter than anything else. An eternal flame.
"What are you painting this time? Is that a heart on fire?" Andy peeked over your shoulder, her chin resting on it as her hands hovered over your waist, hesitant to touch in case she messed up your brushstrokes.
"It was supposed to be symbolic, fires of love? Eternal flame? I think I'm better at realism... the portraits reflect that." You shrugged, gesturing to the paintings on the other side of the room.
"You are the sweetest but your sister and Maya should be here in an hour, and you are wearing more paint than clothes." Andy pointed out, her eyes widening as you smirked, walking backwards to guide her to the shower.
"Maybe you should join me, to make sure I get all the paint off."
"I would like that very much, but we need to-" Andy began to point out the lack of time, but you shushed her as you leaned in, waiting until she met you halfway, the hour countdown until Maya and Carina's arrival forgotten about...
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jtks-gh05t-g1rl · 3 days
My everything.
part two
(also on my Wattpad)
warnings: swear words, mc getting hit on, death(disclaimer before).
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..... I woke up, light peaking through, shining on my face. As I sat up in bed I noticed a note and uniform hung on the closet door.
the note read: "This is your new uniform. Please get dressed and come downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.. If any adjustments need to be made, please inform me or Lord Diavolo, signed, Lucifer."
▪︎Leviathan's POV▪︎
There she was. Walking down the stairs into the kitchen was the woman of my dreams, literally. Last night, after I showed her the room she's staying in, I went back to my room and fell asleep immediately. That wasn't normal, at least not for me. I always stay up until the early morning playing video games and watching anime, but that night was different. During my slumber, I dreamt about MC. It wasn't a normal one. It was honestly terrifying. More of a nightmare if anything.
(mention of death) °°°°°° there had been loud noises and yelling coming from the front entrance of the house. I assumed it was my brother's fighting again, until I heard Mammon..
Belphie? he's supposed to be in the human realm..
Mammons voice sounded coarse, serious, and tearful.
I blanked out for a moment. Before I knew it, I was watching as Mammon was being held back by Lucifer and Beelzebub.
Mammon became weak and lost balance. He fell to the floor, still screaming. His fall led my eyes to MC laying on the ground, unconscious, bruises on her neck, eyes glazed over.
My stomach dropped. My heart began to palpatate, beating out my chest.
I started to get closer to her body. I got just close enough to see her colorless face.
°°°°°°°° I woke up right when I got a look at her face. The image is engraved in my mind. Every time I blink, I see her.
But here she is, standing in front of me smiling and waving.
"Good morning, MC. How was your first night?"
"Good morning! It was actually pretty good, I wasn't expecting to be able to sleep." "Oh, I do have a question, though."
"What about my family and friends? I'm still not completely sure if I trust everything going on right now. It would help a lot to still have contact with them."
"Ah," "we have sent letters and gotten in contact with your family and school to let them know about all of this." "As for your contact with your family and friends, you should still be able to contact them on your D.D.D. "
"Ok, cool. I would go insane without them." she placed her hand on the chair next to me "Is this seat taken?"
I looked up and shook my head slightly. Why would she want to sit next to me? Maybe she was actually interested in talking about TSL, or maybe she's just going to use me to get closer to my brother's. That's happened a few times, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Mammon sat down next to her, ruining my chances of talking to her. Not that I would've anyway, but it would've been nice to have the option.
Breakfast was served, and everyone was talking and smiling, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had. ..... Why would I have a dream like that? .... I've had nightmares, but never any that bad. ... maybe it's a sign? .. or a warning? . . "psst, Levi, you ok, hun?" asmo broke me out of my thoughts.
"Huh - oh yeah. I'm fine."
"You sure? You looked a little stressed."
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just thinking about the dream I had last night."
"Oooh, well, what was it?"
"I'll tell you later."
After breakfast, we all started cleaning up.
"Leviathan, You and MC have the same schedules, so you will be showing her to classes."
I nodded and turned back to MC.
"Well, you ready?"
"Yes, sir!" "wanna tell me about TSL now?"
°°°°°°° MC and I made it to RAD with about 10 minutes left to spare until class started.
We were walking in the hallway talking. Another demon came up to us looking smug and confident.
"Hey. You're new, right?" "I thought you were cute and was wondering if you were single?"
he playfully smacked my arm with the back of his hand.
"You don't mind right, man?" The crusty demon said. My face was covered in pure disgust.
"She's okay, thanks."
"Yo, help me out here, bro."
"Actually, we're both good." I grabbed MC's arm and began to walk away.
"Wait a second, I want to hear from the lady." He looked at MC.
"I'm gonna have to pass on that offer." MC said awkwardly
"Aw, c'mon cutie," "If you're going to say no, you gotta at least give me a reason."
"You want me to be honest?" She looked at him with innocent eyes.
"Hit me"
"Well, I would rather have my nails ripped out and shoved into my eyes than date you. Plus, you're pushy." That same look remained on her face.
MC began to walk past him, I followed. She was trying to hold back laughter.
"What a great start to my first day." The girl said, giggling.
"I know, right? In all seriousness, I promise not everyone here is like that."
We made it to our first class. I spent the time trying to help MC figure out school stuff.
(look who finally posted lol)
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