#like say identifying as female and still using she/they pronouns
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Gender and pronouns are very different. Example I myself am identify as nonbinary and use he/they, I do not identify as a demi-boy personally. It varies person to person :)
Well I understand not necessarily identifying as something but what’s the difference between wanting to be referred to a certain set of pronouns and putting a label on those pronouns?
#just thinking out loud#but if you can take a label that’s generally reserved for a specific set of pronouns#then what’s the point of adding a label? if you can simply choose your pronouns?#like say identifying as female and still using she/they pronouns#what’s the point then of identifying as female in the first place?#walking a fence here I feel like 😂 I genuinely don’t understand though! it seems weirdly. idk pointless?#I feel like that’s not the word I want to use but I can’t think of a better one#this is a lot of thought to be sparked by a character that looks like Gaylord Robinson#Frank you have bamboozled me#I mean this in the most lighthearted way I can muster btw#no insults were intended or anything#bee learns gender
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To Win Her Back~ Pt1:Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve and Nancy just broke up, an idea pops into his head. To make her jealous and his way to do so is fake date you, a girl who can't resist the offer he had made. A/N: This is going to a part of a series, I don't know long as of yet. I just got back into writing, I'm always accepting to feedback. Please re-blog and feel free to comment! I had so much fun writing this, I hope you enjoy! Word Count: 3188 Warnings: Use of Y/N, Parental loss, Sick Parent, The reader uses she/her pronouns and identifies as female, intimate remarks (nothing towards Steve and reader). I think that's all I can remember, lmk if there's anything else. ......
You walked silently to your locker in the ever-so busy hallway of Hawkins High School, people lined the walls, gossiping, making out with their fling of the week, or just minding their own business. Your headphones were blaring with some Black Sabbath song, making it near impossible for you to pay any attention to the soundsaround you. You were the silent type, but somehow in this small town, everyone knew your business, how your mother passed giving birth to your little sister 4 years ago or how your father was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Everyone knew everyone’s business and you weren’t excluded by any chance. You make your way to your locker, and open it collecting your belongings before heading home. As you walk away, someone slams your locker for you, loud enough for you to hear it through your headphones. You jump and see King Steve standing on the other side of your locker.
You quickly pause your music on your cassette player, “What the fuck was that for?” You ask, crossing your arms. Even though you were typically a quiet girl, you had quite the temper.
Steve smirked and ran his hand through beautiful hair. You never really talked to him, you used to sit next to him during your Freshman year, but that was the only interaction you had with him in high school. “Just tryna’ get your attention”, he said casually, the smirk still evident.
“Why?” You asked sassily, arms still crossed. It wasn’t like Steve normally wanted your attention, you never thought he even noticed you, you really just blended into the crowd.
He moved closer to you, now leaning onto your locker,”I have a proposition for you.” You raise your eyebrow, curious. “And that is?”
“Nancy and I broke up”,he said, his smirk faltering a bit. You knew that, everyone in Hawkins knew, gossip spread like wildfire around this stupid little town. You nodded, not really understanding why he was telling you that. “How does that involve me?, Harrington.”
He suddenly became a bit nervous, his body language shifted, a nervous hand running through his hair, once again,”Um..I was wondering if you and I…god this is weird..um if we could..shit I don't know how to say this..”
“Just spit it out already.” You say impatiently, along with your temper you didn’t like to keep waiting.
“I want you to be my fake girlfriend”, he blurted. At first, you feel your eyes widen,but then you start laughing. This has to be some joke or prank or something. “Gosh, you’re a real comedian, Harrington.”
“Y/N”, his demeanor turned serious,”I’m not joking.” For the second time, your eyes feel like they're bulging out your head, you couldn’t believe that Steve Harring, the King of Hawkins High, was asking you to become his fake girlfriend. Every girl, maybe some guys wanted Steve Harrington, he was the dream guy, he was an asshole 99% of the time, but it didn’t matter, he was hot and the captain of the swim team and star player in basketball. Every girl wanted him.
“Why?”you began,astounded by his question,”First off, you literally just got out of a relationship. Second of all, everyone goddamn girl in this school will willingly jump your bones if you ask them, or even look at them. I’m not that kind of girl, Harrington.”
"Y/N”, he began,”That’s exactly why I want you to be my fake girlfriend, you’re the only one who wouldn’t try seducing me the first chance you get.”
I sigh,”Why do you even need a fake girlfriend?” I ask, curiously.
He let out a nervous chuckle,”I want to make Nancy jealous,”he pauses,”Y’know show her what she’s missing.” You nod, understanding what he’s saying, but you can’t help but feel weirded out. You felt weird that somebody would even ask you to be their fake girlfriend,”Steve..I don’t know..it’s kinda weird and-”
“I’ll pay you!”, he blurts. You cross your arms and scoff, feeling suddenly offended that you offered to even pay you. He quickly senses your shift of mood and opens his mouth,”100 bucks per week, I know you could use the money for you dad.”
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, frustrated. You did need the money, you were only surviving off of your mom’s inheritance and your father’s disability check, and the medical bills were not cheap. Your waitress job was barely even covering the rent at this point, you groan before finally agreeing.
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver”, he says, pulling you into a hug. You pat his shoulder, trying to push yourself off, you’re not a big hugger. You only really hugged your sister and dad for the most part. “You’re welcome”, you quickly change your tone to something more threatening,”Listen, Harrington, I swear to fucking god, Harrington. If you get any ideas into the fucking head of yours, I swear I will kick your ass.”
He puts his hands up defensively,”Hey, hey, hey”, he reassures,”Trust me, no funny business from me.” I nod, pulling my bag up to my back.
“I gotta go, Harrington.”, you started before trying to walk away through the now-empty hallway,”Gotta sister to pick up from preschool.”
He nods before calling out,”We need to make a set of rules, sometime”.
You turn your back to him and call as you walk towards the doors,”My house, 7pm, don’t be late.” You quickly make yourself to the back parking lot to find your old beat up station wagon, your dad’s turned yours. He couldn’t drive much anymore so he gave it to you, to run errands and what not. You hop into the car and turn your keys into the ignition before speeding off to the preschool. You were already 10 minutes late.
During the drive you couldn’t help but think about your new situation, you were now Steve Harrington’s girlfriend, well fake one but nobody could know that. You find yourself groaning at the thought, Steve Harrington was the most popular guy in school and you were practically a nobody. You just faded into the background, nothing was particularly special about you besides your great taste in music in style. It was safe to say, you were different but not noticeably. You wore light makeup and opted for more of a 70s look, you loved the decade prior to the one you were currently living in. Everything from the music and to the fashion and the hair, you were in love. Most people called you dated, but you called yourself cultured. But now since you were now “dating” Steve, you were now going to be more in the spotlight.
You pull into the pre-school, quickly spotting Melissa and her pre-school teacher. You pull up to them and quickly get out of the car, ushering to Melissa. "You're late again, sissy”, Melissa nagged. You quickly picked her up in your arms,”Sorry Lis, got caught up.” You apologized and turned to her teacher,”Thank you for waiting.” She hummed in response as you quickly opened the back seat up and put her in her carseat.
“Miss Y/N”, the teacher began,”We love having Melissa with us, but you owe us almost a hundred dollars. We've been trying to be patient, but we need you to pay your bill.”
You nod and sire, tiredly.”I’ll try having it by the end of the week, thank you.” She hums in response and you wave her a goodbye before getting into the station wagon and driving off.
The ride home was surprisingly quiet, Lis passed out in the backseat, apparently her day was exhausting. You hummed to some rock song on the radio as you drove home. Hawkins was a nice town, you’d have to admit, however it had its disadvantages. Like the town aesthetic, perfect and beautiful, however the people were annoying. All they did was gossip, about everything and everyone. Oh, you’re married to an alcoholic? Exposed. Pregnant before marriage? Exposed. It was like you were automatically shunned if you were different. You silently pull up to your driveway. Getting out of the car and carefully unbuckling Lis as you made your way over, carrying her in your arms to the house.
You prop open the door into your small abode and walk in. “Hey girls”, you hear your father call weakly. You walk to the living room with Lis still in your arms, “Hey dad”, you say softly as you find him sitting in his leather arm chair, the thing has to be older than you. It has been his spot since you , yourself were an infant. You carefully set Lis on the couch before turning to your father,”Long day?”, you ask.
He shrugged,”Just slept most of it”, he said,”tried to clean up a bit, but it didn’t work so well.” You nod sympathetically and place a comforting hand on his back. It’s been hard to watch your dad struggle, he used to be the most hardworking man you ever knew. After your mother’s passing, your father worked 2 jobs and made sure to come home after his late night shift, just to make sure he had tucked you and your sister in. But now, he struggles to move or do things on his own. “It’s alright dad”, you say.
He looks at you and it pains you, his eyes are always glassy and he’s been getting more pale. It wrecks you apart, truly. “Pumpkin, want to watch a movie?”, your father asks. You nod, and sit on the floor beside him as puts on E.T, you both fall into a comfortable silence as the movie plays.
Hours pass and you find yourself in the kitchen, making dinner as you hear a knock on the door. “Sissy! Someone’s at the door!”, your sister calls.
You huff,”I hear that, Liss”, you interject,”Can you get it?” You hear her groan before she stomps to the door, like you, she has an attitude.
“It’s a guy here for you!” She calls. Your eyes widen as you remember about Steve, you completely forgot you had invited him. “A guy?”, your father chirps from the kitchen table where he is now sitting, filling out a crossword puzzle.
You glance over to the clock hanging on the wall and realize it’s 6:58, you quickly set down the can of tomato soup before walking to the front door and see your sister interrogating Steve. “Alright, Lis, stop questioning the poor guy”, you huff. She looks up at you,”Wasn’t questioning”. You give her a look before she scurries off into the kitchen.
“She’s cute”, Steve said. You nod.
"She sure is something”, you move aside and let him in.
He laughs a bit. “I’m making dinner right now if you’re hungry, tomato soup and grilled cheese”, you say.
He nods, suddenly shy. It was unusual to see Steve shy, he walked around with some sort of arrogance and charisma usually. You lead him into the kitchen and your father immediately takes in Steve’s presence. “Heh”, your father begins,”This is a first, my daughter bringing a guy home.” You roll your eyes as your dad chuckles at his own comment.
“Steve”, Steve says, outstretching his hand. Your father takes it, amused. “Oh, I know who you are. You’re dad owns that big ol business”
Steve nods and your father pats the seat next to him, “Sit, let’s talk.” Steve carefully sits next to your father.You bite back a smile, you knew what was to happen, your father was going to interrogate Steve, brutally. You didn’t bring guys home, not since sophomore year,when you got yourself a boyfriend, Eddie Munson. You couldn’t forget it, your father was newly a widower at the time, but oh did he bust Eddie’s balls, alright. He walked out the house after, acting like he just confessed to a murder or something. You ultimately wonder if that led to your break-up, but you knew it was really because you were just better off as friends.
You continued to work on dinner as your father tore Steve a new asshole, your father may have been sick but he still acted like his old self, busting people’s balls. Your sister listened in, softly giggling as Steve would get flustered at a question your dad asked or when your father swore. Soon enough you finished supper and placed it on the sable along with some bowls and spoons. “That’s enough dad’”, you lightheartedly,”Don’t want another guy leaving the house scared shitless, do you?”
Your dad shrugs,”Wouldn’t hurt.” You give your dad a look as he begins to chuckle, you smile to yourself before taking a seat next to Steve. ‘Well dig in, guys.”
Dinner was full of your sister rambling about her day, everyone else digging in trying to pay attention to her babbling. You look over to Steve and see him listening intently to the four-year olds rambling, it melts your heart for a second.
She stops her rambling as your father begins to speak,”So, pumpkin”, he addresses you,”What is Mr.Harrington’s relation to you?”
“He’s awfully cute”, your sister quips. Steve begins to chuckle softly as a pink shade tints his cheeks.
You internally groan as you remember about the deal you made with Steve, to be his ‘girlfriend’. You try your best to be on a smile before taking Steve’s hand to yours, you swear you see Steve’s eyes widen as you touch him. “We’re dating”, you try to exclaim but it comes out more of a question than anything. Your father raises his eyebrows before humming.
“You guys are dating?!”Lis breaks out smiling. Her chubby cheeks prominent as she grins,”That’s so cute! That means you guys are in love!” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that one, whilst Steve nearly chokes. “So in love”, you sarcastically.
Your father raises an eyebrow at your comment but says nothing. He takes another spoonful of his soup in his mouth before speaking up,”About time”, your father says,”You’ve been working too hard and worrying too much, maybe Harrington here might loosen you up.”
You let your eyes widen surprised, you never thought your father, the ball buster himself, would accept a guy for you to date. Well as he thinks you’re dating. You nod stunned to speak. Dinner finishes shortly after that, you help your father back into his recliner as you send Lis to clean up the table. You make your way back to the kitchen and find Steve washing the dishes. “You don’t have to”, you intervene.
“I want to”, he says, washing a plate,”I insist, you cooked and I’m gonna clean up at least, as a thank you.”
Before you could reply, Lis beats you to it,”He’s such a gentleman, he’s your gentleman, Y/N/N.”, she teases.
“Melissa, shut it”, you say embarrassed,”You’re just happy because you don’t have to rinse.”
Your sister nods before running off to the living room. “I’m sorry about her, she’s a handful”, you apologize.
Steve laughs,”It’s all good, she’s cute”. You both begin to fall in a comfortable silence, you wipe the counter and sweep the floor as he finishes the dishes. You never took Steve to be the type to wash up or be gentle with a child, you always thought he was too egotistical to be caring or sensitive but maybe you were wrong after all, or maybe he changed. Shortly, the kitchen is clean and you bring Steve up to your bedroom to discuss the rules of your relationship.
Once in your room, Steve looks around your room. Admiring the band posters of Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath, and many others that showered your walls. He stepped further and saw some of the artwork Lis had made that was pinned to a corkboard. “I like your room”, he compliments. He traces your light green quilt that sat on your bed, as you grabbed your notebook. “Thanks”, you mumble.
You sit down on your bed and pad the spot next to you, encouraging Steve to sit next to you. He obliges and sits. “So time to make up the rules,” you announce, suddenly nervous,”1st rule, no heavy PDA. I don’t want to be those weirdos that are practically dry humping in the halls.”
Steve laughs as you write that down,”Yeah, no need to worry about that. We only need to hold hands and hug, maybe kiss on occasion.”
“Hug? Kiss?”, you say with a grimace on your face,”Fore-warning, I am a terrible hugger and only kiss me if it’s absolutely necessary.”
He laughs at your remark,”Yeah, that’s fine, nothing you aren’t comfortable with.” You write that down as well.
“You have to attend parties with me”, he adds. You raise your eyebrows,”Parties?”
“Yeah, it’d be weird if my girlfriend didn’t show up to them with me”, he points out. You internally groan, you did not like social gatherings but he had a valid point, so you complied and wrote it down.
A thought comes to your mind, and instantly you shiver at it before opening your mouth,”We are not going to have sex or anything along the lines”, you say, determinedly.
He throws his hands in the air backing away slightly,”Trust me, you don’t have to worry about that. You’re pretty and all but not my type”, he brushes it off. You couldn’t help but feel a bit upset with his words, not his type? That’s weird because you heard from a lot of girls that anyone that was a girl, was his type. You quickly right down ‘No sex’ onto the paper.
“Last of all”, you begin,”No falling in love with me, this is simply to get you back with Nancy, alright?’
Steve nods,”Only if you promise not to fall in love with me, sweetheart.”
“Trust me I won;t”, you roll your eyes and write down ‘no falling in love with one another’ down. “I think that’s it”, you say before shutting your notebook down.
“Alright”, Steve says standing up,”We’re officially fake dating, I’ll pick you up tomorrow before school?”
You look at him with wide eyes,”You’re driving me to school?”
He nods,”Yes, Ma’am. I’ll be your chauffeur to and from school.” You cross your arms before opening your mouth,”Y’know I have to drop Lis off at preschool and pick her up too, right?”
‘She can come too”, he says. You sigh before agreeing. You bid goodbye and crash onto your bed once you hear the front door shut. A million thoughts were racing in your head, you were now Steve Harrington’s girlfriend and you were scared. This was out of your comfort zone by far, but you know you had to do this. You were struggling financially and Steve offered money, and in your current lifestyle, it wasn’t something you could turn down.
A/N: I feel like there is wayyyy to much dialogue and it's a bit awkward, I accept feedback and requests! I hope you enjoyed!
#steve harrington#steve harrington x you#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington x reader#stranger things#no vecna#fanfic#fanfiction#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington smut#steve harrington angst#steve harrington fanfiction#steve harrington fandom#steve harrington fic
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A vat7k related question.
What do you think is Hugo's gender identity? Cus I want to hear what you think Hugo's gender is and the story behind it.
EHEHEHE personally i think she’s genderfluid and uses he/she/they pronouns…….I think he was kind of an uncracked egg up until the trials though. like, he’s been in survival mode for so long that he’s never had the time or luxury to really think about himself or his identity….i think he’s had a lot of different disguises over his career though, and those personas are either male or female depending on what the situation calls for so he’s not a stranger to dressing femininely either.
but yeah…i think for a long time hugo just identified as male by default cuz like…what else would he be LOL. if he had any doubts at all they weren’t significantly hindering him or anything so he just buried them with all the other of the emotions he doesn’t want to feel. but like the closet is made of GLASS and this becomes especially obvious when she teams up with 3 other teenagers who are also transgender so sometimes she’ll just Say Shit and they all turn around and look at her like “…….🤨”
i have this very vivid scene in my head where varian comes out to the gang as trans and hes clearly really uneasy abt it. and hugo doesn’t know what to say so he just tries to relate by saying the first thing that comes to mind and goes “oh yeah i get it i mean. sometimes i wish i was a girl but like not all the time yk” and nuru and varian both just stop and stare at him
hugo, getting nervous: …Sorry that’s probably not the same thing forget i said anything
nuru: No i think we should talk about this?
anyways yeah….other than her traveling party giving her some weird looks nothing actually really came of these conversations bc hugo would refuse to think about herself even if you put a gun to her head
fast forward to post-trials though, and hugo’s been living in the castle with varian for about six months…it was REALLY messy for both of them while she was adjusting, but at this point shes finally started to let her guard down a little, and all of a sudden she has SO much free time and she has no idea what to do with any of it. she’s stealing collecting things, tinkering with all kinds of useless little gadgets, rapunzel is teaching her tons of little arts and crafts projects. overall shes pretty content despite everything. So anyways then the gender crisis hits them like a fucking freight train
honestly i’m like half joking when i say i think it started bc they just kept forgetting to cut their hair. like one day they looked in the mirror and they’re like “wow my hairs getting so long i kinda look like a girl lol. Wait”
AND AS FUNNY AS IT IS ITS SO. WILDLY UNFAMILIAR TO THEM. like all of a sudden theyre SO insecure for as far as they can tell, NO reason and it drives them CRAZY. i dont even think that hugo dislikes their masculine features after coming out, i think they embrace them if anything but its just like…going from 0 to 100 so fast and suddenly being so hyper aware of themselves in a way that they NEVER were before…having to realize that they’re definitely Not cis. it’s fucking TERRIFYING!!!
not to mention it hits him all at once during a time when he’s still frankly really paranoid about him and varian’s relationship, and he’s kinda walking on eggshells bc deep down he’s convinced that var’s just gonna get tired of him eventually and kick him out. its like he’s just waiting for the final nail in the coffin despite the fact that there is literally no coffin.
All that being said i think it takes him a while to work up the courage to talk to varian about it. and he knows he won’t like. hate him for being trans or anything (I sure hope he wouldn’t, at least, seeing as he is literally also trans) but varian’s already done SO much for him and helped him through literally everything already….he doesn’t want to burden him any more than he already has. he also cant comprehend that someone can just Like him, like, as a person, so he’s convinced himself that varian must see something specific in him right now and he’s afraid that if he changes himself drastically in any way then whatever varian saw in him just. won’t be there anymore. If that makes sense
as for who he actually goes to first- honestly i think it’d have to be lance. at least in my head lance was the first person hugo really started to bond with aside from varian….he didn’t start letting his guard down with rapunzel until quite a while after that. also i think he’s worried that if he tells rapunzel she’d end up accidentally spilling something to varian (which is like. Valid bc she’s a horrible liar) he’d definitely write a letter to nuru, too, but nuru is also in another kingdom, and that message takes a while to get to her, so it’s more something they talk about after the fact
when he finally does get a letter back after dumping this revelation on her it’s just like
“dearest hugo. upon reading your letter i desperately wanted to tell you that i told you so, but i realize that would be in poor taste, seeing as you are clearly struggling right now. Moreover,-“ /j
regardless of who she tells first, they obviously all support her and encourage her to talk to varian as well…And ofc varian hypes her up to no end when she finally does. i wanna say it’s a sweet emotional scene but i feel like varian was also under the assumption that she figured out the gender thing like a year ago /j
hugo: ,,,,so like. i don’t think i’m a guy
varian: . yeah?
hugo: TFYM “YEAH”?????!!!!???
hugo: ,???? NO???!!???!
jokes aside though as soon as hugo does decide he wants to explore his presentation more varian immediately consults rapunzel who gets WAY too excited about it and it kind of scares hugo a little bit. /j like Do you want to cut your hair? Dye it? Do you want new piercings? TATTOOS????
they eventually just settle on getting her a few new pieces to add to her wardrobe and that works out fine. varian sees his girlfriend in a dress and loses his mind etc etc. All is right in the world

#vat7k#varian and the 7 kingdoms#tangled ask#varian and the seven kingdoms#varigo#varian#tts headcanons#pansy rambling again#pansy-art#i first answered this like two weeks ago but i lost the entire post and i got so mad that i just didnt bother writing it out again#until now i guess#hugo rottewange
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gen/good faith question — is it disrespectful to lesbians or queer people in general if i were to identify as a he/him lesbian?
for context: i’ve always known i was into girls, and for some of my life, i considered myself a girl as well. there was nothing about me that made me want to make that choice, other than the fact that i was perceived by everyone around me as a girl and expected to be one.
and then i started to question my gender. i don’t really feel intrinsically as though i have a gender, but at the same time, certain forms of gendered language and some forms of gender expression make me happy and comfortable. at the same time, some forms of both those things don’t.
the thing is, most gendered language (i’m only using this here for clarity — i know that really no language is gendered and people can use whatever terms, pronouns etc to refer to themselves and that doesn’t have to correspond to stereotypical gender that usually goes with that term) and most gender expression that i enjoy are both usually correspond to those used by men, and sometimes those used by nonbinary people. for example — i like being called a guy, i like referring to myself a person, i like dressing in traditionally ‘masc’ clothes, and i would love to be perceived as androgynous sometimes.
but also, on the flip side, i usually like traditionally ‘female’ gendered language and expressions applied to me. this is a bit of a nuanced thing for me, though! i love wearing dresses and looking ‘feminine’, but only really in private, because to me they’re an example of cross dressing or messing with the gender binary because i don’t consider myself a girl (i don’t consider myself ‘anything’ in regards to gender, as mentioned above — i think the term is agender?), but most people don’t see it that way since i’m usually perceived as female, which puts me off it. additionally, i like she/her pronouns, but only at certain times, and not very often. i would also consider myself genderfluid, in the sense that the pronouns i’m comfy with change… however, usually, those pronouns are he/him, and often they’re they/them, but only occasionally she/her.
so people have asked why i consider myself a lesbian if i feel this way, and that’s due to a lot of factors. it’s because i was always certain of my sexuality before i was certain of my gender (and before i out conscious effort into thinking about it), and so identifying as a lesbian has and still does influence how i see and interact with the world. also, i’m not someone who will ever be able to pass in general society as anything but female — i have d cups, a high voice, am often told i’m ‘pretty’, and am very curvy. so i also identify as a lesbian because as someone who doesn’t intend to do much in the way of medical gender affirming care, the fact that i am constantly perceived as a woman unless i say so (and that’s not always respected) does also have a bearing on how i experience the world too.
i don’t know, i’m just really confused about if i can use this term or not. i’ve spent a long long time agonising over what discovering my gender identity and what that means for me will affect my sexuality, and a lot of that agony now no longer comes from not knowing about myself, but from feeling like i’m being disrespectful. i don’t want to hurt the queer community, specifically lesbian woman, or trans guys, and i feel like i’m doing both. but on the other hand… he/him usually really fits me. lesbian usually feels right too. i took a long time to come to terms with both of those, and so they feel very hard-won — like i can finally exist knowing who i am, and so to not be able to deceive myself in the way i’ve tried really hard to find is something that makes me really sad. but i would love any advice! :)
There is no way for your pronouns to be disrespectful to someone else unless we're talking about your pronouns being slurs that do not apply to you. Your pronouns have nothing to do with anyone else [exception aside].
Your sexuality is also no one else's business but your own. You don't have to justify your pronouns or your sexuality: they are not hurting anyone. You are not hurting anyone.
None of what you're talking about is disrespectful to anyone. Its just your personal identity. That has nothing to do with anyone else.
All of this has no affect on the lesbian or trans community by large except that one more he/him lesbian becomes apart of it, which is actually a win!
If you makes you happy, go for it! If it feels right, go for it! It sounds like you've found a label and pronouns for you and that's awesome! Congratulations. <3
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. <3
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;R1999 MEDICINE POCKET - General Headcanons
Compilation of headcanons and analysis on Medicine Pocket as a character and other related things.
started going thru my askbox, saw there's an insane amount of medpoc prompts, and then realized I haven't thought that deeply about this feral dog so here we are!
I missed doing analysis like this oooo the feeling of neurons making connections as I go thru the character's entire page oooo. since I still don't have them, screenshots and examples will be taken directly from the fandom wikia as usual!
On the subject of intersex identities, Medicine Pocket's mother and their gender identity.
It's worth noting that as of the time writing this (with GL currently in 2.2 and CN having just released 2.5) the game still has only two characters who have been confirmed to live outside of the gender binary, both released during launch; The Fool, who uses male pronouns but states that he has no gender, and Medicine Pocket, who couldn't care less about pronouns and explicitly mentions being intersex in one of their voicelines.
The game is consistent with this, as Medicine Pocket is often referred to with "they/them" pronouns, and occasionally "he/him," such as a daily tidbit from November 18th 2024.
As far as I know, they've yet to refer to Medicine Pocket with female pronouns.
While Medicine Pocket seems to approach the subject of gender identity as an afterthought at best and a nuisance at worst, never stating which labels they identify with, it's important to note that they're still openly queer. Upon a first reading, I didn't think much of them, but now I realize that a big chunk of their character does focus on their queerness in ways that are just as unconventional as they are.
Their 01 Story allows us to learn about Medicine Pocket's background, namely their mother, as it focuses on her for the most part. This is also the second instance of Medicine Pocket's status as an intersex person being brought up.
While I'm not intersex myself, I'm a nonbinary queer person who is fully aware of the many, many convoluted and cruel ways society has enforced in order to "correct" and assimilate us into the norm, such as conversion therapy and intersex surgeries, all done with the pretense of "helping us adapt." Medicine Pocket seems to be an example of this.
One may interpret this as a misguided but well-meaning attempt from a concerned mother, but I interpret it as a heartless moment of dehumanization.
In this Story, there is a very clear parallel being drawn between the dogs at the kennel she owns and her own child, between money as her only source of happiness and the necessity to pay for her child's operation.
Her entire world and business revolves around the kennel, it's stated to be a family business with good reputation, and the dogs are described as a positive thing--"man's best friend," and friends who can keep you company--but her reaction to both is of indifference and, at worst, contempt.
The priority here isn't the thriving family business, nor the dogs she's selling to the University of Utah, nor what will come out of the experiments they will go through; the priority is the money.
And what is this money for? Her own child's operation, with the specific intent of helping them become "an ordinary person." Not for their health, not because they asked for this--because she wants them to be normal, thus highlighting the themes of assimilation within society.
As seen before, Medicine Pocket confirms they lack any reproductive organs. I don't know enough to speculate or research what sort of medical condition they have, but the fact that they say "I just don't have any reproductive organs" could imply they did not receive that operation in the end. After all, becoming "ordinary" would imply living within the binary of female or male genitals exclusively.
With the lack of information about their childhood, I personally like to headcanon that this is when the parallels between Medicine Pocket and dogs continues from their mother's perspective; maybe the cons outdo the pros, maybe the procedure was too expensive, maybe she didn't feel like nurturing this specific puppy anymore, regardless of the reasoning, Medicine Pocket's mother simply chose to give them away to someone else who had a use for them. Exactly like the previous batch of puppies.
As agile as usual, her child got into the white van without looking back. That van had taken away countless almost-weaned puppies from their mothers, and on this day, it was doing the same thing to her.
Another personal headcanon I have following that one is that Medicine Pocket was given away for experimentation purposes given their uniqueness--an intersex arcanist child. It certainly lines up with other darker themes within the game, such as the treatment orphaned arcanist children receive within SPDM, the ableism and bigoted mindsets towards arcanists that parallel real issues in real life, and the appropriation of arcanist culture into human society, etc etc.
Of course, in retrospect, there is also something bittersweet in the way that the only thing Medicine Pocket seems to have inherited from their mother is the aspect of money, as a big part of their character is based around finding ways to receive funding for their experiments. Money is the focus of their Insight voiceline, their First Encounter voiceline also involves finding new investors, and there is a distinct focus on how much Medicine Pocket's actions COST Laplace overall, even in the Main Story. Their Story 02 is literally named "The Wrecker of Laplace" and involves their expenses report. This is a very small detail and connection, but I found it quite interesting!
The last thing I want to bring up for this specific bullet point is how Medicine Pocket grew up to be exactly everything their mother did not care about.
The opposite of an ordinary person; they are considered an unconventional albeit irritating genius within Laplace, as seen in their Storyboard.
They are a noisy dog who went out and pioneered an abundance of inventions and research, such as the development of Picrasma Candy shown above, their study of arcanist bloodlines and an arcanist's arcanum that later helps Enigma during Chapter 7 "Vereinsamt," and more. They are a team leader and a renowned, published biological researcher, as seen in the LSCC trailer and another voiceline of theirs.
It is a testament to Medicine Pocket's determination, stubbornness and self-centered personality, the way they were able to thrive in life and in every aspect that their mother did not care about nor support. And this aspect relates heavily to their Beast Afflatus and animalistic themes!
On the subject of Medicine Pocket's self-experimentation, animals and Laplace
We already discussed the way Medicine Pocket has been compared to the kennel dogs sold for experimentation, but we only explored this from their mother's perspective. On a general level, we can understand that Medicine Pocket's animalistic and dog-like behaviour exists because they were raised alongside these very same dogs, and their affinity for Beagles is a direct reference to the "Beagle Club" radiation experiments--it's a very clear motif within their character, but I would still like to expand on it a little!
First of all, we need to talk about Laplace, its ethics and practices. So bear with me!
Over the course of the recent patches, we have seen certain members of Laplace being shown together for most promotional material; this is later on confirmed within 37's Anecdote as a "friend group" consisting of 37, Mesmer Jr, X, Medicine Pocket and Ezra. For this discussion, we are going to set aside 37, an outsider to Laplace, and Ezra, a human character.
Both X and Medicine Pocket both have animals commonly used for experimentation as their Udimos; X has a Laboratory mouse, and Medicine Pocket has a Beagle puppy. On the other hand, we have Mesmer Jr. whose Udimo is not an animal, but a representation of the Artificial Somnambulism Therapy machine. With this, we can trace a pattern within the arcanists of Laplace, which paints them as not only expendable resources, but as something a little more tragic considering their respective themes--X, who harbors a deep-seated hatred for authorities that abuse their power (as seen in his own Anecdote), Medicine Pocket, who is based on the "Beagle Club" radiation experiments, and Mesmer Jr., who carries internalized bigotry for her own kind and is treated as nothing but an extension of her family's legacy.
While I won't be discussing the broad history of animal rights and ethics in experiments from real life, there are lines to be connected between these specific themes and the dehumanization of these characters--which also extends to the rest of members of Laplace like Lucy and Ulrich, by virtue of being Awakened and not being able to comply within the expected "norm" of humans, nor arcanists (the main theme of "Vereinsamt"). As players, we understand Enigma's reaction to Lucy being demoted, and there is a nuanced conversation to be had about the consequences of Lucy's orders even if they led to a great outcome; it is both tragic and inspiring.
But we must also understand this: Lucy's actions are still objectively within the scope of the Foundation's own history and ethics as I've mentioned them before, she is merely being used as a scapegoat due to the visibility of these casualties, which causes the Foundation to lose face.
And how does this relate exactly to Medicine Pocket?
Because their work ethic of self-experimentation follows this very same pattern. In the trail "Experiment Record" from Chapter 6 "E Lucevan le Stelle" Stage 19, which details the process of making Picrasma Candy safe for consumption, the extra addendums indicate that the one consuming all this candy during the experiments is none other than Medicine Pocket.
Their self-experimentation is only considered an issue and a nuisance because they are loud, reckless and take up space and resources. Because this is a coworker who canonically runs on all fours when excited, bites furniture and chases after frisbees, exactly like a dog.
Out of the three characters discussed before, only two are able to subvert the expectations of their respective Udimos: X and Medicine Pocket. The former by putting on an innocent and obedient act while doing whatever he wants behind the scenes, and the latter by being so shamelessly disobedient and self-serving that it is near impossible to stop them.
After a quick and surface look into why beagles were used for the experiments, some articles mention their docile and compliant nature, the total opposite of Medicine Pocket's personality. The subversion is clear there. Rather than being someone else's guinea pig, Medicine Pocket happily uses their own body as their main playground to test their experiments and research; look at their third item, "Beagle 0-1 Fluid Analysis Apparatus," which quite literally turns their own blood as a weapon, aside from monitoring their vitals. They have voicelines urging Vertin to give them a full dose despite the potential dangers, or noting the effects of another self-inflicted experiment--both their "Sleeves and Hands" and "Clothing and Torso" voicelines respectively.
Rather than assimilating within "proper" lab etiquette and polite society, Medicine Pocket is shamelessly themself above all, doing the things they want to do whenever they want to. There are many ways to read their character; perhaps, because their mother took away their bodily agency, they can now reclaim power over their identity by being as chaotic as a feral puppy or by using their body for self-experimentation. Perhaps they have a special connection with dogs because of the way they were raised and thus actively chose to act like one, since they felt more like family than their own mother, etc etc.
This aspect of reclaiming power over their own body and identity, alongside the way others openly disapprove of them for various different reasons, can be seen within the Beast Afflatus--which focuses on the focus of the individual, one's survival and struggle against traditions or systems that aim to contain them, the power and freedom to choose and carve a way for oneself. It's the struggle of one person against the majority. All of these things can be seen in Medicine Pocket!
Round of extra headcanons I didn't have the energy to fit anywhere else
I like to think Medicine Pocket's hair is white (simply because their eyebrows also seem to be white in art) so the brown parts are dyed specifically to look more like a beagle.
Alongside being intersex and nonbinary, they also couldn't care less about conventional romantic relationships--while uninterested in sexual relationships overall, I can see them having meaningless one-night stands for research specifically. They're shameless and very open about it. The only type of serious commitment I can see them having are QRPs, but their partners get bullied even harder by them so no one is sure if this is a good thing or not.
Medicine Pocket has one voiceline which states that they do even more fucked up experiments in the suitcase; I like to think they're the equivalent of the ThoughtEmporium over on Youtube, doing things like getting rid of their own lactose intolerance, creating meat grapes and such.
They just happen to be allergic to most things that dogs are allergic to. In the same vein, they bark but it sounds nowhere close like a proper dog's bark and everyone thinks its sort of cringe, but saying this out loud within their vicinity will only earn you One Huge Fucking Chomp from them.
Unlike Pavia, who does not quite keep track of the names of the wolfpack, Medicine Pocket can tell apart every single dog they meet, no matter how identical or how long it's been since they last saw them. They have a lot of knowledge on how to care for animals from their childhood, and often bring back all sorts of dogs; from rescues to literally stealing someone else's dog just be cause they thought its owner was being a shithead. It's usually a problem, because they often just sneak them into their office without telling anyone and suddenly it's Barbie's Great Puppy Chase Adventure in Laplace.
I also like to think that the dogs they're not allowed to truly keep are given away to people Medicine Pocket personally checks and makes sure will be a good fit for the dog.
#reverse: 1999#reverse 1999#revers 1999 medicine pocket#medicine pocket#i dont remember how i used to format most things in this blog#its been a WHILE#but rambling abt medpoc was very fun!#I HAVENT FORGOTTEN ABOUT JOE DIVORCE PART 2 DONT WORRY
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newest member of the seven (4/6)
summary: you kick ass and get your ass kicked. copying hughie’s temp v powers = oops we’re naked!
warnings: it’s a “The Boys” fanfic… blood, gore, swearing, nudity, etc. Intended for 18+ ONLY, this chapter contains mild smut. ALSO i write for myself and am low key new to writing so lower all expectations. <3
before you read: this story is written in second person, she/her pronouns are used, reader has female genitalia and identifies as female. the character is never referred to by name , but is a supe called “Replicate”, she has power-copying abilities.
You work you way down to the groups and stare up at them, almost in awe of your work. Excalibur is stabbing at the field, but making no progress. The group is kicking, shooting, and stabbing the field trying to get out.
“Calm down! I just wa-“ You feel a nude body grab you and slam you to the ground, bashing your head. You groan, looking up you see you’ve released both force fields, they all began to stand, ready to attack. “Shit…”, you put your arms over your head and form a small dome around yourself. There is a relentless assault on it from outside. You wipe blood from your head and take in a deep breath. Focus. You slowly begin to stand, increasing the force field’s size as you do. It pushes back the onslaught, allowing you to scan your surroundings. You see your previous attacker, the tall guy from before. He’s putting his shirt on over his head and hurriedly trying to button his pants. So he can teleport himself, but not his clothes..? You shake away the curiosity and prepare to force everyone off so you can capture them again. With a quick motion upwards you expand the force field rapidly, throwing everyone into the walls. You push your arms out, pinning everyone else to the wall as you make your way towards the teleporter.
Before you can reach them a strong burst of light slams into your chest, sending you flying back into a dumpster. You land on your side and look up. Starlight lands and hurries to the teleporter. Is she… comforting him? You blink, hard. THAT FUCKING BITCH. As you begin go rise, Maeve appears, looking around frantically.
“What happened here?” She asks Butcher.
“Oh fuck no, is this a fuckin’ sting operation? You’re not getting me fucking arrested!” Excalibur begins to form his arms into two giant blades.
Maeve, Starlight, and a short, black-haired girl all take a fighting stance. He unleashes a flurry of attacks, Maeve blocks every hit and you notice Starlight starting to glow. You also notice that you are fucking sore. Still, you make your way towards the group, preparing your force fields into small circular disks. Just as you’re about to throw your first disc — you’re slammed to the ground. The black-haired girl grabs a fist full of your hair and raises you up. You push a hand against her face and copy her power. With the element of surprise on your side, you manage to launch her towards her group.
“KIMIKO!” you hear the frenchman cry out. He begins firing his gun at you, the bullets hitting you barely sting. You start your way towards him before you’re pinned to a wall, you go to shove your attacker off you — it’s Maeve.
Your eyes widen, “Maeve…” you say in disbelief. Her metal bracer pressed firm against your neck, slowly cutting off air. “Maeve, it’s me!” You grab onto her arm, you know you could force her off, but your body feels like jelly. She stares through you, you reach for her hand and squeeze. Suddenly she release her grip and you collapse on the ground. You stare up at her, unintentionally recreating the moment you had the other night. You notice a blade start to come down above her, you shove her out of the way. The blade pierces through your midsection, pinning you to the wall. Maeve staggers, staring down at your limp body. Starlight blasts Excalibur back and you awake. You snap his bladed arm off from his body and throw it to the ground. He screams in agony, pulling back what’s left of his arm. You use the wall to help you up, still clutching your torso — which thankfully has started to heal itself. You try to move towards Excalibur but stumble to the ground, writhing on your hands and knees you attempt to stand again. Maeve moves toward you.
“Oi’ Maeve! Leave the bird to die, we’ve got bigger problems.” Butcher chides, his eyes glowing red. He laser beams Excalibur’s other arm off, leaving him with two bleeding stumps where the gigantic blades used to be. The teleporter, who you’ve now discerned is ‘Hughie’, runs past you towards Starlight and Excalibur. You grab his arm as he does, fully pulling yourself up and copying his powers all in one move. I am getting the fuck out of here.
You cough up a lot of blood, but the gaping wound in your center was closed. Thank you rapid healing. You steady yourself and focus on your room, trying to teleport back. You glare at Maeve, wary of her next action. She stands there, eyes wide as she stares back, you notice her hands are shaking.
“MAEVE! LOOK OUT!” Starlight yells. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Excalibur has formed blades out of his tongue, and all 10 toes. Gross. They are flying towards Maeve, you close your eyes and lunge towards her. Thinking you’re attacking, she lunges back. When you open your eyes, you’re lying in your bed. You want to let out a sigh of relief but can’t. Maeve is on top of you, knees on either side of your stomach, her hand is wrapped around your throat.
She releases you instantly, you gasp for air, still clinging onto her arm. It has taken you this long to realize you are both fully naked. Your face is on fire, you can feel how red you are. You let out a small whimper. Holy shit.
In the warm bedroom light, you finally see how bruised and beaten you both are. Your teleportation saved you both from the brunt of Excalibur’s attack, but you still suffered wounds. She has a slash on her cheek, which dripped onto your bare collarbone. You’re too focused on her to feel any pain from your numerous wounds. Your vision darts down, she’s straddling your torso, strong legs on either side, and her — your eyes dart up to her chest, then back to her face. She finally notices the lack of clothing, or atleast finally decides to acknowledge it.
“Fuck..” She breathes, staring down at your breasts, her vision lingers there for a while before darting back up to you.
Fuck it.
You lift yourself up and pull her into a desperate kiss. You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a breathy whimper as she kisses you back. Her lips are soft, softer than you expected. She kisses you hungerly, grabbing your face, pulling you closer to her until you’re both on your knees in front of each other. Every moan you hear from her makes you melt, she works her hands down your body and reaches the newly made scar across your stomach. She pulls away from the kiss and presses her forehead against yours.
“You’re so stupid…” she keeps her hand on your scar and moves the other hand up to the back of your head, gently caressing it.
You roll your eyes, “Well, my stupid ass saved yours. Twice.” You press your lips back against hers.
Eventually, you both end up laying against each other, legs entangled. You stroke her cheek and she traces circles on your thigh.
“I thought you died.” Maeve pulls you closer to her, your face rests near her neck. She brings her hand back to the scar, dried blood covers your stomach down. “You looked dead.” You hear the shakiness in her voice.
You nuzzle into her, “Nah, I’ll never die.” You rest your hand on her cheek, “Sorry I wasn’t faster.” She lets out a small laugh, more-so blows air out of her nose.
“What’re you gonna do?” she asks warily, “Now that you know.” You reach down and grab her hand, pulling it to your lips.
“I’m going to trust you.” You kiss her hand, “I don’t know what your plans are, but I’ll make sure Homelander is none the wiser.” You sigh, “Call Starlight, I’ll grab you some clothes.” As you stand she grabs your wrist and stares up at you.
“Thank you.” she says and gives you a soft smile.
You dig through your closet for some oversized t-shirts. Maeve comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist, her breasts are pressed against your back. Your face blasts red again, Maeve notices this in the closet mirror, she presses a few kisses against your neck, “Don’t you think you should shower first? No offense, but you’re filthy.” she suggests, picking a piece of gravel out of your hair.
You bite your bottom lip to fight your embarrassment, “I uh.. kind of broke that thing.” You turn and look up at her, she lets out a soft chuckle.
“God, you’re hopeless — good thing you’re pretty.” She jokes and tucks a strand of hair behind your ears, “We can use mine, cmon.”
You squeal internally, handing her a shirt as you pull your own over your head. You sneak out into the hall and head to her floor.
#nmots#starlight the boys#the boys fanfic#the boys#queen maeve#queen maeve x oc#queen maeve x reader#queen maeve smut#the boys smut#smut#wlw#wlw fic#wlw smut
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i have come to realize over the past few days that a lot of bad transfeminist takes on this website are percolating in spaces where it's presumed the transfem experience is one of either attempting to be recognized as a woman socially, or wanting to be recognized as a woman socially but not attempting (with an unspoken "yet" attached), and suddenly everything coming out of those spaces about transmisogyny makes sense.
transmisogyny never applies to men because if you're a woman, you know it already. or if it does apply to men, it always benefits them, because someone who looks like a man and occupies the social role of man could never actually be a woman, at least until they start trying to occupy the social role of woman. if a woman is closeted, she'll come out eventually. people who don't chemically or surgically transition and continue to use he/him are selfishly benefiting from transmisogyny, and don't want to come out because they benefit too much from enacting violence on trans women. transfems are always treated as failed women, and never as failed men, because being transfem means trying to be recognized as a woman. nobody could ever see a real transfem as a man, only men are seen as men, and transfems do things like use she/her and wear women's clothes and go on estrogen, which means everyone knows they're transfem. transfems who are men aren't a part of this conversation. tma people who aren't women don't exist because transmisogyny comes from being perceived as a woman.
and it's like. well. i certainly know lots of people who would directly contest & cleanly disprove your presumptions here (i mean. myself being one of them, even though i do present femme full-time!), but you'll never get the chance to have your worldview shifted, because you've made your social spaces profoundly unfriendly to them!
even if you've already made an effort to decouple transmedicalism from your theory, you still have to make an effort to actually engage with & understand the material experiences of people who don't align with current narratives about transition at all. transfems who use all pronouns and grow massive beards while on e and never legally change their names or gender markers. transneutral and transandrogynous tma people. trans women who refer to themselves as women but do not want to chemically or surgically transition or publicly use pronouns other than he/him, ever. full-time female impersonators who solely use she/her and chemically and surgically transition, but still identify as men. and you have to really engage with what we say about transmisogyny, as in, listen in good faith and understand what we're expressing about its functions in our daily lives!
or you could circlejerk forever about how being a woman is the be-all-end-all of experiencing transmisogyny and personal identification is one and the same as material conditions of privilege, to the point that personal identification automatically prescribes material privilege. and shut out a solid chunk of tma people from your gender theory permanently and irrevocably. and implicitly call a solid chunk of tma people liars for talking about daily life experiences. that's cool too, definitely won't have any negative consequences for trans community and trans spaces in the broader world or anything.
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An easy explanation on why Yamato is a man.
Let's start with this. Most people say that in Vivre Card it says that Yamato is a female as you can see on the picture. Certainly Yamato is a female.
Unfortunately for YOU, who a female is not a gender identity. It is sex. Let's explain first the difference between sex and gender. Sex is an assigned female or male at birth, this means having female or male reproductive organs. Female is an uterus and male is a penis. While gender indentity is how you FEEL about yourself. As a female you can identify as a man, masc or anything you want to. Anything how you feel like.
But then let's say that's not how it works. Vivre Card is still nor made by the author of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda.

And as we can remember many Vivre Cards were wrong a lot of times. Let's even take Yamato's Vivre Card. He has Observation, Armament and Conqueror's Haki, right? Well in Vivre Card it says he has only the first two. So it's not a good argument to use against Yamato being a man.
"But Yamato just calls herself Oden"
Yes, he does. But didn't you know what was One Piece about? It was about freedom and being themselves. Yamato quits calling himself Oden at the end of Wano arc, yet still everybody call him a man. If Yamato was only acting there would be a wholesome scene with Luffy and Yamato, probably Yamato crying, calling himself a woman and saying "I'M YAMATO, NOT ODEN!"
But it did not happen. Yamato still calls himself a man. Luffy calls him "Yama-o", which basically means "Yama-bro". (Also this is super cute, cause "yama" means a "mountain" in Japanese and considering Yamato is like two times taller than Luffy it makes sense and makes it cute ❤️)
"But she still has boobs"
Mind you that not all transgender people have to feel gender dysphoria. Also how was he supposed to get a top surgery? He was locked for 20 years in a country without such surgeries and it was war, then right after war he was injured, it's not a surgery to make, when someone is injured, definitely not. It's a shock to the person they're flat and it's kinda long process and all the testosterone. I doubt there is something like testosterone for transgender people in One Piece, but if there is... still HOW in a country like this being locked for 20 years?
Anyways. I have so much more reasons, why you are transphobic if you call Yamato a girl.
But I'll stick to few more

Here Yamato said "Kozuki Oden was a man, right? So I became a man too!!". Many transgenders (idk can I call us transgenders?It sounds cool, like superheroes) understood their identity, just because they liked someone and wanted to be like them.
Transgender identity is an aumbrella. Imagine it like this: There's a really big umbrella, there's said it's a transgender umbrella. Under the umbrella there are many other smaller umbrellas. One of non-binaries, one of trans masc/fems, one of trans men/women etc. Because transgender is every identity that is not identifying and using pronouns to your assigned at birth gender. Which Yamato does not. Yamato might be a female and even a girl. But if he uses he/him pronouns (which he does) is still under the transgender umbrella. Which makes it transphobic if someone doesn't use his preffered pronouns.
Yes, you are transphobic, be proud of yourself 😘
But if you knew this one... Then what are you doing reading/watching One Piece? You clearly didn't understand the point of it and that loved by everyone Bon Clay is also queer (LGBTQ+ term used for someone who is LGBTQ+)
Bon Clay doesn't have a partner in Baroque Works, because they identify as both woman and man (this is to make you understand better, because they identifies as genderqueer which has no real explanation, it's an identity that you feel yourself and people can't tell you how you feel).
Ivankow is genderfluid, which is an identity, where your gender varies from moment to moment.
Even Kaido calls Yamato his son.
Baroque Works says queer rights ✅️
Revolutionary says queer rights ✅️
Kaido says trans rights ✅️
Also if you read/watch One Piece and think that you are on Luffy's side, while you are racist/trasphobic/homophobic/judging/etc.
Then you are not on Luffy's side. In fact you are exactly like the World Government and should read/watch One Piece with your eyes open. This is about freedom, happiness, equal rights and All the good things. One Piece is not about the imaginary world. It's the same as our world. There exist hate, which is the World Government. Luffy is freedom and happiness. Revolutionaries are equal rights and freedom.
Never call yourselves One Piece fans again pls.
If my English was in any way no good, go ahead and tell me, it's not my first laungage
I'm literally Yamato irl.

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been learning about radical feminism in the past year and i have completely reevaluated my beliefs about gender ideology. now im just so stuck on the idea of, how can identifying as another gender not be fundamentally regressive, sexist, and upholding gender norms? how can men just identify out of oppression? but now idk what to do holding these beliefs because truly all my friends would have serious issues with me if i were ever to voice this. in fact, i have close friends who are trans, and there are many trans people in my wider social circle (one of whom specifically made me so uncomfortable in a "female" space that it contributed to me unlearning my previous beliefs abt gender ideology). i attend a super liberal university where in a recent english class my professor even made a comment about jk rowling being an evil terf now.
i feel like i'm walking around with a dirty secret. i feel like i can't discuss these ideas with anyone irl, not even my girlfriend. it would fundamentally change her view of me as she as an incredibly vocal trans ally. i could see her breaking up with me for these beliefs; i could see many friends distancing themselves from me. i'm just wondering how you navigate a social world like this with radfem beliefs ahhhh
i feel you on the “dirty secret” aspect! i can try to give some advice since i’m in a very similar situation (minus the fact i live in a conservative area.)
due to my appearance (i’m visibly gay) i usually only attract TRA & ‘queer’ types to me. my friends are all TRA or some variant of “genderqueer.” i only have one friend ive been able to confide my beliefs to, and she’s more a closet conservative type so we really only agree on trans issues. I will say, if you can find even one person that you can speak freely with it’ll be a huge weight off your chest. Whenever I see this one friend we both just ramble because we can finally talk about shit that we can’t comfortably talk about with anyone else.
the way i’ve gone about managing my friendships with TRAs is to simply never bring up trans (or controversial radfem) topics. i avoid it like the plague, will change topic, and if directly questioned on something i will play the dumb and innocent role, aka just pretending to not understand but intend as coming from a good place. you should evaluate which of your friendships putting up this facade will be worth it, because it gets exhausting fast. i have some trans friends, but they’re all the “genderfluid/nonbinary AFAB who goes by any pronouns” type who present extremely feminine at all times, never even push the boundaries of gender expression honestly which is funny. (literally theyfabs lol) They dont care that i always use she/her and they honestly never bring up gender stuff with me. these type of girls aren’t too bad to be around as i feel they’re not as far gone as some TIPs are who actually take the steps to transition, etc. Being around a hardcore TIF or TIM might be a more difficult friendship to maintain.
Regarding your significant other, you should consider if this is a breaking point in your relationship. For me it’s not since my gf was generally uninformed about trans issues like the dangers of males in womens prisons, unfairness in sports, why oppressed is sex based and not gender based, etc. We’ve had discussions about this, where i explained my reasoning for being against these issues & she actually ended up agreeing after I showed her the facts. She’s still ‘pro-trans’ but is much more reasonable about it & thinks majority trans people just wanna live their life (which who can argue with that!) If this type of open conversation isn’t something you think could be achievable with your gf, you guys might just not be compatible.
It sounds like you live in a very liberal area & so my advice to you would be to see if there’s any radical feminist organizations near you. I think finding other people who think the same as you will help you feel less guilty. It’ll probably be hard since most radfems are secretive about their beliefs (for obvious reasons lol) but i’m sure you’ll find someone eventually.
#rad fem#radical feminism#radblr#female separatism#terfblr#terfsafe#gender critical#radical feminist safe#radical feminists do interact#radical lesbian
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Do you know this (implied) gender fluid character?

so it's hard to classify this as headcanon/implied/canon because it's kinda all three at once? When translated into English, the pronouns used for Wansarat are translated to she/her, but I know that pronouns and gender indicators in Thai are a bit more complex/nuanced than how that works in English but unfortunately I don't speak Thai so I can't say for certain how she's referred to in canon. But I do know that she's referred to as a "nagini" which is a female naga and also referred to as "sister" by her sister so at the very least feminine terms are used for her. BUT there's also a bit in the current day when one of the characters is having this dream about Wansarat, there's a line of dialogue that goes "there was once a naga who disguised itself as a man" regarding Wansarat which goes into the next thing which is Wansarat has two main forms we see her in: a human form and a more naga but still human presenting form. The human form is played by a man while the naga/human combo form is played by a woman. Even in the human man form, her hair, clothes, and accessories are more feminine in style and aren't what men at the time would wear. But then her later reincarnation is a cis man who looks like her male human form. These two different forms are said to be one in the same, and even when she's now Tharn, a cis man, he's still Wansarat (referred to directly as Wansarat at one point) and still called "sister" by Wansarat's sister, but is still seen as fully a man. There's a part where the love interest draws the more feminine version of Wansarat (that he sees in his dreams) and then draws modern day Tharn (Wansarat's reincarnation) and people think it's the exact same person. Like the two pictures look like twins to them and they can't tell any difference between them, other than one is a girl and the other is a boy (though when looking at the picture of him, they remark that he's as pretty as a girl) It's also worth noting that in the current day, anytime the love interest encounters Wansarat in his dreams (and the one time he had a vision of her), it is always the most feminine version, which would suggest that she still holds some identity to that form Anyways all of these different forms and gender presentations are all still one person and are treated as one person in canon. Wansarat is Tharn 100%, though Tharn seems to exclusively identify as male, Wansarat has less clear identification The prevailing headcanon is that he's a trans man, a view that I love and indulge in frequently, but I think the genderfluidity of Wansarat/Tharn is an avenue worth exploring and has strong roots in canon
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Hey there! Seriously, I don't want to offend and aggression isn't my intent. But as a TIRF, what do you believe makes someone a woman? I'm trying to understand the trans ideology. Is it about identifying with a body or a set of behaviors? Unless TIRF means something else. Still kinda new to radblr lmfao!
ding ding ding, the million dollars question!
so, for cis/non-trans/bio women, obviously for us, the words "girl" and "woman" are used on us as nouns to mean female humans. our womanhood is just our femaleness, us being ofab (observed female at birth) and just existing as female people. some of us still have some form of dysphoria, and so might use they/them or she/they pronouns for example and identify as nonbinary women, bigender, etc but still be fine with people calling them girls/women to refer to their sex. they just may want ppl to also acknowledge their dysphoric side in some way, and refer to them a certain way. but, yeah, for non-dysphoric female/ofab people, femaleness is our womanhood and girlhood. this is one of the most controversial statements for a feminist to make these days, of course, but things are way more complex than some terf-identified (even ironically identified) people portray them as. especially with transition now being an option.
for trans women, for omab people who identify as women, womanhood is about immigrating into an approximate experience to cis/bio women and/or other trans women. i say "and/or" because for some, they actually embrace their transfem womanhood being different than cis/bio womanhood, and they find pride in it (at times too much pride, ofc, and they can say misogynistic/creepy shit to cis/bio women that we've all seen on radblr). they are defining a new form of womanhood, with it being an androgynous experience for an omab person to have; they are more likely to feel kinship with drag queens and still feel a connection to non-transfem gnc omab people. i believe this may be the healthiest way for a trans person to identify and live as the opposite sex (or attempt to live as, or live as with loved ones and in trans-friendly spaces while perhaps not being seen as such in public by random strangers, which ofc is a different experience than someone who is actually viewed by default as such, both female-passing transfemmes and cis/bio women & transmasc people). they view transfem womanhood with gnc tenderness, and actually recognize in some way their sex, though they don't phrase it as that ofc. i find it also in some transmasc people who embrace not being cis men, and find even feminist joy in that being the case.
meanwhile, there's another category: the transfem women who demand that transfem womanhood be considered exactly in the same category in all aspects of cis/bio womanhood. they may tolerate some transfemmes saying otherwise with pride, but if any ofab person says otherwise, or defines their own womanhood as in any way being linked to their sex, they will pick up pitchforks and demand that ofab allies do the same (often ofab allies fight even harder than transfemmes do). those transfem women often have more debilitating dysphoria, but the way that they treat us is still unacceptable and anti-feminist. they often guilt trans men for having any kind of kinship with women, or identifying as lesbian on the basis of being exclusively same-sex attracted, aka ofab4ofab. they can do so if they partially identify as women, but if they live as trans men yet still view themselves as related to cis/bio women on the basis of their sex, they get viciously rejected by the mainstream lgbtq community as transmisogynists. binary trans women are also often, to a lesser degree in my experience, not allowed to call themselves femboys or relate to gay male culture too much; it makes trans men and fellow trans women dysphoric.
i've mostly seen the worst cases be faced by ofab people though, for pretty obvious anti-ofab misogynistic reasons. when someone is socialized as an ofab person to be sweet, excessively polite, and bow down to anyone from a young age, it shocks people when they say, "no, actually, i'm both a trans man and a female person and i'm okay with that, i feel kinship with cis/bio women and other transmasc people, and we still have things in common that i'm not ashamed of. i still want lesbian community." the mainstream lgbtq community doesn't know what to do with those people, so they get really, really angry. for a community that claims to accept the wide diversity of identities and sexualities and expressions they sure put fellow trans people and cis/bio women in tight boxes. they don't realize that they're reinforcing the patriarchy by not allowing ofab people to have class consciousness and get to bond over their shared unique oppression. they view it as an attack, as us saying that trans women do not face oppression, or that they're lesser women for having a transfem womanhood unlike cis/bio womanhood. they don't want cis/bio women to get to define their own womanhood bc it makes them feel left out. which doesn't actually help them or their dysphoria, bc it just alienates them further from normie cis/bio women, and makes them look totally unhinged to normies.
there is cis/bio womanhood, transmasc womanhood, and transfem womanhood, and while these experiences can have many overlaps, especially if the person's transfem womanhood involves passing as female and facing anti-ofab misogyny (conditionally, which ofc turns into anti-transfem bigotry if their sex is ever found out - smth that obviously isn't easy either, for the tra knee-jerkers reading this).
tirf means being inclusive of everyone who faces tangible misogyny, loving gnc people of all kinds, and being willing to offer accommodations to transmasc people and misogyny-affected transfemmes and hear them out on their unique experiences under the heteropatriarchy. it means placing those who face tangible misogyny at the very forefront of things, but also having deep love for gnc people and wanting to fight against gncphobia, including actual cases of transphobia, which helps us all fight against the patriarchy. we are critical of the affirmation-only model with transition, and many of us are detrans or are trans people for whom transition did not help. many of us are also trans themselves, and have faced horrific misogyny in childhood so they refuse to allow normie tras to brush off their trauma and their oppression, even if those trans tirfs are happily post-transition themselves. tirfism is about building bridges between patriarchally oppressed communities. all the infighting is just a distraction, and only cis/bio men benefit from it. to do so, we need to confront issues and actually play the role of the often hated mediators. tirfs fall under nuancefem, but it's specifically a form of activism that interacts with tras and radfems a lot, since the tensions are so high and harm keeps happening on both sides. many of us have been traumatized by anti-ofab and anti-homosexual (as in the technical term, exclusive ofab4ofab & omab4omab) bigotry in the movement. we are not, as many radfems claim, normie libfems. mainstream tras think we're the fucking devil.
not all radfems need to do our form of activism. many of us if not most don't do tirf activism 100% of the time. but tirf activism often includes reaching out to brainwashed ofab people to make them feel heard, and welcoming transfem allies who show real allyship with ofab people. many tras will ONLY listen to transfem voices, so transfem allies actually matters a whole lot in tirf activism; we also wanna hear their stories so we can learn all aspects of patriarchal oppression and actually dismantle the patriarchy once and for all. and, finally, we interact a lot with normie cis/bio women who are not in radfem or tra spaces and have really interesting outsider perspectives on it all. they often tend to have trans friends or have positive views of trans people while also feeling secure in knowing they face sex-based oppression, so they often already are tirf-leaning without even knowing it and felt a bit lost, not agreeing with the 100% transfem-exclusive and anti-transition normie radfem view but also not agreeing with typical tra views either. tirfism is a way for us to reconcile that, and it can be really cathartic for those of us who already do gnc & trans activism, or used to have dysphoria. it's a way for us to merge that with our feminism.
some radfems loooove to say we're not real radfems, and that's fine, but you can't deny that tirfs are peaking normie tras in a specific way that the more terfy fems haven't done so far. we're really helping traumatized ofab/female people, and we're empowering transfem people to speak up on behalf of ofab rights. we're a bunch of weirdos hated by both sides, but we're just happily doing our own thing :]
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I feel really dumb for not realizing I'm trans until early this year, as I had been questioning if I was trans or just wanted to be a femboy ever since I drew this piece of my fursona in a maid outfit in 2020. It feels so obvious in hindsight, especially because of how many feelings that one piece of art awoke in me. I did have some trans friends at the time but it wasn't until I got to hang out with a lot of them and they were open about what transitioning was like. I think finding out that having both breasts and a d*ck was pretty normal for transfems also definitely helped a lot.
Some signs that I was definitely trans and not just wanting to be a femboy:
Discovering that I want my name to be Sunny as soon as I came up with that name for my fursona, and feeling really euphoric when others started calling me that name (and feeling weird, annoyed, etc. when others deadnamed me)
Feeling happy and euphoric from seeing my fursona as a woman, and experiencing those same feelings from imagining myself as one
Having my fursona be a shapeshifter only because I wanted her to be able to change her sex freely, only to mainly have her remain in feminine form, and then I stopped being a shapeshifter because I ended up sticking to my current form (having both breasts and a d*ck). A friend told me that my fursona was a "gynomorph" and I used that term for the longest time till I found out this year it's an objectifying term and saying "transfem" is better.
Drawing my fursona in various feminine outfits instead of slutty outfits/thigh highs that femboy furries tend to be drawn in (not a problem with that, btw)
Going by she/her pronouns for a week and stopping, not because it didn't feel right, but because I felt like I was being fake for trying to identify as a girl when my body didn't match. I even vented about it in one of my vent doodles:
Feeling extremely euphoric when I put on a feminine outfit I got at a Hot Topic that consisted of a white T-shirt, green overalls/skirt, and white stockings (I think that's the only time I got horny from wearing clothing as well)
Feeling dysphoric with all of my body hair but not having the mental energy to continuously shave it, and none of the femboys I talked with had that problem. I even got several electric shavers thinking that would help but it didn't suddenly give me the mental energy to make myself look better.
Feeling euphoric whenever I got around to shaving my face and being able to feel my face's smooth skin.
I quickly stopped having others call me "master" during hypnosis sessions and switched to "mistress", then eventually "goddess", and I felt very euphoric when called that.
Often describing myself as motherly and feeling euphoric whenever someone would call me "mom/mommy". It also just felt good to be nurturing and caring towards others.
Thinking about taking HRT semi-frequently but being afraid that because I didn't want to get rid of my dick, it would involve a lot of health complications (I didn't have much transfem friends at the time and I didn't really ask them much about HRT and transitioning, especially since one didn't want to talk about the fact that she was trans), and so I would just push it out of my mind.
Eventually I started going by she/her/he/him pronouns but I only went with he/him pronouns out of a sort of obligation, to not confuse any friends who were used to referring to me as he/him. Then I felt good when others used she/her and it felt weird when others used he/him. (This was close to the time I realized I was trans lol)
There were probably some other things too that I can't remember right now. But yeah, I can't get over I was still considering if I wanted to be a femboy with all of this stuff. I think it was the fact that I thought you had to feel like you are female and are in the wrong body (and probably had to feel more dysphoria than what I was feeling) to be transfem, whereas I wasn't super uncomfortable with my body but I really wanted to have the body my fursona has and felt euphoric whenever I got a little closer. I think hanging out with so many trans friends now broke that illusion for me, as I got to know what their bodies were like (which helped me realize that the body type I want is transfem and also isn't going to put me in a medically dangerous place), as well as the mental struggles they went through that I shared, and I'm really glad for that. It explained the big depression spike I went through in 2021 and 2022 (and am still somewhat going through) after discovering I'm possibly trans right before I moved out of my mom's place. Now I just need to actually work on getting HRT...
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Canada, WTF? Part I
By Reduxx Team November 13, 2024
The trial of a man charged with murdering his wife and two young sons has begun this week, with the accused now claiming to identify as transgender. Mohamad Al Ballouz, 38, is charged with the second-degree murder of his wife, Synthia Bussières, and the first-degree murders of their two sons, aged just 5 and 2 years old. Ballouz has now adopted the name Levana Ballouz, and has been referred to as a “woman” by Canadian press.
In September of 2022, firefighters attended Ballouz’ 12th floor condo in Brossard, Quebec in response to an apparent house fire. Inside, they found Synthia Bussières, her body riddled with stab wounds, laying on a bed next to her two children. Ballouz had lodged himself between Bussiéres and the children, and a small bonfire of household items had been lit next to the mattress.

Synthia Bussières and her two children.
All four were rushed to the hospital, but Bussières and her children died. Ballouz, who was also injured, had reportedly consumed dishwashing liquid in an apparent suicide attempt, but he was placed under arrest after being treated. Ballouz has no previous criminal history.
While the details of the case, including any potential motive, are still unclear, Bussières’ mother has come forward to reveal that her daughter appeared increasingly troubled in the two years leading up to the murder.
“She had been with this man for 12 years, but in the last two years, she had changed. I didn’t recognize her anymore,” Sylvie Guertin told Les 2 Rives in September of 2023. She also said that she had seen Bussières in the weeks before her death, and had observed that her daughter looked frail.
“In August [of 2022], I saw that something was wrong, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to look like the mother who gets involved in something that doesn’t concern her,” Guertin said. “I thought she had lost weight.”
Ballouz’s trial began on Monday, but during the proceedings it was learned that he now identifies as a “woman” named Levana Ballouz. During his hearings, he appeared in court wearing a blonde, curly wig and nail polish. He is reportedly representing himself after firing his two criminal defense lawyers, both of whom were considered to be among the best in Quebec.
According to CBC, the prosecution had to “warn” the jury that several witnesses would refer to Ballouz as a man to preempt any concerns about “disrespect.” Prior to the start of the trial, no previous news coverage had documented that Ballouz was expressing a change in his self-perceived “gender identity,” suggesting his claim of being transgender was extremely recent.
Canadian media outlets are respecting Ballouz’ new identity, with multiple articles covering the trial referring to Ballouz as a “woman” or by using feminine pronouns.
While the trial is expected to last at least 10 more weeks, if Ballouz is found guilty and criminally responsible, he would be entitled to request housing in a women’s prison.
Largely due to the efforts of the governing Liberal Party under Justin Trudeau, the category of “gender identity” was made a protected characteristic after it was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act via a controversial piece of legislation known as Bill C-16. The amendments granted men access to single-sex female spaces like washrooms, changing rooms, prisons, and rape shelters on the basis of their identity.
While the Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, it has refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings. In 2020, a copy of the assessment was given to journalist Anna Slatz via an Access To Information Request but was 96% redacted.
Since Bill C-16 was enacted in 2017, a number of violent and sexually depraved male inmates have been transferred to women’s prisons across Canada.
As previously reported by Reduxx, one egregious example includes a trans-identified male who raped an infant before being transferred to a women’s prison.
Tara Desousa, also known as Adam Laboucan, sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia in 1997. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery. After declaring a transgender status, Desousa was transferred to the Fraser Valley Institution for Women, where he is one of multiple trans-identified males with a history of sexual violence at the facility. Desousa is designated a “dangerous offender” and is considered such a risk to public safety that he is serving an indeterminate prison sentence.
#Canada#Levana Ballouz is Mohamad Al Ballouz#Rest In Peace Synthia Bussières#Rest In Peace the two children of Synthia Bussières#Quebec#Brossard#Not a Woman#NotOurCrimes#KeepPrisonsSingleSex#Canadian Human Rights Act#Bill C-16
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Headcanons: Being the Fourth First Year at Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
a/n: coming back strong with a fun little post- i'm a manga reader so i need some joy in this media!
Synopsis: what it's like being one of the first years in Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
Content Warning: none, really! some swearing and canon typical violence- nothing descriptive
gender neutral! reader
Thank you @saradika for this great divider!
Meeting Them:
✿𝅼 - You had a later start to the year, arriving just a few days after Nobara
✿𝅼 - Whether you had previous knowledge of the Jujutsu world or not didn't matter- you were definitely not prepared for the chaos you stepped into
✿𝅼 - A tall guy in a blind fold- who you later found out was your teacher and the strongest sorcerer, Satoru Gojo- was happily waving you over
✿𝅼 - That alone wouldn't bother you, if it wasn't for the black-haired boy he was holding by the collar. The kid looked tired and about ready to go home
✿𝅼 - Gojo welcomed you and introduced you to the boy he was holding as Megumi, telling you to not mind his "gloomy attitude"
✿𝅼 - It was going great, Gojo was recommending all kinds of cafes and bakeries near by. Megumi was checking his phone, offering quick responses when needed
✿𝅼 - The calm was broken by loud bickering. When you looked over Gojo's shoulder (which was kind of hard with his height) you watched an angry girl stomp her way over. The closer she got the better you could see that she was knocking her fist against a pink-haired guy's head- something about letting her shopping bags drag on the ground
✿𝅼 - The guy was yelling back at a lower volume, trying to stop her from hitting him more. It was a strange site, but what really stuck out to you was the tell-tale buttons on their uniforms
✿𝅼 - These maniacs were going to be your new classmates
✿𝅼 - After the initial meetings and getting settled into your new room, you were sent out on your first mission. It was just going to be you, so it was nothing more than a few grade fours- maybe grade three at worst
✿𝅼 - The location was an abandoned lake on the country side, and to make sure all went well the other first years tagged along
✿𝅼 - Nobara wasn't happy to be stuck in some swamp and made sure everyone was aware; Yuji had wondered off a few times when he saw cool looking bugs and frogs; Megumi, thankfully, was a big help and guided you on what to expect
✿𝅼 - At some point you broke off from the group, following the trail of cursed energy to the other side of the lake. It was a good distance, and with a sudden fog that rolled in you were basically on your own
✿𝅼 - Unsurprisingly, things didn't go as planned and somehow a semi-grade 2 curse had snuck its way into the area
✿𝅼 - Of course, you're a boss and handled yourself. When you made your way back over, exhausted and beat-up, Yuji and Megumi ran to help you- Nobara called in Ijichi to come pick you all up as she pulled bandages from her bag
✿𝅼 - While the bruises and cuts stung, it was a very good bonding experience! Nobara's bandages were really cute (she let you pick which color and design to make you feel better), and Yuji carried you everywhere for the rest of the day
✿𝅼 - Thank god for Megumi, he was the one talking to Shoko, getting you water, and checking in on you
✿𝅼 - They were all still chaotic, sharing one brain cell when they were together- but they were your idiots who made you feel like family
General HC:
✿𝅼 - If you identify as female/ use she/her/they pronouns, expect Nobara to kind of kidnap you a lot. She's a girl's girl and will back you up constantly, taking you shopping with her and building up your confidence.
✿𝅼 - Continuing the previous head canon, she will drag you away from Megumi and Yuji if they're annoying her while saying something like "y/n and I are leaving before you infect us with your stupid"
✿𝅼 - If you identify as male/ use he/him/they, Yuji is going to constantly be in your space- this boy has no sense of personal bubbles and you can tell. He's definitely the type to joke around- like he for sure jokingly flirts with you
✿𝅼 - Yuji has said the lines: is it gay to kiss my bro morning, noon, and night? no- it's called being a supportive friend!
✿𝅼 - Doesn't matter what gender you are to Megumi- he just hopes you'll help him wrangle the others in (he is so tired)
✿𝅼 - I don't care if you have the biggest brain in the world, it's useless when you're all together
✿𝅼 - It's so much worse when Gojo's there too- like he feeds into the bullshit
✿𝅼 - like you all would be cleaning out the dorm fridge and Yuji would see a jar that's THREE FULL YEARS EXPIRED and go "bet you guys ten bucks I could eat this and keep it down"
✿𝅼 - You're already pulling out a ten, "I know you're a pit, Yuji, but even this is too much- I'm betting against you"
✿𝅼 - Nobara is slamming down a ten before you can even finish, "Y/N'S RIGHT! THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN HANDLE THAT"
✿𝅼 - Megumi isn't putting any money down, just grumbling and readying a trash can for if Yuji up-chucks
✿𝅼 - Just as Yuji grabs a spoon and is scooping up some of the nasty smelling gunk, Gojo's hand grabs his wrist. None of you are too shocked, your teacher pops in and out whenever he pleases
✿𝅼 - "Now Yuji," Gojo's got a serious expression on as he continues, "I can't let you do this... without giving you some advice!" and he goes right back to being a child "You should eat it in one go so you don't have the chance to regret it!"
✿𝅼 - After letting Yuji go Gojo slides a twenty onto the table, "Double on him keeping it down"
✿𝅼 - Yuji was, in fact, able to keep it down- too bad for you, losing a ten
✿𝅼 - During missions, you all tag along together even if there's only one person assigned. It's great support! Also none of you have gotten horribly injured because of this new system!
✿𝅼 - I feel like at some point you will interact with Sukuna in some way- and that curse does NOT like you
✿𝅼 - To Sukuna, you're not Megumi so that makes you boring. If you happen to have an interesting technique, he'll mess with you a bit if he ever takes control then beat the shit out of you
✿𝅼 - Also, movie nights are a must! Yuji usually doesn't host them after Nobara whacked him over his posters. So you, Megumi, and Nobara switch up who's room is used
✿𝅼 - Yuji always picks the movies and they're always good, somehow they appeal to all of you. Also the amount of snacks is shocking, but they never go to waste!
✿𝅼 - Every movie night you guys fall asleep on each other. Yuji is a literal furnace so all of you end up piling on him when it's cold- or trying to get out of his koala grip during hot nights
wasn't sure how to end this so...
either way i might do this more, writing these were fun!
#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jjk thoughts#jjk sukuna#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#sukuna#jjk yuji#yuji itadori#jjk nobara#nobara kugisaki#jjk megumi#megumi fushiguro#jjk imagines#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk x y/n#jjk x gender neutral reader
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[ID: A swirly background with the nonbinary flag colours - white, yellow, purple and black - as the background to all slides. Text reads; it's Nonbinary Awarensss Week... ...but what is nonbinary? Background by GaboBuasczyck (pinterest).
What is Nonbinary? In its simplest definition, nonbinary just means outside of the male-female gender binary. Some consider it under the umbrella of trans or genderqueer, others say genderqueer is under the nonbinary umbrella! Either way, not *all* nonbinary people will be transgender or genderqueer - it's its own identity!
Queer Gender Experiences. Everybody's experience with being nonbinary differs. Some people are just nonbinary, some may be nonbinary men or women. Nonbinary people can be transgender, transfeminine, transmasculine, transneutral and/or cisgender. Some people identify with multiple labels - like genderqueer, agender, genderfluid and/or demigender.
Nonbinarism & Pronouns. There's a common misconceptions that all nonbinary people use exclusively they/them pronouns. In reality, nonbinary people use an array of different pronouns. Some do use they/them, some use it/its, some use neopronouns such as xe/xem and fae/faer, some use nounself pronouns like bunself or starself and some use she/her and/or he/him. Many use multiple sets! Pronouns are deeply personal, and they give no indication of gender.
Nonbinarism & Sexuality. There are many jokes regarding nonbinary sexuality. Nonbinary sexuality comes in all shapes and sizes! Depending on their relationship with gender, sex and love, nonbinary people might identify as strictly lesbian, gay/vincian or straight, but some may feel more comfortable under labels like sapphic, achillean, toric, trixic, diamoric or enbian. Many nonbinary people also sit under the mspec and aspec umbrellas.
Nonbinarism & Intersexuality. There's a common myth that intersex people are just "cis nonbinary" or that they're proof of nonbinary peoples existance. In reality, intersex isn't even a gender (though some intersex people may use it as their gender label too) and nonbinary people are the proof of nonbinary existance. Some intersex people do still feel most comfortable as cis nonbinary, but this is a personal identity and NOT the definition of intersex.
Nonbinarism & Race. While I can't talk on personal experience, I did want to bring light on the face that race also impacts gender identity. The societal boxes or ideals of manhood and womanhood are usually centred around *white* womanhood and manhood. Some people of colour & indigenous people find the label of nonbinary useful to explain the disconnect with their birth gender due to these ideals.
Nonbinarism & Disability. Similar to the last side, the boxes of womanhood and manhood are often also focused on able-bodied people. This can leave disabled people feeling they don't really fit in the man or woman boxes. So, some disabled people use nonbinary, or nonbinary woman/man to explain this disconnect or to step outside the boxes they've been excluded from.
Don't forget about... hyperfeminine nonbinary people, religious nonbinary people, nonbinary people of colour, cis nonbinary people, lesbian, gay and straight nonbinary people, plural nonbinary people, hypermasculine nonbinary people, disabled nonbinary people, fat nonbinary people, non-dysphoric nonbinary people, indigenous nonbinary people, intersex nonbinary people, nonbinary people living through genocide.
Happy Nonbinary Awareness Week. 8th July - 14th July. End ID]
#from insta#image described#queer posting#rambles#nonbinary#enby#trans#transgender#bipoc#disability#disabled#queer#lgbtqia+#nonbinary awareness week#intersex#actually intersex
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The thing about Steven Moffat is he's definitely a misogynist and he's historically been kind of weird about gay people, but not weird in a way that's particularly hateful. He's done a lot of dumb stuff dumb stuff like saying bisexuals don't need representation because they're "having too much fun" to watch TV or writing Jenny and Vastra as the lesbian couple equivalent of the written by men Strong Female Character. He obviously likes them, they're just kind of two dimensionally cool. His track record writing gay men is a bit worse, but not out of step with the gay jokes that were common at the time, and on Sherlock he had Mark Gatiss who is gay in apparent agreement with him. The thin-fat gay married Anglican marines are comic relief characters who don't have names and it's a bit uncomfortable in retrospect, because it's part of this pattern of "gay women hot and cool, gay men funny and goofy," but it's not exactly mean-spirited. I don't see Steven Moffat opposing gay marriage or anything, he seems like the kind of guy who'd be like "of course gay people should have rights" and then just say a bunch of insensitive or stereotypical things because he's kind of an idiot. There's definitely an air of fetishization to Irene Adler in Sherlock that makes Jenny and Vastra slightly less comfortable for me to watch knowing it's the same writer, but again not to an extent that stands out for that era of television. Thirteen was cheering up her boyfriend on House by telling him about how she had sex with her cheerleader roommate in college. "Positive" representation of gay and bisexual women in the 2000s-early 2010s almost always included a dimension of men thinking it was hot. I think it was easier to give Moffat deserved flack than some of the other writers who equally deserved it because his writing style was so distinctive (and polarizing) that it was very easy to identify his work and it was already getting a lot of fan attention.
My theory about Moffat suddenly being a bit more progressive in public lately, starting with the "it's common courtesy to use the correct pronouns" quote that was a bit ago now, is that things have become so polarized that there isn't really room to be a bare minimum ally who thinks gay people should have rights and doesn't think much beyond that anymore. It appears he's going the "gets more progressive" direction instead of the "becomes a raging bigot" direction that some of his fellow British screenwriters have chosen. I very much hope that's the case. There has certainly been enough in the last couple years to get previously minimally invested Britons really angry with the Tories.
I'm fairly certain he's friendly with David Tennant and I believe with Russell T. Davies as well, so he obviously has social contacts that may be persuasive in a progressive direction. I'm not going to trust that Moffat has grown on the misogyny front without some serious evidence, because I am still haunted by that quote about Karen Gillan being "5'11" slim and gorgeous" as opposed to another actress who was "wee and dumpy," but a lot of progressive men have a misogyny problem so that's nothing new. I think on the balance it's still better for him to say worrying about "woke" is dumb and no one cares and pronouns are common courtesy and stuff like that. I'm genuinely rooting for him to have a public personal growth arc.
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