#like not raising a man eating plant to kill your younger brother for you
rhineposting · 1 year
Dvalin/Durin would be an age gap ship but I don't think we're ready to have that conversation without someone pulling out pitchforks and torches.
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shadow1515 · 5 months
Too Sweet
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Pairing: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard/Female, Surface Reader Word Count: 5,138 Warnings: a lot, rape/non-con, older man (he’s a zombie basically)/younger woman (reader is 20), monster fucking, size kink, rough sex, gun play, blood kink, glove kink?, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, creampie Summary: Your father dead, brother gone in search for his killers, mother gone in search for him, you were left alone in the wilderness. You thought you knew how to take care of yourself, but that idea is challenged when a certain ghoul in a cowboy hat shows up at your dining room table. Tags: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. READ THE WARNINGS. DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. Please, read the warnings, if any of this triggers you do not continue!!!!!!!!!! Note: first post here, but i also posted on ao3 where i have posted fics before... just... bear with me, the brain rot was real for this one. I have never written anything at this level of depravity but this yucky looking man without a nose took hold of me and I had to write this. I did most of it when I should have been studying for a quiz, but it's fineeeee. Anyway, please enjoy this 5k word piece of filth that was only read through once…… (And yes the title is based off Hozier’s song Too Sweet.)
You were born and raised on the surface with its sandy horizons and burning sun, but your life was definitely better than most others who live on the surface of this godforsaken world. Your parents had found a nice place with tons of supplies, the ability to grow plants, a water filter, and it was hidden fairly well. You weren’t entirely sure how they had found such a haven in the wasteland, but honestly you couldn’t complain too much. Alongside your older brother, you grew up knowing how to grow your own food, hunt, defend yourself, create booby traps, the normal things every kid grew up learning. You were also one of the lucky few that was taught how to read and write as your mother had been taught by her parents and passed it onto you and your brother, something you were forever grateful for. 
Books were a solace for you, one of the few you could find, especially after your brother ran off to god knows where and your mother went off in search of him just a few months ago. After your father passed away three years ago, your brother felt it necessary to be the “man of the house” and make sure you and your mother were taken care of. It wasn’t that you were ungrateful for his protection and watchful eye, but he could be a little extreme at times. Your father died just over a year ago, and it was hard on all of you. Perhaps your brother took it a bit harder since he never showed his sadness about it… only his anger. See, your father was killed by some raiders on one of his outings to get more supplies. Your brother was with him when it happened but managed to escape. You were almost one hundred percent sure that was where your brother had gone; looking for your father’s killers.
Unfortunately, that had been just over four months ago. A few days ago your mother grew sick of it and went to try and find your brother, leaving you all alone. You knew how to protect yourself and make sure the house was protected and hidden, but that didn’t mean you liked being alone or that you didn’t worry every day about your missing family. In fact, it made it worse.
You felt your patience and sanity wearing thin as the days went on and you heard nothing from your mother or brother. You were worried sick, the only things keeping you from running off by yourself were tending to the farm and the chickens, checking on the water filter, reading your books, really anything to distract you from the inevitable truth;that your family was dead. 
One day, you were out tending to the livestock and farms for most of the day. It was starting to get dark and mostly everything was done, so it was about time to head inside for the night. As soon as you opened the door, you could tell something was off. Maybe it was the slightly larger, sandy footprints through the hallway, or the way that everything around you seemed to stand still, either way you knew something was wrong. Unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough. Even with your added paranoia from being alone for a few days, your reflexes couldn’t have prepared you enough for the sight of a man… no, a ghoul, lounging at your dining table. Seat pulled back, feet on the table, fingers lazily playing with the trigger of the sawed off shotgun that was pointed directly at you. 
Part of his face was obscured by a ragged hat, but you could still tell that he was a ghoul, his face covered in scars, red and shiny from the radiation. He slowly lifted his head, dark eyes shining in the setting sun streaming through the window, the black hole where his nose should have been even more prominent as his gaze slowly trailed from your muddy boots up your bare legs (you wanted to wear shorts, it was hot out), across your curves until they finally landed on your face, lingering on your parted lips for a moment too long in your opinion. 
Your eyes, on the other hand, kept on moving between his ruined face to the gun pointed at you in quick succession, not knowing which to focus on more. Before you could think of doing anything else, he finally spoke.
“Well, sweetheart, seems you found yourself in quite the predicament here.” The words roll off his tongue easily, like they were practiced, used, normal for him to utter. That nickname too, so antagonizing and belittling with just two syllables. It made your blood boil… not like that… right?
You attempted to speak, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, your eyes still flicking between the barrel of the gun and the ruined face before you. Your very apparent lack of thoughts and speech only made the ghoul chuckle. It was a deep sound, like a rumble of the earth during a thunderstorm, the vibrations running all through your body, unyielding to the forces that surround you. 
“Cat got your tongue, darlin’?”
The question was not meant to be answered, in fact it made all semblance of words leave your mouth entirely. He stood up then, the spurs on his boots startling you as he took step after step closer to you, the gun in his hand hanging loosely at his side. At first, you didn’t move, but as he got closer, you took a fearful step back, not realizing until it was too late that he maneuvered you in such a way as he was getting closer so now your back was flush against the wall. The ghoul was close now, too close, so close you could feel his body heat, the stench of his breath from his yellowed mouth, the gunpowder and cigarettes and booze that lingered on him like a haze after a fire. He was terrifying. 
You let out a pathetic squeak as the end of his shotgun found its place underneath your chin, tilting your head up to make sure you looked him directly in the eyes. His eyes weren’t an evil yellow or filled with contempt, they were a deep brown, a soft brown, and they were filled with an emotion you really could not place. The position you were in was compromising, with his face inches from your own (his hips inches from your own). And that look in his eyes. Why couldn’t you figure it out?
The cool metal of the gun felt as if it was burning you as he tipped your head back just a bit more, his dark eyes focused on yours, “Ain’t you just a sweet little thing, all alone, no way of protectin’ yourself.” You did have a way of protecting yourself, it was called booby traps that he somehow managed to get by, but you bit your tongue. 
“What do you want with me?” You managed to speak that one question that was burning in your mind in spite of the shivers of fear that ran down your spine as your chin moved the shotgun touching it.
At that little comment from you, the ghoul smirked like the bastard he was, “Well you see, missy,” You felt a surge of relief followed quickly by terror again as the gun left your chin only to trail down your neck and land on the collar of your tank top, a collar that was already pretty low cut (again, it was hot). The barrel caught in the fabric as he continued to speak, “I have it on good information that this little abode of yours happens to also be the home of a stupid boy who crossed paths with the wrong man.”
Your heart sank. You knew exactly what he was referring to. Your fucking brother, off doing who knows what, stirring up the worst kind of trouble. He wanted to avenge your father, you knew that, but did he not think? Of course he didn’t. He thought it would be all unicorns and daisies as he tracked down a pack of murderers. Why would he think twice about the trouble that would bring onto you?
“Look, I–” You gave a dry swallow as the gun at your chest pushed further beneath your shirt, just shy away from tugging it to the side and taking a peek. “You’re looking for my brother, right? I-I don’t know where he is. He left months ago and then my mother–” You cut yourself off, you didn’t want your mother caught up as this bounty hunter’s prey as well.
The ghoul cocked his head to the side, eyes never leaving your face even as the gun moved the fabric of your tank top to the side, your cleavage very obviously there for the looking. “Don’t let me stop you, sweetheart. Please, tell me more about your dear mama.”
You felt the tears on your cheeks before you realized they even formed in the first place. Why did this have to happen? You were blessed, you knew that, with this home and your family, but that didn’t mean you had to have horrible things happen to you as well. You already lost your father, your brother and mother were gone, but you didn’t do anything. 
The ghoul’s gaze followed the tears as they trailed down your face, a twisted pleasure running through him as he watched them. You were too sweet for this world, too sweet for a man like him to find you all alone like this. 
Without much extra thought, you felt the ghoul position his leg between yours, the rough material of his pants around his thigh immediately rubbing against the cloth covering your bottom half. The movement caught you off guard and another gasp of surprise left your mouth, a fresh wave of tears trailing down your face. So that was what he wanted… Growing up you learned what it was that made babies, the simple things like that, but you were sheltered, never leaving your home or the confines of your land, much preferring to stay with your family and not venture out into the dangerous unknown. And it was made dangerous because men, of things, like him.
“Awh, what is it, darlin’?” You heard the gun click into its holster at his side, one hand moving to grip your hip with a strength that really shouldn’t have shocked you, the other moving towards your face, his gloved thumb swiping at the tears gathering there. You mewled again as his thigh moved, the rough fabric causing unwanted friction in an unwanted place. “You scared of little ol’ me?”
“Please,” The fear you felt before only grew as the realization dawned on you. He wanted information and he knew the only way of getting it out of you would be to hurt you… but that didn’t have to mean just cuts and bruises, especially for a man like him. “Please don’t do this. I- I don’t know anything else.” 
You knew it was a lie, he knew it was a lie. You just wanted to protect your mother, and maybe you could convince him of that. At least, you hoped you could. 
The ghoul moved the hand on your face down, resting on the collar of your shirt, “Sweetheart, you really don’t know how the world works out there, do ya?” His face moved closer to yours, his breath hot against the shell of your ear, “It’s eat or be eaten, darlin’, and you ain’t telling me what I wanna know.”
“But-” You hiccuped as fresh tears left your eyes, “But I don’t know anythi–”
A sharp gasp that bordered on a scream escaped you as the hand at your hip left to join the other one and a loud ripping sound invaded your senses, your tank top now ripped clean down the middle, exposing your breasts to him.
Damn, your skin was so soft. Not a scar on your body, just some dirt and scrapes from working outside. The sweat from the sun still lingered on your skin, making it glow, and that scent, it alone was enough to make a ghoul go feral. But he could stave off that feeling if he found a way to get rid of it. 
The ghoul’s eyes found yours again in spite of your breasts being right there. “Sweet thing,” God you hated how small his nicknames made you feel. “I don’t think you’re understandin’ still. I got a bounty to find, you know how to find ‘em, and, well, I know a fun way to get it outta ya.” 
At that last comment you felt the rough leather of his gloves finally touch your breast, squeezing and toying with them in a way you never thought possible. His hands were everywhere, twisting, rough, strong, it made your skin sweat and your back arch. You whimpered as he tugged at your nipples, the pain mixed with a different feeling, one that didn’t feel that bad. As your back arched, your hips unintentionally bumped against his and you felt something hard poke at you. Your eyes widened in shock, the nice feeling from before immediately dissipating as your situation dawned on you again. With that thought, a renewed vigor filled you, your hand clenching in a fist that was raised and swung at the monster’s face. 
Your punch landed with a loud thud but to your horror he didn’t even flinch, just stopped his ministrations on your breasts to glare at you, his anger radiating off of him in waves. 
A cruel smirk grew on his scarred face, “There’s that fight I was looking for.”
His sentence was punctuated with a harsh slap across your face, the force making your vision blink out for a couple of seconds as your head swung to the side. You tasted blood in your mouth and felt a strong hand grip your jaw, harshly moving your head so that it faced him again. 
“You wanna try that again, sweetheart, or are ya gonna tell me what I wanna know?”
Despite your fear and the knowledge that this man, this ghoul, could kill you in a matter of seconds, it would take more than that to get you to give up your mother and brother to him. With that thought in mind, you gathered up some of the blood in your mouth and spit at him, the red liquid splattering over his already reddened face. 
The hand at your jaw moved to grip your throat, squeezing just enough to cause discomfort and fear that he could do much worse. You watched in horror as his free hand then moved to gather up some of the blood on his face, the finger now sticky and shiny with it moving to his mouth as he licked it clean, a face of pure pleasure overcoming him as he tasted you. 
“You taste sweeter than apple pie,” Your throat was squeezed tighter as his face grew closer to yours, his missing nose making it easier to invade your space. “And that just makes me wanna taste you even more.”
His head immediately moved to your neck where you felt his hot breath on your shoulder, his hand moved to grab at your face to keep you from moving. You squirmed in his grasp as you felt a rough tongue drag against your skin, the feeling foreign to you. It seemed like he really was tasting you, licking at the sweat and grime that coated your skin, savoring the taste. Your body tried to wriggle free, a scream warbled by the grip he had on your cheeks as you felt the blunt ends of his teeth bite deep into the juncture of your shoulder and neck. The force in which he bit down was sure to leave a mark, the abused flesh turning red and irritated almost immediately. 
You wanted to pass out right then and there, your mind racing with thoughts of what he might do to you next. He lingered at your neck for a moment before giving it one last swipe of his tongue and returning to look you dead in the eyes, a wicked smile on his scarred skin. Your face was smushed together by his gloved hand and you watched as his gaze traveled back to your neck, back to the mark he left there. His hand quickly followed that gaze, trailing over the mark before gripping your throat again. You saw as the thoughts and emotions raced behind his eyes but you didn’t know where they would lead.
Without any more warning, the ghoul used the hand on your throat to swing you around, slamming your back onto the table. You tried to get out from under him, swinging your arms and legs wildly, screaming (not that anyone would hear you), trying to land a punch or a kick, anything to get away. The ghoul grabbed a hold of your wrists in one hand, pinning them to the table above your head as his free hand went to his waist, grabbing the shotgun from its holster and pointing at your face once again. 
Your struggle stopped the moment you heard the holster pop open, your terror growing tenfold as you knew at this distance, one simple slip of his finger would cause your entire head to explode off your body. The ghoul’s smirk was horrible, devilish, and it turned your blood ice cold. He moved the barrel of the gun closer to you until it brushed against your pursed lips still stained red from your blood.
You knew what he wanted you to do, but you couldn’t, the thought making you want to die on the spot. The ghoul didn’t seem to like that, though, the barrel pushing against your lips more roughly.
“Open wide, darlin’” His voice was dark, gravely, filled with irritation but also wild interest, or perhaps lust. “You really don’t wanna make me even more angry.”
You looked deep into his eyes, the flakes of red across his face from your blood making him appear even more frightening, even more like a monster only seen in children’s stories. You knew if you hesitated any longer he’d be more than happy to pull the trigger and blow your head clean off. Your vision grew blurry as more tears formed, your mouth opening just the slightest amount to allow for the gun to slide past your lips. The taste of metal and gunpowder made you want to gag, your eyes finding the dark ones above you as a slow exhale of breath left the ghoul’s mouth, his gaze transfixed on the way his gun slid deep into your mouth.
“Ain’t that a sight,” He spoke in a low tone, voice filled with fascination.
The gun moved deeper into your mouth, the taste giving way to pain as it pushed against the back of your throat, your mouth wrapping painfully around it, stretching it in uncomfortable ways. You felt it begin to leave your mouth before pushing back in, the slow fucking of your throat by a gun making your tears only increase, the gaging sensation becoming more prominent. You tried to move your arms, to get the gun out of your mouth, but his grip was too strong, his fascination with the scene he created too enticing for him to stop. You felt a hard poke against your thighs as they draped over the end of the table and were pinned by the ghoul’s strong body. You continued to gag around the gun as he fucked it faster and rougher into your face, his breaths becoming louder above you. The hard poke from before rubbed against your thigh as he continued, unprovoked, or perhaps more enticed by your tears and the pathetic sounds attempting to leave around the thick barrel of his gun.
“It’s a damn good thing you ain’t out in the real world, pretty lady. You woulda been eaten right up the moment someone laid eyes on ya.” 
His final comment was finished as the gun was shoved further down your throat, a garbled scream rising from you only to be smothered by the metal. He finally removed the weapon from your mouth, saliva making the metal glisten in the dying light from the sun outside. Your cheeks felt burning hot, covered in your tears and sweat as you were given some reprieve from his assault. 
The ghoul looked over his gun, that same bastardly smirk still prominent on his face as he placed it back in its holster, leaving your spit still on it. “Now that was fun, wasn’t it sweetheart,” You tried to glare at him, but didn’t dare speak, your mouth too sore and abused. Your small fight made the ghoul chuckle again, the hand holding your wrists dragging you up from the table with a harsh yank. His face was inches from yours again as he held you in the air, the only thing keeping you from falling was his grip on your hands and his hips digging into yours against the table. “Wanna tell me where you dear mama is now?”
So this torture was still to get information out of you. You loved your mother, you couldn’t bear the thought of giving her up so easily just to save your own skin. 
“Fuck you.” Your voice was strained, your throat throbbing in pain at each syllable. 
“I hoped you’d say that.” With a shove, he threw you to the floor, moving to stand over you. With your limbs finally free, you scrambled to get away, but he was too quick, one heeled boot slamming down on your leg with enough force to stun you. You screamed out in pain, eyes going wide as you watched him reach for his belt, foot still pressed against your leg, keeping you from moving. His hands worked slowly, the terror building up in you at each passing second. His belt came off far too quickly followed by the button of his pants. 
You closed your eyes, not wanting to see where this was going. You heard the rustle of fabric as the ghoul removed his foot from your leg and went to straddle you, strong thighs on either side of your hips, one hand slammed against the floor beside your head, the other grabbing your jaw in a vice-like grip. 
“Eyes on me, sweetheart,” You hesitated before giving in as his grip strengthened to the point of pain, making you gasp and your eyes fly open. “I want you to watch as I ruin you.”
The tears never seemed to stop, his hand leaving your jaw only to rip your shorts and panties down your legs in one harsh tug, the fabric burning against your too sensitive skin. You didn’t dare look down, your gaze staying fixed on his, hoping that if you didn’t look then it wasn’t actually going to happen. 
In spite of your prayers, you felt the rough leather of a gloved finger run through your folds, a sharp intake of breath the only sound you made. Your attempts at staying quiet were soon overcome as his finger found that secret spot just at the top of your cunt, the roughness of the glove and the fear that was coursing through your blood made it even more sensitive and a small mewl of discomfort left your lips. 
The ghoul continued to rub at your clit, your thighs beginning to shake, the sounds escaping your throat enough to make your skin boil in shame. “C’mon, pretty lady, do ya really wanna make this harder on yourself?” He went to whisper in your ear again, his fingers working magic against you. “I can make this feel so good for ya, just tell me what I wanna hear.”
Your hips began to buck against his hand, your moans growing louder as his thumb remained on your clit, one finger entering your cunt and it was like you were seeing stars. You had never done anything like this before, never really had the chance to. You experimented by yourself of course, but having someone else do it to you? It was on a whole other level. 
You chased your peak like it was the only thing standing in the way of your survival, your hips shaking, mouth agape, eyes still fixed on the dark ones above you. You were so close. You could feel it building, boiling over–
A pathetic cry left you as he removed his hand, bringing it up to his face as he inspected the wetness now coating his fingers. With that same hand he gripped your cheeks, your own fluids coating your face, the scent invading your senses. 
“I said I could make ya feel good, but you haven’t given me anythin’ in return yet.” His tone was so cocky, so arrogant, and yet it sent warmth shooting down to your core, unbidden and unwelcome to your mind, but it was received with exaltation as it fueled the slowly dying fire within you. 
“Please–” It was pathetic, you knew that, and you weren’t even sure what you were saying please to, please stop, please don’t stop, please let me come mr ghoul sir?
Your desire was partially snuffed out as you felt something large and warm slap against your stomach. The suddenness of it made you forget to not look down as your gaze landed on the ghoul’s cock. It was big, the skin red and irritated, scarred from the radiation, just like the rest of his body. As much as the pleasure he was giving you before felt amazing, you couldn’t take that thing. 
“That can’t fit,” You spoke hurriedly, the fear taking hold once more. “Please, I-I don’t know anything! I can’t help you, just please don’t put that in me.” Your sobs grew hysterical, tears free flowing, incoherent mumbles leaving you. “Sweetheart, you really think I care?” 
He was cruel, he was a monster, a horrible, despicable monster.
The ghoul reached for his discarded belt, using it to tie your wrists together above your head as you tried to squirm away from him again. And you watched in terror as one of his hands guided the head of his cock to hit against your opening, the other hand roaming down your neck to grab at your breasts again. The tip of him tried to get inside of you and you already felt like you would die right there.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you are tight.” His gaze left his cock and moved to look at you again, “You never been fucked before, have ya?”
Your blabberings and the fear in your eyes was enough of an answer for him. “Damn, didn’t think I’d find a cunt as sweet as yours in this place.” He finally managed to push in, the pain was horrible, it made your insides burn, your mind going blank. “Makes me wanna stay here just a bit longer, still gotta know where your little shit of a brother is afterall.”
Your mind was gone, overcome with pain as he pushed more of his length into you, heedless of your squirming, your tears, the resistance he felt as he kept on going deeper and deeper. 
It was horrible, you were glad your brain tried to block out other thoughts, albeit in vain as he pulled out just to slam back into you, fully sheathed in your tight cunt. 
“You’re gripping me like a vice, darlin’, I dunno if I can even get out.” He gave a soft chuckle at that, punctuated with a sharp tug from your warmth only to shove it back in at a brutal pace. 
You couldn't take it, couldn’t comprehend how this was happening to you. Distantly, you heard as his gloves came off, the rough skin of his fingers grabbing your hip with enough strength to form bruises while the other other arm braced against the floor beside your head, using it as leverage to rut into you. Your legs were splayed around his, your back scraping against the wooden floor, digging sharp lines into your skin. 
You could faintly hear quiet sounds escape the man above you as he fucked you, his arms moving to grab your legs, bending them until your knees were beside your head, allowing him to reach even deeper into you. The head of his cock felt like a nail was being hammered into your cervix with each thrust. Your glazed eyes wandered down to see where you were joined and a jolt of horror ran through you. Each time he rammed into you, your belly bulged up a bit, it was like he was rearranging your insides to make more room for him. 
The ghoul’s gaze followed yours and a louder grunt left him, one hand leaving your leg to press against the bulge on your belly. “Darlin’, you’re just too good for this fucked up world.”
The house was filled with the noises of flesh meeting flesh, your eyes were blank, staring up at the ceiling his thrusts continued. You didn’t want to think, to feel, to exist anymore. But the ghoul has other plans. Your face scrunched up as you felt a textured finger find your clit once more, rubbing it in all the right ways to make your mind snap back into focus. The pleasure was building again, each snap of his hips mixed with the bundle of nerves at your center being played with and you were reaching that peak again. Your moans intermingling with the slapping of flesh on flesh, you didn’t want to reach that crest and fall over it, you didn’t want this encounter to feel good for you too, but by god it did.
Your voice was raw as it screamed out, your pleasure pushed over the edge as you came, your thighs coating with your fluids, the noises becoming even more obscene as he continued to fuck you harder and faster.
“Goddamn, you are just too fucking good.”
His hands gripped your hips as his pace quickened but lost its rhythm. You knew he was getting close and the overstimulation of being fucked through and beyond your orgasm was making it hard to think of anything other than him. His hips finally stopped pistoning into you, giving one last, rough thrust as something hot and sticky filled you up, leaking out around his cock that remained in you. 
The ghoul braced his hands on either side of your head, his eyes zeroed in on yours, breath heavy, sweat on his brow. “You gonna help me out now, sweetheart?”
Your head lolled to the side, eyes closing as you passed out. 
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pcvensies · 3 years
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*.• Si vis amari.
I. The Moon.
in which 18 year old gojo satoru is left in charge of 6 year old fushiguro megumi, with the help of 17 year old nanami suki (oc).
word count: 2180
0. Prologue | II. The Sun
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Suki listened from the kitchen, as the white haired boy explained the story to her brother, sat at the dining table.
The kid, Fushiguro Megumi as he had explained, waited patiently for his dinner in the living room, watching TV with fake interest, ears fixed on the conversation that was taking place in the other room.
The blonde girl poured the boiling water in the pan, hard noodles floating on it, and she turned around to the boys, lower back resting against the kitchen.
Satoru looked at her, trying to decipher her expression, while Kento simply sighed, rubbing his temples with his index fingers.
“So you killed a man, and he put his kid’s life in your hands to, what? Mentor him?”, the blonde asked, as his sister remained quiet.
Suki disconnected from their conversation, trying to process everything she had heard. The Zenin’s were not good people, that she knew. And if that kid’s father had denied them, and dirtied their name, Fushiguro wasn’t safe with them. But why put the responsibility on Gojo? Wasn’t that man meant to kill him?
She sighed softly, humming as she turned around and stirred the noodles, adding a small packet of spices on top.
Fushiguro Toji. She was sure she had heard it before, somewhere. Perhaps in class, or training with the older students? She couldn’t remember. But if his death wish had been for Gojo to protect his kid, it was to respect, right? As crazy as it was. But would the kid be actually safe? Was an eighteen year old the best option to raise a kid? Eighteen year old Gojo Satoru, of all eighteen year olds?
However, the question that mattered the most to her was why now. From what he had said, Fushiguro senior had died a year or so ago. Why take the kid now? What had been the inflexion point?
“Dinner’s ready”, she finally said.
Gojo frowned, eyes back on her. He couldn’t hear any kind of emotion through her voice. He had no idea what she was thinking, and it angered him. Suki always had had that ability, to turn it off and simply don’t feel, to hide her thoughts.
Kento got up from his chair, getting two plates, one for the kid and one for the white haired boy, and Suki walked to the living room.
“Eavesdropping is bad education, you know?”.
The kid looked at her with a plain expression, and the blonde girl sighed, waiting for him to walk to the kitchen. The kid sat next to Kento, and in front of Satoru. Suki took the plates that had been left next to the stove, and served two rations, handing one to the kid, and another to Gojo, who looked up at her with an eyebrow raised.
Nanami simply rolled her eyes, her hand on the back of his head turning it to look at the plate, a silent sign for him to just eat. She could tell he hadn't had dinner either.
Kento looked at his sister with that look, and Sue sighed softly, looking back at him with that other look. To the boys, it didn’t mean anything, but the Nanami’s were having a conversation just with their eyes.
“So…”, the girl cleared her throat, moving her eyes from her brother to Satoru, “Are you taking him to the school tonight? To sleep, I mean”.
“Not sure how our dear sensei would react to that. I’ll figure something out”, he said unimportantly, looking at the kid, “Pretty sure I can find somewhere for him to stay until I know how to tell Yaga about him”.
Satoru didn’t really want to have that talk, if he was honest. He knew what Yaga would say already, and it wasn’t something he wanted to hear. In fact, Kento had also said what he thought he would: that it was crazy, and irresponsible. But Suki, she hadn’t said anything. Her behavior around the kid was careful, with respect, but informal.
If he didn’t know her, he’d say she was angry. But it was something else, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
“He can stay here tonight. And you should too”.
He looked at the girl, then at Kento, and chuckled softly.
“You worried we’ll end up sleeping in the streets, Nanami?”.
“No. I’m worried you’ll end up dead in a ditch, and him with the Zenin’s. Plus, it’s Christmas vacation, tell Yaga you’re celebrating with us and will go around just to train”.
“I can defend myself quite right, thank you, I don’t need—”.
The sound of Suki’s punch hitting the table silenced the boy, and the blonde girl sighed softly, calmly even, closing her eyes and opening them slowly.
“I wasn’t asking, Satoru”.
The white haired man clenched his fists under the table, looking at the short girl with a serious face. Kento looked at her too, eyes opened with surprise at the sudden first name usage from his sister, and her very clear (to him, at least) worry.
“Fuck off, Suki”, the blue eyed boy said, getting up, and looking at her. But his expression soon changed, and he chuckled softly. “I’m sleeping with Nanamin, ‘cause that attitude you have today? Huh-uh, no thanks”.
Suki’s face changed at his words too, a smile cracking up as she rolled her eyes, and picked up the now empty plates, as her brother turned to the white haired boy.
“Excuse me, no, the hell you’re not. You get the carpet, and because I feel bad enough for you already”.
“Nanamin… don’t argue with me, not in front of the kid…”, the boy replied, pouting at Kento, and the blonde rolled his eyes, a small smile plastered on his face.
Suki left both plates at the sink, and told the two boys to go look for a movie to watch. They both looked at her, then at each other, then at the kid, and nodded understandably.
Megumi was annoyed. He didn’t want to be there, he wanted to go away and get as far away from that white haired tall baby as he could. Gojo was loud, extra, and incredibly annoying. He didn’t need Gojo to take care of him, nor whoever Yaga was. But something about the twins, Suki and Kento, made Gojo a little less annoying.
They didn’t look at him with utter admiration like the people on the streets did, girls and boys turning their heads his way and Megumi’s. They spoke to him like he was just another person, ignoring any kind of honorifics or respect, even when they seemed to be younger.
“He can be really stubborn when he wants, right?”.
The girl spoke, and Megumi looked her way, his blank expression never changing.
“Not much of a talker, huh? It’s okay, silence is okay with me”.
She gave him a sweet smile, and started cleaning the dishes, her back to the kid. She hummed a little song as she did, and Megumi felt his eyes start to get heavy, some silence finally forming around him. He hadn’t realised how tired he actually was until now, arms warm and stomach full.
He looked around slowly, eyes landing on various pictures displayed on the cabinets and bookshelves. Lots of pictures of the twins, from when they were his age, to their tenth birthday, to them now. A picture in which he could recognise Gojo, with another two girls and another boy seemed to be hidden behind a flowerpot.
“Do you want to go to sleep now, or later, Fushiguro?”, the girl asked, and he shrugged, trying to hold a yawn, “You can have my bed, and I’ll take the couch. Kento will lend you some old pyjamas to sleep on, too, and you can go to sleep or come watch the movie with us, okay? Your choice”.
She seemed like a genuinely cool person to the kid. She didn’t let Gojo’s arrogance put her down, nor did she allow him to let it get over his head. She spoke surely, without any shame to take charge of the situation.
But she wasn’t scary, or rude. Not even cold. At the same time, she seemed sweet. Allowing him to choose for himself, lending her room, and not forcing him to talk. There wasn’t a trace of condescension on her voice as she spoke to him neither, having a conversation like she would with anyone her age.
When she finished the dishes, she picked a glass from a cabinet, and filled it with water.
Megumi followed her around the apartment, his school backpack hanging from his shoulder, the sweater she had given him now folded in his arms.
Suki’s room wasn’t very big, but it was cool. She had Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling all over the room, and a long desk, between the window and the bed, with lots of books and a computer. There were also many little plants around, and a big mirror next to the window, framed with many polaroids of her and her brother and friends, but also of plants, street animals, and sunsets.
One of the walls was the color of wine, as were the bed sheets and the windowsill, and the other three were covered in lots of posters and more pictures. There were even some plants and vinyls hanging from the walls.
“Okay, wait here”, she interrupted the silence, as Megumi continued to explore with his eyes.
The closet was inside the wall, white wooden doors contrasting against the dark paint, as were the bedframe and the desk.
“Here”, she said as she came back, handing him the small pyjamas, and leaving the glass of water in the nightstand, “When you’re ready, you can sleep or come with us, in the living-room, okay?”.
The dark haired kid nodded, taking the things from her hands and sitting in the corner of the bed, still looking around the walls, reading the posters.
“If you need anything, just call me, alright?”.
He nodded again, and Suki gave him a little smile, and turned around to leave the room, already regretting allowing the boys to choose the movie, when the kid finally answered:
“Thank you, Nanami-chan”.
( . . . )
“God, that was scary”, Kento complained, picking up the empty soda cans from the table as Suki turned off the TV, stretching out on the couch, as Satoru´s head rested on her shoulder, “I can’t believe he fell asleep with your yelling”.
Suki chuckled softly, shaking the man next to her as her brother walked to the kitchen to throw everything away, then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Gojo groaned, sitting up and yawning, and rubbed his eyes.
“You cool?”, the girl asked, and the blue eyed boy nodded, giving her a smile as he rested his head back on the couch, facing the ceiling.
“Long ass day, it’s tiring always being the coolest person in the room”.
Suki chuckled, getting up, and Satoru pouted at the sudden cold by his side. The girl walked to the bookshelf, picking up a copy of Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, and opening it to reveal a small box of cigarettes.
The white haired boy chuckled at her, sunglasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, and Suki sent him a serious look, not wanting her brother to hear.
She walked to a glass door, moonlight coming through it and lighting up the room, and she opened it with one hand, as she lit the cigarette with the other. Gojo watched her silently, her small frame walking out to the small balcony.
Suki was a confusing person to most of the people, but she was pretty easy to read once she opened up. Satoru knew she was worried, he had finally realised what the emotion was when she sat next to him for the movie, allowing him to rest his head on her shoulder. She could tell he was tired.
“Are you okay, ‘toru?”.
Her voice hung on the room for a minute, Gojo’s heart jumping at the first name basis again. She knew he wasn’t, and she was giving him the chance to talk about it by asking directly.
But he wasn’t ready, not yet.
The boy got up from his comfortable place on the couch, and walked slowly to the balcony. Suki was sitting on the floor, legs hanging outside of the surface between the handstand’s bars. Gojo settled next to her, legs crossed and blue eyes locked on the moon, as he held his weight with his arms behind his body.
His fingertips brushed against the girl’s, and he looked down at her. The blonde girl was looking up too, but not at the moon. Her honey eyes squinted lightly, trying to distinguish the stars.
She wasn’t the biggest fan of physical touch, he knew, so he left his hand there, allowing her to make whatever next move she pleased.
Gojo smiled at the weight of her head against his shoulder, just like he had done before, acknowledging the trust Suki had on him, and her intention of supporting him.
She was like that sometimes, she never made anyone speak, or tell her what they didn’t want to word out. She simply offered her presence, and a pure, genuine understanding.
“You cool?”, asked the boy this time, eyes fixed back on the sky.
“Very. Stars look better from this angle, just that”.
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n/a: does anyone want to be on the taglist for when i post ?? idek if anyone actually likes this but yeah if u wanna be tagged on updates, lemme know! <3
also anything related to this fic will be posted on #sivisamare.lulu so i can keep things organised!! check it out for suki’s fc and me making memes of my own fic hehe :)
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
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requested?: yes (anonymous) //tldr, if alucard had a sibling (the reader, of course) dealing with the loss of family, both living and not
note(s)/warning(s): canonical character death, spoilers babyyyyy, violence and injury, angst it’s rare for anyone in this series to have a good time huh?, also for this being that the reader can literally look however you want, imma say Lisa isn’t white bc I do what I want and it’s my fic :) this is also the most i’ve written in a good while omg, im highkey proud so pls don’t let this flop
Lisa Tepes is dead.
Your mother, is dead.
Killed, burned alive. Gone to ashes.
All because the church had believed she was a witch of sorts. Several thoughts dance in the back of your mind as you gaze upon the pyre. Smoldering from the heat, the flames gone. Your father leaving his message, no, his warning, that he would act in one year.
“A farce that was!” You hear a shout, and you force down the bitter laugh, throat tight and eyes burning. Especially so when you slowly begin to hear continued shouts of agreement, from voices previously silent.
Here your mother was, her final resting place. Burned to ashes for some sick show of power.
And you could do nothing as she was mocked for it.
Your fist clenched at your side, you feel your nails cutting into your skin, but you walk away to return home.
And to say that the castle was no less better was an understatement. Your father was most likely in his quarters.
And when you finally sit down, the weight of your weary finally settling against your soul, do you allow yourself cry. Quiet tears turning to sobs as you muffle your voice with a pillow.
You had failed her. Missing the chance to save your mother, too late to have done anything.
But you pause, noticing the presence at your door, your brothers familiar knocking pattern resounding suddenly through the empty hall.
“Come in,” Your voice is embarrassingly raspy. As you clear your throat, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. But it wouldn’t hide the redness of your eyes.
Adrian says nothing, and a part of you wishes he did. His larger hand takes yours. A comforting squeeze.
You blink again feeling your eyes burn, and you squeeze his hand back.
“Father is...” He trails off, no doubt thinking of what he could say next.
“What he plans on doing, it’s not justice.”
You stare up at him, But it would be deserving. A bitter corner of your mind supplies.
While Adrian had taken after Mother in his demeanor, much more kinder, more welcoming. You were no doubt like Father. Reserved, distrusting, easily prone to grudges if you were wronged in some way.
But you bite your tongue.
“He gave them a year,” You murmur after some time, “But no doubt he’s ready to calling his armies.”
At this Adrian turns alarmed. the warmth from his hand slips away.
“We must stop him!”
You’re still reeling from the events from earlier today, and a part of you wishes to have no part in his attempt to try and stop your father. But then you remember your mother.
Her kindness, regardless of how she was viewed for being different.
And your warily stand anyway.
If only you had more sense. Your father remains eerily silent as he embraces you both. His hold tighter, and while Adrian seemed convinced, you saw the dark look in his eyes.
The year had passed. You weren’t surprised to hear of the bloodshed.
It was naive to expect otherwise. While reluctantly following your brother, you can only stand, frozen as your blood feels like ice in your veins as your remaining family clashes.
“No.” Your voice is barely a whisper.
They don’t hear you.
Glass shatters.
And foolishly enough, you rush forward.
With your brother injured and fleeing, and you yourself were not free from any sort of pain.
Stepping in between the two as they fought ended with a gnarly gash on your shoulder, as you fell to your knees and blood slipping past your fingers. Your father stands in front of you, like a protective pillar as your brother stares in shock, quickly wanting to help you in some way.
And then the fight is over. Your brother is gone too.
The castle is much larger and colder now.
As you’re confined to your room, the wound healing into an angry red, then to a muted and dull scar. For a moment you wished it took longer, your father guilty and you were reminded of times you had been sick when you were younger. While you had not been too keen on the typical children’s books, reading theory on physics and other sciences only seemed fun when he would read to you and you’d ask questions in between passages. (Your voice funny from a stuffy nose led to laughter and a small coughing fit but otherwise it was nice).
But now was not the time to reminisce on the happy childhood.
You know you cannot stay. Ultimately, Adrian had been right. Once you feel as though you can move your arm once again, slowly, you begin pack a small bag. You didn’t want to build up any suspicions, finding some money in your room and whenever you could take a few coins or so from your father that he would not miss.
Extra clothes were folded and put away separately.
And you make your escape on a rainy evening, the uneven droplets helping hide your tracks. But you knew now that your father had brought back Hector and Isaac, new generals to help fight in his war, you had to be weary of the night creatures that would no doubt be sent after you.
Well, you were creative. At times flying in a transformed look, no one would suspect a bat in the dark of night afterall. And it was easier to. find good vantage points that way. But to also avoid any people, you didn’t quite trust yourself to not get into an altercation with a bigot.
You rarely slept longer than necessary, especially not when those dreams were memories or nightmares.
Now that you had learned how to walk, you were a right menace. It was an uphill battle in itself to keep you in one place. You were curious and the world you knew (being your father’s vast castle) was huge. Your childlike curiosity was never let down by your adventures.
You laugh quietly, which sounds like small squeaks as you fly up and hide above the gaudy chandeliers. Your father, giant coat gone, hair tied back and in a plain dress shirt and slacks as he searched for a curious toddler.
Snickers continuing as he paces down the hall. You hop down, landing slowly and feet planting into the ground, knees bent. Before you had down the opposite direction.
The lab usually wasn’t a place you could be allowed in on your own. But having heard that your mother was there, you knew it wouldn’t be a problem! So your little legs carried you along. Until you found the familiar doorway.
Dozens of tubes and mechanisms had you turning your head as you wandered in, your shoes tapping against the marble floor.
“Now what brings you here, sweetling?” The warmth of your mother’s voice has you smiling before you see her. As you run forward and hug her side, clutching her dress in your small fists. “Not causing trouble for your father are you?”
You shake your head grin betraying your word, “Nope! I’m not doing any trouble!”
“And how since when did that happen?” She laughs gently.
Your brother looks up from his own books, waving before returning to work. Your nose crinkles, so much for playing experimenting. But before you can say much, your nearly yelp as you’re brought up into the air by a pair of strong arms.
“I’ve found you, little wanderer.” Your father’s voice carries no heat behind it. Then again, he was always soft hearted for you and your brother. But most of all, your mother.
“I’m not little!” You pout, “I’m big now!”
You’re taken away from your reverie at the snap of a twig.
With your lack of sleep, as you had insisted on traveling more, you were less than surprised to have been snuck up on.
“Peace, my friend,” The old man murmurs. You keep your knife in an iron grip in front of you. Who you’re guessing is his son or grandson, has his hands raised the same way, but no weapon to be seen, magic, oh good. Then again, not like you needed a knife when you could make your nails go into claws and the fangs. Don’t forget the fangs.
“I can’t exactly be peaceful when it’s the middle of the night and suddenly figures in blue robes appear out of now where,” You answer dryly. But seeing as how the others behind the main two have not done or said anything noteworthy, nor were their stances make them look like they could really fight, you lower your weapon slightly.
Clearing your throat, “Although, I shouldn’t be swinging my own weapon around either.”
The old man just smiles gently. And you can’t help but be just slightly comforted.
In the end, the speakers stop for the evening. And the Elder, despite looking like a frail old man, is firm in his decision that you stay and “eat properly.” And like a scolded child, you listen. Food and drink all but pushed into your hands as you’re quickly brought into conversation, the previous confrontation all but forgotten.
And then you perk up when he mentions Gresit.
“So... the sleeping soldier,” You begin, slowly chewing on the sweet bread you had been given. “It was true?”
The Elder nods, “My grandchild and a traveller, they had gone to explore it. Well, the traveller had gone to save my grandchild. I will not hide the fact that I was a bit doubtful. But Belmont had proved himself a man of his word. Although, he does need to drink more water.”
You blink, a look of a surprise clear on your face. Belmont...
“Although I hadn’t expected the legend of the sleeping soldier to be realized so quickly.” 
At your inquisitive look, the Elder begins to explain. Of a holy warrior beneath Gresit, who would come to save it’s people in their most dire of hours. 
“The pair had come up with a man with long hair, like gold.” You couldn’t help but let out the breath you had been holding. So the Belmont didn’t try to kill him. you could breathe a little easier at that fact. 
“Where are they now?” You ask, holding the empty cup in your hands, as you stare down as though waiting for something.
Getting your answer, you stand, adjusting your bag over your shoulders. You wave off the concern in staying, if it had already been several days since the Speakers had left Gresit, then you needed to cover a lot of land to get to your brother. 
That is, until you saw the expression on the Elder’s face grow stern, as though he was scolding a child. With a heavier bag, one that the Elder insisted that you take some more things you could eat along the way, in exchange you give the Elder a small trinket you had been using to hide from the monsters of your father’s army, you finally set off. While your worries were not completely settled, your shoulders felt lighter. Metaphorically of course.
Of course, giving away the object that kept you hidden made it a bit more, difficult, when it came to trying to hide and travel at night. Much less even try to stop and rest. 
It had barely been two days since you had left the speakers, and already, you had run into some trouble, a beastly creature’s claws barely caught on your sleeve, leaving your arm bare as you shuddered from the chill in the air. You can only sigh mournfully, you really liked that coat. But, better your sleeve than say, you actually getting wounded. 
Your nails resemble claws, while your free hand holds the dagger in a steady grip. But being surrounded on all sides, it did not look promising.
Well, you thought mournfully, if you died you could at least see your mother again.
Until you hear the sound of what reminds you of a whistle? And then a sword flying through the air, slicing through the night creatures, giving you a chance to get some distance.
You hear the surprised shout of your name, and look up, to see your brother wide eyed, sword now returned to him, and a man and woman standing at his side.
“Um... hi.”
Much to your relief, the night creatures are easily taken care of.
And as you’re finally able to explain your story, you find yourself relaxing into the extra cloak given to you by the Elder.
“You mean you met the Speakers on your journey?!” A woman, petite with short blonde locks, who you learn is named Sypha, asks, and you notice the way her shoulders sag in relief.
You nod, “Yes. They all were safe.” If her shoulders sagged anymore she’d full on be slouching. You leave out the part of leaving a possibly precious trinket with them, not wanting her to think you cursed them or something.
“So you mean to tell me, Dracula, fucking Dracula, had more than one kid? That he actually had a woman not only give him not just one, but two children?” Is incredulously asked next by the scruffy looking man. Trevor, as your brother says.
You only stare in annoyance, sure your father was about to raise an army to annihilate the human populace but he didn’t used to be that way.
Before you can retort with a scathing remark of your own, Sypha elbows him harshly in the side. And you know it hurts from the way he immediately puts a hand where she hit him, eyes widening slightly. Serves him right.
“And what of...” Adrian- no Alucard as he wishes to be called, asks, near hesitant.
“Father?” You ask, arms crossed, “Same old same old. Planning the same amount of destruction here or there.”
As he looks to the snow covered earth, you roll your eyes, “Did you expect anything different?”
It’s quiet, and neither Sypha nor Trevor speak.
You all sat around camp quietly for a while after that.
Your lungs feel like they’re being constricted. Your throat burns as you struggle to breathe, claws digging into your skin like knives. Before you’re thrown backwards, landing harshly against the wall. Books fall from the book case and your weapon clatters noisily from the ground. 
You take shallow breaths, barely standing before you’re thrown once more. Curse your father’s stature and supernatural strength. You close your eyes, waiting for another attack and at least hoping to brace yourself for it, but it never came.
Instead, your brother stands in front of you, as he and your father remain in a standstill. Sypha and Trevor’s footsteps are rushing towards you three. 
It all continues to move so fast, until he stops noticing the painting of your mother, as she had been holding your brother and then you as a baby, and the next thing you know, your father is staked through the heart. And with wobbly legs, you take your sword, and swing. So falls Dracula. But it felt like no victory. 
You sit up with an alarmed look, stopping yourself from shouting.
That was... a dream? You rub your eyes, feeling that your cheeks are wet and you sigh. 
When you see a shadow looming over you, the light of the fire giving slight visibility, you freeze. Before noticing it’s your brother and not his companions. 
“Sorry,” You say, making sure to not look at him, so that he didn’t see your tears. 
Quietly, he places his coat over your shoulders, sitting beside you, wrapping his own blanket loosely around his own shoulders. “You have nothing to apologize for.” 
You only grip the jacket lapels tighter, shaking slightly as you hiccup, unable to stop yourself from crying again. 
He must think it’s because you miss your mother, and you do. But this dream was far different. And you say nothing as he brings you into his arms. Your tears having long since dried when the sun rises moments later. But you find yourself falling asleep as your brother rubs soothing circles on your back, feeling the build up exhaustion finally leaving you. 
When you’re awake much later in the day you can’t help but laugh a little when Sypha scolds your brother for being mean enough to make you cry, he didn’t you assure her quick enough, although you’re back to laughing when she then turns around to scold Belmont when he makes another slight comment. 
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Part 3: “Dead Trickster” – Gabriel x female!reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (you’re here!) | ...
Summary: This is the third part of “Dead Trickster”! So it ties into its story line which now takes place roughly during Season 2/3. The Reader is sure that the trickster couldn’t have been defeated so easily. Even though nobody believes you, you decide to keep an eye out just in case. It seems for a good reason when strange occurrences start to happen around you. The strangest thing? You start to have normal conversations with him.
Warning: swear words (if any), slight suggestive themes
Category: general rating and FLUFF (it’s happening guys, it gets more fluffy)
Words: about 5.000
Note: The third part is finally finished! I don’t know when the next one will be up because I’ve fallen for yet another ficional character and I now feel the need to write for them. But stay tuned! And I hope you enjoy it.
Part 3 “Dead Trickster” – Gabriel x fem!reader
You didn’t see any traces of the trickster for about two weeks after that. And you were slowly wondering if you had just blacked out during the last hunt and imagined the trickster helping you. Surely, he couldn’t have done that, right? After all you and the Winchesters had tried to kill him. What was his plan? What was this game all about? Why did he safe you and then just disappeared for two weeks? No words whispered in your ear, no ghost touches on your shoulder, no random sightings of him anywhere. You didn’t understand the game rules anymore.
You, Sam and Dean were currently staying in a city whose name you forgot. There was no hunt, you three were just staying there until you knew where to go from there, killing time with research. Though you weren’t necessarily researching another hunt, you were looking up any sort of information you could find about tricksters and their powers too. However, looking for a hunt was exactly what you were doing right now while sitting in a diner and eating. You snatched a fried potato or two whenever Dean wasn’t looking, reading another boring death article in the meantime. Monsters were laying low at the moment it seemed. “Found anything, (Y/N)?” Dean asked after finishing his burger. You shook your head and put the newspaper down on the table. “No, nothing.” Leaning forward you snatched another couple fries directly in front of Dean’s wide eyes. “Hey!” You only chuckled before shoving them down before the older Winchester could get them back. “What about you, Sam?” you questioned, directing your gaze to the younger brother who was sitting beside Dean but he also shook his head. With a sigh your leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms before your chest. “So, what is the plan then? Should we stay here or just drive off somewhere?”
The two brothers began to discuss but you didn’t really listen. They would tell you when they had decided something. Instead you let your head fall on your shoulder and looked out of the window you were sitting next to. It was a warm fall day, the leaves of the trees planted along the street were already turning red and orange and small clouds raced above the roof tops. You let your eyes wander down and just observed the people walking by for a bit. That was until your gaze met the characteristic golden one of the trickster. You felt your body freeze and stiffen up as you returned his stare. After two weeks he just showed up again like nothing happened? You untwisted your arms and moved closer to the window with a puzzled expression.
“Is everything alright, (Y/N)?” Dean’s voice shook you away from the window. Looking at him you only briefly nodded before returning to the street view but the trickster had already disappeared in the crowd. You jumped up immediately. You wouldn’t let him get away this time. You had too many questions that needed to be answered. “Where are you going?” Sam yelled after you but you had already left the dinner and were now standing on the street. Frantically you looked around until you spotted the chestnut-colored hair of the trickster disappearing behind an alley corner. You ran, dodging other pedestrians and avoiding the cars when you sprinted across the street. When you reached the alley way it was empty. Holding yourself upright on the wall you hastily breathed out. After two weeks he showed up again only to disappear once more? You wondered why you felt disappointed by that. With a sigh you detached from the wall and were about to turn around to walk back to the diner when you heard it.
“Hey there, sugar.”
You spun around to meet the trickster’s gaze just when he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you further into the alley, away from anyone passing by, and up against a wall so you would be out of sight. You were too shocked to react. Your heart beat a million miles per hour as one thought crossed your mind. Maybe he helped you two weeks prior so he could be the one to kill you. Your eyes widen and your mouth suddenly felt very dry. What a stupid idea to run after a very powerful supernatural being on your own. You would have cursed yourself if your mind had been able to function properly. So, instead you just stared up at the trickster with shock written all over your face. The man pinning you against the wall chuckled. “Startled you?” You only nodded almost mechanically. No use in lying now. He just grinned down at you for a few moments more before letting go of you and taking a step back. You were too confused by that to take your legs in hand and run like how you were supposed to act. You just stayed there, with your back against the wall and waited. “You don’t wanna move?” You slowly shook your head. “Can’t.” If you didn’t know it any better you would have thought that you were having a heart attack but you knew you were just frozen in place by the shock. How pathetic to call yourself a hunter when you were so startled by some man pressing you against a wall. Only that it wasn’t just some man. “Give me a second” you said breathlessly and bend over, stemming your arms against your legs while trying to get your breathing under control again. You heard the trickster laugh out loud and the only thing you could do was to join in as you let yourself slide down the wall as the strength to hold you upright left your body. You just decided to sit on the pavement instead. Leaning your head against the rough surface of the wall you let out one deep, shaky breath before locking eyes with the trickster again. “So why am I not dead yet?” you asked.
“Hm?” The trickster tilted his head to one side. “Why didn’t you kill me just now?” you clarified, still a little breathless but again able to form coherent thoughts. The brown-haired man let out another laugh before sticking out his hand for you to reach and pull yourself up. You eyed it suspiciously and stayed put. “Why should I want to kill you?” “Because I tried to kill you in that school back then?” you suggested. The trickster shook his head. “I don’t hold that against ya, sugar.” Now you were even more confused. “So, you don’t … want to kill me in this back alley?” The trickster shook his head once again, another laugh left his lips as he stretched his hand even further towards you. Still a little unsure if you should trust this situation you decided to grab it. He pulled you up on your feet and waited for you to stabilize yourself before letting go. “Nah, I don’t have any hard feelings against you, sugar.”
For a few moments you just stared into each other’s eyes before you uncomfortable shifted a few steps back. This was strange. Stranger than anything you had thought would ever happen when you would see him again.
“Why did you run after me, hm? Did I catch your eye?” the trickster asked with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Was he trying to relax the situation? You snorted, turning your head to one side and crossed your arms before your chest. “To be honest, I don’t know why I ran after you.” All previous questions you wanted to ask had disappeared in the void. You turned to face him again only to notice that he had took one step towards you. “I’m surprised you are even here.” “What do you mean by that?” the golden-eyed man asked. “Well, when you don’t want to kill me … what do you want from me?” The only immediate responds you got was him wiggling his eyebrows at you. You bit your tongue and forced yourself to stay put, you wouldn’t back down now. This was the first time you were able to talk to him so you wanted to use that chance. You wouldn’t let him make you unsure and rattled now, or at least more than you already were. “I like you” the trickster said after a few seconds of heavy silence. “I just want to get to know you.”
You raised one eyebrow at him and laughed. “There are better ways to do that than by annoying me for weeks.” “Oh, so I have a chance?” You felt your cheeks getting hot as you took one step back. “I never said that!” Were you really just flirting with a trickster in an empty alley? “Come on, sugar. No one can resist my charm for long” he grinned and stepped towards you. You shook your head more because of your own confusion than anything else and laughed out of reflex.
“You know, if you promise to never scare me to death again when you want to talk, I can give you my number? You wanted it right?” Why were you saying this? Why were you even considering this? What was wrong with you? You just wanted some questions answered right? So, it would be easier to stay in contact that way. Yeah. “Sweet of you” the trickster said and took another step towards you. He was now directly standing before you and twirled one strand of your hair between his fingers. Your body stiffened as you looked up at him, unable to move as your heart sped up once again. He leaned down to your ear, still smirking. “But I already have it.” Your eyes widen and when you jumped back to get some distance between you and him, he had already vanished, leaving you alone in the alley way.
  “Where were you?” Sam asked when you stepped into the motel room of the two brothers. “You just ran out of the dinner and vanished for an hour.” Had it really been an hour? After your meeting with the trickster, you had just wandered aimlessly around the city for a bit. You had just needed some time to clear your head, you didn’t even notice that a whole hour had passed by. “I just..” Shit, you had to come up with something. How the hell were you supposed to explain to them what had happened?! “I just needed some air?” You didn’t want it to sound like a question but you couldn’t think of anything else so quickly. “Right” Dean said and dragged the word, throwing Sam a side glance. “Look, if you don’t want to tell us that’s fine but don’t try to lie” the older brother continued. You threw them a wavering, thankful smile and were about to leave again to barricade yourself into your motel room when Dean spoke up again once more. “Because you are an awful liar.” You only laughed out a half offended “Hey!” before you sat down on the couch next to Dean and snatched the soda bottle he had just opened for himself. He looked at you with a scowl but he couldn’t hold it longer than for a few seconds before he too broke into laughter. You were grateful for the brothers to drop the topic. You really wouldn’t have had any idea what to do otherwise.
You spend the rest of the evening with them just chatting and laughing. It was great to just spend time with them again without looking for a hunt or stressing to finish one. The cheerful chatter carried on till well after midnight. Only then when you had to yawn after every other word you said, you decided it was time to go to bed.
“I think I’ll go to bed now” you said while yawning once more and stood up from the small motel sofa. “Good night, boys.” “Don’t let the bedbugs bite you” Dean hummed and threw himself on his own bed. You only chuckled. “Good night, (Y/N)” Sam said with a small smile before walking over to his bed. You closed the door to their room slowly so it wouldn’t make a sound and turned around to look at the dark night sky. For a few moments you just stared thoughtlessly at the stars, letting the days occurrences wash over you once more. Then the phone in your pocket vibrated once. You fished it out with a sigh and tried to decipher the words through tired eyes. The message was from a number you hadn’t added to your contacts or recognized.
 ???: “Dream of me, sugar.”
  You hadn’t seen the trickster for a good week or so after your confrontation in the alley way but he wouldn’t let one day go by without texting you. Often they were completely random so you wouldn’t react, on more serious occasions he would ask questions or just start a normal conversations. Sometimes you would answer those texts but you always wondered why exactly you did that. It didn’t annoy you that much, except when he wouldn’t stop messaging you when you were with Sam and Dean. You were in the middle of research when your phone rang once again, signaling that you had gotten the seventh message in less than five minutes. “Someone is popular today” Dean stated but glanced rather confused at you. You ducked your head and shrank back into the cushions of the motel sofa, groaning when another message reached your phone. “Who is it?” Sam asked and looked up from his laptop. “No one important.” Your phone rang again right after you had said that. Reluctantly you fished it out of your pocket to read the messages. Unsurprisingly every single one of them were from the trickster.
 Tricky Trixie: “The first two dates were fun, wanna have a third?” “You ignoring me?” “Come on, I’m more fun” “Than those two losers” “Research is boring” “I can tell you what you are currently hunting.” “I can get rid of it too when you go out with me afterwards.” “Oh, very popular.” “I’m not important?!”
 “Not now!” you typed back and then muted your phone, so you could concentrate. But when you looked up you found the two brothers staring at you intensely. “What?” you asked and put your phone back into your pocket, grabbing the newspapers you had been reading before instead. “Something is up with you. What are you hiding?” Dean questioned, tilting his head while inspecting your reactions.   “Nothing” you tried to sound relaxed. “Then who is texting you all the time?” You bit your tongue. Think of something. Quick! “Just an old friend” you lied. The two brothers glanced at each other before shifting their attention back to you. Oh no, they were definitely onto you. You opened your mouth to explain your lie further but paused. Why were you even covering him? You could prove to them that he was still alive now so why weren’t you doing just that? You had no answer. But luckily the two brothers didn’t broach the subject again.
Later that day, the three of you finally found out what has been haunting the town you were in at the moment: another vengeful spirit. You and the brothers had dealt with it shortly after. “Finally, an easy hunt for once” Dean said and leaned back in his seat. You were celebrating the successful hunt in one of the bars in the town to your dismay. After all the running and reading you just wanted to go to bed right about now. Still, you agreed with a small smile and raised your glass for the others to meet you in a toast. That was the moment when your phone decided to come alive again. You were about to grab it when you froze. Hadn’t you muted it hours ago? A cold shiver ran down your spin before your cheeks heated up in confused anger. You could only guess who was responsible for that.
 Tricky Trixie: “Uh, not now but later?” (sent a few hours ago) “I’m gonna pick you up.” (sent just now)
 Your eyes widen as you panicked. He was going to do what now? What was his deal? How were you supposed to get away from Sam and Dean without revealing why? What was your deal?! Why was that you first thought and not that a supernatural being -the trickster!- wanted to ‘pick you up’? You should think about how to get rid of him or how to escape the oncoming situation.
 (Y/N): “Definitely NOT! Don’t you dare!”
 Tricky Trixie: “Too late.”
 You leaned back in your seat and muttered an annoyed “Great” under your breath, not bothering to reply. What the hell were you getting yourself into? Why had you been so cocky to call him out back then? You could be living a peaceful … well a more peaceful life right now. You had enough to do, enough to hunt and fight you didn’t have to hide that you were in contact with the trickster from Sam and Dean now too. You shook your head. All of this felt surreal. You felt like a teenager who was hiding from their parents that they were in a relationship with the boy they hated. This couldn’t really be your life now, could it? “What’s the matter, (Y/N)?” Sam asked worried by your sudden change of attitude. “Not in a party mood anymore?” Dean questioned too. You huffed before your eyes widen in realization. That was your escape possibility! You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. “Yeah. You don’t mind if I go back to the motel and get some rest, right?” The two brothers shook their heads. “No, go and take a break” Sam said. You stood up with a small smile and grabbed your jacket. “Thanks. Good night.” “Night” Dean and Sam said at the same time. You fled the scene without looking back at them. Why did you feel so bad?
You stopped in front of the bar and slipped your jacket on, wondering what you were supposed to do now. Wondering what you were doing right now. Had you sunk so low? Lying to Sam and Dean who were practically family at that point in your life? For a trickster? Well it was that or trying to explain why the trickster was contacting you. And since you still didn’t really believe it yourself and weren’t quite sure what his true intensions were you felt like that wasn’t a good idea either. He said he didn’t want to kill you, that he didn’t have any hard feelings. Against you. He hadn’t said anything about Sam and Dean. “I’m protecting them.” Or at least that was what you tried convince yourself of.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”
You spun around to face the grinning trickster, leaning against the wall of the bar behind you. You rose one eyebrow at him and said: “You think I’m here for you?” Maybe it wasn’t your brightest idea to get confrontational with a being far more powerful than you. But at the same time, you didn’t really care right now. “Someone wants to play hard to get” he smirked, raising his chin as he looked at you. Clenching your fists, you bit back another defiant remark because he seemed to like them. “What do you want?” you asked instead, though you were sure that he could hear the irritation in your voice. “I told you, you just have to listen.” The trickster grabbed your hand before you could open your mouth again. Blinking a few times, you looked around and realized that you no longer were in that small town at night but a pedestrian zone at day. Disorientated you looked around. People all around you but no one had seen you two just appear out of nowhere? You were so confused that you didn’t even notice that you had squeezed the trickster’s hand in yours as if to ground yourself. Only when he tugged you with him did you realize that he was still there. You let yourself get pulled along. “Where are we?” you asked when he stopped in front of a café. “On est en France, chérie” the trickster answered with a smirk when he looked back at you. “What?! We’re in France?”
The next few minutes were a blur. Somehow you ended up sitting across from the trickster at a table at the front of the café with something to eat and drink in front of you. You had no idea what it was, the trickster had ordered it for you because you had been unable to speak up. “What are we doing here?” you asked because you couldn’t bear the silence any longer. “Enjoying our date” the trickster said with a grin. Or maybe he had been grinning ever since you two arrived in France. You didn’t know, you had spaced out for a while. “This isn’t a date” you blocked and shook your head. “I never agreed to this.” “But you haven’t sold me out to Sam and Dean yet, so you must have some interest in me” he stated confidently and leaned forward, putting his head in his palms. You shook your head more violently this time and set the cup of coffee down on the table. “The only reason why I haven’t told Sam and Dean about you is because I want to figure out what exactly it is you want and I can do that on my very own, thank you.” You kept to yourself that you weren’t sure if he still wanted to kill Sam and Dean. And as long as they weren’t after him they would be safe … -er. “I already told you what I want.” “Oh, and what would that be?” you asked with an awkward laugh as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. “You.”
Your heart stopped beating for a moment in which you just stared at the trickster in front of you with your mouth wide open in shock. Wha- … what the hell? You stood up and held your hands up in surrender. “I’m out of here.” You left the café as fast as possible, power walking down the sidewalk while shaking your head profusely. This was insane. Nuts! What had you gotten yourself into? “You know that you can’t run away from me.” You stopped and looked up to meet the mischievous eyes of the trickster. You only huffed, turned on your foot and began to walk into the other direction before turning right. “What are you trying to achieve?” You didn’t stop and just walked past him. “Still playing hard to get?” Your eyes drifted to your right where he had appeared on the sidewalk. “Let me be!” you demanded and turned left only to end up in front of the café you had run away from. Sighing you paused and spun around to face the trickster standing behind you. “You need me, sugar” he said and stretched out his hand for you to grab. You eyed him suspiciously and with one eyebrow raised. “No.” “You wanna stay in France?” Damn, he was right. You needed him to get back to Sam and Dean. You bit your lip and tapped on the ground with your foot, your arms crossed before your chest. Then you groaned and let your head fall back for a moment before straightening up again and grabbing the trickster’s outstretched hand.
The next time you opened your eyes to take in your surroundings you were standing inside your motel room with your hand still in the trickster’s. Glancing from your hands to the trickster’s face you slowly pulled away. “Thanks.” You slipped out of your jacket and threw it onto the sofa before kicking your boots off too. When you turned around to walk to the bathroom you froze. He was still standing there. “Oh, you don’t have to stop that for me.” You rolled your eyes, suppressing a death glare because you felt not confident enough to challenge him anymore and let yourself fall onto the sofa instead, pointing to the empty space next to you. Before you knew it the trickster already sat beside you, his arm draped on the back of the couch. You slid a little away from him, leaning against the armrest of the sofa with your knees against your chest so you could keep an eye on him but also keep your distance. “You can create food out of thin air, right? So, can you create something to drink too?” The trickster let out a short laugh before snapping his fingers. You looked at the wine bottle and two already filled glasses standing on the coffee table. You grabbed one and took a big gulp, needing something to sooth your nerves. The trickster did the same. “Sooo” he started, dragging out the word. “Still not a date?” You shook your head but couldn’t hold back the small laugh leaving your lips. “Nope.” And somehow the two of you began to talk. Just unimportant chitchat really but it was nice. After one glass of wine you started to really enjoy the trickster’s company. You couldn’t believe it. But when you started your third glass you paused. Somehow in the fog of your mind you were able to grab one clear thought. You realized that this was too strange, too weird … too comfortable. You fell silent. The trickster put his second glass of wine back on the table after finishing its content and slid towards you. He snatched the full glass out of your hands and set it down as well. Suddenly he sat directly in front of you, caging you in in-between the sofa and him. You awoke from your daze and felt your body stiffened up, your eyes widen when you realized in what position you were in. Clearing your throat, you pressed further into the cushions of the sofa while you got flashbacks from the first time you had been confronted with him in this kind of scenario. But you were too drunk to react further. “Ehm…” you said without knowing why. Maybe to get rid of the silence. Were your cheeks heating up? Was it the alcohol? What was happening? The trickster’s grin stretched over his whole face as he leaned closer, his face now only inches away from yours as his hands rested on your knees that were still plopped up on the sofa. Out of instinct you put your hands against his chest and gently pressed him away from you, though a small part of your mind whispered that if he wanted to do anything, he could. He was stronger than you but he let you push him away. You opened your mouth to speak and said the first thing you could think of in your tipsy state: “I don’t kiss before the fifth date.” “Oh, so it is a date!” he cheered. “N-No!”
You two stayed like that for a while, his hands still on your knees and your hands still on his chest. You could feel his heart beating through the shirt he was wearing. Maybe you should have wondered what you were doing. Or you should have fully pushed him away from you but your drunk mind didn’t think about that. You hadn’t been drinking much, right? Why were you feeling so out of it then? Pull yourself together! “So … what are you?” you asked after you had shook your head and many seconds of silence. The trickster eyed you questioningly with one raised eyebrow, still not moving further away from you. “I know you can’t be a trickster” you added. “Why do you think that?” You straightened yourself up a little as far as possible with the trickster still sitting directly in front of you. “Because you have some of their powers-“ he looked offended when you said ‘some’ so you quickly carried on. Where you concerned about his feelings? “But you also have a lot more. A trickster can’t teleport.” “Who said I teleported?” he smirked, leaning slightly forward again. “You could have made it look like an illusion if it were just you but you teleported me twice” you argued back, narrowing your eyes to slits. He stared back at you, his gaze growing more intense by the second. You gulped as you felt your cheeks heating up more. Maybe you had been wrong?
“I hadn’t thought you were that obsessed with me” he joked which only made you even more flustered. Unintelligible words left your lips before you bit your tongue, trying to regain the last pieces of pride you still had. “But you’re right, sugar” he continued and let go of you, sitting back on his previous spot. You relaxed and let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. When you locked eyes with him again, he was still grinning but didn’t speak up. “So?” “You’re smart” he said. “You’ll figure it out.” You wanted to counter something but the only thing that left your lips was a yawn. You remembered that the reason why you had wanted to leave that bar originally was to go to bed. The trickster laughed at the sight of you failing to stifle your yawn. “I’ll go and let you get some rest.” He stood up and snapped his fingers again, making the wine disappear. “When will I see you again?” You froze. Did you really just say that? You had only been drinking one glass, right? Or had it been two? How drunk were you? The trickster smirked once more at your words. “Done with resisting?” You didn’t answer. “You can see me any time you like, sugar” he smirked, grabbing your hand and leaving a kiss there. “Next week?” you asked. Had you always been this straight forward? Where was your filter? The trickster nodded: “If you want that.” You slowly nodded too. Was this what you wanted? You wanted to figure out what he was right? These were the only intentions you had … right? The trickster let go of your hand, taking one step back. “Wait!” you sat up on your knees but resisted the urge to reach out to him. “What am I supposed to call you? Do you have a name?” For a few moments the trickster just stared at you, flashing his teeth. “You can call me Gabe.” His words echoed from the wall as he disappeared without a trace again.
  It was about one hour later and you couldn’t find any rest. Maybe it was because your head was spinning from all the wine you had drank or maybe because you were just too rattled by everything that had happened only today. You were sitting on the small motel bed. Dean and Sam had returned from the bar about half an hour ago (you had heard them enter the room next to yours). They were probably sleeping already while you were snuggling into your blanket, looking at your phone. You starred at the name of the contact you had sought out. Unsure if you should really do it. It somehow felt wrong. Or not necessarily wrong just … weird and far too intimate. But your drunk mind didn’t care. You quickly edited the name before putting the phone on the table with a deep sigh. Looking out of the window you were only able to see the headlights of the cars passing by once in a while. Turning around you closed your eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. Just when you were on the rim of falling asleep your phone rang but you were already too far gone to register it.
 Gabe: “Sleep tight, sugar. See you next week.”
       To be continued … soonish
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toomanyrobins · 4 years
Summary: Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Content warning: nothing really yet, occasional cursing, mentions of drinking and sex later
Word Count: 1.9k
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Y/N Y/L/N was sitting outside in the quad with her best friend and roommate, Nat, between classes when her phone rang. She dug it out of her bag and answered. Her brother’s school was calling to tell her that Asher was sick. Y/N cursed, she knew the stomach bug was going around and it was going to be a crappy next few days. She asked Nat to send her the notes for the lectures before rushing to her car. In the parking lot, she was digging around trying to find her keys in her purse. She heard her name called and saw Clint Barton and his friends standing around by their cars. He jogged up to her and she could see over his shoulder that they were all watching them. “Where you going?”
Y/N was confused why Clint was talking to her. She rolled her eyes internally at the invasive question. The football team was notorious at their college and she didn’t have time to be one of their flavors of the month. “Places.”
He leaned against the car door, “Are purposefully secretive or does it come naturally?”
“Oh, I’m all natural, Barton,” Y/N jerked on the door handle, knocking him off balance. “Now I have to go. My brother is sick and I have to pick her up.”
“But it’s the middle of the day. Don’t you have class?”
She took a deep breath to keep herself calm. It wasn’t Clint’s fault she felt this way, she was just stressed about Asher, “Look I’m sorry. I wish I had the time to make idle conversation while you decide whether I'm worth sleeping with. But, I don’t. I have a sick kid to get to.” Y/N threw her stuff in the car and peeled out of the school.
Clint walked back over to his friends who had watched the exchange take place. “She looks like your number one fan,” Sam said, laughing at him.
“Oh fuck off. She’s just busy.”
“Looked like she couldn’t wait to get away from you.
In the three days since she’d got the call, Y/N’s life had been sniffles, cuddles, and soup. Just as she had predicted, a sickly five year old was exhausting for any parent, but for a 20-year-old it was beyond overwhelming. Y/N had just planted him in front of the TV when she heard a knock at the door. She swung it open and was greeted by a familiar face, “Mrs. Barnes! What are you doing here?”
“I’ve told you before, call me Winnie!” She held up a dish, “Anyway, I heard about Asher and thought I’d bring dinner by. This stomach bug has been going around and Rebecca had it last week.”
“Oh, that’s so nice of you. It’s been a hectic three days.”
“Have you called your father, dear?”
Y/N nodded, “I left a message with his assistant, but by the time he got back here they’d be on the mend. I’m almost certain I’ll send them back to school tomorrow.”
“Well, I have to get going anyway and pick up Becca. I’ll see you at the Halloween parade next week?” Y/N nodded and closed the door.
Winnie Barnes was her savior. A single mother who had taken pity on Y/N over a year ago. Three years ago, after another nanny had quit, Y/N had started taking care of her two younger siblings. Her father was rarely home and the women he had impregnated had no interest in raising children. This combination led to a 17-year-old raising a three and four year old all on her own. Last year, Winnie had befriended Y/N and since then she tried her best to offer support. Y/N refused to talk about her father’s absence, but they both knew her father was rarely home. Thankfully, Winnie’s magic had worked again and the next day, both kids were feeling much better and life could return to normal.
Y/N was sitting outside of a coffee shop on campus, the autumn sun warming her. She was transcribing all of the notes she had missed last week, when the chair opposite her became occupied by Clint Barton. He smiled at her, “There’s a party tonight. You should come.”
Y/N barely spared him a glance, keeping her eyes on the paper, “Thanks, but I can’t. I have plans.”
“Plans? What kind of plans?”
She weighed her options and decided that there was only one way to get him to leave her alone, “A date.”
“You have a date?”
Y/N sighed and shut her notebook. “Don’t sound so surprised, Barton, or I’ll think I should be insulted.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. You just don’t seem like the type to casually date is all.” Y/N sighed and closed her notebook. She crossed her arms and just stared at him. “Is there something on my face.”
“No, I’m just trying to figure out what it is about you. You’re so annoying and yet, I don’t have the urge to throw my coffee in your lap.”
“Let’s call that my charm,” the boyish grin that he gave her made her laugh. “Now, why did you reject me last week? I'm obviously not repulsive to you.”
“Reject you? What was there to reject? I don’t remember anything being asked.”
Clint glared playfully at her, “Don’t play stupid, it doesn’t work for you. You know what I was trying to do.”
“Look, Clint, you’re right. I did know what you were trying to do. You’re cute, but I have two young siblings and I’m the only parent they know of.”
“You think I’m cute?”
Y/N laughed, “Of course, that’s what you get out of it.”
Clint smiled at her again, “I hear you, though. I’ll back off, but just know I’m not giving up.” He pushed his chair back and started to walk away, but turned back around, “By the way, you didn’t actually say no.”
Clint was in the kitchen with Bucky talking about the party that night. Becca, Bucky’s younger sister, came running into the room, “You can’t go to a party! My Halloween Parade is tonight! You guys promised you would come!”
He crouched down, “How about we go to your show and then the party after. Deal?” He held out his pinky. Becca surveyed him for a second and then held out her finger in agreement. That night, when they got to the school, Winnie was immediately pulled in by friends. Parents chatted away, occasionally asking him and Bucky how their second year of college was going and how working at Stark Industries was. He noticed the woman next to him kept looking around and leaned over, “What are you looking for Mama Win?”
“This lovely girl, Y/N.” Clint perked up at the name, “She’s around your age and usually is at these things. I saw her younger brother, but not her. Oh wait, there she is!” Winnie waved over to the teenager.
Y/N smiled and greeted her, “Sorry, I’m late. The joys of costume emergencies and five-year-olds. It’s a lethal combination.”
Winnie waved away her apologies, “Is your father here?” Y/N was quick to make excuses for her father. She had been doing it for years. The older woman nodded sympathetically, “Oh, well that’s too bad.”
“Yes, he was very disappointed to miss this.” Clint could tell that she was hiding something, but before anything also could be said, they were interrupted by a young boy running up.
“Y/N! Y/N! Carter spilled juice on my dress!”
His classmate plastered a smile on her face, even though Winnie and Clint knew that she was overwhelmed by the chaos, “It’ll be okay. I’ve got a change of clothes for you in my car.”
“Why don’t I take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up while you run and grab the clothes,” Winnie offered.
Y/N looked relieved, “That would be great. Thank you,” she quickly started to leave the gym.
Clint jogged after her, “I thought you said you had a date tonight.”
“I do. At Pizza Charlie’s. It’s a tradition to take the kids after school events. Plus with trick-or-treating tomorrow, I just don’t have time for frat parties or hangovers.” They stopped in front of the car and Clint looked into the trunk. He saw that her car was made for kids. She had changes of clothes, toys, and snacks.
“This is your car?”
“Yeah,” Y/N was confused, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it just looks like Winnie’s. You weren’t kidding when you told me that stuff earlier.”
“My dad’s pretty busy. So I spend a lot of time with my brother. You learn to be prepared. On another note, what are you doing at a kindergarten spring concert?”
Clint rubbed his neck and blushed, “Winnie’s like a mom to me and Becca is like a little sister. A very persuasive sister who has made it clear to Bucky and I that we are needed at every school event.”
Y/N laughed, “Oh yes, I am very familiar with the persuasiveness of five-year-olds. There is a reason we keep going to Pizza Charlie’s and it is not because I think the food is good.” The duo headed back inside and Y/N headed off to the bathroom, while Clint went back to Bucky.
“Dude, I can not wait to get out of here. People are sending videos of the party set-up and it looks awesome.”
“Yeah, I’m actually thinking of bailing tonight. Practice killed me.”
Bucky stared at the blonde. His blue eyes were like lazors, searching for the truth, “You’re going to Pizza Charlie’s with that Y/N girl aren’t you.”
Clint was so confused, “What the hell, man?”
“I’m psychic,” Bucky laughed at his friend’s face, “No, I’m messing with you. Mom told me she and Becca are going with them after. Figured you had hopped on in hopes of more time with Y/N.”
“You are a truly terrifying person sometimes.”
Winnie and Y/N came back with her sister and sat down with Bucky and Clint. After the concert had ended, Asher sat down on Y/N’s lap while everyone spoke. He looked up at Clint, “Are you Y/N’s boyfriend?”
Y/N choked on the candy she was eating as Bucky roared in laughter, “Ash, what the fuck?”
The little boy pointed at his sister, “That’s a dollar in the jar. And what, he kept staring at you!”
“You can’t just ask people that without some warning.”
“Okay, how do I warn them?”
Y/N was stammering for an answer and Clint decided to help her, “I’m not your sister’s boyfriend. I go to school with her.”
“Do you want to be her boyfriend?”
“Asher Y/L/N, what has gotten into you? Enough.”
The boy was pouting, “I heard Aunt Nat telling you that you needed a boyfriend and that you need to lie down or something. I don't know what laying down has to do with the boyfriend thing, but I thought I’d ask.
The situation was like something out of Y/N’s nightmares. Bucky was in tears from laughing, Clint was trying his best not to laugh, Winnie was trying to get Bucky under control and Y/N just stared at the ceiling, willing the universe to give her strength. Finally, she turned to Asher, “I will give you $5 to end this conversation and never bring it up again.”
“Deal!” Y/N slapped the bill into her brother’s hand and rubbed her temples.
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Regulus in a crop top and James is jealous please.
Bonus if Wolfstar are also in the fic.
Thanks! Love your stuff.
There were a lot of changes now that two of the Marauders were married to each other. One of them was the dynamics of the group.
 When Remus and Sirius started dating it made things a little awkward for James and Peter since the two couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Oftentimes they wind up disappearing to only return with flushed faces and wrinkled clothing, making outings a bit rough since Peter and James had to sit there waiting for them to come back trying really hard not to acknowledge was happening a few feet away. 
The fact that the other two had to often remind the lovebirds to please use a silencing charm at night in the dorms was enough reason for them to both be very happy for their friends and also very angry.  
Yet anyone with eyes and ears could see that the two were madly in love with each other. It came as no surprise right after Hogwarts the two ended up moving in together while Peter had found a ministry desk job that came with monetary boarding until he finished his apprenticeship if he wanted to move up.  James himself had always thought he be rooming with Sirius or married to Lily Evans after Hogwarts, but life didn’t seem to follow childhood dreams.
Lily made it clear that she only saw James as a friend after their first date went south and he was hurt for a long time, hurt even now, but he knew it was time to let her go. She didn’t love him and he couldn’t keep pressing her for something that wasn’t going to work. 
He hadn’t heard of her since graduation four years ago but he was sure she was doing amazing because she is amazing.
James himself was working to be a Auror, to help the war effort, yet his flat felt so empty and he hated being there on his own especially with his parents passing a few days after his graduation. He always looked for excuses to visit his friends but tried to keep from being overbearing. On one of his surprise visits to Remus’ and Sirius’ flat he encounter another large change now that his best fiends were married.
That came in the form of Regulus Black, Sirius younger brother he never cared too much about as Sirius avoid the other boy like the plague in school. James didn’t know the full story of how the brothers reconnected but he knew that it was Regulus using his new found Hire Apparent status to officiate Sirius’ and Remus’s wedding and thus giving the werewolf full citizenship that would later allow the two to blood adopt should they choose. 
The Werewolf Capture Unit could no longer touch him as a official member of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, disown husband none standing. If Remus is to ever be outed, there was no chance of him being excecated. It was a relief for everyone in the know.
Regulus had apparently been the only Black to support the unity and had been kicked out of his home by his parents for his efforts in helping his older brother. Of course Padfoot took him in and now the younger man was staying with the newlyweds until he got back on his feet, exploring the word and himself with new found freedom.
James just wished this new found freedom didn’t included crop tops. 
“Bloody hell that bastard is practically panting on him” He growls watching a wizard lean into Regulus’s space as the shorter man eagerly explain some magical theory or another. The teenager was hopping to be a Unspeakable  apprentice to study magic soon. He was plain adorable when he got going on his ideas. 
The young Black didn’t even seem to be aware of what was happening, not seeming to think the black crop top coupled with the those tight trousers made him look like a delicious snack to the starving Aurors who were attending the charity function for the department. “Padfoot, tell him to get away from Regulus already!”
“Why?” Sirius asks from his left. His Aurors partner was much too relax with his colleagues taking a interest in his brother in James’ opinion. “Reggie isn’t bothered by him and he seems to be having a good time.”
“That’s because he thinks the other bloke actually cares about how wands shouldn’t be passed down in generations!” James hisses, not missing the way Regulus turns, the slip of skin the crop top shows making the action more seductive then it should be for the way he was moving his arms and talking about genetics effects on wand’s cores. The Auror’s eyes followed the movement with clear appreciation and it made something nasty burn through James’ chest. “For Merlin’s sake, he is just a child!”
“Reggie is nineteen Progs.” Sirius sighs. “He graduated Hogwarts and he can date who he wants as long as they treat him right. Merlin’s beard knows he deserves a good bloke after everything we been though in this war. Thank heavens Neville Longbottom put a end to it all.”
Ah yes, the Boy-Who-Lived, the hero that gave them all the ending of a bloody war. 
“You know who likes to argue a baby couldn’t have killed He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named? Regulus. I’ll best go fetch him and ask him about his theories-” He rose from his chair but Sirius planted a hand on his shoulder forcing him back down.
“Oh no you don’t. Look Prongs, I know you fancy Reggie but this jealousy bit needs to end. Either you man up and tell him, or you let him meet someone. But you will not stand in the way of-”
“W-w-what!? Me, fancy Regulus!? Padfoot don’t be ridiculous!” James spluttered face bursting red. “Regulus is a boy!”
Sirius raised a unimpressed eyebrow.  “Yes he is.”
“I don’t fancy boys!”
His best friends seemed to grow even more unimpressed.  “Mate, you do realize the way you described some men is not what someone who doesn’t fancy men would right?  Oh, Wood, is so good at Quidditch, you should see how strong he is! Oh you know McCall, the one who’s hair shines in the sunlight? He is an  amazing Seeker! That Malfoy is so smart, he actually pointed a incorrect print of the test, and he look so effortless graceful while doing so! ”
James gapes as Sirius keeps going, repeating things he knows he has said in the past but not in a swooning voice that the other is using. 
Sirius stops and then blinks. “Huh, just realized you have a type mate. Either they are academically advance or they play Quidditch. There is no middle ground.”
 James can’t find any words which is just when Regulus struts over, his hips memorizing with the sway of his steps. He grins at them both, unaware of the longing look the Auror throws his back. He takes a sit next to James who is suddenly extra aware of his crop top, and his stomach and oh no is that a hip bone-
 “What is so scandalizes it’s causing James to resemble a tomato?” Regulus asks leaning towards his brother. One unknown fact about the man was that he was a giant gossip. 
Sirius gives James a long look before smiling. “Just one of the Aurors having some trouble wooing a oblivious idiot is all.”
“Oh and here I was hoping it be something fun.”
“What...what do you count as fun?” James asks clearing his throat and fighting to keep his eyes off Regulus outfit. 
The smile he receives makes heat rush all the way to his toes.  “Why don’t come over tonight and find out?”
He stands giving another twirl that has his top lifting slightly before marching off and James watches him go with his heart in his throat. The younger boy throws him a smolder over his shoulder right before he enters the dance floor and finds a woman to spin. 
Regulus is a beast on the dance floor.
James watches the way he moves with a whimper “I’m in trouble aren’t I?”
Sirius throws his head back in laugh, thumb tracing his wedding band. “Trust me, when we Blacks want someone, they really are in trouble. But trouble makes life fun! Good luck, Progs, he is going to eat you alive.”
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addercharmer · 3 years
Izumi grinned at Shōta as they got on the train together. She was super excited to start her work studies.
"Shō! Why aren't you more excited?" She whisper-yells as she grabs his shoulders and tries to shake him. In the back of her mind Izumi notes that he's put on a lot of muscle since the beginning of school.
"Shut up." Shōta growls at her.
Izumi huffs at him but let's go, and sit properly in her seat. She slips one of her headphones in her ear before she jams the other in Shōta's, before turning on her music.
"The fuck?" Shōta yelps and pulls away slightly. "Problem female."
Izumi ignores the grump beside her, and starts to tap her fingers on her thigh with the drum beat.
The ride passes with the music between the two, ten minutes in Shōta is leaning heavily against Izumi. His breaths are soft and deep.
Izumi takes the time to examine him. She had thought Shōta handsome when she was just his student, but the younger him hasn't yet gained the scruffy appearance that she had appreciated so much.
Younger Shōta had yet to have his constant five o'clock shadow, his hair wasn't yet as long, but his jaw was sharp and Izumi had always appreciated his high cheekbones.
Part of Izumi briefly wondered what her presents in his life was changing, she hoped it was for the better.
"Next stop, Maple station."
The speaker announced, Izumi jolted a little before she started shaking Shōta. "It's our stop."
Shōta's eyes popped open and he stared at Izumi for a moment before slowly sitting up, then standing and stumbling his way over to the train doors.
Izumi followed him with a little more grace, laughing to herself about his lack of balance.
Once off the train the two made their way through the warehouse district, Shōta looking at his phone for directions every few minutes.
When they arrived at their destination both looked at each other before Izumi pushed the door open. The inside of the area was brightly lit, right inside the doorway was racks to put your shoes on, they covered about five feet into the building where they then met with a tumbling mat that spread across the rest of the room.
There were doors that were spread around the room, Izumi guessed most were offices, two exceptions being the changing rooms.
Kicking off her shoes Izumi put them in a cubby and steps into the mat, without any warning she feels her body drop in a somersault leaving her case behind.
"The fuck!" Shōta exclaimed as he is wrapped in chains.
"EraserHead and….Huh?" Echos' around them, Izumi looks up into the rafters and spots a horned white haired man.
"Looper!" She squeals and jumps to her feet, dashing the few steps to Shōta and grabbing his bicep to stabilize herself as she jumps but to also jostle her friend. "Oh! My! God!"
The man laughs loud and booming. "Well at least one of you is excited and has some instincts." Looper says before Shōta is shooting out of her hands and towards the rafters, Looper uses him as a counter weight as he jumps down holding the other end of the chain.
"FUCK." Shōta actually screams as he's lifted in the air and then dropped when Looper let's go.
Izumi cant help herself, she's clutching her stomach as she laughs.
"Is there something other than 'Huh?' I can call you little lady?" Looper asks as he saunters towards her.
"Co-conf-confused." Izumi says having to restart twice because of her laughter.
"Care to explain?" The man asks, his eyebrow raised.
"My dad is Nezu, my little brother has red wings, I'm species confused." She tells him with a feral grin.
Looper snorts. "Alright."
Shōta had gotten himself untangled from the chain in the time of her exchange with Looper and stalked over with a glare.
"So, it's really rare that we send offers to take on students, it's even more rare when people accept. I am really excited to work with you both." Looper claps his hands. "First I want you to change into workout clothes, you are each gonna fight me quirkless, then with quirk, then with support gear."
Izumi looks at the man in excitement as she hops from foot to foot, once he makes shoo motions at them she grabs her case and takes off to get changed.
She's the first one back, she had been smart and wore her workout clothes under her school uniform so all she had to do was shed the layer, she skipped out of the changing room carrying her support gear case.
"Gotta wait for the other one, but before the spars I want to know three facts about you and him." Looper tells her. He's relaxed and seems like a happy man. Izumi mourns for Eri for loosening this man as a father.
When Shōta finally exits the changing rooms in loose sweats and a tank top, his capture scarf in his hands. He looks her over and looks a little shocked at her cycling shorts and double sports bra outfit.
She hears Looper short a laugh and looks at him in confusion. Sometimes males are so confusing.
"Right, Confused, give me three facts."
Izumi purses her lips before saying. "I'm adopted, I was abused, I will hurt you if you touch my chocolate."
Looper shakes his head at her. "EraserHead, three facts."
"I need coffee, I didn't sleep well, I want to sleep." Shōta says with his face completely blank.
"I'm married, my wife is the daughter of a Yakuza boss, I will kill you if you eat my apples." Looper tells them. "Confused, you're up first." He leads Izumi into the center of the room.
She relaxes herself and falls into a defensive stance, it doesn't take Looper long to charge her, he's quick to throw multiple punches, most of them Izumi redirects, very few hit their target.
Izumi is not in any way a tank, she's a hit and back off kind of fighter. Between one breath and the next Izumi is throwing herself backwards and rolling across the mat to get some space.
Next she's using a handspring to get back into Looper's space and using an axe kick and an elbow jab as she comes back down.
The half second it takes Looper to recover from her elbow to his diaphragm, Izumi is sliding between his legs and throwing herself into a handstand. Her feet catch Looper at the base of his skull, not hard enough to do any damage but it makes his head snap forward.
Izumi makes sure to keep in motion, she tries to evade or redirect anything Looper throws at her, it's a high kick that takes Izumi out, she had tried to redirect it but there was too much force, it knocks all the air from her lungs and slams her into the wall.
"Shit!" Looper yelps as she slides down the wall.
"Ow." Izumi groans a little. Shōta is already moving towards her, his eyes are wide and worried, he snatches up her hand and holds it.
"Shit!" Looper tells again as he runs over to start checking her over for broken bones and a concussion.
"'m fine, just, the wall could use some padding." Izumi tells him. She lets him worry and flutter around her until he's finished.
"Shit kid, sorry I forgot you were well...a kid, good fight." Looper apologizes and compliments. "EraserHead, can you carry her over to her water bottle, then you're on the mat with me."
Shōta is careful when he slides his arms under her, he carries her like a princess before setting her against the wall and putting her water in her hands.
"You really okay?" He asks softly, Izumi nods at him and flutters her hands to make him go fight the pro.
Shōta's fight is more of a one sided ass kicking, he's lost a lot of flexibility as he focused on building muscle. Izumi feels a little disappointed in him, but she shakes it off as Looper pins him on his stomach, arms awkwardly twisted behind him.
Looper let's him go after a count of ten, Shōta lays on the floor gasping for breath as Looper stands.
"Kay. Confusion, in weaponless quirkless fighting you don't need much, just some different opponents, bigger opponents, smaller opponents. EraserHead, you gotta work on some flexibility, you are not a tank, you need to be able to dodge and throw a hit at the same time, I suggest yoga, dance, gymnastics, anything really that will force you to bend a little." Izumi blushes a little at the lack of criticism, Shōta groans and slams his forehead on the mat.
"EraserHead, go relax. Confused, come spar with quirks." Izumi bounces over to Looper, she did her homework on the man, his quirk was a five point touch quirk that had the victim stuck in a thirty second loop in their mind, it lasted until they were jolted out with pain or half an hour had passed.
Izumi didn't move, her quirk let her work with electricity in the body, she had been working on it with volunteers in heroics class.
Izumi grabbed hold of the electric impulses sending messages to Loopers legs and arms, she stopped them and then pulled on the electricity she could feel humming in the building, picturing herself holding lime green whips in her hands Izumi pulled and then snapped her whips around Looper giving him small enough shocks that all they did was jolt his muscles.
"Huh, why didn't you use that more in the festival?" Looper asked her, after she let him go.
"Didn't have it under control yet, it's been a work in progress, it's hard to find people willing to let me play with the electricity in their body." Izumi answered.
"Oooookay, we have some crazies here that will probably help you." Looper tells her, he limps towards Shōta and drops to the ground. "You gotta wait kid, I need a moment to recover."
Izumi joins them, she's playing with her fingers before blurting. "Tell us about your wife?"
"Ari, well we got married right out of highschool to get her away from her family. Her quirk let's her renew plant life. So she opened a flower shop a few years ago. We are trying to have a kid, she wants a family so badly." Looper's face is soft.
"Ahhh, she sounds lovely! Can we meet her? Can we have your real name?" Izumi asks rapid fire.
"Eren, my mother was German. You'll most likely meet her, you were told you were going to be staying with us, yes?" Looper... Eren says to them.
"Oh right." Izumi tips her head to the side. "Ah, I'm sure you already know but he's Aizawa Shōta and I'm Nezu Izumi!" She chirps at the man with a wide smile.
"So bright." She hears the two men whisper.
"Okay. Your turn Aizawa." Eren says as he stands, Shōta follows with a groan.
Izumi again watches a one sided beat down, and sighs as Shōta is told he really needs some flexibility.
"Well, why aren't your weapons on yet?" Eren asks her as he walks over.
"Well…" Izumi hesitates and opens her case. "What weapon do you want me to wear?"
"Jesus kid, you getting ready to take on an army?" Eren asks with an edge of worry.
"No, uh, I like to have options." She says sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck.
"Fine, Aizawa is first, then we will do all yours but the grenades and guns separately then again together." Eren grumbles as he scoops up Shōta's scarf.
Shōta's third beat down goes better, but Izumi notes to herself to make him try her scarf after her spars, maybe the longer and wider material will be better.
"Go stretch and relax, I gotta take on the girly now." Eren says gruffly, Izumi can tell he's a little dissatisfied.
Izumi grabs her scarf and gloves before taking her place on the mat. She doesn't do as well as she had weaponless, she's taken down when she trips over her scarf on a landing.
Her brass knuckles are better, they give little shocks every time the metal grazes anything, she's happier with them than the scarf, maybe she should just ditch it and stick to her guns and electrokinesis for long range.
Fighting with knives has Izumi beat quickly, she had been too focused on the ones in Eren's hands that she missed when he threw one of them at her, it scratched her temple and Izumi called it her loss.
"Dad's had me in gun handling classes since he adopted me, I still go to the range every other week to keep sharp." She explains to Eren as she walks over to Shōta. "If you have one here I'm happy to demonstrate."
Shōta looks half asleep, he jumps a little when Izumi drops her scarf over his head. "Try this, it's similar to yours." She tells him.
Shōta hauls himself to his feet.
"So one tight grip around the fabric activates it and shuts it off. It has micro processors that are constantly scanning your body, so it knows your height and arm length once activated. Small movements are best." Izumi tells him.
Shōta grips the strips of fabric by his throat before flinging out his hand, the scarf shoots out and slaps Eren in the face, Shōta jerks his hand back and gets the same treatment.
"What part of small movements don't you get?" Izumi asks exasperated.
Shōta tries again, this time a small flick of his fingers, the scarf shoots out to a midway point. Shōta then makes a circle in the air and calls the scarf back, this time it thumps against his chest.
"It's yours, I didn't like how I worked with it. Support can make you gloves to help with control. I'll put in the transfer papers, and ask them to give me new gloves." Izumi tells him, Shōta just buried his face in the scarf, and Izumi is happy that the man finally has his iconic weapon.
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Lau - Pink Lotus Princess
(( Just a little disclaimer - I chose to find a nice name for the Reader as well, mostly because I wanted that name to be symbolic and have the meaning that I wanted it to, to be in a clear anti-thesis to her sister. 
Yahui (Elegant, Graceful) Lianyi (Intelligent, Unique)
I did quite a lot of research on things from the Quig dynasty and how things were around that time...And also some influences from the phone game Royal Chaos that I used to play a year ago, more or less because the plot was pretty interesting, so I hope didn’t do any errors or stuff like that x ))
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The whole kingdom had a reason to party as the Empress gave birth to a little Princess, and although it wasn't an heir, as everyone hoped for, they were still content with it, being his first child.
The Emperor stood by the Empress' side on her bed, stroking her hair as she smiled exhausted down at the little angelic creature she gave birth to, leaning her head on her husband's side, and at least for that night, there would be no Harem troubles. 
That happiness was short lived, as the main Consort also gave birth to a little girl, a little over 2 months later, which made for everyone comparing the 2 little Princesses in everything they did. 
And thus comes the story of the little Princess Lianyi, a girl of merely 10 years of age, seemingly so innocent to the world, and yet, knowing so many of the harsh realities that she witnessed or heard of from her mother, the Empress, who thought the nest birthday gift for her little Lotus was to take her in town to see the world.
Her father gifted her a beautiful pink dress with long sleeves, which she used as pockets for little coin bags and a hair pin, just in case. The maid brushed her long, beautiful hair that looked like black silk in a beautiful half-braid, the upper part being a complicated, royal braid, while the lower part she let loose, dancing to the rhythm of the gentle Spring wind. 
The Empress let the girl do as she pleased, keeping an eye on her from afar, and she realised she admired the beautiful craftsmanship of various hair accessories, when she suddenly heard a huge commotion at a food stand, and a furious man furiously yelling at a boy about her age who looked terrified. 
The little princess frowned and went to the booth, realising the boy must have stolen to feed himself, as he looked like an orphan, and she took out one of the little coin bags and threw them at the booth owner.
"Here, I'm sure this is enough for what he stole and some more, correct?" she spoke in a light voice, yet her eyes were unwavering. "Who tha' hell d'ya think ye are, kid?! Get outta mi sight!" the booth owner shouted at her, making her raise her chin and stare at him offended and condescending. "You dare disrespect Princess Lianyi? How unsightly! But I am merciful today, since it’s my birthday. I will give you a second chance to redeem yourself before I call over my guards." her words shocked the man as she spoke so maturely, almost as of the Emperor himself was in front of him. "Y-Yer the P-Princess...?" the man jaw-dropped, his eyes wide like saucers, before falling to his knees, bowing to the ground in front of the girl. "F-Forgive me rudeness, Yer Highness! That rat stole food and with no money, I can't take care of me own family! P-Please take anything ye'd like!" he sobbed, making the girl crouch down and pat his head awkwardly. "That's enough, I forgive you. Take the money for your family and let me take the food from here. This boy here is just a child without family. Next time you are so ride towards an orphan, imagine what would happen to your child if you were to die right now." she explained in a gentler voice, before taking the food bag and dragged the boy away to a beautiful koi fish pond that was shded by a Peach tree.
The girl lifted the hem of her dress, sitting on the ground and drawing shapes with her finger on the sheen of the crystal clear water. 
"Well? Aren't you going to eat? I thought you'd be famished." she mused in a playful way. "Why...Did you help me? You're a Princess...Nobody from the royal family ever helped the homeless..." he spoke in a hushed voice, almost as if afraid. "Oh, I see you're brave. Nobody would dare drag the royal family in front of the Princess herself. Tell me your name." she smiled deviously, shifting her gaze completely to the boy. "Lau, Your Highness. My name is Lau." saying his name, a soft smile started to creep on his face. "Aww, look at you, you're smiling, how cute. Here, take this. Spend it wisely, I'm not sure when we'll be seeing each other again. Now that I practically bribed you, tell me why are you so at ease with talking to me." the Princess smirked, making the boy muse and grin wider. "You see, Princess, I can read people very well, and I can tell that you have something...Unique about you. Just like a Lotus flower. So tell me, my pink Lotus, what do you do at the palace? Sing like a little songbird for the Emperor? Or do a graceful dance for your suitors?" Lau rested his chin on his palm, looking completely at ease, fox-like features gracing his visage. "Goodness, no, that's my sister...My job at the Palace is to be the China's disappointment." she chuckled drily, looking away. "If I were a bird, I could fly away and be free...I could do anything that I wanted and nobody would judge me or treat me as an object for political means. I could discover the world and...I could be happy." she sighed, closing her beautiful jade-coloured eyes in resentment. "You are just like a butterfly, my Princess. A caged bird, trying to break free. What are you going to do?" he mused in a lower voice. "What is there to do, Lau? I'm a woman! There is nothing to do! My father is already angry enough on me for being such a weird daughter and now I have to learn how to behave, so to speak, so at least he wouldn't kill me or send me away to some nasty old man." she bit her lip without realising, before she felt a gentle hand on her face. "And what are you interests, little flower?" he asked, caressing her face. "I'm...Sneaking to the healers to study medicine. It's my passion. If I could, I would become a healer...But I can't. My fated was sealed to me the day I was brought into this world." she sighed once again, looking down. "If I could marry you, I would, and we could live our life away from all these terrible people. Isn't it sad how fate works sometimes? But I'm asking you, my dear Pink Lotus...What if we were to fight destiny?" he smirked mischievously, making her widen her eyes in disbelief. "Fight fate...? Is that even possible...?" she whispered, barely able to find her voice. "We can do anything we want to, my dearest. All we have to do is be smart about our little plans. So, what do you say? Do you want to escape your fate together with me and get away from this place? Or will you continue to be the Emperor's little doll that will get thrown away in a few years? I believe you're almost old enough to marry, am I right ~?" he slurred his words, almost as if entrancing her in his spell. "How old are you that you know so much?" she raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Barely 15, but my little sister is just a bit younger than you, and I would be devastated if she were to have such a terrible life ahead of her." he spoke with slight amusement. “How nice...You have a sister that you love...And she loves you back. I and my sister have been pitted against each other since birth. I expect death every day by either her hand or the Consort’s.” she scoffed, looking away in disgust. “Who would have thought that such beautiful ladies would be so much deadlier than war generals.” he chuckled in amusement, making the girl nudge him. “Don’t joke like that...Instead, tell me your plan.” she leaned in closer, motioning for him to tell her everything. “Hmmm...? Plan? What plan? I have no idea what are you talking about.” he shrugged simply, a wide, innocent and clueless grin on his face, making the girl look at him in complete shock. “Excuse....Me....WHAT?! You did all that build up, giving me hope that I could somehow get away from all this madness, only for you to destroy everything...Just like that?! How cruel can you be?!” she glared at him, getting to her feet, rushing to leave, before he caught her wrist, turning her to face him. “Wǒ qīn'ài de fěnhóng sè liánhuā    (My dear pink lotus) ...Don’t turn your back on me like that, you’re breaking my heart. You showed me kindness, and I have to repay my debt in a way. Even if you decide to throw away your status, you’re always going to be my dear little Princess. Life works in mysterious ways, don’t forget that.” Lau caressed her face, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, leaving her awestruck, little beads of water glistering in her eyes. “You better not betray me, Lau, or I swear I will have you publicly executed and I will swing the sword myself.” she threatened, despite her voice being so light and shaky. “I shall remember that.” he mused, finding her words rather cute.
Years passed faster than anyone expected, and while Lianyi wasn’t able to go visit her friend too often, at least once per year, during her birthday, she managed to see him, thanks to her mother’s kindness, seeing her only daughter being so infatuated with the boy that treated her so gently.
Her mother only got into the Harem and accepted to marry the Emperor because her brother was a powerful War general and she was the eldest daughter of the family, so it had to be done.
She never loved the Emperor, and she wished for her daughter to find and marry a man she loves... The Empress knew from the second she gave birth to her little angel, she knew that she was special and had a great future ahead of her...But she had to be far away from this terrible place...Far away where she wasn’t a Princess and she could marry the man she fell in love with and practice healing, just as she always dreamt of.
However, the Princess’ 15th birthday gift was her mother’s death, which she realised was due to poison from the Consort, and her father arranged her marriage with the enemy War General to make a peace pact, which made her heart break and whole life shatter in front of her.
Lianyi ran to the meeting spot where Lau was waiting, this time, without his little sister, Ran Mao, with whom the girl played with or braided her hair or gave her gifts like hair pins or other nice clothes.
She threw her arms around the only person apart from her mother who showed any bit of love to her and let tears stream down her soft, porcelain like cheeks, making the man worry and put her to his chest, stroking her hair.
“What ever could have happened to make you cry, wǒ de húdié  (my butterfly) ?” he asked in a gentle voice, wiping away the tears. “They killed her, Lau! Those harpies killed her! With monkswood, nonetheless! How much more cruel can they get? Don’t they realise that it’s an act of treason and they could be killed? And if that wasn’t enough, my father is sending me away to marry some 60 year old general that’s our enemy nonetheless...Next week...I don’t know what to do! I’m losing my mind!” she sobbed in his warm embrace as he tried to calm her down, but she was lost beyond reason. “My poor little Princess, so young, yet burdened with such sorrow. I wonder how you will get out of this mess.” he cooed at her, making her grit her teeth in anger. “If you’re not going to help, at least don’t be a jerk about it! I going through a crisis right now, and despite you being the only person I can rely on, you’re mocking me! I am still the Princess and with the little influence I have, I can still have you killed!” she sneered at him, pushing him away, but it only made him chuckle. “Please forgive me, my darling, it’s just...You’re just so adorable when you respond to my teasing. It just makes me want to squish your cheeks and gush over how cute you are. Here, as a way to apologise, I’ll let you braid my hair. How is that?” he unbraided his hair, letting his ebony hair that almost reached his waist fly in the soft wind. “Sure...” she muttered, sitting on the ground behind the man, gently playing with his hair, slowly letting peace wash over her. “If I run away...How will we ever see each other again? I don’t want to lose you, Lau.” she sighed, finishing the braid and hugging the man, resting her forehead on his shoulder. “I would never leave my little Pink Lotus alone. This only means that we have to act sooner than expected. We shall be just like this Peach tree, blooming earlier than our time, but just as beautiful. Lianyi, my darling, will you listen to what I have to say?” he got up, helping the girl stand as well, putting his hands on her pale face, looking deep into her jade-like eyes, feeling his heart warmer as he noticed how divine she looked with her face rosy, in the divine light of Mother Moon. “Of course I will listen to you.” she spoke breathlessly, gazing shyly into his dark eyes. “Then follow your instincts and know that even if you don’t see me next to you, I am still guiding you from the shadows, and soon, we will see each other again when you least expect it. I made a promise with you and I intend to keep it. If you stay around me for now, you will be in grave danger, and I will not allow that to happen.” he spoke firmly, letting her know he wasn’t being playful, as usual. “What have you gotten yourself into...?” she frowned in worry. “Nothing that you should worry over, wǒ qīn'ài de xiǎo gōngzhǔ ( my dear little princess ).” he soothed her gently, letting his sleeve fall down a bit down, revealing a dragon tattoo. “Oh, Lau...Please be safe. I don’t know what I’d do if I knew something happened to you.” she pleaded with her eyes, glimmering like jewels in the light, making the brunet man smile gently at her, tracing her soft, luscious lips resembling the petals of a pink lotus, with his thumb. “I promise you that we will both be okay, if you promise me you’ll still love me so beautifully when we see each other again. No matter what happens, never lose this innocence of yours, my dear.” speaking so softly, he put a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Why is a man so invested with a woman? Surely you realise I won’t be a Princess anymore when we next see each other. So...Why...Do you behave so differently from everyone else...?” she raised her eyebrow in naive confusion. “I imagine for you, this feeling would be foreign, but I didn’t lie when I said I wanted to spend my life with you. Now, should we seal this promise of ours?” he smiled softly at her, raising her face to gaze at him. “How...?” she asked in that sweet voice that sent shivers down his spine.
There was no need for an answer, for Lau slowly leaned in, capturing her lips softly, pulling her closer to him, before pulling apart and gazing into her eyes, seeing stars and love.
He had never seen such a pure and lovely person in his life, especially one to show him such warm and genuine emotions, and over these 5 years they spent together, his love and need to protect her only grew more and more.
He didn’t know how long he will have to be away from her, nor did he know if he was going to survive being a top official of Qing Bang, and more, quickly reaching up the ladder and being close to becoming the manager of the Shanghai trading company, and very soon, having to move to Great Britain and extend his influence there.
Lau’s life has always been unpredictable and dangerous, so until he somehow manages to settle in a more relaxed environment where he’s sure no assassin may attack or use her as bait or bribe, there was no way he could have her around any longer.
He was an ambitious man, he wanted to be so much more than a street rat, he wanted money, he wanted luxury and riches, he wanted the world, he wanted to indulge in sins...
He wanted everything.
And he WILL get everything.
While Lau was busy making a name for himself, the girl was forced to dance for her soon to be husband, who was nothing less than a lecherous scum of a human being.
She was fed up, she’s had enough of this life.
She was going to end it all.
She was finally going to take the reigns of her fate in her hands.
Nobody was going to control her anymore.
She followed the advice that her mother gave her on her deathbed, took her trusted servant with her, and ran away on a horse, disguising herself as a man and acting as a travelling healer.
She already had enough money at her, courtesy of her mother’s shrewdness, so for the rest 5 or so years, she lived peacefully with her servant in a decent home, working as a physician at a smaller palace.
But due to a series of unfortunate events, she was found out and she was Physician Yi no more, but a woman once again, who was not allowed to work as a healer. What was even worse, was that the Lord of the palace forced her to join his harem, otherwise she would get executed for treason, all while they killed her servant in an attempt to warn her.
But she wasn’t going to let men take control of her life again.
That night, she created a poison and dipped her hair pin needle in it, killing the guards that stood by the gate, leaving with her horse far, far away.
What she wasn’t expecting, however, was to arrive to a ship that was sailing to England, so she decided to change her fate completely, with no regrets, and see if maybe other continents, other countries, would treat her better.
The whole thing was a mess and the living conditions on the ship were horrible, but she wasn’t Princess Lianyi anymore, nor was she Physician Yi, so she couldn’t afford to complain, and nor she could afford to give any money away recklessly.
She arrived at what she would find out is called East End - London, where poor Oriental people would try to find work...But she wasn’t going to do any physical work. She wasn’t strong enough, she knew her strengths, and that wasn’t one, so she started searching around for physicians and doctors where she could work, of course, disguised as a man, but nobody would hire her without a proper license.
She was going to give up and look for an inn to rest at, when she stumbled upon a Mortician parlor, and thought it wouldn’t be too bad to work there - Better than nowhere, at least, so she knocked on the door, entering nervously.
She was met by a creepy laugh and a man with long silvery hair coming out of a coffin, grinning carefree at her, asking her what she was looking for, and as soon as the man heard she was looking for work, addressing to herself as a man, instead of a woman, he started laughing, which slightly freaked her out.
“Darling, I understand you had to worry about being a woman, out there, but here, you don’t have to hide anymore. I will hire you regardless. I have a spare room here, not that I was expecting to hire anyone, but it sure comes in handy.” he spoke in a low, playful voice, taking away the hat from her head and letting her beautiful, long, ebony hair cascade down her back. “Is it...Really no problem...At all...? No catch? Nothing? Just your heart’s kindness?” she asked in a broken English. “Hmm...I suppose I’ll have to teach you proper English, but that’s no problem at all. You see...I have a few special people that I know and I don’t charge them money, but something much more important in these grim days. It’s laughs. And dear, your attempt at imitating a man, no matter how cute that was, failed. I wonder if it failed because I already know a Chinese man...Who knows?” he giggled, lifting her face up to inspect her. “If you don’t want money, what do you want? And who’s this Chinese man that you’re speaking of?” she asked, hoping, at least for a second, that this is the fate Lau was talking about. “Tell me your story, and you won’t have anything to worry about. You, little mouse, piqued my interest. And the man I’m speaking of usually walks around a little guard dog...I’m sure he’ll come around sooner or later, and you’ll see him yourself.” he explained, intertwining his fingers together. “...I am Princess Lianyi, the Emperor’s and the Empress’ only child. I ran away from home 5 years ago when I got fed up with being used like a doll, married off and mistreated, only for political reasons, and I decided to pursue my dreams. However...I’m not sure if I can settle with only being a healer. I want to kill the Emperor for treating me that way, despite being his first child, and I want to kill his Consort and their daughter for poisoning my mother. If they are dead, then I can be Empress and nobody would dare pressure me again.” she spoke timidly, knowing very well that her ambitions were far beyond reason. “What a marvelous story! To think I’d find myself in the grace of a Princess with such dark ambitions! Hehehe, that’s rather amusing! Don’t worry, little mouse, I will help you with anything I can. You can wear any outfit you wish, it may bring some colour to this gloom place. After all, the beauty of life is like a blooming flower, isn’t it?” the Undertaker hummed, stroking a strand of her hair. “Pink Lotus...That’s what someone special used to call me...Never mind that. Thank you, Undertaker, for your kindness. I truly appreciate it.” she spoke in a soft voice, bowing slightly, not knowing the customs of this new place.
No matter that, however, for the Undertaker was there to teach her everything she needed, be it the language, the customs or medicine, which in this place was so different, yet incredibly efficient.
She quickly learnt of his connection with the underworld and how, before, he meant that people come to him to buy information and this was mostly a facade hobby of sorts.
The Undertaker, for some reason, never called her by her name, but by random nicknames, only using “Pink Lotus” when there was something more important, knowing how many emotions that would bring to her. He would, however, use “Physician Yi” when referring to her in public, not wanting to potentially give away her identity, but also, playfully mocking her 5 years of living as a man, which would greatly annoy the girl and would either glare at the silver haired man, or throw a dog biscuit at him.
Weeks and months passed rather fast and working for the mortician became a rather pleasant routine, until a certain dog bark disturbed their peace.
She was in the back, preparing a tray of tea, before fixing her pink outfit and gold hair accessories, and putting the tray in front of the Undertaker’s table, not sparing any glance for the new comers.
“Wonderful as usual, my dear. This is the guard dog I was telling you about. Isn’t he cute?” the silver haired man giggled, but she only glared at him, remaining silent. “I wouldn’t have expected you to hire Chinese servants who can’t speak English.” the midget smirked, irritating the girl, who cursed him in Chinese, barely audible. “Tiān nǎ (goodness gracious), how amusing!” the Chinese man chuckled dramatically. “What did she say?!” the dark haired child raised his voice impatiently. “Oh, I wonder...!” he smiled deviously, which made her raise her eyebrow at him in confusion. “Do you need me for anything else, Undertaker? Or can I go back to my work? I don’t fancy wasting time with meaningless things, like you.” she spoke in a harsh voice, looking down at him, like a true Empress would. “Well, I was thinking you could present our guests our newest case! As Physician Yi, I’m sure you’d find some joy in showing your expertise, wouldn’t you?” he teased, making the girl harden her glare. “How pathetic. Besides, why should I help them? Jack the Ripper case solved or not, there’s nothing in it for me, is it? I’m not here to do charity work.” she crossed her arms, scoffing. “Ohhh, I see! Then, darling, what is your price? Or do you want jewelry? Fine clothes? Just name it, and in exchange for your services, it’s all yours!” the Chinese man walked in front of her, grinning just like a fox. “Kill the Emperor for me, and I’ll tell you everything.” she matched his grin, her face glowing with a poisonous and fake innocence, leaving the man open his eyes in shock. “...Eh?” he managed to blurt out, certainly caught off guard. “HA! Never mind that, your dumb face was enough to pay me.” she laughed patronising, making the man stare at her in shock, not knowing what to say. “Gods, you’re just like him...” the kid muttered in annoyance. “If you don’t mind...All of the victims were female prostitutes and all of them had a missing, representative organ. If you haven't guessed by now, it's the uterus. It's been carefully taken away. One might conclude that, despite being few people on the streets at night, the culprit has at least the minimum anatomical knowledge, to perform such a clean and specific organ removal...In pitch black.” the girl explains simply and professionally, as if she wasn’t trash-talking them just a second earlier. "Very well, my dear Pink Lotus, you did your homework well~!” the Undertaker chuckled, making the girl hit his chair, making him fall off, in a fit of rage. “How many times must I tell you NEVER to call me that? You’re incurable.” she gritted her teeth in anger, before leaving the parlor.
What she wasn’t aware of was that, for a few seconds, the talk of the day was still about her.
“Why would you get such an irritating servant?” Ciel rolled his eyes in annoyance. “She’s not my servant, Earl. You could say she’s my little apprentice, but it was her who came so timidly at me, asking to be hired, since no one would hire a healer without a license. Poor thing, and she’s such a brilliant young girl.” the mortician commented with a vague smile on his face. “I would say, Young Lord, that you’re not as amiable as you think you are.” Lau teased the young boy, who gasped, offended. “What did you say?!” he glared at his associate with such hatred. “People who had bad things happen to them don’t act as they feel. You should know that by now, shouldn’t you?” he explained, extending his arms to his sides. “Does that mean that you know who she is or what she’s been through or what?” the dark haired child raised his eyebrow questioningly. “I have no clue.” Lau deadpanned, leaving everyone facepalming. “Undertaker, would it be too much to ask you to let me hire your little assistant for a week or 2? I promise I’ll bring her back home safe and there’s no underground business involved.” he averted his gaze to the Undertaker, his heart beating faster after seeing the girl. “If she accepts, who am I to come between the work of fate?” the man hinted, making Lau grin even wider.
It was all he needed to be sure that the girl that made a fool of him was actually the little Princess he loved so much. Oh, how she matured! Alas, she had to experience so many terrible things to make her so cold and harsh, unlike before!
But it’s no problem, he was going to heal her - After all, his little Pink Lotus mustn’t hold so much hatred towards the world! She should just be happy in indulge in anything that would make her smile! Let him bear the darkness of the world and worry about tomorrow.
After a bit of pushing from the Undertaker, seeing how uncertain she was, but she followed the man to his home, which she found out was above an underground opium den, which only made her even more reluctant to her next steps, but him putting his arm around her only made her feel a strange feeling of reassurance.
Is this Lau? Is this really HER Lau?
But what happened to him? His clothes changed...He even cut his hair...She wondered why would he have such short hair? And more, where his little sister would be?
She was afraid to ask anything, and was rather timid in replying to any of his trivial questions, until they got this his room, after he gave her a tour of the whole place, except the den, saying a lovely lady like her shouldn’t be exposed, at least right away, to drugs and dirty business.
“So, uhm...Why did you really call me here? I’m sure it wasn’t so you would give me a tour of your house or tell me what you do for a living.” she asked, shifting in place, not looking at him. “Why, my dear Pink Lotus, should I feel hurt that you don’t recognise me? Although, I have to say, so many years passed...And you became even more beautiful than before...I didn’t think that would be possible...Princess Lianyi.” he spoke in a low, fox-like voice, as he leaned down to her height, as she was so much smaller and delicate compared to him. “I...I did suspect it was you, but...Your hair...And Ran Mao...And...And your clothes...” she stammered over her words, looking down, her face warming up from emotion. “Only details, my dear. Besides, Ran Mao is here, at home, and she’s eager to see you as well. But until then, my darling, shouldn’t you tell me how much you missed me?” Lau grinned, extending his arms towards her, expecting a hug. “Did...You...Miss me...? Just like you said you would...?” she whispered, looking up at him with teary eyes, barely able to stop herself from jumping on him and never letting go. “You were on my mind every day so far.” he spoke gently, seeing her bottom lip quivering as she threw herself at him, holding him as tightly as her delicate arms could. “Don’t leave me again, Lau. It’s so terrible being alone, in such a huge world...” she managed to say, as she felt herself being picked up and gently laid on the bed. “I’m going nowhere, my dear. I made a promise with you, and my feelings haven’t changed. If anything, they’re more powerful than before.” he put a hand on her cheek, looking down at her, before putting his forehead to hers, while his other hand had his fingers intertwined with hers. “I love you so much, Lau...So much...I missed you...All this time you were away...” she closed her eyes briefly, as she felt his lips on hers, the electrifying feeling surging through her veins, just as it did the first time they kissed, many years ago. “Lianyi...Will you marry me? My life has been tied to the underworld for more years than I can remember, and no matter how much I want to keep you away from that, I can’t stay away from you. I’m no angel like you, and you deserve to be happy, but I can’t keep you away from all dangers and darkness.” he confessed, his voice serious, trying to bring her back to reality. “You...You’ve never called me by my name before...I...I would want nothing more than to stay by your side, no matter what. I don’t care what you’ve got yourself into, I just want to be with you. Yes, Lau, I’ll marry you, I’d love nothing more than to be able to stay in your arms and love you.” she put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her in another kiss.
But just as they kissed again, the bedroom door opened, revealing Ran Mao looking at them with the same serene look as usual, making the princess push Lau to the side and throw herself at the girl that grew into such a fine, beautiful lady...But what the hell was she wearing...?!
“It’s nice to see you again, Lianyi.” she said, patting her back. “Ran Mao, goodness, I missed you so much...But what are you wearing?! Lau, why would you let her wear something so revealing?!” the princess freaked out, her face bright red in embarrassment. “This is the new fashion, my dear! Combining traditional with modern, we created the Cheongsam! All the girls below in the opium den are wearing it! It’s rather alluring, don’t you think?” Lau chuckled in amusement, putting his hands on her shoulders, resting his chin on her head. “But...But...But...” she stuttered, not knowing what to say. “We have one for you. It’s green with golden thread patterns, to highlight your eyes.” Ran Mao explained, going to fetch the dress, and seeing how short it was, the girl could feel her knees weakening. “I can’t wear that! That’s too revealing! Wh-What...W-Wait, Ran Mao, where are you pulling me?!” the girl pulled her in another room, alone, where she started quickly undressing her and helping her into the new dress, just a bit shorter than knee-length. “You’re beautiful. Now go, Lau is eager to see you.” Ran Mao dragged the flustered girl and pushed her back to the bedroom, as she could only hide her face in her hands. “My, my, what a gorgeous little Pink Lotus. Come here, my darling. I will show you how much I missed you.” Lau watched her shyly approach him, like a little lamb, before catching her wrists and putting her on his lap with the same teasing grin on his face. “This...This is so...Embarrassing...” she clutched her fingers on his messed up blouse as she hid her face in the crook of his shoulder. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing in my life, Lianyi, and your shyness only makes you more endearing...It only makes me want you more. You managed to keep the same sweet and pure innocence, just as I thought you would...Wǒ ài nǐ  (I love you) , my dear Pink Lotus Princess.” he spoke, slowly tracing her legs, making his way up to her sides, her arms, before touching her face and bringing her in for a more passionate kiss that sent fire through her system. "I love you so much, Lau. I don’t care what you’ve got yourself into, but I will always stay by your side. Forever. I want to help you and support you with anything I can, just as you did for me.” she confessed, her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. “How would you feel helping me with the girls? That’s the least risky thing I can let you handle. But nonetheless, it would let us spend more time together, if that is what you truly wish.” he smiled vaguely, planting more and more kisses all over her face. “That would make me very happy.” she smiled, letting herself get lost in the warmth and love she felt, feeling their hearts beating so fast and in sync, as if they were one.
Who would have thought that fate would play such an important role in their life...They fought it, they escaped fate, only to let destiny reunite them both, just as the red string of fate would always bring them back together, nothing able to stop them.
Finally, they were in control of their own life.
They were together.
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Matching Heartbeats: Sokkla Saturdays 2020
Day 6: Making a deal
On FF.net//On AO3
If only someone other than Aang had claimed to have been warned in their dreams that some dangerous threat lurked in the shadows of Ba Sing Se's Palace, tailing the king and his family, Sokka would have never taken a break in his duties as a White Lotus agent to investigate it. It wasn't that he dismissed spiritual matters the way he had in his younger years… but something as vague as "threat lurking in the shadows" didn't sound as serious to him as a confirmed, verified menace would…
But here he was, paying a home visit to King Kuei, smiling awkwardly as him and his wife talked his ear off about the baby they were expecting, who would arrive any day now. They had the highest hopes for the baby, and couldn't seem to consider that maybe their bright enthusiasm was a hazard, a beacon that attracted unwanted attention: countless dignitaries, envoys from noble families of Ba Sing Se and other cities, even representatives of other nations, had been arriving across the weeks leading up to the birth, all be it to congratulate the king before and after his child was born.
And that meant the threat, whatever it might be, could be anywhere. It could be part of any of those retinues, whether a highly-ranked official or a mere servant, even someone within Kuei's own people, hiding in plain sight for years, gaining his trust, until the right moment to strike arrived. It wouldn't be any surprise, would it? The trusting fool had reinstated the Dai Li after they turned on him, no less…
Thus, Sokka was to work in subtle secrecy, without the king's awareness. He would unearth the threat somehow, before Kuei could come any closer to unraveling there was one at all: it had taken forever for the man to ease up on his antagonism towards the Fire Nation, and Aang's grand project to establish a United Republic hadn't helped matters in the least… too much rode on keeping the damn king safe. They could be on the verge of yet another war if either him or his loved ones were harmed by this problem.
He smiled as enthusiastically as he could while Kuei recited his genealogy for the umpteenth time, eating his dinner while trying his best to attune his other senses to their surroundings. What was the best place where a killer might hide? Where would he hide, if he were an assassin? What would he use to do away with Kuei or his wife…? Or maybe both? It could be an attempt to treasonously kill every member of the royal family, come to think of it… while Kuei and his wife appeared to look forward to having a huge family, this one would be their very first child. Without these three, the Earth Kingdom's royal bloodline would be gone for good.
If so… the closest way to stealthily strike at them would be from their side. But would this threat have waited this long to act, if they had been in the king's employ for all this time? The pregnancy had only been announced officially to the whole world two months ago: anyone who had intended to kill Kuei and do away with his child would have likely acted sooner than this. That Aang had only gotten that warning after the pregnancy was announced could only mean that, whatever this threat was, it had found out about the truth when everyone else had… it was an outsider. And what would an outsider do to get closer to Kuei, enough to kill him or his child…?
Sokka's eyes raked the servants in the room slowly, assessing each of the maids with careful regard. All appeared perfectly Earth Kingdom, clad in elegant yet humble robes of palace servants… nothing stood out amongst them. Not the maids, then? Perhaps the soldiers?
Just then, he glimpsed one shadow at the threshold of the door behind Kuei. Sokka's eyes narrowed as he glanced in that direction: he couldn't identify it right away. He gritted his teeth before setting down his chopsticks and excused himself, saying he'd have to go to the bathroom because he'd eaten too fast. Used to such antics on his part, Kuei dismissed him with a laugh, and he lingered in the room with his beloved wife while Sokka walked through the opposite door… and then turned sharply on the next corner, slipping through the corridors he had learned by heart during his brief stay in the Palace back in the years of the war. He had to move slowly, as cautiously as possible, if he hoped to catch this lurker…
He glanced past the corner warily, and from this new angle it was far easier to spot the dark shape hidden in the corridor: even if he hadn't been warned that there would be danger, he would have been alarmed by it.
Slowly he made his way towards that shadow, knowing there was a pretty good chance he'd be heard… knowing it could mean trouble if he was. The whole idea was to resolve this problem without Kuei finding out there was a problem at all. If he even knew anyone was trying to assassinate him, every bit of progress made for the harmony of nations would come to an abrupt end, and they couldn't have that, not at all…
The shape was so focused on the dinner scene, apparently, that they hadn't sensed him yet. One more careful step, then he could sprint towards it and disarm them before questioning them thoroughly, perhaps…?
The shape turned sharply towards him and launched a potent kick at his face.
Sokka lost his balance but regained it quickly just before the other person tackled him: he was larger, stronger physically, and he planted his feet firmly just before the opponent collided with him: the feeling of that body against his own… those were breasts. It was a woman.
Ugh, that was no reason to hold back if she was here to kill Kuei anyhow.
He clasped the enemy by her shirt and pinned her to the nearest wall, perhaps a little more violently than he should have: the next thing he knew, the dark corridor was lit up by an eerie blue light that came from the enemy's fingertips…
An eerie blue light that allowed them both to see each other's faces, and recognize one another immediately.
She hadn't intended to be discovered at any point in time, but if anyone tried to attack her, she wouldn't hold back if they were strong enough to withstand her non-bending combat abilities. She had conjured her fire with the intent of putting a rather final conclusion to this sudden setback… but just before she could strike in a violent, lethal way, she found herself recognizing the man as someone she absolutely couldn't kill if she truly hoped to get out of this mess unscathed. The very fool she had been surveilling a moment ago, as he excused himself from the meal he had been sharing with the king…
"Guess you didn't need the bathroom that much, huh?" Azula said, with a dry grin. Sokka gasped, staring at her in anguish.
"You're… you're kidding. Zuko said you'd changed, that you'd proven yourself…!" Sokka said, keeping his voice down despite his outrage threatened to change that. "I believed him! And yet now you're trying to kill the king?!"
"You… ugh, you utter imbecile," Azula sighed, closing her eyes and dropping her head against the wall. "I'm not trying to kill anyone… well, not anymore, I did think I'd have to kill you just now, until I recognized you. But I'm not here to kill that fool of a king, I'm here to save his sorry hide. Same as you."
"You… you are?" Sokka said, blinking blankly. Azula smiled dryly again and nodded in the most sarcastic manner possible. "W-wait, but why? How? You know that someone's going to try to…?"
"I don't know it, my stupid brother knows it, apparently," Azula growled. "He says he had a dream, some damn vision said King Kuei would be in mortal peril, and I suggested I could come here and deal with the matter myself."
"He… he dreamt that too?" Sokka asked. Azula raised her eyebrows.
"What, so did you?"
"No, Aang did," Sokka answered, biting his lip. "That… still doesn't explain why you weren't sent as an official dignitary, though. You're dressed like a servant, aren't you? Why…?"
"Why else?" Azula hissed. "I can't expect to play nice with the king the way you did. Technically, I'm still largely despised in this damn city, and even though I'm no longer public enemy number one, I'm not exactly far from that position either. If Kuei ever realized I'm the very same girl who aimed a fire dagger at his throat and stole his throne? He'll likely either sentence me to death right then and there, or eject me from the Palace, and his damn assassin will have a free path to doing away with him."
"And you're helping out… why?" Sokka asked again, blinking blankly. "Just because Zuko had a vision…?"
"More because I'd really like to come to this damn city whenever I so please without needing Zuzu making a thousand diplomatic agreements to allow it," Azula hissed. "You don't know it yet, do you? I'm his top intelligence advisor: his spymaster. I've been doing his dirty work for the past years. Why do you think he's faced next to no rebellions as of late? Because he's doing a fantastic job, and all the people indoctrinated into Fire Nation supremacy for the past five generations have changed their beliefs immediately thanks to his preachy speeches?"
"Uh… no. I guess that wouldn't make too much sense, not when it's only been a decade since the war ended, but…" Sokka admitted, before sighing. "And well, if he's going to have an intelligence advisor it makes sense it'd be you. You're far smarter than anyone else in that nation, as far as I know…"
"Flattering… though you're an idiot," she said, smiling a little. Sokka grinned too, despite himself. "That's not the sense of 'intelligence' I was referring to, and you know it."
"Still true," he smirked. "But… you do swear you're here under his orders? You promise you're not just messing with me for your benefit?"
"Ugh, and why on earth would I do that?" Azula sighed, rolling her eyes. "If I were here to kill them myself, I would've offed you immediately, whether I recognized you or not."
"I suppose…" Sokka pouted. "Though I thought we were getting along better, you know…?"
"That's no reason not to kill a guy who's pinning you to a wall like he likes it, you see…"
Her words echoed in Sokka's head for a long moment, throughout which he stared at Azula in utter disbelief. She raised her eyebrows meaningfully, before glancing down at the contact between their bodies: his hands on her shoulders kept her pressed to the wall, as did one of the legs that held down hers. By the time her eyes returned to his, Sokka's face was deeply flushed, even under the blue light of her bending.
"S-sorry… I didn't mean to… sorry," he said, pulling away and releasing her from his grip. Well, his heart was racing now… and not the same way it had when he had thought he'd caught the assassin.
"You didn't?" Azula asked, smirking still. "And here I thought you were doing it deliberately because you somehow adore being in close quarters with me… it's happened an awful lot of times, hasn't it?"
"U-uh…" Sokka blinked blankly as Azula lowered her fire, extinguishing it after a few moments, leaving them in the perfect shroud of darkness once more. "Yeah, well, that was then, this is now. I didn't really want to cause you trouble, Azula, it's just…"
"You were sent here for the same reasons I was" Azula said "And that means… that as much as I'd rather work alone, we may be better served by cooperating with each other going forward."
"Cooperating?" Sokka repeated. Azula nodded promptly.
"I'm on the inside. I will keep Kuei and his family safe because, so far, I've been posing as a maid in their household for five days and they still haven't noticed something's off. Odd, you'd think, but they're royals of the careless kind, much like my father was: they don't pay that much attention to the help so long as the help knows how to pass unnoticed."
"And you've learned how to go unnoticed over the years, huh?" Sokka asked. Azula nodded.
"You, though, can investigate by talking with all those dignitaries who poured into the damn Palace in droves. Assess them, figure out which one is the likeliest to strike against the royal family, and keep watch over them. I can't quite perform background checks here as easily as I would have in the Fire Nation… but fishing out any Earth Kingdom loyalists who believe Kuei's latest policies are an insult to their great nation will, hopefully, yield results soon."
"You're quite confident, huh?" Sokka asked, raising an eyebrow that he knew she wouldn't see, not while they stood in such a dark corridor. "Do you have any leads on anyone in particular so far, or is it you haven't been able to investigate much on your own?"
"I've looked up only a few people, but they appear to be irrelevant," Azula admitted. "I'll keep an eye on the other servants, even the Dai Li and every soldier, for whoever's behind this could've had the same idea I did to disguise themselves in the palace's own staff… eventually, something's bound to pop out as suspicious."
"Alright… alright," Sokka said, biting his lip. "Then I guess… we have a deal?"
"We might," Azula said, enigmatically. Sokka smiled before stretching a hand towards her. "But only if you pull your weight. I'm not slowing down just to wait for you to catch up with me."
"Same here," Sokka said, haughtily. "We, uh, should meet at least once a day? To discuss anything we've discovered for now?"
"Good idea," Azula nodded, clasping his hand in hers gently: her warmth shouldn't have been any surprise, and yet Sokka felt a thrill rushing under his skin upon their contact. "There's some unused rooms in the basement, choose one of those and I'll meet you there at midnight, I suppose. No one should be keeping tabs on a maid at those hours."
"Alright," Sokka said, breathing out slowly. "I'll, uh, go back now then. Sorry for scaring you…"
"Oh, I'm sure I'm the one who scared you," Azula smirked. Sokka scoffed.
"Just because you kicked me? You really think that scares me?" he smiled. "I've been through worse than that many times, Princess."
"I bet you have," Azula said, raising her eyebrows as Sokka walked away, raising his hand in farewell towards her.
"See you tomorrow," he said… though he had a feeling it wouldn't be quite so long before he saw her again.
He was right to guess as much: she appeared frequently wherever the king was, always keeping her head uncharacteristically low, walking at the same hurried, nervous pace as the other servants, shyly complying with every order and command. She appeared the picture of humility and perfect obedience… except for whenever she locked eyes with him. By then, she'd send him a quick glare, as good as commanding him wordlessly to stop staring at her. Sokka would obey quickly, again bothered by how his heartrate quickened upon being in her presence. Something was definitely wrong with him…
He had continued his research, though, and he had tried to make his acquaintance with the many visitors Kuei had received. He'd shared drinks with some, helped others heave in their large gifts for the king, offered directions to those who couldn't seem to find their way in the large palace… in the end, he always found a way to coax enough information from each person about who they were, and what they were doing in the palace.
He would share that information with Azula at midnight: despite he should know better, it had startled him to find her wearing her palace-acquired nightgown – a full-body, near translucent white outfit – upon their first nighttime encounter. She had made fun of him for how flustered he was, and he had tried his best to ignore her jabs as he conveyed what he'd discovered. Even though it'd been a week of this procedure already, he could never seem to hold back from admiring how those simple clothes hugged her womanly figure perfectly… but he wasn't here to swoon over beautiful women, he was here to work. And work he would. Even if she was making it rather difficult by stealing away his attention when he should have known better.
So far, not much progress had been made: everything seemed perfectly harmless. They were growing slightly frustrated over their assignment, even spending the latest midnight meeting drinking together while dissing their respective employers, Aang and Zuko, for having ridiculous dreams that they'd forced them to act upon… Azula was rather interesting with her inhibitions lowered, Sokka thought, but he hadn't dared act on his damn impulses even then. She had given no sign of reciprocity, so as far as he could tell, he was the only fool whose loins seemed to soar whenever they were near each other. This was work, too: he couldn't lose control and had to focus on the duty, the situation at hand. It wouldn't do to fail to protect Kuei because he was too busy gazing at Azula's cleavage, wondering just when she had filled out that much and how he hadn't noticed until then…
And if they kept up at this rate, he might have just failed to read the signs of danger when they finally arrived at their doorstep: a week after Sokka's arrival, another lordling, landowner in the western Earth Kingdom, had appeared in the Palace with as much pomp as any other noble had… and yet he immediately stood out as a menace to Azula and Sokka, as they watched him in his encounter with Kuei.
"So much has changed in the Earth Kingdom for the past years, my king… it has been difficult to keep up," the man had said, sipping his tea quietly upon each pause. Kuei eyed him remorsefully. "But this child of yours…! It will be the very first good change in a long time, won't it? A strong boy, I'm sure, who will uphold every ideal our nation ought to strive towards…"
"I am hoping so, yes," Kuei smiled. "I do regret that there has been very little to be done about the United Republic's demands, though, Lord Yao… it has taken me so long to accept the Avatar's project because I had no intentions of hindering my own people. It all boils down to that spoiled Fire Lord, really…"
"Oh, but he's just the spitting image of his father, only, with a damn scar across his face," said Lord Yao. Sokka's eyes flickered towards Azula, and he was impressed to see she hadn't reacted, not even once, upon hearing either the king or his lordling badmouthing her brother. "His colonial pursuits cannot be denied. He knows it's more convenient for him to keep a foothold in our continent, that's why he can't be reasoned with, why he's been so adamant about keeping Yu Dao as it is. I'm sure he'll start demanding for his other colonies to be reinstated too…"
"I do hope not…" Kuei said, though his eyes flickered towards Sokka then, and he smiled awkwardly. "I know you're personal friends with the Fire Lord, but surely you understand…"
"Oh, I understand completely," Sokka nodded, tightening his lips into a line. "I thought I was lucky to be born in a place with next to no resources anyone else would want to exploit, but ever since they found oil… the North has been pestering us nonstop, you know? I used to think it was fine, they were only giving us a hand, but by now I'm starting to wonder if maybe the rebels who didn't want this were in the right, instead… even Fire Lord Zuko has economic interests in the area now. He may be my friend, but he's still a Fire Lord. And Fire Lords… sadly, they can't be trusted."
It impressed Azula that he would sound so sincere… that he would speak ill of Zuko without missing a beat, with such believable naturality that both Kuei and Yao appeared perfectly, blissfully happy to hear him. While she had schooled herself into becoming the best spy she could possibly be, it didn't escape her notice that Sokka had, in all likelihood, spent his latest years perfecting his own skills on the matter all the same, in the White Lotus's ranks. And this way, he had gained Kuei's sympathy… and perhaps Yao would go to him for support, if he needed it.
Yet… Yao seemed to be ambitious, and he seemed to already have a plan, Azula realized. He wanted Kuei on his side, he wanted the king's support… he wanted the Fire Nation gone. He wanted the Earth King to father a boy, too…
Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle started to make sense in Azula's head. She gritted her teeth as she tuned back into the conversation, only to find that they were now boasting about the greatness of their respective nations and how they were the truly superior ones to the Fire Nation – a matter that she found utterly stupid to discuss, though to her relief, Sokka had enough sense not to pretend to be a pushover in every regard, claiming the Water Tribe was the greatest of all nations playfully while the other two laughed and declared otherwise.
She didn't wait until midnight this time: she waited only ten minutes after the meeting was done to slip away from the other maids unnoticed, rushing to the room she had long identified as Sokka's. She knocked on his door quickly, urgently, glancing anxiously around herself – no one should notice her here, not when the rounds of cleaning guest rooms were long finished, and when she should be down at the kitchens, working to ensure dinner would be served safe and soundly…
The door finally opened, and she would have rushed inside quickly, locking the door behind herself immediately… if only she hadn't been greeted by the sight of a shirtless, soaked Sokka with only a towel around his waist.
"A-Az…" he started, as she gasped at the sight of him. "W-what are you…?"
She snarled and rushed in anyway, bumping lightly into his body before closing the door in a rush. Curses, no. This wasn't fair. This wasn't right. She had been keeping herself in check, doing her best to disguise her body's reactions to his proximity for as long as they had encountered each other in that dark corridor… as, of course, no hot-blooded woman could be at the opposite end of those intense blue eyes, pinned against a wall by him as she had been, and not feel her very soul shudder with the urge to be kissed by him… but she was no fool. She had no intentions of acting on attraction, not when she was here for very serious, professional reasons…
But that glistening body, and that loose, wet hair, certainly seemed to taunt her into doing the exact opposite of what she had intended to. She had nearly damn forgotten why she was here, outright, as she stared at Sokka with what she hoped he'd interpret as outrage… rather than the arousal it truly was.
"I had no idea you'd drop by, sorry!" Sokka grimaced. "I was cleaning up before dinner, I thought…"
"Well, that's too bad because you'll be skipping dinner," Azula determined. Sokka's confused stare only made his train of thought obvious to the Princess after a short moment of tense silence. "B-because we have to investigate something, damn you! Not for any other reason!"
"Oh. Hah, here I thought you'd… haha, never mind," Sokka grinned awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he made his way to his temporary closet. Azula gritted her teeth, watching his strong back, her gaze shifting lower, to the rear so tightly marked by that towel… no, no, no, she wasn't that stupid, she didn't think with her loins, no she didn't… "Why do you want me to skip dinner, though? Is it Yao? I did think he sounded fishy, but did you catch anything suspicious enough about him already?"
"No strong evidence yet, no, but I'm sure I know what his plan is," Azula said, tearing her eyes off him once he turned towards her, putting on a shirt slowly as he gazed at her. "He wants to be in Kuei's good graces like any other noble, but by incensing him further against the Fire Nation. He'll have Kuei killed, frame the Fire Nation for it, detonate another war and position himself as the ideal leader to carry forward this new conflict…"
"Wait, wait, wait… he'll have Kuei killed?" Sokka repeated, frowning as he put on a set of trousers: had he put on any underwear? Azula hadn't seen him do so. Oh hell, was he going to wander the damn palace without any on? That… didn't help. Not in the least. "You mean… he'll hire someone Fire Nation to kill the king?"
"And then, in all likelihood, he'll take down the material assassin himself, turn him in to the authorities, endear himself to the queen, all in a bid to become her next husband," Azula declared, staring pointedly at the wall. That certainly made it much easier to focus, yes. "He'll pin the murder on the Fire Nation, and raise the child himself to make sure he will hate our people. It's a perfectly stupid plan, and yet one that would likely work smoothly if only some weird spirits hadn't sent messages to my brother and your Avatar about what was going to happen…"
"That's distressing to even think about," Sokka sighed. "Okay, but then… what will we do? Without solid evidence there's not much we can present to Kuei, and Aang doesn't want me to present anything to him anyhow. He thinks that if Kuei finds out there's anything going on, he'll lose his shit and turn against the nation coalition all over again…"
"Zuko told me the same thing," Azula said, releasing a breath and turning towards Sokka anew: he had fastened his sash, and tied up his still wet hair, and surely still had no underwear on. Ugh, she HAD to stop thinking about that… "We'll look for the evidence now. Once dinnertime arrives, Yao will surely either eat with Kuei or take a group of lords out into the city, attempting to gather more supporters for his cause once he sets his plan in motion. He shouldn't be in the palace for a while, and that gives us enough time to search through his room to find any signs of communication between himself and his likely hitman."
"I'm not sure," Sokka frowned. "We'll both go? Not that I mind investigating with you, Azula, but we need to keep Kuei alive too, remember? One of us should…"
"There's literally no way the queen's water will break and she'll deliver a child, all within the next three hours," Azula said, skeptically. "Yao won't act until the child is born, and worse yet, he seemed to be quite certain it would be a boy: it's entirely possible that, if it's a girl, he might not act at all."
"Or that he might kill the child," Sokka suggested. Azula's eyes widened. "It's… sickening. But he could have his hitman killing Kuei's daughter. There's no better way to ensure Kuei sees red and doesn't stop until he immolates his entire nation in a war against the Fire Nation, if need be, than by killing his child… or is there?"
"I hadn't even thought of that." Azula admitted, frowning. "But it's a perfectly logical way to proceed, even if…"
"If utterly appalling? Yes," Sokka growled. "Just the thought that someone would want to kill a newborn makes me want to bash in their heads with my club, that they want to do it for a political reason makes me want to… to bash in their heads multiple times with my club."
"A valid feeling," Azula said, breathing out slowly. "But it means we have a short window of time to act. Once the queen's water breaks…"
"We'll have to be there. To protect her, for sure," Sokka said, gritting his teeth. "But if we can stop this beforehand, all the better."
"Indeed," Azula sighed, gesturing at the door. "Let's go. I know where Yao's room is."
Sokka obeyed promptly, slipping his knife inconspicuously inside his pocket, unwilling to bring any larger weapons than that. He followed Azula dutifully, urging his foolish heart not to overreact about Azula's flustered behavior earlier: she wouldn't have necessarily reacted any differently to any other guy she had seen like that, would she? It wasn't an indicator for anything serious, not really… no matter how he wished it were. It was stupid, a really bad idea, to see Azula in this light as of late, he knew as much, but why couldn't he seem to stop doing it…?
The undercover Princess led him to one of the topmost rooms in the Palace: most of them were occupied by now, and the newest arrivals were often given the least comfortable rooms of all, even as far as seven floors up. However luxurious it was, many of them had already complained about knee pain climbing so many stairs… fortunately, neither of the stealthy investigators were quite as quick to exhaustion as nobles were. They reached Yao's assigned room as quietly as possible, constantly hiding in corridors whenever anyone came close to them, switching stairs frequently to throw off anyone who might see them… until finally they arrived, and Azula produced a handful of servant keys with which she unlocked the suite quickly.
It was, naturally, empty: her guess about what Yao would do during dinner had been spot on. Sokka locked the door again behind them, and they analyzed the place cautiously. Yao hadn't been here for long, so he evidently hadn't unpacked much so far. They'd be able to search his bags, then, of which he had plenty, stacked on one side of the bed.
"Seems like he does intend to move in, huh?" Sokka asked, reaching for the first of the bags.
"You'd think, but most these nobles brought similar amounts of luggage," Azula said. Sokka flinched.
"Must be awful for you to clean after all those people," he said. Azula scoffed. "I'm surprised you've put up with it for so long without a hitch…"
"'Put up with it' is the right phrase, yes," Azula admitted, opening another bag: clothes, apparently. Many changes of them. She still stuck her hand inside for good measure, in case she found anything other than fabrics within, be it paper or a weapon or just anything…
"I'd have never expected you to deal with this. Serving others… doesn't really suit you," Sokka said. Azula smiled and shrugged.
"It's a pretense. And Zuko pays well, at least," Azula said. "That being said, I lived like most these pretentious fools long ago. I had their same complaints, saw the same faults in everything servants did, which means… I know exactly what they want to see, exactly how to clean to their satisfaction, exactly how to respond so they'll ignore my very existence. A double-edged blade, you could say."
"Wow," Sokka smiled. "Sounds like you should hate this job, but maybe it works well for you…"
"Oh, I hate pretending to be a servant, don't get me wrong," Azula said. Sokka chuckled. "But I don't hate being a spy. I don't hate investigating, and putting up a front… I masqueraded as your ex once before, remember? In this very palace…"
"Ah… I never did see you in the Kyoshi Warrior outfit, though," Sokka smiled. "Just in the Dai Li uniform."
"Your sister did. She was so fearful, telling me all about how Zuzu was in the city…" she said, smiling mischievously. "I know I shouldn't take joy in any of those events these days, but it was highly ironic that she'd beg the worse of two evils to save her from the other one."
"I'll say, in retrospect? You pulled off something incredible with that coup," Sokka smiled. "It was wrong, yes, but… I wish I'd ever come up with a plan as big as that. The scope of it, the way you had everything working smoothly, exactly as you needed it to…? It sure was something…"
"It's the main reason I managed to sabotage your big plan, too," Azula said, glancing at Sokka almost remorsefully. "Kuei himself blurted out that your people would attack the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse. Obviously, I asked him to keep talking and the fool did…"
"Ugh. So, I could've impressed you that day with my strategic abilities, just as you blew me away with the coup, and he sabotaged it?" Sokka asked. Azula, despite herself, laughed at his outrage. "Damn him. Maybe I shouldn't be helping him at all. I'll leave and tell Aang to send someone else in my stead, now I'm angry…"
"If it makes you feel any better, you weren't half bad a strategist," Azula said. "Still aren't. But… I'm better."
"Heh! I'll get you yet, Princess," Sokka hissed playfully. She smiled as she set aside the fourth bag and started with the next one.
Sokka had been looking through a rather big bag, one carrying a few more implements rather than clothes. Hygiene implements, as far as he could tell, in general… but then he felt a small scroll at the very bottom, squashed against the rest of the items. He shifted the contents of the bag, fishing out the scroll with difficulty… when Azula suddenly whipped her head around to the door and urged him to be quiet by pressing her finger to her lips.
Sokka froze in place… just in time to hear footsteps. Footsteps, approaching.
Azula grimaced, closing the bag she had been searching and piling them together at haste. Sokka followed suit, tucking away the small scroll inside his pocket… but where to now? They were on the seventh floor, there was no way they'd be able to get out through the window, and the front door was ruled out, for if this was Yao, it was evident he'd enter through it in a matter of seconds. Under the bed? The frame was solid, there was no way they could hide there…
Azula clasped his forearm suddenly and dragged him to a corner of the room: Sokka had very little time to process what was happening before the Princess pulled the closet door open and tossed him inside. She closed the door quickly, its creaking sound matching the one of the front door, that was opened at the same time.
It was a small closet, and Sokka's head scraped its ceiling if he tried to stand at his full height. It resulted in him crouching lightly over Azula's frame… while she, in turn, was pressed fully into his chest, her face against his quick-paced heart.
Both breathed heavily, but as quietly as they possibly could, too. They heard footsteps out in the room, but no voices, nothing to ascertain this was Yao other than strong footsteps… then a sigh.
And then the sound of the mattress being pressed: he was sitting down, or laying down altogether. Why? How come? Wasn't he supposed to be going to dinner?
Sokka glanced at Azula – or at least tried to, for it was hard to see her in the dark. She raised her head towards him too, and when he tried to mouth some thoughts towards her, in a desperate and fruitless attempt to communicate, Azula pressed a hand to his lips before leaning into his ear.
"Be quiet," she whispered breathily, so softly Sokka almost missed the meaning of her words. Yes, well, being quiet went without saying, but what were they going to do next? How would they get rid of this problem? How would they get out of this damn closet?
It wasn't the first time Azula was in a complicated position in the middle of her espionage. She had been forced to hide behind bookshelves covered in dust and cobwebs, she even had to conceal herself in garbage one time, and the damn stench had taken forever to rinse off. But this time around she was stuck in a rather cramped space… and worse than that, she wasn't alone.
Try as though either of them might to be as professional and steady as they did, their bodies were in full contact as they held each other safely. What to do? How to ever excuse this, if they were caught? Even if they played this as some sort of twisted situation where they had developed a fancy for each other and taken to making out in dark corners, why would anyone choose to hide in a closet of the Palace's seventh floor to make out? They had no choice but to stay hidden indeed… for however long as possible, until whoever was outside left the room again, or fell deeply asleep and they were free to slip away unnoticed.
Sokka leaned closer, his lips grazing Azula's ear. She shivered, again trying not to let her damn system misunderstand what was happening… but then he spoke as she had, in that hushed, husky whisper, and his breath tickled her neck, sending tingles up and down her spine, as good as tickling the private places she knew she shouldn't be responding to him with…
"What do we do?" he had asked, and he lingered right where he was. Azula shivered involuntary, clinging to his waist, her long nails scraping his skin lightly.
"We… wait," she decided, in the same voice tone. "Just… stay put. Like this."
Sokka swallowed dryly: he would do his best, yes… but holding this beautiful woman so closely, feeling her breasts pressed against his body, inhaling her light perfume, would make it far more difficult not to move than any other challenge he could think of right now. The closet was so small, he had no idea how any nobleman would be granted such a small clothing storage… surely Yao would have complained nonstop about it to Kuei if he didn't have an agenda to push forward.
That being said… the man could easily climb out of bed and decide to tuck away his things sooner than later. If that happened… well, he'd punch the lights out of him, before Azula could do anything more final. While it seemed she used her abilities for better purposes these days, it was clear the Princess had become even more lethal in recent years and wouldn't hold back from executing anyone who might have caught her in a compromising situation… and that wouldn't work for their purposes either. If she killed anyone in this Palace, and it was discovered that any firebender was responsible, the precarious peace would shatter all over again…
His grip on her arms tightened, as though to keep her right where she was. To ensure she wouldn't do anything too dangerous, to ask her nonverbally to leave this to him, if need be. The man outside rustled in the mattress, and Azula's head whipped quickly towards the sound only for Sokka to lean closer yet, their cheeks colliding.
"Don't… do anything," he whispered. "Leave it to me."
Azula gritted her teeth, again tickled pleasantly by his voice. Again, stirred in a way she hadn't intended to be by him. She turned her face towards his… and in that darkness, she could sense him less than an inch away. She could feel his breathing against her own skin… just as he could feel hers, no doubt.
"How…" Azula mouthed softly, "… how do we always… end up in close quarters like this…?"
Her words rang true, and stirred further confusion and excitement inside Sokka's body: without needing a light source, he could imagine the way her eyes would glisten upon meeting his own. Her breaths brushed against him… breaths she released through her mouth. Her lips were parted… those full lips he couldn't help but want to kiss since their arrangement had begun – most powerfully once their midnight encounters had started.
The chance of being caught was terrifying. That had to be why his heart was racing… why hers was, too – he could feel hers against his chest, drumming through her breast… oh, he wanted to touch her. He wanted to kiss her, to pin her to another wall and show her the best of times by doing so. An unwise course of action, he guessed, for as much as they had gotten along for the last years of the decade, he hardly knew her that well… let alone did he know her well enough to jump into any wild dalliances without looking back, did he?
Oh, but she was so tempting, and she shivered in his arms, and he heard as her tongue slipped out of her mouth, licking her lips… he wanted to lick them, too. He could have done that for her…
No, no, no, he couldn't, he shouldn't, this was stupid, his brain had stopped working, that was the only explanation for the slowly surging erection that bulged inside his trousers… free from the trappings of underwear he had neglected to wear merely because the situation sounded quite urgent.
The man outside rustled in bed again, and Azula shuddered, leaning forward again… pressing further into Sokka. He flinched, she noticed… and that was when she grew aware of the dangerous problem that hung between his legs. She lowered her head, despite knowing she wouldn't be able to see anything… had he been turned on earlier, for some other reason, and the situation wasn't helping? Or… was it because of her?
Well, he was a man. No doubt, having a girl's bosom pressed into his body could have triggered a rather hormone-driven, impulsive response in his system… and yet that realization amused Azula, somewhat. She had teased him a few times by now, by saying he had a crush on her, somehow… but that his manhood would rise up to a challenge no one had posed for it certainly spoke for itself.
She raised a hand and then froze in place, once it was mere inches from his shaft: what on earth was she doing? That wasn't something she should touch, was she insane? That wasn't teasing, that was harassment. Sokka would report her to Zuko as soon as they got out of this damn closet, tell her brother she was some sort of horny nymphomaniac who had dragged him into a closet and had her way with him there… eh, maybe she really should be one. It would be more fun than standing here, raising her head towards his, merely chasing after those soft breaths he released, while she inhaled that delectable, masculine scent of his body… there was something breezy to his natural musk, as though he had only just been rolling in waves in the sea: that same sensation brushed through her senses, much as her own scent, akin to a spicy incense with a dash of saffron bittersweetness, was slowly overwhelming him. She seemed to embody a fireplace, burning steadily, but ever ready to take a wilder surge and burn everything in her wake, if need be… and he longed for it. He wanted to be burned, just as she wanted his waves to roll across her. Maybe if they both did it together, as one, neither one would get hurt…
His hands slid lower over her arms. Hers rose to his strong chest, the one she had been so enraptured by earlier. Any moment now, the other would pull away, somehow, despite they couldn't possibly put much distance between them in such cramped space. Any moment they'd snap out of the intoxicating daze they were in. Any moment, that bastard right outside would pull the door open and find them, flustered and undeniably excited, gazing into each other's eyes with unabashed lust…
A second ticked by.
And then another.
And nothing happened. Nothing changed.
Sokka swallowed hard: Azula could imagine the sight of his throat's movements, despite being unable to see it for herself, only to hear it. He was growing bolder, once his hands trailed down the sides of her elbows… and fell upon her waist. Azula shivered, and her own fingers probed the muscles of Sokka's chest, slipping lower, between their bodies… yet with no intent to push him off, he realized, for those fingertips caressed his abdomen… caressed it with greed.
Her irregular breathing soon accompanied his: what was the other thinking? What on earth were they doing? Azula raised her head again, intending to ask just how far those hands of his would go…
Her lips grazed his by sheer accident.
And the next thing she knew, his hands had clasped each of her ass cheeks as he kissed her hard, powerfully, overloading her already thrilled senses by finally caving in to the temptations they had failed to resist.
Azula didn't have a chance to reason with the situation: he had succumbed, though he had fought it longer than she had expected, but he had succumbed nonetheless… and as those willful lips collided with hers, she found herself completely forgetting all about professionalism. What did it matter to anyone if she made out with her associate in closets if she so wished? His lips tasted heavenly, and his tongue darted out to seek hers… her whole body shuddered as she leaned further into him, her hands touching him with now unmistakable erotic intent. She needed this, whatever it was. She wanted him, no matter the risks. And she'd get him, if not now, later…
Sokka nearly yelped when her hand slipped recklessly, quickly down his chiseled abdomen to tug off the sash that held his clothes together: undoing it proved enough for his trousers to drop, for his shirt to spread open… for his manhood to spring up, uncontested and free, and she caught it in her hand without the slightest hesitation, shivering with anticipation instead. Her hungry kisses rivaled his own perfectly, and while one of his hands lingered on her rear, the other ventured forward, cupping her left breast even over her clothes. Oh, he was bold, just as she was reckless, and she simply loved it.
She wasn't sure whether she was lucky or unlucky when it came to her servant's uniform: there were far more layers to it than to Sokka's simple apparel. He struggled to find her skin underneath the clothes, hiking up her outer tunic to find a long-sleeved shirt underneath, and beneath it, at last, her underwear. Ugh, but pulling off her clothes would be near impossible in this damn closet, so cramped, with the constant menace of that man outside, who would catch them if they made any noise they shouldn't…
Their kiss broke apart with a sweaty gasp: they breathed hotly against each other for just a moment, yet that Azula refused to let go of his erect cock convinced Sokka to cast the rest of his reservations to hell: he raked up the clothes of her upper body, slipping his hand through the hem of her trousers. And when Azula gasped, whether out of sheer pleasure, outrage or disbelief, Sokka pushed her back against the closet's wall and caught her sound with his own mouth, kissing her voraciously once again… and the whole world was fading in blissful wonder as those fingers prodded her clit delectably, stirring so much wet heat inside her Azula could barely hold her own against his touch. It was too good, he was too good… and by the soft, purr-like sounds that poured from his throat, perhaps she was good too, as she massaged his shaft, rubbing her whole hand over it, pressing her palm to his tip and prompting his breath to hitch for it.
She wanted to see his face… to know what he was thinking. Her other senses took control as it was, for she could barely make out his silhouette, even when kissing him with her eyes narrowly open… weird that she'd feel even more excited about trying to see him as they kissed, when his fingers were already doing a brilliant job at riling up her arousal: just how embarrassing would it be, in any other circumstances, for a man to dip his fingers over her folds to find them sopping wet right away? She knew she had no excuse for that kind of reaction… but to be fair, Sokka had no excuse for the massive erection she was still stirring further. Unable to see it, she dared caress it from hilt to tip, basking in how strong and potent it felt… she wanted it. She really wanted it inside her… whether it fit or not, she simply wanted it.
He groaned softly when he started thrusting into her hand, and Azula moaned back, their heavy breathing and intimate caresses paired in perfect synch. Their free hands traveled across the other's body, teasing and testing the waters by touching everything they dared: it was Azula's turn to wrap her hand around his rear… she wanted to spank him rather irrationally upon caressing the soft, round mound. Meanwhile, his own hand slipped under her clothes, struggling to push so many layers out of the way, all be it to find her nipples. He could have settled for her thighs, but he went further… Azula's lips wouldn't leave his anymore, and to his delight, the two were thrusting into each other's hands together, moaning, panting sweating, needing more than just these caresses to find full satisfaction… but, to be fair, the caresses were doing a damn good job at pushing them to the edge all the same.
Sokka's lips trapped Azula's tongue briefly, just as a surge of pleasure nearly caused her to pull away from their kiss: there was something impossibly erotic to being kissed this way… almost as though he were claiming her for himself. As if he was deciding she'd be his, from now on… and as she shivered violently under the fingers that dipped inside her entrance, while the thumb continued to toy with the clit, Azula found that notion perfectly agreeable. Yes… yes, she wanted to be his. She wanted more of this, whatever the hell it was, because it certainly felt like more than just impossibly hot sex to her…
He tensed up: he was close as well. He released her from the capture of his lips so he could pant heavily against her, but Azula stole another wild kiss from his open mouth: her hand jerked his organ faster than before, and by the groans that left his lips, that was exactly what he needed right now…
He came in spurts, shooting his load mere instants before her own lower body seemed to catch fire: they melted into each other's hands, moaning with more abandon than they should've risked. And again, they devoured each other's lips with savage kisses as they rode the last of their climaxes together, aided by the other in climbing down from the heights of pleasure.
They still breathed heavily when their releases were finished… and he still stole another kiss from her lips. And another. And yet another. Azula moaned, wondering if he'd want to take her in this stupid, cramped closet… she wouldn't mind one bit, if he did…
And then another sound, outside their tight, ever-heating closet, reminded them that they weren't alone in the damn room… and that a wild tryst was NOT the reason they were here.
"W-what…?" Sokka pulled away, turning his head towards the closet's door, his ear sharp and keen… Azula's crumpled clothes rolled down again as Sokka released her from his grip, though she had to tug everything properly back into place anyway…
And then that sound again.
A snore.
The bastard outside had entered the room to take a nap.
The two of them released louder breaths than they should have, at the same time. Oh, this was absurd. It was stupid. Either they had the best luck in the world or the worst, and it was near impossible to tell which it was.
Sokka leaned down, searching blindly around the floor to collect his sash. Azula shook her head, reaching a hand towards the door.
"We… are going to move very carefully, and quietly," she said. Sokka nodded. "If that bastard wakes up…"
"I'll stab him," Sokka said, bluntly. Azula smirked.
"Sounds good," she decided.
His hand found hers on the closet's door once he was ready, by sheer chance. Azula swallowed hard, but together they pushed it open as quietly as they could, hoping it wouldn't creak if they were careful…
She slid out of the narrow opening first, walking so silently across the room Sokka grimaced, while closing the closet behind himself: he could never be that stealthy. But he'd try anyways, even if he couldn't walk that lightly. He followed her as she reached the door, opening it just as quietly, and she urged him to move faster: he was still halfway across the room, walking cautiously while keeping an eye on the man snoring…
A rather large, bulky man with shaggy hair and beard. Sokka frowned as he studied his appearance: that wasn't the perfectly groomed Lord Yao he'd met earlier. He gritted his teeth as he slid out of the room, and Azula closed the door silently once more… before clasping his forearm and guiding him to the nearest flight of stairs.
He only followed blindly, carelessly, his heart racing so bad over the tension and adrenaline he didn't even think twice about whatever their destination might be. He only came back to his senses when Azula tossed him inside another dark room… a room he soon recognized as his own. She closed the door behind herself, locking it quickly before releasing a long, tense breath.
"That… was so close. Way too close," Azula said. Sokka nodded, finally finding his voice again to ask:
"You okay…?"
"Okay?" Azula said, turning to look at him in disbelief: the sunset's glow fell upon the room through the windows, and now she could see Sokka's face clearly… his reddened lips beckoned her yet again. She wondered if hers did the same to him…
"I-I mean… that was… intense," Sokka decided, swallowing hard. "That guy… that wasn't Yao."
"Yeah… I noticed when I was waiting for you to get out," Azula said, nodding. "The… the hitman, then?"
"Maybe. Could be… oh!" Sokka gasped, reaching into his trousers' pocket, fishing hastily past his knife for the small scroll he'd put away just before the stranger had showed up.
Azula stepped closer upon noticing he was holding what might be their only useful lead so far. She swallowed hard and stopped a little closer to him than she should have… close enough to smell her own perfume on him. Even to smell a certain, rather intimate scent that still clung to his hand… oh, she was insane. She really was insane. Getting fingered on the job and growing so utterly excited over it… what was the matter with her?
"It's… encrypted somehow," Sokka grimaced. "Feels like they purposefully broke the ideograms into nonsense so no one could intercept the message."
"That so…?" Azula asked, reaching for the scroll: her hand brushed against his. Sokka didn't even flinch as she angled the paper towards herself.
Sokka let go of the scroll once Azula walked away with it, towards his desk. Watching her body sway with each movement sent jolts of excitement through his body… threatening to reawaken his shaft after it should have been, by all logic, calmed after she had relieved him earlier… curses, how on earth had he scored a handjob out of Princess Azula, of all people? He swallowed dryly at the thought… too dryly. There was water in the jug, he could drink that. And he could offer her some too, why not? It was just the gallant thing to do… especially after having jerked off each other in a closet.
Azula had already gotten started deciphering the confusing code when Sokka deposited a small cup with water beside her. Her whole body jolted for it, and she shot him a quick, awkward, grateful smile before getting back to work. And then she glanced back at him, most deliberately, to watch as he swallowed each mouthful of his own cup of water. Oh, the bob of his neck's triangle with each swallow… that was a true spectacle. He was impossibly attractive, and she wasn't sure how to stop admiring him…
He lowered his head and she whipped hers around quickly, her face fully flushed as she returned to work. Sokka blinked blankly at her sudden movement, but he placed his now empty cup on the desk while leaning over Azula's hunched form…
"You're in my light," she said, though her voice wasn't too antagonistic. Sokka bit his lip.
"Oops. Give me a sec," he said, stepping away… and Azula's heart sank for it. Which it shouldn't have. Curses, she had to FOCUS.
She continued to work quietly: she had already deciphered the first part, but then he returned to the room… with a set of lanterns that he distributed across the room, lighting them one by one.
"It'll be dusk soon anyway, so…"
"Good call," Azula said, working on the next set of ideograms… and then he set down the last lantern right on the desk.
"And now I'm not in your light," Sokka smiled, leaning again. Despite herself, Azula grinned too.
"So clever," she whispered.
"How's it looking?" he asked.
"I think I've nearly got it. It's not a long message," Azula said, jotting down a few more possibilities on the paper she was using to unravel the cyphered missive…
Within another two minutes, two phrases had formed across the paper:
I'll arrive in the afternoon. Keep the room empty until the job is done.
"The job…" Sokka said. Azula snarled.
"Yes, it sounds bad, but not bad enough," she said, turning to look at him. "That guy, the one we saw… he's the murderer. He's the one Yao hired for his scheme."
"And if we take him out now…" Sokka said. "It'll cause trouble anyway. Worse yet if you do it personally: he's an ally and associate of a guy Kuei seems to like plenty. If a firebender is found attacking, or killing him…"
"The story will be spun into making me the enemy, yes," Azula said, gritting her teeth.
"They haven't acted yet," Sokka sighed. "I'm not sure we can make our move until they make theirs. There's so many potential risks…"
"The thing is… we do have the upper hand," Azula said, turning towards him. "Because they don't know I'm here. They don't know which team you're working for. You've said what they wanted to hear, but you're the Avatar's friend. They can't outright assume you mean them any harm… just as they can't assume you don't."
"Exactly," Sokka said, breathing sharply. "And they're completely unaware of your presence. So… we'll use those things to our advantage."
"You'll stick to Kuei. Follow him around, tail him, especially on the day of the birth," Azula said. "I'll wait on the queen, offer my services during the birth…"
"Sounds fun," Sokka said, with an awkward smile. Azula scoffed.
"A little blood won't faze me," she declared, boldly.
"I think it's more than just a little… but I think the worst part is the ridiculously loud baby crying," Sokka smiled. Azula grimaced.
"Fair… but I'll endure it," she said. "If the baby is a girl, I'll stick to guarding her and the queen. If it's a boy, you'll stand guard with Kuei and I'll try to reach you before the enemy does."
"Might be I'll make quick work of him before you do," Sokka smiled. "Though… we're not supposed to let anyone know what's going on, right? We're supposed… to keep our operation secret, quiet, without Kuei or the plotter's awareness. Should I try to take down that guy in front of Kuei? For real?"
"Hmm…" Azula bit her lip, tapping her chin with a fingertip. "I'd think it's the safest way to proceed… but maybe it isn't, you're right. If anything… we should figure out the layout of the birthing location, and where Kuei will be kept in wait. Then it's just a matter of figuring out where this guy is likeliest to break into either room… and then stop him before he does."
"We can… research that tomorrow?" Sokka asked, innocently. Azula blinked blankly. "You with the servants… I with Kuei himself?"
"Tomorrow?" she repeated. Sokka bit his lip. "Well, that's…"
She wasn't so stupid as to not understand his implication: he wasn't disregarding his work, not at all, and neither was she, that was stupid to even think about…
But they had started something in that damn closet.
And one climax was certainly not enough to consider it finished.
"If you agree…" Sokka said, closing his eyes raising his hands defensively. "If you'd rather we go right back out to track down someone who can get us all the information on royal birthing protocols, that's fine too, I just thought today had been a tiresome enough day to…"
He had been betting on it. He had been waiting for it. And he damn smiled when he felt that hand clawing at his blue shirt with enough strength to rip into the fabric.
And then he was swimming in the bliss of their joined lips for one more moment, as he nearly knocked her chair over upon kissing her back too enthusiastically. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and this time he didn't hesitate for an instant before swooping her into them, carrying her towards the fancy, elegant bed Kuei had granted him for this visit. He was quite fortunate for having gotten along with the king, and encouraged him to find his true calling by traveling the world, back when Azula herself had taken his kingdom. Otherwise he might have received a lesser suite… and this obnoxious opulence seemed to him the perfect environment in which to devote himself to Azula.
He dropped her on the mattress, and she nearly bounced with recoil as he pulled the sash and his clothes came undone yet again. Azula smiled as she watched them fall off his body… his glorious body that seemed to shine pure gold under the brightness of those lanterns. Sokka only had to shrug off his shirt, and toss off his boots to be fully naked… and Azula devoured him with her eyes, taking in that impossibly attractive body as she began undoing the fastenings of her own clothes.
"I thought… it had been a tiresome day?" Azula teased him. Sokka smirked.
"Yeah. Because I just wanted it to be nighttime already," he said. His insinuation made her laugh as he finally did away with all his clothes and climbed atop her, stealing a quick kiss from her lips that left her aching for more.
"You're clearly desperate to get some sleep, right…?" Azula said, smiling as he pulled her tunic over her head slowly. She never thought being undressed by a man could be this exciting, but her skin felt delectably feverish wherever his hands grazed her.
"With you? Hell, yeah," he blurted out, tossing the tunic aside before diving for another kiss.
Azula moaned, raising her legs awkwardly so she could remove her own shoes. She tossed them carelessly away, just as Sokka undid her own sash and pulled her clothes open… just as he had wanted to, from the first moment he had seen her wearing that damn revealing white sleeping gown… unlike him, Azula had underwear, but he didn't wait to remove it before covering her breasts with kisses, even over the bindings of her chest. Azula moaned, arching her body against him, struggling to shove off her own trousers… and, upon being unable to push them lower than mid-thigh, since his body pressed into hers, she took to caressing his strong back instead. She moaned delectably into his lips, appreciating his powerful build notoriously… and then he broke off the kiss to attack her neck next. Azula threw her head back, moaning far more carelessly now: she knew he wanted to hear her, to feel each vibration of her vocal cords, and she'd give him exactly that… was she being too generous? Too easy? Somehow, any such concerns were so superfluous that night she couldn't bother pondering them more than once. This felt right… it felt good. Better than good. He knew what he wanted, and he was chasing for it, and what he wanted was nothing other than her. Who could say no to a marvelous man who was giving himself so willingly…?
He sat up again, doing away with her lower body's clothes… and he smirked mischievously as he unabashedly gazed at her exposed nether region. Azula kicked at him playfully, smiling as she made to close her spread legs, but Sokka grunted in a sensual manner, clasping her knees to keep them apart.
"If you think I'm a sick pervert for wanting to look at every bit of you… then yes, I'm a sick pervert" Sokka smirked. Azula laughed and shook her head.
"I have no right to complain, do I…?" she said, gazing lustfully at his groin.
"True… you've been checking me out for a while, haven't you?" he teased her, urging her to sit up too. Azula snorted, her cheeks flushing as she closed her eyes: she raised her arms, allowing Sokka to undo her chest bindings slowly… revealing her to his greedy gaze with each loop he undid.
"How's someone not supposed to check out their partner in crime… if he shows up soaking wet, wearing just a towel, at the door?" Azula smiled. Sokka snickered.
"Liked what you saw…?"
"You like that I liked it…"
"Damn right I do," he whispered, stealing one more kiss from her lips as the last of her bindings came off…
And her full, plump breasts were revealed to his gaze at last. He groaned, leaning in to press his face to the mounds. They had been held down tightly, he thought… maybe they hurt a little, right? And now, free from those restraints, they'd need some massaging for the sake of relieving Azula from any potential pain… that made sense, right?
He didn't even know why he was making up excuses to fondle her chest, let alone once Azula began moaning heartily. Her nipples hardened against his palm, and Sokka groaned teasingly at the delectable sensation. Whether she needed a massage or not, clearly her chest was sensitive… and very receptive to his touch. And as far as he was concerned, he could continue touching it for hours if she allowed it. Oh, he really hoped she'd allow it… he was fine with her branding him a depraved fool if she wanted to do so, he simply needed to have her, all of her, and unless she stopped him, he intended to do as much right away.
She didn't stop him… but she did tighten her legs around his waist and swapped them on the mattress, all be it to find her own chance to devour his neck at leisure, to caress his chest just as he had hers. Whenever she rose, the glow of the lanterns would fall upon her body, and every curve wound be highlighted in such an exciting manner Sokka's mouth watered for it. He took Azula by surprise when, upon rising once after nibbling on his neck, Sokka's lips landed on her collarbone, moving lower slowly… she knew what he was up to, and as embarrassing as it was to moan in such a careless manner, she couldn't stop doing as much. She threw her head back and cried out, letting him lavish her breasts in turns, his mouth toying with her nipples in particular as he cast quick, teasing glances at her. His blue eyes appeared black with desire tonight… and that was how Azula wanted them to be. She wasn't often the recipient of anyone's lust… fear, yes. Envy, all the time. Spite, everywhere she went. But lust…? Let alone this much of it, so unabashed and unrestrained…?
She knew her sounds were more than a little embarrassing, but so what? Yet again, this was convenient. If the entire damn palace discovered Sokka was sleeping with an apparently common maid, he'd merely look like a lecherous idiot who picked up a girl at random… and she'd look like a fool who got swept up by the charming war hero. And no one, especially not that damn lord Yao and his associate, would ever suspect they were onto them.
That thought brought her to smile as she gave herself to her pleasure wholeheartedly. Let them hear… let everyone hear. She didn't care, for there was no reason to hold back. It felt amazing, and it would protect them too, should any danger befall them. Who'd have thought sex could be the perfect answer, and the ideal cover, in the middle of a job…? She'd have to drag Sokka into more of her missions, it'd be an amazing side activity to keep herself as inconspicuous as possible in the eyes of the people she had to investigate…
Sokka tugged down her clothes again, wrapping an arm around her to hoist Azula onto her side: he dragged the clothes off her legs, taking advantage of the situation to touch her thighs as boldly as he dared. And all the while, his mouth toyed with her breats, providing Azula with more surging pleasure than she knew what to do with.
"Y-you… really seem to like that…" Azula managed to say between moans.
"Here I thought you were the one who liked it…" Sokka said, with a toothy smirk before nibbling on her nipple. Azula cried out, half-laughing, half-moaning as she allowed him to pin her down again as he had his way with her. Oh, let it be. He wanted her, and she rather enjoyed the consequences of being the object of his desires right now.
Her body thrusted upwards towards him, urging him to take care of another part of her body, and Sokka complied, slipping a hand south once again. A hand he intended to replace with his mouth shortly, but he just needed a little longer of those soft mounds, just a little longer…
"Y-you're… y-you're going to be the death of me… if you keep this up…" Azula moaned desperately. Sokka snickered before delivering one more long, defiant suck to her nipple, eliciting yet another cry of pleasure from her.
"You sound amazing now that you're not trying to stifle everything in a closet," Sokka smirked.
"Like making me moan, do you…?" she asked. "There's… other ways to achieve that pretty easily, if you must know."
"Oh, my… I wonder what you mean…?" he said, teasingly, as he crept down her body, pressing slow, open mouthed kisses across her toned abs.
Azula smiled, closing her eyes: he sucked every bit of her skin his mouth fell upon, as though branding her his own… why did that thought stir so much excitement in her heart? Was it because her every partner before Sokka had been lackluster, quick encounters that went nowhere? Or was it knowing he wanted her, to the point of behaving almost possessively, had driven her mad with joyful pleasure…?
Sokka's brain was nothing but a cloud of bliss: her body was impossibly alluring to the eye, even more delightful to touch and taste directly. And while her perfume's fragrance certainly did a number on him back in the closet, there was yet another scent catching his attention now… a scent that demanded he buried his face in her sopping wet core, something he did without holding back at all.
"Y-you…! Oh shit, you glutton…!" Azula gasped, nearly kicking out when his mouth fell upon her folds. He was devouring her as though he were famished… which he possibly was, in quite a literal sense too, considering he'd skipped dinner. Was that why his mouth took her in so hungrily? If so, she'd make sure he wouldn't eat much right before the next time they…
… Next time? Would there be a next time?
Well. She'd certainly do her best to make sure there was one.
She only spread her legs further, giving Sokka all the room and opportunity to take her in as he pleased. Shivers rushed across her body, concentrating at her core, as though all her energy was focusing, ready to explode. She didn't quite need another release to be ready for his magnificent manhood… but if he would be selfless enough to gift her one, she wasn't about to refuse it.
More moans poured from her lips, and she thrusted at his face lightly, begging him to keep going. Sokka grunted right back in his masculine, sensual manner, and Azula felt as though she were about to catch fire for it. Who could've ever imagined that boy she'd fought against in a war, so long ago, would prove to be the best lover she had ever had…? It defied reason, she thought, and yet it was such a welcome discovery…
She kept her eyes closed as she navigated her excitement with him: she gasped when she felt his hands traveling over her abdomen again, right over her ribcage, and then he was squeezing her breasts yet again… Oh, he was a menace. He wanted to take every part of her body for himself, Azula guessed… and she wanted to give them to him, impulsively so. Why not? Why hold back? She bit her lip in a failed attempt to stifle another moan, and then he sucked on her clit with such devious power, while rubbing the tip of his tongue insistently on the rawest spot, that she climaxed chaotically once again, her whole body an erupting volcano, lava rushing through her veins at alarming speed with each pump of her heart. Sokka lapped at her folds eagerly, taking in every juice that appeared to escape her entrance, and he chuckled at each jolt of her body, every involuntary shudder upon the surging pleasure.
"Y-you… you're just… oh, to hell with you…" Azula moaned, clasping his hands in her own… but not to remove them from their spots at her breasts, rather, to encourage him to touch her further. Sokka chuckled.
"Much better than dinner, I'd say," he smirked, rising slowly. "Looks to me like I've conquered Ba Sing Se's conqueror, huh…?"
"You what?" she said, opening her eyes to level him with an outraged glare… one he fielded with a still proud smirk, as he pulled his right hand back, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
"You heard me," he said, defiantly. Azula scoffed, shaking her head.
"Proud of yourself, are you?" she asked, as his smile widened. "Why… I'm afraid I won't acknowledge that title you've bestowed upon yourself."
"You won't?" Sokka asked, amused.
"No… at least, not yet," Azula said, and a smile spread over her face. Sokka raised his eyebrows, intrigued… more so when Azula spread her legs even more shamelessly, exposing herself completely to him. "Surely you realize… you have one stage left still?"
"Ah… I breached the outer wall with the first kiss?" Sokka asked, teasingly, leaning towards her. "Then maybe the lower ring with the first orgasm… middle ring with the second. Now it's time for the third?"
"Give me four and you'll be sitting pretty on the throne, too," Azula smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sokka couldn't hold back a laugh as he pressed his brow to hers.
"You're… you're hot. Extremely hot," he decided. Azula scoffed.
"Tell me something I don't know… I am, after all, a firebender," she declared, proudly. Sokka laughed and dared kiss her lips quickly, unsure if she'd be comfortable upon tasting herself on his mouth.
"That's not quite what I meant, but you're funny anyway," he smiled. "Never expected you to be so playful…"
"Never expected…?" Azula asked, smirking. "That suggests you've thought about this before. About pinning me to your bed, and not just to a wall…?"
"Hmm… the thought did occur to me, once in a while," he said, pressing soft, slow kisses over her cheek. Azula's smirk widened.
"When?" she asked. Sokka snorted.
"Why do you want to know?" he asked, deliberately angling his body so his hardened shaft would rub against her sensitive clit: Azula jolted and cried out, only for Sokka to smirk deviously. Curse him, he had a dark, mischievous streak, on top of everything else… he was a tease, in the best of ways. To hell with this, if they kept this up, she'd wind up asking him to marry her before the night was out… "I might as well ask you the same question, Princess… did you think about me this way before? When?"
"Nuh-uh… you'll tell me first," she decided, reaching down between their bodies to clasp his shaft in her hand again. Sokka gasped as she smirked knowingly. "Look at that… fully charged and ready to shoot your lightning bolt, are you?"
"Something like that," Sokka conceded, laughing softly. "Ugh, you know what? You like games. I like games. Whoever comes first… answers first. 'Kay?"
"That… is not a bad idea, actually," Azula smiled. Sokka snickered.
"Good. Because I know I have leverage," he said, lowering himself again: her hand released his sturdy cock, and he dragged its head across her folds teasingly. Azula moaned heartily, rolling her eyes back over the sheer pleasure. "You're as sensitive as can be, after all…"
"And you're fully erect… and looking glorious," she said, smirking as she ventured a devious glance at his shaft. Sokka actually laughed at the shameless remark. "I don't think it'll be quite as easy for you to win as you hope, Sokka…"
"I'll conquer the conqueror… if it takes every last bit of my willpower," he decided, speaking with feigned seriousness. Azula could only laugh, even though he overtook her lips with teasing kisses moments later.
And slowly but surely, his cock's head began breaching her entrance: Azula moaned even more sensually than before, embracing Sokka urgently… most intentionally, hoping he'd go deeper once she pulled him closer. Sokka caved in, letting their hips loom closer until they were in full contact once he was deep inside her… and her moans were amazing by then. With her neck fully exposed, he couldn't help himself but kiss her skin, nibbling on it teasingly as he rolled back slowly, withdrawing himself to the tip… and them ramming back through her, faster than she expected. She yelped, clawing at his back, and Sokka groaned – the pleasure made him lightheaded too, no matter how strategic he was trying to be. She was so warm and wet… how would he ever resist until she finished again? It felt heavenly, being inside her…
He breathed out slowly before latching onto her neck next, biting lightly, but sucking harder. Her fingers clutched at his back, lightly when the pleasure was bearable… and clawing at him when it was overwhelming, as it was with each of his violent thrusts. And yet the smile on her face every time he stopped once he was buried to the hilt… she liked this. She loved this. It was as intense and savage as she needed it to be, apparently. Only…
"Y-you tease…" she said, between moans: he had done it again, drawing far back again: her breath hitched with anticipation and she cried out again once he rammed inside her potently. "Ah, just…! Go all the way, damn you…!"
"I… thought I was…?" Sokka smiled, reeling back again. Azula's chest heaved delightfully against his… and he smirked mischievously. "You sure you want me to stop the teasing?"
"Yes… yes," she said, letting her hands move up to his face: she pulled him in for a clumsy, sloppy kiss he couldn't seem to get enough of. "Fuck me like you mean it…"
"If you say so…" he smirked, stealing one more kiss…
Before drilling into her raw and powerfully, rolling his hips back only to thrust anew instants later. Azula's loud moans surged further, her nails catching his back once again as he thrusted and thrusted, faster yet, like a train-tank doing away with every line of defense…
And it was incredibly pleasant, both for the man who thrusted powerfully, rhythmically, even if his heart seemed to be about to fail him with how fast it was beating, and the woman underneath him, who thrusted right back into him, yielding her control of the situation only enough to let him understand that he only fucked her as he did because she allowed it… because she wanted him to. And her conditions and terms were perfectly agreeable for him, just as well.
Anyone else might have faltered at such a rhythm, Azula suspected, but her partner had the stamina and strength needed to power through while continuing to adorn her neck with the most delightful hickeys, to match with the scratches she couldn't help but trace across his back whenever he overwhelmed her. Sokka hardly seemed affected by the scratches, just as Azula was only stimulated by everything his mouth did to her neck… for both their conscious minds were focused on the joining of their bodies above anything else. The pleasure was rising, threatening to burst with the violence of a geyser, and neither one wanted to stop. Their challenge and bet forgotten, they couldn't seem to slow down their pace, and neither one wanted to do so anyway. Sokka only pulled away from her neck to gaze at her excited face for a moment… to take in the sweaty pearls trailing down her face before stealing a powerful kiss from her lips. She returned it tenfold, licking and sucking his lips as she moaned seemingly endlessly: his thrusts were powerful, hands clutching her thighs to further control the spread of her legs… and to Azula's surprise, he actually closed them rather than pushing them further apart. He wanted to tighten things, did he…? Well, if that's how he wanted it, she'd gladly relent.
Sokka yelped when her walls suddenly squeezed him. Azula moaned softly, but the knowing smirk on her face spoke lengths about how sure of herself she still was. Sokka gasped against her lips when she squeezed again: he kept thrusting even though her latest course of action was threatening to throw him off completely… oh, but it felt too good. He gritted his teeth, only for Azula to cover his lips with kisses, compelling him to steal another wild, deep one from her mouth.
Another squeeze, and his brain seemed shot with a tranquilizer: he couldn't think anymore, he was all impulse and instinct, and that meant he was thrusting recklessly, kissing her lustfully, touching her boldly… and she squeezed again, and again, and again, encouraging him further, begging for more mindless thrusting until those deliberate squeezes weren't quite so intentional anymore.
"I… I'm close…" Azula announced. Sokka grunted back as he kissed her powerfully, encouraging her to reach for that peak as she wished…
Violent shaking overtook her, and she gasped and shuddered violently as her hands clawed harder at his back: her piercing cry probably was heard all the way to where the damn hitman was sleeping in the seventh floor, as loud and careless as it was. And even then, when her walls now squeezed him in a whole involuntary manner, Sokka thrusted savagely inside her until, in his mindlessness, his release loomed so close he could do nothing to slow it down, let alone when those shuddering walls were driving him mad with pleasure…
He finished inside her, carelessly, recklessly, disregarding all risks, forgetting to ask if she had taken any form of birth control, which she likely hadn't… oh, nothing seemed to matter right now. All he wanted was to deplete himself fully, and as he thrusted further, he achieved exactly that, gifting himself to Azula while he groaned and moaned with each sway of his hips.
He collapsed atop her when he was all done, and their heavy breaths matched as their bodies regulated again… that is, if they ever would. Somehow, it felt like they would spend the rest of their days with an unquenchable sexual drive, a primal urge to merge with each other without restraint… just as they had now. Sokka breathed out and pushed himself up with some difficulty, supporting his weight with his elbows.
"Didn't mean to crush you… sorry 'bout that…" he said. Azula snorted. "Though… if you don't mind, that's fine too."
"I like it, rather," Azula declared. Sokka chuckled, stroking her hair gently. "What's so funny?"
"You're… smiling. More than I think you ever have since I've known you," he chuckled. Azula snorted and laughed heartily now. "I guess it's fitting, eh? You just needed to have sex with me to feel better about life. Perfect remedy, eh?"
"Joke all you like, that was… that was something," Azula laughed, still unable to stop smiling. "And I… I finished first. Damn. You won, after all. Though… you're still missing one climax, you know? You're in the upper ring now, but…"
"Not in the palace yet?" Sokka chuckled. "Well, then, I guess I know what I'll be doing next, greedy Princess…"
"You're the one who wanted to conquer me. I'm just establishing the rules," Azula smirked. Sokka laughed, pressing quick, soft kisses to her lips.
"Still… you did come first. Tell me… when did you start wondering how good we'd be together?" he asked, prodding her nose with his own. Azula sighed.
"It's all your fault… yours and yours alone," she whispered. "If you'd just quit pinning me to walls that often, I wouldn't think about you sexually…"
"Huh… I've got to do that more often, then," Sokka teased her. Azula laughed and shook her head.
"You're a piece of work, aren't you?" she smiled. He grinned cheekily right back at her. "You?"
"Probably the same time, actually," he chuckled. "I liked talking up close to you in that corridor a bit more than I should've… and then you pointed out we were too close and I pulled away because I thought you were uncomfortable, but not because I didn't want to be this close…"
"Hmmm… good to know," Azula grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck and reeling him in for one more heartfelt kiss…
One that turned dangerous as his hand slipped between their bodies and took to prodding her clit. Azula gasped.
"H-hey, you don't have to try already…" she said. Sokka snickered.
"Might be I want to… I like your moans. They're sexy," he said, and his pronunciation of the word made her shiver against his strong body. She wanted more, forget all caution and sense, she was going to lose her mind if he didn't make her come again…
A knock on the bedroom door.
Azula damn near cursed out loud upon the sound… upon Sokka's abrupt pause, and wary glance at the door. He swallowed hard and offered Azula an apologetic grimace before uncoupling their bodies – his cock wasn't ready for another round yet, but with Azula's sounds, it was certainly starting to rear its head yet again… only to be disappointed by the interruption.
"Here," Sokka said, yanking the sheet off the bed quickly and covering Azula's body with it. The Princess groaned as Sokka collected his pants and pulled them up again – still no underwear. And now she found that a most agreeable choice. "It's probably nothing…"
"Nothing?" Azula repeated. No, her senses said otherwise…
It was late. It was very late at night, as far as she could tell. Most people wouldn't be awake by now… nor would they be eager to knock on the southerner's door unless they had a good reason for it. And Azula only reached a sudden conclusion about what the interruption might be mere instants before Sokka opened the door.
"Oh, e-excuse me, sir…" said the nervous young man at the other side of the door: he failed to recognize the woman in the bed, and he didn't stop to pay much attention to the clothes scattered in the room. That being said… he was flustered. Yes, he'd heard Azula. At this point, the whole damn city might have heard her. "But King Kuei… he asked me to inform you, since you were so keen on being beside him once the baby was about to come to this world…"
"W-wait, what?!" Sokka exclaimed. The nervous man grimaced. "How can that be?!"
"Well, seeing what you were up to, I doubt you don't know how it came to this…"
"What the…?! That's not what I meant!" Sokka squealed, his cheeks flushing. "Ugh, I'll be there! Just… take a walk! I'll be right out!"
Sokka slammed the door shut, and Azula wasted no time climbing off the bed: finding each clothing garment, regardless of the lanterns Sokka had lit, wasn't all that easy, but Azula managed to patch up her servant persona as best she could by the time Sokka managed to fasten his sash around his waist.
"I can help you with your hair," he offered. Azula grimaced, having been halfway through composing a clumsy knot, but Sokka took over for her as she sighed in defeat.
"Curse that damn baby for deciding this was the best timing to arrive…" Azula growled. Sokka chuckled, finishing her hairdo and hugging her gently afterwards.
"It should take a while before it's born. If it looks too slow, we can go find a dark corner and get right back to this…"
"I'd love that, but we do need to keep an eye on the damn assassin. If it's just one assassin," Azula said, glancing at Sokka warily. Sokka grimaced but nodded. "We don't know how widespread Yao's plan may be. He could have more than just one hitman…"
"He should have more than one," said Sokka, frowning. "Kuei shouldn't be in the same place as his child, right? So one hitman for him… another for the baby."
They exchanged a quick glance: each of them had a job, then, as they'd agreed upon before. And they'd do best to fulfill them, as fast as possible.
Sokka fisted Azula's hair before pulling her close for one more kiss. She relented most willingly, venturing to taste him with her tongue, to feel every ridge in his mouth, to memorize his every detail… their duty was dangerous, after all. What they'd do next… it might not end well if they weren't careful. A good luck kiss wouldn't hurt at all either, would it?
"We'll get back to it… as soon as this is over, if not sooner," Sokka promised. Azula smiled and nodded.
"I should hope so. I look forward to your final campaign, conqueror Sokka," she smirked, stepping towards the door. He chuckled and followed suit.
The palace wasn't as quiet as it ever was at these hours: maybe with all the ruckus over the baby's birth, their obnoxious coupling had been slightly less obvious than they had suspected. They rushed together to the birthing area, and Azula glanced at Sokka once more to confirm their plan. He nodded, smiled, and squeezed her hand gently before rushing away, towards the living room where Kuei was waiting.
The queen was crying when Azula entered the room, and her heart sank for it… until she realized it was just about the pain. She breathed out in relief for it, assessing her surroundings quickly… assessing the rest of the servants warily: nearly all of them looked exhausted, obviously displeased to be woken in case the queen needed anything… except for one young girl. She appeared completely alert, watching the queen intently… so intently she didn't seem to realize Azula was watching her.
Sokka barged into Kuei's living room… and Yao was there, of course, an arm wrapped around the nervous king who kept pacing nervously inside the large hall. Sokka approached, offering his support too… Kuei threw himself at Sokka, and Bosco sniffed Sokka's body, as though picking up an unexpected odor on him. The water tribesman grimaced, eyeing the surroundings with uncertainty: while he had been alerted because Kuei had thought he'd feel safer this way, there was obviously no reason why Yao should be here too. And it seemed Yao knew as much as well: he justified his presence by claiming he had been with Kuei when the news had been broken, and he had merely been worried about leaving the king to his own devices at such late hours.
Kuei's behavior was odd, Sokka found, though… and he only realized why when he unintentionally caught the scent of the king's breath: alcohol. He had been drinking, perhaps with Yao… it'd make it all the easier to target him.
Sokka eyed his surroundings anxiously: the living room had a few windows, could Yao's hitman be somewhere behind them, out of reach? If so…
"You know what you need, pal?" Sokka decided, grinning as he clapped Kuei's back. "A new environment!"
"A… what?" Kuei said, blinking blankly. Sokka grinned mischievously.
"Let's take a walk! Find the best room in the palace to spend your time in while we wait for the baby to be born. It'll be a while anyway."
Random as the idea sounded, Sokka didn't miss the disapproving scowl on Yao's face as he guided the Earth King out of the room. There were so many rooms, countless of them… and if he could pick up a retinue of soldiers in the process, better yet.
Meanwhile, as the queen cried further, complaining about every contraction, Azula managed to reach the one-track-mind servant, tapping her shoulder gently: the young woman nearly jumped out of her skin, as Azula bit her lip and asked if she could speak with her in private about something very important.
The fear in the woman's face was obvious: she thought she'd been had. She refused at first, but the others encouraged her to go, and promised they wouldn't fall asleep while the queen was struggling to bring the baby to the world. Azula breathed out and led the young woman through the hallways, biting her lip as she clung to her arm as any shy, nervous maid might…
"What's the problem? Did you… find out something surprising?" the maid asked. Azula bit her lip.
"Y-yeah. I definitely did," she said. "I'm a little worried. I… I don't think it'll sit well with the Earth King, or the Earth Queen, so I thought I'd get your advice. Everyone else looked like they were about to fall asleep, so…"
"Yeah, well, that's precisely why I should be there," the maid argued. "I'm the only one who had a proper rest over the evening, you see…"
"Ah, no wonder," said Azula, smiling awkwardly. "Why, though…?"
"Because I always take the night shifts," the servant declared, stubbornly. "Anyway, if you have nothing to say…"
"I do have something to say," Azula whispered, stopping at the end of a corridor that led nowhere but to a maintenance room. "The truth is, I…"
"What?!" the maid said, exasperated over the pause. Azula gritted her teeth, covering her face with her hands.
"I-I was seduced by a guest!"
The maid blinked blankly for a moment, as Azula turned an innocent gaze upon her. Ah, she didn't expect that, did she?
"I'll be in trouble, won't I?" she said. "Oh, but he's… he's irresistible. He just hit on me and the next thing I knew… ah, do you think the hickeys show too much? I'm going to be in so much trouble if anyone knows…"
"I… no!" said the maid, laughing carelessly now: good. Her guard was down, as Azula showed her the undeniable marks on her neck. "Oh, please, it's hardly the first time anything like this happens… you don't have to worry, truly. Come on, let's go back, the king and queen have bigger things to worry about than whoever their servants sleep with, okay?"
"You're sure…?" Azula asked. The young woman nodded. Azula sighed as the maid started to turn around…
And that was when Azula struck her hard, delivering a powerful blow to the carotid artery, knocking the woman unconscious immediately.
Azula caught the woman in midair, using her servants' keys to open the maintenance closet: she tossed the maid there, took the woman's own assorted keys, and locked her within. She'd come back for her later, once everything was safe. She couldn't know for sure if this woman was an ally of Yao's yet – despite she reeked of it –, but if she wasn't, the enemy would still be within the vicinity. She returned at haste to the queen's room, but instead of marching inside alone, which would garner a lot of suspicions, she only lingered by the door, listening… listening carefully. There was a lot of activity inside right now, and Azula flinched at each desperate cry of the queen's – oh, but she was a fool, wasn't she? She'd allowed Sokka to finish inside, with no countermeasures… and she damn refused to bear his child and wind up screaming for not-quite-fun reasons in the near future, just as the queen did right now. She'd find some contraceptive measures as soon as possible…
Ten minutes later, a piercing, shrill voice broke across the already noisy palace.
Azula grimaced and pushed the door open lightly, ready to act if need be…
"A baby girl! Oh, she is delightful!"
Azula's eyes widened. A girl. If it was a girl, then Yao and his people would likely target the child. She snarled and entered the room quickly, watching as the rest of the servants clapped excitedly as the baby was taken care of, wiped and cleansed for her mother to hold. No one had done anything suspicious so far… so had she chosen correctly? Had she found the culprit, or one of them, anyway?
"The king must be informed!"
Oh, hell. That could be trouble.
Azula grimaced and stepped closer to the queen and the baby – in her not so humble opinion, it was frankly a rather ugly child… – taking up a resting defensive position near them. She played it off as mere curiosity about the baby… while constantly casting glances at the door, wary about what would happen next.
Kuei nearly lost his cool when the servants arrived with a message. Sokka frowned, glancing about himself: he'd successfully gathered around five soldiers, but would they be enough in case the king needed help…?
"A girl…? My child is born! It's a girl, Sokka!"
Sokka froze. Oh, hell: they'd go for the baby.
Kuei only hugged him quickly before sprinting off at haste, followed by his soldiers… and not by Yao.
"Where are you going?" Sokka asked, smiling dryly. Yao froze. "Mind if I tag along?"
"W-why would you…?" he said, grimacing. "You wanted to be with the king…"
"To help calm him down. He's fine now, see? The baby is born. A nice, healthy little girl," Sokka grinned. "Are you so tired you want to go take a nap in your room? The… seventh floor, was it?"
Yao grimaced, and Sokka raised an eyebrow.
"Y-you… are you accusing me of something?" Yao asked. Sokka blinked blankly.
"Is there anything to accuse you of?" he grinned, dryly.
"Then why so nervous?" Sokka chuckled. "Just let me accompany you to your room. I'm sure Kuei's fine on his own now that he knows his baby is alive and safe."
Yao snarled but complied. Sokka followed him, just as well. Back to the scene of the crime… to where he had started this wild, strange dalliance with Azula. And boy, he sure regretted nothing about it… but he needed to focus on more than thoughts of his new lover's delectable body and clever wit for now. He'd have more of those later, if she let him.
Yao opened the door, allowing Sokka to see inside the dark room… and yet Sokka stood outside, arms crossed, waiting for Yao to do whatever he intended to. Yao, of course, realized as much… and he entered the room slowly.
Only for Sokka to kick it shut and jam the lock by sabotaging it with his knife, violently.
He'd track down the damn killer. He wasn't in the room, Sokka had noticed… the man was in position somewhere, no idea where, but surely within range of the room… oh, Azula. She was there too, she might be able to stop him, he hoped, and if she was…
He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, feeling almost as though he were an airbender as he raced to the birthing wing once again. Yet he wasn't the only one reaching it right then and there…
"STOP!" Sokka shouted.
The shaggy-haired man, with the thick beard, froze in place for only a brief instant before attacking: he cast a smoke bomb at Sokka, but the warrior braced himself regardless, covering his mouth with one hand and withdrawing his boomerang from its scabbard. He launched it at haste, trusting his prediction of the killer's trajectory…
The man had only just opened the door when the weapon struck him on the lower back.
The happy room suddenly became a loud, messy pandemonium… but where everyone seemed to run away from the door, one servant ran straight towards it instead: a kick of blue fire slammed the already weakened enemy across the corridor and into the wall at its far end, and his head struck violently against it.
"Sokka!" she called for him, rushing towards the cloud of smoke.
It was so dense she could barely see him, but eventually a silhouette could be distinguished: Sokka crept out slowly, coughing as the unpleasant smoke bit into his system.
"Are you okay? Sokka…" Azula asked, pulling him closer. Sokka coughed again but smiled.
"I'm… alright. Better now that I'm seeing you again," he said. "Is he…?"
"Dead? Maybe," Azula admitted, casting a glance at the unmoving, bleeding tall man that had fallen in a heap on the floor. "But I've captured a suspect…"
"And I locked up Yao," Sokka said. Azula blinked blankly, surprised by how similar their strategies had turned out to be, as they heard footsteps behind them: the servants, the soldiers, and in all likelihood, Kuei, were on their way. "Which is why I think… we might just be able to spin this to our favor."
"Y-you… you saved us?! And our baby?!" Kuei asked, staring at Sokka and his companion in disbelief… a companion he had identified by her unique flames, naturally. "You… you're Princess Azula?!"
She turned around very slowly, with a rather guilty grin on her face. Kuei appeared to be on the verge of a breakdown, whether of joy, outrage, relief or confusion… and confirming that his dreaded enemy had entered his palace, disguised herself as a servant and lived amongst his people for over a week and a half, certainly wouldn't help his frequent nerves and constant anxiety.
"You sure about that?" Azula asked Sokka, uneasy. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head.
"Just… trust me," he smiled, before stepping towards Kuei.
Iroh's teashop was yet another strange location Azula had never thought she'd set foot on, but apparently it was the only place in Ba Sing Se that would allow her safe haven, for the time being. She sat on a far-end table, sipping a drink, ignoring her uncle's confused, pointed stares… and of course, reliving the latest events in her mind.
She could have been thinking of the aftermath, with Kuei fluctuating between panic and gratefulness at the drop of a hat, especially once both Yao and his female accomplice were brought before him, and the accomplice blatantly confessed the truth of their schemes – she had been working for Kuei for over a decade, but it seemed Yao had blackmailed her into working for him by threatening her family in the western Earth Kingdom, and she was more than happy to sell him out for it now. Azula could have also been reliving the action, the rush to take down the murder operation as fast as possible, splitting up with her partner so they both could keep every threat in check…
But no. She was, of course, reliving the sensation of a certain someone's lips and caresses upon her skin, of his manly shaft tearing through her with those slow withdrawals and sudden thrusts that made her mind swim in blissful pleasure. Oh, whatever happened next, she needed more of that, so much more of that… surely being spymaster for Zuko for about five years was enough community service for her misdeeds after the war, right? She could take a break, steal that handsome man away, spend about a month or two, or a year, even a lifetime, locked up in a private room with him, as they had their way with each other… she wanted to dominate him the next time around, yes she did, and pin him to the wall, for a change, and…
The door of the teashop opened, despite it was already closing time, and most customers were long gone: Azula's eyes lit up immediately when she identified the apparent new customer, who scanned the area quickly until he spotted her. That he smiled immediately was a blissful relief.
"Well… looks like you could stand being here, after all," Sokka grinned, sinking into a seat across hers. Azula bit her lip, wishing he'd sat beside her instead… kissing him would've been much easier that way. "Kuei's calmed down."
"Hard to believe," Azula smiled. Sokka laughed and shrugged.
"He isn't completely sure he can trust you yet, which is as predictable as can be from the guy," Sokka said. "But he says he'll credit you for helping save his family all the same. That being said… you're still not allowed to visit Ba Sing Se freely."
"Heh. Well, I'll just find something else to disguise myself as the next time," Azula smirked. "I was a servant this time, I pretended to be your ex the last time… who should I be next?"
"Maybe you don't have to pretend to be my ex… and you can just be my actual girlfriend," Sokka suggested. Azula snorted, staring at him in disbelief as he grinned cheekily. "Yep, I'm asking. Bluntly. Boldly. Why not?"
"… Would that get me access to Ba Sing Se's palace?" Azula asked. Sokka snorted.
"You really need access to it that badly?" he asked.
"A spymaster needs eyes everywhere," Azula smiled. "And access to all the places that might need her attention. If the palace is within my reach, I can better understand what's happening inside it… and then advice my dumb brother on how to proceed with his own ventures."
"Right," Sokka said, sighing. "Well, Kuei says that if you come with me every time you want to be in the palace, he'll relent and allow you to stay. But not if you're on your own."
"Really? And how about if we break up dramatically over something stupid?" Azula asked, teasing him. "Will I still be forced to travel to Ba Sing Se with you even if we're on terrible terms?"
"Eh, if we ever do have a bad argument, I can always pin you to a wall and we can resolve it the old-fashioned way… works like a charm, huh?" Sokka said, shrugging cockily. Azula laughed and shook her head.
"I have no idea what we're doing, Sokka… but I do know I like it," she said, smiling at him. "You're sure about this? About me? About asking me to be your… girlfriend? It's a rather juvenile term, in my opinion…"
"Want another one?" Sokka smiled. "Partner in crime suits you better?"
"Partner could be good," Azula said. "We did make a deal when this whole ordeal began, didn't it? And while you're splendid in bed, we worked together beyond that, too… it's not quite as simple as being your girlfriend, right?"
"No. But I'll still introduce you to everyone we bump into as my girlfriend from this day forward," Sokka grinned. Azula scoffed. "And myself as your boyfriend, of course."
"How's that going to work? 'Hello there, she is my girlfriend, I am her boyfriend'? Sounds like you won't be saying anything about yourself or me by doing that…"
"Isn't that how you'd rather keep things, spymaster?" Sokka grinned. "Juvenile as it may be… no one will suspect what your true job is, head of Fire Nation intelligence, if they think you and your boyfriend are just a pair of idiot twenty-somethings who can't seem to stop having sex wherever they go…"
"Ah… a rather useful cover story," Azula grinned. "Funny how so many chaotic problems get resolved whenever those two idiot twenty-somethings who can't seem to stop having sex show up at places…"
"It's a true mystery, isn't it?" Sokka said. Azula laughed and shook her head. "So… if I may do the honors this time as well: do we have a deal, Azula?"
He extended his hand towards her, and she smiled. With a quick movement, she rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him heartily while clasping his hand in hers. A cup broke near the counter – of course, Iroh had no suspicions she was doing Sokka, no one outside the palace would've known it yet – and decided that yes, it was a good cover story. A perfect relationship to both bask in for what it was… and to wield as a shield, allowing them both to remain perfectly disguised while playing the fools and resolving the many problems their respective friends and associations expected them to fix for them. And as Azula kissed Sokka long, deep and sensually, she could see absolutely nothing harmful in the new terms he had offered. Her lips were still pressed to his, her fingers intertwined with his, when she finally said:
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ssidesblog · 4 years
frame the halves and call them brothers
remus centric, 2,935 wc, ao3
remus meets janus, who proceeds to psychoanalyze him (and virgil is exhausted)
Remus did not wake up early. Or rather, he didn’t like waking up early, not usually. But that morning, Remus woke up with an excited buzz despite the fact he was awake before 8am on a Saturday. He rushed to get dressed, slipping on a flannel that was two sizes too big and had rips in the wrong places, a pair of black pants (the ones Patton loved to describe as his church pants since they were so ‘holey’), and his pair of blue ladder laced Doc Martens. Looking at himself in the mirror he couldn’t help but grin. Contrary to popular belief, Remus took a great deal of pride in his appearance, and to him, looking like the definition of the word ‘punk’ made him very content and happy. 
His mom sat at the kitchen table, already in her uniform for one of her jobs. Remus walked over to her and bent down to plant a kiss on her cheek. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” She greeted him. 
“Morning.” He replied with a smile that showed off his chipped tooth. 
“You’re extra excitable this morning.” She commented and stood from her seat. 
“What can I say, I love facing the consequences of my actions.” Remus said, opening a granola bar and following his mom to the front door. She rolled her eyes with a chuckle and grabbed her keys from the hook by the door.  The ride to the school was quiet. Remus knew she was still pissed at him, even more so at Virgil and was not excited for him to be around the kid who beat him up. They pulled up to the school and just as Remus opened the door to leave she spoke. 
“Please behave yourself, mijo.”  She sounded exhausted and looked the part as well. Remus’s stomach knotted when he realized just how tired her whole existence was. He nodded, not trusting himself to talk, and left the car. He watched her pull away with a sort of sadness. He quickly shook away whatever he was feeling and entered the high school. He walked into the gym where Mr. Young was waiting along with a few other students. Remus noted he didn’t see Virgil, meaning he was early to something for once. He sat down on the bleachers and shortly after Virgil walked in with someone Remus vaguely recognized from a few of his classes. The two walked over to Remus. 
“I just don’t understand how you can be stupid enough to also get detention.” Virgil said to the kid next to him. 
“I don’t think it’s fair,” The other person spoke, “Writing on the bathroom stalls shouldn’t result in this kind of punishment.” 
“You wrote ‘fuck 12’, Janus, what the hell did you think would happen?” Virgil asked incredulously. 
“Well I didn’t think I would get caught.” The kid, Janus, replied in a grumble. 
“You making fun of me for being a wannabe punk when your boyfriend acts like that is kinda fucked up, Hot Topic.” Remus said, inserting himself into the conversation. Virgil gagged while the other kid made a face of pure disgust.
“Never say that ever again, we’re brothers.” Virgil said. 
“Oh, fuck, sorry I couldn’t really tell,” Remus said looking from one to the other, “I’m guessing you’re step brothers or something?” 
“Actually, we’re twins, I just happened to get all the melanin,” Janus stated and then gestured to the left side of his face where splotches of pale skin stood in a contrast to the rest of his dark complexion, “Virge did have some kind of influence though.” 
 Remus nodded in understanding and Virgil looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. 
“Please tell me you don’t actually believe that.” Virgil spoke in a desperate tone. Remus laughed a little too hard. 
“I know I’m dumb but I’m not stupid.” Remus said. Virgil put his head in his hands and mumbled something Remus interpreted as ‘I want to go home’. He lifted his head and looked from Janus to Remus. He leaned closer to Remus and lowered his voice. 
“My brother kinda hates you for punching me.” 
“It’s ok,” Remus spoke in a similar hushed tone, “My brother hates me for punching you, too.” Virgil raised his eyebrow but didn’t question any further, to which Remus was thankful. Roman wasn’t a fun topic to talk about unless Remus was making fun of him and right now, even thinking about him was making him upset. 
“Ok, kids,” Mr. Young addressed the less than 10 people in the room, “Each of you will be cleaning up the campus. We have proctors all around campus so don’t do anything that will get you into even more trouble. Come grab a trash bag and gloves and hop to it.” He gestured to the pile of garbage bags and boxes of gloves. Each of the kids shuffled over and grabbed their supplies. 
Once they were outside, Remus, Virgil, and Janus stuck together and picked up the same area in relative silence. Remus bent down to pick up a half eaten sandwich when he noticed Janus’s shoes; blue ladder laced Doc Martens. He grinned and fully stood up. 
“You killed a cop, too?” Remus practically shouted the question and gained the attention of the two boys, along with a few bewildered looks from surrounding students. 
“Excuse me?!” Virgil asked, his voice going up an octave or two. Janus looked down at Remus’s boots and then his own, a knowing look on his face. 
“Seeing as how this little shit,” Janus nodded in the direction of Virgil, “Beat the fuck out of you, I seriously doubt you killed a cop.” Remus barked out a laugh. 
“Half-pint has some moves you wouldn’t believe.” Remus pointed to his tooth and Janus moved closer to get a better look. 
“The little raccoon did that?” He asked with amusement in his voice. Remus nodded. 
“He pulled my head back and smashed my face into the ground,” Remus recounted the moment with a sense of nostalgia in his voice, “My mouth just so happened to be open.” 
“You don’t sound angry about it.” 
“Because I’m not,” The grin in his voice was evident, “I’ve always wanted to get into a fight and now I have a way of remembering it.” Janus gave a small smile and Remus counted that as a win. 
“Is your nose ok?” Virgil asked. 
“It’s fine, kid, no need to feel guilty.” Remus reassured him. It was feeling a whole lot better than the day before, the bruising made it look a lot worse than it felt. 
“I still can’t believe you did that, bub.” Janus spoke with pride as he ruffled Virgil’s hair, “I raised you well.” 
“You’re barley even a year older than me shut the fuck up.” Virgil’s voice didn’t actually hold any malice. 
“Oh, you’re older than us?” Remus asked, adding, “I could have sworn I’ve seen you in some of my classes.” 
“Oh, no me and you are the same age,” Janus said with a shit eating grin on his face, “V here skipped a grade so he’s a little baby.” Janus had turned on his baby voice and squished Virgil’s face. 
“Get the fuck away from me.” Virgil said and swatted his hands away. 
“Awww, little piss baby.” Remus cooed. 
“I hate both of you so much.” Virgil said, giving each of them a pointed look. 
“You know you love me.” Janus said and wrapped his arms around his younger brother, swaying a little from side to side. Virgil mumbled something into his shirt that made Janus chuckle. Remus watched them and felt a little part of his chest ache. 
“You’re not so bad, Remus.” Janus said, letting go of Virgil. 
“I’m all sorts of bad, but I appreciate it.” Remus said. 
They finished cleaning with a lot more talking and joking around. Remus felt happy having people to interact with who were brand new to his life. It was like a breath of fresh air. Once they were dismissed, Remus walked to the front of the school with the two brothers. 
“Do you wanna go over to the gas station?” Janus asked him. 
“I don’t have any money on me.” Remus said, shifting on his feet. 
“Don’t worry about it, V can buy you a slushie.” Janus said, already walking in the direction of the nearby 7/11. 
“Why do I have to buy it?” 
“You’re the one who beat the shit out of him, it’s the least you can do.” Janus said and winked to Remus. He snorted. Janus looked over at him and squinted, searching for something in his face. 
“I’m flattered, really, but it’s awfully rude to stare.” Remus said. 
“You look familiar.” Janus mumbled. Then his face lit up, “You do theatre, right?” Remus groaned. 
“No, that’s my brother.” He couldn’t help the disgust evident in his voice. 
“Oh, are you two twins?” He asked. 
“Sadly, yes.” Remus responded. 
“You don’t seem very fond of him.” Remus bit the inside of his cheek. 
“We just have a complicated history.” He said. Virgil and Janus both raised an eyebrow and maybe Janus’s joke about them being twins wasn’t too far off. 
“Aren’t twins supposed to be, like, super close and shit?” Virgil asked. 
“Virgil.” Janus said his name like a warning. 
“No, it’s fine, Roman and I are just,” Remus paused to think of a way to describe their dichotomy, “different. He’s the golden boy and I’m clearly not.” Remus said and gestured to himself. 
“Comparison creates a divide and causes nothing but harm.” Janus told him. 
“That’s the thing,” Remus was starting to get angry, “I was never the one to start comparing. It was our dad who always favored Roman. Roman who does nothing for himself; he people pleases and has no sense of an actual identity. But because he can follow the rules he’s the good twin.” Remus hit the crosswalk button harder than necessary. 
“You seem a lot more interesting.” Virgil said 
“Agreed.” Remus gritted through his teeth. 
“So then, why are you jealous of him?” Janus asked. Remus turned to him. 
“I’m not jealous of him.” 
“Yes you are.” He stated
“Janus likes to psychoanalyze everyone.” Virgil informed Remus. The crosswalk flashed the little picture of the man walking and the three boys imitated the motion.
 Remus thought about what Janus said as the two boys started a conversation of their own. Was he jealous of Roman? There was no way. Roman was self absorbed and egotistical, but only on surface level. He and Roman may not get along too well but they knew each other like the back of their hand. Remus knew how insecure Roman was, always scared of losing his good image, letting himself hide away parts of himself to look less weird. Remus was happier, Remus was unabashedly himself. So, why was he jealous of Roman?
“You ok, Rem?” Virgil asked, successfully gaining his attention. 
“Oh, uh, yeah I’m fine.” Remus responded. Virgil nodded and followed Janus inside the 7/11. Remus walked in after him. 
“What flavor do you want?” Virgil asked, grabbing a cup and a lid. 
“Mix the blue and the Coke.” Virgil made an audible noise of disgust but complied. He wandered over to the chip aisle and Remus went to the back where Janus looked at the cold drinks. 
“You never answered my question.” Janus spoke, not taking his eyes away from the energy drinks in front of him. 
“I don’t really have an answer for you, I don’t know why I am. If you asked my therapist it probably has something to do with my dad.” 
“That’s what all therapists say.” Janus opened the case and crouched down, picking up two cans of Monster. 
“I mean, they aren’t wrong, dads are just like that.” Remus accepted one of the cans. 
“I wouldn’t know, I grew up with two moms.” 
“That’s why you’re so put together, no trauma of having a father.” Remus said. Janus laughed and Remus decided it was one of the prettiest sounds he’d ever heard. 
“Why do you need a Monster if you also have a slushie?” Virgil asked, exasperated. 
“Extra energy.” He replied, handing him the drink. Virgil rolled his eyes and went up to the counter. 
“I don’t think Roman is as boring as you think.” Janus said. 
“You know him?” Remus asked. 
“I’ve spoken with him a few times, he’s very active in theatre and so am I.”
“So you knew I wasn’t him?” Remus asked. 
“He’s interesting in his own way,” Janus avoided Remus’s question, “I think you need to give him a chance.” 
“Easy for you to say, you and Virgil seem like perfect siblings.” Remus knew he sounded bratty but he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
“When I first met him, I absolutely hated him,” Janus started, “I was 11 and suddenly I had a younger brother. I was in a new home and the only familiar part of my life was my mom and even then she had split her time between me and Virgil. I didn’t want anything to do with him. I thought he was weird and too quiet. Poor kid just had anxiety and me and my mom moving in did nothing to help. I had to give him a chance and once I did, we found we were similar in our own ways, but more importantly, we were different. Now, I can’t imagine a life where he isn’t my brother.” Remus looked at Janus in awe. 
“Give Roman a chance, he may be completely different than you but what’s so bad about that?” Janus gave him a smile that on anyone else would look disingenuous but with him it was the most open expression Remus had ever seen on anyone. Remus could only nod. 
“Is J getting all philosophical on you?” Virgil joined Remus’s side as Janus went to pay, “I keep telling him not to do that to people. He’s so weird.” There was a smile on his face as he spoke, as if just the mention of his brother made him happy. 
“You’re one to talk.” Remus knocked Virgil’s shoulder with his own. 
“I know the kid who brought a worm into class, claiming it to be his pet is not lecturing me about being weird right now.” Virgil said and Remus laughed. 
“I forgot about that, I miss that little guy.”  Virgil rolled his eyes with a certain fondness in his expression. He handed Remus his drinks as Janus joined the two. They walked back to the front of the school to wait for Virgil and Janus’s mom. 
“It was nice meeting you, Remus, we should hang out again.” Janus said as a way of goodbye. Virgil waved and off the two boys were. Remus stood up and started his walk to his house. He didn’t live too far away and was at his house in less than 20 minutes. He entered the house and found Roman sitting in the living room, watching something on TV. 
“Didn’t detention get out like, an hour and a half ago?” Roman asked and eyed the slushie and can of Monster in his hand, a sort of sadness in his eyes. 
“I went to 7/11 with Emo and Janus.” He said and walked over to him. 
“You know Janus?” Roman asked in surprise. 
“I met him today, those two are actually brothers.” Remus laughed at Roman’s disbelieving expression. “I know, it’s a small world.” He handed Roman the Monster. He took it hesitantly. 
“I’m glad you had fun.” He said and opened the drink. They were quiet for a few minutes, Remus joining him on the couch and half paying attention to what Roman had put on the TV (it was Hannah Montana; he only watched that when he needed a distraction). 
“Why were you so mad when I got into that fight?” Remus finally asked. Roman chewed on his lip in thought before finally responding, voice soft. 
“Because I didn’t want you to get hurt. And I didn’t want you doing something you would regret and beat yourself up about later.” Remus felt a pang in his heart. 
“You saying you actually care about me?” Remus meant for it to come out as a joke, but the way his voice cracked and went quieter just made it sound pathetic. 
“Of course I care about you, you’re my brother.” 
Remus took in a deep breath and sipped from his drink. 
“I’m sorry.” He said after a pause. 
“Dude, are you ok?” Roman’s voice was filled with worry. Remus managed a breathy laugh. 
“Yeah, I am. Thank you for the concern, Ro,” Remus smiled at him, “It means a lot.” Remus kept his voice low so it wouldn’t crack, so it wouldn’t push pressure on his throat, so he wouldn’t cry. Roman nodded and turned back towards the TV. 
Remus knew it was going to be hard. Roman had always been this ideal his dad set for him, more of an idea than a person. And Remus thought, maybe, he’d always hold some kind of resentment towards him. But Janus was right. Roman was different in almost every way, but he was still himself. In the same way Remus was himself. Eventually, he would come to accept that, but for now, Remus was content watching Hannah Montana on their couch, on the verge of tears, Roman’s head somewhere else entirely. They were a collective mess of trauma but at the end of the day they were still brothers and Remus couldn’t imagine it any other way. 
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch2: Flowers
(prev - next)
"Danny, your clone is adorable," Sam said.
Danny looked away from the plant he was observing and said, "You mean Niel?"
Sam tapped her chin. "Well, Danielle is adorable too. But yes, im talking about Niel, considering he's the one I saw yesterday."
"Oh yeah, you went to Vlad's mansion, right?" Tucker asked from where he was seated among a group of potted plants. "How was he like?"
Sam shrugged. "Like Danny, except peppier, and with a better appreciation for goth culture."
"You turned my clone goth?"
Sam stopped spraying her venus flytrap to point at Danny and say, "Hey, he's his own person, thank you very much."
Tucker leaned back and stared out the greenhouse walls. "I feel left out. How come both of you get to meet this new clone--er, person? I want to see him too..." He trailed off, staring at something in the distance, then pointed out and asked, "Is that him?"
Considering the timing, Danny almost thought Tucker was joking, but then he followed his finger and saw that Niel was, indeed, walking toward Sam's greenhouse. He didn't look very goth in Danny's opinion, although his hair was shaved on one side--but that was more punk than goth. As he got closer, Danny noticed that he was carrying a bundle of yellow flowers in his hand.
Sam went to the greenhouse's entrance and opened the doors to greet him. "So, did you get my adress from the mayor or from Google Earth?" she said.
Niel rubbed his neck nervously. "Did I do something wrong?"
"'Course not, Dracula. Come in." She made way for him, then eyed the flowers and asked, "Are those for me?"
Niel held them out, blushing slightly. "Danny said you like flowers. Uh, completely platonic flowers, of course."
Sam took the flowers from him. "I do like flowers," she confirmed, "though not so much cutting off flower roots and selling their corpses for money."
Niel blinked. "Oh."
Sam have a half-shrug. "It's fine. I'll just give it to my mom, since she loves decorating our house with flower corpses."
"I'll...be sure to get a potted plant next time."
"You better," Sam said. "Meanwhile, I'll go find somewhere to place these dead flowers so they can provide some decoration while they rot away."
Niel looked mortified as she left the greenhouse and went indoors. As soon as she was gone, Tucker burst into laughter.
"Oh man, you should see your face. Nobody is ever prepared for ultra-recyclo-vegan Sam."
Danny watched Niel with a smile as the younger boy glared at Tucker. He nodded at his hair and said, "Nice hairdo."
Niel ran a hand over the shaved part of his head. "It was Sam's idea. Something to make me look different from you." He looked across the various plants in the greenhouse and said, "She really does like plants, doesn't she?"
"You have no idea," Tucker agreed. He gestured across the room and said, "I promise you, every plant in here, Sam named. Like, those two flowers over there--what did she name them again?"
"Hecate and Nyx," Danny supplied. "Or Nyx and Hecate. I don't remember which one's which."
Niel frowned at the twin flowers. "They look the same."
"Yeah, well, Sam has some way to tell them apart," Tucker said. He cupped his mouth with one hand and whispered conspiringly, "If you ask me, I'd say she still has plant-whisperer powers from Undergrowth."
Niel ignored Tucker. He was still scowling at the plants. "Why bother keeping two of the same kind if they're basically the same thing?"
Danny had a sneaking suspicion Niel wasn't just talking about the flowers. Either Sam really trained him to become dark and brooding, or something was troubling the boy.
"Hey," Danny asked, "things okay with your dad?"
Niel shrugged, not tearing his eyes off the plants. "I think so."
"You think?"
"They're good, I think. I mean, yeah. They are." He smiled and added, "I got him to call me by my name."
"Really? That's great," Danny said, and his tone was sincere. He knew how many times Vlad insisted on calling Niel by Danny's name. Yet, for some reason, Niel didn't look as happy as he should have been regarding the news.
Danny was about to ask him what was wrong, but Tucker chose that moment to lean forward and say, "So, are you crushing or Sam, or...?"
Niel spluttered and shouted, "I am not!"
Danny would have felt irritated at Tucker, but he had to admit seeing Niel's face turn as red as Sam's anthuriums was hilarious. Maybe that was what Tucker was going for: lightening the mood a little.
"You're not what?" Sam asked, and the three boys whipped around to see her reentering the greenhouse.
"Nothing," Niel said quickly. He scratched his cheek and turned his attention back to the flowers. "Just appreciating Nyx and Hecate here."
"Hecate and Nyx," Sam corrected.
"Yeah. That." He glanced at his wrist and said, "Um, I guess I should be leaving now."
Sam raised her eyebrows. "You just got here. Don't you want to hang out a bit?"
Danny could tell Niel wanted to, but he shook his head and said, "Dad's pretty strict about my training schedule."
"Training schedule?"
"Yeah. For my ghost powers." His eyes moved to Danny, almost out of reflex. For a long time, the clone had tried to get Danny to join him as his brother, but that was before he started questioning Vlad's integrity. Now, he just kept quiet and looked away.
Sam's lips thinned. "I dont mean to offend you, Niel, but I gotta be real with you. Your dad is kind of a--"
"A horrible villain who wants to take over the world?" Tucker said.
"--a jerk."
Niel crossed his arms, not meeting any of their eyes. "He's the only parent I have. I don't know. I don't know what to feel about him."
"I thought you said things were cool between you last night."
"I did, but..."
Niel shook his head. "It's nothing. I better go."
The trio's eyes followed him as he left, but no one tried to stop him.
Niel wasn't lying about the training schedule, but the truth was, his training wasn't due for another hour. Rather than return to the mansion, he stopped by an alley on the way.
There was a fast food restaurant nearby, and he bought a takeout burger and brought it with him to a small spot nestled between two buildings. He was disappointed but not surprised when he found it empty. He wasn't sure why he expected otherwise. It would have been dumb of her to stay in one place for long.
"Looking for me?" a familiar voice spoke, and he looked up and saw Danielle Phantom appear in front of him.
"So you did stick around," Niel said.
Dani floated down, stopping before her feet touched the ground so that they were at eye level. "Well, duh. I came to Amity Park because I wanted to see you for myself, and one short conversation this morning wasn't enough for me." Her eyes drifted to the box in his hands, and they sparkled as she pointed and said, "Woah, is that a Nasty Burger?"
Niel handed the burger to her. "I thought travelling around the world homeless might have made you hungry."
"Niel, I know we only just met today, but I think you're starting to become my favorite brother." After accepting the box, she landed on the floor and transformed into human, then she took out the burger and scarfed it down.
Niel watched her with interest. Even though Vlad mentioned her often, he never kept any photo of her. All Niel knew was that she looked like Danny, but younger and female. He guessed that description was true, but it was a bit hard to notice her similarity to Danny from underneath the low wool cap and oversized hoodie she wore--not to mention her incredibly messy long hair.
Niel brought out a small yellow dandelion from his pocket and twirled it in his fingers. Dani paused eating to look at it.
"Didn't you say you were going to give those flowers to Sam?" she asked.
"I did," he replied. "I thought I might keep one to give to you, though, as a sort of welcome gift." He offered her the flower.
Dani eyed it. "I appreciate the gesture, but we're siblings."
"It's a friendship flower! Yellow flowers are for friendship, red flowers are for love."
"I don't know enough about flowers to refute that, so all right." She shrugged and accepted the flower, then after a moment's thought, placed it in her hair. "What do you think?"
"You would have looked cute, if you weren't otherwise so messy."
Dani rolled her eyes. "Pompous rich people," she grumbled, then bit into her burger again, not paying any attention to the grease that ran down her chin.
Niel wrinkled his nose. "Are you sure we're related?"
"Hey, man, ask Vlad."
Niel hesitated. He toyed with his wristwatch and asked, "Was he really that bad to you?"
Dani finished her meal and sucked her fingers. "I thought we established this earlier today. Vlad probably treats you well because you're perfect, but I wasn't so lucky. He just thinks of me as a failed experiment."
"He said your body was unstable, but you seem pretty stable to me."
She chuckled. "I'm not unstable all the time. Trust me, you won't see me looking as pretty as this when I'm emotional."
If her current appearance was pretty, Niel wasn't excited to know how she looked like unstable. Dani observed him for a moment, then said, "I have to say, you really are a nice clone."
"I thought you said I was pompous."
"You are. But you also brought me a burger and a flower instead of taking me to Vlad."
Niel's eyes widened. "Why would I do that?"
"To gain his respect?" She shrugged and said, "That's what I would have done, back when he cared for me. I was almost ready to kill Danny because he told me to. Maybe it's a good thing I turned out to be imperfect and had to leave."
Niel decided to ignore the fact that Dani would have murdered a person and instead said, "You mean you didn't realize it at first?"
"Oh, no. I was stable for like a week before Vlad noticed anything amiss." She saw Niel's troubled expression and quickly added, "It's okay, I'm sure youre safe. You've stayed stable for much longer than I did. You're not a failure."
"I hope not," Niel mumbled, not feeling completely reassured.
Dani gave him a friendly nudge. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. And if you're not, you could always join your super duper awesome sister Dani on her worldly expeditions."
Niel frowned. "By the way, why do you call yourself Danny? Don't you want to go by your own name?"
"Uh-uh," she wagged her finger and said, "I'm Dani, with an I. He's Danny with a Y."
"That has to get confusing sometimes."
"Oh, absolutely. But it's also really funny. Like how there're two Hawkeyes in Marvel comics."
"There's two Hawkeyes?"
Dani gasped dramatically, then placed a hand on his shoulder and said deeply, "Niel, I really need to get you into comics."
Niel slowly moved Dani's hand away. "Okay...but I still find it weird that you want to be called Dani. Why not Elle? or Ellie?"
Dani tapped her chin and said, "You could call me that, if you like. Ellie does sound pretty cute."
"Cool, then. Ellie it is."
Ellie didn't seem to mind his new nickname for her. She wiped her mouth with a sleeve and looked at Niel's watch. "I guess I better leave. If Vlad's treating you like he used to treat me, then you probably have to do some ghost training in a few."
Niel looked down at his wrist. Had time really passed that quickly? "Yeah, you're right. Um...I'd say say you later, but..."
Ellie shrugged. "Why not? No harm in sticking around in Amity Park for a while longer, right?" She jabbed a finger at Niel and added, "Just make sure Vlad doesn't try to capture me or anything. Also, feel free to buy me food whenever we meet."
"I'll keep that in mind," Niel promised.
Niel turned away and began walking home. He glanced over his shoulder to where Ellie had been, but she was gone, probably off to do...whatever it was she did on her own.
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manage-mischief · 4 years
The Negative
Part 2: Useful Words
Read on AO3 here. 
Summary: Two-shot inspired by the song from “Waitress.” In which Tonks knows something’s wrong—she just doesn’t want to admit it to herself. Good thing Molly and Fleur are there to offer some support (Chapter 2 is AU: Everyone lives)
Tonks hadn’t moved from the Burrow’s long kitchen table. She remained seated, hoping that the two black lines on the stick in front of her would magically become one. It was no use. The two persistent little symbols remained as clear as ever.
Molly and Fleur had been wrong. Knowing was so, so much worse. She’d rather have lived in denial, blissfully ignorant. “Merlin, I need a drink.” She stood up, her knees bumping into the kitchen table. The sudden movement seemed to snap the other women out of their shock.
Molly got up quickly and hurried over to her. “Dear,” she said gently, placing her hands upon Tonks’s tense shoulders, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea right now.”
Tonks blinked. “Oh. Erm. Right.”
Goddammit. As if this day could get any worse. Panic rose from her core, threatening to bubble over…Oh wait…that wasn’t just panic…
She barely made it to the kitchen sink before the spilling the contents of her stomach.
“Oh, poppet,” Molly cooed and rubbed her back as Tonks continued to vomit, her hands gripping the counter like a vice. “Here, let’s get you some nice warm peppermint tea. It always helped me when I was pregnant.”
It hit her like a ton of bricks. Pregnant. She was pregnant. There was a human being growing inside of her. Eating all that she ate. Feeling all that she felt. She remembered hearing other women talk about the sensation as magical, beautiful, awe-inspiring. But right now, all she could think about was that Muggle movie Alien—when that creature burst out of that guy’s chest. The thought did nothing to mitigate her queasiness.
Closing her eyes and steadying her breath, she slowly composed herself. There was no going back. Only forward. And there was obviously one path forward that she knew she was going to have to take.
“I need to talk to Remus. Warn him that our lives are over…”
This time, it was Fleur who offered words of comfort. “Do not think that way. You love Remus, correct?”
“More than anything.”
“And ‘e loves you. It is clear to anyone who knows you both,” her voice was soft and gentle.
“I know,” Tonks sighed. “Being with him, it really has been incredible. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Remus. I sometimes think I’ve imagined everything. That I’ll wake up and this will all have been a dream and Remus will still be refusing to be with me and I’ll still be alone. I guess that’s why I’m terrified. I don’t want anything to change. Especially now. Especially with what’s going on.”
“But you know, you will not be alone. Whatever ‘appens, we shall be there for you. Right, Molly?”
Molly took Tonks’s hand in both of hers. “You know, Arthur and I got married during the first war. We were both young and in love and, like you and Remus, decided to allow ourselves to be happy, despite not knowing what the future held. We didn’t exactly expect to have children right away, and when we found out Bill was coming, we were both scared out of our bloody minds!”
Tonks had forgotten about that. “How did you cope?”
“Well, after the news had sunk in, we decided that we weren’t going to let fear stop us from living our dreams. People makes plans all the time. But life rarely allows us to follow them. Often, the universe comes up with funny ways of bringing us to where we want to be. It’s not the path that matters, it’s the destination.” Molly inhaled deeply before continuing.
“You know, I lost my two brothers in the first war. Gideon and Fabian. They were my best friends, my protectors. I always believed that they were invincible. When I found out they had died…I thought my life was over. I was pregnant with Ron, caring for my other boys, and trying to scrape by paycheck to paycheck with Arthur. I couldn’t bear the thought of raising my children in a world that was so cruel that it had taken away the kindest, most wonderful people I knew. But, out of my grief, I realized: happiness is the best revenge. If we can allow ourselves to experience joy, despite all of the suffering—if we allow ourselves to keep living—we show our oppressors that they have no power. That they can’t snuff out our light.” There were tears in the older woman’s eyes, yet she was smiling.
Tonks was speechless. She had never heard Mrs. Weasley speak so freely about the war, or about her brothers. She was always under the impression that Molly was a “carer,” not a fighter. But now, she realized that caring—that love—was Molly’s own way of fighting back. To Tonks, that was a beautiful thought.
“Oi, Teddy, get down here! They’ll be arriving any minute!” Tonks yelled up to her son. A few moments later, she heard a loud crash followed by a pair of feet stomping down the stairs. Laughing to herself, she turned just in time to see her eleven-year-old son slide into view, knocking over a vase in the process.
“Sorry, Mum!” He glanced around the kitchen. “Did you do the cooking?” he asked, apprehensively.
“Merlin’s balls, of course not! You think I want to kill our guests?”
“Dora, language!” Remus’s voice chided as he walked in from the garden. Teddy gave a small “oooooh,” delighted to see his Mum get scolded by his father.
Tonks smiled lovingly at her husband. “Sorry, dear. Good thing I have you here or else Teddy’d be a heathen!”
“Mum! I would not!” Her son indignantly replied. Remus chuckled.
“Don’t be offended, son. It runs in the family.” Remus dodged Tonks’s playful attempt to smack him with the dish towel.
“In any case, no, your mother didn’t do the cooking, I did. We don’t need to worry about our guests being poisoned tonight.”
“Hey, I take offense to that! I make a mean tomato soup!”
“Yes, very mean. I do believe the last batch tried to bite off my nose when I leaned over the pot.” Remus wrapped his arms around her from behind and planted a kiss on her nose for effect. Tonks attempted to pout, betrayed by her grin. She planted a kiss on Remus’s lips.
“Ew, Mum, Dad!” Teddy groaned. “Get a room!”
“Be careful what you wish for, Ted,” Tonks teased. “That’s how we ended up with you!”
Her son’s face and hair both flushed a deep crimson.
Remus saved him from more of his mother’s teasing. “Alright, alright. Enough of that. Teddy, go wash your hands before dinner. They should be arriving at any moment.”
As if on cue, the Lupin fireplace lit up with green flames. Seconds later, four figures came tumbling out.
“Uncle Harry!” Teddy cried and launched himself at the young man.
“Teddy! Good to see you, mate!” Harry grinned at his godson and slipped him a chocolate frog. “Remus, Tonks,” he regarded the couple, brushing the soot off of his robes.
“I’m so glad you all could come,” Remus embraced his best friend’s son. Ginny hugged Tonks tightly with one arm, the other holding her one-year old baby girl.
“Aw, look at Lil’, she’s getting so big!” Tonks praised. “She’s gonna be a Quidditch star, just like her Mum and Auntie!” Ginny beamed.
As the Potter boys gained their bearings, all hell broke loose. Five-year-old James and three-year-old Albus squealed in delight at the sight of their older cousin. Tonks laughed as Teddy turned his nose into a pig snout for their amusement. Teddy’s metamorphmagus abilities made him a hit with the younger kids. She knew Teddy loved every second of their adoration.
“Boys,” Ginny said. “Go wash your hands before dinner!”
“Ok, Mum,” the Potters obeyed. Teddy followed them to the bathroom, leaving the four adults (and baby) alone.
“I can’t believe Teddy’s starts at Hogwarts tomorrow!” Ginny cried. “It seems like yesterday he was just a blue-haired little baby!”
“Excuse me, he still is a baby, thank you very much” Tonks said, matter-of-factly. Remus smiled as he put an arm around her.
“I can’t believe it. Time goes by so fast. I remember when you first told me you were pregnant,” Remus shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh yeah, and you ran for the hills?” Tonks slapped him playfully.
Harry and Ginny laughed. “Never going to let him live that one down, huh?” Ginny asked.
“Would you?” Tonks replied.
“Good point.”
Just then, the fireplace crackled to life once again, and four more figures emerged.
“Tonks! I am so ‘appy to see you!” Fleur embraced the metamorphmagus and planted kisses on both of her cheeks. Bill waved sheepishly next to her, holding the hand of their nine-year-old daughter, Victoire. Tonks squeezed Fleur’s hand in greeting, but was soon engulfed by another hug.
“Oh, Tonks, dear, I’m so happy you’ve invited us! It’s been far too long. Arthur and Ron have been so busy at the shop, they’re sorry they couldn’t make it!” Molly Weasley gushed. “I brought us a treacle tart for dessert!”
“Gran!” James and Albus had returned with Teddy from the bathroom, and all three of them excitedly greeted Mrs. Weasley. Molly insisted on acting as pseudo-grandmother to Teddy, since she treated him as part of the family. She patted the boys’ cheeks affectionately. “There are my handsome lads!”
After Molly had finished doting on him, Teddy turn to Victoire. “Hi Teddy,” the little girl blushed. “I like your blue hair!”
Her son smiled proudly. “Thanks! Wanna see what else I can do?” Teddy scrunched up his face and caused his hair to flicker nauseatingly in multicolored patterns. Victoire laughed.
Tonks eyed her husband. “What a charmer,” she whispered.
“Indeed,” Remus replied. “He gets it from his mother.” He planted another quick kiss on Tonks’s lips, then turned to the crowd in the Lupin living room. “Now that everyone’s here, we can move this party to the dining room! I’m starved!”
The family crowded around the small dining room table, eating and chattering away about their lives.
“Is your mother joining us, Tonks?” Fleur asked.
“No, she couldn’t make it tonight. She’s been traveling for work. But, she’s coming over tomorrow to help see Teddy off.”
“Oh, that’s lovely,” Molly replied.
At the other end of the table, the kids were having an extremely animated discussion about Hogwarts.
“I can’t believe you get to go tomorrow! You’re so lucky!” James remarked in awe.
“What House do you wanna be in?” Albus asked excitedly.
Teddy puffed out his chest. “Hufflepuff. Loyal, Brave, and True. Like Mum!”
“That’s my boy!” Tonks beamed with pride, then stuck her tongue out at Remus. “Take that!”
“I know better than to argue with you,” he conceded.
“Do you have a wand?” Victoire asked.
“Yep! It’s right upstairs with the rest of my things!”
“Oh, can we see, can we see?” James pleaded. Teddy glanced hopefully at the adults.
“Have you all finished eating?” ask Ginny.
The four heads nodded.
“Alright then. Take you plates to the kitchen and then you can go see Teddy’s new school things.”
In a flash, the four children raced from the table and thundered upstairs—Teddy in the lead, followed by James and Victoire, with little Albus toddling along as fast as he could behind them.
The adults moved back into the living room to enjoy their after-dinner tea. Tonks leaned comfortably against her husband’s chest, their fingers intertwined.
Molly and Fleur looked at each other, and then at the couple, smiling knowingly.
“Teddy’s a wonderful boy, you two. He’s going to make a fine wizard,” Molly said, tears in her eyes.
“He really is, isn’t he?” Tonks remarked. Remus nodded.
“We did alright, I’d say. I just hope he enjoys school as much as we all did.” Remus mused.
“Well,” Fleur said, “Let’s send some good vibes with ‘im! We shall keep our focus on the positive.”
“Yes,” Tonks grinned, looking around the room at all of the people she loved so deeply. “We shall.”
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serararku · 4 years
Baritone: The Cost of Cowardice
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“I never had the chance to bury him. They wouldn't even let me say goodbye. For all I know they left him face down in the grass for the animals… and he was still warm when they sent us away.”
K’thalen watched in horror as his father fell to the ground, stripped of his breeding rights, the respect of his tribe, and his life. His blood stained the northernmost side of the nearest tree red, with the new Nunh raising his soiled blade to revel and bask in his victory. His limbs were still twitching when K’thalen’s mother stepped before her son and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s time for you to venture out on your own.” Her voice was impassive and distant, as it had always been. “You and the other boys are now a threat to his breedin’ rights. You must be long gone by the time the sun rises tomorrow.”
“B-but…” K’thalen looked up at his mother with swelling eyes. “But I’m too young, momma…! I’ll die out there…!”
“No you won’t.” His brother’s voice called out from behind. “We both have to leave, aye? Why not travel together?”
“Tia must travel alone.” His mother coldly spoke. “You would do a great disservice to the tribe by breakin’ one of our most sacred laws.”
K’thalen reached out to take her hand, but she stepped away and left before he could touch her. Sniffling, he watched his mother leave with the other women to both tend to their new Nunh’s wounds, and to exercise his breeding rights. Traumatized. Terrified. He wanted to scream out to his mother now that he needed her the most, but he was already a stranger in her eyes. When he turned, his brother was gone as well; likely ushered away by the warrior women on the tribe. Orphaned by his father, forsaken by his mother, abandoned by his brother. Now K’thalen was truly alone.
And he was only eight years old. Too young to know how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive. What hope did he have out in the wilderness of the Black Shroud? Where birds of prey soared silently through the trees to catch meals twice his size? Where carnivorous plants could easily overpower him, swallow him whole, or pump him with toxins? Where the Ixal raid the border of the forest and kill anything they can’t enslave? What hope did he have now?
It was all he could think about, walking through the pitch black wilderness. Not five minutes out on his own and his stomach was already growling. The only thing he was able to bring with him were the clothes on his back and his straw Miqo’te doll that valiantly fought away his nightmares while he slept.
He had to think. There were berries he loved to eat as a snack out here in the Black Shroud, but he had to be careful; the pink berries were edible, but the red ones would leave him paralyzed for hours. Or were those the pink ones? Thinking about it too hard made K’thalen teary eyed again; he just wanted to go back home and sleep. He just wanted to hold his mother again. He just wanted to be safe.
He just wanted to live.
The faint snapping of a twig almost caused him to drop his doll and panic. “W-who’s there?!” He shouted, snatching a rock by his feet to arm himself. "Don't come any c-closer! I mean it…!" 
He saw the familiar yellow glint of his eyes before he recognized his voice. "Keep your voice down Thalley. Or do you want them to catch us?"
"Nolas…?!" K'thalen couldn't believe his eyes. "W-what are you doing here…?"
K'nolas gave his little brother a quizzical look. "We're leaving the Black Shroud to begin our Tia trainin’, yeah? Come on- we still have a ways before we're off the tribe's territory." K'thalen dropped the rock in his grasp, broke off into a stumbling sprint, and crashed into his brother's side. Quietly he began to weep, his arms wrapped tightly around his leg, his fears put to rest.
"Aye, aye, calm down there." Nolas looked around before setting a hand on his brother's head. "Nothing's gonna happen to you, alright? Let's get out of here."
Thrice they barely avoided the patrols through the woods; they would both be executed if they were found working together. The Koo Tribe didn't take kindly to Tia violating their strict laws, after all, but deep into the night they managed to reach the edge of the territory and catch their breaths. 
Tonight they would rest, with an exhausted K'thalen falling asleep long before their camp was even set up. K'nolas let him snooze under the stars- he would need his strength when the time came to hunt for their breakfast. 
"He didn't have to raise me like his own son, but he did. Aside from Father, he was the only one in the whole world who cared whether I lived or died."
Seven long months of traveling, hunting, training, and trading. They endured the brutal summer heat, evaded the chaotic skirmishes of rival tribes vying to expand their territories, survived the coeurl mating season, the marlboro spore clouds, and even the unforgiving winter flash freeze. When they emerged from their squalid cave once the ice had thawed, their training began anew.
"Keep your legs bent… a wobbly footing like that will get you knocked on your back with the slightest push." K'nolas walked around his brother with a stick in his grasp. A light tap on his leg, waist, or arm usually did the trick to correct K'thalen's stance, but the boy grew restless.
"When are you going to show me some cool moves? Like the ones in the stories?"
"Swordplay ain't a game, Thalley. That fancy dance the Storyteller did may look cool, but it would be useless in a real fight- worse than useless, as a matter a fact." K'nolas wished he could have a childhood filled with adventures and fun, powered by his vivid imagination; but the time for pretend was long over. "Do the drills like I told you. No spinnin'! And keep your feet planted, yeah?"
"Okay…" Those stories are what K'thalen loved and missed the most of his old life in his tribe. The Storyteller brought his imagination to life every month, filling his head with acts of bravery and giddy wonder; the kitten wanted so desperately to be like one of the legends he learned about.
Like Y'balgor the Brave, the Nunh who defended his tribe from wholesale slaughter against a gigantic marbol horde. Or L'naro the First, a Miqo'te who single-handedly defeated a vicious band of pirates by boarding their own ships and challenging their captains to duels. He brought his brother’s shortsword up over his head before bringing it down in a single chop, stopping just before his waist. Then he did it again, and again, and again.
K'nolas stroked his chin while he watched his little brother practice his rudimentary exercises, nodding approvingly on occasion. "Better. Much better. I'm glad these lessons are stickin' clean. Maybe you'll be able to hunt larger game on your own so I can get a good night's rest every now and-"
They both turned their ears to the sound of a twig breaking in the dark. Immediately K’nolas snatched the short sword away from K’thalen and stood his ground, allowing the younger brother to scurry somewhere close to hide. Neither of them made a sound, focusing their hearing for the slightest noise; out here in the outskirts of the Black Shroud, it could be anyone- or anything. Another twig snapped, and the vivid imagination of the younger brother caused him to squeak out in sheer terror.
“Someone there?” A voice called out from beyond their sight. A half-dozen twinkling eyes appeared from the darkness, before the light of K’nolas’ torch illuminated the faces of six fellow Tia around the same age as the older brother; judging by their clothing, it appeared they were traveling as a group. “Oh- hey there, stranger. Azeyma’s blessings upon you.” One by one they stepped into the light, their weapons sheathed or lowered. “Are you training alone? You could join us if you like.”
“Tia trainin’ together breaks more than a few sacred laws.” K’nolas reluctantly lowered his sword. Four of them were too frail or goofy looking to be a threat, and the other two seemed trustworthy enough to share words... for now.
“Bah- what the tribes don’t know won’t hurt them. Name’s Nex…” He gestured to his friends before continuing. “This is Vihr, Khazu, Rim, Napa, and Sey. We figured working together increases our chances of survival.” He gave K’nolas another warm smile. “Plus, think of all the sparring matches we can do. What better way to prepare us for a Nunh, am I right?”
“Hmph. Can’t argue with that…” K’nolas lowered his blade but he never took his eyes off the group. “I’m Nolas.” He wisely decided to omit his tribal affiliation, considering Nex omitted all of theirs. “Thalley, come on out.” Reluctantly he obeyed, crawling out from beneath the underbrush to hide behind his brother's leg. "Don't be afraid. They're Tia like us. Everyone… this is Thalen. He’s my little brother." K’thalen didn’t like how they were looking at him. He’s heard the stories… of Tia killing anything they can catch to keep their skills nice and sharp.
“Gods he looks barely old enough to lift a sword. Poor little guy…” Rim- easily the fattest of the group- lifted an arm to reveal four plump hares dangling lifelessly in his grasp. "Care to eat with us? Plenty of meat to make a fine soup." K’nolas opened his mouth to politely decline the offer, but he was stopped short when he heard the familiar stomach rumble of his little brother. 
“... aye, let’s eat.”
The eastern horizon was brightening by the time the soup was finally ready. The group huddled in the dark, far away from prying eyes and potential danger, laughing and talking for hours on end. With a full belly and an eased mind, K’thalen had fallen fast asleep, curling up beside his older brother for his protection. One by one they turned in for the morning, until only Nex and K’nolas remained awake.
“You know…” Nex spoke up first after their long silence, his eyes fixed on the dying campfire. “We’ve heard a rather enticing rumor. Have you heard of S’rarku Nunh?”
K’nolas gave the man a blank look. “Every Tia knows the Black Butcher. What of him?”
“He killed A’tebo Nunh a few days ago. Slaughtered him and his sons, and took his wives for himself.” Nex leaned forward to speak in a softer voice. “He’s got close to thirty wives now.”
“Thirty wives…” K’nolas could hardly believe it; he wouldn’t believe it if it was anyone else- S’rarku is known far and wide for his penchant for bloodshed, it’s little wonder how he amassed such a harem. “Sounds like a lucky man.”
“Not so lucky these days. Apparently A’tebo wounded him badly during their struggle, and S’rarku has fallen ill from his infected cuts. Yet he’s still accepting challenges… are you following me? A sick and wounded Nunh sitting on the largest harem the tribes have ever witnessed in over a hundred years! This could be our ticket to becoming Nunh!” Nex could hardly contain his excitement. “Thirty wives… can you imagine? That’s more women than any one man could handle!”
“That’s certainly temptin’, but…” K’nolas shifted uncomfortably in the grass, but he was careful not to wake his brother. “... but we’re talkin’ about S’rarku the Black Butcher here. He’s one of the strongest Nunhs in Eorzea- and certainly the most bloodthirsty. He’s shameless in his desire to slaughter Tia like us. This could be a trap to lure in more for his sadistic sacrifice.”
“Maybe…” He replied, running his fingers through his hair. “But what if the rumor is true? What if his harem is ripe for the taking? And there’s so many… surely the winner could give up a few wives for his comrades? And… let’s say the rumor isn’t true… by law he cannot attack us if we don’t challenge him first. We go to his tribe, see him for ourselves… worst thing that can happen is we waste our time.”
K’nolas didn’t like the idea one bit. Too many variables to account for, too many things could go horribly wrong; he would be in the Sagolii Desert, far away from his element, potentially trapped in a foreign and unfamiliar land with his little brother dragged along for the ride. However… if he managed to kill S’rarku, K’thalen would have a home again. He could grow up with a family, and live the rest of his childhood in peaceful harmony. The allure of so many beautiful women at his beck and call didn’t reel in his bias either- the idea of rolling around in a tangled mess with so many wives excited him. "This could be my best chance to fulfill my destiny and give Thalen a better life… certainly better than scrapin' by out here in the wilderness…" Slowly his gaze met Nex, before he extended his hand toward his new companion. "Count us in."
“I barely remember those days. I spent most of them hanging off my brother’s shoulder when I was too tired to continue walking. But being surrounded by so many like-minded people… the comradery… the laughter… the love… it made me realize what I truly wanted, but never truly had. A place to belong, and a family that cared for me as much as I cared for them.”
Although it was technically Spring, the Sagolii Desert only had two seasons; a scorching Summer blaze during the day, and a freezing Winter bite come nightfall. Today was no exception.
K’thalen stood behind his older brother while they approached the dueling grounds of the powerful Zu Tribe. Despite being nomadic in nature, these conquerors under the careful gaze of S’rarku Nunh always returned to their ancestral homelands to make it easier for Tia to challenge his rule. The sands were discolored and flattened by countless footfalls, and the lack of any true wind meant the bones of the fallen were still exposed after being picked clean by scavengers. Up high circled S’nossk and S’wantha, two gigantic Zu birds large enough to carry an adolescent goobbue off to devour; they seemed to always circle the sun as a testament to the tribe’s unyielding- almost zealous faith to Azeyma the Warden.
“Check them out…” Nex’s ears perked up as he pointed. One by one the wives of S’rarku Nunh came out from the largest tent to watch this spectacle; all of them in peak physical shape, all of them absolutely gorgeous. It was impossible for the Tia not to stare- most of them haven’t even seen a woman in months, let alone the prize that was S’rarku’s harem. One wife in particular had raven-black hair tied in a braid, and it was so long she had to loop it over her shoulders to keep it from dragging. “Check out the eyes on that one…” Nex whispered to K’nolas, licking his lips. “How much do you wanna bet that’s his favored wi-”
“Look! Here he comes!” 
K’thalen could barely see anything under the glimmer of the desert heat, but sure enough the largest Miqo’te he had ever seen came limping out of his tent. There was a gash along his side that looked like it still hadn’t finished healing.
“TIA!” S’rarku Nunh bellowed at the top of his voice. “You have come here to take the bounty I have worked tirelessly to earn! Word of my sickness has stretched far and wide, and now you cowards seek to finish me off at my weakest?! Then come, one and all! I will defeat you all at the same time and offer your blood to the Warden herself!” He raised his glaive in one hand and pointed the tip at the sun. “Come, cowards! What are you waiting for?! A night of unending ecstasy can be yours for the taking!”
“All of us at the same time?!” K’nolas asked, looking around at the group of Tia amassed for this event; there had to be almost as many Tia as S’rarku had wives. “With wounds like that? Is he mad? Surely he can’t take us all at the same time?!”
“This is it!” Nex could barely contain his excitement. “The one to land the final blow will become a Nunh! By nightfall we’ll be warmed by dozens of women…! Paradise!”
K’thalen’s grip on his shortsword was shaky at best; he’s killed game twice his size before, but he’s never used the blade on another Miqo’te. K’nolas must have noticed his little brother’s trembling, and he placed his hand on his shoulder to help calm him down. “Just stay right behind me. I have your back, you have mine, aye?”
“A-aye…!” The boy squeaked, with his heart pounding in his throat. Nex took the first step, and like a virulent contagion or a crashing wave, the courage in the rest of the Tia ignited to a fever-pitch. They charged forth as a group while nearly tripping over themselves to reach him as quickly as they could; hearing of his injuries was enough to get them here, but seeing his wives let them forget who S’rarku is and what he does best. As the quickest Tia around, Nex was able to outpace his friends in a bid to strike the killing blow before anyone else.
A cruel grin flashed across S’rarku’s face the moment Nex was within reach, and not a moment later the glaive came swinging around to lop his head clean off. Blood splattered across their startled faces but their shocked stupor did not last for long. S’rarku charged forward, driving his glaive into the belly of the next closest, before ripping it out to hack off the legs of the next. None of the Tia processed what was happening before it was too late- as the realization that the wound wasn’t nearly as deep as they thought dawned on them, the flash of steel and the gargled screams of their comrades blinded and deafened them to their own deaths. K’nolas was able to snap out of it faster than the others, raising his shield in a desperate gamble to parry the glaive away for a clean thrust of his sword, but he underestimated the Nunh’s oppressive strength.
Beneath the splintered shield his arm and shoulder shattered. He raised his sword to defend himself, but the bite of S’rarku’s glaive took him by the wrist. In one fluid motion the other end of the glaive smashed into his face with a wet crack, and he fell limp into the sand.
Those that were lucky enough to witness the initial onslaught instead of experiencing it first-hand turned and fled toward the shimmering dunes, gripped by their maddening fear and guided by their primal instinct for survival. Yet the two great Zu birds circling overhead tucked their gigantic wings in and suddenly dove toward the sand, sweeping criss-cross to crush, impale, and skewer the fleeing Tia with their razor-sharp talons. Everyone was dead, dying, or running to prevent their deaths in vain. All but K’thalen.
“No…!” He watched in horror as his brother forced himself to roll over onto his chest, before pushing his knees into the sand beneath him to sit up. One arm was dangling from his shattered collar and bent in several unnatural ways, the other ended at a stump that was still squirting blood from the wrist. Half his face was unrecognizable; caved in and sunken in from the mortal blow from the club-end of S’rarku’s glaive. 
“Ruugh...r-r-ruuhuuhuughh…!” K’nolas moaned from the hole in his broken jaw, staring at his little brother with his remaining bloodshot eye. “Ruugh… rough-gh… RUUUUGHNN-!” 
A blow to the back of the head sent K’nolas face first into the sand. S’rarku lifted his glaive up and turned the blade downward, before ensuring K’nolas would never get up again. The sword slipped from his trembling hands when a shadow crept up his feet and legs; the Nunh towered over K’thalen with his brother’s blood greasing his fingers. “Here…” The voice thundered. “You dropped this…”
He plucked the sword out of the sand and pushed it back into K’thalen’s grasp. “Finish what you started, boy. Go on… here’s your chance.” His massive hand eclipsed the boy’s grip, and he forced the tip of the blade against his own heart. “All you have to do is thrust. Do it. Become the youngest Nunh in history!” Staring into the cold blue eyes of the man who butchered his brother was too much for the child to handle; his knees jittered against each other before urine ran down his legs.
“No! NO! WAIT!” Rim collapsed in the dunes just a few yalms away, flailing wildly with his bow at the two zu descending upon him.
“Soon you’ll be the last coward alive from your little herd.” S’rarku whispered into K’thalen’s ear. “By right I should kill you, but… tsk tsk tsk… there’s just no sport in slaughtering children. You won’t even defend yourself.” When he released his grip on the boy’s hands, the sword dropped right back into the sand again. “Well? What are you waiting for? Go- run like the rest of these cowards. Perhaps after they eat the fat one, they’ll be too full for you.” He placed a hand on his shoulder and forced him to turn around. With his other hand S’rarku reached over K’thalen’s shoulder and pointed north. “There’s nothing left for you here. Go. Wander into the heat and perish. Or stay… they are greedy birds, and will make room for you soon enough.”
Slowly he forced his feet forward, one ahead of the other. K’thalen was blinded by his tears while he staggered off, S’rarku’s laughter ringing in his ears. The angry squawks of the giant feathered devils feasting on his friends were enough to hasten his steps, until the boy was sprinting off aimlessly into the wilderness; with every moment he braced himself for the darkness of those wings blocking out the sun, and the sharp agony of those talons burrowing into his back. But it never happened.
“Hey- whatcha drawing? Aaaa-yoink!” S’era plucked the journal out of K’thalen’s hands to get a better peek; he didn’t even notice her creeping up on him during his daydream. “Ooooh? You’re really good at this!”
“Eh? Give it back, lass.” He wasn’t in the mood to deal with her right now, but thanks to her training with that Hyur sadist, she was quick- far quicker than him, at least. S’era ducked out of his grasping hands and slid through the gap in his legs to escape, and with the whiskey burning in his veins, there was no hope of catching her.
“He’s quite handsome… a self portrait perhaps?” She gave him a playful wink before plopping down on the corner of his bed. At least she extended the journal out to hand back to him before he got really angry.
“My brother.” He grumbled, snatching it back; there were a lot of things he’s written down in this journal of his that he didn’t want her privy to, especially now that she was learning how to read. “His name was K’nolas Tia.”
The taunting smile of hers suddenly vanished. “Was…? Oh… I’m sorry, Thal. If you don’t mind me asking… um… how did… how did he…?”
“Killed by a Nuhn.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her who. K’thalen looked deep into S’era’s pale blue eyes, and for an instant he felt like the helpless little boy being stared down by that monster she adored so much. “It’s gettin’ late, lass. I need to go to sleep.”
“Alright…” She gave him a weak smile while she gently patted the bed beside him. “Sweet dreams, Thal. I’ll make us some breakfast in the morning oka- hey…? Where are you going?”
K’thalen was halfway through the door before he turned to her and answered with, “I’ll be back shortly, lass.” 
“I gotta go take a piss all of a sudden.”
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
05/06/2021 DAB Transcript
Ruth 2:1-4:22, John 4:43-54, Psalms 105:16-36, Proverbs 14:26-27
Today is the 6th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is great to be here with you at this beautiful time of the year here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. Whether rain or shine it's just a beautiful…yeah…when the seasons transition it’s just a beautiful month. It gets hot here. That's coming. That's how summer is but it’s a beautiful time of year and I trust that it is lovely no matter where you are. And if it's not lovely, we…we have this place, this little oasis around this Global Campfire where there’s always peace. And we can always come here and exhale, right, and just breathe and let the Scriptures wash into our lives. And, so, let's move in that direction. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. We concluded the book of Judges yesterday and turned a page and entered into the book of Ruth, which is where we find ourselves situated today. And it…it's a shorter…it's a shorter book. So, we began it yesterday. We’ll conclude it today. Ruth chapters 2, 3, and 4.
Okay. So, we concluded the book of Ruth today. And yes, a breath of fresh air. What a beautiful ending to a story that was really a very very bitter story in the first place. It’s a story a famine in the land. And we've seen famine in the land of Canaan before, right? That's how the children of Israel, those first-generation children of Jacob ended up in Egypt because there was famine in the land. And Joseph had gone before and there was provision. So, there's famine in the land again and in this case a family, the Elimelek family, they have to go to Moab and the sons of Naomi and Elimelek, they had Moabite wives. Now, Moab basically is on the other side of the Dead Sea. Moab is sort of the territory of modern-day Jordan. In centuries past when the children of Israel were kind of wandering around the wilderness, we remember stories with Moab, like the story of Ballam, sent to curse them and he couldn't. He could only bless them, right, with king Balak. So, there's some history here. Ruth is a Moabite woman who will not leave her Hebrew mother-in-law. I mean on the one hand, it's a noble thing at all to stay with your mother-in-law but she's leaving her country. She's leaving her family. She's leaving her people. She's telling Naomi that “wherever you go, I will go. Your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die. Like your people will be my people.” So, Ruth is, in so many ways, putting her in her life in Naomi's hands because they do go back to her people and she does have to find a way to…to eat. So, she does have to go and…and basically glean from the leftovers anything that she can. And we see this provision is made in the Levitical law, this provision for the foreigners among you, right, the orphans and the widows…like a way for people to still find food. And, so, she's doing this and that's when Boaz comes onto the scene and doesn't take too long before Naomi recognizes what's going on here and what could go on here and how this could be a…this could provide for Ruth because Ruth’s gonna outlive Naomi. And, so, she needs this kind of covering and this kind of protection because she's a foreign woman. So, she mothers Ruth. Naomi mothers Ruth and mentors Ruth and shows her the way to signify to Boaz that she…that she's available. And she guides her through this process with dignity, right? She's not like, “okay Ruth, here's what you do. Boaz is a little bit older. You can seduce him. You’re a younger woman. So, when he has little to drink after the harvest or whatever then you find out where he went to sleep and then you go teach them the ways of the world girl.” That’s just…that…that's not what happened. She signified by laying at his feet. He woke up and responded with dignity and character - the entire process. We see like something finally is through and through done with character and uprightness. And, so, Ruth and Boaz are appropriately married and she has a son, which changes the whole complexion of Naomi's bitter life into joy and brings a child to an elderly father in Boaz and the reputation of Ruth only grows as a faithful, committed, dignified, valiant woman. And as the story goes, as we’re told when we get the genealogy at the very very end, we find that Ruth and Boaz are the great-grandparents of a man who would become king of Israel, David, king David, the author of so many of the Psalms whose story we have not come to yet but we’re about to before too long. And, so, let's just let this story sink into our hearts and minds as we meditate upon it for…well…for as long as we think about it. Character matters. Faithfulness to God matters. Wisdom matters. There is a way to live with honor and when we do tragedy has a way of working itself out. And although weeping may last a night the joy comes in the morning.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us to this point where we can read the story of Ruth as we continue to just experience the changing of the seasons. And we ask Holy Spirit, come plant the Scriptures into the depths of our lives so that they can speak to our very identity transforming us, showing us the path ahead. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus. Into all this we pray. Amen.
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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That's the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, everyone it's Lisa the Encourager. I'm calling to let you all know that I lost my daddy this past Thursday April 29th. And I'm very blessed because I had a wonderful dad, and he was a Christian man and he raised us, all my brothers and sisters up in the Lord and taught us. He was a wonderful example for all of us and I'm so thankful for that. I know everyone doesn't have that. And he had some health concerns and he's overcome a lot over the years. He was 85 and I was blessed to be with him at the time he passed and could look right in his eyes and tell him how much I loved him. And I knew that at that moment he transitioned and was able to be in the open arms of our Savior. And that's a true blessing for me. Although it's been very difficult and I've been very sad, like I said I'm very grateful that I had that opportunity to have a wonderful father. And through this I just want to continue to pray for two of my brothers that have walked away from their beliefs. And I just would ask for your prayers for their Salvation or the reassurance or knowing and knowledge and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their names are Daryl and Shane. And I would just pray that you would pray with me for their salvation and renewed faith through this time of our funeral services for our dad or just in life in general. If you could pray for their Salvation, I would greatly appreciate it and just that we’ll have peace as we have the funeral. My mom is transitioning with…
DABber family, this is the Burning Bush that will not be Devoured for the Glory of our God and King. I just got off the phone with family in Chad, central Africa. There is a war there. The president got killed in battle. They’re stranded in the capital city. The borders are closed and so are the airports. Can you please pray. I'm not sure I understood exactly what's going on, but I heard that Boko Haram was also in the mix with the fighting. And this is a Christian family. I pray for all the believers out there, just all the citizens, the innocent people. God, I pray for protection in Jesus’ name. And God I pray for peace in Chad. Oh my God, yeah….
Good morning DAV family this is David from Texas. Ultimately, I just wanted to call in and thank you guys because this is a community that I never had before. Before the pandemic I never had, you know, certain convictions that I…that…that were on my heart. I was raised by a pastor and a very God-fearing woman but, you know, I was just kind of walking through the steps. And…and…and by chance I found this podcast and my life has changed just by going through the Bible in these first couple months of the year…few months of the year. I really…I really pray that you guys…you know…I'm 21 years old, I'm in college, and I'm going through a phase where I'm trying to separate myself from a lot of the habits that I had before. And I pray that you guys, you know, can…can send your prayers out for me and strengthen me in this time because I do feel like I have a calling, you know, to speak to people and help people. But sometimes I struggle with, you know, being a hypocritical Christian, you know, not…not…not in that I'm telling people to do things that I'm not doing, but I don't feel like I can give people advice and speak to people when I'm…I'm still…I'm still kind of living the way that I used to and it's hard to phase out the things that I used to do. So, I thank you guys. Thank you, Brian. You know, this is this is a really great platform. And God bless you guys. Thank you.
Good morning DABbers again. This is B from Ireland. First of all, Brian, Jill, congratulations on China and Ben's baby, Reagan. Congratulations. I pray that Reagan will live in the footsteps of her ancestors, mainly you and Jill, that that baby will grow up in favor and stature before God and man, that that baby would do great exploits for God, do greater things than you and Jill and even China and Ben ever will do, that the generation of blessing that is so evident in the life of your family continues through Reagan the Great in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for this platform. It's been a lifesaver. I'm six years in, I think. I started 2016. Is that six years? Yes, I think. And I can't begin to say what Daily Audio Bible has done for me, in me through the work that you're doing. May God continue to bless the work of your hands and the mighty name of Jesus. And I want to use this opportunity to give, you know, a call to all DABberds to give to the Daily Audio Bible ministry however way you can. You know, sacrificially or if it means that you, you know, share your tithes with this ministry because this ministry feeds you every day. So, this is what I do. I don't pay all my tithes to my church. Occasionally I do tithe into this ministry because in a funny way Brian also serves as my pastor. And before I sign out, I want to pray for Rachel a lady who had covid. Oliver, you called. You said your sister Rachel had covid. I pray healing into her body right now in the name of Jesus and restoration in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is higher than any other name and at the name of Jesus covid bows.
Hey DAB family this is Sparky from Texas. Monday May 3rd and I wanted to take a minute and pray for a couple people that last Friday was…it hit my heart. Running Bear, I'd like to pray for you and hope that…hope that your healing, your family gets the healing that it needs and sees the love and the Christianity of this community. I'd also like to pray for Norman with the diagnosis and hoping to speak to his family. Let's just go ahead and pray together. Father we come to You and we thank You for Running Bear and both Norman Lord. We ask that You touch their hearts and help them to feel Your healing touch and help them to feel the love of Jesus and the kindness and help them to guide…help guide them to let people see Your light in them Father and to trust You. Father I…I pray for Running Bears family, that he meets the Christian part of our family and the part of You that You told us to be like. Father also pray that You heal Norman in the name of Jesus. There's some powerful things You do Father, and we know that You can heal it. Help to bring his family back together Father and move mountains. You move mountains so much. Father we thank You for everything You do, for every one of us. Amen. I love you guys. Pray for every one of you every time I hear request. I love you all and be blessed.
Hi DAB family my name is Kristen and I'm calling from Oceanside CA and I am a first-time caller, and I was introduced to the DAB family, the DAB community November 2019. And this year is the first year since I was introduced that I have made it a goal to listen every single day. And that has made me so happy and so strong. I am so thankful for the DAB family and I am just overjoyed about Reagan. And I…I love hearing your prayers and I love being able to pray for you. I'm calling to ask for prayer that someone…I…I get spiritual guidance in my life. I don't have many people...I…I have one person that's close to me that believes Jesus died for our sins and that is our heavenly Lord. And it is hard because I need more, and I need to be able to have counsel with someone. I just…I need…you know…I'm praying for a woman to come into my life that I can speak to on a daily basis about the Bible, about Jesus and just…I just need help. Thank you for your prayers.
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader: Intro
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This is the beginning of the fic I posted about earlier during the week that is going to be revolved alot around Rose. How many parts It'll turn out being, I don't know. Most of this fic, I'm doing in pretty big detail and I've never written anything like this before.
I am going on a date on Valentine's Day to most likely see Birds of Prey and from what I've heard about it, my sappy Bisexual heart already has a soft spot for Harley Quinn and Roman Sionis so I probably will begin accepting request for them as well as the Dr. Sleep characters I already write for. (Doctor Sleep Request are still open) I do have 2 Rose the Hat request am I working on rn. Anyways, Criticism is welcome on this one. I hope you enjoy and all is well.
Warnings: Child abuse, sexual tension, mentioned violence against children, gore, kidnapping, the usual.
Key: Dragă is the equivalent to sweetheart in Romanian
SNAP! Rose the Hat removed the top from one of their many full cannisters. "Eat well, live long," She whispered amorously before members of The True pushed her out of the way to get a whiff of their freshest thing of steam.
She stepped back, crossing her arms as she watched The True feast. This one's name was Anthony and she could remember juiceness in the taste of his steam. Yet, she didn't want him.
She missed the feel of the hunt and seeing the steamheads squirm underneath her. Rose felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she smiled at Crow, kissing the crook of his neck. "Aren't we quite frisky?"
"Just in love with you." He kissed her cheek and rubbed up and down her sides. "Crow.." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I want you Rosie..only if you're okay with it, of course."
"You idiot, you already know the answer to that question." She smashed her lips against his and the two of them stepped into her trailers.
The noises coming from her RV were not unfamiliar to anyone who belonged to The Knot. When all was said and done, the two laid in each other's arms. Having their typically late night talks.
"There's not as much steam." Rose rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "Oh please don't be daft." She rolled over and buried her head in his bare chest. "We have three empty cannisters, not a big deal."
"It is a big deal. That's all time low for us and the kids now are being taught the whole stranger danger things. It's not as easy to lure them in."
"Well then what do you suppose we do about it? Without turning anyone." Rose looked him in the eye.
"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while...I have an idea but I don't know if you're going to want to hear it. It's a little..unorthodox." Rose raised a brow and chuckled. "Oh? Do tell because now I'm curious.
"You're going to think I'm insane, Rosie." She rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you of all people know I've seen it all. Just be honest and tell me."
"What if we got a baby or a kid?" He fiddled around with his hat. Rose had to fight the urge to laugh. "A baby? What the fuck would we both do with a baby?"
"Well not exactly a baby but look, I was thinking most rube children typically tend to relate to other rube children better than adults."
"And what if we got a child, a particularly steamy one, to help us get what we need?" Rose thought about it for a moment. "That beats the whole point of not turning anyone though. Because I know you well enough to know that eventually you will get attached to it and you'll end up wanting to turn it."
"Rosie, they wouldn't be an it. They would be family. By the time they would be old enough to be turned the cannisters would be full and she-"
"She?" Rose questioned. "Assuming it's a girl. They don't have be a girl but anyways, by that point all the cannisters would be full because we'd have them to help us find the steamheads and it wouldn't be an issue turning them because we'd have such an easier time finding steam."
Rose sighed rubbed her face. "I don't know..it's just- Crow, I'm not fit, no- we're not fit to raise children. We kill them, Crow!"
"I know but we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Worse case we wipe the kid's mind and everything goes back to normal or we kill 'em."
Rose stared deeply into Crow's eyes and pulled his face close to her's. "I'll think about it." She kissed the top of his head and looked up at the clock on the wall. "The rubes are probably wondering when they'll hear from you. Time you get ready to get on the road, big man."
"I know," He groaned and stood up, kissing the top of her. "Just think about it?" Rose made a humming noise and kissed his hand before watching him walk away.
Rose actually did think about it for a while before bringing up the matter with the Grampa Flick while Crow was away on business and the others were asleep.
"Well..it could be worth a shot. It's really up to you though, Rosie." She took a sip of her tea. "I'm not asking for pros and cons. I want to know what you think I should do."
He gripped his cane in his hand and sighed. "I think it's worth a shot. Even if it doesn't work out, we still do end up with extra steam and it's not like we hurt for money, Rosie."
"You're sure?" Rose held her hands in his. "I'm positive." She looked him up and down as if she was analyzing him. "Okay." She stood up from the lawn chair and kissed the top of Flick's head. "You won't mention anything to Crow when he comes back and make sure the rest of the family doesn't either?"
"Not a word," He coughed. "Not a word." She nodded and smirked as she walked away.
About two days after that conversation, Rose began her search for the perfect fit for The Knot. The first two weeks she hit nothing but finally she found something.
Just outside of a resort area in Colorado, Rose discovered a small row of cookie cutter homes located on the beginnings of a mountain. While she thought the houses were very rube like, she paid them no mind. What interested her more was what laid beyond those homes.
Farther up the road if you made a left, there was a long dirt driveway that after about a mile or two, lead up to a large cabin.
At first the house seemed like nothing but ordinary at first glance but to people who shined the way The True Knot did, it was a light shining to the moths searching meaninglessly in the dark.
Hardly anyone ever came in and out of the house and took Rose over a week to actually pin you as the steamhead in the house since you did have an older brother.
You were different from the rest of your family. "Special," Rose heard your mother mutter to you one night as she tucked you though she didn't have to be in her head to know special was not the word she was actually thinking of.
She was scared of you. Your whole family was scared of you and Rose couldn't understand why. You never were particularly domineering with your gifts and you always obeyed everything they asked of you. Even staying out of there heads when they felt their minds going adrift yet, they were terrified of you.
Rose watched you for weeks, constantly consulting back and forth with Grampa Flick about whether you'd be a good fit for a group. You didn't seem to notice though, as you were preoccupied with other things in your home life and wanted nothing but to hear from at least either of your parents that they loved you.
The one night in particular, Rose got to have a front row seat on your pain. She sat up on a tree branch, swinging her legs back and forth as she stared intensely at your bedroom window. The rest of the house was dark but your room was lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Now do you see why we're so stressed out?!" Your silhouette came into view from the light colored curtains shrouding your window and Rose could make out the outline of a male much taller than standing across from you.
"I-i'm sorry, daddy!" You screamed, terror brimming from everything to your voice to your posture. "I-i can't help...I wanna be normal!" You sobbed hysterically. "Come on, dad. She can't help she is, the way she is."
"Quiet, son!" Rose shook her head, still keeping her eyes fixed you. "Fucking rubes," She muttered under her breath.
Your father's fiery gaze turned back to you. "Then why can't you be normal?!!" Rose could see him gripping your wrist and closed her eyes as she heard the sound of a hand smacking against flesh followed by a scream. "Dad!" She heard your brother yell followed by another hit, except this time a male cry radiated through the house.
Rose could take no more and began her way back to the jeep as she seen your mother's figure enter view. "What the hell is going on in here?" She could hear from the distance, the further Rose went the more she blocked out the noise.
She got in the car and watched your house for a few moments. The light went out in your room and Rose could hear no more screams. She admitted a sigh of relief and covered her face. She knew it was unhealthy to feel so attached to you. She didn't even know you but that insecurness in your voice reminded her so much of yourself and how lonely she felt when she was younger. Rose had to have you. There was no option.
When Rose shared the news with the rest of The Knot, there was hesitance at first but eventually they gave in. Knowing that she was their leader and they'd do as she intended anyways.
The next couple of days were spent carefully meditating in her RV away from the rest of The Knot and planting little worms your head. While Rose didn't think you would give her much trouble leaving home once she got in your head, she was taking no chances.
The night before she planned on taking you, Crow finally came back from business and Rose still had no intentions of telling him what she was doing. Besides an extra add on steam, she figured she could also use you as sort of a gift to Crow. An 'I'm sorry I don't listen to you and here's me making up for it.'
He knew something up when she refused to speak anyone in The Knot but didn't question it. He figured she was going through one of her moods and decided it was probably best not to say anything to her at all.
The next morning when you woke up, you felt an almost magnetic pull on your body like something or someone wanted your attention from outside. It wasn't a scary pull like the ones from whatever stray lost souls were around. This pull felt warm and safe.
You unbraided your long, Y/c/h and threw on the first dress you seen in your closet before skipping downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Your mother called out from the kitchen. "Just to pick some flowers." You made up.
"Don't wander to far, please." You slipped on a pair of sneakers. "I won't. I promise. I'll see you soon, mama." You blew her kiss, hoping she'd return the gesture but the older woman refused to even look at you and you stepped onto your porch dejectedly.
You closed your eyes and focused your attention to the direction of the pull. It came from the woods and you hesitated, thinking of all the ghostie people you seen come from there yet something kept telling you to just go for it.
You walked off towards the edge of the woods, letting your shine be your guide. Even though it was still day, everything was so dark and desolate around you. You felt chills on your arms the further you went and just as you were about to turn around you felt the pull grow stronger, horribly strong.
"Well, hi there!" You jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to look at Rose. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting her to morph into one of the ghostie people but she didn't. Rose chuckled and you blushed. "..Hi." You toddled over to the much the taller woman, staring deeply into her gray eyes before she pulled you into a small hug.
The gesture was surprising but it didn't bother you. It was her aura that bothered you. Something was off about her. "I was wondering when you were going to get here." She smiled and held out a flower in her left hand. "Do you want one?"
"Yes please," You hummed in the cutest little voice, getting the feeling that this was a person you didn't want to mess with yet you thought the top hat lady in front of you had to be probably the prettiest person you'd ever seen in your short existence.
Rose smiled and slipped the flower in your hand, but not before taking it gently in her own for a second. "There you are, Y/n." Your eyes widened and Rose chuckled. "What's the matter?"
"You know my name?" Rose smirked self assuredly and ran an empty hand through your hair. "Of course I do! I know everything about you. How else did you think I was able to get you here?" Her tone was questioning but hinted on a doting nature.
You pulled away from her, still a little frightened but Rose gently gripped your wrist. "There's no need to be scared, honey. I'm special, like you." You shook your head, thinking back to what your dad said the other week and looked down a little ashamed. "Oh...I-I'm not special." You tried to deny. "Oh yes, you are. You are a very talented little girl."
(You can hear me can't you, sweetie?)
At first a feeling of panic arose inside you but it sooned bubbled over with excitement.
(I thought I was the only one!)
Rose thought about scolding you over how loud your thought came out but let it go because she too knew how happy she felt the first she knew she wasn't alone.
(You are far from the only one, Y/n. There are alot of other special people out there.)
"My friends..my very, very best friends, they're all special like us. I bet you must have friends who are so magical like you." You shook your head. "No?"
"I don't have alot of friends and my family doesn't think I'm special," You pouted. "That's because they're jealous because not all people can be special like us. Besides, I wouldn't worry about them."
"Why?" You asked sweetly. "Because I'm here to take you away from all that. I'm here to give you a family. Don't you want a family, Y/n?"
"I-i already have a family." The look in Rose's eyes scared you. It was possessive and determined. "But they're not really family though. Tell me dear, when the last time you've heard either of your parents say they love you?" You felt a pang of sadness ringing through you. "I-i should get back to my mom." Rose gripped at your wrist again, this time enough to hurt. "No, no..stay a while. See more magic."
You shook your head and struggled. "Just a fresh new start with your real family. You don't remember me and your daddy?" She held your tiny hand in her's. "No.." You said softly but now you started to question yourself. Maybe you did. Pictures of a man with black hair flashed infront of your eyes. "He loves you so much. We love you so much and we want you to come home with us. You want to come home with." For a moment you found yourself taken back by the warmth and you thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go with her.
"N-no! I can't. I won't-" Rose shushed you, sending you calming waves that started to make you feel tired and sluggish. "Or maybe I-i do wanna go home." You mumbled hesitantly, still trying to keep some grip on reality. "You do want to go home. You're happy to come home."
Every piece of control you had began to fade and your mind went blank. "I-I'm happy." Your mind finally caved and Rose held her arms open to you and you stepped into them. "Good girl. Sleep well, Y/n.." You went limp in her arms and everything went black around you.
By the next hour, any memories you had of your family would be gone and everything you ever knew would be fabrications Rose made up in your head.
Part 1: The True Knot
The fire at The Knot's campground burned bright in the mix of the setting sun when Rose arrived back at home. She stepped out of the Jeep, slinging your stirring form over her shoulder. "Mhh..wha-what's happening?" Rose shushed you and walked down hill with you. "Nothing. We just got home." There was a pause. "Do you know who I am?"
You had to think about it for a moment. "M-mama?" You asked hesitantly. "Yes," Rose hummed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
You heard the crunching of leaves and turned to see people walking towards you. "Mommy?" You whispered nervously and held onto Rose's floral patterned shirt tightly, still feeling some of the residual emptiness from your true upbringing.
"Shh..it's okay, my sweet. They're family and they're just going to watch you for a few minutes. Mommy has someone she has to address in conversation and then I'll come get you. Okay?"
"O-okay." You nodded and let her hand you off to Silent Sarey as she walked off not to far in the distance to one of the larger size trailers, knocking on it before stepping inside.
"Crow?" He looked up from his copy of 'A Clockwork Orange' with a smile. "Yes, Rosie?" She plopped down in his lap. "I missed you." She kissed his ear, nipping at the cartilage. "How the business deal?"
"A waste of my time." He kissed her forehead. "Well, you were out I didn't waste my time." He raised a brow. "What are you playing at?" She smirked and turned her gaze in the opposite direction. "You can let her in now," She called out loudly.
The door to his trailer swung open and shut and you stepped inside. Crow's face went blank and he put a hand up to his chin. "Rosie, what the hell did you-"
Rose grinned and knelt down to your level. "Come here, Y/n. There's someone important I want you to meet."
You obeyed and approached Rose, letting her scoop you up in her arms. The two lovers exchanged glances but nothing was spoken out loud. "This is your daddy, Y/n."
"Hi." You smiled sweetly and Crow cracked a large grin. "Hi honey...Rosie, can I-" Rose nodded and shifted you over to Crow.
At first you tensed up but the closer you snuggled up to him, the more you relaxed. "My little darling." Rose smiled softly as he kissed the top of your head and rocked you in his arms. "I love you so much."
"I love you too daddy." Crow held you in silence for a few more minutes until he attempted to hand you off to Rose. You gripped onto his shirt tightly and buried your head in his chest. "Don't let me go," You begged. You were still so touch starved and he just felt so warm and kind.
Rose was slightly taken aback. You knew her more than Crow yet you were already attached to him. "I won't, I promise." He maneuvered you that way he was cradling you and he rocked you back and forth.
She felt a pang of jealousy growing inside her, feeling slightly threatened that you seemed to like Crow more than her but she didn't let it bother her too much. She had a feeling you were going to be a mommy's and daddy's girl.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, feeling soothed by Crow's presence. "So..are you happy?" Rose asked lowly.
"Very...Rosie?" She made a slight humming noise. "Where'd you find her?" He asked hesitantly. "A little outside the more touristy area of Colorado. The rubes she belonged to are nothing worth writing home about if you catch my drift."
He nodded solemnly. "How-what did you to her to make her-" Her warm grey eyes interlocked with his. "Do you care?" He decided he didn't. Sometimes it was best to not know anything at all.
Part 2: Danny
Your presence in The True Knot did not bring in that much of an increase in steam but you made it much easier to find steamheads which was extremely helpful to Crow in the long run.
No longer did he have to take an extra cannister for himself to find far away steamheads because all he'd have to do is ask you if you felt someone 'special like you,' close by and without knowing any better, you'd always say yes and immediately pointed him in the right direction.
Neither him or Rose let you near the rubes anymore, though. Not that long after Rose brought you home she had you try to lure a little girl over to her but the girl's parents, both big steamheads, knew better.
For you to be gone for a half an hour was normal, maybe even forty five minutes since you were a child after all and barely ever got to see kids your age, let alone like you but an hour was way too long.
What the rubes said or did to you neither Rose or Crow could figure out but the both of them agreed they didn't like the mortified expression on your face or the tears that stained your cheeks afterwards.
The two of them took turns securing their food, that way you wouldn't ever see what exactly it was that they did to your newly made friend but if Crow was being honest with himself, he probably would of admitted somewhere deep down he knew you probably knew the truth of what they did way before he would of liked you to know.
While Rose secured their meal he tried asking you alot of different ways what it was that they said or did to you but you wouldn't say. He let it slide for a while and settled on just comforting you for a while but made sure to bring up again later on when everything was all said and done with their hunt.
"You got to talk to me, Y/n," He tried his hardest to not sound like he was begging as he pulled the covers over your tiny. Rose stood in the corner of the RV and stared as if she was examining everything you said and did.
You shook your head avidly and nuzzled closely to his form. "I can't." He ran his fingers through your hair. "Why not? Honey, you know we're not mad and you're not in trouble."
"Because it would make you and mommy sad and I don't want to make either of you sad." Rose bit down on her lip as Crow thought of a reply. "Baby, you could never-"
"Leave her be, Crow," Rose interrupted. "She's had a long enough of a day and she doesn't need either of us interrogating her. When she's ready to talk about it, she will."
Crow let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay." He shut the light off above your bed and kissed both your cheeks. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Night daddy." He ran fingers through your hair one last time before stepping away.
The next morning when you woke up Rose sat across from you on your bed, lazily sipping on her tea. "Good morning, my sweet."
"Morning mommy." She plopped a kiss sloppily into your hair and handed you a cup of tea. "Can I have a little talk with you?" You nodded and set your cup of tea down on the ledge of the window.
You looked Rose deeply in the eyes and she took your tiny hands in her's. "I know you don't want to talk about what happened yesterday but I want you to know that not everything everyone says is necessarily true. You're understanding what I'm getting at?"
You nodded and Rose smiled. "Just know that no matter what, none of us would ever hurt you and we love you. Alright?"
"Okay." Rose reached inside the pocket of her jeans and pulled a necklace with a little crystal obelisk hanging from it. "This was given to me by someone very special a long time ago. You probably wouldn't know, but at one point I felt lonely like you. Maybe a little scared so they gave me this, along with my hat. My hat will always stay with me I think you need this more than I do."
She placed the necklace in your hand. "Whenever you feel, lost, scared, whatever. You squeeze that stone, and that stone will keep you safe. Got it?" You placed the necklace around your neck and nodded. "Thanks mommy." You hugged Rose tightly. "You're welcome, my dearest..I love you so much." She kissed your cheek. "I love you too, mama."
In that moment, Rose didn't care whether you even brought in steam or not. She truly just enjoyed you. It was the first time she could truly say she loved you. The whole Knot really did love you. They would do it all over again with raising you if they could and not change a thing about you or that entire duration of time. Except when they brought you to Florida.
December, 1980:
"Y/n, my love. It's morning." Rose gently shook your shoulders and you groaned. "Why are you all up so early?" You sat up and stretched. "We're going to move camp today." You raised a brow. "This early? I feel like we just got here," You whined sleepily.
"I know but daddy and I have some business to attend to." She ran her fingers through your hair. "You'll like the next place better. It has a pretty lake overlooking it and trees. There's lots of flowers there too." She paused and ran a thumb across your cheek. "We can pick some later if you want." You smiled softly. "I like flowers."
"I know you do, my sweet girl." Rose pulled you into her arms and held you for a few moments, kissing the top of your head. "Go get dressed and say good morning to daddy. He'll get aggravated if I keep asking him if we're ready to move."
You giggled and slid out of her lap. "Okay mama." You placed a tiny kiss on her cheek and picked out a bohemian dress from your dresser that Apron Annie sowed you once Rose gave her word you were the one.
"I don't think daddy could ever get mad at you." You mumbled as you slid the dress over your head. "He loves you alot. He doesn't even have to say it. I can see it in his mind." Rose smiled softly. "Daddy is a very loving man. He loves you alot too." You could tell she was trying to hide something from you and you attempted to get inside her head to figure out what she was thinking but she immediately shut you out.
"Mommy!" You whined. "Sorry sweetie. You're just not old enough yet." Rose ran a quick brush through your hair. "And then when you're old enough, you're not going to want to know." She plopped a kiss on the top of your head. "Now go on."
"Okay," You pouted and stepped outside. You seen Grampa Flick sitting outside on his lawn chair and waved. "Good morning, Grampa."
"Morning, dragă." He held his arms out to give you a hug which you immediately gave him. "Have you seen, papa?"
"His trailer." He pointed to the left. "Thanks Grampa." You kissed his cheeks and walked off in the other direction. You watched Crow fiddle a few of the bottom conpartments on his trailer before saying anything.
"Hi daddy!" Crow turned to look at you and smiled, stopping whatever he was doin. "Hey babe." He scooped you up in his arms and kissed your cheeks, his mustache tickling you slightly. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Mama and I cuddled last night so she kept me warm." You smiled happily. "She gives good cuddles, right?"
"The best!" You smiled and nuzzled closely to him. "Daddy, what's that for?" He turned his head to the side. "What's what for, sweetie?"
"That." You pointed to the rope by his feet and he kicked it aside quickly. "Oh..nothing you have to worry about." You furrowed your little brows curiously and he smiled gamely.
Was he trying to trick you or something? Crow chuckled and kissed your cheeks. "I don't have to be in your mind to know what you're thinking." He gently set you down on your feet and knelt down to your level. "We'll tell you when you're older, okay?"
"Okay, daddy." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl. Anyways-" He ran his fingers through your hair. "What do you need?"
"Mommy wanted to know if we were ready to go. She sent me because she was afraid to ask you. I don't know why though." Crow chuckled and shook his head. "You can tell mommy, I'll be ready in about thirty minutes. Got it?"
"Got it." You skipped away and Crow let out sigh, wondering just how much longer they could hide all this from you til you got too curious for your own good.
The ride to Florida was long and didn't have that much interesting scenery. The roads were long and straight and it didn't take you long to fall asleep in the passenger seat of Rose's colossal RV.
That whole time while she knew you were fast asleep, Rose used her radio system to formulate a plan on how they were going to trap Violet. Normally one of them would stay with you while other went with the rest of the group but this time they couldn't afford to have one of them stay. From what Rose could tell at the time, this kid was big steam all though it wouldn't be til years later it was in fact the wrong child she chose to take within just a few mile radius of each other.
Once you reached the campsite Rose quickly woke you up and informed you she had some business to attend to with Crow. "Y/n, stay inside while I'm out." You let out a groan. "But mama-"
"No buts." Rose knelt down to your level and ran her fingers through your hair. "It won't be that long."
"I don't like being by myself in here though. It's scary," You whined and nuzzled into her. You pointed to the cabinet she kept all the cannisters in. "I hear things in there and it makes me feel small and it's scary."
'And see things too.' You thought but wouldn't dare say outloud. You curled into Rose and she kissed the top of your head. "Hey, it's okay..Nothing can make you feel small unless you really feel small and tell me, what are you Y/n?"
"Tiny but mighty." Rose grinned proudly. "Exactly, so no. You are not afraid. Because I know whatever you hear coming from that cabinet, you can deal with. Right?" You nodded and she ran a hand through your hair. "You still have the necklace I gave you?"
"Yes mama." You squeezed the pendant hanging from your neck. "Good, that'll keep you nice and safe." You nodded and she pressed a kiss against your head, handing you her TV remote. "I'll be back, my flower."
She gave you a slight wave before slamming the door shut behind her. You quickly ran over to her bed and buried yourself under the covers as you turned the TV on.
'Snow White' was playing on one of those channels you were scrolling through and you settled down, snuggling into the blankets. You didn't know how long the movie was on when you felt a cold hand lace their hand on top of yours.
Your blood ran cold and you squeezed your eyes as your open hand squeezed the necklace your mother gave you. "You know, this movie used to be my favorite too when I was a little girl."
You seen the face of a bloodied and clearly beaten woman infront of you and you fell backwards off of Rose's bed. "When I was alive, I thought you were a freak but now I know you're special and I never got the chance to appreciate you, my special girl."
"Please..please, go away." You squeezed the necklace as hard as you could. If you weren't in Rose's possession, you would of known who the woman standing infront of you was automatically but now you hadn't a clue. "Stay safe, my little one." Your real mother bent down to kiss your head and you let out a scream before running as far as you could. "MAMA!!" You shrieked.
Not even 15 minutes later you were farther from Rose than you even were before and The True arrived back to where a majority of their trailers were parked with a hysterical Violet in tow.
"Please let me go! My mommy will be so worried about me. Please, please, please!" She begged. None of them paid her any mind though as they began to bound her. They were so used to the screams and begs by now, it didn't bother them.
"So where are we going after this?" Crow asked, as he threw a couple of items that they would need later to various unoccupied members of The True.
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe Massachusetts, because you know how Y/n loves the snow.." Rose continued to talk as Crow zoned out, putting the left over rope in the storage compartment of his RV. "..She is in your trailer, right?" Rose closed the door to her RV.
Crow furrowed his brows. "Who?" Rose sighed inwardly. "Y/n, Crow Daddy. She is in your trailer, I hope. Because she's not in mine." He closed the compartment and unlocked the door to the trailer. "Let me see."
He walked inside and shut the door behind him, examining the space for you. "Crow, she's there right?" You weren't. A spike of panic rised in him and he ran his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner, unlocking an almost unconfident reserve on his face. "Uh, yeah..she's in there," He lied through his teeth, desperate to save him and you from Rose's wrath. "Rosie, is it okay if I stop with her really quick to get some fresh air?" He asked. "I don't care what you do. You'll be able to find your way back?"
"Sure." He smiled through gritted teeth even though Rose couldn't see him and silently cursed you underneath his breath. "Okay..tell Y/n, I love her." Rose began to walk off to her RV after making sure Barry had everything with Violet handled.
"I will.." He watched the rest of the caravan leave before getting behind the wheel and closing his eye. "Alright Y/n, let's hope my instincts are good enough."
Meanwhile a few minutes away in driving distance, as you passed the lakeside view Rose told you about, you heard noise coming from the distance and jumped back.
The more you listened though, the more you realized there was mostly children there. You walked up the small hill and watched them for a second. "So many rubes.' You thought to yourself. 'None of them like well..or not?'
You began to feel that same magnetic pull you felt from Rose the first time you encountered her and you found your eyes fixated on a boy sitting by himself.
You felt attached to your family but never did you feel such a connection strangers and you didn't know why. It wouldn't be until years later, you would put two and two together and realize the person infront of you was in fact your soulmate.
Despite your fear of all the rubes around you carefully approached the stranger sitting on the bench, not daring to put your guard down.
"You mind if I sit next to you?" The little boy shook his head and you sat down next to him. "What's your name?"
"..Danny." You smiled. "That's a nice name. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." He didn't say anything back but you didn't mind. Your parents were both mostly laid back but if there was a thing they were big on, it was respect.
"..nice to meet you too. Sorry, I'm just having an off day." You shrugged. "I'm okay. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No..you wouldn't understand." The more you looked at him the more, the more you could tell he wasn't exactly so rube like.
(Is it because of this?)
The boy sitting next to you looked at you blankly. "Danny, I know you can hear me," You said softly. "No..not because of that. Well..maybe a little. She'll just keep coming until she gets me. I don't care what Dick says."
"Who will come and get you?" You asked then blushed. "Sorry, I shouldn't of pried." Dan shrugged dismissively and looked up towards his apartment building and pointed to the bathroom. "The lady in the bathroom."
A decaying woman flashed infront of your eyes and your posture stiffened. "You can see her, right?"
"Yeah, I see her..If it makes you feel better, I see scary things too sometimes." You took his hand in your equally tiny ones. Dan felt the urge to pull away from you but there was this warm element to you that made him feel comforted by you.
"Really?" You nodded solemnly and moved your hand away from his to take a necklace of your neck. It had a little crystal obelisk hanging from the bottom if it. "My mommy gave this to me for when I get scared. If you squeeze the crystal, it's supposed to make you feel safe." He said nothing and you put the obelisk in his hand. "I think you need it more than I do."
"You're sure?" You nodded and for the first time in a while, Danny Torrance actually gave a hint of a smile.
(Thanks, Y/n.)
(You're welcome.)
"Y/n?" You could hear someone calling your name and you turned around. "Y/n, honey?" You looked at Dan. "That's my daddy. I have to go before I get in trouble. Bye Danny."
"Bye." He was a person of very few words but it didn't bother you in the slightest. All you knew was you didn't want your dad to see him. You didn't know what was going on but you knew something wasn't right.
"Y/n?" You sprinted towards him. "Daddy!" You exclaimed. Crow's eyes went wide with relief. "Y/n." Your father pulled you close to him. "Don't you run off like that EVER again. You understand me?" You could see his infrequent temper in his eyes and you were quick to nod. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"I-i-" Crow didn't bother to wait for a response from you before he continued speaking.
"People out here are bad, Y/n. They'd hurt you in a heartbeat." He cupped the sides of your face. "Do you know or did you even think about how upset your mother and I would be if you just disappeared?"
You felt your heart sink and your lips trembled. You knew there was a possibility they might do bad things but that didn't mean you didn't love them because of it. You felt so selfish and cruel. "I-i didn't think about it. I'm sorry daddy.." Your eyes watered as you looked down at the ground and he sighed. "Just don't do it again, got it?" He wiped one of your tears away. "Yes daddy. Y-you're not going to tell mommy, are you?"
Crow kissed your cheeks gently. "No, I won't tell her. I think this can be our little secret. What do you think?" You let out a giggle and Crow smiled. "That's my girl. Come on, let's get you back to the caravan before mom notices we're gone because you know how she gets."
You nodded and held your arms out to Crow who immediately scooped you up. You wrapped your tiny arms around his neck and nuzzled closely to him as he carried you away.
You smiled softly as you felt that little ping in your head.
(Yeah, Danny?)
(Am I ever going to see you again?)
You paused before responding.
(Maybe. I hope so because I like you Danny.)
(Me too, Y/n.)
You felt one of Crow's finger poking your shoulder and you pulled yourself out of your thoughts. "Yes, daddy?" You asked. "Did you feel someone steamy?" He whispered in your ear.
You thought about telling the truth but thought of Danny. You only just met him but something deep down told you, you couldn't let him get hurt. Maybe..just maybe, all rubes weren't so bad after all. "No, daddy," You lied.
"You're sure?" He pressed. "I'm sure." Crow sighed and patted your back. It would of been nice to have double the amount of steamheads but he supposed Violet would be enough to sustain them for a while. Besides, beggars couldn't be choosers and he trusted you enough to think you wouldn't lie to him. "Okay, honey.."
The next time you would see Danny Torrance after that fateful December day, would be 26 years later and by that time any bridge you had built with The True Knot would be burned.
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