#like not a bad dumb per se
savage-rhi · 30 days
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 7 months
It is not classist that Jason, a vigilante in a *family of vigilantes*, is violent like the rest | just | because he comes from a poor family
What's (more likely) classist is writers thinking he needs to be taught right vs wrong from Bruce and co and that he consequently makes snap judgments out of some childish grudge-fueled rebellion which makes him dangerous the way a toddler holding a knife is dangerous
#that dumb godzilla vs kong beast wrld issue is a prime example of what I'm talking abt#but I can't even say that's | classism | per se#cause it's also just a product of writers not liking him solely for being in opposition to their bbyg bruce#kelseethe#when will people get it in their heads that shooting someone isn’t “more" violent#than cracking their skulls on cement or ripping their bodies to shreds “but keeping them alive”#things the other bats do pretty regularly and with quite a bit of pride too#it will never not be weird that people see Jason remorselessly poisoning a child trafficker who did it for EXTRA cash#or shooting+killing a dude who was deliberately poisoning his young kid and wife with a drug similar to street fentanyl#and think he should have his edges rounded out#people who say Jason can afford to be “less violent”#are accidentally “Jason should kill less sob sob urban legends is good” schmucks#which is kinda more pathetic than being his anti like at least they *know* what they're saying#even if he was more rageful like in rh gotham war instead of cold/detached like in utrh I'd have that any day#over cheer Jason's “sob sob bad people dying still has consequences I don't really know how to cope with so rubber bullets see” nonsense#ever since his appearance in batman 408. everything Jason has done#he did knowing exactly why he was doing it and what the consequence(s) would be#he believes the extent of “harm” a person causes is always their choice#and he doesn't do more for the sake of revelling in the pain he causes the way bruce does#but whatever he does do he never tries to sugarcoat or downplay which makes it all the more agreeable#and he certainly doesn’t convince himself he does it out of love or compassion or some other mushy horeseshit#like sorry you're of feeble mind but I'm not a wuss and I think it's very logical and cool lol
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me coming out of my well to shame myself or whatever
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jentlemahae · 2 years
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appocalipse · 6 months
that guy ⊹ steve harrington
summary: After he's been to yet another failed date with yet another random pretty girl, Steve Harrington, your best friend, stops by at the diner your family owns for a late-night chat, same as he'd done a thousand times before. Steve is totally unaware of how much he's hurting you with his endless parade of dates, because after all — the two of you are only friends and nothing more, right? It's not like you have any secret feelings for him… | 2.6k words
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
The moment Steve steps through the glass doors of the diner, you wonder, for about the millionth time that month alone, what is it that you've done so wrong to deserve this kind of punishment.
It's Friday night, and on Friday nights, Steve Harrington goes on dates. It's just like clockwork, really: he meets a pretty girl, thinks she's the one, takes her out on a date, realizes quickly enough that she isn't quite what he was looking for, then comes here after having dropped her back home to sulk with you, in the diner that your family runs, still clad in the outfit he'd chosen especially for his failed date.
To be honest, he never looks sad, per se — more like disappointed. Frustrated, maybe.
You watch as he weaves around tables occupied by laughing friends, past booths filled with couples sharing desserts, then slides into a seat in front of you at the bar. Steve sits down with an exhausted sigh, ruffling up his hair before shooting you a tired smile.
You don't look up from where you're polishing the counter. "Bad date again?"
"Not even close. She talked about horses non-stop."
A quiet laugh slips past your lips despite yourself, and finally, you tear your gaze off the dark wooden surface of the counter to look up at him; he's got this pleased little smile on his face, the corners of his eyes crinkled ever so slightly in the way they always do whenever he succeeds at making you laugh, even if just a little.
How are you supposed to keep acting like nothing's wrong when he looks at you like that?
You clear your throat awkwardly and make yourself busy stacking clean glasses next to the coffee machine.
"So...not the one, I take it?"
Steve leans forward against the counter and props his head up with his hand, sighing deeply.
"I'm starting to think she won't ever show up," he says quietly, running his other hand through his hair. You chance another glance at him and note how genuinely worried he looks. It breaks your heart almost as much as it annoys you. "What is it that's wrong with me, huh? I just don't get it."
"Nothing is wrong with you."
"You don't need to be nice to me. We've been friends since forever, remember?"
The word 'friends' makes you wince a little bit inside, but you hide the reaction behind a neutral frown. "Do you think there's something wrong with me? Because I haven't found the one yet either, you know."
Steve's expression softens as he looks at you, and once again you feel that horrible twinge in your stomach that you wish would just stop already.
"It's different. I mean—you're not actively trying to find someone." He reaches out to pull one of the half-melted mints out from the glass bowl on the counter and pops it into his mouth with a shrug. "I go out looking for her and she just doesn't come. If she even exists, that is."
"She does."
"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I wouldn't hold my breath. God, why am I such an idiot, y'know?" Steve slumps over the counter with a groan, burying his face into his crossed arms. "My love life is a trainwreck."
"At least you have one."
He glances up at you curiously and lifts an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing. Forget it. Do you want some pie?"
You're not about to tell him what you've only admitted to yourself mere months ago — that you're actually hopelessly, madly, stupidly in love with him, and that you have been ever since the two of you were just dumb kids racing around your parents' diner.
What makes it even worse is that you had no idea your feelings went that deep until Steve started going on these dates of his again. Before then, everything was normal — you met up every weekend and binged on candy, watched bad movies on your couch, drove around town together blasting The Clash on his BMW's speakers...it was good.
Until it wasn't.
"Wait, c'mon, you can't just leave me hanging like that," Steve presses. He shifts a little on his stool to better face you, then gestures at you with his hands. "You've clearly got something you wanna say, so, like—hit me. Lay it on me."
"Nothing. I'm just saying...at least you're trying, you know," you say carefully, measuring each word before speaking them. "And at least you're the one doing the rejecting. Could be worse."
Steve's eyebrows rise high up on his forehead and he looks at you incredulously. "Whoa, wait—are you trying to tell me you've been rejected?"
You busy yourself by filling two tall glasses with soda, then slide one to his side of the counter and keep the other for yourself. "Uh...kind of, yeah. But it's fine."
"But who the hell would even do that?" he blurts out. There's anger in his voice all of a sudden, a defensive fire in his eyes that makes you feel as if someone has punched you in the gut. "To you? You're like, the nicest person on the planet, and super pretty to boot. That's just—that's crazy!"
Your heart gives a violent little jump in your chest. He thinks you're pretty. Steve Harrington thinks you're pretty.
Pretty as a friend, you correct yourself immediately, and sigh as you sip your drink. Of course, it's nothing more than that — just meaningless words spoken in a moment of unthinking kindness.
"Seriously, who?" he presses on. "Give me a name. I'll fight him."
"You mean like you fought Jonathan Byers?" you smile behind your glass, looking at him from over its rim.
Steve looks embarrassed at the memory and drops his gaze for a second or two before meeting your eyes again with a playful little smile of his own. "Different situation, okay, but that's not the point. So? Who's the guy?"
"You...don't know him," you hedge.
"It's Hawkins. I know the stray cats here by name."
"Fine, well, even if you did know him, it doesn't matter. He didn't reject me, exactly...not really."
Steve frowns a little. "Okay, you're gonna have to start making sense now. This is hurting my head."
The funny thing is, he actually looks confused, as if he can't possibly fathom the idea of someone rejecting you. It's sweet, really — way too sweet for your liking, especially when you know fully well he doesn't see you in the way you'd want him to.
You lower your gaze to avoid his and instead focus on drawing random shapes on the counter with your index finger, where tiny droplets of condensation from your glass have pooled up on the dark wood. "I mean, I never really told him how I felt. Not directly. It just…never happened."
"Oh. Well, then how do you even know if he feels the same way?" he asks you, looking rather doubtful.
You steal another glance at him and almost regret it instantly. His eyes are trained on your face, patient and attentive like you're the only thing worth watching in the world. It makes you feel horribly small and selfish and guilty, because after all, what right do you have to want him when he so clearly wants someone else?
You feel like you could cry. You might, if you don't distract yourself with something fast enough.
"I just know. Do you want some pie? I'll go get you some pie."
Without waiting for a response, you rush off to the kitchen even though there's plenty of pies sitting on the display counter at the bar, and you make a beeline straight for the back exit.
The alley behind the diner is blissfully empty as usual, just a lonely dumpster and a handful of sad-looking shrubs and weeds peeking out from under the concrete.
No, you aren't going to cry.
This is stupid.
You press your back against the rough brick wall of the diner and breathe in deep the warm night air, then exhale slowly as you count to ten in your head.
When the door opens behind you and the diner's familiar chatter and clatter of cutlery spill into the alley, you wince, mentally cursing yourself for being so goddamn weak. You should have known better.
You don't have to look up to know that it's him.
"Are you hiding from me?" Steve's voice comes, quiet and curious and maybe just a little bit hurt, even.
"I got...suddenly nauseous," you explain weakly, still refusing to look up and meet his eyes.
There's a long stretch of silence, and you feel Steve move closer to you until he's leaning against the wall by your side. You finally look up and find him smiling, this gentle, amused little thing that makes your traitorous heart skip a beat.
"You look just fine to me."
You stare up at the sky, head against the wall. "I thought I was gonna throw up."
He's still watching you, you can tell; you're keenly aware of his eyes on you, so much so that your skin prickles at the attention. "No, you didn't."
"No, I didn't," you admit with a sigh, and turn your head to finally look at him. He's got this little half-smile on his lips, the very same one you fell for years ago, and you curse yourself silently for never learning how to let him go. Really let him go.
"Hey. Listen. You don't have to tell me, okay?" Steve says gently, pushing himself off the wall to step closer to you. He brings his hand up to your face and tucks a loose lock of hair behind your ear, letting his fingertips linger on the edge of your jaw for the briefest of moments, just long enough for you to wonder whether he knows what he's doing to you.
You don't dare to move. You're afraid of breaking whatever spell has seemingly come over him.
"I should've never asked. That was selfish."
"Forget it," you say.
He's standing close now, close enough that you have to tilt your chin up to be able to look up at him properly. There's a strange kind of tension in his eyes, something dark and unsure and tentative, and his gaze darts down to your lips just the slightest bit.
You're fairly sure you're just seeing what you want to see, your foolish heart playing tricks on you. But you panic nonetheless, feeling a sudden, irrational fear that if he moves any closer, he'll realize the truth — that you're a liar and a coward, that you've been harboring these feelings of yours for him for years.
"I should—I should go. Back inside," you mutter, pointing vaguely at the door with your thumb. "In there."
"Sure, yeah. Okay. In there," he echoes, not making a single move to leave. "Not out here."
"Yup. Exactly. In there."
"So you said."
The wall of the diner is digging into your spine uncomfortably, and your mouth is dry, and your knees feel weak, and your stomach is doing somersaults, and the longer he stares at you with those eyes of his the more you feel like you're burning from the inside out and—
He's not moving. All he does is look at you, really look at you, as if it's the first time he's really looked, as if he's seeing something that wasn't there before.
"Okay, so—"
You try to push past him towards the door, but Steve grabs your arm, making you stop dead in your tracks. He lets go as soon as you look up at him, lifting his hand in front of him in an apologetic gesture.
"Sorry. I'm sorry," he says. He swallows hard and rubs his palm on the front of his jeans, a nervous little habit you think he's always had. He runs his hand through his hair, mussing up the carefully gelled strands, and it's probably the first time you've ever seen him look so flustered.
He laughs nervously and gestures at the ground with his hands as he speaks. "Look, this is just—this is just crazy, okay, but I think I, uh, maybe sort of realized something."
You blink at him, not quite certain you're hearing him correctly.
"Realized what?" you ask, the words barely more than a whisper.
Steve clears his throat and nods at you, seemingly pleased that you've finally spoken. "Yeah, well, this is stupid, but you know how you're always telling me to listen to my gut?"
"You're not making a whole lot of sense right now, Steve."
"Just bear with me for a sec, okay? This is like, totally new to me." He holds his palms up, and you notice his hands are shaking a little. "I just need a minute, alright?"
He breathes in deep and exhales slowly, then shoots you an apologetic look.
"Sorry, this is just...really weird," he confesses. "Weirdly real."
"You're freaking me out," you tell him, but Steve only smiles at you.
"Maybe I should just show you. Because, I mean, what if I'm wrong? That'd be terrible, obviously."
"Yeah, I know, but hear me out, okay?" he says quickly, and takes another step closer. You stand your ground this time, if only because you don't trust yourself to actually move without your legs giving out. "So, look. Here's the thing. You're, like—you're one of the most important people in my life. You've been there for me when nobody else was, and I...you mean a lot to me."
"Shut up, you're ruining the moment."
He takes another step forward until he's crowding you against the wall, hand coming to rest next to your head on the brick. He's close, so close that you can smell the scent of his cologne and shampoo and laundry detergent, and if you were to lean in even the slightest bit, your faces would bump.
Steve is a little out of breath, his lips parted ever so slightly. And he's still looking at you with that strange, searching expression of his.
"Is this okay?" he whispers.
"I don't—what?"
Your voice catches in your throat. There's no room for doubt in his eyes now, not even the tiniest, slightest sliver of uncertainty left.
"This," Steve murmurs.
He tilts his head to the side a little and leans in until you're sure your noses are touching, and you feel your eyes slip closed in anticipation.
"Is this okay?" he repeats in a whisper. "Please tell me I'm not crazy."
"I think I am."
His lips brush yours. It feels like an accident, doesn't last long enough to be anything but a dream. You can still taste the faint, sweet trace of sugar and mint on your tongue when he pulls away, though.
"Just to be clear," Steve whispers, his fingers brushing lightly over the skin of your neck, tracing invisible lines that make you shiver, "am I the guy from earlier? The one you like?"
You don't have it in you to deny it anymore.
"Yes. It's you."
A wide grin breaks out across his face, and suddenly he's everywhere; he cups your face in his hands, pressing eager, fervent kisses along the line of your jaw, trailing hot and open-mouthed down the side of your neck.
You giggle helplessly, grabbing Steve by his collar to pull him away from you and up to your eye level. He's breathing just as heavily as you are, his hair messy and his eyes bright.
"How do you do this to me, huh?" he pants, kissing your forehead, the tip of your nose, the corner of your mouth. "You just—you just completely knock me out."
A pleasant little thrill rushes up your spine at that.
"Oh yeah?"
You kiss him this time.
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obsessedwithceleste · 8 months
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Lessons in Love
(Or why Enzo should be banned from advanced potion making)
Theodore Nott x Ravenclaw Reader
Summary: Ft. Enzo being bad at potions, the Ravenclaw common room door, and more than one accidental love confession.
word count: 3.3k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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A deep sigh escapes your lips as you walk purposefully through the empty halls of the castle. You loved Enzo. Really, you did. But how that bastard had managed to squeeze enough O.W.Ls out of his arse to get into advanced potion making was absolutely beyond you.
It’s not that you thought your childhood best friend was dumb per se. You simply thought his talents lay elsewhere. Like in herbology. Or anywhere really where adding a pinch too much powdered moonstone didn’t result in a glittery pink potion exploding all over the front of your robes. This never would have happened of course, if your usual, equally talented, potions partner, Theodore Nott, had actually bothered to show up, but god only knew where that boy had wandered off to.
Walking into classes earlier that day you had been giddy with excitement. While potions may not have been Enzo’s forte, it was most definitely yours and advanced potions was finally giving you the challenge you had been craving. Amortentia, your professor had said, is the strongest love potion in the world, thereby making it exceptionally difficult to brew. You already knew this of course as it had all been detailed in the days readings. Not only would it make someone obsessively in love, but it also had an addictive scent, changing to fit what one was most attracted to. Now that was all well and good until one was covered in it.
Originally, you figured that all would be fine. Enzo profusely apologized, quickly following up with a joke about how “at least you’ll smell nice for once.” But oh how right he’d been. It started with students accidentally bumping into you in the corridor as you went from class to class as they subconsciously leaned in to follow the alluring scent. A minor inconvenience you thought. (Although you did have to choose to ignore that third year almost getting impaled on a statue’s sword because he wasn’t paying attention after you passed.)
But then Cho and Marietta couldn’t stop leaning in to get a whiff of the scent all throughout the start of charms, causing Flitwick to continuously shoot concerned glances at the three of you. You eventually caved, moving quickly and silently to the back of the class room where Enzo was sat with the rest of the Slytherins. As soon as he saw you making your way over, he leaned over, whispering something in Daphne’s ear beside him. She gives you a quick look of knowing pity before moving into the empty seats usually claimed by Theodore and Matteo who were, unsurprisingly, still no where to be found.
“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry,” Enzo mumbles, at least having the decency to look embarrassed as you plop into the seat beside him.
“This is horrible! I did not need to know that Marietta’s amortentia smells like bloody Cormac McLaggen or whatever his name is,” you hiss in response.
Enzo lets out a quiet chuckle, sneaking a quick glance at your house mate.
“Hey,” he whispers after a moment, “What do you smell anyway? You must be going mad having that stuff all over you.”
You shoot a glare at your friend. You had a sinking feeling he already knew, considering he had been poking fun at you for weeks. You shudder remembering all those disgusting kissy faces Enzo had been making at you from across the library just last week. Bloody bastard was fishing for confirmation. Maybe if you ignore him, he’ll simply go away you think to yourself. Enzo however, takes your silence as an admission of guilt, a grin spreading across his face.
“I knew it. So tell me y/n, what does dear Theodore Nott smell like? Cigarette smoke? Hippogriff dung?” He snickers.
“He is my best friend, Lorenzo,” you whisper, giving the boy beside you another withering glare.
Enzo’s face falls at this.
“I’m your best friend.” He grumbles.
“I don’t know why. You’re mean to me,” you reply with exasperation.
He immediately perks up again at this, giving you a slight nudge.
“So I’m right? You do like Theo?” He asks excitedly.
“Enzo, I will avada you, and make it look like an accident,” you hiss in response.
“Come on, y/n, I’m your best friend, you have to tell me these things,” he pouts.
“Oh really? Like how you have to tell me about how you’re probably smelling Daphne’s shampoo right now? Or is it her lavender perfume?” You ask innocently, batting your lashes.
Enzo goes beet red at this, gesturing wildly at you to lower your voice.
“Hush woman! She’s right there!” He hisses.
You say nothing, only giving him a triumphant grin before turning back to Flitwick to try to salvage what few notes you’d been able to take down that lesson.
The final straw occurred during ancient runes when poor, unsuspecting Hermione sat down behind you and asked with a look of bewilderment if you had been showered with Draco’s cologne that morning. Her look of absolute horror only grew as you told her of your distressing situation. You thought she might faint when she realized that Draco had been within earshot and now had a shit eating grin on his face. With a sigh of defeat, you give Hermione an apologetic smile before deciding it was time to turn in the white flag of defeat.
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You breathe a heavy sigh of relief as you finally come to a stop outside your common room door. You then frown, realizing you had in fact, made it to your common room door.
“What makes a raven like a writing desk?” The metallic voice of the Ravenclaw common room door asks, springing to life.
This putrid, skanky little-
“You wouldn’t want me to shove either of them up your ars-“
A low whistle catches your attention before you’re able to finish cursing out your common room’s door thoroughly.
“Whoa there feisty, let the eagle be,” Theo’s voice laughs as he steps into view.
The strong scent of roasted coffee beans and smoke that had been burning your nostrils all day hits you once again like a ton of bricks. Giving the eagle another withering glare, you turn your full attention to the looming threat approaching. You would sooner throw yourself off of the astronomy tower than let Theo know that your amortentia smelled like him. Someone had to keep the boy’s bloody ego in check.
“Full offense Theodore, I’ve had a horrendously awful day today, and I really don’t have time for whatever nonsense you’re about to start.” You say with a roll of your eyes as you cross your arms at the boy in front of you.
Theo laughs again, mirroring your movements as he leans against one of the pillars lining the halls.
“Poor principessa. Have a hard day in classes without me?” He asks with a smirk.
You scowl in response. It didn’t help that you had, in fact, missed the brunette’s comforting, albeit annoying, presence all day, but you weren’t about to admit that.
“Now that you mention it, I didn’t even realize you were missing. What snake hole did you slither off to today?” You ask, the lie sliding easily off your lips.
Theo cocks as eyebrow at that but leaves it be.
“Matteo wanted to ditch, had to baby sit. Make sure he didn’t get into too much trouble. You know how it goes,” Theo replied shrugging his shoulders. “And what’s a pretty little witch like yourself doing skiving off class?”
Theo takes another step forward.
“Don’t come closer!” You yelp before you can stop yourself. You had no interest knowing what Theo would smell if he got close enough. He frowns at you however.
“And why not?” He challenges, taking another step towards you. This boy really did not take well to being told what to do.
“I- I smell. Really bad. Had to leave class, I just- ya know, smelled, so bad” You splutter, mentally kicking yourself. Who says that in front of the guy they like? Why were you like this?
Theo’s thick brows shoot up at your declaration before he takes a final large step towards you and leans in, pressing his hand against your forehead before moving it down to feel your cheek.
“Y/n are you ill? Do you need to go see Madam Pomfrey? I can walk you there if you’d like.” He says, any bit of snark his voice previously held long gone.
“I’m fine Theodore, really.” you say, batting his hand away.
“Are you sure?” He asks, looking at you disbelievingly.
He leans in again and takes in a whiff of your scent and you immediately tense, freezing where you are. God damn it. His brows furrow.
“Y/n, you smell perfectly normal, maybe a bit stronger than usual, but definitely not bad.” He says, looking even more confused.
Before you’re able to fully process the words that just came out of Theo’s mouth, Enzo and Pansy come barreling down the hall towards the two of you in a fit of giggles.
“Y/n! y/n, you know I’m sorry, really I am, but if dousing you in amortentia is all it takes to get Draco and Granger to make complete fools of themselves in front of each other, I’d do it again!” Enzo exclaims between breathy laughs. “You haven’t seen ferret boy run past, by chance, by the way have you?
“Sorry, amor-what now?” Theo asks, blinking as he purses his lips.
You look between the three of your friends in alarm, praying no one mentioned anything after Theo had just announced that you smelled perfectly normal to him.
“Oh, you’re going to wish you were there! After you left, Draco was so pleased with himself. Looked like a kid on Christmas. Kept trying to flirt with Hermione until she finally sent a flock of doves to run him out of the classroom! Professor wasn’t too happy bout that one. Let us go early to find the blonde loon,” Enzo says, completely ignoring Theo’s question.
“I’m sorry, amor-WHAT?” Theo asks again, louder this time.
You feel yourself cringe.
“Amortentia.” Pansy snorts. “Do try and keep up Teddy.”
“This is what you get for always skiving off class with Matteo,” Enzo adds, nodding at the boy as if he were his disappointed mother.
“Mhmm. Enzo totally floozied over y/n’s potion this morning. Blew it up all over her and she’s been having people wander up to her to take a sniff all day.” Pansy tells him with a sniff.
Theo blinks again before slowly meeting your eyes as what he said only moments earlier begins to sink in. Pansy, ever the cunning witch, was lightening quick to catch on.
“Speaking of which, I am suddenly so interested in what exactly it is that you smell, dearest Teddy,” Pansy says as her eyes flicker between the two of you, a mischievous grin growing on her face.
Theo scowls at the nickname.
“Old parchment.” You say in unison.
Pansy smirks.
“Do you smell that Enzo?” She asks, making a show of sniffing the air around her. “I think I smell- a liar. Or two.”
Enzo only snickers as he eyes the both of you up. He knew exactly what you had been smelling all day and you begin to feel panic rise up in your chest. You send a menacing glare his way, daring him to open his mouth.
“Come on Pans, I don’t think Draco and Granger are the only ones who’ll be chatting up tonight,” he says finally.
Glaring at the pair’s disappearing backs, you once again turn slowly back to the problem at hand.
“Soo,” Theo starts at the same time you blurt out,
“This is entirely your fault.”
Theo’s mouth drops open, and he has the audacity to look offended.
“How do you figure mi amore?” He asks.
“You’re supposed to be my partner in potions, but you weren’t there today, so I had to work with,” you shudder, “Enzo.”
Rolling his eyes at your dramatics and giving you a small smile, Theo lets himself relax, leaning on the wall as he towers over you.
“Enzo isn’t so bad,” he says, slowly bringing a hand up to rest on your waist, gently moving you towards him. You pretend not to notice, taking a small, nervous step forward.
“He singed off Matteo’s eyebrows last year. The year before that, he didn’t realize there was a difference between fire flower and fired flour, and his potion melted through the floor. I heard a Puff call him Slytherin’s Seamus,” you retort. “Do you realize how bad you have to be at something to get made fun of by a Hufflepuff?” He snorts at that, cocking his head in agreement.
“Well I’m sorry alright? I’ll make it up to you.”
“You’ll have to. I have to go in again to remake the potion. Don’t want that bad mark on my grade.”
Theo only hums at this, as you’re finally standing nose to chest with him, forcing you to tilt your head up to still see his face.
“You really do smell nice,” he murmurs, pressing his nose lightly into your hair.
You make a face before nuzzling into his chest to hide the redness growing on your cheeks.
“I’m not talking about this in public. I simply refuse,” you say, trying to melt into him from pure embarrassment.
Theo looks down at you with a devilishly handsome grin before turning back to your long forgotten common room door.
“Hey, open up. She technically answered your little riddle earlier,” he tells the door.
The eagle grumbles something unintelligible as it starts to life again.
“I can always melt you down. I’m sure you’d make a great piss pot,” Theo threatens, going to pull out his wand.
The door swings open rather violently and you’re pretty sure you can hear a rather colorful string of curses come out of the eagle’s beak as you make your way inside. Having been there a thousand times before, Theo easily leads you to your shared, but thankfully empty, dorm room, closing the door behind you.
“You really don’t get along with that eagle, do you principessa?” He asks, throwing his shoes off and making himself comfortable on your bed like he usually did.
“Like you’re any better. You just threatened to turn it into a chamber pot,” you retort, falling easily back into your usual banter. This was fine. This was safe.
Theo only raises a brow at you.
“The blasted door is still mad at me for making a ur mum joke when it asked me if a chicken came before the egg in front of a bunch of second years.” You admit, letting your arms fall to your side.
Theo lets out a loud laugh at that shaking his head and extending his arm for you. You walk carefully towards the bed before hesitantly accepting his invitation. It’s not that cuddling with Theo was something unfamiliar to you, as much as you were hyper aware of the slightly awkward tension between the two of you that wasn’t usually there. You slide your shoes off as well before curling up next to him and laying your head on his chest. The two of you lay in silence and you slowly let your eyelids flutter shut, lost in the feeling of Theo’s chest rising and falling.
“You know. You still haven’t told me what your amortentia smells like,” Theo says, finally breaking the silence as he gently brings his hand up to run his fingers through your hair.
“Take a wild fucking guess,” you murmur, refusing to open your eyes and determined to get further lost in his warm touch.
He only hums in response, continuing to comb his fingers through the soft locks of hair.
“You know when Enzo asked me if I smelled you today, he thought you’d smell like hippogriff dung,” you say eventually.
“Fucking tosser. What did that git smell? Wild lavender?”
“And Daphne’s shampoo.”
You feel Theo snort as if he expected no less of your ever romantic best friend. Silence once again rolls over the both of you as you absentmindedly play with the edge of his shirt, rolling the soft fabric between your fingers nervously. The quiet begins to feel suffocating, so you open your mouth to speak, but Theo beats you to it.
“Champagne. And that perfume you always use. With the little white flowers. Lilies of the valley, right?” Theo says.
You open your eyes to look at him in confusion.
“That’s what you smell like.” He says, carefully running his hand down your spine, sending a shiver through you.
“I smell roasted coffee. And smoke. Not the fire-y kind though. The kind that sticks to your clothes cause you refuse to quit smoking.” You respond, looking into his eyes warily for his reaction.
Theo only smirks in response, a cocky grin spreading across his face.
“Aw mi amore, I’m what you’re most attracted to?” He asks, the teasing bait evident in his voice.
You feel heat rise to your cheeks as Theo gazed intently down at you in his arms.
“Shut up Theodore. You sure know how to ruin a moment,” you say, once again burying your face in a chest.
You feel his chest rumble with laughter before his hand snakes it way up to your chin, tilting your head up and capturing your lips with his. His lips are softer than you imagined as he moves them gently against yours. You let a soft gasp escape and Theo pulls you closer, gripping your waste tightly, and shifting you on top of him, deepening the kiss until you’re both left gasping for air.
“Was that more of what you had in mind amore?” He asks with an innocent smile, looking up at you with what you could only describe as his best baby seal eyes.
“I mean, you were definitely significantly more shirtless when I imagined it, but I can settle.” You joke.
Theo’s eyes darken however, and he lifts you as if you weigh nothing, flipping you over so that he now hovered above you, your back pinned against the bed beneath you. With one swift movement, Theo pulls his shirt up and over his head before lowering himself back down, his chest now pressed against yours.
You can’t help but laugh at the boy’s determination as your eyes shamelessly take in the lean muscle and tanned skin that was current above you.
“Theodore, as much as I enjoy this, you have to put your clothes on. Cho or Marietta could walk in at any time,” you tell him as you begin to make soft circles across his waist line with your thumbs, admiring the boy in front of you.
“Mm. You mouth is saying one thing, but these,” he says, placing his hands over yours, “are saying something else entirely.”
You roll your eyes, pulling your hands out from under his and handing him his discarded shirt.
“One kiss?” He asks, looking at the shirt as if it had mortally offended him.
“One kiss.”
He leans down, once again capturing your lips with his, but with more intensity this time. You feel one of his hands brush your waist as his thumb pushes up under your shirt, the rest of his hand following soon after, gripping tightly at the warm skin beneath. You let out a breathy moan when he flicks his tongue across your bottom lip, and he takes it as an invitation to let his tongue explore the rest of your mouth.
An awkward cough shakes you from the haze and you look up, over Theo’s shoulder to see Cho standing guiltily in the doorway.
“Sorry,” she says, looking literally anywhere but you and the shirtless boy above you. “Bad time?”
You cover your eyes in embarrassment, feeling heat once again rush to your cheeks.
“What did I tell you!” You groan, letting your head fall back onto your mound of pillows. Meanwhile Theo has a much too self satisfied grin across his face.
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nana-au · 6 months
JJK Men React to Finding Out You Like Them
G.Satoru, G.Suguru, I.Yuji, F.Megumi
(I got carried away with Gojo's.. mb)
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G.Satoru: You could not stand him and his stupid, annoying, ugly (undeniably pretty) face.
Shoko and Geto swore you two bickered like an old married couple. The two of you would scoff, sometimes even pushing each other’s shoulders just to remind the other one who was stronger. It was down right childish the way you both interacted with each other. Pinching and hair pulling. Arguing over who was right and wrong, sometimes even arguing against obvious facts just to piss the other one off. You couldn’t stand his pompous attitude and he couldn’t stand the fact you weren’t in awe of him like he believed you should be. He made every hair on your body stand straight just by his voice or the way his figure loomed over you as he teased you. 
“What’s this for?” He mocked, pinching your cheek you dusted with blush. 
“None of your business,” you assured him, attempting to punch him in the gut. He would swiftly dodge it, continuing to mock you. 
“Surely it isn’t for a boyfriend. I feel bad for any guy dumb enough to be interested in you,” his glasses would slide down his nose as he looked over your figure. You didn’t hesitant to tell him to suck a dick, and it didn’t even cross his mind to not tell you that you wished you could suck his. “I’d never let you though,” he assured you and you would huff out a ‘thank God!’. You would attempt to storm off, but he kept body blocking you, and you were adamant on not making bodily contact with the guy. “Where are you going?” he quizzed and you begged him to drop it - that it was none of his business. You were getting really worked up, more so than usual. His assumption wasn’t necessarily wrong, you were trying to leave for your date with a barista from the coffee shop you frequented in Tokyo. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to let Sensei know. Can’t have you up to no good.” 
“Then go tell him!” you huffed. You were going to be running late if the asshole in front of you wouldn’t move. “God Gojo, you are so childish,” he only stuck his tongue out at you. You were about to start shaking with anger and against your better judgment you confessed to him. “Fine! It’s a date, make fun of me all you want when I get back,” your chest was heaving and your blood was hot. To your sudden shock, Gojo stepped out of your way wordlessly and watched as you took off out the doors. 
The next few days felt like the Twilight Zone. You did your makeup again and Gojo didn’t even bother to flick your cheeks. When you mentioned to Shoko how nice the weather was, he didn’t argue that it was ‘Just alright’. While Suguru, Gojo, and you were taking turns sparring, he didn’t hide the defeat in his face when you kicked dirt onto him after knocking him on his ass. To you, that was really the last straw. You started to feel evil for continuing your usual antics while he just took it. A few more days went by of you both ignoring each other until one afternoon you were eating lunch with Shoko talking about your date. Geto and Gojo took their usual seats across from you as you both discussed what transpired. “Maybe he doesn’t want to sound needy,” she said when you mentioned he hadn’t texted you back still. 
“He probably thinks you're ugly,” Gojo said nonchalantly. It was the first sentence he had spoken to you in days and you had to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. You weren’t even sure if he really spoke or if you imagined it. Perhaps your brain was filling in the words you wanted to hear from him. Not that you wanted him to call you ugly per se, but the silence from him was worse than the insults. 
“So he talks.” His eyes rolled cartoonishly at your words. He stuck a spoonful of rice in his mouth before talking,
“Giv-up,” he mumbled, some rice spilling out of his mouth. Your face contorted with disgust. He swallowed, continuing, “You're unlikeable”.
“Yeah ‘cause you’re so likable yourself,” you scoff. He continued eating and the table dropped it, all choosing to change the topic. 
Honestly, you were sure that would be your last conversation with Gojo. You went about your days without his obnoxious presence. You went on another date and were getting fairly close with your favorite barista, even inviting him to meet Shoko. You all agreed to meet up at his cafe and you were awed as he described to you the drinks he made you two. You sipped them and listened as he rambled on about the ristretto shots and the milk foam. Shoko grew bored quickly, but she was happy you were happy. 
The bell attached to the door chimed, and the blood in your face drained, leaving you sickly pale. Gojo waved to you, pointing out to Geto where the three of you sat and dragged him along. “What is he doing here?” you frantically asked Shoko. She covered her face to hide her amusement, she had to give it to him, he was about to make this deathly boring conversation into an incredibly entertaining one. 
“Since when do you drink coffee?” Gojo asked you, pulling up a chair and sitting next to you. “I thought caffeine made you sick?” he pouted at you, pulling away the latte. He wasn’t wrong, you did tend to feel unwell after having caffeine, but since when did he care? 
“I can handle myself, Gojo,” you spat. Gojo ignored you, taking two big gulps from the mug and finishing it then and there. 
“Wow you made this?” he asked the guy. He nodded, looking incredibly confused. “Tastes like shit.” With a quickness you were out of your chair and pulling Gojo by the collar of his button down. “Be right back,” he snickered to the barista as you dragged him out the door. 
“What is your problem?” You begged. He looked shocked, telling you him and Geto were just walking by when he saw you and Shoko. You were bewildered by the way he was acting, completely stumped as to what you should even say. His hand grabbed yours that was still gripping his collar. He pulled it off and pushed it against the wall, his hand caging yours as he leaned against your intertwined fingers. His eyes watched your lips as you kept opening them to speak, but closing them when you kept losing your words. 
“Is this not what you wanted?” His words were breathy and hard to hear. “I know you are doing this-” His free hand gesturing to your figure, “to get a reaction from me.”
“You’ve really lost it now, Gojo,” you couldn’t hide the blush though. He smiled at you regardless, and your legs began to feel weak. It hit you like a truck. His smile was cocky and genuine. It wasn’t coated with his usual delusional smirk, but an all-knowing, teeth-showing grin. It was then you grew nauseous with the knowledge Suguru snitched on your drunk confession. 
You hardly remembered that night - Geto had shared his bottle of Jack Daniel’s and you were too much of a lightweight to keep yourself from admitting to him that you enjoyed Gojo’s teasing. That you were infatuated with the white-haired sorcerer and you had really started to like him. That his cocky attitude was not a turn off like you tried to convince yourself and that when he stood over you, making you feel small, you weren’t mad at him but mad you enjoyed the feeling of being towered over by him. 
“I’m not dating just to make you jealous,” you tried to stand up for yourself. You really weren’t, the guy just asked you and you had nothing better to do. You got free drinks out of it too- really that was all it was. 
“How could I be jealous when I know you like me?”
In Suguru’s defense, when you called him a traitor he assured you it was an accident. He just wanted to get Satoru out of his funk. The day he caught you looking all dolled up, just to find out it was for another man, he couldn’t get out of his own head. He also didn’t understand why he couldn’t. He pestered his best friend for days over it and Suguru had to throw in the towel. You liked him because he heard it from you. And Satoru liked you because he knows his best friend more than anyone. 
It was all worth it in the end, because things went back to normal. (Except for the small detail that Satoru and you were now a couple). 
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G.Suguru: The older boy’s reaction made you swoon.
You were a year below him at Jujutsu Tech and you were in awe of his cursed technique and if you were forced to be honest, in awe of him. You must’ve looked like a lost puppy following him around when you insisted on watching him train, joining him to find a snack at the convenience store, and insisting on learning about all the curses he had under his control. He was so kind about it too - always dismissing Gojo when he would groan about how insistent you were. “How can you put up with her? She doesn’t have her own life,” he would say, poking his tongue out.
 “She’s just curious, Satoru,” he would reply. He wouldn’t kid himself though, he found you absolutely adorable and didn’t mind having you under his arm all day. You weren’t much younger than him, but you felt as though he held infinite wisdom. Your eyes would twinkle up at him as he shared stories of his missions and his lips would tingle watching yours twitch with ‘oohs” and “ahhs”. He adored the way you would watch him as he ran around the track, shirtless and dripping with sweat. When you joined him he couldn’t help but keep your pace just so he could keep his attention on you. You didn’t know this when you finally confessed, but he was as infatuated with you as you were with him. He was obsessed with how obsessed you were with him. He was by no means struggling in attracting women, but to have you be so casually faithful to him, it was too hard to not take advantage of. 
The day you decided to dress up really pretty for your weekly Tuesday walk to Tokyo for lunch at his favorite place was the day you officially confessed. You wore the skirt the two of you saw one day while window shopping - the one he said reminded him of something you would wear. You even applied lip gloss even though you despise the fact your hair always gets stuck in it. “What’s got you looking all pretty?” he would muse. 
“Sugu, I like you,” you admitted, quick like pulling off a bandaid. You hadn’t even made it out of the school’s grounds when you confessed. He held out his arm to stop you and blocked the way with his tall figure. 
“I already knew that, little one,” he cooed. “Let’s go, we don’t want to be late,” he grabbed your small hand in his and continued forward. It wasn’t an official response, but you knew him so well that it was official enough for you.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
I.Yuji : You swear the boy must be dumb.
Your friends would definitely describe you as the shy type. You never talked out of turn or made your true feelings known so blatantly - but with Yuji - you were really trying. If Yuji said he was hungry, you would always be there to hand him his favorite candy. When his face was caked with dirt and sweat after a mission, you were there with a cloth to clean him up. If he so much as got a paper cut you would insist on applying a bandaid to his finger. You couldn’t tell if you liked helping him more than he liked being helped. He would always smile at you, warm and sincere. His eyes would hold yours, cheeks flushed a light pink. The way he would look at you, head angled down to get a good look at your face, the innocent scrunch of his eyebrows..
“You’re such an amazing friend,” he would say and you had to blink to keep your eyes from rolling back into your head. 
One day as he was happily sipping the ice cold tea you bought him, munching on the little pastry you went out of your way to get after he announced - very loudly - how starved he was, you decided enough was enough. 
“I like you,” You told him bluntly. He finished chewing his last bite before telling you he liked you too. 
“You’re a really good friend,” he smiled. You could feel your body begin to shake as you repeated what you said. 
“I like-like you, Yuji. Not friend-like. Like-Like.” Your hands went to grip the grass beneath you, desperately trying to ground yourself. His eyebrows scrunched, as if he was trying to process your confession. You couldn’t hold his eyes when he didn’t immediately respond. You turned your attention to Maki and Nobara who were training not far in front of you. Your eyes couldn’t focus on their figures as your body shouted at you to get up and bury yourself in bed for the day. His hand found your thigh, and you jumped slightly. When your eyes met him again, you swore you never saw him look so serious. His lips were in a thin line, eyes twinkling. 
“Maybe I like-like you too,” he spoke only above a whisper and you melted on the spot.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
F.Megumi: The boy was always in his own little world
That’s what you really liked about him. His ability to be quiet, observant, and at times lost in his own thoughts. All though, trying to get him to notice your crush on him would be harder than pulling all of your toenails off one by one. You would lay in Nobara’s bed as she admired the outfits she bought that day, trying her best to ignore your groans. 
“I should just give up now,” you whined. You had finished a long winded rant about Megumi, how he never reacted to your attention in the way you craved him to. 
“You should give up. I’m sick of hearing it,” Nobara lovingly teased. “Or you could just tell him,” You would gasp at the idea and bury your head into her pillow. 
You always found yourself to be the type of girl to read everyone’s feelings. People were like books to you, except for him. Before joining Jujutsu Tech, flirting was second nature to you. But when you saw his messy black hair and cold blue eyes your brain short circuited. You sure would try to flirt though. Giggling at his jokes he thought no one heard or playing with your hair in conversation. You would buy a new perfume and ask him to smell you, or ask if he liked the way you did your makeup that day. He would flush red and obey your asks. He would tell you that you smell great or that your eyelashes looked really pretty, but he would end it there. 
A couple days had passed since your rant to Nobara and the four of you were out in Tokyo. Yuji had insisted you all join him to the movies, and with nothing better to do you all obliged. At the theater you paid for your drink and popcorn and made your way to your movie when you noticed Nobara and Megumi weren’t following behind you. You shrugged it off and sat down with Yuji to watch the previews. The lights had already dimmed and the movie just started by the time Nobara came with Megumi in tow. “Sit,” she commanded him, referring to the spot next to you. You watched as Megumi - stiff as a board- took the seat beside you, and continued to shuffle around in his seat trying to get comfortable. 
“What happened?” you whispered to him, scared of what Nobara had done to make him act so odd. He didn’t respond and kept his eyes glued to the screen. It went on like that for a while, him still squirming awkwardly in his seat and when a jump scare came on screen and he didn’t react you turned to him again. “You act like you saw a ghost,” you joked to him. He replied dead serious.
“Just saw Nobara, that’s all.”
“What did she do?” You weren’t really sure you even wanted to know. After what seemed like hours of silence he asked if you really did like him. 
“Is it true what Nobara said?” Your mouth fell open and he was now completely facing you. You were all there for a screening of a horror movie and right now the main character was in a dark basement making it hard to see any light on Megumi’s face. From what you could see though, he looked flustered but maintained his eye contact with you. Thanks to Nobara it was now or never, and you meekly shook your head at him. He scratched the back of his neck and you could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat. Your face was hot watching him process your confession, not sure if you wanted to punch Nobara or thank her for finally putting you out of your misery. Even if it did mean Megumi no longer wanted to be near you. “I’ve just never had someone tell me that,” he finally spoke. ‘I don’t hate you, just give me time to process that,” he asked. You nodded and turned back to the screen, trying to focus on the protagonist dodging death. You had grown as stiff as him and noticing, he put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly as reassurance. You both were red in the face, eyes glued to the front of the theater but not actually watching what was on it, lost in your thoughts. The process wasn’t smooth for you two, but your confession made Megumi realize his own feelings. Why he felt nervous when you were in the room and why he doubted his words before speaking to you. You both worked on it together, and your confidence with each other grew. It wasn’t long before you two went to Tokyo alone or sat in each other’s room late at night just talking. Megumi was your boyfriend by the end of the year, and you felt as giddy around him as the day you first met him. 
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littlemissshoei · 2 months
Can you make rin hcs? Sfw and nsfw if it's okay!
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headcanons — sfw & nsfw. Enjoy your meal anon >_<
content warning: headcanons, established relationship, suggestive themes, mentions of kinks / nsfw, fluff, rin being rin! character has been aged up.
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— ★ RIN is the type of guy that likes silent affection. He isn't one to throw around petnames and words of affection in public (and he rarely does it in private too) but he doesn't shy away from physical touch. He enjoys small gestures like resting his arm around your waist, intertwining fingers when holding hands, putting his head on your shoulder ; really anything that shows the others around that you're off limits in a somewhat subtle way.
— ★ RIN hates conflict. And he's very bad at solving conflicts too. He isn't a smooth talker per se and struggles expressing himself with words. You know very well that his coldness is just an act to stop people from prying into his heart, and that deep down he's just a guy that has a hard time understanding why bad things have to happen. While arguments within your relationship rarely occur, when they do Rin always manages to come up to you and say sorry. You know how hard it is for him and appreciate him nevertheless for his small but visible progress.
— ★ RIN, like mentioned earlier, isn't the type to throw around words of affection. But when he does, you know he means it. While he isn't really the talkactive type of guy, his eyes are very expressive. You can see exactly what he feels from just one look into his emerald gaze.
— ★ RIN can be very clingy, especially at home. While he's his usual stoic self most of the time, sometimes when he comes home from a match — or you from your work — he likes to stay cuddled up against you, taking in your scent and warmth without saying anything. He also enjoys skin to skin contact, even though he denies it. There is nothing better than having your bare bodies pressed against one another
— ★ RIN'S favourite places to kiss you are: your pulse points (both neck and hand), your shoulders, your lower back, your ears and your lips.
— ★ RIN likes watching you do things around the house. You often don't notice him staring at you, but he's always there, watching you from the corner of his eye, wondering how he got so lucky with someone like you. He watches how you do certain chores, studying the way you do them and tries to replicate your result whenever he knows you have a hard day at work and won't have time to finish them up.
— ★ RIN is dominant when it comes to the bathroom. His favourite position is missionary because he can see your face and lewd expressions with each thrust. He is quite the sensual guy and loves feeling you up. He loves playing with your breasts, pinching your nipples to lure out your moans and making you feel good.
— ★ RIN always makes sure to let you know how much he loves you, whispering it in your ear over and over again while he fucks you dumb. He also enjoys holding hands while doing it because it gives him a certain feeling of closeness.
— ★ RIN is into cockwarming. His favourite way being whenever he watches matches of his upcoming rivals, stuffing your aching cunt full of his cock as his hands keep you in place. The feeling of being squeezed by your velvety walls drives him crazy, and it takes so much selfpower — something the boy has managed to master — to not pount into you right there.
— ★ RIN finds aftercare extremely important. Whenever you guys finish doing it he helps you clean yourself up, gets you some water (and a snack if needed) and holds you close all night long, whispering words of praise into your ears
— ★ RIN isn't the type to really use petnames, but when he does he calls you my love or my treasure. Even though he doesn't really use them for you, he loves hearing you call him "baby"
— ★ RIN always shares his food with you, especially his ice cream. He always gets the same old double popsicle and gives you the bigger half. It's something he learned from Sae, something he cherishes deeply and dares sharing with you.
— ★ RIN is a tough guy on the exterior, but a sweetheart from the inside, you just have to be willing to stay around for long enough to witness his true colors. There is nothing in the world that he loves more than you, and he admires you for sticking around for so long, even when he wasn't the best boyfriend around.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
do u have any resources for how to do like . ok not sex ed per se. but i’m in a position where im interacting pretty regularly with a couple of 16-18 year old coworkers (im late 20s) & they see me as kind of a mentor or older sister figure. i’ve been finding myself in a position where they’ll try to get my advice on what seem like risk taking behaviors & i have a hard time balancing my advice between my belief in personal autonomy (ie they’re adults and have the right to make their own bad decisions) and OH GOD THAT GUY IS 30 RUN YOURE TOO YOUNG FOR HIM. bc in my experience telling teens that they’re immature or too young for something tends to be a nonstarter in terms of . them actually listening to advice. especially when theyre 17 but have a job and a lease. so i guess what im asking is do u have any resources or advice on how to parent high schoolers? im too young to be a father but i have found myself in this position and its giving me gray hair
okay listen. as someone who answers questions for a LOT of teenagers on here, the model I've always tried to embrace is "this is an intelligent person with thoughts, feelings, and desires that are exactly as complex as an adults, they just have slightly less lived experience in which to contextualize things." it's completely possible to give someone younger than you advice the same way you might offer input to someone your own age; just offer information without acting like they're dumb for needing it.
in the case of the age thing, you've obviously already clocked that "you're too young for him" is an approach that can easily come across as condescending and shut you down as a reliable your of advice. instead, let's try reframing this in a way that puts the issue where it belongs: on the 30 year old trying to date a teenager. it's not "ew, you're too young," it's "ew, I've known a lot of guys like him and they're always trying to date teenagers becase they think teenagers are dumb and easy to manipulate. people his own age probably all think he's a loser."
but, more importantly, it's not your job to stop them from making any risky decisions ever, okay? some of them are still going to want to hang out with that 30 year old. your role in that case is to help minimize harm. you can't make them ditch their creepy older boyfriend, but you can make sure they understand how to have safer sex, their options for protection, the realities of STIs and how to get tested + treated, the risk of pregnancy and options for unplanned pregnancies if that's an option. you can't run anyone's life for them, but you can always give them tools to be safer!
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queenpiranhadon · 5 months
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ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: April 19th
Syn: You make the cake and decorate for the party.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
A/N: I'm actually really happy about how this event turned out- all the fics written in this collaboration can be read separately, but it's recommended you read them all in order :) The master list is here, go check out the other writers because they're so amazing and talented AUGH.
Warning(s): Cursing (it's Katsuki what are you gonna do), bad baking terminology, maybe ooc idk, reader is referred to as female like once- Kiri calls her ma'am, reader compliments Katsuki's ass lmao, just fluffy in general though, class 3-A, reader is in the hero course.
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This was it. Tomorrow, your plan would finally be put in motion.  
It was the 19th of April, and to say the very least, you were stressed.  
Stressed might not be the word for it. More like anxiety, excitement and fear into one overwhelming emotion that you couldn't convey into words. Tomorrow was Katsuki’s 18th birthday. And everything had to be perfect.  
You sat in your dorm room, thumbing the pages of the cookbook you so loving made him, picturing his own rough hands touching the book the same way when you gave it to him. Your heart warmed at the thought- your boyfriend never ceased to give you butterflies, even without intending to.  
Doubt plagued your mind however- what if he didn’t like it? What if he thought it was too dumb, or too simple- should you have done more?!  
No, you scold yourself. You needed to trust yourself. You knew Katsuki well- he excelled in the extravagant, but he still found joy in the smaller things.  
Still... you couldn’t help but worry. This would be a big day for him-a huge milestone. You didn’t want to mess it up.  
Setting the cookbook down, you finally place it into the bag you had for him, jet black with orange stuffing. The small action put the whole situation into perspective for you.  
This was finally happening. 
But you still had work to do today. Pulling out your phone, you open the messaging app, and click on the contact you needed.  
You: Mission Keep Katsuki Away is a go >:) 
Kiri🥊: Yes ma’am >:)) 
Turning off your phone, you pocket it, and leave your dorm room. All that was left to do was the cake.  
After slaving through the school day, you all return to your dorms, with the exception of Kirishima and Katsuki, the former dragging the latter away for something he called “a bro date”. You chuckled at his excuse, and left them to their own devices as you returned to Heights Alliance, sending a text to Kirishima as you walked.  
You: Hey! What’s your status? 
Kiri 🥊: Just got to the bus! I’ll keep him busy as long as I can 
You: Perfect!! 
You: Thank you so much again 
Kiri 🥊: No problem! He’s going to love it, you put so much work into making this special for him :D 
You: Aww...thanks Kiri! Fingers crossed 😭 
You weren’t terrible at baking per se, but you weren’t no Sato. And you would ask him to make the cake himself, but you didn’t want to ask too much of anyone.  
So it was up to you. You wanted to make a small two-tiered cake, it would be enough to feed all of 3-A and hopefully there would be leftovers.  
Sifting through the pantry you found what you needed one by one. Cocoa powder, dark cocoa powder, eggs, milk, butter, flour, baking soda, the list went on. You were making a chocolate cake, covered in dark chocolate ganache, drizzled with caramel. Katsuki wasn’t a big fan of sweets, and you knew that, but cake was cake. You also knew that he secretly did have a sweet tooth so he wouldn’t be too upset. Hopefully the bitterness of the dark chocolate would make the rest of the cake a little less sweet to align with the explosive blond’s tastes.  
Grabbing three large bowls and the mixer Sato let you borrow, you get to work, mixing wet and dry ingredients separately, cracking eggs, melting chocolate, and whisking like your life depended on it.  
While you baked, you popped in an earbud, sweet music, lifting your mood and dancing around the kitchen, in your own world.  
And hour later, the two tiers of the cake were in the oven, (not before tasting the batter yourself of course) and you look around at the kitchen, the adrenaline rushing out of you. It was a mess. The was flour in your hair, on your face, and you’re pretty sure the cocoa powder on your shirt is going to stain.  
You sigh, taking off your earbuds and pausing the music from your phone. At least the cake was done.  
Grabbing the cleaning supplies from the closet, you get to work, making sure the kitchen was spotless so no one (namely Katsuki, for obviously reasons, and Ochaco and the self-proclaimed Bakusquad because they would beg you to have a taste of their own) would know what you were up to.  
The cakes were done by the time you finished, taking them out of the oven and sealing the two layers together with some ganache.  
You had asked Mr. Aizawa to reserve Gym Gamma for you previously, getting his permission to decorate the space for the party, and so you made your way there now, deciding to decorate the cake in the Gym itself so you wouldn’t have to move it afterwards.  
You got Ochako to float the cake and the toppings for it to the gym itself, so in the meantime, you busied yourself with setting up all the food- something you didn’t want to do yesterday as it would’ve gone stale.
You recruited the help of Kaminari, Sero, Mina and Kyoka to help you carry everything- including the mini fridge you saved up to buy to store the food and drinks overnight. You’d take them out the next morning.
When you got there, you were surprised to see Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsu, Iida, and Momo there alongside Ochako who explained they all wanted to help. 
You feel your smile stretch across your face, happy to see so many people who wanted to give Katsuki the best birthday ever.  
Splitting up the work, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida went to go find the plates, cups, bowls, and cutlery you bought with Mitsuki - something you thought may have been overkill, but she had planned everything down to a T.
The others flitted around, either helping to put food or drink items into the fridge, or checking to make sure nothing happened to the decorations overnight.
You took to decorating the cake. Pouring the ganache over the first tier, you used it as an adhesive of sorts and you lifted the second layer on top of it. Once you did that, you poured the remaining ganache over the entire cake, evenly, so it created a pretty coat on top that you were sure it would add a nice crunch to the cake itself.
You groaned, stabbing your spatula into the quickly hardening ganache, having to ask Todoroki to heat it up every few minutes so that it wouldn’t harden completely- an annoyingly tedious task, but you knew Katsuki hated the taste of frosting- so hopefully he would appreciate the favor.
You waited for it to harden, then adding drizzles of caramel everywhere, and strategically placing strawberries where you could for a refreshing change in flavor.
And then lastly, adding thin golden candles to the cake, ten on the bottom row, and seven on the top. Momo created a special candle shaped like one of his gauntlets that you put in the center of the circle of seven candles on the top. And finally, you were done.
Momo made another contraption for you, a tall glass dome with temperature settings that you would put on the cake to prevent the strawberry from going bad overnight. After setting the cake on its stand, you put the dome over it, thanking Momo for her help.
It was then when you received two texts.
You open the first one, snorting when you read what it has to say.  
Katsu 💥🧡: Oi, I know you’re up to something- Shitty Hair just dragged me to the damn movie theater to watch some stupid Crimson Riot movie. 
You: Aww it couldn’t have been that bad!! 
You: Can’t the all mighty Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight survive a short movie date? 
You: Plus I told you- I'm not up to anything lmao 
Katsu 💥🧡: I call bullshit 
Katsu 💥🧡: Plus that movie was three damn hours- short my ass 
You: To be fair, you do have a nice ass 
You: I KID I KID  
You: But I promise you’ll get extra cuddles when you get back my big baby 
Katsu 💥🧡: Fuck off 
Katsu 💥🧡: Meet me at my dorm after dinner
Katsu 💥🧡: And don’t think I’m letting at comment about my ass go 
You can’t stop the amused smile from spreading across your face as you check the other text message, one from Kirishima this time.  
Kiri 🥊: Hey! We’re about 15 minutes away- we'll be back around 18:32 PM 
You: Kiri jesus christ- you tell me this now?! 
Kiri: Sorry!! 
You put your phone down, yelling at everyone to finish up and get back to the dorms as soon as possible, people scrambling around to put the finishing touches together before bolting out of the gym, you along with them.  
Thankfully, you all made it back in time, flopping down on the couches just at the door opens to reveal a beaming Kirishima and a grumpy Katsuki.  
The latter raises an eyebrow at all of you, sending a narrow-eyed glare at you. 
“Why’re ya so outta breath?” He grunts suspiciously and you chuckle sheepishly in return.  
“Mina challenged Kaminari and Sero to go a piggyback race against Todoroki and Iida.” You laugh, the lie rolling off your tongue as the others nod in agreement. 
“We totally won.” Sero says smugly, and Todoroki sends him a confused look.  
Kaminari cuts him off, slinging his arm around the heterochromatic eyed boy nonchalantly. “It’s not winning if you use your quirk Todo-bro.” 
Katsuki rolls his eyes, all interest in the conversation out the window, as he starts making dinner for everyone, something he started doing a while ago when he lost faith in 3-A's ability to not burn the kitchen down.  
After you all settled down and ate, you and Katsuki returned to his room, making yourself comfortable in his bed as he joins you, pulling you close and letting his sore muscles melt into your embrace.  
You, however, couldn’t force yourself to relax, your body buzzing with excitement as tomorrow would arrive.  
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Taglist ~
@gina239 @azzo0 @slayfics @peachsukii @cashmoneyyysstuff
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@kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
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hanasnx · 8 months
You line the end of your stick up with the cue ball, your tongue poking out from between your lips in concentration. Playing pool was never your strong suit, but you’re not trying to win this game per se. You’re interested in something far more valuable.
TOJI FUSHIGURO approaches you from behind, hanging his head to the side to get a good gander at your round behind. The baby tee you wear rides up from how you bend over, revealing the dimples at the small of your back. Not at all brief, and in great detail, Toji imagines other contexts. Circumstances in which his thumbs would find a handle on those divots, yanking you back onto him when you run away from a good dicking. Looking at you now, dressed up in a pink outfit two sizes too small, you wouldn’t know a good dicking if it hit you in the face, and he sure was considering batting your pretty cheeks with it.
You wiggle your hips, subconsciously rearing to prepare for your shot, and he chases you. Without thinking about it, he lines himself up with you, rolling his tongue between his lips as mere inches separate the bulge in his pants with your backside strapped in by that teeny skirt. His hand itches to fix onto your tailbone, steadying you so he can nudge up against you. Jus’ a little, wouldn’t even know he was there. Tuck his thumb in the crevice to give your asshole a massage while he did it, he’s really thinking about you here, you should be grateful.
You wind back, and flick your stick forward, pool balls knocking together in snapping sounds as you watch your move play out. He sniffs and swipes his nose pinching it between his index and thumb real quick, adjusting his pants by the back of his belt as he rounds you. A hand at the top of his stick allows him to lean on it marginally, the pool balls slowing to a stop under his gaze.
“You’re bad at this.” he tells you.
The curl to your lips deepens, popping your hip out as you tilt your head at him. He notes the flirtatious body language, the knowing glint in your eye. “Am I?”
His gaze darkens. “Can show you a few things. If you promise it’ll get through that thick skull o’ yers.” A small smile on his mouth stretches out the scar tissue overlaying his lips, and you visualize tracing it with your tongue.
“Oh, don’t be a brute.” you respond as he passes behind you, forcing you to follow him with your eyes. As he picks his target, he holds your gaze, hunching over the table as he lines up his stick. Powerful shoulders confined in a thin black t-shirt has you biting hard onto your lower lip. He breaks the eye contact long enough to hit the ball, but you don’t bother watching them scatter, focused on taking in every marginal move he makes, straightening to his full and dizzying height. The end of his stick comes to your exposed midriff, and hooks under the hem of your baby tee, flicking it up.
“You like it when I’m a brute.”
Indignantly, you tug your shirt back down. It’s clear he wanted to fake you out, make you believe he was gonna get away with flashing himself and any lucky stiff at this bar. You swat his arm scoldingly, but all your dumb brain can think about is how hard and thick his bicep is. “I do not! Why do you insist on bullying me?”
He grins, canines glinting in the dim and smoky light, snickering through his nose. “Easy to bully when you’re bite-sized.”
Bite-sized. That’s all that goes through that thick skull of yours when Toji’s pulling out your brains and shoving ‘em back in with every fuck into you later. Powerful and harsh thrusts, nailing your abused cervix so hard you’re sure it’ll bruise. “The fuck are you thinking about, hah? You rememberin’ those pool tips? Got ya to lay down real low on that table. Bet everyone saw up that stupid little skirt.” Toji jeers at you while he’s pinning you by your head, big hand on your hair to pin your cheek to the mattress. “Everyone saw you leave with me. Saw a slice of cherry pie get pushed around by mean ol’ Toji, only to hang off my arm out the door. A little slutty, don’t’cha think?” He’s amusing himself, you can tell by the sound of his deep voice he’s got that wolfish grin on he wears so well. Wickedly, his reckless pace speeds up so you can’t form a response.
Your limp body has no choice but to move with him, rippling with each sheath into you. Poor cunt puffy and agitated around him as his mean cock brutalizes it some more. Tears sting your eyes but you can’t tell if they’re of pain or pleasure.
“T- Toji—“ you choke out, reaching back to finger timidly at his thighs. He won’t have it, picking himself up to a kneel so he can yank you back on him. Thumbs slot onto your dimples as fingers tuck between the folds of your pelvis and thighs. That perfect ass of yours smacking against him so hard, your skin pebbles and blushes.
“Huh?” he mocks. “What’s that? S’this the part where you lie and tell me you can’t handle it? Nah, little girl, I’m looking at the way this cunt’s slurpin’ me up. Fucking take it.”
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lunaasolstice · 2 years
Rebel With A Cause
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Summary: Chishiya doesn’t like it when you play games.
Pairings: Chishiya x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW! Smut (18+), Kinky
A/N: Possessive Chishiya with Y/N being a bad bitch lmao. 
To say Chishiya wasn’t getting on your last nerves was an understatement. For the past three days he’s been avoiding you with no explanation. The two of you weren’t dating per se, but you guys were mutually exclusive. So of course not finding him would be a huge deal for you. Was he just using you? Whatever it was you could care less at this point. 
You meet up with Kuina at the bar in the Beach. Grabbing the cold beer she got for you, the two of you cheered and took sips of the bitter, malty liquid. While you guys were talking, you look around and recognize a figure leaning up against the wall making out with some red-headed chick.
Oh, well that’s not mutually exclusive. The sight made you furious, but if he wants to play this game then so be it. You tell Kuina you would be right back and make your way to your room.
In your room you find and put on the best bikini top top you own; a black lacy top showing more cleavage than normal with a black mini skirt. You fix your hair into a high ponytail and put on some liquid eyeliner winging out your eyes. Taking one last look in the mirror, your smile widened. That’ll teach him.
Kuina’s jaw dropped when you walk into the room. “You look hot as hell Y/N, I could make out with your right now.” 
“I’ll remember that for next time.” you wink. 
Looking around the room you see that he was still with that other chick. Rolling your eyes you take two tequila shots and head to the dance floor. The loud bass filling your ears, closing your eyes you let the music and the alcohol kick in.  The beat of the music gets more intense, and your body moves along, your hips swaying faster, and your arms out matching the rhythm of your moves while you mouthed the lyrics. Catching the eye of a cute stranger in front of you, you signaled him a come here with your fingers and start dancing with him. You seductively start spinning around while swaying your hips and start grinding on him. His hands go for your waist and the two of you continue dancing. As you make your way up you look around and see Chishiya glaring at you. 
You give him a smirk, the one he always gives you. Bet you like that, huh?  You turn around and continue dancing with the cute stranger. When you tried to wrap your arms around his neck you felt an immediate grasp on your arm that pulled you back, dragging you out of the room. 
“Hey let go of me!” you yelled. The grip was too tight and he kept you dragging you through the corridors. “Chishiya, let go!” 
He continues to ignore you. He was really getting on your nerves tonight and you were not going to deal with it. “Let fucking go Chishiya I don’t have time for this!!”
The two of you finally get to your room and he throws you against your bed. His eyes had full on rage in them. “You know that guy in the dance floor was trying to fuck you, right?”
Is he dumb? “Yeah no shit, why do you think I was dancing on him?” you smirk.
He puts his hand around your neck, not with too much force but enough to give you a warning, “Are you really trying to test me, Y/N? Only I’m allowed to fuck you.”
You smirk, “Is that so?”
He flips you over, your stomach now laying on the soft blanket of your bed. He aggressively pulls down your mini skirt and slaps your ass hard. Lowering his pants he’s now fully exposed. His hands make your way to your pussy, feeling the wetness against your folds.
“Already wet, hm?”
You laugh, “Yeah but not for you.”
He smacks your ass harder again and then pulls on your ponytail hard, sliding his dick into your pussy before thrusting you hard balls deep from behind.
“Say that again?”
The moans escaped your lips as his cock fit perfectly inside you as he was going in and out. He starts to thrust harder and repeating, “Say that again?”
“It’s for you.” 
Speeding up his pace made you more aroused, causing your moans to get louder. You tried to cover your mouth but he immediately smacks your hand away. “Let them hear your moans, I want everyone to know that you are mine,” he groans against your ear. Unable to keep yourself quiet, the moans only grew louder and you were practically screaming his name.
“Chishiya don’t stop.” You were on the edge of having an orgasm and he knew how to bring you to that edge. He start thrusting right into your g-spot, the sensation feeling so great your walls start clenching against his shaft. He groans, soft moans coming out of his lips, thrusting harder into your g-spot until the two of you reach your highs.
Turning around  you look at him with those doll like eyes of yours,  “We aren’t done yet.”
He raises his eyebrows, before realizing you were carefully grabbing his dick and slowly started licking his shaft. Your tongue makes its way to his tip, gently licking and sucking it. Looking up you see his head rolled back. You admired looking at him this way; his beautiful white hair going off his shoulders while he has his eyes closed enjoying the pleasure you were giving him.
You get up and chuckle, “Actually I’m done now. That’s what you get for easily replacing me with some random chick. Why don’t you ask her to have her lips wrapped around your dick, yeah?” Giving him that condescending smirk, he then returns that same look. 
 “Get on the bed now.”
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ghostbustting · 3 months
Hii :)
could I request smth for Izzy (gnr) where reader is one of Duff's siblings and Izzy's into her, and she's been picking up on that but thinks that it's impossible because she finds herself to be really plain/boring (not insecure per se but confused), so she kind of ignores his advances and eventually he gets really frustrated and when theyre alone he kind of bursts and tells her to just reject him out loud instead of leading him on, and then frustrated smut ensues?
😭sorry if this is overly specific
have a great day/ night! -🕸️
Finally a request for my man SHJSBSJABA🙈
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╰┈➤“𝑾𝑨𝑰𝑻 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝒀𝑶𝑼„ ๋࣭⭑
Izzy Stradlin x McKagan!Reader
Contains Smut
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The coldness of a typical December’s night always had it’s way to get to me, despite being someone who would enjoy playing around in the snow all winter. Layers of sweaters is a must in this season, obviously. Though usually, in these type of situation, I’d burry myself under a whole bunch of layers of blankets, take a hot bath, or make myself something warm and comforting to drink.
This time, I decided to make a hot cup of coffee, craving that slightly bitter taste on my tongue that would warm up my throat and my stomach from all the freezing weather out there in the world.
Walking into the kitchen of my own house, I was greeted by a raven black hair, that was obviously dyed, standing in the way, a figure blocking my way from the kitchen counter, a figure that’s clearly not a part of my family.
I swear to God, I don’t remember my brother Duff being such a fucking twink, dye his blond hair into raven, and losing a few inch of his giraffe-like height.
Then it took me awhile to realize and get it in my head that the guy standing in front of me was Izzy Stradlin, one of Duff’s stupid bandmates. I sigh in relief to know Duff hadn’t gone that dumb as to go all black hair and lose what he would call his ‘chick magnet of a height’.
“Excuse me,” I say softly, rushing past Izzy in order to grab my mug from the top cabinet.
I never really found the right words to describe the Jeffrey Dean Isbell. He was.. intriguing, in a way, always had been. The first thing I noticed about him was his slightly mysterious demeanor of staying quiet most of the time with his literal monkeys and baboons of friends, including my brother obviously.
The second thing I noticed was the way he would just sit back with a cigarette casually sitting between his lips, the way he play as a rhythm guitarist in their band, the way his fingers strum those chords, the way he dresses so oddly appealing.
At first I always thought I made a bad first impression on him to the point he didn’t talk to me a lot when I was around, but lately I found myself thinking it’s a whole different reason.
Because the third thing I noticed about him is the way lately, he’d look at me up and down each time I enter the room or walk by him, he started talking to me, praising me now and then— not too subtle, but not too hidden for me to be oblivious about it. He’d throw his cigarette away when I’m nearby, knowing I’m not a smoker, he’d also mess up his guitar chords when I’m at their practices.
I’d respond with the same thing, small smiles, small chit-chat, assisting him with his guitar when one of the strings broke, making lunch for the band, my eyes meeting him when I hand his food. The little antics he’d put on whenever I’m around him starts to make me get my hopes up and think he might actually be into me.
But when I think about it again, I find it impossible. Why would he? He hung around groupies, his band’s back dancers, random club whores. And out of all those choices he just happen to be interested in me? As far as I concerned, I was plain. Boring. I dress just like all other girls, yet I always failed to make myself look as attractive as they do.
Looks aren’t really something I prioritize that much. But I can’t help but find it confusing how he acts like I’m special to him. Or perhaps he treats every other girl he’s comfortable with like this.
So with my doubt, I decided to just ignore his little shenanigans.
I start to make my coffee, stirring it till it’s completely mixed nicely. I can feel Izzy’s gaze on me as I do so, hearing a sigh from him while he stay standing there like a statue, his lips slightly parted as if words were urging to slip past them and into my ears.
There always were some sort of different vibe washing over both of us whenever it’s just us two. The clock was ticking, we were quiet yet the tension speaks loud enough for us. I try to stay quiet and keep my eyes on my coffee as I lift my mug up to my lips and take a sip.
A sigh escapes me as the freshly made coffee warms up my throat, licking up the liquid that managed to drop on my lip, a pair of eyes burns a hole at the side of my head like a magnifying glass using the power of sunlight.
Only, there is no sunlight. The reminder fills me with coldness again as I blow air into my hand and rub them together, desperate to feel heat forming in my palms. That’s when I hear his voice, “Are you feeling cold?” His voice was monotone as usual, but if you hear closely you can hear just enough genuine care in that same exact voice.
Or I was hallucinating again.
I nod my head quietly, “Mhm.” My answer came out shorter than how I would usually answer his questions or statements, not even looking up at him even though I’d always look into his eyes so deeply in our conversations.
I hear him sigh yet again, leaning against the counter next to me this time as I take another sip of my coffee. I slowly raise my head to look up at him, trying to find out what emotion he’s feeling at the moment, yet always finding it hard through his casual straight face that he wear most of the time.
“You uh.. a coffee person?”
I raise an eyebrow at his random question. It’s not the first time he did this, but it just feels so awkward this time. Looking down again and shrugging with a nod, I hum “Mhm..”
“You look lovely tonight.”
My heart stops and my cheeks turned slightly pigmented with a tint of pink. For a guy so quiet and closed most of the times, I find it flattering to hear him compliment me like this. His choice of words; “Lovely” makes my mind get dizzy. But I had to remind myself that he was probably just being nice.
With another nod and a small voice, “Thanks..” I spoke, “You—”
This time though, before I could start speaking more, he cut me off with a small groan as his hand rub his face, “Jesus, just reject me already..” He muttered under with a sigh that sounded more irritated than the previous sighs he let out.
Lifting my head up, my eyes met his green ones. He throw his head back and roll his eyes, sitting slightly on the edge of the counter. I gulped and slowly answer him, “Sorry? I don’t understand what you—”
“Oh don’t act fucking dumb.”
Taken aback by his words, I lean back and tilt my head. “Excuse me?” I scoff, raising an eyebrow at him in a way of showing the way I feel offended by his words. I have no idea what his problem is with me. At first he compliment me, and now he’s acting irritated all of a sudden?
He laughed bitterly and look at me, “This. This is what I mean.” He spoke, pushing his slightly greasy raven hair back with his fingers. There was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, as if he’s hesitant to continue his sentence, his eyes turning back down to his shoes. “You know what you’re doing. It’s not fair, you know? You- you look at me with those fucking eyes, talk to me, lead me on and at the end you—”
I blurted out a little too loud. My eyes widen as I almost spat out the coffee I was previously sipping on. I didn’t expect him to say that. Leading him on? How did he get that? Was I really giving that impression on him? Despite finding myself getting flustered by his antics here and there, I was never the type to flirt first. I can never bring myself to make a first move.
Izzy let out yet another shaky sigh as he ruffle up his own hair, messing it up a little. He seems oddly frustrated, a hint of uneasiness in the way he stand. “What? You clearly know I have a thing for you and- and—”
“You have WHAT?” I cut him off yet again, my eyes widening even more to the point they might pop out of their sockets. His words rang in my ears again and again, a feeling of disbelief washing over me when I realize what he said. “I.. I didn’t know..”
As conscious as I was all the time of his small gestures, I would’ve never thought my assumptions would turn out to be true. And even now, I don’t even know whether he was saying the truth or just meaningless words to me just to play me in the end like rock stars like him would typically do to any vulnerable girls that came across their way.
I took a step back and lean against the kitchen island behind me, my hand coming to rest on the edges of it as I look down and try to process the situation again, or rather trying to decide whether he was genuine or not, very careful with my decision.
He’s kind, always was. I never had a problem with him unlike Duff’s other friend that would start an argument with me every little minutes. Izzy was rather.. closed yet considerate towards me.
“You don’t believe me huh?” He started again, sighing. I look up at him, my eyes giving away the hesitance in me. Then, Izzy slowly start walking my way, sending a wave of nervousness in me when he got even closer, all the way till he’s right in front of my face, his hands besides mine on the edge the island.
With this proximity, it was so much easier looking at the small details in his face, how lighter the green in his eyes seems to shine, the nose piercing that’ll look somewhat invisible if you don’t look close enough, the smallest imperfection in his almost perfect face, at least that’s what I see when I look at him. I didn’t even realize how he’s slowly leaning even closer into me.
Looking down at me, he ask, “Does your brother take long when he go out?” His voice is now slightly smaller, my eyes slowly avoid his gaze and look at the floor instead as I nod my head to his questions.
“..Then will you let me prove my feelings before he comes back?”
My heart beat accelerates on it’s own, my chest heaving up an down as I take deep breaths and let them out in shaky and heavy ones. I found it hard to speak with how nervous and aroused he makes me. He was older than my brother, let alone the age gap between him and me. But I really can’t help this overwhelming feeling building up inside me.
One small sex. That’s it. If my feeling say it’ll go south, then I’ll bury this memory away.
And with those four letter word, something switched up in him, as if he found it as a green light. His hands immediately went to my cheeks, cupping them as he connect his lips to mine.
My eyes light up before slowly fluttering close with the feeling of his slightly dry lips rubbing right against mine, my hips being held close to him by his hands.
All the concern I had floated away when his tongue swiftly slips past my lips and meet mine, making me gasp a little at the taste of him. He tasted.. oddly sweet.
Or perhaps it was just the lust in me that made me feel all these kinds of feelings. Nevertheless, I was loving it. Too much, perhaps.
My arms snakes up and wrap around his neck, pulling him in even closer as he lift my hips up and place me to sit on the kitchen island, my lips staying on him the whole time.
I can feel his hands on my thighs, he was massaging them while slowly parting them, pulling me closer to the edge of the island while his fingers trails up to the waistband of my pants.
My eyes widen and I pull back from the kiss before I place my hand over his to pause him, he looked over at me and press one last peck on my lips, “Trust me.” He whisper, his voice way too reassuring to deny, “Please..?” His eyes stays on mine while he slowly kneel down on the floor.
The breath I exhaled became more heavy and shaky by the time he pull down my pants, letting it drop to the floor with him, the only thing stopping him from getting to my cunt is the already soaked fabric of my panties.
I watch silently as he lean closer to my clothed cunt, his finger lightly running up and down the soaked part of my panties, making me gasp when I can feel his finger right through the thin fabric.
Slowly, he began to pull down my panties. I was already forgetting how to breathe when he place the panties close to his nose, taking a good sniff of it before shucking it into his pocket.
Then.. I yelped when he dove into my pussy like there was no tomorrow, pulling me by my thighs and placing them on his shoulder.
My back arched when he began sucking on my clit harshly, two of his fingers making their way between my folds, pumping in and out of it while I make the dirtiest noises ever that echoes right through the empty house.
My hand reach up and hold onto his hair, pulling his face closer. “Fuck! Izzy..” I moaned, my legs shaking as he continued on and on with his action.
His fingers worked like magic, curling up at the perfect position that can pull out even louder noises from me. Meanwhile his mouth continued to suck and nibble on my clit, driving me insane with pleasure.
I can already feel a knot forming in my stomach, grinding against his fingers and face as I reach closer and closer to my release. “..’M close..!”
That’s when he pulled back and stopped my release.
I look at him with wide eyes, “Wha- why’d you stop?” I panted out, my legs still shakint from how much he drove me insane just by using his mouth and fingers.
But by the time his pants along with his boxers fall down to the floor, I knew I was in for a main course. My eyes widened yet again when I noticed the size of his cock and how it curves up a little.
Suddenly, he pushes me to the middle of the island before climbing up on it himself, towering over me while his hands were pinning my shoulders down to the hard cold surface where I would usually find myself use for eating.
My eyes stays on him the whole time while he held my hip in one hand and the tip of his cock in the other, he seems very.. concentrated.
I held in deep breaths when he start pushing through my folds and into me, the both of us let out groans of pleasure from the new feeling while he slowly push in even deeper.
“Iz..” I whimper as my back arch when he managed to get all of his cock stuffed inside me, both of his hands on my hips now as he starts to thrust in and out of me. His length stretched me out, my small whimpers becoming moans.
Izzy himself moaned when he found the right pace, speeding up his movement. “You’re so tight.. fuck..” He grunted out, his hold on my hips becoming firmer.
When he lean down to kiss on my neck, my hands immediately flew to his back, clawing on his shirt and taking it off him before I throw it away. His cock continues to pump in and out of me, hitting the right spots every single time.
I moaned and held onto his back, my nails surely leaving scratch marks on his skin. My lips parted when his hips starts ramming back and forth into me desperately, my legs shaking from how fast he was going. “Fuck!” I cried out, trying to pull him even closer to me.
His face was burried deep in my neck, I didn’t even notice how he had left a secret mark right behind my ear, whispering, “I want you.. I wanted you for so long.. why can’t you fucking understand that..?” He grunts in my ear, his voice a sweet melody my ears record to remember for another night.
“Faster.. faster please..!” I moaned out.
And that’s exactly what he did, he lean back up and hold my hips even more tighter, I was sure his fingers would be leaving a mark. His hips starts ramming even more fast, not faltering even for a second. He just kept going.
He was able to let out the sweetest yet dirtiest moan out of me, making my bsck arch at the same time as my fingers try to find something to hold onto, to which he offered out his hand for me to hold.
I gripped onto his hand and arm tightly, “So good, so good..” I cried out, squirming still underneath him.
That’s when the knot from earlier returns even tighter now. This time I just cannot hold it in any longer, “I’m coming..!” I gasped out when my release came gushing out of me, dripping down my cunt tha’s still being pumped by him.
“Oh shit.. mm.. shit shit!” Izzy suddenly pulled out and grip his cock tightly on my stomach, jerking himself off till white streaks of his cum flew out, messing up my shirt.
He then slowly fall onto me, he wasn’t that much of a buff guy, so his weight didn’t surprised me that much. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close to me as we pant for breath, still shocked from our deeds.
He was the first to speak up, his voice becoming soft yet again, “Sorry about your shirt.. and the island..” He whisper, “I’ll clean them up..” His head was resting my chest, ear pressed onto my skin as he listen closely to my heartbeat.
“Don’t worry.” I whisper back and stroke his hair with my fingers, feeling the softness of it.
That’s when he look up at me and let out a shaky breath, “So.. what- do you believe me now..?” He ask, a hint of hope in his eyes that are silently pleading with me to say yes.
Looking away, I sigh and close my eyes, my mind trying to come up with the correct respond to voice out. “I don’t.. I don’t know..”
Looking back at Izzy, I can see all the hope in his eyes crushed up as his head fall back on my chest. I continue to run my fingers through his hair, feeling a sense of guilt for crushing his hope within seconds. “I’m sorry..” I whisper.
“It’s okay.” He shook his head, mumbling “I’ll wait for you..”
Though my mind made my answer unsure, there was something nudging me in my heart, something telling me that this boy on my chest was being genuine. I couldn’t help but look down at his face, his eyes closed and he looked so peaceful. My heart had an urge to accept him into my world, but my mind told me to wait for the right moment.
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tripleyeeet · 3 months
SUMMARY: Tired of not getting any, Shoko suggests you take matter into your own hands, prompting you to run into Nanami of all people at your local sex shop. PAIRING: Nanami Kento/Female Reader WARNINGS: 18+ sexual content, female masturbation, sex toys, a disgusting amount of sexual yearning. A/N: Just a dumb little idea that's been sitting in the drafts. I'll probably do a part two to this eventually... if enough people want me to.
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 You could feel yourself growing frustrated. After what felt like an endless string of bad dates and even worse one-night stands, you were feeling incredibly pent up. Your body tight and warm from the lack of stimulation. Your mind irritated and worn from the constant build-up only to end up disappointed yet again. 
“I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong,” you tell Shoko, who, like always, provides you with a deadpan answer as if her mind is already elsewhere, too focused on more important matters to use her creativity.
“Just go masturbate like the rest of us,” she tells you. 
With a groan, you lean forward and press your forehead against her desk, hearing her quietly chuckle. Well aware that she’s enjoying the frustration of your situation a little too much. 
“I hate masturbating. It’s so boring.” 
“You’re probably doing it wrong then.” 
This time you huff, angling your head to the side so that you can see her clever smirk. “Okay then, how do you do it?” 
You hadn’t anticipated her to give you any actual advice. Having grown used to the Shoko who merely listens and never tells, the sound of her voice recounting all these experiences is definitely weird but informative. Especially when you take into account the level of detail she uses, explaining everything as straightforward as possible. 
And overall, it is interesting. So much so that, by the time the conversation is done and you’re left with what seems like an endless amount of options, you find yourself making a beeline for the nearest sex shop. A newfound sense of excitement taking over your previously bleak attitude as you walk inside to scan the building. 
At first, it seems like any other store. Overtop of you there are fluorescent lights beating down on your bare skin and below your feet there’s nothing but old dusty, linoleum. But then you push yourself to walk forward, noticing all the objects on the walls and how everything from afar starts to become more daunting the closer you get. 
You realize then that maybe you’re in a bit over your head, not because of lack of experience per se, but because of the options and how endless everything suddenly feels. With so many shapes and models, you instantly feel frozen by all the potentials; your mind darting from idea to idea until you hear someone clear their throat. 
“Need any help over there?” 
From the front desk, a woman smiles at you, raising her hand to offer a polite wave that has you shaking your head before dipping into the nearest aisle to start. Trying your best to focus your brain on what Shoko had suggested. 
The first thing you remember is vibrators, which seems like an obvious choice. So, you stick to that, scanning the shelves until you spot a section near the middle of the store and begin to check out the models. Almost all of which you can see being good options, which doesn’t really help in solving your dilemma, so you begin to wander again, quietly humming to yourself as you try to remember what had previously piqued your interest during Shoko’s explanation most. Quickly feeling such thoughts disappear when you wind up in the couple’s section, noticing what seems like an endless sea of forbidden options. Items that, maybe if you’d found someone interesting by now, you’d be excited to buy. 
Instead, though, you merely sigh and stare at a simple bondage kit, noting the various items inside. Frowning at the excited way your heart skips a bit at the sight of the leather cuffs and spreader bar.
“Never took you for a bondage person.”
You jump at the sound of a man’s voice beside you, clutching your chest to suppress the urge to scream before turning your head and—
“Oh, shit.” 
Truthfully, when you’d picked this shop, you hadn’t thought much of it. Focusing only on the task at hand and getting the job over and done with so that the real work could begin, your last thought was to question whether or not you’d run into anyone. Especially someone like Kento who’s somehow standing before you, holding a basket and sheepishly grinning. 
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you from over—“
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Um, shopping?”
You realize your tone is harsher than you intend it to be as you lean into him, partially whispering out of fear of causing a scene. Prompting you to take a step back and clear your throat, giving the aisles around you a quick once over before deeming them safe. 
“Sorry, that uh—that makes sense.” 
You immediately feel like an idiot after that because, of course, he’s shopping. He’s a man. An attractive man who probably has sex like every other day unlike you. So, why wouldn’t he be here?
“It’s okay. Honestly, I probably shouldn’t have disturbed you. My mistake.” Offering you a curt nod, he then goes to leave but something curious inside you grows —your mind wandering into uncharted territories. Every single thought simultaneously racing towards the same destination, causing you to reach for the crook of his elbow in desperation. 
He turns to raise a brow at you, his eyes narrowing behind his usual shades, causing you to swallow. “Hm?”
“Can you, maybe help me?” 
The words fly out of your mouth before you can think, leaving both Kento concerned and you embarrassed as you share a discomforting set of looks. 
“With what?”
You nod, releasing his arm. “Finding stuff. Or even just like, for you to offer any general advice or whatever. I don’t know.” Releasing a laugh, you glance at the basket now resting around his other forearm, noting the various items inside. Condoms, massage oils, lube, etc. Mostly just essentials, you figure —nothing out of the ordinary. Thank god. 
“I’m not sure I’m fully understanding. You want me to help you?” 
Taking a deep breath, you stop yourself from blurting something else unprompted. Instead, taking a few seconds to breathe and think before clearing your throat to reset. “Sorry, I probably sound so weird because we’re coworkers and don’t really talk that much outside of work…”
You can see him staring at you with caution as you speak. His expression twisting into something foreign that has you averting your gaze as you continue, trying not to let the fear he often instills get to you. 
“Basically, to put it bluntly, I’m struggling to uh—“
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the edge of his upper lip curl, prompting you to turn and glare.  
“It’s been a while, is what you’re trying to say,” he says, suppressing said grin with a clear of his throat. To which you faintly nod and look away again, stirring in your shared silence until Kento inevitably gives in by raising his free hand to rub his chin and quietly laugh. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that,” he says. 
“A proposition from you.”
You practically choke on your own spit at his words, the sensation of mortification setting in as you raise your hands to cover your face and shake your head. “Oh, my god, no! That is not what I meant!”
“No?” All he does is smirk and continue to raise his brow, watching you squirm under his stare. Taking in the way you shift your eyes and nervously shove your hands into the pockets of your jacket. 
“All I was gonna ask was for you to help me find some stuff to buy,” you say. 
“For you and your boyfriend?” 
His grin never falters as he speaks, which instantly makes you uncomfortable because Kento never smiles. Not even at Yuji who’s arguably the sweetest kid you know. So, to see him so nonchalant about it makes you realize you might’ve made some sort of mistake. Especially once you explain to him that, no, you don’t want help with shopping for your non-existent boyfriend —you want help shopping for you.
Which is a detail that makes him slightly uncomfortable. As he glances around, deep in thought, you can tell he’s debating. With his usual, stern expression still intact, overall it’s hard to gauge which way he’s leaning. But regardless you can see the gears turning —each option shifting from side and side, until you hear him release a sigh. 
“I’m not sure that’s appropriate,” he concludes, and immediately, you know he’s right. Because even though you’ve known each other for quite some time now, your relationship has always been strictly professional. A pairing of mutual respect that always has you offering support but only at the most basic of levels. So, it’s not surprising that he ends up rejecting you. Or, that when you begin to profusely apologize—feeling embarrassed—he makes no effort to reassure you otherwise. 
Which makes you wish you were dead. Instead of standing in front of your attractive coworker, mumbling the most ridiculous apology you’re sure you’ll have to give in this lifetime, you wish you were back at home, suffering like before. Unable to feel any sort of relief. 
Because truthfully, it’d be easier to deal with than this. Especially after Kento nods his head and wanders off, choosing to forego any sort of proper goodbye before he slips into one of the aisles across the store.  
It’s humiliation at its most intense and it has you practically rushing out the front door of the building, refusing to stay. Choosing instead to hop into the driver’s seat of your car and take a moment to reflect on your actions. Specifically, the part where you opened your mouth and decided to say the most idiotic thing imaginable at that moment. 
At which point, you release a groan, your forehead quickly finding the outer edge of your steering wheel as you rub your temples. Taking a moment to collect your thoughts until the sound of tapping erupts on your window —reminding you just how much time has passed as you jump and turn to see Kento staring. 
Still feeling a bit mortified, you reluctantly roll down your window and frown, watching him silently hand you a plastic bag. 
“What’s this?”
“An apology,” he states. “I was invasive and rude and I’m sorry.”
Stupidly, you scoff and shake your head in response. Not because you’re mad though, but because you’re completely confused. “Hardly. I mean, I was the one who asked you—” 
“Yes, but my teasing was inappropriate. As was my response,” he cuts you off, shifting slightly. Then, he glances away and you catch him pursing his lips, suddenly deep in thought. As if he’s trying to think of what to say next until he eventually looks back and motions toward the bag. “Not sure if you’ll like it but, hopefully it’s a good enough peace offering.”
Almost immediately you’re tempted to open it up right then and there, but regardless you refrain. Opting to offer a small smile as you fold the top of the bag towards the bottom, tightly wrapping it up before placing it on your passenger seat. 
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to not let you know how it goes,” you joke, prompting him to snort and pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You say goodbye after that, watching him offer a small wave before he disappears, leaving you to stare at the empty space he once occupied, feeling your mind begin to race alongside your heart. Both of them simultaneously triggering a panic inside you that can only be quelled by reaching for the aforementioned peace offering to rip off the bag. Which is an act that you’re certain would have any onlooker concerned. Considering the speed at which you do it, you probably look like a crazed animal, ripping away the plastic to come face to face with a small pink box with white swirly writing on the front. 
Narrowing your eyes, you look around the parking lot, checking that the coast is clear before you begin to tear that open too, ignoring the picture of the toy on the front in favour of getting your actual hands on it. Feeling your chest tighten with anticipation until you pull out a familiar-looking toy and feel your stomach drop. 
Shoko mentioned the infamous rose toy. What she said exactly though, you can’t remember. But you assume that the fact you remember the name at all is a good thing. Like a step in the right direction as you run your finger along the power button, tempted to press it before you shake the idea away and throw it back in the box, knowing you should wait until you get home. 
It’s less embarrassing that way, you tell yourself. Then, you buckle your seatbelt and ready your car —picking your most calming playlist for the ride home, hoping it’ll somehow settle your nerves. Even though you're already well aware that it’s a long shot. Especially once you’re on the road, slowly rolling through the evening traffic with nothing to do but to think. 
Which is something that proves dangerous after your run-in from earlier. Now that you’re alone and the realization that Kento specifically picked that toy out for you takes over your mind. To say that you were expecting it would be an immeasurable lie. Sure, he’s kind, but never that kind. Sticking mostly to helping hands and verbal apologies, even with his closest friends he didn’t seem like the type to give gifts. Or, to flirt, which now that you’re remembering, was kind of how he sounded for a split moment. Right?
Suddenly overwhelmed, you shake the thought away in favour of something else. Something more mundane like paperwork. Simple things like class regimens and staff meetings. Boring things that adults do. 
But then, like clockwork, his face pops up again. The image of him sitting across from you during some sort of debrief —the realization that tomorrow when Yaga calls all of you into his office to discuss the upcoming Goodwill Event, he’ll probably wonder how you fared. His mind questioning whether or not his gift managed to do the job —prompting even more humiliation, which unfortunately is the last thing you need right now.
Regardless though, such potentials hardly stop you from rushing to your bedroom when you get home. Already feeling hot and bothered over the mere idea of potentially getting off, before you even make it to the bedroom you’ve already tossed off half your clothes. Allowing yourself to breathe as you slip under the covers of your bed, sex toy box in hand. 
At which point, you take a moment to read the instructions. Even though, you’re sure it isn’t necessary. Especially once you take the toy out and press the button, sifting through the various modes until you decide on the one you like and decide to just wing it.
Which proves to be the best course of action, you discover. Since your nerves are already shot from the events from today, you realize quickly that it’s better to go in completely mindless. All the embarrassing thoughts from earlier becoming overshadowed by the slow-moving suction between your thighs. The unfamiliar pressure beginning to build as you run the toy along your slit, searching for the perfect spot. 
Once you find it, you can’t help but let out a satisfied sigh. As you close your eyes and begin to relax, it’s almost like a weight’s been lifted off of your shoulders. All the previous feelings of tension and turmoil coming to an end once that initial wave of pleasure starts to spread across your skin. And strangely, it feels a bit like coming home. As if this feeling that was once completely lost to you has suddenly returned, making you yearn for more as you apply a bit more pressure, slowly finding that sweet spot alongside your already swollen clit. 
Almost immediately, your body reactively twitches at how sensitive you’ve become in response as the toy continues its ministrations. Resulting in your chest beginning to tighten —a newfound hold on your lungs making it hard for you to breathe as your mind begins to wander. Memories of past experiences gracing the blank space behind your eyes —snapshots of hands around throats and thighs. Fuzzy depictions of lips and teeth painting patterns across the expanse of your skin. All of it serving to get you to the very edge of your peak. Every memory adding to the pulses of movement now radiating throughout your entire cunt. Each image ushering you up that ladder of pleasure until you’re standing on the ledge, desperately waiting to jump off.
Which unfortunately proves difficult once you get there. As your upward journey suddenly begins to plateau out of nowhere, you soon find yourself writhing for more. Your fingers moving towards the button to switch the settings, praying maybe a change of pace will do the trick, while your other hand moves towards your chest. Then, you’re grazing your nipple for extra stimulation, imaging someone else’s hand using the tips of their fingers to gently trail over the surrounding skin before focusing on the centre. The weight of their heavy hand caressing your chest as your hips buck upwards, seeking more. The only thought on your mind becoming the desire to come undone as Kento suddenly pops into view. His face lingering a couple of centimetres above yours, a glow of red and pink covering his blissed-out face as he figuratively begins to fuck into you. Telling you how good you’re doing —reassuring you that it’s okay to just let go.
And in the moment, the image doesn’t phase you. Instead, it only serves to build the pressure you’ve been trying to alleviate. Every part of him adding to the experience as you picture him touching you more. His hands and mouth exploring your curves like he’s done it a thousand times. His fingers and tongue laying waste to your neck and chest and the innermost part of your thighs —anything he can get his hands on until you feel yourself falter. Every sensation, both real and imaginative, sending you over the edge. Your body reminding itself what it feels like to finally let go.
And at first, it feels so good. The finale of your prolonged pleasure coming to an end. As the shocks of your orgasm continue flowing in like heavy waves, you can’t help but embrace it. Allowing yourself to turn your head and groan into the fabric of your pillow as you tighten your thighs. Twitching against the continued suck of the toy between your legs until it becomes almost painful and you’re guiltily reminded of how you got there in the first place.
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
A Demon’s Ache — Part 4
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank you so so very much luv, your support has been absolutely incredible ❤️❤️
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Check out my patreon if you’d like to support me!
Masterlist: x
Jack avoids you for the next week or so
Hell, he avoids basically everyone
He stays locked up in his room, going back and forth between wishing you hadn’t slept with Jeff and trying to convince himself that you’re your own person, and you can do whatever you want
Or whoever you want, for that matter
Still, he can’t help the burning pit of rage in his stomach every time his thoughts wander to the scarred-faced killer
Of all the fucking people
Unfortunately, staying in his room gets old fast
But he still refuses to step out
Because the last few times he’s left his room, something bad has happened
And logically, he knows he can’t stay inside forever
And he knows that running into you is inevitable
But knowing it isn’t enough to stop him from stalling—he’ll delay having to see you for as long as possible
Part of him is also worried about running into Jeff
He doesn’t know what he’ll do to him the next time he sees that asshole
Killing another resident is strictly prohibited, but he doesn’t know if he’ll have the willpower to stop himself from caving his head in when he sees his dumb fucking face
The mental image brings a smile to the demon’s lips
It would be so easy
It would be so satisfying
With a sigh, Jack makes his way to the window and pulls the curtains open
It looks like a nice day out
The sun is still rising in the blue sky, the green leaves are swaying in the breeze, the birds are chirping
He shuts the blinds close, plunging himself back into the darkness once more
It’s better this way, he thinks
He’s about to crack open one of his dusty medical books to bury himself in some studies when he gets a text
Hoodie: Hey, you busy? What’re you up to?
Nm, he types back, and though he’s grateful for the unexpected distraction, he almost wishes he could just be left alone for a few more days
He needs more time to stew in his misery
A reply comes a few minutes later
Hoodie: Ight, you down to train? Masky’s out of commission, I need a partner
The demon sighs
He looks around his room
He’s not necessarily messy per se, but he’s also most certainly not the tidiest
Books, clothes, and a few medical supplies are strewn across the room
He could spend the day cleaning
Or he could spend it reading, or learning a new skill, or picking up some kind of hobby or something
He runs his fingers through his hair
Even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he knows what he should do
I’ll be there in 10, he finally answers
Jack purposefully takes the longer route through the mansion—just so that he can be sure he won’t encounter you
It’s petty, he knows it is, but at this point, he almost doesn’t care
He’s too frustrated and miserable to bother acting civilized
Hoodie’s already waiting for him when he reaches the training field
Located a short trek into the forest, the proxies have their own private cabin next to a broad open clearing
And said clearing, of which, is often used as an outdoor sparring ground
It’s almost always more fun training out here rather than inside
Something about a cramped, sweaty basement just isn’t Jack’s favorite
The proxy’s leaning against the short rotting wooden fence lining one side of the clearing, his arms folded over his chest, when Jack approaches
He gives a nod to the demon as he notices him
“Hey,” Jack says, and when he remembers what Hoodie said about his partner, he asks, “is Masky alright?”
Hoodie shrugs nonchalantly
“Yeah, it’s just a minor injury—no big deal”
He pushes off the fence, adding, “he’ll be fine, it’s just not the best to train with”
Jack nods
He follows the human into the clearing, and the two ready themselves on opposite sides
“You didn’t need me to take a look at it?”
He gets into his fighting stance as he speaks, and Hoodie does the same
“Nah, that newbie checked it out,” the proxy rolls his neck out, and it makes a satisfying crack, before then stretching his shoulder as well, “Besides, you were MIA”
The two face one another 
A gust of wind rustles through the trees around them 
They share a mutual nod to indicate they’re both set, and then the tension grows palpable as the combat session begins
Jack’s one of the strongest and fastest residents at the mansion
If not the strongest and fastest
He usually gives his sparring partner a chance by letting them make the first move
But it’s like all of the jealousy, anger and frustration that’s been building up until this point suddenly snaps inside of him
And in a flash, he charges at the human in front of him
Hoodie tries to dodge, but Jack’s inhumanly fast, and he easily lands his blow to the proxy’s stomach
The human grunts, doubling over, but he’s fast and smart enough to know that he should move before Jack strikes again
He sidesteps him, but he’s slower and clumsier after that first hit, and Jack almost feels bad for him
Maybe he should pull his punches a little more
He can’t let his anger overtake him; he’s the one who has to patch him up afterward if he hits too hard
“The newbie—you mean that guy with the gas mask? What does he call himself again? Y’s Virus or something?”
He tries to distract himself, tries to make some kind of small talk to give the proxy a chance
Hoodie huffs out a laugh
“X-Virus,” he corrects, and seeing that Jack’s giving him a moment to recover, he tries to shake the pain off before resuming his stance
The two circle one another, staying parallel with a fair amount of distance between them
“The kid knows medicine?” Jack asks, matching Hoodie’s movements
“Seems like it. He’s gotta have some kind of use for the boss to keep him. Being a cocky brat with a baseball bat isn’t enough to cut it”
He sidesteps Jack, tries to fake him out, then aims for a kick at his legs
The demon easily jumps back, then uses his momentum to mimic Hoodie’s maneuver
It gets the proxy down, giving Jack the perfect opportunity to get him in a headlock
Hoodie grunts, hands flying up to try to pry Jack off of him
“And what about you?” he asks, his voice audibly strained as he struggles in his hold, “where’ve you been this past week?”
“Busy,” he answers, and then to avoid getting pressed for an answer, he tightens his hold around his throat
Hoodie struggles for longer than Jack expects
But eventually, left with no other choice, he gives in, tapping out, and Jack finally releases him
The proxy gasps, coughing, trying to get a rush of air into his lungs, as Jack stands and offers him a hand
“I hit a nerve?” Hoodie asks, rubbing his throat before taking the help getting up
Jack eyes him for a moment
“What’re you playing at?” he finally asks
Though he wouldn’t consider himself on bad terms with the proxy, he knows fully well that the proxy often has ulterior motives
He can’t—or at least, he shouldn’t—always trust him so easily
Sensing this, Hoodie puts his hands up defensively
“Hey man, I’m not playing at anything,” he claims, “you haven’t been around, and (y/n)’s coincidentally gotten all gloomy recently”
Jack’s ears perk up at the mention of your name
“What do you mean?”
It seems it’s Hoodie’s turn to eye him suspiciously now
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean?’ Did something happen between the two of you?”
When Jack hesitates to answer, Hoodie continues
“Look man, it’s no secret that you’ve got a thing for her. But if you somehow hurt her—”
“I didn’t”
When Jack quickly interrupts him, Hoodie raises a brow at him
Jack sighs
“Listen, there’s nothing going on between us. She’s...” he swallows down the memory of what you said to him in the garden, then forces himself to finish his sentence, “she’s not interested in me”
Hoodie seems to study him for a moment, almost as if trying to judge whether or not he’s lying
“...And what makes you say that?”
“Because she...” Jack stops himself in his tracks, shaking his head, “I-I just know, alright? She’s not into me”
Jack watches as Hoodie pauses to think for a moment
“Well, I clearly don’t know what happened between the two of you,” and before Jack can intercept again, Hoodie adds, “and clearly, something did happen”
“But, whatever,” he continues, “it’s none of my business. All I can say is that, if I were you, I’d try to talk to her. Something’s been bothering her, and something’s obviously bothering you too, and the best you can do is just try to sort things out with her”
It’s now Jack’s turn to get quiet
Had he been too harsh with you the last time he saw you?
Were you worried about him because you hadn’t seen him since?
Seeing him hesitate so much, Hoodie asks if he’ll try talking to you
"...Yeah, alright, I will. I’ll try talking to her,” Jack finally agrees
Hoodie grins
“Finally. Well, with that out of the way, can we finally spar?”
The rest of the training session goes relatively well, all things considered
Jack’s distracted thinking about you, so Hoodie manages to land a fair amount of blows, but he’s still ultimately no match for the demon
Even on the whole trek back through the forest to get to the mansion, Jack’s thoughts are racing a mile a minute
If he was the slightest bit more aware of his surroundings, maybe he would’ve remembered to take the longer route to avoid seeing Jeff on the way in
Maybe he could’ve prevented the killer from noticing him, from locking eyes with him
Maybe he could’ve changed paths when he realized he was headed straight toward him
But that latter one is doubtful, considering the rage tightening in his sternum at the mere sight of him
Jack wouldn’t have backed down at that point—no matter how alert he was
“Out of my way,” Jeff grumbles
He nearly shoulder-checks him, but Jack moves out of the way before it connects
“Watch where you’re fucking going”
The venomous animosity dripping from Jack’s tone is enough to make the raven-haired killer pause in his tracks
“Fuck you just say to me?”
There’s no mistaking the pecking order in the mansion
Jack’s on top
But he’s usually easy-going enough to ignore Jeff’s constant attempts at proving himself
Not today
“I said—“ Jack straightens himself up, all but hissing the words out, “watch where you’re fucking going”
A look of visible confusion flashes over Jeff’s features
Until it clicks
“Ohh, I get it,” he snickers, and the sound makes Jack want to rip him to shreds right then and there
“You’re just upset because I fucked your little girlfriend before you ever even got the chance”
The way he admits to it—so crudely, so shamelessly—it actually takes Jack by surprise 
And Jeff, being the constant prick he is, doesn’t stop there
“God, y’know, she’s actually way less innocent than she lets on. She likes it dirty—filthy. Like a desperate little slut. Wanna know her favorite position? She just loves getting—“
Jack punches him
He hits him directly in the temple, and it knocks Jeff out in one shot
It’s ridiculously satisfying
He only wishes he hadn’t gone down so easily—he would’ve loved to beat him down over and over again
With a snort, he walks away, leaving Jeff passed out on the ground behind him
He had planned to talk to you immediately after training with Hoodie, but he’s way too infuriated to do so right now
Instead, he makes a beeline back to his room
And he promises himself he’ll confront you the very next chance he gets
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kings-highway · 6 months
Haikyuu Captain Squad Flashfiction: "Never Have I Ever..."
[all my usual ships apply.]
They weren't exactly drunk, per se, but the rules of the game were simple, and designed to change that quickly. The question is asked, "Never Have I Ever..." and then, if you have, you are given the choice of either spilling your guts and telling the story, or taking a shot.
Most of the time, games like this were pretty tame and usually in good fun - Oikawa liked to get under people's skin, but nobody was ever really offended, and from where he was sitting now, lounging back against Iwaizumi and having had not so much as a single shot in him yet, he looked like he was getting bored of the game.
Other people - people who experienced more shame - had taken more drinks. Bokuto is looking especially rough, though in his defence he's just taken a shot due to a "never have I ever broken the law," statement Ushijima had made, accompanied by the Fukurodani alumni's suspicious stare at Daichi. Actually, everyone who "had" that round had taken the shot. Daichi, himself, had taken a shot, and then told everyone they could die mad about it, so who knows what that was about.
Either way, some secrets begin to slip and some stories come out and everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. "Never have I ever... hooked up with a friend's ex," Tendou says, and there's a tense moment of silence as everyone waits to see who's fessing up and who's taking the shot-
"Okay, okay, fine, you got me," Oikawa says, putting his hands in the air and accidentally whacking Iwaizumi in the face in the process. "Hooked up with doesn't exactly apply but I did make-out with Iwa's middle school girlfriend. But it was like 3 years after they'd broken up and she was hot as shit."
"You're gay," Kuroo says, confused by this justification.
"And she was hot as shit, what do you not understand?"
There's a ripple of laughter from among the group, before Daichi is tapping Suga's side, to remind him that it was his turn to go.
"Oh, right..."
Truthfully, Suga also wasn't doing too bad, but there was something about how unashamedly Oikawa admitted to every goddamn little thing that was pissing him off - he had to take a shot eventually! So, thinking he has an ace up his sleeve, he says:
"Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone else's boyfriend," and waits confidently, expecting Oikawa to raise his hand and also expecting him to not be brave enough to admit it to a group of people he is sure must contain the subject - Suga would put his money on Ushijima, but Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, hell, Suga or Daichi himself even seemed likely candidates.
What he does not expect is for, yes, Oikawa to raise his hand, and then behind him, Iwaizumi to do the same. And then - he watches in abject horror as both Kuroo and Kenma lift a hand, Ushijima and Tendou both raise a hand, and he feels, beside him, Daichi raises his hand.
Everyone is staring at each other in silence. The only group with no skin in this race - Bokuto and Akaashi - are glancing around the circle with nervous eyes. Even Bokuto seems to have grown suddenly very aware of this precipice they've all found each other on. There are a handful of answers that would be fine - If Tendou says it was about Akaashi, for example, everyone would be fine and probably laugh it off. If Iwaizumi says its about Ushijima, a full out slaughter will begin and nobody is leaving alive.
"Holy shit," Suga says, before deciding to whack Daichi in the chest. "Dude!"
He gets only a dumb if not slightly embarassed look in return. Suga would by lying if he said he wasn't burning with curiosity, but before Daichi can make the choice to drink or spill:
"Wait," Ushijima says, hand faltering slightly. "Does the question dictate that you must have had the dream while this person was in an active relationship? Or merely about someone who is now the boyfriend of someone you know?"
"While they were actively dating someone else," Suga says.
Ushjima puts his hand down, which creates another chorus of confused mutters and glances between each other.
Everyone wants to know what everyone else knows, but none of them were willing to start. Sugs is relatively horrified to realize this means they all probably know their own confessions are going to be controversial.
"Well-" Oikawa starts, though even he is looking a little flustered. "Ah, as the game says-"
"Nope!" Akaashi cuts in, leaning forward to start pouring shots. "Everyone is drinking."
"It's up to us on whether or-"
"Everyone is drinking. Everyone drink. Right now."
There's a tone that leaves no room for argument. Akaashi is almost feverishly trying to avoid the otherwise inevitable screaming match this question would result in, handing out shots with force. Or, maybe, he just doesnt want to have to know this information. Or how many of the answers were going to be Bokuto.
With relatively suspicious glances around the circle, everyone who's raised their hand takes a shot.
Suga supposed he's accomplished his goal, but geez, at what cost?
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