loveleedreamer · 9 days
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This is the first small tword fic I’ve decided to post, and it’s on my ao3 account called aceyspacey- hope you like it
Klaus sat back on the couch after the festivities of Luthor's bachelor party. He took a swig from his flask before shutting his eyes for a cat nap. Just before he could drift off to sleep, Viktor makes a beeline for the couch from behind and launches himself over.
"Ya know man you really should hydrate now, properly" he says handing him a bottled water from the hotel's vending machine. It was ice cold with condensation dripping down it. Viktor held it front of his brother willing for him to take it. Klaus squeaks in surprise though, making the smaller brother raise an eyebrow at him.
"Vee- that water's co-ho-ld, don't hold right above me like tha-hat!"
"What are you talking about dude?" Viktor asks- still holding the bottle above Klaus.
Klaus screeches again, drunkenly batting Viktor's arm away from him. "The water's drippy and it's too-hoo cold"
"Oh I see, so it tickles you huh?" Viktor asks with mischief on his mind, slowly bringing the bottle down to Klaus's torso.
Klaus screeches as loud as a hawk as the freezing bottle is placed on his belly. As always, his shirt is much too small for him so every tickle spot is super exposed. Viktor sits beside him, giggling along with his helpless brother.
"Dude is there anything that doesn't tickle you?" Victor says, swinging his leg over Klaus to sit on his lap.
"Hee-ehehehe ahahaha- Vee don't you dare-arre"
“Where did calling me Vee come from? Are you so drunk you forgot my new name?” Viktor busts out laughing at this realization. He rubs his hands on the freezing water bottle and promptly sticks his fingers into Klaus’s underarms. Klaus lets out another screech, followed by a stream of squeaky giggles. “IT’S VIKTOR BRUH”
“Oh-hohono Viktor, get off me you little dickhead!” Klaus yells, pushing his brother over.
“Hehe aww Klaus, even your insults are affirming” Viktor says dramatically with his hand on his chest, “Gosh I love you.”
Viktor pulls himself into Klaus’s lap again to hug his taller brother tight. Klaus gladly obliges. "I love you too little bro, you know I need some revenge though, right?"
"He-hey what?" Viktor replies before melting into giggles at his taller brother's hand.
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inmymagnetoera · 7 months
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The definition of soulmates
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league-of-blorbos · 6 months
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10/10 dev update, especially with the new champs and Arcane teasers
Can't wait for Skarner to finally finish up, Smolder definately looks better in game but I still wish his face and proportions were a bit different, but the look at Shyvana has me hyped thru the roof, excited for the new vastaya, I'm willing to bet so much money that the Arcane VGU will be for Viktor, my boy needs on so badly, FUCK YES AMBESSA, love more representation for buff, older, and black women and to learn more about her backstory and role in Noxus, we got a sneak peak at definately-not-Warwick, no sir, no clue what Singed could be up to, not too surprised at the prestige list but nice to see Kindred on there, sad to hear Teemo get delayed but hopefully he still comes out this year, and lastly, that first Heaven Scale could be Lee Sin due the blindfold but that be weird to give him a new skin before his ASU, but we also know Ezreal is getting a skin soon so maybe that's Kayn, if so FUCK YES I was just thinking about a dragon Rhaast not long ago so I bet he'll look fantastic if that really is Kayn
We eating good, y'all
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greeniegreengreen · 10 months
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elisedonut · 1 year
i was reading a Percy fic where the author was unsure who they wanted Percy to be with because 
“for gay Percy fics Oliver is a bit overplayed”  or something like that i don’t remember the exact wording
but that had me thinking 
like this was a fic taking place when Percy is like 15 or so 
which means that boy that is some limited options if you want to be real
not counting OC’s obv but you know I don't care for oc’s much 
but like you can’t quite pair him with the older people yet because he is very much too young for them 
but anyone in the main age group is also off the table for the opposite reason aka they be babies 
so your options are like 
Oliver Wood (obv), Marcus Flint (obv in my heart), Cedric Diggory, Roger Davies, Stan Shunpike? 
he’s mentioned as looking to be 18/19 by Harry in POA and then again mentioned as 21 in HBP by an article in the paper which would put him at the right age since Percy would of been 17/18 in POA and 20/21 in HBP
and since i only just now realized that Cedric and the twins are actually in the same year and this whole time I've just been under the impression Cedric was only a year under Percy like an idiot I'll also add in 
Adrian Pucey, Lee Jordan, Cassius Warrington
and then if you really want to be spicy you could make an argument for Viktor Krum if you could create the right situation for it 
that’s 9 options total but ofc that’s not going into if you actually think they would work and stuff 
i don’t remember if i had an actual point with this but hey if you were trying to think of a canon character to ship a younger Percy with uh there you go 
some options i guess
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blackrose91 · 15 days
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blueonwrestling · 5 months
Add another onto the pile of Vince McMahon being a piece of shit, this time about Brodie Lee from the mouth of Viktor of the Ascension.
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When I say my interests vary I mean my type goes from Vi (Arcane) to Viktor (Arcane) to Trevor (Castelvania) to Alucard (Castelvania) to Felix (Stray Kids) to Louisa (Encanto)
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gabapple · 1 year
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A collection of SOME of my pieces from the YOI zines I've been in over the past few years...
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Why is it always the pathetic men?
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 4
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
"How do I look?" Trang asked nervously. I was standing in front of the body length mirror, putting the careful finishing touches to my hair. I had done my best to make it shine with Moroccan oil and had put it up in curlers six hours before the wedding. Now, they were hanging down in luscious curls, all flowing down my back. 
My dress, I had designed myself through sketches and then had asked Madam Malkin if it was possible to make. I had chosen a dark green colour and I looked absolutely gorgeous in it. 
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I turned now, both to grab the pearl bobby pins for the finishing touch, and also to look at Trang. "You look gorgeous." I said sincerely. 
Her long frame was wrapped in a tight fitting, red dress, that look rather traditional from Vietnam. There was also intricated, gold designs sewed all over the dress, with a tight fitted collar. 
She had pulled her hair back into a simple ponytail, with some of it loose around her face. She had paired it with light makeup, besides the eyes which were dark and made them pop. She looked stunningly pretty. 
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"Oliver is going to have a field day." I continued, grinning. She blushed, looking down at the floor. 
"Is the cake done?" Trang asked, changing the subject as she came over, taking the pearl bobby pins to help me with my hair. I'd always been hopeless at this sort of thing. 
"Yes. I put the finishing touches to it today." You said with a bit of a smile. "I think it's a bit. . . different." 
"Oh? Did you make it chocolate icing instead of vanilla?" Trang smirked. 
"No, it's still a white cake and I still did roses." I answered. "But, well it is seven layers Trang. And so I did some not very traditional flavors for a couple of them. Like one is a softer sort of cake and its cookie dough flavored. And I might've baked some very small chocolate chip cookies to act as the leaves for the roses." 
"It sounds delicious." Trang hummed. "Who cares if its not traditional, I just want to eat the whole thing myself now. Thanks, I'll be salivating the entire time." 
"I'm sure Oliver can help you out." I jested and then yelped as she punched my arm. "Sorry!"
"Are we almost ready to go down?" Trang asked, her blush fading a little as she carefully finished the entire outfit off by adding some earrings. 
"We are," I joked, "But Remus is another story." 
I was waiting last minute to dress my baby boy up in his little tux since I knew he probably wasn't going to like the long sleeves in the beginnings of simmering August. But they were the only kind out there and I wanted him to look smart. I was going to take pictures of him and find a way to get them to Severus. 
I hated that Severus was missing out on his sons 'firsts'. He hadn't spoken yet though, so maybe he would hold off on that until I went back to Hogwarts. 
Remus was a little cranky as I picked him up from his crib. He was pouting, though he wasn't crying yet. He was whimpering in displeasure though. I decided to breast feed him and change his diaper. 
I dressed him up in his smart suit, making sure the bow tie was straight. He had quieted down a little and I smiled. I wondered if it was okay if I let him lick some icing off of my finger. I would ask Mrs. Weasley. It was made of milk but it was also sweet. 
Trang and I walked down the stairs to find that the most everyone was outside. 
The first people I saw were Fred and George, standing with Ron and another red headed boy who was Harry in disguise. They were holding seating plans that they were using to help other people to their seats. 
I saw Fred dart forwards to seat a group of Veela cousins. I smiled a little, knowing that years ago my jealousy would've spiked through the roof. Now, I was just hoping that he had a good time. 
"Do you see Oliver?" Trang's voice was breathless. It would be the first time in seeing him in a while. I knew that she was nervous. I had never seen her show interest to a boy before so I knew this was a big deal for her. 
I scanned the crowd, but didn't see the Quidditch player anywhere. 
"No. But it's still early. It's still just mostly the family here." I said in comfort. If I was right about Oliver, he was rather serious about Trang. He would be here. 
I did see Tonks and Dad approach Harry- or the boy that was Harry. Tonks spoke to Harry but Dad looked miserable and I frowned. 
I knew I could've interfered. Told dad that the baby wasn't going to end up like him. But I also knew that Harry needed to be the one to put him in his place. It was necessary to the future. 
"Trang!" A voice behind the two of us said. I didn't turn around right away because Oliver sounded like a strangled chicken and I really didn't want to laugh in his face. 
After a second, I turned to see that the both of them were blushing crazily, holding hands and talking in soft tones. Oliver did look over and he smiled a little easier, "Hello Elizabeth. How are you?" 
"Good, thanks." I smiled, though it was mostly a lie. "How are you? And Quidditch?" 
"Oh it's been great!" Oliver relaxed completely, and smiled hugely at Trang. "I was actually just telling Trang that we've got a new Captain. I think we're going to make it at the top this year." 
"Well, you are a superb Keeper." I said with an easy smile. "Anyways, Trang. I'll see the two of you inside. I'm going to say hi to dad." 
I quickly left them by themselves and approached the tent as Hermione had just joined Ron and Harry. 
". . . personally, she's rude to everyone." Ron was saying to Hermione. 
"Talking about Muriel?" George asked as he and Fred exited the tent now. "Yeah, she's just told me my ears are lopsided." I giggled hard. "Old bat. I wish old Uncle Bilius was still with us, though; he was a right laugh at weddings." 
"Wasn't he the one who saw a Grim and died twenty-four hours later?" Hermione asked. 
"Well, yeah, he went a bit odd toward the end." George admitted. 
"But before he went loopy he was the life and soul of the party. He used to down an entire bottle of firewhiskey, then run onto the dance floor, hoist up his robes, and start pulling bunches of flowers out of his-" 
Harry roared with laughter and I smiled a little. 
"Yes, he sounds a real charmer." Hermione said dryly while Ron added, "Never married, for some reason." 
"You amaze me." 
We were all laughing until a new, thickly accented voice said, "you look vunderful." 
"Viktor!" Hermione shrieked, dropping her bag, which she scrambled to pick up while blushing. "I didn't know you were- goodness- it's lovely to see- how are you?" 
I smirked. 
"How come you're here?" Ron demanded. 
"Ron!" I scolded while Krum replied, "Fleur invited me." 
Harry shook his hand and then Krum turned to me and smiled. "Hello Elizabeth." 
We hugged tightly and I offered to show him to his seat since we were sitting near each other. 
"He is very cute." Krum offered, motioning to my baby. 
"Thank you." I smiled a little. 
Krum and I had kept in contact with each other ever since he'd left school in the fourth year. I felt that I knew him as much as I did with the Weasleys or Hermione or Harry. We kept up a steady stream of chatter until I told him I had to get to my seat. 
I settled down next to Trang who was gaping at me. "You know Viktor Krum?" 
"Oh." I blinked. "Did I forget to mention that we're penpals of like three years?" 
"Yes!" Trang nearly shrieked. "He's a famous Quidditch player!" 
"I'm a famous Quidditch player." I heard Oliver mutter quietly to himself which made Trang giggle and then drop the conversation. 
Harry, Ron, Fred, and George settled around us as well. Harry next to me and Fred and George in front of us. 
Bill and Charlie stood at the front- Charlie being Bills' best man. Both of them were wearing dress robes with white roses in their buttonholes. They both looked extremely handsome and Fred wolf-whistled, which encouraged the veela cousins to giggle. 
The crowd fell silent as music swelled from what seemed to be the golden balloons that decorated the marquee. 
I heard Hermione gasp and I turned to see that Monsieur Delacour and Fleur were walking down the aisle. Well, actually, Fleur seemed to be almost gliding. The dress was actually very simple. But that seemed to work for her best, as she seemed to be almost glowing, the way I imagined elves did in the Lord of the Rings with their long blond hair. 
Ginny and Gabrielle were wearing dresses of gold, Fleur's light seemed to envelope them to make them shine as well. As Fleur reached Bill, his werewolf scars seemed to almost disappear. 
"Ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls-" 
"Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely. But I must say, Ginevra's dress is far too low cut." Aunt Muriel's' voice carried from the front row so that I couldn't hear the squeaky wizard that was performing Bill and Fleur's wedding. 
Ginny, hearing her proper name, glanced around and winked at someone- probably Harry. 
"Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle to be your lawfully married wife?" 
"I do." 
Mrs. Weasley and Madame Delacour were sobbing into scraps of lace in the front row. I could hear Hagrid blowing his nose from the back of the tent, sounding a bit like an elephant. Trang had her hands pressed to her mouth, tears in her eyes while Oliver put an arm around her shoulder. Hermione too, had tears in her eyes. Meanwhile, I fought the urge to starting laughing. 
"Do you, Fleur Isabelle, take William Arthur to be your lawfully married husband?" 
"I do." 
"Then I declare you bonded for life." The wizard waved his wand high over the heads of Bill and Fleur and a shower of silver stars fell upon them, spiraling around their now entwined figure as they kissed. Fred and George led a round of applause, the golden balloons bursting open so that birds of paradise and tiny golden bells flew and floated out of them, adding their songs and chimes to the din of hands clapping together. 
"Ladies and gentlemen! If you would please stand up!" 
I stood quickly, starting to rock Remus a little. The loud noises of the cheers and claps along with the explosion of the bells had woken him from his sleep and he was starting to fuss. 
The wand was waved again. The seats we had been sitting on rose gracefully into the air as the canvas walls of the marquee vanished, so that they stood beneath a canopy supported by golden poles, with a glorious view of the sunlit orchard and surrounding countryside. Next, a pool of molten gold spread from the center of the tent to form a gleaming dance floor; the hovering chairs grouped themselves around small, white-clothed tables, which all floated gracefully back to earth around it, and the golden-jacketed band trooped toward a podium. 
"Smooth." Ron said on the other side of Harry. 
"We should go and congratulate them!" Hermione declared. 
I stood up and moved away to see that Tonks and Dad had taken a table. Tonks was beaming but dad seemed to have a storm cloud over his head. He did brighten a little upon seeing me. 
"Oh! You look gorgeous!" Tonks declared, hopping up, pulling me into a hug. 
"Thank you." I said, hugging her back tightly. "As do you." 
She was wearing dress robes of a pale pink colour. Her hair was blond and she looked gorgeous. 
I turned to see Charlie there, grinning, "Do want to dance?" 
"Oh!" I said in surprise. "Sure." 
"I'll take this little guy." Tonks said happily, pulling Remus out of my arms, cuddling him close. I smiled and then took Charlies' hand, letting him lead me onto the dance floor. 
We spun around on the dance floor and I managed to forget most of my worries. I still had months before I would lose the people closest to me. And with Fawkes, I now had plans in the marking to save their lives. All of them. 
Charlie and I danced through several different songs. I was half afraid that with the romantic atmosphere, he would try breaching the conversation of the two of us. It wasn't exactly a secret he liked me at this point and Mrs. Weasley had been rather encouraging of it. But I think he also knew that I wouldn't accept him and he was happy enough to simply have this. 
Lee wanted to cut in after though, so I smiled at Charlie and went dancing with Lee. After two songs, Bill stepped in and danced with me while Charlie danced with Fleur. 
"He's very interested in you, you know." Bill said suddenly, eyes flickering to Charlie. 
"I know." I said softly. I guessed I was slightly wrong. He was just going to have his brother broach the conversation. "But I can't." 
"I know." Bill said. "Your heart belongs to someone else." 
"Yes. As stupid as it sounds." I smiled a little. 
"No, it's not stupid." Bill said seriously. His blue eyes suddenly made me wary. They reminded me of Dumbledore's in a way, like they were looking through me to my very soul. "I may not have like Snape and Snape never liked any of us. But he had a soft spot for you and, well, he loves you Elizabeth. Regardless of his path he has chosen." 
"Don't get to wise on me Bill." I joked to cover up my anxiety and feelings. "I still prefer being the wisest person you know." 
Bill chuckled, letting the conversation die out thankfully. But it still left me unsettled as I went and took Remus back from Tonks. 
He had fallen asleep contentedly and I sat down in one of the chairs to rest. I kicked off the thin stilettos heels that I had been wearing the entire time. They were killing my feet- but I hadn't expected to dance. 
Viktor was in a terrible mood, eyeing Lunas' father with an extreme dislike. I knew what Krum though the small triangular sign on his chest stood for. But I also knew what Lunas' father thought it stood for. 
Fred and George both wanted to take me for a spin on the dance floor, though they later sneaked off with some veela cousins after releasing me. I didn't mind. I was more preoccupied with letting Fred have as much fun as possible. 
The red headed Harry was sitting at another table with Elphias Doge and Aunt Muriel. They seemed to be in a great argument while Harry seemed rather stunned and uncomfortable. I knew what the conversation was there and I had no ambition to join it. 
Trang and Oliver seemed to have disappeared and I had my suspicions of where they'd disappeared off to. I had told Trang there would be problems later and she'd probably 'snuck off' with Oliver to keep him safe. 
I figured I might as well do the same. 
I got to my feet now, ready to head back to the Burrow. I wasn't sure where I would go, but I knew I had to go underground before I went back to Hogwarts. 
As though my actions and thoughts prompted instant reaction, a glowing, silver Lynx patronus gracefully landed lightly in the middle of the dancers. Everyones' heads turned towards it and I stiffened. 
My eyes immediately found Harry. It was a little early for this, Hermione had not yet reached him either. 
I pushed aside my own safety, being the only person moving as I ran towards the red-headed disguise. 
"The Ministry has fallen." Kingsley's slow, deep voice emitted from the Patronus. "Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming." 
I grabbed Harry's shoulder. "Time to go Harry." 
Harry let me drag him by the hand while he fumbled, drawing his wand. Hermione was with us in seconds, her wand already drawn as well. 
"Ron!" Hermione screamed as someone else screamed and then the crowd was panicking, scattering like cockroaches under a light. "Ron, where are you?" 
Masked figures apparated around the tent. I drew my wand, switching Remus into my other wand. I saw Tonks and Dad raising their wands. I only heard Dad's confident voice shout, "Protego!" 
Harry and Hermione got separated from me in the chaos. I was using the tall figures of the other people around me to hide. I needed to get away from here. Remus was starting to cry and Death Eaters heads' swiveled towards the sound. 
Shit. They knew about Remus. 
"ELIZABETH!" That was dads' voice shouting above the crowd. Trying to find me. I slipped towards him, before there was someone blocking me. 
Hagrid grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the crowd towards my father. Spells bounced off his back as they usually did and I fired back as I ran with him. 
"Elizabeth!" Dad's voice was relieved and he nearly shoved me towards Trang. "Take her to your parents house! Now!" 
Tonks grabbed my arm and we disapparated on the spot. 
I blinked, feeling slightly disoriented. Tonks was gone again in seconds, possibly back to The Burrow. 
I stumbled up the stairs and knocked on the door. 
Andromeda opened the door. "Elizabeth?" 
"The Ministry has fallen." I repeated Kingsley's words as I hurried into the house, putting Remus down in the crib. I needed to grab something- all of my preparations were still at the Burrow. "They attacked the Burrow. All of the houses have lost their protection. I have to-" 
The sounds of several people apparating sounded outside and all three of us turned silently towards the door. Pounding at the door proved that it was not someone friendly. 
Andromeda opened the door with a flick of her wand while I pushed the crib into the room slightly so that it was hidden. 
I didn't recognize any of the Death Eaters as they entered the house. I could only hope that meant none of them knew who I was too. 
The next few minutes seemed to pass in some sort of hazy blur as I was half stuck in reality, half stuck in my visions. I remember that the others were screaming under the use of the Cruciatus Curse. I remember that I too was put under the curse. 
I remember that they asked about Harry and the flight. Things became a little clearer after that. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were safe. I hoped Hermione had read the letter I left her about how she shouldn't use Voldemort's name since it was taboo. 
I focused on them. I was on my knees, my body radiating in pain. I was stupidly aware of my dress and how I was afraid that it was going to tear. 
"Well?" The Death Eater demanded, turning the wand back on Ted. Meanwhile, one of the Death Eaters had found Remus and had him in his arms. The Death Eater smirked viciously, turning the wand on Remus. 
"I wasn't there!" I blurted out. "None of us were. I was just in charge of getting Mad- Eye Moody's body back. That was it! I wasn't with Harry! I don't know where he is!" 
Lie, after lie, after lie. But Remus was the only thing I really had left of Severus. And he was the person I cared about more than myself. I couldn't bear the thought of my son even getting a paper cut or a small bruise on his knee. Torture? It would kill me. 
"Please." I sobbed, holding my arms out for my baby. 
Remus wasn't given back to me, but handed over to Andromeda who quickly sheltered my little boy. 
"Take her." The Death Eater snarled. 
I knew that if I fought, they would become more suspicious. Right now, none of them seemed to know that I was Elizabeth Kane. I couldn't risk Remus. 
I struggled a little, making sure that my wand fell onto the floor and then I kicked it under the couch. I had had that wand for so many years, I wasn't going to let it get snapped. 
I struggled a little more once we were actually out of the house and as I heard the sounds of more apparition, wanting to see who was here now. 
"ELIZABETH!" Dad's voice bellowed in the air and with a gut wrenching swirl, my eyes met his, before I disappeared. 
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The final Goretober post with everything I managed to do for it! I skipped some days, as I couldn't think of what to do for some of the prompts!(Reblogs appreciated!)
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Mochi's New Xylophone
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Viktor: Hey there.. I am quite stuck. Can you get me out of this predicament?
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Mochi: Hmm, well. I've always to play the xylophone.
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V: What does percussion have to do with me being stuck on all of these wires for my com-
M: Shut it. I'd rather hear some music than your science junk.
V: Ok. What do you mean by all of those band idi-
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V: -OHOMS!?!
M: Oh, the keys on this keyboeard are offkey~
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M: oooo! More keys!
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carolusofmycastle · 2 years
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Dearest @i-want-my-iwtv thank you for tagging me! I love to do this kind of tag games. How lovely to see an animation included, I chose one as well. I’m a big fan of TV series and especially German ones so there are few of them. Old and new productions. 🤓
1. Babylon Berlin (2017-2021): What a way to introduce us the reality of post war era in Weimar Germany. Class society, political wars, war traumas and in the midst of all this are crimes to be solved. Perfect ending titles. 2. Anders als die Andern (1919): The film is one of the first sympathetic portrayals of homosexuals in cinema. Released on May 28 1919, when German Republic was only 6-months-old. Young Conrad Veidt in the leading role.  3. Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017): I’ve only seen season 1, but it already proved how effective it is when all the drama happens around one thing, in this case the evolution of home computers. Talented cast and script. Lee Pace is horrifyingly ravishing. 4. Viktor und Viktoria (1933): Best musical ever! The humor of the director & screenwriter Reinhold Schünzel, who teases us with the gender role-playing and cross dressing. 5. Das Boot (2018-2022): Imo Germans are the best storytellers of WWII and the N*zi regime so this show is one of the good examples to watch. 6. The Red Shoes (1948): Powell’s & Pressburger’s finest. The first 15 min nailed me and made me wonder why on Earth haven’t I seen this before. 7. Aladdin (1992): The message of the film ‘be yourself’ has always pleased me among all that Oriental beauty & magic. I draw the characters as paper dolls back then. 8. The Thief of Bagdad (1940): When the villain (elderly Conrad Veidt) is far more attractive than the hero. Beautiful Technicolor adventure film. 9. Corpus Christi (2019): Is both innocent and funny but also terrifying and sad. Opens up the religious side of the society. Polish language is my ASMR. Tagging: @missholson @wicked-felina @xxhellonursexx @auburnandamberangel and anyone who wants to join this! ♥︎
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(Link to my fic on Ao3)
Hi people of the Internet! It's a been a while & as I'm working on chapter 4 of one of my biggest works I decided it was time to share it here again. :)
I have been working on this for a long time and it is a piece of my soul that I have written into words for you all. It would mean the world to me if you would check it out. (And maybe even let me know what you think ♥️)
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perffvme · 7 months
A ver, F4 y de ustedes quién quiere más a Crystal???? 🤭
aviso !! : su user sunny ha decidido intervenir en esta pregunta debido a los altercados que causó en los f4. ha pasado un día y todavía no dejan de discutir, casi destruyen su edificio y se asesinan entre ellos. la respuesta es que todos la quieren más y el amor sumado de los cuatro debe ser suficiente para hacer explotar la galaxia entera. gracias por su comprensión.
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